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Published by Jessica Miles Modified over 5 years ago

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Presentation on theme: "THE VIETNAM WAR."— Presentation transcript:


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This resource includes a link to my "Vietnam War: Part 2" Prezi presentation AND Guided Notes Worksheets for students to fill in as they go through the presentation.

These notes can be used in a direct teaching environment, as a "flipped classroom" at home online lesson, or as a part of a blended online model of presentation.

Covers the Tet Offensive, Vietnamization, the My Lai Massacre, Cambodia, Tonkin Gulf Resolution, Anti-War Protests and other issues at home in America, the Pentagon Papers, and the fall of Saigon.

Done from an American History perspective, but could be edited easily for World History.

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War in Vietnam

Sep 06, 2014

410 likes | 669 Views

War in Vietnam. 1954 - 1975. Where is Vietnam?. Longest and Most Unpopular War. The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in American history. During the war: 58,000 Americans lost their lives. The oldest man killed was 62 years old; the youngest, 16.

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Presentation Transcript

War in Vietnam 1954 - 1975

Where is Vietnam?

Longest and Most Unpopular War • The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in American history. During the war: • 58,000 Americans lost their lives. • The oldest man killed was 62 years old; the youngest, 16. • 61% of the men killed were 21 or younger. • 304,000 were wounded. • 75,000 were severely disabled. • The United States spent over $200 billion dollars on the war.

War in Southeast Asia • At the end of WWII Ho Chi Minh and the Vietminh (the Vietnamese nationalist force) took over the capital of Hanoi and declared Vietnam independent • French were unwilling to give up their claims in Indochina because of the valuable resources like tin, rubber, and rice • Faced a formidable foe in Ho and the Vietminh who did not want foreign rule • War broke out in November 1946 when a French ship shelled Haiphong • French controlled most of the cities and the Vietminh retreated into the countryside • Vietminh practiced guerilla warfare

US Support for the French • 1950 – Truman agreed to send $20 million to aid the French • Practices the policy of containment – opposing communism wherever it appeared in an effort to “contain” its spread • Over the next 4 years, the U.S. gave a total of more than $2.6 billion to the French

The Geneva Peace Accords • May 1954, French defeated in key battle of Dien Bien Phu • Geneva Peace Accords • Signed by France and Vietnam in the summer of 1954 • Provided a temporary partition of Vietnam at the 17th parallel, with a promised national election in 1956 to reunify the country.

Why Did the United States Fight a War in Vietnam? • Containment: to hold the line against the spread of world Communism. • America paid for the war the French fought against Communist Vietnam as a part of the Truman Doctrine (1947): • “To help free peoples to maintain their free institutions and their national integrity against … totalitarian regimes.” • In the 1950’s, America became involved again.

Why Did the United States Fight a War in Vietnam? 2. Also, American policymakers developed the “Domino Theory” as a justification for the involvement. • Theory stated: If South Vietnam falls to the Communist then… • Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, Burma, India and Pakistan would also fall like dominos. The Pacific Islands and even Australia could be at risk.

US Becomes Involved • 1956, representatives from the U.S., France, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, China, Laos, Cambodia, and the Vietminh agreed that Vietnam would be divided at the 17th parallel and then reunified in 1956 after national elections • The U.S. refused to sign the agreement for fear that if South Vietnam became communist, other nations of SE Asia would do likewise (the Domino Theory)

The Two Vietnam Leaders • Ho Chi Minh – Leader of the North • But also many in South Vietnam look to him for leadership • Hero because he broke up large estates and redistributed land to the peasants • He had beaten the French • Became leader of the Viet Cong (VC) • Ngo Dihn Diem – Pawn of the US • “Placed” into office by the US • Anti-Communist, Nationalist, Catholic • Corrupt govt that suppressed opposition of any kind • Offered little or no land distribution to peasants • Used $4 of every $5 on the military

