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How to use Rhetorical Questions in your Speech, with Examples

April 5, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

Rhetorical questions can be used as an effective communication tool during a speech. These questions provide you with a way of controlling the speech and thoughts of the audience.

They are especially useful in engaging the audience and  persuading them  to agree with you. In this article we discuss how to use rhetorical questions in a speech or presentation.

What is a rhetorical question?

A rhetorical question can be “an effective persuasive device, subtly influencing the kind of response one wants to get from an audience” – (Edward P.J. Corbett)

A rhetorical question is a question that’s asked for effect with no answer expected. The answer may be immediately provided by the questioner or obvious.

  • The question may have an obvious answer
  • The question may not have an answer
  • The question may be answered immediately by the questioner

Examples of rhetorical questions

General examples.

Rhetorical questions with obvious answers are asked about well-known facts, or the answer is suggested based on the question’s context. They are used to emphasises an idea or point:

  • Are you kidding me?
  • Can birds fly?
  • Is the Pope catholic?

Rhetorical questions which have no answers:

  • What’s the meaning of life?
  • How many times do I have to tell you not to…?

Examples from Obama and Shakespeare

President Obama’s immigration address

Ever since the  5th century BC , orators have put their points across by asking rhetorical questions whose implied answers clearly support their point. This rhetorical passage comes from Obama’s immigration speech:

“Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law? Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?” –  Obama’s Immigration Address

William Shakespeare

Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? – Sonnet 18
If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? – The Merchant of Venice
Mighty Caesar! Dost thou lie so low? Are all thy conquests, glories, triumphs, spoils, shrunk to this little measure? – Julius Caesar

Pitch with rhetoric questions

Benefits of rhetorical questions

Rhetorical questions are not a necessity but they can be valuable. They can be used in many different ways to:

  • Engage the audience
  • Increase the variety of your presentation
  • Influence and persuade the audience
  • Subtly draw attention and emphasise specific points
  • Introduce topics/ideas
  • Make the listeners think about certain topics

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How to use rhetorical questions in a speech

1. engage the audience.

Ask a rhetorical question to engage the audience and pause to allow them to think of an answer. This gets the audience to  actively participate  rather than passively listen as they create hypotheses or resolutions.

For example: asking “Why is practicing mindfulness beneficial for reducing anxiety?” would be more effective than saying “Practicing mindfulness exercises can reduce anxiety levels because…”

Speakers may start presentations with rhetorical questions to increase the likelihood of the audience staying engaged.

2. Personalise your questions

Make the audience feel as though you are speaking to each member individually by using “you” and “your.”

For example: asking “Do you want to lose weight without feeling hungry?” would be more effective than asking “Does anyone here want to lost weight without feeling hungry?”

3. Persuade the audience

To get your audience to agree with you, ask a rhetorical question where the answer is clearly a “yes”. Once the audience begins agreeing with you they are more likely to continue agreeing. You will be familiar with this type of persuasion in casual conversation, for example, “Nice weather today, isn’t it?”

Another way to get the audience to agree with you is to show them that you’re similar. Show your listeners that you have shared experiences and that you understand their problems.

For example, “We’ve all experienced being so stressed at work that we come home and don’t feel like doing anything, haven’t we?”

4. Evoke emotions

Make the audience feel the same way you do about something by asking questions that trigger emotional reactions.

For example, rather than saying “X has never helped our community” ask “What has X ever done for our community?” This will trigger a strong  emotional response  because the audience will come to that conclusion that “X haven’t done anything.”

5. Emphasise a statement

After a statement has been made use a rhetorical question to get the audience to think about that statement.

For example, “The amount of plastic in the ocean is rising at a considerable rate. How much damage will it take for you to help reduce this?”

Presentation with rhetorical questions being asked

6. Predict the audiences questions

Think about your topic and audience when planning your speech. Try to predict what the audience may want to ask. In your speech use the predictions as rhetorical questions and answer them.

For example, “As a dog owner you may think ‘What should I be focusing on to keep my dog healthy?’ The answer is providing your dog with the correct nutrition and therefore food.”

You could also introduce one or more rhetorical questions at the  start of your speech  and explain that you will answer them during your speech. For example: “In the next 20 minutes let’s explore the answers to these questions.” Asking these difficult questions and promising you will provide the answers will increase interest and attention.

7. Answer questions with questions

Answer a question, either an audience member’s or your own, using another rhetorical question. Generally both the questions have the same answer.

For example: “Have we met the targets again this year? Is the Pope Catholic?”

Try to make the second question unique and relatable to the audience because common examples can sound cheesy.

8. Consecutive rhetorical questions

– Increase the impact of your argument

Ask multiple rhetorical questions consecutively – each one more specific or more powerful than the previous. This way your content will have a greater impact on the listeners.

For example: “Isn’t their skin lovely? Don’t you think it looks really clear? Can you see any blemishes? Wouldn’t you like to have skin like that?”

– Show conflicting opinions

Use rhetorical questions consecutively to highlight the complexity of a topic by asking questions in which the answers provide conflicting viewpoints.

For example: “How can we reduce the crime rate in the UK? Should we rehabilitate offenders? Should criminals be punished with longer sentences? Should we create initiatives targeting at-risk children?” etc

If you start your speech with this technique, you can  structure your speech  or presentation around it, with each section addressing a different viewpoint.

– Show supporting opinions

You can also consecutively ask questions in which the answers provide similar viewpoints. This is similar to repetition which is used to continually highlight an important point.

For example: “Which company achieves over 90% in customer satisfaction? Which company provides one of the best employee benefits programs in the country? Which company scores highest in employee happiness and fulfilment? Of course, our company does!”

Rhetorical questions are an effective way to gain the support of the audience but ensure that you do your research beforehand. This means finding out  who your audience are , such as, their general views, attitudes, age etc. With this information you can plan rhetorical questions that will be appropriate and tailored to your listeners.


Rhetorical Questions: 30 Effective Examples and Definition

Oct 24, 2023

Rhetorical Questions: 30 Effective Examples and Definition

Rhetorical questions, in particular, possess the unique ability to captivate, engage, and provoke thought. Whether you’re a seasoned orator, a writer, or someone simply looking to enhance their persuasive skills, this article is your definitive guide to mastering this impactful technique. Delve into the world of rhetoric and discover how these 30 examples and expert tips can elevate your communication to new heights.

What Are Rhetorical Questions?

Rhetorical questions are a powerful tool in the realm of persuasive communication. They are a form of interrogative expression used to make a point or convey a message rather than to elicit a direct response. These questions are crafted with a specific intention, often to provoke thought, engage the audience, or emphasize a particular idea. Here’s a clear and easy-to-understand explanation of rhetorical questions:

Rhetorical questions are inquiries posed in conversation or writing that do not require or expect an actual answer. Instead, they serve as a persuasive or rhetorical device, designed to make a statement, emphasize a point, or provoke critical thinking in the audience.

The biggest difference between rhetorical questions and typical questions in that rhetorical questions are not used to gather information or seek a response from others. Rather, they function as a means of guiding the listener or reader’s thoughts in a particular direction. They are strategically employed to emphasize a message, create a sense of engagement, or encourage reflection.

Rhetorical questions are commonly used in persuasive speeches, essays, debates, and everyday communication to achieve various objectives. Here are a few key purposes:

Emphasis –  Rhetorical questions can draw attention to a specific idea or argument by framing it as a question. For example, “Do we want to continue down a path of destruction?” emphasizes the gravity of the situation.

Engagement –  These questions engage the audience by prompting them to consider the topic more deeply. For instance, “Have you ever wondered what the future holds?” encourages the audience to reflect on possibilities.

