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Speed 34 days from submission to first decision 23 days from acceptance to publication

Citation Impact 1.039 - Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) 0.862 - SCImago Journal Rank (SJR) 4.11 - CiteScore

Usage  30,869 downloads 884.0 Usage Factor

Social Media Impact 115 mentions

40648_ROBOMECH Journal

Speed 11 days from submission to first decision 14 days from acceptance to publication

Usage  24,294 downloads 886.0 Usage Factor

Social Media Impact 2 mentions

13634_EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing

Speed 23 days from submission to first decision

Usage 125,300 downloads 736 Usage Factor 127 articles

Impact 4.849 2-year Impact Factor 3.641 5-year Impact Factor

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Speed 29 days from submission to first decision 13 days from acceptance to publication

Usage  64,261 downloads 1076.5 Usage Factor

Social Media Impact 25 mentions

Nanoscale Research Letters

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As a sample of what we publish, we’ve assembled a small selection of recent articles about TiO 2 here . 

Article Highlights

Radiotherapy has been, and will continue to be, a critical modality to treat cancer. Since the discovery of radiation-induced cytotoxicity in the late 19th century, both external and internal radiation sources have provided tremendous benefits to extend the life of cancer patients. Despite the dramatic improvement of radiation techniques, however, one challenge persists to limit the anti-tumor efficacy of radiotherapy, which is to maximize the deposited dose in tumor while sparing the rest of the healthy vital organs. Nanomedicine has stepped into the spotlight of cancer diagnosis and therapy during the past decades. Nanoparticles can potentiate radiotherapy by specifically delivering radionuclides or radiosensitizers into tumors, therefore enhancing the efficacy while alleviating the toxicity of radiotherapy. This paper reviews recent advances in synthetic nanoparticles for radiotherapy and radiosensitization, with a focus on the enhancement of in vivo anti-tumor activities. We also provide a brief discussion on radiation-associated toxicities as this is an area that, up to date, has been largely missing in the literature and should be closely examined in future studies involving nanoparticle-mediated radiosensitization.

In the field of regenerative medicine, stem cells are highly promising due to their innate ability to generate multiple types of cells that could replace/repair damaged parts of human organs and tissues. It has been reported that both in vitro and in vivo function/survival of stem cells could significantly be improved by utilizing functional materials such as biodegradable polymers, metal composites, nanopatterns and nanohybrid particles. Of various biocompatible materials available for use in stem cell-based therapy and research, carbon-based materials—including fullerenes graphene/graphene oxide and carbon nanotubes—have been found to possess unique physicochemical characteristics that contribute to the effective guidance of stem cell differentiation into specific lineages. In this review, we discuss a number of previous reports that investigated the use of carbon-based materials to control stem cell behavior, with a particular focus on their immense potential to guide the osteogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We hope that this review will provide information on the full potential of using various carbon-based materials in stem cell-mediated regenerative therapy, particularly for bone regeneration and repair.

†Contributed equally

We present a simple and scalable fluidic-assembly approach, in which bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are selectively aligned and deposited by directionally controlled dip-coating and solvent evaporation processes. The patterned surface with alternating regions of hydrophobic polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) (height ~ 100 nm) strips and hydrophilic SiO  substrate was withdrawn vertically at a constant speed (~3 mm/min) from a solution bath containing SWCNTs (~0.1 mg/ml), allowing for directional evaporation and subsequent selective deposition of nanotube bundles along the edges of horizontally aligned PDMS strips. In addition, the fluidic assembly was applied to fabricate a field effect transistor (FET) with highly oriented SWCNTs, which demonstrate significantly higher current density as well as high turn-off ratio (T/O ratio ~ 100) as compared to that with randomly distributed carbon nanotube bundles (T/O ratio ~ <10).

Highly reactive integrated material systems have recently gained attention, as they promise a feasible tool for heterogeneous integration of micro electromechanical systems. As integrated energy sources they can be used to join heterogeneous materials without applying too much thermal stress to the whole device. An alternative approach is proposed, comprising a single layer of a reactive nanocomposite made of intermixed metal nanoparticles, instead of multilayer systems. In this study the development of the reactive nanocomposite from choice of materials through processing steps, handling and application methods are described. Eventually the results of the experiments upon the reactivity of the nanocomposites and the feasibility for bonding applications are presented. Analysis of the composites was performed by phase-analysis using x-ray diffraction and reaction propagation analysis by high-speed imaging. Composition of products was found to vary with initial particle sizes. Beside of other phases, the dominant phase was intermetallic NiAl.

The graphitic carbon nitride (g-C N ) which is a two-dimensional conjugated polymer has drawn broad interdisciplinary attention as a low-cost, metal-free, and visible-light-responsive photocatalyst in the area of environmental remediation. The g-C N -based materials have excellent electronic band structures, electron-rich properties, basic surface functionalities, high physicochemical stabilities and are “earth-abundant.” This review summarizes the latest progress related to the design and construction of g-C N -based materials and their applications including catalysis, sensing, imaging, and white-light-emitting diodes. An outlook on possible further developments in g-C N -based research for emerging properties and applications is also included.

...This paper gives a brief summary about the establishment and latest progress in the fundamental principle, updated progress and potential applications of [nanogenerator]-based self-powered gas sensing system. The development trend in this field is envisaged, and the basic configurations are also introduced.

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Nanoscale Research Letters

nanoscale research letters

Subject Area and Category

  • Materials Science (miscellaneous)
  • Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
  • Condensed Matter Physics

Springer New York

Publication type

1556276X, 19317573


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nanoscale research letters

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.

Condensed Matter Physics2007Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2008Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2009Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2010Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2011Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2012Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2013Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2014Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2015Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2016Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2017Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2018Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2019Q2
Condensed Matter Physics2020Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2021Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2022Q1
Condensed Matter Physics2023Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2007Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2008Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2009Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2010Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2011Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2012Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2013Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2014Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2015Q2
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2016Q2
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2017Q2
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2018Q2
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2019Q2
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2020Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2021Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2022Q1
Materials Science (miscellaneous)2023Q1
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2007Q1
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2008Q3
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2009Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2010Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2011Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2012Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2013Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2014Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2015Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2016Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2017Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2018Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2019Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2020Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2021Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2022Q2
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology2023Q2

The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20060.000
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20072.737
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20081.788
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20092.896
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20102.927
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20113.218
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20123.165
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20132.982
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20143.175
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20153.037
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20163.092
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20173.489
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20183.502
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20193.861
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20204.251
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20214.954
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20226.587
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20236.039
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20060.000
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20072.737
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20081.788
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20092.896
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20102.931
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20113.148
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20123.101
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20132.840
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20143.127
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20152.772
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20163.173
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20173.325
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20183.527
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20193.893
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20204.373
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20215.553
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20226.361
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20236.501
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20060.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20072.737
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20081.788
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20092.879
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20102.798
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20112.976
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20122.921
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20132.688
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20142.720
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20152.714
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20162.945
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20173.207
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20183.386
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20193.846
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20204.604
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20214.959
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20226.915
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20235.848

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites20060
Self Cites200710
Self Cites200817
Self Cites2009142
Self Cites2010126
Self Cites2011192
Self Cites2012362
Self Cites2013247
Self Cites2014401
Self Cites2015274
Self Cites2016338
Self Cites2017349
Self Cites2018225
Self Cites2019165
Self Cites2020100
Self Cites202165
Self Cites202225
Self Cites20230
Total Cites20060
Total Cites200752
Total Cites2008186
Total Cites2009556
Total Cites20101193
Total Cites20111996
Total Cites20123662
Total Cites20134630
Total Cites20145598
Total Cites20155144
Total Cites20165305
Total Cites20175809
Total Cites20185921
Total Cites20196205
Total Cites20206280
Total Cites20215670
Total Cites20224949
Total Cites20233296

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document20060
External Cites per document20072.211
External Cites per document20081.625
External Cites per document20092.156
External Cites per document20102.622
External Cites per document20112.845
External Cites per document20122.794
External Cites per document20132.689
External Cites per document20142.903
External Cites per document20152.624
External Cites per document20162.971
External Cites per document20173.125
External Cites per document20183.392
External Cites per document20193.789
External Cites per document20204.304
External Cites per document20215.490
External Cites per document20226.329
External Cites per document20236.501
Cites per document20060.000
Cites per document20072.737
Cites per document20081.788
Cites per document20092.896
Cites per document20102.931
Cites per document20113.148
Cites per document20123.101
Cites per document20132.840
Cites per document20143.127
Cites per document20152.772
Cites per document20163.173
Cites per document20173.325
Cites per document20183.527
Cites per document20193.893
Cites per document20204.373
Cites per document20215.553
Cites per document20226.361
Cites per document20236.501

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents20060
Non-citable documents20070
Non-citable documents20080
Non-citable documents20090
Non-citable documents20100
Non-citable documents20112
Non-citable documents20127
Non-citable documents20138
Non-citable documents20147
Non-citable documents20154
Non-citable documents20163
Non-citable documents20173
Non-citable documents20187
Non-citable documents20198
Non-citable documents20207
Non-citable documents20211
Non-citable documents20220
Non-citable documents20230
Citable documents20060
Citable documents200719
Citable documents2008104
Citable documents2009192
Citable documents2010407
Citable documents2011632
Citable documents20121174
Citable documents20131622
Citable documents20141783
Citable documents20151852
Citable documents20161669
Citable documents20171744
Citable documents20181672
Citable documents20191586
Citable documents20201429
Citable documents20211020
Citable documents2022778
Citable documents2023507

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents20060
Uncited documents20075
Uncited documents200830
Uncited documents200941
Uncited documents201084
Uncited documents2011117
Uncited documents2012216
Uncited documents2013408
Uncited documents2014385
Uncited documents2015428
Uncited documents2016320
Uncited documents2017312
Uncited documents2018293
Uncited documents2019239
Uncited documents2020213
Uncited documents2021127
Uncited documents202287
Uncited documents202377
Cited documents20060
Cited documents200714
Cited documents200874
Cited documents2009151
Cited documents2010323
Cited documents2011517
Cited documents2012965
Cited documents20131222
Cited documents20141405
Cited documents20151428
Cited documents20161352
Cited documents20171435
Cited documents20181386
Cited documents20191355
Cited documents20201223
Cited documents2021894
Cited documents2022691
Cited documents2023430

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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Nanoscale Research Letters

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Physics and Astronomy - Condensed Matter Physics Q1 #14/434
Physics and Astronomy - General Materials Science Q1 #39/463
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Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) provides an interdisciplinary forum for communication of scientific and technological advances in the creation and use of objects at the nanometer scale. NRL is the first nanotechnology journal from a major publisher to be published with Open Access.

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nanoscale research letters

The tiny structures that mimic a cell's natural environment

When biologists study cells under a microscope, they look at them on flat surfaces that are nothing like the environment inside the human body. Now, researchers at NTNU have found a way to mimic some aspects of a cell's native ...

Bio & Medicine

Feb 9, 2022

nanoscale research letters

Innovative thinner electrolyte can improve functioning of solid oxide fuel cells

In this post-industrialization age, electricity has become the backbone of our society. However, using fossil fuels to generate it is not the best option because of their limited availability and harmful nature. In the last ...


Mar 25, 2020

nanoscale research letters

X-rays reveal monolayer phase in organic semiconductor

A team of researchers from Russia, Germany, and France, featuring materials scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, has investigated how the electrical properties of dihexyl-quarterthiophene thin films ...


Jul 9, 2019

nanoscale research letters

Eco-friendly production of silicon nanowires

Physicists from the Lomonosov Moscow State University have worked out a new and more eco-friendly method of obtaining silicon nanowires that replaces hydrofluoric acid (HF) with ammonium fluoride (NH4F).

Oct 19, 2016

nanoscale research letters

Physicists build "electronic synapses" for neural networks

A team of scientists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) have created prototypes of "electronic synapses" based on ultra-thin films of hafnium oxide (HfO2). These prototypes could be used in fundamentally ...

Apr 20, 2016

nanoscale research letters

Stiffening the backbone of DNA nanofibers

An international collaboration including researchers from the NIST Center for Nanoscale Science and Technology and the Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador have fabricated a self-assembled nanofiber from a DNA building ...

Jul 24, 2013

nanoscale research letters

Peel-and-stick thin film solar cells

Hanyang University in collaboration with Stanford University has succeeded in fabricating peel-and-stick thin film solar cells (TFSCs). The Si wafer is clean and reusable. Moreover, as the peeled-off TFSCs from the Si wafer ...

