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Essay on “My Experience of a Storm” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Experience of a Storm

Outline: First sign of an impending storm – the fury of the storm – the unfortunate fishermen – the aftermath of the storm.

Monsoons in our country are generally heralded by cyclones or storms. It happened to be a day early in the month of June. There was peculiar stillness in the air; not a leaf stirred, not whiff of wind blew. It looked like calm before the storm. Unmindful of these foreboding signs, my friend and I set out for a long walk along the beach.

We had done about half an hour’s walk, when we noticed far off in the sky a speck of black cloud which became denser and denser, and soon the sky was overcast, rendering the atmosphere gloomy and dismal. Just as we decided to turn back homewards we were greeted by a cool, soft breeze, which within few minutes turned into a strong gale. It blew restlessly harder and harder so that we could hardly stand against it. Hurriedly we took shelter in a solitary but close by.

Hardly had we got into the empty abode when down came the rain with all its fury, accompanied by peals of thunder and flashes of lightning. The thunder-claps were so deafeningly loud and the flashes across so terrifically bright that we were almost frightened to death.

For over an hour we were held up, and during that time the storm raged, causing much havoc. Huge waves rolled on the sea and the hapless fishermen who went out to sea to cast nets were caught in the storm. We watched the unfortunate men clinging to their battered boats as they were tossed up and down the high seas. Brave men they were! They successfully weathered the storm after an hour’s terrible ordeal.

When the storm abated and finally calm set in, one could see the destruction it had caused. Trees were uprooted, roofs were blown off, and lashing angry waves caused a deep breach in the wall that protected the fisher folks’ dwellings, inundating the whole locality.

Never did we witness a more horrible scene than this. We thanked God for our safety and secretly prayed that another dreadful experience like this should not befall us.

Difficult Words: Herald – proclaim the approach of. foreboding -feelings that some evil is about to happen. havoc – widely spread waste or destruction. hapless – unfortunate. battered – damaged. weathered – held out stoutly against. abated – lessened, subsided. inundating – flooding.

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The New York Times

The learning network | what are your experiences with severe weather.

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What Are Your Experiences With Severe Weather?

A restaurant worker piles sand bags at the entrance of the business as Hurricane Sandy approaches the Atlantic Coast, in Ocean City, Md., on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012.  <a href="//www.nytimes.com/2012/10/29/us/east-coast-braces-for-severe-storm-surge.html">Go to related article»</a>

Questions about issues in the news for students 13 and older.

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Tens of millions of people who live on the East Coast spent the weekend preparing for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy. Were you and your family among them? If so, how did you get ready for the storm?

In “East Coast Prepares for Storm’s Arrival,” Michael Schwirtz describes the efforts to be as ready as possible for Hurricane Sandy:

Governors across the region have declared emergencies, and federal officials have issued urgent warnings for people to prepare. From Plymouth, Me., to Cape Hatteras, N.C., residents boarded up windows; stocked up on water, batteries and food; and prepared to hunker down. Airlines encouraged people with flights scheduled in the next few days to change their plans and waived cancellation fees. Though airports remained open, major airlines including Delta, United and American, announced that flights would be canceled. American Airlines said it canceled 140 flights on Sunday and would cancel an additional 1,431 flights from Monday through Wednesday. Amtrak has also shut down train service to parts of the East Coast, including between Washington and New York. At supply stores across the region, generators and other goods were snapped up in preparation for the possibility of extended power failures. Tens of thousands of people who live on the state’s densely populated barrier islands — from Sandy Hook to Cape May — were evacuating on Sunday in compliance with an order issued by Gov. Chris Christie. The evacuation included the 40,000 residents of Atlantic City, where the casinos closed at 3 p.m. on Sunday. All New Jersey Transit service, including buses and rail and light rail lines, were to be suspended starting at 4 p.m.
  • If you live on the East Coast of the United States, is this the first time you ever prepared for a severe weather event?
  • What have you and your family done to get ready for the arrival of Hurricane Sandy?

How were you feeling as you watched the news and tracked the storm’s path? How do you feel now?

  • Regardless of where you live, have you experienced similar storms or other kinds of severe weather events in the past? When?
  • What are your personal stories about experiencing and recovering from a significant weather event like a hurricane?

Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.

Related: Our complete collection of hurricane resources , and our 6 Q’s About the News, Hurricane Sandy Versus the East Coast .

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Sandy’s winds is affecting Georgia severely. The weather is switching from cold to hot fronts. Im not sure how to dress for the weather because of the unexpected changes.

I live in Georgia, the only thing we have experienced from hurricane Sandy so far, is severe winds and cooler weather. The weather has been effected mostly,by temperature change.

I live in Georgia, our weather has been effected just by the rapid weather change from cold, windy mornings to hot, sunny afternoons and from hot to cold in the night.

This is the first time I have ever prepared for a severe weather event. Last year when the East coast was expecting Irene I didn’t think very much of it. Irene wasn’t even supposed to hit New Jersey as hard as Sandy. Sure, my mom did go to the supermarkets and buy bottles of water, but I wasn’t concerned. For hurricane Sandy, I really don’t know what to expect. If schools were closing all over the East coast, and New York transportation was shut down, Sandy must be colossal.

My family and I have done plenty to prepare for the hurricane. My mom got water and bought non perishable foods. She also got out the flashlights and extra batteries. I think we are going to fill up our bathtubs with water, so we can flush our toilets if we lose our water. I brought in the furniture from outside and put it in the garage, so they wouldn’t go flying. We don’t really know what Sandy is bringing our way.

I was feeling a little scared and excited at the same time when I saw where the storm was headed. When I saw that Sandy was headed towards central New Jersey, I was afraid because that’s where I live. However, I was excited because this was the first major storm I was in the middle of. I feel the same now, fearful and thrilled, because school was canceled, but it is looking very bad outside. Obama is saying we should take Sandy a little more serious and I think I need to.

I have experienced similar storms in the past. I experienced hurricane Irene. For our family, hurricane Irene wasn’t that bad, but we did have flooding in our basement. Our town had flooding and some roads were closed for a while, along with fallen trees and power lines. Having said that, I don’t know how bad Sandy will be this time.

When we had hurricane Irene before, we had flooding in our basement. When you went down there and walked into a particular corner, the water would ooze out of the carpet. Since there was nonstop rain, we had to find a way to soak up the water. My dad actually has a huge collection of newspapers that he saved. My mom wanted to get rid of the newspapers and she came up with a great idea. My mom and I, little by little, took the newspapers and laid them down where there was flooding. After forty-five minutes, we had to go down to the basement and replace the newspapers until the rain stopped.

Right before I came to US, it was a arrival of hurricane in my city, and it was really high signal warning number. What we have done was stay at home. Tape the big tapes to the windows, just case it doesn’t fall if it breaks. I did walk in the street after the warning number decreases a little bit. I felt the wind was moving me and even the trees around are almost dropped. I think school closed is a good idea because it is pretty dangerous to the students on their ways to go to school or home, but I don’t recommend people hang around during this bad weather. It makes accident happen easily.

I was living in Brooklyn last time when Hurricane Irene came. Actually, I not afraid Hurricane, in opposite, I so exciting, because we had a stimulate time. In New York City, bus and subway was close already. That’s a good choice for avoid accident, and the Government settle down a lot for homeless people. I think Government did a good job in this time. When Hurricane coming, the best idea is stay at home. In a general way, save some water and food indispensable. I hope everybody be safe in this time Hurricane.

I do live on the east coast of the United States, and this is my first time preparing for a weather event. Same things me and my roommate have done already was food shopping bought flash light and put cardboard boxers around the windows just in case the wind picks up and blows out the windows . At first I was feeling kind of scared but then I got over it and said to myself this will be over before you know it. No I have not experienced anything like this storm or any other weather event like hurricane sandy. I don’t have any stories about experiencing and recovering from a significant weather event like a hurricane.

Last year Hurricane Irene and a tornado came through my town. In my home we lost our power. The whole building was lite by candles and flashlights. We kept all the kids on the first floor between two apartments. Grateful that my stove was gas I was able to cook for everyone. There wasn’t any water damage done to our building. Although a lot of our phones were out and took two to three day for them to be restored. This is now my third sever weather event. To get ready for Hurricane Sandy I’ve put new batteries in my flashlights and got my candles out. Medications are all in one spot, and also making sure that my phone is fully charged. As I looked up the news I was scared for my daughter to go to school. Her school is off a major road right next to the river. I now am still a little nerves knowing that I do live by the river and i could experience water damage or have to leave my home.

This will not be the first time for me in being prepared for a sever thunderstorm. Yet, we’ve always have items that we would need in case of a storm. In case the storm becomes more violent, my family and i have stocked up on firewood, to keep warm in case the power likes to go out on us. We Also, Stocked up on warm clothing and stocked up on food and water in case the roads are destroyed by the washouts from the rain. As i watch the weather warnings on the oncoming storm, and seeing the clouds turning darker be the minute, I feel like that there’s gonna be a massive corruption as I’ll be driving home in this storm. In addition to all the land that would be washed out, over the roads, homes destroyed, and lose of power. What i feel now is that the sooner the storm is over the better i would feel. Yet I have experienced violent storms that haven’t hit where i live; I’ve dealt with storms a few years ago by my old high school where I’ve seen many faces upside down because of the lose of homes friends and family. My personal experience of storms i would not like to talk about, However, the result of recovering from a hurricane, is very hard to forget about. But when you help others in need. Seeing the smiles they give back makes you forget the troubles that you feel after the storm has passed.

