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Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, 23.10.2023 snsf swiss postdoctoral fellowships (spf).

Switzerland is considered a non-associated third country in the 2023 calls for projects in Horizon Europe (work programme 2023-2024) and related programmes and initiatives. This year, on behalf of the Swiss Confederation, the SNSF is launching a new call under the transitional measure SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships for people of all nationalities who were aiming to apply for a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship (MSCA PF).

The scheme is open to all research disciplines and topics.

This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months.

The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow’s salary with social security contributions, financial contributions to research, and conference costs.

For more information, please go to the SNSF Website for the Call .

Deadline: 1 December 2023


Taiwan Scholarship Program 2024

Funding Within the Una Europa Alliance – Session 2

Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Program – Open for Applications

Hungarian Government Scholarship for 2024/2025

Collaboration with International Geneva – 2024 Impact Collaboration Program

Funding Within the Una Europa Alliance – Session 1

Excellence Program (PhD) – Digital Society Initiative

Call for Award Nominations – Scientific and Technological Cooperation With Italy

Leading House South Asia – 2023 Call for Research Partnership Grants

Leading House Asia – 2023 Call for Applied Research Grants

Call Open: Una Europa–Africa Partnership Seed Funding Call 2023

Geneva Health Forum 2024 Conference – Call for Abstracts Open!

Wallonia-Brussels Internationl Excellence Scholarships

SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)

Una Europa–Africa Partnership Seed Funding Call 2023

Call for Junior Fellows by the Leuven Institute for Advanced Studies (LIAS)

Global Innovation – Call for Proposals

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2024/25

Scholarship for postdoctoral research in Israel

IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Porgram

Knowledge Frontiers – International Interdisciplinary Research Projects Scheme

Travel to Japan with Japan's Friendship Ties Program "MIRAI"

Research Partnership Grant 2023 – collaboration with institutions in Asia

Academia-Industry Training in India

Collaboration with MENA region – Consolidation Grants 2023

Mexican Government Merit Scholarship for International Researchers 2023-2024

Researcher and Academic Staff Grants – Estonian National Scholarships

Collaboration with Japan: ASPIRE 2023 Call for Proposals

United States – Fullbright Visiting Scholar Program

Japanese Government MEXT Research Scholarships

DUO-Korea 2023 Call

ARUA – U21 Early Career Researchers Funding Round

Leading House MENA (Middle East/North Africa) – Research Partnership Grants 2023

Call open: Curator Residency in Taipei

Colombian government scholarships for postgraduate studies

National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic 2023/2024

Leuven Institute of Advanced Study (LIAS) Junior Fellowship

Call for Proposals: global_innovation

Call for Innovation Partnership Grants and Opportunity Grants

Call for Young Researchers' Exchange Programme with the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)

Call for Global Korean Scholarships GKS for graduate studies

Newton International Fellowship – Call now open for Switzerland

USA - Fulbright Grant Program for Students and Scholars for the 2024-2025 academic year

Impact Collaboration Porgramme (IPC) 2023: Open Call

Young Researchers' Exchange Programme - National Research Foundation Korea (NRF)

Berrow Foundation Lord Florey Scholarships Lincoln College (Oxford)

Call for Applications SNSF: Joint call with South Korea

Europa Institut Research Grant in Washington D.C.

Call for Applications: MIT-Lockheed Martin Switzerland Seed Fund

EURAXESS - Ten Doctoral Candidate Positions on Radicalization

Call for Applications: 2023 Engineering Science for the 21st Century Program for Master's and PhD students

Chinese Government Scholarships 2023-2024

Wallonia-Brussels International Excellence Scholarship Program

ThinkSwiss Research Scholarships: Asia-Pacific

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

Mertz Fellowship for polar and high altitude research collaboration between Switzerland and Australia

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

Knowledge 2 Action (K2A): Call for Mobility Grants

IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme

2022 Mexican Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreigners

Scholarships for female applicants in Persian Language and Literature

Call for applications: 2023 MOFA Taiwan Fellowship

Launch of the Academia-Industry Training (AIT) India

UZH now eligible for Una Europa Seed Funding

Call for applications - Germaine de Staël program

2022 Leading House Asia Call for Innovation Partnership Grants

Japanese Government Research Scholarships 2023

Call for Applications for the Beca Colombia Scholarship Program 2022

Leading House MENA Research Partnership Grants 2022

The DSI Excellence Program for PhDs: Special Call Ukraine with Scholarships

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program: Open Call for proposals for the academic year 2023-2024


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UZH for Researchers

Quicklinks und sprachwechsel, main navigation, funding for phd researchers, table of contents, 1. phd / research at uzh, 2 research stay abroad.

  • 3. Further funding opportunities for PhD's

The question of whether and how to do a doctorate depends to a large extent on how to finance it. Basically, there are two possibilities: through a employment at UZH or by pursuing a professional activity outside the university.

Employment at the university can take place in different ways: you have the opportunity to apply for a position as an assistant or doctoral candidate. information about open doctoral positions is best obtained directly from your supervisor or on the uzh job platform . or you can raise funds independently to finance your doctorate. below you will find funding instruments where doctoral researchers can apply for fellowships or a project funds..

The following opportunities enable you to fully or partially finance your doctoral research at UZH. This overview is not exhaustive. Be sure to inquire about specific funding opportunities in your department or faculty.

The University of Zurich supports research projects of PhD researchers.
With these scholarships, foreign PhD students and postdoctoral researchers in all disciplines can fund a research stay at a Swiss higher education institution.
PhD students can arrange a stay at UZH via the Swiss-European Mobility Program (formerly Erasmus) or via other international agreements.

Mobility experience is of great importance for a academic career. The following programmes offer financial support for a stay abroad during doctoral research.

With a UZH Doc.Mobility grant, PhD researchers can fund a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months.  

The Graduate Campus supports short research stays abroad.

PhD researchers who are employed in an SNSF-funded research project can apply for a grant to finance a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months.
PhD researchers can arrange a stay abroad via the Swiss-European Mobility Program (formerly Erasmus) or via other international agreements.
Roughly 40 countries award grants to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers for a stay abroad.

The UZH Global Strategy and Partnerships Funding Scheme supports UZH faculties, departments and professional service units in pursuing joint collaboration initiatives with specific partner universities of UZH.


3. Further funding opportunities for PhD's

The Graduate Campus funds early career researchers' scientific activities.

The University of Zurich (UZH), the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW), the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Zurich University of Teacher Education (PHZH) are networking in DIZH to promote research on topics related to digital transformation.

BRIDGE (a joint program conducted by SNSF and Innosuisse) supports projects at the intersection of basic research and science-based innovation. BRIDGE Proof of Concept is aimed at young researchers who wish to develop an application or service based on their research results.

Launch a crowdfunding campaign for your scientific project and double the target amount with the Science Booster.

In some cases, it is a good idea to pursue your doctoral degree at a university abroad. It is also possible to earn your doctorate at two universities: In a program, PhD researchers can be enrolled in two universities at the same time. The program requires students to spend at least a third of the time at the partner university; upon completion of the degree, both universities will issue a diploma.

Weiterführende Informationen


Individual Support

Research Development Office Hirschengraben 48 8001 Zurich

The staff of the Research Development Office will be happy to support your inquiry for possible sources of funding.

