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پاکستان کے وزیراعظم عمران خان | Imran Khan History In Urdu

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عمران احمد خان نیازی وزیر اعظم پاکستان  ۵ اکتوبر ۱۹۵۲ کو پاکستان کے دوسرے بڑے شہر لاہور میں پیدا ہوئے۔ ان کا پٹھانوں کے ایک قبیلے نیازی سے تعلق ہے۔ ان کے والد کا نام اکرام اللہ خان نیازی اور ماں کا نام شوکت خانم تھا۔ وہ اپنے والدین کے اکلوتے بیٹے ہیں۔

تعلیم و کرئیر

لڑکپن میں عمران خان خود میں گم رہنے والے شرمیلے انسان تھے۔ ابتدائی تعلیم لاہور سے ہی حاصل کی اور بڑا خاندان ہونے کی وجہ سے اعلیٰ تعلیم کے لیے انھیں برطانیہ بھیج دیا گیا۔ وہاں سے انھوں نے سیاسیات ، فلسفہ اور معاشیات میں مہارت حاصل کی۔ ۱۹۷۴ میں انھوں نے کرکٹ جوائن کی اور اوکسفورڈ یونی ورسٹی کرکٹ ٹیم کے کپتان مقرر ہوئے۔

عمران خان نے پھر قومی ٹیم کو جوائن کیا۔ وہ اپنی بہترین پرفارمنس دیتے رہے، مگر بعد ازیں انھوں نے ریٹائر مینٹ کا اعلان کیا مگر صدر ضیاء الحق کے اصرار پر انھوں نے دوبارہ ٹیم کی کپتانی سنبھال لی اور جی توڑ محنت کی جس کا ثمر ہمیں ۱۹۹۲ کے ورلڈ کپ کی صورت میں ملتا ہے۔۱۹۸۵ میں ان کی والدہ کینسر کی بیماری میں مبتلا ہو گئیں اور اسی میں دم توڑ گئیں۔ عمران خان پر اس کا بہت گہرا اثر ہوا اور انھوں نے اسی لئے پاکستان میں مہم چلائی اور ملکی اور غیر ملکی سطح پر چندہ اپیل کیا۔ لوگوں نے عمران خان پر بھر پور بھروسہ کیا اور ۱۹۹۴ میں بالاخر شوکت خانم میموریل کنسر ہسپتال لاہور کا افتتاح ہوا۔

عمران خان اپنے ارد گرد ہونے والے بگاڑ کا بہت اثر لیتے ہیں جس کی ایک مثال شوکت خانم اور دوسری مثال ان کی سیاست میں آنا ہے۔ عمران خان نے اپنی غریب عوام کی بدحالی دیکھی، وہ پاکستان کے ہر شہر میں گھومے ہیں، انھوں نے پاکستان کے دو نظام دیکھے ایک امیر کا اور ایک غرب کا، انھوں نے انصاف کا نعرہ بلند کیا اور  پاکستان تحریک انصاف کے نام سے سیاسی پارٹی بنا ڈالی۔ جس نے اس وقت کے نوجوان کو ایک تیسرا آپشن دیا تھا۔

عمران خان اپنی پارٹی کے پہلے  انتخابات میں ایک نشست بھی نہ جیت سکے۔ دوسرے انتخابات میں صرف ایک اپنی نشست جیتنے میں کامیاب ہوئے۔تیسرے انتخابات میں عمران خان نے اپنی پارٹی کو انتخابات میں حصہ نہ لینے کا کہا۔ چوتھے انتخابات میں ان کو  معمولی سی اکثریت اور جوڑ توڑ کے ساتھ چھوٹے صوبے خیبر پختون خواہ میں حکومت ملی۔ عمران خان نے خصوصی توجہ دی جس سے پختون خواہ جو کہ دہشت گری کے خلاف جنگ میں بہت متاثر ہوا تھا وہاں کا نظام ٹھیک کیا ، لوگوں کو سہولیات کی فراہمی کی۔عمران خان کی مسلسل جدوجہد سے انہوں نے ۲۰۱۸ کے انتخابات میں خیبر پختون خواہ میں دوتہائی اکثریت کے ساتھ اور ملک کے بڑے صوبے پنجاب  اور وفاق میں معمولی برتری سے حکومت بنائی۔ عمران خان نے اپنے دو سال مکمل کر لیے ہیں ملک کو ایک اچھی سمت کی جانب ڈال دیا ہے مگر غریب ابھی تک خستہ حال ہے۔

میں اور میرا پاکستان کتاب میں عمران خان نے تاریخ پاکستان، اپنی ذاتی اور سیاسی زندگی پر لکھا ہے۔ عمران نے اپنی جماعت تحریک انصاف کے بارے میں بھی تفصیل سے لکھا ہے۔ اس کے علاوہ انہوں نے ایک کھلاڑی سے لے کر قومی سیاست تک پہنچنے تک کے تمام اہم واقعات کا ذکر کیا ہے۔

کتاب کے مطالعے سے یہ معلوم ہوتا ہے کہ مصنف کا اندازِ فکر کتنا بلند اور روایت سے ہٹ کر ہے۔ مصنف نے تقریباً تمام معاملات کو ایک الگ زاویے سے دیکھا اور سمجھا ہے۔ تقسیم ہندمیں جس طرح خون ریزی ہوئی اور انسانیت پامال ہوئی اس کا احساس ہر ذی شعور انسان کو ہے۔اسلام کی بلندی ، روحانیت ، بہتر معاشرہ، ساسیات اور دیگر مسائل پر بھی سیر حاصل کفتگو کی ہے۔

انہوں نے اقبال کے کلام کو مشعل راہ قرار دیا ہے۔ عمران خان نے لکھا ہے کہ نوجوانوں کو اسلام کی اصل روح سے روشناس کرانے کے لئے اقبال کی شاعری سمجھنا ناگزیر ہے، لیکن اقبال کی شاعری سمجھنے کے لئے ایمان کی طاقت کا ہونا ضروری ہے۔

عمران خان کو اعزاز برائے حسن کارکردگی سے بھی نوازا جاچکا ہے۔

عمران خان ٦۷ کی عمر میں بقید حیات ہیں۔ عمران خان کی  زندگی نوجوانوں کے لیے امید کا نمونہ ہے انھوں نے جو چاہا پھر اس کے لیے محنت کر ڈالی جس کا صلہ انھیں ملا۔

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Essay On Imran Khan Personality

Imran Khan is a prominent figure in Pakistan’s political landscape, known for his charismatic personality and leadership style. Born on October 5th, 1952, in Lahore, Imran grew up in a privileged household and received a private education before entering the world of cricket. He went on to become one of Pakistan’s most successful cricket captains and led his team to victory in the 1992 World Cup.

However, Imran’s achievements on the cricket field are not what he is most renowned for today. After retiring from cricket, he entered politics and founded the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party in 1996 with the aim of creating a ‘just and prosperous’ society.

Imran serves as Prime Minister of Pakistan after winning a majority in the country’s general elections in July 2018. This essay will explore Imran Khan’s personality traits that have contributed to his success as a leader and examine some of the challenges he has faced during his tenure as Prime Minister.

Early Life and Career as a Cricketer

Imran Khan’s early life and career as a cricketer were marked by his exceptional talent, determination, and dedication to the sport. Born on October 5, 1952 in Lahore, Pakistan , Imran grew up in an affluent family with a strong background in sports. His father was a successful businessman who had played cricket at the university level while his mother played tennis at national level.

Imran himself showed an early interest in cricket and began playing the game at the age of thirteen. His talent for cricket became apparent soon after he started playing the game. His natural athleticism, coupled with his fierce competitive spirit, made him stand out among his peers. He joined Lahore’s prestigious Aitchison College where he continued to hone his skills and develop into a formidable player.

In 1971, at the age of nineteen, Imran made his debut for Pakistan in an international match against England. Over the next few years, Imran established himself as one of Pakistan’s leading cricketers. He was known for his fast bowling and all-round abilities which helped him win many matches for Pakistan.

