The MIT thesis template in LaTeX

The latex template.

The current MIT thesis template was developed in 2023, using up-to-date LaTeX coding, to meet the current formatting requirements of the MIT Libraries. The title and abstract pages are automatically laid out from information provided by the user. This template includes options to use a variety of fonts, and it is compatible with either pdfTeX or unicode engines such as luaLaTeX. When using LaTeX formats dated November 2022 or later, the resulting pdf file meets the PDF/A-2b archivability standard. A standard TeX Live installation includes all other packages required by the template.

  • Download The most current LaTeX files for this template are distributed through the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN):
  • Documentation Documentation for the template in pdf format Documentation: here . -->
  • Gallery of fonts Sample theses in the font sets defined by the template. Gallery of fonts: here . -->
  • Sample title pages Sample title pages for various combinations of authors and degrees. Sample title pages: are here . -->
  • Overleaf The template is also in's template gallery. , here .--> Learn more about Overleaf at MIT .

This template was written by John Lienhard at the request of the MIT Libraries.

Specifications for MIT theses

The formatting requirements for MIT theses are set by the MIT Libraries, as described at this url: . Questions regarding these specifications should be directed to [email protected] .

The original LaTeX 2.09 template was written by Stephen Gildea in the late 1980s (also in CTAN, here ). That template was edited by many later students, leading to the files archived here.

LaTeX has changed greatly since the original MIT thesis template was written. LaTeX 2.09 was replaced by LaTeX2e in 1994. New engines were developed, particularly pdfTeX during the 1990s and Unicode-aware engines in the decades that followed. Many packages and fonts were developed to accompany the original platform, particularly after 2000; and major updates to the LaTeX kernel began in 2018. Over the years, the MIT Libraries have changed the required format several times, especially as electronic thesis submission has become the norm. The original template served MIT well; but by the early 2020s, it was substantially out of date. That situation motivated the creation of this new template.

An academic thesis, also known as a dissertation, is a substantial work produced by a graduate student to communicate their research and earn a degree. A thesis will typically include a review of the current state of research in the field of study followed by a central hypothesis to be investigated. The bulk of the thesis will then focus on the methods and results of the research performed, followed by a discussion on how the results add to the field in general. Theses are long, highly structured and include a lot of advanced document elements.

latex bachelor thesis template

This template is designed for writing books and graduate-level theses and provides numerous examples and documentation to enable complex requirements. The design features a relatively narrow main text column with an adjacent wide margin to house notes, figures, tables, citations and captions.

  • View Template Information

Masters/Doctoral Thesis

This template provides a full framework for writing a graduate level thesis. It is carefully structured and separated into multiple parts for easy editing. Included are the following pages/sections: a cover page, declaration of authorship, quotation, abstract, acknowledgements, contents page(s), list of figures, list of tables, abbreviations, physical constants, symbols, dedication, example chapter, example appendix and bibliography.

Classicthesis Typographic Thesis

This template has been designed as a homage to the Elements of Typographic Style. As such, it has an air of efficiency and optimal design. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. Sections within the thesis are clearly separated in a consistent way, as are sections within each chapter. The default structure of the thesis proceeds in the following order: title page, dedication, abstract, publications, acknowledgements, contents, list of tables/figures/listings, acronyms, content chapters, appendices, bibliography, colophon and declaration.

Maggi Memoir Thesis

This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look which is immediately obvious from the title page itself and carries through the design of the rest of the document. Three custom fonts are used in the template to match the design and beautifully display your content.

latex bachelor thesis template

LaTeX Templates Information

General enquiries [email protected]

Most templates licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

LaTeX Templates is developed in New Zealand

© Creodocs Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Graduate Education

Office of graduate and postdoctoral education, thesis templates.

The following thesis format templates should help you get started with formatting your thesis or dissertation. Georgia Tech provides free Overleaf Professional accounts for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to use the collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects.

  • LaTeX Template (.zip) - updated May 2020
  • Featured LaTeX templates on Overleaf
  • Word Thesis Template (.docx) - updated August 2016
  • Georgia Tech Engineering Reference Management System (GTERMS)

LaTeX Resources

  • LaTeX Project
  • Set the Quick Build command configuration to: “PdfLaTeX + Bib(la)tex) + PdfLaTeX (x2) + View Pdf”.
  • Use the Quick Build command to compile and view your .pdf file.
  • If you decide to use a “build” subdirectory for output files, you must point BibTeX to the proper subdirectory.

LaTeX is a powerful text processing and formatting tool that produces clean, consistent results. This high-quality typesetting system is a free service provided by Georgia Tech. It is available on many platforms and can be used with the editor of your choice. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

Although Graduate Education does not offer direct technical support, Tech does provide help via campus partners such as the Library and Overleaf (online LaTeX editor). Please check the Library events page for courses on LaTex, or contact Overleaf directly.

Many students have also found useful tips for dealing with specific problems by entering keywords such as "LaTeX formatting table captions" in their favorite search engines.

Most Common LaTeX to PDF Problem

The most common problem we see with Electronic Theses & Dissertations (ETDs) created in LaTeX is the altering of the page size, particularly an increase of the bottom margin to more than one inch, and sometimes an accompanying decrease in the top and/or right margins to less than the requisite one inch. Less frequently, there will also be problems with figures disappearing or changing appearance. The sizing error may be introduced inadvertently during the conversion from .dvi to .pdf or .ps when the program doing the converting defaults to the A4 European page size. Always check your PDF file after conversion, even if your source file looked perfect.

