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A PhD timeline for finishing quickly [Free Gantt Download]

Navigating the labyrinthine journey of a PhD program is no small feat.

From the day you step into your graduate program as a bright-eyed doctoral student, you’re immediately thrust into a complex weave of coursework, research, and milestones.

By the second year, you’ve transitioned from coursework to research, laying the groundwork for your dissertation—a pivotal component in your scholarly endeavour. 

Come the third year, you face the critical oral examination, a hurdle that could make or break years of hard work.

But how does one streamline this multifaceted journey? The answer lies in a well-planned PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide for any PhD student looking to complete their doctoral studies efficiently, walking you through each milestone from coursework to graduation.

How to Begin with the PhD Timeline Planning?

Planning your PhD timeline is an essential first step in your PhD program.

Success in any PhD program depends, to a large extent, on effective time management and keeping track of progress through a thoughtfully crafted PhD timeline. 

Start with outlining all your major requirements:

  • coursework,
  • dissertation,
  • and the expected time needed for each task.

I also highly recommend factoring in failure time – give yourself a little bit of wiggle room for when things, invariably – go wrong. 

It’s crucial to remain realistic about the time you can commit daily or weekly while keeping long-term goals in mind.

Regular check-ins on your PhD timeline and supervisor will help you stay on track and allow you to adapt if necessary.

Adjustments may be needed as you progress through your PhD program, but having a timeline as a guide can make the journey less daunting and more achievable. 

Elements to include in a 3-year PhD timeline

The initial stage in this timeline typically involves coursework, often lasting one year, where the student engrosses themselves in advanced study in their chosen field.

Once the coursework is done (USA PhDs), they focus on proposing, conducting, and presenting their initial research.

By the end of the second year, most students should have a clear direction for their dissertation, a core component of the PhD process.

In this third and final year of the PhD timeline, the student focuses primarily on completing their dissertation, which involves collecting data, analyzing results, and organizing their research into a substantial, original, and cohesive document that contributes to contemporary knowledge in their field.

Regular reviews and modifications of the PhD timeline may also be necessary to accommodate various unpredictable circumstances, thus making this timeline both a guide and a flexible workplan.

It is a significant tool in successfully navigating the maze of becoming a PhD holder. 

Create Your PhD Timeline for a 3 year completion

Creating a timeline for a 3-year PhD program requires careful planning, as you’ll have multiple milestones and tasks to complete.

This timeline may vary depending on your specific field, institution, or country, but here is a general outline you can use as a starting point:

Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Admission & OnboardingFormalities for joining the program, including orientation.Official start of the program.
Initial Literature ReviewFamiliarize yourself with the existing research in your field.Foundation for your research.
CourseworkComplete required or optional courses.Credits/Education
Research Proposal OutlineDevelop a draft outline for your PhD proposal.Outline for proposal
Coursework & SeminarsContinue with coursework and attend relevant seminars.Credits/Education
Meet with AdvisorDiscuss research interests and outline.Feedback for refinement
Complete Research ProposalFinalize your research proposal with your advisor’s input.Approved Proposal
Ethics Approval (if needed)Submit proposal for ethics approval if required.Ethics Clearance
Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Data CollectionStart gathering data according to your proposal.Initial Data
Intermediate ReviewReview progress with advisor.Feedback for refinement
Data AnalysisStart analyzing the collected data.Preliminary Findings
Draft ChaptersStart writing initial chapters of your thesis.Draft Chapters
Further AnalysisConduct additional analysis if necessary.Refined Findings
Publish/ConferenceConsider publishing initial findings or presenting at a conference.Paper/Presentation
Complete Data CollectionFinish gathering all necessary data.Finalized Data
Update Thesis DraftUpdate your thesis draft with the complete analysis.Updated Draft
Year & QuarterActivity/MilestoneDescriptionOutcome/Output
Thesis WritingFocus primarily on writing your thesis.Near-final draft
Peer ReviewHave peers or mentors review the thesis draft.Feedback for refinement
Thesis SubmissionFinalize and submit your thesis for review.Submitted Thesis
Defense PreparationPrepare for your thesis defense.Defense Presentation
Thesis DefenseDefend your thesis in front of a committee.Committee’s Decision
Revisions (if needed)Make any revisions recommended by the committee.Final Thesis
Final SubmissionSubmit the finalized thesis.PhD Thesis
GraduationComplete any remaining formalities.PhD Awarded

Free Gantt chart excel template

Here is a free template you can modify for your own research:

Example Gantt chart for a USA PhD

Here are some common steps involved in completing a PhD, which I’ll use to create the Gantt chart:

PhD timeline USA PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation and Coursework (Semester 1) : Familiarization with the university, department, and coursework.
  • Coursework (Semester 2) : Continued coursework and possible teaching/research assistantships.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done towards the end of the first year or the beginning of the second year.
  • Preliminary Research : Initial research and literature review.
  • Complete Coursework (Semester 3) : Wrap up any remaining required courses.
  • Research Proposal : Develop a full research proposal including methodology.
  • Qualifying Exams : Exams to transition from a Ph.D. student to a Ph.D. candidate.
  • Begin Research : Start of actual research based on the approved proposal.
  • Conduct Research : Data collection, experiments, and analysis.
  • Intermediate Review : A review to assess the progress of the research.
  • Write Papers : Start writing papers and possibly publishing in journals.
  • Finalize Research : Final experiments and data analysis.
  • Write Dissertation : Writing the actual Ph.D. dissertation.
  • Dissertation Defense : Defending the dissertation before the committee.
  • Graduation : Completing all requirements and graduating.

Example Gantt chart for a UK, European and Australian PhD

For Ph.D. programs outside the United States, especially in Europe and some other parts of the world, students often go straight into research without the need for coursework. Here are some common steps for such programs:

PhD timeline UK PhD Gantt Chart

  • Orientation : Familiarization with the university and department.
  • Select Advisor and Research Topic : Usually done at the beginning of the program.

Wrapping up

The journey to earning a PhD is complex and demanding, filled with academic milestones from coursework to research to dissertation writing.

The key to a smooth and efficient doctoral journey lies in well-planned time management—a structured PhD timeline.

This blog serves as an invaluable guide, offering detailed tips for planning out each academic year in both U.S. and international PhD programs. It emphasizes the importance of starting with an outline of major requirements and factoring in “failure time” for unforeseen challenges.

For those looking to navigate their PhD journey in three years or beyond, having a flexible but comprehensive timeline can be the compass that guides them successfully through the academic labyrinth.

Whether you’re just starting out or already deep into your research, the principles and strategies outlined here can help streamline your path to that coveted doctoral hood.

phd 3 year plan

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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phd 3 year plan


How to Prepare a PhD Research Plan/Schedule?

PhD research plan is a structured schedule for completing different objectives and milestones during a given timeframe. Scholars are usually unaware of it. Let us find out how to prepare it. 

Between March 2021 to 2022, I read almost 15 different research proposals from students (for their projects) and only a single one, I found, with a comprehensive research plan for 3 years. Which is still not, kind of practical, probably copied from other students. 

Such entities are not known to over 90% of students, if some know that because their university asked for but unfortunately, this basic procedure lacks penetration among students. I don’t know the exact reason, but students lack a basic understanding of the research process. 

Meaning, that they don’t know or perhaps don’t complete their course work needly. PhD research requires many documents, SOPs and write-ups, before even starting it. For example, a rough research plan, research proposal, initial interview, competence screening, grant proposal and so on. 

However, the requirement varies among universities and thus knowledge regarding basic procedures often also varies among students. So I’m not blaming students but certainly, it is the fault of the university side, as well.  

When you come up with a research proposal with a research schedule or entire plant, certainly it will create a positive image and good reputation. So it is important. But how to prepare it? 

Hey, there I’m Dr Tushar, a PhD tutor and coach. In this article, we will understand how we can prepare a structured plan for the PhD research and how to execute it. 

So let’s get started.  

How to prepare a PhD research plan/schedule?

A PhD research plan or schedule can be prepared using the GANTT chart which includes a month, semester or year-wise planning of the entire PhD research work. 

First, enlist goals and objectives.

It’s not about your research objective enlisted in your proposal. I’m talking about the objectives of your PhD. Take a look at some of the objectives.

Course work Dry lab work 
Proposing PhD titleData collection 
PhD synopsis Data analysis- statistical, computational and other 
Ethical approval Thesis writing 
Trial and research work approval Thesis drafting 
Review literature Poster Preparation 
Questionnaire design Presentations 
Fieldwork Drafting a research paper 
Conducting the survey Drafting a thesis 
Designing the experiment Thesis completion
Wet lab work Viva 

Note that these are all the objectives that should be completed during the PhD, but not limited to a specific subject. Note you have to show how you can complete or achieve each objective during the entire tenure of your work. 

And that is what the plan/schedule is all about. Next, explain the time duration. The time required to complete each goal, roughly. For example, a semester or a year to complete the course work or 4 to 8 months for completion of ethical approval. 

Now two things must be known to you, at this point in time. 

  • First, enlist the time required to complete each objective, as aforementioned. 
  • Second, what goals would you complete during each semester?

For instance, course work takes a semester to complete, but during the period a scholar can also craft their PhD research title, research proposal, ethical approval and grant proposals. 

Now it is also crucial to know that there is no time bound to complete goals, but it should be completed as you explained. Let’s say you can plant it for 3 years, 4 or even 5 years depending on the weightage of your work. 

In summary, the answer to the question of how to prepare a research plan is, 

  • Enlist your goals or objectives. 
  • Decide the time required to complete each goal.
  • Prepare a GANTT chart.  

Now you have prepared zero-date planning for your research but how to present it? The answer is a GANTT chart.   

GANTT chart for PhD research plan: 

GANTT chart is a task manager and graphical presentation of how and how many tasks are completed or should be completed against a given time duration. Take a look at the image below. 

The example of the GANTT chart.

How can you prepare one?

Open MS Excel (on Windows) or numbers (on Mac).

Enlist goals or objectives in a column. 

Enlist years (duration of PhD) in a row and bifurcate them into individual semesters. You can also prepare a month-wise plan, that’s totally up to you. In my opinion, semester-wise planning is good because research is a lengthy and time-consuming process. So monthly planning would not work. 

To make a chart more attractive and readable use colors, as I used. Now mark a ‘cell’ against a column and row showing the objective which you are going to complete in a semester. Take a look. 

After the end of this, your GANTT chart would look like this. 

A screenshot of an ideal GANTT chart.

You can prepare a month-wise planning, individual semester-wise planning and goal-wise planning etc. I will explain these things in upcoming articles on 5 different types of GANTT charts for PhD.  

Custom writing services: 

If you find difficulties in preparing a research plan, synopsis, proposal or GANTT chart. We can work on behalf of you. Our costume services are, 

  • Synopsis writing 
  • Project writing 
  • Research proposal writing 
  • Research planning and GANTT chart preparation. 

You can contact us at [email protected] or [email protected] to get more information. 

Wrapping up: 

Planning and executing a research schedule are two different things. Oftentimes, students just prepare as per the requirements and then do work as per their convenience. Then they are stuck in one place and just work around the time. 

Plan things. Make your own GANTT chart, put it on your work table or stick it on a wall so that you can see it daily. Try to achieve each goal in time. Trust me things will work and you will complete your PhD before anyone else.  

Dr Tushar Chauhan

Dr. Tushar Chauhan is a Scientist, Blogger and Scientific-writer. He has completed PhD in Genetics. Dr. Chauhan is a PhD coach and tutor.

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Dr Tushar Chauhan

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  • The PhD Journey - Stages of a Doctoral Degree

The PhD Journey

Written by Mark Bennett

A PhD typically involves between three and four years of full-time study, culminating in a thesis which makes an original contribution to your field.

The process of getting a PhD is made up of quite a few components and milestones, from the literature review and writing up your dissertation right through to the viva examination at the end.

This section is a guide on how to do a PhD, providing in-depth advice and information on some of the main challenges and opportunities you’ll meet along the way!.

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7 stages of the PhD journey

A PhD has a few landmark milestones along the way. The three to four year you'll spend doing a PhD can be divided into these seven stages.

  • Preparing a research proposal
  • Carrying out a literature review
  • Conducting research and collecting results
  • Completing the MPhil to PhD upgrade
  • Participating in PhD teaching, conferences and publications
  • Writing your thesis
  • Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

We've expanded on what you can expect from each stage below.

1. Preparing a research proposal

Strictly speaking, your research proposal isn’t part of your PhD. Instead it’s normally part of the PhD application process.

The research proposal sets out the aims and objectives for your PhD: the original topic you plan to study and / or the questions you’ll set out to answer.

It also explains why your work is worthwhile and why it fits with the expertise and objectives of your university.

Finally, a PhD proposal explains how you plan to go about completing your doctorate. This involves identifying the existing scholarship your work will be in dialogue with and the methods you plan to use in your research.

All of this means that, even though the proposal precedes the PhD itself, it plays a vital role in shaping your project and signposting the work you’ll be doing over the next three or more years.

2. Carrying out a literature review

The literature review is normally the first thing you’ll tackle after beginning your PhD and having an initial meeting with your supervisor.

It’s a thorough survey of work in your field (the current scholarly ‘literature’) that relates to your project or to related topics.

Your supervisor will offer some advice and direction, after which you’ll identify, examine and evaluate existing data and scholarship.

In most cases the literature review will actually form part of your final PhD dissertation – usually setting up the context for the project, before you begin to explain and demonstrate your own thesis.

Sometimes a literature review can also be evaluated as part of your MPhil upgrade .

Research vs scholarship

Research and scholarship are both important parts of a PhD. But they aren't the same thing - and it's helpful to know the difference. Research is the original work you produce with your thesis. Scholarship is the expert understanding of your subject area that enables you to conduct valuable research.

3. Conducting research and collecting results

Once you’ve carried out your literature review, you’ll move from scholarship to research .

This doesn’t mean you’ll never read another academic article or consult someone else’s data again. Far from it. You’ll stay up to date with any new developments in your field and incorporate these into your literature review as necessary.

But, from here on in, your primary focus in your PhD process is going to be investigating your own research question. This means carrying out organised research and producing results upon which to base your conclusions.

Types of PhD research

The research process and the type of results you collect will depend upon your subject area:

  • In Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects you’ll focus on designing experiments, before recording and analysing their outcomes. This often means assembling and managing complex numerical datasets – sometimes in collaboration with the rest of your laboratory or workshop.
  • In Social Science subjects you’ll be more focussed on designing surveys or conducting case studies. These will produce quantitative or qualitative data, depending on the nature of your work.
  • In Arts and Humanities subjects you’ll often have less raw data, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be working with ‘hard’ factual information. You’ll analyse texts, sources and other materials according to an accepted methodology and reflect upon the significance of your findings.

Whatever subject you’re in, this research work will account for the greater part of your PhD results. You’ll have regular meetings with your supervisor, but the day-to-day management of your project and its progress will be your own responsibility.

In some fields it’s common to begin writing up your findings as you collect them, developing your thesis and completing the accompanying dissertation chapter-by-chapter. In other cases you’ll wait until you have a full dataset before reviewing and recording your conclusions.

4. Completing an MPhil to PhD upgrade

At UK universities it’s common to register new PhD students for an MPhil before ‘ upgrading ’ them to ‘full’ doctoral candidates. This usually takes place after one year of full-time study (or its part-time equivalent).

Forcing you to register for a ‘lesser’ degree may seem strange, but it’s actually an important part of the training and development a PhD offers:

  • As an MPhil student you’re able to comprehend your field and produce new research.
  • As a PhD student you’re able to go that crucial step further and produce the significant original contribution to knowledge that defines a doctorate.

The MPhil upgrade is when you take the step from the former to the latter.

