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Sports in India Essay

Sports in India Essay | Essay on Sports in India for Students and Children in English

Sports in India Essay: Over the past few decades, with active involvement in major global decisions and events, India has left significant footprint in every arena. On the threshold of achieving the mantle of global leadership, Indian success story is scripted in diverse fields of political debates, economy, social ventures, entrepreneurship, art and culture. However, the domain of sports continues to experience drought of significant Indian presence. The nation of over 1.2bn continues to grapple with ideas to build a sporting culture.

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Long and Short Essays on Sports in India for Students and Kids in English

A Long essay on the topic of Laughter is the Best Medicine is provided; it is of 450-500 words. A short composition of 100-150 words is also given below. The extended articles are popular among students of classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. On the other hand, students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 can refer to short essays.

Essay on Sports in India

Long Essay on Sports in India 150 Words in English

Long Essay on Sports in India is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Sports in Indian society have always been viewed as a leisure activity, which is given the “leftover” time, after tending to “more significant” activities. From time immemorial, kings and princes indulged in sports like hunting or chariot racing for the purpose of amusement. Though the global notions about sports underwent a change, the Indian mindset has refused to bring out and expand the place of sports in our society.

Over the past decades, with every passing global sporting event like the Olympics or the Asiads, our attention shifts to the depressing state if Indian sports. This attention span is minimal. As a society, we return to our works for sustenance and in training the upcoming generation to earn their daily bread. For the nation, we expect medals in global events but shirk away from preparing our child to be that medal winner.

The presence or absence of sporting culture in any society is a reflection of several other factors operating simultaneously in the social milieu. India, with huge population as a resource is gifted with a large pool of human resource to draw out talent for different sports. Towns and villages abound with youngsters, whose natural inclination towards sports, can be molded into global sporting personalities.

Dhanraj Pillai, Deepika Kumari, Vijender Singh, Sushil Kumar all represent the twinkle eyed youngster from small towns with big aspirations to shine with their talent, when presented with any opportunity. But the names are few enough to be counted on fingertips. A sporting culture would require proliferation of such opportunities, through government and corporate endeavors, to nooks and corners of the nation.

As a developing nation with huge population and debilitating unemployment, “career development” is a major cause of worry for the youth and their parents. The mindset which is rigidly cast in our society expects students to devote themselves unconditionally to books till they emerge out with decent jobs. Studies are considered the sole path to land up a decent job to earn livelihood and raise a family. This route has attained social sanction and any deviation from this standard finds awkward stares, rebukes and obstructions to overcome. For a sporting culture to develop, sports must be viewed as a viable career option in the Indian society.

Parents fail to recognize sports as career option in India. They understood the limited nature of opportunities for the sportsmen at the recognized national level. Only a handful, from amongst a million aspirants, due to several reasons, get to represent the Indian national side in any sport. The remaining becomes part of the crowd, jostling for space to shine at the pinnacle. Any position below the top goes unrecognized and remains non-lucrative to be perused as a career option in sport. But as a society don’t we fail to recognize the same situation in other disciplines as well. We are ready to push our children to become mediocre or sub-standard engineers, doctors, lawyers, CAs but not as a sportsman. This reflects upon the challenge in building India into a sporting nation.

Sporting culture will begin to take shape only when an assured career progression system can be charted out for every sport. This will induce confidence in parents to permit their child to follow his sporting passion as a decent earning assurance at every step even below the nationals could be visualized. Another impediment in the way of building sporting culture is the lack of quality and affordable coaching available for youngsters to pursue their dreams. Most schools fail to provide for a specialized coach for every sport as that will add to the school fees.

As sport is not considered as an integrated part of education, this expenditure is viewed as an avoidable burden by the school authorities. They end up hiring a generalist trainer who fails to spot talent for a particular sport and groom the child accordingly. Also, the infrastructure in most schools is found wanting to promote most of the sports. The private coaching centres have recently found space in certain cities. However, the high cost charged by them deters the talented youth from lower and middle class from joining these centres.

The performances in sports at school and college level fail to attract appreciation and recognition. The student is judged only by his ability to obtain marks in academics, which adds to the peer pressure of an aspiring sportsman. He is expected to perform in academics for the social acceptance and additionally find, time and energy to shine in the sports coaching academies, simply to justify his interest and ability. This dual expectation burden has nipped several budding sporting talents at the very onset of their careers.

Lack of transparency at various selection levels has also been afflicting the Indian sports. Sincere hard working youth often fail to make the cut in the trials where several unethical practices seem to dominate. Lack of fairness at trials is a big setback to the honest efforts of any sportsman. Feeling of dejection is compounded by the future related uncertainties and social mockery of his abilities.

Absence of a healthy and dependable social security system adds to the resistance in pursuing sports as a career. Any major injury or lack of selector’s favourable nod can prolong the period of struggle, characterized by uncertain and meager income source. The healthy social security system of networked schools and health care abroad recognize and support players of the zonal and club levels to the fullest. This state provided assurance promotes a confidence in the society to create space for a sporting culture to proliferate. The role of administrative bodies also comes under scanner when deliberating upon development of sporting culture.

Most of these bodies have become granaries of inefficiency and malfunctioning. Often run as fiefdoms, they prevent the transparent and accountable face of sports to emerge in Indian society. Active role of these administrative bodies with a wider involvement of senior players in decision making can give impetus to sporting culture in India. The proposal to get these bodies under the scanner of RTI is a progressive step to drive away the darkness of inefficiency and unaccountability enveloping these bodies.

With every passing Olympics, we blankly stare at spirit and stamina of global athletes competing for laurel. While US, China and European nations race ahead with medals, our levels of disappointment increase with each passing day. We feel elated even to come on board the medals tally by some spirited efforts. This picture demands a makeover. A makeover which should catapult India onto the sporting map of the world and this demands a collective effort by several stakeholders. The packed stadium euphoria of cricket needs to be replicated in other sports by a determined focus and planned approach.

For any culture to germinate and flourish, the seeds have to be healthy and rich. The recent performances at the Asiads, the Common Wealth Games and other global events portends that the embryo needs to be molded with an eye at the future. China managed to bring about such a flourishing sporting culture in about two decades. The opportune moment in Indian sporting history is now and needs to be grasped with both hands to develop the culture over the next few decades.

Schools are the nurseries of spotting and grooming sporting talent to bring about a makeover to Indian outlook for sports. Marks for sports performances can be an innovative step to create space for more sporting activities. Diversification of sporting activities, by providing sports other than cricket a chance must be taken up in right earnest. Higher frequency of inter and intra school sports meet will generate a competitive spirit amongst the students to shine for their units. Preparation for these meets will ensure focused time and energy spent to bring out the best of the student in the sport of his liking.

The culture of pushing all school kids to play cricket or football in their sports period must change. A focused and scientific approach to identify the sport specific talents and their grooming over a period of time will pay rich dividends over time. Free passes for students to attend sporting events in their cities will have a strong effect in imbibing sporting spirit by students. Schools can arrange interactions of students’with performing sports icons of the city to motivate and inspire youth to take to sports.

Every segment of the society must collectively take the responsibility of building the sporting culture. State must ensure that sporting facilities reach to the grassroots through schools and colleges in rural areas. Games like volleyball and handball which require minimal infrastructural support can be taken up on priority basis. Regular recruitment of coaches for schools and colleges must be emphasized and ensured. It is imminent to spread the opportunities to every part of the nation to tap the talent.

Corporate houses can contribute strongly to this cause by sponsoring of mega events. They can aid in causing awareness by publicizing events. Training academies set by MRF and Tata have been doing a yeoman service to the nation by grooming talented and providing them a platform to knock on doors of national selectors. Many products of these academies have shone brightly for the nation at different stages. Certain costly sports need active subsidized coaching either by state or the corporate. Tennis, squash, badminton or shooting have been inaccessible to common masses due to lack of adequate and affordable centre to learn the game. This arena demands active focus by government and corporate.

The state government can establish hunt teams to collaborate with district administration to hunt for hidden talent in obscure areas. Swimming talent from ponds of villages and archery from tribes of forest must be tapped by this team through coordination between school authorities, coaches and district administration. Such selected youth must be groomed in sports academies, with lodging and food to develop an Olympian for the nation.

Media and sporting icons have a critical role in building a sporting culture in India. The omnipresent media must highlight the apathy of sports bodies and raise awareness about the need for more systematized career progression in sports. It must play an active role through debates and discussions to attack the mindsets of people and sell sports as a career option.

Cricket caught the imagination of the nation by the active role of 1983 World Cup winning team and the continued stature given to cricketers by media. Cricket should not be viewed as an adversary of the sports in India. Rather lessons can be taken for the popularity of cricket to transform the cricketing culture into sporting culture. There is enough space for other sports to grow and flourish in India along with cricket.

Public memory has a very short span, especially with sports in India because as a nation we are not overly involved with sports. In such scenario, media plays a force multiplier by repeatedly flashing past performances, by interviewing famous cricketers or by holding cricket related debates and discussions. This keeps the cricketers fresh in every one’s memoiy along with the overdose of cricket matches and their “live” coverage. Such planned marketing is supported by frequent successes in cricket which has generated role models like Kapil Dev and Sachin Tendulkar. With this backdrop and the recent successes of Saina Nehwal, Sushil Kumar, Gagan Narang, Mary Kom media must build up campaign to disseminate a ,sporting culture.

More companies should approach these stars for advertisement, campaigns so that their “presence” can be felt by society, promoting any upcoming event through adcampaigns and hoardings and by infusing money in these sports by corporate backing can bring a different scenario altogether. The ripple effect of Vijender Singh’s success transformed Bhiwani into a boxing hub. We need more such hubs for athletics, swimming, basketball, hockey and football to emerge in the nation.

Saina and Gopichand’s success turned attention towards badminton while Leander and Mahesh are looked up to in lawn tennis. The success story of these icons demands continued coverage by media along with their upcoming events, to create space for these sports. These performances must be tracked and details brought to public to allow them to have a look and encourage their child to follow these footprints.

Sports in India need a renewed focus. It is time it moves away from the last pages of newspaper, last period of schools, and last priority of parents for their child’s careers and domains of last benchers of schools and colleges. It is time that sporting authorities get a revamp by inclusion of more experienced players in decision making so that they understand requirement of players threadbare. It is time we understand that thrill and pride on hearing the national anthem played when Abhinav Bindra won the gold for India requires sustained efforts, hard work and support from parents. His case was of individuals fight despite the resistance of the system. Imagine how many more Bindras India can produce if the system is supportive, procedures conducive and mindset favourable for a sporting culture to flourish.

