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Elevate Sports Business Management Research Topics to New Heights

Sports management research topics refer to the specific areas of study within the field of sports management. The academics, researchers, and practitioners design sport management thesis topics to gain a deeper understanding of various aspects related to the administration, organization, marketing, and operation of sports-related activities.

Barriers That Keep Students Away From Exploring Their Research Potential

Creating the best sports management dissertation topics can be a challenging task for students due to several factors. Here are some difficulties they might encounter:

  • Sports management often intersects with various fields, such as business, economics, psychology, and sociology. Integrating these disciplines in sports business management dissertation topics while maintaining a coherent focus can be complex.
  • The sports industry is multifaceted, involving various stakeholders, including athletes, teams, fans, sponsors, and governing bodies. Addressing the complexities of this industry in diversified sport management research topic ideas can be daunting.
  • Sometimes, students might lack guidance from advisors or mentors who have expertise in sports management. This can make it harder to refine ideas and receive valuable feedback.
  • Data collection on sports business research topics can be a significant challenge, especially when dealing with sensitive information or proprietary data from sports organizations. Limited access to data can hinder the feasibility of certain research topics.

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A Sneak Peak of the Lists of Sports Business Research Topics Ideas 2023

Whether you’re aiming to uncover ground-breaking insights into event management strategies, harness the power of sports marketing dissertation topics, or explore the fusion of media and technology in fan engagement, our team of experts is dedicated to crafting a research support plan that aligns seamlessly with your aspirations. Have a look at some of our topics:

Sponsorship’s effect on the sports business

To examine the impact of sponsorship on the sports business industry and compare successful sponsorship strategies implemented in various sports.


  • To look at the current sponsorship landscape in the sports business industry.
  • To inspect effectively sponsorship methodologies utilized by various games.
  • To identify best practices and suggestions for sports organizations to improve the overall value proposition for sponsors.

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Our top thesis writing experts are available 24/7 to assist you the right university projects. Whether its critical literature reviews to complete your PhD. or Master Levels thesis.

Digital marketing and sports business management

The aim is to look at how digital marketing affects sports business management and come up with effective ways to get fans involved and build brand loyalty in the digital age.

  • To look at the ongoing scenes of computerized advertising in the game business industry.
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of various digital marketing channels and platforms used in sports.
  • To create a framework for a sports organization to use when developing and implementing successful digital marketing strategies.

Sports event management

The exploration expects to recognize the best practices and methodologies that add to the outcome of games and upgrade the general fan insight.

  • To break down a critical part of game administration, including occasion arranging, scene choice, operations, advertising, and hazard the board.
  • To analyze the systems and approaches that have prompted their prosperity.
  • To come up with sets of guidelines and suggestions for managers and organizers of sporting events to improve the planning, execution, and fan experience of sporting events.

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Dealing with athletes for endorsement in the sports business

The aim is to assess the roi (return on investment) of athletes’ endorsement deals in support of the business sector. To look at the factor that leads successful athletes to endorsement and how they affect brand recognition, consumer perception, and financial outcomes for brands.

  • To look at the current state of athlete endorsement deals in the supports business industry.
  • To assess the viability of competitor underwriting bargains.
  • To survey the monetary results and profit from speculation for brands.

Sports management facility

The research aims to look at successful methods of facility management and offer suggestions for sports organizations on how to get the most out of their revenue potential. To investigate sports office executives and recognize methodologies for ideal usage and income age in arenas and fields.

  • To investigate the aspects of sport facility management, such as facility design, operation, upkeep, and event planning.
  • To make suggestions for sports organizations on how to improve their strategies for managing facilities.

Sports business and data analytics

The aim is to investigate how big data can be used for performance analysis, fan engagement, and decision-making, as well as the role that data analytics plays in the sports business sector.

  • To investigate the current state of data analytics in the business sector including data sources, analysis tools, and methods.
  • To evaluate how data analytics can be used in performance analysis.
  • To figure out how data analytics, like personalized experiences, targeted marketing campaigns, and real-time insight for fan interaction.

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Sports destination and traveling

The aim is to investigate how sporting events affect sports tourism and destination management from social and economic perspectives.

  • To look at how the event affects the economy of the cities and regions.
  • To evaluate the social effect that major sporting events have on the communities that host them.
  • To examine the strategies and best practices in sport tourism and destination management for hosting project events.

Sports broadcasting and media management:

The study aims to investigate the difficulties and potentially open doors in sports broadcasting and media privileges the executives in the computerized time.

  • To inspect the ongoing scene of sports broadcasting and media freedom for the executives.
  • To assess the difficulties broadcasters and owners of rights face in the digital age.
  • To investigate the possibilities that digital platform offers for sports broadcasting.

Role of CSR and ethical decision-making in sports

The aim is to investigate the roles of ethical decision–making and csr in sports business.

  • To investigate the ethical problem that sports business organization face.
  • To examine how csr project affects stakeholder in sports business organization.
  • To make suggestion on how to improve ethical decision-making.

The Research Guardian Offers One Pill Solution to All Your Problems

Creating the best sports business management research topics requires a combination of creativity, thorough research, industry awareness, and effective communication with mentors and peers.

  • Our researchers thoroughly review existing literature to identify gaps and opportunities for original research.
  • The Research Guardian offer regular discussions with advisors to provide insights, direction, and feedback on the sports business management thesis topics development process.
  • Our researchers engage with professionals in the sports industry to create football business dissertation ideas that identify relevant issues and trends.
  • Our experts conduct pilot studies or surveys to provide an initial understanding of the feasibility of sports coaching dissertation ideas and potential challenges.
  • We collaborate with peers, experts, or organizations to provide access to resources, data, and different perspectives.

List of Evergreen Sport Business Research Topics for 2022

Bachelors Fan Engagement Strategies in Modern Sports Marketing
Bachelors Impact of Major Sporting Events on Local Economies
Bachelors Athlete Branding and Endorsement Deals
Bachelors Effectiveness of Sports Analytics in Team Performance Improvement
Masters Impact of Digital Transformation on Fan Engagement in Sports
Masters Sustainability Strategies in Sports Organizations
Masters Athlete Branding and Personal Image Management
Masters E-sports Industry Growth and Management Challenges
Ph.D. Sustainable Event Management Strategies in Major Sporting Events
Ph.D. Data-Driven Decision-Making in Sports: Integrating Analytics into Management Practices
Ph.D. Leadership and Organizational Dynamics in Sports: A Comparative Analysis of Professional Leagues
Ph.D. Navigating the Intersection of Sports, Media, and Technology: Fan Engagement in the Digital Age

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Sports Dissertation Research Topics – Titles With Research Aim

Published by Grace Graffin at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On June 6, 2024

  The significance of a dissertation topic cannot be overlooked in the academic world. If your dissertation topic is unique, meaningful and intriguing, it is very likely that you will impress your readers and the supervisor. Your dissertation topic should be specific and focused so you address a real problem and contribute to the literature. Finding sports dissertation topics can be a little challenging because sports, unlike other academic subjects, is mostly based on physical activities even though it does involve sports sciences courses.

In this blog post, we have provided several sports dissertation topics to help you get started with your sports dissertation. These topics look at the significance and relevance of sports from different perspectives including nutrition, psychology, mental health, physiology and biomechanics. Without further ado, here are the best sports dissertation topics for you to consider for your research.

Also Read – Mental health dissertation topics , psychology dissertation ideas, physiotherapy dissertation topics , and healthcare dissertation topics .

List Of Latest Ideas For Your Sports Dissertation

  • What are the gender differences observed in the development of muscle strength among adolescent athletes?
  • What are the key nutritional considerations that can improve the physiology of football players?
  • How does vitamin D affect muscle function and performance in athletes?
  • How do strength training programs contribute to injury prevention in sports?
  • What are the effects of temperature regulation techniques on training outcomes in sports?
  • What is the optimal timing of nutrient intake to maximise sports performance?
  • What are the most effective rehabilitation strategies for athletes during the recovery process from sports injuries?
  • How does satellite cell therapy improve sports performance in the future?
  • How do sponsorship deals and athlete branding tactics affect the effectiveness of sports marketing?
  • What public health measures are useful in stopping infectious ailments during athletic occasions?

Sports Dissertation Research Topics & Ideas

Topic 1: the role of sports education in obesity prevention- a case of sports education at young age in british schools.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the role of sports education in obesity prevention. It will analyse the strategies and methods used by schools and other educational institutions to provide sports awareness to students of age to prevent them from obesity. It will find how much awareness level is necessary for young students to participate in sports activities. Lastly, it will recommend ways schools and other educational institutes can create an encouraging sports environment to make children more active from a young age.

Topic 2: Sports and Economy- The Role of Sports in Economic Growth and Human Development- A Case of Cricket in India

Research Aim: This study intends to analyse the role of sports in economic growth and human development. It will assess the role played by sports in a country’s gross domestic product (GDP), employment creation, investments, and human development index (HDI). It will use cricket in India as a case study. It will show how many households are associated with cricket. How much do they make and consume? What is the overall physical and online viewership of cricket? How does the cricket economy work in India?

Topic 3: Impact of Sports Psychology and Coaching on the Personality Development of the Athlete- An Exploratory Study Finding the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Psychology

Research Aim: This research finds the impact of sports psychology and coaching on the personality development of the athlete. It will find psychological factors which affect the athlete’s personality and performance. Moreover, it will show how sports psychology and coaching can improve these factors to improve athletes’ traits such as motivation level, confidence, performance, etc. Lastly, it will recommend enhancing athletes’ personalities through sports psychology and coaching in multiple ways.

Topic 4: The Role of Sports Diplomacy in Foreign Policymaking- A Case of Sports Relationship Between North and South Korea

Research Aim: This study sheds light on the role of sports diplomacy in foreign policymaking. It will show the importance of sports, global political economy, and international relations (IR) by analysing various IR and international sports theories. It will assess the role of sports in the diplomatic relationship between South and North Korea. It will show whether they incorporate sports diplomacy in their foreign policy to improve diplomatic ties with each other. Lastly, it will recommend lessons other countries learned from their relationship.

Topic 5: Are Sports Necessary or Business Making Ways? The Role of Sports Medicine in Enhancing Sports Performance- Assessing the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sports Medicine

Research Aim: This research assesses the role of sports medicine in enhancing sports performance. It will analyse the effects of these medicines on the health of athletes. Moreover, it will find the other advantages and disadvantages of these medicines. It will also show whether athletes need it or are just promoted by the businesses to increase their profits? Lastly, a clinical lens will recommend the correct use of these medicines.

Sports Dissertation Topics To Get You Started

Topic 1: physical exercise: a tool to develop the physical health of children.

Research Aim: This dissertation aims to analyse the benefits of regular physical exercise for children. It also focuses on how their physical health is developed through various exercises.

Topic 2: The Impact of Video Games upon Outdoor Games

Research Aim: This research paper will compare the technology-oriented virtual games and the traditional sports that are needed to play by engaging oneself physically. The negative impact of digital games on outdoor games is enormous as it ceases children’s physical development.

Topic 3: Chess: A Game to Enhance Intelligence Level

Research Aim: This topic aims to analyse the benefit of playing an indoor game like Chess, which develops a player’s intelligence level. Playing Chess needs high attention, which increases the genius level.

Topic 4: Yoga and Meditation: The New Dimensions in Sports

Research Aim: This dissertation intends to evaluate the importance of yoga and meditation as a physical and mental health coach. Generally, sports develop physical health and set the state of mind by increasing the attention level of the mind. Yoga and meditation are the parts of sports that make it possible.

Topic 5: The Relevance of Sports and Exercise with Biomedical Study

Research Aim: This research aims to determine the relevance of sports and exercise in a biomedical study. Sports act as a cure for human health. Biomedical research evaluates the importance of sports as medicine to human health.

Topic 6: Indoor Game vs Outdoor Game: A Comparative Study of Sports

Research Aim: The focus of this dissertation is to show a comparative study of indoor and outdoor games. Indoor games develop mental health and increase intelligence levels, whereas outdoor games are necessary for physical health.

Topic 7: Sports: As a Medium of Career Development

Research Aim: This research focuses on the importance of sports as a career developer. As many players are acquiring recognition at the national and international levels. It helps to drive their passion for their profession and also promotes sports worldwide.

Topic 8: Cricket: A Sport Establishes a Strong Bond Between Nations

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyse the significance of cricket as a sport that creates a bond of mutual trust and friendship among different nations. It also shows the craze for sports within the public of a nation.

Topic 9: Sports: The Confidence Developer of Mind

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the importance of sports as a confidence developer. Sports give mental pleasure and develop a kind of enthusiasm and confidence within the player’s mind. This rejuvenates a mind with the spirit of fighting and living life to its best.

Topic 10: Extracurricular Activities in School: The Relevance of Sports with Study

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the importance of extracurricular activities and sports in education. In education, institutes, extracurricular activities, and sports are simultaneously needed with a good education. This helps in the all-around development of a student.

Topic 11: The Negative Impact of Social Media on Sports

Research Aim: This dissertation focuses on the negative impact of social media on sports. In this modern age, teenagers indulge in social media from a very young age, which diverts their minds from extracurricular activities, sports, and outdoor games. This creates an adverse impact as the necessary mental, and physical growth is disrupted.

Topic 12: Organising the Annual Sports Program in Schools: The Culture and its Benefit

Research Aim: This research paper aims to evaluate the importance of organising an annual sports program in schools. The culture of organising annual sports in schools makes the students understand the importance of sports and their benefits.

Topic 13: The Complementary Pairs: Sports and Nutrition

Research Aim: This research paper focuses on the relationship between sports and nutrition. Sports and nutrition are complementary parts as they help develop a healthy mind and body. Sports develop the human body, and nutrition gives the elements to the body for development.

Topic 14: Sports for Children with Disabilities

Research Aim: The dissertation focuses on the importance of sports in the lives of children with disabilities. The children who cannot use their body parts and minds appropriately are encouraged with various kinds of sports to not feel unequal and separated from the others. Sports give them mental strength and happiness.

Topic 15: Exercises for a Modern Techno-Oriented Generation: As a Reliever of Stress and Developer of Health

Research Aim: This research paper aims to analyse the benefits of exercise in this digital world for the modern generation. This modern generation passes its time mainly on technology, which gives much stress and hampers health. Exercises help to relieve stress and acts as a health developer.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find sports dissertation topics.

To find sports dissertation topics:

  • Explore niche areas in sports.
  • Investigate emerging trends.
  • Examine sports science literature.
  • Consider ethical or social aspects.
  • Analyse athletes’ well-being or performance.
  • Opt for a topic aligning with your passion and research expertise.

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50 Fantastic Sports Management Research Topic Ideas for University Students

It’s a tall order for undergraduate and postgraduate students to acquire a degree in sports management. For making sure, you get the best grade, it is vital to select an interesting topic at first. But if you get Sports Management topic ideas for research from professionals, it will bring an end to all the issues, struggles, and challenges. Here are 50 sports management research ideas enlisted below, which will help you to curate a high-quality paper.

Sports Management Topics related to evolution and development of games

  • An exploration of the innovative techniques that should be introduced in different sports for bringing on improvement 
  • How has technology evolved in various sports with the passage of time? A survey
  • Positive effects of sporting activities in enhancing the performance of brain of children
  • Ways sports contribute to the overall growth of toddlers in school
  • How have the norms been modified in Basketball over the period, and what is its implication?
  • A study on the evolution of football and looking at the changes in the rules in the past few years.
  • The game of tennis as an art

Sports Management Topics involving player selection

  • An evaluation of selection criteria for players of different sports for their national teams?
  • How could a sports policy be defective in the choosing of the players?
  • What rules need to be executed in the sports committee selection?
  • An assessment of the corruption that takes place while selecting players
  • An appraisal of the various methods of choosing high-quality players based on their skills

Sports Management Topics revolving around diverse issues and challenges

  • Effect of violent activities in different sports
  • An appraisal of safety issues in the game of football and strategies to prevent injuries in players
  • Banning of steroid substances in sports: A comprehensive investigation
  • Administrative problems in sports: An in-depth analysis
  • Establishing the link between ticket pricing, seating arrangements, and sports management
  • A study on alcohol abuse in various gaming events in the UK
  • A review on ethical challenges and practices in different sports
  • A methodical review of elite sports and performance in the UK
  • Adoption of environment-friendly campaigns and sustainable practices in sports management: Analysing the advantages
  • Effective management of risks in professional football.
  • An evaluation of the ways risk factors like demanding competition and sluggish economic development impact football at the professional level.
  • Significance of Olympic Games in the modern era? A report
  • Tracing back at the history of the Olympic Games and its relevance today among the people.
  • Sports administration and various management approach.
  • A comprehensive study on the growth of the golf industry.
  • A study of sports and gender stratification.
  • An investigation into the problem of match-fixing in sports management: Taking a look at the loopholes in the domain of sports
  • A critical study on the prospects of sports management? How technology has transformed and made its presence felt to it

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Sports Management Research Topic dealing with player injuries and their fitness

  • A study on players’ different muscular and skeletal injuries during weightlifting, powerlifting, and bodybuilding.
  • Application of elastic therapeutic tape for treating shoulder injury in athletes and how it contributes to the rehabilitation
  • How do overtraining activities have adverse effects on athletes’ muscles in sports?
  • Ways to get rid of muscle fatigue and overtraining issues: An exploration
  • A review of the various rehabilitation methods after a sports competition. 
  • How are medicines effective in treating injuries in sports?
  • The life expectancy of athletes? An analysis of their longevity
  • Why is dislocation of joints inevitable in sports?
  • Ailments suffered during sports and how sportspersons can evade or curtail the danger without any medicines.
  • The mental condition of a sportsperson after suffering a severe injury. How to surmount the fear of sports injuries?
  • Ways injuries in players can trigger mental health degradation in the life of any sportsperson and methods to deal with it.
  • Different types of sports injuries and how to avoid them.
  • Athletes must train under the leadership of an instructor. Is working out under expert supervision curbs the chances of injuries.
  • How to deal with sports injuries triggered by powerlifting? What role does the bad form have in causing injuries to players?

Sports management topics related to the profession

  • Challenges encountered by sports managers in the contemporary world of sports
  • A review of sports culture in third world countries 
  • A historical attitude to the evolution of sports management
  • Interpreting the domain of sports management? A critical analysis 
  • Sports financing and administration. Elucidating loopholes in sports management financial embezzlement
  • How to end the corruption in world sporting bodies around the globe? 

Significance of Sports Management Research topics

Students undertaking postgraduate sports management courses and MBA programs must prepare research papers, thesis, or dissertations on the assumed project research topic given by their professors. These  sports management research  assignments are given to judge their analytical skills and knowledge on a specific topic. For appropriate drafting and delving deeper, students need to select a suitable topic sanctioned by the assessor. However, despite pushing their limits and trying too hard, students cannot find an interesting and relevant topic that will garner them a top grade. In such cases, turning to British Dissertation Help experts can help them ward off competition and outshine others.

You can also improve your chances of earning the highest grade by appointing a professional writer to help you tide over all the challenges. They will meticulously research and draft the paper from scratch to ensure it is original and free of errors. They will deliver a paper that is submission-ready within the specified date. From humanities to science, mathematics to  environmental science , our experts can solve projects of any subject area. 

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British Dissertation Help provides exemplary sports management assignment writing solutions to help students acquire A+ grades and become achievers, with the sky being the limit. Our assignment writing professionals will help you find the ideal topic 

It is needless to say that choosing the right topic for a research report or dissertation is the secret to success. For example, a research topic should never be too wide, nor should it be too narrow. It should come in between. Likewise, it should also allow you to investigate, and at the same time be lucid, practical, and compelling.

