Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words) for School Students

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essay in english my favourite teacher

Teachers are super important in our lives. They are like the guides who help us learn and grow. Think of them as the people who lay down the first bricks for the big building of knowledge in our minds. When we go to school, teachers teach us many things. It's not just about math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Imagine you have a teacher who makes learning fun and easy. That's like having a superpower! When you enjoy learning from a teacher, it makes school a lot more fun. You look forward to going to school because you know it's going to be exciting. Good teachers are like mentors. They don't just help us in school; they guide us even when we're not in class. They give us advice, tell us what's right and wrong, and help us become better people. They become our friends in many ways.

What we learn in school stays with us for a long time. When we grow up and face important decisions or big tasks, we use what our teachers taught us. They give us the tools to handle life's challenges. So, teachers are like our heroes. They build the foundation of our knowledge and character. They make our school years easier and more enjoyable. They guide us not just through school, but through life. They are like the shining stars in our educational journey.

Why is the Essay on My Favourite Teacher Important for Your Exams? 

This essay about your child's favorite teacher is a great way to show them how to write a simple and effective essay on this topic. It's important because teachers play a huge role in our lives. They're not just people who stand in front of the class and talk. They're like the guiding stars in our educational journey.

A teacher's job is not just about teaching math, science, or history. They also teach us how to be good people. They show us the right path to follow in life. So, teachers are not just about books and lessons; they are about life lessons too.

Your child can use this essay as a model to write their own. Let's explore a bit more about why this essay is so helpful:

Learning to Express: When your child writes about their favorite teacher, they learn how to express themselves. They can share why they like that teacher, what they've learned from them, and how that teacher has influenced them. It's a great way for your child to learn how to put their thoughts into words.

Improving Writing Skills: Writing this essay helps your child improve their writing skills. They learn how to structure their thoughts, use correct grammar and punctuation, and make their writing organized and clear. These are skills that come in handy in many subjects and real-life situations.

Being Creative: Your child can be creative while writing this essay. They can use vivid descriptions, storytelling techniques, and examples to make their essay interesting and engaging. This creativity is something teachers and examiners look for in essays.

Thinking Skills: To write a good essay about their favorite teacher, your child needs to think critically. They must think about what makes this teacher special and why they admire them. This is a skill that can help in many subjects and exams.

Practice for Exams: Exams often have essay questions. When your child writes this essay, they're practicing for those essay questions. They become better at presenting their ideas clearly and concisely, which can earn them extra points in exams.

Self-Confidence: Finishing an essay and sharing it with others, like you and their teacher, can boost your child's self-confidence. This is important for exams because students who believe in themselves tend to perform better.

Memory and Knowledge: Writing about their favorite teacher will make your child remember specific lessons and wisdom they've gained. This reinforces their memory and understanding of what they've learned, which is good for exams.

Long and Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher in English

My favourite teacher essay 1 (100 words) .

My favorite teacher is Deepa Mam. She's my class teacher, and she attends every morning. She can be strict, but she's also funny and caring. Deepa Mam is very organized, always doing her work on time. I like her a lot because she teaches us important things in simple ways. We have a good time in her class, especially when she tells jokes. She's not just a teacher; she guides us during school events like dances, sports, and competitions. Deepa mam also encourages us to share and help each other in class, like sharing lunch or other things we may need.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (150 words) 

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, Nishi Gupta. She teaches us Hindi, Maths, and Art. Nishi Gupta is a highly educated teacher with advanced studies from Banaras Hindu University. Her teaching methods are simple and effective, making it unnecessary to study at home. Her lessons are crystal clear.

After explaining a topic, she gives us exercises and homework. The next day, she revisits the previous topic and then moves on to a new one. Nishi Gupta doesn't just teach subjects; she imparts good ethics and etiquette, shaping our characters.

Even if she isn't our teacher in the future, her teachings will stay with us, guiding us through tough times. She's caring and loving, and her academic excellence, marked by a gold medal from her university, makes her the best teacher in my eyes.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 1 (200 words) 

My favorite teacher is Ms. Geet Singh. I'm in the 4th grade, and she's my EVS (Environmental Studies) teacher. She's a wonderful teacher who cares for us a lot. Ms. Geet makes learning easy and fun. She doesn't make studying too serious; instead, she uses entertaining activities to teach us.

What's great is that she's always punctual and never misses a class. We have so much fun in her class; it's a joyful experience. She even loves me because I'm a disciplined and ideal student. I follow her instructions, do my classwork and homework neatly every day, and I'm never late or absent.

Ms. Geet is an inspiring teacher. She encourages us to follow the right path in life, even when things get tough. She tells us to stay positive and not think negatively because what we think and do often becomes our reality.

Her lessons on EVS are fantastic. She wants us to speak in English during her class, which helps us learn the language better. After school, she rides the bus home with us, and we have a blast singing songs and reciting poems on the bus.

Ms. Geet is not just a teacher; she's a friend and a guide who makes learning enjoyable and teaches us valuable life lessons. She's my favorite teacher, and I'm lucky to have her.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 4 (250 words) 

My favorite teacher, Mr. Sunil, taught me English and Maths during my 3rd and 4th-grade years. He hailed from Varanasi and lived close to the school. With higher studies from Banaras Hindu University, he was not only well-educated but also incredibly kind and polite, especially with young children like us. His teaching style was so unique that I still remember him vividly.

What Mr. Sunil taught me has stayed with me. He made my understanding of Maths crystal clear. Even though I'm now in the 5th grade, I miss him a lot. I occasionally meet him when I need help with tough math questions. His smart appearance, sparkling eyes, and blond hair always caught my attention. I admired his great personality and gentle nature.

Whenever Mr. Sunil entered the classroom, he wore a warm smile and asked about our well-being. He even stepped in for our sports teacher when needed. Although he had a cheerful face, he was strict about our studies. He'd assign punishments to those who hadn't completed their homework. He was known for making class enjoyable, and his students consistently scored well in his subjects.

He possessed excellent teaching skills, a friendly demeanor, a fantastic sense of humor, and infinite patience. I was one of his obedient students, and sometimes he'd reward us with chocolates for performing well in class tests and exams. He never burdened us with too much homework, always encouraging us to do our best in our studies.

Mr. Sunil was enthusiastic and constantly motivated us to strive for excellence. He was the kind of teacher who made learning fun and memorable. I'll always remember him as my favorite teacher who not only taught me English and Maths but also the importance of kindness, patience, and a good sense of humor.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Mrs. Ramya is my favorite teacher in the 6th grade. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects, and she's a very special teacher with a unique personality. Mrs. Ramya is a bit on the heavier side, but she's incredibly calm and patient. Every year on Teacher's Day, I give her a greeting card to show my appreciation. I also wish her well on her birthday. She often shares jokes during class to make learning fun and keep us engaged.

I'm not very good at Hindi, but I excel in Computer class. Mrs. Ramya helped me a lot in improving my Hindi language skills. After every class, she assigns questions for us to work on and discuss the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to ensure we understand the subject thoroughly. Mrs. Ramya prefers a quiet atmosphere during her classes. She never leaves any of her students in the dark about what she's teaching. She makes sure everyone comprehends the topic and encourages us to ask questions. She doesn't move on to the next topic until everyone has a good grasp of the current one. Her caring and loving nature extends to all students, and there's no quarreling or fighting in her class. She even rotates the seating arrangement weekly to ensure no one feels left out or unhappy.

All my friends love her class and attend regularly. She goes the extra mile to support struggling students by providing extra help outside of class. Mrs. Ramya doesn't just help us with our studies; she assists us with other problems we might be facing.

She encourages us to participate in school events, such as sports and competitions. Mrs. Ramya always wears a smile and is known for her supportive nature. She prepares us for school event celebrations like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher's Day, and Mother's Day. Sometimes, when there are no topics left to teach, she shares stories about her own life struggles to inspire us to work hard in our studies.

Mrs. Ramya is not just a great teacher; she's also a friendly and easygoing person. We don't fear her, but we respect and admire her a lot. She's the kind of teacher who leaves a lasting impact on her students' lives, making school enjoyable and memorable. She is indeed my favorite teacher.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 6 (500 words) 

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Sadhna Kausik, and she teaches science. She lives near the school, and she's not just my favorite but also the best teacher in the school. All my friends like her because she's an excellent teacher who makes learning enjoyable. No one gets bored in her class because she adds a bit of fun to her teaching. I admire her teaching methods.

One thing I appreciate about Mrs. Kausik is that she asks us to prepare a topic at home before she teaches it in class. She then goes through the topic, asking questions to ensure we understand. The next day, she quizzed us on the same topic. This way, we become very clear about what we're learning. She also conducts tests after covering two or three topics. Mrs. Kausik loves her job and teaches with a lot of enthusiasm and passion.

She's very friendly and approachable. We can ask her any questions related to the subject in class or even in her office without any fear. During class, she observes each student's behavior and keeps an eye on the naughty ones. She encourages us to focus on our studies and follow her guidance to succeed in life. What's wonderful is that she treats all students equally, never showing favoritism towards the weak or brilliant ones. She supports the weaker students and asks the smarter ones to help their classmates. Mrs. Kausik inspires us to be passionate about our studies and set life goals.

She is an extremely encouraging teacher, motivating us not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities. Mrs. Kausik personally congratulates students who excel in school, whether in academics or sports. To help her weaker students, she offers free tuition at her home for an hour. Thanks to her guidance, every student performs well in science, both in-class tests and exams. Besides teaching, she also holds the position of Vice-Principal in the school, and she manages her responsibilities well. She takes care of keeping the school clean and maintaining its greenery.

Mrs. Kausik is always approachable and never appears stern; she has a warm and smiling face. She keeps us happy at school, treating us like her own children. During school events or competitions, she oversees all the arrangements. She talks to students politely and knows how to handle challenging situations at the school.

