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Congress Profiles

112th congress (2011–2013), congressional profile, total membership:.

  • 435 Representatives
  • 5 Delegates
  • 1 Resident Commissioner

Party Divisions: *

  • 193 Democrats
  • 242 Republicans

* Party division totals are based on election day results.

  • Election Statistics, 2010 [PDF]
  • Vacancies and Successors

House Chamber

Congress Overview

A divided government complicated legislative work during the 112th Congress (2011–2013). Unable to reach deals on a number of issues, the Republican-controlled House and the Democratic Senate passed emergency measures to prevent a government shutdown and avoid defaulting on the country’s debt. After long talks between the Speaker and the President, a “grand bargain” of tax hikes and spending cuts collapsed, leaving a Senate bill to raise the debt ceiling. A House-Senate panel tasked with reducing deficits failed to outline a plan, triggering a series of automatic spending cuts called sequestration.

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Discharge Petitions

Number Date Petition to Discharge
July 6, 2011 the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution entitled (H.Res. 310), a resolution providing for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 639) to amend title VII of the Tariff Act of 1930 to clarify that countervailing duties may be imposed to address subsidies relating to a fundamentally undervalued currency of any foreign country ( )
July 14, 2011 the Committees on Armed Services and Transportation and Infrastructure from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 1297) entitled, a bill to appropriate such funds as may be necessary to ensure that members of the Armed Forces, including reserve components thereof, continue to receive pay and allowances for active service performed when a funding gap caused by the failure to enact interim or full-year appropriations for the Armed Forces occurs, which results in the furlough of nonemergency personnel and the curtailment of Government activities and services ( )
February 1, 2012 the Committees on Financial Services, Agriculture, House Administration, the Judiciary, Ethics, and Rules from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 1148) entitled, a bill to prohibit commodities and securities trading based on nonpublic information relating to Congress, to require additional reporting by Members and employees of Congress of securities transactions, and for other purposes ( )
July 12, 2012 the Committees on House Administration and the Judiciary from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 4010) entitled, a bill to amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to provide for additional disclosure requirements for corporations, labor organizations, and other entities, and for other purposes ( )
September 13, 2012 the Committee on Rules from the consideration of the resolution (H.Res. 739) entitled, a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6083) to provide for the reform and continuation of agricultural and other programs of the Department of Agriculture through fiscal year 2017, and for other purposes ( )
December 4, 2012 the Committees on Ways and Means and the Budget from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 15) entitled, a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to provide tax relief to middle-class families ( )

1 Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin resigned as Chaplain on May 25, 2011, and was succeeded by Reverend Patrick J. Conroy on May 25, 2011.

2 Appointed due to Sullivan’s retirement. See, Congressional Record , 112th Cong., 2nd sess., (February 28, 2012): H974.

112th congress committee assignments

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History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, “112th Congress (2011–2013),” https://history.house.gov/Congressional-Overview/Profiles/112th/ (September 01, 2024)

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Office of the Historian Office of Art and Archives Attic, Thomas Jefferson Building Washington, D.C. 20515 (202) 226-1300

The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, also known as the House Judiciary Committee, is a standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of issues related to the administration of justice, including:

  • Federal courts and judicial procedures
  • Civil rights and civil liberties
  • Constitutional amendments
  • Immigration and nationality
  • Monopolies and antitrust issues
  • Crime control and law enforcement
  • Drug policy

The committee is responsible for considering and reporting legislation related to these areas, as well as conducting oversight of the executive branch and the federal judiciary. The committee also has the authority to impeach federal officials, including the President, and to consider articles of impeachment.

The House Judiciary Committee is chaired by the Speaker of the House or, in the Speaker's absence, the Majority Leader. The ranking minority member is the Minority Leader or, in the Minority Leader's absence, the Minority Whip. The committee is composed of members of the U.S. House of Representatives, with each state represented by at least one member.