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20 great research ideas for your dissertation on sports, sponsored post.

  • February 28, 2020

A degree in Sports Science will place students in careers such as sports therapy, coaching, personal training, sports nutrition, and sports management, among others. You can also become an event organizer, a sports psychologist, or a sports researcher. As such, students looking for sport science dissertation ideas should pick only those ideas that can help progress their careers in the future. Below are simple sport dissertation ideas you might consider:

dissertation topics in sports management

Dissertation Questions and Topics on Exercise and Muscle Strength

1. How does exercise enhance performance in football? You can study muscle strength as the main factor in enhancing the success of elite footballer in the UK

2. Exercise, muscle strength, and swimming: A case study of the effects of exercises on human physiology and skeletal muscle functions in swimming

3. Physical and psychological effects of long term bodybuilding: How does long term bodybuilding affect the mind and the body, and what is the role of nutrition in all these?

4. Effects of prolonged exercise and sports on aging: A study on muscle degeneration among women athletes before and in menopause and beyond

5. Nutrition in sports during the active years and beyond: A case study of active and retired athletes and how nutrition affects their health.

6. Muscle strength and gender: Comparing how muscle transformations in male and female athletes and the role of nutrition 

Sport Dissertation Examples in Nutrition  

7. Pre-game diet and performance: A comparative study on hoe different diet taken before a game affect performance in males and females

8. Protein requirements in sports: A study on protein supplementation for optimal performance in sports, strength training, and bone development

9. Vitamins and athlete performance: Does vitamin supplementation enhance performance in the field?

10.  Supplements and performance in the field: Does the use of supplements such as citrate, bicarbonate, glutamine, and others help in sports performance?

There are so many more dissertation topics in sports nutrition. You can search for these online, and you can come up with more, especially on challenges that athletes in your locality face. Either you do your research from scratch or ask for help with a dissertation from a writer with PhD on Writix , choosing the right topic is crucial. Dissertation order platforms can provide you with some ideas on topics as well. 

Interesting EPQ Topics in Sports Pharmacology  

11.  The effects of prescribed supplements in athletics: Does the use of supplements and other drugs affect performance for athletes with respiratory and cardiovascular diseases?

12.  Hypertension and sports: What the International Sports Association stands for in the management of hypertension for active patients.

13.  The use of Diuretics in sports: A case study on the effects of the use of diuretics on physical activities among elite athletes

14.  Asthmatic tri-athletes: How do strenuous training and medication affect asthmatic athletes?

15.  Adrenaline rush and race: A case study of adrenaline production during sports in black and white males and females in the UK

Sport Science Dissertation Ideas in Health and Well-Being  

16.  Optimal performance and metabolic training: Examining all case studies on the metabolism of nutrients during metabolic training among elite athletes

17.  Subject health and well-being among college footballers: A case study of the health and psychological well-being of college footballers in Wales. This can be one of these interesting EPQ topics.

18.  Athletes’ psychological stability and performance: How does mental well-being influence performance among elite athletes?

19.  Swimming and satisfaction in life: A study on life satisfaction and happiness among active swimming professionals

20.  Cultural and racial well-being in football: A case study of white and black footballers and their self-esteem, and how that affects performance in football clubs in England.

Sport Dissertation Ideas on Other Topics  

The list of dissertation questions and topics is almost endless. Other sport dissertation examples you can pursue include the hardships coaches face on behavioral intervention, effects of parenthood on exercise and performance, homosexuality and its effects on coaching, how gender affects coaching sports achievements, the use of integrated model of sport injury for psychological improvements, and fatness among high school gymnasts and how it affects their esteem.

Interesting EPQ topics on clinical exercise psychology include the effect of music on exercise intensity , effects of smoking on athletes, effects of PDE5 inhibitors on blood pressure, resistance training and cardiac patients, among others. 


You can ask for help coming up with sport dissertation ideas from an online service and then carry out the research yourself. With thousands of sport dissertation examples, the most appropriate idea for your research should be one that matches your career aspirations. You can also research an issue that affects most athletes internationally or locally. In such a case, you do not need an idea from an online source as you can create sports science dissertation ideas on your own. When doing so, consider dissertation questions in medicine, supplementation, nutrition, psychology, family, and management, the industry as a whole, coaching, and much more. 

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dissertation topics in sports management

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14 Outstanding Sport Management Dissertation Topics

It’s a tough task to get a degree in sport management. You have to write a successful dissertation for this to happen. For your paper to be good, it’s important to choose an interesting topic, first of all. You can try and find a topic on your own, but it will be much easier to pick the one from the list below and add your individual touch to it.

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  • Professional hockey and tax funding.

In this work you can explore what benefits may be gained by using Canadian taxes in funding of professional hockey teams.

  • Coaching and gender.

Investigate if it’s useful or not to appoint female coaches to male teams. What problems may appear?

  • Safety issues in football.

This dissertation topic allows you to analyze the ways of avoiding or preventing injuries during football games.

  • Study of sports and gender stratification.

Learn the signs of gender stratification with the help of sports. Usually we associate certain genders with certain sports, and certain sports are associated with certain social layers.

  • Sport management and different leadership approaches.

Make a list of basic leadership approaches and explain how to use them for successful sport management.

  • Risk management in professional football.

Investigate in this dissertation how risk factors like intensive competition and slow economic growth affect professional football.

  • Safety issues in scuba diving.

Offer some measures that can be taken to make this rather unregulated sport safer for people.

  • American baseball versus Balinese cockfight.

Here you can write about the history of both sports and compare their influence on people from each culture.

  • Development of the golf industry.

In this work you can analyze what is needed to create a successful golf industry in the United States.

  • Sports and ethics.

This dissertation topic allows you to do research on unethical behavior of athletes both during the competitions and in life.

  • What Olympic Games mean today.

Learn the history of Olympic Games and find out what meaning they had in the past and how people perceive them now.

  • Impact of violence in sports.

Examine what impact violence in sports has on society as a whole and children in particular. Can athletes be taken as role models?

  • Women in basketball.

Here you can write about the importance of women’s participation in basketball and similar sports.

  • Why steroids must be banned.

In the dissertation you must specify the reasons which prove that using steroids (even natural) creates imbalance between the performances of athletes.

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Highlights in Sports Management, Marketing and Business: 2021/22

Cover image for research topic "Highlights in Sports Management, Marketing and Business: 2021/22"

Loading... Editorial 27 February 2023 Editorial: Highlights in sports management, marketing and business Hans Westerbeek  and  Rochelle Eime 1,295 views 0 citations

dissertation topics in sports management

Policy Brief 08 December 2022 Challenges associated with implementing anti-doping policy and programs in Africa Jonathan Ruwuya ,  1 more  and  Jules Woolf 3,013 views 3 citations

Original Research 01 December 2022 The “autonomy” of developing countries in the Olympic Movement: Assessing the fate of sports governance transplants in the Global South Borja García  and  Henk Erik Meier 2,788 views 0 citations

Original Research 23 May 2022 The FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 Sustainability Strategy: Human Rights Governance in the Tripartite Network Andrew O'Rourke  and  Eleni Theodoraki 9,559 views 2 citations

Review 11 May 2022 A Scoping Review Exploring Whether a Free “Offer” Devalues or Widens Sport and Physical Activity Participation Amongst Children and Young Adults Aged 0–25? E. J. Durden-Myers  and  L. Swaithes 2,117 views 0 citations

Original Research 29 April 2022 How Leisure Involvement Affects Repurchase Intention in Fitness Clubs? The Mediating Role of Commercial Friendship Yanting Wang ,  1 more  and  Fong-Jia Wang 1,626 views 1 citations

Original Research 27 April 2022 Social Media and the Olympics: A Chance for Improving Gender Equality Aneta Grabmüllerová 6,987 views 3 citations

Perspective 14 March 2022 Nationalistic Media Obsession With Olympic Medal Counts: The Case of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games Steve Dittmore  and  Kibaek Kim 3,495 views 1 citations

Review 28 January 2022 Critical Social Science in Sport Management Research: A Scoping Review Kerri Bodin ,  1 more  and  Marijke Taks 4,935 views 3 citations

Loading... Review 07 January 2022 Sport Mega-Events and Displacement of Host Community Residents: A Systematic Review Claudio M. Rocha  and  Zixuan Xiao 13,899 views 12 citations

Review 14 October 2021 Empirical Support for the Tenets of Sport Participation and Physical Activity-Based Models: A Scoping Review François Gallant  and  Mathieu Bélanger 5,761 views 4 citations

Loading... Policy and Practice Reviews 17 May 2021 Anti-bribery and Corruption Policies in International Sports Governing Bodies Christina Philippou  and  Tony Hines 8,598 views 10 citations

Sports Dissertation Topics

Sport and Exercise offers a variety of areas to explore due to the variety of research topics and disciplines that can be investigated. This can include using your dissertation to research areas such as nutrition, performance enhancement, psychology, biomechanical adaptions of performance and physiology. If you’re composing a dissertation in Sport & Exercise Science, whether you’re an undergraduate or postgraduate, but are unsure of the route you wish to explore, some of the examples below can give you some ideas of what areas are trending in the literature and original areas for you to explore to help with an original piece of work or to extend recent research in new directions.

Sports Nutrition

Sport psychology, biomechanics.

Understanding how to enhance athletic performance has long been a topic of interest in the literature due to its ability to enhance – or in some case decrease – sporting performance. Many nutrition dissertations tend to focus on various diets, supplements or the impact of nutrition and training and the outcome this has for an athlete. Studies can take the form of primary or secondary – also known as experimental or review studies – which can provide lots of great investigations. It’s important to be specific in the type of athlete or population you want to investigate – such as a powerlifter, football player or gymnast – so you can collect relevant evidence for your athlete and utilise guidelines for their nutritional needs. Here are some example titles if you’re interested in investigating Sports Nutrition for your dissertation topic:

  • Is caffeine beneficial for use as a pre-workout agent in weight and powerlifters?
  • Investigating the impact of protein supplementation intake on muscle growth and repair in trained athletes.
  • What is the impact of CLA supplementation on reducing body fat in trained male participants?
  • How does caffeine intake impact aerobic performance?
  • Are fat burners effective in supporting trained athletes in reducing body fat percentage?
  • Is eating a balanced diet enough to improve performance in team sport athletes?

Sport psychology opens a wealth of different avenues for exploration; whether it’s relating to imagery, choking or mental health in athletes. We are currently living in a world that has a large focus on encouraging positive mental health and ways to improve performance by improving ‘mental toughness’ in athletes. As such, here are some ideas of the different areas that you can investigate:

  • Investigating the association between long-term sports injury and depression in semi-professional team sport athletes.
  • What influence does racism in professional sport have on professional BAME athletes?
  • ‘The Pressure Shot’: Examining pressure and choking in trained golf athletes in a tournament setting.
  • Performance-enhancing drugs and Olympic-level athletes: Is the use of PEDs worth a shot at the grand stage?
  • Homosexuality in professional sport: Understanding the experiences and thoughts of homosexuality in male and female athletes.
  • What is the impact of repeated sports injury on mental wellbeing in professional athletes?
  • Living sporting dreams through children: how parents utilise their children to relive their sporting dreams.
  • Drug and alcohol abuse in semi-professional sport.
  • ‘Strong is the new Sexy’: Understanding the shifting focus from diet to strong in female active participants.
  • How does mental wellbeing influence performance amongst elite athletes?
  • Understanding the association between culture and racial perceptions in football fans in England.
  • Differences in quality of life amongst semi-professional team sport athletes.

Physiology dissertations can provide opportunities to understand how the body reacts to exercise as well as a way of understanding short- and long-term effects. However, physiology can allow a range of topics to be used in collaboration with other subjects such as psychology and nutrition. Below are some examples of some physiology specific and physiology combined topics that you could investigate as a dissertation topic:

  • Exercise, muscle strength and triathlon: Investigating the effects of ultra-marathon exercise on professional triathlon athletes.
  • Investigating the impact of ageing on muscular degeneration.
  • Does biological age impact the likelihood of becoming a professional athlete?
  • Muscular strength and gender: How does muscle transformation different in male and female athletes.
  • Understanding the impact of asthma on trained endurance athletes.
  • Achieving optimal performance through metabolic training.
  • The impact of high-altitude training on aerobic capacity.
  • How does music tempo impact physiological responses to exercise?
  • What is the impact of smoking and vaping on recreational athlete performance?

Biomechanics can open up many avenues for investigation whether it’s relating to optimal movement in 100m sprint performance, or the use of prosthetic limbs to support Olympic level improve performance. It’s important to make sure you have an interest in biomechanics and are aware of some of the key data that can help you shape your topic. However, some of the most interesting parts of biomechanics topics are due to the potential repercussions that your research can have. Here are some potential topics that you might be interested in:

  • Investigating the different types of prosthetics on sprint performance in Paralympians.
  • Investigating differences in gait movement between barefoot and different forms of footwear.
  • How can biomechanics facilitate improvements in Paralympic Sport?
  • Understanding the role between sports biomechanics and sports injury prevention.
  • Examining ACL injury differences between male and female professional football players.
  • The role of artificial intelligence in sports biomechanics.
  • How does VAR impact movement patterns in professional soccer players?
  • Biomechanics of fencing: an investigatory review of techniques and injury preventative strategies.

484 Sports Research Topics & Good Ideas

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  • Icon Calendar 18 May 2024
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Sports research paper topics encompass many interesting themes, each captivating in its own field. Some themes span from physical performance enhancement, delving into nutrition, training regimes, and physiological limits, to the mental aspects of sports psychology, focusing on motivation, team dynamics, and coping with pressure. Then, sociocultural implications are equally significant, examining gender equality, racial representation, and the societal impacts of sporting events. Another intriguing area is sports economics, discussing team franchise values, player salaries, and the economic effects of sports tourism. Finally, people have the domain of sports technology, exploring how advancements, like wearables, analytics, and virtual reality, are revolutionizing the field. The spectrum of sports research paper topics is vast and multidimensional, a reflection of the dynamic nature of sports itself.

Best Sports Research Topics

  • Influence of Nutrition on Athletic Performance: An In-Depth Study
  • Doping in Sports: The Persistent Moral Dilemma
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Player Performance
  • The Impact of Concussions on American Football
  • Dissecting the Relationship Between Sports and Nationalism
  • Effects of Technological Advancements on Modern Sports
  • Unveiling the Economic Aspects of Major League Sports
  • Gender Inequality in Professional Sports: A Comprehensive Analysis
  • The Paradox of Violence in Contact Sports
  • Performance Anxiety Among Young Athletes: Causes and Solutions
  • The Role of Media in Shaping Sports Culture
  • eSports Phenomenon: A Sociological Perspective
  • Long-Term Health Consequences of High-Intensity Sports
  • Underrepresentation of Minority Groups in Major Sports Leagues
  • Benefits of Physical Activity for Children’s Mental Health
  • Cultural Factors Influencing Popular Sports in Different Countries
  • Steroids in Bodybuilding: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers
  • Roles of Sports in Promoting Inclusive Societies
  • Challenges and Successes in Women’s Professional Football
  • Ethical Implications of Genetic Engineering in Sports
  • Olympic Games: The Evolution of Modern Sportsmanship
  • Economic Impact of Hosting Mega Sporting Events
  • Extreme Sports and Risk-Taking Behavior: A Psychological Perspective
  • Professional Athletes as Role Models: A Societal Impact Analysis
  • Impacts of Climate Change on Outdoor Sports

Easy Sports Research Topics

  • How Do Sports Influence Youth Development and Social Skills?
  • Comparative Analysis of Training Techniques in Different Sports
  • Rehabilitation Techniques in Sports Medicine: A Detailed Review
  • Social Issues in Sports: Racism, Sexism, and Homophobia
  • Evolution and Impact of Sports Marketing
  • Exploring the Concept of ‘Home Advantage’ in Sports
  • Impacts of Globalization on the Sports Industry
  • Sports Law and Its Implications: A Comprehensive Review
  • Fan Culture in Sports: The Influence on Players’ Performance
  • Roles of Innovation in Sports Equipment Design
  • Psychological Resilience in Elite Athletes: Unveiling the Secrets
  • Sports Sponsorships: The Impact on Brand Awareness
  • Understanding the Paralympic Movement: History and Evolution
  • Emergence and Growth of Mixed Martial Arts: An Analysis
  • Effects of Physical Training on Mental Well-Being
  • Roles of Video Technology in Modern Sports Adjudication
  • Importance of Good Sleep Habits for Athlete Performance
  • Assessing the Sustainability of Major Sports Events
  • Science Behind Hydration and Sports Performance
  • Dealing With Injuries: Mental Health of Athletes
  • Sports Careers: Beyond Being an Athlete

Sports Research Topics & Good Ideas

Interesting Sports Research Paper Topics

  • Comparative Study of Traditional and Online Sports Betting
  • Advent of Virtual Reality in Sports Training
  • Stress Management Strategies for High-Performance Athletes
  • Analysis of Leadership Styles in Sports Coaching
  • Sociocultural Impact of Sports on Community Development
  • The Future of Sports Broadcasting: Trends and Predictions
  • Transformation of Public Perception Toward Female Athletes
  • Examining the Role of Ethics in Sports Journalism
  • Impacts of High Altitude Training on Athlete Performance
  • Sports-Based Rehabilitation Programs for Incarcerated Individuals
  • Examining the Phenomenon of Superstition in Sports
  • Youth Sports Specialization: Risks and Benefits
  • Comparative Study of Fan Loyalty in Different Sports
  • Roles of Mental Imagery in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Effects of Climate Conditions on Athlete Performance
  • Impacts of Sports-Based Interventions in Conflict Resolution
  • Aging Athletes and Longevity in Professional Sports
  • The Impact of Family Support on Young Athletes
  • Sports Tourism: Its Economic and Social Effects
  • Cognitive Skills Development through Competitive Sports: A Study
  • Emerging Trends in Sports Nutrition: A Health Perspective
  • Roles of Strength and Conditioning in Injury Prevention
  • The Influence of Music on Athletic Performance

Sports Research Topics on History

  • Evolution of the Olympic Games: From Ancient Greece to Modern Era
  • Impacts of World Wars on the Progression of Sports
  • Rise of Women’s Participation in Competitive Sports: A Historical Perspective
  • Transformation of Boxing: From Bare-Knuckle Bouts to Regulated Matches
  • Analysis of the FIFA World Cup: Its Origins and Influences
  • Pivotal Moments in the History of American Baseball
  • The Socioeconomic Influences of Football’s Popularity in Europe
  • Development and Evolution of Motor Racing Sports
  • Cricket’s Journey: From the British Empire to Global Phenomenon
  • Integration of Technology in Sports: A Retrospective Review
  • Influential Figures in the Growth of Basketball: A Historical Analysis
  • Cultural Shifts in Traditional Martial Arts: East Meets West
  • Impacts of Racial Segregation on the History of American Sports
  • Modernization of the Paralympic Games: Overcoming Adversity
  • Expansion of the National Hockey League: A Century-Long Journey
  • Golf’s Transformation: From Elitist Leisure Activity to Global Sport
  • Rise of Extreme Sports in the Late 20th Century
  • Influence of Rugby on Global Sports Culture
  • Tennis: The Evolution of the Modern Game
  • Historical Shifts in the Perception of Physical Fitness and Bodybuilding
  • Roles of Professional Wrestling in Pop Culture: An Historical Overview
  • Cycling’s Journey: From Basic Transportation to Competitive Sport