Energy & Green Tech

Apr 10, 2013

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Nanoscale Research Letters Latest Publications

Total documents, published by springer (biomed central ltd.).

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Influence of Defect Number, Distribution Continuity and Orientation on Tensile Strengths of the CNT-Based Networks: A Molecular Dynamics Study

Abstract Networks based on carbon nanotube (CNT) have been widely utilized to fabricate flexible electronic devices, but defects inevitably exist in these structures. In this study, we investigate the influence of the CNT-unit defects on the mechanical properties of a honeycomb CNT-based network, super carbon nanotube (SCNT), through molecular dynamics simulations. Results show that tensile strengths of the defective SCNTs are affected by the defect number, distribution continuity and orientation. Single-defect brings 0 ~ 25% reduction of the tensile strength with the dependency on defect position and the reduction is over 50% when the defect number increases to three. The distribution continuity induces up to 20% differences of tensile strengths for SCNTs with the same defect number. A smaller arranging angle of defects to the tensile direction leads to a higher tensile strength. Defective SCNTs possess various modes of stress concentration with different concentration degrees under the combined effect of defect number, arranging direction and continuity, for which the underlying mechanism can be explained by the effective crack length of the fracture mechanics. Fundamentally, the force transmission mode of the SCNT controls the influence of defects and the cases that breaking more force transmission paths cause larger decreases of tensile strengths. Defects are non-negligible factors of the mechanical properties of CNT-based networks and understanding the influence of defects on CNT-based networks is valuable to achieve the proper design of CNT-based electronic devices with better performances. Graphical Abstract

Role of Strain-Induced Microscale Compositional Pulling on Optical Properties of High Al Content AlGaN Quantum Wells for Deep-Ultraviolet LED

AbstractA systematic study was carried out for strain-induced microscale compositional pulling effect on the structural and optical properties of high Al content AlGaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs). Investigations reveal that a large tensile strain is introduced during the epitaxial growth of AlGaN MQWs, due to the grain boundary formation, coalescence and growth. The presence of this tensile strain results in the microscale inhomogeneous compositional pulling and Ga segregation, which is further confirmed by the lower formation enthalpy of Ga atom than Al atom on AlGaN slab using first principle simulations. The strain-induced microscale compositional pulling leads to an asymmetrical feature of emission spectra and local variation in emission energy of AlGaN MQWs. Because of a stronger three-dimensional carrier localization, the area of Ga segregation shows a higher emission efficiency compared with the intrinsic area of MQWs, which is benefit for fabricating efficient AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diode.

The Singularity Paramagnetic Peak of Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3 with p-type Surface State

AbstractThe magnetization measurement was performed in the Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3 single crystal. The magnetic susceptibility revealed a paramagnetic peak independent of the experimental temperature variation. It is speculated to be originated from the free-aligned spin texture at the Dirac point. The ARPES reveals that the Fermi level lies below the Dirac point. The Fermi wavevector extracted from the de Haas–van Alphen oscillation is consistent with the energy dispersion in the ARPES. Our experimental results support that the observed paramagnetic peak in the susceptibility curve does not originate from the free-aligned spin texture at the Dirac point.

Highly Damage-Resistant Thin Film Saturable Absorber Based on Mechanically Functionalized SWCNTs

AbstractThin-film saturable absorbers (SAs) are extensively used in mode-locked fiber laser due to the robust and simple application methods that arise because SAs are alignment-free and self-standing. Single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) are the most suitable low dimensional material uesd for SAs because of their high nonlinearity and the wavelength control of absorption based on tube diameters. The most challenging problem with the use of CNT-based thin film SAs is thermal damage caused during high power laser operation, which mainly occurs due to aggregation of CNTs. We have demonstrated improved thermal damage resistance and enhanced durability of a film-type SA based on functionalization of SWCNTs, which were subjected to a mechanical functionalization procedure to induce covalent structural modifications on the SWCNT surface. Increased intertube distance was shown by X-ray diffraction, and partial functionalization was shown by Raman spectroscopy. This physical change had a profound effect on integration with the host polymer and resolved aggregation problems. A free-standing SA was fabricated by the drop casting method, and improved uniformity was shown by scanning electron microscopy. The SA was analyzed using various structural and thermal evaluation techniques (Raman spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, etc.). Damage tests at different optical powers were also performed. To the best of our knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of a film-type SA is reported here for the first time. The partially functionalized SWCNT (fSWCNT) SA shows significant structural integrity after intense damage tests and a modulation depth of 25.3%. In passively mode-locked laser operation, a pulse width of 152 fs is obtained with a repetition rate of 77.8 MHz and a signal-to-noise ratio of  75 dB. Stable operation of the femtosecond fiber laser over 200 h verifies the enhanced durability of the fSWCNT SA.

1.3 kV Vertical GaN-Based Trench MOSFETs on 4-Inch Free Standing GaN Wafer

AbstractIn this work, a vertical gallium nitride (GaN)-based trench MOSFET on 4-inch free-standing GaN substrate is presented with threshold voltage of 3.15 V, specific on-resistance of 1.93 mΩ·cm2, breakdown voltage of 1306 V, and figure of merit of 0.88 GW/cm2. High-quality and stable MOS interface is obtained through two-step process, including simple acid cleaning and a following (NH4)2S passivation. Based on the calibration with experiment, the simulation results of physical model are consistent well with the experiment data in transfer, output, and breakdown characteristic curves, which demonstrate the validity of the simulation data obtained by Silvaco technology computer aided design (Silvaco TCAD). The mechanisms of on-state and breakdown are thoroughly studied using Silvaco TCAD physical model. The device parameters, including n−-GaN drift layer, p-GaN channel layer and gate dielectric layer, are systematically designed for optimization. This comprehensive analysis and optimization on the vertical GaN-based trench MOSFETs provide significant guide for vertical GaN-based high power applications.

Correction to: Light-Activated Multilevel Resistive Switching Storage in Pt/Cs2AgBiBr6/ITO/Glass Devices

An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.

Molybdenum Disulfide Nanosheets Decorated with Platinum Nanoparticle as a High Active Electrocatalyst in Hydrogen Evolution Reaction

AbstractElectrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) refers to the process of generating hydrogen by splitting water molecules with applied external voltage on the active catalysts. HER reaction in the acidic medium can be studied by different mechanisms such as Volmer reaction (adsorption), Heyrovsky reaction (electrochemical desorption) or Tafel reaction (recombination). In this paper, facile hydrothermal methods are utilized to synthesis a high-performance metal-inorganic composite electrocatalyst, consisting of platinum nanoparticles (Pt) and molybdenum disulfide nanosheets (MoS2) with different platinum loading. The as-synthesized composite is further used as an electrocatalyst for HER. The as-synthesized Pt/Mo-90-modified glassy carbon electrode shows the best electrocatalytic performance than pure MoS2 nanosheets. It exhibits Pt-like performance with the lowest Tafel slope of 41 mV dec−1 and superior electrocatalytic stability in an acidic medium. According to this, the HER mechanism is related to the Volmer-Heyrovsky mechanism, where hydrogen adsorption and desorption occur in the two-step process. According to electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis, the presence of Pt nanoparticles enhanced the HER performance of the MoS2 nanosheets because of the increased number of charge carriers transport.

Ultra-High Response Detection of Alcohols Based on CdS/MoS2 Composite

AbstractHybrid CdS/MoS2 with branch and leaf shaped structures are successfully synthesized by hydrothermal method. It is applied to detect volatile organic compounds, a basic source of indoor air pollution with deleterious effects on the human health. The sensor based on CdS/MoS2 displays an outstanding response to alcohols among numerous gases. Their response to 100 ppm ethanol and isopropanol reaches 56 and 94, respectively. Benefiting from the dendrite-like biomimetic structure and synergy effect of CdS and MoS2, the sensor exhibits higher response than traditional gas sensor. For multiple alcohols, the limit of detection reached ppb level. In addition, by comparing the response of ethanol, isopropanol, isoamyl alcohol and their mixtures with acetone and methanal, a strong resistance interference is observed. This work proved that the modified detector holds broad promise in the detection of alcohols.

Transfer Printing of Perovskite Whispering Gallery Mode Laser Cavities by Thermal Release Tape

AbstractThe outstanding optoelectrical properties and high-quality factor of whispering gallery mode perovskite nanocavities make it attractive for applications in small lasers. However, efforts to make lasers with better performance have been hampered by the lack of efficient methods for the synthesis and transfer of perovskite nanocavities on desired substrate at quality required for applications. Here, we report transfer printing of perovskite nanocavities grown by chemical vapor deposition from mica substrate onto SiO2 substrate. Transferred perovskite nanocavity has an RMS roughness of ~ 1.2 nm and no thermal degradation in thermal release process. We further use femtosecond laser to excite a transferred perovskite nanocavity and measures its quality factor as high as 2580 and a lasing threshold of 27.89 μJ/cm2 which is almost unchanged as compared with pristine perovskite nanocavities. This method represents a significant step toward the realization of perovskite nanolasers with smaller sizes and better heat management as well as application in optoelectronic devices.

Embedded Micro-detectors for EUV Exposure Control in FinFET CMOS Technology

AbstractAn on-wafer micro-detector for in situ EUV (wavelength of 13.5 nm) detection featuring FinFET CMOS compatibility, 1 T pixel and battery-less sensing is demonstrated. Moreover, the detection results can be written in the in-pixel storage node for days, enabling off-line and non-destructive reading. The high spatial resolution micro-detectors can be used to extract the actual parameters of the incident EUV on wafers, including light intensity, exposure time and energy, key to optimization of lithographic processes in 5 nm FinFET technology and beyond.

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Printable, Highly Sensitive Flexible Temperature Sensors for Human Body Temperature Monitoring: A Review


  • 1 College of Mechanical Engineering, North University of China, Taiyuan, 030051, Shanxi, China.
  • 2 Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, 518055, Guangdong, China.
  • 3 Nursing Department, Shenzhen People's Hospital (The Second Clinical Medical College, Jinan University; The First Affiliated Hospital, Southern University of Science and Technology), Shenzhen, 518020, Guangdong, China.
  • 4 Neonatal Intensive Unit, Shenzhen People's Hospital (The Second Clinical Medical College, Jinan University; The First Affiliated Hospital, Southern University of Science and Technology), Shenzhen, 518020, Guangdong, China.
  • 5 Institute of Biomedical and Health Engineering, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen, 518055, Guangdong, China. [email protected].
  • PMID: 33057900
  • PMCID: PMC7561651
  • DOI: 10.1186/s11671-020-03428-4

In recent years, the development and research of flexible sensors have gradually deepened, and the performance of wearable, flexible devices for monitoring body temperature has also improved. For the human body, body temperature changes reflect much information about human health, and abnormal body temperature changes usually indicate poor health. Although body temperature is independent of the environment, the body surface temperature is easily affected by the surrounding environment, bringing challenges to body temperature monitoring equipment. To achieve real-time and sensitive detection of various parts temperature of the human body, researchers have developed many different types of high-sensitivity flexible temperature sensors, perfecting the function of electronic skin, and also proposed many practical applications. This article reviews the current research status of highly sensitive patterned flexible temperature sensors used to monitor body temperature changes. First, commonly used substrates and active materials for flexible temperature sensors have been summarized. Second, patterned fabricating methods and processes of flexible temperature sensors are introduced. Then, flexible temperature sensing performance are comprehensively discussed, including temperature measurement range, sensitivity, response time, temperature resolution. Finally, the application of flexible temperature sensors based on highly delicate patterning are demonstrated, and the future challenges of flexible temperature sensors have prospected.

Keywords: Body temperature monitoring; Flexible sensor; Printable sensor; Temperature sensor; Wearable electronics.

