• Open access
  • Published: 29 June 2017

Text mining and semantics: a systematic mapping study

  • Roberta Akemi Sinoara   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8572-2747 1 ,
  • João Antunes 1 &
  • Solange Oliveira Rezende 1  

Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society volume  23 , Article number:  9 ( 2017 ) Cite this article

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As text semantics has an important role in text meaning, the term semantics has been seen in a vast sort of text mining studies. However, there is a lack of studies that integrate the different research branches and summarize the developed works. This paper reports a systematic mapping about semantics-concerned text mining studies. This systematic mapping study followed a well-defined protocol. Its results were based on 1693 studies, selected among 3984 studies identified in five digital libraries. The produced mapping gives a general summary of the subject, points some areas that lacks the development of primary or secondary studies, and can be a guide for researchers working with semantics-concerned text mining. It demonstrates that, although several studies have been developed, the processing of semantic aspects in text mining remains an open research problem.


Text mining techniques have become essential for supporting knowledge discovery as the volume and variety of digital text documents have increased, either in social networks and the Web or inside organizations. Text sources, as well as text mining applications, are varied. Although there is not a consensual definition established among the different research communities [ 1 ], text mining can be seen as a set of methods used to analyze unstructured data and discover patterns that were unknown beforehand [ 2 ].

A general text mining process can be seen as a five-step process, as illustrated in Fig. 1 . The process starts with the specification of its objectives in the problem identification step. The text mining analyst, preferably working along with a domain expert, must delimit the text mining application scope, including the text collection that will be mined and how the result will be used. The specifications stated in the problem identification step will guide the next steps of the text mining process, which can be executed in cycles of data preparation (pre-processing step), knowledge discovery (pattern extraction step), and knowledge evaluation (post-processing step).

A general text mining process

The pre-processing step is about preparing data for pattern extraction. In this step, raw text is transformed into some data representation format that can be used as input for the knowledge extraction algorithms. The activities performed in the pre-processing step are crucial for the success of the whole text mining process. The data representation must preserve the patterns hidden in the documents in a way that they can be discovered in the next step. In the pattern extraction step, the analyst applies a suitable algorithm to extract the hidden patterns. The algorithm is chosen based on the data available and the type of pattern that is expected. The extracted knowledge is evaluated in the post-processing step. If this knowledge meets the process objectives, it can be put available to the users, starting the final step of the process, the knowledge usage. Otherwise, another cycle must be performed, making changes in the data preparation activities and/or in pattern extraction parameters. If any changes in the stated objectives or selected text collection must be made, the text mining process should be restarted at the problem identification step.

Text data are not naturally in a format that is suitable for the pattern extraction, which brings additional challenges to an automatic knowledge discovery process. The meaning of natural language texts basically depends on lexical, syntactic, and semantic levels of linguistic knowledge. Each level is more complex and requires a more sophisticated processing than the previous level. This is a common trade-off when dealing with natural language processing: expressiveness versus processing cost. Thus, lexical and syntactic components have been more broadly explored in text mining than the semantic component [ 2 ]. Recently, text mining researchers have become more interested in text semantics, looking for improvements in the text mining results. The reason for this increasing interest can be assigned both to the progress of the computing capacity, which is constantly reducing the processing time, and to developments in the natural language processing field, which allow a deeper processing of raw texts.

In order to compare the expressiveness of each level of text interpretation (lexical, syntactic, and semantic), consider two simple sentences:

Company A acquired Company B.

Company B acquired Company A.

Sentences 1 and 2 have opposite meanings, but they have the same terms (“Company”, “A”, “B”, “acquired”). Thus, if we analyze these sentences only in the lexical level, it is not possible to differentiate them. However, considering the sentence syntax, we can see that they are opposite. They have the same verb, and the subject of one sentence is the object of the other sentence and vice versa. If we analyze a little deeper, now considering the sentence semantics, we find that in sentence 1, “Company A” has the semantic role of agent regarding the verb “acquire” and “Company B” has the semantic role of theme . The same can be said to a third sentence:

Company B was acquired by Company A.

Despite the fact that syntactically sentences 1 and 3 have opposite subjects and objects, they have the same semantic roles. Thus, at the semantic level, they have the same meaning. If we go deeper and consider semantic relations among words (as the synonymy, for example), we can find that sentence 4 also expresses the same event:

Company A purchased Company B.

Besides, going even deeper in the interpretation of the sentences, we can understand their meaning—they are related to some takeover—and we can, for example, infer that there will be some impacts on the business environment.

Traditionally, text mining techniques are based on both a bag-of-words representation and application of data mining techniques. In this approach, only the lexical component of the texts are considered. In order to get a more complete analysis of text collections and get better text mining results, several researchers directed their attention to text semantics.

Text semantics can be considered in the three main steps of text mining process: pre-processing, pattern extraction and post-processing. In the pre-processing step, data representation can be based on some sort of semantic aspect of the text collection. In the pattern extraction, semantic information can be used to guide the model generation or to refine it. In the post-processing step, the extracted patterns can be evaluated based on semantic aspects. Either way, text mining based on text semantics can go further than text mining based only on lexicon or syntax. A proper treatment of text semantics can lead to more appropriate results for certain applications [ 2 ]. For example, semantic information has an important impact on document content and can be crucial to differentiate documents which, despite the use of the same vocabulary, present different ideas about the same subject.

The term semantics has been seen in a vast sort of text mining studies. However, there is a lack of studies that integrate the different branches of research performed to incorporate text semantics in the text mining process. Secondary studies, such as surveys and reviews, can integrate and organize the studies that were already developed and guide future works.

Thus, this paper reports a systematic mapping study to overview the development of semantics-concerned studies and fill a literature review gap in this broad research field through a well-defined review process. Semantics can be related to a vast number of subjects, and most of them are studied in the natural language processing field. As examples of semantics-related subjects, we can mention representation of meaning, semantic parsing and interpretation, word sense disambiguation, and coreference resolution. Nevertheless, the focus of this paper is not on semantics but on semantics-concerned text mining studies. As the term semantics appears in text mining studies in different contexts, this systematic mapping aims to present a general overview and point some areas that lack the development of primary studies and those areas that secondary studies would be of great help. This paper aims to point some directions to the reader who is interested in semantics-concerned text mining researches.

As it covers a wide research field, this systematic mapping study started with a space of 3984 studies, identified in five digital libraries. Due to time and resource limitations, except for survey papers, the mapping was done primarily through information found in paper abstracts. Therefore, our intention is to present an overview of semantics-concerned text mining, presenting a map of studies that has been developed by the research community, and not to present deep details of the studies. The papers were analyzed in relation to their application domains, performed tasks, applied methods and resources, and level of user’s interaction. The contribution of this paper is threefold: (i) it presents an overview of semantics-concerned text mining studies from a text mining viewpoint, organizing the studies according to seven aspects (application domains, languages, external knowledge sources, tasks, methods and algorithms, representation models, and user’s interaction); (ii) it quantifies and confirms some previous feelings that we had about our study subject; and (iii) it provides a starting point for those, researchers or practitioners, who are initiating works on semantics-concerned text mining.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. The “ Method applied for systematic mapping ” section presents an overview of systematic mapping method, since this is the type of literature review selected to develop this study and it is not widespread in the text mining community. In this section, we also present the protocol applied to conduct the systematic mapping study, including the research questions that guided this study and how it was conducted. The results of the systematic mapping, as well as identified future trends, are presented in the “ Results and discussion ” section. The “ Conclusion ” section concludes this work.

Method applied for systematic mapping

The review reported in this paper is the result of a systematic mapping study, which is a particular type of systematic literature review [ 3 , 4 ]. Systematic literature review is a formal literature review adopted to identify, evaluate, and synthesize evidences of empirical results in order to answer a research question. It is extensively applied in medicine, as part of the evidence-based medicine [ 5 ]. This type of literature review is not as disseminated in the computer science field as it is in the medicine and health care fields 1 , although computer science researches can also take advantage of this type of review. We can find important reports on the use of systematic reviews specially in the software engineering community [ 3 , 4 , 6 , 7 ]. Other sparse initiatives can also be found in other computer science areas, as cloud-based environments [ 8 ], image pattern recognition [ 9 ], biometric authentication [ 10 ], recommender systems [ 11 ], and opinion mining [ 12 ].

A systematic review is performed in order to answer a research question and must follow a defined protocol. The protocol is developed when planning the systematic review, and it is mainly composed by the research questions, the strategies and criteria for searching for primary studies, study selection, and data extraction. The protocol is a documentation of the review process and must have all the information needed to perform the literature review in a systematic way. The analysis of selected studies, which is performed in the data extraction phase, will provide the answers to the research questions that motivated the literature review. Kitchenham and Charters [ 3 ] present a very useful guideline for planning and conducting systematic literature reviews. As systematic reviews follow a formal, well-defined, and documented protocol, they tend to be less biased and more reproducible than a regular literature review.

When the field of interest is broad and the objective is to have an overview of what is being developed in the research field, it is recommended to apply a particular type of systematic review named systematic mapping study [ 3 , 4 ]. Systematic mapping studies follow an well-defined protocol as in any systematic review. The main differences between a traditional systematic review and a systematic mapping are their breadth and depth. While a systematic review deeply analyzes a low number of primary studies, in a systematic mapping a wider number of studies are analyzed, but less detailed. Thus, the search terms of a systematic mapping are broader and the results are usually presented through graphs. Systematic mapping studies can be used to get a mapping of the publications about some subject or field and identify areas that require the development of more primary studies and areas in which a narrower systematic literature review would be of great help to the research community.

This paper reports a systematic mapping study conducted to get a general overview of how text semantics is being treated in text mining studies. It fills a literature review gap in this broad research field through a well-defined review process. As a systematic mapping, our study follows the principles of a systematic mapping/review. However, as our goal was to develop a general mapping of a broad field, our study differs from the procedure suggested by Kitchenham and Charters [ 3 ] in two ways. Firstly, Kitchenham and Charters [ 3 ] state that the systematic review should be performed by two or more researchers. Although our mapping study was planned by two researchers, the study selection and the information extraction phases were conducted by only one due to the resource constraints. In this process, the other researchers reviewed the execution of each systematic mapping phase and their results. Secondly, systematic reviews usually are done based on primary studies only, nevertheless we have also accepted secondary studies (reviews or surveys) as we want an overview of all publications related to the theme.

In the following subsections, we describe our systematic mapping protocol and how this study was conducted.

Systematic mapping planning

The first step of a systematic review or systematic mapping study is its planning. The researchers conducting the study must define its protocol, i.e., its research questions and the strategies for identification, selection of studies, and information extraction, as well as how the study results will be reported. The main parts of the protocol that guided the systematic mapping study reported in this paper are presented in the following.

Research question: the main research question that guided this study was “How is semantics considered in text mining studies?” The main question was detailed in seven secondary questions, all of them related to text mining studies that consider text semantics in some way:

What are the application domains that focus on text semantics?

What are the natural languages being considered when working with text semantics?

Which external sources are frequently used in text mining studies when text semantics is considered?

In what text mining tasks is the text semantics most considered?

What methods and algorithms are commonly used?

How can texts be represented?

Do users or domain experts take part in the text mining process?

Study identification: the study identification was performed through searches for studies conducted in five digital libraries: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, Science Direct, Web of Science, and Scopus. The following general search expression was applied in both Title and Keywords fields, when allowed by the digital library search engine: semantic* AND text* AND (mining OR representation OR clustering OR classification OR association rules) .

Study selection: every study returned in the search phase went to the selection phase. Studies were selected based on title, abstract, and paper information (as number of pages, for example). Through this analysis, duplicated studies (most of them were studies found in more than one database) were identified. Besides, studies which match at least one of the following exclusion criteria were rejected: (i) one page papers, posters, presentations, abstracts, and editorials; (ii) papers hosted in services with restricted access and not accessible; (iii) papers written in languages different from English or Portuguese; and (iv) studies that do not deal with text mining and text semantics.

Information extraction: the information extraction phase was performed with papers accepted in the selection phase (papers that were not identified as duplicated or rejected). The abstracts were read in order to extract the information presented in Fig. 2 .

Information extraction form

As any literature review, this study has some bias. The advantage of a systematic literature review is that the protocol clearly specifies its bias, since the review process is well-defined. There are bias related to (i) study identification, i.e., only papers matching the search expression and returned by the searched digital libraries were selected; (ii) selection criteria, i.e., papers that matches the exclusion criteria were rejected; and (iii) information extraction, i.e., the information were mainly extracted considering only title and abstracts. It is not feasible to conduct a literature review free of bias. However, it is possible to conduct it in a controlled and well-defined way through a systematic process.

Systematic mapping conduction

The conduction of this systematic mapping followed the protocol presented in the last subsection and is illustrated in Fig. 3 . The selection and the information extraction phases were performed with support of the Start tool [ 13 ].

Systematic mapping conduction phases. The numbers in the shaded areas indicate the quantity of studies involved

This paper reports the results obtained after the execution of two cycles of the systematic mapping phases. The first cycle was executed based on searches performed in January 2014. The second cycle was an update of the first cycle, with searches performed in February 2016 2 . A total of 3984 papers were found using the search expression in the five digital libraries. In the selection phase, 725 duplicated studies were identified and 1566 papers were rejected according to the exclusion criteria, mainly based on their title and abstract. Most of the rejected papers match the last exclusion criteria ( Studies that do not deal with text mining and text semantics ). Among them, we can find studies that deal with multimedia data (images, videos, or audio) and with construction, description, or annotation of corpus.

After the selection phase, 1693 studies were accepted for the information extraction phase. In this phase, information about each study was extracted mainly based on the abstracts, although some information was extracted from the full text. The results of the accepted paper mapping are presented in the next section.

Results and discussion

The mapping reported in this paper was conducted with the general goal of providing an overview of the researches developed by the text mining community and that are concerned about text semantics. This mapping is based on 1693 studies selected as described in the previous section. The distribution of these studies by publication year is presented in Fig. 4 . We can note that text semantics has been addressed more frequently in the last years, when a higher number of text mining studies showed some interest in text semantics. The peak was in 2011, with 223 identified studies. The lower number of studies in the year 2016 can be assigned to the fact that the last searches were conducted in February 2016.

Distribution of the 1693 accepted studies by publication year. Searches for studies identification were executed in January 2014 and February 2016

The results of the systematic mapping study is presented in the following subsections. We start our report presenting, in the “ Surveys ” section, a discussion about the eighteen secondary studies (surveys and reviews) that were identified in the systematic mapping. Then, each following section from “ Application domains ” to “ User’s interaction ” is related to a secondary research question that guided our study, i.e., application domains, languages, external knowledge sources, text mining tasks, methods and algorithms, representation model, and user’s interaction. In the “ Systematic mapping summary and future trends ” section, we present a consolidation of our results and point some gaps of both primary and secondary studies.

Some studies accepted in this systematic mapping are cited along the presentation of our mapping. We do not present the reference of every accepted paper in order to present a clear reporting of the results.

In this systematic mapping, we identified 18 survey papers associated to the theme text mining and semantics [ 14 – 31 ]. Each paper exploits some particularity of this broad theme. In the following, we present a short overview of these papers, which is based on the full text of the papers.

Grobelnik [ 14 ] presents, briefly but in a very clear form, an interesting discussion of text processing in his three-page paper. The author organizes the field in three main dimensions, which can be used to classify text processing approaches: representation, technique, and task. The task dimension is about the kind of problems, we solve through the text processing. Document search, clustering, classification, summarization, trend detection, and monitoring are examples of tasks. Considering how text representations are manipulated (technique dimension), we have the methods and algorithms that can be used, including machine learning algorithms, statistical analysis, part-of-speech tagging, semantic annotation, and semantic disambiguation. In the representation dimension, we can find different options for text representation, such as words, phrases, bag-of-words, part-of-speech, subject-predicate-object triples and semantically annotated triples.

Grobelnik [ 14 ] also presents the levels of text representations, that differ from each other by the complexity of processing and expressiveness. The most simple level is the lexical level, which includes the common bag-of-words and n-grams representations. The next level is the syntactic level, that includes representations based on word co-location or part-of-speech tags. The most complete representation level is the semantic level and includes the representations based on word relationships, as the ontologies. Several different research fields deal with text, such as text mining, computational linguistics, machine learning, information retrieval, semantic web and crowdsourcing. Grobelnik [ 14 ] states the importance of an integration of these research areas in order to reach a complete solution to the problem of text understanding.

Stavrianou et al. [ 15 ] present a survey of semantic issues of text mining, which are originated from natural language particularities. This is a good survey focused on a linguistic point of view, rather than focusing only on statistics. The authors discuss a series of questions concerning natural language issues that should be considered when applying the text mining process. Most of the questions are related to text pre-processing and the authors present the impacts of performing or not some pre-processing activities, such as stopwords removal, stemming, word sense disambiguation, and tagging. The authors also discuss some existing text representation approaches in terms of features, representation model, and application task. The set of different approaches to measure the similarity between documents is also presented, categorizing the similarity measures by type (statistical or semantic) and by unit (words, phrases, vectors, or hierarchies).

Stavrianou et al. [ 15 ] also present the relation between ontologies and text mining. Ontologies can be used as background knowledge in a text mining process, and the text mining techniques can be used to generate and update ontologies. The authors conclude the survey stating that text mining is an open research area and that the objectives of the text mining process must be clarified before starting the data analysis, since the approaches must be chosen according to the requirements of the task being performed.

