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Basic Applications of Computers

The term computer was taken from the Greek word compute means calculation and the computer was a person or device that did computation. In this article, we will learn what exactly a computer is, how it affects our lives, and the applications of computers in our life. 

What is a Computer?

A computer is a machine used to manipulate data or information and perform mathematical and logical operations. Modern computers perform a wide range of tasks, store retrieve, and process information. Using a computer we can create/modify documents, send/receive emails, browse information on the internet , and play video games. After the invention of computer science and technology became too advanced. Today we can not imagine growing our technology without computers. 

Components of the Computer System

The various components of the computer system are classified into two groups. 

1. Hardware

Hardware is the physical tangible component of the computer system. This type of component is touchable. CPU , Mouse, Keyboard are examples of hardware components. So, the hardware of the computer system are:

  • Input Device: Input devices allow the user to enter data/information in the CPU (Central Processing Unit). Mouse, Keyboard, scanner, barcode reader are general examples of input devices. 
  • Output Device: Output devices input the processed data/information into human-readable form. Monitor, speaker, projector, printer are general examples of output devices. 
  • Central Processing Unit (CPU): The CPU is referred to as the brain of a computer system. It is used to processed data/information and provides output to output devices.  The CU (control unit), ALU (arithmetic and logical unit), and registers are components of the CPU.
  • Storage: In a computer, storage devices are used to store the data or information that entered into the computer system and the output comes from processing the information or data.

2. Software:

Software is a collection of programs (set of instructions), data, and protocols. It is not in material form so we can not touch such types of components. The execution of software programs is performed by hardware. Firmware , operating systems , applications are examples of software. 

Features of Computer

Now we will discuss the features of the computer:


  • Speed: A computer is a time-saving device. It performs several calculations and tasks in few seconds that we take hours to solve. The speed of a computer is measure in terms of GigaHertz and MegaHertz. 
  • Accuracy: A calculation or task performed by a computer is accurate the chances of occurring errors are minimal. The errors occur in a computer by entering wrong data by a human being. A computer performs several tasks and calculations so quickly and accurately. 
  • Memory: A computer can store billions of records as per requirement and these records can easily accessible with full accuracy. The storing capacity of computer memory is measured in terms of Bytes, Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB), Gigabyte(GB), and Terabyte(TB).
  • Versatility: A computer can perform more than one task at the same time, this feature is called versatility. For example, we can create our project using PowerPoint and Wordpad while listening to music or we can design a website while listening to music.
  • Automation: Today the world is moving toward AI (Artificial Intelligence) based technology. Once instructions are programmed, a computer can perform work automatically. This feature of the computer replaces thousands of workers by performing tasks automatically. 
  • Reliability: A computer is a reliable device. The output results never differ until the input is different. If an input is the same then output won’t be different. 
  • Diligence: A human can not work for several hours without taking a rest whereas a computer device never gets tired. A computer can perform millions of calculations constantly with full accuracy without taking a rest. 

Computers are used in every field of life, such as homes, businesses, educational institutions, research organizations, the medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc. Today we can not imagine growing our technology without computers. The various field where the computer is very essential are:

Today computer is the primary work tool in the field of science. It is the best-suited machine for collecting, analyzing, classifying, and storing data. It becomes the most essential medium to spread knowledge internally and internationally. It allows scientists from different locations to work together and share ideas on the same project. 

Defence System

A computer performs a vital to control defense system. Computers are used to track airplanes, missiles, tanks, and different kinds of weapons. Once the radar system tracks a missile and artificial intelligence is programmed to target a missile and destroy it before it comes on the surface. It also used for GPS tracking, controlling defense vehicles, records of all members of the military. 

The computer plays a very important role in medical science such as record patients’ information monitoring heart rate, oxygen level, and blood pressure. To conduct various surgeries junior doctors get the help of another professional doctor by web conferencing. Research is also spread with the help of computers in the health sector. 

Today learning becomes easy because of computers. Anyone employed or student can learn any stage of life with the help of a computer. Computers are very crucial for online classes, download study material on the internet . Computers are also used to track student attendance and learning strategies. Coaching and institutes increased their areas by audio-visual aids using computers. 

A computer performs a crucial role in banking sectors, by storing several account holder details on a bank server. All transactions such as deposits and withdrawals perform by a computer. A banking company can easily monitor all ATMs and passbook printing machines. 

Government Sectors

Government can easily monitor government sectors such as road services, railway, development, and other rising funds. The information of every citizen is stored on the server through the computer. 


Today most people are so busy and they do not easily get time to fresh their mind. We can play various interesting video games using a computer. We can watch movies, TV shows, and reality shows on the computer. A computer is also used to create sarcastic memes and make us happy. 

FAQs on Basic Applications of Computers

Q.1: what is a computer program.

A computer is a machine used to manipulate data or information and perform mathematical and logical operations. computer system execute or perform some operation and gave the result that operation is called program.

Q.2: Write three components of computer hardware?

These are the following three main components of computer hardware.  Input Device Output Device CPU (Central Processing Unit)

Q.3: How have computers impacted education?

Now a days, computers used in education sector by providing E-learning platforms, online classes, and video conferencing tools. By using these technologies you can access to courses, learning content, and interactive learning experiences, making education more interactive.

Q.4: Write three popular operating systems of computer?

These are the following three popular operating systems. Microsoft Window Ubuntu Mac OS


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Introduction to Computer Application

Published by Suparman Lesmana Modified over 7 years ago

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1 st gen-1940-56

2 nd gen 1956-63

3 rd -64-71

4 th —72-89

5 th -mordern day


  • A computer is a machine that takes instructions and performs computations based on those instructions.



The word generation means the state of improvement in the product development process. Similarly, computer generation refers to the different advancements of new computer technology.

First Generation (1940-1956) Vacuum Tubes

The first generation computers used very large number of vacuum tubes for circuitry and magnetic drums for memory.

UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are prime examples of first-generation computing devices.

Advantages: Fastest calculating device of their time


1. Dissipate a lot of heat

2. Consume a lot of electricity

3. Very bulky in size

4. These computers were frequently down due to hardware failures.

5. These computers needed constant maintenance because of low mean time between failures

6. Limited commercial use because these computers were difficult to program

7. Very expensive

Second Generation (1956-1963) Transistors

  • The second generation computers were manufactured using transistors.
  • While first generation computers were programmed using machine language, second generation computers moved towards symbolic, or assembly languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words.
  • At this time, high-level programming languages like COBOL, FORTRAN, ALGOL and SNOBOL were also being developed.
  • Second generation computers were first to store instructions in memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.
  • Second generation computers were first developed for the atomic energy industry.


