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23 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

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Saudara bisa berpindah ke contoh soal bahasa inggris yang lain, semisal setelah mengerjakan latihan soal simple present essay, kemudian ingin berlatih soal WH Question atau Gerund, dengan mengklik menu dropdown “Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris” di bawah, semoga membantu anda.

25 Contoh Kalimat Distance di Bahasa Inggris dan Pengertiannya (Page 2)

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  Daftar Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Soal Simple Present Pilihan Ganda Soal WH Question Essay Soal Simple Present Essay Soal Pronoun Essay Soal Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Subject Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Object Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Continuous Essay Soal Possessive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Possessive Pronoun Essay Soal Reflexive Pronoun Pilihan Ganda Soal Conditional Sentence Pilihan Ganda Soal Conditional Sentence Essay Soal Reflexive Pronoun Essay Soal Simple Past Pilihan Ganda Soal Simple Past Pilihan Essay Soal Present Perfect Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Perfect Essay Soal Present Perfect continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Present Perfect continuous Essay Soal Past Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Past Continuous Essay Soal Past Perfect Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Past Perfect Continuous Essay Soal Simple Future Pilihan Ganda Soal Simple Future Essay Soal Gerund Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Essay Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Simple Past Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Simple Present Continuous Pilihan Ganda Soal Passive Voice Toys and Game Pilihan Ganda Soal Clothes Pilihan Ganda Soal Alphabet Pilihan Ganda

25 Contoh Kalimat Distance di Bahasa Inggris dan Pengertiannya

Simple Present Tense adalah kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyatakan aktivitas yang merupakan kebiasaan sehari-hari atau habitual action. Seperti kalimat saya menulis cerita setiap hari (I write story every day ). Kami membaca buku setiap sore ( We read book every afternoon ) 

28 Contoh Kalimat Training di Bahasa Inggris dan Pengertiannya (Halaman 2)

Cara mudah mengerjakan soal Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk essay adalah dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal tersebut, dengan memahami arti dari kalimat soal maka anda faham apa yang diinginkan oleh soal, adapun supaya kita memahami arti dari kalimat soal, maka perbendaharaan kosa kata tentang bahasa inggris harus mumpuni.

Cara kedua supaya memudahkan di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Present dalam bentuk essay, yakni dengan sering anda mengerjakan latihan dan belajar terus menerus tentang penggunaan Simple Present Tense di dalam sebuah kalimat. Dengan sering berlatih maka kemampuan anda di dalam mengerjakan soal Simple Present Tense akan lebih mahir. 

25 Contoh Kalimat Teaching di Bahasa Inggris dan Pengertiannya (Halaman 2)

Tabel 1.0. Contoh Soal Simple Present Essay

Berikut adalah 23 contoh soal Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. 

Contoh soal present tense essay dan jawabannya

Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah )

1.I never… beer (drink)

2.Farikha  .. English very well. (speak)

3.The moon …. Around the earth. (go)

4 .This food is very delicious, I  …. It. (like)

5.What …. She do every morning?, (Do)

6.He ,,,, them a money every month (give) 

7.What ,,,  in your store ?  (she, buy)

8.How  …. Every morning? (You, feel) 

9.The river Mahakam … into Java Sea ? (flow) 

10.They usually … football in the building (Play) 

11.Kameela …. Fried rice every night. (eat)

12.Does      to market? (she, go)

13.Where .. , usually in this office? (she. write)

14.Zaid always …. His cat cutely. (clean)

15.My teacher always …. Be excellent each other every day (say)

16.You … movie every Saturday night . (watch)

17.Mr. Budi  … a bread every night. (make)

18.I .. in this office every afternoon (sit)

19.Why …. this fruit every month? (he, Take)

20.My mother .. rice every day. (cook)

21.Her mom ,,,  a fish in the market every day, (sell)

22.We …. In Tarakan City For Five Years. (live)

23.They always …. In this place every monday(stand)

Kunci Jawaban

7.does she buy you feel

13.Does She write

19.Does he take

contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

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25 Contoh Kalimat Teaching di Bahasa Inggris dan Pengertiannya

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Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

40 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Contoh soal simple present tense dalam bentuk essay dan pilihan ganda untuk membantu melatih dan mengasah sejauh mana pemahaman anda tentang present tense.

Kita sudah membahas simple present tense pada artikel sebelumnya. Apakah anda sudah benar-benar memahami apa itu simple present tense?

Mari kita ulangi apa yang telah kita pelajari sebelumnya dan kemudian ikuti tes soal simple present tense essay dan pilihan ganda di bawah ini untuk melihat sejauh mana pemahaman anda tentang simple present tense.

Simple present tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan fakta tak terbantahkan, kebiasaan umum atau hal-hal yang terjadi secara teratur, seperti (setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap tahun). Contohnya ;

1. I take the bus to work every day.

2. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM.

3. The sun rises in the east.

4. I feel happy when I am with my friends.

Simple present tense terdiri dari dua bagian: bentuk dasar dari kata kerja (yang hanya merupakan infinitive tanpa to) dan bentuk kata kerja yang ditambah -s atau -es untuk orang ketiga tunggal (he, she dan it).

Contoh; bentuk dasar dari “eat” adalah “eat” dan bentuk kata kerja setelah di tambah -s nya adalah “eats” . Baca aturan penambahan S atau ES disini .

Mari kita lihat contoh kalimat dibawah ini.

1. She eats breakfast at 7:00 AM every day.

2. They walk to school every day.

3. My mother goes to traditional market every morning.

4. My father reads newspaper ever morning.

5. We come home from school at 13:00.

Pada kalimat diatas, kata kerja ketiga orang tunggal (He, She & It) mendapatkan penambahan S atau ES. Selain ketika orang tunggal seperi “They, We, I dan You” kita cukup memakai kata kata kerja dsar tanpa penambahan S atau ES.

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Pilihan Ganda

Seperti yang bisa kita lihat dari contoh kalimat diatas, simple present tense sangat mudah digunakan. Kita hanya perlu mengingat untuk menambahkan -s atau -es pada kata kerja untuk orang ketiga tunggal. Sekarang mari kita lihat contoh soal simple present tense dibawah ini.

Contoh Soal Essay

Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

  • I _______ (help) my father in the rice field every day.
  • We _______ (not learn) English every two days.
  • He _______ (walk) to school.
  • She _______ (read) a book.
  • It _______ ( rain) every day in Seattle.
  • We _______ (have) a party
  • They _______ (not understand) me.
  • I _______ (not want) to go.
  • You _______ (not need) to worry.
  • He _______ (not play) soccer.
  • She _______ (not like) tomatoes.
  • It _______ (not be) cold today.
  • We _______ (not go) out tonight.
  • They _______ (not want) to come.
  • Do you _______ (like) ice cream?
  • Does he _______ (live) in New York?
  • Does she _______ (teach) English?
  • Does it _______ (snow) in winter?
  • Do we _______ (have) class on Monday?
  • Do they _______ (speak) French?


  • I help my father in the rice field every day.
  • We do not learn English every two days.
  • He walks to school.
  • She reads a book.
  • It rains every day in Seattle.
  • We have a party
  • They do not understand me.
  • I do not want to go.
  • You do not need to worry.
  • He does not play soccer.
  • She does not like tomatoes.
  • It is not cold today.
  • We do not go out tonight.
  • They do not want to come.
  • Do you like ice cream?
  • Does he live in New York?
  • Does she teach English?
  • Does it snow in winter?
  • Do we have class on Monday?
  • Do they speak French?
  • 75 Contoh Kalimat Nominal Simple Present Tense
  • 10 Dialog Simple Present Tense 2 Orang Singkat
  • 15 Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Present Tense
  • 10 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Positif, Negatif dan Tanya

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d.

1. _______ they listen to the music?

Jawaban: a. Do

2. _______ he work in a bank?

Jawaban: b. Does

3. My mother _______ dinner every night.

Jawaban:   b. cooks

4. We _______ to the movies on Friday.

Jawaban:   a. go

5. They _______ a lot of money.

Jawaban: b. have

6. I _______ my homework every day.

Jawaban: a. do

7. She _______ tennis every Saturday.

Jawaban: b. plays

8. He _______ TV every night.

c. watching

Jawaban: b. watches

9. Do they _______ to the park every morning?

Jawaban: a. go

10. Does your father _______ coffee every morning?

c. drinking

Jawaban: b. drinks

11. My brother _______ his hair every day.

Jawaban: b. washes

12. I _______ my teeth every morning and night.

c. brushing

Jawaban:  a. brush

13. We _______ visit our grandparents every Sunday.

b. does not

d. were not

Jawaban: a. do not

14. She _______ go to school on Saturdays.

a. does not

Jawaban: a. does not

15. Rini and Rina _______ their school uniform every Sunday.

Jawaban: a. wash

16. We _______ have class tomorrow morning.

Jawaban: b. do not

17. They _______ eat breakfast at home.

18. I _______ finish my homework yet.

19. She _______ study for the test yet.

20. We _______ early every night.

c. sleeping

Jawaban: b. sleep

Nah itulah beberapa contoh soal simple present tense essay dan pilihan ganda. Semoga soal latihan tersebut bisa membantu anda mengasah pengetahuan anda tentang present tense.

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120 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

Kenapa memilih untuk memberikan soal dalam bentuk essay? Hal ini tentu saja mengingat akan kebijakan Assesmen Kompetensi Minimum (AKM) yang lebih menekankan kepada literasi dan numerasi. Oleh karena itu admin berpikir kalau bentuk soal yang lebih sesuai dengan AKM adalah bentuk soal Essay.

Table of Contents

Pengertian Simple Present Tenses

Rule of simple present tense.

  • Verbal sentence : Subject + Verb I + s/-es + Object/Complement Contoh : She goes to school by bus ( Dia ke sekolah naik bus)
  • Nomina Sentence : Subject + To Be (am, is, are) + Object/Complement Contoh : The world is round ( Bumi ini bulat)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

A. choose the correct answer.

  • A cat ( give, gives ) milk to its babies.
  • Reptiles ( has, have ) thick skin.
  • A bird ( has, have ) wings.
  • Butterflies ( are, is ) eggs.
  • A snake ( lays, lay ) eggs.
  • Lions ( sleep, sleeps ) about 11 hours a day.
  • Zebras ( come, comes ) from Africa.
  • Bats ( live, lives ) in trees. Their blood (is, are) cold.
  • A tortoise ( eat, eats ) leaves and grass.
  • A tortoise ( is, are ) a reptile.

B. Complete the text below. Choose the correct options!

C. find the mistakes and rewrite the text, d. complete the sentences below with the correct form of to be..

  • Hello guys! I am shanty.
  • She … Miss Ina. She … my English teacher.
  • We … new students.
  • This … my new classroom. It … a nice classroom.
  • Nurul and Tigor … students. They … my classmates.
  • Tigor and I … in the classroom. We … very happy.

E. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • Chris John drives (drive) a car.
  • We have (have) some money.
  • Do you watch (you watch) movies?
  • They don’t work (not work) for us.
  • I love (love) to swim.
  • Ratih has (have) many friends.
  • Joanna and her husband always come (come) for the winter.
  • Does she draw (he draw) well?
  • Santi doesn’t remember (not remember) me.
  • Raline is (be) a beautiful girl.
  • I don’t eat (not eat) bread.
  • Cats like (like) to sleep.
  • You are (be) a smart girl.
  • Susan washes (wash) the dishes every evening.
  • Are you (you be) ready?

F. Fill the blanks!

  • I … at a government office. (work)
  • She … with her grandmother. (live)
  • Goats … on grass. (feed)
  • Budi … a handsome salary. (earn)
  • Aurel … to be a dancer. (wants)
  • Riska … delicious cookies. (make)
  • Yoel and her wife … in Kuala Lumpur. (live)
  • Rudi and Sarah … to play card games. (like)
  • Raisa … Spain very well. (speak)
  • Sunardi … for a walk in the morning. (goes)
  • My uncle … his pet dog. (adore)
  • Plants … water and sunlight to make their food. (need)

G. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • I usually (go) to church.
  • They (visit) us often.
  • You (play) football once a week.
  • Sunaryo (work) every day.
  • He always (tell) us horror stories.
  • She never (help) me with that!
  • Marcus and Sanjaya (swim) twice a week.
  • In this club people usually (dance) a lot.
  • Brenda (take care) of her brother.
  • Anto rarely (leave) the town.
  • We (live) in the village most of the year.
  • Abdul (travel) to Berlin every Saturday.
  • I (bake) cookies twice a week.
  • You always (teach) me new tricks.
  • Sumini (help) the kids of the neighborhood.

H. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • Paris (be) in France.
  • The summer (be) hot.
  • She (drive) very well.
  • They (open) the store at 9:00.
  • Juwita (be) a very pretty girl.
  • I (have) several jobs.
  • Water (boil) at 100 degrees.
  • Water (freeze) at 0 degrees.
  • My sister (speak) French.
  •  He (have) a big hotel.
  • A triangle (have) three corners.
  •  My birthday (be) in July.
  • Books (have) pages.
  • Dogs (be) good friends.
  • I (work) hard.

I. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • She (love) you.
  • This (weigh) 30 kilograms.
  • Harry (seem) serious.
  • They (like) tomatoes.
  • The girl (want) to play.
  • You (need) to sleep.
  • They (agree) with me.
  • She (hear) something strange.
  • The box (contain) cake.
  •  Stevy (appear) sad.
  • Beckham (know) how to fix a car.
  •  Messi and Abigail (seem) happy.
  • This (smell) bad.
  • I (believe) you.
  • We (be) number one!

J. Change the verb into the correct form!

  • I (go) to the hometown once a month.
  • You (play) the xylophone very well.
  •  She never (visit) us.
  • Leonardo always (find) new ways to do things.
  • Susanti (want) to speak.
  • Wina (be) in Austria.
  •  Cars (have) wheels.
  • My teacher (have) a big house.
  • We (play) a lot.
  • They (sell) fruit and vegetables.
  •  The apartment (be) on fire.
  • Salmah (seem) sad.
  •  I usually (help) my neighbors.
  •  His parents rarely (leave) town.

Jawaban Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay

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100 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

Daftar isi:

Pengertian simple present tense, kapan kita menggunakan simple present tense, contoh soal 1-10: menyusun kalimat positif, contoh soal 11-20: menyusun kalimat negatif, contoh soal 21-30: menyusun kalimat tanya, contoh soal 31-40: mengisi kekosongan kalimat dengan kata kerja dalam bentuk simple present tense, contoh soal 41-50: mengidentifikasi jenis kalimat, contoh soal 51-60: mengganti kata kerja dalam kalimat dengan bentuk simple present tense yang tepat, contoh soal 61-70: menghubungkan kata-kata dengan simple present tense, contoh soal 71-80: mencari kesalahan dalam penggunaan simple present tense, contoh soal 81-90: menyusun kalimat-kalimat dengan informasi yang diberikan, contoh soal 91-100: menyusun paragraf dengan simple present tense, jawaban dan penjelasan, tips dan trik.

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional yang penting untuk dipelajari. Salah satu aspek yang paling fundamental dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah tenses (waktu dalam bahasa Inggris). Salah satu tense yang paling dasar dan umum digunakan adalah Simple Present Tense. Dalam artikel ini, kita akan memahami apa itu Simple Present Tense dan mempelajari cara penggunaannya dengan 100 contoh soal beserta jawabannya.

Simple Present Tense adalah tense yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian atau fakta-fakta yang terjadi secara rutin, kebiasaan, atau sesuatu yang umum terjadi pada waktu sekarang. Tense ini juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum. Dalam Simple Present Tense, kita menggunakan kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar (verb base form) untuk hampir semua subjek.

Kita menggunakan Simple Present Tense dalam berbagai situasi, antara lain:

Guru-guru Bahagia, Tahun 2025 Semua gaji Guru baik Honorer Maupun ASN Akan mendapat Kenaikan dari Pemerintah

Guru-guru Bahagia, Tahun 2025 Semua gaji Guru baik Honorer Maupun ASN Akan mendapat Kenaikan dari Pemerintah

  • Kebiasaan atau Rutinitas: Untuk menyatakan aktivitas atau kebiasaan yang terjadi secara teratur. Contohnya: “I go to the gym every morning.”
  • Kebenaran Umum: Untuk menyatakan fakta-fakta yang umum dan benar secara universal. Contohnya: “The Earth revolves around the sun.”
  • Komentar atau Opini: Untuk mengungkapkan komentar atau opini yang berlaku secara umum. Contohnya: “I think you’re right.”
  • Jadwal atau Rencana Masa Depan: Untuk menyatakan jadwal atau rencana yang sudah diatur di masa depan. Contohnya: “The train departs at 9:00 AM tomorrow.”

Dengan pemahaman dasar ini, mari kita mulai dengan 100 contoh soal Simple Present Tense beserta jawabannya.

