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English Language GCSE P1 Q5 Phrases > Grade 9 Creative Writing Phrases > Flashcards

Grade 9 Creative Writing Phrases Flashcards

Positive - breeze

The breeze wove a delicate melody through the branches, a soothing lullaby.

Positive - sunlight

The liquid sunlight drenched me, pouring down every inch of my untouched alabaster skin.

Negative - leaves

Brittle sepia leaves crunched beneath me like the cracking of distant thunder.

Positive - sun, desert

Golden sands expanded to the horizons: shimmering in front of the relentless sun

Negative - forest, trees

The tree’s bark was an enigmatic (mysterious) cloak, tightly wrapped and winding around the trunk, concealing its depraved (evil) secrets

Negative - eyes

The look in his eyes was so bottomlessly bitter it was almost benevolent.

Positive - light, shiny

Coruscated like a diamond necklace

English Language GCSE P1 Q5 Phrases (4 decks)

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grade 9 phrases for creative writing

Miss Huttlestone's GCSE English

Because a whole class of wonderful minds are better than just one!

2 Grade 9 Creative Writing Examples

I recently asked my year 11s to pen a piece of description and/or narrative writing for their mini assessment. I gave them the following prompts:

Your school wants you to contribute to a collection of creative writing.

EITHER: Write a short story as suggested by this picture:

grade 9 phrases for creative writing

OR: Write a description about a person who has made a strong impression on you.

The following were two COMPELLING and CONVINCING examples of the second choice – one pupil taking ‘you’ as a fictional invitation, the other as a biographical one:


Gradually, I awake and open my eyes only to see the cracked white ceiling which greets me every day. Here I sit, slumped in the bed with the scratchy white sheets hugging me and muffled beeping noises jumping into my ears. Rubbing the sleep crust from my bloodshot eyes, I observe the scene before me. The sound of footsteps overlapping as nurses rush from bed to bed; the metallic tang from stainless steel invading my nostrils; the cold metal bed rail imprisoning and mocking me; the pungent scent of antiseptic troubling me and the blood-curdling cries and moans utterly terrifying me. Using all my strength, I try to imagine I am somewhere else, anywhere else but here.

Crowds, signs, roars: it was 1903 and the suffragette movement had begun. It was a crisp night, refreshing almost and I had taken to the streets. It was like I was possessed by something that night, some urge and deep desire within me that had led me there, surrounded by women like myself. I stood clueless and lost in the crowd; the women yelling ‘Deeds not words’ in unison; passionately parading with large wooden signs and viciously shattering windows with bricks and stones. Despite the violence that was displayed before me, I was not afraid of what was happening and I didn’t deem it unnecessary or improper, in fact I wanted the same as these women, I wanted equality. Abruptly, all of the roars and cheers became muted and faint, one woman walked slowly towards me, her hair messily swooped into an updo, her clothes somewhat dirtied and her chocolate brown corset slightly loosened. There was a glimmer in her eyes as tears seemed to swell within their hazel pools, she seemed inspired, hopeful. After reaching me in the crowd, she held out her hand, gently passing me a sign. Immediately, I clasped it and the yelling and chanting rang loudly in my ears once more. My journey had begun.

Here however, is where it ends. I am aware I do not have much time left, as the doctors have told me so, and spending my last moments in this hospital room is not optimal. However, as I look around I can see beauty within a room which at first glance seems void of it. The hollow medical tubes by my side remind me of the awful act of force feeding I have faced in the past; the shrieks and bawls of patients reflecting the pain women had felt in my time and the bed bars mirroring the prisons we were thrown into and the gates we would chain ourselves too. I know these things may seem far from beautiful, but I can see my past within this room, the power I possessed and the changes I have contributed to today. I know now that I can leave this earth having had an impact. Slowly I close my eyes, I can see her, the women who changed my life many years ago, her name, Emmeline Pankhurst.


I will never forget that day. The hazel pools of her eyes glazed over, and hands delicately placed at her sides. Nobody in the room could quite grasp the fact that this was happening. The crowds of black attire row on row seemed to mimic the thing she loves most in life, the piano. However, this time she had taken the ivory natural keys with her and left everyone else with the sharp tones. You needed both to create beautiful symphonies but all that filled the room was the excruciating silence of her absense. Even the metronone like ticks of the clock seemed to come to a standstill.

