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Department of Physics

Doctoral studies.

Doctoral studies are carried out in individual research groups, combining original research with specialised doctorate courses and teaching activities.

Doctorate symbolic picture

ETH Zurich offers outstanding conditions for a doctorate: an innovative atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories, and an environment that inspires the scientific talents of tomorrow.

The emphasis of your work will be to perform independent research, usually as part of a project. The details will depend on the field chosen. It is expected that you publish your results in international scientific journals and that you write a doctoral thesis, which also will be published. All of this work will be done under the supervision of your thesis advisor. Upon successful completion, you are awarded the title "Doctor of Sciences (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich)”.

On these pages you can find information about doctoral studies at the Department of Physics.

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Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences

Participation in the Earth and Planetary Sciences doctoral programme provides a stimulating introduction to independent research on a scientific frontier.

An ETH doctorate provides an excellent educational preparation for a career in academic or industry research. A doctoral degree generally takes three to four years with support through a research assistantship.

All degrees, but particularly the Master's and doctoral programmes allow people to study at other universities, either independently or through collaborations and joint programmes such as those at the University of Zurich or the IDEA League of RWTH Aachen and TU Delft. The Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences also has extensive research and teaching connections with leading universities in North America and Asia, including the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in Boston, the Tokyo Institute of Technology, and the National University of Singapore.

Enlarged view: Study Programmes at the Department of Earth Sciences

The formal prerequisite for initiating a doctorate is a Diploma, Master's or equivalent College degree, which includes an independent project equal to the Master's Thesis. To enter the doctorate the thematic basis of the Master is of secondary importance. Doctoral students in Earth and Planetary Sciences are frequently, chemists, physicists or even mathematicians. The candidate's eligibility for one or more departmental research groups is the crucial factor, which determines admittance to the doctorate. In order to determine the eligibility of the candidate for the doctorate a qualifying examination may be required, depending on the professional qualifications of the candidate. Usually the doctoral students are hired as assistants, funded from research grants from government, industry or the ETH Zurich. Prospective doctoral students may participate in the writing of a research proposal during their Master's degree by collaboration with a potential doctorate advisor, thereby participating in the project definition. More frequently, however, project positions are advertised internationally and candidates selected from the international talent pool. All doctoral students contribute to teaching or to the administration of the departmental laboratory infrastructures.

Formal ordinances concerning the doctorate are given in the ETH rules of procedure and the D-EAPS regulations. Further information or documents on doctoral studies are given by the doctoral administration .

Frequently asked questions

FAQ Doctorate

The central Doctoral Administration has put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about the new ordinance on doctoral studies .

D-EAPS related information

Your question wasn't answered in the FAQs about the doctorate or in the new documents ? View the FAQ of the D-EAPS Doctoral Administration.

Open doctoral positions

At the department of earth and planetary sciences and associated organisations.

  • Phone phone +41 44 632 86 44

ETH Zurich Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences Sonneggstrasse 5 NO D 51.3 8092 Zurich


Quick access.

  • chevron_right Open positions on the ETH job portal
  • chevron_right Registration and admission for an ETH doctorate
  • chevron_right ETH Library
  • chevron_right AVETH Survival Guide

All doctoral students are automatically members of the Mittelbau association of the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences (VAME) .

The Mittelbau meets regularly to discuss department related matters of interest.

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Department of Mathematics

Thanks to its international focus, the Department of Mathematics offers doctoral students the best possible start to a career in academic or industrial research. A doctorate usually takes between three and five years.

The Department of Mathematics offers a broad spectrum of research areas for doctoral students ranging from pure mathematics, such as algebra, analysis, geometry, number theory or probability, to more applied mathematics, such as insurance mathematics, finance, mathematical physics, numerical analysis, operations research and statistics.

About twenty to thirty doctoral students complete their doctoral thesis at the Department every year: overview of upcoming and successfully passed doctoral examinations.

ethz phd

Research environment

Doctoral students work as scientific assistants and are employed for up to six years. They attend the external page Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics. call_made

The benefits are:

  • internationally highly respected professors
  • research funded by the external page Swiss National Science Foundation call_made
  • offices in the ETH Zurich Main Building
  • access to the Mathematics Library and the ETH Library , access to online publications
  • conferences organised by the Forschungsinstitut für Mathematik to support the scientific exchange of ideas

Teaching activities

Passing on knowledge to future mathematicians, other scientists and engineers is a key part of doing doctoral studies at ETH Zurich. The teaching workload depends on the doctoral student's salary level. Teaching generally comprises:

  • teaching exercise classes
  • organising exercises for a lecture
  • assisting in student seminars
  • interacting with the lecturer and/or teaching assistants (undergraduate students)
  • providing assistance for lectures ranging from basic mathematics for biologists to advanced lectures for mathematicians
  • coordinating and correcting exams

Additional courses

Research lives from acquiring knowledge about current theory and discussing it with experts. During the regular doctoral studies, at least 12 ECTS credits must be acquired to cover the following objectives:

  • Deepening of knowledge in the research field of the doctoral thesis and expansion of knowledge beyond the original discipline
  • Acquisition of transferable skills
  • Integration into the scientific community  

Courses and seminars:

  • wide variety of high-level lectures, minicourses and student seminars: see ETH Zurich Course Catalogue or external page graduate courses call_made offered by the Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics
  • Reseach seminars organised by professors and research groups where experts from different mathematical fields give talks and exchange their knowledge
  • The FIM - Institute for Mathematical Research and the Institute for Theoretical Studies invite academic guests for scientific exchange

Life in Zurich

  • largest city in Switzerland with a top ranking for quality of life
  • charming medieval old town very close to the ETH Main Building and the Department
  • fantastic water activities, winter sports or hiking because of the lake and the Alps within close proximity
  • variety of cultural events and night life, very cosmopolitan  

Further activities

  • The external page Zurich Graduate School of Mathematics (ZGSM) call_made organises language courses and social events such as barbecues and fondue dinners.
  • The Association of Scientific Staff at ETH (AVETH) and the Association of Academic Staff at the D-MATH (VMM) represent the interests of doctoral students and organise events.
  • The external page Academic Sports Association Zurich (ASVZ) call_made offers a wide range of sports that fulfil every wish.

