r language assignment operator

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Assignment Operators in R (3 Examples) | Comparing = vs. <- vs. <<-

On this page you’ll learn how to apply the different assignment operators in the R programming language .

The content of the article is structured as follows:

Let’s dive right into the exemplifying R syntax!

Example 1: Why You Should Use <- Instead of = in R

Generally speaking, there is a preference in the R programming community to use an arrow (i.e. <-) instead of an equal sign (i.e. =) for assignment.

In my opinion, it makes a lot of sense to stick to this convention to produce scripts that are easy to read for other R programmers.

However, you should also take care about the spacing when assigning in R. False spacing can even lead to error messages .

For instance, the following R code checks whether x is smaller than minus five due to the false blank between < and -:

A properly working assignment could look as follows:

However, this code is hard to read, since the missing space makes it difficult to differentiate between the different symbols and numbers.

In my opinion, the best way to assign in R is to put a blank before and after the assignment arrow:

As mentioned before, the difference between <- and = is mainly due to programming style . However, the following R code using an equal sign would also work:

In the following example, I’ll show a situation where <- and = do not lead to the same result. So keep on reading!

Example 2: When <- is Really Different Compared to =

In this Example, I’ll illustrate some substantial differences between assignment arrows and equal signs.

Let’s assume that we want to compute the mean of a vector ranging from 1 to 5. Then, we could use the following R code:

However, if we want to have a look at the vector x that we have used within the mean function, we get an error message:

Let’s compare this to exactly the same R code but with assignment arrow instead of an equal sign:

The output of the mean function is the same. However, the assignment arrow also stored the values in a new data object x:

This example shows a meaningful difference between = and <-. While the equal sign doesn’t store the used values outside of a function, the assignment arrow saves them in a new data object that can be used outside the function.

Example 3: The Difference Between <- and <<-

So far, we have only compared <- and =. However, there is another assignment method we have to discuss: The double assignment arrow <<- (also called scoping assignment).

The following code illustrates the difference between <- and <<- in R. This difference mainly gets visible when applying user-defined functions .

Let’s manually create a function that contains a single assignment arrow:

Now, let’s apply this function in R:

The data object x_fun1, to which we have assigned the value 5 within the function, does not exist:

Let’s do the same with a double assignment arrow:

Let’s apply the function:

And now let’s return the data object x_fun2:

As you can see based on the previous output of the RStudio console, the assignment via <<- saved the data object in the global environment outside of the user-defined function.

Video & Further Resources

I have recently released a video on my YouTube channel , which explains the R syntax of this tutorial. You can find the video below:

The YouTube video will be added soon.

In addition to the video, I can recommend to have a look at the other articles on this website.

  • R Programming Examples

In summary: You learned on this page how to use assignment operators in the R programming language. If you have further questions, please let me know in the comments.

assignment-operators-in-r How to use different assignment operators in R – 3 R programming examples – R programming language tutorial – Actionable R programming syntax in RStudio

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Joachim Schork Statistician Programmer

I’m Joachim Schork. On this website, I provide statistics tutorials as well as code in Python and R programming.

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assignOps {base}R Documentation

Assignment Operators


Assign a value to a name.

a variable name (possibly quoted).

a value to be assigned to .

There are three different assignment operators: two of them have leftwards and rightwards forms.

The operators <- and = assign into the environment in which they are evaluated. The operator <- can be used anywhere, whereas the operator = is only allowed at the top level (e.g., in the complete expression typed at the command prompt) or as one of the subexpressions in a braced list of expressions.

The operators <<- and ->> are normally only used in functions, and cause a search to be made through parent environments for an existing definition of the variable being assigned. If such a variable is found (and its binding is not locked) then its value is redefined, otherwise assignment takes place in the global environment. Note that their semantics differ from that in the S language, but are useful in conjunction with the scoping rules of R . See ‘The R Language Definition’ manual for further details and examples.

In all the assignment operator expressions, x can be a name or an expression defining a part of an object to be replaced (e.g., z[[1]] ). A syntactic name does not need to be quoted, though it can be (preferably by backtick s).

The leftwards forms of assignment <- = <<- group right to left, the other from left to right.

value . Thus one can use a <- b <- c <- 6 .

Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language . Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

Chambers, J. M. (1998) Programming with Data. A Guide to the S Language . Springer (for = ).

assign (and its inverse get ), for “subassignment” such as x[i] <- v , see [<- ; further, environment .

