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Abusing Power: Animal Farm and Wicked History

Lesson 6 of 32

Readings and Materials

Target task, enhanced lesson plan.

Draft a paragraph and create a poster that informs classmates about a propaganda technique.

Article:  “Types of Propaganda”  

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Tasks that represents the peak thinking of the lesson - mastery will indicate whether or not objective was achieved

Writing Prompt

Explain to students that they are going to spend the remainder of class and tomorrow's lesson creating a poster about a specific propaganda technique.

Display the prompt:

Working in small groups, create a poster that educates your classmates about a specific propaganda technique. Additionally, write an informational paragraph summarizing the features of this technique.

  • Name-calling
  • Glittering generalities
  • Testimonial
  • Plain Folks
  • Unwarranted extrapolation

Your poster and paragraph must include:

  • A definition of this propaganda technique written in your own words
  • Specific aspects/characteristics of this technique
  • The intended impact of this technique
  • Two examples of this technique

Sample Response

An example response to the Target Task at the level of detail expected of the students.

Reading and/or task to be completed at home in preparation for the next lesson.

To ensure that students are prepared for the next lesson, have students complete the following reading for homework. Use guidance from the next lesson to identify any additional language or background support students may need while independently engaging with the text.

Book:  Joseph Stalin (A Wicked History) by Sean McCollum  — Chapters 10–12

While reading, answer the following questions.

What is a "cult of personality"?

What did Stalin want people to believe about him?

Who was Sergei Kirov? What happened to him?

Who were Zinoviev and Kamenev? What happened to them?

What was the NKVD?

How many people were killed during the Great Terror?

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Common Core Standards

Writing standards.

W.8.2 — Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic and convey ideas, concepts, and information through the selection, organization, and analysis of relevant content

W.8.2.a — Introduce a topic clearly, previewing what is to follow; organize ideas, concepts, and information into broader categories; include formatting (e.g., headings), graphics (e.g., charts, tables), and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension.

W.8.2.b — Develop the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples.

W.8.5 — With some guidance and support from peers and adults, develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on how well purpose and audience have been addressed.

Supporting Standards

Standards that are practiced daily but are not priority standards of the unit

Language Standards

L.8.6 — Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.

Speaking and Listening Standards

SL.8.1 — Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

SL.8.6 — Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English when indicated or appropriate.

W.8.2.c — Use appropriate and varied transitions to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among ideas and concepts.

W.8.2.d — Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic.

W.8.2.e — Establish and maintain a formal style.

W.8.2.f — Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented

W.8.4 — Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

W.8.6 — Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and collaborate with others.

W.8.8 — Gather relevant information from multiple print and digital sources, using search terms effectively; assess the credibility and accuracy of each source; and quote or paraphrase the data and conclusions of others while avoiding plagiarism and following a standard format for citation.

W.8.9 — Draw evidence from literary or informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.

W.8.10 — Write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.

  • “An Introduction to Communism”
  • “Capitalism”

Define and articulate the differences between capitalism and communism.

RI.8.2 RI.8.3

Explain the events, ideas, and social conditions that began to shape Stalin’s behavior and beliefs about the world.

Identify the events, ideas, and social conditions that led to the Russian Revolution, and explain Stalin’s role in the establishment of a new communist society and government.

Explain the purpose of Stalin’s Five-Year Plan, its impact on the people of the Soviet Union, and how author McCollum uses specific text features to develop key ideas about this time period.

RI.8.2 RI.8.5

  • “Propaganda is Everywhere”
  • “Types of Propaganda”

Define propaganda and gather evidence about a specific propaganda technique in preparation for creating an informational poster.

RI.8.2 W.8.2 W.8.9

W.8.2 W.8.2.a W.8.2.b W.8.5

Identify ways that Stalin used propaganda to control the people of the Soviet Union.

Determine the central idea of individual chapters of Joseph Stalin (A Wicked History) and the text overall, and explain how the author develops and supports these ideas.

  • “Satire video” — sections I, II, IV, VI, VII)
  • “Allegory video” — (sections I, II, III, VI)
  • “One Human Family, Food for All”
  • Gary Varvel Cartoon

Define the literary genres of satire and allegory, and explain their purposes.