Recent Activity:


Incoming Appropriations Committee Chairman Rogers Announces New Staff Assignments for the 112th Congress

Incoming appropriations committee chairman rogers announces new staff assignments for the 112 th congress washington, d.c. – incoming house appropriations chairman hal rogers today announced new staff assignments for the twelve appropriations subcommittees. “we have a historic challenge ahead of us to cut spending, reduce the size of government and get our economy back on track. these highly qualified, professional, and dedicated staff will be critical in achieving these goals, and i know they are more than up to the task,” rogers said. the subcommittee staff assignments are as follows : david gibbons, formerly the lead republican staff person on the agriculture subcommittee, will now head the full committee’s survey’s and investigation staff. previously, gibbons was the lead republican staff person on the labor/health and human services subcommittee, and served on the staff of the transportation/housing and urban development subcommittee. the lead staff person on the agriculture subcommittee will be martin delgado. delgado most recently served on the republican appropriations committee staff handling military construction and veterans affairs. the lead staff person on the commerce/justice/science subcommittee will be mike ringler, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the defense subcommittee will be tom mclemore, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the energy and water subcommittee will be rob blair, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the financial services subcommittee will be john martens, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the homeland security subcommittee will be ben nicholson, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the interior subcommittee will be dave lesstrang, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the labor/health and human services subcommittee will be steve crane, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the legislative branch subcommittee will be liz dawson, who served as republican staff for this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the military construction/veterans affairs subcommittee will be tim peterson, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee under previous republican control of the house. the lead staff person on the state/foreign operations subcommittee will be anne marie chotvacs, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. the lead staff person on the transportation/housing and urban development subcommittee will be dena baron, who served as republican staff on this subcommittee in the last congress. in addition, jennifer miller will continue as appropriations republican staff in the front office, covering house and committee rules and procedure, as well as selected intelligence issues..

502 Cannon HOB, Washington, DC 20515 Email Me (202) 225-6435

Smith Receives Ways and Means Subcommittee Assignments

WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) today announced he will serve on the Ways and Means Subcommittees on Trade, Social Security, and Human Resources during the 112th Congress. Smith was named to the full committee in December.

The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Trade includes customs and customs administration (including tariff and import fee structure); commodity agreements and reciprocal trade agreements; budget authorizations for the customs revenue functions of the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. International Trade Commission, and the U.S. Trade Representative; and special trade-related problems involving market access, export policy and promotion, and bilateral trade relations including trade with developing nations.

The Social Security Subcommittee has oversight of issues which relate to Social Security, the Federal Old-Age, Survivors' and Disability Insurance System, the Railroad Retirement System, and employment taxes and trust fund operations relating to those systems.

The Human Resources Subcommittee has jurisdiction over public assistance provisions of the Social Security Act, including Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, child care, foster care, adoption, and low-income energy assistance.

"I'm excited for the opportunity these assignments present. There are many challenges ahead as the committee works to encourage our nation's economic growth and job creation. We will work to reform the tax code to be simpler and fairer while strengthening Social Security and Medicare. My work on the Trade Subcommittee will also provide the opportunity to actively promote access for our nation's agriculture producers and manufacturers to markets in Asia, South America, and throughout the world," Smith said.

The Committee on Ways and Means is the oldest committee of the United States Congress and has jurisdiction over trade, Social Security and Medicare, and is the chief tax-writing committee in the House of Representatives.

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Congress.  He will continue to serve as an active member on the Homeland Security and Agriculture Committees. Congress, he served as chairman of the subcommittee, formerly called the Border Maritime and Global Counterterrorism Subcommittee.


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United states senate committee on aging (special).

• • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • •
  • 1.1 118th Congress
  • 1.2 117th Congress
  • 1.3 116th Congress
  • 1.4 115th Congress
  • 1.5 114th Congress
  • 1.6 113th Congress
  • 1.7 112th Congress
  • 2 Membership
  • 3 Jurisdiction
  • 6 External links
  • 7 Footnotes

The United States Senate Committee on Aging (Special) is a standing committee of the U.S. Senate . The committee was created as a temporary committee in 1961, and became a permanent committee on February 1, 1977. [1]

118th Congress

The committee chairman in the 118th Congress is Bob Casey ( D ).

