Death Penalty in the Philippines: Evidence on Economics and Efficacy

ASOG Working Paper 21-003

27 Pages Posted: 13 Jan 2021

Imelda Deinla

School of Regulation & Global Governance (RegNet)

Ronald U. Mendoza

Ateneo De Manila University - Ateneo School of Government

Angelika Pizarro

Affiliation not provided to ssrn, ray paolo r. santiago.

Ateneo de Manila University - Ateneo Human Rights Center

Date Written: January 10, 2021

In his 5th State of the Nation Address (SONA) last July 27, 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte called on Congress to swiftly pass the bill reinstating the death penalty, specifically for heinous drug-related crimes specified under the Comprehensive Drugs Act of 2002. Pro-death penalty lawmakers and advocates in the country have long argued that the death penalty will deter criminality. However, the literature suggests that there is still no clear and credible empirical evidence to back the argument that the death penalty is a crime deterrent. Furthermore, this paper examined the potential drivers of the growing death penalty support in the Philippines and the possible implications of reinstating the death penalty in the current state of the country’s justice system and economy.

Keywords: death penalty, criminality, selective justice system, human rights

JEL Classification: D63, K14, K38

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

School of Regulation & Global Governance (RegNet) ( email )

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 0200 Australia

Ronald U. Mendoza (Contact Author)

Ateneo de manila university - ateneo school of government ( email ).

Katipunan Road Loyola Heights Quezon City, 1108 Philippines

Ray Paolo Santiago

Ateneo de manila university - ateneo human rights center ( email ).

20 Rockwell Drive, Ateneo Professional Schools Makati City Philippines

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Death Penalty - Essay Samples And Topic Ideas For Free

The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, remains a contentious issue in many societies. Essays on this topic could explore the moral, legal, and social arguments surrounding the practice, including discussions on retribution, deterrence, and justice. They might delve into historical trends in the application of the death penalty, the potential for judicial error, and the disparities in its application across different demographic groups. Discussions might also explore the psychological impact on inmates, the families involved, and the society at large. They could also analyze the global trends toward abolition or retention of the death penalty and the factors influencing these trends. A substantial compilation of free essay instances related to Death Penalty you can find at Papersowl. You can use our samples for inspiration to write your own essay, research paper, or just to explore a new topic for yourself.

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How To Write an Essay About Death Penalty

Understanding the topic.

When writing an essay about the death penalty, the first step is to understand the depth and complexities of the topic. The death penalty, also known as capital punishment, is a legal process where a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. This topic is highly controversial and evokes strong emotions on both sides of the debate. It's crucial to approach this subject with sensitivity and a balanced perspective, acknowledging the moral, legal, and ethical considerations involved. Research is key in this initial phase, as it's important to gather facts, statistics, and viewpoints from various sources to have a well-rounded understanding of the topic. This foundation will set the tone for your essay, guiding your argument and supporting your thesis.

Structuring the Argument

The next step is structuring your argument. In an essay about the death penalty, it's vital to present a clear thesis statement that outlines your stance on the issue. Are you for or against it? What are the reasons behind your position? The body of your essay should then systematically support your thesis through well-structured arguments. Each paragraph should focus on a specific aspect of the death penalty, such as its ethical implications, its effectiveness as a deterrent to crime, or the risk of wrongful convictions. Ensure that each point is backed up by evidence and examples, and remember to address counterarguments. This not only shows that you have considered multiple viewpoints but also strengthens your position by demonstrating why these opposing arguments may be less valid.

Exploring Ethical and Moral Dimensions

An essential aspect of writing an essay on the death penalty is exploring its ethical and moral dimensions. This involves delving into philosophical debates about the value of human life, justice, and retribution. It's important to discuss the moral justifications that are often used to defend the death penalty, such as the idea of 'an eye for an eye,' and to critically evaluate these arguments. Equally important is exploring the ethical arguments against the death penalty, including the potential for innocent people to be executed and the question of whether the state should have the power to take a life. This section of the essay should challenge readers to think deeply about their values and the principles of a just society.