Mail Phone +41 44 634 53 50

Further Sources of Funding

  • Access *Research Professional (via VPN)
  • Index of Swiss Foundations (in German)
  • Index of UZH Foundations (in German)
  • Index of Regional Foundations
  • Scholarshipportal


Further Information for PhD Researchers

  • UZH Graduate Campus
  • UZH for International Students and Scholars
  • Open Jobs at UZH
  • UZH Career Services


Ukraine flag

Funding opportunities


Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue an academic career in Switzerland. A research stay abroad enables such researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence and enhances their research profile. The fellowships include a grant for subsistence costs, a flat-rate for travel expenses and a possible contribution to research, conference costs and matriculation fees. In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland. The return grant includes a salary and social security contributions. The funding period is in principle 24 months (fellowship) and 3 to 12 months (return phase).

Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

The HFSP Research Grants support innovative basic research into fundamental biological problems with emphasis placed on novel and interdisciplinary approaches that involve scientific exchanges across national and disciplinary boundaries. Research grants are provided for teams of scientists from different countries who wish to combine their expertise in innovative approaches to questions that could not be answered by individual laboratories.

Institutes for advanced study

Institutions that enable interdisciplinary interaction and greater openness to new ideas among academics are becoming increasingly important. Institutes for Advanced Study (IAS) play a pivotal role in this regard.

Scientific Exchanges

Scientific Exchanges is aimed at researchers who want to host their own scientific event in Switzerland, invite colleagues from abroad for a research visit to Switzerland, or visit their colleagues in another country.

Scientific conferences and workshops are the two types of event covered by the scheme. Research visits by Swiss researchers to other countries or by researchers from abroad to Switzerland are funded for a period of 1 to 6 months. For scientific events, the travel expenses and food and board costs of participants from abroad are covered, for research visits those of travelling guests.

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

EU career funding for mobile researchers: This programme aims to support researchers at different stages of their career. MSCA are open to all domains of research and innovation, from fundamental research to market take-up and innovation services.

Mobility grants in projects

Mobility grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile by going abroad while being employed in an ongoing SNSF research project. A mobility grant can cover travel and living costs as well as fees for conferences and workshops of up to CHF 20,000. It is awarded for six to twelve months.

Scholarships for studies abroad

Visit the website of the Scholarship Service of swissuniversities where you can find various funding possibilities to go abroad.

State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI

The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI is responsible for the allocation and awarding of grants for postgraduate studies at the European University Institute in Florence and the College of Europe in Bruges and Campus Natolin .

National MD-PhD Grants Program

The SAMS and the Swiss National Science Foundation, with the support of private foundations and in collaboration with the Swiss School of Public Health, have awarded each year since 1992 a limited number of competitive individual MD-PhD grants. The aim of the program is to equip medical doctors interested in research with the skills necessary for a career as clinician and scientist.

MD-PhD grants enable particularly talented young physicians to complete a doctoral research training in natural sciences, public health sciences, clinical research or biomedical ethics at a Swiss university. Grants can be awarded for a minimum of 2 to a maximum of 3 years. The synopsis (see below) gives an overview of grantees.

Participation requirements

Applicants must have successfully completed their studies in human, veterinary or dental medicine and be admitted as doctoral students in one of the local MD-PhD programs associated with the National Grants Program by the time of the grant start. They must have been residents of Switzerland for at least 2 years by the submission deadline. Complete participation requirements and evaluation criteria are described in the program regulations .

Submission of applications

There is currently no deadline for the next submission of applications.

Funders involved in the program

in alphabetical order

Dementia Research Switzerland – Synapsis Foundation (SSS) Monique Dornonville de la Cour Foundation (MDC) Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) Swiss Cancer Research (KFS) Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Théodore Ott Fund (SAMS) Zinkernagel Research Foundation (FSZ)

The Swiss School of Public Health provides ideational support to the national grants program.

Future of the program as of 2025

The 2024 grants conclude the last joint call for applications of the national MD-PhD program with the SNSF. The SNSF has indeed decided to focus its career support portfolio on the postdoctoral level from 2025 onwards.

As selective instrument and seal of scientific quality, the national program contributes to the attractivity and visibility of the MD-PhD career track. It also serves as a benchmark for local MD-PhD programs. The SAMS remains convinced of the importance of individual funding options to motivate talented young physicians to engage in research and to acquire a solid scientific foundation early on in their career.

Thanks to the new partnerships that have been established, and those currently under discussion, the SAMS hopes to continue the program with a next call for applications early 2025. Details will be published here and via newsletter when the commitment of new partners is confirmed.

Funding and management of the grants awarded until mid 2024 is ensured.

Career trajectories of MD-PhD grantees

We conducted a survey of former MD-PhD grantees to assess whether the national MD-PhD program is reaching its goals and paving the way for a career as physician-scientist. The data collected suggest that this is indeed the case: eight years or more after completing their MD-PhD – when most grantees have accessed a stable position – 55% hold a paid position in research, 64% continue their scientific activity in a university hospital and 25% are professors.

Our analysis further shows that the program supports talented young physicians, the majority of whom reach leadership positions and maintain strong links with research and clinical practice throughout their careers.

The full study on the career trajectories of grant recipients of the national MD-PhD program since its creation in 1992 is published in Swiss Medical Weekly.

Read the article

Downloads and links

National MD-PhD grants program regulations

Associated local MD-PhD Commissions

National MD-PhD Evaluation Committee (in German)

Synopsis of grantees

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  • PhD study in Switzerland – 2024

With the highest number of patents in all European countries, there is no doubt that PhD study in Switzerland is highly sought after. Known for research and innovation, Switzerland welcomes PhD students from all around the world. If you decide to study a PhD in Switzerland, you’ll be a part of massive network of over 61,000 international students and get the opportunity to be a part of some world-renowned research projects.

Why study a PhD in Switzerland?

  • Emphasis on research – The first of many reasons to study in Switzerland is the highly competitive research sector. If you’re a PhD candidate at any of the three different types of universities , you will have the opportunity to contribute to some of the best research programmes in the world. Switzerland also has the highest number of Nobel Prize winners per capita, but, no pressure!
  • Tradition of excellence – Whether it be cheese, chocolate or education, the Swiss are known for a long-standing tradition of excellence. It is no shock that is it home to some of the best universities in the world like the ETH Zurich and the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, both of which are in the top 50 of the Times Higher Education global university rankings . With both traditional and structured PhDs, Switzerland produces graduates who are skilled, creative and innovative.
  • Multilingual education – There are four national languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian and Romansh. Even though more and more courses are being offered in English, universities often offer courses in any of the national languages to help you with life outside the classroom!
  • Career opportunities – Your association with Switzerland does not have to end with your studies. You can choose from post-study work opportunities at one of the hundreds of multinational companies (like Nestle and Swatch) that have their offices in Switzerland.

All study in Switzerland, since 2006, has been in accordance with the Bologna system which means that a PhD is a third-cycle qualification, usually coming after a Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) degrees.

A Swiss PhD is the highest level of postgraduate degree you can achieve in the country and is a mark of a significant achievement.

