Home Blog Design How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: Quick Guide with Examples & Templates

Cover for how to design a poster presentation

How are research posters like High School science fair projects? Quite similar, in fact.

Both are visual representations of a research project shared with peers, colleagues and academic faculty. But there’s a big difference: it’s all in professionalism and attention to detail. You can be sure that the students that thrived in science fairs are now creating fantastic research posters, but what is that extra element most people miss when designing a poster presentation?

This guide will teach tips and tricks for creating poster presentations for conferences, symposia, and more. Learn in-depth poster structure and design techniques to help create academic posters that have a lasting impact.

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • What is a Research Poster?

Why are Poster Presentations important?

Overall dimensions and orientation, separation into columns and sections, scientific, academic, or something else, a handout with supplemental and contact information, cohesiveness, design and readability, storytelling.

  • Font Characteristics
  • Color Pairing
  • Data Visualization Dimensions
  • Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Scientific/Academic Conference Poster Presentation

Digital research poster presentations, slidemodel poster presentation templates, how to make a research poster presentation step-by-step, considerations for printing poster presentations, how to present a research poster presentation, final words, what is a research poster .

Research posters are visual overviews of the most relevant information extracted from a research paper or analysis.   They are essential communication formats for sharing findings with peers and interested people in the field. Research posters can also effectively present material for other areas besides the sciences and STEM—for example, business and law.

You’ll be creating research posters regularly as an academic researcher, scientist, or grad student. You’ll have to present them at numerous functions and events. For example:

  • Conference presentations
  • Informational events
  • Community centers

The research poster presentation is a comprehensive way to share data, information, and research results. Before the pandemic, the majority of research events were in person. During lockdown and beyond, virtual conferences and summits became the norm. Many researchers now create poster presentations that work in printed and digital formats.

Examples of research posters using SlideModel's templates

Let’s look at why it’s crucial to spend time creating poster presentations for your research projects, research, analysis, and study papers.

Summary of why are poster presentations important

Research posters represent you and your sponsor’s research 

Research papers and accompanying poster presentations are potent tools for representation and communication in your field of study. Well-performing poster presentations help scientists, researchers, and analysts grow their careers through grants and sponsorships.

When presenting a poster presentation for a sponsored research project, you’re representing the company that sponsored you. Your professionalism, demeanor, and capacity for creating impactful poster presentations call attention to other interested sponsors, spreading your impact in the field.

Research posters demonstrate expertise and growth

Presenting research posters at conferences, summits, and graduate grading events shows your expertise and knowledge in your field of study. The way your poster presentation looks and delivers, plus your performance while presenting the work, is judged by your viewers regardless of whether it’s an officially judged panel.

Recurring visitors to research conferences and symposia will see you and your poster presentations evolve. Improve your impact by creating a great poster presentation every time by paying attention to detail in the poster design and in your oral presentation. Practice your public speaking skills alongside the design techniques for even more impact.

Poster presentations create and maintain collaborations

Every time you participate in a research poster conference, you create meaningful connections with people in your field, industry or community. Not only do research posters showcase information about current data in different areas, but they also bring people together with similar interests. Countless collaboration projects between different research teams started after discussing poster details during coffee breaks.

An effective research poster template deepens your peer’s understanding of a topic by highlighting research, data, and conclusions. This information can help other researchers and analysts with their work. As a research poster presenter, you’re given the opportunity for both teaching and learning while sharing ideas with peers and colleagues.

Anatomy of a Winning Poster Presentation

Do you want your research poster to perform well?  Following the standard layout and adding a few personal touches will help attendees know how to read your poster and get the most out of your information. 

The anatomy of a winning poster

The overall size of your research poster ultimately depends on the dimensions of the provided space at the conference or research poster gallery. The poster orientation can be horizontal or vertical, with horizontal being the most common.  In general, research posters measure 48 x 36 inches or are an A0 paper size.

A virtual poster can be the same proportions as the printed research poster, but you have more leeway regarding the dimensions. Virtual research posters should fit on a screen with no need to scroll, with 1080p resolution as a standard these days. A horizontal presentation size is ideal for that.

A research poster presentation has a standard layout of 2–5 columns with 2–3 sections each. Typical structures say to separate the content into four sections; 1. A horizontal header 2. Introduction column, 3. Research/Work/Data column, and 4. Conclusion column. Each unit includes topics that relate to your poster’s objective.  Here’s a generalized outline for a poster presentation:

  • Condensed Abstract 
  • Objectives/Purpose
  • Methodology
  • Recommendations
  • Implications
  • Acknowledgments
  • Contact Information 

The overview content you include in the units depends on your poster presentations’ theme, topic, industry, or field of research. A scientific or academic poster will include sections like hypothesis, methodology, and materials. A marketing analysis poster will include performance metrics and competitor analysis results.

There’s no way a poster can hold all the information included in your research paper or analysis report. The poster is an overview that invites the audience to want to find out more. That’s where supplement material comes in. Create a printed PDF handout or card with a QR code (created using a QR code generator ). Send the audience to the best online location for reading or downloading the complete paper.

What Makes a Poster Presentation Good and Effective? 

For your poster presentation to be effective and well-received, it needs to cover all the bases and be inviting to find out more. Stick to the standard layout suggestions and give it a unique look and feel. We’ve put together some of the most critical research poster-creation tips in the list below. Your poster presentation will perform as long as you check all the boxes.

The information you choose to include in the sections of your poster presentation needs to be cohesive. Train your editing eye and do a few revisions before presenting. The best way to look at it is to think of The Big Picture. Don’t get stuck on the details; your attendees won’t always know the background behind your research topic or why it’s important.

Be cohesive in how you word the titles, the length of the sections, the highlighting of the most important data, and how your oral presentation complements the printed—or virtual—poster.

The most important characteristic of your poster presentation is its readability and clarity. You need a poster presentation with a balanced design that’s easy to read at a distance of 1.5 meters or 4 feet. The font size and spacing must be clear and neat. All the content must suggest a visual flow for the viewer to follow.

That said, you don’t need to be a designer to add something special to your poster presentation. Once you have the standard—and recognized—columns and sections, add your special touch. These can be anything from colorful boxes for the section titles to an interesting but subtle background, images that catch the eye, and charts that inspire a more extended look. 

Storytelling is a presenting technique involving writing techniques to make information flow. Firstly, storytelling helps give your poster presentation a great introduction and an impactful conclusion. 

Think of storytelling as the invitation to listen or read more, as the glue that connects sections, making them flow from one to another. Storytelling is using stories in the oral presentation, for example, what your lab partner said when you discovered something interesting. If it makes your audience smile and nod, you’ve hit the mark. Storytelling is like giving a research presentation a dose of your personality, and it can help turning your data into opening stories .

Design Tips For Creating an Effective Research Poster Presentation

The section above briefly mentioned how important design is to your poster presentation’s effectiveness. We’ll look deeper into what you need to know when designing a poster presentation.

1. Font Characteristics

The typeface and size you choose are of great importance. Not only does the text need to be readable from two meters away, but it also needs to look and sit well on the poster. Stay away from calligraphic script typefaces, novelty typefaces, or typefaces with uniquely shaped letters.

Stick to the classics like a sans serif Helvetica, Lato, Open Sans, or Verdana. Avoid serif typefaces as they can be difficult to read from far away. Here are some standard text sizes to have on hand.

  • Title: 85 pt
  • Authors: 65 pt
  • Headings: 36 pt
  • Body Text: 24 pt
  • Captions: 18 pt

Resume of font characteristics a winning poster presentation must follow

If you feel too prone to use serif typefaces, work with a font pairing tool that helps you find a suitable solution – and intend those serif fonts for heading sections only. As a rule, never use more than 3 different typefaces in your design. To make it more dynamic, you can work with the same font using light, bold, and italic weights to put emphasis on the required areas.

2. Color Pairing

Using colors in your poster presentation design is a great way to grab the viewer’s attention. A color’s purpose is to help the viewer follow the data flow in your presentation, not distract. Don’t let the color take more importance than the information on your poster.

Effective color pairing tactics for poster presentations

Choose one main color for the title and headlines and a similar color for the data visualizations. If you want to use more than one color, don’t create too much contrast between them. Try different tonalities of the same color and keep things balanced visually. Your color palette should have at most one main color and two accent colors.

Black text over a white background is standard practice for printed poster presentations, but for virtual presentations, try a very light gray instead of white and a very dark gray instead of black. Additionally, use variations of light color backgrounds and dark color text. Make sure it’s easy to read from two meters away or on a screen, depending on the context. We recommend ditching full white or full black tone usage as it hurts eyesight in the long term due to its intense contrast difference with the light ambiance.

3. Data Visualization Dimensions

Just like the text, your charts, graphs, and data visualizations must be easy to read and understand. Generally, if a person is interested in your research and has already read some of the text from two meters away, they’ll come closer to look at the charts and graphs. 

Tips for properly arranging data visualization dimensions in poster presentations

Fit data visualizations inside columns or let them span over two columns. Remove any unnecessary borders, lines, or labels to make them easier to read at a glance. Use a flat design without shadows or 3D characteristics. The text in legends and captions should stay within the chart size and not overflow into the margins. Use a unified text size of 18px for all your data visualizations.

4. Alignment, Margins, and White Space

Finally, the last design tip for creating an impressive and memorable poster presentation is to be mindful of the layout’s alignment, margins, and white space. Create text boxes to help keep everything aligned. They allow you to resize, adapt, and align the content along a margin or grid.

Take advantage of the white space created by borders and margins between sections. Don’t crowd them with a busy background or unattractive color.

Tips on alignment, margins, and white space in poster presentation design

Calculate margins considering a print format. It is a good practice in case the poster presentation ends up becoming in physical format, as you won’t need to downscale your entire design (affecting text readability in the process) to preserve information.

There are different tools that you can use to make a poster presentation. Presenters who are familiar with Microsoft Office prefer to use PowerPoint. You can learn how to make a poster in PowerPoint here.

Poster Presentation Examples

Before you start creating a poster presentation, look at some examples of real research posters. Get inspired and get creative.

Research poster presentations printed and mounted on a board look like the one in the image below. The presenter stands to the side, ready to share the information with visitors as they walk up to the panels.

Example of the structure of a scientific/academic conference poster presentation

With more and more conferences staying virtual or hybrid, the digital poster presentation is here to stay. Take a look at examples from a poster session at the OHSU School of Medicine .

Use SlideModel templates to help you create a winning poster presentation with PowerPoint and Google Slides. These poster PPT templates will get you off on the right foot. Mix and match tables and data visualizations from other poster slide templates to create your ideal layout according to the standard guidelines.

If you need a quick method to create a presentation deck to talk about your research poster at conferences, check out our Slides AI presentation maker. A tool in which you add the topic, curate the outline, select a design, and let AI do the work for you.

1. One-pager Scientific Poster Template for PowerPoint

presentation poster designs

A PowerPoint template tailored to make your poster presentations an easy-to-craft process. Meet our One-Pager Scientific Poster Slide Template, entirely editable to your preferences and with ample room to accommodate graphs, data charts, and much more.

Use This Template

2. Eisenhower Matrix Slides Template for PowerPoint

presentation poster designs

An Eisenhower Matrix is a powerful tool to represent priorities, classifying work according to urgency and importance. Presenters can use this 2×2 matrix in poster presentations to expose the effort required for the research process, as it also helps to communicate strategy planning.

3. OSMG Framework PowerPoint Template

presentation poster designs

Finally, we recommend presenters check our OSMG Framework PowerPoint template, as it is an ideal tool for representing a business plan: its goals, strategies, and measures for success. Expose complex processes in a simplified manner by adding this template to your poster presentation.

Remember these three words when making your research poster presentation: develop, design, and present. These are the three main actions toward a successful poster presentation. 

Summary of how to make a research poster presentation

The section below will take you on a step-by-step journey to create your next poster presentation.

Step 1: Define the purpose and audience of your poster presentation

Before making a poster presentation design, you’ll need to plan first. Here are some questions to answer at this point:

  • Are they in your field? 
  • Do they know about your research topic? 
  • What can they get from your research?
  • Will you print it?
  • Is it for a virtual conference?

