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  • Tough Interview Question: Have you done any public speaking?

Tough Interview Question - Have you done any public speaking?

Have you done any public speaking?

Similar interview questions: Tell me about your group presentation skills. Have you ever given a speech in front of an audience? How many people? Do you have a fear of public speaking? Have you ever frozen up while speaking to an audience?

Why the interviewer is asking this question: Depending on the type of job, the ability to present in front of others can be one of the key competencies for the role. In general, the higher the level of the role, the greater the need for public speaking skills. However, this need is also typically inversely related to the size of the organization. The smaller the organization, the more likely you will be called upon to speak in front of others, even in more junior roles, although the presentations will tend to be more casual and less formal.

The best approach to answering this question: Select your best example of public speaking, even if it is only in front of a small meeting at work or a classroom of your peers. The key is to talk about your preparation, the presentation itself and any post-presentation feedback you may have received. If you do not have work-related examples, you can talk about classroom presentations or association meeting presentations.

An example of how to best answer this question for experienced candidates: "In my current role, I was called on to speak in a department-wide meeting of about 100 people about our pending new project launch. I worked with two other members of my team to create an original approach by developing a two-minute video clip we put together that was formatted like coming attractions for an upcoming movie. That was the intro, then we used both PowerPoint and hands-on examples to show what was coming in the launch. It was so well received that we got a standing ovation at that meeting. I was then asked to present at the all-hands meeting later that month. We got great feedback from the audience and even the CEO told us how much he was looking forward to the product launch…"

An example of how to best answer this question for entry level candidates: "I’ve had quite a few opportunities to speak before audiences. One of my most recent was at the end of my internship, where I presented the deliverables of my internship in a department-wide meeting. I prepared about 15 minutes of presentation materials and then had to field questions from the team. I took the time in advance to draw up a list of potential questions and had almost all of them successfully covered in advance. The only questions I hadn’t anticipated ended up having answers which flowed from some material that we were prepping for the next phase, so it went extremely well. At the end of the presentation, my mentor told me that mine was definitely the best presentation of all the interns that day…"

An example of how you should not answer this question: "Well, I guess death and public speaking are the two things people fear most. For me, I would probably rank public speaking #1 and death #2. You do not want to put me up there in front of a crowd, I would just freeze…"

Further review: know the answers to these 100 Standard Interview Questions to be fully prepared for your interview!

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Communication Mock Interview

To help you prepare for your next job interview, here are 20 interview questions and answer examples focused on your communication skills.

Get More Information About Our Communication Interview Questions

Question 10 of 20

Tell me about your experiences giving presentations in front of large groups.

How to answer, answer example.

Community Answers

Public speaking can be intimidating! Did you know that the fear of public speaking is the #1 phobia? It comes ahead of the fear of death and the fear of spiders! It is okay to find public speaking a bit intimidating but do assure the interviewer that you are capable of communicating well in front of large groups. Have you taken any courses or training in public speaking? Perhaps you have so much experience that it comes second nature. Assure the interviewer that you are capable of giving presentations. If you have given presentations, you can also mention the topic, what the setting was, and to how many people you presented.

"In my last two roles I have been responsible for regularly presenting to my team of 43 staff as well as to our entire warehouse team of over 200. I have taken a couple of Toastmasters sessions which helped a great deal. I am a confident public speaker."

"I do not have a lot of experience in presenting to large groups. Perhaps, 4-6 people at most. I am a confident public speaker and am sure that I could present in front of many people."

"Presenting to large groups is a big part of successfully rolling out important communications to teams organization-wide. I have experience preparing the deck to be presented to ensure it is simple and thorough. I utilize different communication techniques to make a presentation fun, interesting, and engaging."

"As a marketing professional, I present to clients large and small on a weekly basis. The groups to which I present range from 5-20 depending on the client."

"Although I do not have experience presenting to large groups, I do have a great deal of commissioned sales experience which requires me to be 'on' and a subject matter expert when I am on the floor. Every potential client is an opportunity to shine!"

"I love having a microphone and a captive audience. Perhaps its the sales person blood running through me. I am very comfortable creating and giving presentations."

"As a teacher, I present to groups every day! My classes range from 14-26 students, depending on the class. I am more than comfortable in a presentation setting."

Anonymous Answer

have you ever given presentation

Rachelle's Feedback

have you ever given presentation

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have you ever given presentation

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have you ever given presentation

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How to Answer: Tell me about your experiences giving presentations in front of large groups.

10. tell me about your experiences giving presentations in front of large groups., anonymous interview answers with professional feedback.

Tell me about a successful presentation you gave (and why)

  • January 2, 2024


“Tell me about a successful presentation you gave and why you think it was a hit” is a common interview question that aims to evaluate your presentation skills and ability to engage an audience.

Why Interviewers Ask This Question

This question helps interviewers assess:

  • Your communication and presentation abilities.
  • How you engage and connect with an audience.
  • Your capacity for preparing and delivering compelling content.

How to Answer the Question

  • Select a Memorable Presentation : Choose a presentation that was well-received and had a positive impact.
  • Situation : Set the context for the presentation.
  • Task : Describe the purpose and objectives of the presentation.
  • Action : Explain how you prepared and delivered the presentation.
  • Result : Share the feedback and outcomes that made it a success.
  • Highlight Key Presentation Skills : Emphasize your preparation, delivery style, audience engagement, and ability to convey clear messages.

Example Answer

“In my last role as a sales manager, I was tasked with presenting our new product line to key stakeholders. I researched our audience’s interests and tailored the presentation to address their needs. I used a mix of storytelling, data visualization, and interactive elements to keep the audience engaged. The presentation was well-received, with several stakeholders commending its clarity and relevance. It resulted in a 20% increase in stakeholder buy-in for our new product line.”

Takeaway Messages

  • Effective Communication : Demonstrate your ability to deliver clear and engaging presentations.
  • Audience Engagement : Show how you tailor your approach to suit the audience’s interests and needs.
  • Impactful Delivery : Highlight the positive outcomes that resulted from your presentation skills.

This question gives you an opportunity to showcase your public speaking skills and your ability to create and deliver impactful presentations.

  • Career foundations
  • Communication

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have you ever given presentation

How to answer "What is your experience with public speaking and presenting?" (with sample answers)

Person working on a laptop

Why Employers Ask This

Employers often ask about public speaking and presenting skills because these are important for a variety of roles. For instance, if you're interviewing for a sales or marketing job, you may be required to give presentations to clients or pitch ideas to a team. Public speaking skills are also important for leadership roles since leaders need to communicate effectively with their teams.

So, employers ask this to assess your communication skills, confidence level, and the ability to articulate your ideas effectively. They want to know if you can represent the company professionally in front of various audiences and handle challenging situations like giving presentations to large groups or addressing stakeholders.

How to Answer the Question

Start by talking about your experience. List any relevant public speaking or presenting experience, including any presentations, speeches, or workshops you've given. Discuss the number of people that were present during the event, who the audience was, and what the purpose of the presentation was.

You can also mention any initiatives you undertook to improve your public speaking and presenting skills, such as attending a public speaking course or analyzing videos of other experienced speakers. This shows that you're proactive and interested in personal development.

It's also important to talk about the outcomes of these experiences. If the presentation resulted in increased sales or enthusiastic feedback, mention it.

Remember to highlight the skills you gained from your public speaking and presenting experience. Employers want to hear about the skills that make you an exceptional candidate. For example, you could say, "I developed strong analytical skills while creating the content for my presentation, and my communication skills were put to the test when I had to present to the C-suite leadership team."

Finally, don't forget to exhibit confidence in your answer, speak clearly and concisely. Employers want to see a candidate who can represent the company professionally and capably in front of various audiences.

Sample answers

Good answer:.

I have a lot of experience with public speaking and presenting. In my last job, I regularly gave presentations to clients and at industry conferences. I was even asked to lead a workshop on presentation skills for new hires in my department. I always prepare thoroughly, practice beforehand, and use visual aids like slides to enhance my presentations. I've also received positive feedback from colleagues and clients on my clear communication skills and engaging delivery.

This answer is good because it gives specific examples of the candidate's experience and skills, and shows that they have a track record of success in public speaking. They also mention concrete strategies they use to prepare and deliver effective presentations.

