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Top 20 St. Petersburg attractions and experiences

St. Petersburg has a true wealth of attractions and experiences to offer travelers, from spectacular Imperial palaces to quirky and absorbing museums, from boat trips along the city's majestic rivers and canals to walks in the footsteps of St. Petersburg's literary and artistic greats.

In fact, there's more than enough to see and do in St. Petersburg to keep visitors entertained for weeks or even months. One of the biggest challenges for independent travelers is to work out what they will actually have time to fit in to their itinerary, particularly as St. Petersburg is one of Europe's largest cities, with the historical centre alone covering several square kilometers and some of the most famous attractions located far out in the suburbs. To help you get the most out of your time in St. Petersburg, our travel writers have drawn on their own expertise and years of feedback from travelers to compile this Top 20 list of attractions and experiences.

The Hermitage (The Winter Palace)

Undoubtedly St. Petersburg's most famous visitor attraction, and universally acknowledged as one of the world's greatest treasuries of art and antiquities, the Hermitage is a name to be conjured with, and reason enough on its own for many travelers to book a trip to St. Petersburg.

The Hermitage Museum now spans several sites, but for most visitors it is the main collection in the Winter Palace that is an essential component of any St. Petersburg itinerary. Here you'll find not only centuries of European fine art and a rich collection of Greek and Roman antiquities , but also the astonishingly opulent 18th and 19th century state rooms of Russia's imperial family.

Since the summer of 2014, much of the Hermitage's renowned collection of impressionist and post-impressionist art (in terms of artistic quality, undoubtedly the highpoint of the collection) has been transferred across Palace Square to the General Staff Building , so if your main reason for visiting the Hermitage is to see the art, then you have to consider making time for the second location, possibly with a break for refreshments between the two.

Optimal: One day for the Winter Palace and General Staff Building collections.

Minimum: Two hours

Further reading

Explore the Hermitage: An introduction to St. Petersburg's greatest museum.

The Mariinsky Theatre

St. Petersburg's other internationally renowned cultural institution, and for some visitors an even greater draw than the Hermitage, the Mariinsky Theatre has profited in recent years from the financial and creative turmoils of Moscow's Bolshoi to become the undisputed preeminent musical theatre in modern Russia.

Renowned for the impeccable discipline and devotion to tradition of its ballet company, and blessed in Valery Gergiev with one of contemporary classical music's most exciting and exacting conductors, as well as international stars of ballet and opera including Ulyana Lopatkina, Diana Vishneva and Anna Netrebko, the Mariinsky Theatre is a world-class venue for ballet, opera and orchestral music.

Recent years have seen the Mariinsky spread beyond its historic home, the wedding-cake late-19th century opera house on Teatralnaya Ploshchad ("Theatre Square"), with the addition in 2006 of the Mariinsky Concert Hall, and in 2013 the long-awaited opening of the second opera and ballet stage, Mariinsky II. While most visitors will want to enjoy the rich atmosphere and ornate interiors of the main theatre, both new venues are beautifully designed inside, with state-of-the-art acoustics and stage technology, making them well worth exploring for music enthusiasts.

Optimal: As many performances as time and your budget will allow.

Minimum: At least one evening performance at the Mariinsky should be an essential component of any Petersburg itinerary.

Rivers and canals of St. Petersburg by boat

If you're visiting St. Petersburg from May to October, there are a number of ways to explore the city by boat, from taking the hydrofoil to the suburban palace and park at Peterhof to enjoying dinner and live jazz on an evening cruise along the Neva. When the weather's good, visitors should really take any opportunity to get out on the water, but even the shortest visit to St. Petersburg in summer should include one boat trip along the city's central rivers and canals.

There is a wide range of different offers available at the various quays on or near Nevsky Prospekt, with larger boats offering guided tours (some in English) and on-board refreshments, and smaller boats that you can rent by the hour, choose your own route, and bring your own food and drink. All routes through the centre take in some portion of the Fontanka and Moyka Rivers and the Griboedov and Kryukov Canals. Some also head out onto the River Neva, while around midnight most of the boats in the city offer the chance to watch the opening of the Neva's bascule bridges from the water. Whatever route you end up taking, a boat trip is a fantastic way to see St. Petersburg from a different angle, and perhaps the best possible means of getting an impression of the sheer scope of the city's architectural beauty and romance.

Optimal: If you're in the city for more than a few days, it's definitely worth taking two trips - one sightseeing tour through the centre and one to watch the bridges opening .

Minimum: A basic sightseeing tour along the rivers and canals of the centre will take just over an hour.

When it comes to visitor attractions, St. Petersburg is as famous for the Imperial palaces and parks in the suburbs as for the museums and palaces in the city centre. Among the former, Peterhof is the one we would class as absolutely unmissbale, especially in summer when the park's incredible collection of fountains is in operation.

It took Peter the Great over a decade and a few false starts before he found the right site for his summer residence. Modelled partly on Versailles, but with many features that reflected Peter's specific tastes and interests, the park was expanded under Peter's daughter, Empress Elizabeth, to greatly surpass its French antecedent in scope and grandeur. While the Grand Palace at Peterhof is less spectacular than the Catherine Palace at Tsarskoye Selo, Peterhof excels in the diversity and range of its attractions, from the charming baroque buildings of the Petrine era to the extraordinary gilded extravagance of the Grand Cascade to the catalog of gardening styles encompassed in the Upper and Lower Parks to the ever-growing number of museums housed in the various buildings on the estate.

Optimal: There is plenty at Peterhof to keep you occupied for a whole day, and the Lower Park is a great place to picnic in the summer.

Minimum: As the journey from the city centre takes at least 45 minutes, half a day is the minimum time necessary to visit Peterhof even for the briefest overview.

St. Isaac's Cathedral & Colonnade

The low-rise skyline of St. Petersburg's historic centre is dominated by the grand gold dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral, the life's work of French architect Auguste de Montferrand and the city's largest and most spectacular religious building.

Completed in 1858, St. Isaac's took over forty years to build and decorate. Its strictly European Empire-style facades and colonnades are made unique by the employment of red Karelian granite, while the interiors also meld Orthodox tradition with Catholic influence and extraordinary extravagance in the choice of materials. Different types of semiprecious stone from all over Russia form the interior walls and columns, while an abundance of original art and sculpture goes only a little way to filling the vast hall of the cathedral, designed to accommodate 14 000 standing worshipers. As well as visiting the Cathedral interiors, travelers can buy an extra ticket to climb the 300 steps up to the colonnade. From here, you can enjoy some of the best views of St. Petersburg available.

Optimal: A tour of the cathedral and colonnade should take around two hours. It's certainly worth getting an audio guide for the cathedral, and possibly for the colonnade if you are entirely unfamiliar with the lay-out of the city.

Minimum: While visiting the cathedral interiors is hardly essential if you have limited time to explore the city, the colonnade is just about the only accessible place in St. Petersburg where you can enjoy something like aerial views of the downtown, so it's well worth taking half an hour to visit.

The Peter & Paul Fortress

The place where the city of St. Petersburg began, the Peter and Paul Fortress never actually saw military action, but has fulfilled a variety of functions over its three-century history, from burial place for nearly all of the Romanov Emperors and Empresses to notorious political prison to the site of key experiments in the development of Soviet rocket technology. All of these aspects of the fortresses history are celebrated in diverse exhibitions across various buildings, and it is the ramshackle charms of these various museums and collections as much as the grandeur of the spectacular Ss. Petersburg and Paul Cathedral that make the fortress an essential visitor attraction.

Optimal: It's possible to spend the best part of a full day at the Peter and Paul Fortress, and if possible you should definitely take the time (around five hours) to visit the Peter and Paul Cathedral, explore the displays on the History of St. Petersburg in the Commandant's House and at the Museum of Cosmonautics and Rocket Techonolgy, and walk along the top of the curtain wall.

Minimum: If you're short of time, it's probably enough to pop inside the Cathedral and walk the ramparts (just over an hour).

Church of Our Saviour on Spilled Blood

While it lacks the authentic medieval charm of St. Basil's in Moscow, the Church on Spilled Blood is nonetheless one of St. Petersburg's most instantly recognizable landmarks, its riotously colorful Russian Revival architecture making a stark contrast to the elegant neoclassicism of the State Russian Museum next door. This is part of the church's charm, in that it serves to constantly remind the visitor to St. Petersburg that, despite the Italianate elegance of most of the "Golden Triangle", you are still definitely in Russia. It's extraordinary also that a monument to mark such a tragic event (the assassination of Alexander II) should be so exuberantly colorful.

Optimal: As gaudy and colorful on the inside as on the outside, the Church on Spilled Blood is worth going inside if you have time to listen through an audio guide with the story of the church's construction (just over an hour in total).

Minimum: If you're on a whistlestop tour, there's no need to set aside time for the Church on Spilled Blood, as you're bound to pass it more than once in even the shortest exploration of St. Petersburg.

Tsarskoye Selo (Pushkin)

Home to not one but two vast 18th century palaces, surrounded by beautifully landscaped parkland with a rich variety of follies and monuments, Tsarskoye Selo is a testament to the immense wealth and lavishness of the Romanov Imperial family. The rococo Catherine Palace by Bartolomeo Rastrelli, a sister building to his Winter Palace in the city centre, is the most famous attraction, particularly thanks to the extraordinary Amber Room, but there are many other highlights to see, with almost every great St. Petersburg architect of the 18th and early-19th centuries contributing something to the ensemble.

Optimal: Like Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo is best enjoyed at a leisurely pace over a full day, with a break for a picnic in the park or lunch at one of Pushkin's restaurants.

Minimum: There's no point in visiting Tsarskoye Selo unless have a full morning or afternoon free. It's all worth considering combining Tsarskoye Selo with the palace and park at Pavlovsk a few kilometers east. This also gives you the opportunity to dine at the excellent Podvorye restaurant.

Opening bridges

The Neva River connects Lake Ladoga to the Baltic Sea, and during the summer navigation season tens of cargo ships per day follow this important route, making it necessary to open the bascule bridges across the Neva in central St. Petersburg. This is done after midnight, and during the White Nights especially it has long been a tradition for crowds to gather along the embankments to watch the raising of the bridges. The raised arches of Palace Bridge make for one of St. Petersburg's most famous views, but its as much the atmosphere of lazy revelry and contentment inspired by the eternal twilight that makes this such an unmissable St. Petersburg experience.

Optimal: If you have the opportunity, then it's worth taking a midnight boat trip out to watch each bridge rise from the water.

Minimum: It is only really Palace Bridge and Trinity Bridge that gather big crowds, and they are undoubtedly the most beautiful. To watch the two adjacent bridges rising and walk the kilometer along the river between the two is a pleasant way to spend an hour before bed.

Nevsky Prospekt

"There's nothing finer than Nevsky Prospekt, at least not in St. Petersburg." So begins Nikolay Gogol's famous tale of St. Petersburg's central avenue. While that story may end in disillusion and despair, there's little doubt that Nevsky is one of the world's greatest streets. Running 4.5 kilometers from the Admiralty in the west to the Alexander Nevsky Monastery in the east, Nevsky Prospekt has a hardly single building dating from after 1917. Highlights include the magnificent Art Nouveau Singer Building , the baroque Stroganov Palace , Kazan Cathedral with its curved neoclassical colonnade, the Horse Tamers statues on Anichkov Bridge , and the 18th century shopping arcade Gostiny Dvor .

Nowadays, St. Petersburg's most exclusive shopping area is actually the eastern end of Nevsky, beyond Ploshchad Vosstaniya. As well as landmark buildings and up-market boutiques, however, Nevsky Prospekt also offers an electric atmosphere and energy. Especially in summer, Nevsky is bustling no what the hour, and an increasing number of bars and cafes without outdoor seating give you a better opportunity to enjoy the avenue's living theatre.

Optimal: It will take at least two hours to walk the full length of Nevsky Prospekt, allowing for brief contemplation of the major sights and attractions.

Minimum: The most famous landmarks on Nevsky are nearly all in the stretch that runs through St. Petersburg's "Golden Triangle" from the Fontanka River to the Admiralty. This section of the avenue can be explored in around 30 minutes.

Bronze Horseman

St. Petersburg's most famous public monument, this equestrian statue to Peter the Great is not only one of the most instantly recognizable symbols of St. Petersburg - like the Statue of Liberty for New York or the Eiffel Tower for Paris - it is also the subject of one of the greatest poems in the Russian language, Alexander Pushkin's The Bronze Horseman: A Petersburg Tale . Completed in 1782, the statue took 12 years of work by the French sculptor Étienne Maurice Falconet, recommended to Catherine the Great by Denis Diderot himself. The pedestal of the monument, the "Thunder Stone", is purportedly the largest ever moved by man.

The Bronze Horseman is easily combined with a visit to St. Isaac's Cathedral, so does not require a specific time on your itinerary.

State Russian Museum

While the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow is undoubtedly the finest collection of Russian art in the world thanks to its beautiful premises and rich collection of 20th century work, it is matched up to the October Revolution almost painting for painting by the State Russian Museum. Occupying the magnificent Mikhailovsky Palace, the Russian Museum's main collection is a treasury of Russian visual from throughout the ages, with highlights including medieval icons, atmospheric late-19th century genre paintings, and several modernist masterpieces.

Optimal: The main collection in the Mikhailovsky Palace will take 2-3 hours to do justice to, and it's also worth visiting the collections in the Marble Palace both to see this beautiful building and for the Peter Ludwig collection of international Pop Art.

Minimum: While the Russian Museum is definitely one of St. Petersburg's top visitor attractions, if you are on a first-time trip to Russia and visiting Moscow as well, it makes sense to choose either the Russian Museum or the Tretyakov Gallery, as the two have very similar content right down to different variations of the same work in some cases.

Dostoevsky's St. Petersburg

While nearly every great figure of Russian literature spent some time in St. Petersburg, and many wrote works with St. Petersburg as their setting, none is so inextricably linked with the geography and atmosphere of the city as Fyodor Dostoevsky. For many travelers, it is reading his works that sparks an initial desire to visit St. Petersburg, even though his descriptions often make the city monstrous and forbidding. As St. Petersburg's historic centre has been comparatively untouched by change in the 20th century, much of Dostoevsky's Petersburg is still there to explore, and the areas around Sennaya Ploshchad and Vladimirskaya Ploshchad are rich in sights connected to his life and works.

Optimal: Our Dostoevsky walking tour takes 3.5 hours, including a visit to the Dostoevsky Memorial Museum .

Minimum: To get an idea of where Dostoevsky lived, you can just visit the museum and the adjacent Church of the Vladimir Icon , as well as the Monument to Fyodor Dostoevsky , in about an hour.

A small promontory of land at the eastern end of Vasilevskiy Island , the Strelka ("Spit") is right in the middle of the Neva River Delta, with magnificent views on all sides, including the Winter Palace , Palace and Trinity Bridges , the Peter and Paul Fortress and St. Isaac's Cathedral . A perennially popular site for wedding parties and bus tours to stop and take photos, the Strelka also has landmarks of its own, specifically the magnificent Rostral Columns , with their gas beacons lit for public holidays and maritime anniversaries, and the elegant classical temple of the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange , all works of the French-born architect Thomas de Thomon.

The Strelka is an integral part of any exploration of Vasilevskiy Island, and does not require separate time on your itinerary.

Pushkinskaya 10

Established in 1989 as a squat for independent artists, alternative musicians, and other "underground" types, Pushkinskaya 10 is an arts and performance centre in an old apartment building a short walk from Nevsky Prospekt. A warren of studios and exhibition space haphazardly linked together as the Museum of Non-Comformist Art , Pushkinskaya 10 can be somewhat bewildering for visitors, and much of the space is often inexplicably closed (the two bars, both of which are also concert venues, are by far the most accessible parts of the complex), but it's well worth visiting for the increasingly rare chance to get a glimpse of the old Leningrad bohemia and its once revered dissident art scene.

Optimal: The best way to visit Pushkinskaya 10 is to come in the early evening and hope that the galleries are open, before heading to one of the two music venues for a concert.

Minimum: A 15-minute visit should suffice to get an overall impression of the center's atmosphere.

Carlo Rossi's Petersburg

Practically unknown outside Russia, this Italian-born architect was the major creative force behind great swathes of central St. Petersburg, particularly the city's grand formal squares, with their Empire-style columned facades and trademark yellow-and-white plasterwork. His most famous buildings include the General Staff Building on Palace Square, the Alexandrinsky Theatre , the Senate and Synod Building , and the Mikhailovsky Palace (the State Russian Museum ). In the "Golden Triangle" of St. Petersburg's historic centre, moreover, it's hard to take more than a few steps without finding more of Rossi's work.

Optimal: Our walking tour of Rossi's most famous buildings takes around 2.5 hours.

Minimum: You'll see Rossi's work when you visit the Hermitage, the State Russian Museum, the Bronze Horseman, and just about anywhere you walk in central St. Petersburg.

Kunstkammer (Museum of Anthropology and Ethnology)

The city's oldest museum, the Kunstkammer was founded in 1718 by Peter the Great himself, and is primarily of interest as a monument to the remarkable endeavours and enthusiasms of St. Petersburg's extraordinary founder. Housed in an elegant baroque building on Vasilevskiy Island, the museum has a rather pedestrian collection of ethnographic exhibits, and most visitors are drawn rather to Peter's own fascination, the huge number of deformed fetuses preserved in jars and other freaks of nature. Slightly less sensational but also of interest are the displays devoted to the great Russian polymath Mikhail Lomonosov.

A visit to the Kunstkammer will take around 1.5 hours.

Ploshchad Pobedy and Moskovsky Prospekt

St. Petersburg's historic centre is renowned for having undergone little architectural change during the 20th century. In fact, the Soviet authorities were inclined to abandon the centre, redolent of the imperial past, and develop a new city to the south, along Moskovsky Prospekt . Most visitors only see this part of town on their way to and from Pulkovo Airport, but its worth exploring for several fantastic examples of Stalin-era architecture, including the monumental House of Soviets , as well as the memorials to the Great Patriotic War in Park Pobedy ("Victory Park") and on Ploshchad Pobedy ("Victory Square"). The latter is home to a magnificent panoramic monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad , which has a museum detailing the defense of the city beneath it.

Optimal: It is worth spending a couple of hours exploring Moskovsky Prospekt southwards from Park Pobedy Metro Station, as well as taking a tour of the museum beneath the Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad.

Minimum: If you're short of time, there's not reason to make an extra trip out to Moskovsky Prospekt as you'll be able to see the highlights on the way to/from the airport.

Mikhailovsky Theatre

While there's no questioning the Mariinsky Theatre's position as St. Petersburg's leading venue for opera and ballet performances, it is worth paying attention to this second historic theatre on Ploshchad Iskusstv, not only because of the last decade's largely successful financial and artistic renaissance, which has seen the Mikhailovsky engage top foreign talent and gain an international reputation, but also because it can often be a more affordable and accessible way to see ballet in St. Petersburg. This is especially true when tickets at the Mariinsky are scarce during the White Nights Festival.

Ballet enthusiasts should definitely consider taking in a show at the Mikhailovsky as an addition to, rather than a replacement for, performances at the Mariinsky.

Yelagin Island

Accessible from the city centre in around 20 minutes by metro, Yelagin Island (also known by its Soviet-era name as the "Kirov Central Park of Culture and Leisure") rarely finds a place on tourist itineraries. It really should be more popular, however, offering not only a (comparatively) small but very elegant Imperial palace by Carlo Rossi, but also attractive parkland, a boating lake in summer and outdoor skating in winter, and the surprisingly avant-garde wonders of the Museum of Glass Art . The lack of cars on the island and the small entrance fee make it a secluded a tranquil spot, and its probably the best of the green spaces within the city if you're looking for somewhere to enjoy a relaxing walk.

Yelagin is a great place to while away a summer afternoon, and also has a fairly active calendar of cultural events in the warmer months, including a couple of music festivals.

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Best Things To Do In St. Petersburg

When you're looking for the top things to do in St. Pete, we've got you covered.

Two couples enjoy drinks and food at Pier Teaki at the St. Pete Pier.

Gather with family and friends at Pier Teaki or other fun spots at the St. Pete Pier.

From museum-hopping and an exciting culinary scene to fun family attractions and visiting America's Best Beaches, here are the "can't-miss" things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida. With so many exciting things going on, it's no wonder that St. Pete was recently named one of Condé Nast Traveler’s Top U.S. Cities!

Visit the Amazing St. Pete Pier

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Experience the $92 million St. Pete Pier District on the city's beautiful bayfront and you'll find a green space unlike any other, including several waterfront restaurants (with plenty of outdoor dining), play areas for families, a nature center ( Tampa Bay Watch Discovery Center ), a bayfront beach, marketplace with local artisans, amazing public art and more. Even better: much of it is free. Bring the family, plan a date night or enjoy a sunset cocktail at Pier Teaki overlooking downtown.

A view of the unique architecture of the Dali Museum at sunset.

A Surreal Twist

The Dali Museum in St. Pete's Waterfront Museum District welcomes more than 400,000 visitors each year.

Explore our world-famous museums anytime you’re looking for a dose of art and culture. One can’t-miss stop is the new Museum of the American Arts & Crafts Movement . The  Dalí Museum  is home to the most comprehensive collection of Salvador Dali's works, the Chihuly Collection at the Morean Arts Center  features unique sculptures by legendary glass artist Dale Chihuly and the James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art  is where you’ll be transported through the rich and diverse heritage of the American West. With dozens of museums and art galleries to choose from, you’ll never run short of inspiration. And if the weather is so perfect that you don't want to go inside, peruse our outdoor art gallery – more than 600 murals line the streets of St. Petersburg.

Roll Like a Local on Central Ave.

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Get a taste of St. Pete’s eclectic local culture and experience Central Ave . Shop funky and unique finds at local boutiques and galleries, pause for a craft brew or cocktail at one of the many restaurants and bars, and stop for a photo op in front of some of the hundreds of murals that paint St. Petersburg vibrant. There’s so much to discover on Central Ave., you really have to stroll it to believe it.

Shop the Saturday Morning Market

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The Saturday Morning Market is truly a St. Pete staple. Among the top 20 markets in the country and the largest in the southeast U.S., it has more than 100 vendors to shop at. On a typical Saturday, about 10,000 visitors dig into gourmet ready-to-eat food, dance the morning away with live music and take home fresh produce, flowers or even a souvenir or two. During the cooler months (October-May) you can find it in the Al Lang Stadium parking lot. During the summer (June-September) it moves to Williams Park.

Chill at a Breezy Waterfront Park

Aerial photo of St. Pete waterfront with parks in the foreground

St. Pete’s bayfront is lined with parks ideal for walking, rollerblading or just relaxing.

St. Petersburg has one of the prettiest urban park systems in the nation including a string of wide, shaded greenspaces fronting Tampa Bay. In North Shore Park , burn calories on the tennis or volleyball courts, or let Fido stretch his legs in the dog park. Just to the south, Vinoy Park is 11 acres adjacent to the Renaissance Vinoy – a perfect place to perch beneath a live oak tree with a good book. Grab a picnic lunch or a gelato from a shop on Beach Drive and enjoy your treats cooled by bay breezes in North Straub Park . And at Demens Landing Park , watch sailboats heading out from the St. Petersburg Yacht Club battle for position during a regatta.

Sip on Craft Cocktails at Mandarin Hide

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The Mandarin Hide sees itself as a steward of the craft cocktail culture and it’s easy to see why. While their elevated, cozy, retro vibe might be what draws you in, their cocktails will be the reason you stay. Housing one of the largest inventories of spirits in the area, their menu features a blend of old-school and specialty cocktails along with a fine selection of craft beer and wine. Don’t see what you want on the menu? Let them know! Their mixologists behind the bar can build a signature cocktail just for you. 

Discover a Lush Hideaway at Sunken Gardens

Family walks down path lined with plants

Families enjoy following the paths and looking for the parrots at Sunken Gardens.

A 100-year-old botanical paradise on four acres in the Historic Old Northeast neighborhood of St. Pete, Sunken Gardens is one of Florida’s original roadside tourist attractions. They began a century ago, when a plumber and avid gardener bought a plot of land including a shallow lake, which he drained to create his own private sunken garden. Today, visitors wander along meandering paths to discover more than 50,000 tropical plants, a butterfly garden, cascading waterfalls, 11 resident parrots and a flock of flamingos. Snap a photo of the kids by the koi pond, and relish the shade of towering trees on a sunny Florida day. 

Get Your Hops at Green Bench Brewery

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Green Bench Brewery delivers the perfect combination of craft beer and community. They specialize in IPAs and ales in their main tasting room, and mixed-culture and wild brews in their second tasting room, Webb’s City Cellar ,  next door. Outside of amazing beer, Green Bench hosts creative events all year long and has an open-air bier garden where truly anyone is welcome - kids, dogs, adults and all. 

Paddle at Weedon Island Preserve

A couple paddleboards through the mangroves at Weedon Island

Paddle through Paradise

Paddlers to Weedon Island Preserve can now rent a canoe, kayak, or SUP.

Go on an adventure and kayak Weedon Island Preserve - where you’ll be surrounded by twisting mangroves, lush plants and Florida wildlife. Take it slow and enjoy the peaceful Florida scenery, or pick up the pace for a good workout on the water. If you’re lucky, you may even spot a manatee, dolphin or both! 

Have Fun in the Sun on St. Pete Beach

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In case you haven’t heard, we’re home to some of America’s best beaches, including St. Pete Beach , Tripadvisor’s No. 1 Beach in the U.S. in 2021! Pack up your beach chair, towel and sunblock and see what the hype is all about! Get ready for a day of fun in the sun with beach bars lining this stretch of sugar white sand and warm Gulf waters to take a dip in. You might even want to splurge and stay a night or two at the legendary Don CeSar , or one of several other lovely,  beachy hotels .

Get your Shuffle on at the St. Pete Shuffleboard Club

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Who knew shuffleboard courts would be a hot-spot for the young, hip crowd on a Friday night?! St. Pete Shuffleboard , the world’s largest and oldest shuffleboard club, has managed to reinvent the activity with a youthful spin on it. Every Friday night, crowds are drawn to Shuffleboard Fridays where visitors and locals alike are invited to BYOB and challenge friends to a friendly game of shuffleboard. Not sure how the game works? Volunteers will help you get set up on a court and show you the ropes of this timeless activity. 

