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Keyword Planner UI shows “sandals” and “bathing suits” selected to appear in searches for “summer apparel.”

Choose the right keywords

The right keywords can get your ad in front of the right customers, and Google Ads Keyword Planner is here to help.

Keyword Planner UI suggesting “clothing store” and “fashion retailer.”

Find new keywords

Search for words or phrases related to your products or services. Our keyword research tool will help you find the keywords that are most relevant for your business.

A bar graph showing keyword search volume for “retail clothing.”

Analyze keywords

Our keyword research tool gives you insight into how often people search for certain terms–and how those searches have changed over time.

Keyword Planner UI showing a suggested bid price for “clothing store.”

Get bid estimates

Keyword Planner will give you suggested bid estimates for each keyword to help you determine your advertising budget.

Keyword Planner UI showing competition comparison for “clothing store” and “fashion retailer.”

Make your plan

Once you’ve found the keywords you like, you can add them to your advertising plan. Save your plan or share it with others. When you’re ready, you can finalize and launch your campaign.

A Google Ads customer chats with a helpful Google Ads Expert

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Get started with the Keyword Planner

We know that using a new tool can be complicated. Click on the text below to learn how you can get started.

research keywords planner

Create a keyword plan

research keywords planner

Understand your keyword forecast

research keywords planner

Create campaign based on your plan

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A trends graph from the Google Ads dashboard compares your clicks to search interest.

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Google Ads dashboard UI shows recommendations and optimization score increase.

Recommendations Page

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A graph from the Google Ads Mobile App dashboard shows ad performance over time.

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Google Keyword Planner: How To Use The Free Tool For SEO

Don't get overwhelmed by the wide range of SEO tools. Start by utilizing Google Keyword Planner effectively for your keyword research.

research keywords planner

With all the options on the market, deciding which SEO tools you want to use can be a bit overwhelming.

There are many tools for keyword research, competitive analysis, keyword rankings, and all the other tasks we complete as SEO pros.

The number of SEO tools available continues to grow, and it can be challenging to determine which is best for you.

That answer depends on many factors, including budget, team size, and the structure of your business and website.

Do you run a blog or an ecommerce store? Are you at an agency or in-house ?

The list goes on, and you don’t want all those options to give you analysis paralysis.

Google Keyword Planner is one of the most common keyword research tools and has been around for quite a long time.

The benefit of using Google Keyword Planner for keyword research is that it is free and uses Google data.

If you don’t know what to use, Keyword Planner is a safe pick that can provide value to just about anyone.

This article will walk you through how to leverage Keyword Planner for your keyword research needs.

What Is Google Keyword Planner?

Google Keyword Planner is a free tool that assists digital marketers in their research efforts, most commonly for search campaigns, both paid and organic.

It highlights various types of “keywords” or “search phrases and terms” related to your business.

Keyword Planner estimates the monthly search volume for specific keywords and the cost of targeting them with a paid campaign.

While Keyword Planner’s original intent was for paid search campaigns, the tool is valuable beyond search engine marketing (SEM).

SEO pros have been dipping into this free tool for years as a free resource for keyword research.

Why Use Google Keyword Planner For SEO?

Google Keyword Planner offers the ability to look for keyword insights for free.

Many tools require a paid subscription, but Keyword Planner is a free alternative that allows you to conduct keyword research .

Keyword Planner has many benefits, including finding new keywords related to your objective and determining how many times consumers search for these each month.

Suppose you don’t have access to any paid tools yet. In that case, Keyword Planner can help you identify what is essential in a keyword research tool so you know what features to look for when shopping around later.

How To Get Started With Google Keyword Planner For SEO

Now, let’s walk through the steps to getting Keyword Planner set up – and getting you one step closer to your keyword research goals.

1. Create An Account

First and foremost, you need to have a Google account to leverage Google Keyword Planner.

If you already have an account, you will need to log in.

Google Keyword Planner Login screen

Once you have created your new account, log into Keyword Planner .

3. Choose A Task

Upon logging into Keyword Planner, you will be presented with two options: “Discover new keywords” and “Get search volume and forecasts.”

If you are unsure which option you are looking for, jump in and try one!

Mining The Data For Strategies

Discovering new keywords is a great option when you want to expand the keywords, phrases, or topics you cover for your domain.

You can also use a domain’s URL to help filter out suggestions that don’t match your business well. This means that the domain you use will filter out any keywords that are a service/product you don’t offer.

This will provide you with ideas for related keywords, the monthly search volume, how much demand has changed year-over-year, the level of competition, and the cost per click (CPC).

You have the option to broaden your search to include other keywords to give you more diverse keyword ideas .

You can also narrow it down to the desired criteria for location, language, and time frames.

If you want to get even more granular, depending on your search topics, you will be given the option to refine based on options like brand or non-brand, new or used.

1. Discovering New Keywords

Let’s walk through an example.

You are looking for new opportunities to target for in terms of gaming. You start with products or services closely related to your business, such as “Xbox games” and “gaming.”

You will then use as the site to filter out unrelated keywords and run the results.

Discover new keywords adding services and url

2. Location

Now, let’s take your results and narrow them down even further.

By default, it is filtered to the United States and the last 12 month’s timeframe.

You are going to narrow down your location, which also allows you to see the “reach” in different locations.

Reach is defined as the estimate of how many people are interested in the topics you choose on specific sites. It is based on the number of signed-in users visiting Google sites, so keep in mind that demand could be much higher.

Location selection in keyword planner

You will change your location to California, giving you opportunities to reach your California audience.

Using location could show significant shifts in keywords, but it also may not. This depends on your product or service.

There are other filters available, but for this scenario, I will mention the dropdown where it defaults to “Google.” You can change this to Google and Search Partners.

These sites partner with Google to show advertisements and free products, such as YouTube.

Expanding your research to partner sites can be a great opportunity if you are wondering about overall reach or planning to pursue topics from angles other than just written content – like video .

When you look at the keyword ideas, they are sorted by relevance. Keep in mind the top keywords might not be your greatest opportunity.

In this example, you can take a look at the average monthly searches, the three-month change, year-over-year changes, and competition to get you started for SEO strategy purposes.

The first set of keyword ideas is very broad, or head terms, with a lot of volume, pretty flat YoY, and high-medium competition.

So, as you scroll down and keep an eye on the fields we outlined above, some opportunities stick out here.

3. High Volume Broad Vs . Narrowing

First, Fortnite.

Fortnite is a popular video game played across many gaming consoles.

Remember, it filters results based on and its products and services. This could be an excellent opportunity to pursue if you haven’t maximized it yet.

It shows an average demand of 1-10 million per month for California alone, stable demand over the last year, and low competition!

From here, you would dive deeper into Fortnite to decide what strategy and tactics would allow us to perform well in the space.

reviewing the data in keyword planner based on volume

4. Seasonal Opportunities

The second stand-out opportunity is for another game on the list, “Madden 23.”

Pretend that, for the sake of this exercise, you are not familiar with this popular game franchise. Seeing the monthly demand of 10,000 to 100,000, a year-over-year decline in interest of ~90%, and high competition.

These data points could lead you to look into Madden 24 and preparing a strategy around this topic, year after year.

Remember, keyword and topic research doesn’t have to yield net new ideas every time. There are events, products, services, etc., that occur on a cadence, so leverage that knowledge and those reoccurring opportunities.

reviewing the data for opportunities with changes MoM

5. Refine Even Further: Brand, Game, And Others

You can also leverage the “refine keywords” to add another layer.

For this use case, you can filter opportunities by brand or non-brand, game, food, and others. You will filter by brand and choose “Lego.”

Using the refine keywords filters

As you can see, your results get even more granular and present you with specific opportunities around “lego.”

Leveraging the logic we discussed in example two, we see a trend for the “Star Wars Lego game,” which has increased by 900% in the last three months. This indicates that this is a hot topic and an opportunity for you to capitalize on.

You can also leverage the “game” filter in this example, similar to “brand.” The filtering opportunities aren’t perfect, but they can definitely help form strategies when appropriately leveraged.

Bonus Strategies & Tips

1. save money.

Everyone likes to save money, so why not use that data point to help form a strategy?

One of the columns we can leverage for this in Discover Keywords is the “top of page bid (high range).” Sort by this column to view the most expensive keywords first.

You can then evaluate this list in partnership with your partners in SEM for any costly keywords that are a priority for the brand.

Once you identify these, you can decide how to better capitalize on these keywords in the organic search landscape, whether to improve ranking, gain a featured snippet , drive higher click-through rates, etc.

2. Export Your Data

While there are many ways to expand and filter the data, there is also a way to export it to share with your team or manipulate it in an Excel file in a way that benefits you.