Bad answer:

Um, I don't really have much experience with public speaking. I mean, I've had to give a few presentations in school, but I don't really like talking in front of people. It makes me pretty nervous.

This answer is bad because it doesn't inspire confidence in the candidate's ability to perform a key aspect of the job. They admit to being nervous and not having much experience, which suggests that they may struggle in this area.

I have experience with public speaking in a variety of contexts. In my previous job, I gave presentations to internal teams and external stakeholders on a regular basis. I also volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, where I led workshops on public speaking for teens. In addition, I've taken courses on presentation skills and public speaking to continuously improve my abilities. I'm always looking for chances to build my expertise and confidence in this area.

This answer is good because it demonstrates a diverse range of experience that the candidate has sought out, rather than simply relying on past job requirements. They also express a willingness to keep improving and learning, which is a positive trait in any candidate.

Public speaking? No, I've never really done that before. I prefer to work behind the scenes and let someone else handle that kind of stuff.

This answer is bad because the candidate outright rejects the idea of public speaking and presenting as something they're willing or able to do. It also suggests that they may not be as proactive or engaged in their work as an employer would like to see.

have you ever given presentation


Top 20 Presentation Interview Questions & Answers

Master your responses to Presentation related interview questions with our example questions and answers. Boost your chances of landing the job by learning how to effectively communicate your Presentation capabilities.

have you ever given presentation

Mastering the art of delivering a captivating presentation is an invaluable skill that transcends industries and job titles. Whether you’re pitching to potential clients, sharing insights with colleagues, or inspiring an audience at a large conference, your ability to communicate clearly, engage listeners, and convey information effectively can be a game-changer in your professional journey.

But what makes a great presentation? How do you prepare content that resonates, design slides that captivate, and deliver your message with confidence? In this article, we delve into the key components of crafting and executing a powerful presentation. We’ll provide you with strategic insights, practical tips, and answers to common questions that will help elevate your public speaking skills and enable you to present like a seasoned pro.

Common Presentation Interview Questions

1. how do you tailor a presentation to an audience with varied levels of expertise.

Delivering effective presentations requires understanding the range of expertise within your audience. A speaker must strike a balance, ensuring the content is accessible to novices without being overly simplistic for experts. This question reveals the candidate’s ability to assess audience needs, adapt their message accordingly, and communicate complex ideas in an inclusive manner that engages all participants. Mastery of this skill demonstrates an awareness of the diversity within any group and a commitment to inclusive communication, which is crucial for successful knowledge transfer and audience engagement.

When responding, outline your approach to audience analysis, such as conducting pre-presentation surveys or interviews to gauge expertise levels. Discuss how you would structure your presentation to introduce fundamental concepts while also providing depth for those more knowledgeable. Share techniques for interactive elements that can engage all levels, such as Q&A sessions, and how you might provide supplemental materials for further learning. Highlight past experiences where you successfully managed such a scenario, underscoring your adaptability and consideration for audience diversity.

Example: “ In tailoring a presentation to a diverse audience, I begin with a thorough audience analysis, often leveraging pre-presentation surveys to understand the varying degrees of expertise. This data informs the structure of my presentation, ensuring I lay a foundational narrative that is accessible to novices while incorporating advanced insights to challenge and engage experts. I carefully craft the content to enable a layered approach, where core concepts are clear and additional complexity is introduced progressively.

Interactive elements are pivotal; I integrate Q&A sessions at strategic intervals, which allow for real-time assessment and adaptation to audience needs. These sessions serve a dual purpose: they clarify uncertainties for beginners and open the floor to deeper discussions for seasoned attendees. To cater to ongoing learning, I provide supplemental materials post-presentation, such as advanced reading lists or access to online resources. This approach not only accommodates all levels of expertise during the session but also extends the learning experience beyond the presentation itself. My experience with this method has consistently yielded positive feedback, demonstrating its effectiveness in engaging and educating heterogeneous groups.”

2. What strategies do you employ for maintaining audience engagement during a lengthy presentation?

To keep an audience attentive and invested throughout lengthy presentations, a presenter must understand audience psychology, content structuring, and dynamic delivery. It’s not merely about disseminating information; it’s about crafting a narrative that resonates, using pacing techniques to maintain energy, and incorporating interactive elements to foster active participation. An effective presenter must be adept at reading the room and adapting on the fly, ensuring the material remains relevant and the delivery compelling.

When responding to this question, focus on concrete strategies you use, such as breaking up the presentation into digestible segments, using storytelling techniques, incorporating multimedia, and facilitating audience interaction through questions or activities. Discuss how you monitor audience body language and feedback to make real-time adjustments, ensuring your presentation is a dialogue rather than a monologue. Highlight your ability to weave in anecdotes or analogies that relate to your audience’s interests or experiences, which can create a more personalized and memorable presentation experience.

Example: “ To maintain audience engagement during a lengthy presentation, I segment the content into digestible parts, each with a clear focus and purpose. This modular approach not only helps in keeping the audience’s attention but also makes it easier for them to process and remember the information. I integrate multimedia elements strategically, such as short videos or interactive graphics, to provide a visual break and reinforce key points.

I employ storytelling techniques, crafting a narrative that connects the dots between the data and the real-world implications. This not only humanizes the content but also makes it more relatable and engaging. To ensure the presentation remains a dialogue, I incorporate moments for audience interaction. This could be through direct questions, quick polls, or even small group discussions if the format allows. I’m always attuned to the audience’s body language and feedback, ready to adjust the pace or dive deeper into topics that resonate. By weaving in relevant anecdotes and analogies, I create a personalized experience, making the content stick and the presentation memorable.”

3. Describe your process for distilling complex information into understandable slides.

Bridging the gap between intricate, detailed data and the audience’s comprehension is a key aspect of presentations. The ability to synthesize and simplify complex information is not just about making slides—it’s about grasping the essence of the data, identifying the key messages, and crafting a narrative that resonates. This skill demonstrates a presenter’s capacity to think critically, focus on what’s most important, and communicate effectively, ensuring that the audience walks away with the intended knowledge without being overwhelmed by technicalities or jargon.

When responding, outline a structured approach that starts with thoroughly understanding the complex material yourself. Emphasize how you prioritize the most relevant points for your audience’s needs and interests. Discuss your method for creating a storyline or framework that guides the presentation, and mention any tools or techniques you use to make data visually appealing and digestible, such as infographics, analogies, or real-world examples. Be prepared to provide a specific example of a time you successfully transformed a complicated subject into an engaging and informative presentation.

Example: “ My process begins with a deep dive into the material to ensure I have a solid grasp of the subject matter. Once I fully understand the complexities, I identify the key messages that are most pertinent to the audience’s needs. This involves discerning the essential information from the peripheral details, which often requires a critical evaluation of the data’s relevance and impact.

Next, I construct a narrative that not only conveys these key points but also tells a compelling story. This narrative framework is crucial as it provides a logical flow that guides the audience through the information without overwhelming them. To enhance comprehension, I employ visual aids such as infographics, which distill data into a more accessible format. I also use analogies and real-world examples to create relatable touchpoints for the audience. For instance, when presenting a complex financial strategy, I once used a simple kitchen recipe analogy to illustrate the step-by-step process, which resonated well with the audience and made the strategy easy to understand and remember.”

4. In what ways have you utilized storytelling within a professional presentation?

Transforming a mundane topic into a captivating journey is the hallmark of an adept storyteller within presentations. Storytelling is not merely a method of conveying information; it’s a powerful tool for engagement, making complex data relatable, and driving a message home. Employers seek individuals who can harness the art of narrative to communicate ideas compellingly, ensuring that key points resonate with their audience long after the presentation concludes.

When responding to this question, articulate how you’ve woven narratives into your presentations to illustrate concepts, humanize data, and create memorable moments. Share specific examples where your storytelling skills have enhanced understanding, fostered emotional connections, or inspired action. It’s essential to convey that your use of storytelling is strategic, intentionally crafted to support the presentation’s objectives and cater to the interests and needs of your audience.

