Reported questions – Exercise

Task no. 2323.

Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.

Peter, "Did John clean the black shoes?" Peter asked me  

Peter asked me if John had cleaned the black shoes .

Do you need help?

Reported questions in English

  • Christopher, "Do you want to dance?" Christopher asked me .
  • Betty, "When did you come?" Betty wanted to know .
  • Mark, "Has John arrived?" Mark asked me .
  • Ronald, "Where does Maria park her car?" Ronald asked me .
  • Elisabeth, "Did you watch the latest film?" Elisabeth asked me .
  • Mandy, "Can I help you?" Mandy wanted to know .
  • Andrew, "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?" Andrew asked me .
  • Justin, "What are you doing?" Justin asked me .
  • Frank, "How much pocket money does Lisa get?" Frank wanted to know .
  • Anne, "Must I do the shopping?" Anne asked .
  • You are here:
  • Grammar Exercises
  • Reported Speech

Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)

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| Candace Osmond

| Grammar , Quizzes

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

In English grammar, reported speech is used to tell someone what another person said. It takes another person’s words (direct speech) to create a report of what they said (indirect speech.) With the following direct and indirect speech exercises, it will be easier to understand how reported speech works.

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Reported Speech Exercise #1

Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

Reported Speech Exercise #2

Fill in the gaps below with the correct pronouns required in reported speech. Ex. Mary said: “I love my new dress!” Sentence: Mary said ____ love ____ new dress. Answer: she, her

Reported Speech Exercise #3

Choose the correct reported speech phrase to fill in the sentences below.

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reported speech exercises asked

Grammar Quiz

Reported Speech Quizzes

Preview 20 Quizzes about Reported Speech

Six people applied for the job, but four of them were ______.

A. looked up

B. dealt with

C. turned down

E. put up with

Martin asked me _______.

A. how is my father

B. how my father is

C. how was my father

D. how my father was

Harold said, “Don’t bring sodas near the computers!”

A. Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers. B. Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers. C. Harold told to us that we had bringed sodas near the computers D. Harold said to bring sodas near the computers.

Robert said, “I want to renew my domain.”

A. Robert said that I want to renew my domain. B. Robert said that he wanted to renew his domain. C. Robert said that he will renew his domain. D. Robert said that he renews his domain.

The policeman wondered, “Why didn’t you stop at the traffic lights?”

A. The policeman wondered why I hadn’t stopped at the traffic lights.

B. The policeman wondered why I didn’t stop at the traffic lights.

C. The policeman wondered why I haven’t stopped at the traffic lights.

I wonder why he___________ love his family.

Is this sentence correct or incorrect?

He said me that he could help me. _ A. Correct

B. Incorrect

My mum ___________ she was having a great time.

A. said her

B. told to her

Where is the error?

Janet asked Mary if she would be free the previous day. _ A. asked

C. would be

D. previous day

” I have done it yesterday” said Ela

A. Ela said that she has done it yesterday.

B. Ela said she had done it yesterday.

C. Ela said she had done it the day before.

Danny: ‘I’m going to be late’. Danny told me that he _______________ to be late.

A. will be going

B. is going

C. was going

The mother told her daughter _______ late at night.

A. to come home

B. not to come home

C. come home

D. don’t come home

‘Did you see the parade?’ She asked us …

A. where we’d seen the parade.

B. whether we’d seen the parade.

C. if did we see the parade.

‘Did you see Jack last night?’

A. He asked me if I’d seen Jack the night before.

B. He asked me if I saw Jack the night before.

Baruch said, “I might teach ESL next semester.”

A. Baruch said that he is going to teach ESL next semester. B. Baruch said that he will teach ESL next semester. C. Baruch said that he might teach ESL next semester. D. Baruch said that he could teach ESL next semester.

‘I can’t go out to the cinema today,’ Karla said.