I live in New York city, our weather is usually affected by change in temperature. However, when I think of a time in which I’ve experienced severe weather, I find myself on the date of August 27, 2011. Me and my parents watched the news together, listening to mayor Bloomberg speak. The mayor, as well federal officials urged strong warnings to prepare for hurricaine Irene. I felt frightened and small and intimidated. I knew to expect the unexpected. My parents strongly felt that it was important to be well prepared. Therefore we drove to food places and supply stores. We stocked up on supplies for extended possibilities in power failures. When we boarded our windows, I felt a sense of more security. I was less scared, being assured that I was at least prepared for what was to come of hurricaine Irene.

Luckly my place was ok last year, however some people lost their place. I felt so bad for them because that was not the first time, and I clearly remember how much I was terrified of wild and a siren at that time. I learned about preparing such as food , flash lamp and clean water also safety place in my place. On the Sep 9th 2012 ,I was on the plan When the plan almost get to the JFK airport ,There was concerned about storms .so we had to lay over in hong – kong for 9 hours. I landed at midnight in the JFK airport. I had a fear and I had missed the train for Albany. It was hard for me ,I felt worn out with long flight and I had no Idea where should I stay until The cap driver take me to the motel. When I watched the news and tracked the storm’s path today, It made me think how weak I am. In addition, the news makes me pray for others, Hope everybody is ok.

This is the first time I have prepared for a storm,so needless to say this was quite the experience for me. My family and I went out to grocery,and other outlets to get what we needed.We purchased lots of water,perishables,and other necessities like batteries,candles, and fuel for our generator.When I first watched the news tracking the storm I really didn’t think that it would be this bad, but now that I’ve seen more of what going on ,and the alerts I’m a little bit more nervous about whats going to happen. In the past I have experienced others storms,however the most recent storm was hurricane Irene last year. My family and i were hit pretty bad with the flood. Our family business sits across from the river,so when the flood came we watched all the equipment,and saw all the damage it caused. As a result we had to go into our savings to get back all we lost. It was a devastating feeling,but we overcame it.

I actually remember one year this horrible hurricane came and the power was out for about a week and school was cancelled. It was the worst hurricane i experienced so far. Schools were cancelled and the power was out and everyone spent more time outside because it was just way too hot to be inside. Lots of people had water coming in through the windows and the water would leak through the roof. Eventually things started to get better and people were able to move on from the experience.

Everytime i turn on the news, the feeling that swoops over me is plain fear. Either it being fear of a national threat, such as the Taliban menacing the United States or something more local yet more disasastrous sch as a natural disaster. Currently, Hurricane Sandy has not only induced fear over me but over everybody in the East Coast because it has been predicted that Hurricane Sandy will create a disastrous aftermath.

I live in New Jersey, so yes, i am directly impacted by the storm. It’s not he first time I’ve had to prepare for a storm like this, because of last years’ hurricane irene. Irene was the first hurricane/storm I’ve ever been through and it was an important event, because it affected so many people, some more than others, and it’s terrible to see so many others left with almost nothing and i feel grateful to have what i need. Luckily, my family and friends were fine, but there were still many preparations that had to be made, just like this year. This year, we are making sure our windows won’t leak (which we learned the hard way last time) and have all supplies necessary in case there is a shortage of food, power, etc. hurricane sandy has caused all the schools in my district to close form monday to tuesday, but we still all have to be careful. As always, many supermarket shelves are empty and all shops have closed, leaving what is probably all of New Jersey indoors for at least 3-4 or more days, especially since sandy is passing by much more slowly than Irene did. The news is always on in my house, so I”m always informed with the latest reports on the conditions around us, what’s to expect and how to prepare. I’m glad to still have electricity, but it could go any moment, so i make sure everything is charged and ready, just in case. It’s always good to take advantage of what we have and use it well.

Since I live on the east coast I am not new to hurricanes. My family and I have prepared for hurricanes before hurricane Sandy. To get ready for hurricane Sandy my family and I went to the local drug store to get water and batteries . The batteries are used for keeping the flashlights running. When I was watching the news. When I was watching the news tracking Sandy I was a bit uneasy. I was wondering what might happen if we did not have electricity for long periods of time. Right now I am not to worried because now we have batteries, so if the power goes out then we can use flashlights. I have had storms like this in my area before. For example Hurricane Irene hit my town last summer. When large hurricanes rip through my town, such as Sandy I get nervous. Mainly because I hope nothing gets destroyed. After a hurricane everything goes back to normal. Unless I have to go find a garbage can that flew away.

This is my first time preparing for a severe weather event, like Hurricane Sandy. We have only gotten one other Hurricane since I have lived in New Jersey , and that was Hurricane Irene last summer. I didn’t actually think too much of Hurricane Irene since it was summer and I wasn’t watching the weather channel to much and no one really seemed to worry about Irene in my house. But Hurricane Sandy is so much different. My family watches the weather channel 24/7 now and we keep our selves informed of what’s coming our way. In addition to watching the weather channel, over the weekend my family went out and purchased items. We purchased non-perishable food, packs of water bottles, flashlights, and batteries.

Watching Hurricane Sandy’s path on the news worried me but also excited me. I was scared because I had never experienced a storm so severe before and I didn’t know what would happen. However I was also excited because my school district called school off for two days.

I have experienced severe weather events in the past (not as great and extreme as Sandy). When I was in third grade, one day New Jersey experienced heavy rain and severe thunderstorms. I remember it because I remember how the thunder had been louder than usual thunder and I also remember my choir concert being canceled because of it. Also one time in 2004 when I was returning from my trip from India there was a severe snowstorm. I remember having to sit in the airplane and circle the sky for an hour waiting for it to stop and then they had to clean the snow so that the plane could land safely.

Since I don’t live near a river and I don’t have a basement in my house I don’t really have any personal stories about recovering from a weather event like Hurricanes. However during the Severe Snow Storm I remember having to help shovel out the inches of snow that had piled near my door and on my car. I also remember when we had severe thunderstorms and rain a tree near my neighbor’s house had knocked over. We had all helped move it and later called the association to move it.

Here comes Sandy and yes,this is the first time that my family and I, have ever prepared for a severe weather event. We have been stocking up on goods and necessities like torches,batteries,water and food,mostly canned,to be prepared for possible power outages that we are told might last a week. As we went shopping, I saw panic shopping for the first time in my life. People were rushing around,wildly dashing through the rows of canned food and dumping whatever they could lay their hands on. It was surprising to see many shelves in shops like Walmart being empty. There were huge queues at the billing counters and large lines of cars with people rushing home. As the television channels and the newspapers were blaring out warning of the impending disaster, we did not panic initially, as many of these minor storms and hurricanes were known to pass through this area. But when we realized that it was going to cause some serious damage,we were scared,as this was our first experience with mother nature’s rage in this part of the world. But now,when we are in the middle of the storm, we are glad that our area has not been hit as badly as some of the unfortunate regions that have suffered great damage. Back in India, we only faced some heavy rains and cold winds, but nothing this severe. This certainly was a superstorm. We spent our time watching movies and we had no clue as to when the storm arrived and when it passed away. Now looking out the window I realize that in few hours time,it should be gone from here. This storm was very powerful,but very quick. This storm taught me how to be prepared for adversities. The sight of an uprooted tree in front of my house is devastating. This shows how vulnerable we humans are if we are not protected. Well ,I have something to say to Sandy “ Goodbye Sandy, Don’t come back”.

I live on the east coast and this has been the first time my family has prepared for a severe weather event. Last year, when Irene hit, we were not in the vicinity, so we didn’t have to worry about that hurricane.

To prepare for Hurricane Sandy, we went out to buy 3 crates of packaged water. We bought a couple of loaves of bread, some cartons of milk and eggs. We both many packs of batteries, bought a lamp that ran on solar power and made sure we knew where all our flashlights were. We also cleaned up the garage so we could park both our cars inside. We charged all our phones and iPads ahead of time. Finally, we filled up our bathtub with water so that if we lost power, we could still use the bathroom.

Throughout Sunday and Monday evening, as we were watching the news, I felt a little anxious, looking at all the live footage of the flooding, especially in the NYC Subways. I also felt excited though, because I had never been through a storm like this and it felt kind of exciting. After the storm passed though, I feel annoyed that Sandy had to cause so much damage because many people around our district lost power, and wont be getting it back until Monday, so school will be cancelled. Although it was nice not to go to school for a couple of days, it is also dreadfully boring, especially since you can’t go out anywhere. I also feel annoyed that we won’t be allowed to go out to trick-or-treat this year.

I have never been through another hurricane, but i have been through two heavy snowstorms in the past, sometime around the 2004-2005 timeframe.

When the two heavy snow storms hit, I remember school being cancelled for a very long time. I lived in an apartment then, so we didn’t have to shovel the snow. The day it finally stopped snowing, and paths were shoveled through the snow, my family went out to the nearest grocery store to buy food and other necessities. I’ve never had to recover from a hurricane though.

I live on the east coast (this is post-sandy) and this is not the first time i have prepared for a severe storm. Last years Irene was also a severe storm. For the arrival of Sandy, me and my family have bought bottled water, flashlights, canned food, and batteries. We brought all of the outdoor furniture inside and made sure none of the windows had any leakages, because last year, one of the windows was cracked and there was rainwater seeping in. When i was watching the news, i did not feel afraid at all. Last year, when Irene struck, i was scared, becaus i heard that there would be major flooding. that was not my first hurricane, but it was the first severe hurricane i had been in. we had prepared alot for irene and nothing much happened. i was surprised when my neighbors trampoline did not blow away when irene was there. but this year was different. their trampoline did blow away and my dad was afraid it would crash into my house and break the windows. luckily, the trampoline got stuck in some evergreens, that later fell, and got bent out of shape. aslo, i read another article that said that people think that sandy will not b that bad. thats what i thought, since last year we lost power for only a few hours and it came back before it got dark again. but this time, we have no power and there is no internet connection. (im in the public library with the rest of the world trying to get internet connection). its awful and our power supposed to come back in 4 more days and we havent had power for the last 3 days. but there is no flodding, so thats good. The last severe strom was Irene, which i did not think was that bad except for the rivers flooding. Last year, there wasnt anything to recover from, but this year, there are a few fallen trees in my yard that i have to get rid of, but nothing severe except for the fact that there is no power in my neighborhood.