Select “download keyword ideas” and choose Google Sheets or CSV file format.

3. Unlock The Exact Data

If you have used Google Keyword Planner over the years, you know Google hasn’t been open to sharing exact search volumes, which can be frustrating, as a range might be from 1,000 to 10,000 searches per month.

This can be a bit too broad, especially when looking at long-tail keyword opportunities .

There is a new “trick” to unlock the exact search volume when you need it in Keyword Planner. Leveraging the “Get search volume and forecasts,” we used “discover new keywords” for the example above, so we’re changing gears.

choosing the search volume and forecasts tab

From there:

  • Enter your keyword in square brackets.
  • Navigate to the Forecast tab.
  • Click the arrow to show the graph.
  • Look for the highest cost on the graph and click on it.
  • Look at the impressions column.

Knowing you selected the highest cost, your impression volume should directionally show search volume per month.

This may seem like a lengthy process and can be a bit tricky, so if you have access to other tools for exact search volume, that would be great. However, if you don’t, this can be very helpful.

4. Understand Your Audience

For international and national brands, don’t rule out the value that exists in localization strategies. I am not referring to just having a Google Business Profile for your brand; what I mean is knowing your audience and crafting strategies for them.

Go to the saved keywords tab and select the keyword you would like to use. If you don’t have any saved keywords, add one and name the group.

Once this is saved, navigate to the forecast tab and scroll down to the locations module. You can view this by region, state, county, etc.

Continuing with our example above, for the term “Fortnite,” the top city is New York City. But Miami is in the top 5; you may consider targeting Miami as one of your opportunities to grow.

That could be a variety of things, but if your goals are to increase awareness and bring people to your website, you may explore written content about Fortnite with contextual information relevant to Miami.

Outside of SEO, you may decide to connect with an influencer with a high presence in Miami. The list can go on forever.

location breakdown by city in keyword planner

You can also leverage the Device section to adjust or optimize strategies you have in place.

For the term Fortnite, we see that most impressions may happen on mobile phones. Still, actual clicks and conversions happen at a higher rate on desktops.

Does that change your strategy in terms of how you create SEO content? Maybe not. Could it change how you align your calls to action on your experience? It could.

device breakdown in keyword planner

Both are great examples of ways to leverage Keyword Planner for SEO, but they should be taken to the next level to drive results.

Final Thoughts

There are many ways to leverage Keyword Planner for various marketing channels besides its initial creation, which focused on the PPC space.

The opportunity to leverage the tool lies in the “how” you use it and the data it provides. We reviewed how to get started, use the functionalities, and leverage that data for strategy.

As an SEO professional, I always recommend using tools to complement each other rather than using only one. However, not everyone has access to various tools.

You can form an entire SEO strategy by leveraging only Google Keyword Planner and maybe some other acquisition strategies as well.

If you are in a position where you can leverage different tools, I recommend reading about these keyword research tools.

More resources:

  • How To Effectively Perform Keyword Research For Ecommerce
  • Top 7 SEO Keyword Research Tools For Agencies
  • A Guide To Essential Tools For SEO Agencies With Sortable Master List

Featured Image: Monster Ztudio/Shutterstock

Tessa Nadik leads the SEO and Content Team at Kelley Blue Book and Autotrader as the Sr. Director for Cox ...

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Keyword Research Tool

Skyrocket your SEO with our free AI keyword research tool. Uncover precisely what you can write for. Elevate your content visibility and connect with your perfect audience.

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Buy a one-time Day Pass for $4.99 to get unlimited credits* for 24 hours, valid across all 18 tools, including premium locked options.

Keep the momentum going! Try these related AI tools:

Keyword Statistics Tool

Keyword Clustering Tool

Content Brief Generator


⭐ You are using a Premium Tool

1. Enter your topic or primary keyword.

2. [Premium Feature] Set the number of keywords & a clustering rule for optimal keyword research.

3. Select your target country & language.

4. [Optional] Add special instructions to customize your keyword research.

5. Click "Discover Keywords"

6. Wait for a few minutes for the keyword list to load.

7. Click the "Download" button to export the keyword list.

💡 Pro Tip: Combine keyword research with keyword statistics to create more effective SEO & PPC campaigns.

What is Keyword Research?

Keyword research involves identifying the search phrases your target audience uses. Optimizing your content with these keywords enhances visibility, boosts organic traffic, and elevates your website's SERP rankings.

Keyword research takes time but should be done regularly to stay ahead of the competition. And, with our free AI keyword research tool, you can do it in minutes! Identify the right keywords for your business, and start seeing results fast.

Benefits of Keyword Research Tools

1. Uncover Market Insights: Go beyond keywords – understand your audience's needs and preferences to fine-tune your offerings.

2. Pinpoint Content Gaps: Identify underexplored niches, creating unique, high-demand content opportunities.

3. Enhance User Experience: Tailor your website for seamless navigation, increasing engagement and conversions.

The Technology Behind Quattr's Keyword Research Tool

Quattr's keyword research tool uses the latest technology to help you find the most relevant and profitable keywords for your website. Our tool is powered by the language models that are also used by ChatGPT, enabling us to provide more detailed insights and accurate data compared to other keyword research tools.

The tool delves into the vast index of search engine data to identify the competition for each keyword. Our tool analyzes search trends and gauges potential search volume, providing granular insights for more effective SEO strategies.

Quattr's Free Keyword Research Tool as a Keyword Planner

Our free Keyword Research Tool leverages advanced deep learning to reveal new and historical keywords, classifying them by specific search intents. It gives you an in-depth understanding of your target market's search behavior.

Ultimately, our tool ensures your brand's optimal visibility on SERPs and provides a comprehensive and strategic approach to keyword research and planning.

Keyword Research Tool - Use Cases

Keyword research tools are essential for any business that wants to succeed online. Using keyword research tools, you can:

1. Target Audience Identification

Elevate your marketing strategy with our free keyword research tool. Gain critical insights into your audience's interests and preferences by analyzing frequently used search terms. It enables you to create content that genuinely resonates.

2. Keyword Competiton Analysis

Stay ahead of the curve with completion analysis. Use our free keyword statistics tool to get the keyword difficulty score for each keyword. This will help you understand how competitive a particular keyword is in your industry, allowing you to refine your SEO strategy.

3. Create High-quality, Relevant Content

With this data at your fingertips, you can make well-informed decisions about your content strategy, ensuring that your website remains relevant and visible in search engine results. It's all about staying one step ahead in the ever-changing world of SEO. So start analyzing your keywords today and set your site up for success.

How to Make the Most of the Keyword Research Tool?

Keyword research tool is essential for SEO and content marketing. Here's how you can use them effectively:

1. Set Clear Goals & Know Your Audience: Before starting your keyword research, you must know what you're aiming for. Your goals will help you identify the most relevant keywords. A prior understanding of your audience and industry will help you select the right keywords.

2. Start with Broad Keywords: Broad or 'seed' keywords are 1-2 words that broadly describe your content. For example, if you run a dog grooming business, broad keywords might be 'dog grooming' or 'pet care.'

3. Use the Keyword Research Tool: Input your broad keywords into the keyword research tool. Quattr's free keyword research tool will return a list of related keywords, their search volumes, and competitiveness (difficulty score).

4. Prioritize High-Value Keywords: Not all keywords are created equal. Choose those with high relevance to your content, good search volumes, and lower competition.

5. Combine Short and Long Tail Keywords: Long tail keywords are more specific and usually longer phrases. Using our dog grooming example, a long tail keyword could be 'best dog grooming services in New York.' They may have lower search volumes, but they often have less competition and can drive highly targeted traffic.

6. Track Your Results: After optimizing your content with your selected keywords, track your progress. Use tools like Quattr's AI SEO Suite or Google Search Console to see how your content performs.

7. Continually Refine Your Strategy: SEO is a long-term game. Keep refining your keyword strategy, stay up-to-date with the latest trends, and always adapt to changes.

Remember, don't stuff your content with keywords. Aim for a natural flow and ensure your content delivers value to your readers. Using keyword research tools efficiently can provide a solid foundation for your SEO efforts and help drive traffic to your site.

The Best Free Keyword Research Tool for Advanced SEO

You already know the power of our free AI keyword research tool. It's fast, efficient, and incredibly valuable. But imagine taking your content game to the next level.

Quattr's Content AI offers even more benefits to help you streamline your content production process. This tool can help you find profitable keywords and analyze your competition.

Combining our keyword research & statistics tools can tell you which keywords drive your competitors' traffic. With this insight, you can craft content that surpasses them.

Moreover, this keyword tool for SEO doesn’t stop at keyword suggestions. It offers an AI keyword research feature that predicts the potential of each keyword. It lets you strategically optimize your content, ensuring the best possible results.