More Information

  • chevron_right ETH Zurich – Doctorate
  • chevron_right Student portal – Doctorate
  • chevron_right Welcome Center
  • chevron_right Continuing education in university teaching
  • external page call_made German courses (ZGSM)
  • external page call_made Language center

Legal matters

  • chevron_right Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the Ordinance on Doctoral Studies 2021


  • protected page lock VMM – Association of the academic mid-level faculty at D-MATH
  • chevron_right AVETH – Association of Scientific Staff at ETH
  • chevron_right AVETH – Survival Guide
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Department of Computer Science

Doctoral study programme.

Prof. Joachim Buhmann

The Computer Science Department’s goal is to educate students to become mature researchers and future leaders in the field of computer science. Doctoral students are part of a body of bright, talented and highly motivated scientists collaborating in research groups. Admission is highly competitive due to a large number of candidates and very few openings. The rewarding work experience is complemented by a competitive salary that comfortably covers the living expenses in Switzerland. Typically, the completion of a doctoral degree takes 4-5 years.

Helpful information

  • chevron_right Doctorate at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right New international students
  • chevron_right General information about entering Switzerland
  • chevron_right Doctoral student and visa situation
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Guide for the doctorate  (PDF, 2.2 MB)
  • chevron_right Forms and documents
  • chevron_right Course catalogue
  • Phone phone +41 44 633 42 23

ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science Universitätstrasse 6 CAB H 37.1 8092 Zurich

Bernadette Gianesi

Ready to make an impact in science and society!

MaP Doctoral School logo

The MaP Doctoral School of ETH Zurich provides topclass international doctoral education in advanced materials, processes and manufacturing technologies.

Join the ETH Zurich MaP Doctoral School for your doctoral studies and drive future transformations in the way materials and processes shape the world:

  • join cutting-edge laboratories directed by internationally renowned professors
  • acquire technical knowledge through customised thematic tracks
  • profit from a multifaceted programme to develop your skills  
  • dive into the collaborative spirit of the School & take on an active role in shaping a vibrant community

learn more sign up

Current doctoral students

learn more about

  • overall initiative
  • more detailed information depending on advancement of your doctoral studies
  • overview of benefits when joining the School
  • upcoming events

Link to sign up page for MaP Doctoral School

Prospective talents

open doctoral positions

Questions & Support

Klara Berg

Social Media

LinkedIn logo

external page ETH Zurich Competence Center for Materials and Processes (MaP) call_made

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Dept. of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering

Students in the first year of their doctorate at ETH Zurich are warmly invited to participate in the Introductory programme for new doctoral students , which consists of several events, workshops and seminars distributed between September and November 2022.

The introductory programme offers a great opportunity to get useful information and build up a network of contacts within ETH Zurich!

More information on the new 2022 doctoral ordinance will follow, please refer to ETH's corporate website on the doctorate at ETH Zurich .

Doctoral studies mean catching up with the forefront of research and pushing it further. Doctoral (PhD) students at D-ITET are individually supervised by a professor. Doctoral studies should take about 4 years (beyond the master degree) and must result in a thesis with a definite scientific contribution to research on an international level. A small number of graduate courses (12 ECTS credits) is also mandatory. A doctoral plan (approved by the supervising professor) must be submitted no later than 12 months after the beginning of the doctoral studies.

Research and teaching

Doctoral students at D-ITET generally hold paid positions with one of the research laboratories of the department. In addition to working on their own research project, most doctoral students are also teaching assistants and supervise student projects in the bachelor and master programs.

Further details on the doctorate at D-ITET can be found in the Download presentation of the welcome event for new doctoral students (PDF, 3.3 MB) vertical_align_bottom .

How to apply

Applications for a PhD position should be sent directly to the individual professors . Applicants must have a master degree from a well reputed university. Admission may be conditional on passing one or two courses at ETH.

General information about the doctorate at ETH Zurich.

Information about professors , laboratories and research areas .

  • Phone phone +41 44 632 33 36
  • contacts vCard Download

Dep. Inf.techno.u.Elektrotechnik ETZ H 87 Gloriastrasse 35 8092 Zurich Switzerland

Legal basis

  • chevron_right Legal collection
  • chevron_right Directives collection
  • chevron_right Ordinance on Doctoral Studies at ETH Zurich
  • chevron_right Rector's Implementation Provisions
  • Download vertical_align_bottom Detail Regulations for Doctoral Studies at D-ITET (2021)  (PDF, 171 KB)

Links & Downloads

  • chevron_right Upcoming meetings of the doctoral committee
  • chevron_right Code of Conduct
  • chevron_right Respect campaign
  • chevron_right Academic Calendar ETH
  • external page call_made Career Center
  • chevron_right Course catalogue
  • chevron_right Doctoral administration office
  • chevron_right Doctoral studies at ETH
  • chevron_right myStudies
  • chevron_right Welcome Center


  • chevron_right AVETH
  • chevron_right LIMES - Ladies in Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
  • chevron_right VMITET
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International Political Economy and Environmental Politics

Phd program.