Globalization of Terror

The images of collapsing trade, towards are etched crystal clear in our memories. Explosions in Madrid and London were heard the world over – repeatedly in the comforts of living rooms. Closer home, serial blasts in Mumbai Malegaon or recent atrocities in Hyderabad were all carried, presented and vividly dissected in scrutiny for our consumption. Connectivity, we defend, is an asset a necessity in the modern era. The world is shrinking and the global hub has gifted numerous opportunities and advantages to en cash. But in this rush to capitalize on the fruits of globalization, have we missed its impact on a hostile framework? The role of globalization, both as a cause and vehicle of perpetration of violence is increasingly being realized.

Sports in India Essay

Short Essay on Sports in India 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Sports in India is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Globalization has revolutionized each and every aspect of our society, touching us at myriad levels in numerous ways. From the times, we decided to jumps on and integrate with global forces by adopting the new economic policy, the pace of changes has only taken a unidirectional approach. Easing of restrictions on trade barriers and tariffs, introduced an era of competition and quality in the Indian markets. Consumerism has become the order of the day. Nations began to pour in their strengths to capture markets elsewhere. However, the growth story missed the vision from another segment. This market led approach bled the farmers, the weaker and the marginalized sections of our society. Though the fruits of growth percolated to these sections, inequity grew at a rapid pace, creating pockets of grudges, neglect and marginalization.

Globalization brought along an era of instant entertainment through satellite television, ignorant of the sensitivity of the population. Though the barriers of culture and religion were being broken down to build a world of understanding, the process accentuated alienation of certain segments of the society, by sheer


Sports In India Essay

Sports In India Essay | Essay on Sports In India for Students and Children in English

Sports In India Essay: India is a country with a billion-plus population but in the field of games and sports it is not able to show up even against countries that are as small as one of the country’s states.

At the recently held world cup Hockey at Kuala Lumpur India lost against South Korea and against Malaysia — South Korea, a country of the pocket size. In Cricket, the Indian performance remains so uncertain it may defeat the best and lose to the worst, and then it is argued that cricket is a game of chance. Though, of course, we have the world top class among our players — Sachin Tendulkar to name one in cricket or Vishwanath Anand in chess, but then names are so few to be counted. The World Olympics come and go and India hardly can take any pride in its performance in any item getting a bronze here or silver there is the only achievement for this vast country.

Long Essay on Sports In India 500 Words in English

Short essay on sports in india 300 words in english, 10 lines on sports in india.

  • What is the most popular sport in India?
  • Does India have a national sport and what is it?
  • What are popular sports played in India?

Long and Short Essays on Sports In India Kids and Students in English

Given below are two essays in English for students and children about the topic of ‘Sports In India’ in both long and short form. The first essay is a long essay on the Sports In India of 400-500 words. This long essay about Sports In India is suitable for students of class 7, 8, 9 and 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants. The second essay is a short essay on Sports In India of 150-200 words. These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below.

Below we have given a long essay on Sports In India of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

There was a time when India had wizards in the field of Hockey — Dhyan Chand and Roop Singh, the two brothers but that was so long time back. Then the world had not caught up with the game and Hockey was treated as India’s national game. Gradually countries after countries have picked up the game, developed their own new techniques, and are displaying a marvelous achievement.

So what actually is wrong with our sports and games.

Sports in India Essay

During the British rule sports and games in India were just a mere source of entertainment for the rich. The credit for promoting sports and games, then, went to the Maharajas and the Princely States. Maharaja Bhupendra Singh of Patiala adopted cricket, wrestling, and athletics. He donated the Ranji Trophy which continues to be played on the national level with pride. The great wrestler — Gama was maintained and sustained by the Maharaja and became the World Champion of his times — Rustaame Zaman.

Maharaja of Nawanagar — Digvijay Singhji hired British coaches to coach promising cricketers. Maharaja Holkar of Indore patronized players of cricket like C.K. Naidu, Mushtaq Ali, and C.S. Naidu. Maharaja of Manavdar, Bhopal patronized Hockey and so did Maharaja of Gwalior. Maharaja of Cooch Behar encouraged football and instituted the Santosh Trophy for National Championship.

With the dawn of independence and the end of the princely states, though country’s first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, encouraged sports, still no comprehensive sports policy could be formulated. Private sponsorers continue to patronize games like the Indian Air Lines patronizing Hockey, Cricket and Table Tennis while the Telephone industries encourage football. But this does not actually help at the national level. In spite of the Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur Coaching Scheme or the National Institute of Sports at Patiala, nothing much seems to be happening. The BCCI has huge funds and the Cricket players are getting big money but then it is not one sparrow which makes a summer. And even cricket cannot be said to be at the top of the world.

Below we have given a short essay on Sports In India is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

What our country utterly lacks is a national policy on games and sports. The country’s budget comes and goes and no one — no M.P. — no minister, none even among the public raises any voice for any substantial allotment and provision for the promotion of games and sports; while in much smaller countries the upcoming players are properly looked after by the government they are coached, trained and groomed at state expense.

Such a vast country, with such a massive population, is not able to groom up even a proper eleven for a team game or an individual or two for individual games. One knows not how Milkha Singh or P.T. Usha or Malleshwari could succeed in their own events at the international level. Their own personal devotion, effort, and dedication would have been responsible for their achievement.

What is needed is that the government should give a priority to games and sports as a means of national pride. Catch the player or sportsman young, a search should constantly be on to find talents, and once they are discovered all their responsibilities be shouldered by the government they should be mentally free from all burdens.

Intensive and expert coaching, competition, and international exposure be given to these players and athletes the country should consider them their prized possession, and they are physically, financially, mentally be inspired, and helped to win for the nation. That sense of national pride alone can inspire them to achieve the best. If South Korea, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Cuba, Japan, Taiwan can come up with Olympic Champions, it is a shame for India not to be able to do it. It is only the will that is lacking not the talent.

Students can find more English Essay Writing Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing, and many more.

  • Sports are good for any nation.
  • Various games are played in India. India excelled in few games while failed in other games.
  • A billion-plus population, India is not able to produce Olympic Champions it is a shame.
  • Once India was at the top of hockey but now even that pride of place has been lost.
  • During British rule, the Maharajas and Princes patronized games, and players and world-class players were produced.
  • With independence, no regulated and planned sports policy formulated in the country.
  • The nation’s annual budget makes no provision for games and sports.
  • There are world-class players and sportsmen but they are self-made no state policy has groomed them.
  • There should be a national plan and policy to encourage and patronize players and sportsmen catch them young and they be trained, groomed, and totally adopted in every way by the state then only world-class players and sportsmen can be produced.
  • Even such small countries like South Korea, Argentina, Cuba, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Japan can produce world-class players and sportsmen — India cannot which means that the ‘Will’ is not there with the state.

Popular Sports in India

FAQs on Sports in India Essay

1.  What is the most popular sport in India?

In India, Cricket is the most popular sport undoubtedly.

2. Does India have a national sport and what is it?

Yes, India has a national sport and hockey is a national sport.

3. What are popular sports played in India?

Some of the Popular Sports Played in India are Cricket, Badminton, Football, Hockey, Kabaddi, Tennis, Boxing, etc.

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  • The Future Of Sports In India

The Future Of Sports In India  Blogs Home

  • 12 Sep 2022

india in sports essay

 Sport is friendship, Sport is health, Sport is education, Sport is life, and Sports bring the world together. 

— Juan Antonio Samaranch (Former President of International Olympic Committee)

India is a country of over a billion people. Imagine the talent, capabilities, and potential we have in our store. Surprisingly, even after being a storehouse of human resources, only about 2% of our masses participate in sports regularly. Is it the lack of opportunities, or does the interest of the Indian society lack interest in sports? Or has it something to do with the affordability and availability of proper guidance to aspiring sportspersons? Through this blog, we will try to answer these questions by understanding the scope of the different forms of sports in India and gauging what the future holds for the sporting industry in India.

Sports Industry

India is a storehouse of talent, especially in the field of sports. But this talent hasn’t been explored and given its due limelight. It could be so because of a lack of motivation and the support of political leaders and, most significantly, the recognition by the public.

In ancient India, sports were given due importance by both parents and teachers. People back then understood that indulging in sports was essential for a child's physical and mental well-being. Activities like martial arts, archery, swordsmanship, lifting weights etc., were very respected. During those times, students were asked to engage in friendly spars as well. The evidence of the active sportsmanship in India can also be found in the epics of Mahabharata and Ramayana.

But in the last few decades, parents have stopped giving much importance to physical well-being and are concerned only about their children's academic excellence. In case they do take any interest, then the child’s fascination must be towards Cricket.

This bias of parents is one of the major reasons which thwarted the growth of this much deserving industry. Furthermore, the ignorance of the sports authorities also played a part in the depletion of the popularity of other forms of sport in India. But in the last 3 to 5 years, this trend has seen a shift.

The Indian sports scene is taking a keen interest in all kinds of sports, resulting in the growth of participation, viewership and sports-related industries. India’s improving economic climate, rising disposable incomes, and changing outlook fuel the increase in demand for sports-related goods and services.

The famous Indian Premier League, estimated at $5.3 billion, along with other leagues, are also contributing their shares, which has helped the Indian sports Industry touch the $2.7 billion mark from $1.3 billion five years ago. Several entrepreneurs have made fantastic models like "Sportz Village Schools" (formerly known as EduSports) that enable schools to adopt sports education and play the role of a helping hand in carving out new faces to be introduced to the world competition.

Promising future

India is an emerging market for sports. The industry has experienced rapid growth across all segments in the last few years. There are millions of sports enthusiasts in India and this number is set to spiral with the increasing viewership of these sports on television.

The Indian government has made significant investments in athletic facilities and training, which will pump out more athletes and sportspersons in times to come.

The booming sports industry has increased employment opportunities as well. It has also given hope to young people who dream of competing internationally someday.

The Indian government foretells a meteoric rise on the world stage with more champion athletes emerging from the Khelo India system. It focuses on modernising sports infrastructure at the grassroots level while providing scientific training to young athletes, all with the help of technology.

Khelo India has also brought significant changes in the minds of people concerning their perception of sports. It assists players during their school life and motivates them to build a career in sports. It provides a scholarship of 5 lakh rupees per annum for a stint of 8 years, which will help players to develop their skills from a very young age, providing central assistance to our future heroes. Case in point, 16-year-old Nisar Ahmed from a slum in the national capital, who missed breaking the world record in the 100m sprint by 0.2 sec and has now been selected as one of the 14 athletes who would be trained by Usain Bolt’s coach in Jamaica.

Nisar Ahmad with Usain Bolt in Jamaica

How to improve Indian Sports Industry?

The changing mindset of the Indian masses has given a new lease of life to the sports industry in the country. Still, we have a long way to go. There should be more social acceptance and opportunities for people who want to participate and make a career in sports. We also need to figure out how to keep the essence of sport alive with the changing times.

