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Grammar score:   ? % (number of words: )

Summary of possible errors,

Grammar Checker for French

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Synonyms review

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For writers, our writer check feature is an invaluable tool. It can help you refine your writing style, suggest alternative phrasing, and offer insights into your writing habits. By using Linguix regularly, you can become a more confident and effective writer. Our sentence check feature analyzes the structure of your sentences, ensuring that they are clear, concise, and easy to understand. It can identify run-on sentences, sentence fragments, and other issues that may confuse your readers. Linguix punctuation checker ensures that your commas, periods, and other punctuation marks are used correctly. It can also help you improve your use of colons, semicolons, and other advanced punctuation.

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11 Best French Grammar Checkers to Proofread Your Writing

French grammar can be a little tricky to learn at times.

That’s where French grammar checkers come in!

I put 11 tools to the test with a 450-word apartment description that contained intentional (and unintentional) grammar errors.

In the end, I discovered that each resource was helpful for unique situations, though Grammalecte was best overall.

Let’s take a closer look at the takeaways of each of the 11 French grammar checkers from my experiment!

  • 1. Reverso: Best for Quick Checks
  • 2. LanguageTool: Best for Critical Thinking
  • 3. BonPatron: Best for Beginners
  • 4. Sapling: Best for Catching Common Errors
  • 5. Grammalecte: Best Overall Checker
  • 6. SEOMagnifier: Best for Document Uploads
  • 7. WhiteSmoke: Best for Offline Checks
  • 8. HiNative: Best for Corrections by Natives
  • 9. Scribens: Best for Checking Longer Texts
  • 10. FrenchCorrector: Best Free Checker
  • 11. Microsoft Word: Best for Convenience

Benefits of Using a French Grammar Checker

And one more thing....

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1. Reverso : Best for Quick Checks

Price: Free; Premium available from $9.99/month

Reverso is a well-known translator that converts between French and other languages.

It also works as a checker for up to 450 characters, though it’s more reliable for spelling checks since it’s not perfect at catching every grammar error. 

While Reverso does pretty well in checking gender agreement, it misses language nuances and also has inaccurate corrections, but that’s not entirely surprising, considering it’s a free app.

Other than the translator and spell-check functions, features include dictionary definitions, a synonym finder, a conjugator and a grammar reference. 

Overall, Reverso is good for a quick check, but shouldn’t be relied upon too heavily.

2. LanguageTool : Best for Critical Thinking

Price: Free; Premium available for $19.90/month

LanguageTool is a free browser extension that offers grammar checks for multiple languages, French included. And unlike Reverso, there’s no character limit.

It did catch most simple and complex errors but didn’t necessarily correct them for me.

Instead, it simply flagged the error, gave me a short explanation of why it was wrong and listed possible corrections. So it was up to me to do the thinking and decide how I wanted to fix my mistakes.

I will warn you that LanguageTool will try and push you into upgrading by telling you that there is “one more advanced issue” and not revealing it to you until you pay.

3. BonPatron : Best for Beginners

Price: Free; Pro available for ∼$16/year

This is the best choice  for beginners that need grammar explanations and an interface in English.

It allows you to check a smaller block of text in one go, and even though it missed the gender of adjectives, it caught the gender of articles, as well as subjunctive issues and other more complex grammar issues. 

The  grammar explanations in English were somewhat generalized but quite clear , giving general advice to guide you instead of straight out giving you the correct answer (e.g. you need a feminine article of some sort in front of a feminine noun).

At the bottom of the page, your  errors are linked to pages with much longer grammar descriptions (in English) of French grammar rules that your text violated.

4. Sapling : Best for Catching Common Errors

Price: Free; Pro available for $25/month; business plans available

Sapling’s AI-powered grammar checker was created by developers from UC-Berkeley, Stanford and Google. It can support French text as well as seven other languages.

Text errors are underlined in red, with an error count in the bottom-right corner so you can ensure you’ve checked every flagged mistake.

You can hover over the errors to see Sapling’s suggested correction. Clicking on the correction will insert it into the proper place in the text.

Sapling was designed for business users who can benefit from features like autocompletion and snippets.

For the casual user, the free version was noticeably successful at catching common grammar mistakes made by non-native French speakers.

5. Grammalecte : Best Overall Checker

Price: Free

Grammalecte is an open-source French grammar checker that’s downloaded as a Google Chrome extension.

As such, you can use it to check the French writing you do in an online word processor such as Google Docs, but there is also an input feature in the program’s interface where you can copy and paste your work.

Out of all the French grammar checkers, Grammalecte caught the most errors. Flagged errors were color-coded, explained thoroughly and paired with suggested fixes.

