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Using Information in Human Resources (5UIN)

  • June 13, 2020
  • Posted by: Harry King
  • Category: CIPD Level 5 Level 5 Diploma in Human Resource Management

Using Information in Human Resources (5UIN)

Introduction to the unit

As part of the programme to complete CIPD Level 5, learners are expected to carry out research investigating a HR topic within a particular industry. Learners taking this unit should show their capability in carrying out research, with evaluation of different research materials to enhance good understanding of the research topic. The research is meant to help the learners understand how to use the knowledge and the skills gained through the CIPD level 5 courses. The assessment helps learners review information sources that are relevant to the research topic, and through this, come up with conclusions to support improvement of the HR issue affecting the business.

Structure of the document

Learners have to produce a document explaining the key elements of the research, with specific subheadings well developed to show that the learner has completed all the elements needed in the research. This is important to ensuring that the learners get to effectively communicate information gathered from the research on the research topic being investigated. The document should be well structured, and in this perspective, the learners should pay attention to the outline and structure produced by the tutor, and uses this as a guide to carry out the research.

The main structure in the research should have the following

Cover page; in most instances, the information that has to be included in the cover page is provided by the instructor, including the details related to the name of student, name of instructor, number of words in the document among others. However, the most important issue that the learner should take into consideration is the research topic, which should be well developed by the learner. The title of the research should not be vague, and neither should it be too short nor complicated in any way. The research topic guides the audiences on what the research focus is all about. Titles should be in form of well clearly stated statement, or in form of questions. The following are some of the examples that show how well developed research titles read;

  • Evaluating the significance of learning and development in promoting performance of workers at ABC organisation
  • Identifying the effectiveness of recruitment and selection methods in the hiring the right candidates for the job within the healthcare industry
  • The impact of using absence and turnover data in impacting employee well-being within the organisation, case study of XYZ Company

Abstract/executive summary; this is the part that summarises what the report is all about, paying attention to the purpose of the study, method, findings, results, conclusions and recommendations. This part helps the busy executives get to understand what the researcher has done in the research, and its significance to bringing about results that promote good understanding and improvement of the research issue.

Content page; this highlights the main topics and subtopics used in the research. The research audiences can easily and quickly locate the information from the content page

Introduction; this is the first part of the research where the researcher introduces the research topic and helps the learners understand the context to which the research is being carried out. The aim and objectives of the research, as well as the identification of key stakeholders should be a subtopic in the introduction part of the assessment.

Literature review; this is the second part of the research, where the researcher identifies different secondary resources to review what has already been studied regarding the subject topic.

Critique of literature review; this helps differentiate the secondary sources used in the literature review, by proving the similarities and differences in the research methods used. Under this topic, the first subheading should be justification of the selected research, to explain why the source of research is significant in the research. The second subheading is the identification of the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods used. The third subheading is the application of the information collected from the research, to the business or industry under study.

Proposed presentation or findings; from the review and critique of the method used, the findings from the research should be presented in line graphs, bar charts or pie charts.

Conclusion and recommendation; this is the final part of the research, where the conclusion of the research is well developed, and recommendations provided to improve the area of investigation based on the findings obtained from the research.

References; this provides the sources used to enhance completion of the research. The sources should be up to date, credible, and reliable. They should be formatted using the Harvard referencing format that has approved by the CIPD.

After completing the course, the audiences or the readers should be in a position to evaluate the research that has been carried out by the learners completing this level of education. The research document should be presented in a manner to attract the attention of the audiences, and at the same ensure that it is convincing to the audiences. Therefore, the information presented has to be persuasive to the readers, that all elements of the research have been effectively developed, to bring about findings that support improvement of the research topic.

Learning objectives;

By the end of the assessment, the learners should;

  • Be able to clearly identify research problems that affect businesses. And clearly explain the reason for choosing the research issue
  • Have the ability to identify information from the secondary sources to help evaluate how those issues can be solved
  • Be able to justify why the research topic is important
  • Have the ability to develop clear research objectives to support the research
  • Explain the weaknesses and strengths of the different sources reviewed to justify the research issue has to be investigated
  • Be able to draw conclusions from the information sources, which are meaningful to investigating the research topic.
  • Be in a position to formulate a business report with a mix of narrative and diagrammatic formats of information presentation.

Winding up;

By the end of the assessment, the learners should be able to meet the criteria developed in the course outline by the tutor. This helps ensure that all information required is well presented, and the concepts of the subject topic being discussed in the research are well presented to enhance good understanding of the topic.