Psychology Sports Research Topics

  • Psychological Impact of Injuries on Athletes: A Comprehensive Study
  • Embracing Defeat: Mental Resilience in Professional Sport
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Team Performance
  • Influence of Mental Conditioning on Athletes’ Success Rates
  • Gender Differences in Competitive Stress Responses
  • Sports Psychology: Applications in Youth Development Programs
  • Cognitive Processes Underlying Decision-Making in Team Sports
  • Understanding the Psychological Preparation of Olympic Athletes
  • Impacts of Spectator Behavior on Athlete Performance: An Exploration
  • Motivational Strategies in Professional Sports Coaching
  • Mindfulness and its Role in Athletes’ Stress Management
  • Exploring Psychological Trauma in Retired Athletes
  • Impacts of Psychological Interventions on Athletic Injury Recovery
  • Psychological Factors Contributing to Athlete Burnout
  • Roles of Self-efficacy in Athletic Performance: A Detailed Study
  • Analysis of Personality Traits Among Successful Athletes
  • Stressors in Elite Sports: An Examination of Coping Mechanisms
  • Influence of Team Dynamics on Individual Performance in Sports
  • Exploring the Psychology of Endurance Sports
  • Impacts of Coach-Athlete Relationships on Athlete Psychology
  • Mental Health in Sports: Stigma, Support, and Solutions

Research Paper Topics About Women in Sports

  • Pioneering Female Athletes: A Historical Perspective
  • Challenges and Opportunities in Women’s Professional Basketball
  • Advancements in Women’s Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • Intersectionality of Gender, Race, and Culture in Women’s Sports
  • Achieving Parity: An Analysis of Pay Inequality in Women’s Sports
  • Evolution of Women’s Roles in the Olympics: 1896 to Present
  • Impacts of Title IX on American Women’s Sports Participation
  • Female Sports Representation in Media: Progress and Remaining Challenges
  • Investigating Sociocultural Barriers to Women’s Sports Participation Worldwide
  • Psychological Impacts of Competitive Stress on Female Athletes
  • Understanding Body Image Issues Among Female Athletes
  • Analysis of Leadership Roles: Women in Sports Management
  • Biomechanical Differences Between Male and Female Athletes: Implications for Training
  • Role Models and Mentoring in Women’s Sports: A Comparative Study
  • Promoting Inclusion: The LGBTQ+ Community in Women’s Sports
  • Influence of Female Athletes on Fashion and Lifestyle Trends
  • Advancement in Equipment and Gear Designed Specifically for Female Athletes
  • A Study on the Prevalence and Prevention of Eating Disorders in Women’s Sports
  • Exploring the Notion of ‘Femininity’ in the Context of Women’s Sports
  • Women’s Participation in Extreme and Non-Traditional Sports: A Growing Trend
  • Effects of Maternity Leave Policies on Professional Female Athletes’ Careers
  • Recognizing the Unsung Heroes: Contributions of Women in Sports Science

Sports Research Topics on Training

  • Exploring the Impacts of High-Intensity Interval Training on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Strength Training in Injury Prevention for Athletes
  • Effectiveness of Sport-Specific Training vs. Generic Training Programs
  • Nutrition and Training: Understanding the Link in Athletic Performance
  • Influence of Altitude Training on Endurance Sports Performance
  • Mental Training and Its Effects on Sports Performance: A Comprehensive Review
  • The Role of Cross Training in Enhancing Skills of Multi-Sport Athletes
  • Periodization in Training: A Modern Approach for Optimizing Athlete Performance
  • Sleep’s Impacts on Athletic Recovery and Performance
  • Diving Into the Science of Flexibility Training for Athletes
  • Understanding the Biochemical Responses to Resistance Training in Athletes
  • The Importance of Balance Training in the Prevention of Sports Injuries
  • Ergogenic Aids in Training: The Science and the Ethics
  • How Does Overtraining Affect Athlete Performance and Health?
  • The Role of Plyometric Training in Improving Power and Agility in Athletes
  • Techniques for Mental Toughness Training: Impact on Athlete Success
  • Roles of Core Training in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Hydration Strategies in Training and Performance: A Critical Review
  • Neurological Adaptations to Sports Training: A Deeper Dive
  • Optimizing Interval Training for Enhanced Cardiovascular Fitness in Athletes

Research Paper Topics on Sports Science

  • The Impact of High-Intensity Interval Training on Endurance Performance in Soccer Players
  • Evaluating the Effects of Nutrition Interventions on Muscle Recovery in Weightlifters
  • Investigating the Role of Biomechanics in Enhancing Golf Swing Performance
  • Analyzing the Effects of Plyometric Training on Vertical Jump Height in Basketball Players
  • Exploring the Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Athletic Performance in Elite Athletes
  • Effects of Altitude Training on Oxygen Utilization in Distance Runners
  • Examining the Impact of Sports Psychology Techniques on Mental Toughness in Tennis Players
  • Investigating the Influence of Sports Supplements on Muscle Strength and Power in Rugby Players
  • Analyzing the Effects of Heat Acclimatization on Performance and Thermoregulation in Marathon Runners
  • Exploring the Role of Visual Perception and Reaction Time in Baseball Batting Performance
  • Effects of Cold-Water Immersion on Muscle Recovery in Soccer Players
  • Analyzing the Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Agility Performance in Football Players
  • Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Stress and Performance in Athletes
  • Analyzing the Relationship Between Vitamin D Levels and Muscular Strength in Athletes
  • Exploring the Influence of Mental Imagery Techniques on Skill Acquisition in Divers
  • Examining the Impact of Gender on Injury Patterns in Collegiate Soccer Players
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Personality Traits and Motivation in Team Sports
  • Analyzing the Effects of Music Tempo on Performance and Perceived Effort in Cyclists
  • Exploring the Influence of Biofeedback Training on Heart Rate Variability in Swimmers
  • The Impact of Recovery Strategies on Fatigue and Performance in Triathletes
  • Investigating the Role of Genetic Factors in Athletic Performance and Injury Susceptibility

Sports Research Paper Topics on Exercise

  • Comparative Analysis of Different Training Methods for Enhancing Strength and Power in Athletes
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Sports Injuries and Exercise Techniques
  • The Impact of Nutrition and Hydration on Endurance Training
  • Exploring the Psychological Benefits of Regular Physical Exercise in Sports
  • Evaluating the Role of Stretching Exercises in Injury Prevention for Athletes
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of CrossFit Training Programs in Enhancing Overall Fitness
  • Investigating the Role of Physical Exercise in Enhancing Cognitive Function in Athletes
  • The Relationship Between Sleep Quality and Athletic Performance in Sports
  • Benefits of Plyometric Training in Enhancing Explosive Power for Athletes
  • Evaluating the Influence of Sports Supplements on Muscle Recovery and Performance
  • Analyzing the Impact of Exercise Intensity and Duration on Weight Loss in Sports
  • Effects of Resistance Training on Bone Density and Injury Prevention in Athletes
  • Investigating the Role of Yoga and Pilates in Improving Flexibility and Balance for Athletes
  • Analyzing the Impact of Altitude Training on Endurance Performance in Athletes
  • The Effects of Sport-Specific Training on Skill Acquisition and Performance Enhancement
  • Examining the Influence of Gender on Athletic Performance in Different Sports
  • Investigating the Effects of Sports Massage on Muscle Recovery and Performance
  • Evaluating the Effects of Different Cooling Strategies on Exercise Performance and Recovery
  • The Relationship Between Exercise and Aging: Implications for Sports Performance
  • Analyzing the Effects of Heat Acclimation on Exercise Tolerance and Performance

Athletic Sports Research Topics

  • The Power of Sports Psychology in Enhancing Athlete Performance
  • Nutrition’s Impact on Athletic Endurance: A Comprehensive Study
  • High-Intensity Interval Training: Boosting Athletic Performance
  • Unraveling the Connection Between Sleep and Athletic Recovery
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports: Examining Efficacy
  • Weather Conditions and Outdoor Sporting Events: Exploring the Relationship
  • Cross-Training: Maximizing Athletic Abilities and Potential
  • Age: Its Influence on Athletic Performance and Injury Risk
  • Genetics and Athletic Performance: Unveiling the Link
  • Gender’s Roles in Sports Performance and Participation: An Investigation
  • Psychological Factors in Injury Rehabilitation: A Critical Analysis
  • Virtual Reality in Athletic Training and Performance: An Innovative Approach
  • Biomechanics: Enhancing Athletic Technique and Performance
  • Sports Massage: An Effective Tool for Recovery and Performance
  • Athlete Burnout: The Psychological Impact on Performance
  • Mindfulness and Meditation: Enhancing Athlete Well-Being and Focus
  • Altitude and Endurance Performance: An In-Depth Study
  • Sports Analytics: Optimizing Performance through Data Analysis
  • Coach-Athlete Relationships: Impact on Athletic Success
  • Pre-Competition Rituals: Their Effectiveness in Enhancing Performance
  • Strength and Conditioning Programs: Benefits for Athletes

Sports Management Research Topics

  • The Impact of Data Analytics on Sports Management
  • Enhancing Fan Engagement Strategies for Sports Management
  • Sustainable Practices in Sports Facility Management
  • Leveraging Social Media for Sports Marketing and Management
  • The Role of Sports Agents in Athlete Management
  • Leadership in Sports Team Management
  • Ethical Issues in Sports Management
  • Effective Sponsorship Strategies in Sports Management
  • Technology in Sports Event Management
  • Enhancing Athlete Performance Through Sports Science Management
  • Economic Impacts of Major Sporting Events on Local Communities
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Sports Management
  • Evolution of Sports Broadcasting and Its Impact on Management
  • Challenges of Sports Facility Operations and Management
  • Roles of Sports Psychology in Athlete Management
  • Risk Management Strategies in Sports Organizations
  • Sports Law and Regulations in Management Practices
  • Branding and Merchandising in Sports Management
  • Roles of Sports Medicine in Athlete Management
  • Financial Management in Sports Organizations

Marketing Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Sports Sponsorships
  • Evaluating Athlete Endorsements in Sports Marketing Effectiveness
  • Analyzing the Role of Branding in Sports Merchandise Marketing
  • Exploring Fan Engagement and Its Relationship With Sports Marketing Strategies
  • Investigating the Influence of Sports Events on Local Economic Development
  • Examining the Use of Influencer Marketing in the Sports Industry
  • Assessing Sports Marketing Campaigns Targeting Gen Z Effectiveness
  • Data Analytics in Sports Marketing and Fan Engagement
  • Athlete Personalities and Their Impact on Sports Marketing Success
  • Analyzing Sports Marketing Strategies’ Use of Gamification
  • Fan Loyalty Programs’ Role in Sports Marketing
  • Evaluating Sports Sponsorship Activation Strategies’ Effectiveness
  • Investigating Sports Advertising Influence on Consumer Behavior
  • Fan Communities’ Role in Sports Marketing and Brand Building
  • Analyzing the Use of Virtual Reality for Enhanced Sports Marketing Experiences
  • Examining Sports Celebrity Endorsements’ Influence on Consumer Buying Decisions
  • eSports Impact on Traditional Sports Marketing Strategies
  • Assessing Cause Marketing Effectiveness in the Sports Industry
  • Augmented Reality in Enhancing Sports Marketing Engagement
  • Analyzing Emotional Branding in Sports Marketing Campaigns
  • Investigating Sports Betting’s Influence on Sports Marketing Strategies

Research Paper Topics on Sports Theory

  • The Influence of Psychological Factors on Performance in Competitive Sports
  • Motivation’s Role in Sports Performance: A Theoretical Perspective
  • Personality Traits’ Impacts on Sports Success
  • Analysis of Effective Sports Training Methods for Skill Acquisition
  • Leadership Styles’ Effect on Team Performance in Sports
  • The Application of Sports Psychology in Injury Rehabilitation
  • Evaluating Sports Nutrition’s Impacts on Athlete Performance and Recovery
  • Understanding Sports Biomechanics’ Role in Enhancing Athletic Performance
  • Mental Imagery’s Effects on Sports Performance and Skill Execution
  • Effects of Pre-Competition Rituals on Sports Performance
  • Communication Between Coach and Athlete and Its Relationship With Team Cohesion
  • The Impact of Sports Technology on Performance Enhancement
  • Psychological Skills Training and Athletes’ Mental Toughness
  • The Role of Sports Sociology in Shaping Sporting Cultures
  • Sports Injuries and Psychological Well-Being: Exploring the Relationship
  • Performance-Enhancing Drugs and Their Effects on Sports Performance
  • Gender’s Roles in Sports Participation and Performance
  • Environmental Factors and Their Influence on Sports Performance
  • The Effect of Goal Setting on Athlete Motivation and Performance
  • Sports Specialization and Long-Term Athletic Development

Research Paper Topics About Sports Sociology

  • The Impact of Gender Roles on Sports Participation and Performance
  • Media Influence on the Perception of Athletes and Sports Culture
  • Social Class and Its Effects on Sports Opportunities and Success
  • Racial Inequality in Professional Sports: Challenges and Progress
  • The Role of Sports in Building Social Networks and Communities
  • Sports and National Identity: Exploring the Connection
  • Education and Sports: Examining the Benefits and Challenges
  • The Role of Sports in Promoting Health and Well-Being in Society
  • Sociology of Sports Fandom: Identity, Rituals, and Belonging
  • Sports and Youth Development: Socialization and Empowerment
  • Disability and Inclusivity in Sports: Breaking Barriers and Challenging Stereotypes
  • Deviance in Sports: Examining the Relationship Between Rule-Breaking and Social Order
  • Activism in Sports: Exploring Social Movements Within Athletic Contexts
  • Commercialization of Sports: Impacts on Athletes, Fans, and Society
  • Politics and Sports: Analyzing the Intersections and Controversies
  • Influence of Sports on Body Image and Self-Esteem
  • Sports and Aging: Promoting Healthy Aging and Social Engagement
  • Construction of Heroes and Villains in Sports
  • Sports and Religion: Exploring the Connections and Conflicts
  • Sociology of Sports Injury: Understanding Recovery and Rehabilitation Processes
  • Nationalism and Sports: Examining the Role of Sports in Shaping Patriotism

Nutrition Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Protein Supplementation on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Carbohydrates in Post-Exercise Recovery
  • Assessing the Effects of Hydration on Endurance Athletes
  • Benefits of Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Sports Performance
  • Analyzing the Impact of Caffeine on Exercise Endurance
  • Investigating the Effects of Antioxidants on Exercise-Induced Oxidative Stress
  • Evaluating the Influence of Vitamin D on Muscle Strength and Power
  • Understanding the Importance of Electrolyte Balance in Sports Nutrition
  • Exploring the Role of Pre-Workout Supplements in Enhancing Performance
  • Analyzing the Effectiveness of High-Intensity Interval Training in Fat Loss and Muscle Gain
  • The Relationship Between Nutrition and Bone Health in Athletes
  • Examining the Use of Probiotics for Gut Health in Sports Performance
  • Investigating the Impact of Plant-Based Diets on Athletic Performance
  • The Role of Micronutrients in Immune Function for Athletes
  • Evaluating the Effects of Dietary Fiber on Digestive Health in Athletes
  • Analyzing the Benefits of Branched-Chain Amino Acids for Muscle Recovery
  • Understanding the Impact of Iron Deficiency on Female Athletes
  • The Effect of Creatine Supplementation on Strength and Power in Athletes
  • Assessing the Role of Glycogen in Endurance Exercise Performance
  • Exploring the Effects of Sports Drinks on Hydration and Performance

Sports Research Topics on Medicine

  • The Impact of Sports-Related Concussions on Brain Health: An In-Depth Analysis
  • Evaluating the Efficacy of Performance-Enhancing Drugs in Sports Medicine
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Preventing and Treating Musculoskeletal Injuries
  • Exploring the Effects of Exercise on Mental Health and Well-Being in Athletes
  • Enhancing Performance through Sports Nutrition: A Comprehensive Review
  • Examining the Relationship Between Sports Participation and Cardiovascular Health
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Managing and Preventing Chronic Diseases
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sports Medicine on Female Athletes’ Health and Performance
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Rehabilitation Programs in Sports Medicine
  • The Use of Biomechanics in Sports Medicine: Advancements and Applications
  • Investigating the Benefits of Sports Massage Therapy in Injury Recovery and Performance Enhancement
  • Assessing the Role of Sports Medicine in Preventing and Managing Overuse Injuries
  • Understanding the Role of Sports Medicine in Enhancing Respiratory Health in Athletes
  • Examining the Impact of Exercise on Metabolic Disorders and Obesity
  • The Use of Sports Medicine in Optimizing Performance for Elite Athletes
  • Exploring the Role of Sports Medicine in Youth Sports: Injury Prevention and Health Promotion
  • Investigating the Effectiveness of Cryotherapy in Sports Medicine
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sports Medicine on Psychological Factors in Athletes
  • The Role of Sports Medicine in Managing and Preventing Exercise-Induced Asthma
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Sports Medicine Programs in Enhancing Flexibility and Mobility
  • Understanding the Benefits and Risks of Sports Supplements in Athletes

Sports Research Topics About Injuries

  • Exploring Gender Disparities in ACL Injuries Among Collegiate Soccer Players
  • Assessing Preventive Measures to Reduce Baseball Pitching-Related Injuries
  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Basketball Injuries and Rehabilitation Techniques
  • Long-Term Consequences of Head Injuries in Youth Ice Hockey: An Investigation
  • Tennis Elbow among Professional Players: Prevalence and Causes
  • Effectiveness of Protective Equipment in Minimizing Combat Sports Injuries
  • Psychological Rehabilitation of Athletes Following Sports-Related Injuries: An Analysis
  • Roles of Nutrition in Promoting Healing and Recovery From Sports Injuries
  • Incidence of Ankle Sprains in High School Basketball Players: A Study
  • Overtraining and Musculoskeletal Injuries in Marathon Runners: Analyzing the Relationship
  • Impacts of Environmental Factors on Heat-Related Illnesses in Outdoor Sports
  • Rehabilitation Programs for Shoulder Injuries in Baseball Pitchers: Evaluating Efficacy
  • Mechanisms and Risk Factors of Hamstring Injuries in Soccer Players: An Investigation
  • Artificial Turf and Knee Injuries in Football: Examining the Relationship
  • Psychological Effects of Season-Ending Injuries on Professional Athletes: Analysis and Implications
  • Prevalence and Prevention of Volleyball-Related Ankle Injuries: A Comprehensive Study
  • Biomechanics and ACL Tears in Female Athletes: Assessing the Risk
  • Effectiveness of Sport-Specific Conditioning Programs in Reducing Injuries: An Evaluation
  • Equipment Design and Head Injuries in Snowboarding: Analyzing the Relationship
  • Physiotherapy in Treating Tennis-Related Shoulder Injuries: Evaluating Efficacy

Sports Research Topics on Doping

  • Impacts of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Athletic Performance
  • Ethics of Doping in Professional Sports
  • Long-Term Health Effects of Doping on Athletes
  • Effectiveness of Anti-Doping Policies in Sports
  • Roles of Drug Testing in Preventing Doping in Athletics
  • Psychological Factors Driving Athletes to Dope
  • Use of Designer Drugs in Sports
  • Influence of Doping on Gender Equality in Athletics
  • Economic Implications of Doping in Professional Sports
  • Relationship Between Doping and Sports Sponsorship
  • Impacts of Doping Scandals on Athletes’ Legacies
  • Roles of Athlete Education in Preventing Doping
  • Influence of Social Media on Doping Culture in Sports
  • Use of Doping in Amateur and Youth Sports
  • Roles of Coaches and Trainers in Encouraging or Discouraging Doping
  • Effectiveness of Doping Detection Methods in Sports
  • Influence of Peer Pressure on Doping Practices
  • Roles of Sports Organizations in Combating Doping
  • Relationship Between Doping and Sports Injuries
  • Impacts of Doping on Fair Play and Sporting Integrity
  • Use of Gene Doping in Enhancing Athletic Performance