PhD courses in Switzerland are research-based qualifications and involve independent work towards an original thesis. You can follow one of two routes:

  • A traditional or a general PhD takes place within a single university under the guidance of one or more of its academic experts. You’ll spend most of your time working on your doctoral thesis, though opportunities for additional training and development may also be offered.
  • Structured PhDs are a more recent development. They involve more formal training as part of the PhD programme and often involve collaboration between different institutions (including partnerships of different institutional types, such as cantonal universities and universities of applied sciences ).

How long does a PhD in Switzerland take?

On an average it takes 3-5 years to complete a Swisss PhD. However, traditional PhDs tend to be shorter whereas structured PhDs may last longer because of the additional training involved.

The academic year in Switzerland runs from September to May and is divided into two teaching semesters (September to December and February to May/June). PhD research may continue outside these periods, but any formal training within your programme will usually take place in term time.

Supervision during your PhD in Switzerland

You’ll be assigned at least one academic supervisor during your PhD. This may be the principal investigator for the laboratory or research group you work within, or an experienced academic with expertise in your general field. Your supervisor will act as a mentor for your project and will work with you to guide and support your research.

Some Swiss PhD programmes involve second or multiple supervisors. This is especially likely if you are following a structured PhD, with inputs from more than one institution. Each supervisor will normally have a specific role to play in your project, sometimes focussing on particular topic areas or on providing overall mentoring and pastoral support at your university.

How are PhDs in Switzerland assessed?

The main outcome for your PhD will be the doctoral thesis you write up and submit at the end of your research. This must represent a substantial original contribution to your academic subject. It should offer new knowledge and / or data that, in principle at least, is worth publishing for other scholars and researchers to use.

Your thesis will be assessed through an oral examination or defence . In Switzerland, this takes place in a public setting, rather than as a private viva voce exam (such as that used in the UK). You will discuss your PhD in front of a panel of experts, including at least one external examiner from outside your university. The panel will ask questions about your research and conclusions and may sometimes ask you to provide a short presentation of your main findings.

Structured PhDs may also involve some smaller assessments during your doctorate, such as coursework and exams for training modules. You will need to pass these in order to continue with your programme, but they won’t determine the final ‘grade’ for your PhD degree.

However, your life as a PhD student in Switzerland will not be limited to your research. We have a complete guide on living in Switzerland as an international student which has information on everything from living costs to getting around the country.

If you Switzerland could be your PhD study destination, we have more information on applications, fees, funding and visas below.

We cover...

  • Applications: Everything you need to know about applying for for a Phd in Switzerland . We cover the entry requirements for a Swiss PhD, language requirements for entry at various universities and the deadlines you'll need to meet.
  • Fees and funding : The cost of PhD study in Switzerland is relatively low due to generous government support, but can still vary considerably depending on your university. In this guide we cover the average cost of a Swiss PhD , as well as some potential funding options such as federal loans from the government.
  • Visas : Non-EU/ EEA students will require a visa to study in Switzerland. We explain how to apply and the requirements you'll need to meet, as well as how to secure health insurance for the duration of your programme.
  • Swiss universities : Learn the different types of universities in Switzerland and see how they fare on the world stage with our international rankings tables.
  • Student life : What's it really like to study in Switzerland as a PhD student? Our guide introduces Swiss culture, leisure and cuisine, as well the practacilities of accommodation, banking and travel.

Our postgrad newsletter shares courses, funding news, stories and advice

phd grant switzerland

If you're planning to do a PhD in Switzerland, we have all the information on the kind of visa you need and what you require to apply for it.

phd grant switzerland

This guide tells you everything you need to make an application for a PhD programme in Switzerland.

phd grant switzerland

If you're interesting in studying a PhD in Switzerland, we have a details on how much it is going to cost you and where you can find the right funding for it.

phd grant switzerland

Interested in studying a PhD degree in Switzerland? Our guide tells you about the different universities that offer PhD programmes and how they rank on global tables so that you can make the best decision.

Study a PhD in Switzerland

Search our course listings for a PhD in Switzerland .

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  • Funding for PhD / Post-doc

Reduced teaching load

  • Visibility of research in SHS

Funding opportunities for PhD students or Post-docs

Graduate Campus | Reduced teaching load | Publications | Travel Grants | Financing living expenses | Accommodation at Fondation suisse at the CIUP in Paris  

Graduate Campus

The Graduate Campus offers career advices and training to postgraduate and doctoral students at UNIL.The graduate campus also helps thesis supervisors and coaches post-docs .

TOP   ^

Several teaching release measures are offered at UNIL

The preaward teaching release measure for MA and PAst allows to free up time to write a research project for the SNSF or another funding agency in all domains.

The teaching release measure for MA and MER allows to free up time to supervise a PhD student engaged in his or her SNSF project in Humanities and Social Sciences


Financing publications.

  • Publication fund
  • Fondations hébergées
  • Fondations en Suisse
  • Société Académique Vaudoise
  • Foundation Van Walsem

Travel Grants

Financing fieldwork, archives visits, participation in symposia.

  • Grant Register
  • ResearchConnect
  • UNIL International
  • Foundations hosted UNIL
  • Fundraiso : Swiss Foundations
  • Académies: ASSM , ASSH …
  • Compagnies aériennes

Financing scientific exchanges during PhD

  • Foundations hosted at the direction of UNIL
  • Foundations supporting the UNIL academic community or hosted in the faculties
  • Open 4 research

Financing living expenses

If you are committed to UNIL, the first two cases, your contract includes the contribution to social charges, you are AVS/AI/APG/AC insured, you contribute to unemployment and you are covered in the event of an accident.

  • Either you are hired as an assistant to a professor. Job at UNIL  
  • ETH get hired
  • nature careers
  • science careers  
  • Either you work alongside your studies and do your thesis on the fringes of your profession (doctor, lawyer, teacher etc.), you must ensure that in the event of an accident during the thesis, you are covered.  
  • Either you start on self-financing (many dropouts or theses that last and hinder a potential academic career).

Peu de fondations en Suisse offrent des bourses de thèse et très rarement pour des débuts de thèses. A partir de la 2 e année, il est possible d'obtenir des petits fonds, mais vous devrez gérer en parallèle l'avancement de votre thèse et la recherche de fonds. Vu que ce sont des dons, vous devrez cotiser à l'AVS, contracter une assurance accident, vous n’aurez pas droit au chômage de façon aisée. Les Fondations pour l'Université de Lausanne, Sophie Afenduli, Agassiz, Chuard Schmid, Herbette, Lagonico, Zerilli Marimo, etc... distribuent de petits montants (au grand maximum CHF 20’000.-) et ce parfois en fin de thèse.

  • Fondations hébergées à la Direction de l'UNIL  

Bourses pour la Suisse ou pour l’étranger Swissuniversities Scholar ship Scholar ship : Postes postdoctoraux

Bourse pour aller à l’étranger ResearchConnect Fundit Bourses: EMBO , Branco Weiss , WBI , HFSP , Banting , FEBS , Fulbright …

Bourse des pays d’origines, pour la promotion des femmes en Sciences ResearchConnect Sciencemag : grants for women in science For women in science

Accommodation at Fondation suisse at the CIUP in Paris

La maison suisse à la ciup, fondation suisse / pavillon le corbusier.

UNIL students and researchers may undertake studies or research visits to a higher education or research institution in Paris / Ile-de-France.