117th Congress

The committee chairman in the 117th Congress was Bob Casey ( D ).

116th Congress

The committee chairwoman in the 116th Congress was Susan Collins ( R ).

115th Congress

The committee chairwoman in the 115th Congress was Susan Collins ( R ).

114th Congress

The committee chairwoman in the 114th Congress was Susan Collins ( R ).

113th Congress

The committee chairman in the 113th Congress was Bill Nelson ( D ). [2]

112th Congress

The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Herb Kohl ( D ).

2023-2024 (118th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2023-2024

Democratic members (7) Republican members (7)
Chairman Ranking member

2021-2022 (117th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2021-2022

Democratic members (7) Republican members (7)
Chairman Ranking Member

2019-2020 (116th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2019-2020

Democratic members (6) Republican members (8)
Ranking Member Chairman

Doug Jones (D) left this committee in 2020.

2017-2018 (115th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2017-2018

Democratic members (8) Republican members (9)
Ranking Member Chairman

2015-2016 (114th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2015-2016

Democratic members (9) Republican members (10)
Ranking Member Chairman

David Perdue (R) left this committee on January 03, 2021.

2013-2014 (113th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2013-2014

Democratic members (11) Republican members (9)
Chairman Ranking Member

2011-2012 (112th Congress)

Committee on Aging (Special), 2011-2012

Democratic members (11) Republican members (10)
Chairman Ranking Member


According to the official Senate website, the jurisdiction of the Aging Committee includes the following:

G41 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, DC 20510

Phone: 202-224-5364 Fax: 202-224-8660

  • U.S. Senate
  • List of committees in the United States Congress

External links

  • Official Senate Page
  • Committee Minority House Page
  • Committee profile on Congress Merge
  • Committee profile on Govtrack
  • Committee profile on Legistorm
  • ↑ United States Senate Special Committee on Aging , "Committee History" accessed January 2012
  • ↑ United States Senate Democrats , "Reid Announces Updated Committee Assignments For 113th Congress," January 4, 2013
  • ↑ Note: This text is quoted verbatim from the original source. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
  • ↑ United States Senate Special Committee on Aging
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  • U.S. Senate committee

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Jurisdiction: Program and markets related to cotton, cottonseed, wheat, feed grains, soybeans, oilseeds, rice, dry beans, peas, lentils, the Commodity Credit Corporation, risk management, including crop insurance, commodity exchanges, and specialty crops.

Jurisdiction: Livestock, dairy, poultry, meat, seafood and seafood products, inspection, marketing, and promotion of such commodities, aquaculture, animal welfare, and grazing.


The subcommittee oversees all financial regulators, such as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Federal Reserve, all matters pertaining to consumer credit including the Consumer Credit Protection Act and access to financial services, as well as the safety and soundness of the banking system.

The Financial Services Committee is responsible for oversight of U.S. policy in these international institutions, which include the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, the Asian and African Development Banks, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

In addition to serving on these committees, Congressman Scott is a member of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly and is a member of several caucuses including the Congressional Black Caucus, the New Democrat Coalition and the Blue Dog Coalition.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren Announces Committee Assignments for 112th Congress

January 28, 2011

Washington, D.C. – Today, Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) announced that she will serve on the House Judiciary Committee, the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and the Committee on House Administration in the 112th Congress. She will serve as ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy and Enforcement and as a member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property, Competition, and the Internet. On the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, she will serve on the Energy and Environment Subcommittee and on the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee. On the House Administration Committee, she will serve as the ranking member on the Oversight Subcommittee.

“My committee assignments for the 112th Congress will enable me to continue my efforts to strengthen Silicon Valley’s economy and our innovative edge. I remain committed to working with my Congressional colleagues in a constructive bipartisan manner to achieve these goals” noted Rep. Lofgren.