There are many changes that Indian sports must implement before they can truly progress. For instance, the country needs to invest in sports infrastructure and create better training facilities. Athletes also need to make some changes in their attitudes, which would eventually help them reach their full potential.

In recent psychological research, it was found that people with a mindset of being a “star athlete” tend to have better chances of being successful. The study was conducted for six years and concluded that developing a mindset of being a “star” athlete is beneficial in achieving success.

So, we need to promote sports as a booming, attractive Business and Sports Industry.

India’s Performance

India has always been a sporting powerhouse. It is not surprising to see India winning its all-time highest number of medals in the Olympic Games and commonwealth games in recent times. With improved practice facilities and support, sportspersons have proven their mettle in front of the world.

A wind of change -- which started to blow at the turn of the 21st century -- swept across most sports disciplines. Players are taking a keen interest in other sports categories, like boxing, wrestling, archery, hockey etc. and excelling at them as well!

At the Commonwealth games 2022, Indian athletes won 61 medals, 22 golds, 16 silvers and 23 bronze. Sanket Sargar was the first Indian to win a medal in Birmingham, bagging a silver in the men's 55kg weightlifting event. Mirabai Chanu was the first Indian to win gold at CWG 2022, while Jeremy Lalrinnunga was the first Indian man to clinch the top podium at Birmingham. Sudhir won the first medal for India, a gold, in para-sports at the CWG 2022 . He became the champion in the para powerlifting men's heavyweight category.

Along with all the medals, these sportspersons brought immense pride to the nation.

India has encountered many path-breaking sports moments in the past seven decades. Sports in India refers to the large variety of games played in India, starting from tribal games to mainstream sports. India is considered a bouquet of stellar performers in sports. Today, many kinds of sports are watched with great interest and respect.

We can sense that the golden age of Indian sports has just begun. From winning its first Olympic medal in 1948 to registering one of its best performances at the CWG 2022, India has come a long way in sports since its independence.

India has cocooned its way out from the famous Indian saying, "kheloge kudoge hoge kharab, padhoge likhoge banoge nawab" (all play and no work, makes Jack a dull boy. Now it has evolved as - "kheloge kudoge hoge lajawaab, padhoge likhoge banoge nawab" (playing makes one extraordinary, studying makes you nawab). The constant efforts of the Indian government, private supporting firms, sponsors and undoubtedly hardworking players have brought India out of cricket’s shadow. It has also given India a new position on the scoreboard of International sports.

india in sports essay


Riya is an undergraduate who completed her BA (Hon) in Pol science from the University of Delhi. Currently, she is into perspective sketching and Creative content writing. She aspires to grow in the same field.

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india in sports essay


From Ancient Roots to Modern Glory: India’s Sports Story

by admin | Oct 16, 2023 | Uncategorized | 0 comments

India’s performance at the recently concluded Asian Games was a shining example of a sleeping giant slowly awakening. A nation of a billion people that often struggled in sports in the past, woke up to an inspiring medal tally of the 2022 Asian Games held in Hangzhou, China. Our athletes scripted history by winning an astounding 107 medals, marking it the highest medal tally in our nation’s sporting history. What was more astounding was that these laurels were from a multitude of sports, including athletics, wrestling, shooting, badminton, and boxing. As India continues to invest in the development of its athletes and sporting infrastructure, it’s not a question of “if” but “when” the nation will make a mark on the global stage. 

History of Indian Sports:

India, a land rich in history, tradition, and culture, has always been a hub for activity in many aspects. The sports history of India dates back to the 4th Century BCE when traditional sports such as Kho-Kho and Kabaddi originated. Dholavira, the world’s oldest terraced arena, was built in Kutch, Gujarat, around 3000 BC, evidencing the existence of sports in India. Ancient texts like the Mahabharata, written around the 3rd century BCE, mention martial arts and archery as activities that were carried out during that era. Even indoor games like Chess and Snakes & Ladders have origins in ancient India, in the form of games of Chaturanga and Gyan Chauper, respectively.

Colonial Influence:

The arrival of colonists on Indian shores brought a significant shift in the sporting culture. The British, with their love for organised sporting events, established the first cricket club in India in 1792 and greatly propagated the sport in the country.

While the gentleman’s game took centre stage, other sports like football, tennis, and golf began to find their footing. The establishment of the Calcutta Football Club in 1872 marked the beginning of organized football in India. The British influence was evident in the rules and structure of these sports, and Indian athletes were gradually drawn into these global competitions. The British also took many indigenous games and made adaptations of their own to form brand-new sports, with badminton being a prime example.

Emergence of Indigenous Sports:

As Indians adopted British sports, they also preserved their own rich sporting heritage. Kushti, or traditional Indian wrestling, continued to thrive and found its place in the Olympics. Kabaddi, a contact sport that requires agility and strength, became popular in villages across the country. These indigenous sports, with deep-rooted traditions, represented the true spirit of India’s sporting identity.

Cricket Takes Center Stage:

While other sports continued to prosper, cricket remained the heartbeat of India’s sporting landscape. The 1983 Cricket World Cup win under Kapil Dev was a historic moment. This victory not only solidified cricket’s position but also ignited a cricketing revolution across the nation. The Indian Premier League, launched in the late 2000s, further redefined cricket and made it a global phenomenon. India became a cricketing powerhouse, and that remains true to this date.

India at the Olympics:

While India hasn’t been a powerhouse at the Olympics, there have been some truly remarkable moments on the grandest sporting stage that has started a revolution in the country. Our nation has had a total of 35 medals at the Olympics, divided among various disciplines including badminton, boxing, wrestling, and shooting. India had a glorious run in the initial Olympic games in the sport of field hockey. Athletes like Dhyan Chand and his legendary prowess in field hockey inspired the nation as in 1936, India clinched its first Olympic gold medal, marking the beginning of an era of dominance in the sport. This was followed by a golden hat-trick at the next three Olympics in 1948, 1952, and 1956.

Except for hockey, India struggled to find any medals for the rest of the century, only managing to obtain one individual medal (KD Jadav’s bronze in wrestling) until the end of the 20th century. Things started changing as we entered the 21st century. The 2008 Beijing Olympics was a historic event, as India clinched its first individual gold medal when Abhinav Bindra engraved his name in history in shooting. It was also the first time in over half a century that we managed to clinch multiple medals in the same Olympics.

His triumph marked a new era for Indian sports and provided a ray of hope for aspiring athletes. The stage was set for now as the upcoming Olympics would see India win multiple medals, and the athletes who brought us glory would become household names. Today, India’s newfound love for the Javelin throw is facilitated by Neeraj Chopra, who won gold in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, writing another remarkable chapter in our sporting history.

Rise of Badminton:

In the 1970s, a young shuttler started making waves in the badminton world. Winning medals and challenging world-beaters was India’s father of badminton, Prakash Padukone. He brought badminton to the forefront in India, winning coveted medals like the All England Championships and Commonwealth Games. This led to the sport being picked up by youngsters, giving rise to several other badminton stars like Syed Modi, Pullela Gopichand, and U Vimal Kumar.

As years passed, badminton strengthened even more, and finally, in 2012, we got our first Olympic medal as Saina Nehwal won the Bronze. The medal streak continued in the next two Olympics, with PV Sindhu clinching Silver and Bronze respectively on both occasions.

India recently celebrated another massive breakthrough as the Indian pair Satwik Rankireddy and Chirag Shetty achieved the World No. 1 ranking, becoming the first Indian pair to do so in badminton history. Satwik and Chirag have been a force to be reckoned with in the past couple of years, winning title after title. Not just in doubles, even the singles badminton shuttlers have also been on the rise. H S Pronnoy and Lakshya Sen are currently in the top 15 rankings in the world and have been title contenders in all the major tournaments in the past couple of years. This era is what many have been calling the golden age of Indian badminton, but our shuttlers are not done yet, and the world has yet to see the heights Indian badminton has to reach.

Athletics on Blistering Speed:

One of the great catalysts for India’s record-breaking Asian Games stint was its performance in Athletics. India garnered a total of 29 medals in the sport, out of the total of 107, making up almost 27% of the medals. Athletics has been one of the fastest-growing sports in the country, and a majority of the credit goes to the athletes who have been performing exceptionally well on the world stage in events like the Commonwealth Games and the Diamond League.

Para Athletes Shining:

In recent years, India has also seen a surge in the achievements of para-athletes. These remarkable athletes have not only overcome physical challenges but have also made the country proud on the global stage. Para shuttlers Pramod Bhagat, Sukant Kadam, and Krishna Nagar have been smashing it in the badminton world. Devendra Jhajharia, the para javelin throw athlete, has a remarkable two golds and a silver Paralympic medal in his collection. These are only a few examples, likewise, there are many more who with their dedication and excellence serve as an inspiration to all. The success of para-athletes further enriches India’s sporting legacy.


The history of sports in India is a remarkable journey, from rich traditions to colonial influences, and post-independence glories. It’s a story of resilience, passion, and an unyielding spirit of competition. From ancient times to the modern era, Indian athletes have always managed to rise above challenges and make their nation proud on a global stage.

As we look ahead, there is no doubt that India’s sporting landscape will continue to evolve. With more players investing in sports, volunteering to put up infrastructure projects and donating to support athletes, the nation is poised to make its mark in even more diverse disciplines. As a land of over a billion dreams, India’s sporting history is far from being written in full, the future promises new stories, new champions, and new heights for sports in India, we just have to wait and watch.

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Sports sector in India: Issues and challenges – Explained, Pointwise

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  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 India’s Progression in Sports
  • 3 Benefits of augmenting the Sports Sector
  • 4 Issues associated with the Sports Sector
  • 5 Steps taken for the sports sector
  • 6 Suggestions to improve sports
  • 7 Conclusion


The conclusion of the Tokyo Olympics 2020 brought immense joy to the nation. India won its first gold medal in track and field events of the Olympics. A total of 7 medals were won, which marks India’s best score at the Olympics. However, despite this, India finished 48th in the event. Whereas Japan, with a far less population, came 3rd on the leaderboard.  

Thus, it shows that with the right guidance and hard work, it is not impossible for India to compete against countries like the US and China.  The government and the private sector should come forward to support the sportspersons and breed robust sports culture in India. 

India’s Progression in Sports

  • The country has been winning more medals at international events. This time India won 7 medals (1 Gold, 2 silver and 4 bronze) at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. The country was deemed as a medal contender in multiple sporting events. 
  • It is a major improvement in comparison to the last few decades when the country used to perform poorly at international levels.
  • It must also be acknowledged that government support for the sport has been increasing . The government has launched many initiatives for the promotion of the sports sector in India.
  • Private sector involvement in the sport has increased. Furthermore, the rise of private academies that are involved in the development of sport at various levels is helping strengthen the facilities available to our sportspeople. 
  • Corporations have come forward to support individual athletes with potential, showing a depth of commitment that was absent earlier.