I live where just floods and torandoes. Ido not think a flood could get to my houe.So i just have to think about torandoes. Floods are realy dangerous.

Thankfully, living in Utah, I’m not physically affected by Hurricane Sandy; but, I do know people living on the East Coast and my thoughts and prayers go out to all affected by the hurricane. Living in Utah, we do have to deal with the hurricane in our area, but sometimes are hit with a snowstorm here and there, but nothing too severe in my lifetime; I’ve only had one snow day before. Witnessing and tracking Hurricane Sandy and it’s affects makes me anxious and worried for those on the East Coast of our country, and all those connected through family and friends.

I live in Georgia,the only thing I affected from hurricane Sandy was very strong winds and cool weather. I’ve never really been in bad weather the only thing was strong winds. It was in tennesse all the sign were falling down and rain pouring very strong.

I live in the Bronx where the damage wasn’t as bad as other boroughs. I was home most of the time and heard the tress moving from all the wind. I saw the news very often and saw the flooding, fires and damage in other boroughs like Queens. The pictures from the aftermath of the storm are so sad and they changed my view on the seriousness of hurricanes. I would like to help and i look forward to doing so with my school !

I live in New York and Hurricane Sandy affected us with severe Winds and rain most of us went days without electricity and hot water , in addition some of my family members who live in Brooklyn Suffered with a lot of flooding through out their neighborhood, it was very difficult for them to contact anyone and for them to leave their homes to get supplies. Most of us weren’t prepared for hurricane sandy because Irene didn’t really affect us as much.

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Experienceing a Storm on the Seas

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Overcoming The Storms In Your Life

Life is full of challenges and everyday people are faced with different kinds of difficulties. We see people on the road and we never know what kind of worries they’re experiencing in their lives. Someone once said that people should always show kindness to each other because the person we meet at a bus stop or in the subway may be going through a storm. Unfortunately, not all people have the strength or the courage to face the snags in life. Some fail to rise above it and some just give up trying. During these difficult times, there are many ways to hold our head above the water and stay afloat. While it is true that people have their own ways of dealing with the big challenges in their lives, there are some ways on how to make it easier. Here are some useful advice.

Facing The Storm

The storms in our life can be scary and it can make us feel frightened. We can hide from it, deny its existence, or escape from it. Or we can face it and find peace.

Acceptance is the initial step in facing any storm in life. Hiding from a problem by not taking it head-on will only make the situation worst. To deny its existence is even worse because the problem is not addressed at all. While some people choose to escape from the big storms by committing suicide, nothing good comes out of it as it does not solve anything and the person only ends up hurting the people he loves.

The best way to deal with life’s challenges is to face it. What is the problem? What is causing it? What can I do about it? How can I solve this problem? Once we face the storm, we are on our way to overcoming it.

Staying Positive

Of course, it’s easier to just succumb to loneliness and pain but it won’t do anything to help you overcome life’s storms. The death of a loved one may be one of life’s strongest storms and it can be the most difficult to face. However, you are alive and life goes on even when the person you loved deeply is gone. Open your eyes to all that’s good in your life. Be thankful that you are alive.  When you stay positive instead of looking at all the negative things happening right now, you’ll have a better chance of surviving the storms in life.

Learning From It

Most people going through challenges in life won’t realize that there is something to be learned from the experience. If this big problem can be prevented from ever happening again, then be aware of its causes. Perhaps, better solutions can also be considered just in case a new challenge presents itself in the future.

After every storm, pick up the pieces, mend the broken parts, and move on. The storms in our lives shouldn’t make you frightened or weak. Instead, look at storms in your life as something that can make you a stronger and a better person


Essay on Storm

Students are often asked to write an essay on Storm in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Storm


Storms are natural events that happen when the atmosphere becomes disturbed. They are characterized by strong winds, heavy rain, thunder, and lightning.

Types of Storms

There are various types of storms such as thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards. Each type is unique in its formation and impact.

Storm Formation

Storms form when warm, moist air rises into the cold atmosphere. This creates clouds, and when the conditions are right, a storm occurs.

Impact of Storms

While storms can cause damage, they also bring needed rain to plants and help to cool down the Earth.

250 Words Essay on Storm

Storms, a natural phenomenon characterized by significant disruptions in atmospheric conditions, are a fascinating subject of study. They are formed when a system of low pressure develops with a system of high pressure surrounding it. This combination of opposing forces can create winds and result in the formation of storm clouds, such as cumulonimbus.

The Science Behind Storms

The formation of storms involves a complex interplay of physical factors. The process begins with the sun heating the Earth’s surface, causing the air above to warm and rise, creating an area of low pressure below. Cooler air then rushes in to fill the void, but as it warms, it too rises. This cycle results in the formation of clouds and, under the right conditions, a storm. The severity of the storm is determined by the temperature and moisture differences between the two air masses.

There are various types of storms, including thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Thunderstorms are the most common, typically resulting from convection in cumulonimbus clouds. Tornadoes, on the other hand, are formed from supercell thunderstorms, where changes in wind speed and direction create a spinning effect. Hurricanes, the most destructive of storms, form over warm ocean waters near the equator.

Storms can have a profound impact on both the environment and human societies. They can cause significant damage to infrastructure, disrupt ecosystems, and even result in loss of life. However, they also play a crucial role in distributing heat and moisture around the Earth, contributing to the planet’s overall climate equilibrium.

In conclusion, storms, while potentially destructive, are a crucial part of Earth’s climatic system. Understanding their formation and impact is not only fascinating but also vital in mitigating their potential harm and utilizing their benefits.

500 Words Essay on Storm

The science of storms.

A storm is essentially a disturbance in the atmosphere. They occur due to differential heating of the Earth’s surface, leading to the formation of low-pressure systems. As warm, moist air rises, it cools and condenses to form clouds. The release of latent heat during condensation fuels the storm, causing the air to rise further and creating a self-sustaining system.

Storms can take various forms, such as thunderstorms, cyclones, tornadoes, and blizzards, each with unique characteristics. Thunderstorms, for instance, are short-lived but intense, featuring heavy rainfall, thunder, and lightning. Cyclones, on the other hand, are large-scale systems lasting several days, marked by strong winds spiraling inward towards a calm center or ‘eye’.

Impact on Humanity

Storms have a profound impact on human lives and activities. On the negative side, they can cause widespread destruction—damaging infrastructure, disrupting communication and transportation systems, and even leading to loss of life. The economic cost of storms can be staggering, running into billions of dollars annually.

However, storms also have positive aspects. They help redistribute heat from the tropics to the poles, maintaining the Earth’s overall climate balance. Rainstorms replenish water supplies and are vital for agriculture in many regions. Moreover, the awe-inspiring spectacle of storms has cultural and artistic significance, often serving as a metaphor for human emotions and experiences in literature and the arts.

Human Response to Storms

Humanity’s response to storms is a blend of resilience, adaptation, and scientific advancement. Over centuries, communities have developed coping strategies, from building storm-resistant structures to creating early warning systems.

Yet, despite our advancements, storms continue to pose a significant challenge, particularly in the context of climate change. Scientists predict that global warming could lead to more intense and frequent storms, necessitating further research and preparedness.

Storms, while destructive, are an integral part of our planet’s atmospheric system. Understanding them is not only fascinating from a scientific perspective but also crucial for mitigating their impact. As we continue to grapple with the reality of a changing climate, our relationship with storms is likely to become even more complex and significant. Through continued research and technological advancements, we can hope to better predict, prepare for, and respond to these awe-inspiring phenomena.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

  • The storms of life

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Richard L. Weaver II, PhD

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Think About Such Things

Battling The Storms Of Life: 7 Ways To Overcome Adversity

Categories Christian Growth

In this article, we will explore what it means to battle the storms of life and how, as Christians, we can overcome them with God’s help. So, grab your Bible, and let’s dig in…

Life has many storms that believers must navigate. Every Christian encounters storms in their life. I know I have faced some very difficult ones myself. Learning how to go through them with Biblical principles of faith and in relationship with God is crucial.

Standing strong in our faith can sometimes be challenging when facing intense storms, but there are several Biblical truths to lean on and several Biblical examples to draw from when facing these battles.

Here, we will explore ways to overcome adversity, stand strong in faith, and identify Biblical ways to remain steadfast during storms. These are important tools for every Christian.

The Storms Of Life

10 Ways To Help Overcome The Storms Of Life

Overcoming adversity is not always easy, but there are some anchors that every Christian can use to keep themselves steady when battling the storms of life.

Every storm is different, and every challenge brings with it its own adversities, but there are always ways to stand strong in what we believe and navigate the storm with the grace of God.

Here are some of the best ways to overcome adversities that we face during a storm.

essay about my storms in life

1. Jesus Has Overcome The World

The first thing to do to overcome adversity when facing an intense storm is to remember that Jesus has overcome the world and everything that we have to deal with in it.

In John 16:33, Jesus says…

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

When life blows a storm your way, stand fast in the knowledge that Jesus is the one who overcomes it. You do not have to overcome it on your own.

Receive peace from Him, knowing that in the midst of tribulation, you can stand with Him as He overcomes the storm. He is truly our Prince of Peace and Jehovah Shalom .

Understanding Scriptures such as these is the best way to battle the storms of life and overcome adversity.

2. Jesus Calms The Storms

When life becomes difficult, when you are facing adversities, and when you are dealing with intense storms, remember that Jesus calms storms.