Methods that deal with latent semantics are reviewed in the study of Daud et al. [ 16 ]. The authors present a chronological analysis from 1999 to 2009 of directed probabilistic topic models, such as probabilistic latent semantic analysis, latent Dirichlet allocation, and their extensions. The models are classified according to their main functionality. They describe their advantages, disadvantages, and applications.

Wimalasuriya and Dou [ 17 ], Bharathi and Venkatesan [ 18 ], and Reshadat and Feizi-Derakhshi [ 19 ] consider the use of external knowledge sources (e.g., ontology or thesaurus) in the text mining process, each one dealing with a specific task. Wimalasuriya and Dou [ 17 ] present a detailed literature review of ontology-based information extraction. The authors define the recent information extraction subfield, named ontology-based information extraction (OBIE), identifying key characteristics of the OBIE systems that differentiate them from general information extraction systems. Besides, they identify a common architecture of the OBIE systems and classify existing systems along with different dimensions, as information extraction method applied, whether it constructs and updates the ontology, components of the ontology, and type of documents the system deals with. Bharathi and Venkatesan [ 18 ] present a brief description of several studies that use external knowledge sources as background knowledge for document clustering. Reshadat and Feizi-Derakhshi [ 19 ] present several semantic similarity measures based on external knowledge sources (specially WordNet and MeSH) and a review of comparison results from previous studies.

Schiessl and Bräscher [ 20 ] and Cimiano et al. [ 21 ] review the automatic construction of ontologies. Schiessl and Bräscher [ 20 ], the only identified review written in Portuguese, formally define the term ontology and discuss the automatic building of ontologies from texts. The authors state that automatic ontology building from texts is the way to the timely production of ontologies for current applications and that many questions are still open in this field. Also, in the theme of automatic building of ontologies from texts, Cimiano et al. [ 21 ] argue that automatically learned ontologies might not meet the demands of many possible applications, although they can already benefit several text mining tasks. The authors divide the ontology learning problem into seven tasks and discuss their developments. They state that ontology population task seems to be easier than learning ontology schema tasks.

Jovanovic et al. [ 22 ] discuss the task of semantic tagging in their paper directed at IT practitioners. Semantic tagging can be seen as an expansion of named entity recognition task, in which the entities are identified, disambiguated, and linked to a real-world entity, normally using a ontology or knowledge base. The authors compare 12 semantic tagging tools and present some characteristics that should be considered when choosing such type of tools.

Specifically for the task of irony detection, Wallace [ 23 ] presents both philosophical formalisms and machine learning approaches. The author argues that a model of the speaker is necessary to improve current machine learning methods and enable their application in a general problem, independently of domain. He discusses the gaps of current methods and proposes a pragmatic context model for irony detection.

The application of text mining methods in information extraction of biomedical literature is reviewed by Winnenburg et al. [ 24 ]. The paper describes the state-of-the-art text mining approaches for supporting manual text annotation, such as ontology learning, named entity and concept identification. They also describe and compare biomedical search engines, in the context of information retrieval, literature retrieval, result processing, knowledge retrieval, semantic processing, and integration of external tools. The authors argue that search engines must also be able to find results that are indirectly related to the user’s keywords, considering the semantics and relationships between possible search results. They point that a good source for synonyms is WordNet.

Leser and Hakenberg [ 25 ] presents a survey of biomedical named entity recognition. The authors present the difficulties of both identifying entities (like genes, proteins, and diseases) and evaluating named entity recognition systems. They describe some annotated corpora and named entity recognition tools and state that the lack of corpora is an important bottleneck in the field.

Dagan et al. [ 26 ] introduce a special issue of the Journal of Natural Language Engineering on textual entailment recognition, which is a natural language task that aims to identify if a piece of text can be inferred from another. The authors present an overview of relevant aspects in textual entailment, discussing four PASCAL Recognising Textual Entailment (RTE) Challenges. They declared that the systems submitted to those challenges use cross-pair similarity measures, machine learning, and logical inference. The authors also describe tools, resources, and approaches commonly used in textual entailment tasks and conclude with the perspective that in the future, the constructed entailment “engines” will be used as a basic module by the text-understanding applications.

Irfan et al. [ 27 ] present a survey on the application of text mining methods in social network data. They present an overview of pre-processing, classification and clustering techniques to discover patterns from social networking sites. They point out that the application of text mining techniques can reveal patterns related to people’s interaction behaviors. The authors present two basic pre-processing activities: feature extraction and feature selection. The authors also review classification and clustering approaches. They present different machine learning algorithms and discuss the importance of ontology usage to introduce explicit concepts, descriptions, and the semantic relationships among concepts. Irfan et al. [ 27 ] identify the main challenges related to the manipulation of social network texts (such as large data, data with impurities, dynamic data, emotions interpretations, privacy, and data confidence) and to text mining infrastructure (such as usage of cloud computing and improvement of the usability of text mining methods).

In the context of semantic web, Sheth et al. [ 28 ] define three types of semantics: implicit semantics, formal semantics, and powerful (or soft) semantics. Implicit semantics are those implicitly present in data patterns and is not explicitly represented in any machine processable syntax. Machine learning methods exploit this type of semantics. Formal semantics are those represented in some well-formed syntactic form and are machine-processable. The powerful semantics are the sort of semantics that allow uncertainty (that is, the representation of degree of membership and degree of certainty) and, therefore, allowing abductive or inductive reasoning. The authors also correlates the types of semantics with some core capabilities required by a practical semantic web application. The authors conclude their review asserting the importance of focusing research efforts in representation mechanisms for powerful semantics in order to move towards the development of semantic applications.

The formal semantics defined by Sheth et al. [ 28 ] is commonly represented by description logics, a formalism for knowledge representation. The application of description logics in natural language processing is the theme of the brief review presented by Cheng et al. [ 29 ].

The broad field of computational linguistics is presented by Martinez and Martinez [ 30 ]. Considering areas of computational linguistics that can be interesting to statisticians, the authors describe three main aspects of computational linguistics: formal language, information retrieval, and machine learning. The authors present common models for knowledge representation, addressing their statistical characteristics and providing an overview of information retrieval and machine learning methods related to computational linguistics. They describe some of the major statistical contributions to the areas of machine learning and computational linguistics, from the point of view of classification and clustering algorithms. Martinez and Martinez [ 30 ] emphasize that machine translation, part-of-speech tagging, word sense disambiguation, and text summarization are some of the identified applications that statisticians can contribute.

Bos [ 31 ] presents an extensive survey of computational semantics, a research area focused on computationally understanding human language in written or spoken form. He discusses how to represent semantics in order to capture the meaning of human language, how to construct these representations from natural language expressions, and how to draw inferences from the semantic representations. The author also discusses the generation of background knowledge, which can support reasoning tasks. Bos [ 31 ] indicates machine learning, knowledge resources, and scaling inference as topics that can have a big impact on computational semantics in the future.

As presented in this section, the reviewed secondary studies exploit some specific issues of semantics-concerned text mining researches. In contrast to them, this paper reviews a broader range of text mining studies that deal with semantic aspects. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a mapping of this field. We present the results of our systematic mapping study in the following sections, organized in seven dimensions of the text mining studies derived from our secondary research questions: application domains, languages, external knowledge usage, tasks, methods and algorithms, representation model, and user’s interaction.

Application domains

Research question:

Figure 5 presents the domains where text semantics is most present in text mining applications. Health care and life sciences is the domain that stands out when talking about text semantics in text mining applications. This fact is not unexpected, since life sciences have a long time concern about standardization of vocabularies and taxonomies. The building of taxonomies and ontologies is such a common practice in health care and life sciences that World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has an interest group specific for developing, evaluating, and supporting semantic web technologies for this field [ 32 ]. Among the most common problems treated through the use of text mining in the health care and life science is the information retrieval from publications of the field. The search engine PubMed [ 33 ] and the MEDLINE database are the main text sources among these studies. There are also studies related to the extraction of events, genes, proteins and their associations [ 34 – 36 ], detection of adverse drug reaction [ 37 ], and the extraction of cause-effect and disease-treatment relations [ 38 – 40 ].

Application domains identified in the literature mapping accepted studies

The second most frequent identified application domain is the mining of web texts, comprising web pages, blogs, reviews, web forums, social medias, and email filtering [ 41 – 46 ]. The high interest in getting some knowledge from web texts can be justified by the large amount and diversity of text available and by the difficulty found in manual analysis. Nowadays, any person can create content in the web, either to share his/her opinion about some product or service or to report something that is taking place in his/her neighborhood. Companies, organizations, and researchers are aware of this fact, so they are increasingly interested in using this information in their favor. Some competitive advantages that business can gain from the analysis of social media texts are presented in [ 47 – 49 ]. The authors developed case studies demonstrating how text mining can be applied in social media intelligence. From our systematic mapping data, we found that Twitter is the most popular source of web texts and its posts are commonly used for sentiment analysis or event extraction.

Besides the top 2 application domains, other domains that show up in our mapping refers to the mining of specific types of texts. We found research studies in mining news, scientific papers corpora, patents, and texts with economic and financial content.

Whether using machine learning or statistical techniques, the text mining approaches are usually language independent. However, specially in the natural language processing field, annotated corpora is often required to train models in order to resolve a certain task for each specific language (semantic role labeling problem is an example). Besides, linguistic resources as semantic networks or lexical databases, which are language-specific, can be used to enrich textual data. Most of the resources available are English resources. Thus, the low number of annotated data or linguistic resources can be a bottleneck when working with another language. There are important initiatives to the development of researches for other languages, as an example, we have the ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing [ 50 ], an ACM journal specific for that subject.

In this study, we identified the languages that were mentioned in paper abstracts. The collected data are summarized in Fig. 6 . We must note that English can be seen as a standard language in scientific publications; thus, papers whose results were tested only in English datasets may not mention the language, as examples, we can cite [ 51 – 56 ]. Besides, we can find some studies that do not use any linguistic resource and thus are language independent, as in [ 57 – 61 ]. These facts can justify that English was mentioned in only 45.0% of the considered studies.

Languages identified in the literature mapping accepted studies

Chinese is the second most mentioned language (26.4% of the studies reference the Chinese language). Wu et al. [ 62 ] point two differences between English and Chinese: in Chinese, there are no white spaces between words in a sentence and there are a higher number of frequent words (the number of frequent words in Chinese is more than twice the number of English frequent words). These characteristics motivate the development of methods and experimental evaluations specifically for Chinese.

This mapping shows that there is a lack of studies considering languages other than English or Chinese. The low number of studies considering other languages suggests that there is a need for construction or expansion of language-specific resources (as discussed in “ External knowledge sources ” section). These resources can be used for enrichment of texts and for the development of language specific methods, based on natural language processing.

External knowledge sources

Text mining initiatives can get some advantage by using external sources of knowledge. Thesauruses, taxonomies, ontologies, and semantic networks are knowledge sources that are commonly used by the text mining community. Semantic networks is a network whose nodes are concepts that are linked by semantic relations. The most popular example is the WordNet [ 63 ], an electronic lexical database developed at the Princeton University. Depending on its usage, WordNet can also be seen as a thesaurus or a dictionary [ 64 ].

There is not a complete definition for the terms thesaurus, taxonomy, and ontology that is unanimously accepted by all research areas. Weller [ 65 ] presents an interesting discussion about the term ontology , including its origin and proposed definitions. She concluded the discussion stating that: “Ontologies should unambiguously represent shared background knowledge that helps people within a community of interest to understand each other. And they should make computer-readable indexing of information possible on the Web” [ 65 ]. The same can be said about thesauruses and taxonomies. In a general way, thesauruses, taxonomies, and ontologies are normally specialized in a specific domain and they usually differs from each other by their degree of expressiveness and complexity in their relational constructions [ 66 ]. Ontology would be the most expressive type of knowledge representation, having the most complex relations and formalized construction.

When looking at the external knowledge sources used in semantics-concerned text mining studies (Fig. 7 ), WordNet is the most used source. This lexical resource is cited by 29.9% of the studies that uses information beyond the text data. WordNet can be used to create or expand the current set of features for subsequent text classification or clustering. The use of features based on WordNet has been applied with and without good results [ 55 , 67 – 69 ]. Besides, WordNet can support the computation of semantic similarity [ 70 , 71 ] and the evaluation of the discovered knowledge [ 72 ].

External sources identified in the literature mapping accepted studies

The second most used source is Wikipedia [ 73 ], which covers a wide range of subjects and has the advantage of presenting the same concept in different languages. Wikipedia concepts, as well as their links and categories, are also useful for enriching text representation [ 74 – 77 ] or classifying documents [ 78 – 80 ]. Medelyan et al. [ 81 ] present the value of Wikipedia and discuss how the community of researchers are making use of it in natural language processing tasks (in special word sense disambiguation), information retrieval, information extraction, and ontology building.

The use of Wikipedia is followed by the use of the Chinese-English knowledge database HowNet [ 82 ]. Finding HowNet as one of the most used external knowledge source it is not surprising, since Chinese is one of the most cited languages in the studies selected in this mapping (see the “ Languages ” section). As well as WordNet, HowNet is usually used for feature expansion [ 83 – 85 ] and computing semantic similarity [ 86 – 88 ].

Web pages are also used as external sources [ 89 – 91 ]. Normally, web search results are used to measure similarity between terms. We also found some studies that use SentiWordNet [ 92 ], which is a lexical resource for sentiment analysis and opinion mining [ 93 , 94 ]. Among other external sources, we can find knowledge sources related to Medicine, like the UMLS Metathesaurus [ 95 – 98 ], MeSH thesaurus [ 99 – 102 ], and the Gene Ontology [ 103 – 105 ].

Text mining tasks

The distribution of text mining tasks identified in this literature mapping is presented in Fig. 8 . Classification and clustering are the most frequent tasks. Classification corresponds to the task of finding a model from examples with known classes (labeled instances) in order to predict the classes of new examples. On the other hand, clustering is the task of grouping examples (whose classes are unknown) based on their similarities. Classification was identified in 27.4% and clustering in 17.0% of the studies. As these are basic text mining tasks, they are often the basis of other more specific text mining tasks, such as sentiment analysis and automatic ontology building. Therefore, it was expected that classification and clustering would be the most frequently applied tasks.

Text mining tasks identified in the literature mapping accepted studies

Besides classification and clustering, we can note that semantic concern are present in tasks as information extraction [ 106 – 108 ], information retrieval [ 109 – 111 ], sentiment analysis [ 112 – 115 ], and automatic ontology building [ 116 , 117 ], as well as the pre-processing step itself [ 118 , 119 ].

Methods and algorithms

A word cloud 3 of methods and algorithms identified in this literature mapping is presented in Fig. 9 , in which the font size reflects the frequency of the methods and algorithms among the accepted papers. We can note that the most common approach deals with latent semantics through Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [ 2 , 120 ], a method that can be used for data dimension reduction and that is also known as latent semantic analysis. The Latent Semantic Index low-dimensional space is also called semantic space. In this semantic space, alternative forms expressing the same concept are projected to a common representation. It reduces the noise caused by synonymy and polysemy; thus, it latently deals with text semantics. Another technique in this direction that is commonly used for topic modeling is latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) [ 121 ]. The topic model obtained by LDA has been used for representing text collections as in [ 58 , 122 , 123 ].

Word cloud of methods and algorithms identified in the literature mapping studies. To enable a better reading of the word cloud, the frequency of the methods and algorithms higher than one was rounded up to the nearest ten (for example, a method applied in 75 studies is represented in the word cloud in a word size corresponding to the frequency 80)

Beyond latent semantics, the use of concepts or topics found in the documents is also a common approach. The concept-based semantic exploitation is normally based on external knowledge sources (as discussed in the “ External knowledge sources ” section) [ 74 , 124 – 128 ]. As an example, explicit semantic analysis [ 129 ] rely on Wikipedia to represent the documents by a concept vector. In a similar way, Spanakis et al. [ 125 ] improved hierarchical clustering quality by using a text representation based on concepts and other Wikipedia features, such as links and categories.

The issue of text ambiguity has also been the focus of studies. Word sense disambiguation can contribute to a better document representation. It is normally based on external knowledge sources and can also be based on machine learning methods [ 36 , 130 – 133 ].

Other approaches include analysis of verbs in order to identify relations on textual data [ 134 – 138 ]. However, the proposed solutions are normally developed for a specific domain or are language dependent.

In Fig. 9 , we can observe the predominance of traditional machine learning algorithms, such as Support Vector Machines (SVM), Naive Bayes, K-means, and k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), in addition to artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms. The application of natural language processing methods (NLP) is also frequent. Among these methods, we can find named entity recognition (NER) and semantic role labeling. It shows that there is a concern about developing richer text representations to be input for traditional machine learning algorithms, as we can see in the studies of [ 55 , 139 – 142 ].

Text representation models

The most popular text representation model is the vector space model. In this model, each document is represented by a vector whose dimensions correspond to features found in the corpus. When features are single words, the text representation is called bag-of-words. Despite the good results achieved with a bag-of-words, this representation, based on independent words, cannot express word relationships, text syntax, or semantics. Therefore, it is not a proper representation for all possible text mining applications.