Example: “ In leveraging storytelling, I’ve found that anchoring complex data within relatable narratives significantly enhances comprehension and retention. For instance, when presenting market analysis, I’ve utilized customer journey stories that encapsulate data points within the lived experiences of representative personas. This approach not only humanizes abstract figures but also fosters empathy, enabling stakeholders to grasp the practical implications of trends and figures.

Additionally, I’ve employed storytelling to catalyze action, particularly during strategic pitches. By crafting a narrative arc that mirrors the classic hero’s journey, I’ve positioned the product or initiative as the ‘hero’ equipped to overcome the audience’s challenges, which are framed as the ‘villain’. This technique not only makes the presentation more engaging but also aligns the audience’s emotional investment with the desired outcome, often resulting in a compelling call to action that resonates on both an intellectual and emotional level.”

5. Share an example where you had to adjust your presentation style on the fly due to unforeseen circumstances.

Adaptability and audience engagement are critical components of effective presentation skills. When unforeseen circumstances arise—such as technical difficulties, an unexpected change in audience demographics, or a drastic shift in the mood of the room—presenters must be capable of pivoting quickly and effectively. This question allows interviewers to assess a candidate’s ability to think on their feet, demonstrate flexibility, and maintain composure under pressure. It also reveals how a candidate can tailor their communication to suit the audience’s needs and still achieve the presentation’s objectives, even when conditions are less than ideal.

When responding, it’s crucial to describe a specific instance that showcases your adaptability without losing sight of your presentation goals. Begin by outlining the initial plan and the unexpected issue that arose. Then, detail the changes you implemented, explaining why you chose that particular adjustment and how you kept your audience engaged. Conclude with the outcome, emphasizing how your quick thinking and flexibility led to a successful presentation despite the challenges.

Example: “ In one instance, I was delivering a presentation to a diverse group of stakeholders when I noticed a significant portion of the audience was not fully engaged, likely due to varying levels of familiarity with the topic. Recognizing this, I pivoted from the planned technical deep-dive to a more high-level approach, interspersing relatable analogies and interactive elements to foster a more inclusive atmosphere. This shift not only recaptured the audience’s attention but also encouraged a dialogue that allowed for a more tailored and dynamic presentation.

The adjustment resulted in a positive shift in the room’s energy, with increased participation and pertinent questions that enriched the session. Post-presentation feedback underscored the effectiveness of the adaptation, with attendees expressing appreciation for the accessible content and the interactive nature of the experience. The ability to read the room and seamlessly modify the delivery ensured that the presentation’s objectives were met and the message was successfully conveyed to all participants.”

6. Outline your approach to handling challenging questions from the audience post-presentation.

Fielding challenging questions after delivering a presentation is where a presenter demonstrates their depth of knowledge and composure. This question is a litmus test for a candidate’s expertise on the subject matter, their critical thinking skills, and their capacity to maintain professionalism under pressure. It also reveals how well they can think on their feet and manage potentially adversarial situations, ensuring that the presentation’s objectives are not undermined by a tough Q&A session.

When responding to this question, articulate a structured approach that includes active listening, acknowledging the questioner, and providing a clear, concise, and confident answer. If unsure about a question, it’s acceptable to admit it and offer to follow up with a more informed response later. It’s vital to stay calm and respectful, using the opportunity to further demonstrate your expertise and enhance the audience’s understanding of the topic.

Example: “ In addressing challenging questions post-presentation, my initial step is to ensure that I fully comprehend the inquiry by actively listening and, if necessary, seeking clarification. This not only shows respect to the questioner but also allows me to tailor my response more effectively. I acknowledge the question and the individual asking it, which maintains a positive and engaging atmosphere.

When formulating a response, I prioritize clarity and conciseness, drawing upon relevant data and examples to substantiate my points. If the question touches on an area outside my immediate expertise, I maintain transparency by acknowledging the limits of my current knowledge. In such cases, I commit to providing a detailed follow-up after consulting additional resources or colleagues. This approach not only upholds my credibility but also demonstrates a commitment to accuracy and ongoing learning. Throughout the interaction, I remain composed and courteous, leveraging challenging questions as opportunities to deepen the audience’s understanding and to reinforce key messages from my presentation.”

7. What is your experience with using interactive elements in presentations?

Enhancing understanding, retention, and participation are the goals of incorporating interactive elements in presentations. They transform passive listeners into active participants, fostering a dynamic exchange of ideas and ensuring the message is not just heard but experienced. Employers are looking for individuals who can leverage these tools to create memorable and effective presentations that stand out in an era where attention spans are short and the need to impactfully convey information is high.

When responding to this question, it’s essential to provide concrete examples of when you have incorporated interactive elements such as real-time polls, Q&A sessions, or interactive demonstrations. Discuss the impact these elements had on the presentation’s effectiveness, how they helped you achieve your objectives, and the feedback received. This demonstrates your understanding of the value of interactivity and your ability to successfully implement it.

Example: “ Incorporating interactive elements into presentations has been a key strategy in my approach to engaging audiences and reinforcing key messages. For instance, I’ve utilized real-time polls during market analysis presentations to gauge audience sentiment, which not only captures attention but also provides immediate data to tailor the discussion. The dynamic nature of the poll results sparks a conversation and allows me to address specific interests or concerns on the spot, making the presentation more relevant and impactful.

Additionally, I’ve leveraged Q&A sessions effectively by integrating them at strategic points in the presentation rather than leaving them for the end. This ensures that the content remains fresh in the audience’s mind and encourages a more active participation, leading to a deeper understanding of the material. The feedback from these sessions has consistently highlighted their effectiveness in making the presentations more memorable and informative, as they foster a two-way dialogue that enriches the experience for both the audience and myself as the presenter.”

8. Detail how you measure the effectiveness of a presentation.

Gauging the effectiveness of a presentation is essential for continuous improvement and ensuring that the intended message resonates with the audience. Effectiveness can be measured through various quantitative and qualitative metrics, such as audience engagement, comprehension, feedback, and the subsequent actions taken by attendees. A skilled presenter knows that the success of a presentation extends beyond the applause—it’s about the lasting impact and the ability to drive the audience toward a desired outcome or understanding.

When responding to this question, you should discuss specific methods you use to evaluate your presentations. For instance, you might mention using real-time polls or surveys to gather immediate audience reactions, employing Q&A sessions to gauge understanding, or analyzing post-presentation feedback forms. You could also talk about tracking the implementation of ideas or strategies presented, or following up with attendees to see how the information has impacted their work or perspective. It’s important to convey that you have a systematic approach to evaluation and that you use these insights to refine your presentation skills and content.

Example: “ To measure the effectiveness of a presentation, I employ a combination of quantitative and qualitative metrics. Immediately following the presentation, I utilize real-time audience engagement tools, such as polls or interactive Q&A sessions, to assess understanding and retention of the content. This provides instant feedback on the clarity and impact of the presentation, allowing me to gauge whether the audience is aligning with the intended message.

In the days following the presentation, I distribute post-presentation surveys to collect more reflective feedback on the content, delivery, and overall value provided. I analyze this data to identify patterns and areas for improvement. Additionally, I track the long-term effects by following up with attendees to understand how they have applied the information or strategies discussed. This not only helps in assessing the practical impact of the presentation but also informs future presentations, ensuring that they are tailored to foster actionable outcomes and sustained engagement.”

9. Have you ever experienced technical difficulties during a presentation and how did you handle it?

Handling technical difficulties during presentations is a common challenge that can test a presenter’s composure and problem-solving skills. The ability to handle such disruptions showcases flexibility, preparedness, and professionalism. Employers are interested in how potential candidates deal with unexpected challenges and maintain their ability to communicate effectively under pressure. They also look for evidence of a candidate’s technical acumen and whether they have a plan B, such as backup materials or alternative methods to convey their message when technology fails.

When responding, it’s crucial to recount a specific instance where you faced technical difficulties, emphasizing your thought process and actions taken to resolve the issue. Highlight your calm demeanor, your quick thinking to implement a solution, or your decision to proceed without the aid of technology, if necessary. If you had contingency plans in place, such as printed handouts or a whiteboard illustration, mention these. Demonstrating that you can keep your audience engaged despite setbacks will illustrate your resilience and capability as a presenter.

