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21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

Dave Cornell (PhD)

Dr. Cornell has worked in education for more than 20 years. His work has involved designing teacher certification for Trinity College in London and in-service training for state governments in the United States. He has trained kindergarten teachers in 8 countries and helped businessmen and women open baby centers and kindergartens in 3 countries.

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21 Action Research Examples (In Education)

Chris Drew (PhD)

This article was peer-reviewed and edited by Chris Drew (PhD). The review process on Helpful Professor involves having a PhD level expert fact check, edit, and contribute to articles. Reviewers ensure all content reflects expert academic consensus and is backed up with reference to academic studies. Dr. Drew has published over 20 academic articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education and holds a PhD in Education from ACU.

action research examples mathematics

Action research is an example of qualitative research . It refers to a wide range of evaluative or investigative methods designed to analyze professional practices and take action for improvement.

Commonly used in education, those practices could be related to instructional methods, classroom practices, or school organizational matters.

The creation of action research is attributed to Kurt Lewin , a German-American psychologist also considered to be the father of social psychology.

Gillis and Jackson (2002) offer a very concise definition of action research: “systematic collection and analysis of data for the purpose of taking action and making change” (p.264).

The methods of action research in education include:

  • conducting in-class observations
  • taking field notes
  • surveying or interviewing teachers, administrators, or parents
  • using audio and video recordings.

The goal is to identify problematic issues, test possible solutions, or simply carry-out continuous improvement.

There are several steps in action research : identify a problem, design a plan to resolve, implement the plan, evaluate effectiveness, reflect on results, make necessary adjustment and repeat the process.

Action Research Examples

  • Digital literacy assessment and training: The school’s IT department conducts a survey on students’ digital literacy skills. Based on the results, a tailored training program is designed for different age groups.
  • Library resources utilization study: The school librarian tracks the frequency and type of books checked out by students. The data is then used to curate a more relevant collection and organize reading programs.
  • Extracurricular activities and student well-being: A team of teachers and counselors assess the impact of extracurricular activities on student mental health through surveys and interviews. Adjustments are made based on findings.
  • Parent-teacher communication channels: The school evaluates the effectiveness of current communication tools (e.g., newsletters, apps) between teachers and parents. Feedback is used to implement a more streamlined system.
  • Homework load evaluation: Teachers across grade levels assess the amount and effectiveness of homework given. Adjustments are made to ensure a balance between academic rigor and student well-being.
  • Classroom environment and learning: A group of teachers collaborates to study the impact of classroom layouts and decorations on student engagement and comprehension. Changes are made based on the findings.
  • Student feedback on curriculum content: High school students are surveyed about the relevance and applicability of their current curriculum. The feedback is then used to make necessary curriculum adjustments.
  • Teacher mentoring and support: New teachers are paired with experienced mentors. Both parties provide feedback on the effectiveness of the mentoring program, leading to continuous improvements.
  • Assessment of school transportation: The school board evaluates the efficiency and safety of school buses through surveys with students and parents. Necessary changes are implemented based on the results.
  • Cultural sensitivity training: After conducting a survey on students’ cultural backgrounds and experiences, the school organizes workshops for teachers to promote a more inclusive classroom environment.
  • Environmental initiatives and student involvement: The school’s eco-club assesses the school’s carbon footprint and waste management. They then collaborate with the administration to implement greener practices and raise environmental awareness.
  • Working with parents through research: A school’s admin staff conduct focus group sessions with parents to identify top concerns.Those concerns will then be addressed and another session conducted at the end of the school year.
  • Peer teaching observations and improvements: Kindergarten teachers observe other teachers handling class transition techniques to share best practices.
  • PTA surveys and resultant action: The PTA of a district conducts a survey of members regarding their satisfaction with remote learning classes.The results will be presented to the school board for further action.
  • Recording and reflecting: A school administrator takes video recordings of playground behavior and then plays them for the teachers. The teachers work together to formulate a list of 10 playground safety guidelines.
  • Pre/post testing of interventions: A school board conducts a district wide evaluation of a STEM program by conducting a pre/post-test of students’ skills in computer programming.
  • Focus groups of practitioners : The professional development needs of teachers are determined from structured focus group sessions with teachers and admin.
  • School lunch research and intervention: A nutrition expert is hired to evaluate and improve the quality of school lunches.
  • School nurse systematic checklist and improvements: The school nurse implements a bathroom cleaning checklist to monitor cleanliness after the results of a recent teacher survey revealed several issues.
  • Wearable technologies for pedagogical improvements; Students wear accelerometers attached to their hips to gain a baseline measure of physical activity.The results will identify if any issues exist.
  • School counselor reflective practice : The school counselor conducts a student survey on antisocial behavior and then plans a series of workshops for both teachers and parents.

Detailed Examples

1. cooperation and leadership.

A science teacher has noticed that her 9 th grade students do not cooperate with each other when doing group projects. There is a lot of arguing and battles over whose ideas will be followed.

So, she decides to implement a simple action research project on the matter. First, she conducts a structured observation of the students’ behavior during meetings. She also has the students respond to a short questionnaire regarding their notions of leadership.

She then designs a two-week course on group dynamics and leadership styles. The course involves learning about leadership concepts and practices . In another element of the short course, students randomly select a leadership style and then engage in a role-play with other students.

At the end of the two weeks, she has the students work on a group project and conducts the same structured observation as before. She also gives the students a slightly different questionnaire on leadership as it relates to the group.

She plans to analyze the results and present the findings at a teachers’ meeting at the end of the term.

2. Professional Development Needs

Two high-school teachers have been selected to participate in a 1-year project in a third-world country. The project goal is to improve the classroom effectiveness of local teachers. 

The two teachers arrive in the country and begin to plan their action research. First, they decide to conduct a survey of teachers in the nearby communities of the school they are assigned to.

The survey will assess their professional development needs by directly asking the teachers and administrators. After collecting the surveys, they analyze the results by grouping the teachers based on subject matter.

They discover that history and social science teachers would like professional development on integrating smartboards into classroom instruction. Math teachers would like to attend workshops on project-based learning, while chemistry teachers feel that they need equipment more than training.

The two teachers then get started on finding the necessary training experts for the workshops and applying for equipment grants for the science teachers.

3. Playground Accidents

The school nurse has noticed a lot of students coming in after having mild accidents on the playground. She’s not sure if this is just her perception or if there really is an unusual increase this year.  So, she starts pulling data from the records over the last two years. She chooses the months carefully and only selects data from the first three months of each school year.

She creates a chart to make the data more easily understood. Sure enough, there seems to have been a dramatic increase in accidents this year compared to the same period of time from the previous two years.

She shows the data to the principal and teachers at the next meeting. They all agree that a field observation of the playground is needed.

Those observations reveal that the kids are not having accidents on the playground equipment as originally suspected. It turns out that the kids are tripping on the new sod that was installed over the summer.

They examine the sod and observe small gaps between the slabs. Each gap is approximately 1.5 inches wide and nearly two inches deep. The kids are tripping on this gap as they run.

They then discuss possible solutions.

4. Differentiated Learning

Trying to use the same content, methods, and processes for all students is a recipe for failure. This is why modifying each lesson to be flexible is highly recommended. Differentiated learning allows the teacher to adjust their teaching strategy based on all the different personalities and learning styles they see in their classroom.

Of course, differentiated learning should undergo the same rigorous assessment that all teaching techniques go through. So, a third-grade social science teacher asks his students to take a simple quiz on the industrial revolution. Then, he applies differentiated learning to the lesson.

By creating several different learning stations in his classroom, he gives his students a chance to learn about the industrial revolution in a way that captures their interests. The different stations contain: short videos, fact cards, PowerPoints, mini-chapters, and role-plays.

At the end of the lesson, students get to choose how they demonstrate their knowledge. They can take a test, construct a PPT, give an oral presentation, or conduct a simulated TV interview with different characters.

During this last phase of the lesson, the teacher is able to assess if they demonstrate the necessary knowledge and have achieved the defined learning outcomes. This analysis will allow him to make further adjustments to future lessons.

5. Healthy Habits Program

While looking at obesity rates of students, the school board of a large city is shocked by the dramatic increase in the weight of their students over the last five years. After consulting with three companies that specialize in student physical health, they offer the companies an opportunity to prove their value.

So, the board randomly assigns each company to a group of schools. Starting in the next academic year, each company will implement their healthy habits program in 5 middle schools.

Preliminary data is collected at each school at the beginning of the school year. Each and every student is weighed, their resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol are also measured.

After analyzing the data, it is found that the schools assigned to each of the three companies are relatively similar on all of these measures.

At the end of the year, data for students at each school will be collected again. A simple comparison of pre- and post-program measurements will be conducted. The company with the best outcomes will be selected to implement their program city-wide.

Action research is a great way to collect data on a specific issue, implement a change, and then evaluate the effects of that change. It is perhaps the most practical of all types of primary research .

Most likely, the results will be mixed. Some aspects of the change were effective, while other elements were not. That’s okay. This just means that additional modifications to the change plan need to be made, which is usually quite easy to do.

There are many methods that can be utilized, such as surveys, field observations , and program evaluations.

The beauty of action research is based in its utility and flexibility. Just about anyone in a school setting is capable of conducting action research and the information can be incredibly useful.

Aronson, E., & Patnoe, S. (1997). The jigsaw classroom: Building cooperation in the classroom (2nd ed.). New York: Addison Wesley Longman.

Gillis, A., & Jackson, W. (2002). Research Methods for Nurses: Methods and Interpretation . Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company.

Lewin, K. (1946). Action research and minority problems. Journal of SocialIssues, 2 (4), 34-46.

Macdonald, C. (2012). Understanding participatory action research: A qualitative research methodology option. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13 , 34-50. Mertler, C. A. (2008). Action Research: Teachers as Researchers in the Classroom . London: Sage.


  • Dave Cornell (PhD) 23 Achieved Status Examples
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  • Chris Drew (PhD) 23 Achieved Status Examples
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  • Chris Drew (PhD) 25 Defense Mechanisms Examples
  • Chris Drew (PhD) 15 Theory of Planned Behavior Examples

2 thoughts on “21 Action Research Examples (In Education)”

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Where can I capture this article in a better user-friendly format, since I would like to provide it to my students in a Qualitative Methods course at the University of Prince Edward Island? It is a good article, however, it is visually disjointed in its current format. Thanks, Dr. Frank T. Lavandier

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Hi Dr. Lavandier,

I’ve emailed you a word doc copy that you can use and edit with your class.

Best, Chris.

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action research examples mathematics

Action Research in Mathematics: Providing Metacognitive Support (as a Heutagogical Technique) to Grade 3 Students

By Zoriana Myburgh

Self-determination, as one of the 21st-century skills, prepares students for our constantly changing world. Can metacognition help students become self-determined and is it worth starting to introduce metacognitive elements at an elementary school? Based on the current literature from teachers’ and administrators’ points of view, metacognition positively influences students’ performance and wellbeing. Therefore, there is a need to continue researching the effects of metacognition at a young age but from students’ perspectives.

The purpose of this research is to enhance grade 3 students’ metacognitive abilities to help them manage their learning. The data was collected using the students’ personal thoughts and emotions during semi-structured interviews and the researcher’s observation notes in order to summarise whether or not metacognitive interventions were helping students become self-determined. A lack of qualitative action research in existing literature highlighted the need for this research design.

It has been found that metacognition as a heutagogical technique can be used to improve students’ self-determination in an elementary school. Students mostly showed improvement in the Commitment category: goal-setting, self-questioning and self-monitoring. Less than half of the students showed the development of metacognitive skills in the Capacity category. Most of them already had some skills before the experiment started (e.g., strategies for solving problems, improvement strategies, and asking for help when needed). The Value category represented how students developed their metacognitive experience and supported the finding of the previous categories. Considering the significance of metacognitive development, teachers should constantly strengthen the metacognitive abilities of their students.

University of Southampton, 2021



by Zoriana Myburgh

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the degree of

<MSc Education (online) PT>

by taught course.

You can view this dissertation in its entirety in PDF form here.


Background of the study.

Due to constant and rapid changes in our society, the importance of lifelong learning is also increasing. People need to constantly evaluate their ideas and experience. This ceaseless “transformation of information, the creation, construction and renewal of knowledge, is at the heart of reflexivity” (Dyke, 2009, p. 295). Traditional learning models might not be satisfactory for current learners nowadays who look for greater independence and integration (McLoughlin and Lee, 2008). Taking into account COVID-19 pandemic restrictions all over the world and the availability of online learning resources, it’s essential for students to learn how to manage their learning. Furthermore, some of the jobs that we have now might be replaced by the time our primary students will finish school. In that case, it is necessary to teach 21st-century skills, namely critical thinking, self-determination, and socialization, that will help students adapt to these new requirements (Irgatoglu and Pakkan, 2020).

Being an elementary school teacher, I often noticed that when students are given a word problem to solve, they will say, “I do not know, teacher” or “Teacher, what to do here?”, or will patiently wait until the teacher scaffolds it, or someone else finds the answer. Can coaching students on metacognition as one of the heutagogical techniques solve this issue? The main goal of developing students’ metacognition is to make them autonomous and self-determined learners (Thomas, 2003). Self-determined learners set their own goals and learning paths, monitor timing, and reflect on their final outcomes.

Based on Self-determination Theory, students have three primary needs : autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Deci and Ryan, 2000). Autonomy means the freedom of choice and the wish to control the learning process. Competence refers to having the confidence and capabilities to complete a task. Relatedness is about working with others and feeling connected (Marshik, Ashton and Algina, 2017).

Definition of Terms

This paper will be based on three main terms: heutagogy, self-determination, and metacognition.

First, it is important to differentiate between self-determination, self-regulation, and self-efficacy as these three terms will appear in this paper.

  • Self-determination refers to individual motivation that is influenced by internal impetuses (Ryan and Deci, 2000).
  • Self-regulation is defined as self-management, the ability to control the thoughts and emotions that direct human’s behaviour (Panadero, 2017).
  • Self-efficacy is one of the tools of self-regulation and means the beliefs people have in achieving a task successfully (Bandura, 1977).

Self-determined learning is also known as heutagogy , a concept introduced by Hase and Kenyon (2000) and refers to student-centred learning “where the individual student’s interests and motivations create a focus area for new learning” (Jones et al ., 2019, p. 1172) and the teacher acts more like a mentor in a classroom. One of the main heutagogical principles is self-reflection (Blaschke, 2012) which is known as metacognition. Metacognition is “thinking about thinking”, “cognition about cognition” (Pritchard, 2013, p. 27) or “our ability to know what we know and what we don’t know” (Costa and Kallick, 2008, p. 24).

Metacognition is not only about planning and knowledge activation but also the intentional monitoring of students’ cognitive processes, reflection, time management, and self-evaluation (Bol et al ., 2016) and determining new ways to proceed and learning from the experience (Edwards and Costa, 2012).

Metacognition is one of the 16 Habits of Mind (HoMs) developed by Costa and Kallick (2000) that are a collection of behaviours that can help students tackle different problems they encounter at school or in other settings. Students need more than just academic knowledge and skills in order to succeed. HoMs focus not only on how much students know but also on what they do when they do not know an answer (Costa and Kallick, 2008). Teachers can help them practice these behaviours by modelling them, immersing these habits in the school curriculum and culture, and constantly checking their growth (Edwards and Costa, 2012).

Problem Statement

Considering that learning is a lifelong process, it is logical to start teaching self-determination skills as soon as possible (Palmer & Wehmeyer, 2003). Moreover, it is recommended by some researchers to start teaching self-determination at a young age as it will become more difficult at later stages (Danneker & Bottge, 2009). Stein (2018, p. 4) underlines that “effective teaching and learning [should] take place early on so that students can be successful in secondary school and beyond”. For instance, elementary school students can be taught how to set goals, make decisions, assess, and reflect on one’s own work. Knox (2017) emphasises that students who developed metacognitive skills can organise, examine, and assess their thoughts. However, there is not much qualitative research that investigates the impact of metacognitive support on elementary students, particularly in the context of mathematics. Most of the studies focus on quantitative data based on students’ performance. Previous literature was more focused on the teachers’ perspectives disregarding the views of students.

Self-reflection tasks are often treated as some extra time-consuming work for students, especially during mathematics classes because students do not see any value in them (Kiles, Vishenchuk and Hohmeier, 2020). Metacognitive skills that lead to self-determination are not instinctive and might be challenging (Bouldin, 2017). Considering that self-determination plays an important role in students’ well-being (Martinek and Kipman, 2016), it is important to dedicate this study to research the effects of metacognition on learners’ self-determination at a young age from students’ vision.

Fifteen grade 3 students (9-10 years old, 8 girls and 7 boys) took part in this experiment at an elementary school in Cambodia. Data from the participants were collected as semi-structured interviews with students recorded via Google Meets and the researcher’s observation notes taken during math classes. During the research period, all schools in Cambodia were operating online because of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. The experiment lasted 9 weeks from April 29 to June 30, 2021.

Purpose of the Study and Research Questions

The purpose of this study is (a) to understand the necessity of a heutagogical framework from the perspectives of students during maths classes in an elementary school in Cambodia, and (b) to find out whether metacognition can help students become self-determined at a young age. Action research cycles will be used to examine self-determined learning in the context of mathematics at an elementary school. Action research can be conducted by teachers in their classrooms with the aim of refining pedagogy and student learning (Nasrollahi, 2015). Coding student perspectives and researcher’s notes will help understand the phenomenon of self-determination and the use of metacognitive elements, namely goal-setting, self-assessment, self-questioning, self-monitoring, responding to and reflecting on feedback, note-taking, problem-solving strategies, and improvement strategies, etc.

The aim of the study was supported by the following research questions:

Central Question: How can students’ needs be met using the heutagogical framework while teaching maths in an elementary school in Cambodia? Subquestion 1: What tools and strategies should teachers use to implement the heutagogical framework? Subquestion 2: How can metacognition as a heutagogical technique be used to improve students’ self-determination

By answering these research questions and gaining insight from students, we can better understand the conceptions and misconceptions about the heutagogical framework in an elementary school. We will see whether metacognitive elements in a lesson plan encourage self-determination based on students’ responses and the researcher’s observation notes. With this undertaking, elementary teachers might be inspired to design better lesson plans.

Organization of the Study

The structure of the study is as follows. The literature review provides the context for current research, explains the importance of metacognition as a heutagogical technique in the learning process from teachers’ perspectives. It was considered whether metacognition can be taught and what techniques work best based on the current empirical data. The methodology chapter explains the rationale for research design and the methods chosen as the most appropriate for this study. Plus, it gives an insight into how data was collected and analysed. The findings chapter presents the themes developed during the analysis of the collected data. The research outcomes are compared with the existing literature in the discussion chapter. Based on the research findings, implications for further research are suggested and conclusions are made.


Metacognition will be studied through constructivism and individualism leading to postmodernism. Literature was reviewed to examine the importance of metacognition as one of the heutagogical techniques and a Habit of Mind in the learning process. It was taken into account whether metacognition can be taught and what approaches on the current empirical evidence work best to enhance self-determination. Finally, some quantitative and qualitative tools to measure metacognition were analysed. The search was not limited to specific dates although preference was given to the last two decades.

2.1 Metacognition through the lens of constructivism, individualism, and postmodernism

From a constructivist viewpoint, metacognition is “the result of mental construction” (Pritchard, 2013, p. 18). According to constructivist theory, learning is a metacognitive process (Wray and Lewis, 1997). Reuer states that constructivism happens when students connect their experiences and ideas (Reuer, 2017). Constructivists claim that we learn better if we constantly build our understanding (Pritchard, 2013). Since metacognition is also about self-assessing and self-monitoring, it complements constructivism perfectly. Different people learn things differently. We, as teachers, might not know which approach will be the best for a specific topic for different students but we can encourage them to experiment with various methods and decide metacognitively how to approach and solve a mathematical problem. Pritchard (2013) also claims that if students are asked to share their approaches or evaluate their classmates’ ideas in a constructive way in a safe and supportive environment, it will eventually lead them to develop their processes of thinking and help them solve problems.

It’s important to understand the teacher’s role in this domain. Constructivism is often criticised because students are left “to teach themselves” (Hubbard, 2012, p. 160). According to heutagogy, teachers act more like coaches (Mohammad et al ., 2019) and facilitators (Akyildiz, 2019). Akyildiz interviewed 40 educators from Turkey who implemented heutagogical frameworks within their classes and summarised that 30% of teachers reported that they had to reflect more if they wanted to progress with heutagogical education and 40% of them claimed that they lost power in the classroom. However, Horrigan (2018, p. 57) argues that “empowering students is not the same as a teacher losing power”. Can metacognition help students and teachers because both need to adapt to the 21st-century requirements?

Furthermore, metacognition is connected to the values of individualism, encouraging self-directedness and heutagogical principles in general. Working at one’s own pace and reflecting on one’s learning are paramount skills for students in order to transform into independent learners (Sart, 2014).

Seeing each child as an individual with their own personality, mental and physical capabilities is an example of individualism (Fevre, Guimarães and Zhao, 2020). According to constructivists, knowledge is built by an individual through the explanation and combination of different ideas (Hubbard, 2012). Thus, both the constructivist methods and the individualism of heutagogy lead to postmodernism because postmodernists believe that the goal of education is “teaching critical thinking, production of knowledge, development of individual and social identity, self-creation” (Hossieni and Khalili, 2011, p. 1307). This aligns with 21st-century skills discussed in the previous chapter. Following this philosophical approach, teachers as mentors guide students to come across new things and reflect on them on their own (Hossieni and Khalili, 2011), therefore, students alter from passive recipients of knowledge to active constructivists (Reuer, 2017).

2.2 Metacognition through self-determination, self-regulation, and self-efficacy

Self-determination and even heutagogy are not new terms in education but their importance in elementary school has emerged within recent years. Some findings suggest that nurturing metacognitive beliefs in kindergarten children will increase their behavioural self-regulation (Compagnoni, Sieber and Job, 2020). Therefore, teachers must “maximize the learning classroom climate for self-regulated learning” (Panadero, 2017, p. 23). Using action research cycles (Plan – Act – Observe – Reflect – Revise – Plan), the behaviour of students engaging in self-directed learning was investigated in Ireland (Newman and Farren, 2018). They claimed that reflections and critical self-analysis motivated students to become more self-directed. However, the authors believed that the terms “self-directed” and “self-determined” are interchangeable. This definitional vulnerability questions the validity of this study. Self-directedness is based on single-loop learning (correcting the mistakes without reflections) and self-determination is founded on double-loop learning (questioning beliefs and assumptions) (Peeters and Robinson, 2015).

Self-determination techniques are often analysed alongside metacognitive strategies because according to heutagogy, metacognition is a major characteristic of how people naturally learn (Blaschke, 2012). Moreover, “the autonomy and flexibility of heutagogical models are managed well when incorporated into a reflective practice” (Newman and Farren, 2018, p. 6). If learners reflect on their results through the problem-solving process and take their actions and beliefs into account, new learning situations can be adapted to various learning styles (Blaschke, 2012). Blaschke is talking about the double-loop learning model, the key principle in the heutagogical framework. It was examined in Indonesia among 48 middle-school participants who were split into two groups (Nur et al ., 2019). Using questionnaires, pre-tests and post-tests students’ progress was measured. It was summarised that this constant reflection using a double-loop learning model positively affected students’ results. However, the analysis is lacking in rigour. First, it is not mentioned whether multiple observers were invited to this study and the duration of the experiment is not clear. Secondly, it is difficult to judge the validity of the data without the examples of pre-tests and post-tests.

Some researchers even consider metacognition as a general term combining other definitions, such as self-regulated learning, thinking skills, etc. (Perry, Lundie and Golder, 2019). Winne and Hadwin (2008) explored self-regulated learning and its effects on motivation from a metacognitive perspective and described it as a cycle: define a task, set goals, perform the task and metacognitively modify if needed. According to their study, self-regulated learners can use metacognitive strategies to monitor their goals and progress in completing them. Analysing this model, Greene and Azevedo (2007) noticed that metacognitive monitoring is a significant part of self-regulated learning. However, these authors together with Panadero (2017) in his meta-analysis, argued that it was unclear how the last phase worked in Winne and Hadwin’s cycled model, specifically they believed that metacognition should occur throughout each phase and not as an end product.

Students who are confident in their abilities, try to achieve their goals, look for academic help and self-reflect will show better performance at school (Martinek and Kipman, 2016). Martinek and Kipman (2016) argue that if supporting students’ autonomy increases students’ motivation, then self-determined learning will also improve students’ self-efficacy (self-confidence in succeeding in the task). Self-efficacy is one of the variables that influences self-regulated learning (Panadero, 2017). According to the Self-determination Theory, there are three basic needs: autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Therefore, if students have a choice and understand the purpose and relevance of the tasks, students’ intrinsic motivation will be increased (Ryan and Deci, 2000). Martinek and Kipman (2016) predicted that self-determination, academic self-regulation and self-efficacy (𝑆𝐸³) will have positive consequences on students’ subjective well-being ( W ). 131 students from an Austrian primary school completed questionnaires regarding this study called 𝑆𝐸³𝑊. It was concluded that 𝑆𝐸³ decreased noticeably from grade 1 to grade 2, but the general W did not change. Martinek and Kipman (2016, p. 130) assumed that the teachers did not provide enough autonomy to their students because they did not “trust in the learning abilities” of their students or felt “a loss of control” in actual students’ work. However, some researchers believe that using questionnaires in elementary school is not appropriate because of the students’ age and observer’s reports are essential in future studies (Morison et al ., 2000). Others think that teachers do not have enough training on self-determined learning (Panadero, 2017).

Teachers’ behaviour as an example of self-determination is truly crucial. If students do not feel these supportive interactions, their self-determination might not be ignited. 2,587 students in the USA took part in a survey that examines how the social aspects of schools foster students’ self-determination (Adams and Khojasteh, 2018). Having applied quantitative methods, the authors concluded that the school climate does have consequences. At the same time, a similar experiment in the USA was conducted with 106 university students (Hayward et al ., 2018). The authors used a mixed-methods research approach to examine how inner directedness (in particular, metacognition) will affect students’ motivation. For each experimental section instructors recruited three to five volunteers called Student Pedagogical Teams. Their role was to collect feedback from other students and to present it to their instructors. The instructors followed this repeating cycle: teach a class, receive feedback, modify the classroom activities, receive students’ feedback again, reflect on the results and plan the next task. Metacognition through self-assessment, reflections, and self-regulated learning promoted teachers’ self-directed professional development (Hayward et al ., 2018).

2.3 Metacognition as a Habit of Mind

Metacognition is one of the Habits of Mind (HoM), “the characteristics of what intelligent people do when they are confronted with problems” (Costa and Kallick, 2008, p. 15). The authors of 16 HoMs, Costa and Kallick, believe that the main purpose of all HoMs is to create self-determined, lifelong learners. Therefore, students need to self-monitor and self-regulate to achieve this goal. This HoM is subjectively the heart of all Habits of Mind and a core of heutagogy. If an individual can self-regulate their thinking processes, they can choose other appropriate habits to succeed in the task. Based on the empirical evidence presented by Muscott, students who were trained in and demonstrated how to think about their thinking did better in assessments (Muscott, 2018).