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CIPD Assignment Help

  • Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN

Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN

Unit Using Information in Human Resources 5UIN is based on the significance of the information added by the student in their research and assignments. The students who are pursuing level 5 of CIPD must require the topic of Human Resource Management within the industry because of is part of their syllabus. Student must conduct the research in between the evaluation of this unit with analysis of the versatile research material sources to improve their topic understanding. Therefore, all courses of this level will increase the understanding of the learners to utilize their knowledge and skills. Moreover, the assessment of the unit using information in human resources 5uin will also permit students to have a glance at significant information resources. Then generate a conclusion to support the HR improvement including the issues faced by the company.

Every learner should generate a document that elaborates on the key components of the research with particular subheadings that explain all requirements covered by the learners in research. The learning through which information communication from research conduction is significant to certify that the learners got at their goal. It also generates a meaning that learners must utilize the outline provided by the tutor as a guide they conduct in their Research and it should be prepared from a structural standpoint.

Generally, the main emphasis of the unit Using Information in Human Resources 5uin is that the instructor also provides the information needed for catering to all pages such as the name of a student`s instructor name and the number of words in the document, and other details. This section comprises the introductory page where the information of the student is a very essential factor in analyzing the quick-witted condition of the student. The main purpose behind the topic is to keep the readers aware of the main emphasis and the research title should not be comprised of vagueness it should be normal not complicated or short. The well-stated title and question statement always increase the marks and understanding of the reader.

Objectives of unit

The objectives that the unit Using Information in Human Resources 5uin has emphasised are demonstrated underneath:

  • An identification of the important learning and development in workers` performance promotion at any organization.
  • Monitor the selection and recruitment method in the industry of healthcare for hiring appropriate candidates.
  • Monitor the way through which turnover and absence data can impact the well-being of employees in the company.

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes of the unit Using information in human resources 5uin are designed to make the learners capable of acquiring the appropriate knowledge in the field of learning and development in terms of getting information about employees of an organization.

LO1: Enable to explicitly analyze research problems that influence a business. Explain the reason for selecting the issue of research.

Lo3: enable to justify the reason which is important in the research topic., lo4: possess the potential to generate explicit objectives of research to support your research., lo5: elaborate the strengths and weaknesses of the versatile sources reviewed to explain the issue of research required to be investigated., lo6: enable to generate conclusions from the resource information which are meaningful to search out the topic of the research., lo7: get a position to generate a report of the business with a mix of narrative format of presentation information., assessment criteria.

The assessment criteria of the unit using the information in human resources 5uin is completely comprised of the main precise topics of the learning outcome. To check out the understanding and ability of the learners in terms of the knowledge of a particular unit assessment criteria have been designed.

In this learning outcome, the main role of the students is to search out the reason which made them select a particular area of research. They have to examine the causes behind taking their research topic to explore. The phenomenon of understanding the individual prior to starting a project grouping them with the concern to their level of participation interest and influence in the project. Moreover to define the way through which the best communication can include these stakeholders. Stakeholder identification is significant for all projects. Here is the list of the stakeholders who addressed the report.

  • finance department
  • HR managers
  • Project management team

All the key stakeholders mentioned above included activities in the interest and their project because it might be influenced by the completion of the project and execution of it.

LO1: Possess the potential to analyze the information from secondary sources to the weight through which these issues might be resolved.

The main secondary resources utilized for the information analysis include journal articles that are published.

LO2: Possess the potential to analyze the information from secondary sources to the ways through which these issues might be resolved.

There must be some secondary sources to collect data for the research information. These issues might be resolved with diverse methods.

The method of justification is utilised for consuming less time and less expense phenomena which is needed data that is easily accessible and do not comprised of the cost that is extracted from the authentic resources.

The reliability and validity are significant to all designs of the research and crucial concentration with the second data. Moreover, it is also a degree that is in terms of the Research question and the way through it reliable the accurate answer.

The strengths of any research survey include generalizability versatility reliability and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, the weaknesses in survey research include a lack of potential detail and inflexibility.

The preparation of the conclusion provides an outcome to your research study. It is a great way of conveying and summarizing your thoughts with the great significance of the study.

The main analysis of the analytical report is on the situation of the company`s relevant information, presentation, Conclusion and explanation also assists in providing the mixture of which was the narrative that simply emphasizes the tables, pictures, design, template, presentation and reports.