The use of richer text representations is the focus of several studies [ 62 , 79 , 97 , 143 – 148 ]. Most of the studies concentrate on proposing more elaborated features to represent documents in the vector space model, including the use of topic model techniques, such as LSI and LDA, to obtain latent semantic features. Deep learning [ 149 ] is currently applied to represent independent terms through their associated concepts, in an attempt to narrow the relationships between the terms [ 150 , 151 ]. The use of distributed word representations (word embeddings) can be seen in several works of this area in tasks such as classification [ 88 , 152 , 153 ], summarization [ 154 ], and information retrieval [ 155 ].

Besides the vector space model, there are text representations based on networks (or graphs), which can make use of some text semantic features. Network-based representations, such as bipartite networks and co-occurrence networks, can represent relationships between terms or between documents, which is not possible through the vector space model [ 147 , 156 – 158 ].

In addition to the text representation model, text semantics can also be incorporated to text mining process through the use of external knowledge sources, like semantic networks and ontologies, as discussed in the “ External knowledge sources ” section.

User’s interaction

Text mining is a process to automatically discover knowledge from unstructured data. Nevertheless, it is also an interactive process, and there are some points where a user, normally a domain expert, can contribute to the process by providing his/her previous knowledge and interests. As an example, in the pre-processing step, the user can provide additional information to define a stoplist and support feature selection. In the pattern extraction step, user’s participation can be required when applying a semi-supervised approach. In the post-processing step, the user can evaluate the results according to the expected knowledge usage.

Despite the fact that the user would have an important role in a real application of text mining methods, there is not much investment on user’s interaction in text mining research studies. A probable reason is the difficulty inherent to an evaluation based on the user’s needs. In empirical research, researchers use to execute several experiments in order to evaluate proposed methods and algorithms, which would require the involvement of several users, therefore making the evaluation not feasible in practical ways.

Less than 1% of the studies that were accepted in the first mapping cycle presented information about requiring some sort of user’s interaction in their abstract. To better analyze this question, in the mapping update performed in 2016, the full text of the studies were also considered. Figure 10 presents types of user’s participation identified in the literature mapping studies. The most common user’s interactions are the revision or refinement of text mining results [ 159 – 161 ] and the development of a standard reference, also called as gold standard or ground truth, which is used to evaluate text mining results [ 162 – 165 ]. Besides that, users are also requested to manually annotate or provide a few labeled data [ 166 , 167 ] or generate of hand-crafted rules [ 168 , 169 ].

Types of user participation identified in the literature mapping accepted studies

Systematic mapping summary and future trends

How is semantics considered in text mining studies?

Semantics is an important component in natural language texts. Consequently, in order to improve text mining results, many text mining researches claim that their solutions treat or consider text semantics in some way. However, text mining is a wide research field and there is a lack of secondary studies that summarize and integrate the different approaches. How is semantics considered in text mining studies? Looking for the answer to this question, we conducted this systematic mapping based on 1693 studies, accepted among the 3984 studies identified in five digital libraries. In the previous subsections, we presented the mapping regarding to each secondary research question. In this subsection, we present a consolidation of our results and point some future trends of semantics-concerned text mining.

As previously stated, the objective of this systematic mapping is to provide a general overview of semantics-concerned text mining studies. The papers considered in this systematic mapping study, as well as the mapping results, are limited by the applied search expression and the research questions. It is not feasible to cover all published papers in this broad field. Therefore, the reader can miss in this systematic mapping report some previously known studies. It is not our objective to present a detailed survey of every specific topic, method, or text mining task. This systematic mapping is a starting point, and surveys with a narrower focus should be conducted for reviewing the literature of specific subjects, according to one’s interests.

The quantitative analysis of the scientific production by each text mining dimension (presented from the “ Application domains ” section to the “ User’s interaction ” section) confirmed some previous feelings that we had about our study subject and highlighted other interesting characteristics of the field. Text semantics is closely related to ontologies and other similar types of knowledge representation. We also know that health care and life sciences is traditionally concerned about standardization of their concepts and concepts relationships. Thus, as we already expected, health care and life sciences was the most cited application domain among the literature accepted studies. This application domain is followed by the Web domain, what can be explained by the constant growth, in both quantity and coverage, of Web content.

It was surprising to find the high presence of the Chinese language among the studies. Chinese language is the second most cited language, and the HowNet, a Chinese-English knowledge database, is the third most applied external source in semantics-concerned text mining studies. Looking at the languages addressed in the studies, we found that there is a lack of studies specific to languages other than English or Chinese. We also found an expressive use of WordNet as an external knowledge source, followed by Wikipedia, HowNet, Web pages, SentiWordNet, and other knowledge sources related to Medicine.

Text classification and text clustering, as basic text mining tasks, are frequently applied in semantics-concerned text mining researches. Among other more specific tasks, sentiment analysis is a recent research field that is almost as applied as information retrieval and information extraction, which are more consolidated research areas. SentiWordNet, a lexical resource for sentiment analysis and opinion mining, is already among the most used external knowledge sources.

The treatment of latent semantics, through the application of LSI, stands out when looking at methods and algorithms. Besides that, traditional text mining methods and algorithms, like SVM, KNN, and K-means, are frequently applied and researches tend to enhance the text representation by applying NLP methods or using external knowledge sources. Thus, text semantics can be incorporated to the text mining process mainly through two approaches: the construction of richer terms in the vector space representation model or the use of networks or graphs to represent semantic relations between terms or documents.

In real application of the text mining process, the participation of domain experts can be crucial to its success. However, the participation of users (domain experts) is seldom explored in scientific papers. The difficulty inherent to the evaluation of a method based on user’s interaction is a probable reason for the lack of studies considering this approach.

The mapping indicates that there is space for secondary studies in areas that has a high number of primary studies, such as studies of feature enrichment for a better text representation in the vector space model; use of classification methods; use of clustering methods; and the use of latent semantics in text mining. A detailed literature review, as the review of Wimalasuriya and Dou [ 17 ] (described in “ Surveys ” section), would be worthy for organization and summarization of these specific research subjects.

Considering the development of primary studies, we identified three main future trends: user’s interaction, non-English text processing, and graph-based representation. We expect an increase in the number of studies that have some level of user’s interaction to bring his/her needs and interests to the process. This is particularly valuable for the clustering task, because a considered good clustering solution can vary from user to user [ 170 ]. We also expect a raise of resources (linguistic resources and annotated corpora) for non-English languages. These resources are very important to the development of semantics-concerned text mining techniques. Higher availability of non-English resources will allow a higher number of studies dealing with these languages. Another future trend is the development and use of graph-based text representation. Nowadays, there are already important researches in this direction, and we expect that it will increase as graph-based representations are more expressive than traditional representations in the vector space model.

As an alternative summary of this systematic mapping, additional visualizations of both the selected studies and systematic mapping results can be found online at http://sites.labic.icmc.usp.br/pinda_sm . For this purpose, the prototype of the Pinda tool was adapted for hierarchical visualization of the textual data, using K-means algorithm to group the results. The tool allows the analysis of data (title + abstract of selected studies or information extracted from them) through multiple visualization techniques (Thumbnail, Snippets, Directories, Scatterplot, Treemap, and Sunburst), coordinating the user’s interactions for a better understanding of existing relationships. Figure 11 illustrates the Scatterplot visualization of studies accepted in this systematic mapping. Some of the possible visualizations of the systematic mapping results are presented in Fig. 12 .

Scatterplot visualization of accepted studies of the systematic mapping

Directories and Treemap visualizations of the systematic mapping results

Text semantics are frequently addressed in text mining studies, since it has an important influence in text meaning. However, there is a lack of secondary studies that consolidate these researches. This paper reported a systematic mapping study conducted to overview semantics-concerned text mining literature. The scope of this mapping is wide (3984 papers matched the search expression). Thus, due to limitations of time and resources, the mapping was mainly performed based on abstracts of papers. Nevertheless, we believe that our limitations do not have a crucial impact on the results, since our study has a broad coverage.

The main contributions of this work are (i) it presents a quantitative analysis of the research field; (ii) its conduction followed a well-defined literature review protocol; (iii) it discusses the area regarding seven important text mining dimensions: application domain, language, external knowledge source, text mining task, method and algorithm, representation model, and user’s interaction; and (iv) the produced mapping can give a general summary of the subject and can be of great help for researchers working with semantics and text mining. Thus, this work filled a gap in the literature as, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first general literature review of this wide subject.

Although several researches have been developed in the text mining field, the processing of text semantics remains an open research problem. The field lacks secondary studies in areas that has a high number of primary studies, such as feature enrichment for a better text representation in the vector space model. Another highlight is about a language-related issue. We found considerable differences in numbers of studies among different languages, since 71.4% of the identified studies deal with English and Chinese. Thus, there is a lack of studies dealing with texts written in other languages. When considering semantics-concerned text mining, we believe that this lack can be filled with the development of good knowledge bases and natural language processing methods specific for these languages. Besides, the analysis of the impact of languages in semantic-concerned text mining is also an interesting open research question. A comparison among semantic aspects of different languages and their impact on the results of text mining techniques would also be interesting.

1 A simple search for “systematic review” on the Scopus database in June 2016 returned, by subject area, 130,546 Health Sciences documents (125,254 of them for Medicine) and only 5,539 Physical Sciences (1328 of them for Computer Science). The coverage of Scopus publications are balanced between Health Sciences (32% of total Scopus publication) and Physical Sciences (29% of total Scopus publication).

2 It was not possible to perform the second cycle of searches in ACM Digital Library because of a change in the interface of this search engine. However, it must be notice that only eight studies that was found only in this database was accepted in the first cycle. All other studies was also retrieved by other search engines (specially Scopus, which retrieved more than 89% of accepted studies.)

3 Word cloud created with support of Wordle [ 171 ].

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The authors would like to thank the financial support of grant #132666/2016-2, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq); grants #2013/14757-6, #2014/08996-0, and #2016/07620-2, São Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP); and Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).

Authors’ contributions

RAS and SOR planned this systematic mapping study. RAS conducted its first cycle (searches performed in January 2014). JA and RAS conducted its second cycle (searches performed in February 2016). RAS and SOR analyzed the results and drafted the manuscript after the first cycle and updated it after the second cycle. JA was involved in updating the manuscript with the second cycle results. All authors revised and approved the final manuscript.

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The authors declare that they have no competing interests.

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Laboratório de Inteligência Computacional (LABIC), Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), São Carlos, P.O. Box 668, 13561-970, SP, Brazil

Roberta Akemi Sinoara, João Antunes & Solange Oliveira Rezende

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Sinoara, R., Antunes, J. & Rezende, S. Text mining and semantics: a systematic mapping study. J Braz Comput Soc 23 , 9 (2017). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13173-017-0058-7

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Received : 24 March 2017

Accepted : 01 June 2017

Published : 29 June 2017

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s13173-017-0058-7

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  • Systematic review
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Applications of text mining within systematic reviews


  • 1 Institute of Education EPPI-Centre, SSRU 18 Woburn Square, London WC1H 0NR, U.K.. [email protected].
  • 2 University of Manchester, National Centre for Text Mining, Manchester, U.K.
  • PMID: 26061596
  • DOI: 10.1002/jrsm.27

Systematic reviews are a widely accepted research method. However, it is increasingly difficult to conduct them to fit with policy and practice timescales, particularly in areas which do not have well indexed, comprehensive bibliographic databases. Text mining technologies offer one possible way forward in reducing the amount of time systematic reviews take to conduct. They can facilitate the identification of relevant literature, its rapid description or categorization, and its summarization. In this paper, we describe the application of four text mining technologies, namely, automatic term recognition, document clustering, classification and summarization, which support the identification of relevant studies in systematic reviews. The contributions of text mining technologies to improve reviewing efficiency are considered and their strengths and weaknesses explored. We conclude that these technologies do have the potential to assist at various stages of the review process. However, they are relatively unknown in the systematic reviewing community, and substantial evaluation and methods development are required before their possible impact can be fully assessed. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Keywords: automatic summarization; document classification; document clustering; research synthesis; screening; searching; systematic review; term recognition; text mining.

Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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  • Published: 02 November 2020

Comprehensive review of text-mining applications in finance

  • Aaryan Gupta 1 ,
  • Vinya Dengre 1 ,
  • Hamza Abubakar Kheruwala 1 &
  • Manan Shah 2  

Financial Innovation volume  6 , Article number:  39 ( 2020 ) Cite this article

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Text-mining technologies have substantially affected financial industries. As the data in every sector of finance have grown immensely, text mining has emerged as an important field of research in the domain of finance. Therefore, reviewing the recent literature on text-mining applications in finance can be useful for identifying areas for further research. This paper focuses on the text-mining literature related to financial forecasting, banking, and corporate finance. It also analyses the existing literature on text mining in financial applications and provides a summary of some recent studies. Finally, the paper briefly discusses various text-mining methods being applied in the financial domain, the challenges faced in these applications, and the future scope of text mining in finance.


Today, technology is deeply integrated with everyone’s lives. Nearly every activity in modern life, from phone calls to satellites sent into space, has evolved exponentially with technology (Patel et al. 2020a , b , c ; Panchiwala and Shah 2020 ). The increasing ability to create and manage information has been an influential factor in the development of technology. According to the National Security Agency of the United States, 1826 petabytes on average are handled daily over the Internet (Hariri et al. 2019 ; Jaseena and David 2014 ). With the rapid increase in data and information communicated over the Internet, it has become necessary to regulate and ease the flow of the same (Ahir et al. 2020 ; Gandhi et al. 2020 ). A number of commercial and social applications have been introduced for these purposes. Aspects of data and information, such as security, research, and sentiment analysis, can be of great help to organisations, governments, and the public (Jani et al. 2019 ; Jha et al. 2019 ). There are various optimized techniques that aid us in tasks such as classification, summarisation, and ease of access and management of data, among others (Shah et al. 2020a , b ; Talaviya et al. 2020 ). Algorithms related to machine learning and deep learning (DL) are just some of the many algorithms that can be used to process the available information (Kakkad et al. 2019 ; Kundalia et al. 2020 ). Even though there is a massive amount of available information, the use of computational techniques can help us process information from top to bottom and analyse entire documents as well as individual words (Pandya et al. 2019 ; Parekh et al. 2020 ).

Human-generated ‘natural’ data in the form of text, audio, video, and so on are rapidly increasing (Shah et al. 2020a , b ). This has led to a rise in interest in methods and tools that can help extract useful information automatically from enormous amounts of unstructured data (Jaseena and David 2014 ; David and Balakrishnan 2011 ). One crucial method is text mining, which is a combined derivative of techniques such as data mining, machine learning, and computational linguistics, among others. Text mining aims to extract information and patterns from textual data (Talib et al. 2016b ; Fan et al. 2006 ). The trivial approach to text mining is manual, in which a human reads the text and searches for useful information in it. A more logical approach is automatic, which mines text in an efficient way in terms of speed and cost (Herranz et al. 2018 ; Sukhadia et al. 2020 ; Pathan et al. 2020 ).

According to the India Brand Equity Foundation (IBEF 2019 ), the Indian financial industry alone had US $340.48 billion in assets under management as of February 2019. This value only provides us with a limited indication of the actual size and reach of the global finance industry. Technology has paved the way for digitalisation in this rapidly growing behemoth. ‘FinTech’ is a developing domain in the finance industry, which has been defined as a union of finance and information technology (Zavolokina et al. 2016 ). Marrara et al. ( 2019 ) examined how FinTech relates to Italian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), where FinTech has witnessed huge growth in terms of investment and development, and how it has proved fruitful for the SME market in a short amount of time. FinTech has popularised the use of data in the financial industry. This data is substantially in the form of structured or unstructured text. Therefore, traditionally and technically, textual data can be regarded as always having been a prevailing and essential element in the finance sector.

Unstructured textual data have been increasing rapidly in the finance industry (Lewis and Young 2019 ). This is where text mining has a lot of potential. Kumar and Ravi ( 2016 ) explored various applications in the financial domain in which text mining could play a significant role. They concluded that it had numerous applications in this industry, such as various kinds of predictions, customer relationship management, and cybersecurity issues, among others. Many novel methods have been proposed for analysing financial results in recent years, and artificial intelligence has made it possible to analyse and even predict financial outcomes based on historical data.

Finance has been an important force in human life since the earliest civilisations. It is noteworthy that from barter systems to cryptocurrencies, finance has always been associated with data, such as transactions, accounts, prices, and reports. Manual approaches to processing data have been reduced in use and significance over time. Researchers and practitioners have come to prefer digitised and automated approaches for studying and analysing financial data. Financial data contain a significant amount of latent information. If the latent information were to be extracted manually from a huge corpus of data, it might take years. Advancements in text mining have made it possible to efficiently examine textual data pertaining to finance. Bach et al. ( 2019 ) published a literature review on text mining for big-data analysis in finance. They structured the review in terms of three critical questions. These questions pertained to the intellectual core of finance, the text-mining techniques used in finance, and the data sources of financial sectors. Kumar and Ravi ( 2016 ) discussed the model presented by Vu et al. ( 2012 ) that implemented text mining on Twitter messages to perform sentiment analysis for the prediction of stock prices. They also mentioned the model of Lavrenko et al. ( 2000 ), which could classify news stories in a way that could help identify which of them affected trends in finance and to what degree. We will further discuss text-mining applications in finance in subsequent sections.

