The Dissertation Coach LOGO

Jessica L. Parker, Ed.D. 910.250.8767

Learn More About Our Expert Dissertation Coaching & Consulting Services

Since 2000, we have helped thousands of graduate students finish their doctoral dissertations and master’s theses once and for all. We offer personalized dissertation and thesis coaching and consulting services to graduate students in a wide range of fields in the United States and around the world. Contact us for a free consultation to learn how we can help you earn your degree.

Our Commitment

We are committed to helping graduate students finish their dissertations or master’s theses and making graduate school as positive a learning experience as possible. We promise to focus on your individual needs and provide honest, straightforward, confidential, and high quality services that will help you successfully earn your degree. Each professional who works at The Dissertation Coach is an expert dissertation and thesis coach, consultant, statistician and/or editor carefully selected to work on our team. No matter how long it has been since you started graduate school, how much you have struggled, or how pessimistic you are about making it to the finish line, we are committed to helping you.

Our Philosophy

We believe that conducting a dissertation or master’s thesis is both a great challenge and a great opportunity. Your dissertation or thesis experience can be a time in your life when you learn to love and appreciate challenges for the growth in competence they foster, the life experiences they grant, and the wisdom they impart. We seek to foster learning and growth among all of our clients. We believe you can rise to the occasion of completing a dissertation or master’s thesis and earn the graduate degree you seek.

Finish Your Dissertation Once And For All: How To Overcome Psychological Barriers, Get Results, And Move On With Your Life

Alison B. Miller, Founder of The Dissertation Coach

Finish Your Dissertation Once and For All - How to overcome psychological barriers, get results, and move on with your life

We are highly committed to helping graduate students finish their dissertations or master’s theses and making graduate school as positive a learning experience as possible. We promise to focus on your individual needs and provide honest, straightforward, confidential, and high quality services that will help you successfully earn your degree. Each professional who works at The Dissertation Coach is an expert dissertation and thesis coach, consultant, statistician and/or editor carefully selected to work on our team. No matter how long it has been since you started graduate school, how much you have struggled, or how pessimistic you are about making it to the finish line, we are committed to helping you.

Dissertation Coaching

Dissertation coaching is a service we designed to help you successfully structure the dissertation or thesis process, create realistic work plans, increase accountability and effectively help you overcome internal and external barriers that students experience on the path to earning a doctoral or master’s degree. Common barriers are negative thinking, anxiety, stress, procrastination, writer’s block, perfectionism, lack of faculty support, committee issues, managing multiple roles and responsibilities, and difficulty managing time effectively. We have developed a sound coaching model specifically designed to help graduate students succeed and develop skills they can use in their future careers. Read more information about this service on our Coaching page.

Dissertation Consulting

Dissertation consulting is a service we designed to offer technical assistance to graduate students as they carry out their thesis or doctoral research. We can help you develop a sound study, support you to competently execute the study, and successfully complete and defend the final product. Our dissertation consultants are experts in developing a dissertation or thesis topic, developing literature reviews, research design, methodology, developmental editing, statistical analysis, qualitative analysis and writing up research findings. As consultants we provide clear, direct guidance and mentoring that will help you succeed while you remain the author of your own work. Read more about dissertation consulting on our Consulting and Statistics pages.

Get To The Finish Line!

  • Graduate School

Thesis Writing Services: What You Need to Know

Thesis Writing Services

Regardless of how many college essays you’ve written, if the idea of writing your thesis on your own intimidates you, thesis writing services might be exactly what you need. Your thesis will probably be the most extensive and challenging piece of writing you will ever have to face. It will play a big role in determining whether you will obtain your degree, so you want to make sure to have the right guidance throughout the process. Thesis writing services will help you choose a topic, manage your time effectively, follow the guidelines of the school, and conduct the right research, among other important steps of the thesis writing process. But how do you know if you need this kind of assistance and how to find the right service for you? This article has the answers to those questions and more!

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Article Contents 8 min read

Do i need thesis writing services.

If you’ve worked with a grad school essay tutor or a grad school admissions consultant in earlier stages of your education, you might already have an idea of what to expect from a thesis writing service. From how to find a PhD topic to adjusting the format of your writing to meet the school’s guidelines, your thesis writing journey will present challenges that most people can’t face on their own. By the time most students start writing their thesis, they will probably have acquired valuable knowledge of their fields of interest, but little experience developing documents of this magnitude. In a few words, they have never written a thesis before, and having experts to rely on is absolutely fundamental. Writing your thesis will require a very sophisticated set of skills that only an experienced academic professional can master.

The process of writing a thesis can be frustrating, yet highly rewarding. Your thesis is likely to be the longest and hardest piece of work you will ever have to face as a student. It is full of upside-downs and requires strong commitment, dedication and motivation. They often involve analyzing statistics, following strict guidelines, interpreting complex literature, and working in collaboration with others. You also will be required to find reliable sources and elaborate a literature review section, edit and format your work rigorously, and answer thesis defense questions about your thesis once it is submitted. But the main reason why writing a thesis is so challenging is that it has to be absolutely spotless. The longer a document is, the harder it is to keep error-free, and the average thesis is 100 to 300 pages long. Thesis requirements tend to be extremely demanding, and the stakes are sky-high.

Thesis Failure Rates

The number of students who fail to obtain their degrees because of their dissertation has always been highly intimidating for Master’s and PhD aspirants. The Council of Graduate Schools reported that only a staggering percentage of a little over 50% of PhD students obtain their degrees after finishing their thesis. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that half the dissertations get rejected. Out of 49,000 students attending 30 institutions, only 56.6% completed the program successfully, meaning that a good portion of the other half might also be composed by students who simply dropped out. Statistics shouldn’t discourage you, but rather motivate you to do everything in your power to become a part of that 56.6%!

1. Topic Selection

One of the main graduate school interview questions you were probably asked during your admissions interview, was about your research interests. You might even have covered the subject in your statement of purpose , research interest statement or even in your CV for graduate school . Most students tend to have a topic in mind since way before they finally face the challenge of writing their thesis, and don’t need to hire a service to help them make up their minds. However, many of them make the mistake of biting more than they can chew. At first, most students choose topics that are too broad or impossible to cover with the time and resources they have. Thesis writing services can help you narrow down the scope of your research by helping you come up with more specific themes. Your topic should be narrow enough to allow extensive and thorough research without becoming overwhelmed by the volume of materials in the process.

2. Time Management

At the very beginning of your thesis writing process, when you still have several months ahead, it is normal to feel like you have time to spare. But the truth is that there is never enough time. Writing a thesis is extremely time-consuming and the research that needs to be conducted before and during the writing process can take up a good fraction of that time. Procrastination is another common struggle among students, as they are tempted to put off challenging aspects of their dissertation. A grad school advisor can help you overcome this obstacle by helping you design an effective work calendar for you to focus on a single objective at a time. Moreover, even though they can’t control the progress you make at home, they can help you catch up during your one-on-one sessions and provide you with strategies to maintain an efficient work rhythm. Experts know exactly how you should accommodate your priorities so that you don’t get stuck on issues you can’t solve without solving others first. Organizing your time and your tasks efficiently will make the process go much more smoothly.

3. Research

The research part can be harder and more time-consuming than the writing itself. Even if you have already chosen a topic, your thesis might end up going in a completely different direction after analyzing certain sources. Getting carried away during your research process is extremely easy, and sooner or later, most students lose track of the areas of knowledge they’ve already covered. Dissertations also involve high volumes of literature, which is not only hard to cover, but also hard to interpret. You need to be able to place the literature within the context of your thesis in a way that makes sense for the reader, while making a genuine contribution to your study.

While researching is something you will have to do on your own, your thesis supervisor can help you by recommending materials, interpreting the literature, and suggesting relevant topics, statistics or hypothesis. They can also help you build the literature review section and the references section at the end of your dissertation. However, given the number of students they have to pay attention to, it is nearly impossible for them to dedicate enough time to each one of them individually. This is when thesis writing services come in handy. You will be able to resort to experts whenever you need, and obtain feedback and tips on how to keep track of your sources and organize your research materials in the best way possible.

Working so hard on your thesis and putting so much effort and dedication into it can make it difficult for you to receive feedback without getting frustrated, discouraged, or defensive. But the truth is that every text needs a second set of eyes, and without personalized feedback, you won’t be able to identify the aspects of your thesis that you need to focus on. The first thing that a thesis advisor is likely to do is tell you which parts of your thesis are not clear. Some things might be obvious to you because you spent countless hours researching your topic, but they might not make sense to someone that doesn’t have your knowledge.

Thesis writing services are meant to guide you by highlighting those aspects of your writing that are correct, and those that need improvement, so having one-on-one sessions with an expert academic writer will make a huge impact on the quality of your final draft. Feedback is not always easy to handle, but it is fundamental to improve one’s skills.

5. Formatting

Every school provides a unique and very strict set of guidelines. These style guides are long and detailed, and following them is much harder than most people imagine.

Style guides usually cover:

Implementing so many rules and getting your thesis to fit exactly the format they are looking for is next to impossible if you are not used to following such specific writing instructions, especially considering you still have to focus on the quality of your research.

Formatting is one of the main issues students face when they start writing their thesis. Thesis writing services can handle that for you, by proofreading your work and making sure it meets the standards of the school you’re applying to. Formatting guidelines are especially hard to follow if you don’t master the software you are using to write your thesis. Programs such as Microsoft Word might seem intuitive, but not everyone knows how to carry out simple tasks such as customizing page numbers for each section of the document, or adding footnotes properly. Moreover, any thesis will include at least a few tables and charts, which are not easy to design without a solid knowledge of the tools you’re working with. The ideal thesis writing service should offer the technical expertise needed to get the most out of your word processor of choice. 

There is no denying that thesis writing services and c apstone project writing services are booming as an industry. This is due to the fact that students do not tend to have enough support from their academic supervisors. Getting professors to set aside the time to sit with each individual student to provide personalized guidance is not realistic for most schools, so students have to find that support elsewhere. However, many people question the legitimacy of thesis writing services.

Can you simply pay someone to write your thesis for you, or even buy a thesis that was already written by someone else? Well, what genuine thesis writing services offer is completely different. Using someone else’s work as your own is considered a severe academic misconduct and can lead to a variety of consequences, such as getting expelled from your school, or facing legal issues related to fraud and copyright violations. Your work should always be 100% original and thesis writing services should only be used as a source of guidance and support.

Looking for help with thesis defense questions? Check out this infographic for tips!

Tips for Finding the Right Service for You

If they will help you write a dissertation, they should have written one themselves, so they should at the very least have completed a Master\u2019s or a PhD thesis. ","label":"Ideally, they have been in your shoes","title":"Ideally, they have been in your shoes"}]" code="tab1" template="BlogArticle">

You shouldn’t hesitate hiring thesis writing services if you’ve never embarked on a thesis-writing journey before. Thesis writing services are completely legal and ethical, as long as you do your own work and hire the right professionals. To find the perfect service for you, check their reviews to find out what previous clients have to say, read their qualifications carefully, and make sure your thesis is going to be in the right hands by asking them about their confidentiality policies. Working one-on-one with an expert who can provide personalized feedback will help you take your thesis to the next level and obtain your degree!

You probably do! Thesis writing services will be essential for you if you lack the tools or the knowledge to take on such a challenging project. From choosing a topic to proofreading your work and making sure it meets the school’s guidelines, your thesis will require an incredible amount of time, effort, and skills that not everyone has. Thesis writing services can provide guidance and support throughout the process.

Paying someone to do the work for you is unethical and strictly discouraged. You are the author of your work. It should be original and you should never take credit for what someone else wrote.

Technology has provided us with countless tools to detect plagiarism. What’s more, if you bought an essay online because it was cheap, it is likely to have a very questionable quality. The consequences of getting caught stealing someone else’s work are severe and not at all worth the risk. Committing fraud can ruin your academic and professional reputation forever.

Thesis writing services will help you choose the topic of your thesis, structure your research, interpret the literature, build charts and tables with statistics, follow the style guide of your school, manage your time more effectively, and proofread your work as many times as needed once your thesis is finished. They should go through the whole process with you and offer you support the whole time.

Unfortunately, there are many websites offering services that are unethical, or even worse, an absolute scam. To check the legitimacy of a thesis writing service, you should check out their reviews to see what previous clients can tell you about them. You can also ask the company about their fees, their conditions, and what their services include.

This will depend on your school’s guidelines, which should be easily found online. Thesis or dissertations are usually between 100 and 300 pages long, although this number can greatly vary depending on your field and your degree.

No. You own copyright of your thesis, which means you, as the author, have the right to use, reproduce, and publish your thesis. However, your thesis might include third-party copyright material, which is copyright material created by other people, in which case you will need to seek permission to use their work, just like you need to grant yours to whoever wants to use your thesis.

