Teaching and Learning Inquiry

Scaffolding Critical Reading

Teachers in any discipline where reading matters should practice a robust scaffolding pedagogy to teach critical reading, in contrast to the more common but less direct approaches that often leave students to learn or not learn these skills themselves. In this essay, I describe how to adapt established methods for teaching writing (including templates) to teaching reading. To answer critics who might find the approach too “reductive,” I turn to scaffolding theory, which calls for purposefully—but temporarily—reductive teaching. Finally, I present qualitative and quantitative evidence from three years of an American literature course to show how a scaffolding approach can help students read critically.

Author Biography

Paul t. corrigan, university of tampa.

Paul T. Corrigan teaches at the University of Tampa (USA).

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the toni morrison society

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Harris, Ashleigh. "Toni Morrison and Yvonne Vera: An Associative Fugue." Scrutiny2: Issues in English Studies in Southern Africa 9.1 (2004): 6-18.

Harris, William. "Nobel Laureates: Toni Morrison and William Faulkner." Proteus: A Journal of Ideas 21.2 (2004): v+.

Hart, Stephen M. "Magical Realism in the Americas: Politicised Ghosts in One Hundred Years of Solitude , the House of the Spirits , and Beloved ." Tesserae: Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies 9.2 (2003): 115-23.

Hayes, Elizabeth T. "The Named and the Nameless: Morrison's 124 and Naylor's 'The Other Place' as Semiotic Chorae." African American Review 38.4 (2004): 669-81.

Hewlett, Peter. "Messianic Time in Toni Morrison's Beloved ." Agora: An Online Graduate Journal 1.1 (2001).

Hoem, Sheri I. "Disabling Postmodernism: Wideman, Morrison and Prosthetic Critique." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 35 (2002): 193.

Hogue, W. Lawrence. "Postmodernism, Traditional Cultural Forms, and the African American Narrative: Major's Reflex, Morrison's Jazz , and Reed's Mumbo Jumbo ." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 35 (2002): 169.

Hsu, Lina. "Aesthetic Experience of the Novel: The Narrative of Toni Morrison's Sula ." Studies in Language and Literature 9 (2000): 289-329.

Huang, Hsin-ya. "Three Women's Texts and the Healing Power of the Other Woman." Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 28.1 (2003): 153-80.

Humann, Heather Duerre. "Bigotry, Breast Milk, Bric-a-Brac, a Baby, and a Bit in Beloved : Toni Morrison's Portrayal of Racism and Hegemony." Interdisciplinary Literary Studies: A Journal of Criticism and Theory 6.1 (2004): 60-78.

Ingram, Penelope. "Racializing Babylon: Settler Whiteness and the 'New Racism.’" New Literary History: A Journal of Theory and Interpretation 32.1 (2001): 159-76.

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Jarrett, Gene. "'Couldn't Find them Anywhere': Thomas Glave's Whose Song? (Post)Modernist Literary Queerings, and the Trauma of Witnessing, Memory, and Testimony." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters 23.4 (2000): 1241-58.

Jones, Jacqueline M. "When Theory and Practice Crumble: Toni Morrison and White Resistance." College English 68.1 (2005): 57-71.

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Kang, Nancy. "To Love and Be Loved: Considering Black Masculinity and the Misandric Impulse in Toni Morrison's Beloved ." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters 26.3 (2003): 836-54.

Kanthak, John F. "Feminisms in Motion: Pushing the 'Wild Zone' Thesis into the Fourth Dimension." Lit: Literature Interpretation Theory 14.2 (2003): 149-63.

Kawash, Samira. "Haunted Houses, Sinking Ships: Race, Architecture, and Identity in Beloved and Middle Passage ." CR: The New Centennial Review 1.3 (2001): 67-86.

Kearly, Peter R. "Toni Morrison's Paradise and the Politics of Community." Journal of American & Comparative Cultures 23.2 (2000): 9-16.

Kellman, Sophia N. "To be Or Not to Be (Loved)." Black Issues in Higher Education 18.7 (2001): 29-31.

Kérchy, Anna. "Wild Words: Jazzing the Text of Desire: Subversive Language in Toni Morrison's Jazz ." AnaChronisT (2002): N. pag.