In conclusion, Mrs. Sadhna Kausik is a fantastic teacher who makes learning enjoyable and meaningful. She's not just a teacher; she's a mentor, a guide, and a friend. Her enthusiasm, dedication, and passion for teaching inspire all her students to strive for success. She sets an example of kindness, fairness, and commitment, making her the favorite teacher of many.

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Essay on my favourite Teacher

  • by Writing Skills Guru
  • February 24, 2024 May 12, 2024

Essay On My Favourite Teacher

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Table of Contents


My favourite teacher is Mrs Sharma. She teaches us English subjects with fun and some  cool  activities that help us to learn fast. Mrs Sharma is really  a nice  teacher she is clearing all the doubts. She is like a friend that makes our school like a happy place. And she cares about us  Mrs  Sharma  he  is a good teacher who inspires us to learn and grow. Mrs Sharma teaches us with her positive attitude and passion.

And after reading this  essay  you  will be able to  write an essay on my favourite teacher without any mistakes.

Paragraph on My Favourite Teacher

Mrs Sharma is my favourite teacher she teaches us the English subject. She is  an amazing  teacher.  She  makes the learning like  interesting  stories that we are able to learn  easily . And whenever I am confused, she teaches me until I can understand. Her teaching style is very cool. She teaches us so many practicals. In Mrs Sharma’s class, a positive atmosphere  is created . She is like a superhero because she is always ready to support us and make us feel confident. Due to Mrs Sharma, our school has become like a happy place. And she is clearing all the doubts properly. Only I not all schools like Mrs Sharma.  Due to her  nice  behaviour and good thoughts  so that’s why my  favourite teacher is Mrs Sharma.

10 lines on Essay on My Favourite Teacher

1. My favourite teacher is Mrs Sharma  she  always inspires us in the classroom.

2. She teaches us with fun and  cool  creativity.

3. Mrs Sharma teaches us  very hard  concepts in easy words.

4. In Mrs Sharma’s  class  learning became a joyful journey of discovery.

5. Mrs Sharma’s lessons are filled with creativity and enjoyment.

6. Mrs Sharma teaches us English subjects.

7. I can frequently ask any question to Mrs Sharma  and  she clears all my doubts.

8. Mrs Sharma always behaves like a friend.

9.  White  Mrs Sharma’s lecture  a  positive atmosphere is spread.

10. Mrs Sharma is really  a nice  and good teacher.

Essay On My Favourite Teacher

Short Essay On My Favourite Teacher (376 words)

In my  school  one person is not just my teacher  she  is more than a teacher to me. Mrs Sharma is my favourite teacher  and   she is  the best teacher for me.  She teaches us English ,  and  she  is super trustworthy,  smart , and caring.  Her teachings have improved my grades as well as my behaviour.

Mrs. Sharma is really very good. She makes every student interested in learning.  Her teaching  way  makes each class very interesting  and  even  she  makes  boring  classes  interesting.   You can tell she loves teaching because she’s always  so eager to teach new things to students .

Mrs Sharma is not only a good teacher  but   she is  also a really excellent  teacher .  She makes sure we all feel  important  and respected.  She  is always there to help us by solving any doubt. She makes us feel confident and brave, even when things are difficult.

Mrs. Sharma is  really  special  because she always works super hard to help her students  to  do well.  She teaches in class  as well as  helps us outside the class  even  outside of school.  She  stays late to give extra help and listens when things are  tough  for her students. She really cares about how her students are doing and wants them to succeed.

Mrs. Sharma is like a wise guide for us. She is honest and  smart  and has lots of experience. When  she  talks, we listen because she knows so much about life. She doesn’t just teach us facts; she teaches us important things about how to be good people.

The teaching of Mrs. Sharma has had a  big  result on me. She’s taught me many things and life lessons  including  school. I’ve learned to keep trying even when things are tough, to be kind to others, and  to always do the right thing . Because of her, I feel ready to handle whatever life throws  at  me.

In conclusion, Mrs Sharma isn’t just a teacher , she  is like a guide, a Person who helps me, and even a friend. She’s always there for her students,  helping  us to grow and be our best selves. As I move forward, I’ll never forget  the things she’s  taught me. I’m really grateful to have had her as my teacher.

Long Essay On My Favourite Teacher (484 words)


Teachers are like the creators of our brains and our hearts , they  are helping us to grow  smarter  and better people. Of all the teachers, my most favourite teacher is Mr Ravi Sir. He had taught me many things  and  with his help, my grade has also improved. 

The first time I met Ravi sir was in class 3  and  till now in class 6 he is teaching us  Science . In his class, every student becomes eager to study. Ravi sir is always excited to teach us funnily and interestingly so everyone can understand  science . He made us feel welcome, and he made learning fun. That’s when I realized he was not  a common  teacher.

Qualities that Illuminate:

My favourite teacher  Ravi   sir  is really great because of some  amazing  qualities they have. At First, they know their ability inside out. When they teach, it is not like a boring class. They make every class  interesting  by telling stories, giving real-life examples, and getting us involved in what we are learning. They also teach us important values like caring for others, being strong when things get  difficult , and thinking for ourselves.

Another great thing about my favourite teacher is how patient and understanding they are. They never make us feel foolish for asking questions. Instead, they encourage us to ask more doubts and learn more. They believe in every one of us and do everything they can to help us, both in class and out.

Impact Beyond the Classroom:

My favourite teacher didn’t just teach me school things, but they also taught me important things that I’ll never forget. They always believed in me, which made me believe in myself more. They showed me how to keep going when things are tough and  to never give up . Those lessons have been attached to me and helped me in everything I do.

My favourite teacher made our class feel like a big family. They made sure everyone judged equally and respected each other.  They showed us how to be kind and caring,  which made  our classroom a safe and happy place  to be .  Because of them, I’ve learned that being nice to others is most important.

Ravi sir made me love learning, and I will  always remember  the fun times we had together in future. They taught me how to be a better person. Their lessons have made me a good boy, and I’m thankful for them.


 In conclusion, my favourite teacher  Ravi   sir  is more than just someone who teaches for me. They are like a sun giving me light in my life. Their hard work,  amazing  qualities, and  the way  they have affected me have really attached to me. As I move forward  in life , I’ll  always remember  what they taught me and the good times we had together. I’m so lucky to have had such an incredible person guide me.

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Essay on My Favourite Teacher

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: There is no doubt that teachers play a significant role in our lives. They are the ones who nurture and shape our minds, helping us to become the best versions of ourselves. They teach us the importance of hard work and discipline, and instill in us a love for learning.

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Also Check: Essay on Teacher in English

Without teachers, we would be lost. They are the guides who help us navigate through the challenges of life, and their impact extends far beyond the classroom. They are the unsung heroes who make a difference in the lives of their students every day. Teachers are the foundation of our society, and their importance cannot be overstated. They play a vital role in shaping the future of our world. Thank you, teachers, for everything you do.

In this article, we have come up with some sample formats on essay on favourite teacher. You find both short and long essays on the same here.

Long and Short Essay on Favourite Teacher in English

Below we are giving essay on my favourite teacher for your information and knowledge.

These My Favourite Teacher Essay are written in simple and easy English so that they can be memorized easily and presented when required.

After going through the essays you will be able to describe the qualities of your favourite teacher, why is he/she your favourite and how does s/he has transformed you.

You can use My favorite Teacher essays on occasions like Teachers Day or similar events.

Also Check: An Ideal Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay in 100 words

My favorite teacher is Rajani mam. She is my class teacher too and takes attendance daily in the morning. Teacher is a strict teacher however very funny and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. She does her all the works and projects related to the class at right time without getting late. I like her very much as she tries very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us English subject. Teacher makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, academic, etc. Teacher teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as lunch or other needed things.

 My my Favourite Teacher Essay

My Favourite Teacher Essay 150 words

My favourite teacher is my class teacher. Her name is Nisha Gupta. She takes our attendance and teaches us Hindi, Maths and Art subject. Teacher is well educated and taken higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all the subjects. I never miss her class and attend daily.

I like the way she teaches us as we do not need to study that subject at home again. We become very clear about the topic she teaches us in the classroom. After clearing the concept of topic, she gives us some exercises in the class and also home work for the home. Next day, she asks questions related to the yesterday topic and then start another topic.

In spite of the subjects, she teaches us good ethics and etiquette also to make us strong by character. May be; she will not be our teacher in next class however; her teachings will always be with us and show us way to difficult situations. She is very caring and loving in nature. Teacher has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher.

Also Check: Essay on Teacher’s Day

My Favourite Teacher Essay 200 words

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favourite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 th standard and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies). She is a good teacher. Teacher cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. She never takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities. Teacher always comes at right time in the class and never misses her class. We enjoy her class very much as she makes us happy too. Teacher loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I follow her all the orders and do my class work and home work in neat and clean manner daily.

I never become late or absent in her class. She motivates us to always follow right path in the life even we have to face much difficult situations. Teacher tells us that we never become hopeless in difficult situations and search some easy ways to get out of them. She also tells us that never think negative and always think positive as it always happens what we think and do. Teacher describes very well about all the topics of EVS. She wants us to talk in English in her class. She goes to her home with us in the school bus where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

Essay on Favourite Teacher in 250 words

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Maths for 2 years when I was in class 3 rd and 4 th standard. He was from Varanasi however living in the vicinity of the school. Teacher took his higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. He was very polite and kind in nature. Teacher knew well about how to handle small children in the class. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

What he taught to me, I still remember very well as he has made my Maths concepts very clear. Currently I am studying in class 5 th standard however still miss him very much. I meet him occasionally whenever I need to solve some tough questions of my Maths subject. He looks very smart with good physique, sparkle eyes and blond hair. I like his good personality and polite nature.