Trip Ideas for St. Pete

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Florida Trippers

Learn how to easily plan your dream trip to Florida!

The beautiful colorful murals are one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg Florida

17 Best Things To Do In St Petersburg FL You Shouldn’t Miss

January 4, 2022 //  by  Florida Trippers

Are you looking for a list of fun things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida? We have you covered!

While St. Petersburg or “St. Pete” is known as the Sunshine City, there are more than just beaches to see here! Located between Tampa Bay and the Gulf of Mexico, it is a quick drive from Tampa or Clearwater!

From hidden gardens, museums, murals, restaurants, and breweries there is something for everyone on our list of things to do in St. Petersburg, FL!

A woman with long hair and dress stands looking at a bright-colored mural located in downtown St. Petersburg Florida in the central arts district.

St. Petersburg Sunken Gardens

The Sunken Gardens are a hidden tropical oasis located in old Northwest St. Petersburg. Open Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 4:30 pm and on Sunday 12 pm to 4:30 pm.

Admission is $12 adult, but they often run specials on Groupon, so keep an eye out! For those living in the area, they have annual family passes for $100!

Sunken Gardens made our list, as it is one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida. At 100 years old it is the oldest living museum in St. Pete, and also the last authentic roadside attraction. The Sunken Gardens is home to over 50,000 plants!

The ADA-accessible paths wind through waterfalls, tropical environments, bird habitats, and flamingos! There is plenty of shade in the gardens so this is a great activity if you don’t know what to do in St. Pete during the summer.

A woman in a sunhat stands on a bridge overlooking a beautiful fishpond, surrounded by tropical plants at the Sunken Gardens, one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg Florida.

Murals and Street Art, St.Petersburg

If you are looking for free things to do in St. Pete, try walking around the 600 block of Central Avenue. It has over 90 street art murals to admire.

Staring in 2014, St. Pete embraced the artistic culture of the city. Every year the two-week Shine festival, held in October, gives local, national, and international artists the opportunity to paint murals. This year over 26 new murals were added to the 90 already located in St. Pete.

One of the more popular murals in downtown St. Petersburg is the Black Lives Matter mural outside the Carter G. Woodson African American Museum. In the warehouse arts district, you have several “Sunshine on My Mind” murals as St. Pete is the sunshine capital!

From ocean themes to feelings, to retro, portrait, and pride these colorful murals provide a great free, outdoor thing to do in St. Pete! If you’re looking for somewhere just as unique to stay, try our suggestion of a tiny house oasis .

A woman in a long dress stands in front of a "you are my sunshine" mural, a must for things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Dali Museum

St. Pete is home to the largest Salvador Dali collection outside of Europe. If you’re looking for an art museum, add this one to your list of best things to do in St. Petersburg! The museum opened in 2011, and most of the collection belonged to the Morse family who donated it in 1982.

The Dali Museum is home to over 2000 works, ranging throughout every period of Dali’s life. The collection contains drawings, sculptures, photos, documents, and oil paintings. This includes 8 out of 18 Dali masterworks.

The museum itself is also a work of art with a glass dome known as the “enigma” and a spiral staircase leading to the roof!

The museum is $25 and is open Wednesday through Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm. Specially priced tickets are available Thursday 5 pm – 8 pm for $12.50. You can tour the museum digitally as well.

If you’re looking for free things to do in St. Petersburg, the museum gardens are always free!

A twisted bench sculpture in front of the glass domes of the Salvador Dali Museum, one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg, FL.

Don CeSar Hotel

Built in 1928, the Don CeSar Hotel is known as the “pink palace”. Add visiting this luxurious hotel to your list of the best things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida.

For those interested in using the pool, beach, fitness center, restrooms and showers you can buy a day pass for $40 to make use of the facilities and beach!

If you’re looking to stay, the hotel has 241 rooms starting at $279 a night. This is the place to stay in St. Pete, Florida if you’re looking for total luxury and relaxation. Once the playground of the wealthy elite during the Jazz Age, Fitzgerald, Al Capone, and Franklin Roosevelt are all past guests.

During World War II the hotel became a military hospital, and later a Veteran’s administration office. It officially reopened in 1973 as a hotel.

For those looking for a bite to eat, try Uncle Andy’s Ice Cream Parlor and the Sea Porch Café. Or for upscale dining, try Maritana and the Row Bar. If relaxing poolside, try the Beachcombers Bar and Grill!

The large pink palace of Don CeSar Hotel sitting right on the beach, with palm trees and beach umbrellas, one of the best places to visit in St. Petersburg if looking to relax.

Chihuly Collection Museum

The Chihuly Museum opened in 2010 and houses the works of Dale Chihuly, a pioneer of the glass art movement. If you are downtown and looking for fun things to do in St. Petersburg make sure this is one of your stops!

Open from 10 am to 5 pm Monday through Saturday and 12 pm to 5 pm on Sunday, admission is $20, or included if purchasing a Tampa City Pass. You can also purchase a St. Pete Art Experience ticket for admission to the Morean Art Museums as well.

Chihuly is known for his large-scale, colorful sculptures blown from glass, such as Ruby Red Icicle Chandelier hanging in the lobby. His work has been seen in museums such as the Louvre, Chihuly Over Venice, and Chihuly in Jerusalem!

The palm tree-lined entrance of the Chihuly Museum with a glass sculpture out front, one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg Florida.

Skyway Fishing Pier

For those who like to fish, one of best things to do in St. Petersburg is to visit the Skyway Fishing Pier! This state park located at the mouth of Tampa Bay is home to a fishing pier that spans the entire length of the bridge.

Open 24 hours, 7 days a week, this bridge is lit up at night for fishing, has concessions, a restroom, and a bait shop. Snook, grouper, mackerel, snapper, and sea bass are all popular catches due to the 65 artificial reefs off the bridge.

The history of the pier dates back to 1980 when a freighter collided with the bridge and collapsed pilings of the old Sunshine Skyway Bridge. When being rebuilt it was decided that the old bridge was to be used as a fishing pier.

The pier opened in 1994, spanning 4 miles, and it became the largest fishing pier in the world! There are two entrances to the bridge, the North and South Pier. It is also, popular with bird watchers, kiteboarders, kayakers, and windsurfers!

The 4-mile-long fishing pier located off the Skyway Bridge, stretched across blue ocean water, in St. Petersburg Florida

The St. Pete Pier

The new St. Pete Pier is another of the great, free things to do in St. Petersburg. It is not just a pier but a new attraction on the waterfront! You can bike, swim, dine, and be entertained at numerous venues.

If you’re looking for educational things to do in St. Petersburg with kids, the St. Pete pier is home to the Tampa Bay Watch: an interactive classroom experience providing education on how to restore the Tampa Bay Estuary!

For those looking to dine, the Pier Port has three restaurants: an upscale restaurant, a rooftop bar, and a casual café. For Caribbean fare and a lively atmosphere head to Doc Ford’s Rum Bar!

The newly renovated St. Pete Pier with a fishing platform, palm trees and several restaurants.

The Vinoy Hotel

The Vinoy is a Mediterranean-style hotel owned by Marriott Group, located in downtown Saint Petersburg. It’s a perfect place to stay if you’re looking for a weekend escape, as it is near St. Petersburg attractions such as theDali, Chihuly, and Fine Arts Museums. Tons of restaurants and shops are a short walk away.

For those looking for recreational things to do in St. Petersburg, you can charter a boat from the marina or play a round of golf!

Built in 1925 by Aymer Vinoy Laughner, the hotel has seen famous guests such as Babe Ruth and Herbert Hoover. During World War II, it was used as an army training school. The Vinoy closed from 1970 to 1990, and finally reopened in 1993.

A great thing to do in St. Pete is to visit the lobby bar for live music and drinks! The hotel is home to Paul’s Landing, a local seafood and smoked meats restaurant, and Marchand’s Bar and Grill the hotel’s signature restaurant!

Or try the St. Pete location of Datz for one of the Tampa Bay area’s most popular breakfast and brunch spots!

The upscale Vinoy Hotel's beautiful salmon pink exterior surrounded by palm trees in downtown St. Pete.

Florida Holocaust Museum

The Florida Holocaust Museum was opened by philanthropist Walter Loebenberg in 1998 in memory of those who lost their lives during the Holocaust.

This museum makes our list of the best things to do in St. Petersburg, as the museum’s goal is to teach about the worth of all human lives regardless of gender, skin color, race, or culture.

Loebenberg escaped Nazi-occupied Germany in 1939 and later served in the US Army during World War II. The museum is credited with helping pass Florida legislature in 1994 for Holocaust history to be taught in schools.

The museum is open daily from 10 am to 4 pm. Tickets are $16 but are free for the US Military, USF students, and children under 6.

There is a docent-led tour of the first floor on Saturdays at 1:30, and the Anne Frank virtual tour is included with all ticket purchases. The “History, Heritage and Hope” exhibit houses original photographs, videos, and a boxcar used during the Holocaust.

The Holocaust Museum’s mission statement is ‘to empower people to make positive changes in the world’! It is home to the largest library of genocide and Holocaust documents in the United States.

The exterior of the Florida Holocaust Museum, one of the most educational things to do in St. Petersburg Florida.

Fort De Soto

For those interested in history, Fort de Soto should be on your list of best things to do in St. Petersburg, FL.

The fort dates back to the Civil War when it was used to block Tampa Bay. Named after the Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto, it was completed in 1900 and abandoned 23 years later.

During WWII it was used as a bombing range, and in 1962 was opened once again as a public park.

If museums are on your list of free things to do in St. Petersburg, check out the Quartermaster’s Museum, which does a great job of explaining the history of the fort. You can even explore a battery, and for those willing to climb the stairs you’ll be rewarded with a view of the gulf!

Open 7 days a week, from 7 am until dark, the entrance is free, but there is a $5 parking fee.

After you’ve explored Fort de Soto, you can then visit the other nearby beaches .

A beautiful sunset on the beach at Fort de Soto with the natural habitat of sea grass, one of the best things to do near St. Petersburg, FL.

The Cider Press Café

The Cider Press Café makes our list of the best things to do in St. Petersburg as it is one of the best restaurants in St. Pete ! This Asian-inspired eatery in downtown St. Pete focuses on farm-fresh ingredients and is open daily from 12pm to 8 pm.

The restaurant’s focus is on “veganista” or someone who loves plant-based foods! Open for 5 years, they have an award-winning menu of delicious vegan options.

Standouts on the menu include bang bang shrimp, cauliflower bites, bahn-mi made with grilled seitan, ghost bean burger, avocado BLT, buffalo chick’n, and mac n’cheese.

For those visiting with families or friends, they offer several family-style meals that serve four people, such as stuffed peppers, or shepherd’s pie! Kombucha and a wide variety of hard ciders are also on the menu.

The Cider Press Café is a great lunch spot after exploring the murals or museums in downtown Saint Petersburg.

The Cider Press Café exterior with tables, chairs, and umbrellas, one of the best vegan restaurants in St. Petersburg Florida.

Morean Arts Center

The Morean Arts Center should be on your list of things to do in St. Petersburg Florida as the art gallery is free and open to the public. It is open Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm and Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm.

Founded in 1917 as the Art Club of St. Pete, the Morean Arts Center is home to the Art Gallery, Chihuly Museum, the Morean Center for Clay, the Bank of America Children Learning Center, and the Moran Glass Studio.

If you’re looking for interesting things to do in St. Pete, try a glassblowing class at the Moran Glass Studio, or stop in for a local demonstration Wednesday through Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.

Or you could try a hands-on class at the Morean Center for Clay, open Tuesday through Saturday. There are 42 resident clay artists working at the museum, which is home to the largest pottery studio in the South.

The Bank of America Children’s Learning Center hosts story and art time on Saturday mornings. The Moran Arts Center holds many affordable classes and workshops open to the community.

Reduced admission for those on EBT or WIC admission to the museum is only $3! And first responders and medical workers and their families are $5!

The asymmetrical Morean Arts Center exterior building, one of the best educational things to do in St. Petersburg, Florida.

Boyd Hill Nature Preserve

If you are looking for outdoor things to do in St. Petersburg, visit the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve. It is a 245-acre protected preserve in St. Pete located on Lake Maggiore.

Open Tuesday through Friday 9 am to 6 pm and Saturday 7 am to 6 pm, facilities include water fountains, restrooms, picnic tables, playgrounds, and kayak rentals. Entrance costs $3 for adults and $1.50 for children.

There are 3 miles of trails, many of which are ADA friendly, but a tram tour does run at 1 pm, and on Saturday 10 am and 1 pm for $5 adult and $3 children.

The nature preserve is home to a bird of prey aviary for permanently injured birds now taken care of by park staff. At the nature preserve, you will see different ecosystems, from the marsh, swamp, pine flat woods, hammock, and sand scrub.

Lily pads on Lake Maggoire at the Boyd Hill nature preserve in St. Petersburg Florida.

3 Daughters Brewing

Started in 2013 by Mike and Ty, 3 Daughters got its name from the owners asking how many beers they would have to sell to send three daughters to college. 3 Daughters Brewing made our list of best things to do in St. Petersburg Florida for those who want to visit a family-friendly brewery!

In 2013, the first beer was brewed after trying to make beer-battered fish, and it quickly outsold every other beer offered. The brewery is one of the largest independent breweries in Florida. Plus it’s home to the only seltzer made in Florida!

With a family-friendly environment, the brewery is home to live music and events, a tasting room, food trucks, and games. 3 Daughters Brewing offers a brewery tour for those wanting a behind-the-scenes look at the brewery and has 60 beers on tap.

St Pete Beach

Voted one of the best beaches in the US, it would impossible to visit St. Petersburg and not visit St. Pete Beach. Known for its white sands and stunning sunsets, St. Pete Beach is one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg.

Play in the emerald shallows, comb for shells or relax on the wonderfully clean, soft sand. The more adventurous folks may choose to kayak, windsurf, or parasail. The water at St. Pete Beach is always kept warm by breezes coming in from the gulf.

Restrooms are available at St. Pete Beach, and chairs and cabanas can be rented. However, be sure to pack your own lunch, as there isn’t food for sale on the beach itself.

A sunny day St. Pete Beach, with clouds in the sky, emerald waves and clean, white sand.

Park & Rec DTSP

If you’re looking for a fun date night, one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg is to visit Park & Rec. This lively bar will fill you with nostalgia for the 90s as you play arcade games and drink a creative cocktail out of a Capri-sun-like pouch.

Their motto is “youth has no age”, so let yourself feel like a kid again. With both an indoor and outdoor section, you’ll be sure to have a blast playing pinball, cornhole, skee ball, giant Jenga, and giant beer pong. Or simply challenge your date to a game of pool. Meanwhile, snack on pizza, burgers, or fried Oreos.

A fun place to visit either day or night, Park & Rec is located in downtown St. Pete. It may soon become one of your favorite bars in St. Petersburg . (They have a Tampa location as well!)

Mahaffey Theater

For a more romantic date, one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg is to attend a show at the Mahaffey Theater. Performances at the Maffey Theater range from Broadway tours to pop and rock concerts, comedy shows, and classical music.

Located inside the newly-renovated Duke Energy Center for the Arts, the Maffey Theater has more than 2,000 seats in an elegant, old-fashioned concert hall with European-style box seats, but with up-to-date acoustics.

After the show, take your date for a stroll along the palm tree-lined waterfront, with views of Tampa Bay.

The blue-windowed exterior of the Duke Energy Center for the Arts, where attending Mahaffey Theater is one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg for couples.

On this list of things to do in St. Petersburg Florida, we have chosen the best the Sunshine City has to offer. From free things such as museums, outdoor murals, and piers to amazing museums and hotels that should be on any list of things to do in St. Petersburg Florida, we hope you enjoy!

photo of downtown west palm beach florida at night

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[…] to wrestle yourself from the luxurious confines of your room at the Vinoy, there are all kinds of Amazing Things to do in St. Petersburg, of which we have compiled a list just to make things easy for […]

Guided by Destiny

35+ Best Things to Do in Downtown St. Petersburg, Florida

This post contains affiliate links which means that I will make a small commission if you purchase a product after clicking on any of them, at no extra cost to you.

Welcome to downtown St. Pete, also known as the Sunshine City and one of the most vibrant and exciting neighborhoods in Florida! Located in the heart of Tampa Bay, this thriving district is a hub of culture, entertainment, and recreation. From world-class museums and galleries to trendy restaurants and bars, there’s no shortage of things to see and do in downtown St. Pete!

Whether you’re a local resident or a visitor from out of town, this guide will show you the best of what Downtown St. Pete has to offer. So grab your sunscreen and your walking shoes, and let’s explore this eclectic and energetic city together!

hello Saint Petersburg mural

Table of Contents

Quick links for your St. Pete trip

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🚘 Car rental

Rentalcars is the best tool for comparing prices for your date amongst the most popular rental car companies!

Things to do in Downtown St. Pete

Brewery hop.

Downtown St. Pete has some of THE BEST bars and breweries . Each one brings something different to the table, and most are super dog-friendly! While I don’t have a furry friend myself, this is a bonus for me because I get to see and pet all of the cutie pups that are out and about.

🏡 Looking to make St. Pete your home?

Let Bailey Bjugan be your go-to realtor for navigating the vibrant neighborhoods of St. Petersburg! Reach out to [email protected] or 727-355-1771 to find your perfect home sweet home.

3 Daughters is my favorite brewery in St. Pete. It’s dog friendly, has a huge venue, games, live music, and offers a good variety of beers, hard seltzers, and ciders. Their ciders are the best in town— if the blueberry peppercorn is on tap, make sure you try that one! There are always so many delicious flavors, your best bet is to do a flight!

Cider flight held up in front of the stage located in 3 Daughters

If I Brewed the World is also a great one, especially if beer isn’t usually your thing. The last time we went they had the most unique flavors with a nice outdoor patio area. Our bartender was extremely knowledgeable about the brewing process, and we learned a lot about how exactly the owners made their Spicy BBQ Sauce Smoke Sour legit smell, and taste like BBQ!

They also had a Green Apple Jolly Rancher sour and Grape Laffy Taffy Sour (among several other interesting concoctions) that were super delicious and unique.

Overflow , Cage Brewing , Right Around the Corner , and Pinellas Ale Works are a few of our other favorites, but honestly I have yet to check out a St. Pete brewery I wasn’t fond of!

If you are into the brewery scene, you may also be interested in checking out breweries in Dunedin , the best breweries in Tampa , and 5 fun breweries in Clearwater too!

Holding beer flight in front of

Trolley Pub

If you want to take your brewery hopping game to the next level book a ride with Trolley Pub ! You can rent the whole bike or just a seat and make your way from brewery to brewery. The tours last two hours and allow you to bring your own coolers with drinks and snacks (no hard liquor or glass). You will pop between 4 of St. Pete’s best bars and breweries.

Related read: Ultimate St. Pete Bach Party Guide & Best Florida Bachelorette Party Destinations

Support some local restaurants

The foodie scene is ON POINT in St. Pete. So many awesome spots to choose from, regardless of what cuisine you are craving. Some of my go-to’s are The Library (for brunch), Grattzi (for Italian and the best limoncello cake you’ll ever have), Red Mesa Mercado (Mexican eats), Fresco’s (for waterfront views and yummy seafood), The Lure (for sushi), and Parkshore Grill (for a nice date night dinner ).

There are so many bomb restaurants in St. Pete that I’m really just skimming the surface here, read my full list of downtown St. Pete’s best restaurants for more!

🥗Treat yourself to new flavors

During this walking tour try unique foods hand-picked by state-of-the-art chefs and experience the beauty of local culture and cuisine!

The Library in downtown St. Petersburg

Have a picnic

COVID really made me fall in love with the idea of picnics again. In a time when we couldn’t enjoy eating at our favorite restaurants, I really enjoyed getting to-go food from my favorite spots and setting up a cute little picnic area (check out this awesome picnic backpack equipped with all of your picnic needs).

But even now, if you want a fun twist for your meal and just want to enjoy the outdoors, a picnic is your answer.

Vinoy Park gives you park and ocean views, and maybe even a show— sometimes people are showcasing their talents in the area (singing, juggling, tightrope walking, etc.).

Enjoying a picnic at Vinoy Park in downtown St. Pete

If you don’t feel like setting up your own picnic but want to have one, The Picnic Babe has set up the most lovely setup for Remi and me in the past, and I absolutely love her work! She provides games, blankets, a speaker, and whatever else you may think you need for a fun date night , birthday celebration , or just a regular girls’ day.

The Picnic Babe setup

Escape room

Escape rooms are the perfect thing to do in downtown St. Pete on a rainy day. If you aren’t familiar with escape rooms, they are challenges where you are put in a room with clues and puzzles to solve in order to reach an end goal in a certain amount of time. 

Reservations are required, so if you’re expecting a rainy day during your visit, get ahead of the crowd and schedule a slot before all of the other vacationers have the same idea. There are a number of different themed adventures you can choose from including “ SCORCHED ” and “ DISARM “.

Candle Pour

One of the more unique things to do in downtown St. Pete is offered by Candle Pour , where creativity and scent blend seamlessly to create a truly personalized candle-making adventure.

The process is both engaging and gratifying as you begin by perusing the scent wall, selecting your favorite fragrances from an array of options. Next, you will collaborate with an expert who will assist you in combining 3-4 of your chosen scents to craft the perfect candle that reflects your individual taste.

The tactile engagement of pouring the scents into the container, watching as they meld into a harmonious blend, and ultimately creating a custom-made candle to take home is an experience that is fun and fulfilling!

Candle Pour Tampa

As I mentioned, Vinoy Park is the perfect place for a picnic, but it’s also a great spot for Rollerblading or a bike ride. Even if you don’t have your own bike, St. Pete has bikes you can rent! You can rent through Coast Bike Share’s website or app. There are different plans depending on how frequently you plan to bike as well as discounted student plans, and you can pay per hour/month/year.

🛴 An unusual way to explore St. Petersburg – hop on a segway and visit the best spots in the city

You can also blow the dust off your Rollerblades (OK, maybe that’s just me) and give it the old college try. My legs were screaming, but it really was a fun workout. Vinoy Park is one of my favorite places with scenic views for Rollerblading!

Rollerblading through Vinoy Park on a sunny day

If you’re wanting a more relaxing park day, there are plenty of good places (including plenty of shady areas to escape the Florida sun) to put up a hammock in Vinoy Park. You can find hammocks pretty cheap on Amazon! Need a new book? I’ve got you covered with my next suggestion.

Relaxing on a hammock at Vinoy Park

Toast the Hostess

Elevating the art of shopping to a delightful new level, Toast the Hostess stands as a charming haven in St. Pete where every visit feels like a celebration! This adorable shop offers a curated selection of unique home items that capture both style and personality.

What makes the experience truly special is the opportunity to sip champagne as you explore the store’s exquisite offerings. Whether you’re searching for the perfect statement piece for your living room or a thoughtful gift for a loved one, Toast the Hostess combines the joy of discovery with the pleasure of indulgence.

Toast the Hostess boutique St Pete

Check out some of the adorable bookstores

I have quite the obsession with cute bookshops, and I’m used to them serving coffee, but Book + Bottle takes things next level and pairs an array of literary works with a glass (or bottle) of wine. Why didn’t I think of that? (Peep my top wine bars in St. Pete .)

They also have coffee though, if that’s what you prefer! Make sure to check out all of their fun events or their online book club as well!

Located right next to Black Crow Coffee (one of my favorite coffee shops in St. Pete ) is another super cute bookshop, Tombolo Books . It has this indie, bungalow vibe that totally drew me in. A reservation is needed, however, we got lucky and were able to get in without one. They have your typical genres along with an amazing local selection. They have Florida fiction and Florida nonfiction sections which I found to be so interesting!

Glass of book + bottle's pinot grigio in front of some of their book selection

Get your game on

Breweries like 3 Daughters, Around the Corner, and Overflow Brewing all have plenty of games where you can get a little competitive while you enjoy drinks. If you are wanting more of a bar vibe, hit up Park and Rec ! Here you can find Skee-Ball, air hockey, basketball, corn hole, and more. They have fun retro-themed drink concoctions and fun music. For other fun game spots in Tampa Bay, check out this post .

If you’re looking for something a little bit different, but still want to show your competitive side, there are actually a few axe-throwing spots downtown! Check out Axe and Ale at Fergs or Hatchet Hangout next to Grand Central Brewhouse.

Outside Park and Rec setup with numerous cornhole games on the lawn

See a show at Jannus Live

Speaking of fun music, you will absolutely love Jannus Live. It is definitely one of my favorite venues. It’s an outdoor courtyard venue that’s close to all of St. Pete’s best nightlife spots. Obviously, shows are limited right now due to COVID, but definitely keep an eye on Jannus’s calendar for the future! They host such a wide array of music genres! I saw Gryffin here and it was one of the best shows of my life.

Fairgrounds St. Pete

Fairgrounds St. Pete is a hub of artistic exploration that offers an immersive experience that transcends traditional gallery spaces. Here, art becomes an interactive journey, with a series of experiential rooms that are created by local artists.

Expect to be transported into a world of creativity, where contemporary art takes on new dimensions and ignites conversations and connections. The innovative approach of Fairgrounds St. Pete redefines how we experience art and is an essential stop if you’re seeking a unique and transformative encounter with creativity.

Fairgrounds St Pete

Sing your heart out in a karaoke room

Unleash your inner superstar in the private karaoke room at Good Fortune. Whether you’re a closet diva or a casual crooner, this lively venue provides a perfect stage to belt out your favorite tunes with friends. The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with a wide selection of songs, promises a memorable night of musical entertainment.

The drinks are also delicious, which was great because I definitely needed some liquid courage!

Good Fortune Karaoke Room in St Pete

Have a beach day

Sink your toes into the sugar-white sands of St. Pete Beach , where the options for relaxation and adventure are as vast as the ocean. Whether you’re hopping around beach bars , savoring the culinary delights of Pass-a-Grille’s finest restaurants , or embarking on an epic boat tour to explore the turquoise waters, St. Pete Beach offers a beach day tailored to every preference.

