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Essay on Online Education | Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Online Education: Online learning is one of the imminent trends in the education sector around the globe. This mode of learning is done through the internet. With advanced and upgraded technologies, this mode of learning has been made simpler. Online Education is also preferred in higher learning Institutions. This article will render the students about online education, its outcomes, and advantage in short and long essays on Online Education.

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Long and Short Essays on Online Education for Students and Children in English

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Short Essay on Online Education 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Online Education advantages and Disadvantages is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Education is an integral part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the prospect depending on their careers. Education is broadly diverse today compared to the 1950s because of progressions in teaching methods and other prominent inventions that implement more apparent teaching techniques.

In E-learning, the students study from home or any other place, that is most convenient for them. They can acquire learning material online. The study materials in online education could be texts, audio, notes, videos, and images. However, the method of study has its benefits and various drawbacks too.

Online education is suitable for those who can not visit or obtain the traditional education method for one reason or the other. Nearly 6.1 million college students are currently attending online courses, and this number is growing by around 30 percent yearly.

Online education provides a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it allows for, among others, flexibility. A great way to benefit more from online education is to consolidate online education and traditional ways of teaching.

Online Education Essay

Online Education Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Online Education 400 Words in English is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Introduction:  Online education is an amenable instructional delivery process that includes any learning that takes place via the internet. Online learning enables educators to communicate with students who may not be capable of enrolling in a traditional classroom course and assists students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own speed.

Every discipline is registering a surge in the volume of distance learning and imparting of online degrees, with remarkable pace. Schools and institutions that offer online education are also growing in number. Students pursuing degrees through online methods must be scrupulous in ensuring their coursework is completed through a valued and credentialed university.

Online education is known to offer the benefit of synergy. Here, the format employed makes room for dynamic communications between students and the teachers. Through these communications, sources are shared, and an open-ended synergy evolves through a learning process. When each person bestows a view or opinion through discussions and comments on others’ work course, it benefits the student to learn better. This unique advantage is manifested in a student-centred virtual learning environment that online learning format alone can contribute.

With online classes, we don’t need to travel to a different city or commute long distances. We can stay where we are and keep our current job while we work toward improving our career with an online degree. Online education also helps digital nomads—someone who espouses a technology-enabled or location-independent lifestyle. We can watch lectures and complete our coursework wherever we are.

Whether we are a full-time or part-time online student, the online education experience provides a much more manageable schedule. Online education has gained much approval on account of its cheapness. Such is the fact that online courses are more affordable than those offered at schools or colleges. While studying in universities, we may have to spend some money such as transportation, lodging, and meals, online education may not require such expenses.

One of the important aspects of online learning is its inherent flexibility, however, there is a catch, one has to be extremely self-motivated. The best online students develop various approaches for staying up to date on their coursework. Things like setting aside time every week to study and create a workspace with minimal distractions can help immensely.

Conclusion on Online Education Essay

Online education’s potential advantages involve increased educational access; it provides a high-quality learning opportunity, improves student outcomes and skills, and expands educational choice options. Therefore, location, time, and quality are no longer considered factors in seeking degree courses or higher education because of online education.

10 Lines on Online Education Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

Introduction to Online Education Essay:  Online education refers to the type of knowledge which is imparted through the internet. Millions of people globally are enrolled in online courses and can learn from the comfort of their homes. Online education can come in different ways; they could be educational webinars and videos on the internet or even face to face learning on the laptop with the teacher, which utilises the internet.

Online education contributes a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it provides flexibility among other work. This indicates that despite people’s physical locations, they can accomplish the same level of education by taking similar online courses.

Teachers and professors optimise the timelessness and focus of the learning curriculum while students are able to fit learning time into their hectic schedules. Online education offers extensive benefits to students by giving a manageable schedule, student enhancement and augmented education access and choice.

Advantages of Online Education 

Online education enables us to learn from various mentors and teachers in different areas, increasing our knowledge and perspective. It reduces nervousness among students, as many are able to communicate more through online education than regular classes. One can learn from merely anyplace as long as they have an available internet device.

Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own speed as there is no rush. Most online courses are usually enjoyable and more comfortable compared to attending traditional classes. It spares you the inconvenience of having to travel to a particular destination every single day.

Online education usually is more affordable. Online education further happens to be comparatively cheaper in comparison to conventional educational approaches. Under traditional university programs, the students are required to compensate for transportation, textbooks, institutional facilities such as gyms, libraries, swimming pools, and other costs that expedite the cost of university education up. Online education, on its part, charges only for tuition and additional essential expenses. Virtual education thus offers both the wealthy and the poor an opportunity.

It allows one to learn innovative approaches through the internet and therefore become more skilful. In online education, if there are any variations in the syllabus, updates can be done instantly compared to conventional means of education.

Online education is flexible and adaptable since one can study at any time, even at midnight. It can help increase the grades of some people as compared to standard traditional education. Some people learn more through online education.

There is no need to wait for office hours to speak to the instructor; you can immediately access them through chat or email. There is considerably a large amount of educational information on the internet. Online education can also help one to be in the mix of a diverse group of people from varied educational, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. The subject matter is always available on the internet, unlike traditional education.

Disadvantages of Online Education

The advantages that online education brings to students are immense and indisputable. Pursuing an online course is an excellent option in education, particularly when traditional learning situations have many obstacles, such as commuting or distance. However, as everything has two sides, online education also has some fundamental drawbacks that can be inconvenient.

Using the computer too much can make the students prone to plagiarism. It can also cause vision problems as we sit near the laptop almost the whole day. Online education may also hinder physical development. Online education can be quite complicated for a person to be accountable for their own learning without someone to drive them to do something.

Online education detaches you from your classmates. One might need to put in extra time in some cases to understand the learning process. It is easier to cheat in an online exam than when in a class and hence may not be advisable during exams. Online education also gives one a lot of autonomy which may be critical for our learning. There are a number of distractions on the internet through adverts, and this might interrupt our learning. Online education also has significantly less self-assessment.

Online education has both advantages and shortcomings, but it is an excellent method of learning that can help develop a student’s performance. To succeed in online education, one should choose an ideal university and course to avoid pursuing education from among the various suspicious universities that employers may reject. The other most essential thing is to assure that one needs to maintain communication with the school faculty and fellow students. The important point is proper time administration that helps one manage our time to complete and submit prescribed assignments in time.

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20 Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Online learning has become more accessible in the past decade as potential students discover that they can find ways to obtain a preferred degree while handling their daily obligations. It is a way that encourages post-graduate learning while staying within life and career schedules. Most accredited colleges and universities are now offering programs that make it possible to take some, if not all, of the required courses on the Internet.

Public and private institutions offer online classes more today than ever before in history. This education format is a way to reach students who may have social or economic situations that don’t allow them to enjoy the traditional on-campus learning lifestyle.

As more people have access to high-speed Internet connections, online education opportunities have continued expanding. It has become acceptable in most circles to earn a degree at any level with these opportunities, allowing students to have legitimacy and more accessibility with what they earned.

The advantages and disadvantages of online classes continue to evolve, but these are the current key points to consider if you’re thinking about becoming a student.

List of the Advantages of Online Classes

1. Online classes provide more flexibility to incorporate multiple learning styles. Although you can earn a healthy salary without going to college in some trades, many employment opportunities require an undergraduate degree or higher to obtain a position. That means it can be challenging to get through classes when your learning style might be different than what a local institution offers. Taking an online class allows you to have more control over how you retain the available information.

You can listen to music while you are writing a paper. Online classes let you interact in forums while watching television. Instead of being stuck in a stuffy classroom listening to a lecture, you have the flexibility to learn using the style that works best for your needs.

2. Your classes can fit better into your schedule. Online classes are the perfect solution for anyone who works a full-time job, has a family to raise, is housebound for some reason, or lives in a rural area. These obstacles can make it challenging to enroll in a traditional institution. As long as you have an Internet or data connection, then you can access your study materials whenever you need them. Many professors are even uploading lectures or providing texts that supplement the learning process.

If you have a busy lifestyle and want to get ahead in your career, then learning at your own pace with an online class is an intelligent way to obtain your next college or university degree.

3. It takes advantage of technology innovations. Online classes at many institutions take advantage of the technological innovations that occur every year. These changes get applied in convenient and practical ways, such as the implementation of a rolling semester. Some colleges and universities make their courses dominant from an independent standpoint, making it possible for students to complete their curriculum based on a schedule they said instead of what the professor requires.

As more degree programs become 100% online opportunities, many colleges and universities are finding that the independent and innovative approach makes it easier for modern students to achieve their goals.

4. Online classes are typically cheaper than traditional enrollment. Students that take online classes find that the cost of their college degree is usually less expensive than it would be if they took courses on campus. There are usually fewer textbook purchases to consider, travel cost reductions, and room and board considerations that can cut the cost of a college or university degree by 50% or more. That means each person who uses this opportunity can start their career with lower debt levels.

5. It teaches students how to be disciplined and responsible. If you can access the Internet, then your online course work is immediately available. That means each student must have the discipline to maintain the continuity of their schedule while keeping themselves on track for a successful outcome. The freedom that comes with classes that you take online comes with the need to have higher levels of responsibility. Students must stay organized and adhere to a workable schedule.

Putting all of your time to the completion of an online degree can backfire if you neglect the other critical areas of your life. Take advantage of the flexibility that this option provides so that you can spend some time with your family members and friends.

6. You can receive a degree from an accredited institution. A degree that you earn online from an accredited institution has the same weight in today’s career marketplace as one earned from the traditional approach. That means your credentials and applications will get taken seriously when you are ready to pursue new career opportunities. This advantage also means that you can take the credits earned to other programs, pursue graduate-level courses, or go after that doctorate degree that you’ve always wanted.

7. Online classes offer location independence. Some students may not have access to the program that best fits their needs. It might be across town from them, in another state, or even on the other side of the world. The availability of online classes makes it possible for students to participate in and graduate from their preferred program with less difficulty. These programs do not generally have the same geographic restrictions that you’d find with a traditional institution.

Since moving isn’t an option for many of today’s students, especially adult learners who have career and family responsibilities, online classes allow each person to enroll in the program that’s right for them regardless of where they live.

8. It provides students with real-life career preparation opportunities. When students go to college, then it can feel like you’re living in a bubble. You receive the necessary and valuable information that will let you establish a career one day, but it is not always easy to start developing the practical skills necessary to become good at your future job. Online classes require the same skill sets that many people use every day when working, which means you can enter a job market better prepared for what to expect.

An online class is quite similar to a desk job at almost any company. You must stay in touch through email, manage software solutions, and keep track of your time to ensure that you’re fulfilling all of your obligations. You get tasked with remote work while still engaging with a team to complete projects before a deadline.

9. You form social connections with your classmates. Although it is more difficult to make social connections with an online class, it isn’t an impossible circumstance. Today’s technology makes it possible to form relationships that go beyond sitting behind a computer. Your digital classmates could organize a group video hangout, facilitate conversations, and even do icebreakers that help everyone get to know each other better.

It may not be exactly the same as a face-to-face connection, but technology makes it very close. Video calls and other tools can help you to see each other even if you live on the other side of the planet.

10. It eliminates the need for verbal expression in a classroom environment. Many online students find that it is easier for them to express their opinions in this structure because there isn’t a public speaking component to the education process. You don’t need to worry about a professor calling you up to the front of the classroom to explain a concept or create a diagram. You can express yourself through writing instead, which means if something can get fixed if it doesn’t sound right in the first draft.

This advantage often leads to high-quality dialogs where each learner can carefully reflect the quality of their thinking on each comment, chapter, or project. Then you can move on to the next one whenever you feel like you’re ready.

11. Online classes create more opportunities for a varied learning experience. An online course makes it easier to include guest experts or past students in the classroom environment. Even people from other institutions can get involved in the conversations that take place to facilitate the learning process. Students can receive exposure to a worldwide perspective in their preferred subject instead of being limited to the local point of view. That means the experience has more value to potential employers in the future.