Affirmation –  Rhetorical questions often lead the audience to agree with the implied answer, reinforcing the speaker’s point. An example is, “Is it not our moral duty to help those in need?” which presupposes that helping others is a moral obligation.

Persuasion –  By framing an argument as a rhetorical question, the speaker can guide the audience to a specific conclusion. For instance, “Wouldn’t you agree that a healthier lifestyle leads to a happier life?” implies that the answer is yes.

30 Best Rhetorical Questions Examples

1. What’s not to love about a beautiful sunset? Rhetorical questions like this one evoke a sense of wonder and appreciation, inviting the audience to share the sentiment.

2. Are you going to let fear hold you back from your dreams? This question challenges the audience to confront their fears and consider the impact on their aspirations.

3. Do you think the world would be a better place without acts of kindness? By implying a positive response, this question emphasizes the importance of kindness in society.

4. Can you imagine a world without art and creativity? It highlights the significance of art and creativity in our lives, making the audience reflect on their value.

5. Is it possible to put a price on freedom? This question prompts reflection on the intangible value of freedom.

6. Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up. Rhetorical questions like this can be motivational, emphasizing the importance of resilience.

7. Does anyone really believe in a perfect world? It invites contemplation about the idealistic notion of a perfect society.

8. What’s more important than the health and well-being of our children? This question highlights the paramount importance of children’s welfare.

9. Could we exist without the air we breathe? It emphasizes the fundamental nature of oxygen to human existence.

10. Is there a single recipe for happiness that suits everyone? This question suggests the subjectivity of happiness and personal fulfillment.

11. Is it fair to judge a book by its cover? This age-old question prompts reflection on the issue of prejudice and superficial judgments.

12. Can you really put a price on love? This question emphasizes the idea that love is priceless and beyond monetary value .

13. Who doesn’t want to be successful in life? This question assumes that everyone desires success, making the audience ponder their own aspirations.

14. Do you think anyone would willingly choose pain over pleasure? It underlines the universal preference for pleasure and avoidance of pain.

15. Is there anything more refreshing than a cold glass of water on a hot day? This question appeals to our shared experience of relief on a scorching day.

16. What could be more comforting than the embrace of a loved one? This rhetorical question highlights the emotional value of human connection.

17. Can we really call ourselves civilized when we still wage wars? This question provokes thought about the contradiction between civilization and conflict.

18. What’s stopping you from chasing your dreams? I t encourages self-reflection and motivation to overcome obstacles.

19. Is there anything better than the sound of laughter? This question celebrates the universal joy associated with laughter.

20. How can we expect change if we never take action? It underscores the necessity of taking the initiative to bring about change.

21. Do you think the world would be the same without great leaders? This question underscores the impact of influential leaders throughout history.

22. What would life be without a sense of humor? It highlights the role of humor in our lives, promoting its significance.

23. Is there any greater tragedy than the loss of a loved one? This question evokes empathy and reflection on the depth of human emotion.

24. Can you really put a limit on human potential? It challenges the idea of constraining human capabilities.

25. What could be more fundamental than the pursuit of knowledge? This rhetorical question emphasizes the inherent human curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

26. Can you imagine a world without hope? It prompts reflection on the importance of hope in people’s lives.

27. Is there any greater bond than the love between a parent and child? This question celebrates the profound connection between parents and their children.

28. What would life be without challenges to overcome? It highlights the role of adversity in personal growth and development.

29. Is there a more powerful force than the unity of a community? This question emphasizes the strength of community and solidarity .

30. Who would trade the beauty of nature for a concrete jungle? It encourages reflection on the value of preserving natural environments

Why People Use Rhetorical Questions?

Rhetorical questions serve various compelling purposes. Foremost among these is their ability to engage the audience or reader. They break the monotony of one-way communication and encourage active participation, thereby infusing the conversation or written text with dynamism and interactivity. Rhetorical questions also double as persuasive tools since they often imply a specific answer or point of view, subtly guiding the audience to consider the speaker or writer’s perspective.

Moreover, rhetorical questions can stimulate thought and critical thinking, encouraging individuals to ponder complex issues or view a subject from multiple angles. They possess the remarkable capacity to evoke emotions, eliciting empathy, curiosity, or reflection by framing an issue in a relatable manner. Additionally, rhetorical questions can be effectively employed to emphasize key points, rendering them memorable, and drawing attention to the essential aspects of a message.

Tips On How to Make Good Rhetorical Questions

  • Consider your audience’s interests, values, and knowledge. Pattern your questions to resonate with their experiences and perspectives.
  • Ensure your question is clear and concise . A complex question may confuse your audience and weaken the impact of your message.
  • Rhetorical questions should stimulate thought. Make questions that encourage your audience to reflect on the subject matter.
  • Rhetorical questions often imply an answer . Ensure that this answer connects with your intended message or argument.
  • Use rhetorical questions to evoke emotions . Appeal to your audience’s feelings to make your message more impactful.
  • Ensure that your rhetorical question is directly related to the topic at hand. Irrelevant questions can disrupt the flow of your communication.
  • Don’t overuse rhetorical questions. Use them strategically to emphasize key points or engage your audience when necessary.
  • While rhetorical questions can be powerful, using too many can lessen their impact. Use them sparingly for maximum effect.
  • Some questions can be more complex, but be mindful of your audience’s ability to engage with the topic. Balance between simple and hard questions as needed.
  • Crafting effective rhetorical questions is a skill that improves with Seeking feedback from peers or mentors to refine your use of rhetorical questions in your communication.

Upon discussing the key points about rhetorical questions, we learned that: the art of using rhetorical questions is a powerful tool in communication. As we’ve explored in this discussion, rhetorical questions can captivate your audience, prompt reflection, and enhance the impact of your message. By understanding your audience, tailoring your questions, and using them strategically, you can become a more persuasive and engaging communicator. Whether you’re delivering a speech, writing an essay, or simply engaging in a meaningful conversation, the use of rhetorical questions can elevate your communication to a new level. So, the next time you seek to make a point, inspire, or provoke thought, consider the art of the rhetorical question, and watch the power of your words come to life.

Read More: 10 Biggest Philosophical Dilemmas Examples

Read also: 30 Effective Guiding Questions Examples

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Janice Haywood English presentation coach

6 tips on how to use rhetorical questions effectively in your presentations

how to use rhetorical questions effectively in your presentations Janice Haywood

  • Corporate speaking , Effective communication , Presentation delivery , Presentation tips

Without a doubt, one of the main purposes of your presentation is to engage the audience. A great way to do this is to ask questions and use rhetorical questions. Whenever someones hears the intonation of a question, their brain automatically wants to answer which means that person is paying attention. And attention is exactly what we want when we’re speaking.

I came across a great video the other day called ‘ Rhetorical Questions for Public Speaking by Alex Lyon who is a communication  coach and someone I follow on YouTube so I thought I’d highlight the main points for you in this post.

Alex gives us six tips on how to use rhetorical questions effectively.

1, Keep your rhetorical questions short, simple and formed in a way that’s easy to follow. When we’re presenting we need to avoid complexity at all costs and it’s the same here. So avoid complexity by using simple language in your questions and also by making sure the questions are straightforward; don’t use ‘quiz’ questions that appear to be testing people’s knowledge, for example, “Do you know who was President of this country in 1980?”

2. Ask questions that pique people’s curiousity and that are relevant to their lives and experience. Alex Lyon refers to these questions as ones that add value. An example of this is a question such as “What do teenagers really care about?”

3. Pose questions that you and your audience can answer (although they might need some time to think about it). And always ANSWER a question, even though you might leave that answer to the end of your presentation to create suspense. If you decide to use this technique, make sure you tell the audience you’re going to answer the question at the end otherwise it can be unsettling for some audience members and may distract them from paying full attention to you.

