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Description of the Falling in Love

How would you describe falling in love for the first time? If you’re about to share your personal experience, check out our sample on falling in love essay! Get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our example essay about falling in love.

Falling in Love: Essay Introduction

Falling in love: essay main body, falling in love: essay conclusion.

The power of love is great. Falling in love changes so many things in a person. Falling in love is a hard experience to describe, one which can never be comprehensively described. Among the greatest experiences in my life, I rate falling in love as the best.

From my experience, I describe falling in love as an intense attraction to a person of the opposite sex. However, this may also occur between persons of the same sex, as is the case for gays or lesbians. When I fell in love, I felt being on top of the world. My life was instantly centered on the girl I had fallen in love with. I spent good time thinking about her. Every time I took a break from my studies, I only thought about her.

Thinking about her was sweet and better than watching a captivating soap opera; I had never known thoughts, too, could be sweet. Before she realized that I had fallen for her, I never wanted to be near her, and yet I greatly regretted the moments I was not close to her. I struggled hard to compose myself in her presence, sometimes I could sweat, and my heart could beat so fast and hard, just like a parade of soldiers on a matching spree.

The best of times came when she realized I had fallen in love with her. She somehow started drawing close to me. It came to my realization that she had accepted my feelings toward her. These were happy moments in my life. My world revolved around her; she was all that mattered to me. It was amazing because everything she said to me was worth listening to. She brought much joy to my life and put me in a state of mind that I had never been in before.

More than ever, I started being careful with the way I dressed and made my hair. I was generally careful with the way I carried myself around her and even the way I talked and walked. Before I knew it, I had withdrawn from my other friends to spend more time with my new wonder.

I was generally changing everything around me to accommodate her into my life. Not even family outings mattered. In most cases, I had to excuse myself to finish up my homework; yes, my new homework of creating more time to be with her. It was wonderful that even in my dreams, she was there. I vividly remember us walking on the beach, feeling the strong wind brushing against our shoulders. Walking hand in hand, slowly and uniformly, we left a trail of footprints behind us on the soft Caribbean sand, which, unfortunately, were quickly washed away by the ocean waves. The sun was setting, and its glare was not intense but soft enough to be watched.

The soft sunrays softly struck the water’s surface and made the area around us beautiful. To me, it was a small heaven crowned by the presence of the one I loved. Her laughter soothed my mind, and I have always regretted waking up from that dream.

The experience of falling in love is great. Falling in love turned my world around and changed the priorities of many things in my life. She became the top agendum and priority in my life. My thoughts and actions were always meant to impress her. No amount of sacrifice was enough for her; I found it exceedingly easy to sacrifice anything in my life for her. The great feeling I felt being with her was all I needed. Maybe I had become blind to other things in life, and probably this is a better reason to view love as being blind.

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Essay Samples on Falling in Love

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10. Zadie Smith’s Work and Revolutionary Ideas in Literature

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12. Difference Between Love and Lust In ‘Interpreter of Maladies’

13. Heartfelt Birthday Congratulations to the Beloved Person

14. Falling in Love: The Past Experiences and Defintion of Love

15. Danger: Falling in Love May Cause You to Become a Zombie

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Essay on Falling In Love

Students are often asked to write an essay on Falling In Love in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Falling In Love

What is falling in love.

Falling in love is a warm and happy feeling where you care deeply for someone else. It’s like finding a new best friend who makes your heart beat faster. When you love someone, you want to be near them, talk to them, and share your life with them.

The Feeling of Joy

When you fall in love, you feel very joyful. Everything seems brighter and more exciting. You may smile more, feel full of energy, and see the good in things around you. It’s like your favorite song is playing all the time.

Wanting to Share

Loving someone means you want to spend time with them. You want to tell them about your day, hear about theirs, and help them when they need it. It’s like wanting to give half of your favorite cookie because it makes you both happy.

Love is Powerful

Love is strong and can make you do things you never thought you would. It can make you brave enough to climb the highest tree or stand up against a bully. Love gives you strength because you know someone believes in you.

250 Words Essay on Falling In Love

What is falling in love, the signs of love.

When you fall in love, you might feel shy or get butterflies in your stomach when you see the person you like. You might care a lot about what they think and feel excited to see them. Sometimes, you might even feel like you can’t eat or sleep because you’re thinking about them so much.

Love is Different for Everyone

Love is not the same for every person. Some people fall in love quickly, and for others, it takes more time. It’s okay to have different feelings, and not everyone falls in love in the same way. What’s important is that love should make you feel good and respected.

Love and Friendship

Sometimes love starts with friendship. You might be friends with someone first and then start to have stronger feelings for them. This is normal, and many great love stories begin as friendships.

Love can change and grow over time. The more you get to know someone, the more your feelings might become stronger. It’s like planting a seed that grows into a beautiful flower. Love needs care and attention, just like a plant needs water and sunlight.

Remember, falling in love is a beautiful part of life, and it’s something that many people experience. It’s a feeling that brings joy and can make life seem even more wonderful.

500 Words Essay on Falling In Love

Falling in love is a special feeling that happens when you care very much for someone else. It’s like a warm and happy glow inside your heart. When you fall in love, you think about the other person a lot, and you want to be around them as much as possible. It’s not just about liking someone as a friend; it’s a deeper feeling that makes you want to share your life with them.

The First Signs

When you start to fall in love, you might feel nervous or excited when you see the person you like. Your heart might beat faster, and you could feel a bit shy or silly around them. You might think they are the best-looking person you’ve ever seen, even if others don’t see them the same way. You may also find yourself smiling for no reason when you think about them.

More Than Just a Feeling

Love isn’t just about feeling happy and excited. It’s also about caring for someone else’s feelings and well-being. When you love someone, you worry about them when they are sad, and you try to help them. You share your toys, your snacks, and even your secrets with them. Love means doing things for the other person, even when you don’t have to.

Love Makes You Grow

Falling in love can help you grow as a person. You learn to think about someone other than yourself. You become kinder and more patient. You try to be the best you can be because you want the person you love to be proud of you. Love teaches you to share, to forgive, and to listen.

Love Is Not Always Easy

Sometimes, love can be hard. You might argue with the person you love, or you might feel sad if they have to go away for a while. But even when it’s tough, love is still a beautiful thing. It makes you stronger and helps you understand yourself and others better.

Love Changes Over Time

The way you love someone can change as you get older. At first, you might feel a rush of excitement, but over time, love becomes calmer and steadier. You get used to having the person in your life, and even though you might not get butterflies in your stomach anymore, the love is still there. It becomes a quiet, comfortable feeling that makes you feel safe and happy.

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Published: Mar 28, 2019

Words: 703 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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