You can also read a sample  Employee Engagement 5ENG .

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5uin assignment example


5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

5uin assessment guidance.

5UIN is an assessment that requires the learners to identify and investigate an area in HR practice. The students are expected to complete a 2600 words assessment, where they identify a research area in different HR functions, and use secondary research to evaluate the different issues that impact the research topic. The student has to select a HR topic and develop a research question that will guide them in completing the assessment. Examples of topics that students may choose from include, but are not limited to;

  • An investigation of employee retention methods used to reduce high staff turnover
  • To explain how employee ngage4ment within the workplace improves employee performance
  • To determine the role of HR in enhancing succession planning by evaluating the methods, benefits, and justification for implementation
  • An investigation into effective absence management strategies that are meant to reduce absenteeism among the employees
  • Determining the development of future organisational leaders in the public sector
  • To explain the significance of learning and development in a pool of employees within the organisation.

From the above identified topics, learners may consider taking a case study of a specific company. The learners develop a research question and consider investigating the question to identify the various issues of concern related to the chosen research topic.

Purpose of the assessment

In completing the assessment, learners will identify sources of data that will help support the investigation of the chosen HR practice or rather help answer the developed research question. The learners should therefore have research skills that will be helpful in development of information that is sufficient in completing the 5UIN assessment. Learners should understand the different research approaches used in carrying out research. This is important in determining the extent to which learners will develop conclusions and suggest recommendations that will help complete the research topic.

Assessment brief

The students are expected to complete the assessment based on the following instructions;

Your CEO has asked each departmental head to undertake a critical review of their systems, processes and practices as part of a major organisational change agenda. You have been asked to review an area of HR/business practice and present a business report to key stakeholders with recommendations for improving practice. To provide the basis for your report, you have been asked to conduct a critical review of information sources relevant to the area of practice.

Learners are expected to follow the outline below in completing the assessment;

Introduction to the research ; the learners should introduce the research topic to make learners understand the purpose of the assessment and how it is to be completed.  Under the introduction topic, learners should first identify the stakeholders and their roles, and develop the research aims and objectives that will guide them in carrying out the review of literature.

Literature review; learners have to provide a good literature review that tells a story about the research topic. The sources used in completing the literature review should be up to date and credible. The learners should keep the literature review focused on the developed research questions, and they should also learn how to reference appropriately using the CIPD referencing method. The review should be done from academic sources including books, journals, and specific company information.

Critique of literature review; the learners in critiquing of the sources of information should clearly differentiate between the research methods used by the different authors in the selected topics. By critiquing the research, the learners should follow justify the research, and provide the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Justification of selected research is to justify the research identified is significant in answering the research questions, learners should explain the usefulness of the research, the reason why the journal has been selected, and its significant and impact to the company or business being investigated. The research may be qualitative, quantitative, exploratory, or mixed methods depending on the researcher.

Advantages and disadvantages are developed on basis of the kind of research that was conducted, the returns of the research process based on the results developed by the authors, and determination of whether the sample was appropriate.

Proposed presentation of findings; this follows after reviewing the literature, and it involves having the learners develop a discussion that would be presented to the stakeholders on the obtained research. The presentations have to be done using diagrams such as charts and graphs. Learners should explain the advantages and disadvantages of using the diagrams in presenting the research findings, and provide an example of each.

Conclusion and recommendations; this is the final part of the assessment where the learners form a triangulation on the results obtained from the research. Learners may also provide a critique from the findings discovered in the literature review, and highlight the most significant key points from the research. The learners should also develop recommendations that provide the next cause of action and the role of organisational management in supporting them. The timeline on carrying out the actions should also be developed and effectively managed.

Research process stages

Having completed the assessment on investigating the research topic identified, the learners are expected to provide a summary of the research process stages. The first step is definition of research problem, followed by a review of literature. The third step involves designing of the research approach, and the fourth step is the analysis of literature. The fifth step is development of research questions, followed by the sixth step of evaluating the questions. The seventh step involves interpreting the results and drawing on conclusions, and the final step is providing a summary of the findings and development of recommendations.

The learners should also learn the different data collection methods such as surveys and questionnaires, interviews, focus group discussions, observation, and review of documents and records. The learners should then provide a comparison of the two and at the same time provide the advantages and disadvantages of each identified.