Always stay open to suggestions. Handling feedback and getting the most out of it takes more time and practice than you’d think. If you’re not pleased or if you don’t agree with the feedback you received, start by asking as many questions as you need. Once you understand the editor’s comments, you will be in a better position to decide whether that feedback was constructive or destructive. Whatever you do, don’t take it personally!

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Dissertation Editing Service: Ensure Academic Success Fast, Affordable, Professional

Get dissertation editing services from an academic editor with years of experience editing dissertations, theses, and academic papers. Our dedicated Dissertation Editing service ensures top-notch editing, style refinement, and adherence to guidelines, enhancing the professionalism of your academic writing. With a focus on swift turnaround times, meet your trusted partner for the best dissertation editing services.

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  • Dissertation Editing Service: Ensure Academic Success

Need Dissertation Editing Services?

Dissertation Editing Before

When it comes to your dissertation, every word and sentence matters. That's where our Dissertation Editing services come into play. Our team of seasoned editors understands the significance of a well-crafted thesis . With years of academic editing experience, they are able to meticulously review your document, ensuring it adheres to your university's guidelines.

Our editing service for dissertations focuses on enhancing the English proficiency of your work. Go beyond basic editing services to ensure your dissertation truly shines . Whether you're a PhD candidate or a university student, we tailor our editing services for dissertations to meet your specific instructions. Transform your dissertation into the best dissertation it can be.

Our commitment to providing top-notch Dissertation Editing services extends beyond surface-level corrections. We understand that the perfect thesis requires more than just editing; it demands a keen eye for detail and an understanding of the nuances of academic writing.

Why Should I Get Dissertation Editing Services?

Transform your dissertation into the best possible version it can be with a polished thesis statement and a strong structure. 

When it comes to your dissertation, every word and sentence matters, and that's precisely where our Dissertation Editing services excel. Our team of seasoned editors, well-versed in academic writing and with years of experience in editing dissertations, can ensure your dissertation is error-free and adheres to your university's guidelines. 

Our editing services for dissertations offer rapid turnaround times , ensuring that your edited document, with its improved thesis statement and precise word count, is returned to you promptly. Your academic work deserves nothing less than the expertise of our editors who specialize in dissertation and thesis editing services, making sure your university paper is edited to perfection.

Why Choose Scribendi's Dissertation Editing Services?

Our dedication to providing the best thesis editing and Dissertation Proofreading sets us apart. We understand the importance of a clear and compelling thesis statement. Our editors work diligently to refine your document, focusing on word count, style, and overall quality. Ensure that your academic writing meets the highest standards so that your dissertation is a testament to your years of hard work.

With swift turnaround times, you can trust us to meet your deadlines, ensuring a stress-free editing process. Whether you're looking to i mprove your PhD thesis or need assistance with a dissertation, our Dissertation Editing services are your pathway to success. 

Get top-notch Dissertation Editing services and thesis proofreading. Our team of experienced editors can refine your document diligently, paying meticulous attention to word count, style, and overall quality. Don't compromise on the quality of your academic achievements; choose unparalleled editing that elevates your dissertation to the pinnacle of excellence.

Can I get a discount on Dissertation Editing services?

Enhancing your academic work has never been more affordable with our exclusive student discount for Dissertation Editing services.

Our team of expert editors is ready to take your thesis to the next level. Whether you're a PhD student or pursuing a master's degree, we understand the importance of a well-crafted dissertation. With our 10% student discount , you can enjoy substantial savings while receiving top-notch editing services for your dissertation. 

Our experienced dissertation editors are well-versed in academic writing and can help you refine your work, focusing on aspects like style, English proficiency, and adherence to university guidelines. Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to improve the quality of your thesis while saving on Dissertation Editing services.

Simply use the coupon code on our Student Discount page to start improving your writing today. Our editing service for dissertations is dedicated to helping students like you succeed in their academic journey. Take advantage of this opportunity to elevate your thesis or dissertation to its highest potential with our discounted Dissertation Editing services.

What will you receive with Dissertation Editing services? 

  • An edited document in which misspellings, grammar errors, and typos have been corrected
  • Changes and suggestions to help improve clarity, flow, structure, and readability
  • Formatting of your citations and references to the style guide of your choice, if desired
  • Tracked revisions so that you can see and review all the changes that have been made
  • In-depth critical commentary on your paper 
  • A short summary of the work that has been done and any major concerns

What types of documents can you use Dissertation Editing services for?

  • Dissertations
  • Thesis and dissertation proposals

Generative AI has become increasingly relevant in academia and can impact academic services at Scribendi; click here to see Scribendi’s policy on generative AI .

Rest assured, whether you're handling commercially sensitive data or conducting groundbreaking scholarly analysis, as part of our Dissertation Editing services, your manuscript's confidentiality is our top priority. 

We ensure the utmost privacy for your work. All uploads and downloads to our secure server are encrypted , and our stringent privacy policies are in place to safeguard your academic research and personal data. 

Dissertation editing services are just a click away . We are committed to ensuring the highest level of security and quality for your academic work. Obtain an instant quote below, and order now .

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File Word Count  
Include in Price?  
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 1,500 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 4,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 6,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 8,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 20,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 35,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (up to 50,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (50,000 to 100,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (100,000 to 150,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (150,000 to 250,000 words)
Dissertation, Thesis, or Proposal Editing (250,000 to 400,000 words)

Dissertation Editing Services FAQ

How much do dissertation editing services cost.

The cost of dissertation editing services can vary depending on factors like word count, turnaround time, and the level of editing needed. At Scribendi, you can use our instant quote widget to select the cost and turnaround time that best suit the needs of your document, including your word count, and your deadline. Our experienced editors have years of experience editing and proofreading dissertations and theses. We offer competitive prices for our editing services, ensuring your work is polished to perfection. 

Should I get editing services for my dissertation?

Absolutely! Getting professional editing services for your dissertation is crucial for academic success. Just as Personal Statement Editing ensures your application is ready to go, dissertation editing ensures your thesis is polished to perfection. We offer top-notch editing services tailored to your university's requirements, enhancing your document's style, English, and overall quality. With years of experience, our editors are able to meticulously review your work to meet the highest academic standards. Don't underestimate the importance of proofreading and editing!

Is it ethical to pursue dissertation editing services?

Yes, seeking dissertation editing services is not only ethical but highly advisable. Ethical editing services help you improve the style, English, and overall quality of your work. It's a responsible choice to invest in professional editing to elevate your academic writing as good dissertation editing services focus on integrity and academic excellence.

How do I choose an editing service for my dissertation?

Choosing the right editing service for your dissertation is crucial. Look for experienced editors with a strong background in academic writing and a focus on thesis and dissertation editing. Consider factors such as word count, turnaround time, and expertise in your field. Read reviews and ask about their years of experience editing dissertations. Ultimately, select a service that aligns with your needs and values, ensuring your work becomes the best dissertation it can be.

thesis writing consultants

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Optimum research consulting, premiere dissertation assistance, at optimum, we provide comprehensive dissertation assistance tailored to each client and each study. reach out today for a free consultation with an expert dissertation coach..

Our expert team at Optimum Research can provide you flexible, responsive dissertation help as you navigate your doctoral journey. Since 2018, we’ve helped hundreds of candidates become doctors through highly individualized, hands-on support . We offer help at each stage of your journey, leveraging the expertise of our team to provide doctoral-level research , qualitative and quantitative methodology, statistical analysis, and dissertation editing.

Our tailored, client-specific approach makes us different from other dissertation consulting firms, many of whom charge on a per-page or per-hour basis and don’t take the time to learn about a client’s study and needs before sharing a quote. At Optimum, we:

  • Offer free consultation with each client, first listening about your journey—where you are in that process, where you’ve been, and where you’re going .
  • Complete a diagnostic review of your existing work to determine where you’re starting from and what’s needed to reach final approval .
  • Provide a comprehensive written plan with feedback, guidance, and a plan for assistance and a to-the-dollar cost that includes all revisions.
  • Answer any and all questions before we start working and after we finish, ensuring we stay on the same page and on the path to approval.

These principles guide all the dissertation help we provide, through all the stages of the journey. Our assistance starts with the exploratory research needed to find a current and significant gap in the literature to motivate your study, and it culminates in comprehensive support in preparing for the defense of your final dissertation .

In between, we can help with all the research you’ll need to situate your study in the context of work in the field and justify its focus and research design . We can also develop a full methodology to help guide you through recruitment, data collection, and the qualitative and quantitative analysis that will help you construct the results and discussion chapters. We can also take on comprehensive dissertation editing and formatting to ensure that your manuscript adheres to APA editing conventions or any other formatting guidelines you must use.

(984) 222 – 7122

Frequently Asked Questions

What is .

Optimum Research Consulting is a full-service academic consulting firm providing dissertation help across all stages of the doctoral journey. We offer a tailored and responsive approach, providing hands-on assistance with dissertation research, qualitative and quantitative methodology, statistical analysis, APA editing, and even defense preparation. We also help with everything in between these steps, leveraging doctoral-level expertise to help you reach approval quickly.

Why choose Optimum Research?

At Optimum, we recognize that each client and each study are different. Unlike other consulting firms, we don’t share a cost or contract without first building a careful, tailored plan for assistance . We offer free consultation and a free diagnostic review s of what you’re working on to help us see where you’re starting from and where you need to go. In fact, clients often tell us that the feedback and guidance we share is  more helpful than anything they’ve received from their committees! 

With the deep understanding we build through our review, we know exactly how to help, sharing a plan and quote for exactly that–with a cost that won’t change.

Do you provide a guarantee ?

We do! Because of the planning we do at the start of each project, we can take on all revisions until final approval . All reviewers have individual preferences–we learn and align our work with the m, all the way to the finish line .

What will it cost ?

Unlike other consulting firms, we don’t price on a per-hour or per-page basis. Doing so results in costs that aren’t stated clearly upfront and continue to creep upward during the course of a project. At Optimum, our expert dissertation coaches share a specific, to-the-dollar quote after diagnostic review and planning. The result is a tailored cost to match what you need to reach approval, including all revisions to get there.

Where are your consultants located ?

All of our staff–dissertation coaches, researchers, qualitative and quantitative analysts, statisticians, and APA editors–are based in the United States. Optimum is a cloud-based company, as this allows us to leverage the expertise of professors and researchers in a wide variety of fields. However, we insist that our team is US-based , as this ensures that we keep our work at doctoral level . Again, our clients’ work matters, and reaching approval quickly is the best way we can help.

Do you have subject-matter experts in my field of study?

We certainly do. Given the way we leverage doctoral-level resources, we have subject-matter experts in psychology, education, business, nursing, healthcare, organizational leadership, and a host of other fields. When a client reaches out for dissertation help in a field we don’t work in–say, electrical engineering–we’re happy to refer to another service.

What is the policy concerning confidentiality ?

Your privacy is important to us. In the first email we send to you, we’ll include a n on-disclosure agreement , guaranteeing that the information you share with us is used only for our consultation together. We take other precautions, as well–our email servers are with Google, whose email and cloud storage solutions adhere to ISO 27001 and other independent security standards.

Will the price be reduced if I don't urgently need the work?

In determining the cost for the dissertation assistance we provide, we assess both (a) what’s needed and (b) the timeline. We’re pretty fast : Our work is done within 2-3 weeks. During that time, we ensure that we adhere to all guidelines —this reduces the number of revisions that would come with work thrown together hastily, resulting in much faster approval.

When we can have flexibility in our normal time frame, we’re able to leverage resources more efficiently and pass those savings to you . Of course, what’s needed to reach final approval won’t change, but we can certainly provide at least a modest discount when we get more time.  

Can you reduce the plagiarism score of my dissertation ?

It’s common for candidates to struggle with high similarity scores from checkers like Turnitin. We can address plagiarism issues so that you can resubmit and reach approval.

Can I set up a payment plan ?

Of course! We do this automatically for clients, as we divide the cost of each project into installments. Specifically, we use milestone-based payments where, after an initial payment for us to get started, all subsequent payments come with the receipt of work from us. This way, you make payments only as you progress toward approval.

Through comprehensive support that lasts to final approval, the team at Optimum can help you save on tuition costs and expand your bandwidth so you can devote time and attention to what matters . We’d love to talk about our dissertation research expertise and share insights that light the way forward. Reach out by phone at 984-222-7122 or email us at [email protected] .

Help with writing dissertation

Name Email Tell us how we might assist you. If you would like a call back please leave your number.