Concluding Thoughts

In conclusion, revisit your thesis and summarize the key points made in your essay. This is your final opportunity to reinforce your argument and leave a lasting impression on your readers. Discuss the broader implications of the death penalty in society and consider potential future developments in this area. You might also want to offer recommendations or pose questions that encourage further reflection on the topic. Remember, a strong conclusion doesn't just restate what has been said; it provides closure and offers new insights, prompting readers to continue thinking about the subject long after they have finished reading your essay.

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10 Reasons Why The Death Penalty is Wrong

The death penalty is wrong because it disproportionately affects certain groups, inflicts physical and psychological torment, burdens taxpayers, and doesn’t deter or resolve the root causes of crime.

Over 70% of the countries in the world have abolished the death penalty , but it’s still used in places like China, Japan, Saudi Arabia, and the United States. Public opinion is divided, but over the years, support for the death penalty has waned. Supporters say it’s a valuable crime deterrent while opponents argue it fails in this purpose. In this article, we’ll explore these claims, as well as other reasons why the death penalty is wrong.

#1. It’s inhumane #2. It inflicts psychological torment #3. It burdens taxpayers #4. It doesn’t deter crime #5. It doesn’t address the root causes of crime #6. It’s biased against people experiencing poverty #7. It’s disproportionately hurts people with disabilities #8. It has a racial bias #9. It’s used as a tool of authoritarianism #10. It’s irreversible

#1. It’s inhumane

Content warning: This paragraph includes descriptions of a botched execution

Methods of execution have included firing squads, hanging, the electric chair, and lethal injections. Are these punishments inhumane? Death penalty critics look to The Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment , which is an international treaty intended to prevent actions considered inhumane. While the Convention doesn’t take a clear stance on the death penalty, many believe executions should be classified as cruel and inhumane. For those who believe executions can be performed “humanely,” there’s still the problem of botched executions. Research shows that 3% of executions between 1890-2010 in the US were botched. Lethal injection has the highest rate of error despite being the most common execution option. When injections go wrong, it can take a long time for a prisoner to die.

In 2014 in Oklahoma, Clayton Lockett was subjected to a botched execution. Things started poorly while the execution team hunted for a viable vein and realized they didn’t have the right needles . Then, it took at least 16 pokes to get an IV inserted. Lockett was in clear distress as the drugs began to enter his body, and the execution was halted. Lockett died of a heart attack 43 minutes after the first drug – midazolam – was administered. While it’s not clear if the drug can be blamed in Lockett’s case, sedatives like midazolam have played a role in several botched executions. Given these facts, the death penalty can easily be considered inhumane.

#2. It inflicts psychological torment

While the death penalty can cause severe physical pain, the time spent on death row can inflict psychological torment, as well. According to The Death Penalty Information Center, death-row prisoners in the United States typically spend over a decade waiting for their execution dates or for their death sentences to be overturned. During those agonizing years, prisoners are isolated, excluded from any employment or educational programs, and restricted from exercise or visitation. This can cause what some experts call “death row syndrome,” which makes prisoners suicidal and delusional. The prisoner is essentially tortured while on death row.

The death penalty doesn’t only affect death-row prisoners. Those working on death row suffer, too. In 2022, NPR released an investigation where they spoke with current and former executioners, lawyers, wardens, and other workers who had been involved with more than 200 executions. They reported “serious mental and physical repercussions.” Nearly everyone NPR spoke with no longer supported the death penalty. While some may still believe death is an appropriate punishment for certain crimes, society needs to consider the health of those tasked with carrying out that punishment.

#3. It burdens taxpayers with high costs

States use taxpayer money to fund executions. You may think death penalty sentences cost less than life imprisonment, but research shows that’s not true. According to data collected by Amnesty International, Kansas paid 70% more for a death penalty case than a comparable non-death penalty case. The median cost of a non-death penalty case (through the end of incarceration) is $740,000 while the median cost of a death penalty case through execution is a striking $1.26 million. Why is the death penalty so expensive? Legal and pre-trial fees, as well as the length of death penalty trials, the cost of appeals, and heightened security on death row all cost more than non-death penalty cases.

Many taxpayers have moral qualms about their taxes going to the death penalty, but there are tangible consequences, too. The money used for death penalty cases is being diverted from other measures such as mental health treatment, victim services, drug treatment programs, and more. Most people would prefer their taxes to pay for these types of services rather than long trials, appeals, and other death-penalty case activities.