List of the Disadvantages of Online Classes

1. It can take longer to earn a degree when using online classes. If a student is not thoroughly committed to earning their degree, then it can take several years for that person to complete their online classes. Everything that the course requires is up to you. That means you must complete your assignments, read the required materials, interact with your professor, talk with your peers, and take exams according to the rules presented upon enrollment. It can be tempting to ignore your obligations when there isn’t a direct line of accountability as there is when you attend a physical classroom.

2. Some of your required course work might require in-person activities. If you are taking online classes, then there may be some stipulations where you must attend classes or take tests in a proctored environment. If a third-party observer is necessary, then it is up to each student to find an organization that will monitor this process. That means the cost of your classes each semester will go up based on the number of exams you must take.

Some institutions will even require a specific amount of on-campus time before they will award a degree. This requirement can last anywhere from two weeks to two months for U.S.-based colleges and universities.

3. You still need to take the time to fulfill your classroom requirements. Online classes can help students save a lot of time on their learning obligations, but the structure will not eliminate the need to put in some work. If you do not have a lot of free time during the day, then it may be impossible to fulfill the obligations of your enrollment. That’s why the flexibility of this arrangement can be an advantage since you only need to take one class at a time – but that can still be problematic for some people.

It is possible to avoid some of this disadvantage by taking independent learning courses online. When you can complete the work at your own pace, then the pressure of deadlines can disappear. You must still have trust in the program and remain dedicated to a result to turn this education opportunity into a real investment for you.

4. Online classes don’t provide the same face-to-face connections. Colleges and universities provide numerous opportunities for in-person social networking. When you can have face-to-face conversations with your professors and peers, then it can enhance the educational foundations that you receive. Networking functions can serve as essential connections for future career opportunities. The structure of online classes negates many of those potential advantages.

Even though you might have an institution that focuses on small class sizes and curriculum requirements that mandate interaction, a forum conversation or online chat isn’t the same as sharing coffee or lunch with someone.

5. Some online institutions don’t have full accreditation. You must verify that the college or university providing the online classes you want has full accreditation. Many facilities are not accredited even with the expansion of Internet access. That means your degree and qualifications might not receive the recognition you expect from potential employers. It may not receive serious consideration from other professionals in your preferred industry. This disadvantage also means that any credits earned might not be transferable to another institution.

The outcome of this disadvantage can be a costly mistake in terms of time and money. You’ll want to make sure to verify the specific accreditation of any school you’re considering before you even turn in an application.

6. You must have access to the Internet to complete your work. Online classes require you to have access to the Internet so that you can complete your assignments on time. If you don’t have the equipment at home to do the work or a connection that is fast enough to handle your course work, then it may be challenging to have a successful experience with this learning option. You’ll need a computer or tablet PC, a home-based ISP, and any peripherals necessary for your degree program.

Some public libraries and other institutions may offer computer access, but it may come with limited time or additional costs. You would also need to access that equipment during their regular working hours, which may not be possible with your specific schedule.

7. Many online classes require students to complete more work. The average online course in the United States requires a greater amount of reading and student interaction than a traditional class. Students must prove remotely that they have mastery over the material in question, which means your curriculum will involve a lot of independent study and Internet-based group work. Although the average amount of time one needs to dedicate to their course work is about 10 hours per week for each class, it is not unusual for individual courses at accredited colleges and universities to require 15-20 hours per week of work.

8. Technology scheduling issues can limit learning opportunities. Students must ensure that their computer is updated frequently with the latest operating system and software components to facilitate their learning. Some people may need to learn new or enhanced troubleshooting skills to manage their boot-up time, Internet connection, or software platforms that a professor requires. If you are a person who considers themselves to be technically challenged, then the tasks of this disadvantage could be a significant barrier to your current and future learning opportunities.

9. Time variations could be problematic for some students. Students who take online classes must plan and adjust their schedules to meet the deadlines set by their professors. American institutions often base deadlines on the time zone of the institution, so a West Coast student would need to account for the three-hour difference for an East Coast deadline. If international students are taking online courses, then this disadvantage could be significant.

This issue becomes problematic for students with opposite schedules. If you study at night and your partner works during the day, then there will be significant lag time between each response.

If you have a hectic schedule or zero access to a college or university, then online classes are a way to pursue your academic goals. It only requires Internet access or a data connection, and then you can begin fulfilling the requirements of your course work. The modern structure of this learning opportunity does an excellent job of simulating the traditional classroom experience.

This option may not be a first-choice selection for someone who struggles with their organization or focus. If you’re already putting in 40 hours each week with your job, then it may be unreasonable to put in another 20-40 hours after you get home to fulfill your learning obligations.

These advantages and disadvantages of online classes must receive individualized consideration. If you live at home full-time and want a self-directed education, then this innovation can be a positive experience. When you prefer social interactions and a traditional classroom, then it may not be the best choice to pursue.

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Now days online learning is one of the imminent trends in the education sector across the world. There are numerous  advantages of online classes but it has some disadvantages also. The pandemic has also increased the demand online classes. Essay on advantages and disadvantages of online classes has become popular topic for essay writing now days. Here we are writing an essay on advantage and disadvantages of online classes for all of you. This will be helpful in your essay writing skill as well as it strengthen the knowledge about advantages and disadvantages of online classes . 

In this era of technology online classes system of learning turns out to be more and more popular world wide. Many traditional schools and universities started to share their courses through online classes . They started classes online and students are attending the online classes from ease of their home. Online classes or online method of learning presents an easy and comfortable method to achieve knowledge. Online classes have now become great alternative to traditional classes. It has numerous advantages but at the same time online classes has some disadvantage also. Below are some important advantages and disadvantages of online classes .

online classes merits and demerits essay

Advantages of Online Classes

Although many people still consider traditional classes as the best way for learning but in this technological age online classes system of learning proves to be a great alternative of traditional classes. In online class system students have the chance to study from the easy of their home. Students can take classes at the time when they preferred as most of the classes are recorded.  Online classes system of learning helps participants to learn whenever they want to learn, leaving them the freedom to choose the time for study.  Many schools, institutions and universities are providing online classes free of costs . Thus online classes are helpful for those students who earlier could not pay fees. Now they are accessing these online classes online for free.  Among the advantages of online classes system of learning there are the responsibility and self-discipline of students in online class system. Download PDF of this Essay: Click Here .

Disadvantages of Online Classes

At school or in traditional class system students learn how to make friends, how to behave with teacher and friends, how to get rid of disappointment etc. The main work of personality development of students can be done through traditional classes. In online classes these all are missing. Online learning cannot offer face to face human interaction which are very important for personality development.

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Online classes system can be difficult for some persons who don't know the proper use of technological instruments. For small children online classes requires great disciplines and practice. It also requires more interventions of parents in case of small children. In online classes student use electronic devices like mobile, tablet, laptops or computer. Use of these devices for longer time will badly affect the health of students.

online classes merits and demerits essay

In conclusion, it is to say that this is the time of technology thus online classes are good for many of the reasons but traditional classes system have many advantages that should not be ignored fully. Now we should take advantage of both online as well as offline classes.

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In addition to this essay on advantages and disadvantages of online classes we have written 10 points on online classes vs tradition classes . This is also very helpful for your essay writing preparation.

Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes, Online Classes Advantages, Disadvantages of Online Classes

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

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Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Online classes have become a significant part of our lives, especially in recent times. They have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional classroom education. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of online classes to help us understand their impact on our learning experiences.

Advantages of Online Classes

One of the most significant advantages of online classes is flexibility. Students can set their own schedules, allowing them to balance their education with other responsibilities. This flexibility can be especially helpful for students who have part-time jobs or extracurricular activities.

Additionally, online classes often offer a wider range of course options. Students can access courses from different schools and even different countries without having to travel. This diversity can enrich their educational experience and expose them to different perspectives.

Online classes can also provide a comfortable learning environment. Students can choose where they study, whether it’s in the comfort of their own homes or a quiet library. This can reduce distractions and help some students focus better on their studies.

Disadvantages of Online Classes

However, online classes also come with their fair share of disadvantages. One major drawback is the lack of face-to-face interaction with teachers and classmates. In traditional classrooms, students can ask questions and seek clarification immediately. In contrast, online learners may need to wait for responses via email or discussion boards, which can be frustrating.

Another disadvantage is the potential for technical issues. Slow internet connections or computer problems can disrupt a student’s learning experience. These technical challenges can be particularly challenging for students who do not have access to reliable technology.

Moreover, online classes require strong self-discipline. Without the structure of a physical classroom, some students may struggle to stay organized and motivated. Procrastination can become a significant issue when there are no set class times.

Balancing Advantages and Disadvantages

To make the most of online classes, it’s essential to find a balance between their advantages and disadvantages. Here are some tips:

  • Time Management : Develop good time management skills to ensure you stay on track with assignments and class schedules. Create a daily routine and stick to it.
  • Communication : Be proactive in asking questions and seeking help when needed. Don’t hesitate to reach out to your teachers or classmates through email or discussion forums.
  • Technical Preparedness : Ensure your technology is up to date and reliable. Back up your work regularly to avoid data loss.
  • Engagement : Actively participate in online discussions and activities. This can help you feel more connected to your classmates and teachers.

Conclusion of Essay on Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

In conclusion, online classes offer both advantages and disadvantages. They provide flexibility and a broader range of course options, but they can also lead to challenges like a lack of face-to-face interaction and technical issues. To succeed in online learning, students must develop strong self-discipline and effective time management skills. By finding a balance between these advantages and disadvantages, students can make the most of their online educational experience. Ultimately, whether online classes are right for you depends on your learning style, needs, and circumstances.

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The pros and cons of online learning

What to look for in an online course.


If you’re at a point in your life where you’re considering continuing your education, you may wonder if online learning is the right path for you.

Taking an online course requires a notable investment of time, effort, and money, so it’s important to feel confident about your decision before moving forward. While online learning works incredibly well for some people, it’s not for everyone.

We recently sat down with MIT xPRO Senior Instructional Designer and Program Manager Luke Hobson to explore the pros and cons of online learning and what to look for in an online course. If you’re waiting for a sign about whether or not to enroll in that course you’ve been eying, you just might find it here.

Pros of Online Learning

First, let’s take a look at the true value of online learning by examining some of the benefits:

1. Flexibility

Online learning’s most significant advantage is its flexibility. It’s the reason millions of adults have chosen to continue their education and pursue certificates and degrees.

Asynchronous courses allow learners to complete work at their own pace, empowering them to find the optimal time to consume the content and submit assignments.

Some people are more attentive, focused, and creative in the mornings compared to the evenings and vice versa. Whatever works best for the learners should be the priority of the learning experience.

2. Community

When Luke asks people about their main reason for enrolling in a course, a common answer is networking and community.

Learners crave finding like-minded individuals who are going through the same experiences and have the same questions. They want to find a place where they belong. Being in the company of others who understand what they’re going through can help online learners who are looking for support and motivation during challenging times and times that are worth celebrating.

Some learners have created study groups and book clubs that have carried on far beyond the end of the course-it’s amazing what can grow from a single post on a discussion board!

3. Latest information

“Speed is a massive benefit of online learning,” and according to Luke, it often doesn’t get the attention it deserves.

“When we say speed, we don’t mean being quick with learning. We mean actual speed to market. There are so many new ideas evolving within technical spaces that it’s impossible to keep courses the way they were originally designed for a long period of time.”

Luke notes that a program on Additive Manufacturing , Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality , or Nanotechnology must be checked and updated frequently. More formal learning modalities have difficulty changing content at this rapid pace. But within the online space, it’s expected that the course content will change as quickly as the world itself does.

Cons of Online Learning

Now that we’ve looked at some of the biggest pros of online learning, let’s examine a few of the drawbacks:

1. Learning environment

While many learners thrive in an asynchronous learning environment, others struggle. Some learners prefer live lessons and an instructor they can connect with multiple times a week. They need these interactions to feel supported and to persist.