Civil War • Diem was expected to hold elections but in 1957 he cancels elections with U.S. support • Instead, he held a referendum in South Vietnam - claimed 98% approval • In Saigon he claimed 605,000 votes - only 405,000 registered voters • Discontent among the peasants with Diem made it easy for Vietminh to gain support in South Vietnam • Vietminh and other groups in South Vietnam who oppose Diem form the National Liberation Front (the Vietcong) • Close ties with Ho Chi Minh, China, and the Soviet Union

The Kennedy Years • Kennedy expands the U.S. role in Vietnam • Sends advisers and $ • Instead of using the $ for schools, hospitals, and land reform Diem pads the pockets of corrupt Saigon officials • No significant military victories over the Vietcong

The Overthrow of Diem • May 8, 1963 - Buddhists gathered to protest a gov’t ruling forbidding the display of Buddhist flags and gov’t troops fired on them • A month later a Buddhist monk immolated himself in protest of the Diem regime • Nov. 1, 1963 - South Vietnamese army officers seized control of the govt and in the process Diem was killed

Johnson’s War • Johnson did not want Vietnam to fall to communism like China • Surrounded himself with JFK’s foreign policy team • Secretary of Defense – Robert McNamara: recommends the US send more troops to Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • August, 1965 – LBJ announces that N. Vietnamese torpedo boats had attacked two U.S. destroyers patrolling in the Gulf of Tonkin • USS Maddox then C. Turner Joy two days later • Congress passes the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • “blank check” – Gave LBJ the authority to “take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression.” • LBJ failed to tell the public that American warships had been helping South Vietnamese commandos raid 2 North Vietnam islands the night of the attacks

The US in Vietnam • By the end of 1965, 180,000+ Americans were in S. Vietnam • By the end of 1967, nearly 500,000 soldiers had been sent to Vietnam • At first, Americans were very optimistic of ending the war quickly • High VC body counts led many to believe the U.S. was winning the war but they underestimated the VC and North Vietnamese allies • “You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.” - Ho Chi Minh

The Air War • Bombing cost fewer lives than ground combat so the U.S. relied heavy on air power • 108,000 bombing raids in 1967 • Bombed roads, railways, factories, and homes in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia • By 1967 the U.S. had dropped more bombs on Vietnam than the Allies dropped during WWII • This is why the VC developed the network of tunnels to begin with

Viet Cong Tunnel Complex 1967 – Operation Cedar Falls: troops uncover a massive tunnel complex used for guerrilla raids by tunnel rats

Escalation • Operation Rolling Thunder – an intense bombing of N. Vietnam • Main target: Ho Chi Minh Trail • A network of paths used by the N. Vietnam to transport supplies to the Vietcong (VC) in S. Vietnam • Used phosphorous and napalm bombs – the latter causing dreadful burns to thousand of innocent civilians.

Operation Ranch Hand • When this failed to break down the jungle cover the USAF started “Operation Ranch Hand” – the defoliation program, using Agent Orange. • This deadly chemical cocktail, containing dioxin, killed off millions of acres of jungle to try to weaken the Vietcong – but left a horrendous legacy in Vietnam. • The dioxin got into the food chain causing chromosome damage to humans. There were hundreds of cases of children born with deformities.

The Ground War • Miserable conditions: Suffocating heat, mosquitoes, leeches, etc. • Muddy trails through thick jungles • Bouncing Betty’s – mines that would bounce up to waist or head level then explode • Booby traps and hidden tunnels • Total War - Farmers by day, VC by night - did not know who the enemy was • As one marine said – “If they weren’t Vietcong before we got there, they sure as hell were by the time we left”.

The War in America • The Vietnam War had a major impact on everyday life in America, and the Johnson administration was forced to consider domestic consequences of its decisions daily. • Since there were not enough volunteers to continue to fight a protracted war, the government instituted a draft.

Anti-War Sentiments • As the deaths mounted and Americans continued to leave for Southeast Asia, the Johnson administration was met with the full weight of American anti-war sentiments.