The MPhil upgrade exam

Upgrading from MPhil to PhD registration usually involves a form of oral exam – similar to the viva voce that concludes a PhD. But, unlike a full viva, the MPhil upgrade is less formal and only covers part of your thesis.

In most cases you’ll submit a small amount of the material you’ve produced so far. This could be a draft of your first chapter (or part of it) and / or your literature review. You could also be asked to reflect on your progress in general.

You’ll then sit down with your supervisor and someone else from your department (familiar with your field, but unrelated to your project). They’ll offer feedback on the quality of your work and ask questions about your findings.

The aim of the process won’t be to examine your drafts so much as to confirm that your project has the potential to justify a PhD – and that you’re on track to complete it on time.

‘Failing’ a PhD upgrade is actually quite rare. Your university may ask you to repeat the procedure if they are concerned that you haven’t made sufficient progress or established a viable plan for the rest of your project.

What is an MPhil?

The MPhil (Master of Philosophy) is also a research degree, but its scope is more limited than a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy). And no, just like a PhD, an MPhil isn’t necessarily a Philosophy qualification. Our guide covers all you need to know about the difference between a MPhil and PhD .

5. PhD teaching, conferences and publications

During the PhD process, you’ll have lots of opportunities to take part in extra-curricular activities, such as teaching, academic conferences and publications.

Although it isn’t usually compulsory to participate in these, they can be an incredibly rewarding experience and will look great on your CV.

Teaching during a PhD normally involves hosting undergraduate seminars or supervising students in the lab, as well as marking work and providing feedback.

Academic conferences are an excellent way to network with like-minded colleagues and find out the latest developments in your field. You might even be able to present your own work to your peers at one of these events.

Publishing during a PhD will help you increase your academic profile, as well as give you experience of the peer review process. It’s not normally a requisite of your PhD, but publications will certainly help if you plan on applying for postdoc positions.

6. Writing your thesis

As the culmination of three or more years of hard work, the thesis (or dissertation) is the most important part of the procedure to get your PhD, presenting you with the opportunity to make an original scholarly contribution to your discipline.

Our guide to writing your thesis covers everything you need to know about this lengthy research project, from structure and word count to writing up and submission.

We’ve also written a guide to the PhD dissertation abstract , which is an important part of any thesis.

7. Defending your PhD results at a viva voce

Unlike other degrees, a PhD isn’t normally marked as a piece of written work. Instead your dissertation will be submitted for an oral examination known as a viva voce (Latin for ‘living voice’).

This is a formal procedure, during which you ‘defend’ your thesis in front of appointed examiners, each of whom will have read your dissertation thoroughly in advance.

Examiners at a viva voce

A PhD is normally examined by two academic experts:

  • One will be an internal examiner, usually appointed from elsewhere in your faculty and department. They won’t be directly associated with your project, but will have sufficient expertise to assess your findings.
  • The other will be an external examiner. They will be a recognised expert in the area you are researching, with a record of relevant research and publication. Most universities in the UK allow you to invite an external examiner of your choice, provided there is no existing conflict of interest.

Your supervisor will help you prepare for the viva and will offer advice on choosing an external examiner. However, they will not normally be present during the examination.

The PhD timeline

PhD timeline
Meet with your and discuss your proposed project. Here you will clarify any changes that are needed and agree a schedule of meetings and a plan of work for the following months.
Clarify the direction of your research, methods and the necessity of any research trips. You will also discuss your training and development needs and begin working towards a .
Hand in of an advanced , thesis plan and timetable for completion. This will then be discussed in the with two internal examiners.
Biannual review with your supervisor(s) to discuss your progress to date and feasibility of completing on time.
You will have made considerable progress on your research by the end of the second year. You may have begun drafting your and engaging in professional activities such as , , and skills training. All of your progress will be discussed in another annual review.
Most of the third year will be spent writing up and redrafting your . You may also engage in professional activities such as , and .
Application for examination and nominate your examiners.
and assisting work such as a skills development log.
Usually the will take place within 10 weeks of the examiners receiving your thesis.
Most PhD students pass with corrections and are given a period to edit the thesis. The length of time given will depend on whether you pass with major or minor corrections.
Receipt of award and graduation!

Ready to take the next step?

There's lots more information about how to get a PhD in our advice section . Or, if you're ready to start looking at different projects, why not check out one of the thousands of current PhD opportunities in our database?

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Not sure how PhD study will differ from a Masters? In this guide, we take a look at how the two qualifications compare, including applications, course structure, assessment and more.

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Every student will need to write an abstract for their PhD dissertation. Here's everything you need to know about what an academic abstract is and how to write one.

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What can you expect from a PhD? What's life actually like as a postgraduate student? Read our guides to the doctoral research experience.

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The viva voce is the final oral exam at the end of a PhD degree. Our guide explains the usual viva format, covers common questions and explains how to prepare.

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How to Complete Your PhD in 3 Years

Accelerate your phd journey: how to complete your phd in 3 years.

Dr. Somasundaram R

Completing a PhD in just 3 years may seem like a difficult task, but with proper planning and determination, it can be achieved. In this article, iLovePhD will share practical strategies to help you succeed in your PhD journey and graduate within the desired timeframe.

Discover actionable strategies and expert tips to complete your PhD in just three years. Learn how to stay focused, organize your research, seek guidance, and maintain a healthy work-life balance to achieve your academic goals efficiently. Start your journey towards a successful PhD graduation now!

1. Choose the Right Research Topic

Selecting a suitable research topic is the foundation of a successful PhD Start by picking a well-defined, feasible topic that aligns with your interests and expertise. This ensures you focus your efforts on a subject that truly excites you and is manageable within the given time frame.

Selecting a feasible and focused research topic is crucial. Consider these points:

  • Interest and Passion : Choose a topic you are passionate about to stay motivated.
  • Feasibility : Ensure the topic is manageable within a three-year timeframe.
  • Resources and Data Availability : Opt for a topic with accessible resources and data

2. Organize Your Work Efficiently

Breaking down your research into smaller tasks and setting achievable deadlines will help you stay on track. Utilize project management tools or apps to keep your progress organized and monitor your accomplishments.

Effective organization can save you significant time:

  • Project Management Tools : Use Trello, Asana, or Microsoft Project to track progress.
  • Documentation : Keep detailed records of your research, experiments, and findings.
  • Reference Management : Use software like EndNote or Mendeley to organize your references.

3. Develop a Strong Proposal Early On

Craft your research proposal as early as possible and seek approval from your advisor or committee. A solid proposal sets the stage for your research and avoids unnecessary delays.

A well-structured plan will guide your research process:

  • Timeline : Break down your three years into smaller milestones and set deadlines for each phase.
  • Literature Review : Conduct a comprehensive review early to understand existing research and identify gaps.
  • Methodology : Clearly define your research methods and ensure they are practical and efficient.

4. Seek Guidance Actively

Regularly communicate with your advisor or mentors to discuss your progress, challenges, and potential solutions. Seeking feedback actively ensures you stay on the right path and don’t waste valuable time in the wrong direction.

Your supervisor plays a pivotal role in your PhD journey:

  • Compatibility : Choose a supervisor whose research interests align with yours.
  • Availability : Ensure they have the time to provide regular guidance and feedback.
  • Mentorship : Seek a supervisor who offers constructive criticism and supports your academic growth.

5. Conduct an Efficient Literature Review

Conducting a thorough literature review early on will help you identify existing research and gaps in your field. This process guides your research scope and prevents redundant efforts.

6. Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions:

Maintaining focus is crucial during your PhD journey. Limit non-essential activities that may consume your time and energy, allowing you to concentrate on your research.

Time management is critical in a condensed timeline:

  • Daily Goals : Set achievable daily goals to maintain momentum.
  • Avoid Procrastination : Use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique to stay focused.
  • Balance : Allocate time for rest to avoid burnout.

7. Collaborate and Network

Collaborate with peers and researchers in your field. Networking can lead to valuable insights, shared resources, and potential collaboration opportunities, all of which can accelerate your research progress.

Securing adequate funding can alleviate stress and provide necessary resources:

  • Scholarships and Grants : Apply for scholarships, grants, and fellowships early.
  • Research Assistantships : Consider working as a research assistant for additional funding and experience.
  • Institutional Resources : Utilize your institution’s resources, such as libraries, labs, and academic support services.

8. Regular Writing Practice

Start writing your thesis early in the process. Regular writing clarifies your ideas and findings, making the final thesis writing process more manageable.

Writing should be a continuous process, not left until the end:

  • Regular Writing Schedule : Dedicate specific times each week to write.
  • Chapter-by-Chapter : Aim to complete chapters individually rather than waiting to write everything at once.
  • Feedback Loop : Regularly share drafts with your supervisor and peers for feedback.

9. Prioritize Your Health and Manage Stress

Pursuing a PhD can be mentally and emotionally demanding. Make sure to take care of yourself, manage stress, and maintain a healthy work-life balance to avoid burnout.

10. Be Adaptable

Unexpected challenges or setbacks are common during research. Be adaptable and open to adjusting your plans as needed to stay on track.

PhD research can be unpredictable:

  • Flexibility : Be prepared to adjust your research plan if you encounter obstacles.
  • Problem-Solving : Develop strong problem-solving skills to tackle challenges effectively.
  • Support Network : Build a network of fellow researchers, friends, and family for emotional and academic support.

Aim to Defend Early: Set a goal to defend your PhD thesis early in your third year. This provides ample time to address any revisions or feedback from your committee.

Your final defense is the culmination of your PhD journey:

  • Mock Defenses : Conduct mock defenses with peers and supervisors to prepare.
  • Presentation Skills : Hone your presentation skills to communicate your research effectively.
  • Confidence : Trust in your knowledge and preparation to confidently defend your thesis.

Completing a PhD in three years requires dedication, focus, and efficient planning. While it is an ambitious goal, it’s essential to remember that the quality and impact of your research matter more than the timeframe. By following these steps and staying committed to your goals, you can make significant progress in your PhD journey and set yourself up for success in academia and beyond.

Also Read: Top 50 Possible PhD Viva Questions

  • 3-year Ph.D.
  • academic goals
  • academic planning
  • academic success
  • efficient research
  • focused Ph.D. journey
  • Ph.D. completion
  • research organization
  • time management
  • work-life balance

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07 Simple and Proven Steps to Complete PhD in 03 Years

PhD in 03 years

Embarking on a PhD journey is a significant endeavor that requires commitment, perseverance, and efficient time management. While the typical duration of a PhD program is often longer, completing it within a three-year timeframe is an ambitious goal that can bring numerous benefits. For part-time researchers who juggle personal and family commitments alongside their academic pursuits, it becomes even more crucial to optimize their research work and make strategic choices to ensure timely completion.

In this guide, we will explore effective strategies and approaches to help you complete your PhD in just three years. Join us on this journey as we explore the steps and considerations necessary to make your PhD completion in three years a reality. Let’s unlock the potential for accelerated academic achievement and pave the way for a successful research career.


Challenges faced by part-time phd researchers, overview of strategies to complete a phd efficiently, 1. selecting a well-defined and aligned phd research topic:, 2. choosing an area of interest and expertise:, 3. attract diverse and capable students:, 4. harnessing the advantages of research-oriented students:, 5. delegating phd tasks to students:, 6. assigning tasks that do not compromise the exclusivity of core research work:, a. seminar topics, b. papers in tech fests, conferences and journals, c. mini and major projects, d. data collection, e. user interface development, f. automation, g. equipment setup, h. testing and simulation.

  • Before You Close........

Completing a PhD within a three-year timeframe holds several significant advantages. Firstly, it allows researchers to expedite their career progression and enter the job market earlier, gaining a competitive edge over their peers. Employers often value candidates who can demonstrate the ability to efficiently complete projects within tight timelines.

Additionally, completing a PhD in a shorter timeframe reduces the overall financial burden associated with pursuing a doctorate. It minimizes tuition fees, living expenses, and the opportunity cost of being away from the workforce for an extended period. You can visit my article on ” How to get loan / scholarship for your PhD “. This article will help you to secure loan easily for your PhD studies.

Moreover, timely completion of a PhD provides a sense of accomplishment, boosting confidence and motivation. It allows researchers to transition to the next phase of their careers, whether it’s pursuing academic positions, industry roles, or entrepreneurial ventures.

Part-time researchers face unique challenges that can hinder their progress in completing a PhD within a limited timeframe. Balancing personal and family commitments with the demands of rigorous research work poses a significant challenge. Juggling work responsibilities, family obligations, and self-care while dedicating sufficient time to research can be overwhelming.

Limited availability of time is another hurdle for part-time researchers. They often have to allocate evenings, weekends, and holidays for research, which can restrict the amount of time they can devote to their studies. This constraint necessitates efficient time management strategies to make the most of the available research hours.

Additionally, part-time researchers may face difficulties in accessing resources and establishing research networks compared to full-time students. Limited access to laboratories, libraries, and academic support services can create additional obstacles that need to be addressed.

To complete a PhD efficiently within a three-year timeframe, several strategies can be employed. These strategies revolve around optimizing time, maximizing productivity, and leveraging available resources effectively. Some key strategies include:

Choosing an Efficient Research Topic: Select a research topic that aligns with your interests and expertise to leverage existing knowledge, streamline your research efforts, and minimize time spent on background understanding.

Motivating Students to Engage in Research: Highlight the benefits of research for students’ career development and dispel misconceptions to foster a research-oriented mindset. By providing mentorship and guidance, students become actively involved in research, indirectly saving your time and contributing to the overall progress.

Optimizing Research Workload: Delegate tasks to undergraduate and postgraduate students to offload some workload, while also providing valuable learning opportunities for the students. This allows you to focus on core research activities and maintain productivity.

Assigning Suitable Research Tasks to Students: Assign seminar topics, papers in tech fests and conferences, mini and major projects, data collection, user interface development, automation, equipment setup, testing, and simulation tasks to students. This optimizes their potential and distributes the workload efficiently, allowing you to focus on core research activities.

By implementing these strategies and adopting an organized and focused approach, part-time researchers can overcome challenges, optimize their research efforts, and complete their PhD within a three-year timeframe.

Steps to Complete PhD in 03 Years

Choosing a well-defined research topic is crucial for optimizing research time and involving students effectively. A clear and focused research topic allows you to streamline your efforts and resources towards specific objectives. It helps in avoiding unnecessary diversions and ensures that your research remains on track.

For example, let’s say you’re conducting research in the field of artificial intelligence. Instead of a broad topic like “Applications of AI,” a well-defined topic could be “Improving Facial Recognition Accuracy using Deep Learning Techniques.” This focused topic allows you to concentrate your efforts on a specific problem, methodology, and dataset, reducing research time by avoiding distractions.

When involving students in your research, a well-defined research topic provides them with clear guidelines and objectives. They can contribute more effectively by understanding the scope and expectations of the research. Students can align their efforts with the research topic, conducting targeted literature reviews, performing focused experiments, and analyzing specific aspects of the research problem. This focused approach optimizes research time by avoiding unnecessary tangents and enhancing student engagement and productivity.

Choosing a research topic that aligns with your area of interest and expertise is essential for optimizing research time and involving students effectively. When you are passionate about the topic, you are more likely to be motivated and driven, leading to increased productivity and faster progress.

For example, if your expertise lies in renewable energy systems, selecting a research topic related to optimizing solar panel efficiency would be a natural choice. Your existing knowledge, skills, and experience in the field will allow you to make quicker progress, as you can build upon your existing expertise and leverage prior research.

When involving students, selecting a research topic that aligns with their interests and expertise can significantly enhance their engagement and contribution. When students are passionate about the research topic, they are more likely to invest time and effort into exploring and understanding the subject matter. They can leverage their existing knowledge and skills, bringing fresh perspectives and ideas to the research process.