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Schematic illustration of the substrate…

Schematic illustration of the substrate materials for part of flexible sensors. Clockwise from…

Various flexible temperature sensors based…

Various flexible temperature sensors based on carbon materials. a SEM images of a…

Various flexible temperature sensors based on metal materials. a Stretchable sensors on top…

Various flexible temperature sensors based on thermosensitive polymer. a A sample with two…

Flexible temperature sensor containing PVDF…

Flexible temperature sensor containing PVDF material. a Schematic of transparent, flexible rGO/P(VDF-TrFE) nanocomposite…

Fabrication method of flexible temperature…

Fabrication method of flexible temperature sensor method of flexible temperature sensor. a Top:…

Fabrication method of flexible temperature sensor. a Schematic illustration of the fabrication process…

Commonly used fabricating methods. a…

Commonly used fabricating methods. a Schematic of the m-LRS process [170]. b Schematic…

Sensitivity of flexible temperature sensor.…

Sensitivity of flexible temperature sensor. a Images of the PEO1500/PVDF/Gr at room temperature.…

Application demonstration of flexible temperature…

Application demonstration of flexible temperature sensor. a A plastic film with organic transistors…

Application demonstration of flexible temperature sensor. a Photos of the smart bandage integrated…

Application demonstration of flexible temperature sensor. a Schematic illustration of the BES (left),…

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Magnetic nanoparticles: preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine

  • Nano Review
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  • Published: 21 February 2012
  • Volume 7 , article number  144 , ( 2012 )

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Finally, we have addressed some relevant findings on the importance of having well-defined synthetic strategies developed for the generation of MNPs, with a focus on particle formation mechanism and recent modifications made on the preparation of monodisperse samples of relatively large quantities not only with similar physical features, but also with similar crystallochemical characteristics. Then, different methodologies for the functionalization of the prepared MNPs together with the characterization techniques are explained. Theorical views on the magnetism of nanoparticles are considered.

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Nanoscience is one of the most important research in modern science. Nanotechnology is beginning to allow scientists, engineers, chemists, and physicians to work at the molecular and cellular levels to produce important advances in the life sciences and healthcare. The use of nanoparticle [NP] materials offers major advantages due to their unique size and physicochemical properties. Because of the widespread applications of magnetic nanoparticles [MNPs] in biotechnology, biomedical, material science, engineering, and environmental areas, much attention has been paid to the synthesis of different kinds of MNPs [ 1 – 3 ].

Real uses of nanostructured materials in life sciences are uncommon at the present time. However, the excellent properties of these materials provide a very promising future for their use in this field [ 4 – 7 ]. Nanoclusters are ultrafine particles of nanometer dimensions located between molecules and microscopic structures (micron size). Viewed as materials, they are so small that they exhibit characteristics that are not observed in larger structures (even 100 nm); viewed as molecules, they are so large that they provide access to realms of quantum behavior that are not otherwise accessible. In this size, many recent advances have been made in biology, chemistry, and physics [ 8 – 11 ]. The preparation of monodisperse-sized nanocrystals is very important because the properties of these nanocrystals depend strongly on their dimensions [ 12 , 13 ]. The preparation of monodisperse-sized nanocrystals with controllable sizes is very important to characterize the size-dependent physicochemical properties of nanocrystals [ 14 – 16 ].

Industrial applications of magnetic nanoparticles cover a broad spectrum of magnetic recording media and biomedical applications, for example, magnetic resonance contrast media and therapeutic agents in cancer treatment [ 17 , 18 ]. Each potential application of the magnetic nanoparticles requires having different properties. For example, in data storage applications, the particles need to have a stable, switchable magnetic state to represent bits of information that are not affected by temperature fluctuations.

For biomedical uses, the application of particles that present superparamagnetic behavior at room temperature is preferred [ 19 – 21 ]. Furthermore, applications in therapy and biology and medical diagnosis require the magnetic particles to be stable in water at pH 7 and in a physiological environment. The colloidal stability of this fluid will depend on the charge and surface chemistry, which give rise to both steric and coulombic repulsions and also depend on the dimensions of the particles, which should be sufficiently small so that precipitation due to gravitation forces can be avoided [ 22 ]. Additional restrictions to the possible particles could be used for biomedical applications ( in vivo or in vitro applications). For in vivo applications, the magnetic nanoparticles must be encapsulated with a biocompatible polymer during or after the preparation process to prevent changes from the original structure, the formation of large aggregates, and biodegradation when exposed to the biological system. The nanoparticle coated with polymer will also allow binding of drugs by entrapment on the particles, adsorption, or covalent attachment [ 23 – 25 ]. The major factors, which determine toxicity and the biocompatibility of these materials, are the nature of the magnetically responsive components, such as magnetite, iron, nickel, and cobalt, and the final size of the particles, their core, and the coatings. Iron oxide nanoparticles such as magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) or its oxidized form maghemite (γ-Fe 2 O 3 ) are by far the most commonly employed nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Highly magnetic materials such as cobalt and nickel are susceptible to oxidation and are toxic; hence, they are of little interest [ 26 – 28 ]. Moreover, the major advantage of using particles of sizes smaller than 100 nm is their higher effective surface areas, lower sedimentation rates, and improved tissular diffusion [ 29 – 31 ]. Another advantage of using nanoparticles is that the magnetic dipole-dipole interactions are significantly reduced because they scale as r6 [ 32 ]. Therefore, for in vivo biomedical applications, magnetic nanoparticles must be made of a non-toxic and non-immunogenic material, with particle sizes small enough to remain in the circulation after injection and to pass through the capillary systems of organs and tissues, avoiding vessel embolism. They must also have a high magnetization so that their movement in the blood can be controlled with a magnetic field and so that they can be immobilized close to the targeted pathologic tissue [ 33 – 35 ]. For in vitro applications, composites consisting of superparamagnetic nanocrystals dispersed in submicron diamagnetic particles with long sedimentation times in the absence of a magnetic field can be used because the size restrictions are not so severe as in in vivo applications. The major advantage of using diamagnetic matrixes is that the superparamagnetic composites can be easily prepared with functionality.

In almost all uses, the synthesis method of the nanomaterials represents one of the most important challenges that will determine the shape, the size distribution, the particle size, the surface chemistry of the particles, and consequently their magnetic properties [ 36 – 38 ]. Ferri- and ferromagnetic materials such as Fe 3 O 4 and some alloys have irregular particle shape when obtained by grinding bulk materials but can have a spherical shape when synthesized by plasma atomization, wet chemistry, or from the gas phases and aerosol. Also, depending on the mechanism of formation, spherical particles obtained in a solution can be crystalline or amorphous if they result from a disordered or ordered aggregation of crystallites, respectively. In addition, the synthesis method determines to a great extent the degree of structural defects or impurities in the particle as well as the distribution of such defects within the particle, therefore, determining its magnetic behavior [ 39 , 40 ]

Recently, many attempts have been made to develop techniques and processes that would yield 'monodispersed colloids' consisting of uniform nanoparticles both in size and shape [ 41 – 43 ]. In these systems, the entire uniform physicochemical properties directly reflect the properties of each constituent particle. Monodispersed colloids have been exploited in fundamental research and as models in the quantitative assessment of properties that depend on the particle size and shape. In addition, it has become evident that the reproducibility and quality of commercial products can be more readily achieved by starting with well-defined powders of known properties. In this way, these powders have found uses in photography, inks in printing, catalysis, ceramic, and especially in medicine.

Magnetic nanoparticles show remarkable new phenomena such as high field irreversibility, high saturation field, superparamagnetism, extra anisotropy contributions, or shifted loops after field cooling. These phenomena arise from narrow and finite-size effects and surface effects that dominate the magnetic behavior of individual nanoparticles [ 44 ]. Frenkel and Dorfman [ 45 ] were the first to predict that a particle of ferromagnetic material, below a critical particle size ( < 15 nm for the common materials), would consist of a single magnetic domain, i.e., a particle that is in a state of uniform magnetization at any field. The magnetization behavior of these particles above a certain temperature, i.e., the blocking temperature, is identical to that of atomic paramagnets (superparamagnetism) except that large susceptibilities and, thus, an extremely large moment are involved [ 46 ].

The first part of this review is concerned with the physical properties of magnetic nanoparticles and their magnetometric property. The second part deals with the possible use of magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical application with special emphasis on the advantage of using nanoparticles with respect to microparticles and on some of the recent environmental, industrial, biological, and analytical applications of MNPs. The third part deals with the different methods described in the bibliography that are capable of producing these magnetic nanoparticles with a very narrow particle size distribution, mainly based on magnetite or maghemite iron oxide nanoparticles [ 47 , 48 ]. Finally, we address some of the most relevant preparation effects on the magnetic properties and structure of the magnetic nanoparticles.

Preparation Methods

During the last few years, a large portion of the published articles about MNPs have described efficient routes to attain shape-controlled, highly stable, and narrow size distribution MNPs. Up to date, several popular methods including co-precipitation, microemulsion, thermal decomposition, solvothermal, sonochemical, microwave assisted, chemical vapour deposition, combustion synthesis, carbon arc, laser pyrolysis synthesis have been reported for synthesis of MNPs.

Physical properties of magnetic nanoparticles

Magnetic effects are caused by movements of particles that have both mass and electric charges. These particles are electrons, holes, protons, and positive and negative ions. A spinning electric-charged particle creates a magnetic dipole, so-called magneton. In ferromagnetic materials, magnetons are associated in groups. A magnetic domain (also called a Weiss domain) refers to a volume of ferromagnetic material in which all magnetons are aligned in the same direction by the exchange forces. This concept of domains distinguishes ferromagnetism from paramagnetism. The domain structure of a ferromagnetic material determines the size dependence of its magnetic behavior. When the size of a ferromagnetic material is reduced below a critical value, it becomes a single domain. Fine particle magnetism comes from size effects, which are based on the magnetic domain structure of ferromagnetic materials. It assumes that the state of lowest free energy of ferromagnetic particles has uniform magnetization for particles smaller than a certain critical size and has nonuniform magnetization for larger particles. The former ones are referred to as single domain particles, while the latter are called multidomain particles [ 49 , 50 ]. According to the magnetic domain theory, the critical size of the single domain is affected by several factors including the value of the magnetic saturation, the strength of the crystal anisotropy and exchange forces, surface or domain-wall energy, and the shape of the particles. The reaction of ferromagnetic materials on an applied field is well described by a hysteresis loop, which is characterized by two main parameters: remanence and coercivity. The latter is related to the 'thickness' of the curve. Dealing with fine particles, the coercivity is the single property of most interest, and it is strongly size-dependent. It has been found that as the particle size is reduced, the coercivity increases to a maximum and then decreases toward zero (Figure 1 ).

figure 1

Schematic illustration of the coercivity-size relations of small particles .

When the size of single-domain particles further decreases below a critical diameter, the coercivity becomes zero, and such particles become superparamagnetic. Superparamagnetism is caused by thermal effects. In superparamagnetic particles, thermal fluctuations are strong enough to spontaneously demagnetize a previously saturated assembly; therefore, these particles have zero coercivity and have no hysteresis. Nanoparticles become magnetic in the presence of an external magnet, but revert to a nonmagnetic state when the external magnet is removed. This avoids an 'active' behavior of the particles when there is no applied field. Introduced in the living systems, particles are 'magnetic' only in the presence of an external field, which gives them unique advantage in working in biological environments. There are a number of crystalline materials that exhibit ferromagnetism, among others Fe, Co, or Ni. Since ferrite oxide-magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) is the most magnetic of all the naturally occurring minerals on earth, it is widely used in the form of superparamagnetic nanoparticles for all sorts of biological applications [ 51 – 53 ].

