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207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples

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Are you looking for interesting pregnancy research topics? You’ve come to the right place! StudyCorgi has created a list of engaging titles and questions on pregnancy issues for your writing assignments. On this page, you’ll find:

Look through the list of engaging titles below to find a good idea for your essay.
Explore different problems in obstetrics to write your pregnancy paper on.
Discover various issues to research about adolescent pregnancy.
Get inspired by lots of amazing essay samples on pregnancy and prenatal development.
  • Teen Pregnancy Prevention
  • Pregnancy and Spirituality in the Filipino Culture
  • Teenage Pregnancy in Modern Society
  • Effects of Teen Pregnancy on Mother and Child
  • Healthy Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Teenage Pregnancy Problem
  • Adolescent Pregnancy and Nursing Role in Prevention
  • Teenage Pregnancy as a Global Problem Teenage pregnancy is a global problem, mostly stemming from the socioeconomic conditions of child development.
  • Problem of Teen Pregnancy in Society Teen pregnancy prevention is incredibly important because it helps to reduce the number of young mothers and complications that are associated with childbearing at this age.
  • Complication of Pregnancy: Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) The childbirth class, which was held at Sibley Memorial Hospital taught parents how to handle experiences that they undergo during the first, second, and third trimesters.
  • Aspects of Pregnancy and Childbirth The paper discusses the psychology of pregnancy and the stages of caring for a child up to adulthood. It studies the pregnancy process.
  • Nutritional Support During Pregnancy Pregnancy is a complex process which impacts the woman’s physiology, and its multidimensional effect on the organism can be mitigated by proper nutritional strategies.
  • Equal Employment Opportunity Laws: The Pregnancy Discrimination Act The paper discusses one of the most interesting and surprising equal employment opportunity laws. It is the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.
  • Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom Teenage pregnancy in the United Kingdom is a phenomenon that significantly affects the socio-cultural and economic domain of the country.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg implants in another location other than the uterine cavity. It’s life-threatening complication and at most times not viable.
  • Teen Pregnancy as Public Health Concern Teen pregnancy is a significant public health concern that can have long-lasting implications for both the mother and child.
  • Professional Health Care Therapeutic Communication: Elaine’s Pregnancy The purpose of this paper is to discuss Elaine’s case in detail with a focus on the dilemma of adoption and the possibility of being sympathetic with Elaine.
  • The Details of the Pregnancy and Birth History The paper states that the details of the pregnancy and birth history are instrumental in defining the possible health risks of the child.
  • Teen Pregnancy Persuasive Speech Plan This paper tries to persuade the Communications 111 class that teenage pregnancy is still rampant among teens in the US and has unprecedented effects on the teens.
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes Teenage pregnancy is a public health issue because of its negative effects on prenatal outcomes, long-term morbidity, high prevalence of poverty and low level of education.
  • Understanding and Preventing Prenatal Alcohol Exposure Learn about the detrimental effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on fetal development and discover effective interventions to prevent PAE and support affected.
  • Discussion: Alcohol in Pregnancy It is significant to emphasize that the safe level of alcohol that a woman can drink during pregnancy has not been confirmed.
  • Teen Pregnancy as a Health Issue The economic and legal landscape related to teen pregnancy has positively and negatively impacted the American healthcare system.
  • Pregnancies in Advanced Maternal Age Patients and medical experts believe advanced maternal age is linked with worse pregnancy effects. This is due to older women having a higher rate of long-term medical issues.
  • Substance Use Disorder During Pregnancy: Project Translation and Planning The paper seeks to enhance the quality of substance use disorder management in pregnant women by implementing a holistic approach following clinical guidelines.
  • Public Health Efforts to Support Mothers During Pregnancy Obesity, hypertension, bleeding, malnutrition, and mental health issues are some of the common problems a woman may face during and after pregnancy.
  • Drug Abuse During Pregnancy: Policy Options Heated discussions on whether or not drug abuse during pregnancy should be illegal due to the potential risks to the developing fetus or child persist.
  • Pregnancy as an Adolescent Health Risk The urgency of the problem of teenage pregnancy forces us to continue to look for ways to reduce its prevalence. Although the actions are already working, they may not be enough.
  • Teenage Pregnancy Objectives and Causes The proposed research aims to generate specific evidence on the causes, prevalence, and solving potential for teenage pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough.
  • Teenage Pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough Teenage pregnancy is a global health concern that impacts the population of adolescent girls in many countries with different prevalence rates with similar persistence.
  • Pregnancy and Workplace Accidents The current workplace problem has deep roots in the social and historical premises that lead to the currently observed situations in the company.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Teenage pregnancy is a major problem, existing in all the countries all over the world, including the United States.
  • Teenage Pregnancy in Columbia District District of Columbia is amongst the regions with a high number of teenage pregnancies. Girls between the age of 14 and 19 are highly likely to get pregnant and dropout of school.
  • Wealth, Opportunity, and Teen Pregnancy Relationship Girls from disadvantaged families are much more at risk of early pregnancy, as such children often suffer from a lack of sexual education.
  • Teen Pregnancy: Effects on Teenagers Teen pregnancy can lead to a deterioration in the physical and psychological health of a teenager, as well as negative socio-economic consequences.
  • Pregnancy and Reproductive Health in Public Views Depending on the society and culture in which the couple lives, the attitude towards pregnancy and childbirth may differ.
  • The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization The examination of the existing literature and consideration of various opinions show that the arguments in favor of abortion decriminalization outweigh the opposite views.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy: Applying the Theory of Paradox Prior to gaining a deeper understanding of how the United States of America copes with the issue of adolescent pregnancy, it should be crucial to take a look at 42 million teenagers.
  • Diet and Lifestyle Before and During Pregnancy Sustenance directing is a foundation of pre-birth care for all women during pregnancy. A woman’s wholesome status impacts her well-being.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy: Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment There is no definite cause of ectopic pregnancy but there are some conditions that are linked with it. This paper also discusses diagnosis, treatment, prevention of such pregnancy.
  • Drinking and Smoking During Pregnancy Smoking and drinking alcohol is a wrong decision for a pregnant woman who wants to heighten the chances of light delivery and good health for her child.
  • The Teenage Pregnancy Problem in the US Teenage pregnancy in America is complicated by the fact that teenagers are not encouraged to embrace their sexuality although American media is dominated by this topic.
  • Maternal Stress in Pregnancy: Effects on Fetal Development The study seeks to find out if the development of the nervous system of the fetus is closely influenced by the psychological wellbeing of the mother.
  • Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario Despite the fact that the awareness concerning the threats of teen pregnancy has been raised efficiently, the instances of teen pregnancy still occur.
  • Reducing Cases of Domestic Violence at All Stages of Pregnancy This essay suggests that intervention mechanisms should be established to reduce cases of domestic violence at all stages of pregnancy.
  • A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy The improvements within the education should have been discussed in a more thorough manner; the means of increasing teen pregnancy awareness among Latin American students.
  • Researching of Pregnancy and Alcohol Abuse In order to address the issue of alcohol abuse during pregnancy, the interprofessional team should consider the current trends and recommendations on maternal alcohol consumption
  • Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens Teen pregnancy is common in the United States. This paper aims to explain what techniques and programs to help father teens exist in the United States.
  • Adaptations to Pregnancy and Major Hormones During pregnancy, the human body has to undergo certain physiological changes to create appropriate conditions for the fetus and to maintain a woman’s health.
  • Cardiac Disease During Pregnancy Diagnosis of heart diseases during pregnancy can be done through checking patient’s medical history, physical examination, and chest examination.
  • Teenage Pregnancy After Exposure to Poverty: Causation and Communication In the study “Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects,” Harding used the counterfactual causal framework.
  • Pregnancy, Fetal Development and the Mother Considering the importance of the childbearing process and its delicate nature, it is important for mothers to ensure they adopt good lifestyles accompanied with exercises.
  • Health Care Act as It Apply in Surrogate Pregnancy The purpose of this paper is to review the article about the issue of surrogacy and the law that applies. In this case, it is the health care law involving ethics.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy in the USA While teen pregnancy rates have been declining for the past decades, it remains one of the most serious public health concerns in modern American society.
  • Optimal Growth and Development: Pregnancy Prenatal care and fetal development, nutrition during pregnancy, pregnancy care facilities and substance abuse during pregnancy are major issues in Australia Capital Territory.
  • Physical Activity in Pregnancy: A Qualitative Study The researchers recommend that additional studies on the subject of healthcare instructions for pregnant women should be conducted.
  • Development of Protocols for Early Pregnancy This study analyzes the development of early pregnancy protocols that can be potentially useful to clinicians when dealing with the care of pregnant mothers.
  • Exposure to Low Levels of Alcohol During Pregnancy There are no solid reasons for the mother to drink alcohol during pregnancy, and, as the safe dose is hard to establish.
  • Teen Pregnancy and Single Young Mothers This essay intends to look at the health perspective that has been taken towards prevention of teenage pregnancies and promotion of health together with disease prevention.
  • Implanon Failure Resulting in Ectopic Pregnancy This article discusses the implanon method of contraception and the mechanism by which its failure leads to an ectopic pregnancy.
  • Discussion: Care Plans for Pregnancy This article focuses on developing a care plan that includes all the necessary procedures, treatments, and information that the mom-to-be will need.
  • Asthma in Pregnancy and Intervention The goal of this treatment plan is to maintain optimal respiratory function, prevent chronic symptoms, and reduce exacerbation.
  • Teen Pregnancy. The Evolution of Family Policy Teen pregnancy is a devastating issue that probably exists on all levels, and it would be wiser to focus on the local one, but conversations reveal more unfortunate circumstances.
  • A Qualitative Study of Pregnancy and Maternal Mortality in the US The paper explores how women endanger their pregnancies by their behaviors and what barriers to healthy lifestyles they encounter.
  • Problems of Adolescent Pregnancy in Modern Society Adolescent pregnancy is a serious issue that needs much discussion as it is involved with the future citizens of the world.
  • The Impacts of Substance Abuse on Pregnancy The consequences of substance abuse on pregnancy are very diverse: both physiological and psychological and there are many specific aspects which have not been fully discussed.
  • Main Risk Factors of the First Period of Pregnancy The first period of pregnancy is called the first trimester of pregnancy and it is the time most of the changes occur in the body of the mother to tune it to the necessities of the budding baby
  • Adolescent Pregnancy Issue Analysis Adolescent pregnancy is usually used to refer to young girls aged between the ages of thirteen and nineteen becoming pregnant and especially out of wedlock.
  • Health. Prevention of Pregnancy The availability and application of safe and modern methods of contraception have allowed women to avoid or decrease the number of unplanned, teenage pregnancies.
  • Alcohol Cessation in Pregnancy The problem of alcohol use during pregnancy attracts the attention of different researchers. The paper offers evidence-based concepts for promoting alcohol cessation.
  • Analysis of A. Ahmed’s Pregnancy Counseling Pregnant women receiving specialized advice during pregnancy may be crucial to increasing the quality of their well-being throughout the childbearing process.
  • Teenage Pregnancies Reduction in Local Community The qualitative methodology of analysis includes trials of adolescent pregnancy interventions such as education, free contraceptives, and other measures.
  • Laws on Pregnancy Discrimination in Workplace It is appropriate to introduce a reporting system that would help the employees to provide their comments and deliver the necessary information if there is any suspicion of discrimination.
  • The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy as a Major Social Problem The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of adolescent pregnancy as a significant challenge that affects society across the globe.
  • Pregnancy in Teenagers: Possible Challenges In order to decrease the overall rate of teenage pregnancy, it is crucial to address the populations that are disproportionately affected by the issue.
  • Methotrexate in Ectopic Pregnancy Treatment Treatment of ectopic pregnancy (EP) with drug therapy is a relatively new decision since a surgical operation was considered the only way to eliminate the anomaly of the fetus.
  • Pregnancy, Human Development and Heredity This paper presents the physiological concepts that revolve around pregnancy and their implication in human development.
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Bioethical Decision-Making The hypothetical situation that will be considered in the current paper is that of a girl aged 16 who got pregnant but then was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia.
  • Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes The issue of teen pregnancy is a well-established concern in the field of healthcare. The issue leads to several health problems for both mothers and their children.
  • Adolescent Pregnancy in Hispanics and Afro-Americans This statement defines and explores the problem of adolescent pregnancy in Hispanic and black females and provides a position statement on the issue.
  • Eating for Pregnancy: the Essential Nutrition Guide Health care experts argue that pregnant women should always have proper diet that provides their body with the essential nutrients.
  • Nutritional Requirements During Pregnancy Close attention should be paid to such things as pregnant nutritional requirements, the physiology and physiology of pregnancy, and factors that affect the nutrition during the pregnancy.
  • Asthma During Pregnancy, Its Symptoms and Treatment This paper analyzes a case of asthma during pregnancy, provides classification of symptoms, and submitted suggestions of treatment.
  • The Issue of Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States The issue of adolescent pregnancy is of concern to the US policy makers because of its effects. Statistics show that at least one million teenagers become pregnant each year.
