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Thesis on Concrete Structural Design for Sustainability (Optimising Structural Form) 2013

Profile image of Koketso Moyaba

Concrete structures have been designed throughout history by paying attention to their form. Before the invention of reinforced concrete, it was imperative to design a concrete structure that took mainly if not entirely compressive loads. This was done to avoid the relative weakness of earlier building materials, including unreinforced concrete under tensile loads. These form-active concrete structures are potentially the most efficient concrete structural components with regard to their load carrying capacity in relation to their weight. Form-active design is more complex since it requires an understanding of the shape the concrete structure would take under a particular load if it had no bending stiffness, i.e. if it were to behave like a cable. Due to the high structural efficiency, form-active structures play an important role with regard to sustainability. They use less material to achieve higher load carrying capacities, and therefore they reduce the use of natural resources. This thesis focuses on concrete floor slabs in residential buildings and small commercial buildings. The aim is to study the behaviour of these slabs under loading and analyse how structural form considerations can lead to better design solutions. These structural components were chosen due to their significant contribution to the construction of both residential and small commercial buildings. However, this choice imposes certain restrictions in the freedom of designing form-active structures; i.e. dimensional restriction such as depth of the slab, flatness of the slab on the top surface, etc. These restrictions are important since they determine whether the slab will be able to correctly perform its function. The analytical methodology involved designing a set of traditional solid slabs and improving their designs according to material and cost optimisations. These slabs were then compared with form active slabs which were designed to take the parabolic shape of their bending moment diagrams. From an analysis of the designs, it was found that form active slabs are approximately two times more efficient than the traditional solid slab. This efficiency is with regard to load carrying capacity and the amount of material used, both concrete and steel. The reduction in the concrete used for a form-active slab with the same span as a traditional solid slab, can be approximately 60% and that of steel can be approximately 70%. These values are a clear indication that the consideration of structural form can lead to better and sustainable solutions. One way spanning slabs can be applied to both residential and small commercial buildings since these buildings are commonly constructed as post-and-beam structures, with discontinuous joints. Furthermore these buildings have significantly lower and more predictable loads than other types of buildings. This helps with regard to avoiding failure by unexpected excessive point loads. Larger commercial and institutional buildings such as malls, hospitals, etc. can also adopt the application of one way spanning form-active slabs. This is because of the common attribute most of these buildings have, which is large hallways and corridors, which are suitable application areas for these types of slabs. This thesis has in this regard successfully shown the economical and sustainable advantages of concrete structural design through the consideration of structural form by investigating the special case of one way form-active slabs.

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An integral design concept for ecological self-compacting concrete

  • Building Materials

Research output : Thesis › Phd Thesis 2 (Research NOT TU/e / Graduation TU/e)

Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor of Philosophy
Awarding Institution
Supervisors/Advisors , Promotor
Award date1 Apr 2010
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Print ISBNs978-90-6814-628-8
Publication statusPublished - 2010

Bibliographical note

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  • 10.6100/IR674188
  • 201010175 Final published version, 23.2 MB


  • Design Concept Engineering 100%
  • Compacting Concrete Engineering 100%
  • Self Compacting Concrete Material Science 100%
  • Building Material Engineering 14%
  • Sized Particle Engineering 14%
  • Concrete Industry Engineering 14%
  • Concrete Surface Engineering 14%
  • Cost (Price) Engineering 14%

T1 - An integral design concept for ecological self-compacting concrete

AU - Hunger, M.

N1 - Proefschrift.

