Home Blog Business HR Strategic Planning 101: A Guide for Developing HR Strategies

HR Strategic Planning 101: A Guide for Developing HR Strategies

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Regardless of size or industry, every organization operates with specific goals and objectives. The job of the human resources (HR) team is to ensure that the workforce contributes effectively to its success. However, the shocking truth is many initiatives fail because there is a disparity between HR strategies and the business.

In a survey by Gartner , 38% of the HR leaders surveyed admitted that their HR strategic planning process is not aligned with the business strategic planning calendar. Such a misalignment can have significant implications and may impede the organization’s overall success.

This underscores the need for HR teams to prioritize a strategic plan that’s in sync with the overall business framework. How do you do that? Let’s discuss it in this article.

Table of Contents

What is an HR Strategic Plan?

Components of an hr strategic plan, steps for creating an hr strategic plan, examples of hr strategic plan slides, how to present an hr strategic plan.

We’ve defined a strategic plan as a document that reflects how a company plans to function and grow over a significant period. Its purpose is to allow all departments to understand the company’s larger strategy and guide their respective efforts so that they can positively impact its success.

Hence, the HR strategic plan is a document that outlines how the human resources function will align with and support the overall strategy, vision, and goals of the organization. Whether the HR strategy involves hiring more staff, promoting talent development, or nurturing a positive work culture, it should be firmly based on the direction the company aims for.

It’s important to emphasize that HR strategic planning is an ongoing process and requires continual reassessment as the organization’s overall strategic plan evolves.

So, where do you start with HR strategic planning? Breaking down the plan’s components is the easiest approach to accomplish this process. Let’s explore the basic elements an HR strategic plan should include.

  • The Vision is the aspirational image of what the HR function aims to achieve in alignment with the organization’s overall goals. It encapsulates the desired future state of HR within the company.
  • The Objectives are the short-term and long-term goals HR sets to achieve. These goals should be directly tied to the broader business strategy.
  • The Actions detail the specific steps, initiatives, and projects HR will undertake to achieve its objectives.
  • The KPIs are the metrics that gauge the effectiveness and impact of HR initiatives. They help monitor performance and guide adjustments if necessary.

1. Pick a Strategic Model to Use

Selecting the right structure for an HR strategic plan is the first step to effectively communicating the plan’s outcomes within your organization. SlideModel has several editable strategic planning templates to help you organize your plan clearly and logically.

The Goals-Based Strategic Planning Model begins by identifying goals/objectives and aligning the strategies and action plan with the organization’s current state. It also outlines the timelines for implementation and key metrics for tracking the progress.

The Cascade Strategy Planning Model involves a top-down approach that starts with defining the organization’s mission, vision, and core values. From there, strategic goals are broken down into actionable objectives for various departments and teams. 

Regardless of your chosen model, covering the essential elements mentioned earlier is imperative to ensure the plan’s effectiveness in driving organizational success.

2. Assess Current HR State

You now have the strategic planning model to work with. The next step is to conduct a gap analysis that evaluates the existing state of your human resources concerning the company’s overarching vision. This analysis compares where your HR function is and where you want it to be and identifies the existing gaps so that you can develop reasonable goals to fill them.

Several gap analysis templates , like the SWOT analysis , can aid you in this process.

SWOT Analysis for an HR Strategic Plan

Start by making a checklist of your requirements to fulfill the vision. Then, look at your organization’s workforce and identify what practices could be improved or what capacity could be acquired to realize the organization’s overarching strategic goal.

For instance, imagine you’re part of Tesla’s HR team, whose vision is to “create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.” As you assess your HR state, the gap analysis might reveal your need for recruiting specialized engineers or more employee training programs on sustainable transportation concepts.

3. Define HR Vision

Building upon the insights gained from the gap analysis, the next step is to craft a clear and aspirational vision for your HR function. This vision should reflect how HR envisions contributing to the organization’s success.

Some may find this step unnecessary, but we don’t recommend skipping it. As we mention in our vision statement article, a vision statement codifies your aspirations, making it easier to communicate them to stakeholders. An HR vision statement is no different.

Continuing our illustrative example, Tesla’s HR vision could be:

“Lead the charge in cultivating a dynamic and innovative workforce that pioneers the electric vehicle revolution.”

This ambitious statement points to areas where the HR team can play a crucial role in bridging the gaps between the workforce and the direction that Tesla is going for.

4. Identify Objectives

We cannot overstate the significance of setting objectives in HR strategic planning. While you have the vision to guide your actions, you need clearer directions to make your journey easier. Objectives transform abstract visions into concrete and actionable goals that you can work on.


You may identify short-term and long-term objectives. Either way, they should adhere to the SMART criteria :

Specific: Clearly define what the objective aims to achieve.

Measurable: Set quantifiable metrics to gauge success.

Achievable: Ensure the objective is feasible and realistic.

Relevant: The objective should align with HR’s role and the organizational strategy.

Time-Bound: Set a clear timeline for achieving the objective.

Let’s take a look at a well-written objective for Tesla’s HR.

Increase the number of engineers with proficiency in battery management by 20% within the next two years.

This objective aligns with the organization’s broader goal of pioneering the electric vehicle revolution. Battery management is a critical component of electric vehicles. By increasing the number of engineers proficient in battery management, Tesla’s HR ensures a workforce with the skills needed to advance electric vehicle innovation.

5. Develop Action Plans

The action plan breaks down your objectives into achievable pieces, giving stakeholders a clear sight of the steps needed to accomplish them. It lays down the specific activities in the order in which they should be carried out, the resources and support needed, and the completion timeline. The structured nature of action ensures that everyone is on the same page regarding the steps needed to achieve the desired outcomes.

Action Plan PowerPoint Diagram

For example, the following could be Tesla’s activities in achieving its objective of increasing the number of engineers proficient in battery management:

  • Assess the current proficiency levels of engineers in battery management skills.
  • Design a comprehensive battery management training.
  • Roll out the battery management training program.
  • Assess the progress of engineers’ proficiency levels.

You may use a one-pager action plan template to present these activities, their dependencies, and their required resources.

6. Establish KPIs

How will you measure success? As you develop your HR strategic goal, you will realize that you need to come up with a consensus of what success looks like. This is where key performance indicators (KPIs) come in.

Forbes defines KPI as a measurable target indicating a specific performance is at par with the goal. It requires looking into past performance variables (lagging indicators) and the desired future performance (leading indicators) to inform managers that they are on track to meet their objectives and, to a certain degree, their vision.

KPIs vary depending on the organization’s goals, but some common performance indicators for HR include:

  • Employee Productivity
  • Employee Attrition/ Retention Rate
  • Cost per Hire
  • Training and Development Metrics

When it comes to increasing the number of engineers with proficiency in battery management, Tesla’s KPIs may include:

  • Proficiency Assessment Scores
  • Training Completion Rate
  • Number of Certified Engineers

Here are a couple of examples of HR strategic plans presented using various models:

1. Enhancing Employee Engagement

Cascade Strategy Planning Model

This is an example slide of an HR strategic plan of a company that aims to enhance employee engagement. Using the Cascade Strategy Planning Model, they were able to align and direct every facet of their initiatives toward their overarching vision.

2. Developing Leadership Pipeline

The Goal Based Model

This goal-based HR strategic plan example provides an actionable approach to achieving the outlined goals for developing a leadership pipeline within the organization. Incorporating specific timelines into the action plan helps ensure the strategic plan progresses smoothly and stays on track.

Some companies spend a lot of effort developing HR strategies, or strategic plans in general, only to forget to effectively communicate them to the people who will turn the plan into a reality. What’s the point of beautifully crafted strategies when employees know too little or don’t know about them?

