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  • Product Presentation

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Product presentation: best practices & templates for success.

11 min read

As a product manager, it’s not enough to simply come up with a great product that you know will solve the problems of your customers or give the market something it hasn’t seen before.

One of the key drivers to product success, is how the product is eventually presented to the market. Pitching your product correctly can make a success out of your hardwork. Pitching it wrong, however, can undo months (potentially years of hard work).

In this guide we take a look at the process of product presentation and outline why it’s important to your brand’s long-term success.

What is product presentation?

Product presentation is the process of bringing your product in front of your customers, whether it’s a new product, or an existing product with new features.

As the name suggests, it involves a presentation (product presentation slides) during which you take potential customers through the details of your product, including what it is, how it works, and how it helps to solve their problems.

A successful product presentation will ensure your potential customers know exactly why they should be interested in your new or updated product and can also help your sales team and marketing team with their plans for further product promotion.

Getting your product presentation right is a critical stage and there are several benefits you can generate with a powerful product presentation.

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Some of these benefits include:

A. Raise more product awareness

Giving a product presentation to potential buyers can generate far more awareness and draw attention to your product. We’ve all seen the slick product presentations by the likes of Apple that are treated as world events.

B. Help your product stand out

Whether you’re looking to entice existing customers with product updates, or establish credibility with new customers, a product presentation can help you stand out above the competition, which is particularly useful if you’re in a competitive or crowded market.

C. Reach a much larger audience

We’ve already mentioned how companies like Apple use product presentations in their marketing strategy. When Apple gives a product presentation or releases new features, it becomes a world-wide event generating interest not just from customers, but from the media.

Generating this wider media interest has many benefits and can create even more hype about your product among current customers and potential customers.

Getting your company name out in the media will help keep you front of mind when customers come to purchase – which is exactly where you want to be.

D. Generate more sales and revenue

Ultimately your product presentation is a sales presentation that sales teams can use to move buyers towards purchasing by demonstrating your product quality and providing specific product details directly to your audience.

What is the purpose of product presentation?

While product presentations can by used as sales presentations, they provide a specific purpose for product managers to help customers understand exactly why they should be interested in your product and what it can do for them.

It also provides an opportunity to be clear about what makes your product unique, but it also helps you tell the story of your product and help make a connection between the product and your customers.

We’ve all heard Simon Sinek’s “Start with Why” presentation, this is what your product presentation can do.

It can help customers understand why you do what you do, and provide specific examples of why your product solves their challenges.

Examples of effective product presentations

Effective product presentations can be different from company to company, but many follow the same template and will include many of the same elements.

The best product presentations will include details like:

1. Your company overview

Give customers some background and an idea of who you are as a company and why you do the things you do.

2. The problem you solve

Whether you solve a new problem or solve similar problems but in a better way, you need to be absolutely clear how you meet your customer needs and solve the problems in the market.

3. What the product is

This is your chance to outline all the benefits, features and other details of your latest product. The information you give here will help build trust with customers and increase the chances of them making a purchase.

4. Case studies

If you already developed social proof for your product with customers, then you should include details of this in your product presentation. If you can include testimonials or other instances to demonstrate how your product works, include them.

5. Call to action

Remember, your product presentation can work like a sales presentation (although it will be more focussed on the product and features than a sales presentation) so you should use a call to action to encourage customers to complete an action, like a purchase.

Here are a few examples of effective product presentations we’ve seen:

Samsung galaxy note8.

Samsung made great use of visual aids and entertainment to introduce the new Samsung Galaxy Note8 in this product presentation. This goes to show that while you can be effective with a product powerpoint presentation, adding a bit of extra spark can set you apart:

AirBnB’s product presentation is a textbook example of a presentation template that hits all the main points of a great product presentation.

AirBnB keep their product presentation simple, outlining very clearly the problem they solve, where they see themselves positioned in the marketplace, and exactly how the product works.

They also include many figures for revenue, the key benefits they offer and clear use cases when their product would be used.

Tesla Roadster

Tesla is becoming as synonymous with brilliant product presentations as Apple and the presentation of the company’s Roadster was a great example.

All the features were on full display and the audience were given the real sense they were looking at a genuine market disruptor.

Apple 2008 MacBook Air

Of course it wouldn’t be right to have a guide about product presentation and not include the company that has revolutionised this product focussed sales pitch.

The MacBook Air product presentation tagline There’s something in the air makes sense completely in the brand guidelines of Apple too.

It creates a story around the product before diving into the details.

What not to do with your product presentation

Of course, while your product presentation slides can get your foot in the door with customers, they can just as easily end with the door slamming in your face if you get it wrong.

And there’s plenty of examples of what you shouldn’t do in a product presentation:

Ignore brand guidelines

Remember, you want customers to associate your brand along side your product so they think of both synonymously. If you prepare a product presentation that jumps around in styles and themes, you’ll risk confusing customers.

Using too much information

There’s nothing worse than a product powerpoint presentation with big blocks of text that are hard to understand. It’s not just powerpoint slides that can be a problem of course. While it’s important to give customers information in your product presentations, the key is to give them the relevant information.

Cramming in too much risks them losing the key points.

Having a boring presentation template

We’ve shown with AirBnB’s product presentation that a pdf format and a slide deck outlining the key product details, and a clear product roadmap make for an effective presentation.

That can work when you don’t have a physical product.

But as we’ve also seen with the likes of Apple, Tesla and Samsung, if you have a physical product, use it to your best advantage.

Make it all about you

This might sound counterintuitive when talking about your product, but the only reason customers are going to care about it is because they get something out of it. Be clear what’s in it for them, and also try to include them in your product presentation. If you can engage your audience and make your product presentation more interactive there’s a great chance it will stand out.

Product presentation templates

Your product presentation should be a reflection of your individual brand and product, but a product presentation template can help get you started, and there are plenty available:

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Product concept 12 min read, product feedback 14 min read, product metrics 17 min read, product launch 18 min read, product marketing 23 min read, product roadmap 16 min read, product analysis 13 min read, request demo.

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Product launch presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to define your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and timeline.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing product launch presentation

Welcome to the exciting world of product launches!

In today's digital age, a successful product launch presentation is your ticket to making a memorable entrance into the market. Whether you're unveiling a groundbreaking tech gadget or a mouthwatering food product, the way you present it can make or break your success.

So, let's dive into this comprehensive guide to ensure your product launch presentation is nothing short of stellar.

What is a product launch?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of creating an impactful product launch presentation, let's clarify what a product launch actually entails. A product launch is the grand unveiling of a new offering, whether it's a new product hitting the market or an updated version of an existing one. It's a carefully orchestrated event designed to generate buzz, capture the attention of your target audience , and ultimately drive sales.

Purpose of a product launch presentation

Now that we understand what a product launch is, let's delve into the importance of a product launch presentation. This is the moment where you get to showcase your innovation, highlight your unique selling points (USP) , and give your ideal customers a reason to get excited. A well-crafted presentation serves several crucial purposes:

  • Building anticipation : Your presentation sets the stage for the big reveal, creating hype around your product.
  • Educating stakeholders : It informs key stakeholders about the product's features, benefits, and how it addresses pain points.
  • Creating engagement : A visually appealing presentation captures attention and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Establishing authority : It positions your brand as an expert in the field, instilling trust in your product.
  • Driving sales : Ultimately, a successful presentation should drive demand and result in sales.

Product launch presentation examples

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of crafting your presentation, it's always helpful to draw inspiration from real-world examples. Let's take a look at a few memorable product launch presentations that made waves:

  • Apple's iPhone launch : Apple's iconic product launches are a masterclass in creating anticipation. Their sleek, minimalist presentation style is instantly recognizable.
  • Tesla's cybertruck unveiling : Elon Musk's electrifying presentation of the cybertruck showcased not just the product but also the vision behind it.
  • Coca-Cola's new flavors : When Coca-Cola launched new flavors, they used nostalgia and emotion to connect with their audience in a relatable way.

These examples demonstrate that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to product launch presentations. Each was tailored to the brand and product, but they all shared common elements that made them effective.

How to structure an effective product launch presentation

Now that we've explored the why and what, let's get into the how. Structuring your presentation is crucial to ensure it flows smoothly and effectively conveys your message. Here's a suggested structure:

1. Introduction

  • Hook your audience : Start with a compelling story or statistic that grabs your audience's attention.
  • Introduce your brand : Briefly introduce your company and its mission.

2. The problem

  • Identify the pain points : Address the issues your product aims to solve.
  • Market research : Share insights from your market research to validate the problem's existence.

3. The solution

  • Introduce your product : Present your product as the ultimate solution.
  • Key features : Highlight the standout features that set your product apart.

4. The journey

  • Showcase development : Provide a sneak peek into the development process.
  • Behind-the-scenes : Share the challenges your team overcame.

5. The benefits

  • Highlight benefits : Explain how your product will make your audience's life better.
  • Use cases : Give examples of how it can be used in real-life scenarios.

6. Target audience

  • Persona creation : Describe your ideal customer in detail.
  • Why it matters to them : Explain why your product resonates with this audience.

7. Marketing strategy

  • Coordinated efforts : Discuss your marketing strategy, including email marketing and distribution channels.
  • KPIs : Set clear key performance indicators to measure success.

8. The hype

  • Build anticipation : Share how you plan to create excitement leading up to the launch.
  • Remember to keep it authentic : Avoid overhyping; honesty is key.

9. The launch date

  • Reveal the date : Announce the official launch date, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Countdown begins : Start a countdown on your website and social media.

10. Conclusion

  • Recap key points : Summarize the main takeaways from your presentation.
  • Call to action : Encourage your audience to take action, whether it's signing up for updates or pre-ordering.

Do’s and don'ts on a product launch presentation

As we move forward, let's keep in mind some essential do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation hits all the right notes.

  • Do your research : Understand your market, competition, and target audience.
  • Do tell a story : Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.
  • Do focus on benefits : Highlight how your product solves problems and improves lives.
  • Do use visuals : Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, and videos.
  • Do rehearse : Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.
  • Do interact : Engage with your audience during and after the presentation.
  • Do collect feedback : Gather feedback to improve future presentations.


  • Don't overwhelm : Avoid information overload; keep it concise.
  • Don't neglect design : Aesthetics matter; invest in professional design.
  • Don't overpromise : Be honest about your product's capabilities.
  • Don't rush : Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  • Don't forget the call to action : Always guide your audience on what to do next.
  • Don't ignore analytics : Monitor the performance of your presentation.
  • Don't lose patience : Success may not come overnight; stay persistent.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Product launch presentation : It educates, engages, and excites your audience about a new product.
  • Learn from the best : Take inspiration from successful launches like Apple and Tesla.
  • Structured approach : Organize your presentation with a clear intro, problem-solution, benefits, and a strong call to action.
  • Do's and don'ts : Do research, tell a compelling story, and rehearse. Highlight benefits, use visuals, and be authentic. Don't overwhelm, overpromise, or skip professional design. Always have a clear call to action.

1. How can I create a winning product launch presentation?

To create a winning product launch presentation, you'll need a template that's specifically designed for this purpose. Use this template as a starting point, ensuring it's customizable to suit your product and brand. Pay attention to the presentation slides you need and make sure the template includes placeholders for all of them. Don't forget to strategize your presentation by outlining your product launch strategy and launch plan. Highlight the key message you want to convey to your target market, and consider using icons to place relevant icons alongside your content for visual appeal. Lastly, be sure to cover every minute detail of your launch process, from pre-launch activities to the post-launch phase, to ensure the success of your launch.

2. What are the essential elements of a product launch presentation?

A product launch presentation should encompass various features to be effective. Start by introducing your new product to the market and give an overview of its unique selling points and benefits. Use the product overview to explain how your product development process has led to this point. Your presentation ppt should also include a product launch timeline, roadmap, illustrating the stages involved in the launch. Don't forget to discuss your product launch plan, including your product launch marketing plan and how you'll use coordinated marketing and relationship marketing to engage with your target market and new customers. Lastly, ensure your presentation is editable, allowing you to make changes as needed.

Here is a comprehensive guide on product development plan presentation .

3. How can I make my product launch presentation stand out?

To make your product launch presentation stand out, consider using a powerpoint template or Google Slides template that offers a visually appealing design. Incorporate presentation ideas that capture the essence of your product and engage your audience. Make your slides visually appealing by adding relevant icons to emphasize key points. Ensure your pitch deck is clear and concise, focusing on the key message you want to convey. Additionally, address any potential concerns your audience may have and demonstrate how your product addresses them. This will help you create an excellent product launch that captures attention.

4. What role does a product manager play in the product launch presentation?

A product manager plays a crucial role in the launch process and the success of your launch. They are responsible for planning to launch the product, which involves developing the launch plan and product launch strategy. The product manager works closely with the marketing team to create a product launch marketing plan and ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned with the product's goals. They also oversee the product's life cycle, from concept to post-launch evaluation. In the presentation, the product manager should highlight their involvement in the launch and their dedication to delivering the best product launch possible.

5. How can I create an effective product launch presentation on a tight schedule?

When you need to launch a new product quickly, having an editable and customizable presentation template at your disposal can be a lifesaver. Start by using the new product launch powerpoint templates or Google Slides templates that are readily available. These templates are designed to help you create an effective presentation without starting from scratch. Focus on the most critical elements of your launch plan and product launch strategy to streamline the process. Ensure that your presentation covers all the slides you need to convey your message succinctly. Additionally, make use of your email lists and various features of your template to reach your target market effectively, even when time is limited. Remember, having a well-structured presentation can help you win the product launch even on a tight schedule.

Create your product launch presentation with Prezent

Prezent revolutionizes the creation of product launch presentations by incorporating audience preferences, powerful storytelling, and brand-approved designs into its platform. With over 35,000 slides and numerous storylines, it provides a wealth of resources for crafting engaging content. Prezent streamlines collaboration with real-time sharing, ensuring that your team can work seamlessly together.

Furthermore, it guarantees 100% compliance, a crucial aspect for regulated industries, and efficient document management. You can also personalize presentations for various stakeholders and take advantage of their overnight presentation service for tight deadlines. Ultimately, Prezent empowers your team to deliver persuasive, on-brand presentations efficiently and cost-effectively.

Ready to make your product launch presentations truly memorable?

Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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  • Mastering Event Presentation

Product Launch Presentation Strategies

Synthesizing Strategies for Effective Product Launch Presentations

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Comprehensive planning for product launch success.

Comprehensive Planning for Product Launch Success

The Blueprint for a Triumph: Navigating the Maze of Product Launch Planning

In the intricate dance of launching a new product, comprehensive planning stands as the foundational step that determines the rhythm of success. The art of orchestrating a product launch event presentation begins with a meticulously crafted plan that aligns every aspect of the product launch timeline, from the initial product idea to the final market release. This plan serves not just as a roadmap but as a dynamic script for the entire launch process. It encompasses a holistic view of objectives, strategies, timelines, and resources, ensuring that every team member is on the same page and marching towards the same goal. Effective planning is about foresight, anticipation of challenges, and the flexibility to adapt, making it a critical determinant of a product launch's success.

Unpacking the Essentials: The Core Elements of Launch Planning

Diving deeper into the anatomy of comprehensive planning, several key elements emerge as the backbone of a successful product launch presentation. These include market research, understanding the target audience, setting clear and measurable objectives, and developing a full marketing plan and strategy that resonates. Historical data, competitor analysis, and market trends play pivotal roles in shaping the strategies employed. The launch plan also outlines the product's key message, focusing on its unique value proposition and how it addresses the pain points of potential customers. Additionally, it involves planning for various stakeholders' engagement, including the marketing team, product manager, and key partners, ensuring alignment and commitment to the product's vision.

Bringing Theory to Practice: Real-World Success Stories

The theory of comprehensive planning is brought to life through real-world examples that illustrate its impact on product launch success. For instance, consider a tech company that leveraged detailed market analysis and customer insights to launch a groundbreaking app. By identifying a gap in the market and tailoring their product launch presentation to highlight how their app uniquely filled this void, they were able to captivate their audience and secure a successful launch. Another example includes a health food company that utilized customer feedback and market research to refine their product and marketing strategy, resulting in a new food product launch ppt presentation that effectively communicated the product's health benefits and sustainability ethos, significantly boosting its market acceptance.

Validating Strategies with Data: The Power of Research and Insights

The importance of backing planning strategies with data cannot be overstated. Studies show that products launched with comprehensive market research have a significantly higher chance of success. For example, a report by the Nielsen Company highlights that products backed by thorough market understanding and customer insights achieve up to 85% more in sales in their first year. Further, Harvard Business Review notes that strategic planning, which includes a detailed analysis of the target market and competitive landscape, can increase a product's success rate by over 75%. These statistics underscore the critical role of data-driven planning in enhancing the effectiveness of product launch presentations.

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Harmonizing Vision and Value: The Art of Brand Alignment in Launch Presentations

When the curtain rises on a new product launch presentation, it's not just the product that's on display but the brand itself. The alignment between the presentation and the brand's core values acts as a powerful magnet, attracting both loyalty and interest. This congruence ensures that every aspect of the presentation resonates with the brand's identity, ethos, and mission, creating a coherent narrative that captivates the audience. Aligning your perfect product launch presentation with brand values is about weaving the brand's story into the fabric of the product launch, ensuring that the message conveyed not only introduces a new product but also reinforces the brand's market position and promise to its customers.

The Foundations of Brand Alignment: Core Principles and Strategies

At the heart of brand alignment lies the understanding of the brand's core values, vision, and the message it wishes to convey through its new product launch ppt. This understanding forms the basis for developing presentation strategies that echo these values. For instance, a brand that prides itself on innovation and cutting-edge technology would focus its product launch presentation on showcasing the novel features and advanced capabilities of the new product. Similarly, a brand committed to sustainability might highlight the eco-friendly aspects of its product, its production process, and how it contributes to a greener future. The key is to ensure that every element of the winning product launch presentation, from the visual design to the narrative style, reflects the brand's identity.

Real-World Examples of Brand Value Alignment in Action

Successful brand alignment is vividly demonstrated in cases where companies have managed to seamlessly integrate their brand values into their product launch presentations. Consider the example of a globally recognized outdoor apparel company that launched a new line of eco-conscious clothing. The product launch event keynote emphasized the company's commitment to sustainability, detailing the use of recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. This approach not only introduced the new product line but also reinforced the brand's identity as a leader in sustainable apparel. Another example is a tech giant known for its innovation, which used its product launch presentation to highlight the cutting-edge technology and unique features of its latest device, thereby reinforcing its position as an industry innovator.

Evidence and Insights: The Impact of Brand Alignment on Launch Success

The effectiveness of aligning product launch presentations with brand values is supported by extensive research. A study published in the Journal of Marketing Research indicates that brand-consistent presentations can enhance customer perception of the brand, increase brand loyalty, and significantly impact the product's market success. Furthermore, according to a report by the Branding Strategy Insider, companies that maintain a strong alignment between their launches and brand values see a 20% higher customer retention rate. These findings underscore the importance of embedding brand values into the product launch strategy, as it not only elevates the product's introduction but also strengthens the brand's overall market presence.