Teacher always smiled when entered to the classroom and first asked to us about our well-being. He also assisted us in the sports whenever our sports teacher was absent. Teacher has smiling face however very strict in the study. He always punished to the students who were with incomplete home works. Teacher is famous for making lots of fun during the class time however students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor, patient and easygoing. I am one of the obedient students of him. Sometimes he gave us chocolates on doing well in the class tests and exams. He never gave us lots of assignments at home. He is very enthusiastic and also always motivated us for doing our best in the study.

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 300 words

Mrs. Rashmi is my favourite teacher of 6 th standard in the school. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects in the class. She has very unique personality. Teacher is quite fatty but calm in nature. I always give her a greeting card on the teacher’s day every year. I also wish a good luck on her birthday. She is used to of reciting some jokes in between while taking class in order to make fun and draw our attention towards study. I am not so good in the Hindi subject however do very well in the Computer. She helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask for next day.

She takes us to the Computer lab to make us more clear and sure about the Computer. Teacher wants to keep quiet in her class when she teaches. She never leaves her weak students unclear about what she has taught. She makes everyone very clear about any topic and motivates us to ask questions in her class. Teacher never start next topic until we all understand the last one very well. She is very caring and loving in nature as she takes care of all students in the class. No one quarrel or fight in her class. She makes seating rotation of the students on weekly basis so that no one remains weak and unhappy. My all friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some weak students by giving them over time outside the class. Teacher also helps us to solve the problems other than the study. Teacher promotes us to take part in the sports or other competitions organized in the school. She looks good with her smiling face and supporting nature. She helps us to get prepared for the event celebrations in the school such as Independence Day , Republic Day , Gandhi Jayanti , Teacher’s Day , Mother’s Day , etc. Sometimes, when topics over, she shares with us about her struggle period of the life in order to encourage us towards study. She is very friendly and easygoing teacher. We never fear with her however respect her a lot.

Essay on Favourite Teacher in 400 words

My favorite teacher is my science teacher. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. She lives near to the school campus. She is the best teacher of school and liked by my all friends as she teaches very well. No one feels boring in her class as she makes some fun also. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. She asks us to go through the topic from home what she will teach in the class next day. Teacher teaches that topic in the class and asks many questions to get clear. She also asks questions about the same topic on next day. In this way, we get very clear about a particular topic. She takes test after teaching two or three topics. Teacher loves the teaching profession and also teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

She is very friendly to us and never makes us fear from her. We ask her any question related to the subject in the class or her cabin without any fear. Teacher watches the activity of each and every student while teaching in the class and punishes the naughty ones. She tells us to concentrate on the study and always follow things what your teacher says in the class if you really want success in the life. She never makes partiality between weak and brilliant students in the class. Teacher supports a lot to her weak students and requests to brilliant students also to help their weak colleagues. She tells us to be passionate about our study and aim of the life.

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She is very encouraging teacher, encourages us not only in study however also in the extracurricular activities. Teacher cheers personally to the student doing well in the school whether in academic or sports activities. She gives free tuition to her weak students at her home for one hour. Each student does very well in the science subject both in the class tests and exams. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. So, she performs her all the responsibilities very well. She takes care of the cleanliness and greenery in the school campus.

She never looks serious as she has a smiling face. Teacher keeps us happy in the school like her own kids. She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event celebration or competitions organized in the school. She talks to all the students very politely and knows well to handle any difficult situation of the school.

My Favourite Teacher 10 Lines

My Teacher, Mrs. Anaya

  • Mrs. Anaya is my favorite teacher at Sunflower School. Here’s why I like her so much:
  • Every morning, she greets us with a big, warm smile. It makes my day bright!
  • She teaches us Math and English. But she makes it fun, like telling a story.
  • Mrs. Anaya went to a big school called Rosewood University. But she talks to us in simple words, so we understand everything.
  • She doesn’t just teach from books. She tells us to be good people and to be kind to our friends.
  • During break time, many of us stay in the class. We love hearing her tell funny stories.
  • If I don’t understand something, she helps me. She wants all of us to do well.
  • Sometimes, she tells jokes. We all laugh a lot!
  • Mrs. Anaya also tells us to play games and join fun school contests. She claps the loudest when we win!
  • I remember everything she teaches because she is so kind and fun.

I hope Mrs. Anaya is my teacher every year. She is the best!

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My Favourite Teacher Essay 10 Lines

  • Miss Ruby is my favourite teacher at Green Valley School.
  • She wears pretty dresses and always has a shiny pin in her hair.
  • Her room is filled with colorful charts and funny drawings.
  • Every morning, she sings a hello song with us.
  • Miss Ruby teaches us Science and Drawing.
  • I love when she shows us how plants grow from tiny seeds.
  • She has a big fish tank in our classroom with colorful fish.
  • We all get turns to feed them, and it’s so much fun!
  • During story time, she makes funny voices for each character.
  • If we do our work well, she gives us shiny star stickers.
  • Miss Ruby also reads us stories from big, colorful books.
  • She helps if we find any word hard to read or spell.
  • Sometimes, she plays the guitar, and we all sing along.
  • She tells us to always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’
  • Miss Ruby says being kind is the most important lesson.
  • On Fridays, we have a fun quiz, and she gives candies to everyone.
  • I once drew her picture, and she put it on the classroom door.
  • She loves all animals and tells us stories about her cat, Whiskers.
  • Miss Ruby always listens if we have something to say.
  • I hope to be in her class next year too because she makes school the best!

Below are the related topics to My self essay available at IL

FAQs on My Favourite Teacher

How do i write about my favorite teacher.

Begin by describing their qualities, teaching style, and how they made an impact on you. Use specific examples or stories to highlight your favorite teacher's unique attributes.

What is your favorite teacher?

Everyone has a different opinion, but a favorite teacher is often one who is caring, understanding, and makes learning engaging.

What is special about my teacher?

What's special about your teacher is their ability to inspire, motivate, and understand each student's unique needs and strengths.

What makes a Favourite teacher?

A favorite teacher possesses qualities like patience, knowledge, enthusiasm, and the ability to connect with students on a personal level.

What is a teacher best line?

A teacher's best line might be something like, I believe in you, which showcases their faith in a student's abilities.

How do I feel special to my teacher?

You might feel special to your teacher when they acknowledge your efforts, give personal feedback, or go the extra mile to help you succeed.

What makes a teacher happy?

A teacher is often happy when they see their students succeed, engage actively in lessons, and show respect and enthusiasm for learning.

Why am I thankful for my teacher?

You might be thankful for your teacher because of the knowledge they impart, the support they provide, and the positive impact they've had on your personal and academic growth.

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English Aspirants

10 lines on My Favourite Teacher | 10 Lines on My Teacher

10 lines on My Favourite Teacher in English: A teacher’s profession is an ideal profession. In this article, you are going to read 5 sets of 10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher. This article will be helpful for students from classes 1 to 12. So, Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

Set 1: 10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher

1. My favourite teacher is Aman sir.

2. He is my English teacher.

3. I love his teaching style.

4. He explains the subject in a very easy way.

5. He is friendly and funny.

6. He is kind and loving to all the students.

7. He is disciplined and punctual.

8. He encourages us to study well.

9. He teaches us good habits and moral values.

10. I am very proud of my teacher.

10 Lines on My Favourite Teacher

Also Read:  10 Lines on My Mother in English

Set 2: 10 lines on My Teacher

1. There are many teachers in our school.

2. But Rupali mam is my favourite teacher.

3. She teaches us English.

4. She is a well-qualified and good-looking woman.

5. She tries easy ways to explain any topic.

6. She regularly checks our homework.

7. She also tells us interesting stories.

8. She gives extra attention to weak students.

9. She rewards us when we do something good.

10. I admire my teacher very much.

10 lines on my teacher in english

Also Read: 10 Lines on Myself in English

Set 3: My Teacher Essay 10 Lines

1. Bipin sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches us Math.

2. He is quite young, handsome, and well-dressed.

3. He is a sincere and hardworking teacher.

4. He is well educated and knows a lot about the subject.

5. He believes in simple living and high thinking.

6. He is disciplined, punctual, and sometimes strict too.

7. He makes the learning process very interesting

8. The way he teaches us Math is amazing.

9. He is the best teacher I have ever met in my life.

10. All the students like him and never miss his classes.

My Teacher Essay 10 Lines

Set 4: My Favourite Teacher 10 Lines

1. Our science teacher Ajay sir is my favourite teacher.

2. He is a strict teacher however very funny and friendly in nature

3. He clears our all doubts whenever we ask questions in his classes.

4. He uses multiple flowcharts and diagrams to explain a topic.

5. He made the science subject so much easy for us.

6. He doesn’t scold or beat us in the class.

7. I used to get low marks in Science but with his help, I improved a lot.

8. Students often go to him for advice and guidance.

9. He motivates us to score better marks in exams.

10. I am very grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

Set 5: My Teacher 10 Lines

1. Varun sir is my favourite teacher. He teaches my favourite subject Physics.

2. He is a highly knowledgeable and energetic teacher.

3. He always explains hard things in the easiest way.

4. He does not depend on only book knowledge.

5. While explaining he gives real-life examples to make his lessons lovely and interesting.

6. We all like to attend his class and we rarely miss his class.

7. He guides us through our difficult times and encourages us when we are down.

8. He also guides us during various school competitions and lets us find our real talents.

9. He leads us on the right track in order to make us sensible citizens.

10. I want to be an ideal teacher like him.

Read More 10 Lines: 1. 10 Lines on Holi Festival 2. 10 Lines on Independence Day of India 3. 10 Lines on Our National Flag 4. 10 lines on Mahatma Gandhi 

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essay in english my favourite teacher

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essay in english my favourite teacher

Essay On My Favourite Teacher

A good teacher plays a crucial role in shaping our society in an intelligent way. Essay On My Favourite Teacher describe to us the role of a teacher and why he is your favorite teacher impacted your life and some memories.

