The University of Texas at Austin

Ph.D Program

Students’ graduate work will largely consist of courses, seminars, reading, and research in their graduate area, and all graduate students should discuss their proposed coursework with their area head prior to registration. There are, however, some departmental requirements that everyone must satisfy. These requirements are primarily designed to insure that students acquire a reasonable breadth of experience within psychology.

Core Courses :  All students are expected to take at least three departmental core courses from at least two of the three content groups listed below.

Core Course Content Groups

PSY 383C Functional Neuroanatomy

PSY 383T Principles of Sensory & Behavioral Neuroscience*

PSY 391N Learning and Memory

PSY 394  Behavioral Neuroendocrinology               

PSY 396D Clinical Psychopharmacology


PSY 380E Vision Systems

PSY 387C Human Language Processing

PSY 387N Perceptual Systems

PSY 387S Principles of Cognitive Neuroscience*

PSY 394U.3 Introduction to Cognitive Science

PSY 381E Introduction to Psychophysiology

PSY 386D Multivariate Pattern Analysis of Neuroimaging Data

PSY 385N Fundamentals of Personality Psy      

PSY 385P Fundamentals of Social Psychology*

PSY 388D Individual Differences 

PSY 395S  Fundamentals of Developmental Psy (B or C)*

PSY 380F  Evolutionary Psychology

PSY 394V Social Neuroscience

PSY 394V Theory and Explanation in Social Psychology

PSY 396  Advanced Behavior Pathology*

* APA approved for Clinical students.

First year students must take at least one core course, and must take all core and quantitative courses, on a letter grade basis. Students should complete the core course requirement by the end of the third year. Core courses may be taken on a credit/no credit basis during the second and third years. 

Quantitative Courses:  All students are expected to take two quantitative (statistics) courses.  At least one quantitative course must be taken during the first year. Most first-year students will take PSY 384M-Advanced Statistics: Inferential. The graduate areas may specify which courses should be taken and impose additional quantitative requirements.

First Year:  First year students must take at least nine hours of course work per semester.  During the first year, at least one course must be a departmental core course, at least one must be a statistics course, and at least two must be other substantive courses (which can include other core or statistics courses) that have formal evaluation requirements such as a final exam. In addition, all students are expected to become involved in research activities during the first year. Areas may require their students to register for the research course (390), area seminar courses, and to take additional courses or seminars as deemed necessary for the education of the student.

Teaching Assistants and Research Assistants:  All students employed by the  University as a TA or RA must take at least nine hours of coursework each semester that will count towards the graduate degree. (3 hours in summer session).

An ethics course must be completed prior to being accepted into candidacy. It is expected that the ethics course will be taken in the first or second year. The ethics course may be taken in Psychology or in another department with Graduate Office approval and may vary in number of hours. 

Courses:  Areas may require their students to take certain courses. Some of these required area courses may overlap with the departmental core courses.

Many areas have research or paper requirements.

See  Areas of Study  for more information.  

First Year Evaluation: First year students are formally evaluated by their areas and then by the entire faculty at the end of the first year. The evaluation considers grades and relative performance in core courses and statistics courses, performance in non-core courses, research aptitude and motivation, and professional competence. Outcomes include "pass" with continuation in the PhD program, "probation" with reevaluation, or "fail" with possible option of completing an MA degree.

Competency Evaluation: Each area is required to evaluate its students at the end of their second year or third year to determine their competence in their area of specialization.  The specific form of this evaluation is determined by the areas and varies widely.

The ten courses (30 hours) required for the MA degree must include: a core course from two of the core course content areas; a statistics course; and the thesis courses (698A and 698B). The thesis courses may not be taken simultaneously. Core courses in the core content areas that do not include the student’s own graduate study area may be counted as supporting work courses. An empirical thesis is required. 

The Graduate Adviser’s office has a policy statement, Admission to Candidacy, which you should consult; it describes the departmental and Graduate School requirements and procedures for admission to candidacy. The required course work for admission to candidacy includes three core courses from at least two of the core content areas, two quantitative courses, and appropriate training in the student’s area of specialization.  Discuss area requirements with your area head.

You may not receive TA and/or GRA support for more than 14 long semesters.  Students must complete their doctoral degree in seven years.  If they do not, subsequent courses will be billed at the non-resident tuition rate, regardless of the student’s residency status. No Departmental funding is provided after the sixth year. 

The primary goal of graduate training in the Department of Psychology is to prepare students for academic or other scientific careers in research and teaching. Students develop expertise in one of several areas of specialization: Behavioral Neuroscience; Clinical Psychology; Cognition, Brain, and Behavior; Developmental Psychology; Individual Differences and Evolutionary Psychology; Perception, Brain, and Behavior; and Social Psychology. The program culminates in the PhD degree.

The length of time required to obtain a PhD varies from area to area, but students are expected to proceed as rapidly as is commensurate with an adequate breadth and depth of training. For a student in clinical psychology, a reasonable goal is six years of graduate work, including the internship; for a non-clinical student, four to five years is feasible.

Only students who wish to earn a doctorate are admitted. Most students enter the program with only a bachelor's degree. Some of these students earn a master's degree while progressing to the doctorate; others do not. Some students enter the program with a master's degree from another institution. These students must follow the same general sequence (outlined below) as students entering with a bachelor's degree. The time required to complete the program is, perhaps, one semester less for students who enter with a master's degree from another institution.

Although graduate training at The University of Texas at Austin is highly flexible, there is a general structure for a student's progress to the PhD. All graduate students must satisfactorily complete two advanced statistics courses and a total of three core courses from at least two of the three content groups listed here: (A) physiology and learning (B) perception, cognition, and cognitive development; and (C) abnormal, social, personality, developmental, and individual differences. To be admitted to doctoral candidacy a student must have completed the core courses and statistics requirements and successfully present a formal proposal to their dissertation committee.

During the first year, students take two core courses, a statistics course, and other courses prescribed by the faculty in their areas of specialization. At the end of the year, the faculty formally evaluates the progress of all first-year students. During the second and third years, students complete the departmental requirements, deepen their knowledge and research experiences in their selected area, and satisfy area requirements. These requirements can take any of a number of forms, at the discretion of the area faculty, ranging from a research project to an examination. Programs beyond the third year are largely tailored to the individual's needs and interests and culminate in the planning and execution of a dissertation which gives evidence of the student's ability to carry out independent investigation in his or her major field of interest.

While giving general direction to the student's graduate career, this structure allows latitude for interdisciplinary collaboration. Graduate students in Psychology frequently take courses and work with faculty in other departments such as Educational Psychology, Computer Sciences, Zoology, Mathematics, Linguistics, Sociology, Human Ecology, Pharmacy, and Public Affairs.

Although graduate work is formally supervised by the Committee on Graduate Studies, in many respects the Department of Psychology functions as a cluster of semi-independent interest groups, each with its own specifications for graduate training within the general outline given above. Consequently, an introduction to the department as a whole is best accomplished by briefly surveying the areas that comprise it.

This program description is intended to give general information and the statements in it do not constitute a contract, expressed or implied. All monetary and general figures are subject to change.

Portfolio in Applied Statistical Modeling

Located in the department of statistics and data sciences (sds), the primary goals of this portfolio program are to:.

  • Offer a cohesive course of study for graduate students seeking to enhance the statistical modeling component of their research and to prepare for successful careers upon graduation;
  • Provide a forum for graduate students from across UT to work together and exchange ideas regarding the application of statistical modeling methods to a broad range of areas; and
  • Leverage the existing expertise of faculty members in departments across UT whose research focuses on statistics at foundational and applied levels.

Students must complete 12 semester hours of courses as follows in the  Course Requirements . Students are expected to obtain the consent of a Portfolio Adviser (selected from the list of faculty members affiliated with SDS) soon after entering the program to advise their course selections and guide their independent study.

For more information, please see the Department of Statistics and Data Sciences'  Portfolio in Applied Statistical Modeling  webpage.

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  • Psychology Doctoral Handbook 2019-2020
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Psychology PhD

The Psychology PhD degree program offers advanced study and research training for students seeking to become leading scientists and scholars in the field

Students in classroom

The Psychology PhD degree program offers advanced study and research training for students seeking to become leading scientists and scholars in the field. The program encompasses a wide array of specialty areas within psychology, including developmental, cognitive, social and personality psychology, and spans the study of both healthy and clinical populations from infancy through older adulthood.

From the start of their training, doctoral students in psychology work closely in research laboratories with faculty mentors. Although the department is highly interdisciplinary, there are three primary areas of research focus:

  • Developmental psychology, which spans topics in children’s social-emotional, cognitive, and language development;
  • Cognitive psychology, including topics in traditional cognitive psychology such as attention, motivation, perception, learning and memory, and face perception ranging from basic science perspectives to applied approaches including interventions to improve cognitive function.
  • Social and personality psychology, including work focused on cultural differences in socio-emotional processing, moral decision making, the formation and evolution of interpersonal relationships between romantic partners and friends, and research on health disparities.

In addition, a number of research labs conduct research with implications for clinical science, including the effects of stress on health, adolescent mood disorders, and social cognition in autism and schizophrenia populations. We also offer strong training in advanced statistical techniques critical for psychology research including courses on dyadic group analyses, longitudinal growth curve modeling, multilevel modeling, and advanced multivariate analyses.

Doctoral students in psychology benefit from a rich intellectual climate at the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS), including weekly lectures and research presentations by students, faculty, and visiting scholars. The school hosts an annual colloquium series presented by internationally known scientists, and its four research centers periodically offer symposia and workshops that are freely available to doctoral students. Doctoral students receive funding support for presenting their research at professional meetings and conducting their dissertation research. Finally, doctoral students are provided with a variety of other professional development experiences, including opportunities to develop their teaching skills.

The BBS offices and research facilities are located on the Richardson campus and in centers located in Dallas near the campus of the UT Southwestern Medical Center. Facilities at all locations include classrooms and research laboratories for studies of neuroscience, psychology and communication across the lifespan in both typical and clinical populations.

The PhD program in psychology offers exceptional research facilities on the Richardson campus, including state-of-the-art laboratories equipped for studies of event-related potentials, eye tracking, infant visual and auditory preferences, child learning and development, parent-child interactions and adult interpersonal relationships. In addition, the school’s Center for Children and Families , housed at the Callier Center-Richardson location, offers an array of clinical and community outreach activities organized around three main initiatives: promoting healthy families, strengthening interpersonal relationships and enhancing children’s thinking and learning. Partnerships with area hospitals, clinics, agencies and schools further expand student research opportunities. Students also benefit from working with faculty mentors in the Center for BrainHealth and the Center for Vital Longevity.

Degree Requirements

The PhD program in psychology requires a minimum of 75 semester credit hours beyond the baccalaureate degree. Students declare a concentration in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology or social/personality psychology or neuroscience. Students are expected to complete the program coursework and research requirements in four to five years. The research requirements include a qualifying thesis research project and a dissertation research project. Students work collaboratively with their faculty mentor and committee to successfully complete all program milestone projects.

The UT Dallas graduate catalog provides information on degree requirements for the PhD in psychology . For updates, please contact [email protected] . The university’s course look-up site, CourseBook , describes some of the program’s specific courses. The Office of Graduate Studies provides information on academic and other policies .

The psychology admissions committee evaluates applications using a holistic review, which includes prior GPA, letters of recommendation, quantitative and verbal scores for the Graduate Record Exam (GRE), and a close examination of the statement of purpose. Admission is contingent on a match between the research interests of the applicant and faculty. Applicants are strongly encouraged to identify faculty with similar research interests and to contact them about current opportunities for admission.

Typically, applicants have an average undergraduate cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above, and completion of an undergraduate degree in a related major is advisable. Completion of a master’s degree is not required. Applicants without a prior degree in psychology should contact the program head for prerequisite coursework.