Step 2: Make an outline

With a clear purpose and strategy, it’s time to collect the most important information from your research paper, analysis, or documentation. Make a content dump and then select the most interesting information. Use the content to draft an outline.

Outlines help formulate the overall structure better than going straight into designing the poster. Mimic the standard poster structure in your outline using section headlines as separators. Go further and separate the content into the columns they’ll be placed in.

Step 3: Write the content

Write or rewrite the content for the sections in your poster presentation. Use the text in your research paper as a base, but summarize it to be more succinct in what you share. 

Don’t forget to write a catchy title that presents the problem and your findings in a clear way. Likewise, craft the headlines for the sections in a similar tone as the title, creating consistency in the message. Include subtle transitions between sections to help follow the flow of information in order.

Avoid copying/pasting entire sections of the research paper on which the poster is based. Opt for the storytelling approach, so the delivered message results are interesting for your audience. 

Step 4: Put it all together visually

This entire guide on how to design a research poster presentation is the perfect resource to help you with this step. Follow all the tips and guidelines and have an unforgettable poster presentation.

Moving on, here’s how to design a research poster presentation with PowerPoint Templates . Open a new project and size it to the standard 48 x 36 inches. Using the outline, map out the sections on the empty canvas. Add a text box for each title, headline, and body text. Piece by piece, add the content into their corresponding text box.

Basic structure layout of an academic poster presentation

Transform the text information visually, make bullet points, and place the content in tables and timelines. Make your text visual to avoid chunky text blocks that no one will have time to read. Make sure all text sizes are coherent for all headings, body texts, image captions, etc. Double-check for spacing and text box formatting.

Next, add or create data visualizations, images, or diagrams. Align everything into columns and sections, making sure there’s no overflow. Add captions and legends to the visualizations, and check the color contrast with colleagues and friends. Ask for feedback and progress to the last step.

Step 5: Last touches

Time to check the final touches on your poster presentation design. Here’s a checklist to help finalize your research poster before sending it to printers or the virtual summit rep.

  • Check the resolution of all visual elements in your poster design. Zoom to 100 or 200% to see if the images pixelate. Avoid this problem by using vector design elements and high-resolution images.
  • Ensure that charts and graphs are easy to read and don’t look crowded.
  • Analyze the visual hierarchy. Is there a visual flow through the title, introduction, data, and conclusion?
  • Take a step back and check if it’s legible from a distance. Is there enough white space for the content to breathe?
  • Does the design look inviting and interesting?

An often neglected topic arises when we need to print our designs for any exhibition purpose. Since A0 is a hard-to-manage format for most printers, these poster presentations result in heftier charges for the user. Instead, you can opt to work your design in two A1 sheets, which also becomes more manageable for transportation. Create seamless borders for the section on which the poster sheets should meet, or work with a white background.

Paper weight options should be over 200 gsm to avoid unwanted damage during the printing process due to heavy ink usage. If possible, laminate your print or stick it to photographic paper – this shall protect your work from spills.

Finally, always run a test print. Gray tints may not be printed as clearly as you see them on screen (this is due to the RGB to CMYK conversion process). Other differences can be appreciated when working with ink jet plotters vs. laser printers. Give yourself enough room to maneuver last-minute design changes.

Presenting a research poster is a big step in the poster presentation cycle. Your poster presentation might or might not be judged by faculty or peers. But knowing what judges look for will help you prepare for the design and oral presentation, regardless of whether you receive a grade for your work or if it’s business related. Likewise, the same principles apply when presenting at an in-person or virtual summit.

The opening statement

Part of presenting a research poster is welcoming the viewer to your small personal area in the sea of poster presentations. You’ll need an opening statement to pitch your research poster and get the viewers’ attention.

Draft a 2 to 3-sentence pitch that covers the most important points:

  • What the research is
  • Why was it conducted
  • What the results say

From that opening statement, you’re ready to continue with the oral presentation for the benefit of your attendees.

The oral presentation

During the oral presentation, share the information on the poster while conversing with the interested public. Practice many times before the event. Structure the oral presentation as conversation points, and use the poster’s visual flow as support. Make eye contact with your audience as you speak, but don’t make them uncomfortable.

Pro Tip: In a conference or summit, if people show up to your poster area after you’ve started presenting it to another group, finish and then address the new visitors.

QA Sessions 

When you’ve finished the oral presentation, offer the audience a chance to ask questions. You can tell them before starting the presentation that you’ll be holding a QA session at the end. Doing so will prevent interruptions as you’re speaking.

If presenting to one or two people, be flexible and answer questions as you review all the sections on your poster.

Supplemental Material

If your audience is interested in learning more, you can offer another content type, further imprinting the information in their minds. Some ideas include; printed copies of your research paper, links to a website, a digital experience of your poster, a thesis PDF, or data spreadsheets.

Your audience will want to contact you for further conversations; include contact details in your supplemental material. If you don’t offer anything else, at least have business cards.

Even though conferences have changed, the research poster’s importance hasn’t diminished. Now, instead of simply creating a printed poster presentation, you can also make it for digital platforms. The final output will depend on the conference and its requirements.

This guide covered all the essential information you need to know for creating impactful poster presentations, from design, structure and layout tips to oral presentation techniques to engage your audience better . 

Before your next poster session, bookmark and review this guide to help you design a winning poster presentation every time. 

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20+ Best PowerPoint Poster Templates (+ Tips for PPT Poster Design)

PowerPoint is more than just a presentation app. It can also be a great tool for designing simple posters for various purposes as well. In this post, we’re featuring a set of great PowerPoint poster templates you can use to craft posters using the popular Microsoft app.

It may sound strange, but designing posters in PowerPoint is quite common and very easy. Especially when you’re working on a rushed college assignment or when you have to use a colleague’s computer to design a poster, PowerPoint can actually be a lifesaver.

The PowerPoint poster templates on our list, and our helpful poster design tips, will make that process even simpler.

How Does Unlimited PowerPoint Templates Sound?

Download thousands of PowerPoint templates, and many other design elements, with an Envato membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 19+ million presentation templates, fonts, photos, graphics, and more.

Minimal PPT Templates

Minimal PPT Templates

Clean & clear.

BeMind Minimal Template

BeMind Minimal Template

Animated PPT Templates

Animated PPT Templates

Fully animated.

Explore PowerPoint Templates

5 Tips for Designing a Poster In PowerPoint

If you’re challenged with designing a poster without having to use image-editing software, you can use PowerPoint to take-on the challenge. Start by following these simple tips.

1. Use Vertical PowerPoint Templates

While you can easily create your own design from scratch using PowerPoint tools, it’s much easier to design a PowerPoint poster layout if you have a great template to work with.

Visage Print Template

So consider getting a great PowerPoint template before you get started. In fact, look for a PowerPoint template with a vertical design. This will make the entire process of rearranging content blocks and formatting much easier for you.

2. Take Advantage of Master Layouts

When using high-quality PowerPoint templates, you’ll also find master slide layouts that are included with the template. These layouts allow you to easily create new slides using pre-designed content layouts. Use these master layouts to experiment with different content designs for your poster.

3. Use Custom Fonts for Better Impact

Halogue - Creative Powerpoint Presentation

Fonts play a key role in poster design. It’s the main element of a poster design that attracts attention. So pick a great poster font and customize the titles to make your poster look more professional.

4. Choose Colors Carefully

Solar System Education Presentation

PowerPoint is designed to work as a slideshow presentation software. So the colors, backgrounds, and gradients you use in your poster design may not convert as accurately when you print out the poster.

Consider using print-friendly colors in your poster design and also do a test print to see if your finalized poster comes out looking as well as it looks on the computer.

5. Know Your Limits

Keep in mind that PowerPoint is not an image editing software. Don’t expect it to function just like Photoshop. PowerPoint has very limited features when it comes to designing posters. Use it to design simple and quick posters. But try not to use it for professional and business designs.

Be. – A4 & US Letter Vertical PowerPoint Template

Be. - A4 & US Letter Vertical Powerpoint Template

This vertical PowerPoint template is perfect for designing a poster in PowerPoint as it comes with multiple layouts featuring different content designs.

The template includes more than 125 unique slide designs you can easily customize to your preference and it’s also available in both A4 and US Letter sizes.

Why This Is A Top Pick

All of the graphics, maps, charts in this template are completely editable. The slides also come in print-ready format to let you easily print out the poster designs without an effort.

NOYA – Vertical PowerPoint Poster Template

NOYA - Vertical Powerpoint Template

Noya is a modern PowerPoint template that comes with more than 70 unique slide designs. The template includes lots of editable graphics, device mockups, editable shapes, image placeholders, and much more. It’s available in US Letter and A4 sizes as well.

Meyna – PowerPoint Poster Template

powerpoint poster template

Meyna is a simple, and elegant PowerPoint template that can be easily customized to suit your poster requirements. It comes with 35 clean and modern slides perfectly fitting to businesses looking for an upscale, and chic poster, or flyer.

Magenta – PowerPoint Poster Template

powerpoint poster template

Magenta is another minimal PowerPoint template consisting of 50 meticulously designed slides, fully tweakable to your specific needs. If your aim is to create a professional-looking poster, Magenta is well worth checking out.

Gemini – Vertical PowerPoint Template

Gemini - Vertical PowerPoint Template

This beautiful vertical PowerPoint template is perfect for designing a modern poster for a fashion brand or creative design agency. The template comes with 50 unique slide layouts featuring editable shapes, graphics, and image placeholders.

A4 Pitch Deck Vertical PowerPoint Template

A4 Pitch Deck Vertical PowerPoint Template

This is a modern pitch deck PowerPoint template that features verticle slide layouts. The template is ideal for designing posters for business and startup events and meetings. It’s also available in 6 different color schemes.

Scribble – PowerPoint Poster Template

powerpoint poster template

Scribble is an ultra-modern, and stylish PowerPoint template that comes with 50 incredibly unique slides, 3D infographics, customizable shapes, photos, text, and other elements, and free fonts. Do try it out.

NORS – Vertical A4 PowerPoint Template

NORS Vertical Powerpoint A4 Template

Nors is a minimalist PowerPoint template that comes with a set of modern vertical slide designs. All of the slides are print-ready and arrives in A4 size. The template lets you choose from 135 unique slide layouts as well.

Free Multipurpose Corporate Flyer Poster Template

Free Multipurpose Corporate Flyer Poster Template

This free PowerPoint template is designed specifically for making flyers and posters. Its multipurpose design will allow you to make all kinds of business and professional posters using the template.

Free Corporate Green Flyer Poster Template

Free Corporate Green Flyer Poster Template

This is another free and minimalist PowerPoint template made for flyer and poster design. The template is fully customizable and comes with call to actions and creative content design as well.

Ada – Vertical PowerPoint Presentation Template

Ada - Vertical PowerPoint Presentation Template

Ada is yet another minimalist PowerPoint template that comes in verticle slide designs. It’s most suitable for making minimal and creative posters for various design projects. The template includes 90 unique slide designs.

Mukidi – Vertical PowerPoint Presentation Template

Mukidi - Vertical PowerPoint Presentation Template

This unique PowerPoint template comes with more than 80 unique slides in 10 different color schemes. All of the slides feature verticle designs that make it ideal for crafting posters for business and branding purposes.

Solaris – Vertical PowerPoint Presentation

Solaris - Vertical PowerPoint Presentation

Solaris is a creative PowerPoint template with a verticle slide design. The template includes 90 unique slide designs you can easily customize to create posters and flyers. The template comes with editable charts and image placeholders as well.

Carnation – PowerPoint Poster Template

powerpoint poster template

Carnation is a gorgeously created PowerPoint template that can be used for virtually any business or industry under the sun. It’s very easy to customize to your heart’s content.

Baldo – PowerPoint Template

powerpoint poster template

If you’re looking to get your hands on a colorful, and vibrant PowerPoint template, consider Baldo. It’s a multipurpose, and creative option featuring 70 custom slides, hundreds and thousands of vector shape icons.