There are two main components of metacognition: metacognitive knowledge (MK) and metacognitive experience (ME) (Flavell, 1979). MK is the strategy students use to solve problems and ME is about contact with the environment. ME could inspire both cognitive and metacognitive strategies necessary to solve mathematics word problems. “Cognitive strategies are invoked to make cognitive progress, metacognitive strategies to monitor it” (Flavell, 1979, p. 909). Efklides separated metacognitive skills (MS) from MK and ME. She defines MS as “procedural knowledge” (Efklides, 2006, p. 5). Students must get used to “linking and constructing meaning from their experiences” (Costa and Kallick, 2008). Costa and Kallick add two more components: inner awareness and the strategy of recovery. They explain it with an example of reading an unfamiliar story. When a person reads a text and suddenly loses the meaning, he/she will reread it and get back the connection to understand what is happening.

Costa and Kallick (2008, p. 63, fig. 4.1) developed five dimensions within which students can grow regarding Habits of Mind: meaning, capacity, alertness, commitment, and value.

By exploring meaning the authors mean that students understand the meaning of HoMs. Increasing alertness is about applying HoMs without being asked. Extending values is understanding why some HoMs are more applicable in specific situations so if the students extend the value of metacognition in mathematics, it might turn into a pattern of behaviour eventually. Expanding capacities is about developing various techniques when solving problems or making decisions. If students develop metacognitive strategies, they might be able to apply other HoMs more effectively. Building commitment is constant development in the use of HoMs when students progressively become self-determined. This dimension is closely related to heutagogy as students learn to self-manage, self-monitor, self-reflect, and set higher expectations for themselves (Costa and Kallick, 2008).

Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran (2016) were also trying to conceptualise the dimensions that characterise metacognitively-oriented learning environments: (1) metacognitive demands, (2) student-student discourse, (3) student-teacher discourse, (4) student voice, and (5) teacher encouragement and support. If we are talking about metacognitive demands, it is recommended to model metacognition and not assume that the students already know organisational techniques or how to set goals, collaborate, etc. but explicitly teach these metacognitive strategies. The student-student dimension refers to whether students think interdependently and discuss how they learn with their peers. Student-teacher interaction means whether students discuss how they learn with their teacher. By “student voice” the author means students’ contribution to lesson planning. That is especially important in heutagogy. Thomas (2003) argues if students have control over their learning tasks, it will be easier for them to meet their learning goals. Lastly, teacher encouragement and support might not influence students’ metacognitive abilities directly, but it might be the first step in developing those skills. As Gallucci (2006, p. 19) mentioned, “the heart of teaching is providing students with the tools to make them more effective learners” and not just teaching the content.

2.4 Can metacognition be taught?

Some researchers argue that metacognition can be taught, and it might improve academic achievement (Muscott, 2018). The effects of metacognitive training on students’ achievement in maths were tested recently in the USA (Bol et al ., 2016). 116 randomly selected participants who were split into two groups (control and experiment) took part in this three-week research. The authors concluded that this training in self-regulated learning (specifically, such skills as goal-setting, self-monitoring and self-reflection) improved not only students’ maths results but also their time management skills. However, the validity is questionable since this questionnaire is a self-reported measure and some students might have overestimated their use of self-regulatory strategies (Young and Ley, 2005). Their paper states that questions about self-regulation could be difficult for poorly self-regulated students.

A year earlier a similar experimental design was employed in Italy among 135 elementary school students (Cornoldi et al ., 2015). By using regression analysis, the authors concluded that training in metacognition transferred positively onto students’ abilities to solve maths problems. Mathematical word problems are “complex cognitive tasks” (Cornoldi et al ., 2015, p. 434) and apart from mathematical abilities, children also need reading comprehension, metacognitive abilities, and motivation. In this experiment, not only were activities focused on metacognition, but the students reflected on their beliefs about mathematics. Referring to this study, Davey (2016) also emphasised the importance of metacognitive training programmes. Having conducted a case study, she claimed that the teachers’ actions and words are crucial in developing students’ metacognitive abilities.

Mutambuki et al . (2020) combined metacognition and active learning and by applying a quasiexperimental design investigated the influence of both on the first-year undergraduate students in chemistry courses. By active learning, the authors mean frequent questions, discussions, problemsolving tasks, etc. Such metacognitive prompts as planning, reflecting, developing self-awareness, and making adjustments were mentioned in this paper. The authors concluded that active learning implemented with metacognitive instruction impacted students’ results in General Chemistry, “particularly on cognitively demanding chemistry concepts” (Mutambuki et al ., 2020, p. 1832). Having 240 students in the control group and 270 students in the treatment group increased the validity of the findings. However, the two groups had different instructors with different teaching styles which could have influenced students’ learning in a course.

Belenky and Nokes (2009) took into account not only students’ performance but also engagement while using metacognitive prompts. Based on the questionnaires, low-achievers “showed better learning and transfer when getting metacognitive prompts” (e.g., How does the solution relate to what you did?) and high-achievers “showed better learning and transfer when getting the problemfocused prompts” (e.g., What is your goal now?) (Belenky and Nokes, 2009, p. 102). The study proves that manipulatives alone do not necessarily make students think and reason deeply, it is also the way they are engaged with them. Plus, students’ engagement does not depend on whether concrete or abstract materials are used.

As it was mentioned in the previous chapter, writing reflections can be met with resistance among learners. Though reflective journals are commonly used among researchers (O’Loughlin and Griffith, 2020; Ramadhanti et al ., 2020), there are other audio or video tools to record self-reflections and at the same time engage students, for example, Flipgrid (Flipgrid, Inc., 2021), an online video forum platform. Flipgrid was recently implemented as a pilot study in the USA (Kiles, Vishenchuk and Hohmeier, 2020). In 2019 about 30-35.7% of students wrote reflections in journals and in 2020 87-93.4% participated in Flipgrid forums. 96% of students preferred to record short videos instead of writing journals. The authors believed that the casual nature of Flipgrid might have motivated students to share deeper reflections. It was concluded that this online platform has the potential as “a self-reflection tool used in combination with other pedagogical techniques to facilitate learning” but the depth of reflections should be explored further (Kiles, Vishenchuk and Hohmeier, 2020, p. 4).

As for students, changes for teachers might be difficult too. To promote metacognition during math classes, a teacher should model it first (Knox, 2017). That is why it is important to have professional development about this topic. Many teachers do not see the connection between mathematics, reading, and metacognition (Tok, 2013). Tok believes that it’s essential to grasp reading and mathematical skills in order to succeed. Both Tok (2013) and Knox (2017) argue that classroom instructions usually pay more attention to content rather than analysing the problem-solving process.

Noteworthy research was conducted in the USA for a similar duration (4 weeks) (Siegle and McCoach, 2007). However, the sample in this experiment was even larger (872 grade 5 students) and the aim was to investigate whether teachers who are trained in self-efficacy will have a better effect on students’ performance. It was also organised with a control group and a treatment group, but the teachers had professional development regarding metacognitive support in the latter. As a result, the students from this group were more confident and it had a positive effect on their self-efficacy.

Therefore, factors that support metacognitive development are (1) attention to learning goals (Buzza and Dol, 2015), (2) constant self-assessment, (3) reflection using different tools, (4) applying one strategy at a time (Davey, 2016). Meanwhile, (a) predetermined curricula, (b) predefined answers to open-ended questions, and (c) ineffective classroom management (Greene, Costa & Dellinger, 2011) can decrease metacognitive development and educators should be aware of that.

2.5 How to measure metacognition?

There are different quantitative tools to measure metacognition: the Metacognitive Awareness Questionnaire (Schraw and Dennison, 1994), the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Children (Jr. MAI) B Form (Sperling et al ., 2002), the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, (Valencia-Vallejo, López-Vargas and Sanabria-Rodríguez, 2019).

Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran (2016, p. 5379) argue that sometimes it’s hard to check how students are progressing metacognitively because most tests assess only cognitive abilities. Similar to the current study, action research was conducted but quantitative data analysis methods (Metacognitive Support Pre- and Post-questionnaires) were applied. Seventy-nine students took part in this study, but the number varied throughout the research cycles. Frequently, students reported that they didn’t discuss with their peers how they learned science because they either did not have an opportunity to do so or, as the authors stated, most of them were low achievers. The researchers concluded that some results could have been “misleading because many of the scales had generally high pre- and post- mean scores in the three cycles, therefore there was not much room to move up on the Likert scale” (Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran, 2016, p. 5392). They also believed that the 20-weeks cycle is too long to enhance the necessary changes and it is better to have the same topic and the same students in all three cycles. It is also recommended to find a better instrument to test metacognition in the classroom.

One of the tools to measure metacognition is called the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory for Children (Jr. MAI) B Form (Sperling et al ., 2002). This questionnaire consists of 18 items (5-point Likert-type scale). It was adopted while studying metacognitive abilities among 150 gifted and 150 non-gifted students (Ogurlu and Saricam, 2016). Researchers claimed that gifted students possessed greater metacognition which should be considered while creating lesson plans. However, they mentioned social-desirability bias as a common vulnerability in questionnaires. Valencia-Vallejo et al . (2019, p. 15) also underlined that “the subjectivity of students’ answers is a limiting factor of self-reporting questionnaires”. Thus, further qualitative research is needed to observe metacognitive awareness among young gifted and non-gifted students, and it proves the importance of the current qualitative study.

Another fascinating research was conducted in Malaysia among 378 students to show the correlation between metacognitive abilities and achievement in mathematical problem solving (Zakaria, Yazid and Ahmad, 2009). A Metacognitive Awareness Questionnaire, modified from the one created by Schraw and Dennison (1994), was used in this research to prove that the higher students’ metacognitive abilities, the higher their results in a Mathematical Problem-Solving test. However, Muscott (2018) questions the authenticity of the problems used in this test. Employing quantitative methods, he concluded that HoMs, particularly HoM 5 Metacognition, have positive effects on students’ performance outcomes but an assessment tool to measure HoM competencies is still required.

Qualitative measuring tools use the coding of responses. The codes will depend on student answers or the researcher’s interpretation of metacognition. Responses might be scored as high, medium, or low levels (Strauss and Corbin, 1998). Stanton et al . (2015) used students’ answers to make deductions about their levels of metacognition and developed a coding system as Sufficient/Provides Evidence or Insufficient/Provides No Evidence. 245 undergraduate students in the USA took part in this experiment. Researchers coded all answers individually. Then, they discussed all findings together and came to a consensus for the final coding. Following this model allowed the researchers to get some valid data. It was summarised that metacognitive skills had an effect on learners’ performance and what is more important would assist them to become more self-regulated students in the future.

These findings support the significance of metacognitive training as a heutagogical technique among teachers and students to enhance cognitive abilities and mathematical reasoning. There is some strong empirical evidence that metacognition has positive effects on students’ performance, specifically in mathematics. However, there is still not enough evidence to prove its importance in elementary school, especially from the students’ point of view, which validates the purpose of this qualitative action research. In the next chapter, the research design and methods to solve this problem will be discussed.


This study aims to explore the perceptions of students on the heutagogical framework while teaching maths at an elementary school in Cambodia. The study focuses on some metacognitive elements that can assist students to become more self-determined.

Central Question: How can students’ needs be met using the heutagogical framework while teaching maths in an elementary school in Cambodia? Subquestion 1: What tools and strategies should teachers use to implement the heutagogical framework? Subquestion 2: How can metacognition as a heutagogical technique be used to improve students’ self-determination?

This chapter aims to explain the research design and methods that were selected as appropriate to research the issue related to the research questions.

3.1 Research design

A lack of qualitative action research in existing literature highlighted the need for this investigation into self-determination through metacognition at a young age. Compared to traditional experimental studies, action research is an amalgam of theory and practice (research and action) that “focuses on specific situations and localized solutions” (Stringer, 2007, p. 1). It is a compass leading teacher in the right direction and helping them see changes in their practice (Simon and Wilder, 2018). Action research is “grounded in a qualitative research paradigm whose purpose is to gain greater clarity and understanding of a question” (Stringer, 2007, p. 19).

Action research was promoted in the mid-1940s with the purpose to solve some practical problems in everyday life. The goal was to distinguish the problem, try to change the situation, and check the results (Coolican, 2014). Since the main purpose of action research is to improve the practice of education by studying issues or problems (Creswell, 2012), it was decided to choose this research design to align with the purpose of the study. Self-determination is like “mini action research”. It also has a cyclical model: setting goals, attempting to achieve them, self-assessing and making adjustments (Zimmerman, 2002). Metacognition itself has a cyclical model too: planning, thinking about it and making changes if needed, reflecting, and making new plans based on the results (Costa and Kallick, 2008). Thus, it was the other reason for choosing action research as a research design for this investigation.

The main attribute of almost all action research models is the cycles, specifically that each cycle is based on the conclusions of the previous cycle (Edwards and Willis, 2014) which “guides teacher preparation and instruction” (Stringer, Christensen and Baldwin, 2010, p. 1). Sometimes they are named spirals or helices (Punch and Oancea, 2014). Edwards and Willis’ (2014) model starts with reflection: Reflect – Plan – Act – Observe, while Stringer’s (2010) model commences with the observation cycle: Look – Think – Act. Even though it seems straightforward, it is not as simple as it looks. There are no arrows between them so it is not a linear process and the researchers can go back to any cycle when changes or adjustments are needed. The “Act” stage also includes reflection and evaluation. Reflection is the key characteristic of each cycle, and the results indicate whether changes should happen or an additional cycle or “mini-experiment in practice” is needed (Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran, 2016, p. 5378). Since its purpose is not just understanding the problem but finding the solution, it is a suitable form of research for this investigation. Moreover, Nasrollahi (2015, p. 18667) noticed that Stringer’s model does not only involve teachers but also students “as action researchers collaborating in the action research process”. It is a standard model that has been similar to hundreds of other models created in the last eighty years.

The present action research will include these research tools : interviews with students and observations using the researcher journal. The research questions that require qualitative data to investigate students’ views justified the qualitative approach of this study. Interviews (qualitative methods) show the complexity of the data provided by participants (Creswell, 2012). At the same time, some quantitative methods, such as questionnaires, can be “inappropriate because of the child’s age” (Morison et al ., 2000, p. 113). Qualitative methods and students’ involvement can provide more light on heutagogy in elementary schools and explore any misconceptions.

3.2 Setting and participants

Metacognition is one of the sixteen Habits of Mind (Costa and Kallick, 2008) adopted by the participating school in Cambodia. Thus, it provided an ideal setting to apply action research on metacognitive support in mathematics. Secondly, being a subject coordinator allowed the researcher to take action and adapt the math curriculum using metacognition as a heutagogical tool. Stringer (2007) underlines that conducting action research helps in curriculum construction and evaluation. Finally, as a participant-researcher, the researcher had a chance to work closely with the participants and gather data during math classes.

Previous research in self-determination in elementary school is mostly from the teachers’ (Stein, 2018) or school administrators’ points of view (Akyildiz, 2019) which indicates the need for the present study. Earlier, children were treated as “dependent” on others to guide them on what to do (Elden, 2013, p. 78). Later, Arnold and Triki (2017) argued that children might be participants in experimental research, however, the chance exists that students would only say what they think researchers want to hear instead of their honest statements. It is understandable that writing a high-quality study with children may be a noteworthy challenge (Ponizovsky-Bergelson et al ., 2019), yet open-ended questions and encouragement can elicit some valuable data. Hoover (2018) recommends using short semi-structured individual interviews while working with young children. Semi-structured interviews “have in-built flexibility to adapt to particular respondents” (Punch and Oancea, 2014, p. 184) which is also preferable for interviews with children. Punch also suggests having natural settings and making sure that the language is age appropriate. All these recommendations were taken into account during this study. Interview questions can be found in Appendix III. Each interview with each student was not longer than 15 minutes, with three interviews during the experiment (the beginning, middle and end of the unit). Interviews were conducted via Google Meet, the platform used at school during online learning.

23 grade three students (9-10 years old) and their parents were informed about this research. 15 of them returned the signed consent forms, 8 parents did not reply to the email sent, so their children were not involved in research. In the end, 7 boys and 8 girls took part in the study.

All the students were Cambodian. Their native language is Khmer (the official language of Cambodia). The interviews were conducted in English as this is the language they use to study at this International School. This language barrier is why math in English might be particularly challenging and metacognitive strategies might be beneficial to them. All interviews were transcribed verbatim by the researcher.

Consent forms were sent on April 28, 2021, as soon as permission was granted by ERGO. Parents were called by the academic assistant from the school who informed them about an email sent. As soon as some consent forms signed by parents were returned, consent forms were sent to their children. Observations began as soon as both parents and students signed the consent forms. The first interviews were held on the same or following days as soon as the consent forms were returned:

29/04 : S2, S3, S13, S14 03/05 : S17, S21, S22 04/05 : S16, S23 05/05 : S5, S7, S8, S12, S19 07/05 : S20

The second round of interviews was held on June 17-21. The third round was recorded on June 14- 15, 2021.

3.3 Data collection

The experiment lasted 9 weeks starting on April 29 until June 30, 2021. Three cycles of Stringer’s model were incorporated into three phases of instruction (Stringer, 2007, p. 9, fig. 1.1).


1. LOOK (3 days)

Consent forms are sent to parents and students ( Appendices I and II ). The first semi-structured interviews with some students are recorded. Field notes are taken every day.

This first stage allows the researcher to collect data about participants’ perspectives and to define the problem.

2. THINK (1 week)

Data are organised, the answers are coded and analysed, and observations continue during this time. Metacognition Diaries (MD) and the final assignment that incorporated metacognition elements are created based on the results of the interviews and on the theory of the process of metacognition which consists of three dimensions – commitment, value, and capacity (Costa and Kallick, 2008). Even though the authors presented five dimensions in their book, and they are discussed in the previous chapter, the core of this study constituted only three dimensions. First, HoMs are included in the school curriculum since kindergarten, it is assumed that by grade 3 most of the students should know the meaning of 16 HoMs, thus, Expanding Meaning as a dimension was not covered by this research. Secondly, considering the age of students and the time constraints it would have been overwhelming for students to reflect properly on all five dimensions at the same time. Since the focus of this paper was self-directedness through metacognition, Increasing Alertness as a dimension was not included in this study.

3. ACT (1 week)

MDs are shared with the students in Google Classroom (Appendices VI, VII, VIII). The final assignment is explained to students (Appendix IV). Before being given to participants, MD and the final assessment were examined by our school curriculum coordinators who supported that both assignments can be used to monitor students’ metacognitive growth.

The Flipgrid platform is introduced to students. Students have a choice to either complete MD in Google Classroom or answer these questions by recording videos in Flipgrid (video diaries). To set the tone of reflection, at the end of each math lesson students have five to ten minutes of “silent thinking time” where they have a chance to reflect and answer the questions in the diaries or record the videos. Observations continue during this time. Organisational skills are taught by using checklists.

This part of implementing practical solutions distinguishes action research from other types of research. Stringer (2007, p. 142) calls it “the sharp end of the stick”. This is the part where the action happens.


1. LOOK (1 week)

The second semi-structured interviews are recorded to check what modifications should be made. Observations continue during this time. MDs and Flipgrid Videos are checked by the researcher. Most of the student answers in the diaries are short and not specific. Multiple students do not stay online until the end of the class and do not complete the MDs or do not record the videos.

Answers are coded and categories are added or modified. Observations continue during this time. Reasons for students leaving online classes early could be family circumstances, bad Internet connection, no interest in the topic, other distractions. Student answers might be improved by providing more scaffolding and teaching how to set goals, how to monitor learning by using checklists and rubrics, how to take notes, etc. The benefits of reflections should be discussed with the students.

3. ACT (2 weeks)

This cycle takes longer because it is necessary to spend more time on interventions. All math lesson plans are modified and include metacognitive elements (Appendix V), namely goal-setting, selfassessment, peer feedback, HoM Discussion, assessing using a rubric, exit tickets, note-taking, post-assessment. Not all lessons include all these elements at once because of time constraints. It is decided to add metacognitive elements in the beginning and middle of the lessons so that all students have a chance to reflect before they leave the class. Observations continue during this time.


The third semi-structured interviews are recorded on June 14-15 and observations continue during this week. All lesson plans continue to have metacognitive elements and students continue to write MDs or record video diaries on Flipgrid.

Final interviews are analysed. Student MDs, videos and observation notes are reviewed, final codes and categories are added, the strengths and weaknesses of the experiment are identified. All core categories, abstract concepts and specific indicators were organised in a spreadsheet.

3. ACT (3 days)

General and brief results were discussed with colleagues during the subject meeting at the end of the school year. These continuous cycles of looking, thinking, and acting allowed the researcher to identify the necessity of metacognition as a heutagogical technique in fostering self-determination in young students.

3.4 Data analysis

Metacognition is not only about planning and knowledge activation but also the intentional monitoring of students’ cognitive processes, reflection, time management, and self-evaluation. That is why the participants frequently had chances to set goals in using HoM 5 Metacognition, self-reflect on whether they achieved those goals, monitor their progress in solving math problems, reflect on their progress using the rubric, apply different strategies in solving word problems and reflect on them. These topics were observed by the researcher and discussed during each of the three interviews. The analysis began after the data was collected from the initial interviews, starting from April 29, 2021, as soon as some parents and students returned the signed consent forms. From that point onwards, data collection (from the following interviews and field notes) and analysis occurred simultaneously. This approach has become a regular practice in qualitative research (Charmaz and Belgrave, 2015).

In order to understand the context, Stringer (2007, p. 100) suggests researchers should start with interviews and then move to other sources of information in the next cycles of action research. Observations written in the research journal were held during all three cycles of action research. The focus was on behaviours related to self-determination, particularly the metacognitive skills related to goal-setting, self-reflection, reflecting and monitoring the progress in solving math word problems, and the emotional aspect after solving problems (feeling of difficulty, feeling of confidence, etc.). As soon as the student showed some evidence of applying metacognition, it was recorded as a memo or a sentence. Thus, the protocols were kept for each student who signed the consent form. Observations were overt since both students and parents were asked to give their consent before the beginning of the study. The primary data were derived from interviews but observations further clarified or extended understanding of the issue being investigated. Punch (2014) underlines that combining interviews and observations is a good method that can lead to high-quality data.

Students’ interview data, as well as observation notes, were coded and analysed using a grounded theory approach. Creswell (2012) believes that it helps the analysts remain close to the data during the whole process. Codes and themes were developed, and connections were identified between different themes in order to generate conclusions. Based on the systematic design of the grounded theory, there are three types of codes represented diagrammatically by Punch and Oancea (2014, p. 238, fig. 10.4):

a) substantive (or open coding) is done at the beginning of the analysis to generate more abstract concepts, b) theoretical (or axial coding) to see how data is interconnected, and c) core (or selective coding) concentrates on core categories around which the theory is designed.

Charmaz (2006) emphasizes that it’s not a linear process and a researcher can go back to the initial data and make new codes at any moment of action research. Moreover, the grounded theory implies that the experiment doesn’t commence with an already formulated theory but rather “allows the theory to emerge from the data” (Strauss and Corbin, 1998, p. 12). Analysts are encouraged to (a) remain open to various opportunities, (b) produce a few options, (c) investigate different opportunities before selecting one, (d) use cycles to go back to the experiment and get a new vision, (e) believe in the study, (f) circumvent shortcuts, (g) enjoy the research (Ezell, 2017, p. 72).

Information was collected, analysed, and compared until data saturation was achieved.

3.5 Ethics and risk assessment procedures

The approval to conduct this research was confirmed through the Ethics and Research Governance Online system of the University of Southampton. In order to start the study, it was obligatory to obtain confirmation. After that, the potential participants and their guardians were invited to take part in the study via email.

First, the Board of Directors of the participating school were informed about the study. Since the children are 9-10 years old, the consent forms were first signed by students’ guardians and after that, if the parents approved, they were sent to students. Both the guardians and the participants agreed that the interviews will be recorded. Confidentiality was guaranteed to all participants. The participants had the right to withdraw from the interviews at any moment before June 30. Personal information was anonymised during the transcription process and coded as Student 2, Student 3 etc. Since February 20, all schools in Cambodia moved to online learning, thus, both interviews and observations took place via Google Meet. Only the researcher had access to the audio-recorded data which were held on a University of Southampton file storage space and were destroyed after the transcriptions were complete. The transcribed interviews and the observation notes were stored on a password-protected University of Southampton file storage space too.

3.6 Validating findings

To avoid an incorrect interpretation of data, multiple methods of qualitative data collection should be used (Oliver-Hoyo and Allen, 2006). The accuracy of the findings was validated through the triangulation analysis:

– interview with students, – observation notes, – literature review.

Triangulation of data ensured the chosen key themes, providing an insight into self-determination from the students’ views. Punch (2014) also suggests getting feedback from responders. After the interviews were transcribed verbatim, the participants were asked to check them. Triangulation and member checking are the most common validation techniques (Creswell, 2012).

In the next chapter, the results of qualitative action research will be presented.


4.1 overview of the chapter.

Using an action research framework, it was investigated how engaging in reflection can change grade 3 students’ behaviour, making them more confident in their abilities to solve mathematical tasks and motivating them to be more active and consistently remain self-determined. Data was collected over a period of 9 weeks from April 29th to June 30th, 2021 during a lockdown (all classes were online). The data analysis stage was conducted concurrently with data collection during the three cycles of action research.

This chapter presents the data collected during the interviews with the participants and the observation notes collected by the researcher while teaching mathematics. The participants were 15 grade 3 students (9-10 years old) in one of the private schools in Cambodia. The responses and the field notes were grouped into categories and analysed to answer the research questions.

Core categories, abstract concepts, and specific indicators (Punch and Oancea, 2014) were selected. Having analysed all interviews, it was clear that open coding and deductive analysis did not answer the research questions because they focused more on the categories selected rather than how students developed their metacognitive knowledge and skills throughout the unit. Therefore, during the axial and selective coding, inductive analysis was conducted, new codes were created based on the previous analysis.

The following core categories were decided on during the analysis and were based on the Habit of Mind Dimensions of Growth by Costa and Kallick (2008):

A. Commitment (ability to self-assess, self-direct and self-monitor in their development of HoM 5 Metacognition within the unit) B. Value (ability to recognise the benefits and advantages of engaging in the HoM 5 Metacognition) C. Capacity (ability to develop skills, strategies, and techniques through which they engage in the HoM 5 Metacognition within the unit)

Each core category covered three to five abstract concepts. The specific indicators are the same for each abstract concept in each category and coloured accordingly:

  • Indicator 1: not attempting to do (red).
  • Indicator 2: attempting to do (yellow).
  • Indicator 3: able to do successfully (green).

After reading each student’s response, it was categorised to a core category and then assigned to an abstract concept. After that, it was colour-coded based on the indicators above (Appendix IX).

4.2 Core category: Commitment

In general, most of the students showed the development of metacognitive knowledge. Four abstract concepts were defined during the analysis based on students’ responses:

1) Setting goals 2) Self-questioning 3) Self-monitoring 4) Responding to feedback

Show improvement Show improvement Stay Stay No progress (1 answer provided)
Setting goals 4 8 0 2 1 0
Self-questioning 3 1 4 2 1 4
Self-monitoring 5 6 0 4 0 0
Responding to feedback 2 2 0 0 0 11

Table 1: Core Category Commitment – Overall Picture during 3 Phases

* Major improvement – moved from red to green indicator. * Minor improvement – moved from red to yellow indicator or from yellow to green indicator. * Stay in red – did not show any progress. * Stay in yellow/green – already had good self-determined skills at the beginning of the research.

More examples and notes can be found in Appendices X – XIII that complement Table 1.

4.2.1 Setting goals

It is interesting to find out how all students understood and could define the importance of setting goals during the first interviews but most of them did not set goals in mathematics or did it only when teachers asked them.