Applications to the PhD program must include official transcripts, GRE scores, three letters of reference from people qualified to evaluate your potential for successful doctoral study, and a statement of purpose detailing your previous research and professional experiences, your current research interests, and your career goals. The statement of purpose is an extremely important part of your application.

International applicants must provide proof of English proficiency via TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE meeting University minimum requirements.

* GRE scores waived for Fall 2022-25 applicants. Submission of GRE scores (general or subject tests) are optional.

To Submit an Application

Please see the enrollment page of the UT Dallas Office of Graduate Admissions for details on how to submit an application to the PhD program in psychology .

Completed applications must be received on or before December 1 for admission the following fall. There are no spring or summer admissions.

You can check the status of your application using the university’s Orion program.

Questions about the application process can be directed to:

Psychology Doctoral Program School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W. Campbell Rd., GR41 Richardson, TX 75080 [email protected]

Graduate Application Fee Waiver Program

The Office of Graduate Education and the Office of Admission and Enrollment at The University of Texas at Dallas are pleased to offer a Graduate Application Fee Waiver Program to  qualified participants  (past or present). To qualify, students must be applying for a PhD or Master’s degree at UT Dallas. Non-degree applicants are not eligible for fee waivers. Only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to request a fee waiver.

Financial Aid

Financial support of full-time doctoral students in psychology is awarded through teaching or research assistantship stipends and tuition scholarships. Admitted students are automatically considered for teaching and research assistant positions.

Other information on financial aid for graduate students is available on the UT Dallas graduate admissions page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Financial support of full-time doctoral students in psychology is awarded through teaching or research assistantship stipends and tuition scholarships. Admitted students are automatically considered for these sources of financial support, and most admitted students receive some type of support. Please see the UT Dallas Graduate Admissions site for information on other sources of financial aid for PhD students.

UT Dallas’ main campus is located in Richardson, Texas, about 15 miles north of downtown Dallas; some of the centers of the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences are located in Dallas, near the campus of the UT Southwestern Medical School. Both Richardson and Dallas are vibrant communities, with opportunities for art, drama, music, athletics, and other activities. Visit the UT Dallas visitors website for more information about the University.

Richardson and Dallas are richly diverse cities located in one of America’s largest and fastest growing metropolitan areas. The Dallas area boasts 50,000 acres of public park land, the nation’s largest urban arts district with excellent symphony, opera, and art museums, five major sports franchises, multiple entertainment districts, and a thriving culinary scene. The DART rail system runs from the suburbs of Plano and Richardson to the arts district, downtown Dallas, and DFW airport. Yes, it is hot in the summer, but the average daily temperature is 65 degrees (spring, fall, and winter are great!). The area offers a reasonable cost of living and an abundance of sunshine.

Most doctoral classes are held on the main UT Dallas campus in Richardson, but some class offerings may be held in Dallas, at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, the Center for Brain Health, or the Center for Vital Longevity. Your duties as a teaching assistant or research assistant likely will take place on the main campus in Richardson or at one of the centers in Dallas. Because locations of classes and duties may change over semesters it can be difficult to choose a place to live. Public transportation options are improving, but because commuting by car is relatively easy, many students choose to live in areas between Richardson and Dallas. Some student housing is available on the main campus in Richardson, but on-campus housing caters primarily to undergraduates. You can use online search engines to find housing options that fit your price range and target location, and the program office can also provide information and recommendations from current doctoral students.

Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact potential mentors prior to submitting application materials. The admissions committee evaluates applications on several dimensions, including not only prior GPA and GRE scores, letters of recommendation, and personal statements, but also the fit between the research interests of the applicant and faculty, and the willingness and ability of the proposed mentor or mentoring team to accept new PhD student supervision responsibilities.

Prior to being admitted, students are invited to visit UT Dallas, to meet with prospective faculty mentors and see their laboratories.

Completed applications must be received on or before  December 1  for admission the following fall. There are no spring or summer admissions.

Yes. We strongly encourage you to identify faculty who share your research interests and to contact them about current opportunities for admission. A primary consideration in PhD admission is a faculty member’s agreement to serve as a student’s mentor.

Decisions on admission are made in mid- to late-February.

The psychology PhD program is an experimental psychology program and provides training for a career in teaching and research. Former graduates have successfully acquired university faculty positions, as well as research positions in hospitals, school systems, healthcare start-ups, and research institutes. Graduates also have worked in applied research settings, conducting program evaluation research with education and intervention programs.

No, we do not offer a clinical or counseling master’s or PhD degree.

This depends on your goals. The master’s degree is appropriate for students interested in broad psychology training beyond the undergraduate level or additional training to prepare them for applying to doctoral programs in clinical psychology and other areas of psychology. The PhD program is appropriate for students interested in careers in research and teaching and involves extensive training in research design and methodology.

These two programs have a lot in common. There is overlap in the coursework of these programs and many of the faculty members are involved with both programs. The psychology program allows for broader training in psychology; students can select a concentration in developmental psychology, cognitive psychology, or social/personality psychology. The cognition and neuroscience program focuses more narrowly on cognitive psychology or neuroscience. One way to decide what program may be best for you is to think about what type of department you see yourself affiliated with in the future and which degree best serves your career goals.

Program Contacts

Program head.

Karen M. Rodrigue, PhD [email protected]

Academic Support Coordinator

Ashton Nance [email protected]

For Additional Program Information

Phd student guide.

The PhD student guide provides information on policies and procedures in the PhD programs in the School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences.

PhD Student Forms and Information

Degree Plan Psychology Registration and Related Forms Graduate Change of Program Register, Add, Drop, Withdraw Repeated Course Grade Adjustment Transfer of Credit Request Milestones and Annual Reporting Forms Milestones Agreement Form Psychology Guidelines for Completing Theses and Dissertations Psychology Annual Report Qualifying Papers and Projects Qualifying Plan 1: Thesis Overview of Qualifying Plan 1 Psychology Guidelines for Completing Theses and Dissertations Qualifying Thesis Committee Membership Qualifying Thesis Proposal Approval Qualifying Thesis Final Approval Public Presentation of Research Project Request for Extension Dissertation Committee Appointment Form Dissertation Proposal Meeting Public Presentation of Dissertation Proposal Request for Final Oral Exam In Absentia Registration Memo – Absent Committee Member Memo – Committee Member Attending Remotely Checklist for Final Submission of Doctoral Dissertation UTDPP1052

Teaching and Research Assistantship Forms and FAQs UTDPP1075

Requests for Student Travel and Dissertation Support Student Request for Travel Support PhD Research Small Grants Program Application

Program Resources

Psychology PhD Fast Facts This document provides a quick, printable overview of the program.

Please visit the Office of Graduate studies for additional information on academic policies , PhD deadlines , PhD forms , guidelines for preparing dissertations , and a profile of characteristics of doctoral programs at UT Dallas.

Student Achievement Data

View the Student Achievement Data on the Callier Center for Communication Disorders page.

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School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences GR41 | 800 W Campbell Road | Richardson, TX 75080-3021

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Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

Program description.

The PhD program in psychology is an experimental psychology program that prepares students for leadership roles in research and teaching. Our program offers training in developmental, cognitive and social/personality psychology with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research and tailored training experiences that adapt to the specific needs of each student.

The PhD in psychology requires 75 semester credit hours minimum beyond the baccalaureate degree. For complete admission and degree requirements, view the Graduate Catalog at .

Career Opportunities

Our graduates seek faculty positions at both research-intensive universities and smaller teaching institutions, as well as in hospitals, school systems, research institutes, not-for-profit organizations and private sector; and professors in private or public colleges and universities.

Marketable Skills

Review the marketable skills for this academic program.

Application Requirements

Degree requirements:  The psychology admissions committee evaluates applications according to a variety of criteria, including official transcripts, GRE scores, three letters of reference from people qualified to evaluate your potential for successful doctoral study, and a statement of purpose detailing your previous research and professional experiences, your current research interests, and your career goals.

GPA:  Required

Test score required:  Yes

Both GRE math and verbal scores are required to be considered for admission.

Admissions essay required : Yes

Deadlines:  University  deadlines  apply.

Contact Information

Karen Rodrigue Email:  [email protected] Office:  JO 4.310

School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences The University of Texas at Dallas 800 W Campbell Rd, GR 41 Richardson, TX 75080-3021 Phone: 972-883-2491

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800 W. Campbell Road Richardson, Texas 75080-3021


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Psychology PhD Program

Doctoral Program

This experimental psychology Phd program offers training in the skills necessary to use theoretical knowledge and advanced design and statistical skills to explore complex biopsychosocial issues.

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Students work together in psychology lab

Why Pursue a PhD In Psychology

The PhD in Psychology produces graduates with a reputation for research excellence who are prepared to pursue careers in both academic and applied settings. Areas of focus include the exploration of complex cognitive, developmental, and social issues, behavioral and biologically related health topics including military health, and psychometric and statistical techniques.

Students will have the opportunity to develop their scientific communication skills by completing a dissertation and pursuing publication and grant opportunities. The focus of this program is on excellence in experimental psychology. Therefore, the curriculum does not include clinical training or preparation for licensure.

See What Our Students Say

When you choose UTSA, you join a community of talented scholars and professionals being taught by award-winning faculty. Learn more about the Department of Psychology at UTSA from current master’s student Joseph Torres as he discusses his path through graduate school.

Research Opportunities

Theoretical, statistical and research design skills are applied to solve problems in a variety of psychological areas, including:

  • Social, Developmental, and Cognitive Psychology
  • Biopsychology
  • Military Health
  • Clinical Mental Health

Faculty offer an integrative approach to student training, focusing on research and the development of statistical and scientific writing skills and oral communication.

  • Admission Requirements

Application Deadlines

Funding opportunities, career options, admission & application requirements.

Applications are submitted through the UTSA Graduate Application . Please upload all required documents (listed below) on your UTSA Graduate Application. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure completion and submission of the application, a nonrefundable application fee, and all required supporting documents are on file with UTSA by the appropriate application deadline.

Psychology (PhD)
Admission is only available for the Fall semester
Required Degree
Minimum GPA
Credential Evaluation directly from the graduate admission application platform
English Language Proficiency
Purpose Statement
Letters of Recommendation

Applicants are encouraged to have their admission file completed as early as possible. All applications, required documents and letters of recommendation, if applicable, must be submitted by 5:00 PM U.S. Central Time on the day of the deadline. Deadlines are subject to change.

Psychology (PhD)
Application Deadlines for: Priority International Domestic
Fall 2025 December 1 February 1 February 1
Spring Not Available Not Available Not Available
Summer Not Available Not Available Not Available

For more information about scholarships, click below.

UTSA prepares you for future careers that are in demand. The possible careers below is data pulled by a third-party tool called Emsi, which pulls information from sources like the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Census Bureau, online job postings, other government databases and more to give you regional and national career outlook related to this academic program.

phd in psychology texas

Graduate Advisor of Record

Joseph Houpt, PhD

Psychology Doctoral Programs in Texas

Home to the largest medical center in the world and some of the longest-accredited and most distinguished doctoral psychology programs of their kind, Texas has demonstrated that it places a high value on psychology, psychologists and the students working to complete doctoral programs in psychology.

With faculty at the state’s schools credited with hundreds of prestigious awards and thousands of academic articles published in scholarly journals, Texas’s psychology students are well positioned to become leaders in their field after earning a doctoral degree.

Psychology students in Texas also enjoy a full range of support when it comes to scholarships, grants, and other forms of financial assistance. With skilled academic counselors in your corner, choosing between a PsyD vs PhD in psychology will be easier than you might think. In fact, PsyD programs in Texas are widely available, and many universities here offer both options.

