Written Samples

15 sample cover letters for i-751.

Petitioning to remove the conditions on your permanent resident status can feel overwhelming, but a strong cover letter can make all the difference.

Your I-751 cover letter is your opportunity to provide context for your petition and relationship. It allows you to paint a picture of your marriage as a genuine union, helping to establish the credibility of your case.

Sample Cover Letters for I-751

We’ve compiled 15 sample I-751 cover letters to assist you in this process.

Each showcases a different approach and highlights unique aspects of a couple’s story.

Whether you’ve been married for two years or ten, have children or pets, own a home, or rent, these examples will provide valuable inspiration as you craft your compelling narrative.

As you explore these samples, consider the elements that resonate with your own experience.

Use them as a starting point, but be sure to personalize your letter with the specific details and anecdotes that make your relationship unique.

The goal is to create a cover letter that is authentic, heartfelt, and convincing.

Let’s begin this journey together.

By the end of this article, you’ll have the tools and confidence you need to write an I-751 cover letter that truly represents your marriage and strengthens your petition.

Sample Letter One

Subject: I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for [Your Name]

Dear USCIS Officer,

I, [Your Name], am writing to submit my I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. I entered the United States on a K-1 fiancé(e) visa and married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage]. We have now been happily married for [Number of Years], and I am eager to take the next step in making the United States my permanent home.

Since our marriage, [Spouse’s Name] and I have built a life together filled with love, laughter, and shared adventures. We bought our first home in [City, State] last year and have enjoyed making it our own. On weekends, you can often find us working on home improvement projects or tending to our vegetable garden.

We also love to travel and have taken several memorable trips together, including a road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway and a visit to [Spouse’s Name]’s extended family in [Country]. No matter where we go, we always feel at home in each other’s company.

Enclosed with this petition, you will find extensive evidence of our life together, including joint financial documents, photographs from our wedding and travels, and affidavits from friends and family who have witnessed our relationship firsthand.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my petition. I look forward to continuing to build my life in the United States with [Spouse’s Name] by my side.

[Your Name]

Sample Letter Two

Subject: I-751 Joint Petition to Remove Conditions for [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name]

We, [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name], are writing to jointly submit our I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. We were married on [Date of Marriage] in a beautiful ceremony surrounded by our loved ones, and we have been building our life together ever since.

One of the cornerstones of our relationship is our shared love of [Shared Interest or Hobby]. Whether we’re [Activity Related to Interest/Hobby] or [Another Activity], we always find joy and connection in pursuing this passion together. It’s a constant reminder of the bond we share.

We’ve also faced challenges together, like when [Spouse’s Name] was laid off from their job last year. It was a difficult time, but we leaned on each other for support and emerged stronger than ever. [Your Name] took on extra shifts at work while [Spouse’s Name] searched for a new position, and we budgeted carefully to make ends meet. That experience reaffirmed that we can weather any storm as long as we have each other.

In this petition, you’ll find documents that showcase our intertwined lives, from our joint lease and bank accounts to the birthday cards we’ve exchanged over the years. We’ve also included statements from our employers, confirming our stable careers, and from our parents, who have welcomed us into each other’s families with open arms.

We appreciate your consideration of our petition and the opportunity to confirm the authenticity of our marriage. Our life together means everything to us, and we are committed to nurturing and growing our relationship for years to come.

With gratitude,

[Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name]

Sample Letter Three

Subject: I-751 Petition – Requesting Removal of Conditions for [Your Name]

My name is [Your Name], and I am submitting this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and we have been sharing our lives ever since.

One of the most meaningful aspects of our relationship is the way we’ve blended our cultural backgrounds. I was born in [Your Country of Origin], while [Spouse’s Name] grew up in the United States. Over the past [Number of Years] years, we’ve enjoyed introducing each other to our respective traditions, from celebrating [Holiday] to cooking our favorite childhood dishes together. Our differences have enriched our relationship and given us a deeper appreciation for each other.

We’ve also supported each other through major life milestones. When I decided to go back to school for my [Degree], [Spouse’s Name] was my biggest cheerleader. They helped me study for exams, proofread my essays, and even took on extra household chores so I could focus on my coursework. That unwavering support meant the world to me.

In addition to our documents, we’ve included affidavits from the friends and family who have been by our side throughout our relationship. From our college roommates who witnessed our first date to the neighbors who’ve watched us grow as a couple, these individuals can attest to the depth and sincerity of our commitment.

I am grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the opportunity to make the United States my permanent home. Thank you for considering my petition.


Sample Letter Four

Subject: I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions for [Your Name]

I, [Your Name], submit this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. Since marrying my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], we have created a life filled with love, laughter, and shared dreams.

One of our proudest accomplishments as a couple has been starting our own business, [Business Name]. As partners in life and work, we’ve poured our hearts into building a successful [Type of Business]. It’s been incredible to see our hard work pay off and to have the opportunity to grow together both personally and professionally.

Outside of work, we cherish our time with our [Pet Species and Name]. Adopting [Pet Name] was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. Caring for them has taught us so much about responsibility, patience, and unconditional love. We can’t imagine our family without them.

In this petition, you’ll find evidence of our shared business venture, including our business license and financial records. We’ve also included veterinary records and photographs documenting our life with [Pet Name]. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our business partners and clients who can speak to our strong partnership and commitment to our work and each other.

As I seek to remove the conditions in my residence, I am grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the opportunity to continue growing our roots in the United States. Thank you for your consideration.

Sample Letter Five

Subject: I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence – [Your Name]

I, [Your Name], am writing to submit my I-751 petition to remove the conditions of my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has only grown stronger with each passing day.

One of the things I cherish most about our relationship is the way we’ve built a home together. When we first moved into our apartment in [City, State], it was just four bare walls. But over time, we’ve filled it with memories and mementos of our life together. From the photos of our adventures that line the walls to the cozy couch where we snuggle up for movie nights, every corner of our home tells a piece of our story.

We’ve also made a point of giving back to our community. Every week, we volunteer together at the local food bank, packing meals for families in need. It’s a small way we can make a difference, and it’s brought us even closer as we work side by side toward a common goal.

In this petition, you’ll find utility bills, lease agreements, and other documents confirming our shared residence. We’ve also included certificates of appreciation from the food bank and other volunteer organizations we’ve worked with. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our landlord and neighbors who can attest to our life together.

I am deeply grateful for the home and life [Spouse’s Name] and I have created, and I look forward to continuing to build our future in the United States. Thank you for considering my petition.

With appreciation,

Sample Letter Six

Subject: I-751 Joint Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name]

We, [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name], are submitting this joint I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on [Your Name]’s permanent residence. We were married on [Date of Marriage] and have been building a life together ever since.

From the beginning, our relationship has been built on a foundation of shared values and goals. We both believe strongly in the importance of family, and we’ve made it a priority to create a warm and loving home for our [Number of Children] children. Watching them grow and learn has been the greatest joy of our lives.

We’ve also supported each other through the challenges of parenthood. When our youngest was born prematurely, we spent countless hours by their side in the NICU. It was a scary and overwhelming time, but we leaned on each other for strength and never lost faith that our little one would pull through. Today, they are thriving, and we are so grateful for the incredible care they received and for the unbreakable bond we share as a family.

In this petition, you’ll find documents that showcase our life together, from our children’s birth certificates to family photos spanning the years. We’ve also included medical records detailing our NICU experience and the ongoing care our child has received. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our children’s teachers, babysitters, and doctors who can attest to our active involvement in our children’s lives and our commitment to our family.

We are grateful for the life we’ve built together and for the opportunity to raise our children in the United States. Thank you for considering our petition.

Sample Letter Seven

I, [Your Name], am writing to submit my I-751 petition to remove the conditions of my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our bond has only strengthened with time.

One of the cornerstones of our relationship is our shared faith. We are active members of [Religious Institution], where we attend services every week and volunteer regularly. Our faith community has been a constant source of support and guidance as we’ve navigated the joys and challenges of married life.

We’ve also leaned on our faith during times of hardship. When [Spouse’s Name] lost their father last year, our church family rallied around us, offering prayers, meals, and a listening ear. It was a powerful reminder of the love and strength we can draw from our beliefs and our community.

In this petition, you’ll find documentation of our involvement in [Religious Institution], including our membership records and volunteer certificates. We’ve also included condolence cards and obituaries from [Spouse’s Name]’s father’s funeral, which show the support we received from our faith community during that difficult time. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our pastor and fellow congregants who can speak to our commitment to our faith and each other.

I am deeply grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the role our faith has played in our journey. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Eight

I, [Your Name], am submitting this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has been the adventure of a lifetime.

