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Certificate & Online Programs

Mit’s commitment to education extends beyond the classroom and includes opportunities to learn online or pursue advanced certificates..

As the world of online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) continues to grow, MIT has provided more opportunities to reach individuals across the world through online platforms. There has also been incredible growth in the online education industry, and MIT has made valuable contributions to increasing its online presence. As we continue to grow, more opportunities will become available.

Credentialed Online Programs

Mitx micromasters credential in data, economics, and design of policy.

Learn practical skills and theoretical tools to tackle some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Through a series of five online courses and exams, learners engage with cutting-edge field research and gain a strong foundation in microeconomics, development economics, and probability and statistics. For more information, please visit  the DEDP website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Finance

Meet the complex demands of today’s global finance markets with five courses developed and delivered by MIT Sloan faculty. Accelerate your career or fast-track your MIT Master of Finance degree. For more information, please visit the MicroMasters Finance website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Principles of Manufacturing

Learn the principles of manufacturing: process control, production flow, supply chain and basic finance, from the world’s top-ranked Mechanical Engineering department. For more information, please visit the POM website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Statistics and Data Science

From probability and statistics to data analysis and machine learning, master the skills needed to solve complex challenges with data. For more information, please visit the DS website .

MITx MicroMasters Credential in Supply Chain Management

Gain expertise in the growing field of Supply Chain Management through an innovative online program consisting of five courses and a final capstone exam. The MicroMasters Program in Supply Chain from MITx is an advanced, professional, graduate-level foundation in Supply Chain Management. It represents the equivalent of one semester’s worth of coursework at MIT. For more information, please visit  the SCM website .

Hybrid and On-Campus Certificate Programs

MIT certificates allow students to advance their knowledge in a particular field of interest and enhance their professional skills. Below is a list of on-campus certificate programs.

Professional Education

MIT Professional Education is the hub for non-degree programs geared toward professionals. They offer substantial programming for individuals looking to take classes or participate in short programs. They also offer custom programs and digital programs, which further expand the reach of professional education. Many of the programs offered lead to the completion of a certificate that enables professionals to reach their career goals. For more information, please visit  the Professional Education website .

Certificate in Systems & Product Development

The certificate program offered by the department of System Design & Management (SDM) is designed for working professionals interested in expanding their knowledge and understanding of systems engineering. To learn more about this opportunity, please visit  the System Design & Management website .

Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG)

The MIT Graduate Certificate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management (GCLOG) is an elite academic program from the MIT Global Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence (SCALE) network, geared towards outstanding graduate students from Latin America. For more information, please visit  the SCALE website .

Certificate Opportunities for MIT Graduate Degree Students

In addition to the standalone certificate program offerings, MIT offers a variety of certificate programs for MIT graduate students to accompany their graduate degree. Below is a list of certificate programs available to MIT degree students only.

Business Analytics Certificate Program

More information about the Business Analytics Certificate Program can be found online.

Biophysics Certificate Program

More information about the Biophysics Certificate Program can be found online.

Certificate Program in Graduate Education in Medical Sciences (GEMS)

More information about the Certificate Program in Graduate Education in Medical Sciences can be found online.

Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy (STP)

More information about the Certificate Program in Science, Technology and Policy can be found online.

Environmental Planning Certificate

More information about the Environmental Planning Certificate can be found online.

Healthcare Certificate

More information about the Healthcare Certificate can be found online.

Sustainability Certificate

More information about the Sustainability Certificate can be found online.

Technical Leadership Certificate

More information about the Technical Leadership Certificate can be found online.

Urban Design Certificate

More information about the Urban Design Certificate can be found online.

Non-Degree Learning Opportunities


MIT was a pioneer in the free exchange of online course materials, developing a repository of information in the OpenCourseWare (OCW) site. Through the OCW, individuals can learn at their own pace and study a wide range of fields. For more information, please visit  the OCW site .

MIT has partnered with the edX platform to develop dozens of free online courses. Now, anyone has the opportunity to experience the rigorous courses that MIT has to offer and broaden their knowledge on topics in science, engineering, and technology.

Many MITx course offerings, such as the MicroMasters programs above, lead to the completion of a verified certificate, though this varies by course. For more information, please visit  the MITx site .

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  • Engineering (Course 2-​A)
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering (Course 22)
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  • Writing (Course 21W)
  • Data, Economics, and Design of Policy (MASc)
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  • Mathematical Economics (Course 14-​2)
  • Global Studies and Languages (Course 21G)
  • History (Course 21H)
  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24-​2)
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  • Literature (Course 21L)
  • Music (Course 21M-​1)
  • Theater Arts (Course 21M-​2)
  • Political Science (Course 17)
  • Science, Technology, and Society/​Second Major (STS)
  • Business Analytics (Course 15-​2)
  • Finance (Course 15-​3)
  • Management (Course 15-​1)
  • Biology (Course 7)
  • Chemistry and Biology (Course 5-​7)
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (Course 9)
  • Chemistry (Course 5)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Mathematics (Course 18)
  • Mathematics (PhD)
  • Mathematics with Computer Science (Course 18-​C)
  • Physics (Course 8)
  • Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Chemistry and Biology
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  • Computation and Cognition
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  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences (PhD)
  • Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Fields (PhD)
  • Interdisciplinary Programs (SB)
  • Climate System Science and Engineering (Course 1-​12)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (Course 6-​14)
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  • Computation and Cognition (MEng)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (SM)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (PhD)
  • Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science (MEng)
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  • Leaders for Global Operations (MBA/​SM and SM)
  • Music Technology and Computation (SM and MASc)
  • Real Estate Development (SM)
  • Statistics (PhD)
  • Supply Chain Management (MEng and MASc)
  • Technology and Policy (SM)
  • Transportation (SM)
  • Aeronautics and Astronautics (Course 16)
  • Aerospace Studies (AS)
  • Architecture (Course 4)
  • Biological Engineering (Course 20)
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering (Course 1)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (CMS)
  • Comparative Media Studies /​ Writing (Course 21W)
  • Computational and Systems Biology (CSB)
  • Computational Science and Engineering (CSE)
  • Concourse (CC)
  • Data, Systems, and Society (IDS)
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences (Course 12)
  • Economics (Course 14)
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  • Global Languages (Course 21G)
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  • Linguistics and Philosophy (Course 24)
  • Management (Course 15)
  • Media Arts and Sciences (MAS)
  • Military Science (MS)
  • Music (Course 21M)
  • Naval Science (NS)
  • Science, Technology, and Society (STS)
  • Special Programs
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  • Theater Arts (21T)
  • Urban Studies and Planning (Course 11)
  • Women's and Gender Studies (WGS)

MITx is the Institute's interactive learning initiative that supports faculty to offer online versions of MIT courses. MIT instructors teach these MITx courses to learners around the world, delivered through either the edX or MITx Online platforms.

Many people refer to MITx courses as MOOCs—massive, open, online courses. The learning experience features multimedia and video content, robust problem types such as embedded quizzes with immediate feedback, sketch response graphs, and peer-to-peer communications. Course materials can be organized and presented in ways that enable students to learn at their own pace and that allow for the individual assessment of each student's work. Students who demonstrate their mastery of subjects may earn certificates of completion. MITx operates on a cost-free, open-source, scalable software infrastructure.

The vast array of data gathered through MITx global and residential uses is helping educational researchers better understand how students learn and how technology can facilitate effective teaching both on campus and online. Research findings are then introduced into new generations of learning tools, creating a continuous loop of educational innovation.

MITx also offers MicroMasters programs . MicroMasters programs offer professional and academic credentials for online learners from anywhere in the world. Learners who pass an integrated set of MITx graduate-level courses, and one or more proctored exams, can earn a MicroMasters program credential from MITx, and can then apply for an accelerated, on campus, master’s degree program at MIT or dozens of other pathway universities around the world.

MIT OpenCourseWare

MIT OpenCourseWare  (OCW) is a free, open, publicly accessible online resource that offers high-quality educational materials from more than 2,500 MIT courses—virtually the entire MIT graduate and undergraduate curriculum—reflecting the teaching in all five MIT schools and 33 academic units. This coverage in all disciplines makes OCW unique among open education offerings around the world. OCW is continually being updated, adding new courses as they become available and refreshing existing courses with new materials.

Through OpenCourseWare , MIT faculty share their teaching materials with a global audience of teachers and learners. Educators use these resources for teaching and curriculum development, while students and self-learners draw upon them for self-study or supplementary use. In a typical month, the OCW website attracts about 2 million visits from virtually every country in the world, with more than 500 million visits and 5 billion minutes of use since its launch in 2002.

Beyond its service to a worldwide audience, OpenCourseWare has a significant impact at MIT. Students use OCW resources such as problem sets and exams for study and practice. New first-year students often report that they checked out MIT by looking at OCW before deciding to apply. Instructors regularly refer students to OCW for part of their coursework. OCW staff work extensively with faculty to develop and refine course materials for publication, and faculty frequently use these updated materials in their classroom teaching. Alumni access OCW materials to continue their lifelong learning.