In Matthew 8:23-27, Jesus is in a boat with His disciples, sleeping, when a storm arises, and the disciples become fearful and anxious and wake Him up for help. Jesus speaks to the wind and the waves, and they obey Him and cease.

essay about my storms in life

When you are facing storms of life, pray. Believe in Jesus and His authority, and ask Him to calm the storm.

Receive His peace, stand in His authority, and sleep in the boat!

There is nothing better to do in a storm than to rely on Jesus and rest in His peace. The storm quickly loses its power when you trust in the Lord, and you don’t focus on fear.

3. Faith Overcomes The World

  for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.  5  Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. – 1 John 5:4-5 NKJV

This passage of Scripture is among the go-to verses for many Christians when they are confronted with the storms of life.

In context, in 1 John 5, John writes that our faith is in Jesus. We believe Jesus is the Son of God, and we love God through Him.

He also writes that the love of God is that we keep His commandments, and His commandment is that we should love Him.

It continues to say that whoever is born of God, which we are when we become born again and love God, overcomes the world. We who are born of God, we who have faith in Jesus and believe that He is the Son of God, it is our faith that overcomes the world.

This is an excellent anchor for every believer. Know that when you face the storms of life, your faith is what will overcome the adversity. Your faith in Jesus overcomes the world, regardless of what it throws at you or what it puts in your way.

With faith, like a mustard seed, you can move a mountain into the sea!

Trust in Jesus, love Him well, stand strong in faith in Him, and you will thrive in the midst of adversity and overcome all that you have to deal with.

4. Put On The Armor Of God

When facing the storms of life, a Christian can apply the armor of God to stand firm in their faith and confidently face the trials that life brings.

Ephesians 6:11-17 says..

“Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God; praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.”

This passage of Scripture teaches us that the armor of God…truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, the reality of our salvation in Jesus, the Bible, and prayer are our defense when we face adversities.

Understanding that we do not wrestle against natural things but against spiritual things. This is huge because a lot of times, storms in our lives are not just spiritual attacks, but the enemy uses people to attack us.

And we must remind ourselves that they are not who we are battling.

Remember, stand then in the faith that God has given you when you come against storms, and pray this prayer. Pray for the armor of God, and you will withstand the evil day.

5. Ask Other Believers To Pray For You

A great way to get through difficult times, adversities, and storms is to gather with other believers and pray together. This is extremely beneficial! I can’t tell you how often I have met with friends or my church family and processed and prayed together. It’s like a healing balm.

praying during storms of life

It is highly Biblical to pray for one another, especially when dealing with adversities and difficult circumstances.

Stand with other believers, pray together, seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance, and the storm you are facing will quickly dissipate, or you will find the way through it in the Lord, with the support of the family of God.

6. Speak With Leaders

Pastors and shepherds that you trust are invaluable when dealing with hard seasons and storms.

Take the time to reach out to your leaders, a pastor in your church, or an elder, and ask to meet with them. Explain to them the struggles that you are facing, and they will be able to provide sound wisdom and guidance.

Counsel from your leaders is always a sure way to navigate storms, and these are good people to have with you as you deal with life’s challenges.

7. Take A Break, And Rest In God

Sometimes when we are faced with a storm, the best thing to do is to take a break from it all.

Step away from the storm and the situation for a short while, spend time with God, rest in Him, pray, and be still with Him. Find rest.

Sleep, eat a good meal, speak with your friends, and distance yourself from the issues, even if only for a few hours. Even a little bit can help your body, and soul to relax.

Sometimes, finding some room to breathe when facing such immense challenges, seeking the Lord, and being with believers is the only way to find respite from the storm.

This will often bring you to a space where you can hear God clearly and find the solutions to the problems or the strength to keep moving through the storm.

When facing the storms of life and the adversities that they bring, stand in the faith of Jesus Christ. Meditate on the Word, pray the prayers in the Bible, stand in your identity as a child of God, and gather with believers.

Storms do not have to dictate the way you respond to life, and they do not have to decide the steadiness of your faith. Do not be afraid; only believe (Luke 8:50).

Picture of Melissa Tumino

Melissa is a passionate minister, speaker and an ongoing learner of the Bible. She has been involved in church and vocational ministry for over 18 years. And is the founder of Think About Such Things. She has the heart to equip the saints by helping them get into the Word of God and fall more in love with Jesus. She also enjoys family, cooking, and reading.

She has spoken in churches in California, Oregon, Texas, and Mexico and has been featured in Guidepost Magazine and All Recipes Magazine.  Read More…

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Counting My Blessings

Counting My Blessings

At the Intersection of Faith and Life

How to Face the Storms of Life with Faith & Strength

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We're looking at some good news ... that when the storms of life hit hard we can turn to the One who calms the storm giving us faith and strength. We can trust His promises and rely on His help.

I can’t tell you how many times in the past few months I’ve cried out to the Lord praying, “I can’t do this. I need You.”

Life is hard sometimes, isn’t it?

I hate the storms of life! I want clear skies and still water but like the disciples in the boat when the storm blew in on the Sea of Galilee, it’s easy to feel like our Savior is sleeping in the back of the boat…

Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with His head on a cushion. The disciples woke Him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you care that we’re going to drown?” Mark 4:38

But even before they cried out, Jesus was well aware of their circumstances and He’s always aware of yours and mine too. He hears the cries of our hearts and He speaks…

He rebuked the wind and said to the waves, “Silence! Be still!” Suddenly the wind stopped, and there was a great calm. Mark 4:39

Does He always calm the storm?

But maybe it’s not “sadly.” The Lord knows and I’ve learned that I’m more likely to run to Him when it feels like I’m about to drown than when the water is smooth.

The truth is, He’s in control whatever the weather or circumstances. You and I are tempted to believe we can handle things independently when the sun shines and all is well. So, it’s possible He allows the occasional storm to remind us of our need for Him and His willingness to help.

Isaiah wrote…

O Jacob, how can you say the Lord does not see your troubles?     O Israel, how can you say God ignores your rights? Have you never heard?     Have you never understood? The Lord is the everlasting God,     the Creator of all the earth. He never grows weak or weary.     No one can measure the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the weak     and strength to the powerless. Isaiah 40:27–28

God can give us what we need whatever our circumstances and even though He may not change the circumstances, He will provide us with spiritual strength and power to endure.

So, let’s look at a few promises to hold onto when the waves are high and we need the reminder that the Lord’s not sleeping … that He is with us and He is always in control.

The Psalmist wrote…

I look up to the mountains—     does my help come from there? My help comes from the Lord,     who made heaven and earth! He will not let you stumble;     the One who watches over you will not slumber. Indeed, He who watches over Israel     never slumbers or sleeps. Psalm 121:1–4
Trust  in  the   Lord  with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5
May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete with all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Ephesians 3:19
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.     Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.     I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10

I know, we all want clear skies and smooth water but when God allows the storms of life , we need to remember that He is with us and giving us everything we need to live with faith and walk in strength.

We're looking at some good news ... that when the storms of life hit hard we can turn to the One who calms the storm giving us faith and strength. We can trust His promises and rely on His help.

Let’s pray…

A Prayer to Face the Storms of Life with Faith and Power

Father God, I confess that I want life to be easy. I want clear skies and still waters. I want peace and joy without struggles and stress. But the truth is when life is problem-free, I can become lazy, self-absorbed, and selfish. I’m sorry, Lord. Please forgive me. Please help me remember that You are always with me. You are continuously aware of all that happens in my life. I understand there are times when You allow storms in my life to help me remember that You are always with me. You never “slumber nor sleep.” You want me to come to You admitting that I need Your help. And by Your grace, when I cry out to You, You assure me that everything is possible for You. You remind me that I can live through the storms of life because You are my strength and shield. You show me that You are willing and able to help me and when You do, my faith roots grow more deeply into Your love. And when You calm the storm around me or in me, You assure me that I can trust You completely. I worship You! You are the One who calms the storms in me and around me and I trust that You will hold my heart and soul with Your victorious right hand now and forever. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

We're looking at some good news ... that when the storms of life hit hard we can turn to the One who calms the storm giving us faith and strength. We can trust His promises and rely on His help.

We had a thunderstorm the other night that had us rushing around trying to keep our cars safe from damaging hail.

The truth is storms come and go. Some are unsettling and some terrifying … but whatever the storm. We are not alone. The Lord is with us and He will give us whatever He knows we need.

So, today’s Proverb reminds us to keep the Lord’s promises close to our hearts so we can ride out the storms of life with faith and strength.

For it is good to keep these sayings in your heart     and always ready on your lips. I am teaching you today—yes, you—     so you will trust in the Lord. Proverbs 22:18–19

May the Lord be with you and bless you as He lifts you up with His victorious right hand.

We would love to pray for you. You can leave your prayer requests here …

essay about my storms in life

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I think all of us want smooth sailing in life, but that’s simply not realistic, Deb. We all need to know and believe that God is always there for us, no matter what. Blessings!

That’s truly one of God’s greatest blessings. Next to our salvation through Jesus … His presence gets us through this life with faith, hope, and love. Blessings, sweet friend!

Fist of all thank you for this wonderful message. At present I am facing storms in my life. I have been facing such storms in my life many a times and praying to Jesus for help is the best solution and truly he has helped me through toughest times I never felt that I am alone and after reading your post I felt like this is for me I am waiting patiently for my time to come so that I can help someone some day. I know I am not the only one suffering, there are so many people going through worst situations. Thank you Lord for everything you do for me and my family in Jesus mighty name Amen.

Thank you so much, Athena. I’m sorry you are going through a difficult storm. You’re right though, after God has brought us through previous storms we have greater trust in Him throughout the present one. And you have not idea who you are touching with your story right now. I know you are blessing and encouraging all of us here. Rev and I would say that maybe God allowed his illness because there was a nurse or doctor and helper that God touched through our circumstances. I know there were many who blessed and encouraged us. He is always at work in us and around us. May the Lord be with you and bless you.

