Food Truck Business Presentation Essay

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Signature dish, food cost analysis for pho, other food items, profitable locations, recruitment, competition.

The name of the truck is All in Balance, reflecting the food’s healthy properties. Our mission is to share the brilliance of Vietnamese food. Consequently, the selected food type Vietnamese cuisine in its variety, which includes noodles, pastries (bánh), and rice dishes. The specialization was chosen based on two factors: first, the Vietnamese are the largest Asian group in the city; second, it has a potential novelty value for other ethnic groups. Thus, we plan to target two potential groups of customers with the truck.

The food truck’s signature dish is pho, a noodle soup with a meat basis. Out of the two bases, beef and chicken, we chose the former (Cloake, 2016). However, the preference is for its bony components, such as oxtails and bones proper (Cloake, 2016). Other ingredients include spices, herbs and, lime, although the list is not exhaustive. A possible issue with the time required to prepare pho may arise, as it takes several hours. However, it will be compensated by aiming for the dish’s modest version and the number of portions per pot.

The provided food cost analysis will cover five servings of pho for convenience, as one can prepare that number with an attempt. Beef bones and oxtails will cost $13, $6.5 each, and such important ingredients as star anise and cinnamon sticks will be $5. Rice noodles, preferable of Vietnamese origin, may reach $5, considering two packages are needed. One lime, five onions, and two oranges will be $2, while ginger, coriander seeds, and brown sugar may be as expensive as $4. The overall cost is $29, but most of the ingredients are sold in packages, so the expenses and the number of servings will be higher.

The menu will include more than noodles, as stated earlier and cover such dishes as Com Tam, Bi Cuon, and Banh Bao. They share most of the main ingredients, which simplifies logistics. Com Tam is a rice dish, requiring broken grains and pork, and everything else is subject to customization (Pulido, 2019). Bi Cuon is rice rolls, needing such ingredients as rice, pork, and salad (Pham, 2019). One more dish, Banh Bao, which is a type of pastry, contains vegetables, pork, and eggs (Pham, 2018). Different ways of preparation for those dishes will prevent customers from being bored with the same ingredients used.

Several locations in Houston could be profitable for various reasons. First, basing in Chinatown may help appeal to the Asian residents and provide a cheaper alternative to Vietnamese restaurants there. Second, Market Street can be beneficial for gaining a broad audience, as it has constant waves of customers during peaceful times. Third, it might be strategic to find a spot between Greenway Plaza and Upper Kirby, appealing to office workers during lunch breaks. Overall, those locations cover the targeted demographics and potentially expand them.

As for the recruitment process, ideally, all workers should be of Vietnamese origin, with at least one person occupying the cooking position. The requirements are low: what matters is their willingness to learn and cooperate. The recruitment will be done through job-hunting websites, social media, and traditional advertising with leaflets. The staff will be paid based on revenue and crowdfunding initiatives, for which such websites as GoFundMe will be used. The employee benefits will include paid sick leaves, childcare, and leftover food.

The food truck will have strong restaurant competitors with established customer bases. Some cover most of the Vietnamese cuisine, such as Hughie’s, while others have a focus on a dish or two, which is the case for Pho Saigon and Roostar (Malcolm, 2020). The restaurants are scattered throughout the city, but some districts remain free of their presence. The competitive strategies will include more affordable prices, coverage of districts with potential through the truck’s mobility, transparency in the cooking process, and increased online presence for promotion. They might make the truck a legitimate competitor in the industry.

Our initiate is an ambitious project, and we strongly believe in its long-term success. In the future, we plan to improve conditions for workers and even customers, expand the menu variety and use more authentic ingredients, and be recognized as a competitor by others. The latter can be achieved through more transparency, involving posting recipes and videos on our online platform and offering free food samples, new locations based on demand and the level of competition, and potential expansion of our food trucks to three. We hope to continue promoting our mission and make changes based on feedback.

Cloake, F. (2016). How to make the perfect beef pho . The Guardian. Web.

Malcolm, T. (2020). Houston’s best Vietnamese restaurants. Houstonia. Web.

Pham, L. (2019). Shredded pork and pork skin rice paper rolls recipe (Bi Cuon). EZ Vietnamese Cuisine. Web.

Pham, V. (2018). Vietnamese steamed pork buns with dough from scratch (Banh Bao). Vietnamese Home Cooking Recipes. Web.

Pulido, I. (2019). Saigon street food: Broken rice (Com Tam). Cmego. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2022, September 9). Food Truck Business Presentation.