PhD Program

Our group typically includes around 4-6 doctoral (PhD) students. Completing a doctorate at ETH Zurich normally takes around 3-4 years of full-time research and education/training. All doctoral students are fully funded in the order of around CHF 3,500/month. This means that we recruit new doctoral students when funding is available (see Open Positions ). Around 70% of a doctoral student’s time-budget is allocated to research, 20% to education/training, and 10% to teaching or other services for the group. Completing a doctorate in our group requires a full-time presence at ETH Zurich.

For more information consult the CIS  PhD program page .

Important Information

  • chevron_right Doctoral Studies at D-GESS
  • chevron_right ETH's Doctoral Administration

Open Positions

Please check our Open Positions section to see our latest postings.

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Department of Health Sciences and Technology

Doctoral studies.

D-HEST Doctoral Administration is closed: 01.08.2024 - 31.08.2024 and 23.12.2024 - 12.01.2025 → No doctoral examinations or aptitude colloquia can be held during these periods.  

On 1 January 2022, the new ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate as well as the Rector’s Implementation Provisions came into force.

For general information on the new regulations, please check the student portal at https://ethz.ch/students/en/doctorate.html .

Legal documents and further information are available here:

In English:

  • chevron_right ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (English)
  • chevron_right Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (English)
  • chevron_right Detailed Stipulations of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (English)
  • chevron_right General information about doctorates at ETH Zurich, for prospective doctoral students (ETH Zurich main website; English)
  • chevron_right Information for doctoral students, Student Portal of ETH Zurich (English)
  • external page call_made ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (German; legally binding)
  • chevron_right Rector’s Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (German; legally binding)
  • chevron_right Detailed Stipulations of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (German; legally binding)
  • chevron_right General information about doctorates at ETH Zurich, for prospective doctoral students (ETH Zurich main website; German)
  • chevron_right Information for doctoral students, Student Portal of ETH Zurich (German)
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Department of Management, Technology, and Economics

Doctoral studies in management.

Doctoral studies in management include courses in technology and innovation management, human and entrepreneurial behaviour, supply chain and information systems and systems design.

Involved chairs

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ETH AI Center  

Eth ai center doctoral fellowships.

The ETH AI Center offers a unique fellowship program for doctoral students, designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and a positive impact to society. 

The ETH AI Center promotes trustworthy, accessible, and inclusive AI systems. For this goal, we bring together interdisciplinary research teams of AI foundations, applications, and implications across all departments and look at AI from many different angles like mathematical principles, medicine, architecture, robotics, and social sciences / future of work. We enable research of high quality, industry innovation, and AI entrepreneurship.

About AI Center fellowships

The ETH AI Center faculty comprises more than 110 professorships representing all sixteen departments of ETH Zurich and five external research groups (from University of Zurich and University of St.Gallen). The ETH AI Center Fellowship program is one of Europe’s premier Post-​Doc programs focused on advancing interdisciplinary AI research. This can be inside AI foundations or between AI foundations and application areas. Fellows work with two excellent PIs who are from different fields and carry equal weights in the supervision.

Your mission

Within the doctoral fellowship program you will conduct research that impacts the future of AI. You will be working on your own project (that you will propose) and continuously have the opportunity to exchange with other teams and professorships, participate at faculty retreats, symposia, summits etc. Fellows have their primary office at the ETH AI Center and enjoy excellent employment conditions. The center offers plenty of opportunities to strengthen your career path through an optional entrepreneurial or industry track that provides you with valuable hands-on experience to turn your research into practical impact.

What we offer

We offer 5 - 8 doctoral positions and the occupation normally runs for three years. For Fellows with good progress, it can be extended for a maximum of one year to complete the doctoral thesis (decision to be taken by the ETH AI Center Doctoral Selection Committee, without additional interviews). Starting date is flexible but typically in September.

  • Transparent salary: CHF 72,800 in the first year, CHF 78,000 in the second year, and CHF 83,200 in the third year. The advancements are automatic. The positions are remunerated according to a rate 5 doctoral position at 100% level.
  • Co-mentorship by two excellent PIs of different fields
  • Training and continuing education activities and language courses
  • Services and offerings to support work and family life  


  • you are expected to have completed or be close to completing a Master’s degree in computer science, machine learning, statistics, physics, engineering, applied mathematics, or other relevant fields or are close to completion.
  • you have an excellent track record and must meet the general admission requirements for a doctorate at ETH Zurich (available at https://www.ethz.ch/en/doctorate.html).
  • your level of English allows you to discuss your topics with your colleagues and report your findings in writing.
  • you look forward to working with an interdisciplinary team that longs to find solutions together.

Applications are encouraged from candidates with a keen interest in doing research on interdisciplinary AI topics. Each recipient of an ETH AI Center Fellowship will have the opportunity from two mentors from different fields and often different departments that are envisaged to carry equal weights in supervision. In the application form, candidates can provide preferences for specific mentors and also have to select interest areas in AI foundations and application areas to get a better understanding of a potential research direction.

Candidates select interest areas in AI foundations (AI theory, foundations, methods, and systems) including but not limited to:

  • Mathematical or statistical foundations of ML, AI, and Data Science
  • Interpretability and Explainability
  • Safety, Reliability, and Robustness
  • Fairness & Bias of AI Systems
  • Computer Vision
  • Natural Language Understanding
  • Reinforcement Learning and Data-driven Control
  • Neuroscientific Foundations
  • AI Edge and Networked Computing
  • Privacy-Preserving AI Systems
  • AI System Design & Engineering

In addition they select interested  AI application areas including but not limited to: 

  • AI for Good & Sustainability
  • Augmented Reality & Human-Centered AI
  • Digital Health & Medical ML
  • AI in Finance & LegalTech & Digital Services
  • AI in the Sciences & Engineering
  • AI in Education & Future of Work
  • AI in Industrial & Manufacturing
  • AI in Robotics & Autonomous Systems
  • AI in Retail & Smart Cities & Mobility

Guidelines & Process

Before applying, please read carefully our Download official guidelines for the ETH AI Center PhD Fellowship (PDF, 68 KB) vertical_align_bottom  and visit our FAQs . Applications for the 2025 cohort will be available in fall. Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.