Example: “ Absolutely, technical difficulties are almost an inevitable part of modern presentations. On one occasion, I was in the midst of a critical presentation when the projector suddenly failed. Without skipping a beat, I shifted to a whiteboard to illustrate the key points while the technical issue was being addressed. This not only demonstrated my ability to adapt quickly but also my preparation; I had ensured that the main points could be communicated without reliance on slides. Meanwhile, I engaged the audience with relevant questions to maintain their attention and encourage participation, turning the potential disruption into an interactive discussion.

In another instance, the presentation software crashed, and it was clear that a quick fix was not available. I had anticipated such a scenario and brought printed copies of the slides as a backup. I distributed these to the audience and proceeded with the presentation, effectively turning it into a guided discussion. These experiences have reinforced the importance of always having a Plan B, whether it’s a hard copy of the presentation or an alternative method of delivery, ensuring that the message is conveyed effectively regardless of technological challenges.”

10. Which software platforms are you proficient in for creating compelling visual aids?

Crafting compelling visual aids is a crucial aspect of presentations, as they are the visual voice of the speaker’s ideas. Proficiency in a range of software platforms demonstrates versatility and the capacity to tailor the presentation to the audience’s needs and the context of the information. It also suggests an awareness of current technologies and an aptitude for visual storytelling, which are valuable in creating engaging, informative, and memorable presentations.

When responding to this question, it’s best to list the specific software platforms you’re skilled in, such as PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, Adobe Creative Suite, Canva, or any other specialized tools you might use. Provide examples of presentations you’ve created using these platforms and discuss how you leveraged their unique features to enhance your message. If possible, share anecdotes about how your visual aids positively influenced the outcome of a presentation or helped convey complex information in an accessible manner.

Example: “ I am proficient in a variety of software platforms that are essential for creating compelling visual aids, including PowerPoint, Prezi, Keynote, and Adobe Creative Suite, with a particular emphasis on Illustrator and Photoshop for custom graphics. Additionally, I am adept at using Canva for quick yet professional designs when time is of the essence.

In leveraging PowerPoint, I have utilized its advanced animation and transition capabilities to craft a narrative flow that underscores key points, ensuring the audience remains engaged throughout the presentation. With Prezi, I’ve created dynamic, non-linear presentations that are particularly effective for storytelling and keeping viewers intrigued by the spatial journey. For executive briefings, I’ve turned to Keynote for its clean design aesthetics and seamless integration with Apple products, which often match the technological preferences of the audience. Adobe Creative Suite has been my go-to for developing high-quality, original graphics and editing images to a professional standard, ensuring that every visual element is tailored to the presentation’s message. These tools, combined with a strategic approach to visual storytelling, have consistently led to successful outcomes, such as securing stakeholder buy-in or simplifying the communication of complex data.”

11. Relate a time when you had to present a topic outside your area of expertise.

Showcasing flexibility, the ability to research comprehensively, and the skill to learn quickly are essential when conveying information on unfamiliar topics. It also demonstrates confidence and the competence to step outside one’s comfort zone, which are indicative of a growth mindset and leadership potential. Interviewers are looking for evidence of how you approach the challenge of presenting on an unknown subject, the strategies you use to become knowledgeable, and how you ensure that the information is understood by your audience.

When responding to this question, focus on a specific instance where you had to present on an unfamiliar topic. Detail the steps you took to familiarize yourself with the subject matter, including any research or learning methods you employed. Discuss how you ensured your presentation was engaging and understandable, and reflect on the outcome. Highlight any feedback you received and what you learned from the experience, emphasizing your adaptability and commitment to professional development.

Example: “ When tasked with presenting a topic outside my expertise, I immediately immersed myself in intensive research, seeking out the most current and relevant information from credible sources. I prioritized understanding the fundamental concepts and terminology to ensure I could speak with confidence and clarity. To make the material engaging, I employed storytelling techniques, relating the new information to common experiences and using analogies that resonated with the audience’s background.

During the presentation, I focused on interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions, to foster a collaborative learning environment. This approach not only enhanced audience engagement but also allowed me to gauge their understanding in real-time, adjusting my delivery as needed. The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with attendees appreciating the digestible format and the clear conveyance of complex material. This experience underscored the importance of thorough preparation and the ability to translate intricate concepts into accessible content, reinforcing my adaptability and dedication to continuous learning.”

12. How do you ensure that your body language positively contributes to your message delivery?

Nonverbal cues like body language play a significant role in engaging the audience and reinforcing the message during presentations. Your stance, gestures, and facial expressions can either distract from or enhance the clarity and impact of your communication. Presenters who are self-aware and intentionally use their body to add depth to their message ensure that it resonates more powerfully with their audience.

When responding, it’s essential to highlight your awareness of common body language principles, such as maintaining eye contact, using gestures to emphasize points, and adopting an open stance to appear approachable and confident. Discuss your strategies for practicing these techniques, perhaps through videotaping your rehearsals or receiving feedback from peers. Emphasize your commitment to continuous improvement and how you actively work to align your nonverbal communication with your spoken words to deliver a coherent and compelling presentation.

Example: “ In ensuring that my body language aligns positively with my message delivery, I prioritize the synchronization of verbal and nonverbal cues. This involves maintaining steady eye contact to foster engagement and demonstrate confidence, as well as utilizing purposeful gestures that underscore key points, thereby enhancing the audience’s comprehension and retention of the content. An open stance is adopted not only to appear approachable but also to project an aura of confidence and authority.

To refine these techniques, I engage in deliberate practice, often recording my presentations to critically evaluate my body language and its impact on the message conveyed. This self-review is complemented by seeking candid feedback from peers, which provides external perspectives on my nonverbal communication. This iterative process of rehearsal, feedback, and adjustment fosters a heightened awareness of my physical presence and ensures that my body language consistently reinforces the clarity and persuasiveness of my presentations.”

13. What techniques do you use to open and close a presentation memorably?

Understanding the psychological impact of a strong start and finish is crucial for presenters. The opening and closing of a presentation are pivotal moments that can captivate an audience or leave them with a lasting impression. A powerful opening can hook the audience’s attention, while an effective closing can reinforce the key message and call to action, ensuring the presentation’s objectives are achieved.

When responding, highlight specific techniques you employ to engage your audience from the outset, such as starting with a thought-provoking question, a relevant anecdote, or an interesting statistic. Explain how you establish the relevance of your topic to your audience’s interests and needs. For concluding your presentation, discuss methods you use to summarize the main points succinctly and clearly, possibly circling back to your opening hook for a cohesive effect. Mention any strategies you use to inspire or motivate your audience to take action, reflecting on how you ensure your final words resonate and drive home the purpose of your presentation.

Example: “ To open a presentation memorably, I often begin with a compelling hook that directly relates to the core message—this could be a surprising statistic that challenges common perceptions, a brief story that illustrates the stakes involved, or a question that prompts the audience to think critically about the topic. This technique not only captures attention but also sets the stage for the narrative arc of the presentation. It’s crucial to establish the relevance of the topic early on, so I make sure to articulate how the content will address the audience’s interests or solve a problem they care about.

Closing a presentation is just as critical as the opening, as it’s the last opportunity to reinforce the key message. I employ a strategy of bookending, where I circle back to the opening hook, creating a sense of closure and reinforcing the central theme. I summarize the main points succinctly, ensuring they are clear and memorable, and end with a call to action that is both inspiring and practical. This could be an invitation to adopt a new perspective, a challenge to apply the information presented, or a tangible next step they can take. By doing so, I ensure the presentation has a lasting impact and drives the audience toward the intended outcome.”

14. How do you incorporate feedback from previous presentations into future ones?

Incorporating feedback into presentations is an exploration into your ability to self-reflect, adapt, and evolve your approach. It demonstrates whether you see feedback as a gift for growth or as criticism to be dismissed. Employers are looking for individuals who actively seek out and apply constructive criticism to enhance their performance, ensuring their message resonates more effectively with each iteration.

To respond, outline a systematic approach: First, explain how you solicit feedback, whether through formal surveys, informal conversations, or even by observing audience engagement during the presentation. Then, discuss how you analyze this information to identify patterns or specific areas for enhancement. Finally, share examples of how you’ve altered your presentation style, content, or delivery method based on this feedback, leading to tangible improvements in audience reception or desired outcomes.