4. One strategy is to ask three questions in a row at certain places in your presentation to build momentum and to emphasise a particular point. Ensure the questions are related to each other and that each one builds on the last. For example, “Who here feels there aren’t enough hours in the day”? “Why do you think that is?” What can we do about it?” Pause between each question to give the audience time to assimilate them. A set of three questions like this would be ideal to open a presentation about time management for example. One point to note about this strategy however, is not to overdo it if your presentation is quite short.

5. Ask a rhetorical questions in a various places in your presentation. Spread them out to add interest. You might want to think about asking a question for each main point you’re going to make.

6. And remember, although the definition of a rhetorical question is that you don’t expect an answer, it IS OK for your audience to answer because that means they are totally engaged with your content…

And wasn’t that the reason you’re incorporating all these rhetorical questions in the first place? To engage your audience?

For more examples on how to adopt these six tips, check out Alex Lyon’s video here

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What are Rhetorical Questions? A Deep Dive into Their Meaning and Significance. This article provides readers with a comprehensive toolkit for creating questions that resonate with an audience, leaving a lasting impact and influencing their perception.

Rhetorical questions are like special questions in how we talk and write. They don’t need answers, but they make you think or underline a point. You see them a lot in everyday talk, big speeches, ads, and in books. They’re like bridges that connect the person talking or writing with the people listening.

So, what are rhetorical questions? Why are they important? Well, they’re everywhere, so that shows they matter. They help share ideas, whether you’re talking to a big audience or just chatting with friends.

Rhetorical questions are like tools for talking and writing. They make sure people really understand the message. They’re not just for one kind of talk; you can use them in school, at work, or in regular conversations.

Rhetorical questions are like magic because they make you think. They get your brain going and help you understand things better. So, next time you hear one, know it’s not just a question – it’s a way to keep our conversations and thoughts moving.

Table of Contents

What are rhetorical questions and their characteristics?

What are rhetorical questions? Rhetorical questions are like a special type of question. Unlike regular questions that expect answers, rhetorical questions are more like statements in disguise. They’re here to get you thinking, not to hear your response. These questions don’t follow the typical question rules; instead, they’re like a secret weapon for writers and speakers to pack a punch with their ideas.

Rhetorical questions have some special features that make them stand out. They’re like little brain teasers, making you ponder and sparking your thoughts. They often use fancy language tricks like metaphors, exaggeration, or wordplay to make a big impact. For example, when someone asks, “Is the sky blue?” to point out the obvious, they’re using a rhetorical question.

History and origin: What are rhetorical questions?

Rhetorical questions have been around for ages, all the way back to ancient Greece. In those days, people really admired the skill of convincing and public speaking. Wise folks like Aristotle and Plato, famous Greek philosophers, used rhetorical questions in their talks. These questions helped them catch the attention of their listeners and make their arguments strong.

But rhetorical questions didn’t stop there. They found their way into all sorts of communication. They were used in religious sermons, political speeches, and even in the writings of famous authors like William Shakespeare. The fact that they’ve been around for so long shows just how powerful and persuasive they can be.

What are the rhetorical questions’ variations and forms?

Rhetorical questions come in all sorts of variations and forms. They can be sly or right out in the open, serious or funny, and sometimes they really make you think. What are rhetorical questions? Here are a few common types:

1. Hypophora:

2. rhetorical exclamatory questions:, 3. rhetorical tag questions:.

This is when a question is asked, and then the answer is given right away. It’s like a question and a follow-up response all in one. For example, “How can we overcome adversity? The answer lies in our resilience and determination.”

These questions are a mix of rhetorical questions and exclamations. They often express strong feelings or amazement. For instance, “Could you believe the incredible beauty of the sunset?”

These questions are used to seek agreement or confirmation, but the person asking them doesn’t expect a direct answer. For example, “It’s a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

These different flavors of rhetorical questions give communicators a whole toolbox to work with. They help connect with the audience in various ways, making communication more effective and engaging.

What are rhetorical questions’ functions?

Rhetorical questions play a unique role in our conversations and writing. By understanding their role, you can become a more effective communicator in a wide range of contexts. What are rhetorical questions? Here are the various functions of rhetorical questions:

  • Engaging the audience:
  • Stating a point:
  • Challenging assumptions:
  • Creating a sense of agreement:
  • Capturing attention:
  • Aiding recall:
  • Stirring emotions:
  • Enhancing engagement:
  • Repetition:
  • Antithesis:

A. Persuasion and argumentation

Rhetorical questions serve as powerful tools for persuasion and argumentation. When used strategically, they can influence the beliefs, opinions, and decisions of an audience. Here’s how:

1. Engaging the audience:

Rhetorical questions invite the audience to actively think about a topic. For example, “Can we afford to ignore the urgent need for change?” This question prompts the audience to consider the consequences of inaction, making them more receptive to the speaker’s viewpoint.

2. Stating a point:

Rhetorical questions can be a subtle way to make a point without coming across as confrontational. For instance, “Is it wise to continue down this unsustainable path?” The question implies that the current path is unwise, without directly stating it.

3. Challenging assumptions:

By posing rhetorical questions, speakers or writers can challenge the audience’s assumptions. For example, “Are we really as secure as we believe?” This question prompts the audience to reevaluate their sense of security, opening them to a new perspective.

4. Creating a sense of agreement:

Rhetorical questions can be used to seek agreement from the audience. When a speaker asks, “Don’t we all want a better future?” They are rallying the audience around a shared ideal.

In persuasive contexts, rhetorical questions can sway opinions, inspire action, and strengthen arguments.  They do this by encouraging the audience to see things from the speaker’s viewpoint.

B. Emphasis and engagement

Rhetorical questions are masters of emphasis and engagement, often used to grab attention and hold it. Here’s how they achieve this:

1. Capturing attention:

Rhetorical questions pique the audience’s interest. They disrupt the ordinary flow of information and encourage the audience to focus on the question, preparing them for what comes next.

2. Aiding recall:

Because rhetorical questions prompt the audience to think actively, the information presented following the question is more likely to be remembered. This aids in the retention of key messages.

3. Stirring emotions:

Rhetorical questions can evoke strong emotional responses. They can make the audience feel a sense of urgency, wonder, or empathy. For example, “What if you had the power to change someone’s life?” This question tugs at the heartstrings, creating an emotional connection.

4. Enhancing engagement:

Rhetorical questions engage the audience as active participants in the communication process. This is especially valuable in education, encouraging critical thinking and participation.

In sum, rhetorical questions are essential for holding the audience’s attention. They evoke emotions and emphasize key points, making them a valuable tool in various forms of communication.

C. Rhetorical devices and figures of speech

What are rhetorical questions? Rhetorical questions are intertwined with various rhetorical devices and figures of speech. These devices add depth and artistry to the use of rhetorical questions. Let’s explore a few key examples:

1. Metaphor:

Rhetorical questions often employ metaphors to convey complex ideas. “Is life but a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of time?” This question uses the metaphor of life as a moment and time as a tapestry to provoke contemplation.

2. Repetition:

Repeated rhetorical questions can have a powerful effect. “Can we change? Can we improve? Can we make a difference?” This repetition reinforces the message and emphasizes the importance of change.

3. Antithesis:

Antithesis involves presenting contrasting ideas. Rhetorical questions can be used to set up antithesis, like, “Do we choose to stand still, or do we dare to move forward?” This contrast encourages the audience to consider both sides of the argument.

4. Hyperbole:

Rhetorical questions sometimes employ exaggeration for effect. “Could that be any more obvious?” This hyperbolic question makes a point by emphasizing the blatant nature of the situation.

Examples: What are rhetorical questions?