More detailed information on the application process can be found on the guidelines page  which also contains a list of the faculty member and their research interests.

Application portal is now closed.

Open positions at ETH Zurich

About 30’000 people from more than 120 countries study, carry out research and work at ETH Zurich. Find out about our current open positions here. Available professorships are advertised here:

Available professorships are advertised on the website Office for Faculty Affairs call_made

111 open positions

  • PhD in Machine Learning for 3D Computer Vision 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 13.08.2024 | Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry
  • PhD Position - Rethinking Frequency Control in Power Systems 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 13.08.2024 | Power Systems Laboratory and Institute for Automation, D-ITET
  • Adminstrative Assistenz Departementsstab (m/w/d) 50%-60%, Zürich, unbefristet 13.08.2024 | Departement Informatik
  • Events and Communications Manager 40%-60%, Zurich, fixed-term 13.08.2024 | Quantum Center at ETH
  • PhD student in Protein Chemistry and Biocatalysis 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 13.08.2024 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • Leiter:in HR Beratung (m/w/d) für die Schulleitungsbereiche 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 12.08.2024 | Vizepräsidium für Personalentwicklung & Leadership | HR Beratung
  • Information Security Governance Officer mit Fokus Assurance (m/w/d) 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 12.08.2024 | Informatikdienste
  • Spezialist:in für innovative Automatisierung und nachhaltige Energiesysteme (m/w/d) 60%-100%, Zürich, befristet 12.08.2024 | Power Systems Laboratory and Automatic Control Laboratory, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • Business Data Analyst:in / Data Scientist - Institutional Research (m/w/d) 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 12.08.2024 | Controlling / Institutional Research
  • Student Assistant for the ArtEmis project and FEAR experiment in Bedretto Underground Laboratory 20%-30%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.08.2024 | BedrettoLab (ERDW)
  • Coordinator of Hands-On Projects in Automation and Power Systems 60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.08.2024 | Power Systems Laboratory and Automatic Control Laboratory, Department of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering
  • Head of People Operations 100%, Lugano, permanent 08.08.2024 | CSCS - Swiss National Supercomputing Centre
  • Electrical Engineer 100%, Zurich, permanent 08.08.2024 | Institute of Particle Physics and Astrophysics
  • Research Assistant for Hate Speech Annotation (German-speaking) 10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term 07.08.2024 | Public Policy Group / Immigration Policy Lab
  • PhD student in Digital Fabrication and Computational Optimization 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 07.08.2024 | Institute of Intelligent Interactive Systems, Department of Computer Science
  • Fully funded PhD position: Molecular dissection of epithelium-microbiota crosstalk 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 07.08.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Experimental Biochemist 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 07.08.2024 | Institute of Molecular Biology & Biophysics, Department of Biology
  • Fachspezialist:in Kommunikation & Eventmanagement (m/w/d) 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 07.08.2024 | D-MAVT Stab
  • Office Manager:in (m/w/d) 60%-80%, Zürich, unbefristet 06.08.2024 | Institut für Maschinelles Lernen
  • Junior/Mid-Level Sales Representative at Tethys Robotics 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 06.08.2024 | Tethys Robotics at Wyss Zurich Translational Center
  • Field Robotics Operator at Tethys Robotics 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.08.2024 | Tethys Robotics at Wyss Zurich Translational Center
  • Microsoft Cloud Engineer mit Schwerpunkt Client Engineering (m/w/d) 100%, Zürich, unbefristet 05.08.2024 | ID Customer Experience and Solutions
  • Projektleiter:in für evidenzbasierte energiepolitische Kommunikation 80%-100%, Zürich, befristet 02.08.2024 | Science-Policy Interface
  • Doctoral Student: Sensing and Controlling the Large-Scale Anaerobic Digestion of Human Excreta to Minimize Health Risks and Carbon Emissions 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 02.08.2024 | Global Health Engineering group at ETH Zürich
  • Postdoctoral position - new tools to study colloidal gel aging 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 02.08.2024 | Laboratory for Soft Materials - Department of Materials
  • PhD Position in Chemical Biology 2025 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 02.08.2024 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • Elektroniker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Physiklaborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Laborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 - Chemie Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Polymechaniker:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Fachperson Information und Dokumentation EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Laborant:in EFZ (m/w/d) 2025 - Biologie Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Kaufmann/frau EFZ oder EBA (m/w/d) 2025 - Branche D&A Zürich, Lehrstelle 01.08.2024 | Berufsbildung
  • Ph.D. candidate for modelling & optimising highly efficient drive systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 31.07.2024 | Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems / D-ITET
  • Ph.D. candidate for designing, modelling & optimising charging systems for E-vehicles based on GaN devices 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 31.07.2024 | Laboratory for High Power Electronic Systems / D-ITET
  • Administrative Assistant in the Complex Materials Group 50%, Zurich, permanent 30.07.2024 | D-MATL
