
Importance of the the Quran

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  • 1 The Importance and Purpose of the Quran
  • 2 The Importance of the Quran as Man’s Manual of Life
  • 3.1 1. Ṣuḥuf [صُحُف] or Scrolls of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)
  • 3.2 2. Psalms (Zabūr زَبور) of Prophet Dawud (David)
  • 3.3 3. Torah (Tawrāh تَوراة) of Prophet Musa (Moses)
  • 3.4 4. Gospel (Injīl إِجيل) of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus)
  • 4.1 The Importance of the Quran as a Miracle
  • 4.2 The Importance of the Quran and Its Immunity from Distortion
  • 4.3 The Importance of the Quran as the Final and Most Complete Holy Book
  • 5 Importance of the Quran and Reciting and Learning It for Believers
  • 6.1 The Importance of the Quran and Tawheed
  • 6.2 The Importance of the Quran and Nubuwwah
  • 7.1 Importance of the Quran: The Quran as Criterion for Authenticity of Hadith
  • 7.2 Best Interpreters of the Quran
  • 8 Importance of Quranic Education
  • 9.1 Ayatul Kursi (آیَةُ الکُرسی)
  • 9.2 Verse of Mubahalah (مُباهَلَه)
  • 9.3 Verse of Taṭhīr (تَطهیر)
  • 9.4 Verse of Authority (اولی الامر)
  • 9.5 Verse of Wilayah (وِلايَة)
  • 9.6 References

The Quran (قرآن) is the final Holy Scripture of God. It is the word of God (Arabic: الله Latin: Allah) verbatim and to the letter revealed to the Noble Prophet of Islam, Muḥammad (مُحَمَّد) [peace be upon him and his progeny], directly or by means of the archangel Gabriel [جِبرائيل]. It is the only Holy Scripture Gospel or the Torah, which Muslims believe they have been distorted and altered greatly. From this point arises the importance of the Quran.

It is the everlasting and living miracle of God’s final prophet, not only because it has been free from distortion but also due to its inimitable eloquence, beauty, and style. The Quran has said that it is a guidance for those who fear God. 1 The Quran itself challenges people to bring its like, even a single surah if they can, 2 asserting that they will never be able to do so. 3

In the Quran, God Almighty has stated:

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا الذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُ لَحَافِظُونَ

“Indeed We have sent down the Reminder, and indeed We will preserve it.” 4

In this article you are going to read

The Importance and Purpose of the Quran

The importance of the quran as man’s manual of life, the importance of the quran and the four books mentioned by god in the quran, the importance of the quran and a comparison between it and other holy books, importance of the quran and reciting and learning it for believers, the importance of the quran and its teachings, the importance of the quran and hadith, importance of quranic education, the most important verses in the quran.

The importance of the Quran is best comprehended once we have established a good understanding of the purpose of this Holy Book. All the prophets that have been sent by God hold one reason as their objective and mission, that is, the guidance of mankind. With each prophet and apostle, the commands and instructions God has sent with the previous messenger would be completed, as were the books that were revealed to each prophet. Hence, the purpose of each Holy Book can be stated as such:

  • Verification and completion for the books that came before it
  • Guidance for humanity


Since God has intended to guide mankind, it is logical that He should send a book along with the religion in order for the people to seek commandment and guidance from it. From this we can understand the importance of the Quran better. The Quran which is the last Holy Scripture revealed to the last Prophet is both guide and verification as stated in the Book itself. The guidance of mankind would be redundant had God not sent a book in which all His rules and instructions have been existed. Subsequently, when a person sets foot unto the path of monotheism and seeks guidance, they would need a manual whose authenticity and endurance are reliable for reference.

The importance of the Quran is understood when, as the final Holy Scripture sent by God on to His last Messenger, the it acts as verifier for all other Holy Books that were sent before it. The reason to this is for those who doubt the Quran’s divinity to be able to refer to the previous Scriptures and find within them, proof for the validity and reliability of the Quran.  As we said, according to narrations, the number of the prophets are 124,000 in total 5 among which a debated number have received Holy Scriptures. The Scriptures that have been mentioned in the Quran are four:

1. Ṣuḥuf [صُحُف] or Scrolls of Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham)

The Suhuf are books attributed to Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham), peace be upon him, as stated in the Quran:

صُحُفِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمُوسَى

“The Scriptures of Ibrahim and Musa.” 6

The name of the Scripture revealed to Prophet Ibrahim is unknown; however, a hadith from the Prophet Muhammad indicates that Prophet Ibrahim had received up to ten holy scrolls from God. 7 No version of these scrolls have been reported to still exist, but as far as the content of that which was revealed unto Ibrahim peace be upon him goes, it is indisputable that they were in harmony with all other books of God. This has been stated as a fact in the narrations from the Noble Messenger and the verse of the Holy Quran.

وَالْآخِرَةُ خَيْرٌ وَأَبْقَى إِنَّ هَـٰذَا لَفِي الصُّحُفِ الْأُولَىٰ صُحُفِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَمُوسَىٰ

“While the Hereafter is better and more lasting. This is indeed in the former scriptures, the scriptures of Abraham and Moses.” 8

2. Psalms ( Zabūr زَبور) of Prophet Dawud (David)

The Psalms is the book revealed to Prophet Dawud (David) peace be upon him and is a compilation of poems, supplications and praises. It has been mentioned by God in the Quran as one of the books He has bestowed upon His prophet:

إِنَّا أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْكَ كَمَا أَوْحَيْنَا إِلَىٰ نُوحٍ وَالنَّبِيِّينَ مِنْ بَعْدِهِۚ وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَىٰ إِبْرَاهِيمَ وَإِسْمَاعِيلَ وَإِسْحَاقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَالْأَسْبَاطِ وَعِيسَىٰ وَأَيُّوبَ وَيُونُسَ وَهَارُونَ وَسُلَيْمَانَ ۚ وَآتَيْنَا دَاوُودَ زَبُورًا

“We have indeed revealed to you as We revealed to Noah and the prophets after him, and [as] We revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, Jesus and Job, Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon—and We gave David the Psalms.” 9

This Holy Book is in Hebrew and is now considered as a part of the Old Testament. The books that have been revealed to the prophets are of two sorts based on the religions that were brought forth or preached by the prophet; they either contained new laws and commands regarding the new religion that the prophet was inviting to or were a supplementary scripture to that which was revealed before it.

The Psalms would fall under the second category due to the fact that Prophet Dawud peace be upon him did not invite to a new religion and was one of many prophets that were among the Children of Israel and the followers of Nabi Musa ’s religion which was Judaism. 

In another verse God says in regard to the Psalms:

وَلَقَدْ كَتَبْنَا فِي الزَّبُورِ مِنْ بَعْدِ الذِّكْرِ أَنَّ الْأَرْضَ يَرِثُهَا عِبَادِيَ الصَّالِحُونَ

“Certainly We wrote in the Psalms, after the Torah: ‘Indeed My righteous servants shall inherit the earth’.” 10

This verse points to Psalms 37 where it has been stated that:

“But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace.”

What this shows is the harmony between God’s books and how all the religions that have been sent before Islam are preaching the same messages and teachings.

3. Torah ( Tawrāh تَوراة) of Prophet Musa (Moses)

The Torah is known to be the Holy Book of Prophet Musa peace be upon him also referred to as the Old Testament by the Christians. Its specific meaning is the Pentateuch which are the five books believed to be revealed to Prophet Musa by the following names:

  • Book of Genesis
  • Book of Exodus
  • Book of Leviticus
  • Book of Numbers
  • Book of Deuteronomy

These books, in addition to the 24 books of the Hebrew Bible known as Tanakh are the Written Torah and that which is narrated in extension to this from rabbinic writings and general Jewish teachings is considered as the Oral Torah.

The Torah has been mentioned in the Quran 18 times by name and other titles. One of the examples that God (SWT) has mentioned the Torah is in verse three of chapter three of the Quran, stating:

نَزَّلَ عَلَيْكَ الْكِتَابَ بِالْحَقِّ مُصَدِّقًا لِّمَا بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَأَنزَلَ التَّوْرَاةَ وَالْإِنجِيلَ

“He has sent down to you the Book with the truth, confirming what was [revealed] before it, and He had sent down the Torah and the Bible.” 11

One of the themes and reoccurring concepts in the Torah is the advent of a Messiah, a savior who will appear and deliver man from darkness and oppression. Many of the verses and stories in this holy book point to this matter and the Quran verifies this notion and the promises made in the Torah by saying:

الَّذِينَ يَتَّبِعُونَ الرَّسُولَ النَّبِيَّ الْأُمِّيَّ الَّذِي يَجِدُونَهُ مَكْتُوبًا عِندَهُمْ فِي التَّوْرَاةِ وَالْإِنجِيلِ يَأْمُرُهُم بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَيَنْهَاهُمْ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَيُحِلُّ لَهُمُ الطَّيِّبَاتِ وَيُحَرِّمُ عَلَيْهِمُ الْخَبَائِثَ وَيَضَعُ عَنْهُمْ إِصْرَهُمْ وَالْأَغْلَالَ الَّتِي كَانَتْ عَلَيْهِمْۚ فَالَّذِينَ آمَنُوا بِهِ وَعَزَّرُوهُ وَنَصَرُوهُ وَاتَّبَعُوا النُّورَ الَّذِي أُنزِلَ مَعَهُۙ أُولَـٰئِكَ هُمُ الْمُفْلِحُونَ

Those who follow the Apostle, the untaught prophet, whose mention they find written with them in the Torah and the Evangel, who bids them to do what is right and forbids them from what is wrong, makes lawful to them all the good things and forbids them from all vicious things, and relieves them of their burdens and the shackles that were upon them—those who believe in him, honor him, and help him and follow the light that has been sent down with him, they are the felicitous. 12

The word Injiīl has been mentioned 12 times in the Holy Quran. Through the verses of the Quran we find that the Christian Holy Book verifies the Torah and that which God has commanded to within the Torah and the teachings of the Prophet whom came before Jesus Christ , Prophet Musa peace be upon him. The Quran has stated:

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ﴿46﴾

We followed them with Jesus son of Mary, to confirm that which was before him of the Torah, and We gave him the Evangel containing guidance and light, confirming what was before it of the Torah, and as guidance and advice for the Godwary.

4. Gospel ( Injīl إِجيل) of Prophet ‘Isa (Jesus)

That which is referred to as Injil in the Holy Quran is regarded as a book revealed to Prophet ‘Isa himself. However, the Gospel which Christians refer to as their Holy Book is a narrative done by four companions of the disciples of Christs, all of whom lived decades after what was presumably thought of as the death of Prophet Isa peace be upon him.

Furthermore, the Bible is an assortment of Christian teachings and texts, all of which are considered as sacred, including the Torah known as the Old Testament and that which was compiled by Jewish disciples of Prophet Isa referred to as the New Testament. The Injil has been mentioned 12 times in the Holy Quran. In a verse God has said in its regard:

إِذْ قَالَ اللَّـهُ يَا عِيسَى ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ اذْكُرْ نِعْمَتِي عَلَيْكَ وَعَلَىٰ وَالِدَتِكَ إِذْ أَيَّدتُّكَ بِرُوحِ الْقُدُسِ تُكَلِّمُ النَّاسَ فِي الْمَهْدِ وَكَهْلًاۖ وَإِذْ عَلَّمْتُكَ الْكِتَابَ وَالْحِكْمَةَ وَالتَّوْرَاةَ وَالْإِنجِيلَۖ وَإِذْ تَخْلُقُ مِنَ الطِّينِ كَهَيْئَةِ الطَّيْرِ بِإِذْنِي فَتَنفُخُ فِيهَا فَتَكُونُ طَيْرًا بِإِذْنِيۖ وَتُبْرِئُ الْأَكْمَهَ وَالْأَبْرَصَ بِإِذْنِيۖ وَإِذْ تُخْرِجُ الْمَوْتَىٰ بِإِذْنِيۖ وَإِذْ كَفَفْتُ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ عَنكَ إِذْ جِئْتَهُم بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ فَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا مِنْهُمْ إِنْ هَـٰذَا إِلَّا سِحْرٌ مُّبِينٌ

[The Day] when Allah will say, “O Jesus, Son of Mary, remember My favor upon you and upon your mother when I supported you with the Pure Spirit and you spoke to the people in the cradle and in maturity; and [remember] when I taught you writing and wisdom and the Torah and the Gospel; and when you designed from clay [what was] like the form of a bird with My permission, then you breathed into it, and it became a bird with My permission; and you healed the blind and the leper with My permission; and when you brought forth the dead with My permission; and when I restrained the Children of Israel from [killing] you when you came to them with clear proofs and those who disbelieved among them said, “This is not but obvious magic. 13

In terms of fundamental teachings and instructions, the Quran and all other divine books that were sent before it have many commonalities. All the above-mentioned books teach their followers to worship the one true God, obey His commands and follow His messengers, to refrain from sins and wickedness, respect the rights of other living creatures and to believe in a life after death. However, some differences exist in these Books that in detail, impact the practices and doctrines of each religion.

