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Thesis Statement on Immigration

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Stillman, Steven, et al. “The Impact of Immigration on Child Health: Experimental Evidence from A Migration Lottery Program.” Economic Inquiry, vol. 50, no. 1, Nov. 2010, pp. 62–81., doi:10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00284. x.

Dettlaff, alan j., and rowena fong. immigrant and refugee children and families: culturally responsive practice. columbia university press, 2016., t. garcía coll cynthia. the impact of immigration on children's development. karger medical and scientific publishers, 2012., “democratic house members hold forum on the impact of trump immigration policies on children and families” states news service, 29 mar. 2017, gale academic onefile, u=lincclin_vcc&sid=aone&xid=47576cbe.

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Immigration - Essay Examples And Topic Ideas For Free

Immigration refers to the movement of individuals from one country to another, often in search of better opportunities or to escape adversities. Essays on immigration could delve into the various causes of immigration, its impact on host and origin countries, and the policies governing immigration. Additionally, discussions might extend to the experiences of immigrants, and the global debates surrounding immigration and asylum. We’ve gathered an extensive assortment of free essay samples on the topic of Immigration you can find at PapersOwl Website. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.


The Effects of Illegal Immigration

Introduction Immigrants from all over look to the United States' as a possible new home in hopes at a chance at a better life. The United States is seen as a chance for economic prosperity and as an escape from a life of many disappointments and fears, so many immigrants will do whatever it takes to get themselves and their families here, even if it does include breaking the law. The United States' population includes approximately 43.7 million immigrants, which […]

Cons of Illegal Immigration

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Prejudice Towards Illegal Immigrants

Thesis: The Illegal immigrant are sometimes judged as harmful people who come to America and destroy this country. However, most of them are very hardworking people looking for a better life to support their families. Illegal immigrants come to the United States to keep their families safety Immigrants contribute to the United States workforce About 90 percent of undocumented immigrants in the nation work 2. If employers can keep wages down by hiring illegal immigrants, then these savings are presumably […]

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Biggest Problem in the United States of America is Illegal Immigrants

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Positive Effects of Immigration

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Mexican Immigration

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How To Write an Essay About Immigration

Understanding the intricacies of immigration.

Writing an essay on how to write an essay about immigration requires a deep understanding of the multifaceted nature of immigration itself. Immigration is a complex topic, encompassing legal, economic, cultural, and humanitarian aspects. It's essential to recognize that essays about immigration should address its diverse implications – from the challenges faced by immigrants to the impacts on host countries. This foundational understanding is crucial for guiding the exploration of how to approach various narratives, policies, and theories related to immigration. Consider including aspects such as the reasons behind immigration, the experiences of immigrants, the policies of different countries, and the societal reactions to immigration.

Structuring the Immigration Essay

The structure of your essay about writing an essay on immigration is key. Start with a compelling introduction that highlights the importance of accurately and empathetically discussing immigration. The thesis statement here should reflect the purpose of your guidance – whether to inform, argue, or analyze different aspects of immigration. The body of your essay should then be divided into coherent sections, each focusing on a key aspect of writing about immigration. Discuss how to construct an argument, the importance of using reliable data and sources, and the need for presenting a balanced view that considers both the challenges and contributions of immigrants. Ensure each part of the essay seamlessly connects to create a cohesive guide.

Addressing Challenges and Offering Strategies

In this part of the essay, focus on the challenges writers may face when crafting an essay on immigration and propose strategies to overcome these. One major challenge is the politicization of immigration, requiring a careful and unbiased approach. Another is the sensitivity of the topic, as it often involves vulnerable populations. Offer advice on maintaining objectivity while being empathetic, and stress the importance of cultural sensitivity. Suggest methods for thorough research and analysis, emphasizing the need to understand immigration laws and policies, as well as the socio-economic factors involved. Discuss the importance of acknowledging diverse perspectives and experiences in the essay to provide a comprehensive view of immigration.

Concluding with Purpose

The conclusion of your essay should do more than summarize the main points about writing an essay on immigration. It's an opportunity to reflect on the importance of understanding and discussing immigration in a responsible and informed manner. Emphasize the role of such essays in shaping public opinion and policy. Encourage writers to approach the topic of immigration with a commitment to fairness, accuracy, and empathy. A strong conclusion will not only wrap up your essay effectively but also inspire and guide future writers to approach the topic of immigration with the depth and respect it deserves.

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Apr 10, 2023

How To Write Essays About Immigration (With Examples)

Immigrants bring diverse perspectives and skills that can enrich our societies and economies. If you want to gain insight into the impact of immigration on society and culture, keep reading!

Immigration, a subject deeply woven into the fabric of global discussions, touches on political, economic, and social nuances. As globalization propels many to seek new horizons, understanding the multifaceted impacts of migration is crucial. Crafting a compelling essay on such a vast topic requires more than just research; it demands the delicate weaving of insights into a coherent narrative. For those keen on delivering a polished essay on immigration, considering assistance from a reliable essay writing tool can be a game-changer. This tool not only refines the craft of writing but ensures your perspectives on immigration are articulated with clarity and precision.

Here are our Top 5 Essay Examples and Ideas about Immigration:

The economic impact of immigration on host countries, introduction.

In many nations, immigration has been a hotly debated issue, with supporters and opponents disputing how it would affect the home nation. The economic impact of immigration on host countries is one of the essential components of this discussion. Immigration's economic effects may be favorable or harmful, depending on many circumstances.

This article will examine the economic effects of immigration on the receiving nations, examining both the advantages and disadvantages that immigration may have. You will better know how immigration impacts a nation's economy and the variables that influence it after this article.

Immigration's effects on labor markets

An essential component of the total economic impact of immigration is how it affects labor markets. Immigration may affect labor markets, including shifting labor supply and demand, opening new job possibilities, and perhaps affecting local employees' earnings and prospects. This section will examine how immigration affects labor markets in receiving nations.

The shift in the labor supply is one of immigration's most apparent effects on labor markets. When more employees are available in the host nation due to immigration, there may be more competition for open positions. In fields that serve immigrant populations, such as ethnic food shops or language schools, immigrants can also generate new jobs.

Another significant impact of immigration on labor markets is its effect on wages and income distribution. Some studies have suggested that immigration can reduce wages for native workers, particularly those who are less educated or have lower skill levels. 

Immigrants can also contribute to economic growth and innovation, which can positively impact labor markets. Immigrants often have unique skills, experiences, and perspectives that can help drive innovation and create new job opportunities in the host country. Furthermore, immigrants are often more entrepreneurial and more likely to start businesses, which can generate new jobs and contribute to economic growth.

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution

The effect of immigration on wages and income distribution is a crucial area of concern in the overall economic impact of immigration. Immigration can affect wages and income distribution in various ways, which can have significant implications for both native workers and immigrants. In this section, we will explore the effect of immigration on wages and income distribution in host countries.

One of the primary ways that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is by changing the supply and demand of labor. With an influx of immigrants, the labor supply increases, which can lead to increased competition for jobs. Some studies suggest that immigration harms wages for native workers, while others offer no significant effect.

Another way that immigration can impact wages and income distribution is through its effect on the composition of the workforce. Immigrants often fill low-skilled jobs in industries such as agriculture, construction, and hospitality, which tend to pay lower wages. 

Immigration can also impact income distribution by contributing to the overall level of economic inequality in a host country. While immigration can lead to lower wages for some native workers, it can also lead to higher wages and increased economic mobility for some immigrants. Furthermore, immigrants may face various barriers to upward mobility, such as discrimination or lack of access to education and training. This can lead to increased income inequality between native and immigrant workers.

The contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation

Immigrants have historically played a significant role in driving economic growth and innovation in host countries. In this section, we will explore the contribution of immigrants to economic growth and innovation and the factors that enable them to do so.

One of the primary ways that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their entrepreneurial activities. Immigrants are often more likely to start their businesses than native-born individuals, and these businesses can create jobs and drive economic growth. Immigrant entrepreneurs have contributed to developing industries such as technology, healthcare, and hospitality. Additionally, immigrants are often overrepresented in STEM fields, which is critical to driving innovation and economic growth.

Another way that immigrants contribute to economic growth is through their impact on the labor force. Immigrants tend to be more mobile than native-born individuals, which can lead to a more flexible and adaptable workforce. Immigrants also tend to fill critical roles in industries such as healthcare and agriculture, which are essential to maintaining the functioning of the economy. By filling these roles, immigrants contribute to the overall productivity and growth of the economy.

The costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants

The issue of social welfare programs for immigrants has been a controversial topic in many host countries. In this section, we will explore the costs and benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants and the policy implications.

One of the primary benefits of social welfare programs for immigrants is that they can help reduce poverty and promote social inclusion. Immigrants often face significant barriers to economic mobility, such as language barriers and discrimination. Social welfare programs can help provide a safety net for those struggling to make ends meet and promote social cohesion by reducing inequalities.

However, social welfare programs for immigrants also come with costs. One concern is that these programs may attract immigrants primarily seeking to access social welfare benefits rather than contributing to the economy. This can strain public finances and create resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

Another concern is that social welfare programs may create disincentives for immigrants to work and contribute to the economy. If the benefits of social welfare programs are too generous, some immigrants may choose to rely on them rather than seek employment. This can create long-term dependence and reduce overall economic productivity.

The impact of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies

The effect of immigration on public finances and fiscal policies is a topic of significant interest and debate. This section will explore how immigration affects public finances and how host countries can implement budgetary policies to manage the impact.

One way that immigration can impact public finances is through taxes. Immigrants who are employed and pay taxes can contribute to the tax base of the host country, which can provide additional revenue for public services and infrastructure. However, immigrants who are not employed or earn low wages may contribute fewer taxes, which can strain public finances. 

Fiscal policies can be used to manage the impact of immigration on public finances. One guideline is to increase taxes on immigrants to offset the costs of public services they use. However, this can create a disincentive for highly skilled and educated immigrants to migrate to the host country. Another policy is to increase spending on public services to accommodate the needs of immigrants. However, this can strain public finances and lead to resentment among native-born individuals who feel their tax dollars are being used to support immigrants.

In conclusion, the economic impact of immigration is a complex issue with both costs and benefits for host countries. Immigration can impact labor markets, wages and income distribution, economic growth and innovation, social welfare programs, public finances, and fiscal policies. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration

Immigration has social and cultural implications that affect both immigrants and host countries. The movement of people from one place to another can result in a blending of cultures, traditions, and ideas. At the same time, immigration can also result in social and cultural tensions as different groups struggle to integrate and adjust to new environments. 

The social and cultural implications of immigration have become increasingly important in today's globalized world as the movement of people across borders has become more common. In this article, we will explore the various social and cultural implications of immigration and how they impact immigrants and host communities.

The impact of immigration on social cohesion and integration

Immigration has a significant impact on social cohesion and integration in host countries. Social cohesion refers to the degree to which members of a society feel connected and share a sense of belonging. In contrast, integration refers to the process by which immigrants become a part of the host society. Immigration can either enhance or hinder social cohesion and integration, depending on how it is managed and perceived by the host society.

Another factor that can impact social cohesion and integration is the level of diversity within the host society. Increased diversity can lead to greater cultural exchange and understanding but also social tensions and the formation of segregated communities. Promoting social interaction and cooperation among diverse groups can help mitigate these tensions and promote social cohesion.

The perception of immigrants by the host society also plays a significant role in social cohesion and integration. Negative stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes can hinder integration and create barriers to social cohesion. On the other hand, positive attitudes towards immigrants and their contributions to society can facilitate integration and promote social cohesion.

The role of language and communication in the integration of immigrants

Language and communication play a crucial role in integrating immigrants into host societies. Immigrants may need the ability to communicate effectively with others to overcome significant barriers to social and economic integration. Language and communication skills are essential for accessing education, finding employment, and participating in civic life.

Language is one of the primary barriers immigrants face when integrating into a new society. Without proficiency in the host country's language, immigrants may struggle to understand instructions, participate in conversations, and access essential services. This can lead to social isolation and hinder economic opportunities.

Language training programs are one way to address this issue. Effective language training programs can help immigrants learn the host country's language and develop the communication skills necessary for successful integration. These programs can also give immigrants the cultural knowledge and understanding essential to navigate the host society.

The effect of immigration on cultural diversity and identity

Immigration can significantly impact the cultural diversity and identity of both host societies and immigrant communities. The cultural exchange resulting from immigration can enrich societies and provide opportunities for learning and growth. However, immigration can also pose challenges to preserving cultural identities and maintaining social cohesion.