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In this article, you will learn about different R operators with the help of examples.

R has many operators to carry out different mathematical and logical operations. Operators perform tasks including arithmetic, logical and bitwise operations.

  • Type of operators in R

Operators in R can mainly be classified into the following categories:

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • R Arithmetic Operators

These operators are used to carry out mathematical operations like addition and multiplication. Here is a list of arithmetic operators available in R.

Operator Description
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponent
%% Modulus(Remainder from division)
%/% Integer Division

Let's look at an example illustrating the use of the above operators:

  • R Relational Operators

Relational operators are used to compare between values. Here is a list of relational operators available in R.

Operator Description
Less than
> Greater than
Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!= Not equal to

Let's see an example for this:

  • Operation on Vectors

The above mentioned operators work on vectors . The variables used above were in fact single element vectors.

We can use the function c() (as in concatenate) to make vectors in R.

All operations are carried out in element-wise fashion. Here is an example.

When there is a mismatch in length (number of elements) of operand vectors, the elements in the shorter one are recycled in a cyclic manner to match the length of the longer one.

R will issue a warning if the length of the longer vector is not an integral multiple of the shorter vector.

  • R Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to carry out Boolean operations like AND , OR etc.

Operator Description
! Logical NOT
& Element-wise logical AND
&& Logical AND
| Element-wise logical OR
|| Logical OR

Operators & and | perform element-wise operation producing result having length of the longer operand.

But && and || examines only the first element of the operands resulting in a single length logical vector.

Zero is considered FALSE and non-zero numbers are taken as TRUE . Let's see an example for this:

  • R Assignment Operators

These operators are used to assign values to variables.

Operator Description
Leftwards assignment
->, ->> Rightwards assignment

The operators <- and = can be used, almost interchangeably, to assign to variables in the same environment.

The <<- operator is used for assigning to variables in the parent environments (more like global assignments). The rightward assignments, although available, are rarely used.

Check out these examples to learn more:

  • Add Two Vectors
  • Take Input From User
  • R Multiplication Table

Table of Contents

  • Introduction

Sorry about that.

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Assignment Operators in R – Which One to Use and Where

r language assignment operator

Assignment Operators

R has five common assignment operators:

Many style guides and traditionalists prefer the left arrow operator, <- . Why use that when it’s an extra keystroke?  <- always means assignment. The equal sign is overloaded a bit taking on the roles of an assignment operator, function argument binding, or depending on the context, case statement.

Equal or “arrow” as an Assignment Operator?

In R, both the equal and arrow symbols work to assign values. Therefore, the following statements have the same effect of assigning a value on the right to the variable on the left:

There is also a right arrow, -> which assigns the value on the left, to a variable on the right:

All three assign the  value of forty-two to the  variable   x .

So what’s the difference? Are these assignment operators interchangeable? Mostly, yes. The difference comes into play, however, when working with functions.

The equal sign can also work as an operator for function parameters.

x <- 42 y <- 18 function(value = x-y)

History of the <- Operator

r language assignment operator

The S language also didn’t have == for equality testing, so that was left to the single equal sign. Therefore, variable assignment needed to be accomplished with a different symbol, and the arrow was chosen.

There are some differences of opinion as to which assignment operator to use when it comes to = vs <-. Some believe that = is more clear. The <- operator maintains backward compatibility with S.  Google’s R Style Guide recommends using the <- assignment operator, which seems to be a pretty decent reason as well. When all is said and done, though, it is like many things in programming, it depends on what your team does.

r language assignment operator

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R operators

Learn all about the R programming language operators

There are several operators in R, such that arithmetic operators for math calculations, logical, relational or assignment operators or even the popular pipe operator. In this tutorial we will show you the R operators divided into operator types. In addition, we will show examples of use of every operator.

Arithmetic operators

The R arithmetic operators allows us to do math operations , like sums, divisions or multiplications, among others. The following table summarizes all base R arithmetic operators.

Arithmetic operator in R Description
+ Plus
* Multiplication
/ Division
^ Exponential
** Exponential
%% Modulus
%/% Integer divide
%*% Matrix multiplication
%o% Outer product
%x% Kronecker product

In the next block of code you will find examples of basic calculations with arithmetic operations with integers.

