Creating Positive Futures

Why it’s hard for students to “just turn in” missing assignments, and how to get them unstuck

Mar 29, 2023 | Blog

another word for missing assignments

With the end of the semester on the horizon, many students may feel overwhelmed by low grades or feeling behind in some of their classes.

As a parent, it can be stressful to see that your student has overdue work, or get notifications from their teacher that they’re missing assignments. 

It’s even more frustrating when you’ve told them over and over again how important it is to “just turn it in”…but the work is still showing up as missing.

The reality is that no matter how simple it might seem to an outside observer, doing missing work is almost never as easy as “just getting it done.” If they haven’t done the work yet, there’s a good chance that something is getting in their way. 

If you can figure out what the problem is before jumping in to help them (or make them) do the work, you’ll dramatically increase your chances of success.

In our experience, there are usually 3 main reasons students resist submitting their missing work…even when it seems like “just turning it in” would be SO much easier!

Reason 1: They think it won’t make a difference

Once the due date for an assignment has passed, students often de-prioritize it and move on to focus on upcoming assignments instead. It’s tempting for students to justify this by thinking “there are lots of other assignments, missing one or two won’t matter.”

But what they often don’t realize is that because of the way most grading scales are weighted, even one or two zeros can have an enormous impact on their grade. Showing students the difference it makes to turn in just a few assignments can increase their motivation to get the work done. 

Here’s an example of the difference it can make to turn in just a few missing assignments before the end of the semester:

another word for missing assignments

Overall grade with 3 missing assignments: 78.3%

another word for missing assignments

Overall grade when assignments are turned in: 90.1%

It’s hard for students to calculate these averages in their head, so it can be really powerful for them to run the numbers and see firsthand exactly how much they have to gain from making up their missing assignments.

When we do calculations like this with our students, they are almost always surprised by how much this makeup work could improve their grades, and feel much more motivated to submit the assignments when they can see for themselves the difference it will make.

Reason 2: They think it’s too late

Another reason students often resist doing makeup work is that they think it’s too late to get credit for it. 

Even if they’ve done the math and know that submitting the work would make a difference in their grade, they still won’t want to turn it in if they think the teacher won’t accept it.

Especially for introverted or anxious students, it can be very intimidating to have conversations with their teachers. They might think they’ll get in trouble for asking to submit their work late, or worry that the teacher will say “no.”

The good news is that many teachers are flexible with their late work policies and allow students to turn in overdue assignments even when it is past the “official” deadline to submit them.

So if students can find the courage to ask for help, there is a good chance that their teachers will respond positively and allow them an opportunity to make up the work.

For students who are struggling to reach out to teachers, we often find it is helpful to roleplay these conversations in coaching sessions if they’re not sure what to say, or work with them to email their teachers if they’re not sure what to say.

Reason 3: They feel overwhelmed

Students who are behind on their work often have challenges keeping track of due dates, managing time, breaking down complex assignments, prioritizing work, staying focused, or following through with plans….which is why they fell behind in the first place. 

These challenges can become even more daunting when they are behind in their classes, and trying to complete makeup assignments on top of their normal workload.

This can feel so stressful that a lot of students avoid or put off doing makeup work even when they   know   how much it would improve their grade.

another word for missing assignments

For these students to get their work submitted, it’s essential to help them find ways to…

  • Break down the assignments so they have a realistic plan for getting the work done that they’re confident they can actually follow through with
  • Lower the stress they feel while they are doing the work so they will be less tempted to avoid it
  • Visualize the progress they are making so they can see that their efforts are making a difference

Providing support

When students have a lot of makeup work to complete, having some additional support to help them work through it can be invaluable. 

For some students, this may mean finding a tutor to help them with the content they didn’t understand when their teacher was first presenting the material. 

For other students, having a family member or friend nearby as a source of moral support to keep them company while they are working (and a motivating reward to look forward to as soon as the work is completed) can be enormously helpful.

Other students may benefit from working with an academic coach to help them get unstuck and started on their missing work. Sometimes, having someone else who is not a family member step in to help can reduce stress and conflict at home and make it easier for students to take the steps they need to get back on track in their classes. If you think this type of support would be helpful for your student, please feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help! 

another word for missing assignments

Top 10 Strategies For Catching Up on Missed Schoolwork and Ending The Year Successfully

It’s that time of year when many of the sessions in my private practice involves a discussion with my child or teen clients about strategizing ways to catch up a long list of missed assignments and end the school year successfully.

As a child psychologist and Modern Parenting Expert, I’ve unfortunately seen this scenario play out with many of my clients every year and it breaks my heart. It makes sense that many kids find themselves overwhelmed by late work in the second half of the school year. The first half of the year takes off slowly, allowing the child or teen to ease on in to homework, projects, and the material. Then, Christmas break happens and the child gets used to a slower pace for a while, and then January hits with a BANG!