One of our greatest passions is traveling and exploring new places together. From our honeymoon in [Destination] to our recent trip to [Another Destination], we’ve made so many incredible memories on the road. Each journey has brought us closer and taught us something new about ourselves and each other.

We’ve also faced challenges together, like when our flight was canceled during a layover in [City] and we were stranded for two days. It was a stressful situation, but we worked as a team to find a solution and even managed to turn it into an impromptu adventure, exploring the city and making the best of an unexpected detour.

In this petition, you’ll find extensive documentation of our travels, including flight itineraries, hotel bookings, and photographs from our various destinations. We’ve also included postcards we’ve sent to family and friends, sharing stories of our adventures. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our travel companions who can attest to our shared passion for exploration and our strong partnership.

I am grateful for the life of adventure and discovery [Spouse’s Name] and I have shared, and I look forward to continuing to explore the world with my partner by my side. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Nine

I, [Your Name], am writing to submit my I-751 petition to remove the conditions of my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has grown with each passing year.

One of the things I cherish most about our relationship is the way we’ve supported each other’s dreams and ambitions. When [Spouse’s Name] decided to go back to school to pursue their [Degree], I was their biggest cheerleader. I helped them study for exams, proofread their papers, and took on extra responsibilities at home so they could focus on their studies. Seeing them walk across that stage at graduation was one of the proudest moments of my life.

[Spouse’s Name] has been equally supportive of my career goals. When I was offered my dream job in [City], they didn’t hesitate to move with me, even though it meant leaving behind their job and friends. They’ve been my rock through every challenge and celebration, and I couldn’t imagine this journey without them.

In this petition, you’ll find documentation of our educational and professional pursuits, including [Spouse’s Name]’s diploma and my job offer letter. We’ve also included emails and cards we’ve exchanged over the years, encouraging each other and celebrating each other’s successes. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our professors, colleagues, and mentors who can speak to our dedication to our studies and careers and our unwavering support for one another.

I am deeply grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the ways we’ve grown and thrived by supporting each other’s dreams. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Ten

I, [Your Name], submit this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. Since marrying my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], we have built a life rooted in love, trust, and shared dreams.

At the heart of our relationship is a deep commitment to our family. We are grateful for the love and support of our extended family, who have welcomed us into their lives with open arms. From weekly dinners at [Spouse’s Name]’s parents’ house to holiday gatherings with my siblings and their children, family is at the center of everything we do.

*We’ve also started to dream about starting a family of our own. While we aren’t parents yet, we’ve begun planning for the future, discussing everything from baby names to

parenting philosophies. It’s a journey we’re excited to embark on together, knowing that our love will guide us every step of the way.

In this petition, you’ll find photographs and mementos from the many family gatherings we’ve shared over the years. We’ve also included cards and letters from our family members, expressing their love and support for our marriage. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from [Spouse’s Name]’s parents and my siblings, who can attest to our strong family bonds and our commitment to building a future together.

I am deeply grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have created and for the love and support of our family. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Eleven

We, [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name], are writing to jointly submit our I-751 petition to remove the conditions on [Your Name]’s permanent residence. We were married on [Date of Marriage] and have been building a life of love and partnership ever since.

One of the cornerstones of our relationship is our shared commitment to health and wellness. We are both avid runners and have completed several marathons and half-marathons together. Training for these events has not only kept us physically fit but has also strengthened our bond as we push each other to reach new goals and celebrate each other’s successes.

We’ve also faced health challenges together. When [Spouse’s Name] was diagnosed with [Medical Condition], I was by their side every step of the way. From doctor’s appointments to treatment sessions, we faced this challenge as a team. Today, [Spouse’s Name] is in remission, and we are stronger and more grateful than ever for the love and support we share.

In this petition, you’ll find documentation of our shared passion for running, including race bibs, finish line photos, and training logs. We’ve also included medical records detailing [Spouse’s Name]’s diagnosis and treatment, as well as cards and letters we exchanged during that difficult time. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our running partners and healthcare providers who can attest to our commitment to each other’s health and well-being.

We are grateful for the life we’ve built together and for the strength of our partnership in times of joy and challenge. Thank you for considering our petition.

Sample Letter Twelve

I, [Your Name], am submitting this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has been the foundation of our life together.

One of the things I cherish most about our relationship is the home we’ve created together. When we bought our house in [City, State], it was a fixer-upper, but we saw its potential. Over the past [Number of Years] years, we’ve poured our hearts into making it our own, from renovating the kitchen to planting a garden in the backyard. Every room is filled with memories of the life we’ve shared.

Our home has also been a gathering place for our loved ones. We’ve hosted countless dinners, game nights, and holiday celebrations, filling our space with laughter and love. It’s a testament to the warmth and hospitality that define our relationship.

In this petition, you’ll find documentation of our shared home, including our mortgage statements, utility bills, and homeowners insurance policy. We’ve also included before-and-after photos of our renovation projects and pictures from the many gatherings we’ve hosted. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our family and friends who have been guests in our home and can attest to the life we’ve built together.

I am deeply grateful for the home [Spouse’s Name] and I have created and for the love and memories that fill every room. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Thirteen

I, [Your Name], am writing to submit my I-751 petition to remove the conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has only grown stronger with each passing day.

One of the things that brought us together was our shared love of music. We are both passionate musicians and have spent countless hours playing and writing songs together. Music is the language of our love, and it has been a constant source of joy and connection throughout our relationship.

We’ve also used our music to give back to our community. We regularly perform at local nursing homes and hospitals, bringing a little light and laughter to those who need it most. It’s a small way we can make a difference, and it’s brought us even closer as we share our gifts with others.

In this petition, you’ll find evidence of our shared musical journey, including original songs we’ve written, set lists from our performances, and photos of us playing together. We’ve also included thank you cards from the facilities where we’ve volunteered and affidavits from our fellow musicians who can attest to our dedication to our craft and each other.

I am grateful for the life [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the way, music has woven our hearts as one. Thank you for considering my petition.

Sample Letter Fourteen

We, [Your Name] and [Spouse’s Name], are submitting this joint I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on [Your Name]’s permanent residence. We were married on [Date of Marriage] and have been building a life of love and adventure ever since.

One of our greatest joys has been exploring the great outdoors together. From camping trips in [National Park] to hikes in [Local Trail], we’ve found peace and connection in nature. These adventures have not only brought us closer to each other but have also instilled in us a deep appreciation for the beauty and fragility of the world around us.

We’ve also faced challenges together, like when [Your Name] broke their ankle on a hiking trip last year. It was a scary and painful experience, but [Spouse’s Name] was there every step of the way, helping with recovery and keeping spirits high. It was a reminder that no matter what obstacles we face, we’ll always have each other’s support and love.

In this petition, you’ll find documentation of our outdoor adventures, including camping reservations, hiking permits, and photos from our many trips. We’ve also included medical records from [Your Name]’s ankle injury and physical therapy appointments. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our adventure buddies who can attest to our shared passion for nature and our unwavering commitment to each other.

We are grateful for the life of exploration and discovery we’ve built together and for the strength of our love in times of both joy and challenge. Thank you for considering our petition.

Sample Letter Fifteen

I, [Your Name], am submitting this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse’s Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has been the greatest adventure of my life.

At the heart of our relationship is a shared commitment to lifelong learning. We are both voracious readers and are constantly exploring new ideas and perspectives. Our bookshelves are filled with volumes we’ve read together, from classic novels to cutting-edge nonfiction. Reading has not only expanded our minds but has also sparked countless conversations and deepened our connection.

We’ve also channeled our love of learning into our careers. [Spouse’s Name] is a teacher, and I work in [Your Field]. We are both passionate about our work and are constantly seeking new ways to grow and make a difference in our respective fields. It’s a joy to share our professional journeys and to support each other’s dreams.

In this petition, you’ll find evidence of our shared intellectual life, including book club memberships, library cards, and photos of our overflowing bookshelves. We’ve also included certificates from workshops and conferences we’ve attended together. Additionally, we’ve provided affidavits from our friends and colleagues who can attest to our shared love of learning and our dedication to our careers and to each other.

I am deeply grateful for the life of growth and discovery [Spouse’s Name] and I have built together and for the way our love has expanded our hearts and minds. Thank you for considering my petition.

Creating a compelling I-751 cover letter is a critical step in the process of removing the conditions on your permanent residence.

By sharing your unique story and the details that make your relationship special, you can paint a vivid picture of your life together and demonstrate the authenticity of your marriage.

As you craft your cover letter, remember that your goal is to invite the USCIS officer into your world, to give them a glimpse of the love, laughter, and shared dreams that define your marriage.