  • Latino Youth Teen Pregnancy This article offers the best concepts towards dealing with teen pregnancy. The findings are also applicable in different societies. The authors have used the best approach to get their results.
  • Risk of Early Pregnancies among Latina Teens The research explored the relationships and cultural habits of the Pacific Northwest community that encouraged or prevented the rate of teenage pregnancies.
  • School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States The United States government has heavily invested in the abstinence-only education program in a bid to alleviate teenage pregnancy.
  • Psychological Vulnerability During Pregnancy and the Postpartum Period
  • Analysis of the Consequences of Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
  • Can Teenage Pregnancy Prevent Academic and Professional Progress in Nigeria
  • General Information About the First Trimester and Exacerbations of Pregnancy
  • Alcohol Abuse, Self Esteem and Teenage Pregnancy Among Adolescents
  • Pregnancy, Viral Infection, and COVID-19
  • How the Pregnancy Affect Working Women’s Professional Experiences
  • Fetal Abuse During Pregnancy
  • How Exercise Affects the Third Trimester of Pregnancy
  • Prenatal Development and Birth Pregnancy
  • Connection Between Teenage Pregnancy and Socioeconomic Status
  • Healthy Diet and Lifestyle in Pregnancy
  • Myasthenia Gravis Can Have Consequences for Pregnancy and the Developing Child
  • Diagnosing and Treating Acute Myocardial Infarction in Pregnancy
  • Depression During Pregnancy: Nursing Role, Interventions
  • Immunological Tolerance, Pregnancy, and Preeclampsia: The Roles of Semen Microbes and the Father
  • African American Teens and the Psychological Impact of Pregnancy
  • High-Risk Pregnancy and Women With Complex Health
  • Can Getting Enough Vitamin D During Pregnancy Reduce the Risk of Getting Asthma in Childhood?
  • Healthy Pregnancy Pilates Helps Expecting Mothers
  • Child Pregnancy Prevention Program on the United States of Diverse Found
  • Gestational Diabetes and How to Treat the Disease During Pregnancy
  • How the Pregnancy Affects Your Lifestyle Choices Affect You and Your Bab
  • Race and Pregnancy-Related Care in Brazil and South Africa
  • Addiction and Substance Abuse During Pregnancy
  • Reducing Teen Pregnancy With Sex Education
  • Does School-Based Intervention Help Prevent Teen Pregnancy
  • Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood: Recent Evidence and Future Directions
  • Gaining Weight Too Slowly During Pregnancy
  • Physical and Psychosocial Changes During Pregnancy With Early
  • Consuming Alcohol During Pregnancy Causes Significant Damage to the Fetu
  • Factors That Affect the Health of Women During Pregnancy
  • Adolescent Sexual Activity and Pregnancy
  • Eating Well Even After Your Pregnancy
  • How Alcohol Drinking During Pregnancy Is Associated With Hyperactivity in Children
  • Alcohol Consumption and Smoking During Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy, Birthing, and Postpartum Experiences During COVID-19 in the United States
  • How Preterm Labor Occurs During the Last Stages of Pregnancy
  • How Pregnancy Affects Memory and Attention
  • Applications for Bacteriophage Therapy During Pregnancy and the Perinatal Period
  • Special Dietary Requirements for Pregnancy
  • Addressing the Social Concerns in Teenage Pregnancy
  • Fetal Alcohol Syndrome FAS Children Pregnancy
  • Early Pregnancy Among Adolescent Females With Serious
  • Breast Cancer During Pregnancy: A Marked Propensity to Triple-Negative Phenotype
  • How Pregnancy Pillows Can Save Your Back
  • High School Dropout Rates and Teen Pregnancy
  • Caffeine Consumption During Pregnancy Accelerates the Development of Cognitive Deficits in Offspring in a Model of Tauopathy
  • Psychosocial Development and the Effects of Teenage Pregnancy
  • Pre-pregnancy Body Mass Index and Weight Gain During Pregnancy
  • Genetic Testing and Counseling in Pregnancy
  • Artificial Conception, Early Pregnancy and Other Issues Concerning Fertility
  • Prenatal Care and Pregnancy Outcome in Cebu, Philippines
  • How Teenage Pregnancy Stops Students From Finishing What They Started
  • Health Capital and the Prenatal Environment: The Effect of Maternal Fasting During Pregnancy
  • Hypertensive Disorders During Pregnancy
  • Healthy Lifestyle Can Minimize Pregnancy Risk Factors
  • Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Causes and Treatments
  • Child Raising Costs From Pregnancy to the Child’s First Birthday
  • Contraceptive Methods for Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy
  • The Importance of Taking Folic Acid During Pregnancy
  • Immunogenicity and Clinical Efficacy of Influenza Vaccination in Pregnancy
  • Drug Addiction and Teenage Pregnancy Criminology
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome During Pregnancy
  • Adolescent Pregnancy Among Hispanic Youth
  • Drug Use During Pregnancy and Its Effect on Prenatal Development
  • Pregnancy, Smoking and Babies’ Low Birth Weight
  • General Information About Safe Yoga for Pregnancy
  • Exercise and Nutrition During Pregnancy
  • Animals and Pregnancy Behaviors
  • Problems With Teen Pregnancy in Oklahoma
  • Adolescent Pregnancy and Childbirth Is an Important Public
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis and Planning Pregnancy
  • Pregnancy and Mental Illness Treatment
  • Antiphospholipid Antibodies and Antiphospholipid Syndrome During Pregnancy: Diagnostic Concepts
  • What Is the Effect of Nonobstetric Operation During Pregnancy?
  • Wha Is the Relationship Child Sexual Abuse and Teenage Pregnancy?
  • Does Certain Economic Factors Affect Abortions in Teenage Pregnancy?
  • Does Parental Consent for Birth Control Affect Underage Pregnancy Rates?
  • Does School Based Intervention Help Prevent Teen Pregnancy?
  • Does the Pregnancy Necessarily Mean Parenthood?
  • How Can Society Prevent and Avoid Unwanted Teenage Pregnancy?
  • How Early Suction Abortion Is Performed Before the Pregnancy Test Is Positive?
  • How Exercise Affects the Third Trimester of Pregnancy?
  • How Nutrition and Lifestyle Through the Periods of Pregnancy?
  • How Physical Activity Affects the Mother During Pregnancy?
  • How Preterm Labor Occurs During the Last Stages of Pregnancy?
  • What Is the Influence of Pregnancy on the Sensitivity of the Cornea?
  • What Genetic Conflicts in Human Pregnancy Are There?
  • What Is Surgical Management of Leiomyomata During Pregnancy?
  • What Are Some Recent Developments in the Government of Pregnancy?
  • How Teenage Pregnancy Affects the High School Dropout Rate?
  • How the Pregnancy Affect Working Women’s Professional Experience?
  • What Is the Role of Mycoplasmas in Pregnancy Outcome?
  • What Is Relationship of Psychological Factors in Pregnancy to Progress in Labor?
  • Is Pregnancy Anxiety a Distinctive Syndrome?
  • What Are the Effects of Drug Abuse on Pregnancy?
  • What Is the Epidemiology of Diabetes and Pregnancy in the US?
  • Why Comprehensive Sex Education Can Help Prevent Teenage Pregnancy in Philadelphia?
  • Why Does Poverty Increase the Risk to Teen Pregnancy?
  • How does sex education affect teenage pregnancy rates?
  • What are the social and economic effects of teen pregnancy?
  • How does family support influence teenage pregnancy outcomes?
  • How do media portrayals affect public attitudes toward teen pregnancy?
  • What are the psychological effects of adolescent pregnancy?
  • What is the difference in teen pregnancy rates in urban and rural areas?
  • What challenges do teenage fathers face?
  • What are the long-term health impacts of adolescent pregnancy?
  • How do cultural norms affect teenagers’ decisions about sexual activity?
  • What challenges do teenage parents face within the education system?
  • The impact of teenage pregnancy on career opportunities.
  • Effectiveness of teen pregnancy prevention programs.
  • The influence of stigma surrounding adolescent pregnancy.
  • Teen pregnancy challenges faced by LGBTQ adolescents.
  • The link between adverse childhood events and teen pregnancy.
  • The connection between substance abuse and teenage pregnancy.
  • The effectiveness of abstinence-only sex education programs.
  • The effects of teen pregnancy on young mothers’ physical and mental health.
  • Comparing teen pregnancy rates in developed and developing countries.
  • The link between child marriage and teen pregnancy.