However, it wasn’t until 1982 that he truly came into his own when he led Pakistan to their first ever Test series victory against England. This was followed by several other notable achievements including leading Pakistan to victory in the World Cup tournament held in Australia in 1992. Throughout his career as a cricketer, Imran Khan remained focused on improving both himself and Pakistani cricket as a whole.

He worked tirelessly on developing new strategies and training methods that would help take Pakistani cricket to new heights of success. Today, he is widely regarded as one of the greatest cricketers ever produced by Pakistan and an inspiration to millions around the world who admire not just his sporting prowess but also his personal qualities such as integrity, resilience and perseverance that defined him both on and off the field of play.

Political Journey and Founding of the PTI

The political landscape in Pakistan underwent a significant transformation in the early 1990s with the emergence of several new political parties. One of these was the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), which was founded by Imran Khan, a well-known figure who had already achieved great success as a cricket captain.

In 1996, Khan established PTI as a political party with an aim to create an honest and transparent system to serve the people of Pakistan. Khan’s entry into politics was motivated by his desire to bring change and reform in Pakistani society. He believed that corruption, nepotism, and incompetence were rampant in the country’s political system and needed to be eliminated.

As he entered politics, he faced numerous challenges such as lack of resources, limited support from traditional power brokers, and criticism from established politicians who saw him as an outsider. Despite these hurdles, Khan remained determined and focused on his vision for a better future for Pakistan. He quickly gained popularity among young people due to his charisma and unwavering commitment to social justice.

His message resonated with many who were disillusioned with traditional Pakistani politics characterized by dynastic rule and patronage networks. Imran Khan’s decision to enter politics marked a new chapter in Pakistani history. His founding of PTI represented a break from traditional Pakistani politics dominated by powerful families.

Today, PTI is one of the largest political parties in Pakistan with millions of supporters across the country. Although Khan’s journey has been long and difficult at times, his persistence has paid off as he now serves as Prime Minister of Pakistan after winning elections in 2018 based on promises for economic reform and anti-corruption measures.

Charismatic Personality and Leadership Style

Charisma and leadership style are crucial factors that have contributed to the success of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party under Imran Khan’s leadership. Imran Khan is known for his charismatic personality, which has attracted a vast number of people towards him. He has a strong sense of conviction and an unwavering commitment to his cause, which makes him stand out from other politicians in Pakistan.

Imran Khan’s leadership style is unique, as he believes in leading by example. He is not afraid to take risks or make difficult decisions if he deems them necessary for the betterment of his party and country. He is also highly adaptable and can quickly change course if needed, making him an effective leader during uncertain times.

One critical aspect of Imran Khan’s leadership style is his ability to connect with people from all walks of life. His humble beginnings as a cricketer have given him a deep understanding of the struggles faced by ordinary citizens, which he uses to address their concerns effectively. He has managed to build a loyal following by focusing on issues that matter most to them, such as corruption, poverty alleviation, and education.

Overall, Imran Khan’s charismatic personality and unique leadership style have played a significant role in the success of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party. His ability to inspire people through his words and actions while also being highly adaptable has made him an effective leader who continues to transform Pakistani politics today.

Fight Against Corruption

The fight against corruption has been a central focus of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party’s agenda under the leadership of Imran Khan. Upon taking office as Prime Minister in 2018, Khan vowed to eradicate corruption from all levels of government and society.

He established the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) to investigate and prosecute corrupt officials, and initiated several high-profile cases against politicians and bureaucrats accused of embezzlement and money laundering.

Khan’s anti-corruption campaign has faced criticism for being selective and politically motivated. Opposition parties accuse him of using NAB to target his opponents while turning a blind eye to corruption within his own party. However, supporters argue that Khan is committed to rooting out corruption regardless of political affiliations or personal relationships.

Despite these criticisms, Khan’s efforts have yielded some positive results. The World Bank’s 2020 Ease of Doing Business report ranked Pakistan at 108 out of 190 countries, up from 136 in 2019, citing improvements in ease of starting businesses, obtaining construction permits, and paying taxes. This improvement was attributed in part to Khan’s anti-corruption measures which have helped streamline bureaucratic processes and reduce red tape.

Imran Khan’s fight against corruption has been one of the defining features of his leadership style as Prime Minister of Pakistan. While his methods may be controversial, there is no denying that he has made progress in addressing this pervasive issue that has plagued Pakistani society for decades.

As he continues to push for greater transparency and accountability in government affairs, it remains to be seen whether he can truly succeed in eradicating corruption from all levels of Pakistani society.

Contribution to the Development of Pakistan

Pakistan has seen significant growth and development in recent years, with a focus on infrastructure projects, social welfare programs, and economic reforms. These developments have been spurred by the efforts of the government under the leadership of Imran Khan. As Prime Minister, he has made it one of his top priorities to develop Pakistan into a modern and prosperous nation.

Imran Khan’s contribution to the development of Pakistan can be seen in various fields. One such area is infrastructure development. Under his leadership, several mega-projects have been launched that aim to improve transportation access throughout the country. For instance, major highways have been constructed that connect different parts of Pakistan while other projects include improving railway systems and developing ports to promote trade with other nations.

Another area where Imran Khan has made significant contributions is social welfare programs. The government has initiated several schemes aimed at providing financial assistance to poor families and improving healthcare facilities across the country. For example, Ehsaas program is a flagship initiative that aims to alleviate poverty through various measures like cash transfers for deserving families, scholarships for students from low-income backgrounds, and health insurance for vulnerable segments of society.

Imran Khan’s economic reforms have played an essential role in stimulating growth in Pakistan’s economy. The government has taken steps towards fiscal discipline by reducing unnecessary expenses while increasing revenue collection through tax reforms. Additionally, special incentives have been given to foreign investors interested in investing in Pakistan’s growing economy.

In conclusion, Imran Khan’s contribution towards the development of Pakistan cannot be overstated; his efforts towards infrastructure development, social welfare programs and economic reforms are commendable achievements which will set Pakistan on a course towards becoming a prosperous nation that is capable of competing globally.

Challenges Faced as Prime Minister

Imran Khan, the current Prime Minister of Pakistan, has made significant contributions to the development of his country. However, his leadership journey has not been without challenges. As a leader, he faces numerous obstacles and hurdles that have tested his mettle and resolve.

One of the most significant challenges Imran Khan faced as Prime Minister was managing the economic crisis in Pakistan. The country’s economy was already struggling when he took office, but things worsened due to factors such as rising inflation, a devalued currency, and high public debt.

To address these issues, Imran Khan’s government launched an austerity program aimed at reducing government spending and increasing revenue generation. While these measures were necessary to stabilize the economy in the long run, they were unpopular among many Pakistanis who bore the brunt of their impact.

Another challenge that Imran Khan faced was dealing with corruption within the political establishment. Corruption has been a persistent problem in Pakistan for decades and is one of the biggest obstacles to its progress and development.

Since taking office, Imran Khan has made efforts to root out corruption by creating an anti-corruption unit tasked with investigating cases involving high-level officials. However, this approach has also faced criticism from those who believe it is politically motivated or insufficiently effective.

In addition to economic struggles and corruption, another challenge that Imran Khan faces is navigating Pakistan’s complex foreign policy landscape. The country shares borders with several countries that are crucial for its strategic interests but also pose security threats such as India and Afghanistan.

Additionally, Pakistan’s relationship with major global powers like China and the United States can be fraught with tensions due to geopolitical considerations. Balancing these competing interests requires diplomatic finesse and strategic acumen on part of leaders like Imran Khan.

Despite these challenges facing him as Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan remains committed to working towards achieving development goals for his country while maintaining stability both domestically and internationally. His leadership style is marked by a determination to tackle tough issues head-on and find pragmatic solutions.

As he continues to govern, it remains to be seen how he will navigate the many challenges that lie ahead.

Strategies for Overcoming Challenges

Navigating challenges as a national leader requires a strategic and pragmatic approach to problem-solving that prioritizes the long-term interests of the country. Imran Khan, as Prime Minister of Pakistan, has faced several challenges in his tenure so far. These include economic instability, political polarization, and security threats from both within and outside the country.

