how to write handover speech

Handover Sample Speech

Sure, here's a sample speech for a handover ceremony or event:

Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, colleagues, and friends, a very warm welcome to this momentous occasion. Today, we gather here to mark an important milestone - the handover of responsibilities from one dedicated team to another. It is with great pride and humility that I stand before you to share this significant moment.


For the past [duration], we have worked tirelessly to achieve our collective goals and objectives. Together, we have overcome challenges, celebrated successes, and forged strong bonds that will endure beyond this handover. As we reflect on our journey, we can be proud of the accomplishments we have achieved as a team.


Before we move forward, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to [outgoing team/individual name]. They have shown exceptional dedication, skill, and passion during their tenure, and their efforts have been instrumental in driving our organization/project to new heights. Their hard work and commitment have left an indelible mark, and we are grateful for their valuable contributions.

[Acknowledgment of Achievements]

Together, we have achieved numerous milestones and overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Our successes are a testament to the power of collaboration and teamwork. Each member of the outgoing team has played a pivotal role in our accomplishments, and their dedication to excellence has been nothing short of inspiring.

[Praise for Incoming Team]

As we embark on a new chapter, we welcome the incoming team with open arms and hearts filled with hope. The incoming team brings with them fresh perspectives, diverse talents, and a shared vision for our organization/project's future. We have every confidence that they will build upon the strong foundation laid by their predecessors and take us to even greater heights.

[Commitment to Continuity]

To the incoming team, I want to assure you of our unwavering support. We are committed to ensuring a seamless handover and providing you with all the necessary resources and knowledge to hit the ground running. As you take the reins, know that you have the trust and confidence of everyone here.

[Call for Collaboration]

In the spirit of continuity and growth, let us embrace collaboration and open communication. Let us work together as a united force, pooling our strengths and talents to overcome challenges and realize our shared goals. Together, we can achieve greatness and leave a lasting impact on our organization/project and the lives it touches.

In conclusion, let us celebrate the past and embrace the future with enthusiasm and determination. The handover represents not only a transition but also an opportunity for growth and improvement. With our collective efforts, there is no limit to what we can achieve.

Thank you all for your presence today and for your continued support. Let us move forward hand in hand, empowered by our shared vision and guided by our commitment to excellence. Together, we shall make a positive difference and create a brighter future for us all.

how to write handover speech

Written Samples

15 sample letters of handing over duties.

In the corporate world, transitions are an inevitable part of the journey.

Whether you’re moving on to a new role within the company or embarking on a fresh adventure elsewhere, handing over your duties to a successor is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and seamless transition.

A well-crafted handover letter not only helps your replacement understand their new responsibilities but also demonstrates your professionalism and commitment to the company’s success.

Sample Letters of Handing Over Duties

To help you navigate this process, we’ve compiled 15 sample letters that showcase the art of handing over duties with clarity, grace, and finesse.

These templates cover a wide range of scenarios, from internal promotions to departures from the company, and provide a solid foundation for crafting your personalized handover letter.

So, whether you’re a seasoned executive or a first-time manager, these sample letters will serve as your guide to writing a compelling handover document.

Let’s dive in and explore the world of seamless transitions!

Sample Letter One: Internal Promotion

Subject: Handover of Marketing Manager Duties

Dear Sarah,

Congratulations on your promotion to Marketing Manager! I am thrilled to have you as my successor and am confident that you will excel in this role.

As I transition to my new position as Head of Sales, I want to ensure that you have all the information and resources necessary to hit the ground running. Please find attached a detailed handover document that outlines your key responsibilities, ongoing projects, and important contacts within the marketing department.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a meeting next week to discuss the handover in more detail and set you up for success.

Best regards,

Sample Letter Two: Departure from the Company

Subject: Handover of Project Manager Duties

As you know, my last day with the company is next Friday. I want to take this opportunity to thank you for being an incredible colleague and to ensure a smooth transition of my duties to you.

In the attached handover document, you will find a comprehensive overview of all ongoing projects, their current status, and upcoming deadlines. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders and clients, as well as access to all relevant files and resources.

I am committed to making this transition as seamless as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. I am confident that you will excel in this role and wish you all the best.

Sample Letter Three: Temporary Leave of Absence

Subject: Handover of Sales Representative Duties

As I prepare for my maternity leave, I want to ensure that my duties are properly handed over to you. I am grateful for your willingness to step in during my absence and am confident that you will do an excellent job.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current clients, their contact information, and the status of each account. I have also included a calendar of upcoming meetings and deadlines, as well as access to all necessary sales materials and resources.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have before my leave begins. I will be available for a handover meeting next week to discuss everything in more detail.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with you again upon my return.

Best wishes,

Sample Letter Four: Retirement

Subject: Handover of Accounting Manager Duties

As I approach my retirement date, I want to ensure that the transition of my duties to you is as smooth as possible. It has been an absolute pleasure working with you over the years, and I am confident that you will excel in your new role as Accounting Manager.

Attached, you will find a comprehensive handover document that outlines all key responsibilities, ongoing projects, and important contacts within the accounting department. I have also included access to all relevant files, financial reports, and software systems.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a series of meetings over the next few weeks to discuss the handover in more detail and ensure that you are fully prepared to take on this new challenge.

Wishing you all the best in your new role, and thank you for being an outstanding colleague.

Sample Letter Five: Resignation

Subject: Handover of Human Resources Coordinator Duties

Dear Jennifer,

As per my resignation letter, my last day with the company will be two weeks from today. To ensure a smooth transition, I want to provide you with all the necessary information and resources to take over my duties as Human Resources Coordinator.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current responsibilities, ongoing projects, and key contacts within the HR department. I have also included a calendar of upcoming meetings, deadlines, and important dates, such as performance review cycles and benefits enrollment periods.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have during this transition period. I am committed to making this handover as seamless as possible and will be available for a meeting next week to discuss everything in more detail.

Thank you for being a fantastic colleague, and I wish you all the best in your new role.

Sample Letter Six: Department Transfer

Subject: Handover of Customer Service Representative Duties

Dear Samantha,

Congratulations on your transfer to the Customer Service department! I am thrilled to have you as my successor and am confident that you will excel in this role.

As I transition to my new position in the Sales department, I want to ensure that you have all the information and resources necessary to provide exceptional service to our customers. Please find attached a detailed handover document that outlines your key responsibilities, ongoing projects, and important contacts within the Customer Service team.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a meeting later this week to discuss the handover in more detail and set you up for success.

Sample Letter Seven: Parental Leave

Subject: Handover of Marketing Coordinator Duties

Dear Andrew,

As I prepare for my parental leave, I want to ensure that my duties are properly handed over to you. I am grateful for your willingness to step in during my absence and am confident that you will do an excellent job.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current projects, their status, and upcoming deadlines. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders and team members, as well as access to all necessary marketing materials and resources.

Sample Letter Eight: Sabbatical Leave

Subject: Handover of Research Scientist Duties

Dear Dr. Patel,

As I embark on my six-month sabbatical, I want to ensure that my research projects and duties are properly handed over to you. I am confident that your expertise and dedication will allow for a seamless continuation of our work.

Attached, you will find a comprehensive handover document that outlines all ongoing research projects, their current status, and upcoming milestones. I have also included contact information for key collaborators, funding agencies, and lab personnel, as well as access to all relevant data, protocols, and resources.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a series of meetings over the next two weeks to discuss the handover in more detail and ensure that you have everything you need to lead these projects to success.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to catching up with you upon my return.

Dr. Johnson

Sample Letter Nine: Temporary Project Assignment

Subject: Handover of Project Coordinator Duties

Dear Rachel,

As I take on a temporary assignment with the Marketing team, I want to ensure that my duties as Project Coordinator are properly handed over to you. I am grateful for your willingness to step in during this period and am confident that you will do an excellent job.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current projects, their status, and upcoming deadlines. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders and team members, as well as access to all necessary project management tools and resources.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have during this transition. I will be available for a handover meeting later this week to discuss everything in more detail.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with you closely throughout this assignment.

Sample Letter Ten: Promotion to Managerial Role

Subject: Handover of Team Leader Duties

Dear Stephanie,

Congratulations on your well-deserved promotion to Team Leader! I am thrilled to have you as my successor and am confident that you will excel in this role.

As I transition to my new position as Department Manager, I want to ensure that you have all the information and resources necessary to lead our team to success. Please find attached a detailed handover document that outlines your key responsibilities, ongoing projects, and important contacts within the department.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a series of meetings over the next few weeks to discuss the handover in more detail and set you up for success in your new managerial role.


Sample Letter Eleven: Secondment to Another Department

Subject: Handover of Financial Analyst Duties

Dear Marcus,

As I begin my six-month secondment to the Operations department, I want to ensure that my duties as a Financial Analyst are properly handed over to you. I am confident that your skills and experience will allow for a seamless continuation of our work.

Attached, you will find a comprehensive handover document that outlines all ongoing financial projects, their current status, and upcoming deadlines. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders, clients, and team members, as well as access to all relevant financial models, reports, and resources.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a meeting early next week to discuss the handover in more detail and ensure that you have everything you need to succeed in this role.

Sample Letter Twelve: Temporary Leave for Professional Development

Subject: Handover of Training Coordinator Duties

Dear Natalie,

As I embark on a three-month professional development program, I want to ensure that my duties as Training Coordinator are properly handed over to you. I am grateful for your willingness to step in during my absence and am confident that you will do an excellent job.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current training initiatives, their status, and upcoming program dates. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders, instructors, and participants, as well as access to all necessary training materials and resources.

Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions you may have before my leave begins. I will be available for a handover meeting later this week to discuss everything in more detail.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing my newfound knowledge with you upon my return.

Sample Letter Thirteen: Temporary Assignment to a Project Team

Subject: Handover of Business Analyst Duties

Dear Sophia,

As I join the new ERP implementation project team for the next three months, I want to ensure that my duties as a Business Analyst are properly handed over to you. I am confident that your expertise and dedication will allow for a seamless continuation of our work.

Attached, you will find a comprehensive handover document that outlines all ongoing projects, their current status, and upcoming milestones. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders, clients, and team members, as well as access to all relevant documentation, requirements, and resources.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a meeting early next week to discuss the handover in more detail and ensure that you have everything you need to lead these projects to success.

Sample Letter Fourteen: Temporary Transfer to Another Location

Subject: Handover of Operations Manager Duties

Dear Anthony,

As I prepare for my six-month transfer to our London office, I want to ensure that my duties as Operations Manager are properly handed over to you. I am confident that your leadership skills and operational expertise will allow for a seamless continuation of our work.

Attached, you will find a comprehensive handover document that outlines all ongoing operational initiatives, their current status, and upcoming milestones. I have also included contact information for key stakeholders, suppliers, and team members, as well as access to all relevant performance metrics, SOPs, and resources.

I am available to answer any questions you may have and provide guidance during this transition period. Let’s schedule a series of meetings over the next two weeks to discuss the handover in more detail and ensure that you have everything you need to lead our operations to success.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to working with you closely throughout this transition.

Sample Letter Fifteen: Temporary Leave for Volunteer Work

Subject: Handover of Community Outreach Coordinator Duties

Dear Jessica,

As I embark on a two-month volunteer assignment with a local nonprofit, I want to ensure that my duties as Community Outreach Coordinator are properly handed over to you. I am grateful for your willingness to step in during my absence and am confident that you will do an excellent job.

In the attached handover document, you will find a detailed list of my current outreach initiatives, their status, and upcoming events. I have also included contact information for key community partners, volunteers, and team members, as well as access to all necessary outreach materials and resources.

Thank you for your support, and I look forward to sharing my experiences with you upon my return.

Crafting a well-structured and informative handover letter is essential for ensuring a smooth transition of duties, whether you are moving on to a new role within the company or embarking on a new adventure elsewhere.

By using these 15 sample letters as a guide, you can create a comprehensive and personalized handover document that will set your successor up for success and demonstrate your professionalism and commitment to the company’s continued growth and success.

Remember, a successful handover is not just about passing on information; it’s about building a bridge between the past and the future, ensuring that the knowledge and experience you’ve gained can be leveraged to drive the company forward.

So, take the time to craft a thoughtful and thorough handover letter, and you’ll leave a lasting legacy of excellence that will be remembered long after you’ve moved on to your next challenge.

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  • Office Management

How to Do a Handover in an Office

Last Updated: March 29, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC . Jennifer Landis-Santos is a Certified Career Counselor & Wellness Coach and the Founder of Career Wellness, LLC. With 20 years of experience, she specializes in helping others identify and move towards a satisfying life and work balance. Jennifer is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Institute for Transformational Leadership, where she is on the faculty of the Health and Wellness Coaching Program. She's a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation and a Certified Career Counselor through the National Career Development Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 700,317 times.

When are you leaving a position, it is likely that your manager or supervisor will ask you to help in the handover period to your successor. Being organised and proactive will help to ensure that your company has a smooth transition and you leave with an excellent professional reputation.

Organising Your Handover

Step 1 Discuss the handover with your manager.

  • In most instances you will have to at least prepare a formal handover document.
  • Discuss this with your manager and find out how much you are expected to contribute, and what the focus of your handover should be.

Step 2 Draw up an early outline of your handover document.

  • Detailed information on your day-to-day activities, tasks and priorities.
  • An outline of the key points of the role.
  • A clear outline of what is expected of your successor.
  • A list of any essential files that will be handed over. This might include a particular contract, or work programme.

Step 3 Tie up loose ends.

  • This won’t always be possible, but if you have something that is nearly over the line, put in a little extra work to get it done.
  • A new person coming into a deal right when it is near the line may struggle to get it closed, because they are unfamiliar with all its intricacies.
  • Let your manager and/or colleagues know what deliverables and milestones you will have completed before your last day.

Step 4 Communicate with your colleagues.

  • Developing issues are not likely to affect your final days, but if you are aware of them then you can flag them up to your successor.
  • This is also a chance to make sure everyone knows you’re leaving and when. Let your colleagues know about the handover period, so that they can take it into consideration.
  • Your productivity is likely to slow during the handover, so its good practice to give your colleagues some advance warning.

Step 5 Write up a formal handover document.

  • A list and timetable of actions.
  • A briefing of ongoing issues.
  • A calendar of forthcoming events and deadlines.
  • Passwords and login information.
  • A list of useful contacts.
  • A guide to navigating files and folders on the computer system.

Managing the Handover Period

Step 1 Allow as much time as possible.

  • There are bound to be things that you forgot about, and having someone shadow you is a good way to expose them to the variety of day-to-day activity.

Step 2 Hand over key documents personally.

  • This opportunity to explain key information, and for your successor to ask you direct questions is vital for a good handover.
  • This will also give you an opportunity to provide nuance and context in a discussion that might have been overlooked otherwise. [5] X Trustworthy Source Official UK government website Official website for the public sector of the UK government Go to source

Step 3 Make the effort to help.

  • Make sure you make it clear that you are there to help, and you welcome queries.
  • By doing this, you will be helping to foster a situation in which the responsibility for the handover is shared between you and your successor. [6] X Trustworthy Source Official UK government website Official website for the public sector of the UK government Go to source

Step 4 Have a final handover meeting.

  • Any uncertainties can be cleared up in the meeting.
  • Depending on where you work, it might be prudent to invite your manager or supervisor to attend the meeting.
  • You should certainly inform your manager of when and where it is taking place, and ask them if there is anything they would like to add.