Grammalecte is also equipped with a dictionary, verb conjugator, grammar reference and even a text formatter that checks French punctuation.

I also liked that everything is done in-house , so information will not be sent to any external servers or sites.

6. SEOMagnifier : Best for Document Uploads

Although I experienced a little déjà vu with SEOMagnifier in terms of common missed errors with previous resources, it’s free to use and easy to navigate.

It also has a feature to upload entire documents in supported .doc, .docx and .txt extensions, which is handy for longer texts.

The tool found most of the errors in my text, even the subjunctive one, and gave me an explanation of the error  as well as  a list of possible corrections.

The website claims that its  algorithm is constantly improving as more people use the French grammar checker to edit their work. While that could explain the similarity it has with other checkers, it could also lead to more accuracy down the road.

7. WhiteSmoke : Best for Offline Checks

essay corrector french

From incomplete sentences to subject-verb agreement and capitalization issues, WhiteSmoke has the capacity to identify and correct a very wide range of errors.

It also explains why the mistakes are incorrect and offers suggestions for correction.

Additionally, WhiteSmoke has a feature that allows you to input English and get a flawless French translation , which is handy for learners who are still getting the hang of the French language.

WhiteSmoke is available as a web application  for online word processors  and as a downloadable program for offline word processors. 

8. HiNative : Best for Corrections by Natives

Price: Free; Premium available from $5.68/month

HiNative allows learners to ask language questions directly to native speakers on the app.

You can ask for quick vocabulary and grammar explanations, as well as brief cultural information.

This means that HiNative will not help you grammar check long texts. But if you want some clarification or a quick example of a grammar point, native French speakers can help you out.

Answers from native speakers can be rated. You can also search the app for previous questions, and templates help you compose your own queries.

Note that without premium tickets, your questions may not get as many views or responses. You can read our full review of HiNative here .

9. Scribens : Best for Checking Longer Texts

Price: Free; Premium available from ∼$11/year

This website is neither complex nor popular, so I was surprised by its thorough corrections, easy interface and clear explanations.

Overall, Scribens was very good about flagging gender problems and not erroneously flagging proper nouns (as many other checkers do). 

There were also quite a few more complex mistakes that the program caught, such as the use of the subjunctive. 

For the corrections, Scribens doesn’t only provide a drop-down box with the corrected word , but it also supplies you with a short grammar explanation, as well as a link to the associated grammar rule with additional examples.

You can use Scribens for free, but if you pay for Premium access you’ll get unlimited text and plugin options.

10. FrenchCorrector : Best Free Checker

FrenchCorrector is free and has a pretty simple interface that will catch most errors, whether they’re simple or complex.

Like LanguageTool above, FrenchCorrector did not necessarily correct anything and instead indicated where the error was, why there was an error and some suggestions for corrections. 

There was an option for autocorrect, but it just gave me a list of errors that were found and claimed that they were corrected.

In fairness, FrenchCorrector explicitly states that its technology does not replace a real-life professional proofreader. The program can pick up basic spelling and grammar errors , but more advanced ones may slip through. The transparency was quite refreshing.

11. Microsoft Word : Best for Convenience

Price: $159.99 (one-time purchase); Microsoft 365 subscription starting from $6.99/month

Did you know that if you change your language on Microsoft Word to French, you can have your writing checked instantly?

That’s right! Microsoft Word is able to pick up on some obvious errors, give brief explanations and list options for correction. There is also a thesaurus available to find synonyms. 

While this is a convenient tool, it’s probably not the best to rely on for complete grammar corrections, and it does come with quite a hefty fee.

Here’s why a French grammar checker can come in handy:

  • You can impress native French speakers. A French grammar checker is a great way to make sure your grammar is absolutely perfect when sending something off to a native French speaker.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

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  • There are benefits to your speaking as well. By seeing your grammar errors corrected in writing, you are less likely to make them while speaking, ensuring that even your oral communication with native speakers is great.
  • You can express your ideas with more accuracy and eloquence.  A French grammar checker can help you ensure that you are saying exactly what you mean so your French will come across as smoother and more elegant.
  • They can help advance your education or your career.  Grammar errors can lead to a bad mark on a paper or even an overlooked job application. Having a French grammar checker look over your work in advance could make all the difference in your outcomes.

With the tools above, you should be better able to tackle the correction of any French text that you might produce, whether it is for the pleasure of writing, improving your language skills or convincing traveling Francophones to rent out your room.

FluentU has a wide variety of great content, like interviews, documentary excerpts and web series, as you can see here:


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Master Your French

Best online French grammar checkers

Updated: August 3, 2024 by Mylene in French Grammar Array  ▪ English Français  

best french grammar checkers

Whether you are writing a dissertation, a formal essay, or a blog post, your aim is to produce the most readable manuscript and to avoid outright French grammar mistakes. Having a piece of text riddled with French grammatical and spelling errors is not only distracting for your readers, but also can hurt your reputation and raise doubts about your knowledge and expertise in a subject.

