Civil and Environmental Engineering

PhD Program

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The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered under the general regulations of the University as set forth in the Stanford Bulletin. This degree is recommended for those who expect to engage in a professional career in research, teaching, or technical work of an advanced nature in civil or environmental engineering.

A PhD at Stanford requires a minimum of 90 units of graduate study beyond the Masters degree. PhD students who arrive at Stanford with a Masters degree that did not provide adequate background in their area of specialization may be required take additional units beyond this minimum as part of their PhD studies. Students who are directly admitted to the PhD without a Masters degree are required to take a total of 135 units of graduate study. The department requires CEE PhD students arriving without a Masters degree to take sufficient coursework each quarter, until the GQE is completed, to satisfy the requirements for a CEE Masters degree by the end of their 6th non-summer quarter of PhD studies. Once the GQE is completed, steady progress towards the MS is no longer required. PhD candidates should develop individually tailored study plans and expected-progress timetables in consultation with their thesis advisors. 



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Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

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Growing and established cities are continually meeting new infrastructure needs and maintaining older systems, such as highways, bridges, and airports. The School of Engineering's Ph.D. in Civil Engineering program produces graduates dedicated to enriching the field. Research-oriented and focused on the latest developments in the discipline, our program readies you for civil engineering research careers in the private sector. It also prepares you to teach at the university level, ensuring the most recent advancements in the field are shared with a new generation of civil engineers.


As a Ph.D. candidate, you will choose to concentrate in 1 of these sub-disciplines:

  • structural materials and engineering
  • geotechnical and geo-environmental engineering
  • environmental and water resources engineering
  • construction management and engineering
  • highway and traffic engineering
  • urban infrastructure systems

Other focus areas are possible and can be developed with the assistance of faculty advisers. All subject areas must be relevant to the degree sought, and a faculty member must be willing and able to guide your research.

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Abu Dhabi Global Fellow Program

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Urban Science Doctoral Track

Admission requirements.

  • Admission to this program requires an MS in Civil Engineering or equivalent with a GPA of 3.5 or better (on a 0-4 scale).
  • GRE scores are required for all full-time Ph.D. applicants.
  • Foreign applicants must take the TOEFL examination and submit the results for consideration.

In criteria 1 and 2 above, the “equivalent" can be achieved in several ways. You may have an MS degree with a different title that covers substantially the same material. In more general terms, you must demonstrate that you have the equivalent of all undergraduate and masters-level coursework to be able to pursue doctoral-level work in the chosen major area, as well as in a minor area within the umbrella of civil engineering. Further, “equivalence” is evaluated based on the totality of your undergraduate and graduate record, not course-by-course. Thus, if you wish to pursue doctoral work in Environmental Engineering, for example, you must have the entire undergraduate and masters-level course background expected in Environmental Engineering, but you do not need to demonstrate such a background in structures.

Because admission to a Ph.D. program requires a relevant MS (or equivalent), applicants who have not yet achieved a master’s degree would normally be admitted as MS students. They are expected to earn an MS degree while completing their major and minor course requirements. In rare cases, an applicant with only a BS degree may be directly admitted into the Ph.D. program with the written approval of the department head.

Find out more about  Admission Requirements .

Transfer Credits

A maximum of 48 credits of approved graduate work may be transferred and applied to your degree requirements. They would be awarded on a course-by-course basis or by the transfer of an MS degree from another institution in satisfaction of 30 graduate credits. The latter requires a recommendation from the department’s Graduate Committee and the approval of the department head. Transfer credits must be approved by the academic adviser, the graduate coordinator, and the department head.

Every Ph.D. student upon admission is assigned an academic adviser, who is designated by the department head. Any member of the civil engineering faculty may be an academic adviser to a Ph.D. student. The first meeting should take place shortly after receiving an acceptance letter from the Admissions Office. During this first meeting the student’s Program of Study should be established. The Program of Study should include a list of the fundamental and advanced topics that will comprise the specific courses, the subject matter for the qualifying exam and possible research areas.

Program Requirements

Qualifying Examinations and Dissertation

Before becoming a candidate for the Ph.D., you must pass a qualifying examination. 

Immediately after you pass your qualifying exam, a Dissertation Committee will be formed. This panel of experts will guide your course of study and research work. You are required to submit and present a dissertation proposal. The culmination of your Ph.D. work will be the defense of the final draft of your dissertation. There are important requirements involved in the qualifying examination and dissertation processes.  One of these requirements is that your defense of the final draft of your dissertation must take place in-person at the Brooklyn Campus.

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Civil & Environmental Engineering PhD

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (CEE) at Berkeley is a place of intellectual vitality. This vitality is evident in its creative and forward-looking curricula and classroom teaching, its attentive academic mentoring, and the innovative research conducted by students and faculty.

CEE focuses on developing future leaders for the engineering profession, for academia, and for applying engineering methods in the broader societal context. CEE conducts cutting-edge research, defining what constitutes the evolving domain of civil and environmental engineering.

We offer both Master's (the Master of Science and the Master of Engineering ) and Doctoral degree programs. We support seven programs of study for the MS and the PhD, each of which has its own prerequisites for admission and degree requirements. CEE offers two programs of study for the MEng. CEE also offers three concurrent degree programs and two certificate programs.

Master of Engineering (MEng)

This professional degree emphasizes solving technical, sociological, environmental, and economic problems involved in the design, construction, and operation of engineering structures, processes, and equipment. Studies include courses in the engineering sciences necessary to the engineering interpretation of the latest scientific developments. Courses in design, operation, humanities, and economics provide a basis for the analysis and solution of problems in professional engineering.

Students in this degree program select either a concentration in Systems (Civil Systems) or Transportation Engineering (see above descriptions). There are options for either full-time or part-time enrollment.

CEEs MEng program is offered in conjunction with the Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership .

Master of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

These degrees emphasize the application of the natural sciences to the analysis and solution of engineering problems. Advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and the life sciences are normally included in a program that incorporates the engineering systems approach for analysis of problems.

Students in these degree programs select one of the following seven concentrations:

1. Construction Systems: Construction is a large, vital, and exciting field now disrupted by deep technology like AI, robotics, embedded sensors and nano-materials. The industry is reshaping itself for example by increased use of modular and off-site production with radically new supply chains, virtualization and development of digital twins, and innovative management thinking such as Lean Construction.This program will educate you to lead tomorrows automation of the construction industry.

You will learn to leverage these disruptions to realize the next generation of adaptable, resilient, sustainable smart buildings and infrastructure. We teach construction systems as a computational and management science, integrating technology with applications for example to realize state-of-the-art structural and geotechnical designs, to launch you as a technologist, entrepreneur, researcher, academic, or management professional geared to drive construction industry transformation.

Our curriculum includes:

Construction viewed as a socio-technical system including its data science, optimization, and simulation aspects,

Construction viewed as a project-based production system including its organizational, financial, planning, control, legal, and contractual aspects,

Integration with structural and geotechnical design,

Technology including the use of robots, cloud computing, machine learning, sensing, scanning, and information modeling such as BIM and VDC,

Large-scale systems thinking including societal-scale mobility, energy flows, and urban forms,

The freedom to take courses in other disciplines.

Our graduates find a wide range of employment opportunities in private industry and in the public sector, for example in tech companies, consulting, design, building, transportation, and industrial construction firms, as well as in public- and private owner organizations, both domestically as well as internationally.

As we are located in the San Francisco Bay Area the center of major local, national, and international construction activity our Program is strongly interlinked with industry. Our class projects and research leverage the ability to go observe as well as study specific local and international projects. We draw on examples from residential-, commercial building-, industrial-, and heavy/civil construction throughout our curriculum. We also invite industry practitioners to present guest lectures describing industry challenges and solutions.

2. Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate: Energy, climate, and infrastructure systems are closely tied together, and these connections manifest in many forms. Our society cannot function without energy and infrastructure systems. Energy systems with the lowest possible greenhouse gas footprint are a key to mitigating climate change. Civil infrastructure systems are a backbone of society, and they are also major users of energy that needs to be reduced for a more sustainable development.

The objective of the Energy, Civil Infrastructure and Climate (ECIC) Program is to educate a cadre of professionals who will be able to analyze from engineering, environmental, economic, and management perspectives complex problems such as energy efficiency of buildings, environmentally informed design of transportation systems, embodied energy of construction materials, electricity from renewable sources, and biofuels, and address such overarching societal problems as mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and adaptation of infrastructure to a changing climate. ECIC also promotes research at the intersection of energy, infrastructure and climate science.

3. Engineering and Project Management: The Engineering and Project Management (E&PM) Program educates professionals to become leaders in managing projects and companies in Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) and in other industries. E&PM graduates find a wide range of employment opportunities in private industry and in the public sector, for example in engineering consulting-, building-, transportation-, and industrial construction firms, as well as in public- and private owner organizations, both domestically as well as internationally.

As infrastructure systems become more complex, tomorrow's industry leaders must add innovative management thinking to a solid foundation in design and construction. The E&PM Program is uniquely specialized in teaching and researching such new management concepts as Lean Construction, Cost and Schedule Forensics, and Sustainability Engineering. Our teaching and research emphasizes new concepts, technologies, developments, and techniques applicable to both domestic and international project and corporate management. The Program emphasizes the interrelationships of all life-cycle components: planning, design,manufacturing, construction, operation, maintenance, and re-purposing/decommissioning.

As we are located in the San Francisco Bay Area-the center of major local, national, and international project management and construction activity-our Program is strongly interlinked with industry. Our class projects and research leverage the ability to go observe as well as study specific local and international projects. We draw on examples from commercial building-, industrial-, and heavy/civil construction throughout our curriculum. We also invite industry practitioners to present guest lectures describing industry challenges and solutions.