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Engaging Hearts and Minds: The Power of Storytelling in Product Launches

In the world of product launch presentations, storytelling emerges as a pivotal strategy to captivate and engage the audience. This ancient art goes beyond mere facts and figures, weaving a narrative that connects the audience emotionally with the product. Storytelling in product introductions is not about creating a fairy tale; it's about crafting a compelling narrative that illustrates the journey of the product—from conception to realization—and how it fits into the lives of its users. A well-told story can breathe life into the product, making its features and benefits not just understood but felt. This emotional connection can significantly enhance the audience's reception of the product, turning passive listeners into active participants in the product's story.

The Narrative Framework: Crafting Your Product's Story

The essence of effective storytelling in product launch presentations lies in constructing a narrative that is both relatable and inspirational. This narrative should highlight the problem or need that led to the product's development, the challenges overcome in its creation, and the positive impact it aims to have on the users' lives. The story should be structured in a way that builds anticipation, develops interest, and culminates in a satisfying reveal of the product. By focusing on the human elements—the dreams, efforts, and experiences behind the product—storytelling makes the presentation not just informative but memorable. Key elements include the product's unique selling proposition, testimonials from early users, and scenarios that showcase the product in action.

Illustrative Examples: Storytelling in Successful Product Launches

The impact of storytelling is best illustrated through examples of successful product launches that harnessed its power. One notable instance is a technology company that introduced a revolutionary product by telling the story of its development, highlighting the team's dedication to solving a common yet complex problem. This narrative, filled with trials, innovations, and breakthroughs, allowed the audience to appreciate the product's value on a deeper level. Another example involves a lifestyle brand that launched a new line of products by sharing stories of how these products were inspired by real-life experiences and designed to enhance everyday life. These stories, enriched with emotional and relatable elements, significantly amplified audience interest and engagement.

Substantiating Stories with Data: The Synergy of Emotion and Evidence

While storytelling primarily appeals to emotions, integrating data and research into the narrative can reinforce the product's value proposition and market need. Real-world examples, user testimonials, and statistical evidence can lend credibility to the story, making it more persuasive. For instance, incorporating data on market demand, potential impact, and previous successes can validate the need for the product and the feasibility of its promises. This blend of narrative and data ensures that the presentation appeals to both the hearts and minds of the audience, making the case for the product compelling and comprehensive.

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

Data-Driven Decisions: Elevating Your Product Launch Through Insight

In the realm of product launch presentations, the incorporation of data and research is not merely beneficial—it's essential. This approach transforms a standard, presentation template into a compelling, evidence-based narrative that not only informs but also persuades. Utilizing data and research in presentation design involves more than just showcasing numbers; it's about interpreting those numbers to tell a story about the market need, the product's potential impact, and its competitive advantage. By grounding your presentation in research, you can address potential concerns proactively, demonstrate a deep understanding of your target market, and provide tangible proof of your product's value proposition.

Building a Foundation: The Crucial Role of Market Research

At the core of any effective product launch presentation is thorough market research. This research provides invaluable insights into the target audience's behaviors, preferences, and pain points, allowing for a more targeted and relevant presentation. Additionally, competitive analysis offers a clear view of the market landscape, identifying opportunities for differentiation. This background information serves as the foundation for a data-driven presentation, guiding the development of key messages and helping to tailor the presentation to the audience's needs and interests. By highlighting how the new product addresses specific market gaps or customer pain points, the presentation can effectively showcase the product's unique benefits and potential impact.

Real-World Impact: Examples of Data-Enhanced Presentations

The effectiveness of incorporating data and research into product launch presentations is evident in numerous success stories across various industries. For instance, a startup in the sustainable energy sector used market data to highlight the growing demand for green solutions, positioning their new product as a timely and necessary innovation. Another example can be seen in the healthcare industry, where a company launching a new medical device used clinical trial data to demonstrate its efficacy and safety, thereby building trust and credibility with its target audience. These examples underscore the power of data to enhance the persuasive appeal of a presentation, making the case for the new product more compelling and grounded in reality.

Validating Your Approach: The Importance of Credible Sources

To maximize the impact of data and research in your product launch presentation, it's crucial to rely on credible sources and present the information in a clear, digestible format. Utilizing reputable industry reports, academic studies, and verified market analysis lends authority to your presentation, enhancing its credibility. Moreover, visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics can help convey complex data in an accessible and engaging way, facilitating a deeper understanding among the audience. Referencing specific studies or statistics from recognized institutions can further validate the information presented, ensuring that your product launch is not only well-received but also respected for its thorough and insightful preparation.

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Maximizing Reach: A Multi-Channel Approach to Product Launches

In the era of digital connectivity, engaging different media channels for the presentation of a new product is crucial for achieving maximum exposure. This strategy goes beyond traditional advertising, embracing a holistic approach that includes social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and even experiential events. By leveraging the unique strengths and audience of each channel, brands can create a comprehensive and cohesive narrative that surrounds the product launch, ensuring that the message not only reaches a wide audience but resonates across diverse platforms. A multi-channel approach amplifies the product's visibility, making the launch more impactful and far-reaching.

Crafting a Cohesive Strategy Across Platforms

The key to a successful multi-channel launch is consistency in messaging, presentation ideas, coupled with the customization of content to suit each platform's specific audience and format. For instance, while Instagram might be ideal for visually compelling stories and product teasers, LinkedIn can serve as a platform for more detailed discussions and thought leadership related to the product. Email marketing campaigns can offer exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes looks, building anticipation and personalizing the launch experience. By tailoring the presentation content to fit the medium while maintaining a unified brand voice and message, companies can engage their audience in a more meaningful and effective way.

Success Stories: Effective Multi-Channel Product Launches

Illustrative of the power of a multi-channel approach are numerous product launch event examples that successfully utilized a mix of media to build hype and drive engagement. A notable example includes a tech company that announced its latest gadget through a synchronized launch across social media, online forums, and a live-streamed event, creating a buzz that reached millions worldwide. Another success story comes from the fashion industry, where a brand used influencer partnerships, interactive online ads, and pop-up events in key cities to introduce a new collection, effectively engaging different segments of its target market and driving significant online and in-store traffic.

Leveraging Data for Tailored Media Engagement

To ensure that each media channel is used to its fullest potential, data analytics play a pivotal role in understanding audience preferences, behaviors, and engagement patterns. Insights gleaned from data can inform which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience, what type of content generates the most interaction, and how to optimize timing for posts and announcements. For a launch date for instance, analyzing social media engagement rates can help identify the best platforms for teaser campaigns, while email open rates can provide guidance on how to structure communication for maximum impact. This data-driven approach ensures that marketing efforts are not just widespread but strategically targeted, maximizing the effectiveness of the product launch.

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Tailoring Your Tale: The Art of Audience-Specific Messaging

In the vibrant tapestry of today’s marketplace, the ability to craft messages for diverse audiences stands as a cornerstone of any successful product launch presentation. Understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach falls short in resonating across the varied segments of a potential market, this strategy emphasizes the customization of messaging to align with the distinct values, needs, and preferences of different audience groups. From potential new customers to key stakeholders, each group requires a nuanced approach that speaks directly to their interests and concerns. By tailoring the narrative around the product to suit these varied audiences, companies can foster a deeper connection and relevance, enhancing the overall impact of their launch.

Segmentation and Strategy: Building a Broad Appeal

The process of crafting messages for diverse audiences begins with meticulous audience segmentation. This involves breaking down the larger target market into sub-groups based on demographics, psychographics, buying behavior, and other relevant criteria. For each segment, the messaging strategy then adapts to address the specific interests and needs of that group. For instance, while technical details and innovation might appeal to a tech-savvy audience, practical benefits and ease of use could be more relevant to everyday consumers. Similarly, a B2B presentation might focus on ROI and efficiency gains, whereas a B2C product launch template could highlight lifestyle enhancements and emotional appeals. This targeted approach ensures that the product launch presentation resonates more personally with each segment, increasing engagement and interest.

Success in Diversity: Examples of Audience-Engaging Launches

The efficacy of tailored messaging is underscored by product launch event examples where diverse audience engagement played a key role in success. A prime example is a consumer electronics company that segmented its launch presentation for a new gadget into different narratives: one focusing on the product’s cutting-edge technology for tech enthusiasts and another on its lifestyle integration for everyday users. Another case is a health and wellness brand that varied its messaging for healthcare professionals by emphasizing scientific research and efficacy, while for consumers, it highlighted wellness benefits and user testimonials. These tailored approaches ensured that the product's key messages were delivered in the most compelling and relevant way to each audience segment.

Incorporating Feedback for Refined Messaging

An integral part of crafting effective messages for diverse audiences is the inclusion of feedback mechanisms to refine and adjust the messaging strategy. Pre-launch research, focus groups, and pilot launches can provide valuable insights into audience reactions, allowing for the optimization of messages before a full-scale launch. Post-launch, continuous feedback collection through surveys, social media monitoring, and customer interactions can further inform adjustments and future communications. This feedback loop ensures that the messaging remains dynamic and responsive to audience needs and preferences, maximizing the relevance and impact of the product presentation.

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

Beyond the Product: The Role of Design in Launch Success

The unveiling of a new product is a pivotal moment that encapsulates months, or even years, of hard work and innovation. However, beyond the product itself, the packaging and presentation design play critical roles in determining the overall impact and success of the launch. In a market crowded with alternatives, the design elements of a product launch can significantly differentiate and elevate the product, creating a memorable first impression that resonates with the audience. From the physical packaging to the visual and thematic elements of the launch presentation, every detail contributes to storytelling, brand perception ideal customer name, and customer engagement.

Design Principles for Memorable Launches

Effective packaging and presentation design hinge on several key principles: simplicity, clarity, and emotional connection. The design should be straightforward yet impactful, avoiding unnecessary complexity that could detract from the product's key message. Clarity in design ensures that the product's various features and benefits are easily understood, facilitating a quick connection with the audience. Moreover, incorporating elements that evoke emotions—be it excitement, curiosity, or satisfaction—can significantly enhance the audience's engagement and recall of the product. The design should also reflect the brand's values and identity, ensuring consistency and reinforcing brand recognition.

Showcasing Design Impact: Real-World Success Stories

The transformative power of effective design is evident in numerous successful product launches. For example, a consumer electronics company gained widespread acclaim for its minimalist packaging and presentation design, which not only highlighted the product's sleek, innovative features but also echoed the brand's ethos of simplicity and efficiency. Another case involved a beauty brand that utilized vibrant, eye-catching packaging and an engaging, story-driven presentation to introduce a new skincare line, capturing the audience's attention and successfully differentiating the product in a highly competitive market. These examples underscore the importance of thoughtful design in creating an impactful product launch.

Leveraging Design for Enhanced Engagement

To maximize the impact of packaging and presentation design, it's essential to integrate customer insights and feedback throughout the design process. This approach ensures that the design elements are not only aesthetically pleasing but also resonate with the target audience's preferences and expectations. Employing techniques such as A/B testing, focus groups, and social media polls can provide valuable feedback on design concepts, allowing for refinements that better align with customer desires. Furthermore, leveraging the latest design trends and technologies can add an element of innovation to the presentation, capturing the audience's imagination and setting the stage for a successful product launch.

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Quantifying Impact: The Metrics That Matter in Launch Analysis

The aftermath of a product launch presentation offers a crucial window for reflection and analysis. Measuring the success and calculating the return on investment (ROI) of these presentations are vital steps in understanding their impact, guiding future strategies, and justifying the resources allocated. The criteria for success extend beyond immediate sales figures to include a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics. These can encompass audience engagement, media coverage, social media buzz, lead generation, and market penetration rates. By setting clear, measurable objectives prior to the product launch event presentations and employing a comprehensive analytics approach post-launch, companies can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their presentation strategies.

Establishing Benchmarks and Analytical Tools

The foundation of any effective measurement strategy is the establishment of clear benchmarks and the utilization of analytical tools tailored to the specific goals of the product launch. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be identified early in the planning phase, allowing for the collection of baseline data against which the launch's impact can be assessed. Tools ranging from web analytics platforms to social media monitoring software can provide a wealth of data on audience engagement, reach, and interaction. Additionally, sales data and customer feedback channels offer direct insights into the market response to the new product, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of the launch's success.

Learning from Launch Analytics: Case Studies and Insights

Real-world examples highlight the importance and utility of measuring the success and ROI of product launch presentations. A notable instance involved a tech company that closely monitored the online engagement levels during and after their product launch event. By analyzing website traffic, social media interactions, and live-stream views, they were able to identify key factors driving audience interest, as well as areas where engagement lagged. This analysis informed adjustments in their post-launch marketing strategy, leading to increased sales and broader market acceptance. Another example comes from a consumer goods company that used customer feedback and sales data post-launch to refine its product messaging, packaging, and distribution strategies, significantly improving product performance and customer satisfaction.

Strategies for Maximizing ROI and Future Success

To enhance the ROI of product launch presentations, it's crucial to not only measure outcomes but also to apply the insights gained post launch evaluation towards optimizing future launches. This involves a cycle of continuous improvement, where data from each launch informs the next. Strategies might include refining target audience segments, adjusting messaging based on feedback, exploring new media channels for broader reach, or innovating in presentation formats and content. Moreover, the integration of lessons learned from post-launch evaluations can aid in more accurately forecasting future launch performance, setting more realistic goals, and allocating resources more effectively, thereby improving the overall efficiency and impact of product launch strategies.

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Reflective Insights: The Pathway to Continuous Improvement

The journey of product launching is paved with both triumphs and tribulations, each carrying invaluable lessons for future endeavors. Learning from past launches involves a meticulous dissection of what elements contributed to a launch's success or, conversely, what factors may have hindered its performance. This reflective process is crucial for identifying best practices, understanding market dynamics, and fine-tuning strategies to better align with audience expectations and market trends. By embracing a culture of learning and adaptation, organizations can evolve their launch strategies to become more effective and impactful over time.

Analyzing Launch Outcomes: A Dual Lens Approach

The analysis of past launches should adopt a dual lens, focusing on both the successes and the shortcomings. Successes serve as benchmarks and highlight strategies that resonate well with the target market, potentially becoming templates for future launches. On the other hand, dissecting the aspects that didn’t perform as expected reveals gaps in planning, execution, or market understanding. This comprehensive analysis involves reviewing feedback from customers, sales data, engagement metrics, and team reflections. Whether it’s the efficacy of the marketing channels used, the clarity of the product’s value proposition, or the alignment with customer needs, each aspect offers insights for improvement.

Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Real-life examples underscore the value of learning from past launches. A consumer tech company, for instance, found great success by leveraging influencer marketing in one of its product launches, leading to a significant increase in market awareness and sales. This strategy has since become a staple in their launch plans. Conversely, a health and wellness brand learned from a less successful launch where the product messaging failed to clearly articulate the product’s unique benefits, leading to lukewarm market reception. The brand recalibrated its messaging strategy for subsequent launches, focusing more on clear, benefit-driven communication, resulting in improved customer engagement and sales.

Incorporating Learnings into Future Launch Strategies

The lessons gleaned from analyzing past launches can be transformative when applied to future strategies. This might involve adopting new technologies or presentation formats, diversifying marketing channels, or refining target audience profiling. For instance, understanding the impact of social media trends might inspire more creative and engaging content for the next launch. Alternatively, feedback on the product’s features or usability could inform product development and innovation. Crucially, this learning process should be institutionalized within the organization, ensuring that insights are shared, discussed, and integrated into the planning and execution of every new product launch.

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Embracing Innovation: Navigating the Future of Product Launches

The landscape of product launches is perpetually evolving, shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and global market dynamics. Staying abreast of future trends in product launch strategies is not just advantageous; it's imperative for brands aiming to remain competitive and resonate with their audiences. Emerging trends point towards a more integrated, personalized, and technology-driven approach to product launches. By anticipating and adopting these trends, companies can not only enhance the impact of their launch presentations but also forge deeper connections with their target audience engaged their markets.

Personalization and Customer Engagement: The New Frontier

One significant trend shaping the future of product launches is the shift towards hyper-personalization and enhanced customer engagement. This approach leverages data analytics and customer insights to tailor launch messages and experiences to individual preferences and behaviors, thereby increasing relevance and resonance. The rise of AI and machine learning technologies offers unprecedented capabilities for segmenting audiences and delivering personalized content at scale. Additionally, interactive and immersive experiences, through AR/VR technologies, are setting new standards for engagement, allowing customers to experience products in innovative and compelling ways before making a purchase decision.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Core Launch Themes

As global awareness and concern for environmental and social issues grow, sustainability and social responsibility are becoming central themes in product launch strategies. Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that not only offer innovative products but also demonstrate a commitment to positive social and environmental impact. Future product launches will likely emphasize eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing, and community engagement initiatives, aligning product offerings with broader societal values. This alignment not only enhances brand perception but also drives consumer loyalty and advocacy.

Digital and Virtual Launch Platforms: Expanding Reach

The shift towards digital and virtual launch platforms, accelerated by recent global events, is another trend poised to define the future of product introductions. Virtual launch events, livestreams, and digital showcases offer the flexibility to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical and logistical barriers. These platforms also provide opportunities for leveraging data and analytics in real-time, enabling brands to gauge audience reactions, collect feedback, and adjust their strategies on the fly. As technology advances, we can expect these digital platforms to become even more immersive and interactive, offering richer and more engaging experiences.

Collaborative and Cross-Platform Marketing: A Synergistic Approach

Lastly, the future of product launches will likely see an increase in collaborative and cross-platform marketing efforts. Partnerships between brands and influencers, cross-industry collaborations, and integrated marketing campaigns that span multiple media channels are becoming essential for amplifying reach and impact. These collaborations can introduce products to new audiences, leverage the credibility and reach of partner brands, and create a more dynamic and multifaceted launch experience. As brands look to stand out in a crowded market, creative and strategic collaborations will become a key component of successful launch strategies.

How do I create a product launch event presentation that stands out?

Begin by understanding your target audience deeply and tailoring your message to resonate with them. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection, and don't forget to incorporate data and research to back up your claims. Lastly, ensure your presentation aligns with your brand values for a cohesive brand image.

What happens at a product launch event?

A product launch event typically includes a presentation of the new product, highlighting its features, benefits, and potential impact. It may also feature live demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for attendees to interact with the product.

How do you create a compelling product launch presentation?

Focus on storytelling, use high-quality visuals, and include compelling data points to support your narrative. Make sure your presentation addresses the audience's pain points and clearly articulates the value of your product.

How do you organize a successful launching event?

Comprehensive planning is key. Define your objectives, identify your target audience, choose the right venue and format, and develop a marketing strategy to promote the event. Engage your audience with interactive elements and follow up post-event for feedback.

How do you present a new product idea effectively?