1. Consumed less electricity and thus dissipated less heat as compared to first generation computers

2. Faster, cheaper smaller and more reliable than first generation computers

3. Could be programmed using assembly language and high level languages

4. These computers had faster primary memory and a larger secondary memory

1. Second generation computers were manufactured using transistors that had to be assembled manually. This made commercial production of computers difficult and expensive.

Third Generation (1964-1971) Integrated Circuits

  • The development of the integrated circuit was the hallmark of the third generation of computers.
  • These computers had few megabytes of main memory and magnetic disks which could store few tens of megabytes of data per disk drive.
  • High level programming languages like COBOL and FORTRAN were standardized by ANSI
  • Some more high level programming languages like PL/I PASCAL and BASIC were introduced at this time.
  • Third generation computers were the first to implement time sharing operating systems.
  • Input to these computers could now be provided using keyboards and mouse.
  • Faster than second generation computers and could perform 1 million transactions per second.

2. Smaller, cheaper and more reliable than their predecessors

3. These computers had faster and larger primary memory and secondary storage

4. They were widely used for scientific as well as business applications

5. During this generation of computers, standardization of existing high level languages and invention of new high level languages was done

6. These computers had time sharing operating system which allowed interactive use of computer by one or more users simultaneously thereby improving the productivity of the users.

Fourth Generation (1971-1989) Microprocessors

  • The microprocessor started the fourth generation of computers with thousands of integrated circuits built onto a single silicon chip.
  • Semi-conductor memories were used which were very fast, even the hard disks became cheaper, smaller in size and larger in capacity.
  • For input, floppy disks (in addition to magnetic tapes) were used to port data and programs from one computer to another.
  • During this period many new operating systems were developed like MS-DOS MS-Windows UNIX and Apple’s proprietary operating system.
  • Development of GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.
  • In this period, several word processing packages, spreadsheet packages and graphics packages were introduced.

1. Smaller, cheaper, faster and more reliable

2. Consumed less electricity and therefore dissipated less heat

3. They had faster and larger primary memory and secondary storage

4. They could be used as general purpose computers.

5. GUIs enabled people to learn to work with computers very easily. So the use of computers in both office and home became widespread.

6. Networks allowed sharing of resources thereby efficient utilization of computer hardware and software

Fifth Generation (Present and Beyond) Artificial Intelligence

  • The fifth generation computers are completely based on a new concept of artificial intelligence.
  • Although such computers are still in development, there are certain applications like voice recognition which is widely being used today.
  • In the fifth generation of computers the aim is to develop devices that respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
  • The two most common are LISP and Prolog.


Computers can be broadly classified into four categories based on their speed, amount of data that they can hold and price.

Computers can be broadly classified into four categories based on their speed, amount of data that they can hold, and price .

Classification of Computers

Super Computer

Mini Computers

Mainframe Computers

Micro Computers

Intelligent Terminal

Dumb Terminal


Cellular Telephones

H/PC Pro Devices


  • Word Processing
  • Digital Audio or Video Composition
  • Desktop Publishing
  • Traffic Control
  • Legal System
  • Retail Business
  • Travel and Tourism
  • Business and Industry
  • Weather Forecasting
  • Online Banking
  • Industry and Engineering
  • Decision Support Systems
  • Expert Systems


A computer is an electronic device which basically performs five major operations which includes:

1) accepts data or instructions (input)

2) stores data

3) process data

4) displays results (output) and

5) controls and co-ordinates all operations inside a computer



Data and instructions

Flow of data and instructions

Control exercised by control unit

computers and applications

Computers and Applications

Mar 23, 2019

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Computers and Applications. CCNA Discovery: Chapter 1. Contents. Section 1-1: Computer Systems Applications Types of Computers Binary Numbers Section 1-2 Computer System Requirements Computing Devices Installations and Upgrades. Computer Systems.

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Computers and Applications CCNA Discovery: Chapter 1

Contents Section 1-1: • Computer Systems • Applications • Types of Computers • Binary Numbers Section 1-2 • Computer System Requirements • Computing Devices • Installations and Upgrades

Computer Systems • In order for a computer system to operate, these 3 components must work together • Hardware • Operating System software • Application Software

Hardware • Hardware- the physical components of the computer, or the electronic pieces that make up a computer system • Hardware includes external and internal components

Software • Software - the programs that tell the computer what to do • Operating System software is a set of computer programs that manages the hardware of a computer. • An operating system controls the resources on a computer, including memory and disk storage. • Examples: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Linux, Mac OS

Application Software • Application software is a program loaded on the computer that performs a specific task for a user or another application. • Examples: word processor, web browser, graphics editor, spreadsheet, mail reader

Applications • The computer is only as useful as the program or application on it. • Applications can be divided into two general categories: • Business/Industry Software – designed to be used by specific businesses • Examples: The Medical industry, CAD programs • General Use Software – designed for a wide range of users • Example: Graphic Editors, Office Suites

Local vs. Network Applications • Local applications - Programs, such as word processors, that are stored on the hard disk of the computer. • The application runs only on that computer. • Network applications – Programs that are designed to run over a network, such as the Internet. • A network application has two components, one that runs on the local computer and one that runs on a remote computer. • Server: runs on the remote computer • Client: runs on the local computer • Examples: Email, Web browser, FTP, File Sharing • Most computers have a combination of local and network applications installed.

Classes of Computers • There are many different types of computers available including: • Mainframes • Servers • Desktops • Workstations • Laptops • Hand-held portable devices • Each type of computer is designed with a particular purpose in mind

Mainframes • Mainframes: a mainframe is a large, powerful computer stored in a secure location, which allows users access through dumb terminals • Dumb terminals usually consist of just a monitor, keyboard, and a communication port to the mainframe • Mainframes are very secure because management is centralized and users have very little control over the system • Although mainframes are expensive, the use of dumb terminals can be a low cost alternative to providing users with complete computer systems

Servers • Servers are high performance computers used in businesses and other organizations. • Servers provide services to many end users or clients. • Services: file storage, email storage, web pages, print sharing • Servers usually have specialized hardware that is optimized for quick response time to multiple network requests. • multiple Central Processing Units (CPUs) • large amounts of Random Access Memory (RAM) • multiple high capacity disk drives

Redundancy and Security • The services provided by a server are often important and may need to be available to users at all times. • Servers, therefore, often contain duplicate, or redundant, parts to prevent them from failing. • Automatic and manual backups of data are also usually done on a regular basis. • Servers are usually kept in secure areas where access is controlled.