Teachers mean business after the holidays are over. There is no more easing into the material and work, and the expectations are very high when it comes to producing work. In addition to this less-understanding attitude of the teacher, the academic material naturally becomes more complex and intense too. This scenario oftentimes creates a situation where it becomes very easy for kids and teens of become overwhelmed by the new demands of the second half of the school year.

But I have good news for you: even if your child is SUPER behind in their schoolwork, they can still end the school year on a positive note (and pass all of their classes!) by using the 10 strategies below. These are the same exact strategies that I use with all of my private practice clients, and I’ve seen many families rejoice with relief at the end of the year when their child brings home their well-deserved good grades.

The Strategies

Strategy #1: If you haven’t already, talk to your child’s teacher(s) to get an accurate accounting of the missed assignments and ask for extra time to get these assignments turned in.

For younger kids, the parent definitely needs to take control of this. Kids who are in elementary, middle school, and  junior high just don’t have the communication skills necessary to have this important conversation with their teacher(s) and then report accurately back to mom and dad. Do yourself a favor, and take charge of this conversation yourself.

For kids who are in high school, these older kids can be encouraged to have this discussion on their own; however, if your child has a history of procrastination, lying, or academic anxiety, then it is probably better than you get involved in this conversation as well.

The point of this conversation is to get an accurate accounting of what assignments are actually missing. I know that when both my kids were in school, the online grading programs were not always accurate (we used Aries), so talking to the teacher(s) is the only way to ensure that you are getting an accurate idea of the amount of work that needs to be made up.

In addition to discussing which assignments are due, also see if the teacher is on board with your child turning in the assignments late. I’ve found that most teachers (even the grumpy ones) would rather a student turn in their work late than not at all, so most teachers will work with you on a new timeline for missing work.

Strategy #2: Make a realistic weekday AND weekend plan for completing missing assignments.

Now that you know exactly what you child is up against, sit down with them and create a realistic plan for getting it all done. What does realistic mean? It means that both you and your child need to come to terms with the fact that this won’t get fixed overnight. This will take time.

I recommend starting off slow because most kids at this point are so overwhelmed with the idea of making up so much work, that they need to first see that they are capable of tackling this big task. Many parents (and sometimes kids) want to start off by planning that the child or teen will spend all of their free time on homework.

This is just setting your child up for failure.

Look at your list of missing assignments and due dates. Plan to have your child work on 2-4 missing assignments per day on the weekday and more on the weekend (depedning on weekend family activities). Don’t expect your child to complete more that this even if they were able to complete 4 assignments in a half an hour and they have tons of time left in the day. Make a plan and stick to it. The point is to help your child see that they can take a problem, devise a solution, and work consistently on the solution successfully.

Especially with kids and teens who also experience anxiety, this step of the plan helps to manage the anxiety surrounding the missed work. When kids are using all of their cognitive capacity to worry about their academic work, they don’t have much cognitive energy left to actually work on their assignments. By creating a realistic plan, managing the anxiety surrounding the academic stress, and then plugging away every day at the plan, your child or teen will actually be able to work on their assignments more efficiently.

Strategy #3: Go For The Quick Win.

This step is counterintuitive to what most parents instinctively want to do. I’ve seen many parents set their child or teen up for failure when they encourage their child to work on hard assignments first, but this ALWAYS backfires.

For example, let’s say your plan is to have your teenager tackle 3 missing assignments per day and you tell your child to work on a science report that is worth a lot of points as 1 of their assignments for the day. More than likely, this assignment takes a long time to complete because it is really involved. Many kids and teens get discouraged at this point because they don’t see the plan working.

Instead of going for those larger projects first (and I totally understand the reasoning behind why you would want them to start with these projects) start with the “easy wins” first. Choose short assignments, Or assignments in the classes that your child likes or finds easier than other classes.

The point here is to allow your child to experience progress and success. If  they see the plan working, then they are more likely to continue with the plan and have a better attitude about working on their missing assignments.

Strategy #4: Create a New Habit Routine – And Don’t Forget The Reward Phase.

Scientific research shows us that creating a “Habit Loop” is the best way of establishing – and keeping – positive behavior patterns. The image below illustrates Charles Duhigg’s Habit Loop. A new behavior needs a reminder (like a particular time of the day) which influences the desired behavior. In order to keep the habit going, the subject must experience some kind of reward after performing the behavior such as some well-earned video game time, the ability to facetime a friend, etc.

another word for missing assignments

Most of the time, I recommend that the reward be something that the child likes to do in their down time. 

For more on the Habit Loop, check out THIS ARTICLE on my Parenting The Modern Family blog .

Strategy #5: Take Care of HALTS Before Starting Homework.

It’s hard for anyone to concentrate if they are Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired, or Stressed; as such, be sure these common discomforts are addressed. I always recommend that kids should have a snack before starting homework – and research backs me up here. A healthy and quick snack increases their glucose level (the energy needed for your child’s brain to function well), so ensuring they are not hungry goes a long way in helping them get their missing assignments done.