100 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

  • She ___________ (read) a book every night. Jawaban: reads Penjelasan: Pada Simple Present Tense, kita menambahkan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja untuk subjek tunggal (she, he, it).
  • They ___________ (play) football on Saturdays. Jawaban: play Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • I usually ___________ (eat) breakfast at 7 AM. Jawaban: eat Penjelasan: Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, jadi kita tidak perlu mengubah kata kerja.
  • My mother ___________ (cook) delicious meals. Jawaban: cooks Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (my mother) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • The train ___________ (arrive) at 3 PM. Jawaban: arrives Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (the train) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • We always ___________ (go) to the park on Sundays. Jawaban: go Penjelasan: Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, jadi kita tidak perlu mengubah kata kerja.
  • Cats ___________ (sleep) a lot during the day. Jawaban: sleep Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (cats).
  • He ___________ (work) as a teacher. Jawaban: works Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (he) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • The sun ___________ (rise) in the east. Jawaban: rises Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (the sun) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • They ___________ (watch) TV every evening. Jawaban: watch Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • She ___________ (not drive) to work. Jawaban: does not drive (atau doesn’t drive) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • We ___________ (not like) spicy food. Jawaban: do not like (atau don’t like) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “do not” atau “don’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • John ___________ (not have) a car. Jawaban: does not have (atau doesn’t have) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • The students ___________ (not study) on weekends. Jawaban: do not study (atau don’t study) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “do not” atau “don’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • She ___________ (not speak) Spanish. Jawaban: does not speak (atau doesn’t speak) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • I ___________ (not drink) coffee in the evening. Jawaban: do not drink (atau don’t drink) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “do not” atau “don’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • The cat ___________ (not like) water. Jawaban: does not like (atau doesn’t like) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • They ___________ (not play) video games on weekdays. Jawaban: do not play (atau don’t play) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “do not” atau “don’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • My brother ___________ (not work) on Sundays. Jawaban: does not work (atau doesn’t work) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • She ___________ (not watch) horror movies. Jawaban: does not watch (atau doesn’t watch) Penjelasan: Untuk menyatakan kalimat negatif, tambahkan “does not” atau “doesn’t” sebelum kata kerja.
  • ___________ you like ice cream? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Untuk menyusun kalimat tanya, gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat.
  • ___________ she speak French? Jawaban: Does Penjelasan: Untuk subjek tunggal (she), gunakan kata “Does” di awal kalimat.
  • ___________ they go to the gym every day? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • ___________ he play the guitar? Jawaban: Does Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Does” di awal kalimat untuk subjek tunggal (he).
  • ___________ you eat vegetables? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat.
  • ___________ she work on weekends? Jawaban: Does Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Does” di awal kalimat untuk subjek tunggal (she).
  • ___________ they watch TV in the evening? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • ___________ he like to swim? Jawaban: Does Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Does” di awal kalimat untuk subjek tunggal (he).
  • ___________ you speak English fluently? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat.
  • ___________ they visit their grandparents often? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Gunakan kata “Do” di awal kalimat untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • She ___________ (teach) English at the university. Jawaban: teaches Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (she) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • They ___________ (study) hard for the exams. Jawaban: study Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • He ___________ (speak) three languages fluently. Jawaban: speaks Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (he) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • We ___________ (live) in a big city. Jawaban: live Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (we).
  • The cat ___________ (sleep) on the couch. Jawaban: sleeps Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (the cat) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • They ___________ (eat) pizza every Friday. Jawaban: eat Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • My parents ___________ (work) in a hospital. Jawaban: work Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (my parents).
  • She ___________ (play) the piano beautifully. Jawaban: plays Penjelasan: Subjek tunggal (she) memerlukan penambahan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja.
  • They ___________ (watch) a movie every Saturday. Jawaban: watch Penjelasan: Kata kerja dalam bentuk dasar digunakan untuk subjek jamak (they).
  • I ___________ (read) a book right now. Jawaban: read Penjelasan: Simple Present Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
  • He ___________ (love) ice cream. (Statement/Positive Sentence) Jawaban: loves Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat positif yang menyatakan fakta atau kebiasaan.
  • Do they ___________ (study) every day? (Question) Jawaban: study Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat tanya dengan kata “Do” di awal.
  • My dog ___________ (not bark) at night. (Statement/Negative Sentence) Jawaban: does not bark (atau doesn’t bark) Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat negatif yang menyatakan ketiadaan suara (bark) pada malam hari.
  • They ___________ (watch) a movie now. (Statement/Positive Sentence) Jawaban: watch Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat positif yang menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat ini.
  • ___________ he like coffee? (Question) Jawaban: Does Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat tanya dengan kata “Does” di awal.
  • She ___________ (not eat) meat. (Statement/Negative Sentence) Jawaban: does not eat (atau doesn’t eat) Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat negatif yang menyatakan ketiadaan konsumsi daging.
  • We ___________ (play) soccer every weekend. (Statement/Positive Sentence) Jawaban: play Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat positif yang menyatakan kebiasaan bermain sepak bola setiap akhir pekan.
  • ___________ you drink tea in the morning? (Question) Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat tanya dengan kata “Do” di awal.
  • My sister ___________ (not watch) horror movies. (Statement/Negative Sentence) Jawaban: does not watch (atau doesn’t watch) Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat negatif yang menyatakan ketidakgemaran terhadap film horor.
  • They ___________ (not work) on weekends. (Statement/Negative Sentence) Jawaban: do not work (atau don’t work) Penjelasan: Ini adalah kalimat negatif yang menyatakan ketiadaan pekerjaan di akhir pekan.
  • She usually ___________ (drink) tea in the evening. Jawaban: drinks Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “drink” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk subjek “she.”
  • They ___________ (drive) to work every day. Jawaban: drive Penjelasan: Kata kerja “drive” sudah dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense yang benar untuk subjek “they.”
  • My father ___________ (read) the newspaper in the morning. Jawaban: reads Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “read” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk subjek “my father.”
  • I ___________ (speak) English fluently. Jawaban: speak Penjelasan: Kata kerja “speak” sudah dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense yang benar untuk subjek “I.”
  • She ___________ (not like) spicy food. Jawaban: does not like (atau doesn’t like) Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “like” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk subjek “she” dalam kalimat negatif.
  • They ___________ (work) hard to achieve their goals. Jawaban: work Penjelasan: Kata kerja “work” sudah dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense yang benar untuk subjek “they.”
  • He ___________ (not play) tennis on Sundays. Jawaban: does not play (atau doesn’t play) Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “play” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk subjek “he” dalam kalimat negatif.
  • We ___________ (not eat) fast food often. Jawaban: do not eat (atau don’t eat) Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “eat” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk subjek “we” dalam kalimat negatif.
  • The cat ___________ (sleep) on the sofa right now. Jawaban: sleeps Penjelasan: Kata kerja “sleep” sudah dalam bentuk Simple Present Tense yang benar untuk subjek “the cat” dalam kalimat yang menyatakan kejadian saat ini.
  • ___________ you like ice cream? Jawaban: Do Penjelasan: Menggantikan kata kerja “like” dengan bentuk Simple Present Tense yang tepat untuk kalimat tanya.
  • My mother ___________ (cook) delicious meals, and we ___________ (eat) together. Jawaban: cooks, eat Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (cooks) dan tindakan berikutnya (eat).
  • She usually ___________ (read) a book while he ___________ (watch) TV. Jawaban: reads, watches Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (reads) dan tindakan berikutnya (watches).
  • They ___________ (play) soccer in the park when it ___________ (be) sunny. Jawaban: play, is Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (play) dan kondisi cuaca (is).
  • He ___________ (work) hard, but he ___________ (not earn) much money. Jawaban: works, does not earn (atau doesn’t earn) Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (works) dan hasil tindakan (does not earn).
  • I ___________ (like) to swim, and she ___________ (enjoy) hiking. Jawaban: like, enjoys Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan preferensi (like) dan aktivitas yang dinikmati (enjoys).
  • They ___________ (travel) to different countries and ___________ (explore) new cultures. Jawaban: travel, explore Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (travel) dan tindakan berikutnya (explore).
  • She ___________ (not speak) Spanish, but she ___________ (study) it. Jawaban: does not speak (atau doesn’t speak), studies Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan ketidakmampuan (does not speak) dan usaha untuk mempelajarinya (studies).
  • We ___________ (not watch) TV during dinner because we ___________ (prefer) to talk. Jawaban: do not watch (atau don’t watch), prefer Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan kebiasaan (do not watch) dan alasan (prefer).
  • He ___________ (not like) to wake up early, but he ___________ (have) to for work. Jawaban: does not like (atau doesn’t like), has Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan ketidakgemaran (does not like) dan kewajiban (has).
  • I ___________ (read) a book while he ___________ (play) the guitar. Jawaban: read, plays Penjelasan: Menggunakan Simple Present Tense untuk menyatakan aktivitas bersama (read, plays).
  • She usually goes to the gym every morning. Jawaban: Tidak ada kesalahan.
  • He not like spicy food. Jawaban: He does not like spicy food. (atau He doesn’t like spicy food.)
  • They watches TV in the evening. Jawaban: They watch TV in the evening.
  • You speaks English fluently. Jawaban: You speak English fluently.
  • She not speak French. Jawaban: She does not speak French. (atau She doesn’t speak French.)
  • We not play soccer on Sundays. Jawaban: We do not play soccer on Sundays. (atau We don’t play soccer on Sundays.)
  • Do he like coffee? Jawaban: Does he like coffee?
  • The cat not sleeps on the sofa right now. Jawaban: The cat does not sleep on the sofa right now. (atau The cat doesn’t sleep on the sofa right now.)
  • They not work on weekends. Jawaban: They do not work on weekends. (atau They don’t work on weekends.)
  • My sister not watch horror movies. Jawaban: My sister does not watch horror movies. (atau My sister doesn’t watch horror movies.)
  • (informasi: I / like / to read / books) Jawaban: I like to read books.
  • (informasi: She / not / eat / meat) Jawaban: She does not eat meat. (atau She doesn’t eat meat.)
  • (informasi: They / play / soccer / every Saturday) Jawaban: They play soccer every Saturday.
  • (informasi: My brother / have / a dog) Jawaban: My brother has a dog.
  • (informasi: He / not / speak / Spanish) Jawaban: He does not speak Spanish. (atau He doesn’t speak Spanish.)
  • (informasi: We / not / watch / TV / in the morning) Jawaban: We do not watch TV in the morning. (atau We don’t watch TV in the morning.)
  • (informasi: She / study / English / at school) Jawaban: She studies English at school.
  • (informasi: They / not / go / to the beach / on weekdays) Jawaban: They do not go to the beach on weekdays. (atau They don’t go to the beach on weekdays.)
  • (informasi: I / like / to travel / and / explore / new places) Jawaban: I like to travel and explore new places.
  • (informasi: He / work / as / a doctor) Jawaban: He works as a doctor.
  • (informasi: She / work / at a hospital / as a nurse / from Monday to Friday) Jawaban: She works at a hospital as a nurse from Monday to Friday.
  • (informasi: They / live / in a small town / and / enjoy / the peaceful environment) Jawaban: They live in a small town and enjoy the peaceful environment.
  • (informasi: I / not / like / to eat fast food / because / it / not / healthy) Jawaban: I do not like to eat fast food because it is not healthy. (atau I don’t like to eat fast food because it’s not healthy.)
  • (informasi: He / play / the guitar / and / sing / at local cafes) Jawaban: He plays the guitar and sings at local cafes.
  • (informasi: She / not / watch / TV / in the morning / because / she / prefer / to read) Jawaban: She does not watch TV in the morning because she prefers to read. (atau She doesn’t watch TV in the morning because she prefers to read.)
  • (informasi: We / usually / go / hiking / in the mountains / during the summer) Jawaban: We usually go hiking in the mountains during the summer.
  • (informasi: They / have / two children / and / spend / quality time / with them) Jawaban: They have two children and spend quality time with them.
  • (informasi: My parents / not / speak / French / but / they / understand / a little) Jawaban: My parents do not speak French, but they understand a little. (atau My parents don’t speak French, but they understand a little.)
  • (informasi: He / not / like / to wake up early / because / he / work / late) Jawaban: He does not like to wake up early because he works late. (atau He doesn’t like to wake up early because he works late.)
  • (informasi: She / not / eat / dessert / often / because / she / try / to eat healthy) Jawaban: She does not eat dessert often because she tries to eat healthy. (atau She doesn’t eat dessert often because she tries to eat healthy.)

Seluruh jawaban dan penjelasan untuk contoh soal Simple Present Tense telah disediakan di atas. Semoga artikel ini membantu Anda memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam bahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik.

Sebelum mengakhiri artikel ini, mari kita bahas beberapa tips dan trik untuk memahami dan menggunakan Simple Present Tense dengan baik:

Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Kini Semakin Susah, Nadiem Bakal siapkan Aturan Baru Yang Tidak Hanya Wajib Menjadi Guru Penggerak

Menjadi Kepala Sekolah Kini Semakin Susah, Nadiem Bakal siapkan Aturan Baru Yang Tidak Hanya Wajib Menjadi Guru Penggerak

  • Perhatikan Subjek: Pastikan Anda memilih bentuk kata kerja yang sesuai dengan subjek kalimat (misalnya, tambahkan ‘-s’ pada kata kerja untuk subjek tunggal).
  • Gunakan “Do” dan “Does” dengan Benar: Gunakan “Do” untuk subjek jamak dan “Does” untuk subjek tunggal dalam kalimat tanya dan kalimat negatif.
  • Pahami Penggunaan Umum: Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, fakta umum, jadwal, dan opini.
  • Pelajari Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan: Beberapa kata kerja tidak mengikuti aturan umum pembentukan Simple Present Tense, jadi pelajari kata kerja tersebut secara khusus.
  • Praktekkan dengan Kalimat-Kalimat Sederhana: Latihan adalah kunci untuk menguasai tense ini. Cobalah membuat kalimat-kalimat sederhana dalam Simple Present Tense sehari-hari.

Simple Present Tense adalah tense dasar dalam bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, fakta umum, jadwal, dan opini. Dengan memahami penggunaan dan praktek yang cukup, Anda dapat menguasai tense ini dengan baik. Jangan ragu untuk mencoba contoh soal di atas dan terus berlatih agar semakin mahir dalam menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

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Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

– Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya -Saat ini, setiap orang seharusnya sudah mahir untuk menggunakan bahasa inggris karena era globalisasi sudah tidak dapat lagi di bendung. Bahkan, persyaratan melamar suatu pekerjaan saat ini menuntut agar Anda memiliki nilai TOEFL yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, berikut akan disediakan latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabannya agar Anda dapat bersaing di dunia pekerjaan.

Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

Baca: 25 Contoh Kalimat Present Tense

I. Soal Pilihan Ganda

Petunjuk pengerjaan: pilihlah jawaban yang terbaik pada latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabannya telah disediakan di bawah ini

1. Budi ___ his aquarium once a week. a. To clean b. Clean c. Cleans d. Cleaning

2. Safira ___ always ___ at the restaurant every Saturday night. a. Do not, eats b. Does not, eat c. Do not, ate d. Does not, ate

3. __ they ____ a Habibie & Ainun movie in theater? a. Do, saw b. Do, see c. Do, seen d. Do, seeing

4. My mother and I ___ to market to buy vegetables every morning. a. Go b. Goes c. Went d. Gone

5. He and she ___ not pay attention of teacher’s announcement. a. Do b. Does c. See d. Listening

6. On 17th August, we always ___ our independence day in city park. a. Celeberate b. Celeberates c. Celeberating d. Do celeberate

7. Every morning, my mother always ___ me up on 5 a.m. a. Waken b. Wake c. Woke d. Wakes

8. We always ___ on karaoke twice a month. a. Sang b. Sings c. Sing d. Sung

9. You are prohibited to use this bicycle, because it ___ broken. a. Are b. Is c. Do d. Does

10. I ___ not ___ pork because I am a moslem. a. Does, eat b. Do, ate c. Do, eat d. Do, eaten

11. She does not ___ violin well, that’s why she keep practice every day. a. Playing b. Played c. Plays d. Play

12. Christian Ronaldo ___ a ball to the goal keeper upon he ___ injured. a. Shooting, is b. Shoots, is c. Shoots, does d. Shoot, is

13. ___ He a geologist at PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia? a. Is b. Does c. Do d. Are

14. Does ___ drink enough mineral water every day? a. They b. You c. He d. I

15. ___ You ___ your teeth every night? a. Does, brush b. Do, brush c. Do, brushes d. Does, brushes

16. Infinity war and Interstellar ___ one of the best movie all the time a. Is b. Are c. Does d. Do

17. Do ___ ___ at least once a week? a. You, exercise b. You, exercises c. They, exercises d. We, exercises

19. My brother and I ___ mount Sumbing this holiday a. Hikes b. Hiking c. Hike d. Hiked

20. The students ___ not ___ the assignment, so they got D a. Does, finish b. Does, finishes c. Do, finish d. Do, finished

Baca juga: Materi dan latihan soal Simple Present Tense

Kunci jawaban latihan soal pilihan ganda simple present tense:.

1. C 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. C 9. B 10.C 11.D 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.A 19.C 20.C

II. Soal Essay

Artikel Terkait : Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Ten se Positif Negatif Interrogatif

Petunjuk pengerjaan: Isilah blank space di bawah ini pada latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabannya terdapat di bawah ini.