Clearly define the problem your product solves and present your solution in a simple, compelling way. Use visuals and prototypes to demonstrate your product's benefits and differentiate it from competitors.

How do I start a new product launch?

Begin with market research to validate your product idea and identify your target audience. Develop a detailed launch plan, aligning your marketing strategy, sales goals, and product development timelines. Ensure your team is fully briefed and prepared.

How do you present a product presentation that engages?

Engage your audience with a mix of storytelling, interactive elements, and live demonstrations. Personalize your presentation to address specific audience segments and use dynamic visuals to highlight key points.

How do you write content for a new product launch?

Focus on the benefits and value proposition of your product. Use clear, persuasive language and ensure your content is optimized for your target audience and platforms, whether it's for a website, email campaign, or social media.

How to prepare a PPT for a new product launch?

Start with a clear outline that includes an introduction, product overview, benefits, market analysis, and call to action. Use consistent branding, high-quality visuals, and concise text to convey your message effectively.

How do you introduce a new product in a presentation?

Begin with a compelling story or statistic that highlights the need for your product. Follow with a clear description of the product, its benefits, and how it addresses the needs or challenges of your target audience.

What is an example of a product launch presentation?

An example could be Apple’s iPhone launch presentation, which effectively combines storytelling, product demonstrations, and clear explanations of features and benefits to engage and excite the audience.

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How to create and deliver an impactful product presentation

marketing a new product presentation

As a product leader, a crucial part of your job is to communicate with and present to other teams across your company (e.g., the engineering team, the sales team, etc.).

How To Create And Deliver An Impactful Product Presentation

One of the best ways to do this is to deliver a product presentation. In this guide, we’ll share some tips on how to prepare and deliver an effective product presentation that cuts to the chase and aligns stakeholders on your product direction .

How to structure your product presentation

Giving a good, short, and sharp product presentation can be done in a super straightforward way that effectively follows the Pain-Agitate-Solution (PAS) framework.

This three-step framework is a great tool to help you frame a compelling story around your product strategy and align and rally the team around a common goal.

From there, based on the information presented in the first three sections, explain, in audience-appropriate terms, what you plan to do to solve customers’ problems and how you plan to do it.

Following this structure, your product presentation should flow as follows:

  • What will you do?
  • How will you do it?

This is your chance to set up the entire presentation and create a memorable first impression.

You want to keep this section short and to the point. In some cases, this could be your first interaction with a team, executive, investor, prospect, or customer, so make it count.

Start with an image that figuratively or literally depicts the problem and add some text. For example:

  • “Is this you?”
  • “This is our customer”
  • “This is our focus for the next quarter”

A good example of a pain point is the way people used to seek support for their software products: They would email or call a support contact, send screenshots and attachments, and explain — often poorly — the steps they took so the agent could attempt to reproduce the problem.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Pain

Once you’ve identified the problem, it’s time to agitate it — in other words, make the problem seem as big and as urgent as possible.

The goal here is to get your audience members thinking about how much better things could be if this problem were solved.

Describe the implications if the problem goes unaddressed: What are the consequences of not solving it? Again, make this relatable and digestible for your audience.

Instead of slides upon slides of market insights and trends analysis , this is a great place to drop in two or three key stats to back up your argument and highlight the problem you’re setting out to solve.

For example:

Product Presentation Example Slide: Agitate

3. Solution

Finally, it’s time to introduce your solution. This is where you get to talk about how you plan to solve the customer’s problem.

Be sure to focus on the features and benefits that matter most to the customer . What makes your product unique? Why should people care?

Ideally, you should have an image that depicts — figuratively or literally — what a successful customer looks like. Bonus points if you include a quote from a real customer that explicitly indicates a cessation of the pain referenced in the first slide.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Solution

The tone you want to present is something like, “Fear not! There is a product with a solution. Here’s how it will help our users solve their problems.”

4. What will you do?

What will you do to help your customers solve their problems?

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Describe the features and benefits using language that resonates with your audience. The goal is to help them understand how your product will improve the lives of your customers.

Product Presentation Example Slide: Plan

5. How will you do it?

Finally, you get the slide that most people are after: the product roadmap .

Explain to your audience how you plan to achieve the goals and objectives outlined in your roadmap. What do you plan to focus on today, tomorrow, and beyond?

Product Presentation Example Slide: Roadmap

The roadmap section of your presentation is also an opportunity to showcase the product in action.

A live demonstration or video serves as an effective tool for promotion and solidifies understanding. By walking through the product’s use, you can help the audience understand how your product solves customer problems.

What is the goal of a product presentation?

Following the PAS framework when creating and delivering a product presentation will help you persuade internal stakeholders of the product’s value and gain the buy-in you need to execute your roadmap .

An effective product presentation clearly articulates the problem, agitates its implications, introduces a solution, and outlines what you will do and how you will do it. This framework is designed to help product managers rally product and cross-functional teams around common goals.

Using storytelling techniques and referencing key data points as you go through these steps helps you captivate your audience and drive home key points. This product presentation format can work for product introductions, product strategy, quarterly kick-off meetings, sales pitches, marketing briefs , and more.

Product presentation template

Click here to access the template I used to create the example presentation referenced throughout this guide.

To customize this product presentation template , select File > Make a Copy or download the file to your computer.

How to deliver an engaging product presentation: 4 tips

By this point, you’ve prepared an awesome presentation. Now it’s time to deliver it.

Here are some tips on how to take that compelling presentation you created and deliver it with the oomph it deserves:

  • Know your audience
  • Start with a bang
  • Keep it concise
  • Engage with your audience

1. Know your audience

The first step to giving an effective presentation is to know your audience:

  • Who are you presenting to?
  • What are their needs and wants?
  • How knowledgeable are they about the subject matter?

Answering these questions will help you tailor your presentation so that it resonates with your audience.

For example, if you’re presenting to a group of engineers, you’ll want to focus on the technical aspects of your product . If you’re presenting to a group of salespeople, you’ll want to focus on how your product can be sold effectively.

By understanding who your audience is, you can ensure that your talking points hit the right note.

2. Start with a bang

You only have one chance to make a first impression and hook the audience, so make it count by highlighting the problem in powerful, impactful terms. The first few minutes of your presentation are crucial in terms of setting the tone and grabbing your audience’s attention.

One way to do this is to start with a strong opening statement that tells your audience exactly what to expect from your presentation.

For example, you could start by saying something punchy and ambitious, like: “Our new product has the potential to revolutionize the way we do business.” This will immediately pique the interest of your audience and set the stage for the rest of your presentation.

3. Keep it concise

When it comes to presentations, less is almost always more. No one wants to sit through a long, drawn-out presentation — they’ll tune out before you even get to the good stuff.

The product presentation template used in the example above only includes five slides; there’s no real need to go beyond that. The template is versatile enough to be used across many different types of audiences.

Get your point across in as few words as possible. Use short sentences and bullet points instead of long paragraphs and resist the urge to include too much information.

Remember, you can always provide more details later if necessary; for the core presentation, just focus on hitting the key points.

If needed, add an appendix that you can jump to depending on the audience. For example, you might have a marketing spend breakdown, engineering resourcing by team, or more elaboration on the detail of the product roadmap.

4. Engage with your audience

An effective presentation is not a one-way street; it should be interactive and engaging.

Don’t just stand at the front of the room and lecture your audience. Instead, try to get them involved in what you’re saying. Ask questions, invite input from the group, and encourage discussion.

The more engaged your audience is, the more likely they are to remember what you’ve said — and, hopefully, buy into it.

Giving an effective product presentation doesn’t have to be difficult — it just takes a little planning and preparation.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your next product presentation goes off without a hitch!

Featured image source: IconScout

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How to Create an Effective Marketing Presentation (+5 Expert Tips)

May 17, 2024

Tim Ferguson photo

Traditional marketing professionals were expected to be a natural at creating and delivering great marketing presentations.

With the advent of digital marketing, however, the importance of old-school presentation skills are often overlooked or given little significance in a marketer’s skill set.

Modern marketers aren’t required to go door-to-door handing out pamphlets and flyers. The level of face-to-face interaction in marketing has been reduced to occasional networking events or marketing conferences.

However, the ability to create an effective marketing presentation is still a prized skill in modern digital marketing. There are several use cases where this prowess will come in handy, such as:

  • When proposing a new marketing campaign or initiative, you may need to pitch your ideas to your superiors or clients by giving a presentation at a meeting.
  • When conducting a teleseminar or webinar for training purposes, addressing user needs, or launching a new product.
  • When creating marketing content for platforms such as SlideShare as a part of your overall content marketing strategy .
  • When you finally decide to take up the challenge of becoming a speaker at one of the networking events or marketing conferences.

Create an effective marketing presentation: the tips and tricks 

Apart from being comfortable speaking in front of a group and using slideshow presentation software such as PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slides, or Prezi, there are some general guidelines which can be applied to any marketing presentation ideas that will ensure efficacy in terms of engaging your audience, creating sales interest, and ultimately driving the message home. 

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The following five guidelines will help you create a marketing presentation that is both effective and engaging. 

5 tips on how to create an effective marketing presentation

  • Seize your audience’s attention
  • Promise something and deliver it
  • Tell an engaging story backed by data
  • Have less slide content rather than more 
  • Use humor wisely

1. Seize your audience’s attention

Start your social media and marketing presentation with a bang by asking a dramatic question tailored to your audience’s most pressing pain points.

For example, if your topic is something on the lines of how to improve your content marketing ROI, you can start with a provoking remark such as “B2B organizations waste almost $1 billion annually in incompetent and ineffective content marketing, are you contributing to that?” or maybe something like “60-70% of B2B content created is never used because the topic is irrelevant to the buyer audience. So, is your content actually useful or junk?”

Igniting your audience’s emotions and painting a vivid picture of their problems will force them to pay attention to your presentation. Oli Gardner , who is well-known for his inspiring presentations on conversion rate optimization, has a striking approach to his presentations. He starts off by presenting a few gloomy, despairing slides, and once the audience is amply dejected, he swoops in with good news.

The purpose of all this is to get them hooked right off the bat, to seize their attention and get them focused on what you have to say.

Check out these from our friends at Sales Hacker.

2. Promise something and deliver it

Once you’ve got them interested in what you have to present, it is time to make some legit promises, just as you do in your everyday digital marketing activities. For instance, while creating a pay-per-click ad, you write a persuasive copy that promises to solve the reader’s problems, getting them to click through to your landing page. Similarly, if you are writing a blog post, you use the power of storytelling to convince them to take some action such as click a call to action (CTA).

Have you ever seen a tutorial on YouTube? The next time you do, note how all the finest quality videos are the ones in which the presenter makes it crystal clear what you’ll achieve within the first 30 seconds if you watch the entire video. They show you the end-result as proof that they know what they’re doing, and you’ll get what you came for.

So, in the case of the aforementioned remarks on content marketing ROI, you can promise your audience that you’ll show them the exact strategies you used to achieve your goals (rankings, traffic, conversions, etc.).

The point is, the start of your presentation should be all about answering the famous copywriting question: “What’s in it for me?” Make it apparent within the first five minutes that your presentation is going to solve their problems and will provide them with actionable takeaways.

Of course, making these explicit promises means you also have to fulfill them. In fact, go above and beyond in delivering what you promised by following the wise adage “underpromise and overdeliver.” 

delivering boxes as marketing promises

3. Tell an engaging story backed by data

The one thing common among all effective presentations is how they leverage storytelling and real-life examples to drive the point home.

There are some truly amazing marketing quotes , but the best, most succinct one is: “At its very core, marketing is storytelling.” by Melinda Partin. The same applies to your presentations. Essentially, your audience is more likely to engage with your content if they find it highly relatable and personal. A story offers that sense of connection by introducing a character (fictional or otherwise) who has a problem you can solve. It creates a scenario that cannot be ignored by the audience.

So, as you go through your slides, use practical, real-life examples to bind the presentation together cogently. It's as simple as telling how you or someone else implemented what you are trying to convey.

That said, ensure all your examples and illustrations are backed by data-driven marketing from reliable sources. Your slides should clearly specify the information source. The last thing you want to hear is “get your facts straight” while giving a presentation.

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4. Have less slide content rather than more

How many times have you sat through a presentation where the slides are so brimming with text that it makes the whole presentation ineffective?

Don’t do that. As you may have heard, the average human’s attention span today is pitifully low. And when it comes to paying attention to elaborate presentations in conference settings, or remote presentations using a screen sharing tool , it could be even worse. Your audience likely has far better and more urgent things to do than listen to you and your wordy slides.

So, what do you do? Work to simplify your slides and include only the key points as written text instead of cramming them with the text you’re supposed to speak (and explain). Use slides to support speech, not replace it. And just like with stories and examples, include as many visuals (images, GIFs, videos) as possible to aid understanding. 

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Besides, the more slides, the better. Instead of speaking to one slide for several minutes, spread your content around multiple slides. Use numerous images to illustrate your point, and keep the slides moving. This will help tackle the issue of dwindling attention spans.

Furthermore, make sure you use high-quality images. They may look fine on your computer, but images often become blurry after projection on a bigger screen. So be sure to check that. There are plenty of great websites that offer first-rate stock photos and illustrations for free, such as Unsplash, Pixabay, and unDraw.

Also, if you don’t have a graphic designer and there’s a dire need to whip up some good-looking graphics or remove/edit the background of some image you wish to include in your slides, consider using intuitive online tools such as Canva and AutoClipping , respectively. 

5. Use humor wisely

Just because you are presenting in a serious context, doesn’t mean your presentation has to be boring or bland. Including some jokes here and there will increase audience engagement and retention of your content. 

So, give your slides a facelift by enriching them with relevant humor. This can take the form of witty wordplay, GIFs, and even memes. However, make sure the humor is, in fact, relevant to the content you’re presenting and not a distraction. Don’t make it seem forced but natural.

Most memes available on the internet are of low-quality and resolution, you’ll have to take some time to create your own original memes. Don’t worry, though. Creating memes is a fun little activity and doesn’t take a lot of time. Use online tools like Imgflip or Meme Creator which allow you to upload your own image and overlay meme-style text with ease. As for GIFs, you can use GIPHY has a huge library of GIFs and refined search functionality, so you’ll be able to find all the GIFs you need there.

Don’t leave your audience hanging at the end of your presentation. Tell them exactly what to do next: is this the part where they can ask questions and clarify their doubts? How should they use the information you’ve just presented to solve their problems?

Reiterate all of the most important points explained in the presentation and make sure the value you promised at the start of the presentation is actually delivered. If your presentation lacked two-way communication and audience participation, now is the time to have a proper exchange of ideas and casual debates. Lastly, as it was a marketing presentation, it makes sense to end it with a definite CTA that conveys the exact action you want your audience to take. 

Want to read more related content? Check out our guide on the 4 main types of marketing segmentation ! 

Tim Ferguson

Tim Ferguson is a writer and editor of Right Mix Marketing blog. He enjoys writing about SEO, content marketing, online reputation management, social media, AI and Big Data. When he is not writing and editing for Right Mix Marketing, he spends time on learning more about content marketing and getting better at it. You can follow him on Twitter at @RightMixMktg

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  • Marketing Presentation

The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Presentation (Tips, How To & Template)

Discover how to impress clients used to PowerPoint presentations by the end of this post.

Long gone are the days of reading slides word for word and boring your target audience to tears. Today, it’s all about transforming your data into visual stories that stick.     

This guide shares five effective marketing presentation tips to keep your target customer glued to the screen, and how you can create one within minutes today using our free presentation template.

  • What is a Marketing Presentation?

5 Tips to Nail Your Marketing Presentation

  • How to Create a Powerful Marketing Presentation with DashThis

Design a Great Marketing Presentation with DashThis Today

What is a marketing presentation .

A marketing presentation is a visual slide deck introducing a new product's marketing plan. 

It’s often created from presentation software (e.g., Google Slides, Canva, PPT) or automated marketing reporting tools like DashThis . Occasionally, marketers share it on SlideShare for wider impact.  

Here’s a Google Analytics marketing performance report generated on DashThis . Note how it conveys the results in a digestible way.

marketing a new product presentation

Grab this Google Analytics marketing presentation template with your own data !

As you scroll down the marketing presentation, you’ll see how it visualizes the impact of traffic on conversions and revenue.

DashThis gathers your data across multiple channels into one beautiful business marketing report. Grab your free 15-day trial today.

What should you present?

Every marketing campaign is a revenue driver.

Yes, it’s vital to capture the audience’s attention and educate them about the product’s benefits. Bonus if the campaign goes viral.

But millions of views mean nothing if it doesn’t translate into sales. 

That’s why you need to highlight the following information in your marketing presentation—to show you understand the client’s industry and how you plan to sell to their customers: 

  • Target demographic
  • Buyer persona
  • Strategy to market product
  • Marketing tactics 
  • Criteria for success (i.e., metrics and KPIs)

Pro tip : Review the client’s website (e.g., press releases, product updates, annual report) if you don’t know their goals and objectives.

Your prospective clients might review the strategy after you finish presenting. Use a tool like DashThis to reinforce your insights or provide additional information within the presentation.

Hover to a widget you desire and click Add Note .

marketing a new product presentation

Include your insights and click Save .

This saves prospective clients the hassle of switching multiple tabs, creating a smooth-sailing browsing experience.

Who should you present to? 

Often, business presentations are presented to C-suite marketing executives (e.g., VP of marketing, head of content).

However, it’s not unheard of for marketers to present to the founder or CEO in smaller companies.

Whoever you’re presenting to, get to know them before creating the slides—like the metrics they care about and their level of expertise.

For example, if you’re a fully done-for-you SEO agency pitching to a CEO, you probably don't need to explain the internal links and schema markups in every blog post. 

Instead, focus on metrics in the bottom of the funnel, like the number of new leads and trial-to-paid conversions.

How often should you present?

That depends on the campaign and the client’s communication needs. It could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly.  

Pro tip : Share your presentations automatically. Unlike the traditional pitch deck created from PowerPoint templates, DashThis lets you share your reports via an URL link or email through a predetermined schedule.

This gives clients real-time access to their dashboards and saves you the tedious job of sending results manually every time a campaign ends. 

On DashThis , click Sharing Options > Share by Email > Frequency to decide how often you want to send the presentation.

marketing a new product presentation

Input the client’s email address and additional information and click Send .

Clients qualify agencies based on past results, budget, and presentation skills. 

Here at DashThis, we have no control over the first two criteria, but we certainly can help you with the third one. 

Below are five marketing presentation ideas that turn your report from “meh” to “wow.”

Have a strong introduction

Set the stage with an introduction that no one forgets.

If you're presenting to prospective clients unfamiliar with your track record, you can't go wrong with the results you delivered for previous clients. 

Say your content strategy scaled a software company’s number of demos and trials, add a hockey stick chart to illustrate it, and show it on the big screen at the start of the presentation.

You might even add several quotes from the case studies for a human touch. 

Use visual props

Add visuals to maintain your audience’s attention.