Color FUN – Colorful PowerPoint Template

Color FUN - Colorful Powerpoint Template

Color Fun is a colorful PowerPoint template you can use to design attractive and colorful posters for various entertainment-related projects. The template includes 50 fully customizable slide designs.

Free Modern Business Flyer Poster Template

Free Modern Business Flyer Poster Template

This minimal business poster and flyer template is also fully customizable with PowerPoint. The template editable colors, shapes, and image placeholders. It’s available in A4 size.

Free Minimal Fashion Flyer & Poster Template

Free Minimal Fashion Flyer & Poster Template

A creative free PowerPoint template you can use to craft posters for fashion, apparel, and design-related posters. This template comes in print-ready format and its easily customizable as well.

INFOGRAPHIC – Multipurpose PowerPoint Template

INFOGRAPHIC - Multipurpose Powerpoint Template

This PowerPoint template comes with a set of infographic slide designs. These will come in handy when designing data-backed posters for business meetings. The template includes 80 fully customizable slide layouts.

Infographics – Modern PowerPoint Template

Infographics Powerpoint Template

Another minimal and creative infographics PowerPoint template featuring multiple slides in 5 different color schemes. Use this template to craft posters with attractive infographics and illustrations.

Chart Infographics PowerPoint Template

Chart Infographics Powerpoint Template

Want to add charts to visualize data in your poster designs? Then use this professional PowerPoint template. It comes with editable charts and graphics you can use to create a more visually appealing poster in PowerPoint.

Education – Creative PowerPoint Presentation Template

Education - Creative Powerpoint Presentation Template

If you’re working on an educational poster design, this is a great PowerPoint template you can use to create an attractive poster for schools and children. The template includes editable graphics, icons, and much more.

For more great templates be sure to check out our best business and corporate PowerPoint templates collection.

Free PowerPoint Templates

Presentation Poster Templates

Here you can find research poster templates that can be edited to make your own poster presentations. Free poster presentation templates are available for PowerPoint (.pptx), Google Slides, and OpenOffice for PC and Mac. Poster presentation templates are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

48×36 Research Poster Presentation Template


View on Google Slides | Download (pptx)

42×42 Research Poster Presentation Template


40×28 Research Poster Presentation Template

Free Poster PowerPoint Template 40x28 inches

55×28.5 Research Poster Presentation Template

Research Poster for PowerPoint and Google Slids

PowerPoint does not allow a filet to use dimensions greater than 56″ so if you need a very large poster size, can use a scaled template. For instance, for a 94×94 poster size dimension, use the 42×42 poster and scale it 200%.

How to use the poster templates?

If you are using Microsoft PowerPoint, download the .pptx version and open it in PowerPoint. It is compatible with Mac and PC (Windows).

If you are using Google Slides to design your poster presentation, click View on Google Slides and then go to File -> Make a Copy to create your own copy of the presentation. Starting from this point you’d be able to edit the poster and add your own data, images and content.

Can I edit the poster presentations?

Yes. Poster templates can be edited to fit your presentation needs. Remember to save your changes. You can edit the presentation by adding your own content, data charts and images. It is possible to replace the top left logo by any logo image you want or remove it completely if it is not required. You can also remove the footer with our logo, notes and comments.

Poster designs are fully customizable and can be edited to change colors with a few clicks. The poster presentation format follow most standard US and international poster sizes and supports different versions of PowerPoint. Only basic PowerPoint skills are required. The poster templates can be used for research posters, in any scientific poster designs or as a conference posters.

You can also download an ODP poster version for LibreOffice and OpenOffice clicking here or other free presentation templates .

If you need any particular dimension that is not listed here, please kindly contact us recommending the new size.

Customizing Your Poster Presentations

Our 100% editable poster templates offer you a wide range of customization options. You can easily modify the content, include data charts and images, or replace the top-left logo with your brand’s identity. The footer, which contains our logo, notes, and comments, is also editable. Feel free to remove it if it doesn’t serve your presentation needs.

With just a few clicks, you can also adjust color schemes to match your brand or presentation theme. Our poster templates conform to most standard US and international poster sizes and are compatible with various PowerPoint versions. Only basic PowerPoint skills are required. You can create your own posters using PowerPoint or other presentation tools, like Google Slides or Canva. In our article how to make a poster in PowerPoint we explain a process to make a new poster.

Use Cases & Applications: How can you use the Poster Presentations?

Our poster templates cater to a wide range of poster presentations. From scientific research posters to conference posters, the sky is the limit.

Use Cases in Business

  • Project Showcase: Poster presentations are an efficient way to share details about new projects or initiatives within your company. They can succinctly highlight objectives, milestones, and outcomes. You can download a project poster presentation template from this website.
  • Marketing Campaigns: Poster presentations are also invaluable tools for marketing, displaying product information, promotional offers, or upcoming events in a visually appealing format. An A3 poster template for PowerPoint and Google Slides can help to accomplish it.
  • Employee Training: They can be used to facilitate employee training, demonstrating workflows, protocols, or safety procedures in a user-friendly manner.

Use Cases in Academia

  • Research Findings: Posters are commonly used to share research findings at academic conferences. They can effectively showcase methodologies, data, and conclusions. A creative research poster template is useful for this purpose. These poster presentations typically follow IMRaD format, which refers to a paper that is structured by four main sections: Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion (sometimes named Conclusion).
  • Educational Material: In a classroom setting, poster presentations can be used to simplify complex topics, visually represent theories, or exhibit historical timelines.

Use Cases in Medical Field

  • Medical Research: Poster presentations are vital in the medical field for sharing cutting-edge research, clinical trial results, and innovative medical procedures. Medical practitioners and researchers can utilize a medical research poster template to concisely present complex data and findings.
  • Patient Education: Hospitals and clinics can use poster presentations to educate patients on various health conditions, preventative measures, and treatment options. A patient education poster template can help in creating informative and easy-to-understand posters.
  • Conference and Symposium: Medical conferences and symposiums often feature poster sessions where professionals can share their work, network, and learn from each other. A medical conference poster template can provide a structured format to showcase research and case studies.

Use Cases in Arts and Design

  • Art Exhibitions: Artists can use poster presentations to display their artwork and provide context or commentary. An art exhibition poster template can be tailored to complement the artwork and enhance the viewer’s experience.
  • Design Portfolios: Designers can create poster presentations to showcase their portfolio of work to potential clients or employers. A design portfolio poster template can help in arranging works aesthetically and providing necessary project details.
  • Event Promotion: For promoting arts and cultural events, poster presentations can be an effective medium. An event promotion poster template can help in creating eye-catching and informative posters to attract attendees.

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presentation poster designs

  • Presentations Templates  > 

Give the best presentation possible

Whether you're promoting an event, decorating your space, or creating marketing materials, our Posters templates offer the perfect blend of professional design and personal touch. Don't waste time and money on complicated design software or expensive graphic designers. With our user-friendly platform, you'll be crafting stunning posters in no time. Ready to bring your ideas to life? Browse our extensive Posters template collection now and start creating your show-stopping design today. Your perfect poster is just a few clicks away!

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Include the key information

If you’re a student, the presentation poster that you create will most likely be viewed by your professor or fellow students. Your professors will be very familiar with what makes a good presentation poster, so it’s very important that your design is up to scratch! Remember though, that while your audience might have a general understanding of what you’re presenting, they may not be aware of the smaller details. Our posters ensure that you have ample room to summarise effectively what your project entails.

The designs are also suitable for business presentations, showcasing ideas at a conference, and presenting pitches. You can include all sorts of information like quotes, financial figures, dates, times, locations, contact details etc. To use any images, graphs or charts, drag them onto the upload button to begin implementing them into your design.

A display style text is best to use for these templates. You want to really catch your audience’s eye and hold their attention so that they will keep reading. Borders are used in the designs to divide information into sections, giving the poster additional structure.

Edit the poster to suit your needs

Can’t decide whether you want your poster in landscape or portrait? You can try out both with our magic resize button. One press of this button and your design will instantly transform before your eyes.

There’s a possibility that your design could contain a lot of detail. In that case, our composition grid is a very useful tool. Focus in on specific areas of the design and make certain that everything is lined up exactly how you want it.

You also have the option to adjust the spacing between letters and between lines. Make your text stand out even more with a large font size and wide spacing.

How to design a presentation poster in 4 simple steps

1. Select your presentation poster template from over 17.000 ready-made templates.

2. Select one of more than 1.200.000 images or upload your own image.

3. Change the color and text of your message using over 100 fresh fonts.

4. Share or download your own brand new presentation poster.

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How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: A Quick Guide 

Are you looking to make a lasting impression at your next conference or academic event?  Have you ever been in a situation where you had to present a poster presentation for a conference but didn’t know where to start?  Designing a winning poster presentation design can be daunting, especially when you have limited time and resources. But don’t worry, with a little planning and creativity; you can create a poster presentation that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message. 

In this blog, we will dive into the world of poster design and provide a quick guide on creating a creative poster presentation design. From choosing the right layout and color scheme to selecting the best images and fonts, we will share examples and templates to help you along the way. 

Are you ready to design a poster presentation that will make an impactful impression? 

Let’s get started!

What is a poster presentation?

A poster presentation is a great way of communicating research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. It is a visual representation of information used to attract the audience’s attention and explain the topic in an easy-to-understand manner. A poster presentation typically consists of a poster and a brief explanation.

The poster should be designed to be visually appealing and include a compelling title slide that will draw the audience’s attention. The content should be organized logically and include a clear message that differentiates it from other posters. 

The text should be concise and written in a large font size to be easily read from a distance. Additionally, the poster should include images, PowerPoint tables , graphs, and other visuals to help illustrate the points made.

The brief explanation should be five minutes long and provide an overview of the poster’s content. The speaker should be friendly and professional and use appropriate language for the audience.

How to make a poster presentation?

Making a poster presentation can be a great way to showcase your research or project, but it can also be a bit overwhelming if you’re unsure where to start. Here are tips for poster presentation that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Start with a plan

Before you start designing your poster, it’s essential to have a clear idea of what you wish to achieve. Think about your audience, message, and the key points you want to communicate. Once you have a plan in place, it will be much easier to create a poster presentation PowerPoint that is both visually appealing and informative.

Choose the right layout

The layout of your poster presentation is important as it can affect how easily people can read and understand your information. A good layout with a clear information hierarchy will be easy to read. You can use various fonts, sizes, and colors to emphasize the most important points.

Use images and graphics

A poster presentation full of text can be overwhelming, so it’s important to include images and PowerPoint graphics to break up the text and make it more visually appealing. Make sure to choose relevant images for your topic, which will help to communicate your message.

presentation poster designs

Use contrasting colors

Choosing the right color scheme is essential for ensuring your poster presentation design is easy to read and engage. Use contrasting colors for the background and text, and ensure that the text is easy to read against the background.

Proofread and edit

Once you’ve finished designing your creative poster presentation, it’s vital to proofread and edit it to ensure there are no mistakes or typos. It’s also a good idea to get feedback from others to see if any changes or improvements can be made.

Creating a creative poster presentation takes a bit of planning, creativity, and attention to detail, but by following these tips, you can design a poster that will engage your audience and effectively communicate your message. Remember, a poster presentation PPT is not just a collection of text and images; it’s a visual tool to communicate your ideas and research.

Tips for Poster Presentation

Creating an appealing poster presentation perfectly captures your audience’s attention and effectively communicates your message. Here are five tips to help you create an effective PowerPoint poster presentation:

Keep it simple

Your poster should be easy to read and understand. Avoid using too many colors or borders, as this can be distracting and look untidy. Use a limited color palette and keep the text concise.

Choose an eye-catching headline

Think of some eye catchy or witty text as your poster’s focal point to grab people’s attention. They will want to look closer if it makes them laugh or piques their curiosity.

Use high-quality photos

You can use pictures to design posters, and choosing high-resolution photos is essential, especially if you print them in large pixels or sizes. Any pixelation or slightly blurred graphics can turn your design into a disaster.

Introduce your poster presentation with a “1 Minute Pitch.”

You don’t want to “give everything away,” so to speak, but rather capture the interest of your audience, introduce yourself and the project, and spark a dialogue.