Thinking of Long-Term Development

Step 1 Highlight available support and training.

  • Do this by pointing out any relevant training opportunities that you know of.
  • Perhaps when you started the job, you received a suite of training to help you adapt and develop.
  • Be sure you mention this to your successor, and encourage them to explore the possibilities.

Step 2 Don’t neglect the working culture.

  • Make the effort to take them around the office and introduce them to everyone.
  • Be sure you clearly define the role of the new employee as well as existing employees.
  • If the job description of the new arrival is slightly different to yours, or their responsibilities and priorities are focussed elsewhere, make sure existing staff recognise this.

how to write handover speech

  • Often a problem can be resolved with a simple email.
  • Offering to help out after you leave will make a good impression and help boost your reputation.

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About This Article

Jennifer Landis-Santos, PCC, NBHWC

If you’re leaving your job and you need to do a handover to help train your successor, talk to your manager about what you’ll be expected to cover, and write a formal document detailing anything your successor will need to know. Have the new person shadow you for a few days and make sure they have everything they will need during the job. Before you leave, have a final handover meeting with your successor, giving them the opportunity to ask any questions they might have. For more information about writing your handover document, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Work Handover Examples for Sales Executives

Explore diverse and comprehensive work handover examples that cater to work handover examples for Sales Executives. Elevate your hiring process with compelling work handover tailored to your organization's needs.

Lark Editorial Team

In the fast-paced world of sales, the handover process plays a pivotal role in ensuring continuity, seamless transitions, and sustained productivity. When a sales executive transitions tasks, territories, or responsibilities, the handover process becomes crucial. This article aims to explore the various aspects of work handovers for sales executives, including best practices, examples, dos and don'ts, a step-by-step guide, and FAQs.

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What is a work handover for sales executives

The handover for sales executives entails the transfer of duties, responsibilities, and information from one individual to another. It's a critical process that enables the seamless continuation of sales-related activities while ensuring consistent client satisfaction and ongoing productivity. The essence of a work handover lies in the effective communication and transfer of knowledge to the recipient, enabling them to carry out their responsibilities without disruption. By providing clear and detailed information about their ongoing tasks, sales executives can ensure that the transition is smooth and transparent.

Key elements of a good work handover for sales executives

A successful work handover for sales executives encompasses several key elements that are essential for its effectiveness and impact. These elements include:

  • Clear Communication : Articulating critical details and expectations clearly.
  • Detailed Documentation : Providing comprehensive information and relevant documents that aid in understanding.
  • Timely and Prioritized Information : Ensuring that the required information is communicated at the right time and is prioritized based on its significance.
  • Inclusion of Stakeholders : Involving all relevant stakeholders to mitigate any potential gaps or issues during the handover process.
  • Setting Expectations : Clearly defining the expectations and outcomes to align the recipient's understanding with the responsibilities at hand.

These elements collectively contribute to a successful work handover for sales executives, ensuring a seamless transition and continuity in operations.

Characteristics of an effective work handover for sales executives

An effective handover for sales executives is characterized by:

  • Clarity in Objectives : Clearly defining the objectives and goals to be achieved during the handover process.
  • Transfer of Responsibilities : Ensuring that all relevant responsibilities are transferred with clarity and completeness.
  • Knowledge Transfer : Facilitating a transfer of knowledge, including client nuances, ongoing deals, and market insights.
  • Seamless Transition : Minimizing disruption to ongoing sales activities and maintaining consistency in client interactions.
  • Maintaining Client Relationships : Ensuring that client relationships are seamlessly transitioned, fostering trust and continued engagement.

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Common pitfalls in work handovers for sales executives

Despite the significance of work handovers, several common pitfalls can hinder their effectiveness. These include:

  • Incomplete Information : Failing to provide comprehensive details can lead to misunderstandings and disruptions.
  • Lack of Context : Providing information without the necessary context may result in misinterpretation and errors in execution.
  • Poor Documentation : Inadequate or disorganized documentation can cause confusion and delays in adapting to new responsibilities.
  • Misalignment of Expectations : If expectations are not clearly set and aligned, it can lead to discrepancies and dissatisfaction among stakeholders.
  • Disregard for Stakeholder Involvement : Excluding key stakeholders from the handover process may lead to oversight and operational gaps.

Recognizing and addressing these pitfalls is crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of work handovers for sales executives.

Work handover examples for sales executives

Example 1: transitioning to a new sales territory.

In this example, a sales executive is tasked with transitioning to a new sales territory due to organizational realignment.

Scenario and Context:

The current sales executive is moving to a new territory with distinct client demographics and market dynamics.

Details of Information Shared:

Detailed analysis of the new territory's market potential and existing client base.

Ongoing leads and pipeline status in the new territory.

Steps taken to ensure smooth transition:

Personal introduction to key clients in the new territory.

Shadowing meetings to understand existing client relationships and expectations.

Example 2: handover of ongoing client engagements

In this scenario, a sales executive is required to hand over ongoing client engagements to a successor due to role transition.

Previous Status and Updates:

Comprehensive overview of the client’s buying preferences and engagement history.

Existing proposals and ongoing negotiations.

Client-specific nuances and requirements:

  • Special instructions or requests from clients that require attention or follow-up.

Handover process and follow-up plans:

Detailed guidance on specific client requirements and personalized engagement approaches.

Introduction and coordination with the successor to ensure a smooth transition.

Example 3: departure of a key team member

In the third example, a key team member of the sales team is leaving the organization, and their responsibilities need to be transferred effectively.

Transfer of Responsibilities and Tasks:

Comprehensive list of ongoing tasks and client engagements attributed to the departing team member.

Identification of critical client touchpoints and ongoing sales initiatives.

Communication with the team and stakeholders:

Facilitation of team discussions to ensure a collective understanding of the departing member’s portfolio.

Ensuring that client expectations are managed with transparency and continuity plans are in place.

Succession planning and support:

  • Providing mentorship and support to the successor to address any uncertainties or challenges related to the handover.

Variances in sales executives work handovers across industries

The approach to work handovers for sales executives can significantly differ based on the industry context:

  • Varied Client and Sales Process : Industries with distinct client profiles and sales lifecycles may require tailored handover strategies.
  • Different Sales Cycles : Industries with varying sales cycles, such as B2B and retail, necessitate adjustments in the handover process.
  • Industry-specific Challenges : Unique industry challenges, such as regulatory compliance in healthcare sales or project-based sales in the IT industry, demand specific considerations during handovers.

Understanding and adapting to these variances is crucial in ensuring the effectiveness of work handovers for sales executives across different industries.

Dos and don'ts for writing effective work handovers for sales executives

The following dos and don'ts serve as guidelines to streamline the process of writing effective work handovers for sales executives:

Clearly Outline ResponsibilitiesAvoid Ambiguity in Information
Provide Comprehensive InformationDo Not Neglect Contextual Details
Prioritize Stakeholder InvolvementAvoid Missing Critical Milestones
Incorporate Metrics for Progress TrackingDo not Overlook Ongoing Support Requirements

Step-by-step guide to write work handovers for sales executives

Step 1: assess information requirements.

  • Identify the essential information and details required for a comprehensive handover, including client engagements, ongoing deals, and sales pipeline status.

Step 2: document responsibilities and tasks

  • Develop a detailed repository of ongoing responsibilities, tasks, and client-specific nuances that need to be addressed during the handover.

Step 3: plan communication and stakeholder engagement

  • Develop a communication plan that includes regular updates and engagements with key stakeholders, ensuring a transparent and inclusive handover process.

Step 4: review and revise

  • Conduct a thorough review of the handover document, ensuring clarity, completeness, and relevance of the shared information.

Step 5: follow-up and support

  • Establish post-handover support mechanisms to address any unforeseen challenges or queries, ensuring a smooth transition and continuity in sales operations.

In conclusion, the effective handover examples and best practices outlined in this article underscore the critical role of work handovers for sales executives. By adhering to the key elements and avoiding common pitfalls, sales executives can ensure seamless transitions, maintained client relationships, and sustained productivity. Adapting handover strategies to industry-specific variances and following the step-by-step guide can further enhance the effectiveness of the handover process.

How do you handle sensitive client information during a handover?

Sensitive client information should be handled with utmost care:

  • Obtain necessary permissions to share sensitive information.
  • Implement secure communication channels for transferring sensitive data.
  • Redact or anonymize sensitive information whenever possible.

What are the key components of a successful handover plan for a sales executive?

A successful handover plan includes:

  • Detailed documentation of ongoing responsibilities and client engagements.
  • Clearly defined communication and stakeholder involvement strategies.
  • A focus on knowledge transfer and succession support.

How should sales executives accommodate ongoing changes in the work environment during a handover?

Sales executives should:

  • Stay proactive and adaptable to ongoing changes.
  • Engage in open communication with relevant stakeholders.
  • Prioritize flexibility and collaborative problem-solving.

Should a sales executive tailor their handover style based on the nature of the clientele?

Yes, customization based on clientele is essential:

  • Recognize and cater to specific client expectations and nuances.
  • Adjust the handover style to align with varying client engagement requirements.

How can a sales executive ensure effective knowledge transfer during a handover process?

Effective knowledge transfer can be ensured by:

  • Providing comprehensive documentation of ongoing sales tasks and client specifics.
  • Facilitating mentorship and interactions for a holistic understanding.

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How to write a good speech in 7 steps

By:  Susan Dugdale  

- an easily followed format for writing a great speech

Did you know writing a speech doesn't have be an anxious, nail biting experience?

Unsure? Don't be.

You may have lived with the idea you were never good with words for a long time. Or perhaps giving speeches at school brought you out in cold sweats.

However learning how to write a speech is relatively straight forward when you learn to write out loud.

And that's the journey I am offering to take you on: step by step.

To learn quickly, go slow

Take all the time you need. This speech writing format has 7 steps, each building on the next.

Walk, rather than run, your way through all of them. Don't be tempted to rush. Familiarize yourself with the ideas. Try them out.

I know there are well-advertised short cuts and promises of 'write a speech in 5 minutes'. However in reality they only truly work for somebody who already has the basic foundations of speech writing in place.

The foundation of good speech writing 

These steps are the backbone of sound speech preparation. Learn and follow them well at the outset and yes, given more experience and practice you could probably flick something together quickly. Like any skill, the more it's used, the easier it gets.

In the meantime...

Step 1: Begin with a speech overview or outline

Are you in a hurry? Without time to read a whole page? Grab ... The Quick How to Write a Speech Checklist And come back to get the details later.

  • WHO you are writing your speech for (your target audience)
  • WHY you are preparing this speech. What's the main purpose of your speech? Is it to inform or tell your audience about something? To teach them a new skill or demonstrate something? To persuade or to entertain? (See 4 types of speeches: informative, demonstrative, persuasive and special occasion or entertaining for more.) What do you want them to think, feel or do as a result of listening the speech?
  • WHAT your speech is going to be about (its topic) - You'll want to have thought through your main points and have ranked them in order of importance. And have sorted the supporting research you need to make those points effectively.
  • HOW much time you have for your speech eg. 3 minutes, 5 minutes... The amount of time you've been allocated dictates how much content you need. If you're unsure check this page: how many words per minute in a speech: a quick reference guide . You'll find estimates of the number of words required for 1 - 10 minute speeches by slow, medium and fast talkers.

Use an outline

The best way to make sure you deliver an effective speech is to start by carefully completing a speech outline covering the essentials: WHO, WHY, WHAT and HOW.

Beginning to write without thinking your speech through is a bit like heading off on a journey not knowing why you're traveling or where you're going to end up. You can find yourself lost in a deep, dark, murky muddle of ideas very quickly!

Pulling together a speech overview or outline is a much safer option. It's the map you'll follow to get where you want to go.

Get a blank speech outline template to complete

Click the link to find out a whole lot more about preparing a speech outline . ☺ You'll also find a free printable blank speech outline template.  I recommend using it!

Understanding speech construction

Before you begin to write, using your completed outline as a guide, let's briefly look at what you're aiming to prepare.

  • an opening or introduction
  • the body where the bulk of the information is given
  • and an ending (or summary).

Imagine your speech as a sandwich

Image: gourmet sandwich with labels on the top (opening) and bottom (conclusion) slices of bread and filling, (body). Text: Key ingredients for a superb speech sandwich.

If you think of a speech as a sandwich you'll get the idea.

The opening and ending are the slices of bread holding the filling (the major points or the body of your speech) together.

You can build yourself a simple sandwich with one filling (one big idea) or you could go gourmet and add up to three or, even five. The choice is yours.

But whatever you choose to serve, as a good cook, you need to consider who is going to eat it! And that's your audience.

So let's find out who they are before we do anything else. 

Step 2: Know who you are talking to

Understanding your audience.

Did you know a  good speech is never written from the speaker's point of view?  ( If you need to know more about why check out this page on  building rapport .)

Begin with the most important idea/point on your outline.

Consider HOW you can explain (show, tell) that to your audience in the most effective way for them to easily understand it.   

Writing from the audience's point of view

how to write handover speech

To help you write from an audience point of view, it's a good idea to identify either a real person or the type of person who is most likely to be listening to you.

Make sure you select someone who represents the "majority" of the people who will be in your audience. That is they are neither struggling to comprehend you at the bottom of your scale or light-years ahead at the top.

Now imagine they are sitting next to you eagerly waiting to hear what you're going to say. Give them a name, for example, Joe, to help make them real.

Ask yourself

  • How do I need to tailor my information to meet Joe's needs? For example, do you tell personal stories to illustrate your main points? Absolutely! Yes. This is a very powerful technique. (Click storytelling in speeches to find out more.)
  • What type or level of language is right for Joe as well as my topic? For example, if I use jargon (activity, industry or profession specific vocabulary) will it be understood?

Step 3: Writing as you speak

Writing oral language.

Write down what you want to say about your first main point as if you were talking directly to Joe.

If it helps, say it all out loud before you write it down and/or record it.

Use the information below as a guide

Infographic: The Characteristics of Spoken Language - 7 points of difference with examples.

(Click to download The Characteristics of Spoken Language  as a pdf.) 

You do not have to write absolutely everything you're going to say down * but you do need to write down, or outline, the sequence of ideas to ensure they are logical and easily followed.

Remember too, to explain or illustrate your point with examples from your research. 

( * Tip: If this is your first speech the safety net of having everything written down could be just what you need. It's easier to recover from a patch of jitters when you have a word by word manuscript than if you have either none, or a bare outline. Your call!)

Step 4: Checking tone and language

The focus of this step is re-working what you've done in Step 2 and 3.

You identified who you were talking to (Step 2) and in Step 3, wrote up your first main point.  Is it right? Have you made yourself clear?  Check it.

Graphic:cartoon drawing of a woman sitting in front of a laptop. Text:How to write a speech: checking tone and language.

How well you complete this step depends on how well you understand the needs of the people who are going to listen to your speech.

Please do not assume because you know what you're talking about the person (Joe) you've chosen to represent your audience will too. Joe is not a mind-reader!

How to check what you've prepared

  • Check the "tone" of your language . Is it right for the occasion, subject matter and your audience?
  • Check the length of your sentences. You need short sentences. If they're too long or complicated you risk losing your listeners.

Check for jargon too. These are industry, activity or group exclusive words.