Benefits of augmenting the Sports Sector

Alternative careers : For those for whom opportunities are few, and jobs are scarce, sport becomes a powerful mobility device. A strong sports sector encourages an average/ poor academic student to make a career in sports.   

Health advantages: Sports induce an individual to keep his/her body in the best form for winning an event. The existence of a sports culture in turn induces the masses to adopt a healthy lifestyle just like the sportspersons.

Channelization of Youth energy : India is having a very young population and is soon going to become the world’s youngest country. In such a scenario, a robust sports sector can help in reaping the potential demographic dividend . 

Tackling numerous societal problems : Many women perceive sports as an opportunity to escape the confines of a highly regulated life. They use it as a tool to show their potential and tackle the patriarchal mindset.  Further success of sportspersons like Mary Kom, Saina Nehwal, etc. have played a pivotal role in curbing the problems of child marriage and son meta preference.

Revenue generation : Developing robust sports infrastructure in the country will allow India to host a greater number of international events. Such hosting boosts tourism in the country and results in enhancing the revenue and employment in the region.

Promotes the spirit of Unity in Diversity : People cheer for the Indian athletes and Indian teams at international events. An improvement in sports automatically fosters the spirit of brotherhood amongst the people of diverse nations.  For instance, the Pan India support enjoyed by PV Sindhu enhances belongingness between India’s north and south. 

Issues associated with the Sports Sector

Funding crunch : Indian Government spends way less than China, the US, and other better-performing countries in international sporting events. This induces athletes to do private spending for arranging good quality equipment, training and travelling, thereby creating a very big hurdle for poor people.

Resource Deficit : There is a dearth of good-quality sporting infrastructure available across the country. The government has developed some good stadiums in urban regions, but the situation is very poor in rural regions.

Attitudinal Barriers : Sports is not considered a lucrative career option in our country. Parents encourage their children to become doctors and engineers rather than sportspeople. This is reflected in the popular saying of Kheloge Kudoge hoge kharab; Padhoge Likhoge hoge nawab. It means sports will spoil your life, but academics will give you a king’s life.

High-Performance Pressure : A high degree of pressure is inflicted upon a sportsperson to perform or else be prepared to live a vulnerable life. This sometimes creates excessive mental stress in them or induces them to resort to unethical means like doping. For instance, Indian wrestler Narsingh Yadav wasn’t able to compete in the 2016 Rio Olympics due to doping scandal.

Governance Issues

Sports governance is marred with multiple issues –

  • The expenditure on sports is highly skewed in favour of male athletes and urban regions, in comparison to females and rural areas.
  • There have been allegations of bias and nepotism in the selection process, especially against the lower castes.
  • There is more focus on post-success incentivization rather than pre-success support in India. For instance, the Haryana Government announced a 6 crore reward after Neeraj Chopra won the gold medal in Tokyo Olympics 2020.

Other challenges:

Religious Barriers : Some sports like swimming and athletics require attire that does not fully cover a woman’s body and are against the laws of some religions.

Lack of Sports Culture : India doesn’t have a sports culture wherein people enthusiastically watch sports and promote the same. However, enthusiasm is shown mainly to cricket due to which it easily attracts investment and pays the cricketers a hefty sum of revenue.

Steps taken for the sports sector

National Centre of Sports Sciences and Research (NCSSR) :   It aims to support high-level research, education, and innovation with respect to the high performance of elite athletes.  The scheme has two components: One is setting up of NCSSR and the other is focused on funding the creation of Sports Sciences Departments in Six Universities and Sports Medicine Departments in Six Medical Colleges.

Khelo India : It is a national program that aims to develop grassroots-level talent by providing them with a national-level platform.

  • It is a Pan India Sports Scholarship scheme that would cover 1,000 most talented young athletes each year across select sports disciplines.
  • Each athlete selected under the scheme shall receive an annual scholarship worth Rs. 5.00 lakh for 8 consecutive years .
  • It is based on Gujarat’s model of “Khel Mahakumbh” in which schools and colleges from across the country participate in 27 different disciplines.

Target Olympic Podium Scheme (TOPS) : It aims to identify, groom and prepare potential medal prospects for the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Under this scheme, athletes and sportspersons will get customized training from top coaches at modern and well-equipped sports facilities and institutions. In 2020, the government also launched Junior TOPS , a similar scheme to produce Olympic winners in 2028 targeting children as young as 10 – 12 years.

National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) : It was established in November 1998 under the Charitable Endowments Act, 1890 with the aim of promoting sports and games in the country.

Suggestions to improve sports

  • The Government should increase fund allocation to other sports and also ensure equitable allocation of funds across gender and regions. 
  • It must offer deserving players more jobs and remuneration in order to encourage them to take sports as a career.
  • Further, Transparency must be brought in the selection procedure of office bearers of the association in order to reduce nepotism in the selection of candidates.
  • Parents and educational institutions must also encourage the students to excel in sports, not just in academics.  This requires an increase in the Sports quota in Universities along with the opening of more universities.  Parents can be sensitized with the support of NGOs and civil society groups to put their children in sports.  For instance, Bridges of Sports is sensitising the Siddi Community of coastal Karnataka to send their children in sports and also providing the requisite support for the same.
  • The focus should also be placed on opening more domestic premier leagues like the Indian Pro Kabaddi league. This will bring more money and attention to sports other than cricket. It would also attract the youth to take up diverse sports that were otherwise seen as a risky career.
  • Apart from sportsperson, the focus should be placed on creating more coaches and physiotherapists. It will help in increasing the trained manpower experts in Sports Sciences and Sports Medicine and will, in turn, reduce the dependency of the foreign experts.

The Government needs to acknowledge that Indian athletes compete less against their sporting rivals and more against the circumstances. They should be given an enabling environment to nurture themselves so as to convert the dream of “Sports for All” into reality.

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  • Essay On Importance Of Sports

Essay on Sports

500+ word essay on the importance of sports.

Sports keep us healthy and active. We can have a healthy mind only when we have a healthy body. We can achieve anything in our lives if we have a healthy body and a peaceful mind. Physical and mental well-being comes naturally when we involve ourselves in sports activities. Sports help in improving our overall personality and make us more active and attentive. Here, students can find a 500+ Words Essay on the Importance of Sports where we will be discussing how important a role sports plays in our life.

Essay on the Importance of Sports

The topic of sports is very broad. It can serve as a form of therapy and a tool in different aspects of life, which can help change the world. Through sports, children develop physical skills, exercise, be team players, and improve their self-esteem. Sports play a significant role in advancing education and in enhancing knowledge.

Playing sports means regular exercising, jogging, going to the fitness centres or playing any game. There are different types of games involved in sports activities. Each game has its own specific rules. These sports activities are done either by individuals or teams for leisure, and entertainment as well as to compete against one another. Playing sports improves the physiological functions of the body organs and improves the functionality of the entire body system. Through sports, we learn different skills like leadership, patience, coordination, motivation, and team effort.

Sport has great importance in building personality, too. For some people, it is not only the body movement or playing strategy, but it’s a life philosophy. In the modern world, a positive attitude to sports is becoming a trend and style. Young people try to look sporty, fit and full of energy. A sports career in India was considered less lucrative in the past. However, now it has become one of the gainful professional options for students. Sometimes students take an interest in sports merely for adventure and a tension-free life. Now, sports games are gaining popularity. Various sports competitions are played at the international level, such as the Olympics. Apart from it, multiple matches and inter-city competitions are organised to promote the field of sports.

Benefits of Sports and Games

Nowadays, we can see problems related to unhealthy lifestyles. We sit more and more on the couch, surrounded by modern technologies. We don’t realise the importance and benefits of sports and physical activities. The lack of physical activity in our body leads to obesity and many other health problems such as heart disease and so. It has become a necessity of today’s world that all of us do daily physical activities or play any sports for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Regular physical activity benefits health in many ways. It helps build and maintain healthy bones, muscles and joints, controls weight, reduces fat, and prevents high blood pressure. Children who participate in physical activities such as sports, experience positive health benefits. These health benefits include a decreased risk of high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Also, these children are less likely to smoke or use drugs and alcohol than children who don’t participate in sports.

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Frequently asked Questions on the Importance of Sports Essay

Why is playing sports important for us.

Playing sports not only helps in the active functioning of our body but also helps in flexibility and reduces the chances of falling sick.

Which was the first sport to be played in the world?

Wrestling is said to have been the first sport played in the world, depictions of the same can be found in the caves of France.

Which is the most famous sport in the world?

Football is ranked as the top sport with 3.5 billion followers, seconded by Cricket.

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Essay on Fit India for Students in 150 and 250 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Jun 26, 2024

essay on fit India

Essay on Fit India: On 29 August 2019, the Indian Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launched the Fit India Movement to make fitness an integral part of our lifestyle. This flagship scheme aims to make Indians more active and conscious about their physical health by indulging in physical activities. It has been almost 5 years since the launch of this movement and has successfully inspired millions of people to follow a healthy lifestyle. Today, we will discuss sample essays on Fit India and will try to cover all the dimensions of this national movement.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Fit India in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Fit India in 250 Words
  • 3 The Objective of Fit India 

Essay on Fit India in 150 Words

The Fit India Movement, launched by the Government of India, aims to inspire citizens to lead physically active and healthy lives. Inaugurated on National Sports Day, August 29th, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indira Gandhi Stadium, the event featured performances of martial arts, cultural dances, and yoga sessions. The movement addresses health issues arising from sedentary lifestyles, such as diabetes, hypertension, and obesity, by promoting regular physical activity.
Prime Minister Modi emphasized that fitness has always been integral to India’s culture, yet modern lifestyles have led to increased health problems. He encouraged incorporating yoga into daily routines and highlighted the role of young sports personalities in representing a fit and confident India.
A committee led by Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju is tasked with advancing the movement. The Fit India Movement calls for regular exercise, recreational sports, and yoga to foster a healthier, more active nation.

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Essay on Fit India in 250 Words

The Fit India Movement, launched by the Government of India, is a public initiative aimed at encouraging citizens to adopt a more physically active and healthy lifestyle. Conceptualized to address the rising health issues caused by a sedentary lifestyle, the movement was inaugurated on National Sports Day, August 29th, by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the Indira Gandhi Stadium in New Delhi. The event featured a large gathering of politicians, bureaucrats, sports personalities, and the general public, and included performances of India’s native martial arts, cultural dances, and yoga sessions.

Prime Minister Modi emphasized that fitness has always been integral to India’s culture, but has been neglected in recent times, leading to an increase in lifestyle diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. He highlighted that regular physical activity, including sports and walking, can help prevent these diseases and promote overall well-being. Modi also stressed the importance of incorporating yoga into daily routines due to its numerous physical benefits.