Add a memorable call to action

Your poster will only be meaningful if it makes the audience act on the message you delivered. Compose a clear call to action to inform them of what to do next. You can add details on where to purchase tickets for event posters in your call to action.

By following these tips, you can create a compelling and creative poster presentation design that will capture your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message.

Poster Presentation Examples

When creating a creative poster presentation, seeing examples can be a great way to get inspiration and see what works. In this section, we will be showcasing a variety of poster presentation examples that demonstrate different design techniques and styles. 

From scientific research posters to creative projects, these examples will give you a better understanding of how to create a poster that will grab your audience’s attention and effectively communicate your message. 

presentation poster designs

Wrapping It Up

Creating a creative poster presentation requires careful planning and attention to detail. It is essential to identify the poster’s goal, consider the target audience, decide where to share it, use a pre-made PowerPoint template , pick a relevant or branded color scheme, include a clear call-to-action, and use fonts to create a hierarchy of information. 

Additionally, ensuring the poster has an attractive visual impact, a compelling title, a clear message, cohesiveness, design and readability, storytelling, alignment, margins, and white space is essential. By following these tips, you have access to various ideas for poster presentations that will have a lasting impact.

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How-To Geek

How to make a poster using microsoft powerpoint.


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Microsoft Office vs. Google Docs, Sheets, Slides: Which Is Best?

Get creative in the linux terminal with these 9 artsy commands, photo sphere is the best pixel camera mode google removed, quick links, define the poster dimensions, design your poster.

Microsoft PowerPoint isn't just for presentations---it also provides all of the creative tools you need to design a beautiful poster. Just set the dimensions, design the poster, and print it out. Here's how to make a poster using PowerPoint.

Posters come in all sizes, but the first thing you need to know is PowerPoint's slide limit is 56-inches x 56-inches, so you'll need to plan accordingly. It's also important to note that you want to set your poster dimensions before you start designing your poster. Otherwise, you might end up having to rework parts of your design due to the size change.

Related: How to Reduce the File Size of a PowerPoint Presentation

Here are some of the standard poster sizes to get you started:

  • Small poster: 11" x 17"
  • Medium poster: 18" x 24"
  • Large posters: 24" x 36" or 27" x 39"

Once you've decided on your poster size, set the dimensions in PowerPoint. To do this, open PowerPoint and navigate to the "Design" tab.

Design tab in PowerPoint

In the "Customize" group, select "Slide Size."

Slide size in customize group

Select "Custom Slide Size" from the dropdown menu.

Custom slide size

The "Slide Size" window will appear. Input the width and height specifications to match your required size. Keep in mind that if your height is larger in size than your width, the orientation of the slide will automatically change to "Portrait."

When you're finished, select "OK."

Input width and height of the poster size

Once selected, a new window will appear giving you two scaling options: Maximize or Ensure Fit. If your slide already has content on it, you'll want to select "Ensure Fit."

Ensure fit

Your slide will now be resized.

Your poster design is going to depend completely on you. You'll want to pay attention to the background of the poster, text and image arrangement, font size and style, etc. Essentially, you should treat this part exactly as if you were just creating another slide for a presentation.

Because the design and process of this step is going to differ for everyone, we'd like to offer some of our previous guides to get you started in the design process:

  • Insert a picture or other object.
  • Use an image as a background.
  • Insert an image inside text.
  • Get a picture behind text.
  • Make a border or frame.

Once your design is ready, all that's left to do is print it out and hang it up!

Related: How to Troubleshoot Printing Issues in Microsoft Word

  • Microsoft Office
  • Microsoft PowerPoint

Stop spending hours resizing and aligning boxes on your poster.

Design beautiful research posters in minutes with biorender's poster builder. experience quick and easy poster-making with this powerful tool, built by scientists for scientists..

a laptop showing the BioRender poster builder software

The easiest poster building experience you’ve ever tried.

  • Create a poster from scratch in minutes with drag and drop components.
  • Everything magically resizes to fit the poster size and maintain consistent margins. Change your poster from landscape to portrait with one click.
  • Easily pan and zoom around the canvas to ensure every detail is perfect.
  • Add BioRender figures with just a few clicks. All of your files live in one place.

Save time by starting with a professionally designed, fully customizable template.

  • Templates are available in landscape, portrait, and square orientation.
  • Choose from a wide range of color themes or customize the poster to match institutional branding.
  • Default font sizes and margins, optimized for printed posters.
  • High quality export available in PDF, PNG, and JPG file formats for all your print and presentation needs.

Using Poster Builder is a really, really nice experience— it only took me a day to put together a poster . The same poster would probably take me a week to do in PowerPoint.

presentation poster designs

Never email posters back and forth again.

  • Quickly give and receive contextual feedback with comments.
  • Never email posters back and forth again. Share and collaborate on posters with your colleagues in real-time, no matter where you’re located.
  • Easily retrieve previous versions for a worry-free editing experience.

Use BioRender for...

Ready to get started.

presentation poster designs

EdrawMax App

3-step diagramming

Free Editable Poster Presentation Examples

Poster presentations are a popular presentation format for research and clinical findings. These presentations effectively communicate the research data and concepts to the audience using a balanced combination of visuals and text. We will also look into a few poster presentation examples to see how they help communicate with the audience perceptively and concisely.

1. What is a Poster Presentation?

A poster presentation is a short, concise yet clear way of communicating your research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. There are two most critical elements in any poster presentation example: a poster and a brief explanation.

Creating a poster presentation starts with analyzing and evaluating information or synthesizing ideas to present all necessary data and facts. The properties of an effective poster presentation are:

  • The flow of information is well-organized and easy to follow.
  • The text is easy to read, as a large font is used, and the information is not cluttered.
  • Allows to convert to a mind map or a timeline diagram from the Gantt chart
  • The balanced use of visuals, text, colors, and graphics makes the poster presentation attractive without losing its functionality.

What is Poster Presentation

2. The Poster Presentation Examples

Poster presentations include a part of the information from the research paper or the main text. So, it is crucial to pick the right amount and type of information, which is part of the analysis phase. Let us review some poster presentation examples to understand the salient features of well-made poster presentations.

Example 1: Nursing Poster Presentation Example

This nursing poster presentation example shows a nursing research paper's findings in a well-organized manner. It uses columns and rows to break down the information into different segments to make the text more readable. It also uses graphics, including graphs, bars, and charts, to show the relevant data and figures.

You can see that the flow of the information is very smooth and very understandable. The audience can quickly go to the section they want to read without skimming through the information for the required text.

Nursing Poster Presentation Example

Example 2: Medical Poster Presentation Example

The medical poster presentation example presented here is the perfect sample to product the summary of a medical research paper in organized and readable layout. It is a clinical case study with learning objective and case presentation. The case presentation also includes an image placeholder to explain the problem more clearly. The other important section in this poster presentation example are nutritional intervention, topic discussion and references.

Medical Poster Presentation Example

Example 3: Research Poster Example

This editable research poster example is an excellent tool for any project team to produce their findings and information. The format is straightforward because it breaks down information into many sections. You can quickly put in the relevant information in every section without formatting issues. The title contains the logo, poster title, and author information. The later areas include project introduction, goals, and description. The central section presents the evaluation strategy, findings, and reference literature. We have the conclusion and implication, acknowledgment, and contact information in the concluding paragraph.

Research Poster Example

Example 4: App Poster Presentation Example

This app poster presentation example also deals with health behavior theory analysis. You can take inspiration from this template and show your research findings using this research poster example. It combines text and visuals to present the data and information attractively and effectively. It makes efficient use of tables to deliver the data, while some graphics and charts are also used to give information in an easy-to-understand manner.

App Poster Presentation Example

Example 5: Scientific Poster Presentation Example

This scientific poster presentation example is a template focused on presenting the summary of research in an easily readable format. The template starts with a logo and introduction to the study, and a list of authors. The later parts include abstract, introduction, results, discussion, and other relevant sections. Another distinguishing feature of this poster presentation example is the detailed guidelines presented in each area. So, even a beginner can create an effective poster presentation using this template and guidelines.

Scientific Poster Presentation Example

Example 6: Psychology Poster Presentation Example

This document's psychology poster presentation example shows a scientific poster that produces the relevant information in a very effective and well-organized layout. The layout is immaculate yet collects a good amount of data without clutter. You can see a pie chart and a lot of bullet text. The central part of this research paper example is exciting. It has two parts, each with a circle in the center and four sections. It gives inspiration for presenting a large amount of text interestingly.

Psychology Poster Presentation Example

Source: EdrawMax Online

Example 7: Science Poster Presentation Example

This science poster presentation example uses columns to divide the content into manageable parts. The content division makes it easy to read, easy to edit, and makes going to specific information straightforward. Colorful headings and background color make this template attractive without distracting the flow of information and losing focus on the text.

Science Poster Presentation Example

Example 8: Good Poster Presentation Example

A good poster presentation example must be editable, well laid out, well organized, and guidelines for the poster presentations. The main sections are an introduction, method, results, conclusions, and bibliography. This example can also see placeholders for charts, graphs, and figures. The use of the right size of the font, proper text format, and proper use of graphics makes any poster presentation an excellent tool for communication.

Good Poster Presentation Example

Example 9: Mathematics Poster Presentation Example

Mathematics poster presentation examples are based on graphs, charts, and maps to show the statistics, mathematical functions, and data. Mathematicians need less amount of text and rely more on data presentations. This example shows how to include numerous charts and graphs in one poster presentation without losing any value in information and readability. It uses classic blue and a good size font for the contained text.

Mathematics Poster Presentation Example

3. Online Scientific Poster Maker

A poster presentation example must present the information and data in an engaging, readable, and attractive layout. It is essential to communicate your important information effectively without losing anything to the structure. An online scientific poster maker is a tool that allows you to create scientific posters in less time and with all essential elements. EdrawMax Online is a great candidate for your best scientific poster maker because it has an easy-to-use editor, great font and layout toolkit, and an excellent collection of templates. You can use the professionally made scientific poster templates for inspiration and a quick start. These templates are fully customizable, so you can add your text and graphics to create an attractive scientific poster. Also, you can import your data easily with a few clicks and export your poster in many file formats.

4. Key Takeaways

Scientific posters and poster presentation examples are more complex than other posters because their information needs to be accurate and complete. Also, the text, data, and graphics must be visible even from a distance. Therefore, an excellent scientific poster maker like EdrawMax allows you to create a perfect poster presentation easily and quickly. A good choice of charts, graphs, and data representation also contributes towards a more effective poster presentation. You cam find more science diagrams or poster presentations in the Templates Community .

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Let's create a powerpoint design, frequently asked questions, where can i find slide templates and themes that i can customize.

To find customizable slide templates and themes, you can explore the business presentations templates or search by PowerPoint templates . Once you find a template that resonates with you, customize it by changing its color scheme, add in your own photos, and swap out the font.

How do I use pre-made PowerPoint templates?

After you've chosen a PowerPoint template to use, customize it. Explore [design tips] on how to customize a deck that resonates with your brand while putting emphasis on the topic at hand. Play with other design elements, like photo shapes, to make each slide unique.

How can I make or edit my own custom PowerPoint templates?

Start from scratch by creating your own PowerPoint template . Follow tips for designs and business presentations so that your unique template is cohesive and relevant to your brand. Incorporate your brand's color scheme and graphics so that all your slides aren't text only.

What kinds templates can I get online for PowerPoint?

You can get PowerPoint templates that have modern designs, animated ones, or even hand-drawn art in each slide. The color schemes range from bold to subtle. Each template's slides are also organized based on what you may want to include in your presentation . You can use the template as a starting point and customize its specific details from theme.

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Blog Marketing How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide + Templates)

How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide + Templates)

Written by: Sara McGuire Jan 21, 2024

poster design

Posters are one of the oldest, most tried-and-true types of marketing collateral. Posters are an effective way to draw attention to your sales, events, fundraisers and more.

While there is no one right way to make a poster , there are still poster design best practices that you should follow.

So we decided to take it upon ourselves to write the ultimate, most in-depth poster design guide out there. If you want to learn how to design a poster from scratch (or with our professionally designed poster templates ), you’re in the right place.