While you should consider hiring a professional copy editor if you’re writing a novel, there are a number of online French grammar tools that everyone can use for free. These online tools let you correct most of the errors in your texts. Preparing an error-free piece of text in French without spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes is what takes a manuscript from good to great. It’s the trademark of great content.

I have reviewed the best French grammar checker online software that will make your writing error-free. Before starting the comparison of the best French grammar checkers, I would like to give a general overview of grammar checkers and how they really work:

What is a grammar checker?

  • Errors that a French grammar checker can find
  • Do you really need a grammar checker?
  • How to use a grammar corrector?
  • Top French grammar checkers 
  • The best French grammar checker

French grammar checkers: The alternatives

A grammar checker is a tool or software that can verify common spelling and grammar errors. Grammar checkers go beyond verifying spelling mistakes, they check grammar too. A grammar checker ensures that:

  • sentences are properly structured and grammatically correct
  • words are spelled checked and have no basic typos
  • punctuation is addressed correctly and is consistent

At this point, you know that French grammar checkers can rescue you. Next, you’ll discover the specific problems that a grammar checker can identify and fix.

What kinds of errors does a French grammar tool find?

Basically, a good French grammar corrector should be able to quickly check the text you’ve written, highlight potential errors, and suggest corrections. Some common errors that a French grammar checker can find are:

  • tricky spelling errors
  • punctuation errors
  • gender errors (un, une)
  • conjugation errors (subjonctive…)
  • article (le, la, du, de la)
  • subject-verb agreement
  • singular/plural nouns

If you desire to gain further knowledge on singular and plural words, you may refer to the following two articles: the first addresses the proper writing of the days of the week in French and the second tackles the French color adjectives’ agreement .

Do you really need a French grammar checker?

It’s important to use a grammar checker before turning in your essay or sending a professional email in French . In a business context, poor language structure is one of the main reasons for losing customers, arrangements, and missing professional opportunities. In a competitive job market, there’s never been a more important time for jobseekers to polish their resumes and avoid all kinds of grammar and spelling mistakes to make their applications stand out.

How To Use A Grammar Corrector ?

I still remember the book I used when I was a student, the Bescherelle . I still use it sometimes. Nowadays, grammar correctors are online and automated. They provide a complete analysis of a text. Most grammar checkers are free. You just have to paste your text on the required field. Then click the button to start the verification. That’s it!

But be aware that grammar checkers aren’t perfect.

Automated checkers have their limitations. A grammar checker cannot replace a human corrector because these tools don’t have the ability to reason like a human and understand things in their context.

French grammar checkers

Pick a robust grammar checker tool that you can rely on to catch your writing mistakes. While some French grammar correctors are great and provide you with comprehensive writing feedback, other tools can make your text worse and alter the meaning of your sentences.

To choose the best tool, I put the many online French grammar tools to the test.

For that, I took an extract of Le Petit Prince de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry . Here is the original text in French:

Il me fallut longtemps pour comprendre d’où il venait. Le petit prince, qui me posait beaucoup de questions, ne semblait jamais entendre les miennes. Ce sont des mots prononcés par hasard qui, peu à peu, m’ont tout révélé. Ainsi, quand il aperçut pour la première fois mon avion (je ne dessinerai pas mon avion, c’est un dessin beaucoup trop compliqué pour moi) il me demanda : – Qu’est-ce que c’est que cette chose-là ?

Then I rewrote the extract and I added 12 mistakes on purpose. Words with errors are in bold:

Il me fallu longtemps pour comprendre d’i l venait. Le petit prince, qui me posait beaucoup des questions, ne semblait jamais entendre la miennes. Ces sont des mots prononcés par hasard qui, peu de peu, m’ont tout révélé. Ainsi, quant il aperçut pour la première fois mon avion (je ne dessinerai pas ma avion, c’est un dessins beaucoup très compliqué pour moi) il mon demanda : – Qu ‘est que c’est que cette chose-là ?

Now let’s see if the following 7 French grammar checkers can find these 12 mistakes.

bonpatron franch grammar checker

Bon Patron is a writing assistant that not only corrects grammar but also gives you comprehensive writing feedback.

bonpatron french grammar checker with an explanation

BonPatron found 10 of the 12 mistakes. It also offers good explanations in English.

essay corrector french

Scribens found 5 of the 12 mistakes. The tool missed several mistakes! This is the reason why I don’t recommend relying on this tool.

reverso french grammar checker

Reverso provides corrections and suggestions and more information via an in-built French dictionary.

reverso french grammar checker

Reverso found 7 of the 12 mistakes.