For instance take the phrase: authentic learning . This comes from teaching and refers to connecting lessons to the daily life of students. Authentic learning is learning that is relevant and meaningful for students. If you're not a teacher you may not understand the phrase.

The use of any vocabulary requiring insider knowledge needs to be thought through from the audience perspective. Jargon can close people out.

  • Read what you've written out loud. If it flows naturally, in a logical manner, continue the process with your next main idea. If it doesn't, rework.

We use whole sentences and part ones, and we mix them up with asides or appeals e.g. "Did you get that? Of course you did. Right...Let's move it along. I was saying ..."

Click for more about the differences between spoken and written language .

And now repeat the process

Repeat this process for the remainder of your main ideas.

Because you've done the first one carefully, the rest should follow fairly easily.

Step 5: Use transitions

Providing links or transitions between main ideas.

Between each of your main ideas you need to provide a bridge or pathway for your audience. The clearer the pathway or bridge, the easier it is for them to make the transition from one idea to the next.

Graphic - girl walking across a bridge. Text - Using transitions to link ideas.

If your speech contains more than three main ideas and each is building on the last, then consider using a "catch-up" or summary as part of your transitions.

Is your speech being evaluated? Find out exactly what aspects you're being assessed on using this standard speech evaluation form

Link/transition examples

A link can be as simple as:

"We've explored one scenario for the ending of Block Buster 111, but let's consider another. This time..."

What follows this transition is the introduction of Main Idea Two.

Here's a summarizing link/transition example:

"We've ended Blockbuster 111 four ways so far. In the first, everybody died. In the second, everybody died BUT their ghosts remained to haunt the area. In the third, one villain died. His partner reformed and after a fight-out with the hero, they both strode off into the sunset, friends forever. In the fourth, the hero dies in a major battle but is reborn sometime in the future.

And now what about one more? What if nobody died? The fifth possibility..."

Go back through your main ideas checking the links. Remember Joe as you go. Try each transition or link out loud and really listen to yourself. Is it obvious? Easily followed?

Keep them if they are clear and concise.

For more about transitions (with examples) see Andrew Dlugan's excellent article, Speech Transitions: Magical words and Phrases .

Step 6: The end of your speech

The ideal ending is highly memorable . You want it to live on in the minds of your listeners long after your speech is finished. Often it combines a call to action with a summary of major points.

Comic Graphic: End with a bang

Example speech endings

Example 1: The desired outcome of a speech persuading people to vote for you in an upcoming election is that they get out there on voting day and do so. You can help that outcome along by calling them to register their support by signing a prepared pledge statement as they leave.

"We're agreed we want change. You can help us give it to you by signing this pledge statement as you leave. Be part of the change you want to see!

Example 2: The desired outcome is increased sales figures. The call to action is made urgent with the introduction of time specific incentives.

"You have three weeks from the time you leave this hall to make that dream family holiday in New Zealand yours. Can you do it? Will you do it? The kids will love it. Your wife will love it. Do it now!"

How to figure out the right call to action

A clue for working out what the most appropriate call to action might be, is to go back to your original purpose for giving the speech.

  • Was it to motivate or inspire?
  • Was it to persuade to a particular point of view?
  • Was it to share specialist information?
  • Was it to celebrate a person, a place, time or event?

Ask yourself what you want people to do as a result of having listened to your speech.

For more about ending speeches

Visit this page for more about how to end a speech effectively . You'll find two additional types of speech endings with examples.

Write and test

Write your ending and test it out loud. Try it out on a friend, or two. Is it good? Does it work?

Step 7: The introduction

Once you've got the filling (main ideas) the linking and the ending in place, it's time to focus on the introduction.

The introduction comes last as it's the most important part of your speech. This is the bit that either has people sitting up alert or slumped and waiting for you to end. It's the tone setter!

What makes a great speech opening?

Ideally you want an opening that makes listening to you the only thing the 'Joes' in the audience want to do.

You want them to forget they're hungry or that their chair is hard or that their bills need paying.

The way to do that is to capture their interest straight away. You do this with a "hook".

Hooks to catch your audience's attention

Hooks come in as many forms as there are speeches and audiences. Your task is work out what specific hook is needed to catch your audience.

Graphic: shoal of fish and two hooked fishing lines. Text: Hooking and holding attention

Go back to the purpose. Why are you giving this speech?

Once you have your answer, consider your call to action. What do you want the audience to do, and, or take away, as a result of listening to you?

Next think about the imaginary or real person you wrote for when you were focusing on your main ideas.

Choosing the best hook

  • Is it humor?
  • Would shock tactics work?
  • Is it a rhetorical question?
  • Is it formality or informality?
  • Is it an outline or overview of what you're going to cover, including the call to action?
  • Or is it a mix of all these elements?

A hook example

Here's an example from a fictional political speech. The speaker is lobbying for votes. His audience are predominately workers whose future's are not secure.

"How's your imagination this morning? Good? (Pause for response from audience) Great, I'm glad. Because we're going to put it to work starting right now.

I want you to see your future. What does it look like? Are you happy? Is everything as you want it to be? No? Let's change that. We could do it. And we could do it today.

At the end of this speech you're going to be given the opportunity to change your world, for a better one ...

No, I'm not a magician. Or a simpleton with big ideas and precious little commonsense. I'm an ordinary man, just like you. And I have a plan to share!"

And then our speaker is off into his main points supported by examples. The end, which he has already foreshadowed in his opening, is the call to vote for him.

Prepare several hooks

Experiment with several openings until you've found the one that serves your audience, your subject matter and your purpose best.

For many more examples of speech openings go to: how to write a speech introduction . You'll find 12 of the very best ways to start a speech.

how to write handover speech

That completes the initial seven steps towards writing your speech. If you've followed them all the way through, congratulations, you now have the text of your speech!

Although you might have the words, you're still a couple of steps away from being ready to deliver them. Both of them are essential if you want the very best outcome possible. They are below. Please take them.

Step 8: Checking content and timing

This step pulls everything together.

Check once, check twice, check three times & then once more!

Go through your speech really carefully.

On the first read through check you've got your main points in their correct order with supporting material, plus an effective introduction and ending.

On the second read through check the linking passages or transitions making sure they are clear and easily followed.

On the third reading check your sentence structure, language use and tone.

Double, triple check the timing

Now go though once more.

This time read it aloud slowly and time yourself.

If it's too long for the time allowance you've been given make the necessary cuts.

Start by looking at your examples rather than the main ideas themselves. If you've used several examples to illustrate one principal idea, cut the least important out.

Also look to see if you've repeated yourself unnecessarily or, gone off track. If it's not relevant, cut it.

Repeat the process, condensing until your speech fits the required length, preferably coming in just under your time limit.

You can also find out how approximately long it will take you to say the words you have by using this very handy words to minutes converter . It's an excellent tool, one I frequently use. While it can't give you a precise time, it does provide a reasonable estimate.

Graphic: Click to read example speeches of all sorts.

Step 9: Rehearsing your speech

And NOW you are finished with writing the speech, and are ready for REHEARSAL .

how to write handover speech

Please don't be tempted to skip this step. It is not an extra thrown in for good measure. It's essential.

The "not-so-secret" secret of successful speeches combines good writing with practice, practice and then, practicing some more.

Go to how to practice public speaking and you'll find rehearsal techniques and suggestions to boost your speech delivery from ordinary to extraordinary.

The Quick How to Write a Speech Checklist

Before you begin writing you need:.

  • Your speech OUTLINE with your main ideas ranked in the order you're going to present them. (If you haven't done one complete this 4 step sample speech outline . It will make the writing process much easier.)
  • You also need to know WHO you're speaking to, the PURPOSE of the speech and HOW long you're speaking for

The basic format

  • the body where you present your main ideas

Split your time allowance so that you spend approximately 70% on the body and 15% each on the introduction and ending.

How to write the speech

  • Write your main ideas out incorporating your examples and research
  • Link them together making sure each flows in a smooth, logical progression
  • Write your ending, summarizing your main ideas briefly and end with a call for action
  • Write your introduction considering the 'hook' you're going to use to get your audience listening
  • An often quoted saying to explain the process is: Tell them what you're going to tell them (Introduction) Tell them (Body of your speech - the main ideas plus examples) Tell them what you told them (The ending)

TEST before presenting. Read aloud several times to check the flow of material, the suitability of language and the timing.

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how to write handover speech

how to write handover speech

How to Hand Over a Presentation to the Next Person

Shahid shahmiri.

how to write handover speech

Navigating the transition between speakers during a presentation is a pivotal moment that can significantly influence the flow and coherence of your message. Understanding “ how to hand over a presentation to the next person ” is not just about the mechanics of passing control but also about ensuring a smooth and professional transition that maintains audience engagement and preserves the continuity of the presentation. This guide offers strategic insights and practical tips to master the art of seamless presentation handovers.

Preparing for a Smooth Transition

Business team

1. Coordination and Rehearsal: Before the presentation, coordinate with the next speaker to discuss the transition point. Rehearsing this changeover can help both speakers feel more comfortable and ensure a smoother transition.

2. Clear Segmentation of Content: Ensure your research presentation is segmented between speakers. Each section should be self-contained to allow for a natural transition, yet cohesive enough to maintain the narrative flow.

3. Technical Setup and Familiarization: Familiarize yourselves with the technical setup, including how to switch slides and use the clicker. This avoids any awkward pauses or technical glitches during the handover.

Executing the Handover with Finesse

how to write handover speech

1. Signposting the Transition: As you approach the end of your segment, signal the upcoming transition. A simple statement like, “Now, I’ll hand over to [Next Speaker’s Name], who will explore [Next Topic],” provides a clear cue to the audience and the next speaker.

2. Summarize and Connect: Briefly summarize your key points to reinforce your message and provide a smooth segue to the next section. Highlight how your segment sets the stage for what’s coming next, creating a logical link between the two parts.

3. Physical Handover: The physical act of handing over the presentation should be as smooth as the verbal transition. Whether it’s passing a clicker or moving aside to welcome the next speaker, ensure this action is rehearsed and executed gracefully.

Enhancing the Transition Experience

how to write handover speech

1. Use Visual Cues: Incorporate a visual cue in the presentation slides to signify the transition, such as a “handover slide” with the next speaker’s name and topic. This visually prepares the audience for the change.

2. Maintain Engagement: During the handover, both speakers should engage with the audience. The departing speaker can introduce the next with a brief accolade, while the incoming speaker can express gratitude or a quick recap before diving into their segment.

3. Seamless Technological Transition: Ensure that any necessary technological switches, such as changing slide decks or adjusting microphones, are handled smoothly and quickly. Preparing these elements in advance minimizes disruption.

Conclusion: The Art of the Handover

Presentation handover is an art that enhances the professionalism and coherence of your presentation. By preparing thoroughly, executing the transition with clarity and finesse, and employing strategies to maintain audience engagement, you can ensure that the handover is not just a mere passing of the baton but a valuable component of a cohesive and compelling presentation narrative.

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christian handing over speech

Here is the christian handing over speech we have prepared in our pages here that you can have a look as you prepare for the occasion in church that is ahead of you/

This time of the year is when many workers of the church who have been serving are handing over to the next leaders whom God has chosen to serve for a period.

Below you can be able to download the speech that you can give as you hand over over to the next leader who is taking over from you.

Get the speech that we have given below here.

The speech below here is meant to inspire you to come up with one like that and if you need we customize and help you write according to your specifications, don't hesistate to contact us for help, we shall write and send it to you.

Meanwhile have a look at the sample christian handing over speech for a department head in church

how to write handover speech

Our Senior church pastor, the church administration and management, church members,friends and relatives.

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus.. Good morning!" Shalom shalem"

I'm honored through the mercies of our Lord Jesus to stand before you this day, I want to take this opportunity to thank our Almighty God who has given us this wonderful provision to share together during this special occasion.

It is a day I never wanted to come but finally it is here with us when am handing over the responsibility that God gave to me three years ago, When I came to the helm of leadership, I felt the work ahead is much and almost asked the Lord not to allow me take it but the Lord said I have to do it.

At first I prayed and fasted so that God can fill me with wisdom and knowledge to be able to handle the tasks bestowed upon.

I remember very well standing here and asking for your prayers and want to say thank you to all who took time to pray for me during the period I was heading this department, many gave me their advice and wise counsel which helped to lead well.

You can notice that together we have achieved a lot, you always stood by my side and I never felt a lot, let me say to you all that thank you very much for what you did, the Lord used you give me an encouragement and you motivated me to keep pushing ahead despite the unforeseeable challenges that always occurred within the three years that we walked together to move this department to what it is today.

After three years the Lord has said like He did to Moses that it is high time to hand over the baton to another Joshua who will continue with the work that the Lord Himself began, the Joshua that the Lord saw good to take over for the nest three years is with us here and is a person you already know, when you the time came we prayed and the Lord revealed to us and finally today am going to hand over to him.

I want to ask you that you accord him all that he needs to guide this department to the lever that the Lord wants and also pray for him so that God can fill him with the much needed wisdom and knowledge so that this department will achieve all the goals that we set when the church began.

Let me invite him now to give his speech.

Greetings in Jesus name!

Let me take this moment to thank our loving Father in heaven, for giving us this chance to be here today.

Thank you for each and every one of you for coming in large number to witness this occasion.

This is a rare moment that the Lord has given us to come together so that we can have this handing over that is taking place today, it has been a rewarding journey since I joined this department and have witnessed the hand of God.

When I joined this department, I found it in a level that needed a boost and I thank God for using me to bring some changes

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Dec 16, 2022

How to write farewell emails with 20 samples and a template

Whether you or someone else is leaving a company, use this guide with 20 example emails to wish farewell with email

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Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

Saying farewell just got easier with Flowrite. We’ve created the internet's longest and best guide on how to write magnificent farewell messages.

In this guide, we unpack the process of writing a farewell email, including the subject line, body copy, and sign-off.

We finish with 20 (yes 20!) farewell email samples covering pretty much any and every situation why you may need to say goodbye.

How to write a farewell email

So, you’ve decided to leave – now it’s time to say goodbye in a farewell email. When deciding how to write a farewell email, you’ve got to find the right balance.

You need to be warm, friendly, and polite while being positive about the future for those that have to stay. Sounds complicated, right? It’s pretty simple to follow our advice, structure, and samples. 

Farewell emails can include expressing emotions, explaining your decision, and establishing connections when you leave.

Let’s start with the obvious question of whether you should send a farewell email or not...

Should I send a farewell email?

Well, our answer is you should!

A farewell email is the last thing your colleagues will receive before you leave. It’s the final chance to send a formal thanks to your manager, colleagues, team, and organization.

Even if things haven’t worked out as you planned, your farewell is a chance to say goodbye and leave on good terms. Remember that your farewell email probably isn’t an appropriate place to raise issues or settle scores. 

Most farewell emails are sent on the last day of work, but they’re not the only thing you should do. If possible, you should always say farewell in person.

You may hate public speaking or lengthy long goodbyes, but a short and simple thank you to the team is probably enough. Of course, if you’re worried about what to say, you can always prepare a few words in advance. 

To sum up, saying goodbye in person and sending a farewell email are standard professional etiquette.

What to say in a farewell email

Farewell emails are both personal and professional. You can express to a person, team, or manager the impact they have had on you and your career. We spend so much time at work we establish strong relationships and friendships that can last a lifetime.