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StudyCorgi. (2021, November 12). 207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/

"207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." StudyCorgi , 12 Nov. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples'. 12 November.

1. StudyCorgi . "207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "207 Pregnancy Research Topics & Essay Titles + Examples." November 12, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/pregnancy-essay-topics/.

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100 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

Teenage pregnancy is a topic that has been widely discussed and debated over the years. It is a complex issue that affects not only the young mothers themselves but also their families, communities, and society as a whole. If you are tasked with writing an essay on teenage pregnancy, it can be challenging to come up with a topic that is both interesting and relevant. To help you out, here are 100 teenage pregnancy essay topic ideas and examples to inspire your writing:

  • The impact of teenage pregnancy on young mothers' mental health
  • Teenage pregnancy rates in different countries and regions
  • The role of sex education in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and poverty
  • The stigma surrounding teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on education
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on relationships
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on physical health
  • The role of parents in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on society
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on children born to teenage mothers
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on future opportunities for young mothers
  • The role of healthcare providers in supporting pregnant teenagers
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on mental health of the father
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on family dynamics
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on the child welfare system
  • The role of social media in shaping perceptions of teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on maternal mortality rates
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on academic achievement
  • The role of peer pressure in teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on career prospects
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on self-esteem
  • The role of technology in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to healthcare
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on mental health of the baby
  • The role of schools in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' social lives
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on the criminal justice system
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' relationships with their own parents
  • The role of substance abuse in teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' body image
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to prenatal care
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' mental health
  • The role of religion in shaping attitudes towards teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' future reproductive choices
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' relationships with their own parents
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to contraception
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' career aspirations
  • The role of cultural norms in shaping perceptions of teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage fathers' social lives
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' friendships
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to abortion services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' relationships with their own children
  • The role of poverty in shaping attitudes towards teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' financial stability
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' educational attainment
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to adoption services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' support networks
  • The role of gender norms in shaping perceptions of teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage fathers' financial stability
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' relationships with their own children
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to childcare services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' support networks
  • The role of media in shaping attitudes towards teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' housing stability
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' housing stability
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on access to mental health services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' access to educational opportunities
  • The role of race and ethnicity in shaping perceptions of teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage fathers' access to educational opportunities
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' access to healthcare services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage fathers' access to healthcare services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage mothers' access to social services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage fathers' access to social services
  • The role of family structure in shaping attitudes towards teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to legal services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to legal services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to housing services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to housing services
  • The role of government policies in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to employment opportunities
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to employment opportunities
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to financial services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to financial services
  • The role of education in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to childcare services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to childcare services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to mental health services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to mental health services
  • The role of community organizations in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to substance abuse services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to substance abuse services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to reproductive health services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to reproductive health services
  • The role of social support in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to parenting support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to parenting support services
  • The role of peer support in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to housing support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to housing support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to employment support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to employment support services
  • The role of comprehensive sex education in preventing teenage pregnancy
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to financial support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to financial support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its impact on teenage mothers' access to educational support services
  • Teenage pregnancy and its effects on teenage fathers' access to educational support services

These are just a few of the many topics that you could explore in your essay on teenage pregnancy. Whether you are interested in the social, psychological, or health aspects of the issue, there is plenty of room for exploration and discussion. By choosing a topic that you are passionate about, you can create a compelling and informative essay that sheds light on this important and complex issue.

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124 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics + Examples

Early motherhood is a very complicated social problem. Even though the number of teenage mothers globally has decreased since 1991, about 12 million teen girls in developing countries give birth every year.

Globally, adolescent birth rate has decreased from 65.5 in 2000 to 41.3 in 2023.

If you need to write a paper on the issue of adolescent pregnancy and can’t find a good topic, this article by our custom-writing experts will help you. Here, you will find:

  • research topics about teenage pregnancy
  • great essay prompts
  • writing tips with examples.
  • 🔝 Top-12 Teenage Pregnancy Topics
  • 🚀 Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy
  • 🔼 Creative Essay Topics
  • 💡 Essay Prompts
  • 📑 Top 10 Examples
  • đŸ€” Writing Tips

🔗 References

🔝 top-12 teenage pregnancy essay topics.

  • Effect of early childbearing on society.
  • Risk factors for teenage fatherhood.
  • Teenage pregnancy in developing countries.
  • Risk of eclampsia in adolescent mothers.
  • Early childbearing in industrialized countries.
  • Low-income level and adolescent pregnancy.
  • Preterm birth problems in adolescent mothers.
  • Child neglect as a cause of teenage pregnancy.
  • Socioeconomic factors of adolescent pregnancy.
  • Psychological consequences of teenage pregnancy.
  • Lack of education as the leading cause of early childbearing.
  • Is lack of contraception the only cause of teenage pregnancy?