Apart from finance, we present a brief overview of text mining in other industries. On social media, people generate text data in the form of posts, blogs, and web forum activity, among many others (Agichtein et al. 2008 ). Despite the vast quantity of data available, the relatively low proportion of content of significant quality is still a problem (Kinsella et al. 2011 ), which is an issue that can be solved by text mining (Salloum et al. 2017 ). In the biomedical field too, there is a need for effective text-mining and classification methods (Krallinger et al. 2011 ). On e-commerce websites, text mining is used to prevent the repetition of information to the same audience (Da-sheng et al. 2009 ) and improve product listings through reviews (Kang and Park 2016 ; Ur-Rahman and Harding 2012 ). In healthcare, researchers have worked on applications such as the identification of healthcare topics directly from personal messages over the Internet (Lu 2013 ), classification of online data (Srivastava et al. 2018 ), and analysis of patient feedback (James et al. 2017 ). The agriculture industry has also used text mining in, for example, the classification of agricultural regulations (Espejo-Garcia et al. 2018 ), ontology-based agricultural text clustering (Su et al. 2012 ), and analysis of agricultural network public opinions (Lee 2019 ). Text mining has also been utilised in the detection of malicious web URLs which evolve over time and have complex features (Li et al. 2020a ; b , c ).

This paper discusses the use of text mining in the financial domain in detail, taking into consideration three major areas of application: financial forecasting, banking, and corporate finance. We also discuss the widely used methodologies and techniques for text mining in finance, the challenges faced by researchers, and the future scope for text-mining methods in finance.

Overview of text-mining methodologies

Text mining is a process through which the user derives high-quality information from a given piece of text. Text mining has seen a significant increase in demand over the last few years. Coupled with big data analytics, the field of text mining is evolving continuously. Finance is one major sector that can benefit from these techniques; the analysis of large volumes of financial data is both a need and an advantage for corporates, government, and the general public. This section discusses some important and widely used techniques in the analysis of textual data in the context of finance.

Sentiment analysis (SA)

One of the most important techniques in the field is SA. It has applications in numerous sectors. This technique extracts the underlying opinions within textual data and is therefore also referred to as opinion mining (Akaichi et al. 2013 ). It is of prime use in a number of domains, such as e-commerce platforms, blogs, online social media, and microblogs. The motives behind sentiment analysis can be broadly divided into emotion recognition and polarity detection. Emotion detection is focused on the extraction of a set of emotion labels, and polarity detection is more of a classifier-oriented approach with discrete outputs (e.g., positive and negative) (Cambria 2016 ).

There are two main approaches for SA, namely lexicon-based (dictionary-based) and machine learning (ML). The latter is further classified into supervised and unsupervised learning approaches (Xu et al. 2019 ; Pradhan et al. 2016 ). Lexicon-based approaches use SentiWordNet word maps, whereas ML considers SA as a classification problem and uses established techniques for it. In lexicon-based approaches, the overall score for sentiment is calculated by dividing the sentiment frequency by the sum of positive and negative sentiments. In ML approaches, the major techniques that are used are Naïve Bayes (NB) classifier and support vector machines (SVMs), which use labelled data for classification. SA using ML has an edge over the lexicon approach, as it doesn’t require word dictionaries that are highly costly. However, ML requires domain-specific datasets, which can be considered as a limitation (Al-Natour and Turetken 2020 ). After data preprocessing, feature selection is performed as per the requirement, following which one obtains the final results after the analysis of the given data as per the adopted approach (Hassonah et al. 2019 ).

In the financial domain, stock market prediction is one of the applications in which SA has been used to predict future stock market trends and prices from the analysis of financial news articles. Joshi et al. ( 2016 ) compared three ML algorithms and observed that random forest (RF) and SVMs performed better than NB. Renault ( 2019 ) used StockTwits (a platform where people share ideas about the stock market) as a data source and applied five algorithms, namely NB, a maximum entropy method, a linear SVM, an RF, and a multilayer perceptron and concluded that the maximum entropy and linear SVM methods gave the best results. Over the years, researchers have combined deep learning methods with traditional machine learning techniques (e.g., construction of sentiment lexicon), thus obtaining more promising results (Yang et al. 2020 ).

Information extraction

Information extraction (IE) is used to extract predefined data types from a text document. IE systems mainly aim for object identification by extracting relevant information from the fragments and then putting all the extracted pieces in a framework. Post extraction, DiscoTEX (Discovery from TextEXtraction) is one of the core methods used to convert the structured data into meaningful data to discover knowledge from it (Salloum et al. 2018 ).

In finance, named-entity recognition (NER) is used for extracting predefined types of data from a document. In banking, transaction order documents of customers may come via fax, which results in very diverse documents because of the lack of a fixed template and creates the need for proper feature extraction to obtain a structured document (Emekligil et al. 2016 ).

Natural language processing (NLP)

NLP is a part of the artificial intelligence domain and attempts to help transform imprecise and ambiguous messages into unambiguous and precise messages. In the financial sector, it has been used to assess a firm’s current and future performance, domain standards, and regulations. It is often used to mine documents to obtain insights for developing conclusions (Fisher et al. 2016 ). NLP can help perform various analyses, such as NER, which further helps in identifying the relationships and other information to identify the key concept. However, NLP lacks a dictionary list for all the named entities used for identification (Talib et al. 2016a ; b ).

As NLP is a pragmatic research approach to analyse the huge amount of available data, Xing et al. ( 2017 ) applied it to bridge the gap between NLP and financial forecasting by considering topics that would interest both the research fields. Figure  1 provides an intuitive grasp of natural language-based financial forecasting (NLFF).

figure 1

An intersection of NLP and financial forecasting to illustrate the concept of NLFF (Xing et al. 2017 )

Chen et al. ( 2020 ) discussed the role of NLP in FinTech in the past, present, and future. They reviewed three aspects, namely know your customer (KYC), know your product (KYP), and satisfy your customer (SYC). In KYC, a lot of textual data is generated in the process of acquiring information about customers (corporate sector and retail). With respect to KYP, salespersons are required to know all the attributes of their product, which again requires data in order to know the prospects, risks, and opportunities of the product. In SYC, salespersons/traders and researchers try to make the financial activities more efficient to satisfy the customers in the business-to-customer as well as customer-to-customer business models. Herranz et al. ( 2018 ) discussed the role of NLP in teaching finance and reported that it enhanced the transfer of knowledge within an environment overloaded with information.

  • Text classification

Text classification is a four-step process comprising feature extraction, dimension reduction, classifier selection, and evaluation. Feature extraction can be done with common techniques such as term frequency and Word2Vec; then, dimensionality reduction is performed using techniques such as principal component analysis and linear discriminant analysis. Choosing a classifier is an important step, and it has been observed that deep learning approaches have surpassed the results of other machine learning algorithms. The evaluation step helps in understanding the performance of the model; it is conducting using various parameters, such as the Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC), area under the ROC curve (AUC), and accuracy. Accuracy is the simplest of these to evaluate. Figure  2 shows an overview of the text classification process (Kowsari et al. 2019 ).

figure 2

A general overview of the text classification process (Kowsari et al. 2019 )

Brindha et al. ( 2016 ) compared the performance of various text classification techniques, namely NB, k-nearest neighbour (KNN), SVM, decision tree, and regression, and found that based on the precision, recall, and F1 measures, SVM provided better results than the others.

Deep learning

Deep learning is a part of machine learning, which trains a data model to make predictions about new data. Deep learning has a layered architecture, where the input data goes into the lowest level and the output data is generated at the highest level. The input is transformed at the various middle levels by applying algorithms to extract features, transform features into factors, and then input the factors into the deeper layer again to obtain transformed features (Heaton et al. 2016 ). Widiastuti ( 2018 ) focused on the input data, as it plays an important role in the performance of any algorithm. The author concluded that modification of the network architecture with deep learning algorithms can markedly affect performance and provide good results.

In finance, deep learning solves the problem of complexity and ambiguity of natural language. Kraus and Feuerriegel ( 2017 ) used a corpus of 13,135 German ad hoc announcements in English to predict stock market movements and concluded that deep learning was better than the traditional bag-of-words approach. The results also showed that the long short-term memory models outperformed all the existing machine learning algorithms when transfer learning was performed to pre-train word embeddings.

Review of text-mining applications in finance

As mentioned in earlier sections, this paper focuses on the applications of text mining in three sectors of finance, namely financial predictions, banking, and corporate finance. In the subsections, we review various studies. Some literature has been summarised in detail, and in the end, a tabular summary of some more studies is included. Figure  3 shows a summarised link between the text-mining techniques and their corresponding applications in the respective domains. Although the following subsections discuss the studies pertaining to each sector individually, there has also been research on techniques that can be applied to multiple financial sectors. One such system was proposed by Li et al. ( 2020a ), which was a classifier based on adaptive hyper-spheres. It could be helpful in tasks such as credit scoring, stock price prediction, and anti-fraud analysis.

figure 3

An overview of how text mining can be used in the financial domain. This paper follows a systematic approach for reviewing text-mining applications, as depicted by the flowchart in the figure. The two independent entities, namely finance and text mining, are linked together to show the possible applications of various text-mining techniques in various financial domains

Prediction of financial trends

Using the ever-expanding pool of textual data to improve the dynamics of the market has long been a practice in the financial industry. The increasing volume of press releases, financial data, and related news articles have been motivating continued and sophisticated analysis, dating back to the 1980s, in order to derive a competitive advantage (Xing et al. 2017 ). Abundant data investigated with text mining can deliver an advantage in a variety of scenarios. As per Tkáč and Verner ( 2016 ) and Schneider and Gupta ( 2016 ), among the many ideas covered in financial forecasting, from credit scoring to inflation rate prediction, a large proportion of focus is on stock market and forex prediction. Wen et al. ( 2019 ) proposed an idea regarding how retail investor attention can be used for evaluation of the stock price crash risk.

Wu et al. ( 2012 ) proposed a model that combined the features of technical analysis of stocks with sentiment analysis, as stock prices also depend on the decisions of investors who read stock news articles. They focused on obtaining the overall sentiment behind each news article and assigned it the respective sentiment based on the weight it carried. Next, using different indicators, such as price, direction, and volume, technical analysis was performed and the learning prediction model was generated. The model was used to predict Taiwan’s stock market, and the results proved to be more promising than models that employed either of the two. This indicates an efficient system that can be integrated with even better features in the future.

Al-Rubaiee et al. ( 2015 ) analysed the relationship between Saudi Twitter posts and the country’s stock market (Tadawul). They used a number of algorithms such as SVM, KNN, and NB algorithms to classify Arabic text for the purpose of stock trading. Their major focus was on properly preprocessing data before the analysis. By comparing the results, they found that SVM had the best recall, and KNN had the best precision. The one-to-one model that they built showcased the positive and negative sentiments as well as the closing values of the Tadawul All Share Index (TASI). The relationship between a rise in the TASI index and an increase in positive sentiments was found out to be greater than that of a decline in the index and negative sentiments. The researchers mentioned that in future work they would incorporate the Saudi stock market closing values and sentiment features on tweets to explore the patterns between the Saudi stock index and public opinion on Twitter.

Vijayan and Potey ( 2016 ) proposed a model based on recent news headlines that predicted the forex trends based on the given market situations. The information about the past forex currency pair trends was analysed along with the news headlines corresponding to that timeline, and it was assumed that the market would behave in the future as it had done in the past. The researchers focused on the elimination of redundancy, and their model focused on news headlines rather on entire articles. Multilayer dimension reduction algorithms were used for text mining, the Synchronous Targeted Label Prediction algorithm was used for optimal feature reduction, and the J48 algorithm was used for the generation of decision trees. The main focus was on fundamental analysis that targeted unstructured textual data in addition to technical analysis to make predictions based on historical data. The J48 algorithm resulted in an improvement in the accuracy and performance of the overall system, better efficiency, and less runtime. In fact, the researchers reported that the algorithm could be applied to diverse subjects, such as movie reviews.

Nassirtoussi et al. ( 2015 ) proposed an approach for forex prediction wherein the major focus was on strengthening text-mining aspects that had not been focused upon in previous studies. Dimensionality reduction, semantic integration, and sentiment analysis enabled efficient results. The system predicted the directional movement of a currency pair based on news headlines in the sector from a few hours before. Again, headlines were taken into consideration for the analysis, and a multilayer algorithm was used to address semantics, sentiments, and dimensionality reduction. This model’s process was highly accurate, with results of up to 83%. The strong results obtained in that study demonstrate that the studied relationships exist. The models can be applied to other contexts as well.

Nikfarjam et al. ( 2010 ) discussed the components that constitute a forecasting model in this sector and the prototypes that had been recently introduced. The main components were compared with each other. Feature selection and feature weighting were used to select a piece of news and assign weights to them, used either individually or in combination for feature selection. Next, feature weighting was used to calculate the weights for the given terms. The feature weighting methodology was based on the study by Fung et al. ( 2002 ), who had assigned more weights to enhance the term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) weighting. For text classification, most researchers have applied SVMs to classify the input text into either good or bad news. Some researchers have used Bayesian classifiers, and some others have used a combination of binary classifiers to achieve the final classification decision. Many authors have focused on news features but not equally addressed the available market data. The focus of most studies has been on the analysis of news and indicator values separately, which has proved to be less efficient. The combination of both market news and the status of market trends at the same time is expected to provide stronger results.

Gupta et al. ( 2019 ) proposed a combination of two models: the primary model obtained the dataset for prediction, preprocessed the dataset using logistic regression to remove redundancy, and employed a genetic algorithm, KNN, and support vector regression (SVR). In a comparison of all three, KNN was the basis for their predictions, with an efficiency of more than 50%. The genetic algorithm was used next in search for better accuracy. In an attempt to further support the genetic algorithm, SVR was used, which gave the opening price for any day in the future. For sentiment analysis, Twitter was used, as it was considered the most popular source for related news. The model divided the tweets into two categories, and the rise or fall of the market was predicted taking into consideration the huge pool of keywords. In the end, the model had an accuracy of about 70–75%, which seems reasonable for a dynamic environment.

Nguyen et al. ( 2015 ) focused on sentiment analysis of social media. They obtained the sentiments behind specific topics of discussion of the company on social media and achieved promising results in comparison with the accuracy of stocks in the preceding year. Sentiments annotated by humans on social media with regards to stock prediction were analysed, and the percentage of desired sentiments was calculated for each class. For a remaining lot of messages without explicit sentiments, a classification model was trained using the annotated sentiments on the dataset. For both of these tasks, an SVM was used as the classification model. In another study, after lemmatisation by CoreNLP, latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) (Blei et al. 2003 ) was used as the generative probabilistic model. The authors also implemented the JST model (Lin and He 2009 ) and Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis for analysing topic sentiments for stock prediction. The study’s limitation was that the topics and models were selected beforehand. The accuracy was around 54%; however, the overall prediction in the model passed only if the stock went up or down. As the model just focused on sentiments and historical prices, the authors intended to add more factors to build a more accurate model.

Li et al. ( 2009 ) approached financial risk analysis through the available financial data on sentiments and used machine learning and sentiment analysis. The uniqueness of their study was the volume of data and the information sentiments. A generalised autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity modelling (GARCH)-based artificial neural network and a GARCH-based SVM were used. A special training process, named the ‘dynamic training technique’, was applied because the data was non-stationary and noisy and could have resulted in overfitting. For analysing news, the semantic orientation-based approach was adopted, mainly because of the number of articles that were analysed in the study. The future work on this model was expected to include more input data and better sentiment analysis algorithms to obtain better results.

The use of sentiment analysis as a tool to facilitate investment and risk decisions by stock investors was demonstrated by Wu et al. ( 2014 ). Sina Finance, an experimental platform, was the basis for the collection of financial data for this model. The method incorporated machine learning based on SVM and GARCH with sentiment analysis. At the specific opening and closing times for each day, the GARCH-based SVM was used to identify the relations between the obtained information’s sentiment and stock price volatility. This model showed better results when predicting individual stocks rather than at the industry level. The machine learning approach was about 6% more accurate than the lexicon-based semantic approach, and it performed better with bigger datasets. The model performed better on datasets relating to small companies, as small companies were observed to be more sensitive to online reviews. The authors mentioned their future scope as expanding their dataset and attempting to create a more efficient sentiment calculation algorithm to increase the overall accuracy, similar to the one made by Li et al. ( 2009 ).

A slightly different approach was used by Ahmad et al. ( 2006 ), who focused on sentiment analysis of financial news streams in multiple languages. Three widely spoken languages, namely Arabic, Chinese, and English, were used for replication for automatic sentiment analysis. The authors adopted a local grammar approach using a local archive of the three languages. A statistical criterion in the training collection of texts helped in the identification of keywords. The most widely available corpus was for English, followed by Chinese and Arabic. Based on the frequencies of various words, the most widely utilised words were ranked and selected. Through manual evaluation, the accuracy of extraction ranged from 60 to 75%. A more robust evaluation of this model would be necessary for use in real-time markets, with the inclusion of more than one news vendor at a time.