  • Administrative Supportfunktion im Bereich Finanzen (m/w/d) 40%, Zürich, befristet 30.07.2024 | Functional Genomics Center Zurich
  • PhD position: Learning from Observations and Experts for facilitating Decision Support for Wind Energy Structures 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 30.07.2024 | IBK, D-BAUG
  • Coordinator for Experiential Learning Curriculum 50%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 30.07.2024 | Department of Materials
  • Studentische Botschafter:in für Focus Sustainability (m/w/d) 10%, Zürich, befristet 30.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | Focus Sustainability
  • Head of Machining Processes 100%, Zurich, permanent 30.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | Inspire AG
  • Software Engineer 100%, Basel, permanent 29.07.2024 | Scientific Software and Data Management
  • Doctoral position on Macromolecular engineering of covalent adaptable networks 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 29.07.2024 | D-MAVT
  • ETH Personalized Health Data Service Owner 100%, Zurich, permanent 26.07.2024 | IT Services
  • ICT-Infrastruktur Architekt:in (m/w/d) 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 25.07.2024 | Informatikdienste, IT Infrastructure
  • Administrative Assistenz (m/w/d) am Departement für Biosysteme 60%-80%, Basel, unbefristet 25.07.2024 | D-BSSE
  • Student research assistant in Cognitive and Decision Science 10%-30%, Zurich, fixed-term 24.07.2024 | Cognitive Science, D-GESS
  • PhD Position in Medical AI and Foundation Models 100%, Basel, fixed-term 24.07.2024 | Department of Biosystems Science and Engineering
  • 2 PhD Positions in Environmental Organic Chemistry 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 24.07.2024 | Institute of Biogeochemistry and Pollutant Dynamics
  • Guest Lecturer to teach a Design Studio 70%, Zurich, fixed-term 24.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | Departement Architektur D-Arch
  • Studentische Mitarbeiter:in für die Erstellung von Videoaufnahmen von Unterrichtsbesuchen (m/w/d) 10%, Zürich, befristet 24.07.2024 | Abteilung für Lehre und Lernen, Gruppe Lehrentwicklung
  • Business Engineer:in im Bereich Lehrbetriebsapplikationen (m/w/d) 70%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 23.07.2024 | Lehrbetriebsapplikationen
  • Product Owner:in im Bereich Lehrbetriebsapplikationen (m/w/d) 70%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 23.07.2024 | Lehrbetriebsapplikationen
  • Postdoctoral Position in “Developing Fluidic Devices for Protein Sorting and Ionization” 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 23.07.2024 | Institute for Biomedical Engineering (D-ITET)
  • Postdoctoral Position in Microbial Systems Ecology 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 23.07.2024 | Department of Environmental Systems Science
  • Leitung technisches Gebäudemanagement (m/w/d) 100%, Basel, unbefristet 23.07.2024 | Facility Services
  • Administrative Assistant at NCCR Catalysis 60%-80%, Zurich, fixed-term 22.07.2024 | Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • Fabrication Engineer for the Development of Superconducting Parametric Amplifier Technology 80%-100%, fixed-term 19.07.2024 | CMi (Center of Micro- and Nanotechnology) at EPFL
  • Systems Engineer for the Development of Superconducting Parametric Amplifier Technology 60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 19.07.2024 | EPFL or ETHZ Hönggerberg
  • Wissenschaftliche:r Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Risikokommunikation (m/w/d) 60%-100%, Zürich, befristet 19.07.2024 | Schweizerischer Erdbebendienst an der ETH Zürich
  • Doctoral candidate in cartography / geovisualization / storytelling 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 19.07.2024 | Institute of Cartography and Geoinformation
  • PhD student position on “Topological materials at the nanoscale” 100%, fixed-term 19.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | IBM
  • PhD position for Social Networks and Digital Cultural Consumption 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 18.07.2024 | DGESS, Social Networks Lab
  • Informatikkoordinator:in (m/w/d) 80%, Zürich, unbefristet 18.07.2024 | Laboratorium für Anorganische Chemie
  • Doctoral (PhD) student in Karma economies 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 17.07.2024 | Automatic Control Laboratory (D-ITET), Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control (D-MAVT)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher for the Development of Superconducting Parametric Amplifier Technology 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 17.07.2024 | EPFL or ETHZ Hoenggerberg
  • Postdoctoral Researcher Thermal/Visual Comfort of Advanced Building Envelope System 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 16.07.2024 | Institute of Technology in Architecture - Chair of Architecture and Building Systems
  • Leitung (m/d/w) infrastrukturelles Gebäudemanagement 100%, Basel, unbefristet 16.07.2024 | Facility Services
  • Doctoral Student in Computational Chemistry 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 15.07.2024 | Computational Chemistry Group - Department of Chemistry and Applied Biosciences
  • PhD position in Reality Capture for Real Estate Valuation 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 15.07.2024 | D-BAUG - IBI - CEA
  • Doctoral student in Genomics 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 15.07.2024 | Animal Genomics Group
  • Doktorierende in Baugeschichte/Bauforschung (Holzbau/Dachwerk) (m/w/d) 100%, Zürich, befristet 12.07.2024 | Professur Bauforschung und Konstruktionsgeschichte
  • Interactive graphics in python (Hilfsassistentenstelle) 10%-20%, Zurich, fixed-term 12.07.2024 | D-BIOL Center for Active Learning
  • Front-end Research Engineer 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.07.2024 | Swiss Data Science Center
  • Software / Systems Engineer 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.07.2024 | Swiss Data Science Center
