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The Department of Biology welcomes applications from individuals with strong undergraduate records and a desire to pursue further training in the life sciences. The program is administered by the CUNY Graduate Center, which also awards the Ph.D. degree. CUNY Biology Ph.D. website  REQUIREMENTS

To enter the program, applicants must be accepted by one of the Biology Subprograms, which include Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology; Ecology, Evolution and Behavior; Neuroscience; and Plant Sciences. Admission is competitive, and only the strongest, most qualified students are admitted. Those admitted typically have outstanding undergraduate records in the sciences, highly positive letters of recommendations, and good GRE scores. Once a student is admitted to the program, specific requirements will depend on the chosen subprogram. All subprograms, however, require 60 credits (30 may be transferred for a previous Master's degree), a First Examination that is taken after one year, a Second Examination concerning, the thesis proposal, and a final Defense of Thesis. For Additional subprogram requirements, please see the Handbook for the Doctoral Program in Biology. All doctoral students must take the first exam in 1 of the four areas of the program. Exams from previous years are available through the Biology Program Office at the Graduate Center. As they are made available to us, we will also post them here as PDF downloadable files.  


The Ph.D. Program in Biology is administered through the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Beginning in Fall 2008, students will be based at the Graduate Center for their first year and at individual college campuses thereafter. Currently, approximately 25 students are assigned to the City College campus. Applications are obtained from and returned to the CUNY Graduate School at this address:  

Office of Admissions

The Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue New York, New York 10016-4039  

Please note that sending your application directly to City College will only slow down the progress of your application.

A wide variety of doctoral courses are offered through many of the senior colleges of the City University of New York, including City College. Students may take courses at any of these campuses. A list of courses may be viewed by examining the Handbook for the Doctoral Program in Biology. Courses are also available at Columbia University and New York University through a consortial arrangement.  

Central to any doctoral program is the opportunity to do research in an area of interest. We have a nucleus of faculty working in three Biology subprograms: Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology; Ecology, Evolution and Behavior; and Neuroscience. Many research opportunities are offered by our faculty. In addition to working with faculty in the Biology Department at City College, some Ph.D. students from our campus work with mentors in the Sophie Davis Medical School and at the American Museum of Natural History. To get a better idea as to specific research areas that are available, please refer to our Faculty Bios.  

Doctoral students will receive financial support for five full years of study. The package includes a full tuition waiver, health insurance coverage, and a $26,000/year stipend. For more information,  click here .


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Queens College Department of Biology

Home » Degrees » Doctoral Studies

Doctoral Studies

We offer programs of courses and research leading to the Ph.D in affiliation with the CUNY Graduate Center.  Aspiring biologists might be interested in the PhD Program in Biology (including Subprograms in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior; Neuroscience; and Plant Sciences); the PhD Program in Psychology (including biology-relevant Subprograms in Behavioral and Cognitive Neuroscience; and Cognition and Comparative Psychology); the PhD Program in Biochemistry; or the PhD Program in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Refer to the Bulletin of the Graduate Center for application, financial aid, and course information for the Ph.D. program.

The QC Biology Department has excellent research facilities, including the Core Facility for Imaging, Cellular and Molecular Biology , well-equipped research laboratories, a greenhouse, animal facilities, cold-room and environmental control units, marine and fresh-water aquaria, scanning and transmission electron microscopes, and computer access.  Our doctoral faculty engage in a diverse range of research .

Opportunities are enhanced by affiliation with other city institutions and cooperative efforts with other divisions of the City University of New York and the American Museum of Natural History. Graduate courses can be taken from colleges that are affiliated with relevant CUNY Ph.D. programs, including  Brooklyn College , City College , College of Staten Island , Hunter College , Lehman College , and Queens College . Four other institutions in the New York City area are associated with the CUNY Ph.D. program in Biology, including the American Museum of Natural History , Brooklyn Botanic Garden , the Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities , and The New York Botanical Garden . Our faculty and doctoral students collaborate and interact with researchers at other units such as those at NYU, Columbia, Rockefeller, Fordham, and several area hospitals. Queens College is close to many habitats, including a variety of field and forest types, ponds, streams, and salt marsh, marine and beach ecosystems.

Under the Biology PhD Program, the CUNY Graduate Center provides the first year of support for incoming students, after which the mentor and campus provide financial support. Incoming students are offered guaranteed 5-year financial support packages including a stipend and tuition paid. Consult other relevant PhD programs for their policies. Below are links to CUNY doctoral programs and subprograms relevant to biologists, and lists of participating QC faculty.

Biology PhD Program

Molecular/Cell/Developmental Biology Subprogram John Dennehy, Dept of Biology Karl Fath, Dept of Biology Nathalia Holtzman, Dept of Biology Alicia Meléndez, Dept of Biology Boojala Reddy, Dept of Computer Science Susan Rotenberg, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Wilma Saffran, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Cathy Savage-Dunn, Dept of Biology Timothy Short, Dept of Biology Daniel Weinstein, Dept of Biology Zahra Zakeri, Dept of Biology

Ecology/Evolution/Behavior Subprogram José Anadon, Dept of Biology Mitchell Baker, Dept of Biology Jeffrey Bird, SEES John Dennehy, Dept of Biology David Lahti, Dept of Biology Gillian Stewart, SEES Larissa Swedell, Dept of Anthropology John Waldman, Dept of Biology

Neuroscience Subprogram Richard Bodnar, Dept of Psychology Joshua Brumberg, Dept of Psychology Pokay Ma, Dept of Biology Carolyn Pytte, Dept of Psychology

Plant Science George Hendrey, SEES

Biochemistry PhD Program Robert Engel, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Karl Fath, Dept of Biology Nathalia Holtzman, Dept of Biology Alicia Meléndez, Dept of Biology Susan Rotenberg, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Wilma Saffran, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Cathy Savage-Dunn, Dept of Biology Timothy Short, Dept of Biology Thomas Strekas, Dept of Chemistry & Biochemistry Daniel Weinstein, Dept of Biology Zahra Zakeri, Dept of Biology

Earth and Environmental Sciences PhD Program Jeffrey Bird, SEES William Blanford, SEES Jacquelyn Bracco, SEES Timothy Eaton, SEES Dianne Greenfield, SEES George R. Hendrey, SEES Marc-Antoine Longpre, SEES Allan Ludman, SEES Cecilia M. McHugh, SEES Steven Markowitz, SEES Greg O’Mullan, SEES Stephen Pekar, SEES Dax Soule, SEES Gillian Stewart, SEES Pedro Val, SEES John Waldman, Dept of Biology Chuixiang Yi, SEES

Psychology PhD Program

Cognitive and Comparative Psychology Training Area David Lahti, Dept of Biology Carolyn Pytte, Dept of Psychology Robert Ranaldi, Dept of Psychology

CUNY Neuroscience Collaborative Jeff Beeler, Dept of Psychology Rich Bodnar, Dept of Psychology Joshua Brumberg, Dept of Psychology Jin Fan, Dept of Psychology Nancy Foldi, Dept of Psychology Andrea Li, Dept of Psychology PoKay Ma, Dept of Biology Yoko Nomura, Dept of Psychology Carolyn Pytte, Dept of Psychology

Behavior Analysis Training Area Carolyn Pytte, Dept of Psychology Robert Ranaldi, Dept of Psychology