It had all began that day, she seemed to open up this whole new world for us to explore together as she placed my fingers onto the keys for the first time. I knew that this was what I was meant to do. She was the most passionately beautiful pianist I had ever seen in my life. Often, I would peer round the oak doorway before my lessons just to catch a glimpse at her. It seemed like nothing in the world mattered to her at the time.

As the years progressed, so did the scope of this world we were exploring. Each sheet of lovingly handwritten sheet music was like a new section of the map we were slowly creating together. Each of her students had their own map. Each as beautiful and each as unique as the pianist. The crotchets and quavers that adorned the staves directed the different paths we could take as my fingers graced the keys. This may not have been a beautiful ballet routine, but this was our dance and it had been carefully choreographed just for us.

That piano room was the safest place in the world. Every inch of it her: the potent scent of her floral perfume; shelves full of scruffy and well loved sheet music; rows upon rows of framed photos of her and her students; the vintage piano which she always kept in tune, it was home. I couldn’t bear the

idea that someone else was going move in and rip away the music room without a second thought. It was her music room.

It was up to me now. Up to me to finish this journey we had begun together.

She may not be with me in person anymore, but she will always live within the world we built together and nothing could ever change that. For she could never truly be gone since she left a piece of her within every one of her students; the passion for piano.


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Secondary English teacher in Herts. View all posts by gcseenglishwithmisshuttlestone

2 thoughts on “2 Grade 9 Creative Writing Examples”

This has helped me a lot, I myself am preparing for a narrative test like this and these prompts and descriptive short stories are marvellous! Thank you for sharing this! 🙂

My pleasure!

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30 Writing Prompts For 9th Grade Students

What’s up, 9th graders?

Writing’s a big deal, but forget grades for a second.

It’s more like figuring out who you are and how to totally rock your thoughts.

That’s where our writing prompts come in – like training wheels for your writing brain.

We’ve got a bunch of awesome prompts here to get you thinking, writing all sorts of stuff (stories, arguments, even deep thoughts!), and maybe even have a blast doing it.

So, grab a pen, open your laptop, and unleash your inner writing superstar!

Writing Prompts for 9th Graders

Imagine a world where AI has evolved to a point that machines have become sentient and have emotions, desires, and their own society. However, not all is peaceful. The machines have started an invasion against the human race. Write a short story about a day in the life of a teenager during this invasion. Describe this world in your own unique way. How have things changed for the humans and machines?

Picture yourself as a stray cat navigating through an urban city. Your life is filled with adventure, close encounters, and fleeting friendships. Your perception of the world is starkly different from that of humans. Write a journal entry as this stray cat, capturing your experiences, challenges, and observations of the human world around you.

Aliens have made contact with Earth and they’ve sent an ambassador to discuss their intentions and establish relations. Unexpectedly, they choose you, a 9th-grade student, to be their human counterpart due to your unique ability to understand their language. Write a letter to the UN Secretary-General explaining your new role, what you’ve learned from the aliens, and your recommendations for next steps.

Your school’s most beloved cookie recipe has mysteriously vanished. Rumors are swirling about a secret society of teachers being responsible. You decide to investigate. Write a detective-style story detailing your investigation and uncovering of the great cookie conspiracy. Don’t forget to include surprising twists!

You’ve found an old snow globe in your attic. But this isn’t a regular snow globe; whatever you draw and place in the globe becomes part of the miniature world inside. One day, you accidentally drop in a sketch of a terrifying creature. Write a suspenseful short story about how you handle the situation and the unexpected adventures that follow.

You discover that your best friend has been a time traveler all along. They’ve been trying to alter events to prevent a future catastrophe, but things aren’t going as planned since someone is trying to act as a villain. Write a narrative story detailing your adventures in time travel with your friend and the moral dilemmas you face when deciding whether or not to alter history.

A dollar bill goes through many hands and sees many places. Imagine what stories it could tell if it had consciousness. Write a story from the perspective of a dollar bill, narrating its journey from the moment it was printed. Make sure to incorporate a variety of scenarios and environments.

Your ordinary, somewhat boring town suddenly becomes exciting when a masked superhero starts appearing. This hero doesn’t have any superpowers, but they use their resources and wits to help people. Write a newspaper article detailing the superhero’s latest daring rescue, the mystery surrounding their identity, and the town’s reaction.