Kim, Min-Jung. "Expanding the Parameters of Literary Studies: Toni Morrison's Paradise ." Journal of English Language and Literature/Yongo Yongmunhak 47.4 (2001): 1017-40.

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Kim, Yeonman. "Involuntary Vulnerability and the Felix Culpa in Toni Morrison's Jazz ." Southern Literary Journal 33.2 (2001): 124-33.

King, Nicole. "'You Think Like You White': Questioning Race and Racial Community through the Lens of Middle-Class Desire(s)." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 35 (2002): 211.

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Kurdi, Mária. " ‘Teenagers' 'Gender Trouble' and Trickster Aesthetics in Gina Moxley's Danti Dan." ABEI Journal: The Brazilian Journal of Irish Studies 4 (2002): 67-82.

Kwon, Teckyoung. "[Toni Morrison's Sula : 'we was girls together']." Studies in Modern Fiction 9.1 (2002): 5-28.

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Mandel, Naomi. "'I Made the Ink': Identity, Complicity, 60 Million, and More." MFS: Modern Fiction Studies 48.3 (2002): 581-613.

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McCarthy, Cameron. ARIEL: A Review of International English Literature 31.1-2 (2000): 231-53.

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Muñoz, Patricia. "'On the Edge of the Main Body': Womanhood, Race and Myth-Making in Toni Morrison's Beloved and Gayl Jones' Corregidora and Song for Anninho ." BELL: Belgian Essays on Language and Literature (2002): 109-20.

Murray, Robin. "Textual Authority, Reader Authority, and Social Authority: Reconfiguring Literature and Experience in a Reader-Response Context." Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature, Literary/Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 8.1-2 (2000): 9-21.

Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo. "An Abiku-Ogbanje Atlas: A Pre-Text for Rereading Soyinka's Aké and Morrison's Beloved ." African American Review 36.4 (2002): 663-78.

Okonkwo, Christopher N. "A Critical Divination: Reading Sula as Ogbanje-Abiku." African American Review 38.4 (2004): 651-68.

Otero-Blanco, Angel. "The African Past in America as a Bakhtinian and Levinasian Other. 'Rememory' as Solution in Toni Morrison's Beloved ." Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies 22 (2000): 141-58.

Othow, Helen Chavis. "Comedy in Morrison's Terrestrial Paradise ." CLA Journal 47.3 (2004): 366-73.

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Parker, Emma. "A New Hysteria in Toni Morrison's Beloved ." Twentieth Century Literature: A Scholarly and Critical Journal 47.1 (2001): 1-19.

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Quashie, Kevin Everod. "The Other Dancer as Self: Girlfriend Selfhood in Toni Morrison's Sula and Alice Walker's The Color Purple ." Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 2.1 (2001): 187-217.

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Reid, E. Shelley. "Beyond Morrison and Walker: Looking Good and Looking Forward in Contemporary Black Women's Stories." African American Review 34.2 (2000): 313-28.

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Sathyaraj, V. "'Dragon Daddies and False-Hearted Men': Patriarchy in Toni Morrison's Love ." Notes on Contemporary Literature 35.5 (2005): 2-4.

Schueller, Malini Johar. "Articulations of African-Americanism in South Asian Postcolonial Theory: Globalism, Localism, and the Question of Race." Cultural Critique 55 (2003): 35-62.

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Schur, Richard. "Dream Or Nightmare? Roth, Morrison, and America." Philip Roth Studies 1.1 (2005): 19-36.

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Schwartz, Larry. "Toni Morrison and William Faulkner: The Necessity of a Great American Novelist." Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice 5 (2002): 16 pars.

Sherard, Tracey. "Women's Classic Blues in Toni Morrison's Jazz : Cultural Artifact as Narrator." Genders 31 (2000): 40 pars. (Electronic publication).

Shiffman, Smadar. "Someone Else's Dream? an Approach to Twentieth Century Fantastic Fiction." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 13.4 (2003): 352-67.

Spargo, R. Clifton. "Trauma and the Specters of Enslavement in Morrison's Beloved ." Mosaic: A Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature 35.1 (2002): 113-31.

Stewart, Jacqueline. "Negroes Laughing at Themselves? Black Spectatorship and the Performance of Urban Modernity." Critical Inquiry 29.4 (2003): 650-77.