The movement was widely broadcast, reaching many schools and colleges, and resonated with the message that technology has made people lazy and physically inactive. Modi pointed out that successful individuals are often those who maintain a high level of physical fitness, and he thanked the young sports personalities of India for setting an example for the nation.

To ensure the movement’s success, a committee headed by Sports Minister Kiren Rijiju has been formed. This 28-member committee includes representatives from various departments, National Sports Federations, the Indian Olympic Association, private bodies, and fitness promoters. Rijiju expressed confidence in advancing the movement with the support of fellow Indians.

The Fit India Movement encourages people to exercise regularly, engage in recreational sports, and practice yoga to stay fit and healthy. By promoting an active lifestyle, the movement aims to create a healthier and more confident India, free from the ailments of a sedentary lifestyle.

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The Objective of Fit India 

  • Enhance National Health: Promote a healthier lifestyle across the nation.
  • Encourage Physical Activity: Inspire people to engage in regular exercise, such as yoga and walking.
  • Promote Sports: Instill the habit of playing sports among all age groups.
  • Nationwide Reach: Ensure the campaign reaches people all over the country.
  • Inclusivity: Provide suitable fitness activities for people of all ages and abilities.
  • Affordability: Make fitness activities accessible to everyone.
  • Cultural Integration: Reinforce fitness as an integral part of India’s culture.
  • Sustainable Habits: Encourage the development of long-term healthy living habits.

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A.1 The Fit India Movement is a campaign launched by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to encourage Indians to become more active and healthy. The campaign focuses on promoting fitness and healthy living habits and encourages people to get involved.

A.2 The Fit India Movement was launched by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2019 to encourage people to adopt a healthy lifestyle. The movement has since gained immense popularity across India, with a variety of initiatives and programs being rolled out to promote physical activity and healthy habits.

A.3 Hon’ble Prime Minister launched the “Fit India Movement” on 29th August 2019 to make physical fitness a way of life. Fit India Movement aims at behavioural changes- from a sedentary lifestyle to a physically active way of day-to-day living.

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Essay on Sports Culture in India: Why India lagging in Sports Culture

Essay on sports culture in india.

Our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi called on the youth to consider a career in sports. He encouraged the youths of the country to foster a sports culture in the country.

Despite sport being an integral part of human personality development and entertainment, India has very little to show as achievement in international sports. Till now India has had a very few big names in international sports except in some sports like cricket and wrestling.

India in recent sport events 

India’s medal tally in 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Para-Olympic are 7 and 19 with 48th and 22nd Rank respectively which is the most decorated Olympic Games in Indian history. India ranks second in list of most populated countries of the world but when we talk about metals in Olympics it won only a total of 35 medals since 1900 to Tokyo Olympics 2020 . Though India has a large youth population but there is a poor performance in the Olympics and other International games.

In the recent Birmingham Commonwealth Games 2022 , India secured 4th rank with a total of 61 medals. When more than 50 percent of India’s population is below the age of 30 years, a little more efforts and encouragement can bring more laurels in India’s bag.

Essay on Sports Culture in India: Why India lagging in Sports Culture

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Why India lagging in Sports Culture

There are various reasons behind India’s poor sport culture some of them are as under:

  • Lack of Sport Infrastructure and World level Training & funds
  • Lack of Sport Sprit, Social support and encouragement  
  • Indian society don’t consider sports as career options  
  • Poor competitive environment for the Sports 
  • Lack of encouragement for sports on the elementary school level

Lack of Sports infrastructure & World level Training & funds

In India there is poor infrastructure for sports which is a big hindrance in progress sports. For example; Swimming players need a swimming pool but there are very few world-level swimming pools where players can practice swimming. India spends less than one percent of its GDP on sports. Due to shortage of funds, there is a constant struggle to get sports equipment, medical support, and other types of financial support. Also there is a poor sport system to develop sport skill. Lack of world-level trainers and coaches are other important reason behind India’s lagging in sports. For example, Neeraj Chopra’s Coach is a foreign Citizen, no other javelin player can get the same facilities as they are not famous yet.

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Lack of Sports Spirit, Social support, encouragement

Except some games like cricket there is hardly any social support for other sports like archery, swimming, discus throw, weight lifting, kabaddi, etc. On the State level or even on the National level players and games hardly have an audience. Players of most games do not get the audience that they deserve. Audience and recognition boost the morale of players, a sport person who feels appreciated will always do more than expected.

Indian society doesn’t consider sports as career options

We all are familiar with the saying that “Padhoge Likhoge Banoge Nawab, Kheloge Khudoge Banoge Kharab”  means to lead a good life study is important but Playing Games is just an entertainment and consider as a leisure activity. The harsh reality is not different from the above-mentioned quote: many national-level players are struggling to meet both ends and accepting some not-so-glorified jobs. Except for athletes who excel at the national or International level and become famous, others leave sports early due to the absence of career opportunities.

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Lack of encouragement for sports at the elementary school level

Haryana is Called the sports capital of India because Haryana has an established culture of sport on Grass root level. But in other states, sports and physical education are seen as extracurricular activity. Children are encouraged to devote the majority of their time on studies and sports are treated as an activity not to be taken seriously.

The poor competitive environment for the Sports

Poor Bench strength development for competitiveness, we know we have very few names in most of the sports except cricket. There is no player whom one considers a role model and this culture develops Poor Bench strength development for competitiveness.

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Initiative of Government to Promote Sports Culture

Government of India is constantly working to increase the Sports spirit and Culture in India. The Ministry of Sports in Sep 2014 launched the Target Olympic Podium Scheme famously known as TOPS to improve India’s Performance in the Paralympic and Olympics. Under the scheme, extra monetary assistance and training from the national and international coaches will be provided to the players. 

The Government has also launched some national Level Sports Competitions like Khelo India Programme which is a national-level event organized by the Sports Authority of India (SAI)  every Year. The programme has been introduced to revive the sports culture in India at the grass-root level. For this purpose a strong framework for all sports played in our country has been prepared which aims to establish India as a great sporting nation.

Under the programme, talented players are identified in priority sports disciplines at various levels by the High-Powered Committee. They will also be provided annual financial assistance of Rs.5 lakh per annum for 8 years.

Another Important National level sports Competition organized by Government of India is the National Games of India. In the National Games of India, Athletes from all States of India participate and perform. With time Society is also changing the famous Slogan “Padhoge Likhoge Banoge Nawab, Kheloge Khudoge Banoge Kharab” is now “Khelo Khudogo Banoge Lajavab”.

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Sports Culture: Way Forward

Sports is an integral part of Soft power as political Scientist Joseph Nye Jr Said “Power is an attraction through culture, political ideas, and policies rather than coercion” that military hard power exhibits. So, sports are just not an integral part of human personality development and entertainment but they are more than this. All types of sports deserve State’s and Public’s appreciation, participation, respect, importance, and attention. It’s time we encourage and inspire young talent of the country and give them top-notch infrastructure and training of the highest level to make India a sport super power.

Hope you liked this essay on Sports Culture in India and it helped you in your exam preparation. Keep vision to get more essays on trending topics.

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Essay on Future of Sports in India

Students are often asked to write an essay on Future of Sports in India in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Future of Sports in India

The current scenario.

India’s sports culture is evolving. Cricket has dominated, but other sports like badminton, wrestling, and football are gaining popularity.

Infrastructure Development

The future of sports in India depends on infrastructure. The government is investing in sports facilities, providing a boost for aspiring athletes.

Training and Education

Specialized sports education and training programs are being established. These will help to nurture talent and encourage participation in various sports.

International Recognition

Indian athletes are shining on international platforms. This success is inspiring more youth to pursue sports, promising a bright future for Indian sports.

250 Words Essay on Future of Sports in India

The current state of sports in india, government initiatives and infrastructure development.

The Government of India has launched several initiatives to promote sports, such as the ‘Khelo India’ program, aimed at fostering a sports culture at the grassroots level. These initiatives, coupled with the development of world-class sports infrastructure, are driving the growth of sports in India.

Role of Technology in Sports

Advancements in technology are playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of sports in India. From data analytics improving performance to virtual reality enabling immersive fan experiences, technology is revolutionizing the way sports are played and consumed.

Sports Education and Academies

The establishment of sports academies and the integration of sports education in school curricula are significant steps towards creating a sustainable sports ecosystem. These efforts are crucial in identifying and nurturing talent from a young age.

The future of sports in India seems bright and promising. With the right blend of government initiatives, technological advancements, and educational reforms, India has the potential to emerge as a dominant player in the global sports arena. However, it is essential to ensure that these developments are inclusive and accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic backgrounds, to truly harness the power of sports in nation-building.

500 Words Essay on Future of Sports in India

The current landscape of sports in india.

India, traditionally known for its cricket obsession, has started to diversify its interests in the field of sports. The success of leagues such as the Indian Super League (football) and Pro Kabaddi League indicates a shift in the sporting culture. However, there is still a long way to go in terms of infrastructure, support, and recognition for other sports.

The Emergence of New Sports

Investment in sports infrastructure.

India’s sports infrastructure needs significant improvement to compete globally. The government has started acknowledging this need, with initiatives such as ‘Khelo India,’ aiming to build world-class sports complexes across the country. Private sector investment is also rising, with companies sponsoring events and athletes, contributing to infrastructure development.

Technological Advancements

Technology will play a crucial role in the future of sports in India. Advanced equipment, data analytics, and virtual reality can enhance athletes’ performance and training. Moreover, technology can improve fan engagement, making sports more interactive and enjoyable.

Role of Education in Promoting Sports

Challenges and opportunities.

Despite the potential, several challenges exist. The lack of adequate infrastructure, funding, and societal attitudes towards sports are significant hurdles. However, these challenges also present opportunities. Increased investment, policy changes, and societal shift can transform the sports landscape in India.

The future of sports in India is promising. With the right investment, infrastructure, and societal support, India can become a global sports powerhouse. The rise of new sports, technological advancements, and the role of education in promoting sports are key factors that will shape this future. However, it is crucial to address the existing challenges to realize this potential fully. The coming years will be pivotal in determining the trajectory of sports in India.

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Essay on Importance of Sports for Students and Children

500+ words essay on importance of sports.

First of all, Sport refers to an activity involving physical activity and skill . Here, two or more parties compete against each other. Sports are an integral part of human life and there is great importance of sports in all spheres of life. Furthermore, Sports help build the character and personality of a person. It certainly is an excellent tool to keep the body physically fit. Most noteworthy, the benefits of Sports are so many that books can be written.  Sports have a massive positive effect on both the mind and body.

importance of sports

Physical Benefits of Sports

First of all, Sports strengthen the heart. Regular Sports certainly make the heart stronger. Hence, Sport is an excellent preventive measure against heart diseases . This certainly increases the life expectancy of individuals. Furthermore, a healthy heart means a healthy blood pressure.