Student Anti-War Protests • Protests erupted on college campuses and in major cities at first, but by 1968 every corner of the country seemed to have felt the war's impact. • Kent State (4 killed) and Jackson State (2 killed) shootings

The Paris Peace Agreement • In early January 1973, the Nixon White House convinced Saigon that they would not abandon the South Vietnamese army if they signed the peace accord. • On January 23, the final draft was written, ending open hostilities between the United States and North Vietnam. • The Paris Peace Agreement did not end the conflict in Vietnam, however, as Saigon continued to battle Communist forces.

The Fall to Communism • From March 1973 until the fall of Saigon on April 30, 1975, the South Vietnamese army tried desperately to save the South from political and military collapse. • The end finally came when North Vietnamese tanks rolled south along National Highway One. • On the morning of April 30, Communist forces captured the presidential palace in Saigon, ending the Vietnam War.

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • They underestimated the tenacity and organization of the North Vietnamese 

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • Despite dropping more tonnage of high explosive on Vietnam than the whole of World War II, the Americans could not stop the movement of troops or supplies to the south along the Ho Chi Minh Trail.  

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • The North Vietnamese conducted a “Peoples war” in which everyone played a part. “If they weren’t Vietcong before we got there, they sure as hell were by the time we left.” – US Marine

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • At first, most Americans supported the war. But by 1970, the Peace Movement had support from all parts of society and no government could ignore it.

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? 5. After 1969, there were deep questions about the efficiency of US troops. • There was a serious drug problem • Desertion rates were high and morale low. • Many troops were “time-servers,” meaning they counted the days until the tour was over • Served because they had to not because they believed in the cause

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • The US never really understood the culture of the Vietnamese people. • Coca Cola, chewing gum, ball point pens, and ice cream cones could not dislodge their ancient beliefs.

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • America was not prepared to keep losing high numbers of casualties for such limited progress in a difficult jungle war, for which they were not suited.   “You can kill 10 of my men for every one I kill of yours, but even at those odds, you will lose and I will win.” - Ho Chi Minh

Why Did the United States Lose the Vietnam War? • The strength and resourcefulness of the NLF. For example, the highly complex Cu Chi tunnel system the U.S. never shut down.  

Sources • • • Battlefield Vietnam: A Brief History • Vietnam Revision Guide

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“Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it” goes a popular saying, and that’s never more true than in the case of wars. This Google Slides and PowerPoint template sets an appropriately somber tone for an impactful History lesson on the Vietnam War, its causes, development and political consequences, as well as those of the numerous anti-war movements it inspired. Use the fully editable slides with military illustrations to give a thorough lesson on this topic!

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The Vietnam War was a military conflict that took place from 1955 to 1975 in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. The war was fought between North Vietnam, which was supported by communist allies, and South Vietnam, which was backed by the United States and other anti-communist allies. The war was marked by brutal fighting, including the use of chemical weapons and guerrilla tactics. The war ended in a communist victory with the unification of North and South Vietnam under a communist government. The war had a profound impact on both Vietnam and the United States, leading to social, cultural, and political changes. By using our template, you can convey your message in a clear and concise manner.

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The Vietnam War - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