With Content AI, you can:

1. Easily plan and create content with multiple-page drafts

2. Optimize your published content to beat the competition

3. Get customized recommendations by adding your competitor's URLs.

4. Test copy changes and assess them against competitors with our sandbox environment.

And many more!

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Keyword Research Tools FAQs

Does the tool support multiple languages for keyword research.

Our tool supports multiple languages for keyword research. You can easily set your preferred country and language to target your designated market accurately. It makes finding the right keywords for your global SEO strategy easy.

Do I need to have technical knowledge to use a keyword research tool?

You don't need any technical knowledge to use our keyword research tool. All you need is your seed keyword, and our tool will do the rest, making it straightforward and user-friendly for all users.

How can I use keyword research tools for content creation?

You can use keyword research tools for content creation by identifying popular search terms or phrases in your field and incorporating them into your content to improve its discoverability.

Learn more about SEO & Content Marketing

Keyword research for seo: a complete guide.

Learn how to perform keyword research for SEO & build a robust content strategy.

Read Now >

Keyword Clustering Guide

Learn what is keyword clustering & how to cluster keywords in semantic groups.

Optimizing Low-Hanging Keywords for SEO

How to identify & optimize for low-hanging keywords using Google Search Console (GSC)?


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Find Great Keywords Using Google Autocomplete


Keyword Tool Is The Best Alternative To Google Keyword Planner And Other Keyword Research Tools

Here are a few reasons why:

Free version of Keyword Tool generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term

Unlike Keyword Planner or other tools, Keyword Tool is extremely reliable as it works 99.99% of the time

You can use Keyword Tool absolutely for free, even without creating an account

Are you a business owner, online marketer or content creator? If so, most likely you would like more people to visit your website, read your content and buy your products or services. The easiest way to achieve it is to find out what your potential customers or readers are searching for on Google and create content on your website around these topics.

Every search is an expression of people's needs, wants, interests and desires. Imagine how your business would benefit if you could analyze search trends on Google , find search terms that are related to your business domain and customize content on your website to serve the actual needs of your customers.

Keyword Tool will help you discover thousands of new long-tail keywords related to any topic by automatically generating Google's search suggestions. The keyword suggestions will be produced based on a Google domain and language that you choose.

research keywords planner

How Does Keyword Tool Work?

Keyword Tool is free online keyword research instrument that uses Google Autocomplete to generate hundreds of relevant long-tail keywords for any topic.

Google Autocomplete is a feature used in Google Search. Its purpose is to speed up the searches performed by users on Google.

The search terms suggested by Google Autocomplete are selected based on many different factors. One of them is how often users were searching for a particular search term in the past.

Keyword Tool helps you employ Google Suggest for keyword research. It extracts Google keyword suggestions and presents it to you in an easy-to-understand interface.

To generate long-tail keyword suggestions, Keyword Tool prepends and appends the search term which you specify with different letters and numbers, places it into Google search box and pulls out keyword suggestions. Best part, all of it happens in a split of a second!

Using Keyword Tool, you can choose a specific Google domain out of 192 supported domains and one out of 83 languages that will be used to produce keyword suggestions.

The free version of Keyword Tool can generate up to 750+ keywords from Google autocomplete in seconds.

The advanced version of Keyword Tool, Keyword Tool Pro, provides on average two times more keywords in comparison to the free version and offers a handful of other useful features. You can find more information about Keyword Tool Pro and subscribe at this page .

You can quickly find and analyze thousands of relevant long-tail keywords with free or paid version of Keyword Tool and use them for content creation, search engine optimization, pay-per-click advertising or other marketing activities.

Why Is Keyword Tool One Of The Best Free Keyword Research Tools?

There are few places on the web where you can find keywords that people type in Google search box. One of the most popular sources of this information is Google Keyword Planner .

Unfortunately, data presented by Google Keyword Planner is meant to be used for paid advertising inside Google Ads platform. The keywords that you will find with this tool might be too generic and not very descriptive. In other words, barely useful for content marketing, blogging, or SEO.

Keyword Tool does not use Google Keyword Planner to generate keyword ideas. We find keywords that people search for on Google using the different source - Google Autocomplete.

Google Autocomplete, the source of data employed by Keyword Tool, was created by Google to make search experience for people easier and faster.

Basically, Google shows the autocomplete suggestions whenever you start typing anything into Google search box. It is in Google's best interest to show the most relevant keywords in the autocomplete suggestions. Keywords that would help Google to retrieve the most relevant websites and help users find the most relevant content for their search query.

Here is what Google says about the autocomplete predictions:

“ Autocomplete predictions are automatically generated by an algorithm without any human involvement based on a number of objective factors, including how often past users have searched for a term.

Keyword Tool Helps To Find Keywords That Are Hidden In Google Keyword Planner

Did you notice that you are unable to use Keyword Planner without a Google Ads account?

There is a reason for that.

Keyword Planner - is a tool created for advertisers and is not meant for content creation or SEO. Yes, it does contain valuable data about keywords such as competition, suggested bid, average monthly searches, etc.

But, at the same time, it will hide profitable long-tail keywords with thousands of monthly searches that can be used to create content for your website. Some digital marketing professionals think that it is done on purpose and helps Google to increase the competition and cost-per-click for a limited number of keywords.

Keyword Tool is the best alternative to Google Keyword Planner for content marketing and SEO as it does not hide popular keywords that can be used to create content for your website.

Keyword Tool For SEO And Content Creation

If you want your website to get traffic from Google or other search engines, you need to make sure that it contains content created around the right keywords. What this means is that you should be utilizing words that your potential audience is already using while looking for similar content, products or services online.

The best way to discover these keywords, as it was proven by thousands of thriving websites and online businesses, is to use keywords from Google search suggestions as a base to create content for your website.

By creating content around the popular keywords that your audience is using to find information online, you are already giving great value to your website visitors. In return, Google will reward your web property with higher rankings which entail traffic increase.

Keyword Tool For International SEO

If you are looking for keywords in languages other than English, you will find Keyword Tool's features very useful. Keyword Tool allows you to pull keywords from 192 Google domains and use 83 Google language interfaces to generate keyword suggestions. That way we make sure that the generated keywords will be relevant to the country and/or language that you are creating your content for.

Our paid subscriptions - Keyword Tool Pro and Keyword Tool API fully support all Google domains and languages and provide very accurate search volume, cost-per-click and Google Ads Competition Data for keywords in all 192 supported countries, 68,000+ individual locations and 46 languages.

Keyword Tool For Advertising

If you are running pay-per-click (PPC) advertising campaigns and target your ads based on keywords that users type in Google, you know how important it is to select the right keywords for your campaigns.

The relevant keywords that you target with your ads will bring the right audience to your website. Showing your ads to people that type relevant keywords will result in higher click-through rate (CTR), lower cost-per-click (CPC) and higher conversion rates for your business. As a result, you will spend less money on advertising and generate a better return on investment.

Featured On The World's Leading Publications And Websites

“ Keyword Tool uses Google Autocomplete to generate a list of relevant, long-tail keyword suggestions . This tool can help you understand what people are searching for around your topics. For example, bloggers might use a tool like this to brainstorm blog post titles that will do well in search. Lindsay Kolowich Cox, Hubspot Blog
“ Keyword Tool is used by many leading SEO's to find long-tail and related keywords. Relying on Google's autocomplete feature, it gives you quick access to popular search terms that you may not think to search for in Google's Keyword Planner. John Rampton, Forbes
“ The first place to start is with long-tail research and this can be done with the help of a number of tools. My first choice, however, is always Simon Penson, Search Engine Watch
“ This long-tail keyword research tool can provide thousands of keyword suggestions from real user queries. Trond Lyngbø, Search Engine Land
“ Just like on the web, focus on relevancy and search volume. Do an exhaustive research on your keywords using the Keyword Tool. Rahul Varshneya, The Huffington Post
“ Keyword Tool: This is a tool where you can test keyword popularity. Jeff Boss, Entrepreneur

Frequently Asked Questions

⭐ what does keyword tool do, ⭐ how can i use keyword tool for free, ⭐ where does keyword tool get keywords from, ⭐ does keyword tool support different languages and countries.

Start Using Keyword Tool Now

Free Keyword Planner

If you have been searching for a keyword planner tool that can help you rank higher in the search engines, look no further. Our keyword planner is easy to use and extremely effective.

Why Do I Need a Keyword Planner Tool?

Keyword research is vital to your marketing strategy, as it can help you rank higher in search engines and get ahead of your competitors. You need to know which keywords to prioritize that are relevant to your business and what you are selling. Using an effective keyword finder to optimize your content with the right keywords that your customers search for will help you gain a lot of traffic to your site and many more customers. With Zutrix Keyword Planner, you can find accurate keywords for search engine optimization (SEO) and paid search engine marketing (SEM) to market your brand to the right target audience..