Some (but not all) employers invest in us, promote us, pay for training, and pay us well – so it’s only polite to say thanks! 

A farewell email is also part of professional etiquette. It’s an opportunity to draw a line under one experience and look forward to another. 

So, what to include in your farewell email? Each farewell email is personal, but here are a few tips:

  • Say you’re leaving, and (if going to a new job or place) say where
  • Thank people for your time 
  • Provide specific details of handover (if you’re messaging a client – more on this later!)
  • Say farewell and provide contact details
  • Wish them good luck
  • Sign off and say goodbye

Once you’ve sent your farewell email, it’s time to quit your applications, close your laptop, and move on.

What not to include in a farewell email

OK, so we’ll explain what goes into an excellent farewell email, but what makes a bad one? Here are some things to avoid in your farewell emails:

  • Lengthy emails – life is too short for reading rambling emails, so don’t send them
  • Quotes – use your own words, don’t use someone else's
  • Score-settling – a farewell email isn’t the process to raise grievances or issues, do that in person (or not at all)
  • Promote your new business – This is just a bad idea all around!
  • Embarrass anyone – You may have remembered some funny stories, but a farewell email is NOT the place to share them!

How to reply to a farewell email

The same principles apply when responding to a farewell email – keep things brief, polite, and professional.

Save personal reminisces and profound goodbyes for the in-person farewell lunch, dinner or party.

Some of the things you might want to say in a farewell email response include:

  • Good luck in your new role
  • Let’s stay in touch
  • Here are my contact details

Farewell email format

The farewell email format can be broken down into three parts: a farewell email subject line, body copy, and an ending. Let’s look at each section of the farewell email format in detail.

1. Farewell email subject line

The farewell email subject line is your opportunity to grab attention and get clicks.

You’re leaving, so you can basically say whatever you want, but we say keep it simple. Here are a few appropriate subject lines for farewell emails:

  • Farewell, and thanks for everything!
  • Thanks for all the great memories
  • Wishing you well in the future
  • I’m sorry to be leaving…

2. Farewell email body

In theory, you could just say I”m leaving, and provide a date, but that’s a little too stripped back! So instead, you will want to start by saying that you’re going and when. 

  • I’m messaging you to let you know that today is my last day. I’m leaving to join (company name), and I wanted to bid everyone farewell!

Of course, you could end the email here, but it’s professional etiquette to provide some extra information. 

  • I’ve worked at (company name) for 10 years and wanted to say I’ve loved every minute. Some Of my best memories include…

People always love to receive a thank you, so give them one.

  • Thank you for all your kind words and support. I’ve valued my experiences, and the time we have worked together. 

This structure works well for all types farewell emails, with some adaptation. It enables you to gather your thoughts and work through them logically.

Of course, you can develop your own templates or structures (although let’s hope you don’t need to send too many farewell emails!), but always be sure to say thanks, express positive thoughts about your experiences, and look to the future.

3. How to end a farewell email

Hasta la vista (baby), you’re almost out of there. But there may be reasons why you want to stay in touch – so it’s a good idea to add your contact details.

  • It would be great if you wanted to stay in touch! You can contact me on (insert details)

Are you off for a drink, meal, or party? If so, then add in the details. (Be sure to only send this to people you want to come with you!). 

  • We’re off for drinks on (insert date). Can you let me know if you want to join us?

We’re at the end now, so add a formal sign-off (Thanks, many thanks, kind regards. etc.) and your name.

Click send, close your computer, and get moving. It’s time for the next stage in your career.

10 farewell email samples

Trust us, you don't want to be the coworker who sends the terrible farewell email – and if you follow our advice and use our samples, you won’t be.

This section provides 10 solid gold farewell email samples that can be adapted, amended (and improved!). Saying goodbye just got easier.

1. Sample farewell email to boss

A farewell email to a boss is one where you can go into details and express gratitude for what they’ve done. In this email sample farewell to a boss, we provide a space for you to provide personal information, so process your thoughts and put them on to (virtual) paper!

2. Sample farewell email to a manager

This sample farewell email to a manager is a more formal approach to saying goodbye to senior management. In this email farewell sample to a manager, we offer to help if there are any questions they may have about customers, clients, or existing connections.

3. Sample farewell to company email

This sample farewell to a company is your classic group message to everyone. If there’s one message to master, it’s this one! In this farewell email sample to a company, we go big on the praise and the positives.

So say farewell in style with this sample!

4. Sample farewell email to an employee

This farewell email to employees is a way to engage with an individual. This isn’t a group message but a personal message to someone who has helped you, done great work, or gone beyond the day-to-day. This sample email farewell to an employee gives you the space to add your special message.

5. Sample farewell email to the team

If you’re leaving your team for new pastures, try to highlight the good times or performance of the team to strike a positive note in your email farewell.

We’re not too emotional in this sample farewell email to your team, but you can chop and change this if you need to!

6. Funny farewell party invitation email sample

We’ve written almost 100 blogs, posts, and in-depth articles telling you not to be funny, so why change now?

Well, in this funny farewell party invitation, you can let yourself be a bit freer – because you aren’t going to be working with these people again!

Just a warning not to attempt to be too funny or to send any messages that may offend or upset anyone.

7. Sample farewell lunch invitation email

Everyone loves a farewell lunch (especially if it’s free!). This email sample inviting colleagues to your farewell lunch provides all the details they’ll need to get them to attend.

Of course, it’s always worth adding elements like the menu to your lunch invitation emails so people know what they’re getting and can check for special dietary requirements.

8. Sample farewell email to business partners

Saying goodbye to business partners is different from colleagues and friends. Given your relationship, you’ll likely stay in touch, so this classy sample farewell email to your business partner (or partners), is about your personal feelings.

Stay strong, say what you feel, and follow our structure for the best business partner farewell.

9. Sample farewell email to customers

If you work closely with clients and customers, you can build a great connection that means you’ll want to say goodbye. In this customer farewell email sample, we say goodbye, farewell, and thanks for everything.

The last thing to mention is that you shouldn’t attempt to steal customers or clients away in your farewell messages. Instead, leave it at farewell and let them find you if they want to.

10. Sample farewell email to vendors

Like the message above, the email farewell to vendors includes a personal message and a professional handover. You’ll see how this sample farewell email to vendors covers the basics but provides space for you to add your extras.

Farewell email to colleagues

Are you messaging your colleagues or co-workers? It can be hard to tell the differences, but we consider the Merriam-Webster definition pretty straightforward:

  • Colleagues are professionals in the same industry but not necessarily the same business
  • Co-workers are the people you work with daily

Hopefully, this makes sense. It should also explain what messages to colleagues can seem more professional and formal than emails to coworkers. You’re writing to people who understand what you do, so you don’t need to dumb down the details. 

In the age of LinkedIn, you may wonder why you bother sending a farewell email to colleagues. Sure, it’s old-school – but it’s also effective at maintaining connections and keeping people up to date. (And, let’s be honest, do you read and remember every Linkedin update? We don’t!)

How to write a farewell email to colleagues: 

The great news is that the structure identified above works for email farewells to colleagues. While you don’t have to change the structure, you’ll want to check the tone of voice and include all new contact details. 

One of the critical elements of a message to a colleague is to connect with you as you move. For example, let’s say you’re a high-profile lawyer, and you move firm. If someone had a prospective client for you, your farewell email would ensure they have all the correct details. Fail to send it, and they get the dreaded out-of-office…

Let’s get into the details of how to write farewell emails to colleagues and show you some samples.

Farewell email to colleagues subject line

The farewell email to colleagues subject line can be as dull and boring as:

  • Farewell from me

But that doesn’t tell you much, does it? So instead, you should add some details to your subject lines to bring them to life.

  • I’m moving to (new firm) for a new challenge
  • Update: I’m leaving (company) today!
  • Breaking news: I’m joining (company name)!

It’s your choice to keep it simple or add more details – just make it easy for your colleagues to scan emails for more information. 

4 sample farewell emails to colleagues

Now it’s time to show you how it’s done. Here are 4 sample farewell emails to colleagues. If you’re leaving your company, you’re likely moving somewhere else – so you’ll want to ensure established connections come with you on the journey. Your professional network is the best way of identifying opportunities and pushing on your career.

We’ve provided both formal and informal approaches that you can use depending on your industry and relationships. Then, like every fantastic Flowrite template, edit, update, and amend these to get them right.

1. Casual farewell email to colleagues sample

We started by telling you that farewell emails to colleagues should be formal, but they don’t always have to be! This informal farewell email to colleagues is a fun and friendly approach to letting people know you’re moving on.

2. Sample farewell email to colleagues leaving the company

If a colleague is leaving the organization, you’ll want to say goodbye and wish them well. This farewell email to a colleague provides some kind sentiments to the person who is leaving and details for how to stay in touch. This sample farewell email to colleagues is flexible enough for you to add more details if you want to.

3. Funny farewell email to colleagues sample

It’s hard to be funny on the page, but sometimes dropping in an anecdote or story can bring a farewell email to colleagues to life. So, don’t be rude or controversial, but injecting a bit of personality into a message will ensure you’re remembered positively. Use this funny farewell email sample to raise a smile. 

4. Sample farewell party invitation email to colleagues

It’s party time, so it’s time to get people together. This farewell email inviting colleagues to a party explains what’s happening, when, and why. It’s a simple invite, but you can always add a bit of personality to spice it up. 

Farewell email to coworkers

We’ve covered emails to colleagues; now it’s time to message your co-workers. Your co-workers are the people you share everything with, the good and bad, the ups and downs. As a result, your messages can (and should) be more personal.

These are people you have built relationships with and who may have supported you, so feel free to go into details and acknowledge that.

On the flip side, if you’ve felt you’ve been poorly treated or have a problem with a colleague, your leaving email isn’t a suitable place to settle scores. We provide samples below to illustrate what we mean, but you need to work on these to add your personality.

Farewell email to coworkers subject line

Let’s start with the farewell email to coworker's subject line. Given this isn’t going to end up outside the organization, you have some freedom. You can be professional, personal, formal, or funny. It’s your choice. Here are a few examples of subject lines for a farewell email to your coworkers.

  • I’m leaving today
  • Farewell on my last day!
  • I'm leaving (but not on a jet plane)
  • Some final words before I bid farewell
  • Don’t be sad I’m leaving…

4 sample farewell emails to coworkers

Now, we provide 4 sample farewell emails to coworkers to show you how it’s done. These can be used as the basis for your own emails, but be sure to edit, update and personalize them. Fill in the gaps, add your stories, and make your messages memorable!

1. Casual farewell email to coworker sample

You can be a bit more relaxed when writing farewell messages to coworkers. Use this sample as the basis for your own ideas and inspirations. In this casual farewell email, we say thanks for everything and provide a basic structure for you to share your memories, and messages for the future.

2. Farewell email to coworker leaving the company sample

This sample email to a coworker leaving the company covers all the essential elements you need to say. It’s about thanking someone for their service, complimenting them on their company, and wishing them well for the future. 

3. Funny farewell email to coworker sample

It’s hard to be humorous, but we try it in this funny farewell email to a coworker. So it’s not LOL, ROFL, or fall over funny, but it’ll raise a smile – and sometimes that’s enough. Add some extra information and anectotes for the biggest impact.

4. Farewell party invitation email to coworker sample

A farewell party is a chance to say goodbye, and you’ll want your colleagues there, right? If so, this party invitation email to say farewell is for you! Don’t forget to drop in the date, time, and location. 

Farewell email to clients

Emailing your clients when you leave is a little more complicated. You’ll want to say goodbye and tell them you’re leaving, but you must respect their relationship with your previous employer.

Some businesses have rules in place to protect them – including taking legal action if you attempt to steal a client away. We suggest being cautious with your farewells, and keeping them friendly but formal. 

How to write a farewell email to clients

As we’ve explained above, your farewell messages to clients should be simple thank you messages that advise them where you’re going.

You can add a thank you and provide links to your social profiles, but it’s probably inappropriate to link to your new employer's website or provide your new company email address. This is a big professional no-no!

Part of this is about providing a professional handover; the other part is a personal courtesy to the people you’ve worked with. Here is how to write farewell emails to clients.

Farewell email to clients subject line

Now’s not the time to get funny or try to be smart. These subject lines for farewell emails to clients are basic and boring, but they’re 100% suitable for the situation. Again, if you’ve got a personal friendship, break out of the formality, but in all other situations, keep it clear. 

  • I’m leaving (company name)
  • I’m leaving (company name) on (date)
  • Your account is being passed to my colleague…

2 sample farewell emails to clients

Because farewell emails to clients follow the same simple formula, we’ve only got two examples. Still, these should provide enough material for you to create your own farewell messages. 

1. Professional farewell email to client sample

This farewell email to a client follows the formal structure, and can be used in all professional situations. It’s simple to read, clear, and provides contact details for the future. This professional farewell email to a client can be used when you leave a business or the account. 

2. Farewell email to a client informing about leaving the company sample

When you’re leaving a business for good, it’s a great idea to reach out to your clients to let them know who they need to speak to. This farewell email to a client also works as a professional handover to a colleague.

Because you're likely to send this to the client and the internal lead, the message isn’t particularly personal. If you want to add this to your messages, you have the space and the freedom to do so within this sample. 

Farewell email template

If you’ve read this far, you’ll know pretty much all there is – but we’ll finish in traditional Flowrite style with an email template. This email template to say farewell follows the structure set out and can be easily adapted by simply replacing sample text with yours. 

Final words

That was a long post, but writing professional farewell emails and messages is a complex subject that demands care and attention.

Sure, you can just dash out a quick note saying thanks and goodbye, but our farewell email structure and samples show you how to do so in style. Great farewell messages will leave your customers, colleagues, clients, and co-workers feeling sad to see you go and keen to stay in touch.

They will strengthen your professional standing and build stronger relationships – and you may also make them smile, too!

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  • Condolences & What To Say

How to Write an Inspiring Farewell Speech: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/7/2022

Published 05/14/2020

Kate Wight, BA in English

Kate Wight, BA in English

Contributing writer

Follow these steps to write an inspiring farewell speech and read a few examples to help you get started.

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There are many times in our lives when we have to say goodbye to the people we care about. We may retire or switch jobs. We may move away or graduate. We may even die. If you’re leaving a place or situation, you may be asked to give a farewell speech.

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: determine your audience, step 2: figure out what you want to say, step 3: make an outline, step 4: be personal, step 5: don’t speak for too long, step 6: practice makes perfect, sample farewell speeches.

This can be nerve-wracking for people who aren’t experienced in writing speeches or speaking in public. You may be tempted to just read a farewell poem and call it a day. But even a novice writer can craft an inspiring farewell speech.

Here, we’ll break down how to write one step-by-step and also provide examples of farewell speeches from several different occasions.  

Giving a farewell speech determine your audience image

Knowing who you’re speaking to will determine the tone of your speech. If you’re giving a retirement speech or saying goodbye to a co-worker, you’ll want to be slightly more formal. It’s definitely not the right place to engage in risqué humor.

If you’re a valedictorian speaking to your classmates, strive for an uplifting and inspirational tone. If you’re eulogizing yourself at a living funeral, you can be more irreverent than you might be eulogizing someone else. Give thought to the appropriate tone for the occasion and go on from there. 