What you do with a PhD in psychology is up to you, but in most cases, psychology doctoral programs in Texas are designed specifically to provide a pathway to becoming a fully licensed, independent psychologist. A PsyD in Texas meets those requirements just as well as a PhD.

As part of the National Alliance on Mental Health, Texas relies on licensed psychologists to improve counseling services and the quality of life for individuals and their families coping with mental health issues. Whether working towards a PhD that follows a traditional clinical research approach or a PsyD built around the experiential-practitioner model, psychology doctoral programs in Texas lead to meaningful careers that contribute to the well-being of individuals and communities statewide.Students who are currently in search of doctoral programs in psychology in Texas stand to benefit from the state’s numerous, top-ranked universities, known for offering some of the most prestigious degree programs anywhere in the country.

Here we present a comprehensive list of APA-CoA accredited psychology degrees in Texas. While considering these programs, look for schools offering concentrations that align with your career goals and with prerequisites for a doctorate in psychology that you may have already satisfied in your undergraduate program.

Psychology Doctoral Programs: Texas (A – Z)

Baylor university, college of arts and sciences, psychology department.

Chartered as a private, Christian college in 1845, Baylor is nationally recognized for its broad range of studies and strong research foundations. In addition to conferring a variety of undergraduate and graduate degrees, the university offers 34 doctoral programs, including a doctorate in clinical psychology. Baylor enjoys national rankings by organizations such as U.S. News & World Report, Kiplinger and Fiske. Further, its psychology department and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology have been recognized by groups such as U.S. News and the National Research Council.

Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology

This degree prepares doctoral candidates with the “clinical and conceptual competencies” necessary to provide professional, effective, responsive mental health care. The program’s foundations rely upon interdisciplinary team collaboration, research and evaluation protocols, psychological assessment, intervention techniques and treatment therapies, consultative approaches, patient management and supervision strategies. The degree requires five years of rigorous classroom instruction and on-site training, including: taking advanced core psychology and research classes, working in supervised practicum and internship settings, and participating in applied, research-based lab experiences leading to completion of an independent research project or dissertation.

Also offers:

PhD in Psychology


  • Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA)
  • Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACS-CoC)
  • American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation (APA-CoA)

Baylor University Attention: Gary Elkins, Ph.D. Graduate Program Director One Bear Place 97334 Waco, Texas 76798-7334 (254) 296-0643 or (254) 710-2417 [email protected]

Our Lady of the Lake University

Psychology department.

Our Lady of the Lake University is a private, Catholic institution serving the greater San Antonio community since 1895. OLLU prides itself on offering a wide variety of programs to students from diverse cultural backgrounds. The university has earned national recognitions in recent years from U.S. News & World Report, Diverse Magazine, The Hispanic Outlook in Higher Education and Washington Monthly Magazine. OLLU’s philosophy of excellence in education infuses all of its programs, including those in psychology. The university’s highest degree in psychology is offered as a doctorate in counseling and has garnered acclaim for providing proficient Spanish speakers the opportunity to earn Certification for Psychological Services for Spanish Speaking Populations in addition to their doctorate.

Psy.D. in Counseling Psychology

OLLU’s Psy.D. program prepares its graduates to serve individuals, couples, families and groups as competent, independent practitioners using appropriate assessment, intervention, counseling and followup protocols. Candidates entering the program must possess a master’s and complete 117 hours for the doctorate, including three hours for an internship and nine hours for a dissertation. Up to 39 approved courses from the master’s degree may be transferred as credits to the doctoral program. In addition to a concentration in Psychological Services for Spanish Speaking Populations, candidates may elect to concentrate in: Child, Adolescent and Family Therapy, or Behavioral Health. The Psy.D. in Counseling also requires written and clinical evaluations in addition to a pre-doctoral internship. To establish residency for Texas licensure, doctoral candidates must take at least 18 or more semesters hours of full-time study yearly for three consecutive years.

Our Lady of the Lake University Psychology Department 411 S.W. 24th Street San Antonio, Texas 78207 (210) 431-3914

Joan Biever, Ph.D., Graduate Psychology Program Chair [email protected]

Sam Houston State University

College of humanities and social sciences.

Founded in 1879, Sam Houston State University operates on the motto, “The measure of a life is its service.” This guiding principle forms the core basis of all educational opportunities provided at SHSU, including curricula that is grounded in research, creativity, and experiential learning. In addition, the university has earned recognition from the Carnegie Commission on Higher Education as a “Doctoral Research University”. The Clinical Psychology Ph.D. program is a good example of a doctoral program founded on research principles. Graduates from this program are trained to be licensed professional clinicians who possess a broad knowledge base in scientific psychology and demonstrate competencies as both research clinicians and clinical practitioners.

Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology

This doctorate requires 108 hours of study from classroom instruction, research, and experiential learning in applied settings. Candidates are also expected to complete a dissertation while being enrolled full-time. Coursework and applied practice have a strong forensic foundation to prepare graduates to work within the legal system, intervening on behalf of the client while providing professional interpretation to the court system of psycho-pathology that affects behavior. Candidates gain experience working with multiple faculty mentors in inpatient and residential settings. This includes private psychology practices, neuro-psychiatric facilities, residential and group homes, correctional institutions and the university’s own Psychological Services Center. Graduates will be eligible to apply for licensure and work varied mental illness profiles including those who have: traumatic brain injuries, personality disorders, gender and minority issues, addictive behaviors, behavioral abnormalities, adolescent disorders, and troubled individuals.

Sam Houston State University Office of Graduate Admissions Dr. Mary Alice Conroy Huntsville, Texas 77341 (936) 294-3806 or (936) 294-1971 [email protected] or [email protected]

Southern Methodist University

Dedman college of humanities and science, department of psychology.

Southern Methodist University’s motto of “World Changers Shaped Here” encapsulates its dedication to preparing students for real-world careers that uplift, nurture and sustain communities. Located near Dallas, SMU is world renowned for its research facilities, state-of-the-art programs and interdisciplinary instruction emphasizing 21st-century leadership skills. The university has been classified as having high research activity by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and also consistently fares well in U.S. News & World Report rankings. The Clinical Psychology doctorate program uses research in the field with clinical training as a two-pronged approach to therapeutic psychology practice. Cutting-edge digital observation equipment, virtual reality technology, and innovative psycho-physiological assessment complement traditional experiential training and instructional methods.

This Ph.D. program stresses the scientist-practitioner model, which views the contributions of research and clinical practice of equal importance when assessing and treating mental health conditions. Two areas of focus are offered to program candidates: Health, or Family and Child. Each focus area helps candidates hone their skills sets with regard to their area of interest by completing supplementary coursework and practica experiences in addition to required core material for the degree. The average time for degree completion is six years, requiring approximately 50 hours of coursework with additional time spent in research and clinical training experiences. Practicum and pre-doctoral internship sites are available at public health agencies, correctional facilities, schools, medical centers, rehabilitation clinics, behavioral and counseling centers, and private practices. Program candidates must also complete several written documents, including a thesis, research article review, and a dissertation.

Southern Methodist University Department of Psychology PO Box 750442 Dallas, Texas 75275-0442 (214) 768-7792

Ernest Jouriles, Ph.D., Chair [email protected]

Texas A&M University

Texas A&M boasts of being the Lone Star state’s first public institution of higher learning. Since opening its doors in 1876, TAMU has grown into a world-class research facility with global recognition from organizations such as U.S. News & World Report, Washington Monthly and Kiplinger. Part of its driving force behind education is to produce “developing leaders of character dedicated to serving the greater good.” This sentiment aptly describes the school’s psychology programs, which offer multiple specialized doctoral degrees in the field.

Clinical Psychology PhD

This degree combines clinical and practitioner models to impart research and practice competencies of psychology to its graduates. The program requires 96 credits from core psychology classes and from a variety of research, practicum and internship experiences, culminating in a dissertation. Students are also encouraged to choose up to two specialization areas such as: child and adolescent psychology, couples and family psychology, interpersonal processes, diversity and cultural issues, quantitative methods, assessment, forensics, prevention, gerontology issues, and neuro-behavioral sciences. The program is designed to be completed in five years with full-time enrollment.

Counseling Psychology PhD

The counseling Ph.D. program heavily incorporates field-based learning experiences to model assessment and therapeutic approaches. The goal is for graduates to provide research-driven services that promote public health and well-being in a personalized manner. Settings for practicum and internship experiences include child and family guidance centers, public health centers, outpatient veteran’s clinics, medical facilities, preschool programs, juvenile justice centers, correctional institutions, and university sponsored counseling centers. The program is approximately 109 credit hours taken over four to five years in the primary areas of: psychology core classes; research courses and experience, including a dissertation; counseling techniques; and practitioner placements.

School Psychology PhD

This Ph.D. programs specifically emphasizes counseling within schools to address the academic, social and behavioral needs of children and adolescents. The curricula span a five-to-six-year time period with numerous practicum and internship opportunities, including a research apprenticeship and dissertation. Practicum experiences begin the very first year of training, working with public school students. This hands-on, experiential framework provides candidates with the opportunity to put theoretical psychological practices into immediate use in real-world situations. The program requires 100-112 credit hours of study and experiential learning that covers: basic psychological sciences, research and statistics, professional school psychology instruction, and work in specialization areas.

Texas A&M University College Station, Texas 77843-423

John F. Edens, Director of Clinical Training 207 Psychology Bldg, 4235 TAMU (979) 845-2581 [email protected]

Kristie Stramaski, Academic Adviser II 704 Harrington Tower (979) 845-1833 [email protected]

Dr. Cynthia Riccio, Professor 716B Harrington Tower (979) 862-4906 [email protected]

Texas Tech University

Department of psychological sciences.

As a comprehensive research university, Texas Tech offers diverse, cutting-edge programs that are nationally recognized for their academic excellence. TTU prides itself on being student-centric, providing personalized instruction for its students to complement their learning experiences. This attention to individualized programming especially enhances TTU’s graduate psychology offerings, landing them at 132 for U.S. News & World Report’s 2015 national rankings.

Clinical Psychology Ph.D.

With equal emphasis on the scientific and practice aspects of psychology, the clinical psychology doctorate prepares graduates for work as licensed clinical practitioners, research psychologists or teaching professionals. Instructional coursework and training opportunities occur in on-campus and off-campus settings. Successful students enjoy conducting research as much as doing clinical work with patients. Candidates work closely with a faculty mentor throughout their program which covers 100-135 credits spanning six years. Candidates take core coursework and practicum experiences in years one through four, complete their dissertation in year five, and participate in an extended internship in year six.

Counseling Psychology Ph.D.

The counseling psychology doctorate prepares graduates for work as professional practicing psychologists within a variety of settings, including hospitals and medical health groups, psychiatric and rehabilitation programs, outpatient clinics, community mental health facilities, independent practices, university counseling centers, and correctional institutions. Curricula requirements include study over a five-year period that includes a minimum of 102 credit hours in core psychology and research instruction with additional hours for practicum, internship and dissertation completion.

Texas Tech University 2051 Psychological Sciences Building Lubbock, Texas 79409-2051 (806)-742-3711

Joaquin P. Borrego, Jr., Ph.D. Director, Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program [email protected]

Sheila Garos, Ph.D. Director, Counseling Psychology Division [email protected]

Texas Woman’s University

College of arts and sciences, department of psychology and philosophy.

Though traditionally noted for focusing on higher education for women, TWU is actually a co-educational university promoting a wide variety of degree program choices, including the field of psychology. Their mission strives to turn out graduates who will be global leaders in their profession while serving their communities. In 2014, TWU was recognized nationally for its student diversity by U.S. News & World Report and Poder Hispanic magazine. This diversity attracts a broad candidate pool that enriches TWU’s psychology doctoral programs.