Argumentative Sports Research Topics

  • Impacts of Performance-Enhancing Drugs on Athletes’ Long-Term Health
  • Ethics of Using Genetic Engineering in Enhancing Athletic Abilities
  • Inequality in Prize Money Distribution in Male and Female Sports
  • The True Cost of Hosting the Olympic Games: An Economic Analysis
  • Should eSports Be Recognized as Legitimate Competitive Sports?
  • Dangers of Early Specialization in Youth Sports: A Comprehensive Review
  • How Does Media Coverage Affect Female Athletes’ Perception?
  • Analyzing the Effect of Mental Health on Athletic Performance
  • Collegiate Athletes and Compensation: Should They Be Paid?
  • Evolution of Technology in Sports: Boon or Bane?
  • The Role of Race and Racism in Professional Sports
  • The Influence of Role Models in Sports on Youth Development
  • Exploring the Connection Between Sports Participation and Academic Achievement
  • Violence in Sports: Societal Implications and Solutions
  • Effects of Sponsorship on Athletes’ Performance and Branding
  • Importance of Fair Play in Sports: A Philosophical Perspective
  • Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Outdoor Sports
  • Professional Athletes’ Wages: Justified or Overrated?
  • Doping Controls in Sports: Are Current Methods Effective?
  • Roles of Sports in Promoting Social Inclusion and Unity
  • Impacts of Sports-Related Concussions on Cognitive Functioning
  • Perspectives on Body Image Issues Among Female Athletes

Sports Research Paper Topics About Running

  • Enhancing Long-Distance Running Performance Through Endurance Training
  • Effects of High-Intensity Interval Training on Sprint Performance in Runners
  • Psychological Factors Influencing Marathon Running Performance
  • Nutrition and Hydration: Key Factors in Running Performance
  • Age and Running Performance: A Comparative Analysis of Masters Athletes
  • Strength Training: Improving Running Efficiency
  • Altitude Training and Its Impact on Endurance Running Performance
  • Genetics: A Determining Factor in Running Ability and Performance
  • The Influence of Running Surfaces on Injury Risk and Performance
  • Power Development in Runners: The Role of Plyometric Training
  • Warm-Up and Cool-Down Protocols: Impact on Running Performance
  • Psychological Strategies of Elite Runners: Performance Enhancement Techniques
  • Sleep, Recovery, and Running Performance: Exploring the Connection
  • Footwear Technology: Effects on Running Performance and Injury Prevention
  • Cross-Training: Enhancing Running Performance Through Variation
  • Anaerobic Capacity in Runners: Effects of Interval Training
  • Running Economy and Performance: An Analysis of Distance Runners
  • Stretching and Flexibility Training: Influence on Running Performance
  • Physiological Adaptations in Long-Term Endurance Running Training
  • Fatigue and Overtraining in Runners: Contributing Factors

Water Sports Research Topics

  • The Impact of Water Sports on Physical Fitness and Health
  • Exploring the Economic Benefits of Water Sports Tourism
  • Environmental Conservation in Water Sports: Practices and Challenges
  • Investigating the Psychological Benefits of Water Sports
  • The Role of Gender in Water Sports Participation and Performance
  • Exploring the History and Evolution of Water Sports
  • Analyzing the Safety Measures in Water Sports Activities
  • The Influence of Technology on Water Sports Performance
  • Assessing the Social and Cultural Impacts of Water Sports Events
  • Understanding the Physiology of Water Sports Athletes
  • Investigating the Role of Nutrition in Enhancing Water Sports Performance
  • Exploring the Role of Coaching in Water Sports Training
  • The Effect of Water Sports on Cognitive Function and Mental Well-Being
  • Analyzing the Economic Viability of Water Sports Facilities
  • Investigating the Environmental Effects of Water Sports Equipment and Gear
  • The Impact of Water Sports on Coastal Ecosystems and Marine Life
  • Understanding the Psychological Challenges Faced by Water Sports Athletes
  • Exploring the Influence of Water Sports on Youth Development
  • Assessing the Role of Media in Promoting Water Sports
  • Analyzing the Cultural Significance of Traditional Water Sports
  • The Influence of Weather Conditions on Water Sports Activities

Soccer Sports Research Topics

  • Soccer Tactics Evolution: Analyzing the Impact of Formations on Team Performance
  • Influence of Home Field Advantage in Soccer: A Statistical Analysis
  • Roles of Mental Training in Enhancing Soccer Performance: A Case Study of Professional Players
  • Player Positioning and Goal-Scoring Efficiency in Soccer: An Analytical Study
  • Effectiveness of Different Training Methods for Developing Soccer Skills
  • Impacts of Playing Surface on Soccer Performance and Injury Rates: A Comparative Study
  • Psychological Factors Affecting Penalty Shootout Performance in Soccer: An Analysis
  • Nutrition and Diet: Enhancing Soccer Players’ Performance and Recovery
  • Relationship Between Soccer Team Diversity and Success: A Case Study of Professional Leagues
  • Impacts of Weather Conditions on Soccer Matches: A Comparative Analysis
  • Influence of Managerial Styles on Team Performance in Soccer: Exploring the Link
  • Technology’s Role in Enhancing Soccer Fan Engagement and Experience: An Overview
  • Economic Impacts of Major Soccer Events on Host Countries: Analyzing the Effects
  • Impact of Player Transfers on Team Performance in Professional Soccer: An Investigation
  • Relationship Between Soccer and National Identity: A Comparative Study
  • Soccer-Specific Physical Conditioning Programs: Effectiveness in Injury Prevention
  • Role of Soccer Academies in Player Development: A Comparative Analysis
  • Effectiveness of Video Analysis in Improving Soccer Tactics and Strategy: A Study
  • Impacts of Fan Behavior on Soccer Match Atmosphere and Player Performance: An Examination
  • Influence of Soccer Broadcasts on Fan Engagement and Support: Analyzing the Effects

Extreme Sports Research Topics

  • Exploration: Psychological Benefits of Extreme Sports
  • Analysis: Impact of Extreme Sports on Physical Fitness
  • Examining the Role of Risk-Taking in Extreme Sports
  • Investigating the Evolution of Equipment in Extreme Sports
  • Understanding the Sociocultural Significance of Extreme Sports
  • Exploring the Environmental Impact of Extreme Sports
  • Assessing the Role of Technology in Extreme Sports
  • Analyzing Economic Aspects of the Extreme Sports Industry
  • Investigating the Relationship Between Gender and Extreme Sports Participation
  • Examining the Influence of Extreme Sports on Youth Culture
  • Role of Media in Promoting Extreme Sports
  • Analyzing the Impact of Sponsorship in Extreme Sports
  • Physiology of Athletes in Extreme Sports
  • Understanding Roles of Fear and Adrenaline in Extreme Sports
  • Examining the Role of Extreme Sports in Overcoming Personal Challenges
  • Investigating the Impact of Extreme Sports on Mental Well-Being
  • Analyzing Cultural Appropriation in Extreme Sports
  • Exploring the Relationship between Extreme Sports and Natural Landscapes
  • Examining Safety Measures and Risk Management in Extreme Sports
  • Investigating the Impact of Extreme Sports on Tourism
  • Exploring Ethics of Extreme Sports

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Sport Management Master’s Theses

dissertation topics in sports management

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Rich Assortment of Sports Dissertation Topics

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Various Dissertation Topics

Physiology and exercise.

  • The role of a physiological basis in tennis. Detailed research on the muscle tissue as an essential prerequisite for achieving success in the area.
  • Powerful muscles strong swimmers. Establishing the connection between the muscle tone and great results in swimming.
  • Gymnastics exercises and neural processes. Discovering the issues arising on the gymnasts way to a good performance.
  • Being a body builder: psychological and physiological qualities. Studying the interaction between the performance, physical exercises and nutrition among well-known body builders.
  • Special physical exercises for strengthening skeletal muscles. Muscle strength as a decisive factor in athletic activity.
  • Aging as a damaging effect on muscles. Examining muscle functions and metamorphosis among the women athletes during and after the period of menopause.
  • Physical training: morphological and neurological peculiarities of bones and muscles.
  • Nutrition as a source of strength. Exploring the up-to-date and old-fashioned ways of training. Investigating the methods of building up strength in retired basketball players.
  • Dependence of the muscle strength upon gender. Studying physiological peculiarities of women and men athletes.
  • Physical exercises suitable for elderly sportsmen. Examining the diseases the elderly gymnasts suffer from.

Nutrition and Sport

  • Direct connection between sport and nutrition. Conducting thorough research on the balanced diet for sportsmen. Investigating the influence of food on the activity of football players.
  • Athletic activity and nutrition. Analyzing different nutrition schemes for vegetarian sportsmen. Studying the effect of such schemes on athletes health.
  • Strength sport: meeting protein specifications. Identifying the role of protein in bone development and muscle stretching. Connection between protein diet and effective training.
  • Essential functions of vitamins. Examining vitamin supplements and their relation to impressive results in sport.
  • Athletes suffering from a lack of vitamins. In-depth research on the effect of carbohydrate and protein supplements on the recovery of muscle glycogen after training.
  • The amount of iron required for a good performance of athletes. Highlighting the difference between men and women.
  • Supplements and sportsmens excellence. Exploring the use of bicarbonate, glutamine, and citrate supplements and their influence on athletes achievements.
  • Caffeine and athletes accomplishments. Examining the intake of caffeine and its impact on athletes results in sport competitions.
  • Valuable properties of vitamin D. What role does it play in athletes performance? Studying the effect of vitamin D on athletes health.
  • Using the supplements prescribed by the doctor. Analyzing the position of international sports association on the use of supplements.

Physical Exercises and Sport Pharmacology

  • Drug use and spectacular results in sport. Exploring the use of drug supplements by famous athletes. Examining the performance of the athletes using supplements and those who do not use any additives.
  • Using the prescribed supplements and drugs in sport. Studying the most frequently used additives and drugs for respiratory cardiovascular diseases of athletes.
  • Exercises suitable for sportsmen with hypertension. The opinion of the international sports association on the hypertension treatment given to athletes and physically active people.
  • Pharmacology and ergogenic help in sport. Examining the diuretics use in sport. Exploring the impact of physical exercises on drug treatment for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases among popular sportsmen.
  • Sport-related measures for treating bronchial complications. Analyzing the cases when athletes have been treated for inhalation of beta2-agonist during the 2012 Olympics.
  • Tri-athletes having asthma. Exploring the effect of medication, training and exercises on the health of asthmatic sportsmen.
  • Legal use of additives and drugs in sport. Analyzing international laws on supplement and drug use in football.
  • The effect of adrenaline rush. Examining the case of women over the age of 45 in the USA and UK.
  • Chronic diseases and nutrition specifications. Studying the nutrition demands for athletes having chronic diseases.
  • Sportsmen with cardiovascular medication. Investigating the cases of cardiovascular medication use by athletes during the 2012 Olympics. Difficulties of using the heart rate as a means of measuring the intensity of exercises.

Satellite Cells

  • Therapy for stem cells. Exploring the peculiarities of stem cell therapy and measures for treating athletes for osteoarthritis and cartilage deficiencies.
  • The cycle of satellite cells. The role of satellite stem cells in regulation, growth, and muscle regeneration during physical exercises.
  • Controlling diseases. Toning muscles during exercises. Investigation of the effect of myonuclear domain on proliferation and differentiation of diseases, stem cell cycle and adaptation of a human organism.
  • The condition of satellite cells in elderly athletes. Examining the change of satellite stem cells of old and young sportsmen. Assessing the significance of satellite cells for the process of the muscle mass regulation
  • Satellite cells and testosterone. Analyzing the cellular and molecular mechanisms. Determining the connection between the peculiarities of testosterone and impressive achievements in sport.
  • Sport training and satellite stem cells. Exploring the influence of hard training on the satellite stem cells contained in the skeletal muscles of sportsmen.
  • Satellite cells, hyperplasia, and hypertrophy. Inspecting the heterogeneity of swimmers satellite cell muscles and cell division orientation.
  • Satellite stem cells development. Exploring the characteristic features of the satellite stem cells, i.e. functions, proliferation, and origin.
  • Adaptation of the satellite stem cells. Investigating the peculiarities of trapezius muscles during training or aerobics.
  • Satellite cells and components relating to age. Examining the functions and heterogeneity of the satellite stem cells of an adult athlete.

Physical Conditions and Mitochondria

  • Exploring the connection between the development, fitness and strength of mitochondria of athletes with insulin sensitivity.
  • Cell metabolism and the functions of mitochondria. Examining the role of mitochondrial overload and partial fatty acid oxidation. Analyzing their effect on the skeletal muscles increment in tough training.
  • The effect of aging on metabolism. Studying the use of anti-aging drugs with the aim of avoiding syndromes relating to metabolism among elder sportsmen.
  • Metabolic disorders. Controlling obesity and the level of insulin with the help of drugs and special exercises for skeletal muscles of sportsmen.
  • Can the level of insulin caused by fat food be decreased by the growth of muscle mitochondrion mass? Examining the role of fat food and insulin resistance during the period of strength training.
  • Is it possible to compromise both glucose tolerance and metabolic flexibility by deleting particular muscles of carnitine acetyltransferase after physical exercises? Studying muscle exercises and metabolic fitness in terms of power lifting trainings.
  • Obesity and metabolic fitness. Analyzing cellular energy transductions and their impact on obesity of athletes.
  • Deficiency of carnitine. Investigating the influence of aging and excessive nutrition on mitochondrial functions and metabolic control when doing physical exercises.
  • Type 2 diabetes and metabolic fitness. Discovering the connection between the functions of mitochondrial oxidation and type 2 diabetes during physical exercises.
  • Diseases and metabolic health. Research on the functions of lipid oxidation and mitochondrial uncoupling during mental conditioning and aerobic exercises.

Biomechanics in Sport

  • Strength training and intrinsic biomechanics. Applying pectoral bench recruitment techniques to bench pressing during weight lifting exercises.
  • Extrinsic and intrinsic biomechanics. Exploring the newbie gain and the period of its duration. Analyzing the registration of gain levels among sportsmen and sportswomen.
  • Weight exercises: nutrient supplementation and biomechanics. Studying various gain levels of people using additives and those who do not deal with any supplements when being on a diet for four months.
  • Strength training. Using the bands when undergoing strength training with the aim of growing muscle gains and maximizing positive effect.
  • Male and female athletes. Exploring the biomechanics and functions of coaching among top women athletes during intelligence exercises.
  • Temperature and biomechanics. Analyzing the functioning of athletes muscles during isometric exercises according to the temperature change. Exploring the cases of European and African athletes.
  • Puberty exercises and athletic kinds of sport. Examining the condition of women athletes before and after the puberty age and probable metabolic outcomes.
  • Biomechanics processes. The significance of being aware of biomechanics basics before doing German volume exercises.
  • Human movements and biomechanics. Making a detailed analysis of the peculiarities of cell biology biomechanics in terms of nutrition during the circuit exercises.
  • Human physiology and biological measurement. Examining the basic aspects of human physiology, physiological parameters and homeostasis processes during body building exercises.

Wellbeing and Health in Terms of Sport

  • Evaluating the functions and physical condition of people in football and aerobic training. Defining the role of structural and physical exercises in the physiological and psychological wellbeing and development of football players.
  • The importance of nutrition and physical exercises for athletes. Discovering the correlation between the physical activity and healthy food consumption of top-rated athletes.
  • Metabolic-related training and exercise development. Studying the concepts and theories relating to metabolism of nutrients in metabolic training.
  • Wellbeing from the point of view of college football players. Exploring the cases of college footballers of England.
  • Athletes welfare and achievements. The impact of mental welfare on physical activity among high-class athletes.
  • Opinion on the notion of wellbeing among swimmers. Examining the way happiness and enjoyment is connected with the accomplishments of experienced swimmers.
  • Cultural welfare in the football area. Analyzing the cases of European footballers from the point of view of their self-respect and satisfaction rate.
  • Work and wellbeing from the athletes point of view. Analyzing personal qualities of professional athletes and their input.
  • Welfare and marital status in football. Exploring the cases of single and married football players of England.
  • The role of gender, age, and subjective welfare in football training. Analyzing the alterations in physical exercises in terms of age and cross-sectional gender during strengthening football exercises.

Analyzing Psychological Issues

  • Examining the difficulties the coaches encounter when dealing with performance and behavioral intervention issues. Scrutinizing the case of the coaching fraternity in the National team of England.
  • Parenthood and training. The problems working parents having little children face and possible impact on their achievements.
  • Coaching and homosexuality. Examining the cases of gay trainers in the National Collegiate Athletic Association.
  • Cultural analysis and gender in training. Exploring cultural and gender inconsistencies in sport. Investigating the cases of Spanish football players.
  • The role of gender in coaching. Analyzing the attitude of coaches to female and male athletes.
  • Injuries in sport. Is it effective to use an implemented model of injuries to sustain psychological growth of hurt high school athletes?
  • Is being fat embarrassed? Examining the nervous tension women gymnasts suffer from because of the created body image.
  • Sport leaders. Examining the attitude of athletes to team coaches.
  • Changing ones sport career. Analyzing the psychological impact of a career change due to injuries in the football clubs of the United Kingdom.
  • Body image and food consumption. Examining the effect of food consumption by women athletes in England.

Clinical Exercise Psychology

  • Making an analysis of the positive effect of music on the intensity of physical exercises among athletes. Examining the performance of online and TV gymnasts.
  • Exploring the negative influence of smoking on childrens organism. Do pulmonary abnormalities can be caused by children athletes addiction to smoking?
  • Can the blood pressure be affected by PDE5 inhibitors? Examining the influence of applying PDE5 inhibitors by male football players.
  • The use of different training techniques. Exploring the implementation of non-uniform training and its impact on athletes achievements in the competitions.
  • The fundamental peculiarities of the training process among patients with heart diseases. Doing research on the discrepancies in rehabilitation rates among the athletes with heart diseases.
  • Physical exercises and age. Identifying the gap in the knowledge of athletes of different age range.
  • The non-impact exercises and the physiological and psychological influence they make on athletes. Examining female athletes who are over 45 years old.
  • Training in the areas with high and low altitude. Which area helps athletes achieve better results? Analyzing the accomplishments and conditions of European athletes training in the high and low altitude areas.
  • Metabolic disorders and physical exercises suitable for athletes with pulmonary and cardiac issues. Detailed examination of prescriptions, methods, training and special programs for athletes with chest and heart problems.
  • Motivational aspects of physical training. Physiological and psychological peculiarities of youth athletes. Exploring their attitude to exercises.