OCW course content includes many thousands of individual resources such as syllabi, lecture notes and videos, problem sets and exams with solutions, reading lists, online textbooks, sample student work, and more. More than 350 courses include videos, which are also shared on the OCW YouTube channel with over 5 million subscribers and millions of views every month. Beyond core academic content, features such as the Educator portal and the Chalk Radio podcast allow MIT faculty to share insights on teaching and pedagogy, while the Stories page lets learners around the world share the impact OCW has had on their lives.

OCW course materials are offered under a Creative Commons license and may be freely used, copied, distributed, translated, and modified by anyone, anywhere in the world for noncommercial purposes.

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MITx Online

Open online courses - from mit.

Learners anywhere in the world can enroll in a course of their choosing and learn for free , or aim to earn a certificate for a low fee .

Courses Open for Enrollment

mit online education

Start Anytime Analysis of Transport Phenomena: Models

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Start Anytime Microstructural Evolution of Materials: Defects and Diffusion

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Starts January 21, 2025 Foundations of Development Policy

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Start Anytime Introduction to Mechanics: Rotational Dynamics

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Start Anytime AP® Microeconomics

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Starts September 4, 2024 Introduction to Differential Equations

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Start Anytime Qualitative Research Methods: Conversational Interviewing

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Start Anytime Cellular Solids

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Starts November 9, 2023 Paradox and Infinity

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Start Anytime Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials

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Start Anytime Introduction to Mechanics: Simple Harmonic Motion and Non-Inertial Reference Frames

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Start Anytime Computational Data Science in Physics I

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Start Anytime Analysis of Transport Phenomena: Scaling

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Start Anytime Analysis of Transport Phenomena: Convection

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Start Anytime Analysis of Transport Phenomena: Electrochemical Transport

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Start Anytime The Iterative Innovation Process

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Start Anytime Math Boot Camp for Engineers

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Start Anytime Tools for Academic Engagement in Public Policy

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Start Anytime Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Part 2: Stress Transformations, Beams, Columns, and Cellular Solids

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Start Anytime Entrepreneurship 102: What can you do for your customer?

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Start Anytime Product and Service Creation in the Internet Age

Why enroll in an mitx online course.

  • Free online courses from MIT, ranked #1 university in the world.
  • Learn from MIT Faculty and access the same course content available to MIT students on campus.
  • Get a certificate signed by MIT faculty to highlight the knowledge and skills you’ve received from your course.

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At MIT, we revel in a culture of learning by doing. In 30 departments across five schools and one college , our students combine analytical rigor with curiosity, playful imagination, and an appetite for solving the hardest problems in service to society . From science and engineering to the arts, humanities, social sciences, and interdisciplinary programs , we offer excellence across the board. 

Our undergraduates work closely with faculty , tackle global challenges , pursue fundamental questions, and translate ideas into action. The core of the Institute’s teaching and research enterprise, our  graduate students and postdocs represent one of the most talented and diverse cohorts in the world. To complement its academics, MIT offers a vibrant campus environment with a wide range of clubs, teams, programs, and activities so that all students can cultivate personal growth, build community, and prioritize wellbeing. 

Schools, Departments & the College

Across MIT, faculty help set the global standard of excellence in their disciplines: They are pioneering scholars who love to teach. Deeply engaged in practice, they topple conventional walls between fields in the push for deeper understanding and fresh ideas. In fact, many faculty actively work in at least one of MIT’s interdisciplinary labs, centers, initiatives, and institutes that target crucial challenges, from clean energy to cancer .

The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing, opened in fall 2019, is a cross-cutting entity with education and research links across all five schools.

Explore Departments

Top Resources

  • Departments by School
  • School of Architecture and Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • MIT Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • MIT Schwarzman College of Computing

Teaching & Learning

Our campus is a workshop for inventing the future and we are all apprentices, learning from each other as we go. Because we like to make things, and we like to make an impact, iconic courses like  2.009  emphasize designing, inventing, collaborating, and translating students’ expertise to reach the world. Through signature experiential learning programs like UROP , UPOP ,  MISTI , PKG , IAP , D-Lab , and Sandbox , students can pursue virtually infinite co-curricular and extracurricular projects — here at MIT, throughout the Greater Boston innovation hub, and around the world. Honeycombed with legendary laboratories and dozens of makerspaces , a wind tunnel, a research nuclear reactor, and a glass lab , our campus of idiosyncratically numbered buildings adds up to a prime spot to make the most of your potential.

  • Registrar’s Office
  • Course Catalog (MIT Bulletin)
  • Office of the First Year
  • Office of Graduate Education
  • Office of Experiential Learning
  • Teaching + Learning Lab
  • Undergraduate Advising Center
  • Open Learning

MIT is pioneering new ways of teaching and learning, on our campus and around the world, by inventing and leveraging digital technologies. MITx , the Institute’s portfolio of massively open online courses, offers flexible access to a range of interactive courses developed and taught by instructors from MIT. Another MIT innovation — the MicroMasters credential — is increasingly recognized by industry leaders hiring new talent. And MIT’s original digital learning option, OpenCourseWare , continues to offer teachers and learners worldwide the materials for more than 2,500 MIT courses, freely available online.

  • First-year STEM Classes from MIT
  • OpenCourseWare
  • MITx Micromasters
  • Residential Digital Innovations

Professional & Executive Education

For executives, managers, entrepreneurs, and technical professionals eager to tap fresh thinking and new research from MIT, we offer dozens of executive and professional programs. Some are online. Some are on campus. Ranging from two days to 20 months, they all share MIT’s signature focus on practical solutions for the real world.

  • Professional & Executive Learning
  • MIT Professional Education – School of Engineering
  • Sloan School of Management Executive Education

K-12 Resources

We delight in the beauty and creative power of science, technology, engineering, and math, and we make a special effort to spark that same passion in students from kindergarten through high school — in school, after school, and over the summer. Locally, we engage students, teachers, and families with a range of hands-on K-12 offerings, from structured field trips to MIT’s Edgerton Center  to programs designed to encourage girls in their love of technology and science. We also offer an array of resources for teachers , to help them make science and engineering easy to grasp and irresistibly interesting.

  • K-12 Science & Engineering Opportunities
  • OpenCourseWare Highlights for High School
  • K-12 Outreach
  • App Inventor
  • Teaching Systems Lab
  • Lemelson-MIT Program

See Inside Education

A student wearing safety goggles and and an instructor work together.

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MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  • Machine learning
  • Sustainability
  • Black holes
  • Classes and programs


  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Brain and Cognitive Sciences
  • Architecture
  • Political Science
  • Mechanical Engineering

Centers, Labs, & Programs

  • Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL)
  • Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
  • Lincoln Laboratory
  • School of Architecture + Planning
  • School of Engineering
  • School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences
  • Sloan School of Management
  • School of Science
  • MIT Schwarzman College of Computing

How free online courses from MIT can “transform the future of the world”

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Male instructor teaches in front of a blackboard that contains a series of terms including "plasma ion source," and "collision reaction cell."  He is holding a small round lightbulb in one hand and a long fluorescent lightbulb in the other.

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From full introductory courses in engineering, psychology, and computer science to lectures about financial concepts, linguistics, and music, the MIT OpenCourseWare YouTube channel has it all — offering millions of learners around the world a pathway to develop new skills and broaden their knowledge base with free offerings from MIT educators.

“I believe OpenCourseWare and Open Learning resources will transform the future of the world for the better — in financial markets I know it already has,” says Michael Pilgreen, a sculptor, painter, and poet from Memphis, Tennessee, who discovered OpenCourseWare when he found himself unemployed in 2020 and used it to jumpstart a new career on Wall Street. 

After watching several lectures about finance, computer science, programming, mathematics, and algorithms on the OpenCourseWare YouTube channel and website, Pilgreen enrolled in the MITx MicroMasters program in finance. He is now a business operations specialist for the Jameel World Education Lab at MIT Open Learning, where he helps the lab bring MIT ideas and know-how to educational innovators worldwide. 

“MIT OpenCourseWare opens the doors to conversations that were previously closed to learners by geography, time, and class,” Pilgreen says. “As an open learner, I was able to leverage the best instructors in the world from my living room, and turn my time being unemployed into a productive period acquiring the skills I needed to work on Wall Street.”

OpenCourseWare is the brainchild of MIT faculty members. The platform was launched in 2001 when the age of digital sharing was just getting started, establishing MIT as the first higher education institution to make educational resources freely available to learners regardless of geographical location or institutional affiliation. Four years later in 2005, OpenCourseWare created a YouTube channel to further its commitment to accessibility and lifelong learning.