#3. It doesn’t deter crime

Many people can admit the death penalty is not a perfect system, but if it deters crime, isn’t it worth keeping? That statement contains a big “if.” The Death Penalty Information Center has information showing that states without the death penalty have a consistently lower murder rate than states with the death penalty. Since 1990, the gap has increased. A 2020 analysis found that 9 out of 10 states with the highest pandemic murder rates were states with the death penalty. 8 out of the 11 states with the lowest pandemic murder rates had abolished the death penalty. Data like this suggests that the death penalty does not deter murder.

Why isn’t the threat of death enough to dissuade people from committing murder? The answer may lie in human psychology and the minds of those committing crimes. According to an article in Psychology Today, most offenders don’t behave rationally during a crime. Poor mental health is a common trigger. According to research, 43% of those in state prisons have a diagnosed mental disorder. When it comes to what’s known as “expressive crimes,” which are crimes driven by rage, depression, and drug or alcohol use, people are not thinking about the consequences they might face. The death penalty doesn’t factor into their decision-making.

#4. It doesn’t address the root causes of crime

The causes of crime are complex, but there’s little doubt that the death penalty fails to address them. Consider the United States, which experienced a post-2020 increase in violence. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, gun violence was a major contributor. The FBI found that guns were responsible for 77% of murders nationwide in 2020. In the same report, COVID-19 was frequently referenced as a factor as more people experienced disruptions to their jobs and social lives. Americans’ mental health suffered, as well, and while people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of crime rather than perpetrators, certain illnesses (and a lack of treatment) are linked to criminal behavior.

The death penalty doesn’t address any of the possible roots of violent crime, including socioeconomic disruptions and mental health. Considering the cost of death penalty cases and their effect on the mental health of all those involved, one could argue that the death penalty contributes to conditions that lead to crime.

Want to learn more about the death penalty? Check out these articles .

#6. It’s biased against people experiencing poverty

The death penalty is not applied equally based on the crimes people commit. Certain groups are much more likely than others to receive a sentence. According to The International Federation of Human Rights, 95% of prisoners on death row in the United States come from “underprivileged backgrounds. ” This doesn’t mean people experiencing poverty have an inherent urge to commit crimes. The criminalization of poverty increases a person’s risk for arrest, while the high cost of education, mental health treatment, substance abuse treatment, and other assistance can push people into crime.

Once in the criminal justice system, those with money can pay for private lawyers, investigations, appeals, and other actions that help them avoid the death penalty. Those experiencing poverty have to rely on underfunded public defenders. Rather than punishing those who’ve committed the most severe crimes, the system punishes those with the fewest resources. If the death penalty disproportionately affects people experiencing poverty, it’s a deeply unfair and unjust system.

#7. It’s disproportionately hurting people with intellectual disabilities

People with intellectual disabilities face increased discrimination in the criminal justice system. They’re more likely to falsely confess to a crime , less equipped to work with lawyers, and more likely to experience harsh and violent treatment in prison. In the United States, jurisdictions using capital punishment are required to make sure that people with intellectual disabilities are not sentenced to death or executed. However, the standards for this determination are not consistent. According to The Innocence Project, at least 12 states use IQ scores to determine intellectual disability , a method many experts find problematic. Certain states also require clear evidence, while others only ask for a “preponderance of evidence.” This means a person could be considered intellectually disabled in one state and not in another.

Even if a person with intellectual disabilities is not ultimately killed by the state, the road to a new sentence is brutal. Raymond Riles, who was sent to death row in 1976, remained there for more than 45 years despite being repeatedly deemed mentally incompetent. In 2021, his death sentence was finally tossed and he was sentenced to life in prison. Riles’ story is just one of many where a person with intellectual disabilities is mistreated or executed.

What factor influences your opinion on the death penalty the most?