Example: “ Incorporating feedback into future presentations is a critical aspect of refining and improving the effectiveness of my communication. Following each presentation, I actively seek out both qualitative and quantitative feedback through structured surveys and open-ended discussions. This dual approach allows me to gather specific insights and gauge the emotional resonance of the content with the audience.

Upon collecting the feedback, I conduct a thorough analysis to identify recurring themes or suggestions for improvement. For instance, if multiple participants point out that certain sections were too complex or not sufficiently engaging, I prioritize those areas for modification. I then iterate on the content, simplifying complex ideas or incorporating storytelling elements to enhance engagement. Additionally, if the feedback indicates that the pacing was off or that the visuals were not impactful, I adjust the tempo of my delivery and redesign the visual aids accordingly. This process of continuous refinement, guided by targeted feedback, has consistently led to more dynamic presentations and measurable increases in audience understanding and interaction.”

15. When have you successfully adapted a presentation for multicultural audiences?

Adapting content, tone, and delivery to suit multicultural audiences is paramount when delivering presentations. The ability to navigate the subtleties of cross-cultural interactions ensures your message resonates with everyone in the room, regardless of their background. This skill is particularly valuable in a globalized business environment where teams and clientele are often international.

When responding to this question, recount a specific instance where you tailored a presentation to cater to a multicultural audience. Detail the research and preparation you undertook to understand the cultural expectations and norms of the audience. Explain how you adjusted your language, examples, humor, and even visual aids to be culturally sensitive and engaging. Highlight the feedback you received and how it informed your approach to future presentations, demonstrating continuous learning and adaptability.

Example: “ In preparation for a presentation to a multicultural audience, I conducted thorough research to understand the cultural nuances and communication styles of the participants. Recognizing the diversity in the room, I carefully selected universal themes and designed the content to resonate across cultural boundaries. I avoided idioms and region-specific references that could lead to misunderstandings, and instead, used clear, concise language.

I adapted visual aids to include a variety of cultural contexts, ensuring that imagery and examples were inclusive and relatable. Humor was used judiciously, with a focus on light, universally understandable jokes that did not hinge on cultural knowledge. The success of this approach was evident in the engaged reactions during the presentation and the positive feedback afterward, which highlighted the clarity and inclusiveness of the content. This experience reinforced the importance of cultural sensitivity and has since guided my approach to crafting and delivering presentations to diverse groups.”

16. Describe how you prioritize content when faced with strict time constraints.

Distilling complex ideas into digestible, impactful points is essential when presenting information under tight time constraints. This question serves to reveal your critical thinking and content curation skills. It also sheds light on your understanding of the audience’s needs and your ability to focus on key messages that align with the objectives of the presentation. Employers are looking for your capability to identify what’s most important and to convey it in a clear, concise manner that respects the audience’s time and attention span.

To respond, illustrate your process for determining the priority of content, which might involve identifying the core message, understanding the audience’s level of knowledge on the topic, and considering the outcomes you want to achieve. Share a specific example of a time when you successfully navigated this challenge, explaining how you decided what to include, what to leave out, and how you structured your presentation to ensure it was effective within the allotted time.

Example: “ When prioritizing content under time constraints, my approach is to distill the presentation down to its essence by focusing on the objectives of the presentation and the key takeaways for the audience. I start by identifying the core message and the most critical pieces of information that support that message. I then assess the audience’s existing knowledge and tailor the content to fill gaps or build on their understanding, ensuring that the content is neither too basic nor too complex.

For example, in a recent high-stakes presentation with a 10-minute limit, I was tasked with conveying the potential impact of a new technology. I honed in on the three most compelling benefits of the technology, supported by succinct data points that underscored its value. I omitted technical jargon and detailed methodology, which would have taken up valuable time and potentially lost the audience’s interest. Instead, I structured the presentation to open with a strong, relatable narrative that illustrated the technology’s significance, followed by the key benefits and closing with a clear call to action. This approach kept the presentation within the time frame and resonated well with the audience, leading to a successful outcome.”

17. What methods do you use to foster collaboration during group presentations?

Transforming a collection of individual contributions into a cohesive, impactful performance is the essence of effective collaboration in group presentations. Beyond assessing your skills in orchestrating a group effort, this question seeks to understand your ability to harness diverse perspectives, navigate interpersonal dynamics, and leverage each team member’s strengths to achieve a common goal. It’s about your approach to leadership, your capacity for empathy, and your strategic planning to ensure all voices are heard and integrated into the final product.

When responding, outline a structured approach: start by explaining how you set clear objectives and expectations from the outset. Discuss the importance of creating an inclusive environment where all participants feel valued, mentioning specific techniques like round-robin brainstorming or utilizing digital collaboration tools. Highlight any processes you implement to ensure accountability, such as regular check-ins or progress reports. Lastly, share a brief example from your experience where your methods led to a successful group presentation outcome, emphasizing the positive feedback and results achieved through your facilitation of teamwork.

Example: “ To foster collaboration during group presentations, I begin by establishing clear objectives and expectations, ensuring that each team member understands the goals and their role in achieving them. I create an inclusive environment by employing techniques such as round-robin brainstorming, which guarantees that everyone has a voice, and by leveraging digital collaboration tools like shared documents and real-time editing platforms to facilitate seamless communication and idea sharing.

Accountability is maintained through regular check-ins and progress reports, which help keep the team aligned and focused. For instance, in a recent project, this approach led to the development of a highly engaging presentation that received commendable feedback for its cohesiveness and the way it leveraged each team member’s strengths. The success was evident not just in the outcome, but also in the team’s increased confidence and the client’s satisfaction with our collaborative process.”

18. Give an instance where persuasive presentation skills led to a tangible outcome.

Influencing and persuading an audience to take action or to view a topic from a different perspective is a key element of effective presentation skills. Employers seek individuals who can not only present information clearly but who can also compel stakeholders, sway opinions, secure buy-in, or drive organizational change through their presentations. This question is designed to assess a candidate’s ability to impact decision-making and achieve real-world results through their communication prowess.

When responding, select a specific example that showcases your ability to craft and deliver a persuasive presentation. Focus on the preparation work, the audience analysis you conducted, and how you tailored your message for maximum impact. Discuss the strategies you used to engage the audience, any visual or data-driven aids that supported your case, and how you handled objections or questions. Conclude with the outcome, detailing how your presentation directly influenced a decision, action, or shift in perspective, and, if possible, mention any measurable results that followed.

Example: “ In a recent instance, I developed a presentation aimed at persuading a panel of stakeholders to adopt a new software solution that promised to enhance operational efficiency. I began by conducting a thorough audience analysis, identifying the key concerns and motivations of each stakeholder. This enabled me to tailor the content, focusing on the software’s ability to address specific pain points such as reducing manual errors and streamlining workflow processes.

I employed a narrative structure, anchoring the presentation around a central story of a hypothetical yet relatable scenario where the software dramatically improved productivity. To bolster my argument, I integrated compelling data visualizations that clearly demonstrated the potential return on investment and comparative analyses with existing systems. Throughout the presentation, I engaged the audience with rhetorical questions and interactive elements, maintaining their attention and fostering a collaborative atmosphere.

When faced with skepticism, I addressed questions with evidence-based responses, reinforcing the software’s benefits with real-world success stories from similar organizations. The outcome was a unanimous decision to proceed with implementation, and within six months, the organization reported a 25% increase in operational efficiency, validating the effectiveness of the persuasive strategies employed in the presentation.”

19. How do you maintain coherence when integrating data and statistics into your narrative?

Weaving data and statistics into a narrative without losing the audience’s attention or confusing them is an art form. It requires a clear understanding of the story you’re trying to tell and the role that data plays in that story. It’s not just about presenting numbers; it’s about making those numbers meaningful and relevant to your audience. Employers are looking for individuals who can take complex information and distill it into a compelling, accessible format that supports the overarching message. This skill demonstrates critical thinking, analytical prowess, and the capacity to engage and persuade an audience.

When responding to this question, emphasize your approach to storytelling with data. Discuss how you prioritize the most impactful statistics, use analogies or visual aids to illustrate your points, and ensure each piece of data reinforces the narrative thread. Mention any techniques you use to make complex data more digestible, such as breaking it down into simpler terms, building it up piece by piece, or relating it to something familiar to the audience. The goal is to show that you can make data a tool for storytelling rather than a stumbling block.