Story, Ralph D. "Sacrifice and Surrender: Sethe in Toni Morrison's Beloved ." CLA Journal 46.1 (2002): 21-47.

Sweeney, Megan. "Racial House, Big House, Home: Contemporary Abolitionism in Toni Morrison's Paradise ." Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism 4.2 (2004): 40-67.

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Thomas, H. Nigel. "Further Reflections on the Seven Days in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon ." Literary Griot: International Journal of Black Expressive Cultural Studies 13.1-2 (2001): 147-59.

Thomas, Valorie D. "'1 + 1 = 3' and Other Dilemmas: Reading Vertigo in Invisible Man , My Life in the Bush of Ghosts , and Song of Solomon ." African American Review 37.1 (2003): 81-94.

Thompson, Carlyle V. "'Circles and Circles of Sorrow': Decapitation in Toni Morrison's Sula ." CLA Journal 47.2 (2003): 137-74.

Toda, Yukiko. "Toni Morison no Sura Ni Okeru Porikuronotoposu no Kozo." Kobe Jogakuin Daigaku Kenkyujo Yakuin/Kobe College Studies 47.3 (2001): 173-85.

Tonegawa, Maki. "Shadrack no Sherushokku: Sula Saiko." Studies in American Literature (Kyoto, Japan) 38 (2001): 135-51.

Torres, Roberto. "La Africanización Del Sujeto Como Constructo De La Identidad Racial Del Blanco En La Novela Cumboto, De Ramón Díaz Sánchez." Afro-Hispanic Review 20.2 (2001): 8-17.

Traore, Ousseynou B. "Where to Dry Ourselves: Essays Celebrating Achebe & Morrison at 70." Literary Griot: International Journal of Black Expressive Cultural Studies 13.1-2 (2001): 1-160.

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Trussler, Michael. "Spectral Witnesses: The Doubled Voice in Martin Amis's Time's Arrow , Toni Morrison's Beloved and Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire ." Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 14.1 (2003): 28-50.

Valkeakari, Tuire. "Beyond the Riverside: War in Toni Morrison's Fiction." Atlantic Literary Review 4.1-2 (2003): 133-64.

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Vega-González, Susana. "A Comparative Study of Danticat's The Farming of Bones and Morrison's Beloved ." Estudios Ingleses de la Universidad Complutense 13 (2005): 139-53.

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Wall, Cheryl A. "Extending the Line: From Sula to Mama Day ." Callaloo: A Journal of African-American and African Arts and Letters 23.4 (2000): 1449-63.

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Wardi, Anissa J. "Inscriptions in the Dust: A Gathering of Old Men and Beloved as Ancestral Requiems." African American Review 36.1 (2002): 35-53.

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Weathers, Glenda B. "Biblical Trees, Biblical Deliverance: Literary Landscapes of Zora Hurston and Toni Morrison." African American Review 39 (2005): 201-12.

Webster, William S. "Toni Morrison's Sula as a Case of Delirium." Tennessee Philological Bulletin: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Tennessee Philological Association 38 (2001): 49-58.

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Yancy, George. "The Black Self within a Semiotic Space of Whiteness: Reflections on the Racial Deformation of Pecola Breedlove in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye ." CLA Journal 43.3 (2000): 299-319.

Yoo, JaeEun. "'Talking to You and Hearing You Answer—That's the Kick': History and Dialogue in Toni Morrison's Jazz ." Exit 9: The Rutgers Journal of Comparative Literature 7 (2005): 87-101.

Young, John. "Toni Morrison, Oprah Winfrey, and Postmodern Popular Audiences." African American Review 35.2 (2001): 181-204.

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Research output : Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)27-42
Number of pages16
StatePublished - 1997

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T1 - Lolita

T2 - A Text for Rereading

AU - Cooper, David

M3 - Article

JO - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy

JF - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy

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Guest Essay

The Mystery of JD Vance Is Unraveling

Senator JD Vance holds his hand over his heart as he greets supporters in the crowd at the Republican National Convention.

By Thomas B. Edsall

Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality.

JD Vance embodies the pros and cons of political competition in a divided America. He helps, and he hurts.