Magnetic property (magnetic behavior)

Materials are classified by their response to an externally applied magnetic field. Descriptions of orientations of the magnetic moments in a material help identify different forms of magnetism observed in nature. Five basic types of magnetism can be described: diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, and ferrimagnetisms. In the presence of an externally applied magnetic field, the atomic current loops created by the orbital motion of electrons respond to oppose the applied field. All materials display this type of weak repulsion to a magnetic field known as diamagnetism. However, diamagnetism is very weak, and therefore, any other form of magnetic behavior that a material may possess usually overpowers the effects of the current loops. In terms of the electronic configuration of the materials, diamagnetism is observed in materials with filled electronic subshells where the magnetic moments are paired and overall cancel each other. Diamagnetic materials have a negative susceptibility ( χ < 0) and weakly repel an applied magnetic field (e.g., quartz SiO 2 ). The effects of these atomic current loops are overcome if the material displays a net magnetic moment or has a long-range ordering of its magnetic moments [ 54 – 56 ]. All other types of magnetic behaviors are observed in materials that are at least partially attributed to unpaired electrons in their atomic shells, often in the 3 d or 4 f shells of each atom. Materials whose atomic magnetic moments are uncoupled display paramagnetism; thus, paramagnetic materials have moments with no long-range order, and there is a small positive magnetic susceptibility ( χ ≈ 0), e.g., pyrite [ 57 – 59 ]. Materials that possess ferromagnetism have aligned atomic magnetic moments of equal magnitude, and their crystalline structures allow for direct coupling interactions between the moments, which may strongly enhance the flux density (e.g., Fe, Ni, and Co). Furthermore, the aligned moments in ferromagnetic materials can confer a spontaneous magnetization in the absence of an applied magnetic field. Materials that retain permanent magnetization in the absence of an applied field are known as hard magnets. Materials having atomic magnetic moments of equal magnitude that are arranged in an antiparallel fashion display antiferromagnetism (e.g., troilite FeS). The exchange interaction couples the moments in such a way that they are antiparallel, therefore, leaving a zero net magnetization [ 60 ]. Above the Néel temperature, thermal energy is sufficient to cause the equal and oppositely aligned atomic moments to randomly fluctuate, leading to a disappearance of their long-range order. In this state, the materials exhibit paramagnetic behavior. Ferrimagnetism is a property exhibited by materials whose atoms or ions tend to assume an ordered but nonparallel arrangement in a zero applied field below a certain characteristic temperature known as the Néel temperature (e.g., Fe 3 O 4 and Fe 3 S 4 ). In the usual case, within a magnetic domain, a substantial net magnetization results from the antiparallel alignment of neighboring non-equivalent sublattices. The macroscopic behavior is similar to ferromagnetism. Above the Néel temperature, the substance becomes paramagnetic (Figure 2 ) [ 61 , 62 ].

figure 2

Magnetization behavior of ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic NPs under an external magnetic field . ( a ) Under an external magnetic field, domains of a ferromagnetic NP align with the applied field. The magnetic moment of single domain superparamagnetic NPs aligns with the applied field. In the absence of an external field, ferromagnetic NPs will maintain a net magnetization, whereas superparamagnetic NPs will exhibit no net magnetization due to rapid reversal of the magnetic moment. ( b ) Relationship between NP size and the magnetic domain structures. Ds and Dc are the 'superparamagnetism' and 'critical' size thresholds.


Industrial applications.

Magnetic iron oxides are commonly used as synthetic pigments in ceramics, paints, and porcelain. Magnetic encapsulates may find very important uses in many areas of life and also in various branches of industry. Such materials are interesting from both points of the fundamental study of materials science as well as their applications [ 63 , 64 ]. Hematite and magnetite have been applied as catalysts for a number of important reactions, such as the preparation of NH 3 , the desulfurization of natural gas, and the high-temperature water-gas shift reaction. Other reactions include the Fishere-Tropsch synthesis for hydrocarbons, the dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene to styrene, the oxidation of alcohols, and the large-scale synthesis of butadiene [ 65 – 67 ].

Biomedical applications

Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles can be classified according to their application inside or outside the body ( in vivo, in vitro ). For in vitro applications, the main use is in diagnostic separation, selection, and magnetorelaxometry, while for in vivo applications, it could be further separated in therapeutic (hyperthermia and drug-targeting) and diagnostic applications (nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR] imaging) [ 68 – 70 ].

In vivo applications

Two major factors play an important role for the in vivo uses of these particles: size and surface functionality. Even without targeting surface ligands, superparamagnetic iron oxide NP [SPIOs] diameters greatly affect in vivo biodistribution. Particles with diameters of 10 to 40 nm including ultra-small SPIOs are important for prolonged blood circulation; they can cross capillary walls and are often phagocytosed by macrophages which traffic to the lymph nodes and bone marrow [ 71 ].

1. Therapeutic applications . Hyperthermia: Placing superparamagnetic iron oxide in altering current [AC] magnetic fields randomly flips the magnetization direction between the parallel and antiparallel orientations, allowing the transfer of magnetic energy to the particles in the form of heat, a property that can be used in vivo to increase the temperature of tumor tissues to destroy the pathological cells by hyperthermia. Tumor cells are more sensitive to a temperature increase than healthy ones [ 72 , 73 ]. In past studies, magnetite cationic liposomal nanoparticles and dextran-coated magnetite [ 74 ] have been shown to effectively increase the temperature of tumor cells for hyperthermia treatment in cell irradiation. This has been proposed to be one of the key approaches to successful cancer therapy in the future [ 75 ]. The advantage of magnetic hyperthermia is that it allows the heating to be restricted to the tumor area. Moreover, the use of subdomain magnetic particles (nanometer-sized) is preferred instead multidomain (micron-sized) particles because nanoparticles absorb much more power at tolerable AC magnetic fields [ 76 , 77 ] which is strongly dependent on the particle size and shape, and thus, having well-defined synthetic routes able to produce uniform particles is essential for a rigorous control in temperature.

2. Drug delivery . Drug targeting has emerged as one of the modern technologies for drug delivery. The possibilities for the application of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in drug targeting have drastically increased in recent years [ 78 ]. MNPs in combination with an external magnetic field and/or magnetizable implants allow the delivery of particles to the desired target area, fix them at the local site while the medication is released, and act locally (magnetic drug targeting) [ 79 ]. Transportation of drugs to a specific site can eliminate side effects and also reduce the dosage required. The surfaces of these particles are generally modified with organic polymers and inorganic metals or oxides to make them biocompatible and suitable for further functionalization by the attachment of various bioactive molecules [ 80 , 81 ]. The process of drug localization using magnetic delivery systems is based on the competition between the forces exerted on the particles by the blood compartment and the magnetic forces generated from the magnet.

3. Diagnostic applications

NMR imaging . The development of the NMR imaging technique for clinical diagnosis has prompted the need for a new class of pharmaceuticals, so-called magneto-pharmaceuticals. These drugs must be administered to a patient in order to (1) enhance the image contrast between the normal and diseased tissue and/or (2) indicate the status of organ functions or blood flow.

In vitro applications

Diagnostic applications

Separation and selection . At present, considerable attention is being paid to solid-phase extraction [SPE] as a way to isolate and preconcentrate desired components from a sample matrix. SPE is a routine extraction method for determining trace-level contaminants in environmental samples. Recently, nanometer-sized particles (nanoparticles, NPs) have gained rapid and substantial progress and have a significant impact on sample extraction. SPE offers an excellent alternative to the conventional sample concentration methods, such as liquid-liquid extraction [ 82 – 84 ]. The separation and preconcentration of the substance from large volumes of solution can be highly time consuming when using standard column SPE, and it is in this field where the use of magnetic or magnetizable adsorbents called magnetic solid-phase extraction [MSPE] gains importance. In this procedure, the magnetic adsorbent is added to a solution or suspension containing the target. This is adsorbed onto the magnetic adsorbent, and then, the adsorbent with the adsorbed target is recovered from the suspension using an appropriate magnetic separator. For separation and selection, the advantage of using magnetic nanoparticles instead magnetic microparticles is that we can prepare suspensions that are stable against sedimentation in the absence of an applied magnetic field. The applicability of iron oxide magnetic nanoparticles in MSPE is clearly evidenced by the fact that it already exists in the market companies (DYNAL Biotech) that commercialize these products (Figure 3 ).

figure 3

Schematic representation of the magnetically driven transport of drugs to a specific region . A catheter is inserted into an arterial feed to the tumor, and a magnetic stand is positioned over the targeted site.

Magnetorelaxometry . It was introduced as a method for the evaluation of immunoassays [ 85 ]. Magnetorelaxometry measures the magnetic viscosity, i.e., the relaxation of the net magnetic moment of a system of magnetic nanoparticles after removal of a magnetic field [ 86 ]. There are two different relaxation mechanisms. First, the internal magnetization vector of a nanoparticle relaxes in the direction of the easy axis inside the core; this is called Néel relaxation [ 87 ]. Second, particles accomplish rotational diffusion in a carrier liquid, called Brownian relaxation [ 88 ]. Néel and Brownian relaxation can be distinguished by their different relaxation times [ 89 ]. Furthermore, Brownian relaxation can take place only in liquids, whereas Néel relaxation does not depend on the dispersion of the nanoparticles. The fact that magnetorelaxometry depends on the core size, the hydrodynamic size, and the anisotropy allows this technique to distinguish between the free and bound conjugates by their different magnetic behavior and therefore can be used as an analytical tool for the evaluation of immunoassays [ 90 ]. For this application, the benefits of reducing the particle size to the nanometer size are similar to those described for separation and selection applications.

Magnetic resonance imaging . At the boundary between nanomaterials and medical diagnostics, superparamagnetic iron oxide NPs are proving to be a class of novel probes useful for in vitro and in vivo cellular and molecular imaging. Superparamagnetic contrast agents have an advantage of producing an enhanced proton relaxation in magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] in comparison with paramagnetic ones. Consequently, less amounts of a SPIO agent are needed to dose the human body than a paramagnetic one. To apply the magnetic fluids to a MRI contrast agent, a SPIO should be dispersed into a biocompatible and biodegradable carrier. Recently, Muller et al. [ 91 ] comprehensively reviewed the applications of super paramagnetic iron oxide NPs as a contrast agent. However, MRIs are not convenient for in situ monitoring. Thus, a sensitive and simple technique for in situ monitoring of the NPs in living cells is desirable. Compared to conventional organic fluorescence probes, advantages of the nanometer-sized fluorescence probes mainly include their higher photostability and stronger fluorescence. The main problem in cell imaging using the fluorescent nanoprobes is that the fluorescence signal is easily affected by the background noises caused by the cells, matrix, and the nonspecific scattering lights. The high signal to noise (S/N) ratio is not easy to obtain.

Bioseparation . In a biomedical study, separation of specific biological entities (e.g., DNAs, proteins, and cells) from their native environment is often required for analysis. Superparamagnetic colloids are ideal for this application because of their on-off nature of magnetization with and without an external magnetic field, enabling the transportation of biomaterials with a magnetic field. In a typical procedure for separation, the biological entities are labeled by superparamagnetic colloids and then subjected to separation by an external magnetic field [ 92 ]. Nanometer-sized magnetic particles, such as super paramagnetic iron oxide particles, have been extensively used for separation and purification of cells and biomolecules in bioprocesses [ 93 – 95 ]. Due to their small size and high surface area, MNPs have many superior characteristics for these bioseparation applications compared to those of the conventional micrometer-sized resins or beads such as good dispersability, the fast and effective binding of biomolecules, and reversible and controllable flocculation. One of the trends in this subject area is the magnetic separation using antibodies to provide highly accurate antibodies that can specifically bind to their matching antigens on the surface of the targeted species.

Catalysis applications . In recent years, catalysts supported by MNPs have been extensively used to improve the limitation of heterogeneous catalysis. Magnetically driven, separations make the recovery of catalysts in a liquid-phase reaction much easier than using cross flow filtration and centrifugation, especially when the catalysts are in the submicrometer size range. Such small and magnetically separable catalysts could combine the advantages of high dispersion and reactivity with easy separation. In terms of recycling expensive catalysts or ligands, immobilization of these active species on MNPs leads to the easy separation of catalysts in a quasi-homogeneous system [ 96 ]. The various types of transition metal-catalyzed reactions using catalytic sites grafted onto MNPs that have emerged recently include carbon-carbon cross-coupling reactions, hydroformylation [ 97 ], hydrogenation, and polymerization [ 98 ] reactions. Other reports on MNP-supported catalysts include enzymes for carboxylate resolution, amino acids for ester hydrolysis, and organic amine catalysts promoting Knoevenagel and related reactions.

Environmental applications

A similarly important property of nanoscale iron particles is their huge flexibility for in situ applications. Modified iron nanoparticles, such as catalyzed and supported nanoparticles, have been synthesized to further enhance their speed and efficiency of remediation [ 99 ]. In spite of some still unresolved uncertainties associated with the application of iron nanoparticles, this material is being accepted as a versatile tool for the remediation of different types of contaminants in groundwater, soil, and air on both the experimental and field scales [ 100 ]. In recent years, other MNPs have been investigated for the removal of organic and inorganic pollutants.

Organic pollutants

There are a few articles about the removal of high concentrations of organic compounds which are mostly related to the removal of dyes. The MNPs have a high capacity in the removal of high concentrations of organic compounds [ 101 – 103 ]. Dyes are present in the wastewater streams of many industrial sectors such as in dyeing, textile factories, tanneries, and in the paint industry. Therefore, the replacement of MNPs with an expensive or low efficient adsorbent for treatment of textile effluent can be a good platform which needs more detailed investigations.