Using the practitioner-scientist model, the counseling doctorate provides a strong foundation for clinically based practice of psychology in a wide variety of public and private community settings. Graduates are prepared to work with individuals, family groups and diverse populations who experience mental health issues affected by neurological, social, cultural, and institutional factors. The program involves completion of roughly 130 credits in behavioral psychology, neuroscience, research and statistics, ethics, cross-cultural ideologies, assessment, therapeutic approaches, and professional issues. Additionally, candidates must participate in supervised practicum and internship experiences and complete a dissertation.

School Psychology Ph.D.

The focus of the school psychology doctorate guides graduates towards identifying and working with high-risk student populations, as well as becoming counseling resources for school staff, families, and students at all levels of instruction. Graduates may work in community agencies, educational facilities, or in academic and research positions at institutions of higher learning. Candidates will take a minimum of 121 hours of coursework focusing on school psychology principles, cognitive and academic assessments, research design, human development, cross-cultural influences, social and emotional issues, peer interactions, and family support. The program culminates with several practicum and internship placements and completion of a dissertation.

Texas Woman’s University Department of Psychology and Philosophy CFO 702 P.O. Box 425470 Denton, TX 76204-5470

Sally D. Stabb, Ph.D. Director, Doctoral Program in Counseling Psychology (940) 898-2149 [email protected]

Dr. Denise Maricle Director, Doctoral Program in School Psychology (940) 898-2260 [email protected]

University of Houston

Department of educational psychology.

The University of Houston is a public university and exists as the flagship institution of the broader University of Houston System in the state of Texas. Houston is often thought of as the chief academic rival to the University of Texas, and offers many of the same programs and benefits to today’s doctoral psychology students. The school’s Carnegie-rated high level of research activity works well for the doctoral program, giving psychology students the ability to conduct guided research in an area of their choosing. While they conduct this research, they’ll take courses taught by the top professors in Houston and the most seasoned psychologists in the state of Texas. Top-ranked access to job fairs, high post-graduation job placement, and a role in academia, await students who choose this program over competing options.

Clinical psychology students participate in on-campus research at the University of Houston research labs, where they’ll work on everything from focus groups to case studies in the defense of a thesis. A faculty panel will hear their defense and recommend them for graduation at the conclusion of the program when their research meets the department’s high standards. In the classroom, students will cover medical ethics and the nature of inpatient disorder care, and they’ll learn about innovative new methods for treatment that can actually prepare patients for outpatient services, more routine counseling, and effective, independent daily management of their psychological disorder.

Counseling psychology at the University of Houston is focused largely on how to handle specialized cases, including post-traumatic stress disorder diagnoses resulting from combat situations or trauma in the home. Students must complete a practical internship alongside a seasoned counselor, where their work experience will count for several credits of on-campus study. Classroom experiences will focus on rare disorders and unique circumstances where more routine disorders are acquired. Counselors will be prepared for work with more challenging patients, as well as academic settings, by the time they present their research, defend its thesis, and move to graduation.

School psychologists at the doctoral level are far more interested in the root causes of psychological trauma in the school environment, and that remains true at the University of Houston. This program is far more theoretical and philosophical than those in counseling or clinical services, with an emphasis on the origins of school violence and bullying, the impact of a turbulent home life on school performance, the nature of school performance on student mental health. All students must be placed into a school psychology department under supervision, and they must conduct and present research and a thesis prior to graduation from the Houston-based program.


  • American Psychological Association Commission on Accreditation (CoA), Commission on Colleges (CoC) of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools

University of Houston Department of Educational Psychology 4800 Calhoun Rd. Houston, TX, 77004 Phone: (713) 743-2255

University of North Texas

Department of psychology.

The University of North Texas is another high-activity research institution, funded by public funds, that focuses largely on the sciences and numerous engineering fields. Though the university offers a full range of programs in a wide array of disciplines, its science-heavy focus has netted the northern Texas institution with as much as $30 million in annual research appropriations. Students benefit from this exceedingly high level of research funding in several ways. The university offers innovative on-campus labs and test facilities, provides research-oriented doctoral students with a high level of funding and a stipend, and therefore offers one of the best-ranked psychology doctoral programs in the southwest. UNT’s professors at this level all hold doctoral degrees, and many of them are published psychological researchers who have contributed significantly to the field.

The clinical psychology program prepares students for work in hospitals and clinics, dealing with patients who may require inpatient care to deal with severe depression, schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other major psychological issues that require more careful observation and skilled treatment. As a result, they’ll take advanced courses in diagnosis, treatment, clinical ethics, and more. The University of North Texas’ program will also require a practical work experience during the second year of the program, a research-based thesis, defense of the thesis in order to move to candidacy, and a long-term medical residency, prior to eligibility for graduation.

Counseling services allow psychological professionals to deal with patients largely in an outpatient, casual setting. As a result, coursework in this program is designed to help patients deal with everyday trials and tribulations that might affect their precarious mental state or otherwise interact with mild or low-level psychological disorders. The program is focused primarily on treatment, rather than diagnosis, but also teaches students about rare disorders that they might encounter as high-level counselors. A medical residency is not required, but a practical counseling experience must be pursued. The program also requires on-campus research, a thesis, and defense of that thesis prior to eligibility for the PhD.

University of North Texas Department of Psychology 1155 Union Circle #311280 Denton, TX 76203 Phone: (940) 565-2671 Email: [email protected]

University of North Texas and University of North Texas Health Sciences Center Consortium

The collaboration between UNT and its North Texas Health Sciences Center is significant, in that it offers one of the most unique degree programs for psychology doctoral students. The consortium offers a health psychology doctorate that is different from programs at all other top-ranked, research-oriented universities in the Lonestar State. This focus prepares students for clinical work in hospitals, serving patients whose health directly impacts their state of mind. The system’s unique collaboration and its programs has earned rave reviews from national rankings and fellow psychology instructors, and ensures graduates are among the most competitive for jobs in academia and clinical practice, especially in hospitals and clinical settings.

Clinical Health Psychology PhD

This clinical program is easily one of the most comprehensive in the country. Students must complete a research-oriented thesis and a long-term medical residency, but they must also devote themselves to classes that are uniquely health-oriented. They’ll learn about the impact on common medical issues, and even terminal diseases and death, on a patient’s psychological well-being. Students will also learn how to treat inpatient disorders that are considered severe, and they’ll learn the ethical considerations associated with handling terminally ill patients, inpatient residents, and diagnosis of unique problems that meet at the intersection of health and psychology.

Also Offers:

PhD in Counseling Psychology

University of North Texas and University of North Texas Health Sciences Center Consortium Department of Psychology 1155 Union Circle #311280 Denton, TX 76203-5017 Phone: (940) 565-2671 Email: [email protected]

University of Texas at Austin

College of liberal arts.

UT’s College of Liberal Arts offers three strong programs in doctoral psychology, taught by nationally published and top-ranked faculty who are among the best in the country. The University of Texas consistently ranks as one of the most prestigious “Public Ivies” in the country, with graduates who enjoy one of the highest job placement rates after completion to the program and defense of their thesis. The system gives students practical experiences and networking opportunities far superior to virtually anything else at any other public, research-oriented state university.

Clinical psychology students focus on the nature of treatment in a hospital setting, especially for those patients who need long-term, inpatient care. Students will take courses that focus on the ethics of this type of treatment, the impact of severe psychological disorders on patients’ ability to respond to counseling and prescription treatments, and the role of family, outpatient counseling, and long-term managed care, on psychological improvement and long-term outcomes. A long-term medical residency is required, as is a thesis based on research conducted in campus labs alongside a supervising professor.

Counseling services require psychologists to be seasoned professionals that understand both common causes of these issues and rare disorders. That’s where this program comes in. Coursework required of doctoral students emphasizes rare psychological disorders and lesser-known causes of more common problems among today’s patients. They’ll also study the ethics of child treatment, parent and family counseling, prescription drug use, and referral to more in-depth or inpatient treatment facilities. All students must complete a counseling internship, and they must successfully defend a thesis based on their research in campus labs during the course of their doctoral program.

This program is heavy on research and practical experience. All students must complete a yearlong internship with a current, doctoral-level school psychologist, where they will interact with students and perform under supervision. On-campus, students must engage in a research topic of their choosing that relates to school and student psychology. They must use this research as the foundation for a thesis, which a faculty panel will hear and approve prior to graduation. Coursework focuses on the origins of bullying and school violence, the impact of heredity and home environment on student psychology, and the impact of student psychology on their ability to learn.

University of Texas at Austin College of Liberal Arts Austin, TX 78712 Phone: (512) 471-3434 Email: [email protected]

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas

Students who prefer to join the UT community, but don’t live in or around the Austin metropolitan area, benefit directly from UT’s partnership with Southwestern Medical Center. Located in Dallas, this teaching hospital is designed to prepare students for careers in both clinical practice and academic venues. The program requires extensive research, offers in-hospital clinical appointments over several years’ time, and fully funds all research and student stipends throughout the full duration of the doctoral program.

Based at an actual hospital, this program requires all students to engage in a long-term medical residency that will familiarize them with the nature of inpatient psychological care. The program also requires research in a hospital-based lab, which will yield a thesis that must be defended to a student-selected faculty panel. Coursework focuses on medical ethics and inpatient treatment, as well as courses in counseling and how to prepare patients for reemergence into the outside world as their psychological disorder becomes more manageable for outpatient counselors to address.

University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas Department of Psychology 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, TX 75390 Phone: (214) 648-3111 Email: [email protected]

A doctorate in psychology can lead to any number of amazing jobs, in Texas and beyond. Check out our list of the highest paying psychology careers .

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  • 50 Most Affordable Selective Small Colleges for a Psychology Degree
  • The 50 Best Schools for Psychology: Undergraduate Edition
  • 30 Great Small Colleges for a Counseling Degree (Bachelor’s)
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College of Education

School psychology doctoral program, learn more about our graduate programs rsvp now for a free virtual info session monday, sept. 23 at 6 p.m..

Student teacher with a student behind a Third Ward mural

The University of Houston's School Psychology doctoral program is home to faculty and students committed to impacting the academic, behavioral and social-emotional functioning of children. Our faculty teaches students how to apply the core principles of school psychology inside and outside of schools. They challenge students to develop innovative solutions that connect the systems in which children and their families exist.

  • PHLS Faculty
  • Mission & Values
  • Student Profiles
  • Graduate Profiles
  • Newsletters

About the Program

Our goal: Develop professional school psychologists who are engaged in applied research and ecologically sensitive evidence-based practice. To accomplish this, the School Psychology program adheres to a scientist-practitioner training model, and students learn to conceptualize according to an ecological-behavioral theoretical model. We aim to instill an awareness of diversity issues into our students, a task made easier considering the University of Houston’s status as one of our nation’s most culturally and linguistically diverse research institutions. That diversity extends to the program itself: almost one-half of our doctoral students claim non-Caucasian ancestry.

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation American Psychological Association 750 First Street NE Washington D.C. 20002-4242 Phone: (202) 336-5979 TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123 Fax: (202) 336-5978 [email protected]

  • Accredited by the American Psychological Association
  • Approved by the National Association of School Psychologists
  • 5 - 6 years to complete program without transferable graduate credit
  • 4 - 5 years to complete program with prior graduate credit
  • School Psychology Student Handbook
  • Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data
  • UH Graduate School

What will I learn while attending the school psychology program?

  • Scholarly inquiry, research, writing and presentation skills
  • Application of critical analysis and inquiry to existing research and the ability to identify, select, implement and evaluate evidence-based practices.
  • Sensitivity to ecological, diverse and developmental considerations and concern for client preferences
  • Exposure and supervised experience with diverse populations, conditions, professionals, settings and procedures.
  • Understanding of the scientist-practitioner model which emphasizes an integrated, hierarchical sequence of coursework, practica, internship and research experiences

What can I do with my degree?