Sport Exercises and Science

  • Illustrating the importance of doing physical exercises and examining the influence of oral contraceptives. Examining college female athletes in the UK within the period of 6 months.
  • Athletes achievements and family ties. Doing detailed research on athletes family background and establishing a direct connection between the family and athletes success.
  • Studying the aims pursued by prospective and professional athletes. Defining similar and distinctive features.
  • Sport and autism. Carrying out an objective analysis of the achievements of children with spectrum autism and those without it in the middle school.
  • Volatile kinds of sport and androgenic anabolic steroids. Examining the cases of the mentioned steroid use in boxing.
  • The role of muscle strength in different kinds of sports and its functioning when being injured. Exploring the physical condition of male and female rugby players.
  • Women in sport. The influence of sports on the position of women in the society and their body.
  • The effect of school programs on students achievements in sport. Determining the educational establishments in England with the highest rate of success in sport.
  • Sport and leisure activities. Analyzing the lifestyle of famous English football players and its impact on sport accomplishments.
  • The attitude of hospital staff to sport as a way of spending their free time. Investigating the case of a particular hospital.


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The term ‘ Sports’ refers to all extracurricular activities involving games of physical or mental abilities. Sports have become increasingly popular worldwide, with many people pursuing professional careers in soccer and cricket . As a result, more students are now choosing sports as their graduation subjects, which offers opportunities for both physical and professional development. Thus, students must look for inspiring sports dissertation topics for their dissertation modules.

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Prime sports thesis topics, top grade thesis topics in sports, why is it important to find good sports dissertation topics for your dissertation.

Choosing good sports dissertation topics is vital for a successful dissertation because it ensures your research addresses important aspects of sports. Whether you're exploring athletic training research topics, looking into research paper sports topics, or focusing on research topics in sports psychology or sports management, a well-chosen topic makes your study relevant. It helps you delve deep into subjects that matter, making your research impactful and contributing valuable insights to the sports field. So, finding the right sports dissertation topic is crucial for creating meaningful and influential research.

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If you want to achieve the feeling of accomplishment then crafting your own Sports Management research topics using these Sport Business Management dissertation ideas could be very beneficial for you. You can also find football business dissertation ideas here. Because we have some former football coaches and related persons of this sport. Therefore, they can provide the best and realistic football dissertation ideas that will surely meet your supervisor expectation.

Before you start grabbing sports marketing dissertation topics, we’d like to inform you that these are ideas for brainstorming purposes only. You can find the list of ready-to-use topics as well while these open-ended Sport Business Management dissertation ideas are just to help you craft your own customized topics.

  • Athlete Coaching:  The aim of this dissertation is to studying the management strategies for the coaching sessions for the athletes that your organization owns. For instance, you can analyze and highlight how much a company spends on the training sessions for their athletes and what are the impacts on their performance. You can discuss how it affects in the commercial reputation for the company as well. You can also use these sports coaching dissertation ideas as one of your sports law dissertation topics if required.
  • Investment Forecast:  The goal of this dissertation idea is to predict the outcomes of the investments of a sports management company. For instance, you can take any sports management business into consideration whether they sponsor the players or manufacture sports equipment. Furthermore, you can discuss how the increased or decreased investments can affect the business positively or negatively.

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Latest Sport Management Thesis Topics for 2023

An examination of cases of corruption in the field of international sports management. New
To analyze the part nation’s reputation play in the field of sports management. New
To investigate the connection between event management and sports management: A correlational study. New
Focus on the difficulties and methods when determining the moral foundation of sports management.
To investigate the part that knowledge management plays in organizing international sporting events.
The role played by international policies on the management of international athletic events. New
A qualitative investigation of the correlations between sports management, seating capacity, and ticket prices. New
A correlational investigation of the management of international sports and athletes’ reputations abroad.
Concentrating on the moral guidelines for experts in sports management: A qualitative approach.
To examine the effects of the theories of human and social capital in the field of sports management. New
A descriptive approach to the association of marketing and management domains in international sporting events. New
Review of empirical data on the impacts of management, optimization, and economics on international sports.
Decision-making plays in managing the global sports industry: Analyzing the roles played.

Interesting Sport Business Management Dissertation Topics for Eye-Catching Dissertations

If you have created enough Sport Business Management dissertation topics from the open-ended ideas above. We are going to give you a list of the best topics for your sports business management dissertation shortly. Before you start writing on one of the topics below, make sure that your selected topic complies with the instructions you’ve been given.

dissertation topics in sports management

Why the majority of the sports business target younger audience and how does it help them generate revenue? A case study of cricket managers in Southern Asia.
How the venue management affect the revenue generation of a sporting event? A case study of FIFA World Cup 2018
What are the most common practices that sports club managers have implied in the UK for successful businesses? A critical analysis of the football clubs in the United Kingdom
How the resignation of Cristiano Ronaldo affected the business management in the football industry? A case study of Cristiano Ronaldo’s shift from Royal Madrid to Juventus.
A comparative study to find the positive and negative impacts of migration of famous football players to other teams on the sports business management strategies.
How does the branding of bats affect the image of a player on the cricket field? Does it become a part of the identity of the player? A case study of the Indian team cricket player Sachin Tendulkar.
Constructing relationship between ticket pricing, seating capacity and sports management in a rugby tournament game in the United States of America
A critical analysis of the impact of sports sponsorship on the sports teams with the literature evidence.
An in-depth analysis of the of elite sports and performance in the United Kingdom
What is the role of sports businesses in promoting tourism during sports tournaments in the United States of America?

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53 Sports Dissertation Topics and examples in 2023

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Sports dissertation topics in domains have been found vital in the present-day situation. There is likewise a particular structure in the sports dissertation designs . There should be a specific combative tone in the introduction. Accurate information about the space of sports additionally requires concentrated research.

This service satisfies the entire customer base to have a total and organized sports dissertation . The most striking point of a sports dissertation is that there is a mix of the severe profundity of research alongside an adventurous sense. This blend requires the intervention of expert scientists and master journalists.

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Best Sports Dissertation Topics for college students

Find below some best ideas and examples for Sports Dissertation Topics:

  • Radio-Frequency Identification Sports Wearable Development
  • How Psychological Interventions and Skills can Improve Performance in Athlete’s sports
  • A Study of 18-24 Year Old-Males’ Engagement and Interactions with Sports Betting Advertising
  • Injury Experiences and Psychological Responses of Athletes as a result of Sports Injuries
  • Sports Statistical System for the English Premier-League
  • Sports Impact of UEFA-Prize Money on Football Clubs: Celtic Case Study
  • Effects of Re-Warming Up at Half-Time on Gaelic Footballers
  • Relationship Between Personality Type and Sports Performance
  • Effects of Personality Type on Sports Performance and Motivation
  • An Econometric-Evaluation of Racial Biases in the Premier-League Sport.
  • The impact of social media on the sports industry
  • The role of sponsorship in professional sports
  • The psychological effects of sports on athletes
  • The evolution of sport marketing strategies
  • The influence of sports on the development of national identity
  • The use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports
  • The business of professional sports leagues
  • The impact of technology on the sports industry
  • The sociology of sports fandom
  • The impact of sports on physical health and fitness
  • The history of sports medicine
  • The economic impact of major sporting events
  • The role of sports in promoting social change
  • The influence of sports on gender and sexuality
  • The impact of sports on mental health and well-being
  • The role of sports in the development of character and leadership skills
  • The impact of sports on education and academic achievement
  • The cultural significance of sports in different countries
  • The ethical issues surrounding the business of sports
  • The use of data analytics in sports performance and coaching
  • The role of sports in promoting international relations and diplomacy
  • The impact of sports on politics and government
  • The role of sports in building community and fostering social cohesion
  • The use of sports as a tool for promoting peace and conflict resolution
  • The impact of sports on the environment and sustainability
  • The role of sports in promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting social inclusion and diversity
  • The impact of sports on the media and entertainment industry
  • The role of sports in the development of urban and rural communities
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting economic development
  • The impact of sports on the fashion industry
  • The role of sports in promoting religious and cultural tolerance
  • The impact of sports on the travel and tourism industry
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting cultural exchange and understanding
  • The role of sports in promoting social justice and human rights
  • The impact of sports on the healthcare industry
  • The role of sports in promoting intercultural dialogue and understanding
  • The impact of sports on the pharmaceutical industry
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting cross-cultural communication and collaboration
  • The role of sports in promoting social entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of sports on the art and creative industries
  • The use of sports as a means of promoting personal and professional growth and development
  • The role of sports in promoting intergenerational exchange and understanding.

Above is the best list of research titles in sports if you are still searching for some more unique topics, fill out the form below and get sports dissertation topics brief from experts.

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Sports Business Management Dissertation Topics For Impeccable Dissertations

Date published July 27 2020 by Evie Tyler

In most of the educational institutes, the dissertation is the last phase and marks the end of academic degree. Students have to fulfill dissertation requirements the demand lengthy writing, independent and 100% original research along with dissertation defence. But irrespective of all of these things, the beginning i.e. finalizing dissertation topic, is the most important part of dissertation writing.

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How “Dissertation Proposal” Can Help You!

Our top dissertation writing experts are waiting 24/7 to assist you with your university project, from critical literature reviews to a complete masters dissertation.

Sports Business Management Dissertation Topics Custom Tailored For You

Our writers have made sure that you do not have to embark this critical initial journey of dissertation writing alone. And therefore, they have prepared the best list of free sports business management dissertation topics and sports business management dissertation ideas that you can find on the internet.

Aims and Objectives

In literature, it has been noticed that the growth of sports management education program is rapidly increasing. This specific correlative study aimed at finding the relationship between lack of technology utilized in the curriculum of sports management. As technology has become an integral part of society. Whereas, the educational community response less in embracing the pace to adopt the technology within the curriculum required for sports management. Therefore, this study addressed the relationship between technology in sports management (Dykstra, 2016). The research has been conducted to address main issues such as types of technologies has been encouraged by sports management in an educational program to overcome the absence of technology and its relationship with professional and intercollegiate athletics.

The objectives of this study are listed below:

  • To evaluate the cause which unable to incorporate technology within sports related curriculum and course.
  • To perceive the importance of technology in students' lives while entering in course of sports management.
  • To identify the overall impact on an educational program with the absence of technology used in sports management course.
  • To explore the relationship with technology in sports management and professional as well as intercollegiate athletes.

The study aimed to develop an analysis of online social networking and the perception of sports marketing undergraduates and professionals of the sports industry to obtain the relative advantage of online social networking in the specific industry. The online social networking is specific consumption of digital media which has little to do with using the traditional informational media by using social networking site to promote education in sports management and perceived maximum advantages (Kasperski & Blau, 2020). The overall study aimed to explore the advantages obtained by using online social network cyberspace with the development of online social projects to promote sports and business management.

The aim of the study is illustrated below:

  • To critically examined the online social networking and the perception of sports management for undergraduates and in the professionals' sports industry.
  • To analyse the associated in between social online cyberspace and development of sports management.
  • To evaluate the role of cyber spacing in promoting the educational course on sports management.

The research helps in analysing the technological innovation that is required to enhance the sports management that will attract an individual to participate in the field of sports. The study aimed to design strategies through which new technology will be determined for improving the induction process of new talent in sports management. This entire advancement usually passed down to general troops and finally return to the masses (Kerksick, et al., 2018). Thus, the need for technology advancement has been developed through this research by spreading awareness in the community or surroundings regarding fitness and benefits of sports management. This study also covered the need for advanced technologies that have been originated in various sections of sports.

The objectives of this research are listed below:

  • To critically examine the need of technology advancement for recruiting new talent in the field of sports.
  • To determine the innovative technology required for improving sports management.
  • To evaluate the factors that will contribute to improving digital equipment for identifying new talent required to support sports.

Previous literature has been evident that the involvement of kids in physical activities will stimulate their brain growth and also boost their cognitive performance. This study aimed to analyse the relationship between sports activities and enhancement of brain of children under 20 years of age. Furthermore, the study observed the impact of exercise on moods and other activities of children (Biddle, et al., 2019). The cognitive effects of an exercise usually come from the brain and both are interconnected with each organ. The study aimed at young children usually schools going to identify their cognitive response of students who have not been involved in aerobics and individuals with higher aerobics fitness.

The objectives of the study are listed below:

  • To analyse the impact of exercise and other physical activities on the growth of the brain in school going children
  • To evaluate the cognitive responses of children involved in aerobic exercises in schools.
  • To identify factors that will elaborate on the relationship between brain advancement and physical activities.

This study aims to describe the perception of corruption in regards to legacies happening in international sports with developing strategies that will apply for the Brazilian Government to influence probable heritages of the 2016 Rio Olympics games. This study aimed to analyse or investigated the policies and strategies taken by authorities to minimize the level of corruption occurring in international sports more specifically in Bribery 2016 Rio Olympics (Furtado, et al., 2020). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to elaborate and describe the pattern of happening corruptions in international sports. As in this research, the background of corruption has been discussed which has been affecting the broad spectrum of sports and that the corruption phenomenon is virulent in Bribery 2016 Rio Olympics.

The objectives of the study are illustrated below:

  • To critically analyse the pattern of corruption occurred in international sports.
  • To evaluate the case study of bribery 2016 Rio Olympics to examine the level of corruption occurred while finding possible solutions.
  • To evaluate possible legislative measure taken by the government and sports boards to minimize the occurrence of corruption.

The study focused on identifying the importance of indoor games for the physical growth of children. The study designed in recent pandemic times of spreading coronavirus, therefore, the aim is to identify the impact of indoor games in keeping children active. It is time to assess COVID-19 and related behavioural requirement which have impacted the movement and play behaviour of requirement by identifying the strategies that most of the families are taking to keep their children active and healthy during the pandemic situations (Moore, et al., 2020). The purpose of this analysis is to spread the significance of indoor games for children physical growth during the lockdown happened due to COVID-19 virus.

  • To evaluate the importance of indoor games during lockdown for maintaining activeness in children
  • To elaborate and spread the awareness of physical activities and sports for the growth and development of children.
  • To examine the relationship between indoor games and physical growth of children during the lockdown.

The study elaborates the strategies taken by authorities to promote the active sports performance, recreational sports and physical activities among adults with disability and the way through which they can optimize their routine. Differently-abled people perceive various barriers to participate in sports as compares to people who do not have any disability. Therefore, the study aimed to reach out on various approached require for successfully promoting the sports and physical activities for people with disabilities (Seves, et al., 2020). The aim of this study was based on two folds; to describe how sports authorities will be taken steps to promote the performance of disabled people to optimize their routine. Moreover, to identify similarities and differences between approaches used to promote sports for people with disabilities.

  • To determine the possible contributing factors that engage disabled people in sports to optimizing their routine.
  • To evaluate the approaches and strategies required to involve disabled people in physical activities.
  • To determine the impact and effects of sports in the lives of adults presents with any disabilities.

Aims and Objectives As per the study of Agha and Taks (2019), minor league baseball is affiliated with major league baseball. In 1990, major league baseballs started decreasing the franchising and financial budgets in an affiliated minor league team, on which minor league teams were mandated to fulfil new stadium requirements of renovating and building the stadiums to retain their affiliations. These economic effects due to increased financial independence of minor leagues teams along with increased costs of purchasing finance resulted in the increase of already stabled minor league stadium market, higher prices for the renovated stadiums and acquired larger contributions from communities in the US. Though, this dramatic increase in both cost and public contribution towards new baseball stadiums constructed for minor league teams are effective to predict economic effects. However, this study aims to assess the economic effects of minor league baseball using a hedonic pricing model and econometric analysis to achieve the desired outcomes. Following are the objectives listed;

  • To describe a historic overview of the major and minor baseball league.
  • To assess the role of stadiums and teams associated with the minor baseball leagues.
  • To analyse the economic impact of minor baseball leagues by implementing a hedonic pricing model and econometric analysis.

Aims and Objectives Maity and Gupta (2016) evaluated that relationship equity is one of the main key drivers of customer equity which is theoretically originated from relationship marketing efforts. Relationship marketing is the strategy of building, maintaining and establishing successful relational exchanges. Generally, researchers have identified that relationship marketing efforts help in enhancing their relationship with sport consumers. In addition, these increased efforts positively impact on teams' performances due to ticket sales, sports media consumption, and so on. This approach is regarded as an effective strategy to influence sport consumption behaviours. Effective commitment and behaviour loyalty are considered as key components of relationship marketing. Thus, very limited study has been done to identify the significance of this approach in the sports setting. Therefore, this study focuses on understanding the significance of relationship equity and its impact on behaviour loyalty and affective commitment in the professional spectator sport setting. The objectives are;

  • To understand the importance of relationship equity in relation to brand loyalty and affective commitment.
  • To explore relationships between customer-based equity and its drivers and consequence in the context of sports setting.
  • To assess the impact of relationship equity on brand loyalty and affective commitment in the context of professional spectator sport setting.

Aims and Objectives Graham et al., (2020) elaborated that managers and top management play a vital role in enhancing and development of the team performance. Management strategies are beneficial in order to select talented players and effectively place in the teams to acquire an important position. Moreover, top managers possess the capability of knowing the teams before picking a particular player for teams. In the major league baseball, managerial approach regarding team performance helps in predicting individual player's success. It has also been seen that higher quality managers are more concerned towards the victories and on that basis, they usually implement changes in the selection of players and team composition.

These changes if occur monthly negatively affect the individual's performance due to continuous change pertaining to the environment, coach, team members and so on. On the other side, managers deliberately take such actions to improve player performance statistics by playing him in different circumstances i.e. playing in a left handed-bowler against the right-handed batsman. Thus, this study aims to provide in-depth analysis by studying the impact of top management team composition on play selection in major league baseball. The objectives are;

  • To examine the role of managers and top management in forming a baseball team.
  • To analyse the managerial approaches and strategies in the selection process that affect an individual's performance in the major league baseball.
  • To explore the impact of top management team composition on the selection of players in major leagues baseball.

Aims and Objectives Garamvölgyi, et al., (2020) identified that many researchers suggest that sports and recreation are one of the powerful contributors to worldwide public health. In addition, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the use of sports as a vehicle to develop and strengthen education, support conflict prevention and peacebuilding. In the 21 st century, sports and other public recreational events are mostly hosted by the government, authoritarian states based on certain political principles to gain political legitimacy. While, some countries have been hosting public recreational sports by sponsoring shirts and stadium, global events and investing in sporting assets. Due to these democratic rules, countries like Dubai and Abu Dhabi have gained immense exposure, improved image, and accumulated soft power among trading partners in the Western world. Though, this study aims to display both positive and negative aspects of the federal government and democratisation of public recreational sport in New York City 2000 to 2020. The objectives are;

  • To identify the concept of democratisation in the sports setting.
  • To analyse the role of the federal government and democratic principles related to public recreational sport.