Inorganic pollutants

A very important aspect in metal toxin removal is the preparation of functionalized sorbents for affinity or selective removal of hazardous metal ions from complicated matrices. MNPs are used as sorbents for the removal of metal ions. Thus, MNPs show a high [ 104 – 106 ] capacity and efficiency in the removal of different metal ions due to their high surface area with respect to micron-sized sorbents. These findings can be used to design an appropriate adsorption treatment plan for the removal and recovery of metal ions from wastewaters.

Analytical applications

Fluorescence techniques . Due to their small size, magnetic luminescent NPs offer a larger surface area-to-volume ratio than currently used microbeads, which result in a good reaction homogeneity and faster reaction kinetics. Thus, the preparation of magnetic fluorescent particles, such as polystyrene magnetic beads with entrapped organic dyes/quantum dots [QDs] or shells of QDs [ 107 ], iron oxide particles coated with dye-doped silica shells, and silica NPs embedded with iron oxide and QDs, is easier. However, their application is limited mostly to biological applications, such as cellular imaging. Only a few papers have reported the use of dual-functional NPs for multiplexed quantitative bioanalysis. The magnetic properties of the MLNPs allowed their manipulation by an external magnetic field without the need of centrifugation or filtration. Their optical characteristics (sharp emission, photostability, long lifetime) facilitated the implementation of an internal calibration in the detection system. This introduced a unique internal quality control and easy quantifications in the multiplexed immunoanalysis. This method developed and enables a direct, simple, and quantitative multiplex protein analysis using conventional organic dyes and can be applied for disease diagnostics and detection of biological threats.

Inorganic and hybrid coatings (or shells) on colloidal templates have been prepared by precipitation and surface reactions [ 108 ]. By adequate selection of the experimental conditions, mainly the nature of the precursors, temperature, and pH, this method can give uniform, smooth coatings, and therefore lead to monodispersed spherical composites. Using this technique, submicrometer-sized anionic polystyrene lattices have been coated with uniform layers of iron compounds [ 109 ] by aging at an elevated temperature and by dispersions of the polymer colloid in the presence of aqueous solutions of ferric chloride, urea, hydrochloric acid, and polyvinyl pyrrolidone. One of the most promising techniques for the production of superparamagnetic composites is the layer-by-layer self-assembly method. This method was firstly developed for the construction of ultrathin films [ 110 ] and was further developed by Caruso et al. [ 111 ] for the controlled synthesis of novel nanocomposite core-shell materials and hollow capsules. It consists of the stepwise adsorption of charged polymers or nanocolloids and oppositely charged polyelectrolytes onto flat surfaces or colloidal templates, exploiting primarily electrostatic interactions for layer buildup. Using this strategy, colloidal particles have been coated with alternating layers of polyelectrolytes, nanoparticles, and proteins [ 112 ]. Furthermore, Caruso et al. have demonstrated that submicrometer-sized hollow silica spheres or polymer capsules can be obtained after removal of the template from the solid-core multilayered-shell particles either by calcination or by chemical extraction. Their work in the preparation of iron oxide superparamagnetic and monodisperse, dense, and hollow spherical particles that could be used for biomedical applications deserves special mention.

Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles in polymeric matrixes . Encapsulation of inorganic particles into organic polymers endows the particles with important properties that bare uncoated particles lack [ 113 ]. Polymer coatings on particles enhance compatibility with organic ingredients, reduce susceptibility to leaching, and protect particle surfaces from oxidation. Consequently, encapsulation improves dispersibility, chemical stability, and reduces toxicity [ 114 ]. Polymer-coated magnetite nanoparticles have been synthesized by seed precipitation polymerization of methacrylic acid and hydroxyethyl methacrylate in the presence of the magnetite nanoparticles [ 115 ]. Cross-linking of polymers has also been reported as an adequate method for the encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles. To prepare the composites by this method, first, mechanical energy needs to be supplied to create a dispersion of magnetite in the presence of aqueous albumin [ 116 ], chitosan [ 117 ], or PVA polymers [ 118 ]. More energy creates an emulsion of the magnetic particle sol in cottonseed [ 119 ], mineral [ 120 ], or vegetable oil [ 121 ]. Depending upon composition and reaction conditions, the addition of a cross-linker and heat results in a polydispersed magnetic latex, 0.3 microns in diameter, with up to 24 wt.% in magnetite content [ 122 ]. Recently, the preparation of superparamagnetic latex via inverse emulsion polymerization has been reported [ 123 ]. A 'double-hydrophilic' diblock copolymer, present during the precipitation of magnetic iron oxide, directs nucleation, controls growth, and sterically stabilizes the resulting 5-nm superparamagnetic iron oxide. After drying, the coated particles repeptize creating a ferrofluid-like dispersion. Inverse emulsification of the ferrofluid into decane, aided by small amounts of diblock copolymer emulsifier along with ultrasonication, creates mini droplets (180 nm) filled with magnetic particles and monomer. Subsequent polymerization generates magnetic latex. A novel approach to prepare superparamagnetic polymeric nanoparticles by synthesis of the magnetite core and polymeric shell in a single inverse microemulsion was reported by Chu et al. [ 124 ]. Stable magnetic nanoparticle dispersions with narrow size distribution were thus produced. The microemulsion seed copolymerization of methacrylic acid, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, and cross-linker resulted in a stable hydrophilic polymeric shell around the nanoparticles. Changing the monomer concentration and water/surfactant ratio controls the particle size.

Encapsulation of magnetic nanoparticles in inorganic matrixes . An appropriate tuning of the magnetic properties is essential for the potential use of the superparamagnetic composites. In this way, the use of inorganic matrixes, in particular of silica, as dispersion media of superparamagnetic nanocrystals has been reported to be an effective way to modulate the magnetic properties by a simple heating process [ 125 ]. Another advantage of having a surface enriched in silica is the presence of surface silanol groups that can easily react with alcohols and silane coupling agents [ 126 ] to produce dispersions that are not only stable in nonaqueous solvents, but also provide the ideal anchorage for covalent bonding of specific ligands. The strong binding makes desorption of these ligands a difficult task. In addition, the silica surface confers a high stability to suspensions of the particles at high volume fractions, changes in pH, or electrolyte concentration [ 127 ]. Recently, we have been successful in preparing submicronic silica-coated maghemite hollow and dense spheres with a high loading of magnetic material by aerosol pyrolysis [ 128 ]. Silica-coated γ-Fe 2 O 3 hollow spherical particles with an average size of 150 nm were prepared by aerosol pyrolysis of methanol solutions containing iron ammonium citrate and tetraethoxysilane [TEOS] at a total salt concentration of 0.25 M [ 129 ]. During the first stage, the rapid evaporation of the methanol solvent favors the surface precipitation (i.e., formation of hollow spheres) of the components [ 130 ]. The low solubility of the iron ammonium citrate in methanol when compared with that of TEOS promotes the initial precipitation of the iron salt solid shell. During the second stage, the probable continuous shrinkage of this iron salt solid shell facilitates the enrichment at the surface of the silicon oxide precursor (TEOS). In the third stage, the thermal decomposition of precursors produces the silica-coated γ-Fe 2 O 3 hollow spheres. The formation of the γ-Fe 2 O 3 is associated with the presence of carbonaceous species coming from the decomposition of the methanol solvent and from the iron ammonium citrate and TEOS. On the other hand, the aerosol pyrolysis of iron nitrate and TEOS at a total salt concentration of 1 M produced silica-coated γ-Fe 2 O 3 dense spherical particles with an average size of 250 nm. The increase in salt concentration to a value of 1 M favors the formation of dense spherical particles. Sedimentation studies of these particles have shown that they are particularly useful for separation applications [ 131 ]. A W/O microemulsion method has also been used for the preparation of silica-coated iron oxide nanoparticles [ 132 ]. Three different non-ionic surfactants (Triton X-100, Dow Chemical Company, Midland, MI, USA; Igepal CO-520, and Brij-97) have been used for the preparation of microemulsions, and their effects on the particle size, crystallinity, and the magnetic properties have been studied

The iron oxide nanoparticles are formed by the coprecipitation reaction of ferrous and ferric salts with inorganic bases. A strong base, NaOH, and a comparatively mild base, NH 4 OH, have been used with each surfactant to observe whether the basicity influences the crystallization process during particle formation. All these systems show magnetic behavior close to that of superparamagnetic materials. By using this method, magnetic nanoparticles as small as 1 to 2 nm and of very uniform size (standard deviation less than 10%) have been synthesized. A uniform silica coating as thin as 1 nm encapsulating the bare nanoparticles is formed by the base-catalyzed hydrolysis and the polymerization reaction of TEOS in the microemulsion. It is worth mentioning that the small particle size of the composite renders these particles a potential candidate for their use in in vivo applications.

Size selection methods

Biomedical applications like magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic cell separation, or magnetorelaxometry control the magnetic properties of the nanoparticles in magnetic fluids. Furthermore, these applications also depend on the hydrodynamic size. Therefore, in many cases, only a small portion of particles contributes to the desired effect. The relative amount of the particles with the desired properties can be increased by the fractionation of magnetic fluids [ 133 ]. Common methods currently used for the fractionation of magnetic fluids are centrifugation [ 134 ] and size-exclusion chromatography [ 135 ]. All these methods separate the particles via nonmagnetic properties like density or size. Massart et al [ 136 ] have proposed a size sorting procedure based on the thermodynamic properties of aqueous dispersions of nanoparticles. The positive charge of the maghemite surface allows its dispersion in aqueous acidic solutions and the production of dispersions stabilized through electrostatic repulsions. By increasing the acid concentration (in the range 0.1 to 0.5 mol l-1 ) , interparticle repulsions are screened, and phase transitions are induced. Using this principle, these authors describe a two-step size sorting process in order to obtain significant amounts of nanometric monosized particles with diameters between typically 6 and 13 nm. As the surface of the latter is not modified by the size sorting process, usual procedures are used to disperse them in several aqueous or oil-based media. Preference should be given, however, to partitions based on the properties of interest, in this case, the magnetic properties. So far, magnetic methods have been used only for the separation of magnetic fluids, for example, to remove aggregates by magnetic filtration [ 137 ]. Recently, the fractionation of magnetic nanoparticles by flow field-flow fractionation was reported [ 138 ]. Field-flow fractionation is a family of analytical separation techniques [ 139 , 140 ], in which the separation is carried out in a flow with a parabolic profile running through a thin channel. An external field is applied at a right angle to force the particles toward the so-called accumulation wall [ 141 , 142 ].

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The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Iran National Science Foundation, Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences and the Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences.

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Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Medicinal Chemistry and Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran

Abolfazl Akbarzadeh & Soodabeh Davaran

Faculity of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran

Mohammad Samiei & Soodabeh Davaran

Research Center for Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, 51368, Iran

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Akbarzadeh, A., Samiei, M. & Davaran, S. Magnetic nanoparticles: preparation, physical properties, and applications in biomedicine. Nanoscale Res Lett 7 , 144 (2012).

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Received : 12 July 2011

Accepted : 21 February 2012

Published : 21 February 2012


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Liposome: classification, preparation, and applications

Abolfazl akbarzadeh.

1 Department of Medical Nanotechnology, Faculty of Advanced Medical Science, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz 51664, Iran

Rogaie Rezaei-Sadabady

2 Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Soodabeh Davaran

Sang woo joo.

5 School of Mechanical Engineering, WCU Nanoresearch Center, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan 712-749, South Korea

Nosratollah Zarghami

Younes hanifehpour, mohammad samiei.

3 Department of Endodontics, Dental School, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran

Mohammad Kouhi

4 Department of Physics, Tabriz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tabriz, Iran

Kazem Nejati-Koshki

Liposomes, sphere-shaped vesicles consisting of one or more phospholipid bilayers, were first described in the mid-60s. Today, they are a very useful reproduction, reagent, and tool in various scientific disciplines, including mathematics and theoretical physics, biophysics, chemistry, colloid science, biochemistry, and biology. Since then, liposomes have made their way to the market. Among several talented new drug delivery systems, liposomes characterize an advanced technology to deliver active molecules to the site of action, and at present, several formulations are in clinical use. Research on liposome technology has progressed from conventional vesicles to ‘second-generation liposomes’, in which long-circulating liposomes are obtained by modulating the lipid composition, size, and charge of the vesicle. Liposomes with modified surfaces have also been developed using several molecules, such as glycolipids or sialic acid. This paper summarizes exclusively scalable techniques and focuses on strengths, respectively, limitations in respect to industrial applicability and regulatory requirements concerning liposomal drug formulations based on FDA and EMEA documents.