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Graduate Program Overview The Department of Biological Sciences has graduate and post-graduate research programs in molecular and cell biology, cancer biology, molecular and developmental genetics, and molecular neuroscience. Students may obtain the MA from Hunter College and/or the Ph.D. from the City University Graduate Center. A description of the Biology MA program is linked to here.  For a description of various masters programs with specializations click here . The doctoral program is designed to prepare students to cope with the radical changes in direction and experimental approaches that will characterize future developments in biology, as well as to train highly qualified research scientists who are fully equipped to teach and to direct research in a wide variety of university and industry programs in the biological sciences. Faculty of the department are pursuing projects in the forefront of modern research. In addition to the individual research laboratories, a number of shared facilities are housed in the department. They include transmission and scanning electron microscopes, a sequencing and synthesis facility equipped with a DNA synthesizer, a peptide synthesizer, a gasphase sequencer, DNA sequencer and advanced HPLC and data processing equipment, a bioimaging facility, a fluorescenceactivated cell sorter and a biopreparation facility. Several facilities are available through the chemistry department, including X-ray diffraction, NMR, mass spectroscopy and biomolecular computation. Shared modern animal facilities are also available. For a description of the CUNY Biology Ph.D. program  click here . For the CUNY Biochemistry program    click here

Master's Graduate Advisers:

CUNY Doctoral Degree Programs

The College participates in the following doctoral programs with the CUNY Graduate School and University Center: 

Biology (PhD), offered jointly with The City University Graduate School

Chemistry (PhD), offered jointly with The City University Graduate School and Brooklyn College

Computer Science (PhD), offered jointly with The City University Graduate School

Physics (PhD), offered with the PhD program of The City University Graduate School

Please consult the  CUNY Graduate Center  for information on admissions and programs.  

Biology (Neuroscience)

The College participates with the Graduate School and University Center, and in cooperation with the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, in offering a PhD program in Biology with a subspecialty in Neuroscience. The program is designed to give the student advanced knowledge in physiology with emphasis on neurobiology and neurochemistry. State-of-the-art neuroscience laboratories equipped with facilities for neuronal cell cultures, cell imaging microscopy, bioenzymatic analyses, protein purification, gene cloning, electrophysiology, and other advanced research procedures provide the setting for graduate training and doctoral dissertation research. Research emphasis is on neuronal development, synaptic plasticity, and molecular mechanisms underlying learning, memory, and developmental disabilities. Students are admitted to the program by the Graduate School and University Center (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016; 212.817.7470; email:  [email protected] ;  ) and are advised to consult Dr. Alejandra del Carmen Alonso (CSI) at  [email protected] , 718982.3950.

Chemistry (Polymer)

The College participates with the Graduate School and University Center in offering a PhD program in Polymer Chemistry. Interested students may also study for the master’s degree while in the doctoral program. The program is designed to give the student a broad background in chemistry along with an interdisciplinary approach to polymer science. Emphasis is placed on the relationship between the synthesis, structure, properties, and utilization of natural and synthetic polymers. Students are admitted to the program by the Graduate School and University Center (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016; 212.817.7470; email:  [email protected] ; ) and are advised to consult Dr. Nan-Loh Yang, Department of Chemistry at CSI (718.982.5873; email: [email protected] ).

Computer Science

The College participates in the CUNY Graduate School and University Center’s PhD program in Computer Science. Students wishing to specialize in the areas of artificial intelligence and data mining, multimedia and image processing, software engineering, management information systems, networks, telecommunications, or related areas may do much of their coursework and research at the College of Staten Island. Students are admitted to the program by the Graduate School and University Center (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016; 212.817.7470; email:  [email protected] ; ) and are advised to consult Dr. Xiaowen Zhang, Department of Computer Science at CSI (718.982.3262; email:  [email protected] ).

The College of Staten Island is an active participant in the CUNY Doctoral program in Physics. Students in this program are admitted through the Graduate School and University Center (365 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10016; 212.817.7470; email:  [email protected] ; ) under the auspices of the College. Courses are taken at the Graduate Center together with students associated with other participating CUNY colleges. Dissertation research is done at CSI. The department has a well-equipped laser and photonics laboratory. Current research interests include experimental and theoretical optics, condensed matter physics, quantum systems, particle physics, polymer physics, material science, and astrophysics. Students interested in the program are advised to consult Professor William Schreiber, Department of Engineering Science and Physics at CSI (718.982.2810; email:  [email protected] ).

Doctoral Courses in Selected Disciplines and Independent Studies

CHM 710  Applied Polymer Chemistry

3 hours; 3 credits

A study of the relationship of polymer structure and properties to the applications of polymeric materials. The chemical and structural requirements of fibers, elastomers, and plastics. Processing of polymers. A survey of the more important polymers. Synthesis of monomers and polymers.

Prerequisite: U 730

CHM 795  Research

2-30 hours; 1-15 credits

A course of research in polymer science under the direction of a faculty member.

CHM 820  Seminar in Polymer Chemistry

1 hour; 1 credit

Students, staff, and visitors present seminars dealing with current research and literature reviews on selected topics in polymer chemistry.

CHM 830  Topics in Polymer Chemistry

Advanced aspects of polymer chemistry are intensively explored. The course is rotated among staff members in the program.

CHM 800-890  (1-3 hours; 1-3 credits),

Graduate Topics in Chemistry

CHM 891  (1 credit),  CHM 892  (2 credits),

CHM 893  (3 credits),  CHM 894  (4 credits)

Graduate Independent Study in Chemistry Study and research under the supervision of a staff member, which may include literature and/or experimental work.

For a listing of additional doctoral courses in chemistry consult the CUNY Graduate School Catalog .

Up one level

Graduate Catalog 2020-2021

Brooklyn College

Graduate Information

Graduate studies in biology can be minute in scale or vast in scope..

As a graduate student, you are interested in continuing your studies in biology—a huge and diverse area of human knowledge that includes everything from the behavior that codes genetic information to enormous ecosystems that cover the surface of our planet.

Our Department of Biology offers numerous courses and programs of study that reflect the wide range and depth of options in the discipline. Areas of research include the behavior and evolution of marine animals, the production of biofuels, cell growth and cancer, meiosis, bioinformatics, and the interaction between microbes and their hosts in both health and disease. Students have the opportunity to carry out their thesis research in one of our many research laboratories .

Biology Kinesiology

Graduate Students and Research Associates

Research associates.

Name E-mail Lab
Cohen, Michael Lipke
Jackson, Desmond Lipke
Joyner, Jessica Muth
Musolf, Kerstin Wilson
Wiech, Eliza Singh

Ph.D. Students

Name E-mail Lab
Fouad-Farhat, Manal Quadri
Germain, Gabrielle Quadri
Hom, Kelsey Forlano
Janisch, Niklas Quadri
Jeon, Hanjun Saxena
Levendosky, Keith Quadri
Phillip, Jasmin Ikui
San, Avdar Saxena
Silva, Andriele Singh
Name E-mail Lab
Ashe, Jimiane Wilson
Banerjee, Sudharma Saxena
Chambers, Chantel Lipke
Cohen, Michael Lipke
Gomez, Katherine Schvarzstein
Gomez, Roberto He
Kan, Jingbo Biais
Khondker, Shoily Ikui
Lakha, Rabina He
Lawag, Abdalla Singh
Lewandowski, Naomi Basil
Lopez, Antonio Singh
Perelmuter, Jonathan Forlano
Sabour, Jennifer Muth
Seow, Mafer Biais
Thomas, Paul Polle

Ph.D. Program

Brooklyn College Biology faculty mentor Ph.D. students through the CUNY Graduate Center . Faculty participate in a variety of graduate programs in biochemistry and biology , including the Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (EEB) , Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCD) , Neuroscience (NS) , and Plant Science (PS) subprograms. Contact individual faculty for more information on research opportunities.