Even professional writers and public speakers can’t just whip up a speech in one draft. Before you start writing, take some time to jot down some ideas.

Are there particular stories you want to share about your time with the people you’re speaking to? Make a note of them. Are there specific anecdotes about coworkers or friends you want to revisit? Write those down, too. Once you’ve narrowed down what you want to say, you’ll find it a lot easier to begin writing.

Once you’ve figured out what you want to say, it’s time to write up an outline. A speech should include the following components:

  • Introduction: This will set the tone for the rest of your speech. A good introduction will grab people’s attention and keep it on you. A good introduction will include a greeting to the audience. It may also contain an icebreaker like a joke to loosen up the crowd. Finally, it will let people know the purpose of the speech.
  • Body: This is the meat of your speech. In the body, you can delve into the stories and anecdotes you wrote down in your brainstorming session. You will likely be talking about a few different events, so make sure to include transitions between events.
  • Conclusion: Finally, you’ll need to wrap up your speech. Most conclusions will summarize things you’ve already covered. For a farewell speech, you may want to end on a poignant note, even if the rest of your speech has been fairly lighthearted. This lends it emotional resonance. 

Giving a farewell speech be personal image

You may want to make your speech feel perfect and polished. The problem with that is that a perfectly polished speech can end up feeling a little generic.

It’s important to infuse your speech with personal and specific stories. This will help your audience feel more connected to what you’re saying. 

Once you’ve completed your speech, it’s time to edit it down. People may start to tune you out if you go on for too long. Even if your introduction is attention-grabbing, it won’t keep people engaged indefinitely. Five minutes is an appropriate length for more casual speeches. For a more formal farewell speech, you could speak for up to ten minutes. This might apply to a valedictorian speech at graduation or a retirement dinner for an important company figure. 

Ultimately, you need to use your best judgment. Read your speech out loud, being sure to speak slowly and clearly enough to be understood. Factor in pauses for laughter during humorous moments. If your speech is too long, then go through and trim out any unnecessary parts. This will ensure your speech is as strong and memorable as possible.

You may think that once your speech is written, you’re all done. But there’s still one more important step. You need to be comfortable delivering your speech. This means practicing it as many times as it takes.

A lot of people will rush through speeches if they feel nervous or uncomfortable in front of a crowd. Practicing it at the correct speed will help ensure you don’t speak too fast on the actual day of a farewell event. It’s almost like muscle memory. As you practice, you can even note spots where you need to breathe or take a sip of water. Being prepared for little things like that can make you feel more confident.

Practicing can also help you memorize your speech. However, this doesn’t mean that you need to go up without cards or notes. Even the most well-prepared person can have a forgetful moment. Without notes, you may panic and go completely blank.

Keep your speech in front of you so you’re able to quickly pick up where you left off. Just don’t rely on your notes too heavily, either. You want to connect with the audience by making eye contact. Practicing and preparing can help you strike the right balance.  

Sample farewell speech for retirement image

Now that we’ve broken down the steps that go into writing a farewell speech, we’ll share some examples. You can see how to say goodbye to coworkers through a touching retirement speech. You can see how people say goodbye when graduating or moving away.

You can even see how someone eulogizes themselves at a living funeral . Read on for excerpts from all of these kinds of farewell speeches:

Example for saying goodbye at work or retirement

“Over the past twenty years, I’ve seen this company grow from five people to over five hundred. But even though the office has changed significantly over the years, some things remain the same. We are truly like a family here. We’re just a much larger family than we used to be. 

But just because I’m retiring, it doesn’t mean I don’t still care about every one of you. A family doesn’t stop being a family just because someone moves away. Anytime you need to talk, I’m just a phone call away.” 

Example for saying farewell at the end of someone’s life

“I’ve attended an unfortunately large number of funerals in the past several years. This is the first time I’ve ever attended my own, though. 

I decided to have a living funeral after burying so many of my other friends who also had terminal illnesses. I thought it was a real shame that they didn’t get to hear their friends and family members celebrate them. Perhaps selfishly, I want to hear all of you talk about how awesome I am.

But more than that, I wanted to take this opportunity to celebrate you, too. If you’re here, it’s because I can never fully express how much your support has meant to me while I’ve battled this illness. You’ve all helped me in so many ways. You’ve driven me to treatments. You’ve organized meal trains to feed my family. You’ve cleaned my house. You’ve taken care of my kids. You’ve told me jokes and let me vent. You’ve laughed with me and cried with me. You’ve been there for me in so many ways.

As you all know, we’ve hit a point where treatment isn’t doing anything to help anymore. I’ve gone ahead and discontinued it because it’s making me feel terrible and not actually doing anything. I’d rather go out peacefully and say goodbye on my own terms. And what better way to do that than throw myself a funeral party? So everyone please enjoy some food and music. And don’t forget to come over and tell me how great I am, because I do want to hear it.” 

Example for students or teachers

“Over the past four years, our class has been through a lot together. We’ve had ups and downs, but no matter what, we’ve always come through it closer than ever. Maybe it’s because we’re such a small school. While we might not all be the closest of friends, we don’t have the same cliques you might find at other schools. That might also be because many of us have been in school together since kindergarten. In a lot of ways, we’ve always been like a team. 

Now that we’re all going off to college, many of us will be on our own for the first time. It’s bound to be an enormous challenge for some. But I have faith in every single one of us. We’re graduating from a highly-competitive college prep school. Everything we’ve been through has prepared us for this.

We may be small fish going into a big pond. But we’re some of the smartest and toughest small fish you’re going to find. And ultimately, even if we end up scattered across the country, I know I’ll always be able to count on you. And I hope you know you can always reach out to me, too.”

Example for someone who’s moving away

“Moving away from friends isn’t exactly new for me. With a wife in the military, I end up having to pack up every few years to move. I know you all know what that experience is like. But this is definitely the hardest time I’ve ever had packing up to go.

Y ou don’t always encounter a lot of other civilian husbands living on base. It’s been incredible having a built-in support system with other dads and husbands who understand what this life is like. I’m really going to miss having our families all get together for cookouts on the weekends.”  

Writing an Inspiring and Memorable Farewell Speech: Tips, Tricks, and Examples 

When you’re leaving people behind, it’s hard to know how to say goodbye . You may worry that you won’t be able to properly express what the people in your life have meant to you.

Just follow the steps above and remember to speak from your heart. At the end of the day, that’s what will have the most impact.  

And if you're interested in unique ways to continue someone's legacy after their passing, you can consider a custom urn from a store like Foreverence  or even have a memorial diamond made from ashes with a company like  Eterneva .


  • Legacy Projects

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Step by Step Anchoring Guide

Step by Step Anchoring Guide

An anchor is a person who hosts an event and having the main role in narrating or hosting a program at school, college, university or anywhere else. When you are selected to host an event, you need to understand your responsibilities beforehand. You need to make sure that your skills are perfect and get opportunities to interact with people from different fields. You must continuously improve speaking skills and what it requires for a successful event is a lot of effort, preparation, and well-written script. The following article is a step by step Anchoring guide for function.

Related Article: Anchoring Tips (How to be a good anchor or compère)


Yesterday was a dream, tomorrow is a vision,  but a day well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope.

Carrying the same vision, we (insert name of the academy) family successfully completes 13 glorious and tremendous years of its existence.

Namashkar!!! Assalam-un-Alykom

(1st Anchor name) aur main (2nd Anchor name) Aaj ki is suhani sham mein aapka haardik abhinandan karte hain.

Check:   Best Commencement or Opening lines

Welcoming Guests and Audience

Anchoring Script for Welcoming Guests in the Function

We extend a very warm welcome to our honorable Chairperson Board of Directors, Respected Director Sir, Members of the Board of Governors, Members of the Senate, Members of the Finance Commision, Deans And Divisional Heads, Faculty And Staff Members and all our friends.

1st Anchor:  We extend our heartiest welcome to the new members of our family, you are the hope, the forbearers of tomorrow, you carry the mantle. You are up for a breathing journey, enjoy the ride.

Check: More scripts for welcoming

2nd Anchor: (Insert inauguration date of the academy) the historical day when the foundation stone of our institution was laid. Its amazing to how we transformed from small rented premises in the (insert the address) Campus to a full-fledged innovative campus renowned for its marvelous infrastructure in such a short span of time.

1st Anchor:   Our institution was conferred the deemed university status in_________ and since then there has been no looking back. What more proof do we need that it has grown from a handful in a mere span of time.

Calling Chairperson for a Speech

How to Call the Principal on the Stage to address?

After inviting the guests on to the dais and honoring them with bouquets, it is our tradition to have a welcome address. The anchor may invite someone representing the institute to welcome the guests and all the invitees one by one. You can use the following lines:

I would now request our Chairperson of Cultural Affairs to please escort our honorable to the die for the welcome address. Please, Sir.

Now we are going to listen and the most distinguished personality well versed shrewd personality none other than our chairperson and good excellent orator to address the audience.

Sample Welcome Speech:

The essential elements to cover in your welcome speech are:

  • to specifically acknowledge any important guests to generally welcome all the guests, stating the name of the event and host and thank them for coming
  • and to give a brief introduction of the host
  • to give a brief introduction of the occasion
  • and to give any especial welcomes i.e., to the important guests
  • to introduce the next speaker if appropriate

I am really privileged to have the pleasant task of welcoming the distinguished gathering for the academy annual day celebrations 2k18. On behalf of the (insert the name of your academy) and on my own behalf, I warmly and respectfully welcome the chief guest Mr,/Miss (insert the name here). We are highly honored that you are amongst us today and we are indeed, grateful to him/her for graciously and readily accepting our invitation. We are eagerly looking for his address.

Let me extend my thanks to Mr./Miss (insert the name here) who had always been with us and his presence is always a morale boost for us. I thank him for making his presence despite his busy schedule.

And a warm word of welcome to (insert the name and position) we are waiting with full of ebullience to listen to your motivational words. A hearty welcome to our principal (insert the name). He has an indomitable spirit to maintain the discipline. His personal academic achievements are a source of motivation for us.

Now, I am pleased to invite all the committed teaching and non-teaching staff of (insert the name of the academy). My word of welcome goes next to all the invitees, the parents and the vibrant students of (insert the name of the academy).”I thank you all for attending .i look forward to wonderful events to follow. Thank you”

Also Read: Welcome Speech Sample in English

After the Speech:

Thank you, sir, your enlightened words would always enshrine in our hearts.

“Life doesn’t require that we be the best, only that we try our best.”

So friends try your best for success, try to be as efficient as possible. I wish you all the very best. Ladies and gentleman let’s contribute to the success of this management fest, tet’s create a history…

How to Call the Students to Perform on the Stage?

Now it’s activity time.

Dance:  Without taking much of your time, permit us to call our talented students to perform on the stage. There will be a fan dance by kids from class__________. The dance involves  various movements, figures and mesmerizing formations which engrosses its audience to the core.)

That was indeed a lovely performance. How captivating! the poetry of footsteps !! A blend of cosmic tune and divine music. 

Now HOLD YOUR BREATH FOR another dance performance CANDLE DANCE which perhaps is one of the oldest dance forms in the world. Dancing with flames bring us to a more elemental and archetypical state of mind. This mesmerizing, powerful and alluring candle dance performance requires full body integration.

Wow! incredible. The young dancers really held everyone captive. An essay on creativity. A firework of rapid moving steps. Awesome!

More Phrases: 

  • Now we are going to have a very flamboyant and raucous event.
  • Now, we are going to have a rocking performance by____________.
  • Let’s give a big round of applause to___________, who is going to sing a melodious song for us.
  • That was a splendid performance b___________.
  • It was an incredible dancing performance by__________.
  • Wow… what an amazing performance.

How to Request the Guest to Address the Audience

Developing Vocal Variety in Speech

In most of the events after covering some activities, the anchor calls the guest to come on the stage and address to the audience. To do so, you can use the following lines:

  • Ladies and Gentlemen, we rarely get this kind of an opportunity to listen to the words of great personality Mr./Ms/Sir/Smt/Dr./Prof______________________, So let us have the privilege of listening to the message of Mr./Ms/Sir/Smt/Dr./Prof____________________
  • I Invite Mr./Ms/Sir/Smt/Dr./Prof____________ to address the gathering
  • Now, let us have the pleasure of listening to the opening remarks of the Honourable principal.
  • That was really an inspiring speech. Sir, On behalf of all the students of our college, I promise to put your words into practice
  • Thank you, sir, for your cogent message, we are charmed by your sharp eloquence.
  • Sir/madam, I thank you for making such a thought-provoking speech.
  • Thank you, sir/madam, we have now come to know your secret of success, you have just now preached what you have practiced. I assure you that we would follow in your footsteps to reach the stars.
  • That was really an amazing speech, wasn’t it (to the audience…).  Sir/Madam, I must tell you that you have got the gift of the gab (ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe you).
  • Thank you, sir… Thank you for your words of wisdom.

Prize Distribution

Prize Distribution Script in English

Success is the maximum utilization of the ability that you have.

We now have the prizes for the competitions and events organized by the various classes. We thank all the organizers and members for their distinct contribution to the co-curriculum memorandum of our institution.

  • To honor the abilities of__________students and to praise them. I would like to call upon our respected………………….to give away the prizes.
  • Now it’s time to honor our students who excelled in academic part. I request our Chief guest to honor, the class toppers.
  • Studies while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing, and dream while others are wishing. Proving the proverb our students have excelled in various competitions.
  • Any man’s life will be filled with constant and unexpected encouragement if he makes up his mind to do his level best each day. With the same zeal and enthusiasm, our students have achieved great height in various fields of education.

Related Article: 

  • Best Anchoring Script for Convocation Ceremony
  • Prize Distribution Script


So friends try your best for success, try to be as efficient as possible. And as said by one of the greatest philosophers of all time Socrates “The only good is knowledge and the only evil is ignorance.” So I would like to thank all of you to be a part of this event.

I wish you all the very best.  Thank you one and all.

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how to write handover speech

This article is amazing nd very helpful,thank u

how to write handover speech


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Un headquarters, 15 january 2020, remarks at the handover ceremony of the chairmanship of the group of 77 and china, antónio guterres.