Assessment Completion

In completing the 5UIN assessment, the learners should follow the Harvard referencing format, and follow the CIPD guidelines. It is advised for the learners to develop the report using headings and subheadings to provide clear outline of the discussed topic issues.

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5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

  • August 20, 2021
  • Posted by: admin
  • Category: CIPD Level 5

5UIN Using Information in Human Resources

Students studying CIPD Level 5 must take an HR topic within an industry as part of the coursework. Students should conduct research during this unit, evaluating the different sources of research materials to enhance their understanding of the topic. Thus, CIPD level 5 courses will enhance learners’ understanding of using the skills and knowledge. Furthermore, the assessment allows learners to take a look at relevant sources of information. Then, form conclusions to support an improvement in the HR issue facing the company.

Structure of the document

Each learner must create a document that explains the key elements of the research, with specific subheadings that demonstrate that the learner has covered all requirements in the research. Learning how to communicate information gained from conducting research is important to ensure the learners reach their goals. This means that the learners should use the tutor’s outline as a guide as they conduct their research, and this should be done from the standpoint of structure.

The main structure in the research should have the following.

Typically, the instructor provides the information required for the cover page, such as a student’s name, the instructor’s name, the number of words in the document, and many other details. However, the most crucial factor students should consider is the research topic, which they should develop well. There should be no vagueness in the research title, nor should it be too short or complicated. Topics are used to inform the audience of what the research focuses on. Your title should be in the form of well-stated statements or the form of a question. An example of what a well-developed research title would be like is shown below;

  • An evaluation of the significance of learning and development in promoting workers’ performance at ABC organization
  • Assessing recruitment and selection methods in the healthcare industry for hiring suitable candidates
  • An analysis of how absence and turnover data can influence employee well-being within the company, the case of XYZ Company

The summary of the report’s main points, including the purpose, methods, findings, conclusions, and recommendations, comprise the abstract/executive summary. Having a clear understanding of what the researcher has done is essential to helping executives make better decisions about the research issue.

The content page identifies the main topics and subtopics of the research. From the content page, research audiences can find the information quickly and easily.

The research introduction explains the topic and context of the research by introducing the researcher’s findings. It should be a subtopic in the introduction part of the assessment to describe the research objective and the identification of stakeholders.

Second is the literature review , in which the researcher identifies secondary sources to learn what has already been written about the topic.

Criticism of literature review; this helps distinguish between secondary sources in the literature review by pointing out common and uncommon research methods. This topic’s first subheading should explain why the source of research is significant to the study. The second subheading identifies the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods used. Finally, the third subheading focuses on using the research findings to benefit the enterprise or industry under study.

Presentation of results; based on the review and critique of the method used, the learner should present the results visually in line graphs, bar graphs, or pie graphs.

Finally, the conclusion and recommendations summarize the research findings and suggest improvements based on the findings.

Citations; this provides the sources that assisted with the completion of the research. The sources must be reliable, credible, and up-to-date. The CIPD has approved the Harvard referencing format for these documents.

It is expected that after the course is completed, the audience or readers will be able to assess the research that the learners have conducted at this level of education. Consequently, you should present the research document compellingly to attract the audiences’ attention. Hence, the information presented must convince the readers that all research components have been fully developed to support the improvement of the research topic.

Learning objectives

After completing the assessment, learners should;

  • Acquire an understanding of business research problems. Also, explain why you chose the research topic
  • Possess the ability to identify secondary sources of information to assist in evaluating the possible solutions to the issues
  • Justify the importance of the research topic
  • Be able to develop and support clear research objectives
  • Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the various sources reviewed to justify why the issue needs to be examined
  • Analyze information sources designed to investigate the research topic and draw conclusions.
  • Formulate a business report using both narrative and diagrammatic format to present information.

As a result of the assessment, learners should have met the course outline’s criteria. In addition, it helps to ensure that all information necessary is well presented and that concepts and ideas to enhance a good understanding of the topic are well presented.

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Level 5 CIPD Assignment Samples

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualifications are designed for HR practitioners looking to enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management. These qualifications focus on developing HR professionals who can provide strategic leadership, drive change, and support the organization’s goals and objectives.

The Level 5 CIPD assignments are typically more complex and challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments, as they require candidates to demonstrate a deeper understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. These assignments are designed to assess a candidate’s ability to apply their knowledge and skills to real-world situations and provide evidence of their learning and development.