Hence, you need a communication plan to ensure that the whole organization understands and embraces your strategies from the ground up. Here are some tips when presenting an HR strategic plan.

1. Use Crystal-clear Language

Using jargon during a presentation may sound smart but may lead to confusion and alienation. To effectively communicate your strategies, prioritize using simple, plain language that resonates with the audience. If jargons are inevitable, provide clear definitions to ensure understanding.

2. Explain the “Why”

Employees may react negatively to changes, especially when they feel the change is an additional burden. Explaining a change’s reasons, motivations, and benefits can alleviate concerns and resistance. For example, if an employee is against HR’s job rotation plan, explaining how it will equip them for future succession might change their mind.

3. Use Visual Aids

HR strategic plans usually involve a lot of projections and metrics that might get lost in translation. Incorporate visual aids like infographics, graphs, and charts to simplify these complex pieces of information.

4. Encourage Two-way Communication

When you don’t receive feedback during a presentation, it typically indicates one of two possibilities: either the audience has a complete grasp of the message, or they don’t get it. There’s only one way to know for sure: to establish a channel for dialogue. Communication in both directions bridges the gap between the intended message and the audience’s understanding.

5. Use Multi-channel Approach

People have different preferences for absorbing information. Some may find in-person presentations more convenient, but others may find it challenging to present complex information. Cognizant of these variations, consider a range of approaches when presenting your HR strategic plan. For example, you may send out a pre-read of your reports so no one gets confused during your meeting.

HR strategic planning is a complex activity that involves multiple processes. It requires a comprehensive and thoughtful approach, from setting clear objectives and identifying key performance indicators to developing actionable plans and ensuring effective communication. The key to effective HR strategies is aligning them with the main company vision and strategic goals.

But remember, HR strategies are not set in stone. As company circumstances change and new challenges and opportunities emerge, the planning team must be agile to accommodate these shifts.

1. HR Plan for an Organization PowerPoint Template

hr strategy presentation ppt

Present your HR Strategic Plan with a slide deck intended for HR Professionals! This HR Strategic Plan template contains tools to outline the most important aspects of the human resources process and management tasks, like hiring new employees, management structure, career management, performance management, hidden opportunities, and more. Your team can craft a presentation that can be continuously updated according to your plan’s agenda, or it can fit the purpose of multiple plans.

Use This Template

2. GOST Canvas for HR Strategic Plan

hr strategy presentation ppt

This GOST framework is ideal for processes that require generating goals, laying out strategies, and defining tactics for an actionable plan. For an HR Strategic Plan, we can use this GOST Canvas PowerPoint Template as a prior step to defining the action plan details, while using the findings retrieved from the SWOT analysis and SMART Goal definition stages.

3. Strategic Plan HR Strategy Template for Defining Vision & Mission

hr strategy presentation ppt

The third step in our HR Strategic Plan guide is to define the HR Vision. Although this can be managed through Vision Statement templates, we believe a tailored template that exposes both Mission and Vision better fits this context.

Use this colorful Strategic Initiative Vision & Mission PowerPoint Template to formulate a path by which your strategic plan can align its efforts to meet the established goals. Strategic and Enabling Pillars are also laid out in an extremely visual format while being connected to the Mission. This way, stakeholders can get a quick glimpse of why certain tactics are being pursued, to which pillar they belong, and how that aligns with the big picture in the Strategic Plan.

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HR, Human Resources, Planning Filed under Business

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The big picture on employee journey & culture, hr strategy - culture.

Culture is not some fuzzy, intangible organizational concept. Culture is grounded in an organization's values, reflected by the norms, behaviors, and language of team members, nurtured by the environment team members work in, and reinforced by the organization's compensation and benefits. If you want to improve an organization's culture, then improve the values, norms, language, environment, compensation, and benefits.

Furthermore, an organization's culture should be reflected, celebrated, and reinforced throughout the employee journey. If you get the culture and employee journey right, you set the foundation for happy, fulfilled, and productive team members.

Org Strategy Framework

Does your company have a value statement ? Can all the team members recite it from memory? Is it reflected in the norms, behavior, language, environment, benefits, and compensation? If it isn't then the values are probably doing more harm than good to the culture.

Culture can make or break a company, so get the four building blocks of culture right. Any culture strategy starts with the leadership asking some tough questions about values, norms & language, the environment, benefits, and compensation.

Creating a Strong Culture

Culture Strategy on One Page

Culture Template

Read about the role and competencies of a Strategic Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)

How Does Google (#1 Place to Work) Do Culture

Google takes culture seriously. They have a People Analytics team to measure the impact of different cultural and employee journey practices.  They may have a few too many values (below), but they are insightful, and catchy and serve as a strong foundation for Google's culture.

Google has five stated norms of psychological safety, dependability, structure & clarity, the meaning of work, and impact of work. Their norms reinforce their values.

Google spends significant resources and research on creating productive and collaborative environments. Google needs top talent, and its benefits and compensation ensure that it can attract and retain that top talent.

The main point about Google is the purposefulness of the leadership in crafting and nurturing Google's culture.

Google Culture Examples


As Roy Disney, the older brother of Walt Disney said, “When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier.” 

What are the values that will help team members, individually and collectively, achieve the mission of the organization?

Frankly, most company value statements are generic, forgettable, and not utilized as the cultural foundation. If this is your company, start over, and spend some serious time brainstorming and engaging team members on what the soul and core values of the company are.

Once you figure out the core values, make them pithy, and rememberable, and then celebrate them, internally market them, weave them into the organizational language, refer to them, utilize them in decision-making, and embed them within the various strategies across the business model . Below is the values idea map, which may give you some ideas on potential values.

Different Values Examples

An Example of a Cool Value Statement

For a software company, we worked with the management team and employees to create core values that were authentic and important to team members. 

Company Values Example

Embedding Values into the employee journey

Values within a company examples


Norms are the widely accepted individual and interpersonal behaviors in an organization, which should reflect the values. While values are the foundation of a culture, norms are the embodiment and manifestation of them within the culture.

A new employee views and feels a culture through the norms of how team members treat themselves and each other. The adage "lead by example" is crucial to the norms of an organization. People learn through mimicry, and leaders need to live the values and reinforce the norms of an organization.

Norms permeate through all interactions, including conversations, meetings, emails, communications , Slack, events, projects , and personal and external interactions.

Company Norms

Amazon's Meeting Norms

Early on in Amazon's history, Jeff Bezos instilled very thoughtful norms around meetings. Valuing problem solving and productivity, Jeff enacted five norms for meetings. The details are in the graphic.

Imagine being a new Amazon employee attending your first meeting. You would probably be a bit shocked, but also appreciative of the purposefulness of the norms and ritual.

The point is, norms are where culture and reality collide. The more purposeful an organization is at defining and reinforcing the norms, the stronger the culture will become.

Amazon Meeting Best Practices


We often overlook the environment as a strategic driver of culture, values, and organizational performance. As a society, we spend so much time, attention, and money on the interior design of our homes. It is the complete opposite for workspaces, where millions spend 40+ hours a week.

Small strategic investments in workspaces can pay large dividends. Think about simple ideas, like putting up posters of the organizational values , employees living those values, recent successes, customer logos, and other messages you want to reinforce. You can name conference rooms after clients or the core values. Or, you can make meaningful investments to transform workspaces to be collaborative, supportive, and engaging spaces of productivity, like Google does (examples below).

The takeaway is to be purposeful in workspace design and decor. Understand what values or cultural elements you want the environment to support, and then build them into the environment.