Most learners within the online space identify themselves as self-directed learners, meaning they can learn on their own with the right environment, guidance, materials, and assignments. Learners should know themselves first and understand their preferences when it comes to what kind of environment will help them thrive.

2. Repetition

One drawback of online courses is that the structure can be repetitive: do a reading, respond to two discussion posts, submit an essay, repeat. After a while, some learners may feel disengaged from the learning experience.

There are online courses that break the mold and offer multiple kinds of learning activities, assessments, and content to make the learning experience come alive, but it may take some research to find them-more on what to look for in an online course later in this article! Luke and his colleagues at MIT xPRO are mindful of designing courses that genuinely engage learners from beginning to end.

3. Underestimation

Luke has noticed that some learners underestimate how much work is required in an online course. They may mistakenly believe that online learning is somehow “easier” compared to in-person learning.

For those learners who miscalculate how long they will need to spend online or how challenging the assignments can be, changing that mindset is a difficult process. It’s essential to set aside the right amount of time per week to contribute to the content, activities, and assignments. Creating personal deadlines and building a study routine are two best practices that successful online learners follow to hold themselves accountable.

Experience the Value of Online Learning: What to Look For in an Online Course

You’ve probably gathered by now that not all online courses are created equal. On one end of the spectrum, there are methods of online learning that leave learners stunned by what a great experience they had. On the other end of the spectrum, some online learning courses are so disappointing that learners regret their decision to enroll.

If you want to experience the value of online learning, it’s essential to pick the right course. Here’s a quick list of what to look for:

  • Feedback and connection to peers within the course platform. Interacting regularly with other learners makes a big difference. Luke and the MIT xPRO team use peer-reviewed feedback to give learners the opportunity to engage with each other’s work.
  • Proof of hard work. In the online learning space, proof of hard work often comes in the form of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or specific certifications. MIT xPRO course participants who successfully complete one or more courses are eligible to receive CEUs , which many employers, licensing agencies, and professional associations accept as evidence of a participant’s serious commitment to their professional development.

Online learning isn’t for everyone, but with the right approach, it can be a valuable experience for many people. Now that you know what to look for in an online course, see what Luke and the MIT xPRO instructional design team have to offer by checking out the latest MIT xPRO courses and programs .

Originally published at http://curve.mit.edu on August 8th, 2022.

online classes merits and demerits essay

The pros and cons of online learning was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Are Online Classes Worth It? 12 Pros & Cons

Male Student Taking an Online Course

  • 12 Sep 2019

A third of all students now take online courses . Although the reasons why vary, there are several key benefits to learning virtually—from increased flexibility to lower costs.

But online courses aren’t for everyone. Some individuals want to engage with faculty face-to-face or need the in-person touchpoints to stay on track and motivated.

If you’re mulling over the decision to take an online class, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons against your career goals and preferred learning style. To help you decide, here are some advantages and disadvantages to learning online.

Pros of Online Learning

1. you can learn on your time.

Online courses offer unparalleled flexibility, particularly for undergraduate students trying to learn a new skill outside of their major or working professionals already juggling a full-time job . You can complete coursework when it’s convenient for you, whether that’s after work or during your lunch break.

You can also schedule your learning around when you’re most likely to retain new information. Whether you’re an early riser or a night owl, you can log in whenever is the optimal time for you.

2. You Can Learn at Your Speed

Some students don’t feel comfortable raising their hand in class and asking the professor to reexplain a topic their peers already seem to grasp. In an online learning environment, you can pause videos or return to concepts covered in previous modules. You can dive deeper into a particular topic instead of skimming over it.

3. You Can Save Money

While there are many free online courses, even those that aren’t still typically cost less than their on-campus counterparts. By learning virtually, you eliminate room and board fees, as well as any commuting costs. And because there’s greater flexibility, you can simultaneously earn a paycheck and an education.

Related: Should You Take an Online Course? 9 Things to Consider

4. You Can Break Down Geographic Barriers

When choosing an online program, you’re not limited by location. You can register for a program abroad without needing to board a plane.

The lack of geographical constraints extends to your peers, too. Online courses offer the opportunity for you to engage with fellow learners from around the world. Through that interaction, you can gain a global perspective and learn how to work collaboratively with people from different backgrounds and countries— skills employers say they look for in candidates .

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5. You Can Gain Practical Tech Skills

Completing an online course proves you’re comfortable with technology, which could positively impact your resume as more companies embrace remote work. Showing you’re familiar with digital tools, know how to communicate effectively, and can stay organized are all traits employers look for. And those are the same traits you’ll pick up in an online class.

6. You Can Achieve Similar Career Outcomes

There are several misconceptions about online learning—particularly that you won’t achieve the same outcomes or respect from employers that you would by attending an on-campus program. But that’s not always the case.

In a recent survey by City Square Associates , 50 percent of learners reported receiving more attention from recruiters after completing a Harvard Business School Online course, while one in four said they received a promotion or title change. An online certificate from a reputable institution can have the same, or even better, impact on your resume than a more traditional degree.

Related: 6 Networking Tips for Online Learners

Cons of Online Learning

1. you might have limited, if any, interaction with faculty.

Depending on the type of online program you choose, you could have limited, if any, interaction with the professors. Your peers may be able to fill that void and answer your questions, but you should consider the level of faculty engagement you need to feel like you’re making progress.

2. You Can't Be Disorganized

Completing an online course requires time management and self-discipline. Because you’re not required to be in class on certain days each week, it’s your responsibility to set aside time to study and work through assignments. If you’re highly organized and can commit to a schedule, then you should succeed in an online environment.

Related: 3 Time Management Tips for Online Learners

3. You Might Have Potentially Fewer Networking Opportunities

Depending on the course you choose, there could be fewer opportunities to network with peers. If the social element is crucial to you, choose an online learning platform built around peer interaction and active participation , or perhaps even offers events .

For example, at Harvard Business School Online, more than 60 percent of surveyed past participants say they feel part of a community with similar aspirations.

4. You Really Need to Do Your Research

With more than 11,400 free massive open online courses available alone, the options can be overwhelming.

As you’re compiling research, jot down the qualities you want in an online education to help whittle down the list. Is earning a credential vital to you? Do you want a more immersive, interactive experience instead of engaging solely with videos? By knowing your preferences, it will be easier to spot and eliminate programs that aren’t the right fit.

5. You Can't Always Find Industry-Specific Online Training

Despite the abundance of online courses, there are still limited opportunities for more specialized industries. But if you’re committed to advancing your career, there are business skills that can help you no matter your profession and online courses that can fill gaps in your skillset .

6. You Might Need to Fight Against Misconceptions

Although online learning is growing in popularity, there’s still some lingering skepticism. That’s changing, though; in a survey of executives, 83 percent said that an online degree is just as credible as one earned through a traditional campus-based program. According to employers, if the online program was from a reputable institution with high-quality learners, it was deemed more credible.

Weighing the Pros and Cons of Online Learning

Only you can decide if online classes are for you, based on your unique personal and professional goals and preferred learning style. For many working professionals interested in advancing their careers, online courses offer the flexibility and convenience they need to balance developing new skills with their current life stage and job responsibilities.

Do you want to take your career to the next level? Download our free Guide to Advancing Your Career with Essential Business Skills to learn how enhancing your business knowledge can help you make an impact on your organization and be competitive in the job market.

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The Pros and Cons of Online Learning—and What to Look For in an Online Course

By: MIT xPRO on August 8th, 2022 5 Minute Read

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The Pros and Cons of Online Learning—and What to Look For in an Online Course

Online Education | Professional Development

If you’re at a point in your life where you’re considering continuing your education, you may wonder if online learning is the right path for you. 

Taking an online course requires a notable investment of time, effort, and money, so it’s important to feel confident about your decision before moving forward. While online learning works incredibly well for some people, it’s not for everyone. 

We recently sat down with MIT xPRO Senior Instructional Designer and Program Manager Luke Hobson to explore the pros and cons of online learning and what to look for in an online course. If you’re waiting for a sign about whether or not to enroll in that course you’ve been eying, you just might find it here.

Pros of Online Learning

First, let’s take a look at the true value of online learning by examining some of the benefits: 

1. Flexibility 

Online learning’s most significant advantage is its flexibility. It’s the reason millions of adults have chosen to continue their education and pursue certificates and degrees. 

Asynchronous courses allow learners to complete work at their own pace, empowering them to find the optimal time to consume the content and submit assignments.

Some people are more attentive, focused, and creative in the mornings compared to the evenings and vice versa. Whatever works best for the learners should be the priority of the learning experience. 

2. Community 

When Luke asks people about their main reason for enrolling in a course, a common answer is networking and community. 

Learners crave finding like-minded individuals who are going through the same experiences and have the same questions. They want to find a place where they belong. Being in the company of others who understand what they’re going through can help online learners who are looking for support and motivation during challenging times and times that are worth celebrating. 

Some learners have created study groups and book clubs that have carried on far beyond the end of the course—it’s amazing what can grow from a single post on a discussion board! 

3. Latest information 

“Speed is a massive benefit of online learning,” and according to Luke, it often doesn't get the attention it deserves. “When we say speed, we don’t mean being quick with learning. We mean actual speed to market. There are so many new ideas evolving within technical spaces that it's impossible to keep courses the way they were originally designed for a long period of time.” 

Luke notes that a program on Additive Manufacturing , Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality , or Nanotechnology must be checked and updated frequently. More formal learning modalities have difficulty changing content at this rapid pace. But within the online space, it’s expected that the course content will change as quickly as the world itself does.

Cons of Online Learning

Now that we’ve looked at some of the biggest pros of online learning, let’s examine a few of the drawbacks: 

1. Learning environment 

While many learners thrive in an asynchronous learning environment, others struggle. Some learners prefer live lessons and an instructor they can connect with multiple times a week. They need these interactions to feel supported and to persist. 

Most learners within the online space identify themselves as self-directed learners, meaning they can learn on their own with the right environment, guidance, materials, and assignments. Learners should know themselves first and understand their preferences when it comes to what kind of environment will help them thrive.

2. Repetition 

One drawback of online courses is that the structure can be repetitive: do a reading, respond to two discussion posts, submit an essay, repeat. After a while, some learners may feel disengaged from the learning experience. 

There are online courses that break the mold and offer multiple kinds of learning activities, assessments, and content to make the learning experience come alive, but it may take some research to find them—more on what to look for in an online course later in this article ! Luke and his colleagues at MIT xPRO are mindful of designing courses that genuinely engage learners from beginning to end.

3. Underestimation  

Luke has noticed that some learners underestimate how much work is required in an online course. They may mistakenly believe that online learning is somehow “easier” compared to in-person learning. 

For those learners who miscalculate how long they will need to spend online or how challenging the assignments can be, changing that mindset is a difficult process. It’s essential to set aside the right amount of time per week to contribute to the content, activities, and assignments. Creating personal deadlines and building a study routine are two best practices that successful online learners follow to hold themselves accountable. 

Experience the Value of Online Learning: What to Look For in an Online Course

You’ve probably gathered by now that not all online courses are created equal. On one end of the spectrum, there are methods of online learning that leave learners stunned by what a great experience they had. On the other end of the spectrum, some online learning courses are so disappointing that learners regret their decision to enroll. 