🚀 Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy: Top Ideas for 2024

  • Discuss the hidden factors behind alarming teen pregnancy statistics.
  • Analyze the relationship between poverty and early pregnancy.
  • What is the impact of teen pregnancy on maternal health ?
  • Write about the impact of early pregnancy on a child’s development and well-being.
  • Explore the psychological challenges faced by teenage mothers.
  • The role of government policies in preventing teen pregnancy.
  • Teenage mothers in foster care: risk factors and outcomes for teens and their children.
  • The impact of early pregnancy on career opportunities for teenage mothers.
  • Discuss the impact of media on attitudes toward teen pregnancy .
  • Analyze the relationship between race and early pregnancy rates.
  • Study the issue of teen pregnancy and the mental health needs of young mothers.
  • What role can a healthcare provider play in preventing teenage pregnancy ?
  • Analyze family relationships in a teenage couple post-pregnancy.
  • Discuss the role of fathers in preventing teen pregnancy.
  • Study a number of teen pregnancy prevention programs and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • Young, pregnant, and incarcerated: the impact of teen pregnancy on the juvenile justice system.
  • What is the relationship between teenage pregnancy and substance abuse?
  • Write about the impact of abortion on teenage mothers as opposed to early motherhood.
  • What is the role of schools in preventing teen pregnancy?
  • Conduct a correlational analysis of teenage pregnancy and maternal mortality rates in the United States.
  • How do teen pregnancy and domestic violence impact the unborn baby?
  • Discuss the impact of teenage pregnancy on child abuse and neglect rates.
  • Write about a possible solution to the problem of teen pregnancy and healthcare disparities in marginalized communities.
  • What is the impact of teenage pregnancy on intergenerational poverty?
  • Is there a correlation between socioeconomic status and teen pregnancy rates in developed countries?
  • Analyze some of the factors that contribute to increased rates of teen pregnancy in Southern African countries.
  • Explore the impact of teenage pregnancy on high school completion rates in Texas, US.
  • What role do healthcare providers have in addressing the reproductive health needs of teenagers?
  • Elaborate on why easy access to contraception is pivotal in reducing teen pregnancy rates.
  • Discuss psychological and socioeconomic challenges faced by teenage fathers.
  • What is the impact of teen pregnancy on rates of child poverty?
  • Explain the importance of family planning in preventing early pregnancy.
  • Critically evaluate the influence of peer pressure on teenage sexual behavior.
  • What is the psychological impact of the stigma associated with teenage pregnancy?
  • Suggest ways to address the impact of teenage pregnancy on young mothers’ ability to attain financial independence.
  • Discuss the importance of community support for teenage parents.
  • What is the role of government policies in addressing the root causes of teen pregnancy ?
  • Describe the impact of teenage pregnancy on young mothers’ self-esteem.
  • A possible solution found: parental involvement in preventing teenage pregnancy.
  • Speak about the impact of family, peer, and school context on teen pregnancy and childbearing.
  • What is the role of technology in teen pregnancy prevention and intervention?
  • Discuss the impact of parent-child communication on teen pregnancy prevention.
  • A comparative study of teen pregnancy rates in urban and rural areas.
  • Examine the relationship between teen pregnancy and risky sexual behavior .
  • Write about the effectiveness of long-term contraceptive methods for teen pregnancy prevention.
  • What impact do early childhood experiences have on teen pregnancy and childbearing?
  • To what extent does teen pregnancy and intimate partner violence correlate?
  • Explain the role of gender and sexuality in teen pregnancy rates and prevention.
  • Elaborate on the relationship between teen pregnancy and poverty.
  • What is the impact of early pregnancy on mental health outcomes for children?
  • Speak about the effects of social media on teenage pregnancy and parenting behaviors.
  • How does teenage pregnancy affect academic achievement and educational attainment?
  • How school-based health clinics can assist in reducing teenage pregnancy rates.
  • What is the relationship between teenage pregnancy and mental health outcomes for adolescent mothers ?
  • How can media portrayals of pregnancy affect the behaviors of young mothers?
  • Write about the effects of early childhood interventions on improving outcomes for children of teenage mothers.
  • Speak about the role of healthcare providers in promoting family planning and reducing teen pregnancy rates.
  • What effect can teenage pregnancy have on relationships between romantic partners?
  • Explain the correlation between the COVID-19 lockdown and teenage pregnancy rates.
  • Alarming statistics: sexual abuse as a contributing factor in teenage pregnancy.
  • Discuss the complications after having an unwanted teenage pregnancy.
  • What is the impact of gender roles and expectations on teenage pregnancy rates?
  • Speak about the effects of pregnancy prevention programs on reducing repeat teen pregnancies.
  • Analyze the relationship between early pregnancy and sexual and reproductive health outcomes.
  • What are the major economic effects of increased contraceptive access among young women?
  • Analyze the role of family dynamics and structure in teenage pregnancy prevention efforts.
  • Write about the impact of legal and policy interventions on reducing teenage pregnancy rates in the United States.
  • What are some cultural stereotypes regarding teen pregnancy?
  • How does stigma affect attitudes toward teenage pregnancy and parenting?
  • What are some of the determinant factors of the high adolescent pregnancy rate in Africa?

The US has the highest rates of teen pregnancies among developed nations.

Teenage Pregnancy Topics for Quantitative Research

  • Factors affecting teen pregnancy rate among African Americans.
  • Teen birth rate disparity in underrepresented groups.
  • Why has teen pregnancy been on the decline?
  • An international perspective on the teen pregnancy rate in the US.
  • Is sexual abstinence effective against early childbearing?
  • The median age of sexual activity: teen pregnancy implications.
  • How can we prevent adolescent pregnancies in catholic schools?
  • How does sex education impact Hispanic teen pregnancy rates?
  • The birth rate of American Indian and Alaska Native teens.
  • How does teen pregnancy affect the rate of graduation from high school?

Recent quantitative research shows us that the teenage pregnancy rate decreases every year. This tendency started in 1991 and it still continues. Quantitative studies use numbers and statistics, and they help estimate the problem’s scope. You can write a survey of your own using the topics above.

Qualitative Research Topics about Teenage Pregnancy

  • Educational factors affected by teen pregnancy.
  • Teen pregnancy in Nebraska: qualitative analysis.
  • Chicago African American teen pregnancies: insights from the community.
  • Community leadership and teen pregnancy: core preventers.
  • Teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases: an interview-based study.
  • How to address the issue of access to sex education among Hispanic teen mothers.
  • Teen pregnancy risk factors: things we still need to address.
  • Sexual abuse and teen pregnancy: victim analysis.
  • Determine essential areas of assistance for teen mothers.

Qualitative research deals with personal perspectives and often uses methods such as questionnaires. It helps determine the causes that lead to teenage pregnancy. Unhealthy childhood environments, domestic violence, and inaccessibility of education are the major factors influencing the chances of early pregnancy that you can research in your paper.

🔼 Creative Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics

  • Teen pregnancy among African Americans: a call for help.
  • Adolescent pregnancy rates in Catholic schools.
  • Sexual abstinence education and the Holy Bible.
  • Explore the role of influencers, peer pressure, and online communities on teen pregnancies.
  • Assistance for teen mothers: stopping the shaming.
  • Spotting a sexual abuse victim: do not ignore teens.
  • Compare different approaches to sex education and evaluate their effectiveness.
  • The median age of sexual activity: what our leaders must do.
  • God, adolescence, and motherhood: a catholic perspective.
  • Explore the intersectional issues of sexism, racism, and classism in early parenthood.

In your essay on teenage pregnancy, you may look at the problem of early motherhood from a more unusual angle. For example, study the threats to young mothers, such as the absence of proper healthcare, illegal abortion, and family abuse. Make sure to read plenty of scientific literature while writing your paper on one of our creative topics.

Causes of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Topics

  • Evaluate the role of proper sex education in reducing teenage pregnancies.
  • How do parental relationships impact the likelihood of teen pregnancy?
  • Assess the effect of substance abuse on adolescent pregnancy rates.
  • Cultural and religious influences on teenage pregnancy rates in the US.
  • Is academic pressure a contributing factor in teen pregnancy?
  • Different family structures and teen pregnancy: a comparison.
  • What mental disorders are likely to lead to an early pregnancy?
  • Evaluate the effects of early sexual activity on the likelihood of teen pregnancy.
  • Analyze various community programs and their impact on reducing teen pregnancy.
  • How do various parenting styles influence early pregnancy rates?
  • Psychological factors and emotional drivers of adolescent pregnancy.
  • Does lack of communication contribute to teen pregnancy?
  • How do disparities in education contribute to teenage pregnancy rates?

The causes of teenage pregnancy are numerous, and some are more studied than others. For example, the effect of social media on early motherhood is a relatively new phenomenon that you can research in your essay about teenage pregnancy.

💡 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Prompts

Does access to condoms prevent teenage pregnancy: essay prompt.

  • Access to condoms might result in an even higher rate of teenage pregnancies. In your essay, you can analyze previous research about the increase in adolescent pregnancies due to widespread condom distribution in schools.
  • Access to condoms should come together with mandatory counseling. You might suggest this or other ways to make access to contraception methods more efficient in preventing teenage pregnancies.
  • Sex education should be offered in all schools. Teenagers should have access to birth control and know how to use it to prevent unintended teenage pregnancy. Do you agree with this idea?