GZero Media broke this out neatly in a piece it posted on his “pluses and minuses” during the Republican National Convention:

Vance strengthens Donald Trump’s “champion of the working man” message — a Republican rebranding away from its strongly pro-business past. We also saw that emphasis in the striking first-night convention speech from Sean O’Brien, president of the Teamsters, a labor union with 1.3 million members, who accused business and corporate lobbyists of “waging a war against American workers.” That’s not a speech you would have heard at any Republican National Convention of the past century. Vance’s reputation as defender of the globalization-battered working class can help Trump in the electorally crucial Midwest industrial belt states of Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. But Vance is also an absolutist on restricting abortion, the Republican’s biggest current weakness, according to polls. He has adopted Trump’s line that abortion rules should be left to the states, but his voting record is striking. He favors banning abortions, even if the mother is a victim of rape or incest , as well as laws that allow police to track women who have crossed state lines for an abortion. He has opposed legislation that would protect in vitro fertilization. A poll earlier this month showed that 61 percent of U.S. adults want their state to allow abortion for any reason, and 62 percent support protections for access to IVF.

During the 2022 Ohio Republican Senate primary race, the Republican pollster Tony Fabrizio warned Vance that many Republican voters hold “the perception that he is anti-Trump” because, up until that time, he had been willing to describe the 2020 contest only as “unfair.”

“I think the election was stolen from Trump,” Vance declared in a Republican Senate debate two months later.

In an interview with The Youngstown Vindicator, an Ohio newspaper, Vance contended that there was extensive fraud in 2020, including a “big tech” conspiracy directed by Mark Zuckerberg, the chief executive of Facebook.

Vance told The Vindicator that Zuckerberg spent $420 million “buying up local boards of elections in battleground states of mostly Democratic areas” to “tilt” the vote in Biden’s favor.

Vance didn’t stop there. “We have a fake country right now,” he said. “If a billionaire can go and buy up votes in our biggest geographies and tilt an election, transform who can be president, it’s really, really dangerous stuff.”

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Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy


  • Submissions
  • Issues 51-54
  • Issues 41-50
  • Issues 31-40
  • Issues 21-30
  • Issues 11-20

Issues 1-10

  • Current Issue

Issue Number 10 Fall 1983

Relationships Between Response Theories and Reading Research: A Note from The Editor

Theory and Research in Reading: Insights From Socio-Psycholinguistics Robert F. Carey

The Role of Selection Strategies in Literary-Critical Reading(s) James Sosnoski

Relationships Between Reader-Response and the Research of Kenneth and Yetta Goodman William Powers

Complementarities: Reading Research and Theories of Response Elizabeth A. Flynn

Letters to the Editor: David Bleich Brian G. Caraher

Selected Bibliography

Issue Number 9 Spring 1983

Ideologies of Reader-Oriented Literary Theory: A Note from the Editors

Bleich and Iser on the Reader’s Role Ed Block

Experience, Authority and Theoretical Ideals: A Methodological Critique of Some Recent Reader-Response Criticism and Theory Brian Gregory Caraher

Literature Lost or the Politics of Justification Larysa Mykyta

Reading for an Image of the Reader: A Response to Block, Caraher, and Mykyta Charles Altieri

Issue Number 8 July 1980

Announcements Wendy Deutelbaum

The Woman Reader and The Male Critical Establishment Ann R. Shapiro

“What Right Have I, a Woman,  to Read All These Things that Man has Done?” Virginia Woolf as Reader Brenda R. Silver

Woman Reading: A Phenomenonological Approach Elizabeth A. Flynn

A New Kind of Reader: The Chicana Feminist Margarita Cota-Cardenas

The Spectator and The Viewer Catherine Johnson

A Feminist Reading of Can You Forgive Her and Portrait of a Lady Kossia Orloff

Issue Number 7 January 1980

Reading Reading in Literature William W. Stowe

Teaching Reading William E. Cain

Reading Aloud and the Composing Process Leone Scanlon

Report from Indiana: On Two Courses David Bleich

Fantasy in Fiction: Studying Literature Through Readers Susan M. Eliott

Some Issues Related to Reader-Oriented Teaching Susan M. Eliott

Report from France Vickey Mistacco

Report on the 1979 NEMLA Forum on The Reader of Literature Susan Elliot

Issue Number 6 June 1979

This issue is comprised of responses to David Bleich’s Subjective Criticism

Untitled Robert Crossman

Untitled Susan M. Elliott

Resymbolizing Subjective Criticism James J. Sosnoski

Untitled Jeanne Murray Walker

Authorizing Authority in Subjective Pedagogy Wendy Deutalbaum

David Bleich Replies To: Robert Crossman Susan Elliott James Sosnoski Jeanne Walker Wendy Deutalbaum