The following fixes have been found by your fellow Tech graduate students and passed along to the Graduate Thesis Office. We hope they help you:

  • First, before converting the .tex file to .dvi, make sure the class header file in your .tex file says something like "\documentclass[12pt, letter]{article}".
  • If you are converting the resulting .dvi file to a .ps file, be sure the dvips options specify "-P pdf -t letter".
  • When you are converting to .pdf from either the .dvi file directly or from a .ps file, locate the C:\texmf\dvipdfm\config\config\ or analogous folder for PDFs in your system. Replace the line "p a4" with "p letter".

Check our frequently asked questions (FAQ) to see if your question has already been answered. Else, contact [email protected] .

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Generic Thesis Template

Generic Thesis Template

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i10 Latex Templates

Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to oliver nowak ., bachelor/master/phd thesis latex template.

  • Click here to open the template in Overleaf .
  • In Overleaf, click on the Menu button in the top left corner.
  • Then either download the source or copy the project into your own Overleaf.
  • Make sure to fill in your data in the lines 38–43 in the main.tex file to update the cover page.
  • If you write a PhD thesis, uncomment line 6 in the main.tex file.
  • The template also works with the local TexpadTeX typesetter in Texifier . However, for the index to be rendered correctly, you need to change the typeset configuration to use gloassaries instead of imakeidx for the index runs. You need to temporarily disable Auto-Sense to change this setting.
  • If your thesis does not contain a table, comment line 58 in the main.tex file.

Seminar LaTeX Template


i10 Master/Diploma/Bachelor/PhD Thesis LaTeX Template

  • Eine TeX / LaTeX Vorlage für wissenschaftliche Bachelorarbeiten, Masterarbeiten, Diplomarbeiten, Seminararbeiten und Dissertationen könnt ihr unter dem untenstehenden Link herunterladen.
  • You can download the i10 TeX / LaTeX Template for master's / bachelor's theses, dissertations, and seminar papers below.
  • Please read the README file in the template folder.

Note: The cover page in the template is provided as an editable PDF - please use a third party tool (e.g., Inkscape, Illustrator) to edit that page.

blue cover, PDFenglish
cover as required by FB 1.1 english

Please report any problems you might encounter while using the template to Oliver Nowak . Internal Info Also available are:

  • A bundle for TextMate containing the most important commands from the template (this will also work with Sublime Text 2: copy and rename the Snippets folder to the Sublime Packages folder)
  • A color palette for the Mac ColorPicker
  • A template for a nice hardcover if your thesis is printed by Comouth

Info: The font used in the template should be Zapf's final digital version of his Palatino Typeface which is sold by Linotype. Depending on your operating system and TeX distro you might end up using either URW's Palladio font or the Book Antigua typeface which ships with MS Office. These fonts look similar enough so you should not need to worry about that (from an ethic point of view you may want to read up on the history of Palatino, though). If you want to include text in external media such as graphics or imported tables and your OS can only handle TrueType fonts, you can find the free Palladio typeface files in the source bundle of Ghostscript .

Editor Recommendation

by Jonathan Diehl The following combination of software will allow you to navigate from your LaTeX source to the PDF and back:

  • Install MacTeX
  • Install Sublime Text 2
  • Install Sublime Text 2 command line tool: ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/bin/subl If this does not work try: ln -s "/Applications/Sublime Text" ~/.rvm/bin/subl
  • Install Sublime Package Control
  • Install LaTeX Packages from Sublime Text: CMD-SHIFT-P, "Package Control: Install Package" -> LaTeXTools )
  • Install Skim
  • Link Skim to Sublime Text 2: Skim Preferences, Sync, PDF-TeX support, Command: subl, Arguments: "%file":%line
  • From Sublime Text 2 preferences, select "Settings - Default", and set "spell_check": true,

When building TeX from Sublime Text 2 (CMD-B), Skim will jump to and show your cursor position in the TeX document. When CMD-SHIFT-clicking a character in the PDF in Skim, Sublime Text 2 will jump to that position. If the autocompletion in Sublime Text 2 does not work (for the references and citations), save all thesis files again using UTF-8 encoding.

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Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Using Templates on Overleaf

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Start your projects with quality LaTeX templates for journals, theses, dissertations, CVs, resumes, papers, presentations, posters, assignments, letters, project reports, and more.

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latex bachelor thesis template

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dalthesis.cls LaTeX Template for Theses at the Dalhousie University

Download files, table of contents.

Download Files Table of Contents 1. Introduction      1.1 FGS Regulations      1.2 PDF/A Format      1.3 Overview of Main Commands      1.4 Caveats      1.5 Current Issues      1.6 Other Similar Templates 2. Package dalthesis 3. Examples of Parts to a Thesis      3.1 Front Pages      3.2 Figures      3.3 Tables      3.4 Algorithms      3.5 Theorems      3.6 Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used) 4. Administrative Notes      4.1 About      4.2 Acknowledgements      4.3 Update History (ChangeLog)      4.4 Previous Saved Versions of dalthesis (and dalcsthesis) Last Update Information and the End

^ 1. Introduction

^ 1.1 fgs regulations.

The final thesis format is approved by the Faculty of Graduate Studies office. Although this format is regularly maintained in an effort to keep it up to date with the prescribed FGS guidelines, it is possible that some additional corrections will be required. The students are responsible for ensuring that their final thesis conforms to the FGS regulations, especially since LaTeX allows authors to override many aspects of the template within their own text. Hence, make sure that you have your thesis format checked by FGS before trying to submit the final copy of your thesis. This evaluation takes two business days (last time we checked).