Today, OpenCourseWare — part of MIT Open Learning — remains a global model for open sharing in higher education, with an open license that allows the remix and reuse of its educational resources. OpenCourseWare offers materials on its website from more than 2,500 courses that span the MIT undergraduate and graduate curriculum. Educational resources include syllabi, lecture notes, problem sets, assignments, audiovisual content, and insights. 

“We almost take for granted the idea that an enormous amount of outstanding educational content is available to anyone in the world with an internet connection,” says MIT President Sally Kornbluth. “Yet, the fact that this is now the norm has a great deal to do with a groundbreaking project launched at MIT in 2001. OpenCourseWare changed the landscape of education, and it continues to inspire students, teachers, and lifelong learners around the globe to follow their curiosity wherever it leads.”

Curt Newton, OpenCourseWare’s publication director, says the platform inspires millions of curious and motivated learners every year. With over 5 million subscribers and 430 million views, OpenCourseWare stands out as the largest .edu YouTube channel. The channel opens a window into MIT classrooms, giving learners the opportunity to pursue their interests, develop new skills, and even switch careers.

“Videos on our YouTube channel have proven to be an especially effective meeting place,” Newton says. “From introductions to computer programming and the human brain to what it's like to pilot an advanced jet aircraft , these videos are both a complete learning experience in themselves and an entry into even more expansive worlds of learning found on the OpenCourseWare website.”

Emmanuel Kasigazi, an entrepreneur from Uganda, turned to YouTube during the Covid-19 lockdowns and found hundreds of complete lectures on the OpenCourseWare YouTube channel. He explored psychology, cloud computing, data science, and artificial intelligence. 

“The channel opened my eyes to something I didn’t know was reachable,” Kasigazi says. “The psychology classes I took are 24 episodes; each episode is around 40 minutes. That’s a season of 'Grey’s Anatomy.' It’s amazing that I could spend the same amount of time on two different things, but one of them would change my life, my mindset, and the other would just give me a small dopamine boost.”

Video thumbnail

During his learning journey, Kasigazi also gained a community of open learners. He has teamed up with Pilgreen to shine light on the educational adventures of fellow OpenCourseWare learners. The duo is working on a podcast that will launch this fall. 

“From the channel itself you get great value, but then you pull back the curtain and get to meet the people on the OpenCourseWare team, and it’s amazing,” Kasigazi says. “It’s incredible the people I get to talk to — all because I decided to watch something on YouTube. The most impactful thing I've gotten from this channel is the people I’ve met along the way and the things I’m learning.”

While learners get to expand their knowledge base through these free, publicly accessible videos, MIT faculty members preserve their knowledge for generations to come. 

The late professor Patrick Winston's foundational AI lectures have long been popular on OpenCourseWare. His “ How to Speak ” lecture, published on the OpenCourseWare YouTube channel in 2018, has become the most popular video on the channel with 18 million views. Winston's annual talk, which had long been a revered event for the MIT community, has now helped millions of people improve their speaking abilities — from conversing with someone one-on-one to presenting research to nailing job interviews.

Gilbert Strang, a world-renowned mathematician, was one of the first professors to publish his lectures on OpenCourseWare. Today, his linear algebra courses have received more than 15 million visits on OpenCourseWare’s website and over 34 million views on YouTube. 

Andrea Henshall, a retired major in the U.S. Air Force, credits her academic success to Strang’s lectures on OpenCourseWare — and other MIT open educational resources. Henshall discovered Strang’s videos after struggling during her first semester of her master’s program in aeronautics and astronautics at MIT. By the end of her master’s program, Henshall was getting A's in all her courses. She is now pursuing a PhD at MIT.

Although Strang has recently retired from MIT after 63 years of teaching, his lessons will continue to be available online to learners in every country on Earth.

“Great teaching is timeless, from the insightful teaching of decades past to our newest video series — an introduction to using data to address cultural, social, economic, and policy questions, created by Sara Ellison and Nobel laureate Esther Duflo,” Newton says. “We’re honored to be preserving and sharing this knowledge for generations to come.” 

MIT OpenCourseWare publishes new content regularly on its YouTube channel and website. Brett Paci, OpenCourseWare’s media publication manager, produces the podcast episodes and many of the video lectures published on the YouTube channel. He considers the channel a “gift to the world.”

“It’s very much in the spirit and mission of MIT to contribute to the global collective knowledge and facilitate learning,” Paci says. “It’s a mission we can be proud of.”

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  • MIT OpenCourseWare YouTube Channel
  • Video: "How MIT OpenCourseWare and MITx helped Air Force veteran soar"
  • Video: "MIT OpenCourseWare: The foundation of free access to education"
  • MIT OpenCourseWare
  • MIT Open Learning

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Technology is advancing at an ever faster pace and keeping on top of the latest technologies, and their applications in business, has never been more important. The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing offers several programs to help individuals and organizations build a foundational understanding of new technologies, scope the potential of those technologies, and connect with a global network of peers. Moving beyond traditional offerings, our programs are designed to build practical knowledge in technical areas that can be applied in the workplace for immediate results.

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Become financially savvy with free online courses from MIT

Become financially savvy with free online courses from MIT

By Katherine Ouellette

Financial acumen is key in today’s fast-paced world and competitive job market. Understanding financial principles enhances your ability to make informed business decisions, contribute strategically to your organization’s success, and manage your money. Whether you’re in a field that intersects with finance or just looking to elevate your knowledge of financial concepts, explore MIT Open Learning’s free and low-cost online courses and resources available through MIT OpenCourseWare, MITx, and MITx MicroMasters.

Personal financial literacy

  • AP® Microeconomics : Learn how individuals and businesses make the decisions that drive our economy.
  • Finance Theory I : Discover the core theory of modern financial economics and financial management, with a focus on capital markets and investments.
  • Financial Regulation: From the Global Financial Crisis to Fintech and the COVID Pandemic : Explore how regulations and their effectiveness are shaped by the interplay between the financial industry and its regulators.
  • Just Money: Banking as if Society Mattered : Learn how banks can use capital as a tool to promote social and environmental well-being.
  • Investments : Dive into financial theory and empirical evidence for making investment decisions.

Financial technologies

  • FinTech: Shaping the World : Learn how new financial technologies are driving change in business models, products, applications, and user interfaces.
  • The Analytics Edge : Discover the power of data and use analytics to provide an edge to your career and your life.
  • Analytics of Finance : Examine the key quantitative methods of finance.
  • Blockchain and Money : Explore blockchain technology’s potential to change the world of money and finance.
  • Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance : Dive into the essential mathematical foundations for financial engineering and quantitative finance. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance .)

The psychology of finance

  • Adaptive Markets: Financial Market Dynamics and Human Behavior : Discover a new way of thinking about financial markets, institutions, and innovation using concepts from evolutionary biology, cognitive neuroscience, and artificial intelligence.
  • Finance and Society : Explore a multidimensional view of finance as an economic, political, cultural, intellectual, material, and technological phenomenon.
  • Psychology and Economics : Learn how to incorporate insights from psychology and other social sciences into economics.

Financial industry

  • Foundations of Modern Finance I : Explore a mathematically rigorous framework to understand financial markets delivered with data-driven insights from MIT professors. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance.)
  • Foundations of Modern Finance II : Learn fundamental principles of modern finance, including valuation models, methods for risk analysis, derivative instruments, and investment management. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance.)
  • Derivatives Markets: Advanced Modeling and Strategies : Obtain a sophisticated understanding of valuation methods for quantifying, hedging, and speculating on risk for major markets and instruments. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance.)
  • Financial Accounting : Learn how to analyze financial statements and valuation models to assess corporate performance. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance.)
  • Mathematical Methods for Quantitative Finance : Dive into the essential mathematical foundations for financial engineering and quantitative finance. (This course is part of the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance.)
  • Topics in Mathematics with Applications in Finance : Explore mathematical concepts and techniques used in the financial industry.

Finance for other industries

  • Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship Finance : Dive into the basics of financial literacy, financial modeling, funding sources, raising capital, and valuation analysis.
  • Healthcare Finance : Explore the role of finance in the healthcare industry, focusing on novel financing methods to facilitate drug discovery, clinical development, and greater patient access to high-cost therapies.
  • Nuts and Bolts of Business Plans : Learn how to launch a new venture plan.
  • Real Estate Finance and Investment : Discover the most fundamental concepts, principles, analytical methods, and tools useful for making investment and finance decisions regarding commercial real estate assets.
  • The Science and Business of Biotechnology : Explore novel business and financing models for commercializing the latest scientific innovations in biotechnology.

Ready to take a deeper dive into the world of finance?

Meet the complex demands of today’s global finance markets with the MITx MicroMasters Program in Finance  — five courses developed and delivered by MIT Sloan faculty. MITx MicroMasters can help you accelerate your career or fast-track your masters degree.