Faculty Member Program Affilitations
Jennifer Basil Biology (EEB)
Paul Forlano Biology (EEB, NS)
Amy Ikui Biochemistry, Biology (MCD)
Theodore Muth Biology (MCD)
Juergen Polle Biology (MCD, PS)
Luis Quadri Biochemistry, Biology (MCD)
Anjana Saxena Biochemistry, Biology (MCD)
Mara Schvarzstein Biology (MCD)
Shaneen, Singh Biochemistry, Biology (MCD, PS)
Phillip Staniczenko Biology (EEB)
Barbara Studamire Biochemistry, Biology (MCD)
Tony Wilson Biology (EEB)

Brooklyn. All in.

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Research Opportunities

  • Master of Arts (MA) in Biology
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Become involved in student research in the QC Biology Department!  We offer opportunities at the undergraduate and graduate level.

  • Biology Graduate Research Coordinator:   David Lahti
  • QC MARC-U*STAR Program website
  • QC Office of Undergraduate Research website

If you are interested in joining a Biology lab, follow these three steps:

  • Scan the research interests of our  faculty
  • Contact a faculty member, preferably by email, indicating your interests, education level, and availability.
  • When you succeed at joining a lab, if you are interested in taking a research course for credit, please see below for registration information.

Our faculty members run their labs differently, so each will have different rules for admission into the lab, expected level and duration of commitment, what sort of work you will be doing, and what you need to do in order to obtain research credit.

Undergraduate Research

The Queens College Department of Biology values and depends on undergraduate research. Many undergraduate researchers in our Department eventually become skilled enough to contribute intellectually and materially to faculty research projects, or even have semi-independent projects of their own, meriting coauthorship on scientific papers. Becoming a scientist is fun, but challenging! To learn the ropes in general, in terms of principles and practice, including ethics, we strongly recommend that you take BIO200 – Foundations of Biological Research, prior to or early in your undergraduate research career. For more information regarding the undergraduate major in Biology at Queens College, see our Bachelor’s Degrees page . Our undergraduate researchers also include students based in other units, especially the QC Honors Program in Mathematics and Natural Sciences . Likewise, Biology majors can take research credit in other units, such as Psychology, Neuroscience, Chemistry & Biochemistry, Earth & Environmental Sciences.

Visit the website of the Office of Undergraduate Research at Queens College. If you are a qualifying undergraduate, consider joining the MARC (Maximizing Access to Research Careers) program . The QC Office of Career Development & Interships also runs an Internship Program that can integrate education with research. The Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship also provides summer internships; for this, studens should apply to the QC Office of Honors and Scholarships.

Undergraduate Research for Course Credit

Many of our undergraduate researchers opt to get course credit for the work they do.  There are two main research courses, each of which can be taken for 1-3 credits.

  • Biology 390:  Undergraduate Research in Biology I
  • Biology 391:  Undergraduate Research in Biology II

If more credit is desired, Biology 391 can be taken multiple times.  Students may change labs and mentors between courses, although we encourage sustained relationships with a single research laboratory and mentor in order to develop an advanced skill set and a deeper understanding of a particular research program.

Students must complete the following form and submit it to the Biology Office in order to register for undergraduate research for credit.  It requires the signature of a faculty mentor.  If students wish to submit the form electronically they must first gain mentor approval.  Mentors will then email the Biology Office to approve registration.

Graduate Research

Enrollees in QC Master’s and CUNY Doctoral programs are heavily involved in research in the Biology Department.  For information about doctoral programs, please see our Doctoral Studies page , or go to the relevant program at the CUNY Graduate Center as our doctoral programs are based there.  For information about graduate research or admission to the Biology Master’s program, see our Master’s Degrees page or contact our Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC:  David Lahti ).  To register for graduate research courses or tutorial, please use the following form:

This form requires 2 signatures: the mentor, and and the GRC .  If students wish to submit the forms electronically they must first gain mentor approval.  The mentor will email the GRC, who will forward the correspondence to the Office Staff with approval.

  On-Time Registration for Research:  Please note that students must register for research or tutorial within the same registration deadlines as any other courses. Students cannot register for these classes at random times during the semester, but only during the set registration periods.

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CUNY Graduate Center; our PhD Program Affiliation

CUNY's Graduate offers a PhD in Biology program. Students in this program may select a mentor within our Department of Biology.

Please visit this website to learn more about the Graduate Center PhD program.

To apply to the Graduate Center program, please go here.……

Last Updated: 11/19/2021 10:22

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Image of Yale students with Garden staff in Costa Rica

Graduate Studies Program

Commodore Matthew Perry Graduate Studies Program

The NYBG Graduate Studies Program trains Ph.D. and Master’s students in systematics, genomics, economic botany, and related fields such as forestry, ecology, bioinformatics, and conservation biology. The Program is operated in conjunction with City University of New York’s (CUNY) Ph.D. Program in Biology; Florida International University’s International Center for Tropical Botany; the Biology Department and Calder Center of Fordham University; the Department of Ecology, Evolution & Environmental Biology (E3B) at Columbia University; the Department of Plant Biology at Cornell University; the Biology Department at New York University (NYU); and The School of the Environment at Yale University. Students apply to and enroll at one of these universities and complete the degree requirements of the school, but have full access to the staff, facilities, and research opportunities available at the Garden.

In addition to core courses in plant sciences, New York City doctoral students can take courses in molecular biology, statistics, phytochemistry, the social sciences, or other disciplines at any affiliated campus in the NYC area. As a result, students have the opportunity to develop skills in a diversity of fields to design interdisciplinary research projects that revolve around plant science.

The New York Botanical Garden has one of the outstanding botanical libraries in the world, with more than 1.25 million accessions, a herbarium with over 7.8 million specimens, and 10,000 species of living plants housed in several greenhouses including the Enid A. Haupt Conservatory. Students also have access to the Laboratory for Integrative Biodiversity Research.

Contact Lawrence M. Kelly ( [email protected] ), Director of Graduate Studies, with questions or comments.

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Graduate Programs and Requirements

Alumni Walk, As Seen From Above Facing The Library

Below, you will find a listing of our graduate programs which include Advanced Certificate, Masters and Doctoral programs. Each program is linked to a fact sheet or page with detailed information regarding the admission requirements and application procedures. You may also visit the Graduate Catalog for additional information and degree requirements.