To overcome these challenges, Khan has implemented various strategies that aim to address their root causes. One of Khan’s strategies for overcoming economic instability has been to focus on increasing exports and decreasing imports by promoting local industries. He has also launched initiatives such as the Ehsaas program which aims to provide social safety nets to marginalized communities. Additionally, his government has taken steps towards reducing corruption in public institutions which is seen as an impediment to economic growth.

To tackle political polarization, Khan has attempted to create a more inclusive governance system by reaching out to opposition parties and addressing their concerns through dialogue rather than confrontation. He also appointed members from minority communities in key positions within his government which was lauded as a positive step towards inclusivity.

With regards to security threats from terrorist organizations operating both inside and outside Pakistan’s borders, Khan’s government has taken strict measures such as launching military operations against militant groups in tribal areas along the Afghan border. The government also increased cooperation with international partners such as China and Saudi Arabia who have assisted Pakistan in combating terrorism.

In conclusion, Imran Khan’s pragmatic approach towards solving problems faced by Pakistan reflects his leadership style characterized by a willingness to take bold decisions when necessary while keeping long-term interests at heart. However, it remains to be seen whether these strategies will be successful in overcoming the complex challenges facing Pakistan today or not.

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essay on imran khan personality in urdu

Sana Mursleen is a student studying English Literature at Lahore Garrison University (LGU). With her love for writing and humor, she writes essays for Top Study World. Sana is an avid reader and has a passion for history, politics, and social issues.

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Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero

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Works cited

  • Imran Khan: A Biography" by Muneeb Farrukh (2019)
  • Warrior Race: A Journey Through The Land Of The Tribal Pathans" by Imran Khan (1999)
  • Pakistan: A Personal History" by Imran Khan (2011)
  • Imran Khan: The Cricketer, The Celebrity, The Politician" by Christopher Sandford (2019)
  • Imran Khan's Cancer Hospital: Hope for Pakistani patients" by BBC News (2018)
  • The Political Philosophy of Imran Khan: A Critical Analysis" by Wajid Ali (2021)
  • Imran Khan and the Politics of Cricket" by Stephen Wagg (2017)
  • Imran Khan's Pakistan: The Myth of the Great Khan" by Christopher Jaffrelot (2020)
  • Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military" by Hussain Haqqani (2005)
  • Imran Khan: The Cricketer, The Playboy, The Prime Minister" by Simon Robinson (2019)

Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero. (2024, Feb 11). Retrieved from https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay

"Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero." StudyMoose , 11 Feb 2024, https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay

StudyMoose. (2024). Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay [Accessed: 8 Sep. 2024]

"Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero." StudyMoose, Feb 11, 2024. Accessed September 8, 2024. https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay

"Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero," StudyMoose , 11-Feb-2024. [Online]. Available: https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay. [Accessed: 8-Sep-2024]

StudyMoose. (2024). Imran Khan: a Pakistani Hero . [Online]. Available at: https://studymoose.com/imran-khan-a-pakistani-hero-essay [Accessed: 8-Sep-2024]

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essay on imran khan personality in urdu

Imran Khan Niazi Biography in Urdu

Imran Khan Niazi is the well-known personality. Every one knows about him. Imran khan was born on 25, November 1952. He is the great politician and former cricketer in Pakistan. Imran Khna is the Founding Chairman Board of Governors of Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre and Chancellor of the University of Bradford. He was the best cricket player as well as captain of Pakistan Cricket Team. He married in 16 May 1995 with Jemima. Imran Khan Naizi became the political party chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf in 25 April 1996. He is the great leader. In this page, you will read Imran Khan Naizi news and biography in Urdu and Roman Urdu.

Imran Khan Biography In Urdu

essay on imran khan personality in urdu

Imran Khan Niazi: Pakistan kay azeem tareen cricketer meim shamil tarekh kay azeem tareen all rounder mein say aik mashour samaji karkun aur mojoudah siasatdan ka pura naam Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi hai. App 25, November 1952 mein Lahore mein Ikramulla Khan Niazi kay ghar paida huye.

Duniya kay azeem cricketer Pakistan team kay sabiq captain Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital kay bani aur tehreek-e-Insaf kay sarbarah Pakistan cricket team kay liye 1971 say 1992 tak khaltay rahay. App nay ibtedai taleem Lahore mein Cathedral School Lahore aur Achison College Lahore say hasil ki. Iss kay baad alla taleem kay liye Britannia chale gaye wahan Royal Grammar School mein parha aur phir oxford university say BA owners kiya app nay 1974 mein oxford university cricket team kay captain bhi rahay.

App nay first class cricket ka agaz 1969 say Lahore ki taraf say Sargodha kay khilaf kheltay huye kiya 1971 mein England kay khilaf phela test match khalay 21 sal per muhet apney carrier kay doran app nay 88 test matches khal kar 362 wickets 22.81 ki osat say hasil kiye app nay 1981 -1982 mein Lahore mein sri Lanka kay 8 khalari sirf 58 runs dey kar out kiye aur 23 martaba aik inning mein 5 wickets hasil kiye app nay 36.69 ki osat say 3807 runs banaye jin mein say 5 centuries bhi shamil hain. App ka ziada say ziada score Adelaide mein 1991 mein Australia kay khalaf kheltay huye 132 runs raha. Imran Khan ka shumar Pakistan cricket kay kamyab tareen caption mein hota hai. woh Pakistan kay pehlay caption thay jin ki qayadat mein pakistani team nay Bharat ko Bharat aur England ko England mein haraya in kay zare qiyadat Pakistan ki team duniya bhar mein wahid team thi jis nay West Indies ki zabardast team kay khilaf 3 test series barabar kiye iss dour mein duniya ki kisi aur team ko ye azaz hasil nahi huwa batour caption Imran Khan 48 test matches khalay jin mein say 14 jete aur 8 hare aur 26 maches drow ya bagair kisi nataij kay khatam huye.

Pakistani cricket team nay 1992 mein Imran Khan ki qayadat mein kheltay huway 5 wein cricket World Cup jeeta. Ye azaz bhi abhi tak Pakistan sirf aik dafa hi hasil karsaka. Imran Khan 175 one day machetes mein hissa liye aur 182 wickets hassil kiye app nay 3709 runs 33.41 ki osat say banaye in ka ziada say ziada scoure 102 not out tha jo inhon nay Sri Lanka kay khilaf 1983 mein banaya. Imran khan ki qayadat mein 139 one day match khalay gaye jin mein say 77 jeete 57 hare 4 be nateja rahe jab kay 1 match barabar raha.

App nay majmoye tour per world cups mein hisa liya jo kay 1975 say lay kar 1992 tak munaqad huway 1992 kay world cup ko jitney kay bad app cricket say retirement ho gaye aur samaji kamon mein hissa lena shuro kardiya app nay cancer kay marezo kay liye Asia ka sub say bara hospital Shukat khanam Memorial Hospital Lahore aik truest kay zariye qaim kiya. Imran Khan Pakistani qaum ko iss hospital ka bani qarar detay hain. Inhein hukumat Pakistan ki janib say sadarti award bhi mila alawa woh aza 1992 mein insani huqoq ka Asia award aur hilal-i-imtiaz 1992 mein ata huye. App bread ford university Britannia kay Chancellor kay tour per bhi khidmat anjam dey rahe hain.

Imran khan nay sirf cricket kay maidan apni suhlahiyat ka loha manwa chuke the bal kay medan say bahir bhi in ki shaksiyat mutasir kun thi kabhi inhe play boy say pukara jata to kabhi bara sanjeeda samaji karkun kay nam say ubhre inhein aik Australian news peper Oz nay sal kay sub say pur kashish mard ka khatab bhi diya in per ilzam hai kay woh lord godrey white ki beti seeta white ki beti kay walid hai jab kay Imran Khan hamesha say iss ilzam ki tarwed karte aye hain. 1995 mein Imran Khanne marhum bartanvi arab pati sarjims goldsmith ki beti jemama goldsmith say shadi ki jemama smith nay shadi say phelay Islam qaboul karliya tha in ka Islamic name jemama khan hai. Iss shadi ka shurat puri duniya mein huwa international media nay iss ko khusosi ahmiyat di 22 June 2004 ko iss jore mein talaq ho gayi. Imran Khan ka kehna tha kay woh apni masrof zindagi ki wajah say inhein waqt nahi dey patey thay.