Hi everyone! My full name ……… (1. To be) Rahmat Hermawan and this ……. (2. Be) about my family activity. At 4.30 a.m., my mother always …….. (3. Wake) me up to pray. Then, I ……… (4. Clean) myself to pray and after that, I …… (5. Go) to bathroom for taking a shower. At 5.00 a.m., I ……….. (6. Wearing) my uniform and my mother ………. (7. Cook) for my breakfast. My mother does not ………. (8. Cook) noodles for my breakfast. Before I leave my home, I ………. (9. Prepared) my book into my bag and my father ……………. (10. Driven) a car to deliver me to my school. At 6:30, my father and I ………… (11. Arriving) at my school and he ………… (12. Go) to his office directly after say goodbye with me. Every Monday, i ………. (13. Follow) the flag ceremony at school yard until 7.15 a.m. On Monday, class start at 7.30 a.m. but, on the others day, the class ……….. (14. Does) not start at 7:15 a.m. At 12:00 a.m., I…………. (15. Has) lunch and I always eat together with my friends. At 15.00 p.m., my friends and i ……….. (16. Go) home by bus. After school on Friday, my friends and I always …….. (17. Playing) football in soccer field and we ……….. (18. Goes) home at 17.00 p.m. My mother always ask me about my homework and she ……… (19. Do not) ……… (20. Tolerates) if I postpone my homework. After i ……… (21. Took) a shower, I always ………. (22. Doing) my homework. At 7 p.m., my family and I ……. (23. Has) dinner and sometimes we ……… (24. Watched) movies in our home. I usually ………. (25. Studied) from 10.00 p.m. until 11.00 p.m. After that, I always ……… (26. Sleeps) at 11:00 p.m. Do you ………. (27. Sleeping) before midnight every day? My mother’s and father’s name ……. (28. Be) Sheryl and Dodo. My mother ……. (29. Be) a dentist and my father ……. (30. Be) a petroleum engineer at Pertamina. They ………. (31. Be) 50 years old and they ……………. (32. Does not) smoke at all. My mother and my father ………… (33. Do not) work on Sunday and on holiday, sometimes, they always ………… (34. Brings) me to travel around Indonesia by plane. My mother hobby is cooking and she ……….. (35. Does not) like watch a movie while my father …………. (36. Watch) a movie twice a week in our home. Although their hobby and their job is different, but they always support each other. I ………….. (37. Loves) them very much.

Kunci jawaban soal essay

1. Is 2. Is 3. Wakes 4. Clean 5. Go 6. Wear 7. Cooks 8. Cook 9. Prepare 10. Drives 11. Arrive 12. Goes 13. Follow 14. Does 15. Have 16. Go 17. Play 18. Go 19. Does not 20. Tolerate 21. Take 22. Do 23. Have 24. Watch 25. Study 26. Sleep 27. Sleep 28. Are 29. Is 30. Is 31. Are 32. Do not 33. Do not 34. Bring 35. Does not 36. Watches 37. Love

Demikian artikel latihan soal present tense beserta jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih sudah menyempatkan waktu untuk membaca artikel yang sangat sederhana ini. 🙂

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25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

Ilustrasi soal simple present tense.

Sonora.ID - Soal simple present tense dapat menjadi bahan belajar siswa sebelum menghadapi ujian, baik PTS maupun PAS.

Soal simple present tense biasanya berbentuk percakapan sehari-hari yang mengungkapkan kegiatan di masa sekarang ataupun menyatakan aktivitas yang menjadi kebiasaan atau berlangsung berulang kali.

Simple present tense terbagi menjadi dua pola kalimat, yakni verbal simple present dan nominal simple present.

Verbal simple present tense menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan sebuah aksi atau tindakan, sedangkan nominal simple present memakai kata kerja "be" atau biasa disebut "to be".

Berikut ini 25 contoh soal simple present tense dan kunci jawaban sebagai referensi.

1. Read the text below.

Q: Do you like to sing? A: …

A. Yes, I likes to sing B. Yes, I like to sing C. Yes, I am liking to sing D. Yes, I liked to sing

2. Tom and I … … together.

A. Do surfing B. Don’t surfing C. Do surfs D. Don’t surf

3. I … breakfast every day at 7 AM.

A. Eat B. To eat C. Ate D. Eaten

4. My sister … at the theater.

A. Work B. Working C. Worked D. Works

5. Anna … to the gym club.

A. Going B. Go C. Goes D. Went

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Konversi Suhu Kelas 7 SMP Beserta Jawabannya

6. She … her dog everyday.

A. To feed B. Feed C. Feeds D. Feeding

7. I … always … to the dentist.

A. Do not, go B. Does not, go C. Do not, went D. Does not, went

8. When … he &hellip...

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Kunci Jawaban

20 contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban, berikut contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban. 1. he …………………. to office by train everyday. (go).

20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Kunci Jawaban

TRIBUNPADANG.COM - Berikut contoh soal simple present tense essay dan kunci jawaban.

1. He …………………. to office by train everyday. (go) Jawaban : He goes to office by train everyday

2. The earth ……………… around the sun. (move) Jawaban : The earth move around the sun

3. Rain ………….. from the sky. (fall) Jawaban : Rain falls from the sky.

Baca juga: 25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawaban

4. My friend and I …………… Match everyday. (learn) Jawaban : My friend and I learn Match everyday

5. She …………….. a magazine everyday. (read) Jawaban : She reads a magazine everyday.

6.He ... them a money every month (give)

Jawaban: gives

7.What ... in your store ? (she, buy)

Jawaban: does she buy

8.How …. Every morning? (You, feel)

Jawaban: do you feel

9.The river Mahakam … into Java Sea ? (flow)

Jawaban: flows

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay

8 Cara Mengatasi Noda Hitam Jamur di Baju Putih, Tuntas Tanpa Merusak Bahan


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  • Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya ini berupa pilihan ganda atau multiple choice. Kamu bisa langsung menjawab soal yang tersedia dengan mengklik jawaban yang menurut kamu benar. Simple present tense itu sendiri merupakan salah satu tense yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan yang berfungsi untuk menjelaskan pekerjaan yang terjadi pada saat ini tanpa dijelaskan apakah pekerjaannya sedang atau telah dilakukan.

Jika tidak yakin apakah kamu sudah paham benar atau belum tentang simple present tense, sebaiknya baca terlebih dahulu penjelasan selengkapnya pada tulisan saya sebelumnya tentang: Pengertian, rumus, fungsi dan contoh simple present tense .

Kamu akan mendapatkan nilai dan jawaban yang benar serta alasannya setelah menyelesaikan kesepuluh soal berikut ini dengan menekan tombol view questions . Jadi pastikan jawab semua soal dengan benar. Dan silahkan tekan tombol restart jika ingin mengulangi lagi. Selamat mengerjakan!

[WpProQuiz 2]

Demikianlah latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabannya, semoga bermanfaat. Mohon berikan like, twit atau isikan nilai kamu pada kolom komentar sehingga teman-teman kamu di Facebook dapat ikut belajar mengerjakan soal ini. Terima kasih.

Materi Terkait:

  • Latihan Soal Present Continuous Tense dan Jawabannya
  • Latihan Soal Tes TOEFL Online Gratis – Structure
  • Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect Tense
  • Rumus Simple Present Tense, Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimatnya



point gue 80%, haha coba2 😀

Sangat bermanfaat. Silahkan berkunjung disini,

aku senang menjawabnya

100% haahaa

I got 100 ! Please make a difficult one please

susah :’V

keeps survive

keep fight …

100.thank u so muchao m7ch.rhank

perfecto – i got good result 100%

yayyyyyy…i got perfect result! 100%

I Like it…

good, i like

Thx. I got 100.

Yah, 50, coba lagi.

Yah, 50, coba lagi. (y) .

Thanks this web

thank you so much for your infornation

Thanks but i think very sulit

it’s easy, i got 100

anisa yola boleh kenalan gk]

lumayan 80 scorenya


mantap bener 9

Bagus and bermanfaat banget buat anak bangsa.

yah.. masi harus belajar lagi nih 🙁 🙁 belum bisa kuliah diluar negeri nih

ngaco niih gw bener semua jawabannya

aduh,,masih bingung aku

soalnya sama ya?


Bagus, bsa blajar d rumah nih !! Pemula gk pp deh 40% , mohon dukungannya

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  • Materi Tenses
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16 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense beserta Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda & Essay

16 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense beserta Jawabannya, Pilihan Ganda & Essay – Belajar simple present tense, tidak cukup menghafal formulanya saja karena kamu juga perlu berlatih menjawab soal-soal.

Berikut contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya yang lengkap.

Dengan rajin berlatih soal, pemahaman kamu tentang tenses akan semakin terasah. Alhasil, kemampuan bahasa Inggris kamu pun bertambah bagus. Cermati soal-soal berikut ini.

  • Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense beserta Jawabannya dalam Bentuk Pilihan Ganda

Soal 2 

Soal 3 , soal 4 , soal 6 , soal 7 , contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya dalam bentuk essay, soal 1 , soal 5 .

Pilihan ganda merupakan bentuk soal yang umum ditemui. Kamu harus memahami konteks soal sehingga bisa memilih jawaban yang benar di antara beberapa pilihan yang dijadikan pengecoh.

Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya dalam bentuk pilihan ganda atau multiple choices antara lain:

She … in Surabaya

a.   worked         b.   works c.   has worked d.   working

Cara untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 1 adalah memperhatikan bentuk kata kerja atau verbanya. Present tense memakai kata kerja dasar atau kata kerja pertama ( base form ). 

Pada soal simple present tense verba tersebut, jawabannya yakni (b) works. Alasannya, “work” merupakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau base form.

Penambahan akhiran “-s” pada kata kerja tersebut disebabkan oleh subject “She” yang merupakan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal. Jika jamak, tentu verbanya akan tetap “work”.   

Baca Juga :

27 Contoh Kalimat Positif Negatif dan Tanya Interogatif dalam Bahasa Inggris

They … Mira’s new friends.

a.   were b.   is c.   are d.   have been

Kunci menjawab soal tersebut adalah mengetahui subject-verb agreement. Pada soal, subject merujuk pada “they” yang merupakan kata ganti orang ketiga jamak (plural).

Sesuai aturan subject-verb agreement, pronomina “they” harus diikuti oleh verb to be “are”. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (c) are . Jika (a) were, maka konteksnya menjadi past tense bukan present.

Rumus Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris dan Contohnya 16 Tenses

Hendrik … football every Saturday with his friends. 

a.   playing b.   plays c.   played d.   is

Selanjutnya, contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya ini menunjukkan salah satu penggunaannya. Present simple bisa dipakai untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang rutin.

Pada soal, jawaban yang benar adalah (b) plays . Kalimat tersebut menyatakan aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan Hendrik. Kata keterangan “every” juga ditambahkan sebagai penegas.

Mary and Anna sometimes … to the nearest cinema to watch their favorite movie.

a.   go b.   went c.   goes d.   has been going

Kalimat pada soal menyatakan Mary dan Anna sebagai pelaku sehingga sudah jelas bahwa subjeknya jamak. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (a) go .

Ada kata keterangan penanda frekuensi (adverb of frequency) pada kalimat yakni “sometimes” . Jenis adverb tersebut memang bisa kamu tambahkan pada susunan kalimat simple present.

27+ Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

The school terms … next week according to the latest official announcement. 

a.   will start b.   starts c.   starting d.   will be starting

Apakah kamu berpikir untuk menjawab pilihan (a) will start? Berarti salah, ya! Jawaban yang benar untuk soal ini adalah (b) starts .

Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya sesuai konteks soal tersebut menunjukkan penggunaan present simple untuk suatu aktivitas yang sudah pasti di masa depan.

Pada kalimat, sudah ada keterangan waktu “next week”, maka menggunakan bentuk simple present tense yang ditandai dengan verba “starts”.

Cara Merubah Kalimat Pasif Menjadi Aktif Dalam Bahasa Inggris

The train to Jakarta … at 19.50 this evening.

a.   leave b.   will leave c.   leaves d.   will be leaving

Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut yakni (c) leaves . Subjek pada kalimat adalah “the train” yang sifatnya tunggal sehingga memakai verba dengan penambahan akhiran “-s”.

Sama halnya dengan nomor 5, present simple pada konteks ini juga dipakai untuk sesuatu yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan dengan jelas. Jadi, bukan memakai “will leave”.

… she go to the same college as Nanda? 

a.   Do b.   Does c.   Did d.   Is

Berikutnya, contoh soal simple present tense pilihan ganda bentuk interogatif. Cukup mudah untuk menentukan jawabannya yakni (b) Does.

Alasannya, subjek kalimat merujuk pada “she” yang merupakan pronomina tunggal. Selain itu, elemen yang mengikuti adalah verba sehingga tidak mungkin memakai kata tanya “is”.

400+ Contoh Kosakata Bahasa Inggris Sehari Hari Beserta Artinya

 … Andrea and Martha work on the weekend? 

a.   Did b.   Do c.   Does d.   Will

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut yakni (b) Do karena subjeknya dua orang sehingga menjadi jamak (plural). Elemen verba juga mengikuti di belakang, bukan bentuk kata sifat atau benda.

 … Caca from Malang? 

a.   Are b.   Is c.   Does d.   Do

Contoh soal simple present tense jamak dan tunggal lainnya ada pada nomor 9 ini. Jawaban yang benar, yaitu (b) Is karena Caca merujuk pada subjek tunggal.

Jika lebih dari satu, misalnya “Caca and Ani”, maka kata tanyanya menjadi jamak yakni “Are”. Tidak memakai “Does/Do” karena elemen yang mengikuti bukan jenis verba, tapi preposition.

Contoh Present Perfect Tense dan Cara Menggunakannya dengan Rumus

Selain pilihan ganda, bentuk soal essay juga bisa kamu temui. Tidak ada pilihan yang tersedia sehingga kamu harus menemukan sendiri jawaban yang paling pas untuk menjawab setiap soal.

Sebagai gambaran sekaligus latihan, berikut contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya yang dibuat dalam bentuk essay atau soal model fill in the blank.

Ambar  : .. .. .. alone?

Bintang : No, I do not. My friend and I share the room.

Cara mengerjakan soal tersebut adalah dengan membuat pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh Ambar. Sebagai bantuan, respons dari lawan bicara yakni Bintang sudah diberikan.

Kolom yang kosong diisi dengan pertanyaan “Do you live alone?”. Pada respons yang diberikan Bintang, ada kalimat “No, I do not.” yang bisa kamu jadikan acuan untuk membuat pertanyaannya.

11 Situs Translate Inggris ke Indonesia Online Paling Akurat Selain Google Translate

Bayu : … .. hobbies?

Akbar   : My hobbies are swimming and gardening. I .. to the swimming pool every weekend and .. gardening every month.

Berikutnya, soal simple present tense tentang hobi dalam bentuk pertanyaan. Bayu memakai kata “hobbies” yang berarti jamak, sehingga pertanyaannya menjadi “Do you have hobbies?”.

10 Contoh Kalimat Simple Present Tense Positif, Negatif, dan Tanya Dilengkapi Artinya

Please use the correct words to complete this paragraph:

Rahma (a) .. a nurse. She (b) .. at Rumah Sakit Kasih Sejahtera. Every morning, Rahma (c) .. to work by walking. She (d) .. from eight in the morning until six in the evening. 

Rahma usually (e) .. home at about 6.30 o’clock. Most evenings, she (f) .. at home and (g) .. a book or (h) .. television. At the weekend, she (i) .. to go swimming with her close friends.

Contoh soal simple present tense essay yang sedikit panjang bisa dalam bentuk melengkapi paragraf. Kamu perlu memahami konteks secara keseluruhan dan subject-verb agreementnya.

Jawaban yang benar yakni: (a) is; (b) works; (c) goes; (d) works; (e) goes; (f) is; (g) reads; (h) watches; (i) goes.

Q : “What time do you usually go to the cafetaria?”

A : “I usually .. cafetaria .. about 5 o’clock”

Jenis soal ini cukup mudah karena tinggal mengisi bagian yang belum lengkap. Jawabannya yakni “go” dan “at”. Memakai “go” karena subject kalimat adalah “I”.

Q : “What do you do in the evenings?”

A : “Most evenings, I .. .. home and .. TV or .. music.

Contoh soal simple present tense interogatif selanjutnya berhubungan dengan kegiatan yang sering dilakukan pada waktu tertentu.

Jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut yakni “go to”, “watches” dan “listens to”.

Maryam always .. her room at the weekend and .. book at her favorite book cafe. 

Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya tersebut menunjukkan aktivitas yang rutin dilakukan oleh seseorang pada waktu tertentu.

Jawaban yang benar yakni “cleans” dan “reads”.

7 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Bahasa Inggris beserta Jawabannya Pilihan Ganda

Dina .. Karya Mandiri School. She .. her best friends who … there, Nanda And Nila.

Jenis soal ini juga cukup mudah karena kalimat yang tidak rumit dan konteks yang sederhana. Jawabannya adalah “visits”, “meets” dan “work”.

Perlu memperhatikan subject-verb agreement agar tidak bingung untuk menentukan bentuk verba yang dilekatkan.

Dengan mencermati contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya, kamu bisa semakin mahir memakai simple present tense untuk menyatakan sesuatu.

Tidak hanya dipakai untuk kalimat berita atau pernyataan, kamu bisa memakai present simple untuk kalimat tanya. Pastikan kesesuaian antara subject dan verb -nya sudah benar, ya! 

7 Contoh Soal Teks Analytical Exposition dan Jawaban Pilihan Ganda

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50 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense & Jawabannya Download PDF

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense – akan memberikan penjelasan tentang soal hingga jawaban mata pelajaran bahasa inggris yakni mengenai kalimat kerja. Dimana seperti telah diketahui sebagian besar siswa bahwa simple present tense merupakan tense yang paling sering muncul.

Belajar bahasa inggris bukan sebuah hal baru di kurikulum pendidikan Indonesia, baik di tingkat dasar hingga tinggi. Hal itu karena bahasa inggris telah diakui sebagai cara interaksi internasional, sehingga hampir keseluruhan warga dunia perlu memahaminya.

