Le doctorat à l'université de Bordeaux

Université de Bordeaux

Funding for your PhD

A PhD grant is the preferred type of funding, but there are many other ways to fund a PhD. Some topics are offered with funding, but it may be up to the candidate to identify a potential source of funding. Depending on the source of funding, the application requirements and the procedures for admission to a doctoral school at the University of Bordeaux may also vary.

funded phd france

Funding a PhD

In France, PhD students can have an employment contract (private law, public law, industrial) during their PhD studies, giving them a salaried status for their research activity, or be awarded a grant. There are many sources and types of financial support:

  • Types of funding : employment contract (PhD grant, fixed-term contract, Industrial Convention of Training through Research - CIFRE, Convention of Training through Research in Public Administration - COFRA), various grants, etc.
  • Sources of funding : Fren ch Ministry of Higher  Education and  Research  (MESR), French National Research Agency (ANR), Public Scientific and Technological Establishments (EPST), European Commission, Region, organisations, foundations, government(s), etc.

Many sources of funding

In some cases, candidates request funding on their own , then apply for admission to a doctoral school covering their speciality. In other cases, for some types of funding, thesis supervisors are responsible for applying for funding for a research topic ( via targeted calls for applications , some of which are organised by the University of Bordeaux) selecting a candidate and then arranging their admission to the doctoral school.

This page sets out the most common types of funding, but it is not exhaustive. Other types of funding may be available to fund your PhD.


This is a 3-year employment contrac t, conditional on enrollment in a PhD and it is recognised as professional experience in and of itself.

  • Decree no. 2016-1173 of 29 August 2016  concerning contractual PhD students in public higher education and research establishments.

Contracts for the doctoral school's selection process for PhD positions (MESR)

PhD grants are the main form of support given to PhD students. At the University of Bordeaux, around a hundred grants funded by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (MESR) are awarded each year to candidates through the doctoral school selection processes for PhD positions ( concours ) .

Every year, the University of Bordeaux's 8 doctoral schools launch a recruitment campaign for the beginning of the next academic year in order to award the PhD grants they have available.

Candidates are usually selected by a panel of specialists in their field, after the assessment of their application in most cases. As well as assessing the quality of the candidate's academic background and thesis topic, this interview is an opportunity to confirm their enthusiasm for research and their ability to present the merits of their project.

Application procedures and key dates vary from one doctoral school to another: find all the   information you need about admission  to each one.

Funding for research contracts and targeted calls for applications

  • PhD grants for research projects
  • Targeted calls for applications

Industrial Conventions of Training through Research (CIFRE)

The aim of the CIFRE scheme is to encourage the development of public-private research partnerships and to improve the career prospects of PhD students. The PhD student devotes 100% of their time, which is shared between the company and the research unit , to their research thesis. They benefit from both academic and professional training.

They sign an employment contract (fixed-term or open-ended) with the company.

To be eligible for a CIFRE, candidates must have held a Master's degree for less than three years and be enrolled in a PhD, regardless of nationality. Each doctoral school has its own admission rules for CIFRE contract holders.

Applications must be submitted to the A.N.R.T (French National Association of Research and Technology).

For more information, check out the ANRT website – CIFRE scheme .

NEW : Within the framework of the "1000 PhD students for the territories" program and in order to develop the use of the CIFRE scheme among public-sector stakeholders and associations, a platform has been created to bring together the three parties involved in a CIFRE application (the public-sector stakeholder or association, the thesis director and the future PhD student).

>> Access the platform

Convention of Training through Research in Public Administration (COFRA)

The aim of a COFRA is to facilitate the completion of PhDs in public administration , within the framework of research contracts of the same name. The public administration recruits a PhD student on the basis of a 3-year project contract and assigns them research work which will be the topic of their thesis.

For more information, check out the page dedicated to calls for applications .

Article on Campus Matin 2 March 2023:  "A PhD grant to bring research into the State".

International grants

This type of funding can, in some cases, cover the duration of a PhD or fund an international mobility project for PhD students enrolled in a foreign institution.

For more information, check out  our page dedicated to international mobility grants  or visit your country's  Campus France page .

Disability PhD grants

Within the framework of its policy to support people with disabilities, the Graduate Research School takes part each year in the Ministry's campaign to award "disability" PhD grants. It is aimed at students with disabilities wishing to pursue a PhD in a doctoral school at the University of Bordeaux.

Extension: For contracts that started during the academic year 2021/2022, it is possible to apply for an extension of your fund. These applications are processed under the same conditions as a formal application.

On average, between 0 and 2 PhD grants are awarded each year by the Graduate Research School.

The 2024 campaign is open.

To apply, you need:

  • The text for the call for applications (in French)
  • The detailed calendar (in French)
  • The application form (in French)
  • The extension application form (in French)

Deadline for sending applications to the PHASE department: February 16, 2024 at 12pm

For more information, please contact:

Denis CLANET - PHASE department:

[email protected] +33(0)5 40 00 30 83

Nathalie AUGOYARD - Graduate Research School:

[email protected] +33(0)5 40 00 38 97

The UB PhD Scholarships call for applications

This call for applications is open to international candidates in the scientific scope of the Graduate Programs.

Find more information on this  page .

Download our guide for contractual PhD students

Dernière mise à jour : le 17/03/2023

Télécharger (JPG - 19.88 KB)

We have 5 PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

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PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in France

Doctorate of business administration (dba), phd research project.

PhD Research Projects are advertised opportunities to examine a pre-defined topic or answer a stated research question. Some projects may also provide scope for you to propose your own ideas and approaches.

Funded PhD Project (Students Worldwide)

This project has funding attached, subject to eligibility criteria. Applications for the project are welcome from all suitably qualified candidates, but its funding may be restricted to a limited set of nationalities. You should check the project and department details for more information.

PhD in Business Administration at Grenoble Ecole de Management

Awaiting funding decision/possible external funding.

This programme is waiting to confirm funding from a university or external source. This may depend on attracting suitable students and applications are welcome. Please see the programme details for more information.

France PhD Programme

A French PhD usually takes 3-4 years and often involves additional training and courses alongside research towards an original thesis. This will be assessed by external examiners before being presented at a public examination and eventually awarded with one of three grades. Some programmes are delivered in English.

INSEAD PhD in Management

Funded phd programme (students worldwide).

Some or all of the PhD opportunities in this programme have funding attached. Applications for this programme are welcome from suitably qualified candidates worldwide. Funding may only be available to a limited set of nationalities and you should read the full programme details for further information.

Business Research Programme

Business Research Programmes present a range of research opportunities, shaped by a university’s particular expertise, facilities and resources. You will usually identify a suitable topic for your PhD and propose your own project. Additional training and development opportunities may also be offered as part of your programme.

Toulouse School of Management Doctoral Programme

Essec business school.

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Funding your PhD

Obtaining a doctoral grant is at times a prerequisite for enrolment in a PhD program. Even when it is not a condition for enrolment, it removes the financial worry and enables doctoral students to devote almost all their working time to their research. It is therefore recommended for anyone wishing to enroll in a PhD program, regardless of their field of study, to look for sources of funding. Once the type(s) of funding has been identified, students must inform their thesis supervisor before applying.

As there are many organizations and institutions that fund doctoral projects, the list below is only indicative and is not intended to be exhaustive. It includes both existing UPEC programs and external sources of funding.  

UPEC's Internal Funding Schemes

The sources of funding below can be used to finance a doctoral contract that has the following specific features:

  • Specific duration : 3 years. The doctoral contract may not be signed for a shorter term, but may be extended by amendment in the event of exceptional circumstances.
  • Employer : Public higher education/research institution, industrial and commercial establishments, private companies.
  • Minimum salary : as of July 1, 2023: €2,074.78 gross.
  • Eligibility : All current or future holders of a master's degree. No age or nationality requirements.
  • When to apply : We recommend that you contact your doctoral school, research laboratory, or funding organization as early as January.

