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Personal Presentation

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Personal presentation is how you portray and present yourself to other people. It includes how you look, what you say, and what you do, and is all about marketing YOU, the brand that is you.

What others see and hear from you will influence their opinion of you. Good personal presentation is therefore about always showing yourself in the best possible light.

We all know that you only get one chance to make a first impression. Most of us are probably also aware that it takes quite a long time to undo that first impression—and that if it is negative, we may never get the chance to do so. This page explains some of the skills involved in making a good first impression—and then continuing to impress over time.

Understanding Personal Presentation

Personal presentation is about you and how you present yourself to others.

This includes both in everyday situations and when under pressure, for example, at job interviews. It is best thought of as a form of communication , because it always involves at least two people—the person presenting themselves (you) and the person seeing and hearing you.

Personal presentation covers what other people both see and hear. It includes how you look, what you say, and what you do. It therefore requires a wide range of skills, from improving your personal appearance to your communication skills.

However, all these aspects start from one place: you.

To present yourself well and confidently, you need to believe in yourself—or at least, be able to act as if you do.

Perception is Truth

People who present themselves as confident will be perceived as such by others.

There is also plenty of evidence that once we start acting as if we are confident, we generally feel more confident too.

Confidence—but not arrogance—is a very attractive trait. Having a justified belief in yourself and your abilities helps other people to be confident in you too.

Good personal presentation therefore requires good self-esteem and self-confidence. It means that you have to learn about yourself, and understand and accept who you are, both your positives and your negatives, and be comfortable with yourself. This does not, however, mean that you believe that there is nothing that you can improve—but that you are confident in your ability to achieve, and know how to overcome your flaws.

Paradoxically, therefore, personal presentation is actually not about being self-conscious or overly concerned with what others think about you. People who present themselves well generally do so because they believe in themselves, rather than because they are worried about what other people think. These concepts are closely related to Personal Empowerment .

A complete picture—and a cycle

Personal presentation is about conveying appropriate signals for the situation and for the other individuals involved.

People who lack self-esteem and confidence may fail to convey their message effectively or fully utilise their skills and abilities because of the way they present themselves. However, by improving your communication skills and reducing barriers to understanding, you may also improve your self-esteem and confidence.

Our pages: Communication Skills , Barriers to Communication and Improving Self-Esteem provide more information.

Areas of Personal Presentation

Improving personal presentation therefore requires a look at several different areas.

These include:

Self-esteem and self-confidence – how you feel about yourself and your abilities

Personal appearance – how you look, and how other people see you

Non-verbal communication – your body language, voice and facial expressions

Verbal communication – how you speak and use your words to make an impression

Behaviour – how you behave more generally, including politeness.

Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence

Self-esteem and self-confidence are closely related, but not quite the same thing.

Self-esteem is how you see and value yourself .

Self-confidence is believing in or having faith in your ability , rather than yourself as a person.

Neither self-esteem nor self-confidence are static. They vary as a result of numerous factors, including different situations and the presence of different people, personal stress levels and the level of change. Low levels of self-esteem are often associated with low levels of confidence, but those with good self-esteem can also suffer from low confidence.

To improve your self-esteem and self-confidence, spend time thinking about how you value yourself. Remind yourself of what is good about you, and learn to manage the highs and lows of self-esteem. In particular, try to avoid being affected too much by others’ opinions about you.

It is also worth practising coming across as confident even when you are not, because those who appear confident are not only perceived as confident, but often actually become more confident.

See our pages on Improving Self-Esteem and Building Confidence for more discussion, tips and advice on this area.

Personal Appearance and Non-Verbal Communication

Personal appearance is the way that you dress and take care of your general appearance.

Much as we may hate the idea that appearances matter, this is an important factor in personal presentation. Whether you like it or not, others will make judgements about you based on how you look, which includes how you dress and your accessories. It is therefore worth taking time to think about what messages you are sending to others in the way that you dress.

Case study: The ‘gravitas bag’

Louise was a young graduate, working in a government department. She had been working there about two years, and had just started working for a new boss, a woman just a few years older than her.

One day, on the way to an important meeting, Louise’s carrier bag, in which she was carrying her notebook and pens, broke on the bus. Her boss laughed, but said to her, carefully,

“ You know, you ought to think a bit about how what you wear and carry affects what people think about you. I’m not sure it gives quite the right impression to wander into a meeting with pens and books spilling out of a split carrier bag—that’s why I keep a briefcase in my cupboard for the days when I’ve worn a backpack into work. This may sound stupid, but I always feel that people may be judging me because I’m both female and quite young. I don’t want to give them any reason to doubt my professionalism. ”

Neither did Louise. The next weekend, she went shopping. On the Monday, she proudly showed her boss a new handbag and matching briefcase—her ‘gravitas bag’, as she described it.

Your personal appearance is closely related to the body language, gestures and other non-verbal messages that you use.

Many people are unaware of how they are affected by body language, and also how they are affecting others. By being aware of positive and negative non-verbal signals, you can improve your image and the way people perceive you.

There is more about these ideas in our pages on Personal Appearance and Non-Verbal Communication , including specific pages on Body Language and Face and Voice .

Verbal Communication and Effective Speaking

What you say and how you say it are both important aspects of how you are perceived by others.

Verbal communication is all about the words that you choose. Those who are good at verbal communication understand the impact of their particular choice of words and choose the right words for the situation and the audience. They are skilled at getting their message across to others and ensuring that it has been received.

See our pages on Verbal Communication for more.

Good communicators also use their voices effectively to convey their feelings, and to influence their audience. Your voice says a lot about you and learning how to use it more effectively has many benefits. There are a number of aspects to your voice, including accent, tone, pitch and volume. Some of these are easier to change than others, but it is worth thinking about how each of these affects your audience, so that you can learn to use your voice more effectively. 

See our pages Effective Speaking and Non-Verbal Communication: Face and Voice to learn more.

How you behave, and not just how you speak, will leave a strong impression on others.

For example, if you are habitually late, you may give other people the impression that you do not value their time. Good time management skills can therefore be helpful in giving the right impression—as well as enabling you to work more efficiently.

See our pages Time Management and Avoiding Distractions for some ideas of to improve your time management skills.

More crucially, your general politeness—to everyone, and not just people who ‘matter’—will create an important impression about how you value others.  This is an essential element of personal presentation. It pays to consider your manners.

See our page How to be Polite for more.

Introduction to Communication Skills - The Skills You Need Guide to Interpersonal Skills

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Our Communication Skills eBooks

Learn more about the key communication skills you need to be a more effective communicator.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their interpersonal skills and are full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

And finally…

It is almost certainly impossible to overestimate the importance of personal presentation, especially in creating a good first impression, but also in giving a longer-term view of yourself.

Improving some fairly basic communication skills and increasing your self-awareness will improve your ability to present yourself well. Knowing that you are more likely to say and do the right things, and look the part, will help to increase your confidence. All these will, in turn, help to ensure that you give the right impression.

This is especially true in more formal situations, culminating in improved communication and therefore better understanding.

Continue to: Personal Appearance Self-Presentation in Presentations

See also: Effective Ways to Present Yourself Well Building a Personal Brand That Will Boost Your Career 8 Ways to Effectively Market Yourself as a Professional

Blog > English Presentation Structure (Introduction, Closing) & useful Phrases

English Presentation Structure (Introduction, Closing) & useful Phrases

02.21.20   •  #powerpoint #presentation #english.

When giving a presentation in english, there are certain guidelines you should follow. Maybe you haven't got a lot of experience presenting - or you would simply like to refresh your already existing knowledge - we're here to teach you the basics about presenting and provide you with a free list of useful phrases and the basic structure you can in your presentation!

presentation personnel in english

1. Structure

The general structure of a presentation is the following:

  • Introduction

It is up to you to design these three parts. Using videos or everyday-examples can be a great way to introduce the audience to the topic. The important thing is that you capture the audience's attention from the beginning by making an interesting introduction. The main part is where you present your topic, ideally divided into sections. You can be creative with it - incorporate images, videos, stories or interactive polls . We generally recommend using different kinds of elements, as that makes the presentation more lively. Make sure your main part is well structured, so your audience can follow. In the conclusion, you should give a short summary of the points you made without adding any new information. You can also make an appeal to your audience in the end.

2. Useful Phrases

Here you'll find several phrases that you'll need in every presentation. Of course, you should adapt them and use them in a context that is suitable for your setting. The phrases are divided into subcategories so you can find what you're looking for more easily.

presentation personnel in english

Starting your Presentation

In your introduction, you should:

Welcome your audience

Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

Ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you to my presentation about...

Introduce yourself

I am ... (from company ...) and today I would like to introduce you to the topic of ...

My name is ... and I am going to talk about ... today.

Icebreakers (for audience engagement)

Icebreaker polls are an amazing way to engage your audience instantly. They function as a fun and playful element at the beginning, giving you the perfect start you need to give a successful presentation. Click here to read our detailed post about icebreaker polls!

Mention the presentation topic and the reason for giving the presentation

I am grateful to be here today and tell you you about...

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about ...

I am here today to talk to you about ...

The reason why I am here today to talk about ... is ...

The purpose of this presentation is to ...

My goal today is to ...

Hopefully, by the end of the presentation, you will all know more about ...

Give a short overview of the content

To make it as understandable as possible, I divided my presentation into ... parts. In the first part, I will concentrate on ..., the second part will be about ..., ...

First of all, I will give you a short introduction, then we will move on to ...

... and finally, I will give you some insights to ...

presentation personnel in english

Here are a few phrases that you could use during the whole presentation, but especially in the main part.

Engage your audience

In order to raise the audience's attention and improve their engagement, it is extremely important to make contact with them. A great way to do so is by adding interactive elements such as polls. If you would like to know more about this topic, read our article on How To Boost Audience Engagement . You can also use a software like SlideLizard , which allows you to conduct live polls, do Q&A sessions with your audience, share your resources and many more benefits that take your presentation to the next level.

Please raise your hand if you ...

Have you ever thought about ... ?

I would like to do a poll about ...

Please ask any questions as soon as they arrive.

On one hand, … on the other hand…

Comparing … with …, we can see that…

Clearly, … makes more sense than …

Whereas Option A is …, Option B is …

Making new points

Firstly,… Secondly,…

What also has to be mentioned is…

Next, I would like to bring up the topic of…

That being said, now we are going to take a look at…

Let's move on to the next topic.

On the next slide,…

The last thing I would like to mention is…

presentation personnel in english

We made a whole blog post about how to pose questions in your presentation: The Right Way to do a Question Slide .

Talking about images or videos

In this image you can clearly see that ...

We are now going to take a look at a picture/video of ...

I'm going to show you a video by ... about ... now.

I've prepared a video about ...

Talking about statistics and charts

I am now addressing this graph that refers to the results of study XY.

In the graph on this slide, you can see that ...

The average is at ...

This graph clearly shows that the majority ...

According to this graph, the focus should be on ...

What that study tells us for practice is that we should ...


I would like to emphasize the importance of ...

Moreover, it has to be said that ...

I want to stress the importance of ...

We always have to remember that ...

This is of high significance because ...

That part is especially important because ...

When something goes wrong

I am sorry, but it seems like the projector isn't working.

Could someone please help me with ...?

Is anybody here who knows how to ...?

Could someone give me a hand with ...

I would like to apologize for ...

I apologize for the technical problems, we are going to continue in a minute.

I am sorry for the inconvenience.

End of Presentation

In the conclusion, you should...

Sum up the main points

In conclusion I can say that…

To sum up the main points,…

With all mentioned aspects taken into consideration, I can say that…

Make an appeal

So please, in the future, try to be conscious about...

Please take a moment to think about...

I would like to encourage you to...

Thank your audience and say goodbye

It was a pleasure being here today.

Thank you for listening and goodbye.

Thank you for being such a great, engaged audience. Goodbye.

Thank you so much for listening, see you next time.

What is the structure of a presentation?

Your presentations should always have an Introduction, a Main part and a Conclusion.

What is a good way to begin a presentation?

You can start by introducing yourself, giving an overview of your topic, telling a little story or showing the audience an introductory video or image.

What are good phrases to use in English presentations?

There are many phrases that will make your presentation a lot more professional. Our blog post gives you a detailed overview.

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About the author.

presentation personnel in english

Pia Lehner-Mittermaier

Pia works in Marketing as a graphic designer and writer at SlideLizard. She uses her vivid imagination and creativity to produce good content.

presentation personnel in english

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The big SlideLizard presentation glossary

Hybrid event.

When an event consist of both virtual and in-person parts, this is called a hybrid event. This type of event is popular as it combines the benefits of both online and live events.


In live online training, it is sometimes useful to divide the students into small groups for certain exercises, as it would be impossible to have conversations at the same time. Break-out-rooms are used so that people can talk to each other without disturbing the others. When the exercise is over, they are sent back to the main room.

Audience Demographics

Audience Demographics are the characteristics of listeners like age, gender, cultural backgrounds, group affiliations and educational level. The speaker has to consider all these characteristics when adapting to an audience.

Informative Presentations

An information presentation is created when no solution is currently available. Facts, data and figures or study results are presented and current processes are described.

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Speak Confident English

How to Prepare a Presentation in English Successfully [+ FREE Presentation Checklist]

May 1, 2018 | Business Professional English , Free Resource , Public Speaking & Presentations

How to Prepare a Presentation in English without Stress

This lesson on how to prepare a presentation in English has been updated since its original posting in 2016 and a video has been added.

Giving a presentation is already difficult to do, even in your native language. But to give a presentation in English? Well, it can feel impossible, maybe even terrifying.

If you’re nervous, you might be worried about:

  • What if your audience doesn’t understand?
  • What if you use the wrong word or – worse – forget your words?
  • What if someone asks a question and you don’t understand?

These are all common questions about giving a presentation in English.  And the good news is: it is possible to give a presentation in English with confidence.

Whether you are presenting information about your company or presenting a proposal to a new client, presenting a new idea to your boss and colleagues or presenting to an audience at a conference, these are the strategies you need to best prepare for your next presentation in English.

These are exactly the same strategies native English speakers use to prepare for their presentations, too!

7 simple strategies to prepare a presentation in English.

Lesson by Annemarie

7 Strategies to Prepare a Presentation in English

Strategy 1: Plan, Plan, Plan

I know this sounds simple but this is maybe the most important step! That’s why I said it three times.

Before you do or write anything, spend some time thinking about what you want to say for this opportunity to present. You can use these two questions to help you:

  • Where is your audience now (before your presentation)? In other words: what do they currently know or not know? Is there something they are missing? Imagine your presentation is a map and Question 1 is your Point A.
  • Where do you want your audience to be after your presentation? What do you want your audience to know or do or think or believe after your presentation? On your presentation map, this is your Point B.

And now think of the steps you need to help your audience go from Point A to Point B.

Strategy 2: Know Your Who and Your What

Who is your audience?  You want to know the kind of people you will be speaking to so you can offer the right information, use the right language and think about the best visual aids.

For example: Imagine you design applications for smart phones. You’ve designed a great new application for children and you want to market/sell this application. As the designer you understand all the technical words and information about the application. And now you have the opportunity to present to a group of moms at a local school. It would be AMAZING if every mom in the audience bought your application.

How should you present to them? Do you want to use a lot of technical words? Will they understand them? Or should you use more common, everyday language that is clear and simple for everyone?

What is your purpose?  Generally, presentations are used to teach, to inform, to motivate. to persuade or to encourage action. When you understand the purpose of your presentation,  it will be easier for you to use the correct language and the correct style. It will also help you organize your presentation well.

“These are the seven strategies you need to prepare for a successful presentation in English, for any situation!”

Strategy 3: Get Organized

Presentations in English generally have 3 parts:

  • Opening (Introduction)
  • Body (Main Points and Details)
  • Closing (Summary)

In the next several weeks, you will learn exactly what you need for each section of your presentation. For now, it is important to think how you can organize your information into these 3 parts.

Important advice : Limit the number of main points in your presentation from 3 to 5 (no more than 5!). You want your audience to be well-informed but not overwhelmed.

Strategy 4: Show, Don’t Tell

In English, we love stories and pictures to help us remember information.

What about you? Have you ever listened to a presentation that has a LOT of numbers and statistics and data and dates? Do you remember any of that information now? Most people say no to that question.

In English, the expression “show, don’t tell” means  help your audience understand your main points through stories, visual aids and/or strong action words .

People remember stories, not numbers. When you can, use a story or a great visual aid to help your audience remember your key points.

For example: If you are presenting scientific information and you want to use a number to talk about how many cells are in the human body. According to an article by Smithsonian, there are 37.2 trillion cells in the human body!!! How many is that? I have no idea! Instead you could use a picture to help you. Imagine the largest sports stadium and every seat is filled. Show this picture and now tell people how many full stadiums you need for 37.2 trillion. With a picture, your audience can visualize this big number. And it will be easier to remember.

Strategy 5: Talk, Don’t Read

This one is so important. Please, please, please do not read your presentation.

For an audience, when someone reads a presentation it:

  • Shows you didn’t prepare well

Of course, you can use note cards to help you remember and to stay focused. But talk to your audience. Look at your audience. Move around. Be comfortable and natural.

The more you prepare, the more you practice, the easier this will be! And your audience will enjoy your presentation so much more!

Also, do not be afraid to go slow !

A good presentation does not mean speaking fast. Remember: this is the first time your audience is hearing this information. They need time to hear and to think about what you are saying. You will help them (and you!) if you speak slowly.

By speaking slowly, you will also have more time to think about what you want to say in your presentation, remember the key points and make fewer mistakes!