At Optimum, our expert dissertation coaches are here to help. There’s no commitment after your free phone consultation . It matters to us to learn–about your study, your needs, and how we can help.

thesis writing consultants


We know that meeting deadlines with high-quality work matters. We guarantee on-time submission and alignment with guidelines for each project, and revisions are included at no additional charge . We develop comprehensive plans before sharing quotes or accepting payments to make sure our dissertation help leads to final approval. We believe in open communication to earn your trust– so if you have questions, just ask!

thesis writing consultants

Optimum’s research team is composed of qualitative and quantitative analysts who have extensive, doctoral-level research experience. We stand behind our expertise and guarantee approval for all the dissertation assistance we provide.

thesis writing consultants

Optimum Research is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year to serve you. Our office is open from 9:00am to 6:00pm Eastern time, Monday through Friday . We’re always available via email and can work around your schedule to connect.

Frustrated? Busy? Burned out?

Just want to talk about your issues?

All consultations are 100% confidential and free.

Free free to reach out to us with any dissertation concerns. that is what we are here for..

Dissertation Consulting Services

Let a dissertation consultant provide the help you need to complete your degree.

A dissertation consultant mentors graduate students through the dissertation process. Over the past 22 years, we’ve assisted thousands of students to successfully complete their dissertations, and we will help you too! We’ve established a collaborative process to get you through the process quickly and smoothly, and we know what it takes to get your dissertation approved.

Studies show that   over 40% of graduate students do not complete their programs. We’re here to make sure you achieve your goals, complete your dissertation, and don’t end up spending thousands of dollars on tuition and years of your life just to end up ABD .

request a consultation

Discover How We Assist to Edit Your Dissertation Chapters

Aligning theoretical framework, gathering articles, synthesizing gaps, articulating a clear methodology and data plan, and writing about the theoretical and practical implications of your research are part of our comprehensive dissertation editing services.

  • Bring dissertation editing expertise to chapters 1-5 in timely manner.
  • Track all changes, then work with you to bring about scholarly writing.
  • Ongoing support to address committee feedback, reducing revisions.

Our dissertation consulting services include assistance with:

  • Research Topic Selection:  Quickly help you select a topic that is researchable, fits within your discipline, and gets approved.
  • Concept Paper, Proposal Writing, and Prospectus:  Work with you to develop research questions and testable hypotheses, find gaps in the literature, create a problem statement, select a theoretical framework, and sketch out a methodology.
  • Introduction:  Assist you to identify and articulate the research problem, describe the theoretical construct, and clearly talk about the nature of the study.
  • Literature Review:  Assist you to effectively search, select, organize, and summarize articles, then present in a way that tells a story and drives towards your research questions. We ensure the gap in the literature is clearly stated and aligns with the problem statement. We help replace and update articles as necessary.
  • Methodology:  Help you select and discuss the research design, and provide the steps necessary to carry out a qualitative or quantitative study. Ensure the data plan and sample size are accurate, and select the correct analyses.
  • IRB/URR:  Assist you in completing and navigating though the IRB review process. Help effectively address needed revisions to ensure speedy approval.
  • Data Management:  Help code, merge, clean, and overall manage your data.
  • Quantitative Data Analysis:  Validate your data plan, conduct descriptive statistics, assess assumptions, and help to generate and present analyses, and create tables and figures.
  • Qualitative Data Analysis:  Assist in conducting case study, phenomenological, or grounded theory research. Help includes transcribing interviews, coding data, selecting themes, and assessing the reliability of the themes.
  • Discussion:  Help you to interpret your results, discuss the theoretical and practical implications of your findings, and the relation to existing literature. Assist in developing future research.
  • PowerPoint:  Edit your PowerPoint slides to ensure highlights of your study are presented clearly.
  • Oral Defense:  Help prep you for preliminary and final oral defense

Why Should You Choose Statistics Solutions?

We have helped over 7,000 students complete their degree programs and we have over 22yrs experience..

We quickly get you on-track by focusing on the following:

Identify the places in the dissertation process where you’re getting stuck; Provide the right amount of support for you to get over that wall, so you may keep moving toward dissertation completion and graduation.

Who Utilizes Dissertation Consulting Services?

Resourceful doctorate students from many disciplines very often use a dissertation consultant.  If you are a graduate student, you have undoubtedly spent time struggling with at least one part of your dissertation. You are not alone, and as a resourceful graduate student it’s your duty to seek out the resources that will get you to graduation. Statistics Solutions is a group of researchers, methodologists, and statisticians that have been through the dissertation process with thousands of students. We have experience with addressing committee feedback, and we know what it takes to get your dissertation approved.

What are the Qualifications for a Dissertation Consultant?

Experience is key when it comes to choosing your dissertation consultant. We have worked with graduate students at both online and brick and mortar universities, and we’re familiar with your school’s guidelines. Research is our passion, and we’ve built a team of mentors that can guide you through the process, and ensure you are comfortable and confident throughout the process.

Also consider a team approach. At Statistics Solutions, you’ll be provided a team of mentors, and have access to our support staff. This means that there is always a live person here to speak with when you call. It also means that our  mentors can collaborate with each other when necessary, and we have an extensive peer review process to ensure quality. A history of success is also important, so make sure to check reviews .

What are the Benefits of Working with a Dissertation Consultant?

Graduation! A dissertation consultant is the best way for a student to get immediate help on his or her dissertation, and a student should not wait to seek that help. Securing a dissertation consultant as a member of your team will ensure your success. Often, students don’t get the support they need provided to them by their institution, and we are here to bridge the gap between what your institution provides and completing your dissertation. As mentioned above, the completion rates are low, and securing the appropriate help will ensure your graduation.

Having an experienced dissertation consultant will also save you time and tuition. We will keep you on track and with our experience, we will quickly and smoothly guide you through the dissertation process. When clients start with us at the beginning of their dissertation journey they are usually finished within one year.


Dissertation Editing & Proofreading Service

Let's get your dissertation defense ready!

thesis writing consultants

Choose the dissertation editing service you need

Take a pick based on your unique requirements, including the level of editor intervention your manuscript requires, your dissertation submission deadline, and other details.

Make your dissertation error free and submission ready

Make your dissertation error free and submission ready

Suitable for writers who need thorough proofreading to eliminate grammar & spelling mistakes in their dissertations & ensure stylistic consistency.

  • Correction of spelling errors
  • Grammatical accuracy
  • Precise punctuation
  • Stylistic consistency
  • US/UK English style
  • Style guide adherence (APA, MLA, CMOS)
  • Expert tips on academic style and conventions
One Round of RevisionPaid
Reference FormattingPaid
Thesis FormattingPaid
iThenticate Plag-CheckPaid


Improve the overall presentation of your dissertation

A thorough dissertation editing with a deeper intervention to enhance clarity and coherence. Recommended for writers who need help to enhance their writing. 

Other Services

  • Accurate word/phrase choice
  • Paraphrasing for clarity and concision
  • Smooth transition at paragraph and section levels
  • Smooth transitions at sentence and paragraph levels
  • Elimination of redundancy
  • Advanced tips on content, style, and conventions
  • Commentary on content placement, transition, and logical consistency
One Round of Revision Free
Reference Formatting Free
Thesis FormattingPaid
iThenticate Plag-CheckPaid

Make your dissertation stand out

Grammar & punctuation, academic style, remarks & comments, clarity check, structure check.

Enago promise

100% Reassurance of Quality

  • High quality editors
  • 24x7 customer support
  • Error free theses
  • Free Q&A service

Add-on Services

Plagiarism check.

Our comprehensive plagiarism check, powered by iThenticate, detects unintentional repetition or plagiarism so that you can submit your dissertation with confidence.

Reference Formatting

Our experts will ensure that your in-text citations and references are in the prescribed style as per the institutional guidelines or style guides (e.g., APA, MLA, & CMOS).

Certificate of Editing

You will be provided with a downloadable certificate that states that your dissertation has been proofread & edited by a professional English language editor. 

Thesis Expert Summary Report

Our experts provide you with feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of your dissertation as well as your writing style, giving you unique insight about your dissertation and your writing.

Expert Ratings

A numerical report card for your dissertation made by your expert editor to evaluate aspects such as punctuation, grammar, style, word choice, flow & clarity, and references & citations.

Thesis Formatting

We format your dissertation by applying templates, page layouts, table style, typesetting, etc., by following your institutional guidelines or your preferred style guide (e.g., APA, MLA, and CMOS).

Meet your Ph.D. & Master's expert dissertation editors

We select the best dissertation editing expert matching your needs based on your field of study, choice of service, and preferences. The expert works on your dissertation and sends you the edited dissertation ready for submission. If our experts have any queries or suggestions, they will pass them on to you so you can implement them before submission. 


Areas of Expertise


Ready with your dissertation?

Get started with a free trial today!


Client Testimonials for Thesis Editing

Frequently Asked Questions

Should i choose thesis pro or thesis essentials +.

Thesis Essentials provides a thorough grammar and language revision so you won't have to worry about basic language mistakes. It is suitable for students who are confident in their writing and/or under close guidance from their research advisers. Thesis Pro gives you a more holistic editing that not only ensures your manuscript is free of error but also enhances its content presentation.

Is editing my dissertation considered cheating? +

No! It's not cheating. Many teachers demand that their students use professional editing services to check the material for formatting and technical issues. Our service is not about creating unique content—which would be deemed plagiarism—but rather about enhancing the narrative and clarity of existing articles.

How much does dissertation editing cost? +

The starting price for Enago's dissertation editing service is $0.02 per word. Each dissertation editor on Enago's team pays close attention to a number of things, such as grammar, narrative, formatting errors, page layout, sources and citations, and annotated bibliography.

Do you offer editing services for dissertations to students? +

Without a doubt! Enago has designed the dissertation editing service to match the needs of students and independent researchers. 

How does Enago Thesis Editing work? +

We have a 4-step process to give you a stress-free dissertation editing experience. You can g et a quotation within 1 hour, pay for your editing, and we’ll let you know once your dissertation is ready. We are available 24x7, 365 days (even on public holidays).

Are you ready for professional dissertation editing?

  • How It Works
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thesis writing consultants

Fail-proof thesis writing service.

No more all-nighters. Have your thesis, research paper or any other writing project prepared by a dedicated expert in your field of study.

Introducing Our Team of Skilled Thesis Writers for Hire

“At the very beginning of my work on a thesis, I thought that my biggest challenges would be connected with extensive research, the lengthy writing process, and spending months in the library. Little did I know that I would be stuck obtaining data reliable enough to make a decent analysis and calculations. I wish I had discovered this company earlier. I greatly appreciate your assistance and recommend my writer to everyone.”

It was a pleasure communicating with this writer. She is highly knowledgeable and always open for a brief discussion. I love her writing style. It's remarkable! She's the ideal choice for any history writing project, regardless of complexity.

I want to express my gratitude for the excellent paper you've written for me. This is my second time using this service, and once again, you have given me a highly qualified person.

Excellent service when you need someone to polish your writing. After spending so many nights working on it, you're bound to miss small issues. You can either give it to a colleague or, better yet, hire someone qualified for a fee. This person is not only a good editor but also proficient in my discipline. Great job!

Thank you! I highly recommend this writer to anyone with a sociology-related project.

Reach out for competent thesis writing help. You’ll be glad you did.

You can’t go wrong when you have a master’s or PhD-level writer working on your paper. Armed with their expertise, you will succeed whatever the field.

Unique ideas, zero plagiarism.

Every project is written from scratch, period. Your thesis will be done exactly to your specs, and filled with original content.

Done to fit the format.

No more need to worry about improper citations or misplaced headers: formatting guidelines will be followed to a T.

Lay back or take control.

Get involved as much or as little as you want: your writer will take care of all the feedback from you or your advisor.

No matter the challenge, there's a specialist for it.

From the first page of your research proposal, to the final footnotes on your PhD thesis, we get it done.

Kick things off with a persuasive, captivating proposal - one you can use as the core of your future dissertation.

Want a thesis with a clear logical structure and a well-stated argument? With a professional at the helm of your project, you will get both.

PhD Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is no picnic – your writer has enough knowledge and expert power in your subject to bring you the result you want.

Want a thesis with a clear logical structure and a well-stated argument? With a top 2% expert at the helm of your project, you will get both.

Writing a dissertation is no picnic – your writer has enough knowledge & power in your subject to bring you the result you want.

Excel with your projects like our other clients did.

I've been using this service for a while now, and I must say, this company is very client-oriented. If there's anything you don't like, they are more than willing to rewrite it to your satisfaction. Even after receiving your paper, if you feel that you need to make any changes, just ask, and they'll promptly fulfill your request. For every assignment I've had, they have assigned someone qualified, which was evident either from the flow of the paper or just in a chat with the writer.

Thanks for proofreading my thesis. First, I received a notification that my draft was ready. After confirming the editor's suggestions for improvement, he promptly made the corrections. Quick service and a user-friendly platform.

The website is very easy to navigate. Filling out the order form might take some time, but providing more details ensures that the paper will fit your requirements. One thing I didn't like is that there is no contact information for the writer, like a phone number or WhatsApp. It would be much easier to discuss everything in a 10-minute call rather than communicating solely through messages. Writing something and then waiting for a reply is a bit frustrating.