4. Environmental Engineering: Management of environmental resources to protect human health and the systems that support life is one of the biggest challenges facing modern society. In recognition of the interdisciplinary nature of these challenges, Berkeley's Environmental Engineering Program provides you with the education needed to address current and future environmental issues. Graduate coursework and research is focused in three Areas of Emphasis :

  • Air Quality Engineering (AQE)
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology (EFMH)
  • Water Quality Engineering (WQE)

You are encouraged to develop a broad set of problem-solving skills through courses and research in related fields such as:

  • Berkeley Atmospheric Sciences Center
  • Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Energy & Resources Group
  • Environmental Science, Policy & Management
  • Integrative Biology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Plant & Microbial Biology
  • School of Public Health

5. GeoSystems : The GeoSystems Program encompasses a broad area of teaching and research in geotechnical and geological engineering, environmental geotechnics, and applied geophysics. The focus is on the evaluation of engineering properties of geologic materials and on providing engineering solutions for dealing with geologic environment and processes, and natural hazards.

To this end we pursue studies of the mechanical behavior of soil and rock masses, laboratory and field characterization of material properties, development and application of geophysical techniques for site and subsurface characterization, development of advanced analysis methods, and evaluation of static and dynamic (seismic) performance of soil deposits, earth structures, and underground space.

The GeoSystems graduate program has a long tradition of excellence and its graduates are leaders in the industry and academia. The strength and breadth of Berkeley's GeoSystems is enhanced by close ties with faculty in other areas of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Earth Sciences. Close interaction of the faculty with consulting companies and practitioners also provides opportunity for exposure to the state-of-the-art practice through invited lectures and site visits to ongoing engineering projects in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Due to the broad interdisciplinary nature of the field we welcome students with a wide range of backgrounds in Engineering and Earth Sciences.

6. Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials: CEE's Structural Engineering, Mechanics, and Materials (SEMM) Program has an international reputation for excellence. Many of the fundamental developments underlying the state-of-the-art in structural engineering, mechanics, and materials were pioneered by SEMM faculty and students. This tradition of excellence continues today through vigorous programs of basic and applied research, and careful attention to instruction.

The active involvement of SEMM faculty in the forefront of research projects and in the solution of challenging real world engineering problems results in an instructional program that is up-to-date and relevant. SEMM offers excellent opportunities for study and research leading to advanced degrees in the areas of structural analysis and design, mechanics of structures and solids, and materials in structures and construction.

The curriculum provides a strong basis for advanced professional practice, research, or teaching. Programs of study can be tailored easily to fit individual needs and interests, whether broad-based and multidisciplinary, or narrowly focused and highly technical. Graduates from the SEMM Program have gone on to become world leaders in private practice, government service, education, and research.

7. Systems (Civil Systems): The focus of the Systems Engineering Program (Systems) is understanding complex large-scale systems and developing tools for their design and operation. Such systems encompass built elements in the broad sense (infrastructures transportation, structures, etc.), societal systems (social networks, populations enterprises), and natural systems (land water, air). These systems are at the core of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the 21st Century.

The understanding of how such systems work requires knowledge about the constitutive laws that govern them, such as traffic flow, fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, and smart networks. It also requires an understanding of the theoretical paradigms that are used to model, control and optimize such systems. These include the theories of computation, control theory, optimization, behavioral economics, sensor networks, statistics, and signal processing.

In response to these challenges, the Systems Program provides courses that cover both field knowledge and technical/theoretical tools. This is reflected in the curriculum. We offer masters and doctoral degree programs providing the key skills, e.g., technological, mathematical, or social scientific, as well as the knowledge for a broad range of engineering domains. Our graduates lead the next generation of research, start-ups, industrial corporations, and public-sector organizations.

8. Transportation Engineering: Graduate study in transportation at the University of California, Berkeley prepares you for a professional, teaching, and research career. Emphasis is on the acquisition of advanced knowledge concerning planning, design, operations, maintenance, rehabilitation, performance, and evaluation of transportation systems, including their economic and public policy aspects. The program stresses development of analytic, problem-solving, design, and management skills suitable for public and private sector professional work.

Transportation Engineering faculty with diverse backgrounds and research interests, including emeriti professors, teach transportation courses. In addition, faculty from City and Regional Planning , Economics , Industrial Engineering and Operations Research , Business Administration , Political Science , and other departments offer courses related to transportation.

Students also have the opportunity to work and interact with research staff at the Institute of Transportation Studies .

Students in the PhD program have the option of pursuing a designated emphasis (DE) to supplement their study.

Concurrent Degrees

The concurrent degree program is a formal arrangement of two existing, but separate, master's degree programs, which result in the students earning two masters degrees. CEE offers the following concurrent degree programs:

  • Program in Structural Engineering and Architecture (MArch/MS)
  • Program in Transportation Engineering and City and Regional Planning (MCP/MS)
  • Any CEE graduate program and Public Policy (MPP/MS)

For further information regarding these programs, please see the department's website .


Certificate in Engineering and Business for Sustainability: The Engineering and Business for Sustainability (EBS) Certificate Program trains UC Berkeley graduate students to understand the complexity and urgency of their role in engineering, business, and environmental management, and to work across boundaries to achieve sustainable solutions to pressing societal problems. This program allows students to tap into multidisciplinary educational resources from the College of Engineering , Haas School of Business , Energy and Resources Group , Goldman School of Public Policy , College of Natural Resources , and the School of Public Health , to learn how to have a lasting beneficial impact on the global environment. This program is open to all Berkeley graduate students who meet the EBS Certificate course requirements. For further information regarding this program, see the department's website .

Certificate in Intelligent Transportation Systems: Jointly sponsored by CEE, the Department of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering, this program is designed to assist students in studying ITS in a systematic and focused way. Faculty advisers help students design a personalized study program to meet their goals. For more information regarding this program, see the department's website .

Designated Emphasis

Berkeley Ph.D. students are eligible to pursue a Designated Emphasis as part of their doctoral studies. Common Designated Emphases for CEE doctoral students include:

  • Computational and Data Science and Engineering
  • Global Metropolitan Studies
  • Development Engineering

A designated emphasis is a specialization, such as a new method of inquiry or an important field of application, which is relevant to two or more existing doctoral degree programs. You are required to complete the academic work in the area of specialization and all the requirements of the doctoral program. You must be admitted to the DE before taking the qualifying examination. A complete list of Designated Emphases is here .

Contact Info

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760 Davis Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720

At a Glance


Civil & Environmental Engineering

Admit Term(s)

Application Deadline

December 17, 2024

Degree Type(s)

Doctoral / PhD

Degree Awarded

GRE Requirements

  • Graduate Programs
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  • Environmental Engineering
  • Engineering Systems and Management
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  • Class of 1949 Electronic Classroom
  • DeFrees Hydraulics Lab
  • Environmental Teaching Lab
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics Teaching Laboratory
  • Environmental Processes Laboratories
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Ph.D. Program

The doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) program is an intensive research where each student plans an individualized course of study with the assistance of a special committee made up of faculty members representing major and minor areas of study.

Candidates for the Ph.D. degree are expected to demonstrate mastery of knowledge in a specific subject area in Civil and Environmental engineering and to synthesize and create new knowledge, making original and substantial contributions to their discipline in a timely fashion. Please see the  Assessment page  for further details. Program standards are set by the Graduate School and can be found within the Code of Legislation.

The application requirements, tuition rates, and deadline for the Ph.D. programs are listed on the Graduate School's website . We will start to accept applications for the Spring 2024 and Fall 2024 term in September. Applicants applying for Spring 2024 may be deferred to the Fall 2024 term.  Connect with us  to receive more information about future application deadlines.

Research Areas

Research in Civil & Environmental Engineering covers an extremely broad range of topics.

Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Hydrology M.S. & Ph.D.

Environmental processes m.s. & ph.d., environmental and water resource engineering m.s. & ph.d..

  • Complex Systems Engineering M.S. & Ph.D.

Structural Engineering (Ph.D. only)

  • Transportation Systems Engineering M.S. & Ph.D
  • Financial Aid

All Ph.D. students are fully funded (tuition, stipend, and health insurance). The funding comes from a variety of sources including graduate research assistantships, teaching assistantships, and external and internal fellowships. All students are encouraged to apply for external fellowships where eligible . For policy and tax information, please visit the Graduate School financial aid page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

CEE FAQ Graduate School admissions FAQ Office of Global Learning (for international students) FAQ  

  • Civil and Environmental Graduate Field Handbook

This handbook is intended as a guide for current and prospective CEE graduate students to map the procedures and forms necessary for successful completion of graduate research degree requirements. 

  • Cornell Engineering Ph.D. Resources

Testimonial by

Qi Zhou

Engineers solve the world's most pressing problems and make an impact on people's life. It was my dream to contribute to the solution of the environmental problems all over the world, so I opted to become an environmental engineer as I entered college

civil engineering phd programs in usa

Transportation Systems Engineering M.S. & Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is an advanced research degree for students wishing to become an expert on a specific area of Civil and Environmental Engineering and train for a career involving independent and cutting-edge research.

The Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering is a mentored opportunity to become an expert on a specific research topic. This degree is recommended for those who expect to engage in a professional career in research, teaching, or technical work of an advanced nature in civil or environmental engineering.

The Ph.D. degree program in CEE is offered in five areas of specialization:

  • Construction Engineering and Management (CEM)
  • Environmental and Water Resources Engineering (EWRE)
  • Infrastructure Systems Engineering (ISE)
  • Structural Engineering (STR)
  • Transportation Engineering (TRN)

A Ph.D. degree at UVA requires successful completion of required coursework plus the three following major milestones: Ph.D. Qualifying Exam, Ph.D. Proposal Defense, Ph.D. Dissertation Defense. Additionally, Ph.D. student in CEE must serve as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) for at least one semester. 

See below for information on the Civil Engineering Ph.D. program, or download the CEE GRADUATE HANDBOOK .

Admissions Criteria

We accept applications from candidates with degrees from all engineering and some affiliated backgrounds. In some cases, candidates who do not have engineering or similar credentials will be offered conditional admission, which will require them to take selected undergraduate coursework in addition to the coursework required for their Ph.D.