After completing the tasks with the metacognitive elements, some students shared their views on how goals helped them:

“don’t give up and try to solve a problem” (S17-P3), “know what to do and you will not lounge, so you’ll be better” (S5-P3), “learn and stay happy and, like, don’t get bored of learning” (S13-P3).

However, according to the field notes Students 5 and 17 were not persistent in achieving their goals during the unit. Other students believed that it was not necessary to set goals because they did not have time to do them (S20), or they were not important in maths because “you don’t have to calculate” when you write goals (S23-P3). Student 7 did not set any goals because she forgot about them. Based on the observation notes, she also missed some classes or did not complete most of the metacognitive activities before the third interview was held.

4.2.2 Self-questioning

The analysis of the interviews highlighted the importance of self-questioning. Some students were consistent throughout the unit and shared some questions they asked themselves: “is this answer correct” or “have I filled the checklist” or “do I have to start over again?” (S8-P1).

Others claimed that they did not ask themselves questions (S5-P1). However, during the last interview, they mentioned the importance of self-questioning “because if you don’t ask yourself, you might don’t know what to do” (S5-P3) or referred to past knowledge “because you can ask yourself…or just get some ideas from the past” (S20-P3). While during the first interview Student 3 said she would rather wait for the teacher to ask questions, later she noticed “my PT [Performance Task] is not that good so I change my PT, and so I ask question, ‘how good is my PT?’ “ .

Another theme that emerged from the interviews is the lack of persistence: “I ask, ‘what do this task do?’ and sometime even I don’t understand… but sometime I guess” (S22-P3), or “I ask myself ‘Really?’ and go back and sit one more” (S7-P3) or the students simply replied they did not ask any questions (S2). Some participants claimed that they preferred to ask other people because “I don’t know about myself” (S12-P3).

4.2.3 Self-monitoring

Out of all the concepts, this was the only one where all students showed improvement by the end of the unit which is an important sign of self-directed learning. Starting from not using the diary “because I forgot about it” (S14-P1) to using it to find the unfinished assignments “When I go to checklist they will have a link to go in the work for math… it help us know what work that we still haven’t finish” (S14-P2). Field notes show that Student 14 participated more in the middle of the unit. According to the data collected from the interviews, Students 2, 3 and 16 already had good self-monitoring knowledge since Phase 2.

It was thought-provoking to listen to what students think about using rubrics ( Appendices IV and V ) and self-assessment in maths. Most of the participants highlighted that it was useful to have rubrics in the Metacognition Diaries:

“so Teacher can know which task they don’t really understand” (S22-P3), “students write goals and look at rubrics to see what their grades and grade theirself and do important stuff on it” (S3-P3),

On the other hand, some students pointed out such issues as dishonesty, inability to use the rubric without knowing the correct answer, and overconfidence. Student 21 (P2) mentioned that some students might not be honest when they grade their own work: “they want a perfect score and then when they’re bad they just put four and they’re saying that, ‘I’m good, I’m good’ “ . Student 19 (P3) pointed out that it is difficult to use the rubric when you do not know whether the answer is correct or not: “So, when kids do it, no one, he or she in the PT cannot predict if they’re correct or not” . And during Phase 2, he mentioned that he used the rubric when the teacher projected it but not on his own initiative “when you just post the assignment with the rubric under it, it’s very hard for you to make me watch rubric” . Student 20 (P2) also underlined that “it’s kinda helpful if you’re not good, but if you’re good already, you always grade yourself four, I think it’s not really that useful” .

4.2.4 Responding to feedback

This abstract concept was mostly based on the observation notes because students were not asked about feedback during Phases 1 and 3. The planning for the interviews was not done properly. The list of selected questions differed during three Phases. Students were asked specifically about feedback during Phase 2. After the analysis was done, it became evident that they should have been the same questions in all three Phases.

What some students said in the interviews did not match their behaviour during the observations. I believe it happened because they probably wanted to say what they thought the teacher would want to hear or they wanted to present themselves in a positive light (social desirability bias). For example, Students 17, 21 and 22 said that they often checked the feedback in Google Classroom but based on the observation notes, they did not reply to them. Having read the questions that the researcher asked about feedback, some of them could have been reworded or asked indirectly (how a third party would behave) so that students do not feel embarrassed. It proved to be effective while interviewing Student 23:

“Researcher: What advice would you give to students who just finished grade two and are moving to grade three? … Student 23: … I recommend them to use, study more math, use more link and make sure that do more work than me, ‘cause I never do my work. Researcher: Why not? Student 23: You don’t remember at the last interview I said. I’m lazy, but now I do. Researcher: I remember you said so. Student 23: But now I do it.” (P3)

Most students understood that they had to check teacher’s comments and correct their mistakes “If I get feedback I try to make it better, for example, the math what is perimeter, I always do it then you always feedback me, that time I had [a perimeter of] more than 24 and then now I have [a perimeter] over 40” (S20-P2). Some of them checked and replied to comments frequently: “I check on the private comments and I finish some of your private comment and then after, later I will do the next comment and then after that I turn in the work” (S8-P2). Observation notes confirm this data too.

Other students explained why they did not respond to feedback. They either missed the notification “sometime I didn’t see my email to me” (S12-P2) or they were overwhelmed “I have a lot of email and then it comes a lot of email now” (S16-P2), or they still do not understand the feedback “sometime I just don’t understand the question” (S13-P2), or they forgot about it “sometime I forgot” (S14-P2). All these reasons are understandable for grade 3 students who moved to online learning a few months ago. When the students were studying onsite, real-time feedback was provided every day during classes. For example, when students completed a task, the teacher would return their notebooks and they had a chance to ask questions for clarification in person.

Even though some students understood that they could have asked for feedback “Maybe I can ask for feedbacks or I just, when I’m offline or I don’t have anything to do, I’ll just try a little more” (S7-P1), they could not identify why they had not responded to it: “sometimes I just miss it” (S7-P2).

4.3 Core category: Value

In general, most of the students showed the development of metacognitive experience. Three abstract concepts were defined:

1) Making connections to real life and the future 2) Giving advice to other students 3) Emotional aspect after solving problems

Due to the subjective nature of this core category, it was not quantified as the other two.

4.3.1 Making connections to real life and the future

Almost all students could have connected the unit to real-life or to the future starting from the first interview, so these questions were not asked in further interviews:

“I know how to measure, like, when I don’t have a standard unit, I can use the non-standard unit” (S2-P1); “we learn about litres… so, as a scientist, we have to put portion… to invent something” (S8-P1); “because my parents own a business… they just [bought something] from China and we measure the stuff” (S13-P1).

Students who did not make clear connections between reality and the unit did not participate actively in class. They mentioned some general math connections, e.g., counting money (S5), multiplying something (S7) or calculating the cost of the units (S22) which were not relevant to the current unit.

4.3.2 Giving advice to other students

The purpose of this concept was to see if students can apply self-directedness to external situations.

When students were asked to recommend something to children who are moving to grade 3, these themes emerged:

  • Use HoMs when solving difficult problems “Persisting and Apply Past Knowledge to New Situations and Listening and Communicating with Clarity and Precision” (S8-P3);
  • Watch the recorded lessons and Youtube videos “I will tell them what to watch in the YouTube to help them a success in grade three” (S16-P3);
  • Read more books (S14);
  • Do extra research “search more about shapes and math because when you go to grade three, now you will learn about the fractions and rhombus, new shapes” (S20-P3);
  • Ask questions and no copying (S21);
  • Review difficult topics before studying in grade 3 (S22).

4.3.3 Emotional aspect after solving problems

This was the only abstract concept that was not colour-coded based on the specific indicators as they were not applicable here. The purpose of this concept was to observe whether emotions can have some effect on metacognition and self-directedness in general. Students were asked about their feelings directly during the interviews and some of them were also inferred from their answers or observations.

This category explained the answers to other categories. For example, a lot of Student’s 2 answers were simply “No” or “I don’t know”. Thus, in some cases, this lack of persistence could have contributed to less self-questioning and less note-taking.

Students 5, 8 and 20 did not get sad when they made mistakes (P1). They said it was a chance for them to improve more. However, as observation notes show, Student 5 lost his motivation during the unit and did not complete most of the graded tasks. Reasons might be different: family circumstances, no ability to become independent and control his learning or even that it was the last unit of the year, and he was simply tired. Meanwhile, Students 8 and 20 were developing their metacognitive knowledge and skills. Thus, while these reasons helped some students, they hindered others.

During Phase 3, Student 7 was worried that she did not complete most of the tasks, but she also did not ask for help during the unit and missed a lot of online classes. Same as Student 14 who could not identify the difficult topics and thus, could not make an improvement plan. It is possible that lockdown impeded teachers’ ability to reach out more to students in need. In order to help students who struggle, the teacher could have initiated some interventions to learn more about the students’ circumstances.

Student 12 could identify the difficult parts of the unit and was very persistent to learn these topics. Her answers for goal-setting, strategies and self-monitoring concepts, and the observation notes combined into a complete picture to show improvement in self-directedness, similar to Student 13 who also showed enthusiasm to study more on her own. These are the students who were doing well before lockdown and continued doing well during online learning.

4.4 Core category: Capacity

In general, some students showed the development of metacognitive skills. Five abstract concepts were defined:

1) Connecting metacognition to math 2) Applying different strategies when solving problems 3) Asking for help when needed 4) Taking notes 5) Improvement strategies

Show improvement Show improvement Stay Stay No progress (1 answer provided)
metacognition to math
1 5 2 3 2 2
when solving
1 4 3 5 1 1
Asking for
help when
3 3 0 9 0 0
Taking notes 1 5 0 1 3 5
2 3 0 7 3 0

Table 2: Core Category Capacity – Overall Picture during 3 Phases

* Major improvement – moved from red to green indicator; * Minor improvement – moved from red to yellow indicator or from yellow to green indicator; * Stay in red – did not show any progress; * Stay in yellow/green – already had good self-determined skills at the beginning of the research.

More examples and notes can be found in Appendices XIV – XVIII that complement Table 2.

4.4.1 Connecting metacognition to math

About half of the students were able to connect metacognition to math at the end of the unit. Students could recognise the purpose of using Metacognition Diaries in class:

  • to understand the meaning of the HoM (S21-P3),
  • to help set goals and self-assess (S17-P2),
  • to talk about feelings, improvements, and plans (S16-P2),
  • to make it more challenging (S13-P3).

Student 12 connected it to the lesson when she solved word problems about time “because I really struggling about time so I need to think if I go backwards” (P3). Student 8 made a connection to the lesson about perimeter “so that we can express our opinion of our commitment over doing those tasks.” (P2). Student 23 recognised her internal doubts and uncertainty and understood that they need to be eliminated:

“I think about my thinking because if we don’t think about our thinking, for example, I think to do my work, but my mind, my half-mind say don’t know. So, it’s still no. Researcher: So, what do you do then? Student 23: I make that mind go together to get along.” (P3)

Some students still did not see a clear connection to math and said they only used it when completing Metacognition Diaries (S2-P3), when the teacher asked to do the tasks (S19-P2), or when recording videos in Flipgrid “I need to think what I need to say” (S20-P2), “it really help not to always write, we need to talk to people, to not be shy, to show your feeling and your answer, so, I think it’s good” (S13-P2). The students who completed only 1 Metacognition Diary or did not write at all (based on the observation notes) did not see the importance of thinking about their thinking:

“I didn’t think of that” (S14-P3), “I don’t know how to answer this question” (S5-P3), “I do not understand the HoM yet. It’s kind of difficult.” (S3-P3).

4.4.2 Applying different strategies when solving problems

The following strategies were mentioned during the interviews:

  • asking the teacher or listening how it was explained to other students (S3);
  • asking other family members (S21)
  • Striving for Accuracy (S5);
  • Persisting (S16);
  • Thinking Flexibly (S17, 22);
  • Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations (S20).
  • completing the shortest tasks first: “Because I was like, ‘What, I still have more task?’, so I have to go do the small task so when I did the small task I will do the long task later” (S8-P2);
  • finding clues and drawing a model: “First, I need to find clues. And the second, I try to do a model but drawing a model is very easier” (S12-P1);
  • using a calculator (S13).

Five students showed some improvement during the unit. The rest of the students stayed on the same level as they were in the beginning and could not identify any strategies (S2, 7, 14) or said they would just guess the answers “sometimes following your gut you get it right” (S20-P).

I think this concept was not developed well during the unit. The prepared lesson plans did not include any specific strategies to help the students because of time constraints.

4.4.3 Asking for help when needed

Most of the students stated that if they did not understand the problem, they would ask their teacher (S3), family members (S21) or friends (S5).

Even though some students said during Phase 1 that they did not ask anyone “I do not need someone to help when it’s math” (S2), later they mentioned they would ask their relatives if they did not understand. Student 14 remarked that he was scared to ask the teacher “because I ask too much” (P1) and observation notes indicate that he rarely asked for clarification during the unit. This lack of confidence could have hindered his metacognitive skills.

Some students noticed that before solving some problems on their own, they would ask someone to help (S7, 8). Maybe studying at home during the pandemic is the reason for it. Meanwhile, Student 13 mentioned that she would try to solve the problem by herself first and then she would ask someone if needed “or when they’re not home, I would try to research a bit” (P2). Student 20 (P3) also mentioned that he would research by himself before asking anyone. During Phase 1 and 2, Student 22 understood that she needed to ask the teacher more often “but sometime I didn’t ask about, I just do it” . During Phase 3, she stated that she asked the teacher when she needed help which is also mentioned once in the observation notes.

4.4.4 Taking notes

Most students understood the purpose of taking notes: “we take a note and then when we go back to try finishing [a problem], we can copy instead of wasting our time on thinking too long” (S7-P1). However, based on the observation notes, this student did not follow her own advice. During Phase 3, she stated that she only noted on her whiteboard which tasks she had not finished yet. When students were asked to give a piece of advice to their younger peers, Student 13 (P3) suggested watching some videos on YouTube because “mostly people just watch it for fun, not education … so when they have free time they can watch it and take a lot of notes from the video and what do they understand from the video” . She also mentioned that she did not take any notes during Phase 1 and used to forget many things but during Phase 2 she took some notes in order to prepare for the quiz. It was interesting to see how one student understood that he needed to work on controlling his emotions during classes and mentioned that he took notes to remember it (S19).

Students shared how and when they took notes during this unit:

  • Whiteboards “Because if you do it like that, the answer is correct” (S2-P1). However, later he said, “I don’t know why I need to take notes” (P3). Similar answers were provided by Student 3.
  • Sticky notes “when you show example of one of the EQ [Essential Question], I have to go on the notes and write what you said, so when I go back to my EQ, I know what I, I can learn off that example” (S8-P3).
  • Notebook “get notebooks that I write lessons inside” (S12-P1).
  • Google Docs or Slides “when we did the clock hand I get a paper and then I write about the short hand and long hand and for this end this unit, for the polygon, I also write it in a Docs” (S16-P3). Meanwhile, during Phase 1 she remarked that she usually forgot to take notes.

Other students mentioned that they took notes when the teacher told them to do it but did not show the initiative themselves “maybe I’m not sure about this, maybe it’s wrong and why did I take note about it if it wrong” (S12-P3). Based on the interview and observation data, some students (14 and 17) did not show any improvement in this concept.

4.4.5 Improvement strategies

Generally, students could identify some specific improvement strategies, such as:

  • watching videos on Youtube or the recorded lessons (S12),
  • playing online games connected to the topic (S14),
  • applying HoM’s Listening with Understanding and Empathy (S17), Creating, Imagining and Innovating (S19) and Applying Past Knowledge to New Situations (S20),
  • asking more questions and participating during classes (S19).

Some students shared the view that they would like to have Metacognition Diaries when they study in grade 4 so they could set goals for improvement (S12). This student also said she would do the same extra activities as she was doing in grade 3. Even though she felt they did not help much, she could not identify how to change the situation. A quiet environment when studying online was also mentioned in one of the interviews (S13). In the previous interviews, this student also said she could have asked her family to prepare some extra tasks for her to practice or set a goal to improve. Student 20 emphasised that it was important to know what topics and PT we would study in advance so that he could prepare better.

Changing Behaviour

Another theme that emerged from the interviews was changing behaviour. One of the problems was joining online classes on time. Student 23 started to ask her grandmother to wake her up so she would know how to do the assignments. Student 3 wanted to stop doing the tasks without thinking. To change the situation, she would “[ask] in Hangouts and then just try to do it, one by one and be careful” (P3). Meanwhile, Student 2 could not provide explanations for how to change his behaviour.

Other students either could not define whether they needed to change anything (S5 and 7) or did not specify any improvement strategies apart from “practice about the lesson that I don’t understand” (S22-P3). Student 22 also did not feel she was getting better because she said she did not understand maths. Observation notes show that she missed a lot of classes or did not do the prepared tasks. Finally, some students underlined that they wanted to study at school because they did not have enough materials at home (S20).

These findings are thought-provoking and will be discussed further in relation to academic literature in Chapter 5.


5.1 overview of key findings.

The research question of this study: How can students’ needs be met using the heutagogical framework while teaching maths in an elementary school in Cambodia? By students’ needs we mean self-determined learning needs. Following the Self-determination Theory (Ryan and Deci, 2000) and the findings from the current research, it is possible that students’ basic needs – autonomy , competence , and relatedness – can be met using the heutagogical framework while teaching maths in an elementary school. Having a choice in choosing their goals, self-monitoring, taking notes and connecting metacognition to maths, eight students were able to control their learning process. Competence was practised by applying different strategies when solving problems and reflecting on improvement strategies. Relatedness was achieved by responding to feedback, self-questioning and asking for help when needed. The data were obtained from 45 interviews (3 phases – 15 interviews each) with students and constant researcher’s observations during online classes for 9 weeks. The data presented in this action research have shown that some metacognitive strategies are necessary at elementary school from students’ perspectives.

Students’ answers were grouped into three categories: Commitment, Capacity and Value – three dimensions of Habits of Mind developed by Costa and Kallick (2008). The majority of students showed improvement in the Commitment category: they often set goals for improvement, questioned themselves and monitored their learning. The results showed that most of the students found them useful, especially when studying at home. Less than half of the students showed the development of metacognitive skills in the Capacity category. Most of them already had some skills before the experiment started (e.g., some strategies for solving problems, improvement strategies, and asking for help when needed). The Value category represented how students developed their metacognitive experience and supported the finding of the previous categories.

5.2 Research outcomes in the framework of existing literature

The findings of this research have several themes that have been discussed previously in the literature review.

Research subquestion 1: What tools and strategies should teachers use to implement the heutagogical framework?

It was found that the following tools and strategies were used to implement the heutagogical framework:

  • goal-setting in Google Classroom (at least once a week),
  • using checklists, rubrics and self-assessments to self-monitor,
  • note-taking,
  • discussions at the end of the class,
  • recording video diaries on Flipgrid to share strategies implemented during the day and/or completing Metacognition Diaries.


According to the findings, most students started setting goals regularly during the unit and found them helpful in mathematics. The data reported in this study support the results of Erwin et al . (2016) who claimed that self-determination in adults and children is different, but that some elements can be practised in elementary schools, namely goal-setting. They developed a model with four steps: assess, select, try it, and reflect. The focus was on goals and reflection strategies which promoted good results and consistent communication between parents and teachers. Goal-setting can eventually help students become independent. The learning goal orientation might be a starting point in training self-determination (Compagnoni, Sieber and Job, 2020).

Students who showed high metacognitive knowledge and skills since the first interview noticed that rubrics were not as useful for them as they used to score high and did not feel any improvement. Other students also highlighted that some students might not be honest when they self-assessed and in that case, it was not beneficial. These disadvantages were previously discussed by Jamrus and Razali (2019) who believed that these constraints could be overcome if proper instructions and observations were conducted by a teacher. Moreover, rubrics should challenge students’ abilities, but rubrics’ language should be age-appropriate (Costa and Kallick, 2000).

Another self-monitoring tool that the students used was the checklist. Organising the thought processes and refining the thinking skills is essential for lifelong learners (Knox, 2017). Students found the checklist convenient while studying at home because they could quickly find the tasks and self-monitor. Nidus and Sadder (2016) emphasise the importance of teaching this art of noticing at school. They believe that when students learn how to use the checklist, they can focus on specific tasks, set goals for improvement, thus ask for more detailed feedback and evaluate their progress. The findings of this study about feedback support the results of a quantitative study of Molin et al . (2020) who found that there are positive effects of feedback from teachers or peers on both students’ metacognitive skills and motivation. According to them, responding to feedback is a key element of self-determination. Even though the findings for this specific abstract concept are not complete as the students were not asked about feedback during all three phases, it is still important to take their responses into account, specifically the ones connected to the lockdown.

Metacognitive Diaries (MD)

MD – reflective journals – as a tool of students’ self-assessment positively influenced students’ metacognitive experiences. Knox (2017) recommends journal writing and writing through the problem-solving process during math classes to define students’ mental processes while gaining knowledge. Following the action research framework in this study, students’ reflections were reviewed, and notes were made about their progress. It was also interesting to observe how some reflections reported in the Findings chapter moved from superficial to in-depth in Phase 3. By in-depth reflections, Costa and Kallick (2008, p. 235) mean “making specific reference to the learning event, providing examples and elaboration, making connections to other learning, and discussing modifications based on insights from this experience” . While most of the students from our study reported that they would like to have MD in further grades because “we can tell about the goals that we want to achieve and we can tell how we feel to the teacher and the score that we give to ourself if we give ourself a low score, the teacher will know that we don’t really understand it” (S16-P3), three students did not want to have MDs when they move to grade 4 stating that – “I can think of by my own and then study” (S2-P3). Recent research with elementary students supports the previous findings with university students (O’Loughlin and Griffith, 2020) and illustrate that not only students’ metacognitive skills were affected but also teachers had evidence of how students progressed during the unit. A similar experiment with reflective journals was recently designed in Indonesia (Ramadhanti et al ., 2020). However, the questions in that study were grouped around such aspects of metacognition as awareness, evaluation, and regulation. Fifty students who were involved in Ramadhanti et al. (2020) study went through these processes and were able to become independent learners.

Video Diaries (Flipgrid)

Flipgrid (Flipgrid, Inc., 2021) was used as an alternative online video-response tool to self-reflect and facilitate discussions. Students were already familiar with the concept of journaling. This app was used as an alternative to MDs to increase students’ engagement. Students had a choice of how to answer metacognition questions: writing MD, recording a video on Flipgrid or both. Most of the students reported that they enjoyed using the app because it was something new and they could show their feelings, but student engagement has not dramatically increased. The findings of this study differ from those reported by Stoszkowski, Hodgkinson and Collins (2021) which indicate that participants provided more frequent and more critical answers when using Flipgrid. Although, it might happen because older students took part in that experiment, or the differing amount of scaffolding provided by teachers in various studies. Educators should understand that this platform is not a “magic bullet” to increase participation (Kiles, Vishenchuk and Hohmeier, 2020, p.1).

Research subquestion 2: How can metacognition as a heutagogical technique be used to improve students’ self-determination?

It was found that metacognition as a heutagogical technique might be used to improve students’ self-determination.

The findings of this study are in line with previous literature (Gourgey, 1998; Costa and Kallick, 2008). It proved that students who did not have a habit of thinking metacognitively might not show a lot of enthusiasm in the beginning, especially if they had been passive learners for some time. Panadero (2017) believes that interventions have different effects on students because of their educational level. Moreover, the learning environment played a significant role in developing metacognitive capabilities in mathematics, especially in the current lockdown situation. On the other hand, some students were able to recognise other HoMs during the interviews or even spontaneously during classes, according to the observation notes. The creators of HoMs believe that it is one of the strategies that students can use to build deep reflections in order to become lifelong learners (Costa and Kallick, 2008).

During our maths lessons, some students were able to choose what strategies worked well in achieving their goals or they could change their learning approach if needed. This ability to monitor and regulate is the nature of metacognition (Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran, 2016). Students reported such strategies as applying other HoMs, finding clues and drawing a model, completing the shortest tasks first, using a calculator, asking the teacher or family members. Nevertheless, when looking at the strategies reported by the students during the interviews, five students stayed in the same yellow or green indicator during three phases and same number of students showed major or minor improvements. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether they were the results of applying past knowledge or strategies offered by previous teachers, peers, family members or they were the strategies taught in this unit. Corresponding findings have also been reported by the studies of Davey (2016). Investigating metacognitive development in early years children, she underlined that even younger students can talk about strategies they implemented when facing a problem to solve. The only thing that is clear is that three students still stayed in a red indicator by the end of Phase 3. Perhaps, more focus should be provided on this area when creating lesson plans.

Different studies argue that if students are taught metacognitive strategies at school, they will perform better and even their general wellbeing will improve (Perry, Lundie and Golder, 2019). This study was not focused on students’ performance, but their emotions were taken into account in the Value Category. The findings support the studies of Gabriel, Buckley and Barthakur (2020) who concluded that motivational and emotional factors affect students’ abilities to self-regulate their learning. Mathematics anxiety is an obstacle to learn maths and might impede students’ engagement and the metacognitive processes in general. It was particularly observed during online classes when students could simply leave the meeting when they wanted or do not join at all. The reports in the findings chapter prove that the students who did that felt worried or stressed by the end of the unit because they did not know how to solve the tasks and since they did not have developed metacognitive skills, they could not self-regulate their learning.

5.3 Limitations of research

The researcher acknowledges several constraints of the study. First, it was difficult to set the tone of reflection while teaching online. Most of the metacognitive tasks were done at the end of the lesson and by that time half of the students left the meeting (bad Internet connection, family circumstances, distractions etc.). The results could have been different if teaching on campus. On the other hand, online settings can test self-directedness even better (Cano-Hila and Argemí-Baldich, 2021) so it probably shows that some students were not ready yet to monitor their learning.

Secondly, it would have been better to have this pilot in the middle of the year. At the end of the year, a lot of graded tasks had to be done and there was not enough time to do as many reflections as was planned. Costa and Kallick (2000) recommend that students should reread their journals from time to time to compare their thoughts and make an action plan. During this study, the students were asked to review their Metacognition Diaries but a lot of them did not do it because of the time limits. Adding to this, the scope of this research project was too broad for the timeframe in which it was conducted.

Finally, the concept of semi-structured interviews was partly misunderstood by the researcher. Some of the questions differed during the three phases, thus the progression might not be completely visible. Moreover, some of the questions could have been reworded to avoid different biases.

Overall, while the results of this study appear promising, they should be treated with caution due to the above limitations.

5.4 Implications for further research

The recommendations for other researchers have been made to provide an impetus to continue research on metacognition from students’ perspectives. The data collected could greatly support teachers and curriculum coordinators in finding solutions to overcome the issue of low self-determination in elementary schools. Stringer recommends being careful while creating the questions so that the interviewers do not integrate their ideas into the interviewees’ answers (Stringer, 2007, p. 65). Having analysed the data, it was noticed that some students’ responses contradicted what was observed in the class. Meanwhile, when they were asked indirectly (e.g., “What advice would you give to students who are moving to grade 3?”) they could make connections to themselves and their learning styles. Kaminska and Foulsham (2013) believe that this social desirability bias is caused because of students’ embarrassment and uneasiness if their answers do not match with teachers’ expectations. It is recommended to reword some questions if this research is about to be repeated. For example, instead of asking “Do you think the rubric that we used in class was helpful or just a waste of time?” it is better to ask “Would you recommend having rubrics like this in grade 3? Why or why not?”.