You did an excellent job! No AI system could compete with a live human when it comes to research, working with numbers, and making assumptions. I appreciate that there is still someone not too obsessed with implementing high-tech stuff. Being able to talk to a real person in a live chat and then discuss everything with the actual writer is great. Old school rocks.

I always stress a lot about my English. Incorrect or improper words can simply ruin the paper that you have been writing. Even the strongest thesis statement will lose its impact. I want to say thank you to my editor who has worked with my papers for quite a long time, proofreading everything and yet not making the text too complicated to read. May God bless you!

A Reliable Writing Company For Guaranteed Result

Why You Should Hire A Thesis Writer

Academic Disciplines That We Cover

The Ordering Process

Factors Affecting The Price Of A Thesis

Benefits That You Get

Top 3 Reasons To Order A Thesis Online

Reasons to Choose Our Thesis Writing Service

A thesis defense is the culmination of your hard work over the time you have spent on your scientific work. Regardless of your major or academic level, this process might be challenging. It’s great if you feel a lot of confidence to create this academic task by yourself and successfully defend it before the committee. For those who do not want to struggle, we have a solution. By choosing our custom thesis writing service, you free yourself from spending additional time on writing while ensuring success for your defense at the same time. But you may ask us why we are so confident about it.

Our thesis writing company has been helping students complete their educational path for over a decade. We set a goal to create a platform that would help every student looking for assistance with their defenses. Over the years, we have grown and created a community of experts whose main task is to create the best writing for our customers. Still not convinced? In this case, we suggest you continue reading and find out what makes us the best thesis writing company on the market.

Three-In-One Thesis Writing Service

The main reason that makes us the best thesis writing company is that we can help absolutely any student, starting with the future bachelor and finishing with the Ph.D. candidate. We can confidently say, that there is nothing impossible for us, because of the thousands of successfully defended theses prepared by our professional thesis writers. Fortunately, if you are looking for a professional thesis writing service, you have already found it.

We also named this section this way for a very specific reason. Even though we spread our focus to all academic levels, we manage to ensure the highest quality for students of all academic levels. Such an approach makes us the thesis writing service provider that can provide you with qualitative help for Ph.D. theses as well as for bachelor’s ones.

Our PhD thesis writing service guarantees top-notch results no matter your subject or topic. We know how to ensure your successful defense because we have been doing that for years. Our company made sure to engage experts, who have great academic experience in combination with their Ph.D. statuses. We appreciate your decision to buy PhD thesis online and ensure such a substantial task for us. Therefore, we consider it our main responsibility to provide you with the best help to receive the proud title of philosophical doctor after finishing our cooperation.

Master Thesis

As well as assisting you in receiving Ph.D. statuses, we are eager to help you with your master's thesis. With our assistance, you can hire a master thesis writer, who will suit all your needs and convey your long scientific work in a logical and well-written document. We believe that our thesis writing company stands out among the competitors due to our specific professional approach. We do not just pretend that we want to help you with your master thesis, but we indeed help you achieve this level. Therefore, receiving a master thesis in a company with a flawless reputation is no longer a dream but a reality.

Bachelor Thesis

Besides being an exceptional master thesis writing service, we are also dealing with bachelor theses for all academic majors. So, if you were looking for a decent bachelor thesis writing service, your search is finally over. As soon as you decide to buy custom thesis for your bachelor’s assessment, we guarantee you two things. First, you will receive a bachelor's degree by the end of our cooperation. And second, is that during our cooperation, we will provide you with the best service you could ever dream of.

Why You Should Hire A Thesis Writer From Us

Providing the best thesis writing help is not attainable without the presence of professional custom thesis writers. For that reason, we spared neither our time nor our efforts in attracting the best experts from all fields of science. Our hiring process includes a special selection system to ensure that the hired specialist can handle the average orders we usually receive. Therefore, once you purchase PhD thesis from ThesisGeek, we guarantee that your academic paper will be prepared by someone with the same level or even higher.

Our PhD Thesis Writers - Your Ticket to the Future

Your decision to buy PhD thesis from our service is a priceless investment into your flawless defense process. Instead of spending your time reading and reviewing your Ph.D. dissertation, you can rely on our PhD thesis writers. The chosen expert will make sure to review your paper, distinguish the essential purpose and ideas, check the used sources, and gather it all together in your Ph.D. thesis. In addition, we guarantee that our online thesis writer will make sure to format your work according to all academic requirements. So, for your defense, you will only have to read it and make sure to remain calm.

Receive Your Paper Done By Our Master Thesis Writer

The defense process for your master’s status will not be less anxious. However, you can make it much easier by placing an order on our master thesis writing service. As we have mentioned, our company implemented a special approach for the employment process of all our experts. Therefore, you can rest assured that during the creation of your master's thesis, the assigned expert will make sure to adhere to requirements that are specifically tailored to your level.

Buy Thesis For Any Academic Subject

We consider versatility to be one of the best qualities of our online thesis writing service. That means that you can bring your dissertation on any subject, topic, or question and we will manage to turn it into a well-written, logical paper for your defense. Still, we understand that your mind is filled with doubts regarding the possibility of hiring your thesis writer online. To make this choice easier for you, we’d like to present you with subjects with which we have been dealing lately.

Engineering Science

Feeling anxious before your defense in engineering? Allow us to make this process less stressful for you. Just place an order to purchase thesis online and allow our professional engineering experts to do the rest while you prepare mentally for your defense day. The assigned person will make sure to create a decent summary of your paper and format it according to the necessary academic level.

Medical Science and Nursing

The creation of a medical thesis is a challenging process, but not for our thesis writers for hire. The decision to buy a thesis from our service will be accompanied by receiving the best medical writing help that is available on the market. What is more important is that you can rely on us regardless of your academic level. We are also aware of all the pitfalls that may occur during the process of defense. That’s why your project will be flawless, to ensure the maximum evaluation of your performance.

Law and Legal Studies

Your law thesis defense may turn into a nightmare if the defense committee sees even the slightest uncertainty during your performance. To make your defense perfect, your scientific work should be impeccable. Fortunately, it’s something that we are eager to provide you once you decide to buy a thesis paper from us. Your writer will make sure to prepare you with decent legal research, shaped into a good-looking project. Long story short, the decision to order thesis online will give you confidence, as you are already a practicing attorney.

Looking forward to finally going through your defense process and getting right to the graduation ceremony? In this case, you have to pass through the defense before your committee. The good news is that our professional thesis writer will ensure the academic side of the defense. Our company includes finance experts of all academic levels, who have already successfully defended their finance diplomas. All that helps us to make sure that we provide you with decent assistance towards your defense process.

Placing an Order At ThesisGeek

When you type “best thesis writing service online in USA” and open the page of our website, you might get confused, especially if you haven't ordered thesis writing help before. However, we would like to assure you that there is nothing to worry about because you have already passed the hardest part.

The only thing left is to order your thesis and enjoy time stress-free until the day of your defense. We made sure to create a process that would require zero effort and will be quick at the same time. In any case, for your convenience, allow us to present you with an instruction on how to buy thesis on the website:

  • Register on the platform. The first essential step to buy thesis from our service is to go through a quick registration on our platform. To order thesis online we will ask you to provide us with your name, a valid email address, and your phone number. The last is optional but not required, still, we ask you to provide it to us because of security reasons;
  • Provide the order details. Our thesis writers online community consists of hundreds of people with different majors and academic levels. Therefore, to provide you with a suitable candidate, we require specific requirements for your term paper or dissertation. By that, we mean your subject, topic, volume, formatting style, etc. And of course, the file with the dissertation or term paper itself. It would help us to distinguish the writer who suits your professional and academic expectations;
  • Add specific requirements. During the next stage, we will provide you with the opportunity to add other specific requirements to your thesis order. For instance, you will get the opportunity to choose the language level of your thesis writer or purchase an opportunity to get the best specialist in your field to create a thesis for you. In any case, even if you decide to skip these offers, we guarantee the highest level of received document.
  • Submit the order and enjoy. The final and the most pleasant part of our cooperation is the ability to completely relax and rely on our experts. During the time our writers will spend preparing your thesis, you will get an opportunity to have a good night's sleep, go out with your classmates, and enjoy your free time as you please.

We believe that these instructions will provide you with a certain understanding of the necessary steps you have to complete to make an order from our service. We understand that a decision to buy thesis papers may be difficult. Therefore, we wanted to make it at least a bit easier for you.

What Determines The Thesis Price?

Do you still think that it’s not possible to combine democratic rates and exceptional quality? Well, we do not blame you, because, with the current level of average thesis writing services, it becomes only harder to believe that such things are not fantasies. Still, we would like to prove that for a company that puts customers’ satisfaction over the profit, there is nothing impossible. As you already have guessed this section will be completely dedicated to the questions of your future thesis cost. We will take a closer look at the factors that form your future thesis price, so by the end of this paragraph, you will know why it’s so beneficial to order thesis online only from “ThesisGeek”.

The Most Democratic Thesis Writing Price on the Market

Understandably, your final decision to order thesis online will be based on your current financial abilities. Since our main credo was to ensure qualitative writing help for all students, our team created a flexible pricing system that contributes to our greater purpose. Hence, you get a chance to buy PhD thesis and not feel any difference to your financial well-being. And of course, this approach applies to all academic levels that we are dealing with. Still can’t believe it? Then read the next section, where we describe in detail the process of price creation.

Thesis Editing Price That Will Suit Anybody

It’s essential to pay close attention toward the preparation of your scientific work. Without the slightest exaggeration, your defense will depend on it. Therefore, we suggest you start seeking assistance with your thesis editing as soon as possible. There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, this decision will save you a lot of nerves, secondly, it will be more profitable financially. The truth is that the sooner you contact us, the lesser price you will pay in the end. This is the way it works at ThesisGeek.

Thesis Proofreading Cost That Doesn’t Bite

So what is the average thesis proofreading cost? The proofreading price will depend on multiple factors, such as your subject, topic, volume, requirements, additional services, and the amount of time you gave us for proofreading. For instance, an average proofreading PhD thesis price with an arranged two-week deadline will cost you only $18. We can also provide you with qualitative proofreading even within the range of twenty-four hours. Still, we suggest you not put off your request for assistance and reach out to us as soon as possible.

Additional Benefits From Best Thesis Writing Company

We hope that we didn’t convince you that our exceptional writing skills are the only reason to order a thesis from our service because it’s not. During our journey, we managed to create a community that consists of thousands of students around the United States. To make your experience even more special, we implement encouraging benefits regularly. Still, some of our benefits became a part of the regular order package. Well, we will not keep the intrigue any longer, so let us present you with our special beneficial list.

  • 60-day money-back guarantee. By taking the order into processing, we provide you with a guarantee that either your thesis will be delivered to you according to the settled agreement or the order will be refunded in full. We implemented such an approach to ensure the maximum satisfaction level from the received services. Still, it’s worth mentioning that refund requests are rare because our clients always end up satisfied with the received results;
  • Loyalty program. We have created this benefit to ensure that you will come back to us each time when you need any kind of writing help. What is the essence of this program you may ask. The sense of our loyalty program is as easy as pie and lies in the fact that each time when you purchase an order on our platform, you receive some amount of points for your next order. Once you collect the required quantity, you will be able to buy a bachelor thesis or any other writing almost free!
  • Free revisions. Another advantage of purchasing your thesis from us is our free revisions, which apply to all orders without the exceptions. That means that you will be able to receive a limitless amount of revisions if you will not be fully satisfied with the final result. Do not worry about asking your writer to revise, because his main goal is to make you satisfied with the final result.

This is not a complete list of our benefits, because our team makes sure to come up with new beneficial solutions. We will not tire of repeating that our main values are our community and our customers. Therefore, ThesisGeek continues to do everything to make you satisfied.

Three Main Reasons to Order a Thesis Online

In the final paragraph of our article, we’d like to gather situations that are practically screaming about the necessity to ensure your thesis preparation into the hands of our professionals. Therefore, if you recognize yourself even in one of the situations described, do not waste another minute and contact us immediately.

  • Anxiety before the defense. Anxiety is a common feeling before any public performance, especially if it’s your defense. However, it can be easily dealt with by taking proper action. In your particular case, your best action is to contact us and have a little bit of rest;
  • Uncertainty about the outcome. Feeling insecure about the outcome of your defense? In this case, your best choice is to reach out to us immediately. We will check your paper, create a thesis, and make you believe in yourself like never before;
  • Aspiration for the highest results. We do not tolerate mediocrity and average results. Therefore, if you are only aiming for exceptional results your only decision is to buy your thesis here.

We do not want you to feel limited by the mentioned reasons, because there are no good or bad reasons to ask for help. Meanwhile, the only right way is to listen to your inner voice and not shoulder yourself beyond one's strength.