Over the years, deep learning has become acknowledged as a useful machine learning technique that enables state-of-the-art results. It uses multiple layers to create representations and features from the input data. Text-mining analysis has also continuously evolved. The early basic model used lexicon-based analysis to account for a particular entity (sentiment analysis). Considering the complexity of language, a complete understanding of what any piece of text aims to convey requires a more complex analysis to identify and target relevant entities and related aspects (Dohaiha et al. 2018 ). The most important aspect is the relationship between the words in the text, and how the same is dominant in determining the meaning of the content. Several language elements, such as implications (Ray and Chakrabarti 2019 ) and sarcasm, require high-level methods for handling. This problem requires the use of deep learning models that can help completely understand a given piece of text. Deep learning may incorporate time series analysis and aspect-based sentiment analysis, which enhances data mining, feature selection, and fast information retrieval. Deep learning models learn features during the process of learning. They create abstract representations of the given data and therefore are unchanged with local changes to the input data (Sohangir et al. 2018 ). Word embeddings target words that are similar in context. By the measurement of similarities between words (e.g., cosine similarity in the case of vectors), one can employ word embeddings in the initial data preprocessing layers for faster and more efficient NLP execution (Young et al. 2018 ).

The huge amount of streaming financial news and articles are impossible to be processed by humans for interpretation and application on a daily basis. In a number of uses, such as portfolio construction, forecasting a financial time series is essential. The application of DL techniques on such data for forecasting purposes is of interest to industry professionals. It has been reported that repeated patterns of price movements can be estimated using econometric and statistical models (Souma et al. 2019 ). Even though the market is dynamic, a combination of deep learning models and past market trends is very useful for accurate predictions. In a comparison of real trades with the generated market trades with the use of SA, Kordonis et al. ( 2016 ) found a considerable effect of sentiments on the predictions. Because of the promising results, the use of artificial intelligence and deep learning has attracted the interests of many researchers and practitioners to improve forecasting.

With the use of deep learning, one has to perform little work by hand, while being able to harness a large amount of computation and data. DL techniques that use distributed representation are considered state-of-the-art methods for a large variety of NLP problems. We expect these models to improve and get better at handling unlabelled data through the development and use of approaches such as reinforcement learning.

Owing to the advancements in technology, there are several factors that can be used in models that aim to predict market movements. Not only the price models but also a number of different related models include macroeconomic variables (e.g., investment). Although macroeconomic indicators are important, they tend to be updated infrequently. Unlike such economic factors, public mood and sentiments (Xing et al. 2018a , b ) are dynamic and can be instantaneously monitored. For instance, behavioural science researchers have found that the stock market is affected by the investors’ psychology (Daniel et al. 2001 ). Depending on their mood states, investors make numerous decisions, a big proportion of which are risky. The impact of sentiment and attention measures on stock market volatility (Audrino et al. 2018 ) can be gauged through news articles, social media, and search engine results. The models that incorporate technical indicators of the market with sentiments obtained from the aforementioned sources outperform those that rely on only one of the two (Li et al. 2009 ). In a study pertaining to optimal portfolio allocation, Malandri et al. ( 2018 ) used historical data of the New York Stock Exchange and combined it with sentiment data to get comparatively better returns for the portfolios taken under consideration.

Empirical studies have shown that current market prices are a reflection of recently published news; this has been clearly shown by the Efficient Market Hypothesis (Fama 1991 ). Rather than being dependent on the existing information, price changes are markedly affected by new information or news. ML and DL methods have allowed data scientists to play a part in financial sector analysis and prediction (Picasso et al. 2019 ). There has been an increasing use of text-mining methods to make trading decisions (Wu et al. 2012 ). Different kinds of models, including neural networks, are used for sentiment embeddings from news, tweets, and financial blogs. Mudinas et al. ( 2019 ) studied the change of Granger-caused stocks based on sentiments alone—although this did not provide promising results, the integration with prediction models gave better results. This is because sentiments cannot be determinant factors alone, but they can be used with prediction models to lead to better and dynamic results.

As discussed above, a plethora of proposals and approaches in relation to financial forecasting have been studied, the two main applications of which have been stock prediction and forex. The main focus of these studies was on obtaining sentiments from news headlines and not from entire articles. Researchers have used a variety of text-mining approaches to integrate the abundant amount of useful information with financial patterns. Table  1 summarises some more research studies that have been conducted in recent years on the subject of text mining in financial predictions.

Banking and related applications

Banking is one of the largest and fastest-growing industries in this era of globalisation. The industry is heading towards adopting the most efficient practices for each of its departments. The total lending in the financial year 2017–2018 increased from US $429.92 billion to $1347.18 billion at a CAGR of 10.94% (Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, 2019). This huge rise is promoting strong economic growth, increasing incomes, enhancing trouble-free access to bank credit, and increasing consumerism. In the midst of an IT revolution, competitive reasons have led to the rising importance and adoption of banking automation. IT enables the implementation of various techniques for risk controls and smooth flow of transactions over electronic mediums and supports financial product innovation and development.

Gao and Ye ( 2007 ) proposed a framework for preventing money laundering with the help of the transaction histories of customers. They did this by identifying suspicious data from various textual reports from law enforcement agencies. They also mined unstructured databases and text documents for knowledge discovery in order to automatically extract the profiles of the entities that could be involved in money laundering. They employed SVM, decision trees, and Bayesian inference to develop a hierarchical structure of the suspicious reports and regression to identify hidden patterns.

Bholat et al. ( 2015 ) analysed the utility of text mining in central banks (CB), as a wide range of data sources is required for evaluating monetary and financial stability and for achieving policy objectives. Therefore, text-mining techniques are more powerful than manual means. The authors elucidated two major approaches: the use of text as data for research purposes in CB, and the various text-mining techniques for this purpose. For the former, they suggested that textual data in the form of social narratives can be used by central banks as financial indicators for risk and uncertainty management by employing topic clustering on the narratives. The latter aspect involved preprocessing of data to de-duplicate it, convert it into text files, and reduce it into tokens by various tokenisation techniques. Thereafter, text-mining techniques, such as dictionary techniques, vector space models, latent semantic analysis, LDA, and NB algorithm, were applied to the tokenised data. The authors concluded that aggregately, these can be a very useful addition to the efficient functioning of the CB.

Bach et al. ( 2019 ) stated that a huge amount of unstructured data from various sources has created a requirement for the extraction of keywords in the banking sector. They mentioned four different procedures for the extraction of keywords, which were obtained from the study by Bharti and Babu ( 2017 ). Bach et al. further discussed how keyword extraction can be implemented to extract related useful comments and documents and to compare the banking institutions as well. They also reviewed some other text-mining techniques that can be utilised by banks. NER was used on large datasets for the extraction of entities such as a person, location, and organisation. Sentiment analysis was done to analyse customer opinions, which is crucial for a bank’s functioning. Topic extraction was found to be useful mainly in credit banking. Social network analysis, a graph theory-based methodology to study the social media user structure, provided an outlook on how the customers are connected on the social media and how impactful they were in sharing information to the network of interests. This social network analysis could then be coupled with text mining to identify the keywords which correspond to the customers’ common interest.

Yap et al. ( 2011 ) discussed the issue faced by recreational clubs with respect to potential defaulters and non-defaulters. They proposed a credit scoring model that utilised text mining for estimating the financial obligations of credit applicants. A scorecard was built with the help of past performance reports of the borrowers wherein different clubs used different criteria for evaluating the historic data. The data was split into a 70:30 ratio for training and validating, respectively. They used three different models, namely a credit scorecard model, logistic regression model, and decision tree model, with an accuracy rate of 72.0%, 71.9%, and 71.2% respectively. Although the model benefitted the club administration, it also had a few limitations, such as poor quality of the scorecard and biased samples used to evaluate new applicants, as the model was built on historic data.

Xiong et al. ( 2013 ) devised a model for personal bankruptcy prediction using sequence mining techniques. The sequence results showed good prediction ability. This model has potential value in many industries. For clustering categorical sequences, a model-based k-means algorithm was designed. A comparative study of three models, namely SVM, credit scoring, and the one proposed by them, found that the accuracies were 89.3%, 80.54%, and 94.07% respectively. The sequence mining used in the proposed model outperformed the other two models. In terms of loss prediction, the KNN algorithm had the potential to identify bad accounts with promising predictive ability.

Bhattacharyya et al. ( 2011 ) explored the use of text mining in credit card fraud detection by evaluating two predictive models: one based on SVM, and the other based on a combination of random forest with logistic regression. They discussed various challenges and problems in the implementation of the models. They recommended that the models should always be kept updated to account for the growing malpractices. The original dataset used in the study comprised more than 50 million real-time credit card transactions. The dataset was split into multiple datasets as per the requirements of different techniques. Because of imbalanced data, the performance was not solely measured by the overall accuracy but also by sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve. Although the random forest model showed the highest overall accuracy of 96.2%, the study provided some other noteworthy observations. The accuracy of each model varied according to the proportion of the fraudulent cases, with all of them having more than 99% accuracy for a dataset with 2% fraud rates. The authors concluded with suggestions for future exploration: modifying the models to make them more accurate and devising a more reliable approach to split datasets into training and testing sets.

Kou et al. ( 2014 ) used data regarding credit approval and bankruptcy risk from credit card applications to analyse financial risks using clustering algorithms. They made evaluations based on 11 performance measures using multicriteria decision-making (MCDM) methods. A previous study by Kou et al. ( 2012 ) had proposed these MCDM methods for the evaluation of classification algorithms. In a later study (Kou et al. 2019 ), they employed these methods for assessing the feature selection methods for text classification.

In addition to the above-discussed literature in this section, Table  2 provides a summary of some more studies related to the banking finance industry. As visible in Table  2 , banking has a lot of different text-mining applications. Risk assessment, quality assessment, money laundering detection, and customer relationship management are just a few examples from the wide pool of possible text-mining applications in banking.

Applications in corporate finance

Corporate finance is an important aspect of the financial domain because it integrates a company’s functioning with its financial structure. Various corporate documents such as the annual reports of a company have a lot of hidden financial context. Text-mining techniques can be employed to extract this hidden information and also to predict the company’s future financial sustainability.

Guo et al. ( 2016 ) implemented text-mining algorithms that are widely used in accounting and finance. They merged the Thomson Reuters News Archive database and the News Analytics database. The former provides original news, and the latter provides sentiment scores ranging from − 1 to 1 with positive, negative, and neutral scores. To balance the dataset, 3000 news articles were randomly selected for training and 500 for testing. Three algorithms, namely NB, SVM, and neural network, were run on the dataset. The overall output accuracies were 58.7%, 78.2%, and 79.6%, respectively. With the neural network having the highest accuracy, it was concluded that it can be used for text mining-based finance studies. Another model based on semantic analysis was also implemented, which used LDA. LDA was used to extract document relationships and the most relevant information from the documents. According to the authors, in accounting and finance, this technique has proven to be advantageous for examining analyst reports and financial reporting.

Lewis and Young ( 2019 ) discussed the importance of text mining in financial reports. They preferred NLP methods. They highlighted the exploding growth of unstructured textual data in corporate reporting, which opens numerous possibilities for financial applications. According to the authors, NLP methods for text mining provide solutions for two significant problems. One, they prevent overload through automated procedures to deal with immense amounts of data. Two, unlike human cognition, they are able to identify the underlying important latent features. The authors reviewed the widely used methodologies for financial reporting. These include keyword searches and word counts, attribute dictionaries, NB classification, cosine similarity, and LDA. Some factors, such as limited access to the text data resources and insufficient collaboration between various sectors and disciplines, were identified as challenges that are hindering progress in the application of text mining to finance.

Arguing that corporate sustainability reports (CSR) have increased dramatically, become crucial from the financial reporting perspective, and are not amenable to manual analysis processes, Shahi et al. ( 2014 ) proposed an automated model based on text-mining approaches for more intelligent scoring of CSR reports. After preprocessing of the dataset, four classification algorithms were implemented, namely NB, random subspace, decision table, and neural networks. Various parameters were evaluated and the training categories and feature selection algorithms were tuned to determine the most effective model. NB with the Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) filter was chosen as the preferred model. Based on this model, software was designed for CSR report scoring that lets the user input a CSR report to get its score as an automated output. The software was tested and had an overall effectiveness of 81.10%. The authors concluded that the software could be utilised for other purposes such as the popularity of performance indicators as well.

Holton ( 2009 ) implemented a model for preventing corporate financial fraud with a different and interesting perspective. The author considered employee disgruntlement or employee dissatisfaction as a hidden indicator that is responsible for fraud. A minimal dataset of intra-company communication messages and emails on online discussion groups was prepared. After using document clustering for estimating that the data possess sufficient predictive power, the NB classifier was implemented to classify the messages into disgruntled/non-disgruntled classes, and an accuracy of 89% was achieved. The author proposed the use of the model for fraud risk assessment in corporations and organisations with the motivation that it can be used to prevent huge financial losses. The performance of other models such as neural networks and decision trees was to be compared in future work.

Chan and Franklin ( 2011 ) developed a new decision-support system to predict the occurrence of an event by analysing patterns and extracting sequences from financial reports. After text preprocessing, textual information generalisation was performed with the help of a shallow parser, which had an F-measure of 85%. The extracted information was stored in a separate database. From this database, the event sequences were identified and extracted. A decision tree model was then implemented on these sequences to create an inference engine that could predict the occurrence of new events based on the training sequences. With an 85: 15% training-to-testing split, the model achieved an overall accuracy of 89.09%. The authors concluded by highlighting that their model had better and robust performance compared to the prevailing models.

Humpherys et al. ( 2011 ) reviewed various text-mining methods and theories that have been proposed for the detection of corporate fraud in financial statements and subsequently devised a methodology of their own. Their dataset comprised the Management’s Discussion and Analysis section of corporate annual financial reports. After basic analysis and reduction, various statistical and machine learning algorithms were implemented on the dataset, among which the NB and C4.5 decision tree models both gave the highest accuracy of 67.3% for classifying 10-K reports into fraudulent and non-fraudulent. The authors suggested that their model can be used by auditors for detecting fraudulent statements in reports with the aid of the Agent99 analyser tool.

Loughran and McDonald ( 2011 ) came up with the argument that the word lists contained in the Harvard Dictionary, which is commonly used for textual analysis, are not suitable for financial text classification because a lot of negative words in the Harvard list are not actually considered a negative in the financial context. Corporate 10-K reports were taken as data sources to create a new dictionary with new word lists for financial purposes. The authors advised the use of term weighting for the word lists. The new word lists were compared with the Harvard word lists on multiple financial data items, such as 10-K filing returns, material weaknesses, and standardised unexpected earnings. Although a significant difference between the word lists was not observed for classification, the authors still suggested the use of their lists in order to be more careful and prevent any erroneous results.

Whereas other researchers have mostly focused on fraud detection and financial predictions from corporate financial reports, Song et al. ( 2018 ) focused on sentiment analysis of these reports with respect to the CSR score. The sentences in the sample reports were manually labelled as positive and negative in order to create sample data for the machine learning algorithm. SVM was implemented on the dataset with a 3:1 training to test split, which achieved a precision ratio of 86.83%. Following this, an object library was created, with objects referring to the internal and external environment of the company. Sentiment analysis was conducted on these objects. Then, six regression models were developed to get the CSR score, with the model comprising of the Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal (PESTEL), Porter’s Five Forces, and Primary and Support Activities showing the best performance in predicting the CSR score. The authors concluded that CSR plays a vital role in a company’s sustainability, and their research could aid stakeholders in their company-related decision-making.

There have been more studies on CSR reports and sustainability. Liew et al. ( 2014 ) analysed process industries for their sustainability trends with the help of CSR and sustainability reports of a large number of big companies. The RapidMiner tool was used for text preprocessing followed by generating frequency statistics, pruning, and further text refinement, which generated sustainability-related terms for analysis. The most occurring terms were taken into consideration to create a hierarchical tree model. Environment, health and safety, and social were identified as the key concepts for sustainability. Based on term occurrence and involvement, the authors classified the sustainability issues as specific, critical, rare, and general.

Table  3 presents some more studies on the applications of text mining in corporate finance. As evident from the table and the above-mentioned studies, the annual corporate reports are the most commonly used data source for text-mining applications.

Challenges and future scope

The financial sector is a significant driver of broader industry, and the increasing amount of data in this field has given rise to a number of applications that can be used to improve the field and achieve commercial objectives.

Figure  4 shows some common challenges faced by various text-mining techniques in the financial sector. The huge amount of data available is highly unstructured and has explicit meanings in addition to implicit ones. The data needs to undergo proper preprocessing before it can be used for analysis. Although lexicon lists are available for various domains, the financial sector has to have a specific dictionary for such approaches, so as to assign proper weights to corresponding aspects in the document. In addition to this, there is still restricted access to classified information, which is a significant obstacle. Lastly, the current techniques focus on obtaining static results statically that are true for a given period of time. There is a need for a system that performs text-mining techniques on dynamically obtained data to output real-time results to enable even better insights.

figure 4

Major challenges to text mining in finance

The combination of text-mining techniques and financial data analytics can produce a model that can potentially be the most efficient model for this problem domain. The results obtained from mining textual data can be integrated with those from financial analysis, thereby providing models that focus on historical data as well as opinions from diverse sources.