  • Whether or not it deters crime
  • Whether or not it causes physical or emotional pain
  • Whether or not it’s a waste of money
  • Whether or not it discriminates against certain groups
  • Whether or not it’s exploited by the state

View Results

#8. It has a racial bias

In the United States, racial discrepancies are the biggest concern for many death penalty critics. According to research, 35% of people executed in the last 40 years have been Black, despite the fact Black Americans only make up 13% of the general population. When researchers take a closer look, they discover patterns of discrimination based on race. Virginia in particular has been scrutinized for its history, which has roots in early capital punishment laws. White defendants could only be executed for first-degree murder, while a variety of non-homicide crimes could get enslaved Black defendants executed. Between 1900-1969, Virginia executed 73 Black men for non-homicide crimes , while 185 were executed for murder. In that same time frame, no white person was executed for a non-homicide crime while 46 were executed for murder. In 2021, Virginia abolished the death penalty, citing the state’s history of racial disparities.

There’s also racial bias regarding what crimes receive death penalty sentences. According to a 2003 study, prosecutors were more likely to seek the death penalty when the victim was white , while they were less likely to pursue that verdict if the victim was Black. Another study, this one from 2007, reflected similar findings. Nationally, mountains of research show racial bias in how the death penalty is applied.

#9. It’s used as a tool of authoritarianism 

In theory, the death penalty is only meant to punish the most serious crimes, like murder. However, in places around the world, governments use executions freely and for non-lethal crimes. According to Amnesty International, recorded executions in 2022 hit their highest figure in five years . 883 people (which does not count the thousands possibly executed in China) were killed across 20 countries, which represents a 53% rise since 2021. Amnesty’s Secretary General says almost 40% of all known executions are for drug-related offenses, while in Iran, people were executed for protesting the regime. Because the governments still using the death penalty often hide their numbers, there are likely more executions not on the record.

It’s clear many governments inflicting the death penalty are not interested in justice, but rather in suppression and control. By using the death penalty arbitrarily, authorities set shifting definitions for what’s “unacceptable” in society and what’s an appropriate punishment. It makes citizens fearful and violates their human rights. As long the death penalty is legal, it has the potential to be abused for a government’s own purposes.

#10. It can’t be reversed in light of new evidence or errors

What makes the death penalty distinct from life in prison is that the judgment can’t be reversed if new evidence is discovered. It’s a disturbingly frequent occurrence. In 2000, Professor James Liebman from Columbia Law School released a study examining every capital conviction and appeal between 1973-1995. More than 90% of the states that gave death sentences had overall error rates of 52% or higher. 85% of states had error rates of 60% or higher. A more recent analysis from 2014 collected data from all death sentences between 1973-2004. They estimated that around 1 in 25 of those given a death sentence had likely been incorrectly convicted. While most of those who receive a death penalty sentence are eventually removed from death row to serve life imprisonment, innocent prisoners are never freed.

The Death Penalty Information Center maintains a database of exonerations , which means the person was acquitted or the charges were dismissed completely. Reasons include false confessions, insufficient evidence, perjury, official misconduct, and inadequate legal defense. Data like this exposes how flawed the criminal justice system is and how frequent errors are. It’s not a system we should trust with people’s lives.

The death penalty: a reading list 

Interested in learning more about the death penalty? Here’s where to start:

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption | Bryan Stevenson

This 2015 book (also made into a film) follows Bryan Stevenson as he establishes the Equal Justice Initiative. The book mostly focuses on Stevenson’s work for Water McMillian, a Black man sentenced to death for a crime he didn’t commit.

Dead Man Walking: The Eyewitness Account of the Death Penalty That Sparked a National Debate | Helen Prejean

Written in 1994, this book follows a Roman Catholic nun as she learns about the death penalty in America, gets to know everyone touched by the system, and works through her beliefs.

Let the Lord Sort Them: The Rise and Fall of the Death Penalty | Maurice Chammah

In this award-winning 2022 book, Maurice Chammah tracks the story of capital punishment through stories of those with personal experience, like a prosecutor turned judge, a lawyer, executioners, and the prisoners living on death row. Chammah is a journalist and staff writer for The Marshall Project.

Right Here, Right Now: Life Stories from America’s Death Row | Ed. Lynden Harris

A collection of 99 first-person, anonymous accounts of men on death row in the United States, this 2021 book shines a light on the humanity of the people who’ve been sentenced to death. The book is organized into eight life stages from early childhood right to the moment a man faces his execution.

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About the author, emmaline soken-huberty.