Strategy 6: Think Ahead

One of the scariest parts of a presentation in the Q&A ( = question and answer) part of the presentation. Most people fear they will not:

  • Understand the words of the question
  • Understand the accent of the person speaking
  • Know what to say
  • Remember the words they need

A Q&A session doesn’t always happen but if you have to do this, here is how you can calm your fears:

Review your presentation. Think about your audience (remember the  Who Are They  question!). Can you identify any likely questions?

Give your presentation to your peers, colleagues, friends, and family. Ask them what questions they have. It is possible they will have some of the same questions as your audience.

Now make a list of possible questions and prepare your answers ahead of time. Practice giving these answers when you practice your presentation.

The more prepared you are, the easier a Q&A session will be.

Strategy 7: Practice, Practice, Practice

I cannot say this enough. You must practice. Say your presentation out loud many times. Practice your presentation in front of your work colleagues, your friends, your family.

The more you practice, the more prepared and confident you will be.

And you can kiss some of those fears and nervous feelings goodbye !!* *[Idiom]  kiss something goodbye : to end or lose something. So, you can end your fears and end your nervous feelings!

Get the complete Presentations in English Series:

Part 1: How to Prepare for Your Presentation in English

Part 2: How to Start with a Great Introduction in Your Presentation

Part 3:  How to Organize Your Presentation in English

Part 4:  How to End Your Presentation Powerfully

Now that you’ve had time to review the lesson, I’d love to hear about your experience.

Have you had to prepare a presentation in English?

Please take a moment to share your advice on how to best prepare. What has helped you the most? You might have the perfect strategy for someone else in our Confident English Community.

You can share your advice and ideas in the comments section below. That is the best place to get feedback from me and learn from others.

Have a great week and thank you for joining me! ~ Annemarie

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Thanks you for sharing your strategies to elaborate a presentation. I think this is very comprehensive and useful because it shows all the important steps to create a presentation. Very interesting.


I’m so glad to know it was helpful!

Pratibha Yadav

I am going to present my ppt for the college assignment and these are very wise advice which I’m sure they make my presentation more prepared.Tysm

Liliana Llanas

I love all your videos. Thanks for sharing!

Rizky Handy Wibowo

thank you for sharing about this. this is very helpful.

Jaywant Patil

Thank you so much for your great presentation tips which we will implement in our areas. I used to so much mistakes that I realized after watching your video… Thanks once again for your valuable guidance..

Regards, Jaywant Patil 9819282438


so far, I haven’t had any experience in creating a presentation. but I am sure that everything is ahead


Hi, Very interesting your advices, sorry rigth now I haven’t give the presentation in english but I’m working to be confortable when I have to speak in english. You prononciation is very helpfull because I’m crying to repeat your video to improve my one. Very good video and so thank you

azhar uddin

I appreciate u for the seven strategies of presentation may his soul peace and rest


Thank you very much ,this is very useful for me

Rani Pandit

Hello Annemarie! You are doing a great job these seven strategies are very useful for us in a presentation I am one of the students who always nervous on the stage so I like the point of doing “practise and practise” is great of becoming a good presenter. Thank you so much.By sharing one thing that my pronouncing and my grammar is very bad so I also have to do so many practices to become a good in English. I am not from a good background my family is very poor so I am doing my best for my family.


I can relate to that.


Hi Annemarie,

Thank you so much for sharing your strategies. All the seven strategies look very important and helpful. I particularly strongly agree with the 7th one. Without practicing in advance, it seems for me to easily lose confidence while making a presentation. I might need to be more diligent to prepare all the things in advance.

Thanks again for your very useful lecture! Hope you have a great weekend.

You’re very welcome, Erin. I’m happy to know it was helpful to you! Best of luck as you continue to prepare for things in advance. 🙂


Thank you indeed.I am a syh person and I get excited easily.I should practise and record myself.


Thank you for your comment. I’m glad my lessons are useful to you. And I definitely recommend recording yourself. It’s a great way to make progress and overcomes fear.


It’s very useful and done with the help of a clear and simple language, as usual. I’m agree with Tatyana, it’s real and nice presentation about “how to be ready to the presentation”. 🙂 I have a big expirience in the presentations but all of them were in my native language or with the help of an interpreter. To my mind this strategies are common for all the languages and the most important thing not to neglect them and not to be lazy to do all the steps you’ve spoken about. So I think in a few weeks I’m going …  Read more »

Great advice, Dzmitry! Thank you for sharing. And you’re right, these strategies are true no matter what language you’re presenting in and it’s essential not to neglect a single step. I love your advice on including a little joke to relieve the stress. 🙂


Dear Annemarie Actually I am university’s professor and I always use English texts for my teaching materials. Unfortunately I have no experience on giving presentation in English. I have been invited as an expert to give a talk in an academic conference in English and I don’t know can I do it perfectly or not? would you please give me some hints in this context. Ta

What an honor to be invited to speak as an expert! That’s great. Click here to find all my lessons on Giving Presentations in English . If you’re looking for more personalized assistance or one-on-one help, I provide that to students who purchase classes from me or join one of my courses .

Best wishes with your presentation!

Usama Altaf

Dear Annemarie I did a presentation in English in front of my class and my topic was “how to get confidence to speak in front of class?” I did gramatical mistakes but my respectful teacher helped me a lot. I m bery impress from you. You r doing very well.

khaled abo el magd

Dear Annemarie ..I did a presentation in English at course it talked about how to be happy .. I practiced my talking a lot but when I started I forgot a lot f notes cuz this is my first presentation and I wanted to make a creative end I chose to make audience dance about ‘macrena dance’ In the final of the presentation, I received positive feedback from audience and I felling I proud of my self

Wonderful, Khaled. And congratulations. Presentations are challenging but it sounds like you were well prepared. You deserve to feel proud of yourself.


Thank you so much Anne, iam grateful to this information. it is timely, I needed it. I give organization Presentations, but I must admit that iam still nervous.(stage freak) thank you I look forward to more guidance and skills stay blessed Phyllis

Hello Phyllis,

You’re very welcome. I’m happy to know this lesson was timely and useful for you. The key to overcoming stage fright and nerves is practice. 🙂


Hi These are very usefull informations Annemarie thank you.In fact I have never give a presentation in English. It is so easy to understand your text and fortunately you use simple words for us.Buy the way i can apply your advices in my language too.I love your lessons and try to read all of them if i have time. See you😄👍

Dear Sümeyye,

Thank you so much for you kind comment! I’m thrilled to know these lessons are useful to you! And, if you do give a presentation in English in the future, don’t forget to use these lessons to help you prepare!

Can you tell me, what is your native language?

Thanks again Sümeyye! ~ Annemarie

Andras Gelley

Dear Annemarie, you shared the highlights of a good presentation, and it will be excellent to bear the ability to present it as a freely talk, without reading, or thinking about the next sentense, the next part of the topic or stucking in the next werb what doestn’t want arise in my mind . I would like to see the audience enjoing my talk because it is running fluently. I started to go on that way with your encourage. Thank you

Hello András,

Thank you so much for this comment. I’m thrilled to know this was useful to you. And yes, your improvements in English are growing every day!

Best, Annemarie


It’s very useful lesson for me! I don’t have a big experience in presentations, it’s quite scary for me especially the presentations in English! And it was very informative to read about main strategies which could help to prepare for presentations! It’s so clear and intresting, I have even a feeling of trying to do that, to practice a liitle)))) And thank you for new vocabulary, I love ” a killer presentation” and the idiom ” to kiss something goodbye”!) And in my opinion, your online lesson is also like a little presentation! I like how you focused on the …  Read more »

Dear Tatyana,

Thank you so much for your comment! And I am so glad it was useful even if you don’t have to give too many presentations. I think some of the guidance for a good presentation can also be useful for many other speaking situations in our daily life.

And I’m happy you liked the vocabulary expressions! They are great expressions to know!! 🙂

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts. ~ Annemarie


Thank you so much

Join Annemarie for an English Fluency Breakthrough starting September 2.

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Updated for 2024 | 30 useful phrases for presentations in English


For non-native speakers giving a presentation in English can be quite a challenge. There are just so many aspects to consider.  

Firstly, the audience. Do you know them well? If so, more informal language can be used. Or are they unfamiliar to you? If this is the case, then more formal expressions should be adopted. Whether you use more formal or informal language, it is important to engage the audience through positive body language and a warm welcome. Your tone of voice and changes in intonation are additional useful tools and you might consider asking them relevant questions (real or  rhetorical ). 

The  audience  also needs to see a clear and logical structure to follow you effortlessly. Useful linking expressions, when delivered well, provide  effective  ‘bridges’ guiding the audience from one point to the next.

Here are 30 useful phrases for presentations in English for effective  structure and linking.  


  • Good morning/afternoon everyone and welcome to my presentation. First of all, let me thank you all for coming here today.
  • Let me start by saying a few words about my own background.
  • As you can see on the screen, our topic today is......
  • My talk is particularly relevant to those of you who....
  • This talk is designed to act as a springboard for discussion.
  • This morning/ afternoon I’m going to take a look at the recent developments in.....

Presentation structure

  • In my presentation I’ll focus on three major issues.
  • This presentation is structured as follows....
  • The subject can be looked at under the following headings.....
  • We can break this area down into the following fields....
  •  It will take about X minutes to cover these issues.
  • Does everybody have a  handout  / copy of my report?
  • I’ll be handing out copies of the slides at the end of my talk.
  • I can email the PowerPoint presentation to anyone who would like it.  
  • Don’t worry about taking notes, I’ve put all the relevant statistics on a  handout  for you
  • If you have any questions, I am happy to answer them
  • If you don’t mind, I'd like to leave questions until the end of my talk /there will be time for a  Q&A  session at the end...

Sequencing phrases

  • My first point concerns...
  • First of all, I’d like to give you an overview of....
  • Next, I’ll focus on.....and then we’ll consider....
  • Then I’ll go on to highlight what I see as the main points of....
  • Finally, I’d like to address the problem of.....
  • Finally, I’d like to raise briefly the issue of....

Highlighting information

  • I’d like to put the situation into some kind of perspective
  • I’d like to discuss in more depth the implications of....
  • I’d like to make more detailed recommendations regarding....
  • I’d like you to think about the significance of this figure here
  • Whichever way you look at it, the underlying trend is clear
  • I’d just like to finish with the words of a famous scientist/ politician/ author.......
  • Now let’s go out and create opportunities for...! 

Improve your confidence in spoken English with our General English course or  Individual English training   in our centre in London or online.

Hopefully, these phrases help you to vary your vocabulary for clear, well-structured presentations with a logical joined-up flow. The most important thing, of course, is that you are comfortable and confident in your delivery, which helps the audience feels relaxed and ready to be engaged by your subject matter. Good luck! 


Rhetorical  -  (of a question) asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information 

Audience  -  spectators or listeners at a public event such as a play, film, concert, or meeting 

Effectiv e -  successful in producing a desired or intended result 

Springboard -  springboard is also something that provides an opportunity to achieve something  

Handout - a document given to students or reporters that contains information about a particular subject 

Q&A  – an abbreviation for ‘question and answer’ 

Related blog posts 

  • Business English Work and Careers: 50 words you need to know
  • Email writing: how to start and end an email in English  
  • 5 Tips for Polite and Diplomatic Language  

Recommended courses: 

Find out more about our  Business and Professional 25+ courses  in Canterbury and London. You can also take our  English for Work & Careers .  If you need to learn online, we offer  Online English Courses  and  Skype English lessons . 

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The London School of English has over 100 years of history teaching English and communication skills to adult learners. It is the joint #1 English language school in the UK according to the British Council inspections, the highest rated English language school in the world on Trustpilot, and the best value for money school according The English Language Gazette. 

Our practical, individualised approach enables our clients to learn effectively and make rapid progress. Courses include General English, Individual English training, Legal English, Business and Professional English, IELTS preparation and Academic English. We also offer bespoke business solutions for staff training and assessment. 

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Posted: 13 February 2020


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Starting a presentation in english: methods and examples.

  • By Jake Pool

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If you’re going to make it in the professional world, most likely you’ll have to give a presentation in English at some point. No reason to get nervous!

Most of the work involved lies in the introduction. You may or may not need an English presentation PPT file, your topic, audience, or time limit may vary, but a strong opening is a must no matter what! Everything that follows can build from the opening outline you present to your audience.

Let’s look at some guidelines for starting a presentation in English. If you can master this part, you’ll never have to worry about the rest!

Opening in a Presentation in English

While it’s important to have your entire presentation organized and outlined, planning and organization are especially important in the introduction. This is what will guide you through a clear and concise beginning. Let’s look at how to start a presentation with well-organized thoughts .

Introduction Outline

  • Introduce yourself and welcome everyone.
  • State the purpose of your presentation
  • Give a short overview of the presentation

As we say, it’s as easy as 1-2-3. (No need for a more detailed English presentation script!) Let’s examine the first step.

1. Introduce Yourself & Welcome Everyone

The self-introduction is your opportunity to make a good first impression. Be sure to open with a warm welcome and use language that is familiar and natural. Based on your audience, there are a few different expressions you can use to start your presentation.

If you’re presenting to coworkers who may already know you:

  • Hello, [name] here. I would like to thank you all for your time. As you may know, I [describe what you do/your job title] I look forward to discussing [topic] today.
  • Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone. Thank you for being here. For those who don’t know me, my name is [name], and for those who know me, hello again.

If you’re presenting to people you’ve never met:

  • Hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you all. My name is [name] and I am the [job/title].
  • Hello. Welcome to [event]. My name is [name] and I am the [job/title]. I’m glad you’re all here.

There are certainly more ways to make an introduction. However, it’s generally best to follow this format:

  • Start with a polite welcome and state your name.
  • Follow with your job title and/or the reason you’re qualified to speak on the topic being discussed.

2. State the Purpose of Your Presentation

Now that your audience knows who you are and your qualifications, you can state the purpose of your presentation. This is where you clarify to your audience what you’ll be talking about.

So, ask yourself, “ What do I want my audience to get from this presentation? ”

  • Do you want your audience to be informed?
  • Do you need something from your audience?
  • Do you want them to purchase a product?
  • Do you want them to do something for the community or your company?

With your goal in mind, you can create the next couple of lines of your presentation. Below are some examples of how to start.

  • Let me share with you…
  • I’d like to introduce you to [product or service]
  • Today I want to discuss…
  • I want to breakdown for you [topic]
  • Let’s discuss…
  • Today I will present the results of my research on [topic]
  • By the end of this presentation, you’ll understand [topic]
  • My goal is to explain…
  • As you know, we’ll be talking about…

When talking about the purpose of your presentation, stick to your goals. You purpose statement should be only one to three sentences. That way, you can give your audience a clear sense of purpose that sets them up for the rest of the presentation.

3. A Short Overview of the Presentation

The final step in starting your presentation is to give a short outline of what you’ll be presenting. People like a map of what to expect from a presentation.

It helps them organize their thoughts and gives a sense of order. Also, it lets the audience know why they’re listening to you. This is what you’ll use to grab their attention, and help them stay focused throughout the presentation.

Here are some examples of how you can outline your presentation:

  • Today, I’m going to cover… Then we’ll talk about… Lastly, I’ll close on…
  • We’re going to be covering some key information you need to know, including…
  • My aim with this presentation is to get you to… To do that we’ll be talking about…
  • I’ve divided my presentation into [number] sections… [List the sections]
  • Over the next [length of your presentation] I’m going to discuss…

That’s it! It’s as simple as 1-2-3. If you have a fear of public speaking or are not confident about presenting to a group of people, follow these three steps. It’s a simple structure that can get you off to a good start. With that in mind, there are other ways to bring your introduction to the next level too! Read on for bonus tips on how to really engage your audience, beyond the basics.

For a Strong Presentation in English, Engage your Audience

Presentations aren’t everyone’s strongest ability, and that’s OK. If you’re newer to presenting in English, the steps above are the basics to getting started. Once you’re more comfortable with presenting, though, you can go a step further with some extra tricks that can really wow your audience.

Mastering the skill of engaging an audience will take experience. Fortunately, there are many famous speakers out there you can model for capturing attention. Also, there are some common techniques that English-speakers use to gain an audience’s attention.

*How and when you use these techniques in your introduction is at your discretion, as long as you cover the 3 steps of the introduction outline that we discussed earlier.*

Do or say something shocking.

The purpose of shocking your audience is to immediately engage them. You can make a loud noise and somehow relate the noise to your presentation. Or, you can say, “ Did you know that… ” and follow with a shocking story or statistic. Either way, the objective is to create surprise to draw their attention.

Tell a story

Telling a story related to your presentation is a great way to get the audience listening to you.

You can start by saying, “ On my way to [location] the other day… ” or “ On my way here, I was reminded of… ” and then follow with a story. A good story can make your presentation memorable.

Ask your audience to take part

Sometimes a good introduction that captures attention will involve asking for help from the audience. You can ask the audience to play a quick game or solve a puzzle that’s related to your presentation. Also, you could engage the audience with a group exercise. This is a great way to get people involved in your presentation.

There are many more ways to engage the audience, so get creative and see what you can think up! Here are some resources that will help you get started.

Also, if you want to get better at public speaking (and help your English speaking too!), a great organization to know about is the Toastmasters . The organization is dedicated to helping you be a better speaker, and there are many local groups in America. They offer free lessons and events to help you master your English speaking, and also offer additional help to paying members.

The Takeaway

A presentation in English? No problem, as long as your introduction sets you up for success . Admittedly, this can be easier said than done. Native speakers and non-native speakers alike sometimes struggle with getting a good start on their English presentation. But the advice above can help you get the confidence you need to lay a good foundation for your next speech !

Jake Pool

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Vocabulary and Phrases for Making Presentations in English

Here’s a step-by-step guide for making presentations in English. You’ll find the phrases you need for each step of your presentation.