This paper conducted an organised qualitative review of recent literature pertaining to three specific sectors of finance. First, this paper analysed the growing importance of text mining in predicting financial trends. While the prior consensus may have been that financial markets are unpredictable, text mining has challenged this notion. The second area of study was banking, which has seen constant growth in technological innovation over the years, especially in digitisation. Text mining has played a key role in supporting these advancements both directly and indirectly through combination with other technologies. Corporate finance was the third study area. We discussed the importance of text mining in enabling the utilisation of corporate reports and financial statements for serving various purposes in addition to supporting corporate sustainability goals. The use of text mining in financial applications is not limited to these sectors. Researchers are increasingly showing interest in text-mining applications and constantly seeking to build more accurate models. There are still many unexplored possibilities in the financial domain, and the related research can help develop more robust and accurate predictive and analytic systems.

Availability of data and materials

All relevant data and material are presented in the main paper.

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Aaryan Gupta, Vinya Dengre & Hamza Abubakar Kheruwala

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Gupta, A., Dengre, V., Kheruwala, H.A. et al. Comprehensive review of text-mining applications in finance. Financ Innov 6 , 39 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40854-020-00205-1

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Received : 29 January 2020

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  • Text mining
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  • Published: 13 September 2024

Text mining method to unravel long COVID’s clinical condition in hospitalized patients

  • Pilar Tavares Veras Florentino 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Vinícius de Oliveira Araújo 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Henrique Zatti 2   na1 ,
  • Caio Vinícius Luis 4 ,
  • Célia Regina Santos Cavalcanti 4 ,
  • Matheus Henrique Citibaldi de Oliveira 4 ,
  • Anderson Henrique França Figueredo Leão   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0721-0866 4 ,
  • Juracy Bertoldo Junior 2 ,
  • George G. Caique Barbosa 2 ,
  • Ernesto Ravera 4 ,
  • Alberto Cebukin 4 ,
  • Renata Bernardes David 4 ,
  • Danilo Batista Vieira de Melo 5 ,
  • Tales Mota Machado 2 , 6 ,
  • Nancy C. J. Bellei 7 ,
  • Viviane Boaventura 1 , 3 ,
  • Manoel Barral-Netto   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5823-7903 1 , 3   na2 &
  • Soraya S. Smaili   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-5844-1368 4   na2  

Cell Death & Disease volume  15 , Article number:  671 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

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Metrics details

  • Epidemiology
  • Viral infection

Long COVID is characterized by persistent that extends symptoms beyond established timeframes. Its varied presentation across different populations and healthcare systems poses significant challenges in understanding its clinical manifestations and implications. In this study, we present a novel application of text mining technique to automatically extract unstructured data from a long COVID survey conducted at a prominent university hospital in São Paulo, Brazil. Our phonetic text clustering (PTC) method enables the exploration of unstructured Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) data to unify different written forms of similar terms into a single phonemic representation. We used n-gram text analysis to detect compound words and negated terms in Portuguese-BR, focusing on medical conditions and symptoms related to long COVID. By leveraging text mining, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of this chronic condition and its implications for healthcare systems globally. The model developed in this study has the potential for scalability and applicability in other healthcare settings, thereby supporting broader research efforts and informing clinical decision-making for long COVID patients.

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Advances in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) hold promise for the development of healthcare transformation in prediction, contact tracing, screening, diagnosis and treatment, significantly improving medical practice [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ]. One potential utility of AI is to assist in the extraction of information from electronic medical records. Natural language processing (NLP) is a subfield of AI that enables computers to learn from unstructured medical records and adapt to new language patterns over time, which can be useful for administrative and research purposes. Unlike NLP, which seeks to comprehend the overall meaning of text, text mining focus on addressing a particular problem in a specific domain determined in advance, potentially employing some NLP techniques in the process [ 7 ]. Although efforts have been made to use text mining to extract information from medical records in the English language, studies in languages other than English are still emerging [ 8 , 9 ] and are urgently needed for specific systems.

Historically, clinically relevant information from electronic health records (EHRs) has been extracted via manual review by clinical experts, resulting in scalability and cost [ 10 ]. This is particularly evident for chronic diseases, where clinical notes are more common than structured medical records data [ 11 ]. These unstructured data provide a great opportunity to test the performance of text mining in automatically extracting clinically meaningful information, which may be useful for research and administrative purpose [ 10 ].

Long COVID is a chronic disease characterized by persistence of symptoms for more than 1 month (according to Central of Disease Control—CDC) or more than 3 months (according to World Health Organization—WHO) that still lacks a definitive clinical characterization. New tools that help perform a meticulous analysis of vast amounts of unstructured data from EHR can uncover patterns, symptoms, and outcomes that might otherwise elude traditional research methods enabling a deeper comprehension of long COVID. Recent descriptions of long COVID are based on studies conducted and compiled in 2021 and more detailed studies conducted in 2022 with the aim of reaching a consensus [ 12 , 13 , 14 ]. Based on these studies, many works have sought to highlight what actually occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection. It remains unclear why the virus causes so many different symptoms affecting a variety of systems and what defines their frequency and prevalence. Thus, understanding what happens after COVID-19 and identifying which sequelae correspond to the postacute disease are increasingly important. Several symptoms can persist for many months or years, in addition to elevated risks of complications and death [ 15 , 16 , 17 ]. However, there are still may doubts and inconsistencies related to long COVID, especially regarding patients who were hospitalized, as well as the correlation between the length of hospitalization and the severity of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate and follow patients who were hospitalized with COVID-19 in different hospitals and to clearly identify the risk factors that require attention after COVID-19 and how these factors affect patients’ lives after the disease.

In this study, we sought to classify and automatically extract data from a long Covid survey from a large hospital in the city of São Paulo, one of the Brazilian cities most affected by the pandemic. We analyzed the EHR and created a model that can be applied in other hospitals.

Materials and methods

Study design and data source.

This is a cross sectional study that uses a national database for training a model of text mining and EHR from a referral hospital for testing the model. The training dataset provided the tokens for text mining. We then performed text mining on the testing dataset and compared the results with those of manual human classification.

The training dataset was built from the information system for severe acute respiratory illness (SIVEP-Gripe), in which all COVID-19 hospital admissions and deaths in Brazil were registered by federal law. The SIVEP-Gripe is the national registration database for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in Brazil including COVID-19 data, and all COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths. SARS is defined as an individual who presents with dyspnea/respiratory discomfort, persistent pressure or pain in the chest, oxygen saturation less than 95% without oxygen, or cyanosis of the lips or face ( https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/assuntos/coronavirus/artigos/definicao-e-casos-suspeitos ). This database has been widely used as a source for other epidemiological studies [ 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 ]. In the present work, the SIVEP-Gripe was used to create a token dictionary for unstructured text from clinical questionnaires. The dataset is publicly available at https://opendatasus.saude.gov.br/group/dados-sobre-srag .

The testing dataset was built from the EHR of patients who were hospitalized for COVID-19 at the Hospital São Paulo, the University Hospital (UH) of the Federal University of São Paulo (Unifesp), from March 2020 to June 2022 and were followed after discharge at a Post-COVID-19 Disease Unit (PCDU). The PCDU is a multidisciplinary unit where health professionals assist patients and administer a questionnaire to gather information on any prolonged signs or symptoms after the acute phase of COVID-19. This questionnaire includes information on acute COVID-19, evolution of the infection, medical history, and post-acute phase signs and symptoms. These data were also linked to demographic information and SARS-CoV-2 PCR results from patients.

Hospital São Paulo uses multiple information systems, resulting in the dispersion of relevant information across different databases. As an initial search strategy to extract data, terminologies related to the infectious disease COVID-19 were applied to the Clinical Notes Database (MongoDB) for the period from March 1, 2020 to September 30, 2022. A total of eight clinical encounter forms were preselected from this data structure, and the clinical records of 16,017 patients were collected. The form data were extracted and grouped into eight JSON (JavaScript object notation) files that were converted to the Tidy Data format and saved as CSV (comma separated values) text files. Following the analysis of the files by the technical-scientific team, the clinical encounter form “Post-COVID Care (Pneumo)”, containing records of 440 patients, was chosen for the analysis of demographic and hospital historical data. The second database of interest was the general patient record, a relational database (Oracle) that was queried using the Standard Query Language (SQL). We extracted data on emergency room visits, outpatient consultations, appointments, exam results, hospitalizations, and surgeries. The extracted data from this database were stored in *.XLSX (Microsoft Excel 2007) file format. The extracted medical conditions and patient symptoms were validated with the assistance of ambulatory pneumology and infectiology at the UH.

Clinical data collection

The SIVEP-Gripe dataset (training dataset), which contains ≥2.6 million entries and information on medical conditions and symptoms in the form of unstructured text, was used for the training dataset. Comorbidity and symptom information was extracted from this system via a phoneme approach using the metaphonept-br library ( https://github.com/carlosjordao/metaphone-ptbr ). All data processing was run in Python (Version: 3.10) using Jupyter Notebooks.

Before beginning the text analysis, it was necessary to normalize and clean the text strings. To this end, we utilized regular expressions to clean special characters and to make a diverse set of separators between words uniform to a whitespace. The phonetic text clustering (PTC) method groups terms together according to their phonetics, effectively consolidating variations of similar terms into a single phonemic representation and using n-gram text analysis to detect compound words [ 22 ]. This method not only captured and grouped terms but also allowed the accommodation of synonyms, abbreviations, typographical errors, and the different conjunctions found in Brazilian Portuguese.

To ensure the accuracy of these results, a dictionary of similar terms was carefully curated by five specialists in internal medicine, infectology, pharmacology, pathology, otorhinolaryngology and public health and three medical students. This step prevented the grouping of different terms into the same phoneme. This curation process was crucial in enabling the use of the dictionary to identify medical conditions from unstructured text from different and more complex contexts. Scripts from methodology employed are found in https://github.com/CampusVirtualFiocruz/Text-Mining-Clinical-Data-UNIFESP .

PTC validation with long COVID questionnaires

To validate the PTC method, the clinical information of patients collected from the long COVID questionnaire was organized into structured and unstructured data (Testing dataset). The structured data consisted of yes–no and multiple-choice answers, as well as numerical variables. The unstructured data comprised textual patient reports, including records of symptoms, clinical signs, laboratory tests, previous medical conditions, and lifestyle habits, such as smoking.

Subsequently, an automated approach to process the unstructured variables from the long COVID questionnaires was applied. We searched for all previously defined terms in the curated dictionary and focused on the most frequent comorbidities associated with COVID-19, which included obesity, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, hypothyroidism, and hyperthyroidism. Information on patients’ smoking history was also collected to classify patients as smokers or former smokers. Medical records that did not include information on comorbidities or smoking history were classified as having no comorbidities or having a non-smoking history.

In addition, information on long COVID symptoms (cough, fatigue, headache and myalgia) ( https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/long-term-effects/index.html ) was collected. For symptoms, the focus was on terms in the questionnaires that described patient information in the present, excluding the text referring to symptoms reported in the past (acute phase).

Importantly, the medical condition terms detected in the unstructured text of the long COVID dataset could be in the context of a negative report, i.e., the patient confirming or denying the medical condition. To address this issue, we assessed negative operators such as “deny” ( nega , in Brazilian Portuguese) that appeared before the comorbidity of interest and until the following sentence with regular expressions ( https://docs.python.org/3/library/re.html ). This allowed us to capture instances where patients denied having the specified condition. Figure 1 shows a diagram detailing the method developed in this study using the extracted dataset. Scripts from methodology employed can be found in https://github.com/CampusVirtualFiocruz/Text-Mining-Clinical-Data-UNIFESP .

figure 1

The figure shows the process of extracting and processing clinical data using phonetic text clustering (PTC) from the SARS database (2.6 million entries) and UNIFESP unstructured medical data. n-grams (1–4) are extracted using the NLTK library, grouped by phonemes with the metaphone-ptbr library, and used to create a dictionary. A medical specialist validates the dictionary by excluding incorrect terms. UNIFESP unstructured medical data are automatically read, with negated terms recognized using regular expressions (re lib), and integrated into the UNIFESP structured medical data. This process combines automated text processing with manual validation to improve data accuracy and completeness for analysis.

Long COVID study population

The study population included adults (≥18 years) who were hospitalized due to acute COVID-19 at the Hospital São Paulo and discharged. The data were collected between March 2020 and June 2022. We excluded individuals who (1) had no SARS-CoV-2 PCR result or had a negative result; (2) did not have a recorded date of first symptoms; (3) completed questionnaires less than 30 days after the first occurrence of symptoms; (4) were hospitalized for more than 120 days; (5) did not have records of COVID-19 evolution during the acute phase; (6) had date inconsistencies; (7) had encounters after the first questionnaire; or (8) had no severity classification in the acute phase.

Demographic variables from the long COVID dataset, such as sex, age (stratified into 18–39, 40–59, 60–79, and ≥80 years), and race (divided into white, black, mixed-brown, Asian, and Indigenous), were evaluated. Due to the small sample size, Asian and Indigenous individuals were combined for the analysis. Additionally, other variables, such as medical history, length of hospital stay (stratified into 0–14, 15–30, 31–60, and ≥60 days), and severity of the acute phase of COVID-19, were included. The severity categories were defined as moderate (non-ICU ward), severe (intensive care unit; ICU), or critical (ICU with mechanical ventilation).

Statistical analysis

To validate the accuracy of the automated approach, we compared the automated results with manually searched and labeled clinical data. The manual labeling was performed by six of the authors with clinical training, and each record was individually labeled three times. We conducted Pearson’s chi-square test to compare the automated and manual term counts to assess the accuracy of the text mining. Then, we performed a descriptive analysis of the long COVID findings to validate our findings against those of previous studies on the topic. Also, we performed a generalized linear model (GLM) to assess the relationship between the demographic characteristics and the presence of post-COVID-19 symptoms.

Ethical approval

The Brazilian National Commission in Research Ethics approved the research protocol (CONEP approval number 4.921.308 and CAAE registration no. 58619822.6.1001.5505).

Automated labeling of the training dataset

First, we investigated the records from the SIVEP-Gripe. A total of 2,490,196 SARS records of patients admitted to hospitals between December 31, 2019, and March 27, 2023 were collected. All records were then analyzed as input for the PTC tokenization of medical conditions and symptoms, which were used to create the dictionary that was used to structure the data and to create the database for long COVID. Overall, 635,921 (25.5%) records reported one or more medical conditions, and 849,976 (34.1%) reported one or more SARS-related symptoms in the unstructured text field (Fig. S1 and Table 1 ). From the unstructured clinical data, a dictionary collecting synonyms, misspelled and derivative words into a unique term (Table S1 ) was produced. Based on this dictionary, 20 of the most frequent medical conditions and 10 of the most frequent symptoms (Table 1 ) were captured for further analyses.

SARS patient records were stratified by medical conditions and symptoms in a “yes/no” format, such as diabetes mellitus, obesity, cardiopathy, loss of smell, loss of taste, fatigue and cough. The results showed that 22,458 of the terms containing medical conditions captured from the unstructured text overlapped with at least one of the binary comorbidities with a “yes” response in the questionnaire. In addition, 1418 terms overlapped with at least one of the binary symptom variables with a “yes” response. Thus, to evaluate the gain of information, records with overlapping medical conditions or symptoms were excluded. The terms that were not included in the binary variables from the questionnaire appeared more frequently in the unstructured text annotation (Fig. 2 ).

figure 2

The figure shows the most frequent terms captured using PTC. A displays the most frequent terms related to medical conditions, highlighting conditions such as hypertension, smoker status, and hypothyroidism, among others. B shows the most frequent terms associated with symptoms, including headache, myalgia, and asthenia. The bar colors indicate whether the terms appeared in the structured data before the application of PTC (red for “Yes”, green for “No”).

Among medical conditions, the most frequent term captured by the automated reading was “hypertension”, present in 303,109 entries, representing 11.3% of the total database (Fig. 2A ), followed by “smoker” in 61,110 entries, representing 2.3%; “hypothyroidism” in 39,550 entries, representing 1.5%; and “COPD” in 30,387 entries, representing 1.1%. Additionally, “smoking” was found in 61,110 entries (2.3%). Among symptoms, the most frequent terms were “headache”, present in 215,225 entries, representing 8.0% of the total database; “myalgia”, present in 213,035 entries, representing 7.9%; “asthenia”, present in 124,086 entries, representing 4.6%; and “runny nose”, present in 122,766 entries, representing 4.5% (Fig. 2B ).

Validating text mining on EHRs

Data from patients who were admitted with COVID-19 at the Hospital São Paulo, stayed in the hospital for more than 30 days, and were followed at the PCDU after discharge were evaluated.

To validate the PTC method on these data obtained from Hospital São Paulo, 398 post-COVID patient questionnaires collected from the PCDU (Fig. S2 ) were cross-checked. The dictionary derived from records of SARS-hospitalized patients was applied. Medical conditions and symptoms from these post-COVID-19 patients were extracted and studied by using an automated method. The results obtained were compared with those obtained through manual searches conducted by specialists, which showed a high degree of similarity in present, absent and negated terms. According to this method, the similarity ranged from 93% to 99% for medical condition terms and from 87% to 95% for symptom terms (Table S2 ). The statistical significance of these findings is reflected in the p values for all terms, which were less than 0.01 (Fig. 3 and Table S2 ).

figure 3

This figure compares the performance of manual versus automated methods in identifying the most frequently reported terms in unstructured text for A symptoms such as cough, myalgia, fatigue, and headache, and B medical conditions including hypertension, diabetes, former smoker status, and obesity. The bar plots indicate the counts of terms identified as present, absent, or negated, with significant differences between methods ( p  < 0.001). The upper bars represent the manual method, and the lower bars represent the automated method.