You can use the Cordial tool to proofread and check for grammatical errors in social media updates, emails, or blog posts.

cordial french corrector

Cordial found 9 of the 12 mistakes. Cordial found more mistakes than reverso and Scribens.


correctiononline french grammar checker

CorrectionOnline found only 6 of the 12 mistakes.


It’s a French grammar checker with explanations in French. If you’re a French beginner, you may not understand all the explanations.

french language toolgrammar checker

LanguageTool found 7 of the 12 mistakes.

What is the best French grammar checker?

Regarding the results of this comparison, the best French grammar checkers that found most of the errors are:

If you have grammar questions, you can use the forum of Wordreference or Reddit . This will allow you to better understand grammar rules.

The best French grammar checker is a human expert.

The linguist Geoffrey K. Pullum argued in 2007 that they were generally so inaccurate as to do more harm than good:

Improve Your French

Now that you’ve learned about different French grammar checkers and discovered a few alternatives, you can use your creativity to write dissertations, formal essays, and blog posts in French without any grammar or spelling errors.

Looking to discover a wide variety of great content? Check our videos on  YouTube  and on Instagram  to listen to French content posted every week. Speaking French and mastering the art of communication can be challenging, even for native speakers!

Writing a Professional Email in French (Sample template included)

email writing professional text

2 thoughts on “Best online French grammar checkers”

Bonjour, J ai trouve votre blog tres interressant. J aurais quelque questions. Je dois utiliser le Francais business et l’ Anglais business dans mon travail. Je suis francaise vivant en Angleterre mais mon anglais est meuilleur que mon francais en plus je suis dyslexic. Pourriez vous m indiquer un free grammar checker qui puisse corriger mes emails en anglais et francais? J’utilise Ginger et Grammarly mais ils ne suis pas exellent a 100%. Je vous remercie d ‘avance. Oceane

Bonjour Océane, je vous remercie tout d’abord pour votre message. Actuellement il n’y a pas de correcteur de texte fiable à 100%. Grammarly est une bonne option mais il ne peut pas corriger toutes les erreurs. Néanmoins il va vous aider à corriger un grand nombre d’erreurs. A bientôt !

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Woman proofreading her text with a French grammar checker

by Anne-Lise Vassoille

Updated on January 5, 2024

The 6 best free French grammar checkers

essay corrector french

Alongside online thesaurus and directives from the Académie française , grammar checkers are other useful tools to understand and write in French. Be it to type a quick email or draft a formal letter in French , they help you ensure your grammar and your spelling are correct. They have grown so much in popularity that you are now spoiled for choice, and may even find it difficult to pick one. To help you decide, we have tested six French grammar checkers available for free online.

For the sake of our test, we took a sentence from Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince): “J’ai des amis à découvrir et beaucoup de choses à connaître” (I have friends to discover and many things to learn). We then added five grammar and spelling mistakes to it, as follows: “J’ai des ami a découvrir est bocoup de choses à conaitre” , and used the wrong sentence on each of the grammar checkers in our list. We considered how many mistakes each was able to spot and correct, but also how user-friendly and complete they appeared, in order to rank the six contenders:

  • LanguageTool, the best French grammar checker on our list
  • Scribens, a great tool to check French grammar 
  • Textgears, a context-less French grammar corrector 
  • Bon Patron, a dense French grammar checker
  • Reverso, a potentially misleading French spell-check tool
  • Google Docs, a good word processor to check the spelling, but less for grammar

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1. languagetool, the best french grammar checker on our list.

If LanguageTool comes at the top of our list, it’s not just because it was able to identify four mistakes out of five. As you will see, it’s not the only one to achieve this result. In our opinion, the real bonus of LanguageTool is the type and the clarity of the extra information it provides.

For instance, on the first error, des ami, it was the sole grammar corrector to provide the only two possible correct versions in this syntax, depending on whether you are referring to male or female friends. Other correctors either merely pointed out the error or provided more possible versions, which, though they exist, don’t quite fit in this particular syntax.

essay corrector french

2. Scribens, a great tool to check French grammar 

Right after LanguageTool, Scribens comes in as a close second. In our test, it was able to spot the exact same four errors. The suggested edits were also correct. But you may not get all the possible correct versions and the explanations may not be quite as clear, unless you decide to click on règle générale (general rule) to get a very detailed grammar overview.