Company Environment Examples


Compensation Categories


Much like the customer journey is a core component of corporate strategy, the employee journey is a core component of HR strategy. At a high level, the employee journey includes recruiting, hiring, onboarding, development, evaluation, and advancement. Companies with strong employee journeys help elevate and realize the potential of their team members and utilize the employee journey to reinforce their culture.

To develop a strong employee journey strategy engage team members in diagnosing issues, coming up with goals, ideas initiatives, and executing the initiatives. An employee journey strategy comes down to answering four fundamental questions, which are below.

Improving the Employee Journey

An Employee Journey Strategy

Employee Journey Goals

Employee Journey Strategy Ideas

Improving Employee Experience Examples

Google's Employee Journey

Google is the #1 place to work, in large part because of their focus on improving their employee journey. Check out some of their employee journey strategy examples. 

Google Employee Strategy


The output of a culture and employee strategy are goals and initiatives. The challenge comes in figuring out the optimal goals and initiatives that will help elevate and realize the potential of team members. Below are the four steps to a successful employee journey and cultural transformation .

Engage team members throughout the process, especially in diagnosing and ideating. The more team member engagement, the more buy-in and the higher chance of transformational success.

Cultural Transformation Project Plan

HR Diagnostic Survey

HR Diagnostic Survey


Given the importance of elevating and realizing the potential of the individuals and teams that drive the development and execution of a company's strategies, embarking on developing a strong employee journey strategy is a no-brainer. In every company, there is a lot of upside in strengthening the culture and employee journey. Just be sure to engage the entire organization in generating, prioritizing , and implementing cultural and employee journey initiatives.

If you want to talk about your HR & Org strategy with an experienced strategy coach, set up some time with Joe Newsum , a Mckinsey Alum, and the author of this content and website.

DOWNLOAD THE HR & Org strategy presentation template

Download the 185-page HR & Org Strategy PowerPoint Presentation . The fully editable and professionally designed deck will give you a jump start on your HR & Org Strategy.


To get you started on developing a killer culture and employee journey strategy, download the free PowerPoint, which includes: 1. Mission & Values Template 2. Culture Strategy Worksheet 3. Employee Journey Ideation Worksheet 4. Employee Journey One-Page Strategy 5. Employee Journey & Culture Strategy Overview Download

Check out The Employee Strategy Survey




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HR Strategic Plan

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Product details

HR is the department in every business that finds and trains employees. They also help with conflict resolution, employee benefits, retention and development. A human resource strategy plan is taking those responsibilities and making sure they meet the goals, mission and future needs of the company.

Being able to develop realistic forecasts of your people’s needs now and in the future is essential if you’re going to win the war on talent. On a day-to-day level, being able to optimise shift allocation will help you achieve efficiencies and reduce your wage bill.

Also, if you know how many staff you require to achieve the future strategic goals of the business and what jobs need to be filled, you can get an early start on finding the right talent.

Using spreadsheets and manual processes are not only time consuming, they are also prone to human error. And this means business risk. By using a strategic human resource plan, you can identify any possible compliance gaps and keep your business in line with employment legislation.

Beyond hiring the right candidate, HR strategy plays an important role in promoting employee engagement and satisfaction. These areas are crucial to developing a happy, productive workforce who become great ambassadors for your business.

With a HR plan, you can formulate what is required of you to take care of your employees’ needs. It also keeps a check on morale, measures productivity and your employees’ sense of commitment.

Employee engagement goes hand in hand with retention. Once you have built a team of great people, you need to keep hold of them. A big part of your HR strategy needs to be focused on what you can do to retain employees. This includes ways to build your employees careers through formal recognition programs and career development pathways.

Through your HR plan, you can formally evaluate specific and measurable factors such as employee turnover, the number of vacant positions, employee grievances, as well as satisfaction and dissatisfaction levels.

This template will primarily be useful to heads of HR departments. You can use the slides in this template to present your HR strategy. For example, you can define the key goals of the department for the year – creating a personnel reserve, searching for talents, optimizing document flow.

Executive and companies can also use the slides of this template. For example, you can use this template when preparing a company development strategy or building business processes in a company. University educators can use the slides in this template when preparing courses on HR Strategic Plans or Effective Human Resource Management.

HR Strategic Plan is a professional and modern template that will help you create a professional and stylish presentation. If necessary, you can change the font size, font type, color, and position of the infographic to suit your corporate needs. This template will be useful for HR managers, company executives and business process analysts. The HR Strategic Plan template will seamlessly complement your presentations and will be a great addition to your collection of professional presentations.

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HR presentation: The all-in-one guide

Boost your HR skills with our definitive guide to HR presentation. Learn to create engaging slides, foster talent acquisition and improve productivity

Sahul Hameed

Building presentations

Girl making HR presentation in office

Ever felt stuck with how to carry out a flawless HR presentation that not only informs but also engages? Hey, you're not alone! This guide is your go-to resource for nailing that HR presentation, impressing your audience, and truly making a difference within your organization. Buckle up as we embark on this informational journey.

Let's be honest,  HR presentations are a cornerstone of modern HR management. They can be a hit or a miss depending on various elements. But worry not! This guide will delve deep into all aspects to help you prepare the best HR presentation of your career. Let's jump right in!

Key roles and responsibilities of HR in an organization

Before we even touch on the high-impact world of HR presentations, it's crucial to lay down some fundamentals. Let's get to know the unsung heroes of any organization: the HR department. What makes them tick? What challenges do they tackle every day?

What does HR do?

HR isn't just a department; it's the backbone of an organization.

They wear many hats, starting with recruitment , where they scour the talent pool to bring in the best fit for the company. Following recruitment, the HR team shifts its focus to onboarding , which is all about integrating new hires into the company culture and operations.

Compensation and benefits are next on the list, comprising both financial rewards and non-monetary perks that help retain valuable employees. HR also takes the lead in fostering employee relations to ensure a positive and productive work environment.

Last but certainly not least, they spearhead training and development initiatives to equip employees for future roles and responsibilities.

Here is a guide on recruitment presentation .

I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies. - Lawrence Bossidy

What is an HR presentation? (HR management presentation)

An HR presentation is not your run-of-the-mill PowerPoint. It's an essential tool for HR professionals to communicate various HR initiatives, processes, and metrics in an organized and engaging manner. If done professionally, it can hold the attention of your audience and effectively deliver your key messages.

Common presentations prepared by HR

Ah, presentations—the bread and butter of corporate communication.

But wait, don't yawn just yet!

When it comes to HR, presentations are far more than a set of slides; they're dynamic tools that serve a plethora of purposes. They’re the vehicles HR professionals use to download key information into the minds of employees and management. From introducing new hires to the company culture to navigating the intricate web of HR metrics, these presentations are vital cogs in the organizational machine.

Let's break down the "Oscars" of HR presentations, shall we?

Employee onboarding presentations

Imagine the first day at a new job. Exciting yet nerve-wracking, right? Employee onboarding presentations are like the welcome mat at the front door. They cover the company's history, values, and workplace safety, setting the tone for a newbie's journey.

Company culture presentations

If your organization has a personality, this is where it shines. Company culture presentations dig deep into what makes your workplace tick—its mission, values, and environment. It's like a backstage pass into the ethos of the company.

HR strategy presentations

Pop quiz: Who listens to the HR strategy presentations ? That's right—senior leadership. Here, you lay out your grand plan for the year, complete with all the nitty-gritty details on workforce trends and best practices. Consider it your HR manifesto.

Performance management presentations

Alright, managers, gather around. This one's for you. These presentations teach you how to set goals, conduct performance reviews, and give constructive feedback. In other words, they're the rulebook for how to keep your team in top shape.

Training and development presentations

Who doesn't love leveling up? These presentations focus on the XP points of the corporate world—training and development opportunities. They cover everything from training resources to tailored development plans.

