Canvas @ Yale

  • Creating an Ungraded, No-Submission Assignment (Reading Assignment)

Updated on Dec 03, 2021

Instructors can use Assignments to create ungraded, no submission assignment for their students. Typically, this type of assignment is used to assign readings to students that have due dates. These types of assignments will be listed in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus tool but will not be listed in the Canvas Grades area.

Table of Contents

This article will address the following information:

Assignment Settings

Creating the assignment.

  • Click on " Assignments " from the course navigation .
  • Click the " +Assignment " button in the top-right corner.

no submission assignment canvas

  • Provide an " Assignment Name " in the top box.
  • Enter a description or assignment details in the Rich Content Editor.
  • If you would like to attach files, you can use the Rich Content Editor to select the Document icon.

no submission assignment canvas

Below the Rich Content Editor are assignment settings. For an ungraded, no-submission assignment, you would want to set the following options to:

  • Points - Set the number of points to 0 .
  • Assignment Group - Select an assignment group or create a new assignment group. Because these are a special type of assignment, you may wish to have a separate Assignment group to keep these assignments separated from any graded assignments you may have.  

Assignment Groups are a way to organize activities listed in the Assignments tool in Canvas. Assignment Groups can be used to visually arrange activities together in any way that makes the most sense for your course (examples: by activity type, by topic, by week, etc..). Assignment Groups can also be weighted so that the scores of activities within the group will count for a certain percentage of the final grade. Click the links below for more information about Assignment Groups:

  • Creating Weighted Assignments Groups
  • How do I add an assignment group in a course?
  • How do I move or reorder an assignment group?
  • Display Grade As - Select " Not Graded ."
  • Assign - Select who and when will see the assignment. To ensure that the Course Summary section of the Syllabus tool is organized properly, you will at least need to provide a " Due " date.
  • Click " Save " (saves a draft) or " Save & Publish " when finished.

no submission assignment canvas

For more help, please contact  [email protected] .

Assessments, Feedback and Grades

  • Building Assessments in Canvas
  • Creating an Assignment
  • Creating a Media Recording Assignment
  • Submitting a File to a Canvas Assignment on a Student's Behalf
  • Implementing Peer Review Assessments
  • Duplicating an Assignment
  • Setting Lock / Availability Dates
  • Due Dates versus Display Dates
  • Checking a Canvas Activity in Student View without Releasing It to Students
  • Assignments (Vendor Guides)
  • Turnitin: Creating a Turnitin Assignment
  • Turnitin: Assignment Settings Options
  • Turnitin: Viewing the Similarity Report / Originality Score (Instructor Guide)
  • Creating a Discussion Board
  • Implementing Online Discussions
  • Discussions (Vendor Guides)
  • Strategies for Delivering Exams / Quizzes in Canvas
  • Introducing New Quizzes
  • New Quizzes (Vendor Guides)
  • Quizzes (Vendor Guides)
  • Supporting and Using Feedback in Your Class
  • Submitting Audio / Video Feedback to a Student
  • Grading Assignments Using the SpeedGrader
  • Utilizing Anonymous Grading
  • Accessing the SpeedGrader from the Gradebook
  • Gradebook Overview and Features
  • Understanding Gradebook Views and Filters
  • Using the Grade Posting Policy
  • Changing Grading Schemes / Grade Letter Ranges
  • Importing Grades into Gradebook
  • SpeedGrader (Vendor Guides)
  • Rubrics (Vendor Guides)
  • Gradebook (Vendor Guides)
  • Feedback & Accessibility Barriers Tool: Overview
  • Enabling / Viewing the Feedback & Accessibility Barriers Tool
  • Mid-Semester Feedback: Overview
  • Disabling / Enabling the Mid-Semester Feedback Tool in Your Canvas Course
  • Timing of Mid-Semester Feedback
  • Managing Mid-Semester Feedback Survey Questions
  • Viewing / Downloading Student Mid-Semester Feedback Submissions
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  • Outcomes (Vendor Guides)

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Grading assignments in canvas.

On This Page

Enter Score on Grades Page

View online submission and submit a score in speedgrader, sort and name display options, annotation tools, grade entry, use a rubric, additional feedback, moving to next student, more resources.

If students aren't submitting anything, like for an in-class activity or participation points, you will need to create a "no submission" assignment on the Assignments page. Then, you can go right to the Grades page and enter a grade for each student, just as you would in spreadsheet software.

Enter "EX" (excused) for students who do not need to complete the assignment so that the score won't count as a "0" when it comes time to calculate a final grade.

When students submit artifacts online (text, document, picture, etc.) you will use the SpeedGrader to grade the assignment. The SpeedGrader will show a preview of the student submission and give you a box to enter the score and a comments field.