All candidates are evaluated by one or more of the CEE research subgroups. Some students are admitted directly into a specific research group with a specific advisor. Other candidates are admitted into a subgroup and are then connected with an advisor during the first year.

Most accepted Ph.D. students receive financial aid. Funding offers take the form of GRAs, GTAs and/or various fellowships. Some Ph.D. students are funded by third-party entities (e.g., their employer or government or military agencies). Funded offers include monthly stipends, tuition waiver, and health insurance.

Join our vibrant community of graduate students

Engineering School Requirements

The School of Engineering academic requirements for the Ph.D. degree and steps to graduation can be found on the  Office of Graduate Programs webpage . The School of Engineering Office of Graduate Programs  also contains helpful resources about academic planning, student life, professional development for current graduate students. More information about the School of Engineering academic rules can be found on the University Registrar's website .

Time limit : All requirements for the Ph.D. degree must be completed within seven years after matriculation to the graduate program.

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering at UVA requires successful completion of required coursework plus the three major milestones: Ph.D. Qualifying Exam, Ph.D. Propoal Defense, and Ph.D. Dissertation Defense. These are briefly described below and more information can be found in the  CEE Graduate Handbook .

The Ph.D. program in Civil Engineering requires relevant coursework to help students access foundational knowledge in their discipline while striking a balance between depth and breadth. A minimum of 24 credits of graduate engineering coursework beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for all the Ph.D. students in Engineering School at UVA. Students with graduate study at other institutions may apply engineering credits from that study towards their 24 hours, but all CEE Ph.D. students must complete at least six credits of coursework from CEE at UVA. Students who earn an ME or MS degree at UVA enroute to a PhD in CEE may use CEE credits from their master’s degree to meet this requirement.

Students must complete the PhD Plan of Study Form and submit it to the CEE Student Services Coordinator before the student takes their Ph.D. Qualifying Exam. The Plan of Study is for departmental use only. Students should maintain a copy for themselves to access it whenever they convene their committee and/or complete a requirement. Official tracking for Engineering School and CEE requirements is done using the academic requirements report.

A Ph.D. degree at CEE at UVA has three key milestones:

  • Ph.D. Qualifying Exam:  The purpose of the Qualifying Exam is to assess the student’s research aptitude and confirm that they have the skills and knowledge base necessary to conduct original research and to make a substantive contribution in their field.
  • To assess whether the student’s knowledge of their chosen area and their understanding of relevant literature is adequate to complete a Ph.D.
  • To recommend coursework, approaches/techniques and other resources that would facilitate or enhance the proposed work.
  • To evaluate whether or not the proposed work, if completed, would constitute an acceptable basis for a doctoral dissertation.
  • Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: The Ph.D. dissertation defense is the culminating step of the Ph.D. process. The purpose of the dissertation defense is to confirm that the completed research constitutes a meaningful contribution to the body of knowledge in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering and to demonstrate competence in the field of the dissertation research and to ensure that the written quality of the final document is adequate to highlight the value of the work. After successful completion of the dissertation defense, the candidate must submit the dissertation via Libra. For more information on LIBRA and instruction of how to upload, please visit the Dissertation Submission Checklist .

Please review the  CEE Graduate Handbook  for more information about the timing, format, and committee composition requirements for each exam. 

Graduate Teaching Experience

CEE Ph.D. students must serve as a Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA) for at least one semester. GTAs will enroll for three credits (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory, or S/U, basis) of CE 8001 in a section corresponding to their supervising instructor. A GTA assignment will not count toward the teaching requirement if the student does not receive an S grade.

All GTAs whose first language is one other than English are required to take the oral section of the UVELPE Test. A score of at least 55 is required for permission to begin teaching without completion of appropriate oral language training. Please refer to  CAELC website for more information about the UVELPE test as well as the testing times and registration.

CEE Seminar Series

As an essential component of the graduate program in CEE, Ph.D. students are required to enroll in CE 7001 (with zero credit hours) and attend the CEE seminars during the academic year.

CEE Seminar Series is a weekly event during the academic year that brings together CEE faculty and students to learn about new research and practices in different areas of civil and environmental engineering. Research presentations are given by Distinguished Speakers from within the university community as well as nationally and internationally recognized researchers and engineers in academia and industry. The weekly seminars also include talks and presentations from CEE graduate students as well as presentations geared towards professional development.

Research Dissemination

  • Publication: Ph.D. students are expected to generate peer-reviewed publications from each technical chapter of their dissertation. Publications must be peer-reviewed, co-authored with advisor and with the student as first author. Typically, one or more first-authored peer-reviewed publications will have already been accepted by the time of the Ph.D. defense. Sufficiency of the publication record is determined by the student's Ph.D. Committee.
  • Conference/Seminar Presentation: Ph.D. students are required to present their research at least once at a conference, CEE Seminar Series or other public venue approved by the student's Ph.D. Committee.

Overall Timeline

In our Ph.D. Program, the student has tremendous ownership over their own destiny and responsibility for progressing toward their graduation. Hence, the Ph.D.student has the responsibility to manage the timing of their progression. Therefore, it is incumbent on the Ph.D.student to regularly communicate with their advisor to make sure that their progression through the program is following a timeline that is suitable to and in accordance with the expectations of the Ph.D.advisor and the program.

Typically, it takes between 4 to 5 years to successfully complete all the requirements and the milestones of the Ph.D. program in CEE. Students who enter the program with a MS degree are typically able to complete required coursework and take the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam in year 1. It may take those students who enter the program with a bachelor's degree longer to complete the required coursework. The Ph.D.Qualifying Exam must be taken by the end of the second year. All students are required to successfully complete the Proposal Defense at least one year prior to the Final Dissertation Defense . However, students are highly encouraged to complete this milestone by the end of year 3 of their program.

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only.  The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found here .

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College of Engineering, Design and Computing

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Campus Affiliates

  • CU Anschutz Medical Campus
  • CU Colorado Springs

Civil Engineering PhD

At CU Denver, we offer two options within the civil engineering PhD program: the doctor of philosophy in civil engineering is a technical degree intended for students with an undergraduate degree in engineering, and the doctor of philosophy in civil engineering systems is a more flexible degree intended for students with undergraduate degrees in other fields such as science, mathematics, or economics. This program is administered jointly with the University of Colorado Boulder.

Areas of Study

Students enrolled in the civil engineering PhD program may choose from five areas of study.

  • Civil engineering systems
  • Transportation engineering
  • Hydrologic, environmental, and sustainability engineering
  • Structural engineering

Degree requirements

Students must hold an earned master's degree before they can be admitted to a doctoral program in the Department of Civil Engineering; there is no direct admission from a bachelor's program to the doctoral program. However, a student enrolled in a master's program may apply for the doctoral program before the master's degree is granted, as long as the master's degree is conferred before they enroll as a doctoral student at CU Denver.

Degree components

The PhD in civil engineering systems requires the completion of at least 60 credit hours, including at least 30 dissertation research hours and at least 30 credit hours of coursework relevant to the student’s dissertation research. Nine (9) credit hours must be completed at CU Boulder.

Doctoral students may transfer up to 15 credit hours toward their required coursework, but not for dissertation hours. Students who complete their master’s degree at CU Denver or CU Boulder may transfer up to 21 credit hours. 

Students must pass a preliminary examination, complete a comprehensive exam and orally defend their dissertation before a committee of at least five faculty members: two from Boulder and three from Denver.

Civil Engineering PhD rules (pdf)

Preliminary Exam Guidelines (pdf)

Comprehensive Exam Guidelines (pdf)

Prerequisite coursework

Prerequisites  apply to this degree program and should be completed before more than 12 credit hours of doctoral coursework is completed. Current master’s students may apply to the doctoral program at any point after they begin to earn their master’s degree course work. 

Coursework Assessment Form  

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1200 Larimer Street

Denver, CO 80204


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Civil Engineering (Ph.D.)

Doctoral candidates tailor a highly individualized Program of Study (typically 50 credit hours of courses beyond the bachelor's degree) to develop expertise in one of the following major specialization areas:

  • Construction and Infrastructure Systems
  • Engineering Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Water Resources
  • Geosystems Engineering
  • Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Materials
  • Transportation Systems Engineering

As part of the Program of Study, candidates must complete a Minor Field of Study. To demonstrate the ability for independent research, the candidate must pass a qualifying examination, a thesis proposal, and a thesis defense.

Candidates are required to complete a doctoral thesis reporting the results of original and independent research that derives from the scientific method and demonstrates creativity and technical expertise in the principles and methods essential to modern Civil & Environmental Engineering.

UCLA Graduate Division

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UCLA Graduate Programs

Dr. Mahendra and a researcher in her lab

Graduate Program: Civil Engineering

UCLA's Graduate Program in Civil Engineering offers the following degree(s):

Master of Science (M.S.)

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

With questions not answered here or on the program’s site (above), please contact the program directly.

Civil Engineering Graduate Program at UCLA Attn: Admission 420 Westwood Plaza 5732 Boelter Hall Box 951593 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1593

Visit the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department’s faculty roster


Visit the registrar's site for the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department’s course descriptions

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(310) 825-1851

[email protected]


We have 2 Civil Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA



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Civil Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

Construction safety research alliance phd fellowships, funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

USA PhD Programme

An American PhD usually takes 4-7 years to complete. Programmes normally take place within specialist university graduate skills and are more extensive than in Europe. Students begin with one or two years of coursework and examinations to develop a grounding in their subject before moving on to independent research on their doctoral thesis. This is then submitted for an oral ‘viva voce’ exam.

Study Engineering in the USA with the George Washington University

International phd programme.

International PhD programs are often designed for international students. Your PhD will usually be delivered in English, though some opportunities to gain and use additional language skills might also be available. Students may propose their own PhD topics or apply for advertised projects.