The Importance of the Quran as a Miracle

One of the things that highlights the importance of the Quran and indubitably acts as a factor for its prominence above all other books is that it is the only holy book God has sent with the objective of it being a miracle. Every prophet sent by God displayed miracles as a sign and proof for their validity and divine position. Prophet ‘Isa healed the blind and the leper, Prophet Musa ’s hand glowed by the command of God in the presence of Pharaoh and parted the sea, Prophet Saleh presented his people with a camel from the core of the mountain.

Aside from being a book of guidance like all other books that came before it, the importance of the Quran can be recognized when one comes to know that it also acts as a proof for the prophethood of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him due to its miraculous eloquence, knowledge of past and future events, sciences, and timelessness.

The Importance of the Quran and Its Immunity from Distortion

Christian, Jewish, and Muslim scholars all agree on the fact that the Holy Scriptures and texts of Christianity and Judaism have been a victim of distortion and alteration. The Quran however is different from all other holy books because it never has and never will be affected by such impediment as stated in verse nine of Chapter Al-Hijr. This is yet another proof of the importance of the Quran.

The Importance of the Quran as the Final and Most Complete Holy Book

Another aspect that highlights the importance of the Quran as an exceptional book is the fact that it is the last of its kind and the most complete and comprehensive of all divine scriptures. The Quran is the final and updated version of all heavenly books, the same way Islam is the last religion sent by God for the guidance of mankind.

Those who had believed in previous prophets had done according to the obligation that was required of them at that time, therefore with the advent of Islam and the revelation of the Quran, it is upon those who had followed past prophets and had received glad tidings of the final messenger and his Holy Book to answer that call and accept God’s final invitation. This shows the importance of the Quran

Prophet Muhammad has said the Quran is better than everything and that its superiority over other books is akin to the superiority of God over His servants. 14 Imam Ja‘far al-Sadiq (جَعفَرُ الصّادق), the sixth Shiite imam, has also said that the Quran is God’s pact with His servants; therefore, it is worthy that every Muslim individual looks at his pact and reads [at least] fifty verses of it every day. 15

Another very important point that confirms the importance of the Quran is that reciting it has great reward and has been likened to listening to God. Another reason learning and reciting the Quran is so important for believers (مُؤمِنون) is that it contains almost everything that needs to be known, believed in, performed, and refrained from in one’s life.

The Quran teaches people many things that are essential for their lives. For example, by reading, reciting, and understanding the Quran, every Muslim and believer must become acquainted with and believe in the five principles and fundamentals of Islam known as Uṣūl al-Dīn (أُصولُ الدين), aka the pillars of Islam.

They are as follows: 

  • Tawḥīd or Tawheed (تَوحيد): Monotheism
  • Nubuwwah (نُبُوَّة): Prophethood
  • Ma‘ād (مَعاد): Resurrection
  •  ‘Adl (عَدل): Justice
  • Imāmah (إمامَة) : Imamate

For the sake of brevity, here we will discuss two of them: Tawheed and Nubuwwah.

The Importance of the Quran and Tawheed

One of the first and most fundamental beliefs that every Muslim must follow is Tawheed, meaning monotheism or belief in only one God. A person who does not believe in Tawheed is not considered as a Muslim even by name. This belief has been repeated many times in various chapters (Arabic: سورة Latin: surah) and verses (Arabic: آیة Latin: ayah) of the Quran. Specifically, there is an entire chapter concerning this belief known by its two names, surah Tawheed and Ikhlas (الإخلاص: pure intention). It is chapter 112 of the Quran in juz (جزء) 30 . When one realizes that such chapters teach such important things, one recognizes the importance of the Quran.

Surah Ikhlas reads:

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم

In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, most merciful

قُلْ هُوَ اللَّهُ أَحَدٌ ﴿1﴾

Say: He, Allah, is One,

اللَّهُ الصَّمَدُ ﴿2﴾

Allah is He on Whom all depend,

لَمْ يَلِدْ وَ لَمْ يُولَدْ ﴿3﴾

He begets not, nor is He begotten,

وَ لَمْ يَكُن لَّهُ كُفُوًا أَحَدُ ﴿4﴾

Nor has He any equal.

The Importance of the Quran and Nubuwwah

It is almost impossible for people to know that God exists and know what He wants from them unless there is an intermediary and representative who would inform them about things such as:

  • The prophets
  • The Holy Scriptures
  • The hereafter
  • Resurrection Day ( Qiyamah )

This shows the importance of the Quran even more. God sent His prophets to people so that they could communicate His words to them and inform them of His existence and what they should and should not do. The total number of prophets that God sent to different nations is 124,000. God sent His final prophet, Muhammad, with the Quran to the people of the Arabian Peninsula to guide them to the straight path and stop them from clinging to their pagan beliefs.

Another point that highlights the importance of the Quran is that it has stressed that obeying God’s prophets, especially His final one, Muhammad and his successors [the twelve imams], is tantamount to obeying God Himself. 16 Knowing such an important matter would not be possible without recognizing the importance of the Quran. Besides, the circumstances of certain Islamic laws have not been fully explained in the Quran. Some of these rulings that have not been explained in detail in terms of the way of performing them are the following:

  • Prayer or salat  (صَلوٰة)
  • Charity or zakat (زَكوٰة)
  • Hajj (حَجّ)
  • Fasting (صَوم)

Therefore, Prophet Muhammad as the interpreter of the Quran and Apostle of God, has explained the details of these rulings for his nation.

The importance of the Quran can be better understood when we know that in Islam, there are two criteria that are used to interpret Islamic laws and rulings as well as other issues such as moral guidance. The first and more important one is naql (نَقل) meaning transmission, and the second is ‘aql (عَقل),meaning intellect. The Quran and hadith fall under the former category, as they have been transmitted to us; the Quran by God, and hadith by the Prophet and his vicegerents (i.e. the Imams).

The Quran and narrations contain many things that one may not be able to understand only by relying on the intellect. For example, many rulings of Islam are explicitly stated by the Quran and there is no need for intellect to decipher them. Of course, they are not in contradiction with intellect either. Nevertheless, intellect is capable of inferring certain rulings and issues concerning Islamic beliefs from transmission, meaning both the Quran and hadith.

Importance of the Quran: The Quran as Criterion for Authenticity of Hadith

There is a direct relationship between transmission and intellect. That is, intellect must approve transmission and vice versa. Because the Quran is the word of God and there is no doubt over its veracity, intellect can never contradict it. If it seems to do so, it is not genuine intellect.

On the other hand, hadith have been narrated from the Noble Prophet and his pure household through different people. The narrators of hadith sometimes cannot be trusted. That is why any hadith which is narrated by such individuals and goes against intellect or the Quran is considered unauthentic and fabricated.

Therefore, the ones who have narrated the hadith must be trustworthy individuals. If they are not trustworthy yet the content of the hadith seems to be compatible with intellect and the Quran, religious experts have to determine whether those hadith are authentic or not based on specific criteria. However, any narration that contradicts intellect and the Quran, even though it may appear that its narrator is trustworthy, is considered invalid.

Best Interpreters of the Quran

The Prophet of Islam and his pure household are the best interpreters of the Quran. That is because they are infallible, their intellect is perfect, and have God-given knowledge. In this regard, the Quran asserts that whatever Prophet Muhammad says is from God and that he does not say anything based on his own desire. The Quran states this in surah Najm:

وَمَا يَنطِقُ عَنِ الْهَوَىٰ إِنْ هُوَ إِلَّا وَحْيٌ يُوحَىٰ عَلَّمَهُ شَدِيدُ الْقُوَى

“Nor does he [Muhammad] speak out of [his own] desire: It is just a revelation that is revealed [to him], taught him by one of great powers [Gabriel].”

Therefore, one can rely on authentic hadith from the Noble Prophet and his successors to understand the tafsīr [exegesis] or ta’wīl [esoteric interpretation] of the Quran. This shows the importance of hadith and its relationship with the Quran.

The Quran is a book that gives us a great deal of information and words of advice as to how we should behave and treat others. It advises us to be wary of God, to be righteous, and to treat one’s fellow brothers and sister in faith with mercy and compassion and to make peace between them. 17

The Quran commands us to antagonize the enemies of God and not to befriend them. 18 It tells us that one must always rely on God for all of one’s affairs. 19 It teaches us to have faith in God and do good deeds. Believing in the Day of Judgment (يَومُ القِيامة) alone should make us be careful with our actions, as on that day, people will be rewarded or punished based on their deeds in this world.

Quran also places great importance on studying, learning, contemplating, and gaining knowledge. It emphasizes this point by stating, “Say, ‘Are those who know equal to those who do not know?’ Only those who possess intellect take admonition’.” 20 Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him and his progeny] has also laid emphasis on seeking knowledge by saying, “Seek knowledge even if it is in [a far place such as] China.” 21

There is no doubt that the entirety of the Holy Quran is of most significance and all of its chapters and verses must be taken into high regards. Each verse from the Quran contains levels within levels of complex knowledge and aside from their apparent meaning, there are countless other hidden meaning in each verse as well.

Therefore, one can never exclude a verse or verses from the rest and declare them more important than others, however, narrations tell us that some verses need extra consideration or address issues that we must pay heed to. This said, there are some verses that have been the subject of studies and have formed schools and ideologies within Islam:

Ayatul Kursi (آیَةُ الکُرسی)

Ayatul Kursi or “the Verse of the Seat [of power]” is verse 255 of Chapter al-Baqarah which begins at “الله لا إله إلّا هو” and ends at “وهو العلیّ العظیم”. A hadith from the Noble Prophet reports that Ayatul Kursi contains 50 words and 170 letters. In another narration, when asked of the noblest verse revealed unto him, Prophet Muhammad mentioned Ayatul Kursi to be the greatest verse he received. 22

اللَّهُ لا إِلَهَ إِلا هُوَ الْحَیُّ الْقَیُّومُ لا تَأْخُذُهُ سِنَهٌ وَلا نَوْمٌ لَهُ مَا فِی السَّمَاوَاتِ وَمَا فِی الأرْضِ مَنْ ذَا الَّذِی یَشْفَعُ عِنْدَهُ إِلا بِإِذْنِهِ یَعْلَمُ مَا بَیْنَ أَیْدِیهِمْ وَمَا خَلْفَهُمْ وَلا یُحِیطُونَ بِشَیْءٍ مِنْ عِلْمِهِ إِلا بِمَا شَاءَ وَسِعَ کُرْسِیُّهُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضَ وَلا یَئُودُهُ حِفْظُهُمَا وَهُوَ الْعَلِیُّ الْعَظِیمُ

Allah – there is no deity except Him, the Ever-Living, the Sustainer of [all] existence. Neither drowsiness overtakes Him nor sleep. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. Who is it that can intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what is [presently] before them and what will be after them, and they encompass not a thing of His knowledge except for what He wills. His Seat [of power] extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation tires Him not. And He is the Most High, the Most Great.

Verse of Mubahalah (مُباهَلَه)

Verse 61 of Chapter Aali-Imran otherwise known as the verse of Mubahalah was revealed on the occasion of the opposition of the Christians against Prophet Muhammad. Thus, God commanded him to gather his family members and commence in an act of mubahala to prove their rightfulness. Mubahalah is when two groups of people compete each other, each asking God to inflict punishment on the other. This is a way of showing one’s rightfulness.