Here's what we mean.

Include infographics to convey complex information. Use graphs to explain trends for historical data. Or add headers and increase font size to separate data from different marketing channels.

Pick a presentation software that offers customizable and free templates .

For example, here’s an email presentation template you might customize to convey the engagement rate for your 4,000+ subscribers.

marketing a new product presentation

Don't be afraid to include GIFs within your slideshow. These bite-sized video clips do a wonderful job at injecting humor and showing a product in action.

Tell an engaging story backed by data

A great presentation design bridges the gap between data and storytelling.

Distill the sea of information with charts and graphs and fonts, and headers .

For example, if you want to highlight the backlinks generated from high-authority sites, place the domain authority score, referring sites, and number of backlinks within the same section.

marketing a new product presentation

This creates a cohesive look, enabling you to illustrate the impact effectively.

End with action points

Your last marketing slide should include the specific action you want clients to take. Consider reinforcing the key takeaways in bullet points or providing your agency’s contact information.

Leave time for questions and conversations

Engaging presentations are two-way conversations. Spread your Q&As throughout the whole presentation (not the end) to fuel a lively conversation. 

How to Create a Powerful Marketing Presentation with DashThis?

Automated reporting tools eliminate repetitive tasks, freeing up more time for value-added activities, like brainstorming for the next quarter’s marketing campaign.

DashThis is one such automated tool. 

Here’s how it works:

  • Connect your marketing channels with DashThis
  • Select a free marketing presentation example
  • Choose your metrics under Preset Widgets

DashThis will proceed to grab the data from the selected marketing channels and transform them into an eye-catching slide deck automatically. 

marketing a new product presentation

Drag and drop the widgets as you desire.

DashThis currently offers over 40 free templates. Below are two popular presentation examples for digital marketing and advertising.

Digital marketing report template 

Digital marketing is a wide umbrella term for online marketing tactics, including SEO , email marketing, and social media marketing .

Here’s an auto-generated digital marketing strategy report from Google Analytics and Google Ads. Note how it gives you a big picture view of the website’s overall content marketing efforts.

marketing a new product presentation

Grab this digital marketing strategy presentation with your own data!  

With this presentation, you can visually explain to clients how their top pages stack up against each other and how they improve from the previous period without overwhelming them.

Advertising campaign report template

Ads grab the attention of a highly engaged audience at best possible time.

The advertising campaign dashboard below shows a business’s Google Ads and Facebook Ads performance. You can deduce the better performing channel with just one look.

marketing a new product presentation

Grab this marketing plan presentation template with your own data!  

The display ad preview and the conversions, conversion rate, and click-through rate, helps you spot which images and messages struck a chord in your target market.

So you can repeat more of what works and deliver for your client.

Epic presentations transform strategies into stories that stick. These visual dashboards keep prospective clients glued to the screen and convince them to seal the deal. 

Start free on DashThis today to automate your marketing presentation and gain back hours of your time to strategize.

Grab your free 15-day trial today.


DashThis is the power behind thousands of reporting dashboards created by and delivered for agencies and digital marketers every month. 

Ready to nail your marketing presentation?

Why you need a meaningful inbound marketing report and how to create one

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A Detailed Guide on How to Create a Powerful Product Presentation

Ashish Arora

We live in an era of unlimited goods and services. Every article that we consume has many other variants in the market. In such times of cut-throat competition, it is crucial to create a competitive edge and market your products strategically with stunning product presentations.

A great product presentation is key to capturing the attention of potential clients, demonstrating the value of your products, and closing sales.

In this article, we will walk you through the steps for creating a powerful product presentation, along with some examples to inspire your own. This article covers the following topics-

  • What is a Product Presentation
  • What is the Importance of a Product Presentation
  • How to Craft Effective Product Presentations
  • Templates that You Can Use in Your Product Presentation
  • Real-Life Examples of Splendid Product Presentations

What is a Product Presentation?

A product presentation is an important marketing tool that is used to raise awareness of, showcase, and promote your product to potential clients and investors. The core purpose of such a presentation is to create anticipation, excitement, and hype around the product and ultimately persuade the customer to purchase it. 

A successful product presentation should always be tailored according to the needs and interests of the audience. It should cover their pain points, provide them with solutions, and also make them understand how your product fits into their demographics and culture.

Importance of Product Presentations

1. communicate your unique selling proposition (usp).

One of the most important aspects of a product presentation is to effectively communicate the benefits, unique selling propositions, and exclusive features of your product. It is especially important for complex products or services that may be difficult to understand without a visual representation. 

For example, if you are a company that sells wooden and sustainable toys for kids, you can dedicate a few slides in your presentation to highlight how your toys are safe for children and the environment. 

2. Showcase Your Credibility and Expertise

Product presentations are an opportunity to showcase your credibility and expertise in your industry. By demonstrating your products and services in a professional manner, you can establish yourself as a trusted source of authority in your field. You can include testimonies and reviews of existing customers and build trust amongst your potential customers.

3. Deliver a Memorable Experience

Product presentations can be more than just presentations. If delivered creatively, they can be transformed into an amazing experience that leaves a lasting impression on your target audience. It can be extremely beneficial for keeping your products in their memory lanes for a long.

4. Improves Sales

Product presentations can have a direct impact on sales performance. When your potential customers are aware of the benefits and competitive edge of the products and have trust in your company, they will not hesitate to purchase your products. Thus, product presentations can increase sales and lead to massive growth for companies.

Templates that You Can Use in Your Product Presentations

You can save much of your time and energy by using expert-designed templates in your presentations. Crafting your slides from scratch can be extremely burdensome and tedious. Thus, it is better to add customizable templates to your slides and make your presentations look more professional and stunning.

1. Product Roadmap

product roadmap slide

A product roadmap showcases the journey of your product. Right from the idea behind it to its execution, it covers all areas of how the product was brought to life. You can incorporate this template in your presentation to throw some light on the milestones of product development and showcase the release plan.

2. Geological Maps

world map slide

Using maps in your product presentations can elevate the look of your slides and help you depict your brand presence. Harness the power of maps and showcase your customer base from various locations. You can also highlight areas with high demand for your product and locations where you wish to launch your next product.

3. Product Benefits

product benefits slide

Highlight the benefits of your products and put emphasis on their value with this template. You can use it to highlight the core competence and unique features of the product that differentiate it from others in the market.

4. Product Icons

product icons slide

Using product icons in your presentations, you can instantly capture the attention of your audience. You can complement icons with text to increase comprehension or replace text with icons to save space on your slides for other crucial content.

5. Product Vision

product vision slide

By using this template in your presentation, you can visualize a roadmap for your product. It will help you display your vision for the product, how you wish to develop it, and bring it to life.

6. Product Comparison Table

product comparison table slide

The product comparison table can be used to showcase a comparison of pricing and features of products of various brands and companies. You can also use it to display how your organization’s services and products are better than those of competitors.

7. Product Features

product features slide

Highlight your product’s features and its USPs with this template, ensuring your presentation puts emphasis on the selling points and uniqueness of your products. You can also talk in detail about the product’s design, quality, functions, and much more using this deck.

How to Create an Effective Product Presentation

Let us understand a few ways how you can create effective and memorable product presentations. Here are four tips with examples that will help you.

1. Get to Know Your Audience and Identify Your Goal

The first step to creating a stunning product presentation is to know your audience well. You must identify their expectations from the presentation and get to know their needs and wants. 

You can answer the following questions and analyze your audience’s requirements-

  • Are you presenting to potential investors or to customers?
  • What do they expect from your presentation?
  • What are their age group, gender, and background?
  • Are they the right fit for your product or service? 

Once you answer these questions, you can curate a presentation that would meet the expectations of your audience. It can help you keep them engaged and increase the chances of lead generation.

For example, Apple’s product presentations are an example of how you should identify the audience and the goal. The company knows that its audience is tech-savvy consumers, and its goal is to create excitement and anticipation for its latest product release.

2. Define Your Message and Create a Structure

Next, you must define the message that you wish to deliver. What is the core message that you want to communicate about your product, and how will you structure your presentation to convey it? 

A well-structured presentation should have a clear beginning, a middle with the pros and cons of the product, and an end with a logical flow that guides your audience through the core message.

For instance, Tesla’s product presentations are structured around the company’s mission. They highlight how the company aims to accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy. Each presentation showcases its latest products and technology and always ties back to its overarching message.

3. Harness the Power of Visuals and Graphics

People are more likely to remember information when it is presented in a visual form. Thus, using high-quality images, videos, and infographics can add life to your slides. You can incorporate multimedia such as GIFs, showcase your products with the help of augmented reality, demonstrate online avatars with NFTs, incorporate animations, etc.

For instance, luxury fashion house Gucci became the first in its field to launch its collection with an augmented reality fashion show. It started selling its items in the form of NFT tokens and became the talk of the town. This collaboration of fashion and technology made its campaign one of the best product presentations to date. 

Have a look at it here –

4. Create a Sense of Exclusivity

Everybody has a fear of missing out on anything that is termed as exclusive or is available for a limited period of time. Product presentations usually create a sense of exclusivity and persuade the customer to buy the product. 

Let us understand it with the example of a luxury fashion brand, Hermes, and its iconic Birkin bag. Hermes offers extremely limited quantities of the Birkin, and to own it, one needs to take an exclusive appointment with the company. The waiting list can last for up to even six years, which has increased the anticipation for Berkin even more. This strategy of exclusivity has helped the luxury brand to create massive hype and create a stunning product presentation for the world.

Real-Life Examples

Let us have a look at some of the best product presentations that have left an impeccable impression and created outstanding impacts.

1. Apple’s Product Launch Events 

Apple is known for its unique product launch events. These events are not just about showcasing new products, but are also an example of what a stunning product presentation looks like.

Apple’s presentations are staged in a theater-like setting, with dramatic lighting, music, and absolutely stunning visuals. The products themselves are showcased in a way that is both informative and visually appealing. These presentations are typically delivered by the highest-level executives of Apple, such as the CEO of the company, to give importance to and highlight the value of the products. 

2. Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” Campaign

Coca-Cola’s “Share a Coke” campaign is an excellent example of a unique product presentation. The campaign replaced the Coca-Cola logo on bottles with popular names and phrases, such as “Share a Coke with John” or “Share a Coke with a Friend.” 

This unique presentation created a personalized experience for the consumer, making them believe that the entire product was created just for them. It added value to the customer’s experience and made them buy the product more often.

Share a Coke Campaign

3. GoPro’s “Be a Hero” Campaign

GoPro’s “Be a Hero” campaign is another example of a unique product presentation and how you can create a community around your product.

In this campaign, the company encouraged customers to share footage from their GoPro. This highlighted the product’s capabilities and inspired others to use the product in creative ways. This presentation not only highlighted the product’s features but also created a sense of togetherness among GoPro users.

Be a Hero Campaign

4. Samsung’s Galaxy Fold Launch

Samsung’s launch of the Galaxy Fold phone in 2019 was a massive success, and here’s how the company tactfully launched the device.

Samsung started by highlighting its edge in being the latest in technology to manufacture a phone that can be compact yet useful. In its demonstration, it unveiled a sleek design and unfolded it to showcase a bigger screen that would be more comfortable for the human eye. This stunning product presentation led to huge sales for the tech giant.

Product presentations are great opportunities for companies to launch and sell their products to the world. The quality of presentations can determine the success of products in the market.

With the rise of digital platforms, presentations have become easier to create and share with a bigger audience. By using expert-designed templates and graphics , companies can make their presentations mind-blowing and demonstrate their products in an interactive manner.

We hope this article helps you in your next product presentation. Let us know what you think in the comment section below!

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Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora

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11 Product Presentation Examples Driving Business Results

Get product presentation examples & templates that drive results and learn to create effective product presentations with interactive slides & storytelling.


8 minute read

Product presentation examples

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What to include in a product presentation.

  • Cover slide
  • Hook (introduction, vision, and value proposition)
  • About us (authority, experience, and know-how)
  • Details (features, benefits, product positioning)
  • Social proof (testimonials, case studies, client logos)

Competition is at an all-time high - does your product stand a chance?

There are about 3000 alternatives competing in any product category today - are you doing what it takes to stand out?

Here's my take: you definitely have the potential to make a mark, and I'm here to guide you on that journey.

I'll introduce you to some fantastic product presentation examples . These aren't just for show – they're practical templates you can use to craft your most engaging and effective presentation yet.

Remember, a mediocre product presentation can be a major setback in today's competitive landscape. It’s likely to cause potential customers to lose interest, and leave you with that sinking feeling of missed opportunities.

But don't hit the panic button just yet!

Stick with me, and I'll share some powerful tips and techniques that will take your presentation skills to the next level and ensure your products become the talk of the town.

What is a product presentation?

A product presentation is a business slide deck that highlights a product's market, key features, advantages, and unique value proposition. It’s crafted to inform potential customers, investors, or partners—with the goal to inspire action, such as making a purchase or investing in the product.

Customizable product presentation templates

Making an effective product presentation that gets results can feel like an uphill battle.

You have to keep it succinct yet comprehensive, exciting yet anchored in reality, novel yet relatable. The design needs to be beyond great, it needs to be outstanding.

And above everything, your product deck needs to tell a great story to be engaging.

All easier said than done.

But there's an easier way, a better way...

The professional product presentation templates below are designed to help you quickly create a remarkable product presentation in less time and with better results that 99% of your peers.

They are build for interactive storytelling, and for making complex ideas easily understood.

Why do most product presentations fail?

Before diving into the winning formula, it's crucial to identify the common pitfalls that lead to presentation blunders.

Let’s explore why most product presentations fail and how you can avoid these mistakes to create a show-stopping performance.

1. Overloading with information

Bombarding the audience with excessive details can lead to cognitive overload, making it difficult to retain vital information. Keep your presentation concise and prioritize the most important aspects of your product.

2. Too little information

Clients and investors want to know what your product actually does. They want to know what it looks like, how it behaves, how intuitive or complex it feels, and what real users have to say about it (have them answer product survey questions to get conclusive answers).

Leaving these questions unanswered will reduce your credibility and make your product hard to grasp.

3. Weak visuals

Generic visuals that complement your narrative can detract from your message and make your presentation forgettable.

But contrary to what design studios will tell you, high-quality images, graphics, and videos are not enough to create an engaging experience.

For that you need visuals that show what words can’t tell - show your product in action, how it works, or how it changes lives.

4. No clear call-to-action

Failing to provide a clear next step for the audience can leave them unsure of how to proceed. Wrap up your presentation with a strong and clear call-to-action, guiding your audience toward what you want them to do next.

clear product presentation call to action

Key factors of a successful product presentation

Ready to dazzle your audience with a truly mesmerizing product presentation? Here are the key elements that can transform a run-of-the-mill presentation into a jaw-dropping, unforgettable experience.

1. Clear objective

Establish a well-defined goal for your presentation, ensuring that every slide, image, graph, and sentence is geared towards achieving it.

This clarity will guide you as a compass when building your product presentation, so that every step in your yellow brick road is essential to get your audience to the wizard. Nothing more, nothing less.

2. Interactive content

Captivate your audience by involving them in the journey with interactive elements like charts or before-and-after slides.

Hook their attention and cater to multiple personas by using segmented content and tabs. Enhance the experience with multimedia, such as videos and GIFs, keeping them engaged and eager to explore your product.

3. Inspirational narrative

A dry, facts-only approach or poor storytelling will bore your audience and make your presentation an instant dud.

But you can pull people in with a story of how your product changes people’s lives in vivid detail (based on your target customer’s pain points, of course). But, ensuring your product lives up to the expectations set in your presentation is essential, and one effective way to maintain its quality is through automated testing .

Inspirational narrative example:

Below is a Storydoc remake of the original Zuora deck which made waves and got the title “ best sales deck ever ” for its outstanding use of inspirational narrative.

Their presentation took readers from the present to a brave future where they were the winners and their competitors the losers.

How to make a product presentation that stands out

Transform your product presentation into a showstopper that wows your audience with these top tips and best practices:

1. Get to know your audience

Craft your presentation to resonate with your target audience. Research their needs, preferences, and pain points, and tailor your content to address these factors. Speak their language, and your presentation will leave a lasting impression.

2. Tell a compelling story

Weave a captivating narrative around your product, taking your audience on an enthralling journey.

Share the inspiration behind the product, its development journey, and the problems it solves. A well-told story will engage your audience emotionally, making your product memorable.

3. Visualize your value

Ditch the text-heavy slides and opt for stunning visuals that illustrate your product's value. Use high-quality images, videos, and infographics to showcase your product's features and benefits. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words!

Most of this can't be done effectively with PowerPoint, for this you'd want to consider creating modern presentations with an interactive presentation creator .

4. Emphasize benefits over features

While showcasing your product's features is important, highlighting its benefits is what truly resonates with the audience. Show them how your product improves their lives or solves their problems, and you'll have their undivided attention.

5. Use testimonials and social proof

Incorporate customer testimonials, case studies or success stories to add credibility to your presentation. This social proof will help build trust and convince your audience that your product is the real deal.

6. Keep it simple and focused

Resist the temptation to overload your presentation with information. Keep it streamlined and focused on the most important aspects of your product. Less is more when it comes to capturing and retaining your audience's attention.

If you want to learn more about how to create an outstanding product presentation, check out our detailed guide on how to create a product one-pager .

What is the difference between a product presentation and a sales deck?

A product presentation is a slide deck showcasing the main features, benefits, and real-world applications of your product in a captivating manner. It’s designed to inform prospects, investors, or partners about new product releases or updates to existing products.

A sales deck, on the other hand, is a persuasive, data-driven pitch that focuses on the unique selling points, pricing, and ROI, with the main goal of turning prospects into paying customers.

How to measure the effectiveness of a product presentation?

To gauge the effectiveness of your product presentation, keep an eye on these key metrics:

Engagement score: This number gives you an overall idea of how captivating your presentation is. The higher the score, the more your audience is interacting with and responding to your content.

Reading time: This metric reveals how much time people spend on your presentation. A longer reading time suggests they're thoroughly digesting the content, while a shorter time may hint that something's amiss.

Reading depth: Dig deeper with reading depth to see how far your audience gets into your presentation. Higher completion rates imply that you've successfully hooked them from start to finish!

Reading completion: This is the ultimate test of your presentation's appeal. A high completion rate indicates that your audience is hungry for more, while a low rate suggests it might be time to reevaluate your content.

11 Effective product presentation examples for insight and inspiration

I handpicked a selection of outstanding product presentation samples that will revolutionize the way you showcase your products.

These examples are designed to deliver the "wow factor" that every presenter dreams of by blending storytelling frameworks with cutting-edge interactive slides .

By taking what you can from these examples you'll be on your way to leave your competitors in the dust!

Jump ahead to prefered example

SaaS product one-pager

A SaaS product one-pager delivered as an interactive story with immersive visuals, animation, and live data.