A doctoral degree in School Psychology prepares graduates for professional work as psychologists in academic and non-academic positions. Students who complete the program are prepared to apply for the following credentials:

  • Licensed Psychologist
  • Licensed Specialist in School Psychology
  • National Certified School Psychologist
  • Designation as a Health Service Provider by the National Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology
  • Diplomate in School Psychology.

School Psychology Faculty

The following is a list of current school psychology faculty:, dr. kristen hassett  (affiliated faculty).

Special Populations

Faculty Profile | Email

Dr. Elizabeth Jelsma

School Psychology

Dr. Milena Keller-Margulis

Dr. michael matta, dr. bradley h. smith  (program director).

School Psychology 

  • PHLS Homepage
  • Our Programs

The School Psychology faculty's research ranges from Autism Spectrum Disorder and language development to student assessments and multilingual classrooms. Visit the PHLS Research Portal to learn more about our diverse interests and discover faculty pursuing answers to the questions that matter to you.

Feel free to contact faculty directly to learn more about their research. You can find contact information in the Research Portal or by visiting the COE Faculty Directory .

  • PHLS Research Portal

Financial Aid

All School Psychology doctoral students are encouraged to apply for scholarships through the UH and the College of Education. To learn more about how to fund your graduate studies, visit the Graduate Funding page .

Graduate Tuition Fellowship

Graduate Tuition Fellowship (GTF) provides tuition remission for 9 credit hours, during the academic year, to students who enroll in at least 9 credit hours. During the summer term, GTFs are contingent upon available budget. Not all years in the graduate program may be covered by this program.


Graduate appointments are usually available to students during the first two years of graduate studies. The program doesn't cover mandatory fees or course fees. Not all years in the graduate program are covered by this program. 

To learn more about funding your education, contact the COE's College of Graduate Studies at  [email protected]  or call 713-743-7676.

  • COE Financial Aid and Scholarships
  • UH Graduate Funding
  • UH Graduate Financial Information

Houston, Texas

Houston is the fourth largest city in the United States and one of the nation's most diverse cities. This fact benefits our students and faculty both personally and professionally. Home to more than 100 different nationalities and where more than 60 different languages are spoken, Houston is the perfect environment to practice what you're learning in the classroom. The city also boasts more than 12,000 theater seats and 11,000 diverse restaurants featuring cuisines from around the globe (Don't know where to start? Just ask a Houstonian, and they're sure to bombard you with at least a dozen places to eat.) 

Houston is bustling with culture, energy and offers something for everyone inside and outside the classroom.

(Background photo: “ Metropolis ” by eflon is licensed under CC BY 2.0 .)

  • Student Housing & Residential Life
  • Greater Houston Partnership - Welcome to Houston

Ready to Apply?

Are you ready to apply to the University of Houston School Psychology doctoral program ? Yes? You can learn more about the application process by visiting the College of Education's Graduate Admissions page  or jump right into the application process by visiting the UH's How to Apply to Graduate School page .

If you need more information about the School Psychology program, we are here to help. You can always contact the COE Office of Graduate Studies by phone at 713-743-7676  or by email .

Farish Hall

The School Psychology doctoral program is a member of UH's Psychological, Health, & Learning Sciences department .

Program Director:  Dr. Brad Smith

UH College of Education Stephen Power Farish Hall 3657 Cullen Blvd., Room 491 Houston, TX 77204-5023

Undergraduate: [email protected] or 713-743-5000 Graduate: [email protected] or 713-743-7676 General: [email protected] or 713-743-5010


Educational Psychology

Education & Human Development

Educational psychology, how to apply.

Educational Psychology

The Department OF Educational Psychology

The Department of Educational Psychology (EPSY) is home to a variety of interrelated disciplines and degree options focused on human development and well-being in educational and community contexts. Our undergraduate programs prepare students to work with children and youth in a variety of community and school contexts. We also offer a range of professional master’s degrees geared towards professionals in schools, communities, and the corporate world. For those interested in doctoral studies we offer Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in Educational Psychology, Counseling Psychology, and School Psychology.

Program Areas to choose from

Educational psychology, us news & world report 2021, number of online courses available, former student highlight, michele sheppard.

“When I started at A&M, it was unlike any other, they push you to be your very best. Being a single mom and going back to school was not always easy but you can do it!”

Master’s →

Bachelor’s →

Certificates →

Emphasis Areas

Educational psychology programs.



EPSY offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Education and University Studies, with one of three focuses.

Undergraduate Studies


Graduate Programs

The department of Educational Psychology offers a range of professional graduate degree programs.



EPSY offers a wide variety of online programs and courses to many the diverse needs our students.

Online Education

Educational Psychology Teacher Teaching Students


Undergraduate students have the opportunity to complete certificate programs while completing their degree requirements.


“I came to the conclusion that being a special educator is less about whom you teach and more about what you teach.”

– Stephanie Haetchen ’12 Special Education Programs

Upcoming Events

View all upcoming EPSY events

Doctorate in:

School psychology.

Ph.D. in School Psychology

Our Ph.D. in School Psychology is designed to give candidates a thorough and comprehensive knowledge their professional field and training in methods of research, as well as competencies required for practice.

This degree is awarded based on a candidate’s grasp of subject matter in a broad field of study, a demonstrated ability to do independent research, and demonstrated competencies for practice as a health service professional. In addition, candidates must have acquired the ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written languages.

This degree is not granted solely for the completion of coursework, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met.

  • For a student who has completed a master’s degree, a DDS/DMD, DVM or MD at a U.S. institution, a minimum of 64 hours is required on the degree plan for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
  • For a student who has completed a baccalaureate degree but not a master’s degree or a U.S. DDS/DMD, DVM or MD , a minimum of 96 hours is required on the degree plan for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Students gain the knowledge and skills for:

• Research • Assessment • Intervention • Consultation • Supervision • Ethical and Professional Practice

Program graduates work in a variety of private and institutional settings, including:

• Public and private schools • Hospitals and medical clinics • Community-based health and educational organizations • University settings

Disclosure of Education & Training Outcomes

SPSY 2024 Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data is for informed decision-making by prospective students, as well as others.

Where are our Graduates?

A recent evaluation of program graduates over the last 10 years, from the academic year 2010-2011 to 2019-2020, finds our graduates are currently in the following work settings:

School District

Hospital/medical centers, community mental health clinic, independent practice, other: dod schools (consultant), other: community agency, university academic setting (non-medical) teaching/faculty, chosen unemployment, admissions deadlines.

  • Applications are currently open and will close on December 1, 2024.


Recommended gre/gpa scores.

  • 1000 (old scoring system) or
  • 310 (new scoring system)
  • Undergraduate (and Graduate, if applicable) GPA could impact admission.
  • GRE scores are not required for 2022 applicants.


Submission criteria.

  • Letters of reference from professors and employers.
  • Membership in professional organizations.
  • Involvement in research activities.
  • Relevant job experience.
  • Personal characteristics such as bilingual status or experience working with individuals with disabilities.
  • Essay outlining goals, research interests, and skills.

Application reviews occur in December. Full program faculty and a graduate student select students for interviews in early January. On-campus interviews start at the beginning of February.

Admission Interviews

  • Expect a formal interview, informative sessions, and interaction with both faculty and graduate students. Applicants also will have the opportunity to see the campus, clinics, and community.
  • For out-of-state students, we try to subsidize the cost of travel.

Post-Interview Process

  • Admitted students must notify us in writing by April 15 of their intent to enroll the following fall.
  • Students who enter the program are assigned a student mentor and a temporary advisor.

Program Details

Degree: Ph.D. in School Psychology Degrees Offered: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Credit Hours: minimum 104-112 hours

  • Students completing the program obtain the Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in School Psychology.
  • For students entering with a baccalaureate, the program requires  a non-thesis option M.Ed. after completion of the first 36 credits . The doctoral degree plan includes a minimum of an additional 64 credits for all students including internship.
  • The program meets criteria for the state and national credentials for practice in the schools and licensure as a psychologist in most states.

Select College of Education and update credit hours.


The School Psychology Program at Texas A&M University is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) .

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation 750 First Street, N.E. Washington, DC 20002-4242 (202) 336-5979

Our Program has been approved by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) .

Program Requirements

  • Students engage in coursework and field experiences that are sequential and increase in complexity.
  • All students must complete the core curriculum.
  • Students choose an area of more in-depth coverage as they progress through the program.

Read the School Psychology Student handbook for details about our mission, required coursework, field experiences, and student performance evaluations.

Consideration for Prior Graduate Credit

In recognition that some students enter the program with a master’s or specialist’s degree in School Psychology or related field, the program has established the Direct to Doctorate  process.

Degree Requirements

Review the School Psychology degree requirements associated with time commitment and acquiring residency.

Research Apprenticeship

Students participate in mentored research activities beginning in their first year. They present as part of research at the regional, national and international convention and publish with faculty mentorship.

Scientific inquiry (i.e., research) is the most powerful and prominent method for creating new knowledge and testing extant theories. The skills and attitudes of scientific inquiry are essential to the development and delivery of sound professional services, and directly benefit the clients and constituencies served.

We believe that the Ph.D. degree in School Psychology should indicate the student’s ability to generate and disseminate (e.g., through professional conferences and journals) new knowledge that contributes to our understanding of important theoretical and/or practical issues and questions in the area of psychology. This requires that students are well versed in the knowledge base in their specialty area, and have developed facility with all aspects of the research process. Our graduates are able to function as researchers both independently and collaboratively in clinical and research settings.


Our program is designed to foster doctoral students’ continuous involvement in research. Students are expected to participate in mentored research activities from the start of their doctoral training by joining existing research teams led by faculty mentors. At early stages, involvement in research may include assistance with data collection, study management, and data entry or organization. As students’ skills develop, opportunities for conducting data analyses, designing new studies, producing scholarly products (e.g., conference presentations, journal articles), and mentoring in grant writing may be available.

Through these mentored research opportunities, students will develop the full spectrum of research skills necessary for formulating their dissertation and conducting research independently. Research involvement and competence will be reviewed annually by the student’s doctoral committee and/or program committee to provide written feedback about their progress toward meeting program research expectations.

Program Assessments

Annual evaluation.

Annual Evaluation of School Psychology Student

Practicum Student Evaluation

Practicum Student Evaluation Form

Annual Review of Departmental and Clinical Expectations

Practicum Directory

Practicum opportunities.

Elective Practicum Opportunities

Program Handbook

Notice to students pursuing programs that may lead to a professional license or certification required for employment:

The following programs may lead to a professional license or certification that is required for employment. Professional licensure/certification requirements vary from state to state, which may affect a student’s ability to apply for a professional license/certification upon the completion of the program. The U.S. Department of Education regulation,  34 CFR 668.43 (a) (5) (v) , requires an institution to disclose whether the program will fulfill educational requirements for licensure or certification for each state. The administrative departments that offer the programs have made the following determination regarding their curriculum.

Doctoral degree in School Psychology TX, AK, AL, AZ, AR, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NV, NH, NM, NY, NC, ND**, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, WI, WY CA*, MI*, NJ* PR, AS, CNMI, GU, MH, FM, PW, VI*
See “Additional Conditions Explained” section for * / **
We recommend students contact the appropriate state licensing agency in their state or the state where they intend to work to seek the most up-to-date information about state licensure/certification requirements before beginning the program.

Additional conditions explained

* The School Psychology Doctoral program is aligned with requirements for the License as a Psychologist (LP) and Licensed Specialist in School Psychology (LSSP) in the State of Texas and the National Certification as a School Psychologist (NCSP). The curriculum is consistent with accreditation by the American Psychological Association and as such provides required coursework and training for most states; however, students should be aware that state licensure and educational certification requirements change and vary by state. In particular, some states (i.e., California and Michigan) require specific didactic courses or supervisory provisions (i.e., New Jersey and Virgin Islands) not required in Texas or other states for licensure/certification. As such, students are encouraged to investigate the requirements in other states to identify additional courses they may need. For a fuller summary of the requirements for licensure in each state, please visit the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Board .