essay corrector french

3. Textgears, a context-less French grammar corrector

In third position, Textgears is not quite as efficient as LanguageTool and Scribens. While it still detects four mistakes, the possible corrections it suggests may not all be relevant to the particular syntax. Looking at the same error as previously, Textgears offers four suggestions to correct des ami : two with the article des (some) and two with the preposition de (of). However, in view of the syntax, the two suggestions with the preposition de are irrelevant. Something which Textgears doesn’t seem able to recognize…

essay corrector french

4. Bon Patron, a dense French grammar checker

Further down the list, Bon Patron can identify when something is wrong and why it is wrong. But it may fall short of giving you the actual correct version in a clear and straightforward manner. Instead, it may tell you possible ways on how you can correct a word yourself. A bit more of a hassle, though this can also be a good opportunity to practice French grammar :

essay corrector french

In other cases, you may be confused by the heap of alternative words you are flooded with to replace a badly spelled one. 

essay corrector french

5. Reverso, a potentially misleading French spell-check tool

This ranking may look surprising, considering Reverso is the only French grammar corrector in our list to highlight the five errors in our test sentence. However, it fails to properly correct one of them, thus replacing one error by another. Indeed, the tool didn’t manage to figure out the grammar and syntax of the sentence correctly: In this sentence, it is not another form of the verbe être (to be) that is needed, but rather the word et (and).

essay corrector french

6. Google Docs, a good word processor to check spelling, but less for grammar

Yes, technically, Google Docs is a free online word processor, and not a grammar and spell checker. However, it does include the feature in French, alongside other useful ones like predictive text. For obvious reasons, the grammar and spell checker on Google Docs is fairly limited. For instance, it may correctly suggest to add a missing French accent on à (to), but without explaining why the version without it, a (has), is incorrect:

essay corrector french

Also, it is the only software in our list that was able to spot only three mistakes out of five. It failed to recognize that des ami was incorrect, even though the error could be deemed fairly easy to spot.

Get your French grammar and spelling checked for free online

Overall, all the French grammar checkers in our list will be a great help in your writing efforts in French. However, from our simple test, it appears that LanguageTools and Scribens are the best choices. They are able to correct your main mistakes, but also to understand the nature of your mistakes, which is a great additional benefit in your learning. The fact that they are available for free online is just the icing on your French gâteau …

Anne-Lise Vassoille

Anne-Lise is a translator and copywriter working for various industries... Settled down in London, she cannot get enough of the exceptional cultural life in the English capital city, starting with theater, be it to see a new West End show or to roll up her sleeves with her amateur drama group. She is also interested in photography, as her Instagram profile shows. She indulges her passion for languages in a translation blog she writes with other linguist friends. Go to her Linkedin page to know more about her background and her professional experience.

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Correcteur orthographe / Correction grammaire

French grammar checker.

Try typing French below!

Install Sapling to use it on any website.

Looking for English or another language?

  • First, make sure you see the Sapling badge in the bottom right of the editor.
  • Are you already logged in or already have Sapling installed as a browser extension? If so, your logged in user setting may be overriding the language setting on this page.
  • Sapling works best with realistic errors. That means errors that are frequently made in practice as opposed to intentional errors.

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You’ve selected a topic, constructed an outline, written your thesis statement, and completed your first draft. Don’t let your efforts go to waste. With Ginger Software’s Essay Checker, you’ll be the only one to see those little mistakes and perhaps even those glaring errors peppering your paper. The tedious task of checking an essay once had to be done by hand – and proofreading sometimes added hours of work to large projects. Where writers once had to rely on peers or editors to spot and correct mistakes, Essay Checker has taken over. Better yet, this innovative online paper checker does what other free essay corrector programs can’t do: Not only does it flag errors so you can learn from your mistakes, it automatically corrects all spelling and grammar issues at lightning speed.

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You have a heavy workload, and the last thing you need to do is waste time staring at an essay you’ve just spent hours writing. Proofreading your own work – especially when you’re tired – allows you to find a few mistakes, but some errors inevitably go unnoticed no matter how much time you spend re-reading what you’ve just written. The Ginger Essay Checker lightens your workload by completely eliminating the need for hours of tedious self-review. With Ginger’s groundbreaking Essay Checker, a vast array of grammar mistakes and spelling errors are detected and corrected with unmatched accuracy. While most online paper checker tools claiming to correct essays simply flag mistakes and sometimes make suggestions for fixing them, Essay Checker goes above and beyond, picking up on such issues as tense usage errors, singular vs. plural errors, and more. Even the most sophisticated sentence structures are checked with accuracy, ensuring no mistake is overlooked even though all you’ve done is made a single click.

Essay Checker Paves the Way to Writing Success

Writing has always been important, and accuracy has always been sought after. Getting your spelling, grammar, and syntax right matters, whether your audience is online or off. Error-free writing is a vital skill in the academic world, and it’s just as important for conducting business. Casual bloggers need to maintain credibility with their audiences, and professional writers burn out fast when faced with mounds of work to proofread. Make sure your message is conveyed with clarity by checking your work before submitting it to readers – no matter who they are.