Choose your favorite fairy tale and reimagine it. Set it in the gothic world and replace the magical elements with modern technology or social media. How would Cinderella’s story change if she had an appearance of fear? What if Rapunzel lived in a high-rise apartment building that is floating on a river? Write a modern version of your chosen fairy tale, showcasing how this scenario would affect the story.

Jules Verne took us on an imaginative journey to the center of the Earth. Now it’s your turn. You and a group of scientists embark on a journey to the Earth’s core. However, the world you find beneath our feet is unlike anything ever discovered. Write a detailed adventure log of your journey, describing the fantastic sights and dangers you encounter along the way.

Imagine you have the power to create a new society from scratch. A utopia, where every citizen is content, fulfilled and their mental health being apt at all times. What would this place look like? How would it function? Write an essay detailing your vision for your utopia, including its government structure, education system, healthcare, and social norms.

You stumble upon a time machine and decide to visit your future self ten years from now. The person you meet, however, isn’t quite what you expected. Write a conversation between your current and future self, exploring the surprises and the wisdom your future self imparts.

Suppose you have the ability to switch bodies with your pet for a day. What adventures would you embark on? What might you learn about your pet and yourself? Write a narrative essay recounting your day as your pet, detailing your adventures and new perspective on life.

You receive a large, unexpected package in the mail. It’s not your birthday or any special occasion, and the package is not labeled. Curiosity piqued, you open it to find something extraordinary. Write a story describing the unboxing of this mystery gift and how its contents change your life.

Imagine you decide to run for Student Body President. Your platform is unconventional, focusing on changes never proposed before, and your campaign tactics are even more out-of-the-box. Write a campaign speech that outlines your unique platform and explains why you’re the right candidate for the presidency.

You find yourself stranded on a desert island with only three items of your choosing. Survival is your top priority, but you also need to find a way to signal for help. Write a survival guide that details how you’d use the three items to stay alive and get rescued.

Your local library is believed to be haunted. Late at night, strange sounds can be heard and books mysteriously fly off the shelves. You and a group of friends decide to investigate. Write a thrilling short story documenting your spooky adventures and the secrets you uncover.

You’ve always been fascinated by mythology and its creatures. One day, during a hike in the woods, you encounter one of these mythical beasts. Write a story about your encounter, the creature you meet, and the impact this experience has on you.

Think about a major historical event and reimagine it with a significant twist. What if the outcome had been different? What if a key figure had made a different decision? Write an alternate history story based on this event, showing how this new version could have changed the course of history.

Imagine waking up one day and all forms of technology have stopped working. No cell phones, no internet, no cars – nothing. Write a 24 hour timeline story on how it impacts your daily routine and society in general.

One day, gravity simply stops working. People and objects start to float uncontrollably. How do you and others cope with this new reality? Write a detailed narrative exploring the immediate and long-term effects of this phenomenon on daily life and human society.

You suddenly find yourself in a fantasy world filled with magical creatures and enchanted forests. However, you’re not a warrior, wizard, or rogue, but a simple cook. Write a story about how you use your unique skills and wit to become an unlikely hero and save the day.

You’re part of an interstellar exploration team sent to investigate a long-abandoned space station. Upon arrival, you find eerie signs that suggest you might not be alone. Write a thrilling short story about your team’s exploration of the space station, the mysteries you uncover, and the harrowing situations you encounter.

While on a deep-sea dive, you stumble upon a lost city submerged beneath the ocean. The city is in remarkably good condition and filled with clues about a previously unknown civilization. Write an adventure log detailing your exploration of this underwater city, the artifacts you discover, and the implications of your findings.

One day, an invisible barrier appears around your town, trapping everyone inside. No one can see it, but they can feel it, and nothing can pass through it. Write a story about how the people in your town adapt to their new circumstances and how they work together to understand and overcome the barrier.

You’ve discovered a portal to another dimension where the laws of physics don’t apply, and everything is topsy-turvy. What’s more, you can’t find your way back! Write a descriptive narrative detailing your adventures in this strange dimension and how you finally manage to return home.

In a small corner of your town, there is an old antique shop filled with curiosities. One day, you discover that the items sold there have a magical or supernatural element. Write a series of diary entries about your experiences with these unusual antiques and the enigmatic shop owner.

You’ve been accepted to a prestigious school, but instead of traditional subjects, students are taught unusual skills like time manipulation, lucid dreaming, or telepathy. Write a letter to your old friends detailing your experiences at your new school, including your favorite classes, classmates, and unexpected challenges.