If you want to experience the value of online learning, it’s essential to pick the right course. Here’s a quick list of what to look for: 

  • Reputation and expertise. With so many online courses available these days, an easy way to narrow down your options is to consider courses offered by reputable institutions. Next, learn more about the instructors teaching a course of interest. Are they well-respected experts in their field of study?
  • Engaging curriculum. It takes a variety of learning methods to keep people engaged and interested in learning. Many online courses stick to a standard selection of readings, videos, and quizzes. Look for courses that include practice questions, reflection questions, group-based work, simulations, polls, discussions, and other interactive or hands-on activities.
  • Flexibility in content delivery and deadlines. Whether an online course is fully asynchronous or not, flexibility is a green flag. In practice, this could look like having all the assignments due at the end of the course so that learners can create their own schedules or providing suggested deadlines that aren’t set in stone.
  • Feedback and connection to peers within the course platform. Interacting regularly with other learners makes a big difference. Luke and the MIT xPRO team use peer-reviewed feedback to give learners the opportunity to engage with each other’s work.
  • Proof of hard work . In the online learning space, proof of hard work often comes in the form of Continuing Education Units (CEUs) or specific certifications. MIT xPRO course participants who successfully complete one or more courses are eligible to receive CEUs , which many employers, licensing agencies, and professional associations accept as evidence of a participant’s serious commitment to their professional development. 

Online learning isn’t for everyone, but with the right approach, it can be a valuable experience for many people. Now that you know what to look for in an online course, see what Luke and the MIT xPRO instructional design team have to offer by checking out the latest MIT xPRO courses and programs . 

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Online Vs. Traditional Classes — Online Classes: Advantages and Disadvantages


Online Classes: Advantages and Disadvantages

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Words: 613 |

Published: Jan 30, 2024

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Advantages of online classes, disadvantages of online classes, academic performance in online classes, impact on student well-being and mental health, practical skills development through online classes, references:.

  • U.S. Department of Education. (2010). Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning : A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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The advantages and disadvantages of learning in online classes in 2023, share this article.

Whether you’re taking a school class remotely or trying to learn a new skill just for fun – online classes can be a great option. They work well for people that can’t always commute, those who work better independently, or simply if you can’t or don’t want to be around a group of people all day. But, it’s not to say that online classes are designed for everyone either. In this blog, we’ll explore the advantages and disadvantages of online classes, as well as help you decide if online learning is the best choice for you. 

  • Advantages of online classes
  • Disadvantages of online classes

Are online classes for you?

Read more: Top Challenges with Online Learning For Students (and Solutions)

8 advantages of online classes

The explosion of online learning has been a fantastic shift for many people. Students who may have had to waste hours commuting to class can now attend right from their homes. And anyone struggling to take in content at the same speed as a class can now go at their own pace – in a way that works best for their learning requirements. The pros of online classes make learning a positive experience for countless students. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages here !

1. Accessible to anyone with an Internet connection 

More than 20 million new users signed up to a Coursera course in 2021, for a total of 92 million users on the platform! Since online courses are accessible to nearly anyone with an Internet connection, it’s helped to close the global education gap significantly. 

Online classes make learning accessible to those with disabilities and cognitive delays. For example, deaf students can simply turn on closed captioning (CC) to read the conversation and participate in class online. Many video conferencing platforms and learning management systems (LMS) support accessible hardware technology to further increase engagement in online classes. 

Students with cognitive or motor skill disabilities have the option to work at their own pace or take lessons when it is convenient for them. For example, if a student with dyslexia is having a difficult time reading assigned textbook chapters, they can choose to listen to it instead with an option like audio textbook versions. 

2. Flexible scheduling

A major benefit of online learning is the ability for students to attend classes from anywhere. This means students in rural areas no longer waste time driving long distances or riding the bus to get to school. Or , students who need to work to support themselves through school also have an easier time fitting both class and work schedules into their lives. 

This also applies to adult learners that may be juggling responsibilities such as children, work, home management, and more. With busy schedules, it might not be possible to make time for an in-person class. Beyond the time to commute, busy adults might need to be on standby for their children – something that is much harder to do when they’re in a physical classroom. 

The flexibility of online classes has a huge benefit for mental health. It’s been proven that job autonomy leads to mental well-being in employees . For full-time students, schooling is much like a job that takes at least 40 hours of the week. Having the autonomy to choose when and where they attend class can help mitigate common mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Better mental health leads to happier students – which is definitely something teachers, parents, and students alike should all strive for!

3. More affordable than in-person classes

Online learning makes higher education like university much more accessible to the wider population. University degrees offered online are an average of $10  to 11,000 cheaper than in-person equivalents . This number does not take costs like on-campus food or housing into account – it only reflects tuition differences. So you can imagine how significant that difference would become with all expenses accounted for! 

Learning management systems like Thinkific and Udemy are great places to look for affordable (and sometimes free) classes. Industry experts, entrepreneurs, and coaches all offer their knowledge through self-created courses, meaning these courses are often more accessible in terms of pricing while also providing super relevant and realistic course lessons. Students can go directly to the source of knowledge, rather than having to pay expensive tuition fees to big institutions .

There is also a huge amount of free knowledge on websites like YouTube. Channels such as Crash Course and Khan Academy provide high quality content at no cost!

4. Ability to connect globally

It’s possible to connect with teachers and learners all around the world with online courses. Before online learning was widely accessible , you would have had to travel to Hawaii to learn about Hawaiian traditions and cultures, for example . Now, you can join Ka hale Hoaka online school and learn right from your home. 

Even if you’re learning something that isn’t necessarily culture or country-specific, learning with people from different backgrounds can lend fascinating perspectives and discussion to the topic. With so many courses implementing learning communities, it’s easier than ever to connect with fellow students and hear different points of view. 

Read more: 10 Different Types of Online Learning Communities

5. Facilitated peer and teacher interaction

At first , it might seem like students don’t get a lot of interaction in an online course as compared to in-person classes. This can definitely happen – but there are many online courses that prioritize student interaction with each other, and with the instructor. 

For some students, it is easier to communicate through virtual mediums such as forums, discussion boards, or direct messaging than it is to speak up in an in-person class. Through these channels, they still get the benefits of group discussion without having to sacrifice the flexibility of online learning. Dr. Michelle Gottlieb, a psychologist and owner of EMDR Professional Training , also engages with her students by frequently commenting in her course’s online communities and providing advice to students as needed. Many instructors even offer 1-1 coaching sessions for students that are looking for additional learning support ! 

6. Encourages independence and self-pacing

Many online courses offer students the option to take the course at their own pace. This can take away worries that the student might not have time in their hectic life to fit multiple hours of coursework in each week consistently . Self-paced courses are extremely adaptable to busy schedules. However, it does take a fair amount of self-discipline to actually complete self-paced courses.

If students find they are lacking discipline and are unable to complete courses that are self-paced, there are online courses that put students into cohorts with set deadlines. This is a great option for students and teachers that benefit from a more traditional class structure. Instructors that follow this model will often use the drip method, a microlearning approach , to release content at a slower pace. 

Read more : 2023 e-Learning Trends Report

7. Improved tracking and facilitation

If you’re easily disorganized or have trouble remembering what you learned last week, online classes can help you in this area. Most online classroom systems will keep track of which topics and resources you’ve already read, and will point you to which ones you need to do next. It will also automatically file your assignments, keep track of your grades, and calculate your total GPA to date. In comparison, learning through a physical classroom would require you to manage a lot of papers, heavy textbooks, and physical equipment.

Online classrooms also have the ability to launch virtual labs, which makes it easier to facilitate interactive learning sessions. Quizzes and feedback surveys can also be launched through the learning management system  by the teacher, and you can see your results almost instantly. Overall, it’s much faster to see information and results in virtual classrooms.

8. Adaptive to multiple learning styles

Everyone has a slightly different preference when it comes to how they interpret information. There are generally three types of learning styles:

  • Auditory learners – who prefer to learn by hearing. This includes listening to podcasts, lectures, and audiobooks. Any verbal explanation goes a long way for this learner!
  • Visual learners – who prefer to learn by seeing. Animations, movies, hand movements, drawing, and writing are useful tools for this type of learner.
  • Kinesthetic learners – who prefer to learn by doing, or using their hands. Any opportunity to touch, feel, build, and see something in 3D will help this learner interpret information well.

Most people have some combination of learning style, making them hybrid learners. With online classes, there are a lot of ways that students can choose to take in information. For example, a course may offer a video (appealing to visual learners) with a voiceover (for auditory learners) and instructions on how to do the science experiment with home materials (for kinesthetic learners). 

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6 disadvantages of online classes

While there are many advantages to online learning, it’s important to also consider the disadvantages. Some people may find that online learning isn’t for them, so let’s explore some of the reasons why. 

Often requires a lot of screen time

Staring at digital screens all day long has a myriad of negative effects for both adults and children. These effects include eye strain, disrupted circadian rhythm, headaches, and neck and back pain.  Learners taking online classes need to take measures to avoid symptoms of too much screen time, especially if they are already working remotely , in addition to taking classes. Some ways to prevent the negative effects of screen time include:

  • Using blue-light glasses
  • Taking a break every 20 minutes to look at something different
  • Change up your working environment every few hours
  • Avoid turning up your screen too bright
  • Lower the contrast on your screen

2. Less opportunity to connect with peers

While online classes can actually be quite social in nature, the fact is that you’re still usually completing them on your own most of the time . This can be a major disadvantage – especially for students that already spend a lot of time by themselves at home. Students can combat this feeling of isolation by working on their online classes in coffee shops or libraries where there is a more lively environment . Additionally, they can sign up for classes that have thriving online communities to connect virtually with other students. 

It’s important to keep in mind that many people enroll in university, college, or even community classes as a way to meet friends. Proximity to the same people is a leading indicator that you will befriend those people – just because you see them a lot! If you’re taking classes online, you’ll miss that natural proximity and connection with your peers. It will take more effort to form real-life friendships with online peers (but it is still possible). One way to get a similar level of social interaction in online courses is by opting for a class that has a lot of group project work.

3. Harder to access technical equipment

At a minimum, students need a device with an internet connection to take online classes. Realistically, students will need a device they can also type assignments on such as a laptop or tablet with a keyboard. It’s costly to purchase these devices upfront , especially if you have multiple children in online classes who each need their own devices to complete school work. 

More often than not , in-person classes have a responsibility to provide equipment so students can participate. This keeps class accessible for lower-income students. To circumvent this issue with online learning environments, some school districts provide laptops or tablets so that students can participate even if they can’t afford to purchase devices themselves. Unfortunately, this is in no way a global solution as many school districts don’t have the funds to provide devices. This problem is even more true for students with learning disabilities who require specialized accessibility hardware.

4. Creates extra work for teachers

Teachers become teachers because they love to teach – not necessarily because they have an affinity for technology. This became extremely clear when teachers were first tasked with moving entire courses and curriculums into online formats . For many teachers, this meant lots of extra work recording lectures, moving tests and assignments online, and organizing video call live lessons and homework submission portals. However, once the courses are built, there is only a small time requirement to maintain the content with up-to-date material. 

Teachers might also run into issues with students not participating as much online and not having as much opportunity to collaborate. While there are online solutions to both of these issues, it is a learning curve for teachers to adapt to online teaching. It may take extra time to collect feedback from students in these early learning stages, but this time commitment should decrease over time.

5. Requires more self-control and harder to focus

Online learning can certainly make focusing for long periods of time a challenge. Students are no longer in an environment dedicated to learning and are surrounded by distractions like phones, delivery people , or chores like doing some laundry or walking the dog. The lack of structure means students need to be good at their own time management. This is an added challenge on top of learning that students don’t need to think about during in-person classes. 

Students may also find they run into challenges or don’t understand the material when learning online. Hopefully, the instructor has set up a way to contact them to answer questions, but if not, this will become frustrating for students and will likely cause them to lose motivation for learning. 

6. Lack of hands-on learning

Certain information lends itself better to online learning than others. For example, learning math or biology online will be relatively easier online since it involves a lot of visual or auditory explanations. However, learning things like medical examination, dental work, or even pottery or another trade might be tough because of the hands-on components. For kinesthetic learners, it might be more practical to learn in-person or purchase the training equipment you would need to practice your new skill hands-on at home.

After reading through the advantages and disadvantages of online classes you probably have a good idea if online learning is for you. If you’re disciplined, self-motivated, want to learn something that doesn’t need hands-on practice, or if you need flexibility, online learning is right for you! However, if you need lots of structure, want to learn a hands-on concept, and want to meet people face-to-face , you would probably benefit more from in-person classes.