Checking essays has never been easier. With Ginger Essay Checker, you’ll save time, boost productivity, and make the right impression.

French grammar and spelling checker

Useful links will open in a new tab:.

Free text checker in French. A fantastic online detection of grammar and spelling errors!. Check punctuation. Search and correction of errors in different languages: English, French, German, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Greek. Determination of readability and other basic text metrics.

French – Spellchecking

By using our website, you can check the text for free to find spelling mistakes and typos. Spell checking algorithms take the most common rules of the language into account, as well as differences in spelling in different dialects. By using the service, you can improve your texts here and now!

Check punctuation

To find punctuation errors, our system uses our own developments in the field of artificial intelligence. This allows you to find the vast majority of punctuation errors: missing commas, quotation marks or dashes. For each language, we use different approaches to text analysis to get the best results.

Grammar check

TextGears algorithms check text and detect over 200 types of grammatical errors: correct use of parts of speech, and the construction of sentences. After checking, the service will offer options for correcting errors, and also display statistics on the most common mistakes. This will help to improve your grammar knowledge.

Checking the text style

TextGears not only detects grammar and spelling errors, but also analyzes the style of speech, checks the appropriateness of using individual words in a general context. Smart algorithms will help you save your essay or CV from inappropriate words, as well as choose synonyms, and make your text more presentable.

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To check your text, copy and paste or write directly into the online editor above.

To make sure your sentences are clear and your word choice is perfect, double-check your text.

Yes. This tool checks not only grammar, but also spelling, punctuation, word choice, and even style.

🔎 ChecksGrammar, spelling, punctuation, and more
⚡ AI-basedUsing the best grammar check algorithms
✅ Free CheckNo registration required
🌐 EnglishUS, UK, CA, AU, SA, NZ

This tool is for anyone who writes in English, from students and learners to professionals, teachers, and even proofreaders. After all, even native speakers of English aren't immune to mistakes.

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Free Grammar Checker

Grammar Checker powered by QuillBot. Avoid mistakes everywhere with the free Chrome extension .


Correct your document within 5 minutes

  • Proofread on 100+ language issues
  • Specialized in academic texts
  • Corrections directly in your document

Instantly correct your entire document in minutes

Why this is the best free grammar checker.

Best Grammar Checker Test Result Graph

Most accurate

In the test for the best grammar checker , Scribbr found 19 out of 20 errors.

No Signup Needed

No signup needed

You don’t have to register or sign up. Insert your text and get started right away.

Unlimited words and characters

Long texts, short texts it doesn’t matter – there’s no character or word limit.

The Grammar Checker is Ad-Free

Don’t wait for ads or distractions. The grammar checker is ad-free!


Correct all your writing errors

Enhance your writing with Scribbr’s free Grammar Checker. We can help you to avoid mistakes with:

  • Punctuation
  • Word choice
  • And more— try it yourself !

We are also happy to provide personalized help with our professional proofreading service .

grammar mistake

Correct your grammar

Improve your writing and grammar with just one click.

The Scribbr Grammar Checker fixes grammatical errors like:

  • Sentence fragments & run-on sentences
  • Subject-verb agreement errors
  • Issues with parallelism

spelling mistake

Spell-check on steroids

Spelling may seem straightforward, but basic spell-checks often don’t recognize many specialist terms you might use in your writing, incorrectly marking them as mistakes.

Scribbr has a large dictionary of recognized words, so you can feel confident every word is 100% correct.

comma mistake

Check your punctuation

Our Grammar Checker takes away all your punctuation worries. Avoid common mistakes with:

  • Dashes and hyphens
  • Apostrophes

word use

Avoid word choice errors

Should you use “affect” or “effect” ? Is it “then” or “than” ? Did you mean “there,” “their,” or “they’re” ?

Never worry about embarrassing word choice errors again. Our grammar checker will spot and correct any errors with commonly confused words .

essay corrector french

Correct your entire document in 5 minutes

Would you like to upload your entire document and check all your documents for 100+ language issues? Then Scribbr’s AI-powered proofreading is perfect for you.

With AI-powered proofreading, you can correct your text and get a free citation check:

  • Upload document
  • Wait briefly while all errors are corrected directly in your document
  • Correct errors with one click

Proofread my document

accept all

Improve your text with one click

The Scribbr Grammar Checker allows you to accept all suggestions in your document with a single click.