You can also use the basic operations with R vectors of the same length . Note that the result of these operations will be a vector with element-wise operation results.

Furthermore, you can use those arithmetic operators with matrix objects, besides the ones designed for this type of object (matrix multiplication types). Check our tutorial about matrix operations to learn more.

Logical / boolean operators

In addition, boolean or logical operators in R are used to specify multiple conditions between objects. These comparisons return TRUE and FALSE values.

Logical operator in R Description
& Elementwise logical ‘AND’
&& Vector logical ‘AND’
| Elementwise logical ‘OR’
|| Vector logical ‘OR’
! Logical negation ‘NOT’
xor() Elementwise exclusive ‘OR’ equivalent to !( x | y)

Relational / comparison operators in R

Comparison or relational operators are designed to compare objects and the output of these comparisons are of type boolean. To clarify, the following table summarizes the R relational operators.

Relational operator in R Description
> Greater than
< Lower than
>= Greater or equal than
<= Lower or equal than
== Equal to
!= Not equal to

For example, you can compare integer values with these operators as follows.

If you compare vectors the output will be other vector of the same length and each element will contain the boolean corresponding to the comparison of the corresponding elements (the first element of the first vector with the first element of the second vector and so on). Moreover, you can compare each element of a matrix against other.

Assignment operators in R

The assignment operators in R allows you to assign data to a named object in order to store the data .

Assignment operator in R Description
Left assignment
= Left assignment (not recommended) and argument assignment
Right assignment
Left lexicographic assignment (for advanced users)
Right lexicographic assignment (for advanced users)

Note that in almost scripting programming languages you can just use the equal (=) operator. However, in R it is recommended to use the arrow assignment ( <- ) and use the equal sign only to set arguments.

The arrow assignment can be used as left or right assignment, but the right assignment is not generally used. In addition, you can use the double arrow assignment, known as scoping assignment, but we won’t enter in more detail in this tutorial, as it is for advanced users. You can know more about this assignment operator in our post about functions in R .

In the following code block you will find some examples of these operators.

If you need to use the right assignment remember that the object you want to store needs to be at the left, or an error will arise.

There are some rules when naming variables. For instance, you can use letters, numbers, dots and underscores in the variable name, but underscores can’t be the first character of the variable name.

Reserved words

There are also reserved words you can’t use, like TRUE , FALSE , NULL , among others. You can see the full list of R reserved words typing help(Reserved) or ?Reserved .

However, if for some reason you need to name your variable with a reserved word or starting with an underscore you will need to use backticks:

Miscellaneous R operators

Miscellaneous operators in R are operators used for specific purposes , as accessing data, functions, creating sequences or specifying a formula of a model. To clarify, the next table contains all the available miscellaneous operators in R.

Miscellaneous operator in R Description
$ Named list or dataframe column subset
: Sequence generator
:: Accessing functions of packages It is not usually needed
::: Accessing internal functions of packages
~ Model formulae
@ Accessing slots in S4 classes (Advanced)

In addition, in the following block of code we show several examples of these operators:

Infix operator

You can call an operator as a function . This is known as infix operators. Note that this type of operators are not generally used or needed.

Pipe operator in R

The pipe operator is an operator you can find in several libraries, like dplyr . The operator can be read as ‘AND THEN’ and its purpose is to simplify the syntax when writing R code. As an example, you could subset the cars dataset and then create a summary of the subset with the following code:


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assignOps: Assignment Operators

assignOpsR Documentation

Assignment Operators


Assign a value to a name.

a variable name (possibly quoted).

a value to be assigned to .

There are three different assignment operators: two of them have leftwards and rightwards forms.

The operators <- and = assign into the environment in which they are evaluated. The operator <- can be used anywhere, whereas the operator = is only allowed at the top level (e.g., in the complete expression typed at the command prompt) or as one of the subexpressions in a braced list of expressions.

The operators <<- and ->> are normally only used in functions, and cause a search to be made through parent environments for an existing definition of the variable being assigned. If such a variable is found (and its binding is not locked) then its value is redefined, otherwise assignment takes place in the global environment. Note that their semantics differ from that in the S language, but are useful in conjunction with the scoping rules of R . See ‘The R Language Definition’ manual for further details and examples.

In all the assignment operator expressions, x can be a name or an expression defining a part of an object to be replaced (e.g., z[[1]] ). A syntactic name does not need to be quoted, though it can be (preferably by backticks).