N2 - This Thesis addresses an alternative design concept for Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). SCC is a special type of concrete with superior workability, which flows and compacts in all corners of a formwork just by the influence of gravity. Introduced to the concrete world in the late 1980s, SCC has been enthusiastically received by the researchers and was referred to be "the most revolutionary development in concrete construction for several decades." However, till this day SCC is only hesitantly accepted by the concrete industry. The reasons are analyzed in this thesis. The presented design concept is a packing-based approach which considers the entire particle size span of all solid ingredients from the finest to the coarsest particle. Using continuous geometric packing models, an optimization algorithm was developed, which allows, only by the introduction of some basic material information, to perform a computer-based optimization which can be adapted to its practical needs with only a few experimental steps on mortar scale. Along with the preparation of this new simplified design concept, powders, the most important fraction of SCCs, were analyzed in detail. In particular the relationship between grading (packing) and the water demand were of interest. One of the outcomes is a model about a constant water layer around any sized particle, which allows the prediction of water demands and workability. A further advantage of the mix design is the replaceability of materials which allows for an optimization with the locally available materials, one major request of the industry. Moreover, alternative materials, preferably mineral waste materials can be added to the mix this way. Due to the improvement of packing notably less cement is needed to obtain a certain strength compared to conventionally designed SCCs and the produced SCC possess a remarkable stability. This lowered cement content and the possibility to introduce large amounts of waste materials notably improves the ecological balance sheet of this new type of concrete. The outcome is a new type of SCC with superior workability and a possibly lower cost price than conventional concrete while having less impact on the environment - a true-eco SCC. The ecological assessment is carried out using feasible models beyond the carbon footprint which is typically referred to. In order to strengthen the position of concrete as an ecological and sustainable construction material, two more aspects are investigated. This is the use of encapsulated Phase-Change Materials (PCMs) and the application of a self-cleaning and air-purifying effect on concrete surfaces. Both aspects comprise enormous potential and add new functions to the construction material concrete, which by now is truly a high-tech building material.

AB - This Thesis addresses an alternative design concept for Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC). SCC is a special type of concrete with superior workability, which flows and compacts in all corners of a formwork just by the influence of gravity. Introduced to the concrete world in the late 1980s, SCC has been enthusiastically received by the researchers and was referred to be "the most revolutionary development in concrete construction for several decades." However, till this day SCC is only hesitantly accepted by the concrete industry. The reasons are analyzed in this thesis. The presented design concept is a packing-based approach which considers the entire particle size span of all solid ingredients from the finest to the coarsest particle. Using continuous geometric packing models, an optimization algorithm was developed, which allows, only by the introduction of some basic material information, to perform a computer-based optimization which can be adapted to its practical needs with only a few experimental steps on mortar scale. Along with the preparation of this new simplified design concept, powders, the most important fraction of SCCs, were analyzed in detail. In particular the relationship between grading (packing) and the water demand were of interest. One of the outcomes is a model about a constant water layer around any sized particle, which allows the prediction of water demands and workability. A further advantage of the mix design is the replaceability of materials which allows for an optimization with the locally available materials, one major request of the industry. Moreover, alternative materials, preferably mineral waste materials can be added to the mix this way. Due to the improvement of packing notably less cement is needed to obtain a certain strength compared to conventionally designed SCCs and the produced SCC possess a remarkable stability. This lowered cement content and the possibility to introduce large amounts of waste materials notably improves the ecological balance sheet of this new type of concrete. The outcome is a new type of SCC with superior workability and a possibly lower cost price than conventional concrete while having less impact on the environment - a true-eco SCC. The ecological assessment is carried out using feasible models beyond the carbon footprint which is typically referred to. In order to strengthen the position of concrete as an ecological and sustainable construction material, two more aspects are investigated. This is the use of encapsulated Phase-Change Materials (PCMs) and the application of a self-cleaning and air-purifying effect on concrete surfaces. Both aspects comprise enormous potential and add new functions to the construction material concrete, which by now is truly a high-tech building material.

U2 - 10.6100/IR674188

DO - 10.6100/IR674188

M3 - Phd Thesis 2 (Research NOT TU/e / Graduation TU/e)

SN - 978-90-6814-628-8

T3 - Bouwstenen

PB - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven

CY - Eindhoven

Innovations in concrete technology: Interaction between research, codes and applications

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phd thesis on concrete technology

  • Dick A. Hordijk 2 , 3  

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For all new applications there is an area of tension between research, code work and practice. For a new technology practice always asks for guidelines, while on the other hand for writing codes or guidelines there is always the demand for experience from practice. Being active in practice as well as in research, while also contributing to code writing and research committees, the author is active in the described area of tension. In the paper several processes for introducing new developments are discussed and illustrated with some examples.