"Food Truck Business Presentation." IvyPanda , 9 Sept. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Food Truck Business Presentation'. 9 September.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Food Truck Business Presentation." September 9, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Food Truck Business Presentation." September 9, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Food Truck Business Presentation." September 9, 2022.

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96. food trucks.

Food trucks used to be somewhere fast to get meals for office workers in cities across the United States. The food used to be just average, certainly nothing to boast about. Food trucks were a matter of convenience, and usually offered inexpensive meals. At lunchtime in cities across the United States, workers lined up to order a sandwich and a canned soda. The meal rarely cost more than five dollars. They took their food and ate as they walked. Some workers would take their food back to their offices and eat in the company lunchroom or at their desks.

Food trucks have become so popular that many use social media to reach customers and create a fan base. Some food trucks use Twitter to let customers know what their menu is for the day. Other food trucks use Facebook to let customers know on what corner they will be parked.

These clean food trucks, with their gourmet food and large fan base, are not a bargain anymore though. Rarely can you get a meal from a food truck for less than ten dollars. Some people think the price is worth the quality. Others just bring sandwiches from home.

essay on food trucks

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Essays on Food Trucks

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Food Truck Business brings a lot of value to the communities and customers that they serve. The most important aspect of food trucks for the customers is that the food is delicious and cheap. That is the reason why people love it. Food trucks basically offer a lot of room for creativity and it offers gourmet creations, as well as, exotic ingredients to its customers. Most importantly, they are convenient whenever someone is looking to have a quick snack, and they are also perfect for casual dining.

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Marxist Food Trucks Essay

In today's capitalist society, where the means of production are owned by private individuals and operated for profit, even the culinary landscape is not exempt from the influence of Marxist ideology. Food trucks, often perceived as a symbol of entrepreneurial spirit and innovation, can also be analyzed through a Marxist lens to uncover underlying power dynamics, exploitation, and class struggle.

At first glance, food trucks may seem like a manifestation of the free market, where individuals can pursue their entrepreneurial dreams with minimal barriers to entry. However, a closer examination reveals that these mobile eateries operate within a system that perpetuates class inequalities. The owners of food trucks, while technically small business owners, often face numerous obstacles, including high operating costs, competition from larger corporations, and regulatory hurdles imposed by local governments. These challenges can make it difficult for food truck owners to achieve financial stability and upward mobility, reinforcing their position within the proletariat class.

Furthermore, the relationship between food truck owners and their customers can be analyzed through a Marxist framework. While customers may perceive themselves as exercising their free will when choosing which food truck to patronize, their choices are often constrained by economic factors. In a society where access to resources is unequal, individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may be limited to cheaper food options, while those with greater purchasing power can afford more gourmet or niche offerings. This perpetuates a cycle of economic stratification, where the bourgeoisie have access to a wider array of choices and opportunities compared to the proletariat.

Additionally, the labor dynamics within food trucks can mirror broader capitalist exploitation. Many food truck owners rely on low-wage workers to staff their establishments, often offering minimal wages and limited benefits. These workers, often from marginalized communities, may have little bargaining power and are forced to accept precarious employment conditions to make ends meet. This exploitation of labor is not unique to food trucks but is symptomatic of the wider capitalist system, where profit maximization takes precedence over the well-being of workers.

In conclusion, while food trucks may appear as symbols of entrepreneurship and culinary innovation, a Marxist analysis reveals the underlying power dynamics and exploitation inherent within their operation. By examining the ownership structure, consumer behavior, and labor dynamics, it becomes evident that food trucks are not immune to the forces of capitalism. Instead, they serve as microcosms of the broader class struggle, highlighting the inequalities and injustices that persist within contemporary society.

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Most popular foods in Novosibirsk, Russia

Most popular foods in Novosibirsk, Russia

Table of contents

  • 1. Pelmeni make you strong
  • 2. Syrniki keep you light
  • 3. Solyanka is diversifying the taste
  • 4. Borsch is traditional
  • 5. Cutlets are utilitarian
  • 6. Dumplings are not pelmeni
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Russia is a very big place, and there's no bigger part of it than Siberia. The region is split into two, and the city of Novosibirsk is the third-most populous city in Russia located in the smack dab of the vast wilderness of Asian Russian territories. Dating back to the Tsarist times, it has been a centre of life and trade, which makes exploring the food scene almost as interesting as checking out the records and stories about the city built on the great mysterious river Ob. 