What a wonderful post! We all do have our storms of life; some tougher than others. I can only imagine how hard yours have been lately. You are such a strong and faithful lady. God, I know has to be so proud of you and your ministry. You have been such a good support for all of us, even though you have had such a “storm” to go through. Deb, you are so very right! Through my storms,( and this one I have been going through for the last two years has been one of the roughest,) God has drawn me so close to HIM. Waking up in the night with an anxiety attack, I immediately reach out to the ONE I KNOW IS THERE!! I love Proverbs 3:5. I find myself repeating it daily. And Isaiah 41:10 is another as well. Thank GOODNESS for our Bible! And, my dear friend, thank GOODNESS FOR YOU!! Love You!

Thank you so much, dear friend! I know you have been living through a heartbreaking storm. We are so blessed that the Lord allows us to feel His presence and trust His promises. I cling to Proverbs 3:5 too. And oh, how I love Isaiah 41:10. He never leaves us alone and His presence is what we need most. Blessings and Hugs! I’m so very glad the Lord made us friends!


Deb … I personally think you are reaching people more deeply through your trial of loss than any other time in your life. Your faith speaks loudly to us reading your words because we know that you are clinging to God Most High during a time other widows are clinging to family and friends to carry them through the storm. You may not see or realize this, but God is speaking to hundreds and hundreds through your faithfulness that HE IS ENOUGH.

Blessings dear one.

Thank you for your kind encouragement, Mary! God is giving me strength each day. I’ll admit, I do a lot of crying out to Him for comfort and strength and by His grace, He is faithful. His grace really is sufficient. Yes, HE IS ENOUGH. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced but I have confidence in the truth that God is greater. I can’t tell you how much your kindness blesses me. It is friends like you, who encourage me and lift me up through your prayers and kindness. Have a wonderfully blessed day!

This is so true! Who wants to deal with a storm? It can feel like we are not going to survive sometimes. The strong emotions that come with super serious storms can feel like you are going to drown. However we somehow still make it and usually come out stronger. 🙂

I agree, Christina! It is the times that God has sustained me through life’s storms that I have learned that I can trust Him with everything that happens … good and bad. God’s blessings!

Thank you Deb. Brent and I are facing a storm right now….we are trying to be faithful and praying for strength, patience, and especially for me-endurance for this journey. 💕

Oh, Karen, I am faithfully praying for you both. I know God is with you and holding onto you as He held on to Rev and me. Much love to you both!

Deb, this post and all your posts to us are so full of encouragement and comfort! I think all of life is a storm of sorts! Some storms worse than others, and even if the sun is shining in our lives, it is storming somewhere in the life of others that need our help and prayers. I read once and have never forgotten “that God sometimes lets the storm rage and calms the child.” I thought this was indeed so beautiful and so true! It is so comforting the feel the calm as a child of God, as the constant storms are raging all around us in the brokenness of the world today. And I feel such a comfort from all the comments and testimonials your readers share here! They touch my heart continually and indeed your ministry is touching so many lives, through so many! Praise God, that our “Lifeguard Walks on Water” and will always save us from drowning! Bless you, Deb. I know God is calming you in your dark storm, and you are comforting others in their storms. Prayers for calm in the storms to everyone today! And blessings to all the special friends I have found here!

Thank you, Kathy! God is so good! I can’t begin to count how many times I go to Him each day asking for His peace, comfort, and strength. Knowing and loving Him is life’s greatest blessing. And high on my list of blessings are my friends, like you, who bless and encourage me with your faith and love. God be with you and bless you, my friend!

Hi Kathy, I was so glad to see your reply today to the post. I have missed you but know how busy you are. I hope that you know what a blessing you are to me. Please take care and know that you are cared about. Hugs!

Thank you, Deb, for gathering these precious scripture promises when we’re especially needful of encouragement and strength. Praise God he moves in especially close during the storms of life!

I’m so glad they blessed you, Nancy. Yes, I am so thankful for His presence and the strength He gives especially through life’s storms. God bless you!

I needed to hear this today. Been going through some rough seas, and it’s a great reminder that He is always with me.

I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Lisa. Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to say “hello.” God be with you and bless you greatly.

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How to Write a Story About My Life Essay

How to Write a Story About My Life Essay

Your life story is a unique tapestry of experiences, emotions, and milestones. Here's a guide on weaving these elements into a compelling narrative:

How do I write a story about my life essay? Writing about your life is an introspective journey. Reflect on milestones such as: "In 2005, my family embarked on a cross-country move from New York to California. This was not just a physical journey, but an emotional one as we navigated cultural shifts and personal growth."

How do you write a life story example? Narrative snippets can bring your essay to life. Consider: "Amid the aroma of my grandmother's kitchen, where the scent of fresh-baked bread intertwined with stories of her youth in Italy, I realized the importance of preserving family narratives."

How do you write a story essay? For instance: "As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over our beach campfire, my friend Sarah started narrating her unexpected escapade in the jungles of Borneo. With every twist and turn, we were gripped, realizing that sometimes life's best stories are unplanned."

What is life simple essay? Life's moments can be captured in simple narratives. Reflect upon: "Last winter, while walking my dog Max, we came across a frozen pond. Watching children gleefully slide across it, I was reminded of life's fleeting moments of joy and the importance of seizing them."

How do you write a short life story about yourself? Begin with defining moments: "When I was ten, I found a wounded bird in our backyard. Nursing it back to health didn't just kindle my love for animals but taught me compassion and patience."

How can I write about myself example? Use varied experiences: "From scaling the rocky terrains of Colorado, immersing myself in the bustling streets of Tokyo, to teaching underprivileged kids in my hometown, each experience has crafted a chapter of my ever-evolving life story."

What is our story? "In college, Lisa and I teamed up for a project on Renaissance art. Not only did we ace it, but our shared admiration for art and culture fostered a bond that turned two classmates into lifelong friends."

How do you start an interesting story example? Set the scene vividly: "It was on a cold, foggy night in London when I stumbled upon an old bookstore. Little did I know, this store harbored secrets that would lead me on a whirlwind adventure."

How do you write a successful story? Use emotions to captivate: "As Maria gazed upon the old photograph, tears welled up in her eyes. It wasn't just an image; it was a time capsule transporting her back to summers spent at her grandparents' cottage."

How do you write an example essay? Support your arguments with real-life instances: "In arguing the importance of community, I often reflect on the time my neighbors came together post a hurricane, showcasing unity and resilience."

What life means to me example? "Life, for me, is a mosaic of memories – from the giggles shared over childhood pranks to the solace found in solitary walks during challenging times."

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What makes a personal life story essay engaging? True stories resonate best. Pouring genuine emotions, raw experiences, and candid reflections into your narrative makes it universally relatable.
  • How can I avoid making my life story essay sound boastful? Maintain a balance. Celebrate achievements, but also shed light on challenges, lessons learned, and moments of vulnerability.
  • What tense should I use when writing my life story? Past tense is often used, but present tense can create immediacy when sharing thoughts.
  • How personal should I get in my life story essay? Authenticity is engaging, but set boundaries on details you share.
  • Is chronological order essential in a life essay? Not necessarily. Chronology provides clarity, but thematic or importance-based sequencing can be impactful.
  • Can I incorporate dialogues in my life story essay? Absolutely! Dialogues make moments come alive and give insights into character dynamics.
  • Should I conclude with a lesson in my life story? Ending with a reflection or lesson provides closure and a takeaway for readers.

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Trusting God in the Storms of Life

  •   June 15, 2018
  • Anxiety , Biblical Counseling , Christian Living , Christlikeness , Circumstances , Doubt , Fear , Hope , Overcoming Fear and Anxiety , Sanctification , Sovereignty of God , Trials , Trust , Trusting God , Worry

When I was a kid growing up in South Carolina, I loved thunderstorms. I watched the howling wind blow leaves from the tree branches and the raindrops beat down on the grass under the dark, gray sky. If we were at my Granny’s house, she would make us unplug everything electrical. That meant no TV or radio (there was no internet in those days). My siblings and I had no other choice but to play with each other. We found a way to endure the storm until it blew over.

Sometimes storms can cause much damage and wreak havoc in the lives of many. While the news focuses on environmental storms, there are other storms just as devastating that people experience every day, such as sickness, financial hardship, and broken relationships. These storms of life threaten our peace, comfort, and joy, and often bring about fear, doubt, and hopelessness.

In Mark 4:34-41, the disciples found themselves caught in a ferocious storm while on a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee and simultaneously in a spiritual storm of fear and doubt. They feared for their lives. Jesus was fast asleep in the stern of the boat while the storm was raging. They woke Him and said, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” (4:38). Jesus woke up, calmed the storm, and questioned their faith in Him (4:40). They were no longer afraid of the storm, but very afraid of the supernatural power of Jesus that led them to wonder who He was, that even the wind and sea obey Him (4:41).

The disciples learned significant lessons that day that transformed their lives. We can learn much from their experience as we face the storms of our own lives.  

God Ordains the Storms of Life

The idea that God permits bad things to happen to His children is a very hard pill for some of us to swallow. “It doesn’t make sense for a loving God to allow His followers to suffer,” some would say. This is a simple conundrum to solve. Jesus tells us in John 16:33, “In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Jesus promises us that we will have trials and tribulations in this world, but because He has overcome the world, we can trust Him in the storms.

When storms hit, we often wonder, “Why is this happening?” In James 1, we see that God has a purpose for every trial that we experience. God uses trials to test the genuineness of our faith. The disciples’ faith in Jesus was being tested in the storm. They questioned the very character of Jesus, implying that He did not care for them. We may feel the same way when we face a health crisis or a financial hardship that may cause us to lose our home. But 1 Peter 5:7 reminds us to cast all of our cares and concerns on Jesus, because He cares for us.