The leftwards forms of assignment <- = <<- group right to left, the other from left to right.

value . Thus one can use a <- b <- c <- 6 .

Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988) The New S Language . Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

Chambers, J. M. (1998) Programming with Data. A Guide to the S Language . Springer (for = ).

assign (and its inverse get ), for “subassignment” such as x[i] <- v , see [<- ; further, environment .

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Assignment Operators in R

R provides two operators for assignment: <- and = .

Understanding their proper use is crucial for writing clear and readable R code.

Using the <- Operator

For assignments.

The <- operator is the preferred choice for assigning values to variables in R.

It clearly distinguishes assignment from argument specification in function calls.

Readability and Tradition

  • This usage aligns with R’s tradition and enhances code readability.

Using the = Operator

The = operator is commonly used to explicitly specify named arguments in function calls.

It helps in distinguishing argument assignment from variable assignment.

Assignment Capability

  • While = can also be used for assignment, this practice is less common and not recommended for clarity.

Mixing Up Operators

Potential confusion.

Using = for general assignments can lead to confusion, especially when reading or debugging code.

Mixing operators inconsistently can obscure the distinction between assignment and function argument specification.

  • In the example above, x = 10 might be mistaken for a function argument rather than an assignment.

Best Practices Recap

Consistency and clarity.

Use <- for variable assignments to maintain consistency and clarity.

Reserve = for specifying named arguments in function calls.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

Be mindful of the context in which you use each operator to prevent misunderstandings.

Consistently using the operators as recommended helps make your code more readable and maintainable.

Quiz: Assignment Operator Best Practices

Which of the following examples demonstrates the recommended use of assignment operators in R?

  • my_var = 5; mean(x = my_var)
  • my_var <- 5; mean(x <- my_var)
  • my_var <- 5; mean(x = my_var)
  • my_var = 5; mean(x <- my_var)
  • The correct answer is 3 . my_var <- 5; mean(x = my_var) correctly uses <- for variable assignment and = for specifying a named argument in a function call.

StevenSwiniarski's avatar

Operators are used in R to perform various operations on variables and values. Among the most commonly used ones are arithmetic and assignment operators.

The following R code uses an arithmetic operator for multiplication, * , to calculate the product of two numbers, along with the assignment operator, <- to store the result in the variable x .

Operators in R can be organized into the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators for traditional mathematical evaluations such as addition and subtraction.
  • Assignment operators for assigning values to variables.
  • Comparison operators for testing equality between values.
  • Logical operators for evaluating the “truthiness” of values against one another.
  • Miscellaneous operators for various tasks including vectors and sequencing.

Arithmetic operators

R supports the following arithmetic operators:

  • Addition, + , which returns the sum of two numbers.
  • Subtraction, - , which returns the difference between two numbers.
  • Multiplication, * , which returns the product of two numbers.
  • Division, / , which returns the quotient of two numbers.
  • Exponents, ^ , which returns the value of one number raised to the power of another.
  • Modulus, %% , which returns the remainder of one number divided by another.
  • Integer Division, %/% , which returns the integer quotient of two numbers.

Assignment operators

R uses the following assignment operators:

  • <- assigns a value to a variable from right to left.
  • -> assigns a value to a variable left to right.
  • <<- is a global version of <- .
  • ->> is a global version of -> .
  • = works the same way as <- , but its use is discouraged.

Comparison operators

R has the following comparison operators:

  • Equal, == , which returns TRUE if two values are equal.
  • Not equal, != , which returns TRUE if two values are not equal.
  • Less than, < , which returns TRUE if left value is less than right value.
  • Less than or equal to, <= , which returns TRUE if left value is less than or equal to right value.
  • Greater than, > , which returns TRUE if left value is greater than right value.
  • Greater than or equal to, >= , which returns TRUE if left value is greater than or equal to right value.

Logical operators

R has the following logical operators:

  • Element-wise AND, & , for comparing each element and returning TRUE if both elements are TRUE .
  • Logical AND, && , which returns TRUE if both values are TRUE , only evaluates as many elements as necessary.
  • Element-wise OR, | , for comparing each element and returning TRUE if either element is TRUE .
  • Logical OR, || , which returns TRUE if either value is TRUE , only evaluates as many elements as necessary.
  • Logical NOT, ! , which returns TRUE if the associated statement is FALSE .