Enjoying St Pete Beach with the Cabana Club

Check out a local festival

Downtown St. Pete is a cultural melting pot of events and activities for just about any and every interest! From art festivals and food fairs to live music and craft markets, there’s always something exciting happening. Keep an eye on social media or local event listings to stay updated.

One of my personal favorite events, Savor St. Pete , celebrated in November, encapsulates the city’s vibrant culinary scene, offering a delectable taste of the local flavors and a chance to mingle with fellow food enthusiasts in a festive and lively setting.

Your admission includes unlimited tastings! Beer, wine, and food sampling are all-inclusive in the ticket price. And did I mention a portion of ticket sales from the event benefits the Children’s Cancer Center? So you’re also supporting a great cause!

Savor St Pete cocktail

Visit Mazzaro’s Italian Market

Mazzaro’s Italian Market is one of St. Pete’s gems and an absolute must-add to your list of things to do in downtown St. Pete. Whether you’re craving freshly roasted coffee or handmade pasta, that’s just a few of the offerings that Mazzaro’s brings to the table.

I couldn’t believe how large this place was. They have a huge assortment of wine, beer, cheeses, fresh meat and seafood, gourmet baked goods, deli sandwiches, and so much more!

Check out the bakery for fresh Tuscan, Ciabatta, Pugliese, Focaccia, and Rosemary bread, or get your sweet tooth fix with some tiramisu, cannolis, or sfogliatelle (to name a few of their desserts). The deli offers soups, sandwiches, antipasta, and salads.

Their cheese selection includes over 300 varieties, the majority produced on tiny farms and are not sold in grocers or big-box retailers. Their cheese department hand makes their fresh mozzarella each day, and they offer hundreds of varieties of pasta including fresh pasta prepared by hand daily.

Mazzaro’s wine cellar is one of Pinellas County’s largest! It contains thousands of bottles from both old and new world wineries. If that sounds overwhelming, check out one of their free wine tastings which are held weekly on Fridays from 12 pm to 3 pm and Saturdays from 11 am to 2 pm.

Mazzaros Italian Market coffee

Enjoy one of the many cute coffee shops in St. Pete

It is unreal how many adorable coffee shops you stumble upon in St. Pete. When I lived in the area, I used to love checking out a different one each week and just getting my computer work done there. Here is a list of my favorite coffee shops in downtown St. Pete !

Coffee and blue books at The Library

Cruisin Tikis

This is one of the best things to do on Clearwater Beach , so I was especially pumped when downtown St. Pete got their own Cruisin Tiki ! This downtown St. Pete boat tour is more suited for 21+ and is your own personal floating bar.

Cruise around St. Pete on this 2-hour cruise; see the pier from a different perspective, and even go to a sandbar. You bring your own booze and snacks, and the tiki provides the views, and typically even some dolphin sightings! Sometimes you can even come across baby sharks by the sandbar!

You can do the tour in the morning, afternoon, or around sunset. We went around sunset and it was so beautiful. Check out my reel for the experience here .

Make sure you book your tour in advance!

Woman looking out at St. Pete skyline while steering Cruisin Tikis

Take Scoot Scoot Rentals for a spin

Okay, we had TOO MUCH FUN with Scoot Scoot Rentals ! We rented their Polaris Slingshot, which seats two people and rode it to St. Pete Beach for the day .

You can rent anywhere from 2 hours to several days, and they have golf carts, Jeep Wranglers, scooters, and everything in between!

Check here to see how we spent our day on St. Pete Beach! And check out these other AMAZING day trips !

Scoot Scoot Rental Polaris Slingshot in front of the Don Cesar in St. Pete Beach

Grab a cocktail and enjoy a performance at the Floridian Social Club

This place just recently reopened, and WOW. The work and effort put into the renovations really shows, and it is truly a sight to see. You get that old-timey theatre vibe with a modern twist.

The Floridian Social Club is currently showcasing local talents but in the future plans to have bigger names. They have jazz, cover bands, and even aerial performances! The bartenders are amazing and offer a great selection of craft cocktails as well as customized requests!

Outside entrance to the Floridian Social Club

One thing I love about St. Pete is how artsy the area is— almost everywhere you look there’s a beautiful, unique mural! Each year St. Pete hosts Shine On which is a mural painting festival where several new murals go up! So even if you think you’ve seen them all, you probably haven’t 😉

Curious about the artist or what the mural means, or even how to locate them all? Don’t worry, you’re covered! There’s a complete list of the murals as well as a map and details about the mural and artist! You can walk, bike, or Rollerblade along your own personal art tour!

If you opt for a guided tour, I recommend this one !

Jumping in a cheetah dress in front of a mural that says

Sunken Gardens

You can see 50,000 tropical plants and flowers, including some of the oldest tropical plants in the region, at Sunken Gardens ! Stroll around little trails while viewing beautiful lush, exotic plants. They even have flamingos and a walk-through butterfly encounter!

Another fun option is joining an eco segway tour to explore the gardens. Check out some other amazing botanical gardens in Tampa Bay .

Welcome to Sunken Gardens St Pete sign

If you’re enjoying this guide, be sure to check out my ULTIMATE guide for Tampa including the best things to do, coffee shops, restaurants, bars, hotels, and more!

The Saint owners went ALL OUT on this speakeasy. I mean EVERYTHING is on brand— a confessional to enter, the menu, the artwork, the lighting, the glassware, the uniforms. I could go on and on. This is by far one of my favorite speakeasies in the Tampa Bay area .

Each week, a new confession is posted that must be confessed prior to entering. Once you enter you will appreciate every detail that creates this sinners and saints aesthetic.

I usually choose drinks from the Seven Deadly Sins menu and have tried Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth— all were fabulous!

Note: They don’t take reservations, and it is a smaller venue, so if you go on the weekend there may be a long wait. I have always gone during the week and never had to wait, so I would definitely recommend checking them out then. Tuesday through Friday from 5-7 PM they have a holy happy hour with some specials if prices are too steep for you otherwise!

Check out the best bars in St. Pete if you’re wanting to pop around after The Saint!


There’s also a new kid on the block! Dirty Laundry is St. Pete’s newest speakeasy, and it does not disappoint!

It appears to be a trendy laundromat, but you’ll be transported to a Havana-inspired cocktail lounge with live music and delicious cocktails once you find out how to get in. I’ll give ya a hint…it may require some dirty talk 😉

Woman holding up a cocktail at Dirty Laundry bar in St Pete with

Dali Museum 

The Dali is really a must if you’re in St. Pete. Aside from Europe, St. Pete houses the largest collection of Salvador Dali’s work. Art museums aren’t usually my thing, but there is something about Dali’s work that I think can appeal to anyone. He focuses on Surrealism, and his paintings are often dreamlike, making it really fun to attempt to interpret. It’s truly a unique experience, and there are always new exhibits for those who have already visited before!

The Dali Museum in downtown St. Pete

Visit another St. Pete museum

While the Dali is probably the most popular and well-known museum in downtown St. Pete, there are a number of other interesting museums in the area as well.

If you are into art, there is the Museum of Fine Arts with exhibits that include African art, European paintings, and American photography; Imagine Museum , which showcases contemporary glass art; and Chihuly Collection , which has unique sculptures created by glass artist Dale Chihuly as well as glass-blowing demonstrations.

If you want more history, you can check out the St. Petersburg Museum of History . It is the oldest museum in Pinellas County and aims to collect, preserve, and showcase the history and heritage of Florida with a focus on St. Petersburg. There is also the Florida Holocaust Museum .

This is one of three Holocaust museums accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, and one of the largest Holocaust museums in the country.

If you go to the Museum of Fine Arts in downtown St. Pete be sure to stop at Clementine Cafe for one of their famous baby cakes! The flavor changes frequently, but they are equally as delicious as they are beautiful!

Museum of Fine Arts in Downtown St. Petersburg

Check out a Rays game

Sports fan or not, who doesn’t love a good tailgate? Ferg’s is the place to be before a game (or during a game if you don’t have tickets). You can walk from Ferg’s to Tropicana Field and get hyped up.

The Rays used to fly under the radar, but after last 2020’s World Series appearance, I have a feeling fans may be a little more amped up for the games these following years. Check out the schedule to see if there are any upcoming home games !

If you get bored with the game, you can always play your own games at Ballpark & Rec located inside Tropicana Field!

Posing at a Rays Baseball game at Tropicana Field in downtown St Pete

St. Pete Pier

The St. Pete Pier has finally opened, and it is absolutely stunning! Go during the day and catch some people fishing, or head there in the evening to enjoy the sunset! You can find a mix of art , history , and a nice selection of food and drink spots here. There are also a number of good spots at the pier to set up a picnic.

View from outside of the St. Pete Pier

Spend some time at one of St. Pete’s adorable markets

St. Pete has a couple of markets that occur on the weekends. Not only are they fun and unique, but they’re also a great way to support our lovely community.

There’s the Indie Flea Market , which is a large collection of local vendors who sell handmade crafts, jewelry, fashion, art, food, and more! It is something that I look forward to on the weekends that they have it. It’s located in the Coastal Creative warehouse in St. Pete’s Grand Central District.

Another market, held every Saturday is the Saturday Morning Market . It’s the largest weekly fresh market in the Southeast U.S.! How freaking cool is St. Pete? I mean seriously. There are over 125 vendors here each Saturday. You can enjoy live music, fresh local produce, artisan-made goodies, and handmade crafts.

Indie Flea signage

Shop at amazing boutiques

Fellow shopaholics unite! Downtown St. Pete is a paradise for boutique lovers, and two of my absolute favorites are Shoreline Sugars and Vogue Society.

Both of these St. Pete boutiques have a curated selection of fun and trendy clothing and accessories. From flowy sundresses to statement jewelry, there’s always something fabulous to discover. Trust me, with such irresistible finds, you’ll never leave empty-handed!

Vogue Society boutique in St Pete

Visit a kombucha tasting room

Thirsty for something refreshing? Add Beech Kombucha to your list of things to do in downtown St. Pete! It’s St. Pete’s first and only kombucha tasting room.

Whether you’re a kombucha connoisseur or new to the fizzy fermented goodness, Beech Kombucha has something for everyone. They have a large variety of flavors, from classic kombucha to innovative blends that will excite your taste buds. Plus, it’s the perfect alternative if you’re taking a break from alcohol, but fear not— they also offer boozy options for those who fancy a little extra kick!

Picnic area at Beech Kombucha

Get creative

As I mentioned, St. Pete is a super artsy district. It may inspire you to explore your own creativity a bit. There are so many options for fun art experiences. You can create your own pottery at Sugar Cream Clay (we had the best time here! Pics below), paint some pottery at Practically Pikasso , do a glass workshop at Zen Glass Studio (make your own wine glass!), or do a classic favorite, Painting with a Twist !

Sugar Cream Clay pottery studio in downtown st pete


You can often find Zen Glass Studio in St. Pete on Groupon!

Helicopter ride 

At The Hangar , you can do a helicopter ride through Tampa Bay Aviation and get an aerial view of this beautiful area we call home! There are different options from the length of ride, the area you want to see, and what time you want to go. Afterward, grab a drink at The Hangar!

Mother and daughter getting ready for takeoff in their helicopter ride

Get out on the water

If you thought you had to drive all the way to St. Pete Beach to do fun cruises or water activities, think again! Do a dolphin or sunset cruise with Pier Dolphin Cruises — seeing a dolphin is guaranteed! If you don’t see one, your next ride is free.

Weedon Island Preserve

If you’re in the mood for some nature, check out Weedon Island Preserve ! It has miles of boardwalks and trails, a Cultural and Natural History Center, as well as kayak and SUP rentals in case you get bored of exploring by foot!

Getting Around in Downtown St. Petersburg

The downtown area is very walkable, but you can also bike or utilize downtown St. Pete’s new e-scooters ! Or, check out the new SunRunner . It’s currently free for the first 6 months. It’s fast and frequent (every 15 minutes), taking 35 minutes to get from downtown to St. Pete Beach and make several stops along the way.

If you are driving, depending on the time and day you may be able to find metered parking. We usually avoid downtown during busy times so it isn’t usually a problem for us, but if all else fails we head to the Sundial Parking Garage where it’s only $1 for the first four hours! For other parking lots and garages, check here .

If you’re visiting from out of town check out Discover Cars for your car rental needs. They compare prices from 500+ trusted providers, have 24/7 support, and free cancellation!

Scooter parking area in downtown St. Pete

Where to Stay in Downtown St. Petersburg

If you are wanting to stay right downtown, downtown St. Pete is full of hotel options. From boutiques to luxury stays, see what’s available during your stay by checking the booking.com map widget below!

My personal favorite places to stay in downtown St. Pete:

  • The Vinoy — A historic landmark in downtown St. Pete that recently got some exciting renovations! It offers luxurious accommodations and stunning waterfront views.
  • The Birchwood — A stylish boutique hotel with elegant rooms, a rooftop lounge with Gulf views, and a popular restaurant offering a diverse menu.
  • AC Hotel by Marriott — Situated in the heart of downtown St. Pete, this modern hotel has a prime location that allows easy access to nearby attractions, and you can enjoy amenities such as a rooftop bar, contemporary rooms, and a stylish ambiance.
  • Hollander Hotel — Renowned for its vibrant and eclectic decor, this boutique hotel in downtown St. Pete offers a lively pool area and a charming courtyard. With its unique character and central location, you can enjoy a blend of modern comfort and historic charm.

Cane and Barrel rooftop bar in downtown St. Pete

Let me help you pack with ease! Check out my Amazon storefront for some of the beach essentials you should have on your Florida packing list !

Which downtown St. Pete activity is your favorite?! Follow me on Insta @guidedbydestiny for more St. Pete and Florida fun!

Be sure to check out some of my other Florida posts like:

Ultimate Guide to Dunedin

Free Things to do in Tampa Bay

Best Rooftop Bars in St. Pete

best things to do in downtown St. Petersburg, FL

Destiny Snyder is a passionate travel blogger and content creator based in the Tampa Bay area. Originally from a small town near Toledo, Ohio, Destiny's love for exploring new places began when she moved to Florida in 2017. She enjoys uncovering hidden gems, sharing insider tips on the best things to do, places to eat, and coffee shops to visit in every destination. With her blog Guided by Destiny and niche sites Sunkissed in Tampa and Sunkissed in St. Pete, Destiny aims to make trip planning stress-free and fun for her readers.


Wow! So much to do over there (I am in Texas lol)! What a beautiful area, I will have to add it to my bucket list!

You will totally be in love! There is SO MUCH to do in this area!

What a great overview of things to do. Saving for my future visit of Florida.

I love St. Pete! I can’t wait to visit again to check out the new St. Pete Pier!

You’re going to love it! They did such an amazing job!

What a great and fun list of things to do. I love that Parkshore picnic spot, so beautiful. I’m also a big fan of finding cute bookshops so thanks for the tips 🙂

Count me in!! Coffee, book stores, beaches, murals, gardens are all things I love. I don’t think I could go wrong in St Pete.

You are exactly right haha! An endless supply of variety and fun 🙂

such a great list. It’s the foodie scene and brewery hopping for me.

So many incredible things to do — I especially love the picnic on the beach! So fun and romantic!

It was definitely the most romantic date I’ve ever had! So fun!

This is one city in Florida that I haven’t had the chance to visit yet, so thank you for sharing all of these great tips and things to do!

It’s definitely one of the best! Can’t wait for you to fall in love with it here 🙂

Hi Destiny,

Thanks for the awesome write up! Do you have any recommendations for condo/apartment recommendations or a page devoted to that? Thanks!

I unfortunately don’t, I’m sorry! You’re not the first person to ask me that though, so I really should get around to doing a round-up!

I love visiting downtown St. Petersburg! There are so many great things to do here, and it’s always so fun to explore. I especially love the art galleries and the restaurants.

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15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in St. Petersburg, Russia

Written by Diana Bocco Updated Dec 23, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Moscow might be Russia's most modern, cosmopolitan city, but St. Petersburg is the cultural and historical heart of the country . Home to the Hermitage, one of the largest and most stunning art museums in the world, surrounded by canals, and home to beautiful white nights (when the sun never sets in summer), St. Petersburg is regal and inspiring.

First-time visitors should start at the Hermitage Museum -a museum so large, it is literally impossible to see it all in one day -and the beautiful Nevsky Avenue, flanked by opulent restaurants, churches, and palaces, and a great place for people watching. The Peterhof Palace Complex requires a day trip out of town, but it's a must-see and one of the highlights of a trip to St. Petersburg.

Whether you already know what to do when visiting or are looking for more ideas on how to spend your time, take a look at our list of top tourist attractions in St. Petersburg.

1. State Hermitage Museum

2. peter and paul fortress, 3. palace square, 4. peterhof palace, 5. eliseyev emporium, 6. vasilyevsky island, 7. nevsky avenue, 8. church of the savior on spilled blood, 9. mariinsky theater, 10. rivers and canals, 11. cruiser aurora, 12. saint isaac's cathedral, where to stay in st. petersburg, russia for sightseeing, map of tourist attractions in st. petersburg, russia.

State Hermitage Museum

Founded when Empress Catherine the Great started acquiring works of art in the late 1700s, the museum didn't officially open to the public until 1852. Today, the Hermitage is the second-largest art museum in the world after the Louvre, and it's home to a collection of over three million items.

The Hermitage technically occupies six buildings, although the main part of the museum (and the building most people associate with the museum) is housed in the Winter Palace, which served as the home of the Russian emperors until 1917, and it's a massive structure with 1,500 rooms.

In addition to French Neoclassical and Impressionist art, Flemish Baroque and Italian Renaissance exhibits, the museum also holds an impressive collection of Russian art from the 11th to 19th centuries, a sizable 19th-century Egyptian antiquity collection, and a hall showcasing prehistoric art. The Hermitage has the largest collection of paintings in the world, spanning many countries and centuries.

The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress was originally a fortified area meant to protect the state from foreign attacks. It was constructed in 1703 and then extended and modified for the following four decades. While the fortress never saw any actual combat, it still has a dark story behind it, as it served as a prison and execution quarters during the Bolshevik revolution in the early 20 th century. Today, it's part of the State Museum of the History of St. Petersburg.

Within the walls of the fortress and surrounded by beautiful gardens and stone paths, there are several buildings. Perhaps the best known is the 18 th -century Peter and Paul Cathedral , the final resting place of Russian czars. Prison cells, a city museum, and the Saint Petersburg Mint building (founded in 1724 to manufacture coins and still in operation) are also located within the walls of the fortress.

The Alexander Column in Palace Square

St. Petersburg's main city square is a massive open public space right in front of the Winter Palace. The Alexander Column , built in the 1830s of a single piece of red granite, stands 47 meters tall at the center of the square. It was commissioned by Alexander I to commemorate the victory against Napoleon.

Many major events in Soviet/Russian history have taken place right on the square-Tsar Alexander II was shot here in 1879, and Bolshevik troops started the Revolution here in 1917 by storming the Winter Palace, where the royalty lived. Since then, the square has also been used for marches and demonstrations, from military parades to celebrate Victory Day (which marks the end of WWII) to New Year's Eve celebrations.

Peterhof Palace

Located less than 30 kilometers from central St. Petersburg, the 18 th -century Peterhof Palace complex consists of a series of buildings, several formal gardens, and a total of 173 fountains fed by underground springs. Designed in the style of the Palace of Versailles , Peterhof is best known for its "Grand Cascade," which consists of 64 fountains located on a series of terraces outside the main entrance of the palace.

The opulence of the palace itself can be discovered through a guided tour. It features 30 rooms decorated with truly imposing gold colors, lots of marble, and items brought back from Asia mixing in with Baroque-style fireplaces and giant mirrors. Although it's possible to take a bus to get here, you can also catch a boat from St. Petersburg. The ride takes 45 minutes on the Neva River and offers great views of the shoreline along the way.

Eliseyev Emporium

When the Eliseyev Emporium building was inaugurated in 1903, it was one of the most luxurious structures of its time. This might not be the case anymore, but the Art Nouveau details, stained-glass windows, crystal and metal candelabra, and hand-painted wall patterns are still quite impressive. The main attraction here, however, is the window displays, which feature moving puppets representing characters from The Nutcracker .

Today, this retail complex focuses mainly on food, with the most famous stop inside being the Eliseevy Merchants' Shop , Russia's oldest confectionery shop, which also sells high-end meats, spices, and dressings. The Eliseyev Emporium is also home to a unique homemade ice-cream shop selling flavors such as spicy basic and strawberry, green tea with jasmine, and "tender violet." Beautiful, hand-carved wooden souvenirs of traditional figures from Russian folktales are also available here.

Vasilyevsky Island

Located just across the river from the city center and the Winter Palace and connected to the mainland by two bridges and a metro line, this small island is home to a number of landmarks and beautiful parks-including a Museum of Electrical Transport; the Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography; the Old Saint Petersburg Stock Exchange; and the Baroque Menshikov Palace, which serves as a branch of the Heritage Museum and holds mainly 17 th -century Russian art.

The Russian Academy of Sciences has several branches on the island, as well-and visitors might particularly appreciate visiting the Institute of Russian Literature , which holds original manuscripts of some of Russian's most famous writers, including beloved poet Alexander Pushkin.

Nevsky Avenue

Named after the Alexander Nevsky Lavra monastery that sits on this same street, the 4.5-kilometer-long Nevsky Prospect (or Avenue) is the heart of St. Petersburg. Home to the 18 th -century Great Gostiny Dvor, one of the oldest shopping arcades in the world, Nevsky Avenue also hosts lots of high-end shops, fancy restaurants, and luxury hotels.

Nevsky Prospect is all about opulent architecture -here, palaces and churches stand side by side, including the Late Baroque Stroganov Palace; the early 19 th -century Kazan Cathedral; and the Russian National Library, housed in a building dating back to the 1700s.

Even if you don't plan on doing any shopping here, the lights and atmosphere of this avenue are still worth a visit. Along the way, you'll find street artists; an original movie theater dating back to 1913; and the Anichkov Bridge, which was seriously damaged during WWII and restored without removing traces of shell damage from Nazi guns as a reminder of what happened here.

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

One of the most beautiful sights in St. Petersburg is this multicolored church designed in traditional medieval Russian style. Alexander III ordered its construction in 1883 on the site where his father had been assassinated two years prior.

It took over 20 years for the church to be finally completed, partly because of budget and partly because the materials needed for its interior décor (which included 7,500 square meters of mosaics to cover the walls and ceilings) weren't that easy to come by.

The church was seriously damaged during the Russian Revolution in 1917, then used as a morgue during WWII and as a potato warehouse right after. It took almost 30 years of restoration to get the building to its original splendor-but rather than reopening as a church, the structure is now a museum of mosaics .

Mariinsky Theater

Catherine the Great ordered the formation of the imperial opera and ballet troupe in the late 18 th century, but it wasn't until 1860, almost 80 years later, that the company got its own theater. Once it opened, Mariinsky Theater was the most preeminent music hall in Russia-the place where major masterpieces from Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky were first premiered.

A masterpiece of Neoclassical architecture with Neo-Byzantine design elements, the Mariinsky Theater looks opulent from every angle-from the U-shaped auditorium to the ceiling mural to the massive crystal chandelier.

Today, the theater is one of the most prestigious cultural institutions in St. Petersburg. If you plan on attending a premiere or a popular performance (such as The Nutcracker in December or January), you will need to get tickets well in advance.

Canal with the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood at sunset

St. Petersburg's canals once played an important role in preventing floods-and while they still do keep waters at bay, they are now mainly used for transportation and to enjoy beautiful cruises down the Neva.

The canal system stretches for over 300 kilometers, with hundreds of bridges (both pedestrian and for traffic) crossing over them. The two most popular waterways are the Griboyedov Canal and the Winter Canal. The Griboyedov Canal flows under 21 bridges and alongside some of the city's most famous landmarks, including the Church of Our Savior on the Spilled Blood. The city's shortest canal, the Winter Canal , runs by the Winter Palace and the Hermitage Theater.

Both small and large boats are available to travel through the canals-some offering food, live music, or special English-language tours-including special rides to watch the bascule bridges opening at midnight.

Cruiser Aurora

The protected cruiser Aurora is a retired Russian naval ship with an armored deck. Built in the earlier 1900s, it served during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905 and survived the Battle of Tsushima, where Russia suffered massive losses both in human lives and in the number of ships sunk or destroyed. It was also a shot from an Aurora cannon that marked the beginning of the Russian Revolution in 1917.

The Aurora is now anchored on the river Neva and is the most visited branch of the Central Naval Museum . Visitors can tour six different rooms onboard the ship, where they can see recreated snippets of everyday life (including how people ate and slept), photographs and paintings, and model ships.

While access to the Aurora is free, the engine room is only accessible for an extra fee. The view from the deck of the Aurora is stunning, with imperial buildings and rocking waters all around.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral

Technically speaking, St. Isaac is the world's largest Orthodox basilica , though the building has been converted into a museum, and religious service is rarely held here anymore. The cathedral was named after Saint Isaac the Confessor, a Christian monk who founded an important monastery in Constantinople.

The cathedral was finished in 1858, after 40 years of construction work plagued by criticism about the Neoclassical building being "plain and not too impressive."

The museum's collection features many ancient icon paintings, mosaic images, and colored stonework and marble. Perhaps the best reason to visit St. Isaac's Cathedral, however, is the 360-degree view you'll get from the platform at the 43-meter-tall colonnade - a magical mix of colorful rooflines, golden spires, and a number of city landmarks.

Luxury Hotels:

  • Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace St. Petersburg has an excellent location just two blocks from the Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. The hotel itself is inside a former palace belonging to a Russian princess in the 1820s. The interior is stunning, with a granite grand staircase. Rooms and suites are spacious and posh, with 5-star amenities. Also on-site are a number of different dining options, including a glass-roofed winter garden where you'll find the Tea Lounge. A spa, heated swimming pool, hot tub, and sauna are other perks of staying here.
  • Hotel Helvetia is a 5-star property that is often priced lower than others in its category making it excellent value. Located within walking distance of Nevsky Prospect, it is a historic hotel dating back to the early 1800s. The design is elegant, and the rooms and suites have charming style and butler service. There is a restaurant and concierge on-site.
  • Another luxury option is the Hotel Astoria next to St. Isaac's Cathedral in the center of St. Petersburg. The rooms and suites are classy, and there are options for families. Butler service is offered, and there is also valet parking. Other amenities include a restaurant and a spa with a sauna.