If your child or teen seems angry – or bothered by any other negative emotion – then allow them to deal with that emotion. For example, if your child is angry that they need to do homework instead of play outside with their friends, allow them to talk about their anger and then have a positive discussion with them that they can play with their friend as soon as their homework for the day is finished. If you allow your child to “push down” their emotions, then they’ll just sit there giving cognitive energy to their emotions instead of their homework.

Likewise, if your child is lonely, offer to sit with them while they work – or have the family dog or cat keep them company. If they are tired, re-evaluate their bedtime. Maybe they need to go to bed a half hour earlier. And if they are stressed about their homework, help them decrease their stress levels by using this technique .

As you can see, taking care of your child or teen’s physical and emotional needs goes a long way in meeting the goal of catching up with their missed assignments.

Strategy #6: Consider Pausing Extracurriculars For a While.

If your child or teen has a long list of work that needs to be made up, it might make sense to pause their extracurricular activities. This really isn’t meant to be a punishment per se, but it is a natural consequence of taking care of major responsibilities first. You know your child and the situation regarding their extracurriculars best, so if it makes sense to “pause” their extracurriculars, then go ahead and do so.

Strategy #7: Deal With The Overwhelm.

Dealing with overwhelm is a life skill that most kids haven’t learned yet. Yes – this is a LEARNED SKILL.

It can be very frustrating working with a child or teen who only focus on the goal (getting all the missing assignments completed) and not the small steps in attaining that goal (working on one task at a time). Many young clients sit in my office and focus only on the overwhelming idea of a mountain of work that must be done. When I begin working with them about developing a plan to address their missing work, they shut down and can’t seem to even concentrate on thinking of a plan. They tell me, “That will never work – I have too much to do,” and I have to remind them, “Yes, but you can’t do it all at once. You can only do one task at a time, so which task should you concentrate on first?”.

When your child starts “spiraling” at the thought of so much work that needs to be done, bring them back to reality by reminding them that they can’t do every task right now. Ask them to choose only 1 task to think about (and try to make it a quick win – see strategy #3 above).

Strategy # 8: Get Educational Support For Your Child.

Many kids ignore assignments because they are too difficult for them. Every child has their own unique strengths and weaknesses, which means that most kids won’t be great at every class. If your child is struggling with a particular subject (especially in the last half of the year when the subject matter becomes more complex and difficult) then consider a tutor.

Now, a tutor can mean several things. One type of tutor is someone who has been trained in education and makes a living helping kids overcome their educational struggles. This can be very expensive though. I often ask parents if they have a teenage or college-age person in the family who might be able to come and work with the child for a short period of time. Older kids often like mentoring younger family members. Not only is this a cheaper alternative, but I’ve seen this situation really be effective.

If you need to, get creative with looking for someone to act as a tutor for your child.

Strategy #9: Remember To Take Breaks.

Adults have learned to “power through” things, but kids and most teens still have not developed this life skill yet. Because of this, they will need to take frequent breaks when working on long session of homework. I recommend that kids and teens should take a break every 45 minutes, take a 10-15 minute break, and then get back to work again.

A great technique is the pomodoro method, and this method has some scientific backing that it is very useful. All you have to do is set a timer (there are even tons of pomodoro apps for your phone!) for 45 minutes. When the timer goes off, let your child take a break. They can look at their phones, watch a short Youtube video, go to the bathroom, etc. Set the timer for again for the break time (10 or 15 minutes). When the timer goes off again, that’s the signal that it’s back to work. Set the timer again for 45 minutes and repeat.

You can even challenge your child or teen to work through several pomodoro sessions. This method works well because the timer never lies, and the child learns to take their cues from the sound of the timer.

Strategy #10: Contact a Child Therapist To Help Your Child Work Through Difficult Feelings That Are Holding Them Back From Achieving Their True Potential.

There’s nothing I hate more than seeing kids or teens not living up to their full potential, but this happens a lot when they are also dealing with feelings of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, or difficulties with concentration (such as ADHD). The only way for your child or teen to move past these feelings that are sidelining them is to deal with them in therapy.

In my private practice, I am passionate about helping kids reach their goals. As a child psychologist and Modern Parenting Expert, I have specific training in helping kids overcome obstacles that are common to this generation of young people. I have helped kids and teens overcome problems with motivation, low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and many other issues.

Call (909) 326-2562 today to schedule a free 20-minute phone consultation to see if I am a good fit in working with your child. Or click here to use my online scheduler to schedule the phone consultation today.

Your child or teen CAN overcome any obstacle with the right support!

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4 strategies to get those missing assignments turned in

Student doing homework assignment

Published: May 13, 2022

As we get closer and closer to the end of the school year, it happens as reliably as the changing of the seasons—students notice the late, missing, or forgotten assignments that might have a real impact on their grade.

Sound familiar?

Most teachers spend too much valuable time toward the end of the school year reminding students about their missing assignments. This process doesn’t have to be time-consuming or painful though.

Here are 3 simple and repeatable tips to help classroom teachers encourage students to—finally—submit those late, missing, or forgotten assignments.