vietnam war presentation prezi

The Vietnam War

... ho chi minh- leader of the revolutionary league of the youth of vietnam; ... 1941-1945-u.s. sending weapons and money to ho chi minh to help the viet minh ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • 111 B.C.- Chinese invade Vietnam
  • 111 B.C.-939 A.D.- Chinese control Vietnam
  • 939 A.D.- Vietnam independent
  • Capital- Hanoi
  • 1857- Napoleon III decided to invade Vietnam
  • 1858- French take Da Nang
  • 1859- French take Saigon
  • 1873- annex Laos
  • 1884- control all of Vietnam
  • By the end of the 19th century- France controls Southeast Asia( Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam)
  • Controls French Indochina until 1940
  • Self-determination for European nations
  • Ho Chi Minh- Vietnam nationalist wants independence for Vietnam
  • Allied Powers side with France and their control of Southeast Asia
  • Ho Chi Minh ignored
  • 1925- Ho Chi Minh- leader of the Revolutionary League of the Youth of VietnamCommunist influence want to throw the French out
  • 1939- WW II begins
  • France surrenders to the Germans in June, 1940
  • 1940- French Indochina falls to Japan
  • 1940-1945-Japan controls region
  • 1941- Ho Chi Minh organizes the Viet Minh goal-independence and distribute the land to the peasants
  • 1941-1945-U.S. sending weapons and money to Ho Chi Minh to help the Viet Minh fight against the Japanese
  • Ho Chi Minh- known as the Thomas Jefferson of Southeast Asia
  • August Revolution- Viet Minh in control of most of Vietnam including Hanoi and Saigon
  • September,1945-Japan surrenders WW II over and Viet Minh believe that they have won independence and called the Democratic Republic of Vietnam
  • 1945- French return to Vietnam
  • Promised Viet Minh partial independence
  • France appointed Bao Dai, not Ho Chi Minh, to lead Vietnam
  • Viet Minh vs. the French
  • Roman Catholic vs. Buddhists
  • Urban vs. Rural
  • Western Culture vs. Eastern Culture
  • Anti- Communists vs. Communists
  • 1950- Viet Minh with the help from Communist China mount a major offensive against the French
  • U.S.- supporting the French
  • Truman Administration sends 150 million to the French to keep Vietnam from falling to the Communists (Containment)
  • 1953- U.S. sends 1.3 billion to Vietnam
  • Afraid of the Domino Theory
  • French asking the U.S. for military help
  • Eisenhower refuses because the Korean War had just ended in 1953
  • Most Americans want to stay out of another Asian conflict
  • 1954- French army surrounded by the Viet Minh
  • French asked for U.S. air support
  • Eisenhower refused
  • French force doomed
  • May, 1954- French surrender after 56 day battle
  • French no longer a factor in Vietnam
  • French- Viet Minh ceasefire
  • Vietnam divided at the 17th Parallel
  • North Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh
  • South Vietnam- Bao Dai
  • 1956- election to take place to choose one leader and unite Vietnam
  • Laos and Cambodia received their independence
  • 1954- overthrows Bao Dai government
  • Diem- Catholic nationalist and anti- Communist
  • Did not allow the election to take place in South Vietnam because he said that South Vietnam had not signed the Geneva Agreements
  • Strengthened his government abolished the village form of government and appointed his own people as the leaders
  • Imprisoned people who objected to his policies
  • Secret police headed by his brother
  • 1956- Anti- Diem forces
  • Viet Cong- from South Vietnam
  • Many were Communists who wanted land reform
  • Many were Buddhists who did not Diems persecution
  • Some were Liberals who wanted basic freedoms like freedom of speech, press, trial by jury
  • Some were nationalists who wanted a united Vietnam
  • 1955-1961- U.S. aid- 200 million per year
  • Diem- anti-Communist
  • 1960- Eisenhower sends 400 American advisors to help the South Vietnamese military
  • Diem- starting to lose control of the cities because of his repressive policies
  • Spring, 1961-JFK sent observers to make reports
  • Reports advised American combat troops to help Diem regime
  • Sent 600 Green Berets
  • 1961- sent Lyndon Johnson and he called for more troops
  • 1961- sent National Security Advisor Walt Rostaw to South Vietnam- agreed with Johnson- more troops
  • JFK sent Maxwell Taylor- head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
  • Calls for 10,000 air force men to maintain security for the Diem government
  • Military advisors participate in battles
  • January- JFK believes Communist aggression in South Vietnam has been controlled
  • August- Henry Cabot Lodge, U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam, sees problems with Diem and his government
  • Tells South Vietnamese generals that a coup would be supported by the U.S. government
  • September, 1963- JFK told American people that the Vietnam War was the South Vietnamese peoples war to win or lose U.S. can give equipment and advisors but the South Vietnamese have to fight
  • Plan- phased withdrawal of U.S. forces by the end of 1965 plan remained in effect until March, 1964
  • Nov. 1, 1963- Ngo Diem assassinated by South Vietnamese military with CIA help
  • General Minh- President
  • Nov. 22, 1963- JFK assassinated
  • Lyndon B. Johnson- President
  • By the end of 1963- 16,300 Americans in South Vietnam- 73 Americans killed
  • Jan.,1964- 17,000 troops in South Vietnam
  • North Vietnamese regular army troops helping the Viet Cong
  • August 4, 1964- Maddox and Turner Joy attacked by North Vietnamese gunboats
  • August 7, 1964- Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
  • H/R- 416-0 Senate- 98-2
  • Johnson given the power to take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against armed forces of the United States and to prevent further aggression
  • Johnson now could do whatever he wanted to do in South Vietnam is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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  1. Vietnam War Prezi by Megan Hersey on Prezi