For teachers, it is crucial to inspire students, at every age, to find how they learn and what benefits them individually (Pritchard, 2013). That is why it is important to have professional development in teaching metacognition at this early age. Plus, further research can be carried out to demonstrate whether different teaching styles have an effect on how students develop metacognitive knowledge and skills.

Regarding future research, there is one more perspective worth investigating, that of the parents. First, parents have a big influence on their children’s achievements (Jezierski and Wall, 2019). Secondly, it is paramount to know whether the students apply these metacognitive strategies or other heutagogical techniques at home and whether their behaviour has changed because of it, especially during the lockdown.

5.5 Practical recommendations

Even though some educators believe that developing metacognitive skills is often difficult and time-consuming (Thomas, 2003), it is an important goal of education. There are a lot of techniques and strategies that teachers might implement to train students’ metacognitive abilities. Students should be given opportunities to learn how to set goals, assess their progress and take ownership of their learning.

However, teachers should not expect that students already know how to monitor their progress, plan and self-evaluate as all these skills should be explicitly taught and modelled (Perry, Lundie and Golder, 2019). We cannot expect elementary students to already have metacognitive knowledge and skills (Wagaba, Treagust and Chandrasegaran, 2016). One of the goal-setting strategies that worked during this study was to have students self-assess first and based on their results ask them to write what they can improve and how. It was important to model that our goals should be specific, achievable, and timely. Furthermore, it was repeated every time before the activity started that these goals are for them and not for the teacher so that students synthesize the importance of goal-setting.

Conducting discussions turned out to be one of the tools that promoted metacognition in the classroom. Following Costa and Kallick’s (2008) advice, some thought-provoking questions were designed for the MDs (Appendices VI-VIII). During these moments, students learned how their peers applied some strategies and grew in this Habit of Mind. If the students are studying onsite, it might be better to conduct discussions at the end of mathematics classes but if lessons are online, it is recommended to either ask the students to complete the journal in their free time or choose a moment when most of the students are present.

It is crucial to demonstrate that solving problems is not only about finding the correct answer but about the process. Moreover, reflective writing might support students in determining their strengths and weaknesses in the topic. Costa and Kallick (2008) also suggest students should reread these journals from time to time, comparing what they have learned in the past and now. Based on the observation notes, teachers should encourage students to complete the diaries regularly to habitualize them. Perhaps teachers may complete the diaries as well as an example.

It is also important not to expect immediate results. Even though this study lasted 9 weeks, it was not enough to coach on metacognition. Students should have enough time to understand their learning processes and to develop a habit of reflecting on their learning and experiences.

5.6 Conclusion

This section is an overall conclusion of the current research. Previous studies from teachers’ and administrators’ perspectives summarised that implementing metacognitive techniques will positively influence students’ performance (Stein, 2018). Nevertheless, the lack of empirical studies from students’ points of view is still a concern in education.

The purpose of this study was to enable grade 3 students to reflect on their learning practices and habits by using metacognitive methods and to see whether it can help them become self-determined learners. Self-determined learners are students who can self-assess, self-direct and self-monitor their learning (Commitment Category), can recognise the benefits and advantages of engaging in metacognitive processes (Value Category) and develop skills, strategies, and techniques through which they engage with their peers (Capacity Category).

Metacognition is the foundation of lifelong learning. Action research cycles with constant reflections helped the researcher as an educator to learn what is best for her students and how to adapt to meet the 21-st century requirements. Based on the observation notes and interview data, most grade 3 students were able to find more motivation for learning mathematics, therefore became more engaged in the learning process. Hence, it might be useful to stimulate deep reflections at an early age. By increasing metacognition, students could find different strategies, apply them, and choose the most effective ones based on the situation. That’s why it is a heutagogical technique. However, some students still could not regulate their learning even after the metacognitive interventions were implemented.

Less than half of the students could connect metacognition to mathematics by the end of phase 3 and three students were able to do it before the experiment started. Four students either stayed in the red indicator or dropped from yellow or green. However, it is important to note that these students missed more than a third of online mathematics classes or did not do most of the metacognitive activities assigned during the unit.

The pandemic lockdown affected children’s learning. Even though there are a lot of physical and emotional limitations connected to the pandemic (Cano-Hila and Argemí-Baldich, 2021), it might be considered a perfect setting to practice metacognitive skills when students can set goals, monitor their learning using different checklists and rubrics, reflect on the feedback provided in Google Classroom and think about improving strategies while writing diaries. Hopefully, these positive aspects of online learning concerning metacognition should remain even after lockdown.

However, recent research in education showed that in fact, the lockdown increased the gap between high and low achievers: stronger students had more ability to concentrate on the tasks while weaker students were less able to focus (Spitzer, 2021). This study supports this statement because when we look at the findings, it is noticeable that the students with yellow or green specific indicators in Phase 1, continued to show progress in other Phases. But if they started in a red indicator and did not join classes or did not do the metacognitive tasks, they stayed in the same colour code. If students are studying at school, they are approximately equal in terms of metacognitive support provided by a teacher. Meanwhile, when studying at home, there are different family circumstances that can increase or decrease their metacognitive skills (e.g., eliminating distractions, helping with monitoring their progress, doing work with parents, etc.) (Cano-Hila and Argemí-Baldich, 2021). Another term used recently in research is “Zoom fatigue” when students are getting tired from overusing virtual platforms (Wiederhold, 2020). A few children reported during the interviews that they were overwhelmed with the number of emails and feedback on different platforms that sometimes they missed and did not reply to the teacher.

The study has revealed that such tools as Metacognition Diaries and video diaries on Flipgrid were effective from students’ perspectives to regulate their learning. This indicates that these tools might be useful in implementing the heutagogical framework. Based on students’ responses, rubrics were useful during mathematics classes by helping students improve their work or informing the teacher about their progress. However, such issues as dishonesty, overconfidence, and the inability to use the rubric without knowing the correct answer were also highlighted and should be taken into account by educators. Checklists, on the other hand, turned out to be very helpful self-monitoring tools during online classes.

Another summary related to the results of the study shows that although some students stated that they wrote goals, responded to the teacher’s feedback, took notes, it disagreed with the researcher’s observation notes. Even though MDs were not graded, the final assessment about HoM 5 Metacognition was included in students’ grade books. It could have influenced some students’ answers. Some students could have hidden what they did not know, and it is not the purpose of reflections (Ramadhanti et al ., 2020). That is why it is better to have it not graded in further studies.

I would like to conclude this paper with the quote of Mark Van Doren, “The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery” (BrainyMedia Inc, no date). As researchers and as practitioners this should be our aim and metacognition as a heutagogical technique might assist in it. What if teachers were more concerned about students’ abilities after graduation (e.g., problem-solving, decision-making, being a lifelong learner) rather than focusing only on the acquisition and end-of-year exams? Finally, the ultimate goal of education is to develop lifelong learners and, I would add, metacognitive and self-determined lifelong learners.

For references and appendices please refer to the full dissertation in PDF form.

Appendix I: Consent Form (Parents) Appendix II: Consent Form (Students) Appendix III: Interview Questions Appendix IV: Final Assessment Appendix V: Lesson Plan with Metacognitive Elements Appendix VI: Metacognition Diary (MD) – Value Appendix VII: Metacognition Diary (MD) – Capacity Appendix VIII: Metacognition Diary (MD) – Commitment Appendix IX: Coding Legend Appendix X: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Setting goals Appendix XI: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Self-questioning Appendix XII: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Self-monitoring Appendix XIII: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Responding to feedback Appendix XIV: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Connecting metacognition to math Appendix XV: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Applying different strategies when solving problems Appendix XVI: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Asking for help when needed Appendix XVII: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Taking notes Appendix XVIII: Qualitative Analysis of Abstract Concepts – Improvement strategies

LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Core Category Commitment – Overall Picture during 3 Phases Table 2: Core Category Capacity – Overall Picture during 3 Phases

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS EQ = Essential Question GC = Google Classroom HoM = Habit of Mind MD = Metacognition Diary MK = Metacognitive Knowledge ME = Metacognitive Experience MS = Metacognitive Skills PT = Performance Task P = Phase S = Student S2-P1 = Student 2 – Phase 1 SLO = Schoolwide Learner Outcomes

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Students Writing Original Word Problems , Marcia Ostmeyer

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Reading as a Learning Strategy for Mathematics , Monte Else

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Confidence in Communication: Can My Whole Class Achieve This? , Emily Lashley

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How Student Self-Assessment Influences Mastery Of Objectives , Jeremy John Renfro

RAP (Reasoning and Proof) Journals: I Am Here , Bryce Schwanke

Homework: Is There More To It Than Answers? , Shelly Sehnert

Written Solutions of Mathematical Word Problems , Marcia J. Smith

Rubric Assessment of Mathematical Processes in Homework , Aubrey Weitzenkamp

Calculators in a Middle School Mathematics Classroom: Helpful or Harmful? , Leah Wilcox

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Cooperative Learning as an Effective Way to Interact , Gary Eisenhauer

Generating Interest in Mathematics Using Discussion in the Middle School Classroom , Jessica Fricke

“Let’s Review.” A Look at the Effects of Re-teaching Basic Mathematic Skills , Thomas J. Harrington

The Importance of Vocabulary Instruction in Everyday Mathematics , Chad Larson

Understanding the Mathematical Language , Carmen Melliger

Writing for Understanding in Math Class , Linda Moore

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Improving Students’ Story Problem Solving Abilities , Josh Severin

Calculators in the Classroom: Help or Hindrance? , Christina L. Sheets

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Increasing Conceptual Learning through Student Participation , Janet Timoney

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Using Math Vocabulary Building to Increase Problem Solving Abilities in a 5th Grade Classroom , Julane Amen

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Cooperative Learning Groups in the Eighth Grade Math Classroom , Dean J. Davis

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The Effects of Teaching Problem Solving Strategies to Low Achieving Students , Kristin Johnson and Anne Schmidt

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Transforming mathematics classroom practice through participatory action research

  • Open access
  • Published: 16 January 2020
  • Volume 24 , pages 155–177, ( 2021 )

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  • Pete Wright   ORCID: 1  

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This paper explores the potential of participatory action research to bring about significant changes in practice in a context in which more conventional approaches to research have had limited impact. It focuses on secondary mathematics classrooms where teaching approaches characterised by memorising and practising mathematical procedures, with little understanding of their application, purpose or underlying concepts, remain commonplace in many countries around the world and have proved highly resistant to change. The paper highlights the damage caused by such practices in terms of the alienation of large numbers of students and the inequitable outcomes they are associated with, including the strong correlation that persists between students’ socio-economic status and mathematical attainment. It reports on the case of one participatory action research project, involving the author and five teacher researchers, that demonstrated how a vision of mathematics education, involving a genuinely engaging and empowering curriculum, can be translated into classroom practice. The paper considers the extent to which this research project was conducted in a collaborative, systematic and rigorous way. It reflects on the research processes that facilitated critical reflection, enabled the teacher researchers to overcome constraints and generated trustworthy findings. The insights gained from this analysis are used to argue that a participatory action research methodology, which resonates with a critical mathematics pedagogy, has the potential to challenge prevailing discourses in mathematics education and hence lead to genuine transformations in classroom practice.

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Mathematics education in England has received a great deal of attention from policy-makers over the past 35 years, with numerous government-commissioned reviews of practice (e.g. Cockcroft 1982 ; Smith 2004 ; Vorderman 2011 ). However, despite large-scale government-initiated curriculum reforms and professional development programmes, including the introduction of functional skills (QCA 2007 ) and the National Strategy (DFEE 2001 ), and seemingly endless reforms of the National Curriculum (Oates 2010 ), school mathematics appears to have changed very little (Morgan 2010 ). Conventional teaching approaches persist, particularly in secondary schools (years 7–11), regardless of calls from the mathematics education community for a more engaging curriculum with greater emphasis on reasoning skills and the development of conceptual understanding (ACME 2011 ; NCETM 2008 ; OFSTED 2012 ).

In this paper, I argue that change is desperately needed in the way that mathematics is commonly taught to avoid successive generations of learners becoming alienated from the subject. I also draw attention to how school mathematics in its present form produces high levels of inequity, with a persistent and strong association between learners’ attainment and socio-economic status. I consider why conventional approaches to mathematics education research have failed to close the gaps in mathematical attainment between different socio-economic groups or bring about significant changes in classroom practice. I highlight the tendency of research to ignore the sociocultural aspects of mathematics education and the constraints and challenges faced by teachers in the mathematics classroom. Teachers are too often relegated to passive consumers of research, encouraged to implement its findings without understanding how these were generated or participating in research themselves.

Brydon-Miller and Maguire ( 2009 ) argue that participatory action research (PAR) involves collaborating with marginalised and oppressed communities and addressing the underlying causes of inequality. And yet PAR, which involves collaboration between teachers (many of whom routinely work with students from marginalised communities) and academics, and taking account of the sociopolitical forces that contribute towards maintaining the status quo, remains under-exploited as a research methodology in the field of mathematics education. Most teachers and learners of mathematics that I have come across appear to be unaware of the exploitation and social inequities that exist, and are perpetuated by school mathematics. I explore in the later sections of this paper the potential of PAR for exposing and challenging these inequities. I draw on my experiences of conducting the Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice (TMSJ) research project, a collaboration between myself and five teacher researchers, which adopted a critical model of PAR (Skovsmose and Borba 2004 ).

The findings of the TMSJ project highlight how the participatory and collaborative nature of the research design facilitated teachers’ critical reflection on existing practice. It enabled teacher researchers to overcome constraints they faced in transforming their own classroom practice and develop teaching approaches which enhanced the engagement and agency of students (Wright 2016 , 2017 ). By considering the characteristics of, and the research processes employed in, the TMSJ project, I argue that PAR has the potential to bring about transformations in classroom practice in a context in which more conventional approaches to research have had limited impact and in which change is desperately needed.

Disengagement and inequity in school mathematics

I draw attention below to high levels of disengagement amongst learners, and inequitable outcomes in terms of attainment and participation, which serve as a strong justification for why change is desperately needed in mathematics classrooms. The majority of students continue to experience an uninspiring mathematics curriculum in which learning is limited to memorising and practising mathematical procedures, with little understanding of their application, purpose or underlying concepts (Foster 2013 , OFSTED 2012 ), resulting in the quiet disaffection of a large proportion of students (Nardi and Steward 2003 ). The aspirations for mathematics education articulated in the latest National Curriculum, i.e. to provide “a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject” (DFE 2013 , p. 2), seem far from being realised. Williams and Choudhury ( 2016 ) report how transmissionist pedagogies (characterised by teacher-centred approaches) were found to accelerate a general decline in students’ dispositions towards studying mathematics over the course of their schooling and were a significant factor in students opting out of further study. Negative experiences of mathematics are not limited to students in England. Skovsmose ( 2011 ) highlights the dominance worldwide of an exercise paradigm in which teachers demonstrate a mathematical procedure to students who then complete a series of almost identical closed questions. As a result, large numbers of children and adults exhibit anxiety towards, and alienation from mathematics, which is commonly perceived by the general public as “dull, irrelevant, useless and often harmful” (Grootenboer 2013 , p. 324).

Prominent mathematics education researchers (e.g. Boaler 2009 ; Skemp 1972 ; Swan 2006 ) have called repeatedly for the adoption of alternative pedagogical approaches that promote problem-solving, discussion and collaborative learning. Most tutors that I have come across in initial teacher education (ITE) over the past 8 years (since becoming a teacher educator), in common with those who helped me qualify as a teacher in 1987, routinely encourage their student teachers to engage with such pedagogies and related research findings. Yet these practices still remain far too uncommon in mathematics classrooms.

Several researchers have drawn attention to the persistent and strong correlation between students’ socio-economic backgrounds and their participation and attainment in school mathematics, which has existed in many Western countries for over 40 years (Boaler et al. 2011 ; Jorgensen 2016 ; Noyes 2009 ). Whilst differences in achievement between other groups (e.g. boys and girls) have narrowed over the same period, social class remains the most decisive factor in determining success in school mathematics (Ernest 2016 ; Jorgensen 2016 ), which in turn regulates access to higher-status university courses and better-paid employment (Black et al. 2009 ). Thus, mathematics education “still serves as a powerful fractional distillation device that separates off different sectors of the population for different rewards” (Ernest 2016 , p. 119). Jorgensen et al. ( 2014 ) highlight how some social and cultural resources are assigned greater value and recognition by schools. These resources include the language and behaviours that tend to be acquired by children from middle-class families as a result of their upbringing, which enable them to make better use of the opportunities provided by schools from the moment they arrive (Noyes 2008 ). As a consequence, they are more likely to have positive learning experiences, identify themselves as mathematics learners and choose to study the subject beyond compulsory level (Williams and Choudhury 2016 ). In contrast, working-class children are more likely to have negative experiences of learning, see themselves as failures and disengage from mathematics (Jorgensen 2016 ).

So what can teachers concerned with equity and social justice do within such a structurally inequitable school system? Jorgensen ( 2016 ) argues that such teachers should strive to help working-class students adopt the middle-class values and behaviours recognised by the school, for example by demonstrating the relevance and application of mathematics to solving real-life problems in order to enhance their motivation and mathematical engagement. She acknowledges that, in doing so, care must be taken to avoid providing an impoverished and purely functional curriculum that fails to provide opportunities to appreciate the beauty of mathematics or the work of real mathematicians. She highlights examples of good practice where schools have raised the mathematical attainment and confidence of disadvantaged students, whilst at the same time providing a rich and stimulating learning environment. One such example is the Railside Project in a deprived area in California (USA) that successfully adopted a collaborative, problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics, resulting in higher attainment and more positive attitudes towards mathematics amongst students than in comparable schools (Boaler 2008 ).

Williams and Choudhury ( 2016 ) argue that critical mathematics pedagogy should confront transmissionist pedagogies, focussed primarily on preparing students for tests, and promote those that have greater use value , e.g. in modelling and solving real-life problems. However, Norton ( 2017 ) highlights the danger of focusing exclusively on knowledge that is immediately relevant to everyday life in an attempt to make the curriculum more authentic and engaging. This might increase students’ intrinsic motivation in the short term but prove counterproductive in the longer term by denying them access to powerful knowledge . Straehler-Pohl and Gellert ( 2013 ) describe mathematics classes in a low-streaming school in a deprived area of Berlin, in which students were routinely provided with closed tasks restricted to repeating techniques. Whilst the tasks were mainly abstract and decontextualised, they did not involve legitimising the use of techniques, thus restricting disadvantaged students’ access to powerful knowledge. Barrett ( 2017 ) stresses the vital role teachers must play in ensuring that “the relation between academic and non-academic discourse is articulated such that the possibility for the development of new meanings and understandings is realized among students” (p. 8).

Critical mathematics educators, such as Skovsmose ( 2011 ), argue that school mathematics should go beyond providing learners with the reasoning and skills they need to solve problems encountered in real life. It must also empower students to become active citizens, to lead satisfying and fulfilling lives and to contribute towards tackling some of the pressing issues currently facing society, such as growing inequality, human rights abuses and environmental sustainability (Cotton 2013 ). A truly empowering curriculum should enable learners to use mathematics to investigate and challenge injustices they experience in their own lives and wider society (Gutstein 2006 ), and involve opening up the mathematical modelling of real-life situations to scrutiny and revealing their often-invisible ethical dimensions (Yasukawa et al. 2016 ).

The problems highlighted above justify why change is desperately needed in school mathematics. I turn my attention now to consider why, despite consistent calls amongst the mathematics education research community for a more engaging and equitable school mathematics curriculum, there has been little change in practice in mathematics classrooms.

The implications for mathematics education research

There is an abundance of published research focusing on equity and social justice in mathematics education, including several edited books and special issues of journals devoted to these issues (e.g. D’Ambrosio et al. 2013 ; Gates and Jorgensen 2009 ; Strutchens et al. 2012 ). Yet school mathematics continues to play a significant role in perpetuating social inequity by alienating large numbers of students and disproportionately restricting access to higher education and better-paid jobs for disadvantaged learners. So why has mathematics education research had such limited success in challenging this situation? I argue in this section that a significant factor is the failure of most conventional research to take adequate account of the sociopolitical nature of school mathematics and the challenges and constraints facing teachers in the classroom.

Critical mathematics education challenges the myth that mathematics can be considered to be neutral and argues that agency, empowerment, critical understanding and sociopolitical engagement should all be key features of teaching and learning mathematics (Ernest and Sriraman 2016 ). It offers an alternative explanation for why conventional mathematics teaching has proved so resistant to change, regarding existing practice as indicative of the interests of those in positions of power (with privileged influence over policy decisions) in maintaining the subservience and exploitation of certain groups within society. Skovsmose ( 2011 , p. 9) argues that the exercise paradigm (see the previous section) helps prepare young people for “participating in work processes where a careful following of step by step instructions without any question is essential”. Gutstein ( 2006 , p. 10) contends that the current disempowering mathematics curriculum experienced by many reflects the economy’s need for “an ever-growing army of low-skilled, compliant, docile, pleasant, obedient service workers”. Critical mathematics education contends that research is sociopolitical in nature and claims by other researchers to objectivity and a lack of bias are merely denying the power relationships and ideologies that permeate the field (Valero 2004 ). Jorgensen ( 2016 ) argues that most mathematics education research fails to recognise social class as an issue which undermines its potential to enable all learners to enjoy the personal and economical rewards that success can bring. Williams and Choudhury ( 2016 ) warn against relying too much on studies that focus exclusively on effectiveness whilst ignoring the affective domain. They highlight how focusing on raising attainment in the short term can adversely affect dispositions towards learning mathematics, achievement and participation in the longer term.

Francis et al. ( 2017 ) highlight how the little research that does exist, which addresses the sociopolitical nature of mathematics education, is often ignored by policy-makers. They consider the high-profile case relating to ability grouping . They describe how the practice of setting students, by grouping together those with similar levels of prior attainment in homogenous teaching groups, has grown significantly in recent years, with 71% of secondary students in England set in mathematics. This is despite most research evidence suggesting that setting has no significant benefits on overall levels of attainment and a negative impact on outcomes for students in lower sets. Students are often assigned to sets on the basis of their behaviour, rather than their attainment, with limited opportunities for subsequent movement between groups (Wilkinson and Penney 2014 ). Those placed in lower sets commonly experience a “largely remedial (and boring) curriculum” (Hodgen and Marks 2009 , p. 31). Students from poorer backgrounds are invariably overrepresented in lower sets, where they are less likely to be taught by well-qualified teachers or to experience deep learning focused on conceptual understanding, thus further consolidating their disadvantage (Jorgensen 2016 ).

Francis et al. ( 2017 ) attribute the lack of impact of this research to a dominant discourse , i.e. a way of constituting knowledge that comes to be viewed by society as representing the “ natural order [which] needs no external evidence to support it” (p. 9). In this case, the dominant discourse views inequalities in outcomes as an inevitable consequence of innate differences in ability , and segregation is seen as a natural way of dealing with these differences. They argue that this discourse arises from “long-standing narratives in English culture” (p. 8) associated historically with a school system in which (selective) grammar schools and (fee-paying) independent schools exist alongside government-maintained comprehensive schools. This explains why schools often feel compelled to introduce setting to attract middle-class parents, seen as keen to secure advantages for their own children, in order to boost examination results.

Given the need to challenge such deeply rooted discourses, mathematics education research must pay careful attention to teachers’ perspectives, their classroom situations and the constraints they face (Bishop 1998 ). Much conventional research, however, is conducted in prototypical classroom situations which lack the typical challenges encountered by most teachers on a daily basis (Skovsmose 2011 ). Findings from such studies are often packaged and disseminated to schools for implementation. However, since they ignore institutional contexts and constraints, they have minimal success in challenging existing classroom practice. The blame for the continued lack of evidence - informed practice is then either placed on teachers for being reluctant to engage with the research (Oakley 2006 ; Sebba 2004 ) or on the poor quality of the research itself (Gough 2004 ). Watson et al. ( 2013 ) argue that, despite an abundance of research into effective learning of mathematics, this research is not made readily accessible to teachers. Sebba ( 2004 ) contends that teachers have such deeply entrenched beliefs and values relating to learning mathematics that they resist all attempts to transform their practice; hence, change is only possible through adopting more effective ways of managing policy implementation and imposing tighter control on teachers.

Whilst a minority of teachers are involved in carrying out research, the majority are expected to implement, unquestioningly, recommendations for changes in practice arising from (carefully selected) research which they know very little about. These expectations are often presented as targets associated with performance management procedures in schools, resulting in teachers distrusting new research findings, seen as promoting a political agenda or as tacit monitoring (Hammersley 2004 ; Thomas 2004 ). Given the need for research which challenges current orthodoxies, teachers need to develop their capacity to reflect critically on existing practice in relation to research evidence, rather than relying on adopting what works protocols (Winch et al. 2013 ). Cordingley ( 2013 ) argues that, by engaging in collaborative enquiry facilitated by external experts, teachers are encouraged to take risks and explore why, and in which contexts, certain practices are effective. Leat et al. ( 2014 ) distinguish between engaging with research, as a body of knowledge , and engaging in research, as a social practice . They argue that teachers who engage successfully both in and with research are more likely to generate new insights and perspectives, affect powerful changes in their practice and become more critical of existing policies and practice.

Collaborative research involving teachers and researchers

There has been a resurgence of interest recently in close - to - practice research involving teachers and researchers working together to address problems in practice. It is widely acknowledged that such research, due to significant involvement of teachers, has the potential to impact on professional learning and to challenge established practice (Myhill 2015 ). However, the biggest challenge facing close-to-practice research is the common perception that it lacks rigour and is limited in scale, prompting BERA ( 2017 ) to commission a review into its quality. Robutti et al. ( 2016 ) report that most practitioner-led collaborative research neglects to theorise collaboration and relies instead on theories relating to a community in which it is assumed to take place. One collaborative research methodology that has recently proliferated worldwide is lesson study , its popularity attributable to its widespread use over many years for professional development of teachers in high-performing jurisdictions in East Asia (Takahashi and McDougal 2016 ). Lesson study models incorporate characteristics that can facilitate effective professional learning, i.e. “it is sustained over substantial periods of time, collaborative within mathematics departments/teams, informed by outside expertise, evidence-based, research-informed, and attentive to the development of the mathematics” (Wake et al. 2016 , p. 245). However, these models appear to have developed organically, through the collaborative practice of teachers, and only recently become a focus for study by academic researchers (Takahashi and McDougal 2016 ).

Unfortunately, much collaborative research fails to recognise the sociopolitical nature of school mathematics and lacks the critical element necessary for challenging existing practices and dominant discourses. Lesson study normally involves advance agreement of the intended outcomes which is used to determine the research questions. Japanese lesson study, for example, is associated with the implementation of a specific problem-solving pedagogy around which there is already shared consensus amongst mathematics educators (Takahashi and McDougal 2016 ). Whilst action research is not uncommon in schools, much of it is either technical , i.e. it aims to improve practice by achieving pre-defined outcomes, or practical , i.e. the focus is left open for practitioners to decide but the legitimacy of existing modes of practice is not questioned (Kemmis 2009 ). Critical reflection requires that teachers view their own practice as problematic and question the consequences of their actions in relation to wider historical, cultural and political values and beliefs (Hatton and Smith 1995 ; Liu 2015 ). External stimulus is regarded as essential for promoting critical reflection in schools since, without this, collaborative enquiry is likely to merely perpetuate existing practice through the process of alignment with accepted norms (Jaworski 2006 ). Action research only becomes critical when it involves partners working together to “change their social world collectively, by thinking about it differently, acting differently, and relating to one another differently” (Kemmis 2009 , p. 471).