Benefits presentations

Ah, the siren call of "perks." Benefits presentations are detailed brochures of what the company offers besides a paycheck. Health insurance, retirement plans, and oh-so-precious PTO—it's all here.

Diversity and inclusion presentations

In a world where diversity and inclusion aren't just buzzwords but necessities, these presentations are the HR equivalent of a TED Talk. They cover unconscious bias, microaggressions, and how to be a good ally.

Employee engagement presentations

Feel like your team's morale needs a boost? These presentations get down to the brass tacks of what keeps employees ticking, from satisfaction surveys to recognition programs.

Change management presentations

Change is the only constant, they say. Well, these presentations are your guidebook on how to manage it. They cover the process of change, effective communication strategies, and employee support mechanisms.

So why are these presentations so pivotal? First off, they're informative, chock-full of valuable information that guides employees and management alike. Secondly, they're strategic, aligning HR department goals with organizational objectives. And don't forget engagement; a well-structured presentation can hold the attention of your audience, facilitating a better understanding and retention of crucial data. If you're an HR professional, you know the magic isn't just in the message but also in how you deliver it.

How to structure an effective HR presentation

An effective HR presentation is not just about stuffing slides with bullet points and charts. It requires a well-thought-out structure.

Not all HR presentations are created equal. Depending on the type, the architecture of your PowerPoint can be as different as chalk and cheese. You wouldn't bring a spatula to a swordfight, would you? Similarly, the structure for a new-hire onboarding presentation is going to look quite different from, say, an HR Strategy Presentation .

Presentation types dictate structure

First things first—your presentation's structure must be tailored to its purpose. For instance, a New hire onboarding presentation should include slides on the company overview, employee policies, code of conduct, and other foundational elements that guide a new employee's journey.

On the other hand, HR strategy presentations are like the "financial quarter reports" of the HR world. Your audience is typically the top brass, and you're expected to present slides related to budgets, future hiring projections, and workforce trends. Don't forget those important charts and graphs that visualize your strategic aims and KPIs.

And let's not overlook Employee benefits presentations . These require slides discussing employee perks, healthcare plans, retirement benefits, and paid time off. In a way, you're acting like a salesperson, making the "benefits" package as enticing as possible to your internal audience.

Feel like diving deeper? Navigate to the specific HR presentation types linked above to explore the unique structure for each.

Tips for crafting awesome slides

Whether you're laying out the corporate welcome mat or spilling the company's future tea, your slides need to be top-notch. Here's how you can polish them:

  • Design : Make use of high-quality, brand-approved designs. Your slides should be visually engaging without being overwhelming.
  • Font & text : Choose readable fonts and keep your text crisp and to the point. Remember, less is often more.
  • Visual elements : Spice up your slides with charts, graphs, and other visual aids. These can serve to break up the text and make your points more digestible.
  • Customize : Adapt your slides to your audience's specific needs and expectations. Whether you're speaking to new hires or senior execs, tailor your content accordingly.

If the thought of crafting these different types of presentations seems daunting, take a breath. Prezent has got you covered. With features like real-time sharing, a variety of storylines, and brand-approved designs, Prezent streamlines the presentation-making process. You can create tailored, impactful presentations that resonate with your audience, saving time and ensuring brand consistency.

Do's and don'ts of an HR presentation

Before you dash off to dazzle your audience, let's tap the brakes for a sec and chat about some road signs on your presentation highway—your do's and don'ts. Trust me, understanding these can make the difference between an ovation and a snooze-fest.

  • Rehearse : Knowing your material inside-out will make you a confident presenter. Your audience will thank you for it.
  • Use templates : A well-designed PowerPoint template can save you time and ensure consistency. And if you're looking for the crème de la crème of templates, platforms like Prezent offer a wide range of brand-approved options.
  • Engage your audience : Use interactive elements like polls or Q&A sessions to break the fourth wall and get your audience involved.
  • Provide feedback : Encourage the audience to share their thoughts and opinions. Constructive dialogue only adds value.


  • Avoid overloading slides : Too much information can be overwhelming. Aim for clarity, not confusion.
  • Don't read from the slides : This isn't storytime at the library. Your audience can read; they're looking to you for elaboration.
  • Steer clear of jargon : Unless you're trying to win a corporate buzzword bingo game, keep it simple.
  • No last-minute changes : Spontaneity may spice up a first date but can derail a presentation. Stick to the plan.

Remember, even the fanciest slides won't save you if you're not prepared. Preparation is key! So, go ahead and knock 'em dead, but not literally, okay?

Summarizing key takeaways

HR presentations can make or break your credibility in the department. And no, this isn't an episode of a reality TV show, although the drama levels might feel similar. From the structure to the visual elements and engagement strategies, every aspect plays a vital role.

Frequently asked questions

1. what presentation tools can hr managers use to streamline their workflow.

HR managers have an array of presentation tools at their disposal. For traditionalists who are comfortable with PowerPoints , Microsoft's offering remains a stalwart choice. For those looking for real-time collaboration, Google Slides is an excellent option. Don't forget Keynote for Apple aficionados. Additionally, platforms like Prezent specialize in providing editable slide templates that help HR professionals save time and maintain brand consistency.

2. How do I choose the right diagrams and graphics for my HR presentation?

Choosing the right diagrams and graphics is essential for capturing your audience's attention and conveying information effectively. A rule of thumb is to use diagrams that simplify complex processes or relationships, making them easier to understand. Diagrams can be especially useful in HR projects that involve workflow processes or organizational hierarchies. Presentation graphics should align with the overall theme and should serve to illustrate or emphasize key points rather than distract.

3. What are some best practices for virtual HR presentations?

Virtual presentations have their own set of challenges, from ensuring everyone can connect to engaging an audience you can't see. First, make sure all your slides are easily viewable in a digital format—this may mean limiting text and focusing more on visual elements. Use interactive features like polls or Q&A sessions to engage your audience. Remember, you're not just sharing information; you're facilitating a conversation. Don't underestimate the power of a well-placed pause or the use of humor to keep people engaged. Virtual tools also offer the advantage of being able to record and distribute the presentation for later viewing.

4. How can a PPT dashboard help HR leaders in employee evaluation?

PowerPoint (PPT) dashboards are invaluable tools that empower HR leaders to track key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to employee evaluation. For instance, a well-designed dashboard can display productivity metrics, attendance records, and even results from periodic assessments. When you're presenting this data, especially in annual meetings with other department heads or the CFO, it helps to have all these essential metrics showcased in one easily digestible format.

5. How can design teams incorporate SHRM guidelines into new employee onboarding decks?

The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) provides a host of guidelines that can be invaluable in the HR area, especially when it comes to new employee onboarding. Design teams can create onboarding decks that incorporate SHRM's recommendations for legal compliance, employee engagement, and benefits information. This not only ensures that the deck covers all the bases but also meets team needs for compliance and quality engagement.

Here is a comprehensive guide on roles and responsibilities presentation .

Create your HR presentation with Prezent

Tired of outdated PowerPoint slides that do more harm than good? Say hello to Prezent, your one-stop solution for HR presentations. With Prezent, you'll have access to 50+ storylines and 35,000+ slides that are 100% on-brand and compliant. Plus, you can save 70% of your time and reduce communication costs by 60%.

‍ Some features that might interest you!

  • Audience preferences: Create a professional presentation tailored to your audience.
  • Real-Time sharing: Enable instant sharing and collaboration within your HR team.
  • Overnight presentation service : Submit by 5:30 PM PST and get a polished presentation by 9:30 AM the next day.

So why settle for less when you can have the best? With Prezent, your HR presentation will be nothing short of a masterpiece.