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civil engineering phd programs in usa

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PhD Program

Our PhD program in Civil and Systems Engineering aims to inspire the leaders of tomorrow to take on the challenge of creating and sustaining the built environment that underpins our society. Focal research areas in the department include structural engineering, structural mechanics, probabilistic methods, hazards management, and systems engineering.

The small size of the department fosters a collegial, close-knit relationship between the students, staff, and faculty, while our partnerships with the Departments of Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Materials Science & Engineering, Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Environmental Health and Engineering, Emergency Medicine, Public Health, and other John Hopkins groups provide a wide range of opportunities that surpasses those of much larger programs.

Students graduate from the program with a sense of the responsibility that the civil engineering profession accepts for applying the principles of engineering sciences for the betterment of the built environment and society. Its graduates have an appreciation of professional ethics and the value of service to their profession and society through participation in technical activities, and in community, state and national organizations.

Both undergraduates and masters students are encouraged to apply to the PhD program in Civil and Systems Engineering. Once you’ve been accepted to the program, you can pursue an area of interest in Systems , Structures , Mechanics of Materials . You don’t need a civil engineering degree to apply, students from all technical backgrounds are welcome.

All PhD students are fully funded with tuition, stipend, and benefits (including healthcare) for the entire duration of the program!

Program Requirements and Timeline

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Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering


  • Engineering for Disaster Resilience
  • Engineering for Extreme Habitats
  • Engineering for Urban Livability
  • Engineering for Environmental Stewardship
  • Engineering for Transport Service Systems

Civil Engineering Doctoral Students Citizenship

Civil engineering doctoral students age, fall 2022 podcast: life of a phd student, student & alumni profiles.


Ghena Alhanaee


Preetham Manjunatha

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Ghena Alhanaee PhD in Civil Engineering

Tell us a little bit about yourself I am from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates where I grew up and spent my formative years all the way to completing my bachelor’s degree at The Petroleum Institute in Abu Dhabi (now renamed Khalifa University). I was always interested in physics and math and after some exploring, found myself intrigued by mechanical engineering which ended up being my maopr for my undergraduate studies. Throughout my studies, I grew more and more interested in the energy sector and had the opportunity to pursue a master’s in energy resources engineering at Stanford University.

What attracted you to choose USC for your graduate studies? I then decided I wanted to continue working on and pursuing research in the energy and environment field, with a specific focus on my hometown and the surrounding region (the Persian Gulf). At the time, UAE had just announced they were constructing 4 nuclear reactors to diversify their energy sector. This would be the first time any of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries would enter the nuclear sector, and this really shaped my decision on what I wanted to focus on for my PhD research. I ended up finding an opportunity to work on research focused on my interests at the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department at USC, which brought me to Los Angeles.

Tell us about your interests outside the classroom.

Outside of the classroom, I love taking advantage of the beautiful Californian weather, spending time outdoors, going on hikes, and enjoying the sunshine.

Tell us about some exciting and unforgettable incidents from your two years at USC.

I am now starting my sixth year at USC (hopefully my last!) and have had the opportunity of meeting people from all sorts of backgrounds and countries and cultures. I have really enjoyed connecting with people from all walks of life and different corners of the world, that I wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to do.

Is there something that may surprise people about you? Something that might surprise people about me is that I am an avid traveler. Whenever there is a vacation or even a long weekend, you will probably see me in a new city, new state or even a new country.

What are your future plans after completing your Phd? After completing my degree, I am open to possibilities and opportunities and will see what comes my way (after taking a long much-needed vacation).

What innovations/discoveries do you hope to see (or be a part of!) in the next ten years?  I hope to see and be part of finding more sustainable ways to provide energy and protect the environment. I think we can definitely do better.

Audie Lee PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?

“Think you are the best” my advisor, Dr. Qiming Wang, said. Delivering my screening exam presentation, I shrank and choke before committee members. Everyone could readily figure out I was frozen solid. After it ended, my advisor kindly explained me in detail why I should be or, at least, try to look confident when presenting my idea (basically, no one buys yours when you don’t look like buying yours), and the best way to do so is to think I am the best. At that time, I could understand why he had sometimes told me “Audie, you are smart” or “you are doing great” in the lab – an aha moment. He had been planting seeds of confidence in me for about two years (gosh, I was too dull to figure it out early). Well, in fact, this advice itself is one that everyone can give out easily. But that advice from him reflects his long observation and thoughtfulness towards me – the best piece of advice.

What do you consider your greatest accomplishment?

  If my future children say ‘I wanna become a grown-up like my dad,’ that must be the greatest accomplishment ever in my life.

What's your favorite impulse purchase from the past 12 months?

Some Nintendo Switch game cartridges – I don’t have Nintendo Switch and have no plan to get one lol Doesn’t this make you laugh already? Well, just thinking “Someday I’m gonna play it so hard” makes me feel better when I get stressed. I didn’t purchase just a bunch of game cartridges, instead, I bought a collection of (well-sugarcoated) mood shifters.

Please describe a little about your research and what excites you about it.

My research fields include mechanics, wave propagation, metamaterials, and some novel structures. Does it sound like civil engineering topics? Most people usually think that civil engineering is all about soils, rocks, construction, earthquakes, and water. Right, but not ‘all.’ Surprisingly, due to many efforts for interdisciplinary research, the intersection area between research fields has been emerging wide – and that’s where something new is likely to come about. I mix civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials engineering, and physics all together to bridge novel ideas with reality. Becoming an explorer looking for a treasure chest full of groundbreaking ideas, doesn’t it excite you?

If you could choose any other profession outside of engineering or computer science, what would it be? 

Paleontology. Trojans love Jurassic Park and Indiana Jones, right? Forget that Dr. Jones is actually an archeologist. Harrison Ford in Jurassic Park, that’s what I want to be in my second life. Hmm, Han Solo in Jurassic Park is also not a bad idea.

What are some factors that helped you decide to pursue your PhD at USC?

Support from USC. USC always tries its best to offer students an optimal environment for research. Especially, I have been more than just satisfied with the assistantship that USC provides. With all concerns about money-related issues excluded, I can only focus on my research during my Ph.D. career. I profoundly appreciate USC and proud alumni for their financial support.

If you were to recommend to an incoming student 3 places to go in California/Los Angeles, what would they be?

Griffith Observatory: While many tourists perceive it as just one of the popular places in L.A., it comes to me as something like home where I can freely visit and blow away all the stress with the cool breeze, looking at the grid of the city.

El Taurino: It’s one of the best Mexican restaurants in L.A. Luckily, it’s right next to USC. Just go try burritos there. Further words are a waste of ink.

UCLA Rose Bowl: Watching Trojans vs. Bruins football match at Rose Bowl is the best thing you can do in L.A. – Trojans never lose.

What is a memory you'll cherish about your time at USC?

In early 2020, a tragedy visited my family, and I was withering away like barley plants during the Dust Bowl period. But my Ph.D. colleagues and USC staffs picked me up from the dust swamp. Their support was the rope of hope I could hold on to get out of that depression. It was the spirit of ‘Together We Fight On.’ This memory will never fade away.

What's one thing about you that might surprise me?

Nothing. My life has been boring, especially during the COVID-19 period.

What are your plans after graduation?

Pursuing postdoctoral researcher position and faculty position.

Hometown (city, country):

Busan, South Korea

Personal Website (if any): audielee/

Faculty Advisor:

Dr. Qiming Wang

Preetham Manjunatha PhD in Civil engineering

It was given by my mother, "Whatever difficult scenario arises in your life, you should not lose your inner self".

Gaining a small amount of knowledge that lasts forever and pursuing a Ph.D. and two master's degrees at the same time.

I bought a dozen of shirts that I purchased the next day after purchasing a single shirt from a French company, Celio.

The interest in doing research and problem-solving. Also, an immense love of mathematical aspects of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), a structural analysis method, and structural dynamics.

The places which I liked most are Yosemite, Griffith observatory, and Venice beach.

I have several memories, to name some: the first memory was when the Master's thesis committee mentioned that the thesis was the best one they have seen. The second was mentoring master's students from Viterbi CS and EE departments. Third, was when pursuing my first master's degree, the visits to USC, Traditions with friends during the weekends.

That I am a good cook (my friends say that all the time). I love to cook food, I made my first recipes (lentil stew/curry and deep-fried chicken kabab) when I was 10 years old.

City is Mysore, and the country is India. pmanjunatha/

Professor Sami F. Masri.

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Graduate Program

Phd in civil engineering.

grad students and researchers on a barge

The PhD degree is offered in the major areas of Civil Infrastructure Systems, Coastal Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Transportation Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering. Look at our concentrations page here . We also offer an interdisciplinary PhD in  Ocean Engineering .

A student’s doctoral program, comprising 72 credits beyond the bachelor’s degree (including doctoral dissertation), is planned around a central objective in applied science and mathematics. If a student who already holds a master’s degree in the specific field of study is accepted directly into the Ph.D. program, the coursework from the master’s degree will be taken into account in the design of the doctoral program. All courses in the program are selected with the approval of the student’s dissertation advisor. The Ph.D. coursework typically include at least 3 credits at the 800 level.

  • Graduate Program Courses: 36 credits
  • Ph.D. Dissertation: 9 credits
  • Research (minimum): 9 credits
  • Additional research and/or courses: 18 credits

Jacquee Lukawski

Jacquee Lukawski

Graduate Academic Advisor 301-1 DuPont Hall 302-831-6570 [email protected]

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Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering with a concentration in Civil Engineering

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Get Started on Your Graduate Degree Online Today!

The Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science (thesis and non-thesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Major areas of study include structures, geotechnical, water resources, transportation, construction materials and environmental engineering.

An advanced degree in civil and environmental engineering can lead to career advancements for civil engineers, design engineers or civil/structural engineers.