You can access the SpeedGrader in a couple of ways:

On the Canvas Dashboard, click on the assignment title in the To Do list

To-do list on the right side of the Canvas dashboard

In the course, click on the assignment title in the To Do list on the home page

To-do list on left side of screen on course home page

In the course, click on the Assignment page, then the title of the assignment, and click SpeedGrader

Speedgrader button on the right side of the assignment edit page

In the course, click on Grades , then the three dots, and SpeedGrader

Speedgrader button from options menu in the gradebook

Once you are in the SpeedGrader, you can sort the submissions alphabetically, by the date of submission, or by submission status and hide the student names.

If students submitted documents for the assignment, you have the option to use a pointer, highlighter, text entry, text strikethrough, or box outline to provide feedback. When using these tools, be sure to add a comment for students to view the feedback. Here is sample verbiage you might use:

Please be sure to view the comments on the body of your paper by clicking on the "View Feedback" link from the assignment page.

If you prefer to use annotation tools using an application on your computer, you can download the file and upload the edited version. For example, you could download the submitted file and open it into a word processing software like Microsoft Word and use the Track Changes feature. There, you can save your document with the annotations and upload them to SpeedGrader by using the File Attachment button underneath the comment box on the right-hand panel of the Speedgrader.

arrow pointing at paper clip icon

Enter the score in the grade field on the right panel.

Text entry field for grade on right panel

You can use a rubric to grade the assignment. See Rubrics for more details.

You can provide additional feedback to students in the form of comments, an uploaded file, video, or audio recording.

File upload, video, and audio recording icons in speedgrader right panel

You can move to the next student by clicking on the left arrow at the top of the page, or use the dropdown menu to select a specific student.

  • Canvas guide: How do I use SpeedGrader?
  • Canvas guide: How do I post grades for an assignment in the Gradebook?  

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Canvas_ Unpublished Assignments

Modified on Mon, 26 Aug at 9:24 PM

If the gradebook column for an item says it is "Unpublished," something has changed the status of the placeholder page from the default. In the unpublished state, grades will not be sent from Vantage to Canvas. Grades for other Vantage assignments will sync as expected.

In this example, grades are syncing successfully for the Video Activity and Knowledge Check. The Critical Thinking does not have a grade yet, but the placeholder dash indicates the grade will sync once it's completed. The Chapter Test column indicates it is unpublished and the placeholder dash is missing which confirms that no grade is expected.

Follow these steps to sync grades for the missing assignment:

1. In Canvas, go to Assignments in the left navigation menu.

2. Locate the assignment in the list. You can verify that the assignment is unpublished because it will not show a green bar on the left or a green checkmark to the right.

3. Click the unpublished circle to publish the assignment.

The status will update to show it is published (green checkmark icon).

4. Go to the Vantage gradebook. Locate the assignment in the gradebook. Click the circular grade sync icon to push grades for that assignment.

5. You will see a pop-up message confirming that you want to push all grades for the assignment. Click OK to push the grade sync.

6. Wait a couple of minutes for the grade sync process to complete. Refresh your Canvas gradebook. You will see that the assignment column no longer says "Unpublished." You will also see the grades have been synced to Vantage.

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no submission assignment canvas

Machine Problems (MPs)

There will be programming assignments (MPs) roughly every week that is worth 100 points each. There's no deadline extension for COVID related or other medical and non-medical related circumstance. Instead, the lowest MP score will be dropped.

MPs will be distributed on Thursday and typically due (by computer hand-in via Github) the following Thursday at 10.00 pm.

If you are working in a group, each group member must turn in his/her own copy of code in Github. We cannot grade your partner's copy as yours. Mention your group members by NetID near the top using comments:

Late submissions: You can turn in the assignments late until Saturday (48 hours after the deadline) and get a penalty of 2 points for each hour late.

James Scholar students who wish to earn honors credit in this course should complete additional MPs. See the Honors page in the menu pane.

The following assignments will use the EWS laboratory environment. The first two will require you to write LC-3 assembly language, while the remaining will require you to write C code. Some of the assignments may build from week to week.

Machine Problem Submission due date Points
09/12100 pts
09/19100 pts
09/29100 pts
10/03100 pts
10/10100 pts
10/17100 pts
10/24100 pts
11/03100 pts
11/14100 pts
11/21100 pts
12/05100 pts

MP Regrades

Grades for MPs will be released on Canvas and on Github, usually by the second Monday after they are due.

You can check the full breakdown of the autograder results and grade on Github at

If you believe there was a mistake in the autograder, an edge case that was missed, or an issue with submission/Canvas, submit a regrade request by submitting to the corresponding assignment on Gradescope.

Be specific about the issue, and explain why you believe you deserve partial credit.