There you go, folks! Hopefully, you've been armed with the info you need to wow your audience. Now, go out there and make some HR magic happen—or at least a PowerPoint that won't put people to sleep. Cheers!

Sign up for a free trial or book a Demo today with Prezent!

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HR Strategic Plan

(3 Editable Slides)

HR Strategic Plan PPT Slide 1

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Download our HR Strategic Plan PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme to showcase the plan of aligning the human resource (HR) strategy with the business goals and objectives. Business leaders and HR managers can leverage this deck to describe how strategic HR planning helps assess the gap between present and future capabilities and enable businesses to overcome this gap. Moreover, using impressive graphics, you can exhibit the steps of the strategic HR planning process.

A Glance at Stunning Visuals

The slides featuring uniquely designed infographics illustrate the steps, functions, and roles of strategic HR planning. The appealing background theme and sophisticated color combinations make it easier for the presenters to communicate their message effectively without overburdening the audience.

Salient Features

  • The deck elements can be conveniently modified without prior editing experience or external support.
  • The quality of the graphics won’t interrupt, even when scaled to a bigger screen.
  • All the set attributes are designed after thorough research, leaving no room for copyright breach incidents.

Download this pre-designed PPT now to deliver winning presentations!

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  • HR Strategy Presentation PPT

Free - HR Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Template & Google Slides

Free - HR Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Template & Google Slides

HR Strategy Presentation Slide

Looking to build a strong HR foundation for your organization? Look no further than this comprehensive HR template! HR is responsible for managing the entire employee life cycle, including recruiting, hiring, training, and managing employee performance. But it doesn't stop there. HR also ensures compliance with employment laws and regulations, promotes employee development and engagement, and fosters a positive work environment. Our template provides the perfect starting point for organizations looking to present their HR policies and procedures.

Features of the template

  • 100% customizable slides and easy to download.
  • Slides are available in different nodes & colors.
  • The slide contains 16:9 and 4:3 formats.
  • Easy to change the colors of the slide quickly.
  • Well-crafted template with an instant download facility.
  • Highly compatible with PowerPoint and Google Slides.
  • You can highlight important features.
  • It has the best customer review theme.
  • Recruitment
  • Circular Spokes
  • HR Strategy
  • HR Strategy Model
  • HR Planning
  • Human Resource Strategy
  • Human Resource Plan
  • HR Strategic Plan
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  • Circular Spokes Diagram
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HR Presentation Slide Templates

HR Presentation Slide

Number of slides: 10

The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company. With this template you can demonstrate the core functions of the human resource management. Also, you can show relationships between the senior managers and the work force.

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Set of HR Powerpoint Slides

Venn diagram human resource slide.

A Venn diagram is used to show logical relationships between different and numerous data sets. For example, it can be applied to the hiring process of your company. Your company will have certain criteria that the right candidate should possess, such as experience, professional skills, and leadership qualities. All of the applicants who exhibit those characteristics have the potential to be the new employee.

Clustered Column Chart Human Resource Slide

The Clustered Column Charts is a graph that is used for comparison of certain data. The values are grouped into categories by using vertical bars. The data will use the same axis labels and can become really complex, depending on the amount of data. This template will enable you to better organize the data in your HR department and to highlight important values.

Meet the Team Human Resource Slide

It is important to always praise your employees and this slide is the right place to give them credits. Your team is the most valuable asset in the organization. You have plenty of space to name each team member, regardless of their responsibilities and field of expertise. Also, the slide is quite visual and you will be able to leave a lasting impression on your audience.

With the HR template you will highlight the key values of the HR process and organization

You can demonstrate the core functions of the HR department and create a path for better organization of the human resources.

The Venn diagram is suitable for demonstrating the hiring process

By using the Venn diagram, you will be able to successfully select the right candidate.

Professional template that will enable you to make a memorable presentation

The visual slides will contribute for a better understanding of the data.


Todd Speranzo

VP of Marketing at Avella

"24Slides helps us get PowerPoints on-brand, and improve overall design in a timeframe that is often “overnight”. Leveraging the time zone change and their deep understanding of PowerPoint, our Marketing team has a partner in 24Slides that allows us to focus purely on slide content, leaving all of the design work to 24Slides."

Gretchen Ponts

Strata Research

"The key to the success with working with 24Slides has been the designers’ ability to revamp basic information on a slide into a dynamic yet clean and clear visual presentation coupled with the speed in which they do so. We do not work in an environment where time is on our side and the visual presentation is everything. In those regards, 24Slides has been invaluable."

"After training and testing, 24Slides quickly learnt how to implement our CVI, deliver at a high quality and provide a dedicated design team that always tries to accommodate our wishes in terms of design and deadlines."

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What are human resource templates.

Human resources ppt templates are a collection of pre-designed  100% editable PowerPoint slides  created explicitly for HR professionals to help them effectively communicate their HR strategy, ideas, and initiatives. These templates usually include various HR-related themes such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, performance management, etc. They come with professionally designed graphics,  presentation icons , and images that easily match an organization’s branding or personal preferences. Free HR templates are perfect for creating impressive and visually appealing presentations that can help HR professionals convey essential information to their audience engagingly and clearly.

What Are The Various HR Topics For Presentation?

Several HR Topics For Presentation are usable for  creating attractive business presentations . Some of the most common ones include:

  • Recruitment and Selection:  This topic covers organizations’ methods and strategies to attract, identify, and select the most qualified candidates for a job.
  • Onboarding and Orientation:  This topic covers integrating new employees into the organization and familiarizing them with its culture, policies, and procedures.
  • Employee Engagement:  This topic covers the strategies and techniques used to motivate and engage employees, improve their job satisfaction, and foster a positive work environment.
  • Performance Management:  This topic covers setting goals, monitoring performance, providing feedback, and improving performance to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Employee Training and Development:  This topic covers the methods and strategies used to enhance employee skills and knowledge to meet the organization’s changing needs.
  • Compensation and Benefits:  This topic covers how organizations attract, retain, and reward employees through various forms of compensation and benefits.
  • Diversity and Inclusion:  This topic includes  strategic initiative templates  used to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace, including the recruitment of diverse talent, creating an inclusive culture, and managing diversity-related issues.

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Nine Steps For Building Hr Agenda Powerpoint Slides

Nine Steps For Building Hr Agenda Powerpoint Slides

This PowerPoint template has been designed with graphics of nine steps chart. Download this PPT slide to depict nine steps to building HR agenda. The structure of our PPT slide allows you to effectively highlight the key issues concerning to your agenda.

Human Resource People Team Powerpoint Slides

Human Resource People Team Powerpoint Slides

Download this exclusive PPT slide to present HR strategic planning steps. This PowerPoint template contains graphics of human resource people team. Above slide provide ideal backdrop to make business presentations.

Business Diagram Human Resource PowerPoint Ppt Presentation

Business Diagram Human Resource PowerPoint Ppt Presentation

Knock On The Door To Success With Our Business Diagram Human Resource PowerPoint PPT Presentation PowerPoint Templates. Be Assured Of Gaining Entry.

Business Diagram Men Icon For Hr Strategies Presentation Template

Business Diagram Men Icon For Hr Strategies Presentation Template

Above business slide has been designed with men icons. Download this diagram to exhibit HR strategies. Trigger the imagination of your audience with this slide.

Business Diagram Vision And Goals For Hr Strategies Presentation Template

Business Diagram Vision And Goals For Hr Strategies Presentation Template

This business slide contains graphics of target board. Display vision and goals for HR strategies with this diagram. Download this diagram slide to make professional presentations.

Banners For Hr Strategies PowerPoint Template

Banners For Hr Strategies PowerPoint Template

You can download this business diagram for topics like corporate strategy, HR strategy, pricing strategy, and marketing strategy. It contains graphics of banners with business icons.

