Fall 2022     Course Project: World Airline Route Search    

Due date and grade:

  • Due date: Dec. 9, 2022 ( No late submissions are accepted! )
  • Full points: 100 (report: 40 points, code: 60 points)


In this project, you will be designing and implementing algorithms to store and search graphs. World Airline (WA) flies to many destinations worldwide including: Moscow, Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and London. Complete detailed information regarding airline flight routes can be found from the link flight.txt . The flight.txt contains a “from city” and its destination cities that WA flights to. Note that the flight.txt is a synthetically generated datasets by a graph data generator available from the link graphGen . You may want to download the graph generator and generate a few more graphs with different number of cities to test your algorithms.

Your task is to design and implement algorithms to answer the following questions:

  • I am in city “A”, can I fly to city “B” with less than x connections? Give me the route with the smallest number of connections or tell me there is no such a route.
  • Give me the route with the smallest number of connections from city “A” to city “D” through city “B” and “C”. (the order of “B” and “C” is not important). Or tell me there is no such a route.
  • I am in city “A”, my friend John is in a different city “B”, and my other friend Ann is in yet another different city “C”. We want to find a city different from the three cities we are in to meet so that the total number of connections among three of us is minimized. Tell me the city we should fly to and the routes for us or tell me there is no such a city.
  • routeSearch 1 <city_A> <city_B> <num_connection> sample output:       city_A to city_x to city_y … to city_B       total connection: 4
  • usage: routeSearch 2 <city_A> through <city_B> and <city_C> to <city_D> sample output:       city_A to city_x to city_C to city_y … to city_B to city_D       smallest number of connection: 4
  • usage: routeSearch 3 <city_A> <city_B> <city_C> sample output:       You three should meet at city_D       Route for first person: city_A to city_x … to city_D (3 connections)        Route for second person: city_B to city_y … to city_D (1 connections)        Route for second person: city_C to city_y … to city_D (0 connections)        Total number of connection: 4

What to turn in:

There are two main parts in this project, all of them contributing to the final project grade.

  • You will have to write a project report (about 3-5 typed pages – single space – 12pt font) that includes:
  • design issues, what are the problems and how you solve them
  • data structures you use, the decision behind selecting them
  • algorithms you employ, again with a justification of your decision
  • particular emphasis should be placed on the running time of your algorithm, please show the asymptotic costs for each of your algorithm
  • optimization issues: what could you do to further optimize your algorithm
  • you need to specifically address the problem of scalability: would you implementation be efficient in the case of very large species collections for larger scale geographic area?
  • any other remarks about your design and implementation
  • You will have to send in a fully working program, written in C/C++. We will test your algorithms extensively by generating graphs with different characteristics. It is mandatory that you include a README file, as detailed as possible, including compilation and running instructions. Is it also mandatory that your programs are fully documented, that is they should include detailed comments on what is included in each file and what each method does.

No late submissions are accepted!.

Locomotive Assignment Graph Model for Freight Traffic on Linear Section of Railway. The Problem of Finding a Maximal Independent Schedule Coverage

  • Control Sciences
  • Published: 16 May 2019
  • Volume 80 , pages 946–963, ( 2019 )

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auction assignment algorithm

  • L. Yu. Zhilyakova 1 ,
  • N. A. Kuznetsov 2 ,
  • V. G. Matiukhin 3 ,
  • A. B. Shabunin 3 &
  • A. K. Takmazian 4  

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The paper is devoted to the formal statement and solution of a problem arising when assigning the locomotives for freight transportation realization in accordance with preset schedule. The goal is to determine whether the number of locomotives is sufficient at a specified initial allocation of them to perform all transport operations. The solution is presented in the form of an algorithm that builds the coverage of the schedule: the complete one, if it exists, or else the partial one being the maximal independent. The theorem is proved on one-to-one correspondence between the existence of the complete coverage and the sufficiency of the number of locomotives.

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Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

L. Yu. Zhilyakova

Kotel’nikov Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

N. A. Kuznetsov

Research and Design Institute for Information Technology, Signalling and Telecommunications in Railway Transportation, Moscow, Russia

V. G. Matiukhin & A. B. Shabunin

JSC “ProgramPark,”, Moscow, Russia

A. K. Takmazian

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Correspondence to L. Yu. Zhilyakova , N. A. Kuznetsov , V. G. Matiukhin , A. B. Shabunin or A. K. Takmazian .

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Russian Text © The Author(s), 2018, published in Problemy Upravleniya, 2018, No. 3, pp. 65–75.

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About this article

Zhilyakova, L.Y., Kuznetsov, N.A., Matiukhin, V.G. et al. Locomotive Assignment Graph Model for Freight Traffic on Linear Section of Railway. The Problem of Finding a Maximal Independent Schedule Coverage. Autom Remote Control 80 , 946–963 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117919050126

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Received : 20 December 2017

Revised : 20 December 2017

Accepted : 08 November 2018

Published : 16 May 2019

Issue Date : May 2019

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1134/S0005117919050126

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  • graph model
  • network flows
  • locomotive assignment
  • freight rail transportation
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    The paper is devoted to the formal statement and solution of a problem arising when assigning the locomotives for freight transportation realization in accordance with preset schedule. The goal is to determine whether the number of locomotives is sufficient at a specified initial allocation of them to perform all transport operations. The solution is presented in the form of an algorithm that ...