With this template, we try to provide an example of something that FGS should accept. Students are welcome to make their thesis look as they want, whether by using their own template or by modifying this one, but always have your thesis format checked by FGS before trying to submit the final copy of your thesis. If you notice that this template does not follow one of the latest FGS rules, please let us know by sending email to: [email protected]

^ 1.2 PDF/A Format

^ 1.3 overview of main commands.

The LaTeX template for theses at the Dalhousie University is based on version 2.9 of the CS template, which was based on version 2.2 of the template for theses in Mathematics. The math template was developed by Clyde Clements and Steven Matheson. The basic usage of this template is similar to the Math one. Some features may not be documented here, so you can also see instructions of the Math template at or the basic simple.tex starter file to get started and for the regular bells and whistles.

Declare your supervisor with a \supervisor{} statement and each reader with a \reader{} statement. If you have co-supervisors, declare each of them with a separate \supervisor{} statement and the template will designate them as co-supervisors.

The basic template allows you to not print out the front pages if you include a \nofront command in your file. You can omit specific parts with the following commands: \notitlepage, \nosignaturepage, \nopermissionpage \nodedicationpage, \notableofcontents, \nolistoftables, \nolistoffigures, or \nobib. You can also declare a "draft" version of the thesis with the \draft command.

You can browse the file dalthesis.cls to find all degree tags. For example, the following ones are relevant to the Faculty of Computer Science:

  • \bcshon — Bachelor of Computer Science Honours thesis
  • \bcshoncoop — Bachelor of Computer Science Honours thesis (with co-op)
  • \macs — Master of Applied Computer Science project report
  • \mcs — Master of Computer Science thesis
  • \mec — Master of Electronic Commerce thesis
  • \mhi — Master of Health Informatics thesis
  • \phd — Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Use one of these designations before your \frontmatter call and it will define the appropriate abbreviations for your thesis.

A thesis file may rely on some additional style files. All of them are typically available on a system with installed LaTeX, but if a required style file is not available, you can place their copies in the directory with your thesis.

The basic files needed are:

  • dalthesis.cls -- thesis class file
  • afterpage.sty
  • glossary.sty

Simple.tex ( pdf , ps ) is a sample basic thesis, which may be a good start file to write a thesis. To process it, you also need its bibliography file simple.bib . All these files are available in the directory example-simple.

The rest of this page provides information on including different features in your thesis like a glossary, tables, or figures. They are presented as changes to simple.tex. Taking a UNIX "diff" between simple.tex and the example will show you the items that change to use the given feature.

^ 1.4 Caveats

Page margins.

  • You selected the wrong paper size when you converted the dvi file to postscript (use the correct option for dvips).
  • You generated a PDF file and then, as you printed from Adobe Acrobat, you had the "fit to page" option selected, which decreases the printed text by 93%. (unselect the "fit to page" option before printing)

The easiest way to tell if your margins are correct after printing is to measure where the page number appears at the bottom of a page. The template is designed to print it between 0.5 inches and 0.75 inches from the bottom of the page. If the margin is bigger than that then your method of printing the dvi file has shrunk the margins.

^ 1.5 Current Issues

Although an effort is made to keep the template in accordance with the latest FGS regulations, it happens that a thesis using the template does not conform to some requirements. We greatly appreciate any reports about the corrections, and our first step is to list such issues in this subsection. Additionally, we report here any other reported problems.

^ 1.6 Other Similar Templates

^ 2. package dalthesis.

dalthesis.cls , MANIFEST , thesis.tex , thesis.bib , thesis.pdf , index.html , styles.css , afterpage.sty , glossary.sty , example-simple/thesis.tex , example-simple/thesis.bib , example-simple/thesis.pdf , example-simple/Makefile , example-simple/dalthesis.cls , example-glossary/glossary.sty , example-glossary/glossary.tex , example-glossary/glossary.pdf , example-glossary/Makefile , example-glossary/simple.bib ,

^ 3. Examples of Parts to a Thesis

^ 3.1 front pages, ^ 3.2 figures.

This example uses two sub-packages: graphicx and subfigure. graphicx is a standard package that gives you everything you need for figures. The subfigure package is used here to place more than one picture (each with their own caption) within one figure.

  • figures.tex ( pdf )— latex file that uses figures
  • samplefig.eps — EPS figure to include in the example
  • samplefig.pdf — PDF figure to include in the example
  • graphicx.sty — style file for graphics (you shouldn't need to install this on any system)
  • subfigure.sty — style file for subfigures (Installed on the UNIX system, you may need it for your own system)

Diff with "simple.tex" (< means a line was removed, > means that a line was added):

^ 3.3 Tables

Tables have native support in LaTeX. This one uses a tabular inner environment to give a pretty layout to the data.

  • tables.tex ( pdf )— latex file that uses tables

^ 3.4 Algorithms

This example uses two sub-packages: algorithm and algorithmic. There are other algorithm packages that exist that you might consider too. The algorithms don't appear in any table of contents unless you enclose them in a figure environment.

  • algorithm.tex ( pdf ) — latex file with an algorithm
  • algorithm.sty — May need to install on your own system or the UNIX system.
  • algorithmic.sty — May need to install on your own system or the UNIX system.

^ 3.5 Theorems

The example theorems.tex ( pdf ) illustrates how we can write definitions, theorems, proofs, and other similar parts in LaTeX.