Organization Chart Operation Hr Ppt Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

Organization Chart Operation Hr Ppt Business Plan PowerPoint Templates

We present our organization chart operation hr ppt business plan PowerPoint templates.Present our People PowerPoint Templates because You can Channelise the thoughts of your team with our PowerPoint Templates and Slides. Urge them to focus on the goals you have set. Present our Marketing PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides help you meet the demand of the Market. Just browse and pick the slides that appeal to your intuitive senses. Use our Process and Flows PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides will provide you the cutting edge. Slice through the doubts in the minds of your listeners. Download our Flow Charts PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides ensures Effective communication. They help you put across your views with precision and clarity. Download and present our Shapes PowerPoint Templates because Our PowerPoint Templates and Slides has conjured up a web of all you need with the help of our great team. Use them to string together your glistening ideas.Use these PowerPoint slides for presentations relating to Hr, chart, workforce, network, leadership, leader, human, employment, flow, business, hierarchy, teamwork, diagram, flowchart, people, worker, team, management, connection, strategy, manager, office, structure, communication. The prominent colors used in the PowerPoint template are Red, White, Gray.

Hierarchy Of The Hr Department Powerpoint Templates

Hierarchy Of The Hr Department Powerpoint Templates

Our above business slide contains team hierarchy icons. This slide can be used to present typical hierarchy in the HR department. Capture the attention of your audience with this slide.

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HR Management Slides

HR Management Slides and HR Management Tools

Brilliant HR Strategy Presentation

In this page, you can view all of 15 excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process.

There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

1. Competency-based HR Management 2. HR Scorecard 3. Principles of HR Management 4. Measuring ROI of Training 5. Change Management 6. Diagnosing Organizational Effectiveness 7. Good to Great 8. Coaching for Optimal Performance 9. Balanced Scorecard 10. Career Management 11. Communication Skills 12. Emotional Intelligence 13. Developing Leadership Skills 14. Presentation Skills for HR Managers 15. Creative Thinking Skills for HR Managers

You can download all of these amazing slides HERE

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Brilliant Powerpoint Slides on HR Management and HR Scorecard

hr strategy


Mar 12, 2019

390 likes | 888 Views

HR STRATEGY. MANA 3320 Dr. Jeanne Michalski. Strategic Planning and Human Resources. Strategic Planning Procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies Human Resources Planning (HRP)

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  • human resources
  • business strategy
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  • functional strategy ensuring alignment


Presentation Transcript

HR STRATEGY MANA 3320 Dr. Jeanne Michalski

Strategic Planning and Human Resources • Strategic Planning • Procedures for making decisions about the organization’s long-term goals and strategies • Human Resources Planning (HRP) • Process of anticipating and making provision for the movement (flow) of people into, within, and out of an organization.

Strategic Planning and HR Planning • Strategic Human Resources Management (SHRM) • The pattern of human resources deployments and activities that enable an organization to achieve its strategic goals • Strategy formulation—providing input as to what is possible given the types and numbers of people available. • Strategy implementation—making primary resource allocation decisions about structure, processes, and human resources.

Mission, Vision, and Values • Mission • The basic purpose of the organization as well as its scope of operations • Strategic Vision • A statement about where the company is going and what it can become in the future; clarifies the long-term direction of the company and its strategic intent • Core Values • The strong and enduring beliefs and principles that the company uses as a foundation for its decisions

Changing Views of HR • Business strategies require specific skills and behaviors to be successful. • HR practices can be crafted to develop certain types of skills and encourage behaviors. • HR practices should support the “core competencies” and strategy of the organization.

HR Alignment


HR Alignment Strategy INTERNAL FIT

Business Strategy • Value Creation • What the firm adds to a product or service by virtue of making it; the amount of benefits provided by the product or service once the costs of making it are subtracted (value = benefits — costs). • Low-cost strategy: competing on productivity and efficiency • Keeping costs low to offer an attractive price to customers (relative to competitors). • Differentiation strategy: compete on added value • Involves providing something unique and distinctive to customers that they value.

Business Strategy (cont’d) • Functional Strategy: Ensuring Alignment • External Fit/Alignment • Focuses on the connection between the business objectives and the major initiatives in HR. • Internal Fit/Alignment • Aligning HR practices with one another to establish a configuration that is mutually reinforcing.

How do they compete? • Wal-Mart • Apple • McDonald’s • Starbucks

McDonalds’ vs. Starbucks

Rapid Growth Starbucks opens three new stores every day. 2006 = 12,440 2005 = 10,241 2004 = 8,337 2003 = 7,225 2002 = 5,886 2001 = 4,709 2000 = 3,501 1990 = 84 • 120,000 employees worldwide • The long-term goal is 30,000 around the world, including 15,000 in the U.S. • The company is adding people at the rate of 200 a day.

Starbucks Strategy • Price of a tall latte in the U.S. is around $3.00 • High-speed wireless Internet service – now available at Starbucks. • October 1, 2007 “Starting tomorrow at certain Starbucks stores, a person with an iPhone or iTunes software loaded onto a laptop can download the songs they hear over the speakers directly onto those devices.” • Rapid growth.

Howard Schultz on Starbuck’s Strategy 1997 Interview w/ Larry King: “So the question is: How could a company create retail stores where coffee was not previously sold, ... charge three times more for it than the local doughnut shop, put Italian names on it that no one can pronounce, and then have six million customers a week coming through the stores?”

Working at Starbucks The downside: • Salaries are low • Shift assignments are unpredictable • Number of working hours cannot be relied upon. The upside: • Flexibility • Company culture • Employee empowerment • Benefits package • Fortune magazine #16 best companies to work for in U.S.

Working at Starbucks Partners who work full time or part time (generally 20 hours or more per week) may participate in a variety of programs including: • Progressive Compensation • Healthcare Benefits (Medical, Prescription Drugs, Dental and Vision) • Retirement Savings Plan • Stock Options and Discounted Stock Purchase Plan “Bean Stock” • Income Protection Plan (Life and Disability Coverage) • Management Bonus Plan • Adoption Assistance Plan • Domestic partner benefits • Referral programs and support resources for child and eldercare • Employee involvement • A pound of coffee each week • http://www.starbucks.com/aboutus/jobcenter_thesbuxexperience.asp

“To Woo Europeans, McDonald’s Goes Upscale” McDonald’s in London NYT August 25, 2007

McDonald’s Goes Upscale • Aiming to create a more relaxed experience in a sophisticated atmosphere, McDonald’s is replacing bolted-down plastic yellow-and-white furniture with lime-green designer chairs and dark leather upholstery. • The changes are more than cosmetic. McDonald’s is introducing healthier foods and items that cater to regional tastes, like caffè lattes. • Hoping to attract more young adults and professionals, the chain is also adding amenities like Internet access and rental iPods. • The original impetus for the makeover was a European sales slump in the late 1990s, brought on by concerns about obesity and annoyance at unappealing décor and grumpy employees.

Competitive Advantage Technological Capability

Competitive Advantage Cap Technological Capability Financial Capability

Competitive Advantage Technological Capability M Financial Capability Marketing Capability

Competitive Advantage Technological Capability o Organizational Capability M Financial Capability Marketing Capability

Capabilities: People as a Strategic Resource • Core Capabilities • Integrated knowledge sets within an organization that distinguish it from its competitors and deliver value to customers. • Sustained competitive advantage through people is achieved if these human resources: • Are valuable. • Are rare and unavailable to competitors. • Are difficult to imitate. • Are organized for teamwork and cooperation.