The deadline to submit an MP regrade request will be one week after grades are released.

Example: MP 1 is due Sep 05. Regrades can be requested starting Sep 16, and will need to be submitted by Sep 23 deadline.

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Would Canvas know if a student started/attempted a Quiz but never finished?

I have a student who has previously plagiarized assignments and otherwise violated the academic code. They recently messaged me saying that they started a quiz that was due yesterday on Canvas, but the final submission button wouldn't work because of their poor Wi-Fi. When I look at the Student Quiz Results pane, it shows that this student never took the quiz. Further, if I download the Student Analysis CSV, no answers are recorded for them.

I have a strong suspicion based on precedent that this student is not being truthful, but before I respond as such, I'd like to confirm - if they had started but not finished the quiz, would Canvas have recorded any data on them? Or without a completed submission, Canvas doesn't know that they were there at all?

EDIT/CLOSURE: I just realized this is probably a better question for Canvas support, who confirmed that this student hadn't even logged in in several days. I think I have my answer.

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no submission assignment canvas

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Strategic Plan 2022 – 2026

Discover more.

Download the Strategy (PDF)

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Message from the Secretary of State

The State Department is our nation’s oldest cabinet agency, our nation’s lead foreign affairs agency, and its employees are the face of the United States to the rest of the world.  In order to effectively pursue our foreign policy goals and ensure our national security, it is imperative we create a workforce that truly reflects the country we represent.  

Our country’s diversity is our greatest strength.  When we fully leverage everyone and everything our nation has to offer, our foreign policy is stronger, smarter, and more creative.  As I said in my confirmation hearing, I will measure the success of my tenure based on how well we can recruit and retain a workforce that looks like America.  Within the first few months of my administration, I appointed the Department’s first-ever stand-alone Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, who reports directly to me and leads the newly created Secretary’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion.  I also created the Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Council to help achieve the goals and objectives outlined in the following Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Strategic Plan.  

Together, we will ensure that the Department of State is a leader in government-wide efforts to advance DEIA goals for the federal workforce.  In doing that, we will also be able to ensure that the Department itself is in the strongest possible position to deliver for the U.S. people in an increasingly diverse, complex, and interconnected world.   

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Historic Plan to Advance Equity in U.S. Foreign Policy  

2019 Pickering Fellows Group Photo2 696×463

Diversity Is an Essential Component of the U.S. Diplomatic Corps  


Honoring an Ancestor, Carrying Forward a Legacy  

U.s. department of state, the lessons of 1989: freedom and our future.

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Loading to How To View Submitted Assignments On Canvas As A Teacher....


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  2. Assignment Submission Types in Canvas

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  3. No Submission Canvas Assignment Type

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    Enter Assignment Details. Enter a name [1] and description [2] for your assignment, as well as any other assignment details [3]. Note: No Submission and On Paper assignments still appear to students on their Assignments page. To avoid confusion, it is best to make a note in the description about the assignment so students will know whether or ...

  2. No Submission Assignment in Canvas

    Yes, you can create an assignment in Canvas and grade it in Canvas without having students actually submit something! See how.

  3. Why do I not have a submission button on my canvas?

    When an assignment does not show any submission button in Canvas, it is usually because the instructor has set the assignment type to be "No submission". You will want to contact your instructor about this, since it may not be the setting the instructor intended to use. Mike. View solution in original post.

  4. Creating an Ungraded, No-Submission Assignment (Reading ...

    Instructors can use Assignments to create ungraded, no submission assignment for their students. Typically, this type of assignment is used to assign readings to students that have due dates. These types of assignments will be listed in the Course Summary section of the Syllabus tool but will not be listed in the Canvas Grades area.

  5. No Submit Button in Canvas?

    This video will show you how to make sure your students see a submit button.

  6. No Submission Canvas Assignment Type

    Student instructions for Canvas assignments that do not require an online submission.

  7. Grading Assignments in Canvas

    View Online Submission and Submit a Score in SpeedGrader. When students submit artifacts online (text, document, picture, etc.) you will use the SpeedGrader to grade the assignment. The SpeedGrader will show a preview of the student submission and give you a box to enter the score and a comments field.

  8. Re: Can I have students do two different kinds of ...

    I would like to know if it is possible for students to submit an assignments in two different forms on the same attempt . For example, if I setup the assignment to allow text entry or file upload, can they submit a text entry AND a file upload. It might be a picture of a project and a text box description of a project as one possibility.

  9. Canvas_ Unpublished Assignments

    missing which confirms that no grade is expected. Follow these steps to sync grades for the missing assignment: 1. In Canvas, go to Assignments in the left navigation menu. 2. Locate the assignment in the list. You can verify that the assignment is unpublished because it will not show a green bar on the left or a green checkmark to the right. 3.