Salah satu materi utama dalam pelajaran bahasa internasional tersebut adalah kalimat kerja dengan keterangan waktu atau lebih sering disebut sebagai tense. Tense sendiri terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) jenis yakni, present tense, future tense serta past tense.

Untuk memudahkan pelajar mempelajari tense, di kesempatan ini Kursiguru hendak menjelaskan seputar contoh soal present tense beserta jawabannya. Ulasan lengkap tentang soal soal present tense bisa kamu simak langsung di uraian berikut ini.

Pengertian Simple Present Tense

Penjelasan seputar contoh soal kali ini akan diawali dengan pengertian apa itu simple present tense. Dimana simple present tense (SPT) adalah sebuah bentuk kalimat kerja yang menyatakan fakta, kejadian masa sekarang (sedang terjadi) ataupun sebuah perilaku kebiasaan .

  • 8 Contoh Soal Nilai Waktu Uang : Rumus & Jawaban PDF
  • Contoh Soal Barisan dan Deret: Rumus Aritmatika dan Jawaban
  • Contoh Soal Permutasi dan Kombinasi: Rumus dan Jawaban
  • 20 Contoh Soal GGL Induksi Semua Kelas dan Pembahasan nya
  • 10 Contoh Soal Matematika Dasar Psikotes Kerja &…
  • 10 Contoh Soal PAS IPS Kelas 8 Semester 1 & Jawabannya PDF

Artinya, simple present tense menyatakan beberapa hal seperti :

  • Sebuah fakta (kebenaran umum).
  • Kejadian berulang yang sedang berlangsung.
  • Perilaku kebiasaan.

Perlu diketahui bahwa simple present tense ini merupakan tense yang paling umum dan sangat sering dipakai, maka memahami secara mendalam terkait simple present tense adalah keharusan.

Pemakaian Verb dalam Simple Present Tense

Kalimat simple present tense tentu tak bisa lepas dari sebuah kata kerja (verb). Oleh karena itu, kamu juga wajib tahu penggunaan verb yang benar di dalam simple present tense. Dimana sebagian besar verb dalam simple present tense menggunakan bentuk dasar saat subyek nya I, You, We, They .

Contoh : go, take, sleep, have, wash, etc. – I go to the school by bus.

Sementara ketika simple present tense mempunyai subyek orang ketiga yaitu He, She, It menggunakan verb diakhiri -s, -es, -ies .

Contoh : sleeps, watches, cries, studies, goes, carries, fixes, worries, plays, says, enjoys, etc. – She goes to the school by bus.

Jenis Simple Present Tense

Berdasarkan tujuan kalimatnya, soal simple present tense terbagi menjadi 3 (tiga) jenis yakni :

  • Simple Present Tense Affirmative (menyampaikan informasi). Contoh : Joko Widodo is the President of Indonesia.
  • Simple Present Tense Negative. Contoh : She doen’t read Shakespeare’s book everyday.
  • Simple Present Tense Interrogative (bentuk pertanyaan). Contoh : Do you play Genshin Impact every morning?

Rumus Soal Simple Present Tense

Berdasarkan pembahasan di atas, maka pengerjaan soal simple present tense dapat dituliskan ke dalam rumus khusus. Simaklah tabel di bawah untuk mengetahui rumus soal simple present tense.

AffirmativeI, You, They, We + V1 dasar+ O
He, She, It + (V1 -s, -es, -ies) + O
NegativeI, You, They, We + Do not (don’t) + V1 dasar+ O
He, She, It + Does not (doesn’t) + (V1 -s, -es, -ies) + O
InterrogativeDo + You, They, We + V1 dasar+ O + ?
Does + He, She, It + V1 dasar+ O + ?

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Selanjutnya penulis tentu akan memberikan beberapa contoh soal terkait simple present tense. Simaklah contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya di bawah ini untuk mengetahui gambaran pengerjaan tiap soal.

Contoh Soal (1)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense 1

Contoh Soal (2)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense 2

Contoh Soal (3)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense 3

Contoh Soal (4)

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense 4

Contoh Soal (5)

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Contoh Soal (6)

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Contoh Soal (7)

image 37

Contoh Soal (8)

image 38

Contoh Soal (9)

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Contoh Soal (10)

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Kunci Jawaban Soal Simple Present Tense

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Download Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Di atas adalah sebagian contoh persoalan terkait materi simple present tense dari Kursiguru. Bila kamu ingin mencoba mengerjakan soal simple present tense secara mandiri, silakan download langsung file PDF di bawah ini dengan cara klik tombol Unduh.

Itulah bahasan Kursiguru seputar contoh soal simple present tense bahasa inggris beserta jawaban serta download file PDF nya. Semoga setelah membaca uraian di atas, para pelajar di Indonesia semakin memahami tentang bagaimana cara mengerjakan soal simple present tense.

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Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense, Rangkuman Materi, & Jawabannya

Berikut contoh soal Simple Present Tense dan kunci jawabannya. Simak juga rangkuman materinya. - Contoh soal bab "Simple Present Tense" diperlukan sebagai bahan belajar siswa kelas 9 SMP. Rangkuman materi dan jawabannya juga disajikan agar peserta didik bisa mengukur pemahamannya.

Materi "Simple Present Tense" merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang dipelajari dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.

  • Materi Present Continuous Tense: Rumus, Fungsi, Contoh Kalimat
  • Materi Simple Past Tense: Rumus, Contoh Kalimat, & Soal-Jawaban
  • Materi Present Perfect Tense: Rumus, Fungsi, Contoh Kalimat

Rangkuman Materi Simple Present Tense

Rumus atau formula dari Simple Present Tense adalah Subject + Verb 1 + The rest of the sentences, sedangkan untuk kata ganti orang ketiga He/She/It + Verb 1+s/es + The rest of sentences.

Penggunaan 's/es' disesuaikan dengan akhiran kata kerja. Sebagai misal, untuk kata kerja berakhiran '-o', '-ch', '-sh', '-x', atau '-z' ditambahkan '-es' di akhir kata. Untuk kata kerja berakhiran konsonan 'y' ditambahkan '-ies' dengan menghilangkan imbuhan 'y'.

Untuk kata kerja berakhiran vokal 'y', cukup tambahkan 's'.

Secara lebih luas, penggunaan Simple Present Tense diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa aktivitas, antara lain sebagai berikut:

1. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum ( general truth )

Contoh kalimat:

  • The sun sunsets in the west
  • Water drifts from the higher place to the lower one
  • The moon is round like a ball
  • Indonesia has two seasons, wet and dry seasons
  • I teach English at MTs Darul Hikmah every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
  • Mother has lunch at 1 p.m.
  • They play football in the afternoon
  • We take a bath twice a day
  • The course begins at nine o'clock
  • She meets her fans on Sunday
  • When does the match start?
  • I sit beside you
  • He is in his bedroom now
  • They have much money
  • My mother is happy
  • He is handsome
  • We are in the classroom
  • Arman is a doctor
  • My father goes to his office by car
  • The cat catches the mouse everyday
  • Buffaloes eat grass
  • Shinta makes a cake on Wednesday
  • They visit their friend every Sunday

Contoh Soal Latihan Materi Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

Usai memahami materi Simple Present Tense di atas, siswa dapat menguji dan mengukur pemahaman dengan mengerjakan contoh soal berikut ini:

1. She … her dog everyday

2. I … always … to the dentist

A. Do not, go

B. Does not, go

C. Do not, went

D. Does not, went

3. When … you … a shower?

A. Do, took

B. Do, take

C. Do, taken

D. Do, taking

4. Q: Do you like to sing?

A. Yes, I likes to sing

B. Yes, I like to sing

C. Yes, I am liking to sing

D. Yes, I liked to sing

5. Tom and I … … together.

A. Do surfing

B. Don’t surfing

C. Do surfs

D. Don’t surf

6. I … breakfast every day at 7 AM

7. Q: How do you go to school?

A: We … the bus to school

8. Q: When do you do your homework?

A. I have did my homework at 6 pm

B. I did my homework at 6 PM

C. I do my homework at 6 PM

D. I am doing my homework at 6 PM

9. Q: Do you enjoy playing in the park?

A. No, I doesn’t playing in the park

B. No, I no enjoy playing in the park

C. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park

D. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park

10. Q: Does he love his mother?

A. He love his mother

B. He loves his mother

C. He to love his mother

D. He is loving his mother

11. We sometimes … by chance in the convenience store.

D. Will meets

12. Who … towards the post office?

B. Is walking

13. It … sunny tomorrow.

14. My father is so tired since he … our garden all day for planting vegetables.

A. Has been preparing

B. Has prepared

C. Prepared

D. Have prepared Jawaban: A

15. I had slept when you … last night.

D. Have call

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Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

15+ Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Lengkap Jawaban dan Pembahasannya

Apakah anda bersiap menghadapi test atau ujian bahasa Inggris, maka anda wajib menguasai topik pelajaran simple present tense yang kerap muncul pada soal test bahasa Inggris. Begini contoh soal simple present tense lengkap jawaban dan pembahasannya.

Sebagaimana yang kita ketahui bersama dimana bahasa inggris merupakan salah satu mata pelajaran yang penting dan sangat dibutuhkan dalam dunia modern dan global saat ini. Sebagai bahasa internasional, kemampuan bahasa inggris kerap muncul sebagai syarat wajib beasiswa ke luar negeri, hingga mendaftar kampus internasional hingga mendaftar pekerjaan pada perusahaan besar.

Berbicara mengenai belajar bahasa Inggris pastinya materi yang membahas mengenai simple present tense merupakan hal yang tidak terpisahkan sebab hal ini wajib diketahui untuk bisa menguasai bahasa inggris dengan sempurna.

Adapun simple present tense sendiri adalah bentuk tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi secara teratur, rutin, atau biasa dilakukan pada masa kini. Present dalam simple present tense artinya “masa kini”, kemudian simple artinya sederhana, dan tense adalah bentuk kata kerja sesuai periode waktu yang digunakan.

Present tense digunakan ketika seseorang hendak mengungkapkan suatu peristiwa atau fakta umum yang terjadi saat ini. Selain itu, simple present tense juga digunakan dalam pola kalimat conditional sentence type 0 dan conditional sentence type 1 yang diikuti dengan simple future tense.

Untuk menguji seberapa jauh anda menguasai simple present tense, maka kali ini kami akan membagikan contoh soal simple present tense lengkap jawaban dan pembahasannya yang bisa anda simak sebagai berikut.

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

She … in Surabaya

a. worked b. works c. has worked d. working

Cara untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 1 adalah memperhatikan bentuk kata kerja atau verbanya. Present tense memakai kata kerja dasar atau kata kerja pertama (base form).

Pada soal simple present tense verba tersebut, jawabannya yakni (b) works. Alasannya, “work” merupakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau base form.

Penambahan akhiran “-s” pada kata kerja tersebut disebabkan oleh subject “She” yang merupakan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal. Jika jamak, tentu verbanya akan tetap “work”.

They … Mira’s new friends.

a. were b. is c. are d. have been

Kunci menjawab soal tersebut adalah mengetahui subject-verb agreement. Pada soal, subject merujuk pada “they” yang merupakan kata ganti orang ketiga jamak (plural).

Sesuai aturan subject-verb agreement, pronomina “they” harus diikuti oleh verb to be “are”. Jadi, jawabannya adalah (c) are. Jika (a) were, maka konteksnya menjadi past tense bukan present.

Hendrik … football every Saturday with his friends.

a. playing b. plays c. played d. is

Selanjutnya, contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya ini menunjukkan salah satu penggunaannya. Present simple bisa dipakai untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang rutin.

Pada soal, jawaban yang benar adalah (b) plays. Kalimat tersebut menyatakan aktivitas rutin yang dilakukan Hendrik. Kata keterangan “every” juga ditambahkan sebagai penegas.

Mary and Anna sometimes … to the nearest cinema to watch their favorite movie.

a. go b. went c. goes d. has been going

Kalimat pada soal menyatakan Mary dan Anna sebagai pelaku sehingga sudah jelas bahwa subjeknya jamak. Maka, jawaban yang paling tepat adalah (a) go.

Ada kata keterangan penanda frekuensi (adverb of frequency) pada kalimat yakni “sometimes”. Jenis adverb tersebut memang bisa anda tambahkan pada susunan kalimat simple present.

The school terms … next week according to the latest official announcement.

a. will start b. starts c. starting d. will be starting

Apakah anda berpikir untuk menjawab pilihan (a) will start? Berarti salah. Jawaban yang benar untuk soal ini adalah (b) starts.

Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya sesuai konteks soal tersebut menunjukkan penggunaan present simple untuk suatu aktivitas yang sudah pasti di masa depan.

Pada kalimat, sudah ada keterangan waktu “next week”, maka menggunakan bentuk simple present tense yang ditandai dengan verba “starts”.

The train to Jakarta … at 19.50 this evening.

a. leave b. will leave c. leaves d. will be leaving

Jawaban yang tepat untuk soal tersebut yakni (c) leaves. Subjek pada kalimat adalah “the train” yang sifatnya tunggal sehingga memakai verba dengan penambahan akhiran “-s”.

Sama halnya dengan nomor 5, present simple pada konteks ini juga dipakai untuk sesuatu yang akan terjadi pada waktu yang sudah ditentukan dengan jelas. Jadi, bukan memakai “will leave”. Soal 7

… she go to the same college as Nanda?

a. Do b. Does c. Did d. Is

Berikutnya, contoh soal simple present tense pilihan ganda bentuk interogatif. Cukup mudah untuk menentukan jawabannya yakni (b) Does.

Alasannya, subjek kalimat merujuk pada “she” yang merupakan pronomina tunggal. Selain itu, elemen yang mengikuti adalah verba sehingga tidak mungkin memakai kata tanya “is”.

… Andrea and Martha work on the weekend?

a. Did b. Do c. Does d. Will

Jawaban untuk pertanyaan tersebut yakni (b) Do karena subjeknya dua orang sehingga menjadi jamak (plural). Elemen verba juga mengikuti di belakang, bukan bentuk kata sifat atau benda.

… Caca from Malang?

a. Are b. Is c. Does d. Do

Contoh soal simple present tense jamak dan tunggal lainnya ada pada nomor 9 ini. Jawaban yang benar, yaitu (b) Is karena Caca merujuk pada subjek tunggal.

Jika lebih dari satu, misalnya “Caca and Ani”, maka kata tanyanya menjadi jamak yakni “Are”. Tidak memakai “Does/Do” karena elemen yang mengikuti bukan jenis verba, tapi preposition. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense beserta Jawabannya dalam Bentuk Essay

Selain pilihan ganda, bentuk soal essay juga bisa anda temui. Tidak ada pilihan yang tersedia sehingga anda harus menemukan sendiri jawaban yang paling pas untuk menjawab setiap soal.

Untuk gambaran dan juga sekaligus bahan latihan, berikut contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya yang dibuat dalam bentuk essay atau soal model fill in the blank.

Ambar : .. .. .. alone?

Bintang : No, I do not. My friend and I share the room.

Cara mengerjakan soal tersebut adalah dengan membuat pertanyaan yang diajukan oleh Ambar. Sebagai bantuan, respons dari lawan bicara yakni Bintang sudah diberikan.

Kolom yang kosong diisi dengan pertanyaan “Do you live alone?”. Pada respons yang diberikan Bintang, ada kalimat “No, I do not.” yang bisa anda jadikan acuan untuk membuat pertanyaannya.

Bayu : … .. hobbies?

Akbar : My hobbies are swimming and gardening. I .. to the swimming pool every weekend and .. gardening every month.

Berikutnya, soal simple present tense tentang hobi dalam bentuk pertanyaan. Bayu memakai kata “hobbies” yang berarti jamak, sehingga pertanyaannya menjadi “Do you have hobbies?”.

Please use the correct words to complete this paragraph:

Rahma (a) .. a nurse. She (b) .. at Rumah Sakit Kasih Sejahtera. Every morning, Rahma (c) .. to work by walking. She (d) .. from eight in the morning until six in the evening.

Rahma usually (e) .. home at about 6.30 o’clock. Most evenings, she (f) .. at home and (g) .. a book or (h) .. television. At the weekend, she (i) .. to go swimming with her close friends.

Contoh soal simple present tense essay yang sedikit panjang bisa dalam bentuk melengkapi paragraf. Kamu perlu memahami konteks secara keseluruhan dan subject-verb agreementnya.

Jawaban yang benar yakni: (a) is; (b) works; (c) goes; (d) works; (e) goes; (f) is; (g) reads; (h) watches; (i) goes.

Q : “What time do you usually go to the cafetaria?”

A : “I usually .. cafetaria .. about 5 o’clock”

Jenis soal ini cukup mudah karena tinggal mengisi bagian yang belum lengkap. Jawabannya yakni “go” dan “at”. Memakai “go” karena subject kalimat adalah “I”.

Q : “What do you do in the evenings?”

A : “Most evenings, I .. .. home and .. TV or .. music.

Contoh soal simple present tense interogatif selanjutnya berhubungan dengan kegiatan yang sering dilakukan pada waktu tertentu.

Jawaban untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut yakni “go to”, “watches” dan “listens to”.

Maryam always .. her room at the weekend and .. book at her favorite book cafe.

Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya tersebut menunjukkan aktivitas yang rutin dilakukan oleh seseorang pada waktu tertentu.