The people who were considered as the Prophet’s family and accompanied him in this mission were Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law, Fatimah Zahra, the Prophet’s daughter, and their two sons Hassan and Hussain peace be upon them all. This verse is used as proof for the high position of the household of the Noble Prophet, especially Ali ibn Abi Talib who is referred to as the nafs of the Prophet, that is, his own self.

فَمَنْ حَاجَّكَ فِیهِ مِن بَعْدِ مَا جَاءَكَ مِنَ الْعِلْمِ فَقُلْ تَعَالَوْا نَدْعُ أَبْنَاءَنَا وَ أَبْنَاءَكُمْ وَ نِسَاءَنَا وَ نِسَاءَكُمْ وَ أَنفُسَنَا وَ أَنفُسَكُمْ ثُمَّ نَبْتَهِلْ فَنَجْعَل‌لَّعْنَتَ اللَّـهِ عَلَی الْكَاذِبِینَ

“Should anyone argue with you concerning him, after the knowledge that has come to you, say: Come! Let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, our souls and your souls, then let us pray earnestly and call down Allah’s curse upon the liars.”

Verse of Taṭhīr ( تَطهیر)

The second part of verse 33 of Chapter Al-Ahzab was revealed to the Noble Prophet in regard to his household, once again proving their distinction over all in the eyes of God; that they have been selected above all of creation for the purpose of guiding mankind with the light of their purity. The importance of this verse is due to the fact that it proves the infallibility of the people of the household, thus, making them the best role model, as they are immune to sins and mistakes.

إِنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنكُمُ الرِّجْسَ أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ وَ يُطَهِّرَكمُ‏ تَطْهِيرًا

“Indeed, Allah desires to repel all impurity from you, O People of the Household, and purify you with a thorough purification.”

Verse of Authority (اولی الامر)

In verse 59 of Chapter an-Nisa, Allah (SWT) lays obedience towards Him, His Prophet and those of authority as the prerequisite for believing in God. To clarify the position of the Prophet and those of authority furthermore, He places submission to them at the same rank as submitting to God. By doing so, it becomes undebatable for the believers that in order to have their faith reflect into its active aspect, they must hold the authority of the Noble Prophet and those appointed by him as the principle of their religion.   

يا أَيُّهَا الَّذينَ آمَنُوا أَطيعُوا اللَّهَ وَ أَطيعُوا الرَّسُولَ وَ أُولِي الْأَمْرِ مِنْكُمْ فَإِنْ تَنازَعْتُمْ في‏ شَيْ‏ءٍ فَرُدُّوهُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَ الرَّسُولِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُؤْمِنُونَ بِاللَّهِ وَ الْيَوْمِ الْآخِرِ ذلِكَ خَيْرٌ وَ أَحْسَنُ تَأْويلا

“O you who have faith! Obey Allah and obey the Apostle and those vested with authority among you. And if you dispute concerning anything, refer it to Allah and the Apostle, if you have faith in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more favorable in outcome.”

Verse of Wilayah (وِلايَة)

Verse 5 of Chapter Al-Ma’idah is the concept of wilayah which means authority and mastership. The importance of this verse is best understood when one comprehends the objective and principles of Islam. Furthermore, in this verse God specifies absolute ownership and authority to Himself, His Prophet, and the believers whom give charity while bowing during their prayers. It has been agreed upon in both Sunni and Shia sources that “those who give charity while bowing in prayer” refers to Ali ibn Abi Talib. 23

إِنَّما وَلِيُّكُمُ اللَّهُ وَ رَسُولُهُ وَ الَّذينَ آمَنُوا الَّذينَ يُقيمُونَ الصَّلاةَ وَ يُؤْتُونَ الزَّكاةَ وَ هُمْ راكِعُون

“Your guardian is only Allah, His Apostle, and the faithful who maintain the prayer and give the zakat while bowing down.”

  • Quran 2:2 (Qarai).
  • Quran 2:23 (Qarai).
  • Quran 2:24 (Qarai).
  • Quran 15:9 (Qarai).
  • Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 32, p. 34.
  • Quran 87:19 (Qarai)
  • Majma’ul Bayan, vol. 1, p. 722.
  • Quran 87:17-19 (Qarai)
  • Quran 4:163 (Qarai).
  • Quran 21:105 (Qarai)
  • Quran 3:3 (Qarai).
  • Quran 7:157 (Qarai).
  • Quran 5:11 (Qarai)
  • Muhammad Baqir Majlisi, Biḥār al-Anwār, vol. 92, p. 19.
  • Kulalyni, Muhammad ibn Ya‘qub, Uṣūl al-Kāfī, vol. 2, p. 609, section on recitation of the Quran.
  • Quran 4:59 (Qarai).
  • Quran 49:10 (Qarai).
  • Quran 4:144 (Qarai).
  • Quran 33:3 (Qarai).
  • Quran 39:9 (Qarai).
  • Wasā’l al-Shī‘ah, vol. 27, p. 27.
  • Conceptual Exegesis on the Noble Quran, vol. 9, p. 370.
  • Shawahid al-Tanzil:

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I'm Abu Mahdi, one of the writers of this blog. I was raised in the US and am a fluent speaker and writer of English. I have a BA in English literature and an MA in English language teaching. I have done extensive research on Islam and the Quran. I am also a teacher and reciter of the Quran in the field of reading the Quran, tajweed, and maqamat. I have taught three courses on the Islam4u Educational Platform.

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SALAAM Where THERE YOU WRITE GOD, PLEASE WRITE IN BREAKET Write (اللہ) Example There is one (اللہ) GOD۔ 02.11.2020

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10 Reasons Explaining The Importance Of The Quran – Best Guide

  • February 22, 2024
  • Horeya Elhadidy

The importance of the Quran comes from The Quran being a pearl of pure light and warmth that Allah the merciful has bestowed upon us, his creations. A pearl of unprecedented purifying power, with honest and true words that have the ability to move the hearts of the most heartless.

The Quran holds immense importance in the lives of Muslims, offering guidance, purpose, and spiritual elevation. It serves as a divine roadmap for worshiping Allah in a manner that aligns with His approval, emphasizing obedience to His commands and avoidance of prohibited acts. By following the teachings of the Quran, believers aim to live a life dedicated to worshiping Allah and contributing positively to society, thus fulfilling their true purpose.

Moreover, the Quran acts as a beacon of light, guiding individuals through the journey of self-discovery and moral refinement. It offers clear instructions on righteous living, drawing from the examples of past prophets and emphasizing the importance of following the path of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Through study and reflection on its verses, believers undergo transformative experiences, evolving into better versions of themselves.

Additionally, the Quran serves as a source of solace and comfort during times of distress and uncertainty. Its verses instill a sense of trust and faith in Allah’s divine plan, reassuring believers that hardships are temporary and part of a greater purpose. By seeking solace in the Quran, individuals find peace of mind and clarity of heart, allowing them to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and unwavering faith.

Though, its purity and precious qualities are not the only reason why it’s similar to diamonds. Just like how when diamonds are neglected and dismissed, they are just basic rocks and their true value goes unnoticed, if the Quran gets neglected, and isn’t studied thoroughly, you are missing out on its true pure essence. 

The Quran holds great importance to all Muslims, and even all human beings; as it offers them their salvation after death, and their salvation during their lives.

What is the importance of The Quran in our life?

The Quran holds immense importance in the lives of Muslims as it serves as the ultimate source of guidance and wisdom. It provides instructions on various aspects of life, including moral conduct, relationships, social justice, and spirituality. Its teachings offer a comprehensive framework for Muslims to live their lives in accordance with the divine will of Allah. By adhering to the principles outlined in the Quran, individuals can cultivate virtues such as compassion, justice, humility, and patience, thereby fostering harmonious and righteous societies. Furthermore, the Quran serves as a source of solace and comfort during times of difficulty, offering reassurance and guidance to those facing challenges and hardships.

The Quran encourages self-reflection, personal growth, and spiritual enlightenment, inviting individuals to ponder over its verses and derive meaning and relevance in their daily lives. The Quranic teachings emphasize the importance of seeking knowledge, striving for excellence, and fulfilling one’s purpose in life. It instills a sense of purpose, identity, and belonging among Muslims, fostering a deep connection with their faith and serving as a source of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Ultimately, the Quran’s importance lies in its ability to provide divine guidance, spiritual nourishment, and a roadmap for leading a fulfilling and purposeful life in accordance with the teachings of Islam.

Table of Contents

Top importance of the Quran :

The importance of the Quran can not be contained in a single article, no matter how long it can get, but we will attempt to show you the essence and importance of the Quran in a nutshell.

1- Worship Allah in a manner he would approve of:

To worship Allah in a manner of which he approves is achieved through the guidance of the holy Quran; as it contains all the orders and commands of Allah that we should follow, and it also has all the prohibitions and Haram acts we should never indulge ourselves with.

The constant attempts to follow Allah’s orders, and keeping away from the Haram acts, will inshallah result in a Muslim person who worships Allah as he wants to be worshiped.

2- Shows us the true purpose of life:

The Quran shows us the true purpose of life; as in Islam, human beings have two purposes only; to worship Allah and seek his satisfaction with them, and to populate and lead the earth to thrive and flourish. 

Our main goal is to worship Allah and follow his instructions on how to worship and show him obedience and gratitude, and of course, a life dedicated to worshiping Allah would lead to the reconstruction of the world.

The Quran makes this message very clear as it guides us on how to worship Allah, and how to build and give life instead of destroying and slipping lives away.

3- Live life as Allah wants us to live it:

The Quran teaches us to live life as Allah wants us to live it. It offers a complete image of how believers should live, and spend their lives. It also offers a warning of the styles of life that Allah doesn’t approve of and the grave consequences of that life.

This is achieved through the clear orders and command phrases telling us what to do, and what to avoid, and the stories of other people and other times, serving as living examples of life experiences.

The Quran gives us clear instructions to follow in the footsteps of our honest and generous prophet (peace be upon him), setting him as a role model for all mankind to follow, and establishing him as a living guide to all of us.

4- Be approved in heaven on the day of judgment:

Through learning the Quran, you are to be approved in heaven on the day of judgment.

Allah is merciful and has promised those who go through the inevitable hardships of life, while following his doctrine, eternal heaven, where they forever live in eternal peace and happiness, with no worry, regret, sadness, or anger.

Allah’s doctrine is the key to heaven, and that key is involved in the Quran; so, reading and studying the Quran is putting your hand forward for Allah to give you the key to heaven.

5- A guidance through the journey of the self: 

The Quran isn’t just a book, it’s a journey. After experiencing the whole holy book, you will find yourself becoming someone different, with different thoughts, and different sentiments.

This is because the Quran is a self-refining tool, a source of improvement, enlightenment, and epiphany. It is designed to become in itself a tool of change, a loud announcement of change, instead of being a mere request for change.

6- A warning of future events:

A student who has the exams right before his eyes all the time is most certainly going to study way more than a student who doesn’t even realize they will have to sit for exams in the first place.

Similarly, a human being who always has the day of judgment and the horrors that lead up to it before their eyes would be more capable of disciplining themselves, and keeping themselves in constant check.

7- A book that fits all times and all places:

Being a book that fits all times and places, a feeling of certainty fills our hearts upon the thought of the agelessness of the Quran; as it’s not just a personal guide for human beings in their lives, but also a doctrine that keeps societies out of the shadows of the limitedness of human minds.

In the Quran, governments and societies can find the answer to all the problems that may face humankind, no matter where they are, or how far they are in time from the period of the revelation of the Quran .

8- A source of spiritual elevation:

Islam cares a lot about spirituality and encourages Muslims to seek to elevate their spiritual level. One way of doing so is through attempting to know Allah more, and to learn about his mercy, benevolence, justice, and generosity.

No source is better to do this than the Quran, Allah’s direct words to all human beings. Allah’s Quran is full of mercy, benevolence, justice, and generosity.

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9- A source of comfort:

Learning the Quran is capable of being the richest source of comfort. What can be greater than Allah, our own creator, and the one who controls our destinies, reassuring us and comforting us in his holy book?

It gives a feeling of ultimate trust and faith that despite how bleak it might seem, things will turn out to be better eventually, and whatever hardships one is going through, we must have faith that it is all good; because it is all the destiny Allah has decided for us.