You might be wondering, “What are these rhetorical questions all about?” Well, they’re questions that don’t need real answers. They’re used to make a point or get you thinking. Let’s see how they work in real life, from famous speeches to everyday talk.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech:
  • Shakespeare’s Hamlet:
  • Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech:
  • When expressing surprise:
  • When offering compliments:
  • When seeking agreement:
  • In parenting:
  • Bounty Paper Towels:

A. From famous speeches and literature

Rhetorical questions have made their mark in famous speeches and literature throughout history. Here, we explore how renowned figures have harnessed the power of rhetorical questions to engage, persuade, and inspire:

1. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech:

In his 1963 speech, Dr. King asked rhetorical questions challenging the status quo and envisioning a fairer society.” Is the American dream an elusive fantasy for some and a harsh reality for others?” These questions highlighted African-American injustices and envisioned a more inclusive future.

2. Shakespeare’s Hamlet:

Shakespeare often used rhetorical questions to explore his characters’ inner thoughts. In “Hamlet,” the titular character muses, “To be or not to be, that is the question.” This profound question encapsulates Hamlet’s contemplation of life, death, and the human condition.

3. Patrick Henry’s “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” Speech:

Delivered in 1775, Henry’s speech was a rallying cry for American independence. He asked, “Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery?” These questions challenged the audience to consider the true cost of submission to British rule.

B. In everyday conversation

Rhetorical questions aren’t just for fancy speeches. We use them in everyday talk to show surprise, give compliments, ask for agreement, or teach.

1. When expressing surprise:

“Could it be any colder today?” This question shows we’re shocked by the freezing weather.

2. When offering compliments:

“Is there anything you can’t do?” This is a way of saying someone is super talented.

3. When seeking agreement:

“Don’t we all want a better life?” This question brings people together by talking about shared goals.

4. In parenting:

Parents use rhetorical questions to teach. “What happens when you don’t finish your homework on time?” It makes kids think about the consequences.

C. In advertising and marketing

Have you ever seen a catchy ad or slogan that made you think? Well, that’s the magic of rhetorical questions in marketing.

Nike’s famous slogan, “Just do it,” is a rhetorical question. It challenges consumers to question their own hesitations and inspires them to take action.

“Think Different.” This tagline poses a rhetorical question, prompting consumers to ponder the benefits of Apple products. It also encourages them to think about individuality and creativity.

3. Bounty Paper Towels:

“Why use ordinary paper towels when you can have the quicker picker-upper?” This question emphasizes Bounty’s paper towels’ benefits, making consumers ponder their superior qualities.

These questions make us curious and get us thinking about the product.

The psychology of rhetorical questions

What are rhetorical questions? Ever wonder why these questions grab our attention? It’s because they work with how our brains think. Let’s explore why they’re so powerful.

  • Engaging critical thinking:
  • Highlighting key points:
  • Retaining information:
  • Guiding the audience:
  • Creating empathy:
  • Eliciting emotional responses:
  • Fostering engagement:
  • Encouraging critical thinking:
  • Stimulating class participation:
  • Enhancing memory:
  • Improving communication:

A. Cognitive processes and impact on the audience

Rhetorical questions are not just linguistic tools; they have a profound impact on the way our minds work. Let’s learn cognitive processes and how rhetorical questions influence the audience’s thinking:

1. Engaging critical thinking:

Rhetorical questions make us think. When we hear one, our brains look for answers, which helps us think critically.

2. Highlighting key points:

These questions point out important stuff. For example, “What are the consequences of climate change?” makes us focus on how serious climate change is.

3. Retaining information:

When we hear a rhetorical question, we remember the info that comes after it better. This is useful for learning new things.

4. Guiding the audience:

Rhetorical questions guide our thoughts. For instance, “Can we afford to ignore the urgent need for change?” helps us think about how important it is to make a change.

B. Emotional appeal and connection

Rhetorical questions can evoke emotions and establish connections with the audience. Here’s how they accomplish this:

1. Creating empathy:

Rhetorical questions get us involved in the conversation. For example, “Have you ever experienced the feeling of loss?” makes us feel the speaker understands us.

2. Eliciting emotional responses:

By their very nature, rhetorical questions can prompt strong emotional reactions. They can be used to spark feelings of empathy, sadness, wonder, or even anger.  However, it depends on the context and content of the question.

3. Fostering engagement:

Rhetorical questions don’t just make us think. They also make us feel. This gets us more interested in the message, and we’re more likely to remember it.

C. Rhetorical questions in education and learning

Rhetorical questions aren’t just for speeches and ads. They’re also used in classrooms to help students learn better.

1. Encouraging critical thinking:

Teachers use rhetorical questions to make students think and analyze things. For example, “What do you think will happen if we change this variable in the experiment?”

2. Stimulating class participation:

Rhetorical questions can make learning fun. When a teacher asks one, it gets students talking and learning together.

3. Enhancing memory:

Rhetorical questions help us remember stuff. This is super helpful for students because they can remember what they learn.

4. Improving communication:

Learning how to use rhetorical questions helps students talk and write better. It’s not just for school; it helps in other parts of life, too!

The psychology behind rhetorical questions shows us how they make us think, feel, and learn in different ways. Whether it’s a big speech, a classroom, or an ad, these questions make a big impact.

Common misconceptions: What are rhetorical questions?

There are some things people get mixed up about rhetorical questions. Let’s clear these up so you can understand them better.

  • Response expectation:
  • Interrogative structure:
  • Loss of impact:
  • Insincerity:
  • Context matters:
  • Cultural differences:
  • Linguistic nuances:
  • Translation challenges:

A. Rhetorical questions vs. literal questions

People sometimes mix up rhetorical questions with regular ones. Let’s see how they’re different:

1. Purpose:

Regular questions are meant to get answers. Rhetorical questions aren’t looking for answers; they’re making a point or getting us thinking.

2. Response expectation:

When someone asks a regular question like “What time is it?” They want a real answer, like “It’s 3:30.” But with a rhetorical question like “Is this the best you can do?” they don’t want an answer; they’re showing something could be better.

3. Interrogative structure:

Regular questions follow the usual rules, like using question words (who, what, where, when, why). Rhetorical questions often break those rules.

Understanding this difference helps us communicate better. Mixing up rhetorical questions with real ones can cause confusion.

B. Effectiveness and overuse

Rhetorical questions are great, but they lose their power if we use them too much.

1. Loss of impact:

When we use these questions too often, they become less exciting. Imagine if a whole speech was just one question after another. It would get boring, right?

2. Insincerity:

If we use too many rhetorical questions, it might seem like we’re not being honest or we’re trying to trick someone. We don’t want that!

3. Context matters:

Rhetorical questions work best when they fit the situation. In some cases, a simple statement might be better than a question. We should use these questions thoughtfully.

C. Cultural and linguistic variations

The use and understanding of rhetorical questions can vary across cultures and languages. It’s important to recognize this. Common misconceptions in this regard include:

1. Cultural differences:

What is considered persuasive or engaging in one culture might not be so in another? The way rhetorical questions are received and their cultural appropriateness can vary significantly.

2. Linguistic nuances:

Different languages may have their own nuances when it comes to rhetorical questions. Some languages use it more, while others prefer direct expression.

3. Translation challenges:

Translating unanswerable questions between languages can be challenging. This happens because the question might not have the same effect in another language due to language and cultural differences.

It’s important to understand and respect these differences. In a world where we communicate with many cultures and languages, it’s a reminder that good communication is about more than just words. You need to get the culture and language context right to communicate well.

How to use rhetorical questions effectively?

What are rhetorical questions? Are you looking to employ rhetorical questions to enhance your communication skills? In this section, we’ll provide practical guidance on using rhetorical questions effectively.