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Cole Announces Committee Assignments

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Rep. Tom Cole (OK-04) today announced his committee assignments for the 112th Congress. Cole will continue serving on the Appropriations Committee and has been named to the Defense Subcommittee, as well as the Foreign Operations Subcommittee. In addition to these new subcommittees, he will continue to serve on the Interior and Environment Subcommittee.

Cole has served on the Appropriations Committee, which has jurisdiction over spending measures like the annual appropriations bills that fund all federal government agencies, since 2009. In the previous Congress, he served on the Interior and Environment; Labor/Health & Human Services/Education; and Legislative Branch subcommittees.

"The Appropriations Committee will be the tip of the spear in efforts to cut government spending, and I am honored to be serving on this pivotal committee at such an important time for our country.

"I am especially pleased to be selected to serve on subcommittees that influence issues vital to Oklahomans.

"Oklahoma's military personnel and bases are vital parts of our national security operations, and I intend to ensure that Oklahoma views are fully represented as the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee shapes military funding priorities. Speaker Boehner and Defense Secretary Gates have made it clear that the defense budget will not be immune from review, and it's crucial that we work closely with military leaders to eliminate wasteful spending without undermining our ability to respond to threats.

"On the Interior Subcommittee, I will continue to work to protect Oklahoma's agriculture and natural resource development from government overreach and to represent our Native American communities.

"The committee has already cut its own budget by 9 percent, and more cuts are coming. I look forward to making the tough choices necessary to end Washington's spending spree and put the country on the path to fiscal responsibility."

Congressman Steve Scalise logo

Scalise receives powerful Energy and Commerce subcommittee assignments for 112th Congress

Washington, DC -- Congressman Steve Scalise today received his subcommittee assignments on the Energy and Commerce Committee for the 112th Congress. Scalise will continue to serve on the Energy Subcommittee, and will join the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology as well as the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations. “These important subcommittees have jurisdiction over several issues vital to Louisiana’s economy and future,” Scalise said. “A majority of the bills that move through Congress will start in these subcommittees, and I am eager to continue working to protect the interests of Southeast Louisiana. I am honored to be a part of these active subcommittees, and I will continue working to get people back to work in the oil and gas industry, and I'll also fight against the planned government takeover of the Internet, while reigning in excessive federal regulations, holding federal agencies accountable to the American people and ensuring that Louisiana has a strong voice in the shaping of our nation’s energy policy.”

Scalise is the only Member of Congress from Louisiana to sit on the Energy Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over a number of federal agencies and issues that play a major role in the nation’s energy policy and have a critical impact on key sectors of Louisiana’s economy and culture. Some of these issues include:

• Fossil energy, renewable energy sources and synthetic fuels; energy conservation • Nuclear energy and waste • Utility issues and regulation of nuclear facilities

The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology has jurisdiction over:

• Telecommunications policy spanning the Internet, broadcast, radio, wire, and satellite • Homeland security related aspects of telecommunications, including cybersecurity • Oversight of the Federal Communications Commission

The Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations has oversight authority over the following issues which are under the jurisdiction of the Energy and Commerce Committee:

• Energy • Healthcare • Telecommunications • Foreign and domestic commerce • Environmental issues • Departments, agencies, and commissions under the purview of the committee

Contact: Stephen Bell 202-226-9113

Kaptur Earns Assignments to Appropriations and Budget Committees for 112th Congress

Congresswoman Kaptur has again earned assignments to both the Appropriations and Budget committees for the 112th Congress following official actions taken by the Democratic leadership.

Kaptur, who is serving her fifteenth term in the House, ranks 23rd in seniority among 435 members.

She is the longest-serving woman in the House and the senior-most of Ohio's 18 members.

Kaptur will rank second to Ranking Member Norm Dicks (D-Wash.) on the powerful Appropriations Committee. She will again serve on the defense subcommittee, ranking fourth among Democrats. She is the first woman to serve on the defense subcommittee.