Server Design • Servers come in many different designs • standalone tower design • rack mounted • blade design. • A server is typically used as a storage point and not a day-to-day end-user device, so it may not have a monitor or keyboard, or may share a monitor and keyboard with other devices

Desktops • Desktop PCs: a desktop PC is a stand-alone computer, that is not dependent on other computers to operate • Desktop PCs are cheaper than mainframe systems, and allow users to use a GUI (graphical user interface) instead of text-based entry • They are also standardized in terms of hardware and operating systems • Desktops support many different types of hardware and application software

Workstations • Workstations are high-powered business computers that are designed for specialized, high-end applications • Engineering programs like CAD • 3-D graphics design • Video animation • Virtual reality simulation. • They may also be used as management stations for telecommunications or medical equipment. • Workstation Hardware is usually more advanced than a desktop PC: • multiple CPUs • large amounts of RAM • multiple, high-capacity disk drives • powerful graphics capabilities • large monitor or multiple monitors

Portable Devices Portable devices vary in size, power and graphic capability: • Laptop or notebook PC • Tablet PC • Pocket PC • Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) • Gaming device • Cell phones • Laptops are comparable to desktops in usage and processing capability. • Built to be lightweight and use less power • Many hardware is built-in: mouse, monitor and keyboard • Have a limited number of configurations available, such as video options and connection types • Not as easily upgradeable as the desktop

PDAs and Pocket PCs • PDAs and pocket PCs have less hardware capabilities • less powerful CPUs than a laptop • less RAM than a laptop • small screens with limited display capabilities • small input keyboard. • Multi-Function Devices: • combines a PDA, cell phone, digital camera, and music player • provides Internet access and wireless networking capability • limited processing power similar to the PDA • Advantages of Portable Computers: • information and services are available immediately, almost anywhere

Binary • In a computer, information is represented and stored in a digital binary format. • Computers are electronic devices, made up of millions of tiny circuits, which act like switches • Each switch can have 2 states: on or off • A computer relies on the binary number system to process data: it uses the numbers 1 and 0 to represent on and off • Everything that is done on a computer must be translated into a series of 1’s and 0’s, so the computer can interpret it • The term bit is an abbreviation of binary digit and represents the smallest piece of data – a 1 or 0

ASCII Code • Computers use binary codes to represent and interpret letters, numbers and special characters with bits. • The ASCII Code is used to represent each character as a string of bits. • Each character is assigned a number, which is then converted to binary • Capital letter: A = 01000001 • Number: 9 = 00111001 • Special character: # = 00100011


Data Capacity • Information or data capacity in computers is measured in terms of the bit • Each group of eight bits, such as the representations of letters and numbers, is known as a byte. Unit Measurement Used to measure bit a 0 or 1 a binary decision byte 8 bits 1 character Kilobyte (KB) 1,000 bytes text documents Megabtye (MB) 1 million bytes (1,000 kb) multimedia files, RAM Gigabyte (GB) 1 billion bytes (1,000 mb) hard drives, DVDs Terabyte (TB) 1 trillion bytes (1,000 gb) High capacity drive Petabyte (PB) 1,000 terabytes (250 bytes) National databases Exabyte (EB) 1 billion GB (1 quintillion bytes) all words ever spoken = 5 EB Note: 1kb = 1 kilobit while 1KB = 1 kilobyte

Bandwidth • Bandwidth is a measurement of how much information can be transferred within a particular period of time • Bandwidth is measured in terms of bits per second Kilobits per Second (Kbps) KiloBytes per Second (KBps) Megabits per Second (Mbps) MegaBytes per Second (MBps) Gigabits per Second (Gbps) GigaBytes per Second (GBps)

Bandwidth Calculations: Download Time = Size of File Bandwidth Example: How long would it take to transfer a 10 MB file over 1.54 Mbps connection? Time =10 MB 1.54 Mbps (10 MB x 8) = 80 Mb 1.54 Mb/s Time =80 Mb 1.54 Mb/s Time =80 1.54 s Time =52 seconds

Decimal Numbering System Example: 2134 = (2x103) + (1x102) + (3x101) + (4x100)

Binary Numbers • The binary number system uses only two symbols – 0 and 1 – instead of the ten symbols used in the decimal numbering system. • The position, or place, of each digit represents the number 2 – the base number – raised to a power (exponent), based on its position (20, 21, 22, 23, 24, etc.)

Binary Numbering System

256: The magic number • How many different number combinations can be made with 8 bits? • If you do the math you will see that 8 bits, or 1 byte, can represent 256 different values • The numbers 0 to 255 = 256 possible values • The number 256 is important in computing: • the RGB color scheme contains 256 values for each of red, green, and blue.

Binary to Decimal Conversion 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 10011001 = • Write out each bit in the binary number over its place value • Multiply out each bit value (0 or 1) by its place value (ex. 1 x 128) • Add up all the numbers to get the decimal equivalent = (1 x 128) + (0 x 64) + (0 x 32) + (1 x 16) + (1 x 8) + (0 x 4) + (0 x 2) + (1 x 1) = 128 + 0 + 0 + 16 + 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 153

Decimal to Binary Conversion • Divide the Decimal number by the highest order bit in the 8-bit binary number (the 128th place) • If the decimal number can be divided at least once by the place value (ex. 200 / 128), then put a 1 in that place value, and carry the remainder • If the number can not be divided by the place value, put a 0 in that place value and carry the remainder • Continue to divide the decimal number by each binary place value, until you get to the 1’s place Example: Convert the decimal number 199 to a binary number. R71 R7 R3 R1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 199 =

Counting in Binary • It is very useful to be able to count in binary, at least up to the number 15, when working with computers and networks • Counting in binary is usually done using only the 4 least-order bits • the first 4 bits on the right side of an 8 bit number are called the least-order bits • These represent the 8’s, 4’s, 2’s and 1’s place • The 4 high-order bits on the left (128, 64, 32 and 16 place) are assumed to be all 0’s, therefore they can be left out.

Binary Counting Full Binary Decimal Binary Counting 00000000 0 0000 00000001 1 0001 00000010 2 0010 00000011 3 0011 00000100 4 0100 00000101 5 0101 00000110 6 0110 00000111 7 0111 00001000 8 1000 00001001 9 1001 00001010 10 1010 00001010 11 1011 00001100 12 1100 00001101 13 1101 00001110 14 1110 00001111 15 1111

Bit Patterns • As you start working with IP addresses and subnets, it will be very useful to learn to recognize some common bit patterns that are used in computing and networking. • Common bit Patterns in Networking: • 10000000 = 128 • 11000000 = 192 • 11100000 = 224 • 11110000 = 240 • 11111000 = 248 • 11111100 = 252 • 11111110 = 254 • 11111111 = 255

Computer System Requirements • There are many types of computers. • What makes one computer better for a certain task are the components and peripherals that make up the computer system. • It is important to determine the intended uses for a computer before deciding on the type of computer and components to purchase. • The final product must match the requirements of the end user.