The Best Keyword Planner Alternative for Better Results?

Zutrix Keyword Planner helps you find new keyword ideas for SEO campaigns and is the best Google Keyword Planner alternative. Find keywords fast and easy to use in your content so when someone types a query in the search box that includes those keywords, Google will send them your way.

free keyword planner tool

Cost Per Click & Search Volumes

The cost per click (CPC) is how much each click will cost for the keyword when advertising on Google Ads. The higher the cost, the better the keyword is. Real-Time Search Volumes help you to decide which keyword is more profitable.


The competition for the keyword shows how many other websites use that keyword on their websites to advertise. This number goes from 0 to 100 and the higher the number is, the more advertisers are using it on their websites. You need in-depth competition data? try Zutrix's keyword research tool.


This column shows the value of the keyword and how lucrative it is. To calculate the value, the CPC, competition, number of words used in the keyword phrase, and searches, are combined. The higher the value is, the easier it will be to rank for that keyword and the more visitors you will get when using it.

Related Keywords and Competitor Keywords

This feature enables you to spy on your competitors and find out which keywords they are ranking for in the Google search engine. The ranking keywords are related to the targeted keyword. This helps with finding long-tail keywords searched for in Google.

Meet Zutrix's Free Keyword Planner Tool

Zutrix provides a flawless keyword planner tool that can be a real game-changer when it comes to competing for higher ranks on search engines. The tool was designed by highly experienced experts in SEO and marketing, for small business owners, SEO specialists, and individual marketers, specifically to provide an ultimate, flawless kw planning experience. Zutrix's free keyword planner tool contains the best keyword planner for your keyword research. With our Zutrix Tracking and Keyword Planner Tool, you will have the opportunity to not only get ahead of your competitors but stay ahead of them. The longer you wait to get in the game, the more customers you will lose to your competitors who are playing and winning. All you need are the right tools to beat your competitors and stay ahead.

Zutrix Support

Questions & answers, how do i use zutrix's free keyword planner tool.

Start by signing up for our 7-day free trial. You will have one week to evaluate the program and see what it can do for your business. If you decide it isn’t for you, cancel within 7 days and your credit card won’t be billed.

What is Free Kw Planner?

Zutrix's Keyword planner tool is the best alternative to Google Ads keyword planner tool as we are providing more accurate and updated data to our clients. Free Kw Planner helps you to decide which keyword performing better in terms of marketing and sales. It includes search volumes, trends, CPCs and many more information which will be effective to make you decide.

Do I need to Provide Credit Card Details?

No, we do not ask for credit card details if you are registering with Free Keyword Planner package. Credit card is required only if you consider upgrading your package.

How to Increase my Daily Limits?

If you need to track more keywords and you are looking for more features, you need to upgrade your package from your dashboard directly. In order to upgrade your Free Serp Tracker Package to another Paid Package, simply select "Billing" option in the menu, then place your card details. That's all!

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7 days for $7, then $28 / month - cancel anytime


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🥇 Starter Plan

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $9 .00 / month - cancel anytime

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $28 .00 / month - cancel anytime

🥇 Agency Plan

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $54 .00 / month - cancel anytime

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $96 .00 / year - cancel anytime

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $287 .00 / year - cancel anytime

Start improving your SEO performance right away. $539 .00 / year - cancel anytime

📋 Keyword Planner

Start getting Unlimited Keyword Ideas by Creating an account with only $9 a month!

$9 / month - cancel anytime

You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription anytime. No contracts, no hidden charges. Please note that trial payments are non-refundable.

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Reviews & Comparisons

18 best keyword research tools for better seo (free & paid).

Nick Eubanks

What’s the best keyword research tool for your content marketing strategy? Some rely on tools, while others trust their intuition.

In my SEO career, I’ve seen both approaches, but effective SEO depends on metrics like search intent , monthly search volume , keyword difficulty , and website traffic potential. Using keyword research tools helps discover, analyze, and prioritize keywords, and monitor competitors.

In this article, I’ll share 18 of the best keyword research tools—14 paid and 4 free—to enhance your SEO team’s strategy.

Here’s a preview of what’s included.

14 Best Keyword Research Tools (Paid)

Seo powersuite, answerthepublic, long tail pro,, 4 best keyword research tools (free), google trends, google keyword planner.

I’ll start this article with paid tools for keyword research because they have an extensive keyword database and provide reliable keyword research data. 

If you’re wondering how I picked the tools, the following are a few criteria for how tools were evaluated and selected:

  • Price: Costs vs. value of every tool
  • Functionality: The number and variety of features for keyword optimization
  • Ease of use: Beginner-friendly and advanced tools for SEO professionals
  • Data reliability: I checked data sources

Semrush is an all-in-one digital marketing tool with a powerful keyword research toolkit. 

What I like about Semrush is that it lets you conduct keyword research in many ways. 

For instance, the Keyword Magic Tool helps you generate thousands of keyword ideas from one seed keyword.

Since Semrush’s keyword database has over 25 billion keywords, you’ll definitely find new ranking opportunities and low competition keywords . 

Semrush Keyword Magic Tool art canvas print

With the Keyword Gap Tool, you can quickly identify keywords your competitors rank for, but you don’t. 

Imagine discovering a transactional keyword that your competitor ranks for in the top 10 search results, but you somehow missed — it’s an excellent business opportunity!

I’ve often used this tool when I can’t find promising keywords. Based on my experience, checking two to three competitor URLs will provide you with thousands of keyword ideas for your website. 

Semrush Keyword Gap tool

Moreover, Semrush provides a detailed keyword overview report, including unique metrics and features you won’t find elsewhere, such as search intent and keyword clusters. 

I wrote an in-depth Semrush review if you want to learn more about this tool.

Semrush Keyword Overview art canvas print

Unlike many keyword research tools, Semrush lets you analyze 10 keywords daily for free. If you want to analyze more keywords, sign up for the Semrush Pro Plan for $139.95 monthly or $108.33 if billed annually.

Tip: You can get a 14-day free trial with a Semrush coupon from Backlinko .

Best Feature: Keyword Magic Tool

It’s my opinion, but I’m sure you’ll agree once you try the Keyword Magic Tool. 

Well, suppose you want to launch a niche website but only know the general topic. The Keyword Magic Tool can help you discover thousands of topics for your seed keyword for 142 countries.

If you make videos, you can even uncover YouTube search keywords with the help of the Keyword Analytics for YouTube app.

Ahrefs is another giant in the SEO tools market.

Even though Ahrefs specializes in link building, it has a dedicated keyword research tool called Keyword Explorer.

Ahrefs Keyword Explorer angle grinder

Ahrefs provides all essential metrics for keyword research, such as keyword difficulty, search volume in a target country, global search volume, traffic potential, and the number of clicks per search. 

Unlike Semrush, Ahrefs does not have a tool that could generate thousands of ideas from a seed keyword. Instead, you’ll find semantically related keywords in the keyword ideas report. 

I actively used Ahrefs until they introduced a credit system. This is how it works: you consume one credit whenever you open a new report, apply filters, or run a new search. 

The cheapest Lite plan provides you with 500 monthly credits, which, in my opinion, is insufficient to conduct proper keyword research for a big website.

You can learn more about Ahrefs from my Semrush vs. Ahrefs comparison. 

Ahrefs does not have a free trial. The pricing starts from $99 per month and 500 credits. If you exceed the limits, additional credits will cost you $35/month.

Best Feature: Top Pages Report 

My favorite Ahrefs feature is the Top Pages report that shows the top rankings URLs with all keywords those URLs rank for. 

If you don’t have time for proper competitor research, check competitors’ top-performing URLs to understand what keywords bring them the most traffic.

Ahrefs Top Pages

Moz is a popular SEO solution that can help you improve your website’s visibility in organic search results. Moz offers various backlink analysis, rank tracking, and keyword research tools.

Like Semrush and other Ahrefs alternatives , Moz offers 10 free queries per month to research and analyze keywords. The keyword report data is limited, though. You’ll only see monthly search volume, keyword difficulty, organic click-through rate (CTR), SERP overview, and keyword suggestions. 

Moz Keyword Overview art canvas print

Moz is a paid tool, but it offers a free 30-day trial, so you can try it out before you commit. Moz Pro offers four pricing plans — the cheapest costs $99 monthly or $79 if you choose an annual plan. In contrast, the most expensive plan is $599 for SEO agencies and marketing teams. 

Best Feature: Keyword Lists

Moz Keyword Lists let you organize and manage your keywords in Moz Pro. You can create keyword lists manually by entering keywords, uploading a CSV file, or adding keywords from Moz Keyword Explorer.