Give it a try!

all english variants

A Grammar Checker for all English variants

There are important differences between the versions of English used in different parts of the world, including UK and US English . Our grammar checker supports a variety of major English dialects:

  • Canadian English
  • Australian English

Why users love our Grammar Checker

🌐 English US, UK, CA, & AU
🏆 Quality Outperforms competition
✍️ Improves Grammar, spelling, & punctuation
⭐️ Rating based on 13,641 reviews

Save time and upload your entire document to fix it in minutes

Scribbr & academic integrity.

Scribbr is committed to protecting academic integrity. Our plagiarism checker , AI Detector , Citation Generator , proofreading services , paraphrasing tool , grammar checker, summarizer , and free Knowledge Base content are designed to help students produce quality academic papers.

We make every effort to prevent our software from being used for fraudulent or manipulative purposes.

Ask our team

Want to contact us directly? No problem.  We  are always here for you.

Support team - Nina

Frequently asked questions

If our grammar checker flags an error that is not actually an error, you have several options:

1. Ignore the error: Most grammar checkers allow users to skip or ignore suggestions they do not agree with or find irrelevant. If you are confident that the flagged “error” is not an issue, you can bypass the suggestion and move on to the next one.

2. Review the context: Take a moment to thoroughly review the context surrounding the flagged error. Sometimes, the initial correct usage might still create confusion or ambiguity within the specific context, and reconsidering the phrasing could improve overall clarity.

Yes, this grammar checker covers the following mistakes:

1. Grammar: Correction of grammatical errors such as subject-verb agreement, tense usage, and sentence structure

2. Spelling: identification and correction of spelling errors, including typos and commonly confused words.

3. Punctuation: Detection and rectification of punctuation errors, including incorrect use of commas, periods, colons, and other punctuation.

4. Word choice errors: Catch words that sound similar but aren’t, like their vs. they’re and your vs. you’re.

Yes. There’s no sign up or payment required to use the grammar checker.

Yes. The grammar checker fixes any text, no matter what the medium is.

The Scribbr grammar checker finds more errors than many other tools and is particularly user-friendly:

  • Winner: In our test comparison, the Scribbr grammar checker found 19 out of 20 errors, putting it in first place.
  • No registration required: You don’t need an account to use the grammar checker.
  • No limits: There is no character or word limit.
  • Ad-free: There is no advertising on Scribbr to distract from the tool.

For more details, feel free to read our test of the best English grammar checkers.

The Grammar Checker on our page is powered by the QuillBot service, which uses advanced language processing technology.

Both Scribbr and QuillBot are Learneo, Inc. services, ensuring that your inputs are processed in accordance with Learneo’s Privacy Policy.

For more, please read the QuillBot section of the Learneo Privacy Policy . Your use of our Grammar Checker is subject to QuilBot Terms .

LanguageTool Works Everywhere You Go

Whether you’re writing an interesting book or an important essay—LanguageTool takes care of correct orthography. Correct any kind of text in all popular writing apps like Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs.

LanguageTool for All Browsers and Websites

Check your texts on all your favorite websites and services, like Gmail, Google Docs, Twitter, or Facebook.

LanguageTool for Operating Systems as Well as a Mobile and Desktop Version

Optimize your texts at home and on the go. Since the LanguageTool Editor assists you on Windows, macOS, and iOS, your writing gets a space to shine. Furthermore, using LanguageTool as a desktop app offers suggestions directly in certain apps like Apple Mail, Notes, and Messages.

LanguageTool for Your Mail Client

Make your written communication more convincing by using LanguageTool in your mail client. Correct your texts in Gmail, Apple Mail, and Thunderbird to impress with perfect grammar, spelling, and word choice.

Google Mail

Thunderbird, languagetool for all major text editors, google docs, libreoffice.


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French Grammar Checker - Frex

1.39 by Neo AI Chat Studio

Aug 20, 2024

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About French Grammar Checker - Frex

Perfect your français with our Sentence Corrector and conjugaison française

French writing corrector tool; simplify your writing and spelling for essay or homework:

Efficient French Grammar and Spelling Checker App:

Our app ensures your texts are flawless. It checks grammar and spelling thoroughly, so each word and sentence is perfect. With our Sentence checker, write without worrying about mistakes.

Simple Correction Process:

Writing in French becomes easier with our correction features. Long sentence or a simple comma, our tool handles it all. It's not just about spotting errors, but also about improving your overall writing like Punctuation, Comma, Conjugation.

Enhance Your French Grammar:

Learn Proofreading as you write. Our grammar checker and corrector offers clear explanations for each correction, helping you understand common French grammar and spelling issues. This way, you're not just correcting; you're learning Spelling.

Sentence and Punctuation Checker:

Every sentence and punctuation mark is scrutinized. Our Proofreading app ensures your essay will be clear and error-free, from commas to complex sentences.