Important Components • Important components to consider when purchasing a computer: • Motherboard • Processor • RAM • Storage • Adapter cards • Case • Power Supply

Purchase Options When purchasing a computer, there are 2 main options: • Preassembled computers • Custom Built computers Each option has its advantages and its disadvantages

Preassembled Computers Advantages: • Lower cost • Adequate to perform most applications • No waiting period for assembly • Typically used by less knowledgeable consumers who do not require special needs Disadvantages: • Often lack the performance level that can be obtained from custom built computers

Custom Built Computers Advantages: • The end-user can specify exact components that meet user needs • Generally support higher performance applications such as graphics, gaming, and server applications Disadvantages: • Generally more costly than a preassembled device • Longer waiting periods for assembly

Computing Devices • A computer performs 4 main tasks, and each requires a different type of hardware device • Input Devices: • Allow the user to give data to the computer • Input devices include: keyboard, mouse, scanner, tablet, microphone • Processing Device: • Reads and executes data and instructions • Data must be read, organized and checked for accuracy • The CPU (central processing unit) performs this task • Output Devices • Allow the computer to give data back to the user • Output devices include: monitor, printer, speakers • Storage Devices • Allows data to be stored for use at a later date • Storage devices include :hard drive, floppy drive, CD/DVD burner, flash drives, tape backups

Types of Computing Devices There are 4 types of Computing Devices: Input Output storage networking devices Examples: Input devices - trackball, joystick, scanner, digital camera, digitizer, barcode reader, microphone Output devices - printer, plotter, speakers, headphones Storage devices - secondary hard drive, external CD/DVD devices, flash drives Networking - external modems, external NIC

Motherboard • The motherboard is a large circuit board used to connect the electronics and circuitry that make up the computer system. • Motherboards contain connectors which allow major system components such as the CPU and RAM to attach to the board. • The motherboard moves data between the various connections and system components. • A motherboard can also contain connector slots for network, video and sound cards. • Many motherboards now come equipped with these features as integrated components.

Choosing a Motherboard When selecting a motherboard it must: • Support the selected CPU type and speed • Support the amount and type of system RAM required by the applications • Have sufficient slots of the correct type to accept all required interface cards • Have sufficient interfaces of the correct type

Central Processing Unit (CPU) • The CPU is the nerve center of the computer system. • It is the component that processes all of the data within the machine. • The type of CPU should be the first decision made when building or updating a computer system. • Important factors when selecting a CPU are: • processor speed • bus speed • Socket type – must be compatible with the mobo

Processor Speed • Processor speed measures how fast a CPU cycles information • Usually measured in MHz or GHz • The higher the speed the faster the performance • Faster processors consume more power and create more heat • Mobile devices, such as laptop computers, typically use processors that are slower and consume less power in order to extend the time they can operate using batteries.

Bus Speed • CPUs transfer data between various types of memory on the system board during its operation. • The Bus is the pathway for this movement of data • The faster the bus, the faster the computer will be

Choosing a CPU • When selecting a CPU, keep in mind that applications continue to evolve, if the CPU is not sufficiently fast, the overall performance, measured in terms of response time, will be slower. • The CPU is mounted through a socket on the motherboard and is normally the largest component on the board. • The motherboard must be equipped with a compatible socket to accept the selected CPU.

Random Access Memory (RAM) • RAM is the temporary data storage in a computer • It is used to store data and instructions that are currently being processed by the CPU. • Data in RAM is accessed in any order, or at random, as needed. • All computer programs run from RAM. • Besides the CPU, the amount of RAM is the most important factor in computer performance.

Choosing RAM • When choosing how much RAM to put in a computer, you should consider the following: • The amount of Multi-Tasking required • Most computers are capable of running multiple applications simultaneously, or multi-tasking. • All of these applications require memory. • The more applications that need to run simultaneously, the more RAM required. • How many processors the system has • More RAM is needed for multiple processor systems • CPU and bus speed • A faster CPU and bus require more RAM • The RAM configuration that the motherboard will support

Adapter Cards • Adapter cards add functionality to a computer system. • They plug into a connector or slot on the motherboard • Many motherboards have built-in components that perform the same functions as adapter cards • On-Board components do not usually produce the same level of performance as adapter cards

Adapter Cards Common adapter cards: • Video cards • Sound cards • Network interface cards • Modems • Interface cards • Controller cards Sound Card Video Card NIC

NICs • A Network Interface Card (NIC) is the computer's interface with the LAN. • The NIC communicates with the network through serial connections and communicates with the computer through parallel connections. • NICs are expansion cards (PCI or ISA) that can be installed in one of the computer's expansion slots. • The network cable plugs in to the computer through the adapter card or NIC.

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Computer Concepts Tutorial

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  • UPSC IAS Exams Notes
  • Developer's Best Practices
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  • Effective Resume Writing
  • HR Interview Questions
  • Computer Glossary

Basic Applications of Computer

Computers play a role in every field of life. They are used in homes, business, educational institutions, research organizations, medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc.

Computers are used at homes for several purposes like online bill payment, watching movies or shows at home, home tutoring, social media access, playing games, internet access, etc. They provide communication through electronic mail. They help to avail work from home facility for corporate employees. Computers help the student community to avail online educational support.

Medical Field

Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients’ history, diagnosis, X-rays, live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons nowadays use robotic surgical devices to perform delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely. Virtual reality technologies are also used for training purposes. It also helps to monitor the fetus inside the mother’s womb.


Computers help to watch movies online, play games online; act as a virtual entertainer in playing games, listening to music, etc. MIDI instruments greatly help people in the entertainment industry in recording music with artificial instruments. Videos can be fed from computers to full screen televisions. Photo editors are available with fabulous features.

Computers are used to perform several tasks in industries like managing inventory, designing purpose, creating virtual sample products, interior designing, video conferencing, etc. Online marketing has seen a great revolution in its ability to sell various products to inaccessible corners like interior or rural areas. Stock markets have seen phenomenal participation from different levels of people through the use of computers.

Computers are used in education sector through online classes, online examinations, referring e-books, online tutoring, etc. They help in increased use of audio-visual aids in the education field.

In government sectors, computers are used in data processing, maintaining a database of citizens and supporting a paperless environment. The country’s defense organizations have greatly benefitted from computers in their use for missile development, satellites, rocket launches, etc.

In the banking sector, computers are used to store details of customers and conduct transactions, such as withdrawal and deposit of money through ATMs. Banks have reduced manual errors and expenses to a great extent through extensive use of computers.