Excellencies, distinguished delegates, all protocol observed,   I want to start by deeply thanking the State of Palestine for its skilful efforts in guiding the work of the Group of 77 and China over the past 12 months.   At the handover ceremony last year, President Abbas stated that Palestine assumes the position with “humility, commitment, dedication and determination to uphold and defend the interests of the Group and to strengthen the positions of its members in the United Nations.”    You can look back with assurance that you have lived up to that commitment.   It was a crucial year for the Organization, and the Group of 77 was central to securing a good outcome for the United Nations in many important negotiations.   And Mr. Chairman, allow me a personal note.  I want to express my deep personal appreciation and gratitude to Minister Riyad Mansour.  You have conducted the work of the G-77 with enormous effectiveness and from the beginning to the end, I will say at the very end with the budget, you have shown your effectiveness and your generosity, always pursuing the global interests of the UN and defending the principals of the Group of 77.  Thank you very much.    I also congratulate Guyana as it assumes the Presidency for the coming year and wish to assure you of the continued support of the Secretariat and my Office.   And, finally, I want to thank the entire G77 membership.  On challenge after challenge, the G-77 has played a pivotal role in shaping priorities and driving change.    I am deeply grateful, in particular, for your support for the first annual budget and the ongoing reform efforts.   You know that budgets are far more than numbers.  Reforms are far more than processes.    The G77 has reminded the world that all of it is about making a real difference in the lives of people.   Allow me to focus on three issues.    First the reform process.  Second, the Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals and our wider agenda.  Third, a few words on the budget.   Excellencies,   I am deeply grateful to the G77 for its full engagement and strong support of my reform agenda – across our work in management, peace and security and development.    We are now moving ahead to better implement mandates and serve people while ensuring greater transparency, accountability and effectiveness.    We met our first milestones in 2019.   The new structures are functioning and enabling greater co-operation within and across the three pillars of the Organisation.   This year our reforms will move from structures and processes to implementation and results.     As you know, our management reforms are aimed at making the Organization more effective in implementing our mandates.    But, more important than all from the perspective of the G-77, our reform of the UN Development System is rooted in principles that the G77 itself has long championed – with eradication of poverty as our first objective; sustainable development at the core of our work; and ensuring international policy is aligned with national priorities and guided by national ownership.     I will continue to engage closely with all of you as we finalize, together, the two remaining mandates of this transformative process: the repositioning of the UN’s regional architecture to support the 2030 Agenda, and the strengthening of our multi-country-offices.   In 2020, our reform efforts will further align across the three reform tracks.   Our management structures will focus not only on providing better support to our headquarters activities and field operations, but also to the new resident coordinator system and our development activities in the field.     And we are moving towards creating a more diverse workforce – achieving gender parity, pushing for more equitable geographical distribution and greater regional diversity among staff, and opening new doors of opportunity for staff with disabilities.     We rely on your continued support.   Excellencies,   Let me now turn to our wider agenda.   Together with the Paris Climate Agreement and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a roadmap for tackling our common development challenges and achieving a fair globalization.   Last September’s week of Summits and High-level meetings provided leaders an opportunity to strengthen momentum around implementation.   At the Climate Action Summit, many countries, and most of them from the G-77, committed to raise their ambition on climate this year.   At meetings on the Samoa Pathway for Small Island Developing States and on Universal Health Coverage, we saw a surge in commitment to some of the most vulnerable people and countries.   At both the SDG Summit and the Financing Dialogue, we saw a new determination from member states to step up and scale up local, national, regional and global implementation efforts.   But, together with the disappointing outcome from COP 25 in Madrid, the high-level week also served as a wake-up call.   The change we need in poverty eradication, emissions reduction, employment creation or gender equality is simply not happening at the speed or scale required to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.    And the international cooperation and solidarity needed to bolster national efforts remains inadequate.   Excellencies,   The Decade of Action to deliver the Sustainable Development Goals is an opportunity to jolt the world into a new stage of accelerated implementation, action, solidarity and delivery.   And it is directly linked to the priorities that the G77 has put on the table and is driving forward.   The eradication of poverty in all its dimensions remains the single greatest global challenge and it will be a central pillar of the Decade of Action.   We will also need to work to advance those issues that are key to sustainable development – including eradicating poverty, climate action, gender equality and reducing inequalities both within and between countries.   Now is the time to generate greater public engagement, scalable solutions and higher ambition.   And we must also boost all sources of finance for development.   I want to repeat:    All developed countries must meet the commitments they made in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, including on official development assistance.   We must continue to support developing countries in creating conditions for mobilizing domestic resources and attracting private investment.     At the same time, the international community must take much more effective steps to fight illicit flows of capital, money laundering and tax evasion, which continue to drain vital resources from the developing world.    Excellencies,   In 2020, as we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations, we have a number of opportunities to generate progress across the range of challenges.   I will discuss these in greater depth in my address to Member States next week.    For example, the meeting to mark the 25th anniversary of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action can tackle the unfinished business of ensuring equal rights for women and girls and generating new momentum to deliver on commitments a quarter century ago.   And, of course, our efforts on the climate crisis will culminate this year at COP 26 in Glasgow.   The challenge is clear.   We need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent from 2010 levels by 2030 and to achieve net zero CO2 emissions by 2050.   We must be similarly determined to support adaptation efforts of developing countries and fulfil longstanding pledges for climate finance.   Glasgow must therefore deliver more ambitious national commitments, especially from the main emitters.   And it must also deliver ambition on mitigation.  Ambition on adaptation.  And ambition on finance.    Excellencies,   The number of people in need of lifesaving assistance is growing, primarily due to conflict but also natural disasters and the growing impacts of climate change.   Throughout 2020, United Nations humanitarian agencies will work to target resources even more strategically towards crisis prevention and to help those farthest behind.   We will also continue to work to promote digital connections worldwide.   Closing digital divides between poor and rich, women and men, and connecting all the world’s people by 2030 must be our shared priority.   Excellencies,   Last year, we managed to survive our deepest financial crisis in a decade – and I thank the G77 for your essential support.    Through unprecedented and painful measures, we avoided major disruptions to our global operations and met our payrolls.    However, the short- and medium-term impact of this liquidity crisis on our ability to deliver is impossible to ignore.   I hope to lift some of the stopgap measures in the coming days. And I hope that we can avoid reintroducing such measures in 2020.      But I am mindful that arrears have increased again at the end of [2019] in relation to the end of [2018].    Unless all member states pay their assessed contributions on time and in full, we risk receiving insufficient funds to implement the entire programme of work and full budget approved for 2020.    I will continue to manage our cash situation carefully, and I count on your continued support to help us avoid a deeper crisis.       To this end, I hope that we could find more sustainable solutions to our cash problems.   Over the years, we have spent our budgets on the assumption that we should receive sufficient cash at the start of each year to execute the entire budget smoothly during the year.    In reality, we receive nearly half in the first three months but almost a quarter comes only at the very end of the year, leaving a very poor liquidity situation especially from July to October.    We could manage in the cash-strapped months if we had sufficient liquidity reserves and more flexibility in managing our resources as a pool.    But our regular budget liquidity reserves are insufficient and structural impediments prevent us from minimizing the impact across programmes.    Our programme implementation is now increasingly being driven by the availability of cash, which is entirely against the way we should be working.    Last year, I put forward a few common-sense solutions to increase our liquidity reserves and resolve the structural impediments to help us manage resources more effectively.  They are even more valid today.    The G77 was vital in 2019 to finding solutions that will enable us to reduce our debt to troop contributing countries.  As a matter of fact, the effects are already being felt but they are short term.    You were also supportive of the level of regular budget resources that we requested for 2020.   I am most grateful and trust that I can count on you in 2020 to help the Organisation find a more sustainable solution to the cash crisis to the benefits of the people we serve.    As we look ahead, we need – and greatly appreciate – the vision, ideas, energy, and dedication of the G77 and China to our shared mission of advancing peace, sustainable development and human rights.   Let us make 2020 a year of collaboration and action that leads to dignity and opportunity for all people on a healthy planet.   Thank you. 

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Home » Blog » Step By Step Guide On How To Write Handing Over Notes In 2022

Step By Step Guide On How To Write Handing Over Notes In 2022

How To Write Handing Over Notes 2022 … Are you looking for a way to write handing over notes? If yes, then this informative article is for you. You will be given detailed information about how to write handing over notes in 2022.

Interestingly, you have been doing this since your high school days. Such is ideally represented by a handing over a speech by a school prefect and in many other ways. However, you are possibly in the corporate world by now, and you have to make sure your handover notes are representative of all points in a concise text.

Handing over data is a way to simplify progression. They are simple notes to ease the transition when someone is leaving a role for new staff. How does one sum up their previous work and clearly state the vital responsibilities of the new employee in a handover report?

What Purpose Does Handover Notes Fulfil?

What is handing over notes? Ease of transition and continuity of business is one of the core objectives of every firm. And since employees have the freedom to stay and leave, handover reports have become a necessary document to ascertain flow and uninterruptedness.

So, if you are about to jet off to your dream holiday or taking a sabbatical, doing a handing over note is one of the essential things to do. Of course, you ought to do it at your earliest convenience to save time. The following are functions of a handover note:

  • It is vital to ascertain that nothing integral is overlooked during the transition period. Regardless of the reason for the handover, some large and small matters ought to be conveyed. And without a detailed description, things might not come out clear.
  • Handover reports ascertain that the new employee seamlessly settles in their position and feels more comfortable and confident with the new role.
  • Handovers reduce the risk of knowledge and experience going with the leaving employee or one that is going on vacation.
  • A handover works as a cleansing process meaning that one leaves with a clean slate. If there were unfulfilled responsibilities, they will either be completed or communicated earlier to the new staff.

What Should Be In Your Handover Report?

Are you wondering how to prepare to hand over notes? Once you are aware of the constituents of this report, you will know what to include. Of course, different roles warrant different contents for the handover note that you will prepare. However, specific details remain constant.

In your previous role, you have specific daily tasks and processes that complete your day. These form your routine, and they will be an integral component of your handing over-report. Here, reliant on your role in the organization, you will detail your fundamental day-to-day activities. If necessary, highlight the ones that are pivotal to the proper fulfillment of the position.

What files do you require for your daily routine? Detail all of them in the report. If there are project deadlines that the new employee ought to know about, list them down in the report. Meeting deadlines is one of the critical objectives of every company since they determine proper functionality and fulfillment of client desires.

Do not forget to mention all housekeeping rules for the new staff and write down all crucial contacts they will require for the proper fulfillment of their role. Remember that every company’s responsibilities for even the same position might differ, so, ascertain that you tweak the contents of the handing over report accordingly.

How To Write Handing Over Notes

After you are familiar with the critical content to include in your handover note, it is time to create the final copy. The hardest part is putting everything into perspective. How can you structure the entire report to make sense to the new employee, who probably has never worked in the same position a day in their life?

It is a good idea to give a detailed handover to the new individual. Sometimes, you might feel disengaged because of the circumstance of your departure, or you might be burnt out.

Regardless of your scenario, leaving your position on good terms will ascertain a smooth transition in your previous role as well as where you are going. And you can do it in the following steps.

1. Preparing For The Handover

Discussing the handover with your manager is the starting point of the process. Your superior will inform you of the best approach since they are aware of the most integral areas to cover to ascertain proper continuity.

The manager will probably tell what to focus on in the handover note. Since it is an official document that can be referred to in the future, you ought to prepare it using a formal approach applying the manager’s insight.

Converse with your work colleagues to find out if there is something they would like you to highlight. Since they will be working with the new employee, it is vital to get some feedback on what they think is essential to ideal cohesion.

2. Create An Outline

This is where handing over notes and sample letters will come in handy. It would be best if you created an outline so that you can know the data to include. Since you have a clear idea of your manager’s or any of your superior’s expectations, this section will be easy.

3. Eliminate All Loose Ends

Loose ends can be the biggest problem for a new employee. You ought to put great emphasis to get rid of any instance. Loose ends mean work that you might not have completed or something that is already in transition and requires some following up.

Put all of these in your handing-over notes – they will be of great assistance to the person that is joining the new position.

4. Finalize The Document

The final process of writing a handover report is creating an official document that is informed by all of the above steps. Since you already created an outline, patching it up with all the relevant information will not be hard.

If your organization has a template that all exiting employees ought to utilize, get it from the relevant department. Do not forget to run through the document with your superiors and any other appropriate staff.

Handing over notes highlights numerous matters that are important to the proper fulfillment of a position left vacant for a variety of reasons. In the document, the composer will have details on ongoing projects, upcoming deadlines, and events, action items, and even matters that require troubleshooting.

All the details in the document depend on the job’s responsibilities. This means that some will be short and shallow, while others will be lengthy and well-detailed. Nonetheless, the importance of the information cannot be underestimated.

What’s your take on this? We believe this article was helpful, if yes, don’t hesitate to share this information with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, and other Social Platforms.

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Erin Wright Writing

Writing-Related Software Tutorials

How to Dictate Speech to Text in Microsoft Word (PC, Mac & Web)

By Erin Wright

Today, we are going to dictate speech to text in Microsoft Word. Here are some important notes before we get started:

  • You must be connected to the internet.
  • You must be signed into your Microsoft 365 account.
  • You must have an internal microphone in your computer or an external microphone connected to your laptop.
  • Word’s speech-to-text dictation isn’t available for every language.
  • Word’s speech-to-text dictation results aren’t always perfect, so allow yourself time for editing.

Watch all the steps shown here in real time!

Explore more than 300 writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel .

The images below are from Word for Microsoft 365. These steps also apply to Word for Microsoft 365 for Mac (a.k.a., Word for Mac) and Word for the web. These steps don’t apply to Word for mobile or older desktop versions of Word.

How to Dictate Speech to Text

  • Place your cursor in the document where you want the dictated text to appear.
  • Select the Home tab.
  • Select the Dictate button in the Voice group.

Dictate button in Word 365

The dictation menu will appear, and the Dictate button will turn blue, which indicates that the software is listening for your voice. You can start speaking immediately or adjust the settings, as shown below.

Dictate button in the Dictation menu in Word 365

  • Select the Settings button.

Settings button in the Dictation menu in Word 365

  • Customize the options in the Dictation Settings dialog box.
  • Select your language in the Spoken language
  • Select an option from the Microphone
  • Turn on Enable auto-punctuation if you don’t want to speak punctuation commands.
  • Turn on Filter sensitive phrases to prevent potentially inappropriate words from being dictated.
  • Select the Save button.

Dictation Settings dialog box in Word 365

  • Select the Dictate button (see figure 2).
  • Start talking when the button turns blue and starts to pulse.

Dictation Voice Commands

While dictating speech to text, you can use voice commands to control the dictation, format the text, and add punctuation . Here is a short list of some common commands:

  • Pause dictation
  • Stop dictation
  • Exit/Close dictation
  • Period, Full stop
  • Question mark
  • Exclamation mark/point
  • Open quotes
  • Close quotes

Visit the Microsoft Support website for a full list of voice commands.

  • Select the Closing X or say “Close dictation” when you are finished.

Close button in the Dictate menu in Word 365

Related Resources

How to Insert Audio Files in Microsoft Word

How to Insert Audio Files in Word for Mac

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GhIG | Ghana Institution of Geoscientists

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Outgoing President’s Speech and Handover Message

how to write handover speech

Prepared by Prof. Daniel Kwadwo Asiedu (GhIG President 2019- 21).

Mr. Chairman, GhIG Council members, Newly Elected Officers of the GhIG, General Membership of GhIG, Ladies and Gentlemen.

It gives me great pleasure, to be standing in front of you on this day, 16 th of December 2021, exiting my position as the President of GhIG for the past two years. Thank you for the privilege and opportunity you gave me to serve the Institution as President from 2019 till today. In the same breath, I congratulate Dr Anthony Duah who is succeeding me as President of the Institution and wish him well in his new role. I also wish him and all other elected officers of the Institution well in all their future endeavours. 

I would like to thank the Council members of GhIG for their selfless dedication to the affairs of the Institution. They served at a high level of commitment. They sacrificed their time and resources to work for the good of the institution at no financial cost to the Institution. Many times, they had to go through heavy traffic to attend Council meetings at the GhIG Secretariat located at the Geological Survey Department Head office. I will also want to thank the general membership of the Institution, particularly those who served on various committees of Council and those who participated in other activities of the Institution, including seminars and workshops.

Mr. Isaac Adjovu and the staff at the GhIG Secretariat, keep up the good work. Your work demands a high level of integrity and competence and you are so far doing a great job. Keep it up! 