Jawaban yang benar yakni “cleans” dan “reads”.

Dina .. Karya Mandiri School. She .. her best friends who … there, Nanda And Nila.

Jenis soal ini juga cukup mudah karena kalimat yang tidak rumit dan konteks yang sederhana. Jawabannya adalah “visits”, “meets” dan “work”. Anda hanya perlu memperhatikan subject-verb agreement agar tidak bingung untuk menentukan bentuk verba yang dilekatkan.

Demikian informasi mengenai contoh soal simple present tense lengkap jawaban dan pembahasannya yang bisa anda cermati untuk anda pelajari dan mengetest sejauh mana anda menguasai simple present tense yang sebenarnya sederhana untuk dipahami. Semoga berguna dan bermanfaat.

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Kampung Inggris Pare

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense : Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense

Belajar bahasa Inggris tidak akan berarti tanpa melatih kemampuan dengan mengerjakan soal. Nah, untuk kamu pemelajar pemula, kamu bisa mulai dari materi simple present tense dulu. Contoh soal simple present tense dalam artikel ini akan membantu kamu meningkatkan pemahaman terkait materi tersebut.

Berikut ini contoh soal simple present tense dan jawabannya.  

Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda

Coba kerjakan contoh soal simple present tense pilihan ganda berikut ini! 

  • Take a look at the butterfly, it …. lovely colors.

Jawaban : C

  • My brother drives a car to the office ….

Jawaban : D

  • The Antarctic is where penguins dwell. Although they can’t ….,  they can swim well.

Jawaban : B

The conversation that follows is for questions 4 through 6.

David : Is the man over there your father?

Hanin : He is, indeed.

David : What does he do?

Hanin : He is a tailor.

David : Honestly? He’s cool.

Hanin : He certainly creates many stylish garments.

David : Does he also sew your clothing?

Hanin : He makes my garments by sewing them. What about your father, by the way? He is what?

David : He is a soldier. He makes a lot of trips.

Hanin : Wow, He is also cool.

  • Who is the father of Hanin?
  • An architect
  • A journalist
  • How is Hanin’s clothing made?
  • her father does
  • A Soldier does
  • another tailor does

Jawaban : A

  • What is the father of David doing?
  • The plane to Makassar …. at 18.35 this evening.
  • Was leaving
  • Were leaving
  • …. Robert and Milan work out at the weekend? 
  • Ariana ….  bring a packed lunch every day.

          Avi : at 11.00 pm

  • What do you often do before going to bed?
  • What time do you typically have breakfast?
  • When do you typically go to bed?
  • What do you often do after dark?
  • How do you often wind down before bed?

Complete the story questions below!

Emma Alice is a buddy of mine. (11) She …. a senior high school classmate of mine in grade 12. Emma is a teenager. (12) She …. swimming, watching movies, and listening to music. She likes socializing with her friends as well. Emma is so friendly and polite.

She is an extremely typical American teen. (13) But she …. a peculiar pastime. Emma loves extreme sports, including wingsuit flying, kite surfing, paragliding, and bungee jumping, among others.

(14) Emma …. for a sports team. Twice a month, this club hosts an extreme activity on Sundays. Numerous contests of this form of sport are won by Emma. Extreme sports professional athlete is Emma’s dream.

She doesn’t worry about harm or danger. (15) Extreme activities are a part of her existence. She always …. . While engaging in intense sport, she is conscious of her life and enjoys it.

  • She …. a senior high school classmate of mine in grade.
  • She …. swimming, watching movies, and listening to music.
  • But she …. a peculiar pastime. 
  • Does Not have
  • Don’t having
  • Emma …. for a sports team.
  • Don’t sign up
  • Doesn’t signing up

Jawaban : E

  • Extreme activities are a part of her existence, she always …. .
  • Was claiming

My family consists of my mother, my father, three kids, and my grandma, for a total of six people. (16) I … (have) two older sisters, and I am the third daughter. My oldest sister is named Aliya, and my other sister is named Arifa.

Due to the lack of sons in my family, my father is the most attractive man. (17) He …. a taxi for a living. He enjoys socializing and assisting others. (18) Our father always …. God the glory for all things. He puts a lot of effort into meeting all of our needs.

My mum works diligently as well. She gets up so early every morning to prepare food before selling it. For us, she is the best chef. We adore her cuisine. (19) Normally, we …. (assist) her in making food to sell. Mother always remembers to take care of everyone in our family.

Our grandmother is also our roommate. She is the mother of our father. Our grandmother is beloved. Although she can be chatty at times, we are certain that she loves us. She delights in gardening. She fills our garden with a lot of flowers. (20) Our home …. (look) lovely because of the flowers.

  • I … two older sisters, and I am the third daughter. 
  • He …. a taxi for a living.
  • Are driving
  • Don’t drive
  • Doesn’t drive
  • Our father always …. God the glory for all things.
  • Beam and give
  • Beaming and giving
  • Beams and gives
  • Don’t beams and gives
  • Doesn’t beaming and giving
  • Normally, we ….  her in making food to sell. 
  • Don’t assist
  • Doesn’t assist
  • Our home …. lovely because of the flowers.
  • Does looking

 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay

Terkadang dalam soal ujian bahasa Inggris, tidak hanya berisi soal pilihan ganda. Namun, juga terdapat soal essay . Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk berlatih bagaimana mengerjakan soal essay dengan cepat dan benar. Berikut ini contoh soal simple present tense essay dan jawabannya .

Give the right response to the gaps!

  • Every day I … (assist) my father in the rice field. 
  • We … (not learn) English twice a day. 
  • He … (travel) on foot to school. 
  • She … (read) a book. 
  • Seattle … (experience) daily rainfall. 
  • We … (have) a gathering. 
  • They … (not comprehend) who I am. 
  • I …. (not want) to go. 
  • You …. (not need) to worry. 
  • He … (not) a soccer player. 
  • Tomatoes …. (not appeal) to her. 
  • Today … (not) a frigid day. 
  • We … (not leave)  tonight. 
  • They … (unwilling)  to attend. 
  • Do you …. (like) ice cream? 
  • Does he …. (reside) there? 
  • She …. (teach)  English, right? 
  • Is there …. (snow)  in the winter? 
  • Does Monday…. (have) a class? 
  • Are they …. (fluent) in French?
  • Every day I assist my father in the rice field. 
  • We don’t study English twice a day. 
  • He travels on foot to school. 
  • She is reading a book. 
  • Seattle experiences daily rainfall. 
  • We have a gathering. 
  • They don’t comprehend who I am. 
  • I do not want to go. 
  • You do not need to worry.
  • He is not a soccer player. 
  • Tomatoes don’t appeal to her. 
  • Today is not a frigid day. 
  • We are not leaving tonight. 
  • They are unwilling to attend. 
  • Do you like ice cream? 
  • Does he reside there? 
  • She teaches English, right?
  • Is there snow in the winter? 
  • Does Monday have a class? 
  • Are they fluent in French?

Itulah beberapa contoh soal simple present tense . Latihan ini berisi materi tenses yang sederhana dan sering muncul di ujian-ujian bahasa inggris baik SMP maupun SMA. Memperbanyak latihan soal akan membantu kamu memahami materi secara mendalam. Selamat mengerjakan!

  • Facebook Messenger
  • Mengenal Simple Present Tense: Rumus dan Contoh Kalimat
  • Simple Present Tense: Pengertian, Rumus, Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimatnya
  • Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Present Tense, Positif, Negatif, Interogatif
  • 55 Contoh Soal Simple Future Tense dan Jawabannya
  • Contoh Soal Simple Past Tense beserta Jawabannya

8 Contoh Keberagaman Budaya Indonesia yang Harus Dijaga

Belajar Memahami Arti Wife, Spouse, Woman, Consort, Housewife, dan Mate

Arti Wife, Spouse, Woman, Consort, Housewife, dan Mate

Beajar Memahami Arti Rich dan Wealthy serta Contoh Kalimatnya

Perhatikan Ini Arti Rich dan Wealthy serta Contoh Kalimatnya

Kumpulan Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Future Tense

Contoh Kalimat Passive Voice Simple Future Tense dan Artinya

Dimensi Bahasa Inggris

Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris

Simple Present Tense dan Contoh Latihan Soal Lengkap

B. mind mapping.

Dimensi Bahasa Inggris | Simple Present Tense


1. pola kalimat, a. verbal simple present (simple present yang menggunakan kata kerja), b. nominal simple present (simple present yang tidak mempunyai kata kerja), 2. penggunaan, 3. kata keterangan waktu untuk simple present tense:, d. latihan soal , 11 comments for "simple present tense dan contoh latihan soal lengkap".

150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban – Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat dasar hingga menengah dalam   150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban.

150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban

Part 1 (Elementary)

Put the verb in brackets into the correct form (All Tenses)!

Moving house

I come from a very large family and recently my parents _______ (DECIDE) that they _______ (SPEND) long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We _______ (MOVE) to the country”, my father _______ (ANNOUNCE) one evening. “I _______ (SELL) this house and we _______ (LIVE) on a farm”. So last week we _______ (LOAD) all our belongings into two hired vans, and for the last few days, we _______ (TRY) to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example, my two brothers and I _______ (START) painting the upstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I _______ (MIX) the paint, one of my brothers  _______ (OPEN) the door. Nobody _______ (TELL) him that we _______ (BE) in the room. So instead of painting the walls, we _______ (SPEND) all morning cleaning paint off the floor. But worse things _______ (HAPPEN) since then. This morning, when I _______ (WAKE) up, water _______ (DRIP) through the ceiling next to my bed. We _______ (SPENT) the last five hours repairing the roof. It is not all bad news though. The school in the village nearby _______ (CLOSE) down two years ago, and my parents  _______ (NOT FIND) another school for us yet.

Moving house I come from a very large family and recently my parents have decided (DECIDE) that they had spent (SPEND) long enough living in an overcrowded house in Birmingham. “We are moving (MOVE) to the country”, my father announced (ANNOUNCE) one evening. “I am selling/ am going to sell/ will sell (SELL) this house and we will live/ will be living / are going to live (LIVE) on a farm”. So last week we loaded (LOAD) all our belongings into two hired vans, and for the last few days, we have been trying (TRY) to organize ourselves in our new home. Yesterday, for example, my two brothers and I started  (START) painting the upstairs rooms. Unfortunately, while I was mixing (MIX) the paint, one of my brothers  opened (OPEN) the door. Nobody told (TELL) him that we were (BE) in the room. So instead of painting the walls, we spent (SPEND) all morning cleaning paint off the floor. But worse things have happened (HAPPEN) since then. This morning, when I woke (WAKE) up, water was dripping (DRIP) through the ceiling next to my bed. We have spent (SPENT) the last five hours repairing the roof. It is not all bad news though. The school in the village nearby closed (CLOSE) down two years ago, and my parents have not found (NOT FIND) another school for us yet.

Part 2 (Elementary)

Put the verb in brackets into the PRESENT SIMPLE or PRESENT CONTINUOUS tense!

I _______ (JUST WRITE) to tell you how much I _______ (APPRECIATE) the money you have sent me, and to tell you how I _______ (GET) on in my first term at university. In fact, I _______ (REALLY ENJOY) myself. I _______  (STUDY) quite hard as well, but at the moment I _______ (SPEND) a lot of time making new friends. I _______ (STILL STAY) with my friend Kate and I _______  (LOOK) for someplace to live on my own. Only a small number of first-year students _______ (LIVE) in college here and I _______ (SEEM) to be spending a lot of time travelling. I _______ (ATTEND) lectures every morning, and most afternoons I _______  (STUDY) in the library. In fact, I _______ (WRITE) this letter right now instead of an essay on Shakespeare. I think I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you’ve sent me. Everything _______ (COST) a lot here, and I _______ (SAVE) to buy a coat for the winter months. It _______ (GET) really cold here in the evenings. I now _______ (KNOW) some other students and we _______ (HAVE) quite a good time. I _______ (ALSO LEARN) to drive. University students _______ (GET) a refund if they take their tests here. I _______ (LOOK) forward to coming home next month. See you soon.

Dear Mum, I am just writing  (JUST WRITE) to tell you how much I appreciate  (APPRECIATE) the money you have sent me, and to tell you how I am getting (GET) on in my first term at university. In fact, I am really enjoying (REALLY ENJOY) myself. I am studying (STUDY) quite hard as well, but at the moment I am spending  (SPEND) a lot of time making new friends. I am still staying (STILL STAY) with my friend Kate and I am looking (LOOK) for someplace to live on my own. Only a small number of first-year students live (LIVE) in college here and I seem  (SEEM) to be spending a lot of time traveling. I attend (ATTEND) lectures every morning, and most afternoons I study  (STUDY) in the library. In fact, I am writing (WRITE) this letter right now instead of an essay on Shakespeare. I think I’ll buy some new clothes with the money you’ve sent me. Everything costs  (COST) a lot here, and I am saving (SAVE) to buy a coat for the winter months. It gets  (GET) really cold here in the evenings. I now know  (KNOW) some other students and we are having (HAVE) quite a good time. I am also learning (ALSO LEARN) to drive. University students get  (GET) a refund if they take their tests here. I am looking (LOOK) forward to coming home next month. See you soon. Sally

Part 3 (Elementary)

Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form.

1. It often _______ in Ireland. (rain)

2. _______ there now? (rain)

3. Susan _______ to her parents every Sunday night. (write)

4. Stop at once! You _______ the flowers every time the ball _______ in the garden. (break, land)

5. Where is Kevin? He _______ tennis with Sue. (play)

6. She normally _______ in Northbridge but she  _______ with friends at the moment. (live, stay)

7. Hurry up, the teacher _______ to begin. (wait)

8. I _______ a word Tim says. (not believe)

9. The new lawnmower _______ well at the moment. (work)

10. What _______ do for a living? (you, do)

11. As a secretary, I _______ hundreds of letters every week. (write)

12. My boss _______ to change jobs soon. (want)

13. Look! She _______ in the non- smoking area. (smoke)

14. We _______ our break now, Mr Smith. (take)

15. The well-known actor _______ a lot of fan mail. (get)

16. Dorothy _______ to read a good novel in her holidays. (love)

17. My brother _______ Italy the very moment I speak. (tour)

18. Such bad behaviour _______ me mad. (make)

19. He usually _______ out on Saturday night. (go)

20. She _______ by train to Liverpool today. (depart)

21. They _______ a game of cards right now. (have)

22. What _______ , Mom? (you bake)

23. Songs that are not popular _______ very well. (not sell)

24. I _______ a hat today because it is a special day. (wear)

25. _______ to the bridge club? (you belong)

26. The car _______ oil. Can you fix it? (lose)

27. Our children _______ playing in the hut. (enjoy)

28. The headmaster rarely _______ a class. (teach)

29. _______ if I ask a question? (you mind)

30. I _______ some money because we _______ to Vienna for the weekend. (save, travel)

31. What _______ ? – It _______ forty euros. (this one – cost, cost)

32. He never _______ to what you say. – He always keeps _______ about someone else. (listen, think)

33. The boy and his father _______ a long conversation. – I wonder what they _______ about. (have, talk)

34. Robert _______ the same bus every morning. (catch)

35. At the moment they _______ in a small flat but they are looking for something else. (live, look)

Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form. 1. It often rains  in Ireland. 2. Is it raining there now? 3. Susan writes  to her parents every Sunday night. 4. Stop at once! You break the flowers every time the ball lands  in the garden. 5. Where is Kevin? He is playing  tennis with Sue. 6. She normally lives  in Northbridge but she is staying with friends at the moment. 7. Hurry up, the teacher is waiting to begin. 8. I do not believe a word Tim says. 9. The new lawnmower is working well at the moment. 10. What do you do for a living? 11. As a secretary I write  hundreds of letters every week. 12. My boss wants  to change jobs soon. 13. Look! He  is smoking  in the non- smoking area. 14. We are taking our break now, Mr. Smith. 15. The well-known actor gets  a lot of fan mail. 16. Dorothy loves  to read a good novel in her holidays. 17. My brother is touring Italy the very moment I speak. 18. Such bad behavior makes  me mad. 19. He usually goes  out on Saturday night. 20. She is departing by train to Liverpool today. 21. They are having a game of cards right now. 22. What are you baking , Mom? 23. Songs that are not popular do not sell very well. 24. I am wearing a hat today because it is a special day. 25. Do you belong to the bridge club? 26. The car is losing oil. Can you fix it? 27. Our children enjoy  playing in the hut. 28. The headmaster rarely teaches  a class. 29 . Do you mind if I ask a question? 30. I am saving some money because we are travelling to Vienna for the weekend. 31. What does this one cost ? – It costs  forty euros. 32. He never listens  to what you say. – He always keeps thinking  about someone else. 33. The boy and his father are having a long conversation. – I wonder what they are talking about. 34. Robert catches  the same bus every morning. 35. At the moment they are living in a small flat but they are looking for something else.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] 75 Contoh Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Past Tense Beserta Jawaban [/su_box]

Part 4 (Elementary)

Present Tense – Simple or progressive

1. They normally _______ lunch at two. (have)

2. Are _______ in Paris this week? (you work)

3. You _______ new clothes every Saturday! (buy)

4. I played football at school but now I _______ swimming. (prefer)

5. I _______ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about? (have)

6. John _______ a difficult time at the university this year. (have)

7. My father _______ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know)

8. The moon _______ around the earth. (go)

9. Do _______ those men at the door? – They _______ at us very strangely. (you see, look)

10. We _______ that the contents of this letter should be changed. (feel)

11. They _______ lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. (have)

12. The watch _______ to my grandmother. (belong)

13. I _______ what you _______ me but I don’t agree with you. (hear, tell)

14. This medicine _______ a new substance. (contain)

15. These days we _______ tests at school. (always have)

16. Why _______ my coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It _______ like mine! (you wear, look)

17. This cake _______ strange. What’s in it? (smell)

18. Hi Jake. – What _______ at the moment? – I _______ the sunshine at the beach. (you do, enjoy)

19. Where _______ from? (new neighbours, come)

20. What _______ for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few weeks ago. – And what _______ now? – At the moment he _______ for a new job. (your Dad do, he do, look)

Present Tense – Simple or progressive 1. They normally have  lunch at two. 2. Are you working in Paris this week? 3. You buy  new clothes every Saturday! 4. I played football at school but now I prefer  swimming. 5. I have  no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about? 6. John is having a difficult time at the university this year. 7. My father knows  everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. 8. The moon goes round the earth. 9. Do you see those men at the door? – They are looking at us very strangely. 10. We feel  that the contents of this letter should be changed. 11. They are having lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. 12. The watch belongs  to my grandmother. 13. I hear what you are telling me but I don’t agree with you. 14. This medicine contains  a new substance. 15. These days we are always having tests at school. 16. Why are you wearing my coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It looks like mine! 17. This cake smells  strange. What’s in it? 18. Hi Jake. – What are you doing  at the moment? – I am enjoying  the sunshine at the beach. 19. Where do the new neighbours come from? 20. What does your Dad do for a living? – He is a government official but he quit his job a few weeks ago. – And what is he doing  now? – At the moment he is looking  for a new job.