This article was originally published in 2022, it has since been updated in March 2023 to include the newest info. 

Maddie is a content marketer at Thinkific. When she isn't zealously writing about all things online learning, you can find her glued to a good book or exploring the great outdoors.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Want to learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of online classes ? 

In recent years, online learning has become increasingly popular. However, despite its benefits, it also has disadvantages.  

This article will dive into the pros and cons of online classes and will explore the benefits of online education and its challenges, especially for working professionals. 

By considering both the advantages and disadvantages of online learning, you’ll be able to make a better decision regarding your studies.  

Advantages of Online Classes

Online education gets a lot of hype, but what exactly are the advantages offered by online classes? Let’s unpack the major benefits online studies offer, so you can see for yourself if they offer something for your specific needs . 


One of the main benefits of online learning is the flexibility they provide, allowing students to set their own schedules. 

This flexibility includes the ability to attend classes from anywhere and to fit classes into a busy schedule. 

 At IU International University of Applied Sciences, we take this one step further by also offering flexible exams.  


Online classes can also be beneficial for students from remote areas, without access to campuses.  

The advantages of online education in terms of convenience also include the ability to access lectures online, to communicate with professors via e-mail, and access to online platforms and tools that can upgrade your learning experience .  


Another advantage of online education is its tendency be more cost-effective than traditional on-campus classes. Online classes often have lower tuition fees , and students don’t need to spend money on location-related expenses.  

pros of online learning in terms of cost-effectiveness also include the potential to save money on textbooks and avoid relocation costs. 

Access to a wider range of programmes and course offerings

Online classes also provide access to a wider range of programmes and course offerings, thanks to the ability to reach more students without the high costs of maintaining physical classrooms.  

Many universities and colleges now offer a wide range of online degree programmes, including Bachelor’s and Master's degrees, in a variety of fields.  

At IU, we offer a wide range of cutting-edge tech and business Bachelor's and Master’s programmes, including specialised MBA degrees. This lets you choose a programme that matches your career ambitions. 

The ability to learn at your own pace

Lastly, another advantage of online education is the ability to learn at your own pace . Every student has their own pace of studying, and this is where the advantages of distance learning really come into play. 

Online classes give you the ability to set your own pace, review material as needed and move through the coursework in a way that suits your learning style.  

Learning at your own pace lets you have ultimate control over your learning process, so it really is one of the biggest benefits of online classes. 

Discover our degree programmes

IU International University of Applied Sciences offers 50+ career-transforming Bachelor's, Master's and MBA degrees in IT, business, marketing, social & healthcare and psychology.

Disadvantages of online classes

When choosing the right type of studies for you, it's important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages of online education, as the nature of online learning can be quite different than that of traditional on-campus studies. 

Lack of face-to-face interaction

One of the major disadvantages of online education can be the lack of physical interaction, which can make it more challenging for you to communicate with your fellow students and tutors. 

That can make it more difficult for you to create a sense of community, which can be an important factor in your ability to make the most out of your studies.  

To answer this challenge, some online universities offer a strong online community to support you throughout your studies .  

Difficulty staying motivated

Another drawback of online education is the difficulty in maintaining focus when you study on your won. Online education is often done independently , which can make it more challenging to navigate, stay engaged and be motivated.  

Before choosing to study online, it’s crucial that you asses your ability to stick to your plan, be consistent and work hard towards your goals. 

If you choose to study at IU, our study coaches will offer you guidance and support on ways to keep you motivated and on track. 

Limited access to resources and support

When considering the pros and cons of online learning, it’s important to keep in mind that online education sometimes offers limited access to resources and support compared to traditional on-campus classes. 

This is why, when choosing an online university, it’s important to choose the right one for you – a university that offers direct access to all the resources and support you might need. 

Technical difficulties

When studying online, you’re dependent on access to the internet. Technical difficulties such as internet connectivity issues, software compatibility issues, or issues with your laptop, can hinder your ability to access classes. 

One possible solution? At IU, students can access pre-recorded tutorials and study materials from any device, even when they’re offline, by downloading them directly.  

It requires prior planning, but it’s one way to ensure that technical difficulties don’t derail your studies. 

Another possible disadvantage to consider is that online education can lead to feelings of isolation, as students are not physically present in a classroom and may not have the same opportunities to interact with other students and form social connections.  

It’s important to keep this in mind and prepare for it accordingly , but as the pandemic has taught us, there are ways to stay connected with others even if you don’t meet in person. 

Summary: What are the advantages and disadvantages of online classes?



Lack of face-to-face interaction


Difficulty staying motivated 


Limited access to resources and support 

Access to a wider range of programmes & course offerings 

Technical difficulties 

Ability to learn at your own pace


Flexibility to balance work and education 


Ability to continue working while pursuing an education


Opportunity to advance in your current career while earning a degree


Opportunity to take classes at any time, from any location


Advantages of online classes for working professionals

If you’re currently employed and looking to advance in your career by earning a degree while still working full-time, nothing beats the advantages of online education.  

One of the key benefits of online learning for working adults is the flexibility it offers in terms of work and education. If you work full-time during the day, you can still take online classes in the evening. 

You’ll need to make some sacrifices, sure, but you won’t have to do so when it comes to work, your studies or your family – and that’s what matters .  

Online learning allows working professionals to continue working while pursuing an education, which is why it’s such a game-changer .  

Advancing your career no longer means taking a break from working, and spending all your savings or taking a loan in order to afford not to work while you earn a degree. 

This is one of the biggest benefits of online classes: online education gives you the opportunity to advance in your current careers while studying.  

If you want to specialise or learn new skills, studying online allows you to select from a more diverse range of courses. 

With online studies, working professionals can take classes at any time and from any location .  

Do you have a job that requires constant traveling on business trips? Then studying online is a great option. 

Advantages and disadvantages of online classes – a conclusion

The benefits of online learning, like the ability to study on your own schedule, not having to commute, and a wider range of course options, far outweigh the downsides. 

Looking to further your education while still having time for work? Enrolling in classes at an online university like IU is the perfect solution . 

So fill out your details - and we’ll be in touch. 

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What are the 5 disadvantages of online classes?

The 5 disadvantages of online classes are:  

  • Lack of face-to-face interaction   
  • Difficulty staying motivated  
  • Limited access to resources and support   
  • Technical difficulties   

What are the 10 advantages of online education?

The 10 advantages of online education are:   

  • Flexibility   
  • Convenience   
  • Cost-effectiveness   
  • Access to a wider range of programmes and course offerings   
  • The ability to learn at your own pace  
  • The flexibility to balance work and education   
  • The ability to continue working while pursuing an education  
  • The opportunity to advance in your current career while earning a degree  
  • The opportunity to take classes at any time and from any location  

What are the advantages of online classes?

The advantages of online classes are best summarised as the ability to study what you want, whenever you want, from anywhere. This makes them more budget-friendly and easier to manage along with the rest of your life responsibilities.  

Why is online education important?

Online education is important because it makes education accessible to more people: students who work full-time, have disabilities, or lack access to on-campus universities in their area, can all study on their own terms and excel. 

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Benefits of Online Learning Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Benefits of online learning

Works cited.

In this modern era, there are many methods through which one can acquire knowledge. Among these, the most popular is online learning. It can be discerned as a method of teaching and learning through internet tools, to be in touch and have an alliance in an instructive environment. It helps the students to learn simultaneously and they can study without going to or staying in a school or college.

Many educational institutions support and engage in some kind of online education. Today, one can see that most of the people are unsatisfied with their job and so they try to acquire a better job with a high salary which leads them to a better lifestyle. People thus employed can study while doing their job with the help of the internet. The best advantage is that in this system one can study at his or her own time when the person feels comfortable. It is highly useful for professionals who may want to learn more without going to classrooms. To a great extent, it is also useful for housewives and retired people. Through this mode, one can become a well-informed individual who possesses great knowledge in his or her studies.

  • Online learning has many benefits for high-tech companies: As the companies use different methods to design, transport, select, manage and extend their business, etc. online teaching process is instrumental for them. They can give valuable guidance, pieces of training for their employees without the need for them to be absent for long which helps to increase their skill, and through this skill, the company can achieve their goals. Besides, through this system, they can increase the efficiencies of the employees and add value to the process of business developments. At the same time, they can also save the cost of training as online learning is comparatively much cheaper.
  • Online learning improves knowledge: People with good knowledge are needed in every field, especially in business. Online learning provides updated knowledge that relates to every level and this will help people at all levels develop greater knowledge in different fields. This knowledge and skill one gains from online help the person to intermingle with others in a better way, progress their profession, or develop their business successfully. It also helps to construct relationships and build up an atmosphere of trust, affection, and admiration and to be confident, and to have good and better personal and professional relationships.
  • Online learning provides great opportunities at various academic levels. Through this students can save money for tuition, accommodation, and food. Online learning improves their talent in computers and the internet. Online learning does not need physical movements and students are not bound by time, place, and the tutor. “People with accessibility issues are not disadvantaged on an online course – everybody is equal.” (Benefits of Online Learning). Each individual has a similar chance to talk, express ideas through chatting without any discrimination or gender partiality.

From the above-mentioned factors, one can conclude that online learning has a lot of advantages over the other modes of education and that the main objective of online learning is to provide maximum information while being very convenient for both students and teachers. Thus online learning helps to develop business with great efficient employees, assist people to develop accurate knowledge about everything and thereby attain great achievement in their life and supplies enormous chance in educational level to help the students to gain considerable development in their life. Online learning gives a desired outcome to the person than any other means of learning.

Benefits of Online Learning: No Limitations. People Open Access Education Initiative People- uni: Building Public Health Capacity Using Internet- based e-learning. 2008. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 4). Benefits of Online Learning. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/

"Benefits of Online Learning." IvyPanda , 4 Nov. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Benefits of Online Learning'. 4 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

1. IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.


IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/benefits-of-online-learning/.

English Summary

Essay on Online/Digital Education – Advantages and Disadvantages in English

Table of Contents


What will be the basic outline you will draw if you are asked to write an essay on digital education?

What we will be covering in this entire essay on digital education includes:

Online education refers to the use of the most innovative tools and technologies to allow students access to educational resources, documents, and lectures irrespective of their position on the globe. Such tools can be a projector that can convert a simple classroom lecture into a smart one, or it can be a tablet that allows flexibility to learn.

A basic term called digital learning also refers to the learning process that is guided by the use of online and digital devices like computers, smartphones, tablets, and nearly all the devices that enables students to learn and read as well as can connect with the internet.  

For now, learning the primary objectives of digital education is necessary. Some of the primary objectives of the assignments can also be showcased as its benefits. Well, some common advantages of digital education for students include:

Apart from the points mentioned earlier, personalized learning experiences and hands-on working practicals with modern technologies and tools are also some of the most common benefits of modern digital education.

Successful implementation of digital education policies?

The availability of high-speed connectivity infrastructure in schools as well as at the grassroots levels of society is a must to cover each and every child into the ambit of online learning. The network towers, high-speed Wi-Fi connection and home internet access at vulnerable places will assist the faster implementation.

The combination of three magical terms, including leadership, teaching, and assessment, can create a revolutionary change. To implement the above-mentioned infrastructure, efficient leadership is a must to reach the zenith of this revolution. At the same time, the quality of tutors and final assessments must be well analysed by the experts.

Is digital education the future of education?

The way covid-19 pandemic has impacted various aspects of society, it urged a fundamental change in society. Traditional activities that were not competent enough to meet the global lockdown trends are rejected by society. The growing work-from-home culture is the most prominent example of such a necessity that is acknowledged by the modern working class.