There is an advantageous housing possibility at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. The Swiss house at the CIUP, the Swiss Foundation / Pavillon Le Corbusier, has 46 single rooms of 16 m2. Candidates are selected on the basis of the following criteria:

  • be of Swiss nationality or possess a C permit,
  • carry out study or research of at least 2 months in a higher education or research institution in Paris / Ile-de-France or an internship of a study program,
  • have completed at least three years at the BA level in a Swiss higher education institution.

Additional information:

  • Swiss Foundation
  • Swissuniversities , information on the site CIUP

PhD In Switzerland: Everything You Need To Know

Studying in Switzerland

Switzerland is known for its degrees in business , is home to some of the best institutes of technology, and is a world leader in science and engineering. This fact makes it the perfect country to continue or advance your education, especially to crown it with a PhD.


A PhD is the highest degree a person can obtain from a university, and it stands for Doctorate in Philosophy. It is not related to philosophy-related studies. It is a doctorate, possible in any discipline, except medicine, and sometimes theology. Some PhD’s require a Master’s degree.

These are the best Swiss universities that offer PhD programs in many disciplines.

Best universities for international students

It is estimated that around 50% of PhD students in Switzerland are international students. This big percentage is a factor of the great universities and PhD programs in Switzerland. It is a circle; the good universities attract lots of students, and a large number of students encourage international universities.

No matter what angle you look at it from, Switzerland is an overall great country to live and study in. Swiss universities generally rank relatively high compared to other world universities.

These are the best Swiss universities that offer PhD programs, as well as their world ranking:

The University of Zurich is one of the best universities in Switzerland. They rank 58th in the world .

The University of Geneva’s PhD programs provide students with a high-quality education for an academic career in economics, econometrics, management, statistics, finance, and information systems. They rank 59th in the world .

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne offers customized PhD programs, cutting-edge laboratories directed by internationally renowned professors, a modern, fast-developing campus, satellite sites in French-speaking cantons, and close ties to industry. They rank 81st in the world.

The University of Basel has been developing around 40 PhD programs since 2010. They rank 96th in the world.

Language of instruction

phd grant switzerland

Tuition in Switzerland can be generally low compared to other countries, but what about the overall costs once you r elocate for your academic program ? Here is a breakdown of the basics.

Cost of studying

The cost of studying in Switzerland depends on the university you choose to finish your doctoral studies. As you move to higher levels of education, the tuition fees get lower . A bachelor’s degree tuition is higher than a master’s one, and a master’s tuition is higher than a PhD.

Tuition fees for PhD programs in Switzerland range around CHF 1000 to CHF 2000. But sometimes Swiss universities advertise their PhD programs as paid assistant jobs. This way, you don’t have to pay your tuition fee, and you get paid for the job you’re doing.

Cost of living

The cost of living in Switzerland for a PhD student depends on a personal choice of recreational activities, but it’s somewhere around CHF 1600 – CHF 2000 for monthly expenses.


Average price: Studio – CHF 900 to 2000/per month, Shared flat – CHF 500 to 900/per month

Clothes, personal care, entertainment

Average price: CHF 75-100/per week for groceries

Public transport

Average price: CHF 100/per month

Health insurance

Average price: CHF 90/per month

Utilities and memberships

Average price: CHF 350/per month for utilities, gym membership, Netflix membership, and internet bills.

C lothes, personal care, entertainment

Depends on your lifestyle.

Scholarships for PhD students

phd grant switzerland

As for other specific scholarships from universities , we have another guide where you can find everything out in detail.


These are some of the things to bear in mind when applying for a Phd program in Switzerland .

Residence permit

All students (even those coming from an EU or EFTA member country) will still have to apply for a residence permit for a stay longer than six months. Students from all other nationalities apply directly for a visa in their country of origin, usually issued within eight weeks.

Language certificates

All universities usually require a language certificate proving you know the language of instruction. In most cases, you’ll need to know the respective language at a minimum C1 level. Some of the widely recognized certificates are:

  • For English – IELTS score of 7, TOELF score of 600 or 100 (paper-based or online), and Cambridge CPE or CAE.
  • For German – Goethe Certificate C1 or TestDaF with TDN 4
  • For French – DALF (Diplôme approfondi de langue française) C1
  • For Italian – CELI (Certificazione Italiano Generale) C1 or PLIDA (Progetto Lingua Italiana Dante Alighieri) C1

PhD Salary in Switzerland

Wondering how much do PhD students get paid in Switzerland? What about postdocs? To compensate for the high cost of living, Switzerland’s salaries are some of the highest in the world.

PhD students and postdocs tend to get employed by universities on a fixed-term contract—and they get paid well. Additional benefits may also apply, such as reduced public transportation or free access to all the university gyms.

PhD student salary in Switzerland

The  average PhD student salary  in Switzerland is around CHF 50,000 per year. However, if not fully employed, the pay will be accordingly less.

Postdoc salary in Switzerland

The median postdoctoral salary in Switzerland is around CHF 80,000 per year. Entry-level positions start at CHF 43,200 per year, while most experienced workers make up to CHF 94,000 per year.

Dear Sir, My request is to have details of P.hD. in embedded systems ,machine learning etc as my son is pursuing Ms thesis in electrical and computer engineering in Purdue school of engh.zUSA which will be completed in june2020 or earlier depending upon his defence date. He is very much eager to hv his P.hD done from one of the best colleges of help in this regard with last dt of appln,fee,required qualificationsetc. With regards Uday Kumar Sinha Calcutta India

We have written an article in which we have listed some of the best PhD programs in Switzerland and have included everything related to those programs. You can find it here: 1 2 Best PhD Programs in Switzerland . We hope this article will answer your questions.

We wish the best of luck to your son.


Thank you, Uday.

Am from from Africa Kenya a member of the Commonwealth countries whose official instruction is English Language. Will be pleased to study specialize in finance for i have done Bachelor of Commerce (Finance Option) and Master of Business Administration (Finance Option) undergraduate and Masters degree programme options

I ‘m very satisfied with the informations I gained from this website and hope to see by applying for the PHD I want. Studying in such a stable Country’s University is GOd sent opportunity for those secured and recieved. Blessings, Chucha Gobena From Ethiopia

Thank you, Chucha,

Happy to help.

Thank you for the information. I am a Canadian citizen, originally from Sri Lanka. I like to do my PhD in Applied Linguistics. Switzerland, as I heard, is one of best countries in the world. No one has ever said to me anything bad about Switzerland. I would love to explore that country as well as do my research. I wonder whether this PhD is recognized around the world, whether I can survive with English and the money I would receive.

If my medium of study till master’s is english still IELTS or GRE is mandatory for pursuing P.hd in Switzerland?

Would you have information or ranking on accredited Part time PHD programs in Switzerland for professionals? Thank you.

Can you plz write an article on PhD in Astrophysics, Astronomy from University of Zurich …??

I am currently living in india I have a double Post graduation degree. One in commerce and the other in business administration. Besides the mentioed degree I have a MPhil in commerce too. I have 12 yrs of teaching experience at various MBA colleges in India. I’m interested in pursuing PhD in management/marketing in Switzerland. Can you please guide me accordingly. Thanks in advance.

hello sir, i want to persue my ohd in business or commerce from Switzerland. Will you help me to know the procedure and is there any scholarship provided for the programme. I am from india . Thankyou

Hello sir, I have done my post graduate in law, and I want to pursue my PhD in law from a good University in Switzerland, can you please let me know about the suitable universities for law and also everything related to scholarships and other ways to meet the financial aspects.