To evaluate neutral review on the democratisation of public recreational sport in New York City 2000 to 2020

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To do an analysis of the major obstructions that hinder the path of differently-abled people to make their presence in the sports. How have Paralympics helped curb this”? Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To examine the issues involved in the path of differently-abled people to make their presence in sports.
  • To compare the obstructions and opportunities for disabled people to participate in sports in developing as well as developed countries.
  • To find out the technological applications such as sensor fusion and smart sensor in the field of sports.
  • To explore the technologies that can help in improving the performance in sports particularly in wheelchair sports.
  • To explore the role of Paralympics in reducing the obstructions for the disabled people to participate in the sports.
  • To examine the role of media coverage of Paralympic games that helped in changing the societal perspectives.
  • To assess the role of Paralympic as a tool for empowerment in sports.
  • To identify the importance of Sports for physically and cognitively challenged young athletes.
  • To find out the ways to overcome the obstructions in sport’s participation for disabled people.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To do the critical study on whether the academic athletes are being misdirected towards contracts which make the most money”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To do the assessment analysis on the intercollegiate athletics and television contracts and to identify the beyond economic justifications in the antitrust analysis of agreements among colleges.
  • To evaluate the payment for athletes to play for colleges in the previous and the current years.
  • To do the analysis in exploring how the academic athletes are being misdirected towards earning money through wrong means.
  • To find out the ways through which innovation can be incorporated in the reformation of academic sports and encouraging the organization.
  • To identify the role of stakeholders management in college sports.
  • To explore the role of strategies such as high payment in encouraging the students to participate.
  • To find out the rules for the payment of athletes at college and university level.
  • To evaluate the significance that either colleges or universities provide student-athletes with additional compensation beyond tuition, room, and board.
  • To explore the more critical understanding of the experiences of the division of college athletes.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To propose a novel study on the sustainable practices in sports management, practiced in the UK.”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To prepare a review study on analysing the sustainable practices adopted in the management of sports.
  • To explore the sustainable practices adopted in the UK for the management of sports.
  • To explore the techniques related to the improvement of cognitive techniques in the field of physical education and sports.
  • To identify the contribution of sports for the completion of sustainable development goals.
  • To identify the importance of the promotion of sustainable design and practices for sports.
  • To evaluate the role of sports management education in promoting the sustainability of the environment.
  • To assess the role of climate change is impacting the practices of sports in the UK.
  • To compare the past and present sustainable practices adopted in the UK and to check the role of the adoption of these practices on encouragement regarding the activities of sports.
  • To analyse the policies of the sports industry in the UK as compared to other countries.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To do the comparative analysis of sports management models in higher education of UK VS US.”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To identify the sports management models employed in higher education globally.
  • To explore the model of sports management in the higher education of the UK.
  • To examine the model of sports management employed in the higher education of the USA
  • To analyse the similarities and differences in the sports management model of the UK in comparison with the USA.
  • To analyse the experiences in the application of cognitive techniques in the field of physical education and sports.
  • To do the comparative sport policy analysis and Paralympic sport
  • To check out the impacts of sports education on students' perceived physical literacy, motivation, and physical activity levels in university required physical education.
  • To find out the impacts of the social benefits of intramural sports on college students' and improving the quality of college 
  • To find out the positive and negative impacts of sports management models employed in the UK vs USA.

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Sports Business Management Dissertation Ideas Distinguished From Conventional Ones

Where dissertation topics give you the convenience of saving your from hectic work of finding a topic, a dissertation ideas gives you the luxury of modelling the dissertation topic according to your wishes. This is the reason why our phenomenal professional writers have also prepared a free list of the best sports business management dissertation ideas that you can use to find exceptional sports business management dissertation topics.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “An evaluation of customer lifetime value and service quality in professional sports franchises in UK leagues”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To explore the practices of customer lifetime value in professional sports franchises.
  • To evaluate the impacts of customer lifetime value and improvement of the service quality in professional sports franchises in UK leagues.
  • To find out the applications of customer lifetime value to major league baseball season tickets.
  • To explore the exploring service quality and its customer consequences in the sports spectating sector.
  • To examine the relationship between sport motives, relationship quality, and sport consumption intention.
  • To find out the impacts of employee’s extra-role behaviors on organizational performance: An assessment of minor league baseball team front offices.
  • To find out how the customer lifetime value and service quality will be improved by incorporation in professional sports franchises in UK leagues.
  • To develop a model to find out the impacts of service quality, brand's social identity, and attachment to the team on the loyalty of football fans.
  • To find out the approaches for sports fans as consumers: An approach to sport marketing.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To do an analysis of how to use sports as a significant tool for the overall development of children in pre-schools”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To find out the roles of sports in the education of children in pre-schools.
  • To explore the importance of sports for the development of children in pre-schools.
  • To examine how participation in sports programs can help improve in the improvement of children’s learning and skills development.
  • To analyse the developmental model for the enhancement of children’s involvement in sports.
  • To do an investigation on the effectiveness of chess training on creativity and theory of mind development in early childhood.
  • To check the effect of digital-physical exercise videos on the locomotor skill learning of pre-school children.
  • To find out the methods by which sports can be used in the improvement of growth and development of children in pre-schools.
  • To find out the appraising assessment tool’s potential for fostering children's holistic development in the overall development of children in pre-schools.
  • To do an investigation into school playground and explore its influence on student’s learning.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “To do a novel study on analysing the effects of technology development on different sports with time. How has e-sports curbed the development of physical sports in students?”. Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To explore the impacts of using technology on sports programs.
  • To examine the positive and negative impacts of playing e-sports on students.
  • To assess the significance of physical sports in enhancing the learning of students.
  • To explore the future of sports in the school’s programs and compare them with the history and politics of sports for development.
  • To find out the role that how the new generation electronic games boost kid’s physical activity.
  • To prepare a review on the child’s rights and online gaming and to find out the opportunities and challenges.
  • To compare the positive and negative aspects of e-sports in comparison with physical sports.
  • To evaluate the ways to find out how e-sports curbed the development of physical sports in students.
  • To explore the importance of e-sports and why educators should embrace e-sports.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “An evaluation of nepotism in academic sports and how sports policy could be faulty in the selection of the players.” Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To evaluate the nepotism in the activity of the sports of schools and colleges.
  • To assess how sports policy could be faulty in the selection of the players.
  • To find out the impacts of favoritism and nepotism in the management of favoritism in the academia.
  • To find out the practices of nepotism in practices of human resource management and how they affect player satisfaction.
  • To assess the impacts of higher educational institutions of sports and physical education in student’s pre-university cheating behavior.
  • To find out the information about sports medicine and sport science practitioners' experiences of organizational change.
  • To find out the nepotism practices in the sports programs of different countries and how it affects the careers of players.
  • To examine the role of organizational behavior in sport management and to find out what factors cause to enhance nepotism in sports programs.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “A critical analysis of the impact of sports sponsorship on academic players on sports scholarships in colleges and universities.” Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To find out the role of sports sponsorship on academic players on sports scholarships in colleges and universities.
  • To analyse the impacts of sports sponsorship on academic players.
  • To evaluate the effects of participation in athletics on academic performance among college and university students.
  • To study the association between elite athletes' educational development and sporting performance.
  • To prepare a systematic review on finding the association between alcohol sports sponsorship and consumption.
  • To identify the emerging legal issues in sports medicine and to explore the information, synthesise, summarize and analysis.
  • To find out the association between college sports and educational values.
  • To evaluate the effects of university athletics on the outcomes of the university and to do the detailed review and extension of empirical assessment.
  • To prepare a detailed critical review on scholarships in sport management research.
  • To find out the significance of participation in sport and physical activity among children and adults.

Aim of the study The aim of the study will be “A critical evaluation of responsibilities of sport management. How does management help in the protection of sportsperson's reputation?” Objectives of the study The objectives of the study will be;

  • To examine and assess the responsibilities of sports management.
  • To find out how does the management can help in the protection of sportsperson's reputation?
  • To examine the competition or coalition in sports programs and to evaluating the attitudes of national governing bodies of sport and county sports partnerships towards school sport partnerships.
  • To design the qualitative research study in sports management.
  • To do the assessment on exploring the influence of corporate social responsibility on consumer attitudes in the sports industry.
  • To explore the contractual and ethical duty for a professional athlete to be an exemplary role model.
  • To examine the positive and negative impacts of the decisions of sports management on the performance of players.
  • To assess the roles and responsibilities of sports management in developing as well as developed countries.
  • To prepare a systematic perspective on the management of organizations for sport and physical activity.

Aims and Objectives: The main objective of this study is to understand the various rules that are followed in the sports activities and different sports and then analyze how these sports rules will affect the everyday life activities of people, the study will focus all the research activities on understanding what how will the sports activities and its rules will affect the lives of students. The study will first aim to identify and then greatly research all the sports that are played by the students in all their lives. The next aim of the study would be then to list and analyze all the various rules followed in these sports. The study will then analyze each aim to understand how the students typically live their lives and then compare them separately to come to a conclusion. The main objectives of the study are as follows.

  • What are the main sports played by students?
  • What are the main rules that are followed in the sports?
  • How will the rules that are followed in sports can be used in the daily lives?

Aims and Objectives: The main aim of this study is to find and then understand the challenges that may arise in the effective management of the academic sports activities. The aim of the study would be ti first effectively study and then analyze all the main academic sports activities, and then to study what are the main challenges that can arise. The study will aim to identify and them explain each of the potential challenge that can arise. The study will also aim to focus on finding out the main ethical practices that are followed in academic sports activities. The main aim would be to study and then explain each of the ethical practice that is followed in in the academic sports activity and then also tell what will be the advantage of the said ethical practices. following are the objectives of the study.

  • What are the main challenges that are faced in the academic sports activities?
  • What are the main academic sports activities?
  • What are the main ethical practices that are followed in academic sports activities?

What are the advantages of the ethical practices followed in academic activities?

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study will be around in finding the basis of how a new policy is usually made. The study will aim to understand the process of how a perfect practice for making a suitable policy is selected for the sports management activities. The study will first aim to understand how the best policy is selected among the practices available for general activities and then the study will aim to focus on finding the practice selection method for making a new policy specifically for the sports management activities. The study will not be random and will be done on a specific region, so for the current study the main region that will be targeted will be the sports management activities of the USA. Following are the main objectives of the study.

  • What is the policy making procedure followed for sports management activities?
  • How are the best practices chosen for sports management activities?
  • What is the policy making process followed for sports management activities in the USA?

Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study is to find how the green practices can be incorporated into the sports management activities. The research will aim not understand exactly how will green practices be implemented in the sports management and what will be the short term and long-term effects on the sport management activities as a result of the addition of green practices. The research will then aim to understand and conclude whether the use of green practices will help in sports management or not. The study will then aim to focus on the contribution that sportsperson make on the industry and how much influence they hold. The study will then list and then analyze the various methods that sportspersons can use to make sure that the people will start to use green practices in sports management. Following are the main objectives of the study.

  • How will green practice be implemented in the sports industry?
  • What will the implementation of green practices change the sports industry?
  • How can sportsperson influence in the adoption of green practices in the sports industry?

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Corporate Social Responsibility in Sports Organizations

  • First Online: 01 August 2018

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dissertation topics in sports management

  • Massimo Valeri 4  

Part of the book series: CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance ((CSEG))

1596 Accesses

1 Citations

This chapter examines the social responsibility policies implemented by the most significant international and Italian sports organizations. The IOC is initially considered. The highest sports organization in the world has intervened on sustainability since 1992 with the signing of the “Earth Pledge”, which explicitly took into account the indications that had emerged from the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, to continue in the next 25 years with the promotion of important initiatives (first of all, the evaluation of the impact of the Olympic Games) and with the publication of fundamental documents (from the Olympic Movement’s Agenda 21 in 1999 to the recent Olympic Agenda 2020 and the IOC’s Sustainability Strategy 2016). Similarly FIFA, the most important of the international federations, has committed itself to the issue of sustainability. The initiatives in this area of both organizations mentioned are examined in the first part of the chapter, pointing out also the many critical issues that emerged in their work. After, with the same approach, the cases of Italian sports federations and, in particular, of CONI and FIPAV are analyzed. Finally, the last part deals with CSR policies in the professional sports world. In particular, two top football clubs (Manchester United and Juventus FC) are examined. Although they adopt different approaches in the social responsibility strategy, they constitute two best practices in the sector.

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In that regard, Smith & Westerbeek refer to the social responsibilities held by the managers of sport in discharging their obligations to players, spectators, governing bodies and other stakeholders.

See also: Davies, R. (2002). Sport, Citizenship and Development: Challenges and Opportunities for Sports Sponsors, World Sports Forum , Lausanne, 23 September 2002 and Smith, A., & Westerbeek, H. M. (2004) The Sport Business Future (London: Palgrave Macmillan).

This explanation for the substitution of the words “social responsibility” results from the interviews conducted in a recent Social Responsibility Research in IOC (Bayle 2015 ). The article reviews the literature on organizational social responsibility (OSR) and the relationship between sport/olympism and OSR in order to examine the conditions governing the implementation and success of the International Olympic Committee’s strategic vision.

On Olympic Agenda 2020, see paragraph 2.2 of this chapter.

“The IOC and the Olympic Movement hold a monopoly on a worldwide “public good” known as Olympism, […] However, there are still no real international checks and balances on the governance of the IOC or the IFs within an Olympic System […]. Given the growing financial importance of the Olympic phenomenon and the Olympic Games, improper conduct, including poor governance, corruption, worship of mammon, doping and the use of sport to further geopolitical or economic aims, has the potential to severely damage the reputations of the IOC and organizations belonging to the Olympic System”. See Bayle ( 2015 ).

For more details on IOC’s initiatives on Sustainable Development, see International Olympic Committee IOC ( 2013 ). Sustainability through sport. Implementing The Olympic Movement’s Agenda 21 - 2012 .

The Centennial Olympic Congress, Congress of Unity, held in Paris in 1994, dedicated a whole session to the relation which exists between sport and the environment.

The Commission’s recommendations and actions regarding sport and the environment refer to the following list of priority issues: (1) Enlargement of the environmental concern to all the Olympic Movement; (2) Guidelines and minimum requirements in organizing any sport events; (3) Educational material with reference to the environmental protection in the sport events; (4) Conferences and Seminars on sport and the environment; (5) National Clean-Up Day; (6) Cooperation with other organizations on these topics; (7) Promotion of national and international athletes as environmental ambassadors; (8) Cooperation with media to support public awareness on sport and environment.

The Olympic Charter is the codification of the fundamental principles of Olympism, and the rules and bye-laws adopted by the International Olympic Committee. It governs the organisation, actions and functioning of the Olympic Movement and establishes the conditions for the celebration of the Olympic Games. Among other things, it establishes the relations between the International Federations, National Olympic Committees and the Olympic Movement.

In particular, the second principle states that “the goal of Olympism is to place sport at the service of the harmonious development of humankind, with a view to promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity”. With reference to the sixth principle, it says “the enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Olympic Charter shall be secured without discrimination of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status”.

The members of the Olympic Movement are represented by athletes, the IOC itself, the International Federations, the National Olympic Committees and the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, clubs, coaches and all subjects who are interested in sport.

For more information on the impact assessment of major international sports events, see: Furrer, P. (2002). Giochi Olimpici sostenibili: utopia o realtà? Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana , serie XII, volume VII, 4; García, b. (2003). Securing sustainable legacies through cultural programming in sporting events. In the legacy of the Olympic Games: 1984-2000. In International Symposium , November 2002, By De Maroaga, M., Kennett, C., & Puig N. (Eds.). Lausanne, Switzerland: International Olympic Committee Olympic Studies Centre and the Olympic Studies Centre of the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Lenskyj H. J., (2002). The Best Olympics Ever? Social Impacts of Sydney 2000 , New York: State University of New York Press; Misener, L., & Mason, D.S. ( 2006 ) Creating Community Networks: Can Sporting Events Offer Meaningful Sources of Social Capital? Managing Leisure 11(1): 39–56; Ohmann, S., Jones, I., & Wilkes, K. (2006). The Perceived Social Impacts of the 2006 Football World Cup on Munich Residents. Journal of Sport and Tourism , 11(2): 129–152; Preuss, H. (2004). The Economics of Staging the Olympics, Northampton, Massachusetts: Edward Elgar Publishing Inc.; PricewaterhouseCoopers, ( 2007 ). Olympic Games Impact Study. London , England: Department of Culture, Media and Sport; Ritchie, J. R. B., & Lyons, M. (1990). Olympulse VI: A Post-Event Assessment of Resident Reaction to the XV Olympic Winter Games. Journal of Travel Research , 14–23; Ritchie, J. R. B. & Smith, B. H. (1991). The Impact of a Mega-Event on Host Region Awareness: a Longitudinal Study. Journal of Travel Research , 3–10; Vanclay, F. (2002). Conceptualising social impacts. Environmental Impact Assessment Review , 22: 183–211; Wamsley, K. B., & Heine, M. K. (1996). Tradition, Modernity, and the Construction of Civic Identify: The Calgary Olympics. Olympika: The International Journal of Olympic Studies V , 81–90.

Reference is made to the IOC’s contributions to support the operational costs of the event resulting from the sale of television rights and sponsor funding.

The increase in the number of tourists and income from medium-term management of new sports facilities, new or renovated hotel facilities etc.

From the stimulus to the exploitation of organizational skills and abilities, design and implementation in the host community to the spread of sporting practice at all levels of the host population (Furrer 2002 ). On social impacts, human experiences and answers to the outcomes of the games, see Vanclay ( 2002 ).

The main psychological benefit is the spread of a sense of enthusiasm and pride among the local population, see Lenskyj ( 2002 ).

Think of the legitimacy of the organizing country on the international scene, especially when it comes to adopting virtuous practices in tendering procedures in major infrastructure projects, in the application of laws and regulations, in the creation of new environmental management and evaluation systems and so on.

The adoption of high environmental standards in the construction industry, the use of renewable energy sources, the development of cleaner technology innovations, the improvement of drinking and discharging water management, the adoption of new systems of waste management and the investment in environmental education programs.

The expensive and partially unused “white elephants” (Furrer 2002 ).

What happened at the recent Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro is emblematic.

“These indicators were selected using a successive refinement method that included four selection stages that begin broadly and gradually narrowed the list of indicators. The first stage recognized the three categories of indicators, environmental, socio-cultural and economic, in accordance with the three dimensions of the Sustainability Venn diagram. During the second stage, “T systems” for each of the sustainability dimensions were defined. For example, real, monetary and trade systems are located in the economic dimension. During the third stage, a number of different fields for each of the different systems was defined. For example, tourism, employment and private business field are included in the real system. During the fourth stage, indicators were identified within each field. For example, the employment field contains indicators addressing jobs created in Olympic-related activities, employment indicators, etc.” See (The) OGI-UBC Research Team ( 2009 , December 1). Olympic Games Impact (OGI) Study for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Pre - Games Technical Report , The University British Columbia, p. 6.

The entire OGI study has a time frame of at least eleven years, starting from when a city’s official candidacy for hosting an edition of the Olympic Games is announced by the country’s National Olympic Committee (NOC) and ending two years after the staging of the event (OGI-UBC Research Team 2009 , pp. 4–5). See also Preuss, H. (2007). The Conceptualization and Measurement of Mega Sport Event Legacies. Journal of Sport and Tourism , 12(3): 207–228.

On Olympic Agenda 2020, see next paragraph.

The Candidature Process for the Olympic Games 2024 is the first process that is fully guided by Olympic Agenda 2020.

IOC President Thomas Bach on the IOC Sustainability Strategy, December 2016.

The consultation process was established and conducted by the IOC Sustainability and Legacy Commission with the objective to be as inclusive as possible and to identify material sustainability topics and future ambitions. The stakeholders engaged were: (1) the IOC at large (covering Lausanne and Madrid operations); (2) the 35 Olympic International Federations (IFs); (3) a sample of National Olympic Committees (NOCs) representing different regions of the world; (4) the Organizing Committees of the Olympic Games (OCOGs) and the 2024 candidate cities; (5) two-thirds of TOP partners; (6) over 25 international organizations and sustainability experts representing a variety of interests and viewpoints.

See previous paragraph.

FIFA, under the long presidency of Sepp Blatter, was accused of increasing the number of affiliated national associations in order to obtain more votes in support of the government bodies’ decisions and, above all, in view of the re-election of the President in office. This is owed to the fact that the votes of the smallest national federations have the same weight as those of the largest federations.