Every night at exactly midnight, hauntingly beautiful music can be heard echoing throughout your neighborhood. No one knows where it’s coming from. One night, you decide to find out. Write a story about your nocturnal adventure to uncover the source of the music and what you discover in the process.

You come across an old, dusty video game in a thrift store. The game is fun but you soon realize it has a mind of its own – it’s haunted! Write a gripping short story about your eerie encounters with this haunted video game and how you confront the digital ghost.

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10+ GCSE creative writing ideas, prompts and plot lines

grade 9 phrases for creative writing

Getting a good GCSE creative writing plot going can be difficult, here are some ideas to help you out.

Ahead of your exams, here are a selection of GCSE creative writing ideas and prompts to hopefully provide some inspiration.

The Lost Timepiece

Prompt: In an old, dusty attic, a teenager discovers a mysterious pocket watch that doesn’t seem to tell the correct time.

Potential Story Directions:

  • The watch could transport the teenager to different moments in history whenever it's wound.
  • The watch might belong to a long-lost relative, leading to a family mystery.
  • The watch could be counting down to a significant event, and the protagonist must figure out what is about to happen.

The Secret Garden Door

Prompt: Behind the overgrown ivy in the school's garden, a student finds a door that wasn't there before.

  • The door could lead to a magical world, offering an escape from everyday life but with challenges of its own.
  • It might be a portal to the past, showing the school's history and secrets.
  • The door could be a metaphorical passage to self-discovery, revealing hidden aspects of the character’s personality.

The Last Message

Prompt: A character receives a mysterious message in a bottle on the beach, written in a cryptic language.

  • Deciphering the message could lead to an adventure, perhaps a treasure hunt or a rescue mission.
  • The message might be from a distant land or time, offering insights into an ancient or futuristic world.
  • It could be a personal message from someone significant in the character’s past, triggering a journey of emotional growth.

Midnight at the Museum

Prompt: A night guard at a museum notices that the exhibits come to life after midnight.

  • The guard could interact with historical figures, learning about history firsthand.
  • There might be a plot to steal an exhibit, and the living exhibits help to thwart it.
  • The phenomenon could be linked to a supernatural event or an ancient curse that needs resolving.

The Forgotten Melody

Prompt: A pianist discovers an old, unplayed piano in a neglected music room that plays a melody no one seems to recognize.

  • The melody could be a key to unlocking forgotten memories or a hidden past.
  • It might be a magical melody, having various effects on listeners.

Each of these prompts offers a starting point for creative exploration, allowing students to develop their storytelling skills in imaginative and engaging ways.

Galactic Storm

Prompt: Astronauts on a mission to a distant planet encounter a bizarre, otherworldly storm.

  • The storm could have strange, mind-altering effects on the crew.
  • It might be a living entity, communicating in an unprecedented way.
  • The crew must navigate through the storm to discover a hidden aspect of the universe.

Unearthed Powers

Prompt: A teenager suddenly discovers they have a supernatural ability.

  • The power could be a family secret, leading to a journey of self-discovery.
  • It might cause conflict with friends and society, forcing the protagonist to make difficult choices.
  • The ability could attract unwanted attention, leading to a thrilling adventure.

Reflections of Reality

Prompt: A story that mirrors a significant real-life experience involving friendship or a pet.

  • The story could explore the depth of human-animal bonds or the complexities of friendship.
  • It might involve a heartwarming journey or a challenging ordeal.
  • The protagonist learns valuable life lessons through these relationships.

Chronicle of Times

Prompt: A character discovers a way to travel through time.

  • Traveling to the future, they encounter a radically different world.
  • In the past, they might inadvertently alter history.
  • The story could explore the moral and emotional implications of time travel.

Apocalyptic Event

Prompt: A natural disaster of unprecedented scale threatens humanity.

  • The story could focus on survival, resilience, and human spirit.
  • It might involve a journey to avert the disaster.
  • The narrative could explore the societal changes that occur in the face of such a disaster.

The Unsolved Case

Prompt: A detective starts investigating a complex and mysterious murder.

  • The investigation uncovers deep secrets and conspiracies.
  • The detective's personal life might intertwine with the case.
  • The story could have a surprising twist, challenging the reader's expectations.

Retold Fable

Prompt: Modernize a classic fable or story, such as the Boy Who Cried Wolf, in a contemporary setting.