A. She said she can’t go out to the cinema today.

B. She said she could not go out to the cinema that day.

C. She said she couldn’t go out to the cinema today.

D. She said she can’t go out to the cinema that day .

My mom: “Do your homework”

My mom ____________

A. told me to do my homework

B. told me do my homework

C. told me that I did my homework

‘What were you doing at the time?’ She asked me …

A. what I’d been doing at the time.

B. what was I doing at the time.

C. what had I been doing at the time.

‘What can we do about this?’ We wanted to know …

A. whether we could do about it.

B. what we could do about it.

C. what could we do about it.

Match the direct speech to the verb tense changes in reported speech choosing the correct option.

“Imperative ”

A. Present simple

B. Infinitive

C. The same tense

How to use : Read the question carefully, then select one of the answers button.

Tips : If this page always shows the same questions, make sure you correct the question first by pressing the "check answer" button.

GrammarQuiz.Net - Improve your knowledge of English grammar, the best way to kill your free time.

Exercise on Reported Speech

Mixed exercise 1.

Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question.

  • He said, "I like this song." → He said
  • "Where is your sister?" she asked me. → She asked me
  • "I don't speak Italian," she said. → She said
  • "Say hello to Jim," they said. → They asked me
  • "The film began at seven o'clock," he said. → He said
  • "Don't play on the grass, boys," she said. → She told the boys
  • "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him. → She asked him
  • "I never make mistakes," he said. → He said
  • "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know. → He wanted to know
  • "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience. → The stuntman advised the audience

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Reported Speech - Exercise 6

Click here to view the solution of this exercise

1. He told me (that) they had been dancing all the time. 2. Mum asked me if I had seen her glasses. 3. He asked me who had cleaned the pool. 4. Marilyn said (that) she always ate (eats) cornflakes in the morning. 5. He told her to give up smoking. 6. Father said (that) mum was tired then. 7. Phil asked me if I had been at the party, too. 8. He said (that) he had been waiting for me for an hour. 9. Ann asked Kate if she had really written that story. 10. Tim asked who had taken his ruler. 11. Bill said (that) he would take the car because he was late. 12. He told them not to tell him such nonsense. 13. Debby told me (that) she would meet him at the station the following morning. 14. The mother asked him why his clothes were so dirty. 15. He asked her if she had sold her car.

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Reported Speech in English Grammar

What is reported speech, changing direct speech to reported speech, changing the tense (backshifting), no change of tenses, questions in reported speech, demands/requests, expressions with who/what/how + infinitive, typical changes to time and place markers.

  • Exercises – Reported Speech

Reported speech is when we repeat what another person has said but instead of using their exact words in quotation marks (direct speech), we use subordinate clause introduced by a reporting verb like the ones below:

Often, we have to change the tense, pronouns and time markers in reported speech.

Learn the rules for writing indirect speech in English with Lingolia’s simple explanation. In the exercises, you can test your grammar skills.

“I’ve prepared a presentation about the product, if you’re interested?”
“I would love to see it. … This product is exactly what my company has been looking for! Is there any room to negotiate on price?”
“I’m happy to hear that. Unfortunately, pricing is fixed.”
“That’s a shame, but I appreciate your transparency. Could you send me a written offer?”
“Yes, I will contact you tomorrow to finalise the details.”

I had an appointment with a new client yesterday. I told him that and he said .
After, he said that and asked .
I said no and he said that .
I said .

When turning direct speech into reported speech, we may have to change all or some of the following:

  • the pronouns
  • information about time and place (see the table at the end of this page)
  • the tense (backshift)

If the reporting verb is in the simple past (e.g. said, told, asked, replied … ), the tense has to be set back by one degree (see the table below). This is known as backshifting .

Direct Speech Reported Speech
simple present simple past
present progressive past progressive
simple past past perfect simple
present perfect simple
past perfect simple
past progressive past perfect progressive
present perfect progressive
past perfect progressive
future with going to was / were going to
future with will conditional (would)

The verbs could, should, would, might, must, needn’t, ought to, used to normally do not change.

If the reporting verb is in the simple present (e.g. says, tells, asks, replies … ), then the tense remains unchanged.

While the tense remains unchanged, we often still have to change the verb form to match the new pronouns.

that after a reporting verb

We often omit the word that after a reporting verb, especially in spoken language and informal contexts.