These course materials and resources are available through MIT OpenCourseWare, MITx, and MITx MicroMasters, which are part of MIT Open Learning. OpenCourseWare offers free, online, open educational resources from more than 2,500 courses that span the MIT undergraduate and graduate curriculum. MITx offers hundreds of high-quality massive open online courses adapted from the MIT classroom for learners worldwide. The MITx MicroMasters Programs provide an affordable, accelerated, and convenient path to a master’s degree. The credential itself is also valuable for professionals as they move through their careers.

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Become financially savvy with free online courses from MIT was originally published in MIT Open Learning on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Humanitarian Logistics - SCM 283x online course

Learn how humanitarian logistics delivers essential goods and services to save lives, alleviate suffering, and maintain human dignity.


Explore how supply chain management concepts and methods can be applied within dynamic, resource-constrained contexts. In this course, you will learn how to professionally plan emergency operations that deliver essential goods and services to people affected by natural disaster, epidemic, pandemic, famine, armed conflict, complex emergency, and other humanitarian crises. Course topics are also foundational for understanding how international and economic development efforts support market resilience in meeting community needs during crisis.

You will apply fundamental principles and analytical models to create timely, effective, and efficient supply chain plans. You will learn about the nature of humanitarian contexts and the structure of emergency response systems in order to professionally communicate plans and coordinate operations. Principles and models in this course are adapted to apply to different planning phases: disaster preparedness, emergency response, and protracted crisis.

There is growing demand for humanitarian logistics professionals given increasing climate change, conflict, social vulnerability, and supply chain complexity.

This course is designed to accommodate students from various backgrounds, including those with limited supply chain or humanitarian experience. It can be an avenue into:

Experienced and mid-career supply chain professionals will enjoy learning how crisis contexts challenge your instincts in applying your skills toward humanitarian causes. Humanitarian response and emergency management professionals will gain a deeper understanding of how logistics systems work and learn how to collaborate with supply chain professionals in planning a more effective response.

This course is created by the MIT Center for Transportation & Logistics, which houses the #1 ranked MIT Supply Chain Management Master’s program, and which also offers the global MITx MicroMasters credential program in Supply Chain Management.

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How Online Learning Helps Women in STEM: Perspectives from MIT xPRO Learners

By: MIT xPRO on March 20th, 2024 4 Minute Read

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How Online Learning Helps Women in STEM: Perspectives from MIT xPRO Learners

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A survey conducted by global consulting firm McKinsey & Company revealed that “during the first 12 months of the pandemic, top-decile economic performers innovated nearly twice as fast as their low-performing peers in generating new products and services.” 

Although research shows there are no cognitive biological differences between women’s and men’s science and math abilities, women remain underrepresented in STEM jobs, constituting just 35% of the lucrative STEM workforce . The factors contributing to this gender gap are varied, and the barriers are more significant for women of color.

Women in STEM who choose to have families face even more obstacles, as working women are more likely than working men to adjust their careers for the family and take on household responsibilities . The current childcare crisis is only making matters worse.  

AAUW, an organization leading the fight for fair pay and economic opportunity for women, suggests that “work[ing] to retain and promote women throughout their careers with strong advancement pipelines and continued professional development and leadership training” is critical to closing the STEM gap. 

Online learning is an excellent opportunity for women in STEM to advance their careers and continue their professional development due to its flexibility, accessibility, and feasible time commitment. 

In honor of Women's History Month, MIT xPRO recently asked women who have taken our courses how online learning has helped them achieve their goals.

Online Learning Is Flexible

Many online learning courses are asynchronous , allowing for increased flexibility. Learners can complete work at their own pace without worrying about attending classes at set times. 

“Online learning has definitely changed the way I can advance in my career,” said Irina Winter-Arboleda, who completed the course Executive Leadership Principles and works as an Internal Auditor in Quantitative Modeling at Fannie Mae. “I have the flexibility of taking classes while working remotely and still have time to take care of my home.”

Janet Dickinson, Chief Operating Officer at Endeavor 3D, agreed, “Online courses provide the flexibility needed to balance work, home, and learning.” Janet took Additive Manufacturing for Innovative Design and Production to deepen her understanding of industrial 3D printing.

Dayse Araujo, a System Engineer at Boeing, shared that she has been taking the online course Architecture and Systems Engineering: Models and Methods to Manage Complex Systems while on maternity leave. “The flexibility helped me a lot with my new routine and [made] this course possible to me,” said Dayse. 

Online Learning Is Accessible 

Online learning empowers anyone to take courses from highly reputable institutions like MIT from anywhere in the world without going through a lengthy application process. All you need is an internet connection, and you can access the courses from the comfort and convenience of your home.

“If the classes were held only in person, I wouldn't have been able to attend,” said Janet. “The time it would have taken in person would have disrupted my ability to maintain the other aspects of my life.”

Other learners agreed, saying they wouldn't have been able to take a break from their careers or leave their kids.

Online Learning Is Reasonable 

Time and monetary constraints can prohibit women in STEM from continuing their education. However, online learning is generally less expensive and time-consuming than in-person programs. With no expectations to commute to campus regularly or travel for an immersive in-person experience, women in STEM can fit online learning into lives that pull them in many directions.

Irina recalls, “We had a last-minute trip to Virginia to attend my husband’s graduation. I had to take a couple of days out of work, and since my classes were online, I was able to finish the last assignments while traveling and the kids were playing in the other room.” 

Enroll in an Online Course to Achieve Your Goals 

There is, of course, much work to be done to close the STEM gap and empower women to thrive in careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. 

During early education, teachers and parents can stop underestimating girls’ math and science abilities due to gender stereotypes and make an effort to expose them to role models who look like them. Colleges and universities can create more welcoming and inclusive cultures for women pursuing STEM degrees. The workforce can eliminate pay disparities that result in women in STEM earning less than men. 

MIT xPRO is committed to doing our part to close the STEM gap by providing learning opportunities to women in STEM.

“Institutions like MIT xPRO offer a wealth of knowledge, allowing learners to enhance their expertise within a well-established educational framework. The results are nothing short of remarkable: comprehensive learning experiences delivered through a proven platform. It helped me understand a new industry,” said Janet. 

Check out MIT xPRO’s course catalog to learn more about our online learning offerings.

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More durable metals for fusion power reactors

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For many decades, nuclear fusion power has been viewed as the ultimate energy source. A fusion power plant could generate carbon-free energy at a scale needed to address climate change. And it could be fueled by deuterium recovered from an essentially endless source — seawater. Decades of work and billions of dollars in research funding have yielded many advances, but challenges remain. To Ju Li, the TEPCO Professor in Nuclear Science and Engineering and a professor of materials science and engineering at MIT, there are still two big challenges. The first is to build a fusion power plant that generates more energy than is put into it; in other words, it produces a net output of power. Researchers worldwide are making progress toward meeting that goal. The second challenge that Li cites sounds straightforward: “How do we get the heat out?” But understanding the problem and finding a solution are both far from obvious. Research in the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) includes development and testing of advanced materials that may help address those challenges, as well as many other challenges of the energy transition. MITEI has multiple corporate members that have been supporting MIT’s efforts to advance technologies required to harness fusion energy.

An abundance of helium, a destructive force

Key to a fusion reactor is a superheated plasma — an ionized gas — that’s reacting inside a vacuum vessel. As light atoms in the plasma combine to form heavier ones, they release fast neutrons with high kinetic energy that shoot through the surrounding vacuum vessel into a coolant. During this process, those fast neutrons gradually lose their energy by causing radiation damage and generating heat. The heat that’s transferred to the coolant is eventually used to raise steam that drives an electricity-generating turbine. The problem is finding a material for the vacuum vessel that remains strong enough to keep the reacting plasma and the coolant apart, while allowing the fast neutrons to pass through to the coolant. If one considers only the damage due to neutrons knocking atoms out of position in the metal structure, the vacuum vessel should last a full decade. However, depending on what materials are used in the fabrication of the vacuum vessel, some projections indicate that the vacuum vessel will last only six to 12 months. Why is that? Today’s nuclear fission reactors also generate neutrons, and those reactors last far longer than a year. The difference is that fusion neutrons possess much higher kinetic energy than fission neutrons do, and as they penetrate the vacuum vessel walls, some of them interact with the nuclei of atoms in the structural material, giving off particles that rapidly turn into helium atoms. The result is hundreds of times more helium atoms than are present in a fission reactor. Those helium atoms look for somewhere to land — a place with low “embedding energy,” a measure that indicates how much energy it takes for a helium atom to be absorbed. As Li explains, “The helium atoms like to go to places with low helium embedding energy.” And in the metals used in fusion vacuum vessels, there are places with relatively low helium embedding energy — namely, naturally occurring openings called grain boundaries. Metals are made up of individual grains inside which atoms are lined up in an orderly fashion. Where the grains come together there are gaps where the atoms don’t line up as well. That open space has relatively low helium embedding energy, so the helium atoms congregate there. Worse still, helium atoms have a repellent interaction with other atoms, so the helium atoms basically push open the grain boundary. Over time, the opening grows into a continuous crack, and the vacuum vessel breaks. That congregation of helium atoms explains why the structure fails much sooner than expected based just on the number of helium atoms that are present. Li offers an analogy to illustrate. “Babylon is a city of a million people. But the claim is that 100 bad persons can destroy the whole city — if all those bad persons work at the city hall.” The solution? Give those bad persons other, more attractive places to go, ideally in their own villages. To Li, the problem and possible solution are the same in a fusion reactor. If many helium atoms go to the grain boundary at once, they can destroy the metal wall. The solution? Add a small amount of a material that has a helium embedding energy even lower than that of the grain boundary. And over the past two years, Li and his team have demonstrated — both theoretically and experimentally — that their diversionary tactic works. By adding nanoscale particles of a carefully selected second material to the metal wall, they’ve found they can keep the helium atoms that form from congregating in the structurally vulnerable grain boundaries in the metal.