Doctoral Programs

Program Coordinator/Director Application Deadline

Program Director Ruth Silverberg
Building 3S, Room 105A

Summer Cohort - January 17
(Priority Deadline)

Professor Catherine Paradiso
Building 5S, Room 213

Fall - April 19


Professor Michael Chiacchiero
Building 5N, Room 205

Summer - October 1
Summer Admission Only

Masters Programs

Program Coordinator/Director Application Deadline

Professor Seokyoun Hwang
Building 3N, Room 227

Fall - April 25 (Priority Deadline)
Spring - November 25 (Priority Deadline)

Professor Kristen Gillespie
Building 4S, Room 103

Fall - May 15 (Priority Deadline)
Spring - November 25 (Priority Deadline)


Professor Jianying Gu
Building 6S, Room 142

Fall - July 1
Spring - November 25

Professor Hyoung Suk Shim
Building 3N, Room 224A

Fall - April 25
Spring - November 25
(Priority Deadlines)


Professor Chandan Acharya (Strategic Management)
Building 3N, Room 214

Professor Hyoung Suk Shim (Large-Scale Data Analysis)
Building 3N, Room 224A

Fall - April 25 (Priority Deadline)
Spring - November 25 (Priority Deadline)

Professor Frances Melendez
Building 4S, Room 106

Fall - March 10
Fall Admission Only

Professor Xiaowen Zhang
Building 1N, Room 213

Fall - July 20
Spring - December 5




Diane Brescia
Building 3S, Room 211


Rebecca Curinga ( )
Building 3S, Room 225


Deirdre Armitage ( )
Building 3S, Room 207C


Fall - April 25
Spring - November 25
Summer - July 1 (Childhood Sequence 3 ONLY) 

Professor Vinay Vaishampayan
Building 1N, Room 231

Fall - June 30 (Priority Deadline)
Spring - December 31 (Priority Deadline)

Professor Sohomjit Ray
Building 2S, Room 233

Fall - April 30 (Priority Deadline)
Spring - October 31 (Priority Deadline)

Professor Alfred Levine
Building 1N, Room 227

* Rolling Admission for Fall and Spring

Professor Chandan Acharya
Building 3N, Room 214

Fall - April 25
Spring - November 25
(Priority Deadlines)

Professor Natalie Kimball
Building 2N, Room 215C

Fall - July 20
Spring - December 2



Professor Kwesi Ndzibah
Building 3S, Room 216

Fall Cohort - May 25

Professor Roslyn Bologh
Building 4S, Room 208

Spring - January 15
Fall - August 15

Professor Greg Phillips
Building 6S, Room 131

*Rolling Admission for Fall and Spring



Professor Catherine Paradiso
Building 5S, Room 213

Fall - April 19

Professor Susan Smith-Peter
Building 2N, Room 204

Fall - July 20
Spring - December 2

Paul Archibald
Building 2A, Room 201

Priority Deadline - February 15 (Summer / Fall Admission Only)
(Summer start for Advanced Standing Only)

Special Programs

Teacher on Sabbatical The Teacher on Sabbatical program is designed for veteran teachers who wish to hone their classroom management skills and increase their effective use of technology.

Joint Programs

The following doctoral programs are offered jointly with The City University Graduate School Center:

  • Biology (Neuroscience)
  • Computer Science

The applications for the joint doctoral programs are available through the CUNY Graduate Center .

*Rolling Admission :  We strongly encourage you to submit the application and all supporting documents no later than November 18 for Spring and April 21 for Fall.  Programs that offer rolling admissions will accept applications on a space available basis.

International Applicants : Applicants who are seeking an F-1 visa (student visa) should complete the application process one month prior to the posted deadline. 

Extended deadlines : Some departments may consider reviewing applications that are submitted after the deadline.  Please contact the Office of Recruitment and Admissions for further details at 718.982.2019 or [email protected]  

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--> All Graduate Programs --> Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) --> Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner (DNP) --> Family Nurse Practitioner (DNP) --> Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (DNP) --> Nurse Anesthesia Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (DNP) --> Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - CRNA AGACNP DNP Program --> DNP Admission Requirements

March 1

Fall admission for MS and DNP (AGPCNP, FNP, PMHNP) programs

November 1
Summer admission for CRNA DNP program

December 15
Summer admission for PhD program


This , the only one of its kind in the NYC metropolitan area housed in a public institution, offers preparation for dual-certification as a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) and an adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP).

With a rigorous three-year curriculum and access to cutting-edge simulation centers, students will gain unparalleled hands-on experience. Our prestigious clinical partnerships with NewYork-Presbyterian and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center ensure exposure to high-acuity settings, preparing graduates for leadership in healthcare.

Graduates of the program are eligible for New York State NP certification and meet educational eligibility requirements for national board certification by the (CRNA), the (AGACNP-BC ), and the (ACNPC-AG ).


The program's rigorous three-year, full-time curriculum spans 100 credits over nine semesters (summer, fall, spring), offering unparalleled education and training. Students will engage in cutting-edge clinical practice projects, fostering innovation and critical thinking as they apply their learning to real-world clinical challenges.


As the flagship nursing school of CUNY, HBSON boasts a rich history of over 60 years of preparing nurses to serve urban underserved populations. With a longstanding reputation for academic excellence and accessibility, our school is deeply committed to advancing health and health equity in New York City and global communities.

HBSON’s program is the only one in the New York City metropolitan area housed within a public college or university, providing New York residents with the advantage of . In addition to the HBSON nursing labs, students will benefit from two state-of-the-art simulation learning centers: the and the . NYSIM, a collaborative venture between NYU Langone Health and CUNY, serves as the hub of simulation education in the health sciences at both institutions. SAIL, established by the Department of Surgery at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medicine, offers advanced operating room and surgical simulation technology, capable of recreating nearly any healthcare scenario.

Our program’s prestigious clinical affiliations with and ensure that students gain hands-on experience in diverse, high-acuity settings. NewYork-Presbyterian, one of the nation’s leading academic health centers, is affiliated with two Ivy League medical schools: Weill Cornell Medicine and Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) is a world-renowned comprehensive center dedicated to cancer care, research, and education. These clinical partnerships provide our students with real-world exposure and the practical skills critical for success in their careers.

Led by and , experts in nurse anesthesia education and research, the program fosters innovation, research, and excellence.

, brings extensive experience in nurse anesthesia curriculum development and program administration. Dr. Yermal has been instrumental in developing nurse anesthesia programs at other institutions, including Georgetown University, the University of Miami, and Oregon Health and Science University. His research interests focus on the bio-behavioral aspects of the perioperative period, providing critical insights into patient care during surgery. , the Assistant Specialty Director, is a highly esteemed leader in nurse anesthesia education, clinical practice, and research. Her research, particularly in oncology symptom science, has been widely published and presented at national conferences.

The Nurse Anesthesia Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner DNP program meets the highest standards of nurse anesthesia education and fosters a culture of research, innovation, and continuous improvement. Our program is poised to produce the next generation of nurse anesthesia leaders who are well-equipped to meet the evolving healthcare needs of people living in New York City and global communities.



Admission requirements include a bachelor's degree in nursing from an accredited institution with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 (4.0 scale), completion of an undergraduate statistics course and a discrete undergraduate nursing research course, a current New York State RN license, and a minimum of two years of post-baccalaureate full-time registered nursing critical care experience. See our for details.


Submit an online application through the that includes a statement of purpose, resume, and two relevant letters of recommendation. Please review our before beginning your application.


Annual deadline of for admission in the summer term.



The program prepares graduates to:


The Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Program has been accredited by the Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs (COA).