One of the primary ways in which immigration affects cultural diversity and identity is through the introduction of new customs, traditions, and beliefs. Immigrant communities often bring unique cultural practices, such as food, music, and art, that can enhance the cultural landscape of the host society. Exposure to new cultures can broaden the perspectives of individuals and communities, leading to greater tolerance and understanding.

The challenges and benefits of multiculturalism in host countries

Multiculturalism refers to the coexistence of different cultural groups within a society. It is a concept that has become increasingly important in modern societies characterized by race, ethnicity, religion, and language diversity. 

Multiculturalism is often promoted to promote tolerance, social cohesion, and the celebration of diversity. 

Challenges of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism presents a range of challenges that can impact host societies. These challenges include social division, discrimination, language barriers, and cultural clashes. For example, when immigrants share different values or traditions than the host society, this can lead to misunderstandings and conflict. Similarly, language barriers can limit communication and make it difficult for immigrants to integrate into the host society.

Benefits of multiculturalism

Multiculturalism can also bring a range of benefits to host societies. These benefits include increased cultural awareness and sensitivity, economic growth, and exchanging ideas and perspectives. For example, cultural diversity can provide opportunities for host societies to learn from different cultural practices and approaches to problem-solving. This can lead to innovation and growth.

Social cohesion

Social cohesion refers to the ability of a society to function harmoniously despite differences in culture, ethnicity, religion, and language. Multiculturalism can pose a challenge to social cohesion, but it can also promote it. Host societies can foster social cohesion by promoting the acceptance and understanding of different cultural groups. This can be achieved through policies and programs that promote intercultural dialogue, education, and community-building.

Discrimination and prejudice

Multiculturalism can also increase the risk of discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including racial, religious, and cultural bias. Host societies can combat discrimination by implementing anti-discrimination laws and policies and promoting diversity and inclusion.

Economic benefits

Multiculturalism can also bring economic benefits to host societies. The presence of a diverse range of skills and talents can lead to innovation and economic growth. Immigrants can also get various skills and experiences contributing to the host society's economic development.

In conclusion, immigration has significant social and cultural implications for both host countries and immigrants. It affects social cohesion, integration, cultural diversity, and identity. Host countries face challenges and benefits of multiculturalism, including economic growth, innovation, and social change.

The role of immigration in shaping national identity

Immigration has always been a significant driver of cultural and social change, with immigrants often bringing their unique identities, values, and traditions to their new homes. As a result, immigration can play a crucial role in shaping national identity, as it challenges existing cultural norms and values and introduces new ideas and perspectives. 

In this article, we will explore the role of immigration in shaping national identity, including its effects on cultural diversity, social cohesion, and political discourse. We will also discuss the challenges and opportunities presented by immigration to national identity and the importance of embracing a diverse and inclusive national identity in today's globalized world.

Immigration and the evolution of national identity

The relationship between immigration and national identity is complex, as immigration can challenge and reinforce existing national identities. As immigrants bring new cultural practices and values, they challenge the existing norms and values of the host society, prompting a re-evaluation of what it means to be part of that society. This can create a more inclusive and diverse national identity as different cultural traditions and practices are recognized and celebrated.

At the same time, the influx of new immigrants can also create a sense of fear and anxiety among some members of the host society, who may view the changes brought about by immigration as a threat to their cultural identity. This can lead to calls for stricter immigration policies and a more limited definition of national identity, which can exclude or marginalize certain groups.

The role of immigrants in shaping cultural diversity

Immigrants have played a significant role in shaping cultural diversity in many countries. Their arrival in a new land brings their customs, traditions, beliefs, and practices, which contribute to society's richness and vibrancy. 

One of the key ways in which immigrants have shaped cultural diversity is through their contributions to the local community. Immigrants bring a wealth of knowledge, skills, and talents that can benefit the societies they move to. For example, they may introduce new cuisines, music, art, and literature that add to the cultural landscape of their new home. This can create a more diverse and inclusive society where different cultures are celebrated and appreciated.

Another important aspect of cultural diversity is the challenges immigrants face when adapting to a new culture. Moving to a new country can be a daunting experience, especially if the culture is vastly different from one's own. Immigrants may struggle with language barriers, cultural norms, and social customs that are unfamiliar to them. This can lead to feelings of isolation and exclusion, which can negatively impact their mental health and well-being.

The challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity

Strengthening social cohesion amidst diversity is a complex challenge many societies face today. Cultural, ethnic, religious, and language diversity can lead to tensions and conflicts if managed poorly. 

One of the main challenges of maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity is the need to balance the interests of different groups. This involves recognizing and respecting the cultural, religious, and linguistic diversity of society while also promoting a sense of shared identity and common values. This can be particularly challenging in contexts with competing interests and power imbalances between different groups.

Another challenge is the need to address discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination can take many forms, including unequal access to education, employment, housing, hate speech, and violence. Prejudice and stereotypes can also lead to social exclusion and marginalization of certain groups. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort from the government, civil society, and individuals to promote tolerance and respect for diversity.

Promoting inclusive policies is another crucial factor in maintaining social cohesion amidst diversity. This includes policies promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of background. This can involve affirmative action programs, targeted social policies, and support for minority groups. Inclusive policies can also create a sense of belonging and ownership among different groups, which helps foster social cohesion.

In conclusion, immigration profoundly influences the formation of national identity. As individuals from various backgrounds merge into a new country, they not only introduce their distinct cultural and ethnic traits but also embark on a journey of personal growth and adaptation. This process mirrors the development of key skills such as leadership, character, and community service, essential for thriving in diverse environments. These attributes are not only vital for immigrants as they integrate into society but are also exemplified in successful National Honor Society essays , where personal growth and societal contribution are celebrated. Thus, the experiences of immigrants significantly enrich the societal tapestry, reflecting in our collective values, beliefs, and practices.

To sum it all up:

To recapitulate writing a five-paragraph essay about immigration can be challenging, but with the right approach and resources, it can be a rewarding experience. Throughout this article, we have discussed the various aspects of immigration that one can explore in such an essay, including the economic impact, social and cultural implications, and the evolution of national identity. 

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Immigration Research Project: Gordon: Thesis Statements

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What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement sums up the controlling idea of your research and should make clear the direction your research will follow. The thesis is stated at the beginning of your paper, usually at the end of the first paragraph. The thesis statement is based on research, and is characterized by its position or point of view. It should be expressed as a declarative statement. Everything in your paper provides content and support for the thesis statement, proving its validity. The personal pronoun "I" or "me" is not used in the thesis statement or any part of the research paper. Everything you write should be directly related to your thesis statement, either as an example or an explanation of its validity.  

Watch the brief video on this page to help you understand exactly what a thesis statement should look like, and how it makes the writing of a research paper much easier!

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement

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How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on January 11, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on August 15, 2023 by Eoghan Ryan.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . It usually comes near the end of your introduction .

Your thesis will look a bit different depending on the type of essay you’re writing. But the thesis statement should always clearly state the main idea you want to get across. Everything else in your essay should relate back to this idea.

You can write your thesis statement by following four simple steps:

  • Start with a question
  • Write your initial answer
  • Develop your answer
  • Refine your thesis statement

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Table of contents

What is a thesis statement, placement of the thesis statement, step 1: start with a question, step 2: write your initial answer, step 3: develop your answer, step 4: refine your thesis statement, types of thesis statements, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about thesis statements.

A thesis statement summarizes the central points of your essay. It is a signpost telling the reader what the essay will argue and why.

The best thesis statements are:

  • Concise: A good thesis statement is short and sweet—don’t use more words than necessary. State your point clearly and directly in one or two sentences.
  • Contentious: Your thesis shouldn’t be a simple statement of fact that everyone already knows. A good thesis statement is a claim that requires further evidence or analysis to back it up.
  • Coherent: Everything mentioned in your thesis statement must be supported and explained in the rest of your paper.

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The thesis statement generally appears at the end of your essay introduction or research paper introduction .

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts and among young people more generally is hotly debated. For many who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education: the internet facilitates easier access to information, exposure to different perspectives, and a flexible learning environment for both students and teachers.

You should come up with an initial thesis, sometimes called a working thesis , early in the writing process . As soon as you’ve decided on your essay topic , you need to work out what you want to say about it—a clear thesis will give your essay direction and structure.

You might already have a question in your assignment, but if not, try to come up with your own. What would you like to find out or decide about your topic?

For example, you might ask:

After some initial research, you can formulate a tentative answer to this question. At this stage it can be simple, and it should guide the research process and writing process .

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a thesis statement about immigration

Now you need to consider why this is your answer and how you will convince your reader to agree with you. As you read more about your topic and begin writing, your answer should get more detailed.

In your essay about the internet and education, the thesis states your position and sketches out the key arguments you’ll use to support it.

The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its many benefits for education because it facilitates easier access to information.

In your essay about braille, the thesis statement summarizes the key historical development that you’ll explain.

The invention of braille in the 19th century transformed the lives of blind people, allowing them to participate more actively in public life.

A strong thesis statement should tell the reader:

  • Why you hold this position
  • What they’ll learn from your essay
  • The key points of your argument or narrative

The final thesis statement doesn’t just state your position, but summarizes your overall argument or the entire topic you’re going to explain. To strengthen a weak thesis statement, it can help to consider the broader context of your topic.

These examples are more specific and show that you’ll explore your topic in depth.

Your thesis statement should match the goals of your essay, which vary depending on the type of essay you’re writing:

  • In an argumentative essay , your thesis statement should take a strong position. Your aim in the essay is to convince your reader of this thesis based on evidence and logical reasoning.
  • In an expository essay , you’ll aim to explain the facts of a topic or process. Your thesis statement doesn’t have to include a strong opinion in this case, but it should clearly state the central point you want to make, and mention the key elements you’ll explain.

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A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

Follow these four steps to come up with a thesis statement :

  • Ask a question about your topic .
  • Write your initial answer.
  • Develop your answer by including reasons.
  • Refine your answer, adding more detail and nuance.

The thesis statement should be placed at the end of your essay introduction .

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McCombes, S. (2023, August 15). How to Write a Thesis Statement | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 12, 2024, from

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Argumentative Essay On Immigration

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Business , Immigration , Workplace , Salary , Company , Migration , Economics , Development

Words: 2000

Published: 12/15/2019


Thesis Statement: Immigration and its socio-economic impact on any country. The paper will further support that immigration is good for any country and its economy.

Immigration is an act of leaving one’s own country and rushing towards another country in search of money, sources and other amenities. It has always been a matter of discussion in many countries for a number of reasons. The roots of immigration are related to the development, urbanization and globalization. The need of money to fulfill the immigrant’s requirements of life is the basic cause behind the act of immigration. Usually people of poor or less developed countries have a tendency to migrate in the rich and developed countries with the intention to earn their livelihood or to earn money for their family. This trend has though created a chaotic situation in the society of the countries where people have migrated or still migrating. A number of people from different sects of the society have started demanding a complete curvature on the immigration in the rich countries. This paper discusses the different aspects of the immigration and further probes that immigration is good or bad for the people of different societies.

Causes of immigration

i. Economic reasons: There are several reasons of immigration and earning money is definitely at the top of the list. Sustenance, due to economic problem is a big issue in many countries and this is why people rush towards the rich countries for their livelihood. People migrate to other countries with the intention of earning money. They get good wages for the same work in the developed countries in comparison to their native places. They do not only feed themselves by way of getting the employment therein but also take care of their family. ii. Non economic reasons: Education is also one of the main non economic reasons of immigration in different countries. People want their children to get education in a modern and developed state of affairs. People want their children to be equipped with professional skills so that they could earn and look after them satisfactorily and escape from the amount of struggles, they came across. People also migrate to other countries being inspired by religious reasons. It has been observed that people rush towards places that are considered holy for religious purposes. Civil wars, ethnic cleansing, continuous violation of human rights are also major non economic reasons of immigration. People migrate in the developed and peace loving countries where these problems do not exist and life of an individual lives a respectful life.