1. Help students manage their own assignment completion

There’s no better way to promote accountability than to help students to keep track of and manage their own assignments list. LMS tools like Schoology or Google Classroom make the process easier than ever before.

With clear assignment instructions and due dates, every student can log into their LMS and see a clean list of which assignments have been turned in, and which are still outstanding—even if they miss a class!

2. Get parents, families, and caregivers on board to help keep students on track

One of the best ways to keep students from getting too far behind is to recruit the champions they have outside school. When parents and guardians are kept in the loop about the assignments that are upcoming—along with expectations and due dates—they can help students avoid missing assignments well before the due date.

Keeping parents and guardians aware when assignments become late or get entered as missing increases the likelihood that assignment will get completed too. The Parent/Guardian Portal in Schoolytics gives parents and guardians easy access to student assignments in each of their classes. There are even reminders you can automate when an assignment is late or counted missing.

another word for missing assignments

3. Send automated reminders when assignments are past due

You know what they say about an ounce of prevention…

Setting up a Schoolytics account and syncing it with your Google Classroom ( remember: it’s free to sign up! ) lets teachers set up an automated report of late or missing assignments. You never have to click into each Classroom for assignment details!

The Late Work Report in Schoolytics shows all assignments from all students across your active classrooms in Google Classroom that were turned in after the due date

You can even set up automatic reports for late or missing assignments—Friday late work roundup anyone? And now you can send a bulk reminder to every student with a link to their missing work.

Bulk Email Missing Assignments

4. Try a new communication method

Each generation of students is more online than the last, and Gen Z is spending most of its time on video-forward platforms like YouTube and TikTok. As teachers, we can either fight this reality or lean into it in our communication with students.

The good news is that the rise of online video has coincided with the advent of easy-to-use video creation tools, making it easier than ever to create engaging videos for free. Tools like Veed are great for trimming videos and testing your webcam to ensure you get the perfect take to keep students engaged and on top of their assignments.

In conclusion...

These interventions make it quick and simple to keep students on track for assignment completion. And they reduce the headache for teachers to have to manage chasing down late or missing assignments.

Have any other tips for helping keep late and missing assignments under control? Let us know on Twitter at @Schoolytics

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How to Never Miss an Assignment Again

Never miss an assignment again.

That which you had been dreading has happened. You either completely forgot about an assignment that was due or wasn’t able to finish and turn it in on time. While missing an assignment is something most college students are bound to face in a certain point of their academic trajectory, it can be a very unpleasant experience which can result in several complications with your marks in a specific subject. The best thing would indeed be not having to go through it.

However, with so many things going on at the same time, so many tests to revise for and a ton of other assignments due as well, it may often seem like science-fiction to be able to have everything prepared on time. True, it may be difficult, but it’s not impossible. In this article, we will give you some useful tips to help you organize yourself better and, as we say in Spain, “not get caught by the bull”… again.

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Let’s state the most important thing first, and that is

Forgive yourself. Regardless of the circumstances why you weren’t able to hand in your assignment on time. Acknowledging you’ve made a mistake and that you need to correct it is the first step towards improvement. Come to terms with what has happened and then let go; after all, there’s no use in torturing yourself over what you could have done differently once you can’t do anything else about it.

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Speak to your professor

If you weren’t able to complete your assignment because you or someone in your family have had a health-related problem, teachers are more likely to put themselves in your place and give you a chance to compensate for the mishap. Also, if you or one of your relatives have been ill, ask the doctor for a medical letter to show to your professor and prove that you’re not just making up an excuse.

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There’s (almost) nothing a good dialogue can’t solve

Even if you’ve missed your assignment deadline because you prioritized other things or simply because you procrastinated too much, talk to your lecturer if there’s anything else you could do in order not to fail the subject. Perhaps for this class, they’ll be taking the final exam’s marks more into account; or there are other assignments which would give you a good opportunity to make up for the incident. Keep in mind, however, that every professor is a world of their own. Just because Professor X told you that you could do a paper about tropical fish to compensate for the missed assignment doesn’t mean that Professor Y is willing to give you that chance. And furthermore, don’t try to have your way at all costs: if your professor says that there are no more opportunities, accept that no means no.

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Don’t let it happen again!

Whenever one of your professors proposes a new paper to turn in or a new project to present, take good note of it in your calendar or agenda so that you make sure not to forget about it and end up having the deadline catching up with you. Once you have the date in which your assignment is due in mind, you can start preparing it with enough anticipation.

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Get to work!

Go to your college or local library and start gathering the materials necessary for completing your project/assignment: read books, look up information online, take notes, write up some drafts… Of course, you don’t need to work yourself to death in a matter of a few days, on the contrary: dedicate every day a little time to your task, even if it isn’t more than an hour. If you start gathering up information and writing a couple of paragraphs since the very first day, you’ll see how you’ll have it done in time!

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“I’m stuck?! Help, please!”