She will be the third-ranking Democrat on the transportation, housing and urban development subcommittee and the fourth-ranking Democrat on the agriculture subcommittee.

Congresswoman Kaptur will again serve on the House Budget Committee, where she ranks third.

She is also co-chair of the Congressional Jobs Now! Caucus.


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  2. House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology Legislative Calendar

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  3. Text and Section-by-Section Analysis of the 112th Congress House Rules

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  4. Photo: Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC) speaks speaks on the Democratic

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  5. 알라딘: Committee Funding for the 112th Congress (Day 1) (Paperback)

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  6. PPT

    112th congress committee assignments


  1. US House of Representatives: History, Art & Archives

    We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us.

  2. 112th United States Congress

    House of Representatives member pin for the 112th U.S. Congress . The 112th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, from January 3, 2011, until January 3, 2013. It convened in Washington, D.C., on January 3, 2011, and ended on January 3, 2013, 17 days before the end of the presidential term to which Barack Obama was elected in 2008.

  3. U.S. Senate: Senate Committee & Subcommittee Assignments

    Committee Assignments Skip Content ... Congressional Meeting Places; Past Senate Chambers; Oral History Project; Historical Highlights. 1787-1800; 1801-1850; 1851-1877; 1878-1920; 1921-1940; 1941-1963; 1964-present; Senate Stories Blog; Research Tools . Senate Committee & Subcommittee Assignments.

  4. 112th United States Congress

    The 112th United States Congress was a meeting of the legislative branch of the United States federal government, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives.The 112th Congress first convened in Washington, D.C. on January 3, 2011, and concluded on January 3, 2013. Following the 2010 congressional elections, Democrats controlled the Senate with 51 seats to Republicans' 47; in ...

  5. Meet the 112th Congress: New lawmakers come to the Capitol

    A full reading of the Constitution will take place on Thursday, the second day of the 112th Congress. Three committees have new names: The Committee on Education and Labor is now the Committee on ...

  6. Committee on the Judiciary (112th Congress)

    The U.S. House Committee on the Judiciary, also known as the House Judiciary Committee, is a standing committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. The committee has jurisdiction over a wide range of issues related to the administration of justice, including: Federal courts and judicial procedures. Civil rights and civil liberties.

  7. Senate Committee on Armed Services Announces Subcommittee Assignments

    Subcommittee Assignments for 112 th Congress WASHINGTON — Senators Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and John McCain (R-Ariz.), chairman and ranking member of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, today announced subcommittee assignments for the 112 th Congress. A complete listing of all Committee on Armed Services subcommittee memberships appears below.

  8. Incoming Appropriations Committee Chairman Rogers ...

    Incoming Appropriations Committee Chairman Rogers Announces New Staff Assignments for the 112th Congress. ... David Gibbons, formerly the lead Republican staff person on the Agriculture Subcommittee, will now head the full committee's Survey's and Investigation staff. Previously, Gibbons was the lead Republican staff person on the Labor ...

  9. Senator Marco Rubio Announces Committee Assignments

    Feb 4, 2011 | Press Releases. Washington, D.C. - U.S. Senator Marco Rubio today announced his four committee assignments for the 112th Congress. Rubio's assignments include the Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, the Committee on Foreign Relations, the Select Committee on Intelligence, and the Committee on Small Business and ...

  10. Smith Receives Ways and Means Subcommittee Assignments

    WASHINGTON, DC - Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE) today announced he will serve on the Ways and Means Subcommittees on Trade, Social Security, and Human Resources during the 112th Congress.Smith was named to the full committee in December. The jurisdiction of the Subcommittee on Trade includes customs and customs administration (including tariff and import fee structure); commodity agreements ...

  11. Sen. Brown Announces 112th Congress Committee Assignments

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - U.S. Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) announced his committee assignments for the 112 th Congress. Brown will serve on the following Senate committees: Agriculture, Appropriations, Banking, Ethics, and Veterans Committees. "My committee assignments allow me to fight for Ohio jobs, economic development, and our state's largest ...