​​You can use Keyword Lists to track your website’s ranking for specific keywords over time. It will help you see whether your SEO efforts pay off and identify improvement areas.

Serpstat offers multiple keyword research tools for SEO and PPC to help websites improve their online visibility and advertising campaigns.

With the Serpstat freemium plan, you can check country-specific search volume, keyword difficulty, cost-per-click (CPC), semantically-related keywords, competitors, and their ad copies. 

Note that the volume metric is provided based on the Google Ads data, which is accurate for paid traffic. However, organic traffic numbers can differ. 

Serpstat Keyword Overview art print canvas

Serpstat offers a 7-day free trial to test the tool and its features. If you want to use all Serpstat keyword research tools, including AI-content generator, competitor analysis and site audit tools, then the price starts from $59 for the Individual monthly plan or $50/month if billed annually.

If you want to conduct extensive keyword research for a big website, the Agency plan with 5,000 daily searches for $479 monthly is recommended. 

Best Feature: Keyword Clustering Tool

Serpstat’s Keyword Clustering Tool can help you automatically group up to 50,000 keywords based on the SERP similarity. You’ll get keyword clusters in a few clicks and know what keywords to use for on-page optimization.

SEO PowerSuite is an all-in-one SEO software designed to help businesses and individuals improve their site rankings. 

SEO PowerSuite offers 24 different keyword research tools and seven keyword research methods. 

I’ve only used some tools to conduct keyword gap analysis, discover semantically-related keywords and questions, and conduct competitor research. 

The SEO PowerSuite’s free version provides a lot of data for keyword research, which should be enough for small websites. However, there is one disadvantage — you have to download and install the software on your desktop. 

SEO PowerSuite Related Queries

SEO PowerSuite is relatively cheaper compared to other SEO tools.

The free version provides basic functionality but comes with limitations. The Professional plan costs $299 annually and covers unlimited keyword tracking, website auditing, backlink analysis , and link building features. There is also an enterprise solution, which costs $499 per year. 

There is no monthly subscription fee. Therefore, I recommend trying the free plan and upgrading if the tool suits your needs. 

Best Feature: TF-IDF Explorer

TF-IDF Explorer is a tool that helps you identify the most important keywords on a web page. It analyzes the frequency of each word on the page and its importance in the context of the overall web.

Majestic is a well-known SEO tool that primarily focuses on providing backlinks and website authority data. 

However, they also have the Majestic Keyword Checker tool to help you analyze your website’s rankings for specific keywords, which can be used to monitor keyword performance and identify opportunities for improvement.

Even though you can quickly check your website’s performance data in Majestic, the keyword research tool is unavailable for free.

Majestic Keyword Research tool

Majestic is a paid tool that does not offer a free trial. In my opinion, it’s challenging to understand whether the tool suits your needs if you have limited access. 

The keyword research tool is not available in a free plan. You’ll have to pay at least $49.99 monthly or $41.67 annually for the Lite plan to use the keyword generator, bulk backlink checker, and other tools. 

The Pro plan costs $99.99 monthly or $83.33 for an annual subscription. 

Best Feature: Trust Flow and Citation Flow 

​​Majestic introduced the Trust Flow and Citation Flow metrics to measure the quality and quantity of backlinks. Trust Flow focuses on the quality of backlinks, while Citation Flow measures the quantity. You can use Trust Flow and Citation Flow to assess the quality of your own website and your competitors’ websites.

WordStream is a digital advertising and marketing software company helping businesses manage and optimize their online advertising campaigns.

What I like about WordStream is their free keyword research tool. You don’t even have to register to use it and getting a keyword report takes only a few seconds. 

The keyword overview report provides data on search volume, competition, and CPC. You’ll find it exceptionally helpful if you run search ads and look for new keyword ideas for advertising. 

WordStream Free Keyword Tool

WordStream offers many free tools to assess your ad campaigns and find promising keywords. However, it does not have a monthly payment plan we’ve all got used to. Instead, you can request a free demo to test the tool and decide on the next steps. 

Best Feature: Google Ads Performance Grader

The Google Ads Performance Grader is a free tool that can help you assess your ad campaigns on a scale from 0 to 100, keyword selection and optimization, and budget spent.

Moreover, it can help you identify areas where your campaigns underperform and make changes to improve their performance.

SE Ranking is an SEO tool designed to assist you with keyword research, site audits, backlink audits , and more. 

Based on my experience, it’s a popular choice for SEO professionals because SE Ranking is easy to use, affordable, and offers various features. 

With SE Ranking, you can track keyword rankings, discover new topics with the Keyword Suggestion Tool, and group semantically-related keywords with Keyword Grouper. 

SE Ranking Keyword Research Overview

SE Ranking is a paid tool with a 14-day free trial. However, it’s pretty affordable compared to other industry giants. Site owners and freelancers will benefit from the Essential plan for $39 monthly or $31.20 annually. SE Ranking Pro for agencies costs $89 monthly or $71.20 annually. 

Best Feature: Content Idea Finder 

Content Idea Finder is particularly beneficial for niche website owners since it helps analyze keywords in your niche and create a content strategy based on collected data.

AnswerThePublic is a keyword research and content ideas tool that can help you discover questions people ask about a specific topic. It uses autocomplete data from search engines to generate a list of questions, prepositions, comparisons, and related searches.

Besides keyword data for Google, you can research the most popular questions for YouTube and Bing.

AnswerThePublic keyword research and content ideas

You can use Answer the Public for free without registration. Unlike many other keyword research tools, checking the data for your target keyword takes a few seconds.

However, if you want to conduct extensive keyword research, I recommend upgrading to the Individual plan for $9 monthly or $99 for a lifetime with 100 daily searches. 

For agencies, there is a Pro plan for $99 monthly with unlimited daily searches and up to 3 users.

Best Feature: Aggregated Suggestions From Search Engines

Answer the Public aggregates users’ search queries and shows popular questions, topics, and trends related to your target keyword. 

In addition to questions, you’ll also find prepositions (pop art canvas print for sale), comparisons (canvas print vs. oil painting), alphabeticals (“canvas art print anatomy” is grouped under A), and related searches. 

It’s a quick and easy way to learn about your audience’s pains and needs in your niche.

SpyFu is a competitor keyword research tool that can help you identify new keyword opportunities, understand your competitors’ SEO and PPC strategies, and track your own progress over time.

You don’t need to register to check the keyword data. SpyFu quickly generates several reports based on your seed keyword, where you can check organic search volume, CTR, KD, and semantically-related keywords. 

Besides SEO, SpyFu provides insights about competitors’ ad campaigns, including keywords, ad copies, and ad spent. 

SpyFu Keyword Research Tool

SpyFu doesn’t offer a free plan or a trial. However, they have a 30-day money-back guarantee policy, so you can try the service risk-free.

The Basic plan costs $39 monthly or $16 if billed annually and is suitable for small businesses with a limited budget. Alternatively, you can pick the Professional plan for $79 monthly or the Team plan for $299 with unlimited search results, data exports, and domain overviews. 

Best Feature: Kombat for SEO 

Kombat for SEO is similar to the Keyword Gap tool in Semrush. It lets you see what keywords your competitors target and how well they rank for them.

Furthermore, you can also see how your website’s keyword rankings change compared to your rivals. Use this information to make better decisions about your SEO strategy. 

Long Tail Pro is a keyword research tool designed to help you discover long-tail keywords for your website, which are specific and usually less competitive compared to short and broad keywords. 

It’s worth knowing that Long Tail Pro aggregates data from Google Ads and Majestic to provide you with average keyword competition, Trust Flow and Citation Flow (Majestic metrics), and bids. 

Be aware that Long Tail Pro doesn’t show a global search volume metric due to limitations from their data service providers. 

Long Tail Pro Keyword Research

Long Tail Pro has implemented Ahrefs’ old pricing policy, where a free trial costs $8 for eight days. On top of that, there’s no free plan.

The Starter plan will cost you $59.99 monthly or $539.99 annually. The Agency plan includes 6,000 keyword results and 1,000 tracked keywords for $299.99 monthly or $2,699.99 annually.

Best Feature: Long Tail Keyword Research Tool

Discovering long tail keywords with 2–3 words and medium to low competition is a unique selling proposition of the Long Tail Pro. At least, I see it this way. 

With Long Tail Pro, you can discover low-hanging fruit keywords that aren’t targeted yet or have low competition. 

KWFinder is a keyword research tool developed by Mangools, a company offering a suite of SEO tools.

I’ve used Mangools KWFinder for several projects and found its reports easy to understand and use. 