After you give your opening statement, give a brief overview of your presentation. Say what your presentation is about, how long you will take and how you are going to handle questions.

For example, a presentation to sales staff could start like this: “Welcome / “Hello everyone.”

(Opening statement) “As you all know, this company is losing its market share. But we are being asked to increase sales by 20 – 25%. How can we possibly increase sales in a shrinking market?”

(Overview) “Today I am going to talk to you about how we can do this. My presentation will be in three parts. Firstly I am going to look at the market and the background. Then I am going to talk to you about our new products and how they fit in. Finally, I’m going to examine some selling strategies that will help us increase our sales by 20%. The presentation will probably take around 20 minutes. There will be time for questions at the end of my talk.”

Useful language for overviews

“My presentation is in three parts.” “My presentation is divided into three main sections.” “Firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally…” “I’m going to… take a look at… talk about… examine… tell you something about the background… give you some facts and figures… fill you in on the history of… concentrate on… limit myself to the question of…

“Please feel free to interrupt me if you have questions.” “There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.” “I’d be grateful if you could ask your questions after the presentation.”

The main body of the presentation

During your presentation, it’s a good idea to occasionally remind your audience why your presentation and ideas are important or relevant.

“As I said at the beginning…” “This, of course, will help you (to achieve the 20% increase).” “As you remember, we are concerned with…” “This ties in with my original statement…” “This relates directly to the question I put to you before…”

Keeping your audience with you

Remember that what you are saying is new to your audience. You are clear about the structure of your talk, but let your audience know when you are moving on to a new point. You can do this by saying something like “right”, or “OK”. You can also use some of the following expressions:

“I’d now like to move on to…” “I’d like to turn to…” “That’s all I have to say about…” “Now I’d like to look at…” “This leads me to my next point…”

If you are using index cards, putting the link on the cards will help you remember to keep the audience with you. In addition, by glancing at your index cards you will be pausing – this will also help your audience to realise that you are moving on to something new.

Phrases for introducing visuals

It’s important to introduce your visual to the audience. You can use the following phrases:

“This graph shows you…” “Take a look at this…” “If you look at this, you will see…” “I’d like you to look at this…” “This chart illustrates the figures…” “This graph gives you a break down of…”

Give your audience enough time to absorb the information on the visual. Pause to allow them to look at the information and then explain why the visual is important:

“As you can see…” “This clearly shows …” “From this, we can understand how / why…” “This area of the chart is interesting…”


At the end of your presentation, you should summarise your talk and remind the audience of what you have told them:

“That brings me to the end of my presentation. I’ve talked about…” “Well, that’s about it for now. We’ve covered…” “So, that was our marketing strategy. In brief, we…” “To summarise, I…”

Relate the end of your presentation to your opening statement:

“So I hope that you’re a little clearer on how we can achieve sales growth of 20%.” “To return to the original question, we can achieve…” “So just to round the talk off, I want to go back to the beginning when I asked you…” “I hope that my presentation today will help you with what I said at the beginning…”

Handling questions

Thank the audience for their attention and invite questions.

“Thank you for listening – and now if there are any questions, I would be pleased to answer them.” “That brings me to the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention. I’d be glad to answer any questions you might have.”

It’s useful to re-word the question, as you can check that you have understood the question and you can give yourself some time to think of an answer. By asking the question again you also make sure that other people in the audience understand the question.

“Thank you. So you would like further clarification on our strategy?” “That’s an interesting question. How are we going to get voluntary redundancy?” “Thank you for asking. What is our plan for next year?”

After you have answered your question, check that the person who asked you is happy with the answer.

“Does this answer your question?” “Do you follow what I am saying?” “I hope this explains the situation for you.” “I hope this was what you wanted to hear!”

If you don’t know the answer to a question, say you don’t know. It’s better to admit to not knowing something than to guess and maybe get it wrong. You can say something like:

“That’s an interesting question. I don’t actually know off the top of my head, but I’ll try to get back to you later with an answer.” “I’m afraid I’m unable to answer that at the moment. Perhaps I can get back to you later.” “Good question. I really don’t know! What do you think?” “That’s a very good question. However, we don’t have any figures on that, so I can’t give you an accurate answer.” “Unfortunately, I’m not the best person to answer that.”

What to say if things go wrong during your presentation

You think you’ve lost your audience? Rephrase what you have said:

“Let me just say that in another way.” “Perhaps I can rephrase that.” “Put another way, this means…” “What I mean to say is…”

Can’t remember the word?

If it’s a difficult word for you – one that you often forget, or one that you have difficulty pronouncing – you should write it on your index card. Pause briefly, look down at your index card and say the word.

Using your voice when making presentations

Don’t speak in a flat monotone – this will bore your audience. By varying your speed and tone, you will be able to keep your audience’s attention. Practise emphasising key words and pause in the right places – usually in between ideas in a sentence. For example “The first strategy involves getting to know our market (pause) and finding out what they want. (pause) Customer surveys (pause) as well as staff training (pause) will help us do this.”

Don’t forget – if you speak too fast you will lose your audience!

Making Presentations

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8 Ways to Perfect Your Presentation Skills in English

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As part of our Career Week, we’d like to help you perfect your professional presentation skills in English. Did you know, one of the most common phobias to plague adults is the fear of public speaking?

We understand that giving a professional presentation in English becomes a particularly anxiety-inducing task when you’re not a native speaker. However there are some rules of presenting that transcend languages. Here are our top eight tips to help you give a great presentation:

1. Be prepared

Thorough research and preparation is key. Become an expert on your subject. The more you know about the topic you’re speaking about, the easier it will be for you to speak confidently. If you’re unprepared, your audience will know it and will likely tune you out.

2. Practice makes perfect

Like anything, the more you practice, the easier it becomes. Start by practicing in front of a mirror. Pay attention to your English pronunciation, but also make note of your eye contact, gestures and body language. Remember to stand up straight and look your audience in the eye. One you’ve mastered your presentation in front of the mirror, it’s time to practice with a real audience. Running through your presentation with a friend or family member can be a great way to build your confidence and help you memorize your material. Nerves can often make a presenter speak too quickly, so take a deep breath and time yourself to ensure you’re not rushing through important information.

3. Tell a story

Everyone enjoys a good story, and you’re far more likely to engage your audience if you’re able to weave your information into a memorable narrative. Keep focused on your topic, but draw your audience in by conveying your message with passion and purpose.

4. Less is more

Don’t bore your audience by giving them big paragraphs or long lists of bullet points. If you’re using PowerPoint as part of your presentation, consider using pictures and short phrases instead of full sentences or paragraphs to illustrate your point. Relying on these as prompts while you’re presenting will help you to speak naturally, rather than read to your audience.

A bold speaker is a memorable one. Maintain your audience’s interest by making a big statement or including a funny anecdote that’s relevant to your topic. Everyone loves to laugh, and you’ll make a positive impression if you can hold your audience’s attention with a little humor

6. Move around

Be natural and connect with your audience. Don’t hide behind a table or rely on a podium to hold you up. Use gestures to emphasize important points and exude positive body language at all times.

7. Avoid tech problems

Technical difficulties on a presentation day can happen, so be prepared. While some issues are unavoidable, you can guard against them by having a back up plan. Wherever possible, don’t rely on the internet. Instead, take screen shots and bring downloaded files.

8. Anticipate questions

Expect that people may ask questions or need clarification on some points. Try to anticipate what might be asked and prepare some answers in advance, so you won’t be caught off guard. If you don’t know how to respond to a question immediately, you can always invite the questioner to meet with you after the presentation.

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Give a presentation in English: introduction

Tips and useful phrases.

Man giving a presentation

Giving a presentation: the most challenging language skill

In this introduction into how to give a presentation in English I'll ask how a student of English can speak and be convincing in front of an audience. Or when speaking in a teleconference with English as the common language. When considering the English language skills required in the workplace today, the ability to give a presentation or handle yourself in English in teleconferences among your colleagues and foreign counterparts is probably one of the most important. Furthermore, this skill is also the most challenging for the non-native speaker. Giving a formal presentation means you must stand up in front of an audience, try to sell your ideas, be convincing, diplomatic, concise, knowledgeable, and all this in a foreign language!

The presentation should be given by the person who knows the subject

Despite the challenges involved, more and more of my business English students are now called upon by their companies to give a presentation in English although their language level may be below an intermediate level. Presentations should be given by specialists in their particular field of work and not by those employees who simply have the best level of English.

Giving a presentation without advanced English

This means that a company with international connections may have to choose someone to talk about his or her area of work even though their English language level is not proficient. However, it is possible to give presentations without having advanced English if you plan correctly, take time to practise pronunciation and key English phrases and rehearse your talk beforehand. One thing to remember is that there is an advantage to this situation. You can plan what you say before you speak - something we cannot do when in a conversation, for example. This means that like an actor in a film taking on a role of a foreign character, you can learn what you want to say before you speak and, if we are careful not to ask the audience not to interrupt, we can give a passable or even an excellent presentation. Furthermore, the intensive language learning that will take place while you are studying the expressions you will need for your presentation will provide you with a boost to your language skills s you learn how to talk about yourself as a professional, your company and its products and services.

I believe the development of presentation skills in English may be the initial step to take linguistically. Once we are able to express ourselves proficiently in this medium, we will then find we are better qualified to take part in more demanding language tasks such as the teleconference, where interaction and listening skills are also required. The following pages offer you, the business English student and company professional, advice and practical help to best prepare your presentation in English.

Good luck and most of all enjoy giving your presentations in English!

Part 1 - Pronunciation of technical vocabulary

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Learning English with Oxford

The latest language learning tips, resources, and content from oxford university press., useful phrases for giving a presentation in english.

  • by Oxford University Press ELT
  • Posted on April 21, 2023 February 2, 2024

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Giving a presentation in English can be challenging, but with these helpful phrases, you can feel confident and ready to make a good presentation in English. 

Starting your presentation

So how to start a presentation in English? Begin by saying hello and welcoming everyone. You can also thank the audience for being there with you. 

The beginning of the presentation is one of the most important parts because you need to make sure your audience is interested from the start. 

You could tell a short story, give a fact, or simply tell the audience a little bit about yourself, e.g. ‘ Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself …’ 

Then, introduce what your presentation is about by giving an opening statement or an overview of your session. For example, ‘Today, I am going to talk to you about …’ or, ‘Today, we’ll be looking at/focusing on …’. 

You can also tell the audience, ‘ If you have any questions, please raise your hand and I’ll be happy to answer them’ … or ‘ We’ll have time at the end for questions.’

Presenting the topic

When you get into the main part of giving your presentation in English, remember that what you’re saying to your audience is new information. Speak slowly, organise your ideas, and make sure your pronunciation is clear. You can learn more about boosting your pronunciation here . 

Use expressions to order your ideas and introduce new ones. You can use words and phrases to sequence like, firstly/first of all, secondly, then, next, following this, and lastly/finally. 

If you want to introduce the opposite point of view, you can use language like however, on the other hand, contrary to this and then again. 

It’s a good idea to link what you are saying back to previous things you have said. This shows you have a well-organised presentation and also helps keep people engaged. For example, ‘as I said previously/at the beginning …’, ‘as you may remember’ and ‘this relates to what I said about ….’

Highlighting information during your talk 

When you are giving a presentation in English, you might want to highlight a particular piece of information or something that’s important. You can use phrases such as ‘Let’s focus on …’, ‘I want to highlight …’,   ‘Pay attention to …’, ‘Let’s look at …’, ‘I want to briefly address …’, or ‘Now, let’s discuss ….’ You can use these phrases after your sequencing words to help you with your structure. 

You can also highlight information by asking your audience their opinion of what you are saying or having them engage with the presentation in some way. For example, you could ask a question and have the audience raise their hands if they agree, or disagree, or if you want to find out how many of them have experience with the situation you’re discussing. Asking questions is a good way to make sure you still have the audience’s attention after you’ve been speaking for a while.

You can also highlight information on your visuals if you’re using them. Use bright, impactful pictures and colours, and don’t include too much writing on your slides.  

Finalising the talk 

At the end of the presentation, you should summarise your talk and remind the audience of the things you have discussed, and the new information you have given them. You can say things like ‘In summary, we have looked at …’, ‘I’d like to finish by …’, and ‘We’re coming to the end of the presentation. We’ve discussed …’. 

You can then ask the audience for any questions you haven’t already answered. 

What are your experiences of giving a presentation in English? Do you have any other tips to add? Share below!

Billie Jago is an ELT writer and teacher trainer, specialising in digital & assessments. She is the founder of the professional development podcast ELTcpd and co-founder of the digital ELT content agency, otterelt .

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Author: Oxford University Press ELT

Every year we help millions of people around the world to learn English. As a department of the University of Oxford, we further the University’s objective of excellence in education by publishing proven and tested language learning books, eBooks, learning materials, and educational technologies. View all posts by Oxford University Press ELT

before You start your presentation ,try please to mention the time duration . sometimes people should be informed so that we can take a coffe break or cigarettes break in order to make evry one happy with the topics

Here is the tip I would add according to my experience :

end your presentation on a positive note, for example with a funny sentence /image /meme / an inspirational quote, in short something that will make your talk pleasant to remember.

Valentina T.

You need to chill out and show calmness and confidence. You should rehearse your presentation on the stage some time before its previously stated time.

Clear, cogent & commanding. Thanks.

I think to get better respond to presentation you can do some mistakes in it and then explain it the end or in the next presentation. Because if anyone would like to learn something also should show involvement.

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30 Useful Sentences for a Presentation in English

Presentation in English

Following our successful post about 30 Useful Sentences for a Job Interview in English , we’re now reviewing the vocabulary and expressions you need if you’re giving a presentation in English.

If talking in front of a crowd, big or small, can be nerve-racking, having some useful sentences up your sleeves will help you stay focused.

It doesn’t matter if the presentation is on Zoom or in front of a live audience, preparing yourself for it is crucial.

So let’s get started!

Starting the presentation in English and welcoming the crowd

There are different ways to start a presentation in English. These sentences are very classic ways to welcome your audience.

1. Good morning/afternoon/evening

2. Welcome to [name of company/presentation/place]

3. What I’m going to talk about today is …

4. Today I’m going to discuss…

5. The topic of my presentation today is …

6. The aim of this presentation is…

7. My presentation today is about…

Introducing yourself in a presentation in English

You want to take advantage of your presentation in English to tell the audience about who you are and what you do.

9. My name is [name] and I am from [company], where I’m responsible for …

10. I’m [name]. I’m a [job position] at [company].

11. Let me introduce myself; I’m [name] and I work at [company], where I work in [name of the department].

Presenting the topic

Now we are getting to the real start of the presentation. You want to be clear on what you’re going to present and the goal of your presentation.

12. Today, I’ll be talking about/discussing [topic]

13. I’m here to illustrate how…

14. What I’m going to be talking about today is…

15. The purpose of today’s presentation is…

16. My objective is to…

17. In today’s presentation, I’d like to talk to you about/show you/demonstrate…

Outlining the content of the presentation

It is important to clarify the different steps you’re going to follow in your presentation.

18. In today’s presentation I’m going to cover [three] points:

19. Firstly, I’ll be looking at…

20. Secondly, we’ll consider…

21. Then, I’ll explain how…

22. And finally, I’ll demonstrate how …

23. My talk will be in [two, three, four] parts: First,…after that,… then,… finally,…

24. Firstly,… Secondly,… Thirdly,… Finally,…

25. I’ll begin by looking at… Then, I’ll move on to…Towards the end I …

Introducing the first point

Signposting is very important to make sure your audience understands the logic of your presentation in English and follows the different steps you draw.

26. So let’s start, shall we?

27. To begin with, …

28. To start with, …

29. First of all, I’ll …

30. Let’s start by [+ verb in -ing form] …

To go further with your presentation in English

There are many more expressions you need for a presentation in English: – explaining graphs, images, or data. – Concluding a point – Moving on to the next point – Focusing your audience’s attention – Referring backward/forwards – Concluding and summarising the presentation – Inviting questions – Dealing with questions

This is outside of our current scope for this blog post but definitely something to keep in mind for a successful work presentation in English.

You are not alone to prepare for your presentation in English

Do you need help with a presentation in English? We have a few options for you.

If you have to give a presentation in English in the coming days or weeks, rehearse with a private English teacher. They will help you fine-tune your presentation, your slides, the way you introduce the topic, and help you deal with things you can’t really prepare like questions from the audience. This is part of our Premium Courses .

If you don’t have a specific presentation to give but would like to get the skills and practice to be a better communicator, check out our Presenting in English workshop .

  • ← How to improve your business English vocabulary
  • 30 key phrases to use in a meeting in English →

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Speech transitions: words and phrases to connect your ideas

June 28, 2018 - Gini Beqiri

When delivering presentations it’s important for your words and ideas to flow so your audience can understand how everything links together and why it’s all relevant.

This can be done using speech transitions because these act as signposts to the audience – signalling the relationship between points and ideas. This article explores how to use speech transitions in presentations.

What are speech transitions?

Speech transitions are words and phrases that allow you to smoothly move from one point to another so that your speech flows and your presentation is unified.

This makes it easier for the audience to understand your argument and without transitions the  audience may be confused  as to how one point relates to another and they may think you’re randomly jumping between points.