Additionally, involving students in a topic aligned with their interests and expertise allows them to develop their research capabilities more effectively. Their prior knowledge and experience in related areas enable them to grasp concepts faster, conduct literature reviews more efficiently, and contribute to the research with their unique insights. This optimized involvement of students contributes to accelerated progress and overall research efficiency.

By selecting a well-defined research topic and choosing an area of interest and expertise, you optimize research time by avoiding unnecessary diversions and leveraging existing knowledge. Additionally, involving students in topics aligned with their interests enhances their motivation and productivity, leading to efficient collaboration and faster progress in your research endeavors.

To cultivate a research-oriented environment, it is essential to dispel misconceptions surrounding research being limited to high-achieving students. By doing so, you can attract a diverse range of capable students, each with unique talents and perspectives.

By promoting the accessibility and inclusivity of research, you encourage students from various academic backgrounds and achievement levels to participate. This diversity enriches the research process by fostering interdisciplinary collaboration and encouraging fresh approaches to problem-solving.

For instance, by dispelling the notion that research is exclusively reserved for top-performing students, you open doors for individuals who may not have pursued research due to self-doubt or lack of confidence. By embracing students from different backgrounds and abilities, you create an inclusive research environment that values their unique contributions. This inclusivity ultimately leads to a broader pool of ideas, increased innovation, and enhanced problem-solving capabilities within your research team.

By motivating students and fostering a research-oriented mindset, you indirectly save time and accelerate learning and implementation processes. The fast-thinking nature of the young generation, coupled with their motivation to contribute, enables them to absorb knowledge quickly and implement ideas effectively. Embracing a diverse range of students ensures a dynamic and innovative research environment that propels your research forward at an accelerated pace.

Motivating students and instilling a research-oriented mindset among them can yield significant benefits, not just for their own career development but also for your research progress. By highlighting the benefits of research, you can inspire and attract students who possess a natural inclination towards exploration and knowledge creation.

When students are motivated to engage in research, they bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a youthful enthusiasm to the table. The young generation’s thinking is often agile and fast-paced, allowing them to grasp concepts quickly and propose creative solutions. By harnessing their energy and passion, you can indirectly save time and accelerate the learning and implementation processes within your research endeavors.

For example, when working with research-oriented students, they can assist in literature reviews, data collection, and preliminary analysis. Their eagerness to contribute and learn enables them to swiftly navigate through relevant research articles, extract key findings, and compile comprehensive summaries. This collaboration frees up your time, allowing you to focus on the core aspects of your research while ensuring that important groundwork is efficiently completed.

One effective strategy for optimizing research workload is to delegate certain tasks to undergraduate and postgraduate students. By involving students in research activities, you can distribute the workload, increase productivity, and foster a collaborative research environment. However, it is essential to assign tasks that align with their capabilities and provide proper guidance and supervision.

For example, if you are conducting a survey as part of your research, you can assign the task of data collection to undergraduate students. They can assist in gathering responses, organizing data, and conducting initial data analysis. This delegation allows you to focus on other aspects of your research while leveraging the support of capable students.

Similarly, for laboratory-based research, you can assign tasks such as equipment setup, data collection, or preliminary experimentation to postgraduate students. They can assist in carrying out experiments, recording data, and performing initial analysis under your guidance. This not only helps you manage the workload but also provides valuable learning opportunities for the students.

When delegating tasks to students, it is important to ensure that the assigned tasks do not compromise the exclusivity of your core research work. You need to strike a balance between involving students in research activities and safeguarding the integrity and originality of your PhD work.

For instance, you can assign literature review tasks to students to gather relevant research articles and summarize key findings. This allows them to contribute to the research process while keeping the core ideas and analysis within your control.

Similarly, students can be involved in data preprocessing tasks, such as data cleaning or formatting, which do not directly impact the analysis or interpretation of your research. By assigning these tasks, you can save time and focus on more critical aspects of your work while enabling students to gain practical experience.

It is important to establish clear guidelines and expectations when assigning tasks to students. Communicate the purpose of their involvement and ensure they understand the boundaries and limitations regarding the core research work. Regular meetings and progress updates can help maintain a cohesive research direction while monitoring the students’ progress.

By delegating appropriate tasks to students, you can optimize your research workload, increase efficiency, and foster a collaborative research environment. Assigning tasks that do not compromise the exclusivity of your core research work ensures that you maintain control over the essential aspects of your PhD while benefiting from the support and contribution of capable students.

7. Assigning Suitable PhD Research Tasks to Students:

  • Importance of staying informed about the latest advancements: Assigning seminar topics to students helps you stay informed about the latest advancements in your field. By delegating these topics, students conduct thorough research, gather relevant information, and present it to you and their peers. This enables you to gain valuable insights into emerging trends and technologies without dedicating significant time to individual research. It optimizes your research time by allowing you to focus on core research areas while benefiting from students’ findings.
  • Enhancing students’ presentation skills: As students prepare and deliver seminars on assigned topics, their presentation skills improve. This proficiency can be leveraged in your research team when they assist in presenting your research findings or representing your work at conferences. By developing their presentation skills, you indirectly save time by sharing the responsibility of effectively communicating research outcomes.
  • Assigning survey papers to summarize key findings and trends: Assigning survey papers to students helps summarize key findings and trends in specific subfields. Their literature review skills come into play as they collect and synthesize relevant research articles. By delegating this task, you gain a comprehensive overview of the current state of research within the subfield without investing substantial time in extensive literature reviews.
  • Developing students’ surveying and synthesizing skills: By assigning survey papers, students enhance their surveying and synthesizing skills. This proficiency not only benefits your research but also adds value to their academic development. As students become adept at summarizing complex research, they contribute to streamlining the research process. Their refined skills enable them to extract essential information efficiently, allowing you to save time in reviewing extensive literature.
  • Allowing the students to publish their preliminary work in Student Journals: Undergraduate research journals are scholarly publications specifically dedicated to showcasing the research work of students. These journals provide a platform for students to share their findings, theories, and ideas with a wider audience, including fellow students, researchers, and professionals in their respective fields. The researchers can allow the students to publish their preliminary works in these journals. I have written an article on Journals that publish preliminary research works Which Journals Publish Work by Undergraduate Students? . Please visit the article for further details.
  • Assigning projects related to implementing algorithms or techniques: Assigning mini and major projects related to implementing algorithms or techniques allows students to gain hands-on experience. By delegating these tasks, students contribute to the practical aspects of your research. They explore emerging technologies, test algorithms, and analyze results. Their involvement accelerates the implementation phase, saving you time and effort while ensuring progress in experimental work.
  • Enhancing programming skills and staying updated with technologies: As students work on mini and major projects, they enhance their programming skills and stay updated with relevant technologies. Their learning benefits your research by introducing new programming techniques, improving code efficiency, and incorporating the latest tools. By leveraging students’ programming expertise, you can optimize your research time and advance your work using their acquired skills and knowledge.
  • Assigning students to collect and analyze data: Assigning students to collect and analyze data streamlines the research process by distributing tasks. Students can collect data from various sources, organize it, and perform preliminary analysis. Their involvement saves you time by sharing the workload of data collection, enabling you to focus on data interpretation and drawing meaningful conclusions. Moreover, their assistance accelerates the research timeline, ensuring timely data acquisition.
  • Expanding knowledge in data preprocessing and analysis: As students engage in data collection and analysis, they expand their knowledge of data preprocessing and analysis techniques. This knowledge can be applied to your research, enhancing the quality and efficiency of data processing. By delegating data-related tasks, you benefit from their expertise and save time by sharing the responsibilities associated with data management.
  • Involving students in developing effective UI/UX designs : Assigning students to develop user interfaces (UI) allows you to showcase your research professionally. Their involvement in UI development enhances the visual representation of your work, making it more accessible and engaging for audiences. Their contribution in creating intuitive designs and user-friendly interfaces saves you time by ensuring that your research is effectively communicated and understood.
  • Enhancing students’ skills: As students develop UI/UX designs, they acquire valuable skills in UI development, graphic design, and user experience. Their enhanced skills not only benefit your research by improving the presentation of your work but also provide them with practical expertise in a highly sought-after field. By leveraging their skills, you optimize your research time and benefit from their professional-level designs.
  • Assigning automation tasks to learn emerging technologies: Assigning automation tasks to students allows them to learn and explore emerging technologies. As they automate certain research processes, such as data generation or testing, they contribute to increasing research efficiency. Their involvement in automating repetitive tasks saves you time and effort, allowing you to focus on more critical aspects of your research.
  • Improving efficiency and productivity in research: Automation tasks, when undertaken by students, improve overall research efficiency and productivity. By streamlining repetitive tasks, you can allocate more time to analysis, experimentation, and interpretation of results. Students’ contribution to automation not only saves time but also enhances research quality and ensures consistency in data processing.
  • Involving students in setting up equipment: Assigning students to assist in equipment setup saves you time and effort associated with preparing the necessary tools and instruments. Their involvement ensures that equipment is ready for use when required, allowing you to focus on conducting experiments and gathering data. By delegating equipment setup tasks, you optimize your research time and streamline the workflow.
  • Saving time and effort while developing technical skills: As students participate in equipment setup, they develop technical skills and gain practical experience. This expertise can be utilized within your research team, as they become proficient in handling equipment and troubleshooting technical issues. Their involvement saves you time by sharing responsibilities related to equipment setup, maintenance, and operation.
  • Assigning testing and simulation tasks to collect and analyze data: Assigning testing and simulation tasks to students aids in data collection and analysis. As they conduct tests or simulate scenarios, they generate data that can be used in your research. Their involvement in data collection saves you time and resources, as they share the workload associated with conducting experiments and gathering results.
  • Promoting collaboration, skill development, and reducing risks: Testing and simulation tasks encourage collaboration among students and researchers, fostering a supportive research environment. By involving students in these tasks, you promote teamwork, allowing them to learn from one another’s experiences and perspectives. Additionally, their involvement reduces risks associated with complex experiments, ensuring a safer research process.

By assigning suitable research tasks to students, you optimize your research time by delegating responsibilities and sharing the workload. Their involvement adds value to your research through their diverse skills, fresh perspectives, and ability to contribute to specific research areas. By effectively utilizing their expertise, you can accelerate progress, enhance the quality of your research, and benefit from their valuable contributions.

Before You Close……..

I have written a good number of articles on PhD journey. These articles include writing research papers, applying for grants , patents , writing PhD thesis , approaching consultants , PhD careers and several templates on research. Please make it a point to visit these articles Here .

Completing a PhD within a three-year timeframe requires careful planning, efficient strategies, and effective utilization of resources. By implementing the discussed approaches and leveraging the potential of undergraduate and postgraduate students, you can optimize your research time, enhance productivity, and achieve significant milestones in your academic journey.

Motivating students to engage in research not only benefits their career development but also indirectly saves your time. When students are properly motivated and research-oriented, they bring fresh perspectives, energy, and faster thinking to the research process. By providing them with proper guidance and direction, you can harness their enthusiasm and accelerate the pace of your research.

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154. How to Plan Your PhD w/ Hugh Kearns

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A PhD Plan sounds like an oxymoron, but charting a path to graduation is one of the most important things you can do as a graduate student.

This week, we talk with Hugh Kearns of Thinkwell about why PhD planning is so challenging for students, and learn about some tools that can keep your research on track.

Uncharted Territory

We start the conversation by trying to understand why planning is so difficult and so rare for PhDs.

“They’ve never done a PhD so they don’t know what’s coming,” Kearns observes. “And your previous education doesn’t prepare for research.”

He continues, “Research by its nature is uncertain. Things go wrong. And then what happens is people think that ‘Because I don’t know, we just won’t plan anything! We’ll see what happens.'”

But just because you’ve never done a PhD before, and no one has pursued your particular branch of research, that doesn’t mean you can’t plan ahead.

In fact, there are already tools and strategies, adapted from project management in the business world, that will help you set some guide rails around your winding path to a PhD.

Getting Your PhD Plan Backward

Traditional ‘forward’ planning works great for a well-worn process, like building a house. Builders know from experience that you can’t build the walls until you’ve poured the foundation, and you can’t paint until the drywall is installed.

Each of those activities has a reasonably predictable timeline, so you can plan the construction of a home week by week until it’s finished.

But a PhD isn’t quite at prescriptive. Sure, you know you need to do a literature review, but how long does that take? And how long will experiments take?

The fact is, they’ll take as much time as you give them. There’s no definitive ‘finish line’ for a literature review the way there is for a construction project. You just need to decide how long you’re willing to give the review, and stop when it’s ‘good enough.’

That’s why Kearns recommends ‘backward planning’ for PhDs. You start with an end date in mind (usually when the funding runs out) and work back from there.

His book, Planning Your PhD: All the tools and advice you need to finish your PhD in three years , lays out the steps in detail, and provides some worksheets you can use to create a multi-year Thesis Plan .

In fact, he offers those worksheets for free on the website!

Drilling into Detail

With your Thesis Plan in place, you can begin the process of adding more and more detail to the events closest in time.

This ‘rolling plan’ recognizes that you don’t know what you might be doing on Tuesday March 25 at 3PM three years from now, but you CAN decide on some goals over the next six months.

And don’t stress out if those goals shift, or you don’t quite manage to meet them. If you revisit your plan on a regular schedule, you can adjust and adapt.

If you never set the goal, or never look back at what you planned, you’re guaranteed to drift as the months and years pass by.

Kearns shares some other tools, like his ‘To Day’ list that works in conjunction with your ‘To Do’ list to put a time component on your tasks. That way, you slowly make progress toward your goals, rather than watching your list grow more and more unmanageable.

The Paradox of Choice

Finally, we talk about the surprising fact having more options usually means you are less happy and get less done. Weird, right?

It’s the ‘paradox of choice,’ described by Barry Schwartz in his 2004 book of the same name, and this TED Talk .

For graduate students, that manifests as a list of things you need to get done: pour a gel, set up those reactions, manage the lab animals, read three papers, write a section of a review, respond to your PI’s email, and on and on.

And what happens when you have all those things you COULD be doing? You get overwhelmed and go scroll through Instagram instead.

Kearns recommends that you identify ‘The Next Thing’ (or TNT) and work on that. The smaller you make that task, the better!

We’ve learned over the years that PhD students don’t understand the meaning of the word “small”. Because they’ll say, “OK, I know what the task is: I’ll finish my literature review”. But this is still way too big. So now we use the word micro-task. For example, some micro-tasks are: * Add two paragraphs to the discussion section * Add the new data to Table 1 * Read my supervisor’s comments on my draft Planning Your PhD, by Hugh Kearns and Maria Gardiner

Keeping ‘The Next Thing’ manageable prevents your brain from shutting down and giving up.

And if you stack up enough ‘The Next Things’, day after day and week after week, you’ll soon be making measurable progress on your PhD!