  • theorems.tex ( pdf ) — latex file with a theorem

For proofs and proof sketches you can also use the style package written by Norbert Zeh, nzproof.sty . The package requires the following other style files: amsmath.sty, amssymb.sty, amsfonts.sty, and ifthen.sty, which are likely already installed on the system. This example shows how nzproof style file can be used. Thanks to Norbert Zeh for providing the style file and the sample LaTeX source.

  • nzproof.tex ( pdf ) — sample LaTeX file

^ 3.6 Glossary (List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used)

Previous glossary usage.

  • glossary.tex ( pdf ) — LaTeX file with a glossary
  • glossary.sty — the glossary style file; it may be already installed on the system.
  • simple.bib — the bibliography file

The following is the diff output between "simple.tex" and "glossary.tex", showing all changes (< means a line was removed, > means that a line was added):

^ 4. Administrative Notes

Related links, ^ 4.1 about, ^ 4.2 acknowledgements.

The dalthesis template arose out of the efforts of many people. Particular thanks go to the following contributors:

  • Clyde Clements and Steven Matheson for providing the base Math template from which the CS template arose,
  • Mike McAllister for the main work on adaptation of the Computer Science template, integration of the updates below, and producing this web page, and examples.
  • Todd Eavis, Andrew Rau-Chaplin, Billy Biggs, Srini Sampalli, and Stuart MacAskill for providing examples of how they adjusted the math template to adapt to the FGS regulations as they were getting their theses approved. In particular, Todd provided the foundation, algorithm, and figures of the bigger thesisExample sample thesis.
  • Norbert Zeh for looking over the finishing touches of the template and for providing a proof environment.
  • Vlado Keselj for some major latex hacking to address the FGS requirements that will go unnoticed by most non-FGS people but that are some of the trickier details to integrate simply and seamlessly in the class file.
  • Mike Smit for providing additional corrections from FGS.
  • Li Lei for providing corrections.
  • Sajjad Hussain for providing corrections.

^ 4.3 Update History (ChangeLog)

  • 2023-Mar-2 -- VK: documentation improvements - glossary
  • 2022-Nov-14 -- VK: documentation improvements (glossary): documenting the use of newer package glossaries as recommended by Overleaf.
  • Fixed the way list of tables and figure appear in the table of contents.
  • 2015-Aug-19 -- VK: documentation improvements (glossary)
  • Minor update on the title page, based on FGS feedback
  • Provided detailed instructions for how to produce these in PDF/A format
  • 2014-Aug-07 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2013-Oct-01 -- VK: glossary files added (fixing)
  • 2012-Nov-13 -- Vlado Keselj: dalthesis.cls created from dalcsthesis.cls; documentation improvements;
  • 2012-Jun-14 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2012-Jun-01 -- VK: documentation improvements
  • 2011-Apr-05 -- VK: documentation improvements (figures)
  • 2011-Jan-21 -- VK: front page updates, fixing spacing
  • 2010-Jan-05 -- VK: minor documentation updates
  • 2005-Apr-06 -- Added the "random information" section to document that the thesis must still be reviewed by FGS and that the abstract has a limited size.
  • 2005-Mar-29 -- Added information about paper margins and on not printing some parts of the text.
  • 2005-Mar-22 -- Added a note about how to have co-supervisors.
  • 2005-Mar-17 -- Indicate that the template passes the requirements of FGS. Updated the list of files required by nzproof.sty too.
  • 2005-Feb-25 -- Made the distinction between \submitdate{} (title page) and \defencedate{} (signature pages) since the latter requires a full date while the former only asks for the month and year. If you have a thesis that uses a prior version of the template, you will need to add a \defencedate{} clause with the new thesis template!
  • 2005-Feb-25 -- Added in a disclaimer and indicated that students are welcome to submit whatever thesis format FGS will accept; this template is just a suggestion. Reformatted the acknowledgements section.
  • 2005-Feb-24 -- new thesis class file again and glossary example. Vlado made the glossary into an option of the thesis class so that we can modify its line spacing to what FGS wants. Way to go Vlado!
  • 2005-Feb-23 -- new thesis class file uploaded with some margin and font size fixes. The index was also removed from examples since grad studies doesn't want an index.

^ 4.4 Previous Saved Versions of dalthesis (and dalcsthesis)

^ last update information and the end.

Last update: 05-Mar-2023 The end.

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LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses


Folders and files.

658 Commits

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Latex template for scientific theses.

This template is a general template for scientific theses.

Currently, it is the unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses.

See docs/ or for documentation of the template.

The license of this work is CC0 , which corresponds to "public domain".

The images in logos are subject to other copyrights from other parties:

  • UPB_LOGO_GB_RGB_15.pdf and UPB_Logo_RGB_D_2012.pdf are copyright Paderborn University. Refer to for proper use.
  • UBP-background-picture.* are demonstration files generated using an educational edition of Microsoft Office. They can be used in a scientific context only. For commercial use, please change them.
  • UBP-background-picture.pdf is generated out of UBP-background-picture.pptx and is free for personal use only.

Releases 17

Sponsor this project, contributors 29.

Templates in LaTeX and Word

On the following YouTube page you will find tutorials on LaTeX, Excel, Project and Word created by the Civil Engineering Computer Laboratory:

To the YouTube playlist , opens an external URL in a new window

LaTeX Template Bachelor Thesis

The template file TUW-BUI-Bachelorarbeit-2022.tex uses the document class BachelorBUI.cls, which is based on the KOMA script class scrartcl. For simplicity, save the document class file BachelorBUI.cls and your LaTeX file in the same folder . You can find additional information about the used and other useful packages in the book " LaTeX, Excel, Word ⎻ Werkzeuge für den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Hochschul-Einsatz ".