What makes this presentation great:

  • The narrator and timeline slides are excellent for illustrating how a product works without overwhelming the audience with unnecessary details.
  • Easily customizable logo placeholders let Yotpo highlight their most important clients in a concise manner.
  • The embedded calendar allows readers to book a meeting directly from the product presentation, reducing the likelihood that they will abandon the deck after closing it.

Personalized product sales deck

A highly-converting product sales deck with a modern design, interactive narrated content, and an integrated chatbot.

  • Dynamic variables make it easier than ever to personalize the product presentation at scale with just a few clicks.
  • Tabs with buttons on the side allow Travel Booster to divide the main features and benefits of their solution by category so that their audience can focus on the content that is most relevant for them.
  • The before and after slide is ideal for illustrating how their product can change their prospect’s life for the better.

Physical product deck

A welcoming physical product deck for immersive introduction to a revolutionary vacuum-forming solution.

  • Vertical timeline can be used to showcase the journey of the company or product from its inception to the current day in a more visually appealing way.
  • Animated lists are great for presenting the onboarding process step-by-step or the main benefits of the solution without overloading readers with too much information at once.
  • Smart CTA at the end makes the next step clear and actionable, increasing the chances of getting that product demo or next client meeting booked on the spot.

Digital product brochure

A product brochure showing smart manufacturing execution systems on a mission to digitalize production floors.

  • Comparison list makes it easy for prospects to instantly realize the value Matics’ product brings to the table.
  • Logo slider is perfect for displaying several customer case studies on one slide, with the option of adding links to the full version at the bottom.
  • The ability to include two CTAs leaves the audience with the option to choose the action they want to take after viewing the product presentation (e.g. learn more about the product and book a product demo).

Medical product presentation

A minimalist design aiming to let healthcare professionals and institutions describe their services in a reader-friendly way.

  • The minimalist design maintains focus on your core message while delivering value.
  • The narrator slide is ideal for explaining complex medical procedures to potential clients unfamiliar with the field.
  • Utilizing image and video placeholders allows for a demonstration of your solution in action, bypassing the need for complicated medical terminology.

AI product presentation

Use this presentation template to make even the most complex AI solutions instantly easy to grasp and exciting.

  • The running numbers slide against a vibrant background enables you to convey your unique value proposition in a captivating manner.
  • Easily modifiable logo placeholders are ideal for displaying the main integrations of your solution or your most important clients to date.
  • The ability to incorporate case studies lends credibility to your solution and fosters trust with your audience.

Product pitch deck

Use this template to talk about your product and finally do it justice! Use visuals to easily present all the features and use cases for your product. Show how it can solve your prospects' problems.

  • Incorporating a video into the cover slide boosts engagement by 32% . Adding any video to your presentation results in a 37% longer average reading time and a 17% boost in the CTA click-through rate, so other slides come with video placeholders too.
  • A mix of text-based and visual slides allows you to give a thorough overview of your product without overwhelming the audience with product specifications.
  • Logo placeholders are perfect for displaying the most crucial integrations your solution offers.

Physical product press release one-pager

A perfect brochure example for product press release— beautifuly used for launching physical product, or machine based services. It lets you showcase a range of different items in an easily accessible way.

  • An assortment of visual slides effectively showcases the primary features and applications of your product, avoiding overloading potential customers with excessive text or product specifications.
  • Intuitive editor simplifies the process of adjusting your product presentation, virtually working on autopilot to ensure that your design always stays perfect.
  • Web-based design enables you to tweak your product presentation without having to resend it each time, guaranteeing that prospects are always seeing the most up-to-date version which is essential in modern web design .

AI product one-pager

An interactive one-pager for Pollyartis, rich in data visualization, with a focus on storytelling and user engagement through dynamic content.

  • Incorporates advanced data visualization components , making complex AI solutions easily understandable.
  • Features an embedded calendar within the deck for direct scheduling of meetings or demos.
  • Utilizes segmented content using tabs for a structured and interactive exploration of different aspects of the AI solutions.

Light mode product pitch deck

A detailed presentation of Taacme's software solutions, combining narrated slides and interactive elements for an immersive experience.

  • Includes a narrated slide , providing a guided tour of the software's features and benefits.
  • Offers the option to embed a case study directly into the deck , allowing for an in-depth showcase of the software's real-world application.
  • Features customizable logo placeholders, enabling easy adaptation for different client presentations or branding needs.

Dark mode product pitch deck

A dynamic presentation of Taacme's IT solutions, designed for high engagement with scroll-based design and customizable content.

  • Allows for the addition of dynamic variables , enabling easy personalization and relevance to various audience segments.
  • Utilizes a scroll-based design , offering a seamless and engaging narrative flow through the content.
  • Includes a built-in analytics panel , providing valuable insights into audience engagement and interaction with the presentation.

marketing a new product presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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New product launch Presentation Template

Used 5,482 times

Reviewed by Anna Werigo

Create your winning product launch presentation using our free editable template that features all the slides you need.

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New Product Introduction Presentation

Created by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] ​ [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Sender.Email] [Sender.Company] ​

Image 1

Table of Contents

01. Agenda 02. Why new product 03. Vision 04. Objectives 05. Market Research

06. Market Scope 07. Competitive research 08. USP 09. Product’s business model 10. Pricing

11. Messaging & positioning 12. Target personas 13. Success metrics 14. Distribution channels 15. Launch activities

Add your product agenda and key highlights

Image 2

Highlighted Item

A good place to start a product launch presentation is with the overall objective.

Our company is launching a new product soon, and this is what you want to accomplish by the end of the launch.

Why New Product

Explain the value your new product provides or the opportunity it's capitalizing on.

My product will cater to an underserved market

It's solving a problem that most people deal with on a daily basis, it will be cheaper than competitors while providing more features.

Add your vision for the new product in this slide.

Image 3

Market share from competitors

Conversions from your brand audience

A reputable authority in the industry

Revenue Growth

Illustrates sales increases over time

Market Research

Add a market research slide with insights that you've acquired through focus groups, customer surveys, and other methods

Image 4

How many people are interested in your product

How much they're willing to pay, which improvements they'd like to see in the final version, market scope.

List the criteria for your total addressable market (TAM)

Short description of the item.

Competitive Research

Include the factors that give your product advantages or disadvantages over competitors.



Target Market

Brand Reputation


Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Higher-quality construction

More features at a lower cost , easier to use , product’s business model.

Insert a product business model slide outlining the path to profitability for your new product.

Business models:

business-to-business (B2B)

business-to-consumer (B2C)

business-to-government (B2G)

Subscription-based (SaaS, cloud-hosted, or streaming services)

On-demand (food delivery, ridesharing, couriers, etc.)

Specify the planned launch price for your product as well as the general price range it could sell at (to account for post-launch pricing adjustments). ​

Planned launch price

General price range

Post-launch pricing

Messaging and Positioning

Market leader with X years of experience providing (product type) to (industry).

Target Personas

Image 7

Gender: Male/Female

Location: XXXXXX

Position / Income: $XX.XXX

Bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

​ Career / Life goals:

Image 8

Career / Life goals:

Success Metrics

List the success metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators) for measuring your product's post-launch performance.

of units sold

of subscription signups

Revenue generated in the first year

Recurring revenue from the product

Distribution Channels

List the channels that you'll use to advertise the product launch and sell the product post-launch.

Facebook ads

TV commercials

Image 9

Launch Activities

List the key steps in your product launch roadmap and the overall timeframe.

Complete first round of focus groups

Complete beta testing

•   Finalize prototype •   Begin manufacturing

Ship pre-orders

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  • Sales proposals

New Product Introduction Presentation

Product Launch Presentation

Table of contents, what is a product launch presentation, what’s the purpose of a product launch presentation, how to create the best product launch presentation in 4 simple steps, download our free product launch presentation template (in google slides format), product launch presentation: steps to create & free template.

Launching a new product is a multi-dimensional process that consists of many aspects.

One of those is the product presentation , which you’ll have to create and present both in-house as well as to the public.

If you’re unsure how to get started with one, no need to worry!

In the following guide, we’re going to talk about:

  • What a product launch presentation is
  • What the purpose of a presentation is when it comes to launching a product
  • What the most important steps are when creating a product launch presentation

Plus, we’ll share with you our free product launch presentation template towards the end, so stay tuned.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

A product launch presentation is the summary of all key elements that your new product launch consists of that gets presented to various stakeholders and the public. 

Think of it as an overview of your entire launch plan that'll help people understand what it’s all about in a few simple slides.

To be precise, a product launch presentation should include the following:

  • Your new product
  • The roadmap - pre-launch /launch/post-launch
  • The marketing strategy
  • Important objectives

And anything else you consider to be a vital part of your launch process.

Product launch presentation items example

You can obviously dive deeper into each part and also feature metrics, charts, pain points, and infographics.

It’s important to remember, however, that this is like a pitch deck so it has to be concise and to the point, since it has a certain purpose.

Let’s see exactly what that is.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to discuss the purpose of a product launch presentation by having a closer look at the reasons why it’s such an important part of any product launch strategy .

This presentation can offer a great variety of benefits and we’ll try to cover the most prominent ones to help you understand why you need one and the reasons why we strongly suggest creating one for your upcoming launch.

Let’s have a look at those reasons.

Reason #1: It delivers your product’s key message

all products have a purpose and solve a problem.

Whether it’s to make a certain process easier for users or help save time on something, it’s vital for every product to have a reason why people will use or buy it.

However, it’s equally important to be able to communicate that purpose - its message - to your target audience effectively, in order to inform them about the product’s existence and incentivize them to purchase it.

This can be done both through coordinated marketing efforts and with the help of a high-quality product launch presentation .

Things you can include in it are:

  • What 's your mission?
  • How will you achieve it?
  • Why will you do it?

Ideally, you should be able to answer those questions with ease and make them clear to people.

Just to give you an example, the following slide is a reproduction of Airbnb’s original product presentation.

marketing a new product presentation

Image Source: Slideshare

As you can see, its message is clearly outlined and easy for someone to understand.

Overall, dedicating one or two slides in your presentation to deliver your product’s key message is essential and one of the reasons why a product launch presentation is so important for a successful launch.

Let’s head over to the next reason.

Reason #2: It discusses your product’s advantages and characteristics

Now that your audience is aware of your key message, it’s equally important to communicate your product’s elements and advantages .

Include questions like:

  • How does the product work?
  • How is it different from your competition?

Answering these should make your launch as successful as possible and create a buzz around it.

Author’s Note: If a product is one of a kind and different from its closest competitors, its main advantage is also known as its USP, or unique selling point.

You don’t have to dive deep into your product’s characteristics and benefits - a presentation should be concise and to the point - but listing the most prominent ones is of vital importance.

For instance, here’s a slide from Uber’s first presentation.

marketing a new product presentation

As you can see, the benefits a user gets compared to the competition - cabs and other car services - are simple and clear for users to understand.

To sum up, giving a product overview and covering what it’s all about is an integral part of any perfect product launch presentation and shouldn’t be avoided.

Let’s continue.

Reason #3: It allows you to connect with your customers

Nothing beats a strong connection between a business and its customers.

A successful product launch presentation is certainly not the only way to achieve this, but it sure is a great place to start.

By interacting with potential customers and showcasing why your product is important and how it’ll make their lives easier, you establish a relationship right from the very beginning.

This is also known as relationship marketing ; a type of marketing that focuses specifically on building customer loyalty .

This tactic should ideally be integrated into your product launch marketing plan , since it’ll play a key part in your product’s success in the market, considering that engaged customers bring in 51% higher revenue than disengaged ones.

All in all, a good product launch presentation should highlight your customer’s needs and explain how your product will resolve them , thus creating an immediate connection with your audience.

Moving on to the next reason.

Reason #4: It combats potential concerns

When introducing a new product to the market that your potential customers aren’t yet familiar with, it’s only natural for them to have questions and concerns.

While marketing efforts such as social media campaigns can inform them about the product’s benefits and capabilities, with a presentation you can explain exactly how it works and why they should purchase it.

What’s more, things like the launch roadmap, pricing, and the general product launch plan can all be explained in a presentation, thus making everything clear even before the launch takes place.

This will avoid potential concerns and confusion during the launch and post-launch phases, since people will be aware of everything and you can focus on executing your plan.

Makes sense, right?

Look at the following slide from Mint’s pre-launch presentation, when the personal financial management company was still a startup idea.

marketing a new product presentation

What is shown above is the value a user will get from using the product, compared to other alternatives; this immediately answers any potential concerns about the benefits of Mint.

This makes it clear that one of the purposes of a product launch presentation is answering questions and addressing concerns.

Now, if you’re wondering how you’ll make an awesome presentation yourself for an upcoming launch, we’ve got you covered.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to show you the steps for creating a high-quality product launch presentation.

No matter whether you prefer Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations, the following steps will help you through the process.

Let’s get started.

Step #1: Describe your product

Since we’re talking about a presentation for your upcoming product launch, it only makes sense that we begin with an overview of your product .

After all - as we said earlier - this is about something that's new to the market, so you need to describe things like:

  • How it works
  • Why it exists

So that your audience can understand what it’s all about and whether it’s a good fit for them.

Going back to the first example we used from Airbnb’s pre-launch presentation, we can see that one of the slides is dedicated to briefly explaining how the product works in three steps.

marketing a new product presentation

Try not to get into minute detail that'll make your slides tiring; instead, cover the most important elements that are worth pointing out.

You can think of it as your product's introduction to the market.

Author’s Tip: Try to keep consistency between all slides by using the same colors, fonts, and slide designs.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Step #2: Specify your target market

Now that you’ve covered what your product is all about, it’s time to explain who it’s for.

In other words, what is your target audience?

Who will get the most use out of the product?

Such questions are important both for your team members and your potential customers.

You can actually break this step into two main parts; one is your target market in numbers and the other is your ideal customer using personas .

In the first case, how big is your estimated market? 

This will determine whether there’s enough demand for what you offer.

We’ll once again use Airbnb’s presentation as an example.

marketing a new product presentation

You can see the market size has been presented in the number of trips booked, the serviceable available market, and the estimated market share.

Something similar can be done in your own presentation, but for your own market.

In the second case, you can describe your target audience in detail and who your ideal customers are.

For example, which genders will your product appeal to? How about the age range, geographical locations, and behaviors?

These are all things you should think about and dedicate a couple of Google or PPT slides to.

Let’s move forward.

Step #3: Explain your launch timeline

The product launch timeline is an integral part of your launch process and we strongly advise including it in your presentation, too.

This will help all stakeholders understand when the launch will take place, as well as what actions will be taken prior, during, and after it.

Just to give you an idea, when you set a launch date you can create a roadmap with the tasks that’ll be done in order to ensure a smooth and effective launch.

Setting up a strategy, building email lists, creating referral programs , setting objectives, announcing the launch, and measuring results are some of the essential actions that need to be taken care of.

To sum up, a timeline also helps you to organize everything in time and your audience will know when to expect your new product to be released.

Author’s Tip: As a product manager or anyone else involved in the launch, it’s natural to know everything about the process, but it’s vital that you make things clear to everyone else, too.

Let’s continue to the fourth step we have for you.

Step #4: How you’ll promote the launch

An important part of any product launch is how you’re going to promote it .

This can play a key role in determining the success of your launch, since the more people learn about it, the better.

What we recommend doing is giving an overview of your entire product launch marketing plan and the ways by which you’ll acquire new customers.

Take into account things like:

  • Social media content, e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.
  • Blog content
  • Email campaigns
  • Press releases
  • Paid advertising

Along with other actions you can take to promote your product launch.

All in all, there are many presentation ideas you can come up with, but adding the four steps we just covered are vital to any good product launch presentation.

It’s now time to save you some time by showing you how to download our presentation and adjust it to your needs for your upcoming launch. 

As promised, in this last section of our guide we’re going to share with you our free product launch presentation template .

Although it’s in Google Slides format, you can always turn it into a Microsoft PowerPoint template or whatever suits you best.

Our template begins with a cover slide where you have to add your product’s name and a title.

marketing a new product presentation

It’s purpose is solely to inform your audience what the presentation is all about, so remember to keep it brief and simple.

Author’s Note: What we’re sharing is a template. You can always add images and backgrounds of your choice to make the slides more visually appealing.

Let’s continue to the next slide.

After that, you can use the table of contents to explain what’s about to follow.

marketing a new product presentation

This will keep your audience informed and engaged.

Moving on to the next part, we strongly suggest giving some context as to who you and your team are , plus what each of you do.

marketing a new product presentation

You can even add photos of every team member to make the presentation more personalized.

It’s now time to give an overview of your product , meaning that you briefly have to explain what it is and how it works.

You can always go back to the first step of our guide for more information on this part.

marketing a new product presentation

You should also talk about your product’s purpose along with a photo of it so people know exactly what it looks like.

Alternatively, you can add a graphic showing its characteristics.

marketing a new product presentation

It’s now time to describe your target market , by specifying who your target audience is.

marketing a new product presentation

Also include the overall state of your market :

marketing a new product presentation

This means you need to cover things like:

  • The estimated market value
  • How many competitors there are
  • The estimated market size

You can add graphs and pie charts that'll make things clearer and easy to understand.

Moving on to the next part, it’s time for your product launch timeline .

marketing a new product presentation

You can start by announcing the official product launch date and what actions will be taken up to then, as well as during and after the launch in the next two slides.

Now, it’s important to outline the marketing strategy that'll promote your product launch.

marketing a new product presentation

This means briefly listing your marketing efforts that’ll make the launch reaches as many people as possible.

Before you end the presentation, it’s a good idea to also cover your objectives .

What are you planning to achieve in terms of total signups, purchases, or whatever else your target KPI is? 

marketing a new product presentation

If you’re planning on setting different objectives based on certain dates, you can add a chart to make things more visually appealing, as always.

You can then wrap things up with a few words and your new product presentation is done!

Keep in mind that what we’re sharing is solely a template, so it’s up to you to customize and personalize it based on your own needs and preferences.

Let’s wrap up and close with some final words.

Before You Go

There you have it.

That was our full guide on the importance of product launch presentations , as well as how to create your own.

We hope that you gained some new knowledge and that we helped you out with an important step of any product launch, by offering our free product launch presentation template.

Lastly, if you feel like you need some extra help in keeping track of everything that needs to be done, don’t hesitate to use our product launch checklist.

Thanks for reading!

marketing a new product presentation

Written by:

Nikitas Filosofof

Nikitas is responsible for growth at Viral Loops and also helps customers on 1-on-1 basis to reach success with their referral campaigns. Let's connect on LinkedIn

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Your users refer other businesses, and both sides get rewarded when the referred business upgrades to a paid plan. (With conversion tracking)

Create a referral waiting list before you launch to get early adopters and market validation.

The more successful referrals your users make, the better rewards they unlock. (With conversion tracking)

People sign up and refer friends to win a free ticket. If they don't win, they get early access to the pre-sale.

People join the waiting list, refer their friends to climb the queue and get early access to the tickets or the event.