Is your assignment topic too complicated? You don’t even know where to start? Are you at a total loss? Don’t worry we all have been there. If you see yourself struggling with your assignment, you can always ask your professor your doubts or request for a tutorship. If you address them in a polite manner and they see you truly interested in your work, they won’t refuse. Another tip that always helps is regularly attending your lectures: more often than not, your professors may drop little hints about what they’re looking for in an assignment… or even in the final exam! You can also resort to asking around your circle of college friends for some solidarity between partners. Keep in mind that at least two heads think more than one!

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If you follow these tips, you’ll see how you won’t miss another assignment again during your college years. But even if missing an assignment is not a very nice experience, think that you’re also a human after all and that it is impossible not to make a single mistake every now and then. Furthermore, there is always a valuable lesson to be learned from our slip-ups.

Do you think there are any other pieces of advice that should be taken into account for not missing your assignments’ and projects’ deadlines? If so, feel welcome to share them with us in the comment section.

We all know what it is to miss an assignment... 🙈 it can be a very unpleasant experience which can result in several complications with your marks on a specific subject. Here are 6 tips and tricks to help you avoid it.

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noun as in responsibility, task

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noun as in selecting or setting apart

  • distribution
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Example Sentences

He traveled to China, India, Russia, and Africa for fashion-related assignments.

Among his previous assignments were stints in war zones like Afghanistan and the Congo.

He also had a reputation for not sticking to the brief of his assignments.

His writing assignments were filled with “a disturbing level” of mayhem, war, and death.

The first faux-Fleming assignments went to writers such as Kingsley Amis (writing as “Robert Markham”) and John Gardner.

Toward the end of the campaign his assignments increased until all his time was taken.

Assignments came to be made of one acre to a family, near the palisaded hamlet for convenience and better security.

For a short time he had no assignments that taxed his abilities in either direction.

If you make as good time as you have made on some other assignments, you can get back here before 10:30.

Not a lot of business-reporting assignments involved spending time with half-naked, sun-baked dudes in remote southern junkyards.

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Synonyms of assign

  • as in to task
  • as in to allot
  • as in to cede
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Thesaurus Definition of assign

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • share (out)
  • parcel (out)
  • redistribute
  • reapportion

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • deprive (of)
  • appropriate
  • pass (down)
  • expropriate
  • single (out)

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How is the word assign different from other verbs like it?

Some common synonyms of assign are ascribe , attribute , credit , and impute . While all these words mean "to lay something to the account of a person or thing," assign implies ascribing with certainty or after deliberation.

In what contexts can ascribe take the place of assign ?

The synonyms ascribe and assign are sometimes interchangeable, but ascribe suggests an inferring or conjecturing of cause, quality, authorship.

How is attribute related to other words for assign ?

Attribute suggests less tentativeness than ascribe , less definiteness than assign .

Where would credit be a reasonable alternative to assign ?

In some situations, the words credit and assign are roughly equivalent. However, credit implies ascribing a thing or especially an action to a person or other thing as its agent, source, or explanation.

When is it sensible to use impute instead of assign ?

While in some cases nearly identical to assign , impute suggests ascribing something that brings discredit by way of accusation or blame.

Examples of assign in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'assign.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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“Assign.” Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 5 Sep. 2024.

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Thesaurus for Assignments

Related terms for assignments - synonyms, antonyms and sentences with assignments, similar meaning.

  • allocations
  • commissions
  • delegations
  • conveyances
  • appointment
  • designation
  • responsibilities
  • consignments

Opposite meaning

  • entertainment
  • entertainments
  • high level of unemployment
  • high rate of unemployment
  • unemployment

Common usage

  • automated workforce
  • engagements
  • low unemployment
  • empirical work
  • employments
  • undertakings
  • specifications
  • ascriptions
  • identifications
  • determinations
  • denominations

Sentence Examples

Proper usage in context.

  • Let's hope I don't bungle any of my assignments
  • Tears were splotched on all her homework assignments
  • The switch seemed to cause Carey to overthink his assignments
  • Confirm the replacement of assignments as prompted
  • Deleting cycle will delete all assignments and jobs


What is another word for Assignment ?

Synonyms for assignment əˈsaɪn mənt as·sign·ment, this thesaurus page includes all potential synonyms, words with the same meaning and similar terms for the word assignment ., princeton's wordnet rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes.

assignment, duty assignment noun

a duty that you are assigned to perform (especially in the armed forces)

"hazardous duty"

Synonyms: appointment , assigning , duty assignment , assignment , designation , grant , naming

assignment noun

the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another

Synonyms: appointment , assigning , duty assignment , designation , grant , naming

assignment, assigning noun

the act of distributing something to designated places or persons

"the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum"

grant, assignment noun

(law) a transfer of property by deed of conveyance

Synonyms: duty assignment , appointment , subsidisation , assigning , designation , naming , assignment , grant , concession , subsidization

an undertaking that you have been assigned to do (as by an instructor)

appointment, assignment, designation, naming noun

the act of putting a person into a non-elective position

"the appointment had to be approved by the whole committee"

Synonyms: duty assignment , appellation , appointment , date , appellative , assigning , designation , appointee , identification , assignment , naming , grant , fitting , engagement , denomination