You can find the files under this LINK , opens an external URL in a new window .

LaTeX Template for diploma thesis and PhD thesis

The template file TUW-BUI-Vorlage-DA-Diss-2022.tex uses the style file TUWBIDADISS.sty and the KOMA script class scrreprt. For simplicity, save all files in the same folder . You can find additional information about the used and other useful packages in the book " LaTeX, Excel, Word ⎻ Werkzeuge für den ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Hochschul-Einsatz ".

In this version, you use the same files for a diploma thesis as well as for a PhD thesis. At the beginning of the template file you choose the thesistype and the language of your work. The thesistitle is given in the language of your work.

Always keep LaTeX installations complete and up-to-date

Windows with miktex :.

  • First start the Package Manager: Start - All Programs - MikTeX 2.9 - Maintenance (Admin) - Package Manager (Admin) and check whether the installation is complete.
  • Update the LaTeX installation: Start - All Programs - MikTeX 2.9 - Maintenance (Admin) - Update (Admin)

Mac OS X with TeX Live (MacTeX distribution):

  • Start the TeX Live Utility. There you can install additional packages and necessary updates.

Word templates

Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Bachelor Thesis Word Template docx 84 KB , download

Thesis Title Page Word Template docx 720 KB , download

Building Informatics Textbook

You can purchase this at the Book and Paper Store of TU Wien (ISBN-13: 978-3-903311-35-0):

Webshop of the Book and Paper Store (TU Wien) , opens an external URL in a new window

  • Top menu level E249-02-Service Unit of Civil Engineering Computer Laboratory
  • Back: list subpages of parent page "Teaching" Back to: Teaching