  • Postdoctoral Position at the Chair of Agricultural Economics and Policy 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.07.2024 | Department of Management, Technology, and Economics
  • Post-Doctoral Researcher in the Health Ethics and Policy Lab 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 09.07.2024 | Institute for Translational Medicine, Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Electrical Engineer at Tethys Robotics 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 08.07.2024 | Tethys Robotics at Wyss Zurich Translational Center
  • Bioinformatics Analyst in Basel or Zurich 50%-100%, Basel, permanent 08.07.2024 | NEXUS Personalized Health Technologies
  • Doctoral Student in the Health Ethics and Policy lab 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 08.07.2024 | Institute for Translational Medicine, Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • Research assistant for ultra-long read sequencing 60%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 08.07.2024 | Animal Genomics Group
  • Research Assistant – Closed-Loop Control in Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 08.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | inspire
  • Postdoctoral Researcher for Data Science in Spinal Cord Injury 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.07.2024 | Department of Health Sciences and Technology
  • 2 PhD Positions in Designing and Optimizing Materials for Bacterial-Based Sustainable Biopesticide Delivery Systems 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.07.2024 | D-MATL, D-BAUG
  • PhD position in Molecular Biology & Biophysics 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 03.07.2024 | Institute of Molecular Biology & Biophysics, ETH Zurich
  • Analytik–Laborant – Massenspektrometrie (m/w/d) 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 01.07.2024 | D-CHAB, MoBiAS
  • Labortierpfleger:in (m/w/d) 50%-100%, Zürich, befristet 01.07.2024 | ETH Phenomics Center
  • PhD position in nonlinear laser spectroscopy on novel types of ferroic order and domains 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 01.07.2024 | Department of Materials
  • Postdoc Researcher (2 Years) - T150-01201 BE-FIT SEC 100%, Singapore, fixed-term 01.07.2024 | Singapore ETH-Centre
  • Research Assistant (1 year) T150-01201 BE-FIT SEC 100%, Singapore, fixed-term 01.07.2024 | Singapore-ETH Centre
  • Doktoratsstelle: Dysfunktion der Atmung – Mechanismen und Einfluss auf die Leistungsfähigkeit und Lebensqualität (m/w/d) 100%, Zürich, befristet 01.07.2024 | Exercise Physiology Lab, Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften und Sport, Departement für Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie
  • Doktoratsstelle: Untersuchung der Auswirkungen von sportlichen Aktivitäten bei Patienten mit arrhythmogener rechtsventrikulärer Kardiomyopathie (ARVC) (m/w/d) 100%, Zürich, befristet 01.07.2024 | Exercise Physiology Lab, Institut für Bewegungswissenschaften und Sport, Departement für Gesundheitswissenschaften und Technologie
  • Hochschulabsolvent:in der Sozialwissenschaften für ein Praktikum an der Dozentur Militärsoziologie (m/w/d) 80%, befristet 01.07.2024 | Partner advertisement | Militärakademie an der ETH Zürich
  • Partnership Manager at ETH AI Center 80%-100%, Zurich, fixed-term 25.06.2024 | ETH AI Center
  • Mitarbeiter:in im Bereich Netzwerkinstallationen (m/w/d) 100%, Zürich, unbefristet 24.06.2024 | Informatikdienste, Sektion Infrastructure
  • PhD position on "On-Chip Separation of Proteins for Single-Cell Proteome Profiling" 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 21.06.2024 | Institute for Biomedical Engineering (D-ITET)
  • ICT-System-Spezialist:in (m/w/d) 60%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 17.06.2024 | Informatikdienste
  • Software Engineer (Go) - Open Source Maintainer 80%-100%, Zurich, permanent 13.06.2024 | ETH Spinoff - SCION Association
  • HPC Systems Platform Engineer 80%-100%, Lugano, permanent 10.06.2024 | CSCS
  • Postdoctoral Researcher in Drug Resistance Evolution 80%-100%, fixed-term 10.06.2024 | Partner advertisement | Eawag
  • Postdoc position in the development of in vitro models of the BBB to investigate the efficacy of innovative biotherapeutics against CNS diseases 100%, Basel, fixed-term 05.06.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory & Novartis
  • Postdoc position in in vitro kidney model development 100%, Basel, fixed-term 05.06.2024 | Bio Engineering Laboratory & Novartis
  • Postdoc position in linguistic anthropology — Amazonian languages/cultures 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.06.2024 | Chair of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences / QUANTA project
  • Postdoc position in linguistic anthropology — Aboriginal Australian languages/cultures 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.06.2024 | Chair of History and Philosophy of Mathematical Sciences / QUANTA project
  • Software Entwickler:in (m/w/d) mit Fokus auf C# und Automatisierungen 80%-100%, Zürich, unbefristet 04.06.2024 | Informatikdienste, IT Corporate Centre
  • System specialist for large storage environments and data sync & share 100%, Zurich, permanent 04.06.2024 | IT Services / Informatikdienste
  • Postdoctoral Researcher / Scientific Assistant in Life Cycle Assessment for Circular Engineering for Architecture 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 22.05.2024 | D-BAUG - IBI - CEA
  • PhD Researcher in Identification for Circular Construction 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 08.05.2024 | D-BAUG - IBI - CEA
  • Storage Engineer (Systems Engineering) 80%-100%, Lugano, permanent 30.04.2024 | CSCS
  • Postdoctoral Position at the Chair of Circular Engineering for Architecture 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 10.04.2024 | D-BAUG - IBI - CEA
  • PhD position in Computer Science for Circular Construction 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 27.03.2024 | D-BAUG - IBI - CEA