Some sample Level 5 CIPD assignments may include topics such as:                   

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function, such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change: This assignment may require candidates to explore the role of HR in facilitating organizational change and how to create a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills: This assignment may require candidates to demonstrate their understanding of the different leadership styles and how to develop and implement effective management strategies.

Reward Management:

This assignment may require candidates to evaluate different approaches to reward management, such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits.

To successfully complete these assignments, candidates will need to conduct research, analyze data, and apply critical thinking skills. They will also need to demonstrate effective communication skills and be able to present their findings in a clear and concise manner.

In conclusion, the Level 5 CIPD assignments are challenging and require candidates to demonstrate a deep understanding of the concepts and theories of HRM. However, by successfully completing these assignments, candidates can enhance their skills and knowledge in the field of HR and advance their careers.

What is Level 5 Assignment Samples Modules Covered

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Level 5 qualification is designed for HR professionals looking to develop their knowledge and skills in the field of human resource management. The Level 5 CIPD assignment samples are typically more challenging than the Level 3 and Level 4 assignments as they require a deeper understanding of HRM concepts and theories. Here are some modules covered in the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples.

Managing and Coordinating the HR Function: This module is designed to provide an understanding of the key responsibilities of the HR function such as talent management, employee engagement, and workforce planning. The module helps learners to develop their skills and knowledge to manage the HR function effectively.

Understanding Organizational Culture and Change:

This module focuses on the role of HR in creating a culture that supports the organization’s goals and objectives. It covers topics such as organizational culture, change management models, and the role of HR in change management.

Developing Leadership and Management Skills:

This module provides an understanding of different leadership styles and management approaches. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective management strategies in organizations. Topics covered include leadership theory, management models, and team-building strategies.

This module covers the different approaches to reward management such as performance-based pay, bonuses, and benefits. It aims to help learners develop and implement effective reward management strategies that align with the organization’s goals and objectives.

Employment Law:

This module covers the key principles of employment law such as discrimination law, employment contracts, and termination of employment. The aim of this module is to provide learners with an understanding of the legal framework that governs the employment relationship and how to apply it in practice.

Organizational Design and Development:

This module covers the process of designing and developing organizations that are fit for purpose and align with the organization’s goals and objectives. Topics covered include organizational structure, design models, and change management.

Employee Relations:

This module focuses on the management of employee relations including the resolution of workplace disputes, employee engagement, and the development of effective employee relations policies and procedures.

Investigating a Business Issue from an HR Perspective: This module requires learners to conduct an independent research project on a business issue of their choice and present their findings in a written report. This module provides learners with an opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to a real-world business issue.

In summary, the Level 5 CIPD assignment samples cover various modules that provide learners with the skills and knowledge they need to manage the HR function effectively. These modules cover areas such as organizational culture and change, leadership and management, reward management, employment law, organizational design and development, employee relations, and investigating a business issue from an HR perspective. To successfully complete the Level 5 CIPD assignments, learners need to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world situations, conduct research, analyze data, and develop evidence-based recommendations. Effective communication skills are also essential, as learners need to present their findings in a clear and concise manner. Overall, completing the Level 5 CIPD assignments can help HR professionals advance their careers by enhancing their skills and knowledge in the field of human resource management.

CIPD Level 5  Assignment samples  along with other Level Examples for Reference

·   5CO01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5UIN CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5CHR CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODG CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5ODT CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5DVP CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HRF CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO02 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   3CO03CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

·   5HR01 CIPD Assignment Help Examples Online

You can refer our cipd assignment examples and check our quality. If you need any CIPD assignment help , please contact us on WhatsApp +1-646-948-8918 or submit your request  here .

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5UIN – Using information in HR Impact of Flexible Hours on Employee Retention

Your CEO has asked each departmental head to undertake a critical review of their systems, processes and practices as part of a major organisational change agenda.  You have been asked to review an area of HR/business practice and present a business report to key stakeholders with recommendations for improving practice.  To provide the basis for your report, you have been asked to conduct a critical review of information sources relevant to the area of practice. You should:

  • Select an area of HR/business practice and give the reason for your choice
  • Undertake a critical review of different information sources (at least three) e.g. research digests, academic and professional literature, online databases, key texts relevant to the selected area of practice.
  • In your write up of the literature review you should explain why you selected that particular source and highlight some of the different research approaches adopted by the authors and comment on the advantages and disadvantages of these different approaches.
  • Draw meaningful conclusions from the review of the different information sources.
  • Make justified recommendations to named stakeholders for sustaining and/or improving practice.