The free plan provides basic keyword metrics, such as search volume in a target country, CPC, KD, search trends, and the SERP overview. However, you’ll only get 15 semantically-related keywords. If you need more ideas for your research, you’ll have to upgrade to the paid plan. 

KWFinder keyword research tool

The cheapest Entry plan is $29 monthly or $19.90 if billed annually, and is suitable for small website owners and freelancers. 

The Mangools Agency plan unlocks unlimited keyword suggestions, competitor keywords, and tracked domains for $129 monthly or $89.90 if billed annually. 

Best Feature: SERP Volatility Checker

The SERP Volatility Checker is my favorite Mangool tool, which shows whether any changes happen to Google SERP positions due to algorithm updates. 

If the search volatility is high and you observe drastic changes to your website’s impressions and traffic, it’s likely due to a Google update.

SECockpit is an advanced keyword research tool that you can use to research competitors, find keywords for optimization and bidding, and track your keyword rankings over time for Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

Based on my experience, SECockpit might be overwhelming for SEO beginners due to the sheer number of features. However, SEO professionals will definitely appreciate detailed keyword research reports.

SECockpit Advanced Keyword Research Tool

SECockpit has a 7-day free trial, but you must link your credit card while creating an account. They won’t charge you anything until the free trial ends. 

The Personal plan is $39 monthly or $25 if billed yearly for only 10 keyword searches daily. The Agency plan costs $99 monthly or $75 if billed yearly for unlimited keyword searches. 

Best Feature: AI Keyword Research 

SECockpit has a unique feature I haven’t seen in other tools – AI integrated into the keyword research tool to facilitate your keyword research experience.

Instead of manually researching keywords, you can specify what keywords you need, and the tool will automatically research them in the selected language and for the target country. 

This one is another Google suggest and related searches scraper, like AnswerThePublic. 

Keyword Tool uses Google’s autocomplete feature to generate a list of relevant keywords for any topic. It also provides data on keyword search volume and keyword difficulty.

KewordTool Related Searches Tool

Keyword Tool neither has a free plan nor a free trial. You can register for free and run keyword research, but most data will be hidden. 

The Pro Basic plan costs $89 monthly or $69 if billed annually for one user account. The Pro Business plan will cost you $199 monthly or $159 annually for 10 user accounts and unlimited data. 

If it doesn’t meet your needs, you can request your money back within 30 days. 

Best Feature: Simultaneous Keyword Research for 12 Platforms 

Besides Google, you can also get keyword research data for all these platforms simultaneously: YouTube, Bing, Amazon, eBay, App Store, Play Store, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Etsy, TikTok, and Google Trends.

Even though I am a fan of paid keyword research tools for their accuracy and vast functionality, you can also use free tools for keyword research. 

Remember that the data these tools use will not always be accurate, and you won’t necessarily have all the metrics to assess keywords properly.

Google Trends is a free online tool developed by Google that allows you to explore the popularity of search queries over time and in various countries and regions. 

Even though I prefer Semrush for keyword research, I occasionally use Google Trends to analyze trending topics and understand public interest. 

With Google Trends, you can see at what time of the year users start actively searching for your keyword, how popular it is, and what semantically-related keywords exist. 

It’s a great tool to get started with keyword research, especially if you don’t have a big budget. 

Google Trends

Best Feature: Search Terms Comparison

Google Trends lets you compare search volumes in different regions of one country for up to five keywords. This information can be helpful in ecommerce for understanding the popularity of different products or identifying trends in users’ search behavior.

Keyword Planner is one of Google’s free tools for paid search advertising. You can use it to find new keywords, research existing keywords, and get bid estimates.

I’ve used Google Keyword Planner only once when managing the client’s ad campaigns. 

With Keyword Planner, you can see the average monthly searches for a particular country and language, the level of competition in the paid search results, the lowest and highest bids. 

Please note that the Keyword Planner data is valid for paid search only. You should not rely on this data while planning your SEO campaigns. 

Google Keyword Planner

Best Feature: Keyword Ideas

If you run out of keyword ideas or want to add new keywords to ad campaigns quickly, you’ll find a list of semantically-related keywords in the Keyword Ideas report (see screenshot above). 

I recommend paying attention to the keywords with medium to low competition and 1,000+ search volume.

Keyworddit is a free keyword research tool that pulls keyword ideas from titles and comments of Reddit threads. It is another free way to find keywords relevant to your niche people search for.

Note that the monthly search volume is just an estimate. Besides, the tool doesn’t provide other essential metrics, like keyword difficulty and search intent. 

Nevertheless, you can export keyword ideas from Keyworddit and analyze them through a different keyword research tool to get keyword data and find even more semantically related keywords.

I omitted the best feature description because Keyworddit does not have any features except for a simple search. 


Last, but not least, is ChatGPT . Something tells me you’ve already heard of it.

You can use ChatGPT to outline articles, create catchy titles, write FAQ sections, and more. It can even generate keyword ideas for your topic. Note that the output will heavily depend on your prompt. So, ensure it’s precise.


Wondering Which Is the Best Keyword Research Tool for You?

There you have it! A review of the 18 best keyword research tools. 

They all can help you achieve the same goal — discover easy-to-rank-for keywords with decent volumes and business potential — but in different ways. 

If you were to ask me which tool to use, I’d choose Semrush. Even though it’s a paid tool, you’ll get a powerful toolkit for competitor keyword research and analysis. 

Semrush has one of the most extensive keyword databases on the market and a higher data accuracy level than competitors. 

Try Semrush’s Keyword Research Toolkit for free today! 

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Use Keyword Planner

Tip : If you’re affected by market changes , we recommend planning weekly rather than monthly or quarterly until markets stabilise.

Keyword Planner’s forecasts are refreshed daily and based on the last 7–10 days, adjusted for seasonality. Your forecasts will take into account any impact of market changes during this time frame. We’ve updated our seasonal model to account for current market conditions.

Keyword Planner helps you research keywords for your search campaigns .

You can use this free tool to discover new keywords related to your business and see estimates of the searches that they receive and the cost to target them.

Keyword Planner also provides another way to create search campaigns that’s centred around in-depth keyword research.

This article shows you how to use Keyword Planner to lay the groundwork for a successful campaign.

  • Discover new keywords: Get suggestions for keywords related to your products, services or website.
  • See monthly searches: See estimates on the number of searches that a keyword gets each month.
  • Determine cost: See the average cost for your ad to show on searches for a keyword.
  • Organise keywords: See how your keywords fit into different categories related to your brand.
  • Create new campaigns: Use your keyword plan to create new campaigns centred on in-depth keyword research.

Bear in mind that while Keyword Planner can provide insights into keyword targeting, campaign performance depends on a variety of factors. For example, your bid, budget, product and customer behaviour in your industry can all influence the success of your campaigns.


To access Keyword Planner:

  • Your account must be using Expert mode . You won’t be able to access Keyword Planner if your account is using Smart mode .
  • You must complete your account setup by entering your billing information and creating a campaign. If you’re not yet ready to spend money, you can choose to pause your campaigns .

1. Create a keyword plan

Once you open Keyword Planner , there are two ways to create your keyword plan:

  • Search for new keywords by clicking Discover new keywords .
  • Upload existing keywords by clicking Get search volume and forecasts .

Discover new keywords

Enter words and/or websites related to your business to see keyword ideas. Learn more About Google Ads manager accounts

Tools icon

  • Click the Planning drop-down in the section menu.
  • Click Keyword planner .
  • Click Discover new keywords.
  • Enter your domain and Google will try to exclude keywords not related to what you offer.
  • Start with a website: Enter any website and Google will look for keywords related to the content on that site. Note: the contents of hyperlinks aren’t used to generate keyword ideas.
  • Click Get results.

After clicking 'Get results', you’ll see a list of keywords related to what you entered. These keywords haven’t been added to your plan. You can now edit your list with filters and categories to help you find those that make sense for your plan.

This image is an example of a keyword targeting error message.

B. Edit your list of keyword ideas

You can now edit your list of keyword ideas using filters and categories. Learn more in-depth tips on editing your keyword list .

Narrow down your list of keywords based on criteria like competition, impression share and keyword text. For example, you may want to see keyword ideas where bids under £1 may be enough to reach the top of the page.

  • Click Add filter .
  • Select a filter and enter its values.
  • Your list of ideas will now match the filter.

Refine by category

See groups of keywords based on their themes, brands or categories.

  • Look for the 'Refine keywords' side panel on the 'Keyword ideas' page.
  • Open the categories beneath it to see characteristics related to your keyword ideas.
  • For example, if your keywords are related to running shoes, you may see a category for shoe color. To only see keywords for 'red running shoes,' you’d uncheck the box for all other colours.