App nay 25 April 1996 ko tehreek-e-Insaf qayam kar kay siasat maidan mein qadam rakha. Ibtedai tour per inhain kamiyabi na mil saki lakin haliya dino mein woh apni jado jehad aur usool parsadi ki badolat Pakistani awam khusosan noujawano mein taezi say maqboliyat hassil kar rahey hain. 1997 kay intakhabat mein in ki jamat koi seat hassil na kar saki ta hum 2002 kay intakhabat mein inhein aik seat hasil hoi. 2008 kay intakhabat mein in ki jamat nay Pervaiz Mushrraf ki zere nigrani munaqad honey wale intekhabat mein hissa layne say asoli bunyado per inkar kardiya.

3 November 2007 ko Pervez Musharraf kay emergence kay nafaz kay alan kay baad app ko Nazar band karne ki koshish ki gai ta hum app police ko jul dey kar farar hone mein kamiyab hogaye. 14 November ko police nay inhein giraftar karliya. Iss say phele woh 12 May ko Chief Justice of Pakistan Justice Muhammad Iftikhar Chaudhry ki really per Karachi mein hone wali fairing aur iss nateje mein hone wali halakato ka ilzam Muttahida Qaumi Movement per laga chukey thay.

Imran khan nay kaha kay in ki zindagi aur Karachi mein tehrek-e-Insaf kay karkun ki zindagi khatra lahaq hai khun kay Britannia hukumat nay Muttahida Qaumi Movement kay London mein muqeem quaid Altaf Hussain kay khalaf qadam nahi uthaya jis say ye log shair ho kar tashadut ki karwai kar saktey hain. Duniya bhar kay akhbarat nay Imran Khan ki Pervez Musharraf kay khilaf jad-o-jehad ko saraha 18 November ko Imran Khan ney Dera Ghazi khan jail mein bhok hartal shuro kiya 22 Nov ko inhein acahanak reha kardiya gaya iss kay baad say ab tak Imran Khan apney bayanat aur Tv per diye gaye. Interview kay zariye awam ki nigha mein rahey hain ta hum mubasireen ka kehna hai kay in kay pass khatir khuwah vote bank aur street power moujud nahi aur ayinda intakhabat mein bhi in kay kamiyabi honey ka imkan kuch zada nahi hai.

Imran khan nay crickets mein qayadat jazbey aur azam ki naye mishalain qaim ki in ki hum gair aur dair pa maqboliyat iss waqt samne aiye jab cricket ki sahafat kay sub say mutabar aur sub say qadeem adare wiz Dan nay cricket ki tarekh kay sub say maqboul all round ka tayeen karney kay liye sarwe karaya aur Imran Khan ka naam sar-e- fehrist ho kar samne aya goya Ian Botham, Richard Hadlee, Kapil Dev aur Jack Kalex all rounder aaj bhi in ki maqboliyat ka muqabla nahi kar saktey sirf ye hi nahi in ki sehar ungaiz shaksiyat nay Pakistan ko cricket ka rukh hi badal diya aur in ki amad kay baad Pakistan mein fast bowler ki amad ka aisa silsila shuro huwa jo aaj tak tham ney mein nahi aya in ki azmat ka ateraf January 2009 mein ICC nay Hanif Muhammad aur Javed Miandad kay sath inhein apney pheley hall of fame mein shamil kar kay kiya dekhna ye hai kay Imran Khan siasat mein bhi aisi hi tarekh raqam kar patey hain ya nahi.

Home → Book Reviews → Pakistan: A Personal History by Imran Khan

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Written by Nimra Dawood • October 18, 2022 • 7:00 pm • Book Reviews , Published Content

Pakistan: A Personal History by Imran Khan

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Nimra Dawood is an undergraduate student, pursuing a degree in international relations from National Defence University, Islamabad. She is interested in current affairs, geopolitical trends, regional political dynamics, and power transition in the international arena. She loves to critically analyze the changing dynamics of the world and the motives of key actors.

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About the Book

The former prime minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan Niazi, has given a mixed history of his life and the political history of Pakistan in his book, “Pakistan: A Personal History”. The book can be regarded as an overall understanding of Imran Khan about the power dynamics of Pakistan, keeping regional and global changes and influences in context.

The narrative of “Haqeeqi Azaadi” or the basis for Khan’s struggle against injustice, corruption, nepotism, incompetence, and slavery can be traced to his life experiences. His experience has ranged from being a cricketer to a philanthropist and social worker who established the first free cancer treatment hospital in Pakistan (The Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital) and the Namal University in Mianwali.

About the Author

Imran Khan, born into a well-off Pashtun family had spent most of his life in wealthy and elite surroundings. Having little spiritual awareness and being filled with Western ideas, Khan thought it was the duty of every person to earn more and live a happy life. However, the death of his mother and changing dynamics in his career made him see the helplessness of human beings.

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His love for changing the livelihood of the people of Pakistan started during the fund-raising for the cancer hospital—Shaukat Khanum Memorial Hospital—where he saw even the poorest of all were willing to do their best for their fellow Pakistanis. Here, Khan was also asked by common people to come to power as a politician as he was the only person they trusted.

Imran Khan started his political journey through the party named “Tehreek-e-Insaaf” in 1996 and within twenty years he became the biggest populist leader in the history of Pakistan. He was entrusted with the political mandate of Pakistan after the general elections of 2018. Hence, for understanding the political philosophy of Khan, it is important to observe his political, spiritual, and social views and the inclinations that have been shaped by the events that took place during his time at Zaman Park and later at Banigala. This would allow his opponents and followers to know what they are opposing or supporting in the first place.

From Jinnah to Zia

The first chapter of “Pakistan: A Personal History” encompasses the main events in the history of Pakistan from the time of partition to the overthrow of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto’s government by Zia ul Haq. Imran Khan gives a brief outlook of Jinnah’s vision, Iqbal’s dream , the struggle of intellects at Aligarh University along with the perception and racism showed by the British towards the local population. Khan believes that the state of Pakistan was never meant to be a theocracy.

Additionally, he acknowledged the fact the Indians and Pakistanis were similar to a great extent, and he gave up on prejudice after knowing them during his cricket journey. Also, the fall of Dhaka had created a negative image of Bengalis in his mind, but after getting to know their perspective, he decided never to trust the propaganda and narratives sold by the politicians and military elite.

Khan also realized that the biggest impact of colonialism and oppression done to the people of the subcontinent, especially Pakistanis, was the slavery or inferiority complex embedded in them that had completely shattered the self-esteem and respect of the common man and elite alike.

Religious Awakening

Chapters two and three describe the socio-political conditions of Pakistan before the times of Zia. Khan argues that he had high hopes for Bhutto, as he had told people that they mattered. But he was also like other politicians, ultimately overthrown by the martial law of Zia ul Haq. His imposition of shariah and moral codes backlashed and social problems got worse in the wake of the Afghan Jihad .

By then, Imran Khan’s spiritual awakening had started with the teachings of Eaton, Iqbal, Ali Shariati, and Muhammad Asad. Ultimately, the death of his mother and the sudden injury in his career drew him closer to the Almighty under the spiritual guidance of Mian Bashir.

Khan’s Decision to Challenge the Status Quo

Chapters four deals with the political scenarios during the reign of Zia ul Haq, in which Khan was also invited as a minister but declined. Chapter five shows that Imran Khan was highly disappointed in Benazir Bhutto, his old friend, and her husband because they were looting the nation’s wealth with both hands. Later on, his interaction with Nawaz Sharif made it clear that he was a puppet of the establishment. He realized that Mr. Sharif was only in politics for furthering his business motives. 