Mid-Range Hotels :

  • Galunov Hotel is an excellent mid-range choice. The 4-star property is still quite luxurious and features cozy rooms and suites with exposed brick walls and fresh flowers in vases by the bed. The hotel is less than a 10-minute walk to Vosstaniya Square and just a few hundred meters to the Moskovskiy train station. Amenities include free parking, free breakfast, and 24-hour check-in.
  • For an intimate mid-range stay check out the Alexander House . Located on the Kryukov Canal Embankment in the historic center of St. Petersburg, it has just 20 rooms and suites. These have a warm ambiance, with upholstered furniture, exposed brick walls, large windows, and area rugs. A complimentary breakfast is served in the morning.
  • Old meets new at the Pushka Inn Hotel . The property boasts antique lanterns on walls, dark wood floors, and high ceilings. It also has a scenic location right on the Moyka River. Amenities include a restaurant, 24-hour front desk, and airport transportation.

Budget Hotels:

  • For a solid budget hotel check out Allegro Hotel on Ligovskiy Ave . Just a few minutes' walk from the railway station with trains to Moscow and to Nevsky prospect, it features bright and spacious rooms with wood floors and furnishings and exposed brick walls painted white. A free breakfast is offered.
  • Admiralteyskaya Hotel is another good budget choice. It is located on Matisov Island, which is surrounded by three rivers and connected with the rest of the city by five different bridges, offering guests a different view of St. Petersburg. The hotel is family friendly and offers guests a free breakfast.

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Exploring Russia : When planning a trip to Russia, it pays to look outside the main cities for some unique and awe-inspiring destinations. For stunning mountains, lakes, and never-ending tundra, check out our list of Best Places to Visit in Russia . If you are heading to Moscow next and want ideas on what to see while there, we have some great suggestions in our article, Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Moscow .

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13 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg | Russia’s Most Beautiful City

By Author Christian L.

Posted on Published: January 17, 2021  - Last updated: September 11, 2021

Categories Europe , Destinations , Russia

Once known as Leningrad and before that Petrograd, Saint Petersburg, Russia, is the country’s second-largest city. Set next to the Neva River, close to the Baltic Sea, this city is home to over 5 million people.

It’s the world’s northernmost city, founded by Peter the Great and named after Saint Peter the apostle. Once home to the Tsars of Russia, it is today known as the country’s cultural capital.

With iconic sights such as Hermitage Museum, Nevsky Prospect, Peterhof Palace, and so much more, it has a fascinating heritage ripe for exploration. Without further ado, let’s dive into the 13 best things to do in St. Petersburg. 

Visit Saint Petersburg, Europe´s most beautiful city

Top Things to do in St. Petersburg, Russia

St. Petersburg, Europe, has grown into one of the top tourist destinations on the continent. Although it might get very cold in winter, there are still plenty of things to do – and the summers are absolutely perfect! Saint Petersburg is one of the prettiest cities in all of Europe .

Keep reading for some of my favorite choices. 

1. Visit The World Famous Hermitage Museum

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

One of the city’s most popular attractions (with over 3 million items in its esteemed collection), State Hermitage Museum showcases everything from fine art to ancient artifacts. 

Even if you don’t plan on entering inside, the exterior is an architectural gem in itself. The columns are all in white with green/gold facades that can be viewed from the river or Palace Square.

If you’re visiting St. Petersburg, Russia, your trip would not be complete without stopping past this world-famous landmark. It’s also a great activity to do no matter what time of year you are visiting – and a perfect way to escape those cold Russian winter days. 

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

There are six buildings in the museum complex in total. Five of which – Winter Palace, Small Hermitage, Old Hermitage, New Hermitage, and Hermitage Theatre – can be accessed by the public.

Within, you’ll be treated to Egyptian collections, artifacts dating from ancient Mesopotamia, and classical Greek jewelry, pottery, and sculptures. This is any historical culture lover’s dream. 

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

Keep exploring, and you will find collections of prehistoric relics from the Palaeolithic era to the Iron Ages, European fine arts, Impressionist works, Catherine the Great’s personal collections, and so much more.

In fact, you’ll need an entire day or possibly longer to explore this incredible museum complex. If you only have limited time in St. Petersburg, be sure to add this museum to your itinerary! There are also guided tours available if you want a more educational experience. 

Did you know? The Hermitage Museum is the world’s second-largest art museum.

hermitage museum saint petersburg

2. Take in a Performance at Mariinsky Theatre

The Neoclassical Mariinsky Theatre is home to Russia’s revered opera and ballet companies.

The theatre – named after the wife of Tsar Alexandra II, Empress Maria Alexandrovna – has been here since 1860 when it was known as the Kirov Theatre.

This magnificent building, since it opened, has hosted stage performances and premieres from Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky and famous ballets such as Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake and The Nutcracker. 

Today, in addition to hosting live performances, the theatre has its own record label, which focuses on releasing music by Russian composers Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, and Rachmaninov.

If you enjoy the arts and are going to be in St. Petersburg for several days, book tickets to see a world-class performance – you won’t be disappointed.

3. See Jewelled Eggs at the Faberge Museum

The House of Faberge was founded in St. Petersburg in 1842 by Gustav Faberge. Originally a jeweler, he became famous for designing jewel-encrusted eggs for the Tsars of Russia and is arguably the most famous goldsmith of the modern era. 

Today, you can view these iconic collection pieces in the Faberge Museum. It showcases 4,000 items in total, including Faberge Easter eggs, jewelry, silverware, home decor, and fantasy-themed objects.

The incredible jeweled eggs are famous all over the world, and there are several museums dedicated to them. But if you want to learn about Gustav Faberge, his family, and how it all began, this is the museum to visit. You can purchase a ticket in person or online. 

4. Spend an Hour Canal Cruising

St. Petersburg is built on 42 islands, and once upon a time (before bridges were constructed), cruising was the only way to navigate the city.

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

On a Golden Ring boat tour, you’ll see some of St. Petersburg’s iconic sights along the Kryukov Canal, including St. Nicholas Cathedral, Saint Isaac’s Cathedral, and the Mariinsky theatre.

Saint Isaac's Cathedral in central Saint Petersburg.

You’ll dip beneath the famous colored bridges on Neva River whilst enjoying views of Peter and Paul Fortress, Vasilyevsky Island, and the Summer Garden. This is truly one of the most breathtaking ways to take in all the beauty that St. Petersburg has to offer. 

This tour also only takes around an hour, so you’ll have plenty of time to revisit your favorite spots throughout the day!

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,Hermitage Museum,russia

5. Discover Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood

Saint Petersburg,Russia,Europe,Church

One of St. Petersburg’s architectural masterpieces is the Church of Our Savior on Spilled Blood.

This former Russian Orthodox Church was completed in 1907 and is built in Baroque, Neoclassical, and Russian Revival design. It is one of the city’s main attractions, with ornate domes, intricate frescoes, and 7,500 square meters of mosaics inside. 

If you don’t wish to enter, you can gain incredible views from Griboedov Canal. But if you do venture inside, you’ll be rewarded with interior frescoes and mosaic works depicting biblical scenes and figures created by celebrated Russian artists of the time.

The Church of the Saviour of Blood is built on the spot where Emperor Alexander 2 was assassinated in 1881 – hence the name. So, not only will you be able to appreciate the fine architectural designs, but also explore an important part of Russian history. 

6. Take a Rooftop Walk-in St. Petersburg

If you have viewed the city from canals and rivers, try it from the rooftops! You can take a guided rooftop walk in the city, seeing streets and skylines from an elevated perspective.

One particular tour to highlight is the Official Rooftops Excursion of St. Petersburg. Just a few minutes from Nevsky Prospect, these sites offer vistas of Fontanka River and Trinity Cathedral – and that’s just the first roof.

The second roof boasts views of St. Petersburg’s old center, St. Isaac’s Cathedral, Kazan Cathedral, and the Church on Spilled Blood.

This is a truly incredible way to see the city in all its glory, plus the tour provides you with binoculars so you can see everything in great detail.

7. Admire Nevsky Prospect’s Magnificent Architecture

Saint Petersburg,St.Petersburg,russia,

The main street of St. Petersburg is Nevsky Prospect. Begin at the intersection at Stroganov Palace before venturing to Kazan Cathedral. While you walk, take in the monuments dedicated to Catherine the Great and browse goods at The Passage – Nevsky Avenue’s premier department store.

This store was quite the trailblazer. It opened its doors in the late 1840s and was one of the first buildings in Russia to use gas for lighting. Then, in 1900, an electric station was installed on an underground floor.

Once you’ve finished shopping and enjoyed a fresh cup of coffee, continue to the Russian National Library – the oldest public library in Russia – and Alexandrinsky Theatre (which was built for the Imperial troupe of Petersburg).

8. Visit the Island of Peter and Paul Fortress

Peter and Paul Fortress saint petersburg

Set on an island connected by bridges, Peter and Paul Fortress is instantly recognizable from its needle spire, which dominates the skyline. The fortress was originally built to defend the maritime city from Swedish invaders.

Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral

However, Peter the Great defeated the opposition before it was even completed! It has since served as a military center and prison for political dissenters and, latterly, as a museum.

Inside the vast complex, you can see Peter and Paul Cathedral, visit the resting place of the Romanovs, and watch military processions or the firing of the noon-day gun.

It’s a great day trip for anyone interested in Russian, maritime or military history. There are also plenty of group walking tours available. 

9. Sample Russian Vodka in a Ryumochnye

A visit to Russia wouldn’t be complete without sampling the local drink – vodka, and the best place to do this is in a Ryumochnye. This is a specific style of 19th-century Russian drinking house that not only offers some of Russia’s best vodka but also a short history lesson.

You could call it a bar, but it’s more than that – most mainstream Ryumochnye have a definite Soviet vibe and are places for working men to kick back and enjoy vodka with their buddies.

Beverages come in bottles or shot form, and some places offer self-service and snacks.

If that sounds too hardcore for your taste, there are updated versions of Ryumochnye in the city, like Mayak in St. Petersburg, where you can gain a similar experience. 

10. Enjoy local Saint Petersburg Craft Beer

saint petersburg craft beer

Although most people think of vodka when visiting Russia, you can also enjoy some of the best craft beer in Saint Petersburg . Russia’s second-largest city has an exciting, rapidly growing craft beer scene, in part due to its history and geography.

Historically, the Russian empire was influenced by Northern Europe, and the Dutch & English beer-drinking culture eventually made its way here. Today, Saint Petersburg is home to a growing number of modern microbreweries, cool taprooms, and stylish bars.

craft beer saint petersburg

Saint Petersburg is also home to Stepan Razin Brewery, the oldest brewery in Russia (now, of course, owned by Heiniken). It opened in 1795, but today the building is known as the Saint Petersburg Beer Museum, showcasing the history of beer in Russia and the Soviet Union.

Russia’s largest and most popular brewery, Baltika, is also located in Saint Petersburg, and it’s possible to take a tour of their huge brewery.

11. See the Majestic Catherine Palace

A stately palace of blue and gold, Catherine’s Palace is located 26 kilometers south of St. Petersburg. Named after the wife of Peter the Great, this place was originally a two-story modest building commissioned in 1717.

The exterior, which stretches for one kilometer in circumference, is surrounded by woodlands, lawns, gilded balconies, and reliefs. However, the interiors are even more impressive.

With great halls, a white dining room, an amber room, and more. It’s the perfect place to step back into history and discover what life was like as a Russian aristocracy.

12. Explore Peterhof Palace

peterhof saint petersburg

If you’re going to visit Catherine Palace, you should tour Peterhof too. It’s a 40-minute drive away, but you can even take a hydrofoil speed boat from right behind the Hermitage in Saint Petersburg center.

Sitting close to the Baltic Sea, Peterhof Palace was constructed by Peter the Great to be Russia’s version of Versailles. The opulent residence surrounded by sculptures, fountains, and tiered staircases leading to the grand entrance evokes mystery and the history of a bygone era.

Inside it is lavishly decorated with dazzling chandeliers, one-of-a-kind artworks and beautiful ceiling frescoes.

Peterhof garden.

On a guided tour, you can learn more about the palace’s history. Discover the Throne Room, Portrait Hall and Peter the Great’s Oak Study. You’ll see dining rooms set for dinner, grand ballrooms where dancing and gatherings would take place, and décor which defies time.

Peterhof saint petersburg russia

The palace offers great insight into his life and legacy, and if you are interested in history, art and interior design, you’ll love it.

Want to know more about Peterhof?

13. Spend a Day by the Finnish Border at Vyborg

Just over an hour from central Saint Petersburg by train is the city of Vyborg. It sits on the Gulf of Finland and was first settled back in the 12th century. The city has been occupied by Finnish and German forces and suffered extensive damage during the Second World War. However, it has since been rebuilt. 

It’s a charming center to wander around, with narrow cobbled streets, a medieval castle, and Finnish art nouveau structures sprinkled throughout. An easy day trip from St. Petersburg, it can also serve as a stop-off point if you’re crossing into Finland to continue your adventure.

Want to know more about Saint Petersburg?

Where is St. Petersburg | Is St. Petersburg in Europe?

If you want to know “Where is Saint Petersburg?”, you’ve come to the right place. Beautiful St. Petersburg is located in northern Russia. Russia is a massive country, so it is no surprise that many people want to know “Is Saint Petersburg in Europe?”. The answer is yes. 

How to Get to Saint Petersburg

The maritime city is well linked to Europe by air, sea, rail and road. Depending on where you’re traveling from and the rest of your itinerary, you can use one of the following ways to arrive at St. Petersburg.

You can fly into Saint Petersburg through Pulkovo International Airport. There are around 1,100 international flights a week and 1,200 domestic flights operating in and out of the local airport.

Although many flights from European cities to Saint Petersburg are direct, you may have to change flights if flying from further afield.

It’s also possible to travel to St. Petersburg by train. The most popular (and most frequent) routes operate from Moscow, Helsinki, and Tallinn. However, there are options to travel from other areas in central Europe, central Asia, and eastern Europe by rail.

There is a central bus station in Saint Petersburg, with services to and from Moscow, Pskov, Novgorod, Vilnius, Riga , Tallinn and Helsinki. Some of these journeys can be long and arduous.

Therefore, thorough research and choosing the right bus company is important.

Baltic Sea Cruises also operate to St. Petersburg as part of a larger itinerary, and St. Peter Line Ferry sails from Helsinki in Finland and Tallinn in Estonia.

Exploring Saint Petersburg, Russia

Saint Petersburg is the 5th most populous city in Europe and also a leading tourist destination. Although people sometimes forget about Russia, this city is breathtakingly beautiful and provides plenty of cultural and historical attractions.

Now that you know where to go, I hope you have an amazing time in Russia’s most beautiful city.

Friday 19th of January 2018

Thank you! So great review about our St. Petersburg!

What to do in St. Petersburg in 1 day - Probe around the Globe

Thursday 11th of May 2017

[…] more about the beauty of St. Petersburg from the Unusual […]

Friday 17th of June 2016

Which hostel did you stay at? I am potentially thinking of going to Russia for World Cup 2018 after my World Cup trip to Brazil two years ago. Saint Petersburg is one of the host cities, and so I am very interested in learning more about this city and recommendations from fellow travellers who have been.

Christian L.

I stayed at Soul Kitchen Junior, and I will go so far and say its by far the best hostel I have ever stayed at!! Anywhere in the world, no other hostels even get close to it:)

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Home » Europe » St. Petersburg

11 BEST Places to Visit in St. Petersburg (2024)

Moscow may be the capital of Russia, but if you’re a culture vulture, then St. Petersburg is the city for you. A port city on the Baltic Sea, it offers everything you could want from a city break and more.

Founded in 1703 by Peter the Great, it is home to some of the most impressive architecture and art in the whole of Russia. There’s so much to do here, it can be hard putting together your Saint Petersburg itinerary. That’s where I come in!

The city is chock full of palaces, parks, cathedrals, and theatres, and there are far too many to fit into one visit, so only my favourites have made the list of the best places to visit in St. Petersburg.

I’ve also thrown in a few off the beaten track and unusual places to make sure you get to see all the best attractions in Saint Petersburg, as well as some hidden gems that only the locals know about!

So, when you’re ready, let’s take a look at the best places to visit in St. Petersburg.

Need a place quick? Here’s the best neighbourhood in St. Petersburg:

These are the best places to visit in st. petersburg, faq on the best places to visit in st petersburg, final thoughts on places to visit in saint petersburg.

Tsentralny, St Petersburg

The Tsentralny District is the beating heart of St Petersburg. It sits at the centre of the action and is home to some of the cities most famous and fascinating landmarks, including the Winter Palace and St Isaac’s Cathedral.

  • Browse the State Rooms of the Stroganov Palace.
  • Climb to the top of St Isaac’s Cathedral and enjoy the views.
  • Delve deep into the history of Russia’s royal family at the spectacular Winter Palace.

Visiting the BEST places in any city should be accompanied by the BEST accommodation, but that requires knowledge of the BEST areas of the city and where to find it.

I’ve got you covered! Be sure to check out where to stay in St. Petersburg and then you may enter the palace below!

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#1 – State Hermitage Museum – Possibly one of the most important places to visit in St. Petersburg

State Hermitage Museum

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  • One of the world’s greatest treasuries of art and antiquities
  • See the intricate and beautiful peacock clock – it’s amazing
  • The hermitage museum is spread out across several sites

Why it’s awesome: No St. Petersburg itinerary is complete without a visit to the State Hermitage Museum. Not only is it one of the most astounding hermitage museums in Russia, but the entire world!

I’d recommend setting aside a whole day for visiting St. Petersburg’s Hermitage Museum. Incredibly, there are over 3 million works from around the world here! If you are short of time, you can marvel at the incredible outside facade from the palace square, as the building itself is just as beautiful as the exhibits inside.

The main building is the Winter Palace, which houses Greek and Roman antiquities, centuries of European art, and the staterooms of the Russian Imperial family from the 18th and 19th centuries! The whole palace is full of russian art and historic pieces that are truly special to this museum.

If you liked the Winter Palace, Catherine Palace is another marble palace worth checking out. It’s the summer residence of the Russian tsars and is a World Heritage Site. The building itself is stunning as the stucco details are drowned in gold. The north-side carriage courtyard is particularly stunning. But, it is a bit of a distance out of the city center so if you are running low on time and can only see one, go to the State Hermitage Museum.

What to do there: If you aren’t blessed with a lot of time for the museum, take a guided tour to see the highlights. One of the most curious things you won’t want to miss is the peacock clock.

The mechanical 18th century automated clock still sings today. It’s the largest example of 18th-century robotics that has survived to the present day without any alterations!

Some housekeeping – since the museum is so big it’s a great idea to get a map which covers the 6 buildings. That way, you can choose the things you’re most interested in.

It’s absolutely impossible to see everything! Also, the museum can get very popular in summer, so consider purchasing skip the line tickets!

#2 – Mariinsky Theatre

Mariinsky Theatre

  • See a ballet performance from the “Imperial Ballet of Russia”
  • A world-class concert hall
  • One of the most renowned cultural attractions in St. Petersburg

Why it’s awesome: This huge theatre is one of the most famous in the world. Built-in the 19th century, for over 150 years it has hosted some of the best actors, performers, and dancers in the world.

Although you can see operas and plays at the Mariinsky, it’s best known for ballet. In fact, this used to be known as the Imperial Ballet of Russia, so that should give you some idea of how revered it was (and still is)! Recently, the theatre has expanded.

In 2006, it added the concert hall and a second stage for opera and ballet in 2013!

What to do there: If you’re limited on a budget or time, you may not be able to extend to a show at the Mariisnky Theatre.

Although that’s a shame, it doesn’t mean you have to miss out completely. We’d definitely recommend taking a tour around the grand auditorium, one of the most beautiful and richly decorated in the world.

If your budget does cover it, don’t miss a show at this incredible place off your St. Petersburg itinerary. It’s also a great place to admire from the outside. Make sure you get pictures of the colourful buildings from Theatre Square!

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#3 – Saviour on the Spilled Blood – One of the best religious places to see in St. Petersburg

Saviour of the Spilled Blood

  • The most unique places of worship in the city
  • Home to one of the world’s biggest collections of mosaics
  • One of the most recognizable landmarks in St. Petersburg

Why it’s awesome: This incredible church known as Savior on Spilled Blood, was built on the site where Tsar Alexander II was killed in an attack, which explains its macabre and graphic name of “spilled blood”.

Although St. Petersburg is filled with churches, this is arguably the most beautiful, and the reason it’s made it onto our list! The colourful church is just as bright and gaudy on the inside, where you’ll find one of the world’s biggest collection of mosaics.

Most people compare this to St Basil’s Cathedral in Russia, another of the country’s most famous landmarks!

What to do there: Any guided tour of the city will take you past the Saviour of the Spilled Blood Cathedral. Probably more than once! That’s because it’s right by the State Russian Museum, and plenty of other attractions are nearby. Also, Alexander II was a very important figure in Russian history.

If you have time, it’s definitely worth getting an hour-long audio tour of the church. It’ll tell you about the church’s history and construction.

Another religious building well worth your time when you travel to St. Petersburg is St Isaac’s Cathedral and Colonnade. It’s easily recognizable by its golden dome!

#4 – Peterhof Palace – A beautiful and scenic place to check out in St. Petersburg

Peterhof Palace

  • Once the main summer residence of the Russian Tsars
  • Excellent location overlooking the Gulf of Finland
  • Have a picnic in the Lower Park

Why it’s awesome: Since it’s located 45 minutes from the city, you’ll need to dedicate at least half a day to visiting Peterhof Palace. However, it’s well worth it!

Situated on the Gulf of Finland, this opulent palace is also known as the “Russian Versailles”. It’s not hard to see why, whether that’s down to the gilded domes, or the fountains throughout the extensive landscaped gardens.

Unbelievably, there are more than 60 fountains and 200 sculptures throughout the gardens at Peterhof. The most famous, The Grand Cascade, is one of the must-see St. Petersburg attractions!

What to do there: Don’t miss going inside the stunning Peterhof Palace. Classic staterooms, the ornate Ceremonial Staircase, and the Grand Ballroom are just some of the highlights of the interior.

Outside, there’s more to the gardens than just the incredible selection of fountains! The Lower Park has a canal that empties straight out into the Gulf of Finland and is a great spot to have a picnic.

Like many other St Petersburg attractions on this list, Peterhof gets very busy in summer. It’s definitely worth booking your ticket in advance, especially if they enable you to skip the queues!

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#5 – Tsarskoye Selo and the Amber Room

Tsarskoye Selo and the Amber Room

  • Experience the lavish wealth of the Romanov Imperial Family
  • See a recreation of the Amber Room, thought to be lost in World War II
  • One of the most famous attractions in St. Petersburg

Why it’s awesome: By now, you’ve probably realized that the palaces in St. Petersburg are pretty extravagant. It’s possible that the 18th century Tsarskoye Selo is the most opulent and lavish of them all, built for Empress Elizabeth by the architect responsible for the Winter Palace, Bartolomeo Rastrelli.

It’s a day trip out of the city, to the town of Pushkin, widely regarded as one of the prettiest neighbourhoods in St. Petersburg. The Amber Room is undoubtedly a highlight. Thought to be lost forever in the Second World War, the painstaking reconstruction of the room is impressive nonetheless!

What to do there: As well as visiting Tsarskoye Selo, while you’re in Pushkin there are a few other cool places to check out.

One of the top attractions in St. Petersburg is Catherine Palace, where you’ll find the Amber Room. Attached to that is also the Catherine garden, which is landscaped with a variety of English, French, and Italian techniques.

If you want to find somewhere a little quieter to escape to, check out Alexander Park. They’re a little more overgrown and spread out, but there are some interesting buildings hidden away in there!

#6 – Museum of Hygiene – Quite the quirky place to visit in St. Petersburg

Museum of Hygiene

  • Educate yourself on the dangers of germs and disease
  • See one of Pavlov’s dogs!
  • One of the more unusual points of interest in Saint Petersburg

Why it’s awesome: Yes, St. Petersburg is fascinating. However, if you’re just visiting palaces and cathedrals, it’s definitely not out of the question that you’ll get palace fatigue. You can only take so much of walking around all those long hallways and being astounded by art after all!

For a perfect tonic, head to the unusual Museum of Hygiene. It was established in the early 20th century to educate the city’s locals on good health practices. It’s especially worth a visit if you want to learn about the gruesome medical practices from the turn of the last century!

What to do there: There’s plenty to see in the display cabinets here that you won’t find anywhere else in St. Petersburg! Check out both female and male models with movable internal organs, wax anatomy models, and even some displays explaining the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

Perhaps don’t eat before you visit here! One of the coolest displays you’ll see is Pavlov’s taxidermy dog. This may not be one of the most famous places in St. Petersburg, but it’s certainly worth a visit. Especially if you’re into science!

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#7 – Grand Maket Rossiya (Grand Model of Russia) – One of the more unique places to visit in St. Petersburg

Grand Maket Rossiya

  • Rent binoculars to see the whole scale of this cool recreation of Russia
  • The second biggest model in the world
  • See all of Russia’s most important cultural and geographical attractions in just one day!

Why it’s awesome: If you don’t have time to cover all 17 million kilometres of Russia (and let’s face it, who does?), then this is your next best opportunity! The Grand Model of Russia is the second biggest model in the world after Miniatur Wunderland in Hamburg.

It’s not entirely to scale, but it does mean you can visit Moscow, the Ural Mountains, and Vladivostok all on the same day! There is 2.5km of train tracks which miniature trains run on, and over half a million LED lights, which you’re guaranteed to see as a day only lasts 15 minutes!

What to do there: Russia is so big that it may not even be possible to get around the whole model of it one day! If that’s the case, rent a pair of binoculars so you can take in the whole of this amazing model. If you do have a bit more time, fantastic.

You can have a go at controlling some parts of the model yourself! There are buttons on the side where you can control the speeds of the cars and trains in the model. Sometimes it’s just enough to watch what’s going on though.