Part 5 (Intermediate)

Fill in the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive)

Dear Editor,

I _______ (WRITE) this letter because it _______ (SEEM) to me that far too many changes _______ (TAKE) place in my country these days, and, as a result, we _______ (LOSE) our identity. I _______ (LIVE) in a small town but even this town _______ (CHANGE) before my eyes. For example, town authorities _______ (BUILD) a burger place where my favourite restaurant used to be. Our culture _______ (BELONG) to everybody, and I _______ (NOT UNDERSTAND) why the town leaders _______ (NOT DO) to preserve it. They simply _______ (NOT CARE). In fact, I _______ (THINK) of starting an action group. I _______ (APPEAR) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people aware of how important this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something before it _______ (GET) too late.

Fill in the correct form of the PRESENT TENSE (simple and progressive) Dear Editor, I am writing (WRITE) this letter because it seems (SEEM) to me that far too many changes are taking (TAKE) place in my country these days, and, as a result, we are losing (LOSE) our identity. I live (LIVE) in a small town but even this town is changing (CHANGE) before my eyes. For example, town authorities are building (BUILD) a burger place where my favorite restaurant used to be. Our culture belongs (BELONG) to everybody, and I don’t understand (NOT UNDERSTAND) why the town leaders a r en’t doing (NOT DO) to preserve it. They simply don’t care (NOT CARE). In fact, I am thinking (THINK) of starting an action group. I am appearing (APPEAR) on a TV show on Friday evening to make people aware of how important this issue is. It’s time for us to start doing something before it gets (GET) too late.

Part 6 (Intermediate)

1. You can’t see Tom now. He _______ a bath. (have)

2. He usually _______ coffee, but today he _______ tea. (drink, drink)

3. I won’t go out now because it _______ and I _______ an umbrella. (rain, not have)

4. In Spain women usually _______ hats. (not wear)

5. Who _______ that terrible noise? That is John. He _______ his nose. (make, blow)

6. My dentist always keeps _______ me to clean my teeth. I hate that. (tell)

7. He never _______ to the theatre. (go)

8. I _______ this weekend in Eastbourne. I _______ there nearly every week. (spend, go)

9. My wife always keeps _______ for more money at the end of the week. (ask)

10. Who _______ to on the phone? (you speak)

11. Anne _______ all her clothes. At the moment she _______ a dress for herself. (make, make)

12. What’s that smell? Something _______ in the kitchen. (burn)

13. I _______ overtime this month because I _______ up to buy a new car. (work, save)

14. He _______ thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he _______ very hard to stop. (smoke, try)

15. The sun _______ in the east and _______ in the west. (rise, set)

16. She usually _______ languages very fast but she _______ problems with Chinese at the moment. (learn, have)

17. He never _______ to the theatre. (go)

18. Do _______ television every night? (you watch)

19. He always _______ his bills on time. (pay)

20. My father usually _______ his breakfast at eight. (eat)

21. How long _______ to get to the office? It _______ me half an hour. (it take, take)

22. The boat _______ Victoria Station at 9. (leave)

23. _______ how old I am? (you know)

24. Jane’s husband _______. (not smoke)

25. It _______ in Egypt. (not often rain)

26. Florence _______ on the river Arno. (lie)

27. He usually _______ so quickly that I _______ him. (speak, not understand)

28. How _______ to work? – I usually _______ by car but tomorrow I _______ in Tom’s car. (you get, go, go)

29. Why _______ on your raincoat? – I _______ for a walk. – _______ to come with me? (you put, go, you want)

30. I always _______ lottery tickets but I never _______ .(buy, win)

31. _______ him? – I _______ him, but I _______ him. (you love, like, not love)

32. _______ him tonight? – Yes, I always _______ to him on his birthday. _______ to send him a message? (you write, write, you want)

33. That car _______ a very strange noise. _______ it’s all right? – Oh yes, that noise _______. It always _______ a noise like that. (make, you think, not matter, make)

34. The plane that you _______ at now _______ for Paris. (look, take off)

35. What _______ to his car now? – I think he _______ it. (he do, polish)

Present Tense – Simple or Progressive: Fill in the correct form. 1. You can’t see Tom now. He is having a bath. 2. He usually drinks  coffee, but today he is drinking tea. 3. I won’t go out now because it is raining and I don’t have an umbrella. 4. In Spain women usually do not wear hats. 5. Who is making that terrible noise? It is john. He is blowing his nose. 6. My dentist always keeps telling  me to clean my teeth. I hate that. 7. He never goes  to the theatre. 8. I am spending this weekend in Eastbourne. I go there nearly every week. 9. My wife always keeps asking  for more money at the end of the week. 10. Who are you speaking to on the phone? 11. Anne makes  all her clothes. At the moment she is making a dress for herself. 12. What’s that smell? Something is burning in the kitchen. 13. I am working  overtime this month because I am saving up to buy a new car. 14. He smokes  thirty cigarettes a day but at the moment he is trying very hard to stop. 15. The sun rises  in the east and sets  in the west. 16. She usually learns  languages very fast but she is having problems with Chinese at the moment. 17. He never goes to the theatre. 18. Do you watch television every night? 19. He always pays  his bills on time. 20. My father usually eats  his breakfast at eight. 21. How long does it take to get to the office? It takes  me half an hour. 22. The boat leaves  Victoria Station at 9. 23. Do you know how old I am? 24. Jane’s husband does not smoke . 25. It does not often rain in Egypt. 26. Florence lies  on the river Arno. 27. He usually speaks  so quickly that I don’t understand him. 28. How do you get to work? – I usually go  by car but tomorrow I am going in Tom’s car. 29. Why are you putting on your raincoat? – I am going for a walk. – Do you want to come with me? 30. I always buy  lottery tickets but I never win . 31. Do you love him? – I like  him, but I don’t love him. 32. Are you writing him tonight? – Yes, I always write  to him on his birthday. Do you want to send him a message? 33. That car is making a very strange noise. Do you think it’s all right? – Oh yes, that noise does not matter . It always makes  a noise like that. 34. The plane that you are looking  at now is taking off  for Paris. 35. What is he doing to his car now? – I think he is polishing it.

Semoga contoh soal di atas dapat menambah wawasan kalian dalam menjawab soal-soal di sekolah.

[su_box title=” Read More ” style=”default” box_color=”#333333″ title_color=”#FFFFFF” radius=”3″ class=””] Contoh Soal Passive Voice Beserta Jawaban dan Penjelasannya [/su_box]


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Latihan Soal Future Tense: 20 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

Latihan Soal Future Tense: 20 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya


Latihan soal Future Tense dengan 20 contoh soal bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya! Tingkatkan pemahaman kamu tentang Future Tense dan uji kemampuan grammar-mu dengan soal-soal yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu belajar. Cocok untuk semua level pembelajar bahasa Inggris yang ingin menguasai Future Tense.

Future Tense adalah salah satu tense yang paling sering digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris, terutama saat berbicara tentang rencana atau prediksi. Untuk membantu kamu lebih memahami tense ini, kami telah menyusun 20 contoh soal latihan Future Tense beserta jawabannya. Gunakan latihan ini untuk memperkuat penguasaan grammar-mu dan pastikan kamu siap dalam segala situasi yang melibatkan Future Tense!

Pengertian Future Tense

Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi di masa depan.

Subjek + will + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (Verb 1)

Contoh Kalimat:

  • Rencana: I will visit my grandparents next week. (Saya akan mengunjungi kakek-nenek saya minggu depan.)
  • Prediksi: It will rain tomorrow. (Akan turun hujan besok.)
  • Janji: She will help you with your homework. (Dia akan membantumu dengan pekerjaan rumah.)

Bentuk Negatif:

Subjek + will + not + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (Verb 1) Contoh: She will not (won't) go to the party. (Dia tidak akan pergi ke pesta.)

Bentuk Pertanyaan:

Will + Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk Pertama (Verb 1)? Contoh: Will you join us? (Apakah kamu akan bergabung dengan kami?)

Contoh Soal Future Tense

She ___ a book last night.

  • d) will read

They ___ soccer every weekend.

  • d) will play

I ___ my homework before I went to bed.

He ___ to the gym tomorrow morning.

We ___ dinner at 7 PM every day.

They ___ in New York for five years.

c) have lived

  • d) are living

She ___ the dishes after dinner last night.

I ___ already ___ breakfast this morning.

a) have, eaten

  • b) has, eaten
  • c) have, eat
  • d) has, eat

They ___ their new car next week.

d) will buy

The train ___ at 9 AM tomorrow.

We ___ for Paris last month.

He ___ to the party if he finishes his work on time.

She ___ studying when I called her.

They ___ dinner by the time I arrived.

a) had finished

  • c) finishes
  • d) finishing

I ___ a movie tonight.

  • c) watching

d) will watch

We ___ English every day.

  • d) studying

She ___ a beautiful song at the concert last night.

They ___ their homework before dinner every day.

The children ___ in the park when it started to rain.

  • c) are playing

d) were playing

I ___ the answer to the question immediately.

Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan:

  • Pembahasan: "Last night" menunjukkan waktu lampau, sehingga digunakan bentuk past tense "read" (dibaca "red").
  • Pembahasan: "Every weekend" menunjukkan kebiasaan rutin, jadi digunakan present simple tense "play."
  • Pembahasan: "Before I went to bed" menunjukkan aktivitas yang selesai sebelum aktivitas lainnya, sehingga digunakan past simple tense "did."
  • Pembahasan: "Tomorrow morning" menunjukkan masa depan, sehingga digunakan future tense "will go."
  • Pembahasan: "Every day" menunjukkan kebiasaan rutin, jadi digunakan present simple tense "eat."
  • Pembahasan: "For five years" menunjukkan durasi yang dimulai di masa lalu dan berlanjut hingga sekarang, sehingga digunakan present perfect tense "have lived."
  • Pembahasan: "Last night" menunjukkan waktu lampau, sehingga digunakan past simple tense "washed."
  • Pembahasan: "This morning" dengan penggunaan "already" menunjukkan present perfect tense "have eaten."
  • Pembahasan: "Next week" menunjukkan masa depan, sehingga digunakan future tense "will buy."
  • Pembahasan: Jadwal tetap seperti "train" menggunakan present simple tense "leaves" meskipun mengacu pada masa depan.
  • Pembahasan: "Last month" menunjukkan waktu lampau, sehingga digunakan past simple tense "left."
  • Pembahasan: Kalimat bersyarat ini menunjukkan rencana masa depan, sehingga digunakan future tense "will go."
  • Pembahasan: "When I called her" menunjukkan tindakan berlangsung di masa lalu, jadi digunakan past continuous tense "was studying."
  • Pembahasan: "By the time I arrived" menunjukkan suatu tindakan yang selesai sebelum tindakan lain di masa lalu, sehingga digunakan past perfect tense "had finished."
  • Pembahasan: "Tonight" menunjukkan masa depan, sehingga digunakan future tense "will watch."
  • Pembahasan: "Every day" menunjukkan kebiasaan rutin, jadi digunakan present simple tense "study."
  • Pembahasan: "Last night" menunjukkan waktu lampau, sehingga digunakan past simple tense "sang."
  • Pembahasan: "Every day" menunjukkan kebiasaan rutin, jadi digunakan present simple tense "do."
  • Pembahasan: "When it started to rain" menunjukkan aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung di masa lalu, jadi digunakan past continuous tense "were playing."
  • Pembahasan: Kalimat ini mengacu pada waktu lampau, sehingga digunakan past simple tense "knew."

Dengan menyelesaikan latihan soal ini, kamu sekarang memiliki pemahaman yang lebih baik tentang Future Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Teruslah berlatih dan gunakan soal-soal ini sebagai panduan untuk memperkuat kemampuan grammar-mu. Ingat, konsistensi adalah kunci untuk menguasai bahasa! Keep practicing, and you'll be speaking confidently in no time, Englishnesian! - Pusat Referensi Pilihan

50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban

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WISLAH.COM – Berikut “ 50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban ” untuk membantu siswa mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS). UTS atau PTS adalah momen penting untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan. Dengan berlatih menggunakan contoh soal, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan kelemahan mereka, serta meningkatkan kepercayaan diri dalam menghadapi ujian sebenarnya.

Buku yang menjadi sumber soal ini adalah “ Bahasa Inggris: Work in Progress untuk SMA/SMK/MA Kelas X “. Buku ini dipilih karena menyajikan materi yang relevan dengan Kurikulum Merdeka, serta menawarkan beragam latihan soal yang sesuai dengan tingkat kemampuan siswa kelas 10.

Berlatih dengan contoh soal seperti ini sangat penting karena memberikan siswa gambaran tentang jenis-jenis pertanyaan yang mungkin muncul dalam PTS. Selain itu, latihan soal juga membantu siswa memperkuat pemahaman konsep, meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa Inggris, dan mengasah kemampuan mereka dalam menganalisis serta menjawab pertanyaan secara efektif.

A. 40 Soal Pilihan Ganda PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

Read the following text and answer questions 1-5:

Cristiano Ronaldo has very strong determination. He used to train very hard since his childhood. He knew that a footballer requires good stamina because a football match requires a player to run at least 10 kilometers in a single match. Sometimes, he even trained himself continuously from morning until evening. He also challenged himself by playing along with older players.

He becomes so skillful and confident that his opponents cannot figure out how to stop Ronaldo from making a goal. Normal football players will use their single leg of their dominant side body, i.e. players of right-handed or left-handed use their respective legs to score goals but Ronaldo can easily use both of his legs efficiently to make goals. In addition to that, he can use his head to score goals as well.

  • What is the main idea of the text? a. Cristiano Ronaldo’s training routine b. Cristiano Ronaldo’s skills and determination c. Cristiano Ronaldo’s childhood d. Cristiano Ronaldo’s diet

Jawabannya: b. Cristiano Ronaldo’s skills and determination

  • Why did Ronaldo train very hard? a. Because he wanted to be rich b. Because he wanted to be famous c. Because he knew that a footballer requires good stamina d. Because he wanted to break a world record

Jawabannya: c. Because he knew that a footballer requires good stamina

  • What makes Cristiano Ronaldo different from other players in scoring goals? a. He can score goals using his head b. He can use both of his legs efficiently to make goals c. He has good stamina d. He has strong determination

Jawabannya: b. He can use both of his legs efficiently to make goals

  • The word “opponent” in paragraph 2 has the closest meaning to … a. teammate b. rival c. friend d. supporter

Jawabannya: b. rival

  • “He also challenged himself by playing along with older players.” The word ‘he’ refers to … a. Cristiano Ronaldo b. Football players c. Older players d. The writer

Jawabannya: a. Cristiano Ronaldo

Read the following text and answer questions 6-10:

The game continued scoreless up until the half time interval, but as the second half of the game started, the intensity of the game increased. In the meanwhile, I was getting nervous in the stadium because my team wasn’t exactly playing up to our expectations. In fact, my team was lucky to survive a few scoring chances from the opponent team.

Then, suddenly, the ball was passed to the main “striker” of my favorite team from nowhere, and a goal was scored by my team, leaving the supporters of my team completely ecstatic and crazy with the feeling of a possible victory. And, in the end, we were indeed the victorious team.