Do you like to work outdoors as well as indoors? Do you excel at subjects like science and mathematics? Do you have a passion for building things or for taking things apart and putting them back together? Civil engineers are responsible for maintaining, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, so they are involved with engineering projects in a unique and ongoing way even after construction is complete. A graduate degree is for those who want to learn more and provide leadership in their workplace.

Tuition per credit hour $558.50
Instructional Support Fee per credit hour $25.00

Tuition and fees listed are subject to change and do not include all possible charges. Additional fees may apply. Please refer to the master class schedule for individual course charges.

What are some potential careers?

Program structure.

Mississippi State University’s Bagley College of Engineering offers programs of study leading to a Doctoral degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering with specializations in the following areas:

  • Construction Engineering and Management
  • Construction Materials Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering
  • For students with an acceptable M.S. degree, a minimum of 24 hours of coursework approved by their committee and a minimum of 20 hours of research (CE 9000) are required.
  • 12 hours in CE courses, nine of which are at the Full Graduate level
  • 12 hours at the Full Graduate level
  • 15 hours in Engineering.
Case Degree(s) Awarded Required Minimum Credit Hours Completed Total Minimum Credit Hours Completed
1 Ph.D. and Non-Thesis Option M.S.* 57 coursework
20 dissertation (CE 9000)
2 Ph.D. and Thesis Option M.S.* 48 coursework
6 thesis (CE 8000)
20 dissertation (CE 9000)
3 Ph.D. Only 48 coursework
20 dissertation (CE 9000)

* The student needs to submit a seperate application and be admitted for dual enrollment in the M.S. program at least one semester before earning the M.S. degree.

Admissions Requirements

Students seeking full admission into this program should apply as a classified student. Non-degree seeking students wishing to take classes offered through the Online Civil Engineering program should apply as an Unclassified student.

Applications for the degree programs are reviewed three times a year. The application deadlines for those semesters are as follows:

  • Fall Semester – March 15
  • Spring Semester – September 15
  • Summer Semester – January 15

Applications for the off-campus M.S. degree program may be considered for review up to two months after these deadlines upon request by the applicant. Admission requires that the applicant be accepted by a faculty member in their sub‐discipline area who is willing to serve as their major professor. Applicants are encouraged contact appropriate faculty after completion of the application.

Note - These deadlines differ from university published deadlines and are specific to the CEE department to provide timely feedback on application status and appropriate resource allocation.

An applicant for admission to graduate study must hold a bachelor's degree from a fully recognized four-year educational institution that has unconditional accreditation with appropriate regional accrediting agencies. They must meet the admission requirements of the Graduate School and the Civil Engineering program.

Regular admission to graduate study in the program requires a minimum grade point average (last four semesters of undergraduate work) of 3.00/4.00. When a student is deficient in one of the criteria cited, the student's application, nevertheless, may be considered for admission based on the strength of other materials contained in the student's application.

Bagley College of Engineering programs may accept transfer work previously completed by the student. Transcript reviews to determine transfer or prerequisite work will be evaluated AFTER students are granted full admission. Once admitted an academic coordinator can review those transcripts for more information.

To meet admission requirements, submit a separate official final transcript from each college or university attended; faxed transcripts will not be accepted. An applicant may not ignore previous college attendance and must list all colleges attended on the application for admission. You must be in good standing at the last college or university attended

Attention International Students

International students are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and score greater than 550. Detailed information regarding international applications can be found in the Graduate Catalog . Questions regarding international applications can be addressed to the Office of the Graduate School at [email protected] .

  • ETS is providing home testing for the TOEFL iBT test, and MSU is encouraging students to take advantage of this testing option. For those students applying who have taken the TOEFL within five years of the semester they plan to enroll and are unable to access the TOEFL iBT test from home, we will accept your previous test scores.

Admission Options

Domestic/international classified admissions, domestic unclassified admissions, international unclassified admissions, direct admit doctor of philosophy, readmission, provisional admissions, transfer credit.

  • Submit online application . You will choose Civil Engineering as your Program of Study and Online Education as your campus.
  • Statement of Purpose
  • You will be asked to submit three names and three email addresses of individuals you are using as references. Once you click submit, these individuals will be sent an email from MSU, which will provide a link to an online form for completing their recommendations.
  • TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for international students
  • One official transcript showing bachelor’s degree or progress toward degree. (For international students, please submit a copy in native language along with translated copies, if appropriate.)
  • Electronic transcripts should be sent to: [email protected] Mississippi State University, Graduate School. Only one copy of an electronic transcript is required.
  • Paper Transcripts Address (USPS): Mississippi State University The Office of the Graduate School P.O. Box G Mississippi State, MS 39762
  • Physical Street Address (for DHL, Fed Ex, UPS, DHS, etc.): Mississippi State University The Office of the Graduate School 175 President Circle 116 Allen Hall Mississippi State, MS 39762
  • Payment of $60 non-refundable application processing fee for domestic students. Payment of $80 non-refundable application processing fee for international students.
  • Once you are admitted, you will receive an email with complete instructions on registering for classes and contacting your advisor

Only NINE (9) hours of course work taken as an "Unclassified Student" can be applied toward a degree program. All Unclassified students should submit a classified application once they have reached the maximum of nine hours. Full admission into the Civil Engineering online program will be based upon successful completion of all classified admissions requirements.

If you are applying unclassified, select "Graduate School - Unclassified" as the college.

  • Submit online application
  • Pay $60 non-refundable application processing fee

PLEASE NOTE In general, students who are not admitted into a degree program are not eligible for student financial aid funds. For more information please visit Student Financial Aid to see if you will be eligible or not while taking courses as an Unclassified graduate student.

  • TOEFL or IELTS scores are required for international students.
  • One copy of academic records showing degree(s) (in native language along with translated copies if appropriate)
  • Must obtain application approval from the Dean of the Graduate School
  • Payment of $80 non-refundable application processing fee for international students.

Three cases exist for direct admit students. An option exists to obtain a Ph.D. without obtaining a master’s degree with less requirements, but to obtain master’s and Ph.D. degrees under direct admit status has the same cumulative requirements as if the degrees were obtained separately.

  • 51 Hours Course Work
  • 20 hours dissertation (CE 9000)
  • 42 Hours Course Work
  • 6 hours thesis (CE 8000)
  • 42 hours coursework

A student who has not fully met the requirements stipulated by the University and the department for admission to graduate study may be granted admission as a degree-seeking graduate student with provisional status. Such student must have as his/her initial objective advancement to regular status. A provisional student must receive a 3.00 GPA on the first nine hours of graduate level courses on the program of study taken at Mississippi State University (transfer hours or unclassified graduate hours will not apply) in order to achieve regular status. If a 3.00 is not attained, the provisional student will be dismissed from graduate study.

Once enrolled in graduate study, a student who fails to meet the continuous enrollment requirement must complete an Application for Readmission to register for classes. Continuous enrollment is defined as enrollment in two of three semester terms (Fall, Spring, or Summer) with Fall enrollment required. Students who have not been enrolled for a period of three years or longer and are in good academic standing, are eligible to reapply to through the Lapsed Student Program. Readmission is not guaranteed and must be approved by the Department Head, Academic Dean, and Dean of the Graduate School. Interested students or academic departments should contact the Graduate School for more information.

Students may transfer up to twelve (12) hours of graduate level credits from regionally accredited institutions. The decision to grant transfer credit is made by the advisor and the student’s graduate committee. If you wish to transfer credits, contact your advisor. You will need to provide an official transcript showing the courses you wish to transfer.

Academic Advising

While you may request a current faculty member to be your major advisor, typically the major advisor is assigned at the time of admission. This assignment will be based on your area of study, research interests, and any financial support that may be offered. This person will work with you on submission of required documents, establishing a graduate committee, and your completion of all degree requirements.

The major advisor must be a full-time faculty member in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Members of the committee must be members of the graduate faculty at Mississippi State University. The majority of the graduate committee must be full-time graduate faculty at Mississippi State University.

Headshot of John Ramirez-Avila

John J. Ramirez-Avila.

Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Associate Professor and Academic Coordinator

Headshot of Benjamin Magbanua

Dr. Benjamin S. Magbanua

Accessing online courses, accessing course videos.

Videos recorded during our on campus class sessions are uploaded for online students to view within our online course repository.  Online students will have access to course videos within 24 hours of the on campus course completion. Students should visit Engage to access the course videos. Instructions for viewing the recordings and downloading the recordings are offered below.

View and Download Videos

Instructions for viewing classes live or downloading videos, use our video download instructions.

If you experience technical difficulties or have any questions regarding the recording or format of our lecture capture, please contact:

IT Support & Staff Bagley College of Engineering Mississippi State University [email protected] 662.325.7794

Contact Information

Photo of Mindy Wolfe

Mindy Wolfe

Enrollment & Onboarding Coach

  • General Program Questions
  • Assistance with Admissions Process & Requirements

Photo of Anusha Rijal

Anusha Rijal

Retention & Engagement Coach

  • Current Student Inquires
  • Academic & Support Services Assistance

Headshot of Tamra Swann

Tamra Swann


  • Distance Education Coordinator

Filler image for contacting the department or college

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

civil engineering phd programs in usa

Future students

Prospective graduate students.

Housed in an outstanding university, UW CEE offers one of the world’s premier graduate programs in the field. UW CEE ranked #20 best graduate school for civil engineering and #25 best graduate school for environmental engineering for 2021, U.S. News & World Report.

Why UW CEE graduate studies?

UW CEE offers cutting-edge curriculum for graduate students pursuing a master’s or Ph.D. degree. Graduates enjoy rewarding careers in industry or academia, where they make a difference in the world.