Applications are to be submitted to the doctoral school within the timeline set by the school. The application must include information on the research project and justification of its relevance to the laboratory's work, the approval of the prospective thesis supervisor(s), and diplomas or proof of successful completion of the master's degree. Applications will be examined in line with the doctoral school's internal procedures and practices. See Our Doctoral Schools

Each year, UPEC funds partial grants for doctoral students which may be co-financed by laboratories, university departments, and/or external sources.  Applications must be sent to the Research and Development Department (Direction de la recherche et de la valorisation) at [email protected] following the timeline and procedures set out in the campaign launch letter. Read the launch letter for the 2023 campaign (French version)

Each year, UPEC finances doctoral grants in connection with graduate programs. Applications must be sent to the program coordinators and the doctoral schools following the timeline drawn up at the end of the academic year.

List of Graduate Programs:  

GP Karine Berges                     
Sylvie Ciabrini                                
Francine Nyambek-Mebenga
GP Sylvie Thoron              
Marie-Albane de Suremain
Aude Seurrat
Fabrice Hamelin
GP Emilie Frenkiel 
Noé Wagener 
Pierre Valarcher


Yacine Amirat 
Stéphane Jaffard


Philippe Frouté 
Jean-Félix Duranstanti


Daniel Grande 
Emmanuelle Dubocage
GP Anne Raffarin                  
Nathalie Gorochov

Graduate schools are designed to enable each university campus to enhance the impact and international appeal of its programs and research in one or more scientific fields. Graduate schools work with research bodies and offer master's and PhD programs, as well as host one or more high-level research laboratories. See our Graduate Schools

Funding Sources Outside UPEC

Under the CIFRE scheme (industrial agreement for research-based training), a company hires a PhD student to work in a public laboratory on a specific research project. After signing an employment contract with the CIFRE recipient, generally for a fixed term, the company pays the doctoral student a salary. Visit the website of the French National Association for Research and Technology (ANRT)

The national campaign for doctoral contracts for people with disabilities is launched every year on the French Ministry of Higher Education's website .

Applications should be sent to the doctoral school, which will forward them to UPEC for further processing.

Specific and/or One-Off Funding

A number of organizations fund doctoral scholarships:  

The Campus France Eiffel scholarship is awarded for a maximum of 18 months to students enrolled in the first year of a joint PhD program that partners with a foreign higher education institution.

Eiffel scholarship holders will receive a monthly allowance of around €1,700, plus direct payment for a number of services such as international transportation, national transportation, insurance, accommodation, cultural activities, etc.

For further information, as well as guidance for your research project, please contact the Campus France office in your home country, the cooperation and cultural action department of the French embassy, or the relevant UPEC services at [email protected].

The Eiffel Scholarship Program | Campus France

The International Relations Department provides financial assistance to doctoral students enrolled at UPEC who conduct research abroad.  For more information on eligibility and how to apply, visit the website below or contact UPEC's International Relations Department at: [email protected] / [email protected] .

International mobility grants for PhD programs provide financial support for doctoral students in conducting their research activities abroad (excluding seminars and conferences). Financial assistance is also available for doctoral students enrolled in an international joint PhD program. Candidates must contact their doctoral school to learn about the prerequisites and submit their application within the stated timeline. See Our Doctoral Schools

Applications and registration

In the same section.

Support PSL


PSL PhD Tracks

Highly selective and entirely taught in English, PSL PhD tracks are 5-year fully funded programs intended for high-potential students hoping to become top level researchers, in France or abroad. Through its PhD Track Grants, PSL will support outstanding students for the entire duration of their graduate studies, from their Master’s to the completion of their PhD.

The PSL PhD tracks are structured along the lines of models in the world’s top universities, with a strong international focus and funding provided from Master’s to Doctorate. Students are immersed in the environment of excellence of the PSL graduate programs (top level facilities and academic teams, international partners, elective courses, etc.) | Download the brochure   |

Key figures

Why sign up for psl phd track.

Research track from Master’s year 1   

Close supervision and customized curriculum   

International scientific environment  

Funding for 5 years

PSL is renewing its call for applications for its PhD track programs of excellence. These are 5-year programs, fully funded and intended for high-potential students hoping to become top level researchers in the public or private sector, in France or abroad.  

The PSL PhD Track grant is €10,000 / year for one or two years at Master’s level then the equivalent of a doctoral contract based on French legislation (see details in the Funding tab).

  • After the first 2 years of the program a Master’s degree is awarded. Students are supervised by an academic tutor; they build their own scientific project and acquire the tools needed to carry out an ambitious research project.
  • The next 3 years are spent entirely on the research project and culminate in the PhD degree awarded by Université PSL.


PSL PhD tracks for September 2024 intake: (Click on each PhD track for more details)  

Find out more about PSL other PhD programs:

  • Phd program in Cognitive science  
  • Phd program in Finance

Phd tracks 2024

Who we look for? The admission criteria common to all PSL PhD Tracks are as follows: academic excellence, quality of the research project, command of English (level C1 recommended).  Previous experience in a research laboratory is highly recommended.

Admissions calendar

•    Application submissions: 17 october - 11 december 2023  (11:59 pm CET time) •    Interviews with eligible candidates: January - February 2024 (depending on the PhD track concerned) •    Admission results: February - March 2024 (depending on the PhD track concerned) Note: the admissions procedure for the PhD track (5-year course) and the admissions procedure for the Master’s degree (2 years) are 2 distinct processes. Applicants may apply in parallel for both programs (PhD track and Master’s) according to the admissions calendars. As the PhD tracks are highly selective, applicants are strongly advised to apply for both programs (PhD tracks and Master’s).

Application procedure Based on an application package (to be submitted online from 17 October 2023  on the PSL portal ) and interview.  Eligible candidates will be invited for an admissions interview (remote). These interviews will be held in English.

Application package  All documents must be submitted in English. Only complete applications submitted within the deadlines will be considered by the committee. Applicants should submit the following documents: 

  • Academic CV 
  • Transcripts and diplomas from each higher education institution / university attended (Bachelor and Master if applicable).  One unique pdf for all your documents. You can use pdf-merge website for example.
  • Statement of purpose  (In English, strict 1 page limit) The purpose of this document is to explain who you are and what you expect from your postgraduate studies. Give details about your interest in the field and your career goals. You can use this document to clarify anything unusual in your CV or your transcripts. One page maximum.
  • Research statement (In English, 1 to 2 pages) This project should clearly define your interests within your area of research and specialization. You should present a structured research project showing your commitment and describing what you plan for the future of your research if you join a PSL PhD track.
  • Proof of English proficiency , level C1 (compulsory proof required if English is not your mother tongue) The language prerequisites specific to each PhD track are detailed on the applications portal. In general: - If your first language is English or if you have earned a higher education diploma (BA, MA) in an English-speaking university, you should include a statement to this effect. - If not, you should include the official results from a recent test of English, e.g. TOEFL or IELTS. If you have no recent official results, you can submit some older test results provisionally. This will not detract from the assessment of your application, but we reserve the right to ask for more recent official results later in the selection process.
  • References: contact details (name, position title, email) of at least two academic referees.

More information regarding the statement of pupose and the research statement in the "FAQ" tab.

Eligibility requirements   In order to apply to a PSL PhD track, applicants must meet the entry requirements specific to the Master’s degree concerned, as described on the program website. In particular, irrespective of the PhD track concerned, applicants should hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or any other diploma equivalent to 180 ECTS credits (High school diploma + 3 years equivalent) (or be in the final year of preparing such a course in the year they apply).

For students already enrolled at PSL and who satisfy the criteria listed below: in addition to the general admission requirements, only students enrolled in Year 3 of a Bachelor’s degree or in a Master’s degree that is not part of the targeted Graduate Program are eligible. In other words, note the following 3 cases: o    Student in Bachelor’s Year 3 at PSL, whatever the degree course -> eligible to apply o    Student in PSL Master’s degree outside the Graduate Program concerned -> eligible to apply o    Student in PSL Master’s degree included in the Graduate Program concerned -> not eligible to apply

A PhD Track grant provides funding of €10,000 per year of enrollment in the Master’s degree, then the amount currently in force according to the decree of 29 August 2016 setting the amount of remuneration for a contractual PhD student on a 3-year doctoral contract. Funding for the Master’s degree is a gratuity granted directly to the student; the doctoral contract is an employment contract within the meaning of the regulations in force. Thus the PhD student receives a salary that entitles him or her to benefits and is subject to social contributions. The PhD student is considered as an employee for the duration of the contract.