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One thought to “154. How to Plan Your PhD w/ Hugh Kearns”

There’s so many people that I’ve already approached and address the subject, and while it’s still needs to be addressed and is of great value to younger grad students… There’s something that I have experienced two times in my graduate student career, that I’ve yet to hear any academic institution discuss… What happens, when you are left alone when your advisor dies, and/or commits suicide? I realize this is a very small population of the onions that you speak to, but to those of us that I’ve gone through this, it is absolutely devastating. I’m the first person from my family to go to college, let alone grad school. Trying to finish my PhD was absolutely, not supported the least. When my advisor died it just sent things out of control. So, how do you propose to integrate maybe even in a small portion… However uncomfortable it may be, if a student is to be in such a situation where their advisor dies, And they are not receiving any support by their department which leaves them in even greater shock.. And perhaps I need them selves in limbo for years. This is what happened to me. But I had extenuating circumstances. I fought as hard as I could, While escaping a very unsafe home situation… Essentially, how do you bring up these topics for students for the worst possible case scenario for when things go wrong? Hopefully, they never do reach a point Were you have to learn that your advisor died or that you were advisor completed suicide in one of the parking garages is in your university. If you happen to plan your research out, let’s say perfectly; you have five research papers and you were on track to graduate and you were ready to give your defense And anticipated your graduation to be the next upcoming semester. You did everything right. Your plan worked. You follow the rules. What advice for students would you suggest, to prevent them from essentially falling apart completely? Because at the end of the day they put their entire lives into what they are doing here to finish up and move on with their lives. They put relationships and marriages and children on hold… So what happens when a disaster strikes? I think that should be a topic you might want to touch on in the future. Like I said, might be a small demographic, but I lost 1 advisor suddenly, An excellent professor to suicide, a remarkable and rising star an excellent lab-mate to suicide as well. I think that if we can integrate mental health and just kind of trickle it into conversations more, and dedicate more time to Just discussing it, and just discussing that mental health is as important as physical health… mental health won’t be as stigmatized as it unfortunately still is at this very day. Overall, I’m happy about the topic of this episode and this podcast in general. However, I think there are modern in inclusive pathways and things that Students really need help with especially regarding mental health and support… Especially when the loss of a lame or a advisor or a loved one… If any of this occurs, and they feel like they cannot reach out, that can be detrimental to your perfect research plan. So at the end of the day, your research plan could mean absolutely nothing. You have to essentially plan for the worst. Sounds sounds like a very pessimistic thing, I understand. But having gone through this myself, I don’t want anybody to ever experience what I have. We can only start making these extreme cases easier to deal with by Integrating it in our discussions. After all, it is quite relatable to your planning of your research and your PhD career. Because when your world gets turned upside down, your “plan” Could be dead or worthless. So where do you go from there? Just trying to provide a thought on my own take Hope it helps thanks for the podcast.

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UCL Ear Institute

  • Typical timetable for full-time PhD student (3 ...


Typical timetable for full-time PhD student (3 Year)

By 1 month

Research Log activated

Field of Study agreed

Assignment of Supervisors

Timetable for supervisory meetings and progress reports

Before 3 months

Agreement of thesis work plan, research method and timetable

Agreement of and attendance at Skills Development Programme and arrangements made for any further required study

6 months
Research Log updated with progress report
12 months

Agreement of programme for second year of study

Writing of upgrade report and upgrade viva takes place

Transfer of registration from MPhil to PhD (between 9–18 months, but as

early as reasonable).

24 months

Submission and assessment of second year progress report on research log

Agreement of thesis structure and strict timetable

for thesis writing

30 months (not less than 4 months before expected date of submission

Submit entry for examination form

Submit nomination of examiners form

36-48 months

Complete Research Log

Transfer to Completing Research Student status (if necessary) Submission of thesis

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phd 3 year plan

  • How Long Does A PhD Take?
  • Doing a PhD

Sometimes, just knowing how long a PhD takes can be enough to sway your decision on whether a research degree is for you. So with that in mind, exactly how long does a PhD take?

In the UK, a full-time PhD takes 3 to 4 years to finish whilst a part-time PhD takes twice as long at 6 to 7 years. Alongside these average durations, there are time limits on how long you can be enrolled on to a PhD programme. To discover these limits, the factors which most influence doctoral degree durations and how the UK durations compare to international PhDs, continue reading on.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Full-time PhD?

In the UK, a full-time PhD will typically take you 3 to 4 years. You will usually spend the first three years on the technical aspects of your doctorate. This includes undertaking independent research, designing your research methodology and collecting and analysing data. You will then spend an additional academic year on writing up your PhD thesis and sitting your viva.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Part-time PhD?

In the UK, a part-time PhD will typically take you 6 to 7 years; twice as long as doing a full-time PhD. The reason for this is that as a part-time PhD student, you would dedicate around 20 hours per week to your PhD as opposed to the typical 40 hours full-time students would put into their subject.

How Long Does a Distance Learning PhD Take?

Similarly, distance learning PhD’s take an average of 6 to 7 years to complete. This is because the vast majority of students who undertake a distance learning PhD do so because they can’t relocate closer to the university. Although these commitments will differ, they often mean the student isn’t able to dedicate 40 hours per week to their studies.

Students in STEM disciplines will often take longer to finish a distance learning doctorate degree than those in non-STEM disciplines. This because the progress of a STEM PhD student will be limited by how often they can access a laboratory for experiment work.

How Does Funding Impact a PhD’s Duration?

In reality, the actual time it will take you to complete your PhD degree will depend on your funding situation.

If you’re receiving  funding , it will usually only cover you for 3.5 years if you’re studying full-time or for 7 years at half the stipend if you’re studying part-time. Although this could vary slightly, most PhD funding providers, e.g. Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), follow this timescale as indicated on their ‘ length of PhD studentships’ page. Because of this, most students who obtain scholarships try to complete their PhD within the timeframe of their funding so they don’t incur additional fees which they need to cover themselves.

It’s also worth noting that some funded PhD positions have additional conditions attached to them as part of their eligibility requirements. For example, they may require teaching undergraduate students, hosting laboratory sessions or attend presentations and conferences. This will be especially true if you’re on a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA). Although these shouldn’t add considerable time to the length of a PhD programme, they have the potential to do so if they aren’t managed properly.

As self-funded students cover their own annual tuition fees and other associated costs, how long they’ll spend to complete their PhD project will largely depend on their own personal financial situation. Because of this, most self-funded PhD students find it best to complete their PhD study in the shortest time-frame they can manage.

Are There Deadlines?

Yes – unfortunately, all good things must come to an end! Within the UK, the deadline for your PhD is defined as the last date which you must submit your final thesis by. This date is set by your university’s overall regulations and varies depending on the arrangements of your PhD, e.g. whether it’s full or part time. In the vast majority of cases, the adopted deadlines are four years for full-time PhDs and seven years for part-time PhDs from the date you were officially registered onto your programme, as shown below from the University of Leicester’s registration guidance page .

Registration for Length of a PhD_ How long does it take to get a PhD

This time-frame may vary from university to university. For example, the University of Sheffield adopts an additional year for part-time PhDs as shown below.

Programme time for PhDs - How long is a PhD

Can I Complete It Faster?

Although it’s possible to complete a full-time PhD in under 3 years, it’s a significant feat that’s rarely heard of. When these feats occur, they’re usually where the doctoral student already has extensive knowledge and experience in their field before undertaking their PhD.

Whilst it’s possible to complete a part-time PhD in under 6 years, it largely depends on your commitments outside your studies. For example, if you have a part-time career alongside your PhD, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to commit the additional hours required to complete your doctorate a year faster.

However, if instead of a steady part-time job you take on occasional work as a freelancer, you’ll be able to set aside many more hours towards your doctoral degree.

Will Having only A Bachelor’s Degree or Being an International Student Limit My Rate of Progression?

Not at all. While there are benefits to having a Master’s degree such as an additional year of learning and greater research experience due to your fourth-year dissertation project, this doesn’t mean not having one would limit you. A PhD is very different to both Bachelor and Master degrees due to being heavily research-based, therefore, both types of students will have just as much to learn on their way to completing their doctorate.

Similarly, whether you’re an international student will bear no influence on the duration of your PhD.

Finding a PhD has never been this easy – search for a PhD by keyword, location or academic area of interest.

How Does This Compare to the Duration of EU and US PhDs?

PhD hosted by universities within the EU, such as those in France, Norway and Spain, have the same programme structure as those within the UK. As a result, there are no noticeable differences in the time to complete a doctorate between UK and EU institutions.

However, this is not the case in the US. Compared to PhDs conducted within the UK or EU, PhDs conducted within the US take considerably longer to obtain. According to a  2017 study conducted by the National Science Foundation, a US government agency which supports research and higher education, the average time to get a PhD within the US is 5.8 years. Besides this, the average completion time can further increase depending on the disciplines. For example, they found doctorates within the humanities and arts to take an average of 7.1 years to achieve.

The primary reason for this difference is the way PhD degrees are structured within the United States. As mentioned previously, PhDs conducted within UK and EU universities are essentially broken into two sections – one covering the analytical aspects and the other covering the writing up aspects. However, within the US, doctorate programmes comprise additional sections. PhD students are first required to undertake 2 to 3 years of courses, which cover a broad range of topics related to their schools’ discipline. This is then followed by coursework and several examinations, which only once passed can the PhD candidate then start working on their research project and dissertation.

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Timeline of a PhD

A typical PhD, taken over 3-4 years, is structured as follows:

First three months

During your first 3 months you settle in and prepare an initial research plan with your supervisor.

Your research plan gives a statement of the general topic area, an initial formulation of the issues to be addressed, a list of principal references on which the work will draw, and objectives for the first year of study. Your supervisor may also ask you to attend some of the undergraduate lectures.

You will also need register for the Graduate School's Professional Skills programme . If you are a non-native English speaker you will also have your English language ability assessed.

First six months

You can expect to spend your first 6 months undertaking literature searches and defining your project. You will have regular meetings with your supervisor. You will also meet the personal tutor (a member of staff from a different research group).

Months 7-18

You continue to work on your research project, and will have the opportunity to attend the  Graduate School's Professional Skills courses on advanced writing, career planning, presentation and progressing.

An Early Stage Assessment is submitted by the end of month 9.

This report sets out the main research areas, details of work done so far, and a programme for future work. You attend an interview with one or two assessors and your supervisor. This assessment confirms your suitability to continue with your PhD programme.

You will have also attended some, or all of, the  Graduate School's Professional Skills training   on topics such as professional conduct, project management, and a residential course on research skills and development.

Months 18-24

Late stage review (22 months after registration).

You will be required to submit a report that contains the contents page for your thesis, a statement of expected contributions, achievements to date and a plan for completion of work and thesis. You will be assessed by interview with one or more assessors and your supervisor.

Months 24-36

You continue working on your research project. You will also have the opportunity to attend courses on career planning, and completing your research.

At the end of 36th month, you will complete a Progress Review, which will determine whether you will be moving up to the writing up status or maintain active registration.

Months 36-48

Progress Review ( at 36 months ). It is decided whether you should move to writting up stage or have your acitve registration extended.

Thesis submission ( by the end of 48th month )

Your thesis is your account of the work you have done, which should form a distinct contribution to the knowledge of the subject and show evidence of originality by the discovery of new facts and/or the exercise of independent critical power. The thesis is examined by an oral exam. There are two examiners: one from Imperial College and one from another university. The oral exam usually lasts for 2-3 hours, and you will find out the result immediately after the exam.

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How the PhD Program Works

Program Overview

Completing your doctorate at Wharton requires 5 years of full-time study. The first 2 years in the program prepare you for admission to candidacy by taking courses, qualifying exams, and starting research projects. In the last few years, you are primarily conducting research full-time including writing and defending your doctoral dissertation.

Admission to candidacy.

You begin by taking courses required for your program of study. All programs requires a preliminary exam, which may be either oral or written.

Some programs may have further requirements, such as an additional exam or research paper. If you enter with a master’s degree or other transfer credit, you may satisfy the formal course requirements more quickly.

Beginning the Wharton PhD Curriculum How the first two years of the Wharton program helped students discover their interests, learn the tools of the profession, and fuel their passion for teaching.

The Doctoral Dissertation

Upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, you are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies.

Your doctoral dissertation should contain original research that meets standards for published scholarship in your field. You are expected to be an expert in the topic you choose to research.

You are admitted to candidacy for the dissertation phase of your studies upon successful completion of coursework and passing a preliminary examination, but you can start thinking about and working on research of relevance at any time.

The dissertation process culminates with a “defense,” in which you defend the proposal orally before your dissertation committee.

While working on your dissertation, you interact extensively with Wharton faculty. Together with interested faculty, you create your own research community that includes your dissertation advisor and dissertation committee.

Policies and Procedures

Get more detailed explanation of course requirements, academic standards, the Teacher Development Program, time limits, and dissertation procedures and requirements.

Sample Program Sequence

Years 1 & 2.

Coursework Examination Research Papers Research Activities Field-Specific Requirements

Directed Reading & Research Admission to Candidacy Formulation of Research Topic

Years 4 & 5

Continued Research Oral Examination Dissertation

Hear From Our Doctoral Community

What brought this cdc researcher to wharton's phd program, the diverse skill set you need to become a professor, faculty expertise in housing economics attracted this phd student to wharton.


How to Create and Use a Gantt Chart for PhD Studies

Gantt chart

A Gantt chart is a common tool used in the project management field. It is used for schedule planning of a project and its tasks and activities. It shows the tasks, their start and end dates, and the duration needed to complete them.

A PhD is a project and may last from as few as three years to as long as six years depending on the university and department a student is enrolled in.

In order to successfully complete a PhD program, one needs to plan when each of the tasks will be completed from the word go. A Gantt chart is very useful in doing this.

A PhD student can create one comprehensive Gantt chart or several smaller Gantt charts for each of the major deliverables.

This article discusses a Gantt chart for a general PhD program that has both coursework and dissertation components.

Benefits of a Gantt chart for planning PhD studies

Steps involved in creating a gantt chart for phd studies, how to effectively use the phd gantt chart, final thoughts on the phd gantt chart.

Creating a Gantt chart at the beginning of PhD studies has the following benefits:

  • It is easy to create. A student can use the traditional pen-and-paper method or existing digital tools or softwares to create a Gantt chart.
  • It is easy to read. The visual presentation of the Gantt chart makes it easy for the student to read and know what is expected of him at any point in time.
  • A Gantt chart makes it easy to monitor progress of PhD studies. The user can choose to use different colors for tasks that have already been completed, tasks that are close to completion, and tasks that require more time and effort to complete.
  • It forms the basis for monthly, weekly, and daily planning of the PhD studies. Depending on how detailed a student wants to go in terms of planning, the Gantt chart comes in handy when writing out the monthly, weekly and even daily plans.

Step 1: List all the deliverables expected of your PhD program. In this example, the PhD program has the following requirements:

  • Coursework, divided into 4 modules each lasting 2 weeks. All 4 modules need to be completed within the first year of study.
  • A comprehensive written exam at the end of the fourth module.
  • An oral exam once a student passes the written exam.
  • Submission of a concept note.
  • Submission of a research proposal once a student passes the oral exam.
  • Writing a business management case study.
  • Three journal papers.
  • At least two conference papers.
  • A dissertation.

Step 2: For each of the requirements listed above, note the start and end dates. For the above example, the PhD program lasts a minimum of 3 years and a maximum of 6 years. Assuming the minimum of 3 years (beginning January 2021), the activities’ start and end dates are as follows:

Year of studyTasks/activitiesStart and end dates
Year 1Module 1January 2021
Module 2April 2021
Module 3July 2021
Module 4October 2021
Concept noteJune 2021
Comprehensive examNovember 2021
Year 2Proposal defenseMarch 2022
Business management case studyApril – June 2022
Journal article 1 submitted to a journalJune 2022
Data collection and cleaning for dissertationJuly – September 2022
Data analysisOctober – November 2022
First conference paper presentedNovember 2022
First draft submittedDecember 2022
Year 3Second conference paper presentedMarch 2023
Two journal articles submitted to journalsMay 2023
Revision and finalization of manuscriptJanuary-October 2023
PhD vivaNovember 2023

Step 3: Using the above information, create the Gantt chart using Microsoft Word, Powerpoint or Excel.

The following are useful resources for creating a Gantt chart using:

  • Microsoft Powerpoint:
  • Microsoft Excel:
  • Microsoft Word:

The Gantt chart created from the above data is shown below. The chart was created using Microsoft Powerpoint.