10- A cure of all distress of the heart and the mind:

The comfort the Quran spreads in the hearts of the believers is so great it is able to remove all worry, or sorrow from our hearts, and replaces it with peace, confidence, and faith in Allah.

As we discover a new aspect of a verse every day, illuminating a dark side of our perception of it, we also gradually learn about the endless reasons why the Quran is the most important book in our lives.

Learn Quran With Quran-Arabic Tutors

Bayan Al Quran Academy is an Egyptian online academy that aims at teaching the Quran mainly, and all the other branches of knowledge that would help Muslims acquire its wisdom.

The strong point of Bayan Al Quran is their tutors; as all of them are graduates of Al-Azhar University; the most prominent Islamic university around the world, which proves their high qualifications and professionality. 

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What Is the Importance of Quran in Our Life

  • March 5, 2024

|A man reading Quran in darkness with a deep concentration|The greatest divine book

Someone might ask: what is the importance of Quran in our life? The Quran is a material-spiritual guide for individuals and communities, for all classes of people, and for the whole of human life in all countries and at all times. The teachings of the Quran are universal. They enlighten man’s soul and the path leading to the hereafter.

The Quran holds profound importance in Islam, serving as a comprehensive guide for belief, practice, and morality. Embodying its teachings, Prophet Muhammad PBUH exemplified the Quran’s values in his life, emphasizing its integral role in shaping the behavior and character of Muslims.

Through daily engagement with the Quran, believers draw inspiration and guidance, finding solace and spiritual fulfillment. Particularly during Ramadan, Muslims deepen their connection to the Quran, reflecting on its verses and striving to align their lives with its teachings.

Allah SWT clearly stated the importance of Quran in our daily life the following verses: “This is a blessed Book We have revealed. So follow it and be mindful ˹of Allah˺, so you may be shown mercy.” ( Al-An’am 155 )

He also stated: “There certainly has come to you from Allah a light and a clear Book through which Allah guides those who seek His pleasure to the ways of peace, brings them out of darkness and into light by His Will, and guides them to the Straight Path.” (Al-Maidah 15)

Table of Contents

Importance of Quran in Islam 

What is the importance of Quran in our life in Islam? Well, the Quran contains all kinds of principles of belief, practice, and morality that will ensure the true happiness of humanity. And Allah SWT showed this with his messenger, who is the best example for his servants. We can observe it in the life of our prophet, who was moralized with the discipline of Allah SWT and is described by him in Surah Al- Ahzab: Indeed, in the Messenger of Allah, you have an excellent example for whoever has hope in Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah often.

Importance of Quran and Sunnah

Muslims reciting the holy book

We should determine the place and importance of Quran and Hadith in our lives by taking the example of our Prophet’s life. Indeed: Yazid ibn Yabnus said, “We went to Aisha and said, ‘Umm al-Mu’minin, what was the character of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, like?’ She replied, ‘His character was the Quran.”

We learn from this hadith that the Messenger of Allah was the best interpretation of the Quran. Allah SWT has shown him as the best example to His servants. Every Muslim must follow in the footsteps of the Messenger of Allah and avoid what he sees fit and forbids. For this reason, Muslims should try to embrace the importance of Quran to mankind and keep it in an important position in their life flow.

What is the importance of Quran in our life? Even though most of us know how crucial it is, many of us experience difficulty giving space or allocating time in our daily lives . So how do we overcome these difficulties?

Most of us set priorities in our lives for the sake of our own inner peace and the welfare of our families, but if physical and material priorities get in the way of our spiritual balance, we face big problems. The communication that our soul needs is established through worship. This is a parallel phenomenon with life energy, serenity, and motivation.

By learning, reading, and understanding the Quran, we remember the true purpose of life and that the only return is to Allah. If the Quran is our priority in our daily life, it will create a perspective against our other preoccupations in our lives. This is the journey to find true happiness. In your business life and family relationships, you will tidy up your moral qualities from the perspective of the Quran. Thus, the Quran remains at the center of your daily life.

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Importance of Quran Recitation

A copy of the Quran with a flower

Narrated Muhammad bin Ka’b Al-Qurazi: “I heard ‘Abdullah bin Mas’ud saying: ‘The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: “[Whoever recites a letter] from Allah’s Book, then he receives the reward from it, and the reward of ten the like of it. I do not say that Alif Lam Mim is a letter, but Alif is a letter, Lam is a letter and Mim is a letter.” ( Jami’ At-Tirmidhi )

There is no second book in the world where at least ten good deeds are written for each letter. For this reason, a believer must take his share of the Quran every day. It is necessary to read the Quran not only for worship and prayer but also as a source of inspiration.

10 Importance of Quran

  • The Quran was revealed to our Master the Prophet PBUH through Gabriel during Ramadan.
  • It is the word of Allah, whose reading is worship.
  • The addressee of the Quran is all human beings and it is universal.
  • Its purpose is to provide the happiness of the servants in the world and the hereafter with divine warnings.
  • The Quran is a bridge between the creator and the created, Allah and human beings.
  • The Quran is a guide leading to Paradise.
  • There are 10 rewards for each letter recited from the Quran.
  • It is a book of Shariah (Islamic law).
  • It is the complete and the best guide for living one’s life and seeking Allah’s pleasure.
  • It is a book protected by Allah. It will show people right and wrong until the Day of Judgment. “It is certainly We Who have revealed the Reminder, and it is certainly We Who will preserve it.” ( Surah Al-Hijr: 9 )

Check this out for more benefits of reciting the Quran regularly !

Importance of Quran in Ramadan

Reciting Quran in Ramadan

What is the importance of Quran in our life during Ramadan? Well, our Prophet gave much importance to the Quran, especially during Ramadan, and advised us to give it due time and respect. 

Narrated Abu-Huraira: Gabriel used to repeat the recitation of the Quran with the Prophet (PBUH) once a year, but he repeated it twice with him in the year he died. The Prophet (PBUH) used to stay in I’tikaf for ten days every year (in the month of Ramadan), but in the year of his death, he stayed in I’tikaf for twenty days. (Sahih al-Bukhari)

In this blessed month, which finds its honor with the revelation of the Quran, we should read it with contemplation and deepen the content of the verses, and increase our effort to apply its rules and morals to our lives. In this beautiful month, the enthusiasm of the Quran should not be missing from the homes of Muslims.

Learn Quran, Arabic And Islamic Studies Online With The Best Native Tutors

Riwaq Al Quran is a comprehensive online platform that offers personalized Quran, Arabic and Islamic Studies Online classes for individuals of all ages and backgrounds. 

Their experienced instructors use a structured curriculum to cover Tajweed, Tafsir, and Memorization, providing easy and effective access to learning the Quran. 

The advanced online classes allow for seamless communication and interaction between students and teachers. Join Riwaq Al Quran for a deeper connection with the Quran.

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The Quran stands as a beacon of divine guidance in Islam, offering believers a roadmap to righteousness and spiritual fulfillment. Its teachings, exemplified by Prophet Muhammad PBUH, shape the character and conduct of Muslims, guiding them towards a life of piety and devotion. As Muslims engage with the Quran daily, especially during Ramadan, they find inspiration, solace, and direction, enriching their spiritual journey and deepening their connection to Allah SWT.

Riwaq Al Quran

Riwaq Al Quran is a prominent online academy that provides comprehensive courses in Quran, Arabic, and Islamic studies. We utilize modern technology and employ certified teachers to offer high-quality education at affordable rates for individuals of all ages and levels.

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Why is the Quran important?

  • 16 September 2020

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Muslims believe that the Quran is important because it is Divine revelation, i.e. the angel Gabriel brought the book from God to the Messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him) the final Prophet. The Quran is the speech of God, it is Divine guidance for humanity. Muslims believe that as the Quran is the word of the Supreme Lord it carries huge weight and influence. The laws it lays down are the means of attaining Allah’s pleasure and paradise. Here are seven special features and benefits of the Majestic Quran that make it a special and important book:

1. The Quran explains the purpose of life

Muslims believe the Quran is not the result of any man’s efforts but is the Divine inspiration. The idea that runs through the Divine book is the urgency of repairing the broken relationship between Allah and humanity through worship, remembrance and obedience. The aim is to further the glory of Allah. Despite the diversity of the subject matter, one keynote is struck repeatedly, surrender, commit and submit yourself to the Loving Lord wholeheartedly and you will be guaranteed salvation, paradise and saved from the horrors of Hell. It repeatedly highlights Paradise as the enduring benefit of faith, good deeds and declares Hell because of disbelief and evil lifestyle.

2. The Quran teaches the Oneness of Allah

The three key beliefs taught by the Quran are the oneness of Allah, the guidance of Allah through prophets and the resurrection, the life after death. These beliefs determine the world view of its followers, they form the reality of human life. This world view guarantees the key to a healthy and flourishing life. As it catalogues the history of human disobedience from the time of Adam to Jesus and to the time of the Messenger himself, warning us of the dire consequences of disbelief.

3. The Quran teaches moral, social and spiritual values

The moral, social and spiritual values that the Majestic Quran presents are the Divine values, reflecting the Creator’s perfection, His unceasing love and providence. These Divine qualities inspire the mind with humility and reverence. Clear and unambiguous teachings. These values lead to human freedom, responsibility and empowerment, timeless themes, that tells us ‘you can change your life if you want.’ One can’t fail to be impressed by this world order of kindness, generosity and love for the other. The Quran teaches how to worship the Almighty Lord, how-to live-in peace and harmony with one another and how to live healthily and wisely, it protects from the pulls of a hedonistic-pleasure seeking life.

4. The Quran presents the Prophet as the perfect role model

The Quran presents Muhammad (peace be upon him) as a role model for humanity, a living embodiment of the spirit of goodness, righteousness and Divine love. A role model for humanity, teaching the Divine words that produce such clean, perfect and beautiful human beings.

5. The Quran’s prophecies The Majestic Quran abounds with prophecies, it speaks clearly and with precision about what will happen in the future. For example, the fall of the Roman Empire, the second coming of Jesus Christ, the foretelling of the coming of Gog and Magog, the corruption and the pollution of the earth and some amazing scientific discoveries. There are many prophecies about individuals and their posterity. Perhaps the greatest prediction of the Quran was it will always be preserved from any kind of interpolation and change. To this day the miraculous preservation of the text of the Quran is a testimony to it being Divine. There are millions of men and women who have learnt the whole Quan off by heart.

6. The impact of Quranic teachings on everyday life

The Quran strongly forbids bad behaviour, consuming alcohol, drugs, selfish habits like sexual indecency and adultery, gambling and taking of interest in business, jealousy, backbiting arrogance and anger. The Quran teaches, ‘give up these for sanity and happiness’ since people with these vices are trapped in a degrading cycle of evil that makes theirs and other’s lives miserable.

7. The Quran’s teachings are based on reason The instructions of the Quran are strong, they can stand up to any logical and scientific scrutiny. From its historical accounts to its moral teachings it’s reasonable and scientific. There are many proofs, which show the Divine nature of the Majestic Quran.

To summarise the Quran is the most significant text in existence for Muslims all around the world. It contains teachings and guidance for Muslims on how to live their lives. Although the Quran is not a book of science or medicine, it provides guidance in leading to spiritual and somatic health for the individual. Following God’s orders and reciting verses from the Quran will help us to lead a healthy lifestyle.

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Qurany Online

11 Reasons for The importance of Quran in Our Life

the importance of Quran

Written By Qurany Online

Learn quran in ramadan | learn quran online | the importance of the holy quran | uncategorized, 0 comment(s), july 9, 2021.

The Holy Quran is a divine book that was revealed to Prophet Mohammed to guide the entire mankind and to fix people’s lives in every single aspect. The Holy Quran has a special place in Muslim’s hearts for being Allah’s words and their guide to a better life. All Muslims should know very well the importance of the Quran and its wonderful impacts on their own lives.

What is the importance of Quran?

● Higher stature in paradise: Muslims know that reciting the Quran is the main reason for having a higher stature in paradise. For that reason, the real Muslim should feel more attached to the Quran and should seek more knowledge, reciting and contemplating.

● Heart reviving: The Quran revives and gives light to Muslim’s heart, and guides to the straight path.