In the next section, I propose that participatory action research (PAR) offers the potential to bring about changes in practice where more conventional research has failed to do so. I argue that PAR presupposes a genuine partnership between teachers and researchers, recognises the sociopolitical nature of research and can be conducted in a rigorous and systematic way that promotes critical reflection on existing practice and facilitates transformations in classroom practice.

  • Participatory action research

Participatory action research (PAR) is a collaborative approach to research in which researchers aim to carry out research with practitioners (as research partners) rather than on practitioners (as research objects). In the context of schooling, it recognises how academic researchers , with their expertise in conducting research, and teacher researchers , with their in-depth knowledge of the classroom situation, each have a distinct, but essential, role to play (Atweh 2004 ). It aims to seek positive social change through generating knowledge that is of greater relevance to practitioners, whilst developing a deeper understanding of theory - in - practice amongst teachers (Brydon-Miller et al. 2003 ). It pays closer attention to teachers’ perspectives, the challenges and constraints they face and the opportunities they are afforded on a day-to-day basis. PAR is overtly emancipatory and rejects the notion that research can be objective and value-free, which distinguishes it from other forms of action research. Brydon-Miller and Maguire ( 2009 , p. 80) describe PAR as “… a systematic approach to personal, organizational, and structural transformation, and an intentionally and transparently political endeavour that places human self-determination, the development of critical consciousness, and positive social change as central goals of social science research”.

PAR methods have most commonly been applied to the fields of health (e.g. nursing and health promotion) and technology (e.g. agriculture and environment) and less so to education, where it is usually limited to informal education contexts and adult education (Thiollent 2011 ). With notable exceptions (including two described below), PAR studies in mathematics education appear rarely in research publications. Raygoza ( 2016 ) reports on a project in which she taught mathematics to students, who had recently experienced failure in the subject, in an urban school in Los Angeles (US) with high levels of social deprivation. She describes how her students explored social justice issues around food by conducting a school-wide survey and using the results to generate an argument for change. Her project was participatory in the sense that the students themselves took a lead in conducting the research, whilst developing their own critique of injustices relating to their situations. Andersson and Valero ( 2016 ) report on a project in an upper secondary school in Sweden, in which the authors (teacher and researcher, respectively) challenged traditional pedagogies and attitudes towards mathematics through the introduction of classroom projects involving societal issues. They demonstrated how changes in pedagogical discourses are possible on a school-wide basis. Both of these PAR studies were limited in scale, with the former restricted to a collaboration between teacher and students within one class and the latter located within a single school. Andersson and Valero ( 2016 ) adopted the critical research model of PAR, which is the same model that I chose to adopt for the TMSJ project and is described below.

Skovsmose and Borba ( 2004 ) offer a critical research model of PAR, resonating with critical mathematics education, built on the premise that the existing situation must be challenged by addressing “possibilities that can be imagined and alternatives that can be realised” (p. 214). They theorise how this might be accomplished through three key processes (Fig.  1 ) that are integral to their research design. Pedagogical imagination (PI) is the process of developing a critical understanding of the current situation (CS) and articulating an alternative vision, i.e. imagined situation (IS), by drawing on previous research findings, theories and teachers’ practical knowledge. Practical organisation (PO) involves cooperation between teachers, researchers, students and others in organising an arranged situation (AS), i.e. trying out ideas from the imagined situation, taking into account the realities and constraints of the current situation. Explorative reasoning (ER) involves analysing the outcomes from the arranged situation in order to better understand the current situation and to draw conclusions about the feasibility of the imagined situation.

figure 1

Model of critical research (Skovsmose and Borba ( 2004 , p. 216)

This critical research model, through making explicit the key research processes, offers a systematic form of PAR that has the potential to challenge existing practice and prevailing discourses in mathematics education through its focus on the critical reflection of teachers. I report below on how the model was developed and applied in the design of the TMSJ project that aimed to develop alternative teaching approaches that engage and empower all learners.

The Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice (TMSJ) research project

I report below on the case of one participatory action research project, which demonstrates the potential of the methodological approach for bringing about transformations in classroom practice. In June 2013, as part of my doctoral studies, I established a research group together with five teacher researchers, Anna, Brian, George, Rebecca and Sarah (all pseudonyms). All five had previously completed an ITE programme (on which I was a tutor), were nearing the end of their first year as newly qualified secondary mathematics teachers and had expressed an interest in addressing issues of social justice in their classrooms. They all taught in multi-ethnic comprehensive schools in London, which shared many characteristics including having relatively high proportions of students who were eligible for free school meals, who spoke English as an additional language and who had statements of special educational needs.

Whilst there is an abundance of research literature around social justice in mathematics education, most of this is theoretical in nature and there are relatively few studies that focus on how social justice can be realised in the classroom (Duncan-Andrade and Morrell 2008 ; Wright 2015 ). The project therefore focused on the following research question: How can a commitment towards “education for social justice” amongst mathematics teachers be translated into pedagogy and classroom practices which promote such aims? A second aim of the research project was to explore the potential of a participatory action research (PAR) methodology for achieving this.

The research design was based upon Skovsmose and Borba’s ( 2004 ) critical research model (see the previous section) and was collaborative and participatory in nature. The current situation in this case was represented by conventional teaching approaches and dominant discourses in mathematics education. The imagined situation was based on the following conceptualisation of teaching mathematics for social justice (Wright 2015 , p. 27), which draws on the ideas of critical mathematics educators (see the “Disengagement and inequity in school mathematics” section), particularly Skovsmose ( 2011 ) and Gutstein ( 2006 ):

Employ collaborative, discursive, problem-solving and problem-posing pedagogies which promote the engagement of learners with mathematics;

Recognise and draw upon learners’ real-life experiences in order to emphasise the cultural relevance of mathematics;

Promote mathematical enquiries that enable learners to develop greater understanding of their social, cultural, political and economic situations;

Facilitate mathematical investigations that develop learners’ agency, enabling them to take part in social action and realise their foregrounds;

Develop a critical understanding of the nature of mathematics and its position and status within education and society (Wright 2015 ).

The arranged situation involved a series of teaching ideas and activities that the teacher researchers tried out in their classrooms as part of three action research cycles spread over the course of one academic year. In order to demonstrate that PAR can be conducted in a systematic and rigorous manner, particular attention was paid in the research design to the three key processes of the critical research model ( pedagogical imagination , practical organisation and explorative reasoning ) described below. The three key processes were applied in the collaborative spirit of PAR, with teacher researchers’ in-depth knowledge of the classroom being drawn upon in developing and trying out ideas, and my research expertise utilised to facilitate discussion around research literature, methods and analysis.

Pedagogical imagination in this case involved developing a critical understanding of existing practice and articulating what teaching mathematics for social justice might look like in the classroom. The first meeting of the research group focused on engaging with critical perspectives. Prior to the meeting, I asked teacher researchers to read the introductory chapter from a book about rethinking school mathematics from a social justice perspective (Gutstein and Peterson 2005 ). The reading was used to facilitate a discussion on how the ideas related to teacher researchers’ own experiences and their viability as alternatives to existing practice. In subsequent meetings, teacher researchers read, and presented for discussion, other relevant publications that I identified from the research literature.

Practical organisation involved cooperation between members of the research group in designing and developing activities and teaching ideas to try out in the classroom. This was the main focus for the second, fourth and sixth meetings of the research group. Teacher researchers were asked to present ideas from existing resources (e.g. Gutstein and Peterson 2005 ; Wright 2004 ) and discuss how these might be adapted for use with students, taking into account the constraints of the classroom. The group also discussed how to go about collecting evidence to help evaluate the success of the activities, deciding to employ student surveys as a key tool for doing so. This survey was administered by teacher researchers with their own classes immediately after each activity was tried out. The survey was trialled by teacher researchers during the first cycle, after which the wording was amended and a protocol agreed for how it should be introduced to students in subsequent cycles. The survey aimed to distinguish between students’ general dispositions towards learning mathematics and how they felt about the activities tried out through the project. The following two questions were posed: How do you feel about maths in general? What do you think about the maths we did today?

Explorative reasoning involved evaluating and reflecting on the activities tried out in the classroom in order to better understand existing practice and to discuss and develop further ideas. This was the main focus for the third, fifth and seventh meetings of the research group. Teacher researchers took the lead in reflecting on their own teaching, taking it in turn to present their evaluations and to invite questions from other members of the group. They made use of students’ feedback from the surveys, along with examples of students’ work and notes made in research journals (which were used by the teacher researchers and me to record thoughts and reflections during the project). Presentations were followed by a general discussion to inform the planning of future activities.

Reliability of research findings

Lincoln and Guba’s ( 2003 ) framework for ensuring trustworthiness of qualitative research findings was applied to the critical research model in order to further enhance the rigour of its design and the reliability of research findings. I describe below how the four aspects of the framework, i.e. credibility , confirmability , transferability and dependability , were adapted to the PAR research design in the case of the TMSJ research project.

Credibility involves ensuring the phenomena being observed are accurately represented. This was addressed through the prolonged engagement of teacher researchers over one academic year, iterative questioning during interviews which followed up on previous responses, reviewing initial findings from data analysis in subsequent research group meetings (similar to member checks in other forms of qualitative research) and comparing responses from student surveys, meetings, interviews and final reports to generate richer meaning (related to triangulating data) (Shenton 2004 ).

Confirmability means ensuring the findings are derived from the experiences of the researchers rather than any preconceived ideas and beliefs. This was addressed through focusing on reflexivity, e.g. by maintaining research journals. The transferability and dependability of the research, which enable readers of the research to judge the extent to which the findings are relevant to their own situations and to repeat the study if so desired, were established by providing thick descriptions of the context and design of the research (Shenton 2004 ). Such detailed descriptions, whilst too lengthy to include in this paper, can be found in my doctoral thesis (Wright 2015 ).

Data collection and analysis

Data from the research project were generated from audio recordings of meetings and a series of three individual semi-structured interviews, which I conducted with each teacher researcher. I adopted an empathetic approach to interviewing by establishing relationships of trust that enabled stories to be jointly constructed through dialogue (Fontana and Frey 2008 ). Interview questions were designed to prompt teacher researchers to reflect on the development of their thinking and practice over the course of the project. Hence, the initial and final interviews included such questions as: What does teaching mathematics for social justice mean to you? How do you think social justice relates to your current classroom practice? How do you think your classroom practice has changed, since the beginning of the project, in relation to social justice? Given the focus of the project on exploring the potential of PAR to transform classroom practice, questions were also focused on the plan–teach–evaluate cycles, e.g. Tell me a bit more about the first classroom activity that you tried. How will you approach the second classroom activity? Individually tailored follow-up questions were used to explore responses in greater detail, e.g. How did the classroom activity relate to “teaching mathematics for social justice”? How did the students respond?

At the end of the project, teacher researchers were invited to write a short report on their experiences of participating in the project, and the impact it had on their thinking, classroom practice and their students. The student surveys (see previous section) and the final reports were used as supplementary data. They did not form part of the main data analysis (described below) but were used to compare with its findings to generate richer meaning.

The audio recordings were transcribed and two separate thematic analyses were carried out on the transcripts using meaning condensation and meaning interpretation (Kvale and Brinkmann 2009 ). The first analysis focused on the development of teacher researchers’ thinking and classroom practice, whilst the second focused on the characteristics and processes of the critical research model of PAR. For each analysis, the text was broken down into initial units of meaning, based on statements from participants, and the meanings were summarised with descriptive text.

For the first thematic analysis, a category was then assigned to each unit of meaning using inductive coding , whereby the categories are derived from an initial reading of the data. Categories included those relating to views teachers expressed about school mathematics (e.g. “consideration of nature of school maths” and “seeing maths as a legitimate area for issues of social justice”) and teachers’ perceptions of themselves as professionals (e.g. “reasons for becoming a school teacher” and “interest in personal and professional development”). During the coding process, initial units of meaning were broken down further, so that only one category was assigned to each unit. Each unit was also assigned a property, giving more detail about its meaning, and a score from 1 to 5, giving an indication of the extent to which the unit was seen as affirming that property. To further illustrate this process, I provide an example below from the analysis of an interview transcript.

The following statement (by Rebecca) was identified as a unit of meaning: I think that’s what [Brian] was saying wasn’t it? It’s quite easy to define injustice, than what social justice … I don’t really know what social justice means. The meaning of this unit was summarised as: Easier to define social justice by defining injustice. Little thought given to TMSJ before project. This unit was assigned the code “PreEng T2”, “PreEng” representing the category “Previous engagement with teaching mathematics for social justice issues”, “T” representing the property “Large amount of thought given”, and “2” indicating a mostly negative assertion of this property, i.e. Rebecca had given relatively little thought to such issues previously.

The coding was then used to compare commonalities, differences and relationships between units of meaning, by grouping together units with similar codes and re-reading the data (whilst taking account of the context of the discussions in which they were situated), enabling themes to emerge (Gibson and Brown 2009 ). Such comparisons allowed meaning to be constructed from the teacher researchers’ stories, whilst avoiding loss of meaning through simplistic quantifying of codes. Initial findings from the thematic analysis were related back to the underlying theories in order to generate new analytical questions and give further meaning to the data (Jackson and Mazzei 2012 ). The findings from this analysis, which demonstrate how teachers were able to overcome constraints and transform their classroom practice, are presented in the next section.

The second thematic analysis of the data was carried out using categories derived deductively from the key research processes and characteristics associated with the critical model of PAR (described earlier). The purpose of this analysis was to consider the extent to which the TMSJ project was conducted in a collaborative, systematic and rigorous manner and to inform how the critical model of PAR might be applied to future research that seeks to challenge dominant discourses in mathematics education and transform classroom practice. The findings from this second analysis are presented in the penultimate section. Note that in the next two sections, I have focused on the findings that I consider most relevant to the argument developed in this paper. Further reports of the research findings can be found elsewhere (e.g. Wright 2016 , 2017 ).

Findings of the TMSJ project

Two themes emerged from the first data analysis which highlight the potential of the PAR methodological approach adopted for the TMSJ project for promoting critical reflection and bringing about changes in classroom practice.

Theme 1: developing student agency

All five teacher researchers reported a significant increase in students’ engagement with mathematics, associated with the teaching approaches and activities developed through the research project. They witnessed unusually high levels of enjoyment of, and interest in, learning about mathematics and social justice issues when these were tackled in lessons. The feedback from student surveys concurred with these observations:

In general I do not enjoy maths as I think I’m not very good at it. Today I enjoyed the maths lesson as I enjoyed finding out about fair trade and I liked seeing all the statistics of the money different people make from a bar of chocolate. (Rebecca’s Year 9 Student, survey response to Fair Trade activity).

Across all classes, a majority of students expressed greater enjoyment of mathematics lessons involving social justice issues. Many students, when asked about mathematics in general, described it as boring and irrelevant. They noticed a difference in the project activities and claimed these helped them to see more clearly applications of mathematics to real life: “I liked what we did today because it was something totally different. We learn more about the world like this, while using maths”. (Brian’s Year 8 student, survey response to Election activity). Increases in engagement were particularly noticeable amongst low-attaining students and those previously poorly motivated or badly behaved in lessons. One noteworthy example was a Year 8 girl in Anna’s bottom set who had previously exhibited such challenging behaviour across all subjects that she was in her last week before being moved to a special school. Despite this, her behaviour during a project on wealth distribution, in which students discussed in groups the fairest way to share out wages between workers in different jobs, was exemplary: “in terms of her enjoyment of the project … she was asking so many questions, she was putting forward so many views, she was working in a team. She was just like a dream child for the whole project” (Anna, Meeting 3).

The project highlighted the cases of a number of lower-attaining and previously disengaged students who demonstrated the most noticeable increases in motivation towards learning mathematics and positive responses towards the alternative practices adopted by the teacher researchers. However, the limited scale of the project meant that the long-term effect on these students’ attainment was not examined and increased engagement does not necessarily translate into higher attainment. As Norton ( 2017 ) points out, promoting authentic and engaging curricula, and focusing on everyday knowledge, can instil in students an expectation that mathematics should be fun and immediately relevant to real life, with an associated risk of discouraging them from engaging with more powerful mathematical knowledge. This was reflected in initial concerns amongst some students that, by engaging in social justice issues, they were not doing real mathematics: “It was fun. The presenting was fun and enjoyable. It was okay, but it wasn’t really relevant to maths” (Anna’s Year 9 student, survey response to Making a Change Project). Barrett ( 2017 ) uses the same argument to justify the need to make the links between academic and non-academic discourses clearer to students, the above example indicating that in the early stages of the project these links were not made clear enough. However, higher levels of engagement were accompanied by increasing agency amongst students, suggesting that the risk of focusing exclusively on everyday knowledge was minimised.

Developing students’ agency became the main focus for the teacher researchers in the third action research cycle, when they tried the Making a Change project with their classes. This project, inspired by Rebecca’s experiences of designing a similar activity in the first cycle, involved groups of students choosing an issue of interest to them, using mathematics to develop their understanding of the issue, and presenting an argument for a change they would like to see made. Students particularly welcomed the opportunities to explore links between mathematics and issues of interest to them, and to present their arguments: “They were all so passionate about the things they were presenting about, was the key thing, and the fact that they got to actually tell everyone what they found out” (Anna, Interview 3).Teacher researchers attributed the exceptionally high levels of engagement they witnessed with this activity to the autonomy granted to students in choosing their own issues and making their own decisions about how to research these: “I liked the presentation as I got to do something that I felt strongly about. It gave me a chance to express how I feel, also including maths to support my presentation” (Rebecca’s Year 9 student, survey response to Making a Change project). The Making a Change project concluded with students evaluating how effectively they used mathematics to support their argument, exemplifying the legitimisation of mathematical techniques presented by Straehler-Pohl and Gellert ( 2013 ) as an essential dimension of powerful knowledge.

The idea of developing mathematical agency originated from Rebecca’s engagement with the research literature (Gutstein and Peterson 2005 ) and appeared to be of growing interest to teacher researchers: “I think the agency thing was definitely something I hadn’t considered at the start. Like, I saw it more as applying maths to different situations, rather than using maths to actually change something” (Rebecca, Interview 3). The evaluations of lessons suggest it was also a new way of working (in mathematics) for most students. The success of the project activities in drawing links between social justice issues and mathematics demonstrated how students were able to generate new meaning by relating academic and non-academic discourse (Straehler-Pohl and Gellert 2013 ): “Today shows us about the unfairness farmers get and how we can help them by using fair trade” (Anna’s Year 7 student, survey response to Fair Trade activity). Concurrent increases in students’ mathematical engagement and agency over the course of the project demonstrate how students were able to gain an appreciation of the use value of mathematics without being denied access to powerful knowledge.

Theme 2: dominant discourses on ability and attainment

The teacher researchers recounted how the research project prompted them to reflect critically on their own classroom practice and to recognise dominant discourses within mathematics teaching. All five acknowledged an initial reluctance to try out new ideas and teaching approaches with students in bottom sets through concerns that they would respond negatively:

I know the way that I teach classes that are badly behaved is so structured, to make up for the fact that they can’t be left to their own devices for five minutes. … That kind of approach doesn’t really lend itself necessarily to an extended open activity, where they actually get to think more deeply about the things that are involved. (Rebecca, Interview 3)

Through recognising these tendencies, teacher researchers began to challenge their own preconceptions and to appreciate the significant benefits of alternative teaching approaches for these students: “I tried a few things with my bottom set and their motivation has just been so high in those particular lessons that I’ve had to very rarely like tell them to get on with things or to do things” (Anna, Interview 3). They began to question their prior assumptions about mathematical ability. Reviewing setting was not an explicit focus for the research project, since the teacher researchers were not in positions to influence policy on grouping students within their schools. Despite this, they voiced growing criticism of setting and increasingly questioned its validity and benefits, thus challenging discourses around ability on which setting is predicated (Francis et al. 2017 ): “I’d like to bring in Year 7’s, unsetted [mixed attainment groups], at some point, once I’d gained my school’s trust. This is if I even get a head of department job, but that’s the long-term goal” (Anna, Interview 2).

Another significant shift in thinking amongst teacher researchers was from viewing education as a meritocracy towards recognising structural causes of inequity. All five had chosen an ITE programme that deliberately placed them in schools in relatively deprived areas of London, on the premise that inequalities in educational outcomes can be addressed by focusing on raising the attainment of disadvantaged students:

I’ve chosen to teach in a school where it’s classed as a challenging school, because the kids stereotypically wouldn’t be expected to achieve very much. … So I think, in the sense of bringing about social justice through education, I’m involved in that just through being at this school. (Anna, Interview 1).

In accepting this discourse, equity-oriented teachers are compelled to work as hard as possible to enable some students from poorer backgrounds to achieve higher grades and hence realise higher aspirations, e.g. in gaining access to more prestigious universities. Bourdieu and Passeron ( 1990 ) argue that every such success merely gives credibility to the myth that the school system represents a true meritocracy. Engaging with research literature, and relating this to their own practice, encouraged teacher researchers to question previous assumptions: “People say ‘Well, we’ve got a good education system, you know, we live in a country where you can get wherever you want’. Well actually, people can’t, because of the barriers” (Anna, Interview 2). Brian began to articulate how, in order to be successful in mathematics, all students need to develop the personal and social skills necessary to take advantage of opportunities to learn. This resonates with Jorgensen’s ( 2016 ) contention that teachers should strive to enable working-class children to realign their values and behaviours with those recognised by the school.

Whilst observing the benefits of alternative pedagogies employed through the research project, the teacher researchers became increasingly aware of the constraints they faced in developing these pedagogies, through their schools’ excessive focus on high-stakes examination and monitoring of teachers. They described how the tendency of managers to carry out brief unannounced visits to classrooms (often referred to as learning walks ) resulted in pressure to make it appear as though students are working hard and making progress at all times:

I think it makes you less likely to take risks with your classes. If you know that there’s a chance that someone pops in, you’re more likely to do lots of very average lessons, than one lesson that could blow up in your face or it could go amazingly, because you know that you’d be judged on that one lesson. (Brian, Interview 1)

This might help to explain the prevalence of transmissionist teaching approaches, given the pressures on teachers to demonstrate students’ short-term gains in attainment rather than focusing on longer-term improvements in students’ dispositions towards learning mathematics (Williams and Choudhury 2016 ).

The teacher researchers observed that some higher-attaining students showed the least enthusiasm for alternative teaching approaches, perhaps reflecting that they felt comfortable with the status quo and the personal success they associated with it:

I think, if you are at the top end of the top set, you’ve put your hat on the fact that you get things right, and as soon as in maths it’s no longer about you getting the right numerical answer, you suddenly feel like things are not under your control any more, and you’re not top dog any more. (Brian, Interview 2).

Boaler ( 2009 ) highlights, however, how success is not necessarily accompanied by positive dispositions towards learning mathematics, with many high-attaining students failing to see its relevance to their future lives and choosing not to study mathematics beyond the compulsory stage. Thus, assigning greater emphasis to the use value of mathematics means that all students, not just the low-attaining, have something to gain.

One of the most interesting findings was that, despite its limited scale, the project generated a substantial amount of interest from other teachers not directly involved. The teacher researchers described how news of the positive impact of the activities on their students’ engagement and achievement spread quickly across their departments causing a rapid growth in interest from colleagues. George described this as the multiplier effect : “Success has bred more success, because if they’ve seen a lesson go well, then they want to teach it, and then their lesson goes well, and then it sort of spreads” (Rebecca, Interview 3). In response to demands for more information, all five teacher researchers disseminated ideas to colleagues who were keen to try these out themselves. Anna, Brian and Rebecca were invited to run training sessions for their departments and three schools adopted activities from the project for use with a whole year group. This suggests the existence of a wider group of teachers receptive to the aims of the research project beyond those volunteering themselves as teacher researchers.

How can PAR bring about transformations in classroom practice?

The findings of the TMSJ project presented in the previous section demonstrate how one research project, which adopted the critical research model of PAR, brought about significant changes in teacher researchers’ thinking and classroom practice and provided their students with a more engaging and empowering mathematical learning experience. In this section, I draw on the second thematic analysis (referred to earlier) to examine how the above was achieved through the application of the critical research model (Skovsmose and Borba 2004 ). I highlight the characteristics of PAR, in particular the three key processes and strategies for ensuring reliability (described earlier), that demonstrate its potential for bringing about transformations in classroom practice in a context in which more conventional approaches to research have had limited impact.

Pedagogical imagination

The TMSJ project was participatory in the sense that the teacher researchers played a leading role in deciding how the conceptualisation of teaching mathematics for social justice (described earlier) should be translated into practice through activities and teaching approaches to be tried out and implemented in the classroom. My role in the research group was largely facilitative, i.e. organising and publicising meetings, inviting suggestions for the agendas and chairing discussions, summarising and clarifying decisions taken by the group, writing up and circulating notes from the meetings. The teacher researchers acknowledged the pivotal role that I played in encouraging them to engage with theoretical ideas and research literature, which I selected as relevant to the aims of the project, by presenting papers to each other for discussion. This reinforced the importance of external stimulus in promoting critical reflection whilst conducting collaborative enquiry (Jaworski 2006 ). At the same time, teacher researchers appreciated the opportunities to take decisions themselves relating to the research design and articulated a growing interest in, and understanding of, research processes: “This is my only experience of any kind of research … I have learnt an awful lot about the process, as opposed to just what we’re researching” (Rebecca, Meeting 4).

Whilst the adoption of this pre-existing conceptualisation might be seen as contradicting the participatory principles of PAR (by deciding in advance the focus for the research), it was effective in promoting critical reflection, with teacher researchers describing how it helped them to recognise existing practice as problematic by relating it to the research literature (Hatton and Smith 1995 ; Liu 2015 ). This illustrates a careful balance that needs to be established within PAR between the academic researcher acting as an external stimulus, promoting a critical understanding of current practice, and the agency of teacher researchers in playing an integral role in the design and development of the research project.

Practical organisation

The teacher researchers emphasised how the mutual support provided by the group enabled them to overcome constraints and gave them the confidence to take risks in developing their own practice. A striking example of this was the way in which the group rallied around Rebecca when she became disheartened by frustrations she experienced during early trials of the Making a Change project: “It is quite useful having that kind of, I don’t know, support almost and being able to just tell someone exactly what happened and have their, kind of, outside view on it” (Rebecca, Interview 2). The reassurance, encouragement and constructive feedback she received led to her (and others) recognising the potential benefits of the activity, which subsequently became the main focus for the third action research cycle. Holding regular group meetings (seven over the course of one year) also provided the impetus required to maintain the momentum of the project:

And it’s also provided that additional incentive to do it, and to take the risk, because you know that you’re going to be asked to talk about it. But also you know you’re going to be allowed to talk about it in a way that says that messing up doesn’t matter. (Brian, Interview 3).

The teacher researchers took much of the initiative for organising the action research cycles, choosing which activities to try out in the classroom and evaluating the success of these activities during research group meetings.

Explorative reasoning

The project highlighted the importance of establishing a genuinely collaborative approach between academic researcher and teacher researchers. This necessitated the teacher researchers and I recognising and respecting each other’s expertise and appreciating how each other’s contributions strengthen the robustness of the research design (Atweh 2004 ). The existence of such a collaborative relationship was apparent in the discussions accompanying the development of the student surveys. My familiarity with research methods enabled me to present options for how feedback might be collected from students, whilst the teacher researchers’ detailed knowledge of the classroom context informed the joint decision taken to employ student surveys. Similarly, the formulating of questions and the development of a protocol for administering the surveys drew heavily on the range of expertise available within the research group.