As Council for the year 2019 to 2021, I would like to touch on some of our achievements, challenges, and some advice in the form of recommendations to our incoming Council. 

Mr Chairman, over the past two year amongst the achievements, are;

  • In August 2019, we successfully organized the Annual GhIG Conference (GHICON) at the University of Mines and Technology. The theme of the conference was: geoscience, environmental stewardship and society
  • In September 2019, we completed the review of the GhIG constitution and byelaws. Hardcopies were printed for members.
  • In October 2019, we successfully celebrated the International Earth Science Week. The theme for Earth Science Week was Geoscience Is for Everyone.
  • In October 2019, we created regional branches of the institution and elected Chairpersons for each of these regional branches
  • In December 2019. The Council established three (3) publication outlets: Journal of the Ghana Institution of Geoscientists, Bulletin of the Ghana Institution of Geoscientists, and Ghana Institution of Geoscientists Newsletter
  • In January 2020 editor-in-chief and publication managers were appointed for each of the 3 publication outlets. These officers are expected to form the Editorial Board, associate editors and establish the journal/bulletin/newsletter
  • In March 2020, A committee was formed to develop a document for the regulation of geoscience professional practice.
  • In July 2020 a series of webinars were organized to educate members and the general public on earthquakes and seismology.
  • November 2020. A virtual conference young geoscientists was organized. The theme of the conference was: Building the competencies of young geoscientists for academia and industry.
  • March 2021. Submitted documents to the Registrar General for the legislation of the Institution as a Professional Body
  • March 2021. A proposal has been sent to the Department of Earth Science, University of Ghana for partnership to run short professional development courses for our members and the Geoscience community.  

Mr. Chairman, the Council faced challenges in three main areas:

  • Covid-19 pandemic : Activities came to a halt by the end of the first quarter of the year due to the covid-19 pandemic. Because of the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated lockdowns and ban on meetings and gatherings, GHIGCON-2020 and GHIGCON-2021 could not come on. The covid also affected some of our Action plan for 2021 and 2021 which included awards nights, end-of-year get-together, engagement with industry, and frequency in the organisation of workshops, public lectures and symposia.
  • Finances : Even though our membership increased has increased significantly for the past two years this has not led to corresponding increase in the payment of dues. Also, inflation and the general the cost of living in the country increases every year. However, the levels of our dues payment has remained constant for more than the last 5 years. Finally, most of the funds we use to run the institution and pay for the salaries of the staff at the secretariat have been derived from sponsorship we obtain for our annual conferences. Since we have been unable to organise CHIGCON for 2021 and 2022, this has significantly affected our finances
  • Delivery of targets for the period (2019-21):  The work of the institution is sacrificial and members who are assigned work are not enumerated in anyway, therefore the they have to use their time and resources for free. This has affected the timeous delivery of targets. Of course, the covid-19 pandemic has also contributed to this situation.

Mr. Chairman, I end my speech by making the following 10 recommendations to the incoming Council:

  • Fuel public awareness and enthusiasm for Geoscience, through public lectures and other engagement initiatives, and provide information on the Geoscience relevant to people’s lives.
  • Institute training programmes for Geoscience graduates and equipping them with the skills needed for the job market.
  • Institute a mentorship programme for early career Geoscience professional GhIG members.
  • Institutionalize the celebration of the International Earth Science Week, to educate the general public on the importance of geoscience to their everyday living
  • Increase the financial base of the Institution through the establishment of GhIG Foundation 
  • Oversee the establishment of the Chartered Professional Geoscientists scheme for professional practitioners in the field of Geoscience, and promote their value across all Geoscience sectors.
  • Regulate the professional works of Geoscience practitioners in the country through the establishment of a Geoscience Council.
  • Establish a functional and effective sub-discipline branches such as Hydrogeology, Petroleum Geoscience, Environmental Geoscience, Mineral Geoscience, and Engineering Geoscience.
  • Partner with industry to engage in activities for our mutual benefit. 
  • Develop a 5-year strategic plan for the Institution.

I like to congratulate all the elected officers who have availed themselves to serve in the Ghana Institution of Geoscientists for the term 2021- 2023. I pledge my support to you and wish you all the best. 

To the incoming President Dr Anthony Duah, it is not going to be easy to lead GhIG as it has grown bigger and complex for the past four years. But with the support of the incoming executives, the Council, GhIG Secretariat, the general membership, and last but not least, your family, you should be able to sail through and effectively deliver on your mandate. Above all, ensure that you thoroughly enjoy your term as President of GhIG.

I thank you all, for your attention. May the Good Lord bless us all!

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Nathaniel Bruno Ansah

Mine and Exploration Geologist. I have a rich experience working within the Ashanti Gold Belt in Ghana. I have led and supervised several green field exploration programme within Denkyira and Wassa districts leading to the discoveries of many gold desposits in the environs. My experience runs through exploration, grade control, ROM pad management, mapping, GIS applications, geophysics, mine geotechnics and auditing drill sites/rigs. Possesses general understanding of drilling techniques and equipment, geochemistry application in exploration, sound understanding of mining operations, milling and maintenance operations. Experienced with mining related software (especially Acquire GIM, Leapfrog, Surpac and Datamine suits)

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  • Leave and Absence
  • Handover document

How to write a handover document

The art of a successful handover for smooth transitions in the workplace.

Someone handing over papers showing probation period and terms

First published on Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Last updated on Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Welcome to a workplace where efficiency reigns supreme, and seamless transitions become the norm. As an employer, you hold the key to unlocking benefits that can elevate your business' productivity and ensure a smooth operational flow.

When it comes to running a business, one key aspect that often gets overlooked is the handover process. But in the fast-paced world of business, the significance of well-organised handover documentation can't be overstated.

Say you've got someone leaving your team, taking over a project, or maybe you've hired a new employee. It's up to you to make sure the transition is as smooth as possible. How? Well, that's where a handover document comes in handy.

Let's delve into the world of handover documents—exploring their key components, how to write handover documentation, and how they benefit your business and contribute to a seamless handover.

What is a handover document?

Handover documents serve as a record of a project's key details, including its objectives, deliverables, timelines, and stakeholders.

They play a vital role in ensuring the successful transition of a project phase from one person to the next person, all the way through to project completion. It also helps when transferring the responsibility of a project from a departing employee to a new employee.

Additionally, they help in facilitating effective communication and a smooth transfer of knowledge between project teams and the parties involved.

The term "handover" typically refers to the final deliverable or closure stage of a project. But a handover can occur in other situations as well.

Handovers may take place when an employee leaves your company, goes on holiday, takes over as a new project manager, or when organising a project handover to a client.

Let's take a closer look at the different types of handover documents.

2 people handing over documents

Project handover documentation

As you prepare to transition a project to another team or department, a project handover document is your secret weapon. This document captures the project's essence, its objectives, current status, outstanding and ongoing tasks, and vital contacts.

Make sure to include comprehensive documentation like the project scope, project details, project timelines, and progress reports—empowering the receiving team to seamlessly pick up where the previous person, project manager, or team left off.

Job handover documentation

When an employee is moving to a new role or bidding farewell to their current position, a job handover document serves as their legacy.

It’s important to detail day-to-day tasks, ongoing projects, essential contacts, team roles and key responsibilities, and even sensitive information like passwords. This thoughtful document empowers their successor to step into their shoes with confidence, maintaining workflow continuity.

Asset handover documentation

Managing the transfer of physical assets within your company? The asset handover document is your guide.

Outline crucial asset details, conditions, maintenance records, and the transfer date. This ensures a seamless transition and provides the new custodian with all the information necessary for responsible asset management.

Knowledge transfer documentation

As you pass on your expertise to a new employee or successor, a knowledge transfer document becomes your best solution. Share procedural insights, best practices, troubleshooting guides, and key lessons learned. Your careful documentation facilitates a smooth transfer of essential knowledge, allowing others to succeed in their roles.

Client handover documentation

Transitioning client accounts or projects? The client handover document becomes your communication bridge.

Provide detailed client information, an ongoing project progress report, a communication plan and history, and service level agreements. This document ensures a seamless client transition, maintaining positive relationships and service standards.

Handover over a client within the business

Step-by-step guide to creating a handover document

To create a good handover document, you should think about these essential elements, detailed in the steps below:

Step 1 - Start by identifying the purpose and scope of the handover document

Ask yourself:

What information needs to be transferred?

Who will be receiving the document?

What are your project goals?

Also, think about finish dates, and set key performance indicators (KPI). By doing this, you can make sure that the information is relevant and targeted to the right audience.

Step 2 - Consider the format and organisation of the document

Will it be a written report or a presentation? Should it be broken down into sections or organised chronologically?

By considering the format and structure of your handover document, you can make sure that the document is easy to read and navigate.

The structure of your handover document plays a crucial role in its effectiveness. Consider dividing the document into logical sections such as:


Project summary or overview

Task breakdown

Resource list

Contact information

Use clear headings, subheadings, and bullet points to enhance readability and accessibility.

Step 3- Create a list of tasks or responsibilities in the handover document

This might include:

A summary of ongoing projects

Key contacts

The team members involved

Any outstanding tasks or issues that need to be completed or addressed

By creating a comprehensive list of tasks and responsibilities, you can make sure that nothing is overlooked or forgotten.

Step 4 - Gather all relevant documents and information

These may include project plans, which will provide you with an overview of the project's scope, objectives, and timelines.

Meeting notes can also be useful, as they can highlight key points made by participants in meetings related to the document's topic.

Contact lists can help you identify individuals who can provide additional information or review the document. Plus, upcoming deadlines should be considered to make sure the document is completed on time.

By gathering all this information, you can create a comprehensive document that meets the necessary requirements and provides valuable insights.

Step 5 - Write the handover document

It's important to use clear and concise language that is easy to understand.

Including any necessary context or background information will make the document effective and easy to follow.

Step 6 - Review the document for accuracy and completeness

Check to make sure that all essential information and key areas have been included, and that there are no errors or omissions.

Take the time to carefully read through the document, paying close attention to each section and paragraph, to ensure that it is reliable and trustworthy. By giving the document a thorough review, you can be confident that it is accurate, complete, and serves its purpose.

Step 7 - Share the document

Be sure to provide any necessary context or a brief overview to make sure the person receiving your handover understands the content. By sharing the document, you can ensure that everyone is on the same page and understands their responsibilities.

Provide a list of key contacts both within and outside the company. This includes team members, clients, or anyone crucial to the workflow. Making it easy for everyone involved to connect and collaborate.

Step 8 - Follow up with the stakeholders

By following up with key stakeholders, you can make sure that the handover process is successful and effective and that there are no loose ends.

This will help to ensure a smooth transfer of responsibilities and minimise any disruption to ongoing projects or tasks.

Reviewing process documents before handover

Best practices for a smooth and successful handover

In addition to creating comprehensive handover documents, there are several best practices that you should follow to ensure a successful handover. These include:

Planning ahead

When it comes to planning for a handover period, it's important to start preparing well in advance to ensure a smooth and successful transition.

This means taking stock of all the necessary documentation and making sure they’re up-to-date and easily accessible. You'll want to double-check that all important information is accounted for, it may be helpful to create a detailed checklist of tasks and deadlines to ensure that everything is completed on time, and nothing is overlooked.

With careful planning and preparation, you can help make sure that the handover process is as seamless and stress-free as possible.

Encouraging collaboration and communication

For a successful project handover, job handover, or any type of handover, effective communication and collaboration are crucial.

Start by creating clear lines of communication with the project team and ensure that all relevant stakeholders are involved throughout the different stages of ongoing projects. Conduct a handover meeting and provide regular status updates to build trust.

And remember, a handover document should not be one-sided. Encourage collaboration and open communication by providing space on the document for the recipient to ask questions, seek clarifications, and offer suggestions.

Building a supportive and inclusive environment through effective communication channels, promotes a smoother transition and empowers the recipient to take ownership of their new responsibilities.

Transferring knowledge

To ensure a successful handover, it's important to transfer knowledge to the receiving team or person taking over. This can be achieved through training or knowledge-sharing sessions that aim to provide a full understanding of the project's goals, objectives, and details.

The training sessions should cover all relevant information, including the project's timeline, scope, budget, and resources, as well as the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

Additionally, hands-on training, such as simulations or practice exercises, can be useful to help team members gain practical experience and develop the necessary skills to accomplish their tasks effectively.

It's equally important to provide ongoing support to the team, including access to relevant resources and documentation, to make sure they can overcome any challenges that may arise.

Addressing challenges

When preparing for a handover process, it's vital to take into account any potential challenges or risks that may arise. These could be related to technical issues, resource constraints, or even communication barriers.

To ensure a smooth and successful handover, it's important to be honest about these challenges and discuss them openly with all parties involved. This will allow for proactive problem-solving and minimise disruptions.

It's recommended to provide practical solutions or workarounds to address these challenges, and to maintain transparency throughout the process. By doing so, you can build trust and confidence among all stakeholders and ensure a successful handover.

Creating a project handover template

To streamline the handover process, you can develop a standardised project handover template that captures all the necessary information in a consistent and organised manner.

By customising the project handover template to suit the specific requirements of each project, project managers can enhance the efficiency of the handover process and reduce the risk of errors.

This will allow project managers to communicate information clearly and consistently to stakeholders, reducing confusion and misunderstandings. It also promotes transparency by providing a clear record of project activities, decisions, and outcomes.

2 people handing over a bag of work a process documents

What are the benefits of handover documentation?

Handover documentation not only helps with a smooth transition but also provides a valuable resource for future reference. In fact, there are several advantages of implementing comprehensive handover documentation in your company, including:

Continuity and consistency

Picture this: a team member is about to embark on a well-deserved holiday. Without proper handover notes and documentation, their absence could lead to confusion and disruptions.

By providing comprehensive handover documents, you can make sure that the workflow continues seamlessly in their absence. This not only maintains continuity but also upholds a consistent standard of work.

Time and resource efficiency

Handover documents act as a roadmap for the incoming team members, guiding them through daily tasks, responsibilities, and sharing essential information.

This means less time spent deciphering the nuances of a role and more time devoted to productive work. The efficiency gained from a well-documented handover translates into optimal resource usage and increased productivity.

Risk reduction and decision-making support

Handover documents serve as a valuable source of information, reducing the risk of significant knowledge loss due to employee turnover . They provide a central reference point for decision-making, helping new team members adapt quickly and make informed choices.

This knowledge continuity minimises the impact of employee changes on project timelines and outcomes.

Boosted employee morale

When employees feel supported and equipped to handle their responsibilities, morale soars. Handover documentation can empower your team by promoting a sense of self-sufficiency and confidence.

Knowing that they have access to all the documentation they need makes employees feel valued, contributing to a positive and motivated work environment.

Improved transparency

Transparent communication is the cornerstone of any successful workplace. Handover documents help create effective communication by making sure information is readily available and easily accessible.

This transparency promotes collaboration among team members, breaking down barriers and fostering a culture of shared knowledge.

Training and development opportunities

Handover documents can serve as valuable training materials for new employees, or employees transitioning to different roles within your company.

By maintaining detailed records of processes and procedures, you can streamline the onboarding and offboarding process, allowing employees to get up to speed quickly and efficiently.