Liposomes are small artificial vesicles of spherical shape that can be created from cholesterol and natural non-toxic phospholipids. Due to their size and hydrophobic and hydrophilic character(besides biocompatibility), liposomes are promising systems for drug delivery. Liposome properties differ considerably with lipid composition, surface charge, size, and the method of preparation (Table  1 ). Furthermore, the choice of bilayer components determines the ‘rigidity’ or ‘fluidity’ and the charge of the bilayer. For instance, unsaturated phosphatidylcholine species from natural sources (egg or soybean phosphatidylcholine) give much more permeable and less stable bilayers, whereas the saturated phospholipids with long acyl chains (for example, dipalmitoylphos phatidylcholine) form a rigid, rather impermeable bilayer structure [ 1 - 3 ].

Advantages and disadvantages of liposome [ [ 19 ]]

Liposomes increased efficacy and therapeutic index of drug (actinomycin-D) Low solubility
Liposome increased stability via encapsulation Short half-life
Liposomes are non-toxic, flexible, biocompatible, completely biodegradable, and non-immunogenic for systemic and non-systemic administrations Sometimes phospholipid undergoes oxidation and hydrolysis-like reaction
Liposomes reduce the toxicity of the encapsulated agent (amphotericin B, Taxol) Leakage and fusion of encapsulated drug/molecules
Liposomes help reduce the exposure of sensitive tissues to toxic drugs Production cost is high
Site avoidance effect Fewer stables
Flexibility to couple with site-specific ligands to achieve active targeting 

It has been displayed that phospholipids impulsively form closed structures when they are hydrated in aqueous solutions. Such vesicles which have one or more phospholipid bilayer membranes can transport aqueous or lipid drugs, depending on the nature of those drugs. Because lipids are amphipathic (both hydrophobic and hydrophilic) in aqueous media, their thermodynamic phase properties and self assembling characteristics influence entropically focused confiscation of their hydrophobic sections into spherical bilayers. Those layers are referred to as lamellae [ 4 ]. Generally, liposomes are definite as spherical vesicles with particle sizes ranging from 30 nm to several micrometers. They consist of one or more lipid bilayers surrounding aqueous units, where the polar head groups are oriented in the pathway of the interior and exterior aqueous phases. On the other hand, self-aggregation of polar lipids is not limited to conventional bilayer structures which rely on molecular shape, temperature, and environmental and preparation conditions but may self-assemble into various types of colloidal particles [ 5 ].

Liposomes are extensively used as carriers for numerous molecules in cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Additionally, food and farming industries have extensively studied the use of liposome encapsulation to grow delivery systems that can entrap unstable compounds (for example, antimicrobials, antioxidants, flavors and bioactive elements) and shield their functionality. Liposomes can trap both hydrophobic and hydrophilic compounds, avoid decomposition of the entrapped combinations, and release the entrapped at designated targets [ 6 - 8 ].

Because of their biocompatibility, biodegradability, low toxicity, and aptitude to trap both hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs [ 9 ] and simplify site-specific drug delivery to tumor tissues [ 10 ], liposomes have increased rate both as an investigational system and commercially as a drug-delivery system. Many studies have been conducted on liposomes with the goal of decreasing drug toxicity and/or targeting specific cells [ 11 - 13 ].

Liposomal encapsulation technology (LET) is the newest delivery technique used by medical investigators to transmit drugs that act as curative promoters to the assured body organs. This form of delivery system proposal targeted the delivery of vital combinations to the body. LET is a method of generating sub-microscopic foams called liposomes, which encapsulate numerous materials. These ‘liposomes’ form a barrier around their contents, which is resistant to enzymes in the mouth and stomach, alkaline solutions, digestive juices, bile salts, and intestinal flora that are generated in the human body, as well as free radicals. The contents of the liposomes are, therefore, protected from oxidation and degradation. This protective phospholipid shield or barrier remains undamaged until the contents of the liposome are delivered to the exact target gland, organ, or system where the contents will be utilized [ 14 ].

Clinical medication keeps an enormously broad range of drug molecules at this time in use, and new drugs are added to the list every year. One of the main aims of any cure employing drug is to increase the therapeutic index of the drug while minimizing its side effects. The clinical usefulness of most conservative chemotherapeutics is restricted either by the incapability to deliver therapeutic drug concentrations to the target soft tissue or by Spartan and harmful toxic side effects on normal organs and tissues. Different approaches have been made to overcome these difficulties by providing the ‘selective’ delivery to the target area; the ideal solution would be to target the drug alone to those cells, tissues, organs that are affected by the disease. Selected carriers, for instance colloidal particulates and molecular conjugates, can be appropriate for this determination. Colloidal particulates result from the physical incorporation of the drug into a particulate colloidal system, for instance reverse micelles, noisome, micro- and nano-spheres, erythrocytes, and polymers and liposomes. Among these carriers, liposomes have been most studied. Their attractiveness lies in their composition, which makes them biodegradable and biocompatible. Liposome involves an aqueous core entrapped by one or more bilayers composed of natural or synthetic lipids. They are composed of natural phospholipids that are biologically inert and feebly immunogenic, and they have low inherent toxicity. Furthermore, drugs with different lipophilicities can be encapsulated into liposomes: strongly lipophilic drugs are entrapped almost totally in the lipid bilayer, intensely hydrophilic drugs are located entirely in the aqueous compartment, and drugs with intermediary logP effortlessly partition between the lipid and aqueous phases, both in the bilayer and in the aqueous core [ 15 ].

The present review will briefly explain the characteristics of liposomes and explore the related problems and solutions proposed, with a focus on liposome preparation, characterizations, affecting factors, advantages, and disadvantages. In particular, we return to the literature relating to high-stability, long-circulating liposomes (stealth liposomes), and their field of application.

Classification of liposomes

The liposome size can vary from very small (0.025 μm) to large (2.5 μm) vesicles. Moreover, liposomes may have one or bilayer membranes. The vesicle size is an acute parameter in determining the circulation half-life of liposomes, and both size and number of bilayers affect the amount of drug encapsulation in the liposomes. On the basis of their size and number of bilayers, liposomes can also be classified into one of two categories: (1) multilamellar vesicles (MLV) and (2) unilamellar vesicles. Unilamellar vesicles can also be classified into two categories: (1) large unilamellar vesicles (LUV) and (2) small unilamellar vesicles (SUV) [ 16 ]. In unilamellar liposomes, the vesicle has a single phospholipid bilayer sphere enclosing the aqueous solution. In multilamellar liposomes, vesicles have an onion structure. Classically, several unilamellar vesicles will form on the inside of the other with smaller size, making a multilamellar structure of concentric phospholipid spheres separated by layers of water [ 17 ].

Methods of liposome preparation

General methods of preparation.

All the methods of preparing the liposomes involve four basic stages:

1. Drying down lipids from organic solvent.

2. Dispersing the lipid in aqueous media.

3. Purifying the resultant liposome.

4. Analyzing the final product.

Method of liposome preparation and drug loading

The following methods are used for the preparation of liposome:

1. Passive loading techniques

2. Active loading technique.

Passive loading techniques include three different methods:

1. Mechanical dispersion method.

2. Solvent dispersion method.

3. Detergent removal method (removal of non-encapsulated material) [ 18 , 19 ].

Mechanical dispersion method

The following are types of mechanical dispersion methods:

1.1. Sonication.

1.2. French pressure cell: extrusion.

1.3. Freeze-thawed liposomes.

1.4. Lipid film hydration by hand shaking, non-hand. shaking or freeze drying.

1.5. Micro-emulsification.

1.6. Membrane extrusion.

1.7. Dried reconstituted vesicles [ 18 , 19 ].

Sonication is perhaps the most extensively used method for the preparation of SUV. Here, MLVs are sonicated either with a bath type sonicator or a probe sonicator under a passive atmosphere. The main disadvantages of this method are very low internal volume/encapsulation efficacy, possible degradation of phospholipids and compounds to be encapsulated, elimination of large molecules, metal pollution from probe tip, and presence of MLV along with SUV [ 18 ].

There are two sonication techniques:

a) Probe sonication. The tip of a sonicator is directly engrossed into the liposome dispersion. The energy input into lipid dispersion is very high in this method. The coupling of energy at the tip results in local hotness; therefore, the vessel must be engrossed into a water/ice bath. Throughout the sonication up to 1 h, more than 5% of the lipids can be de-esterified. Also, with the probe sonicator, titanium will slough off and pollute the solution.

b) Bath sonication. The liposome dispersion in a cylinder is placed into a bath sonicator. Controlling the temperature of the lipid dispersion is usually easier in this method, in contrast to sonication by dispersal directly using the tip. The material being sonicated can be protected in a sterile vessel, dissimilar the probe units, or under an inert atmosphere [ 20 ].

French pressure cell: extrusion

French pressure cell involves the extrusion of MLV through a small orifice [ 18 ]. An important feature of the French press vesicle method is that the proteins do not seem to be significantly pretentious during the procedure as they are in sonication [ 21 ]. An interesting comment is that French press vesicle appears to recall entrapped solutes significantly longer than SUVs do, produced by sonication or detergent removal [ 22 - 24 ].

The method involves gentle handling of unstable materials. The method has several advantages over sonication method [ 25 ]. The resulting liposomes are rather larger than sonicated SUVs. The drawbacks of the method are that the high temperature is difficult to attain, and the working volumes are comparatively small (about 50 mL as the maximum) [ 18 , 19 ].

Freeze-thawed liposomes

SUVs are rapidly frozen and thawed slowly. The short-lived sonication disperses aggregated materials to LUV. The creation of unilamellar vesicles is as a result of the fusion of SUV throughout the processes of freezing and thawing [ 26 - 28 ]. This type of synthesis is strongly inhibited by increasing the phospholipid concentration and by increasing the ionic strength of the medium. The encapsulation efficacies from 20% to 30% were obtained [ 26 ].

Solvent dispersion method

Ether injection (solvent vaporization).

A solution of lipids dissolved in diethyl ether or ether-methanol mixture is gradually injected to an aqueous solution of the material to be encapsulated at 55°C to 65°C or under reduced pressure. The consequent removal of ether under vacuum leads to the creation of liposomes. The main disadvantages of the technique are that the population is heterogeneous (70 to 200 nm) and the exposure of compounds to be encapsulated to organic solvents at high temperature [ 29 , 30 ].

Ethanol injection

A lipid solution of ethanol is rapidly injected to a huge excess of buffer. The MLVs are at once formed. The disadvantages of the method are that the population is heterogeneous (30 to 110 nm), liposomes are very dilute, the removal all ethanol is difficult because it forms into azeotrope with water, and the probability of the various biologically active macromolecules to inactivate in the presence of even low amounts of ethanol is high [ 31 ].

Reverse phase evaporation method

This method provided a progress in liposome technology, since it allowed for the first time the preparation of liposomes with a high aqueous space-to-lipid ratio and a capability to entrap a large percentage of the aqueous material presented. Reverse-phase evaporation is based on the creation of inverted micelles. These inverted micelles are shaped upon sonication of a mixture of a buffered aqueous phase, which contains the water-soluble molecules to be encapsulated into the liposomes and an organic phase in which the amphiphilic molecules are solubilized. The slow elimination of the organic solvent leads to the conversion of these inverted micelles into viscous state and gel form. At a critical point in this process, the gel state collapses, and some of the inverted micelles were disturbed. The excess of phospholipids in the environment donates to the formation of a complete bilayer around the residual micelles, which results in the creation of liposomes. Liposomes made by reverse phase evaporation method can be made from numerous lipid formulations and have aqueous volume-to-lipid ratios that are four times higher than hand-shaken liposomes or multilamellar liposomes [ 19 , 20 ].