Emmaline Soken-Huberty is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon. She started to become interested in human rights while attending college, eventually getting a concentration in human rights and humanitarianism. LGBTQ+ rights, women’s rights, and climate change are of special concern to her. In her spare time, she can be found reading or enjoying Oregon’s natural beauty with her husband and dog.

  • International Politics

[Ulat] Panukalang-batas sa parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas tinimbang ng ilang Pinoy

Nagpahayag ng saloobin ang ilang Pinoy sa Ontario tungkol sa pagbabalik ng parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas

Taong 2017 sumama ang libo-libong mananampalataya na Romano Katoliko sa 'Walk of Life' sa Maynila bitbit ang mga plakard na nagpahayag ng pagtutol sa panukala sa kongreso na ibalik ang parusang kamatayan [file photo].

Litrato: The Associated Press / Bullit Marquez

Kinilala pareho ng dalawa sa mga lider ng Filipino community sa Toronto, Ont. ang kahinaan ng justice system sa Pilipinas na isang isyu sa hustisya at pagkakapantay-pantay ng mahirap at mayaman. At sa gitna ng panukala na ibalik ang parusang kamatayan sa bansa ay nagbanggaan ang magkasalungat na paniwala sa bisa laban sa kriminalidad.

Walang pagdadalawang-isip na pumapabor si Benjamin Ferrer, isang lider ng Filipino community sa Toronto, na ibalik ang parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas.

Pabor ako niyan kung 'yung [krimen na] ginawa ay katumbas ng buhay [ng tao]. Kung talaga ang kaso niya ay mabigat talaga ... na buhay ang inutang, aniya.

Si Benjamin Ferrer ang pangulo ng Silayan Community sa siyudad ng Toronto.

Litrato: RCI/Rodge Cultura

Dekada nobenta pa nang mag-Canada si Benjamin. Sinusundan niya umano ang mga polisiya at mga kaganapan sa Pilipinas na nakakaapekto sa kanyang mga mahal sa buhay.

Hindi niya umano maiwasan ang madismaya sa usapin ng kaligtasan tuwing mababalitaan ang mga insidente ng pamamaslang o kaya may na-kidnap sa Pilipinas.

Kung hindi gagawin ang parusang kamatayan [at] kung uutang ka ng buhay [ng walang kaparusahan] hindi mawawala ... lalong madadagdagan ang krimen, pahayag ni Benjamin.

Apat na panukalang-batas ang nakabinbin ngayon sa kongreso na maaaring magbigay-daan sa pagbabalik ng parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas. Ang Senate Bill No. 198 at ang House Bills 501, 1543 at 2459.

Inihain ni Philippine senator Ronald Dela Rosa ang Senate Bill 198   (bagong window) noong Hulyo para buhayin ang parusang kamatayan sa pamamagitan ng lethal injection, RA 8177, para sa ‘Large-scale Illegal Drug Trafficking.’

Sa ulat mula sa Philippine News Agency sinabi noon ni Senador Dela Rosa na nilimitahan niya ang panukala sa high-level drug traffickers para hindi ito bansagan na anti-poor.

"There's no high-level drug trafficker who can be considered as small-time. Hindi po kasama dito ‘yung mga ordinary street drug pushers. Only big-time drug traffickers," pahayag ni Dela Rosa sa ulat ng Philippine News Agency PNA .

Ipinanukala ang House Bill 2459, sa Philippine House of Representatives, na patawan ng parusang kamatayan ang mga banyaga na lalabag sa Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 (RA 9165). Iminungkahi naman sa HB 501 na ipatupad ang parusang kamatayan sa pamamagitan ng bitay, firing squad o kaya ay lethal injection para sa krimen tulad ng qualified bribery at sa nagmamay-ari ng marijuana.

Kamakailan inihain din ni Surigao del Norte Second District Rep. Robert Barbers sa kongreso ang HB 1543 na gusto ipawalang-bisa ang RA 9346   (bagong window) o ang batas na nagbabawal sa parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas.

Para naman kay Nestor Von Canton, isa sa kilalang lider ng Filipino community sa siyudad ng Vaughan, Ont. nararapat lang na mabigat ang parusa para sa drug traffickers. Pero ikinatatakot niya na pawang mahirap na tao lang ang mapaparusahan sa oras na maisabatas ang parusang kamatayan sa bansa.