Conjugation Corrector:

Conjugation in French can be tricky, but our Grammar Corrector app simplifies it. Learn and apply the correct conjugations in your writing, making your essay sound more professional.

Quick and Easy Proofreading:

Our tool ideal for those needing quick proofreading. Whether you're checking a short email or a long essay, our French grammar checker works swiftly to provide accurate results.

For Every Text or Homework:

This tool is versatile, suitable for any text or essay. Teachers, students, and professionals will find it incredibly useful for ensuring their writing are grammatically sound and beautifully written.

Your Partner in French Writing:

Embark on a journey of improved Proofreading; Sentence, Punctuation, Comma and Conjugation. Our tool is your guide to error-free, eloquent Essay. It's like having a personal French proofreader at your fingertips.

Write beautiful French articles: with ease and confidence. With our French Text Correction app, your writing will reflect the elegance of the French language.

Make your French writing stand out with our easy-to-use tool perfect for anyone using French, from students to professionals. It's a comprehensive solution for all your Essay writing needs.

What's New in the Latest Version 1.39

Last updated on Aug 15, 2024

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French grammar checker - frex 1.39.

36.8 MB Aug 15, 2024

French Grammar Checker - Frex 1.36

35.6 MB Jun 28, 2024

French Grammar Checker - Frex 1.31

67.0 MB Jun 23, 2024

French Grammar Checker - Frex Alternative

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  1. French Grammar Checker

    Enhance your French writing with our French grammar checker. LanguageTool's advanced tool detects and corrects grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors in French text. Try now!

  2. French spell checker

    Write in flawless French, with the interactive grammar checker. Whether you're writing an email, a presentation or an essay, your resume or a cover letter in French, don't let mistakes get in the way of your success. Reverso detects and corrects all types of grammar and spelling mistakes: wrong verb tenses, lack of agreement between subject and ...

  3. Free French Grammar Checker

    Write flawless French with Scribbr's free grammar checker, offering instant correction for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

  4. Online Text Correction for French

    Free online check for spelling, grammatical errors and correct diction in French texts.

  5. "BonPatron" Online Spelling and Grammar Checker for French as a Second

    BonPatron is a grammar checker that finds common spelling errors and grammatical mistakes in French.

  6. Free French Grammar Checker

    Use QuillBot's free French grammar checker tool to perfect your Spanish writing by reviewing your text for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

  7. Free French Grammar Checker Online

    Grammar Corrector and Punctuation Checker for French Use our free grammar & spell checker to improve your content for higher efficiency.

  8. 11 Best French Grammar Checkers to Proofread Your Writing

    Looking for the best French grammar checker? We put 11 French grammar checkers to the test to see how many grammar mistakes they could actually catch. Check out this post to see how each of the resources did in this experiment, and find out how you can use each of them for various situations.

  9. Best online French grammar checkers

    Discover tools you can use to check your French for grammar, spelling, punctuations, and conjugation mistakes. Find out the best French grammar checker to choose from.

  10. The 6 best free French grammar checkers

    LanguageTool, the best French grammar checker on our list. Scribens, a great tool to check French grammar. Textgears, a context-less French grammar corrector. Bon Patron, a dense French grammar checker. Reverso, a potentially misleading French spell-check tool. Google Docs, a good word processor to check the spelling, but less for grammar.

  11. Free French Grammar Checker Online

    Sapling's free, AI-powered spelling and grammar checker for French. Correcteur orthographe / Correction grammaire

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    Avoid Common Writing Mistakes with the World's Top Essay Checker The Ginger Essay Checker helps you write better papers instantly. Upload as much text as you want - even entire documents - and Essay Checker will automatically correct any spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, and misused words.

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  19. Free Grammar Checker (Online Editor)

    To check your text, copy and paste or write directly into the online editor above. Click the Free Check button to check grammar, spelling, and punctuation. If you see an underlined word or text passage, click on the highlighted area for correction options and apply them as needed. To make sure your sentences are clear and your word choice is ...

  20. Free Grammar Checker

    Rely on the most accurate free grammar checker available. Improve your writing by correcting grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice and more.

  21. Free Grammar Checker (no sign-up required)

    Improve your writing with QuillBot's free grammar checker that utilizes AI technology to correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

  22. Free Grammar Checker

    Whether you're writing an interesting book or an important essay—LanguageTool takes care of correct orthography. Correct any kind of text in all popular writing apps like Word, LibreOffice, or Google Docs.

  23. French Grammar Checker

    French writing corrector tool; simplify your writing and spelling for essay or homework: Efficient French Grammar and Spelling Checker App: Our app ensures your texts are flawless. It checks grammar and spelling thoroughly, so each word and sentence is perfect. With our Sentence checker, write without worrying about mistakes.