Council on Accreditation of Nurse Anesthesia Educational Programs
10275 W. Higgins Rd., Suite 906
Rosemont, IL 60018-5603
(224) 275-9130

The Hunter-Bellevue School of Nursing Nurse Anesthesia Adult-Gerontology Acute Care DNP Program has received NYS Education Department approval:

New York State Education Department
2nd Floor, West Wing
89 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12234



or attend an information session. Questions about the program may be directed to .

September 2024
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CUNY Reports Record-High $672 Million in External Research Awards for FY 2024

September 12, 2024

Chancellor Matos Rodríguez Announces the Milestone at 10th Anniversary Celebration of CUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center

Reflects the success of the university’s efforts to support more than 10,000 faculty researchers and expand the impact of their work.

ASRC 10th anniversary banner

The City University of New York reported $672 million in external funding for research and other sponsored programs in Fiscal Year 2024, an all-time record high for the University and a 6% increase over last year , which was the previous high for CUNY’s Research Foundation (RFCUNY). The gains reflect the success of ongoing efforts to support more than 10,000 faculty, student and staff researchers and elevate the impact of their work. CUNY has increased external funding for research and other sponsored activities and programs more than 78% over the past decade.

CUNY is also reporting increased expenditures on research and other sponsored activities, a related and widely reported indicator of research trends that tracks these activities over time. The University reports expenditures of external grant funds totaling $622 million in FY 2024, an  increase of about 68% since 2014. When accounting is finalized in January, campuses are projecting more than $50 million in additional research expenditures for FY 2024.

phd program biology cuny

“CUNY makes integral contributions to our communities through the strong public impact of thousands of faculty researchers and the many ways in which their work improves the quality of life for residents of New York and beyond,” said CUNY Chancellor Félix V. Matos Rodríguez . “CUNY’s record growth in funding from external sources, along with our rising expenditures for research and development, reflect the success of this critical enterprise, which creates knowledge and advances our progress in pursuit of solutions to the many pressing scientific and societal challenges we face.”

The Chancellor announced the funding milestones at a celebration Thursday marking the 10th anniversary of CUNY’s Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), an arm of the CUNY Graduate Center that is located on the upper-Manhattan campus of The City College of New York. In the decade since its establishment, the ASRC has attracted more than $132 million in sponsored research funding and helped propel key advances by New York’s academic, start-up and corporate communities.

The anniversary event, “Catalyzing Change, Celebrating Gains: A Decade of Visionary Science for the Public Good,” included remarks by CUNY professor Mandë Holford, the first-ever CUNY researcher to win the prestigious Pioneer Award from the National Institutes of Health. Holford, whose work explores therapeutic opportunities and properties of venoms from marine mollusks, was recently named the inaugural Anne Welsh McNulty Chair of Science Innovation and Leadership at Hunter College . The keynote speaker was Dr. William G. Kaelin Jr. of Harvard Medical School, a 2019 Nobel laureate.

“The increase in research and sponsored project expenditures is a direct result of the hard work of our outstanding CUNY faculty, staff and students,” said Rosemarie D. Wesson, CUNY associate vice chancellor and university vice provost for research . “ Congratulations to all and we look forward to continuing to grow the research ecosystem within CUNY and amplify the impacts of the research on our New York City communities and beyond.”

“The Research Foundation of the City University of New York has been supporting CUNY’s management of research and sponsored programs with professional staff for over 60 years,” said Hector Cordero-Guzman, president of the Research Foundation of CUNY . “The increase in awards under the Chancellor’s leadership has been the result of growing investments in CUNY’s research infrastructure combined with the creativity and ingenuity of our faculty, whose research work and interests are relevant and attractive to federal, state, city and private funders and sponsors.”

“The ASRC’s milestone 10th anniversary is a welcome opportunity to celebrate the strength and impact of science research and education across CUNY campuses,” said Joshua C. Brumberg , president of the CUNY Graduate Center . “We are immensely proud of the hundreds of millions of dollars that ASRC researchers and Graduate Center STEM faculty have attracted for their cutting-edge work, which stands to benefit CUNY, New York, and the broader society. From next-generation sensors to flood-monitoring technology, quantum computing to cancer therapies, Graduate Center faculty and students are making a difference through discovery, and I’m confident that the next decade will be equally bold and exciting.”

phd program biology cuny

Strategic Priorities

CUNY has prioritized efforts to amplify the quantity and quality of engaged public impact research and scholarship. The University’s 2023-2030 strategic roadmap, “CUNY Lifting New York,” set a seven-year goal of increasing by 20% the total grant dollars awarded for research and the number of grants. Awards data from RFCUNY shows total external funding for research is well ahead of pace to meet CUNY’s seven-year goals.

The awards advance the work of researchers and scholars across CUNY’s 25 campuses and all five New York City boroughs, whose efforts are spurring advances in areas that include the life sciences and medicine, energy and environmental justice, climate resiliency, transportation, robotics, cybersecurity and more.

This work also creates a wide range of experiential learning opportunities for CUNY students and strengthens the degree-to-career pipeline. A prime example is a $75 million gift from the Simons Foundation, announced in January by Gov. Kathy Hochul in conjunction with her landmark Empire AI initiative. With the donation, at the time the largest in CUNY’s history, the University will add 25 faculty researchers, create a Master of Science degree program in computational science and provide new research experiences for undergraduates. 

phd program biology cuny

The City University of New York is the nation’s largest urban public university, a transformative engine of social mobility that is a critical component of the lifeblood of New York City. Founded in 1847 as the nation’s first free public institution of higher education, CUNY today has seven community colleges, 11 senior colleges and seven graduate or professional institutions spread across New York City’s five boroughs, serving more than 233,000 undergraduate and graduate students and awarding 50,000 degrees each year. CUNY’s mix of quality and affordability propels almost six times as many low-income students into the middle class and beyond as all the Ivy League colleges combined. More than 80 percent of the University’s graduates stay in New York, contributing to all aspects of the city’s economic, civic and cultural life and diversifying the city’s workforce in every sector. CUNY’s graduates and faculty have received many prestigious honors, including 13 Nobel Prizes and 26 MacArthur “genius” grants. The University’s historic mission continues to this day: provide a first-rate public education to all students, regardless of means or background. To learn more about CUNY, visit .

News Spotlight

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CUNY Chancellor Matos Rodríguez Announces Designation of Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, Lunar New Year and Diwali as Official Holidays

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News Leaders From Around the World Selected for 5th Executive Program Cohort

  • By Newmark J-School Staff
  • Published on Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 at 9:16 am

The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY is excited to welcome its fifth cohort of 19 distinguished journalism leaders and innovators into the Executive Program in News Innovation and Leadership. These visionaries are set to revolutionize the news industry by pioneering cutting-edge strategies, developing innovative business models, and creating profitable products that will shape the future of journalism.

“We are thrilled to continue our mission of driving innovation and leadership in journalism. This year’s global cohort embodies the transformative power of our industry’s next generation of leaders, each bringing diverse perspectives, knowledge and skills to drive intentional change,” said Program Director Niketa Patel.

This year’s cohort brings together a diverse group of professionals from across the globe, including representatives from Argentina, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, the Philippines, Singapore, Spain, and the United States. Their expertise spans a wide array of topics, from product development and strategic planning to advancements in artificial intelligence and digital subscriptions, reflecting the multifaceted challenges and opportunities facing today’s newsrooms.