** North Dakota Board of Examiner’s specifies that telepsych may not replace face-to-face individual supervision. During the COVID pandemic, the TAMU School Psychology program utilized telepsych practices to engage in supervision. We advise students interested in licensure in ND to consult with that psychology board regarding these special circumstances if we continue this approach for safety reasons.

Contact Advisors

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Peggy Brigman

Academic Advisor IV

View Directory Profile

Program Faculty

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Sara Castro-Olivo

Associate Professor

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Daniel Hajovsky

Associate Professor and Associate Department Head for Graduate Academic Affairs

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Clinical Assistant Professor

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Justin Allen

Assistant Professor

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Doctoral 10

List of Bachelor Degree Equivalencies

Please view a brief  List of Bachelor Degree Equivalencies by Country . If you do not find your country listed and are unsure of your degree equivalency, please contact the Office of Admissions at  [email protected] .

Can my Application fee be waived?

Yes. This fee may be waived only in exceptional cases for low-income applicants and McNair Scholars. To receive the waiver, you must submit an awards letter from your current school’s financial aid office showing the award of a Pell Grant. Your Student Aid Report (SAR) from a current FAFSA can also be submitted to show financial need. McNair Scholars must submit a letter from their McNair Program Director verifying their status as a McNair Scholar in good standing to receive the fee waiver. Submit this information to the Academic Affairs Business Office and include your major of interest and term of application. Waiver of application fee is not available for international students.

Statement of Purpose Essay

All applicants must complete the Essay, Statement of Purpose and explain the following:

  • Why you applied to this program
  • Academic background and training
  • Potential for graduate study
  • Research experience
  • Other relevant professional experiences

I want/need a Graduate Assistantship/Fellowship – how do I apply?

Please note that we cannot guarantee any financial assistance to any student. We will contact all admitted students about the process for applying for all available assistantships. This is a separate process from applying for admission. The department and programs will choose students to be nominated for Graduate Diversity or Graduate Merit fellowships. These fellowships are only open to U.S. citizens. Please do not ask to be nominated for one of these fellowships as the program will determine which students are competitive for these awards.

How do is submit my letters of Recommendation?

The  GraduateCAS  online application includes a Recommendations section where you must add your recommenders’ information. Once you have saved the recommendation requests, GraduateCAS will contact each recommender via email to request the completion of the recommendation form and letter of recommendation. We require three letters of recommendations and they must be submitted directly by recommenders through the electronic system.

Is there an admissions cycle for Spring semester?

No. For our Ph.D. programs we only have admissions in fall semesters.

What are the typical program costs?

Check out the cost of attendance estimator.

Please note, you must update the program hours.

For a better understanding of your total cost of attendance (COA), please visit our cost and tuition rates webpage ( ). This webpage will provide you with an opportunity to review estimated COA information for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as other resources such as the tuition calculator and billing and fee explanations.

Can you guide me through the application process?

How to Apply: Master’s Application Information | Doctoral Application Information

I live out of state. Do you accept out-of-state applicants?

Yes, we accept in-state and out-of-state applicants.

Is there any opportunity for financial assistance?

Yes, there are opportunities for financial assistance through the following departments: Office of Graduate Studies Financial Aid

Request Information

Tuition & fees.

For a better understanding of your total cost of attendance (COA), please visit our cost and tuition rates webpage (

tuition-rates). This webpage will provide you with an opportunity to review estimated COA information for undergraduate, graduate and professional students, as well as other resources such as the tuition calculator and billing and fee explanations.

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phd in psychology texas

Counseling Psychology Ph.D.

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Why Earn a Counseling Psychology Ph.D.?

The Counseling Psychology Program at UNT endorses the scientist-practitioner model of training and affirms the value of integrating practice and science throughout a psychologist's training and career-long participation in the profession. The program is committed to the idea that human problems are the result of complex interactions of biological influences, environmental factors, and developmental changes in the person.

We are also committed to the affirmation of diversity and social justice in the broadest sense, and specifically in psychology as it relates to the alleviation of stress and promotion of mental wellness. We highly value the dignity and worth of individuals inclusive of their gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, age, physical and mental abilities, political or spiritual beliefs, socioeconomic class, and other identities. As such, we recognize and incorporate these values and principles in the training and practice of counseling psychology.

We provide you with opportunities to:

  • Build competencies in numerous areas, including self-awareness, psychological assessment and multicultural counseling
  • Cultivate a deep understanding of scientific methodology
  • Gain experience in the profession
  • Psychological research
  • Comprehensive psychological assessment
  • Mental disorder diagnosis
  • Mental health treatment plans
  • Psychological interventions

Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Highlights

What can you do with a counseling psychology ph.d..

The Doctor of Philosophy degree in Counseling Psychology prepares you for work as an independent professional in a research, academic or applied setting.

Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Courses You Could Take

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Texas State University

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Department of Psychology

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  • Department of Anthropology
  • Center for Diversity and Gender Studies
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  • Department of History
  • Center for International Studies
  • Department of Philosophy
  • Department of Political Science
  • M.A. Major in Psychological Research (Non-​thesis Option)
  • M.A. Major in Psychological Research (Thesis Option)
  • Minor in Psychology
  • Department of Sociology
  • Department of World Languages &​ Literatures
  • College of Science and Engineering
  • Graduate Faculty

Trauth-Huffman Hall Room 253 T: 512.245.2526 F: 512.245.3153

The mission of the Master of Arts in Psychological Research program at Texas State is to foster competence in the methodological foundations and conduct of psychological research across a wide variety of settings. The program has a strong empirical orientation and focus is placed on learning interpersonal, research, and statistical skills and competencies relevant to the responsible and ethical conduct of both basic and applied psychological research. This program is appropriate for individuals wishing to work in research settings or intending to pursue a doctoral degree in Psychology. 

The Department of Psychology is housed in Trauth-Huffman Hall (THH), a LEED-certified building completed in June 2012. Current research facilities in the department include a saliva analysis laboratory, three state-of-the-art EEG systems, two eye-tracking systems, Doppler imaging equipment, state-of-the-art observation rooms, a sleep lab with dedicated EEG equipment, a dedicated computer lab for research, and a variety of other faculty research labs used for studies on addiction, cognition, exercise, sleep, and many other health-related issues. Faculty areas of expertise include clinical, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, health psychology, quantitative psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology, among others.

In accordance with the reclassification of Texas State as an Emerging Research University in January 2012, the Department of Psychology is committed to expanding its research agenda while retaining its lasting commitment to teaching. The department strongly supports the view that research and teaching are complementary activities. Thus, our goal is to gain national and international recognition as a research-oriented and teaching-intensive department.

Master of Arts (M.A.)

  • Major in Psychological Research (Non-thesis Option)
  • Major in Psychological Research (Thesis Option)

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Psychology Masters Programs

130+ Texas Psychology Degree Programs, Majors, and Schools

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Written by Sarah Walsh

Clinical PsyD — Rutgers University | Clinical Psychologist

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Studying in Texas offers a unique opportunity for students, with its vibrant culture, diverse communities, and access to some of the top educational institutions in the country. Students can benefit from federal and state aid, starting with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which opens the door to federal grants, loans, and work-study programs. Additionally, Texas offers state-specific grants that can further alleviate financial burdens. Some cities with multiple schools offering a psychology program include Dallas, San Antonio, and Texas. 

Work-study programs also allow students to earn money while they study, making it easier to cover education expenses. Furthermore, many of Texas’s top psychology schools offer scholarships and grants, tailored to their students’ needs. Let’s take a look at the numerous programs available in Texas.

North Texas

1. University of North Texas (UNT) Department of Psychology Denton, TX

Overview: UNT offers a diverse psychology program with a strong emphasis on research and hands-on experience. UNT is known for its commitment to student success, providing various financial aid options, including scholarships, grants, and work-study programs tailored to support psychology students. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology PhD in Behavioral Sciences PhD in Counseling Psychology PhD in Clinical Psychology

2. Southern Methodist University (SMU) Department of Psychology Dallas, TX

Overview:  SMU is another prestigious institution offering a well-regarded psychology program. SMU combines rigorous academic training with practical experience, preparing students for careers in psychology and related fields. The university also offers a range of financial aid options, including merit-based scholarships and need-based grants, making it accessible for students from all backgrounds. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Organizational Psychology Ph.D. Program Clinical Psychology

3. Texas Woman’s University Division of Psychology and Philosophy Denton, TX

Overview: At TWU, you’ll benefit from the close mentorship of nationally recognized faculty who are dedicated to your academic and professional growth. The university’s psychology programs, ranging from bachelor’s to doctoral levels, are tailored to meet your specific interests and career goals, ensuring you receive the knowledge and skills necessary to excel in your chosen field. In addition to personalized coursework, TWU offers numerous research and service opportunities that place you at the forefront of the discipline. Engaging in hands-on research projects and community outreach, you’ll gain practical experience that complements your academic learning.  Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology M.S. in Psychological Science 

Ph.D in Counseling Psychology

4. Texas Christian University Department of Psychology Fort Worth, TX

Overview: TCU’s curriculum is both rigorous and flexible, allowing you to explore various areas within psychology, such as cognitive, developmental, social, and clinical psychology, tailored to your interests and career aspirations. As an undergraduate student, you’ll receive a comprehensive education in psychological theories, research methods, and practical applications, providing a strong foundation for careers in psychology or further study in graduate programs. For graduate students, TCU’s psychology programs offer advanced training that emphasizes research, clinical practice, and specialized knowledge. Graduate students engage in hands-on research projects, often working closely with faculty members on cutting-edge studies that contribute to the field. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Developmental Trauma Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology

5. University of Texas at Dallas Department of Psychology Richardson, TX

Overview: The University of Texas at Dallas (UT Dallas) offers a robust and cutting-edge psychology program, supported by a distinguished faculty of over 40 full-time members who are leaders in their respective fields. Faculty members employ experimental, observational, and advanced brain imaging techniques to explore critical questions in human neuroscience, cognition, development, aging, and social behavior. Program Link/s: BS in Child Learning and Development BS in Cognitive Science  BS in Psychology M.S. in Applied Cognition and Neuroscience M.S. in Human Development and Early Childhood Disorders M.S. in Psychology Ph.D. in Cognition and Neuroscience

6. University of Texas at Arlington Department of Psychology Arlington, TX

Overview: The Department of Psychology at UTA is renowned for its esteemed faculty and its commitment to providing a strong academic foundation for undergraduate students while offering advanced training for graduate students. The undergraduate programs equip students with a comprehensive understanding of psychological principles, setting the stage for various career paths or further study. For those pursuing graduate degrees, UTA provides a collaborative research environment recognized with the prestigious R1 Doctoral Universities classification for very high research activity. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Industrial Organizational Psychology Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology

7. Texas Tech University Department of Psychological Sciences Lubbock, TX

Overview: Texas Tech University (TTU) offers a comprehensive and prestigious psychology program through its Department of Psychological Sciences, which is home to a robust academic community of 34 full-time faculty members, approximately 130 doctoral students, and around 975 undergraduate majors. The department also operates the Psychology Clinic, a vital training and research facility that serves the university, Lubbock, and surrounding communities by providing psychotherapy and assessment services. This clinic not only enhances the practical training of graduate students but also contributes to the well-being of the broader community. Program Link/s: B.A. Psychology B.S. Psychological Sciences B.A. Psychology + Accelerated M.A. Human Factors Ph.D. in Cognition & Cognitive Neuroscience Graduate Program in Clinical Psychology Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology Ph.D. in Human Factors Psychology Ph.D. in Social Psychology M.S. in Social Psychology M.S. in Human Factors Psychology

8. Midwestern State University Department of Psychology Wichita Falls, TX

Overview: Midwestern State University (MSU) offers a psychology program that emphasizes personalized education and close mentorship from experienced faculty. The Department of Psychology is home to six full-time faculty members, all of whom hold doctorates in fields such as experimental, clinical, and counseling psychology. These dedicated professors are deeply committed to student success, providing guidance and support both in and outside the classroom. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Clinical/Counseling Psychology

9. Tarleton State University Department of Psychological Sciences Stephenville, TX

Overview: Tarleton State University offers a psychology program that, while more limited in scope than larger institutions, provides a focused and supportive environment for students seeking a solid foundation in the field. The program is designed to equip students with essential knowledge in psychological theories, research methods, and applied practices, making it an excellent choice for those who value close-knit academic settings and personalized attention from faculty. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology M.S. Applied Psychology

10. University of Texas at Tyler Department of Psychology and Counseling Tyler, TX

Overview: The University of Texas at Tyler offers comprehensive psychology programs that prepare students for both advanced academic pursuits and professional careers. At the undergraduate level, the Department of Psychology and Counseling provides two-degree plans: a Bachelor of Science and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. For those seeking advanced degrees, UT Tyler offers a range of graduate programs tailored to various career paths in the field. These include a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, a Master of Science in Clinical Psychology with specializations in General Clinical and Neuropsychology, a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC), and a Master of Arts in School Counseling. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology Master of Science in Clinical Psychology Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Master of Arts in School Counseling.