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Name Purpose Lifetime Type Provider
_ga Is needed to distinguish the sessions of the users from each other. persistent HTTP Google Analytics
_gali Is needed to determine which links are clicked on a page. expires immediately HTTP Google Analytics
_gat This is a function-related cookie, whose tasks may differ. 2 years HTTP Google Analytics
_gid Is needed to distinguish users and create statistics. 24 hours HTTP Google Analytics
_gads Required to enable websites to display advertising from Google, including personalized advertising. 13 months HTTP Google Analytics
_gac_ Required by advertisers to measure user activity and the performance of their advertising campaigns. 90 days HTTP Google Analytics
_gcl_ Required by advertisers to determine how often users who click on their ads end up taking an action on their website. 90 days HTTP Google Analytics
_gcl_au Contains a randomly generated user ID. 90 days HTTP Google
_gcl_aw Is set when users click on a Google ad on the website and contains information about which ad was clicked. 90 days HTTP Google
__utma Is used to record visits and visitors. 2 years HTTP Google Analytics
__utmb Is used to detect new visits. 30 minutes HTTP Google Analytics
__utmc Is used in connection with __utmb to determine whether it is a new (recent) visit. session HTTP Google Analytics
__utmd Is used to store and track visitor journeys through the site and classifies them into groups (marketing/tracking). 1 second HTTP Google Analytics
__utmt Is needed to limit the query rate on Google Analytics. 10 minutes HTTP Google Analytics
__utmz Is needed to determine from which source/campaign visitors come. 6 months HTTP Google Analytics
__utmvc Is needed to collect information about user behavior on multiple websites. This information is used to optimize the relevance of advertising on the website. 24 hours HTTP Google AdSense
utm_source Is needed to tag URLs with parameters to identify the campaigns that forward traffic. expires immediately HTTP Google Analytics
__utm.gif Is needed to save browser details. session HTTP Google Analytics
gtag Is needed to perform remarketing. 30 days HTTP Google AdSense
id Is needed to perform remarketing. 2 years HTTP Google AdWords
1P_JAR Is needed to optimize advertising, provide ads that are relevant to users, improve campaign performance reports, or prevent users from seeing the same ads more than once. 2 years HTTP Google
AID Is needed to activate targeted advertising. 2 years HTTP Google Analytics
ANID Is needed to display Google ads on non-Google websites. 2 years HTTP Google AdSense
APISID Unknown functionality 2 years HTTP Google Ads Optimization
AR Is needed to profile visitors' interests and display relevant ads on other websites. This cookie works by uniquely identifying your browser and device. 2 years HTTP Google AdSense
CONSENT Is needed to store the preferences of visitors and personalize advertising. persistent HTTP Google
DSID Is needed by DoubleClick for advertising displayed in various places on the web and used to store the preferences of users. 2 years HTTP Doubleclick
DV Is needed to store user preferences and other information. This includes, in particular, the preferred language, the number of search results to be displayed on the page, and the decision whether or not to activate the Google SafeSearch filter. 2 years HTTP Google
HSID Contains the Google account ID and the last login time of the user. 2 years HTTP Google
IDE Is needed by DoubleClick to record and report the actions of users on the website after viewing or clicking on one of the provider's ads, with the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of an advertisement and displaying targeted advertisements to users. 2 years HTTP Doubleclick
LOGIN_INFO Is used to store the credentials of users of Google services. 2 years HTTP Google
NID Is used to store information about user settings. 6 months HTTP Google
OTZ Is needed to link activities of visitors with other devices that are previously logged in via the Google account. In this way, advertising is tailored to different devices. 1 month HTTP Google
RUL Is needed by DoubleClick to determine whether advertising has been displayed correctly in order to make marketing activities more efficient. 1 year HTTP Doubleclick
SAPISID Is needed by YouTube to store user settings and to calculate user bandwidth. persistent HTTP Google
SEARCH_SAMESITE Enables servers to mitigate the risk of CSRF and information leakage attacks by specifying that a particular cookie may only be sent on requests originating from the same registerable domain. 6 months HTTP Google
SID Contains the Google account ID and the last login time of the user. 2 years HTTP Google
SIDCC Is needed to store information about user settings and information for Google Maps. 3 months HTTP Google
SSID Is needed to collect visitor information for videos hosted by YouTube on Google Maps integrated maps. persistent HTTP Google
__SECURE-1PAPISID Is needed for targeting purposes to create a profile of the interests of website visitors. 2 years HTTP Google
__SECURE-1PSID Is needed for targeting purposes to create a profile of the interests of website visitors. 2 years HTTP Google
__SECURE-3PAPISID Is needed for targeting purposes to create a profile of the interests of website visitors. 2 years HTTP Google
__SECURE-3PSID Is needed for targeting purposes to create a profile of the interests of website visitors. 2 years HTTP Google
__SECURE-3PSIDCC Is needed for targeting purposes to create a profile of the interests of website visitors. 2 years HTTP Google
__SECURE-APISID Is needed to profile the interests of website visitors in order to display relevant and personalized advertising through retargeting. 8 months HTTP Google
__SECURE-HSID Is needed to secure digitally signed and encrypted data from the unique Google ID and to store the last login time that Google uses to identify visitors, prevent fraudulent use of login data, and protect visitor data from unauthorized parties. This may also be used for targeting purposes to display relevant and personalized advertising content. 8 months HTTP Google
__SECURE-SSID Is needed to store information about how visitors use the site and about the ads they may have seen before visiting the site. Also used to customize ads on Google domains. 8 months HTTP Google
test_cookie Is set as a test to check whether the browser allows cookies to be set. Does not contain any identification features. 15 minutes HTTP Google
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Is needed by YouTube to store user settings and to calculate user bandwidth. 6 months HTTP Youtube
facebook Is used to Enable ad delivery or retargeting 90 days HTTP Meta (Facebook)
__fb_chat_plugin Is needed to store and track interactions (marketing/tracking). persistent HTTP Meta (Facebook)
_js_datr Is needed to save user settings. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
_fbc Is needed to save the last visit (marketing/tracking). 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
fbm Is needed to store account data (marketing/tracking). 1 year HTTP Meta (Facebook)
xs Is needed to store a unique session ID (marketing/tracking). 1 year HTTP Meta (Facebook)
wd Is needed to log the screen resolution. 1 week HTTP Meta (Facebook)
fr Is needed to serve ads and measure and improve their relevance. 3 months HTTP Meta (Facebook)
act Is needed to store logged in users (marketing/tracking). 90 days HTTP Meta (Facebook)
_fbp Is needed to store and track visits to various websites (marketing/tracking). 3 months HTTP Meta (Facebook)
datr Is needed to identify the browser for security and website integrity purposes, including account recovery and identification of potentially compromised accounts. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
dpr Is used for analysis purposes. Technical parameters are logged (e.g. aspect ratio and dimensions of the screen) so that Facebook apps can be displayed correctly. 1 week HTTP Meta (Facebook)
sb Is needed to store browser details and security information of the Facebook account. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
dbln Is needed to store browser details and security information of the Facebook account. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
spin Is needed for promotional purposes and social campaign reporting. session HTTP Meta (Facebook)
presence Contains the "chat" status of logged in users. 1 month HTTP Meta (Facebook)
cppo Is needed for statistical purposes. 90 days HTTP Meta (Facebook)
locale Is needed to save the language settings. session HTTP Meta (Facebook)
pl Required for Facebook Pixel. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
lu Required for Facebook Pixel. 2 years HTTP Meta (Facebook)
c_user Required for Facebook Pixel. 3 months HTTP Meta (Facebook)
bcookie Is needed to store browser data (marketing/tracking). 2 years HTTP LinkedIn
li_oatml Is needed to identify LinkedIn members outside of LinkedIn for advertising and analytics purposes. 1 month HTTP LinkedIn
BizographicsOptOut Is needed to save privacy settings. 10 years HTTP LinkedIn
li_sugr Is needed to store browser data (marketing/tracking). 3 months HTTP LinkedIn
UserMatchHistory Is needed to provide advertising or retargeting (marketing/tracking). 30 days HTTP LinkedIn
linkedin_oauth_ Is needed to provide cross-page functionality. session HTTP LinkedIn
lidc Is needed to store performed actions on the website (marketing/tracking). 1 day HTTP LinkedIn
bscookie Is needed to store performed actions on the website (marketing/tracking). 2 years HTTP LinkedIn
X-LI-IDC Is needed to provide cross-page functionality (marketing/tracking). session HTTP LinkedIn
AnalyticsSyncHistory Stores the time when the user was synchronized with the "lms_analytics" cookie. 30 days HTTP LinkedIn
lms_ads Is needed to identify LinkedIn members outside of LinkedIn. 30 days HTTP LinkedIn
lms_analytics Is needed to identify LinkedIn members for analytics purposes. 30 days HTTP LinkedIn
li_fat_id Required for indirect member identification used for conversion tracking, retargeting and analytics. 30 days HTTP LinkedIn
U Is needed to identify the browser. 3 months HTTP LinkedIn
_guid Is needed to identify a LinkedIn member for advertising via Google Ads. 90 days HTTP LinkedIn

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Examples of simple beautiful PhD theses

Please share the simplest, most beautiful PhD / master's theses you've ever seen. Looking for ideas for layout (medicine). Source code appreciated.