The same is the case with online learning and digital education. Now students are pretty comfortable with the online courses that save sufficient time and offer them an opportunity to learn various courses in a flexible manner. The change is to happen and is happening in almost all aspects of our lives. Keeping the positive sides up, we must admire it for a better and more convenient future.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Learning: IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic

You must write at least 250 words for IELTS Writing Task 2. You will be given a topic and evaluated on your abilities to answer by expressing and defending your viewpoint, explaining the topic, summarising facts, describing challenges, identifying potential alternatives, and illustrating what you write with explanations, claims, and specific examples from your own expertise or experience.

Today we will read about a very popular topic “Advantages and disadvantages of online learning essay”.

So, let’s get started.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes

Let us help you in your IELTS writing preparation with an interesting and informative topic. Read all the 3 sample answers and learn how to approach a topic in different ways.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer One for IELTS Writing Task 2

Online teaching and learning have grown in popularity among students in recent times, and this is viewed differently by different learners. Many students see this as a helpful learning tool, although others believe it is not as successful as classroom instruction. This article would explore the benefits and drawbacks of digital education.

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Advantages of Online Classes Essay

Students who study online have more flexibility in their schedules and spend less money on their education. They will study their desired courses and subjects at their own pace. This is a fantastic opportunity for learners to learn new skills and expand their experience while remaining in the comfort of their own home. For example, a Nepali student seeking an Australian degree in business administration does not need to travel to Australia; he can train and complete the course while remaining at home. As a result, distance learning is both cost-effective and time-efficient.

Disadvantages of Studying Online

That being said, online classes offer more emphasis on the analytical aspect of learning and there is less instructor and student contact. It ignores realistic learning elements and encourages passive learning. It is clear that students perceive it to be less successful than classroom instruction. According to a new survey, a larger percentage of students considered classroom instruction to be much more successful than digital education.


Conclusion: Merits and Demerits of Online Teaching

In conclusion, the ever-increasing availability of digital education has gained traction among young adults for many years and is viewed as helpful by many and less successful by others. The focus should be placed on its efficacy in order to identify it as the most cost-effective learning method other than classroom instruction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer Two for IELTS Writing Task 2

Recently, the course has grown in popularity, resulting in more excellent learning options for students. While this movement may have some benefits, it may also have some risks and challenges as a result. Both sides of learning will be addressed in more detail in the following chapters. On the one hand, distance education has certain benefits. For starters, the simplicity of distance learning is essential.

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There is no time constraint and the online classroom and teacher are (theoretically) accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As a result, students will stick to their schedules without impacting their learning outcomes.

Second, the advantage of learning is that it saves resources. Tuition at online schools is often smaller than at conventional universities. Building repairs, grounds maintenance, food service, class accessories, and other expenses that impact the cost of credits are not needed.

Learners, on the other hand, may suffer from a number of disadvantages of simulated learning. To continue, students can encounter technical issues, which can have a variety of implications.

Furthermore, some students are not equipped with the good internet access that online courses necessitate, and therefore fall behind their simulated classmates: poor monitors find it difficult to obey the course Management.

The system, as well as their learning process, becomes troublesome. Another downside to digital education is the scarcity of accreditation and the poor standard of instruction. The growing demand for digital education has resulted in an uncontrollable proliferation of colleges, including some unregulated schools, and there is no way to check the content of all courses. As a consequence, illegal organisations can con several students out of money.

Finally, online education can be helpful in terms of scheduling flexibility and reduced tuition. However, immersive learning has some drawbacks, including poor student conditions and a lack of quality control over classes.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Classes Sample Answer Three for IELTS Writing Task 2

These days, online learning is becoming increasingly popular. Many conventional colleges began to make their classes available for free. It represents a simple and convenient way to gain expertise in almost any area, from law and accounting to social sciences such as sociology, anthropology, and history. Digital education is a fantastic alternative to conventional universities, particularly for people who do not have the time or resources to attend traditional universities. So what are the benefits and drawbacks of online learning?

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While many people still believe that traditional colleges are the only way to gain expertise and obtain a diploma, digital education has proven to be an excellent option. Students should study on their own time, and particularly for free. It is an excellent way to learn a variety of subjects while still increasing self-motivation. Online learning is so successful because students can complete their assignments easily, leaving more time for hobbies or job search.

Access to all of the opportunities of a typical course allows learners to practise wherever they are, giving them the opportunity to prepare wherever they choose. An individual may attend various courses with only an Internet connection. Students’ accountability and self-discipline are among the benefits of digital learning.

Limitations of Online Learning

An individual can only learn properly in a small group. Learners learn at school how to make new friends, be polite, deal with failure, and, most importantly, compete. Competition among colleagues can be very exciting, and students can learn greatly from it. Human contact is not possible for digital learning.

Another drawback is that online classes cannot handle the thousands of students who attempt to participate in debates. Furthermore, if digital education is intended for disciplines that need preparation, it can be challenging.

Conclusion of Studying Online

Finally, digital education can be seen as a supplement to and expansion to traditional ways of learning. Even the best online course cannot completely substitute physical interaction with an instructor or the human connections formed in a group. As a result, standard classes can not be replaced by digital learning.

Any essay can be satisfactory if addressed correctly. It is critical to remember in IELTS writing that each type of essay necessitates a different approach. In the case of an ‘advantage and disadvantage’ essay, a mixture of solid structure and appropriate data is a game-changer. As a result, in order to achieve a 9 band in your exam, you must devote some time to planning and structuring your essay.

If you need more assistance on this, you can simply visit IELTS Ninja .

Also Read: How to Write Agree and Disagree Essays in IELTS? Tips to Write the Perfect Essay


One Comment

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Thank you for providing the advantages and disadvantages of the online learning, but many prefer online learning over self study, what do you think about it?

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About the Author

Madhurjya chowdhury.

Madhurjya Chowdhury, a web content writer in Ufaber EduTech has a very strong passion for writing and alluring the readers. You can find him writing articles for the betterment of exam aspirants and children. With immense interest in research-based content writing and copywriting, he likes to reach out to more and more people with his creative writing style. On the other side, he is an Electronics and Communication Engineer from LPU, Jalandhar. In his leisure time, he likes to play badminton or read about space discoveries. Apart from this, he is a pro gamer on PC, PS and Mobile gaming platforms.

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online classes merits and demerits essay

Issue 26, 2020 First International Scientific-Practical Conference “Actual Issues of Physical Education and Innovation in Sports” (PES 2020)
Article Number 00058
Number of page(s) 4
Published online 06 November 2020

1 Introduction

2 materials and methods, 3 results and discussion, 4 conclusions.

  • List of tables

Advantages and disadvantages of distance learning on students’ and teachers’ of the physical culture faculty opinion

Alexey Korolkov 1 * , Gennady Germanov 2 , Olga Langueva 3 , Arina Shevyakova 1 and Natalia Poskrebysheva 4

1 Moscow State Regional University, 141014, Mytishchi, Russia 2 Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, 105122, Moscow, Russia 3 Moscow State Pedagogical University, 119991, Moscow, Russia. 4 Belgorod University of Cooperation, Economics and Law, 308023, Belgorod, Russia

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

We tryed to formalize various aspects of distance education in the form of speculative validity indicators based on calculating the relative frequency of students and teachers opinions. Methods of survey, questioning, systematization of information from open sources in electronic catalogs and publications on the Internet were used. The systematized nominal information was classified according to the selected dichotomous bases. There are 10 reasons (factors) for evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of distance learning. 26 aspects-variables of distance education were identified. Promising areas for further research are outlined.

© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

Licence Creative Commons

The self-isolation and distance learning in educational institutions because of the pandemic stimulate the use of elearning technologies in practice. The sudden transition to distance learning (DL) revealed all its advantages and disadvantages, which are discussed by the pedagogical community in scientific publications and on the Internet. The transition to DL can be considered as a transition of the education system to a new state a state of crisis characterized by the disappearance of a certain number of elements of the system and a change in its integral characteristics. The transformation of the education system was the result of an extraordinary adaptation of the system to the conditions of the pandemic.

Physical contacts between the process participants completely stopped, paper document management operations and most operations related to the transmission of analog information in the form of written and oral speech disappeared. The volume of information exchange in electronic digital form has increased: email, messengers, social networks, special communication and educational platforms: zoom, teams, mirapolis, moodle, skype, etc. Due to the isolation regime, the ways of information exchange in the education system were redistributed. Duplicating bureaucratic actions disappeared, and the information redundancy of labor operations decreased. By analogy with the restriction of the living organisms’ sensory systems, the compensatory mechanisms of other subsystems that duplicate the channels of information exchange become more acute. In our case, the main one is the remote electronic information exchange method. Such restriction of other information exchange methods, as in any other complex systems, reduces the effectiveness of the educational system to achieve its goal.

It is relevant to consider the advantages and disadvantages of the program, both on the part of teachers and students. At the same time, teachers, especially those of the older generation, were often less prepared to switch to distance learning than students, belonging to the so-called “Z” generation. They developed electronic communication skills.

To solve this problem, in may-June 2020, a remote survey was conducted of 58 second-year students of the Moscow State Regional University physical culture faculty. They randomly determined one main advantage and one main disadvantage of DL.

According to the teachers, the positive and negative aspects of DL were evaluated as a result of the publications analysis for 2019-20 that are publicly available in the e library [ 1 , 2 , 6 , 7 , 9 - 16 ] and information on the Internet [ 8 ].

The obtained data on the advantages and disadvantages of the system were systematized. The frequency of different responses was calculated. The general grounds for the development of psychometrically reliable questionnaires and the formalization of data suitable for processing by mathematical methods were determined.

The results of any study depend on the composition and completeness of the initial data. This is especially evident in mass sociological and psychological research. In it the sociometric and psychometric reliability of research is often not evaluated: the results of research are accepted as unconditionally correct, unique and final [ 3 ]. Therefore, the results of studies of the same phenomenon or process conducted on different source data often do not coincide or contradict each other. For this reason, it is very important to determine the most complete set of initial data for studying a phenomenon, including the phenomenon of distance learning.

According to 58 students’ opinion, the advantages and disadvantages of DL are divided into 4-5 groups. They can serve as a starting point for further classification of DL aspects.

A characteristic feature of the advantages (72%) noted by students are the FEATURES that directly affect their personal life and convenience: saving time and money (41%) and comfortable learning conditions (31%). It is clear that these aspects have an invariant relation to the process and content of training. Only 21% of the students ’ responses showed such a positive property of DL as flexibility in planning training and the ability to master new courses. We can assume that this percentage characterizes the number of students with high motivation to study, regardless of its implementation form.

The comfortable living conditions in home environment was never noted in the assessments of teachers.

The students attributed to disadvantages of DL a lack of live communication with fellow students and teachers, technical problems and an increase in the academic load. This data is quite consistent with the results of a study conducted on a sample of 35,000 students.

The negative aspects of DL noted by students relate primarily to the direct impact on their personal life and are not related to the content and quality of the learning process.

As a result of analyzing the publications of many researchers, other aspects of DL are also identified. They can be classified according to different dichotomous grounds ( Table 1 ). Each of them can be attributed to one or another aspect with different speculative validity. In different studies these grounds can be evaluated as positive, indicating the benefits, and negative, or mentioned only in one context.

The reasons given in table 1 be called factors of DL. They can be correlated with certain aspects-variables listed by different researchers with different frequency. The frequency of mentioning a particular DL aspect characterizes the speculative validity of this aspect. By analogy with confirmatory factor analysis, the frequency of mentioning each aspect (variable) can be considered as a kind of factor load – the correlation coefficient between the base (factor) and the aspect (variable).

There were at least 26 aspects (nominal variables) determined. These aspects are formulated differently by different researchers. But they have the same semantic meaning. The ratio of positive and negative aspects the same 58% and 42%.

Researchers define the factor of distance-contact (isolation-unity) by such positive variables as: geographical freedom [ 1 , 9 , 12 ] and unlimited audience coverage [ 6 ]. It is also noted that distance learning is most convenient for part-time students, students of high-class athletes and other students with limited mobility [ 16 ].