Types of transitions

Transitions can be one word, a phrase or a full sentence – there are many different types, here are a few:


Introduce your topic:

  • We will be looking at/identifying/investigating the effects of…
  • Today I will be discussing…

Presentation outline

Inform the audience of the structure of your presentation:

  • There are three key points I’ll be discussing…
  • I want to begin by…, and then I’ll move on to…
  • We’ll be covering… from two points of view…
  • This presentation is divided into four parts…

Move from the introduction to the first point

Signify to the audience that you will now begin discussing the first main point:

  • Now that you’re aware of the overview, let’s begin with…
  • First, let’s begin with…
  • I will first cover…
  • My first point covers…
  • To get started, let’s look at…

Shift between similar points

Move from one point to a similar one:

  • In the same way…
  • Likewise…
  • Equally…
  • This is similar to…
  • Similarly…

Presentation transitions at a meeting

Shift between disagreeing points

You may have to introduce conflicting ideas – bridging words and phrases are especially good for this:

  • Conversely…
  • Despite this…
  • However…
  • On the contrary…
  • Now let’s consider…
  • Even so…
  • Nonetheless…
  • We can’t ignore…
  • On the other hand…

Transition to a significant issue

  • Fundamentally…
  • A major issue is…
  • The crux of the matter…
  • A significant concern is…

Referring to previous points

You may have to refer to something that you’ve already spoken about because, for example, there may have been a break or a fire alarm etc:

  • Let’s return to…
  • We briefly spoke about X earlier; let’s look at it in more depth now…
  • Let’s revisit…
  • Let’s go back to…
  • Do you recall when I mentioned…

This can be also be useful to introduce a new point because adults learn better when new information builds on previously learned information.

Introducing an aside note

You may want to introduce a digression:

  • I’d just like to mention…
  • That reminds me…
  • Incidentally…

Physical movement

You can  move your body  and your standing location when you transition to another point. The audience find it easier to follow your presentation and movement will increase their interest.

A common technique for incorporating movement into your presentation is to:

  • Start your introduction by standing in the centre of the stage.
  • For your first point you stand on the left side of the stage.
  • You discuss your second point from the centre again.
  • You stand on the right side of the stage for your third point.
  • The conclusion occurs in the centre.

Emphasising importance

You need to ensure that the audience get the message by informing them why something is important:

  • More importantly…
  • This is essential…
  • Primarily…
  • Mainly…

Internal summaries

Internal summarising consists of summarising before moving on to the next point. You must inform the audience:

  • What part of the presentation you covered – “In the first part of this speech we’ve covered…”
  • What the key points were – “Precisely how…”
  • How this links in with the overall presentation – “So that’s the context…”
  • What you’re moving on to – “Now I’d like to move on to the second part of presentation which looks at…”

Speech transitions during a team meeting

Cause and effect

You will have to transition to show relationships between factors:

  • Therefore…
  • Thus…
  • Consequently…
  • As a result…
  • This is significant because…
  • Hence…


  • Also…
  • Besides…
  • What’s more…
  • In addition/additionally…
  • Moreover…
  • Furthermore…

Point-by-point or steps of a process

  • First/firstly/The first one is…
  • Second/Secondly/The second one is…
  • Third/Thirdly/The third one is…
  • Last/Lastly/Finally/The fourth one is…

Introduce an example

  • This is demonstrated by…
  • For instance…
  • Take the case of…
  • For example…
  • You may be asking whether this happens in X? The answer is yes…
  • To show/illustrate/highlight this…
  • Let me illustrate this by…

Transition to a demonstration

  • Now that we’ve covered the theory, let’s practically apply it…
  • I’ll conduct an experiment to show you this in action…
  • Let me demonstrate this…
  • I’ll now show you this…

Introducing a quotation

  • X was a supporter of this thinking because he said…
  • There is a lot of support for this, for example, X said…

Transition to another speaker

In a  group presentation  you must transition to other speakers:

  • Briefly recap on what you covered in your section: “So that was a brief introduction on what health anxiety is and how it can affect somebody”
  • Introduce the next speaker in the team and explain what they will discuss: “Now Gayle will talk about the prevalence of health anxiety.”
  • Then end by looking at the next speaker, gesturing towards them and saying their name: “Gayle”.
  • The next speaker should acknowledge this with a quick: “Thank you Simon.”

From these examples, you can see how the different sections of the presentations link which makes it easier for the audience to follow and remain engaged.

You can  tell personal stories  or share the experiences of others to introduce a point. Anecdotes are especially valuable for your introduction and between different sections of the presentation because they engage the audience. Ensure that you plan the stories thoroughly beforehand and that they are not too long.

Using questions

You can transition through your speech by asking questions and these questions also have the benefit of engaging your audience more. There are three different types of questions:

Direct questions require an answer: “What is the capital of Italy?” These are mentally stimulating for the audience.

Rhetorical questions  do not require answers, they are often used to emphasises an idea or point: “Is the Pope catholic?

Loaded questions contain an unjustified assumption made to prompt the audience into providing a particular answer which you can then correct to support your point: You may ask “Why does your wonderful company have such a low incidence of mental health problems?”.

The audience will generally answer that they’re happy. After receiving the answers you could then say “Actually it’s because people are still unwilling and too embarrassed to seek help for mental health issues at work etc.”

Speech transitions during a conference

Transition to a visual aid

If you are going to introduce a visual aid you must prepare the audience with what they’re going to see, for example, you might be leading into a diagram that supports your statement. Also, before you  show the visual aid , explain why you’re going to show it, for example, “This graph is a significant piece of evidence supporting X”.

When the graphic is on display get the audience to focus on it:

  • The table indicates…
  • As you can see…
  • I’d like to direct your attention to…

Explain what the visual is showing:

  • You can see that there has been a reduction in…
  • The diagram is comparing the…

Using a visual aid to transition

Visual aids can also be used as transitions and they have the benefit of being stimulating and breaking-up vocal transitions.

You might have a slide with just a picture on it to signify to the audience that you’re moving on to a new point – ensure that this image is relevant to the point. Many speakers like to use cartoons for this purpose but ensure its suitable for your audience.

Always summarise your key points first in the conclusion:

  • Let’s recap on what we’ve spoken about today…
  • Let me briefly summarise the main points…

And then conclude:

If you have a shorter speech you may choose to  end your presentation  with one statement:

  • In short…
  • To sum up…
  • In a nutshell…
  • To summarise…
  • In conclusion…

However, using statements such as “To conclude” may cause the audience to stop listening. It’s better to say:

  • I’d like to leave you with this…
  • What you should take away from this is…
  • Finally, I want to say…

Call to action

Requesting the audience to do something at the end of the presentation:

  • You may be thinking how can I help in this matter? Well…
  • My aim is to encourage you to go further and…
  • What I’m requesting of you is…

Common mistakes

When transitions are used poorly you can annoy and confuse the audience. Avoid:

  • Using transitions that are too short – transitions are a key part of ensuring the audience understands your presentation so spend sufficient time linking to your next idea.
  • Too many tangents – any digressions should still be relevant to the topic and help the audience with their understanding, otherwise cut them out.
  • Incompatible transitions – for example, if you’re about to introduce an example that supports your statement you wouldn’t introduce this by saying “but”. Use transitions that signify the relationship between points.
  • Over-using the same transition because this is boring for the audience to hear repeatedly. Ensure that there is variety with your transitions, consider including visual transitions.
  • Miscounting your transitions – for example, don’t say “first point”, “second point”, “next point” – refer to your points consistently.

Speech transitions are useful for unifying and connecting your presentation. The audience are more likely to remain engaged since they’ll be able to follow your points. But remember that it’s important to practice your transitions beforehand and not just the content of your arguments because you risk looking unprofessional and confusing the audience if the presentation does not flow smoothly.

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How to make a personal connection in presentations

How to make a personal connection in presentations

By: Alex Case | Category: Business Communications | Topic: Presentation Skills

Last Updated: 15th Oct. 2023

Tips on connecting personally with a presentation audience, including useful phrases for making a personal connection with attendees.

In these days when we’ve all got used to seeing presentations on our screens and/ or in the comfort of our own homes, it takes a lot to make it worthwhile to actually attend a presentation. It is therefore vital that the presenter makes the two experiences different by showing awareness of the face-to-face audience, not presenting as if the audience is just a video camera. In addition, it is probably the presenter’s ability to make a personal connection to the audience that explains why people still learn more from face-to-face presentations, as this is the one thing you can’t do with someone watching your presentation on YouTube later. This article gives tips and phrases for making the audience feel personally connected to the presenter. For over 300 pages of materials practising this and all the other parts of presentations, see

Making a personal connection straightaway

There are several points in a presentation at which the presenter can show the audience that they are talking to them like a group of individuals. The first and most important of those should usually go just after the greeting, in place of the “Long time no see!”, “We’ve emailed many times but it’s so nice to meet you face to face”, “How’s it going?” or “Have you changed your hair?” in a one-to-one conversation. Some presenters say similar phrases like “How are you?” in presentations. However, this kind of personal question does the opposite of forming a personal bond, as the audience can’t usually answer and so it shows that the presenter doesn’t really care what the answer is. The phrase “Thanks for coming” is just as bad, as it could quite easily be said in a recorded message, and the audience has almost certainly done more than just “coming” that they could be thanked for.

Tactics for good phrases for making a personal connection with the audience/ showing awareness of the audience at this stage include:

Noticing something about the audience

Sharing some knowledge about the audience

Guessing something about the audience

Mentioning things specific to the place and/ or time

Mentioning previous presentations

Thanking the audience for something very specific

Things you could notice and mention include:

  • The number of people (who you know, who you don’t know, etc)
  • Where they are sitting
  • Their appearance/ What they are wearing
  • What they have/ are holding
  • The age and/ or gender split
  • Their faces/ expressions

Example phrases with a mix of those tactics include:

  • At least all the important people are here!
  • I appreciate the effort it took to come here today when many others didn’t.
  • I can see that some people have packed their bags already, but I think you’ll find my presentation worth five minutes of your time.
  • I’m glad so many of you could make it.
  • I’m impressed that so many people chose to come and listen to a presentation about…
  • I’m impressed you got up so early – I nearly didn’t!
  • I’m pleasantly surprised by how many people seem to be interested in this topic.
  • It was really nice to meet (a few of/ some of/ many of/ most of/ all of) you earlier.
  • It’s good to see so many people here today.
  • It’s great to see so many new faces.
  • It’s nice to see that some of the people who I begged to come actually came.
  • It’s nice to see that some people who have attended my presentations before have actually come back for more.
  • Some of you look a little sleepy this early in the morning, but/ so…
  • Some people look like they are nervous about their own presentations later, but/ so…
  • There was no need for everyone to sit at the back, as I’m not expecting audience participation! Not with this kind of topic!
  • It’s nice to see so many familiar faces./ It’s really nice to see some familiar faces.

This is similar to the category above, as you need to notice who is in the audience before you can share your knowledge about them. Example phrases include:

  • Some of you told me earlier that…
  • I now know that a few of you…
  • I really appreciate you all making the time to come here when I know you are especially busy.
  • Thanks for coming at what I know is a very busy time.
  • One of you told me earlier that…

Some of these phrases are similar to the ones above, including some use of the word “know”, but these are based more on your understanding of normal human feelings, and are more often about feelings specifically. Examples include:

  • I know you are all thinking about your own presentations later, but…
  • I know you are probably all thinking about the free drinks afterwards, but…
  • I guess you are probably thinking about lunch, so…
  • I guess you’re all a bit sleepy after lunch, but I think you’ll find this topic to be worth your while.
  • I’m sure you’re all still in shock about…
  • I think I can hear some stomachs rumbling, so I won’t take too long.
  • I think lots of you still have hangovers, so…
  • I think most of you haven’t been up for long, so we’ll start with a quick quiz to wake up your brains.
  • You must be tired after such a long day, so…

If you can’t think of something positive and not too personal to say about the audience, another good way of not sounding like a presentation from five years ago is to mention something in the presentation timing and/ or venue, with phrases such as:

  • Horrible weather, isn’t it?
  • I hope you are all coping okay with this sudden heat.
  • I really appreciate you all coming here on such a cold day.
  • I’m flattered that you would choose to spend time in this lecture theatre on such a nice sunny day.
  • Thanks for coming to this presentation so early in the morning. I hope to make it worth your while.
  • Thanks for braving the weather to come here today.
  • I’m really impressed that you’re all here when it is snowing so heavily.

The nicest of these kinds of phrases are those complimenting the previous presenter(s), especially if they are now in the audience, but you can also mention your own previous presentations if the people in this presentation (might) have also attended them.

  • I’m sure like me you are really inspired after that last presentation.
  • I’m sure the people who I asked difficult questions to won’t be shy about doing the same to me.
  • It’ll be really hard to follow that great presentation.
  • It’s impossible for me to live up to that last presentation, but…
  • You now know absolutely everything about…, so I’m going to completely change the topic and speak about…
  • You probably think you now know everything you need to about…, but…
  • I know some of you have heard my presentation before, but…
  • For those of you who have already heard me talk about this, I have put in some interesting statistics that add quite a lot to my arguments/ added some interesting extra examples/ added…
  • I hope the visuals will make it stimulating even for people who heard me talk about this at the last conference.
  • I’ve polished up this presentation since last time I gave it, so I hope it will be worthwhile even to those who sat through it last week.

There is another whole article on this site specifically on thanking in presentations, most of which includes the tips above to make sure that the audience feels like you really feel grateful, including phrases like:

  • Thanks for battling through the snow to get here today.
  • Thanks for finding the time to come at what I know is an especially busy time for most of us.
  • (E)special thanks to those who helped me prepare this presentation. I hope the improvements that I made make it still worth listening to.

Other ways of making a personal connection to the audience

Making a personal connection with a presentation hook

Along with the stage just after the greeting which is explained above, it is also possible to show that you are treating the audience as individual human beings in other parts of the presentation such as the hook. Hooking the audience phrases which are also good for forming a bond with the audience include:

  • I guess that only one or two people here…
  • I learnt this related joke/ quotation/ statistic/ fact from someone here today.
  • I think you’ll be surprised when I tell you that this statistic is…
  • I was as surprised as you will (probably) be to learn that…
  • I’m sure that almost everyone here…
  • I’m sure that, like me, you often…
  • I’m sure you’ve all seen and most of you have shared an image like this on social media, but did you know that…?/ but if you look closely at this particular picture…
  • If you…, then put your hand up now. Hmmmm. That’s different from any other audience I’ve had before!
  • Please raise your hand if… Wow! Looking at the people here, I would not have expected that.
  • This topic is especially important for the (…) people here today because…
  • Why do people like us…?

Making a personal connection with personal information

Sharing personal information is obviously generally good making a personal connection, as shown in friendships and business relationships. However, in presentations you have the disadvantage that they can’t usually share personal information back, making bad versions more like the so-called friend who waffles on about their own personal problems without listening to anything about yours. Good sharing personal information phrases for this function therefore need to show a connection between the presenter and attendees, with phrases such as:

  • Like most of you,…
  • As most of you know,…
  • I met most of you earlier, but for those who I missed…
  • I think all of you know my face but perhaps not my name, so…
  • There are a few people here who I haven’t introduced myself to, so…
  • I already told some of you that…, but I don’t think any of you could guess that…
  • I think some of you already know that…. but it might surprise you to hear that…
  • I’m not as much of an expert on this topic as many of you, but what I can contribute is…

Making a personal connection in the body of the presentation

Although the start is the most important time to try to bond with the audience, you can help in the body of the presentation by following presentation tips like making eye contact, really giving people time to ask questions before you move on, and reacting to body language with further explanations etc. Suitable phrases include:

  • Does anyone have any questions so far? No? Really? (Okay, well please feel free to interrupt later if anything does come to mind.) So, moving on to…
  • I’m seeing some sceptical faces, but maybe I can convince you if I say that…
  • I’m seeing what seem to be puzzled expressions, so perhaps I should explain further by saying…

Making a personal connecting in Q&A stages

Eye contact and really leaving enough time to check if they have questions are also important in the Q&A. You can also have the same effect by describing the person who can ask the next question (“Yes, the gentleman with the red jersey”, etc), checking if your answer was okay (“Is that what you wanted to know?”, “Is that a bit clearer now?”, etc), and maybe thanking them for their questions (“Thanks for asking me that. I’m sure many people have the same question”, “I’m glad you asked me that, because it leads me onto…”, etc).

Making a personal connection at the end of presentations

“Thanks for coming” is almost as bad at the end of presentations as it is at the start. Instead, it’s best if you reflect what went on in the presentation with phrases like:

  • Thanks to those of you who pointed out…
  • Thanks for all your great questions.
  • Thank you for some really thought-provoking questions. I’ll have a lot to ponder on before my next presentation.

If not, you can always repeat or (preferably) rephrase your thanks at the start of the presentation, with phrases like:

  • Thanks again for choosing to spend an hour of this sunny afternoon is this lecture theatre with me.
  • Thanks again for giving me half an hour of your precious time to describe what I’m sure seemed a crazy idea the first time that you heard it.

Copyright © 2021 Alex Case

Written by Alex Case for

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10 Slides to use in a Personal Presentation

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We have encountered so far two uses of personal presentation. One of them became more common in the past years, as the freelancing scene is burgeoning. 

As you guessed, the personal presentation is used by freelancers as an extended business card. It includes the services the freelancers provide, their work process, recommendations, and any relevant information they want to share with potential clients. But we will discuss this in a further article. 

presentation personnel in english

In this article, we will cover the other use of the Personal Presentation, also known as the Interview Presentation, as a part of the hiring process for middle – senior positions. You reached a point in your career when a simple interview or CV is not enough to fully convey your potential. So, this is where a personal presentation comes in. 

Giving a presentation will let you showcase your public speaking skills, knowledge about the position you are applying for, and the field you are working in. This will also help potential employers to better understand the value you are to bring to the company. 