God Is in Control of the Storms of Life

The disciples were filled with great fear when Jesus rebuked the wind and told the sea, “Peace! Be still!” (Mark 4:39). Jesus displayed amazing supernatural power over nature. We learn, along with the disciples, that Jesus can be trusted in the storm.   This is because He is sovereign.

God’s sovereignty is described in Psalm 24:1-2: “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it on the seas and established it on the waters.” God is in perfect control of the universe. He is involved in everything in this world and is directing all things, people, nature, etc. to fulfill His divine purposes. When facing the storms of life, understanding the sovereignty of our amazing God is essential.

The disciples showed us both what to do and what not to do. They were right to go to Jesus in the storm. However, they fell short because they went to Him in fear and doubt. Jesus wanted them to have faith in Him in the midst of the terrible storm. In Philippians 4:5-6, we learn how to replace our fear and anxiety with prayer, supplication, and thanksgiving.

We are released from the grip of fear and anxiety when we thank Him for His sovereign power and purpose for the storms. We can trust His promise that His peace will guard our hearts and minds so that we will not be fearful or anxious during the storm (Phil. 4:7).

God Is for You in the Storms of Life

In their fear, the disciples questioned if Jesus cared for them. He asked them, “Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?” (Mark 4:40). Not only did Jesus rebuke the wind and the waves, but He rebuked the disciples for their unbelief. Their unbelief caused their fear, and their fear caused them to question whether Jesus really cared. Jesus expected them to know that He was for them and that He did not want to destroy them.  

Isaiah 41:10 states, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God.” Believing that God is for you can transform your life. When trials come, you will not be tempted to doubt God’s love, care, and concern for you. When it seems like there is no sound coming from Heaven, you can still believe that God is for you.

The storms of life are part of God’s sanctification plan, revealing your heart, and growing you into His image. Do not let the difficult storms become bigger than the promises of Jesus. He promises to be with you through any storm that He allows in your life (Isa. 43:2). Allow the storms of life propel you to trust God as your refuge and deliverer.

Questions for Reflection

When the storms of life hit, what is your first reaction? Can you look back on previous storms in your life and accept that God ordained the storm and was in control of it? How will the realization that God is for you impact your fear?

About the Author

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Shannon Kay McCoy

Shannon is a biblical counselor at her church in Southern California. She has a Master of Arts in Biblical Counseling from The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, CA, and is ACBC certified. She is a retreat and conference speaker and is the author of  Help! I’m A Slave To Food  and a contributing author to  Women Counseling Women . Shannon blogs for the  BCC  and  IBCD .

Recent Posts by Shannon Kay McCoy:

  • A Theological Reflection on Prayer — March 22, 2024
  • Harnessing the Power of Our Words — December 6, 2023
  • Book Review of Shame: Being Known and Loved by Esther Liu — July 4, 2023

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Some Lessons I’ve Learned From Reflecting On Life In 150 Essays

Colleen George

As I look back over my last 149 essays, I see memories, heartbreaks, and joys, all poured into my essays of size 12 font. I see times I was feeling high on life, and simultaneously, times I was struggling and felt as though I was stuck in the dark.. But even more than a simple timeline of moments and checkpoints, I see someone trying desperately to make sense of a messy world full of complicated emotions. I see someone a little bit lost at times, a little bit curious, and also a bit hopeful – someone just trying her best to seek meaning, inspiration, and above all, healing. 

It is an understatement to say that writing has been therapeutic for me. When I have felt lonely, or afraid, or let down, I have often sought comfort in writing. Words have been magical – they have been a way to gain a new perspective on my life and on the lives of all of the people around me. Writing has unfailingly encouraged me to look twice at life – to examine what lies beneath the surface, rather than accepting things at face value. 

And when I look back at all of these thoughts I have spilled across the white pages of my MacBook, I see many themes that seem to pop into my life over and over again, with each passing year. These themes are mainly lessons – those that I have learned, and those that I am still learning (or relearning).  Looking over my writing, I can’t help but notice how as human beings, we are constantly learning. We never seem to stop changing, growing, or healing.  

While I do not have all of the answers (or any answers with certainty), I do hope that some of the thoughts I have gathered and the lessons I have learned through examining the world through words may resonate with you as well. I hope they can bring you some comfort or reassurance in the midst of the mountains and valleys of your own life. 

1. It can feel comforting to seek home in nostalgia – to live in our memories, to replay them over and over again, like little film strips that continue to roll on. But at some point, we have to remember that life is still happening and the earth is still spinning, right here, right now. At some point, we have to be here for ourselves and for our hearts in the present. We have to be brave enough to hope that the present and the future will be just as good, if not better, than the old memories we are living in.

2. I’m learning that joy doesn’t necessarily mean the absence of sadness, and grief doesn’t necessarily imply the absence of joy. Though we often want to choose an either o r, life is not quite as binary as we make it out to be.

3. I’m realizing that being at peace with life doesn’t mean that everything is perfect, or that we don’t have any troubles or tribulations or low energy nagging at our hearts. Being at peace doesn’t mean that life is wonderful, or that we aren’t stressed, or facing anxiety. More so, being at peace means finding some form of “okayness” amidst all of the parts of life that are not (yet) “okay.” It means sitting amidst the chaos and making the conscious decision to remain calm. To be okay. Ultimately, finding peace means acknowledging the storm and coexisting with it, rather than sitting in the eye of the tornado.

4. It’s the hardest lesson in the world, but sometimes, the best thing we can do is let them go. Sometimes we have to say goodbye to someone good and wait patiently for someone better. 

5. Something odd about life is that the right choices don’t always feel right in our bodies. Sometimes, though difficult, we have to find the courage within us to pursue what we need, rather than what we want in the present. We have to take care of ourselves by honoring what we know is best for us in the long run. And oftentimes, in the present, it really does hurt a lot. The pain doesn’t mean the decision is wrong. Sometimes the best choices can leave us let down and hurt. But later on, we will be thankful.  

6. I don’t believe that everything happens for a reason. I don’t believe in fate. But I do believe that we can give meaning to some of our hardest most heartbreaking moments. We don’t need to build an identity that is rooted in our grief or in our trauma or pain, but if or when we want to, we can allow the healing process to bring out our best. We can grow new, fresh roots, and we can choose to define ourselves by how we rise back up again.

7. We can’t expect others to heal us – no one can love us so much that we automatically love ourselves. But maybe, when someone does love us, they can remind us what love feels like. They can help us to believe that we are loveable. And this can be the first step of loving ourselves – knowing that we deserve to be loved.

8. Grief is ugly and painful and devastating. Grief is dark swollen eyes and tear-stained cheeks. Grief hurts.  But we cannot deny the sheer beauty that grief holds. We cannot deny that grief is, in some ways, a gift. To grieve means that we are blessed enough to have loved and to have been loved by someone special – and this is remarkable. Grief means we are missing someone – someone who touched our lives in an irreplaceable way. And thus, I’d like to believe that the sadness and grief we endure when we lose someone close to us is simply the price we pay for loving them. And there’s something so dear and precious about this.

9. As hard as it is to hear, some people aren’t meant to stay in our lives forever. They are passerbys, like boats in the night. And though they may only stay for a short while, they stay safely in our hearts indefinitely.  Temporary people can leave permanent footprints.

10. Anxiety and overthinking do not change the situation. They only turn a gentle rain shower into a hurricane.

11. We can miss someone, but we can’t lose ourselves when we lose them. We can miss them, but we can’t let our lives be over when they are gone. Because we still have our lives to live. And we still have so much love left in us to give. 12. We don’t need a reason to have hope – we don’t need evidence or logic, as much as we think we do. We don’t even need to fully understand or grasp what hope is. We just have to find it in our hearts to believe that hope exists. We have to bravely decide to give in to hope, even when we can’t see it or touch it – even when we don’t know if it is there. When life is dark, we have to believe that there is something still worth living for around the corner. And this belief – this hope – this is what will help us move forward. 

13. It’s okay to find home in another person. It’s one of the sweetest, purest parts of life. But somewhere along the way, we must also find home within ourselves.

14. We know we are healing when we piece back together our broken parts and turn them into something greater than what we had before.

15. Perhaps, when someone doesn’t love us or doesn’t fight for us, it isn’t actually a reflection of us. Perhaps their inability to love us does not mean that we are unloveable, or hard to love. Maybe it means that they have been hurt one too many times before and that their walls are now built high of concrete and stone. Or maybe it means that they have been defeated by love one too many times – maybe love continues to let them down, time and time again. And maybe, even if they want to love us, they simply cannot. And we can keep trying and trying to knock down those walls. But perhaps when they don’t love us, the very best thing we can do is to hug them close, wish them the best, and then walk away.  Because even if they were special, we each deserve someone who is ready to let us in fully.

16. Most of the time, when we think we need closure from someone else, what we truly need is closure from ourselves – permission from ourselves to let things be. To accept the ending and to understand that it’s time to let the ending stay an ending. We must find the strength to seek peace and healing on our own. Healing is our responsibility, not the responsibility of the person who hurt us.

17. Sometimes growth is quiet and subtle and doesn’t look like growth. Sometimes growth is simply viewing a situation from a fresh perspective. Sometimes growth is trying something new, despite whether or not it ends up being a good experience. Sometimes growth just means making it through each day and noticing one small good thing about the world each night. Some seasons are for making leaps and bounds, while others are simply for surviving and just being. Both seasons are important. Both are needed. 

18. How do we know when we are healing? I think we know that we are coming close when we feel immense gratitude that something happened, rather than devastated by the fact that it ended. 