The disadvantages of the distance aspect include: lack of personal contacts between the teacher and students [ 1 , 17, 15 , 11 , 2 , 4 ], lack of contacts between students [ 15 ], problems with cheating and identification of students [ 1 , 9 , 2 ], lack of direct control [ 9 , 15 ], lack of students individual characteristics consideration [ 16 ]. The negative impact of the isolation factor can also be attributed to a separate aspect of the practical skills development: the low level of practical skills formation and the inability to master some special disciplines [ 1 ], the lack of practical training [ 2 , 9 ].

As many teachers note, the lack of social contact and practical training negatively affects the educational component of education. In the distance format, the direct influence of the teacher on the student is completely eliminated, the value of the teacher’s personal example is reduced, and the possibility of transmitting academic ethics and learning traditions disappears [ 8 ].

The learning flexibility factor is made up of only positive aspects-variables. They include: the possibility of combining their professional activities, self-scheduling and intensity of training loads [ 1 , 15 ], the modul structure of courses and the parallel learning possibility [ 6 ], the individuality of learning, efficiency of communication with the teacher, the opportunity to combine courses [17], the possibility of personal improvement and knowledge management, expanding horizons [ 12 ], flexible scheduling of learning [ 9 ].

The processability factor is made up of both positive and negative aspects. Positive aspects include: objectivity of educational achievements assessment [ 1 , 2 ], consistency of modular course construction [ 16 ], the need to learn new technologies [ 13 ]. Negative components of this factor refer to various technical problems: availability and speed of Internet connection, and characteristics of the computer structure and design e-course, instructional course development, problem identification [ 1 , 9 , 10 , 11 , 2 , 13 ]. In both cases, the implementation of the technology factor requires high motivation and discipline of the student [ 13 , 2 , 1 ].

Technologicality of DL places special requirements on the activity of the teacher. The teacher is forced to systematize the training material, present it in a formalized view, develop tests, presentations, training videos, and perform other necessary actions to present the training course in a digital educational environment.

Cost-effectiveness is an obvious factor of DL. It is to save time and costs for moving to the place of training, as well as to save nervous energy in stressful situations typical of full-time training [ 1 ]. The negative aspects of costeffectiveness include time constraints when completing tasks [ 11 ], increasing the load on students and teachers [ 14 , 10 , 13 ]. In this case, some teachers often overload students with independent tasks instead of preparing electronic teaching materials.

The influence factor is made up of two aspects: the direct influence of DL on the personalities of students and teachers, and the personal requirements necessary for the successful implementation of DL. Positive aspects include increased discipline and activity of students, the inevitability of mastering new technologies, increased independence and general outlook of students, the ability to independently study new courses, increased interest in learning, etc. [ 15 , 13 ]. The negative aspects of this factor include: lack of systemic thinking, there is a load on the visual channel of perception and discrimination auditory and kinesthetic channels, the lack of speech development, violation of requirements to the limitations of continuous work on the computer [ 5 , 20], increasing physical inactivity, high level of self-discipline and motivation, replacement of group sessions and individual-independent [ 15 , 14 , 7 ].

Dichotomous bases of DL aspects

As a result of the conducted research, it was found that DL has many advantages and disadvantages that relate to each other in approximately equal proportions. For this reason, DL cannot be the only and final form of training. According to students and teachers opinion, the main drawback of DL is the lack of social contact between participants in the educational process. It is necessary to ensure the educational component of the pedagogical system. That’s why, distance learning is only suitable for students with a high degree of motivation to learn.

A significant disadvantage of DL is the inability to conduct practical classes under the direct supervision of a teacher. It negatively affects the development of practical skills in practice-oriented academic disciplines, including medicine and physical education.

Thus, this form can only be considered as an additional useful tool in the system of teaching physical culture. Distance learning can be recommended for use when conducting theoretical classes with senior students and undergraduates who have already mastered practical skills in physical education and for students with limited mobility in space.

The development of self-assessment methods for teachers and students on the dichotomous grounds is a promising area of research on the DL aspects.

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Distance learning in higher education during covid-19.

\r\nAlfiya R. Masalimova*&#x;

  • 1 Department of Pedagogy of Higher Education, Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan, Russia
  • 2 Department of Jurisprudence, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Department of English for Professional Communication, Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
  • 4 Department of Foreign Languages, RUDN University, Moscow, Russia
  • 5 Department of Medical and Social Assessment, Emergency, and Ambulatory Therapy, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

COVID-19’s pandemic has hastened the expansion of online learning across all levels of education. Countries have pushed to expand their use of distant education and make it mandatory in view of the danger of being unable to resume face-to-face education. The most frequently reported disadvantages are technological challenges and the resulting inability to open the system. Prior to the pandemic, interest in distance learning was burgeoning, as it was a unique style of instruction. The mini-review aims to ascertain students’ attitudes about distant learning during COVID-19. To accomplish the objective, articles were retrieved from the ERIC database. We utilize the search phrases “Distance learning” AND “University” AND “COVID.” We compiled a list of 139 articles. We chose papers with “full text” and “peer reviewed only” sections. Following the exclusion, 58 articles persisted. Then, using content analysis, publications relating to students’ perspectives on distance learning were identified. There were 27 articles in the final list. Students’ perspectives on distant education are classified into four categories: perception and attitudes, advantages of distance learning, disadvantages of distance learning, and challenges for distance learning. In all studies, due of pandemic constraints, online data gathering methods were selected. Surveys and questionnaires were utilized as data collection tools. When students are asked to compare face-to-face and online learning techniques, they assert that online learning has the potential to compensate for any limitations caused by pandemic conditions. Students’ perspectives and degrees of satisfaction range widely, from good to negative. Distance learning is advantageous since it allows for learning at any time and from any location. Distance education benefits both accomplishment and learning. Staying at home is safer and less stressful for students during pandemics. Distance education contributes to a variety of physical and psychological health concerns, including fear, anxiety, stress, and attention problems. Many schools lack enough infrastructure as a result of the pandemic’s rapid transition to online schooling. Future researchers can study what kind of online education methods could be used to eliminate student concerns.


The pandemic of COVID-19 has accelerated the spread of online learning at all stages of education, from kindergarten to higher education. Prior to the epidemic, several colleges offered online education. However, as a result of the epidemic, several governments discontinued face-to-face schooling in favor of compulsory distance education.

The COVID-19 problem had a detrimental effect on the world’s educational system. As a result, educational institutions around the world developed a new technique for delivering instructional programs ( Graham et al., 2020 ; Akhmadieva et al., 2021 ; Gaba et al., 2021 ; Insorio and Macandog, 2022 ; Tal et al., 2022 ). Distance education has been the sole choice in the majority of countries throughout this period, and these countries have sought to increase their use of distance education and make it mandatory in light of the risk of not being able to restart face-to-face schooling ( Falode et al., 2020 ; Gonçalves et al., 2020 ; Tugun et al., 2020 ; Altun et al., 2021 ; Valeeva and Kalimullin, 2021 ; Zagkos et al., 2022 ).

What Is Distance Learning

Britannica defines distance learning as “form of education in which the main elements include physical separation of teachers and students during instruction and the use of various technologies to facilitate student-teacher and student-student communication” ( Simonson and Berg, 2016 ). The subject of distant learning has been studied extensively in the fields of pedagogics and psychology for quite some time ( Palatovska et al., 2021 ).

The primary distinction is that early in the history of distant education, the majority of interactions between professors and students were asynchronous. With the advent of the Internet, synchronous work prospects expanded to include anything from chat rooms to videoconferencing services. Additionally, asynchronous material exchange was substantially relocated to digital settings and communication channels ( Virtič et al., 2021 ).

Distance learning is a fundamentally different way to communication as well as a different learning framework. An instructor may not meet with pupils in live broadcasts at all in distance learning, but merely follow them in a chat if required ( Bozkurt and Sharma, 2020 ). Audio podcasts, films, numerous simulators, and online quizzes are just a few of the technological tools available for distance learning. The major aspect of distance learning, on the other hand, is the detailed tracking of a student’s performance, which helps to develop his or her own trajectory. While online learning attempts to replicate classroom learning methods, distant learning employs a computer game format, with new levels available only after the previous ones have been completed ( Bakhov et al., 2021 ).

In recent years, increased attention has been placed on eLearning in educational institutions because to the numerous benefits that have been discovered via study. These advantages include the absence of physical and temporal limits, the ease of accessing material and scheduling flexibility, as well as the cost-effectiveness of the solution. A number of other studies have demonstrated that eLearning is beneficial to both student gains and student performance. However, in order to achieve the optimum results from eLearning, students must be actively participating in the learning process — a notion that is commonly referred to as active learning — throughout the whole process ( Aldossary, 2021 ; Altun et al., 2021 ).

The most commonly mentioned negatives include technological difficulties and the inability to open the system as a result, low teaching quality, inability to teach applicable disciplines, and a lack of courses, contact, communication, and internet ( Altun et al., 2021 ). Also, misuse of technology, adaptation of successful technology-based training to effective teaching methods, and bad practices in managing the assessment and evaluation process of learning are all downsides of distance learning ( Debeş, 2021 ).

Distance Learning in a Pandemic Context

The epidemic forced schools, colleges, and institutions throughout the world to close their doors so that students might practice social isolation ( Toquero, 2020 ). Prior to the pandemic, demand for distance learning was nascent, as it was a novel mode of education, the benefits and quality of which were difficult to judge due to a dearth of statistics. But, in 2020, humanity faced a coronavirus pandemic, which accelerated the shift to distant learning to the point that it became the only viable mode of education and communication ( Viktoria and Aida, 2020 ). Due to the advancements in digital technology, educators and lecturers have been obliged to use E-learning platforms ( Benadla and Hadji, 2021 ).

In remote education settings for higher education, activities are often divided into synchronous course sessions and asynchronous activities and tasks. In synchronous courses, learners participate in interactive and targeted experiences that help them develop a fundamental grasp of technology-enhanced education, course design, and successful online instruction. Asynchronous activities and tasks, on the other hand, include tests, group work assignments, group discussion, feedback, and projects. Additionally, asynchronous activities and tasks are carried out via interactive video-based activities, facilitator meetings, live webinars, and keynote speakers ( Debeş, 2021 ).

According to Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė (2021) , ICT should be attractive for learners. Additionally, student satisfaction with ODL has a statistically significant effect on their future choices for online learning ( Virtič et al., 2021 ). According to Avsheniuk et al. (2021) , the majority of research is undertaken to categorize students’ views and attitudes about online learning, and studies examining students’ perspectives of online learning during the COVID-19 epidemic are uncommon and few. There is presently a dearth of research on the impact on students when schools are forced to close abruptly and indefinitely and transition to online learning communities ( Unger and Meiran, 2020 ). So that, the mini-review is aimed to examining the students’ views on using distance learning during COVID-19.

In order to perform the aim, the articles were searched through ERIC database. We use “Distance learning” AND “University” AND “COVID” as search terms. We obtained 139 articles. We selected “full text” and “Peer reviewed only” articles. After the exclusion, 58 articles endured. Then content analyses were used to determine articles related to students’ voices about distance learning. In the final list, there were 27 articles ( Table 1 ).


Table 1. Countries and data collection tools.

In the study, a qualitative approach and content analyses were preferred. Firstly, the findings related to students’ attitudes and opinions on distance learning were determined. The research team read selected sections independently. Researchers have come to a consensus on the themes of perception and attitudes, advantages of distance learning, disadvantages of distance learning, and challenges for distance learning. It was decided which study would be included in which theme/s. Finally, the findings were synthesized under themes.

Only 3 studies ( Lassoued et al., 2020 ; Viktoria and Aida, 2020 ; Todri et al., 2021 ) were conducted to cover more than one country. Other studies include only one country. Surveys and questionnaires were mostly used as measurement tools in the study. Due to pandemic restrictions, online data collection approaches were preferred in the data collection process.