Effects of migration

Like causes, there are different effects of the immigration which keeps this issue in discussion. Recently it has been noted that people in the rich countries have started raising loud voices against the immigration. They believe that these immigrants have trespassed in their territory and occupied the jobs, opportunities and resources which are meant for the native people. Since they belong to very poor places and have no choices, they can work at very minimum wages which affects the bargaining power of the people of the rich countries. Apart from this, the immigrants make their country overpopulated, what the native people believe. The people, who advocate against the immigration, suggest that the immigrants have no any liability or any kind of duty towards the nation where they get everything. They just come, earn and leave when their purpose is fulfilled or even stay to make the country an overpopulated. They have no duty but enjoy a number of rights. Immigration is a widely discussed issue. It may have some negative effects or cause some problems for the people of the country where migration happens but there is another aspect of the issue. It is evident from a number of instances that the immigrants have widely contributed in the society of the nations where they have migrated. They have served the country ion a number of ways and their attachment is no less than the native people of the country. They have their significant role in the making of the country and also contributed in a number of fields which made the good identity of the nation. They have sacrificed their lives in the time of war and whenever required for the country, where they migrated. They and their children contributed in the development through a number of works, services and accepted the country as their own. Migration is a very old concept and usually it is not harmful for any country and if it causes some negative effects, it also has some very positive effects on the country where migration happens. People has always opted migrating to different places as per their conveniences but in recent times the trend of migration has been started getting attractions for a number of reasons. Politician also has played a huge role in highlighting this issue. They have created a fuss over in the brains of native people against the immigrants. The migration is usually done under certain compulsions. The act is more painful for an immigrant rather than a person who claims that his interests are being affected by the immigration. To stop the immigration, the world and especially the developed societies of the world should come forward and make some effective policies to improve the economic condition of poor countries that have been subjected to continuous exploitation of imperialistic powers and rich countries. Today the imperialistic countries are well off because they have exploited the people and resources of these countries and it is their moral obligation to improve the situation of poor countries by introducing effective policies.

Immigration Impact on Economy

Lots of studies have been conducted to access the impact of immigration on any economy. Decreasing wage rate and employment for residence of the country was always a major point of concern. People consider immigrants as a burden who uses their services but immigration is solution all those problems who are occurred due to shortage of skilled or unskilled labors. If we look at the bigger picture, immigration contributes towards increasing knowledge and economic gain. If we take the example of America the immigrant’s rate was much higher than present immigrant rate and it is not having any unfavorable impact on the America’s economy. Now we will examine how different factors impact on any economy.

Immigration impact on wages

Different types of skills are required for different type of tasks, manufacturing and production. Immigration help in bringing desired skills to the country at a reasonable cost. Companies who are contributing towards economy of nation get benefited by hiring good, desired skills at cheaper rate. The costs of production directly impact the final cost of goods hence companies are able to sell goods at cheaper rates. When the cost of goods is decreasing, quantity will also increase because increased number of people can afford those goods. Companies take advantage of cheap labor and sell their products in other countries which help in brining revenue and foreign exchange to the economy. Immigration also helps companies in understanding market of other countries in better way. Local people can explain better the need and test of consumers of their own countries. Companies who are planning to expand its business in other country can take advantage of skilled immigrants of that country. Immigration does not impact wages rate in great way because all goods required different skills. It helps in bringing more business to the companies and more revenue to the economy.

Immigration Impact on Employment

Immigration does not drastically impact the employment of native people of any country. We may take example of America where the rate of unemployment went down to 4.7 percent from 5.4 percent and wages also went up. Immigration is much required for any economy because of three reasons. 1. Immigration helps in keeping desired number of workforce and prevent from labor crisis situation. In any country where labor is getting older, immigration provide new young labor. 2. Immigration also maintains the ration between the number of worker to be retired and existing workers. 3. Immigration helps in increasing knowledge and innovation in any economy. In America the labor force have decreased near about four percent if they prevent immigrants. Many economists say that immigration help economy to grow swiftly without facing any major challenges from higher inflation. It benefits end consumers by providing goods at lower rate and companies to grow further.

Counter Argument

Like positive aspect, immigration also has its negative side. The countries having legal and illegal immigration face various challenges in terms of increasing population, expenditure, economy, socio-culture and security. Each and every year lot of people illegally migrate from one country to another and government bear the cost of their habitation. Immigrants are also responsible for occupying number of jobs from the native people of that country. Immigrants generally belong to poor country hence they work for lower wages with no additional benefits and incentives. Employer and companies also prefer to hire immigrants because it cost less to the employer. America spends around $ 200 billion each year as depressed wages. Many people believe that they slow down the economy. Based on survey conducted by financial times a large population around 40 to 50 percent in America, Britain, Spain, Germany and France believe that immigration is responsible for lowering down lifestyle in their country. They are not only responsible for declining health care system but also hamper education system. Overall a large population around 50 percent strongly feels that immigration has lot of negative Impact on the economy and life quality of people. Immigrants also cause danger to the country because it has been observed that they carry a number of communicable deceases with them. Countries do have certain checks to control spread of such communicable deceases but in absence of proper checking system, immigrants carry various deceases with them. Illegal immigration is one of the major ways to bring such deceases in a country where they could have eradicated. Such deceases can be very harmful and devastating for population. A substantial number of people stay even after expiring of their visa and other people who are legal but not well educated are huge burden on the government. Such people and illegal immigrants do not contribute towards taxes but use all common welfare services. Terrorist and smugglers are major threat to the security of any nation and they also get visa. There are various policies and procedures are in place to check all the issues but they also have some loopholes.

After having observed the abovementioned analysis it is good to conclude by saying that When a person migrates in a different country for any reasons, he does not go there with his mouth and stomach only but also he is equipped with two hands and two legs to work. Nobody feeds him or her for being guest in their country but he works very hard and earns his livelihood himself. He contributes in the production, manufacturing and this way economy of the country like a native worker. The migration is not bad and the people who have politicized the issue should reconsider and abstain from polluting the brains of native people against the immigrants.

Works Cited

Fairchild, Henry Pratt. Immigration - A World Movement and Its American Significance. United States: Read Books Design, 2009. Fetzer, J. S. Public Attitudes toward Immigration in the United States, France and Germany. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Hunt, R.M. Friedberg and. "The impact of immigration on host country wages,employment and growth." Journal of Economic Perspectives (1995): 23-44. Nelson, N. Gaston and D. "Immigration and labour-market outcomes in the United States: A political-economy puzzle." Oxford Review of Economic (2000): 104-114. Purcell, L. Edward. Immigration. Phoenix: Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995.


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Comprehensive guide to writing a winning research paper on immigration.

July 16, 2020

One of the hot button issues in the globe today is immigration. On July 5th, 2019, people all over the globe were angered by images of an infant being separated from her mother by Border Patrol police in the US-Mexico border. However, it is not just the US-Mexico border that has the problem of immigration. From Africans trying to cross to Europe via the Mediterranean Sea in makeshift boats to refugees freeing war-torn Middle East countries, the problem of immigration appears to have no end.

Research Paper on Immigration

To assess students’ understanding of current affairs and global problems, most lecturers in colleges, at some point, ask their students to write a research paper on immigration. Notably, most students find writing this type of paper an uphill task, but we are here to help. This post is a comprehensive guide on how to write a research paper on immigration.

Select a Good Title for Your Research Paper on Immigration

When your professor asks you to write an essay on immigration, he/she may give you the topic to work on. However, you need to pick one on your own if the titles are not provided. Make sure to identify a topic that is interesting, and that has ample resources to help you complete the work effectively. Here are some great research paper topics on immigration in America, Europe, and around the globe.

Do illegal immigrants in the US deserve civil rights? Comparing illegal immigration to the US and Europe. Illegal immigration: What are the impacts in the society? Compare the immigration policy of the United States and Canada. Are illegal immigrants good or bad for the US Economy?

Study Your Topic and Craft a Thesis for Your Research Paper on Immigration

Depending on the topic you select, it is important to study it widely, ensuring to identify the key points that will form the basis of your paper. When analyzing the selected topic, make sure also to develop a powerful thesis about your paper. The thesis you adopt will be your stand and evident in the entire paper. Here are some examples of good thesis statements when writing research papers on immigration.

  • “ Migrant workers have played an important role in the history of the United States, so they should not be treated as undeserving persons.”
  • “ In light of the escalating immigration problem in Europe, the primary focus should be on universal human rights and respect for human dignity.”

Develop and Use a Good Outline for Your Essay on Immigration Research Paper

Whether you are working on a research paper on illegal immigration, policy on immigration, human rights for immigrants, or other topics, it is important to start by developing a good format or outline. The outline tells you what to discuss at different stages of the essay. Here is a sample outline that you can use to craft a winning research paper on immigration:

  • Introduction: This is the first section after the paper title, and you should use it to set the stage for the entire paper. So, open the essay with a strong hook statement, and capture the background of the study. You should also highlight the thesis statement, and tell the reader what to expect in the research paper.
  • Body: In the body of the paper, you should discuss the main points about the topic of interest. Make sure that every point is discussed in its own paragraph and use evidence, such as quotes and statistics, to support your argument. To make your essay sound more professional, you should also bring out counterarguments.
  • Conclusion: The conclusion is the last part of your research paper on immigration and should be used to wrap up your key points. Start by restating the thesis statement (of course, using different words to avoid sounding repetitive) and summarizing the main points in one or two paragraphs. Note that you should not introduce new points when writing the conclusion of your paper. However, you can call for further studies if you found gaps in the current literature on immigration.

Special Tips for Writing a Great Research Paper on Illegal Immigration

To make your research paper on immigration reforms or other topics earn you more marks, the most important tip is following your professor’s instructions. For example, you should stick to the teacher’s guideline on the right research paper length and formatting. Here are other tips to consider.

  • Make sure to identify and work on a topic that is interesting to avoid getting bored midway.
  • Use excellent secondary resources to support your arguments when writing the paper. The best resources are those published within the last five years.
  • Start by writing a draft before refining it to create the final copy.
  • If you find writing the paper challenging, consider seeking help from a writing professional .

When you are faced with the task of writing a research paper on immigration, this guide is all that you need to rake high marks. Make sure to select a topic that is interesting, follow the outline we have discussed above, and ensure your points are flowing well from the beginning to the end.

a thesis statement about immigration

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Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Illegal Immigration — Causes and Effects of Immigration


Causes and Effects of Immigration

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Words: 731 |

Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 731 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Causes of immigration, effects of immigration, a. economic factors, b. political factors, c. social factors, a. economic effects, b. social effects, c. political effects.

  • National Academy of Sciences. (2017). The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration .
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development (OECD). (2019). International Migration Outlook 2019 .
  • Peri, G., & Shih, K. (2019). "The Economic Contribution of Unauthorized Workers: An Industry Analysis". National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series.

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a thesis statement about immigration

240 Immigration Essay Topics

Immigration is a permanent move to a foreign country. It takes place all over the globe, including the United States. It played an important role in history, and it continues to influence society today.

This article offers a variety of immigration essay topics. They are suitable for college-level works, as well as middle and high school papers.

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🔝 Top 10 Immigration Topics to Write About

  • ✍️ How to Choose a Topic

❓ Top 10 Immigration Research Questions

  • ✈️ Legal Immigration
  • 🗺️ Illegal Immigration
  • 🗽 Immigration in the U.S.
  • 🌐 Worldwide Immigration
  • 🧳 Personal Immigration
  • 🌎 Environmental Migration
  • 🎓 Job and Education
  • ⚖️ Immigration Pros and Cons

🔍 References

  • The harm of immigration policies
  • Push and pull factors of immigration
  • Immigration as an escape from poverty
  • Reproductive health of women immigrants
  • Racism in the American housing market
  • Mexican economy and the immigration rate
  • Immigration increase vs. welfare decrease
  • Challenges of immigrant assimilation in the US
  • The cause of discrimination towards immigrants
  • Immigration detention effects on mental health

✍️ How to Choose an Immigration Topic

The subject of immigration is broad. You can explore it from many points of view. Focus on economics, sociology, or the legal system. Here are a few things to remember as you chose the essay title:

  • Use verified up-to-date information. As simple as it seems, it’s essential.
  • Do not judge. We cannot know the life story of every immigrant and what they went through.

You may try to approach the subject from the political viewpoint. Or, try to stand in the shoes of someone looking for a better life.

Legal immigrants vs Illegal immigrants.

Below you will find many great questions and topics on immigration. Choose the one you like best, and get down to writing!

  • Do expats boost innovations?
  • Is terrorism related to immigration?
  • How does migration influence culture?
  • What is seasonal labor immigration?
  • Can immigration reduce global poverty?
  • What is the economic effect of refugees?
  • How does immigration affect social capital?
  • How do immigration control measures vary?
  • Is Third World immigration a threat to the US?
  • Why do immigration laws differ among the states?