C. Add keywords to your plan and see a performance forecast

  • Add them to your 'Saved keywords' to organise them later and see forecasts of their performance.
  • Add them to ad groups within existing campaigns.

Follow these steps to add keywords to your plan and forecast their performance:

  • Tick the box next to each keyword that you’d like to add to your plan. Adding keywords to 'Saved keywords' enables you to save them to your plan and organise them later.
  • Specify the match type by clicking the Broad match drop-down and selecting a match type.
  • Click Add keywords to create a new plan or click Add keywords to add the keywords to an existing plan.

Get search volume and forecasts

  • Click Get search volume and forecasts .
  • Click Upload a file .
  • Upload a list of keywords: Your file should have just one column with the header titled 'Keyword'.
  • Upload an entire keyword plan: Download the template to include optional data like campaign, location and ad group. along with your keyword.
  • Click Submit .
  • Click Get started .

2. Understand your keyword forecast

Your plan forecast shows you how many conversions, clicks or impressions you’re likely to get for your keywords based on your spend. Learn more about Keyword Planner forecasts

Understand your forecast

Your forecast is available on the 'Forecasts' page of your plan. It includes keywords that you uploaded through 'Get search volumes and forecasts' or those that you added from the 'Keyword ideas' page.

What’s included in your forecast

  • Change the metric that you’re forecasting by clicking 'Conversions' or 'Clicks'. This is available to you when you enable conversion tracking in your account. Otherwise, click 'Add conversion metrics' to review the options.
  • Change the average daily budget by clicking the amount.
  • Change your bid strategy by clicking the 'Maximise clicks' drop-down.
  • Click the drop-down arrow to see a chart of your estimated performance to get based on your spend.
  • Edit the amount in the 'Average daily budget' to see how these estimates change.
  • Ad groups that your keywords will be added to in a new campaign if you implement your plan.
  • Click on the date range at the top of the page to change the timeframe for your forecast.

Additional options

  • Add new keywords by clicking the plus button and entering new keywords. You can also return to the 'Keyword ideas' page and add keywords from there.
  • Download forecast by clicking the download button.
  • Share plan with others by clicking the Share button and enabling share access.

3. Organise keywords into ad groups (English only)

Organise keywords.

Enter words or websites related to your business to see keyword ideas.

  • Click Organise keywords into ad groups .
  • Start with a website: Enter any website and Google will look for keywords related to the content on that site.
  • Upload or paste: Upload a file or enter keywords. Keyword Planner will try to organise keywords into your campaigns, or you can manually organise them yourself.
  • Click Auto-organise keywords .

After clicking 'Auto-organise keywords', you’ll see a list of ad groups with keyword suggestions. We’ll try to match them with the most relevant ad groups in your highest performing campaigns. Once complete, you’ll be able to review them for accuracy and make edits of your own. You can also download your work for review. No changes will be made to your account until you’re ready to upload them.

Send us feedback

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Related links

  • Refine your new keywords in Keyword Planner
  • About Keyword Planner forecasts
  • Best practices for finding new keywords

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SEO Keyword Research Tools: A Detailed Comparison


SEO keyword research forms the backbone of any successful digital marketing strategy. Businesses leveraging SEO tools for keyword research have seen a significant increase in organic traffic, averaging 50% year-over-year . A wide variety of SEO tools for keyword research exist to assist marketers in this crucial task. Almost 75.5% of marketers prioritize keyword research in content creation. The purpose of this blog is to compare and analyze different SEO tools for keyword research, helping readers make informed decisions.

Google Keyword Planner

User interface.

Google Keyword Planner offers a straightforward and user-friendly interface. Users can easily navigate through the tool to find relevant keywords. The dashboard presents data in a clear and organized manner, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers.

Keyword Suggestions

The tool provides comprehensive keyword suggestions based on user input. By entering a seed keyword, users receive a list of related keywords along with their search volumes and competition levels. This helps in identifying high-potential keywords for SEO strategies.

Data Accuracy

Google Keyword Planner delivers reliable data on keyword search volumes and competition. However, some users have noted that the tool may overestimate keyword impressions by up to 91% . Despite this, the data remains valuable for planning and executing effective SEO campaigns.

Pros and Cons

  • Free to Use : The tool is completely free for anyone with a Google Ads account.
  • Comprehensive Data : Provides extensive data on keyword search volumes, competition, and forecasts.
  • User-Friendly Interface : Easy navigation and clear presentation of data make it accessible for all users.
  • Overestimation of Impressions : The tool may overestimate keyword impressions, which could lead to inaccurate planning.
  • Limited to Google Data : The tool focuses solely on Google-suggested phrase terms, limiting insights from other search engines.

Free Version

Google Keyword Planner is entirely free to use within Google Ads. Users can access all features without any cost, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious marketers.

There are no paid plans for Google Keyword Planner . Users only pay for the results obtained through their advertising campaigns, allowing for flexible budget management.

Ahrefs provides a robust and intuitive user interface. Users can easily navigate through the various features, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced SEO professionals. The dashboard presents data in a visually appealing manner, allowing users to quickly access key metrics and insights.

Ahrefs excels in offering comprehensive keyword suggestions . By inputting a seed keyword, users receive a wide range of related keywords, along with search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, and click-through rates. This extensive data helps marketers identify high-potential keywords for their SEO strategies.

Ahrefs is renowned for its data accuracy. The tool crawls the web continuously, processing over 8 billion pages daily. This ensures that users receive up-to-date and precise information on keyword performance, backlinks , and other SEO metrics. The reliability of Ahrefs makes it a preferred choice for many SEO professionals.

  • Comprehensive Data : Provides detailed insights into keyword performance, backlinks, and competitor analysis.
  • User-Friendly Interface : Easy navigation and visually appealing dashboard enhance user experience.
  • Accurate Data : Continuous web crawling ensures up-to-date and precise information.
  • High Cost : The pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses or individual users.
  • Limited Free Features : The entry-level plan excludes several vital features, such as content gap analysis and broken link-building tools.

Ahrefs does not offer a free version. However, users can access some limited features without a subscription.

Ahrefs offers several paid plans, starting at $99 per month. The higher-tier plans provide more advanced features and greater access to data. Despite the high cost, the investment in Ahrefs can yield significant returns for businesses focused on SEO.

SEMrush offers an intuitive and well-organized interface . Users can easily navigate through the platform to access various SEO tools for keyword research. The dashboard presents data in a visually appealing manner, making it simple to monitor key metrics and insights. Customizable dashboards provide clear visual data representations, enhancing the user experience.

SEMrush excels in providing comprehensive keyword suggestions. By entering a seed keyword, users receive a wide range of related keywords along with search volumes, keyword difficulty scores, and click-through rates. This extensive data helps marketers identify high-potential keywords for their SEO strategies. The tool also offers insights into competitors' keyword strategies, providing a competitive edge.

SEMrush is renowned for its data accuracy. The platform continuously crawls the web, ensuring users receive up-to-date and precise information on keyword performance, backlinks, and other SEO metrics. The reliability of SEMrush makes it a preferred choice for many SEO professionals. The tool's site audit feature identifies critical issues with websites and provides actionable tips for improvement.

  • Comprehensive Data : Offers detailed insights into keyword performance, backlinks, and competitor analysis .
  • Advanced Features : Provides robust competitor research tools and site audit functionalities.
  • High Cost : Pricing may be prohibitive for small businesses or individual users.
  • Complexity : Extensive features may require a learning curve for new users.

SEMrush offers a free plan that includes up to 10 analytics reports per day and 10 tracked keywords. This limited access allows users to explore basic features without any cost.

SEMrush provides several paid plans starting at $129.95 per month . Higher-tier plans offer more advanced features and greater access to data. Despite the high cost, the investment in SEMrush can yield significant returns for businesses focused on SEO. The comprehensive suite of tools helps users better grasp competitors' strategies and optimize their own SEO efforts.

Moz Keyword Explorer

Moz Keyword Explorer offers an intuitive and clean user interface. Users can easily navigate through the tool to find relevant keywords. The dashboard presents data in a visually appealing manner, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers. The tool's layout ensures that users can quickly access key metrics and insights.

Moz Keyword Explorer excels in providing comprehensive keyword suggestions. By entering a seed keyword, users receive a list of related keywords along with their search volumes, difficulty scores, and organic click-through rates (CTR). This extensive data helps in identifying high-potential keywords for SEO strategies. The tool also offers "lateral" keyword ideas, which can uncover unique opportunities for content optimization.

Moz Keyword Explorer is known for its reliable data on keyword search volumes and difficulty. The tool continuously updates its database, ensuring users receive up-to-date information. The accuracy of the data makes it a trusted resource for many SEO professionals. Users can confidently plan and execute their SEO campaigns based on the insights provided.