  • What is the main idea of the text? a. The writer’s experience watching a football match b. The writer’s favorite football team c. The intensity of the football match d. The writer’s feeling about the match

Jawabannya: a. The writer’s experience watching a football match

  • Why was the writer getting nervous? a. Because his team was losing b. Because his team was not playing well c. Because the opponent team was playing very well d. Because the match was too intense

Jawabannya: b. Because his team was not playing well

  • What happened in the second half of the game? a. The writer’s team scored a goal b. The opponent team scored a goal c. The match was still scoreless d. The match was stopped

Jawabannya: a. The writer’s team scored a goal

  • The word ‘ecstatic’ in paragraph 2 has the closest meaning to … a. sad b. angry c. overjoyed d. disappointed

Jawabannya: c. overjoyed

  • “And, in the end, we were indeed the victorious team.” The word ‘we’ refers to … a. The writer and his friends b. The writer and his team c. The writer and the supporters of his favorite team d. The writer and the opponent team

Jawabannya: c. The writer and the supporters of his favorite team

  • What is the definition of an athlete? a. Someone who enjoys watching sports b. Someone who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise c. Someone who studies sports d. Someone who writes about sports

Jawabannya: b. Someone who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise

  • Which of the following is NOT mentioned as one of the most important qualities of a great athlete? a. Perseverance and determination b. Grit c. Wealth d. Good sportsmanship

Jawabannya: c. Wealth

  • What is the purpose of a descriptive text? a. To tell a story b. To explain how something works c. To describe a person, place, or thing d. To persuade the reader

Jawabannya: c. To describe a person, place, or thing

  • Which of the following is an example of an adjective? a. Quickly b. Run c. Beautiful d. Yesterday

Jawabannya: c. Beautiful

  • Which of the following is an example of an adverb? a. Happy b. Skillfully c. Ball d. Green

Jawabannya: b. Skillfully

  • What are the three main parts of a descriptive text? a. Introduction, body, and conclusion b. Orientation, complication, and resolution c. Identification, description, and conclusion d. Thesis, arguments, and reiteration

Jawabannya: c. Identification, description, and conclusion

  • What is the purpose of a recount text? a. To describe a person, place, or thing b. To retell past events c. To explain how something works d. To persuade the reader

Jawabannya: b. To retell past events

  • Which of the following is NOT a type of recount text? a. Personal recount b. Factual recount c. Imaginary recount d. Historical recount

Jawabannya: c. Imaginary recount

  • What are the three main parts of a recount text? a. Introduction, body, and conclusion b. Orientation, series of events, and reorientation c. Identification, description, and conclusion d. Thesis, arguments, and reiteration

Jawabannya: b. Orientation, series of events, and reorientation

  • Which of the following is an example of an adverb of time? a. Beautifully b. Yesterday c. Slowly d. Happy

Jawabannya: b. Yesterday

  • What is the difference between past simple and past continuous tense? a. Past simple describes completed actions in the past, while past continuous describes actions in progress in the past b. Past simple describes actions in progress in the past, while past continuous describes completed actions in the past c. Past simple describes actions in the present, while past continuous describes actions in the future d. There is no difference between past simple and past continuous tense

Jawabannya: a. Past simple describes completed actions in the past, while past continuous describes actions in progress in the past

  • Which of the following sentences is in the past simple tense? a. I am eating breakfast. b. She will go to the beach tomorrow c. They played football yesterday d. He is watching TV

Jawabannya: c. They played football yesterday

  • Which of the following sentences is in the past continuous tense? a. I was studying when you called b. He ate dinner last night. c. She is reading a book. d. We will visit our grandparents next week

Jawabannya: a. I was studying when you called

  • Which of the following sentences is NOT grammatically correct? a. They were playing basketball when it started to rain b. She was sleeping when the phone rang c. I was eat breakfast when you arrived d. He was driving to work when he got a flat tire

Jawabannya: c. I was eat breakfast when you arrived

  • What is the purpose of an analytical exposition text? a. To describe a person, place, or thing b. To retell past events c. To present an argument and persuade the reader d. To explain how something works

Jawabannya: c. To present an argument and persuade the reader

  • What are the three main parts of an analytical exposition text? a. Introduction, body, and conclusion b. Orientation, series of events, and reorientation c. Thesis, arguments, and reiteration d. Identification, description, and conclusion

Jawabannya: c. Thesis, arguments, and reiteration

  • What is the purpose of a thesis statement in an analytical exposition text? a. To introduce the topic b. To present the writer’s main argument c. To summarize the text d. To provide evidence

Jawabannya: b. To present the writer’s main argument

  • Which of the following is an example of a conjunction? a. Because b. Happy c. Run d. Beautiful

Jawabannya: a. Because

  • What is the difference between active and passive voice? a. Active voice focuses on the subject performing the action, while passive voice focuses on the object receiving the action b. Active voice focuses on the object receiving the action, while passive voice focuses on the subject performing the action c. There is no difference between active and passive voice d. Active voice is used in the past tense, while passive voice is used in the present tense

Jawabannya: a. Active voice focuses on the subject performing the action, while passive voice focuses on the object receiving the action

  • Which of the following sentences is in the passive voice? a. The ball was kicked by the boy b. She ate the cake c. He is writing a letter d. They will go to the park

Jawabannya: a. The ball was kicked by the boy

  • What is the main purpose of sports events? a. To provide entertainment b. To promote physical activity and health c. To foster competition and sportsmanship d. All of the above

Jawabannya: d. All of the above

  • Which of the following is NOT a common type of sports event? a. Championships b. Tournaments c. Olympics d. Bake-offs

Jawabannya: d. Bake-offs

  • What is the role of a referee in a sports event? a. To enforce the rules of the game b. To keep track of the score c. To ensure fair play d. All of the above
  • What is the purpose of a news item text? a. To describe a person, place, or thing b. To retell past events c. To present an argument and persuade the reader d. To inform the reader about current events

Jawabannya: d. To inform the reader about current events

  • What are the three main parts of a news item text? a. Introduction, body, and conclusion b. Orientation, series of events, and reorientation c. Newsworthy event, background events, and sources d. Thesis, arguments, and reiteration

Jawabannya: c. Newsworthy event, background events, and sources

  • What is the purpose of a headline in a news item text? a. To summarize the main idea of the article b. To grab the reader’s attention c. To provide additional information d. Both a and b

Jawabannya: d. Both a and b

  • Which of the following is an example of a question word? a. Who b. And c. But d. Happy

Jawabannya: a. Who

  • What is the difference between direct and indirect questions? a. Direct questions are asked directly to someone, while indirect questions are reported speech b. Direct questions are reported speech, while indirect questions are asked directly to someone c. There is no difference between direct and indirect questions d. Direct questions are used in the past tense, while indirect questions are used in the present tense

Jawabannya: a. Direct questions are asked directly to someone, while indirect questions are reported speech

  • Which of the following is an example of an indirect question? a. “Where are you going?” b. “She asked where I was going” c. “What is your name?” d. “Do you like ice cream?”

Jawabannya: b. “She asked where I was going”

  • Which of the following sentences is NOT grammatically correct? a. He asked me what time it was b. She wanted to know if I was coming to the party c. They asked me where did I live d. I wondered why he was late

Jawabannya: c. They asked me where did I live

B. 10 Soal Essay PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

The roar of the crowd filled the stadium as the athletes lined up for the 100-meter dash. The tension was palpable, each sprinter a picture of focus and determination. The starting gun fired, and they exploded off the blocks, a blur of speed and power. The finish line approached, and in a photo finish, Usain Bolt crossed first, shattering his own world record. The crowd erupted, a testament to the thrill and inspiration of witnessing greatness in sports.

  • Identify the type of sports event described in the text and explain its significance.

Jawaban: The text describes a 100-meter dash race, a track and field event where athletes compete to run the shortest distance in the fastest time. It is a highly anticipated and prestigious event, often considered a highlight of major sporting competitions like the Olympics, showcasing the pinnacle of human speed and athleticism.

  • Describe the atmosphere in the stadium before and after the race.

Jawaban: Before the race, the atmosphere was tense and filled with anticipation. The crowd’s roar and the athletes’ focused demeanor created a sense of excitement and expectation. After the race, particularly after Usain Bolt’s record-breaking win, the atmosphere transformed into one of elation and celebration. The crowd erupted in cheers, showcasing the thrill and inspiration of witnessing such an extraordinary feat.

  • Explain the significance of Usain Bolt breaking his own world record.

Jawaban: Usain Bolt breaking his own world record is significant because it demonstrates his continuous pursuit of excellence and pushes the boundaries of human potential. It solidifies his status as one of the greatest athletes of all time and inspires others to strive for greatness in their own endeavors.

  • Discuss the qualities that make Usain Bolt a great athlete, based on the information in the text.

Jawaban: The text highlights Usain Bolt’s focus, determination, and exceptional speed and power. These qualities, combined with his ability to perform under immense pressure, contribute to his success as a great athlete.

  • Reflect on the impact of witnessing such a remarkable sporting achievement on the spectators.

Jawaban: Witnessing Usain Bolt break a world record likely left a lasting impact on the spectators. It could inspire them to pursue their own goals with greater passion and dedication, instill a sense of awe and wonder at the capabilities of the human body, and create a shared sense of excitement and joy in celebrating a historic moment in sports.

Practical Essay Questions

  • Write a descriptive paragraph about your favorite athlete, highlighting their achievements and qualities that inspire you.

Jawaban: My favorite athlete is Serena Williams, an iconic tennis player whose dominance and resilience have captivated the world. With her powerful serve, aggressive groundstrokes, and unwavering determination, she has amassed an impressive collection of Grand Slam titles and Olympic gold medals. Beyond her athletic prowess, Serena’s unwavering self-belief, mental fortitude, and advocacy for social justice make her a true inspiration. She has shattered barriers and redefined what is possible for women in sports, motivating countless individuals to chase their dreams relentlessly.

  • Write a recount text about a memorable sports event you attended or watched, focusing on the key events and your personal experience.

Jawaban: I will never forget the exhilarating experience of watching the 2018 FIFA World Cup final between France and Croatia. The atmosphere in the stadium was electric, with fans from both nations passionately cheering for their teams. The match itself was a rollercoaster of emotions, with Croatia taking an early lead, only to be pegged back by France. The tension mounted as the game progressed, and when France finally secured victory with a 4-2 scoreline, the stadium erupted in jubilation. I was swept up in the excitement, sharing the joy and camaraderie with fellow fans, and the memory of that unforgettable night remains etched in my mind.

  • Construct an analytical exposition text arguing for or against the importance of participating in sports for young people.

Thesis: Participating in sports is crucial for the holistic development of young people, fostering physical health, mental well-being, and valuable life skills.

  • Physical Health: Regular sports participation promotes physical fitness, strengthens muscles and bones, and reduces the risk of chronic diseases. It helps young people maintain a healthy weight, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances coordination and agility.
  • Mental Well-being: Sports provide an outlet for stress relief, boost mood, and enhance self-esteem. Teamwork and social interaction in sports foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
  • Life Skills: Sports participation cultivates discipline, perseverance, teamwork, and leadership skills. Young people learn to set goals, work hard to achieve them, and overcome challenges, valuable lessons that extend beyond the sports field.

Reiteration: The numerous benefits of sports participation make it an essential aspect of a young person’s life. By engaging in sports, young people not only improve their physical health and mental well-being but also develop crucial life skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

  • Change the following sentence from active to passive voice: “The coach trained the team rigorously.”

Jawaban: The team was trained rigorously by the coach.

  • Write five sentences using different conjunctions to connect ideas and create complex sentences.
  • Although it was raining heavily, we decided to go for a walk in the park.
  • She studied hard for the exam, yet she still felt nervous on the day of the test.
  • Not only is he a talented musician, but he is also a skilled painter.
  • We can either go to the beach or visit the museum, depending on the weather.
  • He finished his homework early so that he could go out with his friends.

Demikian “ 50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban “. Semoga dapat memberikan referensi yang bermanfaat bagi siswa dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi PTS Bahasa Inggris. Dengan berlatih secara konsisten dan memahami konsep-konsep yang telah diajarkan, siswa diharapkan dapat meraih hasil yang memuaskan dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berbahasa Inggris.

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50 contoh kalimat simple present tense, lengkap dengan penjelasannya, dalam simple present tense, ada dua jenis kalimat, yaitu kalimat verbal dan kalimat nominal..

Sri Jumiyarti Risno

10 September 2024 13:10 - Simple present tense adalah salah satu bentuk tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau situasi yang terjadi secara rutin. Struktur kalimat simple present tense terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja dasar untuk subjek orang pertama, kedua, maupun jamak, sedangkan untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal, kata kerja mendapat tambahan -s atau -es.

Contoh kalimat simple present tense dapat membantu memudahkan pemahaman dalam penggunaan tenses ini untuk berbagai situasi sehari-hari. Dalam simple present tense, ada dua jenis kalimat, yaitu kalimat verbal dan kalimat nominal. Kalimat verbal menggunakan kata kerja (verb), sementara kalimat nominal menggunakan kata kerja bantu seperti “am,” “is,” atau “are”.

Dengan mempelajari contoh kalimat simple present tense, pembaca dapat lebih mudah memahami perbedaan antara kalimat verbal dan nominal dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Penting untuk memahami penggunaan simple present tense karena tenses ini sering digunakan dalam percakapan maupun tulisan.

Penggunaan tenses yang tepat dapat membantu menyampaikan maksud dengan jelas, terutama saat berbicara tentang rutinitas atau fakta umum. Contoh kalimat simple present tense yang akan disajikan dalam artikel ini diharapkan dapat membantu pembaca untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbahasa Inggris.

Yuk simak ulasan lengkap 50 contoh kalimat simple present tense, yang disadur dari berbagai sumber, Selasa (10/9)

Contoh kalimat simple present tense

contoh kalimat simple present tense © 2024


1. "She always takes her dog for a walk in the park every morning." (Dia selalu membawa anjingnya berjalan-jalan di taman setiap pagi.)

2. "The sun rises in the east and sets in the west every day." (Matahari terbit di timur dan terbenam di barat setiap hari.)

3. "My brother works at a bank and enjoys helping customers with their financial needs." (Saudaraku bekerja di sebuah bank dan senang membantu pelanggan dengan kebutuhan keuangan mereka.)

4. "They visit their grandparents in the countryside every summer for a family reunion." (Mereka mengunjungi kakek dan nenek mereka di pedesaan setiap musim panas untuk reuni keluarga.)

5. "The train leaves the station at 7 AM sharp, so you should arrive early." (Kereta berangkat dari stasiun tepat pukul 7 pagi, jadi kamu harus tiba lebih awal.)

6. "Our teacher gives us homework every day to reinforce the lessons we learn in class." (Guru kami memberikan pekerjaan rumah setiap hari untuk memperkuat pelajaran yang kami pelajari di kelas.)

7. "She reads a new book every month and writes detailed reviews about them." (Dia membaca buku baru setiap bulan dan menulis ulasan rinci tentang buku-buku tersebut.)

8. "The children play soccer in the school yard every afternoon after classes are over." (Anak-anak bermain sepak bola di halaman sekolah setiap sore setelah kelas selesai.)

9. "The chef prepares delicious meals using fresh ingredients from the local market." (Koki menyiapkan makanan lezat dengan menggunakan bahan-bahan segar dari pasar lokal.)

10. "He usually drives his car to work, but sometimes he prefers to take the train." (Dia biasanya mengendarai mobilnya ke tempat kerja, tetapi terkadang dia lebih suka naik kereta.)

11. "The company hosts an annual conference to discuss the latest trends in technology." (Perusahaan menyelenggarakan konferensi tahunan untuk membahas tren terbaru dalam teknologi.)

12. "The birds sing beautifully in the morning, especially during the spring season." (Burung-burung bernyanyi dengan indah di pagi hari, terutama selama musim semi.)

13. "I often listen to podcasts on my way to work to learn new things." (Saya sering mendengarkan podcast dalam perjalanan ke tempat kerja untuk mempelajari hal-hal baru.)

14. "She teaches math at the local high school and enjoys helping students understand difficult concepts." (Dia mengajar matematika di sekolah menengah setempat dan senang membantu siswa memahami konsep-konsep sulit.)

15. "We usually eat dinner together as a family, discussing our day and sharing stories." (Kami biasanya makan malam bersama sebagai keluarga, mendiskusikan hari kami dan berbagi cerita.)

16. "He repairs cars in his garage and helps his neighbors with their vehicle problems." (Dia memperbaiki mobil di garasinya dan membantu tetangganya dengan masalah kendaraan mereka.)

17. "The team practices every evening to prepare for the upcoming tournament." (Tim berlatih setiap malam untuk mempersiapkan turnamen yang akan datang.)

18. "She decorates her home for every holiday, making it festive and welcoming for guests." (Dia mendekorasi rumahnya untuk setiap liburan, membuatnya meriah dan menyambut tamu.)

19. "The gardener waters the plants every morning to keep them healthy and vibrant." (Tukang kebun menyiram tanaman setiap pagi untuk menjaga mereka tetap sehat dan segar.)

20. "They study English every weekend to improve their language skills and prepare for exams." (Mereka belajar bahasa Inggris setiap akhir pekan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan bahasa dan mempersiapkan ujian.)

21. "He plays the guitar in a band and performs at local venues every weekend." (Dia bermain gitar di sebuah band dan tampil di tempat-tempat lokal setiap akhir pekan.)

23. "We often go hiking in the mountains to enjoy the fresh air and beautiful scenery." (Kami sering mendaki di pegunungan untuk menikmati udara segar dan pemandangan indah.)

24. "She loves to bake cookies for her friends and family whenever they visit her home." (Dia suka membuat kue untuk teman-teman dan keluarganya setiap kali mereka mengunjungi rumahnya.)

25. "The office staff answers emails and schedules meetings throughout the day." (Staf kantor menjawab email dan menjadwalkan pertemuan sepanjang hari.)

26. "I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning before starting my work." (Saya selalu minum secangkir kopi di pagi hari sebelum memulai pekerjaan saya.)