  • Learn what types of jobs alumni pursue after graduation.
  • Learn about current graduate students in the program.
  • Learn about CEE’s six research areas.
  • Learn about graduate student research .
  • Learn about study abroad program opportunities.
  • Construction Engineering
  • Sustainable Transportation
  • Supply Chain Transportation and Logistics
  • Energy Infrastructure
  • Data Science Option

Information for special populations

  • Visiting graduate students
  • Graduate nonmatriculated students
  • Contact an adviser
  • Admission/enrollment statistics
  • Watch videos about research and projects

University of Delaware

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  • Mentoring Program

Graduate Programs

  • Graduate Admissions
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  • Graduate Student Resources
  • Graduate Student FAQ’s
  • External Advisory Council
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  • Coastal and Ocean
  • Environmental
  • Geotechnical
  • Transportation and Civil Infrastructure
  • Water Resources
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  • Research Matrix
  • Newsletters
  • Upcoming Events
  • Past Events
  • Alumni Awards
  • Make a Gift

Graduate Program

The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) offers master’s and Ph.D. programs in Civil Engineering across six specialized fields, along with interdisciplinary degrees and a graduate certificate. Our graduate program is centered around collaborative research that tackles the intricate challenges confronting humanity. Throughout your graduate journey, you will collaborate with esteemed faculty members, engage in pioneering research, and contribute to the education of future engineers.

UD CCEE provides a strong, supportive, and enriching environment for our graduate students. By choosing UD CCEE, you become part of a diverse learning community and contribute to a longstanding tradition of excellence. Our primary focus is on ensuring student success. Through your graduate studies, you will have the opportunity to drive impactful change across a wide range of societal areas.

Prospective graduate students are strongly encouraged to reach out to graduate coordinators and faculty members in their areas of interest. This will allow you to gain deeper insights into research domains, funding possibilities, and additional program particulars.

grad student on coastal engineering project

Coastal Engineering

coastal engineering, wave mechanics, and environmental fluid mechanics

grad student on coastal engineering project

Environmental Engineering

water and wastewater treatment, environmental chemistry and remediation, and solid and hazardous waste management

grad student on coastal engineering project

Geotechnical Engineering

computational geomechanics, soil mechanics, foundation engineering, earth structures engineering, and ground improvement

grad student on coastal engineering project

Structural Engineering

structural mechanics, analysis, and design; bridge engineering; structural dynamics; computational mechanics; and structural engineering materials

grad student on coastal engineering project

Transportation Engineering and Civil Infrastructure Systems

asset management, natural disaster risk analysis, infrastructure vulnerability, urban transportation, traffic engineering, systems engineering

grad student on coastal engineering project

Water Resources Engineering

groundwater and surface water resources, contaminant fate and transport, sustainability

Interdisciplinary Programs

grad student on coastal engineering project

Dual Masters in CE and MBA Programs

grad student on coastal engineering project

Masters & PhD in Ocean Engineering

Certificate programs.

grad student on coastal engineering project

Graduate Certificate in Railroad and Transit Engineering

Jacquee Lukawski

Jacquee Lukawski

Graduate Academic Advisor 301-1 DuPont Hall 302-831-6570 [email protected]

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Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

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The Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

After receiving a PhD in civil engineering from Florida Tech, graduates are able to use their subject matter expertise to embark on any number of civil engineering careers.

Students in Florida Tech's doctoral program experience an intimate learning environment where professors mentor and collaborate with students as professionals. Class sizes are small, and students network with professors and classmates from around the world for a robust multicultural experience. The environment at Florida Tech promotes innovative, independent thinking to develop graduates with a PhD in civil engineering who are positioned for leadership roles in engineering consulting companies, universities, and government organizations.

Florida Tech Develops Leaders

Students seeking a PhD in civil engineering are dedicated researchers exploring topics currently important to the industry. Because of the multidisciplinary nature of the research conducted at Florida Tech, students are knowledgeable professionals ready to immediately contribute in the workplace. The program prepares graduates for a career with advanced skills in mathematics, mechanics, materials, project management, leadership, and ethics.

Professional, Experienced Faculty

Their collective experience covers a variety of pertinent engineering research topics from wind and seismic engineering, risk modeling, hydraulic engineering, and transportation to geotechnical engineering, waste water management and environmental engineering. Faculty are also doing exciting research in field data collection and testing, laboratory data collection and analysis, construction of data acquisition systems, software development, and analytical and numerical modeling.

Our faculty offer a rich and varied background, including professional consulting and military experience. Professors work closely with students working toward a PhD in civil engineering to mentor their mastery of the curriculum and often collaborate on research projects. Through their strong personal and professional international experience in many different parts of the world including Asia, Latin America, Europe and the Middle East, Florida Tech's professors are able to share the values of cultural diversity within the workplace.

Degree Specialization

Six areas of specialization are offered to students earning a PhD in civil engineering. Prior to beginning the program, candidates map out their own course of study with a faculty mentor whose professional field is aligned to the student's career goals and interests. Specializations include:

  • Construction Management
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering

Advanced Research Opportunities and Facilities

Hands-on experience is one of the most valuable parts of the experience at Florida Tech. Doctoral civil engineering students conduct extensive research, gaining real-world experience in and outside of the classroom.

High-tech laboratories and its position as a leading research university give Florida Tech a reputation as one of the best engineering schools in the country. Students have access to Wind and Hurricane Impacts Research Laboratory (WHIRL), a computer-aided design (CAD) laboratory, surveying materials, a hydraulics laboratory, a geomaterials lab, and more. These facilities support research in many disciplines and afford students seeking a PhD in civil engineering every benefit to master cutting-edge curriculum and research methodology.

Students also collaborate with numerous organizations that provide research and employment opportunities including:

  • National Science Foundation
  • Federal Emergency Management Agency
  • Florida Department of Transportation
  • Johns River Water Management District
  • Florida Department of Community Affairs
  • Florida Sea Grant
  • Florida Department of Emergency Management

5,000 High-Tech Companies Waiting for You

Florida Tech is located on the Space Coast (so named because of the presence of NASA and the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral just north of us). The area has one of the largest high-tech workforces in the country, with more than 5,000 high-tech corporations and government and military organizations located nearby. This workforce also provides an abundance of internship and employment opportunities. Many graduates of the civil engineering master's program choose to work for a state or local government where they design and oversee the construction of roads, buildings, and bridges. Related work can also be found outside of government in the private sector at consulting or construction firms.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 7% employment growth for civil engineers between 2014 and 2024 due to aging infrastructure. While government funding is often the source for civil engineering projects, privately funded projects also continue to create job demand.

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Civil Engineering—MS, PhD

The world's infrastructure needs you. At Michigan Technological University, you'll address the needs of our society by combining theory, practice, creativity, and hard work. We are committed to providing an intellectual environment that empowers students to make significant contributions to both the field of civil engineering and society as a whole. Are you ready?

Accelerated Master's Program is available for current Michigan Tech students. Explore our Online Master's and Doctoral Program .

Program Overview

With a four-to-one graduate student-to-faculty ratio, students in the master's or doctorate in civil engineering program can tailor their academic plan within six areas of emphasis:

  • construction engineering and management
  • geotechnical engineering
  • structural engineering
  • transportation engineering
  • civil engineering materials
  • water resources engineering

Delivery Options

  • Online: MS, PhD
  • Accelerated: MS
  • On-Campus: MS, PhD

Civil Engineering Program Details

Choose a specific degree option or delivery type to learn more about the civil engineering program at Michigan Tech. For international students, Civil Engineering is a designated STEM program.

On-Campus Programs

To complete a doctoral degree, students must complete the following milestones:

  • Complete all coursework and research credits (see credit requirements below)
  • Pass Qualifying Examination
  • Pass Research Proposal Examination
  • Prepare and Submit Approved Dissertation
  • Pass Final Oral Defense

The minimum credit requirements are as follows:

Total Credit Requirements
Degrees Credits
MS-PhD (minimum) 30 Credits
BS-PhD (minimum) 60 Credits

Individual programs may have higher standards and students are expected to know their program's requirements. See the  Doctor of Philosophy Requirements  website for more information about PhD milestones and related timelines.

This option requires a research thesis prepared under the supervision of the advisor. The thesis describes a research investigation and its results. The scope of the research topic for the thesis should be defined in such a way that a full-time student could complete the requirements for a master’s degree in 12 months or three semesters following the completion of coursework by regularly scheduling graduate research credits.

The minimum requirements are as follows:

Total Credit Requirements
Option Parts Credits
Coursework (minimum) 20 Credits
Thesis research 6-10 Credits
Total (minimum) 30 Credits
Distribution of Coursework Credit
Distribution Credits
5000-6000 series (minimum) 12 Credits
3000-4000 (maximum) 12 Credits

Programs may have stricter requirements and may require more than the minimum number of credits listed here.

This option requires a report describing the results of an independent study project. The scope of the research topic should be defined in such a way that a full-time student could complete the requirements for a master’s degree in twelve months or three semesters following the completion of coursework by regularly scheduling graduate research credits. 

Of the minimum total of 30 credits, at least 24 must be earned in coursework other than the project:

Total Credit Requirements
Option Parts Credits
Coursework (minimum) 24 Credits
Report 2-6 Credits
Total (minimum) 30 Credits

This option requires a minimum of 30 credits be earned through coursework. A limited number of research credits may be used with the approval of the advisor, department, and Graduate School. See degree requirements for more information.

A graduate program may require an oral or written examination before conferring the degree and may require more than the minimum credits listed here:

Distribution of Coursework Credit
Distribution Credits
5000-6000 series (minimum) 18 Credits
3000-4000 (maximum) 12 Credits

Bachelor's + 1 Year = Master's Degree

Our accelerated master's degree program is a faster, easier way for Michigan Tech students to earn a master's degree. Up to nine approved credits from your bachelor's degree can be applied towards your accelerated master's degree. Consult your graduate program director for your individualized plan. If you're thinking about pursuing a master's following your bachelor's this option may be the right choice for you. 

Additional Accelerated Master's Program Details

Online Programs

Our online civil engineering MS and PhD degrees focus on structural engineering. Apply advanced structural engineering theory, structural analysis, and material dynamics. Visit our program website for more details about our curriculum.