The program runs from September 9, 2024, to June 27, 2025, and will be conducted online, with immersive in-person residencies scheduled for Fall 2024, Winter 2025, and Summer 2025. Generous tuition support has been provided by the Helsingin Sanomat Foundation, and the Newmark J-School is proud to offer a full scholarship to our Social Impact Fellow, who is committed to empowering underrepresented communities and amplifying voices often unheard in mainstream media.


Thomas Aagaard Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Copenhagen, Denmark Country of Origin: Denmark Organization: Zetland Role: Managing Editor

Thomas Aagaard is the managing editor of Zetland, a trailblazing membership-driven digital newspaper in Denmark. He began his career as a foreign correspondent based in Beirut, Lebanon, working for both Danish and international media. Upon his return to Denmark, he produced and hosted his own daily news program for Zetland before stepping into the leadership role he now has. Zetland was founded in 2016 as a membership-based, ad-free digital publisher dedicated to “journalism as a force for good,” and in 2024, Zetland had more than 40,000 paying members.

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J. Gabriel Boylan Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Brooklyn, New York, United States Country of Origin : United States Organization: Rest of World Role: Head of Audience

  Gabe Boylan has been working on audience and digital strategy in journalism for 20 years. He is currently the Head of Audience for Rest of World, an award-winning nonprofit journalism organization focused on the impact of technology in the non-western world. Since Rest of World’s launch in 2020, Gabe has led audience operations and built the team that now manages social media, newsletters, SEO, outreach & partnerships, analytics, and more. Formerly he worked as Senior Strategist for Fortune Magazine, was Director of Audience Engagement for First Look Media’s, and was Managing Editor for With the rapidly evolving nature of audience work in recent years, Gabe’s focus has been on building trusting relationships with readers that transcend platform shifts.

Paris Brown Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Baltimore, MD, United States Country of Origin : United States Organization: The Baltimore Times Role: Publisher

Paris M. Brown, Publisher of The Baltimore Times, leverages her 25 years of business development and marketing experience to drive digital transformation and revenue growth. As Associate Publisher, Paris led the shift to a digital-first approach, significantly increasing digital revenue through innovative campaigns and advanced technologies like AI, VR, and AR to create content to engage diverse audiences. Under her leadership, The Baltimore Times has seen organic growth in social media engagement, peaking at over 200K interactions from a combined social media following of 10K+. Paris focuses on strengthening partnerships and providing integrated solutions across print and digital platforms. Notable initiatives include the Creatively Black Baltimore arts exhibition, partnerships with the Maryland Cycling Classic, and transforming newspaper boxes into promotional billboards, ensuring The Baltimore Times remains a vital community voice and partner. She serves on the National Marketing Committee, National Newspaper Publishers Association Board of Directors, and Mid-Atlantic Community Publishers Association. She is a Newmark J+ Social Impact Fellow.

Danson Cheong Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Singapore, Singapore Country of Origin: Singapore Organization: The Strait Times Role: Assistant News Editor

Danson Cheong is an assistant editor at The Straits Times in Singapore, where he oversees the newspaper’s coverage on housing and politics. He has reported from various countries in Southeast Asia, and also spent five years in Beijing (2018-2023) where his reportage focused on Chinese politics, foreign policy and the impact of growing geopolitical tensions in Asia. He has won national and regional awards for his work. Despite the disruptions to the industry, he remains passionate (and excited!) about journalism’s power to tell stories and help people understand the world around them.

Mariah Craddick Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Chicago, Illinois, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The Atlantic Role: Executive Director of Product

Mariah Craddick is a product strategist with deep experience in the news and media industry. She’s currently leading product strategy at The Atlantic with a focus on driving subscription growth and enabling retention through feature adoption and delightful subscriber experiences. Previously, she led teams as product manager at The Wall Street Journal, McClatchy, and Crain Communications, playing a key role in building features that drive readership and engage subscribers. Prior to her product management career, she held several roles across the newsroom – from writing for the legendary Ebony and Jet magazines to executing social media strategy at Crain’s Chicago Business. She’s a fierce advocate for mentoring and training the next generation of media and product professionals and currently offers mentorship through organizations like the News Product Alliance, Online News Association, and The 19th. She also teaches product-focused programs at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY.

Paulo Celso Da Cunha Pereira Pronouns: He/Him/His Current Location : Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Country of Origin: Brazil Organization: O GLOBO Role: Executive Editor

Paulo Celso Pereira is the Executive Editor of O Globo, Brazil’s largest newspaper. In this role, he leads the editors through the digital transition and supports journalists in producing impactful stories that expand the readership and subscriber base. In addition to his leadership role, he frequently writes opinion articles about Brazilian politics for O Globo’s Opinion section and participates in podcasts. He has spent half of his life working as a journalist, with 12 years in the capital, Brasília. There, he worked for O Dia, a local newspaper, then moved to Veja, the leading news magazine in the country, and finally, in 2012, to O Globo. Two years later, during a deep institutional and political crisis, he became Political Coordinator and, in 2018, was appointed the director for Brasília’s branch.

Tara Francis Chan Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location:  New York, New York, United States Country of Origin:  Australia Organization: The Appeal Role: Managing Editor

Tara Francis Chan is the managing editor of The Appeal, which she helped relaunch as one of the first worker-led nonprofit newsrooms. Under her leadership, the team’s award-winning coverage of the criminal legal system has fostered the work of incarcerated writers, emulating the newsroom’s equity- and care-centered culture. Previously in her career, she was a senior editor at Newsweek, launch editor of Business Insider’s Asia desk, and the editor of a leading Australian magazine. She was a finalist for Young Australian Journalist of the Year, a 2022 cohort member of Poynter’s Leadership Academy for Women in Media, and is a member of the Institute for Nonprofit News’ Emerging Leaders Council. She is a graduate of the University of New South Wales and now lives in New York City.

Antti Karvanen Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Helsinki, Finland Country of Origin: Finland Organization: A-lehdet Role: Head of Digital 

Head of Digital with a passion for creating superior services and media experiences. Solid experience in UX, UI, Service Design, and digital business, leading the strategy and development of eight digital products at A-lehdet. Thrives at the intersection of tech, design, and journalism. Antti has a robust track record in digital product leadership within media companies. He served as Business Unit Director of the Tech & Design unit at a growth consultancy, and also shared his expertise as a lecturer in UX design. Antti runs a charity music festival, microbrewery and pond hockey tournament. He lives in Helsinki with his family and loves all the sports and almost all the music.

Gary Lavariere Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location : Adams, Massachusetts, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The Berkshire Eagle Role: Chief Revenue Officer

Gary Lavariere is a leader in the news industry who possesses a wealth of knowledge relative to data and digital strategies that drive success.  He is currently the Chief Revenue Officer at The Berkshire Eagle. In his eight years as a media executive at The Eagle & the Las Vegas Review-Journal, he has quickly risen to a leadership role and is highly regarded in the industry. He is a firm believer that the future for media will be driven by the digital subscription business.  To that end, he engages deeply in development of lifecycle journeys, digital funnel development, data-driven campaign management, and constant testing to improve conversion and engagement rates.