Old women feeding their chickens, a tiny UFO, and escaping prisoners are all part of one of the most unusual attractions in St. Petersburg!

#8 – Nevsky Prospekt

Nevsky Prospekt

  • 5km street dissecting the city from east to west
  • Great for shopping – high end boutiques and designer shops here
  • Check out some of the best places to eat in Saint Petersburg

Why it’s awesome: One of the most bustling streets you’ll find anywhere, the central avenue Nevsky Prospekt is considered one of the greatest streets in the world.

As well as the Hermitage and the Mariinsky theatre, you’ll find some places that didn’t make our list of the best places to visit in St. Petersburg but are still worth your time!

These include Kazan Cathedral, the House of Books, and the Eliseyev Emporium. Just be careful when you’re crossing – much of the street is 4 lanes on each side!

What to do there: If you’re visiting St. Petersburg, you’re bound to end up on this thoroughfare at some point. It was originally planned as one of the roads to Moscow but is now one of the central points of restaurants for tourists!

If you want to walk the whole length of Nevsky Prospekt, you’ll need at least two hours, and possibly a little more if you’re to take in its major sights.

As well as historical and cultural sites, make sure to stop off to window shop at some of the city’s most exclusive boutiques, or sample Russian delicacies at the best places to eat in St. Petersburg.

#9 – St. Petersburg Metro – A great place to see in St. Petersburg if you love architecture

St Petersburg Metro

  • How to see Saint Petersburg in more ways than one
  • Marvel at the Grand columns of Avtovo Station
  • Some of the coolest architecture in the city

Why it’s awesome: St. Petersburg’s rapid transit system is about more than just getting from A to B. The stations here are opulent and rival the palaces and cathedrals above ground for their intricate architecture.

Although walking is often the best way to see a city, don’t miss out on taking the metro – even if it’s just to be astounded by the beauty of the stations!

What to do there: Moscow’s subway was the first built in Russia and St. Petersburg’s system was designed to mimic its beautiful architecture.

All 8 lines on the first line built-in 1955 are considered places of cultural significance. Check out the grand marble and glass columns of Avtovo Station and the sport-themed Sportivnaya. Spending a day on the metro may seem boring, but not here in St. Petersburg!

#10 – Slam City – A great place to visit in St. Petersburg at night!

  • A great example of alternative St. Petersburg nightlife
  • See live performances from local musicians
  • A club run by cassette-focused Russian record label

Why it’s awesome: Saint-Brooklynsburg is a cassette-focused Russian record label, but what on earth is that? Well, it’s responsible for one of the coolest additions to the city’s nightlife scene.

The music mixes American-style garage rock with old-school cassettes to give a very distinctive sound. The club has super cool décor, and it’s the perfect place to spend a party at night after a day visiting the museums and palaces of the city!

What to do there: Don’t miss a live performance from one of the coolest bands on the city’s music scene! The dress code is pretty extravagant, so make sure you pick out your brightest colours to fit in!

Slam City is at its most vibrant and raucous on a weekend, so go then if you can. It’s a St. Petersburg must-do if you want to experience the city’s alternative music scene!

#11 – Peter and Paul Fortress – The city’s historic citadel

Peter and Paul Fortress St Petersburg

  • A great example of historic Russian empire defences
  • A quick attraction to visit on a stop-over
  • Intricate Baroque detailing throughout

Why it’s awesome: The Peter and Paul fortress is the original citadel of the city found on a small island facing the Neva River. It was built in 1703 by Peter the Great when the Russian empire was the strongest empire in Eastern Europe. For a long time, it served as a prison for political criminals, from the early 1700s until the early 1920s.

It was designed by Domenico Trezzini, Peter’s court architect and the pioneer of the Petrine Baroque style that was introduced by the Russian Empire. The complex has six bastions (each named after close associates of Peter) with intertwining stone curtain walls. The structures have been adapted and embellished over the years, and while it is beautiful, whether it was actually a good defensive structure has been up for debate.

Within the fortress is the Peter and Paul Cathedral, which was one of the first buildings to have been made. Originally it was made of wood and consecrated on 1 April 1704, but it was eventually replaced with stone a decade or so later.

What to do here: You can wander around the entirety of the Peter and Paul Fortress and visit the cathedral inside. The whole complex isn’t huge, it’s like a village inside a high wall, but it has a lot of intricate detailing that you might like to stop and marvel at.

It’s located right in the heart of the city center so it’s one of the best Saint Petersburg attractions to visit for a short stop-over. Across the river you will find the Palace Bridge, leading to Palace Square and the State Russian Museum.

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Find out what people want to know about the best places to visit in Saint Petersburg

What is a free place to visit in St Petersburg?

Nevsky Prospekt is a free place to visit, but as it’s famous for its shopping, you might want to bring your wallet with you. Otherwise, it’s a great free place to visit to admire the architecture.

Is St Petersburg Russia worth visiting?

Yes, St Petersburg is worth visiting if you’re a fan of architecture and art.

What is St Petersburg Russia famous for?

St Petersburg is the cultural capital of Russia and is famous for its Baroque and neoclassical architecture, cathedrals and palaces.

Is St Petersburg in Russia a safe place to visit?

St Petersburg is generally a safe place to visit for tourists. Most crimes are not directed at tourists but you should always keep an eye out for pick pockets.

So, that concludes my list of the best places to visit in St. Petersburg. I hope that you’ve found it useful and helpful in planning your trip!

I think the 11 places we’ve chosen are just enough places to visit in Saint Petersburg in 3 days. However, if you’re planning on staying longer, you’ll certainly find that there’s more to do.

I hope that my list has not only showed you how to visit Saint Petersburg, but how to live like a local too. As well as seeing all the most famous attractions the city has to offer, you’ll get off the beaten track too. Who knows, you may even make Russian friends and practice your language skills?!

Just make sure that whatever you do on your trip, you’re armed with our list of the best places to visit in Saint Petersburg. It’ll help you plan out your holiday and really help you to make the most of your vacation!

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Top 11 Things to Do in Saint Petersburg, Russia (by a Local!)

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Saint Petersburg in Russia is an amazing city that I simply admire! In my honest opinion, it is one of the most beautiful cities in the world (and I am not only saying that because I am Russian!).

If you are heading there for the very first time, I am so happy for you. You will surely have a great time and I am sure this list with the best things to do in St. Petersburg will come in handy!

Even if you were not planning to visit this destination in the near future, read my St. Petersburg guide nonetheless! You might add it right to your bucket list after this! 😉

Thanks to its royal history, St. Petersburg is a unique city. This is where the Tsar family used to live 300 years ago, and all the extravagant Russian royal palaces can be found here, too, and not in Moscow .

St. Pete, or “Peeter”, as we call it in Russia, the city of Peter the Great and Queen Ekaterina, can offer so much to any traveler, regardless of if they are visiting for the first or tenth time!

While you can easily stay for two weeks and discover the city and its surroundings, there are some places and things to do in Saint Petersburg that you simply must do no matter how long you are there!

Here is my list of the 11 best things to do in St. Petersburg, Russia, that I carefully crafted for you:

1. Hermitage Museum (save $7 per person with my tip!)

2. the palace square, 3. cathedrals and churches, 4. watch the bridges open during a drawbridges tour, 5. visit the mariinsky theatre, 6. climb the roofs of the city, 7. peter and paul fortress, 8. the admiralty, 9. see some peculiarities at the kunstkamera museum, 10. see the maquettes of russia and st. pete, 11. get wet at petergof, bonus things to visit in saint petersburg, russia, bonus – day trips from saint petersburg, bonus – useful things to know.

If you want to visualize all the attractions I talk about, here is my Saint Petersburg map (the yellow pins are for my selections of best things to do and the pink ones are for the bonus activities):

Winter Palace hermitage Saint Petersburg

You might find it boring that I included a museum as the #1 best thing to do in the city, but believe me, the Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg is an absolute must-do while in the city!

Hermitage (“Эрмитаж”- rus.), or The Winter Palace as we also call it here, can easily compete with the Louvre with the number of masterpieces stored inside.

This is actually one of the oldest museums in the world and it includes works by Van Gogh, Monet, and even Leonardo da Vinci! And yes, if you want to visit everything at your own pace, your visit will most probably take more than one day as the museum is very large, so make sure to plan your visit carefully!

It is worth mentioning the museum’s location as well – at the Winter Palace of Empress Catherine, which is an ex-Royal Palace of Russian Tsars (trust me, Russian kings knew a thing or two about luxury life!) – which I truly believe makes it an absolute must for a jaw-dropping experience! This is one of the most famous buildings in St. Petersburg!

How to buy tickets the smart way:

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia hermitage museum

I recommend buying tickets online , as there might be long lines at the museum. If you did this, congrats, you have skipped the long lines and you can now enter using the special queue for the selected people that have online tickets (read – no line!). Check this map to see the entrances.

PRO TIP 1: In case you did not do your homework and you don’t have your tickets bought ahead of time – be smarter than all those tourists lining up! You can also buy your ticket in the yellow building (called the Modern Art Museum) that is located right in front of the Hermitage. Then, you can easily go to the main entrance, bypassing the queue!

NOTE: If you are a student – you can get in for free, but you will have to stand in line with everyone else to present your ID in order to buy the discounted ticket.

PRO TIP 2: On every third Thursday (not Sunday) of the month the entrance is free of charge for all visitors.

PRO TIP 3: If you want to get a professional guide that speaks great English (but also German, Italian, Spanish and French) for a small group of up to 8 people and skip the line at the same time – this tour is great for you !

PRO TIP 4: If you are buying your tickets online , the price in English on the official website is US $17.95. You can buy the same ticket if you switch the language to Russian (Pyc) for 730 RUB (US $11.20) or 680 RUB during the summer season – about US $10.50. The difference is presumably due to currency exchange fluctuations.

Hermitage museum Saint Petersburg Winer Palace

UPDATE: One of my readers told me that you can now buy tickets on the Russian version of the website only if you type your name in Cyrillic. I think this is not fair to our foreign guests, so here is how to trick the system – just use this site to transliterate your name into Cyrillic and copy-paste it to the buying form on the website. It is not always correct though, so I advise matching it with your Cyrillic name on the visa. Also, I don’t think that it will be a problem if you make a mistake with your name – it is a museum ticket, not an airplane one, no one actually checks your name there!

Once you have your printed ticket, the barcode will be scanned at the entrance and voila, you are in! Here is the map to see where the entrance is located for you.

NOTE: Like most of the museums in the world, the Hermitage is closed on Mondays. Usually, the museum opens at 10:30 AM and closes at 6 PM, but on Wednesdays and Fridays it is open until 9 PM. It is a good idea to visit during the second part of the day because huge groups of cruise ship tourists usually leave by 3-4 PM. Check the up-to-date schedule here .

palace square st petersburg

The Palace Square is located right in front of the Hermitage Museum; it is basically impossible to miss it!

In my opinion, this is one of the most beautiful squares in the world and you might already know that it is one of the main St. Petersburg tourist attractions! It is huuuuuuge (bigger than the Red Square in Moscow ). This is the place where you can feel how enormous and opulent the Russian Empire was. This square witnessed both posh emperor parades and drama during the revolution and many Russians consider it to be among the 10 most beautiful places in Russia!

When you’re there, you can stare at the Alexander Column that is located right in the center of the square. The column is 47.5m tall, weighs 704 tons and it does not have any foundation!

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia palace square

Can you even imagine it? A huge 704-ton column stands in the middle of the square under its own weight. It is so heavy, it does not even need a foundation!

No worries though, we had some great engineers back in those times so the column is designed perfectly and it’s not going to fall down!

There are plenty of musicians and people that sit right at the base to prove my point, in case you do not believe me. Pay a visit – it is so worth it!

Cathedrals in St Petersburg Russia

There are so many great cathedrals and churches in St. Petersburg to visit that it can be so hard to choose! I decided to group them in one section so you can easily decide which could be your favorite.

These are the three main cathedrals that are an absolute MUST in St. Petersburg:

1. Kazan Cathedral

The Kazan Cathedral  is located on Nevsky Prospect, the main street of the city that I strongly recommend strolling around. It is the main cathedral of the city and they call it the “little brother” of the Vatican; you will see why when you get there!

WORKING HOURS: Open daily from 7 AM to 6 PM.

PRICE: Entrance is free of charge.

2. St. Isaac’s Cathedral

Isaac’s Cathedral in Saint Petersburg serves as a museum now and the colonnade above has a wonderful overview of the city from 43 meters up! This is the largest Orthodox church in the world and the fourth largest cathedral in the entire world (it has space for 14,000 people standing inside)! Also, don’t miss the statue of the Bronze Horseman located right in front when you leave St. Isaac’s Cathedral – it has become one of the most recognizable symbols of St. Petersburg!

WORKING HOURS:  Open from 10:30 AM to 6 PM and until 4:30 AM during The White Nights in the summer.

PRICE:  250 RUB (US $3.80) for the cathedral and 150 RUB ($2.30) for the colonnade. You can buy your ticket at the machine on the spot.

If you want the whole experience and explanations for what’s inside, I recommend you book a private guided tour of the Cathedral!

3. Church of the Savior of Blood

It is also known as the Church of Spilled Blood or “Tserkovʹ Spasa na Krovi” in Russian. Many people mix this one up with Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. It is, indeed, quite similar as it is made in the colorful “Russian style”.

The church has a very long and interesting history, including a period when it served as a warehouse for food during World War II and it actually marks the place where Tsar Alexander II was assassinated. Now it is a working church again.

WORKING HOURS: From 10 AM to 6 PM. On Wednesdays it is closed. From the 1st of May until the 30th of September it is open until 10:30 PM.

PRICE: The entrance is 250 RUB (US $3.80). Tickets can be purchased online here if you want to avoid queuing (make sure to select “Savior of the Spilled Blood” right below “Buy a ticket”), but the online price is 350 RUB (US $5.40).

I recommend taking a tour if you want to get to know the history of the place and learn about the details and mosaics inside. For example, this tour that includes the Spilled Blood Church and Peter and Paul Fortress (more details below) can be a great option!

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drawing of the bridges Saint Petersburg Russia2

If you are looking for something to do in St. Petersburg at night, you have come to the right place!

St. Petersburg is also known as the city of bridges – and guess what? They open them up every night for the big cargo ships to pass through. This is a really BEAUTIFUL show that you should not miss!

Not sure why it took me years to do this, but I only took a drawbridges tour the 4th time I visited. But, I can say it is one of the most interesting things to do in the city to truly feel its spirit!

The first bridge opens up at 1:25 AM and then they go up one by one and, of course, it is much more beautiful to see it from the water when you are on a boat. That way you will see the opening “from the inside”, observe all the details and not be lost in the crowd. Plus, if you are doing it by boat, you will be able to catch the opening of all the main bridges!

The tour starts at midnight and it usually lasts for two hours. Normally, the Draw Bridges excursion costs about 1,500 RUB (US $23) per person.

Opening of the bridges tour St Pete Russia

UPDATE: Some readers experienced problems finding the tour for the quoted price. It is true indeed – the tours you will find in English are usually more expensive – from US $50 to $80 per person. These are good for people who would like the entire tour to be arranged – transportation from and back to the hotel, assistance of any type, etc.

If you do not mind a small language barrier (which should not be too much of an issue as you are going to see a spectacular show and the information is not that important), then this tour of drawbridges at night will be great for you (use Google translate to buy the tickets)! I have taken this tour with my foreign friend and he loved it (as I said, no translation needed).

If you want to see the show from the land, that is fine – just make sure you are on the right side of the river, otherwise you will have to wait until they close the bridges and open them to traffic (at about 3 AM) to get back to your hotel!

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia Mariinsky Theatre 1

– Is she being boring again with her theater recommendations? – Well, what can I say guys, you are visiting the cultural capital of Russia after all!

The Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg is the main competitor of the Bolshoi Theatre in Moscow, except the prices are much lower here than in the capital! 😉

This theater was always famous for its fantastic opera and ballet performances – needless to say, it is also one of the top things to do in St Petersburg, right? And before you tell me that you don’t understand Russian – you don’t have to, as there are English subtitles!

So I can definitely say that going to a play, opera or ballet is an absolute must-do in Russia, as we are well-known for this art!

You can book your tickets here . Make sure to double check if your play has English subtitles.

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia mariinsky theatre 2

NOTE 1: Keep in mind that there is not only one, but a couple of buildings that belong to the Mariinsky theatre. The brand new one is spacious and it has great acoustics, so I think it is more interesting to visit it!

NOTE 2: The opera play I have been to (“Idiot” by Dostoevsky) only had Russian subtitles. Even though it said “English subs” on their website, it just did not work when we were there. This is why I suggest you call and ask – it never hurts! You can ask your hotel to do that for you, or just call them yourself (see my SIM card options below). I am quite sure somebody should be able to reply in English!

NOTE 3: Do not be late! Picture this – you paid for your tickets and you are supposed to have some good seats, but because you were late, you will be seated in some random free spots somewhere on the balcony (until the break, when you can change). Try to arrive 15-20 minutes in advance, just to be safe.

PRO TIP: If you did not manage to buy your tickets on time or the only tickets that are left are outrageously expensive, but you really want to go, I might have a solution for you! Just arrive about 1-1.5 hours before the show and you will probably see some resellers there. Bargain hard with them (use body language or write the price, they will probably speak basic English too) and you will get your ticket this way.

rooftop tour Saint Petersburg russia

You were waiting for some real action, weren’t you? Let’s see if you are brave enough for this one!

Locals LOVE to climb on the roofs and admire the Saint Petersburg sights; they even organize romantic dates there. If you want to, you can even propose on the roof – there are companies that specialize in providing this service!

If you decide to take a rooftop tour in St. Petersburg, you will get to see a view like this. I bet none of your friends can brag they have a picture like this in St. Pete, can they?

To be completely fair, roofing is technically illegal in the country, but there are a handful of St. Petersburg tours that are known to be safe. Don’t worry, I would not recommend it if I was unsure about it. But please use common sense, you still have to be careful while you are up there.

St Pete Russia Hotels

Experienced roofers will take you up one of the buildings. As long as you follow their advice, it is safe to be there and they also have agreements with the locals who live in the building, so no worries about that. This is the rooftop tour I took – it is 950 RUB ($14.50) and it is in English.

I chose to go up at sunset so I could watch the red-colored sun hiding behind Isakiy Cathedral. What an unforgettable experience!

PRO TIP: Make sure to bring some comfortable, suitable shoes (and your camera!) and you will have a lot of fun!

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress was built in 1703 by Peter the Great to protect the territories that were conquered by Russia in Sweden and you should add it right away to your list of things to see in St. Petersburg!

The fortress (known as “Petropavlovskaya krepost” in Russian), marks the exact spot where St. Petersburg was founded by Peter the Great in 1703. Later on, it was used as a prison and execution ground for the Bolsheviks, until the 20th century. From 1954 until now, a museum called the State Museum of Saint Petersbourg History has been there.

Oh, and did you know that the bell tower of the Peter and Paul Cathedral is the tallest building in the city?

If you decide to go there, you can just walk around on the island (called Zayachiy Island or Hare Island) or visit one of the many museums including the Emperor’s tomb in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral. Here is a cool interactive map of the attraction.

Admission to the fortress is free. However, you have to pay to get into the museums if you wish to visit them. There are different options depending on what you want to visit, check the rates here .

PRO TIP: Don’t miss the daily firing of the cannon from the Naryshkin Bastion at noon!

admiralty saint petersburg russia sightseeing

The Admiralty used to be a shipyard for the Baltic fleet and a fortress at the same time.

The first ship sailed from there in 1706 (with the participation of Peter I himself, who was an expert in shipbuilding). Now the place is completely rebuilt and it has a gilded spire with a little ship on the end.

The ship has become a symbol of St. Petersburg, so you will probably see it on many postcards and magnets!

If you want to go to St. Isaac’s Cathedral during your visit to St. Petersburg, you can visit this attraction as well as it is only two minutes away by foot.

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia Kunstkamera 1

The Kunstkamera Museum might actually be one of the weirdest museums you will ever visit!

No, this time I do not invite you to enjoy fine art because this museum is far from that! Instead, if you go there, you will see some… peculiarities!

Kunstkamera (or, officially, the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography) was the very first museum in Russia and is one of the oldest in the world. The museum was founded, you guessed it, by Peter the Great.

Back in those times, human or animal malformations of any kind were looked at as black magic, even the devil’s creation. People were scared of them.

So what did the Tsar (Peter the Great) do? He sought to educate people and fight against those superstitions. He gave a prize to anybody who would contribute to his museum of peculiarities – a deer with two heads, a baby with a huge head – every kind of abnormality was welcomed there!

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia Kunstkamera 2

In fact, there are quite a lot of babies there, “marinated” in jars! So I dare say this is one of those unique places to visit in St. Petersburg that you will never forget!

I visited this museum when I was only 15 years old and it completely freaked me out! I remember my mom was pregnant back then and I honestly don’t know how she could be so calm looking at all those babies.

To be fair, the museum holds thousands of ethnographic, anthropological and archaeological artifacts from all over the world and this was only one of the exhibits there. But, of course, it is the one I remember most!

The museum is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 11 AM to 6 PM. Admission is 300 RUB (US $4.60). You can check the  updated schedule and prices here .

There are two scale model museums in St.Petersburg that I really like and I am sure that, if you are into tiny, realistic models, you will enjoy them as well!

The first one is about Russia and the second one is dedicated specifically to St. Petersburg.

  • Grand Maket Show Museum

Grand Maket Show Museum saint petersburg russia

The Grand Maket Show Museum covers around 800 square meters of the colossal working layout of different cities in Russia. The exhibit gives you a chance to have a glimpse of the country nowadays in less than one hour! Grand Maket is one of the great activities to do in Russia if you are traveling with kids – they will have lots of fun as the exhibit is dynamic – all the trains and cars are moving, and many objects can even be controlled by visitors! Sounds fun, right?

The entrance fee is 540 RUB (US $8.30) and the opening hours are from 10 AM to 8 PM.

  • Petrovskaya Akvatoria

Saint Petersburg weather Russia

Petrovskaya Akvatoria shows how “the northern capital” (one more way to refer to St. Petersburg) looked in the 18th century.

25,000 tiny pieces were carefully used to create the model where everything has its own place and meaning. It even changes from day to night time and you can see tiny people dancing at the balls in the palaces during the night. I mean, how cool is that?

I highly recommend visiting it, as it is located only five minutes away from the Palace Square. But I advise you to go when you’ve already gotten to know the city a bit better, maybe after two-three days of visiting.

The English guide (included in your ticket) will tell you some fascinating facts about the old places during those times. NOTE: If you want the tour in English, please send them an email with the time of your ticket in advance. Here are the contacts . If you did not write in advance, no worries, there is an audio guide that you can rent for 100 RUB ($1.50).

The entrance fee is 450 RUB (US $7) and it is open daily from 10 AM to 10 PM.

Petergof Samson fountain parks fountains

Last but not least – Petergof (or Petrodvorets) is an imperial palace located in the suburbs of St. Petersburg (around 30km away from the city) and was built by Peter the Great as well.

Now, you might have the impression that all the amazing things in St. Petersburg were built by Peter the Great. Yep, that is pretty much true! 🙂

Petergof is also known as “the Russian Versailles”! Peter the Great was, indeed, inspired by French architecture. Even though this place is not as big as Versailles, in my humble opinion it is much more beautiful and fun than Versailles (yes, I know, I am biased, but it is true!).

If you want to find out more, you can take a tour that will explain its history, take you to the upper and lower parks and explain the unique system of the famous Samson fountain.

If you prefer buying regular tickets, you can find them here .

Peterhof park in Saint Petersburg

FUN FACT: There are more than 144 fountains and 500 statues at Petergof! Plus, the main fountain plays classical music at 11 AM during summer days.

PRO TIP: While you are there, make sure to visit Monplaisir Palace as well – the place where the tsars would have their baths – it is so unique! The entrance fee is 500 RUB (US $7.60) and you can buy your ticket here .

The best time to visit Petergof is in the summer, but the park is open and all fountains operate from May to early October.

How to get to Petergof from Saint Petersburg:

Petergof! It is not complicated to get there, don’t worry!

Here are a couple of options – an expensive one and a budget one. You can choose the one that works best for you:

Fast and expensive: Take a  Meteor speed boat. The price is 750 RUB (US $11.50) one way and it will only take you 30 minutes to get there.

LIFEHACK: You can get your Meteor tickets at the pink stands that you will see in all the touristy places in the city and the price will be 550 RUB (US $8.40 ) instead of 750 RUB.

Adventurous option (nothing crazy, you just need to take public transport): Get to either “Avtovo” or “Leninskiy Prospect” metro stations and take a “marshrutka” (a minivan with a fixed route) that has Peterhof (Петергоф) written on it. The driver is usually outside calling for passengers, or you can just ask him “Peterhof?” See, no Russian knowledge needed!

Peterhof Saint Petersburg

The minivans leave every 10-15 minutes. The price is 50 RUB (less than US $1) and the time to get there all together with the metro ride from St Petersburg city centre is about one hour.

Don’t worry, you can’t miss the stop, it is the last one!

If you don’t want to take care of all the details about getting there and buying your tickets, I recommend you take a Petergof half-day tour  like this one (hotel pick-up and drop-off included) or this Petergof group tour by bus !

UPDATE: I found a cheaper Peterhof tour here for 4,150 RUB (US $63)!