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Looking for helium-absorbing compounds

To test their idea, So Yeon Kim ScD ’23 of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Haowei Xu PhD ’23 of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering acquired a sample composed of two materials, or “phases,” one with a lower helium embedding energy than the other. They and their collaborators then implanted helium ions into the sample at a temperature similar to that in a fusion reactor and watched as bubbles of helium formed. Transmission electron microscope images confirmed that the helium bubbles occurred predominantly in the phase with the lower helium embedding energy. As Li notes, “All the damage is in that phase — evidence that it protected the phase with the higher embedding energy.” Having confirmed their approach, the researchers were ready to  search  for helium-absorbing compounds that would work well with iron, which is often the principal metal in vacuum vessel walls. “But calculating helium embedding energy for all sorts of different materials would be computationally demanding and expensive,” says Kim. “We wanted to find a metric that is easy to compute and a reliable indicator of helium embedding energy.” They found such a metric: the “atomic-scale free volume,” which is basically the maximum size of the internal vacant space available for helium atoms to potentially settle. “This is just the radius of the largest sphere that can fit into a given crystal structure,” explains Kim. “It is a simple calculation.” Examination of a series of possible helium-absorbing ceramic materials confirmed that atomic free volume correlates well with helium embedding energy. Moreover, many of the ceramics they investigated have higher free volume, thus lower embedding energy, than the grain boundaries do. However, in order to identify options for the nuclear fusion application, the screening needed to include some other factors. For example, in addition to the atomic free volume, a good second phase must be mechanically robust (able to sustain a load); it must not get very radioactive with neutron exposure; and it must be compatible — but not too cozy — with the surrounding metal, so it disperses well but does not dissolve into the metal. “We want to disperse the ceramic phase uniformly in the bulk metal to ensure that all grain boundary regions are close to the dispersed ceramic phase so it can provide protection to those regions,” says Li. “The two phases need to coexist, so the ceramic won’t either clump together or totally dissolve in the iron.” Using their analytical tools, Kim and Xu examined about 50,000 compounds and identified 750 potential candidates. Of those, a good option for inclusion in a vacuum vessel wall made mainly of iron was iron silicate.

Experimental testing

The researchers were ready to examine samples in the lab. To make the composite material for proof-of-concept  demonstrations , Kim and collaborators dispersed nanoscale particles of iron silicate into iron and implanted helium into that composite material. She took X-ray diffraction (XRD) images before and after implanting the helium and also computed the XRD patterns. The ratio between the implanted helium and the dispersed iron silicate was carefully controlled to allow a direct comparison between the experimental and computed XRD patterns. The measured XRD intensity changed with the helium implantation exactly as the calculations had predicted. “That agreement confirms that atomic helium is being stored within the bulk lattice of the iron silicate,” says Kim. To follow up, Kim directly counted the number of helium bubbles in the composite. In iron samples without the iron silicate added, grain boundaries were flanked by many helium bubbles. In contrast, in the iron samples with the iron silicate ceramic phase added, helium bubbles were spread throughout the material, with many fewer occurring along the grain boundaries. Thus, the iron silicate had provided sites with low helium-embedding energy that lured the helium atoms away from the grain boundaries, protecting those vulnerable openings and preventing cracks from opening up and causing the vacuum vessel to fail catastrophically. The researchers conclude that adding just 1 percent (by volume) of iron silicate to the iron walls of the vacuum vessel will cut the number of helium bubbles in half and also reduce their diameter by 20 percent — “and having a lot of small bubbles is OK if they’re not in the grain boundaries,” explains Li.

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Thus far, Li and his team have gone from computational studies of the problem and a possible solution to experimental demonstrations that confirm their approach. And they’re well on their way to commercial fabrication of components. “We’ve made powders that are compatible with existing commercial 3D printers and are preloaded with helium-absorbing ceramics,” says Li. The helium-absorbing nanoparticles are well dispersed and should provide sufficient helium uptake to protect the vulnerable grain boundaries in the structural metals of the vessel walls. While Li confirms that there’s more scientific and engineering work to be done, he, along with Alexander O’Brien PhD ’23 of the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering and Kang Pyo So, a former postdoc in the same department, have already developed a startup company that’s ready to 3D print structural materials that can meet all the challenges faced by the vacuum vessel inside a fusion reactor. This research was supported by Eni S.p.A. through the MIT Energy Initiative. Additional support was provided by a Kwajeong Scholarship; the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Laboratory Directed Research and Development program at Idaho National Laboratory; U.S. DOE Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; and Creative Materials Discovery Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea.

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Vergleich einiger der wichtigsten Vorteile des Online-Lernens mit denen des Offline-Lernens.

Wenn Sie Ihr Team am Arbeitsplatz weiterbilden, wägen Sie vielleicht die Vorteile des Online-Lernens gegenüber dem Offline-Lernen für Ihr Unternehmen ab.

In diesem Artikel befassen wir uns mit den Vorteilen des Online-Lernens und der neuesten Lerntechnologien zur Erreichung Ihrer L&D-Ziele im Vergleich zum traditionellen Ansatz des Offline-Lernens in einem Klassenzimmer oder Schulungsraum. 

Vorteile des Online-Lernens


Online-Lernen ist für jeden und überall leicht zugänglich. Das Lernen muss nicht auf Personen beschränkt sein, die zu einer bestimmten Zeit an einem bestimmten Ort sein können. Das macht das Lernen zugänglicher und die Vermittlung einfacher und fairer.


Ort, Gerät, Zeit - alles ist beim Online-Lernen flexibler, als es beim Offline-Lernen der Fall wäre. Sowohl Sie als auch Ihre Lernenden haben mehr Kontrolle über ihre Lernerfahrung.


Beim Online-Lernen ist es einfacher, die Lerninhalte für eine beliebige Anzahl von Lernenden gleichzeitig zu vermitteln. Dies ist ein Vorteil gegenüber dem Offline-Lernen, bei dem die Größe des Klassenzimmers erhöht werden muss, um der steigenden Zahl der Lernenden gerecht zu werden, oder bei dem das Lernen auf eine größere Anzahl von Sitzungen verteilt werden muss, was die Kosten, die Zeit und die Ressourcen erhöht, die für die Durchführung des Lernens erforderlich sind. 

Mit dem Online-Lernen können Sie eine weitaus größere Vielfalt an Kursen und Lernwegen anbieten, als dies beim Offline-Lernen je möglich wäre. Dies macht es für die Lernenden einfacher, maßgeschneiderte Lernwege zu beschreiten.

Niedrigere Kosten

Online-Lernen hilft Ihnen und Ihren Lernenden, Geld für Raummiete, Reisekosten und andere Kosten zu sparen, die entstehen, wenn Menschen an einem einzigen Ort zusammenkommen.

Mehr Komfort

Da die Lernenden die Freiheit haben, zu lernen, wo sie wollen, wann sie wollen und was sie tragen wollen, kann das Online-Lernen zwangloser und bequemer sein als das Offline-Lernen.

Erhöhte Interaktivität

Technologie wie H5P macht es einfacher, ansprechendere multimediale Lernerfahrungen zu schaffen, als es in einem Klassenzimmer möglich oder sinnvoll wäre.

Vorteile des Offline-Lernens

Interaktion von angesicht zu angesicht.

Es gibt offensichtliche Vorteile der direkten menschlichen Interaktion, die mit dem Offline-Lernen einhergehen. Auch wenn Webkonferenzen beim Online-Lernen die Kluft überbrückt haben, ist es immer noch von Vorteil, wenn Lernende und Lehrende gemeinsam in einem Raum sitzen. Das Gleiche gilt für die Zusammenarbeit mit Gleichaltrigen.

Stärkere Konzentration

Einige Lernende fühlen sich vielleicht verantwortlich oder fühlen einen sozialen Druck, besser aufzupassen, wenn sie sich im selben Raum wie der Dozent befinden, als wenn sie aus der Ferne lernen würden. Man ist sich vielleicht bewusst, dass man unhöflich erscheinen könnte. 