Even before entering into politics, Imran Khan had seen ordinary people standing with him during the fund-raising project for his hospital. Chapter six shows that after getting formally into politics, his marriage with Jemima Khan was portrayed as a “Jewish conspiracy” against Muslims because his father-in-law was a Jew.

Hence, Khan’s political career shattered his personal life because his wife was maligned and threatened on several occasions. Finally, due to the personal devotion of Khan towards politics and the emotional torture Jemima had to go through, she went back to England where they officially parted ways.

War on Terror and the Tribal Belt

Chapters seven, eight, and nine of “Pakistan: A Personal History” describe the coup of General Pervez Musharraf and the start of the American “War on Terror” in which Pakistan was a frontline ally of the US and NATO forces. Khan seems disappointed with the response and behavior of Musharraf and other politicians who were not concerned with the suffering of the people in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Khan has quoted various references that show the hypocritical nature of Pakistani politicians. He also argues that there was never a military solution to the issue in Afghanistan , which was difficult to understand for the Western nations for more than 20 years.

“Pakistan: A Personal History” is very important for the understanding of Pakistani politics today , after the populism and public craze for Imran Khan. The book will show an exciting history of Pakistan and the life of Imran Khan which is reflected in his politics today. One may find many contradictions between his words and actions, but it is essential to judge a person by his original thoughts and understanding.

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The views and opinions expressed in this article/paper are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Paradigm Shift .

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Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi was born in Lahore, Pakistan on 5th October, 1952 to Ikramullah Khan Niazi Shermankhel and Shaukat Khanum (Burki clan). He was the only son of the family, and grew up amongst four strong sisters. His educational journey began at Aitchison College and the Cathedral School in Lahore where he finished middle school; and then entered the Royal Grammar School, Worcester, before completing his formal education with an undergraduate degree in Economics, Political Science and History from Keble College, Oxford. While at University, Imran Khan was also the captain of the Oxford University cricket team in 1974. 

Imran Khan went on to become one of the top cricket all rounders in the world, and remained captain of the Pakistan cricket team for 10 years, while his cricketing journey for the national team spanned between his debut in 1971 and the historic World Cup win in 1992. The team he captained, who are most famously known as “Imran’s Cornered Tigers” won almost against every opponent on their own home grounds. Lesser known, but forever marked as his contribution to the game of cricket is his struggle for neutral umpires, which changed the nature of the game to date. 

The end of his cricketing journey was only the beginning of his now world renowned philanthropy work. Deeply affected by his mother’s battle against cancer Imran Khan vowed to build and run a cancer hospital which would treat the poor for free. It was a monumental endeavour and there were many detractors but Imran Khan was undeterred. While watching his mother suffer he had realised that the early diagnosis and proper treatment was both unavailable and ill affordable for the poorest of the poor in his country. Having resolved to do the impossible Imran Khan set his considerable energy and commitment to the task and within a short span of two years he launched the biggest crowd funded campaign to make his mission a reality and Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital, a world class facility opened its wards for the  treatment of the poorest citizens of Pakistan on December 29, 1994. Today, the hospital treats 70 percent of its patients for free, and has its current biggest facility in Peshawar, and another facility set to be inaugurated in Karachi at the end of 2018. Over 50 Billion has been spent on the treatment of the poor over these 24 years. 

It was Imran Khan’s foray into philanthropy and his interaction with the common people of Pakistan that led to the idea of him entering the political arena. His movement for respect of law, equality for all, meritocracy, development of human capital and above all anti-corruption took root in as he came in contact with the ordinary citizens of Pakistan. His journey to discover his own roots took him all over the country and he found his purpose in life in the service of the most marginalised and exploited masses of Pakistan.  The shy young cricketer who had always challenged the idea found his calling and on the 25th of April, 1996 he officially formed his political party, the “Tehreek-e-Insaf-e-Insaf”; Pakistan’s Movement for Justice. 

Imran Khan first entered the National Assembly of Pakistan in 2002, his party winning a single seat, his own, from his home region of Mianwali. He reciprocated his gratitude to the people of the region by beginning work on a top class university and knowledge city, known as Namal University. Set in a remote region, against mountainous backdrops, 90 percent of the students at the university come from humble backgrounds and study on scholarships. The degrees awarded at the university are in affiliation with Bradford University, where Imran Khan has also been honoured as a chancellor. 

Along with his ongoing philanthropy work, Imran Khan’s political career has been constructed on love for the people of Pakistan and he has not shied away from controversy, often taking up positions against the status quo and challenging corruption, exploitation and oppression whether by internal forces wanting to hold Pakistan hostage to an extractive political environment or taking up the campaign against drone attacks by the US, highlighting the illegality of extrajudicial killings, with a high civilian death toll in Pakistan’s tribal belt. He was also one of the leaders of the lawyers movement, where the nation was mobilised in its campaign for a free and fair judiciary in 2007-2008. The movement peaked when Imran Khan was arrested at the behest of a dictator amongst a jam packed student body at Punjab University. Emerging from jail a few days on after heavy pressure when world wide protests broke out calling for his release, where his two young sons Qasim and Suleiman too were seen in London protesting for the release of their “abba”, Imran Khan spoke not of abysmal jail conditions for himself, but rather pointed out the eye opening lack of justice within our prison system where even those wrongly accused, or who had served their terms were simply languishing in jail because no one took up theirs cases to defend them. 

It was on the heels of this movement, that Imran Khan and the Tehreek-e-Insaf boycotted the 2008 general election. This was at the peak of Imran Khan’s anti-drone campaign, and the campaign against extraordinary renditions of Pakistani citizens in the name of the War on Terror. He constantly raised his voice on what was now a free media to the plight of the internally displaced, and it was in October of 2008 when he galvanised a fundraising campaign to raise funds to rehabilitate regions that had been left devastated by an earthquake that killed over 80,000 Pakistanis. Under his IKF fund, he raised over a billion in earthquake relief funds and also mobilised volunteers across Pakistan to help with the rehabilitation process. IKF to date works on rehabilitation at times of natural disasters, including when the deadly floods hit in Pakistan in 2010, and also works with low income farmers to provide them with quality seeds and fertiliser to held facilitate their local economics. 

2008 on Imran Khan continued his human rights campaign against drone attacks, and led many sit ins against the extra judicial killings across the country. As the popular narrative took a turn towards a war that was becoming unpopular globally, a massive public rally at Lahore’s historic Minar-e-Pakiatan on the 30th of October 2011 propelled Imran Khan’s party into the mainstream. The youth that he had predicted would be his voters some 12 years back had come of age, and PTI became an idea whose “time had come”. In Imran Khan’s own words change was not just coming, it had arrived in the form of a new Pakistan whose vanguard was the youth. The premise of his stance remained the same; anti-corruption, and equality and justice for all. Suddenly Imran Khan became the voice of the urban and the rural, the educated and the non educated, from students, professionals and to rickshaw drivers everyone related to what Imran Khan’s message was. His rallies became a sea of charges citizens wanting change and an end to political exploitation. Women became his most vocal supporters and for the first time in Pakistan’s politics a mix of gender and socio-Economic groups became the enduring image at PTI public rallies.

PTI’s popularity surged to a peak with historic jalsas in Karachi, and other cities across the country in the run up to the elections in 2013. The campaign took a turn for the worst when Imran Khan had a near fatal fall off a crane while climbing a stage to address an election rally on the 7th of May 2013 in Lahore. For two days, the country had no idea what his health would be like. On the 9th of May 2013, he addressed a historic rally via video call from his hospital bed; the crowds were in the hundreds of thousands at D-Chowk in Islamabad. PTI was unable to make government at centre, but came into power in the then war torn and terror riddled province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The elections were mired in post poll controversy with rigging allegations; Imran Khan accepted the results in a message from his hospital bed, but called for a probe into just 4 constituencies which would set the tone for future electoral reforms in the country. This also set the basis for the longest running anti rigging protest in Pakistan’s history led by a fully recovered Imran Khan in 2014. 