Company Vision - Example • Provide transportation services that consistently meet customers expectations

Strategic Initiatives – Example • People • Growth • Efficiency • Ease of Doing Business • Service

Human Resources Vision • HR makes it happen for “Company” Great Company…... Great People…… Great Leaders….. …….Engaged in delivering extraordinary results

People Strategies • Drive Performance Ethic • Transform Leaders • Enhance Talent • Engage all Employees

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Ch. 2: Strategy and HR Management

Ch. 2: Strategy and HR Management

Ch. 2: Strategy and HR Management. STRATEGY Proposition organization follows to compete successfully, thus surviving and growing. STRATEGIC HRM Using Human Capital to gain or keep competitive advantage, leading to greater organizational effectiveness. Strategic HR Management Process.

1.07k views • 39 slides

HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010

HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010

HR Strategy Myth or Reality Mike Haffenden January 2010. My Background. Worked for 6 companies and consulted for many Strategic Dimensions CRF PARC Devonshire House. So what is “Strategy”?. “Strategy” has many definitions. Mintzberg’s ideas are better than most:

246 views • 9 slides

HR s contribution to business strategy

HR s contribution to business strategy

Understanding strategic formulation. Not always as per textbook:intended strategiesemergent strategiespolitical strategiesHow does HR contribute:operationalises business strategyprovides separate people thrust:connected with organisational aimsdisconnected: HR best practice modelis an integ

507 views • 37 slides

Reward and Benefits Strategy for the HR Generalist

Reward and Benefits Strategy for the HR Generalist

248 views • 19 slides

Aligning HR &amp; Business Strategy

Aligning HR &amp; Business Strategy

Aligning HR &amp; Business Strategy . “The long-held notion that HR would become a truly strategic function is finally being realized.”.

2.18k views • 25 slides

The role of the workplace in the HR strategy

The role of the workplace in the HR strategy

The role of the workplace in the HR strategy. IFMA Belgium Strategic Facility Management June 10th 2014, Erasmus Brussels. Program. Government of Flanders HR strategy &amp; tools The role of the workplace in achieving our (HR) goals Some considerations Configuring workplaces (3D).

439 views • 25 slides

HR Strategy & Reporting

HR Strategy & Reporting

The intent of HR Strategy & Reporting are to ensure that the human resource structures, processes, policies, procedures and operations are aligned and resourced to support the achievement of the organisation's objectives.

165 views • 7 slides


Supplemental Figure 1 Komori H. et al. A. B. (mg/mL). 0. 0.1. 0.25. 0.5. 1.0. 2.0. (hr). 0. 6. 12. 24. 36. 48. CD163. CD163. b -actin. b -actin. CD163/18S rRNA (THP-1). CD163/18S rRNA (THP-1). 7. 7. 6. 6. 5. 5. 4. 4. Relative quantity of CD163 mRNA.

195 views • 1 slides

--0 hr --1 hr --2 hr --5 hr

--0 hr --1 hr --2 hr --5 hr

N15. C. N. Intracellular Notch. Ligand Binding Domain. B. C. A. C4. C9. C22. Ca 2+. C27. D33. D30. N-term. C34. C18. C-term.

141 views • 1 slides

Sea-to-Sky Tourism HR Strategy

Sea-to-Sky Tourism HR Strategy

Sea-to-Sky Tourism HR Strategy. Welcome to the Pemberton Sea-to-Sky Tourism Public Forum Moderated by: William Roberts and Mecki Facundo, Leadership Sea-to-Sky. Sea-to-Sky Tourism HR Strategy Agenda. 7:00 - Welcome and introductions 7:10 – About the project, why it is important

303 views • 15 slides

WBT-DTO HR Strategy Planning Session 14 Feb 2011

WBT-DTO HR Strategy Planning Session 14 Feb 2011

WBT-DTO HR Strategy Planning Session 14 Feb 2011. Be the most admired employer in Africa Build a sustainable leadership pipeline and enable people potential. Maximising people potential and performance Operationalize coaching within GT Enhance rewards and recognition programs

169 views • 7 slides

HR Strategy &amp; Operations Command Center

HR Strategy &amp; Operations Command Center

HR Strategy &amp; Operations Command Center. HR Specialty Products &amp; Services Catalogue Executive Summary A No Frills Distillation of Vendor’s Marketing Collateral Thomas A Ference President &amp; CEO Human Resources Mining &amp; Distribution Co Locating, Validating and Accelerating HR  Innovation

208 views • 5 slides


A. Stretch 20%. 2. 6. Control. 18. 24. hr. Ang II-R. TNF-α-R. GAPDH. B. *. *. Ang II-R and TNF-α-R protein level (fold of control). **. **. 2. 6. Control. hr. 18. 24. Stretch 20%. Supplementary Figure.

160 views • 1 slides

Linking HR to Corporate Strategy and Costing Issues

Linking HR to Corporate Strategy and Costing Issues

Linking HR to Corporate Strategy and Costing Issues. High Performance Management Practices. Study done by Dr. Mark Huselid at Rutgers University Looked at nearly 10,000 employers across the country

369 views • 25 slides

ACT WorkCover HR STRATEGY 2005-2008

ACT WorkCover HR STRATEGY 2005-2008

ACT WorkCover HR STRATEGY 2005-2008. An ACT community where health and safety are embraced as an integral part of all work activity. 1 HR STRATEGY. Objective. To develop an ACT WorkCover HR Strategy for 2005-2008 that provides.

294 views • 18 slides

HR Strategy for Researchers

HR Strategy for Researchers

HR Strategy for Researchers. EWI – 12 oktober 2010 Yves Soen – Human Resources Manager. HR Strategy for Researchers. Concrete implementatie van “Europese Handvest voor Onderzoekers” (11 maart 2005) Ethische en professionele aspecten Rekrutering Werkvoorwaarden en sociale zekerheid

281 views • 11 slides

HR and Organization Strategy

HR and Organization Strategy

HR and Organization Strategy. Steven V. Manderscheid, Ed.D. Road Map. Introductions and course overview. Changes in the professional world. Strategic HR/strategy alignment and competencies. Leadership and management. Strategy management and planning.

926 views • 43 slides

Unlock your HR talent in this revolutionary blend of HR Strategy and Creativity !

Unlock your HR talent in this revolutionary blend of HR Strategy and Creativity !

Mission Briefing. Unlock your HR talent in this revolutionary blend of HR Strategy and Creativity !. 2010. CONGRATULATIONS !. You have been selected as the next potential HRD for L’Oreal in UKRAINE !

123 views • 3 slides

How Are HR Strategy Consultants Helpful To The Industry?

How Are HR Strategy Consultants Helpful To The Industry?

There was a time when the HR Strategy Consultants were considered low on the totem pole of the executives. But, with the concern shifting on the talented human resource, the HR consultants became of great importance for the growth and success of an organisation. The scenario of today is such that the HR strategists are responsible for providing the real business value to an organisation. You must be thinking in what ways the HR Strategists are considered as strategically valuable to the organisation? We tell you how the leadership consulting services are portraying a significant role for the business-oriented entrepreneur. Take a look: 1. Match The Talented Human Resources With The Strategy Of The Company 2. Owners Of The Onboarding Process 3. Get The Best And Talented People Onboard 4. Employee Engagement The HR consultants are believed to be the key personnel of the good management practices. They are required to not only manage but also, train the new hires. There come the situations when the companies hire talented people, but, then let them stumble and expect them to show quick results. It is the leadership consultants who have the ability to match as well as counsel the strategic leaders of the organisation with the human resources of the organisation.