PhD Gantt chart

Step 4: Once the Gantt chart is complete, print it out and hang it on the wall of your study room/area. This serves as a constant reminder of the tasks that need to be done at any point in time, as well as of the progress that has been made so far.

The greatest strength in using the Gantt chart for PhD studies lies in its ability to help one plan ahead. Using the Gantt chart above as an example, the user can plan as follows:

  • At the beginning of every month, look at what is required of you. For instance, the student above needs to complete module one of the coursework and at the same time start working on proposal writing.

The student can plan for module one in advance by going through the course structure and expected readings, and reading in advance before the start of the module so that he is able to follow and understand what is being taught. If there are pre- and post-module exams, the student can also prepare for them in advance.

Preliminary tasks for proposal writing can include: discussing your proposed topic with your supervisor, and searching for and quick review of literature to identify the gap that your topic will be addressing. All these can be done in the first month before the actual proposal writing starts.

  • The Gantt chart can help you identify the skills that are required for the successful completion of your dissertation. For instance, the student above is expected to write a Business Management case study by June of year 2.

If the student does not have case study writing skills, he can start looking for courses that teach case study writing and complete them way before the deadline for the case study. Same case for skills such as preparing and writing a journal paper, writing a conference paper, data analysis using softwares such as Stata, SPSS, NVivo etc.

  • The Gantt chart can help you plan for academic-related events such as conferences.

In the example provided above, the student is expected to attend two scientific conferences (in November of year 2 and March of year 3) and make presentations.

The student can start looking for conferences related to his field that are held during the proposed times and mark the key dates and requirements of the conferences (for instance, abstract submission deadlines, abstract submission guidelines, registration deadlines etc).

  • The Gantt chart can help you create monthly and weekly plans for longer tasks such as proposal writing.

In the above sample Gantt chart, proposal writing and defense spans a period of 15 months. By March of the second year, the student is expected to defend his proposal. This may seem like such a long period of time but in reality it is not. This is because it is not the only task that the student will undertake during this period. As a result, it is easier to focus on the tasks at hand and forget about the tasks that seem to have adequate time.

Proposal writing is a daunting task and requires constant reading and updating. To ensure that the student submits his proposal in time, he can create monthly and weekly plans for the task. An example of monthly planning for the proposal writing is provided in the table below:

Month 1 – 3Literature search and review
Month 4Write chapter 1
Month 5Share chapter 1 with supervisor for review
Month 6Address comments
Month 7 – 8 Write chapter 2
Month 9 Share chapter 2 with supervisor for review
Month 10 Address comments
Month 11 – 12Write chapter 3
Month 13Share chapter 3 with supervisor for review
Month 14 Address comments and finalize the proposal
Month 15Defend your proposal

The monthly plan is based on assumptions, for instance, that the supervisor will review the document within the scheduled timeframe. This may or may not hold, depending on the supervisor.

It is therefore important to allow ample time for such factors that are out of your own control in order to ensure that the task is completed by the deadline.

The monthly plans can further be broken down into weekly (and even daily) plans, for instance:

  • Number of papers to read per week (day).
  • Number of words to write per week (day).
  • How many citations and bibliographies to insert (update) every week (day).
  • Number of additional articles to search and add to your library each week etc.

Each of these tasks contributes to the overall proposal writing and make the task completion easier and faster than waiting for the last few months to do it all at once.

A PhD is a medium- to long-term project depending on how long it takes to finish. It therefore requires effective and careful planning from the start of the program to ensure that each deliverable is completed within the stipulated time. The Gantt chart is an easy-to-create, and easy-to-use planning tool that can be used by all PhD students. Not only does it save the student time but it also gives him peace of mind knowing the progress of each and every task required.

Grace Njeri-Otieno

Grace Njeri-Otieno is a Kenyan, a wife, a mom, and currently a PhD student, among many other balls she juggles. She holds a Bachelors' and Masters' degrees in Economics and has more than 7 years' experience with an INGO. She was inspired to start this site so as to share the lessons learned throughout her PhD journey with other PhD students. Her vision for this site is "to become a go-to resource center for PhD students in all their spheres of learning."

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Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

Featured blog post image for Creating awesome Gantt charts for your PhD timeline

It’s a common scenario: you have never heard about Gantt charts. Then, when writing a PhD application or planning your PhD timeline for the upcoming years, someone suggests: You should include a Gantt chart! No need to worry. Here is all you need to know about Gantt charts for your PhD timeline.

What are Gantt charts?

Gantt charts belong to the family of bar charts. In a Gantt chart, bars depict different project tasks. The length of each bar is proportionate to the task duration and indicates both start and finish dates.

Why are Gantt charts frequently used for PhD timelines?

A Grantt chart is a great way to provide an overview of project tasks, activities and milestones.

Gantt charts are frequently used to illustrate PhD timelines because doing a PhD essentially means creating, managing and implementing a project with many components over several years.

Furthermore, Gantt chart PhD timelines allow PhD students to track their progress. They can also help PhD students to stay on track with their work.

You may also like: How to develop an awesome PhD timeline step-by-step

What information is included in Gantt charts for PhD timelines?

Gantt charts can include all kind of information, based on the specific project they are focusing on. When it comes to Gantt chart PhD timelines, there are several elements that are commonly featured:

Of course, every PhD project is unique. This uniqueness should be reflected in your Gantt chart. For instance, your Gantt chart PhD timeline will look different if you write a PhD based on articles or if you write a monograph .

How do you create a Gantt chart for your PhD timeline?

Creating a phd timeline gantt chart in microsoft excel.

You can create a table, turn it into a bar chart and manually edit it until it looks like a Gantt chart. If you have some experience with Excel, it is doable. Detailed instructions on the process can be found in this manual from

However, why go through all the hassle when you can simply download a template? You can use Microsoft’s own free Gantt project planner template and adjust it to your PhD project.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in Microsoft PowerPoint

First, you need to open a blank PowerPoint slide. Then click on Insert (1.), then Chart (2.). A popup will appear. Select Bar (3.) and finally select the Stacked Bar option (4).

A standard bar chart will appear on your slide and a small Excel table with open next to it. The first column in the Excel table is called Categories . You can replace categories with the PhD tasks that you want to display. For instance, Literature Review, Interviews, Transcribing and Analysis. You can add more categories or delete existing ones by removing a row in the small Excel table.

Next to the Categories (now tasks) column, you see three more columns: Series 1 , Series 2 , Series 3 . You can use these columns to showcase the length of tasks. Rename Series 1 into Start Date and Series 2 into End Date . Series 3 indicates the overall length. Depending on the timeframe you want to showcase, you can opt for instance for Length (weeks) or Length (months) .

In the example below, I decided to plan PhD tasks for a year. Thus, 1 means January, 2 means February, 3 means March and so forth. The length of tasks is also indicated in months:

Next, click on your chart and three icons will appear in the upper-right corner next to it. Click on the bottom one, the Chart filters , remove the tick of the check box of End Date , and click on Apply. You will see that the bar chart will start to look like a Gantt chart:

Now, the blue parts of the bar, indicating the Start Dates, need to be removed. Just click on one of them, and on the righthand side, Format Data Series should appear. Select No fill. Alternatively, in the upper menu, select Format , go to Shape fill, and select No fill .

Now comes the fun part, namely decorating. You can add a chart title, colour the bars in the colour of your choice, edit the legend and the axis descriptions. Just play with it to explore the options.

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart in a Microsoft Word

To start the process in Word, it is smart to first change the orientation of your page to Landscape . In the top menu, click on Layout , then select Orientation , then choose Landscape .

Creating a PhD timeline Gantt chart with an online tool

If you don’t want to go through the hassle of creating your own Gantt chart but are not convinced by any templates, you can make use of online tools and software.

The site requires no signup. You can editing and simply start filling in the Gantt chart, and export it as an Excel, Image or PDF file when you are done!

PhD timeline Gantt chart templates

Best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft excel, best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft powerpoint, best gantt chart template for phd timelines in microsoft word.

Useful Gantt chart templates for Microsoft Word can be downloaded here from TemplateLAB. I like these templates as they can be easily adjusted to the needs of a PhD timeline. For instance, a weekly Gantt chart template can be useful to establish a detailed plan with weekly objectives to keep your PhD progress on track.

PhD timeline Gantt chart examples

Gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft excel, gantt chart phd timeline example in microsoft powerpoint.

Using the Gantt chart PowerPoint template by above, an example PhD timeline to present a plan for a 3 year PhD could look, for instance, like this:

Gantt chart PhD timeline example in Microsoft Word

Using a weekly Gantt chart template from TemplateLab mentioned above, an example PhD timeline with weekly tasks and objectives could look, for instance, like this:

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PhD candidate planning the project

#112: PhD project-planning quick-start

February 15, 2022 by Tress Academic

Let’s get straight to the point: If you realistically want to have a chance of finishing your PhD on time, you’ll have to plan your project. More specifically, you have to apply project management techniques and appoint yourself the manager of that project. Many PhD candidates have trouble setting up and following a project plan. That is why in this blogpost, we’ll let you know what it means to manage your PhD project and we’ll share an awesome free worksheet: 6 steps to outline a PhD project plan . With this, you can start drafting your project plan without struggle and endless searching for the right procedure.

My experiences with project planning

When I set out to apply for a scholarship to fund my PhD project, my supervisor, a professor at the University of Heidelberg, told me to describe exactly what I wanted to achieve in my project, and to set up a Gantt-Chart so my proposal would convince the funding agency that my project was worth the investment. My professor was tight-lipped and I did not get any further information on how to work out my project plan. I dived into the university library for the latest project-management guides, and it took a lot of time to figure it all out and come up with a reasonable plan for my PhD project. I got the funding for the project, and once I started, I used my plan to guide me throughout my project. I adjusted it every now and then, but it helped me never lose sight of my goals and to finish within the 3 years that I had. 

I have used project plans ever since. In the 12 years that I have worked as a scientist, there were many plans for small projects within my own group or institute, as well as for large multinational EU-framework funded project clusters. And since running TRESS ACADEMIC , whenever we set up a new course or revise our website, the first thing we do is set up a project plan. We even have mini-project plans for our weekly blog posts with the exact tasks we have to do and when they need to be completed. For me, this has become second nature: No project without a plan. 

phd 3 year plan

Common myths around project planning for PhD projects

1. believing you don’t know enough.

Many PhD students don’t devise a plan because they think they don’t know enough about their project–particularly what the end results might be. That is a very common excuse to avoid thinking about the goals and outcomes of the project, as well as the entire process that will lead you there. You can read more about this and other common objections on the SMART ACADEMICS BLOG post no. 47: Plan your project – save your PhD!

2. Believing a plan is set in stone

In other words, you are afraid that once the plan is set, you lose all freedom and flexibility in your research. 

Don’t think that once the plan is drawn up, your project will be carried out in this exact way. None of my projects were ever carried out exactly as I had initially planned. The goal is not to set-up regulations that dictate your every move, but to set-up a plan that will steer your project along the correct path. Your plan helps you make informed decisions on where to take your project at any point in time. You can stick to the plan or adjust it if you determine that a deviation is superior to what you have initially planned. This is how your project will evolve and improve over time. 

3. Believing it’s better to wait and see what happens

There is still a wide-spread belief that you start a PhD and just see what comes your way or what will develop once your supervisors give you some initial input. This is blind-trust that the brilliant scientists around you will show you the safe route to finish on time with stellar results. Hint: They won’t, and it’s not their task. While I hope that your supervisor will give you input and bounce around ideas with you (that is indeed their task), don’t expect them to run this project for you. This is your PhD, not theirs. 

4. Believing you don’t need a personal plan for your PhD because there is already one for the bigger project you’re working in

Are you a PhD working in a larger research project with many collaborating scientists? Is your PhD project only focusing on one aspect among many ? When you get the project plan for the bigger project (or the part that your supervisor is responsible for) handed to you, you may think: Great, that’s my plan! I don’t need a separate one for myself. Wrong. Although your PhD will take place under the umbrella of this bigger project, you need to sit down and identify exactly what you are going to do that a) serves the goals of the overall project b) merits a PhD. 

phd 3 year plan

If you fail to plan you plan to fail 

Data from empirical surveys show over and over again that the majority of international PhD candidates delay (HEFCE 2007, Council of Graduate Schools 2008, SCB 2011, Van de Schoot et al. 2013, BuWiN 2021). That means their PhD project takes more time than initially planned. It may take five instead of the initially planned four years, or six instead of three. While there is some wriggle room for individual cases, there is none for others. “Delay is highly problematic for PhD students because in most cases it means that they receive no income anymore, because their employment contract or scholarship ends after a certain amount of time, regardless of whether or not the dissertation has been completed” (Van Rooij E. et al. 2021). International PhD candidates may have to leave their host countries when their contracts expire since their permission to stay is tied to their employment. 

There are many reasons why PhD candidates delay. In our blog post no. 60: Are you delayed with your PhD? we list 10 common reasons. Not planning ahead for the 3-4 years of the PhD project is definitely one of them. Since this is entirely in your hands (no one will keep you from developing a project plan and tracking your progress), it is one of your biggest assets in avoiding a lengthy and painful delay. You’ve got to set clear goals from the first to the last day of your PhD, and the plan helps you put these into practice. 

Don’t take a PhD delay and its negative consequences for granted. Review what has caused your delay and how you work on your PhD currently in order to identify what needs to change with our free worksheet: Identify main reasons for the delay with your PhD . 

You don’t have to major in project management

You’re not overly interested in project management? I get it. You’re here to work on your science. Point taken. I agree that you should focus on becoming an expert in your scientific field over project management. And: Managing a scientific project has a few different requirements than managing a project in an industrial, commercial or philanthropic setting. So even just having general project management skills won’t necessarily help you a lot. That’s why we at TRESS ACADEMIC have developed tools and techniques to help you acquire the necessary skills to manage your PhD project in the fastest and most efficient way. We’re not tinkering around with theory, but instead give you PhD specific practical advice. In our course PhD Success Lab, we teach PhD candidates the exact steps to take to set up a project plan and manage their project throughout their 3-4 year PhD process, progress-tracking included. Many report that having a clear road-map takes a big weight off their shoulders, and makes them feel less overwhelmed and more confident. 

Let’s give you a head-start 

We’ve thought about how we can make PhD project-management easier for everyone right now. What we’ve realised over the years is that PhD candidates don’t know what a project plan should look like; they’re uncertain where to begin and what to include. To give you a head-start, get our free worksheet “6 steps to outline a PhD project plan” with the exact steps you have to take to set up your own. So you don’t have to figure it out all alone like I had to at the start of my PhD! Get going! 

Will you do us a favour?

Since we are sharing this for free, please refer to the SMART ACA DEMICS BLOG whenever you use our material. We’d be delighted if you share this blogpost with a friend or colleague who needs to brush up their project management skills. If you are a professor or supervisor, please share this with your team or PhD candidates. 

phd 3 year plan

  • SMART ACADEMICS BLOG post no. 47: Plan your project – save your PhD!  
  • SMART ACADEMICS BLOG post no. 60: Are you delayed with your PhD?
  • SMART ACADEMICS BLOG post no. 73: What’s needed to finish your PhD?
  • free worksheet: 6 steps to outline a PhD project plan
  • free worksheet: Identify main reasons for the delay with your PhD  
  • free worksheet: Completing my PhD: what’s needed?  