● Rules and teachings: Everything in a Muslim’s life has a strong connection to the Quran. The Quran has true monotheism, Allah’s commands, and His prohibitions. As well as acts of worship, good manners, and moral lessons. Allah said,” Surely this Quran guides to what is most upright, and gives good news to the believers—who do good—that they will have a mighty reward.” (17:9)

● Source of Legislation: The Quran is the first and the greatest source of legislation that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad.

● The last miracle: The Holy Qur’an is considered the greatest and the last miracle by which Allah had supported and proved Muhammed’s prophecy. Moreover, Allah had challenged the disbelievers of the Arabian to come with even a verse that may exceed the eloquent Arabic of the Quran but they totally failed.

● Tranquility and peace: Reciting, understanding, and contemplating the Quran gives Muslims great feelings of calmness, tranquility, and peace. If Muslim give special care to Allah’s words, he /she will experience a life-altering journey inside their souls and minds. Allah said, ” Surely in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find comfort.”

● Quran for ethics: Ethics in the Quran guarantee happiness and pleasure in man’s life as well as overcome all hatred and envy toward others. Moreover, ethics in the Quran teach a man how to be balanced and beat his/her inner evil. This must result in creating a good, stable, and safe society for all people.

● Healing for Muslims: The Holy Quran is a healing for our souls from all whims, anxiety, hatred, arrogance…etc. As Allah has described the Quran saying ” We send down the Quran as a healing and mercy for the believers, but it only increases the wrongdoers in the loss.”

● Real guidance: The Quran is the answer for any problem, any trial, and any confusion. Al-Hārith al-A‘war stated ” I had heard God’s messenger say, “Dissension will certainly come,” and asked him how it could be avoided, to which he replied, “God’s Book is the way, for it contains information of what has happened before you, news of what will happen after you, and a decision regarding matters which occur among you (This is explained as a reference to such matters as unbelief and faith, obedience and disobedience, what is lawful and what is forbidden, etc.). It is the distinguisher and is not jesting, (Qur’ān, 86:13). If any overweening person abandons it God will break him, and if anyone seeks guidance elsewhere God will lead him astray. It is God’s strong cord, it is the wise reminder, it is the straight path, it is that by which the desires do not swerve nor the tongues become confused, and the learned cannot grasp it completely.* It does not become worn out by repetition and its wonders do not come to an end. It is that of which the jinn did not hesitate to say when they heard it, ‘We have heard a wonderful recital which guides to what is right, and we believe in it,’ (Qur’ān, 72). He who utters it speaks the truth, he who acts according to it is rewarded, he who pronounces judgment according to it is just, and he who invites people to it guides to a straight path.”

● Spirit purification: The Holy Quran comes with the perfect teachings that achieve spirit purification from evil, envy, disbelieving, bad manners, etc. As the Quran urges man to purify his/her soul and shows that purification of the soul leads to the ultimate success, Allah said, ” Successful indeed is the one who purifies their soul, ”

● Quran for a better society: Learning the Holy Quran contributes greatly to creating happy, balanced personalities who follow the teachings of Allah and His Prophet Muhammad. Also, the Quran learns man to deal with all people with good morals and be a role model. Moreover, the Holy Quran shows man how to have good family ties as it shows the duties and the rights of both parents and sons. The Quran also pushes all society members to seek lawful money and food to please Allah. The Quran also has a very positive impact on the language, culture, and customs of society members and contributes to having cultivated generations. All of these reasons lead to better individuals and better Muslim societies.

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Importance of The Holy Quran for a Muslim

  • Post author: Mohammad Hadi
  • Post published: October 10, 2018
  • Post category: Islam / Quran
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Islam is the true and perfect religion and the Holy Quran is the only book without any errors and contains only the facts with complete authority. Quran is the book of Allah (SWT) revealed to our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H). To completely understand the teachings of the Islam, it is necessary to learn and understand the Quran in its true essence. The Quran is the only book which is a source of spiritual and religious guidance for all humanity regardless of the time and location. Quran is the only source of peace, harmony and happiness both in this world and the hereafter. Learn and understand the teachings Quran using the “ Quran Majeed ” App developed by PDMS for both Android & iOS

In Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) says:

“And this is a Book which We have revealed as a blessing: so follow it and be righteous, that ye may receive mercy” (Quran, 6: 155).

The Holy Quran is essential for all Muslims in their life no matter social, personal, political and economical we can say that it is a living reality for Muslims to take guidance from the Noble Quran. In Holy Quran Allah Almighty directly communicating or addressing every person so we can communicate with Allah Almighty through Nimaz (Salat) and He (SWT) is communicating with us through Noble Quran.

The teachings of the Holy Quran are essential for everyone and no matter the things can social, political, personal, economical or based on a society as a whole, Quran has covered each and everything. This is the reason why Quran is called the Book which is not just for mere reading but it defines a perfect way of life for all the humans living in any part of the world.

The every verse and word of the Holy Quran is timeless and it is and shall remain valid and relevant for times to come till the day of judgement. So anyone who is looking to seek guidance from Allah (SWT) must recite the Holy Quran and understand it because it is the only way the believers of Allah (SWT) will become successful not only in this world but in the hereafter as well.

Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Quran:

“The Quran is guidance and glad tidings for those who believe” (Quran, 2:97). Learn and understand the teachings Quran using the “ Quran Majeed ” App developed by PDMS for both Android & iOS

Quran represents the crux of Islam and defines what it requires from its readers and that is, to learn, understand and adopt it in our daily life.

Holy Quran Importance and its Role in Islam

The Holy Quran plays a great and vital role in our lives. Below we will discuss some points from which all of us can realize that we should always take guidance from Noble Quran no matter how big or small is the situation in which we are facing difficulty.

The importance of the Holy Quran in the life of a muslim is  very significant and should play a vital role in the overall development of the human in general. Below mentioned are the few points and verses on how we can take guidance from it to prepare for the hereafter.

Script of the holy quran and its importance for muslims

  • Quran not only focuses on the bigger picture but also thoroughly explain the minute details. In one of the verses Allah (SWT) teaches us to treat our parents with gentle care.  Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:
“[He commands] that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment” (Quran, 6:151).
  • Quran always teaches us to adopt halal practices for our own betterment. Allah (SWT) mentioned in the Holy Quran:
“So whoever would hope for the meeting with his Lord – let him do righteous work and not associate in the worship of his Lord anyone” (Quran, 18:110)
  • Quran teaches us to speak the truth no matter what’s the situation is.
  • Holy Quran saves us from from our Nafs and tells us that these worldly pleasures are temporary . In the Holy Quran Allah (SWT) says:
“Beautified for people is the love of that which they desire – of women and sons, heaped-up sums of gold and silver, fine branded horses, and cattle and tilled land. That is the enjoyment of worldly life, but Allah has with Him the best return.” (Quran, 3:14) Learn and understand the teachings Quran using the “ Quran Majeed ” App developed by PDMS for both Android & iOS
  • Quran obliges us to be clean in our daily life routine and made it 50% of our imaan. Allah Almighty says in the Quran:

“Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favor upon you that you may be grateful.” (Quran, 5:6)

  • Quran guides us to make different decisions in our daily life
  • Quran comples and orders us to worship the Allah (SWT) and not to commit shirk in any form.
  • The Holy Quran discards racism and explains to us how Allah judges according to our level of righteousness alone. Allah (SWT) says in the Quran:
“And We divided them throughout the earth into the nations. Of them some were righteous, and of them, some were otherwise. And We tested them with good [times] and bad that perhaps they would return [to obedience].” (Quran, 7:168) Learn and understand the teachings Quran using the “ Quran Majeed ” App developed by PDMS for both Android & iOS
  • The Noble Quran encourages us to love our wives, be patient with them, be kind, affectionate, and be just.
  • Holy Quran teaches us to be grateful for tests that may come in the form of trials and hardships. Quran also teaches us not to lose hope and stay connected with Allah Almighty through prayers and always remembers Him in any kind of situation.
  • Quran teaches us to be humble and kind to everyone in this world.
  • Holy Quran transforms us both physically and spiritually which enables us to become better muslims and the doers of good.
  • Quran guides and demands the muslim ummah to avoid conflict and bring peace and unity among themselves.

It is very important for every muslim to implement teachings of the Holy Quran in their daily lives because it is the only way of salvation at the day of judgement. Quran is the only book in this universe which teaches us the way of life and orders us to submit to the will of the Allah (SWT) no matter what. So we should always thrive to become better muslims everyday and make teachings of the Holy Quran part of our daily routine and practices. 

Learn and understand the teachings Quran using the “ Quran Majeed ” App developed by PDMS for both Android & iOS