Explain how Orwell uses descriptive language to develop Old Major’s perspective and make connections between Old Major’s speech and real-world economic systems.

RL.8.2 RL.8.4

Identify specific events and lines of dialogue that reveal character traits, and explain the impact of events on the plot of Animal Farm.

Explain the impact of different propaganda techniques the pigs use in Animal Farm.

RL.8.3 RL.8.4

  • Animal Farm — Chapter 5
  • Joseph Stalin — pages 44–49, 52–56

Explain how George Orwell has interpreted individuals and events from the Russian Revolution and portrayed them in his allegorical text, Animal Farm.

Explain how the pigs use propaganda techniques to manipulate the other animals, and how the author uses this manipulation to develop dramatic irony.

RL.8.4 RL.8.6

  • Animal Farm — Chapter 7
  • Joseph Stalin

Explain how George Orwell has interpreted events of the Russian Revolution and portrayed them in his allegorical text Animal Farm.

Explain how the pigs have betrayed the original principles of Animal Farm , and how their betrayal and manipulation of the other animals creates dramatic irony.

RL.8.3 RL.8.6

Explain how Squealer uses language and propaganda techniques to manipulate the other animals, and how the author uses this manipulation to develop dramatic irony.

RL.8.3 RL.8.4 RL.8.6

Explain the significance of specific lines and events in Animal Farm and what they reveal about characters and the plot.

Determine what Orwell wants the reader to understand about the Russian Revolution and human nature more broadly, and explain how he develops these ideas in Animal Farm.

  • Animal Farm — Chapters 1-2
  • Animal Farm

Identify places where the film version of Animal Farm differs from the original text and evaluate the choices that the director made.

  • Animal Farm — Chapters 3-6

Unpack a narrative writing prompt, study a Mentor Text, and begin to outline their "rewrites."

RL.8.2 W.8.3 W.8.5

Complete a full draft of narrative "rewrites."

W.8.3 W.8.3.a W.8.3.d W.8.3.e

  • Argumentative Writing Rubric: Literary Analysis Essay (G8, U3)

Engage in peer feedback with a partner and present narratives to the class.

SL.8.4 W.8.3 W.8.5

  • Animal Farm — Chapter 7 - end

Socratic Seminar

Engage in a Socratic Seminar with peers, demonstrating a deep understanding of the text and topic by posing and responding to questions and providing evidence to support ideas.

SL.8.1 SL.8.1.a SL.8.1.c SL.8.4

  • Animal Farm pp. 6 – 13

Unpack a Writing Prompt and begin to gather evidence for a literary analysis essay.

W.8.1 W.8.9

Draft a claim statement and create an outline for a four-paragraph literary analysis essay.

W.8.1 W.8.1.a W.8.1.b

Draft two strong body paragraphs and revise them to contextualize and introduce evidence.

W.8.1 W.8.1.c W.8.1.d

Outline and draft introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

W.8.1 W.8.1.a W.8.1.e

Revise essay for linking words and tone, and experiment with verb moods.

L.8.1 L.8.1.c W.8.1 W.8.1.c W.8.1.d

Assessment  – 2 days

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Animal Farm

George orwell.

animal farm essay rubric

Ask LitCharts AI: The answer to your questions

Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on George Orwell's Animal Farm . Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.

Animal Farm: Introduction

Animal farm: plot summary, animal farm: detailed summary & analysis, animal farm: themes, animal farm: quotes, animal farm: characters, animal farm: symbols, animal farm: literary devices, animal farm: theme wheel, brief biography of george orwell.

Animal Farm PDF

Historical Context of Animal Farm

Other books related to animal farm.