Can I buy a thesis on your website?

Of course! You can purchase a thesis on our website. The first step is providing as much information as you can to our writer. The most basic are thesis objectives, word count, format, etc. Any notes, comments from your professors, or your ideas also count. This will give us a full understanding of the task.

The second step when you buy thesis online from us is to expect detailed research from our expert. This is the foundation of any successful scientific work. After gathering qualitative and quantitative data, our writers will form the most innovative ideas for your work. We understand how doubtful it is to leave someone to write such an important paper. The team of in-house editors rigorously review each scientific work before submitting them to customers.

What makes your thesis writing service special?

We believe that our reputation talks for ourselves. You can check dozens of thesis writing service reviews written about ThesisGeek and will not find a single negative word. All because we put your satisfaction and our reputation. Such a simple but rare action, that you will no longer be able to see in any other service, that regularly puts profit over everything.

Another thing that makes us special is our team and the community that we have created. You can no longer name us a regular MBA thesis writing service or master thesis service because our platform already surpassed this level a long time ago. Instead, we would like to be perceived as a service that sincerely values its community and respects the estimated goals. Finally, with the decision to buy master thesis from us, you're not only ensuring your defense but receiving a whole community rooting for your success.

How do I hire a thesis writer? Can I choose one?

We made sure to make the ordering process as simple as possible. We understand the priceless value of each minute of your time, so we do not want you to spend it struggling with complex registrations and long expectations. Instead, we have created our ordering process for nothing except pure convenience. To hire a writer for your thesis, we will ask you to enter your email address, provide the requirements, and move on to the writer selection process.

As for the selection process, we say yes right away, you can choose the writer who will be preparing your thesis. For example, if you want us to prepare you for your MBA defense, we will provide you with a list of MBA thesis writers, who will be experienced enough to handle the thesis, to surprise even the toughest business professor. To choose your writer, you will need to fill in the form and indicate the type of writer you are looking for.

How much does it cost? What exactly forms the final price?

The first thing that will pop up in your mind even before typing “buy a master thesis” in Google is doubt regarding the availability of such a service. If you are worried about the prices we want to mention that there are no more democratic rates rather than on ThesisGeek. The main purpose for the establishment of our platform was to ensure the ability to receive cheap and qualitative writing help. The same approach applies to the creation of theses for your defenses.

As for the factors that influence the final bill for your thesis, they will not include anything special. Of course, we are talking about your academic level, volume, type of formatting, desired writer, and definitely the deadline. All these factors together will contribute to the formation of your final bill. In any case, be assured that the price will pleasantly surprise you in the end.

Is it safe to use your thesis writing company?

We know that you will be double-checking all the information about our company before making your final decision. However, we have nothing to hide, since we have been a transparent and reliable company since our very establishment. And the best proof of our words are thousands of grateful students, to whom we provided our writing services. In any case, to dispel your possible doubts, we would like to make a statement that it’s safe to order your thesis from our service.

It is safe from digital, legal, and even ethical sides to use our service as your thesis provider. We will do everything to prove that you have made the right decision when you decided to order the thesis from us. We also make sure to create simple yet informative policies that ensure the legal part of our activity, so you can see for yourself, that you are dealing with a real professional.

What instructions do I need to provide if I want to buy a thesis?

You can greatly increase the process of your thesis preparation by providing us with detailed and comprehensive instructions. During the ordering of your thesis, we will allow you to upload your file with thesis requirements into the ordering form.

The requirements for your thesis should include the approximate volume, formatting style, title page, and other essential details. It will help the writer to ensure that the thesis will be accepted by the committee, and you will be allowed to defend.

How do I order a thesis online on the website? What is the process?

The ordering process of your thesis will be as easy as shelling pears. Since we wanted to avoid any confusion from our newcomers, we created a simple yet convenient order form on our web platform. There, we will suggest you log into your existing cabinet or sign up if you visit us for the first time. After that, the order form will pop up automatically. You will need to enter the paper details, such as level, major, subject, thesis title, and additional instructions that you have.

After entering the details into the form you will be redirected to the page with the final price. If there are any available discounts or bonuses, they will be added to your order automatically. And that’s it because the last thing that will be necessary from you is to make a purchase with a suitable payment method and wait for the final thesis in your email inbox.

thesis writing consultants


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Thesis writing can be a formidable challenge for university students, often necessitating the use of online thesis services. The transition from school to college is marked by a surge in academic responsibilities, dispelling the notion of carefree university life. As students advance, research-based tasks become central, and managing academics alongside part-time jobs becomes increasingly complex. This complexity peaks in the final year when students must complete their thesis.

Thesis writing reflects years of academic dedication, revealing a student’s grasp of their chosen field. However, many students grapple with composing a comprehensive research report despite possessing practical skills. This uncertainty regarding their writing abilities can cast a shadow over their academic aspirations.

In this context, professional thesis writing assistance becomes indispensable. Seeking such support is not a sign of inadequacy but a proactive step toward academic success.

Thesis writing services provide essential guidance on structuring the thesis, conducting effective research, and presenting findings compellingly. They also assist students in refining their time management skills, which prove invaluable when juggling academic commitments and part-time jobs.

In today’s evolving academic landscape, characterized by the prevalence of part-time work, thesis writing assistance is more relevant than ever. It empowers students to navigate the intricacies of this significant academic undertaking, ensuring they can attain their educational objectives. These services often entail collaboration with subject matter experts, spanning from PhD-level professionals to those at the master’s level, providing comprehensive support throughout the thesis writing process.

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  • Spelling and grammar errors
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For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs.

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Customize your editing package to get the help you need, structure check, clarity check, paper formatting, citation editing.

Ensures sections and chapters are structured and focused and your writing is free of redundancies.

  • Through in-text feedback, your editor will help:
  • Organize and focus individual chapters and sections
  • Eliminate repetitive and redundant information
  • Perfect transitions between sentences and paragraphs
  • Align titles and headings with the section’s content

You’ll also receive a personalized Structure Check Report meant to help you identify missing elements in each chapter or section and prioritize improvements.

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Ensures ideas are presented clearly, your arguments are consistent, and your audience can follow along.

Through in-text comments and checklists, your editor will:

  • Make sure your text tells a clear and logical story
  • Check that you’ve clearly presented concepts, ideas, and key terms
  • Make sure your key takeaways and conclusions are front and center
  • Highlight contradictions within the text
  • Ensure you’re keeping your audience’s needs in mind

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Ensures a professional look for your document that meets your formatting requirements.

Your formatting expert will ensure consistency for the following:

  • Margins, spacing, and indentation
  • Body text and headings
  • Page numbers
  • Abstract and keywords
  • Explanatory footnotes

Choose our Paper Formatting service for a professional finish or our APA Editing Service for the most up-to-date APA formatting.

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Citation Editing ensures your citations and references are consistent and meet your style guide’s requirements.

After you provide your document with a reference list, your citation expert will:

  • Format the layout of your reference page (margins, indents, spacing)
  • Ensure that your chosen citation style is applied consistently according to the guidelines
  • Cross-check citations with reference entries
  • Provide feedback on reference list entries that you need to complete due to missing information

Your expert is familiar with all common citation styles. Find more information about the service and our requirements in our FAQs .

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I have a doctorate in biology and studied a range of life science subjects. I specialize in editing academic texts.

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I researched at Harvard, taught English with a Fulbright in Peru, and earned a master's from Johns Hopkins.

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I am an academic editor and book reviewer. I am familiar with many style guides and have edited over 6 million words.

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I have a bachelor's in electrical engineering and a master's in psychology and am pursuing a PhD in neuroscience.

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I am an ESL teacher and academic editor with a research background in the humanities, arts, and culture.

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Consider this, I scored over 40 on verbal, on the graduate management admission test (i.e., admission test for MBA), which places me at the 83 percentile. In other words, my english is above par. Yet, my revision was filled with comments and adjustments that made my text a lot more clear to the reader. My revision was also ready two days early, which was a pleasant surprise.

How it works

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You’ll receive back your document with tracked changes and feedback as well as a personal letter from your editor. The last step is submitting your work with confidence!

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Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our proofreading service, our AI writing tools ( plagiarism checker , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker , summarizer,  Citation Generator ) as well as our free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

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At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

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Meet the Graduate Writing Consultants

We encourage you to make an appointment with a writing consultant in an academic area similar to yours, so please review the consultant bios listed below. All writing consultants have been trained to help graduate students with general writing issues in any field, but it can be helpful to work with someone in a field more similar to your own.

Foreign languages : a few of our writing consultants feel comfortable reading work in other languages. See their bios for more information.

Department: English Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Professional Writing, Humanities & Arts, Application Documents, Oral Presentations, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Writing Process, Revision Strategies, Style/Flow, Creative Writing, Narrative Writing Pronouns: he/him Bio: Abraham is a Ph.D. candidate in English and is interested in comparative work between 20th century U.S. multi-ethnic literature and Latin American literature. He has two years experience working in the Graduate Writing Center. He can speak, read, and write in academic Spanish fluently and has done work in oral and written translation. He has conducted interviews for oral history projects archived in the UCLA Library. He has taught creative writing classes with a focus on revision strategies. He has written letters of recommendation for students applying to graduate school, internships, jobs, and scholarships. His favorite punctuation mark is one not typically used in academic writing but overused in the comic book genre: the excellent exclamation mark!

Department: Psychology Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Fellowships/Grants, STEM, Social Sciences, Application Documents, Article Manuscripts, Quantitative Methods, Statistical Reporting, Statistics, Revision Strategies, Editing Strategies, Writing Process, Style/Flow, Master’s Thesis Pronouns: she/her Bio: Adriana is a Developmental Psychology PhD candidate studying the impact of early life adversity on neurodevelopment. Over the course of her graduate career, she has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, an NICHD Brain and Behavioral Development during Adolescence (BBDA) T32 Doctoral Training Fellowship, a Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, a UCLA Graduate Research Mentorship fellowship, and a UCLA Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award. She also received an Honorable Mention for the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship. Prior to enrolling at UCLA, Adriana graduated from Harvard College with a degree in Neurobiology (Mind, Brain and Behavior) and a minor in Computer Science. Despite her reliance on parentheses (they can be so helpful!), her favorite punctuation mark is the comma.

Department: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Writing Specialities: Academic Writing, Application Documents, Article Manuscripts, Fellowships/Grants, Lab Reports, Quantitative Methods, STEM, Style/Flow, Writing Process Pronouns: he/him Bio: Aidan is a PhD student studying evolutionary developmental biology. His research focuses on the rules that govern how variation develops in animals. Aidan earned a BSc in Biology from McGill University, where he studied developmental biology and paleontology. As a graduate student, he has received the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP). Aidan’s ~favorite~ punctuation mark is the tilde, for its ability to add ~special emphasis~ with its squiggly arms.

Department: Comparative Literature Writing Specialties: English Language Learners, Academic Writing, Application Documents, Humanities & Arts, Cultural Studies, Writing Process, Revision, Editing, Grammar/Mechanics, Style/Flow, Master’s Thesis Pronouns: she/her Bio: Amelia is a PhD student in Comparative Literature. Her research interests include Memory Studies, Turkish literature and culture, Latin American literature and culture, and interdisciplinary approaches to literary study. She has an MA in Comparative Literature from the University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies, where she studied critical theory and Turkish and Arabic literatures (in translation!). Before attending UCLA, Amelia worked as an English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instructor for university students and adult learners in Japan, Turkey, and Colorado. Her favorite punctuation mark is the em dash, because it can get her out of punctuation pickles and because it adds a little extra drama to her writing.

Department: Sociology Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Application Documents, Professional Writing, Social Sciences, Qualitative Methods, Writing Process, Style/Flow Pronouns: he/him Bio: Andrew is a PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology. He studies social and political responses to climate change, with a current focus on adaptation to sea level rise in coastal areas. Andrew has an MSc in political sociology from the London School of Economics and a BA from McGill University. His professional background includes teaching English in Iksan, South Korea and providing one-on-one tutoring in English Composition. Before attending UCLA, Andrew worked in arts education, where he produced and edited a professional publication. He is the recipient of a Graduate Research Mentorship Award. His favorite punctuation mark—even though his many asides might indicate otherwise—is the period.

Department: Urban Schooling Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Application Documents, Professional Writing, Report Writing, Critical Race Theory, Cultural Studies, Oral Presentations, Writing Process, Revision Strategies Pronouns: she/her Bio: Brande is a Ph.D. candidate in Urban Schooling. She is primarily interested in social stratification in schools, disability, and anti-blackness in special education policy. She earned her B.A. in Psychology and Social Behavior from the University of California, Irvine. Brande then spent time traveling across the United States before settling back in her hometown in Southern California. She pursued an M.A. and Ed.S. degree in Counseling and Educational Psychology and worked in Long Beach Unified School District as a School Psychologist. There, she learned about psychoeducational report writing, academic writing, and professional writing. She is a recent recipient of the Graduate Summer Research Mentorship award. Her personal interests include meditation, road trippin’, and rock climbing. Her favorite punctuation mark is the period. Period.