Direkte Aufsicht

Das Offline-Lernen bietet sich für eine direkte Betreuung an, insbesondere bei praktischen Tätigkeiten. In einigen Fällen kann dies durch Videokonferenzen oder Videoübertragungen erreicht werden, aber es hat offensichtliche Vorteile, wenn ein Tutor einige Aktivitäten aus der Nähe beobachtet.

Geringere Investitionen

Wenn Sie schon immer Offline-Schulungen angeboten haben, können Sie möglicherweise ohne die für den Kauf eines LMS erforderlichen Investitionen weitermachen. Die Kehrseite ist, dass Sie nicht in der Lage sein werden, die Einsparungen an Zeit, Geld und Ressourcen zu erzielen, die wir in Bezug auf das Online-Lernen erwähnt haben. 

Was ist besser: Online-Lernen oder Offline-Lernen?

Wie wir oben gesehen haben, haben sowohl das Online-Lernen als auch das Offline-Lernen ihre Vorteile. Welche Methode am besten geeignet ist, hängt von den Umständen ab, unter denen Sie die Lerninhalte vermitteln wollen. Zu den Faktoren, die dies beeinflussen, gehören:

Distanz zwischen Lernenden und Lehrenden

Wenn Sie an ein verstreutes Publikum liefern, ist Online-Lernen nicht nur vorzuziehen, sondern auch eine Notwendigkeit. Einer der Hauptvorteile des Online-Lernens besteht darin, dass es viel einfacher ist, entfernte Lernende zu erreichen.

Die Anzahl der Lernenden

Je größer die Zahl der Lernenden ist, desto wahrscheinlicher ist es, dass Online-Lernen die beste Option ist. Es mag sinnvoll sein, eine Handvoll Lernende in einem Klassenzimmer zusammenzubringen, aber sobald die Teilnehmerzahlen steigen, wird das unpraktisch und Online-Lernen ist besser.

Der Gegenstand 

Einige Fächer lassen sich am besten persönlich unterrichten, andere eignen sich besser für das Online-Lernen, und die meisten Fächer können entweder online oder offline unterrichtet werden. Autofahren ist ein gutes Beispiel für ein Fach, bei dem Offline-Lernen die naheliegende Wahl ist. Das Gleiche gilt für andere praktische Tätigkeiten, die entweder potenziell gefährlich sind oder von einem Tutor genau beobachtet werden müssen.

Technologie und Infrastruktur

Wir arbeiten mit Organisationen wie Save the Children zusammen, für die das Online-Lernen die bevorzugte, aber manchmal unmögliche Option für ihr Team an gefährlichen oder abgelegenen Orten ist. 

Online-Lernen vs. Offline-Lernen: die Schlussfolgerung

Welcher Weg für Sie der beste ist, hängt davon ab, welche Lerninhalte Sie vermitteln wollen und wen Sie damit erreichen wollen. Während das Online-Lernen in den allermeisten Fällen die weitaus kostengünstigere und vielseitigere Option darstellt, ist das Offline-Lernen manchmal die bessere oder einzige praktikable Möglichkeit.

Wir empfehlen Ihnen, Ihrer Organisation das Beste aus beiden Welten zu bieten: ein LMS , das Ihre Online-Lernziele erfüllt, aber auch über die Tools und die Infrastruktur verfügt, um Offline-Lernen und Blended Learning zu verwalten.

Auf diese Weise können Sie Offline-Learning anbieten, wenn es sinnvoll ist, aber weiterhin Dinge wie Anwesenheit, Benotung und Berichterstattung in Ihrem LMS konsolidieren. Dies bringt zumindest einige der Kosten- und Effizienzeinsparungen des Online-Lernens für Ihr Offline-Lernen.

Sprechen Sie mit uns über Online- oder Blended Learning

Setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, um zu besprechen, wie ein maßgeschneidertes LMS Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Ziele beim Online-Lernen oder Blended Learning zu erreichen.

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Wir melden uns bei Ihnen!

Ganz gleich, ob Sie Ihre derzeitige Plattform aufrüsten, mit einem LMS Ihrer Wahl von Grund auf neu beginnen oder eine Anleitung benötigen, wo Sie beginnen sollen – wir helfen Ihnen gerne!

Lerntipps direkt in Ihrem Posteingang

Bleiben Sie auf dem Laufenden über die neuesten Lerntechnologien, E-Learning-Einblicke und Ratschläge, wie Sie die die besten Ergebnisse für Ihre Lernenden und Ihre Plattformen zu erzielen. Melden Sie sich an, um regelmäßige E-Mail-Updates zu erhalten.

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Vorteile von Online-Lernprogrammen

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Fernunterricht bietet neue Werkzeuge für den Erfolg

Im digitalen Zeitalter ist die Bildung nicht mehr auf die vier Wände eines Klassenzimmers beschränkt. Online-Lernen und Fernunterricht haben sich als bahnbrechende Neuerungen erwiesen. Für Schüler und Studenten eröffnet sich durch das einfache Einloggen ins Internet eine riesige Welt des Fernunterrichts zu praktisch jedem Thema. Für Lehrer bietet das Online-Lernen neue Möglichkeiten, Schüler zu erreichen und ihnen zum Erfolg zu verhelfen.

In diesem Artikel werden wir die vielen Vorteile des Online-Lernens erörtern, von Flexibilität und Zugänglichkeit bis hin zu Kosteneffizienz und Anpassungsfähigkeit. Es gibt viel zu mögen (wir fügen eine kurze Liste bei), egal ob Sie ein Lehrer sind, der gerade die digitale Bildung erkundet, oder ein Student, der erwägt, sich für seinen ersten Online-Kurs einzuschreiben. Wir gehen auch auf einige bewährte Verfahren ein, damit jeder das Beste aus dem Online-Lernen machen kann.

Vorteile des Online-Lernens

Der vielleicht bekannteste Vorteil des Online-Lernens ist seine Flexibilität. Das Leben ist hektisch, und Zeit für Bildung zu finden, kann eine Herausforderung sein. Beim Online-Lernen können Sie Ihren Lernplan an Ihre Lebensgewohnheiten anpassen, egal ob Sie eine Nachteule oder ein Frühaufsteher sind, was es Ihnen erleichtert, Schule, Arbeit und familiäre Verpflichtungen unter einen Hut zu bringen.

Ein weiterer Vorteil ist die Zugänglichkeit des Online-Lernens. Wenn Sie eine Internetverbindung haben, können Sie lernen, egal wo Sie sind. Dadurch entfällt die Notwendigkeit, zur Schule zu pendeln, was Zeit und Geld spart, und man hat Zugang zu Kursen und Universitäten, die sonst vielleicht geografisch unerreichbar wären. Das demokratisiert die Bildung, überwindet geografische Barrieren und bringt Lernende und Lehrende einander näher.

Ein weiterer Vorteil des Online-Lernens ist, dass es sehr kostengünstig ist. Traditionelle Bildungsprogramme können teuer sein; die Kosten für Studiengebühren, Unterkunft, Transport und Lernmaterial können sich schnell summieren. Bei Online-Programmen können viele dieser Kosten entfallen, so dass eine hochwertige Ausbildung erschwinglicher und für ein breiteres Publikum zugänglich wird.

Schließlich kann das Online-Lernen eine sehr individuelle Lernerfahrung bieten. Beim Online-Lernen haben Sie die Kontrolle. Die Schüler können in ihrem eigenen Tempo lernen, schwierige Themen wiederholen, bekannte Themen überspringen und sich auf das konzentrieren, was für sie am wichtigsten ist. Dieser personalisierte Ansatz kann zu einem besseren Verständnis und Behalten des Wissens führen - und auch Zeit sparen.

Arten von Online-Lerntools

Wenn es um Online-Lernen geht, sind die jüngsten Fortschritte in der Bildungstechnologie der beste Verbündete des Lehrers geworden. Es war noch nie so einfach, ansprechende und interaktive virtuelle Lernumgebungen zu finden.

Webinare - eine Kurzbezeichnung für Bildungsseminare, die über das Internet angeboten werden - sind eine führende Form des Online-Unterrichts. Die Formate variieren, aber viele Webinare ermöglichen eine Interaktion in Echtzeit, bei der die Teilnehmer Fragen stellen, Ideen austauschen und sich sogar in kleine Diskussionsgruppen aufteilen können, was der Lernerfahrung einen gezielten 1:1-Aspekt verleiht.

Die Software für virtuelle Klassenzimmer ist ein weiteres Hilfsmittel, das dazu beiträgt, ein persönliches Klassenzimmer in der digitalen Welt nachzubilden. Funktionen wie digitale Whiteboards, Chat-Räume, formative Quizze und Gruppenräume machen den Lernprozess interaktiver und kooperativer. Diese Tools vermitteln nicht nur Lehrinhalte, sondern ermöglichen es den Lernenden auch, virtuell gemeinsam an Projekten zu arbeiten, wodurch eine wertvolle Komponente des Teamlernens hinzugefügt wird.