Teenage Pregnancy Solution Essay Prompt

  • Ways in which parents and guardians can prevent early pregnancies. For example, parents can ask healthcare providers to educate their teenage children on the topic of contraception. Analyze these and other ways in which they may prevent adolescent pregnancies.
  • The role of governments in teenage pregnancy prevention. Governments should raise awareness of the issue by developing programs and providing affordable family planning services. You might suggest other ways for the governments to contribute.
  • What should teenagers do to avoid unwanted pregnancies? Some of the options are birth control methods and open conversations with their parents. What other options are there?

Teenage Pregnancy and Poverty Essay Prompt

  • The correlation between poverty rate, education level, and teenage pregnancy. Many adolescent mothers live in poverty and lack education due to their social status. Your essay can analyze how these factors interact and result in early pregnancies.
  • How does poverty lead to health issues in teenage mothers? Young mothers and children born in poverty have a high chance of developing health problems. Pregnancy is a vulnerable period in a woman’s life, and poverty only aggravates it. The risks include preterm birth and even infant death.

Causes and Effects of Teenage Pregnancy Essay Prompt

  • The effect of alcohol and drugs on teenage pregnancy rates. Due to frequent social gatherings, alcohol, and drugs might become a part of a teenager’s life. Your cause-and-effect essay may analyze how substance use may lead to early unwanted pregnancy.
  • How do TV shows influence teen pregnancy rates? The media often romanticizes this issue, which is why some teenagers may fail to understand the actual consequences of their decision to have children early. You may also analyze reality shows about teen pregnancy that take a more realistic approach, like 16 and Pregnant .
  • The effect of early pregnancy on the future child’s parenting approach. Research shows that a teen mother’s child has a high chance of also becoming a teen parent . You might analyze this phenomenon in your paper.

📑 Teenage Pregnancy Essay Examples: Top 10

Want some more inspiration? Check out these outstanding examples:

  • Teenage Pregnancy in Barking and Dagenham Borough
  • School Sex Education and Teenage Pregnancy in the United States
  • Teenage Pregnancy, Its Health and Social Outcomes
  • Teenage Pregnancy and Its Negative Outcomes
  • Teenage Pregnancy in the United Kingdom

đŸ€” Teenage Pregnancy Essay Writing Tips

Now that you’ve chosen a topic, it’s time to write an excellent teenage pregnancy essay. But how do you do it? Follow our helpful tips!

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Introduction

When writing an introduction , use a traditional structure:

  • Present the problem you are addressing with some background info.
  • State your position and the main points of your argumentation in a thesis statement .

Teenage pregnancy is among the leading causes of maternal mortality. Complicated pregnancy or traumatic childbirth causes the death of almost 30,000 adolescent girls every year. These alarming statistics prove that it is crucial to search for more efficient ways of reducing the teenage pregnancy rate.

Steps to writing a teenage pregnancy essay introduction.

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Body

The body paragraphs help you develop your argumentation. A standard 5-paragraph essay includes three body paragraphs. Each one conveys a key idea supported by evidence, such as interviews, statistics, and journal articles.

Here’s what one such paragraph may look like:

Research shows that proper sex education helps reduce the number of teenage pregnancies. According to a recent study by the University of Washington based on a national survey of 1,719 teenagers, comprehensive sex education more effectively reduces the early birth rate than the traditional abstinence-only approach.

Conclusion for an Essay About Teenage Pregnancy

An effective conclusion should draw attention to the problem and key points of the essay. Rephrase your thesis and give a short summary of your arguments:

Education is the key factor that leads to a reduction in teenage pregnancy. Statistical analysis shows that girls who do not get the proper education more often get pregnant before reaching adulthood. Literature analysis proves that adding comprehensive sex education to the school curriculum effectively reduces the teenage pregnancy rate. Thus, providing girls with proper education is an effective way to reduce the number of adolescent mothers.

Share this article with your friends and leave your comments below if you liked it! We are always happy to receive your feedback. Can’t choose the topic for your essay? Feel free to use our topic generator .

Further reading:

  • Teenage Smoking Essay: Writing about Smoking Students
  • 290 Good Nursing Research Topics & Questions
  • 380 Powerful Women’s Rights & Feminism Topics [2024]
  • 590 Unique Controversial Topics & Tips for a Great Essay
  • How to Write a 5-Paragraph Essay: Outline, Examples, & Writing Steps
  • Adolescent Pregnancy: World Health Organization
  • About Teen Pregnancy: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
  • Teenage Pregnancy: WebMD
  • Teenage Pregnancy: American Pregnancy Association
  • Adolescent Pregnancy: UNFPA
  • Teenage Pregnancy: Healthline
  • Trends in Teen Pregnancy and Childbearing: US Department of Health & Human Services
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  • Share to email

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Teenage Pregnancy Essay | Essay on Teenage Pregnancy for Students and Children in English

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Teenage Pregnancy Essay:  Teenage is a crucial growth phase in the life of any individual fraught with physiological changes and often, psychological conflicts. In this condition, finding oneself to be a pregnant teenager can come down as shocking and even traumatizing for the individual, as-well-as, for her family and friends.

Scientifically speaking, teenage pregnancy is the occurrence of pregnancy in females under the age of twenty. Sometimes, even pre-teen females can become pregnant, as reported in various instances. Teenage pregnancy is a matter of social stigma in most countries, and adolescent mothers are often met with socio-economic disadvantages and ostracization.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Teenage Pregnancy for Students and Kids in English

We are providing students with essay samples on an extended essay of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the topic of Teenage Pregnancy for reference.

Long Essay on Teenage Pregnancy 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Teenage Pregnancy is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

Teenage pregnancy is the occurrence of pregnancy in females under the age of twenty. Teenagers belong to the age group of thirteen to twenty, and while teenagers are not practically children, they aren’t adults either, and this phase of confusion puts them at a greater risk. As sexual development sets in, teenagers are hounded by curiosity to explore their bodies. Due to a lack of awareness regarding sex, they often engage in unsafe sex, eventually becoming teenage parents.

Mostly such pregnancies are unplanned, and minors are not ready to bear the responsibilities of being a parent. Globally, the rate of teenage pregnancy is relatively high. Most cases are reported from the United States, the United Kingdom, and Africa, whereas rates are comparatively lower in Asia. As per studies, it is seen that the quality of teenage pregnancy is higher in developing countries as compared to developed countries, and mostly rural areas report higher cases than urban areas. This shows that the socio-economic background of teenagers majorly contributes to teenage pregnancies. Mostly teenagers from lower backgrounds with little or no sex education end up with teenage pregnancies.

Another reason is a discussion regarding sex being a taboo. Often conservative parents and even teachers in schools don’t engage in sexual conversations. As a result, teenagers lack basic knowledge about sex or safe sexual practices. The lack of resources on sexual awareness leads teenagers to seek help from their peers that eventually leads them to have wrong notions about sex. Teenagers barely understand the issues regarding sexual intercourse and the use of contraceptives. A study in the United States reveals that about 53% of teenagers lack information regarding sexual intercourse and contraceptives. The glorification of sex in mainstream media is another reason why most teenagers lack the moral outlook that prevents them from engaging in irresponsible sexual activities—engaging in underage alcohol consumption and drug abuse is another contributing factor in teenage pregnancies. Often teenagers seeking social validation from their peers engage in drinking resulting in them losing their senses and eventually engaging in unsafe sex.