✈️ Legal Immigration Essay Topics

  • Pros and cons of sanctuary cities
  • Modern immigration policy in the UK
  • ICE’s policy under Obama vs. Trump
  • The process of naturalization in the US
  • The importance of the DACA program
  • Should the TPS program be permanent?
  • Health concerns of illegal immigration
  • The effect of immigration on international students
  • The difference between an asylum and refugee status
  • The Second Industrial Revolution’s impact on immigration
  • The role of visas in the modern world.
  • Does federal immigration law ensure safety for the U.S. citizens?
  • Changes in immigration policies following 9/11.
  • What will happen if the U.S. declares open borders for all countries?
  • How is multiculturalism a good thing?
  • How much time does it take to complete immigration documents?
  • What rights do immigrants have in the U.S.?
  • Does congress limit the number of immigrant visas?
  • What are the main functions of immigration?
  • Why does the U.S. refuse to accept Syrian refugees?
  • The majority of immigrants seek to receive the U.S. citizenship.
  • Fake marriage for the sake of legal immigration.
  • How can immigrants ensure a legal status for their children?
  • Why do people applying for U.S. citizenship have to live in America for five years?
  • What’s the difference between naturalization and citizenship?
  • Is it fair that children can have citizenship by being born in the U.S.
  • What does the government look for in a person before granting them legal status?
  • Ways to pass the test for naturalization for a person with disabilities.
  • How can children become the U.S. citizens through their parents?
  • What are the physical presence requirements for naturalization?
  • Steps necessary to prepare for a naturalization test.
  • How to reapply for citizenship.
  • What is a naturalization ceremony?
  • Can a person become a citizen through military service?
  • Do all visas allow legal immigration?

The immigration process should be legal. There is an “Immigration Law” in the U.S. that provides legitimate ways to become an American citizen. In this section, you will find ideas for your research paper or informative essay on legal immigration.

🗺️ Illegal Immigration Essay Topics

According to Washington State Department of Social and Health Services , the main difference between legal and illegal immigration lies in documentation. That’s why illegal immigrants are also called undocumented. The following list can provide an idea for a topic sentence or a thesis statement in a persuasive essay.

  • Can there be any valid excuse for immigrating illegally?
  • Do undocumented aliens harm the U.S.?
  • The overstaying legal migration period is common for illegal immigration.
  • What is more valuable for the government: paperwork or people?
  • Which countries do most undocumented immigrants come from?
  • Human trafficking is a tragedy that feeds illegal immigration.
  • Settled undocumented immigrants should still get punished.
  • The presence of undocumented immigrants indicates corruption.
  • Do illegal immigrants affect the local economy of southern states?
  • Does illegal immigration bring American society out of balance?
  • The presence of undocumented aliens affects crime rates.
  • The issues associated with illegal immigration in America.
  • What organizations support illegal immigration?
  • Children of immigrants bear the consequences of their parents’ actions.
  • Should undocumented immigrants be provided legal help?
  • The term “illegal immigrant” must be rejected as offensive.
  • Does the problem of illegal immigration feed the issue of racism?
  • Undocumented immigrants deserve to be treated with respect.
  • The term “illegal immigrant” stirs up racial fear in the U.S.
  • Does the phrase “No human is illegal” have any truth to it?
  • Is illegal immigration a threat to hosts and immigrants?
  • Are undocumented aliens treated with hostility by the government?
  • Can illegal immigration for personal reasons be justified?
  • Should we consider the absence of proper documentation an offense?
  • Do the lives of illegal immigrants matter in America?
  • Can an undocumented immigrant be considered an American?
  • Does the “Drop the I-word” campaign provide valid arguments?
  • Is there anything good about illegal immigration?
  • Immigration detention brings more harm than good.
  • Should the “catch and release” policy function in the U.S.?
  • Should a person take a chance to obtain a legal status by entering the country illegally?
  • Will the construction of a wall resolve the issue of illegal immigration?
  • If America is the land of opportunities , why doesn’t it accept undocumented aliens?
  • Does illegal immigration promote terrorism?
  • Should the U.S. government introduce specific policies for elderly immigrants?

Why some American immigrants are undocumented?

🗽 Immigration in the U.S. Topics

Millions of people worldwide want to get a taste of the American Dream. After many decades, America is shaped by the immigrant presence. Think about the cultural components and history of immigration in the U.S. This list may provide you with ideas for thesis topics.

  • Should immigrants be allowed to vote?
  • Can aliens who received U.S. citizenship be called Americans?
  • Should Americans be concerned about the “green card lottery?”
  • Mexican immigration as a political controversy.
  • Difference between citizenship and a green card.
  • The immigrants are fulfilling the labor market demand in the U.S.
  • Professional psychologists must cooperate with immigrants.
  • Children born to undocumented aliens should receive U.S. citizenship.
  • Should there be a mandatory English language test for all immigrants?
  • Should resident aliens use international driver licenses in the U.S.?
  • Does the U.S. immigration policy need reform?
  • From a historical perspective, could the U.S. survive as a country without immigrants?
  • Immigration is at the core of American history.
  • What were the reasons for the migration wave in the 1960s?
  • Homeland security and immigration policy in the U.S.
  • How did the 18th-century Chinese emigration influence America?
  • The U.S. language policy regarding immigration.
  • The 9/11 tragedy changed the way Americans view foreigners.
  • Should children of illegal aliens be denied U.S. citizenship?
  • How does immigration change life in bigger cities in the U.S.?
  • Benefits of the DREAM act.
  • Do legal aliens affect the American education system?
  • Can a child raised by immigrants in the U.S. be called an American?
  • Do Americans move to other countries?
  • Immigrants come to the U.S. for religious purposes.

🌐 Worldwide Immigration Topics

History proves that people have always been moving around. Sometimes they immigrate because “the grass is greener on the other side.” But some have to flee their countries as refugees. The U.S and the European Union are receiving large numbers of immigrants. Here are some topic ideas for a paper on immigration worldwide.

  • Was border control possible before the invention of visas?
  • Syrian children refugees in Canada and ethics of care.
  • What benefits does a country receive by granting someone asylum status?
  • Can asylees feel safe in their host country?
  • What is the difference between the words “immigrant” and “refugee?”
  • Refugees need psychological assistance to overcome stress.
  • Most refugees hope to come back to their home countries.
  • What attitude locals usually have towards emigrants?
  • There is a substantial prejudice against immigrants and refugees.
  • Should the government invest in education for displaced people?
  • The refugee crisis is a growing global issue.
  • Assimilation policy as a form of aborigenal control in Australia.
  • Wars have been one of the primary reasons for migration throughout history.
  • How did 9/11 affect international traveling and global immigration?
  • What happens to people who are rejected by the border control service?
  • The impact of globalization on immigration control.
  • Does Europe benefit or suffer from immigrants?
  • The effects high numbers of refugees have on the European economy.
  • Does the tourism industry in Europe suffer from the refugee presence?
  • Effect of immigration on European history.
  • Influence of globalization citizenship in the EU.
  • What are the benefits of the asylum status in Europe?
  • The effect of the Cold War on global immigration.
  • Do most of the refugees in Europe want to receive EU citizenship?
  • Does immigration rate vary amongst men and women?

Resident aliens vs Nonresident aliens.

🧳 Personal Immigration Topics

There is a person behind each number on immigration statistics. You may be wondering why somebody would want to leave home. Immigration is a serious step that forever changes one’s life. If you would like to look at the heart of immigration, this section is for you.

  • Should immigration be perceived as an act of courage?
  • Can the elderly have a better retirement in other countries?
  • Religious persecution as a reason for moving.
  • People often immigrate to provide a better life for their children.
  • Racial persecution is a valid reason for moving abroad.
  • The decision to relocate should have a solid reason behind it.
  • Refugee families suffer enormous emotional pressure.
  • Health problems are a sufficient reason for immigration.
  • Immigration as a way to provide for one’s family is a noble act.
  • Parent’s love for their children can motivate them to move abroad.
  • Immigrant children and the governmental responsibility.
  • People shouldn’t judge the financial instability of refugees.
  • Disagreement with the country’s politics can push citizens to move.
  • Are certain personality types more likely to immigrate?
  • The lack of a sustainable education system in a home country pushes young people to move abroad.
  • For some, the only hope for a good life is in immigration.
  • Relocation for romantic reasons is common in the modern world.
  • Experiences of Lithuanian and Chinese immigrants in America.
  • Can relational complications drive people out of their native countries?
  • An urge to be free from oppression leads to immigration.
  • Loss of a family member can force a person to move abroad.
  • Some choose immigration as a way to escape financial responsibility.
  • Because of the internet, some people identify with foreign cultures.
  • Immigration is a way to change one’s life.
  • Athletes choose to relocate to have better conditions for training.

🌎 Environmental Migration Topics

You can define migration as the movement from one place to another. It can happen within or outside country borders. Migration isn’t always permanent. Nature is full of surprises, and sometimes natural disasters occur. Some people don’t have other options but to migrate. This section includes a variety of topics on environmental migration.

  • Climate change is a significant reason for migration.
  • Should environmental migrants receive a refugee status?
  • Countries with significant environmental problems should encourage immigration.
  • How many people choose to migrate due to ecological issues?
  • Should the border control require documentation from environmental refugees?
  • For how long environmental migrants are allowed to stay in the host country?
  • Do climate refugees receive support from their host countries?
  • Describe the Haitian migration following the 2010 earthquake.
  • Migration after the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in 2004 .
  • Chinese citizens migrate due to floods .
  • Do Americans move to different states because of ecological issues?
  • Documented cases of mass environmental migration throughout history.
  • The role of sea-level rise in climate migration.
  • How polluted oceans affect human population movement.
  • What are the main factors of environmental migration?
  • Does the global warming influence migration levels?
  • Is the number of climate refugees likely to increase in the future?
  • How often do environmental migrants become legal immigrants?
  • How can those who have lost their possessions afford to move abroad?
  • Which countries receive the most climate migrants?
  • Is the status of “environmental refugee” legitimate?
  • Do environmental migrants consider going back to their home countries?
  • Which organizations provide help to climate migrants worldwide?
  • From which countries do people flee the most due to ecological reasons?
  • People migrate due to the lack of clean water .

Environmental Migration Topics.

🎓 Immigration Essay Topics: Job and Education

Not all countries have a reliable education system. Sometimes there are not enough resources to provide jobs for everyone. Immigration gives people a chance to pursue a better career path. The following list can inspire your immigration thesis topic.

  • Should international students be encouraged to return after graduation?
  • Can online job opportunities decrease immigration rates?
  • High-quality education in the U.S. attracts immigrants.
  • What steps must one take to receive a work visa?
  • Religious missionaries should receive governmental support.
  • How often do people move to a different country for educational reasons?
  • Immigrants in Toronto: social and economic challenges.
  • How do institutions check the language abilities of international students ?
  • Do all U.S. institutions receive international students?
  • What does it take to receive a student visa?
  • Cross-cultural management and work abroad.
  • Can immigrants find jobs without knowing the local language?
  • What are the primary countries people immigrating to for occupational purposes?
  • Which countries people are most likely to leave to receive a better education?
  • Is America the land of opportunities for immigrants?
  • Is it economically sufficient for the U.S. to receive workers from other countries?
  • Why are international students willing to pay a high price for education in the U.S.?
  • The industrial revolution caused a wave of immigration.
  • Some people move to less developed countries to help with their development.
  • Poverty often pushes people to move abroad.
  • Immigrants from developing countries aren’t picky when it comes to jobs.
  • Do immigrants regret moving to the U.S. if they’re faced with discrimination?
  • What’s the average age of international students that are coming to the U.S.?
  • Health of expatriates often worsens due to the nature of their jobs.
  • Examples from history of people seeking education abroad.

Difference between to immigrate and to emigrate.

⚖️ Pros and Cons of Immigration: Essay Ideas

There are two sides to the immigration: positive and negative. Think about the economy, food, art, sociology, and politics. Decide what are the benefits and downsides of immigration. The following list of topic ideas on migration will help you with this task.

  • International employees fill the gaps in the workforce.
  • Foreigners bring a unique perspective that can benefit the host country.
  • Some expatriates possess rare skills that can be useful.
  • Cuisine of immigrants often becomes popular in the host country.
  • International students add numbers to struggling institutions.
  • Talented immigrants find themselves useful in a host country.
  • Foreigners improve international trade and business.
  • International employees are often enthusiastic about their job position.
  • Foreigners have an unusual view on life.
  • Immigration brings cultural diversity to the host country.
  • Foreign presence pushes host countries towards ethnic inclusiveness.
  • Immigrants are more willing to take less prestigious jobs.
  • People from abroad bring their mentality everywhere they go.
  • Children of immigrants can have better opportunities in life.
  • The money earned by foreigners in the host country is spent in their home countries.
  • Immigration is a channel for the drug industry.
  • Immigration gives hope for a brighter future.
  • In some cases, aliens take job opportunities from the locals.
  • Immigrants tend to increase the crime rate of the hosting country.
  • Home countries of immigrants suffer from “brain drain.”
  • Foreigners are subject to racial intolerance.
  • Immigration causes overcrowding.
  • The language barrier creates social complications.
  • Immigration takes away the attention of the government.
  • Resident aliens might suffer from strained relationships with locals.