When turning questions into reported speech, we follow the same rules as for declarative sentences: we change the pronouns as well as the time and place markers and backshift the tense as needed.

In addition, we also have to bear in mind the following:

  • instead of that , we use a question word after the reporting verb; if there is no question word, we use whether / if instead
  • questions in reported speech follow declarative sentence word order (subject + verb)
  • we don’t use the auxiliary verb do/did for questions in reported speech; instead, the main verb appears in the simple past without an auxiliary verb
  • put the verb directly after who or what in subject questions.

Questions in reported speech do not end in a question mark.

When turning orders, demands and requests into reported speech, we only need to change the pronouns and the time and place information.

We don’t have to pay attention to the tense – we simply use an infinitive rather than a conjugated verb.

If the imperative is negated, then we use not + infinitive .

To express what someone should or can do in reported speech, we leave out the subject and the modal verb and instead we use the construction who/what/where/how + infinitive .

Direct Speech Indirect Speech
today that day
now then
at that moment/time
yesterday the day before
… days ago … days before
last week the week before
next year the following year
tomorrow the next day
the following day
here there
this that
these those

say vs. tell

The words say and tell are not interchangeable.

  • say = say something
  • tell = say something to someone

Head over to the vocabulary section to learn more about the difference between say and tell .

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Reported speech questions: exercises with answers

  • English grammar PDF
  • PDF worksheets
  • Mixed PDF tests
  • Present tenses
  • Past tenses
  • Future tenses
  • Present perfect
  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect
  • Irregular verbs
  • Modal verbs
  • If-conditional
  • Passive voice
  • Reported speech
  • Time clauses
  • Relative clauses
  • Indirect questions
  • Question tags
  • Imperative sentence
  • Gerund and infinitive
  • Direct | indirect object

Direct questions and reported questions - exercise 7

Complete the reported questions.

"What did you say?" he asked me. He asked me what I had said.

Check test Answer key Clear test

"Where are you, Paul?" asked me my friend.

My friend asked me
"What will you choose?" they asked me after a while.

After a while they asked me
"Are you flying to New York soon?" he wanted to know.

He wanted to know
"May I help you with the luggage?" asked me the porter.

The porter asked me
"Have you set your alarm clock for 6.30?" he asked me.

He asked me
"Is Prague the capital of the Czech Republic?" we needed to know.

We needed to know whether
"Would you rather dance, Sarah?" Peter asked me.

Peter asked me
"How long have you been standing in the queue?" he wanted to know.

He wanted to know how long
"What do you do for a living?" she wondered.

She wondered
"Do you want to change your job?" asked me Joe.

Joe asked me
"Where did you live before that?" they wanted to know.

They wanted to know
"Why are you reading this magazine?" he was curious to know.

He was curious to know

Reported speech exercises Questions, commands and statements.

For intermediate and advanced learners of English.

reported speech exercises asked

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Article Level 1

Improve your ability to speak English

Article Level 2

Article level 3, article level 4, conversations.

Listening Practice Through Dictation with Transcripts

  • English Grammar Exercises for B2 – Reported speech
  • English Grammar Exercises for B2

1. Change the direct speech into reported speech.

1   ‘You must take these tablets twice a day.’

      The doctor says I ………………………………………….

2   ‘I’m going to the gym tomorrow.’

      Ben told me ………………………………………….

3   ‘You don’t have to wait for me.’

       Liz said that I ………………………………………….

4   ‘I took my final exam yesterday.’

       Jack told me ………………………………………….

5   ‘I haven’t told you the complete truth.’

       Pablo said ………………………………………….

6   ‘I’ll meet you later today.’

       Jim tells me ………………………………………….

7   ‘I prefer this café to the one opposite.’

      Julia says ………………………………………….

8   ‘I’ll always remember meeting you.’

      Ann told me ………………………………………….

1    must take these tablets twice a day.

2   (that) he was going to the gym the next day.

3    didn’t have to wait for her.

4   (that) he had taken his final exam the day before.

5    (that) he hadn’t told me the complete truth.