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Adviesbureau ir. J.G. Hageman B.V., P.O. Box 26, NL-2280 AA, Rijswijk ZH, The Netherlands

Dick A. Hordijk

Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, Eindhoven University of Technolgy, The Netherlands

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Materialprüfungsanstalt Universität Stuttgart, Pfaffenwaldring 4, 70569, Stuttgart, Germany

Christian U. Grosse

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Hordijk, D.A. (2007). Innovations in concrete technology: Interaction between research, codes and applications. In: Grosse, C.U. (eds) Advances in Construction Materials 2007. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

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Search for dissertations about: "thesis in concrete technology"

Showing result 1 - 5 of 621 swedish dissertations containing the words thesis in concrete technology .

1. Anchorage in Concrete Structures : Numerical and Experimental Evaluations of Load-Carrying Capacity of Cast-in-Place Headed Anchors and Post-Installed Adhesive Anchors

Author : Rasoul Nilforoush ; Lennart Elfgren ; Norbert Randl ; Karin Lundgren ; Manouchehr Hassanzadeh ; Richard Malm ; Lars-Erik Persson ; Luleå tekniska universitet ; [] Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; Headed anchor ; Anchor bolt ; Adhesive anchor ; Concrete cone breakout ; Concrete splitting ; Pullout loading ; Size effect ; Member thickness ; Anchor head size ; Orthogonal surface reinforcement ; Concrete Strength ; High-strength concrete ; Cracked concrete ; Steel fiber-reinforced concrete ; Sustained loading ; Creep behavior ; Structural Engineering ; Konstruktionsteknik ;

Abstract : Various anchorage systems including both cast-in-place and post-installed anchors have been developed for fastening both non-structural and structural components to concrete structures. The need for increased flexibility in the design of new structures and strengthening of existing concrete structures has led to increased use of various metallic anchors in practice. READ MORE

2. Ultrafine particles in concrete : Influence of ultrafine particles on concrete properties and application to concrete mix design

Author : Carsten Vogt ; Jonas Holmgren ; Björn Lagerblad ; Jan-Erik Jonasson ; KTH ; [] Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; concrete ; ultrafine particles ; cement replacement ; particle grading ; Construction materials ; Konstruktionsmaterial ;

Abstract : .... READ MORE

3. Engineering Emotional Values in Product Design : Kansei Engineering in Development

Author : Simon Schütte ; Jörgen Eklund ; Jens Jörn Dahlgaard ; Mitsuo Nagamachi ; T. H. C. Childs ; Linköpings universitet ; [] Keywords : Technology ; Feelings ; impressions ; purchasing ; Kansei Engineering ; scales ; experimental design ; validation methods ; TEKNIKVETENSKAP ; TECHNOLOGY ; TEKNIKVETENSKAP ;

Abstract : Feelings and impressions of a product are important for the decision of purchasing it or not. Designing attractive products therefore requires knowledge about the feelings and impressions the products evoke on the customer and the user. READ MORE

4. Cracking in concrete : crack prevention with air-cooling and crack distribution with steel fibre reinforcement

Author : Patrik Groth ; Luleå tekniska universitet ; [] Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; Structural Engineering ; Konstruktionsteknik ;

Abstract : This Licentiate Thesis consists of four parts. The first two parts, paper A and B, deal with air-cooling by means of embedded pipes in order to reduce thermal cracking in concrete structures. These two papers are submitted for publication to RILEM Journal; ‘Materials and Structures'. READ MORE

5. Recycling of concrete in new structural concrete

Author : Madumita Sadagopan ; Andrzej Cwirzen ; Högskolan i Borås ; [] Keywords : TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; TEKNIK OCH TEKNOLOGIER ; ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY ; concrete recycling ; sustainability ; closed-loop recycling ; recycled aggregates ; compressive strength ; workability mechanical pre-processing ; secondary cementitious materials ; green concrete ; climate-optimized concrete ; Resource Recovery ; Resursåtervinning ;

Abstract : Concrete waste as crushed concrete aggregates (CCA) in structural concrete gives a new purpose and prolongs the technical life of the reference concrete accomplishing closed loop recycling. This research investigates CCA as aggregate replacement in an industrial reference concrete recipe as fine aggregate fractions and overall aggregate replacement. READ MORE

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Local approach to fatigue of concrete

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