We hope this article helped you to choose the topic for your essay. In conclusion, we want to wish you good luck with your assignment!

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  • Immigration: Encyclopedia Britannica
  • Population Reference Bureau: Trends in Migration to the U.S.
  • Myths and Facts about Immigrants and Immigration: Anti Defamation League
  • Resident Alien Definition: Investopedia
  • Nonresident Aliens: Internal Revenue Service
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  • A Dozen Facts about Immigration:
  • Environmental Displacement and Migration: Environmental Law Institute
  • Immigration:
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Immigration and the United States Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

According to Gelatt et al., the United States is ranked as the largest hub for immigrants globally. However, even though it is faster and easier for foreigners to assimilate in the U.S, the immigration policy has become a matter of debate in the region. Most of the arguments revolve around the cultural and financial implications of the movement. However, economic analysts argue that there is little evidence to show that the increase in foreign labor has reduced the number of jobs in the country.

On the contrary, immigration has more positive impacts as it leads to better occupational specialization. However, most foreign nationals have insufficient education and find it hard to maximize their potential in America’s workforce. Therefore, the federal government needs to integrate learning opportunities into immigrant policies to equip them fully.

The primary objective of education is to give individuals the required knowledge to help them contribute effectively to a country’s economy. Consequently, highly educated immigrants are assets in the United States’ labor force. According to Gelatt et al., foreign employees are the future of the U.S. human resources because they work at higher rates and represent the highest number of staff members in most industries.

Consequently, placing them at the same educational level as the native population will improve their efficiency and create a reliable workforce. Similarly, MPI’s report suggests a link between degree and non-degree credentials and the economic results among adult immigrants. Workers who are not of American origin will improve their skills with the attainment of the right education.

Conversely, immigrants with low or no educational qualifications are a liability to the American economy. One of the greatest challenges among U.S residents is communication because the inhabitants are from various parts of the world, yet the official and national language is English. According to Gelatt et al., most food restaurants and hotels are run by foreigners, particularly Latina.

Unfortunately, the lack of education makes it difficult for these individuals to speak eloquently, slowing down businesses. MPI agrees with concern and indicates that English proficiency is another hindrance to obtaining credentials among immigrants besides legal status. Lack of education makes it difficult for foreign nationals to survive in America, which further affects their contributions to the economy.

Consequently, there is a need for sustainable solutions that will empower immigrants with regard to education. Gelatt et al. acknowledge that the future of American jobs will require middle and high-skilled individuals and, therefore, suggest affordable vocational schooling for minority families. This strategy will ensure all immigrants get a chance to take their children through schools comfortably.

The press release by MPI, on the other hand, indicates that 16.7 million immigrant adults lack proficiency in English because they have not attained post-secondary education. The institution suggests that employers offer skills training that focuses on the English language. Creating affordable learning programs and training immigrant employees positively impacts the U.S. workforce.

From the report and press release by the MPI, it is clear that the future of the job market will be more demanding, affecting immigrants in the workforce. Gelatt et al. state that industries are bound to embrace automation, reducing low-skilled jobs. Unfortunately, Sherman et al. indicate that the birth rate among Native Americans is low, which means that the country’s future economy is in the hands of foreign nationals. Consequently, the government must develop strategies to ensure the immigrants gain middle and high-level job skills.

Immigrants do not have to go to public and private universities to be profitable in the U.S. economy. MPI suggests that non-degree credentials are enough to make positive labor returns. Additionally, according to Sherman et al., foreign nationals with licenses and certifications in occupations, including chefs and barbers, demonstrate higher labor force involvement levels. The immigrant federal department is responsible for ensuring the members acquire the credentials they require to participate in the nation’s economic developments.

The hard work among foreign nationals in America is seen in the increased competition level among them and Native Americans in the job market. Gelatt et al. attribute this development to the increased equal learning opportunities in academic institutions. Research indicates that immigrants’ children are attaining more education and even earning more than their parents (Sherman et al.). Second-generation foreign nationals are the future of the United States’ economy, and the government must ensure they are presented with equal opportunities in schools and the job market.

The American government has the responsibility to ensure immigrants have sufficient learning experiences to equip them for America’s future economy. Highly educated foreigners have proven to be competitive occupying the same positions as natives in the job industry. On the other hand, those who have not attained post-secondary education struggle to survive because they lack English proficiency and cannot express themselves well in the workplace. The future of the U.S. economy appears to be bright, but this dream’s actualization highly depends on empowering and educating immigrants.

Annotated Bibliography

Gelatt, Julia et al. “Navigating the Future of Work: The Role of Immigrant-Origin Workers in the Changing U.S. Economy”. Migration Policy Institute , 2020, Web.

The report illustrates the role immigrants play in the evolving U.S economy. The authors begin the text by indicating that the foreign nationals were responsible for the 83% country’s labor force growth between 2010 and 2018. The document projects that the group is crucial to the developments in the working-age population through 2035. The strength of the information lies in its in-depth analysis of immigrants’ racial and ethnic challenges and their effect on the country’s future workforce. The authors are policy analysts at the Migration Policy Institute (MPI) and, therefore, make the contents credible.

MPI. “Amid U.S. Demand for Higher Skills and Education, Credentialing Immigrant-Origin Adult Workers Could Be Key” . 2019, Web.

The press release by MPI attempts to explain the increasing importance of adult immigrants in the United States’ workforce. The document predicts that the country will be short of about 8 million workers by 2027 because the current native employees are aging. On the other hand, the approximated number of immigrants in the region is 58 million, and the group is projected to be the main source of the future labor force. Unfortunately, more than half of this population lacks post-secondary education, which is crucial for an effective workforce. The source is essential to the study because it gives statistical evidence of the need for education among immigrants to improve their contribution to America’s human resource.

Sherman, Arloc et al. “Immigrants Contribute Greatly to U.S. Economy, Despite Administration’s “Public Charge” Rule Rationale” . Center on Budget and Policy Priorities , 2019, Web.

The “Public Charge” rule was developed to deny immigrants who have the potential of being a liability to the county from gaining entry. This law assumes that most foreigners are poor and are likely to cause financial constraints for the government. However, it does not consider the positive contributions the foreign nationals make to the country. Consequently, the report evaluates the impacts they have on the economy. The authors illustrate that immigrants work at higher rates than the natives and occupy close to two-thirds of most industries. The authors are professionals in immigration services and policies, and therefore are classified as credible sources.

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  • The Memory of Silence and Lucy: A Detailed Analysis
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  • Chicago (A-D)
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IvyPanda. (2022, February 25). Immigration and the United States.

"Immigration and the United States." IvyPanda , 25 Feb. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Immigration and the United States'. 25 February.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Immigration and the United States." February 25, 2022.

Harris talks up immigration plans at packed rally in battleground Arizona

GLENDALE, Ariz. — Vice President Kamala Harris made immigration a key component of her stump speech Friday night during a packed rally in a Phoenix suburb after making no mention of the topic during rallies this week in Michigan and Wisconsin.

“We will move forward and take on the biggest issues facing our nation, for example, the issue of immigration,” Harris told the crowd of supporters. “I was attorney general of a border state. I went after the transnational gangs, the drug cartels and human traffickers. I prosecuted them in case after case, and I won.”

During the speech, Harris reiterated her support for legislation that would strengthen border security measures and create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. In doing so, she leaned into attacking former President Donald Trump as ineffective on border security, arguing he has prioritized electoral politics over substantive reforms.

“Donald Trump does not want to fix this problem,” she said. “Earlier this year, we had a chance to pass the toughest bipartisan border security bill in decades, but Donald Trump tanked the deal because he thought by doing that it would help him win an election.”

“We know our immigration system is broken, and we know what it takes to fix it,” Harris said to a crowd that her campaign estimated at 15,000 attendees.

Harris has faced intense scrutiny on immigration from the Trump campaign since rocketing to the top of the Democratic ticket. Republicans have focused in large part on Harris’ role in the Biden administration.

In 2021, she was tasked with addressing the “root causes” of migration to the U.S. from the Northern Triangle countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. More recently, her GOP critics have painted a broader portrait of Harris’ responsibilities, suggesting she was tasked with bolstering border security, which did not directly fall under her purview.

Image: harris walz campaign rally arizona mark kelly wife gabby giffords

Since launching her presidential bid, Harris has touched on immigration during past visits to Sun Belt states. She attacked Trump for blocking the border security bill during a rally in Georgia last month, and the Harris-Walz campaign has released ads on the topic ahead of her visits to Georgia and Arizona.

“As president, she will hire thousands more border agents,” a narrator says in an ad released Friday by the campaign. “Fixing the border is tough, so is Kamala Harris.”

In response to Harris and Walz’s visit to Arizona, the Trump campaign said in a statement that the vice president should have visited a border town.

“Border Czar Kamala Harris’ Vice-Presidential pick is just as dangerously liberal as she is,” said Halee Dobbins, Republican national committee director for Arizona, who also works for the Trump campaign. “Instead of stopping in Phoenix, Kamala Harris should be visiting our southern border and seeing the firsthand results of her border bloodbath.”

The focus on immigration comes as both campaigns are fighting for votes in Arizona. President Joe Biden won the state by about 10,000 votes in 2020, and polling suggests the race between Harris and Trump could be just as close. Additionally, Democrats’ share of the state's electorate is down 3% during the Biden administration, according to the latest voter registration numbers by the Arizona Secretary of State’s office.

Before Harris and her running mate Tim Walz took the stage Friday night, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly gave them a ringing endorsement. Kelly, a former astronaut and naval aviator, defended Walz, a fellow veteran, amid Republican attacks on Minnesotan’s military record. 

“He served honorably in uniform for decades,” Kelly, who had been under consideration for the role of vice presidential candidate, said of Walz.

“Tim has brought that experience to everything he has done since fighting for our service members, fighting for veterans and fighting for military families,” Kelly added, speaking alongside his wife, former Rep. Gabby Giffords. 

Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego, a longtime ally of Harris who endorsed her during her previous presidential bid, spoke before Kelly and used his remarks to bash Kari Lake, his Republican opponent in Arizona’s Senate race this fall, and commend Walz, his former colleague in the House.

“We both served on many committees, but I know one thing about him: he always put veterans first,” said Gallego, a Marine veteran who deployed to Iraq.

a thesis statement about immigration

Alex Tabet is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

a thesis statement about immigration

Nnamdi Egwuonwu is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

a thesis statement about immigration

Aaron Gilchrist is a White House correspondent for NBC News.

a thesis statement about immigration

Sarah Dean is a 2024 NBC News campaign embed.

Project 2025 decried as racist. Some contributors have trail of racist writings, activity

They include richard hanania, whose pseudonymous writings for white supremacist sites were uncovered last year..

a thesis statement about immigration

Former President Donald Trump has spent weeks distancing himself from Project 2025, a sprawling 900-plus page manifesto that seeks to create a blueprint for the next Trump presidency.

Billed as a vision built by conservatives for conservatives, the effort “dismantles the unaccountable Deep State, taking power away from Leftist elites and giving it back to the American people and duly-elected President,” according to its website.  

But for months commentators and academics have been sounding the alarm on Project 2025. The effort, they say, is a deeply racist endeavor that actually is aimed at dismantling many protections and aid programs for Americans of color.

“Really, it's kind of a white supremacist manifesto,” said Michael Harriot, a writer and historian who wrote an article earlier this month titled: “I read the entire Project 2025. Here are the top 10 ways it would harm Black America.”

And a closer look at the named contributors to Project 2025 adds to the concern: A USA TODAY analysis found at least five of them have a history of racist writing or statements, or white supremacist activity.

They include Richard Hanania, who for years wrote racist essays for white supremacist publications under a pseudonym until he was unmasked by a Huffington Post investigation last year. 

Failed Virginia GOP Senate candidate Corey Stewart, another named contributor, has long associated with white supremacists and calls himself a protector of America’s Confederate history tasked with “taking back our heritage.” 