A referral giveaway with a social element—people see a leaderboard of who's winning the giveaway.

Create an in-email referral program to reward your newsletter readers for inviting more subscribers.

Your existing audience refers their friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Find early community members with a referral waitlist where people refer friends to climb the queue and get exclusive access.

People get early access to your product when they reach the top of the waiting list by referring friends.

Your users referer their friends, and both sides get rewarded when the friend makes a purchase.

Set milestones with a tiered referral system, offering better prizes as they reach each milestone.

Create an ongoing referral program using our Shopify App to reward your customers for referring friends.

New and existing customers refer friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Create a referral waiting list for your upcoming store to collect email addresses.

  • Alternatives

Marketing Presentation Guide | Best Tips to Nail It in 2024

Lakshmi Puthanveedu • 29 July, 2024 • 11 min read

Looking for ways to create a kickass marketing presentation ? Whether you’re a curious cat who wants to learn how to make a marketing presentation, or you’re new to marketing and have been asked to deliver a marketing strategy presentation, you’ve come to the right place. 

Creating a marketing presentation does not have to be stressful. If you have the right strategies in place and know what content gives both visual appeal and valuable information, you can get stuck in this type of presentation .

In this guide, we will discuss what to include in a marketing presentation and tips on developing an effective marketing presentation. 

Who invented Marketing Theory and Strategies?Philip Kotler
When did the word 'marketing' first start?1500 BCE
Where does marketing begin?From product or service
What is the oldest marketing concept?Production Concept

Table of Contents

What is a marketing presentation, what to include in your marketing presentation.

  • Creating an Effective Marketing Presentation

Key Takeaways

Frequently asked questions, tips from ahaslides.

  • Technology Topics For Presentation
  • Product Presentation

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According to  UppercutSEO , no matter what you are selling, you need to have a solid plan for how you are going to do it. A marketing presentation, simply put, takes you through a detailed illustration of how you are going to sell your product or service to your desired target audience.

While it seems simple enough, a marketing presentation must include details of the product, how it is different from your competitors, what channels you are planning to use to promote it etc. As a case study sample, suppose you actively use ad tech solutions and innovative technologies as your marketing channel, you can mention a  demand-side platform advertising  featuring it on the pages of your marketing presentation. - states Lina Lugova, CMO at Epom. Let’s take a look at the 7 components of a marketing presentation.

Firstly, you should have marketing presentation ideas! Marketing presentations are product/service specific. What you include in it depends on what you are selling to your target audience and how you plan to do it. Nevertheless, every marketing presentation must cover these 7 points. Let’s take a look at them.

#1 - Marketing Objectives

“Identify the gap”

You might have heard a lot of people say this, but do you know what it means? With every product or service you sell, you are solving some kind of problem faced by your target audience. The empty space between their problem and the solution - that’s the gap.

When making a marketing presentation, the first thing you need to do is identify the gap, and define it. There are many ways to do it, but one of the most common techniques used by experienced marketers is to ask your customers directly what they are missing in the current market - customer surveys.

You can also find the gap by researching and constantly watching industry trends etc. To cover this gap is your marketing objective.

#2 - Market Segmentation

Let’s take an example. You cannot sell your product in the US and in the Middle East in the same way. Both markets are different, culturally and otherwise. In the same way, every market is different, and you need to drill down the characteristics of each market and the submarkets you are planning to cater to. 

What are the cultural similarities and differences, the sensitivities, and how do you plan to deliver localised promotional content, the demographic you are catering to, and their purchasing behaviour - all these should be included in your marketing presentation.

An image illustrating market segmentation.

#3 - Value Proposition

Big word right? Don’t worry, it’s pretty simple to understand.

Value proposition simply means how you are going to make your product or service attractive to the customers. What is the cost/price, the quality, how your product is different from your competitors, your USP (unique selling point) etc? This is how you let your target market know why they should buy your product instead of your competitors.

#4 - Brand Positioning

In your marketing presentation, you should clearly define your brand positioning.  

Brand positioning is all about how you want your target audience to perceive you and your products.  This forms one of the most important factors that decide everything else from here on - including the budget you should allocate, the marketing channels, etc. What is the first thing that someone should associate your brand with? Say for example, when someone says Versace, we think of luxury and class. That’s how they have positioned their brand.

#5 - Purchase Path/Customer Journey

Online purchasing habits are becoming mainstream lately and even in that, there may be various ways in which your customer might reach you or know about your product, leading to a purchase.

Say, for example, they might have seen a social media ad, clicked on it and decided to purchase it because it suits their current needs. That’s the purchase path for that customer.

How do the majority of your customers shop? Is it through mobile phones or do they see ads on the television before shopping in a physical store?. Defining the purchase path gives you more clarity on how to guide them on to the purchase in a more efficient and effective way. This should be included in your marketing presentation.

#6 - Marketing Mix

A marketing mix is a set of strategies or ways in which a brand promotes its product or service. This is based on 4 factors - the 4 Ps of marketing.

  • Product: What is it that you are selling
  • Price: This is the total value of your product/service. It is calculated based on the cost of production, the target niche, whether it’s a mass-produced consumer product or a luxury item, the supply and demand, etc.
  • Place: Where is the point of sale happening? Do you have a retail outlet? Is it online sales? What is your distribution strategy?
  • Promotion: This is every activity that you do to create awareness of your product, to reach your target market - advertisements, word of mouth, press releases, social media, marketing campaign example, everything comes under promotion.

When you merge the 4 Ps with each marketing funnel stage, you have your marketing mix. These should be included in your marketing presentation. 

An infographic illustrating the 4 Ps of marketing that should be added to your marketing presentation.

#7 - Analysis and Measurement

This is probably the most challenging part of a marketing presentation- how do you plan to measure your marketing efforts? 

When it comes to digital marketing, it’s relatively easy to track the efforts with the help of SEO, social media metrics, and other such tools. But when your total revenue comes from different areas including physical sales and cross-device sales, how do you prepare a complete analysis and measurement strategy?

This should be included in the marketing presentation, based on all the other factors.

Creating an Effective and Interactive Marketing Presentation

As you’ve got down all the necessary components to create a marketing plan, let’s dive deeper into how to make your marketing presentation one worth remembering.

#1 - Get your audience’s attention with an icebreaker

We understand. Starting a marketing presentation is always tricky. You are nervous, the audience might be restless or engaged in some other stuff - like surfing on their phone or talking amongst themselves, and you have a lot at stake.

The best way to deal with this is to start your presentation with a hook - an icebreaker activity.  Make your speech an interactive marketing presentation.

Ask questions. It could be related to the product or service you are about to launch or something funny or casual. The idea is to get your audience interested in what is yet to come.

Do you know about the famous Oli Gardner pessimistic hook technique? He’s a famous and exceptional public speaker who usually starts his talk or presentation by painting a doomsday picture - something that makes the audience depressed before presenting them with a solution. This could take them on an emotional rollercoaster ride and get them hooked on what you have to say.

A PowerPoint buff? Check out our tips on how to create an interactive PowerPoint presentation so your audience will not be able to look away from your marketing speech.

#2 - Make the presentation all about the audience

Yes! When you have an intense topic, such as a marketing plan, to present, it’s difficult to make it interesting for the audience. But it’s not impossible. 

The first step is to understand your audience. What’s their level of knowledge about the topic? Are they entry-level employees, experienced marketers or C-suite executives? This will help you identify how to add value to your audience and how to cater to them.

Don’t just go on and on about what you want to say. Create empathy with your audience. Tell an engaging story or ask them if they have any interesting marketing stories or situations to share. 

This will help you set a natural tone for the presentation.

#3 - Have more slides with short content

Most often, corporate people, especially high-level managers or C-suite executives, might go through countless presentations a day. Getting their attention for a long time is a really difficult task.

In a hurry to finish off the presentation sooner, one of the biggest mistakes that most people make is to cram so much content into one slide. The slide will be displayed on the screen and they’ll keep talking for minutes thinking the fewer the slides, the better.

But this is something that you must avoid at all costs in a marketing presentation. Even if you have 180 slides with little content on them, it’s still better than having 50 slides with information jammed into them.

Always try to have multiple slides with short content, images, gifs, and other interactive activities.

Interactive presentation platforms such as AhaSlides can help you create engaging presentations with interactive quizzes , polls , spinner wheel , live word clouds and other activities. 

#4 - Share real-life examples and data

This is one of the most important parts of a marketing presentation. You could have all the information clearly laid out for your audience, but nothing beats having relevant data and insights to support your content.

More than wanting to see some random numbers or data on the slides, your audience might want to know what you concluded from it and how you came to that conclusion. You should also have clear information on how you are planning to use this data to your advantage.

#5 - Have shareable moments

We are moving to an era where everyone wants to be loud - tell their circle what they’ve been up to or the new things they’ve learned. People like it when they are given a “natural” opportunity to share information or moments from a marketing presentation or a conference.

But you cannot force this. One of the best ways to do this is to have quotable catchphrases or moments in your interactive marketing presentation that the audience can mostly share verbatim or as a picture or video.

These could be new industry trends, any specific features of your product or service that can be shared before the launch, or any interesting data that others could use.

On such slides, mention your social media hashtag or company’s handle so that your audience can tag you as well.

interactive marketing presentation

#6 - Have a uniformity in your presentation

Most often we tend to focus more on the content when creating a marketing presentation and often forget about how important the visual appeal is. Try to have a solid theme throughout your presentation. 

You could use your brand colours, designs or font in your presentation. This will make your audience more familiar with your brand.

#7 - Take feedback from the audience

Everyone will be protective of their “baby” and no one wants to hear anything negative right? Feedback need not necessarily be negative, especially when you are delivering a marketing presentation.

Feedback from your audience will definitely contribute to your interactive marketing presentation by helping you make necessary improvements to your marketing plan. You could have an organised Q&A session at the end of the presentation.

Check out: Best Q&A Apps to Engage With Your Audience | 5+ Platforms For Free in 2024

Regardless of exactly why you are here, making a marketing presentation doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Whether you are in charge of launching a new product or service or you simply want to be an ace in making marketing presentations, you can use this guide to your advantage. 

Keep these in mind when creating your marketing presentation.

An infographic illustrating 7 components of a marketing presentation.

What should I include in a presentation?

Marketing presentations are product- or service-specific. What you include in it depends on what you are selling to your target audience and how you plan to do it, including the below 7 points: Marketing Objectives, Market Segmentation, Value Proposition, Brand Positioning, Purchase Path/Customer Journey, Marketing Mix, and Analysis and Measurement.

What aresome examples of business strategy presentations?

A business strategy is intended to outline how a firm plans to achieve its goals. There are many different business strategies, for example, cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.

What is a digital marketing presentation?

A digital marketing presentation should include an executive summary, the digital marketing landscape, business goals, target audience, key channels, marketing messages, and a marketing plan.

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A small-town girl enthralled by culture, languages, and sunsets. Casual artist and musician looking to make memories every step of the way. Now changing the way humans live and have virtual interactions with AhaSlides.

Tips to Engage with Polls & Trivia

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Blog Business 12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Nov 29, 2023

Marketing Presentation Examples

Crafting an effective marketing presentation is essential in today’s competitive business landscape. A marketing presentation, fundamentally, is a dynamic communication tool utilized by businesses to present their marketing ideas, strategies, goals and achievements to a specific target audience.

Typically, this involves presenting a marketing plan, showcasing marketing campaign initiatives, or highlighting the success of a marketing strategy through engaging stories and compelling data.

Well, if you are wondering how you can create your own marketing presentation then worry not.

With Venngage presentation maker and their customizable marketing presentation templates , you can take these ideas and mold them into your own successful business narrative. These professionally designed presentation templates are visually appealing and easy to use, ensuring that your marketing presentations not only inform but also engage your audience. 

Click to jump ahead:

12 marketing presentation example

How to create an effective marketing presentation.

  • How to present a marketing plan
  • Wrapping up 

In business communication, marketing presentations stand out as a pivotal means of sharing ideas and strategies. A prime example of a marketing presentation vividly demonstrates how to effectively communicate a company’s marketing strategy, objectives and achievements.

Let’s look at a few examples of marketing presentations and how they can cater to different scenarios.  

Marketing strategy presentation example

A stellar marketing strategy presentation example showcases the intricate planning and execution of a company’s marketing efforts. It begins by defining the target market and the unique challenges it presents. The presentation then outlines the key marketing objectives and the strategies devised to meet them.

Blue And Orange Marketing Presentation

Emphasizing on the unique selling point of the product or service, it weaves an engaging story that resonates with the potential customers. The use of real-life examples and data-driven results adds credibility and helps in presenting a compelling case.

They also highlight how to effectively use marketing channels and digital tools to maximize reach and impact.

The key takeaway from such a presentation is not just the strategy itself, but how it is communicated to ensure the audience understands and remembers the key messages, aligning with the overall business goals.

Dark Gray And White Marketing Presentation

Marketing plan presentation example

A marketing plan presentation example is a comprehensive deck that outlines a company’s roadmap for marketing success.

It starts with an analysis of the current market conditions, identifying potential customers, and discussing contemporary trends.

Minimalist Soft Purple Marketing Plan

The presentation then delves into the specifics of the marketing plan, detailing the marketing channels to be used, the marketing budget and the timeline for implementation. It provides insights into the unique value proposition of the product or service and how it will be communicated to the target audience.

The use of powerful visual elements and bullet points helps in presenting complex information in an easily digestible format. This type of presentation also often includes a timeline slide to give the audience a clear sense of the plan’s progression.

Orange And Purple Blue Marketing Presentation

The objective is to present a clear, actionable plan that aligns with the company’s overall business goals and to persuade the audience of its potential success.

Digital marketing presentation example

In a digital marketing presentation example, the focus shifts to how digital channels can be leveraged to achieve marketing objectives.

This presentation type is visually appealing and uses design elements that resonate with digital trends. It begins by outlining the digital marketing strategy, including SEO, social media, email marketing and content marketing.

Green Gradient Marketing Presentation

The presentation shows how these digital channels can be utilized to reach a broader audience, create awareness and drive engagement. It includes real-life examples of successful digital marketing campaigns, highlighting key takeaways and the impact on business growth. The presentation also discusses the importance of analyzing data to refine marketing efforts continually.

A digital marketing presentation is an engaging and informative tool, providing key insights into how digital channels can be effectively utilized for a successful marketing campaign.

Dark Brown Simple Marketing Presentation

It leaves the audience with a clear understanding of the digital marketing landscape and the company’s approach to harnessing its potential.

Social media marketing presentation example

A social media marketing presentation example focuses on illustrating a company’s strategy for leveraging social media platforms to enhance its marketing efforts. Usually, this type of presentation begins by highlighting the importance of social media in contemporary marketing and how it can be a powerful tool to reach potential customers and create engagement.

Simple Yellow And Orange Marketing Presentation

It showcases the specific social media channels the company plans to use, tailored to the target audience and the unique selling points of the product or service. The presentation further delves into content strategy, including the types of posts, frequency and engagement tactics.

Real-life examples of successful social media campaigns are often included to provide inspiration and demonstrate practical applications.

Minimalist Simple Dark Marketing Presentation

Key performance indicators and methods for measuring the success of social media efforts are also discussed, emphasizing the need for data-driven strategies.

Marketing campaign presentation example

A marketing campaign presentation example is a detailed display of a company’s planned or executed marketing campaign. It starts by setting the scene with the campaign’s background, objectives and target market.

Simple Minimalist Blue And White Marketing Presentation

The presentation then unfolds the campaign’s key message and the unique value proposition it offers to the target audience. It outlines the various marketing channels and tactics used, such as digital advertising, press releases or influencer collaborations, providing a comprehensive view of the campaign’s approach.

The use of engaging stories and visual elements , like graphics and videos, makes the presentation both captivating and memorable. This example also includes a section on the budget and resources allocated for the campaign, offering a realistic view of the campaign’s scope.

Key takeaways and predicted outcomes, based on market analysis or previous campaigns, are highlighted to give the audience an understanding of the expected impact and success metrics of the campaign.

Modern Orange And Black Marketing Presentation

Creating an effective marketing presentation involves a series of well-thought-out steps to ensure that your message resonates with your audience. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Seize your audience’s attention : Begin your presentation by addressing the audience’s main concerns or pain points. Ask dramatic, thought-provoking questions to ignite emotions and engage your audience from the start​​.
  • Promise something and deliver it : Make clear promises about what your presentation will deliver. This could be solutions to problems, new insights or actionable strategies. Ensure that you fulfill these promises throughout your presentation​​.
  • Tell an engaging story backed by data : Use storytelling to make your content relatable and personal. Introduce real-life examples or scenarios and support them with solid data to add credibility​​.
  • Have less slide content rather than more : Avoid overloading your slides with text. Keep content concise and support your speech with key points, visuals and high-quality images. Using multiple slides with relevant images can help maintain audience attention​​.
  • Use humor wisely : Lighten the mood by incorporating appropriate humor through witty wordplay, GIFs or memes, ensuring it’s relevant and not distracting​​.
  • Conclude with a clear call to action (CTA) : At the end of your presentation, reiterate the key points and instruct your audience on the next steps or actions they should take. This could involve asking questions, applying the information provided, or engaging in further discussion​​.

Simple Three Colors Marketing Presentation

Read Also: 12 Best Presentation Software for 2023

How to present a marketing plan?

Presenting a marketing plan effectively is a key step in communicating your strategies and aligning your team towards common goals. Here’s a comprehensive guide to crafting an effective marketing plan presentation:

  • Executive summary : Begin with a concise overview of the marketing plan, highlighting key objectives, target market and strategies​​.
  • Market analysis : Present detailed market analysis including size, trends, customer segments and competitive landscape, supported by data and research​​.
  • Marketing objectives : State clear, SMART marketing objectives, aligning them with overall business goals​​.
  • Target market and buyer persona : Describe target market segments and buyer personas, detailing demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics​​.
  • Competitive analysis : Analyze main competitors, their strengths, weaknesses, market share and key differentiators​​.
  • Marketing strategies : Outline key marketing strategies for product positioning, pricing, distribution, promotion and branding​​.
  • Action plan and timeline : Present a detailed action plan with specific tactics, activities and timelines​​.
  • Budget and resource allocation : Provide an overview of the marketing budget and its allocation across various activities​​.
  • Performance measurement and KPI : Highlight key performance indicators to measure the success of the marketing plan​​.
  • Conclusion and next steps : Summarize main points, key takeaways and outline next steps in the implementation process​

Black And Yellow Modern Marketing Prersentation

Related: 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Wrapping up

I hope you’ve gained valuable insights and inspiration from this article to elevate your own marketing efforts. From the intricacies of a marketing strategy presentation to the creative approaches in digital and social media marketing, each example serves not just as a guide, but as a springboard for your own innovative ideas.

The steps to creating an effective marketing presentation and presenting a marketing plan underscore the importance of structure, storytelling and audience engagement. These are your tools to transform data and strategies into compelling narratives that resonate with your audience.