Be honest, be vulnerable, and above all, be true to your own unique love story.

With a compelling cover letter and a comprehensive package of supporting evidence, you’ll be well on your way to successfully removing the conditions on your permanent residence and continuing to build your life in the United States with your spouse by your side.

Best of luck on this exciting journey, and congratulations on the love and commitment you share.

Youtube Videos

Form i-751 removal of conditions [the complete guide].

Video Description

What is form i-751.

What is form I-751? How do you fill it out? And what else do you need in order to get it approved by USCIS?

We are going to cover all of this in our video today.

Note that failing to file your I-751 on time can cancel your legal permanent residence and put you in removal proceedings.

So stay tuned to the end to learn everything you need to know in order to file your I-751 on time and get it approved!

Form I-751 is officially called the “Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence”

This application is filed ONLY by those immigrants who receive a green card through marriage.  You will receive a 2 year conditional green card if, at the time of approval or entry into the U.S. on an spousal visa, you have not yet reached your 2 year marriage anniversary date.

Immigrants who receive a 2-year conditional green card through marriage (called “CR-1 green cards”) must file the I-751 with USCIS to receive a permanent green card that they can then renew every 10 years.

If you have a conditional green card, you must file your I-751 before the expiration of your conditional residency card  in order to maintain your legal status.

Filing Jointly and Filing by Yourself

If you are filing jointly with your spouse, then you must file within the 90-day period before the expiration date of your conditional green card.

But if you are filing jointly and you fail to file your I-751 application before your conditional resident card expires, you must include a written statement with your I-751 that explains why you did not file on time.

Note that USCIS typically only approves late submissions if they qualify as “extraordinary circumstances'' beyond your control. If you’re in a situation where your card expired and you did not file in time, please feel free to book a consultation with me so we can review your options.

Sometimes it’s not always possible to file jointly with your spouse, and you may have to file alone.

You might be filing by yourself because your spouse passed away, you got divorced, or because  you are  the victim of abuse. If that is the case, then you can file any time after receiving your conditional green card, even if it’s before 90 days from the date of expiration, or even AFTER your card expires.

When you are filing by yourself, you must select one of the waiver categories listed on the form, which I will go over in detail near the end of this video!

Important Details

As with most immigration forms, the government will require you pay a fee to submit an application for a benefit. The I-751 has a fee, and this must be paid even if you already paid the fee for the I-485. 

The base Filing fee is $595

There is an additional Biometric fee of $85 and an additional $85 for each dependent included on your I-751.

Depending on your household income, you may be able to have the fee waived. A link is included in the description below.

You can pay with money order, personal check, or cashier’s check. If your application is being filed at the Lockbox center, you may be able to pay by credit card. 

Please make sure you check the instructions on the USCIS website before filing to make sure you have the most up to date fee and filing information.

Supporting Documentation

While a Cover letter is  not required, it is recommended.

In recent years there has been an increase in requests for evidence. The cover letter can help by serving as a “guide” for the officials filing your I-751.

The best advice I have for your cover letter is to keep it short and simple

Include important information such as your name and alien registration number, and maybe even an outline of all the evidence you are including to support the fact that your marriage was entered into in good faith, and if necessary, any evidence to support a request for a Waiver of the joint filing.

I will include links for two example letters below. 

You must also include the Front and back copies of your conditional  green card (and those of any children)

You must always include Evidence that your marriage is real, which could include:

  • Proof you living together
  • Joint bank account  and financial statements
  • Joint tax returns
  • Joint bills and insurances
  • Birth certificates of children of the marriage
  • Family photographs
  • Sworn affidavits from friends

If you are not filing jointly and are requesting a waiver, you will need to include either, evidence of death, divorce, or domestic abuse

If you are filing a joint application and filing  this late, you must include an explanation of why your application was not timely filed.

If you have incurred any arrest history, you must include the details of your criminal convictions since becoming a green card holder

If filing while overseas due to military or government service, enclose 2 passport-style photographs, completed Form FD-258 fingerprint cards, and a copy of your current military or government orders. Additionally, write “ACTIVE MILITARY” or “GOVERNMENT ORDERS” on the top of your I-751.”

When you are ready to file, please make sure to check the USCIS website for the most UP TO DATE filing location. Please note that USCIS may change its filing location for your application at any time. Thus, it is extremely important that you always reference the USCIS page for current information.

Please note that your filing location may also be different according to where you live. As of the date of this video, here what the website says:

If you would like more details about documentation and mailing your form, I will include links in the description below for the I 751 instructions on the USCIS website, as well as the official USCIS mailing address for the form.

Walk Through Form I-751

As with any immigration application, you must make sure that you fill out the form in its entirety and with the correct information. Small errors may cause you delay or other problems down the road.

PART 1 of the Information requests basic Information about you, including:

  • Your current legal name, and any other names you have previously used
  • Your Date  and country of birth
  • Your Alien Registration Number (or “A-Number”): You can find this number on your green card
  • USCIS Online Account Number: This is different from your A-Number. If you have a USCIS online services account, you can log in and find your account number on your profile page.
  • And your Mailing and physical addresses: If someone other than you accepts mail on your behalf, include their name on line 15.a., where it reads: “In Care Of Name.”

Part one also requests information about your marital status, including whether you are currently single, married, divorced, or widowed. You must make sure to include the date of divorce (or the date your spouse died, if your marriage terminated through their death), where requested.

You must also put down the expiration date of your conditional resident card, and answer questions on whether you are currently in removal proceedings and about your arrest history.

Please make sure to read each question closely and carefully.

PART 2 requests your biometric information.  

This includes details about you such as eye color, height, weight, and ethnicity.

PART 3 requests information about the basis of your petition, including whether you are filing a joint request, or requesting a waiver.

If you are filing jointly with your spouse or parent, check the box for “Joint filing”.

If you are not filing jointly with your spouse, check the box to select the waiver you are requesting for why your spouse is not filing jointly with you. 

This might include the death of your spouse, spousal abuse, or divorce, or extreme hardship

PARTS 4 and 5 : Information About Your Spouse and Children

Provide basic information about the sponsoring spouse (or parent or guardian).

In Part 5 do the same for any children you have. If you do not have children, go to Part 6.

PART 6: Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities and Impairments

List any disabilities or impairments you might have that require accommodation by USCIS authorities.

PARTS 7 and 8 : Applicant and Spouse Acknowledgements and Signatures

You and your spouse will verify all the information contained in the application is correct.

The conditional green card holder is the “petitioner,” and should complete Part 7 and sign and date the form. 

Their sponsoring spouse, parent, or guardian should complete and sign Part 8.

PARTS 9 and 10: Interpreter and Preparer Information

If an interpreter, lawyer, or anyone else helped you to complete the form, give their details here.

Submission, Timeline & Approval

Request for evidence.

Note that if USCIS determines any part of your application to be missing, you will likely receive a request for evidence, which can delay the process.

This is why it is so important to make sure your submission is complete, and include a cover letter to help USCIS officials find what they need.

Confirming receipt

After submitting your I-751, USCIS will send you a notice confirming receipt, which is called form I-797.

You can present the I-797 along with your existing green card to extend its validity up to 18 months.

This letter is very important. The original of this letter serves as your official proof that your status is extended, and you will need to show this letter to CBP if you plan on traveling internationally.

Checking the status

Once USCIS has your application, the wait time can be more than three years.

You can check the status of your I-751 at any time by using the link included in the description. 

If you think that it is taking too long, check the current processing times at the USCIS website. I will also include this link in the description below.

Biometrics & USCIS Interview

Before your I-751 is approved, USCIS may request you provide new fingerprints, and may  send you details for a biometrics appointment. They may also request you appear for an in-person interview with a USCIS official.

Both of these appointments are important, so make sure you show up at the correct day and time. 

Notice of approval

If USCIS approves your I-751, you will receive a notice of approval, followed by your 10-year green card in the mail.

Note that it might not arrive before the extended date listed on the I-797 receipt, but it will remain valid. 

You can still live, work, and travel as usual. If you need proof of residence then contact USCIS. I will include a link in the description below to contact them.

Once you have your permanent green card, you then just need to renew it before it expires.


[ From Boundless Immigration ] Your time as a conditional green card holder usually counts towards the time needed to qualify for U.S. citizenship, so in some cases you may become eligible for naturalization before you receive your updated green card. 

If that applies to you, you can file a copy of your I-797 receipt along with your N-400 naturalization application and request that USCIS process both applications simultaneously.