Sports involve physical activity of the body. Due to this physical activity, blood vessels remain clean. Sports reduces the amount of cholesterol and fats in the body. This happens because of the increase of flexibility of the wall of the blood vessels. The flexibility increases due to physical exertion, which is the result of Sports.

Furthermore, the sugar level in blood also gets lower thanks to Sports. The sugar certainly does not accumulate in the blood due to physical activity.

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A person experiences a good quality of breathing because of Sports. Sports strengthen the lungs of the body. Sports certainly escalate the lung capacity and efficiency of the body. Hence, more oxygen enters the blood which is extremely beneficial. Furthermore, there are fewer chances of developing lung diseases due to Sports.

Appropriate body weight is easy to maintain because of sports. A Sports playing person probably does not suffer from obesity or underweight problems. Sports certainly help the body remain fit and slim.

Furthermore, Sports also improves the quality of bones. A person who plays sports will have strong bones even in old age. Several scientific research reports that Sports prevent many diseases. For example, many researchers conclude that Sports prevent the development of cancer.

Other Benefits of Sports

Sport is certainly an excellent tool to build self-confidence . Playing Sports increases confidence to talk properly. A sport certainly improves the skills of communicating with others. Furthermore, the person experiences confidence in sitting, standing, and walking properly. Hence, Sports enriches the social life of an individual.

Sports bring discipline in life. It certainly teaches the values of dedication and patience. Sports also teach people how to handle failure. Furthermore, the importance of following a time schedule is also present in Sports.

india in sports essay

Above all, Sports improves the thinking ability of individuals. Sports certainly sharpen the mind. Children who play Sports probably perform better at exams than those who don’t.

Finally, Sports reduces the stress of mind . A Sports playing person would certainly experience less depression. Sports ensure the peace of mind of those playing it. Most noteworthy, Sports brings happiness and joy in the life of individuals.

A sport is an aspect of human life that is of paramount importance. It certainly increases the quality of human life. Sports must be made mandatory in schools. This is because it is as important as education. Everyone must perform at least one Sport activity on a regular basis.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How do Sports clean blood vessels?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports clean blood vessels by physical activity. This physical activity certainly reduces the amount of fat and cholesterol.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How Sports improves the quality of breathing?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Sports improves the quality of breathing by strengthening the lungs. This certainly results in increasing lung capacity.” } } ] }

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Sports Essay

Sport is a vigorous physical activity which involves physical exertion and skill, generally played by two teams against each other by following the set number of rules in order to win or defeat other team. Sport not only has physical benefits but it also improves your concentration and makes you more alert and attentive. It helps to enhance the overall personality of an individual and makes him more productive and alert. It also increases your social interaction and develops sportsman spirit in an individual.

Long and Short Essay on Sports in English

Sports are very much liked by the children in their school time. In order to let students know the benefits and importance of the sports all through the life, teachers assign them the topic of essay on sports in the school to write something in their own words. So, students you are at right place, here we have provided some easily written and simply worded long and short sports essay. By going through this essay you can know what is sports, what are the types of sports, what are the benefits of sports, what is sportsmanship or sportsman spirit, etc.

Sports Essay 1 (100 words)

Sports are the physical activities with different names according to the ways of playing them. Sports are generally liked by almost all the children whether girls or boys. Generally the topic of benefits and importance of sports are argues by the people. And yes, any type of sport is deeply connected with the physical, physiological, mental and intellectual health of the person. It helps in maintaining the physical and mental fitness of the person. Playing sports on daily basis help in developing the mental skills. It also improves the psychological skills of the person playing. It brings motivation, courage, discipline and concentration. Playing sports has been made necessary in the schools for the welfare of the students.


Sports Essay 2 (150 words)

Sports are the physical activity done in particular ways of style and all are named accordingly. Indian government has made compulsory playing the sports in the schools and colleges for the student’s welfare and good health as well as improving mental skill. Participation of the children in any of the sports is very necessary and important. Students should be encouraged and motivated by their parents at home and teachers in the schools. It is necessary for the growing children so that they may develop good habits and discipline which they may continue to their adulthood and pass to the next generation.

Sports play great role in improving and maintaining the health and fitness, improving mental skills and concentration level as well as social and communication skills. Playing sports on regular basis prevents person form the many diseases and disorders of the body organs especially overweight, obese and heart problems. Children should never be demoted for playing the sports instead they should be promoted.

Sports Essay 3 (200 words)

Sports are most easy and convenient ways for the very good physical and mental exercise. It is very useful for growth and development of the individual as well as the country. We can never unseen the benefits and importance of playing the sports on regular basis. Sports provide a person the feeling of well being and encourage living a healthy life. It keeps us always fit and healthy as well as away from problems of drug addiction, crime and disorders. Sports are organized at national and international level by the government of the country for motivating the students to take part and get popularity through sports. Any of the sports is very simple however need full devotion and hard work to get practiced on daily basis.

Now-a-days, sports has become most efficient way to establish a better career for whole life as it provides equal and good job opportunities to all. It is the medium which enhances the economy of host country organizing the sports activities. It makes a country to feel proud if its citizens win the match. It brings encouragement and develops the feeling of patriotism. It is the way to reduce international level tension among many countries. It helps in improving the physical and mental strength of the person as well as the economic and social strength of the country.

Sports Essay 4 (250 words)

Sports and games both are very important and easy way to improve physical and mental fitness. Now-a-days, the scope of the sports and games has been increased by the effort of the government. Anyone of us can establish a good career in the sports for whole life together with the maintenance of food health and fitness of the body. It has become a very good way to achieve success and good job. It is the useful means of getting entertainment and physical activity on daily basis. It is the character and discipline building technique which holds with us whole life. It makes us active and gives us energy and strength.

Playing sports and games continuously means motivating the mental and physical growth. It makes us learn about how to maintain the physical and mental balance as it improves the concentration level and memory. It makes life too peaceful to tackle any difficult situation. It develops sense of friendliness and removes all the differences between two people. It keeps body in shape which makes us strong and active however it also keeps mind peaceful which brings positive thoughts and keeps us away from the many diseases and disorders.

It gives us lots of energy and strength as well as removes all the tiredness and lethargy by improving the blood circulation all through the body and promoting the physical and mental well-being. It improves ones capability, work efficiency and prevent from being exhausted mentally and physically. It is the integral part of improving the quality of education among students. Sports and education both together are the best ways of achieving success in life.

Sports Essay 5 (300 words)

Everybody understands that, sports and games mean only the physical and mental fitness. However it has many hidden benefits as well. Sports and good education both together become the way to achieve success in the life of a child. Both should be given equal priority in the school and colleges to go ahead and make the bright career of the students. Sports mean not only the bodily exercise however it means to promote the concentration level of the students towards study. There is a common saying about the sports that “A sound mind in a sound body” means there should be a well working mind in the fit body in order to go ahead and get success in the life.

As the health of the body is essential for getting healthy all through the life, it is also necessary to have a mental and intellectual fitness to concentrate completely on the target. Playing sports brings highest level of confidence and teaches us discipline which remains with us whole life. Motivating children for the sports and make them interested in the games should be started at home and school level by the equal participation of the parents and teachers. Sports and games become very interesting and can be played by anyone anytime however it should be practiced from childhood for better achievement of the goal whether in the study or other.

Sports and games are of many types and named according to the rules and ways of playing them. Some of the sports are cricket, hockey (national game), football, basket ball, volley ball, tennis, running, skipping, high and low jumping, discus throw, badminton, rowing, swimming, kho-kho, kabaddi, and many more. Sports are the best ways to deal with the losses and profits in the life by making the balance between body and mind, excitement and sorrow. Playing sports for some hour on daily basis has been made necessary in the schools for the welfare of the children and better future of the country.

Sports Essay 6 (400 words)

Many sports are played in India from ancient time and hockey has been declared as the national game of the country. Especially children are very fond of playing game in the playground in the nearby areas of home or they generally participate in the school. Many school level, district level, state level, national level, and international level sports activities are organized for the maximum participation of the children and youths of the country. However, sometimes disappointing performances of Indian athletes at the national or international level like Olympic or common wealth game shows the poor condition of sports and facility provided to the athletes in India.

Still the Indian athletes have not achieved a standard in the international sports however it seems that soon they would do as the criteria and scope of sports is increased in the current years. It has been promoted to a great extent in the schools and colleges by the government of the country. Indian athletes are showing their full participation in every national and international level sports and continuously trying to achieve the quality and standard. Since Indian athletes had win only few gold medals in the last Olympic Games however they had played with full courage and enthusiasm. India is leading in many sports like hockey, wrestling, cricket, etc.

The selection of best sportsperson is done from the students playing well the schools or state level. Now the condition of sports in India has become changed and it has become the good field to get popularity and success. It is not separate from the education and it is not necessary that if one is playing good sports he does not need good education or if one is going good in education he should not involve in the sports. Education and sports are two sides of the same coin means success. Playing sports in the schools by the students has been made compulsory; teachers and parents should promote the children on their own level to play the game for their growth and development as well as make future of the country.

Sports nourish the life of us in many ways. It teaches us discipline and continuity in the work to get the goal. It keeps us fit both physically and mentally and thus socially, emotionally, psychologically and intellectually. It is best way of entertainment and meditate the mind in such a polluted and pressurized environment where everyone becomes ready to give tension and create problems for other one. It enhances the concentration level and memory power and fills the mind with positive thoughts.

Long Essay on Sports 7 (800 words)


Sports are termed as any physical or mental activity which is mostly done during leisure time and includes a high level of entertainment involving a sense of competition. Sports are an integral part of everyone’s life and each and every person would have been a part of at least one or the other sports. It not only makes us fit but also makes us alert and active by improving our overall physical and mental health.

Sports also help to spread communal harmony on a larger platform during various global sports events like Olympic, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games etc. Various teams across the world take part in these global events and compete with each other to emerge as a winner. Not only being part of a sport is a wonderful thing but even watching our favorite sports and cheering up for our team is also a great experience.

Types of Sports

Sports can be broadly categorized based on the location or area where it is being played. It could also be further classified on whether it is mind, physical or electronic sports. The major classification of sports is given below:

  • Outdoor Sports

Sports which require a huge area and are played on a large playground are termed as Outdoor Sports. E.g. – Football, Cricket, Hockey, Rugby etc.

  • Indoor Sports

Sports or games which can be played within a room, hall or a smaller area are known as Indoor Sports. E.g. – Table Tennis, Badminton, Snooker, Boxing, Chess etc.