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Importance Of The Qur'an

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Assalamu Aleykum wa Rehmatullah. Bismillah al-Rahman Al-Rahim. La Hawla wala Quwat Illa Billahil Ali al-Azeem. Al Hamdo Lillahi Rabb al-Aalameen Wa Salallaho Ala Sayyedina Muhammad. Wa ala Aalehi al-Tayyabeen al-Taahireen La Sayima Baqiyatullah Fil Arazeen Ajal Allah Ta'ala Farajah al-Shareef wa Ja'alana min Awanehi wa Ansareh. I should express my deep gratitude to Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala for this Tawfeeq to be here. I cannot thank Allah enough for being able to meet you here. I don't think you really can understand what is the significance of a meeting in which people come together just for the sake of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala. There is nothing other than love for Allah and Ahlulbayt that has brought us together. We are not here to make any business or we are not here to necessarily meet our relatives or even people from our own town or country. We are just here because we love Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and Ahlulbayt and we want to spend our time together increasing our knowledge of them and inshaAllah realize how can we be a better Muslim. So, when people for this purpose come together, no one can really know what is the value of this type of meeting. InshaAllah, tomorrow we will talk about this issue of being together and the significance of forming a community. What I decided to share with you, today, is a few points about the Quran, because, for us, the Quran is a gift from Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, which has no substitute. Nothing can be likened to the Quran. And if we really appreciate what Allah has given us in the form of Quran, we will not lose any opportunity in trying to know more of Quran and, inshaAllah, practicing more according to the Quran. If you want to have a kind of understanding of the Quran, the best thing is to refer to the Quran itself, which is the world of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala and to the hadith. I share with you a few points from the Quran and hadith and, inshaAllah, I hope there will be a chance for receiving your comments and questions. Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala has throughout the centuries sent many books for guidance, we don't know exactly how many books are sent because the Quran and Hadith are not giving us a specific number. There are some hadith but that is not something that is agreed on. But for sure, there have been many books which are sent by Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala: Quran, Taurah, Injeel, Zabur, the book of Ibrahim alihi salam. These are the things which are mentioned in the Quran. But we know that there have been more books and Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala in a very general way, says that "laqad ba'athnaa fee kulli ummatin Rasoolan", "He has sent to all the nations a messenger"( 16:36 ). Either that messenger was given a book by himself or he was preaching the book which was given to a previous messenger. But Allah has not left any group of people without guidance. Yes, some people they didn't appreciate the book which was sent to them, so their next generations were deprived of having the original message of God. But in Allah's plan, everything was planning the way that all people could have access to a message from Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala. But we are so blessed and so fortunate that Allah has sent to us His most complete message. Allah has sent us the Quran, which is something that Allah says, if you really could understand and if you really could absorb it, you all would be fully humbled before this message. Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala says, Prophet Musa (a), under pressure from his people asks Allah, please show Yourself to us because his people were saying we want to see God. One of the things that we understand about Bani Israel is that they were very much interested in seeing things and touching things. They were very much interested in perception. They were somehow materialist. So, for example, as soon as they crossed the Nile River and they saw there are some people who worship idols, they said it's very good- they can see and touch their God. So they asked Musa, we should also have a God that we can touch "yaa Moosaj'al lanaa ilaahan kamaa lahum aalihah".[ 7:138 ] They have plenty of lords and gods we should have at least one God that we can touch, we can go close and maybe shake hands. This was the mentality. Another thing was that they said to Musa, we should see our Lord. So ask your lord to show Himself to us. We want to see him by our physical eyes. So, Musa under the pressure and also to get answer right from Allah for them, conveyed the message to Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala that Allah show Yourself to us clearly so that they can see You. What did Allah say to Musa? Allah says to Musa: inna kalla tarani ya Musa, You will never see me. Although you are my prophet and you can hear me, but you can never see me, let alone other people. "wa lakin wa laakininzur ilal jabali" ( 7:143 ) Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala has this habit that He doesn't just give the answer and then says don't ask me anything further. Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala gives the answer and continues the explanation till you are convinced. And this is something that we have to learn. Like when Allah had this discussion with the Angels and they said, "ataj'alu feehaa mai yufsidu feehaa wa yasfikud dimaaa'a" ( 2:30 ), Allah didn't say, shut up, or, I know something about Adam that you don't know, full stop, no. Allah went further and tried to convince them. So He told Adam all the names and then said to the angels inform Me about those names and they said, we don't know. So on and so forth. In this case, also Allah did the same. When Allah said to Musa, you cannot see Me, then Allah wanted to explain, why this is impossible. So He said, "uninzur ilal jabali fa inistaqarra makaanahoo fasawfa taraanee" But look at this mount, which is here, this hill, if that can remain intact, then you are able to see Me.( 7:143 ) So, Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala said this is to try to see is it possible or not. "falammaa tajallaa Rabbuhoo liljabali ja'alahoo dakkanw wa kharra Moosaa sa'iqaa" When Allah made a manifestation to that mount, that mount was made into pieces and Musa fell down.( 7:143 ) Musa the prophet of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala after Allah manifested Himself to the mount, fell down. And the mount, such a huge creation of Allah, exploded and was made into pieces, so they got the answer. If they want to see Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, it means that Allah has to manifest Himself to them and they cannot take it. It's impossible for them to take it. Or Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala says that,"Innaa 'aradnal amaanata 'alas samaawaati walardi wal jibaali fa abaina ai yahmil nahaa wa ashfaqna minhaa" ( 33:72 ) "We have presented the trust to the mountains, to the earth, to skies. They simply cannot take it." We don't have capacity for this. If you have no capacity for something and you take it, you will explode. First, you will be streched, but then you're stretched too much. You will explode. They said we cannot take it. Amanah, they said we cannot take it. The message from God, they cannot take it. But when it comes to the Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah gave him such a great capacity that he could take the entire Quran at once in his heart. There is a hadith why Allah chose Prophet Muhammad, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam, and the hadiths says because he had the greatest heart in [terms of] capacity. So, the Quran, which Allah says "Law anzalnaa haazal quraana 'alaa jabilil", ( 59:21 ) - if We had sent the Quran, like Musa We had made it manifest, "'alaa jabilil lara aytahoo khaashi'am muta saddi'am min khashiyatil laah" ( 59:21 ) was given to the Prophet without any problem. If this Quran was given to a mountain, that mountain could not take it. But the Prophet's heart was so great that he took it. Of course, you know, the Prophet struggled. Sometimes when the Prophet was receiving revelation, the Prophet was in a very difficult mood. People thought that he is going to die. It's like, if you connect electricity to someone, you know how powerful it is? It was very difficult for the Prophet. Even sometimes hadith says that if Prophet was riding, for example, a camel or mule, the stomach of the camel was coming down. Even the body of the Prophet was becoming heavier, although this is not a physical thing, but it has impact on the physical world. But still, the Prophet managed to receive the Quran once all together in the night of Qadr and then gradually over 23 years. This shows the greatness of the Prophet and also shows the greatness of Quran, because Quran is a manifestation of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala that even mountains cannot take it. Allah has made this Quran, which is His manifestation in a linguistic form available for us. Quran has come so many times down and simplified so that now we have it in our hand in the form of the 114 chapters. But the reality of the Quran is beyond our understanding. Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala says, please listen to this verse very carefully, "Innaa ja'alnaahu Quraanan 'Arabiyyal la'allakum ta'qiloon" ( 43:3 ) - We made it a thing which can be recited, can be read - Quran is something that you can read, something that you can recite; Quran is makru. In Arabic language or Arabic may mean clear because Arabic can be a language or Arabic can mean clear. Arabs call Arabic, Arabic because they think that it is clear and other people who spoke other languages, they are Ajam because they are not speaking in a clear way, OK. They also called non-living beings Ajmawaat. In any case, either it means clear or it means Arabic. This is a Quran which has been made into a text which is clear 'la'allakum ta'qiloon' so that you may understand. OK? But "Wa innahoo feee Ummil Kitaabi Ladainaa la'aliyyun hakeem"( 43:4 ). But this is not the reality of the Quran. This is just a representation of the Quran in the way that you can understand. We have too much simplified this so that you can understand. Otherwise, 'Wa innahoo feee Ummil Kitaabi' ( 43:4 ) Quran is in the mother of the book. Quran is in Lauh e Mehfooz. Ladeyna, with Us. Quran has not left Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala and come to us. This is something that you should remember from this meeting. If you remember this point, it's enough for me. Quran is not a book which has been sent by Allah to us so it is no longer with Him. It is still with Allah and sent to us. You understand the difference? Sometimes I give you a book or something and I say, no, please keep this then you always remember me. But when I give you this its no longer with me, it's with you. OK? The Quran is not like this. Allah has given us the Quran, but still, it is with Him "Wa innahoo feee Ummil Kitaabi Ladainaa la'aliyyun hakeem"( 43:4 ) Quran is in a very high position. Allah is Ali ul-Hakim also Quran is Ali ul-Hakim. Quran has a very high position and Quran is full of wisdom. If you want to understand the relation between Allah and Quran, this inshaAllah, will help you. Sometimes a person writes a book. You may have this book tens of years after he writes the book. Maybe you have it when he is alive. Maybe you have it when he's dead. Maybe even that person has changed his mind. But still, the book represents his knowledge at the time of writing the book. OK? It doesn't show anything about what he thinks now, what is his condition now. When the book is written, the collection finishes. The book doesn't represent his way of thinking after it is written. OK, I write the book then there is no longer a connection between me and the book. It's is finished. I cannot change it. Or sometimes, I give you a picture. This picture is taken right now. OK, but if you look at this picture after a year, does the picture show you me after a year or does the picture show you my current situation? It shows you my current situation. Maybe when you see my picture, my face is changed. All my hair and beard is white, or maybe I have died. The picture shows my situation when the picture was taken. OK? What about the Quran? Is the Quran a book that Allah has given us and then is disconnected? Is it a picture, a manifestation of Allah, which is disconnected? No. Quran is like a live picture. Quran is like a picture that you see in a mirror. If you see someone's picture in the mirror, then every little change is reflected in the picture. It's always connected. Quran is something that Allah has given us and it is alive. Its fresh. Quran is never outdated. Why? Because Quran is not disconnected from Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala. If you have a flower and you cut the flower - sooner or later the flower will die. It dries out. But if that flower is still connected to the roots, it will remain fresh. Quran remains always fresh. Why? Because Allah has still held the Quran. All of you know this famous hadith, that the Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam, said, 'Inni Tarikum Fikum uth-thaqalain'. Or Thaqalain, there are two ways to read this. I leave, among you, two precious things or two heavy things, two precious things. One is the book of Allah, one is my household. The book of Allah, according to some version of hadith is, 'Hablun Mandoodun Bain us-Sam'a e wal Ardh', a rope which is extended between sky and the earth. Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, who is in heaven, He has extended a rope to us. One side of the rope is in His hand. One side is available for us to hold it. 'Wa'tasimoo bi Hablil laahi jamee'an' ( 3:103 ). It's like sometimes you want to rescue from a helicopter. You send a rope, but you hold one side of it. If you send the rope altogether, there is no point for the person to hold it, its not going to do anything. Quran is not thrown. Quran is extended to us. Quran is with Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala and part of it, some aspect of it, is also available to us. If we hold the Quran then we are connected to Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Whenever you miss Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, hold the Quran. If you hold the Quran and you have this understanding, you feel you are connected to Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala because this is the book which is connected to Allah 'innahoo feee Ummil Kitaabi Ladainaa la'aliyyun hakeem'( 43:4 ) & 'Innahoo la quraanun kareem Fee kitaabim maknoon'( 56:77 -78). This Quran is in a hidden book. 'Laa yamassuhooo illal mutahharoon'( 56:79 ). Without wudhu, you touched this Quran. But the reality of Quran cannot be touched without purity. It is only those who are Mutahhar who have access to that reality of the Quran and who are Mutahhirun? ' innamaa yureedul laahu liyuzhiba 'ankumur rijsa Ahlal Bayti wa yutahhirakum tatheeraa' ( 33:33 ). Who else can have access? Those who follow them. Allah says to the Prophet, 'Khuz min amwaalihim sadaqtan tutahhiruhum wa tuzakkeehim bihaa' ( 9:103 ). Why we should pay Zakaat? Some people say we should pay zakat because there are poor people, [because there] are projects that we need for the common good. No, this is the very marginal issue. Zakaat is not because we have poor people. That is something on the side. Zakat is so that me and you can purify ourselves and have access to the Qur'an. 'Khuz min amwaalihim sadaqtan tutahhiruhum wa tuzakkeehim bihaa' ( 9:103 ). When you take Zakaat from them, they will be purified. Nothing like giving money can purify you. You can experience. If you do anything like praying, fasting, ziyar'at and hajj and you don't give money, you will not be completely purified. Why? Because Hub ul-Duniya, Raasu Kul e Khatiy'a - Hubb ul Duniya is the greatest germ, the greatest virus. If we want to purify ourselves, we have to get rid of Hubb ul-Duniya. Without giving money, you cannot get rid of this. Therefore, Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, says 'Lan tanaalul birr, hattaa tunfiqoo mimmaa tuhibboon'( 3:92 ) - 'You cannot achieve goodness, you cannot achieve piety unless you give what you love' , not you give extra. There is stuff that you never use, you give them to poor people. No! 'hattaa tunfiqoo mimmaa tuhibboon'( 3:92 ). Therefore, when we give something, who is the main beneficiary? The one who gives or the one who receives? The one who gives. In aakhiruz Zamaan when Imam Mahdi, ajalallah ta'ala faraj al sharif, comes, [Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa aale Muhammad] people go around to find a place that they can give Sadaqah or charity, because all people will be well off. But they know that they must give something. So they look for an opportunity to give money so that they can be purified. In any case, if we want to have access to the Quran, which is with Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, which is in Lauh e Mehfuz, if we want to go beyond the surface, if we want to touch on the light of the Quran, we have to purify ourselves and we have to be with those who are purified. Allah says so beautifully, 'itt taqul laaha wa koonoo ma'as saadiqeen' , you have to have purity, but make sure that also you are with the truthful people.( 9:119 ) Don't say I am Mo'min, I don't need to be with them. No, this is something that you cannot do individually. You have to purify yourselves and you have to join those who are purified, those who are truthful, those who are sincere. There is a beautiful hadith in Usul al-Kafi. On the day of judgment, when all are assembled, mo'mineen see that there is a very beautiful person, someone in the form of a human being, they have never seen something like that in their life, they have never seen anything so beautiful, is coming. They think that he is coming to join them and stand in their circle. When it comes near, they realize that this is Quran. Quran manifests as a human being, which is the most beautiful human being. But hadith says in Al-Kafi, that Quran passes by them. Then martyrs, who are ahead of normal Mo'mineen, they see this beautiful face is coming and they think, OK, he's coming to stay with us but Quran passes by them. Then Anbiya, they see that Quran is coming. They think, Quran is going to join them, but they see Quran is passing by. And the hadith says Quran goes and stands on the right side of Arsh of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala. Arsh of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala is something which is where Allah is showing His authority. 'Ar-Rahmaanu 'alal 'Arshis tawaa'( 20:5 ). Of course, that's physical thing. But to give us some idea. So Quran goes and stands on the right side of the Arsh of Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala and then Allah says, "wa 'izzati wa jalali wertifa'i makaani" - By My glory and dignity and the high position that I have, Allah swears by these things, "laukrammanna man akramak" - whoever has honoured you in Duniya, I am going to honour him. Whoever has shown respect to you, I'm going to respect him. "Wala ugheenanna man aghamak" -whoever has abandoned you, has disgraced you, has humiliated you, I'm going to do the same with him. How can we honour the Quran? Is it an honour that we kiss the Quran and put it on the shelf? If we are ill, and a doctor has given us some medicine. To honour the doctor and to appreciate the medicine, what should we do? I say I'm very much respectful, I kiss the medicine and put it on the shelf. Every day I look at it three times. When someone is dying, I show him his medicine. If I, for example, have a Majilis, I read what is written on the box - or you have to take the medicine, you have to absorb the medicine. In a sense, it is a kind of insult to Quran that we kiss the Quran, but we never practice the Quran. It is like an Aalim. Imagine a great Aalim comes to your town, everyone kisses his hands but no one listens to him. They do the prayer in the way they like. They marry in the way they like, they do business in the way they like but everyone kisses his hand and give him good food or whatever. This is insult to Aalim. The Aalim says, I have not come here so that you kiss my hand. I have come here to guide you. Allah has sent this great manifestation of Himself that Imam Ali, alayhi assalam, says in Nahjul Balagah, that Allah has manifested in Quran and without people seeing Him, He has done Tajalli, manifestations of Quran. This book is given to us, but we don't learn it. We don't understand it. We don't practice it.