Reaching this level in your career comes with high expectations, and the classic PowerPoint templates won’t do you good. There is always the option of going with solid white background and standard font, but take into consideration the aesthetics of the organization. Or choose to work with a specialist that will highlight your attributes and channel your personality. 

1. Cover slide

The first impression matters and we are not talking only about your physical appearance, but also your digital one. No one is judging you for how you look or how you dress, it all varies from company to company. Yes, you do need to give your best professional appearance and your presentation alike. 

Employers can tell from the cover slide how much interest you put in the presentation. Make a first impression that lasts, get their attention from the beginning, and don’t let go. 

presentation personnel in english

You can also download some cover slide templates from here: 

Cover slide templates

2. About me (similar to CV, the most important info)

Your audience has already seen your application, and your CV, they probably went through your social accounts such as Linkedin. This is the time to paint them a picture of yourself, and how you want them to see you from now on, both on a professional and personal level. 

In a middle-senior position, some personal details are essential to creating a bond, as the employer is looking for someone that they can work with, that they can bring into the team. 

Don’t go into specific details in this part, you are going to talk about your career, achievements, and skills later. 

presentation personnel in english

3. Career (where have you worked and what have you done there)

As in a CV, there is no need to present all the jobs you had had. Choose those who are relevant to the job you are applying and if you are specifically fond of one, you can mention it. 

Pick 3 or 4 previous positions, mention the company you worked for, and from there you can extend to your main responsibilities and key learnings. It is important to present them as part of your story, not just bullets on the slide and we also recommend making a connection between those positions and the one you are applying for. 

presentation personnel in english

4. Achievements and Training

This can be a slide or two slides sections. To differentiate yourself from other candidates, ensure the achievements you are listing focus on the results rather than your duties. Quantify your achievements through specific situations and the results you gained.

You don’t need to brag about yourself, but most people forget that they also need to sell themselves (their results and their knowledge) in this personal presentation. Put out those achievements that would apply to the job and can even enter scenarios on how those situations can help you in the new job. 

presentation personnel in english

5. Skill Set

This is about you, about the skills that you worked to get. Again, it’s not about just listing the skills you have, bringing out examples, and experience, and telling on how you acquired that skill. 

Before making out this list, research a few things about the company, what are they looking for in employees, what the job will require of you and what are the values of the company. This way it will come easier when presenting the skills that you have and that will help you with the new position.  

presentation personnel in english

6. Experience in the position applying 

It’s not just the previous jobs you have, it’s the experiences you got from them. So rather than presenting the old jobs, talk about specific projects/situations that would apply to this one. 

Talk about what happened, how you handled it, what were the results, and what have you learned from there. Ask yourself first how will this help me in the position that I am applying for. When you figured that out, the presentation will go smoother.  

presentation personnel in english

7. Your added value to the company

With all the experience you have and the research done on the company and the job, this is the time to tell your interviewers what is your vision of the company. 

Using the skills you presented, explain how can you be an asset to them and what value will you add to the company. 

presentation personnel in english

8. First actions on the job

All the stories have built up the person standing right now in front of the committee. What they want to know now is what actions you would take if you got the position. Don’t go after some revolutionary actions, keep your feet on the ground and analyze what are the needs of the company and what can you do about them.

For every action you put on the presentation, think of the small steps and the resources you need to do that action. As a follow-up to this slide, have prepared a few notes with the results you are expecting from them. 

presentation personnel in english

9.  Final statement 

The final statement needs to be a strong selling point, you can point out some of the skills and experience. Put all of this in a way that will bring benefits to the company.  

Why you are the best candidate for this position and how will that bring value to the company? 

presentation personnel in english

10. References & Contact Info

Ask a previous employer for a short recommendation, remember to mention the name and the position of the author. The other references can be on your CV, and in this slide have just one written recommendation that is relevant for the job. 

You arrived at the final slide, inviting your audience to a small Q&A while the reference is still displayed. They already have your contact info, but it’s recommended to put it on the final slide. Have the presentation ready to be sent to the committee if necessary. 

presentation personnel in english

Before preparing or delivering a personal presentation, consider these tips:

  • As you have seen in the article, we mention a lot that the information you put in the presentation is relevant to the job you are applying for; 
  • Research the company and the job;
  • Keep in mind that your physical and digital appearance can denote how much you have prepared for this interview and how much you want the position;
  • You don’t need to be a presentation designer, you can always keep it simple. Though, avoid using regular templates, and personalize the presentation to your aspect;
  • Have the presentation ready to be delivered before the interview.

We can always help you prepare the specific presentation and you can take your time to prepare for the interview. Send us a message and let’s talk about you!

For more tips on preparing presentations and free templates subscribe to our newsletter. 

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Comment se présenter en anglais ? Vocabulaire, exemple et présentation à compléter

Mis à jour le 23 décembre 2023

À l’oral comme à l’écrit, que dire ou écrire à une personne anglophone lorsque c’est la première fois que vous la rencontrez  ?

Quelles formules utiliser pour parler de vous avec pertinence, mais aussi pour montrer que vous vous intéressez à votre interlocuteur ?

Dans cette leçon de vocabulaire , nous allons voir de façon simple comment se présenter en anglais .

Table des matières →

Tout le vocabulaire pour se présenter en anglais

presentation personnel in english

Télécharger la fiche-mémo en PDF.

Se présenter en anglais.

Voici un exemple de présentation basique en 3 phrases :

Salut ! Comment ça va ?
Je m’appelle Neil et je suis né en 1988 à Londres. Maintenant, j’habite à Chicago.
Je suis professeur, j’aime la musique et je suis marié.

Saluer en anglais

Retrouvez notre cours complet de vocabulaire des salutations en anglais .

Bonjour ! 
Salut !Plus familier que .
Bonjour !S’utilise exclusivement avant midi.
Bonjour !S’utilise exclusivement entre midi et le début de soirée.
Bonsoir !S’utilise exclusivement dans la soirée.
Bonne nuit ! 

Prendre des nouvelles en anglais

Comment vas-tu ? 
Je vais bien, merci. Et toi ? 
Enchanté(e) ! 
Ravi(e) de te rencontrer ! 
Comment te portes-tu ?C’est la manière la plus soutenue de demander comment va votre interlocuteur. Dans ce cas, vous devez répondre la même chose.

Décliner son identité en anglais

Je suis Neil Armstrong. 
Mon nom est Steven Spielberg. 
Mon prénom est Brad et mon nom de famille est Pitt.Le “nom de famille” peut se traduire par mais aussi .
Comment t’appelles-tu ? 

Parler de la date et du lieu de naissance en anglais

Quel âge as-tu ? 
Quand est ton anniversaire ? 
Quand es-tu né(e) ?Pour exprimer la naissance, la langue anglaise emploie exclusivement les temps et . On ne croisera jamais d’hérésie comme in 1988 !
Où es-tu né(e) ? 
J’ai 46 ans.Contrairement au français, la langue anglaise utilise le pour exprimer l’âge, et non le .
J’ai 27 ans.À l’oral, les anglophones se débarrassent volontiers de après le nombre.
J’aurai 47 ans dans un mois. 
J’aurai 28 ans la semaine prochaine. 
Je suis né le 30 avril 1968.Sert à donner votre de naissance complète.
Je suis né en 1986.Sert à donner votre année de naissance.
.Je suis né à Soweto.Sert à donner votre lieu de naissance.

Évoquer son origine géographique et son lieu de résidence en anglais

Je viens de Paris. 
Je vis à Londres. 
J’ai habité aux États-Unis pendant 2 ans.Pour parler d’un endroit où vous avez habité mais où vous ne vivez plus, utilisez le .
J’habite dans cette ville depuis 2 ans.Pour parler d’un endroit où vous habitez encore, utilisez le (ici avec suivi d’une durée).
J’habite dans cette ville depuis 2019.Pour parler d’un endroit où vous habitez encore, utilisez le (ici avec suivi d’une date).
Je suis français(e) / américain(e) / belge / gallois(e) / écossais(e) / irlandais(e).Contrairement au français, la langue anglaise impose l’emploi d’ .
D’où viens-tu ? 
D’où viens-tu ?C’est une formule un peu plus soutenue que .
Où habites-tu ? 

Présenter son métier en anglais

Quel est ton métier ?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans la vie ? 
Qu’est-ce que tu fais dans la vie ? est ici sous-entendu : avec cette formule plus familière, on comprend que, dans ce contexte, vous interrogez votre interlocuteur sur son métier.
Je travaille en tant qu’ingénieur.Contrairement au français, la langue anglaise place toujours le déterminant ou devant le métier.
Je suis professeur. 

Lister ses passions et hobbies en anglais

Quelles sont tes passions ?Cliquez pour étoffer votre !
Quel est ton passe-temps préféré ? 
J’aime bien la musique. est le verbe le plus neutre pour parler de vos hobbies : vous exprimez ainsi un intérêt, sans aller jusqu’à la passion.
J’aime beaucoup danser.Si est suivi d’un verbe, alors ce dernier sera forcément . À l’inverse, et peuvent être suivis d’un verbe en aussi bien que d’un verbe à l’infinitif avec .
Je suis branché(e) opéra et antiquités. 
J’adore faire du vélo. est un verbe fort pour parler de vos hobbies : avec lui, vous exprimez un intérêt qui vous tient réellement à cœur.

Dire son statut familial en anglais

Je suis marié(e). s’écrit avec deux alors que “marié(e)” n’en prend qu’un seul.
Je suis marié(e) depuis 12 ans.Pour exprimer le fait que vous êtes toujours marié(e), utilisez le (ici avec suivi d’une durée).
Je suis marié(e) depuis 2001.Pour exprimer le fait que vous êtes toujours marié(e), utilisez le (ici avec suivi d’une date).
J’ai été marié(e) pendant 7 ans, mais je suis célibataire maintenant.Pour dire que vous avez été marié(e) mais que vous ne l’êtes plus, utilisez le prétérit.
Je suis célibataire. 
Je suis divorcé(e). 
Ça fait maintenant 8 ans que je suis divorcé(e).Avec le , vous pouvez également utiliser au lieu de pour exprimer une durée. Il s’agit d’une formule moins soutenue.
Je suis veuf / veuve.Au féminin, on ajoute la terminaison à la fin du même mot.
J’ai 2 enfants. 
.J’ai 3 gosses. est une manière plus orale, plus familière, de parler de vos enfants.
Je n’ai pas d’enfant. 

Remercier un interlocuteur pour son attention en anglais

Retrouver notre cours complet de vocabulaire des remerciements en anglais .

Merci ! 
Merci de m’avoir écouté(e) ! 
Ça y est, j’ai fini !Cette formule est familière.
Et toi ? 
Et toi ?Il s’agit d’une version légèrement plus soutenue que .

Un exemple de présentation en anglais

Bonjour, je m’appelle Paul et j’ai 45 ans.
Je suis français et j’habite en France, près de Paris.
Je suis né à Montpellier mais mes parents ont déménagé à Paris quand j’avais 13 ans.
Je suis professeur d’espagnol et j’enseigne depuis 20 ans maintenant.
J’ai rencontré ma première femme quand j’avais 25 ans. Nous avons été mariés pendant 10 ans, puis nous avons divorcé.
Je suis marié avec ma seconde épouse depuis 2 ans maintenant, et nous avons 3 enfants.
J’aime regarder le football à la télé et jouer au tennis.
Et toi-même ?

Présentation à compléter

Pour vous aider à dire qui vous êtes, voici un petit texte pour se présenter en anglais à compléter vous-même :

  • Hello, my name is ……….. and I’m ……… years old.
  • I’m ……… and I live in ………..
  • I’m a ………………………, and I’ve been ………………. for ……………… years now.
  • I’m  …………………….. (married / single / divorced / a widow)
  • I have ……….. children.
  • I like…………………… and …………………………………..
  • What about you ?

Dans cette vidéo, découvrez toutes les expressions pour dire votre nom, votre âge, d’où vous venez, où vous habitez,  ce que vous faites, ou encore quels sont vos hobbies. Idéal pour travailler à la fois votre écoute et votre prononciation  !

Comment se présenter en anglais facilement en 10 points (âge, nationalité, hobbies, etc.)

En apprendre plus

Vous souhaitez apprendre de nouveaux mots en anglais ? Découvrez nos autres fiches de vocabulaire de base.

  • Les phrases de politesse en anglais
  • Comment dire pardon en anglais
  • Les qualités et les défauts en anglais
  • Les sentiments et émotions en anglais
  • Le vocabulaire du sport en anglais
  • Le vocabulaire du corps humain

Ce cours vous a aidé ? Partagez votre avis !

Adrien Jourdan ISpeakSpokeSpoken

Ce cours d'anglais a été créé par Adrien

Diplômé d’une licence de langues étrangères en anglais et allemand, polyglotte (français, anglais, russe et allemand), Adrien a créé plus de 1500 cours d'anglais accessibles sur la chaîne YouTube de ISpeakSpokeSpoken.

Ses formations en e-learning comme Parlez Anglais en 60 Jours ont déjà été suivies par plus de 10 000 étudiants. Sa philosophie ? Tout le monde peut parler anglais à l'aide d'un bon formateur, un fil conducteur et l’occasion de pratiquer.

C’est pourquoi, il consacre la plus grande partie de ses journées depuis 2016 à développer la communauté et le contenu ISpeakSpokeSpoken. Que ça soit la leçon que vous venez de lire, une vidéo de la chaîne YouTube, une formation en e-learning ou encore l’Académie ISpeakSpokeSpoken vous avez toutes les cartes en main pour parler anglais !

Découvrir Adrien Jourdan

242 réflexions au sujet de “Comment se présenter en anglais ? Vocabulaire, exemple et présentation à compléter”

You’re welcome!

héllo! Adrien how are you ?

Hello! Adrien is doing well, thank you!😊

Hello, my name is Florine and I am 19 years old. I’m French and I live in Belgium I am single I love music and reading horror books How about you? <3

Well done!💯

Hello i’m Donatien i’m 29 i’m Côte d’Ivoire i’m single i enjoy playing football and reading

Voici la version corrigée de ton message :

Hello, I’m Donatien. I’m 29. I’m from Côte d’Ivoire. I’m single. I enjoy playing football and reading.

hello, my name is maglory and iam 25 years old. I’m togolese and i live in Togo. Im single I love music and i like do a featness.

Hello Maglory,

Voici une version corrigée de ton message :

Hello, my name is Maglory and I am 25 years old. I’m Togolese and I live in Togo. I’m single. I love music and I like doing fitness.

Hello, my name is Emmanuel I’m 17years old I am Single I’m Malgache and I live Madagascar I like Football

Il est mieux de dire “ I’m Malagasy and I live in Madagascar “.

It’s good your lesson

hello i’m Berthina , i’m 21 years old ; I’m malagasy and I live in madagascar I’m single

Hello Berthina! Voici une version corrigée de ta présentation :

Hello, I’m Berthina. I’m 21 years old. I’m Malagasy and I live in Madagascar. I’m single.

Hello ,I’m Assitan you are teacher tanks and I ‘m eleven years old, I am in the international school also tanks ready my message ,

Hello Assitan,

Thank you for your message. You should say “Thanks” instead of “Tanks” and “thanks for reading my message” instead of “tanks ready my message”.

Good luck with your studies!

Hi, My name is Herilalaina I’m 22 years old. I’m Malagasy and I live in Madagascar. I’m single.

Good job, Herilalaina!

Thank you for this cours

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Liste des verbes irréguliers

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presentation personnel in english

Copyright 2024 - Tous droits réservés | ISpeakSpokeSpoken | Have fun learning English!

  • Complètement gratuit.
  • 37 pages illustrées.
  • Disponible immédiatement.

Kit complet pour apprendre l'anglais

Quel est votre votre VRAI niveau en anglais: le test

Le plan précis pour parler anglais dans les semaines qui viennent

presentation personnel in english

Comment ENFIN parler ET comprendre l’anglais sans bloquer ni chercher vos mots

presentation personnel in english

Using English in presentation skills for personal and professional endeavors in the multicultural setting

Naveen kumar mehta, dharmendra mehta.

Sanchi University of Buddhist-Indic Studies, Barla, India; Pt JNIBM and HOD S.S. in Commerce, V.U., Ujjain, India; ,, 0000-0001-9890-251X


Bibliographic citation:  (ISSN 2657-9774) Educational Role of Language Journal.     Volume 2019-2(2).  Enhancing multiculturalism in EFL communication , pp. 124-130



Presentation skill is an art that can enable the professionals to scale new heights of excellence in their work stations. Presentation demands thorough understanding of the talk, strategic planning, awareness about the audience, good hold on voice modulation, and adequate knowledge about non-verbal cues, judicious use of multi-media, time management, and mastery over communication, active listening, and good reading habits. Language indubitably is a very instrumental in translation ideas into words. The methodology adopted for the entire elucidation is conceptual one in which research is conducted by observing and analyzing the problem. The paper is based on secondary information collected through personal interviews, research papers, related websites, journals and magazines. The secondary data here implies a close review of previously collected data in the area of present research study. The study presents a conceptual model so as to use English as a link language for effective presentation skills in exploring personal and professional opportunities. Only a few empirical research studies have been attempted in this context and highlighted that presentation skills are integrated part of employability kills and therefore transferable in nature, can be taught and could be a key factor for employment along with personal and professional growth in multicultural settings. Use of English as a lingua franca enables the users to develop presentation skills to work collaboratively with professionals from nation, cultural and linguistic background.