  • book-design
  • lyx-layouts

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  • 2 Should this be community-wiki? –  Sean Allred Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 3:11
  • 4 You can find some theses between answers to Showcase of beautiful ... –  Ignasi Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 6:58
  • 6 IMHO beauty is in the eye of the beholder. :) I strongly believe this question would be better off merged in the showcase thread indicated by Ignasi than standing as a question on its own. Note that many universities have strict policies on how a thesis should look, so at the end of the day you are stuck with their requirements. –  Paulo Cereda Commented Mar 8, 2014 at 11:56

3 Answers 3

Aaron Turon created a beautiful thesis . His colophon:

This document was typeset using LATEX, with a mixture of classicthesis developed by André Miede and tufte-latex, which is based on Edward Tufte’s Beautiful Evidence. The bibliography was processed by Biblatex. Robert Slimbach’s Minion Pro acts as both the text and display type-face. Sans-serif text is typeset in Slimbach and Carol Twombly’s Myriad Pro; monospaced text uses Jim Lyles’s Bitstream Vera Mono (“Bera Mono”). Donald Knuth’s Computer Modern is used throughout, but I’m not saying where.

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  • 24 It would be nice to have the sources. –  Heiko Oberdiek Commented Sep 29, 2015 at 19:55
  • 1 Is the .tex file anywhere? –  Damian Commented Nov 6, 2017 at 23:20
  • I wrote him an email asking for it, but did not get an answer. Thus, I tried to rebuild his thesis template for my own and will make it available, once I finished writing (hopefully soonish). –  asante Commented Jul 24, 2019 at 17:38
  • 2 @burningfuses I'm not finished with writing my thesis, but an (almost finished) draft is available here: -- disclaimer: the template is most certainly not well written and can use some improvements, but I'm not experienced with writing latex packages at all. So I'm happy about all feedback. –  asante Commented Aug 7, 2019 at 17:11
  • 1 @asante Thanks a lot! I'll try to fix any problems I might encounter. –  burningfuses Commented Aug 8, 2019 at 18:09

The Maggi Memoir Thesis Template is very nice, originally by Federico Maggi. It is a double sided, thin layout that includes index, acronyms, and custom picked fonts.

There seem to be relatively few truly beautiful templates for theses out there, probably because the formatting requirements that most are created to follow simply weren't designed with good looks in mind. I know that was true of my school's requirements. Many are simply Word templates that have been transitioned to LaTeX.

Maggi Memoir Thesis Title Page:

Maggi Memoir Thesis Title Page

  • is maggi memori thesis for book printing? if so what size book could be printed based on the template? –  Strangelove Commented Dec 30, 2014 at 17:04

Just to add to cslstr 's answer, you might want to take a look to the other templates found on LaTeX Templates (besides the Maggi Memoir Thesis Template).

Other good resources with ready-made templates include:

  • ShareLaTeX , which has a "mixed bag" of templates.
  • Thesis-Template , which has various templates from Universities worldwide.
  • UK-TUG , which has templates from some UK Universities.

A lot of contributions can also be found on CTAN .

I agree that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder", so probably you should pick one you like by yourself. Besides, as it has been mentioned, at the end of the day you'll have to abide to your University's standard.

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latex bachelor thesis template

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department.

This version of the template is provided by Vel at , and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing immediately.

Checkout this short video to see how to easily create and edit new chapters as your thesis develops.

Please read the unofficial quick guide to the template; it contains some tips and suggestions on how to modify certain things.

(Updated 27/08/17)

Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

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  1. Templates

    City University (CU) Thesis Project Template - Department of CSE. As a culminating experience for the Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science & Engineering at City University, students are required to complete a thesis or project. This is the LaTeX template for writing the thesis or project report.

  2. Basic thesis template

    This Thesis LaTeX template is an ideal starting point for writing your PhD thesis, masters dissertation or final year project. The style is appropriate for most universities, and can be easily customised. This LaTeX template includes a title page, a declaration, an abstract, acknowledgements, table of contents, list of figures/tables, a ...

  3. LaTeX templates for writing a thesis

    Besides LaTeX templates there are also LyX thesis templates. Share. Improve this answer. Follow edited Jun 12, 2014 at 16:20. community wiki 4 revs, 2 users 95% ... It has so far been used for bachelor, master and phd-thesis as well as the thesis of teachers in their practical year.

  4. How to Write a Thesis in LaTeX (Part 1): Basic Structure

    The preamble. In this example, the main.tex file is the root document and is the .tex file that will draw the whole document together. The first thing we need to choose is a document class. The article class isn't designed for writing long documents (such as a thesis) so we'll choose the report class, but we could also choose the book class.. We can also change the font size by adding square ...

  5. The MIT thesis template in LaTeX

    The current MIT thesis template was developed in 2023, using up-to-date LaTeX coding, to meet the current formatting requirements of the MIT Libraries. The title and abstract pages are automatically laid out from information provided by the user. This template includes options to use a variety of fonts, and it is compatible with either pdfTeX ...