These poster design tips can be applied to virtually any poster you design. So let’s get into it!

How to design a poster from scratch

Creating a poster from scratch can be a fun and enriching experience. Whether you’re crafting a school project to impress your teacher, using one to promote an event or simply presenting information in an engaging way, posters offer a unique opportunity to express yourself visually and share your message effectively.

This step-by-step guide will equip you with the tools and techniques to make your own compelling poster:

  • Identify the goal of your poster
  • Consider your target audience
  • Decide where to share your poster
  • Select a professional poster template
  • Pick a relevant or branded color scheme 
  • Include a clear call to action
  • Use fonts to create a hierarchy of information
  • Use icons to visualize concepts and grab attention 
  • Add high-quality images & stock photos
  • Download & export in the right format

How to design posters for different occasions

1. identify the goal of your poster.

The most important step in the poster creation process is to understand why you are creating this type of promotional material in the first place.

Is it because of advertising purposes for a new product? To grab the audience’s attention about a concert in the area? To highlight important details about a campaign? Or even just because there’s a sale coming up? All of these are goals that an ad maker and some engaging poster templates can help you achieve.

If you think about your main goals from the beginning, you can use those goals to guide your choices like a professional designer would.

For example, if the goal of your poster is to invite your community to a fundraising event , then your poster should be designed strategically to help you achieve this goal. A common rule for written communication is that simplicity wins.

Take a look at another fundraising event poster :

Sponsors Template

Just so you know, some of our poster templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Now, if you’re looking for information posters for your fundraising event, here’s another example you can keep in mind:

Breast Cancer Awareness Poster Template


Start with a goal and plan your custom poster around it. 

2. Consider your target audience 

Next, you should consider who you are trying to reach with your poster. Answering this question will probably remind you of all the important details you should highlight while you make your poster.

For example, say you’re advertising an event for women’s rights like below:

Iconic Women's Rights Poster

Now compare it to this other design below:

Womens Rights March Poster

The goal and audience on each of these templates are different and both designs will appeal to distinct groups of people. Make sure you have decided exactly who you want to appeal to, before jumping into your online poster creator tool and starting your creation process.

A perk of these eye-catching posters is that we can see inclusive visuals, maximalist elements and bold shapes — which happen to be some of this year’s biggest graphic design trends .

Also, remember that you can make multiple posters that cater to different customer personas . You don’t have to use one for every type of customer! 

3. Decide where you want to share your poster

The final thing you should determine to save time — before designing your poster — is where it will be shared. 

Would you like to hang it up on a wall? Or just share it with your followers on social media so they can leave comments and send it to other friends? 

It’s important to decide where you want your poster to be seen before you start working on your online poster maker. This is because, as you will see below, optimizing a poster properly for print is slightly different than for Twitter or Facebook. 

Optimize your poster for print 

You probably have an idea of where you’re going to share your poster. Where you decide to pin it up can help you make a few design decisions. 

If you’re planning on printing out your poster, there are some basic guidelines you should keep in mind.

Visualize where you will pin up your poster

If it’s going on a wall with a bunch of other movie posters though , print your poster in a larger size so it will stand out:

Arrhythmia Poster

But if it’s going on a relatively bare wall, print it in a smaller size and pin up a bunch of them to then create posters with a larger footprint like the minimalist poster templates below:

Blue Gradient Tech Scientific Poster Template

If you’re looking for more ideas to present your findings effectively, search through our selection of scientific poster templates .

Select a standard paper size

Unless you want to create a big poster background, you probably don’t want to spend money on getting it printed. You can print it yourself by simply designing your custom poster to fit the standard ISO A1-A5 printer paper.

How To Design Poster Example 7

With Venngage you can magically resize any of our poster templates into Letter, A3, A4, A5 and any custom dimensions with a few clicks. First, click on the page size tab on the top left and then select what size you would like: 

How To Design Poster Example 3

The page resize option will also reformat your poster content to fit the new size you select — if you want it to. This simple feature will save you a TON of time in the long run, so be sure to try it out. 

You’re more than welcome to manually resize your poster the old-fashioned way, by updating the page size: 

How To Design Poster Example 1

You can also set the size of your poster background in Pixels, Inches, or Centimeters as well. 

That said, for most of the posters that you’re going to print out, it’s best to use the preset sizes. This will ensure that your printer can actually print out a beautiful poster.

above, there’s now a white border added to your design. This is — you guessed it — the bleed marks! 

Optimize your poster for social media.

There are fewer restraints when designing a poster for web than for print. This is a great opportunity to do something really fun with your design. Still, there are some guidelines you should follow.  

If you want your poster to look really good on social media, size it for the specific platform you’re promoting it on . You may want to make a couple of different versions of your poster for different platforms.

Remember, a square or portrait orientation looks best for mobile viewing. People are used to scrolling up and down on mobile, rather than side to side.

These are the ideal dimensions for each of the big social media platforms:

  • Facebook : 1200 x 630 pixels
  • X ( Twitter) : 1200 x 675 pixels for landscape images, 900 x 900 pixels for square images and 506 x 253 pixels for 2:1 aspect ratio images.
  • Instagram : 1080px by 1080px at a 1:1 aspect ratio. For landscape posts, use an image that is 1080px by 566px, with an aspect ratio of 1.91:1.
  • Pinterest : You have more wiggle room here for length, but try to use a ratio of 2:3 to 1:3.5. 

If you’re creating an advertisement poster for Twitter or Facebook, banners generally fit better on their newsfeeds. In that case, landscape orientation is fine.

Earth Day Poster Design Template

Or if you’re looking for awareness campaign poster ideas to share on a Pinterest board:

HIV Awareness Poster

4. Start with a professional poster template 

You don’t need to hire professional designers to create powerful poster backgrounds. Designing your own poster might sound intimidating but with Venngage’s free poster maker , you can make an engaging poster online — for business, virtual events, scientific facts, and much more.

A poster template will give you a foundation to create your own poster stand, your own design.

Start by picking a template that will help communicate the goal of your poster. Look for templates that reflect your poster’s theme or have the right layout you’re looking for. 

Here are some things to keep in mind when picking a poster template :

  • Look for a poster template with a layout that fits your vision and goals (ex. header placement, image placeholders, icons and more).
  • Pick a poster sample with the right dimensions for where you will be sharing your poster (ex. on a wall, on Facebook, in an email marketing campaign, etc).
  • Remember that you can always  customize your templates  if there are aspects of the design that you don’t like.

For example, if you want to create a poster for your job fair, you would want to focus on the location, date, and jobs available:

Job Fair Event Poster Design Template

However, if you’re creating information posters to raise knowledge and awareness about an important holiday or event:

Native American Poster

If you’re creating an advertisement poster to promote a sale, the discount and date are probably should be the most eye-catching parts of your poster:

Modern Sale Poster Design Template

As you can see, these are all great poster templates, but each example is designed to help you achieve a unique goal. So just make sure you are picking a template that fits your goal and you will save a ton of time. 

Now if you want to learn how to create an event poster, business poster, sales poster and more, jump to the last section. There you will find a more in-depth guide on creating a killer poster. 

5. Pick a relevant or branded color scheme 

One of the first things that someone will probably notice about your poster is the color scheme.

In most cases, the appropriate color scheme will be obvious. So try not to overthink it! 

For example, if you’re creating a poster for a winter event, then a color scheme of warm green, red, and white will evoke the feeling of the holidays.

Christmas Party Poster Design Template

If your company has strict brand guidelines you need to follow, then you can incorporate your brand colors into your custom posters.

Simple Blue Marketing Poster Design Template

Now if you want to use your brand colors on any of our poster templates, just click the My Brand Kit tab on the left side of the screen: 

How To Design Poster Example 5

Then click one of your branded colors to add them to any poster template:

How To Design Poster Example 4

Click the palette again to change where the branded colors are used:

How To Design Poster Example 18

With a few clicks, you can create a ton of variations of your poster, like so: 

How To Design Poster Example 22

However, if you’re still struggling to come up with a relevant color scheme, take a look at the meanings and emotions of each color. 

The color blue is usually associated with wisdom, trust, and loyalty. Use this color palette on a business, event, or marketing poster to make it feel very professional: 

Digital Marketing Meet Up Event Poster DesignTemplate

Green is associated with energy, the environment, and tranquility. It would make sense to use a green color combination on a nonprofit or fundraising poster, like below:

Green Eco Friendly Poster Design Template

Red is associated with strength, courage, and joy. It also is super eye-catching, which you can see in the minimalist but stunning poster below:

Red Bold Sale Poster Design Template

As you can see, color theory should help you pick the right color palette in no time. Now if you’re not sure where to start when it comes to pairing colors, a color scheme generator tool like Coolors can be helpful.

6. Include a clear call-to-action

Once you have someone’s attention, you need to make it very clear what their next steps are to help. This is commonly known as a Call-To-Action (CTA). 

Every poster, no matter the topic or type, should have a CTA. Otherwise, what is the point of creating a poster in the first place?

In this marketing poster template, the CTA is the “ Register Online ” at the bottom:

Digital Marketing Conference Event Poster Design Template

The designer made sure this CTA would stand out from the rest of the poster by highlighting it in blue and using a unique font.

Additionally, they made the CTA very simple to follow. You don’t want to make your CTA a chore, especially if your poster wants them to visit a website.

The same can be said about this fitness poster template:

Pink Yoga Class Poster Design Template

But in this example, the creator of this poster made the CTA stand out even more!

As you can see these CTAs are both near the bottom of the poster. This is on purpose and allows the reader to get more information before taking action:

Dark Fundraising Poster Design Template

Can you imagine if the first thing you read on a poster was CTA? It would be very confusing and probably make you ignore the rest of the poster.

Not all CTAs require the reader to visit a website, call a business or make a purchase immediately.

That action may be as simple as telling their friends about what they learned on the poster. Or about when a garage sale happens to be: 

Simple Garage Sale Event Poster Design Template

The call to action on this poster is actually the entire black section of the poster. The top section informs the reader and the bottom helps them take an action. 

In this case, the action is visiting the garage sale, but it still is a CTA. Without it, no one would know what this poster was trying to get them to do. 

7. Use fonts to create a hierarchy of information

What information you choose to include on your poster will depend on the goal of your poster. 

But if you’re creating a fairly standard poster, it’s best practice to follow a hierarchy of information.

For example, if you are creating an event poster the information on your eye-catching posters should be read in this order:

  • The name of your event.
  • The date and time of your event.
  • A short description of the event or a catchy tagline.
  • The location of your event (if you choose to include it).
  • A simple call to action like a website, social media page or contact number.
  • The name of your company, department, organization, etc.

As you can see in this event poster design, the designer used a handful of different fonts to organize the information: 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template

The title of the event obviously uses the largest font, because it will hopefully catch someone’s attention. It also will give the reader context for the other information on the poster. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template3

But if they aren’t interested in learning more, they can quickly move on with their day after reading the title. 

If they are interested in the event, they can move on to the next piece of information, the date.

The designer used a bright yellow to catch your eye directly after reading the title of the event. If they would have used a simple white, the information would have been easily overlooked. 

The tagline of the event is italicized below the title, giving the reader a little more context about the event. Again, if this sounds interesting to the reader, they can move on to the next piece of information, and so on.  

This process will help eliminate people who don’t really need to see the CTA at the end of your poster. 

And finally, after moving through all the information, the CTA at the bottom uses another bold font and color so that people will not miss it. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template2

Can you imagine how hard it would be to navigate this poster if they would have used the same font throughout? It would look like a term paper that no one wants to read.

Now if you’re struggling to decide what the hierarchy of your poster should look like, think about the most important info you want the reader to walk away with.

In this example, the title of the event, the location and the CTA seem to be the most important.

Additionally, the font color used in this design contrasts exceptionally well with the poster background color. If you choose a font that doesn’t contrast, it will be very difficult to read your poster. 

Business Entrepreneur Workshop Event Poster Design Template1

As you can see below, a good rule of thumb is to use a light font color on a dark background:

Black Friday Event Poster Design Template

Or a dark font on a light background:    

Simple Colorful Info Poster Design Template

Even if you use a single font on your poster, you can quickly create a hierarchy of information just by changing the font’s color, size or weight. So again, don’t overthink it!