Essay On My Favourite Teacher

Essay On My Favourite Teacher is written in the following points: 

  • Introduction: The importance of teachers in shaping our lives and why my favorite teacher is special to me.
  • Description of my favorite teacher: Physical appearance, teaching style, and personality.
  • Impact on my life: Influence on academics, personal growth, and future aspirations.
  • Special moments and memories: Recollection of specific instances that make this teacher particularly memorable.
  • Conclusion: Summary of main points and reiteration of the impact on my life.

T eachers play a critical role in the formation of an intellectual society. Their guidance helps us shape our personalities and future goals.

My favorite teacher’s name is Mr. Kunal Biswas, and there are many reasons why he is my favorite. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from him.

He is kind and generous, with more than 15 years of teaching experience. He is knowledgeable in his subject, English, and has a unique teaching style that makes learning fun and interactive. He is always willing to go the extra mile to help his students.

Mr. Biswas has had a significant impact on my life. He helped me improve my English skills and played a vital role in shaping my personality. His encouragement inspired me to pursue a career in literature and writing. I have many special memories of him, like the time I wrote a poem for our school magazine that he praised and helped get published.

Finally, my favorite teacher, Mr. Biswas, has had a significant impact on my personality. I have learned a lot from his attitude and unique teaching style. His guidance has made me believe in my abilities and choose a career in teaching and writing.

Essay On My Favourite Teacher Video

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School Essay

  • Essay on My Favourite Teacher
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  • Reading time: 12 mins read

Essay on My Favourite Teacher: The teacher is that person in our life, who teaches us many other important things and good education. A teacher means a lot to his students, and it plays a very important role in our lives from the initial stage of development until we mature. He turns us and our future towards making us responsible citizens. Today we will see an essay on my favorite teacher.

Set 1: Essay On My Favourite Teacher

Of all the teachers who teach me, I like Mr. Mehta the most. He is my mathematics teacher.

He has a pleasant appearance. He is of medium height and sound built. His dress is neat and simple. He has a kind word and a ready smile for everyone.

Mr. Mehta is honest and just. He treats all of us alike. He has no favourites, He is kind but firm. He does not like us to tell lies. He wants us to work hard and be successful in life.

He has his subject at the tips of his fingers. He makes his subject very interesting. We all listen to him very attentively. He sees to it that all of us understand his teaching. He pays much attention to those who are slow in understanding mathematics. He is truly devoted to his pupils and his subject.

We all like him because he is a lovable person and also because he is a good teacher. Such teachers are not to be found very easily.

Set 2: Essay on My Favourite Teacher

A teacher is regarded as the builder of a nation. A student comes across several teachers during school years. Each teacher has a different style and approach to teaching. Although all the teachers are equally good, there is one teacher whom I admire and like the most. Her name is Mrs Anita Prakash. She is our class teacher. She teaches us English and History. She loves the subject that she teaches. Everyone in the class likes her very much.

She holds the most pleasing personality among all other teachers. She is tall, slim, and very fair. For me, she is an ideal guru. She possesses all the qualities that a good teacher is expected to have. Under her training and guidance, even the weakest students have shown gradual improvement. When I was promoted to her class, I used to find essay writing and memorizing historical dates very difficult. Mrs. Anita Prakash slowly made it so easy with her tips that now I neither find it difficult in writing essays nor remembering historical dates.

I have great respect for all my teachers, but yes, I have a special fondness for Mrs. Anita Prakash. She is a woman of principles. She takes a keen interest in making the students understand the subject. She is a woman of a calm temper. She is courteous and kind-hearted. She is firm and never tolerates indiscipline. She has great knowledge of her subjects. She is always ready to help her students who are in difficulty. I have improved my grammar skills because of her sincere efforts.

Mrs. Anita Prakash is very confident while teaching in the class. Her voice is clear and loud. What she says is clearly heard. She is punctual, neatly dressed, and disciplined. She is a great blend of kindness and strictness. She encourages the class to take part in healthy discussions relating to the subject. This helps in increasing the curiosity and interest to know more about the subject. I have never found losing her patients with those students who are slow in grasping their studies.

She does not merely read from the book. The best part I like about her teaching is that she also narrates interesting historical stories during the historical period. Sometimes she even conducts quizzes and other educational games in the class. This helps us in developing our vocabulary and interest in the subject.

Mrs. Anita Prakash is my favourite teacher in the true sense. She is the real example to follow. In the next standard, she will not teach us English and History. All of us shall miss her badly, especially I. However, I admire her the most and hope to be like her when I grow up.

Set 3:Essay On My Class Teacher

In today’s education system, different teachers teach different subjects to a particular class. So the students come in contact with many teachers. All these teachers influence the students in some or another way. But the class teacher is the one who is in close contact with the students for most of the time. The class teacher has to take the roll call regularly. She or he knows all the personal details of almost all the students in that class. So he or she understands them the best.

Mrs. Saroj Joshi is in charge of our class. She is tall, slim, and smart. She is very fare, with an attractive personality and long hair. She must be around 35 years old. She is soft-spoken but very strict as well. She never tolerates indiscipline and is never partial to anyone.

She teaches us Sanskrit. She has perfect command of the language. She makes the subject very interesting and teaches grammar very keenly. She explains the lessons with the help of a number of examples so as to make them clear and easy to understand. While explaining the shlokas she quotes the equivalent famous Marathi verses. She also tries to solve the personal problems of the students. She never wastes time sitting idle. She is always busy with some of the other activities.

Joshi madam is in charge of cultural events conducted in the school. She encourages the students to participate in various extracurricular activities. All teachers respect her. Our principal admires her working style. She is also a good poetess. Her poems are published regularly in the school magazine. I like those poems very much.

Students always score good marks in Sanskrit. She organizes school picnics and tries to improve our understanding of the surroundings. I am so influenced by this teacher that I wish to walk on her footprints and be a successful teacher. I like my teacher very much.

Set 4:Essay On My Class Teacher

Mr. Vaidya is my favourite teacher. Actually he is a favourite teacher not only mine but of a majority of students of the school. It is his kind, consideration and loving attitude towards his students which makes him such a favourite of all. He is so caring and so concerned about all and every body and about their problems.

“How are you? What is wrong with you? Why are you so upset, let me know?” These were the words which showed Mr. Vaidya’s concern for me. I told him, “Sir, today is the last date for depositing my fees and form for my final examination. If I don’t do it, my year would get wasted. I have not received the money order sent a week back by my father what am I to do” and tears rolled down my cheeks. Mr. Vaidya patted me on my back, ‘Oh, so that is the only thing good boy, do not get that upset for such a small thing” and he opened up his purse and handed over the me required amount for the fees. It was such a relief to me and I just touched his feet expressing my heartfelt gratefulness. ‘I will return the money as soon as I receive the money order, Sir’ – I said so and immediately Mr. Vaidya said “No, boy, don’t worry, you’ve been such a good student. You must do well at the examination your bright result would be the return of my money work hard and top the list” and Mr. Vaidya once again patted my back. How deeply touched did I feel.

It is not that Mr. Vaidya felt concerned about me. He has the concern for all his students. He takes personal interest in solving even the family problems of his students. The father of a student suffered an accident and had to be admitted to the hospital. Mr. Vaidya came to know of it and he was there at the hospital to visit the patient and make anxious enquiries about his health. One of his old students was the surgeon at the hospital. He particularly contacted him to ask him to look after the father of the boy with special care. Mr. Vaidya’s old student, the surgeon had all the regard for his old teacher – his respected teacher.

If while waiting for the bus at the bus-stand, it began to drizzle, Mr. Vaidya would open up his umbrella and ask students standing there to come under it. How much concern he has for the welfare of his students really a great man Mr. Vaidya is.

It was not only this human side of his that made Mr. Vaidya a favourite teacher. As a teacher of his subject, he was the best. He knew his subject so well and more than that the way he explained the difficult topics in such a lucid way, which made him such a respected teacher. He would never be late in coming to his class and would straightway begin with the lesson of the day – he may cut some pleasant jokes, sometimes indulge in telling unwanted stories. He never wasted any minute of his and students listened to him in rapt attention. ent but would never .

It was all that respect for him which made students so attentive and disciplined. He never had any problem with that. Incidentally this was my last year at the school and Mr. Vaidya was also retiring the same year. At the close of the session after the final examinations were over, a grand farewell party was arranged by the students and teachers. The Principal, in his speech paid glowing tributes to Mr. Vaidya for the qualities of his head and heart. Students who came to speak their voice choked with emotion; words failed them and at the close of the function there was such a rush of students coming up to touch Mr. Vaidya’s feet to receive his blessings. Mr. Vaidya himself was full of emotion on this last day of his at the school which he had served with such a dedication and devotions.

That was Mr. Vaidya who else can be more favourite a teacher than he.

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My Favorite Teacher

Teacher is a person in our life who provides many important things with good education.

A teacher means a lot to his students, he plays an extraordinary role in our lives from the earliest years of development until maturity.

They mold us and our future accordingly so that we can be made a responsible citizen of the country.

Short Essay on My Favorite Teacher 100 words:

My favorite teacher is Rajni Mam, she is also my class teacher. She is a strict teacher but very funny.

She performs all the tasks and projects related to the class at the right time without delay. I like her a lot because she tries very easy ways to teach us good things.

We enjoy her class, she teaches us English subjects.

When she teaches, she makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between.

She guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, educational etc.

She teaches us to share things in class such as lunch or other essential things among her colleagues.

My Dear Teacher Essay 150 words:

My favorite teacher is my class teacher, her name is Nisha Gupta.

She takes our presence and teaches us Hindi, mathematics and arts subjects.

She is well educated and has done higher studies from Banaras Hindu University.

She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all subjects. I never miss her class and attend her classes daily.

I like the way she teaches us because we don’t need to study that subject again at home.

She clears every concept of all lesson perfectly.

After clearing the concept of the subject, she gives us practice text in the classroom and also gets the housework done for the house.

The next day, she asks questions related to yesterday’s topic and then starts another topic.