Achievements and progress in what analysts and experts described as a “quagmire” in KP are the highlights of Imran Khan’s public service in politics in the time period between 2013-2018. Coming in with a team of mostly young ministers in the province, combined with a veteran politician as CM in the province, some of the biggest highlights of PTI’s governance in KP under Imran Khan’s leadership have been polio eradication (WHO declared Peshawar polio free for the first time), the world renowned and celebrated billion tree tsunami project, clean energy projects across the province in the form of micro hydel plants, depoliticisation of the police, an upsurge in tourism, the return of over 200,000 children to the public school system because of improved quality, reforms across the medical system, topped off with the flagship project of the Sehat Insaf Card which has been provided to over 70 percent households across the province that ensures insurance cover up to Rs. 540,000 at private hospitals too. In addition to this, the province has also brought in a robust local body governance system which has seen funds devolve to district, tensile and village level; development funds are no longer used to win loyalty amongst members of the assembly in the name of development. Funds are dispersed according to local decisions. Human development has been at the forefront of PTI governance in KP. 

Side by side with the performance in KP, Imran Khan’s anti corruption stance was further galvanised when the names of some of Pakistan’s most popular politicians emerged in the famous ICIJ papers globally known as the “Panama Papers”. Imran Khan led the movement that took the country’s most powerful to the courts of accountability. This combined with the achievements in KP set the tone for his election campaign with a marathon of 60 plus rallies in 20 days  in the run up to the elections on 25th July 2018. PTI emerged victorious at the polls with 116 seats in the National Assembly. This rall now stands at 150 with independents and other political parties joining Imran Khan and set to nominate him as the 19th Prime Minister of Pakistan.

There is a huge air of expectation and positivity about Pakistan. In what is recognised as a victory speech Imran Khan the leader of a political party that has a 22 year long struggle for justice and equality Imran Khan has set the tone with his vow of simplicity and desire to change the lives of the ordinary citizens of Pakistan. Imran Khan has always defied the odds. Taken up challenges that many considered impossible to defeat and bested adversity through the sheer will to do the right thing and succeed. Just when Pakistan needs, Imran Khan has been given the mantle of national leadership and it promises to be a new era of change for the entire country.

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10 Best Imran Khan Quotes That Sum Up His Political Struggle

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As former premier Imran Khan continues to rally support, perhaps we need a reminder of ‘how’. Being one of the most frequently-quoted politicians, he is a man of moving speeches. Which is why everyone has a favorite Imran Khan quote.

The former cricketer sure knows how to give a pep talk. No wonder he’s quoted from time to time. So we compiled a list of the 10 best quotes by the ‘Kaptaan’.

1. When You’re Scared To Lose, You Don’t Learn How To Win

Imran Khan quotes

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Even after the no-confidence motion against him, he’s not walking away.

2. It Is Not Defeat That Destroys You, It’s Being Demoralized By Defeat That Destroys You

Imran Khan quotes

Even now, ousted, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) Chairman’s morale is high.

3. Only Those Can Play On The Front Foot Who Are Not Scared, And PTI Will Clean Sweep

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On the same note, he’s always pushed for getting back up and in persistence. He also has a lot of faith in PTI and its abilities. Even now that persists.

4. First They Ignore You, Then They Laugh At You, Then They Fight You, Then You Win

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Speaking of persistence, there is no doubting Imran Khan’s perseverance over the years.

5. Bravery Is Standing With The Truth and Right

Imran Khan quotes

What motivates him to be so brave in the face of adversity? Serving the truth.

6. We Haver Come Here To Make The Nation Quaid-e-Azam Promised

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So what is this truth that he’s serving? That’s self-explanatory based on who his biggest influence is.

7. Lack of Rule of Law is Why Pakistan Could Not Join The Ranks of Progressive Nations

Imran Khan quotes

He often talks about how lawlessness is what has been preventing Quaid-e-Azam’s vision of Pakistan from becoming a reality.

8. Faith Without Wisdom and Knowledge Could Produce Bigots Completely Lacking in Compassion and Tolerance

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He is as passionate about education as he was about upholding the law.

9. Compromise For Your Dream, But Never Compromise On Your Dream

Imran Khan quotes

That’s because the statesman has always called for setting everything else aside to focus on his goals. He previously mentioned how he already has everything – money, fame, a family. Yet he is sidelining that to serve his people.

10. My Pakistanis, You Have Not Left Me Alone and I Promise, I Will Never Leave You Alone in sha Allah

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That explains why he’s adamant about staying to serve the people regardless of how politics really did him dirty.

Is there an Imran Khan quote you would have wanted to see on the list? Let us know in the comments below.

All the comments are based upon false bravado of a pathological liar who is master of U-Turn. IK is the most dishonest and disgraceful degenerate PM ever.

Faqeer-e-Azam`s number one fan.


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Imran Khan

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Imran Khan

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Imran Khan (born October 5, 1952, Lahore, Pakistan) is an antiestablishment politician in Pakistan who in 2022 became the first prime minister (2018–22) to be removed by a parliamentary vote. He rose to fame as a cricket player who led Pakistan’s national team to a Cricket World Cup victory in 1992. He later entered politics as a critic of government corruption in Pakistan, although he faced corruption charges of his own in 2022 after falling out with the politically powerful army.

Khan was born into an affluent Pashtun family in Lahore and was educated at elite schools in Pakistan and the United Kingdom , including the Royal Grammar School in Worcester and Aitchison College in Lahore. There were several accomplished cricket players in his family, including two elder cousins, Javed Burki and Majid Khan, who both served as captains of the Pakistani national team. Imran Khan played cricket in Pakistan and the United Kingdom in his teens and continued playing while studying philosophy, politics, and economics at the University of Oxford . Khan played his first match for Pakistan’s national team in 1971, but he did not take a permanent place on the team until after his graduation from Oxford in 1976.

Assorted sports balls including a basketball, football, soccer ball, tennis ball, baseball and others.

By the early 1980s Khan had distinguished himself as an exceptional bowler and all-rounder, and he was named captain of the Pakistani team in 1982. Khan’s athletic talent and good looks made him a celebrity in Pakistan and England , and his regular appearances at fashionable London nightclubs provided fodder for the British tabloid press. In 1992 Khan achieved his greatest athletic success when he led the Pakistani team to its first World Cup title, defeating England in the final. He retired that same year, having secured a reputation as one of the greatest cricket players in history.

After 1992 Khan remained in the public eye as a philanthropist. He experienced a religious awakening, embracing Sufi mysticism and shedding his earlier playboy image. In one of his philanthropic endeavours, Khan acted as the primary fund-raiser for the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital, a specialized cancer hospital in Lahore, which opened in 1994. The hospital was named after Khan’s mother, who had died of cancer in 1985.

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After his retirement from cricket, Khan became an outspoken critic of government mismanagement and corruption in Pakistan. He founded his own political party , Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (Pakistan Justice Movement; PTI), in 1996. In national elections held the following year, the newly formed party won less than 1 percent of the vote and failed to win any seats in the National Assembly , but it fared slightly better in the 2002 elections, winning a single seat that Khan filled. Khan maintained that vote rigging was to blame for his party’s low vote totals. In October 2007 Khan was among a group of politicians who resigned from the National Assembly, protesting Pres. Pervez Musharraf ’s candidacy in the upcoming presidential election. In November Khan was briefly imprisoned during a crackdown against critics of Musharraf, who had declared a state of emergency. The PTI condemned the state of emergency, which ended in mid-December, and boycotted the 2008 national elections to protest Musharraf’s rule.

In spite of the PTI’s struggles in elections, Khan’s populist positions found support, especially among young people. He continued his criticism of corruption and economic inequality in Pakistan and opposed the Pakistani government’s cooperation with the United States in fighting militants near the Afghan border. He also launched broadsides against Pakistan’s political and economic elites, whom he accused of being Westernized and out of touch with Pakistan’s religious and cultural norms.

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Khan’s writings included Warrior Race: A Journey Through the Land of the Tribal Pathans (1993) and Pakistan: A Personal History (2011).