  • Know your purpose:
  • Clarity and simplicity:
  • Consider your audience:
  • Use varied forms:
  • Timing matters:
  • Visual and auditory impact:
  • Prior knowledge:
  • Interests and values:
  • Age and education level:
  • Cultural sensitivity:
  • Metaphor and Simile:
  • Parallelism:

A. Tips for writers and speakers

Follow these tips for writers and speakers to wield rhetorical questions effectively.

1. Know your purpose:

Clearly define the purpose of your rhetorical question. Are you aiming to engage, persuade, or emphasize a point? Your intent should guide the crafting of the question.

2. Clarity and simplicity:

Keep your rhetorical questions clear and simple. Complex questions can confuse the audience and dilute the impact. Choose words and structures that are easily understood.

3. Consider your audience:

Tailor your questions to your audience’s knowledge, interests, and expectations. Avoid questions that might alienate or confuse them.

4. Use varied forms:

Experiment with different forms of rhetorical questions. Consider hypophora (posing a question and then answering it), rhetorical tag questions (inviting agreement), and exclamatory questions (conveying strong emotions).

5. Timing matters:

Think about the timing of your rhetorical questions. Place them strategically within your speech or text to maximize their effect. A well-timed question can captivate the audience’s attention.

6. Visual and auditory impact:

Use vocal and physical cues to accentuate your rhetorical questions. Adjust your tone, volume, and body language to draw attention to the question.

B. Tailoring rhetorical questions to the audience

Adapting your rhetorical questions is crucial for effective communication. Here’s how to do it:

1. Prior knowledge:

Consider what your audience already knows about the topic. Align questions with your audience’s understanding and guide them to more complex ideas.

2. Interests and values:

Reflect on the interests and values of your audience. Craft questions that resonate with their concerns and priorities. This demonstrates that you understand and empathize with their perspective.

3. Age and education level:

Adjust question complexity based on your audience’s age and education. Use straightforward language for a general audience and intricate questions for experts.

4. Cultural sensitivity:

Be aware of cultural nuances. Certain cultural contexts may require more sensitivity in topic and question choice.. Respect and adapt to these variations.

C. Balancing rhetorical questions with other rhetorical techniques

Rhetorical questions, when combined with other techniques, boost their persuasive power.

1. Anaphora:

Anaphora repeats a word or phrase at the start of sentences. Combining rhetorical questions with anaphora can create a rhythmic and persuasive effect. For instance, “What can we do? What can we change? What can we achieve?”

2. Metaphor and Simile:

Use metaphors and similes alongside rhetorical questions to illustrate your point. For example, “Just as a ship needs a strong captain, do we not need a strong leader in our journey forward?”

3. Parallelism:

Employ parallel sentence structures with rhetorical questions for symmetry and impact. “Are we ready to act? Are we ready to commit? Are we ready to make a difference?”

4. Allusion:

Balancing rhetorical questions with other techniques creates a well-rounded, persuasive message. Each technique enhances engagement and impact, making your message more effective.

Ethical considerations: What are rhetorical questions?

While rhetorical questions can be a valuable tool for communication, there are ethical considerations to keep in mind. Not all situations are suitable for their use, and understanding these considerations is crucial to using rhetorical questions responsibly.

  • Transparency:
  • Balanced presentation:
  • Respect for diverse perspectives:
  • Fact-checking:
  • Personal integrity:
  • Honesty in intention:
  • Ethical boundaries:
  • Advertising and marketing:
  • Public speaking and politics:
  • Media and journalism:

A. Avoiding manipulation and deceit

In rhetoric and persuasion, using rhetorical questions effectively balances impact and manipulation. Here’s how to avoid crossing that line:

1. Transparency:

Be transparent about your intentions when using rhetorical questions. If your question is meant to persuade, inform your audience of your perspective. Avoid posing questions solely to manipulate their emotions or opinions.

2. Balanced presentation:

Present a balanced view of the topic at hand. Also, avoid simplifying complex topics with rhetorical questions. Moreover, you should not manipulate the narrative to serve your agenda.

3. Respect for diverse perspectives:

Acknowledge that there may be multiple valid viewpoints on a subject. Avoid using rhetorical questions to belittle or dismiss opposing opinions. Foster respectful and open dialogue instead.

4. Fact-checking:

Make sure your rhetorical questions rely on accurate info. Misrepresenting facts or using false premises can lead to deceit.

B. Maintaining authenticity and honesty

Authenticity and honesty should underpin the use of rhetorical questions:

1. Personal integrity:

Use rhetorical questions that align with your values and beliefs. Avoid employing questions that compromise your personal integrity or authenticity.

2. Honesty in intention:

Reflect on the actual purpose of your rhetorical questions. Do they provoke real thought or just deceive? Ensure your intent is honest.

3. Ethical boundaries:

Recognize the ethical boundaries in various contexts. Consider consequences and prioritize honesty and authenticity in interactions.

C. Ethical guidelines for using rhetorical questions in various contexts

Different contexts may require different ethical considerations when using rhetorical questions:

1. Education:

In educational settings, rhetorical questions can be used to stimulate critical thinking. However, educators must ask unbiased questions. These questions should encourage open discussion, not impose a specific viewpoint.

2. Advertising and marketing:

Ethical advertising and marketing aim to inform and persuade consumers honestly. Rhetorical questions engage but should not deceive. Adhering to advertising standards and being transparent about product claims is essential.

3. Public speaking and politics:

In public discourse, rhetorical questions often appear in speeches and politics. Public figures should use them sincerely, avoiding deception or emotional exploitation.

4. Media and journalism:

Journalists must use rhetorical questions responsibly in news reporting. These questions should make readers think but not manipulate the news.

No matter where you use them, you need to be ethical. Ethical use of rhetorical questions involves open, honest, and respectful discussions.

Following these ethical guidelines allows communicators to use rhetorical questions while maintaining integrity.

Whether you’re a student learning rhetoric or a professional enhancing persuasive skills, understanding ‘what is a rhetorical question’ boosts your language and discourse proficiency.

These questions influence, engage, evoke emotions, encourage critical thinking, and simplify complex ideas. Mastering rhetorical questions shape narratives, inspires action, and leaves a lasting impact.

Study famous speeches, literature, or ads to see how they use rhetorical questions. Practice crafting your own, adapting them to contexts and audiences, and refine your technique.

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George Torok

  • Insights & Ideas

Use Rhetorical Questions in Your Presentation

George Torok August 21, 2020 Communication skills , Insights , Presentation Tips , Public Speaking Leave a Comment

Why should you use rhetorical questions in your presentation?

Use rhetorical questions during your presentation to better engage your audience. This technique is simple and powerful. It’s surprising that more speakers don’t make better use of this technique.

This works especially well, when delivering detailed technical information. That means this is an effective technique for engineers, scientists, economists, IT experts, and other technical specialists.

This technique is useful when you want to persuade your audience to act accordingly because you use the questions to address their concerns and direct them in the desired direction.

How it works

1  When you ask a question, it grabs the attention of your audience. We are programmed to respond to questions. On the other hand, we tend to ignore statement followed by more statements.

2 Your listeners might already be thinking that question. When they the question, they will feel that you understand them and listen closely to your answer.

3 Posing a rhetorical question before you give important information builds anticipation for the information. That means they are more likely to listen and appreciate the information.

4 Asking a question makes your voice more interesting because you will naturally inflect your voice while asking the question. This is the simplest way to include vocal variety in your presentation.

5 This technique can be your secret weapon when you forget what comes next. You pose the question out loud to help get your brain back on track.

  • What might you say?
  • What’s the next step?
  • What are the benefits for you?
  • What is our schedule for implementation?
  • What have customers said about this program?
  • How will this change effect you?