Your report structure should include:

  • Title page (report title and their name, submission date)
  • Executive summary (overview, methods of analysis, findings, recommendations)
  • Table of contents (list of numbered sections)
  • Introduction (terms of reference)
  • Main body (headings and sub-headings – these could be for each information source reviewed). Candidates should use a mix of narrative and diagrammatic formats where appropriate to present their findings.
  • Conclusion (including major inferences and recommendations for change)
  • Reference list

Appendix if used i.e. information supporting their analysis but not essential to its explanation.

Evidence to be produced/required

A written business report for stakeholders of approximately 2500 words.  The title page, executive summary, reference list and any appendices are excluded from the word count.

You should relate academic concepts, theories and professional practice to the way organisations operate, in a critical and informed way, and with reference to key texts, articles and other publications and by using organisational examples for illustration. All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).


Executive Summary

The area of focus in the current report is employee retention as an aspect of Human Resources. The rationale for this is since the process identify the set of practices and strategies by the management with a requirement from the employees to stick on their organisation for a more extended period of time. This is identified as a critical aspect to an organisation to attain their set goals and objectives. In the ADIA, the company has been facing issues in retaining their employees in their HR department. This study hence aims to review the effectiveness of the employee retention approaches used by ADIA. The rationale for this is justified since employee retention is critical to oversee the success and future sustainability of the company and saving the management from the unnecessary cost of hiring and staff training.

 In the active review process, a critical literature review has been carried out with distinct information sources being selected and sufficient explanation offered. The explanation has been on the distinct sources made on the different research approaches by the authors followed by commenting on the distinct advantages and limitations of the approaches selected.  Additionally, applicable conclusions have been generated after a review of the different targeted information sources. This is followed by a presentation of findings in the form of graphs. From the findings, a recommendation that employment retention issues currently face ADIA in two years elicited by lack of well-structured training and development sessions, lack of rewards and other perks influencing the motivation levels, confidence and commitment to work for the company. It has been deduced that senior management in the organisation should provide efficient training and development services to ensure that their employees are offered with an opportunity for increasing their overall learning curve. Prompt feedback must be provided to the employees to enhance their understanding of their role and positioning in their organisation. This must be topped up by rewards, recognition and relevant opportunities for promotion.

Table of Contents

1.0 Introduction to research. 4

1.1 Aims and objectives. 4

1.2 Key Stakeholders. 5

2.0 Literature Review.. 5

2.1 Critique of Literature Review.. 5

3.0 Proposed Presentation of Findings. 8

4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations. 9

4.1 Conclusion. 9

4.2 Recommendations. 10

References. 11

Appendix 1: Employee Survey. 13

1.0 Introduction to research

In the modern business environment, the Human Resource (HR) plays an instrumental role in ensuring that they leverage on a significant edge over their competitors. Hence, it is a critical role of the management of the overall HRM aspects specifically in the employee retention which is a critical necessity for attaining the set goals and objectives (Churchard, 2014; CIPD, 2010).  In this case, management plays a critical role in devising essential strategies and approaches for ensuring all employees are actively retained in their organisation. Hence, the management plays a critical role in devising the essential strategies and an approach for ensuring all their employees are retained within the departments of their organisation. The strategies used include rewards and compensation, ideal working environment, provision of promotional opportunities and others (CIPD, 2011a).  ADIA is tasked with the role of ensuring enhanced sustainability of the long-term prosperity of Abu Dhabi through a prudent growth of capital through a progressive and disciplined investment process and committee people reflecting on the ADIAs cultural values. Hence, this study evaluates on the effectiveness of employee retention strategies used by the company to ensure they have sufficient staff to attain on their set objectives and mission.

The rationale of the identified topic is informed by the view that employee retention is critical in the success and future sustainability of an organisation. Also, failure of employee retention leads to progressive hiring which is significantly a challenging undertaking. This is informed by the fact that firms must leverage from a sufficient time to groom their employees and harness their preparations for work roles. This is a process characterised by a direct influence on the entire profitability and company sales in the long-term basis (CIPD, 2011b). Currently, ADIA company has suffered form employee retaining issues in their HR department. This is more evident among the individuals tasked with recruitment of staff and organising the other departments in the organisation. Also, relevant recommendations have been generated which can essentially assist a successful identification of best practice in mitigating retention among the employees.