One Project 2025 contributor wrote in his PhD dissertation that immigrants have lower IQs than white native citizens, leading to “underclass behavior.” Another dropped out of contention for a prestigious role at the Federal Reserve amid controversy over a racist joke about the Obamas. 

The presence of contributors to Project 2025 who have published racist or offensive tropes comes as no surprise to academics and commentators who have been sounding the alarm on the endeavor for months.

The plan calls for the abolition of diversity, equity and inclusion programs in the federal government. It would severely limit the mailing of abortion pills and disband the Department of Education. It would replace the Department of Homeland Security with a new, more powerful border and immigration enforcement agency to choke immigration . It would also curtail or disband programs that experts say greatly benefit communities of color, including the Food Stamp and Head Start programs. 

“Project 2025 is a plan about how to regulate and control people of color, including how they organize, work, play and live,” said Arjun Sethi, a civil rights lawyer and adjunct professor of law at Georgetown Law. “It seeks to regulate what they do with their bodies, how they advocate for their rights, and how they build family and community — all while disregarding the historical injustices and contemporary persecution they have experienced.”

What is Project 2025? Inside the conservative plan Trump claims to have 'no idea' about.

It’s not clear how much influence the contributors USA TODAY identified had on the creation of the Project 2025 manifesto. They are listed among scores of contributors to the document, and none would agree to an interview for this story.

But even among the broader collection of think tanks, nonprofits and pundits on the author list, others have past controversies on the issue of race. Seven of the organizations on Project 2025’s Advisory Board have been designated as extremist or hate groups by the Southern Poverty Law Center, according to a May report from, a nonpartisan organization that tracks interest groups in Washington, D.C. 

This proliferation of organizations and individuals with racist modus operandi is by design, not accident, Harriot said.

“One of the things that you see when you read Project 2025 is not just the racist dog whistles, but some ideas that were exactly lifted from some of the most extreme white supremacists ever,” Harriot said. 

After multiple requests from USA TODAY, the Heritage Foundation declined to address questions about the Project 2025 contributors and their past statements.

Project 2025 contributor wrote for white supremacist websites

Hanania is a right-wing author and pundit who has built a reputation among Republicans as an “anti-woke crusader.” 

Before he became a favorite of prominent conservatives – including Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, who is now Trump’s pick for vice president – Hanania was pushing a far more extreme version of his right-wing views.    

An investigation last year by the Huffington Post unmasked Hanania as having written under a pseudonym for websites connected to the “alt-right,” the white supremacist movement that flared up before and during the first Trump presidency.

In the early 2010s, writing under the pen name “Richard Hoste,” Hanania “identified himself as a ‘race realist.’” Huffington Post reported last August. “He expressed support for eugenics and the forced sterilization of ‘low IQ’ people, who he argued were most often Black. He opposed ‘miscegenation’ and ‘race-mixing.’ And once, while arguing that Black people cannot govern themselves, he cited the neo-Nazi author of ‘The Turner Diaries,’ the infamous novel that celebrates a future race war.”

Hanania acknowledged writing the posts under a pseudonym and, since then, has only partly renounced his past. Two days after the Huffington Post exposé, in a post on his website titled “Why I Used to Suck, and (Hopefully) No Longer Do,” Hanania wrote “When I was writing anonymously, there was no connection between the flesh and blood human being who would smile at a cashier or honk at someone in traffic, and the internet ‘personality’ who could just grow more rabid over time.”

Vance’s connection to Hanania was documented in a 2021 interview with conservative talk show host David Rubin — two years before Hanania began denouncing his racist past — when Vance described Hanania as a “friend” and a “really interesting thinker.”

Vance and Hanania have also interacted several times on X, formerly known as Twitter, liking and commenting on each other’s posts.

Richard Spencer, a white supremacist credited with creating the alt-right moniker, published several of Hanania’s articles on the website, including one in which Hanania wrote “If the races are equal, why do whites always end up near the top and blacks at the bottom, everywhere and always?”  

In an interview this month, Spencer told USA TODAY that while Hanania may have moderated some of his views, “I think it’s very clear that Richard is a race realist and eugenicist.” The term eugenicist refers to proponents of eugenics, the belief that the genetic quality of the human race can be improved through certain practices — practices viewed by many as scientific racism.

Hanania did not respond to repeated requests for comment.

A Confederate cheerleader and promoting the ‘Great Replacement’ theory

In a 2017 speech at the “Old South Ball” in Danville, Va., Stewart, an attorney who would become the 2018 Republican candidate for the U.S. Senate, told the assembled crowd he was proud to stand next to a Confederate flag: 

“That flag is not about racism, folks, it’s not about hatred, it’s not about slavery, it is about our heritage,” Stewart said. At the same event, he called Virginia “the state of Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson.”

According to a 2018 New York Times profile of Stewart, white supremacists volunteered on the then-Senate candidate’s campaign. “Several of his aides and advisers have used racist or anti-Muslim language, or maintained links to outspoken racists like Jason Kessler ” – who helped organize the white supremacist Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia – the Times reported. 

Stewart did not respond to an email seeking comment. Kessler did not respond to a phone call.

At least three contributors to Project 2025 have supported the racist “Great Replacement” theory, which contends that powerful Democrats and leftists are conspiring to change the demographics of the United States by turning a blind eye to, or even encouraging, illegal immigration. 

Michael Anton, a former senior national security official in the Trump administration, wrote in a pseudonymous essay published in 2016 that “The ceaseless importation of Third World foreigners with no tradition of, taste for, or experience in liberty means that the electorate grows more left, more Democratic, less Republican, less republican, and less traditionally American with every cycle. As does, of course, the U.S. population.”     

Anton has also written several essays, including one for USA TODAY, arguing to end birthright citizenship. His arguments have been widely criticized as factually incorrect and misleading. In an opinion piece for the Washington Post, Tufts University politics professor Daniel Drezner called them “ very racist .”  

Anton did not respond to a request for comment.

Another contributor is Stephen Moore, who in 2019 withdrew his name for consideration for the Federal Reserve Board amid scrutiny for his misogynistic and racist jokes and commentary.

Moore, who had made a joke about Trump removing the Obamas from public housing when he took office, was widely mocked when he later tried to clear up the joke in a television interview. The fallout, combined with concerns about Moore’s history of writing articles viewed as disparaging toward women, led him to withdraw his name for consideration.   

Moore did not respond to a request for comment.

The 2009 PhD thesis of Project 2025 contributor Jason Richwine was titled, “ IQ and Immigration Policy .” The thesis includes statements such as: “No one knows whether Hispanics will ever reach IQ parity with whites, but the prediction that new Hispanic immigrants will have low-IQ children and grandchildren is difficult to argue against.”

Richwine resigned from his position at the Heritage Foundation in 2013 amid controversy over his research. He now works at  the Center For Immigration Studies. The paper, and Richwine’s defense of it, were widely decried as racist , bigoted and scientifically incorrect .   

It didn’t help Richwine that his thesis was uncovered in the midst of controversy over an immigration study he co-authored that was roundly criticized by liberals and conservatives alike.  

“Had he not just argued, in an extremely tendentious fashion, that Hispanic immigrants are, on the whole, parasites, he might have endured public criticism of his dissertation,” read an analysis in The Economist . “Had he not in his dissertation argued that Hispanic immigration ought to be limited on grounds of inferior Hispanic intelligence, he would have endured the firestorm over the risible Heritage immigration study.”

Richwine did not respond to a request for comment.

“The fact that they consulted individuals with such abhorrent views to develop this plan is further evidence of just how un-American these proposals are,” Tony Carrk, executive director of told USA TODAY. “The idea that the next conservative administration might replace 50,000 government experts with extremists like this should concern every American.”

Trump’s connections to Project 2025

At a campaign rally in Michigan earlier this month, Trump told the crowd that Project 2025 is “seriously extreme.”

“Some on the severe right, came up with this Project 25,” Trump said. “ I don’t even know, some of them I know who they are, but they’re very, very conservative. They’re sort of the opposite of the radical left.”

In a post on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump had previously distanced himself from the effort.

“I have no idea who is behind it,” he wrote on July 5. “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying, and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.”

But reports show at least 31 of the 38 official authors and editors of Project 2025 have a connection to the former president and GOP presidential candidate. 

Vance, who Trump announced as his running mate earlier this month, also has connections to Project 2025. He wrote the foreword for a book being released later this year by Kevin Roberts, one of the manifesto's key architects.

“Never before has a figure with Roberts’s depth and stature within the American Right tried to articulate a genuinely new future for conservatism,” Vance wrote in a review of the book,  published on Amazon, which has since been removed.

Trump has pointed to his own policy manifesto – “ Agenda 47 ,” so named because the next U.S. president will be its 47th – as evidence that he doesn’t plan to use Project 2025 if he wins in November. Agenda 47 focuses on the same broad issues as Project 2025: Education, immigration and crime, and also tackles the LGBTQ+ community and welfare programs. 

The plans differ in some ways. Agenda 47 doesn’t mention abortion once, for example, while abortion is a focus of Project 2025, which calls on the FDA to reverse its approval of abortion drugs and severely limit the mailing of abortion pills. 

Harriot, the author who has closely studied the document, described Project 2025 as the “employee manual” for a future Trump administration. Agenda 47 is the public-facing statement of the former president’s political intentions, Harriot said, but Project 2025 is where the details are.

“There’s some cognitive dissonance,” Harriot said. “Trump doesn’t get elected by people who are just outwardly racist, and being associated with Project 2025 would dismantle his plausible deniability, because it's so blatantly racist.”  

  • 2024 Elections

Where Tim Walz Stands on the Issues

N ow that Vice President Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate in the 2024 presidential election, his progressive policy record is in the spotlight as the Trump campaign casts him as a “radical leftist.”

Known as a champion of progressivism, Walz’s stances on several critical issues—including abortion, climate change, and immigration—offer a potential preview of how a Harris-Walz Administration might approach challenging policy questions.

As governor of Minnesota, he pushed an ambitious agenda that included free school meals, tax cuts for the middle class, and goals for tackling climate change. His selection was celebrated by top progressives, including Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

However, Walz is relatively unknown on the national stage. An NPR/PBS/Marist poll released Tuesday found 71% of U.S. adults have never heard of the midwestern governor or are unsure how to rate him. 

For those just beginning to learn about Walz, here is a guide to where he stands on some key issues.

Walz has spoken out in support of abortion rights—“Abortion is health care,” he said on CNN in March—and signed several pieces of legislation protecting reproductive rights. 

As governor, he signed a bill that enshrined the right to abortion into the state’s statutes, making Minnesota the first state legislature to codify protections into law in 2023 after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade months earlier. The bill also included protections for other reproductive health care, including contraception and fertility treatments. Abortion was already protected in the state by a 1995 Minnesota supreme court decision, but the new law was meant to safeguard against future courts potentially overturning that ruling.

“Today, we are delivering on our promise to put up a firewall against efforts to reverse reproductive freedom,” Walz said in a press release after signing the bill. “Here in Minnesota, your access to reproductive health care and your freedom to make your own health care decisions are preserved and protected.”

Also in 2023, Walz signed a bill that shields patients traveling to Minnesota for abortion care—and the medical providers who serve them—from legal attacks and criminal penalties other states that restrict access might try to levy against them. That same day, he also signed a bill that bans the practice of conversion therapy and another that protects people seeking or providing gender-affirming health care in Minnesota.

Climate change

In recent years, Walz has become one of the country’s most skillful advocates for tackling climate change. His administration is aiming to move Minnesota to 100% clean energy by 2040, and he signed legislation in 2023 that encourages utilities to establish renewable energy facilities in communities that used to have fossil-fuel-generating plants.

In recent months, he has signed a bill that will shorten and streamline the process for permitting renewable energy projects and he has announced a $200 million grant from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to cut climate pollution from Minnesota food systems.

Read More: Tim Walz Knows How to Talk About Climate Change

“As I sign this legislation, communities from one end of our state to the other are looking at months of rebuilding after an extreme weather event exacerbated by climate change. This is a measure that will help protect our environment and get the clean energy projects that are going to help fight climate change in motion,” Walz said in a June press release about the bill that streamlines the permitting process. “Together we’re taking meaningful steps to combat climate change.”

U.S.-Mexico border

Hailing from a northern state, Walz has not been a major voice in U.S.-Mexico border policy discussions. However, his past record on immigration issues suggests that he is likely to push for reform that offers a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented migrants.

As Minnesota’s governor, he signed bills that provided health insurance coverage regardless of immigration status and made undocumented immigrants eligible for state driver’s licenses. He also signed a bill that allowed the state’s nearly 81,000 undocumented immigrants to receive free tuition at a state university.