Resource Links: 

🔹 Link to the I-751 Form from USCIS: https://www.uscis.gov/i-751

🔹 Instructions for the Form: https://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/document/forms/i-751instr.pdf

🔹 Checking the mailing address: https://www.uscis.gov/i-751-direct-filing-addresses

🔹 USCIS I 751 Fee Calculator: https://www.uscis.gov/feecalculator

🔹 Determining your 90 Day Filing Date: https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-calculator-for-form-i-751-filing-jointly-with-your-spouse

🔹 Requesting a Fee Waiver: https://www.uscis.gov/forms/filing-fees/additional-information-on-filing-a-fee-waiver

🔹 Current Wait Times: https://egov.uscis.gov/processing-times/

🔹 Contacting USCIS: https://www.uscis.gov/contactcenter

🔹 Checking Case Status: https://www.immigrationdirect.com/case-status/#

🔹 Cover Letter Example #1: https://citizenpath.com/cpwp/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/I-751-Sample-Cover-Letter.doc

🔹 Cover Letter Example #2: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e7d121e31413e438383dfb5/t/60078c1755e7d85373b14afb/1611107631840/Sample+I-751+Cover+Letter.pdf

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Form I-751, Explained

A step-by-step guide to upgrading a conditional green card, in this guide.

  • How to file a “Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence”
  • What Is Form I-751?
  • When to File Form I-751
  • How to Fill Out Form I-751
  • Additional Documentation
  • Fees for Form I-751
  • Form I-751 FAQs
  • Related Information

Most green cards last 10 years and can be renewed indefinitely. But if you were married less than 2 years when you obtained permanent residence through marriage, you likely received a “conditional” green card valid for just 2 years.

Before it expires, you’ll need to file Form I-751 (officially called the “Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence”) in order to receive a “permanent” green card that’s renewable every 10 years.

Entrepreneurs who obtained a conditional green card through investment would need to file a different form, called the I-829 .

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Form I-751 (officially called the “Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence”) is a form used to upgrade a 2-year conditional green card to a full 10-year green card. This process is called the “ removal of conditions ” on the marriage-based green card and is important because a conditional green card otherwise expires after 2 years.

Conditional (or “CR-1”) green cards are issued to people who have been married less than 2 years when they gain permanent residence through marriage to a U.S. citizen or green card holder.

The information provided on Form I-751 is used by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to determine whether the applicant’s marriage is genuine and wasn’t entered into for the sole purpose of acquiring a green card.

If your marriage has since ended, you can still apply to remove the conditions on your green card, but you’ll need to explain and provide evidence to show that your marriage was genuine.

Do You Need to File Form I-751?

Everyone issued a conditional green card must file Form I-751 shortly before the 2-year anniversary of their green card’s approval. You likely have conditional resident status if at the time your green card was approved you were married to a U.S. citizen or green card holder less than 2 years.

You can check whether you have conditional residence by looking at the front of your green card. If your card has the letters “ CR1 ” under the “Category” heading, then you have a conditional green card. You can also check the expiration date on your green card to see if you were issued a 2-year or 10-year green card.

Generally, the conditional-resident spouse and the spouse who originally sponsored their green card must file Form I-751 jointly. However, if that isn’t possible — in cases when the couple has divorced or the sponsoring spouse has died or become abusive — then Form I-751 can be filed individually or the joint-filing requirement can be waived.

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It’s important to file Form I-751 in a timely manner to avoid complications, such as the immediate loss of permanent resident status. But the right time to file depends on whether you are filing jointly with your sponsoring spouse or filing individually :

If you are still married and filing jointly with your sponsoring spouse

You must file Form I-751 during the 90-day period before the expiration date of your conditional green card.

For instance, if your green card’s expiration date is April 1, 2021, then you can file Form I-751 no earlier than January 1, 2021, or 90 days. You must file no later than April 1, 2021, in order to maintain your green card status .

If you are filing your I-751 by yourself

You can file your I-751 at any time after you receive conditional residence. This could be the case if your marriage ended due to divorce, annulment, or your sponsoring spouse’s death or if you or your children were abused by your spouse.

If your conditional green card has already expired

In some situations, the U.S. government will make an exception and allow you to file the I-751 form even after your conditional green card has expired. You will need to write a letter outlining your reasons for not filing sooner. Generally, requests will only be approved in “extraordinary circumstances” beyond the applicant’s control, and in which the delay was “reasonable.”

There is no guarantee that an I-751 will be accepted if it is filed late, so it’s important to try to meet the deadline.

Form I-751 must be printed out. You can either type your answers and print out the completed form, or print out a blank form and complete it by hand using black ink.

Once the form is completed, you will need to send it to the U.S. government by mail. The address you’ll use depends on which U.S. state you’re in. You can check where to send your completed I-751 here .

The information required to complete Form I-751 is fairly straightforward. Let’s look at each part of the form individually.

PART 1: Information about you

This section asks for basic personal information, such as your name, marital status, and other personal information. Other questions that may not be as obvious:

Alien Registration Number (or “A-Number”) : You can find this number on your green card, where it is labeled “USCIS#”. You can also find this number on your past correspondence with USCIS.

USCIS Online Account Number : This is different from your A-Number. Do not worry about it if you don’t have one. If you have used USCIS online services in the past, you can log in to your account and find your account number on your profile page.

Mailing and physical addresses : You may live at a different address than where you receive mail. If someone other than you accepts mail on your behalf, include their name on line 15.a., where it reads: “In Care Of Name.”

PART 2: Biographic Information

Here you will be asked for details about you, including eye color, height, weight, and ethnicity.

PART 3: Basis for Petition

If you are filing jointly with your spouse or parent, check the appropriate box in “Joint filing”.

If your circumstances mean you cannot file jointly with your spouse, check the appropriate box to explain why your spouse will not file with you. This might include the death of your spouse, spousal abuse, or divorce.

PARTS 4 and 5: Information About Your Spouse and Children

In this section, you will provide basic information about the sponsoring spouse (or parent or guardian) through whom the applicant obtained their green card.

In Part 5 you will do the same for any children you may have. If you do not have children, go straight to Part 6.

PART 6: Accommodations for Individuals with Disabilities and Impairments

In this section, you can make USCIS aware of any disabilities or impairments you might have, and which would require accommodation by U.S. authorities.

PARTS 7 and 8: Applicant and Spouse Acknowledgements and Signatures

In this part, you and your spouse will be asked to verify that all the information contained in the application is correct.

The conditional green card holder is the “petitioner,” and should complete Part 7 and sign and date the form. Their sponsoring spouse, parent, or guardian (if applicable) should then complete and sign in Part 8.

PARTS 9 and 10: Interpreter and Preparer Information

If an interpreter, lawyer, or anyone else helped you to complete the form, they need to give their details in these sections.

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When you mail your completed Form I-751, you will also need to include some supporting documentation. You should send:

  • Copies of the front and back of your current green card, and of the front and back of the green cards of any children included on the I-751.
  • Evidence that your marriage was entered into in good faith. This could include documents that show you continue to live together, such as mortgage or lease documents; evidence of shared assets, joint bank accounts, or joint tax filings; birth certificates of children born since your marriage; voided checks showing the same address; or even family photographs and sworn affidavits from friends. For further details, check out Boundless’ article on how to prove your marriage is real .
  • Evidence to support your reasons for not filing jointly (if applicable). This could include your spouse’s death certificate; a finalized divorce decree; or official documentation showing that you or your children suffered domestic abuse.
  • An explanation for the reason you are filing late (if applicable).
  • Details of any criminal convictions or charges brought against you since you became a green card holder (if applicable).
  • If filing while overseas due to military or government service, enclose 2 passport-style photographs, completed Form FD-258 fingerprint cards, and a copy of your current military or government orders. Additionally, write “ACTIVE MILITARY” or “GOVERNMENT ORDERS” on the top of your I-751.

Check the I-751 instructions for full details on the kinds of documentation required for your specific circumstances.

The filing fee for Form I-751 is $750. You can request a fee waiver based on your household income, receipt of means-tested benefits, or financial hardship.

You can pay the fee with a money order, personal check, or cashier’s check. When filing at a USCIS Lockbox facility , you can pay by credit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions .

What Happens Next?