Example: “ To maintain coherence when integrating data and statistics into a narrative, I prioritize selecting data points that directly support the story’s core message. This involves a careful curation process where I identify the most impactful statistics that align with the narrative’s objective and resonate with the intended audience. I also use analogies and visual aids to contextualize the data, grounding abstract numbers in concrete and relatable terms. For instance, if I’m presenting on the growth of renewable energy, I might compare the increase in solar panel installations to a familiar concept, like the growth of a city’s population, to make the scale more understandable.

In addition, I employ a progressive disclosure technique, introducing data in layers to avoid overwhelming the audience. I start with a high-level overview, then gradually delve into more detailed statistics as the story unfolds, ensuring each data point is a logical extension of the previous information. This scaffolding approach helps the audience to assimilate complex data in manageable increments. By using these strategies, I ensure that data enhances the narrative, providing evidence and clarity, rather than detracting from the story’s flow and coherence.”

20. Reflect on a moment when you effectively used silence as a tool in your presentation.

Controlling the room and the audience’s attention can be achieved by mastering the art of silence in a presentation. Effective use of silence can emphasize important points, give the audience time to absorb information, and create a dynamic rhythm that keeps listeners engaged. It demonstrates a presenter’s confidence and comfort with the material and the presentation space. Silence can also serve as a non-verbal cue, signaling to the audience that something significant is being communicated, which can heighten interest and focus.

When responding to this question, you should recount a specific instance where you strategically employed a pause. Describe the lead-up to the moment of silence, the audience’s reaction, and the impact it had on the overall presentation. Explain your thought process behind the decision to use silence at that particular juncture and how it contributed to the effectiveness of your communication. Your response should convey your understanding of pacing and your ability to use silence not as an absence of words, but as a powerful communication tool in itself.

Example: “ In a recent presentation on the impact of strategic pauses in speech, I deliberately incorporated a prolonged silence following a key point about the power of pausing to enhance audience engagement. After discussing the cognitive overload that can occur with a constant stream of information, I paused for a full ten seconds. This silence not only allowed the audience to digest the information but also served as a live demonstration of the concept. The room’s dynamic shifted palpably; attendees leaned forward, anticipation built, and when I resumed speaking, the engagement was markedly heightened. This silence punctuated the importance of the point and underscored the effectiveness of the technique.

The decision to use silence at that moment was informed by the understanding that strategic pauses can act as an auditory underline, giving weight to the preceding statement. It was a calculated risk, but the payoff was evident in the audience’s renewed focus and the lively Q&A session that followed. This approach reinforced the message that silence, when used purposefully, is not a void but a tool for emphasizing content and facilitating deeper comprehension.”

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How to give a good presentation that captivates any audience

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What are the main difficulties when giving presentations?

How to create an effective presentation, after that, how do i give a memorable presentation, how to connect with the audience when presenting.

If you’ve ever heard someone give a powerful presentation, you probably remember how it made you feel. Much like a composer, a good speaker knows precisely when each note should strike to captivate their audience’s attention and leave them with a lasting impression.

No one becomes a great public speaker or presenter without practice. And almost everyone can recall a time one of their presentations went badly — that’s a painful part of the learning process.

Whether you’re working within a small creative team or a large organization, public speaking and presentation skills are vital to communicating your ideas. Knowing how to present your vision can help you pitch concepts to clients, present ideas to your team, and develop the confidence to participate in team meetings.

If you have an upcoming presentation on the horizon and feel nervous, that’s normal. Around 15-30% of the general population experience a fear of public speaking . And, unfortunately, social anxiety is on the rise, with a 12% increase in adults over the last 20 years . 

Learning how to give a good presentation can dismantle your fears and break down these barriers, ensuring you’re ready to confidently share your point of view. 

It’s the week before your presentation, and you’re already feeling nervous . Maybe there’ll be an important mentor in the room you need to impress, or you’re looking for an opportunity to show your boss your value. Regardless of your countless past presentations, you still feel nervous. 

Sharing your vision and ideas with any sized group is intimidating. You’re likely worrying about how you’ll perform as a presenter and whether the audience will be interested in what you offer. But nerves aren’t inherently negative — you can actually use this feeling to fuel your preparation.


It’s helpful to identify where your worries are coming from and address your fears. Here are some common concerns when preparing for an upcoming presentation:

Fear of public speaking: When you share your ideas in front of a group, you’re placing yourself in a vulnerable position to be critiqued on your knowledge and communication skills . Maybe you feel confident in your content, but when you think about standing in front of an audience, you feel anxious and your mind goes blank.

It’s also not uncommon to have physical symptoms when presenting . Some people experience nausea and dizziness as the brain releases adrenaline to cope with the potentially stressful situation . Remember to take deep breaths to recenter yourself and be patient, even if you make a mistake.

Losing the audience’s attention: As a presenter, your main focus is to keep your audience engaged. They should feel like they’re learning valuable information or following a story that will improve them in life or business.

Highlight the most exciting pieces of knowledge and ensure you emphasize those points in your presentation. If you feel passionate about your content, it’s more likely that your audience will experience this excitement for themselves and become invested in what you have to say.

Not knowing what content to place on presentation slides: Overloading presentation slides is a fast way to lose your audience’s attention. Your slides should contain only the main talking points and limited text to ensure your audience focuses on what you have to say rather than becoming distracted by the content on your slides.

Discomfort incorporating nonverbal communication: It’s natural to feel stiff and frozen when you’re nervous. But maintaining effective body language helps your audience stay focused on you as you speak and encourages you to relax.

If you struggle to incorporate body language into your presentations, try starting small by making hand gestures toward your slides. If you’re working with a large audience, use different parts of the stage to ensure everyone feels included. 

Each presenter has their own personal brand and style. Some may use humor to break the ice, while others might appeal to the audience’s emotional side through inspiring storytelling. 

Watching online presentations, such as TED talks, is an excellent way to expose yourself to various presentation styles and develop your own. While observing others, you can note how they carry themselves on stage and learn new ways to keep your audience engaged.

Once you’ve addressed what’s causing your fears, it’s time to prepare for a great presentation. Use your past experience as inspiration and aim to outshine your former self by learning from your mistakes and employing new techniques. Here are five presentation tips to help you create a strong presentation and wow your audience:

1. Keep it simple

Simple means something different to everyone.

Before creating your presentation, take note of your intended audience and their knowledge level of your subject. You’ll want your content to be easy for your intended audience to follow.

Say you’re giving a presentation on improving your company’s operational structure. Entry-level workers will likely need a more straightforward overview of the content than C-suite leaders, who have significantly more experience. 

Ask yourself what you want your audience to take away from your presentation and emphasize those important points. Doing this ensures they remember the most vital information rather than less important supporting ideas. Try organizing these concepts into bullet points so viewers can quickly identify critical takeaways.

2. Create a compelling structure

Put yourself in your audience member’s shoes and determine the most compelling way to organize your information. Your presentation should be articulate , cohesive, and logical, and you must be sure to include all necessary supporting evidence to strengthen your main points.

If you give away all of your answers too quickly, your audience could lose interest. And if there isn’t enough supporting information, they could hit a roadblock of confusion. Try developing a compelling story that leads your audience through your thought processes so they can experience the ups and downs alongside you. 

By structuring your presentation to lead up to a final conclusion, you’re more likely to keep listeners’ attention. Once you’ve reached that conclusion, you can offer a Q&A period to put any of their questions or concerns to rest. 

3. Use visual aids

Appealing to various learning styles is a great way to keep everyone on the same page and ensure they absorb your content. Visual aids are necessary for visual learners and make it easier for people to picture your ideas.

Aim to incorporate a mixture of photos, videos, and props to engage your audience and convey your key points. For instance, if you’re giving a presentation on anthropology subject matter, you could show your audience an artifact to help them understand how exciting a discovery must have been. 

If your presentation is long, including a video for your audience to watch is an excellent way to give yourself a break and create new jumping-off points for your speech.

4. Be aware of design techniques and trends

Thanks to cutting-edge technology and tools, you have numerous platforms at your disposal to create a good presentation. But keep in mind that although color, images, and graphics liven things up, they can cause distraction when misused.