Nowadays, computers are totally integrated into business. The main objective of business is transaction processing, which involves transactions with suppliers, employees or customers. Computers can make these transactions easy and accurate. People can analyze investments, sales, expenses, markets and other aspects of business using computers.

Many organizations use computer-based training to train their employees, to save money and improve performance. Video conferencing through computers allows saving of time and travelling costs by being able to connect people in various locations.

Computers are extensively used in dance, photography, arts and culture. The fluid movement of dance can be shown live via animation. Photos can be digitized using computers.

Science and Engineering

Computers with high performance are used to stimulate dynamic process in Science and Engineering. Supercomputers have numerous applications in area of Research and Development (R&D). Topographic images can be created through computers. Scientists use computers to plot and analyze data to have a better understanding of earthquakes.

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Download our Applications of Computer PowerPoint and Google Slides template to describe how computers have transformed today’s digital landscape. You can also use this deck to present computers’ versatile features and dynamic capabilities and explain their role in modern-day communication, information sharing, and numerous other functionalities across industries and domains. Technology enthusiasts can also use this set to explain how regular technological advancements will drive endless computer applications.

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Analog computers

Mainframe computer.

  • Supercomputer
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  • Embedded processors
  • Central processing unit
  • Main memory
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  • Input devices
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  • Quantum computing
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  • Analog calculators: from Napier’s logarithms to the slide rule
  • Digital calculators: from the Calculating Clock to the Arithmometer
  • The Jacquard loom
  • The Difference Engine
  • The Analytical Engine
  • Ada Lovelace, the first programmer
  • Herman Hollerith’s census tabulator
  • Other early business machine companies
  • Vannevar Bush’s Differential Analyzer
  • Howard Aiken’s digital calculators
  • The Turing machine
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  • IBM develops FORTRAN
  • Control programs
  • The IBM 360
  • Time-sharing from Project MAC to UNIX
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A laptop computer

What is a computer?

Who invented the computer, what can computers do, are computers conscious, what is the impact of computer artificial intelligence (ai) on society.

Technical insides of a desktop computer

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  • LiveScience - History of Computers: A Brief Timeline
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  • Engineering LibreTexts - What is a computer?
  • Computer Hope - What is a Computer?
  • computer - Children's Encyclopedia (Ages 8-11)
  • computer - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up)
  • Table Of Contents

A laptop computer

A computer is a machine that can store and process information . Most computers rely on a binary system , which uses two variables, 0 and 1, to complete tasks such as storing data, calculating algorithms, and displaying information. Computers come in many different shapes and sizes, from handheld smartphones to supercomputers weighing more than 300 tons.

Many people throughout history are credited with developing early prototypes that led to the modern computer. During World War II, physicist John Mauchly , engineer J. Presper Eckert, Jr. , and their colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania designed the first programmable general-purpose electronic digital computer, the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC).

What is the most powerful computer in the world?

As of November 2021 the most powerful computer in the world is the Japanese supercomputer Fugaku, developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu . It has been used to model COVID-19 simulations.

How do programming languages work?

Popular modern programming languages , such as JavaScript and Python, work through multiple forms of programming paradigms. Functional programming, which uses mathematical functions to give outputs based on data input, is one of the more common ways code is used to provide instructions for a computer.

The most powerful computers can perform extremely complex tasks, such as simulating nuclear weapon experiments and predicting the development of climate change . The development of quantum computers , machines that can handle a large number of calculations through quantum parallelism (derived from superposition ), would be able to do even more-complex tasks.

A computer’s ability to gain consciousness is a widely debated topic. Some argue that consciousness depends on self-awareness and the ability to think , which means that computers are conscious because they recognize their environment and can process data. Others believe that human consciousness can never be replicated by physical processes. Read one researcher’s perspective.

Computer artificial intelligence's impact on society is widely debated. Many argue that AI improves the quality of everyday life by doing routine and even complicated tasks better than humans can, making life simpler, safer, and more efficient. Others argue AI poses dangerous privacy risks, exacerbates racism by standardizing people, and costs workers their jobs leading to greater unemployment. For more on the debate over artificial intelligence, visit ProCon.org .

Recent News

computer , device for processing, storing, and displaying information.

Computer once meant a person who did computations, but now the term almost universally refers to automated electronic machinery . The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their design, constituent parts, and applications. The second section covers the history of computing. For details on computer architecture , software , and theory, see computer science .

Computing basics

The first computers were used primarily for numerical calculations. However, as any information can be numerically encoded, people soon realized that computers are capable of general-purpose information processing . Their capacity to handle large amounts of data has extended the range and accuracy of weather forecasting . Their speed has allowed them to make decisions about routing telephone connections through a network and to control mechanical systems such as automobiles, nuclear reactors, and robotic surgical tools. They are also cheap enough to be embedded in everyday appliances and to make clothes dryers and rice cookers “smart.” Computers have allowed us to pose and answer questions that were difficult to pursue in the past. These questions might be about DNA sequences in genes, patterns of activity in a consumer market, or all the uses of a word in texts that have been stored in a database . Increasingly, computers can also learn and adapt as they operate by using processes such as machine learning .

Technician operates the system console on the new UNIVAC 1100/83 computer at the Fleet Analysis Center, Corona Annex, Naval Weapons Station, Seal Beach, CA. June 1, 1981. Univac magnetic tape drivers or readers in background. Universal Automatic Computer

Computers also have limitations, some of which are theoretical. For example, there are undecidable propositions whose truth cannot be determined within a given set of rules, such as the logical structure of a computer. Because no universal algorithmic method can exist to identify such propositions, a computer asked to obtain the truth of such a proposition will (unless forcibly interrupted) continue indefinitely—a condition known as the “ halting problem .” ( See Turing machine .) Other limitations reflect current technology . For example, although computers have progressed greatly in terms of processing data and using artificial intelligence algorithms , they are limited by their incapacity to think in a more holistic fashion. Computers may imitate humans—quite effectively, even—but imitation may not replace the human element in social interaction. Ethical concerns also limit computers, because computers rely on data, rather than a moral compass or human conscience , to make decisions.

Analog computers use continuous physical magnitudes to represent quantitative information. At first they represented quantities with mechanical components ( see differential analyzer and integrator ), but after World War II voltages were used; by the 1960s digital computers had largely replaced them. Nonetheless, analog computers, and some hybrid digital-analog systems, continued in use through the 1960s in tasks such as aircraft and spaceflight simulation.

presentation on application of computer

One advantage of analog computation is that it may be relatively simple to design and build an analog computer to solve a single problem. Another advantage is that analog computers can frequently represent and solve a problem in “real time”; that is, the computation proceeds at the same rate as the system being modeled by it. Their main disadvantages are that analog representations are limited in precision—typically a few decimal places but fewer in complex mechanisms—and general-purpose devices are expensive and not easily programmed.