👨‍👩‍👦 Family-friendly score:Great
🖼️ Best museum:Hermitage Museum
🚶🏽‍♂️Top free activity:The Palace Square
⛲ Best for outdoors:Petergof
☀️ Best time to go:May-September
💵 Avg hotel price:$120

canal tour saint petersburg2

The only reason these places did not make it to the top of the list is because it already had so many suggestions, I could not squeeze them all in! Nevertheless, these activities and attractions are awesome as well, so you should consider visiting these sights too:

SIDENOTE: Leningrad is an old communist name for St. Petersburg

  • Canals excursion – St. Petersburg is similar to Amsterdam in the way it was built and we have many canals with countless pretty bridges, each one of them having its own interesting history! Actually, there are more than 800 bridges in the city!
  • Erarta – In case you are looking for some more art-related St.Petersburg activities, this is a very nice contemporary art museum. I haven’t been there, but I have heard it is one of the biggest in the world!
  • Free walking tour – St. Petersburg guided tours are always recommended! After this 2.5-hour tour, you can pay as much as you think the tour was worth! I love this concept and I try to take this tour everywhere I go in the world!
  • Chizik Pyzhik – A funny little statue of a bird. It is said that if you throw a coin and it lands on the bird, your wish will come true!
  • Nevsky Prospect – I mentioned this before, but it is worth it to recommend it again! Nevsky Prospect is the main avenue of the city and is 4.5 kilometers long, full of shops, gorgeous hotels, restaurants, and palaces! Regardless if you are planning to enter the shops or not, a short stroll on this avenue is recommended! Needless to say, the avenue was created by Peter the Great as well!

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia bronze horseman st petersburg

  • Museum of the Defense and Siege of Leningrad – The Siege of Leningrad lasted 872 days and took place during World War II. For more than 2 years (can you even imagine this?), its citizens suffered chronic deprivation and constant bombardment. The people’s extraordinary endurance during those times is a source of immense pride, but almost a million people died of starvation. The Leningrad Blockade is a source of deep sorrow for the locals. I haven’t visited the museum yet, as it was being renovated while I was there, but now it is open and you can visit! There is an audio guide in English, but if you want to know more about the siege, I highly recommend taking this private tour .
  • Communism Leningrad Tour – For those interested in the communist era, the 2-hour tour will take you to places where important events of the Communist past of St. Petersburg took place. You will see a very unique side of St. Petersburg that not many tourists get to see during their stay!
  • Fabergé Museum – A museum dedicated to the jeweler, Carl Fabergé, where you can see 9 of the famous Imperial Easter Eggs and many jeweled works of art. The museum opened in 2013, but it is already one of the highlights of the city, so buying your tickets in advance on their website is advised! Alternatively, you can take a guided tour if you want to find out more.
  • Hop On Hop Off Bus – If you are a fan of the hop-on-hop-off bus in general as a way of quickly discovering and getting used to a city, then you might enjoy taking it in St. Petersburg as well! You can choose to add a boat tour to your ticket as well!
  • Aurora Museum ship – If you are curious about more fun things to do in St. Petersburg, this is a great idea! The Aurora is a cruiser built in 1900 that played a big role in the Russian-Japanese war at the beginning of the century and in the Bolshevik Revolution as well. The ship was renovated and transformed into a museum which is definitely worth visiting! Aurora is located 1km away from the Peter and Paul Fortress. Entrance is free, but you need to pay a fee if you want to enter the engine room (recommended!)

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia aurora ship

  • Yeliseev Emporium – This huge, opulent shop located on Nevsky Prospect is recommended to all the foodies out there! You can find Russian candy, unique souvenirs and even a café there.
  • Lazarus Cemetery and Tikhvin Cemetery – If you are into this kind of activity, then you should know some of the most famous Russian artists and writers are buried there!
  • Take a cooking class – During this 2.5-hour class , you will learn how to cook homemade bread from a local. Alternatively, you can request to learn how to cook a couplet casserole, borsch, crepes or herring salad! The class is in English, even though the description is in Russian!

gatchina saint petersburh day trips russia

If you have even more time during your stay, don’t worry – there are still plenty of interesting places to visit and things to do near St Petersburg!

All of these places are reachable in an hour trip from St. Pete, so you can easily make it a day trip:

  • Pushkin – Tsarskoe Selo is the place our great poet A. S. Pushkin studied and a summer residence for the old Russian tsars. If you decide to go there, you cannot miss the Catherine Palace and Gardens – they’re absolutely gorgeous! You can get a tour with transportation included here or here if you want a cheaper option.
  • Pavlovsk – another breathtaking imperial estate and park complex. You can combine Pushkin and Pavlovsk in one tour.
  • Kronshtadt – St. Petersburg’s main old seaport. If you want to explore this island on the Gulf of Finland, you can take this half-day tour for US $52.
  • Gatchina – Not that touristy, but worth it for its natural beauty and architecture. It was a home to the Romanov family in the old times!
  • Oranienbaum – If you are looking for some non-touristy things to do in St. Petersburg or around it, this is the place to go! I haven’t been there yet, but looking at the pictures of this posh palace, it seems like it is one of those gems still undiscovered by mass-tourism!

Now that we discussed all these things that you must see and do in St Petersburg, Russia, I could not leave you without some useful information as well, right?

Good restaurants in Saint Petersburg

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia traditional russian food

Here are some good places where you can have a delicious meal while in St Petersburg:

  • Gogol – good food and a great old time-y atmosphere!
  • Katyusha Restaurant – one of the best places in St. Petersburg to eat some traditional Russian dishes
  • Mr. Bo – a very modern restaurant with good and nicely presented food
  • Buterbrodskybar – an old-factory-style restaurant with good Russian food
  • Pkhali Khinkali – delicious Georgian food for a very good price
  • Francesco – the first real, authentic Italian restaurant in St. Petersburg

Where to stay in St Petersburg, Russia

Saint Petersburg Russia map

There are an abundance of hotels in all price ranges in St. Petersburg, so you have plenty of options to choose from!

Try to choose a hotel that is within walking distance of a metro station so all the attractions will be easily reachable.

Now, about the visas – by law, every foreigner is supposed to be registered by the authorities. If you are visiting St. Pete as part of an organized group, all the formalities will be taken care of ( if you are in St Pete for max 3 days as part of a cruise, you don’t even need a visa). If you are staying in a hotel, you also don’t need to worry about anything – they will take a copy of your passport and deliver your registration paper to the authorities themselves.

In case you are staying in an Airbnb or with friends, you will need to take care of the visa by yourself. I strongly do not recommend this. I once had to do it for my friend. We spent hours in line and everything was in Russian so he couldn’t even fill in the papers by himself. Thus, I think the best option for all foreigners is to stay in a hotel for at least the first night so that the hotel will take care of your registration in the country and save your time and nerves.

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia saint petersburg hotels

Here is my list of recommended St. Petersburg hotels – all of them have fabulous reviews, best-rated locations and they do the registration (for a visa) if you need it:

Luxury hotels (US $190 and up) –  Trezzini Palace Boutique Hotel  is one of the best hotels in St Petersburg, Russia and the perfect 5-star place for those who want to splurge on themselves in elegant imperial interiors. Just look at the pictures – isn’t it a small palace? Alexander House is another great hotel located in a historical center. It has a cozy fireplace and a charming patio with a library, I loved the design of the rooms as well!

Middle price (US $70 – $190) –  Pushka INN hotel is an 18th Century mansion located in the historic heart of St. Petersburg and what’s better – it is just a 1-minute walk from the Palace Square! Galunov Hotel is also a centrally located, tastefully decorated hotel with great service!

Budget accommodation US $70 and less) –  Station Hotel Premier S10 is a great value for money hotel, located only a 5-minute walk from the Sadovaya metro. They have attic rooms with an amazing city view! Station Hotel S13 is another great option, located only 900m away from St. Isaac’s Cathedral. It has free Wi-Fi and 24-hour front desk service!

How to get around in Saint Petersburg

Nevsky prospect St petersburg russia

1)   Taxis are quite cheap (especially with the recent currency fluctuations). The normal fare in Saint Petersburg would be 35-40 RUB (now ~US $0.50 – $0.60) per km.

These are the companies that locals use in Saint Petersburg and all of them have a phone app, of course:

  • Uber  – this is what I was used while I was in the city. It is usually cheaper than a normal taxi and the service is always great! If you still don’t have an account, register here (or type this promo code – “YULIAS774UE”) – you will get your first ride for free!
  • Yandex Taxi – the same thing as Uber, with more or less the same prices. Yandex is a Russian competitor of Google, by the way! 🙂
  • Gettaxi – another app that you can use if none of the ones before worked for any reason.

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia st petersburg metro

2) Don’t skip the metro !

Metros in Moscow and Saint Petersburg are so beautiful, you can take a separate tour to visit them. I recommend you download this application on your phone, as it will help you calculate the fastest route with the metro, changed lines included. 1 metro ride costs just 45 RUB at the moment (about 70 US cents).

NOTE: Oh, and one more thing – if you want to ask people about the nearest subway station, use the word “metro” instead. Russian people who speak little English will point at the fast food chain that is called “Subway” instead! 😉

How to get from the Saint Petersburg airport to the city center

Top 11 Things To Do In Saint Petersburg Russia st petersburg airport

There is only one airport in the city – it is called Pulkovo Airport . Here is how you can get from the Saint Petersburg airport to the city center:

  • By bus: City buses 39 and 399 (Express) run between the airport and “Moskovskaya” metro station from 5:30 AM to 01:20 AM, riding time is 30 minutes without traffic (20 minutes for express) and the ticket is just 40 RUB (US $0.70).
  • By fixed-route minivan taxi: (“marshrutka” in Russian) minivan K-39 will get you to the same metro station for the same price (40 RUB), but a bit faster – 15 minutes if there is no traffic. Note that the minivan works only until 11:30 PM. Check the stops on the map here .
  • By taxi: A taxi ride to the city center should be about 600 – 700 RUB (US $9 – $11 ) if you get it through one of the apps above. You can also get your taxi from a taxi stand, but it will be much more expensive (multiply the above-mentioned price by 2).

Which SIM card to get in Russia

Saint Petersburg things to do Russia

If you arrive during working hours at the airport, you can get a SIM card with Internet right there.

The mobile operator tariffs are pretty cheap. The average price that I looked up right now is 5GB for 300 RUB (US $4.60) a month.

The companies I recommend are – Beeline (the one that I also use), Megafon , Tele2 , MTS (written МТС).

You could do some research on all their websites in advance (Google translate them) to understand which one currently has the best promotions, but you can also just stop by in any of those offices with your passport and get a SIM card, as the price difference is really not that significant!

NOTE: if you are going to travel to Moscow or do the Trans-Siberian region, make sure your Internet will work in all regions, not only in the Leningrad (domestic) region!

When to visit Saint-Petersburg

Palace square in the summer St Pete

We have this entire list of things to do there, but when is the best season and month to travel to St. Petersburg?

I have visited St. Petersburg 4 times, every time in June – August . These are usually the sunniest periods in the city. Not only that, but you will also be able to enjoy a natural phenomenon that is called the “White Nights” if you go in July. It is really cool and I totally recommend it! It is basically a never-ending day and even though there is no sun during the night, it is still light! I have only seen something similar to this in  Sweden .

I have never been to Saint Petersburg in autumn, but I have heard from my friends that September – Early October can be incredibly beautiful and romantic, too!

Winter is wet, very humid and well, let’s face it… quite depressing. But hey, the architecture is just as beautiful and there will be no tourists around!

So, in conclusion, the best time to visit St. Pete is during summer, but it is just as beautiful at any time of the year.

13 Best Places to Study Near Me: Find Your Favorite Study Spot

places to study near me

When I started taking classes for my degree, it was hard to sit down and concentrate. I knew I could learn the material, but it was tough to focus with everything going on around me at home.

But when I found a few good places to study near me, I was able to get into a routine and zero in on my assignments without distractions.

Top 13 Best Places to Study

Ultimately the best place for you to study is the place where you find yourself able to focus and concentrate the best.

Since I’m partial to quieter study locations, I’ll start with the most quiet places to study first!

1. Library (Public or Private)

If you’re attending classes at a local college or technical program, odds are the campus has a private library for students. But there’s also your local community library—and both locations will offer a relatively quiet environment for studying.

The benefits of studying at the library include access to computers (and usually Wi-Fi), access to information (both from books and the librarian!), and often, access to power outlets for charging your device or laptop. And, you don’t have to make a purchase or really deal with anyone while spending time at the library, unless you’re checking out books or asking for assistance.

2. Bookstores

A bookstore is another helpful (and often quiet) location for studying. Whether you find a spot between shelves to sit and study or you take a seat at a table in the bookstore’s café, there’s usually plenty of space to spread out.

Of course, some bookstores don’t have space for studying, so this will only be an ideal study spot if the bookstore near you has tables and chairs. Many bookstores now offer Wi-Fi, but if that’s a feature you need, you’ll want to make sure your local bookstore has it before venturing over to spend time studying.

3. Coffee Shop

Although some bookstores contain coffee shops, heading to a local coffee place is a separate option for a place to study near you. Aside from Starbucks, there are also smaller coffee shops—many of which are conveniently near colleges and school campuses—that may invite students in.

Most coffee shops will want you to purchase something if you’re staying a while, but for plenty of us, a five-dollar coffee isn’t too high of a price to pay for a quiet spot to study. Also, you’ll likely have access to Wi-Fi and maybe even a power outlet if necessary.

4. Tutoring Center or Study Area on Campus

If your school campus offers any study areas or tutoring centers, these can be both convenient and quiet for studying. Plus, if you need help with a particular subject, tutoring centers often have staff on hand to help out. You may need to schedule a time to work with someone one-on-one, but there’s often open study space available regardless.

And, another perk of staying on campus is you’re not heading to another location after class—you’ll just walk across campus. There are no fees or parameters for entry, other than the fact that you’re a student, although hours may be limited to when school is in session.

5. An Empty Classroom Or Computer Lab

Whatever subject you’re studying, you’re likely on a campus with plenty of classrooms—not all of which will be in use all the time. It’s worth asking your professor or instructor if he or she has an open period where you can utilize their classroom to study in. And who knows, maybe a few fellow students will join you!

Alternatively, you can also visit your campus computer lab, which in addition to providing computer access, can also give you access to study help if you need it. Most computer labs have a staff member on hand to help out, so if you have trouble printing materials or creating a presentation in PowerPoint, you can get the help you need there!

6. Study Buddy’s House

If you’re taking a particularly challenging course, it might be worth forming a study group or at least grabbing one person from class to be your study buddy. You can exchange notes, drill each other on concepts and quiz topics, and study at each other’s houses when possible.

Of course, your ideal study buddy will have their own place or a chill spot to hit the books, but you could also establish a routine where you switch off or find another study location to go together. One drawback to this solution is that you’ll often wind up working together, which is a negative for those who prefer to study and memorize concepts on their own.

7. School Lounge

In my experience, the school lounge might not be the quietest place to cram for a test, but it will be convenient on your campus! It may also be attached to the cafeteria, or maybe there are a few vending machines for quick snacks.

Odds are, you’ll be able to use the school’s Wi-Fi, plus there are power outlets available to charge all your study devices. And like other campus services, this area will be free for you to access. Of course, that also means it likely has specific hours of operation, which may limit your scheduling availability.

8. Local Community Center

Community centers are great resources for students and people of all ages, and they often offer both academic and extracurricular activities. This might mean they’re pretty busy, but it also suggests they’re open often and probably have resources like Wi-Fi access, computers, and maybe a knowledgeable peer or two!

Community centers can also have staff from local schools or colleges, so you could find study help in an unexpected place. The downside is that community centers often have limited hours, too, so you will have to plan your study time around that schedule.

9. Park or Outdoor Space

When you’re reading a book, taking notes, or using any other non-tech way of studying, venturing outdoors may give you the best study space possible. There’s no shortage of parks and green areas in most cities, and as long as you don’t have screen glare to worry about, studying outside can also be refreshing and calming.

Some parks these days even have Wi-Fi, so if you need to look something up on your smartphone, you can do that easily. However, your study time will be limited to daylight hours—and maybe late morning to afternoon, too, if you’re looking to sit in the grass that is dewy at times!

10. Mall Food Court

Malls are excellent for both breaking up boredom and getting exercise in when the weather’s bad. But the way malls are growing these days, they also have all sorts of snack options and Wi-Fi on site.

Studying at the mall food court is an excellent solution if you need Wi-Fi but not necessarily complete quiet to hit the books. Especially if you’re an auditory or visual learner, sitting in that type of environment might help you with retaining information. And, if you need frequent breaks to stretch your legs or people watch, you’re in the perfect spot to do so.

11. Fast Food Restaurants

Fast foods restaurants are farther down on my list because there’s often an unwritten rule on how long you can stay—especially during busy times—but they can be a great study spot for some people. First, your purchase, if one is required, is likely minimal—and everyone needs study snacks anyway!

But there’s usually Wi-Fi access, too, and plenty of different tables and seating arrangements to keep you comfortable. You may even be able to use a power outlet to charge your laptop or phone while you’re working on your homework.

12. Bars or Pubs

While I can’t recommend consuming shot after shot while studying at the bar, it might make a great study spot if you’re meeting with friends from class or if it’s late, but you need somewhere to get Wi-Fi.

Bars and pubs are understandably noisy, especially in the evening, but if you’ll be wearing headphones anyway, or the noise doesn’t bother you, it could be ideal. Plus, there’s usually no worry over an early closing time—many bars stay open until at least midnight, if not later in bigger cities. And then, when you finish with your study session, you can reward yourself with a drink!

13. Hotel Lobby

If your city is a big tourist draw, there might be a ton of hotels near you that you can study at. Of course, the drawback to this method of studying is that you may not be welcome at some establishments if you’re not staying there.

However, it’s possible that the hotel has a lobby space that’s not well monitored, meaning you could get away with popping in for a few hours and using their Wi-Fi, or just sitting on their comfy chairs and people watching between memorizing flash cards or taking notes.

Why Should I Try to Find Good Place to Study Near Me?

It might be more convenient to study at home, but it might not be the most effective use of your time. Here’s why you should find a good study space.

How You Approach Your Studies Matters

Part of making sure you study effectively involves getting into the right mindset. Your attitude is half the battle when it comes to getting work done, and the most effective study habits are things like thinking positively, avoiding blaming yourself for downfalls, being objective, and remaining open to information.

Because people are creatures of habit, if you focus on keeping a positive mindset when entering your study space, it will make hitting the books easier and more natural for you. Repetition is something that not only helps you to retain information, but also form good habits, and studying in the same spot takes advantage of those tendencies.

Thinking About Studying Can Make You More Successful

Thinking about your thinking—which has its own term, metacognition —is part of the study planning process. After all, you’re thinking ahead when choosing a space to study in, and you’re setting yourself up for a productive cram session before you ever open a book.

And being self-aware in that way can help you be more successful in your education. Being self-aware, AKA engaging in metacognitive practices, also helps you acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses. Knowing how you study best and in what scenario is a big part of actually getting things done and achieving good grades.

How to Find the Right Places to Study for You

When considering where to study, it’s important to know how you should study, too. Some people need complete quiet, for example, while others need to keep moving while they absorb information. Discovering your learning style can help poise you for success in digesting the material you need to know for class.

Overall, there are four primary modes of learning, but some people use multiple modes for optimal information processing. Those four include:

  • Visual learners: tend to use images, maps, graphs, and more
  • Auditory learners: learn through listening and talking
  • Reading/Writing learners: study best with reading and taking notes
  • Kinesthetic learners: need to stay moving and act things out

What to Consider When Picking a Study Spot

So how does understanding your learning style help you pin down the best study spot? You need to recognize your strengths and what each environment can offer. For example, if you’re an auditory learner and need to speak out loud or use headphones to listen to information, a quiet place like the library may not be ideal.

Conversely, if you learn best via reading and writing, a near-silent library may be perfect for you.

Here’s what to consider when picking your study spot:

  • The need for background noise versus quiet
  • Your comfort level with few versus many people around
  • Lighting, whether natural versus outdoor light
  • Availability of seating/comfort of seating areas
  • Open hours or ease of access
  • Access to other resources, such as the librarian, teachers, computers, etcetera
  • Travel time to get to the location

How Can I Get the Most Out of My Studying?

Now that you’ve figured out what your learning style is and have some idea what type of environment you should study in, how can you get the most of out of your studying? Here are my tried-and-true tips for packing as much learning into your study session as possible.

Create a Routine

Routines are beneficial for every age learner, whether it’s preschool or college! And many professionals rely on routines to help them feel calm, controlled, powerful, and productive! So not only should you create a routine for your study time, but also your education and life in general.

Including downtime in your routine is also essential for your productivity, since burnout is real and can happen whether you’re rushing to class or squeezing in extra hours at work.

Give Yourself Rules

It might make you feel a little like a child again but establishing rules for yourself like no social media time, no looking at memes for hours, until you finish a chapter of reading. This will help you to accomplish more. Being strict about how you spend your educational hours enables you to maximize them to be as productive as possible.

So just like your professors suggest, keep your smartphone away while you’re in class and while you’re studying to minimize distractions. Also consider outlining a few other rules, like only taking breaks after a certain amount of time or not answering texts while studying.

Stay Organized

It won’t help you to have a designated study time and location if you arrive there unprepared! Keep your school materials organized and pack everything you’ll need for a productive study session.

Depending on where you’re studying, you may need to bring along extra paper, pencils, a pencil sharpener, highlighters, sticky notes, text books, and more. Make a list for your study time so you have everything you need before leaving for your study spot.

Establish Goals

Set small goals throughout your study time, such as completing a certain number of chapters or making a specific number of flashcards, to keep yourself on track. Once you complete each goal, set another one so that you’re always working toward something. This will help you stay focused on moving ahead!

Stay Positive

As mentioned, keeping a positive attitude can do wonders for your educational outlook. And personally, I find that when I approach my studies with a more positive attitude, it’s easier to deal with the small roadblocks that crop up.

Even if you’re having a rough day or things aren’t going well elsewhere in life, reminding yourself that you are capable and smart and that you can do this does wonders for each study session!

Maintain Motivation

Whatever your motivation is—to complete a tough class, to earn a specific degree, to finish homework in a set amount of time—remind yourself often of your goals. Staying motivated (and having effective study strategies) is one of the biggest predictors of overall academic success . Essentially, the more motivated you are to get things done, the higher your GPA and the higher the odds you’ll meet—or exceed—your goals!

However you study best, there’s a place to study near you that has the right ambiance and structure. No two people study exactly alike, but we can all benefit from making a regular habit of it. And when it comes to academic routines, you can’t beat having a spot to hit the books without stress.

What are your favorite places to study? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

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Stephanie Corrales

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Saint Petersburg, Russia

You are here, about saint petersburg.

A city of canals and cathedrals, palaces and terraces, St. Petersburg is unmatched in its splendor. Centered upon the banks of the River Neva, it is the northernmost of the great cities of Russia, teaming with over 4 million inhabitants. Its lavish palaces, lush parks, hundreds of bridges, and world-class museums make it one of the Top 25 Travel Destinations in the World according to the TripAdvisor readers' poll. Seeing it at least once in a lifetime is on the bucket list of every globetrotter. And we will be happy to help you discover the best of St. Petersburg!

Reasons to travel to St. Petersburg

Since Peter the Great moved the seat of his young empire from Moscow to the shores of the Baltic Sea, St. Petersburg has been recognized internationally as a crown jewel of capitals. Its architects and planners drew from the majesty of Europe's most breathtaking sites, taking inspiration from the canals of Venice, the Palace of Versailles, the cathedrals of Rome, the streets of Amsterdam, and imbued it all with the aura of Vienna. These aspects have joined together to create a city of unspeakable perfection. However, an abundance of historic sights is not the only thing that attracts thousands of visitors here. St. Petersburg tourism also meets the highest world standards, and you will be able to choose not just good but 'one-of-a-kind' hotels, dine at fabulous restaurants and see world-class theater performances.

Main tourist attractions

In the heart of the city stands the Winter Palace one of the must-sees for your St. Petersburg itinerary. Its front faces Palace Square with its looming Alexander Column, a monolith of Finnish red granite erected to celebrate the victory of Tsar Alexander I over Napoleon Bonaparte. To the rear of the palace, itself a monument to "the might and power of Imperial Russia", is the Palace Embankment on the Neva. Just across the river stands the Peter and Paul Fortress , with its crenelated walls designed to hold the guns that would defend the city from water attacks. A relatively small portion of the Winter Palace houses the world-famous Hermitage Museum , that obtains the biggest collection of Russian art in the world - more than 3 million items. The Hermitage originated as the private art collection of Catherine the Great, with hundreds of paintings now displayed in the Palace's halls. Indeed, many of these halls are works of art themselves.

Another famous sight, not far from the Winter Palace, is St. Isaac's Cathedral . The largest Orthodox cathedral in the world, it was built in a severe classic Roman style (strongly favored by Tsar Alexander I) over the span of 40 years. When it was completed in 1848, the main dome rivaled that of the Pantheon of Paris and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and as with these other great domed structures, it served as the inspiration for today’s dome on the U.S. Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. (completed in 1866). The cathedral’s cupolas are decorated with 100 kilograms of pure gold.

A few blocks from the Palace Square, along the Griboedov Canal, stands what appears to be something of an answer to Moscow's Cathedral of St. Basil's, the Church of the Savior on Spilt Blood . Its name came from the murder of Tsar Alexander II by terrorists. Despite his efforts to reform and liberalize Russia, Alexander was attacked by three anarchists carrying bombs, the second of which succeeded in killing him. The church was erected by his son, Tsar Alexander III, on the assassination site, just a short walk from the bustling thoroughfare of Nevsky Prospect.

The city center contains a number of beautiful sights, but the outskirts contain just as many wonders, the most visited being  Tsarskoe Selo . After evicting the Swedes from the area, Tsar Peter the Great gave over to his loyal friend Alexander Menshikov the old manor of Sarishoff. Menshikov constructed there a great palace, which he, in turn, gave over to Peter's wife, Catherine I, whose rise from childhood as an orphaned Polish peasant to Empress of Russia is said to have been a story as great as that of the rise of her husband. The resulting ornate Catherine Palace and beautiful Catherine Park, located in the Tsar's Village in the suburb of Pushkin, are named for her. This is a truly remarkable piece of Russia's Imperial heritage and the absolute majority of our trips to St. Petersburg take you there.

There are a number of other beautiful palaces built on the Baltic Sea coast, including Oranienbaum (another of Menshikov's creations) and Peter the Great's most famous imperial residence, Peterhof . The latter was at first to serve merely as a gateway for the Tsar for trips proposed into Europe - the harbor of St. Petersburg was yet to be developed, and ships were obliged to anchor off Kotlin Island, today's Kronstadt, located within sight of the landing area. Later, he created a summer palace at this location that he called "Monplaisir", or "My Pleasure". This palace was later decorated with gardens and fountains, the greatest of which was the Grand Cascade. By the time it was finished by Catherine the Great, it had been transformed into what is generally regarded today as "the Russian Versailles".