Matched Categories

  • Legal Document
  • Transferred Property
  • Undertaking

Editors Contribution Rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes

duty, homework, job, responsibility, task, chore, schoolwork

1. a piece of work that needs to be done regularly 2. something assigned to be read or studied

1. his first newspaper assignment was writing obituaries 2. have you found essay writer to write an assignment for tomorrow?

at, we understand the unique pressures faced by nursing students in australia. our dedicated team of experienced professionals is here to provide comprehensive support tailored to your specific needs. one of the biggest challenges nursing students encounter is managing the sheer volume of coursework while maintaining high academic standards. our expert writers specialize in nursing and are well-versed in the latest research, trends, and practices in the field. whether you need assistance with essays, case studies, care plans, or research papers, we have the knowledge and expertise to deliver top-quality assignments that meet your requirements. in addition to academic support, we also offer guidance on practical aspects of nursing assignments, such as evidence-based practice, critical thinking, and effective communication. our goal is not only to help you achieve academic success but also to develop the skills and confidence you need to excel in your future career as a nurse. we understand that every student has unique learning preferences and challenges. that's why our approach is highly personalized. when you choose, you'll work closely with a dedicated academic advisor who will take the time to understand your goals, strengths, and areas for improvement. whether you need help brainstorming ideas, structuring your paper, or polishing your final draft, we're here to provide the support and guidance you need every step of the way. furthermore, we prioritize timely delivery and adhere to strict quality standards to ensure that every assignment meets our rigorous criteria for excellence. with our nursing assignment help in australia, you can rest assured that your work will be completed to the highest standards of academic integrity and professionalism. don't let the stress of nursing assignments hold you back. take the first step towards academic success and professional growth by partnering with with our expert assistance and support, you can confidently navigate the challenges of nursing education and embark on a rewarding career in healthcare.

pieces of work

because a assignment/task is an piece of work.

we need to finish our work: we need to finish our assignment.

Dictionary of English Synonymes Rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes

Synonyms: appointment , allotment , apportionment

Synonyms: ( Law. ) transfer , conveyance

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated Words Rate these synonyms: 0.0 / 0 votes

Synonyms: transfer , conveyance , apportionment , appointment , allotment , allocation , emplacement , determination specification , adducing

PPDB, the paraphrase database Rate these paraphrases: 0.0 / 0 votes

List of paraphrases for "assignment":

allocation , developmental , assignments , assigning , divestiture , transfer , cession , mapping , development , allocations , posting , mission , relinquishment , conveyance , stations , attribution , mappings , allotment , allocating , assign , surrender , placement , subpoena , task , earmarking , award , transfers , appointment , disposal , dispatch , postings

Suggested Resources

Song lyrics by assignment -- Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by assignment on the website.

How to pronounce Assignment?

How to say assignment in sign language, usage in printed sources from:  .