With regards, From Assam, India

Thank’s so much for info.

Thank you for all the information in your website, they are quite helpful. I am Irish and live in Ireland.

Is it possible for me to get funded law PhD in Switzerland? If that is possible, please how do I go about it.

I will appreciate if you can come back to me on this query.

Many thanks

Is GRE needed for PhD in Switzerland? How is the biotech field in Switzerland (especially in Virolgy and immunology)? And how much importance do professors give to papers published by students for selecting the PhD candidate?

Hi I want to pursue a phd in swiss. But it shall be double doctorate. I have already acquired one from Malaysia. Will swiss universities allow me to pursue my dream to acquire a doctoral degree which will be my second one.

can you help in this.

regards Zain

Dear sir, This is Eakub Ali. from Bangladesh currently living in Tokyo, Japan. I have completed an MBA in Finance from Bangladesh and joined national and multinational companies in the accounting sector for more than twelve years. Then I got admitted to another MBA and moved to Solbridge International School of Business, (AACSB accredited) South Korea. from where I came to Meiji University, Japan through the double Masters Degree program and I completed my MBA this month. Now I have an intention to do my PhD.

Would you please tell me the whole process of PhD admission in Switzerland, when admission starts and what is the requirements for admission? I would be very helpful if you please help me providing necessary information.

Thanks in advance and very best regards,

I would like to pursue my PHD studies in Public Health,please assist me with the relevant universities and the process for application.Do they allow part time studies and do they fund the studies?

Can any assistant professor of India become assistant professor in Switzerland with his indian educational qualifications.?

Please guide me about the procedure of applying for PhD in Eth Zurich in biomedical engineering. I am currently the student of M.Tech. Clinical Engineering at IIT madras .Is there any benefit given to IIT student?

Dear person in charge,

What are the costs and details of an online PhD or Doctorate in Business Administration in Switzerland?

Kindly, include all possible details, especially names of business schools and programs’ contents

Is the language proficiency certificate mandatory for postdoc applicants too?

Are there part time PHD Programs in Switzerland in business management dubjects?

Thank you Mahesh

typo – = please read it as Management Subjects

Whether PhD programs for English literature and Psychology is available Also want to know whether Scholarships for these projects are available When we have to apply for this programme When the admission is

Hello sorry for disturbing but I want to ask if there is any PhD program in HR in universities in Switzerland so please can you give me the names of universities that offer for me PhD in HR. THANKS IN ADVANCE.

SURPRISE KWESI AMENUVOR, Am from from Africa Ghana a member of the Commonwealth countries whose official instruction is English Language. I study Bachelor Of Science in Business administration specialize in Banking and Finance Option) and Master of Business Administration (Finance Option) I will like to Apply for PHD in Finance.

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University of Central Florida

phd grant switzerland

Founded as a public institution in 1785, UGA boasts an illustrious history in higher education. Today, Georgia's flagship university offers online programs to make a UGA degree more accessible. The online courses limit class sizes and use the same high academic standards as on-campus classes. UGA offers an online bachelor's degree in special education and multiple online graduate programs in education. Degree-seekers can also earn master's degrees in community nutrition, international biomedical regulatory sciences, emerging media, and avian health and medicine. Other available online master's programs include business, technology, and social work.


University of Georgia is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).

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10% your international health insurance for life!

Scorestudies includes higher benefits than the Swiss compulsory health insurance, it is very often on a full refund basis and no co-​payment of 10% is required. In case of emergency, hospitalisation or prescribed medication, you are fully reimbursed by Allianz Care.

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Your go-to local fellow MD-PhDs. We are here to answer your questions and help you out. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Maurizio Cortada

[email protected]

Tim Hallenberger

[email protected]

Isabel Arenas Hoyos [email protected]

Dimitrios Daskalou

[email protected]

Raphael Porret [email protected]

Lucie Bourguignon

[email protected]

Irma Telarovic

[email protected]


Local MD-PhD programs

Each of the five big Swiss Universities has an own MD-PhD program. You can find the details about the program structure, requirements and application process below. 


MD-PhD program at the Faculty of Science (basic research)

Head: Prof. Christoph Hess

MD-PhD program at the Faculty of Medicine (clinical research)​​​​

Head: Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain

MD-PhD program at the Faculty of Medicine (epidemiology/public health)

Head:​​​​ Prof. Nino Künzli


Head: PD Dr. Monica Schaller

​Head: Prof. Sophie De Seigneux

​Head: Prof. Lucia Mazzolai

MD-PhD program (basic research)

​Head: Prof. Adriano Aguzzi

Clinical Science program (clinical research) ​​

Head: Prof. Beatrix Latal

Biomedical Ethics & Law program

Head: Prof. Nikola Biller-Andorno

Epidemiology and Biostatistics program

Head: Prof. Milo Puhan

Financial support

Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) jointly award a limited number of competitive individual MD-PhD grants each year.

SAMS and SNSF MD-PhD grant

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

Keep in mind that this is not the only funding opportunity for Swiss MD-PhD students. There are many more organisations and foundations offering support, depending on your research area and career stage. Use the link below to find the best fit for you. 


Other useful links​

Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS)

Swiss Medical Association (FMH )​

Schweizerisches Institut für ärztliche Weiter- und Fortbildung (SIWF)

Verein Schweizerischer Assistenz -und Oberaerzte (VSAO)


​ Asian Medical Students Association (AMSA)

Medical University of Vienna: MD-PhD programme "Inflammation and Immunity" (Vienna) ​

​European MD-PhD Association (EMPA)

University of Helsinki: Doctoral programme in biomedicine ​

​Association Médecine Pharmacie Science (AMPS)

Humbolt University of Berlin: Doctoral studies at Charite

Georg August University of Gottingen: MD-PhD programme in neurosciences

University of Cologne: Interdisciplinary programme "Molecular Medicine"

University of Leipzig: MD-PhD programme

University of Wurzburg: MD-PhD programme

Hannover Medical School: Graduate Biomedical Research School (HBRS)

United Kingdom ​

University of Cambridge: MB-PhD programme ​

American Physician Scientists Association ​

National Association of MD-PhD Programs


The MD-PhD is a combined doctorate in medicine (MD) and natural sciences (PhD).


The MD-PhD combined doctorate is aimed at physicians who wish to deepen their scientific education. The goal is to train physician-scientists to conduct independent, internationally competitive basic or clinical research.


In general, all holders of a Swiss university (or equivalent) diploma in human, veterinary or dental medicine are eligible. In some cases, the entry is possible prior to graduation. For more details, please refer to the "Swiss MD-PhD Programme" section and select the university you are interested in. 


The requirement for diploma recognition depends on the specific MD-PhD position. In general, you will only need to go through the process if your position requires patient contact. In this case, please refer to the  Federal Office of Public Health website for details.


Typically, you first need to independently find a position in a research group affiliated with one of the universities offering the MD-PhD programme. You will then write your MD-PhD research proposal together with your mentor, after which you will apply for the MD-PhD programme of your university.