Keywords : presentation, professional, communication, language, education, management 

FULL Article (PDF)

Go to full Volume 2019-2(2)

Go to Educational Role of Language Journal – main page

Go to International Association for the Educational Role of Language – main page

Speakup english-coaching

presentation personnel in english

Réussir son entretien d’embauche en anglais : apprendre à se présenter correctement

Les entretiens sont toujours un peu stressants, d’autant plus lorsqu’ils ne se déroulent pas en Français  ! La peur de ne pas trouver les bons mots, de ne pas pouvoir s’exprimer de manière adéquate et de laisser filer une belle opportunité professionnelle assiège de nombreux candidats.

Vous êtes ici, c’est bon signe : le secret pour réussir un entretien, c’est justement de se préparer ! Dans cet article, nous vous proposons quelques exemples pour se présenter en anglais pendant un entretien d’embauche .

Entretien d’embauche en anglais : comment se présenter ?

Briser la glace : les premiers mots de l’entretien.

Avant de penser à se présenter en anglais, pensez aux premiers mots que vous allez prononcer au début de l’entretien d’embauche. Que celui-ci se déroule en face-to-face ou via un entretien téléphonique, les premiers échanges donneront le ton au reste de l’interview.

  • How is your day going? /How are you today? = Comment se déroule votre journée ? /Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ?
  • Did you have a nice weekend? = Avez-vous passé un bon week-end ?
  • This office location is amazing! I love this district. = Ces bureaux sont idéalement situés ! J’aime beaucoup ce quartier.
  • Isn’t this a great weather we are having? = N’est-ce pas un temps formidable ?

Quoi qu’il en soit, rappelez-vous que le plus important reste votre attitude et votre état d’esprit . Sans conviction et confiance en vous, vos mots n’auront pas l’impact souhaité. Si vous avez besoin d’un petit coup de pouce pour booster l’estime de soi avant votre entretien, ne vous privez surtout pas de lire notre sélection de citations motivantes en anglais .

Tell me about yourself : se présenter brièvement en anglais lors d’un entretien d’embauche

Que ce soit en français ou en anglais, un entretien d’embauche commence généralement par une brève présentation. À priori, rien de bien compliqué. Mais avec le stress, l’exercice peut vite devenir laborieux . Entre trop en dire et pas assez, il y a un équilibre à trouver. Et sans préparation, ce n’est pas toujours évident.

Voici quelques exemples simples et efficaces pour vous présenter en anglais au tout début de l’entretien :

  • My name is (…), I am (…) years old, I am a (…). I have graduated from (…) and I am currently working as a (…) at (…). = Je m’appelle (…), j’ai (…) ans, je suis (…). J’ai été diplomé(e) à (…) et j’occupe actuellement le poste de (…) chez (…).
  • I am a (…) with (…) years of experience. I was in charge of (…). = Je suis (…), j’ai (…) années d’expérience. J’occupais le poste de (…).
  • I have spent the last (…) years developing my (…) skills at (…). = J’ai passé les dernières (…) années à développer mes compétences de (…) chez (…).

Si votre niveau d’anglais vous le permet, peut-être pourriez-vous penser à une manière plus originale et plus personnelle de vous présenter. Dans cet article tiré du site The Muse , Lily Zhang (conseillère d’orientation) propose une réponse type « présent, passé, futur »  :

  • Parlez de votre poste actuel , en citant éventuellement un évènement marquant, comme le lancement d’un produit, la réussite d’un projet de grande envergure, etc.
  • Ensuite, décrivez brièvement les grandes étapes de votre carrière , ou de vos expériences passées.
  • Enfin, terminez en expliquant brièvement pourquoi vous postulez pour ce poste .

Parler de son expérience professionnelle en anglais

Le recruteur cherchera à en savoir plus au sujet de votre passé professionnel. Pour répondre correctement à ses questions, il est important de bien avoir ciblé le profil type recherché par le recruteur pour ainsi fournir des éléments qui soient pertinents et en relation directe avec les besoins de l’entreprise .

  • I have (…) years experience in/with/doing (…) = J’ai (…) années d’expérience en tant que/avec (…).
  • I am an experienced (…) and I have great (…) skills. = Je suis un(e) (…) avec (…) années d’expérience et j’ai d’excellentes compétences en (…).
  • I was in charge of (…) and one of my responsibilities was (…). = J’étais responsable de (…) et l’une de mes missions était (…).
  • I have always been deft/competent/connoisseur at (…) = j’ai toujours été doué/compétent/connaisseur (…)
  • During my career, I learned a lot about (…) = Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai énormément appris au sujet de (…).
  • I know how to (…). Indeed, that’s why I am here, I think these skills can be useful for the company. = Je sais comment (…). C’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que je suis ici, je pense que ces compétences peuvent être utiles à votre entreprise.
  • When I was in charge of (…) I had to deal with (…) and I think that kind of experience might be beneficial for your company. = Lorsque j’étais responsable de (…), j’ai dû apprendre à gérer (…) et je pense que ce genre d’expérience peut être un plus pour l’entreprise.

Présenter ses qualités et ses défauts en anglais

Un moment redouté par la plupart des candidats, celui où le recruteur demande : What are your strengths ? Et what are your weaknesses? Parler de ses défauts et de ses qualités en anglais n’est pas un exercice aisé. Bien souvent, le manque de vocabulaire empêche de tirer profit de l’occasion pour mettre en valeur les traits de caractère .

Exemples de qualités en anglais

  • I’ve always been a natural leader, I am proud of my ability to manage cross-functional groups. = J’ai toujours eu l’âme d’un leader, je suis fière de ma capacité à gérer une équipe pluridisciplinaire.
  • I am an empathetic person, I know how to make people feel heard. = Je suis quelqu’un de très empathique, je sais m’y prendre pour que les personnes se sentent écoutées.
  • I am tenacious. = Je suis tenace.
  • I am creative and I am able to think outside the box, so I always find a solution and having great ideas. = Je suis créatif/créative et je sais secouer les paradigmes lorsqu’il le faut, ainsi je trouve toujours une solution et des idées originales.

Exemples de défauts en anglais

  • I can be too critical of myself, I regularly feel that I could have done more, even if I know I’ve done it well. = Je suis parfois un peu trop dur(e) avec moi-même, j’ai souvent la sensation d’avoir pu mieux faire, même si je sais que j’ai correctement fait les choses.
  • I am naturally shy so I have to make a big effort to speak up. = Je suis naturellement timide, alors je dois faire un gros effort pour hausser la voix.
  • I take on too much responsibility and I can get very frustrated if goals aren’t achieved. = J’ai tendance à assumer trop de responsabilités et je peux me frustrer facilement si les objectifs ne sont pas atteints.
  • I need to be under pressure to be really efficient. = J’ai besoin d’être sous pression pour être réellement efficace.

Poser des questions au sujet du poste à pourvoir

Lors d’un entretien d’embauche en anglais, on a tendance à se focaliser sur le fait de se présenter. Mais, une fois cela fait, l’échange n’est pas terminé ! En effet, lorsque le recruteur aura cerné votre profil, il vous laissera sans doute la parole pour que vous puissiez poser vos questions.

Pour vous démarquer, il est important de montrer votre intérêt de manière appropriée et par la même occasion, profitez-en pour éclaircir le moindre de vos doutes au sujet du poste.

  • What does a typical day look like? = À quoi ressemble un jour typique ?
  • What are the kinds of skills and experiences you are looking for? = Quels sont les compétences et le type d’expériences que vous recherchez ?
  • What is the biggest challenge that someone would face in this position? = Quel serait le plus grand défi que l’on puisse avoir à relever sur ce poste ?
  • Is this a new position? = Est-ce une création de poste ?
  • Are there opportunities for professional development? = Est-ce qu’il y a des opportunités d’évolution professionnelle ?
  • Where do you see the company in the next few years? = Où voyez-vous l’entreprise dans les prochaines années ?

Conclure l’entretien

Votre présentation en anglais étant terminée, l’entretien d’embauche est sur le point de conclure. Le plus dur est passé, mais soignez votre communication jusqu’au bout . Avant de partir, demandez à votre recruteur s’il a d’autres questions à vous poser, puis remerciez-le pour le temps accordé.

  • Can I answer any final question to you? = Est-ce que je peux répondre à d’autres questions ?
  • Is there anything else I can provide you? = Que puis-je faire de plus pour vous ?
  • When do you plan to inform candidates of your decision? = Quand pensez-vous informer les candidats de votre décision ?
  • Thank you for taking the time to meet me today, I look forward to hearing from you. = Merci d’avoir pris le temps de me recevoir aujourd’hui, j’attends de vos nouvelles.
  • I really enjoyed our time, thank you. = J’ai beaucoup apprécié notre échange, merci.

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15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

Written by: Orana Velarde

best presentation software - header wide

In this comparison guide, we’ll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you can  choose the best presentation maker for your business.

So, if you want to stand out from run-of-the-mill PowerPoint presentations and have a reliable presentation software that will help you collaborate with team members and design stunning slide decks in a fraction of the time, you’ll need this guide. 

Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

  • Google Slides
  • Microsoft PowerPoint
  • Microsoft Sway

What are Presentation Tools

Presentation tools are software applications that enable users to visually present ideas or share knowledge. These presentations are delivered in a slide-show format using a combination of text, images and other graphic elements.

Presentation software is frequently used to pitch an idea to investors , present proposals to clients , introduce new products or services to customers, train staff on new policies or ideas , or teach your students new or complex concepts.

Best Presentation Software: A Visual Comparison

When choosing the right presentation programs for your projects, there are some things to consider:

  • Does the price point fit your budget?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • Who is the program geared at: businesses, educators, bloggers or social media managers?
  • Does it have lots of templates to choose from? Are they good quality and helpful?
  • Is the built-in graphic asset library extensive and varied?
  • Can you embed content, add videos or GIFs?
  • Can you add audio to your presentations?
  • Can elements be animated?
  • Is it desktop or cloud-based ?
  • Can you use it to create presentations on any of your devices?
  • Can finished presentations be viewed offline?
  • Can you have team accounts or business accounts for easy collaboration inside your company?
  • Does it include a Brand Kit? Is it easy to use?
  • Can the finished presentation be shared online straight from the presentation software?
  • Can your presentations be uploaded to the cloud privately with password protection?
  • Does the presentation software include analytics to see how your projects perform on social media?
  • Can you use the finished presentation as a lead generator straight from the software?

We'll take a look at all these aspects in the following list of best presentation software so you can make your own well-informed decision.

Last updated on May 30, 2024.

best adobe captivate alternatives - screenshot of Visme home page

Visme is a powerful presentation software and all-in-one content authoring tool. It has a user-friendly interface and an extensive set of tools that make it easy for both beginners and experienced professionals to design and deliver impactful presentations.

Presentations made with Visme go beyond the standard slide deck to incorporate interactive elements and easy, full-featured offline sharing.

Making professional presentation slides with Visme is easy and straightforward. Create slides from scratch using content blocks and the extensive slide libraries categorized by style. Browse the presentation template library to find pre-designed slide decks which you can easily customize to fit your needs.

Best Presentation Software - Visme user interface

That's not all that Visme can do, though.

You can also use Visme to create other visual content, such as digital documents, animated infographics, interactive reports and whiteboards. There are tons of customizable templates that come built-in with the app.

Best Presentation Visme

You can also use Visme to create other visual content, such as infographics, reports and interactive charts. There are tons of customizable templates that come built-in with the software.

Visme can be used for free to test it out for as long as you want. With a free account, you can create up to three projects.

To access all of Visme's capabilities, you can upgrade to one of the paid plans .

  • Starter: $12.25/month paid annually
  • Pro: $24.75/month paid annually
  • Visme for Teams: Custom – learn more here

If you're a nonprofit organization, you may qualify for a discount. Visme also offers separate Education plans for students and teachers.

Ease of Use

Visme is incredibly easy to use. Switching from slide to slide is a breeze, and you can even save a slide to your content block or slide library to reuse later.

The editor comes with a handy sidebar that lets you browse media, graphics and data tools and drag and drop relevant elements onto your slides. You can also use the /shortcut feature to open a search bar and quickly find what you need.

The dynamic fields feature ensures you don’t miss out on any critical information. With single click, you can easily update content throughout your presentation.

Who Is It For

Visme is perfect for small and large businesses, enterprises, marketing teams, project managers, educators, content creators and so much more. The resources and tools available in Visme reach far beyond the ability to create presentations.

  • Social media teams can create content for their company’s social channels.
  • Sales agents can create branded and personalized proposals in minutes.
  • Professionals can build visual CVs to find the next ideal job.
  • Project managers can conduct team meetings with a collaborative whiteboard.

Template Options

an image of Visme template library

The template options in Visme are extensive and varied in style. From minimalistic to photographic, there are many presentation styles to pick from.

Presentation Templates

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

Ecommerce Webinar Presentation

Buyer Presentation

Buyer Presentation

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

PixelGo Marketing Plan Presentation

Technology Presentation

Technology Presentation

Product Training Interactive Presentation

Product Training Interactive Presentation

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Work+Biz Pitch Deck - Presentation

Create your presentation View more templates

You can choose from dozens of fully designed presentations tailor-made for specific industries and topics or mix and match hundreds of slide layouts by choosing a presentation theme.

You can also start with a blank canvas, add new blank slides to existing presentation templates, and save custom slides to use later as your own templates.

Graphic Assets Library

When selecting the best tools for presentations, the visual capabilities and creative design elements should be a top consideration. Visme’s graphic library includes thousands of free icons, illustrations, stock photos, videos , 3D graphics , audio clips, charts and graphs to include in your presentations.

Best Presentation Software Visme

The best part is that every graphic asset that comes built-in with the Visme editor is fully customizable. Resize, rotate or change colors to fit your brand, content and theme.

AI-Powered Tools

Visme comes with a wide variety of useful AI-powered tools, making it one of the best presentation software.

Let's start with the AI presentation maker . This advanced tool is engineered to make your presentation creation process as quick and efficient as possible.

To create a presentation using this tool, you only need to provide a text prompt outlining your requirements. The tool will then generate the slides, complete with text, images, illustrations and any other content you specify.

After that, you can use Visme's presentation tools to personalize the AI-generated slides and add the final touches.

Next up is the AI writer . This user-friendly tool is your key to overcoming writer's block and crafting engaging copy for your presentation. It can help you create layouts, edit and proofread text, summarize the content and much more. Explain to the AI writer what you want to generate, and it will take care of the rest.

Visme offers several AI image editing tools , including erase and replace, background remover, unblur, and upscaler. These tools can be used to edit the image content or enhance its quality. For example, you can use the Image Upscaler to resize your image without sacrificing quality, ensuring your visuals always look high-quality.

And as always, you just need to provide the right text prompts. Feel free to tweak the prompts as many times as you want until you achieve the perfect outcome.

Videos and GIFs

It's easy to insert or embed videos and GIFs inside a Visme presentation. This is another that makes Visme a powerful video presentation software .

To insert a video, upload a video from your computer or cloud storage and place it on a slide of your choosing. Once you’ve uploaded it, it’ll be in your Media library for future use.

If you don’t have videos of your own, Visme has hundreds of stock videos to choose from in lots of categories. Browse them by clicking the / shortcut on your keyboard and opening the videos tab.

Edit your videos with the integrated timeline feature. Trim video clips and customize playback settings. Resize the video on your slide easily by dragging the corner. Or you can resize any video into another shape for more flexibility.

GIFs are available through the Giphy integration, which you’ll find in the Media tab. These are a great choice when you want to make a meme-based presentation.

Take note that all presentations that have videos or GIFs in the slides must be shared as a live link or downloaded as HTML5 or MP4. If you download it as a PDF or PPTX, all the interactive elements won’t play back.

Adding audio to a presentation is easy on Visme. Either along with a video or as the audio on its own. You can also record a voice over.

Another great option is accessing our Presenter Studio to record a video of yourself presenting your content. You can turn on your camera or record audio only before sending a link to your audience. This is a great way to present asynchronously or save your presentation for people to view again and again.

Embed Third-Party Content

There is more content that can be embedded into Visme presentations, like polls, quizzes , forms , online videos and any content that can be turned into code to insert in an iframe.

You can also take advantage of several integrations to embed even more engaging and interactive content into your slides.

Some of our integrations include SurveyMonkey, Hubspot, Giphy, and many more.

Animations and Transitions

With Visme, you can animate your content and create interactive experiences such as:

  • Hover effects or clickable pop-ups, link your slides or content blocks to objects
  • Pre-animated assets like characters, illustrations and gestures
  • Custom animation and motion effects

Features inside Visme presentations can be animated, and we also have a number of seamless slide transitions that make your content pop, like "Enter from Side" or "Staggered Fade."

Best Presentation Software Visme

If you want to make your content even more dynamic, you can access our Custom Animation feature. This is perfect for creating video presentations or making your elements look like they're floating on your slide.

Visme also comes with a 3D Character Creator that helps you elevate your storytelling and connect with your audience. You can create and customize 3D animated characters to embody your brand or message.

Tweak everything, from gender and hairstyles to outfits and skin tone, until you achieve the perfect look. You also have the ability to choose their entry, waiting and exit poses.

Desktop or Cloud

Visme is an online cloud-based app that can be easily used on your computer. We also provide a desktop app that you can download and use outside of your regular browser for seamless content creation.

And if you need to create content on the go, you can easily edit existing projects right from your mobile device or tablet using the Visme iOS app .

Data Widgets

Visme offers a wide selection of data widgets that allow you to creatively visualize statistics and figures in the form of gauges, clocks, pictographs and icon arrays.

Data visualization in Visme goes beyond widgets. Add tables, graphs, and charts to your presentation slides and connect them to a live data source . Create a data stream from Google Sheets or Google Analytics into customized data visualizations.

Offline Viewing

Finished presentations can be viewed offline in four different formats.