  • [["1515","3"],["1575","1"],["1600","33"],["1620","1"],["1624","2"],["1631","1"],["1635","1"],["1637","1"],["1667","1"],["1668","3"],["1669","1"],["1673","1"],["1675","2"],["1676","2"],["1677","3"],["1678","5"],["1679","1"],["1680","2"],["1682","2"],["1683","2"],["1685","1"],["1687","1"],["1688","3"],["1692","1"],["1698","1"],["1700","1"],["1701","1"],["1703","4"],["1705","2"],["1706","64"],["1708","4"],["1709","2"],["1710","1"],["1711","2"],["1712","1"],["1713","14"],["1714","1"],["1715","2"],["1716","2"],["1717","1"],["1720","2"],["1723","2"],["1725","4"],["1726","2"],["1727","5"],["1728","4"],["1732","1"],["1734","6"],["1735","2"],["1736","3"],["1737","11"],["1738","1"],["1739","5"],["1741","3"],["1744","1"],["1745","2"],["1746","2"],["1747","4"],["1748","3"],["1749","6"],["1750","6"],["1751","25"],["1752","44"],["1753","11"],["1754","16"],["1755","12"],["1756","6"],["1757","11"],["1758","6"],["1759","30"],["1760","21"],["1761","22"],["1762","2"],["1763","26"],["1764","25"],["1765","11"],["1766","21"],["1767","10"],["1768","31"],["1769","22"],["1770","30"],["1771","29"],["1772","16"],["1773","32"],["1774","24"],["1775","65"],["1776","42"],["1777","65"],["1778","39"],["1779","9"],["1780","21"],["1781","21"],["1782","25"],["1783","99"],["1784","15"],["1785","126"],["1786","126"],["1787","209"],["1788","330"],["1789","47"],["1790","76"],["1791","334"],["1792","180"],["1793","134"],["1794","229"],["1795","150"],["1796","209"],["1797","171"],["1798","133"],["1799","269"],["1800","430"],["1801","351"],["1802","317"],["1803","257"],["1804","163"],["1805","267"],["1806","155"],["1807","1010"],["1808","232"],["1809","380"],["1810","418"],["1811","438"],["1812","489"],["1813","380"],["1814","253"],["1815","426"],["1816","593"],["1817","972"],["1818","783"],["1819","721"],["1820","1118"],["1821","1466"],["1822","1219"],["1823","939"],["1824","1516"],["1825","1344"],["1826","2505"],["1827","866"],["1828","1007"],["1829","1488"],["1830","1245"],["1831","1398"],["1832","1412"],["1833","824"],["1834","845"],["1835","720"],["1836","1687"],["1837","1609"],["1838","1745"],["1839","1732"],["1840","1660"],["1841","1836"],["1842","1157"],["1843","1509"],["1844","2186"],["1845","2196"],["1846","2210"],["1847","2408"],["1848","2250"],["1849","3065"],["1850","1577"],["1851","2220"],["1852","2033"],["1853","3736"],["1854","2743"],["1855","2437"],["1856","3284"],["1857","2000"],["1858","5498"],["1859","3033"],["1860","2153"],["1861","1909"],["1862","1072"],["1863","1657"],["1864","2521"],["1865","2078"],["1866","3141"],["1867","3751"],["1868","2742"],["1869","3308"],["1870","3220"],["1871","2666"],["1872","2565"],["1873","4372"],["1874","2058"],["1875","2560"],["1876","2786"],["1877","6677"],["1878","3953"],["1879","4134"],["1880","3196"],["1881","4566"],["1882","7067"],["1883","4319"],["1884","7695"],["1885","6153"],["1886","7617"],["1887","4955"],["1888","5221"],["1889","5122"],["1890","4578"],["1891","3741"],["1892","3965"],["1893","3629"],["1894","4499"],["1895","6933"],["1896","5174"],["1897","5652"],["1898","6104"],["1899","5842"],["1900","6290"],["1901","7297"],["1902","6769"],["1903","8202"],["1904","10719"],["1905","10667"],["1906","8825"],["1907","7779"],["1908","8616"],["1909","5887"],["1910","7614"],["1911","8916"],["1912","7978"],["1913","8301"],["1914","10843"],["1915","8905"],["1916","6600"],["1917","9177"],["1918","8559"],["1919","8014"],["1920","10642"],["1921","13303"],["1922","16989"],["1923","8609"],["1924","10271"],["1925","9596"],["1926","11521"],["1927","12419"],["1928","11921"],["1929","10005"],["1930","11211"],["1931","12273"],["1932","16043"],["1933","8778"],["1934","10576"],["1935","10966"],["1936","11607"],["1937","14070"],["1938","15076"],["1939","13116"],["1940","13037"],["1941","13869"],["1942","12562"],["1943","11084"],["1944","8506"],["1945","10608"],["1946","15292"],["1947","17338"],["1948","19206"],["1949","21761"],["1950","23256"],["1951","26204"],["1952","23177"],["1953","20258"],["1954","23626"],["1955","25585"],["1956","24383"],["1957","28600"],["1958","30916"],["1959","29323"],["1960","32503"],["1961","35699"],["1962","38894"],["1963","41534"],["1964","44235"],["1965","47399"],["1966","50977"],["1967","55909"],["1968","59273"],["1969","57057"],["1970","59039"],["1971","61863"],["1972","66152"],["1973","63901"],["1974","68092"],["1975","66031"],["1976","65049"],["1977","72571"],["1978","72165"],["1979","79879"],["1980","77206"],["1981","85394"],["1982","84583"],["1983","86783"],["1984","98632"],["1985","103135"],["1986","113729"],["1987","113707"],["1988","118706"],["1989","124008"],["1990","135467"],["1991","134375"],["1992","150495"],["1993","136624"],["1994","153750"],["1995","157840"],["1996","162994"],["1997","173630"],["1998","175743"],["1999","194976"],["2000","207924"],["2001","210907"],["2002","246654"],["2003","260491"],["2004","275391"],["2005","278557"],["2006","286947"],["2007","266818"],["2008","267811"]]

Words popularity by usage frequency


How to use Assignment in a sentence?

Merrick Garland :

We are, of course, under no illusions that our expressions of concern and assignment of law enforcement resources has solved this problem.

Lois James :

There's a huge stigma around mental illness, sometimes, when correctional officers do speak up about having a hard time, they're not provided with the support they need and either taken off assignment or shuffled around.

Jenny Yip :

If something doesn’t sit well with you, rather than being passive aggressive about it, acknowledge what is or isn’t working and then have a conversation with whoever is giving you this assignment, defiers usually don’t feel equipped to have these conversations with who they see as authority figures, or they don’t believe that having the conversations would give them any benefit or positive outcome. … That’s not necessarily true.

Herry Jam :

Assignment help: Your compass through the labyrinth of learning, guiding you to success one task at a time.

Adam Miller :

Some of the language that was used within the assignment I felt that some of the kids might not even understand what it even means.

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"Assignment." STANDS4 LLC, 2024. Web. 5 Sep. 2024. < >.