Department: Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, STEM, Fellowships/Grants, Application Documents, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Quantitative Methods, Lab Reports Pronouns: she/her Bio: Dominique is a PhD student in the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences researching Earth's radiation belts. She uses a machine learning approach to establish a relationship between high and low-orbit electron flux data to better predict space weather. She is a recipient of the NASA Future Investigators in NASA Earth and Space Science and Technology (FINESST) award and has presented her work at national conferences. Dominique earned her BS from UCLA in astrophysics and worked for the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in the Atmospheric Physics and Weather Group during her gap year. Beyond research, Dominique enjoys crocheting blankets, hanging out with her 6 lb poodle, and cooking. Her favorite punctuation mark is the comma, especially the oxford comma!

Department: Comparative Literature Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Non-Academic Writing, Legal Writing, Professional Writing, Application Documents, Critical Race Theory, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Humanities & Arts, Oral Presentations, Article Manuscript, Writing Process, Revision Strategies, Editing Strategies, Grammar/Mechanics, Style/Flow, Creative Writing, Narrative Writing, Master’s Thesis, English Language Learners Pronouns: he/him Bio: Drew is a PhD candidate in Comparative Literature. His research focuses on philosophy, critical theory, literary & film theory, and digital media studies. He received his BA in Philosophy and English from UCLA in 2009 before going on to obtain his MA in Humanities (with an emphasis in Continental Philosophy) from the University of Chicago in 2011. Before returning to UCLA, he acquired his JD from the University of California Hastings College of the Law, where he worked as a tutor and a Senior Supervising Editor for UC Hasting’s Constitutional Law Quarterly. He currently serves on the editorial board for Press Start, an academic journal of video games studies. His favorite punctuation mark is the § (‘section sign’) because of the §ylistic §ophistication it lends to the organization of one’s writing."

Department: Gender Studies Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Application Documents, Fellowship/Grants, Writing Process, Revision Strategies, Style/Flow, Humanities, Qualitative Methods, Cultural Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies, and Black Studies and Critical Theory. Pronouns: they/them, she/her Bio: Ebony is a Ph.D. student in the Department of Gender Studies. Their research areas broadly include black feminisms, black studies, fat studies, disability studies, and visual culture. They received their BA in Ethnic Studies from the University of Oregon in 2012 before obtaining their MA in Educational Leadership and Policy from Portland State University in 2018. At UCLA, Ebony is a recipient of the Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Fellowship Program, is a Eugene V. Cota Robles Fellow and a member of the Black Feminism Initiative here at UCLA. Outside of graduate school, Ebony enjoys experimenting with art and fashion. Her favorite punctuation mark is the colon.

Department: Education Writing Specialties: Social Sciences, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Academic Writing, Professional Writing, Fellowships/Grants, Application Documents, Academic Writing, Writing Process, Style/Flow, Revision Strategies, Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Creative Writing. Pronouns: she/her/hers Bio: Harmeet (she/her/hers) is a fourth-year mixed methods scholar in the Higher Education and Organizational Change Ph.D. program. She is a first-generation community college transfer student who earned a BA in Sociology from UC Merced and an MA in Education from UCLA. She has mentored students and reviewed their professional and academic documents (which ranged from resumes, CVs, graduate school, scholarship, fellowship, and job applications). She also has experience supporting students when they are planning, preparing, and perfecting their oral presentations (including research presentations, professional interviews, and conferences). Harmeet is researching the resilience of Punjabi Women’s educational trajectories during three moments of historical oppression through qualitative and historical methods and the use of asset-based critical theories. Outside of research, Harmeet loves music, creative writing, traveling outside of the U.S., and exploring local LA events and activities. Her favorite punctuation mark is “?” because it allows her to learn more about someone’s personality, perspectives, and narratives.

Department: World Arts and Cultures/Dance Writing Specialties: Humanities & Arts, Academic Writing, Fellowships/Grants, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Non-academic Writing, Writing Process, Style/Flow, Application Documents, Oral presentations, Revision Strategies Pronouns: she/her Bio: Jackie is a Ph.D. candidate in the World Arts and Cultures/Dance department. Her research focuses on avant-garde German/Jewish modern dancer Valeska Gert (1892-1978), her performance spaces both in Germany and the United States, and the forms of sociality (and non-sociality) that she cultivated through her artistic practices. Overall, Jackie’s research evaluates dance and the production of subversive body politics. Jackie has received extramural awards from the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD), Leo Baeck Institute, and the University for Music and Dance Cologne. She was also awarded intramural fellowships from UCLA's Graduate Division (GSRM and Graduate Dean’s Scholar Award), the Center for the Study of Women, the Center for European and Russian Studies, Leve Center, and Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy. Jackie had a previous life as an experimental filmmaker and visual artist. Her work has been screened internationally and she has published a number of artist books. Jackie holds B.A. degrees in Dance and History as well as an M.A. in Culture and Performance. Her favorite punctuation mark is the period because she values momentary completion.

Department: Chicana/o and Central American Studies Writing Specialties: Fellowships/Grants, Creative Writing, Revision Strategies, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Humanities & Arts, Professional Writing, Style/Flow Pronouns: she/her/ella Bio: Janel is a poet, educator, and scholar of U.S. Central American Literature. Her research analyzes contemporary works by diasporic Central American poets and investigates the ways that poetry can be used to counteract narrative silencing and to reclaim familial and cultural (hi)stories. Prior to joining UCLA, she earned a BA in English from Dickinson College, and received a Marshall Scholarship to pursue graduate study in the UK. She holds dual master’s degrees in Latin American Studies from the University of Cambridge, and in Creative Writing and Education from Goldsmiths, University of London. As a graduate writing consultant, she specializes in supporting students with competitive fellowship applications, with a particular focus on working with first-generation students. She has extensive training in academic writing tutoring and in pedagogical strategies for strengthening creative writing. Janel has received grants and fellowships from the Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans, UCLA’s Graduate Summer Research Mentorship, the Eugene V. Cota Robles fellowship, the California Arts Council, the National Association for Latino Arts and Culture, and more. Her favorite punctuation mark is the em dash—quite simply because it’s just so good.

Department: History Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Research/Grants/Fellowships, Job Application Documents, Oral Presentations, Humanities, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Writing Process, Revision and Editing Strategies, Style/Flow, Master’s Thesis, Dissertation Prospectus Pronouns: she/her Bio: Jeanette is a doctoral candidate in the History department specializing in the Afro-Atlantic World. Her research focuses on the African Diaspora, social movements, popular religions, and political economies in Latin America and the Caribbean. After earning her BA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies at Scripps College, Jeanette has worked as a community organizer, language interpreter, life coach, and independent mediamaker. Jeanette has received grants and fellowships from the Eugene V. Cota Robles fellowship, Ludwig Lauerhass Endowed Graduate Student Fellowship in Brazilian History, History Department, Center for the Study of Religion, Latin American Institute, CLAH James R. Scobie Award, UC-Cuba Research Fellowship, Black Feminism Initiative Mariame Kaba Graduate Fellowship, Davis Putter Scholar-Activist Fellowship, and received an honorable mention from the Ford. One of her favorite punctuation marks is the em dash (—) largely for the stylistic splash!

Department: Anthropology Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Editing/Revision Strategies, Application Documents, Social Sciences, Humanities/Arts, Fellowships/Grants, Article Manuscripts, Oral Presentations, Critical Race Theory, Qualitative Methods, Master’s Thesis, Style/Flow, English Language Learners, Grammar/Mechanics, Writing Process Pronouns: she/her Bio: Jessie is a Ph.D. candidate in the department of Anthropology, specializing in sociocultural anthropology. Her research focuses on historic entanglements between Black and Jewish communities in North Africa. Specifically, she examines how different elements within the archival landscape in Morocco resist and construct notions of difference between Black and Jewish Moroccans. She holds a B.A. in Middle Eastern and North African Studies as well as Romance Languages and Literature (Spanish) from the University of Michigan in addition to a M.A. in Anthropology from UCLA. Jessie has worked (and aspires to continue working) in the publishing industry as a content and copy editor as well as a translator (Arabic, North African Judeo-Arabic, French, and Spanish.) Jessie has received a Fulbright Student Researcher grant, an Andrew Mellon Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship, the GRM, the GSRM, and the Keck fellowship. Parentheses are her favorite punctuation mark(s) because they are so versatile (and look like a whisper on the page!)

Department: English Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Humanities, Humanities & Arts, Arts, Application Documents, Article Manuscripts, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Writing Process, Revision Strategies, Editing Strategies, Grammar/Mechanics, Style/ flow, Creative Writing, Narrative Writing Pronouns: she/her Bio: Jesslyn is a Ph.D. candidate in English. She studies poetics, with a split focus on Romanticism and 21st-century texts. Her research interests include the relationship between computer science and literary form (not digital humanities but algorithmic logic, abstraction, statistics, and data). Her recent projects have engaged works by William Blake, Anna Moschovakis, Douglas Kearney, Morgan Parker, and P.B. Shelley. She earned her B.A. from UC Berkeley in English and Computer Science. Her favorite punctuation mark is the em-dash, especially when it’s used to unsettle a poem's formal conceits.

Department: Law Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Fellowships/Grants, Article Manuscripts, Humanities & Arts, Application Documents, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Editing Pronouns: she/her Bio: Kim is a J.D. candidate in the School of Law. She also has her Ph.D. in Theater and Performance Studies. Her research focuses on the intersections of performance, homelessness, incarceration, and law. Prior to starting law school, Kim was an Assistant Professor of English at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. She has taught courses on African diasporic literature and performance, queer theory, black feminist theory, and world literature. Her favorite punctuation mark is the em dash – academics love adding in their two cents!

Kimberly M.

Department: Chicana/o and Central American Studies Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Critical Race Theory, Writing Process, Revision strategies, Style/flow, Article Manuscripts, Social Sciences Pronouns: they/them Bio: Kim is a PhD candidate in Chicana/o and Central American Studies. They are a non-traditional student and received their A.A. in Art History at East Los Angeles Community College and transferred to UCLA where they received their B.A. in Chicana/o Studies and minor in African American Studies. They study race, space, and placemaking in Los Angeles and are specifically interested in housing justice movements and how rent burdened Latinas navigate landlord harassment and state violence when undergoing eviction. Kim is also involved in popular education efforts and facilitating support groups that address restorative justice. Kim is a recipient of the Eugene V. Cota Robles fellowship, the Ford Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Graduate Research Mentorship fellowship and the Graduate Council Diversity Fellowship. Their favorite punctuation mark is the exclamation mark!.

Department: Psychology Writing Specialties: Fellowships/Grants, Academic Writing, Social Sciences, STEM, Statistics, Statistical Reporting, Quantitative Methods, Critical Race Theory, Application Documents, Oral Presentations, Writing Process, Style/Flow, Revision Strategies, Editing Strategies, Master’s Thesis Pronouns: she/her/hers Bio: Leezet is a third-year Psychology PhD student who specializes in social cognitive neuroscience. Her current research investigates how people from dominant and marginalized racial groups understand and experience our racialized social world, using both social neuroscience and computational linguistics approaches. Over the course of her graduate career, she has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, a UCLA Graduate Research Mentorship Fellowship, a UCLA Graduate Summer Research Fellowship, a Eugene V. Cota-Robles Fellowship, and a UCLA Alumni Fellowship. Leezet graduated from Princeton University with a BA degree in Neuroscience and a strong background in African American Studies, Critical Race Theory, and Science, Technology, and Society (STS) Studies. Before pursuing her PhD, she gained experience in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) development while working as a data scientist for a technology start-up. Her favorite punctuation mark—which she admittedly overuses—is the em dash.

Department: Comparative Literature Writing Specialties: Academic writing, Non-academic writing, Application Documents, Humanities & Arts, Fellowships/Grants, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Oral presentations, Writing Process, Editing Strategies, Style/Flow, Grammar/mechanics. Pronouns: she/her Bio: Lika is a PhD candidate in comparative literature. Her research interests include representations of gender and sexuality and space/environment in 20th century and contemporary literature and film, French and Francophone literatures, and notions of space, confinement and movement within French and English-language contexts. Most recently she has written about Albert Camus, space, and gender; national allegory and metonymy; and 20 th century re-imaginings of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland . Lika holds B.A. degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in English and French literature and an M.A. in comparative literature from UCLA. In addition to research and teaching, Lika copyedits for an independent press that publishes work on politics, art, and philosophy and volunteers with small nonprofits on their grant writing efforts. Prior to grad. school she worked as a writer in a behavioral psychology lab, in academic administration and in continuing education. Her favorite punctuation = the ( ) and the …

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Application Documents, STEM, Fellowships/Grants, Article Manuscripts, Oral/Conference Presentations, Quantitative Methods, Statistical Reporting, Dissertation, Writing Process, Revision & Editing Strategies Pronouns: she/her Bio: Marie is a (Bio)Mechanical Engineering Ph.D. candidate who studies the effects of mechanical and physiological stimulation on 3D stem cell and cancer tissues. She is a recipient of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP), has presented her work at national conferences, and has published peer-reviewed journal articles as both a first and co-author. Prior to UCLA, she earned her B.S. from Stanford University in Civil & Environmental Engineering. Her favorite punctuation mark is the comma since it is both simple and effective.