Sabihin na natin na ang intensyon ng batas ay mabuti para iparating ang mensahe. Nasubukan na nila eh, tingnan mo ang panahon ni Pangulong Duterte. Andaming namatay, ipinapatupad ang anti-drugs, etc. etc. Tingnan mo sino 'yung mga biktima, puro mahihirap. Nasaan 'yung mga manufacturer? Nasaan 'yung mga pusher? Nasaan 'yung mga opisyal, na nasa likod nito, 'di ba? Para sa akin hindi talaga siya crime deterrent, giit ni Nestor.

Si Nestor Von Canton ang CEO at founder ng MCBN, isang Filipino Canadian multimedia company, na nag-o-operate sa Vaughan.

Litrato: Nestor Von Canton

Tutol si Nestor na ibalik ang parusang kamatayan sa bansa.

Para sa kanya, hanggang sa talamak ang gutom ay marami ang kakapit sa krimen. Nararapat aniya higit na pagtuunan muna ng gobyerno ang problema sa kahirapan.

Magkasalungat man ang paniwala sa bisa ng parusang kamatayan na masumpo ang krimen ay magkasundo naman sa dalawang bagay sina Nestor at Benjamin.

Ang isyu ng kahirapan at ang kakayahan na maipagtanggol ng isang akusado ang sarili sa hukuman ay kailangan pa na pagbutihin at pagtibayin ng gobyerno ng Pilipinas. At kailangan aniya pagtuunan ng pansin ang isyu ng kurapsyon sa criminal justice system ng bansa.

'Yung mahirap walang panlaban. Walang pambayad ng abogado. Habang ang may kaya, pag-usapan natin drug dealers na nakagawa ng krimen, may mga pera ang mga ito. May kakayahan na kumuha ng abogado, sabi ni Nestor.

Sa Canada, higit apat na dekada na ang nakalipas nang tuluyang mabuwag ang parusang bitay noong Hulyo 14, 1976.

Ang huling dalawang tao na binitay sa Canada noon ay sina Ronald Turpin at Arthur Lucas noong Disyembre 11, 1962 o anim na dekada na ang nakaraan.

Muling ipinanukala noong 1987 na ibalik ang parusang kamatayan sa Canada. Pero matapos ang mahabang debate ay tinalo ito sa botohan sa House of Commons 148-127 noong ika-30 ng Hunyo 1987.

  • Canada bumoto para wakasan ang death penalty   (bagong window)

Ang urong-sulong na pagpapatupad ng parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas ay humati sa opinyon ng marami pabor man o kontra sa pagpapatupad nito.

Pinirmahan ni dating Pangulong Gloria Macapagal Arroyo ang Republic Act 9346   (bagong window) para ipagbawal ang pagpataw ng parusang kamatayan noong 2006. Pinawalang-bisa nito ang RA 8177 (An Act Designating Death by Lethal Injection) na naisabatas noong 1996.

Kapuna-puna na napawalang bisa dahil dito ang RA 7659 (Death Penalty Law) na tumukoy sa mga krimen na may kaparusahang bitay kasama ang mga krimen na kidnapping, pandarambong at paglabag sa dangerous drugs act. Gayundin ay binawi ang lahat ng batas, kautusang ehekutibo at mga pagpapasya na nagpapataw ng parusang kamatayan sa bansa.

Naiulat na napakinabangan ang bagong polisiya noon sa higit 1,000 na konbiktado na nasa death row.

Kaugnay na mga ulat:

  • Pilipinas binuwag ang parusang kamatayan   (bagong window)
  • Lider ng Pilipinas pinalitan ang parusang kamatayan   (bagong window)

Sa paglipas ng labing-anim na taon mula ng maipawalang-bisa ang parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas ay maraming panukala, hanggang sa administrasyon ni dating Pangulong Rodrigo Duterte, ang nagtutulak ngunit nabigo sa tangkang ibalik ito.

Sa ibang bansa, ang child trafficking ay [may parusa] na death penalty. Pwede nila subukan ito. Pero sa kabuuan hindi talaga ito deterrent. Isang quote mula sa   Nestor Von Canton, Miyembro, Filipino Canadian Association of Vaughan Board of Directors

Nagbunyi noong 2007 ang mga kumontra sa parusang kamatayan nang sumama na ang Pilipinas sa Second Optional Protocol   (bagong window) to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) at nangako na "buwagin ang death penalty sa hurisdiksyon nito."