Use these examples, tips and tools to create presentations that effectively showcase your marketing ideas and strategies. Let your presentations be the window through which stakeholders view your vision and commitment to excellence.

As you step forward to apply these learnings, remember the power of professional and visually appealing presentations.

Venngage presentation maker and their customizable marketing presentation templates offer a variety of options to suit your unique marketing needs. These tools are designed to help you craft presentations that are not only informative but also aesthetically engaging, ensuring your message is both seen and remembered.

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marketing a new product presentation

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How to Create an Effective Marketing Presentation [Plus Templates]

How to Create an Effective Marketing Presentation [Plus Templates]

Written by: Brian Nuckols

marketing presentation - header

Whether you're a writer, marketing professional or anyone on the frontlines of creating front-facing business communications , learning to create effective and clear marketing presentations is a crucial skill. 

There are many use cases for a well-structured, clear marketing presentation. Some of the most common include:

  • Speaking at a conference or networking event 
  • Pitching company leadership on a new campaign or initiative 
  • Presenting a webinar for existing or potential customers 
  • Creating/repurposing content for platforms like SlideShare

Whatever the use case, there are four underlying strategies that are central to effective and clear marketing presentations.

marketing presentation - 4 strategies for effective marketing presentations infographic

  • Make your presentation about your audience 
  • Create value quickly 
  • Tell an engaging story 
  • Use the right design principles

When you’re ready to dive in, Visme is a tool that helps non-designers create stunning marketing presentations . 

One of the benefits you get from saving time and resources that would typically go into designing the presentation is that you can spend more time on strategy and preparing impactful messages. 

However, if you’re happy with your messaging and ready to start designing, that’s great!  We have tons of engaging and fully customizable slides to get you started.

Head over to our template library and get started right now! 

Also, here’s a short selection of 8 easy-to-edit marketing presentation templates you can edit, share and download with Visme. View more templates below:

marketing a new product presentation

In the meantime, we’ll transition to exploring each of these strategies in depth. 

Additionally, we are going to explore how you can streamline the process of creating visually stunning and profitable marketing presentations by using just the right design principles throughout your slideshow. 

Hey marketers! Need to create scroll-stopping visual content fast?

  • Transform your visual content with Visme’s easy-to-use content creation platform
  • Produce beautiful, effective marketing content quickly even without an extensive design skillset
  • Inspire your sales team to create their own content with branded templates for easy customization

Sign up. It’s free.

marketing a new product presentation

Make Your Marketing Presentation About Your Audience

The first strategy that’s important when it comes to creating effective and clear marketing presentations is to make the presentation about your audience. 

Ready to create slides with impact? Use the agenda slide below. 

marketing presentation - agenda presentation slide template

Cultivate Empathy

One thing you can do when preparing to make your presentation about your audience is connect with them empathically. 

What is empathy?   According to the design firm IDEO empathy is a “deep understanding of the problems and realities of the people you are designing for.”

In our case, we’re designing a presentation for our existing and ideal audience. 

As a more general definition, empathy allows us to see the world from another's point of view. To understand, feel and experience the world from the audience's perspective . 

This is useful because when we’re able to imagine the world from a different perspective we can brainstorm new, interesting and valuable messages to include in our presentation. 

Once you’ve brainstormed these messages, you can showcase them with the slides in this template below. 

marketing plan - process diagram presentation template

While we can never fully experience things from the perspective of our audience, we can use strategies and tactics to get as close as possible.   

Most importantly, we have to agree to put aside our own preconceived beliefs in an effort to understand the needs and ideas of others. 

This is an important first step to creating your marketing presentation because it helps set the tone for your presentation.

When you’re ready to connect with your audience use the pros & cons slide from our Simple presentation theme. 

marketing presentation - pros and cons presentation slide template

Understand Your Audience’s Environment

The first step in connecting more emphatically with your audience is to consider the environment that they’ll experience your presentation in. 

How will the average audience member be interacting with your presentation? Will they be watching at home or at work? Is attendance mandatory or did they choose to be there?   

By answering these questions we are  able to put ourselves in the position of the audience member and make sure we don’t have blindspots as presenters. 

After spending some time connecting with the environment of your audience, translate your insights into your marketing presentation using the template below. 

marketing presentation - diagram presentation slide template

Understand Your Audience’s Needs

Another great strategy to uncover a deeper layer of understanding about your audience is to tap into their core emotional and physical needs.  

As the presenter, you have a different set of expectations, desires and questions about the subject matter you’re presenting on than the audience does.

One of the best ways to connect with your audience's core emotional needs is to give them a plausible vision of a better life. 

Once you’ve connected with the core emotional needs of your audience, use the process model slide in our Creative presentation theme to share your ideas. 

marketing presentation - process model presentation slide template

By focusing on the audience’s side of the story you can unlock new ideas, topics and messaging opportunities.

Create Journey Maps  

One of the first things you can do when brainstorming content for a marketing presentation is to understand the various steps a potential customer or prospect has to pass through before reaching their goal with your company.

This is invaluable information to know when setting out to create the content that's going inside your marketing presentation. 

It helps us to understand the motivations of your audience as well as some of the friction and pain points that are stopping them from reaching their goal.

Visually demonstrate how your customers are interacting with your business with this simplistic template option below. 

marketing presentation - simplistique presentation template

A powerful way to empathize with your audience is to dig deep into the problems and frustrations they have.

An excellent tool content brainstorming tool to use after we’ve identified some frustrations is the 5 Whys technique .  

Originally developed by Sakichi Toyoda , the founder of Toyota, the 5 Whys is also a powerful way to emphasize with your audience.

Here’s how Toyoda explained his process:

“The basis of Toyota’s scientific approach is to ask why five times whenever we find a problem … By repeating why five times, the nature of the problem as well as its solution becomes clear.”

To use this tactic for content brainstorming first identify a problem or frustration a member of your audience has. 

Use the 5 Whys technique to explore some of the root problems at the core of this issue.

Not only will this help you empathize more with your audience and potential customers, but when you add this level of depth to your content you’re more likely to affect the audience on more emotional levels.

Ready to try the 5 Whys technique? Give it the right shape and structure using the slide diagram below.

marketing presentation - five steps diagram presentation slide template

Define Your Customer Personas

Now that we’ve explored some techniques and tactics around empathy, we can start to more fully define who our target audience is. This will help us define your unique customer base and target readership. 

To do so, we’ll draw on a blend of existing data and forward looking projections. 

The Analytics Persona

The first persona is based on existing data. It requires an analytics or CRM software that’s tracking the data and some basic analysis skills.

This is worth the investment in time and resources because of the valuable data that can be unearthed from a simple exploration of the data.

As an example, Casey Winters a former marketer at Pinterest used analytics data to create the following personas:

By way of explanation, core people came every day, casual people came every week, marginal people came every month, and dormant users had stopped using the Pinterest platform altogether.

These types of personas are useful when creating a marketing presentation because they can help us develop key messaging strategies or goals for the presentation.

As an example, Pinterest may want to help casual users do more of the activities that core users do everyday. They can make a presentation directed at these casual users with the goal of teaching them how to migrate into the core user persona.

Ready to communicate effectively with audience members? Use a product comparison slide like the one below. 

marketing presentation - product comparison presentation slide template

The Product Persona

Similar to the analytics persona, the product persona focuses on understanding existing users or readers .

However, instead of doing the work of crunching statistics from an analytics or CRM software you’ll collect qualitative data to figure out more about who the reader is and not the discrete actions they’re taking.  

This is usually done using a back and forth of customer calls,  surveys and other qualitative data sources.

The Marketing Persona

The marketing persona is unlike the first two we discussed because it is projection into the future. This is the audience you want rather than the audience you have. 

Developing a marketing persona helps us to define a target market to pursue and target.  

Since this persona is about targeting people outside the product, one common tool created during this process is a mapping of the target customer’s typical day. 

This helps us understand the right messaging and strategies to use in our presentation. 

Have your personas down? Use the template below to create a presentation that serves their needs. 

marketing presentation - features presentation slide template

Create Value Quickly in Your Marketing Presentation

Now that we’ve reviewed how to make the marketing presentation about the audience we come to the second important strategy when it comes to creating effective and clear marketing presentations.  

We have to create value for the audience member as quickly as possible. 

We’ll first explore what value creation is, how to generate it in your marketing presentation, and how the jobs to be done framework is invaluable for this process. 

Focus On Your Central Idea

“Make something people want. There’s nothing more valuable than an unmet need that is just becoming fixable. If you find something broken that you can fix for a lot of people, you’ve found a gold mine.”

This quote by the venture capitalist Paul Graham is a good illustration of how value creation is the central mechanism driving interest in content, business and marketing presentations. 

To operate a successful business, you have to create something of value. 

Likewise, any successful marketing presentation communicates how you plan to create value for your audience.

Our job during the presentation is to find the things or knowledge our audience needs reminded about, doesn’t have enough of or is hearing about for the first time.

The value you create can take on one of several different forms, but the purpose is always the same: to make someone else’s life a little bit better.

Ready to create value for your audience? Use the Venn diagram slide below. 

marketing presentation - venn diagram presentation slide template

Understand How to Help Your Audience

A helpful framework that helps us visualize how we create value for our audience is the Jobs to be Done model.  

Jobs to be Done is a theory of consumer action. It describes the underlying motivations that cause a potential audience member to pay attention to our marketing presentations.

The theory states that markets for new products, content and information emerge when potential customers have a particular Job to be Done, and they start buying products to complete that job.

The Jobs to be Done site gives a great visual example of this. While someone may purchase a skateboard that then needs to be put together, what they really want is the end product of being a good skater and performing tricks.

marketing presentation - understand how to help your audience

Image Source

Charles Revson, founder of the cosmetic company Revlon, gives us another example of this principle in his quote, “In the factory we make cosmetics; in the drugstore we sell hope.” 

Revson has identified a core emotional need that makes Revlon valuable to their customers.

This information is critical for marketing presentation because it helps us to understand the ultimate goal or vision an audience member will have when interacting with our presentation.

A Job to be Done is the process a consumer goes through whenever she aims to change her existing life-situation into a preferred one, but cannot because there are constraints that stop her.

Transform Your Audience

One reason we can create value for our audience members is because of some of the fundamental limits we have as humans.

Typically, our audience can’t transform their personality or overcome the obstacles that hold them back without help.  

Progress in these areas happens when we integrate new ideas and new tools or products into our life.

This is the exact vision that Jobs to be Done helps us articulate in our marketing presentations.  

Our audience member is living the life she has come to accept. Then things change and she comes across your presentation. She is presented with an opportunity to improve her life.

Understanding the “job” this potential customer wants to fulfill is an important objective in a clear and effective marketing presentation.

marketing presentation - transform your audience

Tell an Engaging Story With Your Marketing Presentation

Storytelling is an ancient technology designed to transmit wisdom and meanings from generation to generation.  

In this strategy we’ll use 4 principles from the discipline of business communication to explore why storytelling works so well in effective marketing presentations. 

However, we can start with a more simple opening question. In short, who is my audience and what is the message I want to share with them?

Know your audience? Use a template and deliver the important insights they need to during your presentation.

marketing presentation - vision & mission presentation slide template

After the reflections we’ve done on empathy and creating value we should be able to offer a fairly nuanced response.

Nevertheless, each decision we make from here on out when it comes to the copy and messaging in our presentation.

marketing presentation - the art of storytelling infographic

The GAME Framework

GAME is an acronym for the following.

The first step in the game framework is to define clear goals for our marketing presentation.

Think about it from the perspective of relevant business outcomes. Do we need to increase customers? Qualify leads? Secure organizational buy in for a new software?

Defining concrete and specific goals is an important component of any marketing presentation so you can track return on investment and make sure your valuable time is being used effectively.

Set some SMART goals for your marketing presentation to set yourself up for success.

marketing presentation - smart goals infographic

The second step in the game framework is the audience step.

While we’ve done some hard work emphasizing with your audience and understanding them on a broad level it’s time to get specific about what segment of your audience you want to target with your marketing presentation.

Is it a presentation to inform your audience of new features or ideas? Are you targeting new or existing personas with a specific message?

Understanding what segment of your audience is what you’ll accomplish in the second phase of the GAME framework.

Next, we’ll start crafting the actual words, visuals and content to present to the audience. Make sure to include key messages laid out in a clear, logical manner that is easy to understand.

These messages must include how your ideas, content or product create value for the audience. Remember the work we did during the value creation and Jobs to be Done section of this article?

Your key messages should show your audience how they get from point A to point B when it comes to solving their frustrations and challenges.

Ready to take your engaged audience from point A to point B? Try the template below to deliver your message. 

marketing presentation - list presentation slide template

Finally, we come to the expression component of the GAME framework.

This is the form that our key messages will ultimately take. Audiences typically expect a blend of visual communication via slideshow and content via bullet points for additional information.

marketing presentation - game framework infographic

The Pyramid Principle

Now that we’re reading to begin expressing the message we want to convey in our marketing report it’s useful to study the most effective way to structure our content and messaging.

One of the best concepts for structuring any marketing or business presentation is called the Minto Pyramid Principle.

This principle was first created by Barbara Minto, an ex-McKinsey marketing consultant.

Her methodology can help you both develop and structure the content and visuals for your marketing presentation in a logical fashion that creates impact.

Simply stated, when using the Minto Pyramid Principle start with the most important points and get progressively more detailed as the presentation continues.

This rule will maximize the amount of audience members who hear and integrate the message of your presentation. It can also be a hard rule to put into practice because in most academic writing we’re taught to do the exact opposite.

For that reason, it’s helpful to look at the Pyramid Principle in action.

marketing presentation - the minto pyramid principle

As you can see above, the Pyramid Principle was used on a due diligence report where t he key message was if the target company should be purchased. This is the focal point of the presentation and comes first.

Next, the partners give us plenty of supporting details and information if we want to dig deeper. However, the vast majority of readers will remember the key message that the suggestion is to buy the company.

Keep this principle in mind when structuring your marketing presentation. Do you have a core message that the vast majority of your audience will remember? Make sure it appears as early as possible in your marketing presentation.

Now that you’ve learned how to add some clarity and precision to your important messages use the template below to take your marketing presentation to the next level. 

marketing presentation - timeline presentation slide template

Use the Right Design Principles in Your Marketing Presentation

Now that we’ve explored your audience, how to create value for them, and how to transmit that value into the vehicle of story we’re reading to start crafting our messages. 

When doing so it’s important to consider visual communication and design principles.   

There are three absolutely crucial design tactics you can use right now to up the quality of your design.

They are visual hierarchy, color psychology and font pairing.  

Visual Hierarchy

One of the best ways to design our marketing presentation in a way that’s visually appealing is to use visual hierarchy.  

This is a method of identifying the design elements we want to use and then organizing them in their order of importance.  

In other words, it’s a set of principles that help us understand the order in which our audience will notice the various design elements we chose.  

Great designers manipulate these principles to create stunning and clear designs.

The good news is that anyone can utilize certain these principles and Visme helps non-designers create successful marketing presentations that are both efficient and effective.

We've also created a video version of this blog post to help you further understand visual hierarchy. You can watch it below:

marketing a new product presentation

Color Psychology

The next design element that will take your presentation to the next level are from the field of color psychology. Color psychology in marketing and branding is an important subject.

marketing presentation - color psychology

It’s absolutely true that specific colors can influence the choices of consumers so it’s a crucial design decision in any marketing presentation. Color has the power to impact our emotions in many different ways.

It can call our attention to specific parts of the presentation, inspire emotions at an important moment, or even help our audience tap into positive memories.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

marketing a new product presentation

Font Pairing

The last crucial design element we’ll explore today is font pairing. Font choice is crucial for the tone, feel, and look for our presentation.

The challenge is the enormous amount of choices we have and the lack of knowledge most of us have when it comes to what font choices work best.

It’s a topic we’ve covered on the Visme in the video below.

marketing a new product presentation

Create Your Marketing Presentation Today

It’s your turn! Get started with Visme and take the next step on your journey to create effective marketing presentations . Share your creation with me on Twitter and don't forget to use #MyVisme!

Create beautiful presentations faster with Visme.

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marketing a new product presentation

About the Author

Brian Nuckols is a writer working in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He enjoys communicating visionary ideas in clear, action oriented language. When he’s not working on content for a transformative company you can find him analyzing dreams, creating music, and writing poetry.

marketing a new product presentation

How to Make the Perfect Marketing Plan with PowerPoint

Carla Albinagorta

Working on your marketing strategy is a crucial step for making your business successful. This means revising it, updating it, and improving it constantly. And of course, this means making sure it is easily digestible and understandable for your team in order to work together and implement it. Here you’ll find how to make the perfect Marketing Plan with PowerPoint to upgrade its effectiveness and guarantee your success.

make marketing strategy plan PowerPoint template

Why use PowerPoint for your Marketing Plan

PowerPoint is, above everything else, a tool for communication . It is the most common tool used for presentations for a good reason, after all! A good PowerPoint presentation can be key for connecting with your audience. The array of visual aids can help you make your message more impactful. It can help you showcase your brand and the values you want to be associated with it. Its visual features can allow you to display data and data trends in a much more effective way than just plain numbers. PowerPoint presentations are a crucial tool for both catching your audience’s eye and getting your point across.

Marketing plans are of little use if you don’t share them with others. Your marketing strategy will ensure that you and your team are all on the same page and working towards a common goal. Marketing plans are essential when it comes to annual company planning. A marketing presentation allows you to show your boss, other departments, or even potential investors what the marketing department is working on and evidence its worth for the business. And if you’re working for a B2B company, a sales presentation is a must if you want to gain new customers!

In short, making your marketing plan in PowerPoint gives you the opportunity to convey your message in a more visually appealing way. It doesn’t only make your audience more likely to pay attention to your presentations. PowerPoint can also make the message you’re trying to get across more digestible and memorable. It doesn’t matter if it’s to share your marketing strategy with your work team or a potential customer. PowerPoint presentations can improve the way you communicate and convey your messages.

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What is a Marketing Strategy Plan

A marketing strategy plan is a key tool that every company must work on to achieve its business goals. Your marketing strategy plan is a guideline of what specific actions you’re going to take in order to reach and gain more clients. Instead of just playing it by ear and just taking random steps hoping for it to work, a marketing plan is a strategic approach to it. It requires doing the necessary research of your target market. And based on that research, define what concrete actions will help you reach your target audience.

Of course, a marketing plan is not set in stone. The more you implement your marketing plan, you’ll be finding what works and what doesn’t, what points can be improved, and what is not achieving the desired results. A marketing strategy plan should be improved and tuned in constantly. A well-done marketing strategy plan is an incredible opportunity to learn and keep growing your business. And that’s part of why working on your marketing plan with PowerPoint is such a great idea! Having your marketing strategy as a presentation also allows you to go back to it with your team and evaluate together what should be improved, changed, and updated to fit the new goals.