The study population was divided into individuals who reported no symptoms (29.1%) and those with at least one symptom 30 days after COVID-19 onset (70.9%) (Table 2 ). Data revealed that 24% of patients with three or more medical conditions showed post-COVID-19 symptoms after 30 days of discharge from the hospital (24% with symptoms against 17% without symptoms).

The demographic data revealed that both groups had a similar gender distribution, with slightly more males (58% without symptoms, 56% with symptoms). Ethnicity distribution indicated that self-declared white individuals were the majority in both groups (55% without symptoms, 60% with symptoms), followed by mixed brown (34% without symptoms, 24% with symptoms). Furthermore, the symptomatic group had a higher percentage of older individuals (43% aged 60–79) compared to the asymptomatic group (32% aged 60–79). Although a slight difference was observed between both groups. The results from generalized linear model (GLM) to assess the relationship between the demographic characteristics and the presence of post-COVID-19 symptoms showed no statistically significant differences (Table S3 ).

For patients who presented with at least one symptom, the most prevalent symptom was dyspnea (77.7%), followed by cough (21.3%) and fatigue (13.5%). Low oxygen saturation (below 27.3%) was the most common continuous variable reported. In terms of lifestyle, 25.9% were former smokers. A total of 48.6% of the population with symptoms after 30 days had hypertension, 26.9% had diabetes, and 15.2% had obesity (Fig. 4 ).

figure 4

The most common symptoms and medical conditions reported by patients in the study are represented in the figure. A shows the percentage of patients with symptoms and B displays the percentage of patients with medical conditions. The data were collected through questionnaires and reveal the prevalence of these conditions in the study population.

Three different developments resulted from this study. First, we built a text mining workflow that was able to extract structured medical information from clinical notes in Brazilian Portuguese. Second, this method, in conjunction with the validated text tokens, could be used as a platform for future analyses of long COVID in hospitals that use different systems. Finally, the method was applied back to the training dataset (SIVEP-Gripe), enriching the national database and resulting in more detailed clinical characterizations of SARS in Brazil in the last decade.

The method developed for text mining of clinical data was based on grouping synonyms by phoneme. Our method was able to extract clinical information that was not available previously as variables, with a total informational gain of 32.30% for the 30 categories of comorbidities and symptoms from the records of hospitalized SARS patients. Furthermore, we validated our method against human labeling using electronic records from patients who returned to the post-COVID-19 unit after being discharged for 30 days, which allowed us to describe the clinical findings related to long COVID in those patients.

The initial difficulty was structuring a database from a set of unstructured data that would allow subsequent analysis of a disease such as COVID-19 and post acute symptoms, characterized as long COVID. The benchmarks used were previous studies on COVID-19 and vaccine effectiveness using national health system datasets, from which cohorts for studies on the effectiveness of different vaccines administered in Brazil were formed, and gathered at the national databases [ 20 , 23 ]. Thus, it was possible to enrich the same dataset and cross-check the informational gain using data from patients who were admitted to the UH and who, after discharge, were followed up at the PCDU due to various symptoms.

The method developed in this study exhibited robust performance and was subsequently used to investigate the effects of long COVID in patients who were admitted to the UH and were followed for several months after being discharged. Phonemic representation has been used previously to cluster variations in writing and represent these clusters as an n-gram [ 24 , 25 ], but this is, for the best of our knowledge, the first time that it has been used for clinical notes in Brazilian Portuguese [ 22 ]. This plot captured groups of variations in terms, such as close synonyms, abbreviations, and typographical errors typical of the language, which confirmed the validation and interpretability of the PTC method.

Importantly, the construction of this method allowed for a more accurate analysis of symptoms in patients followed by the PCDU of Hospital São Paulo, which showed that the majority of individuals presented dyspnea as a prevalent symptom, often accompanied by low oxygen saturation. These data are in accordance with other studies that used different methods, including the studies that reported low oxygen saturation during physical exercise [ 26 , 27 ]. Since dyspnea is one of the most frequent and well-documented symptoms of long COVID [ 28 ], it is notable that, besides its detection, our study and method provided further information concerning low oxygen saturation. In addition, other symptoms, such as fatigue and muscle pain, were detected and had been described by other authors [ 29 ], corroborating the quality of the new method to extract symptoms from non-structured data.

Importantly, the curation and constant maintenance of the dictionary will be continued, and we will update it with new information and terms used by other health services. Thus, new qualifiers of clinical conditions, such as different degrees of dyspnea and the evolution of these clinical conditions over time, which may encompass periods of improvement and worsening, will be included in the dictionary. In addition, creating specific platforms to characterize and identify a little-known and difficult-to-diagnose condition, such as long COVID, represents an important advance for data modeling and decision-making after the occurrence of COVID-19. The tool created from the methods used in this study has characteristics that indicate the possibility of analyzing data in the language in which medical records are written, in addition to machine and human checking, which can overcome the lack of homogeneity in different records and allow more accurate results. These results are important, although it is necessary to emphasize that the risks of death and hospitalization remained statistically high in different phases of the pandemic, particularly in those who were hospitalized during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection and in countries such as Brazil [ 30 ], in which a high number of cases were reported. Therefore, these countries must also consider the substantial number of individuals with COVID-19 sequelae and provide health care to the population. Since there is also evidence of COVID-19 sequelae in individuals who were not hospitalized, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of treating those who were infected and prevent reinfections. Therefore, reducing the risk of long-term sequelae remains a need in terms of public health and health policies.

Finally, there are still many gaps and regional disparities in long COVID research. In particular, there are significant geographic gaps in the available research data, with an abundance of studies originating from Northern Hemisphere populations and a paucity of information regarding long COVID in low- and middle-income countries. There is a critical need for more focused research in these regions. Therefore, the use of text mining to evaluate non-structured EHRs provides a great opportunity to improve the knowledge of long COVID in areas with resource-limited settings.

The method and modeling presented in this work and the use of cohorts of data to predict and treat long COVID patients will be crucial, and more studies should be performed to not only increase knowledge but also develop the necessary care and rehabilitation methods in addition to the planning of the primary health care system. In this context, studies such as the present one should be expanded to help understand long COVID and predict its effects. These studies will allow the development of prevention and treatment that will lead to higher quality standards in population health even in the face of the a pandemic.

Data availability

Due to ethical and legal reasons, supporting data are not available.

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The authors acknowledge Dr. Lucia Pellanda, Dr. Ethel Maciel, Dr. Adhemar Arthur Chioro, and Dr. Nisia Trindade for their support and discussion on this work. We also acknowledge the support of Fiotec-Fiocruz, FAP-Unifesp, CNPq 400504/2023-5 and FAPESP 2019/02821-8. This study is part of the Alert-Early System of Outbreaks with Pandemic Potential with financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation's Health Initiative (grant 2023-PPI-007 awarded to M-BN).

Author information

These authors contributed equally: Pilar Tavares Veras Florentino, Vinícius de Oliveira Araújo, Henrique Zatti.

These authors jointly supervised this work: Manoel Barral-Netto, Soraya S. Smaili.

Authors and Affiliations

Laboratório de Medicina e Saúde Pública de Precisão (MeSP2), Instituto Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Salvador, Brazil

Pilar Tavares Veras Florentino, Viviane Boaventura & Manoel Barral-Netto

Centro de Integração de Dados e Conhecimentos para a Saúde (CIDACS), Instituto Gonçalo Moniz, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Salvador, Brazil

Pilar Tavares Veras Florentino, Vinícius de Oliveira Araújo, Henrique Zatti, Juracy Bertoldo Junior, George G. Caique Barbosa & Tales Mota Machado

Faculdade de Medicina da Bahia, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Salvador, Brazil

Vinícius de Oliveira Araújo, Viviane Boaventura & Manoel Barral-Netto

Departamento de Farmacologia, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Caio Vinícius Luis, Célia Regina Santos Cavalcanti, Matheus Henrique Citibaldi de Oliveira, Anderson Henrique França Figueredo Leão, Ernesto Ravera, Alberto Cebukin, Renata Bernardes David & Soraya S. Smaili

Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Danilo Batista Vieira de Melo

Diretoria de Tecnologia da Informação, Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Ouro Preto, Brazil

Tales Mota Machado

Disciplina de Moléstias Infecciosas, Escola Paulista de Medicina, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil

Nancy C. J. Bellei

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PTVF and VdOA conducted the study; NBVB, MB-N and SS conceived the idea; NB and VB idealized the plan of clinical analyzes, PTVF, HZ and AHFFL conducted the data analysis and JB and GGCB verified the scripts. All authors contributed to the study design. ER and AC were responsible for data obtaining, VdOA, ER, AC, PTVF, TMM, JB and GGCB were responsible for data curating and processing; RBD, VB, CVL, CRSC, MHC and DBVdM were responsible for the manual verification of the text mining automated extraction. PTVF and SS wrote the first draft, and further revised the manuscript; all authors critically revised the manuscript and approved the final version for submission. MB-N and SS jointly supervised this work.

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Correspondence to Manoel Barral-Netto or Soraya S. Smaili .

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The authors declare no competing interests.

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Veras Florentino, P.T., Araújo, V.d.O., Zatti, H. et al. Text mining method to unravel long COVID’s clinical condition in hospitalized patients. Cell Death Dis 15 , 671 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-024-07043-4

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Received : 13 April 2024

Revised : 28 August 2024

Accepted : 29 August 2024

Published : 13 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41419-024-07043-4

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term paper on text mining

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Text mining, also known as text data mining, is the process of transforming unstructured text into a structured format to identify meaningful patterns and new insights. You can use text mining to analyze vast collections of textual materials to capture key concepts, trends and hidden relationships.

By applying advanced analytical techniques, such as Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines (SVM), and other deep learning algorithms, companies are able to explore and discover hidden relationships within their unstructured data.

Text is a one of the most common data types within databases. Depending on the database, this data can be organized as:

  • Structured data: This data is standardized into a tabular format with numerous rows and columns, making it easier to store and process for analysis and machine learning algorithms. Structured data can include inputs such as names, addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Unstructured data:  This data does not have a predefined data format. It can include text from sources, like social media or product reviews, or rich media formats like, video and audio files.
  • Semi-structured data: As the name suggests, this data is a blend between structured and unstructured data formats. While it has some organization, it doesn’t have enough structure to meet the requirements of a relational database. Examples of semi-structured data include XML, JSON and HTML files.

Since  roughly 80% of data in the world resides in an unstructured format  (link resides outside ibm.com), text mining is an extremely valuable practice within organizations. Text mining tools and  natural language processing  (NLP) techniques, like  information extraction  (link resides outside ibm.com), allow us to transform unstructured documents into a structured format to enable analysis and the generation of high-quality insights. This, in turn, improves the decision-making of organizations, leading to better business outcomes.

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The terms, text mining and text analytics, are largely synonymous in meaning in conversation, but they can have a more nuanced meaning.  Text mining and text analysis identifies textual patterns and trends within unstructured data through the use of machine learning, statistics, and linguistics. By transforming the data into a more structured format through text mining and text analysis, more quantitative insights can be found through text analytics. Data visualization techniques can then be harnessed to communicate findings to wider audiences.

The process of text mining comprises several activities that enable you to deduce information from unstructured text data. Before you can apply different text mining techniques, you must start with text preprocessing, which is the practice of cleaning and transforming text data into a usable format. This practice is a core aspect of natural language processing (NLP) and it usually involves the use of techniques such as language identification, tokenization, part-of-speech tagging, chunking, and syntax parsing to format data appropriately for analysis. When text preprocessing is complete, you can apply text mining algorithms to derive insights from the data. Some of these common text mining techniques include:

Information retrieval

Information retrieval (IR) returns relevant information or documents based on a pre-defined set of queries or phrases. IR systems utilize algorithms to track user behaviors and identify relevant data. Information retrieval is commonly used in library catalogue systems and popular search engines, like Google. Some common IR sub-tasks include:

  • Tokenization: This is the process of breaking out long-form text into sentences and words called “tokens”. These are, then, used in the models, like bag-of-words, for text clustering and document matching tasks. 
  • Stemming: This refers to the process of separating the prefixes and suffixes from words to derive the root word form and meaning. This technique improves information retrieval by reducing the size of indexing files.

Natural language processing (NLP)

Natural language processing , which evolved from computational linguistics, uses methods from various disciplines, such as computer science, artificial intelligence , linguistics, and data science, to enable computers to understand human language in both written and verbal forms. By analyzing sentence structure and grammar, NLP sub-tasks allow computers to “read”. Common sub-tasks include:

  • Summarization: This technique provides a synopsis of long pieces of text to create a concise, coherent summary of a document’s main points.
  • Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging: This technique assigns a tag to every token in a document based on its part of speech—that is, denoting nouns, verbs, adjectives, and so on. This step enables semantic analysis on unstructured text.
  • Text categorization : This task, which is also known as text classification, is responsible for analyzing text documents and classifying them based on predefined topics or categories. This sub-task is particularly helpful when categorizing synonyms and abbreviations.
  • Sentiment analysis : This task detects positive or negative sentiment from internal or external data sources, allowing you to track changes in customer attitudes over time. It is commonly used to provide information about perceptions of brands, products, and services. These insights can propel businesses to connect with customers and improve processes and user experiences.

Information extraction

Information extraction (IE) surfaces the relevant pieces of data when searching various documents. It also focuses on extracting structured information from free text and storing these entities, attributes, and relationship information in a database. Common information extraction sub-tasks include:

  • Feature selection, or attribute selection, is the process of selecting the important features (dimensions) to contribute the most to output of a predictive analytics model.
  • Feature extraction is the process of selecting a subset of features to improve the accuracy of a classification task. This is particularly important for dimensionality reduction.
  • Named-entity recognition (NER) also known as entity identification or entity extraction, aims to find and categorize specific entities in text, such as names or locations. For example, NER identifies “California” as a location and “Mary” as a woman’s name.

Data mining

Data mining is the process of identifying patterns and extracting useful insights from big data sets. This practice evaluates both structured and unstructured data to identify new information, and it is commonly utilized to analyze consumer behaviors within marketing and sales. Text mining is essentially a sub-field of data mining as it focuses on bringing structure to unstructured data and analyzing it to generate novel insights. The techniques mentioned above are forms of data mining but fall under the scope of textual data analysis.

Text analytics software has impacted the way that many industries work, allowing them to improve product user experiences as well as make faster and better business decisions. Some use cases include:

Customer service: There are various ways in which we solicit customer feedback from our users. When combined with text analytics tools, feedback systems, such as chatbots , customer surveys, NPS (net-promoter scores), online reviews, support tickets, and social media profiles, enable companies to improve their customer experience with speed. Text mining and sentiment analysis can provide a mechanism for companies to prioritize key pain points for their customers, allowing businesses to respond to urgent issues in real-time and increase customer satisfaction. Learn how Verizon is using text analytics in customer service .

Risk management: Text mining also has applications in risk management, where it can provide insights around industry trends and financial markets by monitoring shifts in sentiment and by extracting information from analyst reports and whitepapers. This is particularly valuable to banking institutions as this data provides more confidence when considering business investments across various sectors. Learn how CIBC and EquBot are using text analytics for risk mitigation .

Maintenance: Text mining provides a rich and complete picture of the operation and functionality of products and machinery. Over time, text mining automates decision making by revealing patterns that correlate with problems and preventive and reactive maintenance procedures. Text analytics helps maintenance professionals unearth the root cause of challenges and failures faster.

Healthcare: Text mining techniques have been increasingly valuable to researchers in the biomedical field, particularly for clustering information. Manual investigation of medical research can be costly and time-consuming; text mining provides an automation method for extracting valuable information from medical literature.

Spam filtering: Spam frequently serves as an entry point for hackers to infect computer systems with malware. Text mining can provide a method to filter and exclude these e-mails from inboxes, improving the overall user experience and minimizing the risk of cyber-attacks to end users.

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Text Mining in Data Mining

In this article, we will learn about the main process or we should say the basic building block of any NLP-related tasks starting from this stage of basically Text Mining.

What is Text Mining?

Text mining is a component of data mining that deals specifically with unstructured text data. It involves the use of natural language processing (NLP) techniques to extract useful information and insights from large amounts of unstructured text data. Text mining can be used as a preprocessing step for data mining or as a standalone process for specific tasks. 

Text Mining in Data Mining?

Text mining in data mining is mostly used for, the unstructured text data that can be transformed into structured data that can be used for data mining tasks such as classification, clustering , and association rule mining. This allows organizations to gain insights from a wide range of data sources, such as customer feedback, social media posts, and news articles.

Text Mining vs. Text Analytics

Text mining and text analytics are related but distinct processes for extracting insights from textual data. Text mining involves the application of natural language processing and machine learning techniques to discover patterns, trends, and knowledge from large volumes of unstructured text.