6    (that) he’ll meet me later today.

7   (that) she prefers this café to the one opposite.

8    (that) she would always remember meeting me.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. Do not change the order of the words. Use a maximum of five words including the words in brackets.

1   Will asked us …………………………… (time / game / start) the next day.

2   The assistant asked him if …………………………… (he / like / try) on a smaller jacket.

3   My teacher asked me …………………………… (I / finish) the exercise and I said I hadn’t.

4   I asked Maria …………………………… (which / film / seen) the night before.

5   The dentist asked …………………………… (me / why) never used an electric toothbrush before.

6   She asked him if …………………………… (he / going) the park and he said he wasn’t.

7   I asked the policeman whether …………………………… (he / help / us) and he said he could.

1 what time the game started   2 he would like to try

3 if I had finished   4 which film she had seen

5 me why I had   6 he was going to   7 he could help us

3. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Begin with My mum asked me .

1   ‘Why are you home so late?’


2   ‘Did you leave school on time today?’

3   ‘You’ve got lots of homework to do, haven’t you?’

4   ‘When are you doing to tidy your room?’

5   ‘Have you seen your brother this afternoon?’

6   ‘Will you help me with the shopping tomorrow?’

7   ‘Would you like me to give you some money for a pizza?’


1   My mum asked me why I was home so late.

2    … if I had left school on time that day.

3    … if I had (got) lots of homework to do.

4    … when I was going to tidy my room.

5    … if I had seen my brother that afternoon.

6    … if I’d help her with the shopping the next day.

7    … if I’d like her to give me some money for a pizza.

4. Report the dialogue using say or ask in the past simple.

Dan     Are you going to the concert tomorrow evening?

Zoe      No, I’m not. I haven’t got any money.

Dan     I’ll lend you some. How much do you need?

Zoe      That’s really kind of you, but I have to finish my homework too.

Dan     Would you like me to help you finish it?

Zoe      Do you speak German?

Dan     No, I don’t. Your cousin does, doesn’t she?

Zoe      Yes, she does. Perhaps I should ask her.


Dan asked Zoe if she was going to the concert the next evening. Zoe said she wasn’t. She said she didn’t have any money. Dan said he’d lend her some. He asked her how much she needed. Zoe said that was really kind of him, but she had to finish her homework too. Dan asked her if she’d like him to help her finish it. Zoe asked him if he spoke German. Dan said he didn’t. He asked her if her cousin did. Zoe said she did. She said perhaps she should ask her.

5. Write a second sentence that has a similar meaning to the first. Use the words in brackets.

1   ‘Do you know the answer to these questions?’ Sally asked me. (if)


2   ‘I mustn’t be late for the trip tomorrow,’ said Bella. (next)

3   ‘Have you heard the band’s new album yet?’ asked Kostas. (me)

4   ‘I won’t be at school next week,’ said Mark. (says)

5   ‘Will you be getting a new phone soon?’ asked Harry. (whether)

6   ‘My plane arrives at ten in the morning,’ said Andrew. (tells)

1   Sally asked me if I knew the answer to the / those questions.

2    Bella said that she mustn’t be late for the trip the next day.

3    Kostas asked me if I’d heard the band’s new album yet.

4    Mark says that he won’t be at school next week.

5    Harry asked (me) whether I’d be getting a new phone soon.

6    Andrew tells me that his plane arrives at ten in the morning.

6. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1   ‘I’ll never wear this outfit again.’

      Monica said ……………………………………..

2   ‘I don’t believe you.’

      My dad told my sister ……………………………………..

3   ‘I’ve been talking to Frank.’

      Susanna tells me ……………………………………..

4   ‘You mustn’t tell anyone.’

       Harry told me ……………………………………..

5   ‘I’ll give you an answer tomorrow.’

      Jenny told Tom ……………………………………..

6   ‘I was at a friend’s house yesterday.’

      Lisa said ……………………………………..