Note: The long form of AND and OR ( && and || ) are preferred for if statements as the short form can produce a vector value.

Miscellaneous operators

R uses the following miscellaneous operators:

  • The : operator creates a sequence of numbers from the left argument to the right one.
  • The %in% operator returns TRUE if the left argument is in the vector to the right.
  • The %*% operator performs matrix multiplication on two matrices.

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UC Business Analytics R Programming Guide

Assignment & evaluation.

The first operator you’ll run into is the assignment operator. The assignment operator is used to assign a value. For instance we can assign the value 3 to the variable x using the <- assignment operator. We can then evaluate the variable by simply typing x at the command line which will return the value of x . Note that prior to the value returned you’ll see ## [1] in the command line. This simply implies that the output returned is the first output. Note that you can type any comments in your code by preceding the comment with the hashtag ( # ) symbol. Any values, symbols, and texts following # will not be evaluated.

Interestingly, R actually allows for five assignment operators:

The original assignment operator in R was <- and has continued to be the preferred among R users. The = assignment operator was added in 2001 primarily because it is the accepted assignment operator in many other languages and beginners to R coming from other languages were so prone to use it. However, R uses = to associate function arguments with values (i.e. f(x = 3) explicitly means to call function f and set the argument x to 3. Consequently, most R programmers prefer to keep = reserved for argument association and use <- for assignment.

The operators <<- is normally only used in functions which we will not get into the details. And the rightward assignment operators perform the same as their leftward counterparts, they just assign the value in an opposite direction.

Overwhelmed yet? Don’t be. This is just meant to show you that there are options and you will likely come across them sooner or later. My suggestion is to stick with the tried and true <- operator. This is the most conventional assignment operator used and is what you will find in all the base R source code…which means it should be good enough for you.

Lastly, note that R is a case sensitive programming language. Meaning all variables, functions, and objects must be called by their exact spelling:

R Data Structures

R statistics, r operators.

Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:

R divides the operators in the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Miscellaneous operators

R Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations:

Operator Name Example Try it
+ Addition x + y
- Subtraction x - y
* Multiplication x * y
/ Division x / y
^ Exponent x ^ y
%% Modulus (Remainder from division) x %% y
%/% Integer Division x%/%y

R Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:

Note: <<- is a global assigner. You will learn more about this in the Global Variable chapter .

It is also possible to turn the direction of the assignment operator.

x <- 3 is equal to 3 -> x


R Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values:

Operator Name Example Try it
== Equal x == y
!= Not equal x != y
> Greater than x > y
< Less than x < y
>= Greater than or equal to x >= y
<= Less than or equal to x <= y

R Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements:

Operator Description
& Element-wise Logical AND operator. It returns TRUE if both elements are TRUE
&& Logical AND operator - Returns TRUE if both statements are TRUE
| Elementwise- Logical OR operator. It returns TRUE if one of the statement is TRUE
|| Logical OR operator. It returns TRUE if one of the statement is TRUE.
! Logical NOT - returns FALSE if statement is TRUE

R Miscellaneous Operators

Miscellaneous operators are used to manipulate data:

Operator Description Example
: Creates a series of numbers in a sequence x <- 1:10
%in% Find out if an element belongs to a vector x %in% y
%*% Matrix Multiplication x <- Matrix1 %*% Matrix2

Note: You will learn more about Matrix multiplication and matrices in a later chapter.