However, Text Analytics focuses on extracting meaningful information, sentiments, and context from text, often using statistical and linguistic methods. While text mining emphasizes uncovering hidden patterns, text analytics emphasizes deriving actionable insights for decision-making. Both play crucial roles in transforming unstructured text into valuable knowledge, with text mining exploring patterns and text analytics providing interpretative context.

Why is Text Mining Important?

Text mining is widely used in various fields, such as natural language processing , information retrieval, and social media analysis. It has become an essential tool for organizations to extract insights from unstructured text data and make data-driven decisions.

“Extraction of interesting information or patterns from data in large databases is known as data mining.”

Text mining is a process of extracting useful information and nontrivial patterns from a large volume of text databases. There exist various strategies and devices to mine the text and find important data for the prediction and decision-making process. The selection of the right and accurate text mining procedure helps to enhance the speed and the time complexity also. This article briefly discusses and analyzes text mining and its applications in diverse fields.

As we discussed above, the size of information is expanding at exponential rates. Today all institutes, companies, different organizations, and business ventures are stored their information electronically. A huge collection of data is available on the internet and stored in digital libraries, database repositories, and other textual data like websites, blogs, social media networks, and e-mails. It is a difficult task to determine appropriate patterns and trends to extract knowledge from this large volume of data. Text mining is a part of Data mining to extract valuable text information from a text database repository. Text mining is a multi-disciplinary field based on data recovery, Data mining, AI, statistics , Machine learning , and computational linguistics.

Text Mining Process

Conventional Process of Text Mining

Conventional Process of Text Mining

  • Gathering unstructured information from various sources accessible in various document organizations, for example, plain text, web pages, PDF records, etc.
  • Pre-processing and data cleansing tasks are performed to distinguish and eliminate inconsistency in the data. The data cleansing process makes sure to capture the genuine text, and it is performed to eliminate stop words stemming (the process of identifying the root of a certain word and indexing the data.
  • Processing and controlling tasks are applied to review and further clean the data set.
  • Pattern analysis is implemented in Management Information System.
  • Information processed in the above steps is utilized to extract important and applicable data for a powerful and convenient decision-making process and trend analysis.

Common Methods for Analyzing Text Mining

  • Text Summarization: To extract its partial content and reflect its whole content automatically.
  • Text Categorization: To assign a category to the text among categories predefined by users.
  • Text Clustering: To segment texts into several clusters, depending on the substantial relevance.

Procedures for Analyzing Text Mining

Procedures for Analyzing Text Mining

Text Mining Techniques

Information retrieval.

In the process of Information retrieval, we try to process the available documents and the text data into a structured form so, that we can apply different pattern recognition and analytical processes. It is a process of extracting relevant and associated patterns according to a given set of words or text documents.

For this, we have processes like Tokenization of the document or the stemming process in which we try to extract the base word or let’s say the root word present there. 

Information Extraction

It is a process of extracting meaningful words from documents.

  • Feature Extraction – In this process, we try to develop some new features from existing ones. This objective can be achieved by parsing an existing feature or combining two or more features based on some mathematical operation.
  • Feature Selection – In this process, we try to reduce the dimensionality of the dataset which is generally a common issue while dealing with the text data by selecting a subset of features from the whole dataset.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing includes tasks that are accomplished by using Machine Learning and Deep Learning methodologies. It concerns the automatic processing and analysis of unstructured text information.

  • Named Entity Recognition (NER) : Identifying and classifying named entities such as people, organizations, and locations in text data.
  • Sentiment Analysis : Identifying and extracting the sentiment (e.g. positive, negative, neutral) of text data.
  • Text Summarization : Creating a condensed version of a text document that captures the main points.

Overview of Text Mining Techniques

Text Preprocessing phase Tokenization How can transform a text into words or text format? Transferring strings into a single textual token. White space separation.
Compound word identification How can I identify words that have a joint meaning? Identifying words with a joint meaning that gets lost word
and noise reduction How can I cope with too many variables in my Document‐Term‐Matrix? Reducing the dimensionality of Document‐Term‐Matrix  Stemming, , Deletion of stop words. infrequent term.
Linguistic analysis How can I identify words with a special meaning or grammatical function? Tagging of words Named‐entity recognition, Part‐of‐speech tagging
Content Analysis Dictionary‐based How can I identify how latent sociological or psychological traits and states are reflected in natural language? Measuring contextual, psychological, linguistic, or semantic concepts and constructs Pre‐defined dictionaries and Customized dictionaries
Algorithmic techniques How can I assign texts to predefined classes? Classifying textual entities into predefined categories techniques such as binary or multi‐class classifiers
Algorithmic techniques How can I group similar documents? Clustering of textual entities into formerly undefined and unknown techniques such as LDA, k‐means, or non‐negative

Text Mining Applications

  • Digital Library : Various text mining strategies and tools are being used to get the pattern and trends from journal and proceedings which is stored in text database repositories. These resources of information help in the field of research area. Libraries are a good resource for text data in digital form. It gives a novel technique for getting useful data in such a way that makes it conceivable to access millions of records online. A green-stone international digital library that supports numerous languages and multilingual interfaces gives a springy method for extracting reports that handle various formats, i.e. Microsoft Word , PDF, postscript, HTML , scripting languages, and email. It additionally supports the extraction of audiovisual and image formats along with text documents. Text Mining processes perform different activities like document collection, determination, enhancement, removing data, and handling substances, and Producing summarization.
  • Academic and Research Field : In the education field, different text-mining tools and strategies are utilized to examine the instructive patterns in a specific region/research field. The main purpose of text mining utilization in the research field is help to discover and arrange research papers and relevant material from various fields on one platform. For this, we use k-Means clustering and different strategies help to distinguish the properties of significant data. Also, student performance in various subjects can be accessed, and how various qualities impact the selection of subjects evaluated by this mining.
  • Life Science : Life science and healthcare industries are producing an enormous volume of textual and mathematical data regarding patient records, sicknesses, medicines, symptoms, and treatments of diseases, etc. It is a major issue to filter data and relevant text to make decisions from a biological data repository. The clinical records contain variable data which is unpredictable, and lengthy. Text mining can help to manage such kinds of data. Text mining is used in biomarkers disclosure, the pharmacy industry, clinical trade analysis examination, clinical study, and patent competitive intelligence also.
  • Social-Media : Text mining is accessible for dissecting and analyzing web-based media applications to monitor and investigate online content like the plain text from internet news, web journals, emails, blogs, etc. Text mining devices help to distinguish and investigate the number of posts, likes, and followers on the web-based media network. This kind of analysis shows individuals’ responses to various posts, and news and how it spread around. It shows the behavior of people who belong to a specific age group and variations in views about the same post.  
  • Business Intelligence : Text mining plays an important role in business intelligence that help different organization and enterprises to analyze their customers and competitors to make better decisions. It gives an accurate understanding of business and gives data on how to improve consumer satisfaction and gain competitive benefits. The text mining devices like IBM text analytics. This mining can be used in the telecom sector, commerce, and customer chain management system.

Advantages of Text Mining

  • Large Amounts of Data : Text mining allows organizations to extract insights from large amounts of unstructured text data.
  • Variety of Applications : Text mining has a wide range of applications, including sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and topic modeling.
  • Improved Decision Making
  • Cost-effective : Text mining can be a cost-effective way, as it eliminates the need for manual data entry.

Disadvantages of Text Mining

  • Complexity : Text mining can be a complex process requiring advanced skills in natural language processing and machine learning.
  • Quality of Data : The quality of text data can vary, affecting the accuracy of the insights extracted from text mining.
  • High Computational Cost : Text mining requires high computational resources, and it may be difficult for smaller organizations to afford the technology.
  • Limited to Text Data : Text mining is limited to extracting insights from unstructured text data and cannot be used with other data types.
  • Noise in text mining results: Text mining of documents may result in mistakes. It’s possible to find false links or to miss others. In most situations, if the noise (error rate) is sufficiently low, the benefits of automation exceed the chance of a larger mistake than that produced by a human reader.
  • Lack of transparency: Text mining is frequently viewed as a mysterious process where large corpora of text documents are input and new information is produced. Text mining is in fact opaque when researchers lack the technical know-how or expertise to comprehend how it operates, or when they lack access to corpora or text mining tools.

Text mining extracts valuable insights from unstructured text, aiding decision-making across diverse fields. Despite challenges, its applications in academia, healthcare, business, and more demonstrate its significance in converting textual data into actionable knowledge.

Text Mining- FAQs

What is text mining with example.

Text mining is extracting insights from text. Example: analyzing customer reviews to identify sentiments and preferences.

What is NLP and text mining?

NLP is Natural Language Processing, and text mining is using NLP techniques to analyze unstructured text data for insights.

Who uses text mining?

Industries such as healthcare, business, academia, and social media utilize text mining for data-driven decision-making.

What is text mining in Python?

Text mining in Python involves using libraries like NLTK or spaCy for natural language processing tasks.

Why is text mining used?

Text mining is used to extract insights from unstructured text data, aiding decision-making and providing valuable knowledge across various domains.

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BHP sees ‘fly-up’ in copper prices later, but short-term outlook cooler

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With EVs being three times as copper-intensive as internal combustion engine vehicles, BHP expects the transport sector to account for over 20% of global copper demand by 2040.

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13th September 2024

By: Mariaan Webb

Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor Online

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The diversified mining company has projected a strong outlook for the copper market, forecasting significant price increases owing to expected supply deficits in the latter part of the decade. However, its short-term outlook is more cautious, with the group lowering its forecast for Chinese demand this year and warning of a marginal surplus until the end of next year.

The Australia-headquartered mining giant bases its long- term outlook on the expectation of emerging deficit conditions in the copper market during the final third of the 2020s.

The company foresees a challenging environment for new copper production, with the marginal tonnes in the long-term market likely to originate from either lower- grade brownfield expansions in established mining regions or higher-grade greenfield projects in higher-risk, emerging areas.

“None of these sources of metal is likely to come cheaply, easily – or, unfortunately, promptly,” BHP states in its latest ‘Economic and Commodity Outlook’, highlighting the difficulties in bringing new copper supplies to market.

The company believes that these constraints could lead to a “fly-up” pricing regime, where copper prices become disconnected from traditional cost curves owing to a persistent excess of demand over supply.

The group anticipates a 70% growth in global copper demand between 2021 and 2050. But as global demand for copper continues to grow – driven by the metal’s critical role in renewable-energy technologies, electric vehicles (EVs) and infrastructure – the supply side faces significant hurdles in keeping pace. This imbalance, BHP warns, could lead to a period of elevated and volatile prices, exacerbated by insufficient inventory levels.

With EVs three times as copper- intensive as internal combustion engine vehicles, BHP expects the transport sector to make up over 20% of global copper demand by 2040, compared to only 11% today.

Data centres will be another source of solid copper demand growth, requiring vast amounts of power and cooling, which all require copper, to deliver AI-enabled services. Demand growth in this sector, currently about 1% of global copper demand, could grow sixfold out to 2050.

Meanwhile, in its short-term outlook, BHP notes that Chinese copper demand enjoyed a robust 2023, with a 6% year-on-year increase, driven by healthy growth across end-use sectors and strong demand from energy transition sectors. However, the company expects 2024 to 2025 to be a period of consolidation, with more modest growth of 1% to 2% year-on-year. This is a downgrade from BHP’s prior expectations, reflecting shifts in the Chinese real estate market, particularly the sharp contraction expected in housing completions, a major indicator for copper end-use in housing.

OECD economies are projected to see a modest demand recovery over the next 18 months, with the US expected to bounce back more rapidly than Europe and Japan. India continues to be a bright spot for demand growth, albeit from a relatively small base.

On the supply side, the copper mining sector experienced a tumultuous 2023, marked by unexpected mine closures and guidance downgrades for 2024. While mine supply disruptions in 2024 are expected to be in line with the 5% historical average, the events of 2023 have created a lower starting point, resulting in a projected supply growth of less than 2% year-on-year in 2024, improving to 4% in 2025.

Regional trends are varied, BHP notes, with African supply rising strongly, driven by Chinese investment in the Democratic Republic of Congo, while the Americas remain relatively stagnant, if not in decline.

In 2024, BHP expects the copper market to experience a marginal surplus, followed by a slightly larger, though still modest, surplus in 2025. However, this accumulation of inventory is likely to offer only minimal protection against the anticipated deficits in the latter half of the decade, the major notes.

Edited by Martin Zhuwakinyu Creamer Media Senior Deputy Editor

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Deformation-adapted spatial domain filtering algorithm for uav mining subsidence monitoring.

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1. Introduction

2. overview of the area, 2.1. overview of the experimental area, 2.2. overview of the study area, 3. materials, 3.1. data sources, 3.1.1. uav orthophoto data, 3.1.2. validate data, 4. principles and methods, 4.1. data characteristics, 4.2. error distribution of subsidence basin established by conventional method, 4.3. deformation-adapted spatial domain filtering algorithm, 5. results and discussion, 5.1. simulation experimental results, 5.2. case application results, accuracy assessment, 6. conclusions, author contributions, institutional review board statement, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Click here to enlarge figure

UAV modelDJI Phantom 4 RTKCamera nameFC6130r
Maximum flight time/min30Camera pixel20 megapixels
Camera sensorOne inch COMOS
Pixel width/px5472
Pixel high/px3648
TimeAltitude/mGSD/cmNumber of Images per IssueRoute OverlapLateral Overlap
23 June 2023501.410485%75%
DateAltitude/mGSD/cmOverlap RateNumber of ImagesWeather
4 March 2021250.780%/70%1109Sunny
1 April 2021250.780%/70%1091Sunny
18 April 2021250.780%/70%1100Cloudy
21 May 2021250.780%/70%1109Sunny
10 June 2021250.780%/70%1091Cloudy
13 July 2021250.780%/70%1100Sunny
11 January 2022250.780%/70%1100Sunny
PhaseRMSE in UAV Original Data Measurements (mm)RMSE in UAV Proceed Data Measurements (mm)Precision Improvement
Phase IV13838.5%
Phase V181138.9%
Phase VI201240.0%
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Zha, J.; Miao, P.; Ling, H.; Yu, M.; Sun, B.; Zhong, C.; Hao, G. Deformation-Adapted Spatial Domain Filtering Algorithm for UAV Mining Subsidence Monitoring. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 8039. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16188039

Zha J, Miao P, Ling H, Yu M, Sun B, Zhong C, Hao G. Deformation-Adapted Spatial Domain Filtering Algorithm for UAV Mining Subsidence Monitoring. Sustainability . 2024; 16(18):8039. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16188039

Zha, Jianfeng, Penglong Miao, Hukai Ling, Minghui Yu, Bo Sun, Chongwu Zhong, and Guowei Hao. 2024. "Deformation-Adapted Spatial Domain Filtering Algorithm for UAV Mining Subsidence Monitoring" Sustainability 16, no. 18: 8039. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16188039

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HDML: hybrid data-driven multi-task learning for China’s stock price forecast

  • Published: 13 September 2024

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  • Weiqiang Xu 1 ,
  • Yang Liu 1 ,
  • Wenjie Liu 1 ,
  • Huakang Li 2 &
  • Guozi Sun 1  

Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the China’s stock market, but investment risks have also emerged. Stock price is always unstable and non-linear, affected not only by historical transaction data but also by national policies, news, and other data. Stock price and textual data are beginning to be employed in the prediction process. However, the challenge lies in effectively integrating feature information derived from stock price and textual information. To address the problem, in this paper, this paper proposes a H ybrid D ata-driven M ulti-task L earning( HDML ) framework to predict stock price. HDML adopts hybrid data as model input, mining the transaction and capital flow data information in the stock market and considering the impact of investors’ emotions on the stock market. In addition, we incorporate multi-task learning, which predicts the closing price range of stock based on structured data and then corrects the prediction results through investors’ comment text data. HDML effectively captures the relationship between different modal data through multi-task learning and achieve improvements on both tasks. The experimental results show that compared with previous work, HDML reduces the RMSE of the evaluation set by 12.14% and improves the F1 score by an average of 13.64% at the same time. Moreover, value at risk (VaR), together with the HDML model, can help investors weigh the potential gains against the associated risks.

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The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and helpful suggestions. We acknowledge the support received from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 62472234, No. 62372245), and the Natural Science Foundation of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China under the grant number of 2024D01A55.

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School of Computer Science, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, No. 9 Wenyuan Road, Nanjing, 210023, Jiangsu, China

Weiqiang Xu, Yang Liu, Wenjie Liu & Guozi Sun

School of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, No. 111, Ren’ai Road, Suzhou, 215123, Jiangsu, China

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Weiqiang Xu: Conceptualization, Methodology, Writing -original draft; Yang Liu: Data curation, Writing -original draft; Wenjie Liu: Conceptualization, Data curation; Huakang Li: Writing -review and editing; Guozi Sun: Writing -review & editing.

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Appendix A: Specific data items and corresponding definition

The historical transaction dataset contains information such as opening price, closing price, highest price, and trading volume. The historical capital flow dataset contains information such as turnover rate, net inflow of major forces, and net inflow. The specific data items and corresponding definitions are as shown in Table 10 .

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Xu, W., Liu, Y., Liu, W. et al. HDML: hybrid data-driven multi-task learning for China’s stock price forecast. Appl Intell (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05838-8

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Accepted : 31 August 2024

Published : 13 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10489-024-05838-8

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