No. The SAMS/SNSF grant is only a source of funding. As such it is not a requirement for your MD-PhD studies. You can identify the resources on your own or together with your mentor.


The application process and requirements are  described here . Most importantly, only Swiss residents or candidates residing in Switzerland for the last two years are eligible.

The local MD-PhD committee first decides which candidates are suitable for the nation-wide selection. In the second step, the selected candidates are interviewed in Bern and the full committee, including representatives from all MD-PhD programmes, decides which candidates will be supported. 


The usual selection criteria include

CV: early interest in research and scientific experience, results of exams of medical school, personal flexibility 

a solid career plan

personal impressions: talent to present scientific projects and ideas, personal motivation

the originality and feasibility of the project

the quality of the host laboratory (previous publications in the field) 


Your salary depends on the source of the funding for your research project. The joint grant of SAMS/SNFS ( see "Financial support" above ) typically amounts to a gross salary of CHF 60'000 per year for a period of three years. Keep in mind that only a small number of these grants are awarded each year. If you do not receive the funding from the SAMS/SNSF or the period of support ended, you need to discuss your salary with your lab head. Bear in mind that having an MD title should qualify you for a slightly higher salary compared to a normal PhD. For reference, the typical gross salary of a PhD student is around CHF 50'000. 


The majority of your research has to be completed at a Swiss university. However, a visit to a foreign institution for a duration of 6 months or less is usually possible.  Contact your local MD-PhD programme coordinator for more information.


This depends on the rules specific to your specialty. For most specialties, you can have 1 year of your MD-PhD research count towards your education. Your research field does not always need to correspond to your specialty.

We complied an unofficial list of the accredited time per specialty, which you can find here: FMH Accreditation  (member-only access). Although the list will be updated regularly, it mainly serves as an orientation as we cannot guarantee that it will always correspond to the most recent regulations. The official regulations can be found on the  SIWF website.


There is no single correct answer to this question. To get a better understanding about the possibilities and most common outcomes, we recommend to read the following publication (click to download): 

Dos Santos Rocha, A., Scherlinger, M., Ostermann, L., Mehler, D. M. A., Nadiradze, A., Schulze, F., ... & Jawaid, A. (2020). Characteristics and opinions of MD-PhD students and graduates from different European countries: a study from the European MD-PhD Association.  Swiss medical weekly, 150 (w20205), w20205.


Your local SMPA representatives are here to help. Find the  e-mail addresses above.

Alternatively, you can contact the programme heads listed above.  Or perhaps it would help to check out the member list and see if there is someone already working in the lab that you are interested in. 

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Cantonal education grants.

Swiss citizens enrolled at universities and other education institutions in Switzerland who are seeking to apply for individual funding are advised to contact the grants office of their canton of residence or origin.

The Swiss grants system is subject to cantonal jurisdiction. In accordance with the  Intercantonal harmonisation of education grants Art. 8 (german), Bachelor and Master students are deemed eligible for individual funding.

Please consult for details about the cantonal grant systems. This site also lists the websites of the cantonal grants offices.

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Project funding

phd grant switzerland

Individual or collaborative, disciplinary or interdisciplinary – realise your ideas with the SNSF. We can finance your research project for one to four years.

Submission deadline:

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Changes in project funding

  • News “Amended regulations and SNSF Portal – what's new in project funding” 23.06.2023

Project funding is the SNSF’s largest funding scheme by far. Every year, we invest more than half a billion Swiss francs in new projects. Under this scheme, you can conduct independent research on topics of your own choice. This enables research that is relevant, creative and diverse – the perfect framework for gaining new insights or resolving practice-related questions.

For experienced researchers

Applications can be submitted by experienced researchers working at a university or another institution in Switzerland that is eligible to receive funding. Of course, you have the opportunity to carry out interdisciplinary or collaborative projects. Many research questions can only be adequately addressed in this way.

In collaborative projects with three or more applicants, one applicant may work at a research institute abroad if their expertise is necessary for the project.

Up to 1 million francs per year

The SNSF grant covers your staff's salaries, research costs and funding for scientific collaboration. Your own salary is financed by your institution.

The SNSF awards a maximum of 250,000 francs annually per applicant per project and a maximum of 1 million francs annually for the project as a whole. Applicants can freely divide the grant among themselves. The minimum grant for a project is 100,000 francs; the minimum duration is 1 year.

Further opportunities under project funding

Please also note the following funding options: The SNSF has concluded agreements with partner organisations in many countries to facilitate collaborative projects with foreign researchers. These funds are also provided under project funding.

Weave/Lead Agency/International Co-Investigator Scheme

Project funding also includes the participation of Swiss researchers in European consortium projects (e.g. ERA-Net).

European Partnerships and other multilateral initiatives

Eligibility requirements - applicants

In SNSF project funding, you can submit an application as an individual or together with other researchers. All applicants must meet the personal requirements and have the necessary scientific qualifications.

Personal requirements

As an applicant, you must actively do scientific work (this includes also teaching and managerial activities) for at least 50% (0.5 FTE) of your time at an eligible research institution in Switzerland. Exceptions are possible for persons conducting clinical research, for employees of museums or archives, and for self-employed researchers. In collaborative projects with three or more applicants, one applicant may work at a research institution abroad, provided that their expertise is necessary for the project and the collaboration demonstrably adds value.

Scientific qualifications

After obtaining your doctorate (PhD), you have conducted scientific research for at least four years. If you do not have a doctorate, the four-year period normally starts after at least three years of full-time research work. This also applies to doctors without a PhD. As an applicant, you are in a position to carry out a research project on your own responsibility and to manage the staff involved in it.

Two or more applicants

If two or more researchers submit a proposal together, they are jointly responsible for the project. Each applicant makes a substantial contribution that is described in the application. As a rule, hierarchical dependencies between applicants are not permitted.

Project partners

In addition to other applicants, project partners can also work on your project. These researchers do part of the research work, but bear no responsibility. They may not describe the funding from the SNSF as funding received individually.

Project partners do not have to meet the eligibility requirements for applicants and can therefore also work abroad.

Eligibility requirements - application

Formal requirements.

Submit your application in full and by the given deadline. The application must comply with the SNSF regulations in all respects.

In mathematics, natural sciences, engineering, biology, medicine, psychology, economics and political science, the application must be written in English. In other fields, it is also permissible to submit applications in an official Swiss language.

The SNSF Research Council encourages applicants to submit their proposals (i.e., the research plan and, if applicable, revision notes) for project funding in English. The use of English as a submission language bolsters the external peer review process, a key step in the evaluation procedure. It assists in broadening the scope of potential reviewers, thereby benefiting applicants by increasing the pool of appropriate reviewers. In doing so, the Research Council strengthens its commitment to the underlying goal of this procedure, namely the competent and fair evaluation of proposals.

Budget size and project duration

For each applicant in a project, the SNSF awards, on average, a maximum of 250,000 francs per year over the duration of the grant, and a maximum of 1 million francs per year for the project as a whole. Applicants can freely divide the contribution among themselves. A project can last a maximum of four years, resulting in a grant of up to 4 million francs. The minimum grant for a project is 100,000 francs; the minimum duration is one year.