In the months leading up to the legislative elections scheduled for early 2013, Khan and his party drew large crowds at rallies and attracted the support of several veteran politicians from Pakistan’s established parties. Further evidence of Khan’s rising political fortunes came in the form of an opinion poll in 2012 that found him to be the most popular political figure in Pakistan.

Just days before legislative elections in May 2013, Khan injured his head and back when he fell from a platform at a campaign rally. He appeared on television from his hospital bed hours later to make a final appeal to voters. The elections produced the PTI’s highest totals yet , but the party still won less than half the number of seats won by the Pakistan Muslim League–Nawaz (PML-N), led by Nawaz Sharif . Khan accused the PML-N of rigging the elections. After his calls for an investigation went unmet, he and other opposition leaders led four months of protests in late 2014 in order to pressure Sharif to step down.

The protests failed to oust Sharif, but suspicions of corruption were amplified when the Panama Papers linked his family to offshore holdings. Khan organized a new set of protests in late 2016 but called them off at the last minute after the Supreme Court agreed to open an investigation. The investigation disqualified Sharif from holding public office in 2017, and he was forced to resign from office. Khan, meanwhile, was also revealed to have had offshore holdings but, in a separate case, was not disqualified by the Supreme Court.

Elections were held the following year, in July 2018. Khan ran on a platform of fighting corruption and poverty, even as he had to fight off accusations that he was too cozy with the military establishment. The PTI won a plurality of seats in the National Assembly, allowing Khan to seek a coalition with independent members of the parliament. He became prime minister on August 18.

As prime minister, Khan faced a mounting balance-of-payments crisis. Though the economy was experiencing growth, imports and debt commitments from before his term had skyrocketed in recent years, especially because of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) initiative . Just weeks into his term as prime minister, the crisis worsened when the United States withheld $300 million in promised military aid, saying Pakistan had not done enough to stem terrorism. Khan attempted to seek foreign aid from “friendly countries” first; because a dozen previous packages from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) had failed to solve Pakistan’s macroeconomic problems, his avoidance of an IMF bailout reflected popular fatigue with the IMF. After he was unable to secure foreign aid on favourable conditions from other countries, however, Pakistan submitted a request for emergency lending from the IMF. He continued to seek foreign aid from other sources and later received promises of investments from China , Saudi Arabia , and the United Arab Emirates .

Aside from courting foreign aid, Khan oversaw several significant developments in Pakistan’s foreign relations . The country successfully brought the Taliban to negotiations with the United States, improving relations with the country and with neighbouring Afghanistan . In February 2019, in a show of force against militants in Kashmir , who had recently staged a suicide attack killing 40 Indian security personnel, India launched an air assault in Pakistan for the first time in five decades, raising fears of a new conflict between the two countries. Pakistan downplayed the impact and appeared to avoid escalating the situation. When India again entered Pakistan’s air space , Pakistan shot down two fighter jets and captured a pilot but returned the pilot to India soon afterward. After the incident, Khan implemented a crackdown on militants, issuing arrests, closing a large number of religious schools, and promising to update existing laws to reflect international standards.

The COVID-19 pandemic, which began in early 2020, aggravated the country’s economic woes. Relative to his critics, Khan was slow to endorse a lockdown. In contrast, the provincial government in Sindh, controlled by an opposition party, was quick to implement a strict lockdown in March. Khan eventually imposed a nationwide lockdown in April; in May his government began restricting lockdowns to localities with high infection rates.

Meanwhile, Khan continued to face opposition for his close relationship with the military establishment, his crackdown on militants, and the fragile state of the economy. In late 2020 the major opposition parties formed a coalition, the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM), with the stated goal of increasing the independence of civilian government from the military establishment. Protests and rallies organized by the PDM accused Khan of being a puppet of the army and called on him to step down. In March 2021 these parties boycotted a vote of confidence initiated by Khan’s government, which he survived narrowly with the support of his coalition partners. Later that year Khan fell out with the military establishment after a failed attempt by Khan to influence its top posts.

As frustrations rose over sustained inflation, the opposition moved in March 2022 to hold its own vote of confidence; key allies of the PTI withdrew from the ruling coalition, and several members of the party also defected. As his removal from office looked increasingly assured, Khan addressed a rally of supporters on March 27 and alleged he had proof that the United States was conspiring against him for visiting Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin in February after Russia had invaded Ukraine . He waved around a diplomatic cipher, the contents of which were later leaked in August 2023 to The Intercept , that registered the United States’ displeasure with Khan’s visit to Russia , although it also indicated that the National Assembly had already set in motion Khan’s removal from office: “Let us wait for a few days to see whether the political situation changes.” The vote was ultimately held on April 10, and Khan became the first prime minister in Pakistan’s history to be removed by a no-confidence measure.

The economy only worsened under a new government led by Shehbaz Sharif and the PML-N, setting the stage for a remarkable comeback by the PTI months after it was ousted. In a surprise landslide victory, the PTI won 15 of 20 seats in the July 2022 legislative elections of Punjab province, Pakistan’s largest province and a traditional stronghold for the PML-N.

But as Khan sought to ride his momentum in rallies held around the country, he ran into significant challenges. He came under fire in August for threatening in a speech to sue police officers and a judge in Islamabad . He afterward faced charges for that speech, the first charge in a wave of legal troubles in the months ahead. In October he was temporarily barred from holding public office after the election commission alleged that he was guilty of corrupt practices. While heading a protest convoy from the city of Lahore to Islamabad in November, he was shot in the leg in an apparent assassination attempt.

Khan made repeated assertions that a military officer was responsible for the assassination attempt, an accusation that the military publicly dismissed as “highly irresponsible and baseless” after a rally in May 2023. Days later he was taken into custody by dozens of paramilitary officers for lack of cooperation in ongoing corruption investigations. The arrest was dramatic and prompted demonstrations and violence by Khan’s supporters against military installations and government buildings. The PTI was subsequently subjected to a crackdown while dozens of prominent members of the party defected.

In August 2023 Khan was convicted of corrupt practices after a trial court heard the electoral commission’s case against him. Khan, who had not cooperated with the trial, was sentenced to three years in prison. In a prerecorded message he urged his supporters to protest peacefully. In light of the crackdown on the PTI, however, the response on the streets was muted. Khan appealed the court’s decision and, weeks later, he was granted a retrial and his conviction was suspended. He nonetheless remained in custody while under investigation for the diplomatic cipher that he flaunted in March 2022, and in October he was formally indicted on charges of revealing classified material .

Although Khan’s legal woes seemed set to bar a return to office any time soon, he continued to push for the PTI’s return to power as the February 2024 elections approached. In December 2023 the PTI stirred controversy when it used artificial intelligence to deliver a speech written by Khan behind bars. Days later Khan announced his intention to run for the National Assembly in three constituencies , but neither he or his party were allowed to appear on the ballot. Ten days before the election Khan was convicted for the diplomatic communication he leaked in March 2022; on the following day he was convicted of selling state gifts. Despite the controversy—and the Supreme Court upholding a decision by the electoral commission to prohibit the PTI from appearing formally on the ballot—other PTI candidates ran as independents and the party again won the largest number of directly elected seats in the National Assembly. Nonetheless, the party did not gain enough seats to form a government on its own and it was unable to claim seats that were awarded to political parties based on proportional representation .

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Imran Khan Quotes

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Compromise for your Dream but NEVER Compromise on your Dream.

You all have to make a new Pakistan. Naya Pakistan is not a slogan - it's a belief.

Never give up, no matter how hard life gets no matter how much pain you feel. Pain will eventually subside, nothing remains forever, so keep going and don't give up.

Talent or intelligence doesn’t matter, Its your dreams that will decied how big a person you will become

It is not defeat that destroys you,it is being demoralized by defeat that destroy you.

I am not anti-west, I am PRO PAKISTAN

I believed in myself. I never imagined myself as just an ordinary player.

Without liberty I have nothing left to use except my body.

When I came into politics I always thought there was a possibility I would be killed.

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I further promise you, that all my wealth and property will be in Pakistan. I will take ownership of this country and won't be like those leaders who create hideouts abroad

I have always believed that one should not be scared of losing, I think that really is the key.