In addition to the grant, students in 2024/25 will also have the following support services to help them settle into PSL and Paris:

  • 3 months of online FLE courses (French as a foreign language) provided free of charge to non-French-speaking students
  • Assistance in their search for accommodation in Paris by the PSL Housing Service  
  • For international students, administrative support and assistance are available from the PSL Welcome Desk (residence permits, health insurance, opening a bank account, Buddy Program, language exchange, etc.)
  • Access to PSL’s free healthcare services, including the remote consultation service

Tuition fees, as well as the cost of housing, transport, and living expenses in general are paid by the student. 

Admissions & prerequisites

  • The Master’s degree is a two-year program 
  • The PhD Track is a five-year, funded and research-oriented program, including a Master’s degree* and research internships, then a Doctorate. You will obtain a Master’s degree then a PhD degree. These 2 diplomas will be awarded by Université PSL.

* When you apply to the PhD Track, you will be asked to choose the Master’s course that you want to follow for the first 2 years of the course (see list of eligible Master’s degrees).  

Absolutely. Given the very high selectivity of the PhD Tracks, it is strongly recommended that you apply for the Master’s degree in parallel if you are interested in both programs. Look at the page of the Master’s degree that you are interested in for the application calendar and how to apply.  

The PhD Track is a 5-year course associated with a PSL graduate program . The graduate programs follow the model of the “graduate school” in international universities, and consist of an entity (School) that contains research laboratories, academic teams, training programs, etc. The PhD tracks are specific training courses within a graduate program.

The PSL PhD Tracks are intended for high-potential students hoping to become top-level researchers in the public or private sector. If you are passionate about research and you want an international career, you are ideal for the PhD track program.   

The admission criteria common to all the PSL PhD Tracks are as follows: academic excellence, research project, command of English (C1 level) .  

No personal proof is required for this purpose. The admission criteria are exclusively academic.  

Certainly, if you speak English fluently. All courses are taught in English.

Level C1 is strongly recommended. Supporting documents are not compulsory for all PhD tracks (see what documents are required in the application portal). Note that interviews with eligible candidates take place in English and allow the jury to assess your oral level.  

Certainly. However, note that many applicants already have a Master’s degree.

Yes, if you are preparing the last year of an undergraduate diploma in the year you apply for PhD Tracks. You should upload the most recent transcripts you have available to the applications portal. If you have graduated, you will then be asked to produce your diploma when you enroll.

Admission procedure 2024

•    Application submissions: 17 october - 11 december 2023 (11:59 pm CET time) •    Interviews with eligible candidates: January / February 2024 (depending on the PhD track concerned).  These interviews will be held in English. •    Admission results: February / Early March 2024

  • Transcripts and diplomas from each higher education institution / university attended One unique pdf for all documents. You can merge them with pdf-merge for example.
  • Proof of English proficiency , level C1 (proof not compulsory but recommended) The language prerequisites specific to each PhD track are detailed on the applications portal. In general: - If your first language is English or if you have earned a higher education diploma (BA/BS.c, MA) in an English-speaking university, you should include a statement to this effect. - If not, you should include the official results from a recent test of English, e.g. TOEFL or IELTS. If you have no recent official results, you can submit some older test results provisionally. This will not detract from the assessment of your application, but we reserve the right to ask for more recent official results later in the selection process.

The research statement must be written in English and not exceed 2 pages. A research statement is a short document that provides a brief history of your past research experience, the current state of your research, and the future work you intend to complete. Your research statement should situate your work within the larger context of your field and show how your works contribute, complicate, or counter other work being done. It should be written for an audience of other professionals in your field. Make sure that your statement is clearly tied together. Show a progression. What is the primary question that you have tried to address over the course of your academic career? Why is this question important to the field? How has each stage of your work related to that question?

The statement of purpose  must be written in English and not exceed 1 page. A statement of purpose (SOP), sometimes referred to as a personal statement, is a critical piece of a graduate program application. It tells admissions committees who you are, what your academic and professional interests are, and how you’ll add value to the GP you’re applying to. The statement of purpose reflects not only who you are as a candidate but your writing abilities and qualifications as well. A good personal statement should contain: your personal motivations for applying to the program, your accomplishments and success-stories, the challenges you’ve faced and overcome.

The PSL PhD Track grant is €10,000 / year for one or two years at Master’s level then the equivalent of a doctoral contract based on French legislation.

The combining of funding with other grants will be examined on a case by case basis by the jury of the Graduate Program concerned, which will determine whether the 2 funding methods are compatible.

Note in particular that students who have also been awarded an Eiffel scholarship may not combine the 2 grants during the 2 years of the Master’s degree. However, the Eiffel scholarship can replace the Master’s grant provided in the PSL PhD track for the first two years of the program (until the start of the doctoral studies). 

The PhD tracks are 5-year courses. As a rough guide, below are the provisional annual amounts for enrollment fees, based on the rates in force in 2024/2025. Note that the grant awarded to students on the PSL PhD tracks does not include these annual enrollment fees.

PSL PhD tracks

    Master's degree (2 yrs)

    Doctorate (3 yrs)

- PhD track in Chemistry

In addition to these fees is the “Contribution to student and campus life” (CVEC) of around €103 / year. There are several exemptions available.  I nformation

International students

The PSL Welcome Desk & Euraxess Center assists international students and researchers across all PSL schools. Their team is available to help you prepare your arrival and manage non-academic administrative processes throughout your time with Université PSL. Please visit their web page for detailed information about entry requirements, residence permit, social security, health insurance, housing, and other daily life matters. The PSL Welcome Desk also offers social and cultural outings, including a Buddy Program and Tandem Partner Program .

Please feel free to schedule an appointment or email them with your questions! 

The PSL Welcome Desk will help you at every stage, to advise you, guide you and ensure that your arrival in Paris and at PSL goes smoothly:

  • Before you arrive - For   the main administrative formalities (visa, CVEC, transport, etc.) and put you in touch with other PSL students via the Buddy Program “Partner@PSL”.
  • When you arrive , come and see the Welcome Desk team during office hours to check out the next formalities that need to be completed: validation of your visa, registration with the French Social Security system, request for housing allowance from CAF, taking out home insurance, opening a bank account, etc.
  • During the university year : don’t hesitate to contact the PSL Welcome Desk for help with medical reimbursements or with finding a bilingual doctor. The international tutors can also give you a hand with finding a student job and following up on the renewal of your residence permit with the Prefecture.

Non-French speaking students can indeed follow FLE courses as part of their training at PSL. You will get all the information you need at the start of the academic year, at your host school.

More information about PSL

Label BEF

Contact: [email protected]

-- Next call for applications: October 2024 --

PhD student

You have the opportunity to come to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as an international PhD student, either in the framework of a joint PhD, a doctoral research stay, or as a freemover.

You want to embark on a joint PhD programme between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and a foreign institution? You will find below information on how a joint PhD is organised, how to apply and funding opportunities.

Supervision The PhD student conducts his/her research under the responsibility of two thesis supervisors: one at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the other one in a foreign institution. The two supervisors are fully and jointly committed to exercise their functions as tutors. Location The doctoral student stays alternately at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and in the partner university. The length of stay in each institution depends on the scientific requirements and the conditions for preparing the thesis, but it should not be less than one semester. Duration The usual duration of a joint PhD is three years, although a derogation of one year may be granted by the head of the institution on the basis of a legitimate request from the student, after consultation with the thesis supervisor and the doctoral school. Enrolment fees The PhD student is enrolled both at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and at the partner university, but is exempt from the payment of tuition fees at one of these two institutions. PhD viva The joint PhD leads to a single defence recognised by both parties. At the end of this defence, the doctoral student receives both the doctoral degree from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and the one from the partner institution. Language The language in which the thesis is written and defended is defined by the agreement concluded between the two institutions. When this language is not French, the thesis is completed by an abstract in French.

After applying for a joint PhD at both Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a foreign university, you must establish a joint PhD agreement between these two institutions. What to include in the joint PhD agreement Although Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University provides a joint PhD agreement template (Word - 67 KB) , it is not strictly mandatory as your contract is the result of an agreement between the two partner institutions. If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and an Italian university, you must use the agreement template of the Université Franco-Italienne (UFI) (Word - 50 KB - French/Italian) . If you wish to prepare a joint PhD between Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and a Swiss or Quebec university, you must ask the latter to draw up your agreement according to the template already established with French universities.