Collaborative and interdisciplinary projects

With its project funding, the SNSF also explicitly aims to fund collaborative and interdisciplinary projects.

Collaborative projects require the expertise and scientific contribution of several researchers, who jointly submit an application. Their collaboration is essential for achieving the research objectives and creates added value.

Are elements from two or more disciplines necessary to achieve the research objectives? And is the combination of these elements, for example theories, methods and concepts, not yet commonplace? Your proposal is considered interdisciplinary if it meets the following requirements:

  • One or several applicants apply theories, methods, or concepts from two or more disciplines to pursue the research objectives.
  • The combination of these elements is not yet common in the field.
  • The different disciplines contribute to the research goal from different perspectives.

The SNSF may attribute proposals to an interdisciplinary or disciplinary evaluation panel depending on the disciplines that you select. Consider that projects which do not span a broad disciplinary range may be more appropriate for evaluation in a disciplinary panel. Funding rates are similar across all panels.

Two or more grants at the same time

You can only participate as an applicant in one project funding application per call. However, you may receive up to three project funding grants that overlap in time. This is permissible if at least one of them is approved for a Lead Agency/Weave project, for the International Co-Investigator Scheme or for a European consortium project (for example ERA-Net).

Any SNSF career funding grant you have received in parallel will count as a project funding grant. This also applies to awarded and ongoing Sinergia grants.

The topics of the overlapping research projects must be clearly differentiated from each other. Please provide the corresponding information when submitting the application. In addition, you must show that you will make a substantial personal contribution to all projects.

As an applicant, you are obliged to inform the SNSF about other ongoing submitted applications to the SNSF or to third parties and about ongoing grants you have received from the SNSF or from third parties. We do not consider proposals for research projects that are already fully funded by third parties.

Eligible costs

You can apply for staff salaries and research costs, as well as funds for scientific collaboration, networking and communication. Your own salary is paid by your institution. Please note: as a grant recipient, you may not be employed at the same time as a staff member in a project funded by the SNSF.

If three or more applicants are involved, they can charge the costs for coordinating the research project to the SNSF grant.

You can find out in detail which research costs the SNSF covers here:

  • Funding Regulations (PDF)
  • General implementation regulations for the Funding Regulations (PDF)

The following supplementary measures can be applied for during the funding period of the project:

  • Flexibility grant
  • Gender equality grant
  • Mobility grants in projects

How to apply

From registration to entering the budget: how do you submit your application to the SNSF and what do you need to bear in mind? Find out more on this page:

  • Submitting an application

Please also refer to the guidelines for the research plan and the data management plan. All SNSF-funded projects are also subject to our principles on Open Access publications.

  • Research plan
  • Data management plan

Submit your application on the SNSF Portal. Weave/Lead Agency applications with an external lead agency are an exception. Please continue to enter such applications in mySNF.

Evaluation procedure

How do we evaluate your application? Find out more about the procedure and evaluation criteria here:

  • Evaluation procedure – this is how we select


The conditions for project funding can be found here:

  • Project Funding Regulations (PDF)

FAQ – Number of proposals and grants

Which grants from which funding schemes count as project funding grants in the sense of article 13.1 of the project funding regulations.

Grants from the following funding schemes count towards the limit of concurrent grants in project funding: Ambizione, Eccellenza, European Partnerships and other multilateral initiatives (except Belmont Forum and transatlantic platform for social sciences and humanities), Practice to Science, PRIMA, Projects on health and wellbeing, Project funding, Sinergia, SNSF Professorships and Weave / Lead Agency / International Co-Investigator Scheme.

See the list of all funding schemes here (PDF) .

Can I submit 2 proposals in project funding for the same deadline?

Can i resubmit a rejected sinergia application.

Yes, you can resubmit a rejected Sinergia application, but now as a project funding application. Researchers were able to submit applications for funding under Sinergia one last time in April 2023. In summer 2023, the SNSF integrated the Sinergia programme into its project funding scheme. By doing so, we have grouped together collaborative and interdisciplinary research in our main funding scheme in order to provide even better support for this type of project.

Can I submit a Lead Agency/WEAVE proposal at the SNSF and another project funding proposal at the same time?

No, the SNSF will only evaluate one proposal per applicant per call. But you can submit a Lead Agency/WEAVE proposal at a partner agency and an SNSF project at the same time.

I have a Sinergia grant and two project funding grants ongoing. Can I submit another proposal?

No. Approved or ongoing Sinergia grants count as project funding grants.

I have a Sinergia and a project funding and a Lead Agency grant ongoing. Can I submit another proposal?

No. Approved or ongoing Sinergia grants, Lead Agency/Weave/International Co-Investigator Scheme, and EU Consortia count as project funding grants.

I have three ongoing projects. When can I submit a new proposal?

You may apply for a project grant for the period after expiry of a support measure by the SNSF that was subject to the restrictions applicable to project funding. The evaluation of a proposal takes 6 months. You must start the project within 1 year of receiving the decision.

My project has been extended for 6 months thanks to a project completion grant. Is the extension phase affected by the SNSF restrictions with regard to multiple parallel grants?

Faq – applicants, in a proposal with 3 or more applicants, can one applicant be from abroad even if the snsf does not have a bilateral agreement (such as weave) with that country.

Yes, this is possible.

In a proposal with 3 or more applicants, can there be two applicants from outside Switzerland even if the SNSF does not have bilateral agreements (such as WEAVE) with the funding organisations in these countries?

No, only one applicant from abroad is allowed.

In a proposal with 3 or more applicants, can one applicant be from a country with which the SNSF has a bilateral agreement, even if it is not a WEAVE/Lead Agency/International Co-Investigator Scheme proposal?

In principle, no. Proposals with applicants from a country with which the SNSF has bilateral agreements must be submitted as WEAVE/Lead Agency/International Co-Investigator Scheme proposals. Exceptions are possible for proposals in disciplines that are excluded by specific bilateral agreements. Such exclusions exist for agreements with the US and the UK. Contact the SNSF Office for clarification.

In a WEAVE, Lead Agency (LA) or International Co-Investigator Scheme (ICIS) proposal, can a Swiss corresponding applicant and the applicant from the partner country have another foreign applicant from a Non-WEAVE/LA/ICIS country?

No. For WEAVE/LA/ICIS, the respective agreements apply. An additional applicant from a Non-WEAVE/LA/ICIS country is not allowed.

In a collaborative project proposal with 2 or more applicants, are there any additional eligibility criteria for applicants?

Yes, hierarchical dependencies between applicants are not permitted, even if all applicants involved meet all other eligibility requirements.

FAQ – Coordination costs for collaborative grants

Can i (partially) employ a collaborator who coordinates the collaborative research funded by a project funding grant.

In principle, yes. There is no limit on the amount that can be granted for such costs, but they must be reasonable.

FAQ – Budget limits

Does the 250 kchf limit per applicant and year apply strictly to each applicant.

No, the applicants can distribute the funding amongst themselves. The total average spending level must respect the 250 kCHF per applicant and year limit.

When budgeting, can I exceed the 250 kCHF limit per applicant and year at the beginning of the grant if the average spending level respects the limit over the full duration of the grant?

Yes. The 250 kCHF limit per applicant and year must be respected as an average over the grant duration. This allows a higher spending level at the start of the grant (i.e. to purchase equipment) compensated by a lower spending level towards the end of the grant.