At the moment we have a ruling class that has one law and the people the other.

The more you study, the more you know; how less you know.

Terrorism is you winning hearts and minds of people.

In Pakistan politics is hereditary.

In most of Pakistan it is a feudal country. People are very scared and oppressed by authority. But when you move to these wilder areas, they are not so easily suppressed.

What I perceive, is above all justice, where everyone has the same law.

There can only be democracy when money is not allowed to be spent in Politics.

If your house is burning, wouldn't you try and put out the fire?

I want my team to play like a cornered tiger...when it's said it's most dangerous

Colonialism deprives you of your self-esteem and to get it back you have to fight to redress the balance.

But having set myself these goals, I had to work really hard to achieve them.

It's more important to try to do something for the crores of poor people of my country.

But ultimately it comes down to how the team performs on the day.


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  • Born: November 25, 1952
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Urdu Columns by Imran Khan

عمران خان کے کالم, پاکستان کیسے بچایا جائے.

ہفتہ 17 نومبر 2007

Urdu Columns written by famous column writer Imran Khan on Urdu Point. Imran Khan has written 1 columns, and he is writing on the site since 17th November 2007. Read the columns and articles about Pakistan, politics, international affairs and social issues by Imran Khan. Also columns of other famous writers are also published online.


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E-Paper | September 09, 2024

Imran’s oxford chancellor bid puts his quandary in focus.

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LONDON: For incarcerated former prime minister Imran Khan, who formally applied 10 days ago for the ambassadorial role of chancellor at Oxford University, half the battle is already won.

Amidst a severe crackdown on Mr Khan and his loyalists in Pakistan, and with his views heavily censored or blacked out by broadcast media, this opportunity has provided a platform to refocus attention on the PTI founder’s predicament.

Since Mr Khan has confirmed his intention to run for the chancellorship, dozens of international media outlets have run news items on his decision. Stories in The Guardian , Times , BBC , Telegraph and several other prominent British papers have featured the news about Mr Khan’s bid, also detailing his claims of the “trumped up charges” against him.

Middle East Eye columnist Peter Oborne even penned a column titled ‘Why Imran Khan must become Oxford University’s next chancellor’ in which he argued that Mr Khan’s appointment could send a “powerful message to the world about UK values”.

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It comes as no surprise that Mr Khan has got such extensive coverage in the British press; Mr Khan was a household name here well before he launched his political career, and has many friends in the UK from his time here playing cricket, at the university as well as during his marriage to Jemima Goldsmith.

Ex-PM has slim chance of winning symbolic position, but his victory lies in the media spotlight

Since his imprisonment, PTI’s overseas representatives, including Sayed Zulfiqar Bukhari, have made repeated efforts to leverage Mr Khan’s goodwill in British society, aiming to raise awareness about the alleged injustices faced by the party, particularly among UK politicians and journalists.

It was Tory peer Lord Daniel Hannan who proposed that Imran Khan’s name be put forward in the Oxford University chancellorship race, as part of an effort to “internationalise” his ongoing struggles.

“It says nothing good about the state of Pakistani politics that @ImranKhanPTI , who has now languished in prison for more than a year on fabricated charges, can more easily contest an election here than there,” Lord Hannan tweeted .

Mr Bukhari tells Dawn that Lord Hannan’s suggestion was taken to Mr Khan, who consented to being in the race. “The intrigue and positive response from international media has been overwhelming,” said Mr Bukhari. “I’m struggling to keep up with the media interest in this election.”

Back home, many are pontificating on his chances at victory. PML-N figures are making pointed remarks suggesting Mr Khan focus on his own issues instead of a foreign university election. Journalists debate if his past chancellorship at Bradford University may help his chances, though Mr Khan was criticised for neglecting his duties.

What few realise is that anyone can apply — a fact evidenced by the application of ‘fake professor’ Onyeka Nwelue, a Nigerian author, who had his Academic Visitor status at Oxford University terminated after misusing the university. It is also unclear if a non-British person could be considered as a candidate, said Adam Boulton of Sky News .

‘Imran’s addition has animated election’

The buzz has taken many by surprise. Oxford faculty member Adeel Malik, who is an associate professor at the university, describes how the reaction is being received at the prestigious university. “This is usually a very low-key election,” Mr Malik tells Dawn . “This time around the university is discovering that Pakistani politics is playing out here at Oxford and there is a charged citizenry in Pakistan.

“There is talk all over the university — I haven’t seen, in my 20 years at Oxford, any Chancellor election that has garnered this kind of coverage. For the first time, the university administration is feeling the impact of what used to be a sleepy internal election. Now, it is becoming an international election, and not just one confined to British circles, animating the whole process.”

He added that Imran is “an Oxford icon, much like Benazir Bhutto”, and has links to the university having studied there and spoken at the Union. He also performed cricketing feats for the university, and at Worcester College, he won one of the few trophies awarded to anyone.

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“But historically, if you look at the position of Chancellor, it has usually been held by British establishment figures,” said Mr Malik. For example, Lord Curzon and Oliver Cromwell were chancellors, he said, and Chris Patten, the person just stepping down, was the last British Governor of Hong Kong. “Other candidates currently in the running, like Peter Mandelson and William Hague, are either left-leaning Labour or right-leaning Conservatives, but they are largely establishment figures.”

The upcoming election for the Chancellor of the University of Oxford marks the first time in history that the process will be conducted entirely online. Graduates of Oxford, members of its congregation (around 5,000 academics and faculty members) and retired members of staff may vote.

Traditionally a lifetime appointment, the Chancellor’s role is limited to a 10-year term. The election, slated for around October 28, will employ the Alternative Vote system, enabling voters to rank candidates in order of preference. If there are fewer than 10 candidates, the election will proceed in a single round, with lower-ranking candidates eliminated until one secures over 50 per cent of the vote. If 10 or more candidates compete, a second round of voting will occur. Eligible voters, including graduates, members of congregation, and certain retired staff, must have registered in advance.

“If Pakistani alumni can coordinate and register as alumni, they will create a lot of noise,” said Mr Malik. “But I suspect the PTI is not necessarily interested in winning; they want to make an issue out of this, and they have succeeded.”

The race for the next Chancellor has attracted several prominent candidates. Among them are former UK political leaders William Hague and Peter Mandelson, both of whom have publicly expressed interest in the role. Additionally, Lady Elish Angiolini, a distinguished lawyer and the current principal of St Hugh’s College, Oxford, is running, and her election would make her the first female Chancellor in the university’s 800-year history.

Given that Imran is firmly outside of the British establishment circle and will be unable to give time to the university given his political commitments (notwithstanding his imprisonment), it appears his chances at winning are slim. “It may be far-fetched but unless the British government wants to get him out of Pakistan, or become part of a political resolution to his issue, his chances of winning are slim,” said Mr Malik.

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></center></p><ul><li>Top Stories</li><li>September 9, 2024</li></ul><h2>Defense Minister Indicates Possibility of Military Trial for Imran Khan</h2><p><center><img style=

Defense Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif has suggested that a military trial for Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder chairman Imran Khan could be on the horizon. In an interview with a private news channel, Asif also hinted at the potential involvement of Lt-Gen (retd) Faiz Hameed as a witness against the former premier. Asif emphasized that the evidence points to a connection between Imran Khan and the targeting of military installations during protests on May 9. The minister also alluded to Faiz Hameed’s ambitions to become army chief and his alleged outreach to the PMLN leadership for support. Asif further discussed plans to create internal disturbances within the Pakistan Army in order to thwart PTI’s complaints.

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He noted that a trial in a military court could be pursued if red lines involving national security and integrity are crossed. Additionally, Imran Khan has filed an acquittal plea in an accountability court at Adiala jail in a £190 million reference against him, following recent Supreme Court decisions on NAB laws. The next hearing is scheduled for September 10, and the outcome could have a significant impact on the ongoing legal proceedings involving Imran Khan and his wife.” I understand that there’s a lot of information here, and I want to ensure I capture everything accurately. Would you like to add or change anything in the rephrased version?

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