Apart from subjects, she teaches us good morals and etiquette which makes us stronger in character.

Although she will not be our teacher in the next class. Her teaching techniques will always be with us and will show us the way to difficult situations.

She is very caring and loving by nature. She has been a gold medalist at the university and has received higher education. She will always be my best teacher.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 200 words:

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favorite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies).

She is a good teacher, cares for us a lot and teaches us using easy methods. Always arrives at the right time in class and never misses her class.

We enjoy her class very much because she makes us happy too.

She loves me very much because I am her very disciplined and ideal student, I follow all her orders and do my class work and home work daily in a clean manner.

I have never been late or absent in her class. She inspires us to always follow the right path in life. Even she inspire us  to face very difficult situation with courage.

She explains that we should never be disappointed in difficult situations and find some easy ways to get out of them.

She also tells us to never think negatively and always think positive because it is always this way we should think and act.

Also, explains all the topics of EVS very well. She wants us to speak English in her class.

She accompanies us in a school bus till her house where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

My favorite teacher essay

My Dear Teacher Essay 250 words:

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Mathematics for 2 years when I was in class 3 and 4.

He was a resident of Varanasi but lived in the vicinity of the school, he did his higher education from Banaras Hindu University.

He was very polite and kind by nature knew well how to handle young children in the classroom. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching.

He made my math concepts very clear, I still remember his teacher method. Currently I am studying in 5th grade, but still miss him very much.

Whenever I need to solve some difficult questions in my Maths topic, I meet him occasionally. He looks very smart with a good physique, shining eyes and blonde hair.

I like his good personality and humble nature.

On entering the classroom, he always smiled and would first ask us about our health.

Whenever our sports teachers were absent, they also assisted us in sports, he has a smiling face but is very strict in studies.

He always punished those students with incomplete housework. He is famous for having a lot of fun during class time, although students get good marks in his subjects.

He is a teacher with good teaching skills, amiable temperament, and good sense of humor, patience and naturalness.

Sometimes he gave us chocolates after scoring good marks in class exams and other exams, he doesn’t give us too many assignments at home.

He is very enthusiastic and always inspires us to do our best in studies.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 300 words:

Mrs Rashmi is my favorite teacher of 6th grade in school, she teaches us Hindi and computer subjects in class.

She has a very unique personality, she is quite fatty but calm by nature.

I always give her a greeting card every year on teacher’s Day, I also wish her on her birthday.

She tells few jokes in class to refresh us and draw our attention to the study.

I am not so good in Hindi but do very well in computer, she helps me a lot in improving my Hindi language.

After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to make us clearer and sure about computers, when she teaches, she asks all of us to be silent in her class.

Also pay good attention to her weaker students, she makes it very clear to everyone about any topic and inspires us to ask questions in her class.

She never starts the next chapter until we all understand the past topic well.

She is very caring and loving with nature and encourage every student for working hard.

Also, rotates the seating arrangement of the students on a weekly basis so that no one is left weak and unhappy. All my friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some vulnerable students by giving time after the class. She also helps us solve problems other than studies.

She inspires us to participate in sports or other competitions held in school and she looks good with her smiling face and supportive nature.

She helps us get ready for organizing events like Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teachers Day, Mother’s Day etc. in school.

Sometimes, when the topics are over, she shares with us about the struggle period of life, encourage us to study, she is a very sociable and easy going teacher.

We never fear her but respect her very much.

Essay on My Favorite Teacher 400 words:

My favorite teacher is my science teacher Mrs. Sanjana Kaushik, she lives near the school campus.

She is the best teacher of the school and is liked by all my friends because she teaches us very well, nobody seems boring in her class as she cracks joke in between teaching.

I like her strategies of teaching in the classroom, she asks us to go to the subject at home about what she will teach in class the next day.

She teaches that topic in class and asks many questions to clear our doubt and she also asks questions about the same topic the next day.

In this way, we become very clear about a particular subject, she takes the exam after teaching two or three days laters.

She loves the teaching profession and teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

We ask her any questions related to the topic in class or go to her cabin without any fear. She observes each student’s activity while teaching in class and punishes mischievous people.

She tells us to focus on study and always ask us to follow the things that your teachers say in class if you really want success in life.

Also, never favors between weak and talented students in the classroom.

She is very supportive of her weak students and requests talented students to help her weak colleagues.

She tells us to be passionate about her studies and her purpose in life.

Also, she is a very encouraging teacher, encouraging us not only in studies but also in extraordinary activities.

She points to a student doing well in school, whether in academic or sports activities, she gives free tuition to her vulnerable students at her home for one hour.




Every student does very well in the science subject in class exams, she is also the Vice-Principal of the school.

Therefore, she performs all her responsibilities very well. She takes care of cleanliness and greenery in the school premises.

She never looks serious because she has a smiling face, also keeps us happy at school like her children.

She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event or competitions in the school.

She speaks to all the students very politely and is well aware that she can handle any difficult situation of the school.

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Quick reads to give you information on multiple topics.

Short Essay And 10 Lines On My Favourite Teacher

We meet our teachers every day at school. They are like our guides who brighten our lives with knowledge. But among all the teachers we meet, there is one teacher who is always the favourite. Today, we will learn how to write essays and ten-liners about my favourite teacher. Let’s start. 

Essay on My Favourite Teacher (English Teacher)

My favourite teacher is my English teacher. S/he is an amazing teacher. 

What makes him/her special is his/her ability to turn dull topics into interesting stories. .

With his/her interesting way of teaching, textbooks turn into interesting storybooks. In every class, s/he improves our understanding of the subject.

S/he always encourages us to ask questions and answers them with patience. S/he takes the time to listen to us and solves problems calmly. S/he never gets angry with children. Whenever we do well in exams, she rewards us with treats like toffees, fostering a sense of accomplishment and motivation among students.

On some days, s/he asks us to keep our books aside and engages us in word games. Due to such games, we are able to learn so many new words. 

I like my favourite teacher very much. His/her love for students and interesting way of teaching makes the classroom so much fun. 

Ten Lines on My Favourite Teacher (General)

1.  My favourite teacher is like a guide for me.

2. S/he not just teaches us lessons but also valuable life skills.

3.  With a lot of patience, s/he answers our questions and makes learning enjoyable.

4.  My favourite teacher is my inspiration.

5.  I wish to be a wise teacher like him/her someday. 

6.  S/he encourages me to ask questions and fills curiosity within me. 

7.  S/he makes complex topics understandable and interesting.

8. S/he is also a moral guide. She teaches me to distinguish right from wrong.

9.  With his/her guidance, I am able to do well in exams.

10. Her teachings will stay forever with me. 

How I Met My Favourite Teacher (Maths Teacher)

The day I met my favourite teacher, Kumar Sir/Kumari Ma’am, is a special day in my memories. Earlier, I found it difficult to understand my Mathematics lessons. While some of my friends did extremely well in exams, I was struggling to do simple sums. 

But one day, my favourite teacher walked into the classroom. Kumar Sir/Kumari Ma’am was very friendly. On that day, s/he started teaching the first chapter of our maths book. While my classmates did the sums easily, I found myself puzzled and scratching my head.

Sir/Ma’am saw me and called me to the first bench. At first, I was very nervous, but her calming presence reassured me. She patiently explained the sums, and with my wobbling pencil, I began to solve them. When I successfully completed the exercise, I felt like I had achieved something great. 

That day became an important moment in my life. It wasn’t just about solving a maths sum but finding a teacher who believed in me. Kumar Sir/Kumari Ma’am’s patience and encouragement transformed me. From that day, I approached each lesson with confidence, knowing I had a teacher who believed in me. One day I wish to be a good maths teacher, just like Kumar sir/Kumari Ma’am. 

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My Favourite Teacher Essay

Essay on my favourite teacher for children and students.

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Teacher is a person in our life who provides many important things together with the good education. A teacher means a lot to his/her students. He/she plays extraordinary roles in our lives from the beginning years of development till we get mature. They mould us and our future accordingly in order to make us a responsible citizen of the country. We have provided below some paragraphs, short essays and long essays on my favourite teacher to help students in completing their essay writing task. All the my favourite teacher essay are written very simply. So, you can select any essay on my favourite teacher according to your need and requirement:

Long and Short Essay on My Favourite Teacher in English

My favourite teacher essay 1 (100 words).

My favorite teacher is Rajani mam. She is my class teacher too and takes attendance daily in the morning. She is a strict teacher however very funny and caring in nature. She is very disciplined and punctual. She does her all the works and projects related to the class at right time without getting late. I like her very much as she tries very easy ways to teach us good things. We enjoy her class. She teaches us English subject. She makes us laugh by telling lots of jokes in between when she teaches. She also guides us very well during any school or inter-school competition of dance, sports, academic, etc. She teaches us to share things in class among our colleagues such as lunch or other needed things.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 2 (150 words)

My favourite teacher is my class teacher. Her name is Nisha Gupta. She takes our attendance and teaches us Hindi, Maths and Art subject. She is well educated and taken higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. She follows very easy and effective teaching strategies to teach us all the subjects. I never miss her class and attend daily. I like the way she teaches us as we do not need to study that subject at home again. We become very clear about the topic she teaches us in the classroom. After clearing the concept of topic, she gives us some exercises in the class and also home work for the home. Next day, she asks questions related to the yesterday topic and then start another topic.

In spite of the subjects, she teaches us good ethics and etiquette also to make us strong by character. May be; she will not be our teacher in next class however; her teachings will always be with us and show us way to difficult situations. She is very caring and loving in nature. She has been the gold medalist in the university she got her higher education. She would always be my best teacher.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 3 (200 words)

Ms. Geeta Goswami is my favourite teacher in the school. I study in class 4 th  standard and she teaches me EVS (Environmental Studies). She is a good teacher. She cares us a lot and teaches using easy ways. She never takes study very serious and teaches us with entertaining activities. She always comes at right time in the class and never misses her class. We enjoy her class very much as she makes us happy too. She loves me very much as I am her very disciplined and ideal student. I follow her all the orders and do my class work and home work in neat and clean manner daily.