In developing countries, sexual abuse of underage girls from lower backgrounds majorly contributes to rising rates of teenage pregnancies. Hailing from low-income backgrounds, these girls are pushed into sex trafficking to support their families and are exploited by older men. In most developing countries, girls are married off eighteen, and such teenage pregnancies are not met with social and moral stigmatization.

Whereas in developed countries, most teenage pregnancies occur out of wedlock while the teenagers are still in school, leading to social ostracization and alienation of such adolescent mothers. They often have to drop out of school, and without a formal degree, they have to do low-income jobs to support their child. Such children hailing from underprivileged homes, often without a father, engage in criminal activities and drug abuse, thus add to social evils and poverty. In a nutshell, teenage pregnancies create a domino effect in society at large.

You can now access more Essay Writing on this topic and many more.

Short Essay on Teenage Pregnancy 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Teenage Pregnancy is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Teenage pregnancy occurs in females aged between thirteen to twenty years when they engage in unsafe sex with their partners leading to unwanted and unplanned pregnancies. Studies show that both teenage boys, as-well-as adult men, engage in unprotected sex with minor girls making them pregnant in the process. Most such men don’t end up marrying the girls. Teenage pregnancy is a widely prevalent social evil that arises due to a lack of communication between conservative parents and teenagers, leading to a lack of sex education.

The glorification of sex in media gives teenagers a distorted moral and ethical view, and they fail to understand the consequences of engaging in underage sex. Teenage mothers and children often end up in social alienation, and such mothers have to leave formal education midway to earn a living. A lack of education, low background, overall lack of awareness of sex education, and birth control methods leads to increased teenage pregnancies.

10 Lines on Teenage Pregnancy Essay in English

1. Teenage pregnancy is the occurrence of pregnancy in females below the age of 20. 2. On a global scale, each year, 16 million girls of age between 15-19 years give birth. 3. In the USA, around 77% of teenage pregnancies are unintended. 4. Uganda’s rate of teenage pregnancy is one of the highest in the world. 5. Roughly 25% of teenagers in Kenya become mothers before the age of 18. 6. Rates of adolescent pregnancy are higher in the USA and Africa and lower in Asia 7. Teenage pregnancy is more rampant in rural areas than in urban areas 8. The USA has twice the teenage pregnancy rate as Canada 9. Globally 1700 teenage girls get pregnant every day, which amounts to 70 pregnancies per hour. 10. 8 out of 10 teenage fathers don’t marry the mother of their child.

FAQ’s on Teenage Pregnancy Essay

Question 1. What causes teenage pregnancy?

Answer: Unprotected and unsafe sex by teenagers due to lack of awareness regarding sex primarily causes teenage pregnancy

Question 2. Is teenage pregnancy safe?

Answer:  Ideally, teenage pregnancy is not safe as teenage mothers are underage, and their bodies are not physically and psychologically ready to bear a healthy child.

Question 3. Do teenage mothers face hardships?

Answer:  Teenage pregnancy is a matter of social stigma, and teenage mothers often face societal ostracization and alienation apart from economic hardships.

Question 4. How to be safe from teenage pregnancy?

Answer:  Spreading awareness in teenagers regarding sex education and safe sex, using birth control methods for protection, and making sexual counselling mainstream are some methods that can help battle teenage pregnancy.

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Teenage Pregnancy Writing Guide

Academic writing

Essay paper writing

essay writing about pregnancy

Stuck with writing pregnancy papers? Do not worry! Let us guide you through the process of writing about teen pregnancy step by step!

Teenage pregnancy topics for research  

  • The issue of teenage pregnancy in the US
  • The ethical considerations of teenage abortion 
  • Research paper on teen pregnancy influence on mother’s quality of life
  • The problem of bullying of teen mothers
  • Sexual education in different countries 
  • Research paper about teenage pregnancy prevention programs and campaigns
  • How pregnancy affects the mental state of the teen 
  • How to reduce the rates of teenage pregnancy research paper 
  • Is teenage pregnancy only common in marginalized communities?
  • Sexual and reproductive health and rights of teenagers across the world
  • Link between education and teenage pregnancy

teenage pregnancy research paper

How to write a research paper on teenage pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy papers may vary in their length and depth of research. However, there are a few common rules that you need to follow to write a good one regardless of the length: 

  • First of all, write down every single idea that comes to mind. It may be something that you think about the topic or facts that you have previously heard about it. Review what you have written and focus on the points you find to be the most interesting. 
  • Do a research on the abovementioned points. If you like the factual information that you have found, decide on the focus of your research. 
  • Find a few clincher ideas for teen pregnancy research paper. These should be the facts or statistical data that proves certain points you are planning to make, and leaves the reader without any doubts that your findings might be non-credible.
  • Pregnancy research papers cannot be rushed. Therefore, make sure that you leave ample time for writing. 
  • Create a detailed outline. You can use the one provided in the section below as a basis and add to it as you decide what points to cover.
  • If you are not sure how to present your ideas, find some sample research paper on teenage pregnancy on the Web and check the flow of information. You may also see how the outline changes depending on the research methods used. 
  • Think about a creative title for teenage pregnancy essay. Choose something that briefly describes the purpose of your research without revealing the results.

Teenage pregnancy research paper outline 

Having a well-detailed outline is the best way to write a decent teenage pregnancy paper as you will have clear understanding on where your discussion on the topic is going. Here are some of the most essential parts that you need to include in your outline: 

  • The section that always comes first is a teenage pregnancy research paper introduction. Here, you should briefly describe what your paper will be about. Once you provide the reader with some background information on the topic, you need to show why it is important to discuss it.
  • Next thing to consider is a teenage pregnancy thesis statement. This would be the last sentence of your intro. Here, you should formulate your opinion on teen pregnancy topic that you’ve chosen and indicate the points you are planning to discuss or prove further in the paper.  
  • The next crucial part that is useful to include in your outline is the literature review. Here, you will place all the facts that you have collected about studies on teenage pregnancy. Additionally, you will have to compare the opinions of credible researchers and show why there might be significant differences in them.
  • Depending on the requirements of your professor, you might have to add methodology, results, and discussion sections. Methodology will reveal how you have gathered data, while the results and discussion parts will show your findings and thoughts on what you have read.
  • One of the challenges of writing a teenage pregnancy research paper conclusion is that you have to rephrase the thesis statement you have initially made, and summarize the information presented in the body of the paper. It takes a lot of skill to make sure you have conveyed the most important info from the whole paper in just a few sentences. Therefore, before writing a conclusion, highlight some keywords from the main part of the text to understand how to better summarize what has been discussed.