  10. Canvas Integration: Invalid Submission Type

    At first, he had the Canvas assignment set to only allow .doc and .docx files as the students were using Word. Several students received "Invalid Submission file type" errors when attempting to turn the document in (choosing file upload or using the 365 turn in feature). We turned off the option to limit file types within Canvas and students ...

  11. Canvas submission disappeared? : r/college

    Freaking out over here. Is as simple as it sounds. Assignment was due March 4th. Assignment was completed March 2nd. Turned in on the 2nd. I check now and it's gone. I'm freaking out. Idk what to do. Canvas says the assignment is missing and there's no submission.

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    When: Available now. Teams for Education - general updates. Add text in PDF in Assignment. We know a lot of users are using PDF within Assignments. Before the summer we added the ability to distribute and edit PDF directly inside Assignments for Student and Teachers , and we now have added the ability to type directly inside the PDF as well, in addition to ink and highlight text.

  13. Canvas: Marking a "No submission" assignment from the Canvas Teacher

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  14. Fall 2024

    The following assignments will use the EWS laboratory environment. The first two will require you to write LC-3 assembly language, while the remaining will require you to write C code. ... If you believe there was a mistake in the autograder, an edge case that was missed, or an issue with submission/Canvas, submit a regrade request by ...

  15. Why untaken quizzes have 0 grades for students

    Following up on 's response I would check if you have set the grading policy for missing submissions as automatic 0, and then check if your due dates are in the past. This caqn happen if you import material from a past course without clearing all dates

  16. Anyone familiar with canvas? Why does it say "not submitted ...

    Because it was done through an external tool, canvas doesn't recognize that anything was submitted (since it wasn't submitted on canvas, it was done through the external tool) but still brings the grade over. If the grade shows up and you completed the assignment on the external tool, you're good.

  17. My major assignment would not submit on a non-canvas website ...

    I just had a major assignment due last night and I spent about 4 hours trying to submit the assignment. After the due date passed, I wrote and sent an email to my instructor explaining my situation (I attached a pdf of the assignment) within an hour after it was due.

  18. PDF Cabe Graduate Student Resource Guide 2024-2025

    Canvas 3 Student I.D. 3 Attendance Policies & Guidelines 3 Zoom Attendance Guidelines 4 ... assignments. In the event of any extended or repeated absence due to illness, preventing the ... Dean David Breiner. If the issue involves a grade appeal, you will be required to submit your coursework, along with a written statement explaining your ...

  19. PDF Iowa State University Graduate Student Handbook Master of Community

    answers on tests or assignments, plagiarism, or having someone else do your academic work. Depending on the act, a student could receive an F grade on the test/assignment, an F grade for the course, and could be suspended or expelled from the University. See the Student Conduct Code

  20. PDF Version 8/23/2024. Check the schedule on for updates

    the appropriate Canvas Assignment and to (in your GW post, see above) by the deadline on 9/25. Word doc in Canvas, PDF at See the Report Guidelines document at>Course Info for what content to write about. e) SAF: A completed visual Self-Assessment Form (SAF) in the Canvas report assignment,

  21. Canvas: No Submission Assignment

    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright ...

  22. PDF California State University, Sacramento Department of Communication

    These are no-fault assignments that will receive full points so long as they are submitted on time within Canvas. These assignments may be discussed in class, but individual feedback is limited unless you sign up/schedule an office visit with the instructor. The answers will be released to you after the homework submission date has passed. I ...

  23. Would Canvas know if a student started/attempted a Quiz but ...

    I have a student who has previously plagiarized assignments and otherwise violated the academic code. They recently messaged me saying that they started a quiz that was due yesterday on Canvas, but the final submission button wouldn't work because of their poor Wi-Fi.

  24. Solved: Canvas says no submission?

    So IODIN just took my chemistry final my. For this class, we complete the actual test as one assignment, the then upload our scanned work as a PDF submission with a separate "work" assignment. Into survey furthermore upload my job, I have been using an iOS phone called "Genius Scan," which possesses worked well thro...

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  26. Moving student submissions

    Is there a way to move student submissions from one assignment to another? For example, when a student turns in an assignment in the wrong - 612499 ... Find My Canvas URL Help Logging into Canvas Generate a Pairing Code Canvas Browser and Computer Requirements Change Canvas Notification Settings Submit a Peer Review Assignment. To participate ...

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  30. PDF How To View Submitted Assignments On Canvas As A Teacher , Robert J

    Online Assignment Submission Baha Amayreh,2011-10 This project is aimed at downloading and uploading online assignments for students; with each assignment having information about the instructions, description, deadline, and submission details. The main goal of this thesis is to design and implement online assignment submission and provide an