The agreement can be bilingual (each article being successively written in both languages) or in two versions (one in French and another one in a foreign language). Signature of the joint PhD agreement The joint PhD agreement must be signed in three copies by yourself and by three people from each of the partner institutions (the thesis supervisor, the director of the doctoral school and the president of the university). At Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, the agreement must be submitted to the thesis department of your discipline in order to be forwarded to the research department and then to the president of the university for signature.

There is no deadline for signing the joint PhD agreement, but it is normally signed during the first year of enrolment in a PhD programme. This stage usually takes a very long time, given the number of signatories and the distance between them.

Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Programme (PhD level)

  • Be accepted as part of a joint PhD at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in one of the following academic fields: Economics, Management, Law, Political science, Sciences (Mathematics, Communication sciences, Environmental science),
  • Be a foreign citizen (priority is given to citizens from developing and industrialised countries),
  • Be less than 35 years old
  • Amount and duration : €1400 per month (+ round-trip ticket) / 10 months maximum
  • Application procedure : get in touch with your doctoral school
  • More information :  campusfrance.org/en/eiffel-scholarship-implementation

Other grants In order to find out about other funding opportunities, we encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

PhD research stay

Find out the procedure to follow if you are a PhD student at a foreign university and wish to undertake a research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must first submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an HDR (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

  • Archaeology (ED 112)
  • Art history (ED 441)
  • Economics (ED 465)
  • Fine arts (ED 279)
  • Geography (ED 434)
  • History (ED 113)
  • Law (ED 565)
  • Management (ED 559)
  • Philosophy (ED 280)
  • Political science (ED119)  

If a professor agrees to supervise your research stay at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, he or she will issue you with a letter of invitation.

If your home institution and Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University have signed a student exchange agreement in your academic field and at your level of studies, you can take part in study mobility.  Once you have been preselected by your home university, you will receive a link from the International Relations Department of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne to access the application form, which you will have to fill in and submit before 30 th May (if you wish to arrive in September for the first semester or the entire academic year) or before 30 th October (if you wish to arrive in January for the second semester). Before your departure, you must sign a learning agreement that lists the classes that you will take at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (among those open to exchange students) and/or activities (offered by doctoral schools) in which you wish to take part during your mobility at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University.

You must then fill in the online application form with the following documents:

  • Learning agreement in  French (Word - 892 KB)  or in  English (Word - 891 KB)  completed and signed by yourself and by the academic teacher or research director of your home institution. Your learning agreement will be signed by your academic advisor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne once you arrive in France. 
  • Letter of invitation from the professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who agrees to supervise your research stay.
  • Language certificate of minimum level B2 ( DELF / DALF , TCF or a letter written by a French teacher from your home university). If you choose classes taught in English, you must also provide a letter written by an English teacher from your home university or an equivalent language certificate of English ( IELTS , TOEFL , etc.).
  • Copy of transcript of grades obtained in higher education, with a translation in French (see  grade conversion table (PDF - 315 KB - French) ).
  • Copy of the passport or identity card .
  • If you are an exchange student outside the Erasmus+ programme, you will also need to provide a CV , a cover letter and a letter of recommendation .

Once your application is accepted by Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, you will receive your admission certificate by the end of June, and you will be able to enrol as an exchange student to be exempt from the payment of tuition fees at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. During your stay in France, you will remain enrolled in your home institution and continue to pay tuition fees there. You also have the possibility to carry out an internship at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. For more information on the procedure, please consult your home institution and the relevant doctoral school in Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.

If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can set up an Erasmus+ agreement for traineeship which could enable you to obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from your home university.

Otherwise, you must draw up a hosting (or internship) agreement setting out your working conditions at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, in particular the duration of your stay and the terms and conditions for your research supervision. This agreement must be signed by your host laboratory at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, your home university and yourself. For more information, get in touch with your doctoral school.

If your application is accepted, you will have to enrol at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne as an unregistered student. This will allow you to obtain your student card and access to the university libraries.

You come from a partner institution

  • You are a PhD student at Columbia University (New York): check out the  Alliance program grants
  • If you are coming under an Erasmus+ student exchange agreement, you can apply for an Erasmus+ "study" grant or an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant. In both cases, we encourage you to contact your home institution to find out how the grants are awarded.

You do not come from a partner institution If your home university participates in the Erasmus+ programme, you can establish an internship agreement and obtain an Erasmus+ "traineeship" grant from it.

Other grants

We encourage you to check calls for applications on the websites of French embassies abroad, the  Instituts français  and the  Alliances françaises . You can also check the  grant search engine  available on the Campus France website.

Full degree application

Find below the steps to follow to apply to Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University as a full degree international doctoral student. Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will apply the same tuition fee rates for the academic year 2024/2025 to French and foreign students regardless of whether they come from a European Union member state (voted by the Board of Governors on 26th October 2023).

You need to check that the thesis topic you plan to cover has not already been defended or is not in preparation, using the two following websites:

  • www.sudoc.abes.fr
  • www.theses.fr

Submit your research project to one of the professors at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University with an  HDR  (accreditation to supervise research). The list of these professors is available from the websites of the university's doctoral schools (ED):

Once a professor at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University who is authorised to supervise research has given his/her agreement to supervise your thesis, send your application to the doctoral school to which he/she belongs. This file must be sent between mid-June and the end of October, and must include the following documents:

  • Form completed online at  ecandidat.univ-paris1.fr , duly dated and signed
  • Copy of your master's degree or equivalent (the  ENIC-NARIC France can provide a statement of comparability between your degree and the French master's degree)
  • Thesis project in two versions: long version (2 to 3 pages) and abstract (300 words maximum)
  • Written agreement of the Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne professor who has agreed to supervise your thesis (this professor must be accredited to supervise research).

Your application will be reviewed in early November by the thesis commission of the doctoral school you have applied to. If you are accepted, you will have to sign the thesis charter upon your first enrolment.

Useful pages

Visas and residence permits, accommodation in paris, university orientation.


  • Phd Lifecycle

Funding (PhD)

  • Research Laboratories
  • International labs
  • PhD application
  • Doctoral programmes
  • International cotutella agreement
  • PhD thesis defence
  • Doctoral diploma
  • Publishing books

ri [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr (International relations office) title="Relations internationales ENS Paris-Saclay" Tel : 33 1 47 40 21 71

secretariat [at] edsp.ens-cachan.fr (Doctoral Study office) class="spamspan" title="Doctoral Study office" Tel : + 33 1 47 40 75 77

Doctoral study department website

There are specific funding programmes for joint PhDs. Funding is allocated through calls for applications.

ENS Paris-Saclay International Scholarship Programme

The International Scholarship Program of the ENS Paris-Saclay is aimed at high level international students who are currently studying or have studied and obtained their most recent qualification outside of France.

Every year, our School welcomes between 15 and 30 phd students and foreign students at M2 level within the framework of this programme. Fundings can also be provided for research stays in a laboratory.

  • The grant amounts of the scholarship is 500 euros/month (research training) to 1000 euros/month (Master, PhD), According to the objective of your stay at ENS Paris-Saclay
  • Information related to International scholarship programme of ENS Paris-Saclay 2017-2018, will be available on our website starting from March 2017.

Fulbright / ENS Paris-Saclay Scholarship Program

In the framework of a collaboration agreement signed between the Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay and the Franco-American Commission for Educational Exchange, we have the possibility to welcome American students who will receive approximatively 1000€ per month and a full tuition waiver from ENS Paris-Saclay. An additional 500€ per month from the Franco-American Commission, as well as a 1200€ travel allowance. These students will have the status of ENS Paris-Saclay/Fulbright grantees.

  • The program concerns students at Master's and PhD levels.
  • The grant duration is 6 months minimum, 12 months maximum.

Programme de bourses de doctorat Groupe des ENS - China Scholarship Council (CSC)

The ENSs of Ulm, Lyon and Cachan signed a cooperation agreement with the China Scholarship Council (CSC) in 2013 for the funding of 30 doctoral students per year (ten scholarships per School). The ENSs will agree on a common list of 30 candidates, whose applications they will forward to the CSC by 20 March 2017.