Issue Number 5 October 1978

Four Types of Reader Robert Crossman

All Readers Reading Steven Mailloux

An Act of Reciprocity Temma Berg

Reading a Fairy Tale Jennifer Waelti-Walters

Communication Theory and the Real Reader Thomas H. Zynda

The Energies of the Body in Literary Response David Downing

Is There Such a Thing as Reading? P. Cortland

Editor’s Comment Robert Crossman

Issue Number 4 1978

What is Reader-Oriented Criticism? Susan Suleiman

Seminar: The Reader in Modern French Fiction Vicki Mistacco

Teaching Literature Through Readers Susan M. Elliott

Creative Writing and Student Reading Peter Parisi

Teaching Reader Responses Wendy Deutalbaum

Walter J. Slatoff

Issue Number 3 July 1977

Responses to New Literary History (Vol.8, no.1; Autumn 1976) Daniel Laferriere Peter Rabinowitz Don Hendrick

The “Valuing Relation” in Naumann’s “Literary Production and Reception”: Some Theoretical and Practical Conclusions Stan S. Rubin

The Reader as a Person Susan Elliott

More Responses to New Literary History (Vol.8, no.1; Autumn 1976) Robin Miller Robert Crossman

Future Issues



Issue Number 2 April 1977

Editor’s Note Robert Crossman

Further Plan’s for 1977 MLA Convention

Other Information

Bibliographic Supplement

Issue Number 1 January 1977

Summary of the Forum on the Reader of Literature, 1976 MLA Convention R. Crossman

Plans for the 1977 MLA Convention R. Crossman

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  1. Reader

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  2. Reader-Response Theory and Criticism

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  1. Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy

    Reader is a semiannual publication that generates discussion on reader-oriented theory, criticism, and pedagogy. Originating in 1976 as a newsletter responding to the growing interest in reader-response criticism and theory within literary studies, this interdisciplinary journal now enjoys an international circulation and contributors from diverse backgrounds.

  2. Reader

    Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. Toggle mobile menu. Toggle search field. Search for: Home; About; Subscriptions; Submissions; Archive. Issues 51-54; Issues 41-50; ... Deanne Bogdan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education Michael T. Bunn, University of Southern California Neal Bruss, University of Massachusettes ...

  3. Issues 41-50

    From Silent/Silenced Reading to Reading Aloud, The Impact of Reader on a Discipline in Flux Kathleen McCormick & Gary Waller. Authorial Readers, Flesh and Blood Readers, and the Recursiveness of Rhetorical Reading James Phelan. Reading as Communicative Action Patrocinio P. Schweickart. Reader-Response Theory, Social Criticism and Personal Writing

  4. Attending to the Act of Reading: Critical Reading, Contemplative

    148 Reader: Essay: in Razz;/er—Orienter1 777e0ry, Criticism, andPerkzgogy the same text again for themselves in, say, a different color, the setback disappears (70, 79). We can assume the significance ofactive reading only increases when we want more from students than just recall and comprehension. More basically, taking for granted how ...

  5. Reader (Houghton):Essays in Reader-oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy

    READER (HOUGHTON):ESSAYS IN READER-ORIENTED THEORY, CRITICISM, AND PEDAGOGY. ISSN 0742-9681; Diffusion; Title: READER (HOUGHTON):ESSAYS IN READER-ORIENTED THEORY, CRITICISM, AND PEDAGOGY Country: United States. Subject: ... Education Abstracts (EBSCO) Why? Education Collection (ProQuest) Why? Education Source Ultimate (EBSCO)

  6. Scaffolding Critical Reading

    Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy vols. 65-66: 146-73. Corrigan, Paul T. 2017. "Oblivious Interpretation: Teaching Mark Twain's 'The War-Prayer.'" Teaching American Literature: A Journal of Theory and Practice 9 (1): 118-26. Corrigan, Paul T. 2019. "Threshold Concepts in Literary Studies."