  Here are a few standard pointers for incorporating visuals on your slides: 

  • Don’t place blocks of small text on a single slide
  • Use a minimalistic background instead of a busy one
  • Ensure text stands out against the background color
  • Only use high-resolution photos
  • Maintain a consistent font style and size throughout the presentation
  • Don’t overuse transitions and effects

5. Try the 10-20-30 rule

Guy Kawasaki, a prominent venture capitalist and one of the original marketing specialists for Apple, said that the best slideshow presentations are less than 10 slides , last at most 20 minutes, and use a font size of 30. Following this strategy can help you condense your information, eliminate unnecessary ideas, and maintain your audience’s focus more efficiently.

Once you’re confident in creating a memorable presentation, it’s time to learn how to give one. Here are some valuable tips for keeping your audience invested during your talk: 

Tip #1: Tell stories

Sharing an anecdote from your life can improve your credibility and increase your relatability. And when an audience relates to you, they’re more likely to feel connected to who you are as a person and encouraged to give you their full attention, as they would want others to do the same.

Gill Hicks utilized this strategy well when she shared her powerful story, “ I survived a terrorist attack. Here’s what I learned .” In her harrowing tale, Hicks highlights the importance of compassion, unconditional love , and helping those in need.

If you feel uncomfortable sharing personal stories, that’s okay. You can use examples from famous individuals or create a fictional account to demonstrate your ideas.

Tip #2: Make eye contact with the audience

Maintaining eye contact is less intimidating than it sounds. In fact, you don’t have to look your audience members directly in their eyes — you can focus on their foreheads or noses if that’s easier.

Try making eye contact with as many people as possible for 3–5 seconds each. This timing ensures you don’t look away too quickly, making the audience member feel unimportant, or linger too long, making them feel uncomfortable.

If you’re presenting to a large group, direct your focus to each part of the room to ensure no section of the audience feels ignored. 


Tip #3: Work on your stage presence

Although your tone and words are the most impactful part of your presentation, recall that body language keeps your audience engaged. Use these tips to master a professional stage presence:

  • Speak with open arms and avoid crossing them
  • Keep a reasonable pace and try not to stand still
  • Use hand gestures to highlight important information

Tip #4: Start strong

Like watching a movie trailer, the first seconds of your talk are critical for capturing your audience’s attention. How you start your speech sets the tone for the rest of your presentation and tells your audience whether or not they should pay attention. Here are some ways to start your presentation to leave a lasting impression:

  • Use a quote from a well-known and likable influential person 
  • Ask a rhetorical question to create intrigue
  • Start with an anecdote to add context to your talk 
  • Spark your audience’s curiosity by involving them in an interactive problem-solving puzzle or riddle

Tip #5: Show your passion

Don’t be afraid of being too enthusiastic. Everyone appreciates a speaker who’s genuinely excited about their field of expertise. 

In “ Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance ,” Angela Lee Duckworth discusses the importance of passion in research and delivery. She delivers her presentation excitedly to show the audience how excitement piques interest. 

Tip #6: Plan your delivery

How you decide to deliver your speech will shape your presentation. Will you be preparing a PowerPoint presentation and using a teleprompter? Or are you working within the constraints of the digital world and presenting over Zoom?

The best presentations are conducted by speakers who know their stuff and memorize their content. However, if you find this challenging, try creating notes to use as a safety net in case you lose track.

If you’re presenting online, you can keep notes beside your computer for each slide, highlighting your key points. This ensures you include all the necessary information and follow a logical order.


Tip #7: Practice

Practice doesn’t make perfect — it makes progress. There’s no way of preparing for unforeseen circumstances, but thorough practice means you’ve done everything you can to succeed.

Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or to a trusted friend or family member. Take any feedback and use it as an opportunity to fine-tune your speech. But remember: who you practice your presentation in front of may differ from your intended audience. Consider their opinions through the lens of them occupying this different position.

Tip #8: Read the room

Whether you’re a keynote speaker at an event or presenting to a small group of clients, knowing how to read the room is vital for keeping your audience happy. Stay flexible and be willing to move on from topics quickly if your listeners are uninterested or displeased with a particular part of your speech.

Tip #9: Breathe

Try taking deep breaths before your presentation to calm your nerves. If you feel rushed, you’re more likely to feel nervous and stumble on your words.

The most important thing to consider when presenting is your audience’s feelings. When you approach your next presentation calmly, you’ll put your audience at ease and encourage them to feel comfortable in your presence.

Tip #10: Provide a call-to-action

When you end your presentation, your audience should feel compelled to take a specific action, whether that’s changing their habits or contacting you for your services.

If you’re presenting to clients, create a handout with key points and contact information so they can get in touch. You should provide your LinkedIn information, email address, and phone number so they have a variety of ways to reach you. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all template for an effective presentation, as your unique audience and subject matter play a role in shaping your speech. As a general rule, though, you should aim to connect with your audience through passion and excitement. Use strong eye contact and body language. Capture their interest through storytelling and their trust through relatability.

Learning how to give a good presentation can feel overwhelming — but remember, practice makes progress. Rehearse your presentation for someone you trust, collect their feedback , and revise. Practicing your presentation skills is helpful for any job, and every challenge is a chance to grow.

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Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

6 presentation skills and how to improve them

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Presentation Training Institute

Presentation Training Institute

A division of bold new directions training, common problems that most people have when presenting.

Presenting is a skill that requires a great deal of preparation and practice. It is also something that does not come naturally to most people. In fact, many people are terrified at the thought of public speaking, yet a successful presentation is dependent on the speaker appearing calm, confident, and in control. Even with extensive preparation, unforeseen challenges can arise, quickly derailing a presentation and throwing the speaker off their game. How, then, can one navigate these challenges and avoid getting flustered in front of their audience? Let’s take a look at some of the most common problems that presenters face and how to overcome them in order to deliver a successful presentation. 

Problem 1: You suffer from pre-presentation anxiety 

This is perhaps the most common problem faced by any presenter. The thought of speaking in public can be extremely scary for many people. They may be fine for the weeks leading up to the presentation but then panic in the moments before their talk begins. The key to managing nerves and anxiousness is to be well prepared and to find ways to calm yourself down. The more a speaker practices and rehearses their presentation, the more confident they will be in their delivery. In addition to preparation, presenters should also practice deep breathing exercises to calm their nerves and get oxygen flowing throughout the body. 

Problem 2: You don’t know which content to put on your slides

Many presenters know their content quite well, but they have a hard time narrowing it down to create their slides. It is important for presenters not to overwhelm their audience with too much content while also sticking to their time allotment. Transforming thoughts into engaging slides can be a challenge, but condensing your thoughts into key points is essential. 

Problem 3: Failure to engage the audience

Many presenters rehearse their content over and over and know exactly what to say, but they forget all about engaging the audience. Although they have their material down, they fail to build a rapport and connect with the audience. Unfortunately, this lack of engagement can be the demise of any presentation. To fix this problem, presenters need to spend time meeting and greeting audience members beforehand. They also need to smile, make eye contact, and nod to audience members throughout the presentation to engage them in the conversation. 

Problem 4: Poor body language

Audiences will quickly get bored by a speaker who simply stands behind a podium throughout the presentation. Similarly, they will easily be distracted by a speaker who fidgets nervously with their hands or makes awkward gestures. Stiff body language can detract from the speaker’s message. Thus, it is important for speakers to move around the space to create energy and keep the audience interested. They should also avoid putting hands in pockets, playing with a marker or notes, using unnecessary filler words (ah’s, uhm’s, ok’s), speaking monotone, or standing still the entire time. 

Problem 5: Lack of energy or enthusiasm

A great speaker is able to convince their audience by their energy and enthusiasm. All too often, however, this component is missing from the presentation. How can you get your audience excited about your presentation if you aren’t even excited about it? Speakers can increase enthusiasm by moving around the stage, interacting with the audience, and using voice inflection to highlight key points. 

Problem 6: Losing their place or forgetting what to say next

When speakers are nervous, it’s easy to lose their train of thought during the presentation. Things like a technical difficulty, a challenging question, or a yawning audience member can easily distract the speaker causing them to get lost and forget what they were saying. If this happens, it’s important not to get flustered but to simply take a deep breath and regain composure. It can also be helpful to use notes or reference your slides in order to get back on track. 