International joint PhD funding programmes

Specific funding programmes for joint PhDs concern the following agreements:

  • Université franco-allemande
  • Université franco-italienne
  • Soutien aux cotutelles entre la France et le Quebec

École normale supérieure Paris-Saclay 4, avenue des Sciences 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette

+ 33 1 81 87 50 00

communication [at] ens-paris-saclay.fr (Send an e-mail)

A world-class university complex, a major innovation ecosystem.


Secondary Menu

Fully funded phd and masters opportunities in paris.

The Department of Cognitive Studies (DEC) at Ecole Normale Supérieure is inviting applications for its graduate programs in cognitive science. Our training offer includes: a fully-funded 5-year PhD program and a fully-funded extended 3-year Masters program (which can be followed by a 3-year doctoral grant at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation). Application deadline: early December 2020 - please find more details below.

PhD Program:

We offer a fully-funded 5-year PhD Program in most subfields of cognitive science (including Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling). Unlike most PhD programs in Europe, and at the image of PhD programs in North-America, admission in this program does not require an MA-level degree. The PhD program combines a taught component drawing mainly from our Master in Cognitive Science with multiple lab rotations.

Deadline for applications: December 17, 2020 23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://graduateschool.dec.ens.fr/

The PhD program is funded by French government grant Frontiers in Cognition.

Fully-funded extended Masters fellowships for international students:

We offer paid three-year fellowships to international students interested in joining our Master in Cognitive Science, which offers interdisciplinary training in Linguistics, Philosophy, Cognitive Social Science, Psychology, Neuroscience, Modeling and Cognitive engineering ( https://cogmaster.ens.psl.eu/en ). Students can then pursue a fully-funded PhD at ENS or elsewhere in France, conditioned on a mid-term evaluation.

Deadline for applications: Science track: December 9, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time) Humanities track: December 29, 2020   23:59 (Central European Time)

More information on the website:  https://cognition.ens.fr/fr/admissions-bourses/etudiants-etrangers-646  

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Undertaking a PhD in France

Are you considering doing your PhD in France? Below, discover everything you need to know. Learn more about the application criteria, project development process, and types of PhDs.

Advanced degree

In France, a PhD is the highest academic degree you can earn. Doctoral studies are a form of research-based training with the same value as professional experience. PhD students carry out research on a defined topic under the supervision of their thesis advisor(s). 

PhD students are enrolled in doctoral programmes run by institutions of higher education (i.e., universities or grandes écoles ), but they are trained within research laboratories. Students carry out original scientific research either on their own or as part of collaborative projects; the results form the basis for their dissertations. Students must also go through a thesis defence in which they present their findings to a committee that judges the quality of their work. Those who succeed are awarded doctoral degrees. 

Generally, earning a PhD requires 3 years of full-time research. One-year extensions may be granted under certain circumstances. In exceptional cases and for compelling reasons, a student may request a leave of absence of up to 1 year. Such requests are only granted once, upon approval by the establishment’s director. Any leave of absence is excluded when calculating thesis duration, given that the student suspends their training and research during that period.

To be eligible for doctoral studies, you must have a master’s degree. This requirement can be waived by an establishment’s director if approval is granted by the doctoral programme’s administrators. You need to show that you have an equivalent level of education or professional experience.

PhD programmes frequently have an international component. For example, doctoral students often take part in joint degree programmes or dual degree programmes, a situation that is facilitated under French law. 

funded phd france

Status of doctoral students

In France, the status of doctoral students depends on their funding source. Anyone doing a PhD is officially recognised as a student because they must be enrolled in a doctoral programme at an institution of higher education. In addition, many are also salaried workers because they are contractual employees.

International doctoral students with foreign grants have the status of students in France.

There are different types of doctorates in France. Here are some common examples: 

Traditional PhD 

  • 3 years of work in a single research laboratory
  • Leads to a French degree
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at a single institution
  • Single thesis advisor (or co-advisors, if necessary)

Jointly supervised PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the student’s main research laboratory (affiliated with the enrolment institution) and one from a separate institution, either in France or another country
  • Enrolment and thesis defence occur at the institution affiliated with the main research laboratory
  • Single degree granted by the above institution 
  • Thesis research might arise from a national and/or international collaboration

Dual degree PhD

  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors, with research taking place in two laboratories
  • Individual dual degree agreement ( convention individuelle de co-tutelle ) establishes a research framework
  • Enrolment occurs at two institutions—one in France and one abroad
  • Tuition is paid to a single institution
  • Single thesis defence but two degrees (one from each institution)

Professional PhD

  • Research carried out at a private company partnered with a publicly funded laboratory and its affiliated institution of higher education
  • Thesis jointly supervised by a set of co-advisors—one from the company and one from the laboratory
  • Work is split between the company and laboratory
  • Student contractually employed by the company
  • Degree is granted by the institution of enrolment
  • Excellent opportunity to gain professional experience 

Doctoral training

The first step in your doctoral studies is to enrol at an institution (university or grande école ) with an official PhD programme that is under the aegis of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. Such doctoral programmes are structured to provide a high level of personalised training and supervision during your thesis work:

  • You are under the supervision of one or more thesis advisors
  • You carry out your work within an affiliated research unit and take part in laboratory activities
  • You can participate in courses and seminars designed to establish a solid scientific foundation and guide the development of your research

Your thesis committee will ensure your studies are advancing smoothly, notably by evaluating your training conditions and research progress. To enhance your employability, your doctoral programme and thesis advisor will

  • Encourage you to attend national, European, and international conferences and publish in national, European, and international journals
  • Design a training programme compatible with your PhD project
  • Help you exploit your skills and training

In France, you can write and defend your thesis exclusively in English. However, your thesis summary must be translated into French.

Your PhD project

To begin your PhD, you must find a host research laboratory, a thesis topic, a thesis advisor, and funding. We recommend that you begin this process at least 1 year before your target start date. You can begin by looking at the list of thesis topics posted by doctoral programmes and institutions of higher education. You can also directly contact laboratories working in your area of interest. As a general rule, your future thesis advisor will help you with funding.

International students may be able to find other sources of funding, such as fellowships from embassies, the governments of their home countries, and/or partnership agreements between institutions.

Enrolling in a doctoral programme

Once you have resolved all of the above, you must submit your project to your doctoral programme for approval. Your thesis advisor and the laboratory director will evaluate the quality and feasibility of your proposal.

If their assessment is favourable, the director of the doctoral programme will allow you to enrol. You will be informed of the decision by the head of the doctoral programme (the university or grande école president). The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research establishes the amount of tuition paid by bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral students. Tuition levels are the same everywhere in France.

In 2023, annual tuition for doctoral students was €380. There is also a campus activities fee (CVEC) of €92. In certain cases, both may be waived.

funded phd france

Useful link

  • Getting a PhD in France—directory of doctoral schools

Related articles

  • Doctoral studies at INRAE
  • Joining INRAE
  • Working conditions & benefits 
  • Publishing results & managing data

Last update: 20 March 2024

AMU plays the olympic games

PhD Programmes

Tuile doctorats

The Ocean Sciences Institute brings together a number of diverse doctoral schools and provides numerous PhD funding opportunities. The institute's close collaboration with Blue Growth actors and stakeholders including its 14 research units  encourages the development of partnerships and new state of the art research projects. Visit our funding calls page to find out more about current opportunities.

Alternatively if you have an idea for a PhD project and you wish to realise it through a partnership with a blue growth actor or industry contact us to find out more about CIFRE funding possibilities.