See Online Civil Engineering MS and PhD

For Michigan Tech students with a Bachelor's degree, fast-track your career or speed progress toward advanced studies through an online Accelerated Master's Program . The program allows you to earn both a Bachelor' and Master's in as few as five years.

This online Accelerated Master’s program allows you to count up to 6 approved credits towards both degrees. It is designed for highly motivated students who wish to enter a mid-level position in their careers after graduation or pursue doctoral studies. Set yourself up for success in an increasingly demanding job market with an online Accelerated Master’s from Michigan Tech.

Additional Program Information

Want to learn more about civil engineering at Michigan Tech? Visit the department for more information:

  • Additional Program Details
  • Program Faculty Listing
  • Recent Publications
  • Labs and Equipment

Graduate Director

Graduate assistant.

Angela Keranen

Sample Areas of Interest

Select areas of interest to help customize your civil engineering MS and PhD. Sample areas include:

  • Geotechnical
  • Infrastructure
  • Water Resources

View full listing for this program

Application Process and Admissions Requirements

Applications are reviewed on an individual basis using a holistic approach. Fill out our free graduate application online to apply to any of our programs. Official transcripts and scores are not required for the initial application, although you will need to upload them later.

Applying to Graduate School is free  (no application fees) and  fast (no official transcripts or test scores are needed to start). The application process involves three easy steps. International applicants are required to pay a non-refundable $10 processing fee per application.

See Admissions Steps

Michigan Tech offers several admissions options in order to meet the educational needs of students from a variety of backgrounds. Students should review the options available to them and apply for the program that will best help them achieve their personal educational goals.

See Admissions Options

To be considered for admission to the Graduate School as a degree- or certificate-seeking student, you need to:

  • have a bachelor's degree or its equivalent from an accredited institution, and
  • be prepared for advanced study in your chosen field, as demonstrated by your previous degree and your scholastic record.

See additional application requirements , including required materials:

  • Student Statements
  • Official Transcripts

Program Specific

  • 2 Letters of Recommendation (not required for online students)
  • Admitted applicants typically have an undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • GRE not required
  • No Additional Documents Accepted

International Students

  • TOEFL: Recommended Score of at least 100 iBT
  • IELTS: Recommended Overall Band Score of at least 7.0

Michigan Tech requires a minimum 79 overall TOEFL or 6.5 overall IELTS score.

Admissions Decisions

Made on a rolling basis.

Recommended Deadlines

Fall Semester: January 15 (for full financial consideration) Spring Semester: September 15 Summer Semester: February 15

International Students must apply and be accepted into a degree-granting program in order to earn a graduate certificate. A non-refundable $10 processing fee per application is required.

See International Applicants

Our Accelerated Master's Program is available for current Michigan Tech students. Explore our

  • Overall GPA of 3.0 or greater
  • No GRE required
  • Completed course plan

Eligible Undergraduate Majors

  • All majors upon program approval

The CEGE Accelerated MS Course Plan form is required for students pursuing an accelerated MS degree from the department of civil, environmental, and geospatial engineering.

  • Apply for Free
  • Request Info
  • For Prospective Students

Accredited by HLC

Michigan Tech has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) since 1928. Our Graduate School offers over 125 certificates, master's, and PhD programs to provide our students and the world with what tomorrow needs.

Who You'll Work With

Michigan Tech has a tradition of excellence in civil engineering education, blending theory, practice, creativity, and hard work. You'll join an intellectual environment where students and faculty make the next breakthrough together.

Where You'll Work

We maintain eight start-of-the-art facilities for research, including world-class petrography laboratories for characterizing materials. Other laboratories support structural testing, concrete mixing and testing, asphalt testing, binder characterization, hydrodynamic and scour studies, complex data visualization, and rail transportation planning. Benedict Laboratory, the largest lab on campus, is one of a select few university labs that can test and evaluate ultra-high performance concrete.

Faculty Spotlight

Yousef Darestani

Yousef Darestani Assistant Professor, Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering

"Developing long-term, sustainable, and equitable green solutions to enhance the resiliency of coastal communities."

My research focuses on risk and resilience analysis and enhancement of infrastructures systems against weather related hazards. We leverage machine learning techniques to efficiently account for uncertainty in the hazards and complexities in system response to estimate vulnerabilities in coastal infrastructure systems such electric power and transportation systems.

Program Faculty

100 Best Civil Engineering schools in the United States

Updated: February 29, 2024

  • Art & Design
  • Computer Science
  • Engineering
  • Environmental Science
  • Liberal Arts & Social Sciences
  • Mathematics

Below is a list of best universities in the United States ranked based on their research performance in Civil Engineering. A graph of 11.9M citations received by 411K academic papers made by 528 universities in the United States was used to calculate publications' ratings, which then were adjusted for release dates and added to final scores.

We don't distinguish between undergraduate and graduate programs nor do we adjust for current majors offered. You can find information about granted degrees on a university page but always double-check with the university website.

1. University of California - Berkeley

For Civil Engineering

University of California - Berkeley logo

2. Stanford University

Stanford University logo

3. Harvard University

Harvard University logo

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Institute of Technology logo

5. University of Michigan - Ann Arbor

University of Michigan - Ann Arbor logo

6. University of Maryland - College Park

University of Maryland - College Park logo

7. University of Wisconsin - Madison

University of Wisconsin - Madison logo

8. University of Washington - Seattle

University of Washington - Seattle logo

9. University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign

University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign logo

10. University of California - Los Angeles

University of California - Los Angeles logo

11. Cornell University

Cornell University logo

12. University of Texas at Austin

University of Texas at Austin logo

13. Pennsylvania State University

Pennsylvania State University logo

14. Georgia Institute of Technology

Georgia Institute of Technology logo

15. Texas A&M University - College Station

Texas A&M University - College Station logo

16. Ohio State University

Ohio State University logo

17. University of California-San Diego

University of California-San Diego logo

18. University of Southern California

University of Southern California logo

19. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University logo

20. University of California - Davis

University of California - Davis logo

21. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

University of Minnesota - Twin Cities logo

22. California Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology logo

23. Columbia University

Columbia University logo

24. University of Florida

University of Florida logo

25. University of Arizona

University of Arizona logo

26. Michigan State University

Michigan State University logo

27. Arizona State University - Tempe

Arizona State University - Tempe logo

28. Purdue University

Purdue University logo

29. University of Colorado Boulder

University of Colorado Boulder logo

30. Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University logo

31. University of Pennsylvania

University of Pennsylvania logo

32. Princeton University

Princeton University logo

33. University of Central Florida

University of Central Florida logo

34. Northwestern University

Northwestern University logo

35. Iowa State University

Iowa State University logo

36. Rutgers University - New Brunswick

Rutgers University - New Brunswick logo

37. North Carolina State University at Raleigh

North Carolina State University at Raleigh logo

38. University of Chicago

University of Chicago logo

39. Yale University

Yale University logo

40. University at Buffalo

University at Buffalo logo

41. University of California - Irvine

University of California - Irvine logo

42. Boston University

Boston University logo

43. Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College logo

44. Duke University

Duke University logo

45. Carnegie Mellon University

Carnegie Mellon University logo

46. University of Utah

University of Utah logo

47. Colorado State University - Fort Collins

Colorado State University - Fort Collins logo

48. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center

University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center logo

49. University of Delaware

University of Delaware logo

50. New York University

New York University logo

51. University of Rochester

University of Rochester logo

52. University of Virginia

University of Virginia logo

53. University of California - Santa Barbara

University of California - Santa Barbara logo

54. Oregon State University

Oregon State University logo

55. University of Illinois at Chicago

University of Illinois at Chicago logo

56. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill logo

57. University of Tennessee - Knoxville

University of Tennessee - Knoxville logo

58. University of Cincinnati

University of Cincinnati logo

59. Washington University in St Louis

Washington University in St Louis logo

60. University of Nebraska - Lincoln

University of Nebraska - Lincoln logo

61. University of Pittsburgh

University of Pittsburgh logo

62. University of Iowa

University of Iowa logo

63. Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science

Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science logo

64. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute logo

65. University of Georgia

University of Georgia logo

66. Rice University

Rice University logo

67. University of California - Santa Cruz

University of California - Santa Cruz logo

68. University of California - San Francisco

University of California - San Francisco logo

69. University of Massachusetts - Amherst

University of Massachusetts - Amherst logo

70. University of Nevada - Reno

University of Nevada - Reno logo

71. Clemson University

Clemson University logo

72. University of Connecticut

University of Connecticut logo

73. University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky logo

74. University of Miami

University of Miami logo

75. University of Houston

University of Houston logo

76. University of Kansas

University of Kansas logo

77. Auburn University

Auburn University logo

78. University of South Florida

University of South Florida logo

79. Stony Brook University

Stony Brook University logo

80. Lehigh University

Lehigh University logo

81. Florida International University

Florida International University logo

82. University of Oklahoma - Norman

University of Oklahoma - Norman logo

83. University of South Carolina - Columbia

University of South Carolina - Columbia logo

84. Missouri University of Science and Technology

Missouri University of Science and Technology logo

85. Providence College

Providence College logo

86. Vanderbilt University

Vanderbilt University logo

87. University of Missouri - Columbia

University of Missouri - Columbia logo

88. Brown University

Brown University logo

89. San Diego State University

San Diego State University logo

90. Florida State University

Florida State University logo

91. Washington State University

Washington State University logo

92. Wayne State University

Wayne State University logo

93. Case Western Reserve University

Case Western Reserve University logo

94. University of Notre Dame

University of Notre Dame logo

95. Portland State University

Portland State University logo

96. Drexel University

Drexel University logo

97. Colorado School of Mines

Colorado School of Mines logo

98. Marymount University

Marymount University logo

99. Northeastern University

Northeastern University logo

100. Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis

Indiana University - Purdue University - Indianapolis logo

The best cities to study Civil Engineering in the United States based on the number of universities and their ranks are Berkeley , Stanford , Cambridge , and Ann Arbor .