What to include in your Marketing Strategy PowerPoint

You can include many things in your marketing plan presentation, depending on who your audience is and what your marketing objectives are. This list will help you get a general idea of what you can include in your marketing plan presentation to create a solid strategy.

Executive summary

Starting your business presentation with an executive summary is always a good idea, and marketing plan presentations are no exception! While it is not a must, starting your presentation with a resume can help your audience get into the topic and give them a head’s up on what they should expect from it. A summary will also make it easier for them to remember all your points after the presentation is over.

You can also use a table of contents to showcase all the points you’ll be going through. This will help you make your marketing plan presentation more organized and clean! Another great option to use as an introduction is to add an overview of your company and your team. This way, you can showcase the kind of experience and talent behind your team and give yourself more authority in your audience’s eyes.

Current state and goals

Goals are a must-have in your marketing strategy plan presentation. There’s little use for a marketing plan if you don’t know what you want to achieve. And in order to set accurate goals, it’s important to revise what you’re doing right now and how you can improve it.

free marketing plan strategy PowerPoint presentation template

Adding a “current state” to your marketing plan presentation will help you analyze your exact starting point and track better the changes and improvements once you implement your strategy. Knowing how effective your marketing starting point is will also help you set more accurate and realistic goals. Once you know exactly how many people you’re reaching, it’ll be easier to set goals that you can actually achieve.

Market research, competitors, and target audience

Another essential part of your marketing strategy presentation is working on your market research . You must analyze the market you’re trying to get into to develop the best possible strategy to reach your audience. It’s vital to know how your target market works, the trends, who your competitors are, and how the valuables are offered. This will help you define better what differentiates your own product and how to make yourself stand out.

swot analysis powerpoint template

Some great tools to take into consideration when working on your marketing strategy presentation are, for example, SWOT and PEST analyses. These techniques will help you give a complete overview of your product and how they relate to the market’s situation.

Another option to include in your marketing strategy presentation is to examine who is your target audience. You can use a buyer persona to define who would be your ideal customer. This will help you better understand their shopping practices, what channels they use, what sort of advertisement they respond to, and so on. By understanding better how your market, your competitors, and your target audience work, you’ll create a more effective approach for your marketing plan.

Marketing Strategy

Now that you know your starting point, goals, and target audience, it’s time to plan your marketing strategy! This section of your marketing plan PowerPoint should be all about finding the most effective ways to reach your audience and convert them into customers. It should serve as a blueprint of all the things you’re going to work on in order to get more clients.

An essential part of your marketing strategy presentation should be detailing what exact channels you’re going to work with and why. Are you going to do other kinds of advertising, or are you going to focus on digital marketing? What social media platforms are you going to work with? What about a landing page? Are you going to do email marketing? Or have a newsletter? All these are things to take into consideration when working on your marketing strategy.

make social media marketing strategy plan PowerPoint

Now that you have what channels you’re going to work with, you also need to define what kind of content you’re going to be showing in each one. No platform works precisely the same as the others, so it’s essential to define what each channel will be used for. This will help you determine exactly what kind of content you will put out according to what target audience you’re trying to reach.

Team and tools

Considering the channels and the content you’re going to work in, what resources do you need? To make your marketing strategy work, you need to take into account if these are genuinely actionable. Adding to your presentation what team members will be responsible for each step will improve your marketing strategy’s organization and coordination. You should also consider if there are extra tools or equipment you might need. You can even add specific knowledge that you will need to execute your marketing plan. This way, you’ll be able to anticipate your needs and make your strategy work seamlessly when it’s time to implement it.

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A crucial part of your creating an effective marketing plan is adding trackable goals. Key Performance Indicators help you define exactly how close you’re to achieving your goals. KPIs change from business to business and from campaign to campaign, so it’s vital that you keep them updated. Strategical set KPIs will help you define what it means for your business to be on the right track. And adding them to your marketing plan presentation is a great way to make sure that your team is aware of what they should strive for!

Project Roadmap

The main idea of a marketing plan is that it should be actionable. Adding a roadmap to your marketing strategy presentation will help you give your audience a visual take of what specific steps you’re going to implement.

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Finally, you should also add a budget slide to your marketing plan PowerPoint. Thinking about how much your marketing strategy is going to cost will help you keep you grounded within your possibilities.

Get your customized Marketing Plan PowerPoint

A marketing strategy presentation is a fantastic tool to upgrade your team’s communication and improve your organizational skills. The idea of a marketing plan is to allow you to take conscious and strategic actions to reach your goal and gain more customers for your business. Of course, what to add to your presentation may vary from company to company. But hopefully, this list will give you a general idea of how to make a professional marketing plan with PowerPoint.

If you like any of the examples used in this article, then you’re in luck! All the slides used are part of our Templates by 24Slides platform. You can download any (or all!) of them completely free . You can even mix and match slides from different templates to create your perfect pack.

Using templates, however, takes time and effort. If you want a truly professional presentation that conveys your brand and message in the best possible way, you might want to consider professional PowerPoint design. Our designers here at 24Slides work with some of the best businesses all around the world. You can relax and leave it all in their hands, and you’ll get back outstanding slides that will make your presentation truly unforgettable!

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7 Essential Slides To Have In New Product Development PowerPoint Deck

7 Essential Slides To Have In New Product Development PowerPoint Deck

Hanisha Kapoor


Developing a new product is an exhaustive process. It involves a structured roadmap that helps you navigate the path to bring a new product into the market. From generating an idea to establishing the product, stick to the steps to get the desired outcome. Also, when you are embarking upon a new product development scheme, you need to be aware of what goes where.

There are 7 steps involved in this process. Follow each of them, and your new product will turn out to be focused and flexible.

To stay longer in the market, companies introduce new products to attract new customers and increase their revenues. If you are planning to do the same, take a look at the below steps.

7 Steps to Develop a New Product

1) product idea screening, * introducing the product.

New Product Introduction

Introduce your product to the team. Add some product details such as product advantage, market attractiveness, technical feasibility, and more. Either you will get a 'go ahead' or you will hear 'don’t'. So you have to be very specific while introducing the product.

* Product Roadmap

Product Roadmap

Introducing is not enough. Showcase a plan of nurturing the product. How are you planning to add new features to the product in the future? Use this product roadmap slide to demonstrate your plan.

2) New Product Analysis

* detailed analysis.

Detailed Analysis

Conduct a detailed analysis of the newly-introduced product. Determine its strengths and weaknesses to improve the product for the consumers. Throw light on its features and benefits too.

* Category Analysis

Category Analysis

Evaluate the product based on the four categories mentioned above. Analyzing these four categories will give you a clear picture if your product is suitable for the customers or you need to improve in some areas.

3) Tools & Techniques

* bcg matrix.

BCG Matrix

Use this analytical tool to assess the cash demands of the product. This matrix will also help you analyze the profile of the product or business. You can easily allocate resources using this tool. Not only this, but the matrix will also allow you to know whether the product needs harvesting or divesting.

4) Market Analysis

* market segmentation.

Market Segmentation

This slide will help you segment your consumer market. Choose an ideal target market based on the four categories given above. Fill in the details and analyze the four segmentation variables. This will help you evaluate the appropriate target market. Depending upon the category your product will fall into, you will have a marketing plan accordingly.

* Market Attractiveness

Market Attractiveness

This particular graph shows the correlation between the market attractiveness (the level at which the product is liked in the market) and the business position. It will help you put forward through the graph various scenarios such as a strong business position might not necessarily mean that the product is being liked in the market.

5) Development Plans

* marketing launch plan.

Marketing Launch Plan

Demonstrate the marketing launch plan for the product. How are you going to attract the audience? Think of every possible way to reach out to the masses. This slide will help you figure out the various options.

* Digital Marketing Plan

Digital Marketing Plan

We are in the tech generation. It would be best if you had a digital plan to advertise your product. Incorporate this professionally-designed slide to help you strategize the digital plan for your product.

6) Cost Analysis

* production & cost analysis.

Production & Operation Cost Analysis

Since you are developing a new product, it involves many financial resources, including production cost, operation cost, and more. You are also answerable to your bosses and accounts team for the finances involved. It would help if you kept a tab on the money involved in the product development. Have a production and cost analysis chart in your presentation, put the numbers in, and keep the things transparent.

* Marketing & Launch Cost Analysis

Marketing & Launch Cost Analysis

Just like the production and cost analysis chart, you can also create a chart on marketing and launch cost analysis to check if you are going out of budget or not.

7) Product Feasibility Review

* feasibility review.

Feasibility Review

Once the product is developed, get it evaluated by the project managers. Score the product based on the categories mentioned in the chart. Analyze the score and amend changes in the product accordingly.

* Product Quality Check

Product Quality Check

Get a quality check done of the product before the product enters the market. This quality check will help you assess the product in a better way. You will get to know if it is ready to enter the market or not through this quality test.

These are the 7 steps that you need to go through before you see your new product. Take one step at a time and carefully scrutinize the results before going to the next level. Develop a new product to offer new benefits to the customers.

2021 update: Try out these new product development templates for excellence

When trying to penetrate the market with something disruptive, you have to keep your team well informed and organized. So given that you have understood the above key points to include in your presentation, you can apply them by trying out the new product development templates mentioned below. These templates are fully customizable. So you can make alterations down to the color and size of each graphical element. Click on the links given below the templates to download them and set out on a remarkable new product development journey. Perfection made simple!

Chalk out the perfect plan to make new product development a breeze. Use this template to spell out the right strategies to evaluate product idea screening, besides feasibility overview and marketing decisions for the brand. Additionally, you can use various charts used in this thematic template to clarify the metrics to be used for evaluating the product performance. Download the template now!

new product development

Download this template

Promotion strategies are key to a flawless new product development process. So you should ensure that your presentation includes an outline of marketing strategies and the roadmap to their execution. Communicate the ways to jack up sales and product outreach with the help of this stunning set of slides. Additionally, you can describe the digital marketing roadmap for your online teams to run every operation smoothly till the point of product launch and beyond.

new product development

Grab this template

A lot goes behind rolling out a new product in the market. You have to keep tabs on every aspect, right from ideation to execution. When you want to hand over this plan to your teammates, it would be better to present it in a sharp format. Therefore, you should use the following template that showcases monetary and procedural aspects of your new product development in a lucid manner. Grab this template and deploy!

new product development

Catering to a customer’s needs can be a challenging task. But when you have the power of analysis with you, there will be no errors of judgment. So utilize this template to elaborate the market and data analysis to let your team dive deep into the customer psyche. The template can also serve as a ready-reckoner for product promotion activities as well as a tool to attract investors . Feel free to use as many slides as you want and make changes to them to make your new product development flawless.

new product development

The only way you will be able to market your new product effectively is if you know what its unique selling points are. So prepare a comprehensive analytical guide for your team to chart out the techniques they will need to make the product a hit. Factor all key points into your presentation and solicit groundbreaking ideas to improve your product using this fully-editable template. Mention the product pricing and branding roadmaps to enable your team to gain a loyal customer base.

new product development

Utilizing our manual for making a precise new product development plan can become even more fruitful with this template. You can earmark budgeting proposals in this customizable template and take feedback from various department representatives. Implement the feedback before you put the plan to work. You can also include quality control measures and assign personnel to handle them. Manipulate the template according to your brand theme and devise an unbeatable strategy.

new product development

Tracking feedback and changes can help you gain precision in your new product development scheme. So use the following template to give your team the right start. You can depict a new product development funnel with this template and empower your team to go beyond their assigned roles to contribute to raising the product quality. You can also use the striking infographics in this template to highlight the points of value. Just click to download and present with finesse.

new product development

When you have to deliver an outstanding new product development presentation, you will need to get the macroscopic as well as microscopic view of the project. Envision each detail of the product with this ready-to-use template. Jot down every possible loophole that your team needs to avoid to develop an outstanding product that takes the market by storm. Feel free to add images or replace the default images on this template for relevance and precision.

marketing a new product presentation

Unlock new opportunities with this new product development schema template. Track down key metrics and assign goals to make your team more productive and efficient. The template is fully functional and can be reproduced into other viable formats for print and digital communication. Highlight all the product development methodologies and results with this creative bundle to work out the best strategy. Click the link below to download and present for perfection.

marketing a new product presentation

Template 10

Develop a sharp outline for your project and discuss with your teammates using this striking template. You can present it to your team and prospective clients in modules. You can also choose to add more slides to the templates to develop bespoke modules that relay information within seconds. Additionally, you can add graphics and charts to elucidate budget provisions and sales targets. All in all, this template has something for every part of your team. So go for it right away!

marketing a new product presentation

So there you go. Script your success story with the help of our new product development templates. Good luck with your next venture!

Want to create an inspiring, persuasive business deck and clinch the next deal? Get in touch with our Presentation Design Agency .

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  • 8 Steps of New Product Development to Give Your Product a Kickass Launch
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Go to Market Strategy Example

A go to market strategy, or GTM strategy, explains the process needed to break into a new market or a new audience, step by step. You can use a go to market strategy for a new product launch, new service offering, a startup launch, or a brand relaunch. It’s similar to a marketing plan, but with a narrower, more detailed focus on one of your products or services.

A go to market strategy presentation ensures that your new product or service launch is properly planned out.

Use our go to market presentation template to:

  • Outline your business strategy
  • Validate timing, target audience, and market
  • Inform all teams about the go to market strategy

Build your Go to Market Strategy Presentation

Each slide in your go to market strategy presentation has an important role to play. Graphics such as comparison charts, bullet lists, graphs, timelines, and sales funnels can help to illustrate your data. Each of these options is available with your go to market presentation template and can be added in an instant.

Title Slide

Pro Tips for a Go to Market Strategy Presentation

Customize your go to market strategy presentation with these tips in mind.

There’s a lot of data to cover in these types of presentations. Use graphics like timelines, scatter plots, bar graphs, or a SWOT analysis to make your data easily digestible.

Stick to one topic or idea per slide. If you try to add too much content to one slide, you’ll overwhelm your audience.

Your strategy involves analysis of your target audience, market fit, competition, and so on. Make sure your data is up to date and accurate before moving forward.

If you need additional slides to compare data, display tables, share pull quotes, or display word clouds, add them to your presentation.

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Product Launch Marketing Plan

It seems that you like this template, product launch marketing plan presentation, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Time to launch the product you have been working on for a long time! Design your marketing plan with these cool presentation templates to make your clients get as excited as you are. Freepik Stories illustrations will make your strategy even more professional and creative.

Features of this template

  • A creative design with Stories illustrations and highlighted expanded subtitles
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 28 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics such as tables, charts, diagrams and maps
  • Includes 500+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Uses illustrated concepts from Storyset : editable color, different backgrounds, animated illustrations
  • Uses illustrated concepts from Storyset: editable color, different backgrounds, animated illustrations
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint
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Attribution required If you are a free user, you must attribute Slidesgo by keeping the slide where the credits appear. How to attribute?

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    5 tips on how to create an effective marketing presentation. Seize your audience's attention. Promise something and deliver it. Tell an engaging story backed by data. Have less slide content rather than more. Use humor wisely. 1. Seize your audience's attention. Start your social media and marketing presentation with a bang by asking a ...

  13. The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Presentation (Tips & Template)

    A marketing presentation is a visual slide deck introducing a new product's marketing plan. It's often created from presentation software (e.g., Google Slides, Canva, PPT) or automated marketing reporting tools like DashThis .

  14. A Detailed Guide on How to Create a Powerful Product Presentation

    Thus, it is better to add customizable templates to your slides and make your presentations look more professional and stunning. 1. Product Roadmap. A product roadmap showcases the journey of your product. Right from the idea behind it to its execution, it covers all areas of how the product was brought to life.

  15. 11 Product Presentation Examples Driving Business Results

    A product presentation is a business slide deck that highlights a product's market, key features, advantages, and unique value proposition. It's crafted to inform potential customers, investors, or partners—with the goal to inspire action, such as making a purchase or investing in the product.

  16. New Product Launch Presentation

    The best way to communicate a new product vision is to use inspiring, emotional language, in order to pump the audience up for the new product, the things it can do, and the success it will bring the company. This is the pitch to get all the relevant stakeholders on board and excited. Add your vision for the new product in this slide.

  17. Product Launch Presentation: Steps to Create & Free Template

    Step #1: Describe your product. Since we're talking about a presentation for your upcoming product launch, it only makes sense that we begin with an overview of your product. After all - as we said earlier - this is about something that's new to the market, so you need to describe things like: What it is. How it works.

  18. Marketing Presentation Guide

    The best way to deal with this is to start your presentation with a hook - an icebreaker activity. Make your speech an interactive marketing presentation. Ask questions. It could be related to the product or service you are about to launch or something funny or casual. The idea is to get your audience interested in what is yet to come.

  19. 12 Marketing Presentation Examples for You

    Digital marketing presentation example. In a digital marketing presentation example, the focus shifts to how digital channels can be leveraged to achieve marketing objectives. This presentation type is visually appealing and uses design elements that resonate with digital trends. It begins by outlining the digital marketing strategy, including ...

  20. Being the Voice of the Customer: 10 Kinds of Product Marketing

    Just as developing a new product or launching a business requires a structured plan, product marketing plans require a product marketing roadmap presentation and follow-up. ... Any product marketing presentation worth its salt will be personalized for its audience. But speaking for the audience also requires identifying the customer's voice.

  21. How to Create an Effective Marketing Presentation [Plus Templates]

    Presenting a webinar for existing or potential customers. Creating/repurposing content for platforms like SlideShare. Whatever the use case, there are four underlying strategies that are central to effective and clear marketing presentations. Customize this infographic template and make it your own! Edit and Download.

  22. How to Make the Perfect Marketing Plan with PowerPoint

    In short, making your marketing plan in PowerPoint gives you the opportunity to convey your message in a more visually appealing way. It doesn't only make your audience more likely to pay attention to your presentations. PowerPoint can also make the message you're trying to get across more digestible and memorable.

  23. 7 Essential Slides To Have In New Product Development ...

    Template 1. Chalk out the perfect plan to make new product development a breeze. Use this template to spell out the right strategies to evaluate product idea screening, besides feasibility overview and marketing decisions for the brand. Additionally, you can use various charts used in this thematic template to clarify the metrics to be used for ...

  24. Go To Market Strategy Presentation

    It's similar to a marketing plan, but with a narrower, more detailed focus on one of your products or services. A go to market strategy presentation ensures that your new product or service launch is properly planned out. Use our go to market presentation template to: Outline your business strategy. Validate timing, target audience, and market.

  25. How To Develop a Successful Product Presentation

    Here are some steps you can use to create your own product presentation: 1. Plan your introduction. Determine how you want to introduce yourself. An introduction in a product presentation can be brief, as the presentation typically focuses more on the product being described.

  26. Product Launch Marketing Plan Google Slides & PPT template

    Product Launch Marketing Plan Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. Time to launch the product you have been working on for a long time! Design your marketing plan with these cool presentation templates to make your clients get as excited as you are. Freepik Stories illustrations will make ...