Doctoral School N Doctoral School
ED 352
ED 184
ED 250
ED 353
ED 251
ED 67
ED 355
ED 372

Kalliopi Pediaditi - Project Manager of the Institute of Ocean Sciences AMU - (OCEAN)

Richard Sempéré - Director of the Institute of Ocean Sciences AMU - (OCEAN)

funded phd france


Academic specialties

Language science and didactics Comparative literature Applied foreign languages Ancient languages and literature History of books and publishing Languages, literatures and intermedialities French language, literatures and francophone literatures European and international literatures Anglophone languages, literatures and civilizations, Irish and American studies, cultural studies Germanic languages, literatures and civilizations Slavic languages, literatures and civilizations Romance languages, literatures and civilizations (Spanish, Italian, Portuguese) Chinese languages, literatures and civilizations Arabic languages, literatures and civilizations Breton language, literature and culture Applied arts Plastic arts Performing arts (cinema, theater, dance) Archaeology Architecture Aesthetics and philosophy of art Musicology Art sciences History of the arts (ancient, medieval, modern, contemporary, contemporary, architecture)

  • Total number of PhD students registered in the school : 222
  • Number of foreign PhD students : 53
  • Possibility to write the dissertation in English
  • English as Working language
  • Methodological courses in English
  • Courses and conferences in English
  • Apply to predefined thesis subjects
  • Required level French : B2
  • Before applying, candidates need to contact a thesis supervisor
  • The thesis application form is available in June
  • It is submitted to the doctoral school and examined by the doctoral school council
  • candidates are notified of results
  • Optional funding
  • Contact for registration & informations Mrs Valérie MARIE-COHIER +33299141143 [email protected]

Center for international mobility Rennes

  • Doctoral college Collège doctoral de Bretagne
  • Description
  • Laboratories


International, application, welcome services, art history and criticism - ea 1279, arts: practices and poetics - ea 3208, center for breton and celtic research - ea crbc, center for the study of ancient and modern languages and literature - ea 3206, center for the study of correspondance and diaries of the 19th and 20th centuries - ea 7289, center for the study of languages, territories and cultural identities - brittany and minority languages - ea 202224, english-speaking countries: communities and writing - ea 1796, heritages and constructs within the text and the image - ea 4249, interlingual research center: memories, identities, territories - ea 4327, research group on the invention and evolution of forms - ea grief, number of phd students 222, internationalization of the doctoral school.

Master, PhD and Postdoc Scholarships

On this page, We have listed the list of some fully-funded PhD Programs at different universities in France.

PhD positions and scholarships in France

Is it your goal to secure a Funded PhD position and scholarship at one of the French universities?

Would you like to study at a French university with a funded PhD position and a scholarship? On this page, We have listed the list of some fully-funded PhD Programs at different universities in France. These positions are fully funded and the main language is English. The Fastepo Team will update these Positions regularly.

  • Available PhD Positions at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
  • Master Internships, PhD and Postdocs at the National Institute for Research of France (Inria)
  • The University of Lorraine Fully Funded PhD and Postdocs in France

How much you can earn as Researcher in France?

Would you like to know the salary amount of PhD and postdoc positions in Europe? 

  • PhD Salary in Denmark
  • Postdoc Salary in Denmark
  • Salary of a PhD student and Postdoc in Norway
  • PhD Salary in Switzerland
  • Salary ladder for PhD students in Sweden
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Germany
  • Salary of PhD and Postdoc in Ireland
  • Salary of Postdocs in France
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the UK
  • Professors’ salary in the UK
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in the Netherlands
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Finland
  • Salary of PhD student and Postdoc in Austria
  • Salary of Marie-curie postdoctoral fellowship
  • Salary of PhD student in Marie-Curie ITN
  • Doctorate Degree Business Administration Salary

If you need help with the application,  we can help you in this process .

You can find all the available full-funded PhD positions in different countries here.

  • Germany – Fully Funded PhD
  • Switzerland – Fully Funded PhD
  • Denmark – Fully Funded PhD
  • UK – Fully Funded PhD
  • Sweden – Fully Funded PhD
  • Finland – Fully Funded PhD
  • Netherlands – Fully Funded PhD
  • Norway – Fully Funded PhD
  • Belgium – Fully Funded PhD
  • Austria – Fully Funded PhD
  • Australia – Fully Funded PhD
  • France – Fully Funded PhD
  • New Zealand – Fully Funded PhD
  • Canada – Fully Funded PhD
  • USA – Fully Funded PhD
  • Luxembourg – Fully Funded PhD
  • Spain – Fully Funded PhD
  • Italy – Fully Funded PhD
  • Iceland -Fully Funded PhD

The Academic Vacancies section of our website is also updated regularly in order to include Full Funded PhDs , Full Funded Scholarships , and Open Postdoctoral Positions , both in different countries, in addition to the Home Page . Keep up to date with our latest initiatives by following our social media channels and YouTube channel .

  • PhD degree in Austria
  • PhD in Austria
  • PhD in Belgium
  • PhD in Canada
  • PhD degree in Denmark
  • PhD in Finland
  • PhD Programs in France
  • How to apply for a PhD in Germany?
  • PhD in Iceland
  • PhD in Italy
  • PhD in Luxembourg
  • PhD in Netherlands
  • PhD in New Zealand
  • PhD in Norway
  • PhD in Spain
  • PhD in Sweden
  • PhD Degree in Switzerland
  • How to apply for PhD in UK?
  • EU Funded Positions in Australia
  • EU Funded Positions in France
  • EU Funded Positions in Germany
  • EU Funded Positions in Luxembourg
  • EU Funded Positions in Spain
  • EU Funded Positions in UK
  • PhD in Biology
  • PhD in Business and Finance
  • PhD in Computer Sciences
  • PhD in Education
  • PhD in Engineering
  • PhD in Law and Social Sciences
  • PhD in Health and Medicine
  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Sciences
  • Undergraduate and Postgraduate Scholarships at Deakin University
  • PhD Scholarship and Postdocs at Australian National University
  • 600 Scholarships at University of Melbourne
  • Scholarships at the Center for Quantum Technologies
  • International fellowship of Cancer Research Institute
  • Fully Funded Joint PhD and Academic Jobs at University of Melbourne
  • Scholarships in Canada
  • Scholarships in Iceland
  • Renault Foundation Scholarships
  • DAAD Research for University Academics
  • DAAD Architecture Scholarship
  • Graduate Music Scholarships (DAAD)
  • DAAD Art Scholarship
  • DAAD Bilateral Exchange of Academics
  • DAAD scholarship Development-Related (EPOS)
  • DAAD scholarship for Iranian students
  • DAAD University Summer Courses
  • DAAD Working Internships in Science and Engineering (WISE)
  • How to write a good Marie Curie project proposal?
  • Chevening Scholarship (UK)
  • Rhodes Scholarships For international students
  • University of Manchester Scholarships
  • Scholarships and Academic Jobs at University of Birmingham
  • Google Scholarships
  • Newton Fellowship
  • Scholarships at British Private Post University (BPP Scholarships)
  • Undergraduate Scholarships at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland
  • Postgraduate Scholarships at Trinity College Dublin
  • Scholarships and Postdoc Jobs at Boston University (BU)
  • Institute for Advanced Study Funding and Fellowships
  • Scholarship Universe Purdue
  • Scholarships at Our Lady of the Lake University
  • Scholarships and Awards at Bellarmine University
  • Google Scholarship, Internships and Fellowships
  • Scholarships for international students at Lincoln University
  • Scholarships at Rider University in USA
  • James S. McDonnell Foundation Fundings in the USA
  • Coca Cola Scholarship
  • PEO International Scholarships, Grant and Loan
  • Scholarships at University of Texas at Arlington (UTA Education)
  • Scholarships for South Asian Citizens
  • Udacity Scholarships
  • Student Loan
  • How to find a Postdoc Position?
  • Postdocs in Austria
  • Postdocs in Belgium
  • Postdocs in Canada
  • Postdocs in Denmark
  • Postdocs in Finland
  • Postdocs in France
  • Open Postdoc Position at the RWTH Aachen University Hospital (Aachen, Germany)
  • Postdocs in Italy
  • Postdocs in Luxembourg
  • Postdocs in Netherland
  • Postdocs in New Zealand
  • Postdocs in Norway
  • Postdocs in Spain
  • Postdocs in Sweden
  • Postdocs in Switzerland
  • Postdocs in the UK
  • Postdocs in the USA
  • Comparison of Salary of PhD Students in Europe
  • Comparison of Salary of Postdoc in Europe
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Austria
  • PhD and Postdoc Salary in Luxembourg
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Finland
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in France
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Germany
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in Ireland
  • Salary of PhD students in Marie-Curie ITN
  • Salary of Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • Top 20 countries with the highest salary of Marie-Curie Fellowship
  • Salary of PhD and Postdocs in the Netherlands
  • PhD and Postdoc Salary in Norway
  • Salary of PhD students in Switzerland
  • PhD Salary in UK
  • Comparing Postdoc Salaries in the UK
  • Academic Email: How to email a Professor for inquiry?
  • Application Letter (also known as cover letter)
  • Six essential steps to get your article published
  • How to write a strong Application Letter?
  • How to prepare an eye-catching CV for academics?
  • How to write a good project proposal?
  • Cover Letter Preparing Service
  • Interview Questions of Academic Position
  • IELTS Listening Test
  • IELTS Reading Test