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Swiss Government Excellence scholarships for foreign scholars 2025-2026 (Incoming) - open to LAC

CH - Swiss Government Excellence fellowship

Each year the Swiss Confederation awards Government Excellence Scholarships to promote international exchange and research cooperation between Switzerland and over 180 other countries. Recipients are selected by the awarding body, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS).

Who is eligible

The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master’s degree or PhD.

What is offered

The research scholarship ( research fellowship ,  PhD ,  Postdoc ) is available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline (who hold a master’s degree is the minimum qualification required) who are planning to go to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at doctoral or post-doctoral level.

Research scholarships are awarded for research or study at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology, as well as the four research institutes. Only candidates nominated by an academic supervisor at one of these higher education institutions will be considered.

Types of research scholarships:

1 - Research fellowships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake postgraduate research in the realm of their PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences, or the public teaching and research institutes.
  • Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only.

Target Group

  • Highly qualified postgraduate researchers from all academic fields as well as young medical doctors.
  • Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Master’s degree or equivalent achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
  • Applicants must be born after 31 December 1989.
  • A research proposal including a timeframe.
  • Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV).
  • Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.
  • 12 months maximum (starting in September).
  • No prolongation possible.
  • The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 1’920.-
  • The scholarship amount covers the living costs of one person only.
  • This scholarship is not a salary.

2 - PhD scholarships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake a PhD at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology or the Graduate Institute.
  • Highly qualified postgraduate students (possessing the required degrees to start a PhD).
  • Master’s degree or equivalent university degree achieved before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). Degree certificate completed.
  • Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV). 
  • 12 months (starting in September).
  • Prolongable up to 36 months. The scholarship is awarded in three steps of 12 months each based on the achieved academic results.

3 - Postdoctoral scholarships

  • To enable selected applicants to undertake postdoctoral research at one of the Swiss public universities, the Swiss federal institutes of technology, the Graduate Institute, the universities of applied sciences or the public teaching and research institutes.  
  • Valid for full-time research in Switzerland only. 
  • Highly qualified early career scientists on postdoctoral level.
  • Primarily for scholars who have not already been to Switzerland. 
  • PhD degree achieved after 31 December 2021 and before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). PhD degree certificate completed.
  • Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26:  1 September 2025.
  • The scholarship amounts to a monthly payment of CHF 3’500.-

4- Art scholarships

Art scholarships  are open to art students wishing to pursue an initial master’s degree in Switzerland. Art scholarships are awarded for study at any Swiss conservatory or university of the arts. This scholarship is available to students from a limited number of countries only. No Latin American countries eligible in this call.

How to apply

1. Select your country of origin according to your passport. For South American countries, you can find the list here .

2. Find out about the types of scholarships available, eligibility criteria and application deadlines for your country. For more information and questions, please contact the address provided in the  list of contacts .

3. Download the  Application Package .

4. Read the  Application Guidelines  and follow the instructions. Prepare your application and submit two complete copies to the relevant office in your country of origin according to the  list of contacts by the deadline.

Deadline: vary from country to country, ranging from October to December 2024.

More information

Read our Focus here to learn more about Switzerland research landscape

  • University of California, Irvine


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Anneeth Kaur Hundle

Anneeth Kaur Hundle receives DECADE Mentor Excellence Award

  • August 14, 2024
  • Honor recognizes anthropologist for mentoring graduate students, fostering diversity

Anneeth Kaur Hundle, UC Irvine anthropology associate professor and Presidential Chair in Social Sciences to Advance Sikh Studies, has been named the recipient of the 2024 Frances M. Leslie DECADE Mentor Excellence Award. The honor, given by the Office of Inclusive Excellence, recognizes exemplary work supporting diversity, equity, and inclusion in UCI's graduate programs. The award spotlights Hundle’s efforts to improve Ph.D. program climate, equity, and diversity as one of the school’s outstanding mentors in the Diverse Educational Community and Doctoral Experience program, established in 2010 by Frances Leslie, then-dean of UCI’s Graduate Division for whom the honor is named.

Hundle joined the UC Irvine Department of Anthropology in 2019. She has held previous appointments at UC Berkeley, UC Merced and Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda. As an interdisciplinary and feminist scholar grounded in anthropological approaches, her research program weaves together several core fields of study including Sikh and Punjab diaspora studies; Africa-Asia and South Asian and African diaspora studies; Uganda and African studies; citizenship, violence and minoritization; feminist anthropology; the anthropology of race, religion and caste, critical race and ethnic studies, the anthropology of religion and critical secularism studies, and critical university studies.

As the inaugural chair in Sikh Studies, Hundle contributes to the study of the Sikh religion and culture in transnational, global and comparative frameworks, including engagement with Sikh communities and the public sphere in the U.S. and North America. She has advised many doctoral students who have benefited from her rich research program and expertise, and she teaches undergraduate and graduate level courses to increase understandings of the complexity and diversity of Sikh experience and their relationships with other communities, including Global Themes in Sikh Studies, Sikh Feminist Anthropology, Anthropologies of Race, Religion and Caste and Interrogating Citizenship. Her work is featured in her monograph, Insecurities of Expulsion: Afro-Asian Entanglements in Transcontinental Uganda ( Duke University Press), several book chapters in edited volumes including Uganda: The Dynamics of Neoliberal Transformation (Zed Press) and The Sikh World (Routledge World Series) and articles that have appeared in journals such as   American Anthropologist , Critical Ethnic Studies, Public Culture, Feminist Review, Comparative Studies in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East , Journal of Eastern African Studies and others. Currently, Hundle is associate editor of the journal Sikh Formations: Religion, Culture, Theory, where she is working with a UCI doctoral student to develop a special forum called “Locating Nikki Haley in Sikh and South Asian American Discourse.”

Would you like to get more involved with the social sciences? Email us at [email protected] to connect.

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  1. Doctorate

    Doctorate. Taking a doctorate at ETH Zurich is an excellent investment for your future scientific career. With 4500 doctoral students out of a total of over 25'000 students, ETH Zurich is one of the universities in Europe which focuses most intensively on research. Doctorates make a significant, fundamental contribution to that research work.

  2. Doctoral study programmes

    The Life Science Zurich Graduate School, for example, offers this kind of programme. There are 16 highly competitive doctoral programmes, run jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The aim is to attract the most promising young scientists from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging education for doctoral students in biosciences.

  3. Finding a Doctoral Position

    How do I find a place as a doctoral student? Unlike at many other universities, the doctorate at ETH Zurich is not organised via an overarching doctoral school. ETH Zurich mainly offers individual doctorates. Each potential doctoral thesis supervisor recruits their doctoral students themselves. In order to be able to complete a doctorate at ETH, a professor at ETH must be willing to supervise ...