  • Comprehensive Data : Provides detailed insights into keyword search volumes, difficulty, and organic CTR.
  • Lateral Keyword Ideas : Offers unique keyword suggestions that can uncover new opportunities for content optimization.
  • High Cost : Access to the full suite of features requires a subscription to Moz Pro , which may be expensive for small businesses or individual users.
  • Limited Free Features : The free version restricts users to 10 queries per tool per month , limiting the depth of research.

Moz Keyword Explorer offers a free plan that includes up to 10 queries per tool per month. Users can receive up to 1,000 keyword suggestions and 10 SERP analyses per query. This limited access allows users to explore basic features without any cost.

Moz Pro plans start at $99 per month. These plans provide access to 150 keyword queries per month and additional features such as keyword lists and competitive analysis. Despite the cost, the investment in Moz Keyword Explorer can yield significant returns for businesses focused on SEO. The comprehensive suite of tools helps users better understand keyword performance and optimize their content strategies.

The comparison of SEO keyword research tools reveals distinct advantages for each option. Google Keyword Planner offers a free, user-friendly solution with comprehensive data. Ahrefs provides accurate and detailed insights but comes at a higher cost. SEMrush excels in advanced features and competitor analysis, though it may be complex for new users. Moz Keyword Explorer stands out with its unique keyword suggestions and reliable data but requires a subscription for full access.

For budget-conscious marketers, Google Keyword Planner and Moz Keyword Explorer offer valuable free features. Professionals seeking in-depth analysis should consider investing in Ahrefs or SEMrush . Choosing the right tool can significantly impact SEO success. Prioritize features that align with specific needs and budgets to maximize results.

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  5. Free Keyword Research Template & Step-By-Step Guide

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    Google Ads Mobile App. Stay connected to your campaigns on the go, monitor your campaigns in real-time, and take quick action to improve performance. Get your ads to the right customers with Google Ad's Keyword Planner. Discover how to do keyword research and find the right keywords for your campaign.

  2. Free Keyword Research Tool

    The SEO keyword research tool with over 1.25 billion traffic-driving keywords. ... Comprehensive scoring helps you prioritize keywords by topic or focus in one place to use as a keyword planner. Export your data. Easily export keyword research suggestions, analyses, and lists into metrics-rich, well-formatted CSVs. ...

  3. Free Keyword Generator Tool: Find 100+ Keyword Ideas in Seconds

    Discover keyword ideas, all day long. Find relevant keywords from our database of over 8 billion queries. Just enter up to ten words or phrases and choose from one of six keyword ideas reports. Fill your content calendar for weeks, months, or even years in minutes. Keywords that contain your seed in the order it's written.

  4. How to Use Google Keyword Planner [New Guide]

    Google Keyword Planner is a keyword research tool used by advertisers based on Google-suggested phrase terms as the primary foundation. It helps one discover relevant keywords for search campaigns to ensure ads get to the right audience. Importantly, the tool provides estimates for search volumes and costs to target the respective terms.

  5. Google Keyword Planner: Use The Tool For SEO & Strategy

    The benefit of using Google Keyword Planner for keyword research is that it is free and uses Google data. If you don't know what to use, Keyword Planner is a safe pick that can provide value to ...

  6. Use Keyword Planner

    Organize keywords: See how your keywords fit into different categories related to your brand. Create new campaigns: Use your keyword plan to create new campaigns centered on in-depth keyword research. Keep in mind that while Keyword Planner can provide insights into keyword targeting, campaign performance depends on a variety of factors.

  7. Free Keyword Research Tool

    Quattr's Free Keyword Research Tool as a Keyword Planner ‍ Our free Keyword Research Tool leverages advanced deep learning to reveal new and historical keywords, classifying them by specific search intents. It gives you an in-depth understanding of your target market's search behavior. ‍

  8. Free Keyword Research Tool by Backlinko

    That's why we've created this free keyword research tool, leveraging Semrush's extensive database of 25.23 billion keywords. ... Google Keyword Planner achieved a 40.94% search volume accuracy score in the head-to-head with Semrush, which got 59.06%. Although it was still way behind Semrush, it did a lot better than many of the other ...

  9. 17 BEST Keyword Research Tools for SEO [2024 Reviews]

    Brian's Bottom Line. One of the best overall keyword research tools on the market. Worth a try. 10. Moz Keyword Explorer. Find keywords that will generate the most traffic. Moz's Keyword Explorer does an awesome job of finding "lateral" keyword ideas. For example, take a seed keyword like "weight loss".

  10. Keyword Tool ⚠️ Google Keyword Planner【Search FREE】

    Keyword Tool Is The Best Alternative To Google Keyword Planner And Other Keyword Research Tools. Here are a few reasons why: Free version of Keyword Tool generates up to 750+ long-tail keyword suggestions for every search term. Unlike Keyword Planner or other tools, Keyword Tool is extremely reliable as it works 99.99% of the time ...

  11. The 10 Best Free Keyword Research Tools in 2024

    For example, suppose you use as the seed site. In that case, you get some hyper-specific keyword ideas that you might easily overlook in "conventional" keyword research tools. 6. Google Search Console. Google Search Console (GSC) shows how your website performs for its top 1,000 keywords in organic search.

  12. Ubersuggest: Free Keyword Research Tool

    Ubersuggest is one of the best keyword research tools for generating content and keyword ideas. You can also track your rank daily, do a competitor analysis, or conduct a site audit among the many features the all-in-one SEO tool can expand on. ... Media Strategy & Planning Navigate the paid media world with confidence. Our strategic paid media ...

  13. Free Keyword Tool

    WordStream's free keyword research tool is intended as a complementary tool to Google's keyword planner. Both tools allow you to search for keywords to add directly to your account. One advantage WordStream's keyword search tool has over Keyword Planner is the inclusion of concrete search volumes, rather than search volume ranges.

  14. Keyword Research: The Beginner's Guide by Ahrefs

    Keyword research is the process of finding keywords that you want to rank for in search engines. It's about understanding what potential customers are searching for and why. ... Beyond Keyword Planner, there are quite a few other free keyword research tools. These are great if you're just starting out, but you'll soon realize that they ...

  15. How to Use Google Keyword Planner (2022 Guide)

    These new terms will be the basis of your new content. Step 1: Keyword Discovery. From "Discover new keywords,' you have the option to 'start with keywords' or 'start with a website.'. Say you're a sterling silver jewelry brand and want to compete for new keywords. Let's see what new content you can rank for.

  16. Moz

    Keyword Research. The one keyword research tool to rule them all. Ranking for the right keywords can make or break website success. Keyword Explorer streamlines your workflow and improves how you discover and prioritize the best keywords to target in less time. In the trenches of SEO since 2004, we poured our knowledge into building the most ...

  17. [100%] Free Keyword Planner Tool

    The tool was designed by highly experienced experts in SEO and marketing, for small business owners, SEO specialists, and individual marketers, specifically to provide an ultimate, flawless kw planning experience. Zutrix's free keyword planner tool contains the best keyword planner for your keyword research.

  18. 18 Best Keyword Research Tools for Better SEO (Free & Paid)

    Moz is a popular SEO solution that can help you improve your website's visibility in organic search results. Moz offers various backlink analysis, rank tracking, and keyword research tools. Like Semrush and other Ahrefs alternatives, Moz offers 10 free queries per month to research and analyze keywords. The keyword report data is limited, though.

  19. How to Use Google Keyword Planner in 2024

    On the left menu bar, click "Tools" > "Planning" > "Keyword Planner.". Step 2. Discover new keywords. If you want to see search volumes and metrics for an existing list of keywords, click "Get search volume and forecasts.". Otherwise, click "Discover new keywords" to find new keyword ideas. There are two ways to discover new ...

  20. Use Keyword Planner

    Organise keywords: See how your keywords fit into different categories related to your brand. Create new campaigns: Use your keyword plan to create new campaigns centred on in-depth keyword research. Bear in mind that while Keyword Planner can provide insights into keyword targeting, campaign performance depends on a variety of factors.

  21. Microsoft Advertising keyword planner

    Start using keyword planner. 01. Log in to your account and go to Tools > keyword planner. 02. In the "Find new keywords" text box, type, or paste the words, phrases, or a URL related to your business to get keyword ideas and search volume data. 03. If you already have some keywords and want to know more about the traffic, search volume on ...

  22. SEO Keyword Research Tools: A Detailed Comparison

    The comparison of SEO keyword research tools reveals distinct advantages for each option. Google Keyword Planner offers a free, user-friendly solution with comprehensive data.Ahrefs provides accurate and detailed insights but comes at a higher cost.SEMrush excels in advanced features and competitor analysis, though it may be complex for new users.Moz Keyword Explorer stands out with its unique ...