Campus France logo

  • An unforgettable adventure
  • Educational excellence in France
  • Study at the heart of Europe
  • Enjoy numerous benefits
  • Industrial dynamism and French innovation
  • The art of living à la française

funded phd france

  • French system
  • Higher education institutions
  • French degrees, LMD system and equivalences
  • Cost of studies
  • Quality of degrees and institutions
  • Online or distance programme
  • Scholarships programmes
  • Scholarships for French students or students living in France
  • Welcoming of students and researchers in exile

funded phd france

  • Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)
  • Reception services in your city
  • Prepare your budget
  • Bank account
  • Working while studying in France
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  • Doctoral Schools directory
  • PhD subjects
  • Pre-Doctorate programmes
  • How to enrol in a Doctorate
  • How to finance your Doctorat (PhD)
  • Use the "Research" portal

FAQ – Doing my Doctorate in France

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  • Social Security for doctoral students and researchers
  • Living in France

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Below are all of the answers to your questions about doing a Doctorate in France: duration, content, admission requirements, how it works, legal and administrative framework, etc.

Doing a Doctorate in France

Le doctorat en France

How long does a Doctorate take?

In France, it takes three to six years to complete a Doctorate, depending on the field, although there is no legal time limit. In the natural and technological sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.), it usually takes three years and can be extended for a fourth year. In the social sciences and humanities (law, management, sociology, history, etc.), it usually takes four to five years.

During the first three years, re-enrolment is virtually automatic at the start of each academic year. After that, each year you will have to submit a file to reassure your doctoral school that you can complete your thesis within the time frame in order for your re-enrolment to be approved.

What is a doctoral school?

Doctoral schools are attached to a university or Grande Ecole , and are dedicated to supervising and teaching doctoral students. The work is conducted in conjunction with a research laboratory and under the authority of a thesis supervisor. They also supervise the enrolment and re-enrolment of doctoral students in their host institute.

What is a doctoral college?

A doctoral college includes all of the doctoral schools at a single university. It lays out the general policy for the organisation of the Doctorate within each institution.

Does a Doctorate give you ECTS credits?

With a few exceptions, French universities do not award ECTS for a Doctorate. The Doctorate is not generally considered training in and of itself but rather a research apprenticeship.

What degree will I be awarded at the end of a joint Doctorate?

At the end of a joint Doctorate, you receive two degrees : one from each institute you were enrolled in. Each degree nonetheless states that your Doctorate was completed in both establishments. It is possible, but rare, to receive a joint degree , bearing the names and logo of each institute.

Gaining admission to a Doctorate

L’admission en doctorat

What degree is required for admission to a Doctorate in France?

To be accepted for a Doctorate, you must hold a Master's degree or equivalent (national degree conferring the level of master). You can also demonstrate research experience or a five-year Bachelor's to the doctoral school in which you wish to enrol in order to have certain requirements waived and be authorised to enrol.

How to find a research laboratory

To find a research laboratory in your field, check our directory of doctoral schools . Use key words or field to narrow your search and select a doctoral school. The "Laboratories" tab then lets you scroll through the list of research laboratories associated with the selected school.

When do I have to apply?

Doctorate offers are generally published in January, and state an application deadline between April and May for the start of the academic year in September of the same year. Some are occasionally published during the year. Register on our search portal and create e-mail alerts so you don't miss an offer.

When does the academic year start and stop?

The academic year starts in September and lasts until the end of August. Classes take place between September and June. During the summer holidays, there is less activity and most doctoral schools are closed in August. Nonetheless, in a Doctorate, especially if you have a doctoral fellowship , you aren't subject to the academic timetable. In general, you have the right to five weeks of holidays that you can take throughout the year.

What are the admission requirements for a Doctorate?

Each doctoral school and thesis supervisor have their own admission requirements. The main requirement is your ability to complete the research. You will have few classes to take in a Doctorate and you must above all be independent: you will have to work on your own on a specific topic, within a laboratory and liaising with a team.

You will be selected for your ability to find information by yourself and to draft and implement a research protocol. If you have already authored or co-authored a paper, presented results in a conference or completed a long internship within a research laboratory, don't forget to mention it on your CV.

Do I first have to do a Master's internship in a laboratory?

It is not a requirement to complete a Master's internship in a laboratory. In the natural and technological sciences, it's an advantage when applying for a Doctorate. It will help you become familiar with the world of research, and eventually be noticed by your future thesis supervisor.

What is involved in a Doctorate

Le fonctionnement du doctorat

What is a doctoral fellowship?

A doctoral fellowship is a work contract specifically for doctoral students. It lasts three years, and can be renewed for one additional year twice at most. The doctoral student's net salary is approximately 1,350 to 1,400 euros per month in 2017. It can be higher when you perform additional activities.

Do I need a work contract or doctoral fellowship to enrol for a Doctorate?

A doctoral fellowship is not required to enrol in a Doctorate. Only a few research institutes do not accept unfunded doctoral students. Nonetheless, you will feel more at ease if you are under contract. Just like with every work contract, you will then qualify for unemployment benefits when it terminates and you will contribute to your pension if you are a European national. Doctoral fellowships are very frequent in the natural and technological sciences, much less so in the social sciences and humanities.

Can I do a Doctorate with a grant?

Generally, yes. Some research institutes do not accept doctoral students with grants. Generally speaking, your grant must be enough so that you can live and work under good conditions. Those with grants must also be able to take out health insurance and public liability insurance.

Each doctoral school determines the minimum amount of funding required for enrolment in a Doctorate at that school. It generally varies from 1,000 to 1,400 euros per month. If your grant is less than that, your laboratory must be able to pay you an additional amount that will ensure you receive the minimum amount required by the Doctoral school.

If I do my Doctorate within a research institute such as the CNRS, CEA or INRA, will I also be enrolled in a university?

Yes, as research institutes are not authorised to award degrees. You must therefore enrol in the university that is the partner of your research institute so that your Doctorate will be certified by the State.

What is a sandwich Doctorate?

A doctoral stay, called a "sandwich Doctorate", is when you spend time in a different university than the one you are enrolled in. For example, if you do a Doctorate at Yale University and you come to spend six months in a research laboratory at the University of Rheims.

There are two types of sandwich Doctorates. As part of a joint Doctorate, you must be enrolled in both a university in your country of origin and a French university. As part of a simple sandwich Doctorate, you generally won't need to enrol in the university , but it is recommended that you inform the doctoral school of your presence.

What is the difference between a Doctorate (PhD) and a DBA?

Some schools, in particular in management, award DBAs ( Doctorate in Business Administration ). These DBAs are outside the academic structure and are not certified by the French State.

A DBA associates classes and applied research. The objective of a DBA is that students apply theoretical knowledge in order to improve their professional practice. The first year is spent on training and a review of the scientific literature on the student's research subject. The following years are spent on writing a thesis and doing practical work. Some management schools offer a DBA falsely entitled PhD.

To obtain a Doctorate certified by the French State, you must be enrolled in a doctoral school and have conducted research that significantly adds to our knowledge.

Additional questions

Questions annexes

Can I do my Doctorate in France without speaking French?

In theory yes, but it varies depending on the field. In the natural and technological sciences, it is generally entirely possible to conduct your research, write your thesis and correspond in English with your thesis supervisor and colleagues. In the arts and humanities, on the other hand, it's much more difficult. Find out for your particular case from your doctoral school.

Will my medical costs be covered while I am doing my Doctorate?

If you have a work contract, doctoral fellowship or other contract, you are automatically registered for general Social Security. Your employer pays your contributions for you.