  • The story could be set in a modern city, exploring current social issues.
  • It might be told from a different perspective, offering a fresh take on the moral of the story.
  • The narrative could blend the original fable with current events, creating a powerful commentary.

Forbidden Love

Prompt: Two characters from vastly different worlds fall in love, against all odds.

  • Their love could challenge societal norms and expectations.
  • The story might explore the sacrifices they make for each other.
  • It could be a journey of self-discovery and acceptance in the face of adversity.

Thomas Brella is the founder of Student Hacks, starting the website in 2013 while studying at the University of Brighton to share tips and tricks on life as a cash-strapped student. He's now spent over 10 years scoping out the best ways to live on a budget

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Grade 9 Creative Writing Examples

This resource contains FIVE Grade 9 creative writing pieces. Each creative writing piece is annotated with literary techniques , structural elements , punctuation , and advanced vocabulary . Then, each story is linked to three AQA-style questions to show how students can relate pre-prepared stories to the exam question.

This resource aids GCSE students in understanding how stories integrate techniques to achieve high marks and helps students to prepare for their own exam. 🚀✏️

Key Features:

📚 Five Grade 9 creative writing pieces

🔍 Annotated with literary techniques , structural elements , punctuation , and advanced vocabulary

❓ Each story is linked to three questions

🎯 Designed to help GCSE students understand storytelling techniques and excel in exams

🌐 Available as a Digital Download: This PDF is conveniently accessible online. Simply download it and get started on your path to success from the comfort of your device, anytime, anywhere.

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✨Grade 9✨ Creative Writing Examples

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Creative Writing – Grade 9

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From a Sea Captain’s View – Part 3 –  The Descriptive Paragraph Learn to write a descriptive paragraph using the five senses. by Elaine Ernst Schneider

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Creative Writing Lesson  – Don’t Bore Them with the Thank You Note!  A thank you note doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, it should let the giver know a little bit about your life and how you plan to enjoy the gift that was sent. by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Using Senses for Sensible Writing Using the senses is an excellent strategy for descriptive writing. by Elaine Ernst Schneider

Creative Writing  – I AM A FISH  Discuss the environment from the standpoint of a fish. by Elaine Ernst Schneider

In Your Lunch by Elaine Ernst Schneider

In Your Lunch – Part II –  Learning 1st, 2nd, 3rd person by Elaine Ernst Schneider

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Grade 9 English GCSE Creative Writing 40 Mark Example

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GCSE English Language - writing a grade 9 descriptive piece (52 slide PPoint with lecturer podcast)

GCSE English Language - writing a grade 9 descriptive piece (52 slide PPoint with lecturer podcast)

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Age range: 14-16

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Creative Writing | Grade 9 Example

  • Created by: Belindaeri
  • Created on: 18-10-20 18:38

Write about a frightening place. Your response could be real or imagined.

The blurring dazzle of red and white lights distorting my vision; the screeching sound of wheels tearing up layers of tarmac as they move from left to right on the road; the putrid stench of bile rising from my throat: Sunday morning. Our fingers, bruised and red, prying onto the handles swinging either side from the ceiling as the crazed woman in the front throws her prized mini into the sixth gear, tearing through the orderly traffic in her usual disorderly fashion whilst we give apologetic looks to those we force off the road.

Every Sunday; our covers thrown back, a dishevelled lettuce sandwich placed just off-centre on a china plate in front of us, a neatly ironed collar smoothed down, the hasty bundling of Adam and I into the back seat of the mini, followed by the perilous journey to church. This particular morning, after being dragged from my beloved bed, force-fed a revolting lettuce sandwich, and had my collar smoothed several hundred times by four different aunts and uncles, her driving is seemingly worse …