101 views • 9 slides

How HR Can Support Your Businesses Growth Strategy

How HR Can Support Your Businesses Growth Strategy

Hopefully, your small business is growing - whether in size, popularity or profitability - and if your business is growing, so should your employees be. One area of business management all too frequently neglected, is development planning, in which a companyu2019s employees are helped to shape the future direction of their careers. A businessu2019s employees must be viewed and treated as an integral part of the company, and as itsu2019 success is often dependent on how well the staff perform their roles, their development should never be ignored.

77 views • 6 slides

Aligning HR &amp; Business Strategy

303 views • 25 slides


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  2. Human Resource Strategy PowerPoint Template and Keynote Slide

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  3. Human Resources PowerPoint Presentation Templates

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  4. Human Resource (HR) Strategy PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

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  1. SSC CGL 2024

  2. Week 1 : Lecture 1B : Evolution and Nature of Strategic Human Resource Management

  3. Marketing Strategy TMKT601 Group PPT Video

  4. Strategic Planning And Implementation PowerPoint Presentation Slides

  5. Presentations Skills for HR

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  1. HR Strategy Template with 186 PowerPoint Slides

    Download the 186-page HR Strategy PowerPoint Template covering org design, strategy, benefits, culture, employee journey, HCM, and more. Navigation. Strategies. ... Get a massive jumpstart on your HR strategy and presentation by instantly downloading the HR strategy template now with professionally designed and easy-to-edit slides and three ...

  2. Top 10 PowerPoint Templates to Align HR Strategy Plans ...

    Template 5: HR Strategy Plans And Development Methods Presentation. This comprehensive HR presentation template will help you plan, develop, and align recruitment methods with your business goals. It includes a variety of metrics, such as workforce profile metrics, employee engagement, and management metrics, to help you make well-informed ...

  3. HR Strategy Presentation: A Comprehensive Guide

    Creating a persuasive HR strategy presentation involves a structured approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you craft a compelling narrative: ‍. 1. Understand your audience: Start by understanding your audience's preferences, needs, and pain points. Tailor your presentation to resonate with their interests. ‍.

  4. HR Strategic Planning 101: A Guide for Developing HR Strategies

    1. HR Plan for an Organization PowerPoint Template. Present your HR Strategic Plan with a slide deck intended for HR Professionals! This HR Strategic Plan template contains tools to outline the most important aspects of the human resources process and management tasks, like hiring new employees, management structure, career management, performance management, hidden opportunities, and more.

  5. Free HR PowerPoint Templates & Google Slides Themes

    These HR PowerPoint templates can enhance your presentations by providing a professional and visually appealing design that is specifically tailored to HR topics. With these templates, you can effectively communicate HR strategies, policies, and training materials, making your presentations more engaging and impactful.

  6. Human Resource Management Strategy Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    Slide 1: This slide introduces HR Management Strategy.State Your Company name and begin. Slide 2: This slide depicts Agenda. Slide 3: This slide shows the Outline of the presentation. Slide 4: This slide shows Human Resource Key Roles & Responsibilities. Slide 5: This slide depicts Human Resource Key Roles and Responsibilities. Slide 6: This slide showcases Skills Needed For HRM.

  7. The HR Strategy Playbook with Free Templates

    With this HR employee journey & culture strategy guide, you will learn the fundamentals of organizational strategy.Developed by Joe Newsum, a McKinsey alum the guide includes best practices, frameworks, and examples, and a complete 186-page HR & Org Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Template. The fully editable and professionally designed deck will give you a jump start on your HR employee ...

  8. Human Resource (HR) Strategy PowerPoint and Google Slides Template

    Slide Formats. 16:9. 4:3. The Human Resource or HR strategy is an overall plan for hiring, training, performance appraisal, compensation, and other key areas aligned with the organization's objectives. The fully customizable HR Strategy PPT has been designed amazingly by our professional designers to discuss the various aspects of the topic ...

  9. HR Strategic Plan Template

    HR Strategic Plan is a professional and modern template that will help you create a professional and stylish presentation. If necessary, you can change the font size, font type, color, and position of the infographic to suit your corporate needs. This template will be useful for HR managers, company executives and business process analysts.

  10. HR Strategy PPT Template for Google Slides Presentation

    HR Strategy Presentation Slide. HR strategy is a well-crafted plan that outlines the steps for achieving the company's goals by managing its human resources. A successful HR strategy involves the recruitment, training, development, and retention of employees. It is essential to align the HR strategy with the overall business strategy.

  11. HR Presentation: The All-in-One Guide

    An HR presentation is not your run-of-the-mill PowerPoint. It's an essential tool for HR professionals to communicate various HR initiatives, processes, and metrics in an organized and engaging manner. If done professionally, it can hold the attention of your audience and effectively deliver your key messages. ... HR strategy presentations. Pop ...

  12. HR Strategic Plan PowerPoint Template and Google Slides Theme

    16:9. 4:3. Download our HR Strategic Plan PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme to showcase the plan of aligning the human resource (HR) strategy with the business goals and objectives. Business leaders and HR managers can leverage this deck to describe how strategic HR planning helps assess the gap between present and future capabilities ...

  13. HR strategy PowerPoint Templates

    Nine Steps For Building Hr Agenda Powerpoint Slides. This PowerPoint template has been designed with graphics of nine steps chart. Download this PPT slide to depict nine steps to building HR agenda. The structure of our PPT slide allows you to effectively highlight the key issues concerning to your agenda. Slide 1 of 4.

  14. HR Strategy PowerPoint Presentation Template & Google Slides

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  16. HR Presentation Slide Templates

    HR Presentation Slide Templates. Number of slides: 10. Signup Free to download. The Human Resources template enables your HR managers to outline the most important things regarding human resource processes and organization. The true potential of a business lies in its human resources which adds to the complexity of leading the company.

  17. HR Presentation Templates For PowerPoint & Google Slides

    Human resources ppt templates are a collection of pre-designed 100% editable PowerPoint slides created explicitly for HR professionals to help them effectively communicate their HR strategy, ideas, and initiatives. These templates usually include various HR-related themes such as recruitment, training and development, employee engagement, performance management, etc.

  18. Human Resource Management Strategy 2024 Guide with Free PPT

    The slide outlines a seven-step process for strategic human resource management: Identify organizational goals: This phase includes establishing the company's comprehensive aspirations and HR's potential contribution. For example, the goal can be to attain a profit worth $8 million. Analyze: In this stage, you assess the present abilities of HR ...

  19. HR strategy PowerPoint templates, backgrounds Presentation slides, PPT

    Download this exclusive PPT slide to present HR strategic planning steps. This PowerPoint template contains graphics of human resource people team. ... Knock On The Door To Success With Our Business Diagram Human Resource PowerPoint PPT Presentation PowerPoint Templates. Be Assured Of Gaining Entry. Slide 1 of 3. Business Diagram Men Icon For ...

  20. Human Resources PPT Templates

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  21. Brilliant HR Strategy Presentation

    Brilliant HR Strategy Presentation. In this page, you can view all of 15 excellent powerpoint slides on HR Management. All slides are designed in powerpoint files (ppt) so that you can modify and immediately use for your own learning process. There are 15 excellent HR presentation topics :

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    People Strategies • Drive Performance Ethic • Transform Leaders • Enhance Talent • Engage all Employees. HR STRATEGY. MANA 3320 Dr. Jeanne Michalski. Strategic Planning and Human Resources. Strategic Planning Procedures for making decisions about the organization's long-term goals and strategies Human Resources Planning (HRP ...

  23. Hr Strategy

    Slide 1 of 23. HR Strategy Development Powerpoint PPT Template Bundles. Slide 1 of 25. Strategic Human Resource Planning Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Slide 1 of 45. HR Strategy For Employee Engagement Powerpoint Presentation Slides. Slide 1 of 19. HR 4 Pillar Strategy Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles. Slide 1 of 12.