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  • R – Check if type of Vector is Integer
  • R – Check if type of Vector is Double
  • R – Check if type of Vector is Character
  • Conversions
  • R – Convert Logical Vector into Integer Vector
  • R – Convert Character Vector into Integer Vector
  • List Basics
  • R – Create empty List
  • R – Create empty List of specific length
  • R – Create List
  • R – Name elements of List
  • R – Access elements of List
  • R – List length
  • R – Append item to List
  • R – Loop through items in List
  • List Transformations
  • R – Reverse List
  • List Checks
  • R – Check if List is empty
  • R – Check if specific item is present in List
  • One or More Lists
  • R – Join Lists
  • List Conversions
  • R – Convert List to Vector
  • R – Convert List to Data Frame
  • R – Create Matrix
  • R – Check if R object is a Matrix
  • R – Get element at given row, column of Matrix
  • R – Get specific row of Matrix
  • R – Get specific column of Matrix
  • R – Get multiple rows of Matrix
  • R – Get multiple columns of Matrix
  • R – Matrix multiplication
  • R – Transpose Matrix
  • R – Inverse Matrix
  • R – Correlation Matrix
  • Create Data Frame
  • R – Create empty Data Frame
  • R – Create Data Frame
  • Read Elements / Rows / Columns
  • R – Access element at (i,j) in Data Frame
  • Rows / Columns
  • R – Get number of rows in Data Frame
  • R – Get number of columns in Data Frame
  • R – Add row to Data Frame
  • R – Add column to Data Frame
  • R – Remove row(s) in Data Frame
  • R – Delete duplicate rows in Data Frame
  • R – Remove NA Rows in Data Frame
  • R – Delete column(s) in Data Frame
  • R – Reset row numbers of Data Frame
  • R – Replace NA with 0 in Data Frame
  • R – Rename column(s) of Data Frame
  • R – Sort Data Frame by column
  • R – Filter Data Frame with NA rows
  • R – Convert Data Frame to Matrix
  • R – Convert Matrix to Data Frame
  • Transformations
  • R – Apply function for each row in Data Frame
  • Two or More Data Frames
  • R – Combine Data Frames
  • R – Compare Data Frames
  • Import / Export
  • R – Import Excel to Data Frame
  • R – Structure of Data Frame
  • R – Summary of Data Frame
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  • ❯ R Tutorial
  • ❯ R Operators

R Operators – Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment

R Tutorial – We shall learn about R Operators – Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Assignment and some of the Miscellaneous Operators that R programming language provides.

There are four main categories of Operators in R programming language. They are shown in the following picture :

R Operators

We shall learn about these operators in detail with Example R programs.

R Arithmetic Operators

R Arithmetic Operators - R Operators

Arithmetic Operators are used to accomplish arithmetic operations. They can be operated on the basic data types Numericals, Integers, Complex Numbers. Vectors with these basic data types can also participate in arithmetic operations, during which the operation is performed on one to one element basis.

+Addition of two operandsa + b
Subtraction of second operand from first a – b
*Multiplication of two operandsa * b
/Division of first operand with seconda / b
%%Remainder from division of first operand with seconda %% b
%/%Quotient from division of first operand with seconda %/% b
^First operand raised to the power of second operanda^b

An example for each of the arithmetic operator on Numerical values is provided below.


An example for each of the arithmetic operator on Vectors is provided below.


R Relational Operators

R Relational Operators - R Operators

Relational Operators are those that find out relation between the two operands provided to them. Following are the six relational operations R programming language supports.The output is boolean (TRUE or FALSE) for all of the Relational Operators in R programming language.

<Is first operand second operanda < b
>Is first operand second operanda > b
==Is first operand second operanda == b
<=Is first operand or equal to second operanda <= b
>=Is first operand or equal to second operanda > = b
!=Is first operand to second operanda!=b

An example for each of the relational operator on Numberical values is provided below.


An example for each of the relational operator on Vectors is provided below.


R Logical Operators

R Logical Operators

Logical Operators in R programming language work only for the basic data types logical, numeric and complex and vectors of these basic data types.

&Element wise logical AND operation.a & b
|Element wise logical OR operation.a | b
!Element wise logical NOT operation.!a
&&Operand wise logical AND operation.a && b
||Operand wise logical OR operation.a || b

An example for each of the logical operators on Numerical values is provided below.


An example for each of the logical operators on Vectors is provided below.


R Assignment Operators

R Assignment Operators

Assignment Operators are those that help in assigning a value to the variable.

=Assigns right side value to left side operanda = 3
<-Assigns right side value to left side operanda <- 5
->Assigns left side value to right side operand4 -> a
<<-Assigns right side value to left side operanda <<- 3.4
->>Assigns left side value to right side operandc(1,2) ->> a

An example for each of the assignment operators is provided below.


R Miscellaneous Operators

R Miscellaneous Operators

These operators does not fall into any of the categories mentioned above, but are significantly important during R programming for manipulating data.

:Creates series of numbers from left operand to right operanda:b
%in%Identifies if an element(a) belongs to a vector(b)a %in% b
%*%Performs multiplication of a vector with its transpose A %*% t(A)

An example for each of the Miscellaneous operators is provided below.