Briefly, first, the water-in-oil emulsion is shaped by brief sonication of a two-phase system, containing phospholipids in organic solvent such as isopropyl ether or diethyl ether or a mixture of isopropyl ether and chloroform with aqueous buffer. The organic solvents are detached under reduced pressure, resulting in the creation of a viscous gel. The liposomes are shaped when residual solvent is detached during continued rotary evaporation under reduced pressure. With this method, high encapsulation efficiency up to 65% can be obtained in a medium of low ionic strength for example 0.01 M NaCl. The method has been used to encapsulate small, large, and macromolecules. The main drawback of the technique is the contact of the materials to be encapsulated to organic solvents and to brief periods of sonication. These conditions may possibly result in the breakage of DNA strands or the denaturation of some proteins [ 32 ]. Modified reverse phase evaporation method was presented by Handa et al., and the main benefit of the method is that the liposomes had high encapsulation efficiency (about 80%) [ 33 ].

Detergent removal method (removal of non-encapsulated material)

The detergents at their critical micelle concentrations (CMC) have been used to solubilize lipids. As the detergent is detached, the micelles become increasingly better-off in phospholipid and lastly combine to form LUVs. The detergents were removed by dialysis [ 34 - 36 ]. A commercial device called LipoPrep (Diachema AG, Switzerland), which is a version of dialysis system, is obtainable for the elimination of detergents. The dialysis can be performed in dialysis bags engrossed in large detergent free buffers (equilibrium dialysis) [ 17 ].

Detergent (cholate, alkyl glycoside, Triton X-100) removal of mixed micelles (absorption)

Detergent absorption is attained by shaking mixed micelle solution with beaded organic polystyrene adsorbers such as XAD-2 beads (SERVA Electrophoresis GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany) and Bio-beads SM2 (Bio-RadLaboratories, Inc., Hercules, USA). The great benefit of using detergent adsorbers is that they can eliminate detergents with a very low CMC, which are not entirely depleted.

Gel-permeation chromatography

In this method, the detergent is depleted by size special chromatography. Sephadex G-50, Sephadex G-l 00 (Sigma-Aldrich, MO, USA), Sepharose 2B-6B, and Sephacryl S200-S1000 (General Electric Company, Tehran, Iran) can be used for gel filtration. The liposomes do not penetrate into the pores of the beads packed in a column. They percolate through the inter-bead spaces. At slow flow rates, the separation of liposomes from detergent monomers is very good. The swollen polysaccharide beads adsorb substantial amounts of amphiphilic lipids; therefore, pre-treatment is necessary. The pre-treatment is done by pre-saturation of the gel filtration column by lipids using empty liposome suspensions.

Upon dilution of aqueous mixed micellar solution of detergent and phospholipids with buffer, the micellar size and the polydispersity increase fundamentally, and as the system is diluted beyond the mixed micellar phase boundary, a spontaneous transition from polydispersed micelles to vesicles occurs.

Stealth liposomes and conventional liposomes

Although liposomes are like biomembranes, they are still foreign objects of the body. Therefore, liposomes are known by the mononuclear phagocytic system (MPS) after contact with plasma proteins. Accordingly, liposomes are cleared from the blood stream.

These stability difficulties are solved through the use of synthetic phospholipids, particle coated with amphipathic polyethylene glycol, coating liposomes with chitin derivatives, freeze drying, polymerization, microencapsulation of gangliosides [ 17 ].

Coating liposomes with PEG reduces the percentage of uptake by macrophages and leads to a prolonged presence of liposomes in the circulation and, therefore, make available abundant time for these liposomes to leak from the circulation through leaky endothelium.

A stealth liposome is a sphere-shaped vesicle with a membrane composed of phospholipid bilayer used to deliver drugs or genetic material into a cell. A liposome can be composed of naturally derived phospholipids with mixed lipid chains coated or steadied by polymers of PEG and colloidal in nature. Stealth liposomes are attained and grown in new drug delivery and in controlled release. This stealth principle has been used to develop the successful doxorubicin-loaded liposome product that is presently marketed as Doxil (Janssen Biotech, Inc., Horsham, USA) or Caelyx (Schering-Plough Corporation, Kenilworth, USA) for the treatment of solid tumors. Recently impressive therapeutic improvements were described with the useof corticosteroid-loaded liposome in experimental arthritic models. The concerning on the application of stealth liposomes has been on their potential to escape from the blood circulation. However, long circulating liposome may also act as a reservoir for prolonged release of a therapeutic agent. Pharmacological action of vasopressin is formulated in long circulating liposome [ 37 , 38 ].

Drug loading in liposomes

Drug loading can be attained either passively (i.e., the drug is encapsulated during liposome formation) or actively (i.e., after liposome formation). Hydrophobic drugs, for example amphotericin B taxol or annamycin, can be directly combined into liposomes during vesicle formation, and the amount of uptake and retention is governed by drug-lipid interactions. Trapping effectiveness of 100% is often achievable, but this is dependent on the solubility of the drug in the liposome membrane. Passive encapsulation of water-soluble drugs depends on the ability of liposomes to trap aqueous buffer containing a dissolved drug during vesicle formation. Trapping effectiveness (generally <30%) is limited by the trapped volume delimited in the liposomes and drug solubility. On the other hand, water-soluble drugs that have protonizable amine functions can be actively entrapped by employing pH gradients [ 39 ], which can result in trapping effectiveness approaching 100% [ 40 ].

Freeze-protectant for liposomes (lyophilization)

Natural excerpts are usually degraded because of oxidation and other chemical reactions before they are delivered to the target site. Freeze-drying has been a standard practice employed to the production of many pharmaceutical products. The overwhelming majority of these products are lyophilized from simple aqueous solutions. Classically, water is the only solvent that must be detached from the solution using the freeze-drying process, but there are still many examples where pharmaceutical products are manufactured via a process that requires freeze-drying from organic co-solvent systems [ 14 ].

Freeze-drying (lyophilization) involves the removal of water from products in the frozen state at tremendously low pressures. The process is normally used to dry products that are thermo-labile and would be demolished by heat-drying. The technique has too much potential as a method to solve long-term stability difficulties with admiration to liposomal stability. Studies showed that leakage of entrapped materials may take place during the process of freeze-drying and on reconstitution. Newly, it was shown that liposomes when freeze-dried in the presence of adequate amounts of trehalose (a carbohydrate commonly found at high concentrations in organism) retained as much as 100% of their original substances. It shows that trehalose is an excellent cryoprotectant (freeze-protectant) for liposomes. Freeze-driers range in size from small laboratory models to large industrial units available from pharmaceutical equipment suppliers [ 41 ].

Mechanism of transportation through liposome

The limitations and benefits of liposome drug carriers lie critically on the interaction of liposomes with cells and their destiny in vivo after administration. In vivo and in vitro studies of the contacts with cells have shown that the main interaction of liposomes with cells is either simple adsorption (by specific interactions with cell-surface components, electrostatic forces, or by non-specific weak hydrophobic) or following endocytosis (by phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system, for example macrophages and neutrophils).

Fusion with the plasma cell membrane by insertion of the lipid bilayer of the liposome into the plasma membrane, with simultaneous release of liposomal content into the cytoplasm, is much rare. The fourth possible interaction is the exchange of bilayer components, for instance cholesterol, lipids, and membrane-bound molecules with components of cell membranes. It is often difficult to determine what mechanism is functioning, and more than one may function at the same time [ 42 - 44 ].

Fusogenic liposomes and antibody-mediated liposomes in cancer therapy

It has been infrequently well-known that a powerful anticancer drug, especially one that targets the cytoplasm or cell nucleus, does not work due to the low permeability across a plasma membrane, degradation by lysosomal enzymes through an endocytosis-dependent pathway, and other reasons. Thus, much attention on the use of drug delivery systems is focused on overcoming these problems, ultimately leading to the induction of maximal ability of anti-cancer drug. In this respect, a new model for cancer therapy using a novel drug delivery system, fusogenic liposome [ 45 ], was developed.

Fusogenic liposomes are poised of the ultraviolet-inactivated Sendai virus and conventional liposomes. Fusogenic liposomes effectively and directly deliver their encapsulated contents into the cytoplasm using a fusion mechanism of the Sendai virus, whereas conventional liposomes are taken up by endocytosis by phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system, for example macrophages and neutrophils. Thus, fusogenic liposome is a good candidate as a vehicle to deliver drugs into the cytoplasm in an endocytosis-independent manner [ 45 ].

Liposomal drug delivery systems provide steady formulation, provide better pharmacokinetics, and make a degree of ‘passive’ or ‘physiological’ targeting to tumor tissue available. However, these transporters do not directly target tumor cells. The design modifications that protect liposomes from unwanted interactions with plasma proteins and cell membranes which differed them with reactive carriers, for example cationic liposomes, also prevent interactions with tumor cells. As an alternative, after extravasation into tumor tissue, liposomes remain within tumor stroma as a drug-loaded depot. Liposomes ultimately become subject to enzymatic degradation and/or phagocytic attack, leading to release of drug for subsequent diffusion to tumor cells. The next generation of drug carriers under development features directs molecular targeting of cancer cells via antibody-mediated or other ligand-mediated interactions [ 17 , 45 ].

Applications of liposomes in medicine and pharmacology

Applications of liposomes in medicine and pharmacology can be divided into diagnostic and therapeutic applications of liposomes containing various markers or drugs, and their use as a tool, a model, or reagent in the basic studies of cell interactions, recognition processes, and mode of action of certain substances [ 43 ].

Unfortunately, many drugs have a very narrow therapeutic window, meaning that the therapeutic concentration is not much lower than the toxic one. In several cases, the toxicity can be reduced or the efficacy can be enhanced by the use of a suitable drug carrier which alters the temporal and spatial delivery of the drug, i.e., its biodistribution and pharmacokinetics. It is clear from many pre-clinical and clinical studies that drugs, for instance antitumor drugs, parceled in liposome demonstration reduced toxicities, while retentive enhanced efficacy.

Advances in liposome design are leading to new applications for the delivery of new biotechnology products, for example antisense oligonucleotides, cloned genes, and recombinant proteins. A vast literature define the viability of formulating wide range of conservative drugs in liposomes, frequently resultant in improved therapeutic activity and/or reduced toxicity compared with the free drug. As a whole, changed pharmacokinetics for liposomal drugs can lead to improved drug bioavailability to particular target cells that live in the circulation, or more prominently, to extravascular disease sites, for example, tumors. Recent improvements include liposomal formulations of all- trans -retinoic acid [ 46 , 47 ] and daunorubicin [ 48 - 51 ], which has received Food and Drug Administration consent as a first-line treatment of AIDS-related advanced Kaposi's sarcoma. Distinguished examples are vincristine, doxorubicin, and amphotericin B [ 38 ].

The benefits of drug load in liposomes, which can be applied as (colloidal) solution, aerosol, or in (semi) solid forms, such as creams and gels, can be summarized into seven categories [ 44 ] (Table  2 ):

Benefits of drug load in liposomes

1. Improved solubility of lipophilic and amphiphilic drugs Amphotericin B, porphyrins, minoxidil, some peptides, and anthracyclines, respectively; hydrophilic drugs, such as anticancer agent doxorubicin or acyclovir
2. Passive targeting to the cells of the immune system, especially cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system Antimonials, amphotericin B, porphyrins, vaccines, immunomodulators
3. Sustained release system of systemically or locally administered liposomes Doxorubicin, cytosine arabinoside, cortisones, biological proteins or peptides such as vasopressin
4. Site-avoidance mechanism Doxorubicin andamphotericin B
5. Site-specific targeting Anti-inflammatory drugs, anti-cancer, anti-infection
6. Improved transfer of hydrophilic, charged molecules Antibiotics, chelators, plasmids, and genes
7. Improved penetration into tissuesCorticosteroids, anesthetics, and insulin

Liposomes in parasitic diseases and infections

From the time when conventional liposomes are digested by phagocytic cells in the body after intravenous management, they are ideal vehicles for the targeting drug molecules into these macrophages. The best known instances of this ‘Trojan horse-like’ mechanism are several parasitic diseases which normally exist in the cell of MPS. They comprise leishmaniasis and several fungal infections.

Leishmaniasis is a parasitic infection of macrophages which affects over 100 million people in tropical regions and is often deadly. The effectual dose of drugs, mostly different antimonials, is not much lower than the toxic one. Liposomes accumulate in the very same cell population which is infected, and so an ideal drug delivery vehicle was proposed [ 52 ]. Certainly, the therapeutic index was increased in rodents as much as several hundred times upon administration of the drug in various liposomes. Unexpectedly, and unfortunately, there was not much interest to scale up the formulations and clinically approve them after several very encouraging studies dating back to 1978. Only now, there are several continuing studies with various anti-parasitic liposome formulations in humans. These formulations use mostly ionosphere amphotericin B and are transplanted from very successful and prolific area of liposome formulations in antifungal therapy.