Ross Maghielse Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The Philadelphia Inquirer Role: Deputy Managing Editor, Innovation & Development

Ross Maghielse is a Deputy Managing Editor at The Philadelphia Inquirer and helps shape audience growth, innovation, business and content strategy. He joined The Inquirer in 2017 and leads a newsroom team that oversees all forms of digital distribution for The Inquirer’s journalism and he also plays an active role in newsroom recruiting. Previously, Ross has worked in various editing and digital strategy roles for The Guardian, CBS, Bleacher Report and Digital First Media’s Project Thunderdome. He’s a Michigan native and began his journalism career as a reporter at local newspapers in the state.

Andrea McDaniels Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Maryland, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The Baltimore Banner Role: Managing Editor

Andrea K. McDaniels is managing editor at The Baltimore Banner, a two-year-old, all digital news site working to create a sustainable model for local journalism. As it goes with a startup, she holds a number of roles, including head of newsroom hiring, liaison with philanthropy, career development, newsroom strategy and content editing. Prior to that, she worked at The Baltimore Sun for 21 years as a business reporter, health reporter, deputy opinion editor and columnist. She also worked as a reporter at The Charlotte Observer.

Preethi Nallu Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location : Barcelona, Spain Country of Origin: India and Iran Organization: Report for the World Role: Executive Director

Preethi Nallu leads a journalism service program called Report for the World, which supports critical beats such as climate, corruption, criminal justice, health, education and migration in independent newsrooms across the globe. The program currently spans 28 countries and partners with 49 public interest media. Preethi was founding editor at Refugees Deeply. Born in Iran, raised in India, she has lived in 14 countries, while researching, reporting and campaigning about human rights and development issues. She has worked with mainstream media outlets, global think tanks, UN agencies and NGOs such as the Norwegian Refugee Council and International Media Support. Her films and reportage won three Webby awards, two Migration Media awards, and the Amnesty International Human Rights Press Prize. She also trains in Indian classical dance and produces multimedia projects on freedom of expression and climate activism.  

Sophie Nicholson Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Paris, France Country of Origin: United Kingdom Organization: Agence France Presse (AFP) Role: Deputy Chief Editor

Sophie Nicholson is Deputy Editor in Chief, Digital Investigation at Agence France Presse (AFP) in Paris. Sophie has overseen the development of the news agency’s global fact-checking team, working closely with researchers, platforms and the public to tackle misinformation. She recently led the development of award-winning video playlists and an online training platform for journalists. Sophie previously worked as a foreign correspondent, reporting from more than 15 countries and based in Mexico City and Paris. She started her career in radio and television at the BBC in London.

Franco Piccato Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location : Buenos Aires, Argentina Country of Origin: Argentina Organization: Chequeado Role: Executive Director

Franco Piccato is the Executive Director of Chequeado, a leading fact-checking organization in Latin America. As the head of a talented team, he is committed to ensuring the organization’s long-term success. An expert in news and digital media, he possesses a deep understanding of the media landscape and a strong passion for fostering media sustainability in the region. He has been at the forefront of technology and journalism since the early days of dial-up internet. His career includes executive roles at Clarín (Buenos Aires), La Voz (Córdoba), and América Economía (Chile), where he led initiatives in audience engagement, product development, business models, and reader revenue. At Facebook, as Strategic Partner Manager for the Southern Cone, he developed distribution, monetization, and media programs. Franco is the co-author of Disruptive Journalism (2015) and a former digital journalism professor. Outside of work, he is a fan of TED talks, good food, and engaging conversations with friends.

Simone Salden Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location : Hamburg, Germany Country of Origin : Germany Organization: Manager Magazin Role: Deputy Editor-in-Chief

Simone Salden is deputy editor-in-chief of manager magazin. The title is one of Germany’s leading magazines and websites when it comes to investigative business journalism and is part of DER SPIEGEL Publisher Group. Before she joined the manager-team in 2022, Simone was working 16 years for DER SPIEGEL in different roles, covering politics and business and coordinating research-teams on breaking news situations in the newsroom. When everything is on fire, she keeps her head cool. Simone is a trained change-manager and a dedicated teacher at Universities and Journalism Schools. As a journalist with more than 20 years of experience in print and online she is driven by upholding independence and standards for next-generation reporters.

Ken Schneck Pronouns: he/him/his Current Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The Buckeye Flame Role: Editor 

Dr. Ken Schneck is the editor of The Buckeye Flame, Ohio’s only LGBTQ+ newsroom. For this work, he was honored with the Sarah Pettit Award for National LGBTQ+ Journalist of the Year. He previously served as editor of PRIZM Magazine and regularly freelances for Cleveland Magazine, FreshWater Cleveland, The Land and a host of other publications. Schneck is the author of Seriously…What Am I Doing Here? The Adventures of a Wondering and Wandering Gay Jew (2017), LGBTQ Cleveland (2018), LGBTQ Columbus (2019) and LGBTQ Cincinnati (2020). For 10 years, he produced and hosted “This Show is So Gay,” the award-winning nationally-syndicated radio show. In his spare time, he is a tenured full professor of education at Baldwin Wallace University.

Bernice Marie Sibucao Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Manila, Philippines Country of Origin: Philippines Organization: GMA Network Role: Senior Manager and Deputy Head of Digital Strategy and Innovation

Bernice Sibucao is the Senior Manager and Deputy Head of GMA Integrated News’ Digital Strategy and Innovation Lab. Under her leadership, her team has successfully positioned GMA Network—the largest news organization in the Philippines—as a prominent player online. They have launched innovative programs and products that have garnered billions of views and won international awards. Bernice was a fellow in the Asian American Journalists Association’s 25th Executive Leadership Program and was the only Filipino selected for The Poynter Institute’s 2022 Leadership Academy for Women in Media. She is currently the Secretary of the Asian American Journalists Association-Asia and a fellow in the London School of Economics and Political Science’s JournalismAI program.

Alexandra Smith Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Fort Collins, Colorado, United States Country of Origin: United States Organization: The 19th Role: Chief Strategy Officer

Alexandra Smith is chief strategy officer for The 19th, leading strategic efforts across the nonprofit news organization. Previously, she built out The 19th’s first audience team, developed growth initiatives at the media and tech startup WhereBy.Us, and led audience development and engagement efforts at The Coloradoan and The Asbury Park Press. Alexandra brings design thinking principles and an experiment-first mindset to news organization strategy. She’s a graduate of the Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at Columbia University, the Poynter Academy Program for Women in Digital Media and a Knight Visiting Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University.

Aldana Vales Pronouns: she/her/hers Current Location: Washington, DC, United States Country of Origin: Argentina Organization: Gannett – USA TODAY Network Role: Director of Audience Experiences

Aldana Vales is the Director of Audience Experiences at Gannett – USA TODAY Network. Specializing in understanding how people interact with journalism, she leads a team that designs holistic news products for more than 200 local communities in the U.S. Previously, Vales worked on audience and community research for The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic and Documented. Originally from Argentina, she graduated from the University of Buenos Aires with a bachelor’s degree in communication sciences. She also has a master’s degree in journalism and digital innovation from New York University.

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  1. Biology

    The Biology program provides its students with interdisciplinary research and training opportunities in the world-class laboratories of doctoral faculty located at CUNY campuses and affiliated institutions throughout New York City.

  2. Ph.D. Program

    The Ph.D. Program in Biology is administered through the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Beginning in Fall 2008, students will be based at the Graduate Center for their first year and at individual college campuses thereafter.