The five teacher researchers were drawn from four different schools. They welcomed the opportunity to discuss ideas, share experiences and to collaboratively plan a series of activities with teachers from outside their own schools, highlighting how this exposed them to a wider range of perspectives and allowed them to be more open in evaluating their own teaching:

Through sharing resources when we all have a clear focus, and we’ve all agreed on what we’re trying to achieve, you cut through all the rubbish, really. And the discussions give you fresh ideas you might not have thought about. (Anna, Interview 3).

Potential problems with the credibility of the findings were considered by the research group and strategies agreed to mitigate against these. The possibility of bias arising in the student surveys, due to students’ responses being influenced by what they believed teachers wanted to hear, was minimised by emphasising to students (through the survey protocol) the anonymity of the survey and that the results would be used solely for the purpose of the research project. A similar bias was possible in the data generated from research group meetings and interviews which were based primarily on teacher researchers self-reporting on their perceptions of students’ engagement and achievement. However, the responses from the student surveys and the final reports written by teacher researchers appeared to resonate closely with the initial findings from the thematic analyses. The responses from the teacher researchers when reviewing these findings suggested they considered these to accurately represent the accounts given during meetings and interviews. Indeed, George described how hearing the findings presented back helped him to make more sense of the story he had narrated. This suggests that the strategies described above along with others described earlier (including prolonged engagement and iterative questioning ) ensured the credibility of the findings.

What has emerged clearly from these findings is the crucial role of the academic researcher within PAR in ensuring confirmability , i.e. that the research findings are derived from teacher researchers’ experiences. Reflexivity appears to be vital for the academic researcher in making effective use of her/his research knowledge and expertise to inform decision making, whilst facilitating teacher researchers’ agency in conducting the research. One way in which this was achieved in the TMSJ project was through me introducing Skovsmose and Borba’s ( 2004 ) critical research model of PAR and Lincoln and Guba’s ( 2003 ) framework for ensuring trustworthiness , and prompting discussions around how these could be used by the group to inform the research design and to conduct the research in a systematic and rigorous way. This requires a high degree of transparency in sharing, and encouraging teacher researchers to engage with, the methodology underlying the research.

It should be acknowledged that there were aspects of the research for which I took more direct responsibility, e.g. collecting and analysing data (from the research group meetings and interviews) and disseminating the findings from the TMSJ project. Whilst the method for analysing data was discussed at length in research group meetings, given the time constraints on teacher researchers, it was me that carried out the coding. I also took responsibility for conducting the interviews. Given the participatory nature of the research group meetings and the empathetic approach to interviewing, which both generated the data, I consider this to be in line with the principles of PAR. However, given the extent to which teacher researchers engaged with the research processes, involving them more in conducting interviews and coding data is something I would be keen to explore in future studies. Another aspect that might be explored in greater depth is the extent to which teacher researchers are able to develop and maintain changes in practice beyond the duration of the project and how these relate to the organisational constraints they encounter in schools (which is beyond the scope of the TMSJ project).

It is important that all researchers should learn from their involvement in PAR. Whilst the project demonstrated how teacher researchers benefited through developing a deeper understanding of theory in practice (Brydon-Miller et al. 2003 ), conducting this analysis has also enabled me to progress my own understanding of how theory relating to PAR relates to my own professional context as a teacher educator and academic researcher. This paper is an attempt to share the insight I have gained from the project into how PAR can be conducted in a way that promotes critical reflection and transforms classroom practice.

Conventional approaches to teaching, based on transmissionist pedagogies and adhering to an exercise paradigm (Skovsmose 2011 ), are well established in mathematics classrooms. They have proved resistant to change for many years, protected by powerful discourses that present inequities in school and society as inevitable. Mathematics education research, which too often fails to take account of the sociopolitical nature of school mathematics and constraints teachers face in the classroom, has had limited success in challenging these pedagogies and effecting changes in practice. Some pockets of innovative practice exist which challenge these discourses; however, the challenge for those seeking change is formidable.

Research that aims to challenge social inequity through transforming classroom practice must take account of the structural causes of inequity as well as the constraints faced by teachers who wish to develop more empowering pedagogies. Participatory action research (PAR), in which teachers and researchers work collaboratively in order to challenge the current situation, offers a methodology that has the potential to achieve both of these objectives. It satisfies commonly accepted criteria for the effective professional learning of mathematics teachers (Geiger et al. 2016 ), i.e. it involves engagement over a long period, is carried out within teachers’ own working environments and involves teachers reflecting critically on their practice. By exploring new pedagogies within the context of teacher researchers’ own classrooms, it can generate findings that are more relevant and applicable to other classroom situations and that take account of the constraints teachers face.

The Teaching Mathematics for Social Justice (TMSJ) research project demonstrated how teachers can challenge dominant pedagogical discourses in order to develop alternative teaching approaches that engage a wider range of students, whilst enhancing their mathematical agency and enabling them to develop powerful forms of mathematics knowledge. By reflecting on how a critical model of PAR was applied in the design of the TMSJ project, I have demonstrated how PAR can be conducted in a systematic and rigorous way in order to generate reliable and trustworthy findings. I have shown how teacher researchers can play a leading role in the design of classroom trials and in the development of research tools to evaluate their success. I have highlighted how the input from an academic researcher can provide the external stimulus necessary for teachers to challenge orthodox thinking through engaging with theories and research literature that advocate an alternative vision of mathematics education. Conversely, the active participation of teachers in the research process can provide an academic researcher with greater insight into the classroom context in which the research is situated. I have demonstrated how a group of mathematics teachers from a number of different schools can work together with an academic researcher to develop a critical understanding of their own situation and provide the mutual support necessary to identify and overcome the constraints they face in transforming their practice.

The project highlighted the existence of a wider group of teachers in schools, who are potentially interested in adopting more empowering approaches to teaching mathematics, but who may only be persuaded to devote time for trying these out once they have seen the positive outcomes achieved in colleagues’ classrooms. My experience as a teacher educator is that many teachers decide to join the profession out of a concern for issues of equity and social justice, but then lose sight of this aspiration once they become assimilated into its prevailing practices and discourses. This group of teachers might therefore be bigger than many people think. The substantial interest shown in the project by other teachers not initially involved underlines the potential of the critical research model of PAR to have a wider impact on classroom practice in a formal school setting through a bottom - up approach that involves collaborations between teachers and academics. It is the responsibility of critical mathematics educators, of whom I consider myself to be one of many, to initiate and facilitate such opportunities, to provide the external stimulus necessary for critical reflection to occur, and to develop models of PAR that enable such transformations in classroom practice to take place.

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Wright, P. Transforming mathematics classroom practice through participatory action research. J Math Teacher Educ 24 , 155–177 (2021).

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Published : 16 January 2020

Issue Date : April 2021


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  • Published: 11 March 2019

Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics learning through Math-Island

  • Charles Y. C. Yeh   ORCID: 1 ,
  • Hercy N. H. Cheng 2 ,
  • Zhi-Hong Chen 3 ,
  • Calvin C. Y. Liao 4 &
  • Tak-Wai Chan 5  

Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning volume  14 , Article number:  5 ( 2019 ) Cite this article

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Conventional teacher-led instruction remains dominant in most elementary mathematics classrooms in Taiwan. Under such instruction, the teacher can rarely take care of all students. Many students may then continue to fall behind the standard of mathematics achievement and lose their interest in mathematics; they eventually give up on learning mathematics. In fact, students in Taiwan generally have lower interest in learning mathematics compared to many other regions/countries. Thus, how to enhance students’ mathematics achievement and interest are two major problems, especially for those low-achieving students. This paper describes how we designed a game-based learning environment, called Math-Island , by incorporating the mechanisms of a construction management game into the knowledge map of the elementary mathematics curriculum. We also report an experiment conducted with 215 elementary students for 2 years, from grade 2 to grade 3. In this experiment, in addition to teacher-led instruction in the classroom, students were directed to learn with Math-Island by using their own tablets at school and at home. As a result of this experiment, we found that there is an increase in students’ mathematics achievement, especially in the calculation and word problems. Moreover, the achievements of low-achieving students in the experimental school outperformed the low-achieving students in the control school (a control group in another school) in word problems. Moreover, both the low-achieving students and the high-achieving students in the experimental school maintained a rather high level of interest in mathematics and in the system.


Mathematics has been regarded as a fundamental subject because arithmetic and logical reasoning are the basis of science and technology. For this reason, educational authorities emphasize students’ proficiency in computational skills and problem-solving. Recently, the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) and the Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) in 2015 (OECD 2016 ; Mullis et al. 2016 ) revealed a challenge for Taiwan. Although Taiwanese students had higher average performance in mathematics literacy compared to students in other countries, there was still a significant percentage of low-achieving students in Taiwan. Additionally, most Taiwanese students show low levels of interest and confidence in learning mathematics (Lee 2012 ).

The existence of a significant percentage of low-achieving students is probably due to teacher-led instruction, which still dominates mathematics classrooms in most Asian countries. It should be noted that students in every classroom possess different abilities and hence demonstrate different achievements. Unfortunately, in teacher-led instruction, all the students are required to learn from the teacher in the same way at the same pace (Hwang et al. 2012 ). Low-achieving students, without sufficient time, are forced to receive knowledge passively. Barr and Tagg ( 1995 ) pointed out that it is urgent for low-achieving students to have more opportunities to learn mathematics at their own pace. Researchers suggested one-to-one technology (Chan et al. 2006 ) through which every student is equipped with a device to learn in school or at home seamlessly. Furthermore, they can receive immediate feedback from Math-Island, which supports their individualized learning actively and productively. Thus, this may provide more opportunities for helping low-achieving students improve their achievement.

The low-interest problem for almost all students in Taiwan is usually accompanied by low motivation (Krapp 1999 ). Furthermore, students with continuously low performance in mathematics may eventually lose their interest and refuse to learn further (Schraw et al. 2001 ). This is a severe problem. To motivate students to learn, researchers design educational games to provide enjoyable and engaging learning experiences (Kiili and Ketamo 2007 ). Some of these researchers found that game-based learning may facilitate students’ learning in terms of motivation and learning effects (Liu and Chu 2010 ), spatial abilities and attention (Barlett et al. 2009 ), situated learning, and problem-solving (Li and Tsai 2013 ). Given these positive results, we hope that our educational game can enhance and sustain the student’s interest in learning mathematics.

In fact, many researchers who endeavored to develop educational games for learning mathematics have shown that their games could facilitate mathematics performance, enjoyment, and self-efficacy (Ku et al. 2014 ; McLaren et al. 2017 ). Although some of the studies were conducted for as many as 4 months (e.g., Hanus and Fox 2015 ), one may still criticize them for the possibility that the students’ interest could be a novelty effect—meaning their interest will decrease as the feeling of novelty diminishes over time (Koivisto and Hamari 2014 ). Due to the limitations of either experimental time or sample sizes, most studies could not effectively exclude the novelty effect of games, unless they were conducted in a natural setting for a long time.

In this study, we collaborated with an experimental elementary school for more than 2 years. The mathematics teachers in the school adopted our online educational game, Math-Island . The students used their own tablet PCs to learn mathematics from the game in class or at home at their own pace. In particular, low-achieving students might have a chance to catch up with the other students and start to feel interested in learning mathematics. Most importantly, because the online educational game was a part of the mathematics curriculum, the students could treat the game as their ordinary learning materials like textbooks. In this paper, we reported a 2-year study, in which 215 second graders in the school adopted the Math-Island game in their daily routine. More specifically, the purpose of this paper was to investigate the effect of the game on students’ mathematics achievement. Additionally, we were also concerned about how well the low-achieving students learned, whether they were interested in mathematics and the game, and how their interest in mathematics compared with that of high-achieving students. In such a long-term study with a large sample size, it was expected that the novelty effect would be considerably reduced, allowing us to evaluate the effect of the educational game on students’ achievement and interest.

The paper is organized as follows. In the “ Related works ” section, we review related studies on computer-supported mathematics learning and educational games. In the “ Design ” section, the game mechanism and the system design are presented. In the “ Method ” section, we describe the research method and the procedures of this study. In the “ Results ” section, the research results about students’ achievement and interest are presented. In the “ Discussion on some features of this study ” section, we discuss the long-term study, knowledge map design, and the two game mechanisms. Finally, the summary of the current situation and potential future work is described in the “ Conclusion and future work ” section.

Related works

Computer-supported mathematics learning.

The mathematics curriculum in elementary schools basically includes conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, and strategic competence in terms of mathematical proficiency (see Kilpatrick et al. 2001 ). First, conceptual understanding refers to students’ comprehension of mathematical concepts and the relationships between concepts. Researchers have designed various computer-based scaffolds and feedback to build students’ concepts and clarify potential misconceptions. For example, for guiding students’ discovery of the patterns of concepts, Yang et al. ( 2012 ) adopted an inductive discovery learning approach to design online learning materials in which students were provided with similar examples with a critical attribute of the concept varied. McLaren et al. ( 2017 ) provided students with prompts to correct their common misconceptions about decimals. They conducted a study with the game adopted as a replacement for seven lessons of regular mathematics classes. Their results showed that the educational game could facilitate better learning performance and enjoyment than a conventional instructional approach.

Second, procedural fluency refers to the skill in carrying out calculations correctly and efficiently. For improving procedural fluency, students need to have knowledge of calculation rules (e.g., place values) and practice the procedure without mistakes. Researchers developed various digital games to overcome the boredom of practice. For example, Chen et al. ( 2012a , 2012b ) designed a Cross Number Puzzle game for practicing arithmetic expressions. In the game, students could individually or collaboratively solve a puzzle, which involved extensive calculation. Their study showed that the low-ability students in the collaborative condition made the most improvement in calculation skills. Ku et al. ( 2014 ) developed mini-games to train students’ mental calculation ability. They showed that the mini-games could not only improve students’ calculation performance but also increase their confidence in mathematics.

Third, strategic competence refers to mathematical problem-solving ability, in particular, word problem-solving in elementary education. Some researchers developed multilevel computer-based scaffolds to help students translate word problems to equations step by step (e.g., González-Calero et al. 2014 ), while other researchers noticed the problem of over-scaffolding. Specifically, students could be too scaffolded and have little space to develop their abilities. To avoid this situation, many researchers proposed allowing students to seek help during word problem-solving (Chase and Abrahamson 2015 ; Roll et al. 2014 ). For example, Cheng et al. ( 2015 ) designed a Scaffolding Seeking system to encourage elementary students to solve word problems by themselves by expressing their thinking first, instead of receiving and potentially abusing scaffolds.

Digital educational games for mathematics learning

Because mathematics is an abstract subject, elementary students easily lose interest in it, especially low-achieving students. Some researchers tailored educational games for learning a specific set of mathematical knowledge (e.g., the Decimal Points game; McLaren et al. 2017 ), so that students could be motivated to learn mathematics. However, if our purpose was to support a complete mathematics curriculum for elementary schools, it seemed impractical to design various educational games for all kinds of knowledge. A feasible approach is to adopt a gamified content structure to reorganize all learning materials. For example, inspired by the design of most role-playing games, Chen et al. ( 2012a , 2012b ) proposed a three-tiered framework of game-based learning—a game world, quests, and learning materials—for supporting elementary students’ enjoyment and goal setting in mathematics learning. Furthermore, while a game world may facilitate students’ exploration and participation, quests are the containers of learning materials with specific goals and rewards. In the game world, students receive quests from nonplayer virtual characters, who may enhance social commitments. To complete the quests, students have to make efforts to undertake learning materials. Today, quests have been widely adopted in the design of educational games (e.g., Azevedo et al. 2012 ; Hwang et al. 2015 ).

However, in educational games with quests, students still play the role of receivers rather than active learners. To facilitate elementary students’ initiative, Lao et al. ( 2017 ) designed digital learning contracts, which required students to set weekly learning goals at the beginning of a week and checked whether they achieved the goals at the end of the week. More specifically, when setting weekly goals, students had to decide on the quantity of learning materials that they wanted to undertake in the coming week. Furthermore, they also had to decide the average correctness of the tests that followed the learning materials. To help them set reasonable and feasible goals, the system provided statistics from the past 4 weeks. As a result, the students may reflect on how well they learned and then make appropriate decisions. After setting goals, students are provided with a series of learning materials for attempting to accomplish those goals. At the end of the week, they may reflect on whether they achieved their learning goals in the contracts. In a sense, learning contracts may not only strengthen the sense of commitment but also empower students to take more control of their learning.

In textbooks or classrooms, learning is usually predefined as a specific sequence, which students must follow to learn. Nevertheless, the structure of knowledge is not linear, but a network. If we could reorganize these learning materials according to the structure of knowledge, students could explore knowledge and discover the relationships among different pieces of knowledge when learning (Davenport and Prusak 2000 ). Knowledge mapping has the advantage of providing students concrete content through explicit knowledge graphics (Ebener et al. 2006 ). Previous studies have shown that the incorporation of knowledge structures into educational games could effectively enhance students’ achievement without affecting their motivation and self-efficacy (Chu et al. 2015 ). For this reason, this study attempted to visualize the structure of knowledge in an educational game. In other words, a knowledge map was visualized and gamified so that students could make decisions to construct their own knowledge map in games.

To enhance students’ mathematics achievement and interests, we designed the Math-Island online game by incorporating a gamified knowledge map of the elementary mathematics curriculum. More specifically, we adopt the mechanisms of a construction management game , in which every student owns a virtual island (a city) and plays the role of the mayor. The goal of the game is to build their cities on the islands by learning mathematics.

System architecture

The Math-Island game is a Web application, supporting cross-device interactions among students, teachers, and the mathematics content structure. The system architecture of the Math-Island is shown in Fig.  1 . The pedagogical knowledge and learning materials are stored in the module of digital learning content, organized by a mathematical knowledge map. The students’ portfolios about interactions and works are stored in the portfolio database and the status database. When a student chooses a goal concept in the knowledge map, the corresponding digital learning content is arranged and delivered to his/her browser. Besides, when the student is learning in the Math-Island, the feedback module provides immediate feedback (e.g., hints or scaffolded solutions) for guidance and grants rewards for encouragement. The learning results can also be shared with other classmates by the interaction module. In addition to students, their teachers can also access the databases for the students’ learning information. Furthermore, the information consists of the students’ status (e.g., learning performance or virtual achievement in the game) and processes (e.g., their personal learning logs). In the Math-Island, it is expected that students can manage their learning and monitor the learning results by the construction management mechanism. In the meantime, teachers can also trace students’ learning logs, diagnose their weaknesses from portfolio analysis, and assign students with specific tasks to improve their mathematics learning.

figure 1

The system architecture of Math-Island

  • Knowledge map

To increase students’ mathematics achievement, the Math-Island game targets the complete mathematics curriculum of elementary schools in Taiwan, which mainly contains the four domains: numerical operation , quantity and measure , geometry , and statistics and probability (Ministry of Education of R.O.C. 2003 ). Furthermore, every domain consists of several subdomains with corresponding concepts. For instance, the domain of numerical operation contains four subdomains: numbers, addition, and subtraction for the first and second graders. In the subdomain of subtraction, there are a series of concepts, including the meaning of subtraction, one-digit subtraction, and two-digit subtraction. These concepts should be learned consecutively. In the Math-Island system, the curriculum is restructured as a knowledge map, so that they may preview the whole structure of knowledge, recall what they have learned, and realize what they will learn.

More specifically, the Math-Island system uses the representational metaphor of an “island,” where a virtual city is located and represents the knowledge map. Furthermore, the island comprises areas, roads, and buildings, which are the embodiments of domains, subdomains, and concepts in the curriculum, respectively. As shown in Fig.  2 , for example, in an area of numeral operation in Math-Island, there are many roads, such as an addition road and a subtraction road. On the addition road, the first building should be the meaning of addition, followed by the buildings of one-digit addition and then two-digit addition. Students can choose these buildings to learn mathematical concepts. In each building, the system provides a series of learning tasks for learning the specific concept. Currently, Math-Island provides elementary students with more than 1300 learning tasks from the first grade to the sixth grade, with more than 25,000 questions in the tasks.

figure 2

The knowledge map

In Math-Island, a learning task is an interactive page turner, including video clips and interactive exercises for conceptual understanding, calculation, and word problem-solving. In each task, the learning procedure mainly consists of three steps: watching demonstrations, practicing examples, and getting rewards. First, students learn a mathematical concept by watching videos, in which a human tutor demonstrates examples, explains the rationale, and provides instructions. Second, students follow the instructions to answer a series of questions related to the examples in the videos. When answering questions, students are provided with immediate feedback. Furthermore, if students input wrong answers, the system provides multilevel hints so that they could figure out solutions by themselves. Finally, after completing learning tasks, students receive virtual money according to their accuracy rates in the tasks. The virtual money is used to purchase unique buildings to develop their islands in the game.

Game mechanisms

In the Math-Island game, there are two game mechanisms: construction and sightseeing (as shown in Fig.  3 ). The former is designed to help students manage their learning process, whereas the latter is designed to facilitate social interaction, which may further motivate students to better develop their cities. By doing so, the Math-Island can be regarded as one’s learning portfolio, which is a complete record that purposely collects information about one’s learning processes and outcomes (Arter and Spandel 2005 ). Furthermore, learning portfolios are a valuable research tool for gaining an understanding about personal accomplishments (Birgin and Baki 2007 ), because learning portfolios can display one’s learning process, attitude, and growth after learning (Lin and Tsai 2001 ). The appearance of the island reflects what students have learned and have not learned from the knowledge map. When students observe their learning status in an interesting way, they may be concerned about their learning status with the enhanced awareness of their learning portfolios. By keeping all activity processes, students can reflect on their efforts, growth, and achievements. In a sense, with the game mechanisms, the knowledge map can be regarded as a manipulatable open learner model, which not only represents students’ learning status but also invites students to improve it (Vélez et al. 2009 ).

figure 3

Two game mechanisms for Math-Island

First, the construction mechanism allows students to plan and manage their cities by constructing and upgrading buildings. To do so, they have to decide which buildings they want to construct or upgrade. Then, they are required to complete corresponding learning tasks in the building to determine which levels of buildings they can construct. As shown in Fig.  4 , the levels of buildings depend on the completeness of a certain concept, compared with the thresholds. For example, when students complete one third of the learning tasks, the first level of a building is constructed. Later, when they complete two thirds of the tasks, the building is upgraded to the second level. After completing all the tasks in a building, they also complete the final level and are allowed to construct the next building on the road. Conversely, if students failed the lowest level of the threshold, they might need to watch the video and/or do the learning tasks again. By doing so, students can make their plans to construct the buildings at their own pace. When students manage their cities, they actually attempt to improve their learning status. In other words, the construction mechanism offers an alternative way to guide students to regulate their learning efforts.

figure 4

Screenshots of construction and sightseeing mechanisms in Math-Island

Second, the sightseeing mechanism provides students with a social stage to show other students how well their Math-Islands have been built. This mechanism is implemented as a public space, where other students play the role of tourists who visit Math-Island. In other words, this sightseeing mechanism harnesses social interaction to improve individual learning. As shown in Fig.  4 , because students can construct different areas or roads, their islands may have different appearances. When students visit a well-developed Math-Island, they might have a positive impression, which may facilitate their self-reflection. Accordingly, they may be willing to expend more effort to improve their island. On the other hand, the student who owns the island may also be encouraged to develop their island better. Furthermore, when students see that they have a completely constructed building on a road, they may perceive that they are good at these concepts. Conversely, if their buildings are small, the students may realize their weaknesses or difficulties in these concepts. Accordingly, they may be willing to make more effort for improvement. On the other hand, the student who owns the island may also be encouraged to develop their island better. In a word, the visualization may play the role of stimulators, so that students may be motivated to improve their learning status.

This paper reported a 2-year study in which the Math-Island system was adopted in an elementary school. The study addressed the following two research questions: (1) Did the Math-Island system facilitate students’ mathematics achievement in terms of conceptual understanding, calculating, and word problem-solving? In particular, how was the mathematics achievement of the low-achieving students? (2) What was students’ levels of interest in mathematics and the system, particularly that of low-achieving students?


The study, conducted from June 2013 to June 2015, included 215 second graders (98 females and 117 males), whose average age was 8 years old, in an elementary school located in a suburban region of a northern city in Taiwan. The school had collaborated with our research team for more than 2 years and was thus chosen as an experimental school for this study. In this school, approximately one third of the students came from families with a low or middle level of socioeconomic status. It was expected that the lessons learned from this study could be applicable to other schools with similar student populations in the future. The parents were supportive of this program and willing to provide personal tablets for their children (Liao et al. 2017 ). By doing so, the students in the experimental school were able to use their tablets to access the Math-Island system as a learning tool at both school and home. To compare the students’ mathematics achievement with a baseline, this study also included 125 second graders (63 females and 62 males) from another school with similar socioeconomic backgrounds in the same region of the city as a control school. The students in the control school received only conventional mathematics instruction without using the Math-Island system during the 2-year period.

Before the first semester, a 3-week training workshop was conducted to familiarize the students with the basic operation of tablets and the Math-Island system. By doing so, it was ensured that all participants had similar prerequisite skills. The procedure of this study was illustrated in Table  1 . At the beginning of the first semester, a mathematics achievement assessment was conducted as a pretest in both the experimental and the control school to examine the students’ initial mathematics ability as second graders. From June 2013 to June 2015, while the students in the control school learned mathematics in a conventional way, the students in the experimental school learned mathematics not only in mathematics classes but also through the Math-Island system. Although the teachers in the experimental school mainly adopted lectures in mathematics classes, they used the Math-Island system as learning materials at school and for homework. At the same time, they allowed the students to explore the knowledge map at their own pace. During the 2 years, every student completed 286.78 learning tasks on average, and each task took them 8.86 min. Given that there were 344 tasks for the second and third graders, the students could finish 83.37% of tasks according to the standard progress. The data also showed that the average correctness rate of the students was 85.75%. At the end of the second year, another mathematics achievement assessment was administered as a posttest in both schools to evaluate students’ mathematics ability as third graders. Additionally, an interest questionnaire was employed in the experimental school to collect the students’ perceptions of mathematics and the Math-Island system. To understand the teachers’ opinions of how they feel about the students using the system, interviews with the teachers in the experimental school were also conducted.

Data collection

Mathematics achievement assessment.

To evaluate the students’ mathematics ability, this study adopted a standardized achievement assessment of mathematics ability (Lin et al. 2009 ), which was developed from a random sample of elementary students from different counties in Taiwan to serve as a norm with appropriate reliability (the internal consistency was 0.85, and the test-retest reliability was 0.86) and validity (the correlation by domain experts in content validity was 0.92, and the concurrent validity was 0.75). As a pretest, the assessment of the second graders consisted of 50 items, including conceptual understanding (23 items), calculating (18 items), and word problem-solving (9 items). As a posttest, the assessment of the third graders consisted of 60 items, including conceptual understanding (18 items), calculating (27 items), and word problem-solving (15 items). The scores of the test ranged from 0 to 50 points. Because some students were absent during the test, this study obtained 209 valid tests from the experimental school and 125 tests from the control school.