FAQ – What information can be submitted

Can i submit a cover letter.

No, for equality reasons. The content of a cover letter is not standardised and may be a complement to the research plan.

Can I submit a letter of support?

No. Not only the applicants, but also the project partners must create an account on the portal and enter their personal data themselves. By working directly on the proposal, they also demonstrate their commitment of actively participating in the planned project. This replaces a letter of support.


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  2. Switzerland Scholarships, 2022-2023

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  3. University of Zurich PhD Scholarship Program for International Students

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  4. Fully Funded PhD and scholarships in Switzerland

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  5. 30 PhD Scholarships at ETH Zurich, Switzerland

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  6. University of Zurich Master’s and PhD Students Mobility Grant

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  1. Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

    The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are aimed at young researchers from abroad who have completed a master's degree or PhD and at foreign artists holding a bachelor's degree. Information. One minute introduction to Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships. FAQs for scholarship applicants & academic supervisors (PDF, 126 kB, 26.06.2024)

  2. SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)

    This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months. The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow's salary with social security contributions, financial contributions to research, and conference costs ...

  3. PDF Application Guidelines for the Academic Year 2025-2026

    The PhD scholarships can be prolonged in three steps of 12 months based on the achieved academic results. It is the concerned grant holder's and the supervisor's responsibility to find sufficient funding beyond the maximal duration of the PhD scholarship (36 months) if it turns out to be necessary to end the doctorate. Postdoctoral Scholarship

  4. PhD in Switzerland

    PhD fees in Switzerland. PhD fees are typically between €182 and €1,995 for the full period of study. However, individual universities are free to set their own fees and they can reach as high as €6,145 for the entire course. Sometimes universities will give fees per term, rather than giving the cost of a full PhD, so make sure you check ...

  5. SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowship (SPF)

    This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months. The scheme is open to all research disciplines and topics. The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow's salary as well as social security ...

  6. SNSF Starting Grants

    Due to Switzerland's status as a non-associated third country in the Horizon Europe programme, the federal government mandated the SNSF to launch the funding scheme "SNSF Starting Grants 2024". ... An SNSF Starting Grant comes after several years of research after the PhD, or an equivalent qualification or medical degree, during which time ...

  7. Your Guide to *Fully Funded* Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships

    Research scholarships are available to post-graduate researchers in any discipline who are planning to go to Switzerland to pursue research or further studies at the doctoral or post-doctoral level. The scholarships are awarded in all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences and the two federal institutes of technology ...

  8. Scholarships in Switzerland

    This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months. The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow's salary with social security contributions, financial contributions to research, and conference costs.

  9. SNSF Swiss Postdoctoral Fellowships (SPF)

    This funding scheme will offer applicants with a PhD and no more than eight years of postdoctoral experience a position at a non-commercial research institution in Switzerland for 12-24 months. The grant includes the postdoctoral fellow's salary with social security contributions, financial contributions to research, and conference costs. ...

  10. Postdoc.Mobility

    01.02 resp. 02.08. Postdoc.Mobility fellowships are aimed at researchers who have done a doctorate and who wish to pursue a scientific or an academic career in Switzerland. A research stay abroad enables such researchers to acquire more in-depth knowledge, increases their scientific independence and enhances their research profile.

  11. Funding for PhD Researchers

    PhD researchers who are employed in an SNSF-funded research project can apply for a grant to finance a stay abroad of 6 to 12 months. SEMP (Formerly Erasmus) and International Agreements: PhD researchers can arrange a stay abroad via the Swiss-European Mobility Program (formerly Erasmus) or via other international agreements.

  12. Funding a PhD

    Guide to discussing the funding of a PhD. This guide is a tool for clarifying the financial aspects of the thesis before you commit to it. Its use is recommended from the very first meeting, whether at an interview or when you approach a potential supervisor. Ideally, to live in Switzerland, a single person will need CHF 2,500 per month.

  13. Funding opportunities

    In addition, fellowship holders can apply for a return grant to finance their initial period of research after returning to Switzerland. The return grant includes a salary and social security contributions. The funding period is in principle 24 months (fellowship) and 3 to 12 months (return phase). Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP)

  14. PhD Projects, Programmes & Scholarships in Switzerland

    University of Basel Biozentrum. Share your passion for life sciences and apply for the independent Biozentrum PhD Fellowships. The deadline for applications for this Winter Call is October 5th, 2024. Read more. Funded PhD Programme (Students Worldwide) Switzerland PhD Programme. More Details.

  15. National MD-PhD Grants Program

    Applicants must have successfully completed their studies in human, veterinary or dental medicine and be admitted as doctoral students in one of the local MD-PhD programs associated with the National Grants Program by the time of the grant start. They must have been residents of Switzerland for at least 2 years by the submission deadline.

  16. PhD study in Switzerland

    All study in Switzerland, since 2006, has been in accordance with the Bologna system which means that a PhD is a third-cycle qualification, usually coming after a Bachelors (first cycle) and Masters (second cycle) degrees.. A Swiss PhD is the highest level of postgraduate degree you can achieve in the country and is a mark of a significant achievement.

  17. Funding opportunities for PhD students or Post-docs

    Financing living expenses. If you are committed to UNIL, the first two cases, your contract includes the contribution to social charges, you are AVS/AI/APG/AC insured, you contribute to unemployment and you are covered in the event of an accident. Either you are hired as an assistant to a professor. Either you are engaged in a research project ...

  18. MD-PhD programme

    15.12.2023. The MD-PhD programme, a joint effort of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences (SAMS) and the Swiss National Science Foundation, is designed to enable research-oriented physicians to complete a second course of study at a Swiss University leading to the conferral of a doctorate in the fields of science, public health, clinical ...

  19. PhD In Switzerland: Everything You Need To Know

    As you move to higher levels of education, the tuition fees get lower. A bachelor's degree tuition is higher than a master's one, and a master's tuition is higher than a PhD. Tuition fees for PhD programs in Switzerland range around CHF 1000 to CHF 2000. But sometimes Swiss universities advertise their PhD programs as paid assistant jobs.

  20. Resources

    SAMS and SNSF MD-PhD grant. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) ... Most importantly, only Swiss residents or candidates residing in Switzerland for the last two years are eligible. The local MD-PhD committee first decides which candidates are suitable for the nation-wide selection. In the second step, the selected candidates are ...

  21. Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF)

    The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) funds excellent research at universities and other institutions - from chemistry to medicine to sociology. Thousands of teams are generating knowledge for a better future for all. Together with our partners, we play a key role in shaping research in Switzerland. Open calls →.

  22. Grants to study in Switzerland

    Swiss citizens enrolled at universities and other education institutions in Switzerland who are seeking to apply for individual funding are advised to contact the grants office of their canton of residence or origin. The Swiss grants system is subject to cantonal jurisdiction. In accordance with the Intercantonal harmonisation of education ...

  23. Project funding

    The SNSF awards a maximum of 250,000 francs annually per applicant per project and a maximum of 1 million francs annually for the project as a whole. Applicants can freely divide the grant among themselves. The minimum grant for a project is 100,000 francs; the minimum duration is 1 year. Further opportunities under project funding.