  • Receipt: After you file Form I-751, you will receive a notice in the mail confirming that your Form I-751 has been received. This receipt, also called a Form I-797, can be presented along with your existing green card to extend its validity for up to 18 months beyond the original expiration date. Whenever you need to prove your U.S. residence, you must show both your green card and the receipt.
  • Wait time: The processing times for I-751 forms change on a regular basis, and depend on which USCIS office processes your application. Be sure to check for current wait times . Sometimes the wait can be more than 3 years. That means you might not get your full green card before the extended date listed on your I-797 receipt. Don’t worry! Your green card will automatically remain valid until your I-751 petition is decided. You can still live, work, and travel freely just as you did before filing your I-751. If you need proof of residence, you can contact USCIS and request an appointment to get an extension stamped in your passport.
  • Review: USCIS will review your application and send a request for evidence if parts of your application are missing. That can further delay the process, so make sure your Form I-751 is complete and that you include all the required documentation.
  • Biometrics: You will then be sent details of your biometrics appointment , including date, time, and location. This is an important appointment, so make sure you don’t miss it.
  • Interview: Finally, you may be required to attend an interview with a USCIS official. This requirement used to be regularly waived if the applicant and their spouse submitted clear evidence of a genuine marriage along with their initial application, but under new guidelines implemented late in 2018, most conditional green card holders do now have to attend an in-person interview.
  • Approval: If USCIS approves your petition, you will receive a notice of approval, followed by a new 10-year green card in the mail. You will need to renew your new green card before it expires.

Conditional residence and U.S. citizenship

Your time as a conditional green card holder usually counts towards the time needed to qualify for U.S. citizenship, so in some cases you may become eligible for naturalization before you receive your updated green card. If that applies to you, you can file a copy of your I-797 receipt along with your N-400 naturalization application and request that USCIS process both applications simultaneously.

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Checking the Status of Your I-751

You can check the status of your Form I-751 by following the steps outlined in our guide . You will need to enter your application number, email address, and name. Once you’ve logged in, select “I-751 Remove Conditions” under “case type.”

Boundless Tip

If you are concerned that USCIS is taking too long to process your Form I-751, check the processing times for the field office where you filed. In the final column, you will see a date labeled “Receipt date for a case inquiry.” If you filed your application on or before this date, you can contact USCIS to request an update on the status of your case.

Form I-751 processing delays are nothing new. In 2013, a Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) Ombudsman report found that a severe lack of training, inconsistent adjudications, and unwarranted removal proceedings were gumming up the works. And according to the CIS Ombudsman 2021 annual report , the inefficiencies and delays have only gotten worse. This is in large part due to the evolving (or devolving) state of interview waiver guidelines.

In 2005, an interoffice memorandum prioritized Requests for Evidence (RFEs), over interviews, to clear up any inconsistencies in I-751 petitions. If, despite new evidence, confusion still prevailed — or if the application seemed fraudulent in any way — the officers were instructed by the memo to schedule an in-person interview.

In 2018, USCIS issued another guidance , to fulfill the mission of Executive Order 13780 — entitled “Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United States.” That guidance shared much of the same language as the 2005 memo, except for one important addition: all conditional permanent residents (CPRs) who received their approval abroad, and who filed on or after December 10th, 2018, would, by default, have to attend an interview. In effect, interview waivers became the exception rather than the norm.

The new criterion — dubbed the “categorical interview requirement” — caused the number of interviews to skyrocket. Petitions meeting this requirement were effectively funneled to field offices for interviews. According to the 2021 Ombudsman report, “As of December 31, 2020, 58,371 Form I-751 petitions were pending with USCIS that met the categorical interview requirement.”

Perhaps more striking is the fact that, in 2019, 187,000 CPRs received their green card through consular processing. Under the 2018 guidance, all those applicants must attend an interview. In practice, this means severe delays. While USCIS is required by law to issue a decision within 90 days of the interview, they only reach this standard 49% of the time.

What was the reasoning behind the 2018 guidance? The administration intended to weed out the perceived threat of fraudulent applications. But, as it turns out, this threat was more fiction than fact. In 2020, only 1 percent of denials were due to fraud. For more on the 2018 guidance and its effects, read our article on the topic.

In response to the increased delays, USCIS has updated its policies to provide some cushion for applicants in bureaucratic limbo. Petitioners are now permitted to use their receipt notice (Form I-797), with their green card, as proof of residence for up to 24 months after the expiration of their permanent resident card. That’s 6 months more than the original 18-month grace period. Eligible applicants who filed prior to September 4th will receive a new receipt notice with the updated timeline.

You can check the current processing time estimates on the USCIS website . If you’ve been waiting longer than the estimated processing time, you can submit an e-form to inquire about the status of your petition.

There are 3 ways in which your application can be denied:

  • It has been discovered, within the 2-year conditional period, that the marriage was fraudulent, or “judicially annulled”, or that the applicant has paid a fee for filing another application for immigrant status.
  • The applicant did not attend their interview or file a joint petition within the appropriate time frame.
  • The application itself contains false information.

If your application has been denied for one of these reasons, USCIS will send you a Notice to Appear (NTA), and you will be expected to attend removal proceedings at an immigration court. If you would like to argue your case, you will have to submit another I-751 on different grounds . Once you file the new petition, you can submit a motion to continue your removal proceedings while USCIS considers your new application. If the new I-751 is approved, you can file another motion to end the removal proceedings.

If the second Form I-751 is denied, it will be up to the judge to determine whether the decision was sound. Your conditional residence will remain valid until the end of the proceedings.

While it is not required that you submit a cover letter with your application, it can be very useful if you think your case might appear odd to a USCIS officer. You can use the letter to quell any potential concerns the case officer might have when reviewing your submission. This will, in turn, reduce the possibility of further evidence requests. For instance, if you and your spouse live separately , you can write a letter explaining why this is the case.

You can also use the letter to summarize your application, providing a list of contents and a brief explanation of each item on the list. It’s good to keep the letter brief and to the point, and you should be sure to include your name and alien registration number.

There’s no rule governing who should write the letter. You and your partner can decide together who might be best suited to the task. If either of you have experience drafting official letters, then the task should probably fall to that person. No matter who writes the letter, it’s a good idea for both of you (and a third party ) to review the draft several times before submitting. This will help reduce the possibility of errors sneaking their way into your petition.

As mentioned above, Form I-751 has been clogging the proverbial pipeline for sometime now. Ever since the publication of the 2018 memorandum, the number of required interviews has gone through the roof. As a result, the caseload has been distributed across several USCIS offices. According to the 2021 Ombudsman report , all applications meeting the “categorical interview requirement” have been forwarded “directly to the National Benefits Center (NBC) for intake processing and interview scheduling.” And since most CPR applicants are required to attend an interview, a large number of petitions have been sent to NBC.

First of all, it’s important to know that this is not grounds for immediate dismissal of your case . That being said, you should notify USCIS of the divorce as soon as it is final. They might send you an RFE requesting documentary proof that your marriage has ended, in which case you should promptly reply with the requested information. You might want to send the divorce decree with an attached cover letter explaining the situation and requesting that your initial application be changed to a divorce-based waiver petition. Whichever path you take, you should, where possible, include concrete evidence of your attempts to save the marriage — if, for instance, you went to couple’s therapy. You will want to show the case officer that your relationship and the ensuing divorce were authentic. But, in the end, this is not a reason to panic.

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Home » Blog » How to Write an I-751 Affidavit Letter of Support

How to Write an I-751 Affidavit Letter of Support

April 16, 2024 Replace/Renew Green Card

I-751 Affidavit Being Signed

When filing Form I-751 to remove the conditions on residence, the conditional permanent resident also needs to submit evidence that the relationship was entered in “good faith.” U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) wants to confirm that the marriage was not entered into for the purposes of evading immigration laws. Much confusion surrounds the need to submit an I-751 affidavit.

What is an I-751 affidavit (letter of support)? Is the letter sufficient proof of a bona fide marriage? Who should write a letter of support? Do I need I-751 affidavits if I am getting a divorce? How should someone write the letter of support? Do you have a sample I-751 affidavit? How can CitizenPath help me?

I-751 Letter of Support, Explained

These “letters of support” are statements written by people that know the couple and have first-hand knowledge of the relationship. The I-751 affidavit helps support other evidence that the couple submits to demonstrate that the marriage was entered in good faith and is a not a “sham” marriage.

The I-751 affidavit is not mandatory, but it’s strongly suggested by many attorneys. What’s more, strong evidence of a bona fide marriage may help petitioners avoid the I-751 interview. Affidavits are most useful when the petitioner’s evidence of a bona fide marriage is weak and possibly insufficient.

An Affidavit is Not Primary Evidence

An I-751 affidavit can never replace strong, objective evidence that a bona fide marriage exists. The best evidence of a genuine, good faith marriage includes proof of having children together, joint finances (such as bank accounts, insurance, and retirement plans) and jointly owned property. These documents demonstrate that the couple lives together and is planning for the future together.

Most attorneys will agree that an affidavit is never as good the primary forms of evidence mentioned above. However, petitioners can use the I-751 affidavit letter to fill in gaps or build a stronger case on top of existing evidence. But petitioners should expect USCIS to weigh the objective forms of evidence more heavily than an I-751 affidavit.