The indoor sports could be further classified as mind, physical and electronic. The major classification of Indoor Sports is as follows:

  • Mind Sports

Sports which does not require much physical exercise is known as Mind Sports. Chess, Card Games etc can be termed as mind sports.

  • Indoor Physical Sports

Indoor sports which require major physical exertion are known as Indoor Physical Sports. Sports like Badminton, Table Tennis etc are Physical Indoor Sports.

  • Electronic Sports

This is one of the latest indoor games which involves competition using the video games. The game is played on bigger screens and people compete with each other using their gaming console.

Benefits of Sport

Sport not only has an entertainment factor but it also has many physical and mental health benefits. It enhances the overall personality of an individual by making him fit and active.  Some of the major health benefits of playing sports are given below:

  • Improves Overall Cardiovascular Health

Sports involve exercise which helps our heart to work out and improve the overall cardiovascular system of our body.

  • Manages Weight

Sports are the best way to burn calories. It is the exercise which gives us enjoyment and manages our weight.

  • Enhances Muscle Strength

Sport improves our muscular health and makes our bones stronger and improves the flexibility of our body.

  • Stress Buster

Sport is the best stress buster. It helps to improve our mood and relieves stress. It is the best way to fight depression.

  • Improves Concentration

Sports make our mind alert and active by improving our concentration. It helps to sharpen focus and elevates self confidence.

Apart from health benefits, sports can also be chosen as a career option. You can work as a trainer, coach, umpire, sports journalist, sports teacher etc. Also for the individuals who excel in their fields can participate in various national and international sports events and bring pride to the country by their performance and emerging as a winner. There had been many sportsperson in India who brought pride to our nation by their exceptional performance in international sports events and earned medals and trophies for the country.

What is Sportsmanship

Sportsmanship or Sportsman Spirit is showcasing a conduct of playing fair and accepting victory or defeat in a very graceful manner. It can be defined as having a sense of respect towards the opponent, following the rules of the game, giving respect to the decision of the referee or the officials etc. Sportsmanship makes the person accept his victory in a very positive and mature way without humiliating the opponent. Sportsmanship is not only to be showcased on the field but it has to be also carried throughout the life. It helps to appreciate people for their hard work and contributions and also showcasing a positive attitude and being respectful to others.

A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and outdoor sport is the best fitness option for the people who don’t have time to go to the gym or to exercise. It is also helpful for the people who are mostly involved in desk jobs and do very less physical movement during work. Sports also help to fight stress which is very common nowadays in every field. It cheers you up and lifts your mood elevating your self esteem and confidence. It teaches us discipline, value of time and team spirit which helps us to beat every challenge and achieve success in our life. Sport enhances the overall personality of a person and makes him smart, productive and focused.

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  • Importance of Sports Essay for Students in English


Essay on Importance of Sports

Sports are very essential for every human life which keeps them fit and fine and physical strength. It has great importance in each stage of life. It also improves the personality of people. Sports keep our all organs alert and our hearts become stronger by regularly playing some kind of sports. sports has always given priority from old ages and nowadays it has become more fascinating. Due to the physical activity blood pressure also remains healthy, and blood vessels remain clean. Sugar level also reduces and cholesterol comes down by daily activity. Different people have different interests in sports but the action is the same in all sports. Sports are becoming big channels to make more capital/money day by day and the number of people is also increasing. By playing sports even at a young age you can also be better and free from some diseases. By playing sports lung function also improves and becomes healthy because more oxygen is supplied. Sports also improves bone strength even in old age.

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Significance of Sports in Student’s Life

Just like a diet of healthy nutrients is needed for nourishing the body, playing sports holds a great significance in enhancing our lives, especially for growing children. As a student, one has to face many challenges, and playing sports helps them cope with the exam pressure and prepare them for further challenges by providing them with physical and mental strength. 

Children who are indulged in physical activities sustain good values of mutual respect and cooperation. Playing sports teaches them skills such as accountability, leadership, and learning to work with a sense of responsibility and confidence.

Sports help in maintaining Good Health

In today’s era of excessive competition and changing environment, people barely care about our health and have to face its consequences in the later stages of their life. They easily become prey to many life-threatening health issues. Those who are indulged in regular physical activities can easily defend themselves from such diseases. Therefore, playing sports can resolve this concern.

Playing regular sports can help maintain diabetes, improve heart function, and reduce stress and tension in an individual. 

Get rid of Excess Weight

Most of the world’s population is obese, and as a result, many other health issues also arise. Hence, playing sports is one of the most recreational and helpful ways of burning calories. All you have to do is follow a healthy diet and play your favourite sport. You can be saved from exhausting workout routines in the gym by playing sports. 

Playing your favourite sports and shedding kilos, isn’t it like killing two birds with one stone!

Guard Your Heart

The heart is the most important organ of our body. With changing lifestyles, people are facing heart-related problems these days. The life of heart patients becomes difficult with lots of heavy medications and restrictions. Therefore, people need to indulge in outdoor games. Playing for even 30 minutes a day can do wonders for your life. The heart pumps better, and blood circulation improves whenever we play sports. Heart muscles get stronger, and hence it starts functioning at a better rate. 

Enhance Your Immunity

The immune system is the major player of the body in fighting infections. Those who easily catch infections and fall sick frequently can easily get healthier by working on their immune system. 

It becomes really difficult to live with poor immunity, take heavy medications frequently, and spend most of your time indoors just to prevent yourself from the effects of changing environments. Getting indulged in regular sports activities can help build your immunity greatly, and the most amazing part with it is that you can do it by just playing your favourite sport. 

Impact of Sports on an Individual’s Personality

Playing sports builds your personality and teaches you to live life in a better way. Getting involved in such activities teaches good values, ethics, and skills in your life. The person starts to have a positive outlook towards life and can easily deal with obstacles in their life. Not only this, but it also reduces the stress level in the person as such people start taking challenges with positivity. Their efficiency increases, so they can easily take up challenges confidently.

People can learn lots of important skills through their sports. Every sport teaches us the skills of handling difficult situations, quick- decisions making and problem-solving. By playing sports, one can learn the art of living and managing things and taking leads. 

Therefore, if you play sports, you are not just enjoying it; you are also learning many significant life lessons.

Nation’s Pride

All the good values and skills one learns by playing sports can prepare them to conquer any battle-fields. Many eminent sports personalities have brought laurels to our country by proving their mettle on different sports grounds. Some of them are; Sachin Tendulkar, Saina Nehwal, Mary Kom, Sardar Singh, Sania Mirza and many more.

These personalities are inspirations for all those who are passionate about playing sports. Hard work and dedication can help them reach their goals and can become inspirations for others one day.

Common Sports

There are varieties of sports activities you can choose from. Some of the most common sports are; Tennis, Badminton, Volleyball, Cricket, and Basketball.

Learning from Sports:

Sports bring discipline in life. It teaches the way of sitting, talking, walking etc. Without sports in human life it seems too boring, sports activate all the cells and keep the body active, fit and slim. Sports improve thinking ability and reduce the stress of the mind. Those people with not so much interest in sports are less active and also have chances of getting a disease in the early stage of life and also show lethargy in work. Sports should be made mandatory in school, so that at an early age they can know the benefits of sports. People also select their favourite sports players on their more interest in which sports, if we take cricket because in our country India cricket is played more and shown interest by many peoples, many players came but still name like Kapil dev, Sachin Tendulkar, M.S.Dhoni, Virat Kohli will be always favourite for their fans. If we take football players like Messi, Ronaldo and many others, they are an idol for many people who have an interest in football. Sports is generally recognized as a system of activities which are based in athletics such as Olympic games. Sports are always played under government rules which helps to serve fair competition, sports having following criteria like, it should be fair competition, giving no harm to any person, and the winner should be nominated by superior or from the best. In sports like chess improves the mind and thinking capacity. Since from the 21st century, there has been increased in a debate that whether transgender should be able to participate in any sports events.

Benefit of Technology in Sports: 

Nowadays technology also plays an important role in sports to judge the fair game for winners. It helps to judge a car racer by seeing properly on the screen, also in cricket like sometimes when it becomes difficult to make the decision again technology is used. In every sport, it has been utilised for fair play and to announce the winners. Research suggests that sports have the capacity to connect youth with positive thinking and provide positive development. For any sportsman, high education is not mandatory but required to be the best sportsman. It is his interest, strength and skills. We have seen in the last two decades women are also showing more interest in sports and for them also proper matches are arranged by the government. Sports give the feeling of living with a positive attitude. sports can be played in both indoor and outdoor, many indoor games like chess, carrom board, helps to improve the thinking power but the sports which are played in outdoor like football, cricket, Rugby, kabaddi etc helps to improve physical strength, thus the person who does more outdoor games should be more fit and slim. 3-4 decades ago the opportunity in sports was not much-showed interest which is shown by the present youth generation. Sports secure life and give a standard lifestyle. The 10 most popular sports played in the World are Soccer, Cricket, Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball, Table Tennis and Baseball where Hockey was first played in India and became our national games. There are also some sports which are shown less interest like Kabaddi, Polo, Archery, Weightlifting etc. Swimming is known as the safest sport. So sports should be played by everyone because it helps our body in movement and gives good health. The study has proved that sports have better well controlled many diseases like heart attack, lung function, obesity, and thinking power. Ice hockey, soccer are the games which have the highest paid sportsmen. Also some sports can be played in small places and also some sports require large places. Sports keep us active and energetic, even in some treatment to recover from the disease sports are advised by the doctors. play sports on a regular basis and keep our self-fit, sports should not be neglected but it should be mandatory for everyone.


FAQs on Importance of Sports Essay for Students in English

1. Why Sports are Important?

Any sports makes you physically fit, increase your immune level and even encourage socialism among different people.

2. What are the Common Sports Played in India?

Cricket and Football are major sports played in India.

3. What is the National Sport of India?

Field Hockey has been considered as the national sport of India.Though it has some historical connect as well as popularity too.

 4. Which sports are the best for students to become more active?

Sports that require them to move about, such as Football and Basketball can be beneficial. Apart from them, students can also engage in Tennis and Martial Arts can also be good options.

5. How can students manage their study and sports times effectively?

Even when studies seem the most important, engaging in active sports is necessary to maintain overall health. So, students can set aside a few hours everyday in the evening to engage in the sports of their choice. This can help them take rest from studies and work towards maintaining their physical health as well.

6. Which home exercises are equally as effective?

When students do not have time to spare to play extensive sports, then home training can be a beneficial tool. Home-based exercises, such as skipping, running on the treadmill, yoga and pilates can be good substitutes for active sports.

india in sports essay

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So far, indian athletes have won 22 medals (4 gold, 8 silver, and 10 bronze), marking the country's best-ever performance, surpassing the 19 medals from the previous edition.