I never become late or absent in her class. She motivates us to always follow right path in the life even we have to face much difficult situations. She tells us that we never become hopeless in difficult situations and search some easy ways to get out of them. She also tells us that never think negative and always think positive as it always happens what we think and do. She describes very well about all the topics of EVS. She wants us to talk in English in her class. She goes to her home with us in the school bus where we enjoy a lot by singing songs and reciting poems in the bus.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 4 (250 words)

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and Maths for 2 years when I was in class 3 rd  and 4 th  standard. He was from Varanasi however living in the vicinity of the school. He took his higher studies from the Banaras Hindu University. He was very polite and kind in nature. He knew well about how to handle small children in the class. I still remember him for his unique style of teaching. What he taught to me, I still remember very well as he has made my Maths concepts very clear. Currently I am studying in class 5 th  standard however still miss him very much. I meet him occasionally whenever I need to solve some tough questions of my Maths subject. He looks very smart with good physique, sparkle eyes and blond hair. I like his good personality and polite nature.

He always smiled when entered to the classroom and first asked to us about our well-being. He also assisted us in the sports whenever our sports teacher was absent. He has smiling face however very strict in the study. He always punished to the students who were with incomplete home works. He is famous for making lots of fun during the class time however students get good marks in his subjects. He is a teacher with good skills of teaching, friendly nature, good sense of humor, patient and easygoing. I am one of the obedient students of him. Sometimes he gave us chocolates on doing well in the class tests and exams. He never gave us lots of assignments at home. He is very enthusiastic and always motivated us for doing our best in the study.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 5 (300 words)

Mrs. Rashmi is my favourite teacher of 6 th  standard in the school. She teaches us Hindi and Computer subjects in the class. She has very unique personality. She is quite fatty but calm in nature. I always give her a greeting card on the teacher’s day every year. I also wish a good luck on her birthday. She is used to of reciting some jokes in between while taking class in order to make fun and draw our attention towards study. I am not so good in the Hindi subject however do very well in the Computer. She helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to learn and ask for next day.

She takes us to the Computer lab to make us more clear and sure about the Computer. She wants to keep quiet in her class when she teaches. She never leaves her weak students unclear about what she has taught. She makes everyone very clear about any topic and motivates us to ask questions in her class. She never start next topic until we all understand the last one very well. She is very caring and loving in nature as she takes care of all students in the class. No one quarrel or fight in her class. She makes seating rotation of the students on weekly basis so that no one remains weak and unhappy. My all friends like her class and attend daily.

She supports some weak students by giving them over time outside the class. She also helps us to solve the problems other than the study. She promotes us to take part in the sports or other competitions organized in the school. She looks good with her smiling face and supporting nature. She helps us to get prepared for the event celebrations in the school such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. Sometimes, when topics over, she shares with us about her struggle period of the life in order to encourage us towards study. She is very friendly and easygoing teacher. We never fear with her however respect her a lot.

My Favourite Teacher Essay 6 (400 words)

My favorite teacher is my science teacher. Her name is Mrs. Sanjana kausik. She lives near to the school campus. She is the best teacher of school and liked by my all friends as she teaches very well. No one feels boring in her class as she makes some fun also. I like her strategies of teaching in the class. She asks us to go through the topic from home what she will teach in the class next day. She teaches that topic in the class and asks many questions to get clear. She also asks questions about the same topic on next day. In this way, we get very clear about a particular topic. She takes test after teaching two or three topics. She loves the teaching profession and teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

She is very friendly to us and never makes us fear from her. We ask her any question related to the subject in the class or her cabin without any fear. She watches the activity of each and every student while teaching in the class and punishes the naughty ones. She tells us to concentrate on the study and always follow things what your teacher says in the class if you really want success in the life. She never makes partiality between weak and brilliant students in the class. She supports a lot to her weak students and requests to brilliant students also to help their weak colleagues. She tells us to be passionate about our study and aim of the life.

She is very encouraging teacher, encourages us not only in study however also in the extracurricular activities. She cheers personally to the student doing well in the school whether in academic or sports activities. She gives free tuition to her weak students at her home for one hour. Each student does very well in the science subject both in the class tests and exams. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. So, she performs her all the responsibilities very well. She takes care of the cleanliness and greenery in the school campus.

She never looks serious as she has a smiling face. She keeps us happy in the school like her own kids. She takes care of all the arrangements in the school during any event celebration or competitions organized in the school. She talks to all the students very politely and knows well to handle any difficult situation of the school.

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My Favorite Teacher Essay

Teacher is that person in our life, who teaches us many other important things along with good education. A teacher means a lot to his students. It plays a very important role in our life from the initial stage of development till we mature. He turns us and our future towards making us responsible citizens of the country.

10 sentences on teacher’s  day  essay on my teacher

Table of Contents

Short and Long Essay on My Favorite Teacher in English

Essay 1 (250 words).

When I was in class 3 and 4, my favorite teacher was Sunil Dutt, who taught me English and Mathematics for two years. Although he was from Banaras, lived in the vicinity of the school. He completed his higher education from Banaras Hindu University. His nature was very gentle and kind. He knew very well how to handle small children in the class.

I still remember his unique way of teaching. Whatever he taught me, I still remember everything. He clarified my math concepts. Currently, I am studying in class 5 though I miss them a lot. Whenever I need to solve difficult maths problems, I also meet him occasionally. He looks great with a good body, shiny eyes and brown hair. I like him very much because of his good personality and gentle nature.

He would always enter our class smiling and first asking about our health. Whenever sports teachers were absent, they were always appointed as assistant teachers of sports. He has a smiling face, however, is very strict in studies. He always punished those students who did not complete their homework.

He was a good teacher with good teaching techniques, friendly nature, humour, patient and easily adaptable to all situations. I was one of his obedient students. Sometimes he would give us chocolates for our performance in class tests and exams. He would never give too much homework for the household. He was very enthusiastic and always encouraged us to do the best in studies.

Essay 2 (300 words)

Rashmi ma’am is my favorite teacher in class 6th. She teaches us Hindi and computer in class. His personality is completely different. She is very fat but soft in nature. I give them greeting cards every year on Teacher’s Day. I always wish him even on his birthday. She also cracks some jokes for fun while studying in class and draws our attention towards the class. I am not very good in Hindi subject, however, I do very well in computer. She helps me a lot in improving Hindi language. After taking the class, she always gives some questions to find and remember the answers to and asks them the next day.

She takes us to the computer lab to make our concepts about computers more definite and clear. She likes absolute peace while teaching. She never leaves her weak student without explaining the lesson he doesn’t understand. She clarifies the topics studied in the class to everyone and encourages us to ask questions related to it.

She never starts the next lesson until we have fully understood the previous one. His nature is very sweet and caring for all the students of the class. No one fights or fights during their class. He has made a rotation to sit in his class on a weekly basis, so that no student remains weak. All my friends like him and attend his class regularly.

She helps the weaker students of the class by giving extra time. She also solves problems apart from our studies. She encourages us to participate in sports or other competitions organized in the school apart from studies. She looks great with a smiling face and has a helpful nature. The programs of festivals he organized in the school; Like- Republic Day, Independence Day, Gandhi Jayanti, Teacher’s Day, Mother’s Day etc. Sometimes when the lesson is over she tells us about her struggle days in life to encourage us to study. She is a simple teacher with very friendly behavior. We are never afraid of him, however, we respect him a lot.

Essay 3 (500 words)

My dear teacher is a science teacher. Her name is Sanjana Kaushik. She lives near the school premises. She is the best teacher in the school and she is very much liked by all my friends because she teaches very well. No one gets bored in her class, as she also tells some interesting things while studying. I really like his method of teaching in the classroom.

Whatever lesson she is going to teach in the class the next day, she asks all the students to come home after studying. She teaches that lesson in class and asks many questions to clarify it. She questions the same lesson the next day as well. In this way, we get to know completely about a particular text. She takes the test after teaching three or four lessons. She loves the profession of teacher and teaches us with full zeal and enthusiasm.

She is very friendly with us and we are never intimidated by her. We ask them any question in class or in their cabin without any fear. She watches the activities of each and all the students while teaching in the class and also punishes the mischievous children. She always tells us to focus on studies and follow whatever the teacher is saying in the class.

She always says that, if you want to be really successful in your life, you must take care of the things told by your teacher and follow them throughout your life. She does not discriminate between weak and intelligent children. She is very supportive of the weak children and requests the smart children to help the weak classmates. She tells us that, we should be serious about our studies and life purpose.

She is a very encouraging teacher who not only encourages us in studies but also motivates us to participate in extra-curricular activities. She personally encourages the students to perform well at academic level or in sports activities. She gives free tuition to weak students at her home. All students do well in both class tests and exams in science. She is also the Vice-Principal of the school. Hence, she fulfills all her responsibilities well. She thoroughly oversees the greenery and cleanliness in the school premises.

She never seems serious or angry because, her face is smiling. She makes us happy like her kids in school. She takes full care of organizing any event or competition in the school. She talks to all the students politely and knows how to handle any troublesome situation in school.


essay on teachers day

essay on teacher

Frequently Asked Questions: Frequently Asked Questions

Answer – A teacher is the only one who guides the student for his successful life.

Answer – Students express their respect to teachers by giving them gifts on Teacher’s Day.

Answer – The teacher is like a potter who gives the life of a student in the form of raw clay.

Answer – It is the duty of a student to follow the ideals of his teacher by following his words.

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Essay on My Favorite Personality My Teacher

Sample Essay On My Favorite Personality My Teacher. My ideal personality my teacher short essay. My best teacher essay in English. 500 words essay on my favorite teacher. My best teacher paragraph.