  3. BIOD-PHD Program

    The Ph.D. Program in Biology is administered through the Graduate Center of the City University of New York (CUNY). Beginning in Fall 2008, students will be based at the Graduate Center for their first year and at individual college campuses thereafter. Currently, approximately 25 students are assigned to the City College campus.

  4. Doctorate

    Doctoral Studies. We offer programs of courses and research leading to the Ph.D in affiliation with the CUNY Graduate Center. Aspiring biologists might be interested in the PhD Program in Biology (including Subprograms in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior; Neuroscience; and Plant Sciences); the PhD ...

  5. Doctoral Programs

    An internationally recognized center for advanced studies and a national model for public doctoral education, the Graduate Center offers over thirty doctoral programs in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences.

  6. Plant Sciences

    Plant Sciences. The Plant Sciences Subprogram (PS) of the Ph.D. in Biology is the most comprehensive of its kind in the New York area. The program is a long-standing joint initiative between CUNY and the New York Botanical Garden and consists of 40 doctoral faculty drawn from both institutions. Research areas include: biotechnology and ...

  7. Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology

    The Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology Subprogram (MCD) encompasses approximately 60 laboratories across eight CUNY campuses using a wide variety of model organisms from microbes and invertebrates to mammals and plants. It features faculty working at the cutting edge of cancer mechanisms, biotechnology, signal transduction, gene ...

  8. Admissions and Aid

    Fellowships and Financial Aid. Every applicant to The Graduate Center's doctoral programs will automatically be considered for five-year institutional funding packages. The aid we offer — including fellowships, tuition awards, and assistantships — is based on merit. For students in the Ph.D. Program in Biology, financial support is ...

  9. BIOLC-PHD Program

    Academics Admissions And Aid Research And Faculty Student Life News And Events About Home / Programs / Download as PDF BIOLC-PHD Program | Graduate Center Catalog

  10. PDF Handbook, Revision, 6/86

    LEARNING GOALS OF THE CUNY BIOLOGY PHD PROGRAM To achieve the doctorate in Biology, students must: Demonstrate both broad and specialized knowledge in the chosen biology subprogram, including the ability to: read and critically evaluate the research literature explain the experimental, observational, and/or analytical bases for current theories

  11. Biology

    The Biology and Biotechnology programs each offer B.S. and M.S degrees, as well as combined B.S./M.S. programs. The Biology Ph.D. is offered jointly by the City University of New York and City College, with areas of specialization in molecular/cellular/developmental biology, neurobiology, and ecology and evolutionary biology.

  12. Ph.D. Programs

    Research Programs The Ph.D. Program in Biology enables students to acquire a fundamental grounding in the current life sciences as well as mastery of the knowledge and investigative approaches in their chosen area of specialization, including Cell and Molecular Biology, Neurobiology, Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior, or Plant Sciences.

  13. Doctoral Studies

    Doctoral Studies. We offer programs of courses and research leading to the Ph.D in affiliation with the CUNY Graduate Center. Aspiring biologists might be interested in the PhD Program in Biology (including Subprograms in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology; Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior; Neuroscience; and Plant Sciences); the PhD ...

  14. Graduate Program Overview

    Graduate Program Overview The Department of Biological Sciences has graduate and post-graduate research programs in molecular and cell biology, cancer biology, molecular and developmental genetics, and molecular neuroscience. Students may obtain the MA from Hunter College and/or the Ph.D. from the City University Graduate Center.

  15. Biology

    Biology students enter professional programs (Medical Technology and Nursing) or pursue professional degrees (MD, DDS, DPM and DPT etc.) as well as entering CSI graduate programs (Masters degree) in Biology, Neuroscience and Environmental Science and the CUNY Ph.D. program. Many of our faculty hold Dual appointments with the Graduate Center.

  16. Graduate Studies

    Biology Department - Graduate Studies The Department of Biology at the College of Staten Island offers graduate degrees in Biology. The degrees are designed to provide research training in a variety of disciplines in biology, as well as prepare secondary education teachers with coursework and projects to prepare the scientists of the future.

  17. CUNY Doctoral Degree Programs

    Biology (Neuroscience) The College participates with the Graduate School and University Center, and in cooperation with the New York State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities, in offering a PhD program in Biology with a subspecialty in Neuroscience. The program is designed to give the student advanced knowledge in physiology with emphasis on neurobiology and ...

  18. Graduate Information

    Ph.D. Program Brooklyn College Biology faculty mentor Ph.D. students through the CUNY Graduate Center. Faculty participate in a variety of graduate programs in biochemistry and biology, including the Ecology, Evolution and Behavior (EEB), Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology (MCD), Neuroscience (NS), and Plant Science (PS) subprograms. Contact individual faculty for more information ...

  19. Research Opportunities

    Enrollees in QC Master's and CUNY Doctoral programs are heavily involved in research in the Biology Department. For information about doctoral programs, please see our Doctoral Studies page, or go to the relevant program at the CUNY Graduate Center as our doctoral programs are based there.

  20. CUNY Graduate Center; our PhD Program Affiliation

    CUNY's Graduate offers a PhD in Biology program. Students in this program may select a mentor within our Department of Biology. Please visit this website to learn more about the Graduate Center PhD program. To apply to the Graduate Center program, please go here.

  21. Graduate Studies Program

    The NYBG Graduate Studies Program trains Ph.D. and Master's students in systematics, genomics, economic botany, and related fields such as forestry, ecology, bioinformatics, and conservation biology. The Program is operated in conjunction with City University of New York's (CUNY) Ph.D. Program in Biology; Florida International University's International Center for Tropical Botany; the ...

  22. Biology

    The program prepares students for careers in the expanding fields of molecular biology, genetic engineering, conservation biology, and biotechnology. Graduates of the program will be prepared to conduct research, to evaluate the research of others, and to write and speak effectively in scientific fields.

  23. Graduate Programs and Requirements

    Graduate Programs and Requirements Below, you will find a listing of our graduate programs which include Advanced Certificate, Masters and Doctoral programs. Each program is linked to a fact sheet or page with detailed information regarding the admission requirements and application procedures. You may also visit the Graduate Catalog for additional information and degree requirements.

  24. Nurse Anesthesia Adult-Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner (DNP

    HEGIS Code: 1203.10. This pioneering program, the only one of its kind in the NYC metropolitan area housed in a public institution, offers preparation for dual-certification as a certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA) and an adult-gerontology acute care nurse practitioner (AGACNP).. With a rigorous three-year curriculum and access to cutting-edge simulation centers, students will gain ...

  25. CUNY Reports Record-High $672 Million in External Research Awards for

    The City University of New York reported $672 million in external funding for research and other sponsored programs in Fiscal Year 2024, an all-time record high for the University and a 6% increase over last year, which was the previous high for CUNY's Research Foundation (RFCUNY). The gains reflect the success of ongoing efforts to support more than 10,000 faculty, student and staff ...

  26. News Leaders From Around the World Selected for 5th Executive Program

    She's a fierce advocate for mentoring and training the next generation of media and product professionals and currently offers mentorship through organizations like the News Product Alliance, Online News Association, and The 19th. She also teaches product-focused programs at the Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY. X/Twitter ...