Students’ views on distance learning are grouped under four themes. These themes are perception and attitudes, advantages of distance learning, disadvantages of distance learning, and challenges for distance learning.

Perception and Attitudes Toward Distance Learning

Students’ attitudes toward distance learning differ according to the studies. In some studies ( Mathew and Chung, 2020 ; Avsheniuk et al., 2021 ), it is stated that especially the students’ attitudes are positive, while in some studies ( Bozavlı, 2021 ; Yurdal et al., 2021 ) it is clearly stated that their attitudes are negative. In addition, there are also studies ( Akcil and Bastas, 2021 ) that indicate that students’ attitudes are at a moderate level. The transition to distance learning has been a source of anxiety for some students ( Unger and Meiran, 2020 ).

When the students’ satisfaction levels are analyzed, it is obvious from the research ( Gonçalves et al., 2020 ; Avsheniuk et al., 2021 ; Bakhov et al., 2021 ; Glebov et al., 2021 ; Todri et al., 2021 ) that the students’ satisfaction levels are high. In some studies, it is pronounced that the general satisfaction level of the participants is moderate ( Viktoria and Aida, 2020 ; Aldossary, 2021 ; Didenko et al., 2021 ) and low ( Taşkaya, 2021 ).

When students compare face-to-face and online learning methods, they state that online learning has opportunities to compensate for their deficiencies due to the pandemic conditions ( Abrosimova, 2020 ) and but they prefer face-to-face learning ( Gonçalves et al., 2020 ; Kaisar and Chowdhury, 2020 ; Bakhov et al., 2021 ). Distance learning is not sufficiently motivating ( Altun et al., 2021 ; Bozavlı, 2021 ), effective ( Beltekin and Kuyulu, 2020 ; Bozavlı, 2021 ), and does not have a contribution to students’ knowledge ( Taşkaya, 2021 ). Distance education cannot be used in place of face-to-face instruction ( Aldossary, 2021 ; Altun et al., 2021 ).

Advantages of Distance Learning

It is mostly cited advantages that distance learning has a positive effect on achievement and learning ( Gonçalves et al., 2020 ; Lin and Gao, 2020 ; Aldossary, 2021 ; Altun et al., 2021 ; Şahin, 2021 ). In addition, in distance learning, students can have more resources and reuse resources such as re-watching video ( Önöral and Kurtulmus-Yilmaz, 2020 ; Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ; Martha et al., 2021 ).

Distance learning for the reason any time and everywhere learning ( Adnan and Anwar, 2020 ; Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ; Todri et al., 2021 ). There is no need to spend money on transportation to and from the institution ( Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ; Nenakhova, 2021 ). Also, staying at home is safe during pandemics and less stressful for students ( Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ).

Challenges and Disadvantages of Distance Learning

Distance learning cannot guarantee effective learning, the persistence of learning, or success ( Altun et al., 2021 ; Benadla and Hadji, 2021 ). Students state that they have more works, tasks, and study loads in the distance learning process ( Mathew and Chung, 2020 ; Bakhov et al., 2021 ; Didenko et al., 2021 ; Nenakhova, 2021 ). Group working and socialization difficulties are experienced in distance learning ( Adnan and Anwar, 2020 ; Bozavlı, 2021 ; Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ). The absence of communication and face-to-face interaction is seen a disadvantage ( Didenko et al., 2021 ; Nenakhova, 2021 ).

It is difficult to keep attention on the computer screen for a long time, so distance-learning negatively affects concentration ( Bakhov et al., 2021 ; Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ). In addition, distance education prompts some physical and psychological health problems ( Kaisar and Chowdhury, 2020 ; Taşkaya, 2021 ).

Devices and internet connection, technical problems are mainly stated as challenges for distance learning ( Abrosimova, 2020 ; Adnan and Anwar, 2020 ; Mathew and Chung, 2020 ; Bakhov et al., 2021 ; Benadla and Hadji, 2021 ; Didenko et al., 2021 ; Lamanauskas and Makarskaitė-Petkevičienė, 2021 ; Nenakhova, 2021 ; Taşkaya, 2021 ; Şahin, 2021 ). In addition, some students have difficulties in finding a quiet and suitable environment where they can follow distance education courses ( Taşkaya, 2021 ). It is a disadvantage that students have not the knowledge and skills to use the technological tools used in distance education ( Lassoued et al., 2020 ; Bakhov et al., 2021 ; Didenko et al., 2021 ).

The purpose of this study is to ascertain university students’ perceptions about distant education during COVID-19. The study’s findings are intended to give context for developers of distant curriculum and higher education institutions.

According to Toquero (2020) , academic institutions have an increased need to enhance their curricula, and the incorporation of innovative teaching methods and tactics should be a priority. COVID-19’s lockout has shown the reality of higher education’s current state: Progressive universities operating in the twenty-first century did not appear to be prepared to implement digital teaching and learning tools; existing online learning platforms were not universal solutions; teaching staff were not prepared to teach remotely; their understanding of online teaching was sometimes limited to sending handbooks, slides, sample tasks, and assignments to students via email and setting deadlines for submission of completed tasks ( Didenko et al., 2021 ).

It is a key factor that student satisfaction to identify the influencers that emerged in online higher education settings ( Parahoo et al., 2016 ). Also, there was a significant positive relationship between online learning, social presence and satisfaction with online courses ( Stankovska et al., 2021 ). According to the findings, the attitudes and satisfaction levels of the students differ according to the studies and vary in a wide range from positive to negative attitudes.

According to the study’s findings, students responded that while online learning is beneficial for compensating for deficiencies during the pandemic, they would prefer face-to-face education in the future. This is a significant outcome for institutions. It is not desirable for all students to take their courses entirely online. According to Samat et al. (2020) , the one-size-fits-all approach to ODL implementation is inapplicable since it not only impedes the flow of information delivery inside the virtual classroom, but it also has an impact on psychological well-being because users are prone to become disturbed.

In distance learning, students can have more resources and reuse resources such as re-watching videos. So, distance learning has a positive effect on achievement and learning. Alghamdi (2021) stated that over the last two decades, research on the influence of technology on students’ academic success has revealed a range of good and negative impacts and relationships, as well as zero effects and relationship.

The result also shows that distance education prompts some physical and psychological health problems. Due to the difficulty of maintaining focus on a computer screen for an extended period of time, remote education has a detrimental effect on concentration. There is some evidence that students are fearful of online learning in compared to more traditional, or in-person, in-class learning environments, as well as media representations of emergencies ( Müller-Seitz and Macpherson, 2014 ).

Unsatisfactory equipment and internet connection, technical difficulties, and a lack of expertise about remote learning technology are frequently cited as distance learning issues. Due to the pandemic’s quick move to online education, many schools have an insufficient infrastructure. Infrastructure deficiency is more evident in fields that require laboratory work such as engineering ( Andrzej, 2020 ) and medicine ( Yurdal et al., 2021 ).

Conclusion and Recommendation

To sum up, students’ opinions and levels of satisfaction vary significantly, ranging from positive to negative. Distance learning for the reason any time and everywhere learning. Distance learning has a positive effect on achievement and learning. Staying at home is safe during pandemics and less stressful for students. Distance education prompts some physical and psychological health problems such as fear, anxiety, stress, and losing concentration. Due to the pandemic’s quick move to online education, many schools have an insufficient infrastructure. Future researchers can investigate what distance education models can be that will eliminate the complaints of students. Students’ positive attitudes and levels of satisfaction with their distant education programs have an impact on their ability to profit from the program. Consequently, schools wishing to implement distant education should begin by developing a structure, content, and pedagogical approach that would improve the satisfaction of their students. According to the findings of the study, there is no universally applicable magic formula since student satisfaction differs depending on the country, course content, and external factors.

Author Contributions

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work, and approved it for publication.

This manuscript has been supported by the Kazan Federal University Strategic Academic Leadership Program.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Publisher’s Note

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

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Keywords : ICT, distance learning, COVID-19, higher education, online learning

Citation: Masalimova AR, Khvatova MA, Chikileva LS, Zvyagintseva EP, Stepanova VV and Melnik MV (2022) Distance Learning in Higher Education During Covid-19. Front. Educ. 7:822958. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.822958

Received: 26 November 2021; Accepted: 14 February 2022; Published: 03 March 2022.

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Copyright © 2022 Masalimova, Khvatova, Chikileva, Zvyagintseva, Stepanova and Melnik. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY) . The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Alfiya R. Masalimova, [email protected]

† ORCID: Alfiya R. Masalimova, orcid.org/0000-0003-3711-2527 ; Maria A. Khvatova, orcid.org/0000-0002-2156-8805 ; Lyudmila S. Chikileva, orcid.org/0000-0002-4737-9041 ; Elena P. Zvyagintseva, orcid.org/0000-0001-7078-0805 ; Valentina V. Stepanova, orcid.org/0000-0003-0495-0962 ; Mariya V. Melnik, orcid.org/0000-0001-8800-4628

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The mansabdari system, which once strengthened the Mughal Empire, eventually contributed to its downfall. Discuss the merits and demerits of the mansabdari system in this context.

Topic: Early Medieval Period

 Q2. The mansabdari system, which once strengthened the Mughal Empire, eventually contributed to its downfall. Discuss the merits and demerits of the mansabdari system in this context. 15M

Difficulty level: Moderate

Reference: Insights Ias

Why the question: The question is part of the static syllabus of General studies paper – 1 and mentioned as part of Mission-2025 Secure timetable. Key Demand of the question: To discuss the merits and demerits of the Mansabdari system, analyzing how it initially strengthened the Mughal Empire but eventually contributed to its downfall. Structure of the Answer: Introduction: Begin by briefly explaining the Mansabdari system, introduced by Akbar, as a unique administrative and military organization of the Mughal Empire. Body: Firstly, mention the merits of mansabdari system – administrative efficiency, military organisation, revenue generation, inclusivity and flexibility. Also mention its role in strengthening Mughal empire. In second part, write the demerits of mansabdari system- Economic Strain and Corruption, Jagirdari Crisis, Lack of Hereditary Tenure, Military Weakness in Later Years, etc. Mention how these demerits contributed to decline of Mughal empire. Conclusion: Conclude by suggesting that the decline of the Mansabdari system highlights the challenges of maintaining a large and diverse empire without continuous reforms and effective governance.

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Ukraine’s Push Into Russia Is a Surprising Turn in the War

The local government in the Russian region of Kursk declared a state of emergency as military analysts reported that Ukrainian forces had advanced several miles across the border.

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A destroyed house in a neighborhood strewed with debris.

By Andrew E. Kramer

Reporting from Kyiv, Ukraine

After months of losing ground to Russia in brutal, grinding battles in Ukraine, Kyiv shifted tactics with a surprise attack into Russian territory this week that caught Moscow off guard and opened a new front in the 30-month war.

Ukrainian forces have punched through Russian border defenses and seized several settlements in fighting that was still raging on Thursday, according to Russian officials, a Ukrainian soldier and analysts. The attack triggered a state of emergency in one region in the west of Russia. Ukrainian armored columns were filmed moving along roads as far as six miles inside Russia.

But the attack left some military analysts wondering why Ukraine would throw scarce resources into a risky assault in a new area at a time when it is fighting pitched battles to hold on to positions in its own territory.

It was unclear whether Ukraine would seek to hold the area. Whatever the next step by Ukrainian forces, the attack appeared to push the limits on attacking inside Russia with American-provided equipment and put the Russians in disarray. American-made armored vehicles were also filmed being blown up in a Russian counterattack.

The goal was to shift the fighting — and Russian soldiers and weaponry — onto Russian territory and ease the pressure of Moscow’s offensive in eastern Ukraine, a senior Ukrainian official said. He asked not to be cited by name, as Ukraine has not acknowledged its soldiers are fighting in Russia.

“We are at war,” he said of striking inside enemy territory. “Why Russia can and we cannot?”

So far the assault has played out “much more successfully” than previous cross-border raids, the senior Ukrainian official said.

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