19. We don’t always need to find the silver lining. Sometimes really crappy, awful things happen, and there is much more bad than good in the world. Sometimes we go through devastating, heartbreaking experiences that don’t have a silver lining, and the idea of trying to find one only hurts us further. In these really rough moments, we don’t need to search for the light. But maybe, when we are ready, we can remind ourselves that there is still light in the world. Maybe there’s no shining light in our situation, but there is still goodness somewhere out there. And hopefully knowing this will help us make it to the other side

Perhaps the secret isn’t avoiding pain or numbing ourselves from pain, but rather, putting our energy into cultivating joy and peace. Perhaps when we value joy over pain, life becomes a little bit easier. 

Read more Wellness .

About the author

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Colleen George

“there can be magic in the messes” @apeaceofwerk

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essay about my storms in life

Overcoming Storms in Life

We often face storms throughout the journey of our lives here on earth. Whether you are a Christian or not, each and every single person will face a storm in their life.

It is a time of crisis and is often something that is outside our control. When we look into the Word of God we can quickly see that it is full of characters facing storms and overcoming them.

There are many different types of storms that we encounter:


Matthew 5,5 says “that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”

These are the storms that we face because we live in a world that has storms as a natural part of life. These are the storms that we can usually handle in our own strength and can get through them, accepting it as a natural part of life.


Jonah 1,1 – 4 “1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.” 3 But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord. 4 Then the Lord sent a great wind on the sea, and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up.”

From the above passage we see that God had a calling on Jonah and he was chosen by God because He had a plan and a purpose for his life. Not only did God have a calling on His life, but the Lord wanted to also save the people of Nineveh. God’s love for both was great.

The Lord could have very easily just picked up another person to do the job of taking the message to the people of Nineveh, but instead He did not give up on Jonah because of His unchanging love love towards them, He wanted to win them back to Himself.


Matthew 14,22-23 “22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray. Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.

Here we see Jesus sending His disciples away, and they went right into a storm. Notice that they entered the storm soon after they left Jesus, later that night. While the disciples were in the storm, Jesus was praying. This was  a test of their faith.

These events are taking place, just after they saw Jesus feeding the 5000 with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. By now their trust in Jesus should have been solid, but as soon as they entered the storm, they trusted in their own strength.

Jesus in the meantime did not turn up straight away to rescue them from the storm, but waited until dawn (the fourth watch around 3.00am) in order to save them. God does everything in His perfect timing. Likewise we too might be going through a storm, maybe for some time now but be assured that Jesus himself is interceding on our behalf and will deliver is at the right moment. The storm will help us grow to completely trust in Him and Him alone, and not in our own strength.


Acts 27,10-14: “Men, I can see that our voyage is going to be disastrous and bring great loss to ship and cargo, and to our own lives also.” 11 But the centurion, instead of listening to what Paul said, followed the advice of the pilot and of the owner of the ship. 12 Since the harbor was unsuitable to winter in, the majority decided that we should sail on, hoping to reach Phoenix and winter there. This was a harbor in Crete, facing both southwest and northwest. 13 When a gentle south wind began to blow, they saw their opportunity; so they weighed anchor and sailed along the shore of Crete. 14 Before very long, a wind of hurricane force, called the Northeaster, swept down from the island.

The sailors on Paul’s ship made their decision according to their own wisdom and knowledge. We need to fully rely on the Lord before we can make a decision on anything. We must always seek Godly counsel and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our decisions. God brought them through this storm and we can see that Paul in v25 says “ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me. 26  Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.”

Our faith must be strong in the Lord no matter how we got into the storm or no. If we are in it, be assured that the Lord is always by your side.

So, in such situations what does the Word of God tell us that we can do and what Jesus Christ has done in order to for us to overcome the storms of life?

1 – Understanding that we are destined to overcome:

Psalm 73:24 “You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory”

Jeremiah 29:11 “   For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord , “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. “

  • God has a glorious destiny for each person
  • Your current or past circumstance does not alter the fact that He has a plan for your life
  • God gave you the right personality, talent, gift, passions, and designed you the way you are, with His purpose in mind and your destiny in mind
  • God has a destiny for everyone, not just a select few. It is God’s desire for us to walk in it and that is why we are destined to overcome
  • No storm can rob you of God’s destiny for your life
  • God will use the storms in order to change us and redirect us. Sometimes we feel that we are being blown off course but in fact God is using the storm in order to put us on the right path
  • Whatever you give to Jesus, he resurrects. Give Him all the pieces of your storm battered life and He will breathe new life into it. The storms may be strong but God is stronger.
  • Always remember that you are destined to overcome

2 – Jesus came so that we could overcome:

John 16:33 “ 33  “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” “ -Jesus overcame in order to bring victory into our storms

Matthew 16:18 “ 18  And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.” – No storm can destroy the work of the Lord. You are part of His work. Be a rock in the middle of your storm

Hebrews 2:14 “ 14  Since the children have flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds the power of death—that is, the devil— “ -Jesus has already defeated the storms in our life, so let us claim the victory and allow the Lord to lead you through the storm.

  • Jesus conquered our 3 enemies in this world: Sin, Satan and Death. These cause a lot of storms in our lives, but Jesus conquered them all by His Death, Burial and Resurrection
  • Sin no longer has power to control you, the power of sin is broken for those in the Lord
  • Satan no longer has any authority over us
  • Death no longer has any fear or dread on us
  • All the sources of storms are defeated by Jesus Christ, but that does not mean that there will be no storms in our lives, but the guarantee is that we can overcome any storm.
  • Why, because Jesus overcame them
  • In John 16:33 Jesus did promise storms, but He said take heart, I have overcome the world
  • STAY CONNECTED TO JESUS through the storm and you will overcome
  • Build your foundation on Jesus and you will overcame any storm

3 We’ve been forgiven so we can overcome:

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 “ 9  Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10  nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11  And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God. “

Psalm 32:5 “Then I acknowledged my sin to you and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, “I will confess my transgressions to the Lord.” And you forgave the guilt of my sin.”

  • Jesus has already set us free from the past. Our identity is no longer connected to our past life, mistakes or storms. Now our identity is connected to what Jesus Christ has done for us. You are now washed, set apart and made right.
  • How can you overcome if you tag you are still dragging your past with you, it will be heavy and bring you down. You must live in the present, with the forgiveness that the Lord has provided.
  • You must stop thinking of yourself as a loser, a reject, you are no good, somethings wrong with me, unlovable, unforgivable etc….
  • You are now in Christ, which means that you are God’s child, member of Christ’s body, a saint, complete in Christ, citizen of heaven, salt of the earth, God’s workmanship, Forgiven.

4 We are empowered to overcome:

2 Corinthians 4:7-9 “ 7  But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. 8  We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9  persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. “

Acts 1:8 “ 8  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

  • God places His power inside of us so that we can overcome – The Holy Spirit
  • God does not expect us to face the storms on our own and with our own strength, but He places His Holy Spirit in us, His supernatural power in us
  • God’s power in us is a witness to the world. 2 Cor 4:7 says that it is “to show that all-surpassing power is from God”, and that when you overcome the storm, the world will know that it is of God
  • Many of you may already have many testimonies of how the Lord helped you overcome your storms
  • Build your relationship with the Lord and have fellowship with the Holy Spirit, when you get closer to God, He will come closer to you. When you totally rely on Him, he takes over and on His command the storms will cease

5 We all have a choice to overcome

Deuteronomy 30:19-20 “ 19  This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live 20  and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life, and he will give you many years in the land he swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. ” – Its your choice to allow Christ to take over, or keep battling in your own strength

John 5:40 “ yet you refuse to come to me to have life. ” – You know about Him but do you go to Him and know Him personally?

  • Overcoming is a choice, not chance. Our life is not about chance, luck, fate or good fortune, but everything happens with a plan and purpose.
  • We have 2 choice, either that we can overcome the storms in our OWN strength and wisdom, OR we can humble ourselves before God and allow Him to take over the situation. Choosing God is choosing life.
  • If you are tired of your life and your situation, give it to Jesus and He will give you a brand new life. Overcoming storms will then become a reality. Jesus came to give us life, abundantly.
  • Put God first in all areas of your life and you will see Him work mightily. Matthew 5:33 says “ But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

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Scripture reference: Mark 4:35–5:1

‘You may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith . . . may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.’ ~  1 Peter 1:6-7

In the book of Mark we read about a terrible storm. The disciples were with Jesus on a boat crossing the Sea of Galilee. When a “furious squall came up,” the disciples—among them some seasoned fishermen—were afraid for their lives (4:37-38). Did God not care? Weren’t they handpicked by Jesus and closest to Him? Weren’t they obeying Jesus who told them to “go over to the other side”?. Why, then, were they going through such a turbulent time?

No one is exempt from the storms of life. But just as the disciples who initially feared the storm later came to revere Christ more, so the storms we face can bring us to a deeper knowledge of God. “Who is this,” the disciples pondered, “even the wind and the waves obey him!”. Through our trials we can learn that no storm is big enough to prevent God from accomplishing His will.

While we may not understand why God allows trials to enter our lives, we thank Him that through them we can come to know who He is. We live to serve Him because He has preserved our lives.

By:  Albert Lee

Reflect & Pray

Lord, I know I don’t need to fear the storms of life around me. Help me to be calm because I stand secure in You.

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How to Write a Life Story Essay

Last Updated: April 14, 2024 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Alicia Cook . Alicia Cook is a Professional Writer based in Newark, New Jersey. With over 12 years of experience, Alicia specializes in poetry and uses her platform to advocate for families affected by addiction and to fight for breaking the stigma against addiction and mental illness. She holds a BA in English and Journalism from Georgian Court University and an MBA from Saint Peter’s University. Alicia is a bestselling poet with Andrews McMeel Publishing and her work has been featured in numerous media outlets including the NY Post, CNN, USA Today, the HuffPost, the LA Times, American Songwriter Magazine, and Bustle. She was named by Teen Vogue as one of the 10 social media poets to know and her poetry mixtape, “Stuff I’ve Been Feeling Lately” was a finalist in the 2016 Goodreads Choice Awards. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 104,367 times.