Best time to visit Saint Petersburg

St. Petersburg, or "Peter" as it is often shortened, is glorious in the summer, particularly when the White Nights (the nightlong twilight that takes place for a few weeks on either side of the summer solstice) transforms the Neva embankments into one of the world’s longest outdoor parties. For St. Petersburg travel warm summer months from May to August are the busiest season. But the city is also a beautiful winter destination. The best way to travel to St. Petersburg is with one of our package tours or St. Petersburg excursions. We often suggest to enhance your Saint Petersburg travel experiences with an extension to one of the Baltic states or combine it with a Moscow tour. Contact our helpful specialists for more information either browse Russia trip planner to explore all of the possible destinations.

Best Things to Do in St. Petersburg

  • Visit the gem of St. Petersburg, the glorious Hermitage Museum
  • View the drawing of the bridges at night
  • Stop by the burial grounds of Russian tsars in the Peter and Paul Fortress
  • Get picture-perfect panorama views of the city from St. Isaac's Cathedral
  • Save some time for day trips to iconic palatial treasures of Catherine's Palace and Peterhof

Top Attractions in Saint Petersburg

Catherine's Palace (Tsarskoye Selo), Saint Petersburg

Catherine's Palace aka Tsarskoye Selo is the luxury summer residence of tsars built by Catherine I. 

Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, St. Petersburg

The Savior on Spilled Blood stands out in the St. Petersburg skyline with its 5 unique colorful onion-domes.

Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint Petersburg

The Peter and Paul Fortress and its bell-tower symbolize the might and power of Russia.

Peterhof, St. Petersburg

Often called "the Russian Versailles", Peterhof Palace and park complex is a luxurious beauty of Imperial Russia.

St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg

The most iconic golden dome of Russia and a landmark of over 150 years of St. Petersburg history.

Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

The world-famous Hermitage Museum is the home to the largest collection of paintings in the world.

Yusupov Palace, St. Petersburg

The mysterious and stunning Yusupov Palace stands on River Moyka's bank in the heart of St. Petersburg.

All Attractions in Saint Petersburg

More about saint petersburg.

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15 Top Tourist Attractions in Saint Petersburg, Russia

By Alex Schultz · Last updated on May 4, 2024

Renowned for its elegance and grandeur, Saint Petersburg is awash with stunning architecture, as majestic palaces and cathedrals jostle for space alongside its many canals and waterways. Located at the mouth of the Neva River on the banks of the Gulf of Finland, it is the second-largest city in Russia after Moscow. Founded by Peter the Great in 1703, for centuries, it was the capital of the Russian Empire.

Everyone from artists and architects to composers, scientists, and writers were attracted to its shores. This turned the city into a cultural powerhouse, with fantastic art collections to be found alongside opulent opera houses hosting world-class ballet, classical music, and theater performances.

There are plenty of things to do in Saint Petersburg with it museums, historical tourist attractions, and palaces. Nicknamed ‘the City of White Nights’ due its endless summer days, this is a magical place to visit at any time of year.

15. Faberge Museum

Faberge Museum

Located in the stunning Shuvalov Palace, this wonderful museum hosts the most extensive collection of works by the famous Russian jeweler Peter Carl Faberge, after whom it is named.

Containing over 4,000 artworks, its refined rooms and sophisticated galleries showcase everything from porcelains and paintings to intricately carved and ornately designed bronze, silver, and gold objects.

The undoubted highlights are the museum’s nine Imperial Easter eggs that Faberge himself created for Alexander III and Nicolas II – the two last Russian Tsars. Bedecked in jewels, they shimmer and shine in the light and exhibit some exquisite and elaborate craftsmanship.

14. Alexander Nevsky Monastery

Alexander Nevsky Monastery

Sprawling over a vast site, the Alexander Nevsky Monastery is one of the most important spiritual centers of the Russian Orthodox Church and is still in use to this day. Founded by Peter the Great in 1710, it is located on the spot where Alexander Nevsky – a former prince and now patron saint of the city – is said to have defeated the Swedes in battle in 1240.

Encompassing two fine Baroque churches, the Neoclassical Holy Trinity Cathedral, and a host of ornate tombs of famous Russian figures, the monastery and its leafy grounds are certainly fascinating to explore.

13. State Russian Museum

State Russian Museum

Occupying one entire side of Arts Square in the center of Saint Petersburg, the State Russian Museum is a fabulous place to head to if you want to learn more about Russian art. Established in 1895, the museum is located in the enormous Mikhailovsky Palace, which itself is a work of art: the Neoclassical building is home to lots of exquisite rooms and galleries.

Beginning with artworks and Byzantine-inspired icons from the 12th century, the comprehensive collection takes you on an incredible journey through the ages, with socialist-realist works on show alongside portraits of princes and epic landscape paintings. Often overlooked in favor of the Hermitage, the State Russian Museum is well worth checking out if you are at all interested in art.

12. New Holland Island

New Holland Island

Built in 1719, the artificial New Holland Island is so named because the waterways and canals all around it make it look as if it has just popped up out of Amsterdam. The triangular island came into being when Admiralty Canal and Kryukov Canal were dug to connect the Moika River to the Neva River – and by extension, the Gulf of Finland.

Once a shipyard and naval base, New Holland Island has been renovated in recent years and now boasts numerous art galleries, coffee shops, and restaurants.

11. Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art

Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art

If you’re interested in contemporary Russian art, then the Erarta Museum is the place to go; its extensive collection is set over five floors within a massive building on Vasilyevsky Island. Encompassing some 2,800 artworks, its sprawling galleries are home to graphics, installations, and sculptures, with a plethora of paintings also on display.

In addition to its fabulous permanent collection, the museum also regularly hosts temporary exhibitions, as well as shows and performances. Beautifully laid out and presented, its brilliant artworks and sleek design usher in a new ‘Era’ of ‘Art,’ and this is what lends the museum its name.

10. Mariinsky Theater

Mariinsky Theater

One of the most prestigious cultural institutions in the country, the Mariinsky Theater, has been dazzling opera and ballet goers since it was founded in 1859.

A fitting setting for all the world-class dancers, singers, and musicians that have performed on its stage over the decades, the lavishly decorated concert hall really is a delight to gaze upon.

Named after the wife of Tsar Alexander II, the Mariinsky Theater is one of the best places in Saint Petersburg to watch a show, along with the Mikhailovsky Theater.

9. Yusupov Palace

Yusupov Palace

Also known as Moika Palace, due to its location on the banks of the river of the same name, Yusupov is one of the best places to visit if you want to see how aristocrats lived in Imperial Russia. While its exterior is quite plain, besides its pastel-yellow color, the interior is simply staggering to explore: its many halls are decorated with only the finest furniture, artworks, frescoes, and tapestries that money can buy.

Built in the 1770s and named after the wealthy Russian noble family that owned it, the colossal palace remarkably even boasts its own private theater. In addition to all its many riches, Yusupov Palace is famously where Grigori Rasputin, the Russian mystic who was believed to have influence over Tsar Nicolas II, was murdered in 1916.

8. General Staff Building

General Staff Building

Gently curving its way around the south of Palace Square, the General Staff Building is one of the most famous architectural monuments in the city and faces both the State Hermitage Museum and the Winter Palace. Designed by Carlo Rossi, the elegant Neoclassical building was built between 1819 and 1829, and its two wings are separated by a majestic triumphal arch.

This was erected to commemorate Russia’s victory over Napoleonic France in 1812 and has some marvelous statues perched atop of it. Once the headquarters of the general staff of the Russian armed forces, the eastern wing of the beautiful building is now part of the State Hermitage Museum and houses a stunning array of awe-inspiring art pieces.

7. Peter & Paul Fortress

Peter & Paul Fortress

Set in the exact spot where Saint Petersburg was first founded, the Peter & Paul Fortress was built all the way back in 1703. It is from its star-shaped defensive fortifications that the city slowly spread out around it.

Occupying a prominent position on the banks of the Neva River, the fortress has lots of fabulous buildings for you to explore, such as the Trubetskoy Bastion and the magnificent Peter and Paul Cathedral.

Besides its fascinating historical sights and interesting exhibitions that relate to the Russian revolution and Imperial Russia, the fortress also hosts a number of festivals, events, and concerts during the year. In addition to this, the sandy beach that lies at the foot of its wall makes for a popular sunbathing spot when the sun is shining.

6. St Isaac’s Cathedral

St Isaac's Cathedral

One of the largest cathedrals in the world of any denomination, St Isaac’s gargantuan size is certainly staggering to behold; its enormous gold-plated dome is visible from almost anywhere in Saint Petersburg. As it took 40 years to build, grander and more elaborate designs kept getting added to the original plans: over 100 massive columns were erected alongside several other smaller domes.

Inside is even more impressive as beautiful reliefs, mosaics, and iconostasis cover every imaginable surface. Although it still holds services, St Isaac’s Cathedral was turned into a museum in 1931 by the Soviet government and remains so to this day.

5. Kronstadt Naval Cathedral

Kronstadt Naval Cathedral

Built between 1903 and 1913, the Kronstadt Naval Cathedral is quite unique and unusual in terms of its design: it combines Neo-Byzantine and Romanesque architecture with various Russian features.

Located on the small island of Kotlin that lies in the Gulf of Finland, the glimmering white cathedral was financed by the Russian navy and is dedicated to fallen seamen everywhere.

While its beautiful cupola and facade are delightful to gaze upon, its cavernous interior is no less impressive, as grand chandeliers and mosaics look down upon its marble floors and columns. As it is located just a short ferry ride away from Saint Petersburg, it is well worth spending half a day or so in Kronstadt to see the town and its gorgeous cathedral.

4. Catherine Palace & Park

Catherine Palace & Park

Located some 30 kilometers to the south of the city, the breathtaking Catherine Palace is where the Russian tsars came to relax and unwind during the summer months. The grand and flamboyant style of the palace dates to 1752, when the architect Bartolomeo Rastrelli redesigned and redecorated the original building, plastering elaborate stuccoes all over it.

It is painted a bright bluish-green, with the white columns and gold statues and embellishments standing out delightfully; the Rococo palace really does make for a spectacular sight.

Inside are a number of lavish ballrooms for you to explore. The Golden Enfilade of staterooms are the undoubted highlight, while the Amber Room and Grand Hall are also must-sees. Named after Catherine I who commissioned it, the palace is set in some fantastically laid out and landscaped gardens; these are perfect for taking a relaxing stroll in after all the overwhelming splendor you’ve just taken in.

3. Peterhof Grand Palace

Peterhof Grand Palace

Commissioned by Peter the Great to outshine the Palace of Versailles with its opulence and grandeur, the Peterhof Grand Palace certainly makes a good go of it. Covering a considerable area, its series of palaces and gardens are simply spellbinding to wander around, with beauty, art, and nature on show wherever you look.

Built between 1709 and 1756, each new addition, palace, or building was grander than the last. Each architect added their own features, with the Throne Room and Chesme Hall being two of the most finely decorated of the lot. Located all around the palaces are a dazzling array of landscaped gardens complete with fountains, cascades, flowerbeds, and statues.

Not to be missed when in Saint Petersburg, the Peterhof Grand Palace fully earns its nickname of ‘the Russian Versailles’ and is equally splendid in terms of what it offers up.

2. Church of the Savior on Blood

Church of the Savior on Blood

Appearing as if out of a fairytale, Saint Petersburg’s Church of the Savior on Blood looks very much like the world-famous Saint Basil’s Cathedral in Moscow. This similar design sees five richly decorated onion domes tower above the main body of the church below.

Built between 1883 and 1907 at a colossal price, the gorgeous church was erected in the memory of Tsar Alexander II, who was fatally wounded by anarchists at the same site.

Inside is just as majestic as its fantastic exterior; every conceivable surface is coated in astonishing mosaics of saints and icons. After having been ransacked in the Russian revolution, used as a morgue in WWII and as a vegetable warehouse in Soviet times, the Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ – to give it its official title – has thankfully been restored to its former glory.

1. State Hermitage Museum

State Hermitage Museum

The second-largest art museum in the world after the Louvre in Paris, the State Hermitage Museum’s vast collection is remarkably spread across five buildings and 360 rooms in the center of Saint Petersburg. Founded by Catherine the Great, an avid art collector, the huge number of paintings, sculptures, and antiquities were added to by various tsars, and it was Nicolas I who opened them to the public in 1852.

Following the Russian revolution, many extensive private collections were seized, which only further bolstered its numbers. Today, the State Hermitage Museum has around three million artworks in its collection. With such renowned names as Da Vinci, Rembrandt, Picasso, and van Gogh on show, wandering around its galleries really is a treat. One could spend days, if not weeks trying to see everything.

Whether it is prehistoric art, the Italian Renaissance, the Dutch Golden Age, or 19th-century Russian art that you are interested in, the State Hermitage Museum is simply a must when in Saint Petersburg.

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Family Destinations Guide

12 Best Beaches in St. Petersburg, FL — Top Public Beach Spots!

By: Author Wyatt Johnson

Posted on Published: March 19, 2021  - Last updated: June 24, 2023

Itching for beach therapy to lift your spirits?

Imagine you’re on a sandy getaway, feeling the sun’s rays and the ocean’s breeze. 

Sounds amazing, right? 

Well, I can tell you from experience that St. Petersburg’s beaches are just that and more.

Soft, white sand, crystal-clear water, and stunning horizon views?

They have everything you could want on a beach vacation.

Not to mention, there’s a bucket-load of fun-filled activities to get your hands on.

So, if you’re looking for some beach bliss, you’ve come to the right place. 

I’ve put together a list of the best beaches in St. Petersburg based on my experiences and fun adventures.

Now, let’s get you on a beach chair with a view.

Let’s hit the beach and discover the St. Petersburg beaches of your dreams below.

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Best St. Petersburg Beaches Compared

Get ready for crystal-clear waters, powdery sands, and family-friendly fun.

Here are my top picks for the best beach spots in St. Petersburg.

Editor’s Choice

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Honeymoon Island State Park Beach — Dunedin

Honeymoon Island State Park Beach, spanning four miles, is one of the prettiest beaches in Florida.

  • Family-Friendliness: 4/5
  • Safety: 5/5
  • Amenities: 3/5
  • Water Quality: 5/5
  • Accessibility: 4/5

#2nd Best Choice

good homework spots near me

Caladesi Island State Park Beach — Dunedin

Caladesi Island State Park Beach rests on a beautiful island oasis and just a few miles offshore.

  • Safety: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 3/5

#3rd Best Choice

good homework spots near me

Clearwater Beach — Clearwater

Clearwater Beach is one of the top beaches in Florida. It is a family-friendly coastline featuring countless amenities and a plethora of fun activities.

  • Family-Friendliness: 5/5
  • Amenities: 5/5
  • Water Quality: 4/5
  • Accessibility: 5/5

Here are the top 12 beaches in St. Petersburg, FL.

12. Honeymoon Island State Park Beach — Dunedin (Editor’s Choice)

Honeymoon Island State Park Beach — Dunedin

1 Causeway Blvd. Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 241-6106 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

It is less than a 40-minute drive away and features diamond-white sand, sapphire-blue water, and backdrops of lush greenery.

Ratings Criteria

  • Natural beauty: Honeymoon Island State Park Beach offers a serene and unspoiled natural beauty with pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters.
  • An abundance of wildlife: The beach is home to diverse wildlife, including bald eagles, gopher tortoises, great horned owls, and armadillos.
  • Limited amenities: The park has limited amenities compared to other beaches, with minimal concessions and facilities available.
  • Extra charges: It has a daily entrance fee of $8 per vehicle or $4 for a single-occupancy vehicle.

Why We Recommend This Beach

Go on a romantic getaway with your beloved at Honeymoon Island State Park Beach.

It is the best destination for you to spend time together doing many fun activities.

For example, watching the captivating sunset, sunbathing, going for a stroll, kayaking, swimming in the glimmering water, looking for beautiful seashells, surfing, having a beachfront picnic while sitting on a towel or blanket, and so much more.

The pet-friendly areas of Honeymoon Island State Park Beach are at the southernmost end of the coastline.

Here, you can enjoy a beach day with your four-legged companions.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Hampton Inn Dunedin, FL

11. Caladesi Island State Park Beach — Dunedin

Caladesi Island State Park Beach — Dunedin

Offshore Island Dunedin, FL 34698 (727) 469-5918 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

It is loved by many for its crystal clear water, sugary white sand, and spectacular views of the Gulf of Mexico.

  • Pristine and secluded: Caladesi Island State Park Beach is known for its untouched three-mile beachfront, crystal waters, and private atmosphere. 
  • Nature trails and wildlife: The island offers trails that wind through mangrove forests, providing opportunities to spot various bird species and other wildlife.
  • Limited accessibility: Getting to Caladesi Island State Park Beach requires a boat or ferry ride.
  • Limited accommodations: The beach does not have any accommodations on the island, so visitors have to stay at nearby hotels or camp on their boats

Caladesi Island State Park Beach is one of the best beaches near St. Petersburg.

At this beach, you can enjoy creating long-lasting memories with your travel buddies.

It provides the perfect backdrop to stunning pictures that will surely amaze your friends back home.

Take in the fresh ocean breeze as you do activities like kayaking, canoeing, working on your tan, making sandcastles, swimming in the calm water, going on a relaxing boat ride, and fishing.

Visit the nearby marina at Caladesi Island State Park to rent items like canoes and kayaks, dock your water vehicle, and more.

At this marina, you can also experience camping aboard a boat.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Comfort Suites Stuart-Hutchinson Island

10. Clearwater Beach — Clearwater

Clearwater Beach — Clearwater

1 Causeway Blvd Clearwater, FL 33767 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Clearwater Beach is one of the top beaches in Florida.

It is a family-friendly coastline featuring countless amenities and a plethora of fun activities.

  • Sunset views and vibrant atmosphere: Clearwater Beach features Pier 60, which has spectacular sunset views, entertaining events, and amenities.
  • Various entertainment activities: The beach offers sand volleyball courts and excellent conditions for water sports, such as snorkeling, jet skiing, and parasailing.
  • Higher costs: Due to its popularity, prices for accommodations, dining, and activities in Clearwater Beach tend to be higher compared to less touristy areas. 
  • Reduced natural ambiance: The high level of tourist-oriented establishments may not appeal to those seeking a more secluded or nature-focused beach experience.

Have an unforgettable vacation with your loved ones at the gorgeous Clearwater Beach.

Clearwater Beach is the safest beach for kids, allowing you to enjoy your retreat to the fullest without having to worry about your little ones too much.

This coastline features a generally flat shoreline, pool-like waters that are shallow towards the shores, a soft sandy bottom with no rocks or pebbles, a gentle surf, and many lifeguards on constant alert.

Because its waters are typically calm, you can enjoy a boat-load of fun things to do here.

For example, paddle boarding, jet-skiing, parasailing, boating, wave running, and plenty of other fun options.

When looking for a place to dine and enjoy live entertainment with a few drinks at night, visit the Palm Pavilion Beachside Grill & Bar.

This beachfront bar is a 3-minute drive from Clearwater Beach and offers you refreshing cocktails, a children’s menu, sizzling steaks, and more.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Opal Sands

Related: Fun Things to Do in St. Petersburg with Kids

9. St. Pete Beach — St. Pete Beach

St. Pete Beach — St. Pete Beach

Gulf Blvd. St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 (727) 367-2735 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

St. Pete Beach lies in a charming resort city.

It features many upscale hotels, vibrant shopping districts, and bustling restaurants in the area.

Enjoy the ultimate beach adventure at St. Pete Beach.

This picture-perfect coastline features a white-sand shoreline, turquoise water, and a wide range of activities to keep you and your companions well-entertained throughout your vacation.

Prepare to have a thrilling time doing activities like snorkeling, playing a competitive game of beach volleyball, swimming, making sculptures out of the sand, enjoying a refreshing cocktail while resting on a beach chair, watching the sunset, and so much more.

One of the best places to park your car is the public access by 4700 Gulf Boulevard.

The parking lot here is much larger, making it easier to find a place to park.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Don CeSar – Recently Renovated

Also See: Tampa Beaches West Palm Beach Beaches

8. Fort De Soto Park Beach — Tierra Verde

Fort De Soto Park Beach — Tierra Verde

3500 Pinellas Bayway S Tierra Verde, FL 33715 (727) 582-2267 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Fort De Soto Park Beach is a beautiful nirvana for those seeking a peaceful recluse away from city noise.

Are you looking for nice beaches to go on a retreat away from the routine of your regular life?

Then drive on over to Fort De Soto Park Beach by yourself or with your companions.

At Fort De Soto Park Beach, you can enjoy a much-needed immersive beach experience as you do countless fun activities.

Like swimming, birdwatching, looking out for loggerhead sea turtles, going for a peaceful boat ride on the sparkling water, fishing, and collecting unique seashells.

This beach also features many amenities to help make your vacation more relaxing, such as two fishing piers, outdoor showers where you can wash up, nearby campgrounds, clean restrooms, and lots more.

Don’t leave without exploring the rest of Fort De Soto Park.

There are tons of other things for you to do, like biking, going on a guided tour of the historical fort, buying souvenirs at a gift shop, and so on.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Vinoy® Renaissance St. Petersburg Resort & Golf Club

7. Archibald Memorial Beach Park — St. Petersburg

Archibald Memorial Beach Park — St. Petersburg

15100 Gulf Blvd St. Petersburg, FL 33708 (727) 914-6902 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Archibald Memorial Beach Park is one of the best beach spots in St. Petersburg.

It is a favorite amongst tourists and locals for its crystalline water, white-sand shoreline, tall palm trees, and numerous onsite amenities.

Share a fun-filled day with your friends, partner, or family at Archibald Memorial Beach Park.

Bond and have a wonderful time together doing things like playing a fun game of sandy volleyball, throwing a frisbee around, enjoying an oceanfront picnic, and tons more.

Archibald Memorial Beach Park is the best beach for swimming in St. Petersburg because the water here is clean and clear, there are no sharp rocks that’ll hurt your feet, it isn’t overcrowded, and the waves and currents are not overly powerful.

Archibald Memorial Beach Park offers beach chairs and umbrellas for rent.

These are a perfect solution for days when it’s scorching hot.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Bilmar Beach Resort

6. Shell Key Preserve Beach — Tierra Verde

Shell Key Preserve Beach — Tierra Verde

2187 Oceanview Dr Tierra Verde, FL 33715 (727) 453-6900 Visit Website Yelp Open in Google Maps

Shell Key Preserve Beach rests within a 1,800-acre nature preserve.

It is an undeveloped beach that stretches for miles.

Get the chance to appreciate the beauty and serenity of nature at Shell Key Preserve Beach.

At this secluded coastline, you can enjoy a laid-back experience as you spend the day lazing on the shoreline, catching up on some reading, looking for seashells, and working on your tan.

For a more memorable time with your travel companions, you can do things like splashing in the cool water, kayaking, canoeing, boating, and going on a glass-bottom boat tour.

Before you visit, take note that Shell Key Preserve Beach does not have any onsite amenities or facilities.

Make sure you pack all your necessities, like food and drinks.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Inn on the Beach

Also See: Pensacola Beaches Sarasota, Florida Beaches

5. Sand Key Park Beach — Clearwater

Sand Key Park Beach — Clearwater

1060 Gulf Blvd Clearwater, FL 33767 (727) 588-4852 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Sand Key Park Beach is a gorgeous strip of white sandy beach.

It is roughly a 40-minute drive from St. Petersburg and is much quieter than its sister, Clearwater Beach.

One of the best things to do in St. Petersburg is to visit the nearby Sand Key Park Beach.

This charming coastline allows you to experience an exciting beach day, away from the excessive noise of large crowds.

There are a ton of activities that you can enjoy doing, like kayaking, canoeing, sunbathing, making castles or sculptures out of the white sand, swimming in the cerulean water, and taking fun pictures with your family or friends.

It has amenities like picnic areas where you can enjoy eating your meals comfortably, easily accessible showers, well-maintained restrooms, seasonal lifeguards, ample parking, and more.

If you have a companion with a physical disability, you can request beach wheelchairs from a lifeguard or a park ranger at Sand Key Park Beach.

Take note that these are limited and if you want to guarantee usage, make sure to come earlier in the day.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Wyndham Grand Clearwater Beach

Related: Best Beaches Near Clearwater, FL

4. Treasure Island Beach — Treasure Island

Treasure Island Beach — Treasure Island

10400 Gulf Blvd Treasure Island, FL 33706 (727) 547-4575 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Treasure Island Beach is a magnificent coastline boasting awe-inspiring oceanfront views, sugary white sand, and crystalline, turquoise water.

Get a glimpse of paradise by visiting Treasure Island Beach.

There are countless fun activities for you to do with your family, significant other, or friends to guarantee an unforgettable getaway.

Examples of things you can enjoy here are parasailing, snorkeling, getting a tan, shelling, watching the glorious sunset, jet-skiing, sipping drinks at a beachfront bar, and other options.

St. Petersburg, Florida beaches are gorgeous but, so are the many coastlines near it, like Treasure Island Beach.

It also features many amenities like covered picnic areas, numerous food concessionaires, a large parking area, plenty of outdoor showers, and more.

If you want to buy snacks and drinks or other necessities for your day trip to Treasure Island Beach, shop at Publix Super Market.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Provident Oceana Beachfront Suites

3. Redington Shores Beach — Redington Shores

Redington Shores Beach — Redington Shores

18200 Gulf Blvd Redington Shores, FL 33708 (727) 588-4882 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Redington Shores Beach offers a laid-back and peaceful ambiance for beachgoers.

It is roughly 3.5 acres in size and has many nearby restaurants, hotels, shopping areas, and well-known tourist hotspots.

Enjoy your vacation to the fullest by spending quality time with your travel buddies at Redington Shores Beach.

Whether you want to sit back and relax or enjoy more active things to do, this coastline is the place to be.

To have an enjoyable and comfortable day, you can opt to laze on the powdery shoreline, get a tan, read a book, take many pictures of the scenic landscape, go for a stroll, laying down a blanket to have a picnic right on the shore, and so on.