Pronouns: she/her Bio: Marilyn Gray is the director of the UCLA Graduate Writing Center. She has a PhD in Slavic Languages and Literatures from UCLA. Her dissertation examines Mikhail Bakhtin’s thought and narrative theory from the perspective of Russian theological anthropology. After completing her BA in Slavic Languages and Literatures at Stanford University, she lived and worked in Moscow for four years. During her graduate work at UCLA, she worked for the Center for Digital Humanities assisting faculty with instructional technology and taught Russian language and English composition. She is a big fan of the em-dash and semi-colon when used judiciously.

Department: Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Writing Specialties: Fellowships/Grants, STEM, Academic Writing, Application Documents, Quantitative Methods, Writing Process, Revision Strategies, Editing, Lab Reports, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Post-Graduate Opportunities, Journal Reviews Pronouns: she/her Bio: McKenna is a fifth-year PhD candidate in Aerospace Engineering. She develops novel software to improve the performance and lifetime of electrospray thrusters for spacecraft propulsion in partnership with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and multiple Air Force Research Laboratories (AFRLs). Prior to pursuing her PhD, McKenna graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN with Bachelor of Science degrees in Physics and Mathematics and a minor in Business. McKenna is a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellow and has also been awarded the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, a Goldwater Scholarship, a NASA Space Grant, and a Woman in Engineering award. She has authored journal and conference publications, reviewed journal articles, and presented her research internationally.

Department: Political Science Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Professional Writing , Humanities, Social Sciences, Application Documents, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Cultural Studies, Critical Race Theory, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Writing Process, Revision, Editing, Grammar/Mechanics, Style/ flow, English Language Learners, Master’s Thesis, Creative Writing, Narrative Writing Pronouns: he/him Bio: Michael is a PhD student in political science focusing on political theory. His circuitous academic career has led him to get degrees in English, Philosophy, Education and Gender Studies. He has been tutoring writing since college and enjoys the challenge of reading across disciplines. Beside his academic work, he is a sporadic book reviewer and writer for publications such as Jewish Currents and Public Books. His favorite punctuation mark is the em-dash because of its variety of uses and because it makes long sentences readable.

Department: Education (Social Research Methodology) Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Application Documents, STEM, Social Sciences, Policy Writing, Article Manuscripts, Oral Presentations, Public Speaking, Quantitative Methods, Qualitative Methods, Statistics, Statistical Reporting, Writing Process, Revision, Editing, Grammar/Mechanics, Style/Flow, English Language Learners, Master's Thesis, Dissertation Pronouns: he/him Bio: Tom is a PhD candidate in the School of Education. Most of his training has been in quantitative research methods, with an emphasis on multilevel models and causal inference in nonexperimental settings. He is especially interested in research around multi-year, multi-site, multi-faceted educational programs as well as other lines of inquiry where qualitative and quantitative approaches can speak to---and with---each other. Tom holds BA degrees from USC in English and Spanish, a master's in public policy from UCLA, and an MS in statistics from UCLA. His critics might accuse him of meandering in too many different directions academically and professionally. Nevertheless, he finds that following an indirect path often has its advantages. Tom's favorite form of punctuation is ubiquitously implied in academic writing though sparingly employed: the wonderful question mark.

Department: Sociology Writing Specialties: Academic Writing, Professional Writing, Social Sciences, Policy Writing, Fellowships/Grants, Application Documents, Article Manuscripts, Oral Presentations, Qualitative Methods, Critical Race Theory, Writing Process, Revision, Master’s Thesis, Style/Flow Pronouns: she/her Bio: Victoria is a PhD candidate in the Sociology department. She studies urban governance, redevelopment, policing, and race. She holds a B.A. in Leadership and Public Policy from the University of Virginia. Before UCLA, Victoria worked at a social policy research institution, where she produced policy reports and memos. She has received intramural fellowships including the Graduate Research Mentorship Award and Graduate Summer Research Mentorship Awards, and extramural fellowships from the Russell Sage Foundation and the Haynes Lindley Foundation. Her favorite punctuation mark is the semicolon.

Graduate School

  • Resources to Prepare for Graduate School
  • Adonara Mucek, Ph.D. Geology '17
  • Adriana Mendoza, Ph.D. Mathematics '14
  • Andrew Olsen
  • Becca Maher ('21, Ph.D.)
  • Bryan Lynn, Ph.D. Integrative Biology
  • Celeste Frazier Barthel, Ph.D. Education '21
  • Diane Brandt
  • Francesca Germano, Toxicology, M.S.
  • Garrett Rogers
  • Jafra Thomas
  • Jen Hayes, Horticulture, PhD
  • Jordan Jimmie
  • Jordan Spradlin, Public Health, MPH
  • Kalina Fahey, Psychology, Ph.D.
  • Katie Stelling, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences, Ph.D.
  • Kelsey Contreras
  • Layla Ghazi
  • Marie Tosa, Ph.D. Wildlife Sciences
  • Sara Letton
  • Tiara Walz, Ph.D. Public Health
  • Glossary of Terms
  • Master's Students
  • Doctoral Students
  • Certificate Students
  • Graduate School Orientation 2024
  • Graduate Teaching Orientation 2024
  • Do I Qualify to Attend Graduate Summer Step?
  • Orientation for Winter, Spring and Summer Terms
  • Co-sponsorships
  • Your Graduate Committee
  • Student Resources
  • Grad Research Photo Competition
  • Tips for Scheduling Committee Meetings
  • Program of Study
  • Formatting a Thesis or Dissertation
  • Pretext Pages Templates
  • Commencement
  • Grad Inspire
  • Grievance Procedures
  • Request a Workshop
  • Earning Concurrent Degrees or Pursuing a Dual Major
  • Career Preparation
  • Grad Writing Group Challenge
  • Graduate Writing Center Online
  • Changing or Adding a Degree, Major or Certificate
  • GRAD 420 - Graduate School Preparation
  • GRAD 512 - Current Issues in Higher Education
  • GRAD 513 - Professional Development in College and University Teaching
  • GRAD 516 - Graduate Teaching Seminar
  • GRAD 520 - Responsible Conduct of Research
  • GRAD 521 - Research Data Management
  • GRAD 542 - The Inclusive College Classroom
  • GRAD 543 - Dialogue Facilitation in Professional Contexts: Skills and Practice for Graduate Students
  • GRAD 550 - Introduction to Online Course Development and Facilitation
  • GRAD 560 - Theories of Teaching and Learning
  • GRAD 561 - Course Design and Methods
  • GRAD 599 - Creating Happiness
  • GRAD 599 - Cultivating Productive and Positive Academic Relationships for Graduate Success
  • WR 599 - Graduate Writing for English Language Learners
  • WR 599 - Scientific and Technical Research Writing
  • WR 599 - Writing Workshop for Thesis and Dissertation Writers
  • OSU Grad Advantage
  • Graduate Faculty Membership
  • Graduate Council Representatives
  • Policy updates
  • Holistic Admissions
  • Defining the Graduate Mentor
  • The Importance of Mentors
  • Apprenticeship and Mentoring
  • Mentor and Mentee Pairing
  • Maintaining and Evaluating Mentoring
  • Suggestions for Mentoring Programs
  • Handbooks, Manuals, and Guides
  • Mentoring Bibliography
  • Communication Items
  • Detailed Considerations for a Joint Degree Program
  • MOU Outline for Creating a Joint Program
  • College and Program Recruitment Representatives
  • Graduate Recruitment Tips
  • Helpful Recruitment Links
  • Shared Graduate Recruitment Schedule
  • Leave of Absence and Family Medical Leave Eligibility
  • Mentor Training for Faculty
  • Student Funding
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Graduate writing center.

The Graduate Writing Center is closed for summer, but we are able to provide ongoing writing support for graduate students who have completed intake appointments during the regular academic year and who have scheduled recurring sessions with Graduate Writing Center staff.

For more information contact Tait Bergstrom ( [email protected] ).

The Graduate Writing Center is located on the 6th floor of the Valley Library

About the Graduate Writing Center

Since 2012, the OSU Graduate Writing Center has provided support for graduate students, staff, and faculty with any writing they do, including theses and dissertations, seminar papers, manuscripts, poster presentations, IRB applications, funding and research proposals, conference and defense presentations, and much more. We provide both written and one-on-one remote sessions with highly-trained Graduate Writing Consultants.

What the Graduate Writing Center Can Do For You

We offer a supportive, low-stakes environment to discuss and practice scholarly & professional writing. Graduate Writing Consultants (who are themselves either past or present grad students) can help you to navigate and decode the complex expectations of graduate writing. Typical sessions include brainstorming, argument development, organization, clarity of expression, and citation/documentation. While Graduate Writing Consultants may not be experts in your field, they are trained to identify disciplinary communication and content expectations so that you may meet your writing goals.

Schedule a Writing Consultation

Consultations with the Graduate Writing Center can be conducted in person or online. Book a consultation today!

Book a consultation

GWC Live will resume during fall term.

Join GWC Live

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

Students and staff who are drafting Institutional Review Board (IRB) Application and Informed Consent documents can schedule consultations with the Graduate Writing Center. 

Thesis/Dissertation Support

Graduate Writing Consultants frequently work one-on-one with graduate students on theses and dissertations, offering ongoing support through recurring appointments. We understand that writing a thesis or dissertation is a long-term commitment, and we are here to support you during your journey.

Graduate Writing Groups

Graduate Writing Groups for doctoral and master’s students are regularly scheduled spaces for grad students to come together to write and get feedback on their work. Groups are offered every term, including summer and run for one hour per week from Week 2 through Dead Week. These writing groups connect graduate students with peers from across the disciplines and help them develop review and feedback skills that play a critical role in becoming professional scholars engaged in research. 

Scheduling and enrollment for Graduate Writing Groups is announced in the Graduate School Newsletter  before each term. Writing Groups are facilitated by trained Graduate Writing Consultants.

To join a group or request more information, contact Tait Bergstrom ( [email protected] ).


There are currently no announcements to display.

  • Schedule a Session
  • Mission Statement

Contact Info

Graduate School Heckart Lodge 2900 SW Jefferson Way Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-1102

Phone: 541-737-4881 Fax: 541-737-3313

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  • Academic Progress
  • Student Success
  • Faculty Support
  • Staff Directory
  • Graduate Catalog

We offer a range of services to help you for your PhD

[email protected].

  • 0091.11.4951 3011

Elevate Your Thesis Journey With Expert PhD Thesis Consulting Services From PhD Box

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Unlock the full potential of your research with PhD Box. Our PhD Consultancy Services provides you with a team of research consultants who can ensure comprehensive assistance at every stage of your doctoral journey - from proposal development to publication.

  • Guidance Throughout the Entire Research Process
  • Customized Assistance for Various Academic Research Fields
  • Skill Development with our Learning Tools

Doctoral Candidates Served

Doctoral Candidates Served

Expert Research Consultants

Expert Research Consultants

Success Rating

Success Rating

Average Client Rating

Average Client Rating

Dedicated Hosting

Why Partner with Our PhD Thesis Consulting Services?

  • Your Expert guidance and support for doctoral research in india
  • The best answer for time and resource management in research
  • Meeting institutional requirements is no longer a worry
  • Improve the chances of success in your doctoral research

Our Services

We meet all your PhD Thesis Needs and Much More

PhD Proposal Assistance

PhD Proposal Assistance

Find the perfect research topic with our topic assistance service. Our team of experts will work with you to identify and develop a topic that aligns with your interests and fits within the scope of your field of study.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

Unlock the full potential of your data with our data analysis service. Our team of experts will help you to extract insights and make sense of your data, using the latest tools and techniques.

Research Assistant

Research Assistant

Simplify your research process with our PhD Consultancy Services. We will work with you to manage your research tasks, such as data collection, literature review and writing, allowing you to focus on the more critical aspects of your research.

PhD Thesis Assistant

PhD Thesis Assistant

Ensure a polished final thesis with our PhD Thesis Consulting Services. Our team of experts will provide comprehensive support and guidance throughout the thesis writing process, from outlining and organizing your content to final proofreading and editing.