A life story essay involves telling the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. It can also be called an autobiographical essay. In this essay, you will tell a factual story about some element of your life, perhaps for a college application or for a school assignment.

Preparing to Write Your Essay

Step 1 Determine the goal of your essay.

  • If you are writing a personal essay for a college application, it should serve to give the admissions committee a sense of who you are, beyond the basics of your application file. Your transcript, your letters of recommendation, and your resume will provide an overview of your work experience, interests, and academic record. Your essay allows you to make your application unique and individual to you, through your personal story. [2] X Research source
  • The essay will also show the admissions committee how well you can write and structure an essay. Your essay should show you can create a meaningful piece of writing that interests your reader, conveys a unique message, and flows well.
  • If you are writing a life story for a specific school assignment, such as in a composition course, ask your teacher about the assignment requirements.

Step 2 Make a timeline of your life.

  • Include important events, such as your birth, your childhood and upbringing, and your adolescence. If family member births, deaths, marriages, and other life moments are important to your story, write those down as well.
  • Focus on experiences that made a big impact on you and remain a strong memory. This may be a time where you learned an important life lesson, such as failing a test or watching someone else struggle and succeed, or where you felt an intense feeling or emotion, such as grief over someone’s death or joy over someone’s triumph.

Alicia Cook

  • Have you faced a challenge in your life that you overcame, such as family struggles, health issues, a learning disability, or demanding academics?
  • Do you have a story to tell about your cultural or ethnic background, or your family traditions?
  • Have you dealt with failure or life obstacles?
  • Do you have a unique passion or hobby?
  • Have you traveled outside of your community, to another country, city, or area? What did you take away from the experience and how will you carry what you learned into a college setting?

Step 4 Go over your resume.

  • Remind yourself of your accomplishments by going through your resume. Think about any awards or experiences you would like spotlight in your essay. For example, explaining the story behind your Honor Roll status in high school, or how you worked hard to receive an internship in a prestigious program.
  • Remember that your resume or C.V. is there to list off your accomplishments and awards, so your life story shouldn't just rehash them. Instead, use them as a jumping-off place to explain the process behind them, or what they reflect (or do not reflect) about you as a person.

Step 5 Read some good examples.

  • The New York Times publishes stellar examples of high school life story essays each year. You can read some of them on the NYT website. [8] X Research source

Writing Your Essay

Step 1 Structure your essay around a key experience or theme.

  • For example, you may look back at your time in foster care as a child or when you scored your first paying job. Consider how you handled these situations and any life lessons you learned from these lessons. Try to connect past experiences to who you are now, or who you aspire to be in the future.
  • Your time in foster care, for example, may have taught you resilience, perseverance and a sense of curiosity around how other families function and live. This could then tie into your application to a Journalism program, as the experience shows you have a persistent nature and a desire to investigate other people’s stories or experiences.

Step 2 Avoid familiar themes.

  • Certain life story essays have become cliche and familiar to admission committees. Avoid sports injuries stories, such as the time you injured your ankle in a game and had to find a way to persevere. You should also avoid using an overseas trip to a poor, foreign country as the basis for your self transformation. This is a familiar theme that many admission committees will consider cliche and not unique or authentic. [11] X Research source
  • Other common, cliche topics to avoid include vacations, "adversity" as an undeveloped theme, or the "journey". [12] X Research source

Step 3 Brainstorm your thesis...

  • Try to phrase your thesis in terms of a lesson learned. For example, “Although growing up in foster care in a troubled neighborhood was challenging and difficult, it taught me that I can be more than my upbringing or my background through hard work, perseverance, and education.”
  • You can also phrase your thesis in terms of lessons you have yet to learn, or seek to learn through the program you are applying for. For example, “Growing up surrounded by my mother’s traditional cooking and cultural habits that have been passed down through the generations of my family, I realized I wanted to discover and honor the traditions of other, ancient cultures with a career in archaeology.”
  • Both of these thesis statements are good because they tell your readers exactly what to expect in clear detail.

Step 4 Start with a hook.

  • An anecdote is a very short story that carries moral or symbolic weight. It can be a poetic or powerful way to start your essay and engage your reader right away. You may want to start directly with a retelling of a key past experience or the moment you realized a life lesson.
  • For example, you could start with a vivid memory, such as this from an essay that got its author into Harvard Business School: "I first considered applying to Berry College while dangling from a fifty-food Georgia pine tree, encouraging a high school classmate, literally, to make a leap of faith." [15] X Research source This opening line gives a vivid mental picture of what the author was doing at a specific, crucial moment in time and starts off the theme of "leaps of faith" that is carried through the rest of the essay.
  • Another great example clearly communicates the author's emotional state from the opening moments: "Through seven-year-old eyes I watched in terror as my mother grimaced in pain." This essay, by a prospective medical school student, goes on to tell about her experience being at her brother's birth and how it shaped her desire to become an OB/GYN. The opening line sets the scene and lets you know immediately what the author was feeling during this important experience. It also resists reader expectations, since it begins with pain but ends in the joy of her brother's birth.
  • Avoid using a quotation. This is an extremely cliche way to begin an essay and could put your reader off immediately. If you simply must use a quotation, avoid generic quotes like “Spread your wings and fly” or “There is no ‘I’ in ‘team’”. Choose a quotation that relates directly to your experience or the theme of your essay. This could be a quotation from a poem or piece of writing that speaks to you, moves you, or helped you during a rough time.

Step 5 Let your personality and voice come through.

  • Always use the first person in a personal essay. The essay should be coming from you and should tell the reader directly about your life experiences, with “I” statements.
  • For example, avoid something such as “I had a hard time growing up. I was in a bad situation.” You can expand this to be more distinct, but still carry a similar tone and voice. “When I was growing up in foster care, I had difficulties connecting with my foster parents and with my new neighborhood. At the time, I thought I was in a bad situation I would never be able to be free from.”

Step 6 Use vivid detail.

  • For example, consider this statement: "I am a good debater. I am highly motivated and have been a strong leader all through high school." This gives only the barest detail, and does not allow your reader any personal or unique information that will set you apart from the ten billion other essays she has to sift through.
  • In contrast, consider this one: "My mother says I'm loud. I say you have to speak up to be heard. As president of my high school's debate team for the past three years, I have learned to show courage even when my heart is pounding in my throat. I have learned to consider the views of people different than myself, and even to argue for them when I passionately disagree. I have learned to lead teams in approaching complicated issues. And, most importantly for a formerly shy young girl, I have found my voice." This example shows personality, uses parallel structure for impact, and gives concrete detail about what the author has learned from her life experience as a debater.

Step 7 Use the active voice.

  • An example of a passive sentence is: “The cake was eaten by the dog.” The subject (the dog) is not in the expected subject position (first) and is not "doing" the expected action. This is confusing and can often be unclear.
  • An example of an active sentence is: “The dog ate the cake.” The subject (the dog) is in the subject position (first), and is doing the expected action. This is much more clear for the reader and is a stronger sentence.

Step 8 Apply the Into, Through, and Beyond approach.

  • Lead the reader INTO your story with a powerful beginning, such as an anecdote or a quote.
  • Take the reader THROUGH your story with the context and key parts of your experience.
  • End with the BEYOND message about how the experience has affected who you are now and who you want to be in college and after college.

Editing Your Essay

Step 1 Put your first draft aside for a few days.

  • For example, a sentence like “I struggled during my first year of college, feeling overwhelmed by new experiences and new people” is not very strong because it states the obvious and does not distinguish you are unique or singular. Most people struggle and feel overwhelmed during their first year of college. Adjust sentences like this so they appear unique to you.
  • For example, consider this: “During my first year of college, I struggled with meeting deadlines and assignments. My previous home life was not very structured or strict, so I had to teach myself discipline and the value of deadlines.” This relates your struggle to something personal and explains how you learned from it.

Step 3 Proofread your essay.

  • It can be difficult to proofread your own work, so reach out to a teacher, a mentor, a family member, or a friend and ask them to read over your essay. They can act as first readers and respond to any proofreading errors, as well as the essay as a whole.

Expert Q&A

Alicia Cook

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  • ↑ https://study.com/learn/lesson/autobiography-essay-examples-steps.html
  • ↑ https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/fulfillment-any-age/201101/writing-compelling-life-story-in-500-words-or-less
  • ↑ Alicia Cook. Professional Writer. Expert Interview. 11 December 2020.
  • ↑ https://mycustomessay.com/blog/how-to-write-an-autobiography-essay.html
  • ↑ https://www.ahwatukee.com/community_focus/article_c79b33da-09a5-11e3-95a8-001a4bcf887a.html
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  • ↑ https://www.medina-esc.org/Downloads/Practical%20Advice%20Writing%20College%20App%20Essay.pdf
  • ↑ http://www.businessinsider.com/successful-harvard-business-school-essays-2012-11?op=1
  • ↑ http://www.grammar-monster.com/glossary/passive_sentences.htm

About This Article

Alicia Cook

A life story essay is an essay that tells the story of your life in a short, nonfiction format. Start by coming up with a thesis statement, which will help you structure your essay. For example, your thesis could be about the influence of your family's culture on your life or how you've grown from overcoming challenging circumstances. You can include important life events that link to your thesis, like jobs you’ve worked, friendships that have influenced you, or sports competitions you’ve won. Consider starting your essay with an anecdote that introduces your thesis. For instance, if you're writing about your family's culture, you could start by talking about the first festival you went to and how it inspired you. Finish by writing about how the experiences have affected you and who you want to be in the future. For more tips from our Education co-author, including how to edit your essay effectively, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Personal Narrative Essay: My Experience in My Life

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Published: Mar 13, 2024

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Early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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