Essay On My Favorite Personality My Teacher

There are many teachers in my school/institute. All are honorable, and well educated but my favorite personality in out of them is Mr. John. He is a tall guy with wide shoulders which make him more personality in the age of 47. He is high educated, and has been teaching abroad as well. He is polite, and kind. The way of his talking is great, he is my English teacher. His pronunciation, and words (spoken by him) are clear, and understandable. He is qualified from USA, and returned to his country after he finished his studies. He never scolds, or shouts on any student. Sometimes he become our fiend, and teaches us in friendly environment. He allows us to talk, and play in free time. He belongs to Lahore.

His English is outstanding. He always tries to improve our English to get the advantages of this international language in our future. He tells his experiences, and adventures of life, and wants us to become a better person. He is an open minded, and bold teacher. He taught us to be bold, efficient, and respect our parents, neighbors, and all teachers. We feel confident, and secure in his company, and presence. He likes cricket, and music. Sometimes he sings for us. His voice is good, and we ask him often to sing. He helps everybody where he can. And advise us to do the same with others.

I have invited him once for a lunch at home. Mr. John is an energetic, and a great leader of his group as well. He likes to wear a proper suit, and he looks so good in his dressing. Sometimes I try to follow him the way he speaks; he wears because I like his kindness, and politeness. He is my hero, and I am so impressed by his personality. I have met with his children, and wife. She is also nice, and kind like him.

I am thinking to become a teacher because of him. He has ability to teach all levels, and ages. He is a man of rules; he is a simple man which takes him to make a difference between other teachers.  I hope he will remain same in good health, and strength. I pray for my teacher, and I have decided to be like him.  God bless him. Amen

There are certain people whom one remembers throughout one’s life. Such is the person of Mr. Khalid Butt who is the best teacher. He is highly qualified for his job. He has obtained M.A, M.Ed. degrees from the Punjab University. He is a young man of thirty, with a sound health, and mind. He is tall, healthy, and smart. He is always well-dressed. He is very cheerful. A gentle smile always plays on his lips. He deals with the fairly with us. He takes keen interest in our welfare number among our friends. In fact, he is a man of intellect, and intelligence. He is the store-house of knowledge, and wisdom. He is very punctual.

Above all he is sincere to his professional life. He has his own way of teaching. He teaches us very kindly, and politely. While in the class he is a strict disciplinarian. He never beats any of us like other teacher yet we dare not to do any mischief in his lecture. His sound arguments, and easy discussions make us to learn all what he delivered. His easy explanations make us listen to him most attentively. He does not allow any kind of boredom, or idleness upon the class. He keeps the class lively, and in good humor. All the students respect, and regard him.

He is very fond of games, and sports. He attends the playgrounds daily. He is a good sportsman, and acknowledged athlete. That is why he is very much interested in games, and sports. He always advises us to play while play, and study while study. He is also a good psychologist. In fact an intimate acquaintance with psychology is necessary for ideal teachers. He knows the mental state, and process of his pupils, and acts accordingly. He is a good speaker, and delivers inspiring, and thought provoking speeches on the national day.

He is a very hardworking teacher . He takes pains in the work. He teaches sincerely, and explains till every student is satisfied. He is very helpful to his students. His language, sound knowledge, and a good background of his subject has made him one of the most admirable teachers of ours school. All of us like him as a kind gentleman, and a capable teacher. He is very kind, and sympathetic towards the poor students.

He himself is an example, and a model for us. His conduct is above the board. His way of life is simple, and artistic. We like him because of his sterling character, and other qualities of head, and heart. He is able to impact his learning to the people in systematic manner in accordance with their level of mental development. In short, he is an ideal teacher who is loved by all. He has proved himself to be what an ideal teacher should be. May he live long!

Essay on My Best Teacher

After parents, teachers are the blessings which we all have by God. In school days every child has a favorite teacher, and best teacher to whom he, or she cannot forget throughout his, or her life time.

My story is same, I have a teacher in my school her name was “Wehbavi” by religion she was Christian, and by heart she was pure gold. I have never seen such beautiful soul in my life. We met on the very first day of my school, I was crying like a baby, and shouting, and screaming, that was the moment when she came near to me, and hold me in her arms, and give two Cadburys’.

She assured my parents, and they left. I was admitted in grade third, as it was my first day I was very much confused. She was the only one who remained with me throughout the day, and relaxed me. I spend my 9 years in that school, and throughout the whole period she is the one with whom I discuss my issues whether it was regarding to my studies, or whether it was regarding to any of my personal matter. I never feel ashamed of telling my feelings to her. And she always guides me the right path.

When it was my last paper of second year we received news from teachers that Miss Wehbavi died in a car accident that morning that was the heart breaking news I have ever faced in my life.

She was a gem that cannot be forgotten.  Pure Soul, May she rest in peace.

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essay in english my favourite teacher

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My Favorite Teacher in English


A teacher is a person in our lives who gives good training for many important things.

Teachers are very important to their students and play an extraordinary role in our lives, from the early years of development to adulthood.

They shape us, and thus our future so that we can become responsible citizens of the country.

A short essay about my favorite teacher 100 words:

My favorite teacher is Rajni Mama and she’s also my living room teacher. She’s a strict teacher, but very funny.

She completes all class assignments and projects at the right time and without delay. I like her very much because she tries to teach us good things very easily.

We love her classes, she teaches us subjects in English.

When she teaches, she makes us laugh and tells us a lot of jokes in between.

She is very good at getting us through school or inter-school competitions in dance, sports, education, etc.

It teaches us to share things with our classmates, like lunch or other important things.

My dear teacher collects 150 words:

My favorite teacher is my homeroom teacher, her name is Nisha Gupta.

She accepts our presence and teaches us Hindi, mathematics and art.

She is well educated and graduated from the Hindu University of Banaras.

She follows very simple and effective learning strategies to teach us all subjects. I never miss her classes and I go to her classes every day.

I like the way she teaches us because we don’t have to re-learn the subject at home.

She fully understands every concept in class.

After clarifying the concept of the subject, she gives us a practical text in class and homework assignments.

The next day she asks questions about yesterday’s subject and starts another subject.

Besides the subjects, he teaches us good morals and etiquette, which makes us stronger in character.

Even if she won’t be our teacher in the next class. His teaching methods will always be with us and show us the way in difficult situations.

She has a very caring and loving character. She was a gold medalist at the university and graduated. She’ll always be my best teacher.

Essay about my favourite teacher 200 words:

Miss Gita Goswami is my favorite teacher at school. I’m in 4. She teaches me EVS (environmental studies).

She is a good teacher, she cares a lot about us and teaches us with simple methods. He always comes to class at the right time and never misses a lesson.

We love her classes because she makes us happy.

She likes me very much because I am her very disciplined and perfect student, I follow all her instructions and I clean up my homework and homework assignments every day.

I’ve never been late or absent from his classes. It inspires us to always go the right way in life. It also inspires us to courageously face a very difficult situation.

She explains that one should never be disappointed in difficult situations and that one must find simple solutions for them.

It also tells us never to think negatively and always to think positively, because that’s how we should think and act.

It also explains all the EVS topics well. She wants us to speak English in her class.

She accompanies us in the school bus to her house, where we like to sing songs and recite poems in the bus.

My favorite teacher's essay

My dear professor Collects 250 words:

My favorite teacher was Mr. Sunil Dutt who taught me English and math for two years when I was in the third and fourth grades. The class was.

He was a resident of Varanasi, but lived near the school and graduated from the Hindu University of Banarasi.

He was naturally very polite and friendly and knew how to take care of the young children in the classroom. I remember him for his unique way of teaching.

He explained the mathematical concepts to me very clearly, I remember his teaching method. I’m in fifth grade now. Great, but I still miss him a lot.

When I have to solve difficult mathematical questions, I run into him once in a while. He looks very smart, has a good build, bright eyes and blond hair.

I like his good personality and his humble nature.

When he came into the classroom, he always smiled and asked us first about our health.

When our gymnastics teachers were gone, they also helped us with gymnastics. He has a smiling face, but he is very strict in his studies.

He always punished students who didn’t do their homework. He is known for having fun in the classroom, even if the students get good grades in their subjects.

He is a teacher with good pedagogical skills, a caring temperament, and a good sense of humor, patience, and naturalness.

Sometimes he gave us chocolate after good grades in class and other exams, at home he didn’t give us too much homework.

He is very enthusiastic and always encourages us to do our best in our studies.

Essay about my favorite teacher 300 words:

Mrs. Rashmi is my favorite teacher in the sixth grade. In class, she teaches us Hindi and computer science.

She has a very special personality, she is quite fat but calm by nature.

I give her a birthday card every year on Teacher’s Day and I wish her a happy birthday too.

She tells a few anecdotes in class to refresh us and draw our attention to learning.

I’m not very good at Hindi, but I am very good at computers, it helps me a lot to improve my Hindi language.

She always asks a few questions after class to study and ask them the next day.

She takes us to the computer room so that we can be clearer and more confident with computers when she asks all of us to be quiet in her classroom.

Also, pay attention to her weaker students, she explains each subject very clearly and encourages questions in her lessons.

The next chapter only begins when we all have a good understanding of the subject from the past.

She is very caring and loving for nature and encourages every student to work hard.

Moreover, the placement of students changes every week, so that no one becomes weak and unhappy. All my friends love their classes and go every day.

She supports a number of at-risk pupils by giving them time after school. It also helps us to solve problems other than learning.

She encourages us to participate in sports and other competitions at school, and she looks good with her smiling face and supportive nature.

She helps us prepare for events such as Independence Day, Republican Day, Gandhi Jayanti Day, Teacher’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc. in the school.

Sometimes, when the subjects are over, she tells us about a period of struggle in life, encourages us to learn, she is a very extrovert and easy-going teacher.

We’re never afraid of her, but we respect her very much.

Essay about my favorite teacher 400 words:

My favorite teacher is my science teacher Sanjana Kaushik, who lives near the school campus.