1    (that) she would never wear that outfit again

2    (that) he didn’t believe her

3    (that) she’s been talking to Frank

4    (that) I mustn’t tell anyone

5    (that) she would give him an answer the next day

6    (that) she had been at a friend’s house the day before

7. Rewrite the questions using reported speech.

1   ‘Did you see the football match yesterday?’

      Jimmy asked me ……………………………………..

2   ‘You’ve ordered the pizzas, haven’t you?’

      I asked Eddie ……………………………………..

3   ‘What languages do you speak?’

      The tourist asked me ……………………………………..

4   ‘You’re going out later, aren’t you?’

      My dad asked me ……………………………………..

5   ‘Do you like Indian food?’ ‘Yes, I do’

      They asked me ……………………………………..

6   ‘Where does your brother work?’

      I asked Emma ……………………………………..

7   ‘Were you late for school this morning?’

      My mum asked my sister ……………………………………..

8   ‘Are you tired?’ ‘No, I’m not.’

      We asked him ……………………………………..

1   if / whether I had seen the football match the day before.

2   if / whether he had ordered the pizzas

3   what languages I spoke

4   if / whether I was going out later

5   if / whether I liked Indian food and I said I did

6   where her brother worked

7   if / whether she had been late for school that morning

8   if / whether he was tired and he said that he wasn’t

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Reported speech

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  • Reported questions
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Reported Speech Exercise 4

Perfect english grammar.

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  • Review all reported statments, questions, orders and requests here
  • Download this quiz in PDF here
  • More reported speech exercises here

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  6. Reported Speech: Important Grammar Rules and Examples • 7ESL

    reported speech exercises asked


  1. ✍️👩‍🎓👨‍🎓/English Grammar. Reported speech/Exercises//✍️👨‍🎓👩‍🎓

  2. Reported Speech Notes and exercise CBSE English Class 10

  3. Grammar

  4. Reported speech exercises/ أ. أيمن سعادة

  5. Reported speech exercise for beginners ( simple past )

  6. S1/S2 Reported Speech part 1. By Profs. Abouabdelkader, Benzehaf, Cherkaoui, Laaboubi, Mokhtari


  1. Reported Speech

    Exercises. Write the following sentences in indirect speech. Pay attention to backshift and the changes to pronouns, time, and place. Example: He said, "I will call tomorrow.". → He said that he would call the following day. Two weeks ago, he said, "I visited this museum last week.". → Two weeks ago, he said that . I → he.

  2. Reported Speech Exercise 2

    English grammar exercise about reported speech - in this case reported questions. Login Contact Courses Membership Speaking Explanations Exercises Method. Reported Speech Exercise 2. Perfect English Grammar. Here's an exercise about reported questions. Review reported questions here;

  3. Reported Speech Exercises

    Perfect English Grammar. Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site: ( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech ) Reported Statements: Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here) Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy)

  4. Reported questions, Exercise

    Reported questions in English, Questions, Question, Online Exercise. Task No. 2323. Finish the sentences using Reported speech. Always change the tense, although it is sometimes not necessary.. Show example

  5. Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)

    In English grammar, reported speech is used to tell someone what another person said. It takes another person's words (direct speech) to create a report of what they said (indirect speech.) With the following direct and indirect speech exercises, it will be easier to understand how reported speech works.

  6. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Questions - Exercise 1. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note the change of pronouns and tenses. "Where is my umbrella?" she asked. → She asked "How are you?" Martin asked us. → Martin asked us He asked, "Do I have to do it?" → He asked "Where have you been?" the mother asked her daughter. → The mother asked her daughter

  7. Reported speech

    Exercises: 1 2 3. Reported speech - indirect speech. Exercise 1. Choose say/said or tell/told to complete the following sentences in reported speech. 1 He me that he didn't have enough money. 2 I the waiter the soup was cold. 3 Everybody that I had been great. 4 She I was her favourite student. 5 Victor he would change the windows.

  8. Reported Speech Quiz, Test and Exercise

    Harold said, "Don't bring sodas near the computers!". A. Harold told us not to bring sodas near the computers. B. Harold asked us if we were bringing sodas near the computers. C. Harold told to us that we had bringed sodas near the computers. D. Harold said to bring sodas near the computers. Robert said, "I want to renew my domain.".