Editing Support

Editing Support

Achieve excellence in your writing with our editing support service. Our team of editors will work with you to perfect your writing style, tone, grammar, punctuation, and organization, helping you to present your research in the best possible way.

PhD Motivation Letter Writing

PhD Motivation Letter Writing

Increase your chances of being accepted into a PhD program with our motivation letter writing service. We will help you to effectively communicate your research goals, experience and qualifications to the admissions committee, and make a lasting impression.

PhD Box Pricing Plans

Get top-notch research support at competitive prices with our transparent and affordable pricing structure.

  • 12 Consultation Calls with Research Expert
  • Review and Language Edits of upto 50 Pages
  • Account creation on Rapid Collaborate
  • References Suggestions
  • Chapter Layout Preparation
  • 100 References Search
  • Literature Review in tabular format
  • Literature Review in text format, 40 Pages
  • Research Gap, Variables Identification
  • Setting up research objectives.
  • Novel/new topic identification for manuscript
  • Research design, Methodology set-up
  • Data Analysis, Results
  • Manuscript Development, Formatting, Editing, Submission
  • Revisions, Changes as per journal comments

Simplify Your PhD Journey

From thesis proposal to publication, we provide comprehensive support for all your PhD research needs.


How will i communicate with you.

A dedicated publication manager will be guiding you from the journal selection stage to the submission of your manuscript. He/she will be available for 8 hours every day, from Monday to Friday, on phone or email.

How can I get a quote?

We only offer a manual quote option through which you receive a guaranteed reply within an hour. You can write to us at [email protected] with the details of your topic, target journals, and the services you are interested in.

What if my manuscript is rejected due to language or relevancy issues?

Our editors are trained on journal paper editing, and they have experience in peer review for the same. Hence, the chances of facing rejection are low. Additionally, we offer multiple-round editing, and our services are covered with a revision period of two months to make the necessary changes on requirement.

Is my information and data secure with you?

Our privacy policy ensures that all your details and paper/research information remains confidential. It is securely saved on our servers. The details are deleted after every successful publication. We can also sign with you a non-disclosure agreement in this regard.

My topic is specialized. Will you have a subject matter expert for the same?

We have more than 35+ subject matter experts in various academic fields, and there is a high probability that we will find one suitable for your area of research. In fact, we follow a unique approach wherein we match the education and expertise of our experts with your requirements and provide you support by the most relevant subject matter expert.


I was struggling with the data interpretation aspect of my research and your services rescued my drowning dissertation. From selecting the appropriate statistical tool to verifying variables to reliable research reports, it served all of my purposes. Thanks PhD Box Team! Raafi Amin
I am quite sure my thesis would have been rejected with those grammatical blunders. Kudos to your team for helping me with the exceptional editing services, flawless formatting and plagiarism-free document. I highly recommend your services! Raman Chandra

CALL US : +0091.11.4951 3011


Writing Support

The StAAR Center Writing team approaches writing as an inherently collaborative, recursive process. We strive to provide a supportive environment for you to discuss your ideas, develop your writing, and engage in a robust process of drafting and revision.

Our Writing Consultants can work with you to:

  • brainstorm and get started
  • organize and clarify your ideas
  • refine your argument and deepen your analysis
  • revise and reorganize
  • edit and clarify language on the sentence level
  • develop your writing process, style, and voice
  • better understand writing in different genres and subject areas
  • incorporate sources into your writing

Book a Writing Appointment on Tutor Finder

Program Highlights

Commitment to anti-racist, inclusive writing support, meet the writing consultants, become a writing consultant or writing fellow, writers and projects we support, first-year writing.

We work with first-year students to help with the transition from high school to college writing.

Writing for any Class

Your development as a writer doesn’t stop outside of English class or after the first year of college. Work with us throughout your Tufts career to enhance your writing experiences!

Personal Statements

We can help you develop and revise personal statements for various applications. Tufts students can make an appointment through Tutor Finder .  Tufts alumni can also work with us on personal statements but do not have access to Tutor Finder, so email us  with the type of statement you’re working on, your deadline, your general availability for a virtual meeting, and any specific concerns. (Note: We may need to restrict alumni appointments at the end of each semester, when final papers are due.)

Senior Honors Thesis

Because longer projects can benefit from early planning and discussion, we recommend senior thesis writers meet with the same writing consultant. We also offer thesis-specific workshops and popular weekend thesis write-ins, which provide dedicated blocks of focused writing time.

Multilingual Writers and International Students

We are dedicated to helping you develop your voice and ideas. Along with structure and organization, our writing consultants can work with you on sentence-level clarity and can demystify American academic conventions and essay structures.

Graduate Writers

Work with us on any graduate-level project, from seminar papers to qualifying papers to theses and dissertations. You can meet regularly with the same graduate writing consultant if you’d like. We also offer graduate-specific workshops, writing groups, and writing retreats. Learn more on our Graduate Resources Page . 

Addressing Obstacles to Writing

Our writing consultants are trained to help all writers build confidence and develop strategies for overcoming barriers to writing. For a personalized referral, email [email protected] .

Writing Fellows Program

Faculty can partner with us to incorporate writing support into specific writing-intensive undergraduate courses. Learn more about the Writing Fellows Program here .

Writing Consultations

thesis writing consultants

Individual assistance from specialized writing consultants

  • Schedule a Consultation

Specialized Writing Consultations 

Disciplinary writing consultations.

Understand how scholars in your field develop content or subject matter in ways that meet the expectations of your disciplinary community and understand the organization, communicative goals, and writing strategies of your research genre.

Interdisciplinary Writing Consultations

Articulate the significance of research topics to field while critically evaluating literature and integrating sources to situate your unique research topic within the literature in the field.

English Writing Consultations

Identify English writing difficulties, understand your own needs for language improvement, and discuss writing issues in a culturally sensitive environment.

Thesis/Dissertation Writing Consultations

Plan, write, revise, or format your thesis/dissertation in line with the ISU Graduate College's thesis/dissertation submission requirements and deadlines

Competitive Funding Writing Consultations

 Prepare proposals for various national programs, such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship, the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program, and more!

  • See more about types of consultations

Non-Disclosure Agreements

To ensure the confidentiality of all graduate students and postdoc writers, all CCE consultants sign  non-disclosure agreements  agreeing to keep private all information and results they view in a consultation.


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For example, New York

Current time by country

For example, Japan

Time difference

For example, London

For example, Dubai


For example, Hong Kong

For example, Delhi

For example, Sydney

Distance between Blagodatnoye, Stavropol Krai, Russia and the Equator

  • We assume a spherical Earth as a close approximation of the true shape of the Earth (an oblate spheroid). The distance is calculated as great-circle or orthodromic distance on the surface of a sphere.
  • We calculate the distance between a point on the Earth’s surface and the Equator as the length of the arc of the meridian passing through this point and crossing the Equator.

Blagodatnoye, Russia

The equator.

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    Jessica L. Parker, Ed.D.910.250.8767. Learn More About Our Expert Dissertation Coaching & Consulting Services. Since 2000, we have helped thousands of graduate students finish their doctoral dissertations and master's theses once and for all. We offer personalized dissertation and thesis coaching and consulting services to graduate students ...

  2. Thesis/Dissertation Writing Consultants

    The Thesis/Dissertation Writing Consultants have been trained to help graduate students across the disciplines plan, write, revise, or format their thesis or dissertation. They operate within four dimensions, assisting graduate students in the following ways: Cross-disciplinary genre expectations. Understand how scholars develop content or ...

  3. The Writing Center

    To make an appointment, register with the Writing Center, log on to the schedule online, and navigate to the Thesis/Diss schedule. Attach your draft to the appointment form by 9am on the day of your appointment, and tell the consultant which elements of the draft you'd like them to focus on. You may take advantage of one T/D session per week.

  4. Thesis Writing Services

    Thesis writing services are meant to guide you by highlighting those aspects of your writing that are correct, and those that need improvement, so having one-on-one sessions with an expert academic writer will make a huge impact on the quality of your final draft. Feedback is not always easy to handle, but it is fundamental to improve one's ...

  5. Dissertation Editing Service

    Our dedicated Dissertation Editing service ensures top-notch editing, style refinement, and adherence to guidelines, enhancing the professionalism of your academic writing. With a focus on swift turnaround times, meet your trusted partner for the best dissertation editing services. Order Now or Get a Free Sample. Home.

  6. Optimum Research's Premiere Assistance

    We stand behind our expertise and guarantee approval for all the dissertation assistance we provide. Optimum Research is available to serve you. Our office is open from . We're always available via email and can work around your schedule to connect. (984) 222 - 7122 [/ultimate_heading]

  7. Dissertation Consulting Services for Doctoral Students

    Our dissertation consulting services include assistance with: Research Topic Selection: Quickly help you select a topic that is researchable, fits within your discipline, and gets approved. Concept Paper, Proposal Writing, and Prospectus: Work with you to develop research questions and testable hypotheses, find gaps in the literature, create a problem statement, select a theoretical framework ...

  8. Thesis Writing Services

    Our thesis writing services encompass every stage of the process, ensuring that you receive comprehensive support from start to finish. We provide assistance with: Topic Selection and Research: Our experts help you identify a relevant and engaging research topic, conduct an extensive literature review, and gather pertinent data to support your ...

  9. Professional Dissertation Editing Services

    We also apply the correct in-text citation format with a complete list of references to ensure a consistent writing style. 100% Reassurance of Quality. Enago's Thesis Editing service assures you that your thesis will not be rejected on grounds of language, grammar, style, and consistency. High quality editors. 24x7 customer support.

  10. The Writing Center

    Any graduate writer may make appointments for individual consultations at the Writing Center. In addition, if you are working on a thesis or dissertation proposal, a thesis or dissertation draft, an article for publication, or any paper longer than 15 pages, you may make appointments with the Writing Center's Thesis and Dissertation consultants, who are trained with work with you on your ...

  11. Professional Thesis Writing Services for any Degree

    Planning early is a god way to succeed with your thesis. It gives you the time to gather all of your research and data. Our thesis service can then use that data in our custom thesis writing service. Alternatively, we can generate your full thesis from start to end including results and data. We also offer a PhD thesis writing services, so no ...

  12. Thesis Writing Service That Knows a Shortcut to Your Degree

    PhD Thesis. Our PhD thesis writing service guarantees top-notch results no matter your subject or topic. We know how to ensure your successful defense because we have been doing that for years. Our company made sure to engage experts, who have great academic experience in combination with their Ph.D. statuses.

  13. Leading Thesis Writing & Consulting Services

    NUMBER #1 WRITING. HELP SERVICE. Provided by our top thesis writers, quality is our utmost focus. We alleviate academic stress with custom, cost-effective thesis papers. Thesis Writing Consultants delivers unparalleled writing services at budget-friendly rates, prioritizing customer satisfaction. Our mission is to deliver quality content for ...

  14. Scribbr's Dissertation Editing Services

    Subjective or inflated language. For a more comprehensive edit, you can add one or multiple add-on editing services that fit your needs. ⏰ Deadline. A perfect PhD within 1 week. 📄 Texts. Dissertations. ⭐️ Rating. 4.6 based on 13,457 reviews.

  15. Meet the Graduate Writing Consultants

    Meet the Graduate Writing Consultants. We encourage you to make an appointment with a writing consultant in an academic area similar to yours, so please review the consultant bios listed below. All writing consultants have been trained to help graduate students with general writing issues in any field, but it can be helpful to work with someone ...

  16. Graduate Writing Center

    Thesis/Dissertation Support. Graduate Writing Consultants frequently work one-on-one with graduate students on theses and dissertations, offering ongoing support through recurring appointments. We understand that writing a thesis or dissertation is a long-term commitment, and we are here to support you during your journey. Graduate Writing Groups

  17. PhD Thesis Consulting Services

    PhD Thesis Consulting Services From PhD Box. Unlock the full potential of your research with PhD Box. Our PhD Consultancy Services provides you with a team of research consultants who can ensure comprehensive assistance at every stage of your doctoral journey - from proposal development to publication. Guidance Throughout the Entire Research ...

  18. Writing Support

    Our Writing Consultants can work with you to: brainstorm and get started. organize and clarify your ideas. refine your argument and deepen your analysis. revise and reorganize. edit and clarify language on the sentence level. develop your writing process, style, and voice. better understand writing in different genres and subject areas.

  19. Writing Consultations

    Competitive Funding Writing Consultations. Prepare proposals for various national programs, such as the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship, the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program, and more! See more about types of consultations.

  20. Time difference between Warsaw, Poland and Blagodatnoye, Stavropol Krai

    Time difference between Warsaw, Poland and Blagodatnoye, Stavropol Krai, Russia. Find out the current time in Warsaw and Blagodatnoye, as well as their time zones.

  21. Distance between Blagodatnoye, Stavropol Krai, Russia and the Equator

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