8. Use icons to visualize concepts and grab attention

Icons are symbols used in design to represent concepts. Icons are the perfect way to enhance your custom posters. You can use icons to embellish points and, in certain cases, replace text. 

They’re also great for illustrating ideas quickly. Or you could make icons the main focal point of your design, like the template below:

Blue Conservation Poster Design Template

Keep these best practices in mind when using icons in your poster design:

  • Pick icons with a consistent style (line thickness, flat or illustrated, line art or filled).
  • Use icons sparingly and allow for plenty of whitespaces to let your design breathe.
  • Add a simple border or background shape to your icons.
  • If you do replace the text with icons, make sure that the meaning is very obvious.

Let’s take a look at some of those best practices in action, starting with keeping your icons consistent.

As you probably know, there are a few different kinds of icons that you can use. Some are flat, and can be changed to match the color of your poster very easily: 

Pastel Colors Simple Poster

While others are illustrated, and the colors can’t be changed:

Medical Informational Poster Design Template

Whatever icons you choose to use while designing a poster, just make sure the styles are consistent, like in the examples above. 

So if you use a flat icon in one section, use flat icons throughout your poster and vice versa.

Next, let’s talk about using whitespace correctly when it comes to icons. If you’re not aware, whitespace is the open space around a design element like a block of text, a title or an icon:

Simple Fitness Poster Design Template

Without it, your poster design will feel exactly cramped and unprofessional. It will also make your poster very hard to read or navigate. Check out how odd the poster below looks without adequate whitespace:

How To Design Poster Example 16

It looks like a mess, so be sure to take the time to use whitespace throughout your poster! 

One very easy way that you can create this whitespace around your icons is by using a background or border shape. Each icon in the template below uses a background shape:

Dark Consulting Business Flyer Poster Design Template

Using background shapes in this way will not only give your icons some room to breathe, but it will also make them a lot more eye-catching. Without the border shapes in the example above, the icons would have just faded into the background. 

Plus, if you’re using illustrated icons it will make the design feel much more consistent across the poster:

Real Estate Marketing Poster Design Template

And the finally best practice, be sure that if you replace text with an icon, the reader will actually understand it. The poster example below illustrates this tactic well in the contact section:

Modern Fundraiser Poster Design Template

Readers are going to be able to decipher those icons because they are used a lot in the real world already. Others might not be so easy to understand, so you might have to add a label or title to them. Like below:

Yoga Fitness Class Event Poster Design Template

With Venngage, you can quickly swap any icon on your poster or one of our customizable poster templates , with just a few clicks as well. First, select on any icon on your poster and then click the Replace button:

How To Design Poster Example 11

Then just search for the icon that you want, and click on it to replace: 

How To Design Poster Example 19

It’s really that simple and can help you turn any template into your own unique graphic in no time. 

9. Use high-quality images & stock photos

If you have been paying attention to the templates and examples in this article you may have noticed that they use a lot of premium images.

Venngage’s free poster maker tool offers free and premium images, icons and graphs to help you edit poster designs with ease — no prior design skills needed. Here are some examples of stock images in the background: 

Simple Business Marketing Poster Design Template

While others make it one of the main focal points of the poster:

Red Rock Music Concert Poster Design Template

But all of them use very high-quality images, no matter the type of poster.

If you plan to print out the poster or enlarge it, using high-quality photos is important. The slight blurriness or pixelation will quickly become a nightmare. 

It doesn’t matter if you are using a stock photo or one that you took, all of them should be very crisp and clear. Sometimes it’s better to use a professional stock photo in place of a blurry personal photo as well.

Plus, Venngage’s free poster maker tool is integrated with Pixabay and Pexels to elevate your design. Access stunning, professional photography with just one click.

Just head over to the left sidebar and click the Photos tab to bring up the search bar: 

How To Design Poster Example 151 copy

Once you find the perfect stock photo just click the photo to add it to your poster.

Additionally, like with icons, you can swap any photo on your poster using the Replace button:

How To Design Poster Example 12

After you select Replace , you can search for any stock photo in our library and insert it into the poster with one click:

How To Design Poster Example 10

Now if you don’t want to use any of our stock photos, you can upload your own images by dragging it on the screen or by selecting Image Upload in the left sidebar:

How To Design Poster Example 15

As you can see, adding your own photos to your poster is very easy, just make sure you pick the right ones. 

10. Download & export your poster in the optimal format

After you have finished your poster, it’s time to share it with the world. On Venngage you can quickly download your poster by clicking the Download button on the right side of your screen:

How To Design Poster Example 17

Then select what type of file you would like your poster downloaded as:

How To Design Poster Example 8

Downloading your poster as a PNG should be fine for emails or social media. 

But if you want to print out your poster, download it as a PNG HD. This will make sure your poster is crisp and perfect once it gets back from the printer! 

Phew, that was a lot of info! Need a quick recap or want to share this information with your team? We have you covered with this video : 

All of the advice we outlined above can be used on almost any poster. But in this final section, we are going to get a little more specific.

Below are some of the most popular types of posters that you can create. 

But instead of waxing poetically on each type of poster, we are going to outline a simple checklist for each type of poster! 

So let’s get into it! 

How to make an infographic poster

  • Choose a powerful topic you’d like to inform about.
  • Do your research and gather relevant facts.
  • Select an outstanding template that’ll help you grab attention.
  • Add icons and graphs. Data visualization is key in an infographic poster.
  • Create a content hierarchy and highlight the most interesting insights.
  • Add your logo and company’s branding.
  • Download in multiple formats and share.

Simple Distillation Scientific Poster Template

Related: What Is an Infographic Poster and How To Make One?

How to make an event poster

  • Start with an interesting background image or color.
  • Use a large and bold font for your event title.  
  • Add some embellishments to the title to make it pop.
  • Add the date, location and time of the event. 
  • Include a simple call to action.
  • Describe your event or why people should attend.
  • Make sure you add your logo and brand colors.

Dental Education Poster Template

Related: 10 Event Poster Design Ideas [+ Free Templates]

How to make a marketing poster

  • Arrange the 4 P’s of your strategy: your product, price, promotion and place.
  • Choose a design that will mark your audience and look good in your selected place.
  • Make your campaign details the focus of the poster.
  • Add high-quality images of your product or service.
  • Include a relevant call to action.
  • Incorporate your branding.

Cultural Event Poster


If you want to dig deeper into the steps to create a marketing poster and find campaign poster ideas, read this article: How to Design a Marketing Poster (10+ Templates Included).

How to make a sales poster

  • Start with a simple background color or texture.
  • Make the savings or discount the main focal point. 
  • Show where or what store the sale is taking place.
  • List exactly what products are on sale or discounted. 
  • Add the start and end date or time of the sale. 
  • Add some contact information or a website 
  • Include your branding or logo. 

Spring Sale Poster Design Template

How to make an HR poster

Summarize important information, helpful resources, processes or events information.

  • Define the department you’re referring to.
  • Include only the key information.
  • Choose the best layout to showcase your announcement.
  • Customize a brand-aligned design.
  • Optimize your poster for distribution.

Workshop Event Poster

Related: 17 Essential Human Resources Poster Templates (Updated) .

How to make a conference poster

  • Start with an interesting background texture or color.
  • Use a large, eye-catching font for the conference title. 
  • Outline the speakers, events, or special guests.
  • Add the time and date of the conference.
  • Add the location(s) of the conference. 
  • Include a CTA for tickets or to sign up.
  • Describe why people should attend this conference.
  • Add the logo or branding of the conference organizer.  

Bold Growth MarketingConference Event Poster Template

How to make a medical poster

  • Select your health awareness topic or medical information theme.
  • Write a catching title with bold fonts.
  • Highlight important data, stats and recommendations.
  • Add images and icons to ease retention.
  • Invite your audience to a website or to access more resources.

Community Healthcare Services Poster Template

Related: 15 Medical Poster Templates for Patient Education .

How to make a real-estate poster

  • Include a few high-quality pictures of the house or listing. 
  • Add an eye-catching “For Sale” or “For Rent” header.
  • List the purchase price or estimated rent.
  • Add the address of the house or listing. 
  • List a few of the most interesting features of the house or listing.   
  • Elaborate on the listing, location, or real estate agency.  
  • Add a simple call to action.
  • Include the contact information for the real estate agent.
  • Add the logo or branding of the real estate company.

Condo Real Estate Sale Flyer Template

Hopefully, these simple checklists will help you create a poster in no time! 

If you want to learn more about designing these types of custom posters , start with these articles:

  • 20+ Attention-Grabbing Event Poster Templates
  • 55+ Creative Poster Ideas, Templates & Design Tips
  • 17 Essential Human Resources Poster Templates
  • 10+ Research Poster Templates to Share Information Professionally

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Research poster template sample designs

We have designed our templates for professional results and with the average PowerPoint user in mind. What you see here is a typical 36x48 research poster layout that includes the most common elements of a research poster layout. Other size layouts will look similar. If you have not made a research poster before use this layout as a general guide. The different backgrounds show what the same layout looks on the templates we provide. Follow the template instructions if you want to customize the columns and to change the template colors. Happy designing!

A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:25am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:26am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 1, 2015 at 9:27am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 6, 2015 at 11:01am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 6, 2015 at 6:14pm PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 7, 2015 at 11:36am PDT
#research #PosterPresentations #posterpresentation #postersession #researchposter #postertemplate #academicposter #trifoldposterboard #fabricposter #postersessions #posterprinting #phdlife #sciencefair A photo posted by PosterPresentations.com (@posterpresentations) on Oct 7, 2015 at 11:09am PDT


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How to Make a Poster: Beginner’s Design Guide (& Templates)

How to Make a Poster: Beginner’s Design Guide (& Templates)

Written by: Mahnoor Sheikh

presentation poster designs

Posters are excellent marketing tools that can be used to advertise movies, events, fundraisers, sales, businesses and more.

If you’re looking for an easy way to make a poster online, you’re in the right place.

In this article, you’ll learn how to create a poster in 7 simple steps.

We’ve also handpicked 25 stunning poster templates for various purposes that you can edit and download right now.

Ready? Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What are the dimensions of a poster, 7-step process for making an eye-catching poster, bonus: make your digital poster interactive, 25 poster templates to help you get started, poster faqs.

  • A poster is a printed or digital design that promotes business-related activities like events, grand openings, special promotions, etc.
  • Posters have a set of standard sizes, but it’s best to check with your printing service or home printer first before starting on the design.
  • The poster-making process includes identifying its purpose, choosing a template, adding text and visuals, customizing colors and fonts, adding a call to action or online form, and sharing with your audience.
  • Poster design for beginners is easy when you have Visme as your content creation tool. Not only can you design using professional poster template s, but you can also create a myriad of client-facing and branded content.
  • If you're running short on time and need to create eye-catching posters quickly, try out our AI poster generator !

When designing a poster, there are no set rules for the poster size or dimensions.

However, some printing companies use the same, consistent poster sizes, so it’s always a good idea to ensure your poster fits those dimensions.

Here’s an infographic summarizing the standard poster sizes used by printing companies worldwide. Keep reading for a brief explanation about each poster size.

presentation poster designs

  • A4 Paper: 8.5” x 11” (21 x 29.7 cm). These posters are ideal for printing at home or at your local printing shop for personal use or for sticking on your shop window.
  • Small Poster: 11” x 17” (28 x 43 cm). These posters are normally used as flyers or for sticking on street lights and bulletin boards. You can also use these posters for decorating offices, as they don’t take up a lot of space.
  • Medium Poster: 18” x 24” (46 x 61 cm). These posters are mostly used in places like clinics, offices, shop windows and university walls. They can hold more information than small posters, but you should still keep the text minimal.
  • Large Poster: 24” x 36” (61 x 91 cm). These posters are used by organizations for advertising businesses, films, events, fundraisers and promotions. You can usually find these posters outside malls, events and clubs.

The poster size that’s best for you will depend on your poster’s purpose and how you plan to use it. Make sure you ask your printer about the sizes and formats before designing one.