11. Abilene Christian University Department of Psychology Abilene, TX

Overview: Abilene Christian University (ACU) offers a psychology program designed to meet the diverse interests and career goals of its students. With four distinct tracks within the Psychology major, ACU provides a customized educational experience that allows students to focus on areas of psychology that align with their passions and professional aspirations. For those committed to advanced studies, ACU also offers an accelerated bachelor’s and master’s program, providing a streamlined path for students planning to pursue graduate training or doctoral study.

ACU recognizes the need for flexibility in today’s educational landscape. In addition to its on-campus offerings, the university provides an online bachelor’s program in psychology, catering to students who require a more adaptable learning schedule. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology M.S. in Clinical Psychology  M.S. Counseling Psychology M.S. Psychology 

12. University of Dallas Department of Psychology Irving, TX

Overview: The University of Dallas offers a distinctive approach to studying psychology, blending the discipline’s rigorous scientific foundations with the broad intellectual inquiry characteristic of a liberal arts education. Both the undergraduate and master’s programs in psychology are designed to encourage students to critically engage with the fundamental questions and methodologies that define the field.  Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Psychology M.S. in Psychology 4+1 Program

13. Dallas Baptist University Department of Psychology Dallas, TX

Overview: The undergraduate psychology program at Dallas Baptist University (DBU) offers a unique educational experience that integrates the study of psychology with the teachings of Christianity. Rooted in a Christ-centered approach, the program provides students with both a comprehensive overview of the psychology field and an in-depth exploration of specific areas within this multifaceted discipline. 

Courses cover essential topics such as the history and systems of psychology, alongside research-oriented subjects, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education in both the theoretical and practical aspects of psychology. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology (with online option) B.A. in Psychology (with online option) Master of Arts in Psychology  

14. LeTourneau University School of Psychology & Counseling Longview, TX

Overview: LeTourneau University’s School of Psychology & Counseling also offers a distinctive educational experience grounded in Christian faith and dedicated to fostering human dignity and compassionate care. The programs are designed to prepare students to address some of the world’s most pressing health-related needs by understanding human cognition and behavior. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology B.S. in Counseling Psychology

15. West Texas A&M University (WTAMU) Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work Canyon, TX

Overview: WTAMU offers a robust psychology program supported by a faculty team of experts across diverse fields such as biopsychology, social psychology, developmental psychology, and clinical psychology. The department’s faculty members are not only leaders in their respective areas but also dedicated mentors committed to providing students with a comprehensive education Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Psychology SSP School Psychology

16. East Texas Baptist University (ETBU) Department of Behavioral Sciences Marshall, TX

Overview: ETBU offers two undergraduate degree options in psychology: the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and the Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Psychology. Both programs are designed to provide a solid foundation in psychological principles, research methods, and practical applications, preparing students for various career paths or further academic pursuits. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology

17. Texas A&M University-Commerce Department of Psychology and Special Education Commerce, TX

Overview: Studying at TAMU-Commerce means engaging in a supportive academic environment where personalized attention from experienced faculty fosters both academic and professional growth. The programs emphasize a strong research orientation, equipping students with the skills to contribute to cutting-edge psychological research. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology M.S. in Psychology Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology

Central Texas

1. University of Texas at Austin Department of Psychology Austin, TX

Overview: At UT Austin, psychology is approached as a dynamic 21st-century science that bridges traditional academic boundaries. The department’s research spans a wide range of topics—from the study of individual neurons to the exploration of broad cultural and societal factors affecting behavior. The department’s mission revolves around a deep understanding of the complexities of human behavior from multiple perspectives. It explores how brain function influences behavior, examines the impact of mental illness, injury, and disease, and develops effective interventions to enhance mental well-being. Program Link/s: Undergraduate Program in Psychology Ph.D in Psychology

2. Texas A&M University Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences College Station, TX

Overview: The department’s research focuses on uncovering the psychological and neurological processes underlying mental and physical health disorders across the lifespan. It also explores the psychological and social factors influencing individuals’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in various contexts, including family, work, and community interactions. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology Master of Science in Psychological Sciences Psychology Doctoral Program

3. Baylor University Department of Psychology and Neuroscience Waco, TX

Overview: Baylor University’s Department of Psychology is a vibrant hub of academic and research activity, encompassing approximately 1,000 undergraduate majors, 60 doctoral students, and a dedicated team of 29 full-time faculty members and four full-time staff. 

Baylor University offers a comprehensive range of doctoral programs, including a Ph.D. in Psychology with specialized tracks in Behavioral Neuroscience, Social Psychology, and General Experimental Psychology. Additionally, the department features an APA-accredited Clinical Psychology (Psy.D.) program, known for its excellence in preparing students for clinical practice. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology Ph.D. in Psychology

4. St. Edward’s University Department of Psychology and Behavioral Neuroscience Austin, TX

Overview: A notable aspect of the psychology experience at St. Edward’s is the Psychological Society, an active organization open to all students interested in psychology. This society plays a key role in enhancing the educational experience by sponsoring a range of educational, social, and volunteer opportunities for the campus community. Through the Psychological Society, students can engage in activities that deepen their understanding of psychology, foster connections with peers, and contribute to community service, all while building a supportive network within the field. Program Link: B.A. in Psychology

5. Texas State University Department of Psychology San Marcos, TX

Overview: Texas State University’s Psychology Department is dedicated to providing students with both a solid academic foundation and practical experience. The department offers several internship and service-learning courses that allow students to gain hands-on experience in diverse professional settings. These opportunities are designed to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application, ensuring that students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to practical scenarios. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Psychological Research  

6. Stephen F. Austin State University (SFA)  Department of Psychology Nacogdoches, TX

Overview: SFA offers a focused yet enriching psychology program that emphasizes research and hands-on learning. Although the program has a limited range of degrees, it provides valuable opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in research. Students are encouraged to develop their research proposals, allowing them to explore their interests and contribute to the field of psychology. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology   B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Psychology (with online option)

7. Southwestern University Department of Psychology Georgetown, TX

Overview: Southwestern University offers a psychology program deeply rooted in the values of justice and inclusivity. The Department of Psychology is dedicated to fostering a supportive and equitable learning environment where diversity is celebrated and discrimination is not tolerated. The faculty affirms its commitment to the equality of rights for all individuals, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, or religion. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology  B.A. in Psychology

South Texas

1. Rice University Department of Psychological Sciences Houston, TX

Overview: Rice University places a strong emphasis on research, encouraging students to actively participate in various projects that span diverse areas of psychology. For those interested in specialized topics, the department offers courses like “The Psychology of Aging,” led by Dr. Stephanie Leal in the spring of 2024. This short course provides students with the latest scientific insights into the psychological aspects of aging, further enhancing their academic experience. Program Link/s: Undergraduate in Psychology M.A. of Human-Computer Interaction & Human Factor Master of Arts in Industrial-Organizational Psychology

2. University of Houston Department of Psychology Houston, TX

Overview: The University of Houston (UH) is recognized as one of the top psychology programs in the nation, ranking in the top 10% across the country. This reputation is reflected in the program’s growing popularity, with UH awarding 776 bachelor’s degrees in general psychology during the 2020-2021 academic year—a remarkable 37% increase from the previous year. UH also continues to excel at the graduate level, with 23 students earning their master’s degree in psychology in 2021, placing the university among the top 62 schools for psychology master’s candidates in the U.S. Program Link/s: Clinical Psychology Integrative Program in Developmental, Cognitive, & Behavioral Neuroscience (DCBN) Industrial Organizational Psychology Social, Personality, & Health Psychology

3. University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA) Department of Psychology San Antonio, TX

Overview:  UTSA offers a dynamic psychology program led by world-renowned faculty who are at the forefront of psychological research. These faculty members are deeply engaged in groundbreaking work that addresses real-world challenges, offering valuable insights that benefit both individuals and communities. Their research explores the complexities of human experiences and examines the interaction between psychological principles and environmental, social, and cultural systems. Additionally, students have the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with faculty whose research has significant implications for health and well-being. Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Psychology Ph.D. in Psychology

4. Trinity University Department of Psychology San Antonio, TX

Overview: Trinity University offers a Bachelor of Science in Psychology which provides students with a strong foundation in core psychological concepts while allowing them to explore personal interests through interdisciplinary electives. The psychology curriculum is designed to give students a broad understanding of the field, preparing them for various career paths or advanced studies. In addition to classroom learning, Trinity emphasizes experiential education through service-learning initiatives, supervised research experiences, and practicum opportunities. Program Link: B.S. in Psychology 

5. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Department of Psychological Science Edinburg, TX

Overview:  (UTRGV) offers a vibrant psychology program that encourages student involvement and engagement beyond the classroom. A key feature of this program is the Psychology Club, a student organization open to all students interested in psychology, regardless of their major. Each year, the Psychology Club organizes trips to regional and national psychology conferences, hosts invited speakers and engages in community service projects and research activities. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology M.A. in Clinical Psychology M.A. in Experimental Psychology Clinical Psychology Ph.D. Program

6. Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi Department of Psychology and Sociology Corpus Christi, TX

Overview: The psychology program is distinguished by its strong emphasis on student mentoring and research. The faculty has a longstanding tradition of providing dynamic support to students, offering personalized guidance that extends beyond the classroom. 

Students in the program are encouraged to showcase their research work at department symposia and professional conferences across the United States. These experiences not only enhance their academic development but also prepare them for pursuing advanced degrees in various disciplines. Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Clinical Psychology

7. Texas A&M International University Department of Psychology and Communication Laredo, TX

Overview: Students in this psychology program benefit from an education grounded in the most up-to-date scientific research. The curriculum is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of psychology while allowing students to explore specialized fields of interest. This combination of cutting-edge science and diverse expertise equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in various professional or academic pathways. Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology M.S. in Psychology M.A. in Counseling Psychology

8. Angelo State University Department of Psychology San Angelo, TX

Overview: Angelo State University offers psychology programs that cater to a wide range of students through both traditional and online formats. Students can pursue undergraduate and master’s level degrees in psychology with the flexibility of online coursework, making it accessible for those balancing other commitments or preferring a remote learning environment.