In 2021 he urged Democratic leaders in Congress to prioritize creating a pathway to citizenship for some undocumented immigrants, including “Dreamers” brought to the U.S. as children, essential workers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS) holders, and their families. 

And although he voted for stricter screenings for Syrian and Iraqi refugees while serving in Congress as a House member from Minnesota, as governor he later authorized the state government to consent to refugee resettlement: “The inn is not full in Minnesota,” he said in 2019 .

Read More: How Kamala Harris Got To Yes on Tim Walz

Walz has offered a preview of how he’ll campaign on border issues, making several television appearances where he aligns himself with Harris in trying to flip the script on immigration by criticizing former President Donald Trump. “There’s no reason someone seeking asylum, which we will always be a guiding light for, should have to wait seven years to have that adjudicated,” Walz told CNN on July 30, signaling his support for a failed bipartisan border funding bill negotiated in the Senate that would have allowed migrants to be placed in a supervision program and have their asylum case decided within 90 days. Trump urged House Republicans to kill the deal in early 2024. “He's not interested in solving the problem,” Walz added.

He’s also criticized Trump’s pledge to finish construction of a wall along the southern border, claiming that it won’t curb the rise in illegal border crossings: “I always say, let me know how high it is. If it's 25 feet, then I'll invest in the 30-foot ladder factory,” Walz told CNN. “That's not how you stop this. You stop this using electronics, you stop it using more border control agents, and you stop it by having a legal system that allows for that tradition of allowing folks to come here, just like my relatives did to come here, be able to work and establish the American dream.”


Walz has not spoken extensively about the Israel-Gaza conflict, though his stance appears broadly aligned with the Biden-Harris Administration: “The situation in Gaza is intolerable,” Walz told CNN in March . “And I think trying to find a solution, a lasting two-state solution, certainly the President's move towards humanitarian aid and asking us to get to a ceasefire…”

While in Congress, Walz supported pro-Israel resolutions, including voting to condemn a United Nations resolution affirming that Israeli settlements in the West Bank are illegal. He also traveled to Israel as part of a diplomatic trip to the Middle East in 2009 and met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Democratic Majority for Israel, an advocacy group that supports pro-Israel policies, praised the Walz pick shortly after the announcement.

Walz condemned Hamas following its Oct. 7, 2023 attack on Israel during which 1,200 people were killed and more than 250 taken hostage. He also supported a deal to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza as Israel launched a devastating assault on the region after Oct. 7. “The vast majority of Palestinians are not Hamas, and Hamas does not represent the Palestinian people,” he wrote on social media on Oct. 20. “We cannot let terrorists like Hamas win.” Several progressive Democrats who have been critical of Israel have also come out in support of Walz as Harris’ running mate.

Gun control 

Walz’s stance on gun control has changed over the years. A gun owner and supporter of the Second Amendment, Walz had an “A” rating from the National Rifle Association (NRA) while in Congress—but that later turned into an “F.” During his first campaign for governor in 2018, he began to champion more gun-control measures. After a gunman opened fire in 2018 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida and killed 17 people, Walz publicly expressed support for an assault weapons ban.

“I had an A rating from the NRA. Now I get straight F’s. And I sleep just fine,” he said in a post on X on July 27.

In 2023, he signed several gun-control measures into law, expanding universal background checks to private party transfers of pistols and semiautomatic weapons, as well as creating a “red flag” law that allows a family member, guardian, city or county attorney, or police chief to intervene and ask a court to take weapons away from someone if they’re at high risk of hurting themselves or others.

“As a veteran, gun-owner, hunter, and dad, I know basic gun safety isn’t a threat to the Second Amendment—it’s about keeping our kids safe,” Walz said in a press release at the time. “There’s no place for weapons of war in our schools, churches, banks, or anywhere else people are just trying to live their lives.”


As governor, Walz advocated for a historically progressive overhaul of Minnesota’s economy, passing a series of reforms that some progressives hope could be a model for the federal government if Democrats win control of the House and Senate. 

Walz pushed for pro-labor legislation, signing a bill into law last year that established statewide sick and medical leave, banned non-compete agreements, and added worker safety requirements. The United Auto Workers (UAW), which has endorsed Harris and is one of the nation’s largest union groups, celebrated Harris’ decision to name Walz as her running mate: "Tim Walz doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk," the UAW wrote on social media. "From delivering for working-class Americans to standing with the UAW on our picket line last year, we know which side he's on." 

As governor, Walz also signed the Local Jobs and Projects Plan , which gave roughly $1.9 billion to support construction and renovation projects, including affordable housing projects.

His administration provided tax cuts to many Minnesota residents, while raising taxes on some corporations and high earners. In addition, he provided rebates known as “Walz checks” for low- and middle-income families, which are worth up to $1,300 in some cases, and he championed a statewide child tax credit of up to $1,750 per child.

Paid leave, free school meals, and other issues 

Walz has taken a progressive stance on several family issues. In 2023, he signed a bill that provides paid family and medical leave into law, saying at the time that the move is “ensuring Minnesotans no longer have to make the choice between a paycheck and taking time off to care for a new baby or a sick family member.” The program, which will start in 2026 , will allow workers up to 12 weeks a year off with partial pay to take care of a newborn baby or a sick relative, and up to 12 weeks to recover if they themselves are seriously ill.

A former teacher, Walz has also supported funding for a program that provides free school meals to children. In 2023, Walz signed into law the North Star Promise Scholarship Program to provide public higher education in Minnesota tuition-free for eligible low-income students.

Walz has also signed legislation legalizing recreational marijuana and establishing a board that would expunge or resentence lower-level cannabis convictions.

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Write to Nik Popli at [email protected]

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Statement of changes to the Immigration Rules: HC 556, 19 February 2024 (accessible version)

Published 19 February 2024

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  • APP SW1 to APP SW5
  • APP SOL1 and APP SOL2
  • APP UKR19 to APP UKR25
  • APP UKR27 to APP UKR29

Before the end of each review period, the Secretary of State undertakes to review all of the relevant Immigration Rules including any Relevant Rule amended or added by these changes. The Secretary of State will set out the conclusions of the review in a report and publish the report.

The report must in particular:

  • (a) consider each of the Relevant Rules and whether or not each Relevant Rule achieves its objectives and is still appropriate; and
  • (b) assess whether those objectives remain appropriate and, if so, the extent to which they could be achieved with a system that imposes less regulation.

“Review period” means:

(a) the period of five years beginning on 6 April 2017; and

(b) subject to the paragraph below, each successive period of five years.

If a report under this provision is published before the last day of the review period to which it relates, the following review period is to begin with the day on which that report is published.

“Relevant Rule” means an Immigration Rule which:

  • imposes requirements, restrictions or conditions, or sets standards, in relation to any activity carried on by a business or voluntary or community body; or
  • relates to the securing of compliance with, or the enforcement of, requirements, restrictions, conditions or standards which relate to any activity carried on by a business or voluntary or community body.

Changes to the Introduction

INTRO1. In paragraph 6.2(b) for the definition of “Youth Mobility Scheme”, substitute:

““Youth Mobility Scheme route” means any of the following:

  • (i) Appendix Youth Mobility Scheme; or
  • (ii) the route in Appendix T5 (Temporary Worker) Youth Mobility Scheme, under the rules in force between 1 December 2020 and 10 October 2021(inclusive); or
  • (iii) the Tier 5 (Youth Mobility Scheme) route under part 6A of the rules in force before 1 December 2020; or
  • (iv) the Working Holidaymaker route under Part 4 of the rules in force before 1 November 2008.”.

INTRO2. In paragraph 6.2(b), in the definition of “Ukraine Scheme”, delete

“Ukraine Family Scheme”.

Changes to Part 8

8.1. In paragraph 319D(b)(vi), for “condition set out in Part 15 of these Rules”, substitute “ATAS condition in Appendix ATAS”.

Changes to Part 9

9.1 In paragraph 9.1.1(l), after “9.7.3” insert “, 9.8.1 to 9.8.8, 9.9.1 to 9.9.2,”.

Changes to Appendix Skilled Worker

APP SW1. For SW 6.1, substitute:

“SW 6.1. The applicant must be sponsored for a job in an eligible occupation code (or, where relevant, an eligible job within an occupation code) listed as eligible in Appendix Skilled Occupations or Appendix Shortage Occupation List, subject to SW 6.1A. and SW 6.2.

SW 6.1A. If the applicant:

  • (a) is applying for permission to stay; and
  • (b) was previously granted permission as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in the occupation code “6145 Care workers and home carers” or “6146 Senior care workers”, under the Rules in force before 11 March 2024; and
  • (c) since then, has continuously had permission as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in either or both these occupation codes (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded); and
  • (d) is applying to continue working with the same sponsor as in their most recent grant of permission, the Care Quality Commission regulation requirement for these occupation codes does not apply.”.

APP SW2. At the start of SW 29.1, for “The applicant”, substitute “Subject to SW29.1A, the applicant”.

APP SW3. After SW 29.1, insert:

“SW 29.1A.    In SW 29.1(a) and (b), P must not have (or be applying for) entry clearance or permission to stay as a Skilled Worker sponsored for a job in the occupation code “6145 Care workers and home carers” or “6146 Senior care workers”, unless P:

  • (a) was (or is being) granted entry clearance or permission to stay as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in the occupation code “6145 Care workers and home carers” or “6146 Senior care workers”, under the rules in force before 11 March 2024; and
  • (b) since the grant of entry clearance or permission to stay in (a), P has continuously had permission as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in either or both these occupation codes (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded).”.

APP SW4. At the start of SW 32A.1, for “The applicant”, substitute “Subject to SW 29.1A, the applicant”.

APP SW5. After SW 32A.1, insert:

“SW 32A.2.    In Appendix Children, where CHI 3.1 (a) or (b) refer to the applicant applying as the child of a person (P), P must not be a Skilled Worker sponsored for a job in the occupation code “6145 Care workers and home carers” or “6146 Senior care workers”, unless:

  • (i) was (or is being) granted entry clearance or permission to stay as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in the occupation code “6145 Care workers and home carers” or “6146 Senior care workers”, under the rules in force before 11 March 2024; and
  • (ii) since the grant of entry clearance or permission to stay in (i), P has continuously had permission as a Skilled Worker, sponsored in either or both these occupation codes (except that where paragraph 39E applies, that period of overstaying will be disregarded); or
  • (b) the applicant was born in the UK.”.

Changes to Appendix Skilled Occupations

APP SO1. In Table 1, after “6146 Senior care workers”, insert “ – Jobs with a working location in England are only eligible in this occupation code where the sponsor holds registration with the Care Quality Commission and is currently carrying on a regulated activity.”.

Changes to Appendix Shortage Occupation List

APP SOL1. In Table 1, for “6146 Senior care workers – all jobs”, substitute “6146 Senior care workers – Jobs with a working location in England are only eligible in this occupation code where the sponsor holds registration with the Care Quality Commission and is currently carrying on a regulated activity.”.

APP SOL2. In Table 3, after “6145 Care workers and home carers”, insert “– Jobs with a working location in England are only eligible in this occupation code where the sponsor holds registration with the Care Quality Commission and is currently carrying on a regulated activity.”.

Changes to Appendix Ukraine Scheme

APP UKR1. For the introduction, substitute:

“Immigration Rules Appendix Ukraine Scheme

This Appendix sets out two routes for those affected by the conflict in Ukraine: the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme for those making applications outside of the UK and the Ukraine Extension Scheme for those who are in the UK.

Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme

A Ukrainian national who is outside the UK may qualify under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme if they have an Approved Sponsor who will provide them with accommodation for at least 6 months.

A child who is not applying with, or intending to join, their parent or legal guardian in the UK must have an Approved Sponsor who was approved for the child by a Local Authority before the application is made, and must have agreed to accommodate the child for at least 18 months or until the child is 18 years old (whichever is soonest), so long as the child is sponsored for at least 6 months .

Immediate family members of a Ukrainian national who are not themselves Ukrainian may also qualify under the Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme.

Ukraine Extension Scheme

A Ukrainian national in the UK may qualify under the Ukraine Extension Scheme if they held immigration permission on or between 18 March 2022 and 16 November 2023, or if their last permission ended after 1 January 2022. Applications to this scheme must be made on or before 16 May 2024.

A person who has immigration permission as a partner or child of a Ukrainian national who qualifies under the Ukraine Extension Scheme, who is not themselves a Ukrainian national, may also qualify under the Ukraine Extension Scheme.