Lernmanagementsysteme (LMS) sind eine All-in-One-Lösung für die Online-Bildung für Schüler und Lehrer gleichermaßen. Hochladen und Abrufen von Kursmaterialien. Zuweisung und Übermittlung von Hausaufgaben bis hin zur Benotung von Aufträgen. Verfolgung und Anzeige der Fortschritte der Schüler. Diese Systeme rationalisieren den gesamten Prozess. Sie erleichtern auch die Kommunikation zwischen Schülern und Lehrern, indem sie den Austausch von Feedback, das Stellen von Fragen und die Diskussion von Themen erleichtern.

Auch das Aufkommen von Videokonferenzen hat die Art und Weise, wie wir lernen, revolutioniert. Videokonferenz-Tools wie Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Meet und viele andere erleichtern die Interaktion von Angesicht zu Angesicht, so dass die Lernerfahrung persönlicher und ansprechender wird. Diese Tools sind besonders für die Durchführung von Gruppenprojekten, Diskussionen oder Präsentationen von Vorteil und können von den Studierenden oft kostenlos genutzt werden.

Bewährte Praktiken für das Online-Lernen

Ob Sie nun Lehrer oder Schüler sind, das Online-Lernen erfordert eine andere Herangehensweise als das traditionelle Lernen im Klassenzimmer. Hier sind einige bewährte Strategien, die Ihnen helfen, in der digitalen Lernumgebung erfolgreich zu sein.

Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig, sich klare, realistische Ziele zu setzen, um konzentriert und motiviert zu bleiben. Ganz gleich, ob es darum geht, eine neue Fähigkeit zu erlernen oder einen Kurs abzuschließen, ein Ziel zu haben, auf das Sie hinarbeiten, kann Sie motivieren und Ihren Lernprozess steuern. Auch die Einführung von Routinen kann dazu beitragen, dass Sie auf dem richtigen Weg bleiben. Legen Sie bestimmte Zeiten für das Lernen fest, machen Sie regelmäßig Pausen und achten Sie auf eine gesunde Work-Life-Balance. Dies kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Zeit effektiv zu verwalten, den Überblick über Ihre Kursarbeit zu behalten und einem Burnout vorzubeugen.

Auch wenn Sie allein vor Ihrem PC sitzen, können Sie Ihre Lernerfahrung bereichern, indem Sie sich aktiv an Kursdiskussionen und Gruppenaktivitäten beteiligen. Dies trägt nicht nur dazu bei, Ihr Verständnis für den Lernstoff zu vertiefen, sondern kann auch Ihre Fähigkeiten zur Problemlösung und Zusammenarbeit verbessern. Jede Interaktion ist eine Lernmöglichkeit, zögern Sie also nicht, diese Ressourcen zu nutzen, um Fragen zu stellen und sich mit Kommilitonen und Lehrkräften auszutauschen.

Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt des Online-Lernens ist das Einholen von Feedback. Regelmäßiges Feedback von Lehrkräften kann Ihnen helfen, Ihre Stärken und Schwächen zu erkennen und Ihren Lernprozess zu steuern. Wenn Sie sich nicht sicher sind, wie Sie Ihren Lehrer kontaktieren können, sehen Sie im Lehrplan oder auf der Webseite nach, wo oft Sprechzeiten, E-Mail-Adressen oder andere bevorzugte Kontaktmethoden angegeben sind. Und selbst wenn Sie außerhalb der üblichen Kontaktzeiten erreichbar sind, scheuen Sie sich nicht, bei Bedarf um Hilfe oder Klarstellung zu bitten - Online-Dozenten können theoretisch jederzeit antworten.

Ressourcen für das Online-Lernen

Für das Online-Lernen gibt es eine Fülle von Ressourcen. Beliebte Webinar-Plattformen zum Beispiel bieten ein breites Spektrum an Schulungen zu verschiedenen Themen an und sind oft kostenlos oder kostengünstig. Sie sind eine wunderbare Möglichkeit, nicht nur von Lehrern, sondern auch von Experten zu lernen, neue Themen zu erkunden und sogar Zertifikate zu erwerben, die Ihre neuen Kenntnisse bestätigen.

Auch Software für virtuelle Klassenzimmer ist hilfreich. Von interaktiven Quizfragen und aufgezeichneten Vorlesungen, die man sich jederzeit ansehen kann, bis hin zu Diskussionsforen und Bibliotheken mit Lernmaterial sind diese Plattformen so konzipiert, dass man sich bei Bedarf und zu Zeiten, die einem passen, mit Lernerfahrungen beschäftigt.

Verschiedene Online-Lernressourcen, wie z. B. E-Books, Podcasts, Lehrvideos und Tutorien, können Materialien in einer Vielzahl von Formaten zur Verfügung stellen, um das Gelernte zu vertiefen. Websites wie Coursera, StraighterLine, Khan Academy und TED-Ed bieten eine Fülle von Ressourcen für verschiedene Themen und Niveaus, oft kostenlos oder zu geringen Kosten.

Und schließlich sollten Sie nicht vergessen, die von Ihrer Online-Lernplattform angebotenen Unterstützungsdienste zu nutzen. Diese Dienste sind sehr unterschiedlich (einige sind kostenlos, andere nicht), aber viele Programme bieten Hilfe bei technischen Problemen, akademische Beratung oder sogar Wellness-Unterstützung.

Online-Lernen: Herausforderungen und Lösungen

Das Online-Lernen bietet zwar viele Vorteile, ist aber auch mit einigen Herausforderungen verbunden. Die häufigste dieser Hürden sind wahrscheinlich technische Probleme, wie unzuverlässige Internetverbindungen oder Unkenntnis der Online-Tools. Vergewissern Sie sich also zunächst, dass Sie über eine gute Datenverbindung verfügen, und nehmen Sie sich Zeit, um sich mit den neuen Tools der jeweiligen Lernplattform vertraut zu machen.

Die Motivation kann eine weitere Herausforderung in der Online-Lernumgebung sein, in der das Lerntempo selbst bestimmt wird. Ohne die Struktur eines physischen Klassenzimmers kann es leicht passieren, dass man zögert oder die Konzentration verliert. Um dies zu vermeiden, sollten Sie sich immer klare Ziele für den Tag setzen, einen regelmäßigen Lernplan einhalten und die Aufgaben in überschaubare Abschnitte unterteilen. [Kurse zum Lernen lernen", die Ihnen helfen, den Lernprozess zu meistern, sind online weit verbreitet und können eine gute Option sein, wenn Sie Schwierigkeiten haben, sich zu konzentrieren oder Themen und Fächer zu lernen, die Sie als schwierig empfinden.]

Auch das Gefühl der Isolation kann sich einschleichen, wenn man allein studiert. Sie können dem jedoch entgegenwirken, indem Sie sich aktiv an Online-Diskussionen beteiligen, Studiengruppen beitreten oder sich mit Gleichaltrigen austauschen. Sie können auch nach persönlichen Treffen in Ihrer Nähe suchen, um sich 1:1 mit Kommilitonen oder anderen an Ihrem Studienfach Interessierten auszutauschen.

Das Wichtigste: Zögern Sie nicht, sich bei Schwierigkeiten Unterstützung zu holen. Die meisten Online-Lernplattformen bieten Unterstützungsdienste an, darunter akademische Beratung, technische Unterstützung und manchmal auch Hilfe bei psychischen Problemen. Denken Sie daran, dass es in Ordnung ist, um Hilfe zu bitten, und dass die Sorge um Ihr Wohlbefinden genauso wichtig ist wie Ihr akademischer Erfolg.

Online-Lernen - mit seiner Flexibilität, Zugänglichkeit, Kosteneffizienz und Personalisierung - revolutioniert das Bildungswesen. Es bringt ein virtuelles Klassenzimmer direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause, mit einer Vielzahl von Lernprogrammen, aus denen Sie wählen können.

Natürlich gibt es auch Herausforderungen. Aber mit den richtigen Werkzeugen, Strategien und Ressourcen kann das Online-Lernen einen lohnenden und bereichernden Unterricht bieten. Es eröffnet neue Wege zum Bildungserfolg, von denen Lehrer und Schüler gleichermaßen profitieren.

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Online-Lernoptionen für Studierende

Studientipps für Studenten

Lernhilfen für Studenten

Technisches Zubehör für Studenten

Online-Sicherheit für Studenten

Kostenlose und kostengünstige Ressourcen für Unterrichtspläne

Ein Leitfaden zum Unterrichten von digitaler Bürgerschaft

Tipps und Ressourcen für LehrerInnen zum Klassenraummanagement

Bewertungsmethoden und -praktiken im Klassenzimmer

Warum Lenovo?

Notebooks für die universität.