If you’re creating a digital poster that you plan to share online on social media or your website, you can check out this blog post on the best image sizes for different social media platforms .

Now, let’s get to the fun part: creating a poster!

Follow this poster making tutorial in order or jump ahead to a section of your interest.

Step #1: Identify the Purpose of Your Poster

Step #2: choose a poster template, step #3: add in your text content, step #4: add photos and graphics, step #5: customize colors and fonts, step #6: include a call-to-action, step #7: share and download your poster.

The first step of making a poster is to identify its purpose.

Answer the following questions before moving on to poster design:

  • What’s the goal of your poster?
  • Who is the audience?
  • Where do you plan to share your poster?

Addressing these questions will help you determine the right poster size, draft appropriate poster content and find the right poster template.

For example, if you’re designing a poster to advertise an event, you need to understand what you want your audience to do after they see it.

Do you want them to register online? Do you want them to go to a physical place to buy tickets? Do you want them to scan a QR code ?

Knowing this will help you pick a poster size that fits in all the important information without looking cluttered or difficult to read.

If your audience is female students, for example, you’d want to start with a poster template with colors and a design style that appeals to them.

This leads us to the next step.

Once you’ve identified the purpose and audience of your poster, it’s time to choose a template that best fits your needs.

The first thing you need to do is log in to your Visme account. If you don’t already have an account, you can create one for free here .

Inside your dashboard, click on Create New . In the drop down menu, select Project then Printables .

This will open up the templates library. Click on Posters to browse through the various options and designs that appear below. When you find a poster template you like, hover on it and click on Edit to open it in the Visme editor and start customizing it.

Poster Templates

Music Quote Poster

Music Quote Poster

Social Distancing Poster

Social Distancing Poster

Life is Like Riding a Bicycle Quote Poster

Life is Like Riding a Bicycle Quote Poster

Elephants Poster

Elephants Poster

Live for Today Albert Einstein Quote Poster

Live for Today Albert Einstein Quote Poster

Yellow Blue Motivational Quote Poster

Yellow Blue Motivational Quote Poster

Create your poster View more templates

Alternatively, you can also search for relevant templates by typing in a keyword in the search bar at the top, such as “university poster” or “art poster.”

You can also browse through other template categories, such as flyers and social graphics, to find a design you like and customize the dimensions.

If you don’t want to move forward with a pre-designed template, you can also start from scratch by clicking on Custom Size at the right side of the screen. Then, simply add in your size requirements to open a blank canvas in the editor.

If you don’t want to move forward with a pre-designed template, you can also start from scratch by clicking on Create from Blank at the left side of the screen, above Generate with AI. Then, input content boxes, design elements and images.

And if you’re short on time, another option for creating your poster is to use the Visme AI Poster Generator . This AI-powered tool can design a visual poster from a single text prompt. In the template library, click on Generate with AI and a chatbot will open. Write your prompt in the text box, select one of the suggested styles and let AI do its magic.

Now, it’s time to customize your poster.

The first thing you need to edit in your poster template is the text.

Visme has realistic placeholder content written by professionals in almost all of the templates, and you can use it to inspire your own content.

For example, this minimal template already has a title and subtitle. You can replace this text with your own, and even add more text boxes.

how to make a poster - Add in Your Text Content

If you’ve already written the content for your poster separately, you should add it to your poster in this step.

Double-click on any text box to edit it, and copy and paste your content. To add more text, click on the Header & Text in the left sidebar to choose from pre-designed text blocks.

Make sure you use separate text boxes for different parts of your content so you can move them around and so your content doesn’t end up looking like one big block of text.

Don’t forget to add details like event timing, contact information, location and more depending on the nature and purpose of your poster.

A part of the poster-making process is ensuring that the text is not too long or has any grammar mistakes. If you need some help, use the AI Writer to help you finesse your poster text by editing and proofreading it. Additionally, craft headlines that really grab the attention of your audience.

Once you have all your text content in place, it’s time to add some visuals.

This is the fun part! Make your poster speak volumes with eye-catching visuals.

Whether it’s a meaningful photograph, an illustration that sets the mood, an AI generated graphic, or bright and colorful icons that balance out the text — visuals can bring your poster to life.

In Visme, you have several options to add photos and graphics to your poster design:

  • Browse millions of free stock photos in the built-in image library. Search for relevant keywords and scroll to look for options. When you find an image you like, drag and drop it onto your poster.
  • Upload your own images by clicking on Photos and then on Upload. Your images will be saved in your Content library.
  • Use the AI Edit Tools that help you unblur and upscale legacy photos, and remove pesky backgrounds or unwanted objects from photos.
  • Generate unique, branded images and graphics with Visme AI Image Generator . Choose from the suggested output styles: photos, illustrations, paintings, and more.
  • Add free vector icons, illustrations, shapes and more by browsing through the graphics library inside the editor.

Regardless of how you add visuals into your poster, you can edit them using Visme’s photo editor .

Resize your photos and graphics, crop them into shapes, apply filters, color overlays and borders, tweak the opacity settings and more.

When you’re happy with the text and visual content of your poster, it’s time to adjust the design style to pull everything together.

Great, your poster is almost ready.

All you need to do now is adjust the colors and fonts in the template so they are aligned with your brand style, theme, topic or vision.

If you have set design guidelines to stick to, you can easily set up your Brand Kit in Visme — upload your logo, color palette and fonts to use in your poster and any other Visme design project.

If you’re designing a poster for personal purposes, or if you don’t have any brand guidelines in place, you can always choose from the preset color themes that come built-in with the editor.

Simply click through the themes to change the entire color scheme of the poster in one go. Pick the color theme that works best with your poster topic, mood and visuals.

You can also use the color picker tool to adjust the colors of the background and each individual object.

The next thing to pay attention to are your fonts. Make sure you keep font pairing best practices in mind when designing your poster.

how to make a poster - a GIF of choosing fonts in Visme editor

You don’t want to use a font style that clashes with your poster idea. Also, you want the font to be clear and easy-to-read, depending on where you plan to use the poster.

Woah — you’re almost done with your poster design! This takes us to the last step, adding a call-to-action. This ensures your poster is as effective as it’s good-looking.

For business and advertising purposes, adding a call-to-action (CTA) to your poster is one of the most crucial parts of poster design.

Before adding a CTA, go back to the first step and think about the goals and purpose of your poster. What do you want your audience to do when they see it?

Do you want them to register for an event, buy tickets for a movie, or visit your website or store in person? Whatever it is, articulate it into concise and compelling copy, and place the CTA where it’s prominent and doesn’t interfere with the design.

how to make a poster - a screenshot of CTA block in Visme

That’s it! You’re done with your poster design. When you’re happy with the result, it’s time to get your poster ready for printing or publish it online and share it with the world.

Finally, with Visme, you can share or download your poster in multiple formats, including high-quality JPG, PNG, PDF, HTML5 or social media posts.

The format you choose will depend on your printing and distributing needs. It’s better to ask your printer what format they prefer to use. They will typically accept a PDF file, which you can download from Visme with or without bleed marks.

If you’re planning to share your poster digitally, you can also download it as an HTML5 file (offline web), or share it via a live URL or embed code.

Additionally, when you share your poster as a live link , you have the ability to track its performance thanks to Visme's analytics dashboard . View data about who opened the file, saw the poster, from where, for how long and more.

And finally, from inside the Visme editor, you can also share your poster as a social media post. Use the integrated content calendar to schedule your poster design for your favorite social media platform.

If you’re working on a digital poster rather than a printed one, we’ve got great news for you — Visme lets you make your posters animated and interactive!

Other than photos, you can also add audio clips, video clips, animated backgrounds, animated illustrations and characters, animated icons, special effects and more from the built-in library.

You can also enable hover effects and pop ups on click, and add links into your poster to make it interactive.

For example, if you’ve added a CTA to register for an event in your digital poster, you can link it to your registration page to direct the viewer!

Furthermore, you can include a form on your poster, turning it into lead generation content . Use Visme Forms to create branded sign up forms you can then embed on posters; as well as websites, newsletters and more.

It’s easy to share your animated or interactive poster in Visme by generating an embed code and adding it to a web page or sharing it via a public or private URL.

Now that you know how to create a poster in Visme, let’s look at some beautiful poster templates to give you a head start.

presentation poster designs

Create beautiful posters in minutes with Visme!

  • Choose from our fully customizable templates
  • Customize fonts and colors to match your theme
  • Access built-in photos and graphics that tell your story

Visme comes packed with dozens of pre-designed, customizable poster templates that you can edit and download right away.

Just pick a template that works best with your topic, industry or design style, and click on the button below it to start editing it in Visme.

Alternatively, create your poster with AI using our AI Poster Generator . In the template gallery, click on Generate with AI and input your text prompt into the chatbot window. This tool doesn’t just for creating posters, it also helps you make first draft versions of plenty of other documents and printable designs.

Template #1: Social Distancing Poster

presentation poster designs

This social distancing poster is informative and attractive.

It can be used by doctors, health organizations, nonprofits, schools, universities and anyone who wants to communicate guidelines, best practices and important information to the public.

Customize this social distancing poster with your own information or use it as it is to spread awareness about the pandemic and prevention measures.

Template #2: Real Estate Poster

presentation poster designs

This real estate poster is ideal for advertising property listings of all kinds, such as offices, apartments, villas, shops and commercial land. Put the features of your property front and center and showcase them in an attractive way.

Make this poster template your own by changing the image, editing the text and color scheme, customizing the fonts and adding more information.

Save time before every open house and reuse templates for new real estate listings. Make them even more practical by adding dynamic links for the realtor’s name or the home’s address. With this feature, you can edit multiple templates without messing with the design.

Template #3: Conference Poster

presentation poster designs

The professional conference poster will make everyone want to attend your business events. With an eye-catching color scheme and a modern layout, this poster design puts focus on the things that matter — the topic, the speakers and the dates.

Personalize this template with your own text, colors, fonts, images and more. Swap the icons for other, relevant ones from Visme’s built-in icon library.

If you’re planning to share this poster online, you can even add animations and interactive links to take your audience immediately to the event registration page.

After you’ve finished the poster, complete the marketing stack and start working on your conference flyer using the same fonts, colors and information.

Template #4: Fashion Sale Poster

presentation poster designs

A trendy, colorful picture and the word “Sale” in big, bold letters is everything you need to catch your shoppers’ attention.

With this poster template, you have the perfect layout and design ready-to-go — all you need to do is plug in your own content and download your poster in high-quality for printing.

Template #5: Inspirational Education Poster

Read Poster

Inspire students and teachers alike with this quote poster with a saying by Malcom Forbes. Use icons and design elements to create a composition with the text and make it more memorable.

Change the colors of this poster template using Visme’s preset themes or upload your own brand colors. Personalize each and every detail so your poster is unique and engaging.

Template #6: We’re Hiring Poster

presentation poster designs

Get applications pouring in from the right candidates with this hard-to-miss we’re hiring poster template. If you have a job opening at your company, you need to ensure as many potential candidates know about it as possible.

Customize this poster with your own brand colors and fonts, add your logo, edit the text, and share it on social media or print it out and stick it in areas where your audience spends their time.

Template #7: Garage Sale Poster

presentation poster designs

Announce a garage sale with style using this poster template. The clean and modern layout puts all the important information front and center, and you can always move things around, remove elements or add more content to personalize this poster.

Make this poster your own by swapping the image with one from our stock library or by uploading from your computer. Change the color scheme, modify the fonts and do much more in Visme’s powerful drag-and-drop editor.

Template #8: Business Poster

presentation poster designs

Create a sleek and professional poster for your business with this customizable template. A poster like this is ideal for businesses of all sizes, and you can get it printed in large, medium, small and even A4 sizes, depending on how you plan to use it.

Personalize this poster with a photo of your own business, products or office building. Change the text, colors, icons and more in minutes using the drag-and-drop poster editor. Download it in high-quality image or PDF format when you’re done.

Template #9: Brand Promotion Poster


This conceptual geometry poster is a great pick for architectural firms or other business organizations with an eye for design. The photos in the triangles are easily replaced with another from your media library, or generated with AI.