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First Published: Sep 05 2024 | 7:00 PM IST

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GOOD SPORT: Para-athletes, champions all


Rohit Mahajan

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In a cruel world that emphasises limitations, the greatest service a para-athlete performs for society is to normalise physical disability — to bring it right under the public eye, and then perform sporting acts of such skill and courage that even ‘normal’ people can’t emulate.

Several years ago, when a para-athlete was awarded the Khel Ratna, the country’s highest award for sportspersons, hitherto won only by ‘normal’ athletes, a colleague couldn’t hide his contempt: “These ‘non-elite’ athletes getting the top sports award — the very idea!”

Having watched para-sports over the years, this person is now a fan, for the story of each para-athlete, medal-winner or not, is fascinating and inspirational, worthy of a book.

Let’s talk about, say, Sumit Antil, just one among the para-heroes.

Javelin in his right hand, a spring in his steps, Antil jogs rather than sprints to the white line. With a mighty heave, he sends the spear flying. There’s a hush. There’s a roar. Antil looks at the giant screen flashing the distance the spear has travelled — it’s over 70 metres. It’s a personal best. It’s good for gold. Antil turns around and slaps his right thigh — he’s very unlikely to ever slap his left thigh because it’s a prosthetic limb. It’s due to this artificial left limb that he jogs rather than sprints; it’s this artificial left limb that presents him the greatest difficulty in his dream of hitting the 80-metre mark.

“My left leg, which is my blocking leg, is an artificial limb. It’s difficult to balance on it. There are just two nails at the base of the prosthetic that get a grip on the ground. Balancing your entire body on just two nails is very difficult,” said Antil a day after winning gold at the Paris Paralympics. “After your hip has done its role while throwing, the blocking leg has to move into action. I was losing my balance a couple of times, which is why I couldn’t throw even better.”

“When I will be at my peak, just once in life, I want to touch the 80m mark. I want to know how it feels when the javelin crosses that distance,” said Antil, 26.

Antil, two Paralympics gold medals to his credit, wants to expand his horizons.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. The courage of the para-athlete reshapes perceptions, breaks down physical and emotional barriers, and redraws the limits of possibilities. Antil has had to be very courageous — there was no other option after a motorcycle accident led to the amputation of his left leg when he was just 17.

Sheetal Devi, born without arms, had to be very courageous. The archer, who hits bull’s-eye using her feet, won a Paralympics medal last week. “Before, I used to live in a small village. And then I started para archery, I saw that people with disabilities could also achieve something,” Sheetal, 17, wrote on social media. “There was a time when I felt incomplete and sought external validation. It took time to embrace my true self, but the moment I did, magic unfolded.”

Sport does create magic. But, as Anais Nin wrote, life indeed does shrink or expand in proportion to courage — and it’s not just about bravery, it’s more about stepping out of our comfort zone and confronting and defeating fears.

Vinesh’s courage

One brave person who’s stepped out of her comfort zone is Vinesh Phogat, the greatest female wrestler from India. Vinesh, having done nothing but wrestle for two decades, put her career on the line when she started a campaign to bring to justice Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, then Wrestling Federation of India president and a powerful BJP MP. This required physical and mental courage of the highest order. Her dream of an Olympics medal — she had suffered a horrible injury in 2016, heartbreak in 2021 — seemed to be over. Yet, Vinesh came to winning gold at the Paris Olympics last month after shocking the world with her upset of Yui Susaki, the Japanese superstar, in the final 15 seconds of their first-round bout. This was followed by heartbreak — she was 100 grams too heavy to fight for gold.

She’s again stepped out of the comfort zone, quitting sport to enter politics. Politicians have immense power, and the taste of even minimal power creates little despots. But Vinesh, a victim, just might do some good for sport and women if she gets political power. She’s always declared herself to be a non-political person — but by now, at 30, she knows that everything is politics and politics is everything. Stepping into the discomfort zone of politics will be a life-changing decision — hopefully, a fruitful one in her quest for gender justice and equality.

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Duleep Trophy: Pacers shine as India B beat India A by 76 runs

India B pacers, led by Yash Dayal, pushed India A to a 76-run defeat on the fourth and final day of their Duleep Trophy match here on Sunday.

BENGALURU: KL Rahul’s gumption, which helped him accumulate a patient fifty, found no resonance among his colleagues as India B pacers, led by Yash Dayal, pushed India A to a 76-run defeat on the fourth and final day of their Duleep Trophy match here on Sunday.

Chasing 275, India A were bundled out for 198 in their second innings as left-arm seamer Dayal (3/50), with able support from his colleagues Mukesh Kumar (2/50) and Navdeep Saini (2/41), led the India B attack. Rahul top-scored for 'A' with 51.

In the first session of the day, India B made 184 all out in their second essay, managing to build a handy overall lead of 274.

India A's chase began on a shaky note as Mayank Agarwal departed in the second over, wafting Dayal away from his body to Nitish Kumar Reddy, who made a wonderful diving catch at second slip.

That brought Riyan Parag to the middle, and the right-hander followed the path set on Saturday by Rishabh Pant and Sarfaraz Khan. Parag took on the bowlers, with pacer Mukesh bearing the brunt of his aggression, getting smoked for two sixes. The second maximum touched the roof of the Chinnaswamy Stadium over the mid-wicket region.

Parag added 48 runs for the second wicket with a rather subdued Shubman Gill, who was dropped by Nitish Reddy at slip off Mukesh on 16. Thirty-one came off Parag's bat in just 18 balls.

But the approach was tough to sustain, given the assistance the bowlers were getting. Soon, a massive hoick off Dayal took an edge from Parag's bat en route to stumper Rishabh Pant.

Gill (21) departed soon after, falling to Saini for the second time in the match. On this occasion, he edged the pacer to Pant.

Dhruv Jurel poked Dayal well outside off-stump to Yashasvi Jaiswal at gully, as India batters perished to a combination of the bowlers' persistence on that channel and their own carelessness.

India A took lunch at a queasy 76 for four, which soon transpired into 99 for six after the dismissals of Shivam Dube and Tanush Kotian, an hour into the lunch break.

However, Rahul batted out 180 minutes, facing 121 balls, and milked 42 runs for the seventh wicket with Kuldeep Yadav to delay the inevitable. The standout shot in an otherwise dour innings was a whistling on-drive off Mukesh that fetched him a boundary.

But Mukesh had his revenge soon when Rahul feathered a cut off him to Pant, who completed five catches in this innings. This came soon after Rahul reached his fifty with a single off Saini.

It effectively signalled the end of the road for India A, though Akash Deep (43 off 42 balls, 3x4, 4x6) provided a few moments of fun with a cavalier innings. Beyond the entertainment value, it always was a case of 'when' more than 'if'.

Earlier, resuming from their overnight score of 150 for six, India B could only add 34 more runs before getting bundled out.

Pacer Akash Deep, whom Sarfaraz Khan had carted around for five consecutive fours the previous day, found his rhythm to claim the scalps of Washington Sundar and Saini, completing a five-wicket haul (5/56). This spell will keep his name in contention when the selectors meet to pick the squad for the upcoming two-match Test series against Bangladesh.

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Duleep Trophy 2024: India B Trounce India A By 76 Runs As KL Rahul's 57 Goes In Vain

In the first session of the day, India B made 184 all out in their second essay to muster a handy overall lead of 274.


KL Rahul's gumption, which helped him pile a patient fifty, found no resonance among his colleagues as India B pacers led by Yash Dayal pushed India A to a 76-run defeat on the fourth and final day of their Duleep Trophy match in Bengaluru on Sunday.

Chasing 275, India A were bundled out for 198 in their second innings as left-arm seamer Dayal (3/50), with able support from his colleagues Mukesh Kumar (2/50) and Navdeep Saini (2/41), led the India B attack.

Yash Dayal makes early inroads in defence of 275:

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The India A chase began on a shaky note as Mayank Agarwal departed in the second over itself, wafting Dayal away from his body to Nitish Kumar Reddy, who made a wonderful diving catch at second slip.

That brought Riyan Parag to the middle and the right-hander followed the path set on Saturday by Rishabh Pant and Sarfaraz Khan.

Parag took on the bowlers and pacer Mukesh bore the brunt of his aggression, getting smoked for two sixes and the second maximum touched the roof of the Chinnaswamy Stadium over the mid-wicket region.

WHAT. A. CATCH! 🔥 Nitish Kumar Reddy pulls off a splendid diving catch at 2nd slip to dismiss Mayank Agarwal. #DuleepTrophy | @IDFCFIRSTBank Follow the match ▶️ — BCCI Domestic (@BCCIdomestic) September 8, 2024

Parag added 48 runs for the second with a rather subdued Shubman Gill, who was dropped by Nitish Reddy at slips off Mukesh on 16, and 31 came off the former's bat in just 18 balls.

But the approach was tough to sustain considering the kind of assistance the bowlers were getting here, and soon his massive hoick off Dayal took an edge off Parag's bat en route to stumper Rishabh Pant.

Gill (21) departed soon, falling to Saini for the second time in the match and on this occasion, he edged the pacer to Pant.

Dhruv Jurel poked Dayal well outside off-stump to Yashasvi Jaiswal at gully, as India batters perished to a combination of bowlers' persistence on that channel and their own carelessness.

Mukesh Kumar ends KL Rahul's resistance:

They took the lunch at a queasy 76 for four that soon transpired into 99 for six after the dismissal of Shivam Dube and Tanush Kotian, an hour into the lunch.

However, Rahul batted out 180 minutes 121 balls and milked 42 runs for the seventh wicket with Kuldeep Yadav to delay the inevitable.

The standout shot in an otherwise dour innings was a whistling on drive off Mukesh that fetched him a boundary.

KL Rahul gets to his 50 🙌 He's fighting it out in the middle for India A 👌 #DuleepTrophy | @IDFCFIRSTBank Follow the match ▶️ — BCCI Domestic (@BCCIdomestic) September 8, 2024

But Mukesh had his revenge soon when Rahul feathered a cut off him to Pant, who completed five catches in this innings, soon after reaching his fifty with a single off Saini.

It effectively signalled the end of the road of for India A, though Akash Deep (43, 42b, 3x4, 4x6) gave a few moments of fun with a cavalier innings.

But beyond the entertainment value, it always was a case of when more than if. Earlier, resuming from their overnight score of 150 for six India B could only 34 runs more to the total before getting bundled out.

Pacer Akash, whom Sarfaraz Khan carted around for five fours in a row the previous day, found his mojo to add the scalps of Washington Sundar and Saini to complete a five-wicket haul (5/56).

The spell will keep his name floating among the contenders when the selectors sit together soon to pick up squad for two-match Test series against Bangladesh.


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