Featured image for “33 Great Documents for Proving a Bona Fide Marriage on an I-751 Petition”

33 Great Documents for Proving a Bona Fide Marriage on an I-751 Petition

Who should write an i-751 affidavit.

Typically, I-751 affidavit letters of support are written by friends of the married couple. The letter is not limited to friends; it may be written by a family member or even a religious leader. Ideally the person writing the letter of support has known the couple since before the marriage and until the present time. There is no requirement that the writer must be a U.S. citizen or even live in the United States. But remember, they should be a close confidant that is familiar with the couple’s life together. So the writer should ideally be local to the couple.

The I-751 affidavit is the writer’s opportunity to testify to their personal experience with the couple and share observations that led to the conclusion that the couple is in love and each spouse has honest intentions to remain a married couple. Of course, it’s impossible to be sure than even the most sincere couple will remain married forever. The writer can only testify to the extent of their personal knowledge.

Use of an Affidavit When Filing with a I-751 Waiver

In some cases, a marriage that was entered with the best intentions does not have a happy ending. Bona fide marriages could terminate early due to divorce or death. In these situations, the conditional resident must file Form I-751 with a waiver for the joint filing requirement. Even if the marriage didn't work out, the conditional resident must still prove that they entered the marriage in good faith and intended to build a life together.

Broken ring represents I-751 affidavit after divorce

Proving a bona fide marriage does become more difficult when the conditional resident is no longer married. An I-751 affidavit can help to establish the good intentions of the couple and the unfortunate reasons for the marriage ending (particularly in cases with spousal abuse).

The conditional permanent resident should contact an immigration attorney before filing Form I-751 with a waiver for the joint filing requirement. In these cases, USCIS will scrutinize the I-751 petition more heavily. An attorney can help the conditional resident achieve the best outcome.

Properly Created Affidavit for Form I-751

An affidavit is basically a sworn letter. The person who writes an affidavit is an affiant. The affiant swears to the affidavit’s truth. When submitting I-751 affidavits to USCIS, experts recommend a typed letter. Every I-751 affidavit should cover these basic points:

  • Full name and address of affiant
  • Date and place of birth
  • Relationship to the conditional resident and spouse
  • An account of your relationship explaining:
  • How you met the couple
  • Time frame you have known the couple
  • Give a sense of the frequency (i.e. frequently socialize)
  • Details explaining how the person acquired this knowledge (i.e. friends)
  • Date and signature

Remember, the I-751 affidavit is supporting evidence to prove that the couple has a bona fide marriage. That is, the marriage is true and genuine. So the affiant should ideally provide a short account of why they believe this is true. The affiant can use a story that demonstrates the couple’s mutual commitment, the hard work that the couple have put into the immigration process, etc.

The letter does not need to be notarized, but it is important to include a sworn statement that states, “I swear, under penalty of perjury, that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.”

The petitioner should understand that an affidavit is only supporting evidence. You must use primary forms of objective evidence to prove a good faith marriage and then use the affidavit to back it up.

Featured image for “Proving a Good Faith Marriage When Filing I-751”

Proving a Good Faith Marriage When Filing I-751

Sample i-751 affidavit.

CitizenPath has prepared a downloadable I-751 affidavit sample that you can forward to friends who are willing to write a letter of support. The downloadable PDF file includes a list of the basic points that the writer should cover in the letter and an example I-751 affidavit.

Use the sample I-751 affidavit as an example. Remember that each letter is unique and should contain elements that are personal to your story. The affiant should be honest and use anecdotes to demonstrate why they came to the conclusion that the couple has a bona fide marriage.

i-751 affidavit sample

Although it is rare, the affiant should understand that they may be required to testify before an immigration officer as to the information contained in the affidavit.

USCIS may require the couple to attend an interview after filing Form I-751 and the required evidence. However, the odds of avoiding this interview are greatly improved by providing adequate (quantity) and strong (quality) evidence of a bona fide marriage in the petition package. Many couples are able to avoid the I-751 interview. Filing at least two well-prepared I-751 affidavit letters of support in addition to primary forms of objective evidence can help seal the deal.

Featured image for “Tips for Avoiding the I-751 Interview After Conditional Residence”

Tips for Avoiding the I-751 Interview After Conditional Residence

About citizenpath.

CitizenPath provides simple, affordable, step-by-step guidance through USCIS immigration applications. Individuals, attorneys and non-profits use the service on desktop or mobile device to prepare immigration forms accurately, avoiding costly delays. CitizenPath allows users to try the service for free and provides a 100% money-back guarantee that USCIS will approve the application or petition. We provide support for the Removal of Conditions Package (Form I-751) , Naturalization Package (N-400) , and several other immigration services .

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Removal of conditions.

Removal of Conditions or ROC is the step when the conditions in your 2-year GC needs to be removed to receive the 10-year GC. At this stage, you and your spouse have been together long enough to establish a bona fide marriage. It is important to submit proofs of a bonafide marriage, a lot of people have been getting RFEs to show that their marriage is real and genuine. About 5 months before the 2-year GC expires, you will receive a letter from USCIS reminding you need to file for ROC. This letter may or may not arrive so do not wait for it to apply for ROC. You can file ROC within ninety (90) days before your 2-year GC expires. You cannot submit your ROC earlier than that because USCIS will just send it back to you. Make sure USCIS receives your ROC application before your 2-year GC expires otherwise you will be subjected to deportation.

Preparing the ROC Packet:

Cover Letter   (SAMPLE HERE)

Payment of filing fee and biometrics fee of $680.00 in check or money order payable to “U.S. Department of Homeland Security”.   (SAMPLE CHECK)

Form G-1145, E-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance  (this is optional but recommended so you will receive updates on your application)

Duly completed and signed  Form I-751, Remove Conditions on a Green Card through Marriage   (SAMPLE FORM HERE)

Copy of Permanent Resident Card (front and back)

Copy of Biographic Page of Passport and pages with stamps

Evidences of bona fide relationship:

Copies of joint income tax returns and W2’s for all the years that you were married. You can order your copies of tax transcripts  HERE .

Copies of recent three (3) months statements of joint bank accounts,

Copies of recent three (3) months statements of different household bills - auto insurance, utilities, credit card, mortgage, etc. 

Copies of joint ownership or lease of properties - car or house

Copy of health insurance cards, showing joint policy

Copy of airline tickets, boarding passes and hotel reservation receipts of vacations taken

Copy of birth certificate of child(ren) together (if any)

Copy of letters and cards from family and friends addressed to both

Sworn affidavits of family and friends, attesting to our relationship and marriage

Pictures together and with family and friends with captions of date, location (city/state) and names of people in picture

Where to Send the ROC Packet:

Click Here for Direct Filing Addresses

What To Expect After Submission of ROC:

In about 2 weeks, you will receive the extension letter extending your 2-year GC for about 18 months. You can use this letter for work or travel abroad together with your expiring/expired GC. Keep your extension letter in a safe place and make copies.

  • You may or may not receive biometrics appointment. In some cases, they reuse the biometrics from the Adjustment of Status if you filed for one.
  • The case status can be monitored using the Receipt Number on the  USCIS Website
  • If the processing time takes longer than normal, you can file for an  eRequest  stating that the case is outside normal processing time.


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When to File Your Petition to Remove Conditions

A conditional permanent resident receives a Green Card valid for two years. To remove the conditions on your permanent resident status, you must file a petition before your conditional Green Card expires.

To remove the conditions on a Green Card based on marriage, you must file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence .

  • To remove conditions on a Green Card for entrepreneurs, you must file Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status . 

If we granted you conditional permanent resident status through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, use Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence , to file for the removal of those conditions.

You are filing with your U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse (called “filing jointly”). You must file your Form I-751 during the 90-day period immediately before your conditional residence expires.
You were not included in your parent’s petition and are filing a separate joint petition with your U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident stepparent. You may file at any time before your conditional permanent resident status expires.

You may file your Form I-751 individually, or with a request to waive the joint filing requirement depending on the circumstance, at any time before your conditional permanent resident status expires.

Divorce or annulment proceedings must be completed before you file.

If you do not apply to remove the conditions in time, you could lose your conditional permanent resident status and potentially be removed from the country.

If we granted you conditional permanent resident status based on investment, you must file Form I-829, Petition by Investor to Remove Conditions on Permanent Resident Status , within the 90-day period before your Green Card expires.

If you do not file Form I-829 as required, you will automatically lose your conditional permanent resident status as of the second anniversary of the date you were granted conditional status. As a result, you will become removable from the United States.

To use the date calculator, check your permanent resident card to locate the date when the card expires, which can be found under the label Card Expires . 