  • Full Title: Animal Farm
  • When Written: 1944-45
  • Where Written: England
  • When Published: 1945
  • Literary Period: Modernism
  • Genre: Allegorical Novel
  • Setting: A farm somewhere in England in the first half of the 20th century
  • Climax: The pigs appear standing upright and the sheep bleat, “Four legs good, two legs better!”
  • Antagonist: Napoleon specifically, but the pigs and the dogs as groups are all antagonists.
  • Point of View: Third Person

Extra Credit for Animal Farm

Tough Crowd. Though Animal Farm eventually made Orwell famous, three publishers in England and several American publishing houses rejected the novel at first. One of the English editors to reject the novel was the famous poet T.S. Eliot, who was an editor at the Faber & Faber publishing house. One American editor, meanwhile, told Orwell that it was “impossible to sell animal stories in the U.S.A.”

Red Scare. Orwell didn’t just write literature that condemned the Communist state of the USSR. He did everything he could, from writing editorials to compiling lists of men he knew were Soviet spies, to combat the willful blindness of many intellectuals in the West to USSR atrocities.

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Animal Farm Final Argument Essay: Prompt, Organizers, Peer Editing, Rubric

Conclude your Animal Farm teaching unit with this Animal Farm Final Argument Essay! This essay resource includes everything you need to assign and walk your students through the entire writing process! This Animal Farm essay is the perfect way to finish your unit!

This argument essay for Animal Farm includes:

  • an argumentative essay prompt that asks students to identify who is responsible for the demise of Animal Farm
  • two different grading rubrics (a 100 point rubric and a rubric that allows you to write in your own points values)
  • a peer editing form
  • a five paragraph essay outline
  • two graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts
  • a thesis generator handout.

You will absolutely love the step-by-step writing organizers that help simplify the writing process. The materials in this download are differentiated to help EL students, students with special needs, and struggling writers succeed in mastering an argumentative essay.

Buy this in a bundle and save!

Animal Farm Teaching Unit with 5-Week Pacing Guide

Other Animal Farm resources that might interest you:

⭐️ Animal Farm” by George Orwell: A Group Research Project

⭐️ Animal Farm Character Analysis Graphic Organizers

Find more Animal Farm Resources Here: Animal Farm Resources .


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A woman in a sun hat holds a vase of dried rice plants.

California’s Rice Royalty Is Stepping Down

Koda Farms, a family-run rice business revered by chefs, ends a century-long tradition.

Robin Koda of Koda Farms, a rice farm and mill in South Dos Palos, Calif. Credit... Lisa Corson for The New York Times

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By Tejal Rao

Reporting from Los Angeles

  • Aug. 12, 2024

When the water is cut in August, the rice fields of South Dos Palos, Calif., go from green to gold. As the plants dry, Robin and Ross Koda, the brother and sister duo who manage Koda Farms , wait for just the right moment to harvest.

Keisaburo Koda, their grandfather, started the family rice business in Central California 97 years ago. Koda Farms developed Kokuho Rose, a new rice variety first sold in the 1960s, and influenced generations of chefs to cook with excellent, American-grown Japanese-style rice.

But this fall, there will be no new crop rice for sale on the family homestead. Koda Farms is closing up shop. “People really romanticize farming,” Ms. Koda said, “but it’s becoming more and more challenging.”

She pointed to the soaring cost of water for farms in California, a surge in insurance premiums and the cost of organic fertilizer, gas and new equipment, along with the small and aging labor pool in rural Merced County. On top of those grievances, which are familiar to most farmers, Koda has been dedicated to growing a particularly low-yielding heirloom rice on poor adobe soil.

“Kokuho Rose was a modern rice in my grandfather’s era,” Ms. Koda said. “But now it’s antiquated: too tall, too slow-growing, too low-yielding.”

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The growing demand for mini farm animals

NEW YORK (AP) — They’re adorable. They require less food and space. And without much coaxing, they might help cut the grass.

Americans are showing more interest in owning miniature cows, goats, donkeys and other diminutive farm animals, a trend driven by hobby farmers looking for easy-to-manage livestock and homesteaders who like the idea of having a petite pig or a scaled-down sheep as a pet.

Animal breeders say sales of pint-sized farm animals have grown since the COVID-19 pandemic, when more people started raising backyard chickens for fun and fresh eggs. Like chickens, mini farm animals appeal to beginners who want the taste of a rugged, agrarian lifestyle.