Teenage pregnancy research questions 

There are quite a few research questions on teenage pregnancy that you can choose depending on what aspect of the problem you decide to focus on:

  • Lack of sex education
  • Societal influences
  • Factors contributing to the problem
  • Lack of governmental intervention
  • Programs available to pregnant teens
  • Adoption and termination options for teen moms
  • Reproductive health outcomes and issues
  • The ability of teenagers to be parents
  • Pregnancy risks
  • Further education available to young mothers
  • Availability of support systems
  • Influence of young mother’s future
  • Career opportunities for pregnant teens and young mothers

How to find sources for pregnancy research papers 

  • Use Google Scholar when searching for credible sources.
  • Use keywords when doing the research, e.g. pregnancy, teen, teenager, and others depending on the specific topic of your research.
  • Try finding the most recent articles (preferably within the last 5 years, 10 if needed).
  • If you review articles on websites, make sure these are governmental or healthcare organizations whose research you can trust.

research questions on teenage pregnancy

Essays on teenage pregnancy

Before writing any teenage pregnancy essays, it is crucial to understand how to approach this task, what topic to choose, and how to create an effective outline that will help you submit an A+ paper.  

Teenage pregnancy essay ideas

  • Reflective essay about teenage pregnancy: how can we help young mothers? 
  • Governmental role in the prevention of teenage pregnancy essays 
  • The effects of teen pregnancy on children.
  • How to prevent teenage pregnancy essay 
  • The struggles that teen mothers face
  • Causes of teenage pregnancy essay
  • Teenage pregnancy problem-solution essay
  • Essay on teenage pregnancy problem and the role of social media in it
  • Abstinence education vs. sexual education
  • Causes and effects of teenage pregnancy essay

Teen pregnancy essay outline

When working on an essay on teen pregnancy, outline creation is of the utmost importance. Here are the sections that you need to include in one:

  • Teenage pregnancy essay introduction. This is a very important part of your paper as you have to present the issue you are going to consider. You will also need to formulate a strong thesis and hook your readers with some interesting facts or ideas. 
  • Teenage pregnancy essay thesis statement is the central idea of your essay. It would be the final sentence of the introduction for teenage pregnancy essay, and would cover the main arguments that you will later discuss in the body of the text. 
  • Body paragraphs. It is necessary to write at least one paragraph per each point in your thesis statement. Start a paragraph by introducing the point, add some statistical or factual data to prove it, provide and cite examples if applicable, and finish with a transitional sentence to smoothly move to the next point.
  • Teenage pregnancy essay conclusion. Here, you need to briefly synthesize all important points and restate your thesis. Make sure that the conclusion for teenage pregnancy essay does not include any new information. 

We recommend you to make an outline even if you are working on a short essay about teenage pregnancy. Having such a plan, you can write a really well-structured and decent paper. If you still feel that you struggle to compile an outline, find a teenage pregnancy essay example on the Web to see how it is structured.

teenage pregnancy research paper outline

Argumentative essays ideas on teenage pregnancy

Argumentative essay is quite a popular work type, which is why there can be numerous topics to choose from. How to find the best one?  We recommend choosing the one that interests you the most. However, if you have no idea where to start or what topics can be covered, check out our top pick: 

  • Argumentative essay about teenage pregnancy and challenges of teen motherhood
  • Should parents be allowed to prohibit children from visiting sex ed classes?
  • Should parents be allowed to stop their children from getting an abortion?
  • Does peer pressure to have sex influence the rate of teen pregnancies?
  • Do shows on teen pregnancy affect teenagers?

If you don’t feel like working on these topics, you may find some example of argumentative essay about teenage pregnancy online and see what topics other students are working on. You can also find some informative speech on teenage pregnancy to learn some factual information on the topic and get a few insights about what you might be interested in working on.

Persuasive essay ideas on teenage pregnancy 

The formula of all persuasive essays on teenage pregnancy is all the same - you need to put forward an opinion and support it with relevant data from all the credible sources. What this opinion would be is up to you. If you find something that you can relate to, feel free to choose from the options below:

  • Parents are usually responsible for teenage pregnancy persuasive essay
  • Teen moms should receive more financial support from the government
  • Teenage pregnancy is a result of poor sex education
  • Contraception should be provided in schools for free
  • Sex education should be mandatory
  • Teenagers can/cannot be good parents
  • If a girl is too young to be a parent, she is not too young to have an abortion

If you aren’t sure what kind of tone you need to use, check a few persuasive speeches on teenage pregnancy. They will give you an idea on the types of words that can be used to persuade the readers to support your opinion. Alternatively, look up the samples of persuasive essays on teenage pregnancy, specifically those related to the topic of your choice to get more specific examples on how to frame your arguments. 

teenage pregnancy essay example

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Home / Essay Samples / Health / Reproductive Health / Teenage Pregnancy

Teenage Pregnancy Essay Examples

Main causes of this horrific social issue: teenage pregnancy.

The growing variety of teenage pregnancy in the Philippines due to the adolescence normalizing the concept of premarital sex need to be stopped because it results to pregnant female losing out from school, being scared due to lack of knowledge, besides impenetrable household planning and...

Teenage Pregnancy: a Personal Choice Or a Reckless Act

Teenage pregnancy remains a significant social issue in many countries, with numerous consequences for the individuals involved and for society as a whole. While some argue that teenagers should have the right to make their own reproductive choices, I believe that teenage pregnancy is a...

Teen Pregnancy as a Public Health Issue

Teen pregnancy is a complex and multifaceted public health issue that has significant social, economic, and health implications. In this essay, we will explore the causes and consequences of teen pregnancy, the challenges it poses, and the strategies and interventions aimed at addressing this pressing...

Teenage Pregnancy: Exploring Causes and Impacts

In most countries, teen pregnancy is frowned upon, and teenage mothers are often subjected to socioeconomic disadvantages and social exclusion. Teenage is a critical stage in a person's development, marked by physiological changes and psychological conflicts. In this situation, discovering that one is pregnant as...

Combatting Teenage Pregnancy in the Philippines: a Call to Action

Teenage pregnancy is one of the most important factors affecting population growth in the Philippines. It is perceived to be one of the main problems facing the government today. In persuasive essay about teenage pregnancy this topic will be discussed. According to government figures, adolescent...

Teenage Pregnancy Issue in the Philippines

Teenage pregnancy, or adolescent pregnancy, is a widespread issue that poses numerous challenges for young mothers. The difficulties faced by pregnant teenagers include dealing with the possibility of termination (particularly in countries where abortion is illegal), confronting parents about the pregnancy, and finding resources for...

Addressing Teenage Pregnancy: a Comprehensive Approach

To start with, this is Teenage Pregnancy solution essay where I will share my viewpoint about this issue and how we can prevent it. Teenage pregnancy is probably not going to be easy. Many people say it is hard enough just being a teenager by...

Teenage Pregnancy Research Analysis of the Problem

To start with, this is one pf the teenage pregnancy research papers in which the current problem is analysed. According to The World Health Organization, 12 million girls aged 15-19 years and at least 777,000 girls under 15 years give birth each year in developing...

Sex in Schools: Examples and Negative Consequences

Becky was thirteen in the ninth grade, walking into high school she was introduced to new things like sex. All her friends in high school would talk and brag about it, but being that she had never experienced it she felt left out. Becky was...

The Consequences of Teenage Pregnancy and Abortion

Teenage abortion affects mentally and physically to the young mother, also abortion affects with the passage of time, because teenagers choose abortion to end their problem. Teenage abortion affects mentally and physically to the young mother. The supporting claim try to say consequences that teenagers...

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