Problem 7: Not interacting with the audience

Audience members do not want to be spoken “at†but rather spoken “with.†It can be difficult to keep the audience’s attention but one of the best ways to do so is by making them part of the presentation. Find creative ways to interact with the audience through polls, Q&A, games, stories, or other visuals. Not only will this make the presentation more memorable, but it will keep the audience attentive and interested.

British Council

How to improve your voice for presentations, by ros and neil johnson, 18 august 2016 - 01:43.

have you ever given presentation

Ros and Neil Johnson, speech and drama specialists at  Theatresaursus , explain the benefits for presentations of improving the voice, and offer some techniques.

Have you ever given a presentation or done any other form of public speaking? If so, you probably spent some time thinking about the words you were going to use and the ideas you were going to express. But, as Dr Emily Grossman has  pointed out , when someone is speaking, most of the information we receive as an audience comes through the speaker's body language, their enthusiasm, and – very importantly – the tone of their voice.

Why is it important to improve the way we use our voice?

When we make a presentation or speak to a large group of people, it's important to have an authoritative and appealing tone of voice. This will come from the ability to make your voice resonate, as a resonant voice is more pleasing on the ear and can make you sound more confident. This in turn helps the audience relax and enjoy the presentation.

An audience will ‘pick up’ on your voice and respond favourably, potentially affording you a greater deal of respect and attention. Often, the audience won’t know or understand why this is the case, so having the ability to control and improve the way you use your voice can be a useful and powerful skill.

There are practical reasons, too. Using your voice skilfully can stop you getting a sore throat. When we shout, our vocal folds (often known as vocal chords) crash together and become swollen and red, sometimes causing damage. So learning how to use your voice by warming it up will prevent soreness in the throat.

How does our body produce sound?

Breath is the power behind the voice, but this is only the start. As we breathe in, our lungs expand. When we speak, the air comes up through the  trachea , making the vocal folds (which are situated at the top of the trachea) vibrate. This creates sound. The ability to control the breath is very important and is the basis of all voice work.

We then use the resonators in our throat, nose, mouth and cheek cavities (sinuses) to amplify the sound, and our articulators (tongue, teeth, lips, etc.) to create specific sounds that become understandable words and therefore speech.

However, as with any sport or exercise, it is important to warm up before we start. This means first warming up our body from head to toe before we start to work on our voice.

Exercise 1:

Check through the body, shaking each part from the toes upwards. Shake your legs and arms. Then, stretch up to the ceiling or sky. Roll the shoulders and lift them up to the ears and then back down again, all the time making sure that they end in a relaxed position. Finally, relax your neck. Gently roll your head by first putting your chin on your chest and roll the head round to the back clockwise and anti-clockwise.

Exercise 2:

Yawn – this relaxes the throat and all the vocal areas. Then, yawn and stretch at the same time.

How do we improve our breath control?

The most important thing is to learn how to relax and allow yourself to expand and increase your breath capacity. The natural tendency is to breathe only in our upper chest, so learning to breath down into our lower lungs and using the  diaphragm  properly is the first step. The diaphragm is a muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen – by finding and exercising this muscle, we can learn to better control our breath during speech.

Exercise 3:

Lie on the floor on your back with feet on the floor, so that your legs are bent with your knees pointing upwards. Check your posture: you should be relaxed, shoulders down, fists unclenched, etc. Now mentally take a journey through your body from head to toe, making sure you are relaxed. Start with your feet, ankles, legs and work your way up to your head. When you find tension, ask your body to release it.

Relax and breathe. Take the breathing deeper, breathing in to a count of four (in your head). Breathe in through your nose and feel the breath expanding the ribs like an umbrella up and out. Place a hand just below your belly button and feel the belly rise and drop.

Remember you must try to be relaxed at all times – always check (see exercise 1) and do not force anything.

If the upper chest begins to lift while you are breathing, gently place a hand on it to keep it still and down. Release all the abdominal muscles. Take your time and breath in and out (in through the nose and out through the mouth). Breathe in and release the breath to produce a long 'huh...ahh' sound. Do this a few times.

Now, apply tension throughout the body so it is completely tense and then release. Feel your body relax.

Go back to your breathing – in through the nose and out through the mouth. Feel your muscles through your back and keep your upper body still, but not tense.

Now slowly stand up. Centre yourself with your legs shoulder-width apart, arms and shoulders relaxed, knees unlocked. Your head should be perched upon your neck. Make sure your chin is not jutting out or pulled in.

Let your head drop, chin to chest (relaxed) and then let your body roll down vertebrae by vertebrae so your body is hanging, arms loose, and stay like this hanging, relaxed and breathing. Roll back up (make sure your head comes up last). Hug yourself, with your arms, your hands touching your ribs. Roll down again into the hanging position. Breathe gently in and out and feel the rib cage move. Gently roll back up as before (head last).

This is a great exercise for feeling the movement needed in the ribcage and to help get the muscles working.

Please note: as this way of breathing may feel very different to what you are used to, you may not notice a great deal of movement to begin with. However, as with anything new, 'practice makes perfect'.

How do we articulate sound into speech?

Articulation creates the specific sounds that make up words. By using our tongue, teeth, palate and lips (our articulators), we create recognisable words. In order to be clear in our speech, we need to exercise our articulators by going through the vowel sounds. The following exercises 4-6 will help improve your articulation:

Exercise 4:

Make a 'hum' sound with your lips together but not tight – feel your lips tickle or vibrate. Move the 'hum' sound around inside your mouth from the lips to nose and back to the lips. Feel the vibrations in the different areas.

Chew some imaginary gum. Imagine it is growing and growing. Now, imagine you have toffee stuck in your mouth and use your tongue to get it out.

Exercise 5:

Always from a relaxed and centred position, say out loud:

'pah paw poo pee pay...pah paw poo pee pay'

'lah, law, loo lee lay...lah law loo lee lay'

'gah gaw goo gee gay...gah gaw goo gee gay'

Use these structures to go through different sounds and, in particular, sounds that you find difficult. For the 'lah' sound, the tip of the tongue should be behind the front teeth before flicking out to an open mouth.

Exercise 6:

Say out loud:

'ba da ga...ba da ga' (making the sound of the consonants, i.e., 'buh' not 'baah', 'duh' not 'daah', etc.). Repeat.

'pa ta ka...pa ta ka'  (again make the sound of the letters 'p', 't' and 'k').

You can do this anywhere, but try to use your full voice and also whispering (which should always be voiceless).

Tongue twisters are also a good way to exercise the articulators and help improve fluency of articulation and diction. You can find many on the internet, for example: 'She sells sea shells on the sea-shore' and 'Peter piper picked a peck of pickled pepper'.

Exercise 7:

Place your hand on your chest and yawn. Feel the vibrations and resonance in your chest. Now say 'hello, hello, hello' from deep down in your chest.

Why is the ability to project our voices important? 

If you want to be heard, you need to learn how to project. Projection comes from taking control of the breath.

If you can, arrange to visit the room you are going to be speaking in and walk around it. Use your speech and play with it, walking around while speaking, playing with the volume. Ask a colleague to listen to you – can they hear you clearly? Does your voice resonate?

Try speaking very slowly. Now try singing your speech. Now 'throw' your voice to the farthest wall. This should always be done from a place of relaxation. Check that your shoulders are down. Wriggle and roll them to check for tension. Check your posture.

Finally, make sure you check your pace – we always speak much faster than normal when we are nervous. Practise speaking very slowly. You will feel that it's too slow, but it almost certainly won’t be.

Ros and Neil Johnson are founders of  Theatresaursus , which runs Shakespeare workshops, drama courses and holiday courses. They recently delivered a course for teachers and trainers at the  British Council in Malaysia  about how to use theatre-based techniques in the classroom.

Find out about the British Council's  Shakespeare Lives  programme of events and activities in 2016, celebrating Shakespeare’s work on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of his death.

You might also be interested in:

  • Classroom techniques to help pupils tackle Shakespeare
  • How to present complex ideas clearly
  • How to become good at debating

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