( 31:45 ) The Prophet, salla Allahu alayhi wa ali, said, [Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa aale Muhammad] 'Khiyaarokum man ta'llamal Quran wa "allamahu" ( 55:4 )' - The best of you is the one who learns Quran and teaches the Quran. And I think in a sense, this is because we are following Allah and the Prophet , because Allah is the first teacher of the Quran and the Prophet is the first learner. 'Ar-Rahman ( 55:1 ) 'allama al-Quran' ( 55:2 ). Allah is the teacher of the Quran. The one who teaches Quran is following Allah, Subhana Wa Ta'ala, and the first student was the Prophet. The honour that a person who teaches Quran to his children or her children or his students or in the community is so high that no one can understand. There is another hadith which says," 'adado daraja jannah bi'adad ayal quran'- 'the number of the ranks in heaven is equal to the verses of the Quran'. When people go to heaven, they will be said, Iqra wa Arqa, read Quran and go higher. Of course, this is not something that comes just by memorizing by mind. You have to absorb the Quran. If you absorb one point from the Quran, you will have one rank. If you absorb everything from the Quran, you go to the highest levels of heaven. Iqra wa Arqa. So what I request from brothers and sisters here, is that please pay more attention to the Quran. Please make the Quran a book of life, a book that we start our day and we end our day with the intention of acting according to the Quran. A book that you take as your friend, a book that you know it is from Allah and with Allah, not just from Him - from Him and with Him. Any resource, any time that you need to spend on teaching the Quran to the next generation would not be more than enough, would not be something that 'Oh its too much. Why we should have spent so much on teaching the Quran? Why I should spent so much time on taking my children to Quran classes?' No, whatever we do, we have not done enough. Otherwise, on the Day of Judgment, this Quran will complain. The Prophet will complain. "inna qawmit takhazoo haazal Qur'aana mahjooraa" [ 25:30 ]. The only time Quran will not be Mahjur is when Quran is acted upon otherwise - Mahjur, even if you kiss it. May Allah make your community a community that inshaAllah sets up examples for other communities in acting according to the Quran. May inshaAllah, this community be a community that puts the Quran in its right position, in its due position. A book for action, a book for life, a book for the youths and elders of the community, inshaAllah. And that is the way that inshaAllah, we can expect to be with Ahlulbayt (a). As well, Ahlulbayt (a) want from us to be with the Quran and they show us how to be with the Quran. Thank you very much for your attention. 

"Wa akhiru ad-da'wana 'an al-hamdu li-Llahi Rabb al-'Alamin" ( 10:10 ).  [Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad wa aale Muhammad]

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Principles and Importance of Quran

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Revelation of Quran

The word Quran means recitation and its verses are recited by Muslims throughout the world. The Quran was revealed to Prophet Muhammad in Ramadan, the holy month of the Islamic calendar, in the year 610CE. The Quran is Muslims' holy book, which is revealed to Prophet Muhammad in different steps over 23 years. Muslims find Quranic insights as the divine word of God, meant to correct any mistakes in past holy books, including the Old and New Testaments.

What does Quran means?

The Quran is Allah's text, which is penned in Arabic. In Arabic the expression "Quran" refers recitation. All Muslim people, regardless of the country language must recite the Quran in Arabic.

How many chapters and verses Quran consists?

The Quran comprises of one hundred and fourteen chapters consisting six thousand verses, mainly disclosed to Muhammad over a twenty-two year period. Such chapters, called surahs, are organized according to their length, ranging from longest to about twenty-two pages of Arabic text of chapter 2, to the shortest one line surah.

Reciting Quran in prayers

Muslims have several various forms of rituals of prayer, which they perform daily. Prayer is of great importance to them in their lifestyle and they use the Quran for many of their prayers. Five times a day, they do prayer rituals called Salah. At dawn, at midday, at afternoon, at sunset and at evening, they pray. These five prayers, in the order of which they are performed, are called salat al-subh, salat al-zuhr, salat al-asr, salat al-maghrib, and salat al-isha. Muslims also follow the Quran as a guide to do their worship services.

Pronunciation of Holy Quran

The Holy Quran is composed of Surahs, Ayahs, phrases, and letters. So, it all starts by how completely right you pronounce the letter that will end up making a correct meaning of word. It's vital to understand the letters, their sounds and the correct pronunciation of each letter and word. So, to become a pro at Quran recitation, you first need to learn the sound of each letter correctly.

How to recite?

The way and quality of recitation also matter. You should be humble and soft while you recite the Holy Quran.

Articulation in reading Quran

Tajweed has some particular rules and patterns like the proper way of pronouncing the words and letters. So, we need to be well aware of all the rules which are necessary to get the proper pronunciation of the Quran. Articulation is very important for the right or correct recitation of the Quran.

Importance of Understanding Quran

When you understand what you are reading, you will be able to recite it properly. So, why rely on translators or translation when you can easily learn and understand the Quran. So, when you start learning the recitation, make an effort to understand the meaning of the words, and learn the right pronunciation.

What Allah says about Quran in the Quran?

Allah has said so many times in the book itself that Quran is the book of guidance. For example Allah says in Quran in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 2:

“This is the Book about which there is no doubt, guidance for those conscious of Allah” [2:2]

At another place Allah has said in Surah Yunus, verse 37:

“And it was not [possible] for this Qur'an to be produced by other than Allah, but [it is] a confirmation of what was before it and a detailed explanation of the [former] Scripture, about which there is no doubt, from the Lord of the worlds” [10:37].

Allah has also warned people that if people would not follow the Quranic teaching then they themselves would be responsible for the loss. Allah says in Surah Az-Zumar, verse 41:

“Indeed, We sent down to you the Book for the people in truth. So whoever is guided - it is for [the benefit of] his soul; and whoever goes astray only goes astray to its detriment. And you are not a manager over them”. [39:41]

Thus, all of the above verses say that Quran is indeed one most important and complete piece of guidance. We should take help from Quran in our daily walk of lives so that there would be no chance of committing any wrong deed and also there would be no more confusion.

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The importance of the revelation of the Qur'an: An Overview

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The Qur’an was sent by Allah (Subhaanu wa ta’laa) as a Book of Guidance to mankind through Jibril (A.S) and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The Holy Book is the Word of the Sublime Allah (Subhaanu wa ta’laa ). Allah has promised to preserve the Holy Qur’an from corruption “Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an and indeed, We will be its guardian” (Qur’an 15:09), unlike the “Injil” and the “Taurat” which were changed and modified by the Christians and the Jews. The Holy Book is a sacred Book for all the Muslims around the world as it carries a universal message for the whole mankind without the limitation of time and space. The Qur’an is organized in accordance to the location of the revelation of the verses, whether Makkah or Madinah.Two-third of the Qur’an was revealed in Makkah while the rest of the Quran was revealed in Madinah. The Holy Book contains verses (Ayahs) and chapters (Surahs), the shortest chapter contains only three verses whereas the longest chapter (Surah Al-Kawthar) contains two hundred and eighty-six verses (Surah Al-Baqarah). There are one hundred and fourteen chapters in the Qur’an numbered from chapter one to chapter one hundred and fourteen. The Holy Book was not sent down as a complete book but rather its revelation spanned over a period of twenty-three years. The Qur’an carries a great importance in itself as it contains the main pillars of Islam as well as the future happening of the Hereafter and on the Day of Judgment it will stand as an intercessor for those who were constant in its recitation.

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The Importance of Reading Quran

importance of holy quran essay

Quran is our holy book that was sent down on Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) over the period of 23 years. Before its revelation there existed other three islamic books as well but most teachings in them were changed. Whereas the Quran is the complete code of life which guides us about different parts of society like morals, social affairs, politics, ethics and so much more. Since its revelation till the end of this world, this book has the ability to guide all future generations with its code of ethics for humanity. 

Now we'll see what is the importance of reading Quran and why we should read it daily:

Source of Guidance:

In Surah Ibrahim Allah subhan wa tala says: 

“ A Book We have sent down to you so that you may bring forth mankind from the darkness into the light”.

We need guidance in every aspect of our life and the best guidance we can find is in the Quran. It is a manual for our everyday life. From trivial matters to the important things related to society, worship or personal matters, the Quran provides us with detailed guidance on how we should lead a good and happy life. 

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Source of Comfort:

Whenever I feel low, I open a random page of the Quran and start reading it. And you won't believe it feels like Allah is talking to me and I legit find a verse every time that is related to my problem and it instantly takes the burden off my heart. It is like therapy. There's no better feeling than this. Quran gives you solace and inner peace as mentioned in Surah Ar-Ra'ad:

" Those who have believed and whose hearts are assured by the remembrance of Allah. Unquestionably, by the remembrance of Allah, hearts are assured ”

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Earn Good Deeds:

You'll be amazed to know that reading even one small word of the Quran, you will be rewarded for 10 good deeds. Subhan Allah. Now imagine how many Good deeds you will earn by just reading a surah. 

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Testament on the Day of Judgement:

The Quran will stand witness for its readers on the day of judgement and ask for forgiveness for its readers. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

"The Quran is a proof for you or against you."

Which means that it can give testimony in your favour or it will reveal that you didn't pay heed to Allah's commandments and didn't act upon its sayings.

Makes You Closer to Allah:

When you read the Quran you feel like Allah is conversing with you. As you move from one verse to another you learn about what pleases Allah and from what things should we refrain from. It makes you feel closer to Allah.

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A Book Full of Blessings:

The Quran brings blessing to a person and brings the spirit of monitoring in. It motivates us to do better. Inspires us by narrating the tales of ancient times and prophets. And the purpose of sending Quran is defined by Allah in this verse:

" A Book (the Quran) which We have sent down to you, full of blessings that they may ponder over its Verses, and that men of understanding may receive admonition.” Success of both worlds lies in the Quran. We can unlock it by fully grasping its principles.

If you are not reading the Quran on a daily basis trust me you are missing out on a lot of things. I know many of us have hectic routines but taking only 5 minutes out of your schedule for the Quran is enough. Read as much as you can be it a one ruku or a whole surah or even a one verse but read with understanding. It is a source of our communication with Allah. It also cleanses our hearts and helps us become a good Muslim and human being. May Almighty Allah give us all the chance to read it daily and act upon its teachings. Ameen!

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Understand Al-Qur'an Academy

  • Why reading Qur’an with understanding is important?

by UQS | Apr 17, 2019 | Quran & Productivity | 11 comments

importance of holy quran essay

Assalamualaikum Dear Brothers & Sisters, Understand Qur’an Academy has always tried to make the learning of Qur’an easy and simple.

Why reading Qur’an with understanding is important? Whenever a person reads a book he wants to understand it to gather knowledge and apply it in his daily life. Qur’an is the word of Allah SWT and the most fortunate of people apply it in their lives by putting an earnest effort to understand it. The first revelation of the Holy Qur’an that was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAWS was ‘Read’ ‘اقرا’ from (Surah Alaq verse 1) which shows the importance of acquiring knowledge by reading.

Let us look into some of the benefits of reading and understanding Qur’an for better implementation:

1. Reading and Understanding Qur’an are the rights of Qur’an There are mainly five rights of the Qur’an upon the reader.

Attentive listening: ” So when the Qur’an is recited then listen to it and pay attention so that you may receive mercy”. (Surah Al A’raf verse 204). But nowadays people put on the Qur’an recitation through tape recorders and keep themselves busy with their usual chores. It is an insult of the Qur’an. So forbid from doing so.