Under the IFRS 15 standard, FIFA recognized annual revenue of USD 544 million and USD 502 million for 2015 and 2016 respectively and expects USD 614 million and USD 3,996 million for 2017 and 2018 respectively. This pattern of recognized revenue more accurately reflects the reality that FIFA’s flagship events will be delivered over the latter two years of the cycle: the FIFA Confederations Cup in 2017 and the FIFA World Cup™ in Russia in 2018. FIFA 2017, Financial Report 2016 , p. 22.

In its pre-World Cup expansion of São Paulo airport, building giant OAS was accused by the Brazil's Labor Ministry of forcing 111 workers to live in “slave-like” conditions and making each worker pay $250 to secure a job. Equally, these companies have been blamed for government evictions of poor people to make way for the stadiums. “In 2011, Raquel Rolnik, UN special rapporteur for housing, revealed a pattern of lack of transparency, consultation, dialogue, fair negotiation … concerning evictions … for the World Cup and the Olympics”. She and many Brazilian organizations, such as the World Cup People's Committees and Conectas, have spoken of the resulting homelessness and lack of adequate compensation, especially given the increased value of real estate in these locations. Bloomer, P. & Mello Neiva, J. (2014, 13 June). Brazil World Cup: FIFA and business miss an open goal for human rights. The Guardian .

This compares unfavorably with the London Olympics, where not a single worker died, but is far better than the Qatar World Cup which is on course for the death of at least 4,000 migrant workers by the time the tournament starts, according to The International Trade Union Confederation.

After numerous deaths in football stadiums, Brazil passed a law in 2003 outlawing alcohol sales in stadiums. FIFA demanded that Brazil allow alcohol sales at the World Cup because Budweiser, a major World Cup sponsor, was the “Official Beer of the FIFA World Cup”, a role it had played since 1986. In response, Brazil passed a law paving the way for alcohol sales in the World Cup, nicknamed the “Budweiser Bill”.

See paragraph 2 of this chapter.

In an interview published on 7 June 2015, Domenico Scala, the head of FIFA’s Audit and Compliance Committee, stated that “should there be evidence that the awards to Qatar and Russia came only because of bought votes, then the awards could be cancelled”. Gibson, O. (2015, June 7). Russia and Qatar may lose World Cups if evidence of bribery is found. The Guardian .

“The new head of world football has been caught up in the sport’s corruption scandal because of documents that have been revealed by the Panama Papersleak […] (They) raise questions about the role FIFA’s president, Gianni Infantino, played in deals that were concluded when he was director of legal services at UEFA, European football’s governing body”. Gibson O. (2016, April 6). Panama Papers: Fifa president Gianni Infantino pulled into corruption scandal. The Guardian . . . . .

With reference to FIFA World Cup in Russia in 2018, see FIFA ( 2015a ). Sustainability Strategy 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia™ , Zurich, Switzerland.

With reference to FIFA World Cup in Brazil in 2014, see FIFA ( 2015b ). Sustainability Report 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™ , Switzerland.

Coni Servizi S.p.A. is a private legal entity established by the Ministry of Economics and Finance (under Law No. 178 of 2002) to support CONI in the management and development of its key assets and resources. While CONI maintained its institutional responsibilities and representation bodies, the Company was entrusted with the conduct of all operational activities required to pursue CONI’s institutional goals. In this connection, CONI’s assets were assigned entirely to Coni Servizi, including the transfer of all personnel, accounts payable and receivable and title to CONI’s assets. Furthermore, it was arranged that dealings between the two entities would be governed by an annual “service agreement”.

President’s letter in CONI 2016, Sustainability Report 2015, Rome, p. 4.

CONI’s mission is guided by both its by-laws and the Olympic Charter (adopted by the IOC), setting forth the mission that all National Olympic Committees must pursue. According to the by-laws, CONI’s mission is to govern, regulate and manage sports activities across the national territory, such activities being considered an essential part of an individual’s physical and moral background as well as an integral part of the country’s education and culture (Article 1 of CONI’s by-laws). The mission laid down in the Olympic Charter (as recently amended in August 2015) states: “The mission of the National Olympic Committees is to develop and protect the Olympic Movement in accordance with the Olympic Charter”.

For in-depth information on the framework of the social report for the National Sports Federations see Chap. 6 .

More in detail, the values promoted by FIPAV through the programs and projects implemented each year are: sustainability, credibility, loyalty, solidarity, equality, integrity, respect, consistency, fair play, professionalism, competitiveness, education, fidelity and passion.

See Chap. 2 , par 2.1.4.

The answers given to the self-assessment questionnaire are measured on a scale of 0–100. This scale determines the  “benevolence” expressed by respondents on the social responsibility activities carried out by the organization. Each answer is pondered by a weighing system that allows the value interpretation of the answers given so that it can describe the positioning in terms of social responsibility. This weighing system is made up of objective weights and subjective weights: the former highlighting the degree of interdependence of the fundamental aspects, the latter explaining the strategic nature perceived by the organization.

A further processing of the data is represented by the comparison of the actual results with those of maximum realization both for specific aspects and for the fundamental themes, the latter for the medium term. In this manner, interesting information was obtained on the approach path to sustainability of FIPAV.

The cutoff to qualify among the world's most valuable sports franchises is higher than ever, up 18% the last year to $1.75 billion. There are 36 franchises worth at least $1 billion that did not make the top 50.

Babiak and Wolfe examined the drivers of CSR and socially responsible actions of professional sport teams. Their results revealed that external determinants (interpreted as strategic responses to institutional pressures, such as key constituents, interconnectedness, and league pressures) were more important to driving CSR initiatives than internal drivers (interpreted as a resource based view of the firm, including athletes, coaches, and facilities). See Babiak and Wolfe ( 2009 ).

ISO 14001 is an environmental management standard (SGA) that sets out the requirements of an “environmental management system” of any organization and is part of the ISO 14000 series developed by ISO/TC 207. The standard can be used for certification, for self-declaration or as a guideline for establishing, implementing and improving an environmental management system. As ISO 14001 reaches its third edition of 2015, it is explicitly inspired by the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, also referred to as the Deming Cycle by the name of its creator William Edwards Deming. .

Actually, for President Andrea Agnelli the inhibition has meant that Juventus cannot represent “in activities relevant to the national and international sporting order”. He cannot even enter the locker room at matches, not even in neighboring rooms, nor in the friendly arrangements organized by the FIGC. Finally, the President cannot attend meetings with FIGCs, i.e. with football players playing in Italy, or with football agents. The National Federal Tribunal has ruled that he may remain president of the European Club Association (ECA), an organization representing European football clubs, charged for which he was elected at the beginning of September 2017. He may continue to do so part of FIFA’s executive. Along with Agnelli, managers Calvo, Merulla and D’Angelo were also sentenced: all 20,000€ fine, the first two to one year of inhibition, the third to a year and three months. Juventus was then fined for 300,000€. See Di Nolfi, S. (2017). Per cosa è stato condannato Andrea Agnelli. Il Post , September 26.

The judgment of the National Federal Court of FIGC found that Juventus had relations with the ultras groups, selling them tickets “beyond the normative limit”, that is, four per person. According to the ruling, this behavior of Juventus has been going on for at least five seasons (between 2011/2012 and 2015/2016), and was part of a company's strategy to “relieve rappers with the ultras and sweeten any comparison with the Club, to the point of favoring concretely and expressly the continuing requests for facilitations so as to make it possible to come to terms without bothering the susceptibility of the supporters, whose plight would have brought fines and penalties to Juventus”. This behavior violates Article 12 of the Code of Sporting Justice, which states that it is forbidden for companies to “contribute, by financial or other means of action, to the establishment and maintenance of groups, organized and not, of their own supporters, provided for by current state law”. Ibidem.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is the international organization that since its founding in the United Nations in 1945 is a reference point for promoting the value of culture and sport as a motor for achieving peace. The collaboration between Juventus and UNESCO was formally established on May 29, 2014, when Andrea Agnelli (President of Juventus FC) and Irina Bokova (UNESCO Director-General) signed the agreement.

With reference to the ethics of professional sports players, see Whysall, P. (2014). Reflections on ethics, sport and the consequences of professionalization. Business Ethics: A European Review , Volume 23 Number 4, October, 416–429.

During the football World Cup of 2010, the ethicist Peter Singer wrote a newspaper article entitled “The German keeper had a rare chance to be noble”. Singer argued that Manuel Neuer, goalkeeper of the German national team, could have corrected a mistake whereby a legitimate England goal had been scored but the officials were unaware the ball had crossed the line. Neuer knew the ball had crossed the line, but he thought just the way he “carried on so quickly fooled the referee into thinking it was not over”, as Neuer himself admitted. Singer contended: “Players should not be exempt from ethical criticism for what they do on the field, any more than they are exempt from ethical criticism for cheating off the field, for example by taking performance-enhancing drugs … Neuer missed a rare opportunity to do something noble”. For Singer, professional sport, even at the most competitive levels, should be subject to ethical scrutiny and cannot be excused as “just a game”. Singer, P. (2010). The German keeper had a rare chance to be noble. The Guardian , 29 June, p. 31.

The Juventus Training Center (JTC) (the Club’s Sports Center) was inaugurated on July 15, 2006 and is considered one of the most modern in the world.

With the construction of the Juventus Stadium, Juventus FC was the first major Italian football club to equip itself with a stadium of ownership. Currently there are only 4 Serie A clubs to have their own stadiums: Juventus, Udinese, Sassuolo and Atalanta. The importance of owning a stadium is evident as it is a significant asset and a tool for achieving significant revenue.

Juventus has promoted the recovery of a highly degraded area of the city that takes its name from the ancient “Continassa” farmhouse dating back to the early 1700s. The “J Village” will be located in this area and will host six settlements: the “JTC” (Juventus Training Center), the new training center of the First Team, where the Media Center will also be located; the new Juventus headquarters that will bring the Continassa farm back to life; the “J Hotel”; the “ISE International School”, a property intended for entertainment, catering and commercial activities. Completing the settlement is a Power Technological Power Plant and urbanization works in the service area.

In order to further knowledge of, monitor and improve energy efficiency, Juventus has commissioned Normatempo Italia to carry out an Energy Diagnosis at the JTC of Vinovo and Juventus Stadium sites, anticipating the extension to future Juventus J Village facilities. The energy audit is a useful tool to adequately gauge the energy consumption profile of a building or group of buildings and to identify and quantify cost-effective energy saving opportunities.

In the Juventus FC sustainability report, it is possible to evaluate the performance achieved in the medium term as data for the last three years is generally reported for each quantitative aspect analyzed.

Amnesty International. (2006). Briefing on human rights concerns in China , EU-China Summit, 9 September, London.

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Department of Movement Sciences and Wellbeing, University of Naples Parthenope, Naples, Italy

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Valeri, M. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility in Sports Organizations. In: Corporate Social Responsibility and Reporting in Sports Organizations. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance. Springer, Cham.

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Published : 01 August 2018

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What Is Sport Management? Degrees, Specializations And Careers

Cecilia Seiter

Updated: Dec 19, 2023, 11:29am

What Is Sport Management? Degrees, Specializations And Careers

If you enjoy playing or coaching recreational sports, you may be considering a career in sport management. After all, the field is diverse and can be highly lucrative. But what is sport management, exactly? Keep reading to learn more about this multidisciplinary business field.

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What Is Sport Management?

Sport management refers to the management of various business functions in sports and recreation organizations. Depending on their specific job title, sport management professionals might plan, direct, organize or budget within a sports-related organization.

Getting a job in sport management doesn’t necessarily mean signing on with a professional athletic league. Sports and recreational organizations, like college teams, stadiums, sports media firms and the Paralympics employ people with sport management skills.

A sport management professional typically has a bachelor’s degree at minimum. Leadership positions in sports and recreation usually require at least a bachelor of business administration.

Sport Management Degrees

Bachelor of science in sport management.

An undergraduate sport management degree prepares students for entry-level positions in the industry. Some start with a four-year undergraduate program at a college or university. Others begin by completing a two-year associate degree at a community college before transferring to a four-year university.

Expect to cover a variety of topics related to business management in undergraduate sport management courses. You might study brand management, event planning, facility management and legal aspects of sports and athletics. A BS in sport management equips students to work in facility management or sporting goods sales. Such entry-level positions often serve as a springboard to more advanced career paths.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Sport Management

If you’re interested in sports leadership positions, consider pursuing a bachelor of business administration (BBA). This degree involves a business-intensive curriculum featuring management, finance, accounting and marketing courses.

BBA programs usually take three to four years to complete. Potential careers for BBA graduates include sport manager , athletic director, general manager, sports advertising sales manager and parks and recreation director.

MBA in Sport Management

MBA in sport management programs sharpen your business management skills through the lens of the sports and recreation industry. These degrees typically take two years to complete. Core coursework includes business-centric topics like finance, marketing, accounting, statistics and operations.

Sport management MBA programs offer a variety of industry-specific electives. These may include classes like coaching, sports media, sport psychology and international sports relations. Many programs also include internship opportunities for students to gain hands-on experience with athletic organizations.

Earning an MBA can open the door to higher-paying jobs in larger sports organizations. Sport management MBA graduates often find jobs with professional athletic leagues or sports marketing firms.

Ph.D. in Sport Management

If you’re interested in academia, consider pursuing a Ph.D. in sport management. People with sport management doctoral degrees often go on to launch careers as professors, researchers, urban developers and economists in the context of sports and recreation.

As a sport management Ph.D. candidate, you’ll develop an original doctoral dissertation. Throughout the program, you’ll generate research ideas, conduct relevant research and take supplemental coursework. Most Ph.D. candidates also serve as graduate student research assistants, providing professors with grading and instruction support.

During a doctoral program, your research could examine the intersection of sports and gender, for example. Other possible research areas include sports and their social impact or sports industry economics. Students are encouraged and expected to generate their own research ideas for original thesis development.

Sport Management Concentrations

Because sport management is a multidisciplinary field, many students pursue concentrations to deepen their expertise in a specific subtopic. If you’re inclined toward a certain aspect of the industry, consider finding a program that offers a concentration in that particular field. Below are a few examples of popular sport management concentrations.

The world of professional, amateur and recreational sports have many legal considerations. Sports lawyers help athletes, coaches, managers and organizations navigate those laws and, when possible, avoid costly litigation.

Some of the most common areas of sports law include:

  • Contract law. This area governs the contracts made between athletes, coaches and their respective teams. These contracts are most common in professional athletic leagues and involve millions of dollars. Sports lawyers draft these contracts and aid in their negotiation.
  • Trademark law. Sports teams are identified by their names, logos and sometimes slogans. Those assets need to be trademarked for teams to maintain rights and control over them. In this case, sports lawyers help teams file their trademarks and enforce the terms in the event of trademark violations.
  • Personal injury law. Athletes are prone to injury, both on and off the field. If an athlete (or another plaintiff, like a coach or spectator) files a legal claim after an injury, personal injury lawyers step in to facilitate the claims process. Furthermore, venues that host sporting events must ensure the space is safe to avoid personal injury liability. Personal injury law comes into play if a fan gets injured at a game due to neglected facility maintenance.

Sports Media

Sports media refers to the broadcast and reporting of sporting events, teams and sports news. Jobs in the sports media field include print journalism, photography, broadcast reporting (TV and radio), sports information analysis and program production. Major employers in the sports media arena include the MLB Network , ESPN and NBC Sports Regional Networks .

Event Management

Sports event management involves planning, coordinating, organizing and leading events for sports organizations. Putting on sporting events at every level requires attention to detail and quick decision-making skills. Among other key responsibilities, event managers must manage budgets, negotiate with vendors and coordinate day-of logistics.

Careers in Sport Management

Below we explore some popular sport management careers . We sourced salary data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and Payscale .

Athletic Director

Average Annual Salary: Around $66,000 Job Description: Athletic directors liaise among schools’ athletes, coaches and academic departments. These professionals oversee the goals, budgets and operations of schools’ athletic departments. They also help hire coaching staff, maintain facilities and promote athletic programs.

Facilities Director

Median Annual Salary: $99,030 Projected Job Growth (2022–2032): +5% Job Description: Facilities directors are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of athletic facilities. They ensure the safety of all those playing on the field, court or other playing surfaces. Facilities directors should hold a postsecondary degree in sport management and be trained in CPR and first aid.

Marketing Manager

Median Annual Salary: $140,040 Projected Job Growth (2022–2032): +7% Job Description: Sports marketing managers employ sales and marketing tactics to promote sports teams and their related organizations. They might also promote individual high-profile athletes.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sport Management

Is sport management in demand.

Considering that ​​75% of Americans consider themselves sports fans, the sports industry is enjoying a positive growth outlook. As a result, growth rates for jobs including coaches, scouts, agents and business managers are on the rise.

What does a person with a sport management degree do?

Sport management degree-holders typically have various career options. Some might work directly with athletes as coaches, athletic directors or facilities directors. Others go the corporate route and become marketers, lawyers, data analysts or sports reporters.

What jobs are the highest paid in sport management?

Marketing managers have one of the highest-paying positions in the sport management industry, with the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting a median annual salary of $140,040 across sectors.

Is it hard to get a job in sport management?

Yes, especially for those lacking the proper education or industry connections. Holding a degree in sport management gives you a higher chance of standing out against the competition and creating a lucrative career in the industry.

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Cecilia is a freelance writer, content marketing strategist and author covering education, technology and energy. She is a current contributor to the Forbes Advisor education vertical and holds a summa cum laude journalism degree from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo.

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State And Prospects Of Sports Management Development In Russia

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There are about 5 thousand sports organizations in Russia, and more than 3 million people are constantly engaged in sport activities. Sports and physical culture are most developed in such Federal districts of the Russian Federation as the Central and Volga regions. In Russia, there is a change in the structure of sports and physical culture management, its constituent elements and the relationships between them, from a system of full state care to a commercial, highly risky business. In this regard the commercial component had a fairly negative impact on the state of sports and physical culture since the most financially secured structures simply buy up the most promising personnel, which leads to the expected results, the entertainment and competition are lost. Domestic Championships almost do not have their own audience, and the sport does not get additional investment from sponsors. The commercial side of sports and physical education is actively developing in the country. Moreover, the impetus for the accelerated transfer of state powers to private structures and the development of commercial sports, especially in the sport of records, was the accusation of the Russian Federation in 2015 of using administrative resources in the preparation of athletes participating in international competitions. It is well known that athletes, winning competitions, perform not only sporting but also a political mission, demonstrating the abilities of the nation. Hence, there is a close connection between politics and sports.

Keywords: The sport of records , management , country image


In the Russian Federation, interest in sports, health and fitness movement is constantly growing, the structure of its management and the organization forms of sports institutions are being transformed.

In Soviet times the entire sports system was built on the state basis. In Russia, for a long time, sport was considered as a spectacle, not as a business. The sports industry covered exclusively the sporting goods market.

However, the development of market relations is beginning to move forward in the sports sector, which is already positioned as a complex relationship within the framework of sports events, management of sports organizations, providing sports and health services to the population, funding and sponsorship providing, training in the field of sports and physical culture, research organization, sports psychology and pharmacology.

The transformation of Russian sports was carried out in 3 stages: during the collapse of the country, Soviet / Russian "stars" (athletes and coaches) were lured to foreign clubs; in the second stage, domestic private sports clubs and public associations were created, foreign players and coaches were acquired that could attract the public, state corporations invested in foreign football, basketball and other clubs to gain experience in self-financing; the third stage was marked by the exit of the state from direct sports management and the creation of modern sports management ( Giovanni, 2017 ).