“A lot of people don’t have access to several acres, but if they have a one-acre plot, they can keep a miniature cow or a few miniature goats,” said Brian Gazda, who has a small farm in East Idaho and with two friends runs a YouTube channel called “Hobby Farm Guys.”

Platforms like YouTube and especially TikTok have played an important part in raising the profile of mini farm animals, said Martin Fysh, a vice president and divisional merchandising manager for rural lifestyle retailer Tractor Supply Co. On any given day, TikTok users put cuteness on parade with videos of tiny blue-eyed goats and 2-foot-tall horses that have received millions of views.

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But Fysh thinks the trend also reflects a natural progression among customers who started out with a backyard hen coop. In response, Tractor Supply has increased its selection of treats for both mini and regular sized pigs, and goats.

“They’re seen as part of the extended family, ” Fysh said.

While some people buy small farm animals as a stepping stone to owning larger ones, others don’t have a desire to expand. Some owners of mini farm animals turn their hobbies into side hustles by giving visitor tours, breeding animals, and blogging about their pastoral experiences.

But before playing Old Macdonald, newcomers need to weigh the pros and cons, Gazda and other hobby farmers said.

Among the challenges: the volatile nature of prices for each of the types of miniature farm animals. And while they’re cute, they can also be aggressive.

Brittany Snow, a high school English teacher in Florida, owns several small-sized Nigerian Dwarf goats. She realized her dream of living on a farm three years ago when her family moved from the Jacksonville suburb of Middleburg to nearby Melrose.

She said her family wanted to be more self-sustaining after the pandemic and now sources its own dairy products, such as milk and eggs. She sticks mostly with miniature animals because they’re easier to take care of and cost less to acquire and feed.

Snow, 32, started with four Nigerian Dwarf goats: Buttercup, Snowflake, Cash and Peanut. The herd has since expanded to include Pancake and Oreo, the kids of Peanut and Buttercup.

Snow purchased the Nigerian Dwarf goats intending to milk them to make cheese and products like soap and lotion. But that hasn’t worked yet because goats only lactate after giving birth, and Buttercup only recently had her kids.

“The past few years have been a learning curve,” Snow said.

Mini goats are one of the most popular entry-level mini animals. In the past year, animal breeders have registered roughly 8,330 mini goats with the Miniature Dairy Goat Association. That’s a 73% jump from the 12 months before July 2021, when registrations — mostly for newborn females sought after by breeders — totaled just under 4,800, said Angelia Alden, a business operations manager for the North Carolina-based organization.

Many folks who favor mini goats, however, tend to sell them after a few years because it can be challenging — and expensive — to take care of them, Alden said. Rising animal feed costs can be a headache, as is finding adequate medical care due to a shortage of farm veterinarians.

Mini cows and donkeys

A farm animal can be both mini and mighty. Some of the four-legged stars on social media are furry cows that can weigh 500-600 pounds. The smallest, which stand under 3 feet in height, are known as micro-miniatures. The slightly bigger miniatures can be as tall as 42 inches, according to Allie Sine, a TikTok creator with more than 737,000 followers on the platform. Videos showcasing some of her mini cows have gotten millions of views.

Sine, 28, launched her own business breeding and selling mini cows in 2020 after reselling a sick mini cow that cost $350 for $5,000. Last year, she sold about 190 calves through her Missouri-based business, Mini Moos LLC. The calves were roughly split between mini and micromini cows that can cost from $2,000 to $30,000.

“Everything just skyrocketed,” Sine said.

Others report a similar boom.

Kim Furches, who owns a farm with her husband, Ken, in West Jefferson, North Carolina, said the couple bred mini donkeys for about 20 years and currently own dozens of Mediterranean miniature donkeys, which stand 3 feet high or less.

Before the pandemic, they would typically sell about eight donkeys per year and count themselves lucky if they received a couple thousand dollars for one. They now sell about 20 per year. The last mini donkey sold for $7,500, Furches said. There are some she’s only willing to sell for $9,000 or more.