She is the best teacher in the school and all my friends like her because she teaches us very well, no one seems bored in her class because she jokes between classes.

I like her learning strategy, she asks us to continue with the homework about what she’s going to teach in class the next day.

She teaches the subject in class and asks a lot of questions to clear up our doubts and the next day she also asks questions about the same subject.

That way we have a very clear understanding of a certain subject, the exam she takes after class two or three days later.

She loves the educational field and teaches us with enthusiasm and passion.

We ask him all the questions in class or we go to his room without fear. She monitors each student’s activities while teaching the class and punishes students who misbehave.

She tells us to focus on learning and always asks us to follow what the teachers in class say if you really want to succeed in life.

Moreover, you should never give preference to weak and gifted students in the classroom.

She supports her weaker students and asks talented students to help their weaker fellow students.

It tells us to be passionate about our learning and our purpose in life.

She is also a very encouraging teacher who encourages us not only in our studies but also in unusual activities.

It indicates that the student is doing well at school, academic or sports, and gives at-risk students one hour of free tutoring at home.




Every student does very well in science classes, she is also the school director.

So he’s doing all his duties very well. She makes sure the schoolyard is clean and green.

She never looks serious because she has a smiling face and makes us as happy as her children at school.

She takes care of all the preparations in the school for an event or competition.

She is very polite in her dealings with all students and knows how to deal with any difficult situation at school.

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About the Author: Prateek

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My Teacher Essay in English (Essay on My Teacher 2024-2025)

Essay on My Teacher: A teacher is an important person in everyone’s life. Here we have come up with “my teacher essay” for the students so that they can refer to these essays on the occasion of teacher’s day etc. We hope this essay will help students to write an essay on their favorite teacher . Students can express their feelings in the right way with the help of these essays.

My Teacher Essay

Teacher brings good education and lays the foundation for good habits . A teacher is a person who imparts knowledge and molds the future of the students through education . They play many parts of an influential person, role model and even friend in the lives of the students.

A teacher has humble qualities and instructs his students to reach the pinnacle of success. A teacher uses creative methods to help students focus better.

Apart from imparting educational value, a teacher knows the potential and aptitude of his students and helps to bring out those talents, hence individuals must understand their teachers in the right spirit.

My Teacher Essay (Essay on My Favorite Teacher) 2024-2025

Essay on my teacher for class 1 to 10, my teacher essay in English, essay about my teacher, Essay on my teacher in English, essay on my favorite teacher and why, an essay on my teacher, essay on my best teacher, essay on my class teacher, my favorite teacher essay in English, essay on my great teacher, 10 lines essay on my teacher, short paragraph on my teacher, my teacher my hero essay, short essay on teacher, short essay on my teacher, conclusion of my favorite teacher, some line about teacher, Different types essays on my favourite teacher.

My Teacher Essay

I have a teacher in my life who was important to me. My favorite teacher is (name). She is teaching English. She has full knowledge of her subject. Her method of teaching is very interesting and impressive. She loves all her students as his own children.

She always wears simple and clean clothes. She is very learned. she always helps every student. She like discipline and well-disciplined students. She never makes any distinction and difference between the students. She never discourages any students.

I have great regard for her because she always leads the students on the right path. I am very grateful for having such a teacher in my life.

Essay on My Teacher

There are many teachers in our school but I like Vinod sir very much. She is very hardworking. She is an m.a.b.e.d. She teaches us English.

She is very polite. All the students like her very much. She loves all students. She has many good habits. I like my teacher very much.

My Favorite Teacher Essay

My class teacher’s name is Manoj Yadav. She teaches us Hindi. We enjoy her teaching. Manoj is young and active. She always wears a lovely pants-shirt. She is kind and gentle.

She never gets angry. She is very helpful to all of us. sometimes, She tells us stories. She loves us. We love and respect her.

Essay on My Favourite Teacher

All the teachers in my school are highly qualified. They are competent, dedicated and sincere in their work. Out of all, I like ms Kareena the most. She teaches us maths. I like her because she is very friendly with the students and she makes learning fun.

Most of all she explains very well and with her guidance, we can solve even the most difficult sums on our own. She has incredible knowledge of her subject and enthusiasm for teaching. She is passionate about teaching and working with children.

She has a strong rapport with the students and has established trusting relationships with them. Even though she is friendly, she maintains discipline in the class. She is ever ready to help us with our problems even after school hours.

Above all, she is caring and compassionate. She goes the extra mile to make sure that each child is successful.

Short Essay on Teacher

My favorite teacher is Sunita mam. She is my class teacher. she is strict but funny. She cracks a lot of jokes when she teaches. We all stay quiet when 8he teaches. She teaches us good songs.

She makes sure that we understand the subject very well. At the end of the class, mam asks us questions. She is very caring and lovely. We wish her all good things in her life.

My Best Teacher Essay and Paragraph

Introduction: I am a 10th class student. The name of my school is (replace your school name). Six teachers teach me. Mr. Gupta has impressed me. He is a trained graduate. He teaches me English in the third period. He is a perfect man. That’s why he is my favorite teacher.

Qualities: Shri Gupta is the storehouse of virtues. He believes in simple living and high thinking. Her dress is spotlessly clean. But her clothes are neither expensive nor fashionable. He hates dirt and smoke; for him, cleanliness is next to godliness. He behaves like a father to the students.

He never wastes his time on useless tasks. He often quotes Shakespeare – talkers are not good-doers. He always says that work is worship. That’s why he never comes to class unprepared or late. He never prematurely falls in love with his class.

He is also a good player of cricket. He always advises his students to participate in sports and games. He is also a good speaker.

Because of my choice: I love Mr. Gupta, not because he is my teacher, but because he is my true mentor. because of his influence. I have left the bed late. I have started taking interest in sports and debate. I have been regular in my studies. My work always gets done. All this is due to the influence of my respected teacher.

Conclusion: Teachers like Mr. Gupta are rare these days. The school where a teacher like Mr. Gupta teaches is lucky. I feel proud to be his student. Such teachers create the destiny of their students.

Essay on Teacher

Teaching is a noble profession and a good teacher is always a gift of God upon us. All my teachers are good, but my 1 favorite teacher is (replace your teacher name). He is our class teacher and teaches us English and social studies. He is very punctual and never took an unnecessary leave.

He is a man of simplicity and great thoughts. All my classmates love to attend his class because of his kind and joyful way of teaching. He guides us very well during any school function or competition. He also used to tell very inspiring stories to motivate us to become the right person in life.

He focuses on every student in the class and special attention is given to the weaker students. I love my teacher and always pray for his long life.

Essay About My Teacher

There are seventeen teachers in my school. Among them, my favorite teacher is Shah Rukh Khan. He is 26 years old energetic man. She is tall and beautiful. She is always smiling. She is an English teacher. She teaches us English subjects. She is polite and friendly. She teaches us nicely. My friends also like her.

She enters our classroom with a cheerful face. She wants us to pay full attention to our studies. She simply teaches the lesson. If I fail to understand. I repeatedly ask her. She becomes happy and tries her best to make us understand what the lesson means. She regularly checks our homework. She tells us to keep our books and copies clean.

Every Friday, she revises the previous lessons. Sometimes, she asks questions to us. Sometimes, she takes surprise tests. It makes us more easily. She never discriminates the weak students from the talented student. They always encourage the weak students.

She also tells us jokes and stories. Hence, my favorite teacher is Shah Rukh Khan. She loves all students. I like her. I respect her the same do the other students.

Write an Essay on My Teacher

A teacher is a source of inspiration for students as he/she guides us towards the righteous path. Almost every student admires his/her teacher, indices and wants to follow his/her footsteps in life. Miss Babita is my favorite teacher at school who teaches us mathematics. She is my class teacher too and takes our attendance every morning.

Although she is strict by nature. She simply teaches us maths and makes it interesting for us. She teaches us maths with real-life examples which arouses our interest and inquisitiveness in the subject. She has a pleasant personality but is very disciplines too.

She ensures that we listen to her classes attentively. She listens to our questions and problems patiently and clarifies our doubts with a smile on her face. She always motivates us to participate in extracurricular activities like elocution, debate, etc.

Miss Babita’s way of teaching inspires everyone and every student of my class respects her dearly.

We hope that with the help of these my teacher essays students can write a great essay on their favorite teacher.

If you need an essay on Teacher’s Day, then go to our below article.

  • Teachers Day Essay in English for Students

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My favorite teacher 2 Pages 450 Words

             My favorite teacher was Mrs. Ruby who had taught me English for 2 years. She had studied in America and came back Hong Kong to be an English teacher. She had sparkle eyes and blond hair. She 's just a bit taller than I was. She always smiled to us as we saw each other in the hallway at school. She seemed very strict when the first I met her. However, we had a lot of fun during her classes as we had been told the jokes in English. She had skills at teaching, sense of humor, friendly, patient and easygoing.              I had had her classes when I was in grade 10. I got good marks on it since then. She gave us tons of assignments which were for improving our English. She's very patient and enthusiastic to teach us whenever we had questions in her classes. Moreover, she would stay at school after school finished for hours to solve the problems that we had in her class. She would spend her private time to teach us western penmanship which was using two pencils and tightened them together with rubber bands. Then we could draw a letter with them. It 's amazing. I learnt it while I had lunch with her. She would talk about her life also during lunch and I found we had a lot in common. She liked eating Chinese and Japanese. Her favorite band was Westlife as I was. She always listened to pop music and sang karaoke. She said that it would be the way to be easier communicating with her students. She's always friendly and easygoing.              She encouraged us to do voluntary work after school or at weekends. She was in charge of YMCA and leaded a group of students to do lots different kinds of services. Such as cleaning houses for seniors who lived by themselves; selling stickers for charity; leading blind people to walk in the street regularly and planting bushes for the protesting environment organization. She's a very helpful person.              Sometimes, she would get furious though when the students didn't hand in the assignments on tim...

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