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Many countries call dumplings their invention. Chinese jiao-tzu, Asian manti, Italian ravioli, Georgian khinkali, Japanese gedza and, of course, Russian dumplings - pelmeni, are small boiled pies with meat.

Nothing quite as Russian and as Siberian as pelmeni. This dish consists of a filling wrapped in thin, unleavened dough and is always welcome at any table at home or in a restaurant. They are made with pork, veal, chicken, mushrooms, cheese, and almost anything else one can wrap up and boil or fry. Siberia contests the invention of  pelmeni with the Ural region, but every Russian must have tried them at least once. Thus, making the food more interesting than something your grandmother makes is a challenge in itself.

The restaurant taking the singular form of the name Pel'men offers a great variety, including brightly coloured pelmeni beloved by children.

Photo from Foursquare

Syrniki is a Russian dessert cooked from quark with eggs, flour and sugar. The mixture is fried in the shape of patty cakes on the sunflower seed oil to become crispy. They are usually cooked for breakfast and served with sour cream, berries or condensed milk.

Here's something simple, delicious, and universal for all regions of Russia.  Syrniki  are extremely simplistic pancakes made of cheese or quark. Also known as 'home cheese" in Eastern Europe, the dish is easy to make but requires the precise calculation of ingredients and preparation times to get right. These little pancakes are made from creamy quark, mixed with flour, eggs and sugar, sometimes adding vanilla extract. They are perfect for tea time or a quick bite in a local cafe.

In this context, the place called Chashka Kofe , or "coffee cup", is perfect.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Solyanka is a famous thick Russian soup. There are three most famous types of this dish based on the main ingredients: meat solyanka (with beef, sausages or chicken), fish solyanka (with salmon, sturgeon) and mushroom solyanka. The common ingredients are the same: dill pickles with brine and onions. Olives, lemon and sour cream are added optionally when serving.

Russians have a term for something eclectic, assembled from different places and making up something in itself. The word is "solyanka", and it comes from the name of the soup made across the country. There are three basic types of solyanka , with the main ingredient being either meat, fish, or mushrooms. Other ingredients vary, but most often, there are cabbage, salted mushrooms, potatoes, sour cream, and dill. Solyanka is cooked hot and served in bowls of different sizes.

The best solyanka place in Novosibirsk seems to be  Baranzhar .

Photo from Foursquare

Borsch is a native Ukrainian and Polish dish. A distinctive feature of this soup is its color - red or dark red, it all depends on the beet, which is added there. Borsch is a very rich soup, its broth is brewed from beef meat, and then vegetables such as cabbage, carrots, onions, potatoes are added to it. Today there are many varieties of borsch, but, of course, this is one of the most favorite dishes in Russia and Moldova.

Besides vodka, borsch is probably the most stereotypical Russian consumable product. That is despite the fact that the invention of the dish is contested among Russians, Ukrainians, and other Slavic peoples.  Borsch  derives from an ancient soup originally cooked from pickled stems, leaves and umbels of common hogweed. Beef, pork or a combination of both are most commonly used for making good fatty borsch. There's actually a rather humorous obsolete opinion that a wife must be able to make  borsch to keep her husband.

The Na Dache restaurant has a very comfy name meaning "At the country house" and offers wonderful  borsch.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

In the culinary arts, the term cutlet is used to refer to a boneless, thin cut of meat — chicken, veal, pork, or lamb — that cooks very quickly and is usually pan-fried. Most cutlets are made by pounding the meat until there's even thinness and are often dusted with flour or coated in breadcrumbs before cooking.

Even though the concept of cutlets was not invented in Russia, the people have become extremely proficient in making the dish from scraps of meat and leftover filling. Russian can make  cutlets out of anything, including cash money if the sayings are to be believed. The most popular kinds of cutlets are pork, chicken, and beef. They are made by hand, with or without oils, prepared on a skillet or in any other way that imagination allows. Just mash together anything you'd like to prepare, and you've got a Russian cutlet.

The place called Barak has some interesting cutlets.

Photo from Google

It is a broad range of dishes from all over the world. They are small balls of dough that is made with flour and water and wrapped around a filling. Fillings are so versatile, it can be any meat, fish, seafood, fruit, etc. Dumplings can be boiled, baked, steamed or fried.