For example, using the expiration date shown on the card on the right, you would type 06 30 2023 , into the appropriate cells of the calculator, as shown below:

Month, Day, Year boxes to put expiration date to calculate earliest filing date

The earliest date you may file your petition to remove conditions is:


If you are required to file within 90 days of your conditional status expiring, you may use this calculator to ensure you submit your petition within the 90-day window.

If you are required to file within 90 days of your conditional status expiring, and USCIS receives your petition before this date, your petition may be rejected and returned to you for filing too early.

If you file your Petition to Remove Conditions late, you must include with your petition:

  • A request to excuse your late filing; and
  • A written explanation showing your failure to file on time was for good cause and due to extenuating circumstances.

We will determine whether there was good cause for the failure to file your petition within the required time period.

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  • Effects of Major Family Changes on Immigration Benefits


Example I-751 divorce waiver cover letter

By galephys October 12, 2012 in Effects of Major Family Changes on Immigration Benefits

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Recommended posts, galephys   12.

I was looking for a sample cover letter for I-751 divorce waiver, but found nothing. Instructions for I-751 say:

Page 2 , Evidence of the relationship, middle of the first paragraph:

"Submit copies of as many documents as you wish to establish this fact and demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date, and to demonstrate any circumstances surrounding the end of the relationship, if it has ended."

It took me more than a week, but I came up with this:

USCIS Vermont Service Center 75 Lower Welden Street P.O. Box 200 St. Albans, VT 05479-0001 I-751 PETITION TO REMOVE CONDITIONS ON RESIDENCE OF <my name>, A# Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to submit a Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence for myself, <my name>. I married Mr.<ex's name> (A#, he was naturalized USC ) on June 21, 2010 in good faith and was granted conditional residency on December 6, 2010. Unfortunately the marriage ended in separation on October 20, 2011. It is required by <State> law to be separated for a full year before filing for a divorce, therefore I am filing with a waiver and attaching proofs of the ongoing divorce proceedings. I will mail a final divorce decree and a name change form to complete this package as soon as possible. The following are the description of the attachments in the submitted order: Form I-751 waiver based on marriage entered in good faith but terminated through divorce. A check for $590 payable from my checking account. A copy of my permanent resident card. A copy of my national passport showing my maiden name which I wish to use after the divorce is finalized. A copy of my lease showing the date I separated from my husband, Mr.<name> A copy of the letter from my lawyer to Mr.<name> initiating the divorce procedures after 6 months of separation as required by Virginia law. A copy of Mr.<name>’s lawyer response which moved the date of separation to the date when I moved out of the marital residence. A copy of the letter from my lawyer indicating the date of the first hearing of the case. As an evidence of a marriage entered in good faith I attach: A copy of my marriage certificate. A copy of the lease addendums showing when I was added to Mr.<name>’s lease, my name change after the wedding and when Mr.<name> removed me from the lease. Evidence of shared property: A copy of a certificate of title for a vehicle (car) bought in March 2011, during the marriage, and owned jointly by me and Mr.<name>. A copy of the the loan agreement for the second vehicle (car2) jointly owned be me and Mr.<name>. Since it is financed, I do not have a title to present. A copy of the second vehicle (car2) registration for a years 2010-2013 under both our names. Joint car insurance cards from Geico for <car2> valid from 12/2010 to 12/2011 Joint car insurance cards from Geico for <car1> valid from 3/2011 to 12/2011 Joint car insurance card from Geico for <car0> valid from 12/2010 to 6/2011 A copy of the joint insurance quote for <car0> for June 2009. Insurance company was not able to provide me an actual insurance card for that vehicle because at that time me and Mr.<name> were dating, but not married yet, and I don’t have the rights to access this information. Evidence of shared financial resources: A copy of the first pages of the bank statements with <FederalCreditUnion> from July 2010 to December 2011. I highlighted both our names and account names on each statement. You may see that we had a savings account and a car loan from July 2010 to February 2011, then we opened a joint checking account. In October 2011 we have separated and Mr.<name> opened and individual checking account with <FCU>. Due to privacy issues a <FCU> worker had to cut out parts of the statements which contained information about Mr.<name>’s individual account. As of now because of the separation neither joint savings, nor joint checking account is used anymore, and I do not have statements for this period. A copy of the joint credit card agreement with <FCU>. A copy of the joint membership/account card agreement with <FCU>. A copy of the joint checking account with the <Bank> for June-July 2010 and November-December 2011. Because of the separation this account was closed in November 2011. A copy of my tax return for year 2010 which I filed married, filing jointly with Mr.<name>. A copy of my tax return for year 2011 which I filed as married, filing separate. A copy of the letter from electrical company regarding our request for electrical services from July 29, the month I moved in with Mr.<name> at our future marital residence, showing both our names. Copies of the natural gas bills for August 2010 and November 2011 showing both our names. Copies of a sale agreement of a puppy (dog's name) to both me and Mr.<name>. Along with proofs of shared responsibility trough copies of veterinary records under both our names and an agreement about the dog’s future residence which me and Mr.<name> signed on the day of separation. A proof of shared responsibility for a cat through a certificate of vaccination under both our names. A copy of the wireless service activation form showing Mr.<name> activating a family plan for 2 phone lines, buying 2 phones and transferring 2 phone numbers from T-Mobile. Mr.<name> later removed my name from the contract and cancelled it after the separation, but my contact number remained the same. Additionally, to provide details for a reason of the separation: A copy of the police report dated November 12, 2011, which shows details why me and Mr.<name> had separated (highlighted). A copy of the police report dated August 23, 2011, which documents Mr.<name>’s suicidal ideas. A copy of the police report dated October 19, 2011, which documents the fact that me and Mr.<name> resided in the same household but different rooms at the time. A partial copy of my individual counseling sessions, which I attended from February 2011 till August 2011. I did not include the full report due to privacy issues – I discussed many other things with the counselor besides my marriage. However, I highlighted related parts of the treatment summary, from the last appointment to the first. I would like to briefly explain what happened to the marriage: around Christmas 2010 my husband became very jealous of all of my previous relationships, over time it developed into a problem of control, anger and emotional abuse. I went to individual therapy, my husband refused to come with me, and worked with a counselor to improve our marriage. It takes 2 people to change relationship pattern, and unfortunately I was not able to do it alone. After about 7 months of struggle I decided to end the marriage. I must say Mr.<name> never physically hurt me, and other forms of control and abuse are extremely hard to prove (I tried, see a police report dated November 12, 2011). For this reason I am not filing to remove conditions on permanent residency with a waiver based on abuse, but I found it necessary to explain the reasons of the divorce. If you would like more details, please refer to highlighted parts of the therapy summary and police reports. Should you have any questions, please contact me anytime. Thank you! Best regards, <my name> phone, email, date. signature.

I hope this helps someone and I sure hope this 1/2" thick package is good enough for them to approve me. Mailing it tomorrow, maximum Monday.

  • user19000 and kerrydavid


My immigration journey

July 2009 - F1 student PhD program

AOS June 2010 - married USC

August 2010 - sent I-130 and I-485

December 2010 - CGC received. December 2010 - ex-husband got crazy May 2011 - separated November 2012 - divorced!!

I-751 waiver

October 13 - filed I-751 waiver by myself November 28 - BIO & InfoPass to submit a divorce decree

December 2012 - CGC expires

May 3 2013 - RFE received, asked for a divorce decree (haha) and address clarification + more evidence

July 6 2013 - RFE mailed and received

September 2013 - InfoPass, passport stamped to extend my status


December 27 2013 - Card received, too bad I was overseas

January 2014 US entry, special screening, but admitted instantly once I got to speak to the officer. It's a standard procedure if no valid GC on hand.

July 2015 - MARRIED in Russia

October 2015 - N-400 sent

February 2016 - interview and test

March 2015: USC!

DCF for my husband

April 2016: InfoPass to file I-130 in Moscow, approved on the same day.

May 2016: DS-260 interview - AP for "dangerous" work field

July 2016: visa issued! 59 days in AP.

May 2018: filed I-751 

June 2018: 18 months extension received

I traveled all over the world in the meantime, no problems with visas and entries, occasionally some explaining and more documents to haul around.

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VanessaTony   3,567

I was looking for a sample cover letter for I-751 divorce waiver, but found nothing. Instructions for I-751 say: Page 2 , Evidence of the relationship, middle of the first paragraph: "Submit copies of as many documents as you wish to establish this fact and demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date, and to demonstrate any circumstances surrounding the end of the relationship, if it has ended." It took me more than a week, but I came up with this: I hope this helps someone and I sure hope this 1/2" thick package is good enough for them to approve me. Mailing it tomorrow, maximum Monday.