The best option is to download it as an HTML5 file. That way it will maintain all the animations when opened on Google Chrome, even without internet. Downloading as an HTML 5 file is a premium feature. Presentations can also be downloaded as a collection of JPG or PNG images, as a PDF or as an editable PowerPoint file.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

  • Hundreds of premade slides available
  • Add animation and interactivity to your slides
  • Choose from various presentation options

Sign up. It’s free.

Create a stunning presentation in less time

Collaboration Possibilities

Visme has a premium teams plan that lets all team members customize and complete projects together. Leave comments with edits and feedback, edit projects simultaneously and easily share with other people on your team to move the project along.

Plus, Visme's workflow management features give the project admin complete control over your team's collaboration process. You can assign tasks, manage roles, set deadlines and more, all from a centralized platform. These features are useful for streamlining communication and reducing the time between briefing and final presentation design.

Branding Capabilities

Visme's brand design tool makes it easy to keep all of your content on-brand regardless of who's creating it. It works in three easy steps:

1. Upload all of your branding assets (colors, fonts, logo) to Visme with the Brand Wizard . Input your website URL and watch as our Brand Wizard automatically pulls in all of your branding.

2. Access a bundle of 30+ automatically branded templates that have your logo, fonts and colors already ready to go.

3. Easily access thousands of other templates and input your brand fonts and colors with just a click in Visme's editor.

Then boom! All of your content will always have the same branding, helping increase brand strength and recognition.

Share to Social Media

Once a presentation is finished, it can be shared to social media seamlessly right from the editor. It can also be downloaded.

Best Presentation Software Visme

Privacy and Password Protection

Presentations on Visme can be published privately with password protection so that only the people you want can access it. It is advisable to only use strong passwords for this purpose. There are a few free password managers that could help you do that and keep your account secure .

Visme’s analytics is what makes it stand out as the best tool for presentation. When a presentation is shared via a live link, it can be analyzed for views and sharing.

Visme Analytics Tool

Access in-depth analytics that show you how much of your presentation is typically viewed, for how long and which slides seem to be the most popular.

Lead Generation

You can add a signup form to your presentations to collect leads that could potentially become clients. Simply head over to our  Advanced Settings tab before sharing your project and turn on  Requires Registration to collect emails from each person who views your content.

The best part of using Visme is that you get access to an interactive online form builder that's proven to generate 2X more conversions than traditional forms. You can choose your preferred form type and customize every aspect, including character appearance, color, background and animations to match your design and branding requirements.

Best Presentation Software Prezi

Prezi offers a great alternative to the traditional presentation format that goes slide by slide. The creative idea behind Prezi is you can create an animated, non-sequential flow with topics and subtopics that are hidden until you zoom in.

While Prezi's interface can be slightly complicated to use, it's a good option for people who need to add a creative touch to their presentations.

Prezi is free for basic capabilities and limited templates.

For the paid plans, there are three tiers.

  • Standard: $5/month
  • Plus: $12/month
  • Premium: $16/month
  • Teams: Upon Request

There are separate plans available for students and teachers.

Prezi has a slight learning curve, but once you create a couple of presentations, you get the hang of it. However, it doesn't offer too much customizability inside the templates.

Best Presentation Software - Prezi user interface

Businesses and educators who are in need of a different style of presentation. Prezi offers a “conversational style” of zooming and moving around between information. So, who Prezi is for really depends on who needs this sort of presentation style.

There are plenty of templates to choose from, and you can also start from scratch. The templates are different in color and style, but the idea of zooming into topics and subtopics is the same.

best presentation software - Prezi's templates.

AI Presentation Assistant

Prezi has an AI assistant that automatically generates presentations for users.

Best Presentation Software - Prezi AI

The assets library has some icons and shapes available, the usual ones like arrows and buttons. Premium plans get access to over 80,000 icons and 500,000 images.

Videos can be uploaded or embedded from YouTube. Embedded videos are not viewable in offline mode. GIFs aren’t supported.

Voice over can be added in premium plans.

No other content can be embedded into Prezi presentations.

Prezi is all about animations between topics and subtopics. The presentations themselves are viewed as animations.

Prezi is a cloud app but can be accessed to view offline with premium plans.

Available to Create on Multiple Devices

Prezi presentations can only be created on a computer but can be viewed on all devices.

Prezi for teams is available upon demand and has a Slack integration.

Brand Kits are only available with Prezi's team plans, but each presentation can be customized to fit your brand with color customizations and some available fonts.

Prezi presentations can be shared to social media via a special share button at the top-right of the Prezi page. They can be shared to LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

best presentation software - Prezi sharing capabilities.

Prezi presentations can only be downloaded from the Prezi app. There are two options, as an EXE file for PC and a ZIP file for Mac. Presentations can then be viewed without internet connection or the need to connect to the Prezi app.

Presentations are public unless you have a paid account.

Analytics are available with premium accounts but it only applies to Prezi presentations you share via a link to someone.

There are no lead generation capabilities with Prezi.

3 Google Slides

Best Presentation Software Google Slides

Google Slides is the presentation software available via your Google account. Just like you can create documents and spreadsheets with Google Docs and Sheets, you can create presentations with Google Slides.

best presentation software - The Google Slides interface.

The setup is very similar to PowerPoint and is free to use for anyone with a google account. There is a business version called G Suite, which includes the same things with more storage and management capabilities.

Google Slides is free to use for anyone with a Google account. All features are available to everyone.

There are plans for business accounts so that teams can be created and information can be managed in a more organized way. Plans start at $6/user/month and go up to $18/user/month.

Compared to other examples of presentation software, Google Slides is very easy to use. The controls are very similar to Google Docs and Sheets.

Editing a presentation in Google Slides.

Business professionals, educators and students who need fast and easy access to a presentation software that can get things done.

There is a general collection of templates, but there are not very many. Presentations can also be started from scratch.

best tools for presentations

The graphic assets are average and simple. The shapes are classic and generic. Photographs can be uploaded from your desktop, your Google Drive, a URL or searched online.

best presentation software - google slides shapes

Videos can uploaded with a YouTube link or from Google Drive. GIFs can be added just like images.

Audio and Embed Third-Party Content

Anything from your Google Drive can be added in. Also there are some available “add-ons” that can be integrated for icons, stock photography and audio.

best tools for presentations

Elements inside each slide can be animated and so can the transition between the slides.

example of presentation software - Google Slides animation

Google Slides is a cloud-based program.

Google Slides can be used fully on any device with their respective apps for Android and iPhone. Presentations can be edited and viewed on all devices.

Collaborating with other people is easy with Google Slides

There is no brand kit feature.

Presentations can be shared via email or link.

best presentation software - Sharing in Google Slides.

Google Slides can be viewed offline with a Chrome Extension and the use of Backup and Sync.

Presentations can be shared privately, but there are no password capabilities, only invitations.

Analytics and Lead Generation

These features are not available.

Read either PowerPoint vs Google ,  or you can check out  Google Slides vs Visme to get a detailed overview of each tool and find the perfect presentation software for your needs.

best presentation software - keynote homepage

Keynote is the native Apple presentation software — one of the original PowerPoint Alternatives. Anyone with an Apple ID can use the Keynote editor. It is the most similar to PowerPoint and also Google Slides.

Keynote is free for downloading and also accessing via the cloud with an apple ID.

If you know how to use PowerPoint or Google Slides, Keynote is a breeze. This feature makes it stand out as one of the best tools for presentation.

best presentation software - The Keynote interface.

Keynote is good for businesses, educators and anyone who needs a practical presentation software.

The templates are limited but come in standard or wide sizes. Templates can also be found outside of Keynote and uploaded into the program.

best presentation software - Templates or themes in Keynote.

There are plenty of classic symbols and icons available which are also customizable in terms of color and gradient. Images can only be added from your computer.

best tools for presentations - assets in Keynote

Videos are not embeddable in Keynote slides but that is sorted with a plug-in like LiveSlides. GIFs can be added as .gif images.

You can upload existing audio files in Keynote to play on specific slides. There's also an option to record your own voiceover to create a narrated presentation.

Including these is not available

Slides and objects can be animated in a number of ways, including path creation, scaling, bounce or jiggle effects, and more.

best tools for presentations Keynote - animation and effects

Keynote is available on both desktop and cloud.

You can create keynote presentations on any apple device and PC.

Keynote presentations can be downloaded as .pdf or as .pptx to view offline.

Keynote presentations can be collaborated on via a link or email with permission settings set to “can make changes”.

best presentation software - Collaboration features in Keynote.

Brand Kit, Share to Social Media, Analytics and Lead Generation

None of these are available on Keynote.

Presentations are private until shared and there is no password protection capabilities.

5 Microsoft PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint templates.

This list wouldn't have been complete without the most popular presentation software in the world. Even though there are tons of more advanced presentation tools out there now, PowerPoint is still a favorite of many because of its familiarity, ease of use and availability.

The desktop-based PowerPoint program is part of Microsoft 365, which has different plans for businesses that start from $6/month and go up to $22/month. You can also buy an unbundled digital PowerPoint account for $159.99

PowerPoint Online is free on any device, including mobile.

Most, if not every, computer user knows how to work a PowerPoint. The traditional sidebar interface is easy to use simply because it's familiar. But for people who are using PowerPoint for the first time, there might be a slight learning curve.

Creating a presentation in PowerPoint.

Businesses, individuals, students, teachers and anyone who uses a Windows PC or device. PowerPoint is also a good fit for people who want to create simple, conventional presentations, and aren't looking for fancy new features or capabilities.

There are dozens of themes that come built-in with PowerPoint, and there are all customizable so you can play around with the styles.

You can browse stock images, icons, stickers and more by searching for relevant keywords in PowerPoint's graphic library.

best presentation software - powerpoint graphic library

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded from your computer. You can also embed videos from YouTube and other online sources. However, this feature is only available to Windows users.

You can upload audio files from your computer. You can also record audio directly inside PowerPoint and edit the settings for playback.

You can embed files created in other Microsoft Office applications, such as charts created in Excel, or any other programs that support Object Linking and Embedding (OLE.)

There are tons of animation and transition options available in PowerPoint, which can actually get confusing at times. However, if you know your way around these options, it gets easier to create a professional-looking slideshow.

There are both desktop and cloud versions of PowerPoint available.

You can download the PowerPoint mobile apps on both Android and iOS devices.

It's possible to share your presentation with specific people.

Sharing a PowerPoint presentation.

Brand kits are not available, but you can save custom themes.

Presentations cannot be shared to social media.

You can download your PowerPoint presentations in various formats, including PPTX and PDF. This makes it easy to access them on any device offline.

You can mark your presentations as read-only to prevent users from editing the file.

This feature is not available in PowerPoint.

best presentation software - The Ludus home page.

Ludus is one of the best-looking presentation tools available online. The main attractions with Ludus are the clean black screen to edit on and the number of integrations that give importing capabilities for all sorts of content. From photography to .svg to code builds.

Ludus starts at $14.99/month for teams of 1-15 people. Teams that need more licenses are encouraged to contact for more pricing information. Ludus does offer a 30-day free trial.

Ludus is quite easy to use and includes lots of keyboard shortcuts. It is easy to learn how to use and pretty straightforward. It seems to be easier for designers than for non-designers to use.

The Ludus interface.

This presentation software is geared more towards designers or business owners who have some design knowledge to totally be able to use the broad capabilities.

There are no templates to choose from. You have to start from scratch or use smart blocks that you can create to use over and over easily. Smart blocks are kept in their own library.

Ludus has minimal in-house graphic assets like simple shapes, but the integrations are epic. You can import .svg icons and edit them inside Ludus quite easily. Photos can also be imported via Unsplash, Instagram, Facebook or uploaded.

Uploading graphics to Ludus.

Videos and GIFs are easily imported via the integrations like YouTube, Vimeo, Giphy and more.

Uploading videos to Ludus.

Audio can be embedded as an audio file from SoundCloud, Dropbox and other integrations.

You can pretty much embed anything into Ludus. The integrations are impressive and there are also iframe and HTML options.

Embedding third-party content with Ludus.

Internal elements can’t be animated but there are so many integrations that animations can be done in different ways.

Ludus is a cloud-based app. No need to download anything.

Presentations can only be edited on computers. Finished presentations can be viewed on all handheld devices that have access to the internet via a URL link.

Collaborations are possible with the team plans. This includes live collaboration, workspaces and more.

With collaborations, smart blocks and the Brandfetch integration, a brand kit can be organized quite easily. But it’s not an internal feature.

How to set up a brand kit in Ludus.

Finished presentations can be easily shared to social media straight from Ludus.

Sharing a presentation in Ludus.

Ludus presentations can be downloaded as .pdf or .html to be viewed offline.

Pro Plans have password protection.

There are no analytics or lead generation capabilities available in Ludus.

best presentation software - The Slides home page.

Slides is the only presentation software that promotes itself as being “pixel perfect” as the editor includes a built-in grid to help with composition. Slides has a lower cost at the highest price tag which is good for smaller businesses.

Slides is free to use, but finished presentations will be public and available. 

The paid plans start at $5/month, and the Pro plan sits at $10/month and go up to $20/month for features like unlimited collaborators, privacy, shared media library and Google Analytics.

Slides is very easy to use, the editing board is minimal but all tools are at easy reach. No need to get confused with Slides. There are no templates so presentations are built from scratch.

best presentaion software - The Slides interface.

Small business owners or startups. Individuals that know what they want and don’t need templates to help them along. Also for developers because it has HTML and CSS building capabilities.

Slides has a very limited template library with just a handful of different options to choose from.

The available shapes and icons are common and minimal. Photos have to be uploaded or imported from a URL.

slides presentation software presentation tool graphic assets

Videos and GIFs are easy to add. Videos can be uploaded or linked and GIFs can be uploaded as .gif or .mp4 as video.

Including audio is not possible with Slides.

Anything with code can be added in an iframe.

Embedding third-party content with Slides.

All elements and features can be animated to fade in, fade out etc. Length of duration can be customized.

best presentation software - slides animation

Slides is a cloud-based presentation software that can only be used online.

Slides can be used on the computer and handheld devices. To edit and to view.

Paid plans have very capable collaboration possibilities. Users can leave comments with feedback for the creator to review and make edits.

slides presentation software presentation tool collaboration tools

There is no set section for a brand kit but branded decks can be created and then cloned to use as a template.

Yes, quite easily.

slides presentation software presentation tool share to social media

You can also share presentations via URL, email or embeddable code.

best presentaion software - The Slides sharing capabilities

A Slides presentations can be downloaded as a ZIP file with an .html file inside that can be viewed offline on any browser.

Privacy and Analytics

Possible with paid plans.

This is not possible on Slides.

8 Slidebean

Best Presentation Software Slidebean

Slidebean is an easy-to-use presentation software with interesting templates and customizable content blocks.

The highlight of this presentation software is that it uses artificial intelligence (AI) to help you put together the best possible slide layouts and configurations. They also have a team of experts that can both write and design your pitch deck for you if you don't want to take the DIY route.

The free plan has limited capabilities but it's enough to see how Slidebean works. To export your presentation, you'll need to upgrade.

There are three price levels from $8/month to $19/month to $149/month. The last one is the Founder's Edition plan, which includes help from the experts on your presentations.

If you choose to get their help on your presentation design, it starts at $29 per slide or $1,999 for the full project.

Slidebean is quite easy to use. You can choose between templates or start from scratch. Adding content is simple and to the point from a popup.

Editing can be done in outline or design mode. The editing is limited to how the content blocks are set up, but there are lots of choices. There's no free size changing or moving around.

Best Presentation Software Slidebean interface

Startups, small businesses and entrepreneurs.

There are plenty of template options. They are organized in sections and niche. The template collection has presentations by known brands like Snapchat and Buzzfeed.

Best Presentation Software Slidebean templates

There are plenty of icons and images to choose from. However, there are no shapes, but icons can be used as shapes.

best presentation software - slidebean icons

GIFs can be added via the Giphy integration in a content block. Video can be added in the paid plans.

best presentation software - slidebean gifs

There are no audio capabilities.

The code snippet content block has lots of options so a lot of different kinds of third-party content can be added in.

best presentation software - slidebean code

Content blocks and their elements can be animated with a couple features.

Slidebean is an online program on the cloud.

It can be used to edit or view on any device.

Collaboration is possible in the paid plans.

Best presentation Software slide bean sharing capabilities

This feature is available in the paid plans.

Sharing to Social Media

Best presentation Software slide bean

Slidebean presentations can be exported to download as both .pdf and .html files to view offline.

This feature is not available.

Analytics are available in the paid plans.

9 Zoho Show

Best Presentation Software Show

Zoho Show is a presentation software that mimics Microsoft PowerPoint in the way it is set up, with a menu up top for all the actions. However, Zoho's version is much nicer and polished.

Zoho is a complete CRM for businesses and the company offers different types of apps for teams and office use — Zoho Show is only one of their programs.

Zoho show is completely free and without ads.

Zoho Show is pretty easy to use. The content blocks can be chosen as themes but they can also be moved around freely and resized. The presentation can be viewed in three ways, with a handy grid view to see all slides next to each other.

Best Presentation Software Show

Businesses, entrepreneurs, educators and students. Anyone who needs to make a presentation.

There aren’t exactly templates, but there are themes. These do not come with images or lorem ipsum but are more like visual canvases that can be customized in terms of color, layout and more.

Best Presentation Software Show

The shapes are pretty good, there are quite a bit to choose from. An added bonus is the possibility to draw shapes or scribble anything yourself with the trackpad.

best presentation software - zoho show graphic library shapes

Videos can be added via the YouTube integration and GIFs can be added as an image.

Audio can be added via Soundcloud with an embed code.

There are a number of sites that are supported via Embed codes but not that many. Zoho Show says that you can ask your needs to be added in the permitted list.