  6. LaTeX Templates

    This template uses the memoir document class to beautifully typeset a thesis. It is suitable for any high-level degree thesis such as for a PhD, Masters or Honors. The layout of the content is in a thin format to promote easy reading and the template features advanced specification of margins and trimming. The thesis boasts a professional look ...

  7. GitHub

    Compile the tex-file (in TeXworks) Finally you want to see the template working so you need to open the file thesis.tex with the TeXworks editor. On the top left you can press the green button to compile the template. Be sure that you select pdfLaTeX in the select box next to the green compile button.

  8. GitHub

    Enter Dissertate. Dissertate is a set of beautiful LaTeX templates for a thesis or dissertation. To date, the software provides everything needed to support the production and typesetting of a PhD dissertation at Harvard, Princeton, NYU, and UC Berkeley, though it will be adapted to meet the requirements of other schools — eventually all of them.

  9. LibGuides: Overleaf for LaTeX Theses & Dissertations: Home

    Writing a thesis or dissertation in LaTeX can be challenging, but the end result is well worth it - nothing looks as good as a LaTeX-produced PDF, and for large documents it's a lot easier than fighting with formatting and cross-referencing in MS Word. Review this video from Overleaf to help you get started writing your thesis in LaTeX, using ...

  10. GitHub

    A thesis LaTeX-template. This LaTeX-template might be used to write a bachelor or master thesis at the Computer Science department at h_da University of Applied Sciences in Darmstadt. It is based on the fabulous ClassicThesis style template of Andre Miedé. It is adapted to the current style guide for bachelor and master theses in the computer ...

  11. Undergraduate Thesis Template

    Thesis template inspired from an Overleaf template. ... ACS. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. Skip to content. ... {\submittedtext}{INSERT NEW TEXT HERE} \degree{Bachelor of Science in Engineering} \degreedate{April 29, 2019 ...

  12. Thesis Templates

    Current Students. Theses & Dissertations. Thesis Templates. The following thesis format templates should help you get started with formatting your thesis or dissertation. Georgia Tech provides free Overleaf Professional accounts for all students, faculty, and staff who would like to use the collaborative, online LaTeX editor for their projects.

  13. Generic Thesis Template

    Generic Thesis Template. A generic and comprehensive template for bachelor's, master's, and PhD theses. Structure, content, and layout is covered, as well as all the necessary technical aspects. The "How To" appendix has plenty of examples, ready for cutting and pasting. It is implemented as a custom document class, thus making it less prone to ...

  14. Latex Templates

    Bachelor/Master/PhD Thesis LaTeX Template. Click here to open the template in Overleaf. In Overleaf, click on the Menu button in the top left corner. Then either download the source or copy the project into your own Overleaf. Notes.

  15. Using Templates on Overleaf

    (If your University has an official thesis template published on Overleaf, you can customize this box accordingly with a link to the template) Write your thesis using the official 'Name of University goes here' thesis template Find your University's template on Overleaf here (insert link to official LaTeX thesis template on Overleaf Gallery or custom Overleaf institutional portal template page).

  16. dalthesis.cls LaTeX Template for Theses at the Dalhousie University

    At an ad-hoc committee meeting on Jun 14, 2012, it was decided that a common Dalhousie LaTeX thesis template to be created, and this site is the result of such effort. A number of other LaTeX templates at the Dalhousie University exist, and here is a list of them (if you know of any other, please email Vlado Keselj at [email protected]): Computer ...

  17. LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses

    This template is a general template for scientific theses. Currently, it is the unofficial LaTeX template for Master, Bachelor, Diploma, and Student Theses.

  18. Templates

    LaTeX Template Bachelor Thesis. The template file TUW-BUI-Bachelorarbeit-2022.tex uses the document class BachelorBUI.cls, which is based on the KOMA script class scrartcl. ... LaTeX Template for diploma thesis and PhD thesis. The template file TUW-BUI-Vorlage-DA-Diss-2022.tex uses the style file TUWBIDADISS.sty and the KOMA script class scrreprt.

  19. Thesis Template

    Abstract. This is a Book version of my "All-in-one" template, designed specifically for those who are working on more extensive projects, like a thesis (thus, the template name). Like "All-in-one", it is designed to be versatile and customizable, making it suitable for various academic and professional purposes, looking minimalistic yet keeping ...

  20. Referencing a Bachelor's Thesis

    Change the new function's name from mastersthesis to bachelorsthesis. Change the string "Master's thesis" to "Bachelor's thesis". Save the new .bst file either in the same directory as your main .tex file or somewhere in your TeX distribution's search path. If you choose the latter method, you will probably need to update the filename database ...

  21. memoir

    31. Aaron Turon created a beautiful thesis. His colophon: This document was typeset using LATEX, with a mixture of classicthesis developed by André Miede and tufte-latex, which is based on Edward Tufte's Beautiful Evidence. The bibliography was processed by Biblatex. Robert Slimbach's Minion Pro acts as both the text and display type-face.

  22. Template for a Masters or Doctoral Thesis

    This LaTeX template is used by many universities as the basis for thesis and dissertation submissions, and is a great way to get started if you haven't been provided with a specific version from your department. This version of the template is provided by Vel at, and is already loaded in Overleaf so you can start writing ...

  23. Bachelor Thesis Layout Latex

    Bachelor Thesis Layout Latex - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document provides information about a LaTeX thesis template that can help students format their bachelor's thesis. It discusses how the template addresses common LaTeX formatting challenges for thesis writing, such as ensuring proper citation styles and dealing with complex coding.