New types of ‘exotic’ pets

Though some of their customers plan to breed and sell mini animals, too, many say many are just looking for “exotic” pets, Gazda said.

Earlier this year, Jamie Campion, 41, and her husband, Jeff, bought two Southdown Babydoll sheep from a local breeder near their home in Thompson’s Station, Tennessee, for $800 each. The couple moved from Chicago in March 2022 after the pandemic made them rethink their lifestyle. They now live in a modern-style farmhouse built on an acre of land.

While Biscuit and Buttermilk have become excellent lawn trimmers, Jamie Campion said she considers the animals — which weigh about 70 pounds and stand 20 inches high — similar to a dog or a cat.

“They eat the grass, so we don’t even have to buy food (for the sheep) on a weekly basis,” said Campion who discovered the breed on Instagram.

But it can be challenging.

One time, Jeff Campion tried to inject one of sheep with oral medication to treat parasites, and it tore his bicep.

But more often, the sheep give her joy. Jamie Campion recalls taking them out on a snowy day for a walk in the neighborhood, without a leash.

“They just followed right behind,” she said. “There’s a whole sheep and shepherd relationship. ”

Miniature animals offer therapy

Others see therapeutic benefits.

Lisa Moad, who is the owner of Seven Oaks Farm in Hamilton, Ohio and has 13 miniature horses and three regular size horses, operates a therapy farm for older people and others. She also used to take the miniature horses to local nursing homes and hospitals. But since the pandemic, she has spent most of her timing conducting online training for those looking to embrace the same mission.

That includes teaching horses how to maneuver around wheelchairs and into elevators of hospitals. She said her miniature versions still weigh 175 to 200 pounds, though much less than her regular horses, which range from 1,200 to 1,500 pounds.

“They’re docile, but they can get frightened easily, ” she said. “You just can’t walk into a hospital with a horse.”

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animal farm essay rubric

Animal Farm Final Project: Seating Chart Nightmare! Fun assignment/essay/rubric

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Engage your English students in a thought-provoking literary exploration of character traits and conflict with this comprehensive assignment based on George Orwell's novel, "Animal Farm" This ready-to-use resource includes a detailed lesson plan, a character list from the novel, seating chart blanks, and a rubric to assess students' work.

What's Included:

  • Lesson Plan: This two-session lesson plan provides a step-by-step guide for teachers to introduce students to character traits, conflicts, and literary analysis through the lens of "Animal Farm." The plan is easy to follow and includes opportunities for group discussion and individual creativity.
  • Seating Chart Blanks: These customizable seating chart templates are designed to help students arrange character names from the novel into the worst possible combinations, considering their traits and potential conflicts. The blank charts encourage students to think critically and creatively. These customizable seating chart templates are designed to help students arrange character names from the novel into the worst possible combinations, considering their traits and potential conflicts. The blank charts encourage students to think critically and creatively. You can pick from 4 options or have students pick which one they are most interested in: a classroom seating chart (both a fill in the blank and a cut-and-paste version) , a dinner party seating chart, or a wedding reception seating chart !
  • Rubric: A comprehensive rubric is provided to evaluate students' work in key areas: character analysis, conflict analysis, seating chart creation, essay clarity and structure, use of supporting evidence, and grammar and mechanics. This rubric ensures fair and consistent assessment.

Learning Benefits:

  • Literary Analysis: Students will delve into the world of "Animal Farm" and develop a deeper understanding of character traits, conflicts, and their impact on storytelling.
  • Critical Thinking: The assignment challenges students to think critically and creatively as they create seating charts that illustrate character conflicts.
  • Writing Skills: Students will improve their writing skills by composing a well-structured essay supported by evidence from the novel.
  • Assessment: The rubric provided makes grading straightforward and ensures a fair evaluation of each student's work.

Why Choose This Product:

This product offers a complete package for teaching character traits and conflict analysis using "Animal Farm" as a captivating literary backdrop. It simplifies lesson planning and assessment, saving you valuable time. It engages students in a unique and interactive assignment that fosters critical thinking and analytical skills.