1.1 Aims and objectives

The current study primary aim is a review of the effectiveness of employee retention adopted by ADIA. In line with the identified study aim, the objectives to be pursued include;

  • To review the available literature on the employee retention strategies
  • To assess the issues in employee retention currently facing ADIA
  • To present recommendations on the best strategies in which the employee retention to be harnessed in ADIA company
  • To evaluate changes after a one year and inclusion of senior management in improving the employee retention methods

1.2 Key Stakeholders

In the current research, the stakeholders to be focused include;


2.0 Literature Review

In this section, an in-depth review of literature focuses on available research sources. The research has been done by different authors…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Please contact our team to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment in full based on your organisation background, experience and any other special instruction

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5UIN Assignment Help Examples and Samples

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We are known for our quality which you will understand for activity written by us for this 5UIN assignment help examples as given below:

Factors that need to be considered when managing performance

Performance management and employee engagement should be a top priority for forward thinking and agile businesses. While managing performance there are some factors that should be taken into account which are important in performance management. Examining employee behaviour, providing low-cost benefits, including weekend activities and daily commutes, regular managerial communications, creating smart objectives and including better software can effectively boost employee performance (Novita, 2019). It has been stated by Taba (2018), low-cost factors sometimes influence greatly on employee performance. For example providing complimentary coffee, or short breaks within the workplace, boosts cognitive performance of employees as well as reduces errors. Moreover, engaging employees in weekend activities that correlates to organisational work and managing the length of daily commute can also enhance staff performance. Further, as stated by Novita (2019), considering factors such as managing communication flow and building collaboration can successfully enhance overall organisational performance. Along with these, one of the most important factors for performance management is setting a goal. According to Novita (2019), setting a goal prior incorporating performance management practices can be as essential factor for leading the performance of the workforce towards the achievement of that particular goal.

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Data required by individuals involved in performance and reward management processes.

Performance management data is used to analyse the efficiency of managers to engage their employees for setting exceptions, clarifying roles, planning development and addressing performance. Gathering specific data for performance and reward management is fundamental and this may include monitoring turnover by performance level, tracking the link between performance compensation and promotion, evaluating workforce strengths and more (Armstrong et al ., 2011). Along with these availing employees and the managers with key performance indicators (KPI) to measure and develop their performance can also be influential as a data system in performance management ( Hester et al ., 2017). Moreover, the L&D data system can also be useful. L&D data system strives for enhancing the learning of the employees and promoting development of their skills ( Brassey et al ., 2019 ). Hence, this data source can effectively improve the performances of the employees.

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5UIN Using Information In Human Resources

Identify appropriate data sources to support an investigation into an area of HR practice and to synthesise and apply this data, to evaluate the role of HR in business and strategy formulation and implementation, and to prepare and present a business case for improvement.

On completion of this assessment you will be able to:

  • Understand the research process and different research approaches.
  • Be able to conduct a critical review of information sources in an area of HR/business practice and analyse the findings.
  • Be able to draw meaningful conclusions and evaluate options for change.
  • Know how to deliver clear, business-focused reports on an HR issue.


Student Name:

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Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

Discussion. 3

Conclusion. 5

Reference list 6

HR practice means the operations which are strategic in nature of HR. They provide the guidance and foundation of managing any company’s workforce and must coordinate with the business plans which are executive. Examples of HR practises are organising, planning and managing the department of HR. The main objectives of HR research are as follows. Firstly, it will evaluate the current position in the area concerned with particular research. Secondly, HR research is useful for predicting future events as well as behavioural patterns. Thirdly, it helps to evaluate the current practises, programmes and policies. Fourthly, it prepares the base of the objectives for revision of present organisational practises, programmes and policies. Fifthly, it shows the ways and strategies to build up attitudes and capabilities of the workforce. Sixthly, it helps the evaluation of the HR policies proposed and programmes. Last but not the least, HR research facilitates change and enables the management to replace the old methods with the new.