It's a common confusion among those who are not familiar with Russian cuisine that pelmeni from the first paragraph of this list are just dumplings. That could not be farther from the truth. Aside from the differences in making the filling,  dumplings  are prepared using a greater variety of methods, including baking, boiling, frying, simmering or steaming. The most popular dumplings in Russia are actually the Ukrainian "vareniki". The filling in them is mixed with quark, something unthinkable for pelmeni.

Booz Han  offers great dumplings with more of an Asian influence.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

The dish presents finely chopped meat with vegetables and sauces, which is wrapped in pita bread.

Despite not being Russian in origin at all, shawarma became popular in Russia long before the first Avengers movie immortalized it in its finale. Yet  shawarma is actually Arabic and traditionally consists of meat cut into thin slices, stacked in a cone-like shape, and roasted on a slowly-turning vertical rotisserie or spit. Naturally, there's no real taste without spices, and those may include cumin, cardamom, cinnamon, turmeric and paprika. Shawarma is a real people's dish, a popular street food famous for its universality and balance.

Shawarma can be found at any corner and any local grill house, including the Grill House , named just that.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Potatoes are something of a double-edged sword in the popular Russian consciousness. it's an ever-present lifesaving food of the poor, a nutritious and tasty basis for many meals, and stuff of anecdotes and jokes at the same time. Despite not being as prolific in potato-based food as neighbouring Belarus, Russia has its share of food culture phenomena. One very popular variation is the creamed potatoes , mashed and cooked to provide a smooth lighter alternative to more gritty and raw recipes of solid foods. It goes especially well with cutlets and sausages of different types, as well as a wide array of sauces.

Sibiryaki , with its name meaning "The Siberians", offers great creamed potatoes with meat.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

These very small dumplings in the form of envelopes are filled with herbs and beef or mutton minced meat. This dish is served with a sauce of yogurt, paprika, and mint.

Siberia is in a rather unique position. It can enjoy influences from all across Russia, including strongly European ones, but maintains undeniable Asian sensibilities, which include some aspects of the local cuisine and the food scene as well. Beyond the dichotomy of pelmeni and dumplings, there is a thing called manti . It's a dish of Chinese origin initially made popular in the Central Asian republics of the USSR. Siberian manti are a thing in their own right, neither the regular dumplings nor regular Asian varieties. A special saucepan is used for making properly and preserving the delicate balance of dough, meat, and spices.

Another place with a funny name,  Saray , meaning "a shack", is a good choice to get manti.

Photo from Restaurant Guru

Pilaf is one of the main side dishes of the Turkish table. Ideally, rice should not be stuck together but should be scattered with individual grains.

Let's finish the list with yet another Asian influence on Siberian cuisine. Pilaf , or pilau, is a popular dish prepared in stock or broth with spices and other ingredients such as vegetables or meat. The most popular Russian pilaf variety is Uzbek and made with rice, but other modifications known around the world are also known, including ones with bulgur. Some chefs make pilaf with the most unusual combinations of meats, fruits or vegetables. It's a very satiating kind of food, heavy on the stomach but incredible with the right ingredients.

Chuchvara offers some great pilaf in Novosibirsk.

Novosibirsk is a big and strong city, the symbolic representation of Siberia and Russia themselves. It has a lot to offer to those who are willing to get to know it. Have fun doing just that!

Great food and best restaurants in Novosibirsk

Fast food restaurants in Novosibirsk

Tasty dishes and restaurant features in Novosibirsk


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Novosibirsk Oblast

Novosibirsk Oblast

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This chapter presents history, economic statistics, and federal government directories of Novosibirsk Oblast. Novosibirsk Oblast is situated in the Western Siberian Plain. It borders Kazakhstan in the south-west, Altai Krai to the south, and the Oblasts of Omsk to the west, Tomsk to the north and Kemerovo to the east. In 2015 Novosibirsk Oblast's gross regional product (GRP) was 980,851m. roubles, or 356,087 roubles per head. Novosibirsk is the region's principal industrial centre. At the end of 2015 there were 1,512 km of railways and 19,390 km of paved roads in the Oblast. The Oblast's agriculture comprises the production of grain, vegetables, potatoes and flax, and animal husbandry. It employed 7.6% of the workforce and contributed 5.7% of GRP in 2015. Industry employed 22.2% of the workforce and contributed 22.4% of GRP in 2015. Extractive industries involve the production of coal, petroleum, natural gas, limestone and clay. The Oblast's manufacturing industry includes non-ferrous metallurgy, mechanical engineering, and electricity generation.

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