27. "He takes care of his pets and ensures they have everything they need to stay healthy." (Dia merawat hewan peliharaannya dan memastikan mereka memiliki semua yang mereka butuhkan untuk tetap sehat.)

28. "They attend yoga classes every week to stay fit and reduce stress." (Mereka menghadiri kelas yoga setiap minggu untuk tetap bugar dan mengurangi stres.)

29. "The shop opens at 9 AM and closes at 6 PM, offering a wide range of products." (Toko buka pukul 9 pagi dan tutup pukul 6 sore, menawarkan berbagai macam produk.)

30. "She frequently volunteers at the community center, helping with various activities." (Dia sering menjadi sukarelawan di pusat komunitas, membantu dengan berbagai kegiatan.)

31. "My friend calls me every evening to talk about his day and share interesting news." (Teman saya menelepon saya setiap malam untuk berbicara tentang harinya dan berbagi berita menarik.)

32. "The coach motivates his players by giving them positive feedback during practice." (Pelatih memotivasi para pemainnya dengan memberikan umpan balik positif selama latihan.)

33. "The family watches movies together every Friday night as part of their tradition." (Keluarga menonton film bersama setiap Jumat malam sebagai bagian dari tradisi mereka.)

34. "I water the plants on my balcony every morning to ensure they grow well." (Saya menyiram tanaman di balkon saya setiap pagi untuk memastikan mereka tumbuh dengan baik.)

35. "He writes articles for a magazine and enjoys researching various topics." (Dia menulis artikel untuk majalah dan senang meneliti berbagai topik.)

36. "The children visit their aunt's house every weekend and play with their cousins." (Anak-anak mengunjungi rumah bibi mereka setiap akhir pekan dan bermain dengan sepupu mereka.)

37. "She organizes events at her workplace and ensures everything runs smoothly." (Dia mengorganisir acara di tempat kerjanya dan memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar.)

38. "We walk our dog in the park every evening, enjoying the fresh air and nature." (Kami berjalan-jalan dengan anjing kami di taman setiap sore, menikmati udara segar dan alam.)

39. "The students study hard for their exams, hoping to achieve good grades." (Para siswa belajar keras untuk ujian mereka, berharap mendapatkan nilai yang baik.)

40. "The chef prepares gourmet meals every night, delighting his guests with unique flavors." (Koki menyiapkan hidangan gourmet setiap malam, menyenangkan tamunya dengan rasa yang unik.)

41. "He repairs bicycles in his free time and enjoys helping people get back on the road." (Dia memperbaiki sepeda di waktu luangnya dan senang membantu orang-orang kembali ke jalan.)

42. "We clean the house every weekend to keep it tidy and organized." (Kami membersihkan rumah setiap akhir pekan untuk menjaganya tetap rapi dan teratur.)

43. "She shops for groceries every Sunday, making sure to buy fresh and healthy food." (Dia berbelanja bahan makanan setiap hari Minggu, memastikan membeli makanan yang segar dan sehat.)

44. "The team meets every Monday morning to discuss the week's plans and goals." (Tim bertemu setiap Senin pagi untuk membahas rencana dan tujuan minggu ini.)

45. "I write in my journal every night to reflect on my day and set goals for tomorrow." (Saya menulis di jurnal saya setiap malam untuk merenungkan hari saya dan menetapkan tujuan untuk besok.)

46. "He attends language classes every week to improve his English speaking skills." (Dia menghadiri kelas bahasa setiap minggu untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara bahasa Inggrisnya.)

47. "We host a family dinner every Sunday, inviting relatives and friends to join us." (Kami mengadakan makan malam keluarga setiap hari Minggu, mengundang kerabat dan teman untuk bergabung dengan kami.)

48. "The cat sleeps on the windowsill every afternoon, basking in the warm sunlight." (Kucing tidur di ambang jendela setiap sore, berjemur di bawah sinar matahari yang hangat.)

49. "The doctor advises her patients to eat healthy food and exercise regularly." (Dokter menyarankan pasiennya untuk makan makanan sehat dan berolahraga secara teratur.)

50. "He collects rare coins and spends his weekends attending auctions and flea markets." (Dia mengumpulkan koin langka dan menghabiskan akhir pekannya menghadiri lelang dan pasar loak.)

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Sebutkan dan jelaskan tujuh macam prinsip-prinsip umum hukum islam

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8 Gaya Syifa Hadju di New York Fashion Week, tampil memukau dengan dress minimalis

8 Gaya Syifa Hadju di New York Fashion Week, tampil memukau dengan dress minimalis

Macam-macam energi penggerak turbin: Mengetahui sumber energi yang efektif

Macam-macam energi penggerak turbin: Mengetahui sumber energi yang efektif

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7 Kontroversi Saaih Halilintar, terbaru batal tampil di PON 2024 karena NPWP dan BPJS

7 Kontroversi Saaih Halilintar, terbaru batal tampil di PON 2024 karena NPWP dan BPJS

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Jelaskan macam-macam tarif pajak, pahami pengelompokan dan contohnya

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Jelaskan macam macam termometer lengkap dengan fungsi dan prinsip kerjanya

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5 Contoh kalimat teks anekdot dengan tema lingkungan, singkat dan menggelitik

5 Contoh teks anekdot stand up comedy, singkat tapi bikin nyesek

5 Contoh teks anekdot stand up comedy, singkat tapi bikin nyesek

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50 Contoh kalimat aktif dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, lengkap dengan definisi dan jenisnya

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5 Contoh teks laporan wawancara, disertai dengan definisi, fungsi, dan cirinya

Selain kesejahteraan finansial, begini 10 cara menjaga kesehatan mental guru di era digital

Selain kesejahteraan finansial, begini 10 cara menjaga kesehatan mental guru di era digital

Sebutkan 11 macam permainan bola kecil

Sebutkan 11 macam permainan bola kecil

Wave more

5 Contoh teks laporan hasil observasi tentang ikan hias, pahami definisi dan strukturnya

Ulasan buku Atomic Habits oleh James Clear, cocok pegangan para penulis

Ulasan buku Atomic Habits oleh James Clear, cocok pegangan para penulis

5 Contoh teks laporan percobaan tentang makanan tradisional, pahami definisi dan fungsinya

5 Contoh teks laporan percobaan tentang makanan tradisional, pahami definisi dan fungsinya

9 Cara mengusir lalat yang ampuh, mudah, praktis, dan cepat

9 Cara mengusir lalat yang ampuh, mudah, praktis, dan cepat

Ulasan buku The Psychology of Money oleh Morgan Housel

Ulasan buku The Psychology of Money oleh Morgan Housel

10 Contoh teks dakwah singkat lengkap dengan pengertian, fungsi, dan cirinya

10 Contoh teks dakwah singkat lengkap dengan pengertian, fungsi, dan cirinya

Bisa jadi sarana belajar, ini 5 contoh produk pendidikan berbasis media sosial

Bisa jadi sarana belajar, ini 5 contoh produk pendidikan berbasis media sosial

7 Arti penting keterampilan digital dalam dunia pendidikan, bantu siapkan generasi melek teknologi

7 Arti penting keterampilan digital dalam dunia pendidikan, bantu siapkan generasi melek teknologi

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  1. Contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya dalam bentuk

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

  2. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

  3. 40 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay & Pilihan Ganda

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

  4. 23 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

  5. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya

  6. 23 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Pilihan Ganda dan Jawabannya

    contoh soal essay simple present tense dan jawabannya


  1. 23 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah 23 contoh soal Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk essay, adapun kunci jawaban soal berada di akhir soal. Contoh soal present tense essay dan jawabannya. Use the words in the brackets to complete the questions (Gunakan kata-kata yang terdapat di dalam kurung untuk melengkapi kalimat di bawah ) 1.I never… beer (drink) 2.Farikha ..

  2. 25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

    Berikut adalah beberapa contoh: - I bring the bag (tidak ada -s dalam 'bring')- We carry the things (tidak ada -ies dalam 'carry') Rumus simple present tense untuk kalimat positif adalah: S + Verb 1 atau Be (is/am/are) Baca materi selengkapnya : Materi Simple Present Tense Lengkap.

  3. 40 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay & Pilihan Ganda

    Simple present tense digunakan untuk menjelaskan fakta tak terbantahkan, kebiasaan umum atau hal-hal yang terjadi secara teratur, seperti (setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap tahun). Contohnya; 1. I take the bus to work every day. 2. The meeting starts at 9:00 AM. 3. The sun rises in the east. 4.

  4. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

    Pengertian Simple Present Tenses. Sebelum memulai Latihan, alangkah baiknya kalau kita kembali mengingat tentang konsep dan rule of Simple Present Tense yang telah dibahas dalam postingan 16 bentuk tenses dan penggunaannya dalam Bahasa inggris.. Simple Present Tense adalah bentuk satuan waktu (tenses) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung saat sekarang ini.

  5. 35 Contoh soal simple present tense essay beserta jawaban

    Command/Instruction. Untuk menyatakan perintah atau sebuah instruksi, sehingga kerap kali melihat instruksi dengan menggunakan kalimat simple present tense. 3. The Scheduled Event. Untuk menyatakan suatu acara yang akan dilaksanakan dalam waktu dekat. 4. General Truth. Untuk mengungkapkan suatu kebenaran yang ada di sekitar. 5.

  6. 100 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense + Jawaban

    The building (be) on fire. 13. Marta (seem) sad. 14. I usually (help) my neighbours. 15. His brother rarely (leave) town. Demikian 100 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya. Semoga artikel ini membantu kalian dalam memahami penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam bentuk soal.

  7. 30 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dengan Pembahasan Lengkap

    Yuk, kita pelajari bersama aturan dan penggunaan Simple Present Tense sambil melatih kemampuan bahasa Inggrismu. Siapkan diri, ambil pena dan kertas, dan mari kita mulai belajar! Simple Present Tense. Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan fakta, kebiasaan, atau kejadian yang terjadi secara rutin. Rumus: Subjek + Kata Kerja Bentuk ...

  8. 100 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Beserta Jawabannya

    Contoh Soal 41-50: Mengidentifikasi Jenis Kalimat. Contoh Soal 51-60: Mengganti Kata Kerja dalam Kalimat dengan Bentuk Simple Present Tense yang Tepat. Contoh ...

  9. Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

    Bahkan, persyaratan melamar suatu pekerjaan saat ini menuntut agar Anda memiliki nilai TOEFL yang tinggi. Oleh karena itu, berikut akan disediakan latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabannya agar Anda dapat bersaing di dunia pekerjaan. latihan soal simple present tense dan jawabanya. Baca: 25 Contoh Kalimat Present Tense.

  10. 11 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay Beserta Jawabannya

    Oleh sebab itu, perlu adanya contoh soal simple present tense essay beserta jawabannya. Simple present tense memiliki dua pola yaitu verbal simple present tense dan nominal simple present tense. Verbal simple present tense digunakan untuk menunjukkan sebuah aksi. Sedangkan nominal simple present tense menggunakan tambahan kata "to" atau ...

  11. 35 Contoh soal simple present tense essay beserta jawaban

    Demikianlah sederet contoh soal simple present tense beserta jawabannya. Semoga bermanfaat dan membantu dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, contoh soal di atas dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan sehari-hari agar lebih lancar lagi dalam menggunakan kalimat simple present tense.

  12. 25 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Kunci Jawabannya

    Soal simple present tense dapat menjadi bahan belajar siswa sebelum menghadapi ujian, baik PTS maupun PAS. ... 17 Contoh Soal Kalimat Majemuk Setara dan Kunci Jawabannya; 20 Contoh Soal Narrative Text Kelas 11 dan Kunci Jawabannya ; KOMENTAR. Berkomentarlah secara bijaksana dan bertanggung jawab. Komentar sepenuhnya menjadi tanggung jawab ...

  13. 20 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay dan Kunci Jawaban

    20 Daftar Skincare Underrated dari The Aubree, Brand Lokal Vegan, BPOM, dan Halal Aksesoris Handphone 6 Rekomendasi TWS yang Jernih untuk Meeting Online, Harganya Mulai Rp 100 Ribuan

  14. Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

    Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya. Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya ini berupa pilihan ganda atau multiple choice. Kamu bisa langsung menjawab soal yang tersedia dengan mengklik jawaban yang menurut kamu benar. Simple present tense itu sendiri merupakan salah satu tense yang sering digunakan dalam percakapan yang ...

  15. 16 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense beserta Jawabannya ...

    Advertisement. a. worked. b. works. c. has worked. d. working. Cara untuk mengerjakan soal nomor 1 adalah memperhatikan bentuk kata kerja atau verbanya. Present tense memakai kata kerja dasar atau kata kerja pertama (base form). Pada soal simple present tense verba tersebut, jawabannya yakni (b) works. Alasannya, "work" merupakan kata kerja ...

  16. 50 Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense & Jawabannya Download PDF

    Dimana simple present tense (SPT) adalah sebuah bentuk kalimat kerja yang menyatakan fakta, kejadian masa sekarang (sedang terjadi) ataupun sebuah perilaku kebiasaan. 8 Contoh Soal Nilai Waktu Uang : Rumus & Jawaban PDF. Contoh Soal Barisan dan Deret: Rumus Aritmatika dan Jawaban.

  17. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense, Rangkuman Materi, & Jawabannya

    Untuk kata kerja berakhiran vokal 'y', cukup tambahkan 's'. Secara lebih luas, penggunaan Simple Present Tense diklasifikasikan menjadi beberapa aktivitas, antara lain sebagai berikut: 1. Untuk menyatakan kebenaran umum (general truth) Contoh kalimat: The sun sunsets in the west. Water drifts from the higher place to the lower one.

  18. 15+ Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Lengkap Jawaban dan Pembahasannya

    Pada soal simple present tense verba tersebut, jawabannya yakni (b) works. Alasannya, "work" merupakan kata kerja bentuk pertama atau base form. Penambahan akhiran "-s" pada kata kerja tersebut disebabkan oleh subject "She" yang merupakan kata ganti orang pertama tunggal. Jika jamak, tentu verbanya akan tetap "work".

  19. Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense : Pilihan Ganda dan Essay

    Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense Essay. Terkadang dalam soal ujian bahasa Inggris, tidak hanya berisi soal pilihan ganda. Namun, juga terdapat soal essay. Oleh karena itu, perlu untuk berlatih bagaimana mengerjakan soal essay dengan cepat dan benar. Berikut ini contoh soal simple present tense essay dan jawabannya. Give the right response to ...

  20. Kumpulan Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense dan Jawabannya

    Contoh Soal Simple Present Tense - Pada kesempatan kali ini kami akan menyajikan beberapa contoh soal tentang materi simple present tense lengkap dengan jawabannya.Mari langsung saja kita simak latihan soal berikut.

  21. Soal Essay Simple Present Tense Kelas 8 Kurikulum 2013 Revisi ...

    Kamu bisa baca kumpulan soal di bagian sub ke 2 tulisan ini "Contoh Soal Essay Simple Present Tense Kelas 8". Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Untuk Guru dan Murid Soal essay Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu jenis soal yang sering diberikan oleh guru Bahasa Inggris kepada siswa di berbagai tingkatan pendidikan.

  22. Simple Present Tense dan Contoh Latihan Soal Lengkap

    Pola kalimat. Berikut pola kalimat yang digunakan untuk menyusun kalimat simple present tense. a. Verbal Simple Present (Simple Present yang menggunakan kata kerja) Berikut kalimat verbal untuk bentuk positif, negatif, interrogative. Kalimat verbal positif. (+) Subject + Verb 1 + -s/-es + Object. Kata kerja ditambahkan -s/-es hanya untuk kata ...

  23. 150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban - Artikel hari ini kalian akan menemukan latihan tingkat dasar hingga menengah dalam 150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Jawaban. 150 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Present Tense Beserta Read More

  24. Latihan Soal Future Tense: 20 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris dan Jawabannya

    Latihan soal Future Tense dengan 20 contoh soal bahasa Inggris lengkap dengan jawabannya! Tingkatkan pemahaman kamu tentang Future Tense dan uji kemampuan grammar-mu dengan soal-soal yang dirancang khusus untuk membantu belajar. ... Pembahasan: "Every weekend" menunjukkan kebiasaan rutin, jadi digunakan present simple tense "play." c) did ...

  25. 45 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

    Write a sentence using the Simple Present Tense to describe something you do every day. Jawabannya: I wake up at 6 o'clock every morning. (Jawaban bisa bervariasi, asalkan menggunakan Simple Present Tense dengan benar) Change the following sentence into the Past Tense: "I go to the library every Saturday."

  26. 50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka

    WISLAH.COM - Berikut "50 Contoh Soal PTS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 1 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawaban" untuk membantu siswa mempersiapkan diri menghadapi Penilaian Tengah Semester (PTS).UTS atau PTS adalah momen penting untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa terhadap materi yang telah diajarkan. Dengan berlatih menggunakan contoh soal, siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kekuatan dan ...

  27. 50 Contoh kalimat simple present tense, lengkap dengan penjelasannya

    Struktur kalimat simple present tense terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja dasar untuk subjek orang pertama, kedua, maupun jamak, sedangkan untuk subjek orang ketiga tunggal, kata kerja mendapat tambahan -s atau -es. Contoh kalimat simple present tense dapat membantu memudahkan pemahaman dalam penggunaan tenses ini untuk berbagai situasi sehari ...