Digital computers

In contrast to analog computers, digital computers represent information in discrete form, generally as sequences of 0s and 1s ( binary digits, or bits). The modern era of digital computers began in the late 1930s and early 1940s in the United States , Britain, and Germany . The first devices used switches operated by electromagnets (relays). Their programs were stored on punched paper tape or cards, and they had limited internal data storage. For historical developments, see the section Invention of the modern computer .

During the 1950s and ’60s, Unisys (maker of the UNIVAC computer), International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), and other companies made large, expensive computers of increasing power . They were used by major corporations and government research laboratories, typically as the sole computer in the organization. In 1959 the IBM 1401 computer rented for $8,000 per month (early IBM machines were almost always leased rather than sold), and in 1964 the largest IBM S/360 computer cost several million dollars.

These computers came to be called mainframes, though the term did not become common until smaller computers were built. Mainframe computers were characterized by having (for their time) large storage capabilities, fast components, and powerful computational abilities. They were highly reliable, and, because they frequently served vital needs in an organization, they were sometimes designed with redundant components that let them survive partial failures. Because they were complex systems, they were operated by a staff of systems programmers, who alone had access to the computer. Other users submitted “batch jobs” to be run one at a time on the mainframe.

Such systems remain important today, though they are no longer the sole, or even primary, central computing resource of an organization, which will typically have hundreds or thousands of personal computers (PCs). Mainframes now provide high-capacity data storage for Internet servers, or, through time-sharing techniques, they allow hundreds or thousands of users to run programs simultaneously. Because of their current roles, these computers are now called servers rather than mainframes.

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Unit 6. Basic computer terminologies

Topic A: Application programs

Click play on the following audio player to listen along as you read this section.

Word Processors and Spreadsheets

Application program – a computer program that provides users with tools to accomplish a specific task.

Examples of application programs include those for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and database management, as well as Internet browsers, email programs, media players, accounting software, and programs that help with pronunciation, translation, desktop publishing, enterprise.

Microsoft Office – A group of productivity software applications developed by Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Office 2016 includes such programs as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.

Word processors

Word processor – a program that allows users to create, save, edit, format, print, and retrieve documents.

Word processing programs can be used to create all types of text-based documents, such as:

  • Assignments
  • Newsletters
  • Short stories
  • Books (with tables, diagrams, photos, links, etc.)

Examples of word processing programs include Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Apple Pages, and LibreOffice Writer.

presentation on application of computer


Spreadsheet (electronic worksheet) – a program that organizes data into rows and columns, also known as tabular form. This data can then be arranged, sorted, calculated (using formulas and functions), analyzed, or illustrated using graphical representations.

Among many other things, a spreadsheet program can be used to:

  • Create budgets
  • Calculate grades
  • Balance bank accounts
  • Calculate loan payments
  • Calculate tax
  • Prepare payrolls
  • Analyze business performance numbers and results
  • Produce charts
  • Calculate revenues

Examples of spreadsheet programs include Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets, Apple Numbers, and LibreOffice Calc.

Screenshoot of spreadsheet software.

Presentation and Database Programs

Presentation programs.

An example slide from a presentation.

Presentation program – a program that is designed to present information in the form of a slideshow, using multimedia formats such as pictures, sounds, videos, and text. Such a program is commonly used in education, training, business meetings, etc., to create powerful presentations.

Presentation programs are commonly used to:

  • Create slideshow presentations
  • Create lectures and tutorials
  • Make photo slideshows
  • Design websites with hyperlinks and interactivity
  • Make photo albums
  • Create animated videos (with voice and animation)

Examples of presentation programs include Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, Apple Keynote, Prezi, CustomShow, SlideDog, and Powtoon.

Database programs

Database program (database management system) – A program that is designed for creating, editing, updating, maintaining databases, and managing organized information stored in them.

Databases are useful for keeping track of customers, users, employees, students, inventory, product purchases, ISBN numbers, etc. Database programs are used in the following fields:

  • Airline/railway reservation
  • Library management
  • Human resource management

Examples of database programs include Microsoft Access, Oracle Database, Knack, TablePlus, and TeamDesk.

Launch and Terminate a Program

Launch an application program.

Menu when click Windows Start button.

  • Click the name of the program that you wish to start (e.g., Word 2016).

Search box in the Windows Start menu.

  • Click the name of the program that you want to launch.
  • Double-click a program shortcut icon on the desktop, if there is one.

Windows taskbar.

Close (exit) a program (close an active open window)

  • Click the Close icon (x) in the upper-right corner of the window.

Method 2 (Apple)

Apple File menu.

  • Click Close .

Force close a frozen program

  • Click Alt + F4 .
  • Click Ctrl + Alt + Delete to open Task Manager .
  • Select the unresponsive program and click End Task .

a computer program that provides users with tools to accomplish a specific task.

a group of productivity software applications developed by Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft Office 2016 includes such programs as Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, etc.

a program that allows users to create, save, edit, format, print, and retrieve documents.

a program that organizes data into rows and columns, also known as tabular form. This data can then be arranged, sorted, calculated (using formulas and functions), analyzed, or illustrated using graphical representations.

a program that is designed to present information in the form of a slideshow, using multimedia formats such as pictures, sounds, videos, and text.

a program that is designed for creating, editing, updating, and maintaining databases and managing organized information stored in them.

Key Concepts of Computer Studies Copyright © 2020 by Meizhong Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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28 Free Technology PowerPoint Templates for Presentations from the Future

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By Lyudmil Enchev

in Freebies

3 years ago

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28 Free Technology PowerPoint Templates for Presentations

If you’re amongst the science and technology teachers, students, or businesses in the field; we have something for you. We deep-dived to find the best free technology PowerPoint templates for your presentation, so today’s collection has 28 amazing designs to choose from.

The following selection has templates related to science, technology, cybersecurity, search engines, bitcoin, networking, programming, and engineering, so there’s something for everyone.

1. Computer Hardware Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Computer Hardware PowerPoint Template

This template sports a cool design with a bright light of a microchip processor and a blue background. Ideal for explaining concepts such as semiconductors, databases, and central computer processors.

  • Theme : Technology, Hardware
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  • Aspect Ratio : 16:9
  • License : Free for Personal and Commercial Use │ Do Not Redistribute Any Components of the Template

2. Space Science Free Technology Powerpoint Templates

Space Science Free Technology Powerpoint Templates

This free template has 3D spaceship graphics and blue background color. It’s great for presentations on astronomy.