  • BuWiN (Konsortium Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs). 2021. Bundesbericht Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs 2021. Statistische Daten und Forschungsbefunde zu Promovierenden und Promovierten in Deutschland. WBV-Media, Bielefeld. DOI:10.3278/6004603aw 
  • Council of Graduate Schools (ed.) 2008. Ph.D. Completion and Attrition: Analysis of Baseline Demographic Data from the Ph.D. Completion Project. Washington DC: CGS-Publications.
  • Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) 2007. PhD research degrees – update. Entry and completion. HEFCE Issues paper 2007/28.
  • Högskoleverket, Statisktika centralbyrån (SCB) 2011. Universitet och högskolor. Doktorander och examina på forskarnivå 2011. Serie Utbildning och forskning. 21 Juni 2012.
  • Van Rooij E., Fokkens-Bruinsma M., and Jansen E. 2021: Factors that influence PhD candidates’ success: the importance of PhD project characteristics. Studies in Continuing Education, Vol. 43, No. 1, 48-67  
  • Van de Schoot, R., M. A. Yerkes, J. M. Mouw, H. Sonneveld. 2013. What Took Them So Long? Explaining PhD Delays among Doctoral Candidates. PLOS ONE 8 (7): e68839. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0068839

Related courses and services:

  • PhD Success Lab (Digital mentoring programme)
  • Supervision-Coaching (1-to-1 Advice package)

More information

Do you want to successfully complete your PhD? If so, please sign up to receive our free guides.

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© 2022 Tress Academic

Department of Physics

3rd year phd students, progress report and research plan.

As in the second year, students are asked to produce a short research plan at the start of the year. It should consist of not more than 2 pages (500-1000 words), outlining progress to date and a plan of work, including appropriate milestones. Any problems that threaten to delay thesis production should be highlighted together with proposed solutions.

This plan should be agreed with the supervisor and uploaded to SkillsForge by Week 4. Submission of the plan will be taken to mean agreement has been reached between student and supervisor. Where there are issues delaying progress or the plans are not satisfactory the Director of Graduates may require the student to also attend an interview.

Thesis Plan

If your studentship is funded for <3.5 years, students need to prepare a thesis plan and submit it via SkillsForge approximately six months before the end of their funded period. If you have funding for 3.5-4 years, or are self-funded, such a thesis plan is due at the start of your 4th year.

As with the progress reports and research plan, the plan should be agreed with the supervisor and submitted via SkillsForge . Submission of the plan will be taken to mean agreement has been reached between student and supervisor.

The reason for producing a plan are to demonstrate :

  • there is suficient material to write about
  • the student has thought about the structure of the thesis and the approximate length of each section
  • the timescale for finishing

The thesis plan should contain:

  • a list of chapter headings down to sub-section level
  • a rough indication of the number of pages for each section (see note on thesis length )
  • the state of each section (e.g. % complete, in draft form, data awaiting analysis, experiments completed, experiments failed because …, more experiments needed, not thought about yet)
  • for the incomplete parts, especially experiments, an estimate of when they will be done should be included
  • a schedule of work, indicating a timetable for completing the thesis
  • expected submission date

The length of the thesis plan is not important compared to the information contained. It will probably be more than one side of A4 but less than 5.

Students who do not expect to submit before the end of their funded period will also need to consider how they will be supported and must remember that the thesis must have been submitted by the end of their registration period which is at most 4 years after your start date.

Doctoral Skills/SkillsForge Portfolio

You will need to continue updating your SkillsForge portfolio as set out in the first year regulations . This will be reviewed together with your research plans for the year.

You will again perform a Training Needs Analysis to identify your strengths and areas requiring further development, both in respect of the specific project and more general skill development.

Departmental Colloquia and Research Group Seminars

Physics Colloquia are open to the whole department are held each fortnight during full term, on Wednesday starting at 4:30pm in PLT. These aim to bring a wide variety of cutting edge research from high profile speakers to the attention of a general audience of physicists. The level is suitable for all staff, postgraduates and final year MPhys students.

Attendance at these colloquia is compulsory for all PhD students as part of their general training programme.

In addition, the various research groups have their own seminars and it is usual practise for PhD students to attend.

Conference Presentations

PhD students will normally attend at least one UK and one international conference during their training period. This will give you experience of presenting your own work and meeting the experts in your particular field. The Department has allocated certain funds for each student to pay for the registration and travel expenses. There are other sources of funds for students who want to go to more conferences, especially if presenting a paper: look to your research group's grant portfolio, ask the conference organisers to waive the registration fee, apply to the Institute of Physics or other charities

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  • Graduate Professional Development for Doctoral Students >

Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Individual Development Plans (IDP) are important tools for doctoral students to develop academically and professionally.

Why are IDPs important?

Defining clear goals and expectations allows doctoral students to develop disciplinary and professional skills to help them reach their professional and personal goals. At the same time, it helps establish strong lines of communication with their advisor, facilitating support for articulated academic and professional development. And IDPs facilitate career exploration!

How can you develop your academic and professional skill sets?

After you have completed an IDP and created your goals, you can develop your skills by participating in professional development programming supported by the Graduate School.

Where can you access an IDP?

The Graduate School does not recommend the use of one specific IDP. However, it is strongly suggested that the IDP used involves two components: goals and assessment. National organizations have developed IDP platforms to support doctoral student development. For STEM students there is the MyIDP and for students in the social sciences and humanities there is ImaginePhD . Many other IDP platforms exist, some of which are discipline-specific, such as the American Chemical Society IDP .

Some departments at UB have specific IDPs. The Graduate School has developed a general template for IDPs. The IDP should go beyond a checklist of degree requirements. Instead, it should be a roadmap for professional and academic development.

The IDP should be referred to, revised and refined yearly, if not more frequently.

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  • Graduate Specializations A subdivision of a major for specialized study which is indicated after the major on official transcripts
  • Graduate Certificates Non-degree-granting programs to expand student knowledge and understanding about a key topic
  • Interdisciplinary Graduate Study Curricular and co-curricular opportunities for advanced study that crosses disciplinary boundaries
  • Theses and Dissertations Doctoral and Plan A document submission process
  • Policies and Procedures important documents relating to graduate students, mentoring, research, and teaching
  • Academic Programs Catalog Listing of academic programs, policies and related information
  • Traveling Scholar Doctoral students pursue studies at other BTAA institutions
  • Apply Now Graduate Departments review applicants based on their criteria and recommends admission to the Office of Admissions
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  • PhD Public Data Ph.D. Program Admissions, Enrollments, Completions, Time to Degree, and Placement Data
  • Costs of Graduate School Tools to estimate costs involved with graduate education
  • Recruitment Awards Opportunities for departments to utilize recruitment funding
  • Readmission When enrollment is interrupted for three or more consecutive terms
  • Assistantships More than 3,000 assistantships are available to qualified graduate students
  • Fellowships Financial support to pursue graduate studies
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  • Travel Funding Find funding to travel and present your research
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  • Cohort Fellowship Programs Spartans are stronger together!
  • The Edward A. Bouchet Graduate Honor Society (BGHS) A national network society for students who have traditionally been underrepresented
  • Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) A gateway to graduate education at Big Ten Academic Alliance universities
  • Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) A community that supports retention, and graduation of underrepresented doctoral students
  • Recruitment and Outreach Ongoing outreach activities by The Graduate School
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Funding Funding resources to recruit diverse students
  • Graduate Student Organizations MSU has over 900 registered student organizations
  • Grad School Office of Well-Being Collaborates with graduate students in their pursuit of their advanced degree and a well-balanced life
  • Housing and Living in MI MSU has an on and off-campus housing site to help find the perfect place to stay
  • Mental Health Support MSU has several offices and systems to provide students with the mental health support that they need
  • Spouse and Family Resources MSU recognizes that students with families have responsibilities that present challenges unique to this population
  • Health Insurance Health insurance info for graduate student assistants and students in general at MSU
  • Safety and Security MSU is committed to cultivating a safe and inclusive campus community characterized by a culture of safety and respect
  • Why Mentoring Matters To Promote Inclusive Excellence in Graduate Education at MSU
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  • Toolkit A set of resources for support units, faculty and graduate students
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Navigating the Masters

This interactive writing workshop is designed to help students develop an individualized plan for understanding graduate school more generally and graduate writing more specifically. This workshop is designed for students in both the early and later years of their master’s degree.

This 3-hour workshop will concentrate on understanding the transition to graduate school, navigating master’s degree coursework and graduation options (thesis, exams, portfolios, etc.), locating and using professional and personal support resources, and writing for both the degree and future job. Participants will create academic timelines for their master’s work (coursework, conference presentations, internships, etc.) at MSU and discuss technologies and habits that can help them stay on task. Participants will also discuss how to manage the stress that often pervades the life of master’s students and how to select and work with a committee. The workshop will end with participants exploring and sharing their current writing practices, writing and revision strategies, and strategies for overcoming writer’s block and procrastination

Register Here: Naviagting the Masters Registration

Zoom link and details will be shared with registrants prior to the date of the workshop. *Please note your registration is a commitment to attend.

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Interested in learning more about CU Boulder?

Request Undergraduate Information   First-Year Application

Why CU Boulder

Admission Process

Connect With Us

First-Year - Plan

We enroll an incoming class of highly qualified, intellectually curious and actively involved students who have demonstrated high levels of maturity and personal integrity as well as a commitment to serving their communities.

To achieve this, we practice a holistic admission review process, which takes into account a variety of primary academic factors and secondary factors as they relate to your ability to be successful in our competitive academic environment. While admission is competitive, you will be considered on an individual basis relative to a prediction of your academic success in the college to which you apply.

Academic Rigor

The primary factor in admission decisions is your academic achievement. CU Boulder focuses on your classroom performance in core academic courses, the rigor of your course selection and your GPA. SAT and ACT will not be required when applying to CU Boulder. CU Boulder has, and will continue to, review via a holistic assessment of each application with all of the information that is available.

International Students

International students with four or less semesters of U.S. schooling should refer to their country's specific requirements.

Review Requirements by Country

The grades you have earned while in high school or secondary school play the most important role in determining your competitiveness for admission to the University of Colorado Boulder.

Since there are many different grading scales and weighting methods, we use the total weighted GPA provided by your graduating high school, using a standard 4.00 scale. GPAs that are not on a 4.00 scale are converted accordingly.

If your high school does not provide a weighted GPA but provides a total unweighted GPA, we will use your total unweighted GPA on a standard 4.00 scale. If your high school does not provide a GPA or the GPA provided does not include all completed high school courses, we will recalculate the GPA according to the grading scale in use at your high school at the time the course was completed. When recalculating a GPA, we will not add weight for honors, AP and/or IB curricula because there is not a standard format for the designation or grading scale for these courses. However, we do consider the number of honors, AP and/or IB courses a student takes when determining the rigor of their overall curriculum.

Class Selection

Academic rigor in your course selection is also a primary factor that we consider. To be competitive, challenge yourself by pursuing the most rigorous courses available that are appropriate to your level of ability.

The number of courses taken beyond the minimum recommendation of 17—as well as those designated as advanced, honors, gifted, concurrent enrollment, dual-enrollment, AP or IB —will be considered in the admission process.

First-year students applying to undergraduate programs are strongly encouraged to meet the following Higher Education Admission Recommendations (HEAR) . Students may be admitted to CU Boulder even though they have not completed all of the HEAR courses. There are no consequences if HEAR is not met. However, not completing HEAR might result in taking additional courses to meet the CU Boulder graduation requirements of individual majors. International students with four or less semesters of U.S. schooling should refer to their country's specific requirements .

Please note: a challenging schedule will not outweigh a non-competitive GPA, as your grades ultimately remain the single most important factor in your admission decision. Additionally, any grades of D or F on your transcript—especially in your junior or senior year—would be cause for concern and should be addressed in your application.

Standardized Tests

ACT or SAT scores are not required for first-year students, but you may provide self-reported scores if you would like us to take your scores into consideration when reviewing your application. You will indicate on the Common App whether you plan to submit standardized test scores. If you choose to submit scores, please ensure that we have received them by the relevant application deadline so that your application will not be considered late.

First-Year Applicant FAQs

English Proficiency Requirements for International Students

In addition to our general admission requirements, all international applicants are also required to meet a minimum standard of English proficiency. International students who do not meet this requirement may still be eligible for conditional admission.

Review English Proficiency Requirements

Beyond Academics

While academics and test scores play a large role in your admission decision, we want students who are actively involved in their schools and communities. We place importance on secondary factors beyond academic achievement to assess the overall qualities of an applicant. 

What makes you stand out? Be thoughtful and use your required essays and your letter of recommendation to highlight your school and community activities, leadership positions and awards, participation in athletics or music, work experience, summer activities and special circumstances. Please note: we do not accept or use portfolio or audio/video submissions in our admission process.

Personal Essays

Your personal essays give you the opportunity to tell us more about yourself. They provide insight into your challenges and triumphs in a way that transcripts and test scores simply cannot.

When reading your essays, we are looking for sincerity and authenticity. It’s easy to tell when a student’s essay is something they care deeply about, compared to a student who writes what they think we want to hear. A funny or interesting story doesn’t hurt, either!

There is one essay and one short answer required for first year applicants. As you write your essay and short answer, consider reflecting on challenges that you've overcome, your family or cultural heritage, your academic or co-curricular achievements or specific moments that have defined your character. There are no 'correct' answers to these questions; your responses should reflect the unique aspects and experiences of your life.

What we are looking for:

  • Be yourself. Open up to us and write about something that is meaningful to you.
  • Be specific. Give examples and tell stories to make your points.
  • Be honest. We are interested in your journey—even if it hasn’t always been perfect.
  • Be clear. Effective writing and communication skills are expected.

Letter of Recommendation

Just like your essays give you the chance to tell us more about you, a letter of recommendation gives someone else the opportunity to speak to your academic strengths and co-curricular involvement.

This is the one chance in your application where we get to learn about you from someone other than you, so choose someone who knows you well. Many students ask a teacher or school counselor to write their letter of recommendation.

Suggested topics:

  • Student’s academic ability and college readiness
  • Student’s overall performance in class and attitude
  • Why the student would be a good fit for CU Boulder

Admitted Student Averages

Credentials based on the middle 50% of 2024 admitted first-year students. High School GPAs are weighted and may represent self-reported GPAs. SAT/ACT scores reflect the middle 50% score range for students who requested test scores be considered in their application review. For the 2024 first-year application, SAT/ACT scores are not required and we take a holistic approach when reviewing your application.  

Weighted High School GPA: 3.74 - 4.23

SAT Total: 1290 - 1460 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 29 - 34

College of Arts & Sciences

Weighted High School GPA: 3.70 - 4.20

SAT Total: 1270 - 1440 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 29 - 33

College of Engineering & Applied Science

Weighted High School GPA: 3.97 - 4.42

SAT Total: 1360 - 1500 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 31 - 34

College of Media, Communication & Information

Weighted High School GPA: 3.54 - 4.06

SAT Total: 1220 - 1380 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 28 - 32

College of Music

Weighted High School GPA: 3.71 - 4.20

SAT Total: 1290 - 1470 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 30 - 33

Leeds School of Business

Weighted High School GPA: 4.0 - 4.36

SAT Total: 1360 - 1450 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 30 - 34

Program in Environmental Design

Weighted High School GPA: 3.62 - 4.17

SAT Total: 1270 - 1410 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 29 - 32

School of Education

Weighted High School GPA: 3.40 - 3.99

SAT Total: 1160 - 1330 Math and Evidence-Based Reading & Writing

ACT Composite: 26 - 31

Credit for Course work or Exams

Students applying to CU Boulder have the opportunity to earn college credit before enrollment. CU Boulder accepts credit from AP/IB exams, A-Level exams, college course work taken concurrently while in high school and limited CLEP credit. Earning college credit while in high school is a great way to help offset some of your estimated cost of attendance. Students are highly encouraged to explore credit for course work options while in high school. For more information on how credit is transferred to CU Boulder and what credit can be accepted please see the links below.