Engineering subfields in the United States

Direct-Admit Ph.D.

In addition to the traditional Ph.D. program, the CEE Department offers a Direct Ph.D. program in both Civil and Environmental Engineering, which allows highly qualified applicants, generally with a B.S. degree GPA of 3.5 equivalent or better, to be admitted directly into the Ph.D. program without an M.S. degree. Current M.S. students can petition to be in the Direct-Admit Ph.D. program after one semester of graduate studies at Illinois and support by a CEE faculty advisor.

The Direct-Admit Ph.D. program has the same cumulative credit hour requirements as the M.S.+ Ph.D. program. Students in the Direct-Admit Ph.D. program are not required to obtain an M.S. degree but may choose to apply for an M.S. degree in CE or EE during their Ph.D. studies. The Direct-Admit Ph.D. Program requires approximately five years past the Bachelor’s Degree.

Credit Hour Requirements for Direct-Admit Ph.D. in CE and EE:




CEE 599

Thesis Research (min-max applied toward degree)

32 (min.)


Elective courses (subject to other requirements and conditions below)

56 to 64


Total Hours


Other Requirements:

  • Other Requirements and Conditions may overlap
  • A maximum of 8 hours of  CEE 597  (or other independent study) may be applied toward the elective coursework requirement; approval required.
  • There is no department-wide foreign language requirement. However, the faculties of some areas of specialization may require foreign language proficiency if essential to the conduct of research in that area.
  • 24 credit hours must be in major field. 24 credit hours of elective coursework must be at the 500-level, with at least 12 hours in major field.
  • 64 graduate hours must be completed in residence
  • Qualifying exam
  • Preliminary exam
  • Final exam or dissertation defense
  • Dissertation deposit
  • Undergraduate Admission
  • Student Affairs
  • Events Calendar
  • George W. Bush Presidential Center
  • Prospective Students
  • Current Students
  • Information for Faculty & Staff

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Civil and Environmental Engineering Master's Degree Programs

Advance your career with a master's in civil or environmental engineering or sustainability and development.

civil engineering phd programs in usa

MS Civil Engineering

Environmental Health and Compliance

MS Environmental Engineering

Jessie Zarazaga and students in the Hunt Institute

MA Sustainability and Development

Through design, data and community, our MS in Sustainability + Development Program helps students develop the skills to support change for good in the global environment.

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  4. Civil Engineering, PhD

    civil engineering phd programs in usa

  5. Civil Engineering, PhD

    civil engineering phd programs in usa

  6. MS in Civil Engineering in USA

    civil engineering phd programs in usa


  1. Best Civil Engineering Programs in America

    Students may specialize in one area of civil engineering, such as construction or transportation engineering. These are the top graduate schools for civil engineering.

  2. PhD Program

    PhD Program in CEE The Doctor of Philosophy degree is offered under the general regulations of the University as set forth in the Stanford Bulletin. This degree is recommended for those who expect to engage in a professional career in research, teaching, or technical work of an advanced nature in civil or environmental engineering.

  3. Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

    The School of Engineering's Ph.D. in Civil Engineering program produces graduates dedicated to enriching the field. Research-oriented and focused on the latest developments in the discipline, our program readies you for civil engineering research careers in the private sector. It also prepares you to teach at the university level, ensuring the ...

  4. Civil & Environmental Engineering PhD

    We offer both Master's (the Master of Science and the Master of Engineering) and Doctoral degree programs. We support seven programs of study for the MS and the PhD, each of which has its own prerequisites for admission and degree requirements. CEE offers two programs of study for the MEng. CEE also offers three concurrent degree programs and two certificate programs.

  5. Ph.D. Program

    Ph.D. Program. The doctor of philosophy (Ph.D.) program is an intensive research where each student plans an individualized course of study with the assistance of a special committee made up of faculty members representing major and minor areas of study. Apply Now. Candidates for the Ph.D. degree are expected to demonstrate mastery of knowledge ...

  6. Civil Engineering PhD

    Temple University's Civil Engineering PhDprogram offers you the opportunity to work towards new advancements and perform original research in civil engineering. Research interests can include bridge longevity, geotechnical engineering, infrastructure modernization, or many more. This doctoral degree program is fully customizable; you can design an individualized plan of study. Pursue your ...

  7. Ph.D. in Civil Engineering

    Ph.D. in Civil Engineering The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is an advanced research degree for students wishing to become an expert on a specific area of Civil and Environmental Engineering and train for a career involving independent and cutting-edge research.

  8. PhD in Civil Engineering

    Civil Engineering PhD At CU Denver, we offer two options within the civil engineering PhD program: the doctor of philosophy in civil engineering is a technical degree intended for students with an undergraduate degree in engineering, and the doctor of philosophy in civil engineering systems is a more flexible degree intended for students with undergraduate degrees in other fields such as ...

  9. PhD in Civil Engineering

    What is a Civil Engineering PhD program? A civil engineering doctoral program prepares professionals for taking on emerging topics in design, construction, and advances in the many areas falling under the umbrella of civil engineering. As a student you will address the continuing challenges placed on engineers relating to managing and retrofitting aging infrastructures, adopting new ...

  10. Civil Engineering (Ph.D.)

    Civil Engineering (Ph.D.) Doctoral candidates tailor a highly individualized Program of Study (typically 50 credit hours of courses beyond the bachelor's degree) to develop expertise in one of the following major specialization areas: Construction and Infrastructure Systems. Engineering Environmental Engineering.

  11. Civil Engineering

    DEGREES UCLA's Graduate Program in Civil Engineering offers the following degree (s): M Master of Science (M.S.) D Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Visit the Program's website Civil Engineering provides in-depth details on its own site With questions not answered here or on the program's site (above), please contact the program directly.

  12. Civil Engineering PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in USA

    Study Engineering in the USA with the George Washington University. Doctoral students comprise the backbone of research conducted at the School of Engineering & Applied Science. Through funding support from faculty, internal and external grants, doctoral students can expect to take 4-6 years to complete the program through coursework, research ...

  13. Civil Engineering PhD Program

    The PhD in Civil Engineering is a terminal research degree designed for the pursuit of advanced studies in civil engineering. The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Geospatial Engineering is committed to providing an intellectual environment and educational experience through which students and faculty members make significant ...

  14. Top Civil Engineering Universities in United States

    See the US News rankings for Civil Engineering among the top universities in United States. Compare the academic programs at the world's best universities.

  15. PhD Program

    Our PhD program in Civil and Systems Engineering aims to inspire the leaders of tomorrow to take on the challenge of creating and sustaining the built environment that underpins our society. Focal research areas in the department include structural engineering, structural mechanics, probabilistic methods, hazards management, and systems engineering.

  16. Doctoral Program in Civil Engineering

    The doctoral program in Civil Engineering at USC includes research opportunities ranging from construction, earthquake, structural, informatics, water...

  17. PhD in Civil Engineering

    PhD in Civil Engineering A student's doctoral program, comprising 72 credits beyond the bachelor's degree (including doctoral dissertation), is planned around a central objective in applied science and mathematics.

  18. Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering with a concentration in Civil

    Get Started on Your Graduate Degree Online Today! The Richard A. Rula School of Civil and Environmental Engineering offers graduate programs leading to the Master of Science (thesis and non-thesis option) and Doctor of Philosophy degrees. Major areas of study include structures, geotechnical, water resources, transportation, construction materials and environmental engineering.

  19. Prospective graduate students

    Housed in an outstanding university, UW CEE offers one of the world's premier graduate programs in the field. UW CEE ranked #20 best graduate school for civil engineering and #25 best graduate school for environmental engineering for 2021, U.S. News & World Report. Why UW CEE graduate studies? UW CEE offers cutting-edge curriculum for graduate students pursuing a master's or Ph.D. degree ...

  20. Graduate Programs

    The Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering (CCEE) offers master's and Ph.D. programs in Civil Engineering across six specialized fields, along with interdisciplinary degrees and a graduate certificate. Our graduate program is centered around collaborative research that tackles the intricate challenges confronting humanity.

  21. Civil Engineering, Ph.D.

    The Ph.D. in Civil Engineering. After receiving a PhD in civil engineering from Florida Tech, graduates are able to use their subject matter expertise to embark on any number of civil engineering careers. Students in Florida Tech's doctoral program experience an intimate learning environment where professors mentor and collaborate with students ...

  22. Civil Engineering & Construction in United States: 2024 PhD's Guide

    Everything about PhD's in Civil Engineering & Construction in United States: Explore top universities, costs, scholarships, and admission requirements for all study formats.

  23. Civil Engineering MS, PhD Degrees

    Program Overview. With a four-to-one graduate student-to-faculty ratio, students in the master's or doctorate in civil engineering program can tailor their academic plan within six areas of emphasis: construction engineering and management. geotechnical engineering. structural engineering. transportation engineering. civil engineering materials.

  24. 100 Best Civil Engineering schools in the United States

    Below is the list of 100 best universities for Civil Engineering in the United States ranked based on their research performance: a graph of 11.9M citations received by 411K academic papers made by these universities was used to calculate ratings and create the top.

  25. Direct-Admit Ph.D.

    In addition to the traditional Ph.D. program, the CEE Department offers a Direct Ph.D. program in both Civil and Environmental Engineering, which allows highly qualified applicants, generally with a B.S. degree GPA of 3.5 equivalent or better, to be admitted directly into the Ph.D. program without an M.S. degree. Current M.S. students can petition to be in the Direct-Admit Ph.D. program after ...

  26. Civil and Environmental Engineering Master's Degree Programs

    Advance Your Career with a Master's in Civil or Environmental Engineering or Sustainability and Development Our highly specialized master's degrees allow you to customize your degree program by selecting from among several highly relevant specialty areas, including smart and resilient infrastructure, environmental health and compliance, global sustainable development, and civil and ...