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  • assignation noun
  • assigned adj
  • assignee noun
  • assigning noun
  • Assignment noun
  • assignments
  • assignmnets
  • assignor noun

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  1. Synonyms for Missed assignment

    32 other terms for missed assignment - words and phrases with similar meaning. academic arrear. academic backlog. academic fail. academic failure. academic failures. academic regress. academic regression. academic underperformance.

  2. MISSED ASSIGNMENT in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for MISSED

    Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Missed assignment meaning and usage. ... Related terms for missed assignment- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with missed assignment. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. nouns. Synonyms Similar meaning. View all. academic arrear. academic backlog.

  3. 38 Synonyms & Antonyms for ASSIGNMENT

    Find 38 different ways to say ASSIGNMENT, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  4. ASSIGNMENT Synonyms: 97 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSIGNMENT: task, job, duty, project, mission, chore, responsibility, function; Antonyms of ASSIGNMENT: dismissal, discharge, firing, expulsion ...

  5. 17 Ways to Get Your Students to Actually Do Their Work

    Post assignments clearly - in more than one place if possible (in the classroom and on your class website). Email parents to keep them in the loop. - Laurie O. Reduce or eliminate homework. If your students work well in the classroom but just don't do their homework, this radical-sounding idea might be just the solution you've been ...

  6. Why it's hard for students to "just turn in" missing assignments, and

    Here's an example of the difference it can make to turn in just a few missing assignments before the end of the semester: Overall grade with 3 missing assignments: 78.3%. Overall grade when assignments are turned in: 90.1%.

  7. Top 10 Strategies For Catching Up on Missed Schoolwork and Ending The

    Plan to have your child work on 2-4 missing assignments per day on the weekday and more on the weekend (depedning on weekend family activities). Don't expect your child to complete more that this even if they were able to complete 4 assignments in a half an hour and they have tons of time left in the day. Make a plan and stick to it.

  8. 4 strategies to get those missing assignments turned in

    2. Get parents, families, and caregivers on board to help keep students on track. One of the best ways to keep students from getting too far behind is to recruit the champions they have outside school. When parents and guardians are kept in the loop about the assignments that are upcoming—along with expectations and due dates—they can help ...

  9. What is another word for assignment

    Synonyms for assignment include job, charge, task, duty, mission, commission, responsibility, work, business and chore. Find more similar words at!

  10. What is another word for assignments

    recognitions. imputations. adscriptions. placements. referrals. "What followed was an assignment of tasks to staff based on their skillset.". Noun. . Plural for an act of making a legal transfer of a right or liability.

  11. How to Never Miss an Assignment Again

    Let's state the most important thing first, and that is. Forgive yourself. Regardless of the circumstances why you weren't able to hand in your assignment on time. Acknowledging you've made a mistake and that you need to correct it is the first step towards improvement. Come to terms with what has happened and then let go; after all ...

  12. ASSIGNMENTS Synonyms: 92 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSIGNMENTS: tasks, duties, jobs, projects, chores, missions, responsibilities, functions; Antonyms of ASSIGNMENTS: dismissals, firings, discharges ...

  13. Assignments synonyms

    Another way to say Assignments? Synonyms for Assignments (other words and phrases for Assignments).

  14. 38 Synonyms & Antonyms for ASSIGNMENTS

    Find 38 different ways to say ASSIGNMENTS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at

  15. assignment: OneLook Thesaurus and Reverse Dictionary

    OneLook helps you find words for any type of writing. Similar to a traditional thesaurus, it find synonyms and antonyms, but it offers much greater depth and flexibility. Simply enter a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence to describe what you need. Press Enter or choose from the autocomplete suggestions to explore related words.


    ASSIGNMENT - Synonyms, related words and examples | Cambridge English Thesaurus

  17. ASSIGN Synonyms: 146 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSIGN: task, entrust, charge, trust, impose, intrust, confer, allocate; Antonyms of ASSIGN: deny, retain, deprive (of), withhold, keep, begrudge ...

  18. Assignments Synonyms & Antonyms

    Find all the synonyms and alternative words for assignments at, the largest free online thesaurus, antonyms, definitions and translations resource on the web.

  19. ASSIGNMENTS in Thesaurus: 100+ Synonyms & Antonyms for ASSIGNMENTS

    Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Assignments meaning and usage. Thesaurus for Assignments. Related terms for assignments- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with assignments. Lists. synonyms. antonyms. definitions. sentences. thesaurus. Parts of speech. nouns. verbs. Synonyms Similar meaning. View all. tasks.

  20. Assignment Synonyms & Antonyms

    the instrument by which a claim or right or interest or property is transferred from one person to another. Synonyms: appointment, assigning, duty assignment, designation, grant, naming. assignment, assigning noun. the act of distributing something to designated places or persons. "the first task is the assignment of an address to each datum".

  21. Assignments Synonyms: 34 Synonyms and Antonyms for Assignments

    Synonyms for ASSIGNMENTS: distributions, nominations, divisions, authorizations, appointments, designations, allotments, allocations, tasks, homeworks, jobs ...