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5G Technology Speed Free Powerpoint Templates

Design with twinkling rays of geometric shapes is perfect for presentations on technology topics such as internet networking, intranet, and communication technology.

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Start-Up Tech Corporation Free Powerpoint Template

This free tech corporation template is great for presentations on tech business startups.

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This design is great for presentations on communication, mobile technology, and other digital devices used for the PPT presentations.

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A technology template with a clean and modern design for your presentations about cloud computing and other computing services.

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7. Artificial Intelligence High Technology Free PowerPoint Template

Artificial Intelligence High Technology Free PPT Template

This template represents artificial intelligence as an illustration . It also includes related shapes to allow for a variety of expressions.

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8. Search Engine Optimization PowerPoint Template

Search Engine Optimization PPT Template

The template is SEO-themed but you can adapt it to any presentation related to marketing and search engines.

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9. Binary Code Free PowerPoint Template

Binary Code Free PowerPoint Template

The cool binary code design makes this template perfect for any presentation on computer science.

  • Theme : Computer Science, Programming

10. Network Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Network Free Technology Presentation Template

Sporting design with crags and electric rays in many angles are representing networking around the globe, the template is suitable for presentations on communication, networking, technology, and crag wheels.

  • Theme : Technology, Networking

11. Hexagonal Design Free PowerPoint Template

Hexagonal Design Free PowerPoint Presentation

Here we have a free template with hexagons and icons pattern for techy content. Its dark background and bright blue color palette give a professional look.

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12. Technology Pixels Free PowerPoint Template

Technology Pixels Free PowerPoint Presentation

A technology-themed template for presentations on consulting, IT, software, and other related subjects. The pixel pattern is grouped by tones which you can change from the master slides.

13. Connections and Networking Free PowerPoint Template

Free Connections and Networking PowerPoint Presentation

This free Powerpoint template is perfect for a presentation about the internet, blockchain, machine learning, cybersecurity, or cloud computing.

14. Isometric Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Isometric Technology PowerPoint Template

Here we have an amazing isometric design and high-tech background with gradients. Ideal for subjects like cloud computing, SaaS development, servers, and networks, or cybersecurity.

  • Theme : Networking, Programming

15. Free PowerPoint Template with Techy Contour Lines

Free PPT Template with Techy Contour Lines

This design has an abstract contour lines background in a dark green color. Ideal for subjects like geography, technology, video games, or even military affairs.

  • Theme : Technology, Gaming

Get a Professionally Designed Presentation For Your Project

16. Marketing and Technology Free PowerPoint Template

Free Marketing and Technology PowerPoint Template

The isometric design has illustrations on business, marketing, and technology topics that will make every slide stand out.

  • Theme : Technology, Marketing

17. Purple Hexagons Free PowerPoint Template

Free Purple Hexagons PowerPoint Template

For presentations related to scientific or technological topics, with professional hexagonal design.

  • Theme : Technology, Science

18. Rockets Taking Off  Free PowerPoint Template

Free Rockets Taking Off  PowerPoint Template

Rockets taking off is a great metaphor for growing businesses. It’s also a symbol of progress and technology.

  • Slides : 35

19. IOT Smart City Free PowerPoint Template

Free IOT Smart City PowerPoint Template

Smart City offers a futuristic design for subjects such as internet communication, smart city concepts, and tech innovation.

  • Theme : Technology, Smart City

20. Cyber Security Free PowerPoint Template

Free Cyber Security PowerPoint Template

The perfect template for presentations on cybersecurity, antivirus software, and other related topics.

  • Theme : Technology, Cyber Security

21. BlockChain Free PowerPoint Templates

Free BlockChain PowerPoint Templates

This template is a 3D rendering design of blockchain technology and you can use it for a variety of purposes.

Presentation Design Tips You Wish You Knew Earlier:

The shorter you keep the text, the better. In fact, some specialists suggest that you shouldn’t use more than 5-6 words per slide . And sometimes, a single word combined with a powerful visual is enough to nail the attention of the people sitting in front of you and make them listen to what you have to say.

22. BitCoin Themed Free PowerPoint Template

Free BitCoin Themed PowerPoint Template

A very versatile template that includes 20 semi-transparent illustrations of different concepts: security, social networks, programming, bitcoin.

  • Theme : Technology, Bitcoin

23. Technical Blueprint Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Technical Blueprint Technology PowerPoint Template

This template uses a blueprint style and a monospaced font to emulate the technical drawings used in construction and industry.

  • Theme : Technology, Engineering

24. Blue Connections Free PowerPoint Template

Free Blue Connections PowerPoint Template

The design of this free template fits social media, connection, internet, cloud computing, and science-related topics.

  • Theme : Technology, Social Media

25. Cute Robots Free PowerPoint Template

Free Cute Robots PowerPoint Template

Here we have a colorful design with beautifully illustrated robots for presentation on technology, science, and physics.

  • Theme : Technology, Physics

26. Green Circuit Free PowerPoint Template

Free Green Circuit PowerPoint Template

This is a free template with futuristic vibes that you can use for your tech presentations both in PowerPoint and Google Slides.

27. Data Particles Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Data Particles Technology PowerPoint Template

The design with particle lines gives it a modern and slightly technological look.

28. Science Hexagons Free Technology PowerPoint Template

Free Science Hexagons Technology PowerPoint Template

The background gradients highlight the white text, and the hexagons give it a techie style.

Final Words

That’s it. Today’s collection covered the best free technology PowerPoint templates that you can download and adapt to your presentations related to science, technology, programming, engineering, and physics. Now all you need to do is open your PowerPoint and make the most amazing presentation your viewers have ever seen.

For more freebies, you can check the Best Free Powerpoint Templates of 2022  or see these related articles:

36 Free Food PowerPoint Templates For Delicious Presentations

  • 31 Free Modern Powerpoint Templates for Your Presentation
  • 25 Free Education PowerPoint Templates For Lessons, Thesis, and Online Lectures

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presentation on application of computer

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Computer Basics  - What is a Computer?

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Computer Basics: What is a Computer?

Lesson 2: what is a computer.


What is a computer?

A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store , retrieve , and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents , send email , play games , and browse the Web . You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets , presentations , and even videos .

Watch the video below to learn about different types of computers.

Looking for the old version of this video? You can still view it here .

Hardware vs. software

Before we talk about different types of computers, let's talk about two things all computers have in common: hardware and software .

viewing hardware

Everything you do on your computer will rely on both hardware and software. For example, right now you may be viewing this lesson in a web browser (software) and using your mouse (hardware) to click from page to page. As you learn about different types of computers, ask yourself about the differences in their hardware. As you progress through this tutorial, you'll see that different types of computers also often use different types of software.

What are the different types of computers?