Children born in the UK to those who have permission under the Ukraine Scheme (and the now closed Ukraine Family Scheme) are eligible to apply under the Ukraine Extension Scheme.

The Ukraine Family Scheme (which was available to eligible Ukrainian nationals with an eligible UK based family member sponsor) closed to new applications at 15:00GMT on 19 February 2024.

Further information on immigration issues related to Ukraine is available in the guidance ‘UK visa support for Ukrainian nationals’ which can be found at family-members-of-british-nationals-in-ukraine-and-ukrainian- nationals-in-ukraine-and-the-uk .”.

APP UKR2. Delete UKR 1.1. to UKR 10.2.

APP UKR3. In UKR 11.1, for “Ukraine Scheme” substitute “Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme”.

APP UKR4. In UKR 11.3(b), for “Homes for Ukraine Scheme” substitute “Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme”.

APP UKR5. In UKR 11.3A, for “they” substitute “the applicant”.

APP UKR6.  In UKR 11.3A(a), for “applicant” substitute “they”.

APP UKR7. In UKR 11.3A(b), for “applicant” substitute” “they”.

APP UKR8. In UKR 11.3A(c), for “applicant” substitute “they”.

APP UKR9. In UKR 12.1, for “(g) to (h)”, substitute:

  • “(g) 9.8.1. to 9.8.8. (previous breach of immigration laws); or
  • (h) 9.9.1. to 9.9.2. (failure to provide required information); or
  • (i) 9.10.1. to 9.10.2. (admissibility to the Common Travel Area or other countries); or
  • (j) 9.14.1. to 9.20.2. and 9.23.1. to 9.24.1. (grounds for refusal and cancellation on arrival).”.

APP UKR10. In UKR 15.3, for “Homes for Ukraine Scheme” substitute “Homes for Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme”.

APP UKR11. In UKR 18.1, for “qualifies” substitute “who has been granted under or is applying under and qualifies”.

APP UKR12. In UKR 18.1.(c), after “18” insert “on the date of application”.

APP UKR13. In UKR 19A.1, after “guardian” for “to” substitute “in”.

APP UKR14. In UKR 19A.2.(b), after “parent” insert “or legal guardian”.

APP UKR15. In UKR 19B.1, for “parental consent” substitute “consent from a parent or legal guardian”.

APP UKR16. In UKR 19B.1.(b), after “authorities” insert “in the country the applicant is residing in”.

APP UKR17. In UKR 19B.1.(b), for “consul” substitute “Embassy or Consulate”.

APP UKR18. In UKR 20.1, for “36” substitute “18”.

APP UKR19. In UKR 21.1, after “apply” insert “pursuant to UKR 21.2”.

APP UKR20. In UKR 21.2, delete “be made before 16 May 2024 and”.

APP UKR21. In UKR 21.2(c), for “.” substitute “; and”.

APP UKR22. After UKR 21.2(c), insert:

  • “(d) the applicant must have made the application on or before 23:59 on 16 May 2024, unless the applicant is born in the UK to a parent who has permission under Appendix Ukraine Scheme (and the now closed Ukraine Family Scheme).”.

APP UKR23. In UKR 21.3.(a), after “January” insert “2022”.

APP UKR24. In UKR 21.3(b), for “.”, substitute “; or”.

APP UKR25. After UKR 21.3(b), insert:

  • “(c) they are a child born in the UK to a parent who was granted permission under Appendix Ukraine Scheme (and the now closed Ukraine Family Scheme) after 16 November 2023.”.

APP UKR26. In UKR 22.1, for “(g) to (h)”, substitute:

APP UKR27. In UKR 25.1, after “parents” insert “or a legal guardian”.

APP UKR28. In UKR 28.1(b), for “the Ukraine Scheme.” substitute “this Appendix, unless;”.

APP UKR29. After UKR 28.1(b), insert:

  • “(c) where the applicant is a child born in the UK to a parent who qualifies under UKR 21.3 and is granted permission at the same time as the applicant, the applicant will be granted permission in line with that parent; or
  • (d) where the applicant is a child born in the UK to a parent who has permission under the Ukraine Scheme (and the now closed Ukraine Family Scheme) the applicant will be granted permission in line with that parent; or
  • (e) where the applicant is a child born in the UK where both parents are in the UK and either qualify under UKR 21.3 and are granted permission at the same time as the applicant or have permission granted under the Ukraine Scheme (and the now closed the Ukraine Family Scheme), the applicant will be granted permission in line with the parent whose permission expires last.”.

This Statement of Changes can be viewed at .  ↩

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Physical therapy graduate to serve U.S. military soldiers and veterans

Lemir Lira

August 12, 2024  | Erin Bluvas,  [email protected]

Growing up in Canada, Lemir Lira felt like he got to travel the world without even leaving his hometown. “Toronto was such a diverse and multicultural city that exposed me to different foods, music and customs,” he says.

After studying psychology at York University, Lira moved back to Houston, Texas, where he was born. He spent a couple years working with youth in underserved communities before enlisting in the U.S. Army.

Following Basic Training and Airborne School, Lira found himself stationed at Ft. Liberty in North Carolina. He also found himself afflicted by some minor orthopedic injuries and setbacks.

Lemir Lira

“This is where my exposure to physical therapy in the military setting began, and I had my ‘lightbulb’ moment realizing I could combine my two passions of continuing military service with the pursuit of a career in health care,” Lira says. “I had a new mission: to serve my fellow soldiers as a physical therapist when they were at their most vulnerable.”

While continuing his military service – first as a paratrooper with the U.S. Army National Guard and then as an infantry sniper with the SC Army National Guard – he began looking into Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) programs.  The Department of Exercise Science ’s research-oriented curriculum and its warm and welcoming staff put the Arnold School at the top of his list.

“I was very happy to hear that USC is known to be a very military-friendly institution, which allowed me to balance being a member of the SC Army National Guard while simultaneously juggling my academic studies,” Lira adds. “I was very lucky to be provided the opportunity to select clinical sites that best aligned with my goal of serving military veterans and active-duty service members.”

Rotating among sites like Shaw Air Force Base and the William Jennings Bryan Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Lira says he received outstanding mentorship from all his clinical instructors. He particularly connected with Matthew Geary , Cathy Arnot and Alicia Flach .

I was very lucky to be provided the opportunity to select clinical sites that best aligned with my goal of serving military veterans and active-duty service members.

Lemir Lira

“I cannot give enough thanks to my amazing program clinical director, Dr. Geary, who always made himself available to meet and discuss clinical site placements that best aligned with my future career goals,” Lira says. “I had a marvelous research supervisor, Dr. Arnot, who put my mind at ease when working on our final program research project. Lastly, I was very fortunate to have been paired with a faculty mentor, Dr. Flach, who continues to inspire me today to break barriers and advocate for our patients and the PT profession.”

After graduating this month, Lira plans to specialize in orthopedics and become a Physical Therapy Officer in the U.S. Army to serve the military members who sacrifice so much and work tirelessly to keep the country safe. He’ll miss the gorgeous campus, the capital city’s vibrant food scene and strolls along the Congaree River.

“My experience at USC’s Columbia campus has been amazing from beginning to end, and the DPT program was designed with the student in mind,” says Lira, who appreciated the small class sizes and mentorship from faculty and upper-class members from day one. “I know that my degree and time spent at USC has best prepared me to serve soldiers by instilling in me the importance of seeking the most current evidence-based PT practices.”    

physical therapy

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The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program prepares top-tier physical therapists to diagnose and treat individuals of all ages that have health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move through an individualized, high-quality, and high-value clinical program rooted in exceptional, evidence-based client care.

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Fact Checking Trump’s Mar-a-Lago News Conference

The former president took questions from reporters for more than hour. We examined his claims, attacks and policy positions.

By The New York Times

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a thesis statement about immigration

Former President Donald J. Trump held an hourlong news conference with reporters on Thursday at his Mar-a-Lago club in Florida, during which he attacked Vice President Kamala Harris, his general election opponent, criticized the Biden administration’s policies and boasted of the crowd size at his rallies. We took a closer look at many of his claims.

Linda Qiu

Trump claims his Jan. 6 rally crowd rivaled the 1963 March on Washington. Estimates say otherwise.

“If you look at Martin Luther King, when he did his speech, his great speech. And you look at ours, same real estate, same everything, same number of people. If not, we had more.” — Former President Donald J. Trump

This lacks evidence.

Mr. Trump was talking about the crowds gathered for his speech on Jan. 6, 2021, and for the “I Have a Dream” speech the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered during the March on Washington in 1963. While it is difficult to gauge exact crowd sizes, estimates counter Mr. Trump’s claim that the numbers gathered were comparable. Dr. King’s speech drew an estimated 250,000 people . The House Select Committee responsible for investigating the events of Jan. 6 estimated that Mr. Trump’s speech drew 53,000 people.

“She wants to take away your guns.”

— Former President Donald J. Trump

Ms. Harris, in 2019, said she supports a gun buyback program for assault weapons, not all guns. Her campaign told The New York Times recently that she no longer supports a buyback program.


Peter Baker

Peter Baker

“They take the strategic national reserves. They’re virtually empty now. We have never had it this low.”

This is exaggerated..

President Biden has indeed tapped the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to try to mitigate gasoline price increases , drawing it down by about 40 percent from when he took office, and it is currently at the lowest level since the 1980s. But it still has 375 million barrels in it now , which is not “virtually empty” nor is it at the lowest level ever.

“The vast majority of the country does support me.”

Mr. Trump never won a majority of the popular vote in either of the elections he ran in and never had the approval of a majority of Americans in a single day of Gallup polling during his presidency. An average of polls by shows that he is viewed favorably by just 43 percent of Americans today and has the same level of support in a matchup against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Alan Rappeport

Alan Rappeport

“They’re going to destroy Social Security.”

President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have pledged not to make any cuts to America’s social safety net programs. Mr. Trump suggested this year that he was open to scaling back the programs when he said there was “a lot you can do in terms of entitlements in terms of cutting.” He later walked back those comments and pledged to protect the programs. But if changes to the programs are not made, the programs’ benefits will automatically be reduced eventually. Government reports released earlier this year projected that the Social Security and disability insurance programs, if combined, would not have enough money to pay all of their obligations in 2035. Medicare will be unable to pay all its hospital bills starting in 2036.

Coral Davenport

Coral Davenport

“Everybody is going to be forced to buy an electric car.”

While the Biden administration has enacted regulations designed to ensure that the majority of new passenger cars and light trucks sold in the United States are all-electric or hybrids by 2032, the rules do not require consumers to buy electric vehicles.

“Our tax cuts, which are the biggest in history.”

The $1.5 trillion tax cut, enacted in December 2017, ranks below at least half a dozen others by several metrics. The 1981 tax cut enacted under President Ronald Reagan is the largest as a percentage of the economy and by its reduction to federal revenue. The 2012 cut enacted under President Barack Obama amounted to the largest cut in inflation-adjusted dollars: $321 billion a year.

“They’re drilling now because they had to go back because gasoline was going up to seven, eight, nine dollars a barrel. The day after the election, if they won, you’re going to have fuel prices go through the roof.”

The price of gasoline reached a low of $1.98 per gallon in April 2020, when Mr. Trump was president, chiefly as a result of the drop in driving in the first months of the Covid pandemic. It rose to a peak of $5 per gallon in June 2022, but has since steadily dropped to $3.60 per gallon in July 2024. The United States has steadily increased its oil production over the last decade, becoming the world’s largest producer of oil in 2018, a status it still holds today .

“If you go back and check your records for 18 months, I had a talk with Abdul. Abdul was the leader of the Taliban still is, but had a strong talk with him. For 18 months. Not one American soldier was shot at or killed, but not even shot at 18 months.”

Mr. Trump spoke with a leader of the Taliban in March 2020. In the 18 months that followed, from April 2020 to October 2021, 13 soldiers died in hostile action in Afghanistan.

“Democrats are really the radical ones on this, because they’re allowed to do abortion on the eighth and ninth month, and even after birth.”

No state has passed a law allowing for the execution of a baby after it is born, which is infanticide. Moreover, abortions later in pregnancy are very rare: In 2021, less than 1 percent of abortions happened after 21 weeks’ gestation, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report based on data from state and other health agencies. More than 90 percent of abortions happened within 13 weeks of gestation.


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  29. Arnold School of Public Health

    After graduating this month, Lemir Lira plans to specialize in orthopedics and become a Physical Therapy Officer in the U.S. Army to serve the military members who sacrifice so much and work tirelessly to keep the country safe.

  30. Fact Checking Trump's Mar-a-Lago News Conference

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