In this  R Tutorial , we have learnt about R Operators – R Arithmetic Operators, R Relational Operators, R Logical Operators, R Assignment Operators, R Miscellaneous Operators with example R commands and R script files.

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Difference between assignment operators in r.

Posted on January 27, 2014 by Kun Ren in R bloggers | 0 Comments

[social4i size="small" align="align-left"] --> [This article was first published on The blog of Kun Ren , and kindly contributed to R-bloggers ]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here ) Want to share your content on R-bloggers? click here if you have a blog, or here if you don't.

For R beginners, the first operator they use is probably the assignment operator <- . Google's R Style Guide suggests the usage of <- rather than = even though the equal sign is also allowed in R to do exactly the same thing when we assign a value to a variable. However, you might feel inconvenient because you need to type two characters to represent one symbol, which is different from many other programming languages.

As a result, many users ask Why we should use <- as the assignment operator?

Here I provide a simple explanation to the subtle difference between <- and = in R.

First, let's look at an example.

The above code uses both <- and = symbols, but the work they do are different. <- in the first two lines are used as assignment operator while = in the third line does not serves as assignment operator but an operator that specifies a named parameter formula for lm function.

In other words, <- evaluates the the expression on its right side ( rnorm(100) ) and assign the evaluated value to the symbol (variable) on the left side ( x ) in the current environment. = evaluates the expression on its right side ( y~x ) and set the evaluated value to the parameter of the name specified on the left side ( formula ) for a certain function.

We know that <- and = are perfectly equivalent when they are used as assignment operators.

Therefore, the above code is equivalent to the following code:

Here, we only use = but for two different purposes: in the first and second lines we use = as assignment operator and in the third line we use = as a specifier of named parameter.

Now let's see what happens if we change all = symbols to <- .

If you run this code, you will find that the output are similar. But if you inspect the environment, you will observe the difference: a new variable formula is defined in the environment whose value is y~x . So what happens?

Actually, in the third line, two things happened: First, we introduce a new symbol (variable) formula to the environment and assign it a formula-typed value y~x . Then, the value of formula is provided to the first paramter of function lm rather than, accurately speaking, to the parameter named formula , although this time they mean the identical parameter of the function.

To test it, we conduct an experiment. This time we first prepare the data.

Basically, we just did similar things as before except that we store all vectors in a data frame and clear those numeric vectors from the environment. We know that lm function accepts a data frame as the data source when a formula is specified.

Standard usage:

Working alternative where two named parameters are reordered:

Working alternative with side effects that two new variable are defined:

Nonworking example:

The reason is exactly what I mentioned previously. We reassign data to data and give its value to the first argument ( formula ) of lm which only accepts a formula-typed value. We also try to assign z~x+y to a new variable formula and give it to the second argument ( data ) of lm which only accepts a data frame-typed value. Both types of the parameter we provide to lm are wrong, so we receive the message:

From the above examples and experiments, the bottom line gets clear: to reduce ambiguity, we should use either <- or = as assignment operator, and only use = as named-parameter specifier for functions.

In conclusion, for better readability of R code, I suggest that we only use <- for assignment and = for specifying named parameters.

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What are the Differences Between “=” and “<-" Assignment Operators in R?

In programming, assignment operators are essential tools for storing values in variables. In R, a statistical computing language, both “=” and “<-” are used as assignment operators, but they are not the same. Understanding their differences can enhance your coding practice and improve your code’s readability and functionality.

Basic Understanding of Assignment Operators in R

In R Programming Language assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The two primary operators for this purpose are “=” and “<-“. While they can often be used interchangeably, subtle differences are important to understand.

The “=” Operator

The “=” operator is commonly used for assignments within function calls. It is more intuitive for those coming from other programming languages like C, Java, or Python.

Here, the variable x is assigned the value 10 using the “=” operator.

The “<-” Operator

The “<-” operator is the traditional assignment operator in R. It is specifically designed for assignment operations and is considered a best practice by many R programmers for regular variable assignments.

In this example, the variable y is assigned the value 20 using the “<-” operator.

Key Differences Between “=” and “<-” Assignment Operators

While both operators perform the basic function of assigning values to variables, they have different implications and best-use scenarios.