The online options at Angelo State provide the same comprehensive education as the on-campus programs, covering essential psychological concepts and theories while allowing students to engage with the material in a flexible format. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology (with online option) B.A. in Psychology (with online option) M.S. Organizational Psychology and Human Resources (online) M.S. in Applied Psychology (online) M.S. in Counseling Psychology Psy.D. in Counseling Psychology

9. Sam Houston State University (SHSU)  Department of Psychology Huntsville, TX

Overview: SHSU offers a comprehensive array of psychology programs designed to meet diverse student needs and career goals. The department is particularly notable for its focus on practical experience and professional preparation. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology (with online option) M.A. in Experimental Psychology M.A. Clinical Psychology SSP School Psychology

10. University of the Incarnate Word (UIW) Department of Psychology San Antonio, TX

Overview: UIW’s B.S. in Psychology curriculum is designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Core courses cover essential topics in psychology, including developmental, cognitive, and clinical psychology, while allowing students to delve into specialized areas through elective coursework. The program emphasizes critical thinking and scientific inquiry, encouraging students to engage in research and apply psychological concepts to real-world scenarios. Program Link: B.A. in Psychology

11. University of St. Thomas Department of Psychology Houston, TX

Overview: The Department of Psychology features over 30 unique courses that cover a wide range of psychological topics, ensuring that students receive a well-rounded education. From foundational theories to specialized topics, the curriculum is designed to give students a thorough understanding of psychology. A key highlight of the program is the opportunity for undergraduates to collaborate with faculty on research projects. This hands-on experience allows students to apply their learning, contribute to meaningful research, and gain valuable skills that enhance their academic and professional development.  Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology : M.A. in Counseling Psychology Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology

12. Houston Christian University Department of Psychology Houston, TX

Overview: One of the unique aspects of studying psychology at Houston Christian University is the integration of faith and learning. The program emphasizes ethical practice and the application of psychological principles within a framework that values personal and spiritual growth. This holistic approach enriches students’ academic experience and prepares them to approach psychological challenges with compassion and integrity. Program Link/s: B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Psychology Master of Arts in Christian Psychology Master of Arts in Christian Psychological Studies

13. St. Mary’s University Department of Psychology San Antonio, TX

Overview: The Department of Psychology at St. Mary’s University is dedicated to mentoring students within a growth-oriented community. Grounded in faith, the department supports students in their pursuit of knowledge and professional development, ensuring that their education is both academically rigorous and ethically informed. Program Link: B.A. in Psychology

14. Angelo State University Department of Psychology San Angelo, TX

Overview: Angelo State University’s psychology programs are designed to equip students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for success in their careers or further academic pursuits. The department emphasizes real-world applications, ensuring that students gain relevant skills that are directly applicable to their chosen career paths or advanced studies.

The curriculum focuses not only on foundational psychological concepts but also on developing critical communication, critical thinking, leadership, and decision-making skills. Program Link/s: B.S. in Psychology B.A. in Psychology M.S. Organizational Psychology and Human Resources (online) M.S. in Applied Psychology (online) M.S. in Counseling Psychology

Texas Psychology Careers

1. Clinical Psychologist

Clinical psychologists assess, diagnose, and treat mental health disorders. They work in various settings, including private practices, hospitals, and mental health clinics. They often use therapeutic techniques to help clients manage and overcome emotional and psychological issues.

2. Counseling Psychologist

Similar to clinical psychologists, counseling psychologists focus on helping individuals with emotional, social, and vocational issues. They often work with clients to improve their overall well-being and personal development. They typically work in schools, community health centers, or private practices.

3. Industrial-Organizational Psychologist

These professionals apply psychological principles to the workplace. They work on improving employee productivity, job satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness. Their work often involves recruitment, training, performance evaluations, and developing workplace policies.

4. School Psychologist

School psychologists work within educational settings to help students with emotional, social, and academic challenges. They collaborate with teachers, parents, and administrators to create supportive learning environments and address student needs.

5. Forensic Psychologist

Forensic psychologists apply psychological principles to legal issues. They often work with law enforcement, provide expert testimony in court, and conduct assessments related to criminal cases, competency evaluations, and custody disputes.

6. Health Psychologist

Health psychologists focus on how biological, social, and psychological factors influence health and illness. They work on promoting healthy behaviors, managing chronic illnesses, and improving patients’ overall health and well-being through behavioral interventions.

7. Neuropsychologist

Neuropsychologists study the relationship between the brain and behavior. They often assess and diagnose cognitive and neurological disorders, such as traumatic brain injuries or neurodegenerative diseases, and work to develop treatment plans based on their findings.

8. Sports Psychologist

Sports psychologists work with athletes to enhance performance and address mental barriers to success. They help with goal setting, motivation, and managing performance anxiety. Their work often involves individual athletes or sports teams.

9. Research Psychologist

Research psychologists conduct studies to understand various aspects of human behavior and mental processes. They work in academic institutions, research organizations, or government agencies, focusing on areas such as cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, or social psychology.

10. Organizational Development Specialist

These professionals focus on improving organizational effectiveness and employee satisfaction. They analyze organizational structures, develop strategies for change management, and implement training programs to enhance workplace dynamics and productivity.

When choosing a career in psychology, it’s essential to reflect on your interests, strengths, and long-term goals. Start by exploring various specializations within the field to understand which aligns best with your passion, whether it’s clinical practice, research, or organizational work. Consider gaining experience through internships or volunteering to get a feel for different roles. Additionally, think about the lifestyle you envision, including work settings and job demands, to ensure a good fit. Remember, choosing a career is a journey, and it’s okay to shift paths as you gain more insight into what truly fulfills you professionally.

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  1. Psychology PhD

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  2. Megan ROGERS

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  3. Doctor of Philosophy in Clinical Psychology

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  4. Graduate Programs : Department of Psychology : Texas State University

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  5. Educational Psychology (PHD)

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  6. Masters in Psychology Degree Programs in Texas 2022+

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  1. TSBEP Complaint LD

  2. PsyD in Clinical Psychology at Antioch University Santa Barbara

  3. PhD in Psychology from Delhi University

  4. Pursuing PhD in Psychology from Banaras Hindu University (BHU)

  5. Part-1 Basic Psychology Questions II MCQ II For NET and All Exams II

  6. What do I do if my child is being a bully?


  1. Clinical Psychology, Ph.D.

    Clinical Psychology, Ph.D. The clinical psychology doctoral program blends the clinical-scientist model and the scientist-practitioner model. It integrates the full range of research, teaching and applied skills in training doctoral students. We view research and applied skills as interwoven rather than as two discrete sets of skills.

  2. Ph.D Program

    Ph.D Program. Requirements. Students' graduate work will largely consist of courses, seminars, reading, and research in their graduate area, and all graduate students should discuss their proposed coursework with their area head prior to registration. There are, however, some departmental requirements that everyone must satisfy.

  3. Ph.D. in Psychology

    This program will prepare you for a career in academic settings or organizations that involve practical solutions to personal, social or organizational problems. Ph.D. in Psychology Program Requirements. Steps to Fulfill a Doctoral Program. Train in experimental approaches to psychology with the doctoral program in psychology.

  4. Psychology PhD

    The Psychology PhD degree program offers advanced study and research training for students seeking to become leading scientists and scholars in the field. The program encompasses a wide array of specialty areas within psychology, including developmental, cognitive, social and personality psychology, and spans the study of both healthy and ...

  5. Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology

    The PhD program in psychology is an experimental psychology program that prepares students for leadership roles in research and teaching. Our program offers training in developmental, cognitive and social/personality psychology with an emphasis on interdisciplinary research and tailored training experiences that adapt to the specific needs of ...

  6. Doctoral Program

    Doctoral Program As a department, we seek to be a leader in psychological research and education. Our faculty members are engaged in innovative research programs focused on studying and intervening in behavior through diverse methods and approaches, from micro to macro, with an aim of improving human health and well-being.

  7. Clinical Psychology Graduate Program

    UTSW's Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology is an accredited program that prepares skilled psychologists who can serve as clinicians and researchers.

  8. Ph.D. Degree in Clinical Psychology: Graduate School Admissions

    Obtain admissions information for the Ph.D. degree in Clinical Psychology in the Graduate School at UT Southwestern.

  9. Clinical Psychology Ph.D.

    The doctoral program in Clinical Psychology at the University of North Texas is accredited by the American Psychological Association, Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation.

  10. PhD in Clinical Psychology

    Get equipped to provide mental health support to underserved communities and conduct cutting edge research in the field with a PhD in Clinical Psychology from The University of Texas at Tyler.

  11. Psychology

    The PhD in Psychology program trains students in experimental approaches to psychology, including specialization in Behavioral and Cellular Neuroscience, Cognition and Cognitive Neuroscience, and Social and Personality Psychology. Students also benefit from cross-area research clusters in Diversity Science, Affective Science, and Personality Processes. Our faculty members are engaged in ...

  12. Counseling Psychology Doctoral Program

    The University of Houston's Counseling Psychology doctoral program generates new knowledge and trains community-engaged change agents. We provide our students the tools they need to help others navigate the modern world. Our students have the opportunity to contribute to unique research opportunities in behavioral health, multiculturalism and social justice. Situated within one of the nation's ...

  13. PhD in Psychology

    Earn your doctorate through the Psychology PhD program at The University of Texas at San Antonio which has a reputation for research excellence within health.

  14. Ph.D.

    The Texas A&M Counseling Psychology doctoral program has been accredited by the American Psychological Association since 1981 and is grounded in the scientist-practitioner model.

  15. Best Texas Psychology PsyD & PhD Programs with Online Clinical Options

    The University of Texas at Tyler offers a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology that offers doctoral students high-quality academic, research, and clinical training with traditionally underserved populations.

  16. Application & Admissions

    Application & Admissions Admission to the PhD programs in Psychological and Brain Sciences is competitive. We seek applicants with meaningful previous research experience, evidence of leadership and other relevant skills and accomplishments that demonstrate the potential for excellence. Students admitted to a program typically have competitive GRE (Verbal, Quantitative, and Written) scores and ...

  17. PsyD & PhD Psychology Programs in Texas

    Texas offers many doctorate programs in psychology. Here's a list of the top universities where you can earn a PhD or PsyD.

  18. School Psychology Doctoral Program

    The University of Houston's School Psychology doctoral program is home to faculty and students committed to impacting the academic, behavioral and social-emotional functioning of children. Our faculty teaches students how to apply the core principles of school psychology inside and outside of schools. They challenge students to develop innovative solutions that connect the systems in which ...

  19. Ph.D.

    Educational Psychology offers a Ph.D. in School Psychology, students will gain knowledge in research, assessment, intervention, consultation, supervision, ethical and professional practice.

  20. Counseling Psychology Ph.D.

    Counseling Psychology Ph.D. Help people cope with crises, problems of daily living and mental challenges. The main goal of our Counseling Psychology Program is to train health service professional psychologists within a scientist-practitioner model that attends to individual and cultural diversity and the importance of micro and macro social ...

  21. Clinical Psychology

    The Clinical Psychology program espouses a blend of the clinical-scientist model and the scientist-practitioner model, integrating the full range of research, teaching, and applied skills in training doctoral students.

  22. Department of Psychology

    Faculty areas of expertise include clinical, neuropsychology, cognitive neuroscience, health psychology, quantitative psychology, developmental psychology, and social psychology, among others.

  23. 130+ Texas Psychology Degree Programs, Majors, and Schools

    For graduate students, TCU's psychology programs offer advanced training that emphasizes research, clinical practice, and specialized knowledge. Graduate students engage in hands-on research projects, often working closely with faculty members on cutting-edge studies that contribute to the field. ... Texas Psychology Careers. 1. Clinical ...

  24. Industrial/Organizational Psychology

    Industrial/Organizational Psychology. The Industrial/Organizational (I/O) Psychology Doctoral Program trains individuals to be both scientists and practitioners. We believe that a strong grounding in basic and applied research skills and the theoretical underpinnings of I/O psychology are essential for both academic and applied work.