Sa itinutulak na panukalang-batas sa parusang kamatayan sa Pilipinas ay inaabangan kung ito ay lulusot at tuluyan na maisasabatas sa ilalim ng administrasyon ni Pangulong Ferdinand Marcos Jr.

Mga Ulo ng Balita

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Dumaong sa Maynila ang HMCS Montreal ngayong Biyernes

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Sinabi ni Marc Miller na tinitingnan ng gobyerno ang pagbibigay ng status sa health-care, construction workers no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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Ayon kay Kayla Marie Ricasio na isang blogger , ang death penalty ang isa sa mga napapanahong isyu. Bakit nga ba isa ang death penalty sa napapanahong isyu ngayon? Dahil na nga ba ito sa mga laganap na krimen na nangyayari ngayon? Sa karamihan ng krimen ay hindi na ito macontrol. Dapat o hindi dapat na bang ibalik ito sa Pilipinas? Ang death penalty ay may maganda at masamang epekto sa bawat isa sa ating mamamayang pilipino. Ang magandang epekto ng death penalty sa bawat mamamayang pilipino ay magiging ligtas ang mga inosenteng tao sa mga kriminal, malalayo sa panganib o peligro na dulot ng mga kriminal. Maaaring bitayin o ikulong ang mapatunayang may sala. Mananagot ang taong may sala at magbabayad sa kasalanang ginawa nila. Sa panahon ni Marcos ay mataas ang ratings ng pilipinas at kakaunti lang ang krimen na nangyayari dahil sa termino niya ay may death penalty pa noon. Ngunit hindi naman sa lahat ng bagay ay death penalty lang ang solusyon dahil may mga iba pang paraan para magbago ang isang taong gumawa ng krimen. Ang masamang epekto ng death penalty ay paano na lang kung walang sapat na ebidensiya ang korte at basta-basta na lang naghahatol ng kamatayan, malaman man nila ang tunay na nangyari paano kung huli na ang lahat at nabitay na ang walang sala. Sa mata rin ng Panginoong Diyos wala ni sinuman ang may karapatan na pumatay ng sinuman, may kasalanan man ito sa inyo patawarin niyo rin sila give them another chance dahil sino ba naman tayo tao lang din naman tayo nagkakasala pareho nila. Ang death penalty ba na magkakaroon ng bitay sa mga taong mapatunayang nagkasala at mabawasa ang krimen na nangyayari o ang ikulong lang ang may mga sala at maaaring madagdagan o laganap pa rin ang krimen ngunit may pagkakataon pa namang magbago ang isang tao kung gugustuhin niya dahil yung ibang taong may sala ay unintentional lamang ang nangyari at may panahon pang magbago. Pagiging hindi patas na rin ng batas sa mga kapwa pilipino natin dahil kung ang ibang kapwa natin ay nabibitay ng walang sala sa ibang bansa o nahahatulan ngunit bakit sa ating bansa ay pagkulong o pagpiyansa lamang ang hatol sa mga dayuhan. Sa "jusTIIS" na sistema natin dito sa Pilipinas, kung walang pera ang isang tao, kahit sabihin mo pang inosente siya, malabong maipanalo niya ang isang kaso. Wala namang nakulong sa mga nagnakaw ng milyon o bilyon sa bulsa ng pamayanan samantalang yung mga nanghahablot ng bag sa mga mall at mga mandurukot ng cellphone ay nadun na sa kulungan. Ang parusang ito ay masasabi ko na "anti-poor" sa kadahilanang kayang-kayang bilhin ang hustisya dito sa ating bansa. At dahil mas mabigat ang parusa, ang mga may pera ay mas lalong maaakit bilhin ang hustisya para makatakas sa

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    Ang masamang epekto ng death penalty ay paano na lang kung walang sapat na ebidensiya ang korte at basta-basta na lang naghahatol ng kamatayan, malaman man nila ang tunay na nangyari paano kung huli na ang lahat at nabitay na ang walang sala. Sa mata rin ng Panginoong Diyos wala ni sinuman ang may karapatan na pumatay ng sinuman, may kasalanan ...