Looks good. I have to ask though, why did you say you would forward the decree AND name change form? you completed the form in your maiden name correct? the divorce decree will be your name change document so there's no need for a "form".

Aussie K1 process - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/206016-australian-beneficiaries-packet-3-to-interview-date/ AOS, EAD & AP - the Aussie Way (including document list) - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/235331-aos-ead-ap-from-k1-the-aussie-way-doc-list-included/ ROC April 2012 - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/358760-i-751-april-2012-filers/ (includes document list) N-400 April 2013 - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/412738-n-400-april-2013-filers/ (includes document list)

N-400 Interview review - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/412738-n-400-april-2013-filers/?p=6381814

N-400 Oath Ceremony review - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/412738-n-400-april-2013-filers/?p=6537699 Aussie Chat page continued - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/331922-new-2011-land-downunder-aussie-aussie-aussie-oi-oi-oi/ Aussie Name Change on Passport Process - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/248400-australian-passport-name-change-process/ Travel on maiden name passport with married name GC, tickets in married name - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/183541-land-downunder-aussie-aussie-aussie-oi-oi-oi/page__view__findpost__p__4135806 Shipping Costs from Aus to US - http://www.visajourney.com/forums/topic/293179-shipping-costs-aus-to-usa/ Notes: - For my "standard" timeline please see timeline to the left - For timeline with Aussie specifics & more detailed info, please see the "About Me" section of my profile

Yeah, I filed under my maiden name. I didn't know if there is a form or not, so I just said that. I am going to get an info-pass appointment and bring it there anyway, so who cares:)

  • 5 years later...

kerrydavid   2

@galephys  hi, thank u for sharing ur cover letter,  just want to ask, what was the other evidence that they asked u to provide more and whats the info pass for? thank u 

form i 751 cover letter sample

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    form i 751 cover letter sample

  2. I 751 Cover Letter Examples

    form i 751 cover letter sample

  3. Cover Letter for I-751

    form i 751 cover letter sample

  4. I 751 Cover Letter Sample

    form i 751 cover letter sample

  5. Form I 751 Cover Letter Sample

    form i 751 cover letter sample

  6. I-751 Cover Letter Sample 2023

    form i 751 cover letter sample


  1. Sample Cover Letter: I-751 Joint Petition to Remove ...

    Find a sample cover letter for joint petition to remove conditions on permanent residence based on marriage. See the format, documents and tips for filing I-751 with USCIS.

  2. Sample Cover Letter for Removal of Conditions (Joint I-751 Petition

    Learn how to file a Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, with a cover letter that includes evidence of your marriage. This sample letter is for jointly filed petitions and may help you avoid a Request for Evidence.

  3. 15 Sample Cover Letters for I-751

    Sample Letter Fifteen. Subject: I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence - [Your Name] Dear USCIS Officer, I, [Your Name], am submitting this I-751 petition to request the removal of conditions on my permanent residence. I married my spouse, [Spouse's Name], on [Date of Marriage], and our love has been the greatest adventure of my life.

  4. PDF Sample Cover Letter

    Request for Waiver of Joint Filing Requirement. Dear Sir or Madam, Please find enclosed XXXXXXX XXXXXXX's I-751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence and a Request for a Waiver of the Joint Filing Requirement based on: y into marriage with XXXXXXX XXXXXXX in good faith; Th. battery and extrem.

  5. USCIS Cover Letter for Immigration Benefits

    Immigrant Visa Petition for a Spouse: Start with this I-130 cover letter template when you are filing Form I-130 to petition a spouse for a green card. Refer to the sample as an example. Immigrant Visa Petition for Other Relative: If your beneficiary is a relative other than a spouse, use this I-130 cover letter.

  6. I-751 Cover Letter

    This is an example of my I-751 Cover Letter as your reference. You can include as many docs as you want to show your marriage "in good faith"Some supporting ...

  7. Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

    You can find the filing fee for Form I-751 by visiting our Fee Schedule page.. You can pay the fee with a money order, personal check, cashier's check, or pay by credit card or debit card using Form G-1450, Authorization for Credit Card Transactions.If you pay by check, you must make your check payable to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

  8. Form I-751 Guide (Remove Conditions on Residence)

    Generally, couples should file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, in the 90-day period before a conditional green card expires. Form I-751 is a joint petition. That means that you and your spouse will file the petition together. USCIS will likely reject petitions mailed more than 90 days before the expiration of the ...

  9. PDF SAMPLE I-751 Form, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence

    section of the Form I-751 Instructions before completing this part. NOTE: If you selected Box 1.a. in Part 3., your spouse must also read and sign the petition in Part 8. Signature of a conditional resident child under 14 years of age is not required; a parent may sign for a child.

  10. Form I-751 Removal Of Conditions [The COMPLETE Guide]

    As with most immigration forms, the government will require you pay a fee to submit an application for a benefit. The I-751 has a fee, and this must be paid even if you already paid the fee for the I-485. The base Filing fee is $595. There is an additional Biometric fee of $85 and an additional $85 for each dependent included on your I-751.

  11. Form I-751 (Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence), Explained

    Form I-751 (officially called the "Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence") is a form used to upgrade a 2-year conditional green card to a full 10-year green card. This process is called the " removal of conditions " on the marriage-based green card and is important because a conditional green card otherwise expires after 2 years ...

  12. Removing Conditions (I-751) on US Permanent Residency Step-by-Step

    Cover Sheet (example here) 3. Form I-751, Petition to Remove the Conditions on Residence (see example form) 4. Copy of the Green Card (Front and Back) for the person filing to remove conditions (and any K2 children) 5. Evidence of Bona fide Relationship (see below)


    Time stamps:0:00 Intro01:52 Sample Cover Letter07:32 Filing TipsSAMPLE COVER LETTER: https://buymeacoffee.com/kseniya/e/272585FILING ADDRESS I-751: https://w...

  14. COMPLETE guide to I-751 affidavits in the U.S. [2024]

    At a Glance. Form I-751, the Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, is required for conditional permanent residents seeking to remove the conditions and obtain permanent residency without restrictions. It is an 11-page document and the initial step for marriage-based green cards. Filing jointly with your spouse within 90 days of completing ...

  15. Example

    Contents Include: I-751 Form signed by myself and my spouse. Check for $680, which includes $595 filling fee and $85 biometrics fee. Birth certificate of child born from the marriage. Copy of birth certificate of daughter "U.S. citizen child Name" born during the time of this marriage with our as parents name listed.

  16. How to Write an I-751 Affidavit Letter of Support

    The affiant swears to the affidavit's truth. When submitting I-751 affidavits to USCIS, experts recommend a typed letter. Every I-751 affidavit should cover these basic points: Full name and address of affiant. Date and place of birth. Relationship to the conditional resident and spouse.

  17. Removal of Conditions

    Cover Letter (SAMPLE HERE) Payment of filing fee and biometrics fee of $680.00 in check or money order payable to "U.S. Department of Homeland Security". ... Duly completed and signed Form I-751, Remove Conditions on a Green Card through Marriage (SAMPLE FORM HERE) Copy of Permanent Resident Card (front and back) ...

  18. PDF Form I-751, Instructions for Petition to Remove Conditions on ...

    If you were granted conditional resident status through marriage to a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident, use Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, to file for the removal of those conditions. If you have dependent children who acquired conditional resident status on the same day as you or within 90 days thereafter ...

  19. I 751 Sample Cover Letter

    This document provides a sample cover letter for filing a Form I-751 jointly with a spouse to remove conditions on residence. The summary includes: - A sample cover letter is provided to guide individuals filing Form I-751 jointly with their spouse. - The letter lists examples of evidence that can be included to demonstrate a bona fide marriage, such as joint financial accounts, property, and ...

  20. When to File Your Petition to Remove Conditions

    To remove the conditions on your permanent resident status, you must file a petition before your conditional Green Card expires. To remove the conditions on a Green Card based on marriage, you must file Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence. To remove conditions on a Green Card for entrepreneurs, you must file Form I-829 ...

  21. Example I-751 divorce waiver cover letter

    I was looking for a sample cover letter for I-751 divorce waiver, but found nothing. Instructions for I-751 say: Page 2, Evidence of the relationship, middle of the first paragraph: "Submit copies of as many documents as you wish to establish this fact and demonstrate the circumstances of the relationship from the date of the marriage to the present date, and to demonstrate any circumstances ...

  22. Sample Cover Letter

    Sharing with you a #sample of #coverletter for #i751 Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence.FOLLOW ME ON:FB: https://www.facebook.com/ghailtv/IG: https:/...