  9. Indirect speech

    Exercises: 1 2 3. Indirect speech - reported speech. Exercise 1. Choose the correct form to complete the sentences below. 1 'I work in a bank.' ⇒ He said that he in a bank. 2 'I am working today.' ⇒ She told us she that day. 3 'I've been ill for a couple of weeks.' ⇒ He told me he for a couple of weeks.

  10. Reported Speech

    Watch my reported speech video: Here's how it works: We use a 'reporting verb' like 'say' or 'tell'. ( Click here for more about using 'say' and 'tell' .) If this verb is in the present tense, it's easy. We just put 'she says' and then the sentence: Direct speech: I like ice cream. Reported speech: She says (that) she likes ice cream.

  11. Exercise on Reported Speech

    Mixed Exercise 1. Complete the sentences in reported speech. Note whether the sentence is a request, a statement or a question. He said, "I like this song." → He said "Where is your sister?" she asked me. → She asked me "I don't speak Italian," she said. → She said "Say hello to Jim," they said. → They asked me

  12. Reported speech

    Yes, and you report it with a reporting verb. He said he wanted to know about reported speech. I said, I want and you changed it to he wanted. Exactly. Verbs in the present simple change to the past simple; the present continuous changes to the past continuous; the present perfect changes to the past perfect; can changes to could; will changes ...

  13. Reported Speech

    Reported Speech - Exercise 6. Put the sentences into reported speech. 1. He told me, "We have been dancing all the time." He told me (that) . 2. Mum asked me, "Have you seen my glasses?"

  14. Reported speech exercises

    Exercises: indirect speech. Reported speech - present. Reported speech - past. Reported speech - questions. Reported questions - write. Reported speech - imperatives. Reported speech - modals. Indirect speech - tenses 1. Indirect speech - tenses 2.

  15. Reported Speech in English Grammar

    Reported speech is when we repeat what another person has said but instead of using their exact words in quotation marks (direct speech), we use subordinate clause introduced by a reporting verb like the ones below: He says/said …. She explains/explained …. She tells/told me …. He asks/asked …. Often, we have to change the tense ...

  16. Reported Speech Exercise 1

    Reported Statements 1. Change the direct speech into reported speech. Use 'she said' at the beginning of each answer. It's the same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions. 1) "He works in a bank." [ . Check. Show.

  17. Reported questions

    Exercise 7: reported speech. Make reported questions. Example: Where are you? - He asked me where I was. Reported speech questions: exercises with answers. menu. English grammar PDF; PDF books; PDF worksheets; Mixed PDF tests ... Reported speech exercises Questions, commands and statements.

  18. English Grammar Exercises for B2

    1 must take these tablets twice a day. 2 (that) he was going to the gym the next day. 3 didn't have to wait for her. 4 (that) he had taken his final exam the day before. 5 (that) he hadn't told me the complete truth. 6 (that) he'll meet me later today. 7 (that) she prefers this café to the one opposite. 8 (that) she would always remember meeting me.

  19. Reported speech

    Reported speech 2. Reported requests and orders. Reported speech exercise. Reported questions - worksheet. Indirect speech - worksheet. Worksheets pdf - print. Grammar worksheets - handouts. Grammar - lessons. Reported speech - grammar notes.

  20. Reported Speech Exercise 3

    Reported Requests and Orders 1. Make reported requests or orders. Start each sentence with 'she asked me' or 'she told me'. It's the same day, so you don't need to change the time expressions. 1) "Please help me carry this." [ . 2) "Please come early." [ . 3) "Please buy some milk."

  21. Reported Speech Exercise 5

    Here's another mixed exercise about reported speech - it includes statements, questions, orders and requests. Review reported statments, questions, orders and requests; Download this quiz in PDF here; More reported speech exercises here

  22. Reported Speech Exercise 4

    Here's a mixed exercise about reported speech - it includes statements, questions, orders and requests. Review all reported statments, questions, orders and requests here; Download this quiz in PDF here; More reported speech exercises here