Problem Statement

The main problem in Russia is an acute shortage of professional sports managers, including during major sports competitions and the theoretical and methodological basis for their training, a significant shift in management towards the financial rather than sports side of the functioning of organizations.

Combined, the accumulated problems have clearly to be addressed and overcome.

Research Questions

Currently according to the Ministry of Sport of the Russian Federation, the situation in sports and physical culture in the country is characterized by the following indicators (table 01).

Currently, Federal authorities in the field of physical culture and sports are engaged in methodological, protectionist, partially material support, local and regional authorities organize training, competitions, training camps, provide: planning and implementation of relevant sports processes, centralized funding, accreditation of individual sports, licensing of sports education, awarding, etc. Territorial governing bodies prepare a sports reserve, create a scientific and educational base for training sports personnel.

Some regions are characterized by a high level of training and professional athletes. In Smolensk, the regional center of the Smolensk region, there is the Smolensk state Academy of physical culture, sports and tourism, among its graduates there are more than 16,000 specialists, more than 600 masters of sports, including masters of international class in 40 Olympic sports. In 2016 Smolensk students won 9 awards, including 3 of the highest order, at the last summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Indicators of the situation in sports and physical culture in the region are presented in table 02.

From the system of state management of sports and physical culture in the form of public organizations were allocated all-Russian sports federations -commercial sports (leagues) and non-profit, now there are 114 of them in total.

Federations are engaged in the development and promotion of their sports, participate in the preparation of sports teams in the framework of a unified calendar of interregional, all-Russian and international physical culture and sports events, have the right to cover the games of the regular season of the country, receive income from the sale of broadcasting rights, from creating comfortable conditions at stadiums, advertising, sponsorship and licensing activities, introduce ticket programs, conduct sports lotteries and sweepstakes. Moreover, an important source of leagues funding is funding from international federations. Federations enter into contracts to acquire the status of official suppliers of products and services, and clubs are required to purchase and use these products, as well as the Federation has the status of an official informant of the championship ( Aznabayev & Madyarova, 2018 ).

Sports clubs are public associations that are created for one or more sports. In Russia, there are amateur sports clubs and commercial clubs. For the first clubs, sources of funding are membership fees or funding by the management of the educational institution, for the second - the sale of broadcasting rights, paraphernalia, advertising revenue, from sponsors and other activities.

Dmitriev and Romannikov ( 2010 ) distinguish the following specialization in the world football clubs:

  • Closed-type (Asia-Pacific continent), where the departure of players is almost impossible.
  • Producers (Latin America), upbringing of a player up to 18 and selling him.
  • Speculators (Eastern and Western Europe, including Russia), buying young players, resale to leading Western clubs.
  • Consumers (England, Spain, Italy) buy players from consumers, speculators, and producers.
  • Aging leagues (USA, Qatar, UAE), buying aging stars from consumers (Elmazi, 2018).

In our country, only sponsors of state-owned companies that invest huge funds in clubs compete. But in the world, the activity of clubs is effective, where an important source of income is a transfer of an athlete from one team to another on mutually beneficial terms. The formed transfer market gives an incentive to the athlete to work most intensively for his team, which in the future gives him the right to get a more profitable contract. During the playing period for the team, he signs a personal contract, which specifies the term, salary, bonuses, and responsibilities of the parties.

Athletes are divided into "stars", "planets", "satellites", "asteroids", "dwarfs" and "aging stars". The price of an athlete in the transfer market depends on which group they fall into. Also, there is a well-established scouting system for finding the most promising players, even at the stage of junior competitions, as the audience attends the games to see the work of the "stars".

The loss of the championship on the world sports field reflects image decline of the country. The decline in competition in the 1990s after the sporting failure of the Russian Federation led to a rise in sports commercialization on the international stage, which is especially evident in the example of the Olympic movement. But in recent years, with the return of Russia, as one of the leaders of the world sports space, active work began to eliminate a competitor, or rather, there is a struggle for the distribution of the finances of the world sports pie.

New sports were added to the Olympic list (Curling, beach volleyball, etc.), and the rules of judging (figure skating) were changed. Since November 2015, athletes of the all-Russian athletics Federation were excluded from participation in competitions under the authority of the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF). In the same year, Russia was charged with an "institutional conspiracy" by the head of the WADA independent commission, Richard McLaren, where it was alleged that the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation, the Federal Centre for Training National Teams and the Federal Security Service were involved in the "doping program" in Russian sports ( Domenko, 2018 ).

To protect domestic sports, the Russian team was immediately re-branded, presented as an integral part of the sports business, where not countries but athletes, clubs and federations compete to achieve maximum benefits and success. Russian athletes were allowed to compete under a neutral flag, but if they won, the state paid them all the promised bonuses.

However, on 09.12.2019, the WADA Executive Committee deprived the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA) of compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code. This situation leads to the disqualification of Russian athletes for 4 years from participation in major international competitions, including the Olympic games ( Kelarev et al., 2019 ).

In May 2020 State Duma Chairman of the Committee on Physical Culture, Sport, Tourism and Youth Affairs stressed that the state will leave the sphere of professional sports, strengthening its work in the branches of youth and mass sports.

Moreover, in the context of the pandemic, it was agreed to suspend the Championships of professional leagues in football, hockey, and basketball with clubs and team coaches, despite large commercial losses and image risks. But the state focused on the social sphere, on the work of sports schools, budget organizations, and the training of national team athletes.

Until 2012, it was forbidden to privatize state-owned sports facilities in the Russian Federation. However, the Federal Law "On the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" was adopted, which allows, through the transformation of federal sports facilities into joint-stock companies with 100% state ownership and their transfer to this corporation, to carry out privatization while maintaining the purpose of sports facilities.

As part of the possible mass privatization of state and municipal sports facilities in the Russian Federation, there is something worth fighting for table 3.

Purpose of the Study

Assess the state of physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation and make recommendations for the development of sports management.

Research Methods

The methodological basis of the work is a competency-based approach, a system approach, terminological approach, comprehensive communication and development, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.

In the context of the commercial part development of sports and physical culture, there is an increasing need for educating professional managers in the field of the sports industry able to make decisions, be responsible, competently manage investments, and attract sponsorship.

It is necessary to create mutually beneficial conditions for the relationship between the manager representing the federation, league, club or athlete and business (when creating a “sports competition” product that would meet the expectations of the sponsor/business partner: advertising that increases awareness of the company and the flow of customers, and also attracts partners in a commercial environment and tax remissions from regional authorities and local governments in the framework of mutual public-private partnership), as well as between a manager and an athlete ( Guta, 2019 ).

The performance quality of a sports manager depends on the selection of team members. In the work of a sports manager are used: planning – projects within existing resources, prospects, sales markets, organization – supply and formation of optimal training and team composition, motivation – material and moral encouragement, stimulation to increase the intensity of work, control and accounting –implementation of the plan for providing sports services, coordination - ensuring interaction within the sports organization and with consumers of sports services, creating a stable communication in the management system.

First of all, in our opinion, the urgent tasks to improve sports management in the country have become:

1. changing the parasitic psychology of federations and clubs, providing income-earning opportunities;

2. the state and state corporations must fully take over the financing and guardianship of children and youth sports. This will encourage sponsors to further promote young athletes to professional sports, rather than buying young foreign legionnaires to train them for European clubs;

3. to reduce the use of foreign coaches and athletes, training their own, responsible for the result that raises the prestige of the country;

4. to strengthen the work on training sports managers, to provide them with the necessary theoretical and methodological base, internships in leading clubs and federations, including foreign Russian state-owned companies;

5. creation of a linear staff management system in professional sports: organization of professional personnel staff for the training and protection of the rights of each athlete of the Federation, competing in international championships (lawyers, coaches, financiers, psychologists, medical staff);

6. turning competitions and national championships into a spectacular event, broadcasting on TV channels, raising the prestige of domestic sports, especially regional ones;

7. stop the practice of representing several regions at competitions by an athlete, which increases his income, but reduces the pride of his countrymen.

Aznabayev, O. F., & Madyarova, V. E. (2018). Sport management and Economics of professional sports. Problems and prospects of development of physical culture and sport in educational institutions. Coll. of mat. of the IV all-Russ. Sci. and pract. Conf., 247–248.

Dmitriev, A., & Romannikov, A. (2010). Classification of the players and the definition of criteria the commission of transfer of professional football clubs. Transport business in Russia, 94–97.

Domenko, Y. N. (2018). Sports management as a significant factor in the sports industry. In Modern aspects of training and professional activity of a sports manager. Mater. of the all-Russ. Sci. and pract. Conf. with int. participation (pp. 146–150). Moscow State Acad. of Phys. Ed.

Elmazi, R. (2018). Evaluating Challenges and Opportunities in the Development and Management of Physical Activity in Albania to Increase the Involvement of the Population in it. Europ. J. of Multidisciplinary Stud. Articles, Europ. Center for Sci. Ed. and Res., 3.

Giovanni, P. (2017). The Football Team Composition Problem: a Stochastic Programming approach. J. of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, De Gruyter, 13(3), 113–129.

Guta, E. L. (2019). Importance in The Organization Of Controlling In Sports Management. Annals – Econ. Ser., Constantin Brancusi Univer., Faculty of Econ., 6, 319–324.

Kelarev, V., Lesnikova, G., & Sein, S. (2019). Main Directions For Improving Government Management Of Physical Culture And Sports Development. State and Municipal Management Scholar Notes, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, 1, 227–235.

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Science, philosophy, academic community, scientific progress, education, methodology of science, academic communication

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Sapozhnikova, S. M., Grets, G. N., Kuptsova, V. V., Titov, I. M., Reichert, N. V., & Lapshova, O. A. (2021). State And Prospects Of Sports Management Development In Russia. In D. K. Bataev, S. A. Gapurov, A. D. Osmaev, V. K. Akaev, L. M. Idigova, M. R. Ovhadov, A. R. Salgiriev, & M. M. Betilmerzaeva (Eds.), Knowledge, Man and Civilization - ISCKMC 2020, vol 107. European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences (pp. 1411-1417). European Publisher.

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Breaking made Olympics history, but sent a mixed message thanks to an Aussie b-girl's audacity

Was raygun's originality just terrible, heroic or an act of cultural appropriation, by melanie mcfarland.

Eddie the Eagle . The Jamaican bobsledding team. Great underdog stories are part of the Olympics’ fabric, giving TV audiences supplemental heroes to cheer on. The most famous of these contenders have the hearts of champions if not the skills — although some, like the 1980 U.S. men’s ice hockey team, which was mainly comprised of amateurs, make history by pulling off miracles.

Rachael Gunn  was never going to do that. The 36-year-old college professor said as much after she was eliminated from the Paris Games’ breaking competition that left viewers alternately befuddled, delighted and enraged due to its confident awkwardness.

Gunn, who represented Australia in the b-girls competition under the moniker Raygun, was knocked out in the round-robin competition without scoring a single point. Worse, she was totally fine with that.

“I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative, because how many chances do you get in a lifetime to do that on an international stage?” Gunn told reporters after the fact.

Maybe not so many. Or perhaps a lot more.  

In her battles, Gunn busted moves like “the kangaroo” and “happy doggo rolling on a lawn,” carrying herself like a combination of Chris Lilley’s “Summer Heights High” character Mr. G and Sacha Baron Cohen ’s Ali G .

While other competitors wore their favorite streetwear, Gunn wore her country’s official tracksuit, which made her look like she was ready to either a) sell you some John Deere mowers; or b) assemble a Subway footlong to your specifications.

Raygun; Paris Olympics

Yes. To all of it.

Gunn’s presence in the Olympics' first and possibly only breaking competition didn’t set off any alerts leading up to its debut, scheduled near the end of the 2024 Summer Games to maximize hype.

Most viewers know breaking as “breakdancing,” although calling it that will, at the very least, date you.  Since the ‘90s b-boys and b-girls have competed in an assortment of international competitions, the most publicly promoted being the Red Bull BC One.  

Bringing it to the Olympics was a play to attract younger viewers to the games, inspired by its popularity during the 2018 Summer Youth Olympics in Buenos Aires. Its combination of wide familiarity and relative novelty generated excitement among what the NBC commentators gamely called a “more seasoned” viewership as well.

But there were always some doubts as to whether breaking belonged on the Olympics stage although it qualifies as a dance sport.

Gunn carried herself like a blend of Chris Lilley’s “Summer Heights High” character Mr. G and Sacha Baron Cohen’s Ali G.

Breaking is also part of a subculture defined by authenticity although, as the multicultural vibrancy of the competitors showed, that term is a moving target.

Enter Gunn, who has a PhD in Cultural Studies and lectures at Macquarie University in Sydney. Gunn’s doctoral thesis, titled “Deterritorializing Gender in Sydney’s Breakdancing Scene: a B-girl’s Experience of B-boying,” examines breaking from the lens of gender dynamics. At 355 pages long, one cannot accuse her of failing to think about her subject.

It’s the doing part that has made her either an object of mockery or a hero to the movement challenged. Or, as Dr. Stacey Patton sums up Gunn’s performance in a scathing NewsOne column, a party to “modern-day minstrelsy.”

A potential to generate anger was always lurking in the background of the International Olympic Committee’s decision to add breaking to its program. Some are irked by the standardization of competitive breaking: Dancers strive to defy gravity and capture the music’s spirit in spur-of-the-moment sculptures carved from their muscles, bones and imagination.

Olympics judges, however, were asked to score competitors on creativity, personality, technique, diversity, musicality and vocabulary.

And in the view of the Olympics’ chief breaking judge Martin Gilian, aka MGbility, Gunn represented Australia by “bringing something new to the table. “[S]he got inspired by her surroundings, which in this case, for example, was a kangaroo,” he told reporters , going on to add, “She was trying to be original and bring something new to the table. From our perspective, that was nothing really shocking.”

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Except, maybe, to people who haven’t followed breaking for years and were shocked at seeing Lithuania’s Dominika “Nicka” Banevic, a small, skinny white girl, bound out wearing a durag like Tupac or LL Cool J.

Stylistic appropriation fades into a lesser sin if the person engaging in it shows reverence and understanding of the marginalized culture they’re drawing from. And Banevic, who won the silver medal, took time to acknowledge the original b-boys and b-girls after her win.

“Big respect for the OGs and the pioneers that invented all those moves. Without them, it wouldn’t be possible,” she said . “Without them, breaking wouldn’t be where it is today. So I’m grateful for them.”

Gunn did not, and this separates her from those other underdogs mentioned above.

B-Girl Raygun; Logistx; Paris Olympics

Breaking is different.  Like the music and the rest of the culture, hip-hop’s original movement form was born in New York and created in the late ‘70s by poor Black and brown kids living in the Bronx, who established its main cultural currency to be skillfulness and respect.

Pop culture’s industries swiped music and fashion and left the dance form to Madison Avenue. Self-appointed mainstream ambassadors like Dena Rizzo, who was lampooned in a “Bob’s Burgers” episode , killed its mainstream popularity for good.

Breaking proliferated nevertheless, with crews popping up in countries around the world, including Australia. Like hip-hop, breaking is represented by a prismatic range of cultures, each of which has evolved the form and lends its own flavors.

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However, in a sport that began as physicalized rebelliousness by poor Black and Puerto Rican boys and girls in reaction to a government that had economically abandoned them, a white Australian woman proudly and mediocrely moving to her own beat was destined to get cooked on the searing barbie that is Black Twitter.  

If we’re being honest, some of that smoke could be a matter of coming to terms with knowing the Americans weren’t favored to medal in a dance sport created in the U.S.A. (Team USA did eke out a bronze, thanks to b-boy Victor Montalvo.)

Among the b-girls, the gold went to Japan’s Ami Yuasa, with China’s Liu Qingyi earning the bronze.

B-Girl Ami; Paris Olympics

It is also telling that many more people are talking about Gunn than 21-year-old Manizha Talash, an Afghan refugee who stepped into a battle wearing a cape that read “Free Afghan Women,” knowing that would get her disqualified. (IOC forbids athletes from making political statements during competition.)

But that may have been Talash’s biggest moment to use an international platform to send a message to the world. Before the Paris Olympics opened, it was already determined that breaking would not return in Los Angeles’ 2028 summer games. It may not come back after that one, either. That makes every Paris b-boy and b-girl battle in this Olympics historic including, for better or worse, Gunn’s overnight notoriety.

With the games headed to Hollywood, it wouldn’t be surprising to see this discourse return as a movie, a la “Cool Runnings” and “Eddie the Eagle.” Less clear is who would want to see this dark comedy repeated. But like Gunn’s moment at the heart of that Place de la Concorde arena, that might surprise us.

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Melanie McFarland is Salon's award-winning senior culture critic. Follow her on Twitter: @McTelevision

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Profile | Who is Rachael Gunn? Paris Olympics’ Australian breakdancer who became internet meme

  • In videos of her performances shared online, B-Girl Raygun was seen hopping around like a kangaroo and touching her toes while lying down

Harvey Kong

Among the various breakers competing in the Paris Olympics, one in particular has taken the internet by storm: Australia’s Rachael Gunn.

In videos of her performances shared online, B-Girl Raygun was seen hopping around like a kangaroo, touching her toes while lying down and seemingly squirming around on the dance floor.

Netizens were quick to pick up on Gunn’s unusual moves and catapulted her to internet fame with thousands memes.

But who is she? Let’s take a look.

Early years

dissertation topics in sports management

Born in Hornsby in New South Wales, Gunn was a former jazz and ballroom dancer. She was introduced to breaking by the man she later married, who had been practising for 10 years.

Although Gunn grew up dancing, she did not start competing in breaking competitions until her mid-twenties.

“I wasn’t a sporty kid, I was more of a dance kid,” Gunn had said. “I never thought the Olympics would be on the cards for me. It’s such a privilege and it’s hugely exciting.”

Breakdancing career

Gunn graduated university with her PHD thesis focusing on ‘the intersection of gender and Sydney’s breaking culture’ in 2017.

By 2020, Gunn worked her way up to become the Australian Breaking Association’s top ranked B-Girl.

She took part at the World Breaking Championships in Paris in 2021 and in Seoul 12 months later, and qualified for the Paris Games via the Oceania Championships in October 2023.

“I think a lot of people had doubted my ability to do it and maybe thought I was getting too old to be able to stay on top,” she said. “But I just kept pushing hard, I want to get better, and I want the scene to grow and get better.

Gunn’s experience had also influenced her beyond the dance floor as well.

She is a lecturer at the Department of Media, Communications, Creative Arts, Language and Literature at Macquarie University, where her biography states that she is an interdisciplinary and practice-based researcher interested in the cultural politics of breaking.

Internet fame

Despite Gunn’s experience in the discipline, her unique performance at the Paris Olympics quickly went viral on social media.

She finished the group phase with no points, which led many to question how she earned qualification.

Despite the jokes, Gunn defended her performance.

“I was never going to beat these girls on what they do best, the dynamic and the power moves, so I wanted to move differently, be artistic and creative because how many chances do you get in a lifetime to do that on an international stage?,” she said.

“I was always the underdog and wanted to make my mark in a different way.”

The memes drew an impassioned defence from Australia’s chef de mission Anna Meares as she hit out at “trolls and keyboard warriors”.

“If you don’t know Rachael’s story, in 2008, she was locked in a room crying, being involved in a male dominated sport as the only woman and it took great courage for her to continue on and fight for her opportunity to participate in a sport that she loved,” she said.

Meares noted that Gunn was the best female breakdancer the country had and was an “absolutely loved member” of the Olympic team.


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