All elements and transitions can be animated.

Best Presentation Software Show

Zoho Show is a cloud bases program and can be broadcast from anywhere and on any device. The live broadcast includes a chat window and the audience can download the presentation if they want to.

You can only create presentations on a computer.

Teams can easily use Zoho Show, even in the free version.

Custom branding is only available in the highest paid plan.

Sharing to social media is not possible unless downloaded as a PDF file and then uploaded to something like SlideShare.

Best Presentation Software - Show sharing capabilities

Presentations can be downloaded as .pptx or .pdf files for offline viewing.

Yes, this is possible on all plans.

Analytics are possible on the paid plans.

zoho show presentation software presentation tool sales dashboard


Best Presentation Software is a presentation software that helps you create great-looking slides with the help of Artificial Intelligence. This means that your presentation will look professional every single time, regardless of who designs it. currently offers a Pro plan at $12/month and a Team plan at $40/month, both billed annually. They offer a 14-day free trial to test out their tool.

This is probably the best thing about — it's incredibly simple to use. All you need to do is add smart slides, plug in your content, and choose from different preset layouts.

Of course, that also means that you have limited customization options. But if you're looking for a simple solution and you don't trust your design skills, this may be a good option for you.

Best Presentation Software interface is a great tool for absolute beginners and non-designers who are looking for a no-nonsense presentation software.

For example, startups and entrepreneurs can use this software to create a nice-looking pitch deck or proposal quickly without any design help.

There are a handful of slide themes available, but they're mostly basic in terms of design. You can play around with the layouts inside each theme to put together a unique presentation.

Best Presentation Software templates

The graphic assets library comes with a bunch of free stock photos and icons to choose from, but the options are pretty limited.

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded from your computer. You can also import videos from YouTube and Vimeo to embed in your slides.

Audio can be uploaded from your computer.

It's not possible to embed third-party content into presentations. However, you can add interactive links to your slides.

Each slide comes with a preset animation style that you're unable to customize. However, you can change the speed, timing and triggers for the animations. is a cloud-based application.

The software only works on your desktop computer.

You can invite people to collaborate on your presentation by either giving them "view" or "edit" access. Collaborators must have a account to view or edit the presentation.

While there's no brand kit feature available, you can customize a theme (colors and fonts) and save it to your library to use in future presentations.

There are several options to share your presentations. Send an email invite, share a public or private link, generate an embed code or share directly to social media.

Best Presentation Software

You can export your presentations to PDF or PowerPoint to view offline.

There is no password protection, but you can use the Secure Viewing option to only share your presentation with other users via an email invite.

This feature is only available in the paid plans. You can access a number of viewing and usage statistics for your presentations.

This feature is not available in

11 Genially

Best Presentation Software Genially

The main idea behind the Genially presentation software is interactivity.

This program is good not only for presentations and video presentations but also for other visual graphics. It’s great for adding a modern, interactive feel to your presentations.

There is a free plan in Genially, which gives you unlimited creations but limited resources. The paid plans are as follow, paid yearly:

  • Pro: $7.49 / month
  • Master: $20.82 / month
  • Team: $79.15 / month

Genially is easy to use if you are accustomed to programs with lots of choices. There is a lot that can be done with the features in Genially.

Any change can be applied to all slides with a single click of the button in the menu. When editing, there is a "design view" and a "layers view."

Best Presentation Software Genially interface

Professionals and educators of any field who can benefit from interactive presentations.

There are plenty of template options. Some are free and some are only available via the premium plans. Presentation templates are also available as "video presentations."

Best Presentation Software Genially templates

The graphic assets in Genially are quite varied; there is plenty to choose from. Images can be uploaded or found on the Pixabay integration.

Best Presentation Software Genially graphic assets

Videos can be added via a YouTube link and GIFs can be imported with the Giphy integration.

Audio can be uploaded from your computer, added via SoundCloud and a couple of other integrations, or recorded directly in Genially.

Third-party content can be added to your presentations with Genially integrations. For example, you can add an interactive map via Google Maps.

best presentation software - A screenshot of third-party embed options in Genially.

All elements can be animated, as can the transitions between slides. Animation effects are quite extensive. There is a similar tab called “interactivity,” which are pop-ups and hyperlinks supplied with lots of button choices.

best presentation software - A screenshot of animation capabilities in Genially.

Genially is a cloud-based presentation program.

This program is only available to edit on computers but can be viewed on any device.

It seems that a professional plan allows 5 team members, but the pricing plan shows that all plans have collaborative capabilities. Collaborators can be added in the dashboard where  all creations are stored.

Brand kits are available in the premium plans. It is an internal feature with easy access.

Finished presentations can be shared to social media.

best presentation software - Genially sharing capabilities

Finished presentations can be downloaded as a set of .jpg images, as a .pdf or as an .html5 file which will keep all animations.

Premium plans have these features.

This is not available in Genially.

Best Presentation Software Canva

Canva is not only a presentation software but also a full editing program for all visual needs. Presentation creation is only one of the possibilities with Canva. It has become a favorite with bloggers and home-based businesses.

The free version of Canva is pretty extensive. The only restrictions are the use of premium resources that can be either bought separately or through the Canva Pro plan. Canva Pro is charged at $12.99/month or $119.99/year.

Canva Teams is $14.99/month + $14.99/month for every team member after the 5th.

Canva is easy to use as all elements are easy to find and are mostly customizable. Presentations are viewed scrolling; there is no master view and you can’t change something on all slides at once.

Best Presentation Software Canva user interface

Bloggers, small home-based businesses and startups

There are lots of customizable template options, and each slide inside the templates can be used individually.

best presentation software - canva templates

There are plenty of options in the graphic assets library, including shapes, icons, photos, frames and stickers. Some are free, while others are paid.

Best Presentation Software Canva - graphic assets

Videos and GIFs can be uploaded to Canva.

You can add music to your presentations using the available options inside Canva.

Canva offers dozens of integrations and media embed options, including YouTube, Google Maps, Vimeo, Pinterest, Tumblr, Twitter and more.

There are several animation options that apply to entire slides inside Canva. You can also add animated stickers to your slides.

Canva is a cloud-based app. Presentations can be seen on any device.

Canva is available as an iPhone app and an android app for editing capabilities.

Presentations can be shared for editing with team members.

Best Presentation Software Canva collaboration

Canva Pro has a brand kit feature.

Best Presentation Software Canva - brand kit

Presentations can be shared on Twitter and Facebook.

Best Presentation Software Canva - share on social

Presentations can be downloaded as a group of .png or .jpg images or as a .pdf. You can also download it as an MP4 video for offline viewing.

All designs on Canva are private unless they are made public or shared via a link. There is no password-protected sharing though.

These features are not available in Canva.

While Canva offers a wide range of features for various visual design needs, you can explore better alternatives to find solutions that may better fit your requirements. If you want to explore other options, read our article about 12 excellent Canva alternatives .

13  FlowVella

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

FlowVella is a downloadable presentation software that can be used offline. The main attraction of FlowVella is the Kiosk Mode, in which you can create interactive presentations like the ones used in museums or information counters at malls or hotels.

FlowVella is free to try out. You can use it free forever but the options are limited and the finished presentations has a watermark. P aid plans are as follows:

  • Premium : $10/month or $60/year
  • Pro : $20/month or $200/year
  • Enterprise : Upon request

FlowVella is pretty easy to use, and the controls are straightforward and uncomplicated.

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

This presentation software is for professionals and educators that need to be able to create presentations offline. Also for those who can take advantage of the Kiosk Mode.

The template options are quite varied and well designed.

Best Presentation Software Flowvellla

The graphic assets library is very limited. Photographs and images need to be uploaded from your computer.

Videos can be uploaded or found via YouTube, iCloud and Dropbox integrations when online. GIFs can be added as images.

best presentation software - flowvella video

Audio can be uploaded from your computer, or added via iCloud or Dropbox.

You can add PDF files.

Only the transitions are animated minimally.

This is a desktop-based application. It must be downloaded.

There are iPad and device apps available for editing on those devices as well.

Paid premium plans can work with teams.

Brand kits are not available.

Presentations can be shared on Facebook and Twitter.

Since this is a desktop application, offline viewing is not a complication.

These features are available in the paid plans. Analytics can be viewed once the presentation has been published online.

best presentation software - flowvella analytics

This feature is not available on FlowVella.

14  Haiku Deck


Haiku Deck is a presentation software that is straightforward with a simple interface that makes quick and practical presentations. Presentations can be created on the computer and on mobile devices.

Haiku Deck can be tried for free with one available presentation. The Public plan is USD 7.99 a month, Pro plans are USD 9.99 a month billed annually and USD 19.99 billed monthly, and Premium plans are USD 29.99 a month.

Haiku Deck is quite easy to use and menus are easy to follow. There are word size limiters and specific text placement choices for each slide. Charts are simple to create and can be customized. The editor can be connected via cloud to all devices. The new addition, Zuru, is an Artificial Intelligence system that creates creative presentations from simple PowerPoint files or outlines.

best presentation software - Haiku interface

The Haiku Deck presentation software is geared mostly toward educators and classrooms. Businesses and bloggers can also use it for practical purposes.

Templates on Haiku Deck are more like an inspiring collection of photographs for a specific niche with some suggestions on where to place the text and what charts to include.

best presentation software - Haiku templates

The available graphic assets library in Haiku Deck are millions of photographs, numerous font choices and charts and graphs.

best presentation software - Haiku graphic assets

YouTube videos can be embedded easily in a Haiku Deck. GIFs cannot be added to Haiku Decks but a finished presentation can be turned into a video or into a GIF.

Narrations and voice overs are easily recorded on a presentation in Haiku Deck.

Only videos can be embedded.

Features can't be animated in Haiku Deck

Desktop or Cloud / Available to Create on Multiple Devices

Haiku Deck is a cloud-based app that is available for editing and viewing on your laptop and also as an app on phones and tablets.


Haiku decks can be downloaded as .pptx files for offline viewing.

Presentations can be easily shared to social media from the editor.


Haiku Deck offers team possibilities upon request.

There is no brand kit, but you can add your logo to the finished product.

Pro and Premium plans have private and password-protected capabilities.


Premium plans have analytics for who has viewed your presentations.

Emails cannot be captured with Haiku Deck but slides and presentations can be sent with invitations to your existing email contacts.

15  Microsoft Sway

best presentation software - sway

Microsoft has its own alternative to PowerPoint — Sway.

This online presentation software is completely different from PowerPoint and introduces a new concept of building "Sways" instead of "presentations."

Sway is free to use for anyone who has a Microsoft account.

It's super easy to use Sway and kind of fun too. It has a non-traditional storyline editor, which lets you add "blocks" of content that the software configures into layouts.

best presentation software - sway storyline editor

Sway is mostly for people who don't want to spend too much time designing a complex presentation. For example, students and nonprofit organizations.

There are several templates for different purposes, such as photo slideshows, sales trainings and even personal portfolios.

You can upload your own media or search from various sources inside Sway, including Flickr and Bing Images. There are no shapes and icons included.

best presentation software - sway graphic library

You can upload videos from your device or embed from YouTube.

You can add audio to Sway by uploading or dragging and dropping the audio file onto your storyline from your computer.

You can embed images, videos, maps and other content from tons of websites, including Google Maps, Soundcloud, Twitter, Facebook and more.

Sway automatically adds animations to your slides. You cannot change or customize them; you can only increase or decrease the level of animation added to your Sway.

Sway is an online, cloud-based software.

Sway works on any device with an internet browser.

You can invite people to view or edit your Sway presentation.

Sway presentations can be shared directly to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

You can download your Sway as a Word or PDF file to view offline.

There is no password protection available, but you can choose to share your Sway with specific people, anyone with a link or only people in your organization who have a link.

You can view reader statistics for your Sway if you have a Microsoft Office 365 subscription.

This feature is not available in Microsoft Sway.

Presentation Software FAQs

Still have questions? We've compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the best presentation tools available.

Q. Which Is the Best Software for Making Presentations?

There are many presentation tools out there but Visme stands out as a top pick and a creative presentation app with a full suite of advanced features tailored to the needs of individual users and businesses. Visme offers real-time collaboration, interactive and animated elements, hyper-customization options, robust data visualization tools and a brand wizard to maintain brand consistency across your presentations.

Q. What Is Better Than PowerPoint?

Visme is often considered a top presentation software and offers several advantages as a PowerPoint alternative software. Its intuitive interface and extensive template library make creating visually stunning presentations seamless, even for beginners. Visme's collaboration features are superior, allowing teams to work seamlessly. On top of that, Visme is packed with advanced interactive and animated elements to keep your audience hooked.

Q. Is PowerPoint or Prezi Better?

PowerPoint and Prezi each have strengths and are suited for different presentation styles. PowerPoint is easy to use, has a clear structure, and is widely available, making it suitable for traditional slide decks and formal presentations. On the other hand, Prezi excels at non-linear, visually engaging presentations with its zooming and panning features, making it ideal for creative or storytelling presentations. The best choice depends on your content, audience and desired presentation style.

Q. What Is the Best App to Do a Presentation On?

Visme offers a powerful presentation app that allows you to create, edit and present your slides from anywhere. Its mobile app is designed for on-the-go editing and presenting, ensuring you always have your presentation at your fingertips.

Q. Is Canva Better Than PowerPoint?

Canva and PowerPoint are tailored to suit the diverse preferences and requirements of different users.

Generally, Canva is known for its drag-and-drop interface, extensive library of design-focused templates and emphasis on visual appeal. It is an excellent choice for those who value aesthetics and want to create content quickly. On the other hand, PowerPoint offers more traditional features and is super flexible. It is often preferred due to its integration and compatibility with other Microsoft Office tools.

Q. What Is Replacing PowerPoint?

Visme is quickly gaining popularity as a PowerPoint replacement and a free presentation software with a user-friendly interface, tons of customization options, and powerful tools that make creating presentations a breeze. With a plethora of templates, interactive elements, and powerful data visualization tools, Visme empowers you to create presentations that truly captivate your audience and leave a lasting impression

Don't just take our word for it. Hear what Kendra Bradley, Graphic Content Developer at WOW!, has to say about Visme:

“Previously we were using PowerPoint, which is fine, but the interactivity you can get with Visme is so much more robust that we’ve all steered away from PowerPoint.”

“PowerPoint templates are plain and boring, and we want to create more fun and engaging content. Visme has multiple slide templates to choose from, which makes this so much easier.”

“I just made a deck recently and it took me about 15-20 minutes. I found a template I really liked and tweaked it and put it in our brand colors. In PowerPoint, it would take anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.”

Read the full case study to learn how they streamlined their presentation creation process and found a better alternative than PowerPoint.

Looking for a Presentation Software?

Choosing the best presentation program for your business is a great first step towards better and more effective slide deck development. In this guide, you learned about 15 different types of presentation software and we gave you a checklist to help you decide.

If you're looking for an easy-to-use presentation maker that also comes with unique features that you won't find in most other tools, Visme might be a great option.

You can look for the right pricing plan for your needs and even apply for a discount if you're a nonprofit organization. And if you just want to try out Visme to see if it's a good fit, sign up for a free account and use it for as long as you like — no strings attached.

Which of these best presentation software options fits your needs? If you have any questions or comments, we'd love to hear from you below.

Create stunning presentations in minutes with Visme

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Trusted by leading brands


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About the Author

Orana is a multi-faceted creative. She is a content writer, artist, and designer. She travels the world with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Find out more about her work at

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    Sales teams often use persuasive presentations to win clients. 5. Problem-solution presentation. A problem-solution presentation aims to aid in decision-making efforts by describing a problem or a challenge and presenting an audience with a solution or a set of solutions.

  19. 10 Slides to use in a Personal Presentation

    7. Your added value to the company. With all the experience you have and the research done on the company and the job, this is the time to tell your interviewers what is your vision of the company. Using the skills you presented, explain how can you be an asset to them and what value will you add to the company. 8.

  20. Comment se Présenter en Anglais ? 50 Phrases à Connaître

    Dans cette leçon de vocabulaire, découvrez comment vous présenter en anglais, à l'écrit comme à l'oral. Phrases, exemple à compléter et vidéo !

  21. Using English in presentation skills for personal and professional

    Use of English as a lingua franca enables the users to develop presentation skills to work collaboratively with professionals from nation, cultural and linguistic background. Keywords: presentation, professional, communication, language, education, management FULL Article (PDF) Go to full Volume 2019-2(2)

  22. Réussir son entretien d'embauche en anglais

    Avant de penser à se présenter en anglais, pensez aux premiers mots que vous allez prononcer au début de l'entretien d'embauche. Que celui-ci se déroule en face-to-face ou via un entretien téléphonique, les premiers échanges donneront le ton au reste de l'interview.

  23. 15 Best Presentation Software for 2024 (Full Comparison Guide)

    You need high-quality business presentation software to take your slides to the next level. Some of the best presentation software include Visme, Haiku Deck, Prezi, Microsoft PowerPoint, Canva and Google Slides. In this comparison guide, we'll analyze each of these tools and many more to understand what the difference is between them so you ...

  24. Effective October 1, 2024

    MEMORANDUM. TO: County Probate Judges County License Commissioners License Inspectors Other License Issuing Officials SUBJECT: Revised Interest Rate Factor Chart - Effective October 1, 2024 DATE: August 26, 2024 Attached is the updated interest rate factor chart as required by §40-1-44, Code of

  25. Kamala Harris Offers a 'New Way Forward' of Platitudes

    Kamala Harris introduced herself to the American public on Thursday evening, and her presentation was much like this week's Democratic convention: well delivered, confident and optimistic, and ...