It's also incredibly difficult (if not impossible) for students to use Chat GPT to write this assignment as it requires creativity, an essay based off of a creative exercise, and the use of quotes as evidence.

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  1. iRubric: Essay: Animal Farm rubric

    Rubric possible points is 24. --->Built by kjmannion using Free rubric builder and assessment tools. iRubric: Essay: Animal Farm rubric - P48C57

  2. Animal Farm Propaganda Essay Prompt, Outline, and Rubric

    maintaining control of the animals in Animal Farm is the use of propaganda. Using information and examples from the CommonLit article "Propaganda: Battling for the Mind," and chapters 1-6 of Animal Farm , write an essay that explains how propaganda has historically been used a controlling device and how this is exemplified (shows itself) in

  3. 10 Activities for Teaching Animal Farm

    The allegory of Animal Farm is such a perfect novel to study argument writing and let students write their own. Check out this final argument essay that includes 2 rubrics and peer editing options, as well as essay outlines, graphic organizers, and a thesis generator to aid students in nailing the argument essay.

  4. PDF Animal Farm Summative Assessment Making an Argument

    2.Animal Farm (even if we believe the animals are oppressed, the text implies they feel pride in their work after Jones is expelled. In some way, their revolution was successful) Making an Argument • Another way is to consider the evidence that you are comfortable using • A. Animal Farm • B. _____ • C. _____

  5. Lesson 6

    Explain how the pigs have betrayed the original principles of Animal Farm, ... Argumentative Writing Rubric: Literary Analysis Essay (G8, U3) Unpack a Writing Prompt and begin to gather evidence for a literary analysis essay. W.8.1 W.8.9. 28. Writing. Animal Farm pp. 6 - 13.

  6. Animal Farm Study Guide

    Full Title: Animal Farm. When Written: 1944-45. Where Written: England. When Published: 1945. Literary Period: Modernism. Genre: Allegorical Novel. Setting: A farm somewhere in England in the first half of the 20th century. Climax: The pigs appear standing upright and the sheep bleat, "Four legs good, two legs better!".

  7. iRubric: Animal Farm Essay Content rubric

    iRubric D7897X: This portion will focus on the content grade of the student's essay. Free rubric builder and assessment tools. iRubric: Animal Farm Essay Content rubric - D7897X

  8. Animal Farm Final Argument Essay: Prompt, Organizers, Peer Editing, Rubric

    an argumentative essay prompt that asks students to identify who is responsible for the demise of Animal Farm. two different grading rubrics (a 100 point rubric and a rubric that allows you to write in your own points values) a peer editing form. a five paragraph essay outline. two graphic organizers to help students organize their thoughts.

  9. Animal Farm Final Argument Essay: Prompt, Organizers, Peer Editing, Rubric

    This Animal Farm essay is the perfect way to finish your unit! This argument essay for Animal Farm includes: an argumentative essay prompt that asks students to identify who is responsible for the demise of Animal Farm; two different grading rubrics (a 100 point rubric and a rubric that allows you to write in your own points values) a peer ...

  10. iRubric: Animal Farm Essay Grammar, Usage, Mechanics rubric

    iRubric B78973: This portion of the essay will focus on the student's ability in grammar, usage, and mechanics. Free rubric builder and assessment tools. iRubric: Animal Farm Essay Grammar, Usage, Mechanics rubric - B78973

  11. PDF Mr. Rovente's Animal Farm

    Standards Addressed. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.7. Analyze the representation of a subject or a key scene in two different artistic mediums, including what is emphasized or absent in each treatment (e.g., Auden's "Musée des Beaux Arts" and Breughel's Landscape with the Fall of Icarus). CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.9-10.9.

  12. PDF Honors English 10

    Animal Farm-George Orwell Write a 4-6(no longer than 6) page essay for any 2 of the following prompts (4-6 pages for each essay). This is NOT a 5 paragraph essay. Please write to the best of your ability. Remember this is for an HONORS course!! ***Include in-text citation with page number for each work and a works cited page.