Official Advanced Placement (AP) scores must be sent to the admissions office directly from the College Board. CU Boulder's CEEB/ETS code is 004841.

Review the Advanced Placement Chart

For A-level examinations from an international examining board to be considered for transfer credit, the student must submit an official copy of the examination result, either by submitting the original certificate upon arrival on campus (University of Colorado Boulder will make and keep a copy as official, returning the original to the student), or through verification of results between the Office of Admissions and the examinations board. Methods of approved verification are below.

  • AQA : Student must request verification by emailing [email protected] (add 'Verification' in the subject box) and have it sent to [email protected]
  • CIE:   The University of Colorado Boulder can use CIE Direct after requesting the following information from the student: Cambridge Center and candidate numbers, student’s date of birth and the relevant examination series (month and year, e.g. June 2014). 
  • OCR : Student must request that OCR send a fax confirming student’s results to the University of Colorado Boulder. Fax number: +1-303-735-2501, ATTN: International Admissions.
  • Pearson/Edexcel : Student must apply for a copy of the certificate  to be sent directly to the University of Colorado Boulder.
  • WJEC/CBAC : Student must submit original Certificate or Certifying Statement of Results only (confirmation of grades via email/telephone/fax not available). 

If you took college-level courses while enrolled in high school, you may be able to transfer the credit to CU Boulder. Only courses taken at a college or university of recognized standing with grades of C- or better are accepted for transfer. All college-level work will be evaluated in accordance with CU Boulder transfer credit guidelines. You must have an official college transcript sent directly to the Office of Admissions in order for transfer credit to be evaluated.

Review the Transfer Credit Policy

The International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programs provide pre-university study. IB examinations, whether leading to a full IB diploma or to an IB certificate, often qualify students for advanced standing at CU Boulder. In general, credit is granted for approved IB examinations at the higher level with a score of 4 or better. Students admitted to the University of Colorado Boulder who have graduated from high school with an International Baccalaureate Diploma shall be granted 24 semester hours of college credit. This credit will be applied toward degree requirements only if approved by the college or school. Depending on the student’s degree program, some of the 24 credits may not be applicable towards degree requirements. No CU Boulder tuition will be charged for these credits and the 24 credits will only be granted if the student receives a score of 4 or better on an examination administered as part of the IB Diploma program. If the student scores less than 4 on each IB subject test, the credit hours granted will be reduced accordingly. Official scores must be sent to the Admissions Office directly from the IB organization.

Review the International Baccalaureate Chart

Ready to apply?

Learn how to apply

Undergraduate Admission Information For:

Students pose for a photo at the Black and Gold Bash celebration

First-Year Applicants

First-year applicants are in high school, or have graduated from high school but have not taken any college courses after graduating or earning a GED.

Transfer students meeting outside

Transfer Applicants

Transfer applicants have attended another college or university since earning their high school diploma or GED. Transfer applicants are looking to complete a bachelor’s degree at CU Boulder.

Students celebrating family weekend

International Applicants

Undergraduate international applicants are students who need a visa to be in the U.S. Apply as a domestic student if you have a U.S. passport or green card.

CU Boulder aerial

Readmit Applicants

CU Boulder aerial at sunrise

Veteran Applicants

CU Boulder campus and Flatirons

Undocumented Applicants

CU Boulder counselors are here to help you through the application and answer any questions that may arise during the admission process.

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  • Contact Admissions

The University of Colorado does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, disability, creed, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, veteran status, political affiliation, or political philosophy. All qualified individuals are encouraged to apply. You may  view the list of ADA and Title IX coordinators  and  review the Regent policy .

As a student or prospective student at CU Boulder, you have a right to certain information pertaining to financial aid programs, the Clery Act, crime and safety, graduation rates, athletics and other general information such as the costs associated with attending CU Boulder. To view this information visit .

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6 Ways to Make the Most of Wolfpack Welcome Week

Your first college friends. Your first selfie with a Wuf. Your first taste of Howling Cow ice cream. There's a lot to experience, celebrate and explore during your first week as an NC State student. Let's go.

Four students smile and hold up the wolfie hand gesture with a large crowd and tents behind them during Packapalooza.

Hello, there! We’re so thrilled to have you joining our Wolfpack that we created an entire week to welcome you to NC State. It’s called, for the sake of clarity, Wolfpack Welcome Week (WWW). We have a lot in store to help you settle into campus, connect with new friends and prepare for a successful first year of college.

But the most exciting thing about WWW is that it’s only the beginning. We want to make sure that you know where to find communities and resources throughout your time at NC State. Read on for sneak peeks, tips and plenty of bucket list experiences you won’t want to miss.

Step One: Go to Some Events

There are dozens of events taking place during WWW. You don’t have to look far to find social gatherings, open houses, tours, performing arts auditions, service activities and more. You can review the full event list and create your own custom schedule using the NC State Guides app .

Here are a few signature events you’ll definitely want to add to your calendar:

The official kickoff to your first year on campus takes place with thousands of your new classmates and a lot of school spirit. Get fired up for a successful semester, collect your first free NC State T-shirt and take part in your official class photo.

Check out everything Wellness and Recreation has to offer when you attend RecFest, a highly interactive event with club sports demonstrations, games, food, giveaways and entertainment.

Our Pack is stronger together. Get to know our campus community and affirm your commitment to equity and inclusion at Respect the Pack. The event includes presentations, panel discussions and the chance to leave your mark on a mural.

Red laser lights emanating from a stage in the distance project above a crowd of people during Packapalooza with the Memorial Belltower lit in the background.

The wildest fun walk/run this side of the Krispy Kreme Challenge is the 1.3 mile Moonlight Howl and Run — and it’ll help you get to know our campus.

Connect with dozens of student organizations, campus services and academic programs, all in one place. This is a great way to find communities of people who share your passions and interests.

Join us on Hillsborough Street for an all-day block party, street festival, concert and fireworks show! It’s our biggest party of the year, celebrating you — our Wolfpack — and the start of a great school year.

A crowd of people hold up the wolfie hand gesture above their heads at night during the Packapalooza concert.

Step Two: Explore Your New Home

While you’re settling in, it’s a great time to familiarize yourself with campus. After you’ve acquainted yourself with your dorm, dining halls, classroom buildings and Talley Student Union, our ten Hallowed Places are an ideal next adventure.

phd 3 year plan

These iconic landmarks could be home to some of your fondest memories:

  • Memorial Belltower
  • Holladay Hall
  • Court of North Carolina
  • Mary Yarbrough Court
  • The Brickyard
  • Lake Raleigh Woods
  • Free Expression Tunnel
  • Reynolds Coliseum
  • College of Veterinary Medicine Pastures

Discover serene resting spots, joyful gathering spaces and historical connections to all the members of the Wolfpack who came before you. It’s all here for you, whenever you need it.

phd 3 year plan

Step Three: Find Your Wolfpack

There’s no shortage of things to get involved in on campus, but how do you find them? Attending the Student Involvement Fair during WWW is a great place to start. But for year-round support, resources and opportunities, check out Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE), our central hub for all things getting-involved on campus.

SLE offers helpful tips, a directory of student organizations, resources for starting your own club, leadership workshops and service activities — plus much more.

Our favorite of their pro tips? It’s okay to not do everything. Pursue the experiences that make sense for you.

If you’re excited to join a student organization (or several), here are some of the more than 750 registered organizations that might pique your interests:

  • App Development Club
  • Bad Film Club
  • BattlePack Robotics Club
  • Beekeepers Club
  • Citizen Science Club
  • Cosplay and Costuming Club
  • Dancing With Wolves Ballroom Dance Club
  • Discomfort Club
  • Esports Club
  • Fungi Appreciation and Mycology
  • Hike More, Worry Less
  • Pack in Animation
  • Students for the Exploration and Development of Space
  • Sustainable Entrepreneurship Club
  • Swifties at NC State
  • TableTop Gamers Club
  • The Origami Club
  • Uninhibited Praise Gospel Choir

Student Media

Join one of our six student-produced media organizations: Agromeck yearbook, Nubian Message newspaper, Roundabout magazine, Technician newspaper, Windhover literary journal and WKNC 88.1 FM.

Get hands-on experience

Club Sports

Our 50+ club sports are student-led and may be recreational, competitive or a combination of both, while promoting leadership, service and engagement. We also offer open recreational and intramural sports. 

Join a team

Arts Ensembles

More than 500 students representing every college participate in dance companies, vocal and instrumental ensembles each semester. We have for-credit and club ensembles, and auditions are open to all students.

Perform your heart out

Students with paint on their gloved hands press them against a mural that reads "Respect the Pack" to leave their handprints on the wall.

Step Four: Crush Your First Classes

We know you want to set yourself up for a strong start on your degree program. Be sure to attend a College Connections event during WWW to get to know your academic home on campus.

New Student Convocation is also a can’t-miss WWW event, especially if you feel in need of a new-school-year pep talk and a peer support group that’s more than 5,000 strong.

Three students pose for a photo with Mr. Wuf in front of a crowd of other students on bleachers during New Student Convocation.

This week is a good time to start scouting out your new favorite study spots. For those drawn to indoor conveniences like whiteboards, comfortable chairs and running water, we’d recommend the James B. Hunt Jr. Library, the D.H. Hill Library or Talley Student Union. If you like to commune with nature while you review course materials, try the Court of North Carolina or the Oval on Centennial Campus.

For days when you need a little extra help, be sure to check out the Academic Success Center for tutoring, peer mentoring and writing support. You can make an appointment online or check out their drop-in tutoring, academic advising and career counseling services.

Two students push a cart full of their belongings along a sidewalk outside of a dorm during move-in.

Step Five: Lighten Your Pack

Nothing is more important than your well-being. Tapping into wellness resources early and often will help you achieve your goals and keep you feeling your best throughout your time here.

We encourage you to invest care into these six elements of wellness and seek support as needed.

Some students come in knowing exactly what they want to do. Others don’t. Our academic advisors can help you navigate your path. You can also check out the Academic Success Center for tutoring and coaching.

Access academic supports

Wellness starts with taking good care of your body through nutrition, exercise, sleep and health care visits. Our Campus Health center offers accessible, quality care and routine visits are covered by student fees.

Care for your health

Pack Essentials offers programs to support students in need of food, housing, financial and educational security, including Feed the Pack food pantry, legal aid and the Student Emergency Fund.

See how we can help

The Counseling Center provides mental health services and resources to students, including drop-in support and counselors embedded within colleges to make help accessible where you need it.

Find a counselor or resource

Establishing strong social connections is essential to your well-being. You can start by attending a wellness event to relax, recharge and meet other students who are looking to grow their Wolfpack.

Attend a wellness event

Finding your communities will make our large university feel smaller. Community centers, drop-in spaces and inclusive programs provide gathering spaces and a sense of belonging on campus.

Locate your communities

Two students laugh together while standing in front of a mural that shows two hands clasped together and reads "Respect the Pack".

Step Six: Borrow What You Need (Plus That Robot Cat)

It can be hard — some might say impossible — to fit everything you need into a dorm room. If you’re wrestling with where to store your kayak while you’re in Raleigh, wrestle no further. You can borrow one!

All across campus, there are lending programs that connect you with equipment and materials you need to live your best NC State life. You can access technology and other devices through the NC State University Libraries that can aid in academic and personal projects. Students enrolled in music courses can borrow instruments . Wellness and Recreation offers fitness equipment and outdoor adventure gear rentals. The Crafts Center offers studio access for students taking craft classes or via a membership fee.

Here are just a few of the many interesting things you can borrow, to help you explore, create, investigate, relax and discover:

  • Cameras, lenses and accessories
  • DJ controllers and turntables
  • Frisbee golf discs
  • Handheld microscopes
  • Human skeleton models
  • Pickleball nets, paddles and balls
  • Presentation practice remotes
  • Robotic therapy cats
  • Smart glasses
  • Stand-up paddleboards
  • VR headsets and controllers

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We hope this helped you feel a little more prepared for what’s in store this week and throughout your first year at NC State. No matter what, know that someone is always available to help you — that’s what it means to be part of the Wolfpack.

Now, go out there and Think and Do things no one has thought and done before.

  • wolfpack welcome week

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With 3 Days of Facts, Fun and New Friendships, NC State Welcomes Largest Veterinary Class 

A close-up of the screen of a cell phone which is pointed toward, and displaying, a group of students standing in front of a large skeleton of a whale.

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Students practice making wuf hands while attending the WKNC Concert on the Lawn during Wolfpack Welcome Week.

Plan Ahead for Wolfpack Welcome Week 

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Lexar 4TB NM790 SSD PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2 2280 Internal Solid State Drive, Up to 7400/6500 MB/s Read/Write, Compatible with PS5, for Gamers and Creators, Black (LNM790X004T-RNNNU)

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Lexar 4TB NM790 SSD PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2 2280 Internal Solid State Drive, Up to 7400/6500 MB/s Read/Write, Compatible with PS5, for Gamers and Creators, Black (LNM790X004T-RNNNU)

NM1090 w/ Heatsink

NM790 w/ Heatsink

NM800 PRO w/ Heatsink

Digital Storage Capacity 4000 GB
Hard Disk Interface NVMe
Connectivity Technology M.2
Brand Lexar
Special Feature Single-sided design
Hard Disk Form Factor 2280 Inches
Hard Disk Description Solid State Drive
Compatible Devices Laptop, PS5, Desktop
Installation Type Internal Hard Drive
Color Black

About this item

  • [4TB] Exceptional performance up to 7400MB/s read, 6500MB/s write; 3000TBW
  • 2x faster than PCIe Gen 3 SSDs
  • Up to 40% less power consumption than DRAM cache-enabled PCIe Gen 4 SSDs
  • Host Memory Buffer (HMB) 3.0 activates the DRAM cache function of your device for a smoother transfer speed and seamless performance
  • Designed for hardcore gamers, professionals, and creators
  • Compatible with PlayStation 5
  • Single-sided NVMe SSD is perfect for laptops
  • Five-year limited warranty

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Perfect for work and play

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(1) Up to 7400MB/s read transfer, up to 6500MB/s write. Speeds based on internal testing. Actual performance may vary. (2) Comparison based on internal testing. Actual performance may vary.

Actual usable memory capacity may vary. 1GB equals 1 billion bytes.

(c) 2023 All rights reserved. Information, products, specifications, and features are subject to change without notice. Neither Lexar nor Longsys is responsible for omissions or errors in typography or photography. Lexar, the Lexar logo, and all other Lexar trademarks are the property of Longsys Electronics (HK) Co., Ltd. or Shenzhen Longsys Electronics Co., Ltd. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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Unboxing Lexar NM790 SSD 4TB PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2

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Lexar NM790 SSD 4TB PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2 Review

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Lexar NM790 M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4x4 NVMe SSD

Lexar International

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My Favourite SSDs Right Now!

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Meet The Lexar 4TB NM790 SSD PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2

Product description.

Whether you’re looking to rampage in your favorite game or create massive, high-res files, the Lexar NM790 M.2 2280 PCIe Gen 4x4 NVMe SSD helps you get it done. It delivers incredible speeds of 7400MB/s read, 6500MB/s write thanks to its PCIe Gen4 tech, which includes HMB 3.0 and Dynamic SLC Cache. It’s compatible with desktop computers, laptops, and PlayStation5, so whatever your pursuits, it’s game.

Looking for specific info?

Product information, technical details.