    Assisted in combat. -By late 1963, 17,000 U.S. advisers were on the ground in Vietnam. At the end of WWII, Vietnam was still a part of the French colony of Indochina. Once the war ended, Vietnamese nationalists-led by Ho Chi Minh-declared independence. Started Indochina War between France and Vietnamese Nationalists.

  2. Vietnam War Presentation by Zabrina Richards on Prezi

    Vietnam War Ava, Brie Statistics of the Vietnam War: More than three million people were killed in the Vietnam War, including 58,000 Americans. More than half were Vietnamese civilians. ... Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi; July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies; July 18, 2024.

  3. The Vietnam War by on Prezi

    The Vietnam War by on Prezi. Blog. May 31, 2024. How to create and deliver a winning team presentation. May 24, 2024.

  4. Prezi Presentation: Vietnam War

    On this page you will access the Prezi Presentation on the Vietnam War that has been created for you to read and gain a chronological understanding of the events surround the Vietnam War. Follow the link provided on the previous line to the presentation. Once you access the presentation, there are navigation arrows located on the lower right portion of the page which will guide you through the ...


    Presentation on theme: "THE VIETNAM WAR."— Presentation transcript: 1 THE VIETNAM WAR. 2 Background Viet Minh - North Vietnam Led by ... The Vietnam War I. Background: 1955 - Cold War- Geneva Peace Talks Vietnam 17 th parallel North - communist - Ho Chi Minh South.

  6. Vietnam war presentation

    Vietnam war presentation. The Vietnam War was a conflict between North Vietnam and South Vietnam that lasted from 1955 to 1975. It began as a war between Vietnam and France but later expanded with the United States supporting South Vietnam to contain the spread of communism. Despite massive U.S. military involvement, the war ended with a ...

  7. Vietnam war presentation

    K. Kazi Maruful. The document summarizes the key events of the Vietnam War from French colonization of Vietnam to the US involvement and withdrawal. It discusses how Vietnam was initially a French colony exporting goods. The Vietnamese people grew tired of French rule and Ho Chi Minh formed the Viet Min army to fight against French control.

  8. Prezi Presentation: The Vietnam War Years

    This Prezi presentation covers The Vietnam War Years! This Prezi looks at the following topics related to this impactful time in U.S. History: The Origins of the Vietnam WarStrategies to Combat CommunismSignificant BattlesControversies Related to the WarPolitics Role in the WarThis resource include...

  9. Vietnam War PPT

    Vietnam War PPT - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Vietnam War PPT - Download as a PDF or view online for free ... The document provides an overview of the Vietnam War from 1959-1975, including key events and perspectives from both sides. It summarizes that the Vietnam War was the longest in U.S. history, lasting nearly 20 years and ...

  10. Prezi Presentation

    Description. This resource includes a link to my "Vietnam War: Part 2" Prezi presentation AND Guided Notes Worksheets for students to fill in as they go through the presentation. These notes can be used in a direct teaching environment, as a "flipped classroom" at home online lesson, or as a part of a blended online model of presentation.

  11. Vietnam War Presentation by Jessica Ribesky on Prezi

    Vietnam War Presentation by Jessica Ribesky on Prezi. Blog. July 25, 2024. Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi. July 22, 2024. Make every lesson count with these student engagement strategies. July 18, 2024. Product presentations: defining them and creating your own.