Sprinkle rhetorical questions throughout your presentation to recapture your listeners’ attention, sound more interesting and make it feel more like a conversation.

rhetorical question in your presentation

How will you start making better use of this technique in your presentations?

PS: Here are more examples of rhetorical questions to use when speaking:

  • Why is this important now?
  • What does this mean to you?
  • How will you benefit?
  • What are the strengths of this plan?
  • How will this help you?
  • How can you participate?
  • When are the key dates?
  • What are the key steps?
  • What’s most important now?

PPS: When you think of more rhetorical questions to use in your presentation – add them in the comments…

Use rhetorical questions in your presentation for greater impact

Poor presentation creates stress, wastes time and loses money. George Torok, President of Superior Presentations, helps presenters deliver the intended message for greater success. You can arrange for individual coaching or team training – online or onsite.

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March 14, 2023

Engage the Audience: Making Rhetorical Questions Work

presentation techniques rhetorical question

Perhaps the most common use of 'rhetorical' today is found in conjunction with 'question.' A rhetorical question is not a question about the art of speaking effectively; it is a question that is asked for effect, rather than from a desire to know the answer. 'Would it kill you to stop chewing your food with your mouth open?' is a rhetorical question. – from

Why use a rhetorical question when you present?

Of course, there's the dramatic or comedic punch it can bring. But in many business presentations, this technique is a simple yet effective way to get the audience involved.

No, you don't expect them to shout out the answer. But when you ask before providing the information, you're prodding your audience to think. And if the answer you ultimately provide is different from theirs, you might be prodding them to think even more.

While asking a question can be a good idea, the quality of the question matters. And that's a challenge sometimes for speakers we're coaching. The first question they think of might not be the one that helps them reach their goal.

Here are a few tips for getting better rhetorical questions out there in your next presentation:

Try using an open-ended question.

An open-ended question invites any number of answers. A closed-ended yes-or-no question can stop that flow of thought. For example, instead of asking, "Have you ever wanted to buy your own home?" you might reframe that as an open-ended question: "What would happen if you owned your home instead of renting?"

With the first question, some in your audience might answer no. If they do, they're essentially done with your topic. They've opted out.

The second question invites consideration, even if owning a home isn't on a person's list of immediate goals. They might imagine more weekend lawn mowing or less money for shoes, but at least they're considering your topic.

Of course, some closed-ended questions can provoke thought. Educator Peter Worley calls these grammatically closed but conceptually open questions. 

For example, asking "Should we do more to support Ukraine?" or "Is it ever right to lie?" isn’t going to shut down consideration or discussion. And you, of course, can use that question as a springboard to introduce a challenging issue.

Push past questions with obvious answers.

Who here wants to make more money? This is a question we hear a lot in sales presentations.

Its purpose is to appeal to audience interest. While we applaud the motive, we're not so sure you're quite getting there. The answer is too obvious. And for the skeptics in the room, it invites a cynical "not me." 

Go with a shorter question.

We are always touting the virtues of short sentences for speeches. When using a quote, we urge you to keep that short, too. Rhetorical questions tend to work better when they’re short.

For example, instead of asking:

With climate change bringing more flooding, increased severe weather, and rising temperatures, how can architects use design to mitigate these impacts and at the same time reduce our impact on the environment and help reverse global warming?

Make it simple with something like:

How can design help us cope with climate change?

Or if you want to keep more of the original text, try two questions:

How can design help us cope with climate change? What role can we as architects play in reversing global warming?

Pause after you ask.

No matter how you wind up structuring your rhetorical question, pause after you pose it.

So the audience has a moment to think of their own answers before you deliver yours. Remember, one the advantages to asking is that you are engaging the audience, changing the dynamic, asking them to generate ideas not just passively receive your information. If you'll pause, you get the most out of the opportunity.

Learn more:

For more on the ins and outs of getting an audience involved , take a look at this . 

For more of our thoughts on how to make the most of rhetorical questions , go here .

Using questions to facilitate a discussion ? Here's how that’s a little different and what you can do . 

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Articles tagged: rhetorical question

How to use rhetorical questions in your speech.

A rhetorical question is a common rhetorical device where a question is asked by a speaker, but no answer is expected from the audience . This distinguishes it from explicit verbal audience interaction where a speaker asks a question, and then waits for a response or calls on someone to answer it.

You are certainly aware of this technique, but are you aware that you can use a rhetorical question in at least nine different ways ? No? Read on!

This article identifies nine ways to use rhetorical questions, and provides examples throughout.

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Rhetorical Questions Definition: 3 Types and Examples

Most often than not, an answer is usually regarded as the complementary part of a question, and both are generally said to go hand-in-hand.

Rhetorical Question Definition | Meaning

A rhetorical question, also known as erotema, interrogatio, or even erotesis, is a question that is asked without the intention of getting an answer. Instead, a rhetorical question is asked to emphasize a point by a speaker or writer.

More so, since a rhetorical question doesn’t necessarily require an answer, they are most often used as a way of evoking thoughts and understanding from the reader or listener.

Although the definition of a rhetorical question is always the same, rhetorical questions usually take different approaches to achieve its goal on the listener or reader.

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For instance, some rhetorical questions have an obvious answer, and in such a situation, they are used as a tool to emphasize how glaring the answer to a question is. Here is a good example.

If Jane asked Julie “ Do you enjoy working from home?”  and Julie definitely enjoys working from home, she might respond by saying  “Is the sky blue?”

“Want to order ice cream?”  Rather than respond by saying, “ yeah ,” you may ask a rhetorical question,  “Sure, why not?”  Imagine if the next person responds by trying to explain why you shouldn’t order ice cream, you might suspect that they didn’t get your point from your answer, which was a rhetorical question.

Common Examples of Rhetorical Questions 


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3 Types Of Rhetorical Questions

There are various types of rhetorical questions, and each type is used specifically to evoke a unique kind of thought to the listener or reader. Here are some common types of rhetorical questions

1. Anthypophora or Hypophora 

According to the Dictionary of Poetic Terms (2003), Jack Myers and Don Charles Wukasch classify anthypophora as a “figure of argumentation whereby the speaker acts as his foil by arguing with himself.”

“You ask, what is our policy? I will say it is to wage war, by sea, land, and air, with all our might and all the strength that God can give us; to wage war against a monstrous tyranny, never surpassed in the dark, lamentable catalogue of human crime. That is our policy. You ask, what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory. Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; victory, however long and hard the road may be, for, without victory, there is no survival.” 

Winston Churchill

“This is our first task, caring for our children. It’s our first job. If we don’t get that right, we don’t get anything right. That’s how, as a society, we will be judged. And by that measure, can we truly say, as a nation, that we’re meeting our obligations? Can we honestly say that we’re doing enough to keep our children, all of them, safe from harm? Can we claim, as a nation, that we’re all together there, letting them know they are loved and teaching them to love in return? Can we say that we’re truly doing enough to give all the children of this country the chance they deserve to live out their lives in happiness and with purpose? I’ve been reflecting on this the last few days, and if we’re honest with ourselves, the answer’s no. We’re not doing enough. And we will have to change.”

2. Erotesis

Erotesis, which is also known as erotema, eperotesis and interrogation is another type of rhetorical question that conveys a strong or passionate affirmation or denial.

Etymology Erotesis is From a Greek word, and it depicts an act of “questioning.”

“Another thing that disturbs me about the American church is that you have a white church and a Negro church. How can segregation exist in the true Body of Christ?” 
“Was I an Irishman on that day that I boldly withstood our pride? or on the day that I hung down my head and wept in shame and silence over the humiliation of Great Britain?”

Edmund Burke, Speech to the Electors of Bristol, September 6, 1780

3. Epiplexis or Epitimesis

Epiplexis is derived from the Greek word which portrays “a rebuke or to strike at”

“Are we children of a lesser God? Is an Israeli teardrop worth more than a drop of Lebanese blood?”
“You think what I do is playing God, but you presume you know what God wants. Do you think that’s not playing God?”