Interest questionnaire

The interest questionnaire comprised two parts: students’ interest in mathematics and the Math-Island system. Regarding the first part, this study adopted items from a mathematics questionnaire of PISA and TIMSS 2012 (OECD 2013 ; Mullis et al. 2012 ), the reliability of which was sound. This part included three dimensions: attitude (14 items, Cronbach’s alpha = .83), initiative (17 items, Cronbach’s alpha = .82), and confidence (14 items Cronbach’s alpha = .72). Furthermore, the dimension of attitude was used to assess the tendency of students’ view on mathematics. For example, a sample item of attitudes was “I am interested in learning mathematics.” The dimension of initiatives was used to assess how students were willing to learn mathematics actively. A sample item of initiatives was “I keep studying until I understand mathematics materials.” The dimension of confidences was used to assess students’ perceived mathematics abilities. A sample item was “I am confident about calculating whole numbers such as 3 + 5 × 4.” These items were translated to Chinese for this study. Regarding the second part, this study adopted self-made items to assess students’ motivations for using the Math-Island system. This part included two dimensions: attraction (8 items) and satisfaction (5 items). The dimension of attraction was used to assess how well the system could attract students’ attention. A sample item was “I feel Math-island is very appealing to me.” The dimension of satisfaction was used to assess how the students felt after using the system. A sample item was “I felt that upgrading the buildings in my Math-Island brought me much happiness.” These items were assessed according to a 4-point Likert scale, ranging from “strongly disagreed (1),” “disagreed (2),” “agreed (3),” and “strongly agreed (4)” in this questionnaire. Due to the absences of several students on the day the questionnaire was administered, there were only 207 valid questionnaires in this study.

Teacher interview

This study also included teachers’ perspectives on how the students used the Math-Island system to learn mathematics in the experimental school. This part of the study adopted semistructured interviews of eight teachers, which comprised the following three main questions: (a) Do you have any notable stories about students using the Math-Island system? (b) Regarding Math-Island, what are your teaching experiences that can be shared with other teachers? (c) Do you have any suggestions for the Math-Island system? The interview was recorded and transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were coded and categorized according to the five dimensions of the questionnaire (i.e., the attitude, initiative, and confidence about mathematics, as well as the attraction and satisfaction with the system) as additional evidence of the students’ interest in the experimental school.

Data analysis

For the first research question, this study conducted a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with the schools as a between-subject variable and the students’ scores (conceptual understanding, calculating, and word problem-solving) in the pre/posttests as dependent variables. Moreover, this study also conducted a MANOVA to compare the low-achieving students from both schools. In addition, the tests were also carried out to compare achievements with the norm (Lin et al. 2009 ). For the second research question, several z tests were used to examine how the interests of the low-achieving students were distributed compared with the whole sample. Teachers’ interviews were also adopted to support the results of the questionnaire.

Mathematics achievement

To examine the homogeneity of the students in both schools in the first year, the MANOVA of the pretest was conducted. The results, as shown in Table  2 , indicated that there were no significant differences in their initial mathematics achievements in terms of conceptual understanding, calculating, and word problem-solving (Wilks’ λ  = 0.982, F (3330) = 2.034, p  > 0.05). In other words, the students of both schools had similar mathematics abilities at the time of the first mathematics achievement assessment and could be fairly compared.

At the end of the fourth grade, the students of both schools received the posttest, the results of which were examined by a MANOVA. As shown in Table  3 , the effect of the posttest on students’ mathematics achievement was significant (Wilks’ λ  = 0.946, p  < 0.05). The results suggested that the students who used Math-Island for 2 years had better mathematics abilities than those who did not. The analysis further revealed that the univariate effects on calculating and word problem-solving were significant, but the effect on conceptual understanding was insignificant. The results indicated that the students in the experimental school outperformed their counterparts in terms of the procedure and application of arithmetic. The reason may be that the system provided students with more opportunities to do calculation exercises and word problems, and the students were more willing to do these exercises in a game-based environment. Furthermore, they were engaged in solving various exercises with the support of immediate feedback until they passed the requirements of every building in their Math-Island. However, the students learned mathematical concepts mainly by watching videos in the system, which provided only demonstrations like lectures in conventional classrooms. For this reason, the effect of the system on conceptual understanding was similar to that of teachers’ conventional instruction.

Furthermore, to examine the differences between the low-achieving students in both schools, another MANOVA was also conducted on the pretest and the posttest. The pretest results indicated that there were no significant differences in their initial mathematics achievement in terms of conceptual understanding, calculating, and word problem-solving (Wilks’ λ  = 0.943, F (3110) = 2.210, p  > 0.05).

The MANOVA analysis of the posttest is shown in Table  4 . The results showed that the effect of the system on the mathematics achievement of low-achieving students was significant (Wilks’ λ  = 0.934, p  < 0.05). The analysis further revealed that only the univariate effect on word problem-solving was significant. The results suggested that the low-achieving students who used Math-Island for 2 years had better word problem-solving ability than those students in the control school, but the effect on conceptual understanding and procedural fluency was insignificant. The results indicated that the Math-Island system could effectively enhance low-achieving students’ ability to solve word problems.

Because the mathematics achievement assessment was a standardized achievement assessment (Lin et al. 2009 ), the research team did a further analysis of the assessments by comparing the results with the norm. In the pretest, the average score of the control school was the percentile rank of a score (PR) 55, but their average score surprisingly decreased to PR 34 in the posttest. The results confirmed the fact that conventional mathematics teaching in Taiwan might result in an M-shape distribution, suggesting that low-achieving students required additional learning resources. Conversely, the average score of the experimental school was PR 48 in the pretest, and their score slightly decreased to PR 44 in the posttest. Overall, both PR values were decreasing, because the mathematics curriculum became more and more difficult from the second grade to the fourth grade. However, it should be noted that the experimental school has been less affected, resulting in a significant difference compared with the control school (see Table  5 ). Notably, the average score of word problem-solving in the posttest of the experimental school was PR 64, which was significantly higher than the nationwide norm ( z  = 20.8, p  < .05). The results were consistent with the univariate effect of the MANOVA on word problem-solving, suggesting that the Math-Island system could help students learn to complete word problems better. This may be because the learning tasks in Math-Island provided students with adequate explanations for various types of word problems and provided feedback for exercises.

To examine whether the low-achieving students had low levels of interest in mathematics and the Math-Island system, the study adopted z tests on the data of the interest questionnaire. Table  5 shows the descriptive statistics and the results of the z tests. Regarding the interest in mathematics, the analysis showed that the interest of the low-achieving students was similar to that of the whole sample in terms of attitude, initiative, and confidence. The results were different from previous studies asserting that low-achieving students tended to have lower levels of interest in mathematics (Al-Zoubi and Younes 2015 ). The reason was perhaps that the low-achieving students were comparably motivated to learn mathematics in the Math-Island system. As a result, a teacher ( #T-301 ) said, “some students would like to go to Math-Island after school, and a handful of students could even complete up to forty tasks (in a day),” implying that the students had a positive attitude and initiative related to learning mathematics.

Another teacher ( T-312 ) also indicated “some students who were frustrated with math could regain confidence when receiving the feedback for correct answers in the basic tasks. Thanks to this, they would not feel high-pressure when moving on to current lessons.” In a sense, the immediate feedback provided the low-achieving students with sufficient support and may encourage them to persistently learn mathematics. Furthermore, by learning individually after class, they could effectively prepare themselves for future learning. The results suggested that the system could serve as a scaffolding on conventional instruction for low-achieving students. The students could benefit from such a blended learning environment and, thus, build confidence in mathematics by learning at their own paces.

The low-achieving students as a whole were also attracted to the system and felt satisfaction from it. Teacher ( #T-307 ) said that, “There was a hyperactive and mischievous student in my class. However, when he was alone, he would go on to Math-Island, concentrating on the tasks quietly. He gradually came to enjoy learning mathematics. It seemed that Math-Island was more attractive to them than a lecture by a teacher. I believed that students could be encouraged, thus improve their ability and learn happily.” Another teacher ( #T-304 ) further pointed out that, “For students, they did not only feel like they were learning mathematics because of the game-based user interface. Conversely, they enjoyed the contentment when completing a task, as if they were going aboard to join a competition.” In teachers’ opinions, such a game-based learning environment did not disturb their instruction. Instead, the system could help the teachers attract students’ attention and motivate them to learn mathematics actively because of its appealing game and joyful learning tasks. Furthermore, continuously overcoming the tasks might bring students a sense of achievement and satisfaction.

Discussion on some features of this study

In addition to the enhancement of achievement and interest, we noticed that there are some features in this study and our design worth some discussion.

The advantages of building a long-term study

Owing to the limitations of deployment time and sample sizes, it is hard for most researchers to conduct a longitudinal study. Fortunately, we had a chance to maintain a long-term collaboration with an experimental school for more than 2 years. From this experiment, we notice that there are two advantages to conducting a long-term study.

Obtaining substantial evidence from the game-based learning environment

The research environment was a natural setting, which could not be entirely controlled and manipulated like most experiments in laboratories. However, this study could provide long-term evidence to investigate how students learned in a game-based learning environment with their tablets. It should be noted that we did not aim to replace teachers in classrooms with the Math-Island game. Instead, we attempted to establish an ordinary learning scenario, in which the teachers and students regarded the game as one of the learning resources. For example, teachers may help low-achieving students to improve their understanding of a specific concept in the Math-Island system. When students are learning mathematics in the Math-Island game, teachers may take the game as a formative assessment and locate students’ difficulties in mathematics.

Supporting teachers’ instructions and facilitating students’ learning

The long-term study not only proved the effectiveness of Math-Island but also offered researchers an opportunity to determine teachers’ roles in such a computer-supported learning environment. For example, teachers may encounter difficulties in dealing with the progress of both high- and low-achieving students. How do they take care of all students with different abilities at the same time? Future teachers may require more teaching strategies in such a self-directed learning environment. Digital technology has an advantage in helping teachers manage students’ learning portfolios. For example, the system can keep track of all the learning activities. Furthermore, the system should provide teachers with monitoring functions so that they know the average status of their class’s and individuals’ learning progress. Even so, it is still a challenge for researchers to develop a well-designed visualization tool to support teachers’ understanding of students’ learning conditions and their choice of appropriate teaching strategies.

Incorporating a gamified knowledge map of the elementary mathematics curriculum

Providing choices of learning paths.

Math-Island uses a representational metaphor of an “island,” where a virtual city is located and represents the knowledge map. Furthermore, the island comprises areas, roads, and buildings, which are the embodiments of domains, subdomains, and concepts in the curriculum, respectively. Because the gamified knowledge map provides students with multiple virtual roads to learn in the system, every student may take different routes. For instance, some students may be more interested in geometry, while others may be confident in exploring the rules of arithmetic. In this study, we noticed that the low-achieving students needed more time to work on basic tasks, while high-achieving students easily passed those tasks and moved on to the next ones. As a result, some of the high-achieving students had already started to learn the materials for the next grade level. This was possibly because high-achieving students were able to respond well to challenging assignments (Singh 2011 ). Therefore, we should provide high-achieving students with more complex tasks to maintain their interest. For example, Math-Island should provide some authentic mathematical problems as advanced exercises.

Visualizing the learning portfolio

In this study, we demonstrated a long-term example of incorporating a gamified knowledge map in an elementary mathematical curriculum. In the Math-Island game, the curriculum is visualized as a knowledge map instead of a linear sequence, as in textbooks. By doing so, students are enabled to explore relationships in the mathematics curriculum represented by the knowledge map; that is, the structure of the different roads on Math-Island. Furthermore, before learning, students may preview what will be learned, and after learning, students may also reflect on how well they learned. Unlike traditional lectures or textbooks, in which students could only follow a predefined order to learn knowledge without thinking why they have to learn it, the knowledge map allows students to understand the structure of knowledge and plan how to achieve advanced knowledge. Although the order of knowledge still remains the same, students take primary control of their learning. In a sense, the knowledge map may liberate elementary students from passive learning.

Adopting the mechanisms of a construction management game

This 2-year study showed that the adaptation of two game mechanisms, construction and sightseeing, into the elementary mathematical curriculum could effectively improve students’ learning achievement. The reason may be that students likely developed interests in using Math-Island to learn mathematics actively, regardless of whether they are high- and low-achieving students.

Gaining a sense of achievement and ownership through the construction mechanism

Regardless of the construction mechanism, Math-Island allows students to plan and manage their cities by constructing and upgrading buildings. Math-Island took the advantages of construction management games to facilitate elementary students’ active participation in their mathematical learning. Furthermore, students may manage their knowledge by planning and constructing of buildings on their virtual islands. Like most construction management games, students set goals and make decisions so that they may accumulate their assets. These assets are not only external rewards but also visible achievements, which may bring a sense of ownership and confidence. In other words, the system gamified the process of self-directed learning.

Demonstrating learning result to peers through the sightseeing mechanism

As for the sightseeing mechanism, in conventional instruction, elementary students usually lack the self-control to learn knowledge actively (Duckworth et al. 2014 ) or require a social stage to show other students, resulting in low achievement and motivation. On the other hand, although previous researchers have already proposed various self-regulated learning strategies (such as Taub et al. 2014 ), it is still hard for children to keep adopting specific learning strategies for a long time. For these reasons, this study uses the sightseeing mechanism to engage elementary students in a social stage to show other students how well their Math-Islands have been built. For example, in Math-Island, although the students think that they construct buildings in their islands, they plan the development of their knowledge maps. After learning, they may also reflect on their progress by observing the appearance of the buildings.

In brief, owing to the construction mechanism, the students are allowed to choose a place and build their unique islands by learning concepts. During the process, students have to do the learning task, get feedback, and get rewards, which are the three major functions of the construction functions. In the sightseeing mechanism, students’ unique islands (learning result) can be shared and visited by other classmates. The student’s Math-Island thus serves as a stage for showing off their learning results. The two mechanisms offer an incentive model connected to the game mechanism’s forming a positive cycle: the more the students learn, the more unique islands they can build, with more visitors.

Conclusion and future work

This study reported the results of a 2-year experiment with the Math-Island system, in which a knowledge map with extensive mathematics content was provided to support the complete elementary mathematics curriculum. Each road in Math-Island represents a mathematical topic, such as addition. There are many buildings on each road, with each building representing a unit of the mathematics curriculum. Students may learn about the concept and practice it in each building while being provided with feedback by the system. In addition, the construction management online game mechanism is designed to enhance and sustain students’ interest in learning mathematics. The aim of this study was not only to examine whether the Math-Island system could improve students’ achievements but also to investigate how much the low-achieving students would be interested in learning mathematics after using the system for 2 years.

As for enhancing achievement, the result indicated that the Math-Island system could effectively improve the students’ ability to calculate expressions and solve word problems. In particular, the low-achieving students outperformed those of the norm in terms of word problem-solving. For enhancing interest, we found that both the low-achieving and the high-achieving students in the experimental school, when using the Math-Island system, maintained a rather high level of interest in learning mathematics and using the system. The results of this study indicated some possibility that elementary students could be able to learn mathematics in a self-directed learning fashion (Nilson 2014 ; Chen et al. 2012a , b ) under the Math-Island environment. This possibility is worthy of future exploration. For example, by analyzing student data, we can investigate how to support students in conducting self-directed learning. Additionally, because we have already collected a considerable amount of student data, we are currently employing machine learning techniques to improve feedback to the students. Finally, to provide students appropriate challenges, the diversity, quantity, and difficulty of content may need to be increased in the Math-Island system.


Program for International Student Assessment

The percentile rank of a score

Trends in Mathematics and Science Study

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National Central University, No. 300, Zhongda Rd., Zhongli District, Taoyuan City, 32001, Taiwan, Republic of China

Charles Y. C. Yeh

Central China Normal University, Science Hall 419, No. 152, Luoyu Road, Wuhan, 430079, China

Hercy N. H. Cheng

National Taiwan Normal University, No.162, Sec. 1, Heping E. Rd., Taipei City, 10610, Taiwan, Republic of China

Zhi-Hong Chen

National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, No.365, Mingde Rd., Beitou Dist., Taipei City, 11219, Taiwan, Republic of China

Calvin C. Y. Liao

Tak-Wai Chan

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CYCY contributed to the study design, data acquisition and analysis, mainly drafted the manuscript and execution project. HNHC was involved in data acquisition, revision of the manuscript and data analysis.ZHC was contributed to the study idea and drafted the manuscript. CCYL of this research was involved in data acquisition and revision of the manuscript. TWC was project manager and revision of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

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Correspondence to Charles Y. C. Yeh .

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Charles Y.C. Yeh is currently an PhD student in Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at National Central University. The research interests include one-to-one learning environments and game-based learning.

Hercy N. H. Cheng is currently an associate professor and researcher in National Engineering Research Center for E-Learning at Central China Normal University, China. His research interests include one-to-one learning environments and game-based learning.

Zhi-Hong Chen is an associate professor in Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education at National Taiwan Normal University. His research interests focus on learning technology and interactive stories, technology intensive language learning and game-based learning.

Calvin C. Y. Liao is currently an Assistant Professor and Dean’s Special Assistant in College of Nursing at National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences in Taiwan. His research focuses on computer-based language learning for primary schools. His current research interests include a game-based learning environment and smart technology for caregiving & wellbeing.

Tak-Wai Chan is Chair Professor of the Graduate Institute of Network Learning Technology at National Central University in Taiwan. He has worked on various areas of digital technology supported learning, including artificial intelligence in education, computer supported collaborative learning, digital classrooms, online learning communities, mobile and ubiquitous learning, digital game based learning, and, most recently, technology supported mathematics and language arts learning.

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Yeh, C.Y.C., Cheng, H.N.H., Chen, ZH. et al. Enhancing achievement and interest in mathematics learning through Math-Island. RPTEL 14 , 5 (2019).

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Received : 29 October 2018

Accepted : 22 February 2019

Published : 11 March 2019


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Using Focus Groups to Guide Action Research in Mathematics Education

Mr Marc Jacobs, Reading University

Abstract The aim of this doctoral research is to determine how students learn mathematics successfully and what strategies work best in secondary classrooms. Mathematics classrooms and teachers’ practice were investigated through several research methods. One method was student focus group interviews to reveal students’ views of teacher practice. It is widely appreciated (Dowker, 2009; Wilson & Räsänen, 2008) that there is limited research available on effective strategies for supporting students with their learning in mathematics compared to that available for literacy. Wilson and Räsänen (2008) suggest that there are several reasons for this limited research including the cost in terms of monetary considerations and implementation, particularly with large numbers. Therefore, implementing any form of successful mathematical investigation and intervention is challenging when attempting to use a strategy that works across a modern secondary school with a diverse population of teachers and students. This paper reports on the use of focus group interviews for the purpose of obtaining data from students about their learning experiences in mathematics lessons and their views of their teachers’ practice. Teachers’ practice is fundamental to successful learning experiences and Ball (1988) acknowledges that their practice is influenced by their beliefs about teaching and learning, about their students, and about their context thereby shaping how they teach.

Keywords: mathematics, focus groups, research methods

Introduction In the past few years, focus group interviews have been used increasingly in fields other than market research, where the technique was first developed (Berg, 1995). Berg (1995:65) also notes, focus group interviews have traditionally been dismissed as part of the “vulgar world of marketing research”. However, it is a method that is increasingly being appreciated for the advantages it offers to researchers in other data collection situations (Morgan, 1993; Gibbs, 1997; Barbour & Kitzinger, 1998). During the 1990s, one begins to see what a reversal in the elitist attitude that may be that focus group interviewing belongs to the somehow vulgar realm of marketing research. Instead, social scientists have begun regarding the approach with greater respect. Sussman, Burton, Dent, Stacy and Flay (1991: 773) state that “focus group methodology is one of the most widely used qualitative research tools in the applied social sciences.” Similar arguments have been offered by Basch (1987, 1989) and by Stewart and Shamdasani (1990). Clearly, there are some advantages to the use of this data-collecting orientation in certain situations. This research aims to explore how students believe they learn mathematics successfully and what classroom strategies work best by initially drawing upon reviews of this method and then subsequently using it with a group of secondary student participants. This paper is part of a wider doctoral project entitled Intervention in Mathematics: Creating successful strategies to ensure success in Secondary Schools where focus groups were used as one of the methods of data collection.

Definition of focus groups There are many definitions of a focus group interview and Kitzinger (2005) suggests the focus group method is an ‘ideal’ approach for examining the stories, experiences, points of view, beliefs, needs and concerns of individuals. The method is especially valuable for permitting the participants to develop their own questions and frameworks as well as to seek their own needs and concerns in their own words and on their own terms. Powell, Single and Lloyd (1996) define a focus group interview as a group of individuals selected and assembled by researchers to discuss and comment on, from personal experience, the topic that is the subject of the research. Morgan (1997) notes that a focus group (also called a focus group interview or a focus group discussion) is a form of group interviewing but it is important to distinguish between the two. Group interviewing involves interviewing a number of people at the same time and the emphasis is on questions and responses between the researcher and participants. Focus groups, however, rely on interaction within the group based on topics that are supplied by the researcher. The key characteristic, which distinguishes group interviewing from focus groups, is the insight and data produced by the interaction between participants (Morgan, 1997). A focus group is a form of qualitative research in which a group of people is asked about their perceptions, opinions, beliefs, and attitudes towards a phenomenon. Furthermore, focus groups are a form of group interview that capitalises on communication between research participants in order to generate data. Focus groups explicitly use group interaction as part of the method (Kitzinger, 1994). This means that instead of the researcher asking each person to respond to a question in turn, people are encouraged to talk to one another by asking questions, exchanging anecdotes and commenting on each other’s experiences and points of view (Kitzinger, 1994). During the 1980s focus groups reappeared in social sciences after being absent for some time and are now commonly used in cross-cultural research in a variety of fields, such as academic, policy-related or marketing research. Malhotra (1996:171-172) remarked that “focus groups are the most important qualitative research procedure. They are so popular that many marketing research practitioners consider this technique synonymous with qualitative research.” Even though this statement refers to the mid-1980s in the USA, it still has relevance today, although the arrival of new techniques, among them online focus groups, has certainly redesigned the overall picture.

The origins and history of focus group research The first use of group interviews was in the 1920s by social scientists Emory Bogardus and Walter Thurstone who used it to develop survey instruments. The methodology is mainly attributed to Bogardus who in 1926 described focus groups in his social psychological research to develop the social distance scale (see Wilkinson 1998). During World War II Robert Merton and Paul Lazarsfeld used group interviews to assist the allied forces in the development of propaganda materials, training manuals and to understand social issues. In the 1950s, focus groups became commonplace among marketers to understand customers while social scientists continued to prefer formal survey research. Sociologist Robert Merton worked with colleagues on the effectiveness of focus group in the years following World War II and the group (Merton, Fiske & Kendall) later wrote a seminal text entitled The Focused Interview: A manual of problems and procedures which was published in 1956. Of particular interest in the post-World War II era was the study of mass-mediated ‘propaganda’. The term focus group replaced group interview as the name of this technique. Over the last twenty years, there has been a steadily increasing interest in establishing qualitative research’s place in the academy which has resulted in the growing use of focus groups, especially in social sciences. In the 1980s focus groups re-emerged as a distinct research method in the social sciences (Conradson, 2005). Kamberelis and Dimitriadis (2005) state that focus groups have been popular and used extensively in several disciplines. Many social scientists and other professionals have found this qualitative approach very useful. Political scientists, for example, employed focus groups to examine the public perceptions of political candidates and their opinions on particular political issues (Madriz, 2003; Gaiser, 2008). During President Ronald Reagan’s administration in the 1980s, focus groups were adopted to learn about the perceptions of relations between the United States and the Soviet Union and their citizens (Stewart, Shamdasani & Rook, 2007). Focus groups were also used by the New Labour government from the early 1990s to early 2000s in the UK to examine British opinions about health spending, education policy and military action. The aim was to explore ‘a better understanding of the multiple and sometimes conflicting perspectives held by the public on particular issues’ (Conradson, 2005:130). The use of focus groups has been established over a period of time so their value to researchers for uncovering significant information is of interest.

Advantages of focus groups Focus groups are valuable when you want to consider not only people’s personal accounts of reality but also the way they negotiate these accounts with others, therefore showing divergence or convergence between their views. Cambridge and McCarthy (2001) describe a focus group interview as a group dynamic that can help build confidence, safe environments that are not threatening or intimidating and peer support and validation, enabling all people, regardless of perceived competence, to contribute to research discussions. Focus groups appear to be of value for all members of society and this success was evidenced by Fraser and Fraser (2001) whose research engaged participants with communication difficulties. Focus groups require both individual contributions and group dynamics and they found that with participants with communication difficulties groups smaller than the six-ten usually recommended were better and that the addition of an interpreter familiar with the participants’ communication was also important. Moreover, Fraser and Fraser (2001) found that participants’ ability to interact with others in a group was more important to success than their various types of communication challenges such as the ability to produce more than a few words, reliance on Makaton sign language, or even repetitive language. They concluded that ‘focus groups are a very good method for some people with learning disabilities in some situations but not in others; it is important to be able to distinguish this before setting up the group’ (Fraser & Fraser, 2001:225). So, there are clearly some limitations that need to be considered before the method is developed as a data collection instrument.

Limitations of focus groups Like any other research method focus groups do not suit all research aims and there have been times when they were found to be inappropriate or problematic. For example, compared to individual interviews, focus groups may not be as efficient in providing maximum depth on a particular issue. A particular disadvantage of a focus group is the possibility that the members may not express their honest and personal opinions about the topic at hand (Smithson, 2008). They may be hesitant to express their thoughts, especially when their thoughts oppose the views of another participant. Smithson (2008), a researcher who uses focus groups extensively, contends that some research topics are unsuitable for focus group environments. For example, topics which are seen as too personal (such as living with HIV/AIDS, sexuality, infertility, financial status, divorce, domestic violence and abortion) may be better carried out by other methods such as individual interviews. In institutional contexts (such as the workplace or schools), people may be reluctant to express their opinions or discuss their personal experiences in front of colleagues. Hopkins (2007) and Krueger and Casey (2009) found that often focus groups are criticised for only offering a shallower understanding of an issue than those obtained from individual interviews. In a focus group discussion, personal information and experiences may not be discussed thereby reducing the natural narrative that emerges from rich discourse. An example of this is Hopkins’ (2007) qualitative research project about the life and times of young Muslim men living in Scotland which showed that they revealed personal experiences of racism during individual interviews far more than they did in focus group discussions. The fact that focus groups are driven by the researcher’s interests can also be a source of weakness. What may be of intense interest to the researcher may be a non-issue to the participants. However, the fact that the researcher creates and directs the groups makes them distinctly less naturalistic than participant observation so there is always some residual uncertainty (Morgan 1996) about the accuracy of what the participants say. In particular, there is a very real concern that the researcher, in the name of maintaining the interview’s focus, will influence the group’s interactions. This problem is hardly unique to focus groups because the researcher influences all but the most unobtrusive social science methods. In reality, there is no hard evidence that the focus group researcher’s impact on the data is any greater than the researcher’s impact in participant observation or individual interviewing. Indeed, the dyadic nature of individual interviewing would seem to create at least as many opportunities for researcher influence. The concerns for focus groups include both a tendency toward conformity, in which some participants withhold things that they might say in private, and a tendency toward ‘polarization’ in which some participants express more extreme views in a group than in private (Sussman, Burton, Dent, et al., 1991). It is clear, however, that for some types of participants discussing some types of topics the presence of a group will affect what they say and how they say it. This is an inevitable aspect of focus groups that should be considered as a potential source of weakness for any given research project. Morgan (1988) states that the researcher, or moderator as they are often termed, has less control over the data produced than in either quantitative studies or one-to-one interviewing. The researcher has to allow participants to talk to each other, ask questions and express doubts and opinions while having very little control over the interaction other than generally keeping participants focused on the topic. By its nature focus group research is open-ended and cannot be entirely predetermined. On a practical note, focus groups can be also difficult to assemble. It may not be easy to get a representative sample and focus groups may discourage certain people from participating, for example, those who are not very articulate or confident, and those who have communication problems or special needs. The method of focus group discussion may also discourage some people from trusting others with sensitive or personal information. In such cases, personal interviews or the use of workbooks alongside focus groups may be a more suitable approach. Finally, focus groups are not fully confidential or anonymous, because the material is shared with the others in the group (Morgan 1997) and this has ethical implications that need to be considered when developing a methodological approach.