Hard Drive ‎4000 GB Solid State Drive
Brand ‎Lexar
Series ‎NM790
Item model number ‎LNM790X004T-RNNNU
Item Weight ‎0.208 ounces
Package Dimensions ‎6.46 x 4.13 x 0.59 inches
Color ‎Black
Flash Memory Size ‎4 TB
Hard Drive Interface ‎NVMe
Manufacturer ‎Lexar International
Date First Available ‎June 22, 2023

Additional Information

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4.8 out of 5 stars
Best Sellers Rank #152 in

Warranty & Support Return Policy:You may return any new computer purchased from that is "dead on arrival," arrives in damaged condition, or is still in unopened boxes, for a full refund within 30 days of purchase. reserves the right to test "dead on arrival" returns and impose a customer fee equal to 15 percent of the product sales price if the customer misrepresents the condition of the product. Any returned computer that is damaged through customer misuse, is missing parts, or is in unsellable condition due to customer tampering will result in the customer being charged a higher restocking fee based on the condition of the product. will not accept returns of any desktop or notebook computer more than 30 days after you receive the shipment. New, used, and refurbished products purchased from Marketplace vendors are subject to the returns policy of the individual vendor.

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  • 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star 89% 7% 1% 1% 2% 89%
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Customers say

Customers like the performance, ease of installation, value, temperature control, and quality of the computer drive. They mention that it works well, it's easy to install, and it'll save you power.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the performance of the hard drive. They mention that it works well in their computer or gaming console, and that it outperforms the rest of the system. Some say that it's a reliable SSD and works seamlessly.

" Works perfectly for my needs . Four months of constant use, zero issues." Read more

" Works right out the box with a super easy install in a computer or gaming console and is blazing fast" Read more

"...I can't comment on how long it will last, but it has worked well for the past month . I will try to update my review when and if it fails." Read more

" Works as intended ...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the write speed of the computer drive. They mention that it has fantastic speed, is compatible with so-called best on the market brands, and is blazing fast. Some say that it works as intended and is fast in booting up their desktop. They also say that the initial performance figures are significantly impressive for the price.

"...It was very easy to install. Good storage. It’s fast and efficient . Exactly what I needed." Read more

"Lexar, excellent SSD storage for daily computing. Compatible speed and performance with " so called" best on the market brands...." Read more

" Fantastic speed and holds all the data I need." Read more

"...If you're looking for speed , endurance, size options and a good price, the Lexar is the way to go...." Read more

Customers are satisfied with the quality of the computer drive. They mention it's very reliable, rock solid, and easy to install. They appreciate the great capacity and speed at a reasonable price point. Customers also appreciate the build quality, which is essential for long-term durability.

"...It was very easy to install. Good storage . It’s fast and efficient. Exactly what I needed." Read more

"Lexar, excellent SSD storage for daily computing . Compatible speed and performance with " so called" best on the market brands...." Read more

"Fantastic speed and holds all the data I need ." Read more

"...If you're looking for speed, endurance , size options and a good price, the Lexar is the way to go...." Read more

Customers appreciate the value of the hard drive. They say it's a great combo of price/performance, and the most cost efficient for 4 TB. Customers also say the speed, price, and power savings justify the purchase.

"This drive is a great value . It comes with the screw needed to hold it down. It was very easy to install. Good storage. It’s fast and efficient...." Read more

"...If you're looking for speed, endurance, size options and a good price , the Lexar is the way to go...." Read more

"The value for money is tremendous with this SSD - fast, cheap , and huge (I have the 4TB version)...." Read more

"I used in my laptop and as external SSD, run fast as said, good quality/price ." Read more

Customers find the installation of the computer drive to be easy. They mention that it goes in like a dream, and does its job. Some customers also say that the drive does not require any skill to use.

"...It comes with the screw needed to hold it down. It was very easy to install . Good storage. It’s fast and efficient. Exactly what I needed." Read more

"Works right out the box with a super easy install in a computer or gaming console and is blazing fast" Read more

"It has lots of storage for games, and was easy to install . I can't comment on how long it will last, but it has worked well for the past month...." Read more

"...Put the bottom plate back on the PS5 and you're done! It takes less than a minute to install ! This bad boy can hold about 50 games on your PS5...." Read more

Customers like the temperature control of the computer drive. They mention that it has a built-in heatsink, it runs cool, and holds temperatures very well. Some appreciate the heatsin as a nice touch, as it helps keep the drive cool during heavy usage.

"...or truly measurable change in drive performance, it holds temperatures very well , and it cranks out its advertised speeds...." Read more

"...It comes with the heatsink attached and its easy to install." Read more

"...My only con is that it does run quite warm . It does sit under my GPU and in general, idling on the desktop it can sit in the 50's...." Read more

"...Fast, low temp , great option if you can get it close to its MSRP." Read more

Customers are mixed about the size of the computer drive. Some mention that it fits perfectly inside the PS5, it's a single-sided SSD, and will fit any laptop. However, others say that it'll not fit most cases unless they are modified for extra space.

"...If you're looking for speed, endurance, size options and a good price, the Lexar is the way to go...." Read more

"The installation was easy and fit perfectly , it runs just as good as the console ssd and 2TB is honestly just the sweet spot for storage for the PS5..." Read more

"The exact capacity is a bit less due to spare sectors being used, but I really got this drive due to the high TBW rating which is at 3000 TBW for..." Read more

"...Overall, I think this SSD seems to be like a great combination of size , space, and real-world speed...." Read more

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The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20500

FACT SHEET: Biden- ⁠ Harris Administration Takes New Actions to Lower Housing Costs by Cutting Red Tape to Build More   Housing

Actions include reforms to save developers time and money on federal projects and funds to encourage state and local governments to reduce barriers to affordable housing

Since launching its all-of-government Housing Supply Action Plan , the Biden-Harris Administration has been committed to using every available tool to build more housing and lower costs. President Biden and Vice President Harris have put building more homes at the center of their economic agenda because rents are lower and homes are more affordable when we build more housing. After decades of under-investment in housing, we are finally seeing progress under President Biden and Vice President Harris: more units are under construction than at any time in over 50 years, and the rate of new housing starts is up 17 percent compared to the last Administration. The Biden-Harris Housing Plan would build over 2 million new homes to further increase supply and lower housing costs for Americans.

Building rental units and homes faster means lower costs for consumers: not only will more units get to the market faster, but increasing the speed of construction lowers building costs. The President and Vice President have been laser-focused on lowering housing costs for renters and homeowners alike.

Today, the Biden-Harris Administration is announcing major new actions to build on that progress and further implement its Housing Supply Action Plan:

Making funding available to help communities break down barriers to housing. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is announcing the availability of $100 million through its landmark Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing (PRO Housing) program, which provides grants to communities to identify and remove barriers to affordable housing production and preservation. Grantees may use awards to further develop, evaluate, and implement housing policy plans, improve housing strategies, and facilitate affordable housing production and preservation. In June, Vice President Harris announced the first-ever grantees of the program, which provided $85 million to more than 20 cities and states with funding to identify and overcome barriers to building more affordable housing.

Providing interest rate predictability to spur housing development. The Department of the Treasury and HUD are announcing a major improvement to the Federal Financing Bank (FFB) Multifamily Risk Sharing Program that would provide greater interest rate predictability for state and local housing finance agencies that finance housing projects through the FFB. This program already dramatically reduces costs for state and local housing finance agencies by allowing them to borrow funds at just above the rate at which the US government borrows. This new action will expand the reach of the Risk Sharing program, especially for new construction projects, by providing housing finance agencies with greater certainty about the interest rate that they will face after the construction period ends, making more housing developments financially viable. Treasury and HUD indefinitely extended the Risk Sharing Program earlier this year, after the previous Administration allowed it to lapse. The program has already supported more than 16,000 units since restarting in 2021 and is expected to help create or preserve tens-of-thousands of units over the next decade.

Streamlining requirements for transit-oriented development projects. The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is announcing new guidance to streamline and clarify requirements for closing DOT loans for residential development near transit, including commercial-to-residential conversions. New guidance FAQs , issued by the Build America Bureau, clarify that Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) and Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing (RRIF) loans used for conversion projects may be eligible for a categorical exclusion under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) that would exempt applicable projects from more detailed environmental analysis and save time and money, as long as those projects do not expand the footprint of the building being converted or modify other facilities. The guidance further clarifies that TIFIA loans can be used to refinance existing debt as part of building conversion or expansion projects, and clarifies that TIFIA and RRIF loans can serve as permanent, take-out financing for construction loans consistent with statutory requirements, as long as federal requirements are met. When DOT first announced these loan programs could be used to finance housing near transit, the estimated time between final Letter of Interest and the loan close was up to 18 months. With these changes, that time can now be under a year as long as all other statutory requirements are met. The FAQs also feature additional information on federal requirements, borrower eligibility, market studies, and the Bureau’s underwriting process, including typical terms and conditions for TIFIA and RRIF loans. On August 27, the Bureau will host an introductory webinar on the credit review process for TOD loans. These efforts build on federal actions to make commercial to residential projects financially viable. Last fall, the White House released a Commercial to Residential Federal Resources Guidebook with over 20 federal programs across six federal agencies that can be used to support zero emissions climate-resilient conversions.

Accelerating historic preservation reviews for federal housing projects. The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) proposed a new tool that would accelerate historic preservation reviews for millions of federally-funded, licensed, or owned housing units across the country. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act requires that federal agencies take into account how any proposed actions will affect historic properties and seek ways to avoid, minimize, or mitigate any adverse effects as a result of the project. If finalized, the tool would exempt several activities, including interior repairs and most installation of rooftop solar panels, from further Section 106 review, and significantly reduce the review process for applicable projects, which would lower development costs and more efficiently deliver affordable, accessible, energy-efficient, and hazard-free housing to people who need it. In the same program comment, ACHP will also be accelerating historic preservation reviews for activities related to climate-friendly transportation and climate-smart buildings, creating accessible, climate-resilient, and connected communities.

Challenging communities to use Section 108 to build housing. HUD is launching a Legacy Challenge — encouraging communities that directly receive Community Development Block Grants to leverage low-cost, low interest loans for transformative housing investments. Up to $250 million in loan financing will be made available through the Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program for adaptive reuse, commercial-to-residential conversions, rehabilitation of existing housing, housing enabling infrastructure such as water and sewer line installation or upgrades, and revolving loan pools to support local development. For communities that express interest by November 1, 2024, HUD will offer additional flexibilities for these loans including certain repayment flexibilities and waivers to streamline program requirements. HUD will invite applicants to participate in a technical assistance cohort and provide tools to support application development.

Enabling more housing types to be built under the HUD Code. HUD anticipates finalizing a rule to update its Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards. Manufactured housing provides an essential path to increasing overall housing supply and offers significant savings over site-built housing. The HUD Code creates economies of scale for manufacturers, resulting in significantly lower costs for buyers. In addition to making changes that will increase the quality, energy efficiency, and resilience of manufactured homes, the new rule, if finalized, would enable duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes to be built under the HUD Code for the first time, extending the cost-saving benefits of manufactured housing to denser urban and suburban infill contexts.

Expediting housing permitting . The Council of Economic Advisers analyzed the importance of state and local government actions to permit and approve new developments more quickly, including examples from HUD’s PRO Housing grants. Permitting requirements contribute to the nationwide housing shortage, leading many would-be deals to not be financially viable or be scaled down, and driving up the cost of housing. Reforms to streamline permitting processes can lead to more housing being built more quickly, which will lower housing costs.

Today’s actions build on dozens of executive actions taken by the Biden-Harris Administration to improve the federal programs to support the construction and preservation of affordable housing. As part of the Housing Supply Action Plan, the Administration simplified the process to use American Rescue Plan State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds for housing, facilitating nearly $20 billion committed for housing projects, including over $7.5 billion to construct, preserve, or stabilize tens of thousands of units; improved signature federal supply programs like the Low Income Housing Tax Credit and HOME Investment Partnerships program; made it easier to repurpose suitable federal land for affordable housing, while calling on state and local governments to do the same with land they own; launched a new effort to promote the conversion of underutilized commercial property into housing, including housing near transit; and made hundreds of billions of dollars available through the Inflation Reduction Act to cut energy costs and emissions in housing through energy efficiency, electrification, clean energy and climate resiliency.

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  5. How To Write A Phd Study Plan

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  6. 3 year PhD timeline

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    Before 3 months: Agreement of thesis work plan, research method and timetable ... Transfer of registration from MPhil to PhD (between 9-18 months, but as. early as reasonable). 24 months: Submission and assessment of second year progress report on research log. Agreement of thesis structure and strict timetable. for thesis writing . 30 months ...

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    In the UK, a full-time PhD will typically take you 3 to 4 years. You will usually spend the first three years on the technical aspects of your doctorate. This includes undertaking independent research, designing your research methodology and collecting and analysing data. You will then spend an additional academic year on writing up your PhD ...

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    A typical PhD, taken over 3-4 years, is structured as follows: ... Your research plan gives a statement of the general topic area, an initial formulation of the issues to be addressed, a list of principal references on which the work will draw, and objectives for the first year of study. Your supervisor may also ask you to attend some of the ...

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    If your studentship is funded for <3.5 years, students need to prepare a thesis plan and submit it via SkillsForge approximately six months before the end of their funded period. If you have funding for 3.5-4 years, or are self-funded, such a thesis plan is due at the start of your 4th year. As with the progress reports and research plan, the ...

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    Animal Physiology. Ph.D. / Full-time / On Campus. 24,173 EUR / year. 3 years. Mississippi State University Starkville, Mississippi, United States. Ranked top 5%. Top 5% of Universities worldwide according to the Studyportals Meta Ranking. View Programme Information.

  23. Individual Development Plan (IDP)

    The Graduate School does not recommend the use of one specific IDP. However, it is strongly suggested that the IDP used involves two components: goals and assessment. National organizations have developed IDP platforms to support doctoral student development.

  24. PDF Criminal Justice (BS) Three Year Plan

    The following is a suggested four -year plan of study for freshmen entering LMU during the 2024- 2025 academic year. This plan sh ould be used ... Note: In order to graduate in four years (eight regular semesters) the student must average passing 16/17 hours per semester. Courses with * must have a grade of C - or better. ...

  25. Harris to announce 4-year plan to lower housing costs

    Vice President Kamala Harris plans to announce what her campaign is describing as a four-year plan to lower housing costs, including $25,000 in down payment assistance for first time homeowners ...

  26. Navigating the Masters

    This interactive writing workshop is designed to help students develop an individualized plan for understanding graduate school more generally and graduate writing more specifically. This workshop is designed for students in both the early and later years of their master's degree.This 3-hour workshop will concentrate on understanding the transition to graduate school, navigating master's ...

  27. First-Year

    Check out our graduate student virtual events and programs. Apply . First-Year Applicants; Transfer Applicants; ... First-Year - Plan . We enroll an incoming class of highly qualified, intellectually curious and actively involved students who have demonstrated high levels of maturity and personal integrity as well as a commitment to serving ...

  28. 6 Ways to Make the Most of Wolfpack Welcome Week

    Plan your year so you won't miss a moment. We hope this helped you feel a little more prepared for what's in store this week and throughout your first year at NC State. No matter what, know that someone is always available to help you — that's what it means to be part of the Wolfpack.

  29. Lexar 4TB NM790 SSD PCIe Gen4 NVMe M.2 2280 Internal Solid

    3-Year Data Recovery Plan $14.99. Learn more Select a plan . Add Protection . No Thanks . Add to your order . Coverage for accidental damage including drops, spills, and broken parts, as well as breakdowns (plans vary) 24/7 support when you need it. Quick, easy, and frustration-free claims. Cover this product: Select a plan . Add Protection ...

  30. FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Takes New Actions to Lower

    Treasury and HUD indefinitely extended the Risk Sharing Program earlier this year, after the previous Administration allowed it to lapse. The program has already supported more than 16,000 units ...