  7. PDF Reconsidering Readers: Louise Rosenblatt and Reader-Response Pedagogy

    reading in a democracy; (4) she defined a continuum of stances which readers have in. response to different texts; and (5) she presented a unified theory and pedagogy for the. teaching of reading. By reconsidering Rosenblatt's ideas, we can find reader-response. pedagogy that is helpful for instructors of developmental reading.

  8. Reader : essays in reader-oriented theory, criticism, and pedagogy

    Reader : essays in reader-oriented theory, criticism, and pedagogy., , Toronto Public Library


    BELL: Belgian Essays on Language and Literature (2002): 109-20. Murray, Robin. "Textual Authority, Reader Authority, and Social Authority: Reconfiguring Literature and Experience in a Reader-Response Context." Readerly/Writerly Texts: Essays on Literature, Literary/Textual Criticism, and Pedagogy 8.1-2 (2000): 9-21. Ogunyemi, Chikwenye Okonjo.

  10. Issues 51-54

    The Reader in Ann E. Berthoff's Forming/Thinking/Writing: The Composing Imagination: Discourses and Disciplinary Changes 1970-1990 James Thomas Zebroski. The Sun and the Thunder: The Enlightenment and the Power of Ann Berthoff 's Pedagogical Journey Richard Sanzenbacher. Philosophy and Pedagogy Beth Daniell. How Much Does an Angel Weigh?

  11. The Turns of Reader-Response Criticism

    activities of literary criticism, history, theory, and pedagogy. In this brief essay I analyze early forms of this diversity in the 1970s and suggest some new turns reader-response criticism has taken in the 1980s. Rhetoric as trope (figurative language) and as argument (persuasion) provides the framework for my discussion of reader-oriented ...

  12. Jeff Buchanan

    Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. 50 (Spring 2004): 59-75. He is a member of Ohio Teachers of English Language Arts (OCTELA), Western Reserve Ohio Teachers of English (WROTE), and he has been active on the YSU English Festival Committee since he joined the faculty at YSU.

  13. PDF Ellen C. Carillo University of Connecticut

    "The Preface as Pedagogy: Joseph Conrad Seeks to Develop Readers' Sensibilities." Reader: Essays in . Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy, vol. 61, 2012, pp. 33-49. "The Importance of Tutoring Style in the Writing Center." WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. Sept./Oct 2011, pp. 8-11.

  14. Reading authority, writing authority

    JO - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. JF - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. IS - 21. ER - Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine ...

  15. Announcements

    Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy, are interested in receiving essays on relation-ships between reading and postmodernism, postcolonialism, multiculturalism, cultural studies, and composition. These special issues will encourage articles that explore questions of reader-response criticism and new ways of looking at the classroom.

  16. A Text for Rereading

    JO - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. JF - Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Theory, Criticism, and Pedagogy. ER - Powered by Pure, Scopus & Elsevier Fingerprint Engine ...

  17. Issues 21-30

    Issue Number 30 Fall 1993. Gender and Reading: Note. Toward a Theory of Gendered Reading. Harriet Kramer Linkin. From Reading "Against" to Reading "With": Feminism and the Subject of Reading. Liedeke Plate. Cinderella in the Classroom: (Mis)Reading Alice Munro's "Red Dress-1946". Charlotte Goodman. Negotiating Gaps in Reader ...

  18. Opinion

    The fundamentally technocratic and rules-oriented nature of spaceflight requires improvisation and spontaneity — the elusive quality that voters like to call authenticity.

  19. The Mystery of JD Vance Is Unraveling

    Mr. Edsall contributes a weekly column from Washington, D.C., on politics, demographics and inequality. JD Vance embodies the pros and cons of political competition in a divided America. He helps ...

  20. Issues 1-10

    Ideologies of Reader-Oriented Literary Theory: A Note from the Editors. Bleich and Iser on the Reader's Role Ed Block. Experience, Authority and Theoretical Ideals: A Methodological Critique of Some Recent Reader-Response Criticism and Theory Brian Gregory Caraher. Literature Lost or the Politics of Justification Larysa Mykyta