  • Creative writing

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Analysing non-fiction

Analysing fiction

Language levels

Spoken language

Spelling, punctuation and grammar

World war two & the holocaust

The fight for female suffrage

The cold war

Britain & the wider world: 1745 -1901

1f industrialisation and the people: britain, c1783-1885

World war one

Inter-war germany

2d religious conflict and the church in england, c1529-c1570

2n revolution and dictatorship: russia, 1917-1953

2j america: a nation divided, c1845-1877

1c the tudors: england, 1485-1603

Medieval period: 1066 -1509

1l the quest for political stability: germany, 1871-1991

2m wars and welfare: britain in transition, 1906-1957

Britain: 1509 -1745

Characterisation and narrative voice

Analysing narrative voice in an extract

Creative Writing Example Grade 9

grade 9 phrases for creative writing

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Creative Writing - Story about a Graveyard Soundlessly, I trudged through the perpetual, tortuous pathway. The fluorescent moon illuminated the deserted cemetery, and the overcast sky was enveloped with angry clouds. Despite this, I could see the freckles of silver stars hanging from the sky. The first thing I had noticed when I woke up was the damp grass beneath me, which was quilted with fallen and crumpled yew leaves. When my eyes had adjusted to the darkness, I took account of my surroundings - I was encircled with towering trees with sprawling limbs, which guarded a rusty iron gate that steadily creaked open with the help of a gust of wind. It was only until when I attempted to get up, I felt a dull throb from the back of my head; my hair caked and matted brown, with crimson liquid trailing down the back of my neck. I leaned against a slender pine tree to regain my balance as my vision swam. With a minute's rest, I adventured forward, unsteadily, feeling week and cold - featherlight - like at any moment I could crumble away into ash to be dispersed on to the breeze. I twisted my hands to examine them. What were once deathly pale, were now almost entirely blue....

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Alternative transcript:.

Goosebumps littered my arms; violent shivers shook my frame, and my thoughts were racing. I was irrevocably trapped within a labyrinth of a forest. With no way back, I continued forward until I reached the tarnished metal gates. Once I slipped past, I was confronted by a single, endless path, of which the edges were swamped with overgrown weeds and brambles. There were numerous poorly tended and forgotten headstones (which were discolored by mildew, moss, and mold) that were scattered across the landscape. It was slightly foggy along with a rotten stench that filled the air. The graveyard was deadly silent, however there was the occasional cry of wind. I was walking for what had seemed like to be forever. The road appeared to be everlasting. My legs were trembling with the weight of my body, the edges of my vision blackening - I was beginning to lose hope, until, what may have been a hallucination, was a shabby, dilapidated church that was a few steps away. There was an enormous, heavy door which barricaded the entrance. A sudden surge of adrenaline pushed me forward. With all the strength that remained, I shoved the entrance open. Before I could process it, I was hit by a putrid smell. Bile burned the back of my throat, my eyes watered uncontrollably, and I gagged against my will. A brown-mahogany painted the walls of the church. Remains butchered into pieces lay in the corner, organs strewn across the room. Deep and thin grooves covered the floor and damaged pew benches pushed aside. The windows were shattered, with shard fragments that hazardly cluttered the room. I was paralyzed in fear, my inability to move rendered me defenseless. My heart hammered in my chest and breathing became increasingly difficult; dread twisted my gut. My mouth was gaping in a silent scream. Without a delay. I turned back and ran up a flight of stairs, leaving the door hanging open. My boots pounded rapidly across the ground and my mind frantic with thoughts. I ran as far as my legs could take me - past the ramshackle gate, until my body gave out and I landed with a thud on the damp flora, once again. My head hit the ground first; pain shot up my spine and I groaned in agony. Amber liquid oozed from the wound. I tried to lift my arm in attempt to stop the blood from escaping, nevertheless I was immobile, as if I were turned to stone. Exhaustion flooded through me. I needed nothing more than to sleep. To sink into a pillow of darkness. My eyelids fell limp and slumber welcomed me like an old friend...

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4 GCSE Grade 9/A* Creative Writing Essays

An element of English loved by some, hated by many, I hope these exemplar essays provide some inspiration for those struggling with writer's block.

Here is a snippet of Essay 1:

Complete silence. The only noise came from the gust of dry wind which blew through the ancient maze of dilapidated houses where windows have long shattered in the weakness of their structures and rotting boards hung desperately to cover the empty eyes of every desolate home. Doors hung on their hinges by a single thread, groaning with every sway of the wind.

I gulped, “Maybe I shouldn’t have wandered so far…”


Navigate through the blog to read the other three. Save them, bookmark them - I hope they prove invaluable in boosting your GCSE English Language Grade.

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Grade 9 GCSE Writing exam phrases

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It's a piece of cake Choose matching term 1 Me da igual 2 Somos.... 3 Solía (+ infinitive verb) 4 Es pan comido Don't know?

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  23. Grade 9 GCSE Writing exam phrases Flashcards

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