When most people hear the word computer , they think of a personal computer such as a desktop or laptop . However, computers come in many shapes and sizes, and they perform many different functions in our daily lives. When you withdraw cash from an ATM, scan groceries at the store, or use a calculator, you're using a type of computer.

viewing a variety of computers

Desktop computers

showing a desktop computer

Many people use desktop computers at work, home, and school. Desktop computers are designed to be placed on a desk, and they're typically made up of a few different parts, including the computer case , monitor , keyboard , and mouse .

Laptop computers

showing a laptop computer

The second type of computer you may be familiar with is a laptop computer , commonly called a laptop. Laptops are battery-powered computers that are more portable than desktops, allowing you to use them almost anywhere.

Tablet computers

showing a tablet computer

Tablet computers —or tablets —are handheld computers that are even more portable than laptops. Instead of a keyboard and mouse, tablets use a touch-sensitive screen for typing and navigation. The iPad is an example of a tablet.

showing servers

A server is a computer that serves up information to other computers on a network. For example, whenever you use the Internet, you're looking at something that's stored on a server. Many businesses also use local file servers to store and share files internally.

Other types of computers

Many of today's electronics are basically specialized computers , though we don't always think of them that way. Here are a few common examples.

  • Smartphones : Many cell phones can do a lot of things computers can do, including browsing the Internet and playing games. They are often called smartphones .
  • Wearables : Wearable technology is a general term for a group of devices —including fitness trackers and smartwatches —that are designed to be worn throughout the day. These devices are often called wearables for short.
  • Game consoles : A game console is a specialized type of computer that is used for playing video games on your TV.
  • TVs : Many TVs now include applications —or apps —that let you access various types of online content. For example, you can stream video from the Internet directly onto your TV.

PCs and Macs

Personal computers come in two main styles: PC and Mac . Both are fully functional, but they have a different look and feel, and many people prefer one or the other.

showing a pc

This type of computer began with the original IBM PC that was introduced in 1981. Other companies began creating similar computers, which were called IBM PC Compatible (often shortened to PC ). Today, this is the most common type of personal computer, and it typically includes the Microsoft Windows operating system.

showing a mac

The Macintosh computer was introduced in 1984, and it was the first widely sold personal computer with a graphical user interface, or GUI (pronounced gooey ). All Macs are made by one company ( Apple ), and they almost always use the Mac OS X operating system.



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    presentation on application of computer

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  3. Presentation Video For Computer Application In Management

  4. computer application for publication : Lecture 1

  5. Computer Application " Introduction

  6. Presentation of Fundamentals of computer|| #presentation #Fundamentals of computer


  1. Basic Applications of Computers

    Basic Applications of Computers. Computers are used in every field of life, such as homes, businesses, educational institutions, research organizations, the medical field, government offices, entertainment, etc. Today we can not imagine growing our technology without computers. The various field where the computer is very essential are: Science ...

  2. Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer

    Download ppt "Chapter 1: Introduction to Computer". Computer A computer is an electronic device, operating under the control of instructions stored in its own memory that can accept data (input), process the data according to specified rules, produce information (output), and store the information for future use.

  3. Introduction to Computer Applications and Concepts (Lumen)

    This action is not available. Covers the basics of computer hardware, software, and networking and helps students develop basic skills in using Windows and Microsoft Office, and creating web pages. Students also learn how to use ….

  4. Introduction to Computer Application

    Download ppt "Introduction to Computer Application". Outline Introduction to the computer Hardware development Software development Language Programming Operating System Software Application Presentation Multimedia Internet Image Processing.

  5. Ch-1-Introduction to Computers.ppt

    A computer is an electronic device which basically performs five major operations which includes: 1) accepts data or instructions (input) 2) stores data. 3) process data. 4) displays results (output) and. 5) controls and co-ordinates all operations inside a computer. .

  6. PPT

    Application Software • Application software is a program loaded on the computer that performs a specific task for a user or another application. • Examples: word processor, web browser, graphics editor, spreadsheet, mail reader. Applications • The computer is only as useful as the program or application on it.

  7. Basic Applications of Computer

    Computers are used in hospitals to maintain a database of patients' history, diagnosis, X-rays, live monitoring of patients, etc. Surgeons nowadays use robotic surgical devices to perform delicate operations, and conduct surgeries remotely. Virtual reality technologies are also used for training purposes. It also helps to monitor the fetus ...

  8. Introduction to Computer and its Applications

    This presentation describes the Computer and its Applications in different parts of our activity. This is a course ppt slide prepared for first year university students.

  9. Applications of Computer PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    4:3. Tags. App. Download our Applications of Computer PowerPoint and Google Slides template to describe how computers have transformed today's digital landscape. You can also use this deck to present computers' versatile features and dynamic capabilities and explain their role in modern-day communication, information sharing, and numerous ...

  10. Presentation Slide Deck (PDF

    Electrical Engineering and Computer Science; As Taught In Fall 2021 Level Undergraduate. Topics Engineering. Computer Science. Artificial Intelligence; Learning Resource Types ... Presentation Slide Deck (PDF - 3 MB) pdf. 3 MB Presentation Slide Deck (PDF - 3 MB) Download File DOWNLOAD. Course Info Instructor ...

  11. Computer

    computer, device for processing, storing, and displaying information. Computer once meant a person who did computations, but now the term almost universally refers to automated electronic machinery. The first section of this article focuses on modern digital electronic computers and their design, constituent parts, and applications.

  12. Free Computer Google Slides themes and PowerPoint templates

    Download the Referral Program MK Campaign presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Improve your campaign management with this template that will definitely make a difference. It will empower you to organize, execute, and track the effectiveness of your campaign. Enriched with innovative resources, it facilitates seamless communication ...

  13. Topic A: Application programs

    Word Processors and Spreadsheets. Application program - a computer program that provides users with tools to accomplish a specific task. Examples of application programs include those for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, and database management, as well as Internet browsers, email programs, media players, accounting software, and ...

  14. 28 Free Technology PowerPoint Templates for Amazing Presentations

    1. Computer Hardware Free Technology PowerPoint Template. This template sports a cool design with a bright light of a microchip processor and a blue background. Ideal for explaining concepts such as semiconductors, databases, and central computer processors. Theme: Technology, Hardware. Slides: 48.

  15. Computer Basics: What is a Computer?

    What is a computer? A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data. You may already know that you can use a computer to type documents, send email, play games, and browse the Web. You can also use it to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos.

  16. Free Google Slides & PowerPoint templates about computing

    Download the All About Programming in Java presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. High school students are approaching adulthood, and therefore, this template's design reflects the mature nature of their education. Customize the well-defined sections, integrate multimedia and interactive elements and allow space for research or group ...