Types of focus groups There are different formations of focus groups and this section explores those types. Traditional Focus Groups are more straightforward, question-oriented groups. Usually, there is a ‘warm-up’ then the concept, idea, situation or product is presented to the group for their reaction. A neutral moderator who probes for issues of interest and follows up on interesting or relevant comments made by the participants’ guides this process. The key factors to successful traditional groups include clearly defined research issues, an experienced moderator who understands the issues at hand and decisions to be made; and diligent recruiting (Morgan, 1984). Projective Focus Groups bear a resemblance to traditional focus group discussions in that they are an informal, subtly structured conversation on a specific subject lead by a neutral moderator. They differ in the methods used to explore thoughts and feelings about the subject, and in the emotional depth that can be reached using these methods. Projective Groups rely more on indirect questioning and strongly emphasize the interpretation of group input. Some of the techniques that may be used in Projective Focus Groups include collage-building, brand personification, guided journey and pictorial symbols (Morgan, 1984). Projective Focus Groups are used extensively in exploring brand image and the development of creative concepts for products, services and advertising. A few of the questions addressed in Projective Focus Groups have included: Is this the right name for the product? What feelings are evoked by our brand? What mood should our advertising and collateral material invoke? I have used the traditional focus group interview as I wanted to hear what students think – literally. There is nothing more powerful than hearing first-hand what students have to say about how they learn mathematics.

Uses of focus groups Morgan and Kreuger (1993) state that the main purpose of focus group research is to draw upon respondents’ attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way in which would not be feasible using other methods such as observation, one-to-one interviewing, or questionnaire surveys. These attitudes, feelings and beliefs may be partially independent of a group or its social setting but are more likely to be revealed via the social gathering and the interaction which being in a focus group entails. Compared to individual interviews, which aim to obtain individual attitudes, beliefs and feelings, focus groups elicit a multiplicity of views and emotional processes within a group context. The individual interview is easier for the researcher to control than a focus group in which participants may take the initiative. Compared to observation, a focus group enables the researcher to gain a larger amount of information in a shorter period of time (Morgan & Kreuger, 1993). Observational methods tend to depend on waiting for things to happen, whereas the researcher follows an interview guide in a focus group. In this sense, focus groups are not natural but organised events. Morgan and Kreuger (1993) suggest that the method is particularly useful when there are power differences between the participants and decision-makers or professionals, when the everyday use of language and culture of particular groups is of interest, and when one wants to explore the degree of consensus on a given topic.

Ethical issues According to Homan (1991), ethical considerations for focus groups are the same as for most other methods of social research. For example, when selecting and involving participants, researchers must ensure that full information about the purpose and uses of participants’ contributions is given. Being honest and keeping participants informed about the expectations of the group and topic, and not pressuring participants to speak is ethical practice. At the outset, moderators will need to clarify that each participant’s contributions will be shared with the others in the group as well as with the moderator. Participants need to be encouraged to keep confidential what they hear during the meeting and researchers have the responsibility to anonymise data from the group.

The Research Study

a) Selecting participants Miles and Huberman (1994) explain that most focus groups rely on purposive sampling with researchers selecting participants on the project and on the potential contributions of participants. Alternatively, participants can be randomly selected from a larger group that should be able to give insight into the topic. For example, if someone wanted to know more about a particular religious congregation purposive sampling, such as obtaining a church membership listing and randomly selecting parishioners to participate, would be an efficacious approach (Patton, 1990). This action research project has a wider population of 240 students in Year Seven (2013-2014) but the focus group interviews included 10 participants selected anonymously; one child from each of ten mathematics sets was selected to form two focus groups of five. The members of a focus group were invited because they are known to have experience from a particular context which in this case was secondary mathematics classrooms.

b) Structure Researchers such as Kitzinger and Barbour (1990), Lindlof (1995), Kreuger (1998), Green and Hart (1999) and Brown (1999) disagree about the practicable number of participants for a successful focus group. Many experienced moderators prefer a group ranging from eight to twelve suggesting further that the group should consist of four to twelve if the group is homogeneous and six to twelve if heterogeneous. A balance between the need to have sufficient participants for a lively discussion and the unwieldy milieu of a large group is the goal of the researcher.

c) The role of the moderator The moderator’s management of the focus group can determine the success or otherwise of the method regardless of the context. Morgan (1998) describes the moderator as the person who has the task of leading the focus group. This leadership or management involves: a) setting the scene; b) explaining the purpose of the focus group; c) introducing participants to the topics for discussion; d) keeping the group on time; e) focused on the topics; f) encouraging participation from all the group members; and, g) ensuring that all the key issues are addressed (Morgan, 1998). It is useful to have a note-taker recording all discussions so the moderator can give all their attention to the group. The notion of conducting a focus group interview effectively includes an assumption that the interview will be facilitated. The moderator had assumed most of the practical roles concerned with the planning of the physical environment of the interview room and the organisation of equipment and refreshments. The moderator also took responsibility for the welcoming of participants on the day and therefore began the process of setting participants at their ease and opening up channels of communication. According to Kitzinger (1995:299) the moderator ‘leads’ the focus group, their role is only to keep the discussion on track and should not influence the opinions of the group, this has been referred to as “structured eavesdropping”. During the start of proceedings of the focus group, the moderator’s first question is critical in breaking the ice. After each participant has said something it becomes easier to make further contributions and feel that their opinion is valued. With the use of focus groups in this research, it was particularly important to avoid domination by any particular participant, making sure that everybody had their say and enabling some level of consistent data collection between focus groups. This study worked with young teenagers and it became apparent that the moderator’s role was to ensure that all children felt their ideas were valued and that no one child dominated the discussion. d) Running the Focus Groups Two focus groups were held as part of the initial data collection period of this study. I undertook the role of the moderator and my supervisor took the role of the assistant who was responsible for the audio recording of the event and note-taking during the discussions to capture non-verbal signals and nuances. There were five participants in each of the two focus groups which were conducted during the students’ regular mathematics lesson time in a quiet library space on their campus.

e) Conducting and Observing the Focus Group The moderator and assistant sought to provide a friendly introductory environment which was established as the students arrived at the library. The moderator introduced himself and his assistant. Thanks, were extended to the students for attending and the purpose of the meeting was explained. The conventions of the group discussions were outlined together with reassurances about guarantees of confidentiality. Any initial anxieties or questions about the proceedings were invited. Each participant was asked to introduce themselves before the questions were addressed. The focus groups went smoothly and generated a great deal of data within the allocated timeframes. Moderator intervention was mainly restricted to prompts, probes and moving the discussion on when a particular issue had been exhausted. An example of moving them on to the next topic was when one of the participants could not think of a time he had a ‘good learning experience’; I told him that I would give him time to think and that I would come back to him. He then told us about a ‘good learning experience’. There was no domination in the group. The assistant moderator contributed or intervened in the discussion and sat at the main table to support the clarity of the Student contributions and to witness the discussion. Once the formal proceedings were brought to a close, participants were once again thanked for their contributions to the focus group.

Ethics Focus group research raises a number of ethical issues. We were particularly concerned to ensure confidentiality in and after the discussions. To this end no questions probed for any personal or sensitive information. Anonymity remains paramount and pseudonym use ensures that participants cannot be identified in any publications. Data from tapes and transcripts of the interviews are retained by the researcher and all data stored on university computers.

Analysis of the data There are a variety of methods of analysing data for focus groups (see Johnson & Christensen, 2004). The audio recordings were transcribed and the data together with the notes were discussed with the researcher’s supervisor. The discussions on a number of topics revealed the high level of detail which focus groups can engender as a result of the group interaction. For example, in the first focus group discussion on the topic of ‘how maths should be taught at secondary school,’ this led to a lively debate in which the students were very open about their own views and experiences. An example of this was, all the participants in the focus group wanted to express their views that maths should be interactive, fun and hands-on. Any reservations that we had that students would be reluctant to open up in front of their peers on such a sensitive issue were not borne out. Although it might be expected that participants would be guarded concerning their knowledge around maths teaching, they revealed that they felt trapped and teachers are unable to relinquish textbook teaching. The participants were therefore particularly interested in hearing the experiences of their peers as they were all taught by different teachers. The students reflected upon the use of textbooks as the primary resource, in most lessons and they reflected on how they felt in using textbooks on a daily basis, four times a week. It is commonly assumed that textbooks (with accompanying teacher guides) are one of the main sources for the content covered and the pedagogical styles used in classrooms. It is not surprising, then, that considerable attention has focussed on textbooks, including the economic and political circumstances of their production (Apple, 1986 and 1992), their linguistic features (Castell et al, 1989) and their sociological features (Dowling, 1996). Students in this study were put in sets for mathematics during their first year in secondary school according to their results in national curriculum tests. Once in those sets, they followed the same national curriculum but from different starting points and with different endpoints in mind. Textbooks reflected this way of organising students so that in any year group, a particular textbook scheme might have different textbooks aimed at different sets of students. Teachers used textbooks regularly, and almost all that use in lesson times was for students to practice exercises selected by the teacher following from teacher explanation of a particular skill or technique. Listening to the students and their concerns regarding the use of textbooks and their need for more ‘hands-on’ activities, gave me sufficient information to enact change in the mathematics classrooms as part of the Action Research for this project.

Discussion The main purpose of focus group research is to draw upon respondents’ attitudes, feelings, beliefs, experiences and reactions in a way in which would not be feasible using other methods, for example, observation, one-to-one interviewing, or questionnaire surveys. Focus groups rely on interaction within the group based on topics that are supplied by the researcher (Morgan 1997: 12). Hence the key characteristic which distinguishes focus groups is the insight and data produced by the interaction between participants. This is to ensure that participants have a specific experience of or opinion about the topic under investigation; that an explicit interview guide is used; and that the subjective experiences of participants are explored in relation to predetermined research questions. An example is when the participants were asked ‘Which class or which teacher helped you?’ and one of the participants responded: Well, there’s, like, most of them, they’re really nice and supportive, but some lessons are, like, a bit, like, they help a few people that are, like, really struggling, but they never really help the rest of the people. Like, they focus on a few people and that’s about it. But that’s only a few. That’s, like, three classes or two. And another participant replied: Yes, most of my teachers are quite supportive in that way, but like A, some of them can be a bit focusing on some people and, like, thinking other people can do well, so it doesn’t mean they’re… It means they’re not struggling. So they, sort of, put you aside and, like, …, you’re fine, you can do it yourself, even when you’re struggling on the topic.’ Therefore, focus groups are particularly useful when there are power differences between the participants when the everyday use of language and culture of particular groups is of interest, and when one wants to explore the degree of consensus on a given topic (Morgan & Kreuger, 1993). An advantage of focus groups to clients, users, participants or consumers is that they can become a forum for change, both during the focus group meeting itself and afterwards. For example, in this research the participants were asked: ‘… to design how maths should be taught at Secondary School, how students can really learn well…’ and they replied: Like, maybe a bit more interactive lessons because, like, it’s really, like, when they’re, like, with their friends and they can learn with their friends, but then still be with someone that they hang around with and, like, and then, but still have, like… Sort of, sometimes it’s really like they could be really interactive because people… Like, textbooks, example, are a little bit boring and, like, put you off, like, you just, sort of, read that. Like, say the teachers maybe help a bit more because, like, they say I can’t really explain this to you. It’s a bit, like, it’s, kind of, annoying when they can’t really do that. Not in my test, but, like, just in general classwork. So yes. I think they should make lessons more interactive because we usually always do textbook work and when, like, you’re stuck in your seat and you’re stuck in a textbook it gets, like, really boring, so I’d like to every once in a while, like, have an interactive lesson. A focus group is a small-group discussion guided by a trained leader. It is used to learn more about opinions on a designated topic, and then to guide future action that can bring change to an organisation (Morgan & Kreuger 1993). A main advantage of this method derives from group relations evident in the sessions. Students were encouraged to explain, challenge and share their honest views on questions asked. Listening to the ideas, opinions and experiences of others demands that we interrogate our own beliefs, and this was evident in these interviews. The reason for a significant level of candidness may derive from a move in the influence of the relationship between the researcher and participants. In focus groups, the researcher is in a marginal position and participants are amongst their peer group. This seems to make participants more willing to discuss topics openly in their own language than they would in one-to-one research environments. Here the manner was particularly useful as a means of allowing students to express their views and experiences without hindrance by the constraints inherent in one-to-one discussions with a researcher. Thus, focus groups are an effective way of ascertaining detailed views and experiences on relevant mathematical questions asked. Although the groups were guided by an agenda, they were able to ‘snowball’ their views on issues, presenting a wider context for their own position. For example, views on motivations and learning often generated a wider discussion. The advantage of this method over face-to-face interviews is that each speaker provides a platform for another to contribute, rather than responding only to a predetermined list of questions. Here participants were prepared to add to or qualify what had been said previously, providing a much more complete picture of their mathematical world. Participants provided long, detailed narratives about their experiences in mathematics, which often revealed their views and motivations. However, the analysis of the data emerging from group interaction can also provide a rich understanding of how students learn mathematically and, on balance, I would argue that focus groups should be used more widely. From the experience so far, the method generated data of range, depth, specificity and personal context which can stand alone or complement other research methods. Ultimately, using focus groups with students in education can help close the ‘culture gap’ between researchers and the subject they seek to understand.

Conclusion This paper has examined the use of focus groups as a method of understanding teachers’ practice in secondary mathematics through the interrogation of students’ ideas, beliefs and experiences. The results illustrate that a series of ongoing focus groups should provide a valuable longitudinal viewpoint. Although focus groups seem to have been used seldom in educational research, the results of the groups reported here illustrate the contribution that this method can make as a method to provide a picture of the views and experiences of students in a secondary school.

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Action research in mathematics education : a study of a master's program for teachers

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Action Research Episode 1: Peer assessment in Mathematics

Action Research Episode 1: Peer assessment in Mathematics

Hello and thank you for downloading this podcast from Teacher . I'm Danielle Meloney. Welcome to the first episode of our series on school-based action research, where we chat to teachers on the ground about the process of action research, and the impact that it has made in their school. Today, I'm with Mark Sivills from Don College in Tasmania. In 2013, Mark and his colleagues sought to discover whether introducing peer assessment into the school's Year 11 and 12 Foundation mathematics course could result in improved outcomes and pass rates.

Danielle Meloney: Mark Sivills, welcome to Teacher .

Mark Sivills: Thanks very much for having me.

DM: What was the situation before you implemented your action research?

MS: Okay, well we're a Year 11 and 12 College and we have seven maths courses split across year 11 and 12. The Level 3 and 4 courses were going very well, but the Foundation course, completion rates were quite low and, for those that did complete, the pass rates were quite low. This was back in 2012 - we had about a 60 per cent pass rate and we wanted to do something about it.

... So we analysed the results over those few years. We had a completion rate of 77 per cent, a pass rate of 60 per cent, and some of the causes we knew about: students had generally failed maths at Year 10, and in many cases that was their only experience; they weren't very enthusiastic; there were some attendance [and] behavioural issues. So we took some action in 2013, introducing team teaching and some new techniques and things improved, but we still wanted to do a bit more.

DM: Can you tell me a bit about the process you undertook in the action research?

MS: Yeah. So, what we did, we had a look at some things that we'd had success with in the higher level maths courses, which was implementing assessment for learning techniques in 2013 and 2014. What we decided to do was try it with this Foundation course. So we had three classes. In one, the teaching methodology remained the same across the three units.

In another class, in the middle unit the students were introduced to ‘traffic light self-assessment' of their assignments. [That is] a peer-checking procedure using a checklist, where they gave feedback to one another, and then had time to improve their assignment and resubmit it for the second deadline.

And we had a third class ... the students were introduced to the self-assessment and the peer-checking, but they were also given an additional activity where they identified questions that they found difficult and had a go at designing and solving some of the questions, which they then tested each other on. So they, in effect, became the teachers.

DM: You've mentioned double deadlines. Could you expand on that term and exactly what it meant for your piece of research?

MS: The idea with the double deadline is that rather than setting a piece of homework or an assignment and simply saying 'this is when it's due' and students bring it in, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Particularly at Foundation level, they often don't or it was incomplete.

What we did, initially we trialled this at higher level, and then repeated it in the Foundation course. We set two deadlines. The first due date had specific things that we needed them to do – usually an attempt at each question, and we gave them a breakdown of what we expected for that first one. And then the second deadline was the one where they really submitted it, when it was expected to be a highly polished piece of work. So it was kind of like a drafting of maths work.

So it's not something that usually happens. It might happen a lot in other [Humanities subjects], but it was something that we were embedding in maths as well.

DM: Now, what data and evidence do you have to show the impact that the research has made?

MS: Well in our control group, where we didn't use any different techniques, there was no significant change across the three units. Students on average got the same results across those three units. In the partial group, which did the traffic light, peer checking activities, on average in that middle unit they improved by 0.3 grades, which was an effect size of 0.38. And the group that did the traffic light self assessment, the peer checking and the designing questions activity as well, had a grade improvement of 0.5 grades, which is an effect size of 0.73.

There's only four grades available – A, B, C and T – so half a grade was very significant and very much the difference between passing and failing. So that's led us to build those activities in from the very start of the year in 2015.

DM: Taking the results from this research, what are the implications for the future? What would you change and what have you learnt from it?

MS: Well at the start of, or rather at the end of 2014, we met together as a team, we had a look at the results and then we came back together at the start of 2015 and agreed to implement these techniques across all units. So that right from the very beginning, in particular these three activities (the traffic lighting and the peer checking activities and some version of the students designing questions) ... the idea was that we would have that built into the fabric of our planning. So, we looked at our year plan and built that in. We built time in for double deadlines, time in for peer checking, time in for students designing questions and things like that.

DM: Are there any plans to bring this form of assessment into other subjects?

MS: Well ... it has taken off quite a bit in other subjects as well. Since then, this year [2015] we have launched teacher learning communities across our whole college. So, all teachers are now involved in embedding assessment for learning techniques. And the double deadline technique has been quite a popular one – popular with students as well. Students like and appreciate the opportunity to get some feedback on their work, whether it's from the teacher or from a peer, before they have to submit it as finally finished.

DM: If you look back now, was there anything that you found difficult in the process?

MS: ... Well one of the challenging things initially was, would this work? Would this work with the Foundation students? That was really how we ended up doing it in three different ways, with trying it a little bit, trying it quite a lot, and not trying it at all.

Getting the students to actually do the activities it turns out was quite straightforward and easy. That was something we were concerned about, we didn't know if they would do it or not. But it turned out that they were quite happy to do it, in fact they were very good at doing it. They were just as able to do, what you would think was quite high level reflection analysis and giving feedback, as the more academic students.

DM: Finally, what advice would you have for other teachers who are looking to conduct action research in their school?

MS: I think it sometimes can be quite hard to isolate the single thing you want to investigate or check. We're often trying lots of new things at the same time. The biggest piece of advice is probably, try to create a simple question that you want to answer. I think ours was probably still a bit too complex but it was basically, ‘Can students in Foundation maths who have only ever achieved 'Ds' before engage in peer and self assessment? And, does it lead to improved outcomes?' And we were able to answer those questions, 'yes' and 'yes'.

The other thing really is to make sure that you collect baseline data so that you have something to compare it to, otherwise it's really hard to interpret.

DM: Mark Sivills, thank you for taking the time to speak to Teacher today.

MS: Thank you very much.

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  • Mark Sivills was one of the presenters at the 2015 EPPC ( Excellence in Professional Practice Conference ). EPPC 2016 will be held in Melbourne on 19-20 May. The theme is Collaboration for school improvement . Click on the link for registration details.

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  • What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples

What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples

Published on January 27, 2023 by Tegan George . Revised on January 12, 2024.

Action research Cycle

Table of contents

Types of action research, action research models, examples of action research, action research vs. traditional research, advantages and disadvantages of action research, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about action research.

There are 2 common types of action research: participatory action research and practical action research.

  • Participatory action research emphasizes that participants should be members of the community being studied, empowering those directly affected by outcomes of said research. In this method, participants are effectively co-researchers, with their lived experiences considered formative to the research process.
  • Practical action research focuses more on how research is conducted and is designed to address and solve specific issues.

Both types of action research are more focused on increasing the capacity and ability of future practitioners than contributing to a theoretical body of knowledge.

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action research examples mathematics

Action research is often reflected in 3 action research models: operational (sometimes called technical), collaboration, and critical reflection.

  • Operational (or technical) action research is usually visualized like a spiral following a series of steps, such as “planning → acting → observing → reflecting.”
  • Collaboration action research is more community-based, focused on building a network of similar individuals (e.g., college professors in a given geographic area) and compiling learnings from iterated feedback cycles.
  • Critical reflection action research serves to contextualize systemic processes that are already ongoing (e.g., working retroactively to analyze existing school systems by questioning why certain practices were put into place and developed the way they did).

Action research is often used in fields like education because of its iterative and flexible style.

After the information was collected, the students were asked where they thought ramps or other accessibility measures would be best utilized, and the suggestions were sent to school administrators. Example: Practical action research Science teachers at your city’s high school have been witnessing a year-over-year decline in standardized test scores in chemistry. In seeking the source of this issue, they studied how concepts are taught in depth, focusing on the methods, tools, and approaches used by each teacher.

Action research differs sharply from other types of research in that it seeks to produce actionable processes over the course of the research rather than contributing to existing knowledge or drawing conclusions from datasets. In this way, action research is formative , not summative , and is conducted in an ongoing, iterative way.

Action research Traditional research
and findings
and seeking between variables

As such, action research is different in purpose, context, and significance and is a good fit for those seeking to implement systemic change.

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Action research comes with advantages and disadvantages.

  • Action research is highly adaptable , allowing researchers to mold their analysis to their individual needs and implement practical individual-level changes.
  • Action research provides an immediate and actionable path forward for solving entrenched issues, rather than suggesting complicated, longer-term solutions rooted in complex data.
  • Done correctly, action research can be very empowering , informing social change and allowing participants to effect that change in ways meaningful to their communities.


  • Due to their flexibility, action research studies are plagued by very limited generalizability  and are very difficult to replicate . They are often not considered theoretically rigorous due to the power the researcher holds in drawing conclusions.
  • Action research can be complicated to structure in an ethical manner . Participants may feel pressured to participate or to participate in a certain way.
  • Action research is at high risk for research biases such as selection bias , social desirability bias , or other types of cognitive biases .

If you want to know more about statistics , methodology , or research bias , make sure to check out some of our other articles with explanations and examples.

  • Normal distribution
  • Degrees of freedom
  • Null hypothesis
  • Discourse analysis
  • Control groups
  • Mixed methods research
  • Non-probability sampling
  • Quantitative research
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria

Research bias

  • Rosenthal effect
  • Implicit bias
  • Cognitive bias
  • Selection bias
  • Negativity bias
  • Status quo bias

Action research is conducted in order to solve a particular issue immediately, while case studies are often conducted over a longer period of time and focus more on observing and analyzing a particular ongoing phenomenon.

Action research is focused on solving a problem or informing individual and community-based knowledge in a way that impacts teaching, learning, and other related processes. It is less focused on contributing theoretical input, instead producing actionable input.

Action research is particularly popular with educators as a form of systematic inquiry because it prioritizes reflection and bridges the gap between theory and practice. Educators are able to simultaneously investigate an issue as they solve it, and the method is very iterative and flexible.

A cycle of inquiry is another name for action research . It is usually visualized in a spiral shape following a series of steps, such as “planning → acting → observing → reflecting.”

Sources in this article

We strongly encourage students to use sources in their work. You can cite our article (APA Style) or take a deep dive into the articles below.

George, T. (2024, January 12). What Is Action Research? | Definition & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 15, 2024, from
Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2017). Research methods in education (8th edition). Routledge.
Naughton, G. M. (2001).  Action research (1st edition). Routledge.

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    Conventional teacher-led instruction remains dominant in most elementary mathematics classrooms in Taiwan. Under such instruction, the teacher can rarely take care of all students. Many students may then continue to fall behind the standard of mathematics achievement and lose their interest in mathematics; they eventually give up on learning mathematics. In fact, students in Taiwan generally ...

  12. Action Research and Systematic, Intentional Change in Teaching Practice

    Action research shifts the paradigm of contemporary educational reform by emphasizing inquiry and placing teachers at the center of research-into-practice. ... Youth participatory action research in the mathematics classroom. Journal of Urban Mathematics Education, 9, 122-152. Google Scholar. Reason P., Bradbury H. (Eds.). (2008). The Sage ...

  13. Using Focus Groups to Guide Action Research in Mathematics Education

    Using Focus Groups to Guide Action Research in Mathematics Education. Mr Marc Jacobs, Reading University. Abstract. The aim of this doctoral research is to determine how students learn mathematics successfully and what strategies work best in secondary classrooms. Mathematics classrooms and teachers' practice were investigated through several ...

  14. Action Research in Mathematics Education: a Study of A Master'S Program

    Segal (2009) identified six stages for conducting action research: identification of the problem, evaluation, recommendation, experimentation, reflection on practice, and re-evaluation if ...

  15. Action research in mathematics education : a study of a master's

    Action research in mathematics education : a study of a master's program for teachers. Montana State University - Bozeman, College of Letters & Science. Action research is a methodology that has been found to be valuable as a problem-solving tool. It can provide opportunities for reflection, improvement, and transformation of teaching.

  16. Action Research Proposal: Mathematics Problem-Solving Skill ...

    The result of this research shall be reported after 100% of the Grade VI pupils have improved their mathematics problem-solving skills. Research Design. This action research is purely descriptive in nature and uses pre-test/post-test results and survey results to address the pupils' problem.

  17. Action Research Episode 1: Peer assessment in Mathematics

    Welcome to the first episode of our series on school-based action research, where we chat to teachers on the ground about the process of action research, and the impact that it has made in their school. Today, I'm with Mark Sivills from Don College in Tasmania. In 2013, Mark and his colleagues sought to discover whether introducing peer ...

  18. (Pdf) Action Research on Mathematics Phobia Among Secondary School

    Abstract and Figures. The purpose of this study is to find out the causes of fear in the mathematics of eleventh-grade students and to find a solution. Action research is a method that has proven ...

  19. What Is Action Research?

    Action research is a research method that aims to simultaneously investigate and solve an issue. In other words, as its name suggests, action research conducts research and takes action at the same time. It was first coined as a term in 1944 by MIT professor Kurt Lewin.A highly interactive method, action research is often used in the social ...

  20. (PDF) An Action Research on Differentiated Instruction for Effective

    Wednesday, June 14, 2. 023. Mathematics learning lacks the connection to our daily. life, fun, engaging, Rethinking of the strategies, learning style, teaching. methods, assessment, curriculum ...