  13. Animal Farm Essay Rubric, Outline, Prompts, and MLA Format Guide

    This document includes a rubric, outline, prompts, and a guide to MLA format. I used this after reading George Orwell's Animal Farm with my class, but you could adapt it to any class novel. Use this with students who are just learning how to structure a five-paragraph essay or provide this resource to students who are struggling and require differentiation.

  14. Prompt: Animal Farm Essay

    Animal Farm In-Class Essay Be sure that you have submitted all other testing materials to the teacher prior to starting this essay. Prompt: How do the animals in Animal Farm compare and contrast to people in today's society? ... Please reference the grading rubric on the back of this page, and use the space below to brainstorm ideas (optional ...

  15. PDF Animal Farm Final Project

    Animal Farm Final Project (Choose only ONE of the following projects to be your Final Project.) 1. Prepare a PowerPoint after researching different means of Propaganda/Rhetoric. ... 3. Write an essay on one of the following topics: a. Compare and contrast the characters of Napoleon and Snowball. ... Animal Farm Final Project Rubric ...

  16. Sager, Indu / Animal Farm Essay and Rubric

    Yonkers Middle High School. 150 Rockland Avenue. Yonkers, NY 10705. Phone: 914-376-8191 Fax: 914-376-8245. Contact Us Site Map

  17. George Orwell's Animal Farm Essay Prompt and Rubric (Common Core Aligned)

    Stimulate critical thinking, practice citing text evidence to support analysis, and strengthen understanding of a classic text! What it is: Timed essay prompt and rubric handout to conclude or supplement a unit on George Orwell's Animal Farm. What's included: -Student objective and CCSS standa...

  18. WR Essay Animal Farm Essay Rubric.pdf

    The essay lacks a proper conclusion. Ideas and Content: The essay develops complex ideas and concepts that connect to the real world. (9-10.W.3.2) The essay includes complex connections between the Foundation's article and Orwell's Animal Farm. The essay lacks complex connections between the Foundation's article and Orwell's Animal Farm.

  19. Was the Great Brooklyn Goldfish Heist a Rescue? Or a Robbery?

    In fact, goldfish are protected as domestic animals under New York State's animal cruelty law, said Karen Copeland, a lawyer who specializes in animal law. She cited an appellate court decision ...

  20. Animal Farm Final Project with Rubrics by Daisy Buchanan

    Along with the directions, I've included four rubrics. The final rubric is from the NYS Regents Exam for the critical lens essay. Animal Farm Final Project by Sarah Marquart is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. Total Pages. 0 pages. Answer Key. N/A.

  21. Dogs Are the Best! But They Highlight Our Hypocrisy

    Over the past couple of decades, dogs have evolved into humans. Well, at least that's how we think of them now. Some 97 percent of U.S. pet owners consider dogs (or other pets) part of their ...

  22. Koda Farms Ends Their Family-Run Rice Business

    Koda Farms, a family-run rice business revered by chefs, ends a century-long tradition. Robin Koda of Koda Farms, a rice farm and mill in South Dos Palos, Calif.Credit...Lisa Corson for The New ...

  23. The growing demand for mini farm animals

    A farm animal can be both mini and mighty. Some of the four-legged stars on social media are furry cows that can weigh 500-600 pounds. The smallest, which stand under 3 feet in height, are known ...

  24. Animal Farm five paragraph essay questions, outlines, rubric

    This packet includes four essay topics: allegory analysis, political analysis, character development, and propaganda creative writing. The second page includes example outlines. The final page includes a persuasive essay grading rubric. I use this with my 10th grade special education class, but coul...

  25. Steve Symms, senator who was voice of conservative ire, dies at 86

    In Washington, Mr. Symms also built a name on the nightlife circuit. "A big-time D.C. party animal," a 1998 story in Salon said. His wife, the former Frances Stockdale, was often at home ...

  26. Animal Farm Final Project: Seating Chart Nightmare! Fun ...

    Engage your English students in a thought-provoking literary exploration of character traits and conflict with this comprehensive assignment based on George Orwell's novel, "Animal Farm" This ready-to-use resource includes a detailed lesson plan, a character list from the novel, seating chart blanks, and a rubric to assess students' work.