  4. Doctoral studies

    Doctoral studies include the deepening of specialised knowledge, the expansion of interdisciplinary competences, as well as integration into the scientific community. Doctoral students coordinate the details of their individual doctoral studies with the supervisor of their doctoral thesis. Open all.

  5. Registration for the Doctorate

    Diploma programmes Teacher Training Fees for copies etc. Glossary Student portal Doctorate Doctorate See overview close Finding a Doctoral Position Registration/Admission Admission requirements Thesis supervisor Required registration documents Registration (eApply) External thesis project Doctoral study programmes Employment at ETH Zurich ...

  6. Doctoral Studies

    Doctoral PhD studies at ETH Zurich's Department of Computer Science. Competitive admission for highly motivated individuals with rewarding work experience and competitive salary.

  7. Doctoral Studies

    ETH Zurich offers outstanding conditions for a doctorate: an innovative atmosphere, state-of-the-art equipment and laboratories, and an environment that inspires the scientific talents of tomorrow.

  8. Doctorate

    Participation in the Earth and Planetary Sciences doctoral programme at ETH Zurich provides a stimulating introduction to independent research on a scientific frontier.

  9. Application and admission

    Application and admission Students holding a Master's degree in computer science or a related field are cordially invited to apply for doctoral studies in Computer Science.

  10. Doctorate

    Doctorate Thanks to its international focus, the Department of Mathematics offers doctoral students the best possible start to a career in academic or industrial research. A doctorate usually takes between three and five years.

  11. Direct Doctorate in Computer Science

    The programme is tailored to the needs of students aiming at a career in research and interested in pursuing a doctoral degree at ETH Zurich. The Direct Doctorate enables students to explore a wide range of areas in computer science and to become acquainted with the different groups at the department prior to the selection of a topic and a ...

  12. Doctoral studies in economics

    Doctoral studies in economics Doctoral studies in economics include advanced micro- and macroeconomics, econometrics, computational economics, environmental and resource economics, the design of institutions, and policy dynamic macroeconomics.

  13. Doctoral Study Programme

    Photo: Ruth Erdt / ETH Zurich. The Computer Science Department's goal is to educate students to become mature researchers and future leaders in the field of computer science. Doctoral students are part of a body of bright, talented and highly motivated scientists collaborating in research groups. Admission is highly competitive due to a large ...

  14. Doctoral study programmes

    The Life Science Zurich Graduate School, for example, offers this kind of programme. There are 16 highly competitive doctoral programmes, run jointly by ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. The aim is to attract the most promising young scientists from across the world by offering a comprehensive and challenging education for doctoral students in biosciences.

  15. Application and admission

    Who can apply? The condition for admission to the doctorate is a university diploma or Master's degree recognised by ETH. To check whether your Master's degree is recognised by ETH and allows admission to the doctorate, please contact the ETH Doctoral Administration at [email protected].

  16. MaP Doctoral School

    Ready to make an impact in science and society! The MaP Doctoral School of ETH Zurich provides topclass international doctoral education in advanced materials, processes and manufacturing technologies.

  17. Doctorate

    Doctoral studies mean catching up with the forefront of research and pushing it further. Doctoral (PhD) students at D-ITET are individually supervised by a professor. Doctoral studies should take about 4 years (beyond the master degree) and must result in a thesis with a definite scientific contribution to research on an international level.

  18. PhD Program

    Our group typically includes around 4-6 doctoral (PhD) students. Completing a doctorate at ETH Zurich normally takes around 3-4 years of full-time research and education/training. All doctoral students are fully funded in the order of around CHF 3,500/month. This means that we recruit new doctoral students when funding is available (see Open ...

  19. Doctoral Studies

    In English: chevron_right ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (English) chevron_right Rector's Implementation Provisions for the ETH Zurich Ordinance on the Doctorate (English) chevron_right Detailed Stipulations of the Department of Health Sciences and Technology (English)

  20. Doctoral studies in management

    Doctoral studies in management. Doctoral studies in management include courses in technology and innovation management, human and entrepreneurial behaviour, supply chain and information systems and systems design.

  21. ETH AI Center Doctoral Fellowships

    The ETH AI Center offers a unique fellowship program for doctoral students, designed to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and a positive impact to society. The ETH AI Center promotes trustworthy, accessible, and inclusive AI systems. For this goal, we bring together interdisciplinary research teams of AI foundations, applications, and implications across all departments and look at AI ...

  22. Open positions at ETH Zurich

    2 PhD Positions in Designing and Optimizing Materials for Bacterial-Based Sustainable Biopesticide Delivery Systems 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 05.07.2024 | D-MATL, D-BAUG PhD position in Molecular Biology & Biophysics 100%, Zurich, fixed-term 03.07.2024 | Institute of Molecular Biology & Biophysics, ETH Zurich

  23. How hard is to finish a PhD in ETH? : r/ethz

    It depends on the departments, the supervisors, the projects, etc. There is no common difficulty level across disciplines. A PhD is just hard in general, expect to work a lot. The sucess rate at the PhD defense itself is very high and some departments and groups have quite specific ideas how to get there (number of publications and conference ...

  24. Swiss Government Excellence scholarships for foreign scholars 2025-2026

    PhD degree achieved after 31 December 2021 and before 31 July 2025 (except: ETH Zurich: 30 June 2025). PhD degree certificate completed. A research proposal including a timeframe. Mandatory letter from an academic host professor (including their short CV). Duration. Scholarship starts for the academic year 2025-26: 1 September 2025.

  25. Anneeth Kaur Hundle receives DECADE Mentor Excellence Award

    Anneeth Kaur Hundle, UC Irvine anthropology associate professor and Presidential Chair in Social Sciences to Advance Sikh Studies, has been named the recipient of the 2024 Frances M. Leslie DECADE Mentor Excellence Award.