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Umweltfreundlicher werden mit Lenovo

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30 % Rabatt auf Premium Care

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Schnell und sicher

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Hilfe und Support

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  1. Live Virtual Courses at MIT Professional Education

    mit online education

  2. MIT creates new Online Education Policy Initiative

    mit online education

  3. MIT launches online lab to study early childhood learning

    mit online education

  4. Online Course Machine Learning: From Data to Decisions

    mit online education

  5. Mit Online Course

    mit online education

  6. How free online courses from MIT can “transform the future of the world

    mit online education


  1. MIT Open Learning brings Online Learning to MIT and the world

    Explore various online learning options from MIT, including free open-licensed courses, professional and academic credentials, and original content and experiences. Learn from MIT faculty, instructors, and students on topics such as AI, materials science, and supply chain management.

  2. MIT OpenCourseWare

    MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world. Learn more Accessibility Creative Commons License Terms and Conditions

  3. Online, Blended, Professional & Free Courses from MIT

    MIT Horizon. Original content and experiences designed to educate large workforces on the foundations of AI and other emerging technologies. Learn more. Upskill, and continue your learning journey with MIT through online, blended and free and open courses. Earn a professional certificate or learn a new skill with MIT today!

  4. Certificate & Online Programs

    MIT's commitment to education extends beyond the classroom and includes opportunities to learn online or pursue advanced certificates. As the world of online learning and Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) continues to grow, MIT has provided more opportunities to reach individuals across the world through online platforms. ...

  5. Free Online Courses from MIT OCW

    MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free, publicly accessible, openly-licensed digital collection of high-quality teaching and learning materials, presented in an easily accessible format. Browse through, download and use materials from more than 2,500 MIT on-campus courses and supplemental resources, all available under a Creative Commons license for open sharing.

  6. Learn More About MIT's Open Online Courses

    MITx offers massive, open, online courses (MOOCs) on the edX and MITx Online platforms. From foundational STEM courses, through explorations of the humanities and social sciences, to advanced master's level subjects that may fast-track a master's degree, MITx courses come directly from the MIT classroom and span the full breadth of our ...

  7. MIT offers over 2,000 free online courses

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is ranked the second best school in the world in 2021, according to US News. Despite the exclusivity that comes with prestige, the institution offers accessibility to its educational resources. You can take thousands of free MIT courses online through edX or MIT OpenCourseWare. The Massachusetts ...

  8. MIT Open Learning Library

    The MIT Open Learning Library is home to selected educational content from MIT OpenCourseWare and MITx courses, available for free to anyone in the world at any time. How MIT Open Learning Library Differs from MIT OpenCourseWare and MITx on edX. You can think of OCW, MITx, and Open Learning Library along a spectrum of learning scenarios ...

  9. MIT Open Learning Library

    MIT Open Learning Library Accessibility Creative Commons License Terms and Conditions MIT OpenCourseWare is an online publication of materials from over 2,500 MIT courses, freely sharing knowledge with learners and educators around the world.

  10. Digital Learning

    MIT OpenCourseWare. MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a free, open, publicly accessible online resource that offers high-quality educational materials from more than 2,500 MIT courses—virtually the entire MIT graduate and undergraduate curriculum—reflecting the teaching in all five MIT schools and 33 academic units. This coverage in all ...

  11. About Us

    MIT launches MITx online courses, complementing OCW's open course materials while extending commitment to open learning. OCW Educator project begins, sharing the "how" as well as the "what" of MIT education. OCW website exceeds one billion page views and 200 million lifetime visits.

  12. Get Started

    The free materials on OCW are used by educators around the world in teaching, adapted and integrated into curricula that inspires and empowers learners. And by sharing MIT faculty's teaching approaches with the world, OCW is also a setting for reflective dialog about the craft of teaching and using Open Educational Resources (OER).

  13. MicroMasters® Programs

    The MITx MicroMasters® Programs provide opportunities for learners from anywhere in the world to earn a professional and academic credential. Learners who pass an integrated set of MIT graduate-level online courses through or MITx Online and one or more proctored exams will earn a MicroMasters program credential from MITx, and can then ...

  14. MITx Online

    Why enroll in an MITx online course? Free online courses from MIT, ranked #1 university in the world. Learn from MIT Faculty and access the same course content available to MIT students on campus.; Get a certificate signed by MIT faculty to highlight the knowledge and skills you've received from your course.

  15. Education

    MIT is pioneering new ways of teaching and learning, on our campus and around the world, by inventing and leveraging digital technologies. MITx, the Institute's portfolio of massively open online courses, offers flexible access to a range of interactive courses developed and taught by instructors from MIT.Another MIT innovation — the MicroMasters credential — is increasingly recognized ...

  16. Home

    MIT Professional Education's Online Professional Certificate Program in Strategic Technology Roadmapping and Innovation is designed to equip professionals with the full range of tools, skills, and knowledge needed to successfully lead their organizations through the complexities of technology implementation, always keeping in mind the human ...

  17. How free online courses from MIT can "transform the future of the world

    From full introductory courses in engineering, psychology, and computer science to lectures about financial concepts, linguistics, and music, the MIT OpenCourseWare YouTube channel has it all — offering millions of learners around the world a pathway to develop new skills and broaden their knowledge base with free offerings from MIT educators. "I believe OpenCourseWare and Open Learning ...

  18. MIT OpenCourseWare

    MIT OpenCourseWare is a web based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity You are leaving MIT OpenCourseWare close. Please be advised that external sites may have terms and conditions, including license rights, that differ from ours. ...

  19. Online Professional Certificate Programs

    The benefits of joining the Community. 15% discount for MIT Professional Education online programs and short-duration in-person programs. Access to the virtual campus for two years after completing the Certificate Program. Exclusive announcements of new courses, programs, and events. Unlimited refresher resources and access to unlimited webinars.

  20. Professional online courses & programs from MIT

    MIT xPRO's online learning programs leverage vetted content from world-renowned experts to make learning accessible anytime, anywhere. Designed using cutting-edge research in the neuroscience of learning, MIT xPRO programs are application focused, helping professionals build their skills on the job.

  21. Online Learning

    Online Learning. Technology is advancing at an ever faster pace and keeping on top of the latest technologies, and their applications in business, has never been more important. The MIT Schwarzman College of Computing offers several programs to help individuals and organizations build a foundational understanding of new technologies, scope the ...

  22. Become financially savvy with free online courses from MIT

    These course materials and resources are available through MIT OpenCourseWare, MITx, and MITx MicroMasters, which are part of MIT Open Learning. OpenCourseWare offers free, online, open educational resources from more than 2,500 courses that span the MIT undergraduate and graduate curriculum. MITx offers hundreds of high-quality massive open ...

  23. Humanitarian Logistics

    Experienced and mid-career supply chain professionals will enjoy learning how crisis contexts challenge your instincts in applying your skills toward humanitarian causes. Humanitarian response and emergency management professionals will gain a deeper understanding of how logistics systems work and learn how to collaborate with supply chain ...

  24. MIT Courses & Programs for Professionals

    MIT Professional & Executive Learning helps you find the right professional course or program from across MIT. Whether you are starting your career, upskilling, or driving your organization forward, our courses and programs are custom made for the working professional, with MIT faculty and content in a variety of formats.

  25. How Online Learning Helps Women in STEM: Perspectives from MIT xPRO

    Online learning is an excellent opportunity for women in STEM to advance their careers and continue their professional development due to its flexibility, accessibility, and feasible time commitment. In honor of Women's History Month, MIT xPRO recently asked women who have taken our courses how online learning has helped them achieve their goals.

  26. MIT Sloan Executive Education

    Gain the MIT Edge. MIT Sloan Executive Education's non-degree executive courses are led by MIT Sloan faculty and provide a targeted and flexible means to futureproof your business and your career. Fueled by cutting-edge research and aided by the latest technology, our offerings include 90+ in-person and online courses offered throughout the ...

  27. More durable metals for fusion power reactors

    Research in the MIT Energy Initiative (MITEI) includes development and testing of advanced materials that may help address those challenges, as well as many other challenges of the energy transition. MITEI has multiple corporate members that have been supporting MIT's efforts to advance technologies required to harness fusion energy.

  28. Online-Lernen vs. Offline-Lernen: Was ist besser?

    Dies bringt zumindest einige der Kosten- und Effizienzeinsparungen des Online-Lernens für Ihr Offline-Lernen. Sprechen Sie mit uns über Online- oder Blended Learning. Setzen Sie sich mit uns in Verbindung, um zu besprechen, wie ein maßgeschneidertes LMS Ihnen helfen kann, Ihre Ziele beim Online-Lernen oder Blended Learning zu erreichen.

  29. Vorteile des Online-Lernens

    Online-Lernen - mit seiner Flexibilität, Zugänglichkeit, Kosteneffizienz und Personalisierung - revolutioniert das Bildungswesen. Es bringt ein virtuelles Klassenzimmer direkt zu Ihnen nach Hause, mit einer Vielzahl von Lernprogrammen, aus denen Sie wählen können. Natürlich gibt es auch Herausforderungen.