Why Do Writers and Speakers Use Rhetorical Questions?

Benefits of using rhetorical questions, examples of rhetorical questions in different instances.

A rhetorical question is one of the best and easiest ways to carry your audience along in your speech. By so doing, you virtually create the environment for them to speak, but instead of speaking out to the hearing of everyone, each person speaks or conceive some thoughts within their mind.

Below are some notable and ageless rhetorical questions in different situations; famous speeches, literature, and even in our everyday life and activities at home, school, office, and just anywhere you can think of.

Rhetorical Questions in Famous Speeches

“Can anyone look at the record of this Administration and say, “Well done”? Can anyone compare the state of our economy when the Carter Administration took office with where we are today and say, “Keep up the good work”? Can anyone look at our reduced standing in the world today and say, “Let’s have four more years of this”?

-Jimmy Carter-

“Look at me! Look at my arm! I have ploughed and planted and gathered into barns, and no man could head me! And ain’t I a woman? I could work as much and eat as much as a man – when I could get it – and bear the lash as well! And ain’t I a woman? I have borne thirteen children and seen most all sold off to slavery, and when I cried out with my mother’s grief, none but Jesus heard me! And ain’t I a woman?”
“Are we a nation that tolerates the hypocrisy of a system where workers who pick our fruit and make our beds never have a chance to get right with the law? Are we a nation that accepts the cruelty of ripping children from their parents’ arms? Or are we a nation that values families, and works to keep them together?”

Rhetorical Questions in Literatures

Prolific writers have a way of prompting further reflection and thinking from their readers, and they achieve this through the use of rhetorical questions. 

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

-William Shakespeare-

“…O Wind, if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?”
“What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore and then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over like a syrupy sweet?”
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet!”

Examples of Rhetorical Questions in Everyday Life

When in a conversation with someone or a group of people, making your point using a rhetorical question is more striking and drives more meaning than making a mere flat statement. 

Here are some rhetorical questions in everyday life conversations. Sure, you’ll find some you’ve used in the past or just recently even without knowing.

Maybe during a conversation with your wife, she pops the unexpected question – if you love her. You may say,  “Is the pope Catholic?”  With this rhetoric, you have given her more than just an answer that you love her, just as it is a glaring fact that the leader of the Catholic should be a Catholic.

Rhetorical questions are questions that do not necessarily require an answer from the listener or audience. They are used to emphasize points and major ideas in a speech or conversation.

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Rhetorical Question

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Rhetorical Question Definition

What is a rhetorical question? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

A rhetorical question is a figure of speech in which a question is asked for a reason other than to get an answer—most commonly, it's asked to make a persuasive point. For example, if a person asks, "How many times do I have to tell you not to eat my dessert?" he or she does not want to know the exact number of times the request will need to be repeated. Rather, the speaker's goal is to emphasize his or her growing frustration and—ideally—change the dessert-thief's behavior.

Some additional key details about rhetorical questions:

  • Rhetorical questions are also sometimes called erotema.
  • Rhetorical questions are a type of figurative language —they are questions that have another layer of meaning on top of their literal meaning.
  • Because rhetorical questions challenge the listener, raise doubt, and help emphasize ideas, they appear often in songs and speeches, as well as in literature.

How to Pronounce Rhetorical Question

Here's how to pronounce rhetorical question: reh- tor -ih-kuhl kwes -chun

Rhetorical Questions and Punctuation

A question is rhetorical if and only if its goal is to produce an effect on the listener, rather than to obtain information. In other words, a rhetorical question is not what we might call a "true" question in search of an answer. For this reason, many sources argue that rhetorical questions do not need to end in a traditional question mark. In the late 1500's, English printer Henry Denham actually designed a special question mark for rhetorical questions, which he referred to as a "percontation point." It looked like this: ⸮ (Here's a wikipedia article about Denham's percontation point and other forms of "irony punctuation.")

Though the percontation point has fallen out of use, modern writers do sometimes substitute a traditional question mark with a period or exclamation point after a rhetorical question. There is a lively debate as to whether this alternative punctuation is grammatically correct. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • In general, rhetorical questions do require a question mark.
  • When a question is a request in disguise, you may use a period. For instance, it is ok to write: "Will you please turn your attention to the speaker." or "Can you please go to the back of the line."
  • When a question is an exclamation in disguise, you may use an exclamation point. For instance, it is okay to write: "Were they ever surprised!"
  • When asking a question emotionally, you may use an exclamation point. For instance, " Who could blame him!" and "How do you know that!" are both correct.

Rhetorical Questions vs. Hypophora

Rhetorical questions are easy to confuse with hypophora , a similar but fundamentally different figure of speech in which a speaker poses a question and then immediately answers it. Hypophora is frequently used in persuasive speaking because the speaker can pose and answer a question that the audience is likely to be wondering about, thereby making the thought processes of the speaker and the audience seem more aligned. For example, here is an example of hypophora used in a speech by Dwight Eisenhower:

When the enemy struck on that June day of 1950, what did America do? It did what it always has done in all its times of peril. It appealed to the heroism of its youth.

While Eisenhower asked this question without expecting an answer from his audience, this is an example of hypophora because he answered his own question. In a rhetorical question, by contrast, the answer would be implied in the question—to pose a rhetorical question, Eisenhower might have said instead, "When the enemy struck, who in their right mind would have done nothing to retaliate?"

Rhetorical Questions vs. Aporia

Rhetorical questions are also related to a figure of speech called aporia . Aporia is an expression of doubt that may be real, or which may be feigned for rhetorical effect. These expressions of doubt may or may not be made through the form of a question. When they are made through the form of a question, those questions are sometimes rhetorical.

Aporia and Rhetorical Questions

When someone is pretending doubt for rhetorical effect, and uses a question as part of that expression of doubt, then the question is rhetorical. For example, consider this quotation from an oration by the ancient Greek orator Demosthenes:

I am at no loss for information about you and your family; but I am at a loss where to begin. Shall I relate how your father Tromes was a slave in the house of Elpias, who kept an elementary school near the Temple of Theseus, and how he wore shackles on his legs and a timber collar round his neck? Or how your mother practised daylight nuptials in an outhouse next door to Heros the bone-setter, and so brought you up to act in tableaux vivants and to excel in minor parts on the stage?

The questions Demosthenes poses are examples of both aporia and rhetorical question, because Demosthenes is feigning doubt (by posing rhetorical questions) in order to cast insulting aspersions on the character of the person he's addressing.

Aporia Without Rhetorical Questions

If the expression of doubt is earnest, however, then the question is not rhetorical. An example of aporia that is not also a rhetorical question comes from the most famous excerpt of Shakespeare's Hamlet:

To be or not to be—that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?

While Hamlet asks this question without expecting an answer (he's alone when he asks it), he's not asking in order to persuade or make a point. It's a legitimate expression of doubt, which leads Hamlet into a philosophical debate about whether one should face the expected miseries of life or kill oneself and face the possible unknown terrors of death. It's therefore not a rhetorical question, because Hamlet asks the question as an opening to actually seek an answer to the question he is obsessing over.

Rhetorical Question Examples

Rhetorical question examples in literature.

Rhetorical questions are particularly common in plays, appearing frequently in both spoken dialogue between characters, and in monologues or soliloquies, where they allow the playwright to reveal a character's inner life.

Rhetorical Questions in Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice :

In his speech from Act 3, Scene 1 of Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice , Shylock uses rhetorical questions to point out the indisputable similarities between Jews and Christians, in such a way that any listener would find him impossible to contradict:

I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? if you tickle us, do we not laugh? if you poison us, do we not die? and if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility? Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by Christian example? Why, revenge. The villainy you teach me, I will execute, and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.