The different approaches of the HR research are as follows. The first approach is historical studies. In this approach, the past records help to serve the purpose of HR research. All reputed companies or organisations keep records of the workforce of the organisation. These records are relating to different aspects which created problems, for example, salary structure, accidents, employee turnover, performance, absenteeism, leaves, and many more (Carol et al., 2018). Researchers examine the records of the past and get information by interviews of present and past workforce. This approach ensures systematic investigation for a very long time span. The second approach of HR research is a survey. This method is relatively less expensive. This method enables collecting a large size of a sample of opinions which are related to collective bargaining, compensation, jobs, working life quality etc. It prepares a set of questions in the field of research. Adequate sample size is needed in this method. However, this method has some limitations. Firstly, there may be a misinterpretation of questions (Doz, 2020). As the sample size is large, some individuals may misinterpret. Secondly, this approach is very time-consuming. The third approach of HR research is case studies. In this method of investigation, an in-depth and systematic investigation of the important relationship in particular circumstances may be possible. The minute analysis of case studies leads to extensive application in the management and relation of human resources. The fourth approach is statistical analysis. In this research, statistics are very useful. Data collection, classification of collected data, analysis and finally the interpretation are undertaken. Various methods of statistics are done. Nowadays statistical methods have gained importance with computers. The next approach is mathematical models. These models are useful in explaining a specific relationship of variables (Carol, 2018). Mathematical models are used for decision making. Next comes the approach of simulation models. These are based on theories. The next approach is action research. Behaviours of the individuals of the organisation are analysed in this approach. In an organisation, employees may have problems and several grievances. The research of HR tries to get solutions to these problems and their prevention.

5uin assignment example

Figure 1: HRM issues

Source: (Sabila, Mustafid & Suryono, 2018)

There are many criticisms regarding the information sources of HR research. This analysis involves making judgements regarding the value of arguments and ideas. Different approaches of HR researchers use critical thinking (Sabila, Mustafid & Suryono, 2018). Critical thinking is the process of evaluating and analysing the quality of theories, ideas, concepts to establish a model. In the process of data collection, interpretation, and drawing conclusions there may be a large number of biases. Again, as the size of the sample is very large, there may arise a question of misinterpretation. Testing of a proposition is necessary. There are a number of checklists for testing a proposition. It should be analysed whether the investigation scope was sufficiently comprehensive or not. It should also be analysed whether the instances are selected to support only a particular theory (Eric et al., 2018). There should not be any instances which are contradictory to each other. The proposition should not conflict with the other propositions used. There must not be any conflicting beliefs which are contradictory to the original proposition. It should be analysed whether the evidence could lead to any other valid conclusion. It should also be analysed whether there are other factors which have not been considered. A critical evaluation needs clear thinking and also logical reasoning application to understand the validity of any proposition. The biggest challenges faced by HR are to engage the workforce, to attract talents to the organisation, to manage relationships, development and training strategies, diversity in the organisation, talent retention, health and wellbeing of the workforce, to accept inevitable changes in the organisation and also in the marketplace.

After analysing the entire assignment, it can be concluded that developing and implementing the measurement of HR research is considered to be a journey. There are countless issues which would help to guide the process of planning for an enterprise. The main implementation practises are as follows. Last, to take additional risks in business there should be changes in the management. HR should ensure that people and talent factors are dealt with head on in the strategy of an organisation. HR has the access to useful knowledge and analytics around the present and future strengths of talent, opportunities, weakness and threats, HR can bring insights in the early stages of discussion of strategies. Many experts think that HR has a perspective on the alignment of talent to the strategies of the business. HR is in a position to guide leaders to understand the process of strategy development and to know about the meaning of strategy. HR has competencies, tools and capabilities of supporting the organisation to bring strategy in life. HR can solicit feedback on employee ideas, suggestions and reactions about the strategy and the process of implementation. So, these approaches should be maintained by them in an efficient way to overcome the issues in the human resource department.

Reference list

Carol, G. (2018) Don’t know, don’t care: An exploration of evidence based knowledge and practice in human resource management. Human Resource Management Review. 28(2), pp 103-115. DOI:

Carol, G., William, G., Johannes & C. Kathleen, V. (2018) Using theory on authentic leadership to build a strong human resource management system. Human Resource Management Review. 28 (3), p304-318. DOI:

Doz, Y. L. (2020) Fostering strategic agility: How individual executives and human resource practices contribute. Human Resource Management Review. 30(1), p 1-14. DOI:

Eric, M.O., Stanley, F.S., Tomas,G., Hultc, M. & Kai, M.O. ( 2018) The application of human resource management policies within the marketing organization: The impact on business and marketing strategy implementation. Industrial Marketing Management. 69, p 62-73, DOI:

Sabila, A. D., Mustafid, M., & Suryono, S. (2018). Inventory Control System by Using Vendor Managed Inventory (VMI). In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 31, p. 11015). EDP Sciences. DOI:

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