“=” Operator

“<-” Operator

Basic Use

Assigns values to variables

Assigns values to variables

Typical Context

Used within function calls

Used for general assignments

Usage Example

x = 10

y <- 20

Function Arguments


Not used`

General Assignment

Less preferred



Less visually distinct

More visually distinct


Less conventional in R

Widely accepted and promoted in R

Parsing and Evaluation

Subtle parsing differences

Standard parsing

Risk of Confusion

Can be mistaken for comparison operator (==)

Less risk of confusion

Best Practice

Can be mistaken for comparison operator (==)

Use for general assignments

Best Practices

To ensure clarity and avoid potential issues, it is recommended to follow these best practices:

  • Use “<-” for Variable Assignments: Stick to “<-” for general variable assignments to align with R community conventions and enhance code readability.
  • Use “=” within Function Calls: Use “=” when specifying arguments within function calls to differentiate between parameter setting and general variable assignment.
  • Consistency: Be consistent in your use of assignment operators throughout your code to maintain clarity and reduce the likelihood of errors.

Both “=” and “<-” are valid assignment operators in R, but they serve slightly different purposes and contexts. The “=” operator is typically used within function calls, while the “<-” operator is preferred for general assignments. Understanding these differences can help you write cleaner, more readable, and less error-prone R code.

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R assignment operators

I was checking R assignment operators and trying to understand how they work, so I wrote the following code:

Up to the line, where somevar9 is being used, everything seems in line with expectations. However, I don't get why I'm getting the errors like Error in -> ("stuff9", somevar9) : could not find function "->" and Error in ->> ("stuff11", somevar11) : could not find function "->>" . Should they not exist for the -> and ->> operators to work? Thanks in advance!

abudis's user avatar

  • 2 I think when the R parser comes across a -> b it calls '<-'("b", a) and when it comes across a ->> b it calls '<<-'("b", a) . –  Allan Cameron Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:03
  • Yeah, I am not an expert so won't answer, but backing up what @Allan Cameron put, you can see the existence of these functions by typing <- and <<- and the opposite trying -> ->> . –  caldwellst Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:05
  • 1 Colin Fay 's article provides some interesting follow-up questions about legacy operators := and _ . For example, %% -less infix operators are possible. Also worth to have a look at their precedence –  Donald Seinen Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:50
  • x = y <- 15 - I did not know you could do this! Thanks a lot for sharing the article @DonaldSeinen! –  abudis Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:57

When the R parser comes across a -> b it calls '<-'("b", a) and when it comes across a ->> b it calls '<<-'("b", a)

We can see this explicitly if we do the following:

Created on 2022-01-27 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

Allan Cameron's user avatar

  • Nice thanks! Makes sense. I think the expr function is a part of rlang package, so I checked it with bquote like this: as.call(bquote(a ->> 1)) –  abudis Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:09
  • 1 @abudis you're right. I've changed it to base R's quote –  Allan Cameron Commented Jan 27, 2022 at 14:12

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r language assignment operator


  1. R

    r language assignment operator

  2. R Operators

    r language assignment operator

  3. Assignment Operators in R (3 Examples)

    r language assignment operator

  4. How to use the double assignment operator in R

    r language assignment operator

  5. Global vs. local assignment operators in R

    r language assignment operator

  6. R

    r language assignment operator


  1. Assignment Operators in R (3 Examples)

    On this page you'll learn how to apply the different assignment operators in the R programming language. The content of the article is structured as follows: 1) Example 1: Why You Should Use <- Instead of = in R. 2) Example 2: When <- is Really Different Compared to =. 3) Example 3: The Difference Between <- and <<-.

  2. r

    The operators <- and = assign into the environment in which they are evaluated. The operator <- can be used anywhere, whereas the operator = is only allowed at the top level (e.g., in the complete expression typed at the command prompt) or as one of the subexpressions in a braced list of expressions.

  3. R: Assignment Operators

    Note that their semantics differ from that in the S language, but are useful in conjunction with the scoping rules of R. See 'The R Language Definition' manual for further details and examples. In all the assignment operator expressions, x can be a name or an expression defining a part of an object to be replaced (e.g., z[[1]]).

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  5. Assignment Operators in R

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  10. R

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  21. R assignment operators

    I was checking R assignment operators and trying to understand how they work, so I wrote the following code: ... R Language Collective Join the discussion. This question is in a collective: a subcommunity defined by tags with relevant content and experts. The Overflow Blog How to build open source apps in a highly regulated industry ...