  12. United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and ...

    The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Joe Lieberman . Membership. 2023-2024 (118th Congress) Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, 2023-2024. Democratic members (9) ... "Reid Announces Updated Committee Assignments For 113th Congress," January 4, 2013;

  13. Congressman Cuellar Announces Committee Posts

    Congressman Cuellar is also a Vice Chairman of the Steering and Policy Committee, Senior Whip, and member of the Blue Dog Coalition. Today, Congressman Henry Cuellar (TX 28) announced his committee assignments for the 112th Congress. He will continue to serve as an active member on the Homeland Security and Agriculture Committees.

  14. United States Senate Committee on Aging (Special)

    The committee chairman in the 112th Congress was Herb Kohl . Membership. 2023-2024 (118th Congress) Committee on Aging (Special), 2023-2024. Democratic members (7) Republican members (7) ... "Reid Announces Updated Committee Assignments For 113th Congress," January 4, 2013;

  15. Committee Assignments

    Committee Assignments - 112th Congress. Washington, January 26, 2011. Congressman David Scott has selected the following committees to serve on in the 112th Congress. House Committee on Agriculture - website. Subcommittee on General Farm Commodities and Risk Management. Jurisdiction: Program and markets related to cotton, cottonseed, wheat ...

  16. Rep. Zoe Lofgren Announces Committee Assignments for 112th Congress

    January 28, 2011. Press Release. Today, Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-San Jose) announced that she will serve on the House Judiciary Committee, the Science, Space, and Technology Committee, and the Committee on House Administration in the 112th Congress. She will serve as ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Policy ...

  17. Cole Announces Committee Assignments

    WASHINGTON, D.C. - Rep. Tom Cole (OK-04) today announced his committee assignments for the 112th Congress. Cole will continue serving on the Appropriations Committee and has been named to the Defense Subcommittee, as well as the Foreign Operations Subcommittee. In addition to these new subcommittees, he will continue to serve on the Interior and Environment Subcommittee.

  18. Scalise receives powerful Energy and Commerce subcommittee assignments

    Washington, DC-- Congressman Steve Scalise today received his subcommittee assignments on the Energy and Commerce Committee for the 112th Congress.Scalise will continue to serve on the Energy Subcommittee, and will join the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology as well as the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.

  19. Kaptur Earns Assignments to Appropriations and Budget Committees for

    Congresswoman Kaptur has again earned assignments to both the Appropriations and Budget committees for the 112th Congress following official actions taken by the Democratic leadership.Kaptur, who is serving her fifteenth term in the House, ranks 23rd in seniority among 435 members.She is the longest-serving woman in the House and the senior-most of Ohio's 18 members.

  20. Text

    Text for H.J.Res.70 - 112th Congress (2011-2012): To grant the consent of Congress to an amendment to the compact between the States of Missouri and Illinois providing that bonds issued by the Bi-State Development Agency may mature in not to exceed 40 years. ... Committees: House - Judiciary: Committee Reports: H. Rept. 112-259: Latest Action ...

  21. List of United States senators in the 112th Congress

    This is a complete list of members of the United States Senate during the 112th United States Congress listed by seniority from January 3, 2011, to January 3, 2013. It is a historical listing and will contain people who have not served the entire two-year Congress should anyone resign, die, or be expelled.

  22. United States Senate Committee on Armed Services

    Chairman Carl Levin (D-MI) and Ranking Member John Warner (R-VA) listen to Admiral Mike Mullen's confirmation hearing before the Armed Services Committee to become Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in July 2007; the Armed Services Committee is charged with overseeing the U.S. Senate's confirmation hearings for senior U.S. military. Armed Services Committee senators Joe Lieberman, Carl ...

  23. Committee Assignments of the 118th Congress

    Committee Assignments of the 118th Congress. Below are all current senators and the committees on which they serve. Baldwin, Tammy (D-WI) Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies. Subcommittee on Defense. Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development.