Using Handover documentation to train new employees

Compliance and accountability

In industries where compliance is of utmost importance, handover documents play a crucial role in ensuring that tasks are executed according to established protocols.

These documents are essential in establishing a framework for accountability by using key performance indicators that clearly outline responsibilities, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of errors or oversights.

The handover documents provide the receiving party with a detailed understanding of the project's history, objectives, and scope, enabling them to make informed decisions and manage the project effectively going forward.

From handover document creation to execution, you’ve got this!

Mastering the art of creating a successful handover document is a valuable skill for business owners, employers, and project managers alike. By understanding the document’s purpose, identifying essential elements, structuring the document effectively, providing clear instructions, and encouraging collaboration, you can ensure a seamless transition and empower your team members to succeed.

With BrightHR , you can keep all your handover documentation in one secure location. You get unlimited cloud-based document storage , which means you can upload, view, and download them from anywhere, at any time.

You can also assign documents to everyone involved in the handover and set read receipts to confirm that they have seen the documentation. Plus, you will receive notifications about important dates and deadlines, so you can take the necessary actions at the right time.

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Leaving you to embrace the power of well-crafted handover documentation and watch as your company thrives in the face of change.

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How to Write Work Emails in German

Vanessa Richie

Vanessa Richie

As you learn the German language, you’ve probably put a lot of focus on conversation and passive learning . Another aspect that you are almost certainly going to need to know is email etiquette. It’s not an area that most people consider, but it is just as important to communicate through email in German as it is in English . Since you are going to write emails in German, you should know what to do - and what to avoid.

Most people don’t have traditional pen pals anymore – they communicate through something like email for similar kinds of connections.

Whether you write to someone for fun, for work, or for something else, knowing proper email etiquette gives you another way to practice the language.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you write emails in German – after all, it’s a great way to get your thoughts written down and feel confident in your writing abilities.


6 Common Ways of Beginning Emails in German

A lot of schools teach how to start a letter correctly, and emails tend to have the same type of rules. It’s not quite like texting where you usually know the person you are texting. It’s a way of talking quickly, so addressing someone isn’t really relevant.

For an email, the address is a way of verifying that the email is going to the right person. If someone sees that the name at the top is not their’s, they will probably stop reading because they can immediately see it isn’t for them. Of course, some people may keep reading, but at least they know it isn’t for them.

In English, you are taught to start your letters with phrases like Dear or To Whom It May Concern. German also has a few options of how to start an email.

However, they are more aware of being formal when they are not related to or close to the person they are addressing. They have an entirely different way of addressing people who are just acquaintances, even in conversation. You will need to be more formal in composing an email, as well.

The following are the common ways of beginning your email.

Sehr geehrter/geehrte recipient’s name. (formal) Esteemed recipient’s name (geehrter for men, geehrte for women)
Guten Tag. (formal) Good day
Lieber/Liebe recipient’s name. Dear recipient’s name. (Lieber for men, Liebe for women)
Hallo recipient’s name. Hello recipient’s name.
Hallo. Hello
Hey. Hey.

When you finish with the salutation, take a moment to go back and make sure you’ve got the right adjective ending. You don’t want to say Sehr geehrte Herr Schmidt or Sehr geehrter Frau Herrman because that sets the wrong tone for the rest of the email.

Setting the Tone - Formal vs Informal Emails in German

You’ll want to set a tone using the right form of German. If you are writing a work email , make sure to keep all of the conjugations in formal German and use proper addresses for people. It’s a great chance to practice being polite since you probably won’t use formal German as often in conversation – unless you are actually in a German speaking country.

If it is a formal email, such as a work email, remember to refrain from using slang as well. This should be fairly easy as you will want to keep the email concise. The closest you will come to small talk is in the salutation.

Formal German is actually a bit more challenging because you have to be more mindful of conjugations and adjective endings over the entire body of the email. When you are writing an informal email you can ramble and chat as much as you like since that is pretty much what you do when you catch up with someone.

Writing friends and family is a great way to really practice your German. You don’t want to treat your email partner as a teacher, but as a friend for most of your emails. This means you can not only use slang, you can add things like emojis and other images to be more playful and engaging.

Something to keep in mind when you email in German, you don’t use a capital letter for the first sentence of the email. That’s because the sentence actually starts with the greeting. The comma that you add after the introduction indicates that it is a break in the first sentence, and not a new sentence.

This may look a little odd, especially if you start off with “ich habe…” since German speakers don’t capitalize “ich” like English speakers capitalize “I.” The only time you would capitalize “I” is at the beginning of a sentence, and in this case, the “I” isn’t at the beginning.


8 ways of Closing Out Work Emails in German

After spending a good bit of time making sure that you get the ending right, especially if you are writing a formal email . Just like with the salutation, you have a number of choices for the way you want to close your email.

Here are the most common ways of wrapping up a formal letter:

Ich bedance mich bei Ihnen im Voraus Thank you in advance,
Ich würde mich freuen, bald von Ihnen zu hören I look forward to hearing from you,
Ihr/Ihre Yours, (use Ihr if you are male, and Ihre if you are female)
Mit besten Grüßen With best regards, or Best regards,
Mit freundlichem Grüßen With friendly regards,
Mit herzlichen Grüßen With best wishes/ kind regards,
Vielen Dan für Ihre schnelle Antwort Thank you for your quick response,
Vielen Dnak für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit Thank you for your time/attention,

Obviously, you will want to choose the response that meets your situation. If you expect a response, you will want to choose an ending phrase that reflects that. If not, you can use one of the more typical endings.

If you are closing out an informal email, you have a few choices:

Alles Liebe All the best,
Bis bald See you soon,
Dein/Deine Yours,
mit Liebe With love,

Notice that you don’t add a comma at this point in German, but you do in English. It’s actually the thing that you will probably take the longest to get right because people tend to be tired after writing a full email. It’s easy to feel over confident or mentally drained, so you are more likely to make this easy mistake at the end – if nothing else, you may add a comma out of habit.

Don’t forget to add your name after your email closer.

Getting the Other Components Right

Since you’ve probably sent a lot of emails, you know that there are a few other considerations to sending one than just the email body. Here are a few additional tips to help you to master those other email parts.

Email Fields
CC (carbon copy) Empfänger hinzufügen
BCC (blind copy) Empfänger hinzufügen
Subject Betreff
Attach files Dateien anhängen

Work Email

Staying Current with Email Etiquette in German

Like traditional letter writing, email etiquette doesn’t tend to change much over time. To make sure you stay current, make emailing someone a regular part of your schedule. This can be daily or weekly – and that’s what makes having an email pen pal ideal for making sure you don’t lose your German skills. A lot of German speakers will be happy to help point out where you make mistakes or to offer advice.

Once you get used to writing emails, it’s pretty easy to keep this skill current. All you have to do is make sure that you have someone to email in German to keep your skills from getting rusty.

Speechling is a nonprofit app and website that combines human coaching with technology to improve your foreign language speaking.

Paris 2024 Paralympics: photos of the best moments from the Closing Ceremony


Picture by Aitor Alcalde/Getty Images

On the evening of Sunday 8 September, the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games were officially closed at a magnificent and sumptuous ceremony held in the Stade de France. Here's a look back at this magical evening.

Vivre pour le meilleur to open the Ceremony

After 11 days of competition, the Closing Ceremony of the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games kicked off with a rendition of the song Vivre pour le meilleur (Living for the Best) by the artist Santa. In spite of the rain, this meaningful song got the final ceremony of the Paris 2024 Games off to the best possible start in a packed Stade de France.

Picture by Tullio M. Puglia/Getty Image

Picture by Adam Pretty/Getty Images

The Stade de France in blue, white and red for La Marseillaise

La Marseillaise , France's national anthem, was performed by trumpeter André Feydy. All the while, the Stade de France was coloured blue-white-red and the French flag was hoisted by officers from various branches of the French Army.

Picture by Aitor Alcalde/Getty Image

Aurélie Aubert and Tanguy De La Forest with the French flag

The flags of the participating nations and of the Paralympic refugee team entered the arena in French alphabetical order. Aurélie Aubert and Tanguy De La Forest represented France. They were welcomed by around sixty musicians from the Garde Républicaine Band. Forming a guard of honour, the musicians played a succession of variety songs, giving the parade a festive feel.

Picture by Tullio M. Puglia/Getty Images

The Carré des Supporters on fire during Tony Estanguet's speech

Tony Estanguet then entered the Stade de France to give his closing speech for the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games. During his speech, a Carré des Supporters took up position behind him, bursting into flames!

Picture by Fiona Goodall/Getty Images

Breaking in the spotlight

The closing ceremony was an opportunity to shine the spotlight on this modern dance form and its power of inclusion. In this sequence, eight dancers, half of them disabled, celebrated the diversity of breaking, solo or in a group, in the spirit of a ‘demo’ and a party, to the sound of Cut Killer's set celebrating 50 years of Hip Hop culture.

Picture by TTullio M. Puglia/Getty Images

The handover of the Paralympic flag at Los Angeles 2028

The Paralympic anthem was played and the Paralympic flag lowered by officers of the French Army. The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, then handed over the Paralympic flag to the President of the IPC, Andrew Parsons, who then passed it on to the Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass. This handover sequence continued with the playing of the anthem of the United States of America, accompanied by the raising of the American flag.

Extinguishing the Paralympic Flame

In the Jardin des Tuileries, gathered around the Vasque, Amadou & Mariam, accompanied by a string quartet, performed Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais, a composition by Serge Gainsbourg inspired by the French poet Paul Verlaine. The Paralympic Flame then entered the Stade de France, held by Frédéric Villeroux. In a final relay, several athletes - Ugo Didier, Charles Noakes, Djelika Diallo, Mathieu Bosredon and Aurélie Aubert - passed on the lantern and the Flame was extinguished with a final breath.

At the same time, in the Jardin des Tuileries, the Vasque was also extinguished. The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games are over.

Picture by David Ramos/Getty Images

Picture by Ezra Shaw/Getty Images

Picture by Graham Denholm/Getty Images

Show by 24 French electro artists introduced by Jean-Michel Jarre

Picture by Steph Chambers/Getty Images

Picture by Naomi Baker/Getty Images

how to write handover speech

1st Edition

The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists


The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists familiarizes the reader with the complex workings of the human visual system, the motor and sensory components of normal vision as they relate to the recognition of letters and words, and to the acquisition and rehabilitation of reading and writing.   This text brings together findings from the neuropsychological, neurooptometric, neurolinguistic, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology literature on acquired visual system impairment from the past 20+ years, and the ways visual system dysfunction impacts reading, writing, and cognition.   Chapters Include: Review of structural elements of the eye, the cortical and subcortical structures of the visual brain, and the motor and sensory components of normal vision The distinct functions of the three primary visual pathways (central, peripheral and retinotectal) and how they relate to reading and writing Review of five formal tests of reading and writing that are designed or may be adapted to assess peripheral reading and writing disorders And much more! A few of the features inside: Figures illustrating the various components of the visual brain that are engaged when we read and write Information on visual system deficits in left hemisphere lesions with and without aphasia Detailed descriptions of peripheral reading disorders and associated error patterns Diagnostic criteria for three different types of neglect (viewer-centered, stimulus-centered, object-centered) Description of treatment materials and methods suited to clients with acquired dyslexia due to visual system dysfunction The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders explains the heterogenous nature of peripheral reading and writing disorders, describes the association between visual motor and sensory dysfunction and the acquired dyslexias, and provides the speech-language pathologist with specific guidelines regarding the assessment and treatment of reading and writing disorders associated with visual system dysfunction.

Table of Contents

Heidi McMartin Heeringa, MS, CCC-SLP is a speech-language pathologist with 36 years experience working with adult clients with dysphagia, aphasia, apraxia, and cognitive-communicative dysfunction in the rehabilitation setting. Acquired reading disorders and the relationship between visual system dysfunction and cognitive-communicative function are areas of special interest and expertise. The author holds a bachelor’s degree in linguistics and master of science in speech-language pathology from the University of Michigan. Other publications by this author include A Manual for the Treatment of Reading and Writing Disorders (2002) and the Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities (Baines, Martin, & McMartin Heeringa, 1999).     

Critics' Reviews

“There is enough information packed into this small text to cover a whole career . . . It is an essential addition to the professional, clinical library.” - Kathleen A. Baines, MS, CCC-SLP, St. Joseph Mercy Chelsea  “This book is a fantastic resource for any Speech Language Pathologist, in any type of work environment, be that a clinic, classroom, or hospital.” -Dawn M. Peterson, B.A. Speech Language Pathology and Linguistics “This book would be a benefit to new or seasoned speech language pathologists working with patients who have neurological deficits.” -Michelle K. Fowke CCC-SLP

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  5. PDF Helpful handover documents

    Seven principles to follow. Provide information more than opinion. What you write should be strong on factual information. You may also want to add some visuals to your document such as deadline diagrams, screen shots for using software or your photographs of equipment. But try to avoid personal opinion.

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    Since they will be working with the new employee, it is vital to get some feedback on what they think is essential to ideal cohesion. 2. Create An Outline. This is where handing over notes and sample letters will come in handy. It would be best if you created an outline so that you can know the data to include.

  19. How to Dictate Speech to Text in Microsoft Word (PC, Mac & Web)

    Word's speech-to-text dictation results aren't always perfect, so allow yourself time for editing. Watch all the steps shown here in real time! Explore more than 300 writing-related software tutorials on my YouTube channel .

  20. Outgoing President's Speech and Handover Message

    It gives me great pleasure, to be standing in front of you on this day, 16 th of December 2021, exiting my position as the President of GhIG for the past two years. Thank you for the privilege and opportunity you gave me to serve the Institution as President from 2019 till today. In the same breath, I congratulate Dr Anthony Duah who is ...

  21. PDF The Occasion of The Official Handover Ceremony of A Special

    Speech by Minister Sakamoto Headmaster of New Hope School, Mr. Dawie Harmse, Members of the school governing body, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen, It is my great pleasure and honour to attend this handover ceremony on behalf of the Government of Japan. The Embassy of Japan responded to the request of the school and decided to provide

  22. How to write a handover document

    How to write a handover document

  23. How to Write Work Emails in German

    Whether you write to someone for fun, for work, or for something else, knowing proper email etiquette gives you another way to practice the language. Here are some tips and tricks to help you write emails in German - after all, it's a great way to get your thoughts written down and feel confident in your writing abilities. ...

  24. Paris 2024 Paralympics: photos of the best moments from the Closing

    The handover of the Paralympic flag at Los Angeles 2028. The Paralympic anthem was played and the Paralympic flag lowered by officers of the French Army. The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, then handed over the Paralympic flag to the President of the IPC, Andrew Parsons, who then passed it on to the Mayor of Los Angeles, Karen Bass.

  25. The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing ...

    The Visual Brain and Peripheral Reading and Writing Disorders: A Guide to Visual System Dysfunction for Speech-Language Pathologists familiarizes the reader with the complex workings of the human visual system, the motor and sensory components of normal vision as they relate to the recognition of letters and words, and to the acquisition and rehabilitation of reading and writing. This text ...

  26. Liz Cheney on Kamala Harris Endorsement: "She Has Changed In A Number

    Former GOP Rep. Liz Cheney explained her decision to endorse Democrat Kamala Harris for president despite some very progressive policy stances Harris took just four years ago. "She has changed in ...