If you do not have a work contract you must register for Student Social Security at the same time while you enrol at the university. 

On average, Social Security reimburses 70% of medical expenses. For better coverage, you can take out complementary health insurance.

Le fonctionnement du doctorat en France

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Exciting fully funded PhD opportunities at leading universities across Europe


Are you considering pursuing a PhD study at top-ranked European universities?

We are pleased to announce a diverse range of fully funded PhD positions at leading universities across Europe, open to international students.  Use the opportunity to advance your academic journey and engage in groundbreaking research at leading institutions, including: 

🇩🇪Leibniz-Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research

🇩🇪 Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster

🇩🇪 Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops

🇩🇪 University of Bayreuth

🇩🇪 International Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics

🇫🇷 SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes

🇨🇭 Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen

🇨🇭 University of Fribourg

🇨🇭 École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

🇩🇰 Danmarks Tekniske Universitet

🇦🇹 Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität

🇦🇹 Atominstitut TU Wien

🇧🇪 Université de Liège

🇧🇪 Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB

🇨🇿 J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS

🇨🇿 Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR

🇳🇴 NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology

🇳🇴 UiT The Arctic University of Norway

🇳🇴 University of Stavanger

🇱🇺 Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology

🇳🇱 Radboud Universiteit

🇵🇱 Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

🇧🇻 University of Bergen

🇪🇸 Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

🇪🇸 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC)

The following prestigious PhD programs provide outstanding research opportunities, competitive stipends, and access to world-class facilities.

Apply now for doctoral (PhD) studies at leading universities. across Europe:

PhD Student in Gene Therapy in Parkinson’s disease Group – José Luis Lanciego, Fundación Para La Investigación Médica Aplicada (Spain)

PhD Student in the field of Root Anatomy Physiology, Leibniz-Institute for Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research (Germany)

PhD Student in Optimising ion transport in nanostructured systems of artificial cells that incorporate purified co-transport proteins into lipid bilayers, SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes (France)

PhD Student in electrochemical approaches in radioanalytics, Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Decision support systems for automatic anomaly interpretation and ranking, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)

PhD Student in SCALA – Spatial Communication and Ageing across Languages, Institute for Geoinformatics University of Münster (Germany)

PhD Student in Human-centric future skills in manufacturing, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

PhD Student in DNA Nanotechnology for Soft Matter, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Model-based climate monitoring and control in CEA for resource efficient production, Leibniz Institute of Vegetable and Ornamental Crops (Germany)

PhD Student in Phytomanagement of wasteland, Universite de Liège (Belgium)

PhD Student in optics and material science, J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry of the CAS v. v. i. (Czech Republic)

PhD Student in Applied/Experimental Physics, University of Bayreuth (Germany)

PhD Student in Mental Health and Neuroscience: Disease mechanisms – Diagnostics and Therapy – Clinical Neuroscience, Karl Landsteiner Privatuniversität (Austria)

PhD Student in experimental and theoretical particle physics, International Max Planck Research School on Elementary Particle Physics (Germany)

PhD Student in quantum computing, Atominstitut TU Wien (Austria)

PhD Student in Machine-learning Modeling for Nanoconfined Aqueous Systems, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Advanced Laser Processing Techniques for the Optimization of Material Spectral Properties, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain)

PhD Student in thermochemical biomass valorisation, Université Libre de Bruxelles - ULB (Belgium)

PhD Student in applied physics/fluid mechanics, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)

PhD Student in Evolution of Terpenoid Biosynthesis in insects, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR (Czech Republic) 

PhD Student in Materials for Pyroelectric Energy Harvesting, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (Luxembourg)

PhD Fellow in Biological Characterization of New Anti-Cancer Natural Products, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Norway)

PhD Fellowship in Artificial Intelligence in Acute Stroke, University of Stavanger (Norway)

PhD Student in Non-equilibrium Simulations of Charge Transport in Confined Environments, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland)

PhD Student in Intermediates in N2 Reduction Reaction, Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands)

PhD Student in Enhancing renewable power plants’ performance through advanced control methods - DTU Wind, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (Denmark)

PhD Student in Enhancing ion transporting properties of purified co-transport proteins, SyNaBi/TIMC Université Grenoble Alpes (France) 

PhD Fellowship in Development of novel bioink for 3D bioprinting of scaffold with specific topographical and biochemical cues composed of natural, and synthetic polymers for biomedical applications, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)

PhD Fellowship in targeting RNA with small molecules, University of Bergen (Norway)

PhD Student in microstructural analysis of the catalyst layer of polymer electrolyte fuel cells using scattering techniques, Paul Scherrer Institut Villigen (Switzerland)

PhD Fellowship in Close-Range Modeling of Pollutant Dispersion based on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Data Assimilation, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - BarcelonaTech (UPC) (Spain)

Don't miss the opportunity to engage in cutting-edge research and advance your academic journey in Europe.

#PhD #doctoralstudy #PhDstudy #Europe #DoctoralPositions #PhDPositions #PhDStudy #StudyInEurope #HigherEducation #InternationalStudents #ResearchOpportunities #FundaciónparaLaInvestigaciónMédicaAplicada #LeibnizInstitute #SyNaBi_TIMCUniversitéGrenobleAlpes #PaulScherrerInstitutVilligen #DanmarksTekniskeUniversitet #DTU #InstituteforGeoinformaticsUniversityofMünster #UniversityofFribourg #LeibnizInstituteofVegetableandOrnamentalCrops #UniversitédeLiège #J_HeyrovskýInstituteofPhysicalChemistryoftheCAS #UniversityofBayreuth #KarlLandsteinerPrivatuniversität #AtominstitutTUWien #ÉcolePolytechniqueFédéraledeLausanne #ConsejoSuperiordeInvestigacionesCientíficas #UniversitéLibredeBruxelles_ULB #NTNU_NorwegianUniversityofScienceandTechnology #InstituteofOrganicChemistryandBiochemistryASCR #LuxembourgInstituteofScienceandTechnology #UiT_TheArcticUniversityofNorway #UniversityofStavanger #RadboudUniversiteit #AdamMickiewiczUniversityinPoznań #UniversityofBergen 


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  4. PhD positions and scholarships in France

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  6. France

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    Subjects (PhD, Master's & Postdoc training) Delete all filters. African, Arab, Chinese, Japanese and Hebrew languages and literatures Roman languages and literatures: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and other languages.

  2. Financing a Doctorate

    Funding from a contract with a research institute: your research institute (CNES, CNRS, CEA, etc.) provides you with 1,500 euros net funding for your Doctorate per month. Funding from a contract connected to a project financed by the Agence Nationale de Recherche (ANR National Research Agency), at 1400-1500 euros net per month.

  3. PhD Study in France

    Detailed guides to PhD study in France. Our guides have information on universities, courses, funding, student visas and life during a PhD programme in France.

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  7. How to enrol in a Doctorate

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  9. Funding your PhD

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  15. PDF PhD studies in France

    A private contract sector PhD employment. is a type of contract open to. - employees bilateral programmes and grants from the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs - international joint PhD programmes - funding from French regional authorities, etc. The annual tuition fees are set by the government and are €380 in 2023.

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  17. PhD Programmes

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  18. PhD in France

    Minimum entry-level in French for doctoral candidates: B2 (A1 recommended) Some cross-disciplinary courses are taught in English. Please contact the supervisor re. the use of a foreign language. Possibility to write the dissertation in English. English as Working language.

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    Scholarships for French students or students living in France. The tools of Campus France for international researchers. Come to France with the status of invited professor. Social Security for doctoral students and researchers. Reception programmes and doctoral student associations.

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    In this Page, We have listed the list of some fully-funded PhD Programs at different universities in France. These programs are in English.

  22. FAQ

    In France, it takes three to six years to complete a Doctorate, depending on the field, although there is no legal time limit. In the natural and technological sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, etc.), it usually takes three years and can be extended for a fourth year. In the social sciences and humanities (law ...

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  24. Exciting fully funded PhD opportunities at leading universities across

    We are pleased to announce a diverse range of fully funded PhD positions at leading universities across Europe, open to international students. ... (France) PhD Fellowship in Development of novel bioink for 3D bioprinting of scaffold with specific topographical and biochemical cues composed of natural, and synthetic polymers for biomedical ...