Rhetorical questions in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet :

In this soliloquy from Act 2, Scene 2 of Romeo and Juliet , Juliet poses a series of rhetorical questions as she struggles to grasp the difficult truth—that her beloved Romeo is a member of the Montague family:

Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What's Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What's in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call'd Retain that dear perfection which he owes Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name, And for that name which is no part of thee Take all myself.

Rhetorical Question Examples in Political Speeches

Rhetorical questions often "challenge" the listener to contradict what the speaker is saying. If the speaker frames the rhetorical question well, it gives the impression that his or her view is true and that it would be foolish, or even impossible, to contradict the speaker's argument. In other words, rhetorical questions are great for speeches.

Rhetorical Questions in Ronald Reagan's 1980 Republican National Convention Acceptance Address:

In this speech, Reagan uses a series of rhetorical questions—referred to as "stacked" rhetorical questions—to criticize the presidency of his predecessor and running opponent, Jimmy Carter:

Can anyone look at the record of this Administration and say, "Well done"? Can anyone compare the state of our economy when the Carter Administration took office with where we are today and say, "Keep up the good work"? Can anyone look at our reduced standing in the world today say, "Let's have four more years of this"?

Rhetorical Questions in Hillary Clinton's 2016 Democratic National Convention Speech:

In this portion of her speech, Clinton argues that her opponent Donald Trump is not temperamentally fit to become president:

A president should respect the men and women who risk their lives to serve our country—including Captain Khan and the sons of Tim Kaine and Mike Pence, both Marines. So just ask yourself: Do you really think Donald Trump has the temperament to be commander-in-chief?

Rhetorical Question Examples in Song Lyrics

Love has left even the best musicians of our time feeling lost, searching for meaning, and—as you might expect—full of rhetorical questions. Musicians such as Tina Turner, Jean Knight, and Stevie Wonder have all released hits structured around rhetorical questions, which allow them to powerfully express the joy, the pain, and the mystery of L-O-V-E.

Rhetorical Questions in "What's Love Got to do with It" by Tina Turner

What's love got to do, got to do with it What's love but a second hand emotion What's love got to do, got to do with it Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken

Rhetorical Questions in "Mr. Big Stuff" by Jean Knight

Now because you wear all those fancy clothes (oh yeah) And have a big fine car, oh yes you do now Do you think I can afford to give you my love (oh yeah) You think you're higher than every star above

Mr. Big Stuff Who do you think you are Mr. Big Stuff You're never gonna get my love

Rhetorical Questions in "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder

Isn't she lovely Isn't she wonderful Isn't she precious Less than one minute old I never thought through love we'd be Making one as lovely as she But isn't she lovely made from love

Stevie Wonder wrote "Isn't She Lovely" to celebrate the birth of his daughter, Aisha. The title is a perfect example of a rhetorical question, because Wonder isn't seeking a second opinion here. Instead, the question is meant to convey the love and amazement he feels towards his daughter.

Why Do Writers Use Rhetorical Questions?

Authors, playwrights, speech writers and musicians use rhetorical questions for a variety of reasons:

  • To challenge the listener
  • To emphasize an idea
  • To raise doubt
  • To demonstrate that a previously asked question was obvious

The examples included in this guide to rhetorical questions have largely pointed to the persuasive power of rhetorical questions, and covered the way that they are used in arguments, both real and fictional. However, poets also frequently use rhetorical questions for their lyrical, expressive qualities. Take the poem below, "Danse Russe (Russian Dance)" by William Carlos Williams:

If when my wife is sleeping and the baby and Kathleen are sleeping and the sun is a flame-white disc in silken mists above shining trees,— if I in my north room dance naked, grotesquely before my mirror waving my shirt round my head and singing softly to myself: "I am lonely, lonely. I was born to be lonely. I am best so!" If I admire my arms, my face, my shoulders, flanks, buttocks against the yellow drawn shades,— Who shall say I am not the happy genius of my household?

The rhetorical question that concludes this poem has the effect of challenging the reader to doubt Williams' happiness—daring the listener to question this intimate, eccentric portrait of the poet's private world. By ending the poem in this way, Williams maintains a delicate balance. Throughout the poem, he draws the reader in and confides secrets of his interior life, but the question at the end is an almost defiant statement that he does not require the reader's approval. Rather, the reader—like the mirror—is simply there to witness his happy solitude.

Other Helpful Rhetorical Question Resources

  • The Wikipedia Page on Rhetorical Questions: A general explanation with a variety of examples, as well as links to specific resources with punctuation rules.
  • The Dictionary Definition of Rhetorical Question: A basic definition with some historical information.
  • A detailed explanation of rhetorical questions , along with related figures of speech that involve questions.
  • A video of Ronald Reagan's 1980 Republican National Convention Speech, in which he asks stacked rhetorical questions.
  • An article listing the greatest rhetorical questions in the history of pop music.

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Rhetorical Question

Definition of rhetorical question, common rhetorical question examples, how to punctuation rhetorical questions, rhetorical question and hypophora,  rhetorical question and aporia.

Similar to the rhetorical question, aporia is also a rhetorical device. However, it only expresses skepticism to prove something. Therefore, it becomes a question when expressing that uncertainty. On the other hand, a rhetorical question does not express any uncertainty as it does not require an answer and is posed often with the attention to stress upon the idea about which it is posed.

Use of Rhetorical Questions in Sentences

Examples of rhetorical questions in literature, example #1: romeo and juliet by william shakespeare.

JULIET: ” ’Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague ? It is nor hand, nor foot , Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name ? That which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet.”

Example #2: Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley

“…O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind ?”

In this excerpt, Shelley achieves the desired effect by asking a rhetorical question, rather than making a statement. The answer to this question is not sought; rather, an effect is successfully created giving a fine finishing touch to the ode .

Example #3: Creation by Hladia Porter Stewart

“What made you think of love and tears And birth and death and pain?”

Example #4: The Solitary Reaper by William Wordsworth

“Will no one tell me what she sings?”

Example #5: The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare

“If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?”

Function of Rhetorical Question

Synonyms of rhetorical question.

There is no equivalent meaning to a rhetorical question. The following words may come close in meanings such as explanation, question, inquiry, rebuttal , question, inquiry, and query.

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Should you use rhetorical questions to start your presentation.

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  • June 22, 2024

presentation techniques rhetorical question

“You should always start your presentation with a rhetorical question.” Yesterday, during a session, I was helping some delightful professionals become more compelling, credible, and confident in their presentations. One of them mentioned they had received the above advice and asked for my opinion. My response? Show me any ‘rule’ in presenting, and I’ll show you a professional speaker who breaks it. While there are useful guidelines, rules of thumb, and helpful techniques that often work in presentations, the key is flexibility. Always approach your presentation with your goal and audience in mind. What are you trying to achieve, and how will you achieve that with *this* specific audience? Different audiences have different preferences. Some prefer brief, punchy messages, while others like detailed ones. Some enjoy intriguing, provocative openings, while others want you to get straight to the point. Are rhetorical questions sometimes effective? Absolutely. Should you always start with one? Absolutely not. Bad communicators think: ‘ What do I want to say, and what’s the best way to say it? ’ Great communicators think: ‘ Who is my audience, and what do they need to hear from me to get the result I want? ’ The second approach allows for flexibility and dynamism, using whatever tools and techniques necessary to achieve the goal. If there’s one ‘rule’ I stand by, it’s this: anyone who tells you there are ‘rules’ in presenting should probably be ignored . Chances are, they haven’t done much presenting themselves. Hope this gives you something to think about as you craft your next presentation!

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