If you want to have a more exciting day, you can do things like bodyboarding, surfing, playing with a ball or frisbee, jet-skiing, boating, and tons of other fun options.

If you want to buy beach clothes, accessories, bags, hats, and more, go shopping at Beachside Boutique Co., merely a 4-minute drive away.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: Barefoot Beach Resort

Also See: Beaches in Naples Best Beaches in St. Augustine

2. Pass-a-Grille Beach — Pass-a-Grille Beach

Pass-a-Grille Beach — Pass-a-Grille Beach

Pass-a-Grille Beach St. Pete Beach, FL 33706 (727) 403-6136 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Pass-a-Grille Beach rests on a postcard-perfect coastal city.

It is easily accessible and close to high-rise malls, world-class hotels, and many eateries.

Go on an idyllic beach excursion with your travel buddies at Pass-a-Grille Beach.

On your fun bonding experience at this coastline, you can do things like burying each other in the sand, playing fun beach games, sharing a romantic moment with your partner as you watch the sunset together, going on a boat tour, and so on.

It is also not as crowded as other coastlines in the area, making it ideal if you want to enjoy a more intimate time with your companions.

When searching for a great place to enjoy eating mouth-watering dishes or drinking alcoholic beverages, consider Paradise Grille.

This beachfront restaurant offers you juicy burgers, fresh seafood, and more.

It also has a store where you can rent boards and buy beach necessities.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: The Hotel Zamora

1. Sunset Beach — Treasure Island

Sunset Beach — Treasure Island

9000 W. Gulf Blvd Treasure Island, FL 33706 (727) 547-4575 Visit Website Tripadvisor Open in Google Maps

Sunset Beach is a haven for beach lovers.

It features stunning Gulf of Mexico views, powdery white sand, and sparkling azure water.

After exploring some of the best beaches in St. Petersburg, FL, take time to visit Sunset Beach.

This lovely beach will leave you breathless while you enjoy doing many things with your friends or family.

You can have a blast as you swim in the pristine water, float on the water atop a floatie, watch the auburn sunset together, make towering sandcastles, enjoy drinks at a beachfront bar, and have fun playing with your kids at a playground on the sand, and so much more.

If you don’t have a water vehicle or don’t feel like bringing it along for the ride, you can opt to rent boats at the nearby Treasure Island Boat Rentals.

There are a handful of boats you can borrow, depending on what you want to do and how many you are in your group.

Recommended Hotel Nearby: RumFish Beach Resort by TradeWinds

Beachgoer Guide 

Comparing beaches: which one is right for you.

I’ve always had a soft spot for the beaches in St. Petersburg, each with a unique standout charm. 

The first time I set foot on Honeymoon Island State Park Beach in Dunedin, the tranquil atmosphere left me smitten. 

The sound of waves gently lapping against the shore was a calm melody.

And the sunsets? 

Simply breathtaking. 

Comparatively, Caladesi Island State Park Beach offered a more adventurous experience. 

The ferry ride to the island was an adventure on its own.

The pristine, natural environment is its winning card, a haven for wildlife enthusiasts like myself. 

We spent an unforgettable day spotting dolphins and collecting seashells.

Clearwater Beach, on the other hand, is a vibrant party on the sand. 

The energy there is contagious, the beach bustling with activity. 

Each beach is its own beautiful world waiting to be explored.

For tranquility, Honeymoon Island is your go-to. 

For nature, Caladesi Island is a treasure trove. 

And for a lively beach day, Clearwater Beach is the place to be. 

How I Picked The Beach Spots 

When picking these beach spots, I made sure to personally experience each beach and gather insights from both locals and fellow travelers. 

I immersed myself in these sandy getaways, feeling the sun’s rays and the ocean’s breeze.

So, how did I narrow down the list? 

I carefully considered factors like family-friendliness, safety, amenities, water quality, and accessibility. 

I did all these to truly understand what makes these beaches exceptional.

I wanted to ensure that each beach I recommended checked all the boxes for an unforgettable beach vacation.

Our Beach Rating Method

I rate these beaches based on the following criteria:

  • Family-Friendliness: I use this to evaluate if the beach is ideal for families with children. Does the beach offer kid-friendly activities and playgrounds? Does the beach have shallow waters and gentle waves? I ask myself these questions when I rate the family-friendliness criterion. 
  • Safety: This is used to assess the safety of every beach destination. Are there lifeguards manning the beach? Does it have safety equipment? What are the other safety measures at the beach? I consider these factors when evaluating the safety of every beach. 
  • Amenities: I use it to evaluate the quality and availability of facilities on every beach.  Is it equipped with restrooms, showers, and changing rooms? Does it have ample parking? These questions are important whenever I rate the amenities of each beach. 
  • Water Quality: This evaluates the cleanliness and clarity of the water at the beach. Are there algae in the water? Is the water safe and clean enough for swimming and other activities? I ask myself these questions in order to rate the beach’s water quality. 
  • Accessibility: This measures how accessible the beach is for visitors. How far is it from the major cities? Is it easily accessible by public transportation? Is the beach wheelchair accessible? I use these questions to evaluate the accessibility of every beach. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Which beach in st. petersburg is the best for surfing.

If you’re a surfer or want to learn how to surf, you’ll need a beach with excellent waves and surf shops. Some of the best beaches for surfing in St. Petersburg are Sunset Beach, Indian Rocks Beach, and Honeymoon Island State Park. These beaches have consistent and moderate waves suitable for beginners and intermediate surfers. You can also rent or buy surfboards, wetsuits, and lessons from nearby surf shops.

How Can I Get To Caladesi Island State Park Beach?

Caladesi Island State Park Beach is a secluded and pristine beach that is only accessible by boat. You can rent a kayak and paddle across from Honeymoon Island State Park Beach or take a ferry that departs every 30 minutes from Honeymoon Island State Park Beach.

Which St. Petersburg Beach Is The Best For Families?

If you’re traveling with kids, you’ll want to choose a beach with plenty of amenities, activities, and safety features. Some of the best beaches for families in St. Petersburg are Fort De Soto Park, Treasure Island, and Pass-a-Grille. These beaches have playgrounds, picnic areas, restrooms, lifeguards, and calm waters. They also offer kayaking, fishing, biking, and wildlife-watching opportunities.

Which St. Petersburg Beach Is The Best For Nightlife?

St. Petersburg has several beaches offering a vibrant and lively atmosphere after dark. Some notable options are St. Pete Beach, Clearwater Beach, and Madeira Beach. These beaches have a variety of bars, clubs, restaurants, and shops that cater to different tastes and moods. You can enjoy live music, dancing, karaoke, comedy shows, and fireworks. You can also find some quieter spots to relax and watch the stars.

In the end, the best beaches in St. Petersburg each have their unique charm. 

But if I had to crown a winner, it’s Honeymoon Island State Park Beach — Dunedin. 

Its natural allure outshines the rest. 

Comparatively, Caladesi Island State Park Beach and Clearwater Beach are exceptional. 

Yet the peaceful charm of Honeymoon Island captured my heart. 

Its captivating beauty and family-friendly vibe make it an unforgettable spot. 

So, pack your beach bags and head to Honeymoon Island for a fantastic beach day. 

Nevertheless, choosing a beach in St. Petersburg is like picking a flavor at an ice cream shop. 

There’s something for everyone, and it all boils down to what you’re in the mood for.

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These are the best U.S. employers for high school graduates

By Khristopher J. Brooks

Edited By Anne Marie Lee

August 7, 2024 / 6:53 PM EDT / MoneyWatch

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Lowe's and Walgreens are three completely different companies with one thing in common: They're each one of the top places to work as a high school graduate.

That's according to a new  study  from Harvard Business School, the Schultz Family Foundation and research firm the Burning Glass Institute which examined the hiring trends of 400 large U.S. companies, with a focus on how often those employers hire entry-level workers and promote internally. 

In a statement to CBS MoneyWatch, Walgreens said it's proud to be recognized for its "competitive wages and benefits, plus opportunities for learning and growth." 

"Being named the best place for high school graduates to start a career further validates our commitment to our team members' development and career growth, which includes a 90% internal promotion rate goal, along with competitive compensation and world-class benefits," Ilene Eskenazi, chief human resources officer at Chipotle, told CBS MoneyWatch. One of the company's proudest accomplishments is that former cooks and cashiers at their restaurants now hold leadership roles, she added.

Lowe's didn't immediately respond to a request for comment Wednesday. 

Along with Chipotle, Lowe's and Walgreens, researchers listed Best Buy, Chewy, Foot Locker, Gap, Goodyear, PNC Financial and Starbucks among the top 10 best employers for high school graduates. 

Growing frustration over cost of college

A larger pool of job candidates without college degrees may be entering the labor market as Americans have grown increasingly frustrated with the rising cost of higher education. A July poll from Gallup and the Lumina Foundation found that Americans believe the U.S. higher education system is headed in the "wrong direction." 

At the same time, opportunities for high school graduates are increasing as one in three U.S. companies have eliminated bachelor's degree requirements from some job postings this year,  according  to college prep company Intelligent. 

Careers in retail have become a strong pathway to upward mobility, the Burning Glass researchers said, noting that Home Depot, Dollar Tree and Macy's are also among the best employers. Taking a job at a bank or insurance company can also lift high school graduates into upper levels of employment, the study found, naming State Farm, Nationwide and KeyCorp as promising options. 

Khristopher J. Brooks is a reporter for CBS MoneyWatch. He previously worked as a reporter for the Omaha World-Herald, Newsday and the Florida Times-Union. His reporting primarily focuses on the U.S. housing market, the business of sports and bankruptcy.

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15 best hotels in st. petersburg, fl.

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St. Petersburg is one of the most popular cities to visit on the Gulf Coast of Florida. It boasts incredible white sand beaches and plenty of sunshine, thus its nickname, the Sunshine City. Visitors can explore all types of attractions, from golfing and fishing to wandering one of the many museums. St. Petersburg is home to the Tampa Bay Rays baseball team and is also a short drive from Tampa, where the Tampa Bay Lightning NHL team and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers play. 

Whether you’re visiting on a family vacation or on a weekend couples retreat, you’ll want to know you’ll be arriving at top-notch accommodation. We want that for you, too, which is why we have carefully compiled a list of the best hotels in St. Petersburg. 

The Best Hotels in St. Petersburg, Florida

  • Best Overall Hotel in St. Petersburg RumFish Beach Resort by TradeWinds
  • Best Budget Hotel in St. Petersburg Crystal Bay Historic Hotel
  • Best Luxury Hotel in St. Petersburg The Vinoy Resort & Golf Club, Autograph Collection
  • Best Boutique Hotel in St. Petersburg Hollander Hotel Downtown St. Petersburg
  • Best Beach Hotel in St. Petersburg The Don CeSar Hotel
  • Best Family Hotel in St. Petersburg TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort

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The Vinoy Resort & Golf Club, Autograph Collection

Kicking off our list of the best places to stay in St. Petersburg is this fantastic pet-friendly luxury resort and golf club. 

The Vinoy is ideally located right across from Vinoy Park and is less than a 10-minute walk from the St. Pete Pier, the Museum of Fine Arts, and the Palladium Theater St. Petersburg. Beach Drive NE is only a block away and offers an array of restaurants and bars to choose from. There is paid secure parking available on-site, and it comes equipped with an EV charger. 

Guests can spend their days lounging poolside with a cocktail under one of the cabanas or swimming in the heated pool. Afterward, they can make their way to the spa for a relaxing massage or facial. The hotel also features a Health Club where guests can participate in fitness classes and yoga classes and then head to the sauna or Jacuzzi. Other amenities include a fitness center, babysitting services, and a kids’ club. 

All the rooms come fitted with a dedicated workspace, water bottles, a coffee maker, and a TV with pay-per-view movies and video games. Guests can order room service from the on-site restaurant or head to the on-site minimarket for a snack. 

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The Don CeSar Hotel

This beachfront hotel in St. Petersburg is one of the best places to stay for couples or families looking to enjoy some fun in the sand and sea. 

There are plenty of things for guests to do while staying here, including swimming in one of the two heated pools, partaking in beach yoga classes, or even renting Jet Skis at the hotel. The on-site Spa Oceana offers plenty of relaxing packages and services, like massages, makeup services, waxing services, and hair services. There is also a steam room, a fitness center, and a hot tub. While mom and dad enjoy cocktails at one of the on-site bars, the kids can head over to the games room or to Uncle Andy’s Ice Cream Parlor for a sweet treat. Guests can dine at one of three on-site restaurants serving up American and Mediterranean food. The hotel also employs an entertainment staff and offers nightly live shows. 

All the rooms in the hotel are equipped with a flat-screen TV, a coffee maker, and a desk for those working remotely. Select rooms have a private balcony where guests can enjoy an evening glass of wine or room service. 

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Hilton St. Petersburg Carillon Park

This hotel in St. Petersburg is one of the best places to stay for business travelers or couples.

The hotel is located less than a five-minute drive from Feather Sound Country Club and is right off from I-275, offering easy access to the Howard Frankland Bridge and Tampa. Downtown St. Petersburg is roughly a 15-minute drive away, and St. Pete Beach is about a 25-minute drive away. 

All the rooms come equipped with a coffee maker, a flat-screen TV, a fridge, a dedicated workspace, and a private balcony. Guests can head to the 24-hour fitness center to get a workout in or head outside and go for a jog along the lake trail. The hotel also features an outdoor infinity pool that is open all year round, a pool table, a hot tub, and a business center. Guests can opt to dine at the on-site restaurant for dinner or head down to the on-site minimarket for a late-night snack. There is free Wi-Fi throughout the property and free on-site parking. 

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Treasure Island Beach Resort 

Treasure Island is known for its incredible beach and proximity to John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk. This resort on the beach in St Petersburg is perfect for families or those traveling with their furry friends.

All the suites have a modern motif with a private balcony, free Wi-Fi, and a kitchenette with stainless-steel appliances. Guests can cook their own meals, order room service, or head down to the on-site restaurant and bar. 

The pool area features plenty of sun loungers, along with a hot tub, a firepit, and a gate to access the beach. Guests can start their day with a workout at the fitness center or with a walk down the beach. The hotel also has a business center and on-site laundry machines. 

This beach resort in St. Petersburg is located less than a five-minute drive from John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk. There are plenty of restaurants and bars right on the hotel’s doorstep, and St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport is about a 30-minute drive away. 

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Bilmar Beach Resort

The Bilmar Beach Resort is one of the cheapest hotels in St. Petersburg but still a fantastic choice. 

The hotel has an upscale modern motif and features plenty of on-site activities. Guests can get competitive with a game of ping-pong or sign out one of the free bicycles. There is also on-site karaoke, two on-site restaurants, a happy hour, and evening entertainment. The pool area overlooks the beach and is stocked with pool toys and open all year round. Guests have direct access to the beach, along with free parking and free Wi-Fi. 

All the rooms come well equipped with a microwave, a minifridge, a toaster, and a flat-screen TV. Select rooms also have a private balcony where guests can enjoy an evening glass of wine or room service. 

This St. Petersburg hotel is located right on Treasure Island Beach, about a 20-minute drive from Downtown St. Petersburg and a 25-minute drive from Fort DeSoto County Park. John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk is a five-minute drive away, and there are plenty of restaurants and bars within walking distance. 

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RumFish Beach Resort by TradeWinds

This spacious oceanfront resort is one of the best beach hotels in St. Petersburg for families or couples. 

The resort features two outdoor heated pools, and one of them is for adults only. The on-site restaurant boasts a 33,500-gallon aquarium that allows guests to swim with the fish and serves up delicious Caribbean food. Guests can spend their days at the beach with water sports rentals from the hotel or book an excursion at the front desk. The property also features a kids’ play area, outdoor firepits, a fitness center, and a business center. Guests also have access to the amenities, including a full-service spa and tennis courts, at the resort’s sister hotel next door. 

All the rooms come furnished with a microwave, a minifridge, free Wi-Fi, a TV, and a private balcony. There is also a dedicated workspace in each room, perfect for those planning on working remotely while on holiday. 

The hotel is ideally located right on St. Pete Beach, with plenty of restaurants and bars within walking distance. Fort DeSoto County Park and Downtown St. Petersburg are less than a 20-minute drive away. Guests have access to on-site parking. 

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Crystal Palms Beach Resort

If you are looking for a hotel on the beach in St. Petersburg that offers all the comforts of home with the amenities of a hotel, the aparthotel suites at the Crystal Palms Beach Resort are just what you’re looking for. 

This fantastic hotel features fully stocked apartment rooms with free Wi-Fi, a living area, a TV, and a full kitchen complete with stainless-steel appliances and a dishwasher. There is also a private balcony, perfect for enjoying a morning cup of joe or an evening beer. Guests can spend their days sunbathing beside the pool and soaking in the Jacuzzi. The hotel also has free on-site parking and access to a washer and dryer. 

The resort is located on Treasure Island, right across the road from the beach. There are plenty of bars and restaurants just steps from the hotel, and John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk is less than a five-minute drive away. Downtown St. Petersburg and St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport are roughly a 25-minute drive away. 

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The Hotel Zamora 

This Mediterranean-style hotel is one of the best hotels in St. Pete Beach, and it offers a unique upscale motif. 

The pet-friendly hotel features an incredible rooftop bar with faux grass and comfortable furnishings. The pool is half-covered with a patio area that features lounge sets and flat-screen TVs, so guests can watch the game from the comfort of the pool. If you happen to be arriving to the area by boat, the hotel also has a private dock with availability for seven boats to park. Other amenities include a wine hour, a fitness center, a snack bar, and live entertainment. 

All the rooms come well equipped with a walk-in shower, a flat-screen TV, a coffee maker, an air purifier, and bathrobes. Guests who are planning on working remotely can set their laptops up at the desk. 

Guests are just a short walk from the beach and about a 15-minute drive from Fort Desoto County Park and the restaurants and museums in Downtown St. Petersburg. Paid on-site parking with EV chargers is available. 

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TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort

Step inside the TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort and enjoy 20 acres of beachfront fun at this luxury hotel in St. Petersburg. 

The resort features three heated pools: one for adults, one for kids, and one for all ages. Kids can spend the day at the kids’ club playing minigolf, ping-pong, or one of the games in the games rooms. There is also an indoor play area, an outdoor play area, tennis courts, and on-site water sports activities like parasailing available for an additional charge. The hotel also offers nightly entertainment, karaoke, and pub crawls. Guests have direct access to the beach, where there is a massive blow-up slide, as well as on-site facilities like a spa, a fitness center, and yoga classes. 

All the rooms come fitted with a microwave, a minifridge, a toaster, and a coffee machine. Free Wi-Fi can be found throughout the hotel. In the evening, parents can hire the on-site babysitter service and then head to one of four restaurants on the property for a romantic meal together.

This St. Petersburg hotel is located right on St. Pete Beach, just a short walk from plenty of restaurants and bars. Downtown St. Petersburg is less than a 20-minute drive away. 

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Plaza Beach Hotel Beachfront Resort

If you are looking for a nice hotel in St. Petersburg that’s on the beach and family-friendly, then the Plaza Beach Hotel on St. Pete Beach is for you. 

Kids are sure to be well entertained here as the resort has an entertainment staff, a games room, ping-pong tables, minigolf, and a private playground. Guests can spend their days swimming in the heated pool or playing shuffleboard or cornhole in the outdoor games area. A gate leads from the pool area to the beach, where there are beach volleyball nets and Adirondack chairs for guests to use. The property also features a barbecue area, a fitness center, a bar, and free on-site parking. 

All the rooms come equipped with a private kitchenette complete with a fridge, a stovetop, a microwave, a kettle, a toaster, and a dining area. Select rooms also have a private balcony. 

This fantastic resort is located less than a 15-minute drive from Fort DeSoto County Park and the Skyway Fishing Pier State Park. Downtown St. Petersburg is roughly a 20-minute drive away. 

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Hyatt Place St. Petersburg/Downtown

Stay in the heart of St. Petersburg at this lovely pet-friendly hotel in Downtown St. Petersburg. 

Guests will find themselves just steps from some of the top attractions and restaurants in the city. The James Museum of Western and Wildlife Art is just around the corner, and the Salvador Dalí Museum and the Florida Holocaust Museum are less than a 10-minute walk away. Nearby, there are tons of restaurants and bars as well as a Saturday farmers market held at Williams Park, just a five-minute walk away. 

Inside, the rooms have modern décor and are furnished with a fridge, a seating area, and a TV. Those planning on working remotely can set up at the desk for the day, and free Wi-Fi can be found throughout the property. Guests can soak in the Florida sun at the fabulous rooftop heated pool that is open all year round. Complimentary breakfast is served continental-style in the dining area, and there is also an on-site bar. Other amenities include a fitness center, a business center, and paid on-site parking. 

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Hilton St. Petersburg Bayfront

This hotel is perfect for business travelers or guests looking to catch a Tampa Bay Rays game at Tropicana Field. 

The hotel is located in the Waterfront Arts District, about a five-minute walk from the Salvador Dalí Museum and the University of South Florida St. Petersburg Campus. Tropicana Field is only a five-minute drive away, and Downtown St. Petersburg is a 15-minute walk away. Paid on-site parking is available. 

Guests can spend their days sunbathing beside the heated pool and their evenings gathered around the outdoor firepits. The perfect remedy for a day in the sun is a massage at the full-service spa on the property. At the on-site restaurant, Tangerine, guests can enjoy breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as high tea and a cocktail hour. There is also an on-site Starbucks, a business center, and a fitness center. 

All the rooms come equipped with free Wi-Fi, a coffee maker, a TV, a desk, and a fridge. Guests can opt to order room service or head down to the on-site minimarket for a snack.

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Hollander Hotel Downtown St. Petersburg

If you are looking for one of the best boutique hotels in St. Petersburg, then look no further. The Hollander Hotel located in Downtown St. Petersburg is for you. 

This gorgeous pet-friendly hotel features a spacious outdoor pool area with a saltwater pool, cabanas, a bar, and live music at night. Guests will find 21 craft beers on tap at the bar and incredibly fresh seafood at the on-site restaurant. The property also features a fitness center, free on-site parking, a business center, and a launderette. After a day of exploring nearby attractions, guests can treat themselves to one of the services at the on-site spa. 

All the rooms come well equipped with a fridge, a microwave, a coffee maker, a TV, and a desk. Some rooms have a kitchen and living area. In the morning, guests can opt to make their own coffee or head to the on-site coffee shop for a cappuccino. 

The hotel is located right across the street from the Museum of the American Arts and Crafts Movement on the outskirts of Downtown. Williams Park, where the St. Petersburg Saturday Morning Market takes place, is only a five-minute walk away. 

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The Kenwood Gables

If you are wondering where to stay in St. Petersburg that is more adult-friendly and close to downtown, then this gorgeous adult-only B&B is that place you are looking for!

The Kenwood Gables offers boutique accommodation in a Tudor revival home with a touch of southern charm. Guests can enjoy swimming in the heated saltwater pool or relax poolside on one of the sun loungers. There is also an outdoor firepit, perfect for unwinding with a glass of wine in the evening. Guests have the option of a complimentary continental breakfast or buffet breakfast. Free parking is also included. 

In the soundproof rooms, guests will find fantastic amenities such as a coffee maker, a Smart TV, board games, puzzles, and a fridge. Some rooms come with a terrace and direct access to the pool. 

This lovely hotel is located in the North Kenwood neighborhood, less than a 10-minute drive from Downtown St. Petersburg and a five-minute drive from Tropicana Field. St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport is less than a 20-minute drive away. 

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Crystal Bay Historic Hotel

Last on our list is the Crystal Bay Historic Hotel, located in the La Vista neighborhood near Treasure Island. Treasure Island Beach is roughly a five-minute drive away, and John’s Pass Village and Boardwalk is a 10-minute drive away. Pets are also welcome at the hotel, and guests have access to free on-site parking. 

All the rooms are decorated in a contemporary style and are equipped with a coffee maker, a microwave, a TV, a fridge, and a desk. Free Wi-Fi can be found throughout the property. Guests will find a complimentary breakfast served to their room each morning; it can be made vegetarian or gluten-free upon request. Room service is also available. In addition, the property features a business center and an on-site pool that is open all year round. At the end of the day, guests can indulge in a massage from the on-site spa. 

St. Pete–Clearwater International Airport is less than a 30-minute drive away, and the hotel offers an airport shuttle for an additional fee. 

There you have them, the best hotels in the St. Petersburg area! From budget-friendly hotels to massive beachfront resorts, we have gathered the best of the best. All you have to do is pick on and start packing. 

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A streak of light moves downward to the left of the Milky Way visible in a starry sky over a shadowed hillside.

The Perseids Meteor Shower Is Peaking. Here’s How to Watch.

Warm summer nights and swift colorful streaks make this meteor shower a crowd favorite, but this year, observers may have to compete with light from the moon.

Perseid meteors fell over northern Spain in August 2021. Credit... Pedro Puente Hoyos/EPA, via Shutterstock

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Katrina Miller

By Katrina Miller

  • Published Aug. 9, 2024 Updated Aug. 11, 2024

Our universe might be chock-full of cosmic wonder, but you can observe only a fraction of astronomical phenomena with your naked eye. Meteor showers, natural fireworks that streak brightly across the night sky, are one of them.

The latest observable meteor shower will be the Perseids, which have been active since mid-July and are forecast to continue until the end of August, at the latest. They reach their peak Aug. 11 to 12, or Sunday night into Monday morning.

To get a hint at when to watch, you can use a meter that relies on data from the Global Meteor Network showing when real-time fireball activity levels increase in the coming days.

A favorite among skywatchers, the Perseids are one of the strongest shows each year, with as many as 100 long, colorful streaks an hour. It reaches its peak as two other showers, the Alpha Capricornids and the Southern Delta Aquarids — which both peaked at the end of July — are petering out.

The Perseids are best viewed from the Northern Hemisphere, just before dawn. This year, viewers may have to compete with light from the moon, which will be nearly half full on the night that the shower peaks. But according to Sky & Telescope , the moon will set before midnight, leaving the early morning hours sufficiently dark for a spectacular show.

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