Use shapes and frames to emphasize the visual aspect of your poster. You can also customize this poster template with your own colors, text, fonts, images and more.

Template #10: Yoga Class Poster

presentation poster designs

Spread the word about your yoga, meditation and fitness classes with this sophisticated poster template. This poster has a serene, calming design that can work for any topic related to health and wellness.

You can also customize it extensively to fit practically any theme. Change colors, fonts, photos, icons and more in a flash with Visme’s drag-and-drop editor. Download your finished poster in JPG or PNG format, or save it as a PDF to send off for printing.

Template #11: Fitness Gym Poster

presentation poster designs

Motivate your audience to join your gym and meet their fitness goals with this clean and modern poster template. This poster works as both an advertising tool and as an aesthetically pleasing addition to your gym’s exterior.

Customize this template with your own colors, fonts, text and photos. Add more information and text boxes by dragging and dropping from the left sidebar. Emphasize key points and visualize contact details with vector icons.

Template #12: Social Studies Research Poster

Get more eyes on your research with this social studies research poster. Use this design to share your findings with students and members of the faculty.

This poster template is super easy to customize with your own data. You can even animate the charts and add interactive links to it if you plan on sharing the poster digitally. Download your poster in high-quality to get printed in virtually any size.

Template #13: Restaurant Poster

presentation poster designs

A classy restaurant deserves a classy poster. And that’s exactly what you get with this restaurant or cafe poster template.

Personalize this template with your own images, food photos, text, colors, fonts and more. Drag and drop icons, cutouts and more onto your poster from the built-in editing panel.

Template #14: Poverty Foundation Poster

presentation poster designs

This poverty poster is thought-provoking and can easily be used by nonprofits to raise awareness for their campaigns. Even for-profit organizations looking to draw attention towards their social projects can take advantage of this template.

This poster is fully customizable, so make it your own by adding your own brand’s images, logos, fonts, colors and more.

Template #15: Elephants Poster

presentation poster designs

This inspiring poster is a great pick for all individuals, professionals and nonprofits looking to raise awareness and funds for their social campaigns.

It comes with stylish fonts that go well with the high-resolution stock photo in the background. Use this poster template as is or customize it by adding your own logos and fonts.

Template #16: Class Rules Poster

presentation poster designs

This fun-looking class rules poster can work well in most educational settings. It includes basic etiquette and manners expected from students in the class and promotes positive behavior.

It can easily be used as is by educators, or customized with different content and for other purposes, such as for employee rules in organizations.

Template #17: Music Workshop Poster

presentation poster designs

The music workshop poster template immediately draws attention and encourages the audience to read further, thanks to the colorful graphic and eye-catching fonts.

It can easily be used by all kinds of musicians, schools, community centers and more looking to promote their events or music classes.

Template #18: Scientific Research Poster

Looking for the perfect science poster to present at your next symposium? This scientific research poster is just what you need. This poster design is ideal for medical research purposes, but you can also customize it for any other health industry. Edit the text, colors, fonts, images and more in minutes using Visme’s drag-and-drop poster maker.

Template #19: Motivational Graffiti Poster

Creative Hayao Miyazaki Quote Poster

Looking for a fun, artistic poster to inspire students or colleagues? This poster template might be just what you’re looking for. Customize this motivational quote poster with your own colored font, background image and bold design elements.

In the template the background is of a man walking in front of captivating graffiti, but you can easily swap it for another image by uploading from your computer or choosing one from our free stock library.

Template #20: Photography Art Exhibition Poster

presentation poster designs

Advertise your art and photography events with this beautiful, clean and modern poster template. The best part about this template is it’s so versatile, you can use it for practically anything.

Get started with this template by customizing it with your own brand colors, logo, fonts and images. No brand assets? Choose from our preset color themes, built-in premium fonts and millions of free stock photos.

Template #21: Psychology Study Research Poster

This sleek and sophisticated poster template is ideal for presenting a research project on the rise of depression in New York City. But you can use for any type of research by customizing it in Visme’s drag-and-drop editor

Change the colors, fonts, images, icons and any other elements used in this poster template. You can also add animation and interactivity if you plan to share your poster digitally.

Template #22: Learning Quote Poster

presentation poster designs

If you’re looking for a quote poster to motivate your students, employees and any other audience, your search has come to an end. This quote poster is highly engaging, colorful and versatile — it will look just as good with any quote of your choice!

Customize this poster template with your own colors, fonts, text and more. You can also add an image in the background if you want to give this poster a thematic look.

Template #23: Political Finance Research Poster

This political research poster template is a great choice for you if you’re working with financial research and fundraising statistics. Likewise, it’s the ideal template for presenting any type of research that needs visualizing.

The design of this poster is minimal and versatile, and you can replace the charts easily from within the chart and graphs settings. Choose from bar graphs, line graphs, histograms and more.

Template #24: Farmer’s Market Poster

presentation poster designs

This colorful farmer’s market poster is an excellent pick for anyone looking to organize a local community event, such as one for local grocers and farmers to sell fresh fruits and vegetables.

The delightful font selection and color scheme of this poster immediately attracts the reader’s attention. Stick to the existing design or customize it extensively in Visme’s drag-and-drop editor with ease.

Template #25: Education is Essential Poster

presentation poster designs

If you're looking for a modern poster template with beautiful colors, fonts and icons, then get started with this education poster template.

This poster template is ideal for private organizations and nonprofits looking to promote a cause they believe in, and even for schools and colleges aiming to raise awareness for education for all.

Curious about other poster making topics? Here, these FAQs might help.

What Is the Best Tool to Make a Poster?

The best tool to make posters is Visme, the all-in-one content authoring tool. Not only can you use Visme to design a poster, you can also manage brand assets, collaborate with team members and create content for internal and external communications effortlessly.

Alternatively, you can use any of these other poster making tools like Canva but you can imagine which one we’re partial to.

Can I Print Posters Myself?

Yes, you can print your own posters. All you need is:

  • A Visme account
  • A computer, tablet or phone
  • A printer with ink
  • Poster paper

If you don’t have a printer at home, you can take your Visme designed poster in a USB stick to a printing shop or send it to them via messaging service or email. Finally, you can take your design to a self-service printing store like FedEx Office and print them there.

Can You Turn a Picture Into a Poster?

Yes, you can turn a picture into a poster. But first, make sure you have permission to use said image. When you create posters with Visme, you can use any of the millions of high resolution and royalty-free stock photos without worrying about licensing rights. Another option is to use photos you’ve taken yourself or that you’ve got the rights to use. Simply upload those to Visme and create your poster.

What Paper Do I Need to Make a Poster?

Depending on your needs, you can print a poster on glossy paper, matte paper, satin paper or vinyl paper.

  • Glossy is shiny and is ideal for images and graphics.
  • Matte is best suited for text heavy posters
  • Satin is a combination between glossy and matte.
  • Vinyl is durable and ideal for outdoor use.

How to Make Posters at Home?

Poster making at home is straightforward if you have a Visme account, and optionally, a printer. With Visme, you can make a poster at home in no time. All you need is a template and your ready-to-use information .

Now Over to You

Congratulations! You’re ready to create your own poster!

Whether you’re making a poster for personal purposes, business advertising, sticking on your shop window or sharing digitally on social media, Visme has what you’re looking for.

You can find the perfect poster template in the dozens of ready-to-go options in the template library.

Access design tools like preset color themes, built-in stock photos, icons, shapes and graphics, premium fonts, resize, cropping and editing tools, AI-powered tools and much more to create your poster in minutes — no design skills needed!

Sign up for a free Visme account today and start creating your stunning poster.

Design beautiful graphics you can be proud of with Visme.

presentation poster designs

Trusted by leading brands


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presentation poster designs

About the Author

Mahnoor Sheikh is the content marketing manager at Visme. She has years of experience in content strategy and execution, SEO copywriting and graphic design. She is also the founder of MASH Content and is passionate about tea, kittens and traveling with her husband. Get in touch with her on LinkedIn .

presentation poster designs


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    NOYA - Vertical PowerPoint Poster Template. Noya is a modern PowerPoint template that comes with more than 70 unique slide designs. The template includes lots of editable graphics, device mockups, editable shapes, image placeholders, and much more. It's available in US Letter and A4 sizes as well.

  7. Free Presentation Poster Templates & PowerPoint Slides

    The poster presentation format follow most standard US and international poster sizes and supports different versions of PowerPoint. Only basic PowerPoint skills are required. The poster templates can be used for research posters, in any scientific poster designs or as a conference posters.

  8. 50+ Creative Poster Design Ideas Tips

    Before we start, here are some poster design tips you need to be aware of: Use a color overlay for a more understated poster. Keep consistent margin widths. Incorporate your product directly into your creative poster ideas. Use directional cues like icons and illustrations to direct the eye to important information.

  9. Design Wizard

    How to design a presentation poster in 4 simple steps. 1. Select your presentation poster template from over 17.000 ready-made templates. 2. Select one of more than 1.200.000 images or upload your own image. 3. Change the color and text of your message using over 100 fresh fonts. 4.

  10. How to Design a Winning Poster Presentation: A Quick Guide

    Wrapping It Up. Creating a creative poster presentation requires careful planning and attention to detail. It is essential to identify the poster's goal, consider the target audience, decide where to share it, use a pre-made PowerPoint template, pick a relevant or branded color scheme, include a clear call-to-action, and use fonts to create a hierarchy of information.

  11. How to Make a Poster Using Microsoft PowerPoint

    Medium poster: 18" x 24". Large posters: 24" x 36" or 27" x 39". Once you've decided on your poster size, set the dimensions in PowerPoint. To do this, open PowerPoint and navigate to the "Design" tab. In the "Customize" group, select "Slide Size." Select "Custom Slide Size" from the dropdown menu.

  12. Design Free Scientific Research Poster Templates

    Stop spending hours resizing and aligning boxes on your poster. Design beautiful research posters in minutes with BioRender's Poster Builder. Experience quick and easy poster-making with this powerful tool, built by scientists for scientists. ... High quality export available in PDF, PNG, and JPG file formats for all your print and presentation ...

  13. Free Editable Poster Presentation Examples

    A poster presentation is a short, concise yet clear way of communicating your research, study findings, concepts, and ideas. A poster presentation example needs information and synthesis of ideas to present all necessary data and facts.

  14. Free Poster Maker: Create a Poster Online

    Create your own custom poster design or choose a poster template. Make a poster for free in minutes. The Adobe Express online poster maker is both free and easy to use. Create a poster with custom features for any occasion. ... Design stunning presentations, images, and animations. Create attention-grabbing web pages. Make captivating videos.

  15. PowerPoint design templates

    Find the perfect PowerPoint presentation template Bring your next presentation to life with customizable PowerPoint design templates. Whether you're wowing with stats via charts and graphs or putting your latest and greatest ideas on display, you'll find a PowerPoint presentation template to make your ideas pop.

  16. How to Make a Poster in 10 Steps (2024 Poster Design Guide)

    Arrange the 4 P's of your strategy: your product, price, promotion and place. Choose a design that will mark your audience and look good in your selected place. Make your campaign details the focus of the poster. Add high-quality images of your product or service. Include a relevant call to action.

  17. Research poster design samples

    We have designed our templates for professional results and with the average PowerPoint user in mind. What you see here is a typical 36x48 research poster layout that includes the most common elements of a research poster layout. Other size layouts will look similar. If you have not made a research poster before use this layout as a general guide.

  18. Free Poster Templates

    Poster Templates. With these stunning new poster templates, you can make a lasting impression when you need it the most. You'll find them simple to edit and customize to fit any need you may have. Search different poster formats and choose from millions of images, thousands of vector icons and hundreds of free fonts. Type.

  19. How to Make a Poster: Beginner's Design Guide (& Templates)

    Follow this poster making tutorial in order or jump ahead to a section of your interest. Step #1: Identify the Purpose of Your Poster. Step #2: Choose a Poster Template. Step #3: Add in Your Text Content. Step #4: Add Photos and Graphics. Step #5: Customize Colors and Fonts. Step #6: Include a Call-to-Action.