The best results reported so far in human therapy are probably liposomes as carriers foramphotericin B in antifungal therapies. This is the drug of choice in dispersed fungal infections which often in parallel work together with chemotherapy, immune system, or AIDS, and is frequently fatal. Unfortunately, the drug itself is very toxic and its dosage is limited due to its ionosphere and neurotoxicity. These toxicities are normally related with the size of the drug molecule or its complex. Obviously, liposome encapsulation inhibits the accumulation of drug in these organs and radically reduces toxicity [ 53 ]. Furthermore, often, the fungus exists in the cells of the mononuclear phagocytic system; therefore, the encapsulation results in reduced toxicity and passive targeting. These benefits, however, can be associated with any colloidal drug carrier. Certainly, similar improvements in therapy were observed with stable mixed micellar formulations and micro-emulsions [ 54 ]. Additionally, it seems that many of the early liposomal preparations were in actual fact liquid crystalline colloidal particles rather than self-closed MLV. Since the lives of the first terminally ill patients (who did not rely to all the conventional therapies) were saved [ 53 ], many patients were very effectively treated with diverse of amphotericin B formulations.

Comparable methods can be achieved in antiviral and antibacterial therapies [ 55 ]. Most of the antibiotics, however, are orally available; liposome encapsulation can be considered only in the case of very potent and toxic ones which are administered parenterally. The preparation of antibiotic-loaded liposomes at sensibly high drug-to-lipid ratios may not be easy because of the interactions of these molecules with bilayers and high densities of their aqueous solutions which often force liposomes to float as a creamy layer on the top of the tube. Several other ways, for instance, topical or pulmonary (by inhalation) administration are being considered also. Liposome-encapsulated antivirals (for example ribavirin, azidothymidine, or acyclovir) have also shown to reduce toxicity; currently, more detailed experiments are being performed in relation to their efficacy.

Liposomes in anticancer therapy

Numerous different liposome formulations of numerous anticancer agents were shown to be less toxic than the free drug [ 56 - 59 ]. Anthracyclines are drugs which stop the growth of dividing cells by intercalating into the DNA and, thus, kill mainly rapidly dividing cells. These cells are not only in tumors but are also in hair, gastrointestinal mucosa, and blood cells; therefore, this class of drug is very toxic. The most used and studied is Adriamycin (commercial name for doxorubicin HCl; Ben Venue Laboratories, Bedford, Ohio). In addition to the above-mentioned acute toxicities, its dosage is limited by its increasing cardio toxicity. Numerous diverse formulations were tried. In most cases, the toxicity was reduced to about 50%. These include both acute and chronic toxicities because liposome encapsulation reduces the delivery of the drug molecules towards those tissues. For the same reason, the efficiency was in many cases compromised due to the reduced bioavailability of the drug, especially if the tumor was not phagocytic or located in the organs of mononuclear phagocytic system. In some cases, such as systemic lymphoma, the effect of liposome encapsulation showed enhanced efficacy due to the continued release effect, i.e., longer presence of therapeutic concentrations in the circulation [ 60 - 62 ], while in several other cases, the sequestration of the drug into tissues of mononuclear phagocytic system actually reduced its efficacy.

Applications in man showed, in general, reduced toxicity and better tolerability of administration with not too encouraging efficacy. Several different formulations are in different phases of clinical studies and show mixed results.


Liposomes have been used in a broad range of pharmaceutical applications. Liposomes are showing particular promise as intracellular delivery systems for anti-sense molecules, ribosomes, proteins/peptides, and DNA. Liposomes with enhanced drug delivery to disease locations, by ability of long circulation residence times, are now achieving clinical acceptance. Also, liposomes promote targeting of particular diseased cells within the disease site. Finally, liposomal drugs exhibit reduced toxicities and retain enhanced efficacy compared with free complements. Only time will tell which of the above applications and speculations will prove to be successful. However, based on the pharmaceutical applications and available products, we can say that liposomes have definitely established their position in modern delivery systems.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

Authors’ contributions

SWJ conceived the study and participated in its design and coordination. NZ participated in the sequence alignment and drafted the manuscript. AA, RRS, SD, YH, MS, MK, and KNK helped in drafting the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.


The authors thank the Department of Medical Nanotechnology, Faculty of Advanced Medical Science of Tabriz University for all the support provided. This work is funded by the 2012 Yeungnam University Research Grant.

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  • Published: 12 September 2024

Single-molecule FRET for probing nanoscale biomolecular dynamics

  • Daniel Nettels   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Nicola Galvanetto   ORCID: 1 , 2 ,
  • Miloš T. Ivanović   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Mark Nüesch   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Tianjin Yang 1 &
  • Benjamin Schuler   ORCID: 1 , 2  

Nature Reviews Physics ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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  • Biological physics
  • Chemical physics
  • Single-molecule biophysics

Single-molecule spectroscopy is a powerful method for studying the physics of molecular systems, particularly biomolecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids. By avoiding ensemble averaging, single-molecule techniques can resolve structural distributions and fluctuations even for complex and conformationally heterogeneous systems; they also reveal the close link between biological function and the statistical mechanics of the underlying processes. The combination of single-molecule fluorescence detection with Förster resonance energy transfer has become an essential tool for probing biomolecular dynamics on timescales ranging from nanoseconds to days. This Review briefly outlines the state of the art of single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer spectroscopy and then highlights some of the most important physics-based developments that are expected to further expand the scope of the technique. Key areas of progress include improved time resolution, access to nonequilibrium dynamics and synergies with advances in data analysis and simulations. These developments create new opportunities for attaining a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics and functional mechanisms of biological processes at the nanoscale.

The functions of biological macromolecules depend on changes in their conformations across 24 orders of magnitude in time.

Single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer can be used to probe biomolecular dynamics on nanometre-length scales across timescales from nanoseconds to days.

An important challenge is to increase the time resolution for measurements of rapid dynamics and nonequilibrium processes.

Nanophotonics, microfluidic mixing and advances in data analysis and molecular simulations are particularly promising strategies for extending the scope of single-molecule Förster resonance energy transfer.

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The authors thank R. Covino, S. Gopi, G. Haran, H. Hofmann, E. Lipman, C. Lorenz and D. Makarov for insightful discussions and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich.

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Department of Biochemistry, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Daniel Nettels, Nicola Galvanetto, Miloš T. Ivanović, Mark Nüesch, Tianjin Yang & Benjamin Schuler

Department of Physics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Nicola Galvanetto & Benjamin Schuler

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A type of statistical models and methods characterized by large parameter spaces, such as unknown numbers of microstates and their connectivity, and by the construction of probability measures over these spaces.

Description of the time dependence of the interconversion between thermodynamic states and microstates of a system in terms of rates.

In modelling complex systems or in renormalization, coarse-graining refers to the procedure in which two or more microscopic entities are replaced with a single entity to reduce the complexity or resolution of the model.

A method to manipulate discrete, typically picolitre volumes of fluids in immiscible phases. For biomolecules, aqueous droplets in oil are commonly used.

The mean value of some observables obtained from simultaneous measurements of all members of a statistical ensemble. Single-molecule spectroscopy overcomes ensemble averaging.

(FCS). Statistical analysis of fluctuations in fluorescence intensity or count rates via time correlation. FCS is a broadly applicable way of assessing biomolecular dynamics over a broad range of timescales.

(FRET). Non-radiative transfer of excitation energy between two molecular entities separated by distances considerably exceeding the sum of their van der Waals radii in the very weak dipole–dipole coupling limit.

A technique used in microfluidics, in which several fluid streams are combined in microfluidic channels to form a layer or jet that is so thin that it exchanges its solutes very rapidly with the neighbouring streams by diffusion.

Measures the availability of electromagnetic modes at a given point in space and governs the deexcitation of a quantum emitter.

Simultaneous acquisition of multiple fluorescence observables, such as wavelength, count rate, lifetime and anisotropy, as a function of time in a single measurement.

(ncFCS). Variant of FCS that enables dynamics in the submicrosecond range to be measured by using a Hanbury Brown and Twiss configuration of single-photon detectors.

Special distribution of time delays between photons that is characteristic for the emission of a single quantum emitter. Photon antibunching is detected as an anticorrelated component in fluorescence correlation spectroscopy on timescales comparable to the fluorescence lifetime.

A quantity used to describe the progress of a reaction, often chosen to reflect a change in experimental signal. In the context of Förster resonance energy transfer experiments, the reaction coordinate would typically be related to an intramolecular or intermolecular distance change.

Relaxation time of the correlation function of a point-to-point distance within a molecule, most commonly a polymer chain.

Emerging family of methods that infer the model parameters when the likelihood is intractable by integrating simulations with machine learning.

Methods that enable the physical properties of individual molecules to be measured.

The mean value of some observables obtained from measurements of an individual member of the ensemble as a function of time, for example, as a result of time binning. Single-molecule spectroscopy overcomes time averaging for processes that can be resolved with the time resolution of the specific measurement.

The successful reactant-to-product crossing of the free-energy barrier separating two free-energy minima. Transition paths are rare events with very short duration and thus challenging to resolve experimentally.

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Nettels, D., Galvanetto, N., Ivanović, M.T. et al. Single-molecule FRET for probing nanoscale biomolecular dynamics. Nat Rev Phys (2024).

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Accepted : 18 July 2024

Published : 12 September 2024


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nanoscale research letters


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    Nanoscale Research Letters publishes articles on the science and applications of nanostructures in various fields. Find recent articles on titanium dioxide, a nanomaterial with energy and semiconductor properties.

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    Discover Nano is an open access journal publishing research from across all areas of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Indexed in DOAJ, SCIE, PubMedCentral and SCOPUS with a CiteScore 2023 of 0.7; published papers will be listed in Web of Science. Formerly Nanoscale Research Letters (2023 Impact Factor: 5.5), Discover Nano is expected to receive ...

  3. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters is an open access journal covering all areas of nanotechnology. It is published by Springer Science+Business Media and has an impact factor of 4.703 (2020).

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  6. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters is an open access journal that publishes scientific and technological advances in nanotechnology. It is ranked among the top journals in condensed matter physics, materials science and nanoscience by Scimago Journal Rank (SJR).

  7. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters 1931-7573 (Print) / 1556-276X (Online) Continued by Discover Nano. Website ISSN Portal About Articles Added 1 November 2007 • Updated 11 July 2023 ...

  8. Nanoscale Research Letters

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  9. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) provides an interdisciplinary forum for communication of scientific and technological advances in the creation and use of objects at the nanometer scale. NRL is the first nanotechnology journal from a major publisher to be published with Open Access.


    Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific and technological advances in nanotechnology. Browse the latest news and articles from NRL on topics such as bio-mimetic structures, fuel cells, organic semiconductors, and DNA nanofibers.

  11. Liposome: classification, preparation, and applications

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    Nanoscale Research Letters has an h-index of 147.It means 147 articles of this journal have more than 147 number of citations. The h-index is a way of measuring the productivity and citation impact of the publications. The h-index is defined as the maximum value of h such that the given journal/author has published h papers that have each been cited at least h number of times.

  13. Archive of "Nanoscale Research Letters".

    Nanoscale Res Lett. The archive for this journal includes: Discov Nano: Vols. 18 to 19; 2023 to 2024. Nanoscale Res Lett: Vols. 1 to 17; 2006 to 2022.

  14. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters is a peer-reviewed, online-only journal that publishes original research and reviews on nanostructures and nanotechnology. The journal charges publication fees, but offers waivers, and uses a CC BY license for unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.

  15. Nanoscale Research Letters

    Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) provides an interdisciplinary forum for communication of scientific and technological advances in the creation and use of objects at the nanometer scale. NRL is the first nanotechnology journal from a major publisher to be published with Open Access.

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  23. Journal Selector Tool

    Journal Aim & Scope. Nanoscale Research Letters (NRL) provides an interdisciplinary forum for communication of scientific and technological advances in the creation and use of objects at the nanometer scale. NRL is the first nanotechnology journal from a major publisher to be published with Open Access. Web of Science Quartiles. WOS Quartile: Q1.

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