  12. PPT

    The Vietnam War. 22 Gia Long St., Saigon, 1975. Maps of French Indochina. Vietnam: Historical Background. Vietnamese people: resisted Chinese control for a millennium, French colonialism in the 19 th and 20 th century, and U.S. power in the 20 th century Slideshow 6337589 by dustin-moon ... During download, if you can't get a presentation, the ...

  13. PDF The Vietnam War in Vietnamese History

    1867 Southern Vietnam becomes a French territory. 1884- 1885 France gains control over northern Vietnam. 1887 French Indochina formed (out of territories that are modern Vietnam and Cambodia). 1893 Laos becomes part of French Indochina. 1941 Japanese invade French Indochina. 1945 Vietnamese declare independence. 1946- 1954 First Indochina War.

  14. PPT

    The Vietnam War. The Vietnam War. Day 1: Key Players Day 2: Vietnam Background Day 3: The War Escalates Day 4: Media and the War Day 5: Turning Point Day 6: 1968 and the Tumultuous Times Day 7: Vietnam War Ends Day 8: Vietnam War Memorial Day 9: The Nixon Years Day 10: From Watergate to Ford. 1.29k views • 74 slides

  15. PPT

    Longest and Most Unpopular War • The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war in American history. During the war: • 58,000 Americans lost their lives. • The oldest man killed was 62 years old; the youngest, 16. • 61% of the men killed were 21 or younger. • 304,000 were wounded. • 75,000 were severely disabled.

  16. Vietnam War and Anti-War Movements

    This Google Slides and PowerPoint template sets an appropriately somber tone for an impactful History lesson on the Vietnam War, its causes, development and political consequences, as well as those of the numerous anti-war movements it inspired. Use the fully editable slides with military illustrations to give a thorough lesson on this topic!

  17. vietnam war presentation by Angel Williams on Prezi

    A soliders perspective on the vietnam war 1 Carolyna Iff, Megan Sullivan, Sarah Madsen, Zainab Tariq, Solangeline Williams "It seems like our town has closed down these days leading up to the funeral. Old people sit on their porches and talk, but their conversations aren't Why did

  18. Vietnam War Presentation

    Vietnam War Presentation - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The document provides background information on the origins and escalation of US involvement in the Vietnam War. It describes how the Vietnam War began due to French colonial occupation, and the Viet Minh movement led by Ho Chi Minh fighting for independence.

  19. Vietnam War PowerPoint Presentation and Google Slides

    The war was marked by brutal fighting, including the use of chemical weapons and guerrilla tactics. The war ended in a communist victory with the unification of North and South Vietnam under a communist government. The war had a profound impact on both Vietnam and the United States, leading to social, cultural, and political changes. By using ...

  20. Vietnam War

    Vietnam war.pptx - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. The Vietnam War was a conflict between North Vietnam, supported by China and the Soviet Union, and South Vietnam, supported by the United States. The war began as an armed resistance against French colonial rule and escalated when the US intervened ...

  21. Vietnam War Prezi by Nick Fortuna on Prezi

    Tet Offensive Agent Orange 1968 1965-1970 On a Vietnamese holiday named Tet, the NVA and Viet Cong luanched attacks on numerous cities, viliges, and military instalations in South Vietnam. U.S. forces were able to push the enemy forces back, however it was both a disaster for the

  22. The Vietnam War

    Ho Chi Minh- leader of the Revolutionary League of the Youth of Vietnam; ... 1941-1945-U.S. sending weapons and money to Ho Chi Minh to help the Viet Minh ... - A free PowerPoint PPT presentation (displayed as an HTML5 slide show) on - id: 27c0b-YTcxM

  23. Vietnam War presentation by li justin on Prezi

    Culture Social Culture Social LORRAINE During 1965 to 1975 the Vietnam war did a massive influence with the U.S artist respond, It had a pervasive cultural impact which is the visual art, such as institutional critique and body art, that reject an aesthetics of distance and ... Sales pitch presentation: creating impact with Prezi; July 22, 2024 ...