Recitation: Allah also says in the Holy Qur’an, ” recite the Qur’an with measured recitation”. (Surah Al Muzammil verse 4) In this verse, it is said to recite Qur’an in a slow measured tone so that it could soothe and strengthen the mind and soul of the reciter. The tajweed (rules of recitation) also beautifies the recitation immensely.

Memorization: Allah says in the Qur’an, ” he who has no Qur’an in his heart is like a house that is destroyed”. (Hadeeth narrated by At Tirmidhi on the authorization of Ibn Abbas).So try to memorize one Sur’ah every week.

Contemplation: Allah says in the Qur’an: ” Then do they not reflect upon the Qur’an or are there locks upon their hearts?” (Surah Mohammad verse 24)One should read the Qur’an contemplating the depth of each ayah so that the meaning of each word would penetrate into his mind and reflect in his behavior so that the heart and soul will be filled with the light of its pure guidance.

Application: Allah says in the Qur’an, and this “(Qur’an) is a book We have revealed which is blessed, so follow it and fear Allah that you may receive mercy”. (Surah Al Anam verse 155) One can apply the teachings of the Qur’an in daily life by obeying all commands of Allah and heeding all His prohibitions which will result in his transformation into a true servant of Allah.

All the above references stress upon including Qur’an, the word of Allah in one’s life, to be guided, to fill one’s heart with the assurance of each word of the Qur’an.

2. One can implement teachings of Qur’an better when one tries to understand it and ponder on its meaning: Abu Abdur Rahman as Sulami said, we were informed by those who used to teach us the Qur’an, Uthman Bin Affan, Ibn Masud, and others, that they would learn ten verses at a time from the Prophet SAWS and they would not go beyond them until they had learnt the knowledge and application within them. They said, so we learnt the Qur’an along with its knowledge and application at the same time.

Likewise, a person can allow some time in his schedule on a daily basis to read Qur’an in Arabic as well as its meaning in whichever language he feels to understand it better and then keep underlining the verses which he could incorporate or include in his life. That would be a very effective way of applying the knowledge of Qur’an in one’s life. But unfortunately, people nowadays think that they have fulfilled the rights of the Qur’an by reading it without understanding the real purpose of its revelation. May Allah guide all of us to understand the true essence of our religion through the teachings of Qur’an and Hadeeth.

3. Khushoo and khuzoo (concentration and humility) in Salah: When a person prays Salah five times daily, there are chances of not being precise in it. He also might get distracted with many thoughts of his concerns and plans that are running in his mind. This can be avoided only when the person ponders on the meaning of each verse he recites in his prayer, that would not only help the person have khushoo and khuzoo in his prayer but he will be able to make a strong bond between him and Allah SWT.

4. Clear interpretation of the Qur’an while inviting people towards our religion (Da’wah): When a person wants to attract people towards Islam, he himself should have a proper and a clear understanding of Islam through Qur’an and Hadeeth. He may provide guidance, examples, and virtues of the noble teachings of the Qur’an while doing da’wah only if he has the basic foundational knowledge about teachings of Qur’an.

5. Qur’an is the main source of knowledge as it is revealed on our last Prophet Muhammad SAWS: The main base of our religion is that Allah is our lord and Muhammad SAWS is our Prophet after whom no prophet will come and the noble Qur’an that was revealed on him is the final word of Allah SWT. It contains all the knowledge about the events like the creation of the universe, the creation of human beings, differentiation of good and bad, the day of resurrection, etc.

6. Source of motivation for leading a successful life: Today’s life is full of competition, struggle, jealousy, corruption, indecency, distractions like social media, etc. So the best gift for the upcoming generation would be a clear understanding of Qur’an and constant guidance by the parents to attain Allah’s pleasure and succeed in this life and in the hereafter.

Qur’an is revealed in Arabic because it is the most comprehensive language that has words with beautiful intonation and stress. The words are very precise and have a richness in their meaning. It also has the most unique quality of including a vast number of messages in a few words, which means a single phrase or a sentence would have innumerable messages within it. According to Imam Shafi’, it is a duty of every Muslim to learn Arabic to understand Qur’an.

Praying you will benefit, Aaisha Imran

May Allah ease the journey of knowledge for you, Aameen. JazakAllahu Khair, Team UQA


Sir, Asslamualaikum, The heading of your article is ‘Why reading Qur’an with understanding is important?’ But you have hardly talked about understanding. Understanding is very important. It is probably stated that read with understanding if necessary by learning Arabic. But we hardly bothered about understanding. Please look into this area.

Alhamdulillah this is best website Please allow me get a copy of it bcoz I use to teach my students.

Assalamualaikum Brother,

You can buy or word for word Quran here:

JazakAllahu Khair Admin

Dear Sister Reading this article has made me ponder over my attitude towards reading Quran. You have Masha Allah brought some awareness with this article. I am really proud to be a muslim. Keep up the good work.

Assalamualaikum dear, Feeling proud to read your thoughts connected with Quran Indeed Qiran is accordingly a guidence an evidence a discrimination and a menifest light for the mankind.

Mashallah You have tried to explain so well about the understanding of Quran.If understanding happens it will be applied and we can see the change in ourselves.Reading , understanding and application may helps us to become a good follower of Islam.May Allah bless you and ease your work in spreading knowledge

assalam ailekum wa rehmath ullahi barkathu. mashalllla bohat khoob ye shandar maloomat k liyea.allah aap ku aur kamiyaabi de.aameen.

Mashaallah you have explained well

Assalamualaikum dear brother in Faith, Quran was basically revealed in Arabic because it was the local language and they would easily understand and respect the religion – it spread first in whole of Arab Countries and subsequently the whole world . Warm regards !!

Walaikumsalam.I agree with you but Qur’an is the message of Allah SWT for all mankind and for all eras till the day of akhirah. So,the richness of Arabic language was also one of the most important reasons why it is revealed in that language. Wallahua’alam.

It has helped me to write in exam.Thanks for your article.Keep up the good work.InshAllah you will succeed in life.

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importance of holy quran essay

Islamic Idelogies

Holy Prophet

Prophet ‘s progeny

importance of holy quran essay

importance of holy quran essay

The first lesson to be learned by all students is about the importance of the Holy Qur’an. The Qur’an is the Book of Allah  subhaanahu wa ta‘aalaa . Every word in the Qur’an has come from Allah. That is why we say that it is a Holy Book. The words in the Qur’an were sent by Allah to Prophet Muhammad  sallal-laahu ‘alayhi wa-aalihi wa sallam . The Prophet (S) received the words of Allah through angel Jibra’eel. This Qur’an is a Holy Book that was not written by anyone but sent by Allah to Prophet Muhammad (S) through Jibra’eel.  

1. It is the most truthful speech: Prophet Muhammad (S) regularly read the words of Allah to Muslims around him. These Muslims were very pleased and excited to receive the words of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (S) said:  The most truthful speech, the most eloquent advice, and the greatest stories are in the Book of Allah . The Muslims listened carefully to what the Prophet read, memorized the sentences and passages of the Qur’an, recited them regularly and followed the teachings of the Qur’an. In order to preserve the words of Allah the Prophet appointed special people known as “Scribes of the Qur’an” to write down the words of Allah.  

2. It is in original language: Prophet Muhammad (S) was an Arab and the majority of people in Mecca and Medina spoke Arabic. Therefore the Qur’an was sent in Arabic. Arabic is written from right to left. It is better to learn to read the Qur’an in its original language. Therefore, we will put efforts to learn Qur’an written in Arabic instead of simply reading its translation in other languages.

3. The Holy Qur’an contains Allah’s message to all people. It tells people how to act correctly. It guides us to a correct way of life in this world. The Book of Allah also talks about life after death. It tells us that Allah has prepared Paradise for good people and Hell for bad people. The Qur’an encourages the worship of only one God Who creates and provides for them. The Book forbids people from evil and condemns those who do wrong. It contains stories of the past Prophets and the examples of bad and good people. People are advised in the Qur’an to be good to others and respect them. It teaches people to live in peace and harmony.

4. Qur’an brings happiness in this world and the Hereafter. Following the Qur’an brings happiness in this world and the world after death. The Prophet (S) said:  If you desire the life of the fortunate, the death of a martyr, the salvation on the Day of Regret and the shade on the Day of Extreme Heat, then you should study the Qur’an because it is the word of the Merciful, a sanctuary from Shaytaan and a causes the tilting of the Balance . In another Hadith we read that the Prophet (S) has said:  The recitor of the Qur’an will be spared from the calamities of the Hereafter.

5. It is the only Divine book that has remained unchanged. Allah sent the Qur’an to His Prophet. A book sent by Allah to people is known as a Divine Book or a Heavenly Book. Other Divine Books were also sent to previous prophets. These are: Suhoof to Prophet Ibraheem  ‘alayhis salaam ; Zaboor to Prophet Dawood  ‘alayhis salaam;  Tawraah to Prophet Moosaa  ‘alayhis salaam; and  Injeel to Prophet ‘Eisaa  ‘alayhis salaam.

The difference between the Qur’an and past revealed books is that the Qur’an is the only Divine Book that has remained unaltered. The Qur’an we have with us contains exactly the same message that was sent to Prophet Muhammad by Allah through Jibra’eel.

6. Our supplications get answered if we were to pray after reading the Holy Qur’an. The Prophet (S) said:  One who starts the Qur’an and finishes it, Allah will grant him one answered supplication . It also helps in strengthening our faith. Imam Ali (a) said:  Reciting the Qur’an plants the seed of faith .

7. The Qur’an is the best companion. It can be of great help when a child or adult is feeling lonely. Imam Ali Zaynul ‘Aabideen (a) said:  If all who live between the East and West perish, I will have no fear as long as I have the Qur’an with me .

8. Students get wise when they start reading the Qur’an in their childhood. Prophet Muhammad (S) said:  Whoever reads the Qur’an before becoming Baaligh, has indeed been given wisdom as a child . The Holy Book is the best intellectual treasure a student can have. Prophet Muhammad (S) said:  The Qur’an is a wealth with which there is no poverty, and without which there is no wealth . On the other hand not caring to read and study the Qur’an is a great loss. Prophet Muhammad (S) said:  Surely the person in whose heart lacks the trace of the Qur’an is like a ruined house .

9. Muslims read the Qur’an to understand the true teachings of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (S) left the Holy Book and the Ahlul Bayt (a) as the most important legacy for Muslims after him. He said:  I leave two weighty things among you: The Book of Allah and my family – the Ahlul Bayt. Indeed these two will never separate until they reach me near the pool of Kawthar .

10. All Muslims recite some Soorahs in their prayers. However, it is good to memorize more Soorahs and read them in Salaat. Imam Muhammad Al-Baaqir (a) said:  Whoever recites the Qur’an while standing in his prayer, Allah will bestow on him a hundred blessings for every letter; and whoever recites it while sitting in his prayer, Allah will reward him fifty blessings for every letter; and whoever recites it outside of his prayer, Allah will grant him ten blessings for every letter .

11. The Qur’an is a cure to mental and spiritual diseases: Imam Hasan al-‘Askaree (a) said:  The Messenger of Allah (S) said: I advice you to the Qur’an since it is the beneficial cure, the blessed medicine, the protection (‘Isma) for he who holds fast to it, and the salvation for he who follows it. Neither does it cause crookedness so that it departs (from the truth) nor does it deviate so that it causes trouble. Its marvels do not come to end and the vastness of refutations does not wear it.

importance of holy quran essay

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Isaac Newton once said: " Gravity explains the motions of the planets, but it cannot explain who sets the planets in motion ."

Albert Einstein once said: "Imagination is more important than science for it surrounds the world"

The first student of Islam, Al-Imam Ali-Ibn- Abi Talib (peace be upon him) said: "Worshiping acts is like a drop of water in the sea of directing to righteousness, and what is better than directing to righteousness is saying the right at the presence of an oppressor"

Verner Heisenberg  The German theoretical physicist and the key pioneer of quantum mechanics said: "The first gulp from the glass of nature sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you"

A man who lies to himself , and believes his own lies becomes unable to recognize truth , either in himself or in anyone else , and he ends up losing respect for himself and for others.

When he has no respect for anyone , he can no longer love , and , in order to divert himself , having no love in him, he yields to his impulses , indulges in the lowest forms of pleasure , and behaves in the end like an animal .

And it all comes from lying - lying to others and to yourself .




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